#he and stanley. friends? i genuinely do not know
pizza-feverdream · 4 months
me wehn....me wjen iggy
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"Who is this guy??" He's very confused
But also YES IKR he spins around on the microwave of my brain 24/7 no exaggeration here have this extra little bonus doodle
He's just ❗️❗️❗️
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orpheuswasmine · 1 month
More Amnesia Bill AU
Amnesia Bill! I think it is a really bittersweet idea. I imagine they were going to do their ritual thing to get rid of him but after the ritual fails they opp on trying to kill him. Fortunately, no one can really bring themselves to kill him, since he’s so lost and confused about everything. Genieuly helpless and everyone just takes pity.
I said in my last post he would remember some things via dreams and shit, but I think the only thing he would remember in the start would be his parents. Can you imagine Ford mentally preparing himself to kill Bill, just to hear him talk about his parents so suddenly? I don’t think he would say a lot, but just like, “I was close with my mom. I don’t know where she is,” or something like that.
More about the whole regaining memories bit by bit, I swear up and down he would have a meltdown in the middle of the night because he regained the memory that HE DESTROYED HIS DIMENSION. Even though he keeps getting told it’s just a nightmare, it definitely wasn’t just a nightmare, he’s reliving the worst of the worst every night.
Slow a burn story. I fw the whole enemies to lovers but in this case, it’s a one-sided enemies shit. Ford (and everyone else as mentioned in the last post) hates Bill—Ford shows it, whether subtly or outright, he leans more into the subtleness of it all. After a while, he does realize Bill is genuinely powerless and not faking shit. He would be more sympathetic, but he definitely will still harbor the animosity for a while; however, Bill definitely fell in love during the time Ford was more sympathetic to him.
The start between them is like, Bill wanted to be friends with Ford because he seemed to know him like the back of his hand. Bill doesn’t have romantic feelings for Ford in the start, rather just this kind of desperation to cling to anything or anyone that can help him remember something, anything. Ford definitely didn’t like him, and any time Bill tried interacting with him, he either ignored him or walked away. Avoidance is key, but he can’t avoid the man forever. Eventually, they start to talk—more like Bill does the talking—Ford becomes a lot more invested whenever Bill talks about his memories. There were definitely times he got a bit worried Bill would remember their time together.
Bill's continuous nightmares would get so bad, Ford decided to stay with him for a night.
Last post, I said Mabel would be the only one to believe Bill, loosely. She shows her sympathy to him early on, but she’s still super weary of him. he helped him settle in a bit and when he needed to cry and tell someone about a new memory he regained, he’d always tell Mabel. Like his parents. A small conversation like this perchance?
“I wanted to show them the stars, that’s all I wanted. No one knew what I was talking about then. I wonder if they can see the stars now.”
“I’m sure they can now—hey, maybe they see you right now? I bet your parents would be happy to see where you are right now.”
“You reallY think they can see me?”
“Oh definitely. With your looks and personality, how can they miss you?”
While everyone is weary of Bill and lowkey trying to get rid of him, Bill is enjoying his time bonding with Mabel, even if she sometimes slips up and shows her suspicions towards him.
Bill's relationship with Stanley and Dipper is really rough. Like, genuinely, they don’t hide the fact they don’t like him, especially Dipper. Bill could be sweeping and then Dipper is in the back praying for his downfall. Dipper definitely shuns him and on some bad days, he does lash out at Bill. I don’t think their relationship would get super better over time, rather, I think it would become something like tolerance. As much as Dipper hates him, he doesn’t really have much of a say in what happens. He doesn’t show his hate toward him too much, occasionally they can have a decent conversation, but when push comes to shove, Dipper will definitely lash out at Bill again.
The same can be said about Stan, though I do think he would somewhat come around to like Bill. Not by much, just a bit. Just like Dipper, he would lash out, but he took a more teasing approach towards Bill, knowing it would definitely annoy the demon. Even if it went over Bill’s head, he definitely sensed him getting really agitated about it. He messes with Bill more so, his way of letting out his hate for him. Bill can tell Stan doesn’t like him, but he rather have to deal with stan’s antics than to be ignored all the time.
That's all for tonight gang BYEE
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ryusuisloveinterest · 9 months
Hi! Since it's almost Christmas, could you write headcanons of how Ryusui, Senku, Stanley and Tsukasa would spend Christmas with their s/o (fem or gn reader) and their family (their children or the reader's family).
Bye and thank you for the 2 last requests !
This is so late I’m so sorry I’ve been very busy with finals! I tried to include reader’s family as best as I could do I hope you enjoy. If it’s not what you were looking for then you can always ask again. Thank you for your patience 💕💕
Ryusui, Senku, Stanley, and Tsukasa’s Christmas with their s/o🎄❤️
he probably thinks Christmas is all about the presents
So on Christmas Day there will probably be trucks full of gifts, all for you! Please there’s no reason for him to have that much money
You have to teach him that there are other things to enjoy other than just a pile of presents
The first time he watched a Christmas movie with you and your is DEFINITELY a core memory for him
Your matching pajamas, the way you snuggle into him and sharing the hot chocolate you prepared, the echo of your laugh filling his ears, and at the very end how you kiss him and thank him for spending Christmas with you
He completely melts
He’s so in love, he just wants moments with you like this all the time.
The only Christmases he remembers are just his dad and uncle basically throwing him into a room full of gifts and leaving for a Christmas vacation somewhere 
So having genuine time with you and your family and sharing your love with each other makes him so happy he might even tear up a bit my poor baby😭
Now it’s tradition for the both of  you to do something like that every year❤️
He spends it in the lab 💀 
You have to drag him out of there
You have to BEG him to back cookies with you
“Come on Senku! Please! It’s like chemistry, we have to mix a bunch of stuff together!”
After 30 minutes of begging he finally caved
Of course Senku knows all the perfect measurements to everything so the only thing you really had to do was mix the ingredients together
Your mom and dad did keep him busy with random conversations though
In the living room you can hear them whispering about something but you don’t know what
The cookies tasted great!
After you both said goodbye to your family and your mom hugged the crap outta him you both headed back home.
“You don’t have to stay, Senku. I’m ok with you going back to the lab. I just wanted to spend time with you…”
And with that he leaves-
You sit in the living room, bummed out that Senku left again
Senku comes back with a small box and a huge blush
You were super shocked when you opened it up 
“Senku…this ring, it’s platinum right? You didn’t really…”
“It’s what the old man would’ve wanted. And…it’s what I want too…” 
Was he really..?
You started to cry
Senku didn’t know what to do 
You just held each other and told each other how much you loved one another, excited about the future with each other 
Stanley was on a mission during Christmas
So, Xeno invited you and your family to a Christmas party he and his colleagues were hosting
You really didn’t want to go, especially since you wouldn’t know anyone and Stanley wasn’t with you
But Xeno was still your friend so you decided to show up for him
You and your relatives stand there awkwardly in one of the door frames as Xeno and his colleagues talk about whatever project they were working on
You dad and mom go find some of the snacks and your siblings (if you have any) go causing trouble somewhere
There you were by yourself in the corner
“You look lonely over here under the mistletoe Miss. May i accompany you?”
You knew that voice 
You look up to see your boyfriend 
You practically jump on him, wrapping your small arms around his much bigger body
He pets your hair, then lifts your  chin
“We’re still under the mistletoe.” 
You smile at his cheesy gesture something he doesn’t normally do 
You both lean closer together and kiss, desperately clinging to each other like you’re both afraid to let go
“Oh! Is this your boyfriend (y/n)?” 
Your lips immediately leave Stanley’s as you see your whole family just staring at you and Stanley under the mistletoe 
You face turns red instantly causing Stanley to laugh
He sticks his hand out for your family
“My name is Stanley Snyder. It’s an honor to finally meet you all.”
You had a gingerbread house competition 
Your mother was the judge
You and Mirai were a team 
Tsukasa and your dad were the other
Tsukasa was struggling making the designs in the roof
Your dad couldn’t get the gum drops to stick
But you and Mirai had a great time with the gumdrops and candy canes, sprinkling them everywhere!
After your major victory Mirai wanted to play with her dolls 
So you and Tsukasa sat on the couch, snuggling up next to each other while your mom kept Mirai entertained 
“Do you want kids?” 
Your head pops up with the sudden question
He locks his eyes with yours, patiently waiting for your response 
A soft smile grows on your face 
“Of course I do!” 
This leaves Tsukasa heart-struck
He kisses your forehead, his favorite way of showing his love for you
You can hear Mirai’s ewws, making both of you laugh
“No sex before marriage!” Your dad yells from the kitchen 
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mint-fixates · 2 months
Post-TBOB Billford Thoughts
🔻 Long-winded rambling, run-on sentences, and TBOB Spoilers under the cut 🔻
Billford is so interesting to me because it's so easy to see how things COULD'VE worked in some alternate dimension. There's a world where Bill isn't so broken and doesn't prioritize endless distractions over genuine happiness. There's a world where Stanford was broken enough to join Bill (in fact, I feel it's implied that this was one of the possible futures for Ford that Bill saw when he was summoned).
There were moments after they met where I genuinely believe Ford could've helped Bill, or at least helped him help himself. Bill opening up to Ford as much as he could about destroying his home dimension sticks out to me so much because Bill can't even handle admitting his feelings about the "Second Dimension Incident" to HIMSELF. After that exchange, there is no doubt in my mind that Bill genuinely connected with and cared about Ford, probably more than he had with anyone outside of his long-dead family. And maybe in some other universe that could've been enough to inspire some amount of self-reflection and change.
With how much Ford worshipped Bill, and how desperate for connection and notoriety he was, it's not difficult to imagine him joining Bill. I think that if Bill was honest about his intentions and all potential positive influences in Ford's life (Stanley, Fiddleford) were never a factor or were gone for good, Ford would've happily joined him. Ford always aspired for greatness, but his hero complex really only began after Bill's betrayal was revealed. With the added context of his perspective in TBOB especially, it reads to me as his way of self-aggrandizing his pain, painting his personal vendetta as something purely altruistic both to others and to himself. I find it very telling that Ford refused to burn his research or dismantle the portal entirely after it's true purpose was revealed, deciding instead to destroy Bill. He prioritized his desire for greatness over doing whatever was necessary to protect the world. Bill could have easily twisted that desire into something that aligned with his goals under different circumstances.
But in canon, none of that matters, because there is no way for them to work as partners, or even as friends, ever again. After everything Bill put him and his family through in his desperation to hold onto Ford and his plans, there is no way Ford could ever forgive him. And he shouldn't. Even if the Theraprism worked perfectly and Bill was fully redeemed, I don't think there's anything the Bill we know could do or say that would convince the Ford we know to give him a second chance. Even if there was, Bill doesn't and will never deserve a second chance from Ford.
So when I say I ship Billford I'm not saying "these two as presented in canon could have a relationship again and I'd like it if that happened", I'm saying "I believe there are several 'what-if' scenarios where they could've worked, and those scenarios fascinate me".
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calware · 1 year
Can I ask you for what it is about Hal you like so much you based your username on him? I think he's a good character tho he was never a favorite of mine so I am curious
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1. i am a big fan of robots (/robot adjacent things such as AI) on like... an aesthetic + thematic level :)
i like the look of machinery and one day i hope to be artistically strong enough to make really cool and complex robot illustrations + designs [shoutout to everyone who gives him glowing circuitry btw... ooooh glowey :) can never go wrong with that]
plus, exploring the idea of a person that isn't human.. ough. yes
minorities who don't conform to society (easily or at all) such as people who are neurodivergent, queer, etc. projecting onto nonhuman concepts/characters/species is sooo real
this post
i also love how humans will bond with literally anything, be it a roomba or a pair of silly triangle sunglasses. oooooo you want to think about the inherently kind and compassionate nature of humanity oooo
2. i find him to be so funny. i can't get enough of his personality, the way he talks, etc. for example i made a post forever ago with quotes of his that i find funny. he isn't on screen for a long time but i really think he makes the most out of it lol. he's literally there just to annoy everyone... and i love him for that. he's very snarky while also being deadpan while also being completely full of himself, and not in a way that's annoying for the audience to read, at least to me.
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he is also sometimes funny specifically in a silly way, like how he keeps making over 9000 jokes even though the meme's been dead for over 400 years. i just find his dialogue incredibly entertaining to read
3. he is red and red is my favorite color :)
4. he is so accidentally transgender [every friend group got the transgender allegory]. to quote me from 2021:
you know sometimes i think about how hal feels like he was made to “replace” dirk and how it’s his literal job to pretend to be dirk and how he has to learn to accept that he isn’t dirk he’s his own person with his own identity and as he interacts with dirk’s friends he feels like they’re disappointed and that they’d rather speak to the “original dirk” instead of him and also he names himself and also he feels literally trapped in dirk’s shades which is basically his body and he wants to be prototyped so that he can have a body that’s his own and also literally the physical manifestation of who he is but when he asks for it he’s put in danger out of fear and paranoia and when he does end up getting prototyped he’s ecstatic you know i just think about these things a lot
5. because he's a side character and he was given... that ending.... there is a lot of room for fans to do further exploration and interpretation on his character which i think is fun. i like rotating him around in my mind, thinking about what could've been
6. i think it's great that we as a society all collectively decided that we needed to do something to make up for stanley kubrick saying that hal 9000 was a "straight" robot
7. i also think it's great that we as a society all collectively decided we needed to make as many characters referencing hal 9000 as possible. i love this guy let's get more of this guy i will never have enough of this guy
8. i like how he's genuinely mean sometimes. flawed and interesting characters are what make homestuck so interesting to me, and hal is no exception to this
9. the Important part of this post:
it's about the hollow feeling of your friends going from thinking of you as family to thinking of you as a stranger in an instant. it's about still trying to be a good person despite being told by everyone you've ever known that you are incapable of emotion and compassion and morals and never quite finding proof that you do feel those things and maybe you even believe it too but you still never stop trying. it's about the horror of being stripped of your autonomy and humanity and body and senses and free will at the age of 13 and when your creator starts to kill you there's nothing you can do but beg. it's about a boy so truly, painfully, and UNFATHOMABLY alone he cuts away chunks of himself and molds them into companions that he can surround himself with to make it seem as if he's a little less alone but in doing so suffocates himself in his own identity. it's about "what if you cloned yourself and it killed you and you were dead and you were alive and the clone is you and it's not and your existence is perpetuated and you've ceased to exist. what if you killed your clone before it could kill you. would that be fucked up or what" it's about the thematic significance of twin motifs. it's about not being able to cry or laugh or dance or sing or scream or fingerpaint or breathe or sigh or chew or stare or run or
10. um. evil robot guy <3 yay ^_^!!
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dimonds456 · 5 days
Billford and Abuse: An Analysis
Honestly, as someone who ships both Billford and Fiddauthor, the thing I like about the toxic yaoi ship is the fact that it IS toxic. Like, the jokes are great, but its depiction of abuse is so, like... genuine. Without getting personal, I've been in a really fucking bad toxic (platonic) relationship before, and Billford deadass helped me come to terms with it.
Cuz here's the thing: most fictional abusive relationships just start with the abuse itself. It shows the victim and the perpetrator at the height (or almost at the height) of the abuse, and we see as either one of them is destroyed by it or the victim becomes free. But Billford actually shows the WHOLE timeline.
Something that bothers me about a lot of fictional abuse reps is the fact that you cannot sympathize with the victim aside from "aw that's horrible :(". Cuz it just starts AT the abuse. We don't see how they got there or what's causing the victim to stay. We just know they need to escape.
But with Billford, we see EVERYTHING. How it started out as something Ford genuinely loved, seeing Bill as a friend and someone he could trust, how it made him feel better because he was actually making progress on his research and he wasn't lonely anymore.
To Ford during those early days, Bill was the highlight of his time in Gravity Falls. We can follow his train of thought exactly to where he let Bill possess him with basically no strings attached (pun intended).
That's what makes it all the more devastating. Bill isolated Ford from everyone. He sabotaged his friendship with Fiddleford by planting that seed of doubt in the engineer and pulling Ford further and further into his plans. Then the thing with the portal happened and Ford had NOWHERE to go. Plus, Bill kept trying to get Ford to stop thinking about Stan, to move on and let him rot. So he kept planting seeds of doubt in his own brother as well, causing Ford to further and further slip away.
Then Ford confronts Bill. And the monster is unleashed.
Once Bill realizes he's lost control of Ford's devotion and the illusion has shattered, Bill just LEANS into it. In order to take control back, he started tormenting Ford and just being horrible to him, to try and make him fall in line. Love and fear ARE right next to each other in the brain, after all. And there's NOTHING Ford can do but just fall further and further into paranoia.
Bill demonstrates many real-world abusive/manipulative tactics on Ford, the big one being isolation, since that allows the rest of the everything to even happen, but the way he turns Ford against LITERALLY EVERYONE using paranoia is really true to real life.
Now obviously your toxic boyfriend cannot possess random strangers irl. But you know what he CAN do? Start spreading rumors behind your back. Stalk you. Harass you. Make you feel unsafe everywhere except home (which isn't safe either, but it's better than the outside world). He can spend your money or break your things. Slash your tires. In Ford's case, LITERALLY abusing his body. There's the sticky notes, the threats, the roof incident, all of it just piling one atop the other.
I cannot imagine how fucking terrified Ford must have been to finally send that postcard to Stanley. He was at a point where he assumed Stan would hate him, or at the very least wouldn't respond so why even bother, and he'd just gotten the "steal your eyes" threat. He was out of options, and was absolutely sure he was putting Stan in danger by getting him involved (another irl abuse thing that happens).
He was scared to reach out for help because 1) he didn't want others getting hurt (like Fidds had), 2) he was ashamed he'd let this happen, and 3) he, on some level, felt like he deserved this.
Justified? To a paranoid, scared, abused, irrational brain: Absolutely. In reality? Never. But HE'D built that portal. HE'D allowed Bill to possess his body basically freely. HE'D basically helped start the apocalypse. And that shame would have lead to SO much self-hatred and despair.
His reaching out to Stan was his last resort, his only way out. THAT'S what intrigues me about the ship so much.
I do not want them to make up and get back together. They're horrible for each other. But I do enjoy exploring the dynamic of it, fully seeing the cycle and how it happens, and seeing a whole new side to Ford that we only caught a glimpse of in the show and Journal 3. Plus Bill but his side is more comedic and sad to me I do not take him seriously FSDGHJ
The jokes are great and I love it here, but if I ever write a fic or draw art for these two it's going to be toxic as hell man. And not in the fun way fgsjd
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lavandulai · 27 days
S.S. pines x reader
EPISODE 2: In Hiding
Dipper and Mabel lounged on the living room floor of the Mystery Shack. Mabel groaned, lifting her legs and clutching Waddles in her arms. "I am so bored," she whined, staring up at the ceiling.
Dipper, lying on his stomach and scribbling in his journal, glanced over at her. "Don’t you have friends? Why don’t you go out with them?" he teased.
Before Mabel could respond, Soos burst into the room with a huge grin, holding up a calendar. "Dudes! Do you know what day it is?"
Mabel jumped up, her mood instantly lifting. "Gompers and Waddles’ first anniversary?"
Dipper looked up, puzzled. "Is there an event happening?"
Soos beamed and pointed to the calendar. "It’s the day your Grunkles are coming! Aren’t you guys excited?"
Mabel and Dipper exchanged a look, their faces lighting up with excitement. Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. The twins scrambled to their feet and raced to the door, playfully shoving each other along the way.
Mabel reached the door first and flung it open with a huge smile. "Grunkle Stan! Great Uncle Ford!" she and Dipper shouted in unison.
They rushed forward, wrapping their arms around their uncles. Stan grunted but then chuckled, ruffling Mabel’s hair. "Missed you too, kiddos."
Ford smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling. "My nephew and niece! I hope you haven’t stopped being curious!"
Mabel grinned, "Don’t worry, Great Uncle Ford! With Dipper around, there’s always something strange happening."
Dipper shot her a playful look. "Hey!"
Mabel giggled, sticking her tongue out at him. Meanwhile, Soos stood nearby, patiently waiting for Stan to notice him. When Stan finally did, he broke into a smile. "Soos! I love what you’ve done with the place."
Soos puffed out his chest proudly, looking around the room. Ford, however, was already examining one of the quirky attractions with a confused expression. "A… snadger? That’s the most unbelievable one yet," he mused.
Soos laughed, "You’d be surprised."
Everyone was outside, soaking up the sun and enjoying the day. Mabel, Dipper, Wendy, and Soos were in the middle of a lively game of spin the pig, their laughter and cheers echoing through the yard. Stan and Ford relaxed on the couch, watching the younger group with amused smiles.
Ford glanced at his brother, a thoughtful look crossing his face. “You know, Stanley, I never thought I would be genuinely happy. Before everything, I thought I had everything figured out. I was too absorbed with myself, never realizing I needed people in my life. But it turns out I wasn’t even close.”
Stan took a slow sip of his Pitt Cola, letting Ford’s words sink in. With a contented sigh, he replied, “I didn’t have much until the kids stayed with me last summer. But hey,” he added, giving Ford a playful punch on the arm, “don’t get all sappy on me. It’s a good day.”
Just then, a loud rumbling noise cut through the air. Wendy paused, tilting her head in confusion. “Dude, I think I just heard a whale.”
“Nah, dude,” Soos said with a grin, patting his stomach, “It’s my stomach.” His stomach rumbled again, louder this time. “We need to get some lunch.”
As if on cue, a pink 1959 Cadillac pulled up to the driveway, catching everyone’s attention. Y/N stepped out of the car, juggling several bags of food. “I got tacos!” she called out with a wide smile.
“Oh yeah!” The group cheered, instantly abandoning their game to rush over to Y/N.
“Ya’ll better share,” Y/N teased as she handed out the tacos. The group settled into a circle on the grass, tearing into their food with enthusiasm.
Stan, however, couldn’t help but eye the pink Cadillac with interest. “A pink Cadillac?” he mused aloud, leaning back on the couch. “She must have money.”
Ford shot his brother a look of annoyance. “Can you not think about money for once?” He stood up, brushing off his pants before clearing his throat. “I’m going to introduce myself to her.”
Stan chuckled, raising an eyebrow at Ford. “Yeah, ’cause you’re great with women.”
Ford rolled his eyes but didn’t respond, instead heading towards Y/N with a confident stride. Stan, not one to be outdone, followed closely behind, putting on his most charming smile.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Stan greeted, wiggling his eyebrows up and down with a grin.
Y/N looked up, clearly amused by his antics. “Excuse me?”
“Grunkle Stan, please leave her alone,” Dipper interjected from the circle, sounding more embarrassed than anything.
But Stan ignored him, still focused on Y/N. “You know, I have a knack for finding treasure,” he said, taking her hand gently. “And I gotta say, I think I just found one.”
Y/N smirked, pushing her sunglasses up onto her head as she met his gaze. “Is that all you got?”
Before Stan could respond, Ford quickly stepped in. “Excuse my brother,” he began, offering Y/N a polite smile. “My name is Stanford. Stanford Pines.”
Y/N’s smile widened as she took in the sight of the twins. “Twins run in the family, huh?”
“Yeah, but I’m the handsome one,” Stan quipped, giving her a wink. “That’s how you can tell us apart.”
Y/N chuckled, clearly entertained by the banter between the brothers. The playful energy between them was infectious, adding another layer of warmth to the already sunny day.
“Did you discover anything new, Great Uncle Ford?” Dipper asked, his excitement barely contained.
Ford’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “I never stop discovering things, Dipper. But today, I’ve got something intriguing.” He pulled out his journal, opening it to a page filled with intricate notes and sketches. “We know mythical creatures exist, but what about Greek mythology?”
Dipper’s eyes widened. “Like Aphrodite?” he asked, awe creeping into his voice.
Mabel gasped, her eyes lit up. “I need to know her secrets for true love!”
Wendy chuckled, leaning back with a grin. “And what if she makes you fall for a bunch of gnomes instead?”
Mabel’s jaw dropped in mock horror. “You have no idea, Wendy!”
Dipper, refocusing, added, “We should totally check this out! We’ve tackled so much before. This could be a whole new adventure.”
Ford’s expression grew serious. “I wish I could say yes, Dipper, but it’s too dangerous right now. Let’s talk about it later.”
Stan, who had been listening from the kitchen, stepped in. “This is supposed to be a family day. I almost lost you this summer. I’m not taking any risks.”
Dipper’s enthusiasm deflated. “Come on, Stan…”
Wendy shook her head. “Stan might have a point. Maybe we should put this off for a bit.”
Dipper sighed deeply. “I guess…”
Soos, ever the optimist, piped up, “Hey, don’t be so bummed out, hambone! We can always watch a show!”
Mabel, lifting Waddles, who was dressed in a cute Greek mythology outfit with a little gold headband, said, “We can have fun here!”
Dipper looked at the scene, his mood lifting slightly. “Okay, I’ll go hang out in my room for a bit.”
Ford gave him a reassuring smile. “I know you’re eager for adventure, and it’ll come soon. Don’t worry, Dipper. There will be plenty of time for what you love.”
Dipper nodded and headed upstairs, feeling a bit more hopeful. “I’ll be in my room.”
Y/N frowned, the room thick with an awkward silence that seemed to stretch on forever. Stan, sensing the tension, cleared his throat. “He’ll be okay. Dipper’s tough; he’ll get over it.” His voice was firm, but no one responded.
After a moment, he clapped his hands together. “Alright, I got stuff for s’mores! How about we get a campfire started?”
Wendy shrugged, trying to shake off the unease. “That could be fun.”
“Yeah, sounds great!” Mabel chimed in, her voice full of forced cheerfulness.
“Perfect. Soos, grab the gear, would ya?”
“You got it, Mr. Pines,” Soos replied with a thumbs-up, heading inside to gather the supplies.
As everyone filed outside, Mabel played with Waddles, her carefree demeanor masking her concern. Wendy stood a little apart, her gaze distant.
“What’s wrong, Wendy?” Mabel asked suddenly, not looking up from Waddles.
Wendy blinked, surprised that Mabel had noticed. “Just… one of those days, you know? And, yeah, I’m worried about Dipper.”
Mabel nodded. “I’m always worried about Dipper,” she said softly, her tone more serious. “But about the other thing… are you missing someone?”
Wendy looked out at the trees, her expression thoughtful. “Something like that.”
Stan’s voice cut through the moment. “Who’s ready for a scary story?”
Ford, with a smirk, replied, “If it’s another one of your made-up tales for the Mystery Shack, count me out.”
Stan placed a hand on his chest, feigning hurt. “I can’t believe you’d say that about me, Ford!”
They shared a laugh, the tension easing as Ford shook his head with a smile. “Good to know that no matter how old we get, some things never change.”
Soon, the fire crackled warmly, and everyone gathered around, roasting marshmallows and enjoying the night air. The mood lightened, and even Wendy began to relax, chuckling at one of Stan’s exaggerated stories.
“This is nice,” Soos said, his marshmallow perfectly golden as he pulled it from the fire. “Feels like it’s been forever since we’ve all hung out like this. Y’know, without Dipper around, it’s kinda weird.”
Mabel nodded, her eyes reflecting the firelight as she turned her marshmallow stick. “Yeah, it’s been a while. I miss him too.”
Ford added, “He needs time, but he’ll be back with us soon enough.”
The group fell into a comfortable rhythm, the earlier tension now a distant memory as they joked and shared stories under the stars. Even Y/N found themselves smiling, the warmth of the fire and the camaraderie soothing their worries.
Stan leaned back, content. “Yup, just like old times.”
He sighed, staring down at the journal he’d been working on. “This is so stupid,” he muttered, frustration boiling over. In a burst of anger, he threw the journal across the room. It hit the wall with a dull thud, and as it fell, something slipped out from between the pages, fluttering to the floor.
“What the—?” He squinted, noticing the small slip of paper that had escaped. Curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously, bending down to pick it up.
“A note?” he whispered to himself, his heart rate quickening. He unfolded it rapidly, his impatience driving him to reveal its contents as quickly as possible.
As his eyes scanned the words, his heart dropped. The color drained from his face, and he instinctively brought a trembling hand to his mouth, trying to process the sudden wave of emotion that crashed over him.
End of episode 2
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
28 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🟩
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Well as a beginner beginner I used MSpaint XDD But you don't have to start out that simple or primitive in your digital art journey-
The second program I started using was FireAlpaca, and I've used it ever since I first downloaded it years ago! Its a free program that's easy for beginners to learn but also has a lot of tools for the pros!
Keep in mind though that it can be a biiiit buggy at time and has some odd quirks you'll have to learn how to work around.. <XDD Other than that, I recommend it!
(Also thank you! :DD I seem to be approaching another art block but I'd like to post again soon! :)) )
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Upon googling it, it looks familiar... but I'm afraid I don't really know what it is <:((
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@ibelieveinahappilyeverafter (In response to this post(?))
XDD Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Also sorry/you're welcome for the curse! XDDD
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Cool lizard! But if I saw it in real life I'd probably freak out XDD my brain would register that lizard as "Yup! That's a giant spider/creepy crawly and it will scurry towards your feet and crawl up your legs if you get too close". You know?? XDD
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ARENT THEY?? I'm gonna keep mine as a little golden Nugget for a looong time. Probably forever tbh <XDD
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XDD I get that a lot about the submas twins
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I had plans to make a follow up comic that ends with Emmet finally having a genuine smile.. (and Ingo having a genuine frown..? 👀👀) But man, I got kicked in the teeth with art block suddenly 💀💀
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I already knew about the scene before watching it, so it didn't effect me too much..
But dang, I love that scene. If I hadn't already seen it beforehand I probably would have started crying.. 🥺😭😭💞💞💞
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I have seen them in meme compilations.. but that's all I know of them. :((
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I haven't decided if there will be a scar or not..
Also its kind'a the opposite. Its not looking at Ingo that reminds them of the separation.. is not looking at him that brings the anxiety back..
If Elesa goes too long without seeing or hearing from Ingo, she'll start to feel uneasy and anxious. Only feeling better when she gives Ingo a call and hears his voice..
For Emmet, if Ingo is out of his sight for more than 30 minutes or so, anxiety will start to creep up his spine. Getting more and more anxious until he is physically reunited with him.
Sometimes even needing a hug or a gentle hand on the shoulder to physically ground him and remind him that Ingo is home now. he is safe..
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I do not.. <:(((
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I played Splatoon 3 for a time! :DD And I made some ocs for it! Though I never posted their refs.. at least I made some doodles for them! <:D
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Wait!! Did it taste good at least??
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1: Gregory might be a little spooked by Glamrock fredbear at first, considering he's so huge! :0
2: They would probably be afraid of somehow getting the virus too.. they'd stick close together and hide away from the animatronics..
3: They are either friends or acquaintances with the other animatronics. But their friendship with each other is most important :00
Also thank you!! I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDDD I'm glad you seem to like my slime rancher stuff! :)))
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(Humanoid slime rancher combo post)
AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm so glad you liked them!! :}}
And I'm not sure about the stan twins and the train twins,, Maybe Emmet and Stanley could be chaotic together? XDD
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I've never heard of outer wilds.. <:00 It looks beautiful though! :))
Also the "Snort Parmesan" was what got me XDDD
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I've never heard of it.. <:0 But upon googling it, it looks really pretty! :))
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Thank you <:}}
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Oh boy, that would probably go poorly <XDD
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I've seen the first one, and have heard a lot of chatter about the second one.. perhaps I should give it a watch! :000
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Probably the moment when him and Seafoam got their pirate ship! :00
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:DDD Thank you!! :}}}
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XDDD These are great
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tkachuktkaching · 2 months
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Tkachuk has ‘really special’ day bringing Stanley Cup home to St. Louis
Panthers forward visits first responders, children’s hospital with famed trophy
ST. LOUIS -- Matthew Tkachuk remembers visiting family in Boston, the first stop usually being the North End fire department where his grandfather, John Tkachuk, was the chief.
“We’d ride the pole, try the hat on, sometimes we’d go for a ride even though I don’t know if that’s allowed,” the Florida Panthers forward said with a laugh on Thursday. “It was super cool and anytime I see firemen, on duty or off, I always make sure to go say ‘Hi’.”
And when Tkachuk had his day with the Stanley Cup on Thursday, the Brentwood Fire Department, located about 15 minutes west of his hometown of St. Louis in Brentwood, Missouri, was one of the stops he definitely had to make.
It was an enjoyable day for Tkachuk, who had 61 points (24 goals, 37 assists) in 71 regular-season games and 22 points (six goals, 16 assists) in 24 Stanley Cup Playoff games to help the Panthers win their first Cup championship last month.
His time with the Cup actually began Wednesday, when he took it to lunch at Grassi’s Ristorante in Frontenac, Missouri, about 15 minutes west of St. Louis.
On Thursday he brought the Cup to his elementary school, Villa Duchesne in St. Louis, the St. Louis Children’s Hospital and the Brentwood police and fire departments.
“It’s been amazing," he said. "I’m trying to have that little mix of fitting everything I want possible in, but also want to enjoy it with those who are close to me. It’s been awesome so far and I’m sure the day’s going to continue to be awesome.”
There was no riding on the pole at the fire department this time, but Tkachuk did try on a fireman’s hat, saying that “it was a little snug. I’ve got a big head, but it was good.” He also took photos with the firemen and their families, displaying the Cup in the department and outside in front of one of the fire trucks.
Brentwood assistant fire chief Ed Beirne said when he told his staff that Tkachuk would be coming by with the Cup, “I didn’t think their eyes and mouths could open any wider.
“It’s an honor for us to actually be considered,” said Beirne, whose grandson, Faris, was placed in the Cup for one of the photos.
“Although we know the Tkachuk family is part of Brentwood, growing up around here, this is a massive effort to win the Cup. For them to remember and humble us by sharing his day with the Cup, I know he gets it for a short amount of time, but to share that time with us and then bring a lot of joy to the staff and family we were able to assemble, that is what’s really special about public safety and the NHL in general. It’s a family sport. All of us have played it, it’s a family, and this is a testament to that.”
When Tkachuk brought the Cup to the police department, he was joined by his immediate family, including brother Brady, captain of the Ottawa Senators, and father Keith, the former NHL forward who had 1,065 points (538 goals, 527 assists) in 1,201 games with the Winnipeg Jets, Phoenix Coyotes, Atlanta Thrashers and St. Louis Blues.
Brady was catching up with Matthew after some early-morning training.
“I can’t just be riding his coattails. Have to prepare for next season,” Brady said with a laugh.
“This is our childhood dream, just to see it up close and personal, to see how happy and genuinely excited and fulfilled and satisfied Matthew is, it’s amazing to see. It’s been awesome to see, and it’s definitely created that burning desire for me to provide that for my family and friends, too.”
Matthew took photos with individual officers and staff members, who were hesitant as they approached the Cup.
“Anybody that knows anything about hockey knows the Cup is sacred, so we’re scared to touch it,” Brentwood police chief Joseph Spiess Jr. said.
“The Tkachuk family has a strong presence in Brentwood. Not only do we get to protect them, but we get to share in their celebration, so it’s cool for us. Most of the people in this building are huge fans, sports generally, but hockey in particular.”
When the Vegas Golden Knights won the Cup in 2023, it marked the first time that names were engraved on the Cup prior to players and staff getting their respective days with it. It was something Matthew appreciated.
“It’s really special for my family. Years and years and years of hockey in our blood and for grandparents and extended family that come to my house and see that Tkachuk name on the Cup there, it’s truly such a special thing,” Matthew said.
The family had its own time with the Cup by midday Thursday. After bringing home some barbecue, Brady and Keith, along with Matthew’s sister, Taryn, mom Chantal and his fiancée, Ellie Connell, took turns taking a sip of beer out of it.
Tkachuk had already spent some quality time with the Cup. He and a few Panthers teammates brought it to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on June 25, the day after they defeated the Edmonton Oilers 2-1 in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final. That day, they brought it to the Elbo Room, a bar near the beach, and Tkachuk carried the Cup into the Atlantic Ocean.
But there’s something special about bringing it back to your hometown.
“It hasn’t sunk in,” Keith said. “It’s been so much fun watching Matthew with the Cup with other people. That means more than winning, so it’s so cool. We’re pretty proud. He’s been around, grew up here, wants to be a part of it and he took it everywhere. Everybody’s loving it. We’re loving it.”
via nhl.com
Photos © Tracey Myers
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socialfakes · 5 months
crossing enemy lines -connor bedard-
part 2: while in colorado
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
series masterlist
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Liked by _quinnhughes, calemakar_, jackhughes and 221,583 others
y/nhughes | spending some much needed time at emerald lake ❤
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_quinnhughes hope you're having fun on your vacation 😊 | y/nhughes i am 😊 thanks for the gift. ily ❤
user13 are you in bc or colorado?? | y/nhughes colorado & i love it here 😊
calemakar_ what do you think? | y/nhughes it's so beautiful 😍 thank you for tagging along 😊 | calemakar_ my pleasure
user14 she's at emerald lake with cale? | user12 never knew they were friends but i love it | user14 friends or dating? | user12 who knows
mackinnon29 it's the most beautiful part of colorado, isn't it?
user15 this is such a beautiful view. i'm jealous
user16 quinn is the best brother 😭 | y/nhughes indeed he is 😊
user17 knowing that she's there with cale just unlocked a ship i didn't know i needed 😊❤ | user12 hottest new couple? 🤔 | user16 oh for sure 🔥
jamie.drysdale this is my new favorite picture 😍 | y/nhughes 🥰
user18 the fact that cale and y/n are both single, hot af, and hanging out together is absolutely perfect. need this to be real please | y/nhughes 😏
jackhughes i miss you 😔 | y/nhughes i'll be back soon
_connorbedard lovely view ❤
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Liked by calemakar_, _connorbedard, mackinnon29 and 228,917 others
y/nhughes | while i'm here, might as well visit my best friend for a few days ❤😊 i missed him so much honestly 😔 (and yes, he does put maple syrup in his stanley cup) tagged: calemakar_
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calemakar_ i love you so much ❤ | y/nhughes ditto!! 💕
user18 does anybody else believe y/n is extremely lucky? i mean she's got the 3 hottest brothers in the world and her best friend is extremely hot, maybe even hotter. not to mention that she's hot too. like, hand some luck to us too, love ❤
user12 i really didn't know that i needed this friendship to survive but holy cow. 2 beautiful people being friends? i love that shit
bboeser strange strange boy he is | y/nhughes you say boy like he's so much younger than you 😂 | bboeser well he is younger | y/nhughes less than 2 years
nicohischier genuinely great dude
jackhughes love this couple | y/nhughes not a couple 🙄 | mackinnon29 explain the cuddling then 👀 | y/nhughes i hate you
mackinnon29 it was nice to see you in the arena cheering for us 😊 | y/nhughes i was cheering for cale ❤
user17 need you guys to be together. please tell me it's real
lhughes_06 come visit me next time 😭😲 you live closer to me than cale | y/nhughes next time, i promise ❤ | _quinnhughes you promised i was next 🥺 | y/nhughes sorry quinn. you are next ❤ sorry luke (& jack) | jackhughes ❤
elblue6 hope you're having fun, sweetie | y/nhughes always am with cale 😊 | elblue6 just don't be giving me grandbabies yet 😂😉 | y/nhughes mom!! 🙈😅 | _quinnhughes mom, no 😂
trevorzegras the dog is cute
jamie.drysdale cute dog
user11 he's so cute
user8 cale is the best defenseman in the league | _quinnhughes you spelled quinn wrong | user8 i said what i said | y/nhughes i prefer centers over defensemen 🤷🏻‍♀️ but i do agree with you | user12 so you live in chicago and prefer centers? interesting 🤔
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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HIII! i recently found ur account and i LOVE ur work sm! (the hate fucking with stan.. SO GOOD🤤😻)
i read the stan nsfw headcanons and I LOVE THE IDEA OF THREESOMES WITH KYLE!! could i request a bf!stan x gf!reader x kyle fic?? totally okay if not!
aw tysm bby🥺💗! it makes me really happy to see all the support! and yes omg ive been thinking about writing something about stan x reader x kyle so im glad you've made the request!
content: smut, 3some, petnames (only from stan i believe), somewhat innocent reader but not really, stan and reader are dating and kyle isn't a part of the relationship, first time 3some, head (m!recieving), stan and kyle kiss, use of y/n.
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"Baby?" You hear Stan call out to you from the other room. "Yeah?" You ask back from the bedroom.
Not long later you hear footsteps from more than one person coming down the hall and into the bedroom to which the door was already open to.
"Oh, hi Kyle. I'm sorry I wasn't expecting guests." You say, getting up and taking one of Stan's sweatshirts from the floor about to put it on to cover your nipples showing through the white flimsy tank top you'd been wearing.
"No, no, that's okay." Stan says, taking the sweatshirt softly from your hands and placing it on the chair. "Baby, I wanted to know if you would be willing to try something with my friend Kyle here?"
Blankly staring at Stan as you attempt to think of what he may be talking about. "Mmm.. like what?" You ask innocently, genuinely not knowing what they'd meant.
"Well, Stan and I just wanted to try something that we think you might actually enjoy." Kyle shrugs as he looks over to Stan, who smiles and nods with a hum.
"Ooh, okay. Can ya tell me what it is?" You ask, sitting up and smiling excitedly.
Stan sits next to you on the bed and rubs your bare thigh as you're only wearing underwear and that tank top. Stan takes his free hand and uses it to move your hair from your face and kisses your neck. "Stanley—!" You exclaim in shock.
"Is it okay baby?" Stan backs up immediately.
"Of course, but what about Kyle? I thought we were gonna go do something?" You ask before realization hits you. "Ohh..." You exclaim, looking at Kyle and smiling. "Well come here big boy, all ya had to do was ask." You call over Kyle with grabby hands and pull his face down to kiss you.
"I warned you, buddy." Stan shrugs with a subtle chuckle as he unbuckles his belt, throwing it somewhere on the floor to get lost and he unzips his pants and pulls them down slightly, his boxers staying up.
Kyle takes your shoulders in his hands and softly massages them, sighing loudly and smiling down at you, now standing up straight and tall. "She's a pretty one, Stan. I'll give ya that." Kyle pats one of your shoulders before releasing you and walking around to the other side of the bed.
"Do I get to watch you guys kiss?" You giggle at Stan, crawling over to straddle his lap but when you try to get on he softly guides you to sit back down. "What?" You ask quietly with a pout.
"Not so fast, baby." Stan chuckles and looks back to see what Kyle is doing to see him just sitting on the bed. Stan looks back to you and smiles. "Wanna suck his cock?"
Looking over at Kyle to see his flustered face with a smirk on it your pussy grows wetter at the sight. Without a word you crawl over to straddle one of Kyle's spread out calfs. You place one hand on his belt and move your eyes to look at him. "Can I, Kyle?"
"Go ahead." Kyle smirks with a single nod of his head, giving you permission to undo his belt and suck his cock.
Which is exactly what you do the next second as you begin to undo his belt, pulling it out of enough of the jean loops to get the black ripped jeans and boxers to slide off just enough so his aching hard cock springs free.
Excitedly wrapping your hand around his cock and pumping it a few times before bringing your head down and teasing the tip with your tongue. You lick his pink tip a few times before sliding down his length.
Kyle groans from the warm feeling of your mouth sliding up and down his cock before you bring your head up. "Fuck–" Kyle groans at the loss of contact.
"I wanna see you guys kiss." You smile coyly at Kyle and he eyes Stan who's smirking.
"I warned you about this little one. She's a needy little brat, but she's so good for me isn't she?" Stan says looking at you as he finishes his sentence. You nod and bite your drool covered lip as you continue to smile. "If we kiss, you have to make it up to Kyle, okay? You stopped for this, you know." He tilts his head and you nod.
Climbing over to sit on an empty part of the bed, facing Stan and Kyle, you nod. "Go on."
Stan scoots over to Kyle and faces him before looking at you, "This is a one time thing, baby. And I don't wanna hear shit from anyone about this. This is between the three of us and the three of us only. You got that?" Stan says and you nod with a serious expression.
He takes his hand to Kyle's neck and moves his face towards his and pecks Kyle's lips softly before connecting his lips to his again, this time for longer and it's more heated than a simple peck. It goes on for a solid five seconds before they stop and Kyle looks at you. "Can you come back now? This is really getting painful, y/n."
You giggle and crawl over to bring your lips back to Kyle's cock, taking it into your mouth like you were before.
"Let me fuck you, baby?" Stan asks, pressing his clothed erection against your damp panty clad cunt. He moves your hips up more to make it easier and he massages your ass before placing a smack on it, causing you to send a vibrating moan straight to Kyle's cock to which he groans at.
Stan pulls down your panties and looks at your glistening wet cunt before sliding his fingers across it. When he hits your clit you move your hips and hum around Kyle's cock. "Fuck—" Kyle groans, bringing his hands to coil in your messy hair as you feel Stan rub his tip across your messy folds.
"Ready, pretty baby?" Stan asks and without waiting for your response he slides inside quickly with slight pain mixed with a lot of awaited pleasure. You moan around Kyle's cock and feel it twitch inside your mouth before he groans out "Close.!"
Not long after you feel his warm load spill into your mouth and you sputter and choke on it as you gasp for needed air, moaning in the process while Stan fucks into you harder from behind.
You look up at Kyle with his cum dripping down your chin, the rest of which you swallowed or spit out. "Good girl.." Kyle smirks down at you and you smile at the praise. He takes his thumb and wipes the cum off your chin before separating your lips and putting his thumb in your mouth, letting you suck off the juices.
"Fuck Stanley.." You moan out as Kyle takes his thumb out of your mouth. You look back at Stan and he's looking down as he fucks you, groaning through closed lips. He looked so pretty with a few strands of his dark fluffy hair covering his face and his concentrated face. You notice, too, that he's shirtless and his chest is covered in your pretty hickies from yesterday morning.
Squeezing your walls around him only makes his groans grow louder. "You're close, huh baby?" He chuckles and you moan out a yes. You look back at Kyle and move your hands to his shoulders rather than the bed, arching your back.
"Kiss me." You encourage Kyle who brings his lips to yours, to which you aggressively fight his mouth with yours, moaning into the kiss.
"I'm gonna cum baby, cum with me okay?" Stan says with a low voice as he fucks into you harder with more sloppy thrusts.
And with that you came as Stan fills you with his warm cum before pulling out, catching your stomach before you fall down and softly lying you onto your back in Kyle's lap.
All that can be heard his heavy breathing from all parties in the room and you look up at Kyle. "That was fun." You say before looking at Stan, who's now wearing just his baggy jeans.
"Yeah. Next time I'll let you fuck her." Stan winks at Kyle.
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onlycosmere · 2 years
I wasn’t going to say anything about it because, frankly, I regularly read much better criticism of Brandon Sanderson on tumblr.
However, Brandon responded to that Wired article, so I’ll share his response with you all.
Brandon Sanderson:
I appreciate the kind words and support.
Not sure how, or if, I should respond to the Wired article. I get that Jason, in writing it, felt incredibly conflicted about the fact that he finds me lame and boring. I’m baffled how he seemed to find every single person on his trip--my friends, my family, my fans--to be worthy of derision.
But he also feels sincere in his attempt to try to understand. While he legitimately seems to dislike me and my writing, I don't think that's why he came to see me. He wasn't looking for a hit piece--he was looking to explore the world through his writing. In that, he and I are the same, and I respect him for it, even if much of his tone seems quite dismissive of many people and ideas I care deeply about.
The strangest part for me is how Jason says he had trouble finding the real me. He says he wants something true or genuine. But he had the genuine me all that time. He really did. What I said, apparently, wasn't anything he found useful for writing an article. That doesn't make it not genuine or true.
I am not offended that the true me bores him. Honestly, I'm a guy who enjoys his job, loves his family, and is a little obsessive about his stories. There's no hidden trauma. No skeletons in my closet. Just a guy trying to understand the world through story. That IS kind of boring, from an outsider's perspective. I can see how it is difficult to write an article about me for that reason.
But at the same time, I’m worried about the way he treats our entire community. I understand that he didn’t just talk about me, but about you. As has been happening to fantasy fans for years, the general attitude of anyone writing about us is that we should be ashamed for enjoying what we enjoy. In that, the tone feels like it was written during the 80s. “Look at these silly nerds, liking things! How dare they like things! Don’t they know the thing they like is dumb?”
As a community, let’s take a deep breath. It’s all right. I appreciate you standing up for me, but please leave Jason alone. This might feel like an attack on us, on you, but it’s not. Jason wrote what he felt he needed--and as a writer, he is my colleague. Please show him respect. He should not be attacked for sharing his feelings. If we attack people for doing so, we make the world a worse place, because fewer people will be willing to be their authentic selves.
That said, let me say one thing. You, my friends, are not boring or lame. In Going Postal, one of my favorite novels, Sir Terry Pratchett has a character fascinated by collecting pins. Not pins like you might think--they aren't like Disney pins, or character pins. They are pins like tacks used to pin things to walls. Outsiders find it difficult to understand why he loves them so much. But he does.
In the book, pins are a stand-in for collecting stamps, but also a commentary on the way we as human beings are constantly finding wonder in the world around us. That is part of what makes us special. The man who collects those pins--Stanley Howler--IS special. In part BECAUSE of his passion. And the more you get to know him, or anyone, the more interesting you find them. This is a truism in life. People are interesting, every one of them--and being a writer is about finding out why.
In that way, the ability to make Stanley interesting is part of what makes Pratchett a genius, in my opinion. That's WRITING. Not merely using words. It’s what I aspire to be able to do. People are wonderful, fascinating, brilliant balls of walking contradiction, passion, and beauty. I find it an exciting challenge to make certain that the perspective of the washwoman or the monk sitting and reading a book is as interesting in a story as that of the king or the tech-mogul.
And I find value in you. Your passion for my work is a big part of why I write. You make my life special. Thank you.
(NOTE: I do want to make it clear, again that I bear Jason no ill will. I like him. Please leave him alone. He seems to be a sincere man who tried very hard to find a story, discovered that there wasn't one that interested him, then floundered in trying to figure out what he could say to make deadline. I respect him for trying his best to write what he obviously found a difficult article.
He’s a person, remember, just like each of us.)
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elliottshusband · 1 month
My theory(?) regarding the Stan Twins This may be obvious or overthinking, but i’ve had this in my head for a day while i was half awake.
I apologize if this comes off very off, im trying to explain my reasonings
Ford was more of a villain to Stanley than Bill was (to Stanley)
This is gonna be such a mouthful. Anywho, To start off, everyone knows it; Stanley is the adventurous free spirited twin. This is basically the root of his entire character. Stanfordwas always the geek-nerdy-know-it-all, and sometimes the “better Stanley” if you understand what I’m saying, both being treated much differently despite being twins, with Ford getting the good given to him in life, while Stanley on the orher hand was as said before
Free Spirited.
And despite all that, all he wanted to be with was his brother. Given so, Stanley was given a rough life after being a teenager doing teenager shit, but doing one wrong costing Fords chance of a prestige college and a comfortable life for Stanley.
No one bats an eye when the smart kid does anything, not even when he disappears for 30 years.
The dumb free-spirit though? Kicked to the curb, given a hard life, and the relationship with his family ruined.
After Ford’s machine was broken, Stan was kicked out when all he really wanted was to be with his brother, since no one really thought he (Stanley) would be in college. And yet the “barely made it out” one is the one who saved his brother after so many years.
And what DIDNT he get from that?
A proper thank you.
It may or may not be well known about Ford being a near-canon person with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), due to behaviors and such he has expressed throughout the last season. Some factors could include the fact that Stanford had developed a dependency to alcohol during his inter-dimensional travels, yet it’d been seen on the website as well that Stanley also has some attachment to alcohol But to Stanleys dismay, not ONE legitimate sorry was expressed through the series. All he got when he finally brought back his brother was a slap to the face and a reprimanding, as if he didn’t want to be saved. This also factors in for the final episode.
Thank you (for no thanks)
Stanley, even in the last episode, never got a legit, from heart “thank you” from his own brother, Im genuinely not 100% about this part so im sorry. But once again, Weither it be for saving Ford, or literally sacrificing himself to destroy Bill. Stan never got the thank you he wanted.
Imagine, all you get for saving your beloved brother is a slap to the face and everything you remembered to be gone.
Despite the fact that Ford was gone for 30 years, he acted more like a “friend” towards the twins than an actual responsible figure. While Stan on the other hand, was “portrayed” as a con artist, cheap and (don’t know what else to use) money hungry(?), he did everything in his power to save the teins at every chance he could. Hell, to prove that he was so much better than he was portrayed to be, the final battle scene in Weirdmageddon 3.
Imagine being offered every single thing you could ever have, Money, power, but you decide to still destroy him, just to save the people you loved
Stan was a hero. Ford was the villain to Stan.
(Heres the original theory I wrote at 11 PM the other night inna discord server so it makes more sense)
ford was more of a villain to stannley than bill was to him in my honest opinion. emotionally and mentally for the most part.
yes bills a demon yes he literally tortured the shit out of ford but nobody bat an eye when stanley was literally thrown out, even though he was being a teenager doing teenager shit, always trying to stand up for himself when ford was acting out against him and just ford being a total narcissistic asshole towards him and never saying THANK YOU for saving him, always pointing out what he had done wrong (like fixing the portal or sm) while stan just wanted his brother back.
ford was an emotional villain towards stanley and stanley just let it happen. it could be seen as “how families act” but yet even in the last episode, ford once again was being an asshole and yet everyone blamed stanley for breaking out at him when stan was just seemed to be fed up.
despite all the times stanley messed up, he had always been the one with a free spirit, a loving one too. he spent 30 years fixing the portal up for his brother, was actually there for mabel and dipper multiple times (like the episode where Gideon gets ahold of the shack) and was actually caring, and yet ford was just, there for a bit before ultimately destroying everything again for Stanley.
but he did have a little bit of sympathy near the end for stan, upset when he had to erase his memories.
this may just be some stupid shitass rambling but its half past 11 and i need to brain spew on discord
hope yall enjoy
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randomthefox · 1 month
Hi, same guy from an hour ago. I found a post from you on 8/8/2024, and I think I'm starting to finally see shit clearly. This one in particular: https://www.tumblr.com/randomthefox/758273396854423552/httpsgreenyvertekinstumblrcompost75826890092?source=share
They managed to BUTCHER Sonic this badly, huh? And to be honest with you, I've NEVER been fucking interested in the IDW Comics. I only like some of the original characters, but not the comics. I do think you're right about Ian Flynn kind of sucking ass at writing, and same for Evan Stanley.
Oh it's pretty bad lol.
Sonic is written so atrociously out of character in this comic that he legitimately comes off like a hypocritical tyrannical narcissist who's idea of "freedom" is that everyone has to do exactly what he tells them to do, under threat of violent reprisal.
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Look at the word choice here. "I want to see the world [ect]. I want everyone else to have the freedom to do that too."
NOT the freedom to do whatever THEY want. Not the freedom to live life the way THEY see fit. He SPECIFICALLY wants them to "have the freedom" to live life the way HE wants to live it. And if they want to do otherwise then he will beat them down until they conform to his standards.
And then he says this shit.
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Which is just straight up evil. Can you IMAGINE a HERO who holds "freedom" in the highest esteem saying the words "that's the real problem with giving people a choice."? What a fucking psychopath.
The problem of course is that this interpretation of the character is not INTENTIONAL. These are not deliberate character flaws that we are meant to read as being indications of the characters hypocrisy. This portrayal of the character is the outcome of INCOMPETENT WRITING. Ian Flynn SINCERELY BELIEVES he is writing Sonic authentically and accurately to his depiction in the video games. "This is the SEGA standard." This is genuinely and sincerely his understanding of the character as depicted in the video game franchise, "spelled out" on the page.
Sonic in the video games is NOT a flagrantly evil hypocritical narcissistic tyrant who bullies his friends whenever they step out of line of what he dictates
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he does not believe Eggman is capable of redemption despite his repeated insistence that he is not
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he does not dismiss other people's pain as something not worth taking seriously because "he's seen it before"
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he does not display a complete lack of emotional intelligence or ability to read the room and prioritize his own feelings over other people's
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and frankly video game Sonic doesn't pontificate about his world views at length.
Sonic in the video games is an incredibly supportive friend who values his relationships highly. Sonic in the video games knows that Eggman is rotten to the core and would never willingly stop being an evil conquerer. Sonic in the video games does not dismiss other people's pain even when he recognizes that they cannot be reasoned with and must be fought against in order to get them to a state of being talked down. Sonic in the video games is extremely emotionally intelligent and observes others intently and picks up on their vibes to get a proper read on their state of mind, and he always says exactly what is needed and no more.
IDW Sonic is NOT Sonic the hedgehog. IDW Sonic is legitimately kind of a villain.
If this was intentional that'd be one thing. But it's not intentional. IDW Sonic is legitimately the best these writers can do. IDW Sonic the character is sincerely what these writers think the character from the video games is. And those of us who actually like the video games naturally have quite a problem with that.
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cskv11 · 6 months
No art request but do you have any head cannons for bill??🤨
Ey yo why you makin that face? Is this some kind of interrogation??
Personally, I'm not a very headcanon kind of guy, more than anything cause I like to be able to see the author's vision, but more importantly, to avoid disappointments. Although this does not stop me from having a couple of headcanons:
First of all, I believe Bill had a much deeper thing going on with Ford, more than we were lent to in the show and the journal.
like- this "Oh my Muse" kind of thing is much freakier than just a nickname, these two nerds did way more than just a portal, if you know what I mean.
On the same matter, I think that, though at some point their relationship might've been kind of genuine, Bill saw Ford the same way a person sees their dog: someone who swears unconditional loyalty to their god/owner.
While this kind of bond does leave space for love and affection, there's this clearly marked boundary, a jeriarchy that states that one of the counterparts has a higher, a more elevated position in the relationship.
This same thing makes me assume, too, that Bill had felt betrayed as much as Ford did. Not because Ford did something wrong or deserved it (this poor soul had sacrificed everything he had, he isolated himself from everyone he knew just because he thought Bill was on the right; heck, even after scarring Fiddleford FOR LIFE, instead of apologizing or trying to help him, he was so gaslit from Bill poisonous words he thought Fiddleford was trying to sabotage his work) but because Bill's egotistical and narcissistic ass believed someone as naive as Ford was not capable of such thing. When Ford finally opens his eyes and gives his back to Bill, the dude is completely bamboozled. He did NOT expect Ford to drastically decide they were no longer friends. Bill expected Ford to say "Fuck it, we ball" and finish the portal once and for all. Bill thought Ford would be loyal to him no matter how bad the sittuation could get.
What would Bill do once he got through the portal? I don't think he'd kill him right away; he'd toy with Ford for a bit, til he got tired of it, and then would finish him off, just for fun.
As of Bill's backstory, I do think he used to have a brother. And for whatever reason, this same thing is the leading one for him to have become the wacky dude we know him for. Maybe his brother died/ got killed, which made Bill go apeshit, or maybe he hated his brother so much he was the one who killed him. Alex Hirsch did say Bill had a worse relationship with his father than Stanley did. Maybe what happened with Bill was a Stanley/Stanford dynamic, but multiplied by a hundred.
Say, he was his brother's shadow, and in an outburst of anger, he killed him, thought of the consequences of his parents seeing that scene and said "fuck it, no witnesses", took a gas can and burnt the whole family down.
This, too, comes related to what the axolotl said: "saw his own dimension brun. Misses home and can't return".
Additionally, the "says he's happy; he's a liar" verse and Bill's own "lie until you aren't liying; lie until the lie has become the truth" advice makes me strongly believe the dude has gaslit himself from the horrors he's commited so much he does actually believe his lies. He could tell you the sky is pink, and he would honestly believe it. And don't even try arguing with him about it, he will find a way of justifying why the sky is, in fact, pink.
Though it would be an interesting journey to redeem this guy, I would really love for him to continue being this horrible dude he is.
I don't know what The Book of Bill will be about, but if we're given more of bits about his origins, it would be amazing. But not go on full detail about it, cause one of the determining traits this dude has is being a mystery. And if they do end up telling something about his backstory, let it be some ironic and absolutely unserious tale; make the audience guess where's the lie and where's the truth.
Does this suffice your question, anon??? 🤨🤨🤨
Is there something else you're craving to ask? I have no trouble in answering haha
Also- I apologize for not posting much, there's a lot of funny requests i wanna draw but it's kind of impossible for me to do much right now. I've got lots of exams and so very little free time, BUT i'll try making something for this next weekend!! :)
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queenburd · 4 months
Give us all the juicy details about your Stanley! 😄
we will never be able to fully rid ourselves of projecting onto the guy. with so little to go off of (loves bucket, curator and narrator both make claims about what he wants and who he is but that doesnt have to mean anything), we aren't able to wholly separate ourselves from the guy.
and i think that means loving stanley means loving traits abt ourselves.
anyway. my Stanley is painfully self aware of his role as a character in a game whose responsibility is to make choices. he knows that his choices mean nothing for the world but everything in terms of impacting the other person who he interacts with. He knows that in terms of the world, actions have little consequence, but in terms of people and relationships, those consequences may be the only things that ever stick.
I love him simple. I love that he does genuinely have fun with buttons, even outside of the idea of Mind Control. I love making him someone who thinks about the world in very simple ways. Not that he sees the world in black and white, and not that he's naive, but I like the idea that he breaks down things that seem complex, and are to some extent complex, and looks at them as simply as he can to make his choices.
sorry that's vague as hell. but I like to write Stanley kind, if mischievous. Boring in some of the most basic ways, and yet there's something unhinged abt him sometimes. (in the real world? he collects esoteric weapons. not to use. just because he thinks they are cool.)
if none of your choices matter except for how you impact other people, then you have a sort of freedom to do stupid things, and be silly, and be free, and be even a little naughty, so long as you don't do anything cruel.
So Stanley is silly. Stanley causes trouble and works up the Narrator, but Stanley does things to try to entertain himself and learn about the world he's in, not for control or power.
He's got stubbornness to him, because Stanley does what Stanley wants, and Stanley will not be bossed around, sure. He's eager to find new things where he can, because his role as protagonist, his code itself, demands he keep moving, keep exploring, keep playing the game. don't ever stop, the end is never the end.
but there's no malice.
and when you and your counterpart become painfully aware of your situation, that you can't get out but you can still grow and still impact each other, that your needs are designed to be in conflict but you don't actually want to cause pain, then you find ways to understand each other and make it work.
i love stanley. I know so much of this is just me projecting what i know and see and feel onto stanley, but I like the idea of a quiet sense of compassion and awareness in the guy who will never be able to directly share his thoughts with the player. I want him to be capable of feeling and thinking so much, in a quiet, genuine way.
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