#he and elizabeth had a super strong relationship though
holocene-sims · 2 years
Things said meme number 31 for Grant and Grant's late sister situation 😭😭😭
ooh okay this is a good one 👀 a really good one! sorry it took me so long to post, though!! it's been sitting in my drafts for a hot minute lol
anyway welcome to the angst express train 🌧️
btw this is a pretty fucked up example of grant's childhood so...
tw for death mention & tw for abuse. anyone reading this, scroll right past this post please if this could be triggering for you! the part with the abuse is placed under the cut for safety as well, so you won't see anything unless you click on it!!
31. things you said at my grave
she’d given him a letter last month.
she handed it to him in the middle of the night without much fanfare. she knocked on his bedroom door, slipped the letter through the crack, and walked away with nary a word spoken.
grant picked it up, though, soon after she vanished and found that she’d sealed the envelope with a bright pink hello kitty birthday sticker. he flips it over and reads the perfect cursive inscription on the back.
“happy birthday to my favorite person <3 XOXO, elizabeth”
it wasn’t his birthday, so he put it away in the nightstand, confused, and saved it for later.
she did the same thing the next night, although that time she’d explicitly asked to come into his room, and she came bearing a beautiful wooden lockbox–almost an exact replica of their grandmother’s decades-old handmade jewelry box–and a key to go with it. she placed it neatly on top of his cluttered shelf of hockey trophies, then sat beside him on his bed where he lay awake, staring at the ceiling.
“what are you doing?”
“stuff,” elizabeth replies, her voice shakier and more fragile than ever, “don’t tell kelly.”
“don’t tell kelly what?”
“that i didn’t do this for her.”
“didn’t do what for her?”
elizabeth leans over and cups his face in her cold, skeletal hands. when he looks up, he sees a waterfall of tears pouring down her cheeks, and suddenly, he knows what all of this is about.
“the letter i gave you yesterday...whether i'm here or not, open it on your birthday.” elizabeth lingers for a moment, still cradling his face, then she abruptly sits upright and points to the box. “and all of those...you can look through them whenever you want. look, not open. but it’s just letters. you’ll figure it out. you’ll know when it’s time for each of them.”
grant rises from bed, too, and clamors out from underneath his pile of blankets to rest beside her on the edge.
“lizzie, no–” he pleads, grabbing for her wrist, “don’t die.”
“i don’t want you to feel like you’re alone for the rest of your life. you wouldn’t believe me if i say i think heaven is real and that you shouldn’t worry because i'll be with you forever, just farther away. so i had to do something, okay? keep these as a reminder of me, that i'm always here. grant, i'm–um, i'm so sorry i can’t see you grow up. i'm so sorry i can’t protect you anymore. it’s the only regret i have about this life. but i know you and i know that you’ll be fine, that you’ll live a good life, and that you’ll be happy someday when you get out of here. i can let go because i know you’ll be okay, but i can’t let you feel like you’re alone. okay? i will miss you more than anything and i know it’ll be the same for you, but keep these and, um...someday way off in the future, we’ll see each other again and we’ll have a lot to catch up on.”
and now he kneels here, sobbing, at her fresh grave site in torrential rain under the pitch black blanket of night, clutching the first letter in the safety of the inner pocket of his rain jacket. the grave is no more than a roughshod pile of unearthed dirt surrounded by mountains of flowers and signs with elizabeth’s name and pictures of her before she’d been struck by the hand of fate and the daunting c-word. the photographs are far from old, being handpicked from last year’s high school graduation photoshoot.
grant hesitates to pull out the letter but does so anyway, knowing his time here is as limited as her time on earth was. he’d forgotten to fiddle with the house security alarm before he leapt out his second-story bedroom window and hauled himself down to the ground via the nearest tall tree. the last sound he’d heard as he sprinted out the backyard and over the wrought-iron fence was the shrill whine of the alarm alerting everyone to an “intrusion.”
surely the three mile dash from his home to the catholic church’s cemetery would give his parents plenty of opportunity to discover he'd gone missing and for them to subsequently bother to care about where their least favorite child ran off to.
just as he begins anxiously working away at peeling off the sticker without damaging it, the distinct echo of footsteps in entrenched mud behind him sends his heart rate flying sky-high. he considers making a run for it again to either his uncle’s or his grandparents’ house down the hill–there’s no doubt he can outrun his 50 year old parents and unathletic older sister–but decides against it.
he’d come here on the earliest hour of his twelfth birthday to read the letter with the company of his sister, even though she's six feet underneath him. no way he’s backing out now.
“you are nothing but trouble! get up! get up right now!”
lightning strikes a tree on the opposite side of the cemetery. the ensuing bomb of thunder kills his ears and nearly drowns out his mother’s incessant screaming.
grant stays where he is, praying lightning strikes him before his mother does. finally, though, the sticker releases and he frees the letter from the envelope in record speed.
“grant, come on, just get up…” his sister kelly begs. “it’s late and it’s storming and we have to pick out the headstone tomorrow. we all miss her. now let’s go.”
his mother tries again to rattle him. “there is no need for you to go around making this all about you! i should not have to chase you down in the middle of the night when i have just buried my daughter!”
he ignores them all and reads the letter patiently.
he’s halfway through when kelly’s whining breaks his concentration.
“let’s do this the easy way, grant.”
if his father is there, he’s doing what he always does, and that’s nothing.
“alright, that’s enough!” his mother screams at the top of her lungs. “get up or help me god you’ll be in the ground next to her!”
grant immediately halts what he’s doing and glances over his shoulder, eyeing his family with suspicion. his father and sister are clad in pajamas but his mother–who is marching his way like darth vader on steroids–had apparently wasted energy and time to dress herself up in proper clothing before driving out this way.
of course she had. she can’t be seen abusing her children in anything less than the 400 dollar dress she’d worn to the funeral yesterday, can she?
seeing her coming after him, he panics and starts gearing up to run away, only to fumble with the letter and let it slip from his hands to scurry away in the harsh wind. he desperately reaches for it, only to be stopped dead by his mother’s talons gripping onto his hair and yanking him backwards. he crumbles under the unexpected weight of her strength and his head slams full-force into the solid ground. she slips up for just a moment, letting him go, but nothing stops her. she reaches down and grabs him by the shoulders and continues dragging him by hand through the mud.
“mary, let him go.” at last, his father pipes up. “that’s a bit much.”
“shut up and stay out of my way! i’ll let the child go when he obeys me for the first time in his life. he’ll learn someday!”
grant’s eyes flutter open to the world spinning like a tilt-a-whirl around him. he lifts his head and looks out ahead of him, but the poor grave just before him is a blurry mess of colors, all washed out by the horrible ache splitting his brain in half.
“i just wanted to be with her…” grant whimpers.
“well, me too, grant! but you don’t see me or your father or your sister acting a fool, do you?”
the grave slowly slips farther and farther away as he’s pulled–kicking and fighting and smashing his head into the ground every other second–towards the parking lot. but he grows tired of lashing out against his mother and his fear and hatred of her is replaced by primal, unbridled grief.
“why did you leave me?!” ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. “take me with you, take me with you, take me with you! don’t leave me! please, please, please…take me with you! or come back! please don’t leave me! elizabeth, please…”
he braces for the impact of his body on concrete just as a bright burst of yellow from a flashlight shines in his and his mother’s faces. she gasps and stumbles away, releasing her iron-grip on his body. grant stumbles forward and up onto his knees, almost careening over, but he’s caught by another set of arms.
he doesn’t even need to look up to know his grandparents overheard the commotion and rushed over to discover the source.
somewhere off in the background, his mother is engaging his uncle and his grandfather in a screaming match, but grant loses track of the words soon enough and melts into his grandmother’s warm embrace, still sobbing.
“please don’t leave me, elizabeth.” he begs once more into the void. “don’t leave me. i don't want to be alone.”
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46ten · 2 months
Elizabeth S. Hamilton at the Constitutional Convention, June 1797
Elizabeth Schuyler attended a diplomatic meeting at the age of 6; as a teenager, she hosted politicians solo; her relationship with George Washington predates Alexander Hamilton's. As a married adult, she stood in for Martha Washington, she led the Republican Court in NYC, she led charitable endeavors, and she hosted any number of national and international figures, from bankers to politicians, etc. U.S. presidents through the 1840s paid homage to her. But as so many women of the early Republic were, she was pretty deliberately erased. Particularly excised were the contributions and political activism of the Federalist wives - the amount of influence these women had could not be discussed.
And so by the late 20th century, we have historians writing that ESH didn't like politics and was sickly, usually pregnant, and often absent from her husband, but at least she tried to make a nice cozy environment for the Great Alexander Hamilton to go home and snuggle in, or something like that, as though it didn't occur to these historians that Elizabeth Schuyler likely could have married any number of wealthy, accomplished (and distant relative) men and lived a very comfortable life of luxury in Albany. And yet she looked at the super-charismatic guy who everyone said was brilliant, but with no steady income, not even a lawyer yet and with no ties to Albany, but noted as highly ambitious and said, "yep, he's the one!" Spoiler: she did it because she was ambitious herself and recognized that theirs could be a strong strategic/political partnership, in addition to a strong marriage. (I'm sure it was also good for her ego that he declared himself her best friend after only a few weeks and was so far gone he couldn't remember a military password after an evening with her.)
This erasure led to the common assumption that Elizabeth was not in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention in summer 1787. However, statutesandstories.com has posted about new evidence - really, a more careful examination and reading of old documents - that ESH was in Philadelphia in June 1797, and was likely in the city at the time of AH's June 18th speech to the convention. The theory is that she traveled with the Knoxes from NYC to Philadelphia, as she's mentioned in a letter from Knox that she is traveling with them, and she's definitely with AH on June 19th, as they are recorded in a journal/diary at a social engagement also attended by George Washington. Additional conjecture that this letter from AH can be more tightly dated to this period, considering these lines:
I cannot yet determine what will be our stay here and consequently I can make no determinations about my love; but I feel that it will be impossible for me to submit to a long separation however inconvenient it may be to incur the expence which will attend her coming here. 
Which may align with EH borrowing money for this travel from her brother-in-law, Stephen van Rensselaer, also possibly more tightly dated to this period.
Please check out the well-cited posts (3 parts): 1, 2, and 3
Although no Hamilton biographers have discussed Eliza’s trip to the Convention in June, historians from Independence National Historic Park (INHP) concluded in the 1980s that Eliza was one of as many as nine wives who likely “attended” the Convention.  Part 4 (pending) will discuss Eliza Hamilton’s relationship with the other eight wives who likely were in Philadelphia during the Convention, including Rufus King’s wife, Mary Alsop King, who was a native New Yorker. 
This makes total sense to me - not just the documentation presented, but that she would have shown up to perform soft politicking/diplomacy around her husband's activities, in addition to a possible role assisting him in the drafting and editing of his speech. The daughter of Philip Schuyler and Catharine Van Rensselaer wasn't going to sit in NYC on the sidelines for this - she bolstered Hamilton not only in the ways she was personally helpful to him (emotionally, but also going over his writings and speeches with him), but through her representation of the wealthy Dutch-American interests, showing that Hamilton was a junior delegate from NY with a lot of political and financial power backing him.
As the blog states:
Yet it remains possible that Eliza may have helped her husband prepare for his one-of-a-kind speech on June 18. Moreover, it is felt that the possibility of informal, behind-the-scenes contributions by Eliza cries out for further examination.
Cause ya know, she's not discussing new threads for her needlework and thoughts on child-weaning at all these social gatherings or standing in for Martha Washington and chatting with Martha's husband about the best ways to make pastry.
And I just love if she helped advise him on a speech that only the "rich and well-born" can make a strong government. I'm sure they felt quite haughty and proud and said, "let's make another baby!" (James Alexander Hamilton was born around 9 months later.)
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powderblueblood · 6 months
Tell me everything!
FANFIC WRITERS - DIRECTOR'S CUT: ask me everything you've ever wanted to know about the behind-the-scenes of my stories
obviously, my bread and butter atm is hellfire & ice so i'll give you five scoops on that, nonny!!
⭐ - daddy issues r us - hellfire & ice very much positions hawkins as a town that has a sign at the border that says if you had daddy issues, you'd be home by now! i go nutty bananas bonkers crazy for the exploration of genetic fate-what we were given by our parents and can we outrun it-and i'm excited to explore it further not only with lacy and her dad, but eddie and al munson too.
as it stands right now, we're seeing that eddie is much more like his mom, elizabeth and lacy is much more like her father (who you'll learn more about). however, eddie lives with the constant crushing fear that he'll become his dad (which i thought was really well illustrated in flight of icarus) and lacy has become a completely vicious overachiever in order to avoid becoming her mother, who she views as an ex-beauty queen floundering in complacency. the internalized misogyny is unfortunately strong with this one. but in a town so small where almost no one gets out, can these two crazy kids avoid becoming embroiled in the dodgy enterprises masterminded by their fathers??? stay tuned and find out!!!
⭐ - lacy's wardrobe - i've mentioned this in The Narrative but lacy's wardrobe takes a drastic turn from nancy thompson from nightmare on elm street to a slightly goth-ier anna karina, which is largely due to the fact that lacy is a packrat that cannot admit to the fact she is a packrat. she breaks off from her friends at the mall go downtown and sift around thrift stores, only to pack the clothes away. now, those boxes are the only ones she can seem to find, and the clothes feel right on her finally. she has really high notions about dressing for the job you want, and prior to her life going to shit, the job she wanted was macys model with 4.0 gpa and a super hot car. now, the job she wants is 1960s literary eurocunt running on spite.
⭐ - robin at steve's party - we needed robin in this fic bad, but i thought it would be disingenuous to introduce her as a friend right away. there's no way that she and lacy would run in the same circles at school, so she only really knows of robin's existence via her working relationship with steve. i also stand by the fact that everyone knew robin buckley was gay except for steve, so the terribly unimaginative slurry nicknames were a given. steve is totally the kind of friend to naively invite robin to parties he's still sometimes having (harrington, in my eyes, remains very well-liked and will throw a damn kegger if his friends that have matriculated out of high school are back in town), but then get caught up in his own bullshit so she'll have to kind of... linger in the kitchen. who hasn't been there, baby.
⭐ - ronnie ecker - YOU'RE GONNA LOOK ME IN MY FACE AND TELL ME THIS ISN'T RONNIE ECKER, GIRL?!!!!! because we need someone who is going toe to toe with eddie munson's freak goof bitch energy and she's the only woman for the job. other than the canon characters, i don't have clear casting choices in my mind for anyone other than her and ayo edebiri inspires me in all things, particularly the comedic element of writing this damn story. love her. worshipping her.
⭐ - eddie munson, rizzless loverboy - the way i see it, and though i'd love for him to have a hot girl era, eddie couldn't be a fuckboy if he tried. he simply cares too much, about everything. even the things he doesn't care about, he cares a lot about not caring about. somebody looks at him in a way that could be construed as romantic and he's thinking about that shit for the rest of his fucking life. when it comes to lacy, eddie's had a little fixation on her that goes way back-- and we'll get into it. she still seems untouchable despite the fall from grace, and he totally needs to touch her. and he's got no idea how to communicate with her outside of sniping. luckily, she's got the same damn disease!!! every time she calls him an asshole, he swoons, but sometimes swooning looks like excessively rolling your eyes.
hope you enjoyed this!! feel free to ask me about specifics and stuff lol, i feel like this was a little word vomity which is all me baby i'm frothing at the mouth to talk about these FOOLS
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anyaeras · 2 years
Lost and Found || E.olsen x Daughter reader !
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You are the lost daughter of Elizabeth Olsen, sadly you were taken away when you were born more so- like a kidnapping thing, but she never gave up hope on finding you, A mother daughter duo lost and found?
TW: abuse, mention of abuse, substance-abuse
(Mom) Elizabeth Olsen x (child) Reader
Mother/child relationship
2k words
Momma Lizzie x Daughter reader
(So sorry I wrote this ages ago and used she/her pronouns)
[Lizzies POV]
It's been 13 years time to this day since I've seen my daughter, Today was always a hard day for me, I was lucky to have the support of My family and friends, but most importantly my husband Robbie, even though I usually would just stay in bed All day with the lack of motivation to want to do anything but I had an interview today, so fake it till you make it right?
Anyway it was about 10am I was getting dressed, I wore a short black dress, and have my hair up in a high ponytail with the front hairs down and curled, this interview was just a Comicon, nothing too special about it. I’ve done conventions like these hundreds of times by now but I always enjoy the fans being able to put a smile onto someone else’s faces was the highlight of this job.
Making my way to the master bathroom I applied light natural make up just a soft smoky eye look pulling it together with mascara before getting the rest of my belongings together and heading for the door.
"Bye bye honey!" I thought it across the house unaware of what my husband was but he had to be somewhere
"Bye, be safe"  I heard Robbie respond
With that I headed out into my car, and was off to meet up with my MCU family.
[Readers POV]
"Mom, Charlie and Atlas are here" I said coming down the stairs to the lower floor in my house.
Today I was going London comicon, I was super excited and it was a way to get out of the house, see my mother, I love her of course she's my mother but, doesn't mean she loves me back, well she says she only wants what's best for me, while her actions have always implied other wise
"Whatever be home by 7pm, You're watching your sibling, i'm going out" she slurred out at me harshly almost hissing, it was then I noticed that there was a bottle of whisky down from the cupboard.
As much as I hate to leave my little sibling alone, especially when my mom is drinking which is always, you never know what she's gonna do... but this was my one escape, my one chance to see something I enjoyed. With that I headed out the door, jumping in the vehicle with the rest of my friends, Charlie's mom had offered to drive us, so Charlie sat in the passenger seat while atlas sat back next with me
"Bye be safe have fun kiddos" Charlie’s mom said softly before leaving once's she had dropped it us off at the con, we had made it in time to go to the interview of the MCU cast, including Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland, Chris Evans, Paul Bettany, and Elizabeth Olsen, that made me excited, Wanda Natasha were two of my comfort characters they both been through a lot I felt connected to them in emotional way I guess you could say? With that we headed into an interview and took our seats we came in early getting decently close up seats to the stage as we waited and messed around a little bit before the cast came out, they each had their own little introduction, watching Tom make sense a little spider hands as he ran on stage made the crowd die laughing. Lizzie and Scarlett came out in fighting poses together like the strong women they are, no joke I was star struck!
[Lizzies POV]
I felt my anxiety peak a little bit which was completely normal, I had social anxiety and a lot of people knew that about me luckily one of my closest friend Scarlet was there with me.
"Hey it'll be great, the Fans love you" Scar Said softly just to me.
"Mhm" I responded sheepishly A bit lost in my own train of thought
Scar used her index finger to lift my chin to look her in the eyes, she knew that today was hard for me, without saying a word it wasn’t needed, she pulled me into a hug, holding my like a child, It helped honestly it felt good to be held.
"Let's welcome to the stage....
Tom Holland
Chris Evans
Paul Bettany
Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen"
With that we had walked onto the stage from the left, doing small intros Scarlett and I posing in a silly fighting pose before skipping off to our seats. I took a glance over the crowd, many fans of all ages, I was so excited to see people coming together over something they love and me being apart of it! But something then caught my eye, and group of young teens, more so the young one on the right, they looked like a spitting image of myself.
I never took my eyes off them, for the whole interview, I felt distracted something was off, maybe it was my imagination maybe it was the date but withlist we made eye contact a few times, I would give her a small smile, but it was then it clicked for me.
"Y/N" I said under my breath
Only scar heard, they leaned over before asking me what was going on bluntly confused on what I was on about.
"That's Y/N she's here, my daughter is here!" I said a bit louder, my voice laced with shock.
"Really?" Was the responses scar gave getting a nod from myself I could tell she was as shocked as I was she leaned into my side whispering a “are you sure” into my ear just for reassurance.
I wanted to talk to her, I mean she's my daughter, well she might not know it yet, but I was thinking if a plan the whole interview, a bit out of it but Scarlett had my back, and was there to cover up for me when I was lost in my train of thought.
After the interview, I jumped up from my seat, grabbing Scarletts arm and dragging her to the girl with me quickly as I came up with an idea, now if it’s a good one? We will find out.
"Hey, we would like to invite you three to come backstage and meet the cast for a bit" I said a bit out of the blue, hoping Scarlett would just agree and catch on to my idea.
I watched the group of young teens faces light up, getting fast nods from all of them.
“oh my gods yes! we are huge fans” the child i soon found out has the name Atlas squeaked out
"Let's go then" I said with a smile before leading the group to my fellow marvel cast. As we walked they all gave their names but when I heard “y/n” the name I gave my daughter come from the young girl I about passed out right then and there
We were backstage, when I was trying to think of a way to explain to this kid, that she might be my long lost daughter, and even thought this all might sound like a movie, it's our real life.
"Y/n, can I talk to you" I asked the younger look-a-like of myself
She nodded as we went over to a more privet corner of the room. I could tell she was confused or maybe even excited at this point her face was giving off so many different emotions
"Okay, so I'm gonna need you to hear me out of this...I have a daughter, that was taken from me 13 years ago today—
"Today is my 13th birthday!" Y/n cut off even though it was a sad topic for Lizzie and hearing it upset y/n she was still excited to have the same birthday as Elizabeth Olsen a daughter!
That statement made me believe that y/n was my child even more. I took a deep breath it felt as if the air was caught in my throat.
"Y/n, that's why I'm here, I think you are my lost daughter, I mean you look just like me, the dates and everything else add up....I'm your mother, I know my baby anywhere" I said nervously, rushing the words out just wanting the statement out in the open air, now wondering in worry how they would react.
"Wait lemme get this straight, i'm your Long lost daughter? and my batshit alcoholic ‘mother’ isn't mine?" Y/n clarified more so for themself a bit bluntly.
Receiving quite the nervous nod in return from myself. “You were taken from me in the hospital when you were born, they said I was crazy and I never had a child as they stripped you away. I was heartbroken all I’ve ever wanted was a child and to be blessed with one then losing it the same day was devastating. In time I never stopped looking for you I came across some paper work saying you were in the system after the people whom took you sold you off all before the age of six months and that’s when I lost all ties, everything was destroyed on the case.” I explained tears peeking outa my eyes while y/n has a tears running down her face and a confused express still plastered on her face.
After taking a deep breath I felt small arms wrap around me as y/n fell into my chest, she was extremely overwhelmed I felt sorry but I couldn’t lose her again so I thought on my feet…
"If it's that bad...you don't have to go back, you can come with me, and get to know each other? and I know this is kind of weird especially because you don't even know me and it might be a little scary your friend can come of course I don't want you to feel like you have to but I'd love to get to know my own child" I smiled at her, scared that I would lose my child that I'd just got back.
I was drag out of my anxiety when I felt y/n's arms wrap around my body, it was an instinct to embrace them back.
"Y-yes I would like to get to know my- mother?"
I smiled pulling away from her grasp, letting her take my hand like a young child, which to me they were, hand in hand we walked back over to their friends plus Scarlett, I let y/n explain what was going on, and to call Charlie's mom to let her know that Lizzie would bring them home at some point, while I told Scarlett everything.
"You all ready?"
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AN- thanks for reading, more work will come soon but this was just a quick story to get out <33
-bye bye sugars
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
sorry if this is an uncomfortable ask
but do you have any good dubcon recs?
Not uncomfortable! If done well I'm actually a fan of it.
Scandal's Bride by Stephanie Laurens. A MAJOR new favorite of mine. The heroine is this "Lady of the Vale" which means she gets visions from her goddess. The goddess sends her a vision of a man who she says will father the heroine's children, the hero shows immediately after, and our heroine is dismayed because though she wants an heir, she also wants to be a single pringle. Her solution is to drug the hero so that he thinks he's dreaming during their encounter and leaves without realizing what happened. It's... really good. He does realize what's up after the first encounter, but pretends he doesn't lol. He's actually semi-delighted by how crazy she is, and to be fair he does sorta do a reverse uno because the next two encounters, she thinks he won't remember? But he's FULLY in it.
Once More, My Darling Rogue by Lorraine Heath. The hero and heroine have a combative relationship; she's super bitchy to him, especially because he was born lower class (and then adopted by a duke and duchess, see Lorraine's Surrender to the Devil for his childhood origin story). It's a retelling of Overboard! so she falls into a canal or something, he finishes her out, he realizes she has total amnesia, and he tells her she's his housekeeper... thinking he'll stop soon. He doesn't. When they do finally get to it, I'd definitely call it dubcon because she has no idea what their actual past history is. (And she is pretty upset, understandably, when she finds out.)
The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath. I mean, this is another "deception" situation. Edward pretends to be his dead twin because Gorilla Twins and comes back to Julia thinking he's not going to touch her... But she touches him thinking he's her husband... And he.... returns that. Because it's his code! He can't NOT reciprocate!
A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught. Hero is English, heroine is Scottish, he kidnaps her and they actually have an initial little romance, before things separate them and make them total enemies. Their first encounter is totally coercive, and sorta vengeance based--I think he's basically keeping her from seeing her sick friend or sister (who isn't actually that sick) unless she submits
The Courtesan Duchess by Joanna Shupe. The heroine and heroine married 6-7 years before, he had no desire to marry her and left for the Continent to party and sleep around without consummating it. Now she needs heir for legal/money reasons. He doesn't have a strong memory of her, so she trains as a courtesan and totally changes her appearance, seducing him so that he sleeps with and gets her pregnant. It does work. And she does come home to him, after he finds out, sitting in the dark, smoking a cheroot, and going "THE OTHER SHOE JUST DROPPED".
I think Elizabeth Lowell's medieval trilogy has this in every book, tbh.
Untamed: The hero is just generally really pushy and dominating, and it's an arranged marriage situation where he's kind of The Worst but also The Best.
Forbidden: Another situation where like, everyone is enjoying themselves, but it's not exactly kosher on the consent friend. And I would say that one of the later encounters, where he's super mad at her, is explicitly dubious. He's basically like "I don't want to touch you" so she begins touching (among other things) him while he tries to keep from reacting (and fails).
Enchanted: This one is a bit more uncomfy because the heroine actually is recovering from a legit noncon assault from another man, though the hero (her arranged husband) doesn't know this and just thinks she's frigid. He doesn't really push her on that front from what I remember, but like... she gets sick, and there's this sort of like, dreamy sleep situation where there's a magical blanket (?) involved, and I think they BOTH think it's a dream deal, but they've actually been sort of drugged.
His at Night by Sherry Thomas. The hero and heroine totally hate each other when they marry (she tried to compromise his brother into marrying her, ended up compromising him, so he thinks she's the worst; he's a spy pretending to be stupid, so she's like "God I'm stuck with him???") and I remember the initial consummation being very "grin and bare it" dubious.
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas. BUT OF COURSE. Lillian gets super drunk, and though she does experience her first time with Westcliff, she thinks it's a dream until she wakes up and he's like "was it as good for you as it was for me?" (He knows it was.) Lisa edited this out of more recent versions, including the ebook versions, so you would have to pick up an earlier physical copy of the book. Personally, I love it. I love the scene. I get why other people don't, and they can read the other version (though I think the editing is incredibly clumsy).
The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole. This is a novella, the first IAD book. The setup is that Kresley's vampires don't have a heartbeat (and therefore no blood flow) until they meet their Bride (gender neutral, and I'm not joking--she's done a m/m vampire book, and the term Bride seems to end up being implicitly applied to the other hero, which I find kinda cool). This means they... It's not that they don't have a response, but it can't physically.... be achieved. And once it happens, the must... complete it... and he can only do it through the heroine's touch. So the heroine is the hero's Bride, she purposefully likes to tease vamps and kill them. She fails to kill him because Attraction, but she does leave him wanting for FIVE YEARS. He finds her at that point, and grabs this chain she keeps around her waist, which nobody else has been able to remove, and when you hold the chain you can command her to do anything and she mUST comply.
He has fun with that.
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole. This is borderline total noncon, but there's some "her body wanted it" stuff to sorta cancel that out. The hero recognizes the heroine as his mate, is essentially really mad that she's a vampire because vamps have tortured him in eternal flame for 150 years (you get it) and within the first chapters he takes her into the shower and makes her... relieve him... in exchange for a phone call to her family. I mean, he does reciprocate! There's also some light sleep stuff.
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole. Sabine kidnaps Rydstrom because she's his fated mate and her brother wants her to have Rydstrom's heir as a part of the Evil Plot. Rydstrom does need to consent to the actual act because he needs to recite some vows and marry Sabine first so that the kid is legitimate. And he won't, lol. So she chains him up and torments him in an attempt to make it happen. (Fwiw, Rydstrom also chains Sabine up and does the same thing later as "parity" so it goes both ways.)
Lothaire by Kresley Cole. Lothaire and Ellie have a lot of encounters that aren't, but there is at least one where she's does the "no until it's yes" thing, and he for sure just charges on.
Bass-Ackwards by Eris Adderly. I'm a little ambivalent on this (not because of the dubcon) but it's very popular and I overall found it fun. Basically, it kicks off with the heroine asking for some time off and her boss saying "yes, in exchange for X favor" (more than a favor tbh) and she agrees lol. Goes from there.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. The reason why I'd classify this as dubcon is because the heroine thinks she's doing stuff with another person, but it's actually her manager. However, he does not intentionally take advantage. He thinks she understands what's happening, but it's very dark (like visually, the lights are off), there are extenuating circumstances, etc. From there, once they realize what's happening, there is no more.
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli. Enzo and Gia's first few encounters happen when she's literally chained to his bed and cannot actually like... consent. She does eventually but not until after he's gotten the party started, as it were. She does love every minute of it! And of course, there's the scene where he chases her down through the boat until they're in his office and... she is very "OH NO!!!!" about it outwardly.... and less so inwardly.
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson. The hero and heroine are actually both pretty much unable to consent. It's an arranged marriage, and unbeknownst to either of them, her dad drugged their drinks to make them... very excited. So it's dubious on both sides.
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gcldenhr · 2 years
Introducing ✿ * · juliette ryan || twenty four || florist
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hi all! im allie! i go by she/her pronouns and i’m from the cst timezone. i’m super excited to be here and write with everyone! feel free to like this and i can come to you about plots! 
a  little  birdy  told  me  JULIETTE  RYAN  just  moved  to  sunset  hills. have  you  met  them  yet  ?  they  look  somewhere  around  TWENTY - FOUR,  if  i  had  to  guess  !  pretty  sure  i  heard  them  driving  down  the  street  playing  RECKLESS  DRIVING  by  LIZZY  MCALPINE  ,  they  sounded  a  little  pitchy  but  they  had  the  spirit  !  must  be  their  favorite  or  something. hey  …  it  looks  like  they  just  moved  into  DUSK  DRIVE  . have  you  heard  about  what  they  do  for  a  living  ?  someone  told  me  they’re  a  FLORIST  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s  even  true. guess  we’re  just  gonna  have  to  wait  and  see. nervous  ?  maybe  you  should  be. sunset  speaks  just  posted  about  them  …  apparently  they're  RESIDENT  ID  #013  ?  between  you  and  me  ,  i  think  that  might  spark  some  things  in  the  community  …  but  what  do  i  know !  you  guys  might  get  along  just  fine  !
quick facts: full name: juliette elizabeth ryan nickname: jules, julie birth date: march 15 age: 24 hobbies: reading, writing, music how she would spend a rainy day: curled up in bed with soft music playing in the background as she reads or curled up on the couch with the fireplace going and binge-watching a good show or guilty pleasure show/movie. spending habits: juliette is a strong believer in the ‘treat yourself’ philosophy so she’s not great with saving. Smokes: too much. tried to quit, but quickly started back drinks: she’s a social drinker, but loves a good cider at home. an absolute whore for a good margarita. other drugs: occasional weed.
juliette has always been quite well off. she was an only child in a well off family in manhattan. her mother and father both loved each other and had a decently happy marriage.
her parents challenged jules to work hard for what she wanted. they always pushed her to be a better version of herself and to always at least try for what seemed like unattainable. 
around the age of nineteen, juliette moved to Cali with her cousin. They split the cost of an apartment and started school together. jules wanted to be a writer. it was something unattainable, but it was the strongest desire she had ever had. she worked her ass off in her classes, always looking for ways to improve her skill. 
apartments cost money and jules was running low. she never was able to save very well. she found a help wanted sign in a small florist shop and even though she had no experience, she applied. she has been working at ‘petal and bloom’ ever since. 
juliette has been writing under a pen name. something one of her professors challenged her to do to gain more confidence in her writing. Well, he didn’t exactly say to write under a pen name. he just told her she needs to get her writing out there... the pen name was more her idea. 
she has her own instagram where she reviews books and somehow gained enough of a following to have a few fans on an email list. on this email list, she gives them exclusive previews of the novel she’s currently writing. 
jules is a big softy. she embodies kindness and compassion and brings comfort to every room she enters. pretty much a friend to all.
she’s a bit of a people pleaser.. therefore its pretty easy for her to fall into peer pressure. 
her music taste is impeccable and she knows it. everything from the 60s to now. her playlist is all over the place, but it’s got something for everyone on it. 
she smokes.. more than she should. she tries to hide it. she knows its an awful habit, but she started when she was seventeen and its been more of a stress relief than anything. she also will occasionally smoke weed, but typically only in the company of good friends or at a party. 
the THINGS she would do for a good ass margarita.. i mean who wouldn’t but omg 
been in maybe 3 serious relationships?? the first being in high school, the second being at around 20, and the third being around 22. its not that she isn’t good with relationships, but she hasn’t found one that stuck. been in TONS of situationships bless her heart. 
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17yearcicada · 2 years
anyway, MY opinions on frankenstein (aka the correct ones):
victor's actions are bad and he's a rich kid but a) he was like 20 when everything went down, b) he doesn't actually seem to hate or have a bad opinion of the people he's hurt in his life, c) i like pathetic men and mad scientists
victor does seem to care for elizabeth, but definitely not in a romantic way. they are Family
there are many ways you could describe victor and the creature's relationship and i think all of them provide an interesting perspective. lovers is pretty weird though i would only accept that in VERY loose adaptations. the incest undertones are just a bit too weird otherwise lol
i'm more ambivalent on the creature's morality but i think he fully knew what he was doing was Wrong, at least. it really bothers me when people try to make the creature stupider that he actually is to excuse what he did like i promise he's sympathetic enough already
if you genuinely, like, hate either of them die actually
there were a couple "right" answers on the adaptation questions i was mostly just judging you if you liked a stupid one. lots of victor frankenstein (2015) fans on tumblr, i'm learning
i don't necessarily take issue with calling the creature adam (especially in speculative works where he kind of needs a name) i can just tell that you're a Certain Type Of Guy if you do. if you call him a monster die alone
victor did NOT make the creature out of dead bodies i feel SO strongly about this. my proof is a) he was eight feet tall but had normal proportions (iirc) and b) it took victor several months to make him & considering the fact he wasn't doing anything else i think it's more likely he had to start from scratch.
i will admit i like creature designs where he's stitched together i am not immune to good character design
my main purpose behind the bride of frankenstein question was that a lot of people on tvtropes really wanted the bride to be completed/elizabeth to be reanimated, apparently. i don't have super strong feelings about this that question was mostly just a poll
also YES i know i didn't include every possible nuance in the answers. this is a uquiz i made in like an hour get off my back
(also anyone with two braincells can tell it's a Nuanced situation, so i was worried everyone would just pick that answer if i included it and i couldn't Judge them properly.)
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 1.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2k
A/N: ahhhh so this is my first series that I’m posting here! I’ve went for the fwb!au but I will do a mob one soon too. It will be full of angst, smut, friendship, love, heartbreak, absolutely everything. I hope that you all will like it, and I would appreciate it if you comment, reblog or send a feedback!🥰
Also my tag list is open for the series!
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing
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It was a Friday night and that meant party all night.
Well not for you.
You weren’t a party girl. Sure you went here and there on some frat parties with your friends, but every Friday? Hell no.
The Friday nights were reserved for a book and a cup of tea.
You were a shy one, you kept your circle small. Tom, Harry, Anna and Amelia.
You were a big bookworm, and hopeless romantic. A great duo for sure.
Sometimes you felt like an ugly duckling. Amelia and Anna were gorgeous and appealing brunettes, just like other college girls, but with a great personality. They were a whole package if you asked me.
You would say that you were an average looking girl. Nothing to special.
You just wanted a guy that would love you for who you are on the inside, not outside.
Too much books, I know.
“Maybe it’s time to head to bed.” You said to yourself, after you caught yourself overthinking, again.
“Jesus Christ.” You sighed, the doorbell waking you up.
It was 20 minutes past midnight, and you were now worried who is at the door at this time.
“Again?” You groaned, rubbing your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late, but I really needed a break.” Tom spoke, running his palm through his messy hair and massaging his scalp.
You motioned him to the living room, styling your hair that was sticking out everywhere, as much as possible.
“Great, I look like a zombie.” You murmured to yourself as you went to the couch where Tom was seated.
“Want anything to drink or something else?”
“Yeah…something strong?” He said, pushing his back flat on the couch.
“You know that I only have wine here.”
“It will do the job.”
“So..will you tell me what is tonight’s reason for your visit?” Your figure sat next to Tom’s, enjoying a late glass of wine as well.
“She saw me with Stassie today, so she went bonkers.”
Ah. Typical Tom.
Well let’s go back to the start shall we?
If you were honest, there was a lot, but still nothing to tell that wasn’t familiar to everyone.
Tom. Your typical frat boy.
Hot guy, astonishing body, soft curly brown hair followed with the dark brown eyes that had every girl drooling. His charming smile that he flashed to every single girl, covered up his conceited behaviour. Although he was a very charismatic person, he was a bit big-headed.
Did I say a bit? I meant a lot.
Parties were his scene. Tom loved the attention he got from the people almost immediately when he would enter the party place. Girls were basically throwing themselves on him, waiting for him to acknowledge them.
Tom was aware of the effect he had on the ladies, and he sure took advantage of that.
Every weekend there was a new one in his sheets.
He didn’t do feelings, some girls knew, some didn’t. So the morning after he would throw them out of his room half naked, all shattered and with the disgusting feeling that they were used.
He had a reputation, after all he was the most wanted boy out here, everyone’s dream was to become something to him.
Unfortunately no one had succeeded.
Did Tom say she a minute ago? Oh yes.
She was Sophie. And no, she wasn’t his girlfriend, but she sure didn’t think that way.
Sophie was your classic example of a girl that doesn’t understand the word no.
She was one of Tom’s flings, a beautiful, but fake girl. They got together at her 20th birthday party, it was just a one time drunk sex. Tom waited for her to feel asleep after a long session, so he could just go home and get at least a little amount of sleep.
However the next day at college, Sophie was like a limpet.
She didn’t let him breathe, even though Tom explained how he worked.
To be rejected or not interested in her was a unknown term for Sophie.
“Look, we shared a night, had sex and that’s all. It’s how I roll sweetie okay?” He desperately tried to get her off of his back.
“Tommy, I know how you do things, but you can’t lie about the chemistry. We just need to be together. And the sex is amazing.”
And that’s how it started.
Tom was loud and clear, not just with her, but with his friends and other ladies that she isn’t his girl, and never will be.
He really hoped that Sophie would let him be after a while, and she really did, but Tom just couldn’t keep it in his pants.
The Spring party.
Everyone got shit-faced, Tom was super turned on by a sweet brunette that clearly wasn’t interested in his lame flirting.
Sophie came in for a refill in the kitchen, but she was a godsend for Tom at that moment.
“Soph, sweetie mind if I get you a drink?”
“Thought you were clear about your feelings for me Tommy?” She answered, playing with the end of her dress.
“Yeah, yeah..How about I get you that drink, and we could catch up on things, ya know like old times?” He crossed his arms on purpose, flexing his biceps.
“I knew you would come back.” Sophie laughed, wrapping her slim arms around him.
It happened again. And Tom left like the last time, but once again Sophie didn’t get the message.
It became much more harder for him to avoid her, she was all over the place. She ruined his possible hookups, tried to meet his friends, brothers. It was getting on his last nerve, and even though he said that he doesn’t do relationships, she didn’t give up.
Sophie just wanted to be in the spotlight, and Tom was a great opportunity.
“Dear God. I told you that this lifestyle of yours would cost you. You should’ve refrain yourself for one night. Now you have a fake and crazy girl on your back, and no freedom as well.” You said, secretly eyeing him, he was hot you couldn’t lie.
“Thanks for not helping Y/N. Fucking hell I just want her to disappear, she is hundred percent crazy!”
“Why don’t you for once think rationally. Call her, take her for a coffee, tea whatever, sit down. Talk. Like normal people, tell her how things are, use your magic. But be nice and direct, she needs to get it in her head.” You tried your best to help him, after all he was your best friend and crush since preschool.
Stupid choice I know.
“I think so, but I wouldn’t be surprised that she spreads the news that I took her on a ‘date’, not a ‘can you please fuck off’ coffee.” Tom spoke clearly annoyed, filling up his empty glass.
He was tipsy already, and so were you. The wine absolutely did the job.
You were now nervous, your heart thumping against your ribs, the silence wasn’t an issue between the two of you, but tonight something was different.
“Why are you laughing?” You questioned, looking at Tom.
“Nothing darling, just remembered the day at elementary school.”
“Oh God. Which one?”
“You know, when you almost punched Elizabeth when she said I gave her a flower, and that I’m her best friend now.” He looked at you smiling like a child.
“Hey! You couldn’t blame me I loved you, you were my bestie I thought you betrayed me!” You stated, turning your body to his.
“Oh loved?” He grabbed his chest, trying to look hurt, but failing after a loud laugh escaped from his lips.
Your hand slapped his chest playfully, as an answer.
“This wine is crazy, I’m definitely going to consume it more.” He spoke.
“Well you for sure will if Sophie freaks out again.”
“New bottle?” You asked, standing up, your legs wobbly from the alcohol that was running in your system.
“Sure, it’s a long night after all.”
You tried to be as relaxed as you could be, but Tom’s presence tonight didn’t let you be.
Tom was also tense, the wine messed with his mind, he didn’t got laid for days, and the silky white shorts of yours didn’t help him at all.
You were in front of him, opening a bottle, but he just couldn’t control himself. His eyes were glued on your slim legs and tits.
He knew that under those hoodies that you wear on a daily basis was an incredible body.
Tom finded you attractive, absolutely stunning. He thought about you on his bed, whining for him, he really did wanted to have sex with you, but he couldn’t. You were his best friend and Tom didn’t want to hurt you.
But fucking hell. Tonight you were making him go nuts.
“I’m worn out.” You said exhaling the air.
“Live a little Y/N. Your nose is 24/7 in those books, give yourself a break, don’t be so boring.”
“Me boring? Oh excuse me that I don’t have such a dynamic life as yours.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hell yes you are, when was the last time you had sex?”
“What?!” Your cheeks were burning, and you couldn’t believe he asked you that. Sure you two had conversations about sex, but only about his sex life, and by that I mean who he slept with not how and where.
“You heard me, c’mon we’re friends you can tell me everything.”
Stupid Tom.
“Yes we are, but I would love to keep the informations about my sex life to myself.”
“So you’re a virgin?”
“TOM!” You almost chocked on the wine.
“Well?” He smirked, feeling how you got more and more shy from the conversation. God he wanted to fuck you so bad.
“No I’m not a virgin!”
“Then you can tell me when was the last time hm?”
“I don’t remember ok?! Jesus, the last time was probably the week before me and Noah broke up.” Your voice almost a whisper, realising that you were presumably too boring.
Tom just whistled the ‘wow that’s tooo long’ whistle, earning an annoying look from you.
“If it helps you I didn’t bang a girl for like a week, maybe more?” His answer turning into a question.
“Yeah, that helped me a lot, thanks Thomas.”
“Always here to help you.”
You once again slapped him playfully, but with the arm where your glass of wine was, spilling the beverage on his shirt and sweatpants.
“Fuck, sorry! I’m drunk, I-shit.” Yes, you were absolutely drunk, because the sober Y/N wouldn’t try to dry Tom’s crotch with her hands.
Tom’s eyes opened widely. The feeling of your palm rubbing his now hard dick, speeded up his breathing.
Your knees were on the couch, and your body extremely close to his. You still didn’t have a clue what you were doing.
“If you’re gonna clean me up like this, I might spill some of this by myself darling.” He groaned, raising the glass in the air.
That was enough to send your mind to reality.
“OH GOD. I’m so sorry, oh my God this is so embarrassing right now.” You tried to sit back down, but Tom’s hands stopped you.
Before you could fall on the purple carpet in your living room, his grip brought you into his chest.
Your hands were on his thorax, his arms on your lower back.
“Shit, am I on his lap right now?! What the fuck is happening?” You thought inside your head. What a great situation to be in.
“You’re making me so hard now Y/N.”
You were speechless. This wasn’t happening.
“I think it’s a big shame that you don’t have any kind of relief after a long day.” He whispered in your ear, breathing in the sweet scent of your shampoo.
“Tom.” Your mind was hazy, you tried your best to resist this, but holy shit you wanted this since forever.
“How about I suggest something to you darling?”
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Piper Sargasso
Piper Sargasso has 25 stories at Gossamer, but don’t miss her website where the fics each have cover collage art. If you are a fan of Mulder/Scully romance, there are a lot of MSR fics to read that are set in different seasons of the show. But like the show that never stuck to one type of story, Piper’s stories have variety, so you can also find AUs and /Other.  Big thanks to Piper for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
It does, but I love that people are still into it! Writers back in the day put so much work and love into their writing, and it's nice to know that the stories are still being appreciated to this day. As for my own stories, it puts a huge smile on my face to know there are still people out there checking them out and hopefully enjoying them.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
It was such a positive period of my life. I made some amazing friends who became something like older sisters (and some brothers) to me, even though I was a little ridiculous when I was in my early to mid-twenties. It was also a much-needed confidence booster. I was a pretty shy person and loved writing, but never had the nerve to show anything to anyone. My first fanfic was completely horrible, but because of it I made my first XF friend and super beta, Mimic117. Between her guidance and the encouraging words from my Yahoo group I was able to do something I really loved and felt great about myself and my abilities for the first time. That will stay with me forever. That first story was truly atrocious, but it was a catalyst for great things in my life when I needed them the most.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I remember trying this cool new thing called an AOL chat room, but they were more interested in perving on each other than talking about the show. Once I knew about fanfiction I kept seeing that some of my favorite authors kept mentioning IWTBXF in their notes, a Yahoo group named I Want to Believe. I looked it up, joined, and with great trepidation made my introductory post. Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and talking to my favorite authors in the group was a little like meeting a celebrity and finding out that they're awesome in real life. After IWTBXF fell apart, an off-shoot called Beyond the Sea was created with almost all of the original group transferring over. I stuck to my little family there and didn't branch out into much else, other than the rare dip into Haven. Ephemeral and Gossamer, of course.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Mostly the overwhelming feeling of acceptance and confidence to write, something I was sorely lacking before in my life. I fell in with the best group, that's for sure! They made me feel like being a professional writer could be an achievable goal.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
The commercial advertising. The pilot spoke to my supernatural-loving, angsty 15 year-old soul. I watched it religiously every week. There was nothing like it. It was off-beat, but serious (most of the time) and fulfilled my insatiable craving for the paranormal and weird. You just couldn't get that from Melrose Place and Beavis and Butthead, you know? It definitely helped that David Duchovny was adorable and the character of Scully was the strong and intelligent icon we needed in the 90's and beyond.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
In high school I had a friend who was as obsessed with the show as I was. Maybe more, since she once had a slumber party that was exclusively to binge watch her taped episodes (the other girls who wanted to mess around with spells and the Ouija board weren't thrilled that she couldn't be swayed away from it) and she often drove me from play rehearsals in her convertible with the top down and the theme song blasting to the heavens, much to my delight and mortification. A couple years after we graduated she told me about the piece of fanfic she wrote. Insert a record screech here. What?! You mean there are thousands of stories dedicated to my favorite show? And hundreds more get added every month?! I was obsessed. If I could've stopped working and slept at my computer desk I would have.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Sadly it's nonexistent these days. I have great memories and it holds a big piece of my heart, but I haven't been active in a long time. I would love to see a huge revival, and would definitely want to be involved in that in some way, were it to happen.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction for a while, but I never could expend the kind of energy and time I did for the X-Files fandom. It came at a perfect time in my life, and so far nothing else has measured up to it.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Besides XF characters? Off the top of my head I really love Hermione Granger, Buffy Summers, Elizabeth Bennet, and Claire Fraser for their sass and strength of character, Severus Snape for his complexity, and Christina Ricci's version of Wednesday Addams for her pure awesomeness. She's pretty much my spirit animal.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I do occasionally. I watched the series from season 1-7 so many times that I started to burn out, but I get on my X-Files kicks sometimes and binge it again.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
Like with the show, I'll get nostalgic and need to consume all the fanfics my greedy little eyes can behold until I move on to something else. It can feel a little lonely though, if you'll excuse the drama. We're not in the heyday anymore, so it feels a little like walking through a ghost town. Many of the stories out there are suspended in time because the show ended, or people stopped writing.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I know I have dozens, but I'm drawing a blank. My ultimate favorite is any well-written MSR casefile with UST finally resulting in RST. Those are my unicorns!
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I have a silly one called Baby, It's Cold Outside that I sometimes read around Christmastime. It was a fluffy song-fic, but I can see the scene so clearly in my mind when I read it and it's just pure fun. I also like my Donnie Pfaster series. I can see the potential in my writing with those, which makes me feel I could really write something special someday. Plus, he's such an interesting little slimeball to write and read about. Bless his heart.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I still think about the two WIPs I haven't finished. I wrote myself into a corner with This Mortal Coil, and honestly I think it needs a total overhaul. I think Dana Scully's Diary would be a fun one to finish. I hate that I never finished them.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I think about writing fanfic now and then and I've had a couple original novels sketched out, but there are so many other demands on my time that I haven't gotten very far. I still plan to see the novels through, even if no one but interested friends and family read them.  
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I used to watch an episode and really study the actors' expressions and actions, always trying to find new angles to the stories we all know. A lot of times things would just come to me and I'd get so excited I couldn't sleep until I wrote a good chunk of it down.
What's the story behind your pen name?
The friend who introduced me to fanfic told me the best way to choose a pen name was to make sure it derives from the show. For a couple days I looked at the titles and summaries of episodes and agonized over just the right name. Finally Piper Maru and the summary from Triangle, which mentions the Sargasso sea, stood out and just clicked.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My now husband always knew, and he thought it was cool that I had a hobby that made me so happy, but he was never a reader. My parents found out when I was about 24 and my step-dad would tell EVERYONE about it, much to my horror. Most reactions were of the bland, "Oh yeah? That's nice." variety but I definitely got some weird looks from others. The worst was when I found out how much of my racier MSR stories my parents read. My step-dad thought it was hilarious and teased me a little. My usually open-minded mom was uncomfortable, but tried to be supportive. It's all fun and games until your daughter starts writing psuedo-erotica for anyone to see!
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Circe Invidiosa very generously hosts a page for me at http://pipers.invidiosa.com.
(Posted by Lilydale on January 26, 2021)
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ifeveristoday · 3 years
I got out my DVDs for this rewatch (that’s not actually a big deal. I only have season 3 on DVD. 😂) so let’s get to it.
I forgot they did a cold open for this episode!
I know it’s for ambiance but man does Angel have a lot of candles displayed. Probably too ‘mainstream’ for his taste but the thought of Angel furtively going to a Bath and Bodyworks in the mall during their semi-annual sale and just buying out their whole candle selection gives me the purest joy. Let’s be real though, Angel would shop at some boutique/hole in the wall owned by a wizened old character with a twinkle in their eye and everything marked up 20%. Or it would be a steel and glass monstrosity with a collection labeled Candles for Men. That’s the range.
Back to the enormous fire hazard that this scene is -
Wait. Does fire burn on stone?
Shout out to the stunt doubles.
I think that Angel getting food for Buffy for a sort of alfresco picnic while training is really sweet, actually. Also, can't miss the opportunity for both carbs and phallic symbolism ala bread.
Everyone is so embarrassingly horny in this moment. I'd say get a room except they're in a whole giant mansion.
Always remember the bread! What did Angel do with the food after Buffy fled? Fed the no-doubt cursed pigeons that live in Sunnydale.
Thanks for the workout (insert stereotypical dirty laugh).
Oh yes, the awkward 'let's talk about your birthday without mentioning the last birthday you had at all because it's horrifying' chitchat. God, the anxiety Angel is radiating here and Buffy trying to smooth it over. You can't unfrost that trauma cake!
Angel, you utter dork. You're lucky Buffy finds you pretty. Very powerful himbo energy here. And it's nice to see some light-hearted flirting/banter between them.
How do you know when someone's aura's dirty? Buffy is only asking the reasonable questions everyone has.
Do you hear yourself, Giles. "I'm aware of your distaste in studying vibratory stones..." I can't imagine what that section of the Slayer handbook looks like. Are there pull-out charts?
Faith being conveniently gone for this episode. Boo, hiss.
That workout really did a number on Buffy. I see what you're doing with those crystals.
One of the sad parts of rewatching Buffy is that you just don't have the first time discovery feels of watching it - that magic is gone, but even though I know why Buffy's wobbling in her fight, the reveal is still upsetting. Thinking about how in Season 5, when she does get staked, just as she's questioning her powers - and here, where she's losing them.
Also, obvious observation is obvious - the sexual violence imagery is really, really blatant here - with the vampire crouched over her with the stake aimed toward her heart, just as she playfully staked Angel earlier in a more romantically set scene.
AND THEN THE THEME KICKS IN. Like, damn! Three minutes and you can pretty much tell what the plot is going to be - Buffy and Angel's UST is getting out of hand, Buffy's lone Rangering it, and something is wrong with her. And it's her birthday.
And Buffy's resourcefulness saves the day.
Perhaps you shouldn't be throwing knives in the library, Buffy.
Did they do a geography lesson on Cuernavaca? It's also just fun to say. Like La Cienega. Brief moment to ponder yet again about a show set in Southern California, actually shot in Southern California, with the huge Latine population we have and the Spanish-influenced names and culture and - getting sidetracked by all this casual 90s racism.
"We do it every year for my birthday," except your seventeenth, presumably because of the murderous ex-boyfriend stalking the town you live in and all your loved ones. [Or, he did take her and it was not shown on screen!] Sometimes I wonder if the continuity editors just go, you know, I'm going to let this one go for the 'emotion' and not just so years later, a Virgo with a deep-seated need to obsess over throwaway details will go into a thought spiral to make it make sense.
I think this is also the last time Hank Summers was spoken of with any real affection because then he was Deadbeat Dad for the remainder of the show. Oh, look. The Scoobies are surprised about the traditional birthday ice show that I'm going to nitpick about forever.
Oz is so supportive, and then the clunker of a 'deep' line of ice being cool because it's water then it's not. I do like the Whedonesque school of dialogue, but sometimes you gotta reel it back. I remember the dialogue on Dawson's Creek was getting pinged for the teenagers talking like grad students.
Quiet reflection. Oh you poor girl, you have no idea.
Quarterly projections - is a convincing filler phrase for when you don't need to know what the job is, because it's boring but sounds vaguely official. What does Hank actually do? Who cares! He's an asshole.
Sunnydale Arms, because of course, Sunnydale has a broken down abandoned murder hotel.
Quentin Travers. Boo. Hiss.
The scary music is very scary. Also one of the Council flunkies looks like a very young Vincent D'Onofrio.
This scene with them in the library is so bittersweet because Buffy is fishing for Giles's attention as a father figure substitute ("very sophisticated people go!" breaks my heart) and he pointedly is rejecting this for training talk.
Look for the flaw at its center. THE FLAW IS YOU GILES. YOU YOU YOU.
it's just so terrible, this scene because of how methodical and clinical it plays out. And Buffy is just not there, and then Giles smiles like nothing has happened.
Buffy makes it through another night - next day (another reason why this trial is so horrifying is that it takes place over several days - it's not on Buffy's birthday but leading up to it, so the idea of her getting weaker and weaker and unable to fight to make it to 18 in the first place) and it's time for the Cordelia has had enough of toxic masculinity scene!
Also, Willow blithely ignoring a person's feelings and treating Amy as just a rat is played for laughs and cuteness, but yeah...you can't treat people like puppets or rats [law and order sound]
I love Cordelia's coat. And also, while it does suck that she stood him up, he's not entitled to her time or attention and certainly not to threaten her. Go, Cordy! Fight like a girl! Yes! Pummel him into the hallway.
I also love Willow's outfit here because I think the colors are so complementary and warm and it's a cute outfit. Okay, the knit wooly hat is a bit too Blossom-esque, but whatever.
Buffy is tiny, we all know this, but I do think they purposefully dressed her in larger than her size coats in this episode to make her look even more tiny and vulnerable.
Giles is TOO BLASE for this scene also shut your mouth about throwing knives like a girl
"It's an archaic exercise in cruelty." SO WHY DID YOU GO ALONG WITH IT, BRAIN TRUST. (I am going to be very mean to Giles this whole rewatch, deal with it.)
"But I'm the one in the thick of it." No, you're not. You are going to be adjacent to it, at best.
Hey it's that guy!
Okay, in better lighting, flunkie does not look like Vincent D'Onofrio.
It's impossible to pin down one type of Vampire in the Whedonverse, except for the delineation between Grunt Bait Vampires, and Special Guest Star/Master vampires, but Kralik is the only other example of a vampire with mental illness besides Drusilla, yet he's medicated. Makes me wonder how exactly they got Kralik...he was a monster before he was a vampire, but who vamped him? I don't put it past the Watchers to have vampires created for this purpose.
Curse against lawyers!
Xander and Oz bonding over comic books is so fun. I regret they didn't really get closer until after Xander and Willow cheated because Oz was the one male friend Xander had.
They mentioned her birthday! Thinking about Buffy's love of poetry later on, this is a nice little detail, and it *is* a thoughtful, sweet gift. Also those poems: horny. Oh yes, maybe in a restrained way, but Elizabeth Barrett Browning knew what was up.
The Buffy and Angel relationship in season three is full of these starts and stops that I can see why and agree with others about how it's frustrating on a number of levels. They know why they can't be together, but they still try to find a common ground because they want to need the other one. They still have their identities to figure out - Buffy as the slayer and a young adult, Angel as a person, separate from Buffy and being Buffy's ex sort of maybe.
But this conversation in Helpless is genuinely sweet and a glimpse at what a normal couple at the crossroads would talk about - I think I'm also being soft on this because the other Important Male Figure in Buffy's life in this episode lets her down so spectacularly bad, that Angel being supportive and kind in his awkward way is a nice respite. It's good to be away from the angst and the horror that their relationship has had.
And the self-aware puncturing of the Moment between them is something Buffy does very well. "Taken literally, incredibly gross - I was just thinking that too". Look, it's cute and soft and I will allow it.
The horror of this episode (and there are so many) is that we have to watch Buffy become the helpless blonde in a slasher flick who is being chased by the monsters and she can't do anything about it - that she has to be rescued or die. That the real world with men catcalling and bystanders who ignore women's cries of distress is far scarier than the literal demons that inhabit the town - and Buffy brokenly saying she can't just be a person, she can't be helpless like that [like women are, still, today] is a gut punch. It's uncomfortable and unhappy because Buffy is supposed to be the hero, the [sigh] strong female lead who can kick ass and take names, and this episode is all about finding who Buffy is, separate from her super powers. Also an exercise in emotional torture, but must be Tuesday.
The physicality - the weakness that both Buffy and Giles display in this scene is so, so good. The way Buffy's hand trembles toward the needle in the case and the dawning realization of what Giles has done, has chosen to do - and he bloodlessly tells her what the Cruciamentum is.
Her tiny little "Liar."
GOD WHY DIDN'T SHE GET AN EMMY (rhetorical we all know genre tv only matters if it was Game of Rapey Thrones)
"You will be safe now, I promise you." LIAR.
Another puncturing a heavy moment - Cordelia as cavalry - I love it. Cordelia taking the most obvious approach to the situation - 'oh Buffy might have lost her memory, well he's Giles,'
I can't believe they robbed us of a conversation in the car scene with Cordy and Buffy.
Kralik had to have found a polaroid camera and a metallic sharpie for this whole scenario -- OH I KNOW WHO HE REMINDS ME OF. The Night Stalker and any number of serial killers that terrorized SoCal. Is the show being self-aware of the problem with mothers and parents in general?
Probably a glib accident.
I don't have much to say about the part where Buffy hunts Kralik because it's so masterfully done with the atmosphere and music.
Nice of Giles's backbone to enter the chat now.
This is not business. Ooo.
Buffy's "I thought I killed a man" emo overalls!
Like it's shadowy, but there's still enough light to see facial expressions. Lighting guy, I salute you.
Little red riding hood metaphor. Oh, that's so her stunt double.
Jump stair scare. I remember the first time I saw it, I jolted in the living room.
Serial Killer Shit. Why are vampires such drama queens?
The ending scene in the library is cathartic in that Buffy gets to stand up for herself finally, and recognizes what Giles gives up by helping her, delayed as it was, also there's the feeling of hate punching Quentin Travers via your eyes.
Still don't think she should have forgiven Giles so easily, but we don't get to see a lot of aftercare for Buffy when she gets hurt, and it is a very tender scene.
The Scoobies are being way too upbeat if they knew about the fact that Giles poisoned Buffy, which is why I'm assuming she told a very abbreviated version of events ending with Buffy killed the bad guy and Giles got fired, oops.
Xander's big strong man comment and then looking immediately to Willow to open the jar and not Oz...
I could watch this episode again with episode commentary from David Fury, but another day.
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Ramples
Season 8 episode 9 Pre Wedding Jitters
That scene in 👏Nathan's 👏office👏 The lines they wrote for Kevin *chef's kiss* perfection. I mean, I still dont like this whole secret reveal thing. I think it's so dumb. Like, ain't no way the writers intended Nathan to have this secret when he first came to the show. I don't think he was suppose to have any secret at all. I mean, this whole, 'There's something he's not telling me' thing came out of nowhere. That aside, the love confession was great, again, and he left Elizabeth speechless again and she ran away, AGAIN. That tells me all I need to know. She cannot deny this man BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM. And if y'all think otherwise than you're delusional.
The game at the bachelorette party. It was obvious from the promo for this episode how this would play out. She reaches for Nathan's hands and thinks he's the one. (I was predicting that she would know it was Nathan and then feel uncomfortable and move on, but that didnt happen. She thought he was Lucas *bleh. Though I was still right in thinking Nathan would be 'the one' during this little game). We like that. I really liked how the party scene lasted longer than I expected. It wasnt even too long of a scene, but it was definitely long for When Calls the Heart. This show really needs to work on it's pacing. Everything happens so fast bc they have to cut to the millions of side plots that happen in every episode. My gosh, would they give us some focus please.
When Lucas came by Elizabeth's house in the morning I enjoyed that they interacted more casually with each other it seemed, at least it did on Elizabeth's part. Just through small details like the way she was casually leaning in the doorframe or her tone of voice. She wasnt so awkwardly polite...but Lucas still was. Lucas is so polite it's uncomfortable. Like I don't feel like anybody could just be themselves around him, bc it's like every meeting has this awkward air of being polite to an acquaintance you dont know well. Ugh it's so weird. I didnt like that Elizabeth told him Nathan's reveal. I feel she should have kept that to herself. Ugh and then Lucas wanted to act all protective and 'talk' to Nathan. Oh please. That is not his place. Elizabeth is obviously the one who needs to talk with Nathan and it's no one else's business what goes in between them, besides Allie of course. And speaking of Allie, I thought her scenes were really good and thoughtful. I still think it was weird that Lucas got her a gift for her adoption ceremony, but whatever we are past that now. I like that her character is being more mature about everything too. I really hope we get a scene where Allie and Elizabeth have their own conversation though. They need it. I'm not sure how I feel about that obvious Paul (Florence's son) having a crush on Allie. It seems that the writers will want them to like each other. I guess it could be cute? It's just a little awkward bc we havent seen this Paul kid around before so it creates a weird air that the only reason he shows up now is to be a school crush for Allie. Eh. Jaeda was great though and I think she did her scenes well.
After Lucas and E talked, I think it's obvious to Lucas that Elizabeth has strong feelings for Nathan and that she's just running away from them. I mean, she told Lucas that when Nathan told her he loves her all she could do was say nothing and just leave. *holds out arms and stares with a 'well, there you have it' expression'* IT DOESNT GET ANY CLEARER THAN THAT. I wonder if the writers will make Lucas step down bc he cant be with someone who will never love him. Idk how Lucas will react honestly, Lucas's character is such a mystery to me I could never know what he would do in a situation that didnt involve setting up a perfectly romantic date or sweet talking someone with an annoyingly, unrealistic, perfectly understanding polite response.
Elizabeth was also super rude to the people she cares about in this episode. The way she talked to Rosemary. First, she didnt like hearing what Rosemary had to say, which implies that she may have been blaming Nathan for Jack's death. That is such a horrible thing to hold against someone. I mean I could understand why she would feel that way but just for a moment. I mean she should understand how completely wrong and irrational that thought process is and that she shouldnt blame Nathan. TWO, then she had the nerve to tell Rosemary something like 'why would you think that comment would help me right now'. Wow Elizabeth. Gee, maybe she's saying the truth and she's also your friend and just trying to talk things through and give her opinion as a way to help you through your difficult situation. God forbid she doesnt say the perfect thing that you needed to hear at that time, she can't read your mind. I thought that was incredibly rude. It hurt to see Rosemary hurt. And then later she told her that she should leave her house. *SCOFF* man, she was really hitting Rosemary hard this episode. If I were in Rosemary's shoes, yes I would be hurt, but I think I would mostly be understanding of what Elizabeth might be going through and not take anything personally. E's lucky that Rose is such a good friend. OH! What Rosemary told Nathan in the library! She totally implied with her little metaphor comparison that Nathan was making Elizabeth unhappy by getting in the way of true love, i.e. Lucas and Elizabeth. I-- wow! Everyone is against this man. I'm so glad that Nathan stands firm. I mean he knows that Elizabeth feels strongly for him based off her reactions to his honesty with her and how she never denies anything and just runs away. I mean, it's plain as day. Let's not forget the *speechless gaze into each other's eyes* 'I can't' from Honestly, Elizabeth.
I think that's it regarding the love triangle. I absolutely despise the Faith and Carson relationship. And I cant believe they made him say, come with me to Baltimore and we can see in a year if we want to get married. That is so dumb. He just asked Faith to drop everything and leave her life in Hope Valley for a 'I might break up with you in a year' situation. Dumb. This is definitely out of character for Carson. It's obvious the writers are just trying to get rid of him and make him not be missed by the audience. They clearly want us to favor Faith, but she couldnt be more annoying honestly. I wish she were leaving and Carson would stay in Hope Valley. But whatever.
I dont like how every side plot seems to be about some couple's budding relationship. I mean aside from the love triangle, we have Florence and Ned, Molly and Bill, Clara and Jesse (though not a budding relationship, it's still all about their relationship) and now Rachel and Christopher and oh yes also Fiona and whoever that guy is and wow I'm still missing Faith and Carson. Thats 6 other romantic relationships in the show (not including the also important one of Rosemary and Lee) and I'm probably leaving one out. Oh yes, now possibly Allie and Paul. 7. Seven relationship side plots!!! Omg I'm going crazy!! They need to learn how to write some actual plot! What happened to town problems and family drama! Thank goodness we have Henry Gowen and his son (cant believe I just complimented that out of nowhere concept but hey) and the oil thing with Lucas and Henry, barely ever a plot line. This show needs better writing. There's no glue holding the town together and even when there is, it's so small or happens so fast that it doesnt have any long lasting and meaningful affect.
If I weren't so invested in Elizabeth's plotline and in need of some wholesome tv, I would have stopped watching a long time ago. Oh and the last thing. The mention of Abigail. I'm so glad Henry mentioned her because she was very important to him and his character growth. His character arc is one of the saving graces of the show and it needs to be given more attention.
Okay in short, Elizabeth was hecka rude, Nathan is wonderful and so was that office scene. We also stan Allie. Next week's episode also looks like a dud and I dont think much will happen.
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alilbitofdoodles · 4 years
Some Melizabeth Headcanons
🔞 Warning: it’s basically just fluffy nsfw content 🔞
View on my page so It’s easier to read! Mobile still makes it look like just a bunch of bullet points though.
Meliodas (demon/past) + Elizabeth (goddess)
This Mel is biggest, cranky asshole in the universe. Why he has to ally with the Goddess Clan is beyond him, but fuck if he isn’t a sucker for big blue eyes, long silver hair, and giant tits (he’d rather die than admit it).
Elizabeth, on the other hand, has a big aversion to conflict in general, but goddesses he is such a prick. One time during a mission, the jerk literally groped her ass in front of the enemy. She purposely ‘forgets’ to heal him every now and then as punishment, but always eventually does so in the end.
Meliodas loves to tease and push her past her breaking points. Seeing her normally calm, collected persona come undone, especially by him, is insanely sexy. It’s his innate predator instincts. He thinks it might be a kink.
Elizabeth gives credit where credit is due. Although he’s haughty and overconfident, he gets the job done is actually a great leader/commander. That’s what she finds most attractive about him at first.
They have THE BIGGEST SEXUAL TENSION EVER, but it takes them forever to fuck because they’re both too damn stubborn to give in.
On Mel’s part it’s just his pride because there’s no way he’d ever desire any woman, much less a goddess for that matter. Elizabeth is just naive on the topic. Her knowledge goes as far as kissing and marriage. 
Their first time is spur of the moment. One second they’re arguing (somehow seeing her get along with other demons gets under his skin and she argues back that she’s free to talk to whoever) and the next moment they’re in a heated kiss. It’s spontaneous and desperate. They’re outdoors in a forest and anyone could walk in at any moment, but that doesn't deter them. Their movements are frantic and forceful, if not a bit clumsy, as they both reach their climax. Elizabeth finishes twice. Once before him, then a smaller second one when Meliodas relentlessly pounds her until he reaches his own climax.
For a while they pretend that it never happened, but this marks the event where they realize they got it bad for each other. 
Meliodas bites and he bites hard. He likes to draw blood and feel her trembling under his lips. He marks what's his and even takes satisfaction in leaving hickies where it would be visible to others. 
Of course, Elizabeth heals the wounds much to his displeasure.
One time she missed a spot on the back of her neck and he enjoyed watching her all panicked and flustered trying to explain how she had gotten hurt from behind by a monster to the others.
Elizabeth is highly reactive and oversensitive. She’s super shy and self-conscious. It doesn’t help that most of his comrades on the demon clan are comfortable showing a lot of skin and have voluptuous bodies.
In those moments he thoroughly explores her body, cooing how downright sexy and irresistible she is until she’s begging him to stop all blushy and frazzled.
Meliodas is insanely cuddly for the aftercare. He nuzzles and continues to leave little marks with soft nibbles. Elizabeth let’s him indulge in such intimacy; she loves it as well. He’s so childish and inhibited when he’s like this. He’s allowing himself to be vulnerable to her.
Wing cuddles. That’s all I need to say.
Meloidas’ favorite position is either taking her from behind (he likes to bite her neck and shoulder. As well as kissing her back where her wings would be) or her on top because he loves when she takes control.
Elizabeth enjoys the spooning position because it’s close and cuddly or anything else where she’s able to see his face.
Elizabeth Liones’ and Meliodas’ 
Before they get together, their relationship is the embodiment of :
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first time was birthday sex when she turned 18 and you cannot convince me otherwise. (The time line matches up perfectly for them to travel for a year and her be a couple of months pregnant).
You can bet your ass they probably did some stuff beforehand, but no actual penetration. 
On a more serious note, they delayed it for a while because they didn’t even know if they can have a child at first and it deeply hurt them.
Hawk ties him up every night and we all know he’d be able to slip out of the rope easily, but he wanted to be able to give Elizabeth peace of mind and still be able to sleep next to her again.
Every now and then, when he’s sure Ellie is deep asleep, he’ll whisper how much he loves her and vows to keep her safe.
He kisses her on the forehead daily before getting out of bed. Of course, she never knows this.
Surprisingly he doesn’t peek at her when she’s bathing, but he’s always waiting on the bed for ‘his turn’ when in reality he loves seeing her flushed complexion fresh out of the bath.
They have a shared closet and Meliodas likes to tease her by ‘accidentally getting caught’ looking at her underwear.
 Initially, Meliodas is a bit apprehensive when getting intimate. He knows Elizabeth’s erogenous zones and what makes her feel the best like it’s second nature, but he can’t trust himself to hold back. 
Each first time with her always feels like it’s his first too and he wants to hold her more carefully.
Is still a biter, but this time more considerate. Favorite places to leave marks are her inner thighs and on her breasts (he claims because it’s closer to her heart, but Elizabeth is sure that’s only 50% of the reason why).
Meliodas praises her constantly and desperately moans how much he needs her and oh boy does it render Elizabeth weak and squirming under him.
Body worship 24/7. This man loves giving oral and making sure she reaches absolute bliss and puts her pleasure over his. He loves feeling the heat of her skin and listening to her heartbeat. It assures him that she’s alive and still with him. 
Some nights, when the past haunts him, he takes his time in placing kisses on every inch of her body and just soaking up her warmth.
Elizabeth Liones 
Before they were able to get her some sleep wear, she wore Meliodas’ shorts and shirts to bed as pajamas for a few days much to her embarrassment. 
Some nights she ‘forgets’ to do the laundry and goes to bed in his clothes.
This time she has some knowledge of sex ed, but the opportunity to touch herself is far too few in between. Which is fine, she doesn’t have any particular need to do so. But some nights when Meliodas is asleep she gets very tempted.
Tries to bite as well, but she's too gentle with it to leave a mark; So usually it's just a slobbery red spot or a hickey.
She claws. The pleasure is too intense for her so her unconsciously drags her nails down his back.
She always apologizes afterwards, but Meliodas laughs it off. He always jokingly teases that she’s given him a second pair of wings.
She offers to heal them, but he always vehemently denies it. They’re marks of accomplishment more than anything to him. 
She always tries her best to swallow, even if Meliodas tells her not to force herself (he does it to her so it’s only fair! she thinks).
More than half the time she can’t. He drinks way too much booze for it to taste anything less than pure bitterness.
Seeing his sin tattoo while they’re getting intimate always makes her soft. It reminds her of his dedication, their promise, and the never ending cycle they lived through just to be able to love one another.
She specifically likes to give that spot a lot of attention, lavishing it in kisses and words of her endless and profound love for him. 
When she’s really in the mood, she makes subtle gestures. Like leaving her underwear in obvious places where he’d find them (after that he immediately hunts her down) or if shes’s feeling bold she’ll take his hand to move it between her thighs.
She keeps the thigh highs and shoes on during sex sometimes. 
He likes to snap the bands of her socks while he fucks her. 
He’s especially responsive when she hooks her legs around his waist to dig her heel into his skin. She thinks back on the the ropes and how he may be slightly masochistic. 
Every now and then she makes them breakfast after a wonderful night of sex and he still eats her food even if it’s not the best because!! He loves her!!
The aftercare is insanely cozy. 
If Elizabeth doesn’t pass out from the mind blowing sex that is.  On more than one occasion she has passed out. His libido is too strong, but she chalks it up to his demon side.
Meliodas dotes on her because he knows how rough he can get when he gives into his urges.
Every session ends with him carrying her bridal style to the washroom and taking a nice, long bath together.
This could also end up with additional bath sex
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #467
Top Ten Romantic Couples in Superhero Movies (& TV)
It’s Valentine’s Day this weekend. Woo, I guess? I dunno. I’m not generally cynical about holidays but Valentine’s Day does seem to be entirely focused on selling cards without any of the associated pleasantries of, say, Christmas or Halloween. I’d rather just try to be nice to my wife all year round. At least because of the apocalypse all the restaurants are closed so we can’t be tempted to pay through the nose for a set menu. Anyway, it gives me a strained excuse to tie this week’s Top Ten to something vaguely romantic.
Superheroes are often horny. This seems to be a defining characteristic of the artform. Whether it’s their descent from ancient myths, or their creators’ origins in writing romance books, or just a function of genre storytelling in the mid-twentieth century, there’s quite a lot of romantic angst in superhero stories. Pretty much every superhero has a significant other; Lois Lane even got her own comic that was actually called Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane. It’s hard to conceive of many heroes without their primary squeeze, and often – as we get multiple media adaptations of characters – we can add diversity or a twist to the proceedings by picking a lesser-known love interest, or one from earlier in the character’s fictional history; for instance, Smallville beginning with Cark Kent’s teenage crush Lana Lang, or The Amazing Spider-Man swapping out Mary Jane Watson for Gwen Stacey.
Anyway, I’m talking this week about my favourite superhero couples. I’ve decided to focus on superhero adaptations – that is, the characters from movies and films based on superhero comics or characters. I find this a little bit easier as I don’t have a phenomenal knowledge of sixty years of Avengers comics, but I have seen all the movies a bunch. As many comics as I’ve read, and as much as I love various ink-and-paper pairings, I can arguably talk more authoritatively about the fillums than the funny books. And let’s be real here, kids: my favourite comic book romantic couple is Chromedome and Rewind in Transformers. Also if I split them in two I can talk about comic couples next year. Woohoo!
It really is hard thinking of these things nearly nine years in, folks.
So! Here, then, are my favourite movie-TV Couples in Capes. Obviously there’s a fair bit of MCU in here. And I’ve been pretty specific about “superhero” romances: so no Hellboy and Liz Sherman, sadly (and I do really like them in the movies, of which they really need to make a third). Some are civvies-and-supes; some are capes-and-capes. You’ll work it out.
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Superman & Lois Lane (Christopher Reeve & Margot Kidder, Superman, 1978): who else? The most famous romance in all of comics, a combo so strong it remains the focus of pretty much every interpretation of the character, but arguably never better than here; so good are Reeve and Kidder that their fast-talking banter and inherent goodness set the template for a huge swathe of other comic adaptations to follow. She’s sarky and streetwise; he’s gormless and good-hearted. She leaps in where angels fear to tread, he’s an invulnerable alien in disguise. They have buckets of chemistry and an utterly believable (tentative) romance. They’re perfect performances and the scenes of Clark in Metropolis for the first time (including Superman’s balcony interview with Lois) are the best bits of an already excellent film.
Raven & Beast Boy (Tara Strong & Greg Cipes, Teen Titans Go!, 2014): on a totally different register, we have the comedy stylings of the Teen Titans. Raven and Beast Boy had a flirtatious relationship on the original Titans series, but on this longer-running and much more demented comedy follow-up, they were allowed to make the romance more official (I nearly said “explicit” but, y’know… it’s not that). The jokes and banter – BB the love-struck, jealous suitor, Raven the too-cool partner who feigns nonchalance – build and build, but every now and again they’re allowed a moment of genuine heartfelt romance, and it hits all the more strongly amidst the ultra-violence and outrageous comedy.
Captain America & Agent Carter (Chris Evans & Hayley Atwell, Captain America: The First Avenger, 2011): the premier couple of the MCU, Steve and Peggy spend a whole movie flirting (she sees the goodness of him even before he gets all hench) before finally arranging a date that, we all know, is very much postponed. Peggy casts a shadow over the rejuvenated Cap and the MCU as a whole, founding SHIELD, inspiring dozens of heroes, and counselling Steve to her dying days. She remains Steven’s true north (like Supes with Lois, Peggy’s an ordinary human who is the actual hero of an actual super-powered hero), guiding him through the chaos and tragedy of Endgame, until they both get to live happily ever after. Even though he snogged her niece.
Batman & Catwoman (Michael Keaton & Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns, 1992): Pfeiffer delivers a barnstorming performance as Selina Kyle, all barely-supressed mania and seductive feline charm. The chemistry between her and Keaton is electric, and propels the film forward even when the Penguin-runs-for-mayor stuff gets a bit daft and icky. There are beautiful moments of romantic comedy when they’re both trying to cover up injuries they gave each other, and of course there’s “mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it” – a line that runs a close second to “dance with the devil” when it comes to Burton-Batman quotations (just ahead of “never rub another man’s rhubarb”). Burton, generally favouring the macabre villains over the straighter edges of the heroic Batman, nevertheless makes great play of the duality of the character, and how this is something he and Catwoman can share – both “split right down the centre” – but also how this means a happy ending for either of them is impossible.
Spider-Man & Mary Jane (Tobey Maguire & Kirsten Dunst, Spider-Man, 2002): whilst a lot of this is really down to the sexiness of them kissing upside-down in the rain, there’s a nice duality to Peter and MJ seeing through each other too: he sees the wounded humane soul beneath her it-girl persona; she sees the kind, caring man underneath his geek baggage. This arc plays out beautifully across the first two films (ending in that wonderfully accepting “Go get ‘em, tiger”) before sadly getting all murky and unsatisfying in the murky and unsatisfying third film. Still: that kiss.
Wonder Woman & Steve Trevor (Gal Gadot & Chris Pine, Wonder Woman, 2017): probably the film that hews closest to the Clark-Lois dynamic of the original Superman, to the point where it includes an homage to the alleyway-mugging scene as Diana deflects a bullet. Steve is Diana’s window into man’s world, showing her the horror of the First World War but managing to also be a sympathetic ally and never talking down or mansplaining anything. He’s a hero in his own right – very similar to another wartime Steve on this list – and very much an ideal match to the demigod he’s showing round Europe. And, of course, Gadot’s Diana is incredible, both niaive and vulnerable whilst also an absolute badass. There is an enduring warm chemistry to the pair, with a relationship which we actually see consummated – relatively rare for superheroes! The inevitability of his heroic sacrifice does nothing to lessen the tragedy, and no I’ve not seen Wonder Woman 1984 yet.
Hawkeye & Laura Barton (Jeremy Renner & Linda Cardellini, Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015): I love these guys! I love that Hawkeye has a relatively normal, stable family life. He has a big old farmhouse that he wants to remodel, he’s got two kids and a third on the way… he’s got something to live for, something to lose. It humanises him amidst the literal and figurative gods of the Avengers. And they’re cute together, bickering and bantering, and of course she is supportive of his Avenging. I hope we get to see more of Laura and the kids in the Hawkeye series, and I hope nothing bad happens to them now they’ve all been brought back to life.
Wanda Maximoff & Vision (Elizabeth Olsen & Paul Bettany, Avengers: Infinity War, 2018): theirs is a difficult relationship to parse, because they’re together so briefly. They cook paprikash together in Civil War before having a bit of a bust-up, and by Infinity War they’re an official couple, albeit on the run (and on different sides). That movie does a great job in establishing their feelings for each other in very little screentime, with their heroic characteristics on full display, before the shockingly awful tragedy of Wanda killing Vision to save the galaxy, before Thanos rewinds time, brings him back to life, and kills him again, and then wins. Their relationship going forward, in WandaVision, is even trickier, because we don’t know what’s up yet, and at times they’re clearly not acting as “themselves”, defaulting to sitcom tropes and one-liners. Will Vision survive, and if he does, will their relationship? Who can say, but at least they’ll always have Edinburgh, deep-fried kebabs and all.
Batman & Andrea Beaumont (Kevin Conroy & Dana Delany, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, 1993): woah, Batman’s back but it’s a different Batman, say whaaaat. Animated Batman has had a few romances, from the great (Talia al-Ghul) to the disturbingly icky (Batgirl, ewwww), but his relationship with Andrea Beaumont is the best. Tweaking the Year One formula to give young Bruce a love interest that complicates his quest is a golden idea, and making her a part of the criminality and corruptiuon that he’s fighting is a suitably tragic part of the Batman origin story. Conroy and Delany give great performances, him wringing pathos out of Bruce, torn between heart and duty (“It just doesn’t hurt so bad anymore,” he wails to his parents’ grave, “I didn’t count on being happy”), her channelling golden age Hollywood glamour. The tragedy of them rekindling their relationship years later, only to wind up on different sides again, is – again – so very Batman. It’s a beautiful, earnest, very Batman relationship, a great titanic tragedy of human emotions and larger-than-life ideals. And they both look good in black.
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (Kaley Cuoco & Lake Bell, Harley Quinn, 2020): this one’s a little bit of a cheat, as I’ve only seen the first season of the show, where Harley and Ivy don’t even get together. But in the wider, non-canonical sense of these being characters who are part of the pop-cultural ether, Harley and Ivy will always be a couple, I feel; and there’s definitely enough in there already to see the affection between them, not yet consummated. They adore each other, are always there for each other, and as the season follows Harley getting out of her own way and acknowledging the abuse of her relationship with Joker – and finally getting over it in the healthiest way possible for a bleached-white manic pixie in roller derby gear. And all through this, holding her hand, is Ivy. They’re utterly made for each other, and I’m glad that they do get together in season two. I hope that Margot Robbie’s rendition of the character can likewise find happiness with a flesh-and-blood Ivy. Hell, just cast Lake Bell again. She’s great.
Just bubbling under – and I’m really gutted I couldn’t fit them in – was Spider-Man & M.J. from Spider-Man: Far From Home. Like Batman, I’m comfortable including multiple continuities here, and those cuties offer a different spin on a classic relationship.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Be honest, did Fifty Shades of Grey arouse you in any way? I honestly never felt the need to see a single page, hear of the plot, or watch any part from any of the movies tbh. I just heard from everyone it was full of smut and it was enough to turn me away from it. Then it got banned in my school which definitely helped in not having to hear anything about it again.
What does your sibling(s) call you? In third-person they refer to me as Ate, which is the honorific for older sister. But my sister usually addresses me simply by looking my way and starting her sentence/question from there.
Do you have any close friends that are the opposite sex that your significant other dislikes? I don’t have a significant other anymore but my ex used to be unnecessarily mean about some of my close guy friends. I didn’t like some of her friends too, but I always had some valid reason behind it, e.g. they were creepy around her, they were aloof towards me, etc. But she didn’t like some of my guy friends by the sole fact that they were guys and she didn’t trust them around me, and like it was just something I couldn’t do anything about tbh. It also hurt me, because I love my guy friends and it didn’t feel right that she hated and criticized them without even wanting to make the effort to get to know them.
Do you honestly believe everything happens for a reason? Why or why not? My life is the grand sum of what I make of things. Idk if that’s able to address the question, but that is how I see the world in general.
Do you believe in reincarnation? Why or why not? No. Doesn’t really sit well with me, simply put. I believe that when I die, that is it for me; same with all other living beings.
The Hunger Games or The Maze Runner? I guess The Hunger Games. I saw the first movie and fairly enjoyed it, but that’s it as far as my interest in the franchise goes. I have never had any idea what The Maze Runner is about, and I honestly keep confusing it for the Divergent series for some reason lol.
Has anyone you’ve known claimed to be psychic? I don’t think so. If I did, I probably have already made the conscious decision not to hang out with them a lot haha.
Did/do you believe them? If I did know someone, I would not believe them.
Is anything annoying you right now? It’s fucking Sunday evening and I am not in the mood to go back to work tomorrow. I’m also staying up late (it’s already past 11 PM) and I know I’m already going to regret this, which is annoying me even more.
Have you ever been ice-skating? Yes! So many times as a kid. We don’t get actual snow though, so some malls have artificial ice skating rinks for those who want to do so. From ages 8-10 my mom would drop me off at the rink for me to practice/play in for a few hours because she knew I didn’t like tagging along in errands.
Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? I wouldn’t say it helps me sleep since I generally have no issues dozing off, but the sound does make me feel calm and relaxed.
Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? Yes, I had a classmate with albinism at one point.
Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? I don’t think I ever have. I never had to.
Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? Probably. Or, at least, shot my hand out in an area where I ended up feeling a big cobweb.
What would you say is your strongest felt emotion right now? Despair. Hahahaha. Give me a longer fucking weekend, universe.
Are you talking to anyone at the moment? No, just this survey.
Do you have trust issues? Well now I do.
Have you ever found an arrow head? I don’t know; I don’t think so.
Who is with you? It’s just me in my room now. Kimi didn’t enter with me, and I think he wants to hang out in the corridor for a bit tonight. He’ll knock once he wants to be in here.
What can you not stop thinking about? How much longer I should continue doing this survey because I need to get sleep if I don’t want to wake up cranky.
Do you forgive easily? No. I tend to hold grudges, and I’d rather be honest and straightforward about my grudges than lie to someone’s face that I’ve forgiven them when I know within myself that I still resent them. I feel like that would be unfair to them anyway so it’s grudges all the way for me.
In what part of your life so far, have you learned the most about yourself? Not sure there’s a most. I possess self-awareness so I continue to learn as I get older. < Yeah I gotta go with this one. In every start of a new chapter in my life, I always seem to pick up new details or lessons about myself.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? I’ve been in physical fights but no fists were ever thrown.
Are your ears pierced? Yes, they are indeed.
What did you last say out loud? Something along the lines of “Not yet? Alright” to Kimi when he decided he didn’t want to enter my room with me.
What are you waiting on? I’m waiting on Friday already -____-
Do you tell people when they get on your nerves? Not usually. I like expressing it indirectly, like having shorter patience with them or ignoring them completely.
Are your feelings hurt easily? This working girl has to sleep, lmao. Catch y’all soon. Okay, where were we... Yeah, I would say being sensitive is one of my main traits. It’s fairly easy for me to get my feelings hurt, and I tend to overthink/overanalyze the simplest of jokes or comments towards me.
What's the most expensive piece of clothing you have? Did you buy it yourself? I haven’t started shelling out when it comes to clothes; like I’ve mentioned before, most of my money goes to food and the rest goes to gas, lmao. My most expensive clothes are probably just my WWE shirts. The merch I own are of the biggest wrestlers during the time I got them, so it was their shirts that cost the highest.
Who is your closest platonic friend of the opposite sex? Probably Hans. The two of us don’t talk much at all, but we always bond super well when we’re together and I can count on him to give me honest, hard-pill-to-swallow advice. Angela has to be with us though, or else I’ll feel awkward and shy.
How do you think your first relationship shaped who you are as a partner now? Yes, but there are good and bad sides to it. I will always be thankful to Gabie for tirelessly encouraging me to try out new things, expand my horizons, and to be unafraid to discover what I am capable of. She was undoubtedly my biggest supporter, especially when it came to going out of my comfort zone. I grew a lot from my relationship with her, so much so that it has definitely helped shape me to be the much braver, risk-taker person I am today. I like who I am now, and I won’t deny that it was she who helped in bringing that person out of her shell.
Bad side...she made me say sorry a lot. For her, she could do no wrong; and even if she did, she was always able to flip a situation around to make it sound like it was actually my fault. And so I said sorry, a lot. For four years. And on my end, I don’t think I received a lot of the apologies I think I deserved. So these days, I get jumpy with people and always feel the need to panic and apologize for the smallest shortcomings. She also always wanted to win arguments. Getting her point across and me agreeing with it mattered more than actually resolving arguments and moving our relationship forward. Bad as it was, it taught me a personal lesson: I learned how to negotiate and communicate better in my other relationships because I wanted to avoid the toxic dynamic I had in my own relationship.
As sad as I am that I lost the relationship and as much as I continue to think of the things that could have been, these days I get sadder instead when I think of how much I allowed myself to be treated that way. Of course, I’m very aware that I had my own set of problematic traits too. I’m not saying I was the model significant other (I was far from it), but the main difference between us is that I was always striving to be better in the relationship. I wanted to address the issues she had with me and to try to be a better, kinder person from it, for her sake and for my own personal growth. Unfortunately, all my attempts at healthy communication with her was always met with, “I can’t change who I am because this is already me.” Anyway, I’m rambling and I’m starting to feel sad again. Next question! Hahahaha.
Who is your favorite protagonist of the same sex? Claire Foy’s Elizabeth from The Crown.
Were you popular in high school? What was your reputation like? I was invisible in freshman and sophomore years, High school was the start of a new chapter, and my track record with new life chapters was never impressive because I take longer than normal to adjust to new environments. By third year I reconnected with Angela, and she hung out with the popular kids, so soon enough I got pulled into that crowd. I’d say by the end of high school I was a solid point on the radar - it was also thanks to my open secret of a same-sex relationship in a Catholic school, if we’re being honest lol - but I never liked having the spotlight on me. I liked that I had popular friends, but I myself never wanted to stir up shit on my own. I was just glad to be constantly invited to soirées and underground parties, lmao.
Have you always known your sexual orientation or did something happen to make you realize it? I’ve always been icky about the concepts of dating and sex. I could never imagine being intimate with anyone, and sex isn’t the biggest priority for me in relationships. The only time it makes the most sense to me is if I did it with someone I’ve built a solid, strong connection with; a close friend that I could trust. Realizing those made it easier to accept within me that I’m demi, or at least dancing around somewhere under the asexual umbrella.
What was the hardest part of your last break up? Coming to terms with how shittily I was treated, during and after. By the end of our relationship, she made it seem as though talking to me and maintaining the relationship was a chore. Every mistake I made sent her into a rage, which always ended in me rapidly apologizing in tears. Then after the breakup, she simply wanted to cut ties with me. She was never willing to allow me to healthily process the situation, and whenever I had questions in mind she would answer them curtly, and not give me reflective answers or perspectives. I begged for a long time to have my questions answered and to allow myself the teeniest bit of closure. 
I had such a shiny, sparkly, perfect, can-do-no-wrong idea of my girlfriend for our entire friendship; so to take my rose-colored glasses off was the hardest part of it all. But taking that hard step was also the first step to healing, so it brought some good too I guess. I just wish getting to the good and easy part didn’t have to be so painful.
What brought you out of the hardest period in your life? The awareness that I had friends who unconditionally care about me. Also if I’m being honest, the Christmas break. I realized I was having such a hard time with my breakup because I was also already dealing with work burnout and the pressure of being in a new position and trying to make as few as mistakes as possible  – so by the time the Christmas break rolled around and I had two weeks of no work, it was enough for me to recharge, realign my priorities, and determine the things and people that matter and that I want to keep.
What's your favorite kind of smiley face? Idk, I guess just :)? I like keeping my emoticons simple.
Does anybody know your deepest darkest secret? I dunno if I have one.
Did you ever watch Rugrats? (the babies) I did, but I never liked it. I remember Rugrats very specifically because this was the show that would be on Nickelodeon whenever me and my sister would be woken up at 5 AM to prepare for school. It came before Legends of the Hidden Temple, which was a lot more fun to watch.
What about Hey Arnold? I caught it often because this was also an early morning show (it came after Legends of the Hidden Temple), but I was never into it either. I also never got to watch the episodes in full because the school bus would pick me up by the time this was on the air.
Do you like pep rallies? Idk what that is.
Have you ever had pneumonia? No.
What do you feel about surgeries? Do they worry you? The possibility of accidentally waking up in the middle of a surgery and being unable to speak out because I was anaesthetized scares me more than anything else. But since I’ve never had to have a surgery before, I imagine feeling completely terrified if the time ever comes for me to have one.
Do you play Minecraft? if so, feelings about servers? I don’t play it. I think I tried it before, but it just never stuck with me. The most I’ve gone with it is to watch several playthroughs by Pewdiepie. I have no clue what you mean by servers.
Do you read creepypastas? No. I’m familiar with some, but I never read any.
Do you think vlogging in public is scary? I feel like this survey contains snippets from many different surveys because I’ve definitely answered this question before...but anyway, I wouldn’t say it’s scary per se but I AM shy when it comes to these things, and I don’t think I have it in me to carry a camera around in public and directly speak to it.
Have you been to an escape room? Was it a success? Mmm no, doesn’t sound like my idea of fun either. I don’t like solving puzzles hahaha.
What social class would you say you're in? Middle class. We live a relatively comfortable life in this country.
Have you ever recorded a cover of a song? Nope. I have never recorded myself singing because it has never been necessary lol.
How do you feel about guns? Not a fan. If I needed weapons for self-defense, I’d get anything other than a gun.
What's the most traumatizing event that ever happened to you? The drunken rages I had to helplessly watch from my childhood years.
Are you faint to the sight of blood? Yeah absolutely. Like I’ve always felt bad about it but I was such a shit helper whenever my ex had her semi-regular nosebleeds. I did help, I just panicked and nearly hyperventilated every time I did so because of the blood HAHA
Do you like spicy food? Love them, but the food has to be meaningfully spicy for me to enjoy it - like curry or laksa. Spicy food shouldn’t just be dishes with sprinkled spicy powder as a finishing touch, because for the most part that just irritates my throat and it doesn’t allow me to appreciate the spiciness.
Do you have good dreams or nightmares more? I think I am back to having simply strange dreams. But in the last few months, my nights had. been regularly plagued with nightmares.
When was the last time someone insulted you? What was the insult? Idk it was probably something my mom said that I had discarded from my memory. I’ve gotten so much better at that now.
What’s your second favorite color? Baby pink/pastel pink.
Do you ever wish you lived in a different country? I think about this everyday. Yes.
Who’s the last person you “pounded” fists with? One of my uncles.
Have you ever been involved in an affair? Nope.
How many times a week do you speak to your boss? I talk to them everyday since we have a Viber chat. I wouldn’t know what tasks to do or prioritize without them, so we need to be in touch all the time.
What do you want for your birthday? I don’t even want to think about my first birthday without her...but anyway, mine and Cooper’s birthday are super close to each other, so I actually want to throw a small party at home celebrating our birthdays haha :) Cooper can get his own doggie cake and cupcakes, heheh.
Have you ever been to a masquerade? I don’t think so.
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40? I’m sure I can think of a couple of people I know.
Who in your phone has a heart after their name? Angela.
Anything you’re avoiding? I wanna avoid work for the next hour or so. Then once I’ve done some recharging, I can continue with a few tasks tonight so that my workload can be just a bit lighter tomorrow morning.
After breaking up, what’s the worst? Depends on the breakup. < Agreed.
Does your sibling have a significant other? I don’t think either of them has.
Do you use Skype? Not since a decade ago. At work, we mainly use Google Meet. Some clients will use Zoom; one client uses Teams.
Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Not yet, but I do want to try it out someday just to spoil myself haha.
Name one happy song that describes you better than any other. Idk if I can call myself happy just yet...hmm. Paramore does have a short song/interlude called I’m Not Angry Anymore, and it’s a happy-sounding song with a very passive-aggressive message hahaha. I’d say that’s me right now. Some of the lyrics go:
“I’m not bitter anymore, I’m syrupy sweet I’ll rot your teeth down to their core if I’m really happy
Depends on the day, if I wake up in a giddy haze Well, I’m not angry, I’m not totally angry, I’m not all that angry anymore” and everything about it is so meeeeee.
Name one sad/mellow song that describes you better than any other. Forgiveness, also by Paramore. Sorry I’m in a music slump y’all. Only Paramore has been able to make my days the slightest bit better.
What is your most used pick up line? I don’t use those, nor do I like hearing those.
Do you like the taste of alcohol? Sure. I like strong mixed drinks the best, though.
What kinds of food make you sick? I don’t have a weak stomach when it comes to food. The only food that has made me sick are expired foods.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
in an AU where the avengers and their actors coexist, how would it be for them to meet their counterpart? what would happen?
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Steve Rogers didn’t really love the fact they were making movies about him.  He wasn’t too fussed if he met Chris, though he has nothing against him.  Steve would definitely like seeing Chris’ tweet but would also hope he became more actively involved in the causes he speaks about.
Bucky Barnes would be nervous to meet Sebastian because Seb seems quite sweet and he’d worry that Sebastian would judge him.  When he saw how strongly Seb speaks up for him though, he’d quite like him.  Though just because of who Bucky is, I doubt they’d maintain a relationship.  When they did meet it would be a long conversation about space.
Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr would become fast friends.  Their wives would hang out.  Their children would play together.
Sam Wilson was not as excited meeting Anthony as Anthony would be to meet Sam.  But they’d get along just fine.  
James Rhodes and Don Cheadle would definitely have a mutual respect.  The might not hang out after meeting, but they’d definitely follow each other on Twitter and send birthday greetings.
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Bruce Banner and Mark would just adore each other.  They’d get super passionate about science and the environment.  They’d definitely keep in contact with each other.
Natasha Romanoff wouldn’t particularly care to meet Scarlett and there meeting would be a very base ‘Hello, nice to meet you’.  They would not keep in contact.
Thor as with everything would be excited to meet Chris.  They’d have a lot of fun together though I doubt it would be a friendship they maintained.
Clint Barton would be much more excited about meeting Jeremy than the other way around.  Clint’s very into action movies.  He will wonder how come they cast someone so much shorter than he is though.
Wanda Maximoff won’t have really thought anything about meeting Elizabeth.  She’s not really into celebrity culture.  However, everyone says that Elizabeth is like the group mom, and Wanda would definitely connect with someone like that.
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Pietro Maximoff wouldn’t really care too much.  He’d be so annoyed they misrepresented his speed in the MCU that he wouldn’t really want much to do with it.
Vision would like Paul fine and would find him both charming and funny, but his interest in meeting the guy who plays him on screen is pretty low.  He has other things he’s worried about.
Scott Lang would adore Paul Rudd.  They probably secretly bought a magic store together but don’t tell anyone.
Peter Parker and Tom would get on like a house on fire.  They definitely follow each other on instagram and hang out when they can.
T’Challa would barely have time to meet Chadwick and given that he’s not really part of the western world wouldn’t know a lot about him.  He’d like him fine though but his life wouldn’t lead to them being friends.
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Loki would have had zero interest in meeting Tom, but given how highly Tom speaks about them, they’d soften to him.
Carol Danvers wouldn’t have had a clue who Brie was before she met her, but man would she love her.  I think there would be a huge mutual love there.
Hope Van Dyne has probably met much more famous people than Evangeline, so it wouldn’t be excitement to meet her per se, but she would like to meet her.  I think they’d get on pretty well and while they wouldn’t exactly go out of their way to meet up, when they crossed paths they’d be very excited about it.
Stephen Strange would only really bother meeting Benedict because someone made him.  Wouldn’t have strong feelings about him either way. Would probably appreciate his work ethic.
Maria Hill would for sure have watched How I Met Your Mother and loved Cobie in it.  She’d love her in real life too, I’m sure and would definitely make the most out of the meeting.
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Phil Coulson and Clark are both big fanboys and would fanboy out meeting each other.
Nick Fury probably pushed to have Sam cast as him just so he could meet him.
Peggy Carter would adore Hayley.  I’m sure Hayley would be adopted as an honorary Carter,
Brunnhilde would have had zero interest in meeting Tessa.  She doesn’t really care about celebrity.  However, on meeting her they’d get on so well people would speculate they were dating.  Neither would either confirm or deny it though.
Wade Wilson definitely cast Ryan and then stalked him and probably is living in his attic right now.
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