#he doesn’t even consider it
seagreenstardust · 4 months
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This is the narration over Izuku finally having it spelled out for him that Himiko wants to date him and if this is Katsuki narrating over the very first time Izuku receives a confession I am going to lose my mind
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lilpatison · 1 year
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“…𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰.”
“𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝙢𝙚, 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭.”
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ryan-sometimes · 11 days
Recently I’ve been getting anons and comments doubting the validity of some of the stories I tell on here. There’s nothing I can do to convince you that the stories I tell on here are completely genuine. All I can say is that they really are. I only post the wackiest, most interesting or funny stories of my life on here. You don’t get much of the boring day to day stuff.
Truth is, I come from a very long line of crazy people. When my dad was in med school he and some friends planted a small homemade bomb in an abandoned bathroom at their university. His roommate stole a pancreas from the corpse lab and put it in a girl’s backpack. The entire med school was suspended because no one owned up to it. My uncle would sneak out at night with my grandma’s car and she’d find out because she’d check the mileage and see it’d gone up, so my uncle started driving her car backwards since that didn’t increase the mileage. He got arrested driving her car backwards on the highway to another town. My uncle would steal my grandpa’s shotgun, tell his friends to jump in the pool, and start firing it randomly at the backyard. My cousin genuinely had two weed smoking girlfriends who were also girlfriends with each other. My great uncle had an affair exposed by having his intimate photos and videos with his mistress sent to the family groupchat by people who stole his phone, all because they were salty that my aunt told them to go fuck themselves when they messaged her asking for money. My aunt took out all her life savings and moved to another state to build a bunker because she believes the apocalypse is coming, and she didn’t even take any of her children. I don’t know how to tell you this, but life is just stranger than fiction sometimes. The sample size of life stories you get on my blog are just the instances in which that’s true.
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the-meme-monarch · 3 months
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what if i Entirely made up another relationship but with the express intent that they Don’t get together actually. this started out as a lol an lmao even but honestly i think i needed this. cathartically
based on the tags of my post here
👍if you ship scc go away
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huntingrays · 2 months
i physically cannot write valgrace without making jason a huge simp for leo
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see, both logan and janus wants to be listened to and respected by thomas. but while janus’s reasoning is just “you’re gonna end up unhealthy and unhappy and lonely if you don’t listen to what i say, you fool”, logan’s is more “the only purpose i have ever known is to serve thomas and keep him healthy and alive. if thomas doesn’t acknowledge me, that’s a failure on my part. if something happens to thomas because he didn’t listen to me, i will never forgive myself for the rest of my life.”
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the-woman-upstairs · 4 months
Really beholden to the idea that at least part of why Louis was fascinated with Daniel initially was because of his project of interviewing citizens of San Francisco, documenting their stories and voices, in much the same way Louis was trying to do with his photography in Paris.
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clownsuu · 7 months
Hello Clownsuu!! I hope you are having a good day! well I have a question about MOB!Barnaby. Among the family members, he seems to be quite arrogant and a womanizer, so my question would be is he really a one-night-stand man?
thanks. Have a good day/afternoon/night!
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nostalgicish · 3 months
in a hater mood rn !! i don’t like the fanon portrayal of the vld team !! the fanon versions of them just boil them down to one or two overarching personality traits and ignores the rest of the character yk
like for example, people making hunk’s entire thing Nice Guy Who Likes To Cook yes ofc hunk is friendly and loves to cook and enjoys food but those aren’t the ONLY things about him
he’s also incredibly intelligent, and brave despite being afraid, and sometimes he’d rather stay home instead of fight but he’s got a strong sense of morality that overpowers that !!! he’s a talker, just loves to chat and doesn’t know when to stop ! and he thinks potty jokes are funny (that time with the olkari recording cube things he made a fart noise just so the cubes would play that back!!! he’s a loser!!!!! affectionately)
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 2 years
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You know you wanna vote for him. You wanna vote for him sooooo badly. That man is on twitter and twitch BEGGING to win. You wouldn’t let Joe Hills down, would you?
Also my partner described him as “looking like what an awesome guitar riff sounds like” if that’s not convincing enough idk what is
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Daemon: Where are the twins?
Viserys: Oh, they went out.
Daemon: ...but they're grounded.
Viserys: Are they not allowed to go out when they're grounded?
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starbuck · 21 days
no offense to people who want him to be a completely different character, but he would literally never be nice to anyone.
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goldensunset · 11 months
if kh4 wants to be good it’s gotta have like sora excitedly telling strelitzia all about his best friends and how great they are but then it cuts to them acting insane
like ‘my buddy riku is really cool and heroic!’ he’s always got a clear rational head’ ((cuts to riku flipping over cars and/or threatening ppl in quadratum screaming ‘WHERE IS SORA’))
‘oh oh oh and kairi is so kind and brave… her pure and strong heart never falters!’ ((cuts to kairi having a full-on mental breakdown blubbering and sobbing in aqua’s arms))
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bucklikethedollar · 10 months
all the critiques of the “male presenting” bit in the star beast are valid and true (patronizing, kind of bioessentialist, etc) however i think we’ve been ignoring the funniest part of the whole thing which is like. he was a woman like three hours ago. you don’t need to give him a lecture about What Women Are Like. he knows. and even when he was a woman he still bottled shit up so your argument is moot anyway
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kami-kun1003 · 9 months
TWST fic writers stop reducing Silver’s entire personality to just “sleepy boy who falls asleep all the time and is sooooo sleepy and tired and did i mention he sleeps a lot and also he loves his dad” challenge (impossible) (gone wrong)
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skyward-floored · 3 months
A short IAU fic I wrote for Father’s Day! Just a real quick thing :) Set pretty far back when Warriors is little. Sky doesn’t even live with him and Time yet.
Sky walked down the street, holding a popsicle in each hand and licking one as he went. He was on his way to Warriors and Time’s place to offer his friend one of the frozen treats, but when he turned the corner, an odd sight met him.
Warriors was sitting on the front steps of his house with a gloomy expression, poking at the grass with a stick. Sky walked a little faster as he approached, and Warriors barely glanced up, still poking.
“Hi Wars,” Sky said, holding out the more melty of the popsicles. “I broughtcha something.”
Warriors did look up then, and his expression lightened a bit as he took the popsicle from Sky. The drops on the melting ice cream refroze only a few moments after Warriors took it, and Sky sat beside him as he began to lick at it.
For a moment, their slurping was the only sound between them.
“...Did something happen?” Sky asked finally, and Warriors looked over, a bit of chocolate on his lip.
“Huh? Why do you ask?”
“You’re all gloomy and stuff,” Sky replied, licking another drip. Sheesh it was hot today. His ice cream was melting almost too fast to eat. He wordlessly held it over to Warriors, and his friend flicked his fingers, instantly refreezing it. “And you were poking little holes in the grass, you do that when something is up. So did something bad happen?”
Warriors squirmed, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “No, nothing bad.”
“Oh. Then what’s up?”
“Umm... It’s just...”
Warriors’s cheeks turned somewhat pink.
“...it’s Father’s Day tomorrow,” he mumbled, not looking at Sky, “and I wanted to do something for Time.”
Sky blinked, then let out an understanding oh.
Time was Warriors’ brother, but Warriors had told him he’d been raising him ever since their mother died. Time was the closest thing Warriors had ever had to a father, it made perfect sense he’d want to do something for him.
“I have no clue what though,” Warriors continued, resting his head in one of his hands. “I’ve never done anything for him before, it never even occurred to me. Everything I think of is stupid, or too expensive or completely impossible. I’ve been thinking about it all week, and still nothing, I... I don’t know. Maybe it’s stupid,” he finished in a mumble.
“It’s not stupid,” Sky reassured. “I think you’re overthinking it, Wars. Just... tell him happy Father’s Day. And that you love him.”
Warriors blinked. “He already knows I love him.”
“True. But saying it is nice,” Sky said with a little smile. “Give it a try. Or if you don’t get that far, at least tell him you appreciate him. That’s what I do for my dad.”
Warriors sighed, giving his popsicle another lick. “I guess I’ll try it. I kind of wanted something a little more... solid, I guess.”
Sky hummed, and licked the last bits of ice cream off the stick.
“Well... I have one more thing I usually do. How well can you draw?”
Time came home late the next night, a simple bank robbery stretching out into a hostage situation and a car chase afterwards. He was hours later than he thought he’d be, and hoped Warriors hadn’t stayed up worrying about him.
He went into the kitchen to find something eat, and saw his little brother slumped at the counter, snoring quietly into his arms.
Time sighed, but couldn’t help his smile, and he padded over as softly as he could, prepared to scoop Warriors up and take him to bed. There was something clutched in his brother’s hand though, and Time paused, wondering if he should try to coax it out of his grip or not.
Warriors shifted a little while he was thinking, and the paper slipped from his grasp. Time quickly lunged cirward and caught it, then stared at the paper.
It looked like a hand-drawn card.
It wasn’t very fancy, but Time recognized Warriors’ neat handwriting, and he couldn’t help but flip it open when he saw his name on the front. There were a few stickers stuck on the paper, and pictures of birds Sky had quite obviously added in, but what mostly caught Time’s attention were the two people standing in the middle, one blue, one green.
They were smiling, stick arms connected, and the words written above their heads made Time’s heart do something weird.
Happy Father’s Day.
Time blinked, not quite sure how to react, or what to do with the warm feeling that was building in his chest. He didn’t really consider himself a father... he was still a teenager, and Warriors was his brother, not his kid, but...
...The title wasn’t so bad.
Time’s annoyance at his day evaporated at the small gesture, and he let out a soft huff, gently setting the card on the counter as a smile pulled at his cheeks. This kid, I swear...
Warriors mumbled in his sleep, and Time scooped him into his arms, holding his little brother tight as he carried him up to bed. He managed to get Warriors tucked into his bed without waking him up, but right as he was about to leave, a hand tugged on his arm.
“You’re okay?” Warriors whispered, letting out a loud yawn as he blinked up at him. “You didn’t get beat up at all today, right?”
“Nah, nobody beat me up,” Time said, leaning back down next to him. He had a bit of a bruise on his leg, but nothing to worry his brother about. “I see you were busy, though.”
“Yeah,” Warriors mumbled, sounding sleepier by the second. “Did... you like it? The card?”
Time nodded, and ruffled his brother’s hair. “I did. It was really nice. Thanks kiddo.”
Warriors hummed, his eyelids drooping. “Y’r welcome...”
He sighed, and Time gently ruffled his hair one more time, then pulled his blankets up to his chin before leaving the room.
“Night kiddo,” he said as he left, and Warriors hummed again in response, them closed his eyes. Time watched him from the hallway for just a minute, watching as his little brother fell back asleep, his breath evening out as he drifted off.
Then he turned, and went back downstairs to find something to eat.
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