#hc;; beck
maggicktouched · 1 year
Nat wants to know literally everything about Beck, I'm sorry... 3, 5, 8 (as if Beck has a choice, she says), 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27
What would your muse’s ideal date be?
Hmmm... I mean there could be a LOT. Beck likes 99 percent of things her partner will do with her. Hell, Beck likes doing things she doesn't even like doing if it is with her partner. So I'll give you an example of one specific one, but know that there are many ideal date ideas for Beck.
Take her to some sort of fair or festival. She loves the obviously scammed carnival games and attempting to beat them. She actually really loves rides in general. When the night winds down go somewhere dark and quiet in the middle of nowhere. If it is summer, strip down and hop into a creek or a river and swim in the glow of the fireflies. If it is winter, skate with her out on the lake. Take half a dozen picnic breaks under the stars and finally collapse onto the blanket next to one another. They can talk or make up stories or just lay there together. Stay up the whole night together, giggling from exhaustion but not wanting to fall asleep, not wanting the night to end. Let her feel wanted. Let her feel safe. Let her drop down her guard and open herself up.
“How easy is it for your muse to say, “I love you”?
Uhm... god that is actually kinda hard.
Depends on the person, I guess. It isn't hard with Nat. I think, especially in our main verse, it just comes out one night when they're young. A couple of months in they're in the car talking about nothing and there's a lapse in the conversation. Beck looks in the rearview and feels her entire world go fuzzy around the edges. She realizes the only thing she wants is right there with her. She feels this impossible pull toward Nat that takes away her breath and she just says it.
"I love you." And she pauses---she panics---for a moment. Then. "I'm sorry. Not that I said it. I meant it. I mean it. Just--just if it's too much to hear right now. I probably should have waited or something but I can't. I couldn't. You don't have to say anything, but I mean it."
Does your muse like a height difference with their partner? 
Lol. I mean... I guess? I don't think it matters to her in a lot of situations, but there is something kinda hot about it when the heat is turning up if you get me.
What would make your muse immediately abandon a date?
With Natasha??? Nothing short of a complete and total mental break down. Even when they're younger and things between them are a lot more tense, at the end of the day, Nat can kinda do no wrong with Beck. She lets her away with waaaay more than she lets other people away with. Nat may not talk about it, but she has been through a lot, and Beck knows what it is like to be put through hell. So maybe Nat can be a little paranoid (and that means a lot coming from her because she's pretty cautious around people herself) and yeah she's kinda bossy at times, but she also is still pretty much living in survival mode. Beck might get mad, her feelings might get hurt, but she does realize this and actively try to control herself.
The only reason she ever did or ever would leave Nat is to keep her safe.
What physical attribute does your muse find most attractive?
She's---not hard to please LOL. Beck really loves hair. Nat is a redhead which especially makes her a little weak in the knees. But Beck thinks Nat is so beautiful that she says it is a crime to single out one piece of her.
What personality trait/type does your muse find most attractive?
In Natasha specifically? Her gentleness. Beck might not always know specifics, but she knows what Natasha was trained to do. She knows people have done unthinkable things to Natasha. But Nat never tries to hurt her. It happens sometimes, but it is usually by accident. Nat never just gets mad at her and takes digs at her, and she certainly never raises a hand to her. And honestly that's what Beck is used to from most people.
What is your muse most likely to notice first about a potential partner? 
I'm gonna be honest this question and my brain don't compute very well. I tried to answer it when another person sent it in and gave a very lame answer. Idk why.
The first thing Beck noticed about Nat was how homeless she looked and that's not very nice to say lmao.
Does your muse like receiving gifts from a potential partner? If so, what?
It depends? So like it boils down to why she thinks she's getting the gift. If she thinks you're giving her something to make her stop being angry with you or because she's sad, she either feels apathetic about it or potentially may get even angrier. But if someone just likes to give her gifts? Go crazy. She cares more about the fact that someone thought about her than the gift most of the time. Like if you buy her a bit of candy or a lemonade she's going to be just as over the moon as if you bought her something expensive.
Food is usually a safe choice, though she's wary of food that have been heavily processed. Clothes are also very safe. She actually likes it when her partner dresses her on like a special occasion because she's like "oooOoOoOOoOo you think I'm pretty in this?". She's a dork.
Does your muse find the idea of a secret admirer charming or off-putting?
Hmmmm. I don't think a secret admirer would work with Beck. She can't read, so if someone sent her presents with notes on it she'd be like "Boda what does this say" and Angrboda would probably lie. Because Boda trusts no bitch and would NOT be ok with a secret admirer.
She's also like, isolated in most verses. Even in our verse with Clint and Barck (that's what I'm calling Dog!Beck now), once she turns back into a person, it doesn't matter that she's in the city she still knows almost no one. And having someone know her that she doesn't know? Very likely to spook her.
She thinks the idea is very romantic... just maybe not for her.
Would your muse prefer a spontaneous date night, or a planned night out? 
Either or. Beck's very spontaneous. She doesn't really get the point in planning things in advance when you could do them now. But Nat has a taxing job that takes her all over the world. They kinda have to plan stuff. It doesn't bother her. But she does forget a lot because she doesn't really keep a calendar. If they plan something Nat has to remind her about it the day before.
Does your muse fall for someone quickly, or does it take a bit to win their heart?
I don't think it takes long for Beck to fall. It takes longer for her to learn to trust than it does to fall in love. She is a bit of an expert on loving people she doesn't fully trust. She's had to because otherwise her life would be completely loveless. The only people she trusts completely are her familiars and her best friends and Cora---and older mentor/kind of adopted mother figure.
But Beck is emotional and feelings driven, and especially for Nat it doesn't take long at all for her to be like "well nothing but her matters now. cool."
Is your muse smooth when it comes to flirting? How do they handle being flirted with?
Yes. Beck is. My autistic ass on the other hand is not. It's something I really struggle to write so it doesn't get written as often as it probably should. It worms its way into drabbles more often than serious threads because I'm not as intimidated when I think the piece is mostly just something for me.
Beck flirts with pretty much everyone. It's just kinda how she talks half the time. And she loves it when people play along or flirt with her. She flirts with her friends constantly. But they all know it is a game. She doesn't like people that take it too far. You'll go from her giggling and twirling her hair to her hexing your shoes to the floor if you get too pushy. It's playful, it is light. It isn't meant to be taken seriously except with her partner.
Does your muse consider romantic holidays  ( such as Valentine’s )  important to celebrate when in a relationship?
If Nat were to explain what it was, Beck would probably participate in Valentine's Day. She has a vague awareness of human holidays but generally half of what she "knows" about it are just weird assumptions she's made from watching random people out of context from a distance. Anniversaries and such though she does celebrate. And remember, astonishingly.
How much stock does your muse put in first impressions? What is the best way to make a good first impression with your muse? 
Very little. Beck puts on a face/act half the time. She thinks most people lie out of the gate. Because of that there is no first good impression. She can get a good feeling about you if you're not a douchebag, but she can get a bad feeling about you if you're an angel too. She's fickle and untrusting.
Is your muse one to sit down with a new partner and formally define a relationship, or do they prefer to go with the flow and see what happens?
She's definitely a go with the flow kinda person. She'll do it the other way for people who need it, but she figures if she wanted to Properly Arrange a relationship she'd have gone to the Order of the Nine and submitted herself for and arranged marriage. What's the point? Just figure it out as it goes.
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sincerealev · 2 months
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Thank you @milksteakkk for giving me an excuse to talk about them too 🕺🏻
Here goes:
Alana is a lesbian, and Jared is gay. Mlm 🤝 wlw solidarity
The way Alana discovered she was a lesbian is that she was watching a movie with Julie Andrews and then she was just hit with the realization
→ (Yes she had/has a crush on Julie Andrews, especially in The Sound Of Music)
Honestly, I think she'd enjoy vintage musical movies
Jared probably had a celebrity crush on Keanu Reeves at one point. I thought of this just now and it just made sense to me
Jared is the shortest of the friend group. Like, 5'5
→ Alana is slightly taller than him, like 5'6 or 5'7 (and then Evan is taller than her, like 5'9, for reference)
Jared's wardrobe is a mess, in the way that generally every morning he'll just put on whatever he finds first in his closet, doesn't take time to meticulously choose clothes that match
→ His favorite shirt is one that has a picture of a bowling ball knocking some bowling pins, and in comic sans it just says "bowling" underneath
Alana is the opposite, of course. She chooses her outfit of the day the night prior
Honestly, she's very grandmacore
→ She lives with her grandma too (yes, I know in canon she said her grandma died, but also, everyone has two sets of grandparents so shhh,,)
Jared collects stuff like miniature dinosaur figures or rocks. And also has a vast collection of comics, from vintage comics to the newest ones
Alana loves baking, when she's not busy with school work and such. Almost every week she'll come to school with baggies of cookies, or a Tupperware with cake to share with her friends :-)
She volunteers in a local library
Jared is kind of lazy, or more like distracted when it comes to school, but he also doesn't slack. He always ends up doing his assignments, studying for tests, and getting good grades (but the majority of the time he leaves stuff for the day before, which he regrets everytime)
When he's bored in class Jared will color in the squares in a notebook page with pencil
As patient and calm as she is, Alana can visibly get angry if you get in her nerves (this refers to Jared most of the time). She's good at controlling her anger though
→ Both Alana and Jared bicker a lot, honestly. It's kind of funny to see
Jared has three pairs of glasses. One of them are prescription sunglasses, which he uses to feel cool
For college, Jared studied software engineering or computer science
As for Alana, maybe she studied law or something to become a lawyer maybe?
→ I thought of that just now because I feel like she's very good at debating, and she's very neat and organized in everything she does, loves public speaking, uses logical reasoning all the time... Y'know. Tell me what you think :0
I think that's enough hcs or this will get very long. What do you guys think 🕺🏻
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Here's a drawing of them (ft. Evan) me and my gf @devildarling08 made :-) (it's from a boarding school AU we made together)
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simplyender · 7 months
You previously mentioned that Johnathon probably had a less than ideal childhood. If you are still in the mood for headcanons, would you mind sharing your thoughts on his upbringing/childhood/adolscence? The good, the bad, whatever comes to your mind. Thank you! (I wonder if he was still roommates with Quentin Beck in the movieverse)
Thank you so much for asking!!!! Sorry about taking so long to respond, work has been exhausting for me, and I really want to give my best answer, hence why I stew over asks quite a bit, lol
• Apparently, The Spot from the comics is originally from Spokane. Yeah, I'll incorporate that one in to my personal beliefs.
• He reads to me as having come from an upper-middle-ish class family.
• Only child, but his parents were frequently busy with their jobs, and when they were around, they didn't exactly have or bother to make the time for him.
• Pretty judgemental parents in general.
• Despite that, he still spent a fair amount of time trying to prove himself worthy of their attention, a difficult task with...Mixed results, mostly leaning towards failure.
• One of my friends was once like "There was definitely a time where he wanted to show them something he made and got snapped at for bothering them.", and yeah I totally agree with that.
• Over time he became more reclusive, spent more time in his room than anywhere else. He preferred reading, learning to code, and working on his own little projects over socializing, something he wasn't all too skilled at. It wasn't like there was much to socialize with at home, anyways, considering he would either be ignored or treated like a nuisance a solid 90% of the time.
• This was a double edged sword, though, since he'd also been yelled at for "being in his room all the time" a few times.
• Was used as a scapegoat quite often.
• After a certain point he moved on to trying to get his validation through other means. High grades, impressive science projects, plans to become a scientist and making the biggest damn breakthrough ever seen, do something that will change the world forever. Because then nobody could ignore him or treat him like he's less if he managed that.
• But obviously they're not the worst in his mind because they helped pay for college, so,,,,,,
edit: actually thought about this some more and he probably got a scholarship. oops lol idk high academics.
• Saw the 1933 Invisible man at a young age and absolutely loved it, he spent a short period of time trying to figure out how to make himself invisible, and kind of wished that dr. Jack Griffin was his real dad and that also maybe he'd kill his parents, healthy and not worrying thoughts from a probably 8 year old. It's been around 25+ years since then, but he'd still get seriously embarrassed if somebody brought up his old attempts.
• Had a massive growth spurt in his early teenage years, which automatically put a target on his back for even more bullying.
• Started experimenting with his fashion and putting some more work in to his appearance close to the end of high school. Still sucked at keeping up with haircuts and remembering to shave, though.
• Was probably at his peak in college, honestly. Nicest place he's been in. Least bullying he's experienced. He even made a friend or two!
• IMO he was totally roommates with Quentin in this universe too, they were on different tracks, but all in all, they got along pretty well! John was happy to help him with with whatever he was working on, although, John mostly kept his personal stuff to himself (still appreciated the extra hand with carrying things...), or at least tried to. Whether he was listened to or not is another matter entirely. When they collaborated, they were a real dream team. Unfortunately, they kinda fell out of contact after college, so it was a pretty big surprise to John when Mysterio got caught and it was released that his old college roommate had become a supervillain.
....Which only further entrench him in the "I'm meant to be Spider-Man's nemesis" mindset, by the way.
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whispers-of-lilith · 1 year
Shanks: "Hey Beck, would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Benn: "No."
Shanks: "But- I'd still love you if you were a worm..."
Benn: "That's nice, the answer is still no."
Shanks: *proceeds to pout for the rest of the day until Benn gives him the best dick down as an apology for saying he wouldn't still love him if he was a worm.*
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synthwayve · 9 months
The Micolaurence text post ever.
Shoutout to the people in my replies, I blame all of you in the most positive way possible.
Poorly formatted “essay” about the connections they have that make my brain spin because yes :} new years is a time of lawlessness impulsivity: keep in mind I don’t own the actual game to confirm some things, most of this is compiled from item descriptions, cut content, reading the wiki over and over, and my own analysis. I could be totally wrong about some things + this is just my own analysis/interpretation**, have mercy upon my soul 🙏
The biggest thing about them, and the thing I simply do not shut up about if you happen to hear me talk about them, is that both Micolash and Laurence’s respective obsessions/virtues/main associated game mechanics (Insight and Blood respectively) directly influence each other. Not only do they influence each other, they also relieve the negative effects of the other stat. Why is this such a big deal to me? WELL:
Beasthood, the negative effect of taking too much blood, scales negatively depending on your Insight. The more Insight you have, the less Beasthood, and vice versa. Contrarily, Sedatives, crafted from blood(yes, Sedatives are stated to be thick ‘human’ blood and will reset your Beasthood as well, but this does not necessarily reduce it- more on this later*)
Will relieve Frenzy as their primary purpose, which is the main negative side effect of having high Insight i.e going mad.
I think this is very intentional outside of just pure game mechanics and design: there is a running theme in Bloodborne, that being that every enemy you face has succumbed to one side too heavily. BSB, the half-beast Yharnamites, Gascoigne, Amelia, Laurence, and all the other beast enemies you face have relied too much on the blood and fallen to its curse. Brainsuckers, Rom, Winter Lanterns, Micolash, and arguably other insight-heavy enemies like the Celestial Emissary are heavier on the Insight side. What makes YOU, the player, different? It is your ability to balance both.
The creatures that have gotten closest to ascension are ones that we can assume have undergone the effects of blood and insight, but still haven’t gotten there all the way. Rom is probably the biggest example, along with other Kin/Great One enemies. They are physically transformed, as the blood will do, but they are not beasts. Rather, they often have the numerous eyes that are granted with Insight.
The ending that allows the Hunter to ascend reads to me as an ending where you have successfully balanced both mediums: using Blood to tame the negative effects of Insight and vice versa. What I interpret from this in regards to Micolash and Laurence specifically is that they could have come SO CLOSE to achieving what they wanted!! If they had just worked together, and the schism hadn’t happened, perhaps Micolash would not have gone insane with steady treatments of Blood and Laurence would not have transformed with the help of his Insight being steadily raised.
Maybe it’s just me being insane but I don’t know, there’s something pretty gay to me about being in charge of/cursed by an obsession with something that only someone equally as obsessed with its opposite can cure.
I honestly think Micolash and Laurence might have even ended up in a sort of prisoner’s dilemma situation: they both think their own method is correct, and refuse to give in to the other’s perspective. In doing so, they actually end up royally screwing themselves over at the same time whereas cooperation would have led to the best outcome. Laurence, the general posterboy for the blood in general(and most other blood related things) is not someone who I imagine would be keen on giving up his faith in the substance. Especially when he’s being told this by a man who’s sanity is hung by a thread. But if only Micolash listened to HIM, his insanity would be relieved and he would go back to the mostly sensible man he might’ve been- only of course, Micolash would not see it that way. Why would he take something that is quite literally killing Laurence? I find it interesting that Sedatives are a hint of insanity(like with Edgar) yet Micolash doesn’t drop any. Perhaps he’s not the type to invest in Blood, especially if he had to watch it slowly chip away at Laurence’s health who was too stubborn to listen to him instead. You see where I’m going with this- around and around they go.
*while Sedatives are stated to be thick human blood, I have three theories about this.
1. “Derived” from Byrgenwerth implies to me that the formula has undergone some modifications. I would not be surprised if holy blood is used as a thickener.
2. I imagine most “human blood”, at the point that Sedatives are distributed more abundantly, is already tainted with holy blood. I mean, come on. This is Yharnam. Blood is the name of the game.
3. Sedatives reset Beasthood, but for you the PLAYER, your beasthood remains at more of a net neutral than your Insight which the game relies on to progress the story. I imagine that for a scholar like Micolash, who does not fulfill the role of a hunter or a soldier, beasthood would be less of a concern.
OKAY THAT ONE POINT GOT REALLY LONG I’M SORRY so I’ll rapid fire some other things about them:
-Micolash seeks to abandon his humanity in his boss form, Laurence seeks to retain it in his boss form. Micolash seeks a blessing from Kos like that which was granted to Rom, you know, the giant very not human spider. Laurence wants his memories and his head back. Neat!!
-while there seems to be clear animosity between Mensis and The Healing Church later in the timeline, I think it is often overlooked that they DID work together at some time. I can imagine The School of Mensis to be research and science heavy: looking for ways to perfect ministration technology, understand the specifics of the blood, and research what else can be made of it to further humanity. The Healing Church distributes it, covers. The School’s reputation(presumably), and uses that research to further their own ideas of ascension. Bloodborne likes to do things in threes: Willem, Laurence, and Micolash are respective leaders/founders of Byrgenwerth, The Healing Church, and The School of Mensis. Interesting note that the latter two originate from the former, who is the only still “living” character amongst the 3 as far as I can gather. He warned those morons and it meant absolutely nothing LMAO.
-There is something so satisfying to me in how Micolash is generally associated with the dark and dim: Kos- a goddess born from the watery depths, an infinite labyrinth of dust and old tomes, and dark robes of Byrgenwerth. Laurence, on the other hand, is associated with all that is bright: fire, a bright pale moon, white and blue robes of the Choir, and the candlelit cathedrals that are more wax than they are pews. Parallels! Beloved!
-fellas is it gay if we both destroy a city for our own ends. YES yes Old Yharnam specifically was destroyed by the Powder Kegs- but I have a complete crack theory that Laurence saw the Ashen Blood poisoning go down, thought “ah, that is terrible for our reputation”, and sent the then-still loyal Powder Kegs to kaboom the issue away. The Powder Kegs then begin to protect the very beasts that Laurence is trying to sweep under the rug(because panic never leads to anything good), so the Healing Church Workshop as a whole denounce them as heretics.
…but also crack theory aside I still hold him half-responsible for the fall of Yharnam as a whole. And Micolash fucking obliterated all of Yahar’gul so. Yeah. Do NOT let these 2 work together, I think they would destroy all of Yharnam if they could.
-Consider: academic rivals that end up side-by-side, foraying into the brand new promising field of human ascension with matching ambitions and stars in their eyes. That is, until a cost that neither is willing to pay(the health of the other) shows up, and they end up splitting apart in a violent schism that brings them right back to where they started. CONSIDER. For me 🥺
-The Mensis cage obscures everything BUT the eyes, the uniform of the Choir allows for mobility (even enough to fight- like with Yurie) but it blinds the user. Also: Micolash, weird crazy guy who was probably not adored, or at least not as adored as Laurence, dies surrounded by people. Laurence, the guy who put Yharnam on the freaking map, dies completely alone in a big empty room. At least, that’s how we find their bodies in the nightmare!
- “We were friends! How could you?” Is tragic to me in any interpretation
-WHY DOES MICOLASH HAVE A CALL BEYOND. That is a CHOIR SPELL TO THE CORE!! And also, iirc, shared only amongst the higher ranks. I understand him having stolen it from Laurence is the general interpretation- but I like to think that perhaps it was a gift. A show of good faith, even? 😏 to wield the very stars in one’s hands seems like a very apt gift for a guy who is obsessed with the cosmos.
-Laurence 100% stole some of Micolash’s homework on contacting Great Ones imo and the effects of insight. I don’t actually have anything to back this outside of speculation I just think it’s very funny. Endless loop of copying homework. Micolash has more insight naturally, Laurence uses this to learn of the ritual, Laurence does his ritual, Micolash copies his ritual. No credit in sight.
-Micolash has an interesting line of cut dialogue where he claims he “was the head…of this treatment church”. I don’t have the original Japanese text, but I wonder if perhaps Micolash was meant to be an NPC, still fulfilling his role as both the headmaster of Mensis AND the main scholar overlooking all scientific and arcane research on behalf of the Healing Church? If he was the head of the healing church, did an earlier version have Laurence fulfilling his theorized role as a re-incarnated hunter?
-Micolash’s ritual, which I gather(and this is where my knowledge is the most shaky so BEAR WITH ME) summoned the blood moon, seems to be a direct copy of Laurence’s ritual to summon Flora. Whereas Flora took Gehrman as a host, Mergo took either Micolash as a host, or sacrificed the rest of the school in his place. Keep in mind: The Moon rune(found at the bottom of the stairs in Micolash’s boss arena, also eerily similar to the Communion Rune that I imagine would be a big hit with Laurence) DIRECTLY states that the Great Ones are sympathetic in spirit, and answer when called upon. I don’t think Mergo nor Flora are intentionally malicious. I just think these two idiots didn’t know what they were bargaining for, or with. Fellas is it gay if we both change the sky, both sacrifice something we didn’t necessarily mean to, and both suffer in the Nightmare for our sins? Asking for a friend.
-Micolash’s first move is running away from you, Laurence’s first move is to lunge directly at you. Ah, they would have made such a horrendously destructive pairing if the divorce hadn’t happened.
-bonus note!! I have ANOTHER crack theory that the “Moon” and “Communion” Runes have some neat parallels :smear:
Moon Rune is blood red like Micolash’s blood moon, Communion is pale white like Laurence’s pale moon. Moon allows for more blood echoes, Communion for more vials. Moon focuses on the Great Ones answering when called, Communion focuses on Blood Ministration. Moon has the eye in the center surrounded by lines, almost forming another circle(perhaps, and this is a stretch, even the dias that the catalyst is meant to be at the center of?), Communion is surrounded by 3 distinct dots(Laurence, Gehrman, and…Flora? Still not certain who the 3rd dot would be). Reading runes is fun! “Beast’s Embrace” may be closer to Laurence as a character(I mean, you obtain it from him) but since Micolash has no rune to drop as a counterpart(probably because he isn’t a DLC boss), I went with striking parallels between Communion and Moon instead.
-Fellas. Final question. Is it gay if my mild interest in that which lies beyond humanity (POSSIBLY) turns into a rapid obsession/a race against time to save you from yourself and reverse the effects of this poison you so adore, only to realize you won’t hear me, you will never hear me, and it is too late for both of us to turn back? Just wondering. JUST. WONDERING. Maybe trying to stop the other’s descent got too frustrating, Micolash and Laurence both sort of strike me as stubborn pricks in their own ways. Hence the big divorce. “If you won’t see things my way then you can sit with the consequences” (said both of them, equally suffering from consequences). I can only imagine Micolash did not expect for Laurence to prove him right so soon. (It’s funny, because they’re both dead, so really neither was right.)
**(Also I just like relating my headcanons back to canon for fun, I’m not trying to say how ‘canon’ something is should influence how people make hcs. Bloodborne’s not a very romantic game in a traditional sense so this is all mostly me rambling around anyway x,D)
OKAY SORRY IM FINALLY DONE. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYBODY. I THINK THEY HELD HANDS MAYBE. I also think they would actually literally maul each other to death if given enough reason.
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reilora-borealis · 11 months
What if Essek started dealing with the Assembly while the Blumendrei were at Soltryce
What if Ludinus and Trent saw what Essek was capable of and felt threatened by him and the Dynasty
What if they sensed that Essek's actions would lead to war and needed to make sure their soldiers were prepared for the worst
What if Trent was especially hard on this crop of Volstrucker recruits because of that fear
What if he experimented with residuum injection to try to level the playing field, to make the Volstruckers as powerful as the drow
What if Caleb was right, his training didn't have to be this way -- but what if Essek was the reason it was
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I was thinking about trans hcs in the rvb fandom, tiering the levels of average to bonkers and the popularity of each character being trans in my brain, but i don't know if my opinions are universal
Rb for sample size and, if you feel like it, drop everyone you hc as trans in the tags!
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hollowboobtheory · 1 year
constantly thinking about ur proposition re: gwen parent trapping duncan and courtney with brittany
girl me too
i also can't stop thinking about like. duncney family channel and they play it completely straight they make the video announcing like we're growing our family nd the media shits itself like no! bad! no glorify teen gregnancy! and then they're like new video titled taking our daughter home :) and it's a fucking racoon.
and they KEEP making videos like that and nobody ever acknowledges that brittany is a racoon. there's a part where they're doing a birthday party and it's a classic duncney screaming match "oh i see you've invited Her." "this fucking shit again? seriously? you really wanna do this on our daughter's birthday??" "hey brit aunt gwen wants to show you something outsi-" "IS HE NOT ENOUGH? YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY DAUGHTER TOO?" "well I'm so fucking sorry for having friends" "is she even mine? or the whores?"
and at the end gwen has to make an apology video like "well i guess i've learned that you can't save your relationship by having a baby. and tricking your friends into adopting a racoon to save their relationship is a terrible idea for completely different reasons"
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
all the autistic *insert character* tags on tumblr and ao3 are so dry 😭please i need to keep refueling my fixation with this headcanon 
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pocketwei · 8 months
so sorry for going through ur entire onep tag but i just. yeah ur art is rlly good. anyways do you have any further beckman thoughts especially beckman shanks mihawk thoughts
oh anon let me give u warm hug...... thank you for liking my silly little outputs and for telling me you do, it brings incomparable Human meaning to my jester's antics <333
now do I have beckman thoughts........ anon I am plagued with them........... I'm quite fond of that. strange dynamic he has with akataka. Standing between/on the sidelines of this incommensurably large and all-consuming Love, nurturing it, acting like an anchor point. I think he just loves to indulge Shanks, he's taught him a lot (I like to think he was more or less his first, or rather his second, to Mihawk only, he stands no chance and he knows it and he's ok with it, he's not in for the competition anyway). He's let Shanks' outward, transparent affection and adoration, bleed onto him, despite not being Like That himself. Personal biases make it so that I cannot ever be immune to captain/first mate dynamics ajdjfh
Mihawk, to him, is like your friend's lunatic cat that has seen you a million times but that you have to acclimate all over again every time you visit. He respects him and Mihawk respects him too, they are at a safe distance usually because both seem quite. Aloof in their own way. Mihawk in a very. Offputting fucking WEIRD way, Beckman is more grounded and reasonable, but both operate on fundamentally different levels than Shanks, and are way closer to each other in terms of temperament as they are to him. They're brought together by the sheer amount of indulgence and attention he requires. They have to be two to handle him....
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22194isbestboy · 1 month
me every time someone makes a list of very detailed victorious headcanons and for beck it’s just “beck: he has no secrets so there’s nothing to headcanon”
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i think i’ve read like 15 or 20 hc threads on reddit and TWO have had actual stuff for him . someone pleaseee………… have some headcanons i want to read them SO BADDDDDD
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cm2tfemotd · 1 year
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Beck oliver from Victorious!
they are a nonbinary pan ace fnd transfem that uses they/them!
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thornsofdeath · 1 year
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My Galatea shipping chart 😊🎀 josgalagrace 🔛🔝‼️
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llimerrence · 8 months
Ferb/Beck headcanons?
put a ship in my inbox and i'll make some hcs
Ferb was left speechless the first time they met. Beck thought Ferb was mute, and was actually startled the first time Ferb did speak. So startled, she screamed. And instantly covered her mouth and started apologizing for screaming.
He tried playing football for her once, it wasn't his jam. But he did learn he enjoys watching Beck play.
like 90% of their relationship is Beck talking and just infering what Ferb is saying. She's right almost always, and everyone wonders how she does it. She usually just shrugs and points at Phineas and goes "he does it too?" Everyone agrees it's not the same thing.
Ferb managed to rope Isabella's entire fireside girl troop into his original promposal....Except Beck somehow missed it and Ferb had to come up with a backup plan. Which ended up being just asking her to her face.
Beck had literally no idea that Ferb had a crush on her until highschool, and even then, she was confused by it for a while. Everyone else knew. Literally everyone but Beck and Phineas were aware. Even Candance knew. Even his mom and dad knew.
Speaking of Linda & Lawrence, they've known about Ferb's crush on Beck since day one. Lawrence constantly ribbed Ferb about it, saying that he was 'just like his old man'. Linda kept trying to give Ferb advice that usually wouldn't exactly work. Usually, because Beck wasn't exaclty a 'dramatically reveal roses and confess in front of the whole school' kind of girl.
Ferb thinks Beck is the most beautiful girl in the entire universe, and Beck thinks he hasn't seen enough girls to make that distinction. He tried to prove it using a math forumula once, but by the time he was done writing it, Beck had fallen asleep. Ferb got to tuck Beck into bed that night, and promptly didn't sleep for the next two days.
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willnaib · 7 months
fatherhood is a critical part of leo’s character but would you guys trust me if i said it’s actually motherhood. like walk with me here for a minute. leo beck, comically bad at business management and being the breadwinner for the house and supporting a family but LOVES taking care of little lisa and playing with her and making her toys and making sure she’s happy and comfortable. Walk with me here. In an ideal modern world leo and martha would be t4t where martha is allowed the power and freedom of a man and leo is allowed to have the comfort of being a housewife. Do you understand me
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doodleddaisies · 2 years
God damn you give me any mediocre guy character and slap some anxiety and panic attacks onto him and he’ll automatically become my favorite
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