#he HELD Qui-Gon WHILE he died
tragedy-for-sale · 7 months
Lingering Pain
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Whoever decided to have Obi-Wan's hair fall out of place to symbolize when he himself is falling apart is genius.
When he's fighting Maul, he doesn't want to defeat him, he wants to kill him. He's so angry, flashes of Qui-Gon lying lifeless on the floor go through his head and suddenly he's 25 again losing the only father he'd ever known. Suddenly, he's channeling all the rage of his youth and it consumes him because this isn't Maul versus Obi-Wan now, this is Maul versus a young man who'd never known loss like this.
Now notice all the lightsaber marks, and notice how they all come from Obi-Wan. Maul doesn't slash the wall. Maul has the advantage, he's calm, collected and he knew exactly what to say that would rile Obi-Wan, and it worked. All that trauma Obi-Wan went through with Qui-Gon's death, there wasn't a Jedi that could help him in the way he needed. So he buried all of it, but then Maul came back from the dead, and so did all that pain.
Maul still being alive isn't fair. It isn't fair that he got cut in half and was able to live when Qui-Gon didn't survive. Obi-Wan finds himself so angry because how does a creature so evil get to live and his master didn't? You see can it in his rage, it isn't fair, you can see the mournful root of his anger, it isn't fair, you can see it with each careless, striken blow, It isn't fair.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Feemor wasn’t oldest child, he was neglected middle child who’s adopted and never seen as the actual son for some fucked up reason and never asked to come home for holidays after he moved out. Obi-Wan wasn’t baby of the family, he was Eldest Daughter held to the highest standards possible mostly impossible, and even given custody of the baby when dad died. Xanatos wasn’t bored middle child, he was shitty brat baby who can do no wrong no matter how much of an asshole he acts. Anakin wasn’t the new baby, he was all dad’s hopes and dreams and if he had survived he would have been both the loved and spoiled in a way that would have created a modicum of balance that his older siblings didn’t get because dad was experimenting with them in ways that fucked them all over and over and now he’s bitter towards the best adult ever who would canonically have left with him if he ever wanted to and woke up in cold sweats thinking about him and worrying about him and loving him, all the rest of their fucking lives, but the situation still wasn’t ideal so he couldn’t see that this was better than he originally was supposed to have.
No, Qui-Gon wouldn’t have done better with him because his track record says otherwise thanks. And no matter what, Obi-Wan loved that little boy and wanted so much for him. I have emotions and they’re wrapping around baby Anakin like the swaddle blanket he should have had all along. Swaddle blankets can be removed while still kept.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Debunking the "The Jedi are Evil" Theory Made by The Film Theorists PT 6
Point 6 - The Jedi Left Shimi in Slavery
Continuing on, Matthew says this:
"In fact, the Jedi care so little about the relationship between parent and child, that in the Prequel trilogy Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan literally leave Anakin's mother on Tatooine to continue living in slavery in Episode 1. We're told that they take Anakin, but not his mother because they don't have the money to buy her freedom from Watto."
And, what's funny is, he plays the exact clip that shows this is wrong right after he makes this statement.
They didn't free her because Watto refused, likely because he didn't want to lose both his slaves in one day, but not because they didn't have enough money or wouldn't pay the price Watto set.
Matthew quote, continued:
"But then a decade goes by without him ever following up. At no point during the 10 year period did anyone bother to think- 'Hey, maybe we should, you know, go check on Anakin's mother to make sure she's alive or, I don't know, maybe go back to buy her freedom since we have the money to do it, and we've won the war, and her son happens to be the most powerful Force-user in history.'"
First of all, Qui-Gon fucking dies like the day after freeing Anakin--so he can't follow up--and Obi-Wan, for a nice chunk of time afterwards I'd say, is a little too busy dealing with the grief of losing his Master (or his "parent," since obviously Matthew thinks parental relationships are the only ones that matter), the mental turmoil of killing a Sith, and also the sheer whiplash of "holy shit I'm now responsible for a whole other human being, what do I do???"
Like, there's literally a whole thing in a book where Obi-Wan is like "does Anakin know how to swim???" so I think there were some more pressing matters on his mind than worrying about Shmi.
I will also say that in another video Matthew says that Shmi and Anakin were just fine as slaves because Watto is shown to "treat them well," so he can't really use both arguments in this situation. If Shmi was "just fine" in slavery, then why should the Jedi go back to check on her or free her?
Either she's fine and the Jedi have no reason to go check on her, or she's not fine and the Jedi need to.
One or the other, buddy.
Plus, only Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Anakin knew about Shmi. Qui-Gon dies, Obi-Wan is juggling enough things as is, and Anakin clearly never tells anyone else about his mother--so what was anyone else supposed to do about someone they didn't even know existed?
Second...you're getting your movies and also literally everything that happens mixed up.
The Jedi do not "win the war," a war fucking starts--which spreads them thin across the galaxy to the point that they can barely take care of the problems right under their noses without another fire starting somewhere else that they need to get to, so I doubt they'd have the time to go searching for Shmi. Plus, at the end of that war, the Jedi get fucking genocided...idk what you want them to do while they're getting murdered in the halls of their home.
Now, if you're talking about the mess on Naboo, that is over at the end of TPM--not in the "10 year span" you're talking about. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that, if Obi-Wan did go back to try and buy Shmi's freedom, that Watto's answer would be the same, and what would be the point of Obi-Wan going back a day after Watto already refused to ask the same question again?
And why isn't Padme held to the same standard?
Why aren't you asking why she--with more money, power, time, and resources--didn't go back to free Shmi?
Interesting double standard there.
Matthew quote continued:
"What makes the death of Anakin's mother all the more tragic, is that all of it could have been prevented. He reaches her just as she's in her dying breaths. Had he arrived days, or even hours earlier, his journey to Tatooine might not have ended with him having to bury her. The only reason that Anakin even knew about her is because he could sense her suffering."
Yeah, it could have been prevented...if Anakin had actually told anyone about his dreams.
In AotC Anakin mentions to Obi-Wan that he's been having dreams about his mother, but he doesn't elaborate. And when Obi-Wan tries to talk to him about those vague dreams that Anakin is telling him fuck-all about, Anakin switches the subject to Padme and doesn't bring it up to Obi-Wan again.
The Jedi are shown again and again to be extremely empathetic and, as I said before, they don't bar people from visiting their biological families if that's what they choose. If Anakin had actually told Obi-Wan "I've been having dreams of my mother dying on Tatooine and I can literally sense her pain and suffering," odds are that Obi-Wan would have encouraged him to go and check on her.
And it's made clear that Anakin was having those dreams for a while. His mother was gone for a month. If, at any point in time Anakin had actually told someone about his dreams, he probably could've gone to check on her earlier and would've been able to save her.
The only reason that Anakin wasn't supposed to go later on in the movie was because he was literally the sole person responsible for the safety of a very important Senator who people were actively trying to assassinate.
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The Bond Between Us ~ His Turn
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Word Count: 1,545ish
Summary: Obi-Wan is struggling.
Notes: Hope you guys enjoy this one-shot inside the 'The Bond Between Us' universe.
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It had been a year now since you and Obi-Wan reunited and were married on Alderaan. A year of the two of you building a life together on Tatooine. The two of you had a finished home now, were dealing with the fact that you would never be able to bare children, and recovering from the damage down to you both with your years apart. At least, that’s what you believed. 
Obi-Wan would spend his day earning money from odd jobs and training with Qui-Gon. He would then come home for dinner and to follow through with his promise to never allow you to sleep alone. Unbeknownst to you, Obi-Wan wouldn’t sleep until you fell asleep. He was too scared that you would disappear if he closed his eyes. That reuniting with you was one long dream that he would soon wake up from. So, if he fell asleep, it was long after you were out.
When he did end up falling asleep, Obi-Wan often was plagued with the feeling of loneliness, sadness, and guilt that he lived with after you left him on Bail’s ship eleven years ago. It frustrated him greatly as he no longer felt that way since you returned to his side. He believed that he shouldn’t be feeling these things or be haunted by them anymore. You were with him now, your bond had healed, and he should be fine again. He hated that he wasn’t.
Tonight was one of those nights that his mind was racing and wouldn’t allow him to sleep. Obi-Wan looked down at you, nestled into him. He kissed your head before carefully pulling himself away from you and out of bed. He quietly left the room and headed into the kitchen so that he wouldn’t wake you.
With a sigh, Obi-Wan sunk into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. His elbows rested on the table while his head found a home in his hands. Without warning, rough, deep sobs rippled through Obi-Wan. He sobbed as quietly as he was able, hating the idea of waking you and causing you to worry. 
Once the sobs died down, Obi-Wan cleaned himself up and slipped back into bed with you. Though you were still asleep, your body gravitated back to him and Obi-Wan willingly wrapped you up in his arms. He closed his eyes and allowed himself a brief moment of rest, knowing that it wouldn’t be long until you woke and he would need to head out for the day.
This repeated itself every night for months, with you none the wiser. You were starting to sense that something was off with Obi-Wan. He was looking more tired lately which began to worry you. Every time you questioned Obi-Wan about it, he quickly eased your worries.
Tonight was no different. You were laying in bed, watching as Obi-Wan finished getting ready for bed. When he slipped into bed and faced you, your hand came up to carefully trace the lines of his face.
“You know I love you, right?” You whispered. “More than anything.” You brushed some of his long locks away from his face.
“Of course,” Obi-Wan responded. “And I love you, little star.”
“Then why do I feel that you’re keeping something from me?”
Obi-Wan placed his hand on top of yours and pushed his fingers through yours. He guided your hand over his lips and placed a kiss on your palm. “I am fine, darling.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” He kissed your palm again before pulling you closer and kissing your lips. “Let’s get some rest.”
Obi-Wan held you close as you cuddled into him and fell asleep. He wished he could fall asleep as well, but his mind was too busy plaguing him. Once he believed you were fast asleep, Obi-Wan slipped out of bed and headed for his normal spot in the kitchen. His head found its spot in his hands and the sobs wracked him. Tonight, Obi-Wan paid no mind to how loud he was being, too consumed by his emotions.
You heard crying before you really woke up. Your eyes were still closed as you reached out for Obi-Wan. Your arm fell back onto the bed, causing you to finally open your eyes. Obi-Wan wasn’t next to you. Sitting up, you looked around and couldn’t see him in the room. The crying though was louder now. You slipped out of bed and followed the sound. When you looked around the corner into the kitchen, your heart plummeted.
Obi-Wan had his head buried in his hands and his body was trembling with sobs. Tears pricked your eyes and your dipped into the Force and could feel his emotions. You stepped out from around the corner quietly.
“Obi,” you whispered.
Obi-Wan snapped up, clearly embarrassed to have been caught by you. He quickly began wiping the tears from his face.
“Little star, I—“ he paused, clearing the emotion in his throat. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You… you were crying…”
“I’m fine, darling.” He stood up. “Let’s go back to bed.” He moved closer to you, arms out and ready to guide you. 
You stepped back. “We’re not going to bed until you start being honest with me. What is wrong?”
“Little star—“
“Obi-Wan. What is wrong?”
Obi-Wan sighed, looking away from you and out the window where the moon’s light shone in. “I… I can’t sleep… I make sure that you’re put to bed every night and then I slip into the kitchen and I…” He shook his head, biting his lip slightly as he tried to put his thoughts together. “You leaving me on Bail’s ship, wrecked me. At least I could feel you still and knew that you were alive. But then you severed the bond and I… I believed that I could never be happy again. I put my focus on barely surviving and monitoring Luke. I cut myself off from the Force. I allowed myself to drown in the sadness and the guilt… Then… Then I found you. In that horrible little cell, practically dead…”
“I haven’t been able to sleep soundly because I fear this is all a dream,” Obi-Wan continued. “I am terrified to wake up and find that I never saved you… that you died in that tiny cell and I… And I couldn’t hold you one last time… I have this guilt about everything that happened in the Order… during the fall of it all… About Anakin… Padme… You… Though it’s in the past, it’s still eating me alive… Little star… I can’t… I don’t…”
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” you cooed, quickly coming up to your husband. You carefully held his face in your hands so that he looked at you. “Everything you are feeling is valid, Obi… I just wished that you would have told me. Keeping this all inside, struggling silently… I thought we weren’t doing that to eat other anymore?”
“I’m so sorry.” Obi-Wan started getting emotional again.
“Shhh, no apologies necessary.” Your thumb rubbed against the edge of his beard along his cheek. “I just wish you had been honest with me sooner.”
“We’ve already had to deal with so much. I didn’t want to—“
“Didn’t want to what? Burden me? Obi-Wan,” you shook your head, “we are married. We are supposed to rely on each other. When you feel like this, please, tell me. Wake me up and let me hold you. You do not have to feel like this alone.” You brought his head down and kissed the tip of his nose before kissing his lips lightly. “I want to help you… let me help you.”
Obi-Wan couldn’t stop the tears from coming as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. You quickly hugged him back, running one of your hands up and down his back in comfort. He buried his head into your neck as you held onto each other.
Once Obi-Wan hand calmed, you led him back into the bedroom. You got on the bed first before pulling him down to lay on top of you. His head rested above your heart as you hummed and held him. He eventually fell asleep, with you following soon after.
In the morning, you woke up first. Obi-Wan was still laying on top of you. You smiled to yourself as you combed your fingers through his hair. As you allowed yourself to explore the Force inside of your husband, you could feel that he was more at peace than he had been in a while. Obi-Wan needed to let it all out and you were grateful that he had finally allowed himself to come clean to you.
Obi-Wan hummed as he began to come to. Before he opened his eyes, one of his hands came up and carefully took hold of one of your wrists. He dragged it down to his lips, kissing the tips of your fingers. You let out a light giggle.
“Morning, Obi,” you smiled down at him once he finally looked at you.
“Morning, little star,” he responded. He started peppering kissing up your arm that was easily reachable. “Thank you.”
You didn’t need to question what he was talking about. “It’s what wives are for.”
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codywanreversebang · 1 year
Codywan Reverse Bang 2023: Masterlist Part 3
Team 13
crossfire [Art] by @cmmdrkote
Ni ru'kir rejorhaa'ir kaysh Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum kaysh (I should tell him I love him) [19.3k] by @foreverchangingfandomsao3 MiaSirtnev
Obi-Wan and Cody have yet to find the right time to tell each other they love them, but when Obi-Wan gets sent on a mission, everything from before changes. More so when the mission goes wrong and Cody needs to rescue his General.
Team 14
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Life happens wherever you are [5.5k] by @badgers-cats
Earth Kingdom Crown Prince Cody finds himself experiencing deeper feelings for an Air Nomad pilgrim staying in the palace. He's not entirely sure that he wants these new emotions. Until he is.
Team 15
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Orbital Decay [26.5k] by @thejediandthemandalorian
Orbital decay [′ȯr·bəd·əl di′kā] a gradual decrease of the distance between two orbiting bodies at their closest approach (the periapsis) over many orbital periods. Cody and Obi-Wan have been orbiting each other for a while, what happens when a series of events causes the pull to break and both to fall?
Thermodynamic Equilibrium [3.8k] by @neostriatum
"He held his general's life in his hands. It wasn't the first time, and all he needed was to keep his grip."
Team 16
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Red Eye (Part One) [9.8k] by @codythecheshirecat
Commander Cody is General Qui-Gon Jinn's second in command. He leads the 3rd systems army. He's a good soldier. And he cares, very deeply, about his brothers. And then along comes General Jinn's old apprentice, making trouble. Obi-Wan Kenobi wants Qui-Gon Jinn to get exactly what he deserves, and there's nothing that can stop him.
Red Eye (Part Two) [16.9k] by @tired-bshocked
The new Empire struggles to be born out of the ashes of the Republic. Darth Solumn, or Obi-Wan Kenobi as he was once known, attempts to adjust to his place in this new galaxy, fighting alongside those who were once his enemies. Matters are not helped when he also finds himself stuck under the supervision of Commander Cody.
Team 17
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The Sun (bright as juice breaking in the mouth in its shape of morning) [17.1k] by @nightoftheland
Eyeing him critically for a second, Cody took the proffered hand and felt his entire body want to turn to goo as those slick leather-clad fingers curled around his bare fingers, and heat tingled up his spine, and he froze as Obi-Wan bowed slightly and pressed a kiss to the back of Cody’s knuckles. “Partners then,” Obi-Wan murmured his breath hot against the back of Cody’s hand. Mouth completely dry all Cody could do was nod, croaking out the word, “Partners.”
The King's Tree [31.2k] by GemmaRose
A prophecy, a stolen brother, and a King far more handsome than any fae has right to be, really. Cody isn't sure how his life became one of the cautionary tales his buir raised him on, but he's not about to let that stop him from doing what has to be done.
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and-loth-cat · 2 years
A Dyad in the Force (Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader) - Chapter 1
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~Chapter 1~
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
The engines roared as the Nubian Royal Starship flew across the stars. They were rapidly approaching a large, desert planet, one that laid far beyond the outskirts of the Trade Federation.
"That's it. Tatooine... there's a settlement," The young man with the long braid said, looking out at the planet they were approaching. He was dressed in tan robes, with a brown cloak around his body. The rest of his hair was tied back into a ponytail, resting on the back of his head.
A taller, older man with long brown hair looked at the boy, speaking in a low, coarse voice, "Land near the outskirts. We don't want to attract attention."
The ship slowly entered the planet's atmosphere, proceeding to make its landing in the desert. As the ship steadily landed on the sand and the engines' roars died out, the young man suddenly felt something, as if an invisible force was tugging from inside of him. Just as he was about to question it, the door suddenly opened and the older man, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, walked into the room. He quickly dismissed his thoughts and looked up at Qui-Gon, "The hyperdrive generator's gone, Master," the young padawan, or Obi-Wan, spoke, "We'll need a new one."
Qui-Gon let out a soft sigh, "That'll complicate things," he looked in the other direction before looking back at his padawan, "Be wary. I sense a disturbance in the Force." Obi-Wan perked up a little, realizing that it wasn't just him who felt the shift, "I feel it also, Master." Qui-Gon nodded in response, "Don't let them send any transmissions." And with that, the Jedi Master left, leaving the young man to deal with the ship.
Obi-Wan nodded softly and took a few steps back, trying to figure out what exactly to do next. While his head said to continue checking the ship, his heart was saying something different. He felt the Force calling him to something, but what? He tried to ignore it and keep working, but the call was too much to bear. After a moment of hesitation, Obi-Wan sighed in defeat and walked around the ship, trying to find a decent spot to meditate in. He hoped that by clearing his mind he would find peace and would be able to continue his work.
Obi-Wan soon found himself a small closet, sitting cross-legged on the ground with his hands resting on his thighs. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing as he felt the Force around him. He slowly began to levitate off the floor as he ventured deeper into the Force. He began to see glimpses of his Master, the handmaiden, the Gungan, and the droid as they walked around Mos Espa, trying to search for a shop that had their needed parts.
"The few spaceports like this one are havens for those that don't wish to be found."
"Like us."
The young Jedi aimed to continue watching, but suddenly he felt a very strong call in the Force. The images suddenly changed from those of his Master to those of an unknown figure. Darkness began to surround him, and he levitated higher off the ground.
Obi-Wan walked over to the mysterious silhouette, readying his lightsaber just in case. He slowly approached, saying only one thing, "Who are you?"
The person quickly turned around and snarled at him, revealing themselves to be a beautiful woman with golden eyes. She quickly drew her red lightsaber and struck at Obi-Wan, with him just barely countering the attack. He strained softly as he pushed against the lightsaber, "You're.. You're a sith!" He growled softly and looked into her eyes, and suddenly everything stopped.
The woman disappeared, leaving Obi-Wan alone. He looked around and saw images of someone who appeared to be an older version of him, along with a girl who looked oh so similar to the Sith he just fought.
Future Obi-Wan held the girl in his arms, "Starlight...promise me you'll be safe, ok? I couldn't-"
The image quickly whisked away into another, one of him sitting across from the girl, "Y/n, look at me. You can do this. You can find the-"
Just like before, the vision went away before he could see the full moment. Obi-Wan looked around, extremely confused, "Wait..who is she?-"
"Obi-Wan.." A female voice called out, "Obi-Wan..."
Obi-Wan looked around, desperately trying to find the source of the voice, "Hello??"
Obi-Wan's eyes shot open as he plummeted to the ground, barely catching himself with the Force. He panted as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead, looking around him. Who was that woman? And why was he with her? Attachments were forbidden by the Jedi Code, so why did he appear to be close to her?
Obi-Wan shook his head as he stood up, walking out of the closet and going outside, trying to rid his mind of the non-stop questions. Once out of the ship, he took a deep breath as he looked around him, "Sand...some buildings...more sand...sand again..." The young Jedi sighed, "...not sure why I came out here, honestly. It's just sand."
As he prepared to turn around and head back inside, he felt it again- the tug within the Force. He quickly scanned the area, stopping when he felt it again. Obi-Wan bit his lip and looked back at the ship, hesitating for a moment before he began to run, following where the Force was beckoning him to go.
You suddenly froze as you felt something tight in your chest. Dropping the pieces of metal you were sorting, you immediately run outside of the dusty, old shop, and look out on the street. Breathing heavily, you take a look around, unable to shake the tug which is relentlessly pulling from inside of you. That was the second time you had felt that strange sensation today. As you were trying to focus on the feeling, you sensed a familiar presence coming from behind you. You furrowed your brows as you heard him approach.
"Y/n, get bata tah work! Mee did nopa give u permission tah leave do post!," The shop owner said to you in Huttese, in the ever threatening tone he always spoke in.
You growled softly, your eyes hueing into the yellow shade of gold without you knowing. You snapped your head back at the owner, "I'll be there when I'll be there!" You breathed heavily as you could feel your anger rising.
The shop owner wasn't having it. He simply glared at you and said, "Noah, ateema! Mo else u won't get do portion che do week!"
You looked down, your anger growing as you realized you couldn't win. You swiftly stormed back into the shop, your eyes glowing brighter and deeper with each second. How you longed for the day when you could get out of there; burn that dusty old shop down to the ground and leave. As many times as you planned to attempt that, you always remembered the one crucial fact keeping you from fulfilling your dream: you had a tracking device inside of you. All the slaves had one. And you knew that even if you were able to execute your revenge, you would be blown up in an instant.
Hating the very meaning of your existence, you went back to your work station and continued sorting the pieces of scrap metal, the darkness only growing inside of you. The other slaves could only cower in fear and move stations as the gold in your eyes shimmered, seeming so light but yet exuding so much darkness.
Obi-Wan continued to run into the town, his cloak flapping as he quickly followed the Force. "Hot," he grumbled, "Why does it have to be so hot??" He stopped for a moment to breathe, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he looked around. Just as he was about to continue running, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a small store that sat on the corner of the street.
"Obi-Wan.." He heard a voice say from inside his head.
Obi-Wan breathed heavily as he started walking towards the store.
The Force beckoned the young Jedi towards the store. With every step he took, Obi-Wan could feel another tug within his heart. As he finally entered the shop, a shiver went down his spine as he immediately sensed the darkness coming from nearby. As the shop owner approached him, Obi-Wan quickly dismissed him before moving towards the back of the store, searching for the source of darkness, of which the likes he had never felt before.
In a moment of pure connection, Obi-Wan suddenly felt a Force signature wrap around his, and he realized that it was the one of the girl in front of him; you. He took a deep breath and approached you, not standing so close as to avoid startling you, "Excuse me, miss?"
You had sensed a strange presence ever since he had entered the shop, but you were struggling to put your finger on exactly what it was. Within a moment, you felt as if a part of your soul had just been intertwined with another. Before you could even question the sensation you just experienced, you heard a voice coming from behind you.
Annoyed that you were disrupted from both your work and your thoughts, you snapped your head towards him, and your deep yellow eyes met his soft blue ones.
The moment the two of you locked eyes, it was as if the entire galaxy had suddenly stopped. As if life itself had ended, and was reborn with the two of you. You hadn't the slightest idea of what was truly going on, but you felt a light inside of you. One that wasn't there before.
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, could sense the sheer darkness coming from you. Out of pure instinct, he reached for his lightsaber, wanting to rid of this evil for the good of the Force. However, the Force itself quickly stopped him, calling him to focus on you. As he truly looked into your eyes once more, he noticed how the color was changing.
As you felt the warmth and light inside of you, the yellow in your eyes indeed began to fade. It wasn't long before they were the beautiful shade of y/c that they always were. The ones that shined as bright as the twin suns you saw each day.
Obi-Wan let his hand pass by his lightsaber and he quickly cleared his throat, smiling softly, "Hello there."
You gave a small smile back, "Hello.." This was the first time you truly had a chance to take him in. Your eyes immediately caught on to the long braid hanging over his right shoulder; you had never seen anything like it. You followed the braid up and soon found yourself looking into his eyes again. You had seen thousands of eyes in your lifetime, but never any as beautiful as the ones right in front of you. Never in your life have you seen such a beautiful shade of blue.
Obi-Wan noticed you staring, and he chuckled softly, causing you to quickly look down and go back to your work. The young Jedi stood next to you, looking at you with a warm smile, "So..what's your name?"
"Y/n," You replied, not looking up from your work. Did you actually wanna be working? Absolutely not; but it was better than embarrassing yourself again.
Obi-Wan sighed softly, "What's your last name?" He paused, waiting for your answer only to be waiting for nothing. He looked at you, "..you know you can look at me, right? I promise I don't bite."
You took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before turning to look at him, "I don't have a last name. It's just Y/n."
Obi-Wan had a softer expression on his face, "Really?" He looked down as you nodded in response, "I see...so, where are you from?" Was he trying to get information to give to the council? Yes, yes he was. It was his duty as a Padawan and a Jedi. Although honestly. he also wanted to get to know you for himself. He was so intrigued by you, and just by being at your side, he was feeling something he had never felt before.
You sighed, "You're really asking me every question possible, aren't you?"
"I'm sorry, I could-"
"No, it's fine." You said, "But just to warn you, I'm not that interesting."
Obi-Wan knew that was a lie, but he continued to listen to you nonetheless.
You took a deep breath in, feeling a little defeated, "I don't know where I'm from, ok?"
"Well..what about your family?"
"I DON'T-" You groaned before taking a deep breath, trying to stay calm, "I don't have a family, got it? For as long as I can remember, it's always been me." You looked down as you remembered the few small glimpses you had of your childhood. You don't recall a father ever being there, but you do remember your mother. She was beautiful and kind, but she was weak. She couldn't protect herself against the dangers of Tatooine. As much as she 'tried' to protect you by hiding you away, you sometimes wished she would've kept you with her. That you wouldn't have been found and that you never would've become a slave. You curled your fists, your eyes beginning to turn yellow again as you felt the darkness come back.
Obi-Wan could sense your emotions and pain through the newly formed bond, but he knew better than to read your mind and find out what was troubling you. So, he decided that he would try to comfort you. He stepped closer, but before he could say anything, the shop owner came back over, glaring at Obi-Wan, "U ya! Why are u talking gee myo shag! She sa supposed tah be working! Ateema either bedwana something mo leave myo shop!"
The young Jedi looked back at him, raising his hand, "You will-"
"You will leave us alone!" You looked at the owner, your eyes glowing yellow. As you spoke, you suddenly felt a strong sense of power rush through you. You smirked softly as you let the darkness consume you for a short moment.
The shop owner spoke back, "Mee will leave u solo." He turned and walked away without saying a word more.
Obi-Wan simply looked at you, stunned speechless after what you had just done. More importantly, he could sense the immense darkness coming from you, and it worried and terrified him at the same time.
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 months
The Merry Whump of May Day 2: "Don't You Dare."
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Warning: Character Death
Summary: Obi-wan never thought a memory of the past would be ruined during the war. Anakin was never a fan of listening to other people.
    "Anakin, give that back." Obi-wan sighed
    Anakin held his master's lightsaber, taunting him. "What are you gonna do?" He was ready to run away. 
   "Don't you dare" Obi-wan told his Padawan.
    At the tail end of 'dare', Anakin took off down the hall. "Anakin!" Obi-wan yelled after him. Chasing him down the hall, the Jedi knew it would be a while before he got the boy to train. Like most ten year olds, he was difficult.
    However, Anakin was his padawan. Training him was a pain but something told him it would be worth it in the end. Watching the kid run away with his lightsaber, Obi-wan couldn't help but smile. As frustrating as it was, it had some humor to it.
    It had been years since Anakin had stolen his lightsaber and made Obi-wan  chase him around the temple to get it back. As the years passed, the little boy that Qui-gon had picked up on Tatooine, grew into an adult.
    Now the two brothers were generals in a war. They would fight side by side from time to time. Today was no different. "Hello Anakin."
    "Hey Obi-wan. Good to see you."
    "Likewise. Shall we go over the plan?"
    Sitting together, the two looked over the battle plans and created them. They carefully thought out each attack and strategy, trying to find one that would take them to victory with the least amount of casualties.
    The battle had started as they normally did. Hours of combat seemed to never end. Now they were pinned.
    "What now?"
    "I have a plan but you're not gonna like it."
    "What's your plan?" Obi-wan asked Anakin.
    Explosions went off all around them. Obi-wan's ears were starting to ring, a sound he never did quite get used to.  "I'm going to take out the command tank."
    "You'll die before you get there." Dismissing the thought, Obi-wan started to come up with another idea.
    "Do you have such little faith in little old me?" Anakin joked.
    Rolling his eyes, Obi-wan ignored the comment.
    "I'm going to do it. It's our best shot."
    "Don't you dare." Obi-wan told his padawan.
    Anakin didn't listen. Running towards the command tank, Anakin deflected bullets. He got to the tank and slashed it with his lightsaber. The droids attacked the tank, using it as a weapon to kill Skywalker. Pieces of the tank scattered across the field. Anakin's body lie burned and still not far from the biggest part of the tank.
    "Anakin!" Obi-wan screamed, Cody kept him from going to him.
    The clone's arms wrapped around his body. "The medics will help him."
    The world felt colder than he remembered. Trying to shake the feeling of loss was harder with Anakin then Qui-gon. Then again, Obi-wan had time to grieve with his father.
    The battle couldn't stop for one man. If it could, there would never be any fighting. Kix pulled Anakin away from the scene and tried to find his vittles.
    Cody got Obi-wan away from the scene. The fight continued and ended with a Republic victory.
    Staying with Obi-wan, Cody never left his side. He already knew that General Skywalker had died. He had seen it in Rex and Kix's body language. Somehow, he knew Obi-wan knew.   However, for everyone's sake, it was best to keep that quiet.
    No words were exchanged when Kix hand Obi-wan Anakin's lightsaber. Maybe if Anakin had just listened.  Anakin never liked to listen.
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batshieroglyphics · 1 year
[FIC] To Be Free Once More (That's Worth Fighting For) ~ Star Wars: Prequels ~ Fox/Obi-Wan ~ Mature ~ Ch 14/15
Title: To Be Free Once More (That's Worth Fighting For) Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Series: Your Hands Protect the Flame Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Warnings: Alternate Universe, Qui-Gon survives, Jedi Shadow!Obi-Wan, Jedi culture positive, Coruscant Guard deserve better, clone trooper dehumanisation, institutional abuse, discrimination, learning to trust, Jedi and clone trooper relationships, strangers to friends to lovers, idiots in love, trans/nonbinary/agender clone troopers, trans/nonbinary/agender Jedi, character deaths (Palpatine, some Corries, offscreen Jedi OCs; more detail in notes of relevant chapters) Summary: As a Jedi Shadow, Obi-Wan hadn't expected to have much to do with the clone troopers. Until, suddenly, he does.
Palpatine was well-placed, when Obi-Wan found them, held up by a varied group of senators and their attendants, with two cam-droids hovering with interest around the scene, clearly recording some flavour of political drama that was relevant to the interests of those who kept better tabs on the Senate's activities than Obi-Wan.
He wasn't certain what gave him away, but Palpatine's head jerked up and around, kind smile vanishing behind a show of surprise.
"Sheev Palpatine," Obi-Wan called across the space separating them, tried not to notice Fox's head jerking up and around, or the way their Force-presence filled with a desperate hope, "you're under arrest for multiple counts of treason against the Galactic Republic."
Palpatine's expression twisted with rage for a heartbeat, before he got it under control. "Knight Kenobi," he bit out. "I'd heard you'd died."
"No," Obi-Wan returned, flashing a sharp smile. "I'm afraid your little plot to murder Count Dooku on the way back from Florrum failed. He was quite happy to tell me all about how you've been passing him information about GAR movements."
The senators, their aides, and other beings who happened to be in the hallway had all shuffled back, leaving Palpatine standing alone, only Fox remaining at his side, while the cam-droids had multiplied, and other Jedi and troopers had joined the audience.
"The lies of a man desperate to–" Palpatine started.
"We found your secret office," Even interrupted, as he and Mace stepped forward to bracket Obi-Wan. "Both the one with the comm you've been using to speak with him, Nute Gunray, and other known leaders of the Separatists, and the one in the warehouse with two escape crafts and a small army of droids."
Obi-Wan could almost sense Palpatine's mind racing, weighing the likelihood of him managing to convince anyone of his innocence.
And then he smiled, just a little sharp, and said, "Execute Order Thirty-seven."
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Requested: @tropodyn
Than you for the request! I took some creative liberties, hope you like it! 😃
Pairing: Obi wan x reader
Contents: Angsty Obi wan and sharing a shower, need I say more? 😌
Warnings: none.
Word count: 3300. Yup three thousand words about taking a shower 🤣
You hold tight to the sides of the speeder as he drives through Mos Eisley, the dust and sand sticking to your skin under the heat of the two suns. The small outline of the town ahead came into view as it broke through the mirage of silver sand. The mission at hand was nuanced, a bounty hunter was carrying classified information on an escaped prisoner. You were tasked by the council to retrieve this information while pretending to be a bounty hunter yourself. The task by itself was easy but it was the person you were assigned with that presented an issue.
All of this was new, the irony was that you had known him since you were in your early teens. That by itself should warrant you to say that you knew everything about him but the reality of the situation was that you avoided him at all costs. He was dressed like a bounty hunter, same as you but you were only used to seeing him in his robes. All this was stemming from the fact that he could change. You did know everything about him and so you knew how incapable he was, to change. You leaned away from him, leaving a gap between your seats, choosing to hold on to the warm metal side bars when your mind was telling you to wrap it around his waist. That even though the sun beamed down on you, you still wanted to feel the warmth of his skin.
For years, this feeling in the pit of your chest plagued you. The problem was you didn’t want to contemplate it’s significance ever since that day in the fields. As a Jedi you were taught to detach yourself from your emotions and yet you were never able to conquer this particular feeling, that propped up anytime you saw him. In the fear of anyone finding out, it was for the best that you distanced yourself from him.
As inconvenient it was he preferred the dust blowing against his face than having to deal with the fact that you were seated behind him. He tried to convince the Jedi Masters to let him do this on his own but his request was denied and the one person they chose had to be someone from his past. Someone he had a hard time forgetting although he was acting like he did. The cloth and goggle covered his face and his the rubber gloves held tight to the speeder’s handle bars but even through the layers of his jacket, in some whimsical teenage dream, he wanted you to loop your arms around his chest. He was the top of his class and being Qui Gon’s Padawan, he knew all about feelings and how to handle them. But the one he had for you, well he knew that best because for years, he had been trying to get rid of it.
The moment the vehicle stopped you hopped down. The faster you finish all this, the less time you would have to spend with him. He was the one assigned to collect the info disk, so you chose to stay outside with the speeder to make sure no one would steal it having known about the reports from this area. But the suns began to sink lower and there was still no sign of him. The heat died down and a brutal chillness began to set it. The cantina bubbled with soft music and warm light but it only made you impatient. You wanted to march in and pour out your frustration that you’ve managed to store up over him all at once. You turn and see two silhouetted figures walk out. One was supporting the other, who was swaying around his arm. Great, he was drunk. This was the last thing you needed. Only when you got closer you realized that it was the bounty hunter who was counting stars while the other seemed to open his mouth to warn you about something. “You must be the missus eh.”, the bounty hunter slurred. You clicked your tongue and looked at the fellow Jedi. “What did you do?”, the words escaped like daggers. “He doesn’t have it with him.”, He spoke through his teeth faking a smile. “Its over at the motel he’s staying at.”, he continued and you looked over at the man who was moments away from passing out. “Fine. Try to get it before he passes out.”, you fold your hands. “I told his crew I was here with my ”, his blue eyes catches yours and even in the dim light you could sense something hidden beneath, “wife.”, he said quietly. “You what?”, your voice rose but quickly sensed the others who were walking out the establishment.
 “Everything alright?”, a member asked and you straightened up. “Yes, everything’s fine.”, you smiled and watched relief flood his face. Handing over the drunk individual, he fell in step next to you. “The disk’s in a safe, the code needs to be entered by each one of them and some of them aren’t convinced.”, he whispers quickly glancing back at the crew. But it’s when he slips his hand around your waist and pulls you closer that it sinks in, what the new stakes were. This task was getting to be more difficult than you had imagined.
Cautious. He felt the panic rush through his veins. This could make you push him away further with all the added unnecessary complications. He wasn’t a great liar, all of this was going to come crumbling down. He knew they were watching and you were chiding him. Your eyes, blazing pots of coal every time  they looked at him and it made him wonder if that was reserved only for him. He wanted to know if they could ever be simmered down like when you were a young padawan, your eyes held a certain golden hue filled with something that made him feel on top of the world any time he caught a glimpse of it. That too was reserved only for him but some where along the way he had lost the privileges to being the apple of your eye. Before he could think this through, his hand slid around your waist and there it was. For a brief second, the fire vaporized and he saw honey. But now he didn’t know who he was trying to convince, the crew that you both  were in love or to himself, that he had forgotten you.
The disk was finally in your possession. Now you could go home and wash away the burn from your skin from where his hand grazed your skin. It had opened the box you had kept sealed. The desert vanished and you were sixteen again laying in the grass mesmerized at the sound of his voice. You blink and it vanishes. This torment was why you stayed away. He unraveled you like pulling away a ribbon. “We can get back home now.”, he walked up next to you and it brought you away from your thoughts. “Right, let’s get to it.”, you couldn’t look at him. But from across the street, you came to realize this day was only focused on worsening because your speeder wasn’t there anymore.
He stopped as soon as he noticed. “Another surprise.”, you heard his response. But you felt defeated. “Any shop in a walkable distance will be closed at this hour.”, you told him and he hummed in response. “I’ve got us accommodation for the night here.”, he spoke with hesitation. “I will get you home at the earliest tomorrow and –  “Obi wan, you don’t have to worry about how I get home. We both know you don’t remember where I live or anything about me. So save the pleasantries.”, you cut him off and march in, leaving him on the street.
He pushed the door with his shoulder to release it. The room was small and the moment he saw the bed, he wanted to collapse on the sheets. But staying in the same place as the bounty hunting crew meant he had to keep up his performance. It was unfortunate he had to drag you along, he knew you best, so he knew how much you hated surprises. The room felt even smaller when you entered, he could sense the weight of your thoughts and your aversion to him. The truth was, he knew why you were guarded around him. The memory plays in his head every day, any time he sees you. He’s laying next to you in a grassy field, the smell of wild flowers and the sweet summer breeze. He was in love, still was. The sun being more kind to you than it was to him by giving you a golden glow. In that moment, you had confided in him. That you had feelings for him and all he did was lie to you about having to go back. The memory fades and he pushed back his hair. This day was being unpredictable.
Opening your vest caused for loose sand to spill to the floor. Your hair was matted by the dust, your skin felt clogged and the sand seemed to have gotten everywhere. But you had not planned for this, so you didn’t have an extra set of clothes to change into. The presence of a single bed and the tight space meant the distance between you and him could not be more than an arm’s length. You look over your shoulder to keep a tab on his movements to see him sit by the water heater and tap the glass display. “It looks like it’s broken.”, he broke the silence that seemed to exist between you. “What do you mean?”, you ask him as you peel away your jacket. “It means there is only enough water for one person to take a shower.”, he explains and you feel frustrated.
 “Great.”, you comment and pull away your boots to have more sand fall to the ground. It was clear you could not sleep at this state and neither could he, he looked worser with his lustrous hair now looking dull and his face smeared with dry sand. As though he could read your thoughts, he moved around you to retrieve his bag. “I’ve got another tunic with me and we might be able to use the shower together without having to see each other.”, he starts to explain and you move away from him.
It was bad enough when he rejected you all those years ago, now peeling away your clothes only to have him be repulsed was starting to open old wounds. “Can you stop.”, you ask looking out the window and he pauses. “I’ve had the worst day possible and I can’t deal with any more of your lies. The current one being that you act like you care.”, you trail a finger over your collar bone.
That feeling was back, the one you tried to forget, the one that made him reject you and the one that broke your friendship. “I’m sorry.”, he said softly. But you knew he wasn’t apologizing for any of the recent events. So he remembers. “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you.”, you could hear the sound of his footsteps getting closer. “But the truth is, I miss you.”, his voice gets louder. “I can’t ignore you in the hallways. I want to talk to you about my day. I miss the sound of your laugh and the way your eyes turn darker every time you look at me.”, he spoke but you could feel the pain in his voice. “So please tell me there is some way I can earn your forgiveness.”, he pleads and the ribbon is pulled free. It tugs your heart and in that moment it all fell into place, the past and the present, that you were still in love with him.
“Where do I live?”, you asked. It was a property that included the meadows, a place that held so many memories of you and him. “Sector H-46.Unit 15.”, he said without missing a beat. “How can I forget the fields?”, he questions but instead of giving his an answer you turn around and wrap him in a hug. His arms wrap around you the instant he understood what had happened. “How can I forget you?”, he says softly into your ear and you feel the heaviness in your chest had disappeared. But the dust from his jacket makes you sneeze and so you make up your mind. “Fine, we share the shower space but we never speak of it again.”, you pin him with a stare but the a smile breaks out on his face. “This has my dignity on the line too.”, he laughs. “I never took you for the virtuous type. After all you kissed all the girls in our class, except me.”, you shoot back as you peel away your layers. “I did not.”, he flares, his eyes turning dark blue and his cheeks flushing a deep red.
He enters the bathroom and you pull away your pants. You stand behind the door, reluctant to enter. “Close your eyes.”, you instruct him and he laughs. “Need I remind you of the crystal lake incident?”, he asks to which you gasp. “You said you saw nothing.”, you yell and he laughed. “Fine, my eyes are closed and I kept my word then. I didn’t see anything.”, he says and you enter. He stands facing the wall, he wore his dark briefs and his hands over his eyes.
His heart was beating so fast, his mind reminding him of that summer in crystal lake. He came in search of the group but instead saw you take a swim. It was the first time he’d seen a girl in a swim suit and since then no other woman had been able to erase your impact. But things were different now, that happened ages ago. Now you were a woman and he was a man. The innocence wanted to break away to reveal desire. So he kept his eyes covered and fought the urge to see you. He heard your footsteps and a shiver ran down his spine. This seemed impossible. But then it hit him. “Wait you have your eyes open. How is that fair?”, he asked. “Like you don’t enjoy the attention you get from all the women on Coruscant.”, he hears you snicker and all he wanted was to turn to hold you by the shoulders and say no. That the only one who had a hold like that over him was you.
“How does this work?”, you weren’t able to get the water running so he tried to do it without turning around but instead he tipped over the soap and shampoo bottle. So he bent to grad a hold of the bottle when he saw your foot and as he straightened, he took in the length of your leg when he heard you gasp. He took in the patterns that marked your body, up your leg and over the curve of your waist. Your deep purple bikini set contrasting your tan skin. The wisp of black ink traversed the surface of your skin. It hit him, the water. Right on his face making him stagger back like a punch to the gut cause he was never going to recover from this and no other woman was going to compare. He wiped the water from his eyes and caught your eyes.
The water ran drenched him and dripped down his nose. It wiped his clean and his skin gleamed, his chest broad and firm. His shoulder lean and sculpted. He looked like a marble statue that had been wiped clean. But the reality was that he wasn’t the boy you once knew, he was …
Your words died were they were beginning to form when he ran a finger over one of your tattoos, following it’s shape over your abdomen. “You’re a work of art.”, he whispered and it was all the courage you needed to forget the past. You took a step forward and grabbed the shampoo bottle from his hand. Taking the liquid in your hands you split it equally in your palms and ran your finger through his scalp. His eyes widen but soon after they darkened. “I didn’t kiss all the girls in our class.”, he told you like it had affected him deeply. “It doesn’t matter.”, you ease him but his hands settle on the curve of your hips. “It does because I’ve only wanted to kiss you.”, he stands beneath the water to wash away the foam but his statement made you feel grateful for the steam around you, he couldn’t see your cheeks turn red.
“Says the kid who ran away.”, you tell him and he catches your wrist preventing you from taking the soap. He takes it in his palm and works up a lather. Tilting your chin up he applied it carefully over your face, making it impossible for you to move away. “I’m not a kid anymore.”, he holds the side of your face as he wipes away the dirt, the water feeling pleasant on your skin. You keep your eyes closed, “So you’re a man who knows what he wants?”, you ask as you feel him push your hair away. “Yes.”, he says and you feel his lips on yours. The water runs over your faces but he kisses you soft and slow, his lips feeling warm and fresh. He pulls away and you see his blue eyes glimmer. He was gauging your reaction and you had to let him know that you were waiting for ages.
���Good.”, you respond and pull him back. Now, there was the passion that he had kept hidden behind those eyes. He moved with a force, his arms holding you close as he breaks for air. But he doesn’t stop, like all these years of being apart made this moment possible. He supported your neck as he kissed the length of you neck down to your collar bone, finally placing a tender peck on your forehead, you rested your head on his chest and heard the way his heart hammered.
 You laid down by the fire to dry the innerwear you had on but he never left your side. He asked you the meaning behind some of your tattoos while he drew over a few other by tracing his finger over the pattern and you knew it was time to show him the one that belonged to him. You took a hold of his hand and placed his pointer finger over the underside of your rib, where his name was. “The first one I ever got.”, you told him and he paused, the edge of his eyes glistening. He bent over and kissed the spot the tattoo was. His hair was lustrous and golden in the warm light, it dried with great volume while being light and fluffy. He always wore it down with hair gel, so now you ran your fingers through his silken strands and watched as it shimmered gold. He moved around to grab you his tunic after he wore one. Pulling the fabric over your head, it smelled liked him with a hint of detergent. The fabric stopped short over your knees and it was soft to touch. He took your hand and walked you to the bed before flopping down, taking you with him. You laughed as he settled into the pillows while wrapping his arms around you. “Don’t run away this time.”, you pause, “Obi.”, you whisper to which he chuckled and nuzzled into your neck.
“I’m not planning to.”, he responds and laying in the warmth of his arms, sleep took over sooner than you thought.
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sanerontheinside · 2 years
Affectionately known as the Nirvana in Fire au after an amazing Chinese drama:
Obi-Wan dies on Naboo, takes the blow meant for his Master. His body is lost to the melting pit, and there isn’t even a pyre to mourn over. Heartbroken, Qui-Gon returns to Coruscant and goes into a relative seclusion, which few are permitted to disturb (among them only Anakin, Mace, and Yoda).
This seclusion does not last long. Qui-Gon re-emerges a different man, distant and reserved. This is not the way he was after Xan’s loss, at least; he still can be warm, and those who have known him can see through all the shields and self-imposed boundaries.
Perhaps a decade after Naboo, though, things are beginning to change at a rapid pace. Daily, it seems, the political current of the Republic seem to convulse into a new shape. Slowly, Mandalore becomes a new, heavyweight player on the scene, seemingly moving away from the Kryze Duchy’s long-held philosophy of pacifism and moving back to its warrior roots.
The Chancellor grows uncomfortable with Mandalore’s expanding influence, particularly when Mandalore starts to tighten control over its crop and beskar exports. The Jedi are asked to intervene and negotiate with the Mandalorian government. Mace asks Qui-Gon to take the mission, well-aware that Qui-Gon is largely sympathetic to Mandalore’s motives (if also a touch concerned about Mandalore’s potential ambition for conquest). Reluctantly, Qui-Gon agrees to take the assignment.
On Mandalore he meets a man: an advisor to the Duchess, yet not a politician. A strategist, a counselor. A shadowy sort of figure, chronically ill and ailing—yet with a sharp mind, and though heavily shielded almost certainly a bright light in the Force…
Qui-Gon is caught between suspicions of the very worst kind—that this man is influencing the Duchess, that he is the shadowy figure running Mandalore’s government—and yet, Qui-Gon finds that he trusts him despite these concerns. And there is something terribly familiar about him, though Qui-Gon truly cannot put his finger on what it is.
And he watches as this brilliant mind locked in a broken body, held together by pure willpower and seemingly racing the clock to complete his task while still living—this mind takes apart Chancellor Palpatine’s machinations, destroys his corrupt corporate allies, and finally takes down the man himself.
And only then, at the very end, do the man’s walls come down enough for Qui-Gon to recognise his lost, beloved Padawan (when Qui-Gon has fallen in love all over again, like he thought he never would after Obi-Wan’s death).
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ravenheartxvi · 11 months
Good News!
Chapter 4 of Second Chances is officially in the works! It took me a while to figure out the outline for the chapter and then how to expand the outline. Meanwhile I got sidetracked by my Anidala Modern AU and well... life.
As an appreciation for my reader's patience and an apology for my procrastination, here is a sneak peak of the beginning of the rough draft of the opening scene. Special thanks to Fialleril for introducing their worldbuilding for Tatooine Slave Culture. It gets mentioned in my fic though it is not the focus. I enjoyed exploring this wonderful fandom as I delve into the psychology of Anakin Skywalker.
When Anakin Skywalker was a boy, he spent his days toiling under the heat of twin suns for a harsh master who held the controls of his very life in his hands. At night, his mother, worn down by the same life, yet resolute in her belief in fate, in the inherent goodness of others, hidden and bogged down by fear and greed, would tuck him in and tell him a story. Her stories were often spoken in hushed, reverent tones, in the secret language of their people. She would speak of their history, the legends that made up their home. Those legends consisted of mythic figures, godlike in their fables. Shmi Skywalker often talked about Ar-Amu, the mother, but little Anakin skywalker had favored the stories about Ekkreth the unfettered, the trickster, the slave who made free, and from whom they had received their family name. 
Little Anakin Skywalker had believed in Ekkreth without question, and he had believed that it was Ekkreth who had sent a Jedi and his company into their path to free them. It nearly broke him to learn that he would have to leave his mother behind in chains while he flew away, free to walk the sky. As Anakin grew, and he threw himself into his Jedi training, in effort to ensure that Qui-Gon didn’t die in vain, to prove himself worthy of his place within the Jedi, he believed in the old stories of his childhood less and less. 
As Anakin Skywalker held his dying mother in his arms and begged to the Force, to Ar-Amu to spare her life, to not let him be too late to come home, his faith in the stories of their people had shattered. A piece of Anakin Skywalker died that night in that Tusken Camp along with Shmi Skywalker. The stories that Shmi used to tell her son at night were just that, stories. 
“I tell you these stories, My Son, so that they might save your life one day,” Shmi Skywallker would whisper to her beloved son as she kissed his forehead goodnight. 
Stories, fables, legends were nothing more than a small comfort to make a life of cruelty more bearable. Anakin was certain of this as he scoffed at the very idea of something so outlandish being true. He had turned his back on the heritage he was born within, favoring the knowledge that he knew to be true. The Force, which he could touch, feel, understand through his training, was far more real than any mythical figure in a bedtime story. There was no story that can withstand a lightsaber, nor can it combat against the greatest feat of the Force. 
Stories were nothing more than a lie anyway, Anakin Skywalker, the former Darth Vader in another life, knew this to be true with a fatalistic certainty. After all, it was with the use of a fallacy, disguised as such a story, that had been the catalyst for the destruction of Anakin Skywalker and the birth of Darth Vader. If not for the tempting lie, crafted in the form of a story told to him by a man he was foolish enough to trust, he would not have fallen for the trap that doomed him, everyone he ever loved and the entire galaxy. 
Stories do not save lives, they give false hope. Anakin Skywalker had no time for stories. He had a time-sensitive mission, after all. He needed to focus, to plan ahead, because the enemy is always several steps ahead. Anakin needed to rise ahead of Sidious. Sidious had decades to plot and all Anakin had was a little over a year or less if he wasn’t careful. 
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theultimatefan · 1 year
This Is the ‘Star Wars’ Auction You’re Looking For
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John Azarian began collecting props and costumes from his favorite television series and movies for a straightforward, heartfelt reason: "To see something in person, to be able to touch something from a show or film you watched as a child, there is nothing like it," he says. "Seeing it on TV or in a movie and then being able to say, 'That's my piece,' that's real. And there is nothing like it."
The real estate developer began his journey in 1995, with Adam West's Batman and Burt Ward's Robin costumes bought at auction. He likes to say that pulling them from their boxes made him feel like a kid on Christmas morning — Batman's cowl, especially: "It made me speechless."
This is how a single purchase evolved into an enviable assemblage brimming with many palpable keepsakes that evoke memories and magic. But Azarian's decades-long tenure as the custodian of these enchanted reminders is winding down: On July 29, he will offer through Heritage Auctions' Entertainment & Music Memorabilia Signature® Auction a very select group of some of his most coveted trophies, including rare, one-of-a-kind Star Wars props long unseen and likely thought unattainable.
Among his historic offerings is one of the few surviving Imperial Stormtrooper helmets from 1977's Star Wars, which was among the treasured lot reused three years later in The Empire Strikes Back. Like every single thing in Azarian's collection, the helmet, made of High Density Polyethylene, has extraordinary provenance: It hails from the collection of costume designer John Mollo, the military historian who writer-director George Lucas tasked with turning artist Ralph McQuarrie's conceptual renderings into something tangible and terrifying.
Mollo, who died at 86 in 2017, once told Star Wars Helmets that Lucas "liked the idea of the baddies having a fascist look about them, with the heroes reflecting the look of heroes of the American Wild West." For his enduring contributions, Mollo received the Academy Award for Best Costume Design — while surrounded by Stormtroopers and Darth Vader, no less. "As you see," he told the amused audience, "the costumes from Star Wars are really not so much costumes as a bit of plumbing and general automobile engineering." The helmet would be a trophy enough to satisfy most collectors. Still, for Azarian, it was but the start of a momentous assemblage: Here, too, is Luke Skywalker's Stunt DL-44 Blaster from 1980's The Empire Strikes Back, the very hand-painted fiberglass prop held by Mark Hamill modeled on the one used by Harrison Ford's Han Solo. Its provenance is equally blaster-proof: Mark Hamill surrendered this weapon when the BBC children's show Jim'll Fix It visited Dagobah during Empire's promotion.
Numerous instantly recognized weapons reside in Azarian's armory, including iconic blasters, such as this Rebel Alliance DH-17 pistol from Star Wars, and other more elegant weapons meant for a more civilized age — lightsabers, in other words. Among them collectors will find the never-before-offered Holy Trinity of stunt lightsabers from Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace used in the infamous bridge fight scene with Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul during which Qui Gon is killed and Obi-Wan uses his mentor's saber to slice Darth Maul in half.
This Imperial Stormtrooper hero E-11 blaster, made by legendary screen weaponeers Bapty & Co. and used in the original Star Wars, came from the collection of the film's producer Gary Kurtz. In a letter accompanying the weapon, Kurtz says, "This gun is the original Sterling sub-machine gun used in Star Wars, and the additional dressing (sight, grips, cut down cartridge casing, etc.) are also all original film used pieces." The original prop EC-17 hold-out blaster from 1983's Return of the Jedi is no less extraordinary. The so-called "scout pistol" was wielded by an Imperial Scout Trooper on Endor, and in the Star Wars Universe, it was ostensibly manufactured by BlasTech Industries. But, of course, its maker was decidedly earthbound: art director James Schoppe, from whose armory this lightweight pistol comes.
Another Empire prop offered here will surely put collectors on Cloud Nine — or, at least, Cloud City. It's the foot-long, almost-foot-wide miniature X-wing Rebel Alliance starfighter used in Empire — good ol' Red Five herself. This dogfighter transported Luke from Hoth to Dagobah (for his training with Yoda) to Lando Calrissian's Cloud City, where Vader was turning Han Solo into a human-sized carbonite popsicle. Per Academy Award-winning visual effects artist Brian Johnson, the model was made at Industrial Light & Magic and "used on a number of multi-element motion control shots."
And this Empire miniature is larger than life, in large part because of its provenance: Here is a screen-used Snowspeeder from the second Star Wars film that hails from Carrie Fisher's collection, which she sold to Azarian to help her mother, Debbie Reynolds, establish The Hollywood Motion Picture Museum of which Reynolds long dreamed. As Fisher noted in the certificate of authenticity — signed by Leia and her brother Luke — Lucas gifted her the model after filming. When Azarian acquired it, Fisher took a photo with the speeder — and signed it, "For John Azarian Hope you enjoy my Snowspeeder. Love Carrie Fisher." Azarian's Star Wars collection spans the franchise, from the first film to the last, and includes everything from a battle-damaged droid from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace to a screen-used First Order Stormtrooper helmet from Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens signed by The Last Jedi's director Rian Johnson and producer Kathleen Kennedy. There are even two Ewokheads from Return of the Jedi. Something for everyone who's ever felt The Force.
"When I started collecting, it was hard to get this material — it was very rare to acquire things from Star Wars early on," Azarian says. "But I always enjoyed the original movies. Like most people of a certain age, I remember standing in line for hours to see them in theaters. I had a powerful attachment to the original trilogy, whereas my kids were more attached to the newer movies. I spread the collection over all of the movies. And I just liked the look of the new Stormtrooper helmet, so when I saw it come up, I had to get it. And I just really wanted a Kylo Ren helmet."
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Danny Phantom
Danien by artistfingers (NOTE: Technically a comic, but so cute!!)
Part 1 of Undercover Phantom AU
Vlad’s newest bit of tech revokes Danny’s ability to shift out of ghost mode, and he subsequently makes some new friends.
(Otherwise known as, “I heard you like hidden identities, so I gave your hidden identity a hidden identity”)
Undercover Phantom AU: a No One Knows AU featuring lots of silliness and maybe sometimes a little angst, focusing primarily on the newfound friendship between Phantom, Tucker, Sam… and Fenton. An ongoing webcomic, originally posted on tumblr!
The Bride Selection by trufflehargau
Xie Lian held up the flyer, and squinted at it through the eye-holes of his mask. Beneath the words ‘Join the Selection! Be the Ghost King’s Bride!’ the sweeping eaves rendered in wobbly black ink matched the silhouette of the building in the distance. Paradise Manor. The Ghost King’s home.
(The Princess and the Pea retelling? Set before the events of the novel. The Ghost King of Paradise Manor is selecting a bride. Xie Lian doesn't really know what he's doing there.)
To see the next part of the dream by goodbye_blue
“I’m sorry Gege, I’m just a bit surprised. Let me make sure I am understanding this correctly,” he said, taking half a step forward. “You are real and also asleep. I am also real, and not a figment of your imagination. We are both real, and asleep, and dreaming the same dream right now.”
Xie Lian shrugged. “It looks like it.”
(When Xie Lian gets hit by a curse, he winds up sharing his dreams with a certain ghost king who would very much like to know where he is in real life.)
open my lungs to let you in by ghostybreads
Shen Qingqiu had a secret. So, naturally, it was only a matter of time before he was hit by a truth serum wife plot. (“How are you?” “Horny. Kind of want Binghe to rail me, I guess. But it’s manageable.” Liu Qingge’s hand on his forehead froze, and he was close enough that Shen Qingqiu could hear his breathing stop. He stared back expressionlessly, the mortification distantly crawling up the back of his neck. Honest One-Horned– The frustrated scream that he usually vented in his head, came out straight from mouth. “aaAAAAAHHHH GODDAMNIT AIRPLANE–”)
Keeping Secrets a.k.a HOT CULTIVATOR IMBIBES TRUTH POLLEN AND DIES (of mortification) (not clickbait) by cinnamonsnaps
"I bet you would beg," Shen Qingqiu said with a snort, letting his eye slide shut. The following silence was somehow remarkably loud. He cracked his eye open again. Luo Binghe was staring at him, face flushed red, hands frozen on Shen Qingqiu's ankle. "... shizun?" (Shen Qingqiu gets forced to tell the truth about a lot of things, unfortunately.)
Star Wars
All the Shadows We Bestow by ShyOwl (NOTE: While I love some dark SW content, I know a lot of people don't. This tone might put some people off)
Luke was born with a shadow over his soul. He was not simply the Chosen One, but a child of a prophecy who is doomed to soil the hearts of those who love him; a harbinger of a new Dark order and authority. He has done everything he can to keep people from becoming poisoned, to avoid his role as this blight, but there is no escaping destiny…and there is no escaping the love Luke has sparked in the galaxy. No matter how desperate or hard he tries.
Clone Wars
a soul that's born in cold and rain/knows sunlight by Killbothtwins
Part 2 of the massive machinery of hope
Obi-Wan Kenobi, time traveler, finds trouble once again when he and Qui-Gon are called to Mandalore— but not THAT Mandalore mission. This one involves still pretending to see the future, babies, a slavery ring, and bothering even more people into becoming his friend. As usual, Obi-Wan drags everyone else along for the ride, including some interesting allies.
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secretfandomrambles · 3 years
The Force’s Adventures in Parenting (Star Wars AU)
Author Note: So I actually had this thought a while back, before I had a tumblr, and mentioned it in an anonymous comment on a tumblr blog dedicated to Star Wars, in case someone manages to find that original comment. And anyone reading this, sorry, this has gotten very very strange.
In which the Force is sentient, and actually takes some interest in their son’s life. Unfortunately, due to the Force’s nature, they don’t understand human development or embodied sentients for that matter. So they mostly regard Anakin as a toddler.
While a regular person would think that this would cause issues with Anakin’s emotional development and growth, it turns out that the Force’s keeping an eye on their child thanks to their skewed idea of sentient development, actually helps. Because what parent is going to be happy with their two-year-old’s babysitter (yes, the Force regards the Jedi as Anakin’s babysitters after they take him from the abusive toydarian who was holding him and his mother in chains) allowing the child to spend time with some weird old guy who practically forced said babysitter to allow them access to the kid? No-one.
Strike one on the being allowed to babysit the Force’s kid, Jedi.
The Force talks to Anakin, both in his dreams and otherwise, doing their best to make up for the fact that before Anakin wasn’t old enough to understand them when they spoke, or to recognize when they held him. Anakin despises meditation, not because it is difficult—it’s not—but because he hates losing the feeling of rightness, of completeness that he gets when being so close to the force, and has to reorient himself because his physical form doesn’t have enough eyes or limbs. And he misses his tail. And Anakin learns things, about the Sith, the Jedi, and of Balance between them. Every attempt he makes to tell others is brushed off as Anakin still acting like the child Qui-Gon brought from the Outer Rim.
When Shmi dies, and Anakin temporarily loses his mind and slaughters the Tuskens, the Force is not pleased, but as They are basically an incorperal eldritch entity that’s as old if not older than the universe and basically encompasses the entirety of said universe, they’ve got a very weird outlook on beings and basically regards others who are not Their child as being like houseplants. Anakin’s attack could then (on the Force’s part) be compared to a toddler throwing a tantrum and ripping up the grass and dirt on the front lawn because their favorite toy had been broken irreparably and couldn’t be replaced.
For the Plant Analogy, the Force considers the Jedi to be oddly aware flowers and Anakin having been dropped into a field of them to play while the Force looks on indulgently. Palpatine is the poison ivy that is slowly spreading through the field. It looks harmless, but causes pain once in contact with a person. Padme is the tree sapling Anakin found randomly growing in the field.
The Force finds Anakin and Padme’s relationship to be rather sweet, in the way parents indulge their small children who declare they want to marry so-and-so when they grow up. The fact that the two lovebirds end up having an intimate physical relationship is completely ignored as the Force doesn’t count Anakin as being a physical entity, but instead as another (much, much younger) Incorporeal eldritch Entity who has been placed in a soft, squishy jumpsuit that bleeds red liquid when it gets damaged when interacting with the “plants” because his true eldritch form is rather vulnerable at this stage.
Dooku’s fighting with Anakin is the first time the Force really realizes that Anakin’s physical form getting damaged causes him actual pain. The Force initially wants to give him a new “jumpsuit” but seeing as it took nine months last time to make it for him, the Force simply manipulates Anakin’s midichlorians to make a new arm for him, while healing the damage done to his body.
Within a few weeks, Anakin gets an apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, who becomes one of his best friends and a surrogate younger sister. When she is killed on Mortis, the Force, wanting to avoid another tantrum (in light of how Mortis helps Anakin to channel his true power despite being a literal cosmic baby) helps Anakin to bring her back.
A side effect of Ahsoka being brought back is that she can see Anakin’s true eldritch form, and it is adorable (the way a lion or tiger cub is adorable, up until it gets big enough to eat you). It…takes some getting used to on her part. No one believes her about his true form, except Obi-Wan, Padme, the men of the 501st and the 212th (who have all seen some weird stuff happen when being around Skywalker).
In other news, Palpatine has a heart attack while at a press conference which he’s invited Anakin to attend. Totally unrelated to the Force getting fed up with him trying to groom their baby to become a Sith. There is also an accidental defenestration afterward, that none there can explain, including the Jedi. The Force isn’t talking, they are above such trivial things as mortal laws.
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duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
Your last Jinn fic made me think of Qui-Gon appearing regularly to his namesake as a force ghost, partially to keep her company while her father is away and her mom is busy, and partially because they both share a similar eye roll view of Obitine 😂
So if you ever need a prompt 👀👀👀
A/n: definitely skipped ahead of the long line of prompts to answer this one buuuuuut I almost immediately had a story in mind when I saw this. I hope it works for you, I tried to make it as plausible as possible while sticking to the prompt.
- Connections -
Breathe in, breathe out. 
If she were being honest, meditation was not something Jinn Kenobi-Kryze found particularly enjoyable. For as long as she could remember her father had done his due diligence in teaching her the importance of doing so. How meditation forged a deeper connection with the force.
She's never had any real inclination to follow the same path of her father. The Jedi Order was something she held deep respect for - she loved many people who were part of it - but she knew it was not the place for her. She was much more suited for politics than combat. The people of Mandalore was where her heart resided. 
But despite all of her desires, she was still connected to the force, and thus had a duty to that as well. She could not turn her back on one anymore than she could the other.
There was a spot she preferred over any other for meditation; one her mother would certainly scold her for should she find out. A small alcove located on top of one of the buildings peaks. It gave her a birds eye view of the gardens, which also happened to be her favorite part of Sundari Palace. It was inaccessible unless one was willing to scale the side of the building, an action she had no qualms about doing. 
The air is thick with the scent of blooming lilies; a cool breeze brushing over her exposed skin. In the distance the evening sun had started its descent towards the horizon. 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
The world begins to fade around her; the sounds of Sundari dimming with every passing second. She can feel herself slipping deeper within the force, when suddenly the familiar prickling of a force signature invades her sense. 
Jinn opens her eyes and directs her gaze to the ground below, only to find both of her parents - hand in hand - strolling through the gardens. 
“Oh kriff.”
There really was no escaping them, was there? 
“Cursing is not very becoming of a lady, so I’ve been told.” 
Qui-Gon Jinn was a face that she shouldn’t be accustomed too, yet she had been privy to apparitions of him for as long as she could remember. 
“It’s not, but I tend to indulge in less than proper language when I am alone.” She pauses, “Or think I’m alone, that is.” 
The evening light filtered through his translucent form and she wonders, for a moment, what the former Jedi Master had looked like without the ever present blue tint or ethereal glow.
“You forget, you’re never truly alone. Not when you’re connected to the force.” 
“Alone as I can be, then.” She retorts. 
“You’ve let yourself become distracted,” He tells her, “There’s a discipline to meditation. Going forth without focus will lead you astray."
Breathe in, breathe out. 
“I was doing fine until they appeared,” Jinn says, “I hadn’t even known they were back on Mandalore. Last I heard Mother was on Naboo with Senator Amidala, and father elsewhere.” 
“It seems they have both only just arrived.” Qui-Gon informs her. 
It crosses her mind - as it always does when he appears - if she should tell her father that she and her namesake have been connected for so long, but decides better of it. This was a secret for her alone. 
“They’re insufferable,” She huffs, “Acting so callow when it comes to outward affections."
Qui-Gon laughs and she feels it reverberate in the force around them and a sensation of peace she has yet to find anywhere else accompanies it. Had she been born sooner or he died later she suspects they would bonded just as he did with her father. 
“Sometimes the incredulous nature of first love doesn’t fade.” 
“Surely they’ve only gotten worse with age,” Jinn prods, “They couldn’t have always been so blasé with their...attachment to one another.” 
Her word choice is not an accident. The old code of the Jedi Order was something she learned about quite in depth. She was, after all, a byproduct if its upheaval.  
Below them she catches sight of her parents standing in front of a large patch of freshly sprouted Damsel Flowers, foreheads pressed together as if in prayer. 
“I don’t particularly know if they recognized their amorousness for one another at the time.” Qui-Gon tells her gently, “They bickered more often than not.” 
Jinn snorts, “Some things never change, then.” 
Though she was too far away to eavesdrop on her parents conversation she has a feeling she already knows what’s being said. It was often the same each time they reunited. Her father whispering a array of loving words to her mother, who more often than not would respond in kind. 
It was a pattern often repeated after their prolonged separations. Her father never failed to remind her mother of his adorations. 
He did the same for Jinn, too. 
“You have only seen them as they are now,” Qui-Gon tells her, “Both holding a freedom they once thought would never be obtainable.” 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
Below them, her mother throws her head back in laughter at her fathers words. 
“It could have been.” She counters, “Had they made different choices.” 
“They made the choices that were best for them.” He tells her, “Just as you will make the choice best for you when the time comes.”
“The force will guide my way.” She finds herself saying, feeling every bit like her father when she does.
“As it did theirs.” 
“Why do you visit me, Master Qui-Gon?” She asks, finally looking away from her parents and to the long dead man at her side. 
“To guide you.” He answers simply. 
Jinn looks back towards her parents, “And him? He needs your guidance more than I.” 
Qui-Gon smiles warmly, his long hair swaying in the breeze she knows he cannot feel. There was still much that she - and she suspects her father - does not understand about the force. 
“Perhaps, but he is not ready yet to see.” An amused grin creeps across his features, “He’s much too preoccupied with staring at your mother.” 
Jinn snorts, “Nauseating, isn’t it?” 
He chuckles, “You are strong with the force, Jinn. Stronger than perhaps you know. I watch your father as I do you. You, however, have been always been ready to see me.” 
"I think the both of them could use your guidance." Jinn says, "I think they forget sometimes that they don’t have to sneak around like two kids hiding their bond from the world. Things have changed."
Breathe in, breathe out. 
"They're both remarkable individuals who bore a remarkable daughter," His tone is abruptly serious, though quickly fades back into something akin to entertained, "But you certainly are in less disarray than either of them were at your age."
Jinn laughs. She knows well enough that at her current age her mother was fleeing Mandalore with Qui-Gon and her father for her protectors. By this time they would have been on the run for almost half a year; long enough to become entangled with one another in every way they shouldn’t have.
Jinn gazes back out to the gardens, just in time to see her father pull her mother into a kiss. 
"Reach out through the force," He instructs suddenly, something he often does when he appears, "To them. What do you feel?"
With a huff she allows her eyes to flutter closed, hands resting in the center of her lap. 
It takes her a moment to hone in on them, but the presence of her fathers signature begins to form something tangible; bits of familiarity threading themselves within the force that pulsates around her. It guides her to them, a waypoint otherwise unseen.
"Light." Jinn whispers, eyes still closed.
"What else?" His voice sounds father away now, like an echo traveling through time itself. 
A warmth envelopes everything around her; something so strong and secure that for a moment she doesn't know what to make of a sensation so potent. But then she remembers that there is only one thing between her parents that could ever exist with such intensity through both the force and the physical world.
"Love." She settles on. 
"Perhaps one of the strongest aspects of the force that even the best of the Jedi do not understand." Qui-Gon says, voice closer once again, "There’s a reason you’ve always been so in tune with the connections of others. A rare skill known as force empathy. Uncommon yet strong in those who possess it.”
There's a pang of sadness suddenly between the two of them, so abrupt that she tears away from the pair and back to into herself. 
When she opens her eyes she sees that the world below her is burning orange in the glow of the remaining daylight, and for a fleeting moment she feels something tug at her heart when she realizes they are not wandering the gardens as a joyous hello, but for another goodbye.
So she grants them their moment of peace and watches as they disappear under the silver foliage of the Galek Trees, hand in hand, until they’re out of view entirely. 
"The time to focus is now, Jinn." He instructs, "Hone in on all that surrounds us. Remember, I am one with the force, the force is one with me."
She closes her eyes and allows the force to flow through both her mind and body. She can feel it everywhere, warm and sturdy an so wholly within her. 
When she opens her eyes, Qui-Gon has vanished, and she feels her fathers force signature retreating farther and farther in the distance.
Breathe in, breathe out. 
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fishnamedsushi · 2 years
Sith AU Snippet
[aka, trying to dust off the writing cobwebs and dark Dom Obi-Wan and bratty sub Anakin are great inspiration 🔥]
Obi-Wan’s apprentice was frustrated. Anakin’s discontent was like a slow, heavy banked fog, drifting through the corridors and settling itself inside the walls, the furniture, all the spaces in between. Even the non-Force sensitive officers aboard the Vengeance could feel it, though of course they didn’t know it for what it was. They pulled at their uniform collars, suddenly finding it hard to breathe, and flushed high in their cheeks even though the atmosphere was starkly cold. Dooku didn’t comment on it outright, though a raised eyebrow communicated his thoughts of Obi-Wan’s disciplinary stylings quite clearly when they passed one another in the halls.
Obi-Wan simply smiled back at him placidly. He’s mine to do with as I see fit, he said through the training bond they shared. This is so, said Dooku. His words, like all his thoughts ever since he found Obi-Wan abandoned to the AgriCorps as a youngling, slid into his mind like fine durasteel, all dignity and sharpness. But take care that you don’t let things get too out of hand, or else you risk drawing the attention of more than a few officers. Obi-Wan grimaced. Sidious had always held an unsettling fascination with Anakin. It made his teeth itch, and not for the first time he let himself feel a swell of pride as he thought of how he and his Master were undermining the man’s efforts at bringing the galaxy to heel. He would admit to the brilliance of mass indoctrination, of hiding in plain sight, but slaughtering the Jedi from behind a desk? How uncivilized. When the time came, Obi-Wan fully planned to deliver the killing blow himself, staring all the while into Qui-Gon Jinn’s eyes, those eyes that had once laid on a child with copper hair and too much emotion and found him wanting. He’d plunge his saber into the man’s chest and watch gleefully as he died. Dooku laughed softly. The Jedi are foolish, Apprentice. Their Code is the only thing they can see. Their Code and their fear. But we know better. Obi-Wan inclined his head in agreement. Thinking of the Jedi always tore at his self control. He felt little more than animal, sometimes, if he let himself spend too long in those memories. And why should he, when things were so much sweeter here? He let his bond with Anakin open just a little - he’d been ignoring his apprentice’s insistent knocking for over an hour, and Anakin had eventually given up his forceful shouting for gentle taps, heated whispers that slid down Obi-Wan’s spine like mist. I’m sorry, Master. I messed up, I swear I won’t do it again. Please, Master. Let me… Obi-Wan sent back a gentle warmth. He felt Anakin’s sudden excitement, his shivering want, his heartbeat kicking up fiercely now that Obi-Wan had actually responded to him, his muscles burning as he strained against his bonds. Oh, but his Anakin was always so delicious in his desire. So much fire, so much power, and he placed it in Obi-Wan’s hands time and again. The control was intoxicating. Are you quite sure you’ve learned your lesson? he teased. I seem to recall a very similar conversation just a few weeks ago. I promise, Master, I promise… Well then, Obi-Wan demurred, I suppose you’ve been reprimanded sufficiently for today, my darling. The heady intoxication of Anakin’s power was making it hard for him to concentrate. He resisted the urge to reach down and adjust himself, instead focusing on the journey in front of him, his long strides eating up the distance to their quarters, to where Anakin’s eager pleasure shone like an inferno or a collapsing star. Anakin writhed, his breathing getting louder in Obi-Wan’s mind as he sensed his Master getting closer, his thighs aching from how hard he was squeezing them together. I can feel you, he whispered. Master, I’m so close. Please, hurry.
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