#he doesn't have strong feelings towards music or any one song but that one hit him right in the early 20s angst
devouringbodies · 7 months
23 yr old will graham in his pickup truck listening to the radio at 2 am in the parking lot of his apartment during his beat cop days. What it's Like by Everlast comes on and he finally snaps out of the dissociative state he's been in for the last two hours since he pulled into his spot.
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krisdreaming · 1 year
Rain is a Good Thing
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Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x gn!reader
WC: 965
Summary: It hasn't rained for a while now, and you can tell that Kita is getting concerned.
A/N: Yes, the title is a Luke Bryan song. Yes I listen to country music sometimes, sue me. Also, one day I will actually research what is involved in rice farming. Today is not that day.
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This morning, like every morning lately, you watch Shinsuke peer out the kitchen window and heave a sigh. You look out, too, and see a clear blue sky, the newly risen sun already beginning to beat down strong and hot. You can't recall exactly the last time it had rained. You think it must have been almost a month, and you can feel your husband's concern.
These few weeks are the most critical for a good harvest. By now, you know it without Shinsuke having to tell you. You feel anxieties of your own creep up every time you look out over the fields and see the growing plants. Last week you'd noticed their leaves just beginning to curl at the edges. Please, you had murmured up at the sky, watching a white puff of a cloud scud by.
After dinner, Shinsuke turns on the TV to the weather channel. It's become an almost nightly ritual. You curl in next to him, watching with more anticipation than you would have ever thought possible. When the weather woman predicts more of the same dry heat for the coming days, you can feel your husband deflating beside you.
"It's got to rain soon," You pipe up uncertainly, not quite sure if such a statement is more of a jinx than anything else. "Right?"
He turns to you with a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes like it usually would. "Yeah. It's gotta." He doesn't sound entirely convinced, but he presses a kiss to your forehead before rising to his feet. You stay on the couch a few moments longer, watching him make his way to get ready for bed. If you could reach up into the sky and wring rain from the clouds yourself, you would do it in a heartbeat.
The next few days pass exactly as predicted. The grass in the front yard has begun to crisp and brown, and puffs of dust have begun to settle on Shinsuke's clothes as he works beneath the hot sun. He's careful to brush himself off before coming inside, but it still collects in a few corners. After sweeping it up one afternoon, you make your way out to the porch.
The sky is crystal clear, a breathtaking blue that, under different circumstances, would fill you with wonder. It would make for a pretty picture if the land beneath it was lush and green instead of slowly browning. "Please, we need rain so badly." You're murmuring up to the sky, but you can't say who you're actually talking to. At this point, it's any being that will listen. "It would mean so much. Shin works so hard. Don't let it be for nothing." You know you aren't making much sense, whispering up into the blue, but somehow you feel just the slightest bit lighter after.
That evening, the weather woman announces a chance of rain the following day. Your eyes meet Shinsuke's, and you grin. Surely, this is a good sign. "It's not a very big chance," He hedges, but his eyes look a little brighter with hope he doesn't dare put into words.
The next day, you find yourself watching the sky all day. The morning starts bright as any other, and you try to ignore the sinking in your gut. If Shinsuke also feels it, he doesn't acknowledge it either.
Towards the afternoon, you spot clouds gathering in the distance. You know he sees them too, but neither of you says a word when he stops in the house for a long drink of water before heading back outside. It feels too fragile to even mention.
You're nearly finished eating dinner when you hear it. A few splattering drops hit the kitchen windowpane, and Shinsuke's head instantly lifts. He shovels a last bite in his mouth before jumping to his feet. "Thanks for dinner," He mumbles quickly, pressing a barely-there kiss to your cheek before dropping his plate in the sink and darting for the door.
As you carry your own plate to the sink, you hear the steady drumming start up on the roof. Looking out the window above the sink, you can see the rain falling steadily, and you can't help the bubble of laughter that slips out.
Quickly deciding that the dishes can wait, you make your own way to the door. Stepping out, you see your husband standing a few paces into the driveway, arms slightly lifted out from his sides as the rain pelts him.
"You're getting soaked!" You call from the porch.
"I don't care!" He says in response, tilting his head back and letting the droplets slide down his cheeks. "This is wonderful." It really is, you agree silently, watching him with a growing smile on your face as he grins full and closed-eyed up at the sky.
It's a split-second decision to step off the porch, and the cool rain immediately begins to dot your skin, feeling like dozens of tiny kisses. When you reach him, he turns to you and reaches for your hand. In an uncharacteristic gesture, he spins you around and into his arms, and you both laugh breathlessly.
"It's raining," Is all you can announce, stupidly, arms tightening around his neck as he holds you close. His smile is wide, and you can't help but lean in towards it.
"It's raining," He agrees against your lips before crashing his own against them in an enthusiastic kiss. You're both soaked through now, but you can't bring yourself to care. Your fingers slide into his wet hair as his grip on your waist tightens, deepening the kiss. Finally, you pull back, his dear face cupped in your hands.
Thank you, you offer silently with a fleeting glance to the sky, to whoever must have been listening.
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mothofstars · 19 days
Epic: The Musical - Tier list to appease my autism
Epic is quite possibly my favourite musical of all time, and after the release of the Wisdom Saga, I really wanted to rank the songs and put my thoughts about them somewhere.
And I'm not about to spend 5 hours on this and not post it anywhere, so please enjoy my ramblings! From least favourite to most favourite, here is my Epic tier list!
30. Full Speed Ahead - Troy Saga
It's worth pointing out, I don't dislike any of these songs. I like all of the songs, and think they are all important and serve the overall musical. But this, for me, is a bit more of an 'establishing' song. It serves as exposition to get us from one place to another, both literally for the crew, and musically as we move from the emotional song of Just a Man to the more fun Open Arms.
29. Storm - Ocean Saga
This is also a little bit more of an exposition song, but for me I think this mix is stronger, I love the call and response, and for some reason still giggle when they all point towards the island in the sky!
28. Luck Runs Out - Ocean Saga
I like the way this shows the starts of the cracks forming between Ody and Eurylochus. Eurylochus, quite rightly, gets a little weirded out by the idea of climbing up to a floating island that has a potential god resting upon it. Ody on the other hand hasn't had the crap beaten out of him enough times yet, and still has the optimism that means he will do just that. You can hear a twinge of pain in Ody's voice as he realises that his second in command is starting to doubt his actions, all the while he is just doing his best to keep his crew together and alive.
27. Open Arms - Troy Saga
This song is great - What is there to say about this sweet boy that hasn't already been said? We all know and love him, and this song shows off that sweetness and love for life so well. However, this song is so much better when used in other songs to absolutely shatter your heart into a million tiny pieces as we all grieve our happy friend. This song is still strong, but I think its overall impact comes more from its use in other songs, rather than the original!
26. Polyphemus - Cyclops Saga
The brutality of this introduction to this saga is terrifying. I still get chills during the cyclops saga, and the turn at the end of the song is so well done. Each verse seems to add another layer of tension, and we feel like we are sneaking closer and closer to a conclusion that favours the crew, and then, we get stomped.
25. The Horse and the Infant - Troy Saga
This is one of the best openings to a musical - we know the main characters, we know what they want, and we know exactly where they all stand. This is achieved without too much wordy-ness and exposition, and just serves as a great and powerful introduction. Also, love how Ody is immediately humbled by being presented with a challenge he already struggles with, bringing him closer to the listener. I've been told by a few that if you have the prior context of the books that came before the Odyssy that the names being read out at the start is like a nice little round of references to previous stories - it's a shame this doesn't hit for me yet, as I am still learning quite a bit of the context surrounding this musical. For me, as well, there is just so much going on in this song, that my head spins a little lol.
24. Survive - Cyclops Saga
Very similarly to the Troy saga, the second song of the cyclops saga once again seems to have the aim of humbling Ody and making him closer to us, your average mortal, than a god. You can feel the genuine pain and fear in his voice as his friends fall, and the splashes and smashes of blood and club are poignant and painful to listen to. We get to see the tactician brain of his working to full speed, with a steady ticking in the background making it feel like Athena is right there with him, which is a lovely touch.
23. Remember Them - Cyclops Saga
Wow, this song is so strong and painful at the same time. The fade into the song, hearing Ody's mind snap straight into action and then him calling out to his friends with directions demonstrates his tactician brain and his ability to lead them really well, but also feels like he is also trying to guide the crew through the first big loss they will experience together. He steps right up, refocuses them, and gets shit done. Shame he didn't kill him, but this would be a very short story if he did!
22. Keep Your Friends Close - Ocean Saga
I am but a small, simple lesbian. The way Kira sings here just feels so nice and floaty, while also showing her more mischievous nature. The longing in Ody's voice as he sings for his family is so painful, and makes the next song hit so much harder. The promise of him being the same, knowing that not to be the case it heart-breaking. Also, give me more Winions. I need them as plushies please. Thank you.
21. Mutiny - Thunder Saga
The absolute gall of Eurylochus to be a massive fucking hypocrite and then pull out the line of "I'm starving my friend" with that much pain in his voice is breath-taking and incredible. He doesn't even feel like he really wants to betray Ody, but is just doing exactly what he thinks he needs to do to see another day. Little does he know. This song also suffers a little from the same problem I have with The Horse and The Infant - a lil too much going on
20. Ruthlessness - Ocean Saga
HELLO SIR! My goodness this mans vocals are so smooth but rough at the same time. The growl that he gives to his voice whilst still flowing the lyrics together so musically is just so impressive. And the background instrumentation imitating the crashing of waves against the ship is *chefs kiss*. And then..... ALL I GOTTA DO IS OPEN THIS BAG!!!!!! I think this song might rate higher for me if I didn't end it with the most tonal whiplash ever. It's hilarious, don't get me wrong. But my gods, does it pull me out of the song a little bit lol.
19. Different Beast - Thunder Saga
The way I jumped out of my seat when I first listened to this saga, admittedly at 6am, I think I could have punched a hole in the roof were I less vertically challenged. He means business, this song shows that, and gods is it good. The small plea for mercy from the sirens who feel like they already know the answer, and the ruthlessness of his response. Hey look, he is learning!...
18. Puppeteer - Circe Saga
A woman. What? She had me in just one song. I would thank her if she turned me into a pig. Her vocals are perfection, the chanting of her power, the way she can hypnotise a whole crew. I find it interesting too, how just the promise of a warm meal and a safe place, even if it might be a trick, is enough to pull the crew into her arms. They may be under her spell, but part of me thinks so may have chosen this if given the option.
17. Wouldn't You Like - Circe Saga
Look, all I'm saying is that it was very telling that the day after the Circe sage came out that my Spotify started filling up with TROY's music. He is amazing, plays the character in the best way I have seen bar none so far. And that fur coat and sunglasses?! What a look. Also its funny hearing a British phrase as a plant name.
16. The Underworld - Underworld Saga
Jorge please, my face is stained from tears shed in this song. Every single time I listen to this I shed at least 3 tears. It's like a subscription cost of pain in return for a song that is as moving as it is powerful and reflective. The call backs to the previous sings are haunting, no pun intended, and the choice to have his own mother play Ody's mother is genius, and I hate and love it. As someone who has lost a connection to their own mother, it always makes me tear up as he yearns to be with her again, and shows the regret in his voice that he never got to say goodbye.
15 and 14. Done For *and* There Are Other Ways - Circe Saga
I cannot separate these two songs in my mind. Not only do they flow from one to the other perfectly, but they just do such a good job of leading us from a battle of power to a battle of the mind, with the flowing, seductive vocals from Talya and the trance of the music behind it. Again, I would have absolutely stayed with her, I am weak. I like to think my wife would forgive me!
13. Little Wolf - Wisdom Saga
Little wolf is such a good song because, even without Athena, the vocals are just so damn crisp and punchy. When I saw that the animatic in the livestream showcase was a streetfighter style animation, it made perfect sense - the punch of the beat and the chanting of the team behind the enemy works so well. And then, my goddess arrives to swoop in and steal my heart. She has clearly grown in the last few sagas and years that have passed, and I think this introduction of her back into the musical does a great job doing that. She comes in, bestows wisdom, helps a kid kick some ass, and with it once again confirms my status as a lesbian.
12. Just a Man - Troy Saga
This. Is. Heart-breaking. I'm sure that many people have the same reaction to this, but as the beginning of Ody's journey, it just hits so hard. Him recalling his own young son, and then knowing how long they will be apart makes it even more impactful. The change of pacing from the lullaby of the first part, to the painful growl in his voice as his questions his actions and realises that he has done is just pain.
11. Monster - Underworld Saga
This was so hard to pick apart from I'm Just a Man. I love them both. The only reason this stands a little higher is the overall arc from the song that precedes this one into it is a little stronger, and I love the complete rage in his voice. He did all this, tried to do right by his crew and his wife, and is told by the man who he thinks will help him get home that "yeaaah nah you are absolutely fucked, have you seen yourself recently?!". Yeah, I would sing like this too. He can see where he went wrong, and this acts as a really nice turning point for him going forward. If he is going to be seen as a changed man, who's ruthless actions will hurt those him around him, he might as well go all in. he is the monster ra ra ra
10. Suffering - Thunder Saga
Jorge tucking his hair behind his ear. End of review. No but really, this is great. I know he did a TikTok on this, but the way the lyrics flow into each other to create this hypnotising melody is just breath-taking, and I will never forget the moment of 'wait hold up what is happening' the first time I listened to this song. First I thought that this was dream Penelope, back from her saga with the windy bag, and then was genuinely taken back by references to a daughter. oh no
9. Thunder Bringer - Thunder Saga
I get a bit annoyed, very stupidly, when I cannot sing along to a song I really like. It's one thing I love about listening to musicals, is learning the songs and then performing them to mu plushies in a vague attempt to satisfy the very anxious performer that lives inside me. Which means that a lot of my favourite songs are ones that fit within my vocal range, that i can sing along to. This one is so far outside of my vocal range, it might as well be on a whole other plane of existence. But my gods do I absolutely adore this song none the less. How can the asshole that is Zeus sound so fucking cool while being this much of a dick towards women while flipping off Ody in the background. This song is just an ego flex. Good job Luke Holt. Fuck Zeus.
8. My Goodbye - Cyclops Saga
I really like the way this song shows the 'youth', for want of a better word, of Athena and the impact on Ody's actions on her and its just so good. The vocals show so much of their pain and anger, and the mix is just perfect. The contrast is Ody screaming at her and then the genuine pain in her voice, the impact of her responsibility as a god is so good. No words can properly do this song justice. The best part is, neither of them are correct here. If they had just sat down and had a chat like grown ups they might have stayed alongside each other, but both think that their actions are the correct one, and i cannot entirely disagree with either response.
7. We'll Be Fine - Wisdom Saga
Kinda loving that most of the Athena songs are all sat together. It makes me so happy. The absolute sobbing that erupted from my eyes, nose and mouth during this song would have probably classed as a downpour. I love both of these characters so much, and Athena's vocals at the start are so heart-breaking and bittersweet, followed by the most heart-warming duet that has ever graced my ears. Also, the childlike joy and wonder behind the vocals from Telemachus are so beautiful and cute, and I would fight for him!!
6. Warrior of the Mind - Troy Saga
Ah, Athena, my beloved. I would perish for you in a heartbeat. I just love the heart that Teagan gives her through her performance - its so warm and playful in the introduction part, and they both almost feel like each others hype, its fantastic! It's also a great way to show off the influence that she has over Ody - she puts herself right in the centre, reminding him exactly why she respects him so much, while affirming her stance on his training.
5. Legendary - Wisdom Saga
Miguel's casting was one of the most perfect ones in this history of this musical. Not only because of his incredible vocals, but because they fit so perfectly with Jorge's. I can fully picture this kid and his dad together, their voices sound so much like each others, just like a younger version. This song is the perfect match of catchy and smooth, and it just soothes my brain perfectly. Special credit to the retort to Antinous about his mother. This is the perfect opening to one of the best sagas we have been gifted yet. Side note - I cannot wait to see Antinous get absolutely stomped into the ground (please gods tell me he does or I will never sleep at night) because my goodness, what a line delivery. I will throw this man. Protect Telemachus, throw Antinous off a roof like the baby, and someone get Argos a new toy.
4. God Games - Wisdom Saga
I'm not someone who listens to the demo's much (bar listening to Hermes laugh on repeat, and occasionally looking up lyrics). I like that they are out there, and my wife absolutely adores them, but I prefer to wait till the full release so I can listen to everything with a full cast and mix. Did that stop me from having over 20 videos of different people lip-syncing to the bits of Hera for this song, making me look like the thirstiest person in my area. No. I don't think that this song could be anywhere other than my top three. All the singers are incredible, all of the animatics are incredible (special shout out to Athena disco dancing into madness) and I wept like a baby when it was over.
3. No Longer You - Underworld Saga
This song is perfect. I have no notes. This is where my true top songs really begins. This song is so passionate while not straying into anger (outside of Jorge's owl impression that is), while at the same making the prophet sound entirely distant, almost uncaring. It's an added bonus that this song sits right near the bottom of my vocal range and so serves for great belting material when I need to let out feelings.
2. Scylla - Thunder Saga
This saga did an amazing job of making me absolutely loose my mind with every single one of its songs. Not all of them are what I would regard as my favourites, nor would I even say that this is necessarily my favourite saga (I think we can all guess which one is), but my gods can Scylla absolutely take my life. This song is perfect - The slow introduction into the absolutely mind bending vocals from KJ, with the growl of a monster and the voice of a monarch. Its incredible, and I will forever be trying to sing this just as half as well as they do.
1 . Love in Paradise - Wisdom Saga
I wish I could write all of the words that this song deserves, but I'm sobbing too much to focus, so you will have to deal with whatever I have that i can see behind this waterfall of tears. Athena travelling through the previous sagas and reliving all the pain that Ody went through sent me into a state to begin with. And then, Calypso arrives and reminds me how gay I am. I want to go to her island and give her hug. If it weren't for the animatic, and the little face that she makes when she finds out Ody is married, I wouldn't have stopped crying for a single second. Her intension aren't pure. She is desperate, she is alone, she is sad. She is very morally grey. All she wants is someone to soothe her, and in turn she tries to relieve his pain. It's important to note here that, outside of looking up her future songs, I have very little knowledge about Calypso. For me, based on the lyrics we have from "Not Sorry For Loving You", she seems to have been forced to remain on this island for hundreds of years with no contact. Is what she does to Ody horrible - yes. Do I think she wants to hurt him -no. And I also don't believe that she is trying to manipulate him to get off the ledge just so she can have her lover back - I read this as someone who is in love and trying their best to make them happy and keep them safe. Ody couldn't leave the island, and she couldn't let him be free, they have to ask Zeus for that. Not to get too deep, but her crying out to Ody makes me melt every time. The gut retching pain from Ody drying out for all those he has lost and who he thinks he will never see again is haunting. Give me a year and the ability to remove my fear of thousands of needle pokes, I will probably get the line "Life would be so much worse if you had died" nicely printed onto my body. This is the perfect song to top off all the other perfect songs here. I cannot express how much this song means to me.
Thank you, Jorge.
To give a summery, here are the Saga's ranked!
1 . Wisdom 2 . Underworld 3 . Thunder 4 . Circe 5 . Cyclops 6 . Troy 7 . Ocean
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suckerforthisshit · 6 days
After four years of lasser focus and obsession. I wake up and lost the feeling for Mello and Near. It happened all because I saw the other perspective, the possibility that Mello actually have a strong repulsion towards Near. After reading a part of the la BB murder cases light novel, where Mello says "I am the world's runner up, the best dresser, that died like a dog." It made me think a lot and come up with conclusion that his feelings towards near, from the hatred and admiration, obsession and all that what I already knew, is actually a deep pathological repulsion. As he saved Near's life, and literally sacrificed himself as Halle saw it, it seems that in the end, Mello did it for his deepest urges, his feelings of not being able to live with himself afterwards if Near win, instead of actually caring about Near as a person. It hit me. And it changed my mind. I saw.. no logic behind my theory that Mello is absolutely in love with Near but in denial.. because if the last thing he could say was his fascination about BB and talking about L and winning without one small hint about Near, it seems like Mello absolutely doesn't stand a chance to have any kind of attraction towards him.
The shit is- I am personally connected with these two and many songs, stories, man.. my whole life was lasser focused on them.. as a person who is seemingly phlegmatic and not giving shit about anything. Connecting with nothing, this was like the one and only emotional part of my being and very very intense. If I lose that, shit, what I'll have.
But I am in such shit right now I can't go over something that kind of doesn't make sense to me.. can't get over it so easily. If someone like... Proves me.. tells me.. if I read some old messages or my writings about them.. listen to some music.. Maybe I'll come up with it again..
But shit. Suddenly I have no motivation to do that.. like. At all. But now since that was my primary focus. Man I don't know what to do with myself
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invisibleraven · 4 months
Colors bloom from where they touch you the first time for Carrie/Reggie please and thank you
Carrie fixes her expression before turning to the empty auditorium, then lets the music wash over her. Practiced moves come to her easily, the song ringing out, no need to look at the lyrics. But she still felt there was something missing-and she needed this audition to be prefect. Her future at Julliard depended on it.
She restarted the music, pushing herself further and harder-determined to ensure perfection. Then again, and again.
Upon the end of her fourth try, she gulped down half her tumbler of water, feeling the burn in her lungs, her muscles quivering. But she felt happier with her performance, ready to wow those judges from the most prestige performing arts school there was.
But it wouldn't hurt to try it one more time right?
However, the exertion, coupled with the fact that she hadn't eaten all day, and the bright stage lights made her eyes swim, her legs wobble, and soon found herself falling towards the ground.
Only instead of hitting her head on the unforgiving floor, she found herself being held by a pair of strong arms, looking up into startling green eyes.
"Hi there," he said. "Glad to break your fall there doll."
"Thanks for the assist," Carrie replied, holding onto his shoulders, his skin warm beneath her hands, the heat bleeding from under his tank top.
He grinned, helping the two of them stand upright, though neither of them were in a rush to let go.
Finally he uncurled his arm from around her, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "You gonna be okay? Need a juice box or something?"
"Maybe to sit down?" Carrie requested, and he brought her over to a chair, handing her the water bottle. "Thanks again. I'm Carrie by the way."
"Reggie," he replied. "All in a day's work."
"Do you often save damsels in distress?" Carrie giggled.
Reggie shrugged but kept grinning. "When the opportunity arises."
Carrie gulped down more water, feeling her cheeks heat. She looked Reggie over, admiring his lithe but fit form. How he was copying her blush, right down to his collar bones.
Only the place where her hands had lain were a brighter pink-a hot pink that matched the colour of her Dirty Candi gear perfectly. Had that been there before?
"Your shoulders..." she said, pointing to them.
He smirked, a flirty little quip on the tip of his tongue ready and waiting. But then he glanced down and froze. "What.The.Fuck."
He then looked at her-"Do you have it anywhere?"
Carrie wasn't sure, so she stood up, inspecting any showing skin, seeing nothing, but then turned around to peek under her crop top when Reggie gasped. "What is it?"
"Your back has a deep red streak over it-just where my arm was when I caught you," he all by squeaked out.
Carrie turned, "And those marks"-she pointed to the pink spots on his shoulders-"are where I first touched you."
"What do you think it means?" Reggie asked.
"No clue, I've never heard of this happening to anyone else. It doesn't hurt, and it's easy enough to cover. Does it have to mean anything?"
Reggie worried his bottom lip, but then shook his head. "No, I suppose it doesn't."
Carrie nodded, but even though she suggested it, she felt hollow for the tense look painting Reggie's face. Maybe the marks didn't have to mean anything, but she didn't want to let this guy go just yet.
"Hey, do you have one more gallant deed in you?"
He lit up at that. "I surely do."
"Could you walk me to my car? And maybe we could stop by the food truck nearby and I'll get you something as a thank you."
"How about we put my bike in your car and we eat at your place?" Reggie asked with an eyebrow waggle. "Just in case you feel faint again."
Carrie had to admit-this guy was boldly smooth, and she appreciated that. "Only if we can stop and get some frozen yogurt on the way home."
"I suppose we can make that small detour, but I'm paying for the fro-yo."
Carrie smirked at that, linking their arms together, and preened inwardly when Reggie grabbed her stuff. "We'll see about that."
Reggie smiled back, hoisting her bag higher up so she couldn't take it back, obscuring one of her marks, which made her the tiniest bit sad. But Reggie's sunshiny smile made her storm clouds vanish in an instant. "I guess we will."
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Glee Musical Retrospective: Lean On Me (Ballad)
Sung by: Artie Abrams and Mercedes Jones feat. New Directions Original Artist(s): Bill Withers
You know how the song Ironic doesn't actually contain any irony? Or how the episode Mash Up didn't have any actual Mash Ups in it? Well - I suppose now's a good time to explain that the episode Ballad doesn't actually contain any ballads.
Ballad definition: a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown authorship, having been passed on orally from one generation to the next as part of the folk culture.
Though, you can also claim it's a slow, often romantic pop song. Which... I'd argue a majority of the songs in this episode aren't that, either. But I digress... I really just didn't have a better way to open this one up.
Story Analysis
I'm going to start by throwing out there that this was Mercedes' idea. She finds out that Puck is the father, but does she gossip that around? She does not. Instead - she probably hears that Quinn (who up to this point has been a terrible person to her) has been thrown out. And what does Mercedes to? She gets everyone together to sing a song of friendship and encouragement. I just don't think Mercedes gets enough credit sometimes - and it's a nice gesture from her to support people whom she may not even consider friends in their time of need.
The whole sentiment of the song is about friendship and about being there when someone else in need. The lyrics are pretty straightforward (Glee a lot of the times pushes in hard when it wants to make a point) but the thing I like the most about it is the fact that there isn't a romantic element to the song. It's truly about being there for someone in their time of need.
And I feel like this is another one of those songs that hits at the heart of what the show was trying to go for. Yes - this song is meant for Finn and Quinn -- a way for the Glee club to say they're there for their friends. But it's also the show saying that a club like this is a way to have a social group that you can depend on, even if you feel like an outsider in life.
Finn and Quinn seem to appreciate the gesture, too. And it's nice to see Quinn have a moment of acceptance of these people whom she's spent so long hating against.
There really isn't a whole lot else going on, but I have a few smaller things to mention.
Of course there's the smaller, and uncomfortable, moment between Kurt and Finn during the 'call me' stuff. It's supposed to be a little comedic beat, but ooff, no. Kurt's kind of caught up in a fantasy that he and Finn bonded over this.
There's the shared look between Puck and Quinn - and the subtle acknowledgement that Quinn has feelings for him.
Rachel is oddly chill about all the Finn and Quinn love. Honestly, everyone seems rather happy to be there - and I have to wonder if there is some slight actor bleed going on - as everyone seems a little too happy to be hanging around on each other.
Towards the end, a bunch of the cast literally start leaning on each other. Nice touch, lol.
Technical Thoughts
It's the second episode in a row where Mercedes and Artie, both of whom really didn't have a story line, get a duet together. For story reasons - it can't go to most of the other people in the episode. But, I want to also argue that Amber and Kevin have remarkably strong voices together. It's a combination we're going to see a lot of because of it.
This is one of the first times I can really hear the actors' voices on the recorded background (Naya's voice can really be heard.) But, as usual, the show has, like, tripled the tracks making it seem like there are a lot more than eight other people singing backup.
I feel like we should have a counter as to how many times Mercedes hits that high note at the end. I'm sure she's already done it...
Fun Fact: Jenna Ushkowitz and Kevin McHale explained that Tina's adlibs were placed in the song because Kevin had trouble performing them the way the music producers wanted. (as per their podcast Showmance. I'm hoping their new podcast will allow me to sprinkle in more facts like this.)
Glee Live
Since I didn't have a whole lot to say about this one, I'm throwing in a few extra things. First of all -- I need to clear up a myth. This is NOT Darren's audition for Glee. During the first season, I believe Glee did a thing where they wanted people to send in tapes (or something - it's all fuzzy now), which is what inspired this video. But it's not what led to Darren getting Blaine.
So - this is a fresh faced (shaggy haired) young Darren. And I'm so fascinated by this. First of all - the recording is terrible. Was he using his phone?? Anyway, the thing about Darren is that he is a gifted performer, but maybe not flawless with his vocal technique. You notice how he's doing a lot of trills on his notes? That's not just a stylistic choice. It's because he's having a hard time staying on the pitch - so if he moves it around a bunch, he can hide some of his weakness. It's clever. And Darren's charming enough in his physical performance to distract you from vocal imperfections.
Also - two key changes Darren? Lol...
(You guys know I love Darren, right? Okay just making sure...)
So - we were somewhat robbed from Blaine and Mercedes's duets during the show's run, so here's Amber and Darren singing the same song years and years later. And omg, this is just gorgeous. Both of their voices have matured and grown. The harmonies on this are beautiful. Everything about this is beautiful.
vs. The Studio Version: The studio version has a longer introduction and the inclusion of the second verse. And as usual - it's a cleaner track. That's about it. It's a great song, but not a whole lot to say about it.
vs. The Original Version: Wow - the original version is way slower. And is much more relaxed in nature. Glee did have a tendency to speed up its versions of songs -- which I gathered was often due to the time constraints of television. But it makes me wonder - was Glee's frantic pace due the necessity of fitting a lot of things into one place? Or was just that the nature of the song?
Also - we finally get a departure from the original arrangement. The backup vocals in Glee are used in place of the piano.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
I hope you don't mind me sending in another interaction- but uh, here it is xD we can keep it light if you like @_@ and She's singing this song!
“Ruki! Ruki! Look! How do I look in this? Kou-kun bought this for me!”, she swirls herself in the little pink dress. Her hair up in two pigtails. Posing herself finally with a peace sign right by her blue eyes.
“Did you know, I'm a big fan of Kou! I actuay thought about performing with him on a stage.... He isn't here but would you like to listen to a song? Actually! I'm gonna sing it to you! Can you please please be my audience?”, she did not just break in while he's reading and forced him to listen to her singing a song in a cute outfit. Maybe if her heart wasn't fragile, she would become an idol.
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"Sure, interrupt my reading, why don't you," venom laced his voice, followed by a loud thump of his book closing. "Mia, I don't have time for your silly dress-up games. All I see is the average body of a girl who thinks she's an idol, but in reality, has no idea of the industry's unforgiving double standards and paradigms. The way you speak of my brother is beginning to anger me."
Sitting up in his seat on the armchair, Ruki crossed his arms in front of him, a glaring frown darkening his features as he watched the young woman's flaxen strands sway and the ruffles of her clothing dance as she struck a pose. With a heavy sigh, he resolved to shut down her suggestion as soon as she mentioned it, only to be interrupted by her song anyways.
"Your audience? Don't be ridi—"
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Before he knew it, the lyrics of a girl priding herself on how cute she is and how she doesn't care about what others think of her style graced his ears. The longer Mia sang, the more he found her peaceful voice cuter than the very outfit she had on. However, some particular lines hit him with a wall of realization. This song, perhaps not intentional in the slightest from a human as naïve and gullible as her, practically screamed the state of their current bond. While it didn't apple to cuteness, Mia's attitude defied the very foundation of what Ruki deemed a typical Master-Livestock relationship. He wanted to tell her off about how she did indeed 'piss him off' as the lyrics suggested, but he waited for her song to finish. Impressed and irritated all at the same time, he gave a slow, almost sarcastic, clap.
"Well done, Mia. Well done... You've officially veered me off the tracks of mere irritation and ventured into livid territory. This song just proves to me you don't know anything about how the world really works. Idols compose these lyrics to appeal to a fanbase of insecure people who wouldn't know confidence if it stared them in the eye. You must think you are so brave, putting up a strong front every day... I'm appalled."
Standing up and confiscating the microphone from her hands, Ruki gave Mia a disapproving glower.
"Who do you think you are, apologizing for being cute...? It's faulty of Livestock to grow conceited. There are other things you should be apologizing for. Such as... Such as—"
Despite what he just told her, he really couldn't fault her for anything. Rather than directing his fury towards Mia herself, the bud of regret began to blossom deep in his chest. He knew her time on this earth was limited compared to most. He knew that, and yet dread suffused him.
"—No. Never mind. Even now, I still don't understand you, Mia... Just forget it. Do you have any other songs that you enjoy singing? I need to check for myself just how poor your taste in music is."
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🧩 Ah, no worries!! If anything I feel so blessed Mia has graced my inbox again, so thank you for that, Admin Tea!! I absolutely LOVE Honeyworks, so thanks for introducing me to one of their new songs as well!! It's incredibly cute and fits Mia to a T, I feel. Also I know you said we could take it easy but I guess listening to it inspired me so much that I made Ruki ramble for this long, hahaha. Don't feel inclined to meet the word count or anything but I think these two are really growing on me. T_T 🧩
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ewitsren · 3 years
pairings: mitsuya takashi x reader
cw/tws ⚠️: none(?)
requested: no
barrista's note ☕: mitsuya best boy 😭
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this man right here is a godsent angel </3. a gentle lover, a good mentor, an amazing friend...
you're his personal model i don't make the rules. you're the first person to see takashi's designs/clothes! he has a folder in his phone gallery full of your photos in his designs.
he wants you to stay out of toman and any toman related shit. he doesn't wanna get you involved in any kinda fight or conflict between the gangs, all he wants is you to be safe.
though sometimes it's you who has to worry about the other one's safety, when he comes home all dried up, injured and bruised it means there's some serious shit going on between them and the other gangs.
takashi is always patient, considerate, respectful and loving towards his s/o </3.
he pats your head! it's one of his ways of showing you he's proud of you. he adores the way you lean your head on his hand and smile under his touch.
not hakkai third wheeling around you all the time pls akshkjsbdjsh
takashi loves listening to music and cuddling under the blanket on rainy days </3 he puts on his favorite playlist and turns down the volume, pulling you to himself while placing kisses all over your face.
he loves driving you around the city with his bike! you guys sometimes go out and wander around when you can't sleep.
man literally has all the love in the world for you and looks at you like he sees the stars in your eyes.
takashi loves sharing food with you <3. he lets you pick the ice cream flavor and orders his food extra if you're eating outside.
melts into it when you play with his hair <3 also loves playing with yours.
would teach you how to ride a motorcycle if you asked him to but he prefers giving you a ride </3
always spoons you while sleeping!
i think takashi would really need emotional support from his s/o. he takes cares of his sister, he's always active in toman and he manages school + designing clothes at the same time. yes, he is a mentally strong boy, that's exactly why you should let him relax into your touch while telling him words of affirmation.
he's so good at comforting you. takashi picks up immediately if something's wrong and he does everything comes to his mind to make you feel better. he'll listen to you, he'll cuddle with you, he'll cook for you, he'll watch your comfort movie with you basically anything he thinks will help you.
he's also very attentive to your interests! you like reading? you have a 2-person book club now. you do martial arts? he trains with you.
hums some random slow songs to put you to sleep.
takashi enjoys teaching you things he knows well! you guys cook together, he helps you with your lessons and all the stuff he can do!
he lets you steal his clothes 🥺. he thinks you look adorable in them because they make you look smol </3.
reads to you out loud while playing with your hair.
takashi feels like he's falling in love with you every day, over and over again </3.
buries his head in the crook of your neck when he feels vulnerable, it's sorta his safe place.
makes clothes for you! he knows what you'll like or won't like since he's familiar to your style. it's one of his ways of showing you he appreciates you.
takashi always compliments you! he wants you to embrace yourself with the way you are and he's your biggest support source for self-love.
does your nails </3
the second he thinks someone's hitting on you he's right next you; casually pressing his lips onto yours, calling you pet names and telling the person in front of to fuck off with his annoyed smile.
you're pretty close with his sisters, sometimes he even thinks you'll overthrow him and become the coolest sibling.
takashi lays his lap on your lap and falls asleep while you play with his hair. he can't help but to relax into your touch every time, you're his comfort source. ♡
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dates are pretty much random, whatever you guys feel like at that moment. movie dates, picnics, aquarium etc. you even went to escape house (scary version) with everyone once
he loves watching movies with you. mainly because you fall asleep on him at the end <3
mitsuya loves going on shopping dates, you get matching clothes and try new styles together!
everyone repeat after me, takashi best boy </3.
nsfw !!
takashi is generally sentimental and gentle in bedroom, his top priority is his s/o's pleasure and he's open to try new things out as long as his s/o's okay with it
makes lingerie for you <3.
has praising kink, both receiving and giving. he praises you while pounding into you </3.
"yeah pretty girl, you're doing great." takashi moaned into your neck as he kept pounding into you with his hands on your hips, trying to keep your body steady.
" 'm feeling so good, takashi."
can spend hours between your legs... he loves the feeling of your nails digging his shoulders and licks his lips while looking directly into your eyes </3
takashi overstims you until you cry if he wants to go hard
comfort sex with him is just...heavenly. he kisses every inch of your body and whispers what he loves about that part, words of affirmations come out from his beautiful lips.
leaves hickeys on your collarbone </3
loves it when you give him hickeys, doesn't matter where <3 doesn't try to cover them up either, he'll just grin when someone asks how the purple bruises happened
takashi is not really loud during sex but he loves when you're loud. he bites your bottom lip if you ever try to hold back your whimpers and moanings.
has a sex playlist and is not hesitant to use it </3
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@ewitsren 's work, do not translate/repost on other apps and platforms.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Ghost Of You 2/2
Pairing: Ghost! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Luke, Reggie and Alex have to assimilate their loss. For Luke of his girlfriend, and for the others of their best friend after suddenly learning that she didn’t have the future they imagined, and instead died 23 years ago.
Thank you to @cookiebuba for being the head of the entire idea and trusting me with it, and to Emy for almost holding my hand to force me to write🤣💜
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“It can’t be.”
“Luke, I-”
"No, Julie. You are not telling me that the woman of my life, the purest person who has ever stepped on this world, not only lost her partner and her best friends, but was only able to live her life for two more years and then ended in a horrible accident. It's as if life wanted to torture her before taking her too.”
“Love of ?... Zeppelin shirt you wore when you ran away. Of course.”
“I- It can’t be true, please tell me it’s not true, Julie.”
“Luke... she loved you so much.”
He falls on the floor. The impact is strong, as if his legs have stopped working.
"I know." He whispers slowly, his gaze empty as multiple tears fall from his eyes.
The rest of the gang threw themselves to the ground around him and hugged him with all their might, trying to unite his broken pieces without any success. Alex and Reggie each crying silently over the loss of their sweet friend.
“What day did she pass away? Alex whispers.
"Let me search, one moment." Julie gets up quickly and checks on her laptop to find a little note about the singer's death.
"The rising singer Y/N Y/L who had just released the biggest hit of her career passed away this afternoon in a terrible car accident after leaving the cemetery where her late boyfriend, Luke Patterson, was buried. Y/L was there in commemoration of the 2 years of the loss of the aspiring musician, who died from a sudden tragic intoxication along with the rest of his band. Something to rescue from this tragedy is that at least she's already reunited with her eternal love. May both rest in peace.”
“This can’t be. My Y/N can’t be gone. Not her, not like that.” Luke is still in denial, unable to believe that his little girl suffered such a terrible ending.
“Maybe she’s not. There's still a chance that she's also a ghost.”
“Yeah, Julie’s right. We need to look out for her, we can't write her off without trying to find her first.” Reggie's eyes sparkle with hope, rushing to cover Alex's mouth in case he says anything other than motivating.
Luke takes his flannel and disappears immediately. Both Reggie and Alex stare sadly at Julie who simply whispers a "go, he needs you." They nod and teleport to their friend.
As expected, Luke is in front of the window of an old music store. He met his girlfriend here so many years ago, the day his parents agreed to buy him his first guitar.
The store had a small section where customers could try out some instruments and she was playing the guitar they had there and singing for the small audience. It seemed like it was something she did often because both the workers and certain customers seemed familiar with the girl.
Luke was captivated by her from the first moment. The energy and passion that radiated from her in every move was unreal. He had never seen anyone happier, much less singing with a borrowed guitar from a small downtown store.
The store is completely abandoned, so without saying anything he comes in and walks towards the small stage.
The ghosts of two 12-year-old kids singing together into the microphone invades his memory. If they only knew.
"Do you remember what was the first thing she said to you?" Reggie and Alex sit next to him on the floor, looking straight at the very small stage. They both try to imagine what their friends must have looked like singing here together the first time. Luke totally invading little Y/N's presentation trying to captivate her with his 0% music experience and 100% of enthusiasm.
Luke laughs through tears. "You have the voice of a country singer."
Alex starts crying when he imagines her. He met her just a few weeks later so he knows exactly how she must have looked and sound.
Reggie smiles while shedding a tear, remembering all those afternoons Y/N convinced Luke to join them in their country sessions. He knows that's why Luke hasn't wanted to know anything about country or his songs since they got back. They remind him of his sweet girl.
“I was so offended. I still didn't know anything about music but I had already decided that I would be a rocker. If I hadn't already been so dazzled by her I would have left without looking back.”
“And what did you answer to defend your honor?”
"You think so?" The three of them start laughing while still crying. A heartbreaking mix of pain comes from their chests.
“C’mon guys, next stop.”
The three of them were teletransporting around the city during the day without any success. Luke's desperation increasing for every place the songwriter wasn't.
At night the three decide to go back to the studio. Luke is heartbroken, bloated after crying all day, eyes red and sore, and whatever it was that was driving him to continue, off.
His friends couldn't do much for him either because each was living the loss in their own way, concentrating on living their own pain until they could process it.
Julie wraps them in blankets on the couch and tries to fill them with love, making sure to hug Luke tightly, who seems about to fall apart.
“Does anyone want to talk about her? Maybe it could make you feel better.”
“She was my entire soul, the words and melody in each of my songs. I just, I love her more than anything in this world. I would give anything for her. My guitar, my voice, my songs, whatever it took for us to be together. I know it doesn't seem like it at this point, but we belong together.”
“We know you do, man.”
“I didn't tell you but I dream about her almost every night since we got back. It is always the same dream. She is in bed, leaving my side intact. She's wearing one of my shirts and hugging my favorite one while sobbing. She falls asleep listening to the ballad I wrote for her soaked in tears and no matter how hard I try to wake her up, I can't get her to see or hear me. I can’t get her. After a few minutes she gets up still asleep and begins to dance as we did so many times, but alone. Then she stops and starts crying again inconsolably. And that's when I wake up."
"I'm so sorry, Luke. She deserved so much more." Reggie walks over to hug him, his head resting on his arm while he sobs.
“We couldn't even say goodbye to her.” Alex cries, his eyes completely red.
“We already know that she visited your graves, perhaps we could do the same, dedicate a few words to her.” Julie offers in an attempt to help them find some peace.
Luke looks devastated, but he nods his head as tears continue to fall from his face, the ring that his girlfriend gave him going in and out of his finger. Alex hugs Julie while she strokes his hair in an effort to calm him down and Reggie runs up to get a notebook and pencil to start planning what to say to his best friend tomorrow.
The three of them hang around all night, crying, writing, hugging, remembering the spark of Sunset Curve. In the morning before going to visit her, they realize is exactly the 25th anniversary of that tragic night that changed the lives of the four forever. Luke nearly punches a hole in the wall upon hearing the sad coincidence.
Her grave is right next to Luke's, who has never been here before and can't help but feel a bit anxious.
“Don’t worry, I’ll start.” Reggie tells the guitarist as he takes a step forward, a small smile on his lips.
"Hello, princess. Long time, huh? I'm Reggie, by the way. In case you don't recognize me from the slight change in my hair. I am trying a little more gel, I want something more elegant and classic. What do you think? Yes, I also thought you would like it.” Julie and Alex smile at hearing him talk to her as natural as possible.
“I tried very hard to think of what to say, because if there is anyone who deserves my best words, it is you. And three things came to mind that I want to share with you.
First, the color yellow.
Yellow like the guitar you were saving for two years to buy. You did everything. You were a babysitter, you walked dogs, you worked in the school library, you sang with your old acoustic guitar in every cafe, basically everything that will let you win some money.
And the day before you could finally go buy it, my dad broke my bass in a moment of anger in one of his typical fights with mom that got really out of hand. At least he didn’t hurt her, huh? But when you're a kid you don't even think about the possibility that something like that could happen, you just focus on the broken instrument in your hand. I ran out and ended up on the stairs of your house with my face soaked and one of the broken pieces in my hand.
You hugged me and promised that everything would be fine. That I was always going to have you four and that we would always be family. You assured me that good things happen to good people. And I believed you, you know? You were always right. But now that I'm here, that I know you didn't have the happy ending you deserved, I'm honestly not so sure anymore.”
Luke and Alex start crying again, each hugging Reggie from one side. Reg tries with all his might to continue through the tears, while Julie looks at them with a broken heart.
“The next day when I came back from school a new bass was on my bed. You talked to Mom so she could take the credit for the gift, but coincidentally was exactly the bass that I fell in love with a year earlier when we went to check if your beloved yellow guitar hadn't dropped in price. Luke revealed to me a few months later that you had to borrow money from your mom in order to complete the exact money for that one.
How generous do you have to be in order to do something like that? how noble? How loving? How selfless? You were always more than I deserved. I was supposed to be like an older brother for you, but it was always you who took care of me. I have Julie and Carlos, and I'm trying to be with them as you were with me. I had the best step sister in the world to teach me, and I hope I can do you justice.” Julie starts crying too after hearing his words, and resists the urge to going to hug him because she knows that they need their space to let go all the suffering that they carry.
“Second, my leather jacket.
When we started the band we made a 100% commitment to being rockstars. And a very important part is the look. You accompanied me on a walk around the city looking for the right outfit to literally go sing to the people who were lining up in front of the clubs.
Anyone could have left me alone on that for multiple reasons, not even these two wanted to face the trouble. But you followed me without thinking twice.
The afternoon was over and we still haven't found anything. Our feet couldn't take it anymore and we had 10 minutes to run to the club. But we stopped by a little store that had a black leather jacket in the window and you said, Reg, this is it.
You excitedly took me by the hand and when I tried it on, the rest was history.
Then I tried to get the whole band to use them but these two boys without fashion sense didn’t want to. You, on the other hand, supported me and wore your leather jacket during all the Sunset Curve performances we had, convincing me that they were our good luck charms and that if we both used them everything would be amazing. Oh god, I miss you so much.
And third, a star.
I thought you were a star when I heard you sing for the first time.
I thought you were a star when you and Luke managed to write the whole Sunset Curve album in 2 months.
I thought you were a star when you bought me my bass, when you made Alex feel better after one of his strongest attacks, when you filled Luke with love and support when he needed it the most.
And I believe it now that I know you are gone.
If you are in heaven, you have to be a star. And not just a star, the brightest star of all. I promise to look for your light every night to wish you sweet dreams. I will also sing you some country since you were the only one who appreciated my incredible sound, I hope it makes you smile.”
“That was beautiful, Reggie. I’m sure she loved it.” Julie finally reaches out to hug him as Alex prepares to be next.
“Hey. I don’t even know where to start.
I- I guess I should start saying I could never pay you all the times you were there to pick me up when I needed someone the most. I went back to dancing a little again. It's not the same without you, but somehow it makes me feel you close. I also met someone, oh Y/N, he’s so special, I'm sure you would have loved him and I would have loved the opportunity to introduce him to you. You were always there.
You were there to support me when I decided to learn drums to cope with my anxiety. You sang the song I was practicing over and over to keep me company and reassure me that what I was doing sounded good.
You were there to support me when I told you I like to dance. We spent hours choreographing different iconic songs and just laughing and enjoying creating more memories together.
Not shocking at this point but you were also there for me when I confessed to my parents I’m gay and you gave me strength all those times that I wanted to fall because they no longer saw me the same way.
You were always my safe place. And I regret with all my heart that I couldn’t be yours.”
Alex breaks down. She kept them on their feet during her darkest days and they paid her off by causing her the most horrible pain imaginable. Julie and Reggie surround her in their arms while sobbing. The last one of the band standing moves closer to the grave and drops to his knees.
“I’m so sorry, my love. I’m so fucking sorry.” Luke tries to be strong, but tears start falling like waterfalls from his eyes, his face red in a mixture of despair, sadness and anger.
“I will never forgive myself for leaving you alone. Baby, I've been without you for only 1 month and I’m going crazy, even with the boys and Julie by my side. I don't even want to imagine what you must have been through those two years. My soul is shattered just thinking about it.
At first when we returned I imagined you were happy after having fulfilled all our plans with someone else. And I thought nothing could hurt me more than that, but obviously I was wrong. Because although it hurt me that I couldn’t be the one who was with you, thinking that you had been happy gave me the peace to be able to continue. Now that I know that life took away your opportunity, the only thing I feel is anger.
Anger towards me, anger towards destiny. Anger at not being able to be together even after death. Since we discovered where you are, I have only been able to think of cross over and finally be with you again.
Or at least go back to the night before everything turned into a nightmare. Fall asleep with you in my arms one more time.
I swear I even miss your snoring and you biting my cheek after your goodnight kiss, as you would say, in a gesture of love.”
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“Hello again, my love.
I can't believe 25 years have passed. First of all, I want you to know that I'm okay. Or well, the equivalent for ghosts that are destined to haunt the earth alone for all eternity. I made a friend for several years, Rose. I told you about her, remember? I know you guys would have been good friends, she was a ridiculously talented musician. Since she died I no longer had the strength to go back to the studio, but for a long time I enjoyed her company in one of my favorite places. She promised to tell you that I'm waiting for you. I will wait whatever time is necessary, okay? I love you so much, baby.
You three are always on my mind, and I think I can finally accept that the pain is just never going to go away. But lately something super strange has happened to me, let me tell you.
Throughout these years, in the darkest days, I see you. But, they were always memories.
A month ago, I started to see you having other kinds of experiences and I honestly don't know how to feel about it. Am I going that crazy? I selfishly hoped that you too were ghosts for so many years. I looked for you 5, 10, 15, 20 years. And just as I decide to give up, my head imagines you all over the city.
The first time I saw you singing Reggie's jam on the beach. You guys looked so happy, love. It filled my heart with peace for a few seconds, knowing that somewhere up there you are enjoying life singing together all day.
Then I saw my beloved Alex with a cute boy. My heart melted, I can’t even explain how much I wanted to run to hug him and gossip about it.
Baby, he looked so peaceful. I always wanted that for Alex. I didn't know whether to be happy or cry because that didn’t actually happen, so I did both.
The penultimate time was a few nights ago when I was walking in front of the Orpheum and I heard your voices. How wicked my mind is, right? A knife to the heart would hurt less.
And now, I can't even get close to your grave because I'm imagining you all again.”
Y/N doesn't know what to do, if she gets close enough will they disappear? What If they don’t? Will she bear to see them up close? She has been dancing with their ghosts in her dreams for so many years, but It’s not the same as doing it when she is fully awake.
She is about to run out of there in fear when the silhouette of a fourth person catches her attention. She doesn't know why, but it immediately reminds her of Rose. Could it be that she is imagining her friend too?
Curiosity is stronger than fear, like all those times when she got into trouble with her boys. She walks carefully towards her grave which is next to her beloved Luke.
“I swear I even miss your snoring and you biting my cheek after your goodnight kiss as you would say, in a gesture of love.”
“I don't freaking snore, I told you a million times already... and now I'm talking with my imagination, great.”
The band turns in shock towards the fifth voice. That's when she can see the girl's face and realize who she is.
“Julie? But, how?”
“Y/N?” Alex whispers on the verge of passing out.
She starts to panic, just before the boys can do something about it, a new person appears behind her.
“Hey, you took a long time." She turns around and jumps into the arms of who has become her only friend in recent years.
“Phoenix, thank god.” Her body continues to shake but she clings tightly to her friend while crying uncontrollably.
To say the ghosts are confused would be an understatement. And apart from that, the guitarist is having many conflicts with the jealousy that he is feeling at the moment. They haven't seen each other in 25 years and when they finally do, she runs into someone else's arms and clings to him like her life depends on it.
What does that mean for them? Is it too late?
“Beautiful, what's wrong? Who are they? Oh, wait. You guys were at the club a few weeks ago, you're friends with Willie, right?”
Luke feels like dying all over again hearing him call her that. She continues to shake but finally lets go.
“What? You can see them?”
“Shouldn’t I?” He looks at her skeptical and shifts his eyes from her to the ghosts.
“I- Oh my god. I'm going to pass out.“
“Baby, look at me.” Luke’s voice is a mix between a plea and a demand. The terror of knowing that perhaps he has already lost her without having had the opportunity to fight for her clouds his judgment and tears begin to fall from his face again.
25 years. 25 years fighting not to forget his voice. 25 years having him only in dreams, in memories, in melodies. 25 years waiting for him. 25 years on her own.
She turns slowly to meet those honey-green eyes she craved for so long to see, a painful smile from Luke makes her smile through tears.
She carefully lifts her right hand and gently draws it to his cheek, almost exploding at the feel of it.
“You came back. Oh my, It’s really you.” She jumps to the guitarist, entwining her legs at his hips, her arms tangled with all her strength around him, her head buried in his neck inhaling his scent. Tears coming out as if to drown her, all the pain and suffering that she faced all these years finally leaving her body.
Luke wraps her tightly in his arms, still unable to process what’s happening.
Alex and Reggie begin to smile without fully assimilating what is happening, while Julie begins to jump of joy.
“Babygirl, I'm sorry to ruin the moment but I have to rush to the club. Will you be okay here?"
“She's always safe with me." The guitarist growls, and Y/N starts laughing when she hears it.
"The jealous, protective baby in the beanie is right, don't worry Nix. I’ll go and find you later."
Phoenix nods with a smile and disappears. Julie begins to scold Luke while Reggie and Alex approach to touch the cheek of their best friend, still in the arms of the guitarist who does not seem to have any intention of letting go.
“We should go home to catch up. Reggie and I will accompany Julie, it seems that you two should speak alone first." Luke doesn't think twice and disappears with her in his arms.
“Good things happen to good people.” Reggie whispers as he hugs his friends and they start walking home.
Luke and Y/N reappear in the studio and they are both shocked for a few seconds. The girl trembles again in fear of dreaming.
“Hey, come here baby. Shh, I’m here, I promise.”
“Don’t leave me ever again, please.” He can see that it is very difficult for her to understand that is really happening, and to think that she lived without him not 2 but 25 years makes him want to cry again.
“I won’t. I promise, beautiful. Never again.” Luke wraps her in his arms, but she lifts her head from his chest to push her lips against his. The kiss is urgent, but they both instantly recognize each other and fit in perfectly. Luke picks her up again and gently lays her down on the couch, both desperate to feel the other, to recognize every inch.
“I missed you so much baby, I love you more than anything.” Luke whispers between kisses, not willing to have her an inch away from him.
“I love you my love. I love you, I love you, I love you.” She says while kissing the love of her life, happy for the first time in 25 years.
Before things get to escalate, the rest of the band shows up in the studio followed by Julie who clearly walks through the door.
"Let go of her man, it's our turn!" Y/N gets up quickly from the sofa while her boyfriend complains and she throws herself at both of them who pick her up as best they can and spin her in the air.
They put her down and Julie and her stare each other, both raise their arms and meet in a quick but sweet hug.
“You said my name back there, how?” The question that she has stuck since she met her finally coming to light.
“I met your mom many years ago when I came to visit the studio and realized that she could see me. We were friends for many years and I had the opportunity to see you grow up, but I always made sure to be upstairs when you came in in case you could see me too.”
“Well, now I understand how Carlos felt when he found out that we lived with ghosts. And It sounds like mom watches over us both from heaven.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she does.” Both girls smile and hug each other once more.
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“I can't believe I endured 25 years without having those beautiful arms around me.” She whispers as they both lie on the couch, Luke has her completely cornered in his arms.
“I’m so sorry, baby. It breaks my heart that you have suffered that much for so many years.”
“It was not your fault. You lost as much as I did that night. Besides, I always knew that you would find me sooner or later. We belong together.”
“We do. I, I k-know we have way more to talk about but, who was the dude from the cementery?”
The insecurity in his voice is evident and Y/N can't help but smile. His emotions are complex, real, and nothing can make her happier than that.
“I’ll tell you all about my friend later, okay? For now... dance with me? I want to dance with the real deal.” He smiles and they both stand up, hugging each other as they slowly move through the studio as they did many times before life separated them.
The Luke in her arms is her Luke, the same one she has been waiting for so many years, finally back in her arms. And just as she thought when she lived, she will dance with his ghost for all eternity.
Thank you for reading✨✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713, @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc, @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @blackhood5sos @tessxblxckthorn
Goy tags: @eternalharry @xplrreylo
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dumbikawa · 3 years
Being Stressed About Exams & HQ Boys Comforting You
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GN!Reader | Comfort/Fluff | Warnings: stressed reader
Characters: Atsumu, Oikawa
A/n: This is extremely self-indulgent as school has been kicking my butt and the future post-graduation is very terrifying lol
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You stare at the computer in front of you, the text you’re supposed to read for class beginning to swim together as your eyes fill with tears. Everything is happening too fast and you feel completely unprepared to take any of it on. What if you spent all of this time and money on schooling only to fail so close to the end? What if you finally do finish, but then can’t find a job in your field? Should you have studied something else? The questions become more exhausting and constant the closer it gets to exams. 
Small droplets roll off your cheeks and begin to pool on your keyboard. You haphazardly wipe them away before powering off the computer and tucking it back in your bag. Out of sight, out of mind, you figure. It’s not like there’s any use in trying to finish it tonight when you can already feel another wave of stress induced tears coming on. Those have also become a regular thing.
You click the volume button on your phone so that the sounds of music fill the room before leaning back in the desk chair, testing the limits of how far you can recline before gravity takes over. Atsumu had made this study playlist for you when he first noticed how stressed you were. It contained a mixture of your favorite songs, his favorite songs, and a few ‘motivational’ songs he pulled from his work-out playlists. It was a bit of a weird Frankenstein mash up with the large variety of genres, but it quickly became one of your studying must haves.
Over the sound of the music, you couldn’t hear the shower click off and the door to the bathroom swinging open. When Atsumu steps out, he sees you sitting where he’d left you, although, in a more dangerous position than you’d been in before as he notices the way the desk char teeters back and forth. His attention is quickly caught by the music choice, though, recognizing one of the songs playing as a favorite of his he added to the playlist he made for you a couple weeks ago. A smile breaks through his face as he hurriedly jumps into a pair of sweatpants before approaching your quiet figure.
As he comes up behind you, though, he notices a slight glisten upon your cheeks and a few fresh tears that tumble from your closed eyes. His upturned lips quickly sink as worry floods through him. Exams had been taking a toll on you, it wasn’t hard to tell, but he would never get used to seeing you cry.
“Baby,” he whispers, gently wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “What can I do for ya? Food? Cuddles? Cry it out?” You nod, resting the chair back on the ground and practically launching yourself into his arms.
Atsumu catches you with ease, his strong arms holding you against his chest. His hand rubs up and down your spine, sending shivers racing down you back, but there's no ulterior motive to his gentle touches. He continues the soft touches as he guides you to the bed, only letting you go for a second before allowing you to bury yourself in his side again.
“What if I can’t do it?” you whisper, trailing your fingers across Atsumu's toned chest. “I’ve studied for so long, but what if it doesn’t work out? What if--What if I don’t actually know anything and I crash and burn and--”
Atsumu shushes you gently, placing a few comforting kisses to your forehead. He notices your breathing beginning to grow heavier as your anxiety takes over. There's a few moments of silence as you try to match your breathing to his, the two of you taking slow, deep breaths in sync.
“The future might be unsure and stressful, but I know you’re going to do your best and make it work. All you can do is continue to work towards your goals and handle everything as it comes. Not to mention, I’m always going to be here to remind you of how strong you are even if you don’t see it.”
A new wave of tears begins as his words echo through your ears. You bury your face in his chest as your arms wrap around his waist in an attempt to pull yourself as close to him as you physically can be. Somehow he knew exactly what you needed to hear and a part of you wonders if he’s ever repeated those sentiments to himself when things felt unsure.
He continues to whisper reassurances as you fully relax against him, your tears finally beginning to dry up. You lift your head and offer him a weak smile.
“Thanks for letting me cry on your abs,” you sniffle, allowing yourself to truly laugh.
Atsumu feels lighter as he watches you smile and joke, hopefully being able to forget about the more stressful parts of life for a while as he holds you close. There’s been countless times where you eased his worries about the future, so he’s just happy that he can return the favor and create a safe space where you’re allowed to simply be.
The cup in your hand is warm and comforting as you trudge towards your bedroom, a sense of dread washing over you as soon as your eyes land upon the laptop you left sitting open on the bed. With finals coming up, you thought it would be a good idea to transfer the notes you had written down during lectures onto your computer, figuring it would make them easier to access and that the process of going back through the information would be a good way to ensure you remember the material.
What you didn’t realize, however, is how absolutely time consuming and exhausting it was going to be. Your neck hurts from constantly looking back and forth between the paper and computer screen, your back hurts because somewhere along the way you abandoned any semblance of healthy posture and decided to go full cave gremlin in the way you hunched over your work, and instead of absorbing the information for a second time it seemed as if your brain had completely abandoned you and gone on autopilot. Shoving the computer off the bed and taking a nap feels like the best course of action right now, but you know if you stop now there’s no way you’re going to want to finish later.
Begrudgingly, you settle back onto the bed and take a large swig of coffee before stretching your fingers and placing them back on the keyboard. It couldn’t take that much longer right? All you have to do is push through and get it done.
And, for the next few hours, that’s what you do. You jump back in where you left off and race through the next few, gruelingly long chapters. The daylight outside quickly dwindles away until you’re forced to turn on the bedside lamp when you realize the sun has sunk far below the horizon and is beginning to cast bizarre shadows around the room. It was no bother, though, because you’re so close to being done. The issue is that neither your brain nor your body could keep up anymore.
Your fingers keep hitting the wrong keys, typing made up words that have you constantly backspacing and starting sentences over again for a third of even a fourth time. The breaking point comes when you go to take a sip of your now cold coffee and look back at the screen after attempting to type an entire paragraph from your notes in one go. Little did you know your finger placement was off, yet again, and the entire paragraph is an unreadable mess that even spell check doesn’t want to touch.
The tears that sting your eyes make you feel stupid. It was entirely too dumb to cry over something as superficial as misspellings that could be easily fixed and cold coffee. But once the tears start they won’t stop. Suddenly, you’re not crying over the notes or even school work in general. You’re crying about the crushing weight of change that's soon to come once you finish with classes and how impossible everything has begun to feel.
You’re too exhausted to focus on anything anymore, letting the hot tears run down your cheeks freely, which is why you don’t hear the rushed footsteps of your boyfriend who could hear your hiccuping breaths from down the hall. 
He doesn’t say anything when he sees you curled up on the bed, your face buried in your arms. Oikawa sits on the ground closest to you and lays his head near yours as he begins to run his slender fingers through your hair. It doesn't take a psychic to tell you've been stressed with the quickly approaching exams, and from the collection of notes littered all around to the half closed computer the dots practically connect themselves.
The slight dip on the bed near your head alerts you to his presence, but you don't move. His hands guiding themselves over your scalp is quick to relax your body, but your mind feels like it's about to burst any moment as the thoughts continue to race.
“You’re doing so good,” he whispers against your temple, planting soft kisses after every word, “and you deserve to take a break. Remember when you used to have to tell me that all the time?" The feeling of his quiet laughter against your skin makes you smile, along with the memories of simpler times before either of you had barely begun to grasp how harsh the world could be.
"I picked up dinner for us, it was an apology for coming home late," he admits, kissing the top of your head. "But let's go heat it up and you can either tell me everything you're worried about or we can try to forget all about it for now and watch a movie. I'd really like it if you talked about it eventually, though. I know I'm not going to be able to fix it all, but that doesn't mean I can't try."
You turn your head to the side, exposing your tear stained cheeks that are quickly wiped away by Oikawa's calloused thumbs.
"I will," you say, voice heavy. "For now could you just hold me?" There isn't a second of hesitation as Oikawa slips his arms beneath your figure and presses you tightly against him.
"Movie it is," he announces, laying you on the couch with the remotes so that you could put on whatever you want. Your brain would never stop the constant anxious thoughts, but losing yourself in those chocolate brown eyes made it easy to imagine a future where it all works out somehow. Little do you know, Oikawa sees the same thing reflected in your eyes as he wonders about the right time, perhaps a couple years from now when you've both settled down in your careers, when he can finally buy that ring he's been looking at.
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writings-by-blondie · 4 years
~If The Stars Could Speak~
Soap Mactavish x F!Reader (teaspoon of Angst)
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She was way too good for him and he knew that yet he couldn't forget the way her (h/c) hair fell over her shoulders, her laugh and a bit cold, but glittery look of her (e/c) eyes when their gaze met for the first time..it was like he could see universe in them.
He was in cold, gloomy, Russia, on a mission that was to be last, scribbling down words on the peace of paper, counting down hours till he get to hold her forever...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
His most trusting man, and friend, Simon and him decided to lay back and enjoy some free time they were granted away from their ever noisy and ever busy camp.
They were at downtown, walking and talking about how tonight is their night - they will leave job at office and they will just enjoy strong alcohol and good music.
The night was a bit chilly, but nothing unusual for the late September.
That just meant that John will finally have chance to wear that nice black spitfire jacket he bought not long ago, and he looked well in it.
As the two men walked they spotted the bar they wanted to be in for the rest of the night, right outside of it, sticking out like a sore thumb was parked some expensive car that John didn't know how to indenify as. He wasn't a big car head like his friend.
"Look at this mate. Its Porsche, bet some meat heads are in this place",
said Simon chucking and eyeing the car and tilting his head slowly towards the bar.
Mactavish smirked and pushed his friend gently as he started walking in, "You have a problem with that or you're just scared of guys who drive expensive cars, eh?".
Inside of the bar you and small group of your friends were in VIP lounge. Infront of you, on small glass table was a bucket filled with ice that kept some red bulls and couple of Baltica beers cold.
You were drinking Jack Daniels, your glass half full. Being tipsy already, you fake-laughed at some perverse joke friend next to you finished telling.
Tonight, you really felt down. Truth to be told, you've been feeling under the weather last couple of months, nothing seemed to go the right way and nothing you did could change that feeling. On top of that your stupid poosh boyfriend broke up with you over text last week, and even though you understood that your friends cared for you and wanted you to forget about that fool and enjoy yourself, you still couldn't shake away the bitterness and just wanted to curl away in your bed, eat some strawberry ice cream and watch ‘Casablanca’.
But here you were, in a black dress that glittered under the light, your hair styled in lazy but not messy curls, and your over-expensive white heels. You looked like the IT girl that every man would want for them selves, to put you on pedestal and admire you.
(Y/n) leaned back in the black leather seat before she took a deep sigh that was followed by pouting and throwing down rest of the Jack that was in her glass down her throat. It burned for a bit, but the sweet flavour of alcohol made her want to drink more, so she opened the half empty bottle and poured more of the honey-coloured liquid into her glass.
She leaned in close to her friend on the left and whispered,
"I need to go and check my make up. Save a seat for me, and dont touch my bottle, I will know if you do.",
you almost groaned last words since you knew well that your friends loved to mess with you.
The (h/c) girl now stood up, taking her light coloured purse that matched with her heels, in her hands and started walking towards the washroom of the bar.
The floor was wooden, hard wood, after all the bar was made to accommodate high class people and to draw in tourists who had a lot of money to spend. Her heels making a little bit noise as her steps collided with the floor. It was a southing sound, like when rain hits the metal.
Her hips swayed as her dress didn't quite hug her whole neatly shaped figure, so it swayed with her movements, glittering under the dim light of the noisy bar.
She had to watch every step since she felt that the alcohol was indeed kicking in, but the song playing on stereos drew her attention and just for a tiny moment she forgot completely that she had heels on.
"Shit-", you muttered loudly as your purse left your hands and you could see the dark wooden floor getting close to you now, but you weren't colliding with it, instead you felt stern grip on your waist, feeling the coldness of someones hand that went straight to your skin, under the dress. You furrowed eyebrows before looking up, facing a, without any exaggeration, handsomest man you ever laid eyes upon.
His eyes, blue as the sea in mid July in the noon, almost glittering like a waves when they shine under the hot sun. His smell now invaded your nostrils touching your senses, stimulating them, wanting more of it. It was pine mixed with old brand of ‘denim’, manly but still subtle, just enough.
He smiled at you softly looking into your eyes, not breaking eye contact once.
"Careful now lass, we don’t want any broken bones yet, the night is still young eh?..", he spoke with thick and extremely attractive (for some reason) Scottish accent and she took deep breath in, as the man slowly placed the girl in front of him back on her legs, parting his hand with her waist. The girl licked her lover lip, realizing now that she was blushing way more than it was appropriate for this kind of situation and softly muttered, "Sorry.. The heels..", under her breath before she walked pass the man and disappeared into woman's washroom.
Mactavish however trailed her with his eyes, her long and subtly toned legs, and the way the subtle cutout on her dress reviled a bit of her thigh. She was clearly in distress and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit to himself as he picked up her purse from the floor and sat down in the nearby booth with Simon.
"What the hell was that?", Riley said as he took off his black leather jacket, placing it next to him.
"It was like some scene out of those old movies mate. Its like, in that one moment, universe existed to put us together.", John smiled to himself, also placing his jacket next to him, being a bit surprised at his own words, he wasn't cheesy, but romantic? He was that.
And he would never let any of his friends know that since well, it was an army and he didn't need Ghost going around the base telling everyone that their captain was softie.
"Since when are you that cheeky eh? Maybe Price doesn't make you do enough pushups at morning." Simon smirked at his friend and raised his hand to call the bartender,
"Its a quote, some of us are literate cinema vise mate", Mactavish smirked back at him leaning over the table, trying to reach for his cigars in his back pocket, "But she is bonnie, nonetheless.".
In washroom you tried to steady your breathing. You put your hand on your chest and closed eyes, but the only thing you could see was the man's eyes and his face. Girl quickly opened her eyes and looked at her reflection in big mirror that was placed on black and white tiles. (Y/n) looked at her face, noticing few spots where her make up was messed up, she pouted a bit and reached down on the sink for her purse, but her palm was met only with cold marble sink.
You quickly shot your gaze towards your hand, with your eyebrows furrowed. Eyes darting across the sink, around it and eventually around the whole washroom then the realisation hit you like a heavy boulder- you dropped your purse when you tripped, when he grabbed you.
"For fucks sake..", you muttered under the breath. It was enough humiliating that probably whole bar watched you stumble around like a new born deer and almost kiss the floor, but now you had to go retrieve your purse that was probably still on the ground and go back to washroom again looking like a lost highschool girl on the party.
You shook your head and realised that stupid anxiety attack got your judgment clouded- people fall every day, and they drop stuff everyday too.
The girl now straighten her posture, fixed her hair a bit and opened the door, exiting the cool room she was in before heading to the booth were she dropped her purse, but to her surprise the purse was not on the floor instead she heard familiar thick accent from the booth next to where she was standing,
"Looking for this lass?", the man waved with her purse smiling at her with one of his brows raised, his friend watching her, waiting for her next move.
You swallowed a big gulp, approaching the booth were the men were sitting slowly, taking your purse from the blue eyed man,
"Yes, thank you. Saving me from embarrassment.. Very noble of you.", you said with a now confident voice, not breaking eye contact with him. There was something about him, something unexplainable. It was like that with every second she looked at his face, at his slightly parted lips as a little smile formed on his face, you were losing grip on the time it was like a whole universe worked for you and him.
"Glad I could help ma'am. Those shoes do look dangerous, better watch your step.", the man spoke and she smiled at him, shyly nodding and turning around, breaking the eye contact with him, slowly walking towards her own booth where her friends were loud and drunk.
But every step you took was heavier than the last one, you didn't want to go there, you wanted to sit with him, smell that invading pine again, feel his touch again.. Was this alcohol that was in your bloodstream?
You stopped suddenly and took a deep breath, before turning on your heels and going back to the two man who were now smoking, their drinks were on their table as well.
"Oh screw it. Universe, dont make a fool out of me!", you thought internally as you approached back their booth, and both men looked up at you again.
"Do you need some help lassie? Are you feeling well?", the blue eyed man asked. You actually just now noticed that he had his hair styled as a mohawk and it suited him so nice, the scar over his eye stuck out as well.
You snapped out and shook your head in denial,
"Would you mind if I joined you for a drink?",
Ghost cleared his throat and looked away with a huge smirk over his face, avoiding John’s stern look. Mactavish moved himself to the left, leaving vacant place for the girl to sit and nodded his head down while putting out cigar that was already burned.
You sat next to him, smiling and biting inside of your cheek, leaving your purse on the edge of the table waving to the bartender to get his attention, you showed him universal sign for ‘another bottle’ and the man nod to you.
You returned your attention towards two men who were gazing at you the whole time.
"So, who wishes to start this AA meeting? How about you sir?", you pointed at men across from you. Both men cracked at your joke before the one you pointed at started talking,
"Name's Simon, that’s Soap- I mean John..", Simon barely held in his laugh looking away from the pair. You looked at men next to you and his jaw was clenched, he obviously didn't like that one.
"Y/N, nice to meet you fellas. This night needed some life in it. I was dying of boredom over at VIP's. Some fresh environment is nice..",
you smiled at John who was downing his beer, slowly he nod at the girl and the bartender finally came with your new bottle of Jack and three glasses for each of you.
"Put it on my bill, thanks.", you said and John eyed you as you opened the bottle of whiskey and poured everyone about a half of the glass, raising your own towards him as you finished. You smirked a bit, leaning towards him, unintentionally, your thigh subtly brushed against his light blue denim jeans.
"Cheers to not breaking bones and to concerned strangers.”, you said the words, slowly looking up at his eyes yet again.
John looked down at you, slowly colliding his glass with yours.
"Well, cheers to me I guess..", Simon muttered to himself and downed down the glass. You couldn't help but laugh sincerely, John joining you while rolling his eyes at Simon,
"Ghost getting ghosted, this will be the story to tell the mates back at camp for sure..".
You raised your eyebrow in confusion, leaving your glass on the table and crossing your legs, leaning back,
"Camp? What are you two like some secret agents or something?", you asked and John and Simon talked to you about their job deep into night. They explained their line or work as subtle as they could and shared some of the funniest moments from their missions with you.
John enjoyed your laugh, the way you blushed when you caught him looking at you, avoiding his gaze, how well your lips were glossed and your perfume that made him want to invade your neck and collarbone with small and soft kisses. He also noticed how soft your skin was when he "accidentally" touched your hand as you were reaching for the bottle, wanting to pour another drink.
It was about 3 in the morning when you turned around towards the bartender who was next to you, telling you and your new friends that the bar is closing in about five minutes. Your friends left long time ago, too drunk to even notice that you were gone or that you were now sitting elsewhere.
"Oh come on Gorge! Cant you see how much fun we are having here? Can’t you just lock us in or join us?", you blinked innocently at the bartender and it made man blush, ofcourse that didn't go unnoticed by Mactavish who cleared his throat subtly and put his hand around your shoulder. You turned your head, raising eyebrow at him and questioning what the hell he was doing.
"Come on lass, man has a job to do, a boss to answer to. We will get you to your hotel eh?", you chuckled at him, now relaxing into his touch, and he loved it. He softly rubbed exposed skin on your shoulder with his thumb and you inhaled sharply, smiling at him reaching for your purse and pulling out keys from your car,
"I drank a lot.. Who is driving lads?",
You closed the door of your Porsche and could hear Simon in the back seat whistle,
"It even has leather inside and tv in the back of the seat. Of course it does.. For gods sake (y/n), you could've just told us that you are rich. We would've distanced from you.", Riley made a joke and you laughed, turning around in your seat looking at Simon, as John started the car, slowly advancing towards the main street.
"I wouldn't trade time I had with you boys for nothing in this world. I haven't laughed like that in ages..",
Riley now looked at Mactavish on review mirror smirking,
"Soap, drop me off first and then take (y/n) back to her place. Base is just around the corner it will save her some gas.".
You eyed man who was driving now, waiting for his response, he groaned in response then he nodded slowly looking at you, before returning eyes to the road that was empty. The city was in deep sleep.
John parked infront of some old looking house and Simon chuckled, "Well this is my stop. I'll see ya in the morning mate, don't forget to freshen up, we will need you frosty eh?",
Simon said before he slammed the doors shut and swiftly disappeared into the house.
You looked at John and pouted a bit, he looked and you and wiggled his eyebrows playfully,
"Where to miss?", he put up his best British accent and you couldn't help but laugh at how silly he sounded.
"With you? To the stars.." you leaned on his shoulder and kicked down your heels, tucking your legs under your tights.
Mactavish took a deep breath, inhaling the sent of your perfume, before he started driving again, he reached for the radio and turned it on.
A soft tune of "Midnight" song was on it and you hummed in approval.
"You know, I feel like I should've met you long ago instead of wasting my time around, not knowing where am I going, what am I doing. I wish this night could last forever John, I wish I could be stuck in it forever.."
The man smiled and reached for one of your hands, locking his fingers with your smaller ones, his eyes never leaving the road.
"I want to show you one place, if you are not up for sleep yet lassie?"
You parted your head with his shoulder to look up at him, his face being illuminated by dim street lights, he looked so soft and like he didn't have any worry in the world.
"Aye sir, I am in your hands for the rest of this trip." you joked and he let out a huffed laugh, bringing your hand closer to his lips, kissing your knuckles, you watched him carefully, biting your lower lip as you felt the warmth spread throughout your entire body from just that tiny exchange of affection.
John parked the car, pulled the break and turned the machine off. He leaned back in the leather seat and looked at you, smile creeping around the corners of his mouth.
"Take my jacket, it can be windy up here."
He said and reached in the back seat for his jacket, handing it to you. You took it into your hands and looked around you, it was quiet and dark all around. Not single lamp post or anything was in the vicinity, only the headlights that John left on, and the soft tune of radio that still played.
"There is nothing here, and honestly it feels like a horror movie. Am I about to be murdured  and thrown from this cliff John?"
Mactavish just chuckled and opened the car doors on his side,
"Do you trust me lass?", he asked as he leaned on the car roof, peeking inside and looking at you.
"Do I trust man I just met in local bar to exit my car, my only way of escaping, and obey him to walk into my own funeral? Sure yeah, here I come.." you said with playful tone as you stepped out of your car, flinging his black jacket over your shoulders and sliding your arms into it. It smelled like him and you buried your nose into the collar of jacket, closing your eyes and getting lost in the man's perfume mixed with aftershave. You were about to close the doors of the car when John cut you off,
"Don't close the doors, we won't be able to hear the music".
He was now behind you, towering over your smaller frame and your heart skipped the beat as you turned around to face him.
He slowly reached for your hips and without any hesitation or struggle, swayed you off your bare feet and lifted you up. You instinctively warped your arms around his neck smiling at him.
"You need to stop watching that many horror movies, they will rot your pretty brain"
He smiled at you with his eyes, looking down at your parted lips. Your face being right infront of his, possibly few inches away since he could feel your breath on his skin, and you could feel his. Blush creeped around your cheeks and he put you down on the hood of the car that was still warm from the engine. Your hands left his neck, but he still remained between your legs, not letting your hips just yet. You could've swore that his eyes were shining that night, you knew it was not possible, that your brain was seeing tings the way it wanted to, but you still chose to believe that impossible was possible in that moment.
His shadow that was casted due to headlights now moved, and with deep inhale his grip left your hips and you bit your lip. You felt disappointed and empty, you wanted him to lean in closer, you wanted to taste him and to seal the deal, but he moved away, hopping on the hood with ease, next to you, and leaning down on the windshield, one hand behind his head and other stretched out across the hood. He wiggled his eyebrows at you and slowly nodded towards his hand.
You pouted but soon enough curled against him, resting your head on his arm and softly gliding your hand over his chest, feeling his heart beat under your palm.
In response he softly put his fingers in your hair, massaging your head in circular moves.
"Look up lass, the sky is beautiful tonight. No clouds, just stars blinking and shining somewhere out there, far, far away. Haven't seen this in a while."
You listened to his words and followed his gaze up towards the sky. He was right, it was indeed beautiful. Dark blue mixed with dozen blinking lights looking back at you and him. Moon was nowhere to be found however. And then it struck you, the whole moment was inscribed into your memory- his soft breathing, the glitter in his eyes, the soft music that was playing from inside the car, the murmur of water somewhere in the distance, the ruffle of the leaves and grass that were moved by soft breeze and your eyes watered a bit, you really wanted to live in this moment forever, to lie on his arm forever and to gaze at the same stars forever.
John noticed the hard breathing next to him and faced you with soft smile "Dont cry lass, I more like you smiling, it suits you better. Can't say the same for those shoes.. Those didn't work for you that well eh?" you chucked through the tears and felt his thumb on your cheek as he wiped one stray tear.
"I just want to be here forever.. Like this. With you next to me. If I had one chance to freeze the time it would be right now, right here with you so I could look at your eyes filled with thousand stars forever, counting them slowly one by one, never getting bored of you." the girl said softly pulling herself closer to him. John smiled and kissed her hair softly.
"Funny how you are telling me the words I should be telling you bonnie. Maybe this is just a dream eh? Maybe we will wake up from it feeling empty..I know that I will miss you when I am gone.. Now, tell me who broke your heart?"
John said with whisper, still gazing up at the stars, slowly closing his eyes.
"Life did. But its nothing you can't fix.." you said quietly, blushing and looking up at him. He opened the eyes and looked back at you, his eyes trailing every line of your face, trying to remember all the features of it as he leaned in and slowly kissed your forehead.
"Dance with me?" He asked and you smiled up at him.
"I dont have any shoes on." you replied as with one swift move he pulled you off the car .
"That is nothing I can't fix." he smirked a bit and lifted you up from the car, telling you to stand on his shoes.
"John no, I am heavy." you chuckled as his hands held you close to him, his hands under his jacket, one placed on small of your back and one firmly held your hip, your feet now on his shoes, and he started moving slowly in tune of "Gloria" by Midnight that was on radio station at the moment.
"Bollocks, you are light as a feather, I can't even feel you. Do you even eat something or you just drink every day?" He joked and you laughed, throwing your hands over his head, locking them behind his neck.
"Captain Mactavish, stop teasing me and kiss me. I demand that action." you ran your hand over back of his head, feeling the tingles on your palm from his fresh shaven hair cut.
He looked down at you, lingering his eyes on your lips that were smirking a bit, slowly closing distance between the two, teasingly.
He pressed his cold lips on yours and you closed your eyes, wanting to remember every single moment and every move he made.
He slowly moved his hand up and down your back, inviting you to deepen the kiss which you accepted. He kissed you slowly, with passion with every move. He was spilling all of his emotions right then and there, he held you like was afraid that you will disappear from his arms, like he wouldn't be able to touch you or feel you. Your heart feel heavy, and you swore he could hear it since it was crashing against your ribcage. 
John slowly parted with your lips, looking into your eyes, his forehead resting on yours,
"After I am done with next mission, I will steal you and take you away so we can count all of the starts together, alright?" He asked and you nodded in approval slowly.
"Promise you wont forget?" You blinked up at him and he softly leaned in and kissed your lips again, kiss that was assuring and warm.
"I will be back in two days, wait for me here and be ready for a trip.", he softly brushed his nose on yours and you smiled wide at him, the universe was on your side, fate was on your side. It gifted him to you, to keep him and to cherish him, that whole night was like a fever dream, it almost didn't feel real- but it was. He was there and you were with him, swaying to the music slowly, kissing and feeling each other praying that sun wont come up just yet..
In two days you were at the same spot, your truck filled with all your stuff you needed.
You paced around the car excited, wanting to have his arms around you again, wanting to kiss him again... But he never showed up.
You never saw him again. You visited the bar often, you went to the house where you left his friend that night but the house was not there, it was demolished not long ago.
John disappeared without the trace, just the way he came into your life, unnoticed.
You never heard from him again. It was like that whole night was just a distant dream you had, and you would believe it if it wasn't for his jacket that was in your closet, his smell still lingering on it.
Years have passed, you never quite moved on, settling for a man who was nothing like John, but he cared for you, he really did.
Treating you right, bringing you flowers for every 14th of February, never forgetting anniversary or your birthday.
He didn't have stars in his eyes, he never took you to that place, never made you fall in love with him in bare hours, but he was enough. You had a nice house in nice neighbourhood and you lived a nice life with him.
You were at kitchen, preparing a lunch for your husband and you, when you heard a bell ring of your doors. You swiftly cleaned your hands and rushed to open the door.
"Yes?" You said as handle turned and the door opened.
Man who you never met before stood before you. He had small blue eyes, his beard was a bit weird but it suited him nice. He had a brown hair, and looked like life never treated him with ease.
"Can I help you sir?" You questioned the stranger and he nodded affirmative
"You are a hard one to find (y/n). Took me long enough.. Name's John Price, I have something for you.", he said and pulled white small envelope from his pocket handing it to you
"What is this sir? How do you know my name?" He smiled sadly at you and turned around being ready to leave when he stopped in his tracks, not facing you still.
"I am sorry. Wish I did more." .
He said and you were more confused than ever, you watched as man left your property and you closed the door, looking at the envelope that was in your hand. It was a bit heavy, but only on one side of it.
You rushed to the living room, where you sat down and opened it.
Dog tags fell out from them, they were cleaned recently, but the rust on them was noticeable still.
"John Mactavish"
Some numbers and rest were scribbled from them.
Your heart dropped and your lips parted, eyes already filled with tears that slowly left your eye, falling down your cheek.
In the envelope was also a paper, it had blood stains on it. You tried wiping your eyes and reading it.
"I want to invite you for a walk,
To a quiet place; In the moor.
When the breeze sings midnight,
One if those nights- the moon is full.
A restless pounding invades in my heart,
When I think of my confidants-
The stars.
If they could only speak ,
What would they say?
If you could hear them talk.
For they know of my fondness for you,
And that in my thoughts
There is no other one.
If only the stars could speak
They will tell you that I love you,
They would ask you,
To love me back."
You hugged the peace of paper like it was John himself and let your tears fall freely whispering to yourself and to the paper like he could hear you, like he was the one in your arms instead of this bloody peace of paper.
“I do love you John.. I never stopped.”.
A soothing closure fell over you. Now he was the star somewhere up in the sky, looking over at you every night you faced the sky, waiting for you to join him one day.
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siriushxney · 3 years
⊱┊ easily !
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pairing — sapnap x gn!reader
wordcount — 2k
warnings — angsty, arguing (happy ending)
song — easily | bruno major
note ! — this is my second time reposting, because tumblr hates my guts and decides to make things repeat/disappear so :|
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nothing was easy about love. then again, if love didn’t have it’s bumps and bruises — could it truly be considered love? the act of loving someone is something that is both a blessing and a curse wrapped into one. you see their best, and you see their worst — you deal with, and take all the blows that they take.
and in with love — arguments flare.
some over stupid things, like who would do the dishes, if the other did the laundry, what you were having for diner — but some were harsher. words that neither meant, thrown at the other without care or thought behind them, and actions that despite being little, spoke thousands.
when love begins to bring stress from the arguments, it brings along doubt, anger, and fear. the nagging feeling at the back of your mind that is constantly telling you that you don’t mean anything to them, that you can be easily replaced, that quitting is a valid choice — distance makes an appearance between the two of you.
but when one pulled away, the other reached and pulled them back. it was what love was.
sapnap and you had always been an honest couple. sharing everything and anything, never scared to speak your mind, and not afraid of confrontation. but with the both of you being strong willed and blunt, things could get tangled and rough in a matter of seconds — and as of lately, things were rough more than they were enjoyable. fights happened daily, food was consumed in silence, and you had gone to sleep in the guest bedroom. the distance that was now between the two of you was easily notable — even his viewers had noticed something in him had shifted.
with your laptop sat one your lap, you typed away — the assignment that was due in merely a week adding to the already present stress. everything had seemed to be going wrong lately — the topic you were given to research happened to be one of the topics that you had not been quite able to grasp, you had somehow lost your favourite pair of shoes, and everything with sapnap.
you love him, that wasn't something you questioned — but the thoughts of if it was worth it with the direction that the two of you were heading in, plagued your mind. did you want to put yourself through the pain that would come eventually? or did you want to protect yourself from it to the best of your ability?
the words you typed appeared on the screen quickly, but just as fast as they appeared, you were quick to erase them. everything you had typed didn’t quite come out the way you wanted them to — but no matter how much you deleted and retyped them, nothing else came to mind. it almost reminded you of sapnap and your relationship.
after every fight, an apology would be said, but nothing would change. within the next twenty-four hours or less, another one - just like the previous - would take place. you were backspacing, and then rewriting the same thing, over, and over again.
with a frustrated sigh, you closed the laptop and pushed it aside to where your books laid. your hand came up to harshly rub at your sore and tired eyes, wishing that a calm and restful sleep would overcome you. but that was simply a figment of hope that your brain came up with. you had too much to do, to be resting.
the thump of your feet hitting the ground, the loud cracks and pops from stiff joints, and a small grunt filled the room. after sitting in one position for hours, you'd expect your body to be stiff.
“stupid professor, and his stupid assignments,” you huffed as you exited your room, turning your head quitioningly towards sapnap’s recording room, waiting and listening for any sign of him streaming. with no sudden shouts, curses, or screams, you assumed he wasn't — that meant either two things, one, he was in your shared room, or he was downstairs. you hoped it was the previous.
tiptoeing down the stairs, you attempted not to make a noise in the case that he was on the main floor, not wanting to face him after your most recent fight. but the universe seemed to be working against you, as you saw his frame laying on the couch with a movie playing quietly on the tv.
despite being as quiet as you possibly could have been, he had noticed your entrance — his head tilted in your direction before turning his attention back to the movie with a now present frown.
he’s such a child.
then again you were no better.
this game of he said, they said was annoying to you — but in this situation, you felt as if you were correct, just like how he felt like he was correct. neither of you would admit that the other was just as right as you were, both desperate to take a win over the other.
grabbing your keys from the counter top, you started for the front door — your shoes easily being slipped on before you grabbed for the door handle.
“where are you going?” no movie could be heard playing anymore, making it easy to hear sapnap’s voice — something that had been spoken with an emotion that you refused to believe was there — worry.
“I’m just going to the convenience store.”
a small thump, followed by quick footsteps towards your directions caused an unwanted smile to appear on your face. but as quick as it appeared, it was wiped off. sapnap came around the corner, grabbing his shoes and not bothering to put them on — simply holding them in his hands as he gave you a shooing movement.
“c’mon. I’ll come with,” sapnap pushed passed you, through the front door, and towards your car in a haste.
“... okay then.” you closed the door behind you as you stepped out, making sure to lock it before heading to the drivers side — sapnap already sat comfortably inside with his knees and head facing his window.
he was still going to be stubborn, huh?
the drive was silent — not that you expected anything else. the music wasn’t even playing loudly — merely soft background noise to keep the both of you from going more insane then you already were. the drive itself should’ve been only six minutes top, had turned into ten — every light being red rather than the preferable green.
your car lurched forward as you angrily slammed your foot on the brake at yet another red light — sapnap and you being abruptly launched forward before coming back and hitting the seat.
“jesus, calm down would you?”
“don’t even start with me,” you didn’t have to look at him to see the way his eyes furrowed and frown deepened.
“what the hell is your problem lately-”
“what the hell is my problem?! you — you're my problem lately, sapnap!” you whipped your head over to him, watching the immediate look of hurt cross his face before it contorted into one anger.
“you know I’m trying here — I thought that us going out somewhere we usually go to would help us, but apparently I was wrong!” sapnap through his hands up in rage. “you make everything so difficult! why can’t you for once in your life, just stop arguing with everything I say and do?!”
the red light still shone brightly — no sign of it changing. and with no cars other than your own on the road at this time of night, there was nothing other than the deep breathing, and the quiet music playing from your radio. neither of you said a word — both of you still trying to wrap your head around not only the others, but your own words.
words that you never meant to, or should’ve said.
you turned your head away from him, trying to hide the way your eyes gleamed with fresh tears — but when they tried to make their way down your face, you brought your palms up to your eyes and pushed. the pressure of your palms helped keep not only the tears, but your anger in.
“Y/N i’m-”
“please can we just not?”
the apology was on the tip of his tongue.
“what are we doing?”
sapnap could feel his mouth run dry, and his chest tighten.
“I mean… what are we doing?” your words came out strained and low, the effects of yelling and being yelled at hitting you full force. “this- us — what are we doing here?”
he didn’t know how to respond — the answer for your question had never crossed his mind. to him, despite the arguing and yelling, him and you would never end — it was the two of you till the end. but with you questioning everything right in front of him, he couldn’t help but panic.
“I’m- we’re-” he tried to put words together, but nothing made sense. he wrote and rewrote a script in his head, pleading for something to make sense, or at least help him bring you out of the hole of doubt and questioning you’ve dug yourself into.
nothing comes easily — not skill, not life, not love. you had to work for everything you have, and you will fall, and get scraped, and fail — but things could always be improved, as long as you fought for it.
“we’re doing something that is right — we’re right,” his words were not enough to make you look at him, but he saw your head lift slightly. “we’re not easy — we’re messy, and mean, and for some reason, stupidly stubborn… but that doesn’t mean that we aren't right — arent perfect in our own way,” your head turned more towards him. “we’re not easy, and to be honest, we never will be. that’s just us. and right now, we're in a rocky part — but just because it won’t come easily, doesn't mean that the road we’re on won’t even out once again. you need to trust me, just like I need to trust you.”
a green light shone down onto the two of you, telling you to go — but just like before, no cars were around. it was just him and you.
“I love you Y/N — and don’t you ever forget or doubt that. I’m an asshole sometimes, but I’d never lie to you about that.”
you wished that the seatbelt that held you stills against your seat could vanish so you could tackle him with a hug — but your place on the road, and the now approaching car from behind stopped you from doing so. pushing lightly on the gas, you went through the green light, and pulled into the convenience store that you had been on your way to.
sapnap watched as you pulled yourself from the car quickly, the sense of ache and worry taking over his body as he pulled himself out of the car after you. “look, I’m sorry-” a body crashed into his own, nerely knocking him to the ground — harsh, shaking shoulders and wetness was felt against his chest.
“I’m so sorry — for everything,” you didn’t try to hide your sobs — with the heat of everything going on, you knew it was better to let everything out then to bottle it up. “and I love you so much, you don't even know — everything sucks without you by my side.”
he couldn't stop the tears that filled his own eyes — finally able to hold you again despite the circumstances and what it took to get here. burying his face into the side of your neck, he let his tears fall — the both of you standing, swaying slightly as you let everything go.
you don’t know how long you stayed in the position, but you didn’t care to keep track — your only focus being the boy pressed against you, holding you tightly to his chest, as he whispered soft words of love and apologies.
it wouldn’t come easily, but the least you could do was try.
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queen--kenobi · 3 years
Okay, so I've been on a big Boba kick lately and am rereading HAC. (Which I am enjoying just as much as when I read it the first or fifth time) And was wondering if you had any thoughts, thots, or HCs about Boba and reader before the Sarlacc explosion? Like maybe more about the night he gave reader the necklace? Or his first impression of her? Just... Boba 😏 Either way I can't wait to see where this story goes (not pressure to work on it, I know you're reworking it and you've got a million other WIPs probably) 😘
I'm sorry your body is rebelling against you right now. If it provides any comfort I just know Din or Boba or Rex would be absolute KINGS at the comfort and soothing needed during a bad period. Big, warm hands and soft cuddles and even softer words. 🥺🥰
!!!!!!!! Hell yeah I do!
So I think he did try early in his life the "married" life. He didn't end up marrying her, he just lived with her for a bit. This was when he was in his late teens/early twenties, so it wasn't a good idea. He was still just a very angry and reeling from the lost of everything when he was young
Tbh he never really thought about settling down again until the events prior to HAC. I think he tried to convince himself that his feelings weren't as strong as they were for the longest time. Mostly because if he was in love with you, it meant you were a target, and that's the last thing he wanted
Eventually he realized that yeah, he had to actually own up to it because not doing so meant that you were still in danger. It actually put you in greater danger because at least if he made it obvious, then most people would know better
He opted for the necklace because it's discreete enough that you could hide it if you needed to. He's also not the ring type imho
One of his favorite memories is waking up really late one morning (he had been chasing after a guy for like... 5 days without almost no sleep so as soon as he got home to you he passed the fuck out for nearly 24 hrs), and he hears music coming from the kitchen. He's on high alert at first, and then he sees it's you. You're in one of his old, oversized shirts he "lost," making him breakfast and just being domestic. He just stood in the doorway and watched you for a bit
Like how he left an impact on you, you left an impact on him. He didn't realize how big it was until one day when he's going into a bar after someone. The jukebox is playing, and he knows all the words to the song. He doesn't know why he knows it because like... Why the hell would he even know the lyrics to a song??? That just takes up space in his brain that could be used on something else??? It eventually hits him; it was one of your favorite songs playing. That's how he knew the all the words
I do have some thots too...
First time he sees the necklace on you and realizes that you're his and want to be his? Oh yeah. That does A LOT for him
You can always tell when he's in that kind of Mood when he reaches out a curls one finger around the chain and uses it to gently pull you towards him
He knows he can't leave hickies in obvious places because white collar business, so he makes up for it by leaving hickies pretty much everywhere else
At the beginning, it was absolutely rough and fast sex. As time went on, it gradually became softer and slower.
Tbh the first time y'all like... "made love" vs fucked, it probably kinda threw him for a loop because he's never really had anyone be soft and gentle with him, nor has he really wanted that before
He becomes addicted to it real quick. The world both of you live in is harsh and cruel, so having something soft and gentle and sweet??? He can't get enough
That's not to say there's not plenty of rough, kinky sex because there is. There's also a lot of just slow moments where it's just the two of you
Likes to take his time over quickies. He wants to savor it as much as he can. If he has to do a quickie, he will, but he doesn’t like it
Also. The first time y'all fuck is ABSOLUTELY after he beat the absolute shit of Lamtur
Phone sexing is a staple of the relationship with how often he has to be gone. He absolutely made several JOI audios for you no question
Massive tease! Especially since most people are so scared by him they don't even pick up on the fact that he's just blantantly teasing you in public. So he can get away with a lot
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No Strings Attached
Summary - Some words are better remained unspoken but not always. Sometimes it better to just confess.
Pairing - Jensen x Reader, past Jensen x OFC Sarah
Warning - Fluff, angst-ish, secret relationship, smut (18+), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral sex (female receiving), swearing, insecurities, mentions of betrayal.
Word Count - 3178
Square Filled - Rockstar!Jensen ( @spndeanbingo ); Confessions ( @anyfandomgoesbingo )
A/N - This is written for my challenge "Chan's 500 followers challenge".
Request by @deanwanddamons - Hey hon! Huge congratulations on 500 followers! You deserve it 💞 Could you write ‘3. How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?’ Jensen and Y/N 😘 (Hope you like it and sorry it got so long)
Beta'd by the lovely @miss-nerd95​ (she is such a sweetheart! Thank you so much)
The beautiful spn dividers by @talesmaniac89
I love the Ackles fam, but for the sake of this fic, Jensen is single and was never married to Danneel.
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Your eyes were focused on the man on stage, heart beating loudly as you watched his every movement the way his thick fingers were wrapped around the mic, that little smirk on his face as he sang along to the Eric Church’s song. Your head full of thoughts about what his fingers and mouth could do to you.
“Damn you, really turn me on, paintin' your toenails pink.” He sent you a sideway glance, giving you a knowing smile as he sang the lines. His tongue peeked out of his mouth as it swept over his lips, his action so casual yet it sent the audience into a frenzy. The song enriched by his voice was enough to make you squirm and the memories from last night were not helping you at all.
You should have seen this coming ever since the moment you had stepped into the green room that day, right before the Saturday Night Live. You had smirked to yourself when you saw Jensen's eyes slightly widening at the sight of you in the tight little skirt that you had paired with a see-through button down and matching bra, as you had walked up to him with a glass of wine in your hand.
A blush had crept up your neck when you had felt his eyes all over your body. You had taken a seat right beside him, just to rile him up a bit more. You knew he couldn't even kiss you because no one in the cast knew about your hidden rendezvous. You had furtively glanced at the actor beside you. With one brow raised slightly, Jensen was staring right at you.
“You want to go out there?” You jumped at Richard’s voice, pulling you out from your sinful thoughts. “I know you can sing.”
“You sure? Jensen has set the stage on fire. I don't think I have enough fuel to match that level.” You chuckled, looking out towards the stage as the said man wrapped an arm around Rob’s shoulder, jamming out to the music of the guitar. You hadn't even noticed when he had switched to another song because you were too busy staring at how his biceps flexed under his black shirt with every small movement of his arm. A puff of air left your mouth as he hit a high note in the song.
“Trust me, he will definitely not mind.” Richard winked.
“Um-thanks Speight, but I'd rather stay here and enjoy the show.” You politely declined Richard’s request. Tonight, the stage was a dangerous arena.
You took in a sharp breath as the last notes of the song strung in the air, the crowd erupting into a loud cheer as Rob struck the last chord on his guitar. “Thank you!” Jensen gave a dramatic bow, waving his hands in the air as he was exiting the stage which caused an uproar in the room. Handing over the mic to Rob, the actor left the stage.
“Enjoyed the show, sweetheart?” A smug smile tugged on his lips as he stalked towards you, the look on his face making you go weak in the knees.
“You put on quite a show out there.” You said, placing a hand on his chest.
“What can I say? I am a good performer. There is nothing better than seeing the audience satisfied,” Jensen replied and leaned towards you, bringing his mouth near your ear. “And then leave them begging for more.” Your heart was beating wildly making you gasp as his teeth grazed past your earlobe, a shiver running down your body to your core.
“Jackles!” Jared’s booming voice made you two jump apart. “We are going out for drinks, wanna join?”
“Yeah! Go ahead, I'll...uh-catch up. Y/N’s coming with me too.”
“Uh-okay!” Jared hesitated a bit before he rejoined the awfully jolly group of actors, making their way towards the bar a few blocks away from the convention.
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“Ackles, anyone caught your eye yet?” Jared questioned his tv brother, which piqued your interest.
“So, I'm picking up random girls from the bar now to get my dick wet? Jare-” Jensen looked at his best friend with a look of pure disgust in his eyes.
“Jensen, that's not what I-”
“Now, don't start with your relationship crap. You know I don't do relationships anymore.” It wasn't like you didn't expect him to say this, but deep down it still hurt to hear him say that there was no one special in his life. You tuned out the rest of his words as you reminisced about your first night together.
The relationship between you and Jensen was complicated. A few months ago, you had hooked up in his Vancouver apartment after a drunken night and that had started the whole friends with benefit thing. No one knew that you two were sleeping together. It was something you two had decided to keep between yourselves because it wasn't like you were in a relationship, you two just fucked to relieve some tension. Or so you thought. You didn't even realise when you had fallen head over heels for the man but you had managed to keep your mouth shut.
Your eyes roamed around the room until it landed on Jensen to see him staring intently at you. An involuntary shiver ran down your body under his strong gaze. You left your seat and went to sit beside him at which he was taken by surprise.
“Miss me already?” He smirked, an eyebrow raised at you.
“Don’t shave.” You said.
“That doesn't answer my que-” the words got stuck in his throat as you placed your hand on his thigh. Jensen stiffened under your touch but thankfully the action went unnoticed by everyone else.
“What d'you think you're doin’?” He asked, his southern accent slipping through.
“Nothing.” You smirked as you hand travelled upwards towards his crotch but no one could see your little teasing session underneath the table. Jensen swallowed thickly as he fidgeted in his seat, trying to adjust his pants and to remove your hand but you were adamant. You coyly palmed his growing excitement as he sucked in a breath.
“Don't challenge me, Y/N/N.” He growled into your ear, your own panties were now ruined. “I can take you right here, right now. You want me to do that, to teach you a lesson for being a bad girl?”
“Where's your self control, Ackles?” You mocked.
Without answering your question, he suddenly stood up. “Y/N’s not feeling so hot. I think it's best if she goes back to the hotel.” Jensen told the cast. You licked your lips when you saw his dominant side jumping out.
“What ‘bout ya?” Jared drunkenly asked.
“She is in the room right beside me and it's too late. I'm going back to the hotel with her. I'm just being a gentleman.” Jensen said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Everyone said their goodbyes and if anyone suspected anything, they didn't speak up.
A few minutes after leaving the bar, Clif pulled up in front of the bar. You and Jensen slipped into the backseat. That fifteen minutes drive felt like the longest time you had ever been in a car. The tension was so thick between, it could have been cut with a knife. Jensen did his best to restrain himself, so much so he barely looked at you because even Clif wasn't in on your little secret and you wanted to keep it that way.
You had barely closed the door before you felt Jensen’s hands all over your body. He abandoned his leather jacket before pushing you against the wall.
“I wanted to rip off your clothes the moment you walked into the room.” He murmured as he pinned you to the wall, kissing you roughly. “Do you have any idea how hard you made me tonight? Huh?” He breathed into the skin of your neck, making you whimper.
“Jay-uh, you were a t-tease as well. You sang that song tonight o-on purpose.” You breathed out. A gasp left your lips when Jensen hungrily ripped off your shirt and skirt leaving you in nothing but your bra and panties. You hooked your legs behind his back as he effortlessly picked you up and took you to the bed, putting you down before he climbed on top of you. Impatiently, you tugged at the hem of his t-shirt at which Jensen smirked and pulled the shirt over his head before throwing it on the floor. You took in the perfectly toned muscles of his chest and stomach like you were seeing him naked for the very first time, which of course wasn't, when he put a finger under your chin, making you look up at him.
“Like what you see?” He smirked as your hands travelled up to feel his hard pecs. Jensen grabbed your hand and moved them away from his chest as he leaned down to leave a trail of kisses down your body. You shuddered when his mouth found the sweet spot on your neck. He swiftly removed your bra, leaving only in your lacy panties. “You are so beautiful.” He murmured as he took in your naked form.
There wasn't a single part of your body that he didn't touch. His hands travelled all over your body, squeezing and pinching your skin as they moved until finally stopped on your breasts, kneading and massaging them.
“Jay-” you moaned as he continued to nibble at your sensitive skin. His mouth left your neck before latching onto your right nipple, his tongue flicking the bud making you cry out his name. “Oh fuck,” you whimpered as his fingers worked on your other nipple. You could feel him smirking before his mouth released you from its assault, pressing a kiss on the valley of your chest before moving south.
“Fuck baby, you're so wet. Where's your self control?” Jensen grunted when his hand brushed your damp panties before making a quick job of pulling them off you. He left kisses along the inside of both your thighs before you felt his hot breath fanning against where you needed him the most. He pressed a kiss on your aching pussy as you moaned for the hundredth time that night.
“Mhm, you always taste so good.” He growled against your pussy, the vibration of his voice making you shiver in anticipation. He started licking your clit slowly but then he picked up his pace as his tongue worked overtime. Your hands moved downwards, your fingers entangling with his hair. Jensen’s scruff scratched against your thigh, giving you a sweet, burning sensation which you knew would stay as a reminder of his unholy ministrations. His mouth and tongue continued to give you pleasure as the latter went in deep, hungrily eating you out.
“Fuck Jensen!” You exclaimed when you felt the pressure build up. You pulled at his scalp, making him groan against your pussy before he put a finger in you, at which you whimpered. He pumped in twice before adding another, successfully stretching you open.
“Shit!” Your back arched with pleasure as his fingers curled inside you, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. The coil inside you tightened as he kept pumping his fingers.
“Fuck! Fuck Jay!” You mewled as you came on his fingers. He pulled out his fingers, licking them clean, while you tried to steady your breathing. Giving you a quick kiss, he pulled down his pants along with his boxers, his hardened length making you lick your lips at the sight. He took his cock and ran his hand up and down the shaft, the tip of his cock beaded with precum.
“Jensen.” You croaked.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.” His deep voice growled as he sat there in all his naked glory.
“I-hm, I want you inside me.” Jensen quickly obliged as he lined himself with your entrance. Your mouth both sucked in a breath when he slipped his cock into you.
“You need to move.” He almost pulled out, leaving only his tip inside you before pushing all of him back in again. You buckled up your hips to match with his thrusts, making him groan. Your pussy clenched around him as the knot in your stomach tightened once again.
“Fuck Y/N!” He growled as his thrusts started to become sloppy.
“I am gonna-Jay!” your back arched as the coil in your stomach snapped and you felt yourself coming undone for the second time that night. Jensen thrusted a few more times before he spilled his seed inside you, coating your walls. “Shit Y/N!” He panted as he dropped his head into the crook of your neck. Pressing his lips on yours, he pulled out of you and rolled over, both of you panting hard, as you came down from your high before he got up to get a piece of cloth to clean you both up.
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You were lying in his arms, basking in the post-coital bliss, both of you still in an euphoric state when those fateful words were muttered. “I think I'm in love with you.” The sentence slipped out before you could have stopped yourself and that's when you felt him beside you stiffen up.
“I thought we agreed this thing to be no-strings attached.” He said, his voice hard as rock as he spat the words out, making you wince at the sheer intensity of disgust in those ten little words.
“I-I thought, I'm sorry. I know what I got myself into,” you scoffed, “How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?” You left the soft hotel bed, wrapping yourself with the white sheet to cover your modesty and self-respect or what was left of it.
“Where are you going?” Jensen asked as he watched you pick up the pieces of your clothing strewn about the room, putting them back on as you tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
‘Was that concern in his voice?’ You wondered but you decided not to voice your thoughts instead you retorted, “No-strings attached, remember? I am going back to my room.” And that was the last thing you said before you left hurriedly.
Closing the door behind you, you burst into tears. You almost ran back into your room because you didn't want to be seen by anyone and read some nasty headline on the celebrity gossip page the next day.
You didn't know how long you cried, lying there in your bed as you blamed yourself for completely messing up a good relationship. Wait, why were you even calling your arrangement a relationship?
That man didn't do relationships. How could you be so stupid to say those words to him? Maybe deep down inside, you had hoped that Jensen felt the same about you but after tonight all your hopes had been turned to dust. You laid motionless in your bed with tears streaming down your cheeks until two short knocks on your door interrupted your pity party.
A sense of fear seeped into you. Did someone see you in the hallway? You wondered. Gathering up a bit of courage you opened the door to find the man you least expected to show up on the other side.
“Wha-” Jensen barged into the room, closing the door behind him.
“Sarah, my last girlfriend she-I loved her, God did I love her but she took advantage and stabbed me in the back, left me there in the pool of my own blood.” He let out a shaky breath.
You still remembered that night in the trailer clearly. You and Jensen were still getting to know each other and you had never seen him have a breakdown like that. Sarah had used Jensen's name to get further in the industry and used his money but then she had owned up to never loving him and cheating on him with another man. Thomas was sick so Jared had to leave immediately while you had stayed with him that night in the trailer because you knew if you left him alone, he would have drowned himself in alcohol.
“I swore off dating, then you came along. After our first night in my Vancouver apartment, I didn't want to let you go. You were also healing from your last breakup and we both needed something to release the tension so I asked you to be my friend with benefits.”
“Let me complete because I owe you an explanation and I'm here to give you one. All this time I was thinking that my feelings towards you were not romantic because I was scared to fall in love again until tonight when I watched you storm out of my room. I realised that I was lying to everyone including myself and I don't think I can live with that. ” You searched his face to find any sort of pity or a lie but all you saw were eyes filled with adoration for you. “Now I know I'm an idiot and I have royally fucked everything up but I think I'm ready to take a leap and I don’t want anyone but you by my side.”
You didn't even know when you had started crying. Jensen came closer to you, cupping your face, he whispered, “I want you, all strings attached.”
“Am I really the person you want?”
“Okay?” A look of confusion descended on his face.
“Okay. I can give us a chance but I need you to be all in. I want you with all your strings attached as well.” You said, your lips curling up to form a soft smile.
“I am all in.” He said and leaned in, capturing your lips with his. Your one hand moved to the back of his neck and another gripped his bicep to ground yourself. It was a soft kiss filled with love and new promises.
“I do have one condition.” You said after breaking the kiss.
“I agree.” Jensen said, pecking your lips.
“You didn't even hear it.”
“I don't have to. I agree with it.” He smiled.
“Well then, no sex for one month.” You smirked as you Jensen's mouth fell open.
“One month?”
“You already agreed to it.” You giggled when he pouted at you. “Oh don't make that face. You have two hands, use them.”
“What about kissing?”
“I think I can allow kissing.” You chuckled making him sigh in relief.
“I love you and I'm a dumbass for not realising it before.” Your heart swelled in your chest as you heard him say those words back. “And I think Jared is going to earn some betting money in the morning when we walk into the room hand in hand.”
“We are telling everyone about us? So no secret meetings?”
“No secret meetings. I will shout it from the rooftops that you're mine because like I told you, I want you with all the strings attached.”
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Feedback is highly appreciated!
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onemoresomething · 3 years
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unchained melody
a matchablossom ghost au I GUESS
i partially blame @teaisolde for this
also on ao3
It was hypnotising, almost, the way the clay spun atop the wheel. Round, and around, yet somehow this structure, essentially made of merely dirt, and water, stood tall, barely wavering. Kaoru could make it into anything he wanted, if he focused hard enough; he could make it beautiful, and useful; something to be treasured.
He often found himself in his pottery studio at odd hours. When inspiration hit, or when a project was past due, or he was struggling to sleep.
Tonight was the latter.
He would dim the lights, keeping just enough directed towards the wheel so he could see what he was doing. Although, some nights it hardly mattered to him. Some nights, for Kaoru, the end product was not important. Some nights, he simply craved the feeling of wet clay moving beneath his fingers.
Like tonight.
A song that Kaoru recognised, despite not understanding the foreign lyrics, played softly over Carla’s speakers. He liked to have music playing while he worked, filling the empty corners of his studio. Somehow it felt like the melody was cursing through his body, travelling down his arms, his fingers, into his creation on the table. Each song made one of his pieces unique, endowing it with a story that Kaoru could never describe with words.
He marvelled at the way the pot he was currently shaping (or was it a vase, he couldn’t decide) was able to stand, narrower in the middle than it was on top. To the inexperienced eye, it must have looked as though it was about to topple right over. But as Kaoru delicately reached a hand through the mouth, moulding the curves with his skilled fingers, he could feel how perfectly balanced it was.
Kaoru heard a soft set of footsteps behind him. Despite his large build, Kojiro was surprisingly light on his feet. He always took care when entering Kaoru’s studio, especially when he was working, conscious not to distract him. Kaoru loved that about him.
A quick glance over his shoulder in Kojiro’s direction let the other man know that his presence was known, that he could relax. Speak.
“Love,” the deep voice from behind him said, still weary from sleep. “What are you doing up so late? It’s almost 3am, you know.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Kaoru replied. He could feel Kojiro’s gaze on him, watching him as he let his fingers slide down the side of the vase (it was a vase now, he had decided).
“Another nightmare?” Kojiro asked, slowly approaching, as if Kaoru were a frightened animal he was trying not to scare off.
“Mmm,” he hummed, casual in his response. Nightmares were a regular occurrence for Kaoru, not something he considered worth fussing over. He heard the light scraping of a stool on the concrete floor, and leaned back to kiss Kojiro chastely on the lips as the other settled in behind him, before returning back to his work. “Did the music wake you?”
“No,” Kojiro replied, keeping a little distance between them. “Rolling over to find my husband missing from our bed woke me,” he explained, and then added after a pause, “You could have woken me up.”
Kaoru just hummed another reply. He could feel the frustration exuding from his husband in hot waves - Kojiro hated when Kaoru didn’t let him take care of him.
“You notice Adam’s eyes at ‘S’ tonight? They were all over you,” Kojiro said, clearly an attempt to get a reaction out of him. But enough time had passed for Kaoru that the mention of their former friend no longer had the effect on him than it used to.
“What? Are you jealous?” Kaoru mocked, unable to hide the grin from his lips, receiving a cheeky poke to his ribs as punishment that made him jump in surprise. And then after a moment of thought, added, “He's not looking at me anymore. He doesn't see me at all.”
He sensed Kojiro stiffening behind him at those words. Perhaps his words sounded nostalgic, or full of regret to his husband. But that wasn’t really it. The only thing Kaoru regretted was how long he had let the memory of Adam reign over him. So to ease Kojiro’s mind, he added, with a smile in his voice, “Anyway, he's not my type.”
The stool scraped closer on the concrete, and then there was a large hand creeping around his waist, coming to rest firm and grounded on his stomach.
“Mmm? And what exactly is your type?” Kojiro asked, giving his belly a gentle squeeze. The man pulled himself closer, breath fanning out hot against the back of Kaoru’s neck, making him squirm. The unexpected movement caused Kaoru’s hands to shift, the action sending the pottery slightly off centre as it continued to rotate.
“Muscle-brained gorillas, apparently,” he answered, berating his husband with a playful slap to the wrist. But that didn’t seem to deter Kojiro, whose hands slid up Kaoru’s forearms, until they were hovered over his own. He could feel static electricity in the infinitesimal space between their skin, and suddenly he was torn between not wanting his creation to be destroyed, and wanting desperately to be touched.
“What are you doing?” Kaoru asked, even though they both knew it was a warning.
“I suddenly feel inspired,” Kojiro whispered against his skin.
It took just a moment for Kojiro to distract him, with a press of hot, wet lips to the back of his neck. The kiss sent shivers down Kaoru’s spine, and Kojiro was cunning enough to take the opportunity to close the space between their hands. Kaoru whined as the force of the movement sent his vase (no longer a vase, he supposed) toppling over, collapsing back into a clump of clay, just as he had started with.
“Clumsy gorilla,” he chided, but without any real anger.
“I hope it wasn’t a masterpiece,” Kojiro chuckled, against his skin. He shuffled even closer still, pressing his warm, solid, naked chest against Kaoru’s back.
“Not anymore, it isn’t,” he replied, and then wetting his hands, and entwining their fingers around the shapeless clump, added, “But you can help me fix it.”
He proceeded to guide Kojiro’s hands over the wet clay, instructing him to just “let the clay slide between your fingers,” until both their hands were covered and messy.
Kojiro was humming, deep in his throat, as their hands moved together, and he was pressed so close that Kaoru could feel the vibrations in his body. And his hands started roaming, up his forearms, over his wrists, tangling their fingers, and Kaoru had never imagined that his craft could be this intimate before.
Then there was another hot kiss placed against his neck, then another, and another, until Kaoru was squirming in his lover’s embrace, desperate for more. He turned his head, finally allowing Kojiro to capture his mouth, breathing him in.
It was hot, and wet, and messy. And there was clay everywhere, on everything, every inch of bare skin as Kojiro devoured him and groped him with his large, powerful hands. But Kaoru didn’t care, because that’s what they were. Their relationship was messy. They were dirt and water. And sometimes they toppled over. But sometimes they could be strong, and balanced, and beautiful.
Breaking away to breathe, Kaoru took in Kojiro’s flushed, handsome face, and thought to himself that if anything were to happen to his love, he really was not sure how he would ever survive it.
“I love you, Kojiro,” he said, bringing a clay covered hand up to rest against the other man’s cheek. And the other man smiled, so glorious and dazzling that Kaoru thought no other smile would ever compare with it, and simply replied:
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dxnahdsg · 3 years
Imagination || t.oikawa ||
Blurb/Drabble/One shot? - Angst, I'm so sorry😭✋ Song fic with the song Imagination by Shawn Mendes
Warnings - ANGST ANGST ANGST, no mentions of cheating or death don't worry👌
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Oh, there she goes again
Every morning it's the same
You sighed heavily as you looked at your exam score. "My parents are going to kill me..." You groaned heavily, bumping your head onto your arm as you rest it there.
"[Y/n]~chan, don't worry! You did great!" Oikawa reassured you, patting your back lightly. "I know that but you know how my parents are." You sighed once again, looking up to look at Oikawa.
"Just cuddle me, please?" You pouted, giving him puppy eyes even though he would never reject your offer. "Okie dokie!" He exclaimed, gently getting you off of your chair and move you to the bed.
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name
"[Y/n]~chan! Let's bake cookies!" Oikawa suggested as he laid on top of you. "Eh? I'm bad at baking though." You stated. "So am I so we're even!" Oikawa chuckled and grabbed your hand, dragging you towards the kitchen.
"We don't even have ingredients!" You say. "We do! I bought some on my way here." Oikawa replies, pulling out the ingredients from the cabinet.
You sigh and rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. You finally gave in and helped Oikawa set the ingredients together.
I wanna tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause
As you were mixing some ingredients, Oikawa grabs a handful of flour and threw it at the side of your face. You stood there shocked while Oikawa was laughing at you.
"So you want to play dirty huh?" You grumbled, a mischievous smirk coming up on your face as you grabbed 3 eggs and threw it at Oikawa. Two landing on his eyes and one landing on his forehead.
Oikawa chuckled and wiped off the egg, throwing another handful of flour at you. Some getting in your mouth. You spat it out and wipe your face a little and tackled Oikawa, wrestling him.
You both laughed at this sweet and messy moment. Forgetting completely about the cookies. Oikawa chuckled and opened his eyes, admiring your beautiful laughing face, he doesn't care if you had flour on your face you're beautiful in anyway. He was lucky to have you.
You stopped laughing when you felt Oikawa's stare and you looked at him confused. "What?" You ask. Oikawa lifted up his hand and caressed your face, giving you a little peck on the cheek. "You're very beautiful, Little Cutie."
I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you
"Happy Birthday, [Y/n]~chan!" Oikawa exclaimed as he threw confetti in your room. "Tooru!" You gasped, looking around at your birthday themed decorated bedroom and the cake on your desk.
"I tried my best to decorate your room, and I had troubles with baking the cake but hey! Anything to make you happy!" He stated, and handed you your gifts. "These are my gifts for you! I went a little overboard though." He sheepishly chuckled.
"[Y/n]~chan? Are you okay?" He asked in concern after seeing your teary eyes. His worried expression turned into a surprised one when you tackled him into a hug, sobbing into his chest.
"Thank you, Tooru." You whispered, barely audible. "You're welcome." He smiles genuinely at you and pecks your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too."
This is typical love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait
You groaned heavily as you walked into your room, plopping down on the bed. "Welcome home, [Y/n]~ch- EH?! What happened to you?!" Oikawa asks worriedly as he saw a huge cut on your leg and bruises were surrounding it.
"I just got chased by a damn dog and I hit a sharp wood by accident." You explained, sitting up and flexed your leg at him. Oikawa sighed and walked inside your bathroom, soon coming back with your emergency med kit.
"This will hurt." He warns before dabbing your wound with rubbing alcohol. You hissed and bit back a groan, trying to endure the pain. "Sorry." He whispers after he cleaned the wound. "It's fine. Just stings." You reassured.
After wrapping a bandage around the wound, he gave it a small peck and smiled at you. "That'll help heal faster." He says with a goofy grin. You chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully. "Thanks, Tooru."
"Anything for you!" He exclaims and grabbed a marker, beginning to write on the bandage. "What are you doing?" You ask, as you try to peek at what he was writing.
"Nothing! Just a reminder!" He says and showed you what he wrote on the bandage.
"Tooru x [Y/n]❤️"
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever
"Tooru! I'm home!" You called out to your room with a bright smile on your face. But your smile dropped when you saw Oikawa sitting on your bed, looking gloomy. "Tooru? What's wrong?" You ask, sitting down beside him.
Oikawa looked at you with teary eyes and hugged you tightly, his head resting on your chest. "I only have until midnight before I disappear..." He mumbles, and you remembered that he was only here for 3 months before he goes back to his world permanently. "I don't want to go yet..." He cries.
"Tooru..." You cooed, running your hands through his hair and pecked his forehead. "I don't want you to go either but...you also have families and friends that cares for you. You don't wanna leave them behind, don't you?"
"I don't...but you're way important to me." Oikawa says, looking up at you and caressed your cheek. "I want to stay here with you forever..."
"Tooru, as much as I want you here...you can't stay...you're not real...you're just my imagination."
"Then let's spend our last times today." He suggests, his eyes full of pleads. You gave him a smile and nodded, pecking his forehead again. "Let's do it then."
In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
8 pm hits. You and Oikawa were cuddling at the couch, watching a show. His anime rather. "Damn, I'm fabulous!" Oikawa exclaims and flips his hair flawlessly. "Yes you are, Tooru." You giggled as he gave you a goofy grin and cuddled back into your chest.
Then Kageyama, his rival, shows up. "Blech! He's a no no!" Oikawa says, sticking his tongue out at Kageyama while you just sweat dropped. "He's not that bad..." You mumble with a shrug.
"Eh?! How dare you break my heart!" Oikawa dramatically rests his wrist on his forehead, falling down on the other side of the couch. "Oh shush, you drama queen." You roll your eyes and laid down on top of Oikawa. "Let me heal your heart, majesty!" You played along, giving little pecks on his chest.
"S-Stop. That t-tickles." He says through his giggles as he tried to push you off. You laughed and moved to his face, peppering kisses all over before passionately kissing him on the lips.
You both pulled away and he grins at you. "My heart is fully healed. Thank you my little mistress." He cooed, pecking your jawline. You giggled and pulled away, sitting down beside him as you continued watching.
The show ended. You glanced at the time, seeing it was 10:30 pm. It was almost time. "Tooru, wanna go out to the park?" You ask. Oikawa smiled at you and says "Sure! It's gonna be quiet there anyway since it's night time."
You nodded and began changing into your outerwear. But just as you got rid of your t-shirt, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist, a chin laying on your exposed shoulder.
"So sexy~" Oikawa cooed, kissing your exposed shoulder. You blushed madly and hit him square in the face. "Pervert! You're supposed to be in the bathroom!" You exclaimed, covering your underwear with your hands.
"Sorry, thought you were done." Oikawa excused, looking at you innocently. You roll your eyes and quickly put on some jeans and a hoodie. "Let's go."
And from there, who knows?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
11:50 pm
You and Oikawa walked hand in hand at the park, admiring the night sky. Suddenly, Oikawa steps in front of you with a smile on his face. "[Y/n]~chan, may I dance with you?" He asks.
You blink at him before giggling. "Yes, you may." You reply. With that being said, you and Oikawa danced under the moonlight, not caring of there wasn't any music.
You both knew it was almost time for him to go. And you want to spend your last time at the park where you first met him. Where you first imagined him.
You both stared at each other's eyes, full of love and sadness. The smiles on both of your faces were enough to tell you, that you'll meet again soon.
11:59 pm
You both stopped dancing but still haven't broke eye contact. Oikawa leaned in and gave you his last kiss. You immediately kissed back, and before you knew it, tears started rolling down your cheeks. Same with Oikawa.
You both pulled away and hugged each other, Oikawa rocking you side to side gently. "I promise we'll meet again soon." He says, giving you one last peck on the forehead. "I love you, [Y/n]~chan."
And that's when you woke up with tears in your eyes. You glanced at the bandage on your leg, seeing the same message Oikawa wrote. Looking at that made you break down immediately.
Or is that just me and my imagination?
A/n: Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! WHAT HAVE I DONE😭😭😭
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