#he also probably sent this to Sebastian at one point
new-warblers · 2 years
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Finn and Kurt
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slasherscream · 4 months
i would love to know which of the crazy ass boys gang would indulge a partner who watches reality tv? whose getting just as invested and angry and who is standing to the side saying it’s dumb and fake? (i know it’s kevin)
❥ who grins and bares it so they can bond with you ❥
Billy Loomis - This is just a bonding activity for Billy. It’s not awful. Nor is it the most fun thing in the world. It’s just one of those tiny moments that relationships are built off. The small bids for connection that build intimacy. You don’t bitch when he wants to watch Psycho for the sixth time in two months. He doesn’t bitch when you turn on trashy TV. He pulls you close, so that you’re sitting in his lap, or laid up against him, and pays enough attention to ask you the odd question or two to clarify what’s going on if he gets lost. What do you mean they switch couples?? When did they start doing that? Last week… oh I bet Luca was pissed. 
David Mccall - David is obnoxious because he pretends to be the type who is upset when you watch without him. He’ll come home, glance at the TV and gasp dramatically: Baby! Why are you watching our show without me?! How far along are you? You watched an entire episode? You know better than that, baby! You gotta rewind it, hold on, I’ll order us some pizza. Can’t believe you’d watch behind my back! This is a ridiculous pantomime that you may or may not pick up on. Mileage varies as always. David couldn’t care less about the reality TV shows you watch. But he likes the way you giggle as you rewind it for him. Or the way you light up when you’re discussing it with him. You used to spend way too much time talking with your friends about this stupid crap. Now you talk to him. Who gives a shit about whatever mindless little thing you’re watching. What David enjoys is your undivided attention. 
Jason Dean/JD - JD also sees this as a bonding activity and bid for connection… However, JD is a born hater. He bonds by talking shit. He’s not necessarily trying to be a bummer about the things you enjoy. He’s just a certified yapper when it comes to shit-talking. If he thinks something is stupid he just can’t sit in silence. This is his most underdeveloped life skill. He’s got ten minutes of quiet in him max. If he does manage to bite his tongue his face gives him away anyways. So what was the point? Will say something pretentious like: “Why are we watching people play out a badly scripted version of their lives through a screen when we could be out living ours, right now? Let’s hop on my bike and just ride, darling! Live a little!” Sir, I just worked an eight hour shift. I need to see someone who doesn’t deserve a rose get sent home in tears. Read the room. Get a grip. 
❥ who is pissed off/devastated when you watch it without them ❥
Sebastian Valmont - What can he say? Sebastian likes to watch people experience psychological torment. He’s trying to turn on the first seasons of “America’s Next Top Model" and watch a girl get sent home in tears after the judges convinced her to shave her head bald to look more fierce.This is the type of quality reality TV that makes Sebastian laugh. Watching people go through their darkest moments in front of a camera that highlights the creases in their cheap makeup is how he likes to spend the occasional date night. You had to put him onto reality tv shows, but now he’s hooked. He probably watches more reality TV than you do. If we’re being honest. You think this might be how he gets to still live out his glory days of being an unrepentant asshole. Sometimes he sighs a little too wistfully when someone is being a monster. 
Jordan Li - Jordan enjoys anything you do together. Even if they hate a particular activity, at least they’re spending time with you. Still, there are reality TV shows that Jordan really likes, such as: home improvement shows, “Say Yes to the Dress'', “Face Off”, “American Ninja Warrior”, and “RuPaul's Drag Race”. And then there are shows that Jordan puts on a brave face about. Things like “Love Island” and “Jersey Shore”. Jordan gets queasy just scrolling past them. There was a time before they became one of Brink’s favorites that their parents kept pushing them to try and be an entertainment Supe. No one is taking you that seriously, anyways! Maybe you’ll do better in the reality TV circuit. It’s unlikely Jordan will ever get stuck in projects like that now. They’ve proven they can be a heavy hitter. Proven that they’re strong enough to not need to sell themselves as cheap, easily-digestible, entertainment. Still, they don’t like thinking of the alternate world where they’re having to sit in front of a camera and do twenty retakes of “authentic” confessional room venting.
Stu Macher - He likes reality TV and doesn’t care who knows. Hooray! A shared interest… except watching these shows with him will piss you the fuck off. He has dog-shit opinions about everything. You will never be rooting for the same people. You will never agree on who handled a situation better. He’s always rooting for the asshole, it seems. You don’t even think he’s doing it to be contrary or to make you mad. He’s genuinely on their side (most of the time… he does enjoy making you mad.) Watching reality TV with Stu makes you want to kill him. It also makes you look at him funny. Why are you always siding with the bastards? You don’t think Ekin-Su needed to apologize? Stu, are you out of your fucking mind?
Josh Washington - You’re gonna try to tell me that the twins weren’t making him paint toenails while they pulled all nighters of “The Bachelor”? Sure, okay, if you’d like to believe that. And his inner circle consists of Emily and Jess? Please. He’s been watching trashy TV for years. He’s watched a little of everything. He is so well acquainted with the dark underbelly of reality TV that it would roll over for a tummy rub from him. It knows his scent. He can easily keep track of the names, faces, and plots. Who’s fucking who. Who hates who. Who’s forming secret alliances. You’ll probably be more lost than Josh ever gets. He’s a day one. He’s an OG. 
❥ who is pissed off to even be hearing about it second-hand ❥
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - He has better shit to do than watch reality TV show crap all day, and so do you. These are the kinds of harsh words that will be waiting for you if you try and get him to watch anything fun with you. Ask him one too many times and, like a parent who is annoyed that you are bothering him, he will begin to fill up any moment of free time the two of you have with activities. No, babe, we can’t watch “90 Day Fiance.” Why? Because we’ve got to run the marathon for kids with cancer and then we’ve got dinner with the mayor after that. You two are gonna be booked and busy. You were obviously bored. Now you won’t have time to even think!
Kevin Khatchadourian - Please don’t remind him so blatantly of his own intellectual superiority over you (he’s an asshole.) He gets the ick of the century when you try and tell him what happened during one of your little…programs. If you have the audacity to take it a step further and ask him to watch with you? He’s rendered speechless. Since when is this relationship a safe space? He doesn’t enjoy well-written, heart-stopping, incredible genre-defining movies and television. And yet, somehow, you’re so delusional you think he’s gonna sit through reality television with you? Don’t piss him off. He doesn’t even bother responding. Enjoy the view of his back as he walks away!
❥ secret fourth worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan is once again in a category of his own, which you might call: too nosy to not get into it, but doesn't want you to know he enjoys it. He made fun of you when you first started to watch reality TV. He can’t go back on his word now. If you were cuddling on the couch he’d have his face turned into your stomach and dramatically roll his eyes at your absentminded head rubbing. Could we focus on what’s important please? But then the plots started thickening and the heated exchanges started to pique his interest. He knew he was cooked when he started recognizing names, who was booed up with who… wait that disloyal prick hooked up with who this week?! He tells you to just replay the episode because you’re explaining it shitty and you obviously want him to watch it and talk to you about it. It isn’t for his benefit at all. Turn the subtitles on, god dammit.
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A/N: this was really fun! how did you know i've been watching reality TV shows lately?? if you enjoyed these headcanons consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anon! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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joanquill · 3 months
How Touching
How Albert would react to a reader who doesn't like physical intimacy at first in the modern era.
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Albert James Moriarty
A/N: Sorry for the long absence, a lot has happened and writer's block has made a home in my head rent-free at this point it's almost homophobic :) (as you can probably tell with this one so advanced apologies!) late happy pride month! 💕🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Tag/s: One-Shot with Headcanons, Modern!AU, Long (2.2k words)
Warning/s: Slightly Suggestive(???)
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When you first joined the Moriartys with their plan to abolish the class system, the group welcomed you with open arms.
Quite literally with how Bonde tried to hug you as a greeting.
You evaded him smoothly, surprising the man and the others.
But you explained how you were uncomfortable with physical touch, and everyone respected your boundaries.
Despite the awkward start, everyone still welcomed you.
And as time passed, you slowly grew closer to everyone in the group.
But especially with the oldest Moriarty, seeing as your job usually involved assisting him.
Whether being his partner on missions or attending parties with the rich, you two are usually seen together.
It also doesn't help that you were mostly in charge of maintaining the manor in London when Louis and Master Jack were away.
Because of this, you also tend to stay with him in London while William and the others are back in Durham.
This leads to you and Albert sharing chores in London.
While Albert is a master when it comes to cleaning, you always make sure he's nowhere near the kitchen or at least have you there to supervise.
The first time you tried his cooking, you were out of commission for three days.
Because of how much time you spend together, you two started to get closer.
And this didn't go unnoticed by your housemates.
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"(Y/N), have you seen my-?"
"-It's in your coat pocket," 
"And the-?"
"-It's already in your suitcase,"
"And did you already inform-?"
"-Yes, Director Holmes is aware of your return to London tonight," you answered as you showed him the email you sent to the director.
Albert chuckled as he loosened his collar, "What would I do without you?"
You smirked at his remark as you fixed his loosened collar and necktie.
"Well, aren't you just a perfect match," Sebastian commented from the couch, watching you two blankly.
You froze at his words as you turned away, making sure your expression remained neutral. 
"It's almost freaky, to be honest..." he shuddered, making you chuckle.
"Don't you have a chimney to sweep, colonel?" Albert reminded, earning a glare from Sebastian as the doors burst open, Bonde running inside the room.
"You're really leaving already? We planned to go to that new restaurant this afternoon," Bonde asked as he walked in, seeing you and Albert grabbing your coats.
"Yes... The director suddenly called saying it was an urgent matter, so our plans will have to be rescheduled," you explained, much to Bonde's disappointment.
You smiled softly at him as you gave him a gentle hug.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we can go there some other time," you reassured as you pulled away, seeing a shocked expression from the three men.
"You hugged him..." Sebastian pointed out, making you raise a brow and smile.
"Yes, and what about it?" you teased, hugging Bonde again, surprising them for a second time.
"What the-?!"
"Awww, (N/N)!" Bonde smiled as he hugged you back tightly, cherishing the moment as you laughed.
"No way..." Sebastian breathed out a smile, "To think Bonde would be the first..." he smirked, looking over to Albert, who held a faux smile as he walked up to you and Bonde.
"(Y/N), I believe it is about time for us to leave?" he reminded, making you gasp.
"Right! I'll go call a cab," you hurriedly walked out of the manor, hoping you wouldn't miss the last train back to London.
Sebastian laughed wholeheartedly as the door behind you closed, hitting Albert's back while Bonde kept a hand over his mouth, hiding a proud smile from the oldest Moriarty.
"Didn't expect you to be the possessive type!" Sebastian snickered, making Albert lightly scoff and swatted Sebastian's hand.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Albert denied as he grabbed the bags.
"(Y/N) is a reliable comrade to all of us,"
"Then why don't you let them stay in Durham with us?"
"Because their skills are needed in London,"
"But what if William asks them to stay with us?"
"Then there's no helping it, I suppose,"
"Oh?" William's voice cut through, catching everyone's attention.
"Then you finally agree to have (Y/N) stay with us for this weekend?" he asked, but Albert stayed silent as he kept facing away from the group.
"You seemed quite adamant about having them join you back to London mere moments ago when we were discussing in my office," William added, making Albert sigh as Sebastian and Bonde grinned from ear to ear.
"My, my, Al. How unprofessional," Bonde teased as he tried to see Albert's face, now contorted in irritation as he kept his smile.
"It seems (Y/N)'s skills are needed here in Durham more than in London," Sebastian added, wrapping an arm around Albert's shoulders,
"Such a shame..."
William chuckled as he walked up to the group, giving Albert a piece of paper.
"Here are the details for your and (Y/N)'s next mission in London. It seems (Y/N) is more needed in London after all," William innocently smiled, making Albert sigh.
"...I will make sure to visit again next week with them,"
"Thank you, Nii-san. And do not worry about (Y/N)'s affections," William commented, perking Albert's ears.
"I'm certain they also consider you one of their closest companions. But you must be more proactive if you wish for them to see you as something more," he reassured the oldest Moriarty, catching everyone's attention.
"That is not-"
"-The cab's here!" you announced as you hurried back inside, seeing everyone gathering around Albert.
"...What? Do we have another meeting before leaving?" you questioned, making the others share a look as they left, saying their goodbyes as Albert walked up to you with your bags and coats.
"What were you discussing while I was gone?" you questioned as Albert gave you your coat and scarf.
"Just..." Albert replied, looking down at the paper William gave him,  "Have courage"  written on it, "... Just the details for our next mission," he smiled, pocketing the piece of paper as he helped you with your scarf, careful not to touch you.
"...I shall tell you later,"
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During the trip back to London, you noticed Albert has grown quiet, deep in his thoughts.
As you tried to ignore the man's change of behavior, he suddenly called your name and asked what you thought of everyone in the group.
Confused by the sudden question, you shrugged it off and answered honestly, seeing everyone as a trusted companion, possibly even family.
"Yes. Don't you see me as one?" you jokingly asked, making Albert smile widely.
"...No, I cannot say the same," he answered, shocking you. You quickly turned to him and saw him looking at you with straightforward eyes.
"You may have started as one of my most trusted companions, but I never saw you as family," he explained, straightening himself up as he grabbed the end of your scarf.
"But as a lover," he clarified, gingerly kissing the end of your scarf as he kept his eyes on you.
After his declaration of love, the trip back to London felt excruciatingly long.
Nonetheless, you admitted you felt the same you both agreed to take it slow.
Albert was a true gentleman in the whole relationship, making sure you were comfortable with everything.
He makes sure to spend time with you, whether it's just at home or out on a date, giving you gifts, and words of reassurance.
He would never make you feel you were lacking or guilty about taking the relationship slow.
He also never tried to touch you or force himself on you.
He might feel jealous whenever you and others hug, such as Bonde, Fred, or your close friends, but he won't force you to do the same to him.
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"You will be gone for three weeks?" you repeated in disbelief as Albert nodded dejectedly.
"Yes, which is why we discussed that you should stay in Durham with the others in the meantime,"
"I see... If that's the case, I need to see some things before I leave," you muttered, trying to plan your sudden leave as you looked around the manor.
Albert breathed out a laugh as he let out a dramatic sigh, catching your attention.
"How cold... And I thought you would miss me more," he teased, opening one eye at you with a playful smile.
You scoffed as you walked up to him, cradling his cheek.
"You will be coming back home to me after, are you not?" you questioned, making him smirk.
"Always," he reassured, taking your gloved hand and kissing your knuckles.
You smiled as you interlocked your fingers with his, clasping it.
"Then I have nothing to worry about,"
"(N/N)!" Bonde beamed as he ran up to you, giving you a hug as he squeezed you tightly.
You giggled as you hugged him back, returning the same affection.
"You should go on more overnight trips, Al," Bonde joked, making Albert roll his eyes with a smile as he put on his hat.
"Next time, I shall bring (Y/N) with me," Albert mused, kissing your gloved hand again.
"Take care, Albert-nii-san," Louis smiled as Albert waved goodbye to everyone.
"Take your time~,"
"Be careful...!" you warned, sighing at the memory of Albert returning home in a bloody uniform.
"Aww... Miss him already?" Bonde teased with a toothy grin, making you scoff and lightly push him off.
"Come on... I remember Louis saying we're doing some spring cleaning in the manor?" you reminded, making Bonde and Sebastian freeze. 
"Oi! Keep your mouth shut...!" Sebastian shouted in a whisper as he grabbed your head, making you grin.
"That's right..." Louis started, a dark glimmer shining from his glasses, "I hope you two are done with your portions?"
It's been two weeks since Albert's trip, and he has been calling you every night and leaving short, sweet texts throughout the day.
But, you couldn't help but feel uneasy.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Sebastian called out, snapping you out of it.
"William's calling everyone for a meeting," he reminded, raising a brow at you.
"What's wrong with you?" he questioned, making you shake your head.
"It's nothing," you faked a smile as you walked ahead, unsure if it was a topic you could bring up to the man.
As you walked ahead, Sebastian couldn't help but let out a sigh as he followed you along.
"Lovebirds... What a pain,"
"Well! This is new," Bonde smiled as he swirled his martini while Sebastian downed his third whiskey for the night.
"I didn't think you would be the type to offer free drinks, (N/N),"
"I'm not," you sighed, nursing your cup of water, "But I would like to talk to you both in private..." you muttered, looking around your booth for any familiar faces or peeking heads.
"Since you two seem the most... acquainted with this subject..." you added, fiddling your fingers as you stared down at your drink.
Sebastian raised a brow while Bonde furrowed his brows, looking at each other as if trying to figure out what you were alluding to.
"So... What is it?" Bonde asked, taking a sip of his drink while Sebastian tried to catch the attention of a nearby server.
You felt your face burn as you took a deep breath, gathering up all of the courage you had.
"How do you know when's the right time to be physical with your partner?" you asked in one quick breath with your eyes shut.
Sebastian froze while Bonde choked on his drink, making him cough.
"A-Are you all right, sir?" the server Sebastian called asked Bonde, who dismissed him.
"Y-Yes... I'm fine," Bonde coughed as you tried to give him your drink while Sebastian asked the server to just bring more whiskey.
"Thanks..." Bonde sighed, clearing his throat as he looked at you.
"(Y/N), by... physical, you mean...?" Sebastian asked in a hushed tone as he and Bonde leaned to you across the table.
You felt your face flush as you looked away, hiding behind your hands.
"L-Like kissing, and such..." you clarified, stunning the two men.
They both sighed as Sebastian leaned back in his seat with a hand over his eyes while Bonde had his face in his hands.
"That's what you meant..."
'It'll come naturally, huh...'  you thought, remembering your conversation with Bonde and Sebastian.
You sighed as you focused on your chores and hoped for the best, just as they advised.
As you fixed the dinner table, you heard the front doors open, making you gasp and look back.
"I'm back," Albert announced, wearily putting away his coat.
You instinctively ran out of the dining room and to the entrance.
As Albert caught sight of you, he immediately smiled as you kept running up to him.
"(Y/N), I found-" you wrapped your arms around him tightly, sighing as your body eased up at his warmth.
Albert, on the other hand, was stunned as you kept hugging him.
"(Y/N)...?" he called out as he hovered an arm around you.
You breathed out a smile as you looked up at him, squeezing him lightly,
"Welcome back," you greeted as you cupped his cheeks, kissing his lips.
Albert blinked in surprise before wrapping his arms around you, deepening the kiss.
When you pulled back, you felt Albert leaning to you before opening his eyes, and smiling at you.
"I missed you too,"
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the-magiarcheologist · 8 months
Hogwarts Legacy Timeline
I've gone deep into research to try to put together a timeline of events that happened before the start of the game.
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Ok, let's break it down! (I'll provide my sources for all of this)
And let's start with the most shocking: when anne gets cursed.
Almost everyone assumes (logically) that she got cursed sometime during the fourth year or the summer before the start of fifth year. But, in the book "The Art and Making Of Hogwarts Legacy" there is a short paragraph introducing Sebastian and here is what it says:
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If we take this info as legit (and I think it is since that book was written by the people developping the game) then Anne has been suffering from that curse for far longer than anyone thought!
That also means that Ranrok opened the first repository over a year before our MC starts at Hogwarts and discovers ancient magic.
Before we start the mission 'It's all Gobbledegook" with Amit, Lodgok tells the MC that Ranrok orginally unearthed Bragbor's journals that had been long lost. From these journals, he discovered that wizards had hidden for 'repositories' full of magic that Bragbor had built for them. He knew all of this was connected to five names: Rackham, Fitzgerald, Bakar, Morganach and Rookwood. Ranrok then sent Lodgok to begin the search at Rookwood castle.
Sebastian also confirms that Goblins first arrived at Rookwood castle. Before we visit his sister, he tells MC: "No one has felt safe here since Ranrok's Loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there - Rookwood castle."
Miriam was actually already at Rookwood castle, conducting her research on ancient magic, before the Goblins arrived. That is how Lodgok meets her. She had already found the container (with the portkey inside) and was studying it. (Lodgok tells us this after we complete the mission with Amit).
Other Goblins join Lodgok at Rookwood castle to search it. At this point, Rookwood must have joined hands with Ranrok and allowed the Goblins to tunnel under Rookwood castle to search for the repository. (We overhear Rookwood telling Ranrok: "I allowed you to tunnel under my family home!" when we first visit Rookwood castle to start the second trial from the Keepers).
The Goblins find the first repository and Ranrok is thrilled. That is when Lodgok tells him that he met Miriam and that he trusted her and allowed her to continue her research on the container independently. Lodgok does not really know what happens after that but we know that Ranrok eventually found her and killed her. So Miriam died sometime between Ranrok finding the first repository and the start of the fifth year.
The only other thing we know to try to piece together when Miriam died is that shortly before her death she first sent George Osric a letter warning him about Ranrok's activities (presumably she knew that he had accessed the first repository) and then "before [George] could respond" she also sent him the container. Since George himself says he had not had time to respond to her first letter before he received the container, that probably means only a few days went by between Miriam being worried about Ranrok's activities and when he found her and killed her. (We learn all of this from George Osric in the carriage going to Hogwarts.)
The other interesting thing is that George tells Prof. Fig that he had received Miriam's first letter (and the contained shortly after), "months ago". Rookwood sort of confirms this when he tells Ranrok that he spent "months and countless Ministry favours" locating the container (he says this when we overhear his conversation with Ranrok at Rookwood castle). So this means that Miriam died several months before september 1890.
This raises a lot of questions: Why did George Osric wait that long to tell Prof. Fig that he has received a mysterious container from his wife before her death? Also, why did Miriam send the container to George and not her husband? Were Prof. Fig and his wife estranged? Did Miriam not trust Prof. Fig? But that's the topic for another post I suppose...
Anyway, after Goblins started searching at Rookwood castle, they also started searching at other locations connected to the 5 names of the Keepers. (We know this, again, from Lodgok before we start the mission with Amit). That is when they arrived at Isidora's house. We don't know the exact timeline between them arriving at Isidora's home and the fire during which Anne got cursed. This could have happened before Ranrok found the first repository. But it happened after Ranrok and Rookwood started their alliance since Rookwood was at Isidora's house with the Goblins. So I think it happened after Ranrok had already found the first repository but we can't be sure.
Anyway that's all I've got! Have I forgotten something?
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ravensliterature · 2 years
A Life Ransomed
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A/N: Got a new request!
pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x Reader
warnings: Some curse words, description of violence and blood
w/c: 1733
Prompt: Sebastian’s mate has been kidnapped. He will do anything to bring her back. 
Sebastian hadn't seen you for a couple of hours which made him nervous. Sebastian Michaelis was one hell of a butler and this meant that not many things went under his radar.  You were one of them, especially as his mate. You were a maid for Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian was the one to recruit you after you left serving for the queen's guard. He thought that your skills as a soldier would be beneficial for protecting Ciel against his enemies and your training meant you knew how to take orders. You were probably the best employee of Ciel's besides Sebastian, which isn't saying a lot... 
For Sebastian, you were different than any other human. Your mind is so much more complex than he thought possible and it intrigued him to no end. He wanted to understand what thoughts go through your head at all times. Plus, you also had a deep affinity for cats which was a bonus.  And you are beautiful. He never saw an angel as pretty as you, with those locks, your soft skin, and those eyes which sparkle even when they're sad or annoyed. He adored you. You had come to care for him as well and eventually, he made you his mate. According to Sebastian, demons only have one mate for their entire life. Even if they don't fall in love with each other or their mate, they still stay with that person forever. You two were bound and luckily you did love each other.  You two would always do anything for each other. Sebastian would give you the world without hesitation. Ciel did eventually find out about you both.  At first, he didn’t know whether or not he should condone the relationship but Sebastian appeared to have more determination in his duties thanks to you. Ultimately,  Ciel decided to let the two of you keep being together even though he had concerns. 
It was becoming later in the day and you were nowhere to be seen. Sebastian's fears continued to grow and he was beginning to worry that something bad happened to you. He continued his duties but he made sure to look around for you each time he completed a task for the young master.  He walked to the gardens hoping you weren’t hiding from him. He stopped by every place that could be considered a meeting point between you two and there was simply no sight of you. His realization that you weren't at the Phantomhive manner made a pitfall in his stomach. 
He opted to ignore his fears contemplating the possibility that maybe Ciel sent you into town to retrieve something.  No...that couldn't be the case, because you'd be back by now.  The Phantomhive manor was vast with plenty of places where people might hide. Maybe someone kidnapped you? That thought sent chills down Sebastian’s spine. Ciel had many enemies, it was possible.  After thinking for several moments, he realized that there was no evidence of this either. 
One of Sebastian's last tasks for the day was retrieving the mail from the porch. Sebastian opened the long door to see several letters strung about.  He noticed that some were sealed tight with wax but most were addressed to the Ciel and some to other members of the household. Something out of the ordinary is that there is one addressed to him. Sebastian throughout his entire time at the manor had never received a piece of mail.  It must have been delivered earlier today while he was tending to Ciel.  Carefully, Sebastian opened the small envelope and began to read: 
Dear Mr. Michaellis, 
I apologize for contacting you on such short notice but please forgive me for interrupting your work today. I'm afraid my business is not very pleasant but we have a settle to score. My men have taken your partner and will take your life in exchange for hers.  I believe this is a reasonable bargain to prevent unnecessary bloodshed. Come alone or die trying to reach her.  I have hired the strongest men so your little fiasco that happened once won't happen again.
Azzurro Vanel
Sebastian crumpled up the letter in disgust as anger bubbled in his chest and his eyes flashed fuschia.  Azzurro and his men were going to take his mate? How dare they! He would make them pay! Without waiting another moment, he ran towards the kitchen grabbing a handful of knives.  He needed to hunt down these bastards and kill them.
"Hey! What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Someone called out to him. It was Ciel. 
Before Sebastian could say anything, Ciel pulled him aside and started lecturing him furiously. 
"What in heaven's name are you doing with my silverware?"  
Sebastian looked stern as he continued to grab various kitchen items. 
"I was just taking care of some business." Ciel gave him a disapproving glare and shook his head.
"Don't think that I haven't seen your worried expressions all day." Sebastian frowned at Ciel's comment and sighed. "Y/N has been taken by Azzurro Vanel. I plan to return her home." 
Ciel nodded. "Well I can't fault you for wanting to bring home your lover but please be home before 10 PM."
Sebastian nodded before picking up a knife. 
Sebastian ran through the entrance of the run-down building on the edge of London, throwing a knife at the head of a hired mercenary.  Sebastian felt exhilarated as he watched the man fall to the ground with blood dripping off his temple. There was a slight pause as the mercenaries recovered from the attack but Sebastian took no time killing them as well.  He wasn't about to waste a second. As Sebastian reached the staircase leading towards what appeared to be the office, likely where Azzurro was holding you.  With all the energy he possessed, Sebastian kicked open the door.  Inside, Sebastian found Azzurro sitting behind his desk while two large men held guns at his head. 
You were tied up like cattle to a chair across from Azzurro. His face was emotionless except for his piercing gaze. A few candles illuminated the room allowing Sebastian enough light to see the way your face contorted in pure fear.
"I told you to come in peace," Azzurro said calmly. "So let's begin the fun." 
Azzuro stood from behind the desk and made his way toward your side.  Sebastian glared daggers at him until Azzurro grabbed you roughly by your arm.  Sebastian moved a step forward until a gun was placed to your head.  You whimpered in fear and squeezed your eyes shut. Sebastian froze. He hated seeing you this vulnerable, scared even, especially since he himself was feeling extremely upset.
"Don't try anything," Azzurro threatened.  Sebastian narrowed his eyes at him before glancing over at your scared expression. A shiver traveled down his spine as his heart broke for you. You were so fragile. His mate. 
Sebastian took one more step forward and a gunshot was heard. The smoke left Azzurro's gun but you were not harmed.  In fact, you looked like nothing had happened at all. Sebastian smirked slightly as he turned out to be now behind Azzurro, holding the bullet out to him. 
"I want you to know why you are dying Azzurro," Sebastian spoke quietly. "You tried to harm the woman whom I care deeply for and she didn't need or deserve it, therefore, I'll make sure you get the same fate as your men."
Sebastion removed your mouth gag and gave you a sad smile.  "Don't cry (y/n). Everything will be alright. This bastard will suffer. I promise... " You tried to respond but Sebastian interrupted. "I need you to close your eyes." You smiled back.  Tears began to roll down your cheeks as you closed your eyes. Sebastian took the bullet in his hand before pressing the barrel against Azzurro's forehead.
You heard screams, gunshots, and bodies falling to the ground.  Your ears began ringing loudly as your mind struggled to understand what was happening.  "You can open your eyes, my love,"  Sebastian said softly. Your vision focused and there he was standing right in front of you. Sebastian was alive but Azzurro was dead, bleeding profusely.  "We won't let anyone hurt you ever again," Sebastian stated. He moved behind you and uncuffed your wrists. 
You immediately wrapped your arms around Sebastian, sobbing hysterically. He rubbed circles into your back as he hugged you close to his chest and rested his chin atop your head, whispering sweet nothings into your ear to calm you down. Eventually, your breathing started to regulate and you began calming down a bit. You loosened your grip and Sebastian finally removed your head from his chin. You turned around and looked at the carnage that was in the room. Blood was everywhere. Even you were covered in it. Sebastian lifted your chin up and wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Are you ok?"  He asked.
You nodded slowly and sniffled as tears flowed down your face once more. "Thank you... thank you." You whispered. "For everything." Sebastian chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. 
"Of course, my love."
Sebastian and you sat together on the bed in the guestroom as the sun slowly disappeared. You were still shaken by what happened. The only thing keeping you sane was Sebastian's presence next to you. Sebastian was rubbing your arm soothingly.   He had insisted upon getting the both of you cleaned up after your encounter with Azzurro which he refused to leave your side for even a moment.  Your clothes and hair were stained red from blood, sweat, and dirt. Sebastian had also cleaned your cuts from their rough handling as best as he could with alcohol.  
"How did you find me?" You asked.
"I followed your scent. I knew you were here somewhere." Sebastian replied. "I was... scared."  You nodded your head and kissed his cheek tenderly.
"It's fine. We're safe now," you reassured him. Sebastian leaned into you as he gently touched his lips against yours. You melted into his embrace as your body relaxed.
 He moved the both of you to lie down so you were resting comfortably against one another. Your eyes grew heavy as exhaustion overcame your system. Before you fell asleep completely, Sebastian slipped his arms under your head causing you to nestle deeper into him.
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tikosblogg · 3 months
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summary: love triangle? you grew up with folio, you are best friends. Both in very successful bands. folio tries to ignore his hidden feelings for you, especially when the one and only Noah Sebastian steals your heart.
Warnings: nothing really, some angst?
A/N: So this is definitely going to be a mini series, probably 5 parts. Reader is NOT poppy. It’s whoever you want it to be, but reader is the one featuring on van and everything.I really want it to have a happy ending, but they are going to go through a lot to get there! Also big thank you to @pedropascalsblog for help with this!❤️
I got an exciting call from my best friend Nick Folio this morning. He said that the lead singer of his band was interested in doing a collaboration with me on their current album! I'm a huge fan of bad omens of course, I’ve just never met any of them. Me and Nick have known each other for as long as I can remember.
Our parents were best friends growing up, so naturally we were too. I finished packing up all my things, waiting for the car folio sent to pick me up. He said that Noah wanted to show me the song we were collaborating on. I just recently got back from my own U.S tour. I’m also a singer/songwriter and have my own band. “Corrupt”
We finally got noticed, about a year and half ago. According to folio, Noah has been a fan since the beginning. As soon as they finished the song, I was the first-person Noah asked about featuring on it. Not gonna lie, that boosts my ego a lot. My phone buzzing pulled me out of my thoughts, Nick letting me know the car is here.
I texted back, letting him know I’d be there soon. I’m so excited about all of this. It’s a dream come true. Nick and I had a long conversation this morning. I’m gonna meet them at the studio, and they are gonna show me the song. Then I’ll record it, and then In a few days, they want to shoot a video for it.
After that, corrupt will be joining bad omens on tour, where we will perform the song together. After about a 15 minute ride, the car came to a stop outside of a brick building. I pulled my phone out clicking on Nick and I’s messages.
“Hey I’m here, can you meet me at the door?”
You’d think with me being the lead vocalist in a band, I wouldn't have such bad anxiety…but it’s quite the opposite. After Nick agreed to meet me, I put my phone in my pocket, walking towards the door. “Hey Dollface, glad you could make it!” Nick smiles pulling me into a bear hug.
“Me too! I’m so excited! Are the guys here. already?” I smiled looking around the hallway. “Yea, come on I’ll introduce you to everyone.” He pointed me towards the door, opening it. “Hey guys, Lungs is here!” Folio smiles, opening the door wide enough to let me enter behind him. “Lungs?” I ask, slightly cringing at the name. “Yea it’s what we call you, because of your vocals” Folio smiled.
“So this is jolly, he’s our guitarist” folio points to a slightly older male with long hair and facial hair. “Hi” I offered a small smile and a wave. “This is our other nick, or as we call him Ruffilo, he’s our bassist.” He points to another long-haired guy, but in a bun, slightly younger looking, with a couple of neck tattoos, sitting beside jolly plucking his strings.
I offered another smile and wave to him. “Last but not least, our lead vocalist, Noah.” I scan the room, my eyes falling on him sitting on the opposite couch. His light brown hair was short, and messy but still looked so good. He wore a pair of black joggers, with a matching hoodie.
Before I could greet him, he was on his feet walking towards me. He stuck his hand out, with a small smile. “Hey, its really nice to meet you y/n. Can’t wait to hear you bring this song to life.” I could feel my cheeks flush, as I took his hand in mine. “Thank you so much noah, that means so much coming from you. I can’t wait to hear it.” He nodded his, opening his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of folios drums.
“Let's go!” we laughed, as we took a seat. Noah playing the song and showing me the lyrics. After I memorized the first few verses, Noah showed me what tone, and pitch the song is in. Every Time he sang a verse, showing me how he wanted it to sound, butterflies erupted in my stomach. I mentally scolded myself every time.
Damn it y/n be professional! “Think you could do that for me?” Noah looked away from the computer screen, to me. My face flushing bright pink. “I'm so sorry, what?” I let out an embarrassed laugh, training my eyes on anything but him. “I asked if we could get you in the recording booth now? I mean if you're ready?” I smiled, standing from my seat.
“Of course, lead the way.” I gestured my hand out in front of me. I followed him into the small space. He adjusted the microphone, lowering it to my height. I thanked him, feeling my cheeks heating up again. Damn it y/n get it together! Noah grabbed the headphones, placing them on my head adjusting them to fit.
He kept his hands on the muffs of the ear phones, tipping my head up towards him. “Does everything sound right?” he lowered his hands, and I turned towards the mic, speaking a few random words into it. I gave Noah a thumbs up, and he left the booth, going to the other side of the glass.
I looked over at Nick, my smile faltering when I saw the almost sad look on his face. When he noticed me looking, he quickly smiled giving me two thumbs up. I gave a small smile back, nodding towards Noah that I was ready. I'll have to talk to Nick later. As soon as Noah got the go ahead, he started the track and I sang the lyrics. “Violence against nature….”
After a few takes, we finally finished and I exited the booth. Noah walked over to me with the biggest smile. “Holy fuck y/n that was amazing, and your screams were perfect, everything was perfect.” I thanked him, so excited that he loved it. I felt my face flush from the compliments.
“C’mon y/n, we need to get you settled at your place for the night.” I looked over at Nick nodding in agreement, bidding goodbye to the rest of the guys. Nick grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room. Before we walked out, I shared one more smile with noah. I had rented an air bnb, so I could be close to the site where we are filming the music video for V.A.N. The song was absolutely amazing. I am honored that Noah chose me for it.
Nick and I hung out for a while, after we unpacked all of my things. “I missed you a lot y/n.'' We sat on the couch, filling each other in on everything we have missed in each other's lives for the past 6 months. I smiled, patting his arm. “I missed you too. You’re my only best friend, gets lonely sometimes.” there he goes with that sad look again.
What is going on with him? “What's wrong nick?” he shook his head, standing up. “Nothing, I'm just tired. Long day.” He smiled down at me, bending over to place a kiss to the top of my head. “Get some sleep y/n, me and the guys will ride over tomorrow. We can hang out and talk about the video shoot coming up.” I nodded my head with a small smile, waving goodbye as he left.
I took a quick shower, hopping into bed. Today was great, but long. 10 minutes later I passed out. I woke up the next morning to loud voices in my living room. I jumped up out of bed, nearly falling on my face. I swung open the bedroom door, quickly making my way down the hall.
The guys were spread out across the living room, jolly placing some paper bags on the kitchen island. I just stood there, my brain still foggy with sleep and heart pounding out of my chest. They finally noticed my presence, all sending me smiles. “Morning sunshine! We brought you breakfast.” Nick smiled, walking over to me.
I huffed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Nick, I want the extra key back.” I grumbled, walking further into the living room. They all chuckled at my grumpiness, as I slumped onto the couch. “Oh come on y/n, perk up!” Nick laughed, handing me my favorite breakfast order from McDonald’s. I instantly straightened up, a grateful smile graced my lips. “Okay you’re all forgiven.”
I dug into my food along with everyone else. Noah took a seat on one side of me, and Nick on the other. After we finished eating, everyone started talking about the shoot tomorrow. “So I have some ideas, I wanted to run by you. Since you are the star of the video.” Noah turned towards me, with an excited smile. I nodded my head, turning towards him as well. “Shoot!” We talked for a good 30 minutes, swapping ideas.
“So that’s why I mentioned being in a glass case. I think it would look really bad ass.” Noah nodded, with a huge smile. “Absolutely, I agree.” We exchanged a high five. “You know we are still here?” Ruffilo chimes in, with a laugh. Oh shit. Me and Noah got a little carried away. I turned towards Ruffilo “I know.” I smile turning back towards Noah with an oh shit look on my face causing him to burst into laughter.
“You guys got any ideas?” Noah asked the three men sitting around the living room. “Nope, Sounds like you and y/n thought of everything.” Folio snaps, throwing his trash on the table heading out of the door. “What’s his deal, he’s been like that since yesterday?” Jolly says, throwing his arms up. “I’ll go talk to him.” Noah stands, following Nick outside. Ruffilo, Jolly, and I sat inside while Nick and Noah talked outside for what seemed like forever. When they finally came in the tension was thick, but was never addressed.
“We should get going.” Noah announces to the guys. Nick and Jolly stood up from the couch and we all said our goodbyes. “We will pick you up in the morning y/n.” Folio says before walking out. Noah was the last one to walk out. “Is everything okay?” I asked pulling him back from the door. “Yea, don’t worry. See you tomorrow?” Noah smiles reassuring me. I nod and wave him off as he walks towards their vehicle. I watched him drive away, wracking my brain for what the hell could be going on with Nick. I let out a sigh, closing the door, headed straight to my room. We’ve got a big day tomorrow, I need the rest.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
I was wondering if anyone else had this same fear as mine? I’m not sure it’s really a fear but I think there are going to be sex scenes in Sam’s upcoming project and who knows maybe Cait as well.
Is it crazy to feel uneasy, fearful, nervous or any of those emotions about watching Sam or Cait do sex scenes with people other than each other? I know it’s their job if the script has these scenes but maybe I’m worried that what I see on screen with them in their sex scenes with each other and how special it is isn’t as special as I think?
It’s probably an irrational fear and no it’s not the only reason or even the reason why I am a shipper. Their chemistry on screen sent me down the rabbit hole and it was really what has happened off screen that made me a shipper.
Sorry I think I rambled quite a bit there but you seem to welcoming and friendly and most importantly rationale.
Dear Uneasy Anon,
Let the woman in the audience who was NOT even mildly - how can I put it elegantly - ehrm.. unsettled by The Reckoning cast the first stone at your question and my answer.
I thought so.
I remember my stupefaction on a balmy late August night (not unlike this one) when I watched these scenes for the very first time. Shouted like a crazy woman at 4 AM something along the lines of OH, DEAR ME, WHAT THE HELL (literally: what the mother of all devils, told you that being a native speaker of obscure idioms is infinite fun)? And then immediately hit rewind, questioning my sanity and grateful I was under the radar.
I had never seen anything like this on a screen, let alone in what I thought to be a whachamacallit divertimento (Sam, who? Caitríona, who?). And chemistry is a paltry, almost sorry term to describe sexual attraction, in their case: these two were not blocking anything, and I do not mean it in a lewd way, but in an emotional one. A much more serious affair than a, heh, hydraulic incident while having to put up with carpet burns.
What we saw there were two people very much attracted to each other and yes, clearly in the early stages of falling deep and hard in love with each other. And I do not mean Jamie and Claire, here, for I have never made the confusion. Let's not be hypocrites: what consistently happened on and off-screen, in the Season 1- Season 3 interval, despite all the hurdles and the shitshow, is a real story on the constant brink of taking over the performance side of things. So much so, that at some point I almost completely blocked the characters and had to re-watch, for the sake of keeping up with that neglected storyline: it was embarrassing, but in a good way.
That was not acting, dear Uneasy Anon, and bless his heart, he repeatedly spilled the tea about it. Knowing that and having experienced that Mach3 impact yourself, I doubt you would feel uneasy by S/C shooting formulaic sex scenes with other people. An example: When the Starlight Ends. I howled in my popcorn. That is to say that particular movie was a doomed project. That is also to say: you'll know how 'not special at all' that is, when you watch it.
So, in a nutshell, I can only offer you this answer, along with the hope that it makes sense or helps you somewhat: you may feel uneasy because you know how rare and fragile that is and also because you are probably afraid of breaking that spell. But you immediately tell me that it is their off-screen shenanigans that made you a part of our rank and file: what you call fear is nothing else but maybe a bit of projection and certainly a deep fascination. You are desperately normal, dear Anon. Last but not least, remember FDR: the only thing to fear is Fear itself. Go ahead. Watch those with an honest eye. I guarantee there will be absolutely nothing to write home about.
This, however (emphatically NOT The Reckoning). This always punches me in the damn gut. This is better than Mantegna's Saint Sebastian. Objectification, schmobjectification:
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abybweisse · 8 months
Hey Aby ! I have a question (actually, two) for you regarding bizzare dolls that came into my mind just recently, maybe you’ve answered this question before so i apologize in advance.
Firstly, why do you think the Star Lords exist in the first place ? Like, sure, they “take care” of the blood collecting centers, but what else ? Do you think they have any purpose other than this ? Are they part of something greater ? Because as of now it seems to me they’re actually a waste of energies for Undertaker (like, you know, having to harvest blood for all of them, making sure they’re healthy and don’t lose control…)
Second and last question, why the different blood types ? I’ll explain this better, if Undertaker’s main goal is to keep R!Ciel ‘alive’ why not collecting just Sirius blood and calling it a day ?
I take this opportunity to thank you for being the literal pillar and backbone of our fandom 🫶🏻 who knows what we would be without you ! Lots of love !
⚠️ long post ⚠️
Ok, so I've sort of answered these questions before, but I'll try to be more specific and in depth about it here.
Why the Star Lords to begin with?
There are several parts to this answer, and I'll go into some more details about each one:
The star lords exist because Undertaker wants to bring back real Ciel
Even this part of the answer requires looking at a few different aspects. Real Ciel is one of the star lords, so wanting to bring him back automatically explains why he's one of them. Bringing in other individuals can serve some purposes. Such as:
So real Ciel isn't the only one; he's not alone. It gives him the added bonus of having (loyal) allies to go up against our earl and his allies (particularly Baldo, Mey-Rin, and Finny). These star lords can fight very well (though that might not be the case for real Ciel, since he's apparently only getting AB blood transfusions. More on that later. And he might naturally not be as physically inclined or well-trained). We pretty much have to assume, by now, that Polaris is the one who kills Agni. Real Ciel shooting at Soma (who mistook the shooter for our earl) and Polaris (mistaken for Sebastian, probably) killing Agni turned Soma into an enemy. Much of the star lords' existence seems to be about getting rid of our earl's support system.
The others might end up serving real Ciel in some other way, too, such as collecting blood supplies from the other facilities; we know Vega (Layla/Al) and Polaris are sent off by Undertaker to do that. At some point, real Ciel wants one of them to act as his butler, and later Polaris seems to be filling that role, even though he was away and unable to serve as one earlier. Either way, Polaris identifies as a butler "even in death".
So there's a representative for each major blood type (more on that in part two). That's about religion (or occultism), symbolism, and balance. It's also about scientific research.
The star lords exist because Undertaker wants to make a point to our earl about the choices he makes (which I find very ironic).
Choosing Doll (to represent Canopus) might have something to do with wanting to make our earl feel guilty for her death... if he ever sees her or finds out about her return. We won't know what/how he finds out until we get back to him and he's receiving reports. We aren't quite sure yet who Polaris is, but I suspect he's a former Phantomhive butler, and that could make our earl feel bad about his death, too, even though there was no way for him to prevent it. (Mostly, someone like a former Phantomhive butler for Polaris would be for the fierce loyalty that could be achieved with his "episodes".)
The star lords exist because Yana-san needs to provide more adversity.
Undertaker might also see Doll as someone who could take Snake away from our earl, because of their history. And even if Undertaker doesn't have that in mind, Yana-san sure does; it makes sense from a writer's perspective to have each of our earl's helpers deal with something that exposes their emotions and/or weaknesses. With Doll, Snake feels a sense of belonging, while Finny feels guilt. Layla/Al is good to go up against Lau and Baldo because they likely wouldn't suspect a little girl (by all appearances) to be much of a threat. Polaris is so strong, fast, and flexible that Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao have no idea how lucky they are that they were gone by the time Polaris found out what had happened. Agni and Soma weren't as lucky, dealing with Polaris and real Ciel. 😢
The star lords exist because backers of Aurora Society begged and/or paid to have dead loved ones revived.
At least that's what I think in the case of Layla/Al. I suspect she might be Baron Heathfield's dead daughter. Undertaker agreeing to help restore Heathfield's family might be why Heathfield got involved with Undertaker and the Aurora Society. Not just to find the right "soul shape" for his wife... but also to somehow revive his daughter.
The star lords exist because Undertaker is still curious about humanity (life, death, souls, etc.).
He's continuing to experiment. Even though the main purpose seems to be to revive real Ciel, the effects are much wider in scope. They really are one big series of experiments. Some elements of what he's been working on (possibly with a helper, like Druitt, on the medical aspects):
Manipulating cinematic records. He started out -- probably long before real Ciel was killed -- just adding little snippets of himself to their records, much like the BDs on the ship. He says that when he started working on real Ciel his revival techniques weren't up to snuff (not nonexistent, just not strong enough), so he needed to make quick progress. The others on the ship weren't for that purpose, so they don't really count here. The murders at Weston gave him an opportunity to improve upon record manipulation. And so do the other lords of the stars. This gives him more time to cherry pick which "episodes" to use for each one.
Blood typing and transfusion technology. It is way more advanced (than it should be at this time) because of his work... or the work of whoever is helping him in the lab. It's already led to the development of dialysis machines, too, which brings in another money-making opportunity. The star lords might not have functioning hearts, bone marrow, livers, or kidneys, so the blood transfusions are an ongoing need.
Organ transplants. Experimentation continues with organ transplants, since the orphanage staff mentions something about how hard it is to match the kids up with the star lords based on aptitude. With organ transplants, matching blood type isn't always enough. The personality test doesn't guarantee any more precision, of course, either, but that's not exactly the purpose of that test. Also, transplanted organs don't last forever, even in living humans, so they probably last even less time in a BD. As a star lord wears out their transfused blood, they probably also wear out transplanted organs and other tissues.
Soul transplants. We don't have absolute proof just yet, but I do think Undertaker is also experimenting with transplanting souls into the star lords. On the ship, he says BDs can't do anything with the souls of the people they attack. And he says he can't make souls. However, he hasn't said he can't manipulate souls that already exist; definitely, he has soul manipulation abilities that the BDs lack, and I think he's testing the limits of his own abilities. He's also got Heathfield thinking that he needs to find a woman with a soul the same "shape" as his dead wife's. As I said before, I think Undertaker might be using Heathfield's dead wife as a test subject for soul transplants. I do think he wants to transplant a similar or same-shaped soul into each of the star lords. Either Layla has Al due to one of these experiments... or Undertaker chose Layla to be one of the star lords partly because she already has Al, and Undertaker wants to study this dual personality. His reasoning might go that if he could just transplant the right soul into a star lord, then that star lord would be truly revived... would be able to pump and clean the blood that's been transfused... would be able to make more blood for themselves... would be able to make better use of the organs they've received.
The star lords exist because Undertaker needs a gimmick to lure in people to give blood (whether or not they know that blood is being taken) and for patrons to donate money.
And that's where the different blood types become even more important.
Why the different blood types?
I suppose Undertaker could focus all the efforts on just getting AB "Sirius" blood for real Ciel. But there are benefits to collecting all four types in the ABO blood grouping system (ignoring Rh factor).
AB is rare, and it would still require blood typing a large number of people to figure out who has AB. Hence why they opened Sphere Music Hall and made it a mixing space for all walks of life, placed ads for maids of all backgrounds for Heathfield, offered state of the art medical services for veterans at Athena Sanatorium. and provided a shelter and rare education opportunity for orphans at F. O. L. And people would feel unwelcome if most of them (or any of them, really) were turned away. Making the facilities as inclusive as possible (particularly the music hall and Heathfield's manor) increases the likelihood of getting enough AB blood for real Ciel.
And since Undertaker (and whoever) now also has all this blood for A, B, and O, he should do something with it. By then, probably anticipating the fact that he'd have blood supplies for different recipients, he'd have selected the other three star lords to match the remaining blood types. Each star lord just sort of falls into place, most likely. Real Ciel has AB. "Polaris" is A, so that works. This girl Layla is unusual, plus she's got type O; great, let's bring her on board. And Doll happens to be B; perfect, now all four types are covered.
In the case of Sphere Music Hall, there's also a major occult aspect to it, and having these four portray worshipped individuals works out well to lure people in and gives each visitor a purpose. Even the lesser "stars" that make up the multitudes are useful. Truth is, most of them didn't even know about the star lords; they were too caught up in adoration for the idol singers. Built-in idolatry. Layer upon layer to shroud the star lords in mystery.
For a while, there was so much extra A and O blood that they could also distribute it to renal failure patients who donated money to Aurora Society. Like those old guys in Bath.
There's also the fact that a major truth about the ABO blood grouping system has been, so far, either ignored or misunderstood within the story. When it comes to whole blood transfusions, AB is the universal recipient, so real Ciel doesn't have to "starve" from the scarcity of his blood type. All this time, he could have accepted any of them. It actually all could have been collected for him... from anyone (again, ignoring rh factor). All this trouble to collect AB blood for him could have been avoided, but either the researchers don't yet know this fact, or they know but still aren't making use of it. There is also the possibility that even real Ciel now knows this, but he's refusing anything but AB due to elitist bias. Keep in mind that they have created their own caste system within this "blue cult", despite saying how everyone is welcome and to be treated equally. There's obviously a premium put on Sirius and Canopus. And there've been a few times where individuals talked down to anyone who wasn't amongst the cult's elite and described the vast majority of participants as lesser or "dim" stars.
I'm still waiting for someone (maybe Sieglinde?) to point this out to Undertaker (and whoever is doing the bulk of the blood work). So, part of the reason to have a star lord for each blood type might be to lead up to the revelation that they went through a bunch of completely unnecessary lengths... and to maybe show them that -- for all the knowledge they had -- they still knew so little.
Well, I hope this sufficiently answers your questions. 😂 I feel like I'm forgetting something, but after typing this much, I can't think too clearly about what that might be. 😮‍💨 😅
And thank you so much!! 😊
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almost-peterparker · 11 days
Chapter 5
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    Word Count: 2389 //TW// abuse, strong language, violence, gore, etc. Also, the plot is going to be based on the manga!
A/N : I just want to point out that I love Grell, whom of which is in this chapter I WILL be referring to Grell with male pronouns strictly because the characters in the anime do the same. I apologize if this offends, I am simply trying to stick as close to the anime/manga as I can. 
    You were in a carriage on the way to Ciel's townhouse in London after receiving a letter. Ciel had wanted you to accompany him on this case due to the nature of it. You told him you would only go if Mara could come along. You refused to be in another situation where you had no idea what the fuck was going on because you were too careless to pay attention to the anime. But, in your defense, this would never happen to any other people, so you thought your neglect was fine.
        You forgot that Mara and Ciel hadn't exactly had a lot of one-on-one time. Now, the entire ride all you've heard is her questioning the young Earl about anything and everything, probably driving him mad. He wasn't showing it much, though.  After a few more minutes, the carriage came to a halt. You faintly heard Ciel mutter, "Finally," under his breath. After Sebastian opened the door, he said, "Young Master, it's been a while since you last went out, hasn't it?" After speaking, Sebastian assisted Ciel out of the carriage, Ciel began to complain. "I couldn't care less who sent that letter, I hate being in crowded places."
        "You're telling me." You mutter, hopping out of the carriage before Sebastian could even offer you his hand. "Crowded places are not it man." You watch as Mara pops her head from the carriage. As she sees the townhouse, she squeals quietly.  She takes Sebastians hand and is immediately by your side, "It looks so much better than I thought it would!" She whisper-yells. You roll your eyes lightly, "Mara you've even said that about the bathroom since we arrived." You shake your head slightly.
        Ciel had already begun to walk inside with Sebastian, not wanting to wait for the two of you. Unfortunately for her, your cell phone had died a long while ago, otherwise, you knew she'd be attempting to take pictures. The two of you began to follow the Earl. Mara had informed you before your trip to London that Grell would be here. You couldn't remember many of the characters from the show other than the main few. You knew he was a reaper though so you had already decided that you would keep your distance from him for a bit. Mara had also been stressed slightly because she knew the 'Jack the Ripper' case was quickly approaching.
          Thankfully Ciel hadn't questioned the two of you on your knowledge of this universe, only what you knew of him and his butler. As you walk inside you hear Sebastian make a comment to his master about how much more peaceful it would be without the other servants. You then see that he's spoken too soon because the place is ruined. Madam Reed and Lau had torn apart the townhouse looking for tea leaves. "Madam red?! Lau?! Why are you here?" Ciel exclaimed as you sighed. Mara nudges you, telling you to be polite. Ciel then tells Sebastian to go prepare tea.
        "Since my cute little nephew is in London, how could I not come visit while you were here?" Madam Red responds, she then glances back to see the two of you, "Oh? Ciel you never told me you hired new staff!" She says with a smile before approaching the two of you.  "Hello, I'm Madam Red!"
        Ciel sighs, "Yes, meet my...bodyguard, (Y/n), and my assistant chef, Mara."
        You were horrid at introductions, so you awkwardly greeted her, responding with your name. Mara, however, greeted the woman as enthusiastically as she could. Madam Red turned to Ciel, "I like this one!" she says with a grin. The trio then walks into the other room, leaving you Mara, and, oh lovely, Grell. Mara approaches him and begins to make small talk; he stutters out some responses.  You stand awkwardly, unsure of what to do. You jump at Sebastian's voice, "(Y/n), would you like to help me serve the master and his guests?" he offers as he proceeds to walk past you with a tea cart. You shrug, "Why not, better than making small talk here I guess." You follow him into the other room, the nobles are seated and speaking to one another. You let Sebastian do the speaking since, well, he's clearly more well-versed than you are. After a moment you see Grell and Mara following suit, Grell taking his place behind Madam Red and Mara behind Ciel.
        Sebastian proceeds to tell them what kind of tea is being served then he motions for you to serve it. You managed to successfully pour the tea without causing any casualties. Afterward, Madam Red made a comment on Sebastian's tea-making. "Grell, you should follow his example." She says whilst side-eyeing the man. You couldn't quite remember if Grell was a reaper or not, you'd have to ask Mara later, you couldn't do it here because of the supernatural creatures in the room which had amazing ears. You decide to shuffle over next to Mara so you can be out of everyone's way.
        You lean over to whisper to her, "Hey this is the Jack the Ripper shit, right?"
        Mara nods before whispering back, "Did they ever find out who it was, ya know, in our dimension?"
        You shrug, "I think it was some barber guy named Aaron Kosminski. I can't remember when they announced that, though."
        "Anyways," Madam Red starts before literally caressing Sebastian's ass, "Every time I see you, you're still so handsome! Why don't you simply quit working here and come serve me!" This causes you to almost lose composure and burst out laughing. You mask it with a cough, looking up to make eye contact with the butler who looks less than amused though, he plays it off politely and steps away from her and standing to your right.
        "I've heard about the case of prostitutes being murdered on the streets lately." Ciel starts. "This isn't an ordinary case; the deaths are very abnormal. That's why the queen is concerned." Ciel says before reaching down to take a bite of the cake Sebastian had served along with the tea.
        Sebastian took over speaking, "The murdered prostitute was named Mary Ann Nichols. The wounds looked as if they were done using a sharp tool allowing for a painful death." Ciel looks up from his cake before saying, "The police and other prostitutes call the murderer 'Jack the Ripper'."
        "There it is," you mumble. You tune out the rest of their conversation as you again speak to Mara. "Hey, does this mean we're about to meet that one funny funeral guy?" You ask, causing Mara to beam. She nods enthusiastically, "Yep!" 
        "I actually really like that guy, what was his name again?" You ask, wishing you'd paid attention the many times Mara had played the anime around you. You saw Sebastian's brow twitch out of the corner of your eye causing you to turn to him. "What?" "His name is the Undertaker; please do not tell me you are fond of him as you say." He says with an almost judgmental look on his face. This causes you to shrug, "The guy is goofy, I just think he's funny." You pause and grin, "What? Are you jealous or something?" You snicker causing the butler to roll his eyes. "I assure you that I am nowhere near jealous of that man." He shakes his head slightly as he speaks. That was when Ciel ordered Sebastian to go get the carriage. Ciel, Mara and you piled in, followed by Madam Red, Lau, and Sebastian, leaving Grell to drive. You were wedged between Mara and Sebastian throughout the ride. Mara was talking to you excitedly as your group made its way to The Undertakers shop.
        Once arriving you exit the carriage as Madam Red immediately speaks, "Why are you familiar with this kind of place?!" Sebastian takes it upon himself to respond, "Because the person the Young Master knows works as an undertaker." You realized that you'd missed the part of the conversation where Ciel was speaking about someone who could help.
        Sebastian holds open the door allowing for you all to file in. "Are you there, Undertaker?" Ciel asks into the dimly lit room. This causes laughter to immediately follow. You glance over to see Mara buzzing with excitement.
        "I knew that you'd come, welcome Earl." You hear you glance to your left as you see a coffin open, revealing none other than the silver-haired man. "Do you want to see how it feels to sleep in one of my custom-made coffins?"|He pauses before glancing over towards Mara and yourself, "How about either of you?" Ciel rolls his eyes, at least you think that's what happened. "I'm not here to play Undertaker." This causes the Undertaker to chuckle, "I know why you came. Since the earl went out of his way to visit me, I'll certainly do everything I can to help." He speaks, the smile never leaving his face. "Please, take a seat first, I'll make tea," he says as he shuffles out of the room.
        Mara is bouncing next to you, "I can't believe we just saw him in person, (Y/n)!" She says as she grabs your arm. "Yeah, he's a tad creepy, but you know what, I'll take this over some of the actual creeps I've met in my life." You say shrugging. Ciel sits on a coffin silently and waits for the Undertaker's return. He glances over to the two of you and you can see slight judgment over Mara's excitement. Undertaker returns, "Now then, you wanted to know about Jack the Ripper? Everyone has been scared because of this disturbance but this isn't the first time I've handled this kind of thing."
        You furrow your brows, "This isn't the first time? Were the last victims prostitutes as well?" Undertaker nods while eating one of his biscuits, "In fact, the way they were killed was similar too." He pauses, "The murdered prostitutes did have something in common."
        "What is it? " Ciel questions with furrowed brows. "What is it indeed." The Undertake responds with his usual grin. This causes Lau to hum to himself off to the side, "I see, that's how it is. You're very good at doing business Undertaker, how much money do you want for this information?" Almost immediately, Undertaker is in Lau's face, "Money? I don't want any of the Queen's money!" He then turns to Ciel, "Now then Earl," he approaches him, "I only require one thing. Show me a first-rate laugh! I'll tell you anything if I get it." Lau cleared his throat, "Let me handle this." You already knew the next two jokes would be horrible. That being said, while the other two were trying to make the undertaker laugh, you nudged Ciel. He looks up at you, "If you think you can succeed, be my guest." He responds, obviously not caring.
        You walk up to the undertaker and motion for him to lean down, you whisper into his ear. You back away and not even two seconds later the man is cackling. You turn around and make eye contact with Sebastian who has a questioning look on his face. You shrug and return to your place next to Mara. "Dude, what did you say to him?" She asks. You side-eye her, "I literally just told him a dick joke. Men always find those to be funny." You hear Sebastian scoff beside you causing you to glance over. "What, you're different?" You ask him. "Of course I'm different, jokes of that sort are for the dull-minded." He responds. You laugh, "I guess everyone in our period is dull-minded then, well at least you have something to look forward to." This causes the demon to shake his head. Before he can speak, the undertaker begins, "The corpses were missing organs. That prostitute isn't a whole woman anymore. Because her womb is gone." Everyone, aside from Mara, Sebastian, and yourself, of course, seemed to be disturbed.
        "Let's just say there aren't many people out on the streets at night. But, accurately cutting out specific organs couldn't be a normal person, correct?"  Sebastian asks. The undertaker then goes on to explain how the murderer is killing his victims. "It seems that the murderer is an expert. He will keep committing crimes, he definitely will. Unless someone stops him, of course. Can you stop him? Notorious Earl of Phantomhive." The undertaker finishes. "There must be an influence manipulating him from behind," Ciel mutters to himself before walking out. 
        As all of you pile back into the carriage, you glance over towards Sebastian. "So, what do you think about it? Do you have any ideas yet?" You ask. Sebastian places his hand on his chin, "The murderer would have to be an anatomical expert, but also know where the police are when they commit the crime." "Where do we start? There are so many people gathered at the capital right now. Many doctors, head physicians, and medical schools could be the culprits!" Madam Red exclaims. "Then we shall wait until 'the season' is over with to investigate. As we cannot investigate clearly during 'the season.'"
        Ciel then orders Sebastian to go compile a list of suspects. Madam Red's Jaw drops as Sebastian opens the door.  "Please excuse me if I leave now." He says just before effortlessly hopping from the carriage. You sigh, already remembering who the murderer or murderers are. "This is going to be an annoying investigation." You mutter to yourself as the carriage continues its return to the townhouse.
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sotogalmo · 2 months
3 (yesterday) — 9:56
More!! Info of Yume & Sebastian info :33 ( more for you @starry-skiez & @rockwgooglyeyes . Since I love talking bout these two with y'all. And @alien-til-i-stage !!! More insight on why I made Yume in love with an alien!!!)
Since, Sebastian is Flor's son; naturally he has curly hair- but it's not her type of curls (which are more wavy actually but her waves also have some slight curls in them), as he has heavier curls (somewhat of an afro?).
Sebastian's guardian, Von has a kid; Ald. They are relatively bat like, with some doll portions to themselves. They have many eyes, but Ald hides his and is only shown with two eyes (Von has four on his face; two in the normal position, and then two right on his cheeks where the doll portion starts at). Von is the tallest in the house, due to his “daddy long legs” spider legs. Ald, is to Von's waist height wise, while he has the common spider legs (he doesn't use them often. He prefers a more "vampire bat" appearance).
I did state that they have cats too; which they do. But they are more similar to the Cerberus wagyien. Especially the more aggressive one. The other one is quite calm and uninterested in almost anything (they don't speak too. It's the aggressive one that at least speaks the most; yet he also doesn't speak too).
Von adopted Sebastian just a week(or two days) after when Sebastian was kidnapped and sent to an adoption center. Sebastian is a birthday present to Ald.
Yume knows of Ald, since he and Ald were kids; after wandering around outside of the lab facility he came across Ald's house and soon then always had a fascination with Ald and the way his “father” or better yet, brother; Von has been treating him (could be some slight jealously, but at this time he didn't want to focus on anything negative and he's a master of a positive face + with his boyish anime charms, he can somewhat get away with many things). They were treating each other not like the way he was treated ("I don't mean to pry" vs intrusive aliens who don't know what personal space is because all they say is 'i created you. I should know'), but more friendly with some small down sides but still were quite kind to each other.
Von has a thing for the past history of the planet that he now lives on; historian and researcher- this is probably the reason why he even has animal pets (he's interested in "family" matters; 'what's a family without a pet?' he would say when talking about his two wagyeins). Von looks rich, via the rings he sometimes wears but that's only on some occasions. So does Ald, but in a more entertaining way? He watches what they can scrap up and fix, or at least make their own versions of what humans used to watch. Ald doesn't have any 'rich' flair to him, as he doesn't really see a point in such things (even though they do look nice); which seems quite weird since they both wear vampiric clothing that seems quite,, rich-y and stuff. But Ald goes in the more "casual vampire" style of clothes.
Von and Ald have a spider lower half, but also have a mimic area where they seem to look like human legs (Von does it but he still has that long leg portion to his human legs. Ald has a bit of a more humanoid version of his legs, since he spends his time reading almost everything that has to deal with human pets, and humans). Sometimes, Ald even has a "wolf" approach to having legs and such— their looks are uncanny (in the way of how they show themselves), but they are relatively somewhat similar to Till's guardian: Urak. It's only the humanoid-ish they somewhat have (Urak being a skeleton, while Von being the skin).
Von, his two wagyeins and Ald all have a ranking system in their house to add more 'noble' to their whole vampire aesthetic. Sebastian is on the lowest rank possible since he's new and a pet human— Up is the highest, down is the lowest (expected) but also left is the highest then the right is. Both wagyeins are on the same tier, but Sebastian is on the right of the tier he's in (which is along the wagyeins. Ti is on the left, ny is in the middle and sebastian is on the right).
Ranking is also somewhat determined by cards (hearts, spades, so on and so forth). These cards are somewhat similar to the old human playing cards. Only keeping the titles of 'queen', 'king', 'ace' and sometimes 'joker'; reason being it's sometimes also called after a famous pet of their time (this is season40. So possibly named after whoever wins @season39 . So who knows! Possibly one of your OCs might be used for some cards!) — Sebastian is 'joker' in card rankings.
But about Yume and Ald being childhood friends and the suddenly Ald gets a present; this might look like that Yume was present during that time, but he wasn't. So Sebastian doesn't know of him. Why? Well, yume has been kept hidden like a secret. Because as his name states, he's like a dream. How so? Why is he seen as one? You might be asking.
It's simple! It's how he looks similar to the stuff that Ald has been watching. The eyes, the hair and slight vibe he was giving off. But it was mainly his eyes, because of the fact that most humans and all of aliens (probably), don't have eyes like the anime characters do (to me, even tho the style makes them quite anime like, I like to think that they are actually quite normal looking with,, normal looking eyes), but Yume does!
Technically, that's how their friendship has started. Ald sees Yume as this pretty thing since he resembles anime characters and such but also due to the fact that Ald wants to make friends with almost anyone he sees (minus the ones he already knows of and have a grounded relationship with), he also sees him as a friend! (Ald has the same mentality of a teenager, but I suppose it's more of an 'alien teenager' mentality due to the fact that he did say he'll make Sebastian into a super great pet) — Yume was interested in how other aliens looked (even though he had his fair share of seeing a lot of aliens, he's still interested in the rest of them since he's really only seen a handful of them), and seeing a vampire doll bat that looked like a younger?? alien was certainly something to take note of!
But it's because of the fact that Ald sees him as a friend, is when Yume gets attached very quickly. A friend? Him? - So, that's where all the rose-colored glasses views come in for him whenever hanging out with Ald (basically, Ald doesn't treat him as he was treated before and when Yume makes note of that, he is infatuated / basically is the whole "I'm not supposed to be treated like this but one person treats as if I'm special, so I'll do anything for them", somewhat like hyuluka??? I mean. I can see it with them, and it makes sense).
But also, due to the fact that he looks like he's from dreams; Ald sometimes forgets of their times together, because he still seemingly can't get over the fact that Yume is a ‘perfect’ friend (Yume is very obedient, and gives out good ideas!). But again, with that said, Yume doesn't really mind it since they still hang out with each other at night time (not every night time, but they hang out with each other at night time. You know? How like, reccuring dreams are. That's how it is for these two).
Again, Yume doesn't have a guardian; but technically he does? It's the doctors, but he doesn't see them as his owners and guardians. Again (again), he's a 'wanderer'. A “dream”.
For the other tags here, Sebastian didn't really have a close relationship with his mom (Flor), as Flor is very forgetful (better or worse, which in this case is worse). So, for most of his time he's been staying behind buildings and such. Basically, quite similar to how Flor was raised but with at least some one-on-one talks with her as well (somewhat knowing of her friends; Minori ( @skyisjusthere / @minori-dash ), Tov ( @ivanttakethis ), Vii etc, and girlfriend; Rosca. But he was possibly 2-4 so these are some early memories, which get easily forgotten about. But maybe not, since he gets adopted when he was the same age as Flor when she got bred; 14~16).
Sebastian is 18-ish? when he gets sent to ANAKT.
Sebastian was afraid of everything that ever happened in the house he was living in for the time being; but then got used to the horrors and the fact that he had to live in an alien's house as their pet, for how long he knows of.
The reason he got sent to ANAKT is due to the fact that he's quite funny, no matter what he does. So basically, he was sent there to be a clown for them
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ap41cu5 · 4 months
The Rookie Detective: Joseph Oda x Fem! Reader (Chapter 2)
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short synopsis: the reader, joseph, sebastian, and kidman all head out on an urgent dispatch. the tension between the reader and joseph not going unnoticed by neither sebastian nor kidman. sebastian values joseph's skills as a detective and becomes worried that his feelings for the reader may hinder his work. small TW: attempted sewerslide and this fic is honestly so cheesy LOL word count: 3341
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“From my understanding, detectives, this next stop might be a little chaotic. Three armed shoplifters, apparently.”
“Sounds serious. Anyone injured?” Joseph inquired, his arm tightly pressed into yours.
You were currently awkwardly sandwiched in between Kidman and Joseph in the backseat of the cop car. No matter how much you tried to tuck your arms further into yourself or to cross your legs to create more space for the two around you, the two were still tightly pressed up against you. 
“Nah, doesn’t seem like it. They never mentioned any casualties and they probably would’ve sent an ambulance had there been,” the patrolman driving replied.
Suddenly, his eyes shifted over to yours in the rear view mirror. His eyebrows raised at the sight of you and a glint of curiosity within his eyes.
“Who’s the newbie in the middle seat back there?” He asked, his gaze returning to the road ahead.
“I’m the new trainee. (First & Last Name), it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir,” you introduced yourself, still feeling a bit uptight.
“Agh, there’s no need for any formalities. I’m Connelly. Oscar Connelly. Good luck on the job today, by the way,” his eyes met yours again in the rear view mirror.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” you reply, feeling a bit more at ease.
The next few minutes of the drive consisted of comfortable silence, the cloudy skies creating a scenic view. The low hum of the engine and the raindrops showering the outside of the car was rather relaxing.
Soon after, Connelly parked the car near the back of the supermarket.
As soon as the car parked, Sebastian as well as Joseph and Kidman exited the vehicle, seemingly unfazed by the pouring rain.
Following shortly behind them, both Sebastian and Joseph readied their pistols and carefully entered through the storage room in the back.
“(Last Name), you’re with me. Joseph, you’re with Kidman. We’ll work on locating the convicts. You both keep watch of the exits. Make sure no one leaves or enters,” Sebastian whispered, motioning for you to follow him.
You were a bit disappointed that you weren’t paired with Joseph and slightly jealous that he was going to be with Kidman instead, but you were sure Sebastian had his reasons for pairing everyone up the way he did. At the same time, you were also getting extremely anxious. This seemed like a bit of a heavy job for your first day, but as long as you remembered all of your training from the academy, you should be fine.. right?
Joseph nodded in response, motioning for Kidman to follow him as he took a different route.
“Follow closely behind me and watch my back,” Sebastian whispered under his breath as he made his way around the corner.
You both appeared to be in the furniture aisle, as many decorative pillows and bedsheets were piled on top of the shelves surrounding the both of you. As you both continued to wander the halls of the supermarket, you heard the sound of a gun cocking. The sound reverberated throughout the echoey walls as you both quickly turned to look around.
As you both expected, there was a young man behind the both of you wielding a gun. What you didn’t expect, was who the gun was pointed to.
“D–don’t… c–come any c..closer..!” The man exclaimed, his words slurring together with his hands shaking and his eyes bloodshot.
What the hell?
Rather than the gun pointed towards you or Sebastian, he had it aimed at… himself? What was his goal? “Put the gun down, kid. We just want to get to the bottom of this. We’re not going to hurt you,” Sebastian replied as gently as he could as he carefully placed his gun down on the floor.
You carefully followed Sebastian’s actions, your eyes gazing into that of the teen’s. They were bloodshot red. Was he.. high? 
“L–look.. I j–just… wanted to have some fun with my friends. I didn’t ex..expect it to turn out this way. Please d–don’t tell m..my parents! Th-they.. They can’t find o..out! They’ll kick me out and I d–don’t have anywhere e–else to.. Go!” He sobbed in spurts, tears rolling down his face and his finger dangerously close to the trigger.
“Hey! Hey, look kid, like I said, we aren’t going to hurt you. You’re a good kid. We’ll make sure your parents don’t kick you out. I swear on my license.” He seemed to contemplate his decision, his eyes darting around the room as he sniffled. While his left hand held the gun, his other clutched the hem of his sweater strong enough to draw blood. Rather than surrendering, he had begun to.. turn his back?
“You can’t promise jack shit. That’s what I’ve come to learn,” he muttered under his breath, just barely above a whisper.
His finger slowly moved down to the trigger, and your body seemed to move on its own.
“Stop, don't do it!” Sebastian’s voice echoed as he lunged at him, but you seemed to make it to him first.
You don’t know where you found the courage, you hadn’t even given it a second thought before you tackled him to the ground, grabbing his wrist and pinning it to the floor as you sat on top of him.
He wailed as you pried the gun out from his hand, sliding it across the white tiled flooring as you grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them behind his back.
“I’m so sorry. I really, really didn’t want to have to do this,” you softly apologized to him.
All that time practicing jiu-jitsu really came in handy, apparently.
You motioned for Sebastian to hand you a pair of handcuffs, as you carefully clipped them around his wrists.
Rapid footsteps approached from the west aisle.
“Sebastian! We were able to apprehend–” Joseph’s voice got caught in the pits of his throat.
He began to stare shamelessly at you as you cuffed both of the young man’s wrists together. Your back slightly arched, your hair cascading down your shoulders and back, your lips slightly parted. He drank in the sight, his eyebrows raised and his eyes widened.
Your eyes averted from the teen underneath you and averted to Joseph. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, awaiting for him to continue his sentence. 
Joseph quickly looked away and cleared his throat the moment your eyes met his.
“We– ahem– were able to apprehend one of the criminals. The other got away but luckily there were reinforcements outside who were able to catch him before he got far,” Joseph quickly finished his sentence, carefully approaching the both of you.
You carefully stood back up, helping the teen back onto his feet as well.
“Good work, Detectives,” Sebastian said to the both of you.
“I’ll take him from here, (Last Name). You bring his pistol back to the car with everyone else for inspection,” Sebastian instructed, lightly grabbing the boy’s arm and directing him back outside. 
The boy continued to quietly sob, and you couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of empathy for him.
“I can’t help but feel bad for him,” you sighed.
“How do you mean?” Joseph replied, his curiosity piqued.
“He’s a good kid. I can tell he is. He just surrounded himself with the wrong people. He likely struggled with making friends at some point; I could tell from his demeanor. There was something awkward about how he acted that gave it away. He just wanted to feel like he fit in somewhere since he felt so suffocated by his family at home. He mentioned how his parents would kick him out had they found out what happened here. That kind of intensity only drives people away.”
Joseph seemed to ponder your answer for a moment.
“You’re very insightful. To be able to pick up on so much detail from just barely meeting him is very impressive. I admire your perceptivity. You will make an excellent detective, (Last Name),” Joseph acknowledged as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
Your face heated up a bit and your stomach swirled with butterflies. 
You turned to him, the corners of your mouth turning upwards seemingly on their own as you looked up at him.
“Thank you, Detective Oda.”
“You don’t need to refer to me as ‘Detective Oda’ anymore. You can just call me Joseph. We’re coworkers now, so it’s quite alright,” he added, a slight smile on his face.
“Really? Wow, uh, you can call me (First Name) then as well. S–since we’re coworkers, of course,” you quickly added in, your gaze averting away from him.
You could hear him chuckle a bit under his breath.
“You should probably collect the weapon he dropped. Like Sebastian said,” Kidman interjected, a hint of annoyance present in her voice.
“Oh! Right, sorry,” you quickly apologized, turning to grab the pistol.
As you examined it in your hand, you noticed a switch on the side of the gun. The safety was still on.
“I guess I really didn’t need to tackle him after all. He never turned the safety off,” you mentioned to Joseph, facing that side of the gun that bore the safety to him.
“I was scared that kid was actually going to kill himself, too,” you sighed, leaning into your hip.
“Wait, he threatened to commit suicide?” Joseph immediately inquired.
“Yeah.. but we handled it though! No one got hurt, really,” you replied, a bit alarmed at the panic that riddled his voice.
“This was meant to be– well– at least a somewhat simple dispatch. We’re very lucky the situation didn’t get too overcomplicated. I’m sorry, (Last Name). You were never supposed to face such an intense situation so early on, let alone your first day,” he apologized, rubbing his temple.
“It’s really alright, Joseph. We’re just lucky he didn’t know about the safety feature on the gun and never had the chance to switch it off. It wasn’t nearly as tricky as it may have sounded, I pinky promise,” you awkwardly giggled, trying to ease the situation as you held up your pinky.
Joseph seemed confused for a second as he looked at your pinky, before finally looking back up at you with an amused sigh.
“I haven’t made a pinky promise since I was in grade school. Really brings back memories,” he replied, interlocking his pinky in yours.
You stared at the two of you interlocking pinkies for a moment, his leather gloves creating an interesting feeling as he wrapped his finger around yours. Even through his gloves, his hand felt warm. A bit of a goofy smile graced your features as you held each other’s fingers in one another’s. 
You were quickly broken out of your trance as you saw Kidman’s piercing gaze in your peripherals. 
“U-uh, we should probably get going. We really don’t want to keep Sebastian waiting,” you quickly mentioned, gently pulling your finger away.
You fought the blush that crept up onto your cheeks, but to no avail.
“R-right. Yeah, you’re right,” Joseph agreed, making his way towards the exit.
You quickly trailed behind him. The tension between the both of you was just so.. real. You weren’t sure what drew him towards you so quickly. 
As you both walked through the aisles of the store to get to the exit, all the shelves were disorganized with items scattered across the floors. Those teens really did a number on the store for there only being three of them.
As you finally made it to the exit, Sebastian was leaning on the side of the car, waiting for the three of you. It began to pour, the rain making your uniform stick uncomfortably to your skin.
“You two get in the car. Joseph, we need to talk. Privately,” Sebastian instructed. 
You were a bit curious as to what they might talk about, but still entered the car nonetheless. Closing the door behind you, you were grateful to get out of the rain again. You took your seat in the back and Kidman let herself into the passenger front seat.
Sebastian pulled Joseph aside, far enough away to be out of earshot from anybody close by.
“At first I thought this little– thing– going on between you and the rookie wouldn’t be a big deal, but clearly I was wrong. I see the way you look at her, Joseph. And trust me, I get it. I was like that with Myra. But I never let it get in the way of our work. That’s why I paired you up with Kidman. I couldn’t trust that whatever this is, going on between the both of you, wouldn’t hinder the case. But this is against code of conduct, above all, Joseph! I thought you were smart enough to know that! You two haven’t even known each other for a full day. Give me a break!” Sebastian frustratedly exclaimed, one arm folded over his chest and the other rubbing his temple.
“I won’t let something like this get in the way of our work, you know that. Yeah, outside of a dispatch I might be a little nicer to her than to Kidman or any other rookie, but I’m not going to let that get in the way of my ability to perform as a detective! She’s already shown exceptional skills, even apprehending one of the convicts practically on her own, mind you! Because I know you weren’t the one I saw conducting an arrest on that kid in the store!” Joseph added, “she can take care of herself, clearly. You saw the certificate she got when she graduated, you read her entrance report, you saw her credentials–”
“This isn’t about her, Joseph! This is about your ability to function as a detective when apparently, we have a walking distraction now whose name just so happens to be (First & Last Name)!” Sebastian interjected, his voice raised so loud that many of the neighboring cops went silent.
Joseph paused for a second, just staring at Sebastian for a moment, as if to allow him a chance to re-think what he had just said.
“You and Myra turned out just fine. Like you said, you never let it hinder your work. As such, I will not allow my feelings to hinder my work either. I understand that it is against the code of conduct. But that is only if our relationship escalates above that of a friend. Whether or not that happens is none of your concern,” Joseph replied, cutting the conversation short as he began to walk back to the cop car. 
Sebastian grumbled as he watched the man walk away.
“Damn it,” Sebastian muttered as he followed behind him.
Joseph quickly entered the backseat along with you, slamming the door behind him as he hurriedly put on his seatbelt. Sebastian swiftly entered the car as well, slamming the door and aggressively inserting the key into the ignition. The four of you sat in silence as Sebastian drove out of the parking lot.
The tension was palpable, not even the whir of the engine or the pitter-patter of the rain breaking the deafening silence. You wanted to break the awkward silence badly, ready to say just about anything to start up some sort of conversation. You weren’t sure what the two talked about back there, but it didn’t seem very pleasant.
“Weather’s nice out,” you mentioned, almost absent mindedly as you internally face palmed upon realizing what you had just said.
“It’s raining,” the three of them blankly chimed in at the same time, almost harmonizing with one another.
About a minute passed by of excruciatingly awkward silence, before you finally decided to speak up again.
“Where’s Connelly? I thought he’d end up driving us back,” you asked, to the air, apparently.
You were met by nothing but silence for about 15 seconds before Sebastian finally decided to answer you.
“He’s driving back with the others. He helped to catch the other perp who tried to make a run for it.”
“Ah, that’s good,” you replied, unsure of what else to say.
Turning to Joseph, he had taken off his glasses for a moment and seemed to be lost in thought. His nose was slightly crinkled and his head was resting on his fist.
“Are you alright, Joseph?” You whispered to him, a concerned tone in your voice.
“Y-yeah, I’m alright. Thank you for asking,” he replied, appreciative of your concern but still appeared to be bothered by something.
“Is there.. something on your mind? I’m always here if you’d like to talk about it or anything,” you attempted to comfort him or at least sooth his nerves a bit.
Joseph turned to you, his gaze softened and he appeared touched by your willingness to offer your solace.
“It’s quite alright, (First Name). No need to worry about me,” he gave you a small smile and a nod. 
While you weren’t convinced, you chose not to press him on the matter any further. Perhaps he will come to you on his own when he is ready to talk, you thought.
A few minutes passed and Sebastian finally parked outside the police department. Without saying a word, he got out of the car and hastily walked into the building.
“Jeez, what’s his problem?” You asked, watching him walk off.
“Sebastian’s been.. through a lot recently. Try to take it easy on him,” Joseph answered, shutting the car door behind him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” you apologized, now feeling a pang of guilt.
“It’s alright. Even though he’s been through a lot that doesn’t give him an excuse to mistreat those around him. But we should give him a bit of leeway. I’d imagine it would be hard to maintain your composure especially after the accident.”
“The accident? What happened?” You inquired, your curiosity piquing.
Joseph sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“I.. I believe I’ve said too much. Since you’ve only just met I would highly advise against bringing this up to him. I apologize. But please just know that he’s going through a lot right now. So if he does act a bit out of line it’s not his fault. Anyone else would likely be acting the same way as well,” he chose his words carefully, opening the door to the entrance and allowing you to enter first.
“I understand. Especially heavy trauma tends to just.. leave people as just a shell of the man they once were. Whatever happened, it sounds serious. So I don’t blame him for acting the way he does,” you replied as you both began to walk back to the office together.
Despite the topic being a bit depressing, conversation seemed to flow effortlessly between the two of you. Once the both of you made it back to the office, both seemed to stand outside as you continued the conversation. You both hadn’t even realized how much time had passed between the two of you until the door to the office swung open, revealing Kidman standing behind it. 
The three of you just awkwardly stared at each other for awhile before you and Joseph finally moved out of the way, now realizing that you were standing right in front of the door, blocking Kidman’s way.
As Kidman finally left, you took it upon yourself to finally look down at your watch.
“How long were we talking out here for? We should probably get back to work,” you embarrassedly suggested.
“We’ve been out here for over.. 45 minutes? Time just flies by, I suppose,” Joseph inwardly chuckled.
This time, you opened the door to allow him to go through. He looked at you confused for a moment.
“What are you doing?” He asked, an eyebrow raised.
“Ladies first,” a mischievous grin spreading across your face.
He jokingly scoffed.
“Ha ha, very funny,” he shook his head as he begrudgingly entered the office as you shut the door behind the two of you.
and this marks the end of chapter 2! i hope this chapter wasn't as cheesy as i thought it was and i really hope you enjoy reading :)) im already working on chapter 3 and it should get published really soon!
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gl00mura1nk · 5 months
Author’s note: basically, if you didn’t read my other posts, I puked last night and also in the morning but didn’t wanna miss school so I just said “fuck it we ball” and went to school, which was fine until P.E. and then I vomited on the floor, nearly went unconscious, and vomited again, and then went to the nurse, and vomited again, so I got picked up by my mom and vomited again and took a 2+ hour nap and now I’m here! (I have no new cheslock gifs help)
He despises gummy candy and probably just throws it at Gregory if anyone gives him any
His singing voice is so pretty but no one hears it alone because choir and he only sings on his balcony then disappears back into his room if he thinks someone heard
Does not care about being insulted but may Sebastian help you if you insult his family/friends
“I CAN’T FIND MY VIOLIN WHO STOLE IT?!?” *sees violin where he put it* “oh”
Contrary to popular belief, he does like reading, and has a mini library at home, most books being on music
Cheslock’s a doodler, he draws all over sheet music and papers and used to get points taken off in school for it
he has snakebites and you won’t change my mind ever
If you’ve ever seen the newer Parent Trap movie, his first piercing went something like the scene in that
“hold still” “I AM!” *pierces ear* *loud screaming*
Also if someone were to call him pretty he’d probably stare at them funny
Cheslock brain x-ray: *pizza time stops* DID THEY JUST? No, no, wait, what, I can’t respond. Oh well. *pizza time resumes*
His favorite flower is a black calla lily :)
If I go with my idea that his family is stable but just chaotic, CHRISTMAS AND STUFF WOULD BE SO FUN AT THEIR HOUSE
Literally him roller blading threateningly around the school: “Deck the halls with gasoline, falalalalalallalalala, light a match and watch it gleam, falalalalalalalala, now the school is burnt to ashes, falalallalalala, aren’t you glad you played with matches, falalalalalalalala”
Based on my family’s christmases, there would be pure chaos.
*christmas tree falls over* *sad violin music*
Sliding down a banister and knocking ornaments off
Someone tried to put ornaments on his hair while he slept (he kept them on)
Okay I’m gonna project here but he doesn’t like pie in general
My dog is making a popping noise
I’m gonna go check on my dog and make part 4 later (what’s the chances he became popcat but dog, popdog)
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pechadream · 1 year
Tumblr media
🦋The Butterfly Effect🦋
WOAH it's been almost a full year since my last Luna post, I didn't forget about her I swear-
Here is a (Almost completely) refreshed version of my SDV OC! I'm probably going to make a whole explanation for her timelines and universe in a separate post.
⚠  Do not repost my art or I will come after your kneecaps  ⚠
(Details about each lil segment of the wings under the cut!)
*it is VERY long because I go into detail about each bachelor/ette and how the moment I drew is important to their story with Luna
I made it so each moment with the bachelor/ette in the butterfly wing is when they either realize they're catching feelings or it's a moment during their confessions, I will say I haven't completely finished all 12 rewrites for how the confessions/realizations happens, so some might seem unpolished or unfinished. (Primarily the bachelorettes, since I focused on the bachelors first.)
*Note that this isn't all happening in one universe! I have alternate timelines with different outcomes for Luna, hence me taking inspiration from the butterfly effect, no cheating is going on here-
People who I drew with the idea that there's an active confession happening:
This moment is technically the start of his confession, they've been friends for a while by that point and they've been writing each other letters and Luna's helped him grow some plants in her spare time since he expressed interest in learning how to grow things. So when he decided to confess to her he sent her a letter inviting her to dinner with one of the roses he grew attached. (*I'm realizing it might be kinda hard to see the rose in the picture, I'm sorry-)
With Sam, instead of him confessing, it's actually how Luna confessed. Luna knew he has bad allergies, and she didn't want to risk her bouquet for him triggering them so instead she made a bouquet of origami flowers, which he definitely gushed about to anyone who would listen (Sebastian) And he keeps them in a lil vase on his desk.
Like Elliott, his is also technically the start of the confession. I haven't really worked on his timeline with luna much yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep his normal 10 heart event with him getting two tickets to watch the gridball match in Zuzu city with Luna.
Another one where Luna was the one to confess, they've been friends for a while by this point, so Luna invited Leah over for a walk around the farm and to just talk about everything going on (Since her farm was keeping her busy and Leah was busy with her art) Then near the end Luna confessed her feelings and gave her the bouquet. Later on when the flowers were no longer fresh Leah pressed them to keep them preserved.
I haven't really worked on her timeline with Luna that much, so what I went with for her was just the normal bouquet confession- Although, I will say- I like the idea of Luna actually making bouquets for her spouse to fit their interests rather than her buying a bouquet off of Pierre, so that's what she did for Haley with sunflowers.
(yes, this confession is the most likely to change out of them all when I work on her timeline more)
With Emily, I was trying to think of her craftier side, so I came up with the idea of her creating a bouquet of Luna's favorite flowers out of felt (or some fabric that holds its shape well) to use for her confession. This one is also kinda pre-confession, although she confesses pretty much as soon as the bouquet is ready.
People who I drew based on them realizing their feelings:
(These are longer since I have to write how they caught feelings and realized them and that is more tricky for me-)
With him, the two of them started to fall for each other fast. They'd frequently see each other as Harvey took his walks around town and Luna ran around doing all sorts of errands and deliveries. And when they had free time, they'd have a conversation every now and again. Slowly talking more and more about their personal lives and why they moved to pelican town. Harvey started to open up more to her and break out of his shell as they got closer, he'd find himself more lonely at times and, if there's no work, he'd jot down things that happened that day (even if it were mundane normal things like going to Pierre's) since he knew she'd love to hear about it and he'd just wait for her by the tree outside his clinic.
(I'm so sorry to the Harvey lovers but I had absolutely no idea what to draw for him- I guess it could be seen as him admiring Luna from afar while she runs around town doing deliveries? I'm genuinely not sure, but I'll work on his timeline more and just know this is most likely subject to change!)
I guess his realization kinda leads into his confession? But I like to think that shortly after his 8 heart event him and Luna went back to her farmhouse to have lunch and continue to talk. And when it was time to leave Luna and him took a small detour so she could show off her new flower patch, she then took a flower and put it in his hair with an added comment of "Hey, it suits you pretty well!" and then that's when the two parted ways since she had to continue her farmwork. All that to say that the drawing of Alex is his expression watching her leave since I love the trope of a character giving the most loving gaze while the other is unaware-
For Sebastian, I was thinking of when he usually stands by the lake at night. I like to think that's when he thinks about his plans for life since he's spent a lot of time before thinking about moving out of town and I doubt he'd think about that when cramped up in his room. And when he started thinking more and more about Luna and staying in the valley that's when he realized he had caught feelings for her.
Luna previously helped Maru with various tasks and projects, which just by that alone meant that they were going to spend a lot of time together. But when Maru and Luna would just hang out for the fun of it, Maru realized how much she loved spending time with her and how lonely it'd feel without Luna around. *It took a whole reality check from Penny for Maru to realize her feelings though since Maru was in denial
(Maru's drawing is just her admiring Luna while Luna's helping test a gadget since I also didn't know what to draw for Maru-)
Penny caught on to her feelings fast, she pretty much realized as soon as it happened. She already admired Luna when they met since Luna was so determined to fix up her grandparents' old farm, but when she saw how gentle and nice she was with the kids and how much she took an interest in Penny's interests those feelings came rushing in. The two have frequent meetups at the museum's library on the weekend where they just read together and chat about what's going on in life, which usually ends with Penny getting flustered at Luna's compliments as Luna admires Penny for taking on the task of tutoring the kids in town, which Penny ends up hiding her face with her book to at least cover some of her blush.
With Abigail, she also caught feelings very fast. Luna's always been very supportive of Abigail's dreams of adventuring and would frequently offer to come with if she ever noticed Abigail going off to the mines so they could have each other's backs. Abigail also loved how the two of them could pretty much joke about anything, the two of them spent many nights just playing games and joking around and they wouldn't even notice how much time passed until they started feeling like they were gonna pass out right then and there. 
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milflewis · 9 months
schuclerc + restaurant
probably not what you want but is what came out
“How is Seb?”
Mick glances at him. Charles doesn’t look as tired as he did last year, DNF after disappointing race after DNF, biting his mouth in a smile with every interview. He’s P2 in the championship right now, or maybe P3, Mick can’t keep up. George and him keep trading it back and forth, Lewis firmly in P1 for the past two races. Charles, at least, finished in Monaco this year in the points.
“Alright,” Mick says, shrugging. He moves his bag off of the chair beside him when it looks like Charles is going to stay and hover. “But bored I think. Baking a lot. Gardening. He said something about sustainable farming in Mexico last week that I think he’s going to check out.”
“Ah.” Charles folds himself into the seat, graceful in his ungracefulness. There’s a pink mark along the top of his left cheek. Mick wonders if he fell asleep in the drivers briefing again, chin in hand. “That sounds like him.”
The paddock is slowly emptying. It’s getting late. Mick should head soon. He’s not racing tomorrow but he is supposed to casually appear in the Williams garage to say hello to Alex. He’s hoping to leave earlier enough that he can pop in to see Guanyu before his practise session.
He stays where he is.
“Has he.” Charles stops, chewing at the inside of his cheek, mouth pursing. “Has he been talking to Lewis, do you know?”
Jenson was doing post race interviews last week and he made Lewis, grinning and sweating and triumphant, laugh for most of his five minutes. Mick sent it to Sebastian who left it on read.
“No, I don’t know.”
Lewis could very well win this year. He could win his eighth which, Mick would’ve thought, Sebastian would want to be here for, after everything, especially after what happened last time. Charles doesn’t look at him for a long moment before exhaling, fingers rubbing at his mouth.
“But I don’t think he has,” Mick says and when Charles does look at him, his eyes are very brown and very wide and very sad. Like, twenty percent of my problems would be solved if you would keep your eyes closed and never look at me like that, Mick wants to say to him. It’s distracting.
“I should say it to him.”
“Yes.” Charles brightens, smile tucking into his cheeks. Mick despairs over himself. “You should, and then maybe I could? Subtly, of course, but it would be a shame for Sebastian not to be here. No matter what happens. They — there is a lot to lose here.”
He waves a hand, watch flashing, and Mick doesn’t know if he’s talking about Formula One in general or the title or Lewis and Sebastian but he does know that Charles Leclerc has never been subtle a day in his life.
“Right. Sure.” And when Charles smiles at him, teeth bright, eyes wide, Mick is helpless to not smile back.
“Don’t worry, Mick,” Charles says, swaying into Mick’s space, bumping his shoulder against his, and swaying back out. He’s smells of warm air and sweat and expensive cologne. “We won’t be like them. I promise to call you everyday after we retire.” He crosses his chest.
Mick kind of wants to reach out and break those fingers for carefully saying retire instead of not racing. He wants to hold them close and press his mouth along the curve and slope of his knuckles, sucking them into his mouth until they’re all he can taste. He also just wants to hold them between his, memorise their shape, and pretend that he knows how the car feels under them when he sees Charles’s onboard.
“And is that supposed to be an incentive…..?”
Charles laughs, heheing his hyena laugh that Carlos loves to mimic whenever he can, moving into Mick’s space again, warm and solid, hand on Mick’s elbow.
“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
Mick shakes his head and lets his mouth curl up at the corners, looking up through his lashes like he watched Sebastian do all ROC. “Bet you say that to all the boys.”
Charles coughs, spluttering, cheeks flushing red as his polo, and Mick’s smile widens.
“So.” Charles falls into step beside him. He’s wearing black and white checkered pants and a Ferrari branded jacket, sleeves pushed up to his elbows. It’s unzipped at the throat, necklace glinting in the sun. “Have you talked to Seb like we said?”
Mick looks up at the sky. It’s very blue and very clear, yawning wide above him. Roscoe trots ahead of them, cameras following him more than either of them, though a few break of to snap a few pictures of Charles in all his world championship leading glory. Mick is fairly sure he forgot to brush his hair this morning.
“Yes,” Mick says because Charles looks like he’s about to ask the question again. “I have.”
“And?” Charles is half walking sideways to watch Mick’s face. He would’ve nearly bumped into three people already if they hadn’t moved out of the way. He looks ridiculous. Mick wants to pull him at his collar and press his nose under his ear, breathing him in.
Mick shrugs. “He hasn’t talked to Lewis.”
Charles visibly deflates, shoulders slumping, mouth turning down. He perks up again, like a cartoon character and not a real actual living person who drives Mick insane on a daily basis, when Mick continues, “But he says he will.”
“Okay, great!” Charles smiles at him before squinting, dimming a little when Mick doesn’t keep talking. “Is that not great?”
Mick hums, tilting his head from side to side. Roscoe looks back at them before continuing on, content that he is still being diligently followed. “Depends. He says that he will talk to Lewis if he wins this weekend’s race.”
Charles stops short as Mick keeps walking. Esteban spots the two of them as he heads their way, raising a hand in hello, before he sees whatever is on Charles’ face and ducks into the Alpine garage.
Charles jogs to catch up. “That wasn’t very funny.” He is smiling anyway, which, Mick knows, isn’t how to tell if Charles Leclerc is upset or not but he isn’t doing that horrible thing with his eyebrows that makes Mick want to cry when he sees it so Mick thinks it’s probably alright.
“Yeah, it kind of was,” Mick says. “It was Sebastian’s idea, anyway.”
Charles rolls his eyes, waving a hand, watch flashing. “It’s always Sebastian’s idea. He thinks he is very funny, that man.”
“To be fair, he often is.”
Charles grins, easy and casual and all old school Hollywood, hair falling into his eyes, lashes dark. He pushes it away. “That is true.”
They walk in silence for a while, the snap shutter of cameras in the background. Mick watches Roscoe’s little legs eat up the concrete. He wonders if Angie has had her walk yet today.
“What will you do after all of this, do you think?” Charles has that look on his face that he gets sometimes, distant and remote, mouth a sharp line.
“I don’t know.” Mick eyes him warily. If Charles says retire again Mick might have to kill someone just so he doesn’t scream himself hoarse.
“Yes.” There’s a little divot in between Charles’s eyes, perfect and small and devastating. Mick’s thumb could cover it if he reached out and touched it there. “Neither do I.”
This championship race isn’t like last year, easier and harder in very different ways. Easier because Ferrari seems to have more of its shit together, quicker in the pitstops, smarter with the strategy. Harder too because now it’s more on Charles, now, somehow, there is even less room for error when it is all on you. And then of course, he is racing against Lewis which is a whole other thing. Not that George, this year, or even Max, last year, arent difficult opponents but. Still.
“Maybe I will do what Yuki keeps talking about,” Mick says, desperate suddenly for Charles to stop looking like that. For him to go back to smiling. Toto will not be impressed if there’s pictures circling where Mick is talking to Charles who looks like he’s about to cry.
Charles looks at him, eyebrows raised. “Yuki?”
“Yeah.” Mick shoves his hands in his pockets. Roscoe is starting to slow, the heat and the long walk beginning to get to him. Mick will have to head back to the garage soon. “Start a restaurant, you know? Good food. Maybe some love music. Outdoor seating.”
Charles throws back his head when he laughs, neck a long tanned line. A few people stop to stare. Mick tries not to roll his eyes. He doesn’t try to bite back his smile.
“That is not a bad idea, mate.” Charles says, nudging Mick with his elbow. “I would go. Bring Arthur.”
Mick exaggerates a horrified expression to see Charles laugh again. It’s a nice sound.
“What kind of food would you make?” Charles is seems very invested in an idea that Mick is still very unsure about and nearly mostly a joke.
“French. To make my ancestors proud.”
This time when Charles laughs, Mick laughs with him.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 7 months
Hi Sir, do you think Sebastian has a Daddy Kink. Y’ know considering his past, and the situation with his biological father. I know you have written about Sebastian calling Chris “Daddy”, but I mean it more as in, do you think he maybe has Daddy Issues, and therefore calls Chris “Daddy”?
I sent in the “Daddy Kink ask” and thinking about it more, I realize how disturbing (towards you and Sebastian) that may sound. I swear it wasn’t meant like that. I’m just a very curious person. So feel free to just delete the ask if it makes you uncomfortable!
Hey, sweets!
No, but I actually like this ask because I feel like this general idea is A Thing in both the vanilla world and the kink world, I can't and won't put words in your mouth specifically, but I have noticed generally that people tend to pair the idea of trauma and kink.
Definitely, there's the stereotype that kinks are born from trauma. Which, yes, is true in some people. However, it's not the overall rule. Then, the myth that all kinks come from trauma can then extend into the stereotype that all people with kinks are "broken" or "fucked up" in some way. Fucked up by said assumed trauma. Also, of course, this isn't true.
But, with that being said, personally, I have noticed that there's is some correlation between people who look outwardly fucked up (or, as my parents would say, "scary") in that they're tattooed, pierced, or have alternative aesthetics that stray from the "norm". My idea for that correlation is, well, hey, if you're not going to fit in with mainstream society in one way, then you might as well not fit in, in all the different ways that you feel. Why pretend? Why not just fucking go for it? (That's how I feel. I mean, I also am just... like that. Genuinely. It's not a conscious link for me a lot of the time, trauma -> aesthetic -> kink, I just see where they bleed into each other. It just so happens that I fucking love kink and I love metal music and I love body art and I love the gothic/emo/alternative/whatever you want to call it, aesthetic.)
Although, at the same time, as paradoxical as it is, it's niave to think that how you're raised and what your parents are like doesn't shape how you go into your relationships and your life. I'm paraphrasing, but as Chris once said, your parents shape how you love. They teach you how to love (x). You can absolutely outgrow that basis, but it's also a basis.
Anyway, where am I going here?
All this is to say that I have no idea if Sebastian has daddy issues. Granted, I also have no idea if Sebastian has a daddy kink. I don't know Sebastian.
Not everyone with daddy issues will have a daddy kink, and there are plenty of people with daddy kinks that don't have daddy issues. (At least, they wouldn't consider themselves to have daddy issues, looking specifically at how the Western world expects fathers to act when raising children. Personally, I think most people have issues based on that, but I also recognize that based on my life experience... I'm probably just being cynical, lmao.)
And for Sebastian, I don't think it's about trauma or issues. I think it's about power dynamics. I think it's about the general idea of daddy. The biggest, the best, the most capable, comforting, and caring yet stern, too. We've all seen how easily Seb crumbles with praise, and I think, related to that, Sebastian responds so well to having someone telling him what to do in the soft-but-still-authoritative role. That's what gets him in my mind.
Also, it's worth pointing out that I don't think it would go back to his biological father for Sebastian because he wouldn't've known his biological father as "Daddy" because it would've been the Romanian equivalent for the English affection name for a father. He might've been encouraged to call his step-father that, but, eh, he was older by that point, so it's unlikely in my mind.
All in all, I have no right to speculate, really. Seb's a real person, a real person I don't know, so I don't know, and I won't ever know either 🤷🏻‍♂️
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chussyracing · 8 months
F1 related news, rumours and mind blowing stuff from past days
(it's super long after past 3 days so i will add it under the cut)
I cannot not start by Lewis to Ferrari on a multi-year contract being confirmed
Some leaked and speculated details include: Charles and Carlos both knew for some weeks, the news was leaked early by British source to avoid Lewis being included in development beyond 2025 in Merc, Toto was surprised but didn't expect Lewis staying for long in Mercedes anyway, Ferrari offered a huge paycheck and almost bianco check for any personal and charitable projects he wishes (granted by Elkann himself)
His engineer Peter Bonnington could follow him to Ferrari, but that decision is completely on himself
There are rumours of Carlos potentially moving to rally for 2025 for a break before a possible seat in Audi in 2026
Peter Windsdor reported he "heard" Alex got a 3 years offer from Red Bull, but there are rumours that people around Alex started this to get a better offer (possibly at Merc)
Among all of this, Haas livery was posted and it follows the trend of more and more black color included to save weight (fun fact: white color is the worst one possibly to choose for a livery since you need most layers of it which adds weight and sponsors sometimes don't want their logo on white because it's not as readable on TV)
F1 complained Andretti wasn't serious about the F1 offer, because Michael Andretti missed a meeting with F1 management to discuss their application, Andretti responded that they didn't see the invitation, because it ended up in the spam folder after an employee sent it rather than Domenicali
Haas appointed Andrea de Zordo as a Technical Director and Damien Brayshaw as a Performance Chief
There are some speculations Kimi Antonelli could be moving to Mercedes for 2025 based on the posts about Italian from Mercedes on social media (personal opinion: it's just a reaction to Lewis moving to Ferrari and Kimi doesn't even have enough superlicence points just yet so there will be a lot of pressure to get those in his debut F2 year if it's really the plan)
RB17 hybrid roadcar will apparently have active suspension technology which was banned from F1
There was some speculation from fans that Sebastian Vettel could come back and joing Mercedes but Toto Wolff denied it when he spoke to him the previous day
Ollie Bearman will also be Haas' reserve driver (with Fittipaldi) besides Ferrari's - there are two mandatory junior sessions but Haas will let him driver the car six times in 2024
Most random piece of info: Alicia Keys, Pharell Williams and Martin Garix will have a post race concert in Saudi Arabia
DAZN arw signing broadcasters for new season and apparently face some difficulties with Pedro De La Rosa, they can't say more besides it's an "issue which will be dealt with by an F1 team with great discretion"
Interesting fact: during International GT Open, standings were called incorrectly behind a safety car whoch lead to leader losing out and ICA (International Court of Appeal) decided that wrong SC rules apllication is not enough to cancel the result of the race which... sadly shows how AD21 appeal would probably go from FIA's ICA as well
McLaren showed the 2024 suits, the 2024 F1 Academy livery and they did their tyre test at Paul Ricard
Suzuka extended contract with F1 for 5 years
Nyck de Vries will have to pay 50% of his 2022 F1 income (driver salary and sponsorship deals) because he lost in lawsuit agaisnt Investrand
Hamda Al Quibasi and Emely De Heus will be RBR's F1 Academy drivers while Amna Al Quibasi will be Visa Cash App RB's driver
Williams signed a sponsorship deal with Vast Data and also announced meet and greet in NY
There are many people linked to the Merc seat including Mick Schumacher, Alex, Fernando (apparently Ted Kravitz was said to be the source but he denied it), Carlos, Esteban - Toto himself said Charles and Lando would be first on their list if they didn't extend long term contracts already
Melbourne will become season debut from 2025 again
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