#he also saw what happened with him and fred
tubchunk · 6 months
my biggest enemy is people misinterpreting q!tubbo's reasons for saying and wanting to do the things he said in yesterday's stream regarding hideduo or just thinking he wants to ruin it for nothing
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Xhfh... Glam Bon and Glam Freddy thoughts. An angsty scenario came to mind after something, and it can be answered by Time Traveling Ballpit.
Past Glam Bon (before anything bad happened) ends up falling through it in the Daycare, and ends up in the present day of the Pizzaplex—when he is gone by then. But he doesn’t know that immediately.
He’s seeing the others like normal, but he’s confused about Glamrock Freddy’s reaction—as well as how everyone else has been reacting ever since he got out of the ballpit just a bit ago.
And it’s like... Glamrock Freddy is happy to see them—he’s missed him, of course, but at the same time, it isn’t exactly the Bonnie he’s been looking for, if that makes sense.
He knows that it’s Glamrock Bonnie—they all know that—but he’s not the same one that he’s been missing, that disappeared, that he was hoping to find. It isn’t the current Bonnie that just... reappeared/got found.
It’s Glamrock Bonnie from the past—which is nice, Glamrock Freddy likes seeing him—but the bunny wouldn’t stay in the future the whole time, and Glam. Fred knows that the current Bonnie is still... gone, and misses him.
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iiwontgiveuponmilkk · 8 months
I Hate You. | F.W.
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summary: They had been friends since the moment they met, but what happens when she falls in love with him and he seems to blind to notice?
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: 5718
warning(s): ends in smut
notes: I have not posted in quite some time, nor have I wrote anything in a long time. I tried to avoid the use of y/n. Fred calls her 'little red' or 'red' ocassionally, this is explained in the writing.
Six years of friendship. Six years of falling for Fred Weasley, really. If she were to be honest with herself, she knew she loved him two years ago. It was just easier to ignore as a 15 year old girl. She initially tried to write it off as just feeling that way because they were so close already, but she knew that wasn’t true. She was just as close with his twin brother, George, and she wasn’t in love with him. Fred was different. They knew each other on a different level. They could be overly affectionate with each other. When she saw him at the platform this year, she ran to him and jumped into his arms and stayed there despite George whining that he hadn’t seen her in just as long. On the train ride, she fell asleep with her head in his lap whilst he and George started scheming their first prank of the school year. He would hush George any time she would start to stir, then gently play with her hair until she settled again. She had fallen asleep on George’s shoulder once, and swore to never do it again. Whilst he was also one of her best friends, he did not hold the same kind of soft spot for her as his twin did. He had used a spell to turn her hair bright green. She was livid when she realised. Poor George was afraid to turn his back to her for the next four months. She had waited six months for her revenge, perfecting the same colour changing spell, but turning all of his clothes pink. 
Now at 17, her feelings were harder to hide. The pangs of jealousy at every Gryffindor party after a quidditch match when girls would shamelessly flirt with him. And he seemed to love it. Tonight was another one of those nights. Gryffindor had destroyed Slytherin on the quidditch pitch and were, of course, throwing their usual celebration. She sat next to George and Angelina on the couch, her eyes following Fred. Her gaze only left him as Julie came up to him and was heavily laying on the charm. She felt the jealousy bubbling in her like a failed potion about to go horribly wrong. She felt George shift and wrap an arm around her shoulder, giving her a slight squeeze. “Love, why don’t you talk to him?” Angelina asked, reaching over George to squeeze her hand. Her gaze moved from her knees to her two friends, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. “I couldn’t possibly talk to him about this, Ang. I’d tell him everything and feel like an absolute git after.” She admitted, letting out another huff. George shook his head, opening his mouth to speak but quickly closing it. Ever since the start of the year, she had grown closer to George and his girlfriend, Angelina. Unfortunately, closer than she was with Fred. They were definitely still close, but something was different between them this year. And it wasn’t that she was head over heels in love with him. It was him that was keeping a distance between the two of them. Every year, she sat with them at the Gryffindor table. Her Ravenclaw robes made her stick out like a sore thumb in the sea of red, but Fred and George were her best friends. In fact, she only ever sat at her own houses’ table a handful of times. The sorting ceremony, the last day, and that couple of months last year when Fred had a girlfriend who absolutely hated her. She had friends in Ravenclaw, but she wasn’t as close to anyone as she was with Fred. George was a close second, but her and Fred always just clicked. They clicked from the first train ride to Hogwarts they ever had. They were nearly inseparable. If Fred wasn’t with George, he was with her, or they were all together. She spent a few weeks with the Weasley’s every summer. Molly was like her second mother at this point. She loved spending time with all of them. She loved answering all of Arthur’s questions about the muggle world. She loved hanging out with Ginny, the only other girl around her age in the Weasley household. It was usually the highlight of her summer.
A loud cheering pulled her attention away from her two friends as they all turned to the source of the noise. It felt like her heart shattered into dust. Don’t cry. Do not cry. Not here. “I-, I have to go.” She quickly stammered, slipping away from her friends and blinking back tears. There he was. Fingers tangled in Julie’s hair, kissing her passionately. She tried to keep her head down as she pushed towards the door. She knew better, but she looked up anyway. Another stab to the heart. Her tear-filled gaze met the eyes of Fred Weasley. Fred Weasley, best friend, heartbreaker. She tore her gaze from his and moved as quickly as she could without running. She pushed out of the door, finally letting a tear fall as the door shut behind her. She could’ve swore she heard George yelling at his twin as she stepped out, but she could be wrong. She stood in the hall for a moment, unsure of what to do. Her feet were moving before she registered that she was moving. She knew Fred, she knew he would try to come after her. He was her best friend, after all. Part of her wished he would push through the door, catch up to her and wrap her in his arms. The other part of her, the hurt, told her to stop hoping he would feel the same way. Though, he would ask George what happened first, which bought her some time, yet not enough to get to her common room before he caught up with her. Even if she ran, he could easily catch up to her. Before she knew it, she was standing in the middle of the hall, watching the door to the room of requirements take shape. She heard him calling her name, and heard his footsteps. She didn’t want him to see her like this, not right now. Not when it was so fresh. She shouldn’t be crying. They were only friends, she was the one hopelessly in love with him. She reached for the doorknob, sliding into the room and quickly shutting the door behind her. Merlin, please let the door disappear before he gets down here. She slid down the wall next to the door. How absolutely foolish could she be? Her and Fred would never happen. It was clear at this point. She was terrified that if she told him how she felt, it would ruin their friendship. Not only would she be heartbroken, but she would lose her best friend too. 
She had no idea how long she sat there for. Maybe an hour? Maybe two? It took nearly another hour before she gathered the courage to leave. Even if he had seen her, she doubted he would’ve waited for her. Maybe two years ago, but not now. Not with this weird distance between them. Definitely not after close to three hours of her hiding. She could still confidently say that Fred was her best friend, but it was different. It wasn’t like before. They weren’t joined at the hip anymore. This summer made that clear. She spent most of her time with Ginny and Molly. The few times they had spent together went from comfortable and playful to awkward. There were moments when it felt like he may also feel the same way about her, but he always seemed to pull away a little more after. She could’ve sworn he was going to kiss her one night, her heart felt like it was beating in her throat. But he just cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he took a step back from her. Maybe she should’ve just kissed him then, and let whatever would happen just happen. At least she would’ve known how he felt. She might have lost her best friend, but she wouldn’t constantly feel this hurt and jealousy. 
 She pressed on the wall, waiting for the door to appear to make her exit. She slowly pushed the door open, only then realising she should have left from the other side of the room. There he was. That beautiful, heartbreaking idiot. His head leaned back against the wall, mouth slightly open as he slept. She realised she really had been in there for much longer than she thought and it was a miracle Fred hadn’t been found by Filch or Mrs. Norris. She kneeled in front of him, resting her hands on his knees. “Freddie.” She whispered lightly, pushing against his knees to hopefully wake him, but she knew he could sleep through the whole castle crumbling to the ground. “Freddie!” She whisper-yelled, shaking him harder, earning a groan from him. “Fred Gideon Weasley, get up before Filch comes and kills us both!” She whispered harshly, causing Fred to finally open his eyes. His sleepy gaze quickly turned to a soft look when he took her in. She knew her eyes had to be slightly puffy and her nose was red. It always turned red after she cried, and she hated it. She also hated that Fred always knew when she was upset or had been crying, and he always knew exactly how to make her feel better. Whether she needed a hug, or to be held, or if he needed to go to ridiculous measures just to make her laugh. Fred reached out and pulled her to him, stretching his legs out so she was in his lap. She fell forward against him as he hugged her. She let her head rest against his chest, feeling tears threaten to fill her eyes again. “C’mon little red.” He whispered, moving to get up. “I don’t have red hair.” She mumbled, she didn’t know where the nickname had come from. Fred had just started calling her it one day. The only answer for why she ever got was that she was now an honorary Weasley and she was tiny. It used to annoy her to no end, which is probably why it stuck. Fred loved getting reactions out of her, because even if something annoyed her when it came to him, she secretly loved it. It was like he knew it.
She walked next to him, keeping her head down. She watched her feet as she walked. She wasn’t paying attention, she just let him lead the way. She figured they would go to his dorm. It was the closest and safest bet. The chances of not getting caught on the way to her common room were slim to none. It was way too late to even consider being out of the common room, everyone was most likely asleep by now. She knew they were entering the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady had long ago stopped putting up a fight about her being snuck into the common room after hours. It happened so often that it wasn’t worth it. She didn’t bother to look up, just followed Fred to the stairs. The floor was a mess and she was afraid to look up. She didn’t want to relive her most recent memory in this room. She followed Fred into his dorm, noting that it was empty. He shared a room with George and Oliver Wood. Neither of the other two boys were here. She stood there silently as Fred moved around. He pulled out a jumper and handed it to her, turning around for her to change. The normalcy of this pained her. She knew Fred had seen her almost completely naked. He had stayed with her when she was sick last year. She had a fever that wouldn’t break and she had stripped out of her shirt and pyjama shorts in her sleep- with Fred sharing the same bed. She pulled the jumper over her head before pulling her jeans off. The jumper hung down to her knees, Fred was nearly a foot taller than her, if not more. She didn’t say anything as she climbed into his bed, only huffing as she rolled over to face away from him. 
She felt his weight as he slid into his bed, turning to face her back. “George told me what happened. She kissed me, and I didn’t…” He whispered so quietly she could barely hear him. Her whole body seemed to tense as she registered what he said. Of course George told him. Bloody hell. She felt Fred’s hand brush over her arm. He grabbed her shoulder, gently trying to turn her to him. She fought him on it, but it was no use. He was stronger than she was, no matter how determined she was to keep her back to him. “You know you can tell me anything. Hell, you’re my best friend.” Fred whispered, his eyes on her face. She stared at the ceiling, feeling tears well in her eyes again. “That’s the problem, Freddie. I’m your best friend.” Her whisper was soft, not trusting herself to speak without starting to cry again. “And I hate it.” She finished, closing her eyes tightly to press the tears back. She could still feel his eyes on her, but she knew she couldn’t look at him. She knew she would break. She knew he would hold her until she either calmed down or fell asleep. Merlin’s beard, they were more than just friends. Friends don’t do this. Friends don’t share a bed. Friends don’t sleep in nothing but the others jumper and their underwear and cuddle. Friends don’t wake up wrapped in each other's arms. Friends don’t cling to each other the way they usually do. She loved George like a brother, he was one of her closest friends. Her and George are not friends like she and Fred are. She felt a tear squeeze its way from her eye. She let out a shaky sigh as she felt Fred brush it away with his thumb. He pulled her into him and she hated him for it. She hated him at that moment. She hated that he made her hurt, but he was the only one that could make her feel better. A sob escaped her lips as the tears began to fall. “I hate you. I hate that you’re so damn oblivious to me. All I am is your best friend and I’ve been in love with you for two years, you idiot.” She cried into his chest. He cradled her head with one arm and pulled her closer with the other, holding her there as she cried. “I’m sorry, Red, I-i didn’t know.” He held her tighter, placing a kiss on the top of her head. His fingers drew circles on her back as her cries slowly stopped. He hadn’t realised she had fallen asleep until her grip on his shirt slowly loosened.
She woke up pressed to Fred’s chest and her legs tangled in his. His fingers were drawing slow shapes on her side. God she was still so hurt. The image of him kissing Julie replaying in her head. She went to pull away from him, only to be pulled against him tighter. “Let me go.” She mumbled, pushing against him again. “No can do, doll.” He mumbled back. “I still hate you.” She bit back, trying her best to ignore the comfort she felt being pressed against. “You don’t mean that.” His voice was gentle. He was used to her little fits. She had told him multiple times over the years that she hated him. The first time when he accidentally broke her brand new quill that her father had sent her as a gift when she found a new hobby of writing. It was their second year. He had saved up anything he could get until Christmas that year to buy her the same one. She had cried then too, but those were happy tears. She had told him she hated him the day he told her that he couldn’t come see her that summer, that was year three. Then she wrote to his mother and asked if she could come there to see him and George. Of course, Molly said yes. She was so delighted to finally meet the twin’s best friend. She was glad they finally had someone to level out their antics, but that didn’t last long. They were always up to something. She had told him three times in year four that she hated him. Once was when he had her pinned down and was mercilessly tickling her. She gasped it out between laughs. She even used his full name. He couldn’t help but smile, only to stop tickling when she rushed out that she was going to pee her pants if he didn’t stop. But he kept jumping at her, pretending he was going to tickle her again. The second time was when he was dating Hannah. They had gotten into a fight, screaming at each other. She was sad because she felt like she was losing Fred as a friend because Hannah hated her. And he called her bitter and jealous that she had never had a boyfriend. It was then that she told him she hated him. He could see the hurt in her eyes. That was the first time it truly hurt when she said she hated him. It felt like she meant it that time. The third time was towards the end of the year. They had made up and were thicker than thieves once again. She had conned him into going to the library to study. He was messing around the whole time and trying to make her laugh. He took it a little too far, accidentally hitting her inkwell. It shot across the table, they both moved to catch it and they both missed. It had spilled all over her skirt. She said she hated him then and told him he was lucky he was her best friend, otherwise he’d have to buy her a new skirt. Last year, year five, there were odd bits of distance between them, but when he thought about it, they weren’t odd. They were distant every time he had a girlfriend or was chasing after some girl. He had been slightly jealous of George since last year. She seemed to latch on to him, but it all made sense. She was distancing herself to protect herself and George was there for her, probably to tell her that Fred was an idiot and he’d come around one day. 
“Look at me.” He said as he rolled on to his side, sliding her off his chest. She stared at his chest, not meeting his gaze. “I am.” She mumbled and he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Her full name left his lips as he gently pushed her chin up to force her to look at him, but she kept her eyes trained on his chest. “I swear, you are so stubborn that I wonder how you weren't sorted into Gryffindor.” She looked up at him, eyes narrowed. “What Fred? What do you want? I don’t care if she kissed you. You didn’t have to kiss her back.” She bit out. He had to hide his smirk. If she wasn’t so upset with him, he knew she would’ve rolled her eyes and made a ridiculous comment on how she was surprised he wasn’t sorted into Slytherin. He suddenly missed her jests, wishing he could rewind to before the party. George had told him that someone they knew was pining after him. He just didn’t think it would be his best friend. But then again, how could it not be? They spent most of their time together, either alone or with George. If he wasn’t with George, he was with her. People often commented on them acting like a couple. Fred would walk her to class, arm slung around her shoulder. “I’m an idiot-” He started, only to be cut off by her. “I know you are. You’re the biggest idiot I know.” She tried to hold her glare, fighting a small smile. “C’mon, little red, let me finish.” He raised his brow as she opened her mouth to talk then closed it. She let out a sigh, waiting for him to continue. “You say I’m the biggest idiot you know, which may be true. But I’m the most handsome idiot you know.” He paused as a small smile tugged at her lips. “I’m an idiot, I’m sorry. You could’ve just told me. Could’ve said ‘hey, you big, handsome, idiot, I love you’.” He paused again, reaching up and tucking her hair behind her ear. “I would’ve said, ‘hey, little red, I love you too’.”
“Stop calling me that.” she mumbled and Fred let out an exasperated noise. He noticed the small smile playing on her lips. “I still hate you, at least for the next five minutes.” Her voice was much softer this time. “You’re so stubborn.” he mumbled, smiling when he felt her fingers grasp his shirt. “And you’re an idiot for not kissing me.” She mumbled, her gaze still locked with his. He slowly leaned in, his nose brushing hers as her eyes fluttered shut. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.” She whispered as he leaned in. Her lips just barely brushing his as she spoke. He paused for a moment. He knew she had never dated anyone, but he didn’t think she had never kissed anyone before. He closed the gap, gently kissing her. The kiss was slow and soft, until she took him by surprise when she nipped his bottom lip. He groaned, pulling her flush against him as he deepened the kiss. “Never kissed anyone before, unbelievable.” He mumbled against her lips. She pulled on his shirt in a futile attempt to get closer than they already were. It was when she slid her hand up her chest and around his shoulder up to his hair that the door to his dorm opened. He reluctantly broke the kiss, looking up to see George standing in the doorway. “Well, I was coming to tell you that no one has seen our little friend here since last night, but I see you’re snogging her.” George grins. You roll over at his comment, turning to look at him. George winks at you and then turns his attention back to Fred. “I am now obligated to help her hide your body, doesn’t matter that you’re my brother.” George states, causing her to laugh.
“George, leave. Please.” Fred groans. “I think he should stay. This is fun. Hey, Georgie, isn’t Fred the biggest idiot you know?” She asks, smiling sweetly at Fred. “That’s likely!”
After George had left, they spent the entire morning in bed. Fred stealing kisses from her when she wasn’t dozing back off. “Freddie?” She whispered, curled into his side, her head laying on his chest. He hummed an acknowledgement. “Did you mean it?” She asked, her fingers grasping his shirt again. A small chuckle came from him as he squeezed her to him. “I love you, I have for some time. You’re also my best friend and I didn’t want to lose you.” He said, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “I love you, you big, handsome idiot.” She said as she lifted her head to look at him. “Don’t think I won’t ask George to help hide your body.” She grinned as he laughed. 
The rest of the year seemed to breeze by. Two months of Fred pulling her into random broom closets between classes and sneaking into the room of requirements before curfew. Countless nights spent in there, hidden away among the mess. Before she knew it, everyone was packing and getting ready to leave for the summer. 
“Fred, I’m too tired, carry me.” She whined as he gently woke her when the train finally stopped at the station. He let out a sigh as George laughed at him, shaking his head. She was going to the Weasley’s for the summer as her parents were away until November. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, looking up at Fred. “After we get off the train, then I’ll think about it.” He reached a hand out to her, helping her up. The journey to the Weasley’s was rather quick. They travelled through the floo system. She dramatically collapsed into Fred’s arms when they got back. “So tired.” she mumbled. “You’re going to kill me.” He laughed, picking her up. This wasn’t entirely unusual for the two of them. Everyone was used to Fred and her clinging to each other. Molly would often give Fred a knowing look when she would walk into the den, finding her sleeping with her head in his lap or curled up against him. Molly also knew that, most nights, if she were to peek into Fred’s room, she would find the two of them together. She often heard them talking in loud whispers and trying to hide their laughter in the middle of the night. It didn’t dawn on her that only a handful of them knew they were together, not until George opened his mouth. “Hey ma, did you know that Freddie has a girlfriend?” A groan left Fred as he stared his twin down. She buried her face in his chest, trying to ignore the slew of reactions from the older Weasleys. Molly was utterly delighted, commenting on how she was surprised that it took this long.
The days seemed to fly by spending them in the Weasley household. Lots of stolen kisses and sneaking around. It wasn't until mid-July that her and Fred were alone in the house together. Everyone had gone out for one reason or another and it was just the two of them. They spent the morning in Fred’s bed, tangled together. She was constantly falling back asleep and Fred was just content to hold her. It wasn’t until she was the one to lean up and kiss him that the day seemed to take a slight turn. They had shared a bed countless times, kissing had almost turned into more countless times as well. But this kiss was needy and built a fire in the both of them. She started the kiss. It was soft, loving at first. Then she nipped his bottom lip and a groan left his lips. His fingers dug into her hips, the feeling giving her the courage she needed in the moment. She moved to straddle him. His hand pushed up the jumper she stole from him, revealing her bare thighs. She really would be the death of him. She never seemed to wear pants. Just his shirt and a pair of panties, she was a constant tease seemingly unknowing to the fact. The kiss was still innocent enough, until she ground her hips down on his. The almost whiny moan that left her lips had him flipping them over. His lips trailed down her neck, nipping and sucking at the skin, most likely leaving marks in his wake. The sounds that left her lips were driving him wild. “You’re killing me.” He mumbled against her neck. His hands slid around her body. He gripped her hips before sliding a hand up her shirt. His fingers pinched and rolled her nipple, a lewd moan leaving her lips. 
“Freddie, please.” She whined, pushing her hips up against his for any sort of friction. She tugged at his shirt, pulling it up until he reached up to pull it over his head. He leaned down, capturing her lips with his. She deepened the kiss, swiping her tongue against his bottom lip. He still found it hard to believe she had never kissed anyone before him. Not when she kissed him like this. She continued to grind her hips against his, moaning into the kiss. Her hands slid down his chest, her fingers hooking under the waistband of his pyjamas pants. She started to push them down when Fred broke this. “Baby-” He started only to be cut off by her leaning up and kissing him again. He knew she was virgin, while he may not be, he didn’t want her to feel like she had to do this. He was content just being with her. “Freddie, please. I want you. I-,” She paused, looking up to meet his eyes. “I want you to be my first.” Her breathy proclamation almost made him groan, but it was her reaching down and palming him through his pants that made a groan fall from his lips. Fred reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it off and tossing it on the floor. His eyes dragged over her body. She was perfect. “So pretty, baby.” He groaned, she would’ve thought he was talking to himself until his eyes met hers. His hands slid from her hips and over her stomach before he leaned down, kissing down her neck to her navel. It was then that her nerves started to build up. His lips pressed to her hip as he looked up at her. “If you want to stop, we will. At any point, baby.” He nipped at her hip as he pulled her panties down. She felt her cheeks flush, suddenly feeling exposed. Fred’s hands sliding up her legs seemed to calm her nerves. He pressed a kiss to her knee first, then trailed kisses down her inner thigh. It was the kiss that he placed closest to her sex that had the first moan falling from her lips. She gasped when she felt his tongue against her clit. He slowly added more pressure as he worked her clit. She didn't know how much more she could take, every pass of his tongue on her was overwhelming. Her hips bucked into his face. She was sure if she wasn’t so consumed by the building warmth in her abdomen that she would have been embarrassed. His name fell from her lips as he slowly worked a finger into her. His pace was painfully slow but every move made her feel like he already knew her body better than she ever could. It wasn’t until he worked a second finger into her and sucked her clit between his lips that she felt like she was falling apart. His name left her lips in succession until all she could do was moan. She moved her hips against his fingers, riding out her orgasm. 
“Please, Freddie, I need you inside of me.” She let out a breathy whine. This girl would really be the death of him. He turned his head, leaving a hickey on the inside of her thigh. His lips were on hers in an instant. When she reached to push his pants down, this time he let her. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue along her bottom lip. He slipped his tongue against hers, taking his time kissing her. He ground into her, sliding his dick through her folds. He teased her with his tip before gently pushing into her. She gasped into his mouth, her body tensing at the intrusion. “Relax, baby, okay?” He whispered, kissing her jaw. He didn’t move his hips, but his hand snaked between them. His thumb pressed against her clit, causing another gasp to leave her lips. He continued to toy with her clit as she looked up at him. The look in her eyes as a quiet moan fell from her lips had his resolve wavering. It was when the next breathy moan fell from her lips that she took him by surprise. She pushed her hips up, taking more of him in. His ministrations continued as he tried to ease any of her discomfort with pleasure. She rolled her hips into his, fucking herself like she had done on his fingers. Fred moved his other hand to her hip, holding her hips in place. It was then that he pushed into her until she took all of him in. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, her nose, then her lips. The kiss was slow, gentle as he gave her time to adjust. She broke the kiss, brushing her nose against his. “Freddie.” His name left her lips in a breathy moan as she pushed against him. His thrusts were shallow at first, his forehead resting against hers. They moved slowly together, quiet moans falling from her lips. His name fell from her lips as he thrusted into her harder, faster. Her hands ran up his back, her nails digging into his skin as she gripped his shoulders. “O-oh, Freddie.” She gasped, tilting her head up to press her lips to his. She could feel her orgasm building again when he slid a hand between them, pressing his thumb to her clit. Fred could feel himself getting close to the edge. 
“Fuck, baby, cum for me.” He groaned against her skin. His thumb pressed into her clit harder, circling until she threw her head back. His name fell from her lips, her nails digging into his back. The feeling of her walls clenching and spasming around him as she came sent him over the edge. Her name fell from his lips as he pressed his forehead to hers. “I love you, Freddie.” Her voice was a whisper. She leaned up to steal a quick kiss from his lips before he could speak. “I love you.” He mumbled between kisses. 
They spent the next few hours tangled in each other, whispering sweet nothings, and her dozing off a few times. Fred woke her when he heard the first noises in the den below. Fred scrambled to find his clothes as she waltzed around his room to find hers. She pulled on a pair of leggings and his jumper. Her fingers slid across his sides as he pulled his shirt on. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself against him. His arms snaked around her, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
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adrienneleclerc · 2 months
Can You Be My Boyfriend?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N is Ferrari’s social media manager and when one of the mechanics doesn’t take no for an answer, she pretends she’s dating a certain Ferrari driver.
Warning: grammatical and spelling errors cuz I don’t proofread
A/N: i just wanted to say thank you so much for the love y’all gave “Prince of Ferrari”, it means a lot to me as a new Charles Leclerc writer. I hope y’all like this one too, just like Olivia Rodrigo, I am so American,
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Y/N walked into Fred’s office.
“Mr. Vasseur, I had an idea for a new C2 challenge.” Y/N said.
“What did you have in mind, Y/N?” Fred asked.
“I was thinking we make dishes from each place we go to. Like Cuban food from Miami, Texas barbecue ribs, paella from Spain, and we have Charles and Carlos match the dishes to their flag. I personally think it would be fun, you know? Or we could do a video where the drivers tell us from which Grand Prix the photo was taken.” Y/N suggested.
“Those are very good ideas, Y/N, see if the boys are up to it, will you? Figure out when the best time is to film that.” Fred said.
“Yes, will do.” Y/N said and left his office. She walked to the living room (does the hospitality have a living room? I don’t know) to see Carlos and Charles chatting to away.
“There she is! Como has estado, hermosa?” Carlos asked Y/N, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.
“Ha estado súper bien, un poquito cansada, pero nada que no se puede arreglar con un café.” Y/N said, her and Carlos laughed.
“I understand half of that.” Charles said.
“Now you know how I feel when you speak French.” Y/N said. “Anyway, as your social media manager, I had an idea for an upcoming challenge, we have to make the most of this season.” Y/N said.
“We hear you, mon ange, what’s the idea?” Charles asked.
“Can you guys guess what Grand Prix this is based off the picture?” Y/N asked, showing them a picture on her phone.
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“That’s when I won in Monza.” Charles answered.
“Good, this is your challenge, guessing Grand Prixs based off a photo.” Y/N said putting her phone away. “It’s not much, but it’s different from what you guys have done in the past. You could also match dishes to their countries.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a fun challenge.” Carlos said.
“Good to hear. I’m gonna be with the photographer, he’s taking photos of the new livery and I need to approve them before I post them on Instagram. See ya later, okay?” Y/N said, stepping into the garage where she sees the photographer looking over the photos on his camera.
“Y/N! You’re here, tell me what you think, and be brutally honest. Do you think they came out to blurry?” The photographer, Daniel, asked. Y/N started looking them over.
“They look great, honestly, it matches Ferrari’s instagram feed, you did a good job. Can you upload them to the computer?” Y/N asked and Daniel said that he could. He left Y/N alone on the garage and that’s when one of the mechanics, Ruggero, approached her.
“Sei bellissima, a more mío.” Ruggero told her. Y/N rolled her eyes,
“Grazie, Rugge, what do you want?” Y/N asked.
“You are very hostile towards me, you know? I might be able to forgive you if you go out with me.” Ruggero said.
“Not gonna happen, Rugge, aren’t you tired of getting rejected?” Y/N asked.
“I bounce back. Come on, amore, why won’t you let me take you out? You think you’re too good for me?” Ruggero asked.
“What are you talking about? Oh my god, I don’t think I’m too good for you, where the hell did you get that from?” Y/N asked, so confused at the turn this conversation took.
“Well that’s the only thing I could think of, you come from the states, you clearly think you’re better than Europeans.” Ruggero said and Y/N had enough of this nonsense.
“I have a boyfriend! Que pesado eres, me cae.” Y/N said.
“Really, who’s the boyfriend?” Ruggero asked. Y/N saw Charles walking into the garage.
“Muñeco, there you are!” Y/N said loudly, walking up to Charles and kissed him. Charles widened his eyes in shock but kissed her back and they both pulled away, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest and Charles rubbed her back.
“Congratulations, does Fred know?” Ruggero asked.
“It’s private right now, we’re just seeing how this goes.” Y/N replied and as soon as Ruggero left, Y/N pulled away from Charles. “I am so sorry! Ruggero wouldn’t leave me alone so I had to tell him I had a boyfriend and honestly whoever walked through that door was going to be the victim of my lie but I am glad it’s you and not Carlos, mainly because Ruggero knows Rebecca is dating him.” Y/N explained quickly but Charles was still distracted, thinking about the kiss Y/N gave him.
“I’m sorry, what?” Charles asked.
“Can you be my boyfriend?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t think we could pull this off, Y/N. We work together.” Charles said.
“We would only have to pretend we’re dating around Ruggero, no one else has to know, I promise.” Y/N said.
“Okay fine.” Charles said, him and Y/N were walking back to the main area (I don’t know how this works) and Carlos was standing next to Fred and Ruggero with a smile.
“Congratulations, cabrón,” Carlos told charles, hugging him. “You two are adorable.” Charles turned to look at Y/N with a look that said ‘no one will know, yeah right’
“I didn’t know you two were dating.” Fred commented.
“It’s still new.” Charles replied, putting his arm around Y/N.
“As long as it doesn’t interfere with the social media posts, it should be fine.” Fred said before walking away. Ruggero smiled before going back to the garage.
“Now I know why you always called her ‘mon ange’, que coqueto saliste, eh charles.” Carlos said, leaving Y/N and Charles alone, Y/N pulled away to face Charles.
“Well so much for that plan, I really am sorry, Charles.” Y/N said.
“You know what? It’s alright, it’s okay, pretending around here should be easy enough, this can’t get worse, right?” Charles asked.
“I Don’t think it can. How about I buy you lunch for getting you into this situation? I swear I did not mean for this to happen.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, sure let’s get lunch, where do you want to go?” Charles asked.
“Well since this lunch is my treat, you choose where we should go.” Y/N said. Charles and Y/N walked to the parking lot together and Y/N was walking towards her car when Charles grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his car. “Seriously?”
“Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if we went to lunch in different cars?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, makes sense, Ruggero is watching through the window too, let’s go.” Y/N said. Charles opened the passenger door and Y/N got in, he close the door behind her, ever there gentleman, and he got into the driver seat. He turned on the car, and gave Y/N his phone so she can choose the music.
They arrived at the restaurant and like always, there were fans recording Charles and Y/N in the car, leaving the car, eating at the restaurant, talking, laughing, within the hour, Charles and Y/N were trending on Instagram, Twitter (X), and TikTok. As they waited for the check, Y/N was scrolling on TikTok when she found a video of her and Charles in the car.
“Charles, i think our ‘relationship’ went public.” Y/N said, showing him her phone. Charles’s eyes widened.
“Cant say I’m not surprised, I just thought videos wouldn’t be posted until later, you know?” Charles said and Y/N put her phone away.
“We haven’t even been ‘dating’ two hours and now everyone knows. You have no idea how sorry I am, I feel so bad for dragging you into this.” Y/N said.
“None of this wouldn’t have happened if Ruggero understood the word ‘no’ so you are fine, I’m glad I was able to help. But what was that thing you called me? ‘Muñeco’? Why did you call me that?” Charles asked.
“So ‘muñeco’ means ‘doll’, you have a pretty face, everyone says you’re good looking, you know you’re good looking. So muñeco just suits you, okay, especially with those dimples.” Y/N said, Charles smirked a little.
“You think I have a pretty face?” Charles asked teasingly.
“Great, I boosted your ego, like your head wasn’t big enough already. You literally said in one of those C2 challenges when Carlos had your photo that if you were a woman, you would be in love with yourself.” Y/N said. The waiter came in with the check and Y/N was going to take it but Charles was faster. “Dude, I told you I was gonna pay.”
“It would look good if you paid, there are cameras everywhere apparently.” Charles said, placing his credit card with the check. The waiter took the check.
“Then I’ll Apple Pay you. You gonna train today?” Y/N asked.
“Yes actually, come with me? You could post it to my story.” Charles asked. The waiter came back with Charles’s card.
“Yeah, I can do that. But we gotta go to Scuderia Ferrari for my car.” Y/N said, getting up from the table, Charles getting up as well.
“I think it can stay there overnight.” Charles said.
“You want me to spend the entire day with you? You’re insane.” Y/N commented as they were leaving the restaurant.
“Maybe, but it is to keep up appearances.” Charles said.
“I guess, but how long do we say we’ve been dating?” Y/N asked, getting into Charles’s car, he does the same.
“4 months seems good, don’t you think?” Charles asked.
“I guess that’s plausible.” Y/N said, Charles starts the car and drives off.
“Do you miss New York?” Charles asked.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked.
“You travel a lot with us and you moved to Monaco for work, but do you ever miss New York? Your family? I know I miss my family when I’m away for races.” Charles said.
“I miss the food in New York, I can’t get decent tacos al pastor in Monaco, I gotta wait til the Mexican Grand Prix for them.” Y/N stated. “But yeah, I do miss New York.”
“You should ask for vacation time so you could go.” Charles said.
“I Don’t think they’ll give it to me, but thanks.” Y/N said.
For a week, Y/N and Charles have been spotted together everywhere, at races obviously, with Joris, Andrea, Doni, and Victoria, even with Charles’s family. Right now Y/N was with Charles at a club in Monaco. Y/N was at a table with Charles was at the bar getting drinks. Y/N noticed a girl flirting with Charles, touching his hand, before he pulled away with two drinks for him and Y/N.
“Charles, can we talk for a second?” Y/N asked.
“Sure, what’s on your mind, mon ange?” Charles asked, the nickname still causing butterflies in Y/N’s stomach.
“If you wanted to hook up with that girl, you can. I don’t want to have you tied down for a fake relationship.” Y/N said.
“I wasn’t interested in her at all, you know.” Charles commented.
“Really? What happens when the next girl that hits on you is more your type? I don’t want to hold you back, we are friends after all.” Y/N said.
“I have a confession to make.” Charles said, Y/N nodded her head for Charles to continue. “I’ve liked you for a while. Before you kissed me, it was a little crush, I thought it would have went away, but being with you this past week made my crush grow stronger. You don’t have to feel the same way, I just wanted to get this off my chest.” Y/N was shocked. Charles usually went for Instagram models, but he actually likes her, this was her dream come true.
“I’ve liked you for a while too, I just never thought you would see me that way.” Y/N said.
“I’m going to kiss you right now, okay?” Charles whispered, getting closer to Y/N, looking at her lips then back into her eyes, Y/N nodded, leaning in until their lips touched. It was a soft, gentle kiss, until Charles gained more confidence to do more. They pulled away. “Will you be my girlfriend? For real, this time?” Charles asked.
“Yes I will.” Y/N responded, they kissed again.
The End
Was this good? I think it was good, the pacing is weird, but I had no idea where this was going, just saying. Was it just as good as “prince of Ferrari”? Probably not, but I hope y’all liked it, should I keep writing Charles Leclerc fanfics?
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I love how my favorite Buffy characters are Buffy, Cordy, and Faith--also Willow and Dawn--and then just Angel.
Like, all the girls and then just a random dude. Pfft.
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teddypickerry · 2 years
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem! ravenclaw potter reader!
word count: 1.8k
warnings: language & mentions of harassment!
summary: after being verbally harassed by cormac mclaggen, your secret boyfriend draco must come to your rescue.
IT WAS A dull evening at hogwarts. nothing that shocked draco malfoy. he was used to being bored of the castle, he was too familiar with the grounds after being here so many years. nothing excited him anymore. except for seeing his girlfriend, y/n. which only happened during the late hours of the early morning and late evening. when it was silent throughout the castle, and no one could find either of you sharing spit atop the astronomy tower. your boyfriend’s personal favorite spot.
it was exactly two minutes into dinner that draco noticed you were missing from your own table. he had been glancing in your normal direction every chance he got but your friends were blocking his view. so, when he finally noticed the empty spot his eyebrows furrowed. he shook it off immediately, knowing you and how you probably were off attempting to receive a few extra house points. or maybe you were off with hagrid. or maybe, even, you lost track of time lost in a good book. that must have been it, he had convinced himself as he took another bite of his meal.
it was a few minutes later that he started to worry. he had noticed your brother, harry, missing along with a few of your best friends. draco had only assumed the group of you were off doing something he would disapprove of. theo’s voice was in his ear as if he cared, the entire duration of dinner. not that draco was paying any bit of attention as he stared off at your empty seat. trying to contemplate what to do or what to think.
“mate, what’s up with you? did ya’ hear what i told you- about that hufflepuff girl?” theo had slapped his shoulder as he tilted his head. blaise’s eyes were also locked on the silent blonde, lorenzo’s as well. draco turned slightly to face theo in an annoying manner. “no, i didn’t. and i don’t want to.”
the curly headed brunette held up his hands in innocence as he turned to face his own plate, eating his sandwhich. it was blaise’s turn to care as he watched his best friend stare off into eternity. “draco-“
draco caught none of the rest of the conversation as the sight of two of your friends entering the great hall caught his eye. there was a distraught look on both of their faces as they spoke to one another in hushed voices. okay, now he was worried. he was about to rise when he started to get into his own head. if you were completely fine, he didn’t want to embarrass you or him by exposing your private relationship. the two of you had fought hard to make it secret, and he didn’t want to blow it. you being a potter and him being a malfoy and the two of you dating would break every standard ever made. draco hated your brother and your family with every bone in his body - or so you thought.
when fifth year came round, and the two of you were partnered together in charms class, you soon learned that he wasn’t that unbearable. he, the same. months later, the two of you had been dating for just a few months - friends for nearly a year. all private due to the sake of disownement on either halves of your families. yeah, it hurt to watch you dance with fred weasley at the yule ball. or not be able to tell you that you looked pretty when he saw you at breakfast. or simply take you on dates to hogsmede. he knew how much you adored butterbeer, he just wished he could witness it for himself.
and with that, he stood. draco could hear his friends call his name as he made his way out of the great hall and to the staircase. the slytherin knew how risky he was being considering there was a very good chance you weren’t even at your dorm. but most of the students were at dinner, so he took that as a leap of faith. it was several flights of stairs to get to the ravenclaw tower. the tallest tower in the entire school.
draco had only been to your dorm room once, to drop you off after you had a bit too much fire whiskey. but every other time you had seen one another was meeting at the astronomy tower or in the library, or outside the castle on the grounds. he knew which one was yours though, he had paid first years to get you flowers twice before. once when you were ill and the second time just… because, he’s draco malfoy and he’s your boyfriend.
he entered the tower after answering the riddle, he wished all entrances had a riddle rather a secret word. draco of course believed he would answer them correctly everytime, he was just so clever. he entered the house common room cautiously, not wanting to explain to head of house professor flitwick why he was sneaking around ravenclaw dorms. the dark blue aura, the painted stars on the ceiling, the several book shelves - it all lay silent as he sighed in relief at the emptiness.
draco immediately made his way to the right staircase and walked up it too quickly, anxiously. he reached the top only to spot your brother and your friend stood outside your door. his too expensive shoes creaked too loudly against the darkened wooden final step, causing both heads to turn in his direction. he didn’t even bother hiding it at this point. “malfoy, get out of here.”
“shut it, potter.” draco rolled his eyes as he shoved passed him and pressed his head against the door. “what are you even doing here?” harry questioned as draco ignored his choice of words. “y/n, it’s me.”
that was all you needed to hear to open the door ever so slightly so you could grab him. in which you did, shoving him in your dorm room as you shut the door behind him. he furrowed his eyebrows as to why you were locked in you room with your brother and friend stood outside. you sat back down on the floor, the back of your head pressed against the edge of your bed. draco took a breath before he sat down beside you, inspecting you quickly.
your eyes seemed puffy and slightly red. you looked upset, even more upset then when you found out you couldn’t get tickets for your favorite because you had the O.W.L.S. his heart broke in several different patterns which soon turned to anger as he knew this was nothing. who hurt you?” “y/n-“
“what is malfoy doing in there? get away from my sister you-“
“silenceo.” y/n casted softly making the words of her brother now, silent. you turned to draco as it all seemed to click in your mind. “merlin’s beard, dray. you- you’re here. harry knows you’re here. no, oh no.”
“darling,” draco spoke softly as he leaned his face closer to your own. your eyes landing directly on his own light ones. “i don’t care about that right now. what’s going on, hm?”
you shook your head as you wiped the dry tears from earlier off of your face, provoking redness to come to the surface. he sighed as he tilted his head, his cold finger tracing your jaw. his whole hand cupped the side of your face as it fell into his hand sadly. “pretty girl, what’s wrong?”
“i-“ your voice cracked as you took a deep breath. “i was leaving quidditch practice and cormac…” your voice trailed off as you sniffled. “he started going on about how good i was in the game. and how he knew i was good at other things… i asked him to leave me alone and he kept going on.”
you could feel draco’s hand harden underneath your face, as if he whole body tensed. “he was saying the things he wanted to do to me and-“ your voice cracked as your hand reached to hold onto draco’s arm. “he just kept talking and talking and tried to follow me to my dorm and i kept telling him to get away from me and then he tried to-“
“i’m going to fucking avara his fat ass,” draco spit as he watched a tear drip down your cheek and into his own hand. the dorm remained silent as he placed his free hand through your hair, something that he learned calmed you down ages ago. he felt maimed knowing he couldn’t have stopped cormac, or at least wasn’t with you to walk you back to your dorm like any normal boyfriend. or that he couldn’t have been at the practice to put cormac in his place. and especially that he wasn’t there the moment you arrived there so he could hold you in his arms and let you feel like you were okay and safe. “why didn’t you tell me? or come to me?” his voice was quiet, it was practically a murmur. you only picked it up because of the silence of the room. your heart hurting at his tone.
“draco, i couldn’t come running to you.” you told him which only made his stomach twist and turn. you watched his face drop from anger to pure sadness. “i- you. fuck. y/n, you can always come running to me,” his voice came of as a question as he stuttered out his own words.
“i…” your voice trailed off as you looked anywhere but his eyes. you didn’t want to cry anymore, and you knew you would burst into tears if you had to watch his sad puppy dog expression anymore. “i didn’t want you to be mad at me. for… ruining our secret, y’know. if i came running to you that would- ugh. i didn’t want to fuck this up for you, or for your potter hating family.”
“fuck my family, y/n. fuck everyone. i only care about you. you- you come to me if you need me to lend you a quill. or if you need me to open a blimey muggle pickle jar! you come to me always, i don’t want you to think i care about father’s opinion over your feelings. you’re my girlfriend, y/n. i care about your feelings over everything, okay? just- i’m here. i’m always here for you, darling. understand?” he dropped his hands from you as he took your own in his hands, holding them tightly as he spoke. you fought a huge smile at his devotion towards you.
“i understand.” you smiled at him as his lip curved and he leaned towards you, his lips pressing softly against your own. it was a relief after the afternoon you had, and you knew nothing in the world could ever make you feel better. “now, if you don’t mind i have some business to deal with - with some slag - a curly headed fool who tried to mess with my girl.”
“hm,” you pressed your lips together as he pulled away from the kiss. “also, my brother outside of the door.” draco groaned as he stood up, helping you up as well. “ah yes, an evening full of what i call fun.”
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holllandtrash · 1 year
6 to 1 lando and Charles finding each other after Charles took the grid penalty, awkwardly talking with y/n in the middle
bro this ended up being so much longer than i thought but i hope its okay also its not edited i just wrote it at work LOL
"Don't," you told Lando, hand going to his chest the second he stepped out of the car. His attention had already gone towards the entrance of the garage, but you were hoping your touch would remind him there were more important things at stake here.
"He ruined my lap!" Lando exclaimed after he pulled his helmet off."
"And now the FIA is investigating it so whatever you want to say, save it."
Lando didn't know that part. How could he when he had been in the car this whole time? Whereas you saw the incident when it occurred, Charles unintentionally getting in the way of Lando's flying lap. You understood why Lando was pissed, he had a right to be, but you both knew how important Monaco was for Charles.
He clenched his jaw, taking one more look at the pit lane, knowing Charles was somewhere down there. You trailed your hand upwards, pulling his face back to yours.
"Just go do media and if you're still angry after-"
"I'm not angry it's just annoying, is all," Lando scoffed. He pulled his face out of your grasp and you told yourself his actions weren't personal, he was just in a mood.
You could have let it go, had he not muttered one last thing under his breath.
"...thinks he can get away with this shit because he's from here, he's not the prince of motorsport-"
"Hey!" You snapped, your stare narrowing into an icy glare. Even a few McLaren mechanics turned to look at you with curiosity as you were never one to raise your voice at Lando, especially during a race weekend.
Lando's features only tightened more, it was clear he wasn't about to retract his statement, even if it was said in haste.
These types of moments during the races were rare. Usually, Lando and Charles got on pretty well. They respected each other and you split your time evenly between their garages. This weekend was the only time they argued over which garage you'd be in. In the end they agreed that Lando would have you for practices and Qualifying, but it was only right you were supporting Charles in the Ferrari garage at his home race.
Not like either of them asked for your opinion.
But this stupid tunnel incident was not one you had prepared for. In fact, you, along with many other people, were convinced that Lando wasn't going to get a lap in during Q3 after his brush with the barrier last session. His mechanics were magicians, apparently, and he managed to get out for a flying lap.
You texted Carlos' cousin when you heard about what happened in the tunnel, wanting to know if Ferrari was about to go up in flames. All he responses with was Xavi didn't tell Charles to move. The investigation notification came a minute later.
So yes, while Charles fucked up Lando's lap time, it wasn't his fault. And now there was a chance he was going to have to pay the price for it. The last thing you needed was your boyfriend making things worse.
Lando stood there, waiting for you to say something, waiting for you to tell him that you were on Charles' side but you just shook your head, warning him with your stare alone.
"Save. It." You repeated.
And then you left, knowing that Charles would appreciate your support much more than Lando would right now. You hung out in the Ferrari garage with Carlos for a bit when he returned from media before someone told you that Charles was chatting with Fred back in the motorhome, a closed door meeting presumably.
Clips of Lando's post-quali interview was circulating on twitter and you rolled his eyes at his suggestion to disqualify Charles. It was a joke, a painful one with maybe an ounce of truth behind it, but a joke nonetheless.
Which was a good sign. Maybe Lando had cooled off a bit. He must have if he was able to flash a faint smile for the cameras. You had seen the interviews after horrid sessions and this was not that.
An hour went by and still no one had heard anything. The two hour mark came and went and the only text you got was from Lando telling you he swiped some cheesecake from the hospitality lounge for you.
And then at the third hour, Charles stepped out of the office and came walking down the steps of the motorhome. The lines in his forehead and his lips pressed together tightly said it all.
"Three places," Charles sighed, he dropped to the couch across from you. At this point, most of the team had cleared out but you and Carlos had stayed. Charles dropped his elbows to his knees as his face fell to his hands. "Trois putains de lieux," Three fucking places.
"I'm so sorry," you said, because what else could you say? This was his home race and he qualified third. He still had a fighting chance being so close to the front but now it was ripped away.
"I just want to go home," Charles shook his head.
"Do you want me to call maman? I'm sure she's already made dinner-"
"Have you talked to Lando?" Charles cut you off, head snapping up.
Even Carlos looked at you. He too was curious, but didn't think to ask, assuming that it was probably the wrong time.
"Not since he got out of the car."
"He'll probably be celebrating in a minute," he muttered, staring past you and out the window towards the paddock. At the same time, your phone got the notification of F1's statement. Charles Leclerc takes 3-Place Grid Penalty.
"Your penalty doesn't help him at all," this was a thin line you walked on, playing devils advocate. "He's pissed yeah, but he's still stuck starting from tenth. And now you're starting sixth, no one wins."
"Max will," Carlos whispered, and then glanced between you and Charles, snapping his mouth shut. "I mean, he probably will. We all knew this."
Charles chose to ignore that comment, standing up and patting his teammate on the shoulder as he walked past, "Good luck tomorrow Carlos. I'm sure they'll give you the fighting chance strategy."
There was nothing you could do except follow him out in the paddock. He didn't want advice, he didn't want a pep talk, he wanted to go home and be angry about this because this situation had fallen so far out of his control.
The paddock had emptied for the most part at this point, a few stragglers here and there, but most drivers had gone into their debriefs and strategy planning meetings.
Most, not all.
Because just up ahead you spotted Lando walking in the same direction towards the gates. Charles shot you a look, silently telling you not to say anything or get his attention and you nodded, not wanting to stir the pot any more.
Lando probably would have just gone to his car and driven back to his flat.
But you both watched as he raised his phone up to his ear and it was only seconds later when the phone in your hand started ringing. You didn't need to look at the screen to know Lando was trying to get a hold of you.
Hearing your ringtone, Lando stopped walking and turned around. Eyes darting back and forth between you and Charles as you both approached him.
You stood between them, you had to. You didn't know if they were blaming the other or if they were going to fight or if Lando was still angry or what. There were too many variables and for everyones sake, you made sure to stand between them.
Lando shrugged sympathetically, but his words were anything but, "You don't slow down in the tunnel, mate. Everyone knows this."
"I didn't know you were behind me," Charles retorted, keeping the tone respectful.
"There are mirrors on the car."
"But not headlights."
"You don't slow down in the tunnel," Lando repeated with a sigh.
You could hear it in his voice, Lando did feel bad for Charles after seeing the harsh penalty, but he still had a right to hold a bit of a grudge.
Charles nodded, "I am sorry, Lando."
Shocked, you stared up at your brother, wondering if you had in fact heard him correctly. Charles was apologizing? For something he had no control over? Something that screwed him over?
Even Lando was susprised to hear it, taking a second for himself before responding.
"Yeah I'm sorry too," Lando nodded, reaching forward and patting the driver on the arm. "Three places is harsh."
"They should have fined the team," Charles shrugged.
"It's the Monaco curse, I guess."
You slapped the back of your hand against Lando's abdomen and even Charles rolled his eyes, hearing nothing but curse this and curse that, especially from Arthur who was now convinced it was in fact real.
"Curse or not, we both have our work cut out for us tomorrow," Charles said and the three of you started off walking again, still with you in the middle.
You stayed quiet as the drivers talked amongst yourselves but when Lando reached for your hand you looked up at him and smiled. You could breathe a little easier tonight knowing they wouldn't hold this incident against each other.
You approached Charles' Ferrari first and he unlocked the doors, nodding his head at Lando, "Are you coming to dinner?"
Lando looked at you, unsure how to answer because this was the first he had heard about dinner, "I don't-"
"You didn't invite him?" Charles asked you, brows pinched together. Every year, you spent the evening after qualifying at your maman's place for a good luck dinner, even if good luck never followed. Charles was still intent on going tonight, and was surprised to hear you didn't extend the invitation to Lando.
"I didn't know I could," you answered honestly.
"Come for dinner," Charles told Lando, no longer phrasing it as a question. He reached for the handle of the drivers side door and then pointed a finger at the Brit, "But don't even think about mentioning the curse."
You leaned into Lando's side as Charles said he'd see you in a bit and you waited until he drove off before your tilting your face upwards.
"Thank you," you said to him.
Lando kissed the top of your head, "What for?"
For saving whatever bullshit comment he really wanted to make. For not starting a fight in the middle of the paddock. For putting his own annoyances aside and seeing Charles as someone was also struggling.
"Just, thank you," you repeated. Because truthfully, there were a lot of reasons. Too many to list.
But most importantly, you were thankful to not be forced into choosing a side.
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miloformula123fan · 2 months
Could you do fic for Toto Wolff with wife reader? With him being the team principal for Merc, it was expected that she would also support the team and she did. But, she was and still a tifosi at heart and everyone knows it. So when Carlos wins the Australian GP and Charles P2, she sang her heart out during the national anthem was being played. He could see how much she loved the team and he wouldn't want her to stop supporting it. Because he always knew, whatever happened she would stick by his side no matter what. Just something fluff and sweet. Thanks!! :)))
okay, this is short, but the bachelor fic is really long, but im trying to empty my inbox while writing it, so, a little short :)
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
and if you want to be added to my taglist lmk :)
toto wolff x female!wife!tifosi!reader
“And um, while we’re on light hearted topics, moving on from Carlos’ miraculous recovery, i do just want to bring up Y/N Wolff, was at today’s race, obviously horrible race for Mercedes, and we really did think she would be quite upset by it, but um, she was later spotted in the Ferrari crowd.” Damon Hill said, trying to avoid getting trampled in the Australian paddock
“Yeah, it was a little odd, we did ask a couple of Mercedes mechanics that we ran into, and they all seemed to know what we were talking about and they all had these knowing smiles, and Shov even quoted Seb saying ‘everyone is a ferrari fan. Even if they say they are not, they are a ferrari fan’ so very odd things going on in the Mercedes garage.” Paul di Resta mentioned
“Let’s um, let’s cut to the footage so you know what we’re talking about.” Damon Hill pointed at the screen.
The Sky broadcast cut to a past shot from the podium. The shot was pretty simple, Y/N standing in her Mercedes shirt, standing out in the sea of red and orange shirts. The anthem and the Italian engineers made it difficult to hear, but her body language and the fact that she was mouthing the words to the Italian National Anthem, with her arm around Fred’s shoulder, swaying side to side.
The camera then panned to Toto, who had an adorable look on his face. It had obviously been a horrible weekend for Mercedes, but he had a grin on his face as he watched Y/N cheering for ferrari. Multiple mechanics were calling out his names as he gazed at his wife looking at the ferrari boys.
“Damn he’s whipped, i think that’s what all the kids are saying these days.” Paul di Resta said
“And speak of the man himself, hey Toto. Got time for a chat?” Damon Hill called out to the tall Austrian, as he walked past. Toto nodded and grabbed a microphone.
“Toto, we obviously saw your wife celebrating the ferrari 1-2, should we be concerned that she is leaving you to join Lewis at Ferrari?” Paul di Resta asked
“No, not at all, whatever happens, I have faith that my wife will stick by my side no matter what. I also don’t think she finds the guys with no hair attractive, so better luck next time Fred.” Toto shrugged before wandering off, probably to find his wife.
taglist: @leosxrealm, @tallrock35, @wolf-knights, @janeholt3, @pear-1206
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
Your future was Ferrari - Part 2/?
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Part 1 here
summary: She was finally making her dreams come true, but as the old saying goes "when it rains, it pours" and maybe the nudge Charles gave her might get her somewhere she would never find on her own.
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Ferrari!Reader!
warnings: alusion to mature content.
wordcount: +2K
a/n: Bit of a more internal debate chapter here, but it kind had to be done. Also, would you guys mind if I put explicit description of mature content on this fic? I skipped it on the first one but was thinking that it may be needed for the next ones
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The crisp January air of Maranello was a welcome change from the desert heat of Abu Dhabi. Three whirlwind months had passed since that unforgettable night, and now, amidst the intricate tapestry of Ferrari's world, everything was beginning to feel like home—the rhythmic pulse of machinery, fervent debates over car performance, and the rich aroma of freshly brewed espresso.
One tempestuous afternoon, while engrossed in finalizing a critical report, a summons arrived from Fred’s secretary. Your heart thudded against your ribs like a frantic drumbeat as you made your way to his office. Upon entering, you were greeted not only by Fred's imposing presence but also by Charles, whose eyes sparkled with an enigmatic glint.
"Ah, y/n! Glad you could join us," boomed Fred, gesturing to the empty chair opposite him. Charles flashed you a friendly grin.
As you settled into the plush leather chair, a tidal wave of nerves began to recede. The meeting commenced with a comprehensive review of your contributions and insights into Ferrari’s new car. Then, Fred dropped a bombshell that sent shockwaves through your core.
"We've been impressed with your work, y/n" he began, his voice serious. "I already knew of your great technical understanding and a quick-thinking, and Charles here, has been particularly vocal about his…" he paused, glancing at Charles with a smile, "enthusiasm for your skills."
A blush crept up your neck. Charles cleared his throat.
A blush surged across your cheeks, painting them a vivid shade of crimson. Charles, leaning in with a playful smirk, chimed in, "As you know, we’re an engineer short at trackside. The demands are intense—the relentless travel, the grueling 24-race season—but the experience is unparalleled. We believe you'd be the perfect addition to my side of the garage."
Your mind whirred at breakneck speed. The prospect of working trackside with Charles, under the revered banner of Ferrari, was intoxicating. You couldn’t deny the thrill of being closer to the action, the adrenaline rush of race weekends. Yet, a nagging voice of caution whispered reminders of the relentless schedule and unyielding scrutiny.
"It's a lot to consider," you admitted, looking between the two men.
Charles leaned back, a playful smile on his lips. "Think of it, y/n! You’ve always wanted that, even back at Alpha. Although, you would have to face the brunt of Fred's coffee breath during briefings" he joked, earning a chuckle from Fred.
"Alright," you announced, a grin splitting your face, "I'm in!"
The joy in Charles' eyes mirrored your own. He bumped your fist with a whoop. But as you left Fred's office, Charles stopped you in the hallway, his smile fading slightly.
"Hey," he began hesitantly, "about Abu Dhabi… I got a little carried away that night. What happened between you and Lewis? I never saw you after…"
The question sent a jolt through you. Your stomach lurched. How could you tell him the truth? Shame burned in your throat as you fumbled with your thoughts. "Oh, you know" you resorted to lies, forcing a casual smile "Fan stuff. Autographs and all that."
A flicker of disappointment crossed Charles' face. "Ah, right" he mumbled. "Well, see you in Bahrain then, it’ll be nice to have you in the pit wall!"
You plastered another smile on your face. Packing for Bahrain. Excitement bubbled beneath the guilt gnawing at your conscience. You were going trackside.
The shrill ring of your phone pierced the quiet of the dawn. It was an unusual wake-up call at 6:00 AM, especially on a Wednesday mid-winter break. Squinting at the screen, you saw your dad's name and answered with a groggy, "Hello?"
The familiar booming voice filled your ear. "Y/n! Did you hear the news? Lewis to Ferrari! Can you believe it?"
You forced a laugh. "Dad, there have been rumors about Lewis to Ferrari for years. Remember that time they photoshopped him in a red suit?"
"This feels different, though! There are articles everywhere, even F1 is buzzing about it." Your dad's excitement was palpable through the phone as a wave of nausea washed over you.
You mumbled an agreement, hanging up before he could pick up on the tremor in your voice. The news hung heavy in the air, a dark cloud amidst the usual pre-season jitters.
As you went about your day, the rumors intensified. Mentions on social media turned into breaking news alerts. By lunchtime, a tense hush had fallen over everyone at Maranello. An unexpected staff meeting announcement sent a jolt through everyone.
As you walked towards the assembly hall, a colleague whispered, "Did you hear? Brackley's having a meeting too."
Dread gnawed at your insides. You knew what this meant.
The hall was packed, a sea of expectant faces illuminated by the harsh fluorescent lights. Fred stood at the center; his face uncharacteristically serious. The silence in the room was deafening.
"Everyone," he began, his voice carrying an air of gravitas, "as you may be aware, there have been a lot of speculations circulating today. Speculations that have become… well, reality."
He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. You could hear the collective intake of breath from the crowd.
“Lewis Hamilton is joining Scuderia Ferrari for the 2025 season.” A triumphant glint briefly played in his eyes, but before anyone could respond the team principle continued “But, that’s not for another year. In 2024 we have Charles here and Carlos, who have given us amazing years”
The hall erupted in a cacophony of comments and stunned silence. You felt the floor tilt beneath your feet. Your heart hammered against your ribs, a frantic drum solo threatening to burst out of your chest. Lewis Hamilton at Ferrari. Your secret, your shame, was about to collide spectacularly with your professional life. You were frozen, a lone island of stillness amidst the storm.
The conversations faded into a distant hum. You gripped the edge of a chair, trying to anchor yourself amidst the emotional turmoil. You had hidden that night from everyone, from yourself even. And now you would have to possibly work alongside him.
The desert sun beat down on the Losail International Circuit in Qatar, baking the asphalt and testing the limits of both man and machine. For you, it was the third day of your first official trackside deployment with Ferrari, and a whirlwind of emotions churned within you. The initial media frenzy surrounding Lewis' arrival had subsided, replaced by the usual pre-season buzz: championship predictions, car evaluations, and the ever-present debate about the second-fastest team.
You'd managed to navigate the past two days with a semblance of normalcy. Charles appreciated your input during pit stops and strategy discussions, and Fred's reassuring pat on the back after a successful test session confirmed he hadn't made the wrong choice in calling you in. Yet, a constant undercurrent of tension ran beneath the surface. The ghost of Abu Dhabi loomed large every time you passed the Mercedes garage.
On the morning of the third day, an urge for a pre-dawn run propelled you out of bed and straight to the hotel gym. As you hopped onto a treadmill, lost in the rhythm of your steps, a familiar voice jolted you back to reality.
"Well. Look who it is." There he was, Lewis Hamilton, a smirk playing on his lips. He looked effortlessly cool in a sleek tracksuit, his dark braids damp from a workout. Your heart stuttered in your chest.
"Uh, hi." you stammered, desperately trying to appear nonchalant. You cranked up the treadmill's speed, hoping to appear absorbed in your workout.
Lewis chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. Briefly, he lingered by the treadmill before heading out, leaving you feeling exposed and flustered.
The rest of the day unfolded in a blur of data analysis and strategy meetings. By the time everyone else had left, you found yourself volunteering to stay back and finalize some reports. The solitude, however, was short-lived. As you gathered your belongings, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness of the paddock.
"Still here, I see?" Lewis' voice sent shivers down your spine.
He motioned towards a secluded corner of the pitlane, and you hesitantly followed.
"Glad to see you're part of Ferrari. You failed to mention that" he began, his tone casual.
Feigning ignorance, you played along. "I don't think we've met." A single eyebrow of his arched up in a silent challenge.
"Babe," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement, "I've kissed every inch of your skin that night. We've been introduced alright."
Your cheeks burned crimson. His laughter did little to ease your mortification.
"You left pretty early the next morning," he continued, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Didn't even leave a message. Quite the enigma" He reached into his pocket; his phone poised. "How about we change that?"
Panic surged through you as his intentions became clear. Just as you were about to stammer a response, he intervened with a disarming smile
“Relax” he reassured, his tone softening. “What happened between us was a one-off thing, if you want it to be just that. But, since we’re gonna work together next year we could find ways, I get you’d want discretion though. I won’t deny it, I had fun that night”
Just as you looked at him deciding if you bought into his sudden innocence, a voice cut through the tension.
"Y/n? Are you still here?" It was Marco, a data analyst from your department, Lewis’ face etched with confusion. Seizing the opportunity, you called out, "Yeah! Just finishing up here! Coming!"
With a fleeting glance at Lewis, who seemed momentarily taken aback, you practically sprinted towards your colleague, your heart pounding a frantic escape rhythm.
You couldn't allow yourself to be alone with Lewis, not after that. Not when the truth could come spilling out like a dam bursting. Not when he was offering you something you didn’t even know could be within your reach, something you had never even thought of being a possibility.
With each step away from the empty paddock, you faced a choice: to embrace the unknown allure Lewis offered or to just forget that anything had ever happened. The impending collision of your professional and personal worlds loomed large, leaving you to wonder: would Lewis Hamilton be worth having your world come crashing down?
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @timmychalametsstuff
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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soulfireblue · 6 months
Phil and Tubbo's conversation was so interesting. Because when Tubbo suggested killing Forever, Phil got upset. He immediately put himself in the place of Forever, to try to point out to Tubbo that Forever means as much to Phil as Phil means to Tubbo, to show that Phil couldn't bring himself to do that to Forever. But Tubbo's very logical, but he's also very ruled by his emotions. So the logical conclusion is yes, that would be his reaction even if it was Phil, because emotionally the eggs have to come first.
And what if it was Tubbo himself? He didn't really answer the question. He instead claimed that it couldn't happen to him, because he just focuses on his factories. But that wasn't a no. And I think Phil would have liked to hear that Tubbo would want the same done to himself for Sunny's sake even less than he liked hearing that Tubbo would do it to him.
And coming back from Purgatory 2 maybe highlights some of the ways that Tubbo thinks, but Tubbo has always had this thought process. This isn't the first time this question has come up for Tubbo. When asked if he would choose Fred or his godchildren, the choice of his godchildren was immediate. Fred is one of the people who means the most to Tubbo; we all saw the way he reacted when he thought Fred was dead. Tubbo was devastated, but he'd still choose the eggs. And that was before he even had Sunny.
I think Forever would understand it and maybe even agree. The eggs come first.
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blackbirdie1234 · 3 months
The Best Admirer
Fred! Weasley x GN!Reader
(Friends to lovers <3)
This is a Gender nuetral fic. I have only ever written for Fem! but I tried my best to use language that was GN. Let me know if there is anything I can do to improve!
a/n: Sorry for taking so long with this fic. I wanted to try something different. You and Fred are in your sixth year, also scabbers isn't Petter Pettigrew in this he is just a rat lol. Thank you for all the likes and interactions! I'm glad you all like my content. Feel free to request more Harry Potter fics for any character! As always feel free to interact and comment :) Not proof read!
Summary: You have been receiving letters from a secret admirer for weeks. The only problem is you are in love with Fred Weasley, who acts like you are best buds and nothing more. What happens when the secret admirer decides they are done sending letters and wants to meet in person.
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This is the sixth letter you have received in the last two weeks. Not that you aren't flattered, you just wish that this "secret admirer" would reveal themselves already. You aren't the most patient person, you never have been and all these letters are pushing your curiosity.
The first letter was lovely. You had never had someone pay that much attention to you or at least tell you about it. It made you start questioning who this mystery person was.
"Dear Y/n, A few days ago I saw you sitting in the library, catching up on DADA homework. I have never seen anyone look so ethereal. How can someone look so unearthly, while doing something so mundane? The way you stick your tongue out ever so slightly when you are writing, or when you bite your lip when you are focused on something so intense makes me melt. I've never seen something so perfect. I hope I don't sound creepy, but I wanted to express how amazing you are to me.
Love, your secret admirer."
After the third one, your curiosity increased. You had no clue who it could be. Valentine's Day was coming up and you wondered if your admirer would reveal themselves soon. As selfish as it was you only had one person you hoped this could be.
Fred Weasley
You and Fred have been friends since the first year after he defended you against a seventh-year student who thought it was funny to make fun of your glasses.
Fred has always been a good friend to you. You're close to George as well, but it could never compare to the connection you have with his brother. You and Fred understand each other in a way no one else could. You didn't develop a crush on him until your third year, but ever since then, your feelings have only grown.
It's a cold and wet February day, not that you mind. You've always found comfort in the rain.
You are walking to class with a group of your friends, holding the latest letter in your hand, when you hear distinct laughter behind you.
"OI, BUNNY!" You hear footsteps bounding behind you as you turn around to see Fred and George sharing a wide smile and jogging to catch up to you.
"I'll catch up with you lot later." You wave to your friends as they continue walking to McGonagall's classroom.
"Bunny please tell George that I am your favorite Weasley. He seems to have it in his diluted mind that HE is the favorite and that just cannot be true, can it?" Fred smirks, knowing you would choose him over George any day of the week.
"Hmm, but you aren't." You hold back a smile as Fred's face falls in confusion and George's eyes perk up in interest.
"Yeah, yeah I thought you knew. Scabbers is definitely my favorite Weasley." You say with a smile as you start walking.
Fred's face turns from confusion into full disgust.
"You choose A RAT over ME?? A literal RAT." Fred says sounding appalled, only having to take a few steps until he's beside you, George following suit.
"I don't blame her, he is way less annoying than you" George remarks, a smirk appearing on his face before his brother pushes him into the corridor wall.
"Why do you hurt me so, love?" Fred feigns a frown, clutching his chest as if you've injured him.
"I am sorry darling, how will I ever repay you?" You respond, giggling softly at the boy's overdramatic ways.
"Hmmm, profess your undying love for me and maybe I will forgive you" He spoke with a mischievous grin, dodging your hand barrelling towards him with a laugh.
"In your dreams, Weasley" You retort, rolling your eyes but turning away to hide the blushing smile creeping upon your face.
You, Fred, and George walk to class, lowering your heads as you walk in the classroom trying to be discreet so you don't feel disappointment in Mcgonagals gaze when she sees that you are late as always.
You normally sit with Fred but decided to sit next to Hermione today, you wanted to read the note without Fred questioning what you were doing. You NEEDED to figure out who this mystery person was. It was eating you alive. Fred would just complicate things, he would probably try and read the letter and you did NOT want to explain what was happening. And yes maybe it was because you were secretly hoping it was him, and him seeing the letter and not knowing what it was would ruin that thought for you. So you were keeping it a secret. At least until you figure out who it is.
You kept reading the letters over and over again. You were obsessed at this point. Whoever this was obviously knew you well, they write as if they've known you for a long time. They would add details that you are sure you have only told a few people. They knew your favorite color, flower, and food, they even knew that you preferred to keep your hair long and over your ears because you felt insecure about it. If they weren't so poetic and sweet in their words you would be creeped out but you could tell this person was genuine, just by the way they wrote to you, as if you were someone worth writing for.
The next few days you became distant from everyone around you. You stayed to yourself in class, at the library, in your dorm. You wanted to figure out the letters so you decided the best way to investigate and you needed there to be no distractions. Even though you are an introvert you at least talk to your friends, especially Fred and George. All you could think about though was those stupid letters and who it could possibly be. You ruled out the majority of your friends, as you only have a small group of them.
You begin reading another letter.
"Dear Y/n, I must confess, I've admired you in secret for quite a while now. I've been enchanted by your beauty, intelligence, kindness, and your grace. I am scared you will not look at me the same after finding out who I am. I fear it will affect our connection. I just can't love you in secret anymore. So I have decided to explain how I feel in these letters in the hope you will understand exactly how I feel about you. I am not always great at expressing how I feel out loud so I hope this will make up for it. I admire you for many reasons but here are a few I can point out. I admire the way you carry yourself with such confidence and poise, yet remain humble and kind in your words and actions. Your inner beauty reflects the outer, captivating all who have the privlidge of seeing it. I will reveal myself soon my love. For now, I will continue to send these letters and poems as a reminder that I have loved you before, I will love you now, and I will love you after. With love, your secret admirer."
As you sit by the black lake re-reading the letter in your hands, you are pulled from your thoughts when you hear your name being called in the distance.
"Y/N" You hear, voice loud despite being almost a football field away from you. You know who it is obviously, you could recognize that voice anywhere. George. You slam your book shut, the letter hiding beneath the pages.
As the boy gets closer you wonder what he's doing alone. It's strange to see him without his brother by his side, both walking in sync, talking or laughing about the next prank/invention they are going to whip up. So seeing him walk up alone was very odd.
"Hey bunny, where have you been?" He questions sitting next to you, taking his shoes off making sure not to get dirt on the blanket scrawled out beneath you both. Bunny a nickname given to you by Fred in your first year on the ride to Hogwarts, he told you it's because your eyes and nose reminded him of a bunny and coincidently it is now your patronus.
"Oh you know, just been busy with potions work. Snape has really pilled it on this week, just trying to make sure I stay on track" You say trying not to show the nervousness buried beneath your smile.
"Fred and I could've helped you with that, Snape may be sick of us but we are damn good at potions" He replies with a cocky smirk, not noticing the lie. You're glad Fred isn't here because he would have seen right through you and questioned you until you spilled.
"Did you need something, not that I don't enjoy your company but you came down here with a sort of determination" You laughed softly while speaking, showing your amusement at the ginger's abrupt greeting.
George's face lit up as if he remembered something important and then reached for his pocket.
"Actually yes" He grins while pulling a pink-tinted letter. A letter that looked all too familiar.
Your eyes widened in surprise. What the HELL was George doing with that letter. Your mind raced as you tried to remember if you might've dropped or misplaced one of the letters, but that couldn't be possible since you kept them in your nightstand with an enchanted lock. You tried to hide your horrified expression as you thought just for a second that George was the one who was sending you these letters. Just as you were about to speak he cleared things up.
"I was told to give this to you, urgent matter" He wiggled his eyebrows while handing it to you, a boyish grin on his face the whole time.
You took the letter with hesitation staring at it, then looking back at George dumbfounded.
"Who gave this to you?" You questioned, shaking the letter with your hand.
"You'll just have to read it and find out I guess" He answered, not giving you much before standing up and placing his shoes back on his feet. Not before you see the small grin that he is obviously trying to hide.
You sit there watching him walk away, not knowing what to think you open the letter placed in your hand.
" Dear Y/n, Hello love, I hope you are well on this beautiful day. By the time you read this letter, I will be preparing. I have sent George to find you and give you this letter for a very special reason. If you want to meet me and know who I am, I will be at the astronomy tower tonight waiting for you. Meet me there at 9 o'clock tonight, bring your wand ;) Love, your secret admirer."
He wants to meet, tonight.
You look up to see the sun setting behind the water and realize it is time for dinner.
You immediately get up and flick your wand, effectively clearing your area of the lawn and packing up your things neatly into your bag. You snatch the bag and run to the castle.
You sit down next to Fred, he looks up at you with a smile. You realize you've been ignoring him for the past couple of weeks. You've been so busy with these letters you haven't even been sitting with him at dinner, as you normally always do.
"Oi Bunny, finally decided to sit next to me have you?" Fred says in a fake annoyed tone, not hiding the smile on his face when you look at him with guilt.
"Don't act as if you haven't missed me dearly darling" You speak, falling back into the playful banter you're used to.
"I'm not acting anything, love. I can't believe you left me with the kids, I've had to get a second job to pull the load" He fake sobs putting his face into his hands.
You rub his back laughing "Oh I am so sorry, honey. I'll buy you a new broom to make up for it."
His head shoots up with a smile "All is forgiven, buttercup"
You both laugh as George and Lee look between the two of you with confusion on their faces.
"You lot are so odd," George says laughing.
You enjoy the rest of dinner throwing banter with your friends, soaking in the time spent with them. You didn't realize how much you missed them until now. You wanted to enjoy this before you met your mystery person tonight.
You didn't realize you were staring at Fred the whole dinner until he looked at you and asked if there was something on his face. You responded by tucking your face away as it turned beet red.
"What should I wear? What if this is a prank? What if it's a first year or something?? Oh god, was I too nice to that one Ravenclaw in the great hall last month when he spilled milk on himself and I helped him clean it up???" You rant, pacing back and forth in your dorm.
Your friend who was sitting on the bed in front of you stands up grabbing your shoulders.
"Calm down! Breath!" they say shaking you back and forth, making you look at them.
They push you onto the bed and walk to the closet while talking.
"It is not a prank, you are a catch! I'm surprised you aren't getting letters from every person at Hogwarts by now" They say winking at you cheekily. "It is not a first year, especially not that Ravenclaw bloke" They answer putting clothes on the bed next to you in stacks. "If you want me to be honest I think it's a certain redhead who is always ogling you from afar without you noticing." They look at you waving their eyebrows and smirking.
"Who? Ron???" You ask with a look of disgust.
"No, you can be so daft sometimes you know" They roll their eyes in disappointment. "Fred, of course. Who else looks at you like you hold the stars in your eyes"
"Fred? No way." You put your head down hiding the blush threatening to rise to your cheeks. "He most definitely does not look at me like that. Besides, I think he likes Angelina." You can't help the jealousy raging in your chest as you think about it.
"What? No way! She and George have been going out for weeks now, they follow each other around like lovesick puppies. You've been so busy focusing on these letters you just haven't noticed." They speak knowingly as they pick up an outfit and hold it up for you to try on, pushing it towards you.
You breathe out in relief at the new information, standing up and heading to the bathroom. More of your roommates come into the dorm and help you get ready, excited for you to finally meet the person who has occupied your thoughts for the past few weeks.
Every time you come out of the bathroom you get their opinions and then shoved back in with 20 more items. After an hour, you finally walk out of the bathroom and the room is completely silent. Everyone is in awe just staring at you, mouths open.
"What?? What's wrong?" You hurriedly speak, looking down at yourself and then back at everyone with concern on your face.
Everyones face lights up and they start speaking all at once.
"You look amazing!"
"You're so hot omg!"
"Who is this lucky git who gets to see you like this"
They flood you with compliments, all agreeing this is the outfit you NEED to wear tonight.
Girl outfit ideas 1,2,3.
Guy outfit ideas 1,2,3.
Gn outfit ideas 1,2,3.
(Feel free to imagine any outfit you want these are just some ones I like)
Your friend takes your hand and drags you to the full-length mirror in the middle of the room, a big smile on their face, placing you in front of it and showing you the outfit in all its glory.
"You have to wear this, you look amazing. Anyone would be lucky to see you in this on a date like wow." They say in awe, everyone else in the room sharing their looks and sounds of approval.
They give you some accessories and pull the outfit fully together. You do your hair put some makeup on, look in the mirror, and smile.
Getting ready helped ease your nerves but now that you are ready and you have to wait all of the anxiety is coming back full force. The overwhelming thoughts flood back into your brain.
What If I don't like the person?
Can someone really like me this much?
Should I even go?
Before you could get too lost in your thoughts you heard the clock.
Dingggg, dinggggg, dingggg
You look up and read the time.
Shit I'm going to be late
You take one last look in the mirror and grab your wand before leaving the dorm and sneaking down the stairs.
You sneak around the castle making sure to not run into any prefects or Filch. When you get to the tower door you take a deep breath before continuing up the stairs.
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When you walk into the tower the doorway is lined with candles leading to the middle of the room, as you continue walking you see a blanket with flower petals lying around the beautifully woven cloth. A wicker basket sits in the middle of the blanket, overflowing with bread, pastries, cheese, and jam.
As you are processing the sight before you, footsteps coming from behind you make you freeze.
"I almost thought you wouldn't come" A deep husky voice comes from behind you, giving you goosebumps across your skin.
You turn around slowly, your face showing the shock you feel in your bones.
"Y-you?" You stutter releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Disappointed?" Fred questions, a shy smile on his face but you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
"Is this real? I mean are you being serious?" A mix of questioning and genuine shock bleeding into your words as you speak. You feel as if the room is spinning as you try to grasp the reality of this situation.
"Do you think I would joke about this? Come on Bunny, I know I make jokes and pranks but I'm not a foul git." Fred laughs trying to ease the tension that lingers in the space between you before he continues.
"I have felt this way for a very long time, I just haven't known how to tell you" He walks towards you slowly, and you finally sink back into the moment enough to see the flowers in his hands.
"(Your favorite flower)" You say softly, staring at the beautifully arranged bouquet in his hands. "How did you-"
"In the third year, you had a muggle book of flowers, you left it in the common room one day and when I returned it to you I noticed a particular page that looked more worn than the others. I just figured this was your favorite. Other than that it just suits you. If I were to imagine you as a flower I'd guess this one." Fred looks down and blushes as he realizes he just went on a rant about you as a flower but quickly tries to save his confidence by looking back up and stepping closer to you holding the bouquet out for you to take.
You look into his eyes and then at the flowers before taking them. You were completely and utterly dumbfounded. Never in a million years did you believe this moment would ever happen, but you couldn't be happier.
You smile brightly at Fred. "Thank you, Fred. Genuinely, this is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me."
"For you anything" He replies, looking down at you with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes.
He offers his hand for you to take and you accept, putting your hand in his. You blush realizing how large his hands actually are. He leads you to the blanket and keeps your hand in his as he helps you sit. He moves to the other side of the blanket, taking two glasses and filling them with wine. He hands one to you and takes a deep breath before speaking again.
"Y/n, I love you. I have loved you since the first year when I saw you at the sorting ceremony. You had big dorky glasses and your face was bright as a tomato, I saw how nervous you were going up in front of everyone but I never understood why. When I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen, I couldn't understand how someone could be nervous when they had absolutely nothing to hide from. It wasn't just me, I saw how other people looked at you as well. It isn't just your looks that drew me in though, it was that quiet giggle I heard behind me when I accidentally hit Marcus Flint with a dung bomb. It was the most amazing sound I had ever heard in my entire life. That sound is the single reason I continued to prank people. I wanted to hear you laugh any chance I got and eventually, I started enjoying pranking and making jokes because it was fun. I am telling you this because I want you to understand how much you have turned my life upside down Y/n L/n. I understand if you don't feel the same but I couldn't keep this from you any longer. I meant everything I wrote in those letters, I didn't know how to tell you how I felt without ruining our friendship. I wasn't even going to send the letters when I began writing them, I wrote letters for you for over a year before I sent the first one. I saved them in hopes that one day I could send them and finally express how I felt to you. I know this is a lot to process and I am sorry if this is too much for you and if you need time I fully understand." Fred expresses holding your hand and looking into your eyes taking in every expression on your face. At the end, he releases a long breath, and you can see his shoulders relax. You now understand how much this had affected him and how long he has been hiding.
He stares at you waiting for you to speak or even make a sound, when suddenly you smash your lips against his. His eyes widen in surprise and he sinks into the kiss. He grips the back of your head, not roughly but hard enough to keep you in the same position. You grip at his shirt, as your mouths continue to move perfectly in sync. When both of you finally pull away your chest heaves, trying to steady your breathing.
"I feel the same way Fred, you don't even understand how glad I am that it is you" You smile, face flushed at the realization of the bold move you just pulled.
"Well, I'd bloody hope so, or do you just like kissing your friends?" You both laugh, the sound airy and light.
You sit and talk for hours under the starlight. Both sharing smiles and laughs, enjoying each other's company. Fred gives you his jacket when he sees you shiver and you take in the warmth, noticing he put on a new cologne you've never smelt before. You sit, eat, talk, and cuddle until you realize how late it is.
"Oh shit" You shriek, sitting up quickly. "What time is it?" You look back at Fred, still lying on the blanket. His eyes go wide as he checks his watch.
You and Fred clean up the blanket and food and begin walking to the door.
You feel your wrist being tugged and you look behind you.
"Hold on, I know a different way." He grins widely and drags you to the other side of the tower, he pulls out his wand. He gestures his wand at you, telling you to bring yours out.
"Repeat after me, revelio" He asks
Fred holds up three fingers, pointing his wand at the floor and you follow suit. When the last finger goes down you speak in unison.
Suddenly the floor opens up and a staircase unfolds before your eyes. You stand there shocked, wondering how Fred discovered this mystery passage.
"Lumos" Fred mumbles and light shoots out of his wand, allowing you to see down the stairs. He gestures for you to take his hand and you hesitantly accept.
"Trust me, it's just a passage. I would never put you in harm's way." Fred assures you, turning forward after you nod your head and he begins descending the steps.
You continue hand in hand down the stairs, and when you reach the bottom you realize you are right next to the Gryffindor common room.
"How in the world did you figure this out?" You question astonished. You think back to all of the pranks he has pulled without getting caught and into trouble, it makes you wonder how many of these secret passages he has figured out.
"A good magician never reveals his secrets" Fred smirks and whispers the password to the very tired and annoyed fat lady.
He walks you to your dorm stairs and you both blush and giggle staring at each other.
"I guess this is goodnight" Fred whispers, looking at you as if you hold the sun in your eyes.
"I guess it is" You reply, both of you slowly leaning in.
You close the space between you and share a sweet and loving kiss.
You pull away first but Fred chases your lips making you giggle into another peck.
"Okay, okay we really need to get to bed" You laugh lightly, trying to be quiet and not make yourselves known to any nosy students.
"You really want to go" He pouts, even though he is joking you can see the hesitation in his eyes. Not wanting this moment to end.
"I'll see you tomorrow" You smile, enjoying watching him yearn for your affection.
"I promise"
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abookloverlmao · 2 years
𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑐𝑘. {𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦 𝑥 𝐹!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}
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Warning: Making out, reader has mommy issues (family also), mention of Umbitch and Reader getting punished by her, neck kissing, swearing, slight enemies to lovers, slight grumpy x sunshine, gryffindor!reader, flirty!Fred, scars, female!reader (I'm sure I forgot some things)
Summary; What will happen when you get stuck with Fred Weasley (the person you despise) in a closet to hide from Umbridge?
I wrote this based on a dream I had, so yeah it's quite shitty but I hope you enjoy it.
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7th year; The order of the phoenix
She was always quiet, people saw her as nothing but a grumpy girl who was likely and mostly found in the library or ordering the Gryffindors, she had always an annoyed look on her face and according to most of her classmates her eyes would always sparkle at the sight of Fred Weasley (which she would roll her eyes at), the well-known prankster that always seemed to find a way to make her heart flutter, the guy who got most girls their age around his fingers along with his twin brother, even Remus Lupin noticed it as well. 
They always were bickering in the hallways, common room, and even in class, leading them to be stuck in detention together, where they still found a way to bicker.
but both their heart would start beating so fast at the sight of the other.
Ever since Umbridge became a professor, Y/N started to have more detention, no not because of bickering with Fred but for expressing her opinion or defending herself, leading her to become very annoyed and slightly ruder especially when DADA was her favorite class, now she despises it, she tried to talk to a professor and even Dumbledore, but no one listened.
As soon as Harry walked inside the common room everyone fell silent making her grunt and put down her book cocking her head to the side lazily watching as Seamus and Harry started fighting, "well, nobody was there the night Cedric died." Harry and his anger issues immediately snapped back bitterly, Ron came to the rescue and tried to calm his best friend, she got up.
"Seamus, sit down, now." she ordered the boy eyeing the chair with a glare, he did as told without a second thought, "you believe in his rubbish?" he exclaimed to the girl immediately regretting opening his mouth at the first place, he wanted to hide from her burning eyes.
"I don't believe anything or anyone in this room, so everyone better put those papers away and stop being dramatic, and go to bed, it's not summer anymore." she snapped back her voice getting slightly louder but she wasn't yelling, she hated to say that, she sounded like her mother and it was so disgusting.
Everyone got on their feet muttering 'good nights' while brushing past her in silence, hurriedly going to their beds.
Fred Weasley was the only one left as he walked up standing beside her with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow, "you know, you're hot when you're ordering." he spoke leaning in slightly to whisper against her ear, "I love it." his voice knocks the air out of her lungs as she turned around to look at him, eyes locking ad noses accidentally bumping and his lips ghosted hers.
Her eyes fell to his lips and back up to his beautiful eyes and he did the same thing but with a cocky grin, her cheeks burned under his gaze as they always do, but she wasn't going to burst his ego, "Ugh!" she scoffed in fake disgust while rolling her eyes, walking away from him trying so hard to ignore how hot her body suddenly became along with the room temperature rising.
His burning eyes watching as she left, only made it worse.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Christmas was getting closer and here she is walking down the hallways heading to the library when suddenly Fred Weasley stood in front of her panting heavily, she frowned, "I'm in deep shit." he spoke voice raspy from all the running while looking behind him, she raised her eyebrows at him with crossed arms in front of her chest
"do I even look surprised? nope" she popped the 'p' and watched as he gritted his teeth, jaw clenching and eyes looking behind every second, "hide me. Umbitch is after me because of my prank, and.. she thinks that you are in it too." eyes slightly widening in rage and disbelieve she pointed her finger at him, "are you serious? are you fucking serious?!" Fred tried not to meet her eyes and instead would shoot her a pleading look.
"We don't have much time!" groaning in frustration she grabbed his wrist running down the hallway at a very fast speed not caring about the students groans and huffs, pushing the door open to an empty classroom she death glared at the boy, "stay silent." Fred followed behind her as quietly as he can, towering over her form.
Peeking from the crack she watched, her eyes slightly widening at the sight of Argus Filch, "Fitch is walking down the hall, hide!" she whispered harshly hearing him check the other classrooms, grabbing his hand this time she pulled him towards a closet pushing him in, the closet where they kept the blazers to potions that will probably ruin their clothes.
Fred being the prankster started chuckling, to shut him up she placed her hand on his mouth shooting him an 'I will kill you if you laugh' look, her body pressed against his, her face inches away from his since she was standing on her tiptoes due to him being taller, he smelled so amazing; New card desk, Zonko's joke shop, treacle tart and...broomstick handle?
Whatever, she still loved it.
Taking her hand out from his mouth she looked everywhere but his eyes, Fred kept staring at her watching as she peeked through the crack, backing away she suddenly tripped, closing her eyes tightly waiting for the worse to happen, but nothing.
Fred's hand pressed firmly against her waist making her freeze and his other hand on her mouth as he pulled her towards him, her back pressed against his chest and their legs slightly crossed, goosebumps ran through her body like a wave as her breath became heavier.
both their lips pressing together dangerously, as soon as he put his hand away from her mouth he whispered, "you like it, don't you?" yes, she did and that made her so mad at herself, turned to look at him she watched as he smirked down at her, smug motherfucker. she thought grabbing his wrist with a murderous look
"don't fucking touch me!" she whispered-yelled harshly but wanted to say the complete opposite, the redness in the cheeks and eyes that sparkled said otherwise, "Woah there, darlin', you will get us caught.." he whispered this voice low that made her shrink and loosen her hold slightly.
Gulping, she looked away from him letting go of his wrist, but Fred always loved challenges and this one was perfect, in one swift movement she was pressed against the wood of the closet, both her wrists were held by Fred as he stepped dangerously closer if that's possible.
this time she didn't fight back and looked at him with eyes sparkling even if it was dark and the only light was coming from the crack under the door, "merlin, you are so beautiful yet annoying... I fucking love it, my type." that was all he needed to say before she pressed her lips against his.
Soft and gentle as his hand let go of her wrist to hold her cheek, of all the kisses he had before, she was the best and truest one, her eyes fluttered shut as she kissed him melting as soon as he kissed her back, her head hitting the wood slightly as they kissed.
it was just like they dreamt, soft and sweet.
That was until he decided to deepen it, his tongue pressed against her lips and that was the only thing he needed to do before she opened her mouth to welcome him.
His fingers went from her cheek to her hair making her sigh and melt against his lips, he grinned while rolling a piece of hair between his fingers his lips not leaving hers, she tasted like vanilla and caramel and merlin how it was intoxicating.
Y/N ran her hand through his hair, breath getting heavier by the second that passed but she didn't dare to stop not once, too intoxicated by his lips, but once one of his hands went under her thighs squeezing she gasped, pulling slightly away and wrapping her legs around his waist.
That cocky and proud grin never left his lips as he whispered, "you broke the rule of boys and girls are not permitted within 6 inches of each other." she chuckled her chest going up and down, her lips were numb but she didn't bring herself to care, "I never listened to Umbitch rules anyways." 
She grinned back proudly watching as he gulped it was as if he has a hard time pulling himself together, her lips were like a drug that he wants to get high too forever, she squealed once he slammed his lips against hers pulling him slightly by the scarlet and gold tie.
his hand went down her white blouse and caressed her skin softly making her gasp against his lips, her cheeks flushed as she smiled against his lips driving him insane, "I need you, you make me feel so good." he whispered littering her face with kisses making her chuckle softly.
"you make me feel good, as well-oh~" the feeling of his lips kissing her neck made her whine as she looked up running a hand through his hair and the other slightly scratching the back of his neck making him grunt, a warm and fuzzy feeling tingling in her stomach as she fluttered her eyes shut in pleasure, his lips wandering down her neck and leaving a trail of warm kisses, teeth plucking at the soft skin. 
"Fred.." she whispered feeling him suck on her skin before she could let out a small whine the door to the classroom slammed open and both of them froze, her eyes were wide and Fred's breath hitched still holding her.
Argus looked around not even caring about the closet and let out an annoyed huff, checking behind the chairs, Fred suddenly sucked on her collarbone making her put her hand on her mouth to keep herself from moaning.
Fred watched as she looked down at him watching as he raised his eyebrow at her with a smirk, Argus suddenly stood in front of the closet and both the teenagers stayed in their positions, Fred's lips still on her collarbone and hand caressing her body up and down, her hand was on his hair stroking and pulling slightly making him look up at her with heart eyes.
her legs were still wrapped around his waist as his other went up to lace with hers, the look on her face was filled with pleasure and he swore that he would do anything to see her like that on repeat, she was treasuring every moment, his eyes on hers, his hands on her body, not caring that Umbridge was looking for them, she surrendered to bliss.
Argus walked away not even bothering to check the closet and closed the door behind him, Fred helped her and set her back in front of him, her hair was messy, her lips numb, her eyes sparkling, her tie loose and uniform messy.
The flame of passion burned her whole body as she tried to straighten her outfit to not seem suspicious, Fred helped her, opening the door both of them walked out of their make-out spot, "Okay.." she spoke turning around and looking up at him, "I will get out first so we don't look suspicious.." she muttered smiling up at him.
Fred nodded with a smile, melting at her genuine grin, it was for the first time she ever smiled at him genuinely, he walked up towards her brushing the top of her hair before placing his hand on her cheek, feeling how hot she is against his cold hands, she leaned against his hand lovingly.
he leaned in kissing her lips softly and gently holding her as if she was going to vanish if he let go, she kisses him back standing on her tiptoes, "thank you... for today." she whispered once they parted, her voice soft and not filled with sarcasm, she couldn’t think of a time she’d ever been happier.
"Come, spend Christmas with me, please?" he begged, he knew that she planned to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas like she always do, and her heart throbbed with happiness as she nodded, "I will." he thought he would die of joy at her response, littering her face with kisses once again.
"thank you, love." that was all he needed to say before she pecked his lips and walked out of the classroom, smiling brightly to herself and replaying the moment they both had in the closet.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
That night passed by them pecking each other's lips anytime they walk past each other. Hermione noticed the dark mark on her collarbone of course.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Christmas holidays came and here she finds herself standing just outside the door, she wore a black turtleneck along with light blue jeans, converse, and a brown jacket, let's not forget about the beanie that Remus Lupin handed her as a birthday gift.
knocking, she stood there awkwardly staring at her shoes watching the foot trance she left, it was snowing, and her nose was slightly red from the cold as she stuffed her hand in her pocket for some warmth, a woman with red hair and a kind smile appeared at the door.
"oh hi! you must be Y/N!" she exclaimed watching as she took off her beanie politely with a smile, "yes ma'am." Molly pulled her inside the house who was so beautiful, "oh call me Molly, please! you are so beautiful, I am so happy you came to spend Christmas with us!" Molly was a very kind woman and her calling her beautiful made her so happy, as she took off her jacket.
"thank you so much, that is very kind of you. I hope I'm not bothering you." she replied with a kind smile, Molly heard a lot about the L/N family most of them got sorted into Slytherin and became death eaters but seeing Y/N so kind and a Gryffindor was very surprising.
"oh please my darling, you are more than welcoming with us," Molly replied before calling out for her sons and daughter, Fred was the first to walk down the stairs and immediately kissed her lips, "you came!" he said pulling her towards his embrace, she wrapped her arms around his waist with a smile.
"Yup, I did." Fred pulled away and turned to look at his mother who smiled softly at the couple, "show her around Fred while I get dinner ready, yeah?" her son nodded and walked up the stairs, maybe spending Christmas with the Weasleys is an amazing idea.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Molly loved Y/N, really, she loved her so much that she wanted her son to get married to the H/C-haired girl, she was kind and helped her cook dinner, helped her clean the dishes, set the table, and even bought everyone gifts from London.
Y/N never felt loved by her family and Molly being so kind made her think as to why her mother couldn't do such a thing, "I made you this gift, it's not much but I hope you enjoy it." spoke Molly whole handing the perfectly wrapped gift, Y/N heart melted as she hugged Molly as a thank you.
"thank you so much, it's perfect," it was a beautiful handmade F/C sweater with the first letter of her name in the center, she could feel the tears covering her eyes as she immediately wore the warm sweater without a thought, grabbing Molly's hands in hers she spoke, "thank you so much for being so kind to me." 
Molly pulled the girl into her embrace, Fred had told her about her relationship with her family and Molly was more than happy to have her part of the family.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
This was probably her favorite time ever, a new sweater, a new family, and a boyfriend she loves with her whole heart, what more could she want? this Christmas was full of her dreams and wishes coming true
Laying on the bed beside Fred with their legs tangled she listened to his heart, it was beating so fast every time she would smile or reach for his hand to intertwine her fingers with.
Fred played with her hair taking a strand and twirling it between his fingers, glancing up at him she watched as he brought her hand towards his lips, pressing kisses on every knuckle, her sleeve fell showing the scars of Umbridge's idea of punishment.
They healed but didn't disappear, Fred looked up at her in confusion as to where she got these scars, "Umbitch." was the only thing she said looking everywhere but his eyes, "and you didn't tell me?" he asked, he wasn't mad at her or anything, he was just worried.
"Why should I? me and Harry are her easiest target, I tried to talk to dumbledore but he didn't even bother turning around or listening, me and Harry, both needed his help.." Fred listened quietly, he would always try and make jokes when someone is feeling down.
but the sight of her hurt made his heart pang, the word wasn't 'I must not tell lies' like Harry, it was the word 'Mistake' over and over again, 4 times all over her arm, Fred didn't say a word and instead just kissed each letter on every scar making her eyes water.
she looked up trying to blink the tears away, of all the years she had been in Hogwarts not once did he see her cry, not even when she was in terrible pain, Fred scooted closer towards her before cupping both her cheeks.
She looked at him deep in the eyes trying so hard not to break down at his painful look, "this isn't you... you're never sad. please, laugh, smile, prank me, do anything just.. don't look at me like that, Fred. I am begging you. I hate seeing you like this." she said, Fred Weasley not smiling or cracking a joke is very rare and her seeing him staring at her eyes feeling terrible about not knowing about these scars, made her feel so scared and worried.
he was always an outgoing and goofy but protective person and that was one of the reasons why she loved him, she can give him 100 reasons as to why she fell in love with him.
"You are my family Y/N, we used to fight a lot but trust me those fights always made me smile when I rethink them before going to sleep, and your smile, merlin I hate it when George would tease me whenever I stare at you when you smile to Hermione or Ron, not to mention I was kinda jealous of Ron..." she laughed, her laughter was like music to his ears.
"jealous of your brother?" she asked watching as he nodded with flushed cheeks in embarrassment, she cupped his cheeks and placed a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away she watched as he grinned childishly in her hold, "go to sleep, dork. you're cute but please stop smiling like that." she said about to get up when he suddenly grabbed her wrist pulling her back down.
pinning her to his bed he towered over her form watching as she cocked an eyebrow at him, "told you we will finish what we started." he spoke voice low that made her shiver, "oh yeah?" he nodded and for merlin knows how many time today, he kissed her lips making her hum ad wrap her arms around his neck.
"I hate you."
"oh no, you don't, darling."
"no I don't.." she sighed against his lips.
Best Christmas ever. Whenever she looks at him it's like she just realized what love truly is, she never had a soft spot for someone only the Weasleys, Fred never found a smile so bright until he saw hers, it was like the moon, and Fred swore that he always fell in love with the moon with each glance.
He fell in love with her with each glance.
just like seeing her for the first time.
the way they always seemed to catch each other's eyes even when they were in a crowd, the way he would watch as she put her hair in a messy hairstyle when she was reading, the way she would frown when she doesn't understand something, small details.
They fell in love, maybe hiding with Fred Weasley in a tight closet to run away from Umbridge was not a terrible idea after all, in fact, Y/N was glad that Fred did this prank.
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Hey, sweetie! Could you do something for “Being Harry Potter's twin sister?”. You know... Their whole trajectory, their discovery of Sirius and Remus (who might be her godfather). She has an unusual friendship with Neville and the Weasleys (especially the twins and Fred, who she has a crush on and is fully reciprocated with). Thanks for the attention 🌷🩶.
Being Harry Potter's Twin sister Headcanons:
Paring: Fem!Reader x Brother!Harry Potter, Fem!Reader x Fred Weasley.
Summary: your life as the chosen one's sister.
A/n: so I might split this up with each year. Sorry this took so long and it's not edited.
🧡Master List 🧡Potter MasterList
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So I feel like you and Harry would be totally different, and it might sound stereotypical, but you look like your mom with your dad's eyes.
Also you do have a scar, I looks like Harry's but it's on your wrist.
Most muggles and wizards forget your twins beacuse you look nothing alike.
With Harry I think he trusts adults a little too quick, with the treatment the Dursly's caused I think you'd have major trust issues. You only really trust Harry.
Harry is almost extremely over protective of you and sometimes thinks he's the older brother because he happens to be taller and five minutes older. “you know I'm five minutes older than you, right?”
“why does that bloody matter?”
Harry would do anything to keep you safe from Dudley and the other Dursley, I think Petunia would be harsher on you because you remind her so much of Lily and Dudley just think it's a game to terrioz you.
“keep your hands off her!” Harry shouted and pushed your cousin off you aching body.
People Don't know how relieved you were to get your Hogwarts letter.
Year one:
Like I said before you don't trust people as easy as Harry does, so when Hagrid came to rescue you two you were very reluctant and let Harry do most of the talking.
I'd say the Dursly's treatment causes you to be jumpy and very much aware of your surroundings, meaning you were hiding behind Harry when Hagrid came by.
But you learned to trust him during the trip to Digon Ally, he got Harry an owl and you a Ferrett named Seeley.
You also discovered your wand was related to The 'murder' Sirius Black's wand.
The first person you'd actually meet first is Fred and George, Hagrid had taken you to a candy shop in Digon ally and you both were after the last box of all flavor beans.
“you go ahead” he smiled when he saw you flinch back. “no, you” you respond.
Fred shook his head with a smile and handed you the colorful box. “no, you shouldn't take things from a pretty lady” that made you blush and take the box nervously.
And saved by the bell wizard, Harry called your name. “I got it go... Bye”
He didn't even get your name. Fred watched you run away with hearts in his eyes. George looked at him confused when he saw no candy in his hands.
“Georgie, I think I'm in love” he smiled like an idiot.
George, not knowing how to respond smiled.
When you got to Hogwarts you met Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy.
You had found Neville's Toad Trevor and was the one to return him. I think Neville would be star struck with you, your kindness to him and how pretty you were, he definitely had a crush on you immediately.
With Draco he just had infatuation, with Fred and Neville it was actual attraction(Neville more at the time) but with the Blonde Slytherin he saw you as someone he could get back at his parents with. The daughter of Lilly and James, Lucicus hated them and his eyes it would be a perfect opportunity to rebell a little.
You saw right threw him, you may not trust people immediately, but you do like to get to know them before you pass judgment. Draco lost your judgment as soon as he disrespected Ron and the rest of the Weasleys.
“listen you little Ferrett, leave Ron and his family alone”
I don't think the twins would take you being teased lightly, Fred didn't really care what Draco thought about him but him saying something about you or George is usually the last straw.
Anyway, the sorting hat didn't know what house to put you in. He was stuck between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. “your a lot smarter than people give you credit for...your also brave, maybe even braver than your brother”
The hat did consider your feelings, he didn't just put you in Gryffindor because you were afraid to be separated from Harry, he did because he wanted to prove how brave and strong you were.
Gryffindor was ecstatic to have both Potters, especially Fred and George. They both cheered with the rest of their house mates and gave you the empty spot next to them.
With that I think you'd have your own trio, you are very close to Hermione and Ron both, but your defently best friends with the twins.
Your also close with Neville, people might think your a body guard and would even teas him for it, but you actually love Neville company and think he's tougher than he relizes.
Some people might not realize you got on the Quidditch team beofer Harry, you became a Chaser.
During your first game the twins wouldn't leave your side, Fred was afraid you'd get hurt. I think the whole team was considering you were a first year.
Harry's broom was the only one that was supposed to get jinxed but you got in the way. You got swang around like crazy while the twins and Oliver tried to help you. It drove Harry crazy he couldn't help you, but he had his own jinxed broom to deal with too.
Ron and Hermione of course thought it was Snape, but it wasn't. He was concentrated on helping you... Even more than Harry.
You remind him of Lily... like a lot, so I think it would make him less biter towrds you. Yeah it'll hurt him to see you at first, but I think he wouldn't be harsh on you like he is Harry.
During the holiday we know Harry saw your parents in the mirror of erase, but as much as you loved your parents I don't think that's what you saw. You can't change the past, so you just wanted some kind of family. So when you looked in the mirror you saw the Weasleys.
You and the twins had been extremely close, especially Fred. During the holidays Molly sent you a sweater with your initial and Fred got you a paracord bracelet with a heart charm. He and george had matching ones(minus the heart) so at the time it was friendship bracelets.
When you went to see the mirror by your self Professor McGonagall cought you, she really liked you and thought you were a bright student. You don't get to show it much because Hermione always beats you too it.
Speaking of professors and Hogwarts staff, I think Hagrid would help you discover your love for animals and magical creatures. Which ment you were pissed when Draco ragged about Hagrid's baby dragon.
Your love for magical creatures also helps you and the golden trio get passed Fluffy the three headed dog.
You and Hagrid bonded over talking about animals and you guys grew closer because of that.
It still bewilders Ron how you saw innocents in the dog and though he was cute.
You didn't want to go back to the Dursly's, but with the events that transpired this year you were afraid to stay at Hogwarts too, but you couldn't help but love the place, as dangerous as it was it was also safe and full of wonderful people.
Year two:
So for starters I think Doby would annoy the hell out of Harry's sister and I think she would be pissed off he was at the Dursly's warring them instead of Ginny or Hermione or even Colin.
So when you got back from Hogwarts you and Harry did have to share Dudley's second bedroom, it was cramped and always hot, but it was better than living under the staircase.
So, remember when the Dursly's tried to stop Harry from going to the Burow with the Weasley's? Well Harry did get in their little blue Angler, but when he did Vernon grabed you causing Fred to jump through the window and get you.
Molly would be so happy to see you again and even kinda embarrassed Fred. “y/n darling, I'm so glad your hear... Fred hear wouldn't shut up about you all summer”
“mom!” Fred look embarrassed while George was trying to cover his laughter for his brother's sake.
The burow is big but it's also cramped at times, so you and the twins share a room, your best friends and your comfortable with each other. Your just kids right now and there's no dirty thoughts to it just three best friends having a sleep over.
Thoses night Fred found out about your nightmares, George is a heavy but one night you woke up Fred when you were tossing and whimper beacuse of them. You only remember your parents death in your dreams and currently your adventures from last year.
Fred comferted you through out the night. He didn't make you talk about it, just held you. George teased you guys when he woke up the next morning and saw you guy cuddling. You guys let it slide since he didn't know the situation.
But, During your stay I think you'd grow closer to George, your both the quieter of the twins and are usually the followers. You would tell him you hated all the attention being Harry's sister brings.
Fred would get jealous, really jealous but he loves you both too much to bring it up. George knows how much Fred cares about you and your relationship with George is strictly Platonic.
George knows Fred like the back of his hand and he told him that. “you know we're just friends, right? I'd never hurt you like that”
Speaking of friends, since it's ginny's first year you and the twins are all pretty protective, which ment you were about to kick Draco's teath out when he was hassling her at the book shop in Digon ally.
“touch her and it'll be the last thing you ever do”
You also despise Lockheart, You and the twins spend most of the year messing with him. Especially when it comes to quizes about himself.
“my favorite smell isn't the ass of a hairless dog!” Lockheart yelled after reading our answers.
You broke your arm during the Quidditch match where Draco and Harry we're going add it. The people and the teams were too busy watching your brother to realize you got knocked off your broom.
Fred cought you before you could hit the ground and he took you to madam Pomfrey with George and Hagrid's help.
That day you realized since you weren't the chosin one like Harry you weren't that inresting. But that didn't matter to your closest people. To Fred you were the greatest thing to ever enter hogwarts.
He stayed with you the entire time and helped you with assignments till you got better.
You weren't part of this year's adventure. You were too worried about taking care of Ginny and Hermione.
Years 3:
So after the whole blowing up aunt marge incident you went to the Burow(in this universe you go straight there).
You told the twins about aunt Marge and they couldn't stop laughing. You now call it "the incident" and it kinda became inside joke, Ginny getts annoyed with not knowing what it means.
“you keep saying 'the incident'! What doses that mean?”
You did find about Sirius black and that he was Harry's godfather. You would think he'd be yours too but really it was never confirmed since Lilly wanted Remus to be the godfather.
Remus told you about the once playful argument that James and Lily had about that. I think you'd grow really close to Remus.
He's the first adult you trusted immediately. You tell him everything and he becomes the first ever real father figure you've ever had.
Aurther is kinda of a father figure but you don't want to see him that way since your in love with his son.
Anyway, you find out about Remus being a werewolf just beacuse you were wondering around on a full moon, you weren't scared like a normal person should be which suprised him. You promised to never say anything.
It got annoying when Hermione kept asking werewolf questions when she started to have her suspicions.
You were relieved when you found out Sirius didn't actually kill your parents. You found out Sirius was really fun to be around. While Remus was a shoulder to cry on or sortof a body guard, Sirius was c comedic relief and learned how to make you and Harry laugh.
Year 4:
Your fourth year is when Fred and you really started to act on your feelings. When you went to the Quidditch world cup, Fred kissed you after your favorite team won.
Since death eaters showed up it was short lived and you guys didn't really speak of it till later.
You didn't try to get your name in the goblet of fire like your two best friends, nor was your name put in there.
It was bizarre... You wanted to do it just to prove you were just as brave and important as Harry. Fred helped you relize how important and loved you were during the last two summers, but since your name didn't get put in there like Harry's you felt pushed to the side lines again.
Fred was a little bit upset at your mindset. He didn't want you thinking you were useless but he also didn't want you in danger.
“why would you want to! It's dangerous, I don't know what I'd do If you got hurt!”
Then it turned into an argument. “I want to do It because I'm tired of being in his shadow I want to prove I'm just as strong! And why dose it matter if I was in the tournament or not?”
“beacuse I love you! The Wizarding world might not have chosen you but I do... And I know we're just kids but I do know that I love you”
Your heart melt and if felt like all your walls came crashing down. You knew you were important to him, but it finally clicked that you were is first choice from the beginning. No Harry, no chosin crap, he just wanted you.
You had your first real kiss in mouths. A rough but passionate kiss. He poured so mush love and emotion in it, he wanted to prove he wanted you and only you.
Then you became a couple, a few side problems kinda showed up. Hermione and Krum, then you and Neville... He wanted to asks you out so bad but then he finally had the confidence to ask you out he found you and Fred kissing.
You knew when something was bothering Neville, he became stand-offish and wouldn't really talk to you. When he confronted you all his emotions came out. He told you everything and even end his rant that he rather have you as a friend than not having you at all.
“but then I realized our friendship means more to me than anything, I'm happy for you and Fred but I don't want to lose my best friend”
“You won't...”
The Yule Ball was so much fun, you of course went with Fred and everything was perfect.
Having Cedric die was hard, you wernt close to him but having him die made you appreciate you brother again. You two became distant since you felt put on the side lines, but when you thought about Harry dying you couldn't help but cry.
“you and me against the universe” Harry said after you talked about it to him. “I'll always protect you and I'm sorry if you felt like I pushed you away”
Harry really did feel bad, but he felt even worse when he found out about you and Fred. He's been so busy he didn't even know you have a boyfriend for like three months.
He was happy for you both, he trust you'd be treated right and didn't feel like he had to put up an over protective brother facade.
Year 5:
So Remus is defently over protective and put the fear of murlin in Fred, but he knew Fred was a good guy.
You and Fred also worked hard to get Tonks and Remus together. You knew how much he loved her but he wouldn't act upon it.
Also with Voldemort back you were eager to join the order of the Phoenix, even if you weren’t old enough. And you better believe Fred would be right behind you.
“I'm in” you said.
“NO!” Remus and Sirius both said at the same time.
Okay so it's your fith year and Fred's last year, it's kinda of upsetting but it just encourages you guys to make the most of the year.
You love helping the boys sell their products and even help come up with some new ideas.
Rather the product are safe or not your usually the one to sell the product to fellow classmates, especially the females. George says to can sell a drowning man water.
The year was great... Till the pink monster showed up and started changing everything.
She got under Fred's skin like crazy and Umbridge knew it, he didn't really care what she did to him, took away one of his prank toys he doesn't care he'll just make a new one but what he didn't lightly is when you had to endore one of her detentions.
You didn't want the boys knowing or worry Fred and Harry. He accidentally found out when he grabed your soar hand the wrong way.
“I'm gonna end her!”
You had to grabe him and convince him if he did anything he'd get kicked out of school... Which he didn't care.
You knew about them dropping out and you even help plan their excape.
After they left Fred wrote to you almost every day, filling you in about the shop and telling you about the success.
You couldn't be more proud of them and even planed on working there that summer but the end of there made you forget about it.
Sirius had died protecting you, Bellatrix was about to use the same spell on you that she used on Mr. And mrs. Longbottom. Neville tried to protect you but Sirius bet him to it the only cost was his life.
During the summer you mostly stayed with the twins and worked at the shop, things got better and Fred worked hard to cheer you up.
He loves spending most of his time with you and doesn't really care if people see.
“your not supposed to get handsy with the staff” you joked.
“I won't tell if you want”
Year 6:
Not Much happened... That concerned you at least. You spent most of your year hanging out with Neville and Luna.
Harry and the other two were to busy worrying about Draco and you just didn't have the energy to care.
You quite the Quidditch team after an acadent last year so you usually helped Luna or who ever narrat the game.
You did worry about Draco though, he looked so alone and no one really cared, all Harry cared about was proving he was doing something wrong.
He grew so much respect for you when you found him crying, you didn't judge him like he expected... Just let him cry.
You filled Fred and George in about the closet stuff and how the school is going down hill.
After the school year you went home with the twins after Dumbledore's funeral, as awful as it might sound you weren't too affected by his death. You felt like Dumbledore never really cared about you or your brother.
Year 7:
So you spent most of the Summer paining and decorating for Billy's wedding, it was a good distraction.
During the battle of the seven Harry's George protected you because the death eaters would expect you to be with Fred, George got his ear blown off because he was protecting you.
After the wedding got ambushed you ended up going with the golden trio, Fred tried to go after you but Charlie stoped him I'm fear for his brother.
You spent most of the time listing to the radio with Ron, making sure George or Fred's name isn't mentioned.
During the battle of Hogwarts the twins didn't leave your side.
“you okay freddie? Y/n?” George asked.
“I'm scared” you admitted. Fred pulled you to his side and held you while George held your free hand. “I won't let anything hurt you”
When things got really heated during the battle you got separated from the two, you and George ended up meeting up in what used to be the charms room.
You started to panic when you didn't see Fred. “Wait, where's fred”
George couldn't stop you and ran in search for him, before you could even register what was happening Fred shielded you from a killing curse.
Even if your brother won the battle you lost the love of your life, you didn't really want to see anyone except George and even that hurt... Looking at his face and seeing the same eyes and freckles.
George promised if anything happens to Fred he'd make sure you'd be alright.
Super mega happy ending:
So if you chose this ending Fred didn't die, you guys got betten up but that's all.
A year later you guys got married and you worked as the care of magical creatures professor at the school, during the summer you worked with your husband and brother-in-law.
You had twins, a boy and a girl. Fred cried when he found out you'd he having twins.
George and Angelina were of course the god parents.
You are very protective of your kids, always making sure they're okay and on the anniversary of your parents death your twins sleep with you.
Your daughter is just like Fred, a total minnis in the best way possible, your son is the quieter one... Much like you and George.
Your twins joined the Quidditch team and got sorted into Gryffindor like every other Potter and Weasley.
You couldn't be more happy or proud of your family.
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thedragonqueensblog · 3 months
Draco Malfoy///Meant to be
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Request by @characterxreaderimagine: imagine being a potter and Draco having a huge crush on you but denies it.. and eventually gets jealous when he here's Fred Weasley is going to ask you out which lead him to confess his feelings for you but.. plot twist is that your brother finds out and wanted to break the two of you up but eventually failed to do so and just warned Draco never to hurt his sister.. a few years later he got an invitation to a wedding 💀
Since a baby, Harry could always remember James telling him to look after you and to protect you at any cost.
Ever since the death of them, Harry promised to himself that you would be his first priority. and that he was going to protect you at any cost.
At first it annoyed you because his overprotectiveness also included scaring all of the guys away.
but little does Harry know that a certain guy that goes by his name Draco has a crush on his sister even though he denies it every time he gets asked.
“So what you're trying to tell us is that you don't fantasize about Y/n, not even a little bit?” Pansy raised an eyebrow clearly not believing him.
Draco laughs as he shakes his head. "Of course not, who does?"
“Everyone, I mean who doesn't? She's really gorgeous, right Pansy?” Blaise replied, smirking as she nodded with a smirk too.
Draco stops laughing and he glares at his friends. “Everyone does? Does it include you guys too?”
Gregory chuckles, "You shouldn't care since you said that you don't fantasize about her.”
Draco rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. "So what?, it’s not like Saint Potter is going to let one of you date his sister.”
Pansy shrugs her shoulders. "I don’t know but I heard Fred is going to ask her out and probably Harry might let him since they are friends.”
“What carrot head is going to ask her out?” Draco growls “Over my dead body that I’m going to let that happen, Y/n is my future wife and the mother of my kids.”
"But you said that you didn-."
“Blaise shut up, I know what I said.” Draco interrupts and he looks over at Gregory and Pansy “don’t think about saying it.”
Pansy pulls her hands up, " I wasn't planning to.”
"but you did say it.” Gregory whispers hoping that Draco didn’t hear since Pansy and Blaise started laughing.
"What are you two laughing about?" Draco asked madly, causing Blaise and Pansy to stop laughing and to come up with something to answer him with.
“A Joke that someone told us I would tell you but I forgot about it after the scare you gave us.” Pansy replies
Draco chuckles, "a bunch of scary cats that I have as friends getting scared over anything.”
"says the one that's scared to ask Y/n out just because he's scared of her brother.” Gregory mumbles quietly but this time Draco heard him
He pushes Gregory causing him to fall down on the ground “I’m not scared of him or anything and you know it really well Gregory.”
“Then prove it by asking her out if you don’t then you are:”
“Of course!!! I am going to do it because I love her and don’t want her to be with carrot head, not because you're asking me to do it.”
“It’s going to be amazing to watch. Hopefully Draco doesn't have his ass beaten.” Blaise said as they watch him leave
“Freddie, are you sure that you want to ask Y/n out? Are you not afraid of Harry? And what he's gonna do?” Ron asked
He smiles, “He won't dare to hurt me because you're his best friend, and I know that you would not permit him to do so if that were to occur.”
“That’s the thing, I'm his best friend but Y/n is his sister. What kind brother do you think Harry is?” Ron looked at his brother hoping that he remembers how overprotective Harry is.
“Yeah that you’re right I just like Y/n really much and didn’t think about that.”
Ron chuckles, “I comprehend you have her in your mind and heart that you almost forgot that you were choosing death over living.”
Ron and Fred started laughing with one another, but they stopped when they saw you and Draco leave together.
Ron looked at his brother, who was frowning, and asked, “Are you all right?” Fred, on the other hand, took no notice of Ron, choosing instead to follow behind Draco and you.
Draco and you went to the courtyard since he told you that he wanted to talk to you in private
“So what is it!?” You asked
Fidgeting with his hands and avoiding your gaze, he seemed to be nervous. Finally, he uttered, “Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?”
His sudden boldness made you feel taken aback and you couldn't help but smile. "Of course!!!”
A smile spread across Draco's face, but it soon faded when he saw Fred walking towards him and you. “It's carrot head.”
You looked around to see what had caught his attention and saw Fred advancing with a mischievous smirk on his face. You couldn't resist laughing at the sight. Fred was well-known for his pranks and jokes, and it was obvious that he had a plan.
"Hey, guys.” Fred winked at you. “What are you guys talking about?”
Draco intervened before you could respond. “I asked Y/n to be my girlfriend and she agreed.” Draco's demeanor became slightly defensive, causing you to look at him with shock.
Fred raised an eyebrow in anger, but quickly recovered. "Harry will know about this.”
You gazed at Draco with a puzzled look. “What motivated you to tell him that? Mostly it was a lie.”
Draco's expression was serious as he grasped your hands to kiss them. "I have a fondness for you and I don't wish to lose you to carrot head."
“But I don’t like him.” You told him.
“But he likes you.” He tells you back “so do you like somebody?”
"I have feelings for you too, Draco.” He was filled with excitement after hearing your confession.
You spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing, with him and by the time you said goodbye. Harry waited for you in the common with his arms crossed and an angry expression.
“Is what Fred told me about Draco and you dating accurate?”Harry asked with anger
“So what if it is?” You replied
“I forbid you from seeing him and I want you to break up with him.” Harry said before leaving
Dating Draco Malfoy, of all people, was not a good idea for him. He prohibited you from seeing Draco again, but you couldn't stand to think about hurting him. Draco and you are still keeping your relationship secret.
Unfortunately, Harry did find out and confronted you both. He tried a lot of different ways to end things, but he finally gave up when he saw how happy you were with Draco. He warned him not to hurt you because it would make him regret it.
Harry got an invitation to a wedding shortly afterwards. Upon opening it, he came to the realization that it was from his now-brother-in-law, who was inviting him to the wedding. Harry was grateful that they had found a way to come together as a family even after a bumpy start and couldn't help but smile. As he stood at the dancing floor and watched you have your wedding dance with Draco.
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adrienneleclerc · 1 month
Missing Journal
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles reads Y/N’s journal and finds out she has a crush on an F1 driver.
Warning: the usual spellings and grammatical errors, inaccuracies of pretty much anything involving F1
A/N: kinda based off season 1 episode 3 of Austin and Ally. However, instead of reading the journal about Y/N’s crush and thinking it’s about him when it’s actually someone else, Charles would read it and think it’s about someone else when in reality it’s about him. Does that’s make sense? Cool. Also, i always put Hispanic/Latina because I don't know what you prefer to be called and because this does exclude Spain, Haiti, Brazil, and other Latin American countries that don't speak Spanish.
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Y/N and Charles have been friends for a long time, but so have Y/N and Lando. Y/N moved from the states to Monaco and became neighbors with Charles, ultimately becoming friends, but she also participated in Junior Karting with Lando, befriending Lando and Max Fewtrell.
It is safe to say Y/N has been friends with the three of them for a very long time and she is so grateful because she always felt like she didn't belong since she isn't European like them. But she has Logan as well, even if they aren't super close. She splits time between Charles and Lando. If Lando thinks McLaren is going to do soemthing interesting, he invites Y/N to Woking. Something interesting happening at Ferrari? Charles is bringing Y/N to Maranello. Y/N loves travelling (the Sagittarius in me) so it works out perfectly.
One day, Y/N's apartment was flooded because of poor plumbing and Charles offered her a place to stay. When her apartment was clear, both of them decided it was better if they were roommates since she was the better cook and that brings us to today.
Y/N was sleeping in her room peacefully when she felt someone shake her awake and she saw Charles standing over her.
"If you are going to kill me, can i at least eat first?" Y/N asked sleepily.
"Y/N, wake up, they changed our flight to Imola." Charles said and Y/N sat up in her bed.
"What do you mean they changed our flight? Don't we fly priavte?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, but Fred wants us to be in Imola earlier so we have more time to go over strategies so get dressed, sweetie, we need to go to the runway." Charles said. Y/N's heart fluttered at Charles's nickname for her. She tries to think nothing of it because he is a Libra after all, he is very affectionate towards her and Carlos as well. She got out of bed.
"Okay fine, but get out." Y/N said, pushing Charles out of her room to get dressed. She packed a dufflebag with 5/6 outfits, pajamas, anything she really needed for a 5 or 6 day trip more or less.
"Whatever you say, love, I'll buy us something to eat on the way there." Charles said outside her door. The last thing Y/N packed was her journal, she likes writing down everything about her travels since she writes travel articles for Hello Monaco (don't know if there is a traveling section, lets pretend). But she also writes about her love life or lackthereof. Y/N washed her face and got dressed in her comfortable clothes. When she left her room, she sw Charles on the couch with his small luggage.
"Alright, lets go. Are we stopping by the bakery?" Y/N asked.
"Of course. I'll wait outside while you order the pastries, I'll give you money." Charles said.
"Thanks, lets go." They left the apartment and got into Charles's car. Charles parked outside the bakery and Y/N got out of the car, ordered pastries, getting herself a warm cookie croissant (THEY ARE SO GOOD, my mom needs to buy more from the market) and whatever Charles gets. She gets back in the car and Charles starts driving away.
"Can you feed me, honey?" Charles asked. Y/N broke off a piece of the pain au chocolat and fed it to Charles, his tongue and lips touching her two fingers holding the piece of pastry. She felt butterflies in her stomach and decided to just hold the oain au chocolat and have him bite it but... "No, no, i can't drive like that, just feed me like you did before." Charles said and thats exactly what Y/N did.
Now of course Charles knew it wasn't necessary for Y/N to feed him like that, but he loves the intimacy of this gesture. So having her feed him like they were boyfriend and girlfriend even though they are not was great thing in Charles's book. Especially considering his feelings for the Hispanic/Latina queen by his side. Y/N finished feeding Charles the pastry and licked her fingers that were covered in chocolate because no one wastes chocolate here. They were playing music in his car, just vibing, singing along, Y/N finished her cookie croissant, and they were just talking until they made it to the airport runway where their private jet was, with Carlos waiting by the jet.
"Por fin! Por qué se demoraron tanto?" Carlos asked.
"Güey, relájate, teníamos hambre, queríamos comer en el camino." Y/N said, getting her dufflebug out of Charles's car, Charles gets his suitcase out too.
"I don't like it when you call me güey." Carlos said.
"I picked up Mexican slang from Pato that time he was in Woking with Lando. I miss Pato, i gotta text him." Y/N said, entering the jet with Charles and Carlos trailing behind. She sits down. "I'll never get used to this, I grew up lower middle class."
"Well your friends are F1 drivers and we invite you everywhere." Charles said.
"And I thank you for that, honestly. My boss loves my hotel reviews, thanks for paying for my room by the way." Y/N said.
"Of course, it's no big deal." Charles said.
"What i don't get is why we have to fly if the drive is just 5 and a half hours." Y/N said.
"But by plane it is an hour." Carlos said. "That mean we have more time to relax, work on strategies, go clubbing." Carlos says.
"We are not clubbing before media day." Charles warned him.
"Fine, que pesado." Carlos said and Y/N giggled.
The flight itself was bearable, Y/N fell asleep and Charles was watching her with a smile on his face.
"You should tell her you like her, mate. Because this" Carlos says gesturing to what Charles was doing. "Its getting creepy and concerning."
"When the moment is right i will tell her." Charles said.
"Okay then." Carlos said, putting his headphones.
When the jet landed, a chauffer took them from the airport to their hotel. When they arrived at the hotel lobby, Y/N saw Lando and Oscar on the couch, Lando was on his phone while Oscar talked to Logan.
"Lando!" Y/N shouted, running to where Lando was.
"Y/N!" Lando exclaimed, standing up from the couch to hug his best girl friend. "How was your flight? Are you hungry?"
"Nah, I'm fine, I had a cookie croissant before the flight so i should be good." Y/N said.
"Nonsense, you should have a proper breakfast. Osc, you wanna go out for breakfast?" Lando asked the Australian.
"Yeah sure." Oscar said. "Lets get our keys and we'll head out." As soon as everyone got their keys, they went to their rooms which are all on the same floor, WAGS obviously roomed with their partners, Y/N had her own room and she place her dufflebag there. She knocked on Lando's door and he opened up.
"Should i change." Y/N asked.
"Nah, you're fine. You ready to go Osc?" Lando asked Oscar, who was talking to Logan
"Yeah, lets go, catch you later, Logan." Oscar said goodbye.
"I'll talk to you later my fellow American!" Y/N exclaimed as she left with Lando and Oscar. Charles was observing their interaction.
"Jealous?" Carlos asked right behind Charles startling him.
"You scared me, mate. But i am not jealous." Charles said.
"You might want to unclench your fist then." Carlos tapped on Charles's fist and he releases.
On their free day, Y/N was writing down the name of the restaurant/cafe they went to, reviewed the food, the atmosphere, how much the food was.
"Y/N, do you have to review everything?" Lando asked.
"Yes, how was your food?" Y/N asked.
"It was good." Lando said.
"Do you think it is worth the price?" Y/N asked.
"I say yes but I think if you were wokring class, definitely not." Lando said.
"Thank you. What about you, Osc?" Y/N asked.
"I mean I've had better in Monza, but its still good." Oscar replied and Y/N wrote it down.
"You gentlemen have been great help." Y/N said.
"Will you be in the Ferrari hospitality this time or will you be coming over to McLaren?" Lando asked.
"I can't say yet. I'll probably arrive at the paddock with Charles, hang around his hospitality halfway during the break inbetween free practices and then go over to you before the second free parctice starts." Y/N said.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You coming to media day or are you going to be sightseeing?" Oscar asked.
"The hospitality gives me free food so I'm going to media day because i don't like sightseeing by myself." Y/N said.
"You just want me to pay." Lando said.
"You have the money to pay for me! I don't see the problem." Y/N said.
"She’s been like this since I joined F1.” Lando told Oscar.
“I do the same with Charles, don’t start.” Y/N said.
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(This scene was written before I found out what happened in Imola)
It was media day and Y/N was repping McLaren at the paddock, it made Charles feel a certain way.
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“Stopping staring.” Carlos said.
“I can’t help it, they’re acting like a couple and I don’t like it.” Charles said.
“At least she’s not wearing his number.” Carlos tried to cheer him up, Charles was going to answer him when Y/N came up to him.
“Have you guys seen my journal?” Y/N asked.
“How does it look like?” Charles asked.
“It’s a mini blue notebook with my name in rhinestones, my friend decorated it for me.” Y/N said,
“We haven’t seen it, love.” Charles said.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?” Y/N asked worriedly.
“Relax, it’s just a book.” Carlos said.
“It is NOT just a book, it is my diary and work journal all rolled into one, i write ALL my personal stuff in there, if anyone else reads it, I WILL DIE.” Y/N said.
“Maybe you should start taking notes on your phone.” Carlos said.
“Like I’m going to listen to a colonizer.” Y/N snapped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I mean you do come from colonizers but i should call you that, it’s not your fault.”
“Ya relájate. We’ll look for it.” Carlos said.
“Thank you! I was basically in every hospitality today so I gotta ask around.” Y/N mentioned.
“Why were you in every hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Well i run an F1 TikTok account too so I was just hospitalities. I hope no one has read it.” Y/N said before running off.
“Do you think she’s overreacting?” Carlos asked.
“Her mom said she was born a drama Queen.” Charles said shrugging. “I’m gonna go talk with Max.” Charles said, leaving Carlos, Charles entered the Red Bull hospitality.
“Hey Charles, where’s Y/N? I found her notebook.” Max said,
“That’s great! Where did you find it?” Charles asked.
“She left it on the couch when she was talking to Checo. Do you know why she was going mental about this?” Max asked, giving the notebook to Charles.
“Apparently there’s a lot of personal stuff written in here.” Charles said and that’s when he got an idea.
“No.” Max said immediately.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Charles said.
“You are not reading it.” Max said.
“Why not?” Charles asked.
“Because Y/N would probably murder you.” Max said.
“What Y/N doesn’t know, won’t kill me.” Charles said opening Y/N's journal.
"You act as if you were married. Well, what does it say?" Max asked, looking over Charles's shoulder to read what it says.
"Apparently Y/N has a crush on someone on the grid." Charles says. He kept reading. "And that guy is not me, looks like she has a crush on Lando." Charles sighed, closing the book.
"I haven't finished reading it." Max says, taking Y/N's journal to keep reading. "Okay, she could be talking about anyone, it doesn't necessarily mean she likes Lando." Max said, reading over the journal entry.
"Really? 'We've known each other since we were kids', Lando and Y/N have done karting together. 'I could easily get lost in his eyes, his accent is adorable, we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not', who else could it be, Max?" Charles asked.
"Okay well everyone on the grid has an accent to Y/N except of Logan. I have seen Lando lead Y/N places with his hand on her lower back. Maybe you are right, Y/N has a crush on Lando." Max said.
"Oh well, I lost my chance, let me just give Y/N her journal, I'll see tomorrow before free practice." Charles said.
"I thought we were going to play videoames later tonight." Max said.
"Not anymore mate, I have to talk to Pierre and pout about losing the love of my life to a child." Charles said.
"He's only 2 years younger than you." Max said.
"He is a child!" Charles shouted before leaving the Red Bull hospitality with Y/N's journal in hand. We was walking around the paddock when he spotted Y/N on the phone.
"Si mami, estoy comiendo bien, te lo juro. Mami, luego te marco, mi amigo Charles quiere hablar conmigo, te quiero mucho, bye." Y/N hung up the phone and put it in her bag. "What's up?"
"Oh I found your journal." Charles handed Y/N the journal and she took it happily.
"Thank you so much, you're the best, where did you find it?" Y/N asked.
"Oh in Red Bull, Max found it on the couch." Charles said.
"I'll thank him when i see him. Are you doing anything tonight? I wanted to visit the Aryton Senna statue and since I know you're a fan.." Y/N was cut off by Charles
"Sorry, I'll be with Pierre since Kika couldn't come." Charles said
"Oh, well maybe after free practice tomorrow?" Y/N asked hopefully.
"I don't think so, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N." Charles said leaving Y/N in the paddock and she walked to the McLaren hospitality where Lando and Oscar were playing Uno with some of the mechanics.
"Hey, Y/N, when we finish this round, we'll leave." Lando said.
"Yeah, thats fine." Y/N said and she sat on the couch. Once the game was over, Lando drove her back to the hotel.
"Did you find your journal?" Lando asked.
"I did, Charles and Max found it." Y/N said.
"Then how come you don't sound thrilled that you have your journal back?" Lando asked.
"Because Charles was acting weird, like he said he didn't want to see the Aryton Senna statue." Y/N said.
"But Leclerc is a big fan of him." Lando commented.
"Thats what i said!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Leave him, maybe tomorrow will be better." Lando commented.
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Unfortunately, that was not the case, her Friday and Saturday were spent in the McLaren hospitality, she was now watching qualifying on the TV (Q3) and she saw something awful happen, Lando and Charles were fighting for P3, their wheels were touching and everything and it got so bad that now Charles’s front wing and Lando’s rear wing were damaged when Q3 finished. Y/N ran to Lando’s garage to see what happened.
“Bro, what the hell were you two doing?” Y/N asked.
“You should be asking that to Leclerc, I don’t know what is wrong with him, he’s been on my tail for all of quali.” Lando said.
“Don’t worry, I will.” Y/N said storming the Ferrari hospitality and she spotted Carlos. “Cabrón, where’s the other cabrón?”
“He’s in the driver room.” Carlos answered and Y/N bursted into the driver room, Charles was shirtless.
“What the hell, Y/N?!?” Charles asked, putting his shirt back on and Y/N locks the door.
“We need to talk.” Y/N said.
“There is nothing to talk about.” Charles said.
“The hell there is! You’ve been acting weird since Thursday, you haven’t invited me to the Ferrari hospitality, you didn’t want to come with me to see the Aryton Senna statue, it’s like you changed when…” that’s when Y/N realizes what must have happened. “You read my journal!” Y/N yelled, she picked up a pillow and started hitting him. “How fucking dare you!”
“How dare I? How dare you?” Charles asked, blocking her hits.
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked, halting her action,
“You heard me! I Can’t believe you like Lando. Lando? He is so immature!” Charles shouted.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Y/N asked.
“Your journal entry! ‘we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not’, you spend so much time with Lando, who else could you be writing about?” Charles asked and Y/N just stared at him.
“Mas menso no puedes ser! It’s you, Charles! I like you, you ridiculously oblivious moron!” Y/N exclaimed and now it was Charles’s turn to stare.
“You like me?” Charles asked shyly.
“I love you! We were neighbors, we are roommates, we spend so much time together that I developed feelings for you. Now please say something.” Y/N said,
“I like you too. When I thought you liked Lando i went crazy.” Charles admitted.
“That’s why you were acting like that in quali! Lando was kinda mad,” Y/N said,
“Yeah, sorry about that. But now that I know you like me…you coming to the Ferrari hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Of course I will.” Y/N said.
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It was the Grand Prix and Y/N was in the garage with the red headphones one watching from the monitors.
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It was a tough race but Charles made P1 and Y/N couldn’t be any prouder. When Charles “parked” the car at his spot, he saw Y/N standing with Free and the rest of the team so he got out from the car and kissed Y/N. They pulled away and smiled.
“Sorry, I got caught up in the moment.” Charles said, laughing.
“Does this mean we’re dating.” Y/N asked all giggly after her first kiss with Charles.
“Of course we’re dating, Mon ange. You are my girl, and now we are paddock official.” Charles said.
“So when are you taking me out on our first date?” Y/N asked.
“As soon as I’m done with the post race interview.” Charles said, kissing her one last time.
The End
It took forever to write but I hope y’all like it, thanks for your patience!
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theplanetsandstars · 1 month
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Touch. F.W
A/n: this is very short and rushed but I needed it out of my drafts. English isn’t my first language and I apologize for any grammar errors. This is shit angst but that’s what I love <3
Summary: You and Fred have been dating for a couple of months. Now that it’s public he’s acting less affectionate towards you, why?
Fred Weasley was unlike anyone you had been with before. Those who had you before only wanted your body, not your heart. The showed you off like a prized possession instead of treasuring you. But Fred was caring and told you to express you’re feelings and never hold anything from him. That he was there for you for all you’re pretty and all you’re ugly he would stick around, that’s what he would say. That was even before your relationship with him went public he was so sweet.So why wasn’t he the same around his friends?
Sure around yours he was touchy-super touchy. Always had his hand on you no matter what, whether in was on you’re thigh, the small of you’re back or even just snakes around you’re body that was his love language, physical touch. It scared you at first the touch, because it usually came with intentions. But with Fred it was different, it was affectionate.
So of course it meant something to you when he almost refused to touch you when his friends were around.
One day you were going off to hogesmade with you’re friends and without Fred, just a girls day. But you knew that he would be out with his brother and friends as well. When you entered the three broomsticks with youre friends you immediately recognized the red head sitting with his friends in the far back corner he simply smiled at you. No big hug or even just a wave just a smile which you didn’t return back
Luckily you’re friends helped you forget all about it but, that’s wasn’t enough of a distraction to prevent you from seeing him wave at some blonde Gryffindor who walked in. That’s the first time an instance like this has happened and even though it bothered you to you’re core, there was no point in arguing with him, you didn’t want to be a bother.
About a week later you were heading to one of his quidditch matches cheering as loudly as you could for you’re boyfriend. Once it was over Gryffindor had won, as expected you were so excited and proud of you’re boyfriend who had worked so hard for this. You rushed to the outside of the changing rooms to wait for him where many other people were waiting as well. “Hey! Who are you here for?” You heard a girl ask you turned and saw the blonde who Fred waved to from the three broomsticks you smiled at her “Hey! I actually here for Fred” you said and hee smile dropped a little “oh I didn’t know Freddie had a girlfriend” she said and that made you’re heart drop
Not only at the nickname but also at the fact that they’ve probably talked and hung out but he’s never mentioned you or the fact that he has a girlfriend? You needed to leave you could not see him when you were like this, reafy to argue and yell at him but he’s cluleless and just won a match you thought. It’s better to simply distance yourself for right now. With that in mind you turned around and pushed through the crowd of people and ran back to you’re dorm.
Unbeknownst to you Fred did look for you. Looked everywhere high and low wasn’t listening to what anyone was saying because he was trying to find his girl. Once he couldn’t find you he saw Aubrey, the blonde Gryffindor girl and decided to talk with her all the way back to the Gryffindor common room where again, you were no where to be found. Fred was starting to get irritated just wanting to find you and be in Youre arms. He turned to Audrey who kept talking about quidditch match “hey have you seen y/?” He asked interrupting her mid sentence “uh yeah she was waiting for you outside the locker rooms but then she just left” a frown appeared on Fred’s face you wouldn’t just leave like that you had reason “uh any chance she said where she was going?” He asked and Sophia simply shook her head no
Fred decided to look for you in you’re dorm knocking anxiously “Hey love it’s me open up please” you had been crying in Youre dorm but you couldn’t let me know that “one sec!” You called out as you quickly composed yourself and cleaned up you’re dorm a bit “hi Fred” you said once you opened the door. He just looked down at you and admired you, although it had only been a couple of hours he missed you so much. He bent down to kiss you but you turned you’re head the other way “um Fred I’m really not in the mood, I’m really tired” you said while looking down.
He flashed a sad smile at you “no intention dove I wanted to kiss you just to kiss you” he placed two fingers under you’re chin and brought you to look at him, but tears were slowly forming in you’re eyes. Once Fred noticed this he immediately started wiping You’re tears. “Hey hey love, it’s just me you’re okay it’s okay” you turned around ashamed that you allowed yourself to cry in front of him “M’fine im sorry im just-I don’t Even have a reason to be crying” you tried to laugh it off while Fred simply soothed you and brought you to sit down on the edge of you’re bed.
“Love I know you said it’s nothing and it’s fine if it’s nothing but it doesn’t seem like that, no one cries for no reason, so talk to me please, I’m always here for you” you tried you’re best to smile at him “m’fine i promise i don’t know hormones or something but I’m fine” you lied, he looked disappointed he knew you were hiding something and he just wanted you to tell him “so why weren’t you outside the locker room then like you said you’d be?” Fuck, lie quick “I wasn’t feeling very good I actually left a little before the game ended” you lied again but Fred didn’t want to pressure you any further.
“Okay c’mon let’s go to sleep” he said with a smile on his face. You two had gotten accustomed to leaving you’re belongings in each others dorm. You just smiled and nodded while he made his lips meet you’re temple before getting ready to sleep.
The next day you woke up and reached for Fred, wanting to feel comforted. Only thing was that he was gone, he left before you had gotten up. Even though you guys didn’t have a sex you wondered why you felt used, off. But you got up and got ready for you’re day.
“Hey y/n!” Luna smile at you “hey Luna how are you?” You asked her and her smile dropped “i should be asking you that don’t you think?” You loved Luna but sometime you truly had no idea what she was talking about “what?” You politely asked. “Oh well I simply thought that you’re boyfriend leaving early in the morning from you’re dorm to hang out with Sophia wasn’t a very nice thing to do” Sophia, the blonde Gryffindor, what the fuck was he doing with her? “Oh I didn’t even realize” you told Luna and she simply frowned and walked away
You went through you’re day wondering what you had done to fuck things up with Fred. We’re you too much? Too hard to love? Or not enough and that’s why he spent so much time with Sophia. You’re thoughts were interrupted by Harry, “Hey y/n you alright? You seem a bit well, off” you put on a smile “yeah yeah im fine what’s up with you?” You asked “okay well you better be alright Fred said you were going to the party with him tonight” he said happily. Harry had always been a good friend so of course he didn’t realize what he’d said would affect you. “Oh. Oh yeah! Um of course I’ll be there” you said catching yourself. You and Harry continued walking through the halls when you saw Fred with his group of friends.
You’re face dropped and you stopped waking. “Um I’ll meet up with you later Harry alright?” You told him before turning away, but it was too late Fred had already spotted you and excused himself to go after you.
“Love wait up!” He called out but you continued walking.But of course Fred’s height and legs helped him watch up to you rather quickly he stood in front of you looking down to meet you’re eyes but you couldn’t look at him. Trying to escape you tried to go around him but he quickly caught you.
“Hey is this a joke? Cause it isn’t fucking funny what’s wrong?” He asked concerned “It’s nothing Fred I’m just trying to get to class go back to you’re friends yeah?” You told him “no no you’re not trying to get to class you’re trying to get away from me so can I at least know what I did?” He asked now pleading praying that you would tell him, but you didn’t if you were already too much why keep bothering him?
“It’s nothing to do with you okay? I’ve just been super stressed lately is all” you told him calmly finally getting the courage to look up at him. He frowned a little “okay dove is there anyway I can help, you know I could do you’re muffle studies homework for you” he offered “no I just need to resolve this on my own thanks though” you said with a slight smile. “ I hate to see my pretty girl like this okay? So truly if there’s anything you need love I’m here okay?” He reassured you, you simply nodded and said you’re goodbyes.
Walking through the halls all you could think of was how he called you “my girl”. If you truly were his why did he barely let anyone know? Why didn’t he show you off around his friends but was completely fine with touching you behind closed doors. Why didn’t he mention going to the party, one that he’d told Harry that you’d both attend?
How had you now ended up at that same party looking for you’re boyfriend. You decided to go to the party and finally explain to Fred you’re feelings and actions. You prepared yourself for the worst.
Even after preparing yourself-you got scared. As soon as you got to the part you started taking drinks swearing it was for “courage”.In reality at this point in the night you were trying not to see him
The common room was loud, lights and people everywhere. Fred? Nowhere to be found. He really never was going to tell you about the party. So imagine his surprise to see you
“Love?” He asked from behind you, you could smell the alcohol on his breath. Or was it yours? You were unaware at this point.
“Im so happy your here! Come say hi to everyone” he exclaimed. His face fell once he saw tears run down your cheeks.
“You don’t want me Fred. You don’t want me around your friends, so.. I don’t want you around me at all.” You whispered
Fred looked confused. Had he heard you? You didn’t stick around long enough to find out before bolting out of the common room.
You woke up in Fred’s bed, how? Once you opened your eyes and realized where you were you freaked out, but the pounding in your head was enough to make you stay in his bed. He was in the shower, you had enough time to run out but you decided now or never.
He walked out of his bathroom with only a towel around his waist. “G’morning love, you doing alright?” You just smiled at him as he got dressed and then sat beside you.
“So, do you wanna talk about last night?” You made eye contact with him and nodded slowly. “Fred yesterday was not the way I wanted things to go but I do believe I meant what I said.” He looked confused “so you don’t want me around you?” Just the thought brought tears to your eyes.
“Fred I may just be dramatic but I tried to ignore it I really did, I tried to ignore the way you wouldn’t hold me around your friends, the way you never invited me around them, God I tried to ignore Sophia and how you act with her but I just can’t!” You sobbed
“Sophia? The way I act with Sophia? Love please explain I’m begging to understand you take deep breaths okay?” He said softly. That was enough to make you hide your hand in your face as you cried. “Hey, hey no let me see your pretty face, take your time. Deep breaths my love”
“Fred you know how I’ve been treated in the past , the whole physical affection thing. But you never touch me around your friends. I’m sure you don’t mean to do it to hurt me but holding me, showing me off or something would be nice.” You confessed while looking at the bed sheets, looking up to see him with a soft smile on his face.
“I love holding you alone as much as I love holding you in front of others. I have no problem holding you in front of my friends I just fought you didn’t want it! I know how you’ve been treated and I would never want to show you off like an object. Then I thought you would feel obligated for me to touch you so I’d retract. From now on I promise to always hold you in front of my friends, anyone, fuck even the entire world okay? I just need you.” He declared
“All I need is you.” He reassured
“Then what about Sophia?” You asked with your insecurities taking the best of you.
“What about her?” He asked confused
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with her lately, talking to her and acknowledging her more in public than me.” You said with a frown on your face
“You even left your dorm with me in it the other day to go to her!” You exclaimed
“Your right I have been doing those things, if I can be mean with you for one sec darling she’s been annoying me. I don’t really enjoy any other girls company besides yours. So the other day I left our dorm early” he corrected “ so I could tell her to fuck off, just more politely of course”
You laughed, your tears had stopped, Fred always knew how to do that. How to make you feel better.
“So am I still yours pretty girl?” You laughed and kissed him in response
———————————————————————Today you were supposed to go to hogesmade with Fres friends. You walked in together, hand in hand. He made sure everyone said hello to you and most importantly. His hand was on you at all times.
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