#hazbin hotel twitter threads
ratskinsuit · 7 months
I was bored and found a fake tweet maker so I did this. Feel free to repost but please credit me!
I came up with these all of these myself, they are not from incorrect quote generators or other existing tweets. Feel free to use them though!
enjoy ⭐️
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tumblr only lets you have 10 photos boo >:(
If anybody is interested in me making more just Lemmi know. Hope you enjoyed!
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theoddest1 · 5 months
Hey guys, check out this thread on twitter! Has all the vital info and everything. Also has some people share even more info of Viv being a fucking ass
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Like this, for example. Here, we have Viv's sister having to speak for her to talk with Starvader, someone Viv quite literally fucked over....Vuv refused to speak to her herself in dms and refused to properly apologize.
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fizzy0bloom · 8 months
sooooooooooo like you need to sacrifice yourself for others to get to heaven ? that's it ? ignoring all your sins, just die again and you will be good ?
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"Can you name at least 5 things Valentino is as a person other than a rapist moth?"
Uh, sweetie he's not a real person, and he's never actually raped anyone and he never will, because he's a goddamn fucking cartoon moth?????????
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snek-snacc · 8 months
Y'all are NOT as ready for the fucked up queer rep as you think you are. Hazbin Hotel is to fucked up queer media what the Barbie movie is to feminist cinema, and it still set fire to the cartoon gays corner of the internet. 5 minutes of a John Waters film would blow chunks out of your head
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justaghostinthesea · 2 years
Felt like this is something that not enough people have seen because they aren't on Twitter (not that you should be on Twitter) but anyways... here you go:
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TL;DR: Millie is getting her own episode in season 2
Oh, and if you have any issues with anything Viv said here, please keep it to yourself, or at the very least, out of the comments and reblogs, okay? I'm just the messenger and I want this to be a positive post. Anyways, have a good one.
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n3felibata · 8 months
Working on a post on how men in Hazbin are written in comparison to women in Helluva, but I think y'all already know what I'm gonna say...
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ladylucifer-gk · 7 months
Follow me on my social media~
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ambrioletteels · 5 months
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2k Twitter Followers Art Giveaway via a DTIYS! I can’t believe I’ve been so lucky to get to know so many of you, so I want to pick three people to do art for. 😊 Rules, descriptions, deadline, and how to win in this thread:
💕How to qualify:
1. ♥️ This post!
2. Leave a comment of your favorite Hazbin Hotel character! Or just any in general.
3. Please let me know so I can see it and share, I will share any I see!!
- You can change positions, but please ensure it’s the same characters and outfits! ☺️
- Have fun!
💕Deadline: June 30th, 2024 so hopefully there is time! If you guys think you need more I’ll extend. 😊
💕Winners Announcement: July 6th-10th!
First Place: Full body, up to four figures, background, colored piece. (Can discuss)
Second Place: Full bodies, up to three figures, background simple, flat color piece.
Third place: Full bodies, up to two figures, background simple, black and white piece.
Deadline for Prizes: Please allow up to two-three months for the prizes to be submitted! I’m excited to see what people ask for!
Rules for Prizes:
💕Essentially everything is discussable within reason. No illegal content, but some ‘problematic’ ships or situations are fine as are non-Charlastor ships etc. OCs are welcomed! I prefer Hazbin Hotel but can do any show/etc. NSFW, SFW, small comic idea, absolutely doable! Please ask if you need more clarified before entering!
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felicjana050896 · 4 months
Maximus - the main antagonist in the series?
I finally watched Fallout and I want to comment on one thing, apart from the whole Cooper and Lucy relationship, because there are a lot of analyzes on Tumblr and Twitter (after watching the series, I will immediately rewatch it to find some additional hints, and if not, it's just for fun, because the series for me... was a masterpiece, it's been a long time since I couldn't break away from the series like I did from Fallout, especially since I was playing games, so it was wonderful to feel this atmosphere again, to sum up the sentiment completely took me far away...), so I'll just link some of these analyzes and hints here, in case someone hasn't read it:
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It's 100% CGI, you can see how at the end that thread moves completely unnaturally, there's no way it's real, it had to be CGI and it had to be for something, it makes no sense to add such a little, tiny detail with CGI after nothing..., after all, money is spent on it, it's one thing to write "I love you" in the background, and another thing is to make a heart out of thread using CGI... (at least that's what I think, I don't know anything about CGI, but even such a small thing must cost a bit... :D )
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Apart from the fact that Max and Lucy have practically no foreshadowings and no chemistry, and they DON'T KNOW each other at all, because their whole relationship is based on "I met a nice girl/boy and I think I like her/him", because let's be honest, there is no talk about love here, they liked each other because Max helped Lucy with the radiation and Lucy helped Max get out of the armor, they helped each other and were nice to each other, that's all... but it's not enough to talk about love, liking each other yes, but not about love (I'm surprised when people, for example on Twitter, write that Max and Lucy love each other, where...???) and as I mentioned above, they don't know each other, they know practically nothing about themselves, about their plans, dreams, tastes, perception of the world, etc., they know nothing about each other, they have barely met, and their entire relationship is based on the fact that in this world it is simply difficult to have any other person, so they instinctively grab whatever comes first. Lucy dreamed of getting married and having children, she was taught to focus on the ,,survival of the species", her whole wedding was pure ,,politics", and in the end it turned out that she married a bandit who then tried to kill her, while Maximus probably never didn't think about these matters, surrounded by practically only guys and focused on military life..., so their entire relationship is based on: ,,he's/she's nice, ok, I'll take it", that's why their relationship seems rushed and has zero chemistry , so in my opinion it is not a bad writing (like with Chaggie from Hazbin Hotel in my opinion), it is supposed to be like that and it makes logical sense, as I have already presented above, this relationship is supposed to be quick and without chemistry, because it is supposed to show their standards, how low they are, in this world... and Cooper, on the other hand, comes from a completely different world...
By the way, unlike Max and Lucy, who nevertheless spend some time together while traveling sensibly, we don't see any specific conversations between them that could bring them closer to each other, as I wrote above, they don't know each other and in fact they don't even try to get to know themselves, while in the case of Cooper and Lucy, Lucy constantly asks Cooper questions, and sometimes he answers (in fact, not directly, but he answers), they have a conversation about torture, Lucy asks Cooper why he is like this, why he continues this ( scene with cannibalism), Lucy asks what he is (water scene), etc., Lucy asks Cooper questions, wants to get to know him, wants to learn more about him, and he also learns more about her through her talkativeness (e.g. the initial scene when Cooper and Lucy meet for the first time and Lucy tries to diplomatically calm him down, or the scene when Lucy gives Cooper the vials), Cooper and Lucy have already gotten to know each other more than Max and Lucy, and now Lucy has gone with Cooper....
But leaving Cooper and Lucy, because this post is not about them, let's move on to Max..., Max, who in my opinion has a great predisposition to become the main or at least one of the main (because the most main may be those from Vault-Tec) antagonists in series, why....
At the beginning, I was positive towards Max, unlike Lucy, who seemed naive and stupid to me at the beginning, and I don't like such characters (of course, I liked Cooper from the very beginning, after all, Hancock was my Fallout husband in Fallout 4 ;) ), and then she surprised me in the scene with her husband, when she ,,killed" him (almost, but still), I didn't expect such a change in the character at all..., later she surprised me by the fact that she is not as stupid as she seemed in the in the beginning, yes she is naive but not stupid, she just had to get out of the bubble called the Vault and I can't wait to see how her character will evolve in season 2 after all this and being together with Cooper..., I want to see her show her claws..., I want to see even more how, under this guise of a naive girl, there is actually a strong and dangerous woman who can cope on her own and is still fair and honorable..., I love such characters :) , but I had a different experience with Max, whom I liked at the beginning, but the further into the forest, the more I felt like ,,guy, you make more and more stupid decisions, what's wrong with you...", at the beginning Max seemed to me as reasonable, honorable, fair and a real soldier, and at the end I only saw him as an unreasonable 15-year-old boy making stupid, irresponsible and evil decisions with his own ego problem... sorry, but this character gave me the vibe at the end that he would go towards darkness, and when he finds out that Lucy is allied with Cooper..., a guy he fought and who completely defeated and humiliated him..., a guy who, by the way, he hasn't seen since that fight..., Cooper and Max haven't had any interaction in the show apart from this fight, so Max has absolutely no knowledge that Cooper is ,,in the game", and that Lucy could have gone with him at all, he's probably already forgotten about him, and when he remembers..., I'm really curious about his reaction....
The first and most important thing about Maximus in the series... in season one, when asked why he joined the brotherhood, he replies that to ,,hurt the people who hurt me"... that's not a praiseworthy answer..., this is not a good answer..., sure, I understand the issue of revenge etc., but as good and golden rules teach (speaking of Lucy's golden rules, because she sticks to them and this is what distinguishes her from, above all, Maximus) revenge brings no good..., Lucy, despite everything, didn't want to take revenge on Moldaver, even though many people she knew died because of her, her father was kidnapped, and she almost died, she didn't want to take revenge on her, of course, she was out of her own turf and surrounded by enemies, but still, her goal was to free her father, not revenge, while Max's goal is simply revenge, he doesn't want to, for example, rebuild Shady Sands or be a good knight who helps people, bring peace to this world, NO, he just wants revenge..., he wants to become a knight for his own selfish purposes, not for other people, while Lucy does things for other people, wants to free her father, helps Wilzig, worries about dog while Cooper is dragging her, helping Cooper with the vials, helping the ghouls (of course she didn't know and probably wouldn't understand that they were wild, her intentions were good, and that something bad came out of it is something she couldn't have known at that moment), she also helps in vault 4 when she first thinks something bad is happening there, and then she tells Max to return the core and kills his mother out of mercy, just like Cooper killed Roger (I think at this point, after the incident with wild ghouls, Lucy understood what Cooper did then and that it was good after all), Lucy does everything to help people and live according to the golden rules, while Max is selfish and thinks only about himself, leaving aside the issue of revenge, he also says that he wanted something bad to happen to Dane, of course he didn't really do anything to them, but he wanted something bad to happen to them... what kind of person do you have to be to want them to become your best friend harm, just because they got what you wanted..., from the very beginning the series shows us not to have any illusions about Maximus and that he is not really and will not be a good guy...., he let Titus die and sure, the guy was a dick and I would probably get angry too and want to kill him, but kill him anyway... quickly... while from what we see, Max just lets Titus die slowly, I don't know about you, but for me there is a difference between killing someone quickly because he deserved it, and letting it happen and WAITING AROUND him until he slowly dies... that was cruel... I would understand if Max killed him, but he KILLED, he showed some humanity despite everything, even though the guy deserved to die, and he didn't wait next to him and listen to him slowly die... it was evil....
Then, when he has armor, he enters a situation with a guy who raped a chicken (Cooper would be really angry :D ) and instead of learning the whole situation, calming them down and finding out what's going on, who is right, he immediately takes the side of the one who is oppressed, thus oppressing the one who is actually right, takes him brutally by the hair and is happy about it..., seriously..., you are happy about this situation..., even if he were helping a good person, I don't think so that there is something to be happy about here..., although what I really think he enjoys is the power, the power that the armor gives him..., this is bad again... if someone likes the feeling of power so much, power and control, it always reflects badly on him..., then (after painfully holding the innocent man all the time) he throws the guy to the ground and when the other explains the situation that took place, Maximus doesn't even apologize..., he is only distracted and then says, ,,Okay. On your way, citizen." what..., as if you hadn't hurt this ,,citizen" a moment ago and didn't judge him badly..., not at all, there's nothing to apologize for here..., it's better to go on your way..., God..., this was the scene from which my opinion about Maximus slowly started to go down, because even with Titus I still made excuses for him (even if it was cruel), but from that moment Maximus with starting with my grade of his character as ,,4+", at the end of the series he dropped to a grade of ,,2-" and it's not that this is a poorly written character, NO, in my opinion it is a very well-written character, just a bad character man and I mean assessing his humanity, not the creators' writing, because in my opinion it is very good :)
In addition, of course, we have the issue that he lies to everyone that he is Titus because he wants to be a knight and clearly wants people to admire him (again, the issue of his ego), at the beginning he clearly wants to kill Thaddeus in cold blood, but then he changes his mind (apart from what killing Thaddeus would give you..., even if you came back with the head, you would be responsible for two deaths..., come on...), then of course he tries to kill him again after he tells him the truth..., then we have the Vault 4 arc in episode 6 and halfway through the episode when Max goes to the armor that is in the room, he looks at him through the glass with a stupid smile, he turns around and with that smile and behavior, with his body movements, he looks to me like he told them ,,See, this is my armor, this is me, I'm a knight"... it looks as if he wanted someone to come up to him and ask him about it, and he could brag about how cool he is, because I really don't know how else to read this short scene...:
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Sorry for the poor quality, I did it on my phone.
then he turns back to the armor and his facial expression changes, he frowns:
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and we have a close-up of the entrance to the core, and Maximus sees the guy next to him screwing in a light bulb and asking where it came from they take electricity, he goes to that place and wants to take their fusion core..., literally at that moment he wants to brazenly steal their fusion core, the people who helped them and cured him, he wants to take away their only source of energy..., or Maximum is so stupid that he doesn't know that this is literally their source of survival and thinks that they can cope without him, although it's still vile and I don't believe it, or Maximus is just a vile, evil and selfish man who doesn't matter with no one else but himself and what would make him feel good..., just look at his face at this moment...:
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he knows that he is doing something he shouldn't and he is clearly doing it with full premeditation...
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later in the plot, in episode 7, when Maximus sees the inhabitants of Vault 4 doing something to Lucy, which Maximus does..., of course he doesn't find out about the whole situation first, he doesn't try to eavesdrop on what they're talking about or anything, he just rushes in in armor and starts attacking everyone around, seriously... how stupid and irresponsible it was of him, I won't even mention... and when they finally release them, which Maximus does..., he takes the armor with the core with him, without thinking that it is their only source of energy and, what's most funny, he doesn't want to give it back..., NO, he wants to keep it so he can walk around in his big armor and show everyone "look how great I am!", says that he needs a core for his armor, and without the armor he won't be a knight, Lucy tells him that a knight shouldn't steal, and Max replies ,,with this armor, I can help people", how have you helped people so far..., you let escape a chicken rapist..., besides, what kind of help is it if, in order to provide this help to people, you steal something that will put other innocent people at risk of death..., you can't build something good on something bad, poisonous roots, will give poisonous fruit, no other way..., then the best thing is..., because be careful... he is trying to MANIPULATE HER! Yes..., this guy who supposed wants to be good, noble, fair..., no wait..., he wants to be a knight to take revenge..., nevermind..., it's up to him anyway fits..., he manipulates her, playing on her feelings, telling her that he wants to help her find her father and asks her if she would give up the core if it meant she wouldn't get her dad back, if it was up to the core to get her father back..., only then Lucy convinces him to give up the core when she says that if his father found out about it, it would break his heart and that she can't do that, only then Maximus gives up on convincing her and decides to give up the core. Lucy is his moral compass here, and it's possible that she would put him back on the right path if she were with him, but in the end, Lucy chooses Cooper and leaves with him.
To sum up... where do people who ship Lucy and Max have this good and beloved Max... where... where is Max a better person and a better match for Lucy than Cooper... (because I saw some comments under some episodes of the series that ,,Ghoul is evil and Max is good and honorable"), so far Max makes more bad decisions and does it with full premeditation and/or out of his own stupidity..., when Cooper, when he does something, it has a purpose..., he never does anything without a reason, yes, he shot Roger, but he did it out of mercy, first he made Roger remember the good times, so that in those last moments he died happily (this is one of my favorite scenes, if not my favorite, it was sweet and touching despite the situation...), he shoots Wilzig, but in the foot, probably so that he won't just run away, it's not to kill him, since he probably at that moment he thinks that he has to deliver him alive, because it is only from Wilzig that Lucy learns that only his head is enough, not himself, he kills people in the town, but only those who attacked him, he doesn't go around houses and doesn't kill random people..., kills "guards" who were bad for him, and one obviously wanted to kill him, but he doesn't kill their boss, interestingly..., he kills, of course, three guys at the beginning who are also ready to kill him and they want to force him to work for them, after practically lying in a coffin underground for 30 years, he kills the farmer's son, when the son reaches for a gun, you can see here how Cooper is poking this son to see if he is capable of doing it, but he himself doesn't reach for the gun until this son reaches for it, Cooper always wants to know, to be sure whether the man he is killing really deserves it, whether there is really a point in killing him, unlike Maximus, who never finds out who he is really guilty, he prefers to just ,,go with the wave" and he orders the one he finds guilty at first glance, he even wants to kill Thaddeus at the beginning (of course he doesn't do it in the end, but he wants to) even though the guy hasn't done any harm to him yet (and bullying ,,at school" is not a good reason to kill, it's not a reason at all), and he's not torturing Lucy like some still claim, even though Cooper himself and the entire scene says he's using her as bait, not torturing her, and yet there are still people who say he's torturing her here..., really I know that some people sometimes have trouble reading the situation on the screen, but when the entire situation on the screen screams "BAIT!" and the character who uses the bait says directly that he thinks torture doesn't work and uses her as bait, like one can still claim that there is some torture in this scene..., are there really people who cannot hear and see things that are said directly..., how..., Cooper used to be a good guy and he still is, deep down, he's still that good guy. When there is a scene from the past when Cooper has to play a slightly worse guy on camera to show that his character also makes mistakes, he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't like it, because in his opinion a good person should be good and not make such mistakes, Lucy will direct him back to the right path, and he will teach her a little about life, this is the perfect dynamic of two different, yet very similar characters who can and do influence each other's development.
And I don't know about you, but for me this scene is terrifying:
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this whole brotherhood is like a religious sect, and at this moment Maximus has become a kind of prophet and that look in his eyes...:
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for me it is disappointment combined with the desire revenge, disappointment because he found out that the father of the girl he liked is responsible for the destruction of his house and probably the death of his relatives (we never have memories of Maximus' relatives, which is interesting, so it is not certain), and he managed to escape, and the desire I don't think I need to explain revenge... Maximus' plot in season one starts with revenge and ends with revenge, it's his plot, whether someone likes it or not... and in my opinion, as a result of everything I have described, he will change into an increasingly worse person, he was not good from the beginning and will only get worse....
This is a long post, as usual for me... unfortunately, I don't know how to write short... and besides, I like it when all the details are brought to light :) , that's the end, thank you for reading and have a nice day/evening/night :)
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anpanham · 9 months
Hazbin Hotel character thoughts / impressions (Episodes 1 & 2)
UM. what a weird first actual post for my blog for this year... this is long, and i miss making ACTUAL blog posts instead of small threads... And i've explained on my twitter my thoughts on Hazbin / Helluva from a critical standpoint and artist from art separation, yadda yadda yadda---
ANYWAY... Episodes 1 and 2 of Hazbin are (Officially) out now, and i have some thoughts on the characters i wrote down after watching (In bullet points, because most of these are fresh-from-the-brain thoughts i wrote on my tablet from my bed)
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(Spoiler alert, Sir Pentious isn't ruined and I AM SO GLAD. my snake babygirl... ilu)
Read on, if you wanna, spoiler warning btw!!!!!
-Charlie is good., Charlie is cute, but i fear for her safety, not everyone can new redeemed. she's like steven universe at points i stg 😭 (not a jab but i think it's funny)
-i like how they gave Charlie bags under her eyes a lot, she is a tired princess just like all of us
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-She gives off elementary school teacher vibes but in a wholesome way
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-Charlie's hair is SO CUTE MESSY..
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-PERFECT voice /gen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAGGIE NOTES
-GIRLBOSS (still, but more)
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-Vaggie is still cool, she just loves her gf and is sick of everyone's bs but is still supportive...
-If she doesn't get into a bloody death match with Alastor (and win) i will be disappointed /hj
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She doesn't seem to have as much of a temper as she did in the pilot, but seems more dead inside
-Good voice!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGEL DUST NOTES
-Angel... hm. Angel. he's Angel, for sure. Hi, Angel!
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Insecure about a lot, but also YOU CAN BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT!!!!! if vox doesn't kill val angel should. please and thank u.
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Also his voice is alright, just need to get used to it a little more
Also i hope he's not too bratty jealous of sirpent / whoever else charlie praises because again, it's ON HIM TO COOPERATE WITH HER CAUSE MORE??? ignoring his other stress sources (Val)
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-Waiting for him and Husk to kiss. I know it's coming
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-Just fucking block Val's number and rip up the contract (YES i know it goes deeper than that...)
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-At first i was kinda Eh about his voice but it's grown on me, the radio filter is a little more subtle than the pilot but it's still there which i'm glad for
Delightfully passive aggressive
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-Weird magic still, there doesn't seem to be any limits to it... we need to know what his weakness is...!!!!! please (maybe that will come later??) ....... i theorize he has underworld contact (Shadow-world, because of the shadow imagery?) , the underworld might be different from Hell maybe? (Where do those fucking tentacles come from, also weird monochrome demons)
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-Interesting he was gone for 7 years. 7 is an angelic number. HMMMMMM (sealed away by angels somehow??)
-Punchable (Vaggie please)
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-Weirdly enjoyable and not genuinely hateable like some of the other characters, but i also want to see his demise, maybe his sadism is rubbing off on me, but i want to see it badly...
-Sir Pentious... u are so good.. probably has some of the best writing so far, maybe... he's my favorite so. hhHHmm
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his voice is different but at the same time it's what you'd expect, i like it a lot... so silly, i pat him and his silly hat
-Pathetic old man. You win my heart (50x as much)
-Only one egg spoke so far, i wonder if they'll all have unique voices this time (the Japanese dub of the pilot did that lol)
-Genuinely a joy every moment he was onscreen (Too fucking cute... GRRRR)
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-How did he get into contact with Vox? Why would Vox want anything to do with him if he thinks he's a loser? (I guess easy access into the Hotel) ...Fuck em either way (DON'T BE MEAN TO SNAKE MAN)
-Cool temporary stunning hypnosis, maybe we'll see him coil and bite next, the snake attack traits are fun
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-His autism vibes grow stronger and it's canon in my heart
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-We LOVE a redemption song. please stay in the hotel with everyone, don't fuck it up!!! you're a good noodle.... 😭 The song was genuinely so cute... it's probably going to be the highlight of EVERYTHING for me, besides Nuggs..
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-i luv u kitty
-His voice is different but captures "Grumpy old alcoholic" perfectly
-His heart needs to be melted...
-Him holding the script in front of the camera was great
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIFFTY NOTES
-Niffty is a BIG COWARD. you can still love a "Bad boy" who's a redeemed bad boy!!!! just because he's not morally bad doesn't Not make him a Bad Boy. fuck u (i still like you)
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-Her voice is really cute, also her nightgown.. though finding out she doesn't have dark bug limbs but is just wearing gloves and stockings surprised me more than it should've... put them back
-Also autism vibes, love it
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-She still frightens me a bit
VOX -----
-Seems to carry the team, voice has grown on me
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-I can't stop looking at his weird finger claws, they almost look like
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he's just wearing things over his fingers, i dig it
-Interesting hypnosis power, i assume Alastor is immune
-Why can't Alastor and Vox just compromise and create a podcast?
-Hates Val (sorry shippers) ,,... kind of expected it since in old official sources it's been shown that he's been abused by Val too
-This isn't a note but everytime Alastor said "THE TV IS BUFFERING~" in their duet, the player kept fucking up 😭
-Decent song, I like seeing him and Al argue
-I surprisingly don't hate him! i'm glad. i wanted to like him (though, it's only been 2 episodes so far...)
VALENTINO ---------
-More manchild vibes than i expected tbh
-Voice is alright but his accent is weirdly inconsistent for some reason???? interesting direction
-His manipulation is shown well in the voicemail scene with Angel, he's literally got the "Nice Guy" energy
-Surprisingly didn't order Vox around as much as i thought he would
-Why does he have girl Fizzy bots...
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-Fashion design isn't something i expected, but then again i didn't know that much about her prior other than she's obsessed with social media
-British is also not what i expected but cool
-Uh. she didn't really stick out to me that much...sorry..... she's fine tho
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAM & LUTE NOTES
-Personally do not like how these angels look so menacing, i get that they're technically bad, but... make them look more angelic besides halos and wings??? they could easily be mistaken for hell residents. Also again, i feel like angels should swear less and drop swears in critical / good timed moments, it would be funnier... subtlety is not a thing i guess
-Adam's guitar solo was good tho, not really feeling his character tho, he's just an asshole but that's the point
-Adam looks like the fucking dress meme. I can't unsee it
-Lute is pretty...
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-Brandon Rodgers
-They sure were there for a second!
-i luv tom
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All in all...
Episode 1: 6-7/10
Episode 2: 8.5/10
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blackgryph0n · 3 months
BillieBustUp: A Boycott?
Hazbin Hotel is implicated, too.
cw: child grooming
Short version: BillieBustUp hired a known child groomer Blackgryph0n/Gabriel C. Brown, and the lead dev Katie Nelson is digging in their heels defending him, claiming that the groomer says he's innocent, and the "haters" are all sockpuppets for his wife/victim's abusive father. The evidence against him is piling up, and it seems like BillieBustUp, a game founded on LGBTQIA and disability representation, will instead be the face of uplifting pedophilia and child grooming. Gabriel is also the voice actor for Hazbin Hotel's Alastor, but only his singing role in the pilot, the song "Insane" which has risen to some popularity.
On June 14, 2024, Twitter user dagobbiEST posted a Twitter thread that implicated the creator of BillieBustUp, an upcoming indie game helmed by Katie Nelson/KatieBlueprint, in defending the actions of the voice actor Blackgryph0n, aka Gabriel C. Brown, who voices the character Barnaby. For those who were present in the My Little Pony fandom during 2014, you will know BlackGryph0n best either for his videos or perhaps for his most infamous accomplishment, which was creeping out many fans with his overly-familiar relationship with voice actress Michelle Creber, who was 14 to his 24.
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Blackgryph0n went on to groom and subsequently marry Claire Corlett, Michelle's coworker and friend (and fellow 14 year old) when she turned 20, who was then isolated from her entire family, citing abuse. (The author does not deny that she may have been abused; it is typical for a groomer to pursue a minor who has a strained/difficult family situation.)
The facts are simple: Gabriel met Claire when she was a child, only 14/15, in a position of authority over her as a sound engineer at her voice acting job. The fact that they then later pursued a relationship, even if "she initiated it", implies that there was grooming taking place over the years in between. The groundwork of a relationship was built with a minor, even if it was not overtly romantic until later. For more information on grooming, please see here.
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Scads of screencaps were rapidly produced on Twitter after the initial screencaps of the BillieBustUp Discord were posted, including many tweets with proof of Blackgryph0n's inappropriate flirting with the child actresses back to when they were 15 and 16. Gabe's claims that they "became friends only four years ago" (conveniently when she was 20) were quickly debunked as lies, due to all of the overwhelming Tweet and video evidence.
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A list of links with more information:
A gathering of some of the most damning tweeted evidence to dispute the "only befriended her when she was 20" claim by Gabe.
A Reddit thread from r/YouTubeDrama concerning the recent allegations and firsthand witnesses to creepy behavior at conventions. Key quote:
"To provide some context, Gabriel knew them from that age because of his work. He is the only notable brony who concurrently worked on the show, though only peripherally as a backup voice/sound engineer for the sound and music team. However, he was around early on, and thus had access to FiM's voice actors, including the then-child VAs of the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Sweetie Belle (Creber), Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo). That's why he knew her from that young age, because his job provided him the opportunity to engage with those teenagers—to a professional limit, but he took it further than that with at least 2 of them." (d_shadowspectre3, who misidentified Creber - Creber voiced Apple Bloom, and Corlett voiced Sweetie Belle)
An informational Twitter thread from 2023 by BronyFandont discussing the grooming with more screencapped evidence.
A google doc of various screenshots, including a first-person witness to Gabriel's inappropriate behavior at a Brony con.
A Twitter thread with eight screencaps debunking the timeline Blackgryph0n tries to lie about, claiming he only met Corlett for extended periods when she was 20.
A Twitter thread by user Wootmaster discussing the allegations back in 2022, in which he adds that several big fandom names - including Saberspark, ACRacebeast and PaleoSteno - closed ranks and defended Blackgryph0n at the time, including leveling harassment at Corlett's father. Saberspark coined the deeply unsettling "It's creepy, but legal" in regards to the situation.
Some of Gabriel Brown's previous brushes with racism also came into discussion, including
A full blown minstrel skit with Michelle Creber (a minor at the time) with giant afro wigs, blaccents, and the fake names "Nikisha Abagale Safron" and "Latoya Aloofa Williamson", posted by ACRacebeast under the title "Bronies React: MLP Generation 3."
Another Twitter thread with screencaps of Gabriel Brown's racism by Helluvareceipts.
Screencaps of the BillieBustUp discord, with clumsy defenses by Katie Nelson in lieu of any official statement.
More of Gabriel's racist and C*vid-denial tweet "likes" have been dug up.
A deleted racist tweet from Blackgryph0n.
A Twitter screencap of Blackgryph0n getting banned from Babscon due to racism in 2021.
During the uproar, BillieBustUp and lead dev Katie Nelson remained notably silent, which resulted in a Tweet about the game's LGBTQIA representation devolving into repeated demands for answers, which were also ignored.
There was an unofficial statement made only on the BillieBustUp Discord group on June 15th, but it wouldn't be until June 17 that an official "rebuttal" was posted on Google Docs by "Katie and Ash". The entirety of the rebuttal can be summed up with 'Blackgryph0n says he's being targeted by sockpuppet accounts and promises he's innocent, and I believe him.'
June 17 also saw a very strange, inappropriate, and immature response from Michelle Creber, peppered with "Y'all"s, emojis, and inappropriately casual slang like "take the L," considering the seriousness of the allegations. She not only stated that Gabriel Brown (a member of the US Navy) is an "incredibly brilliant but brilliant autistic bean" and thus so harmless he wouldn't hurt a spider, which errs so far on the side of infantilization it seems insulting at best, and ableist at worst. Any Twitter accounts that requested clarification or answers were blocked by both Creber and Brown.
What does this mean for you?
What this means is that the BillieBustUp and Hazbin Hotel fandoms now have to contend with the fact that their creators have knowingly and purposefully invited a child groomer into their fandoms, and given them social cachet that they might use to take advantage of minors, as he did during his job as a sound engineer on My Little Pony. The BBU dev team is also ignoring any concerns about a potential threat. This may also mean that, if there are inevitable fandom events like panels, the child groomer Gabriel C. Brown may be present where there are also children and teens, who may not be aware of his history.
The decision of whether to boycott or not is your decision; I cannot in good conscience spend money on a game that will put money into a groomer's pockets and add to his resume. The decision is yours. This post is to shine light onto what the BillieBustUp team and Blackgryph0n/Gabriel Brown desperately want to keep in the dark, and to spread awareness to other social media platforms. And, most importantly, to protect any minors who might be in these fandoms, who may not realize that their idols are not someone they should look up to, defend, or even be in private contact with.
Stay safe, and thank you for reading.
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‼️ Please read ‼️
If you are active in fandom spaces— Especially Sander Sides or Hazbin Hotel, I encourage you to read this thread for your own safety!!
There is a user you may know as they have been called out before, that goes by the name Roman Calvary System, Calvary or Roman Calvary, they were previously known as The Trojan Horse Collective or The Trojan Horse System but has since separated that identity from themselves as a Sub-System although I doubt the validity of that claim because they have previously admitted It was simply to seperate themselves from their past.
Calvarys previous partner, Atlas, somebody who also came forward about Calvary and their repeated abuse, has also been allegedly exposed for inappropriate and gross behaviours regarding children and also saying the n word as a white person. While I cannot speak much on the situation regarding Atlas due to my lack of knowledge, I can bring forward evidence I have seen regarding the claims.
However, this post will probably focus more on Calvary as I have been involved with the drama regarding them personally and I know more about it.
Calvary has already got themselves a reputation amongst the Sander Sides community for various abusive and disgusting behaviours- Just some of them being inappropriate exchanges with children (As young as fourteen) Telling people to kill themselves, wishing death upon peoples mother, being racist/racially insensitive. I wish that was the end of the list but It sadly is not. Calvary has also been condemned by Thomas himself personally which there is evidence of in a seperate call out post that I will be linking below, along with all the other evidence of their behaviour.
Something I would like to close down before it gets brought up as an excuse is the infamous ‘I’ve changed’ tactic. Calvary recently made a post on their X (formerly known as Twitter) claiming that they have changed as a person and the drama is from when they were fifteen and they have since bettered their behaviour- This is not true. Calvary has not changed and has not bettered themselves at all and the drama is not just old things from when they were fifteen. These incidents are recent and from this year.
One of these instances being Calvary (Or one of their alters, Remus- An alter you will probably see a lot of here as he is the main perpetrator of most inappropriate exchanges regarding children) attempting to SRP with a literal fourteen year old- Instead of doing the logical thing and refusing to SRP with a minor, they pulled the typical ‘If you’re okay with it’ card, and I mean, sure- Maybe an uninformed minor would be okay with it but why are YOU okay with it as the older person? ‘As long as you’re okay with it’ Why are YOU? That is very creepy and gross behaviour and any decent person would have refused to SRP with a minor, people under the AOC.. cannot consent.. It is your responsibility as the older person to have known better and said no. You should not try to SRP with minors and you shouldn’t be okay with it either.
Another instance regarding their Remus would be an instance where another one of their alters blatantly admitted that Remus finds it funny to make inappropriate comments about people and even FUNNIER when it’s a minor- You know what that makes Remus? A predator, finding it funny to walk all over peoples boundaries and even more so when It is a child is absolutely horrific and taking pleasure in making children uncomfortable is not only disgusting but also blatantly predatory.
Remus has also been harassing, threatening, and finding out personal information about a minor because they came forward about Atlas dating them when they were *eleven* and Atlas was fourteen, I am sure we can all agree that that is not okay and that the age gap is obviously a problem, minors can very well hurt other minors and be in appropriate towards other minors, Atlas should not have gotten into a relationship with an eleven year old at fourteen years old, children are capable of taking advantage of other children, I’m not sure if that was the case here but regardless, you should not date an eleven year old at the age of fourteen. You also shouldn’t call black people the n word. You also shouldn’t say sexual things to minors.
I will be attaching screenshots of these instances below and potentially reblogging with more to the story because there is a LOT! If you see these users, please be cautious of them, especially if you are a minor!
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jajanvm-imbi · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel 4 episode premiere review Part 1
CW: Mentions of SA, rape, abuse
Part 2 | Part 3
Okay first of all right off the bat cause its the freshest thing in my mind: I need everyone who accused Vivienne Medrano and her creative team of romanticizing and sexualizing SA and abuse to APOLOGIZE.
I actually saw someone say Viv has a rape fetish in response to a 10 second out of context leaked clip of Angel Dust in his Poison scene a few days ago on here (who I instantly blocked no question but thats not the point)
In response, Viv told everyone giving her shit on Twitter and Threads to at least watch the entire episode first before jumping to conclusions, and how there are many people on her team who are survivors of abuse.
Episode 4 "Masquerade" is intense. It does not hold back depicting Angel's situation with Valentino. At no point was it ever a secret that Angel was being abused by Valentino. It was depicted in the prequel comic, it was depicted in the Addict AMV, it was depicted here. And you know what? At literally no point is it romanticized. The entire episode is dedicated to explaining why Angel is the way he is. Angel's "Idgaf" personality, him constantly sexualizing himself and others and making sex jokes is all a coping mechanism. All of that was clearly displayed in episode 4.
Angel is not just some silly jaja caricature of gay men and he is not a romanticized abuse victim. Valentino was gripping Angel by the throat and Angel was pleading for Val to leave Charlie alone. He cares about Charlie, he deeply values her love for him. He was taking a beating and he was defending the one person who doesn't treat him like an object. He was terrified for himself, but he was even more frightened for Charlie. He's a good friend deep down.
Episode 4 is uncomfortable and graphic and clearly not everyone can watch it, it is very very triggering. But everyone who has been following Hazbin knew this was coming because like I said before at no point was Angel's abuse a secret, and there is plenty of time before the really graphic stuff happens for people to realize what's coming and skip it. Even before episode 4, Angel's abuse was foreshadowed when he was going through Valentino's voicemails.
I understand that not everyone's experiences with abuse and SA are the same, and its completely valid to dislike episode 4, but to accuse Viv and her team for sexualizing and romanticizing SA and abuse solely based on an out of context 10 second clip is outrageous. Angel Dust may not be someone you can relate to, but others do.
Angel Dust is portrayed as sympathetic the entire episode, Valentino is portrayed as a disgusting scumbag piece of shit who deserves to be exterminated. How the fuck is that romanticizing abuse?
Anyway I just wanted to get that out of the way before I get to actually reviewing Hazbin.
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petitprincess1 · 4 months
Why are hazbin hotel fans on twitter make threads on defend viv! Every time someone said negative about the show
Because we literally don't have a choice. People are quick to believe the idiots that very little to no evidence for their claims, despite that many of them are lies or have been debunked. Not to mention that most of those who are being "negative" constantly harass the fandom. And then they turn around all shocked when someone becomes defensive.
The main problem though is that the main tags are FILLED with hatred and negativity. It's to a point where it's like a fight response to defend Vivzie bc it's incredibly hard to ignore it. It's constantly in our faces. And it's almost nearly impossible to block everyone on Twitter.
Personally, I had to leave Twitter bc of the constant harassment made me have panic attacks. Whether you believe that or not, idc. I just got so tired of being hated or laughed at for enjoying something. And I'm sure many, MANY others are tired of doing the exact same thing.
Sorry if that's bothersome for you 😒
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allastoredeer · 3 months
As some who I know is a fellow Roo enjoyer, I figured you would be interested in this.
I'm incredibly surprised I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but you know the scene in The Full Moon when Agent One is sending those child soldiers through the portal? And that tentacle creature with all the eyes kills them?
Yeeeeah, I'm pretty damn certain that's Roo. Like, if you pause and look at it, the tentacles have red and black stripes, and the eyes look like the eyes we see all over Hell. At first, I wasn't sure because I'm so used to the eyes being bright red, and the tentacles' eyes were more magenta. But later in the Lust Ring, we see those eyes around, and THEY looked more magenta and even PURPLE in some shots. So I figure the tentacles' eyes must've looked magenta because of the cooler lighting of the D.H.O.R.K.S. headquarters.
Buuuuuuut yeah, that's totally Roo, you CANNOT convince me otherwise.
I saw a Twitter thread of all the hints of Roo in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss and every single one made me just
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But I didn't consider that the tentacle monster might be Roo O.O I was a little busy being horrified by watching a group of children get brutally killed, but 👀 considering this is the Root of All Evil we're talking about, yeah I wouldn't be surprised that she'd do that.
Idk, man, I'm so convinced she's going to show up that I'm going to look like such a clown if she doesn't.
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