#he got four arms to shoot four kids at the same time
thecryptidart1st · 1 year
last night i went from "man i really love this one song from jem and the holograms, i should make an animatic for it" to "if i did make an animatic, this would probably be the best song for my canon take on Eclipse in Soldered Wires! FNAB SB, maybe I should make a sketch of him" to "this song is v glamrock what if Eclipse was an decommisioned glamrock animatronic version of the Daycare Attendant" to "THIS SONG IS VERY POMPOUS WHAT IF ECLIPSE IS A BAD GUY IN CANON OF THE PIZZAPLEX LORE" to "I GUESS IM DOING STEEL WOOL'S JOB BC ECLIPSE IS GONNA BE THE VILLAIN THAT GLAM FREDDY AND THE KIDS FIGHT AGAINST IN FAZER BLAST"
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the main design i'm happy with, still in debate on the coloring
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pandoraslxna · 9 days
Quid Pro Quo
Olo’eyktan Neteyam x female human scientist reader
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Words: 6.9k
Summary: You owe Neteyam a favor. Luckily, the olo’eyktan has just the idea how you could repay him.
Warnings: explicit smut, oral, fingering, sexual tension, size difference, praise kink, cum eating, scenting, I actually hate this my writing is so bad here but I tried 😩
Notes: Neteyam art on the left by @cinetrix, art on the right by @sleeptight____ on Twitter 🩵
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There is nothing you hate as much as the way the smell of the lab seems to seep into your clothes and stick to your skin after you’ve been working there all day.
When you get back to your tiny living quarters at hells gate after twelve or fourteen hours, you usually smell like dank, half-rotted crates and dust and damp concrete and dirt. It doesn't matter that you recently cleared out all the crates and sealed all the leaks and dusted until you were streaming-eyed and dripping-nosed, that the labs are as clean and sterile as you could make it. It still smells like what it is: an old, moldering wreck of a science shack.
Back at hells gate, you strip down less than two feet in the door, and then just stand there in your skin for a minute, stretching your arms, rubbing your temples, your eyes.
You’re tired and your back and neck ache from hunching over books and datapads all day, and it's another damned day with nothing to show for your work. Another day that feels like a waste of time.
Toeing the pile of clothes out of the way you sigh as you head for the bathroom. A nice long shower would be just the thing, relax some of the ache of your muscles and erase the stink of the labs from your nose.
Unfortunately, you can't have that.
The hot water heater serves the entire floor, and there's never more than a minute or two of hot water.
Once you‘ve made yourself get up at four a.m. to shower, because who the hell would be using hot water at four in the morning? Someone, apparently. You‘ve got three and a half heavenly minutes that time, but to your mind the extra minute and a half just wasn’t worth the effort of getting up so damn early.
Stepping under the water, you’re already fumbling for the bar of soap. It's harsh and smells blindingly antiseptic, but it's the only option the RDA ships to Pandora, which means the only thing the human-na‘vi resistance could raid. So it'll have to do.
The two minutes are up before you get the soap out of your hair and you end up rinsing it in water that's cool and headed rapidly toward freezing before you hurry out of the shower with a full on body shiver.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
The next day was just a repeat of the same events. Day after day, it was all the same.
Numbers and words were swimming before your eyes by now, and you could feel your head doing that awkward nod, lift, nod thing that told you that you were too tired to still be in the labs. But when the decision was between this, or coming home to an ice cold shower, nasty soap and an uncomfortable bed, work was a clearly the winner.
It's not like this research would be due anytime soon, or anytime at all, but you'd only just recently gained access to these files and data collected by Dr. Grace Augustine herself (thank you very much, Norm) and they gave you much more than anything those old dusty books could.
But in hindsight, they could’ve been at least a bit more entertaining. Not that it was essential boring to listen to Dr. Augustine’s fifteen minute long lecture about the importance of—
Your head shoots up so quick, you nearly give yourself whiplash as you jolt awake at the sound of a voice laced with heavy na’vi accent entering the labs.
"No!" It bursts out of you like you’re a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar and for a moment you suffer in embarrassing silence as you wait for a response.
The contrast between his smooth, pale blue curved stripes and his much darker blue colored skin enters your vision as he takes place to stand at your desk to look at the holo you were studying.
With a sigh of relief to find that the intruder was of no danger, you rest your drooping head on one hand.
It‘s the olo’eyktan, Neteyam.
You’re a little surprised to see him here, since he rarely occupied himself at the labs, let alone show himself in interaction with the scientists working there. His siblings, his second of command and the clans tsahik, were the ones who paid a visit to everything that was lived and operated by sky people more frequently compared to him.
If he did let himself be seen at the labs, it was solely for the purpose of talking to you and letting his curiosity be known to everything you were working on at the moment.
It had always flattered you to know that the clans chief had grown so fond of you, but it was none the less unnerving to have such a giant of a man wandering around and prodding at your equipment, boring you with questions just to disappear again when it bored him. You’ve always wondered what he would even gain out of this, but shrugged it off as the olo’eyktans attempt to maintain the alliance between sky people and omatikaya, see what the tiny humans were up to while using the Clans resources and basically working under their roof.
"No, no I’m not sleeping, it’s just…"
He was so close now that you had to look up to see his face; could feel the heat emanating from his body and smell the fresh, earthy scent of his skin as he smiled down at you, board arms lazily crossed over his chest, resting just above his impressively woven cummerbund that showed off his warrior expertise. The armband around his biceps was stretched taut, and you couldn’t help but swallow down the salvia that pooled at this sight.
Clearing your throat, you quickly start again where you had left off, "I‘m trying to study this plant, we call it rain thistle. But it’s hard if you can only look at it through holograms and screens and super old recordings, you know?" With a sigh of frustration, you close the tab on your datapad and with it, the hologram that was projected onto your desk.
"Oh. Just get one to study up close." Neteyam says with a genuine smile, like it’s so obvious and you’re just a silly little human that wouldn’t have thought of that before, the most simplest answer. As if he was so oblivious to the struggle it would bring to even get close to one.
"Ha-ha, very funny," you can’t help but roll your eyes, a reaction that causes Neteyams hairless brows to raise in amusement. You know he didn’t mean to make fun of you, but still. "It only grows all the way up in the hallelujah mountains, near the banshee nests," you explain calmly, but you could feel your patience wearing thinner the more his grin widened. "There’s no way I could get one and come back alive."
Neteyam looks at you for a long moment, golden orbs entirely focused on you as he silently ponders, and then speaks up, "Ikran don’t eat humans."
You blink, considering.
Neteyams expression hasn't changed, nothing but mild curiosity, but you can sense his teasing through that grin on his lips.
There are about a million reasons as to why "just getting one" would surely end in your death and you‘re sure Neteyam knows. Still, you can’t help the sarcastic comments that only make him snicker at your frustration.
"Really? Great, that means I’ll live long enough to get the plant and then fall to my death on my way down."
Chuckling, he walks over to smooth a hand over your hair and leans in close to peak into the open books laying all over your desk. "Mawey [calm], I‘m just teasing," he purrs, causing all the fine hair at the nape of your neck to raise.
"A fkxakewll", he then says as if he has only just realized what you were even talking about, pointing at the printed image of this familiar plant in one of the books in front of you.
"That’s what I just said. A rain thistle. During rainstorms it opens up to reveal this “boll” thingy, a seedpod that’s surrounded by absorbent fibers. When the plant opens it promotes pollination in ideally wet conditions and allows the plant to absorb and store water in those fibers. This water storage mechanism helps the plant thrive without moist soil. I believe if we could somehow… I don’t know, figure out just how she does that, it could help us store more drinkable rain water at hells gate. And then we could start to figure out how to repair our water heater. It would make a lot of things easier for us, you know?"
The omatikaya man nods attentively.
"I see these almost daily when I feed oare [moon / name of his ikran]. They grow on a cliff, by a waterfall." He explains casually as he walks over to a microscope on the table.
It wasn’t his usual nature, but Neteyam could be strangely fascinated by the way the human technology at the labs worked once you coaxed him into it. His fingers twitched and he ran a hand over the equipment in front of him. It didn't respond to him as though he had the gene, but he still grinned with delight when you showed him how it worked and let him push the button to bring it to life and look at the little piece of fibre that laid underneath the microscope.
"I would do anything to get this stupid little plant…" You mumbled absently, letting out a groan before turning to your work again. With your back facing him now, you didn’t catch the way his ears perked up at what you had just exclaimed and his tail began to swish back and forth eagerly.
Raising back to his full weight and stepping away from the table, Neteyam then glanced around the room to find your back facing him, nose once again buried deep in your datapad. He couldn’t help but notice the way your hair was looking even messier than it usually did, how your desk was littered in empty coffee cups. A liquid that was well known to him due to his fathers heritage and strange habits that continued to stick to him even long after leaving his life as a human behind. Coffee is for when you’re tired. It keep you awake when you’re tired, he remembers.
"Hm. How about you get some sleep first?" He suggests with a low chuckle. "You can still take care of your little plant problem in the morning."
There comes another noise from you, a sound so quiet that his ears twitch to pick up the noise. "I‘m not exactly excited to get home so there’s no rush," you shrug, pressing your lips to a thin line.
"How come?" He quirks a brow.
Sighing, you explain, "The water at hells gate has been running cold for months now, everything smells weird and my bed feels like a slab of concrete. At least here I have a warm cup of coffee and a somewhat cushioned chair." You chuckle, albeit halfheartedly.
Neteyam nods understandingly, a hint of sympathy in his eyes as he furrows his brows.
"Why didn’t your people come to me sooner?" He cocks his head to the side, eyes scanning your face as if he was looking for an answer there. You didn’t know why, but it made you feel guilty for sounding like you were complaining about this to him.
You stare blankly back at him, cheeks tainting a faint pink. Truth be told, you didn’t know why. You just kind of expected him not to care, to not have time for such unimportant matters. Yes, he was the olo’eyktan, but that was exactly why you thought this issue wouldn’t concern him!
"I… We didn’t think— I mean, I‘m sure you have other businesses to attend to, more important things."
"But I am olo’eyktan, and you’re as much part of my people as the na‘vi are. I should hear about your problems at hells gate."
"We- Listen, we‘re already on it to fix this, please don’t worry about it. I’m serious. It’s just cold water, we‘ll live."
You don’t miss the way his deep frown did not disappear, not even as he excused himself for the night, a finger pressed to his throat comm as he listened attentively to whatever his second of command had to say, before he had to return to attend his duties at the clan.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
It’s not on the same day, because surely that would be weird, but when you get home a few days later, there's a small container in the little nook set into the shower wall where there wasn't anything like this when you had left this morning. You’re pretty sure you would remember if that was the case.
You almost don’t want to- can’t believe this could’ve been Neteyams work, but it smells like greenery, like heather and herbs, so much like him. Your eyes widen at the realization that it’s some kind of soap. And it's probably ridiculous to take this much sheer pleasure from shampooing hair, but you don’t give a shit. Fuck, you‘ve missed soap. It might not be the type of soap that you knew, but in a way it was actually really good smelling.
It’s so good, you can’t bring yourself to care, to ask yourself why and how. You’re just so incredibly grateful for this small gesture.
You’re ten minutes into your shower when it occurs to you to wonder when the hot water is going to run out. You frown, mentally calculating the degree to which you had adjusted the temperature, and yeah, you‘re sure of it.
You don’t even have to spin the knob all the way to the left to get heat. You lean forward and nudge the knob to the left, and the water, already comfortably warm, is almost instantly downright hot. You squeak and jump and nudge it back, and then straighten up and just stand there.
The water pressure is good, and the hot water shows no signs of abating. Did they fix the hot water heater? Install a new one? What the hell? When did that happen and why did nobody inform you of it?
For a moment, you debate getting out, thinking it might not be a good idea to press your luck, but then you can't quite make yourself do it. It's been fucking ages since you had a real hot shower, something that consisted of more than just jumping in, soaping up, rinsing off, and jumping out before you were frozen solid. And who the hell knows, it might never happen again!
So instead of getting out, you nudge the water warmer just a tiny bit, and give in to the urge to shampoo your hair a second time, which leads sort of naturally to deciding to use the paste on the rest of yourself as well, since it smells way better than the bar of soap and literally anything else you were able to call yours since you arrived on this exomoon. And finally, that weird scent of the lab is entirely gone, replaced by something natural and pleasing.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Working day and night at a lab with fellow scientists did had its advantages. Aside from the smell of working together for hours in such a cramped space, with no windows to open and ventilate the room, it also meant working with someone who understood irregular sleeping patterns, who didn't expect you to talk before you'd had at least two cups of coffee, who spent enough time in a lab not to care about healthy tans or perfectly coiffed hair.
Norm is a good colleague and an even better friend. You value him and his work, but god do you hate that little bastard for arriving here over a whole damn decade before you did and earning himself one of those super expensive and super rare avatars.
And while he’s busy on his field research project, somewhere out there with the other avatars, you’re once again stuck in the labs, nose deep in a book you stole off his shelve that’s older than Norm himself -cryo sleep included.
It was a testament to the sheer focus on your work that you didn't hear Neteyam enter the laboratory until he already stood -well, crouched- under the doorway.
"Good morning, sevin tawtute [pretty human]," he greeted you in a gentle tone, smiling with his eyes closed before stepping closer. The beads of his songcord clicked against each other as he walked over to you. It‘s the first time you’ve seen him this week and you’re startled to realize he’s not wearing any of his usual olo’eyktan attire. No fancy feather garments or an extravagant loincloth, but that doesn’t mean he looks any less beautiful. You‘re more than certain that Neteyam fulfills all na‘vi beauty ideals there are. Blame it on the human-avatar dna, but that man is build like a god.
Under normal circumstances, you’d crumble under his gaze like a crouton if he’d looked at you like this, a hint of mischief glinting in his golden eyes, but something tells you it’s nothing to worry about. One of his hands is bend behind his back and he grins, causing one of your brows to raise in suspicion.
"What?" You laugh, but still can’t help the slightest feeling of unease.
Neteyams grin only widens when he steps closer to reveal what is hiding behind is back, nearly towering over you once he’s right in front of you.
"No fucking way," you clasp a hand over your mouth when he holds the content of his hand out for you, "Sorry! But- oh my god!"
"A pretty flower for my pretty flower," he chuckles, carefully placing a handful of rain thistles into your hands.
The smile on your lips stretches so far up your cheek that it almost hurts as you squeak, "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Neteyam laughs at your outburst of happiness, before you abruptly jump up to your feet, startling him with the suddenness of movement.
"Wait, don’t move! I have something for you." Off you go into a different room then, the sounds of you rustling through your bag fill his ears and he curiously bends to the side to peak over and see what you are doing. You return shortly, holding something in your palm that you offer him.
"Here," you say sheepishly.
"It’s, uhm, a bracelet. Kind of. Well, I tried okay?" You giggle nervously, holding the woven piece up for him to see. You had made it for him after yet another wonderful hot shower that reminded you that you still hadn’t thanked him for what he had done. "I know it’s nothing compared to the incredible artworks your people weave, but my teacher was Norm so, yeah. That should explain it."
Neteyam blinks, looks at the bracelet and then back at you.
"I made it for you. I really appreciate what you did for me- for us, this week. I don’t know how you did it, but I know it was you. The hot water and the soap, and now the plant too? Jesus, that’s incredible Neteyam. Seriously, thank you."
The na‘vi smiles as he picks it up from your hands. A sigh of relief leaves you when he starts to admire it. That must mean he thinks it looks at least decent.
"That is not necessary," Neteyam shakes his head then.
"No, please. You don’t have to wear it or anything, but please take it. I want you to have it. I don’t have anything else that would be of worth for you to pay you back so please take this as my sign of gratitude."
"Pay me back? With a bracelet?" His words send your stomach spinning, but the way he smiles so fondly at you sets you at ease. "Paskalin [Honey], that’s almost as sweet as you are."
There was an awkward moment during which you just stood there like an idiot, blushing over his words, stammering to form some sort of reaction. Neteyam only smiled at you— a confident smile’. So confident, you had to take a moment to gather yourself, take a breathe and wet your lips because suddenly your mouth had gone all dry.
"You don’t have to pay me back." He then said, reaching forward to take the flowers and place them on your desk. With your hands now free, Neteyam used the opportunity to intervene your fingers, thumb stroking over the back of your hand. "Unless you… really want to give me something in return."
His tone was quieter. Something inside you latched on to that. You felt the conversation shift, the way an interrogation shifts when the truth's about to be revealed. Not that this was an interrogation, no. Not with the way he lifted your hand and pressed his soft lips against your knuckles.
Neteyam could probably feel the heat rising up through your body, coloring your face.
"I- Yes, if there’s anything I could give I’d–"
"I guess I could think of something."
Neteyam was studiously casual. Still testing the waters, yet again the fine hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as if the air was electrified.
With your back pressed against the edge of the table and Neteyam moving continuously closer, you were soon caged in by his giant frame. Both of his hands came down on the table top then to balance his weight as he leaned in impossibly closer.
Unconsciously, you held your breath and leaned forward slightly, waiting. Hoping like hell you knew what he was planning to do.
And then releasing the breath in a delighted whoosh when Neteyam grinned, eyes staring at your lips, murmuring, "I’ve been wanting to do this for so long," and closed the gap between you by pressing his lips over yours.
Kissing Neteyam takes your breath away, but not in a metaphorical way. His kiss is ravenous, the force of it tilting your body to bend backwards and his lips coax yours open with little effort as you're hardly putting up any resistance. You can’t stop the little moan from escaping once his tongue curls around yours. Neteyam explores your mouth determinedly, taking what he believes to be his. His thumb runs up and down your jaw, occasionally applying pressure to adjust the tilt of your head as he changes the angle of the kiss, feels your hair tickle his forehead. Noses bump and brush, he inhales your scent, groans when it’s just as sweet as you taste.
His kiss is powerful. It commands. Look at me. Touch me. Feel me. Only me. It leads you, your movements, the pace. He presses himself harder against you, towers over you like a mountain. Your hands are small, and they claw at his arms, his biceps, his neck. They pull and pull, yet he doesn’t budge, doesn’t move unless he wants to. You make a whiny sort of noise in protest and he grins against your lips.
Neteyams hand closes around your wrist then, guides it to feel and press against his loincloth and you gasp into the kiss. "Feel what you do to me, tawtute?" He nearly whispers, gliding your palm up and down the length of him. "Feel how hard I am for you?"
Fuck, he’s big.
It was plain to anyone with eyes that Neteyam was taller than literally any human on high camp. A good two and a half feet taller. Even taller than some of the Na‘vi. When you stood next to the olo'eyktan, you were dwarfed by his size. But feeling his cock through his loincloth like this made you realize just how big he actually was.
"It’s all because of you." He leans in close, lips brushing over your ear. "Always you." You hear him inhale, nosing your throat, groaning. "You’re driving me crazy, woman."
"I didn’t even do…," your voice comes out as a breathless whisper, "anything."
"Hmh, exactly." Your breath hitched in your throat then when you felt his tongue glide over your pulse point, sharp canine teasing your skin. "You smell so much like me," he whispers, "like mine." You nearly whimper once he starts to untie his loincloth, one of his hands guiding your smaller one to wrap around his length, feel his girth, the warmth of his skin, while his other hand glides up your neck and the back of your head. With the way his fingers brush through your hair and cradle the back of your head, your eyes flutter closed for just a moment before he murmurs into your ear, "I know now what you could do to pay me back, paskalin."
You look up at him, eyes wide and cheeks flushed in a pretty hue of pink. Ever the gentleman, Neteyam carefully but determinedly pushes you down to your knees. His three fingered hand gently holds and caresses your jaw while you get in position to crouch on your haunches. He‘s so tall, it’s a struggle to get on eye level with the price, but once you’ve straightened your back it’s manageable.
Neteyams cock is probably the most visually pleasing part of any man you’ve ever laid your eyes on. He‘s your first na‘vi, and you’re surprised to find him having little glowing dots all over the length of him. His tip has a slightly different shade of blue than the rest of him, but it looks so smooth and shines in bioluminescence pre-cum, you can’t help but lick your lips in anticipation.
Glancing up at him with eyes full lust, Neteyam‘s are a perfect mirror to yours. With a hand around himself, he nudges his tip against your pretty soft lips and you can’t help but kiss it back.
"Suck," he tells you, a little short of words, but he’s quickly forgiven. He just looks so good from this angle, abs flexing and chest heaving. So impatient to finally feel you like this, as if he was waiting for this moment for so long. With the way he groans once your tongue glides along the underside of shaft he might as well actually had been waiting. Too long, if you’d ask him.
Neteyam stroked himself a few more times before he let you take over, skin radiating heat from every point of contact, washing over you in waves once your fingers wrapped around him. He was far too girthy for your hand to close entirely around it -not that this was a problem.
It became a problem however when you tried to take him in your mouth too quickly after that.
"Easy, paskalin," Neteyam chuckled at your first pathetic attempt that ended embarrassingly fast in a gag. "So eager, huh? You have to take it slow."
You bite your lip at that, caught between the embarrassment and the unbearable need to have him inside you. Clenching your thighs together, you nod sheepishly.
"Stick your tongue out," the olo’eyktan orders and you obey without hesitation. Neteyam slowly pushes his hips forward then, gliding along your outstretched tongue. You don’t need to be told twice when he tells you to close your lips around him and start again.
You focus on his tip this time, slowly working over it, swirling your tongue around it, teasing the slit. You place wet kisses along the crown, before you continue where you had left off.
It all leads to a nice relaxed pace, and you spend quite a while licking and getting his cock thoroughly wet before you open your mouth wide enough to sink down.
"Hmh, just like that, now you got it," Neteyam groans, watching with half lidded eyes as your lips move further down his shaft. Inch by inch you bopped your head up and down his cock.
The slurping sounds you made in the process went straight to your core, sending a shuddering throb to your cunt that nearly made you loose your balance. A muffled whine caught his attention as you pressed your thighs together once more, and Neteyam grins down at you, stroking a hand through your hair. "It’s okay, touch yourself. I know you need it." You felt his cock twitch at the thought of seeing it become reality.
The strands of hair hanging into your face are obscuring your eyes and Neteyam finds himself annoyed at that. You look so beautiful on your knees, soft mouth wrapped around his cock. Nothing should get in the way of that view.
Reaching down, he tenderly tucks the soft hair behind your ear. The gesture makes you look up, meeting his gaze and he can't quite stifle the sharp inhale of a breath at the hungry look in your eyes, eyebrows pinched together as if you’re silently pleading to him.
"Come on, sevin," he purrs, "I want to watch you pleasure yourself before it is my turn."
Your right hand slips down your own body, skimming over your chest and down past the waistband of your leggings. The soft moan that escapes you, as your dainty fingers move over your clit, vibrate through his body.
The sight of you on your knees, sucking on his cock and loving it so much to the point you had to find relief in your own hands was almost enough to finish him right then and there. Heat creeps up your cheeks when Neteyam lets out a breathy groan.
"Eywa, you look so good when you blush," he says then, cupping your jaw and brushing a thumb across your cheek, feeling the tip of his cock through your skin once you hollow them. "You look even better like this, far better than I’ve always imagined."
His word encourage you to slide two digits down to your weeping entrance, circling your slit before you slowly push them in. Your eyelids flutter at the stretch.
"Look at you," Neteyam sighs, his hips slowly starting to work as he pumps his cock in and out of your mouth. "If I stopped right now, you'd beg yourself hoarse for more, wouldn't you, sevin [pretty]?"
You can’t answer in words, but instead drive your mouth down harder on his cock, moaning out what you hope sounded like a strong affirmative answer when you get the breath for it.
Neteyams eyes don't just stay open, they widen. His lips part, and he licks them, breath going shallow as he feels his pulse against your fingers working the length of him whilst you suckle on his tip. His cock's throbbing in time with his heartbeat, and it feels incredible.
Humming softly, you rub your tongue up against all these sensitive spots on his cock, finding a rhythm to the thrusts of your own fingers and the way your thumb was simultaneously circling your clit.
Neteyam just tastes so good, you would smile in delight if your lips could stretch that far. You suck harder, lips curling over your teeth and then the man above you moans.
"Oh fuck," he groans, fingers tightening just a little in your hair. "You've got such a good mouth on you..."
Shifting his hips he thrusts just a little more into your mouth, unable to hold himself back. Teasing is all well and good, but Neteyam‘s more than ready to come now.
You take the hint and drive your head down until you‘re nearly choking on his cock, all but mouth-fucking yourself on it. This time, the sound of your little gags doesn’t stop him though. With one hand holding your jaw and one holding a fistful of your hair, his hips buck and thrust into the welcoming warmth of your mouth. You struggle briefly, but then he coos softly, "Breath through it. Yeah, that’s it."
You concentrate hard on keeping your teeth out of the way as much as you can and just enjoy the feel of being used by the olo’eyktan like this.
Neteyam might still get an incidental scrape of teeth or two with you going this hard, but it's nothing deliberate; you’re just going fast enough and hard enough that it's more about giving him as much as you can than being easy and careful.
The squelching sound of your fingers prodding at your g-spot fills both of your ears and you can feel the tremors going through Neteyams thighs as that.
"I want you to tell me when you're getting close," he groans. "I want to come with you, paskalin."
This time, you pull back far enough to look up at him and nod, and then you curl your tongue around Neteyams cock on the way back down, moving back to gentle, slow, lazy licks and strokes.
Neteyam exhales a shaky sigh that morphs into a low chuckle, "yeah, good girl, take your time. I can hold it, sevin, just do as you like."
Another moan slips as you fondle with your puffy clit, rubbing tight circles into it with your slickened fingertips. Your hips squirm around from the white-hot pleasure tightening your core. No, you think, don’t hold it. You want him to come. You need it. It felt as if your own pleasure depended on him, as if you couldn’t let go unless he did.
The spell that the olo’eyktan had on you should be studied, you thought for a moment. You wanted to serve, to obey, to please him to bring yourself to that pleasure high.
Sliding your mouth tight over the pretty head of his cock, it was if you were trying to suck in a strawberry whole. The action sends a violent pulse through Neteyam that beats against your lips and makes you hum again.
The taste of Neteyam has engulfed all of your senses now, salty and hot and thick. You hear the breaths above and they throb like the pre-cum coating your tongue. You move your head forward again and swirl your tongue just behind his cock-head before dragging your lips firmly over it and off. Looking up, your eyes meet as Neteyam tilts his face and his chest tightens in time with his balls.
Slowly, you close your eyes and then open them again on a heavy pant, hand stroking the half of his length you couldn’t take in your mouth with desperate restraint, driving his arousal harder.
As you do so, you’re working the fingers of your other hand deeper into your core, thrusting and curling them just right, until the fabric of your pants was soaked in your slick. Too focused, you absentmindedly pull back up and mouth breathily around his cock, barely touching it but enjoying it bob and twitch as your breath and the edge of your tongue hits the sensitive skin. Sneaking your tongue roughly down to the base you then drag it back up the underside slowly and Neteyam moans.
Please, you think, as you stroke him faster. Please ... please come. You want it so fucking much and you can't help wondering if you actually wanted Neteyam to come more than he wanted it himself. You doubt it however, because the following groan from above lets you know just how close he was, how much he was fighting to keep everything at bay, to hold back and wait for you because he wanted you to come just as much.
He‘s thrusting into your mouth again and you’re driven on beyond your own desire to suck and savour by those hands in your hair, pulling your head in and away again, repeating this simple two beat rhythm on and on.
God, please. Your thoughts are becoming audible now in the form of little whines and whimpers that change in tone and volume with every movement of your head. He‘s so thick at his base, stretching your lips impossible wide.
More pre-cum dribs down your throat. Encouraged by that, you grab a couple of deep breaths and then relax your throat as best as you could, before moving your mouth further down. You could feel the tip of his cock nudging at the back of your throat, not even halfway in, and you have to draw back just to be able to still breathe. When you lower your head again, you manage to take in more, and the third time you nearly get it all.
"Fuck, tanhì [little star]," Neteyam hisses through clenched teeth, "so good, you feel so fucking good like this. My perfect little tawtute, sucking my cock like she’s made for it."
You can smell Neteyam even more the closer you get to his pubic bone, all sweat and sex and pure natural scents, and you instinctively try to breathe it in, choking hard on his cock as you do.
Sorry ... so sorry, you think swallowing down a gag and looking up quickly as you get your breathing back under control. You catch the way Neteyam wets his lips, mouth agape and staring down at you with so much primal need in his eyes, the sight hits you like a jolt of electricity.
You let out a high pitched whine as your fingers rub frantically over your clit. Shit, you’re so close, so so close.
Starving for the taste of his cum in your mouth, you swallows around his length each time it hits the back of your throat. Your saliva-slicked fingers go tighter, stroking faster, and you can hear yourself making that pleading noise again. Please ... please ... let me make you come ... God please.
As the first drop of cum hits your tastebuds, Neteyam lets out a throaty groan, "Come for me. Come on these pretty little fingers."
It’s all the confirmation you need to finally let go.
You feel the way you tighten in on your own digits, more slick running down your wrist as you prod your fingertips against your special spots. Thighs shaking, you barely manage to thrust them in and out of yourself as your orgasm washes over you like a tsunami. The feeling of sheer ecstasy was nearly enough to make you ignore the burning of your throat as Neteyam suddenly nestled himself as deep as he could reach with an uncoordinated thrust of his hips.
Your climax marks the end of his control, and he lets himself go. You moan in unison as rope after rope of his cum flows down your throat. The taste of it takes you by surprise. It’s awfully sweet and thick, and your mouth feels sticky with it. Neteyam comes a lot, and it’s almost getting too much before he pulls back to let his length rest on your tongue and allows you to gasp for air.
By the time you feel yourself floating back down to pandora, you had lost all sense of time, of place and person and anything but Neteyam.
You finally pull back when the tension in his thighs releases, and you swallow for the last time, wiping your fingers around the outline of your swollen lips to catch any stray wetness. Looking up, you’re met with his dazed expression, pupils blown wide, with sweat beading at his forehead, and entirely spent from this earth shattering orgasm.
"Great mother," Neteyam shuddered, laughing breathlessly.
"Guess we‘re even then, huh?" You smile up at him, voice hoarse, as you gladly take the hand he’s reaching out to help you stand on wobbly legs.
All that comes as a response is a chuckle, before Neteyam pulls you flush against him. "Oh paskalin," he purrs, hands greedily feeling up the backside of your thighs before hoisting you up to sit on your desk, "that was just for the flower."
You send him a sheepish little smile, cocking your head to the side and raise a brow, intrigued. His tail grazes your skin, gently swaying and curling around your ankle. Neteyam holds your gaze for a long moment, his grin spreading impossibly wide, until his fangs come into view, sharp tongue licking over pearly whites before he chuckles, "What about the hot water that I fixed, hm? And I got you soap too. You didn’t already forget that, did you?"
His teasing makes you grin.
"Right. Then how can I pay you back?" You ask, looking up at the man with those big doe eyes of yours. You know it’s unfair to play those little tricks on him, but you’re feeling bolder now that you’ve had his cock in your mouth and seed fill your tummy, so you bat your pretty long lashes at him as if you were begging for a treat. Neteyams presses himself closer, standing right between your thighs now before he lowers his face to your throat.
"You know exactly how", he says lowly and you feel his thumbs hooking under the waistband of your leggings. He‘s not exactly subtle with the way he presses his rapidly hardening cock against your thigh, so you let him pull your pants down with a smug little grin.
"I think I could get used to these little favors of yours," you whisper, watching with half lidded eyes as he hooks your legs up over his muscular shoulders.
"If that‘s the way you will repay me," his tip prods at your entrance, thick and hot and slicked with your spit, before he slowly pushes himself inside you, "I will do you as many favors as you’d like, paskalin."
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
Besties get Banged
Angel Dust x FemReader Smut
➽─❥Angel Dust x MaleReader Smut version
You didn’t think Angel liked you the way you did him, how could you? While sharing a profession, he was nothing like you. He was the star in every room he entered. After being booked on a shoot together, you find maybe Angel wasn’t so ignorant to your existence.
Warning/Promises: Angel x Reader do not fuck but they do get banged, Val is going to ruin shit but I ain’t writing that part, Foursome but no one cares, handjob, cum countdown 💦, masturbation, making out, porno, vaguely threatening ending from Val
minors dni (👁️👄👁️🔪)
When Angel Dust slipped into the dressing room of Val’s ‘sex dungeon’, you struggled to keep your smile down. You’d never actually worked together. The two of you had attended the same awards shows, frequented the same clubs, danced the same stages. But never graced the same screen. Every encounter left you more and more enthralled. Always the life of the party, but when the crowds would die down Angel would become so sweet, talking with an emotional intelligence many sinners seemed to have lacked or intentionally abandoned at death.
Angel threw himself at many people, sometimes jokingly, sometimes not. But you’d be lying to say it didn’t sting he’d never propositioned you.
“Mornin’,” he plopped into the make-up chair beside you, hand lazily combing through his bedhead.
Angel hoped you hadn’t seen him pause when he saw you. He didn’t get butterflies often, but you always managed to make his stomach flutter. He felt so silly, a kid with a crush.
You knew Val wasn’t going to let it be just the two of you. He enjoyed watching you both get fucked too much. ‘Besties get Banged’ was written on the clapperboard. Angel gave you a wink, “Ooh besties! Is this work or just another Friday night?” His elbow hit a soft spot in your ribs, making you laugh.
“Stop— st-stop that. Get on the bed.” Val used all four arms to separate you, “Bitch number 1 on the left side, Bitch number 2 on the right.” He sat in his chair, arm angrily motioning for the large demons to enter the set already.
It was a standard enough shoot, until you and Angel found yourselves both on your knees, eye to eye from across the pink heart shaped bed. One yellow and one black eye looking back at you, hazy with pleasure as he was fucked dumb by some piece of muscle with a dick attached.
He looked so beautiful when he felt good. You reached out your hand to him, then the other. Fingers laced together, you both moaned into the space between yourselves. Angel’s eyebrows rose up, tongue coming out. His face was so flushed, cheeks pink. You weren’t sure it was an invitation, but you pulled yourself to him and ran your tongue over his. The demon behind you followed your body, trying to maintain contact.
Angel’s eyes rolled closed, tongue pushing into your mouth. The kiss interrupted again and again as the repeated pounding into your holes pulled your lips apart, your entire bodies moving in rhythm.
“Hey!,” Val yelled, “What the fuck are you doing?”
Angel smiled at you, “Whats the matter Val?” He strained forward, capturing your mouth again.
“Stop kissing! You’re ruining it!”
“You never kissed a bestie? Awww,” Angel kept his lips near yours. “Val’s never had a real good friend before.”
Val’s antennae bristled, “Pull em apart, they’re making googly eyes at each other. Killing my fucking hard on. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
Your bodies were slid away, fingertips still reaching out to each other. You were flipped onto your back, pacing brutal as if making up for lost time.
Angel watched you, mouth lonely. His cock leaking from just a kiss. Reaching down, he began to stroke himself while enjoying his own personal show. Your body bouncing with the thrusts, eyes watery. He arched his back, looking across to where your body connected with the other demon. You looked so wet, so inviting.
“Angel!” Val seethed.
Angel’s closed his eyes, imagining you around his cock and not his fingers. His eyes shot open when he felt hands on his face. His fear dissolved into relief as he saw you had scooted back towards him, pulling him down for an upside-down kiss. Breath hot, he moaned into your mouth.
“Uh Boss, should we stop em again? It’s kinda hot.” The shark demon behind Angel slowed.
Your fingers slipped through his hair, bringing him deeper into your kiss. There was nothing else in the room anymore but you and Angel. Tongue rolling over tongue, breathy moans exhaled and inhaled.
Val shook his head, “Let the little sluts kiss. If they wanna ruin my shoot so badly, be my guests.” His eyes aglow, Valentino exhaled his toxic smoke throughout the studio, sinister grin spreading across his face.
The demons continued as directed, you and Angel not having noticed the interruption you had caused. Angel’s mouth left yours, head resting on the mattress.
“Val’s going to kill us,” you tried to remember the name of the wolf demon pounding into you, knowing you had some sort of lines.
Angel’s teeth nipped your ear lobe, “He’s gonna do that anyway.”
You moaned, “Feels good when you do that.”
“Yeah?” The wolf asked. You wanted to kick him in the neck.
“Uuh, yeah. You… fuck me so good, Daniel.”
“Donny.” He corrected.
Angel got back on his elbows, “Literally no one cares, David.” Whispering now, “Roll over and come ‘ere.”
Douglas didn’t seem bothered, you using your feet to stop him and twisting around his cock to get back on your knees. The demons whose names neither of you cared to learn followed you again. Angel was pressed into you, two arms holding you against his body, one arm on your cheek, a fourth finding its way to your clit.
You gasped, Angel licking up your neck and chin as his hand expertly rubbed you. Regaining some bit of your brain, you reached down a hand to his cock. It was slapping against this stomach in time with the thrusts. Your hand only need to grip him, the other actor basically fucking him into your grasp.
Angel’s head craned down, sucking bruises into your collar bone, “I wanna fuck you so bad, it hurts.” Another whisper into your skin.
“I thought you didn’t like me,” your words faded in and out, volume jumping as your pussy took hit after hit. Angel’s hand electrifying every part of your body.
Angel pulled you as close as he could, bringing your hand from his cock to hold in his. Now him and his pre-cum were rubbing along your stomachs, pressed together tightly. “Wrong. So wro-uh.” Eyes rolling back, Angel’s words fell apart.
“You close?”
He nodded.
“Want me to count you down?”
A more frantic nod.
You leaned in to kiss at his neck.
A long drag of your tongue up to his ear.
A kiss to his cheek.
You bit at his lip, pulling it with you before letting it go.
Angel clenched his eyes, grip on you tightening as he came across your stomach, thick and hot. You heard the other actor moan, Angel’s ass tightening with his release.
You took the chance to kiss Angel again, lips soft and swollen from the long shoot. His cum dripped down your stomach and found its way to his hand, adding more lubrication to your wet pussy. Angel’s fingers eagerly used his seed to slip and slide over your clit.
The feeling pushed you into your orgasm, legs shaking as you tried to stay up. “For fuck’s sake,” Val could be heard shouting just past the studio lights.
Drawing him in for another kiss, less deeply now, lips sometimes on lips, and sometimes the chin and the cheek.
You stayed, holding each other, through the shoot. The other actors finishing their parts, cumming and making some puns about bosom buddies. When everyone else left the scene, and you two broke apart your hungry mouths to consider getting cleaned up and dressed, the air grew thick around you. Heads swimming now, a horny haze fell on set.
“Bravo, bitches. You ruined my shoot, only fair I get to ruin something now.” You both turned to see the lights gleaming off Val’s glasses. “Where should I start?”
My general tag list is called the Horny Little Deer Cult! To be tagged, you are more than welcome to ask to join
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lila-went-missing · 5 months
Saw you want to write Clarisse x Reader and I NEED more clarisee x reader fics SO!
Can you a Clarisse x reader of when Percy broke her spear and just like readers reaction to the her scream and just very angsty but very fully at the same time! Pls and thank u!
I swear on my life reverse hurt/comfort is one of my favorite things to write on this planet. Also, I feel like it’s worth mentioning that Dior said she literally BLEW OUT HER VOICE when she did that scream?!?! She never fails to amaze me.
This got a bit sadder than intended but it's not too bad. Also, sorry this took so long, I had a math test, two essays, and a debate, on top of personal shit. But I FINALLY got it finished.
My Love is Waiting For You to Come Home
Warnings: Slight violence, mild angst, hurt/comfort, cursing, small amounts of blood, mentions of wounds, lmk if I left anything out.
Pair: Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Apollo!Reader
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For the first time in what felt like forever, capture the flag was going great. It had been a long time since the red team had won, but you were actually doing really well. You were up in a tree close to the flag, shooting anyone who got too close with your arrows. They weren't sharp, but they had enough of a point to hurt.
Clarisse was hunting in the woods below you. You'd occasionally catch sight of her from the place you were perched on your branch. She always looked amazing like this. Hair pulled back, armor on, spear in hand. She was in her element, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't extremely attractive. The way she looked so tough, her lucky red bandanna tied around her bicep.
Anyone else would say she looked terrifying. But to you, she was the most beautiful person you'd ever laid eyes on. You were the only one who got that side of her.
It wasn't long before she disappeared again, hunting down anyone who dared to get close to the flag or your tree. She had mentioned something before the game. Something about revenge on the new kid. She didn't go into detail about said revenge, but you new it wouldn't end well for someone.
You didn't move from your tree, assuming her and her siblings had everything handled. And they did, for a while at least. You had shot down another four people by the time you heard your girlfriend scream in a way that genuinely terrified you.
Jumping down from the tree, you raced to the sound as the conch horn blue. You made it in time to see her storm off as the blue team carried the flag over. Just before she made it out of sight, you saw the spear in her hand. Or rather, what was left of it.
Oh gods. You thought.
You tipped your head back, letting out a breath before turning in the direction she went. You found her in the arena, tearing dummy after dummy into shreds. You let her go at it for a while, watching from the doorway.
Eventually, you slowly walked towards her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Clar.." You whisper.
She jumps, turning quickly, ready to knock you into the ground before relaxing. All of the tension disappears from her face, her bottom lip trembling. You reach forward, taking the sword from her hand and tossing it into the rack haphazardly.
"I- fuck.." She drops her head forward, breathing hard.
"Come on.. it'll be okay." You lead her towards your cabin, knowing all of your siblings would be in the infirmary tending to peoples wounds. You can see cuts and bruises on her arms, giving you a feeling that her back will be even worse. You make sure to grab the pieces of her spear on your way out.
On the way to your cabin, her eyes don't leave the ground. Your hand stays on her back the the whole walk, not leaving even as you open the door for her.
She sits on your bed, putting her head in her hands. The broken weapon lays on the foot of your bed as you sit next to her. Her breath shakes with her body.
"Let me clean you up, okay?" She nods, at your words.
"Okay.." Her voice is smaller than you've ever heard it before. You lean forward and pull her shirt over her head, confirming your suspicions about her back. An angry red covers almost the entirety of her tan skin, small amounts of blood leaking from a few spots.
You hover a hand over the scrapes and cuts, a warm glow emanating from your palm. Her wounds slowly heal as her muscles relax. Your heart breaks for her every time you hear her wince or feel her breath hitch. Your free hand reaches forward, grasping hers. A few small scars form over the area, but nothing that won't fade.
You lean your chin on her shoulder when you finish, wrapping your arm around her front. Her other hand reaches up to hold your wrist.
"I love you.." You whisper into her ear.
She hesitates, not speaking for a few moments. When she does her voice is as shaky as her body.
"That was the only thing- the only proof he-" She can't finish either sentence. You can feel her holding her breath as if she's trying not to cry.
"I know, my love. I know." Your lips press into her shoulder. "I'm gonna talk to some Hephaestus kids, I think there's a couple of Hecate kids in the Hermes cabin. I'll do everything I can to fix it."
Her whole body shudders. She's never had the best relationship with her dad. He'd always said that she should've been a son. That spear was the only acknowledgement she'd ever gotten from him. And now it was broken.
A few tears slip down her cheek that you pretend not to see.
"It'll be okay, Clar'." Your arms tighten around her as her head leans into you.
"Thank you." She mutters. If it wasn't for your close proximity you probably wouldn't have heard it at all.
"You deserve someone to care about you.. I'll be damned if I don't do everything I can to be that person."
"I love you. So much." Her voices is so soft, so gentle.
"I love you more." You're not sure how long you sit like that, but it's long enough for your legs to go numb. You can bring yourself to care as she looks so comfortable. She's always had to fight for her dad's love. It gets tiring after you do everything you can to get no recognition. It was nice to know she had someone. If she didn't have anyone else, she would have you.
Eventually you moved positions to her laying on your chest. Your hand rubs up and down her back as her wrap around your waist. She traces patterns across your skin with her finger tips. It's not long before you're both sound asleep in each other's arms. She would never have to fight for your love, it was just there, ready for her when she came home.
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pedroshotwifey · 2 months
Should've Stayed Bored
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Please understand that this is a crack fic based on this post by @bonezone44 and the comments made by @covetyou on said post ) Also tagging other commenters on that post: @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog snowflake-blog@bubble-pop-eclectic @lunitawrites
Pairing: Chump!Joel Miller × fem!reader
Word count: 1.4k
Tags/Warnings: Joel Miller NOT being a sex god, left flap rubbing, mention of the clit, piv sex (if you could call it that), premature ejaculation, age gap, dad's buddy!joel miller, bad make out sessions, misplaced confidence, secondhand embarrassment, crack fic
Summary: You really need to learn to lower your expectations.
A/N: I actually had a great time writing this and think it turned out really fucking funny.
A/N pt. 2: Well, the og post got fucking deleted, but here it is again. Fucking pissed. I would really appreciate any interaction even if you already did the first time just so I can get it back out there </3
special thanks to @romanarose, @wannab-urs, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, and everyone else who helped me calm my tits and post this again. Love y'all ❤
You’re bored out of your fucking mind. You’ve had four drinks and have walked in and out of the house probably a dozen times. For a neighborhood barbeque, it’s uneventful as hell. You would think that there would at least be a few interesting people out of so many. But no. So far there’s a group of old ladies gathered around the pool in sun chairs, their husbands around the grill talking about sports, and some kids—probably grandkids—running rampant around the yard. 
That’s what your dad gets for moving into a retiree neighborhood. There’s only a few other households you know of that don’t host couples in their late sixties. Kind of like, speak of the devil, the Millers, who are walking in through the yard gate right now. 
It’s only the two of them—Joel and his daughter, Sarah, who is only about eight. She runs off to go play with the other kids and you smile as you spot Joel struggling to carry a bowl and latch the gate back at the same time. You immediately take the opportunity to walk toward him. 
You’ve always had your eyes on Joel Miller, even though he’s only a few years younger than your father. He’s a DILF in all ways that count. Sweet, responsible, and hot as hell. 
“Hey, Mr. Miller,” you grab his attention as you reach where he’s still trying to balance everything. His face lights up when he sees you coming to help. 
“Hey, darlin’, you don’t mind helpin’ me with this, do ya?” he nods his head to the gate. 
“Nope, not at all,” you say sweetly as you get the gate latched behind him. He beams at you as he shifts to hold his dish with both hands. It looks heavy. 
“Thank you. And please, call me Joel.” He flashes you a wink that makes your stomach flutter before he starts for the back door. 
With nothing better to do, you follow him inside. He’s putting his bowl in the fridge when you close the door behind you and take a spot leaning against the counter. There’s nobody else inside right now, and you realize you might have just found your cure for boredom. 
You slide up next to Joel as he stands up. 
“What did you bring, Mr. Miller?” you ask him in an over the top sweet voice. 
He shoots you a pointed look and takes a step back to put a few inches between the two of you. 
“Potato salad,” he says flatly. “And please, it’s just Joel.” 
“Well, Joel,” you take a step toward him again. “I’m bored.” 
You swear you see him gulp, and you know you’ve got him right where you want him. He glances out the window, probably looking for your dad manning the grill. 
“Darlin’,” he says in warning. “I’m sure you can find something out there to do.” 
You pout at him. “But I found something to do in here.” 
“Honey, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“No?” you banter. “You don’t want to fuck me, Joel? I see the way you look at me.” 
He surges forward, trapping you against the counter. You smile wildly at him and throw your arms around his neck. 
“Get your ass upstairs, now,” he growls. “Strip and wait on your bed.” 
Your pussy flutters at his command, excitement building in your stomach. 
“Yes, Mr. Miller. Don’t be long.” You flash him a wink and slide from in front of him to make your way upstairs. You feel his eyes on you until you reach the top step. 
He only waits a little while, presumably to cover his bases so it doesn’t look like he’s sneaking off with his friend’s much-too-young daughter, before following you up. And by that time, you’re already naked and sitting on your bed. 
He comes in and shuts the door behind him, making sure it’s locked tightly before turning around. Your eyes go to the massive tent in his pants, your tongue coming out to wet your lips. 
“You’re fuckin gorgeous, darlin’,” he says as he takes a step toward you, already starting to unbuckle his jeans. He pulls his heavy cock out and your lips part. You’d expected him to be big, but holy shit.
“C’mon, baby, lay back for me.” 
You let him push you down on your back, and then scootch up a bit so that you’re resting with your head on the pillows. Your body is practically humming with excitement and need. Being with an older man has always been something high up on your bucket list, because there’s no doubt they know how to properly pleasure a woman. And a man like Joel Miller…you can’t fucking wait. 
He leans over you and takes your lips in a sloppy kiss. You wind your arms around him and arch your back, begging silently for him to touch you already. He slips his tongue inside your mouth, and your eyes widen. 
He’s just…licking. 
You find it really hot when a man uses his tongue to make out with you, but. Not like this. You rear your head back, trying to gain control of the kiss. But then his hand starts to trail down to your center and you decide, whatever, you can pick and choose your battles. You’ll let him do whatever the fuck he thinks he’s doing to your mouth as long as he gets those thick fingers inside of you already. 
He trails down, down, oh, there, he pets your clit and you shiver, and then—
Then he continues down…and to the left. 
He starts rubbing circles on your left flap, and you furrow your brows. 
What the actual fuck?? 
You unwind your arms and start pushing on his chest until he pulls his tongue from your mouth to gaze down at you. 
“Joel, you—” 
“Yeah, you fuckin’ like that, don’t you, baby?” 
You just blink at him. What?
He winks at you. “I know, darlin’, feels real good, huh?” He dips back down to start kissing you again, thankfully leaving his damn tongue out of it. His fingers increase pressure, which you can only guess would feel really good if he was actually rubbing your clit. 
“Joel,” you mutter against his lips again, but it comes out smushed and smothered. Kind of like your poor pussy right now. Or the outside of it, at least. 
“So impatient,” he laughs. “Hold on one second, baby, Mr. Miller’s got you.” 
You resist the urge to cringe at that. 
He taps your abused pussy lip twice and retracts his hand to grasp his cock, which you’re now worried about. Hopefully he knows how to fucking use that thing. He guides his tip to your entrance—or tries to, rather, and you groan in defeat. He rubs it up and down your slit, prodding every second or so. 
“Yeah, baby, fuckin’ love those sounds you make for me.” 
You just stare at him. You’re not going to even pretend. This is just insane. How the hell did he actually make a kid??
Finally, he finds your hole—the right one, thank god—and starts to push in. You’re still pretty wet from earlier, though you’re sure there will be no developments in that department. Thankfully, it’s enough to ease the stuttering glide. 
Once he’s fully in, he starts to thrust, and you grip on to him, holding on to that last hope that maybe he can nail your g-spot with that weapon of his. 
“M…Feel so g-good, baby,” Joel moans. 
He thrusts once, twice, three times, moaning like a fucking animal. 
And then he pulls out. And shakes above you as he spills his cum on your lower belly. 
You stare at him in shock as he rolls over and collapses beside you. His eyes are closed as he pants and reaches a hand over you to touch your stomach. 
“You came?” he asks. 
You consider lying to him, but figure he doesn’t deserve that. 
“No, Joel, I did not fucking come.” 
“Oh, okay. Tha’s alright. Get you next time.” 
You sit up and gape at him. 
“Get the fuck out of my room!” 
He looks at you with confusion but gets up after a moment. He yawns, tucks himself into his pants, and struts for your door. 
“Don’t be ashamed to ask for more, darlin’. I wouldn’t be opposed to doin’ this again sometime.” He sends you a wink and walks out of the room before you get the chance to say something you’ll regret more than whatever the fuck just happened. 
You learned a valuabale lesson today: age really does not fucking matter. 
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thedensworld · 8 months
Post Magazine | K.Mg
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Pairing: Photograper!Mingyu x Actress!Reader
Genre: fluff
Words Count: ±700
Summary: It was an honor for Mingyu to collaborate with a well-known magazine. But this job made him realize that love at first sight is real.
Mingyu's got a face that screams "bad boy," and he's given up trying to argue otherwise. He's got that classic playboy look, and an occupation of playboy, a photographer, no less! So, when he tries to convince people he's got an old soul and a sentimental side, they just give him the side-eye. Mingyu's decided to let his looks do the talking, after all, it's all about that first impression, right?
He's snapped shots of so many celebrities, and they all ooze glamour and charisma. Last time, he was working with Cha Eunwoo, an idol-actor who's now a buddy thanks to being the same age. But there's been zero post-work chit-chat with any of his models, except for Eunwoo. So, it raised an eyebrow when he waltzed up to the editor asking for your digits.
"I'll pass along her management's info," the editor said, conveniently hiding the fact that he's got a bit of a soft spot for you after that last shoot. Okay, maybe it's not just a "bit" anymore, it's a full-blown crush.
It started when Mingyu gets the call that he's in charge of the photo shoot for a rising starlet, Jang Y/n. It's your first time gracing a big-time magazine, so Mingyu tries to do some sleuthing about you. Mostly cast as a villain or a bit unhinged, your online pics aren't exactly flattering. Mingyu's scratching his head trying to figure out what style you'd vibe with.
When the big day approached, Mingyu's armed with a couple of style ideas for your shoot, hoping they'll match your vibe and brand. He's deep in discussion with the editor when your manager shows up.
"Y/n has those magnetic and charismatic aura that makes people think she's a tough . But she's really a soft and timid person," your manager spills the beans, enlightening Mingyu and the editor.
"It'll be good to show the side that people hasn't known about. Let's roll with these," the editor picks out two mood boards, going for dark academia and chic stylings.
And your manager wasn't kidding. You're like a total 180 from the roles you usually play. You're not some evil assassin, psycho girlfriend, or creepy stalker. If Mingyu could describe it, you're just radiant. You step into the studio with a grin plastered on your face, and your hair's practically glowing. Mingyu swears, your eyes are like a novel waiting to be read, and he's itching to turn the pages.
Just the night before, Mingyu decided to check out one of your films - the one where you played the mad stalker. He was blown away by your acting skills, even if you looked more like a scruffy vagabond. And now here you are, dressed to the nines, portraying a powerhouse career woman in front of him. As soon as Mingyu looks through the viewfinder, he sees his future. Love at first sight might be pushing it, but let's just say he's smitten.
"Could you lean in a bit, Y/n?" Mingyu asks, second-guessing if that was the smartest move ever. You lean towards the camera with this sly grin, and Mingyu's heart does somersaults.
Mingyu lets out a dramatic sigh, "Let's call it a wrap." He mumbles and dashes over to the monitor, trying to cool off his racing heart. And this is just the first outfit; there are four more to go.
"Is everything alright?" You ask the crew as you step onto the set with your last outfit. "I've never worn something like this before," you admit. Mingyu shoots you a reassuring smile, "You look stunning, absolutely stunning," he assures you.
The rest of the crew is in awe, and you playfully cover your face as if you're blushing. But Mingyu, with his photographer's eye, spots a genuine flush of pink on your cheeks and ears. Maybe he's got a touch of it too, but he's too busy being in awe of your beauty to care.
"It would be amazing if you could strike a pose like Ma Jooahn," the assistant director suggests, referring to one of your past roles as a ruthless assassin. You slip right into character. Your eyes shoot daggers, your smile vanishes, and you look ready to take on the world.
"I'll just pretend there's a pesky fly to squash right here," you mutter while turning to your right, earning a laugh from the crew.
"I wanna be that fly," one of the crew members chimes in, making you burst into laughter and breaking character. Mingyu shakes his head, looking at the monitor beside him; his weakness is a woman with wit and grace. You seem to have both in spades.
"You're absolutely smitten, buddy." Eunwoo clinked his can against Mingyu's, chuckling at his friend's infatuation with you. For almost an hour, Mingyu's gaze hadn't strayed from your portrait.
"Come on, focus on your work," Eunwoo urged, playfully nudging Mingyu, who seemed a bit unsteady.
"I am!" Mingyu retorted, gesturing to his laptop, where he was diligently editing photos from your previous shoot. "Staring is also part of my job," he added with a smirk.
Eunwoo let out a dramatic sigh. "There's something you should know about her," he began, catching Mingyu's attention.
Mingyu's brow raised, then quickly furrowed. "What?" he inquired.
"Does she have a boyfriend?" Mingyu interjected, curiosity evident in his voice.
Eunwoo shrugged. "I'm not certain," he admitted. "But there's some gossip that floating around the actors."
Mingyu fixed Eunwoo with a steady gaze, silently urging him to continue.
"She's a mom," Eunwoo dropped the bombshell.
Mingyu's head drooped, disappointment evident on his face. "So what if she's a mom? Is she a widow? That just makes her even hotter, honestly! Ack—" Mingyu began to enthuse before Eunwoo playfully smacked his head.
"Come on! Seriously! I personally haven't worked with her, but some actors say she has a kid, or that she's often busy taking care of them, which might be why she hasn't taken on lead roles. But, i'm not sure either," Eunwoo explained, offering the tidbits he'd gathered.
Mingyu scoffed, "If you're not sure, don't spread it around."
Eunwoo rolled his eyes, a little surprised by Mingyu's strong reaction.
"You've got it bad, my friend," he teased, shaking his head.
After a few weeks, what was once a rumor turned into a nightmare for Kim Mingyu. Dispatch, a popular Korean media outlet, released photos of you with your daughter. Some of the pictures were taken in front of a daycare, park, and even a hospital. Mingyu isn't happy seeing your privacy violated by the media, especially as you're gaining more fame. But what Mingyu despises the most is that the pictures are real, with zero editing.
There are two possibilities:
1. You have a secret husband.
2. You're a widow with a child.
Mingyu is perfectly fine with the second possibility. He believes he's good with kids and loves the idea of being around them. But the first possibility? Dang, It hits Mingyu like a punch in the gut. After nearly a month of being your biggest fan, he can't believe he has to remain just a fan. He hasn't even mustered the courage to call you. His heart shattered before he could offer it to you.
Didn't Mingyu mention he's a very sentimental person? Oh yes, he certainly did.
"I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly?" Mingyu asked during a phone call to the other person.
"We noticed you worked with Y/n on her last photoshoot sessions, so she might be comfortable with you," the other person, a representative from your management, explained to him.
Mingyu shook his head, "No, I mean... Did I hear... So, Y/n wants me to be the photographer for her release?"
"Yes, Mingyu. She believes in you for this release, and we want the best for her and her daughter."
Mingyu was left speechless after receiving the phone call. He immediately cleared his schedule for you after the call ended. He still remembered the tone of your management team as they stated, "We want to release a statement regarding the spreading rumors about our artist, Jang Y/n. She personally recommended you as the photographer. You know, the rumor is pretty sensitive for her, and the last thing we want is to make her uncomfortable during the photoshoot."
Mingyu couldn't stop smiling once he saw you arrive at the studio with your daughter in your arms. Mingyu guessed she might be 3 to 4 years old. Putting the rumor aside, your daughter is the cutest little human in the world.
"Thank you so much for accepting the request. It means a lot to me, Mr. Kim," you approached Mingyu after putting Jihan, your daughter's name, down.
Mingyu bowed, "No, it's an honor. Thank you so much for trusting me. And you can call me Mingyu, please be casual with me. No formality needed," he said to you and gave you a reassuring smile. Deep inside, he was the one who needed reassurance here, as his heart pounded like crazy.
"We're here today to shoot a beautiful portrait and video for our release. Be careful not to hurt yourself, let's work together for us," the director gave a brief direction before the photoshoot started.
Mingyu took beautiful pictures of you and Jihan. He stood behind the camera as they shot a video of you talking about Jihan, clearing up the misunderstandings.
"Jihan was almost three years old when I adopted her. I used to volunteer at the foster home when I met her, and she was so little. I found out that she's suffering from a physical disability due to harmful substances during her pregnancy."
"There's a long process in adopting her. I had to run a few tests to make sure I was an appropriate adopter, and I was so grateful that it didn't take longer time for me to finally have her."
"I actually didn't want to break this news, but the news broke itself, right? I just want to say that there's nothing wrong with having a kid, whether you're married or not. Everyone has a reason. Doing this interview is also hard for me, but I want to encourage all parents, single parents out there, that having a kid is not a sin but a blessing. And I'm very blessed to have Jihan."
Mingyu smiled as he saw Jihan, who was sitting behind you, playing with Legos. She now approached you to show you her Lego creation. "That's amazing, baby." His heart melted once he heard you compliment your daughter, completely distracted from the shoot and focusing on Jihan, which spoke volumes about your personality.
Maybe Mingyu's weaknesses boil down to three things: witty women, graceful women, and you.
He'll start by making a move toward Jihan. She mentioned his height earlier, expressing a desire to be held by him. He's all in! If Jihan wants to call him "dad" immediately, he's a goner.
He's definitely going to ask you out after this.
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kytrisz · 3 months
pregnant | Matt Smith
| pairing. matt smith x reader
requested by. anon
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It's been 5 weeks. 5 weeks and you still hadn’t got your period. Gripping down the washroom counter tightly. It was quiet in the four walls of the confined room. With the droplets from the sink filled the room. Leaning against further onto the counter, your eyes follow the trace of the water goblets as they fall down into the drain. You sucked in another shaky shallow breath. With your eyes slowly looking down on the edge of the counter.
Two lines. 
Three pregnancy tests, all shown with two red lines. Positive. 
You feel warm tears streaming down your cheeks, throwing your hands on your lips. Already overwhelmed with what's happening, finding out the truth pushes you to the edge. Finding your chest heavy, with shaky hands, you turn the faucet on splashing the water rigorously to your face. 
"Fuck. What am I gonna do? What do I do?"  you asked yourself panicky. You're not ready. Both of you are not ready for this. The two of you are at the peak of your career. You haven't even talked about having any kids. There wasn't even any conversation about your future. Do you even want kids? What about Matt? God, does Matt even want to have kids—
As if on cue, you heard your phone vibrate inside your bag. Fishing it out, as if God's heard your questions, you find Matt's name pop on the screen.
Trying to compose yourself, you take a long deep breath. Pressing the small green accept button.
"Took you quite long enough, darling." Matt's voice echoed through the other side of the call. 
Without seeing him physically, you felt him giving a sly smirk. Even if you feel anxious and overwhelmed from the earlier event, a small smile still forms on your face. His voice really is a comfort.
"Are you alright? Has something happened? Where are you?" 
He probably senses your uneasiness, as he continues to ask various questions. Trying to sound and act normal, you replied "I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry. I just went out to buy something. How about you? How's the shooting? Is it doing well?" Thankfully Matt is still away for filming. Giving you time and space to think and reflect on the future. Both of your future.
If Matt noticed your abrupt change of topic, he didn't say anything. "It's great! Everything went well, it's such a shame we finished early. I really love working with them-"
Or not.
"You finished early?" you cut Matt off. Another wave of panic washed over you, as you stared anxiously at the pregnancy test.
"Yes, darling... I was going to surprise you. But I found you not here. Is everything really alright?" Matt is now worried. He's not used to hearing you liked this. Like you're...scared?
"Yes. I'm fine. Let's just talk when I get back okay? I love you. Bye." you hurriedly said, dropping the call without waiting for his response. You put your phone inside your bag. Glancing in the mirror, you put light touches to remove any form of evidence of crying and any distress on your face.
Staring at all the three pregnancy tests scattered on the counter, you let out another heavy sigh. Grabbing all of them you consciously wrap it with a paper towel and put it in the bag.
Matt knows something is wrong. Really wrong. He knew you tried to put up an act, but he knew you more than yourself. More than himself. Stalking length around the living room with worries on the back of his mind, he waited patiently for you to come home. In his bare arms, where he can touch and hold you tight. Not letting go.
Therefore, the moment he heard the click of the doorknob, he instantly went to the door. Taking a glimpse of your frame, he pulls you toward his chest. Letting out a comforting smile. As he pulled you off he reached his hands on both side cheeks, caressing your face.
"Are you really alright?" Matt asks once again.
Looking at his eyes filled with adoration and love. You feel a heavy weight on your chest. Will he still look at you the same when he finds out? Instead of giving him an answer, you put up a small smile, before pulling yourself away from him. 
Matt watches you put down your bag on the sofa and stride your way to the kitchen. Following like a lost puppy, Matt called you with worry lace on his tone, "Darling, is something wrong?"
The more you hear and look at him, the guilt, pain, and shame just keep piling on you. You can't do this, you really can't. Feel the anxiety gripping you tightly, a muffled noise let out from your lips. Alarming Matt further, calling your name once again.
Ignoring, you grab a glass of water to drink.  Trying to compose yourself, failing horribly. 
Matt's patience begins to wear thin as he watches you, his worry turning into frustration. "Please, just tell me what's wrong," he pleads. Matt knows you're avoiding him. That's why desperately he forces you to turn around and face. Jolting both of you as the water in your hand slips on the ground. Glass shattering into fragments upon impact.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't-" you whispered as you slowly crouched down to pick it up. But a hand grab to stop you. In silence, you watch Matt as he slowly bends down to pick up the broken pieces. 
After a few moments of silence, you finally choked out. "I'm pregnant." 
You saw Matt stop picking, raising his head in your direction. But you don't have the strength to look at him, tears flood down your cheeks, throwing your head down. "I'm so sorry."
Matt stood up, pulling you, hugging you close. He has his arm wrapped securely around you as you weep onto his chest. His heart aches seeing you breaking into pieces. Kissing your temple, he soothingly rubs your back. "Shhhhh, darling. It's okay. Everything will be okay."
"I'm so sorry Matt." you sobbed. "I didn't mean to. I-I, it's all my fault. 'm really scared-"
"Shhh, Shh, it's okay, darling. It's okay. It's okay." Matt reassured, wiping your tears from your cheeks. Planting a kiss on your head, your nose, your cheeks "It's your body, darling. Your final decision is yours. If you're not ready for this, it's fine. I understand. Okay? I’ll be here."
"I- I don't even know how to be a mom." your emotions weep further.
"You'll learn, I'll learn. We'll learn." Matt whispered to you.
"But what if I’ll suck at it? What if I'll just be a horrible mother to this child?"
"Then I'll be here. I will be here to support you. We can get through this" Matt reassured, leaning his head toward yours, your eyes locked together. "I'll be here. I promise. Everything will be fine."
For a moment, neither of you speaks, the only sound filling the room is the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the occasional creak of the floorboards beneath your feet. With a million thoughts and emotions washing over you. You slowly nodded.  Your fingertips move slowly down his cheek, the gentle caress a silent expression of your love and appreciation.
And as you watch Matt leans into your touch, where his eyes soften as he savors the warmth of your hand against his skin. You finally know the answer.
"Well, let's do it then." You smiled brightly at him, catching him off guard. "Let's create a beautiful nine months and more, journey together." 
A radiant smile spreads across Matt's face as he gazes into your eyes, a mixture of relief and excitement shining in his expression. "Yeah. Alright." He nodded as his voice filled with determination and love. "Let's make this nine months and more, journey unforgettable." With his hands gently resting on your stomach.
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masn-mount · 1 year
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'the oldest book in the world'
note: bestfriend!jude!
this is my very first time writing a Jude fic! I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you guys enjoy reading and please let me know what you think. xx
warnings: not any really, just swearing,
words: 5,2k (got carried away like always)
"You're going to fall over," your voice is soft, a total contrast to the look you shoot Jude's way when you see him lean forward at the edge of the boat you've rented for the afternoon.
"I'm the king of the world!" You roll your eyes at his outburst even if you can't help the smile that pulls at the corner of your lips. He looks back at you, his unbottoned white shirt flowing behind him as he stands with his arms wide open by his sides.
"I'm being serious Jude, get down here." The trip to Greece after the season had finished was mentioned months ago and you gladly agreed to it when Jude asked you if you'd want to join. You had been looking forward to it, it was nice seeing your friends and spending some time with them but more than anything you had looked forward to a week with Jude.
The two of you have been friends since you were kids and for years you brushed off your crush on him. You were only eleven the first time you had looked at him and thought he was cute but that was it so surely your little crush on your bestfriend would go away with time.
To you Jude was the boy you would spend hours with playing football in your backyard until you both were too tired to stand. When girls at school started taking interest in boys he was the one all the girls asked you about, "you're his bestfriend, you have to know who he likes," is what they’d tell you but you didn’t know or want to know so instead you focused on summer break and how for four years the two of you would spend your days on your bikes, exploiting every possible road until you found a new ice cream van for the day.
He has always been that boy to you and when years passed and you still looked at him the same way as you did when you were eleven you thought of him as the boy who could be something so much more if things weren’t so complicated.
You were thinking back to the day Jude told you he was moving to a completely different country. Dortmund wanted him and as excited as he has been about the move he was terrified to tell you but when he shared the news and the biggest smile he had ever seen broke out on your face he knew he had nothing to worry about when it came to you.
Jude had pulled you into his lap and he just sat back and listened as you spoke about how proud of him you were and how you couldn’t wait for your first trip to Dortmund meanwhile all he could think about was how badly he had wanted to kiss you.
The next morning you woke up early.
You decided to stay back at the villa the previous night, you told your friends it was because you weren’t feeling well but in reality it was because after your little trip down memory lane you were finding it difficult to focus on anything or anyone other than Jude.
A night in to clear your head was what you needed.
It didn’t work but it was worth a try. ed.
You were laying out by the pool, endlessly scrolling through all your different social media apps while you waited for your friends to wake up.
Work and school had been stressful so you wanted to take advantage of every moment you had away from it. You knew Jude felt it too and even if he rarely ever complained about his busy schedule you had noticed a change in him since your arrival to Greece. He felt more relaxed, shoulders not as tense and bags under his eyes not visible. You knew he had a lot on his mind with the constant speculations about his future and where he would play next so you never asked him about it unless he was the one to bring it up.
You had just put your phone down next to you when your silence was disturbed by someone jumping in the pool. Your eyes flew open behind your sunglasses when your skin was met by the cold water. “Morning, angel.”
“Morning, twat.” You muttered, eyes watching Jude as he swam towards the edge of the pool with his eyes closed and smile on his face. Your eyes stayed on him as he splashed water in your direction.
“That was for not being very nice,” you just shook your head at him before laying back in your previous position, trying to ignore how you could feel his eyes lingering on your body. “Lost my sunglasses last night.”
“That's too bad," you couldn't even fake annoyance towards him as he splashed more water in your direction before he effortlessly got out of the pool. You weren't going to pretend like you weren't shamelessly checking him out but it was only fair since he had done the same. “What are you doing?" You laughed when his hand reached for your glasses.
"I told you, I lost mine."
"How is that my problem?" He just laughed before telling you that technically it was your fault because if you had been at the club with him he was sure he wouldn’t have lost them.
“Who even brings sunglasses to the club?” You asked to which he just shrugged before telling you to scoot over which you did, making room for him to lay down next to you. You changed position after a few minutes, laying down on your front as Jude reached for the sunscreen laying above your head under your shorts. You were about to ask him if he wanted you to help him put some on when the lotion hit your back. "I already put some on."
"Y'looking a little red and I know you can't reach by yourself." His hand felt soft on your skin as he slowly rubbed the sunscreen up and down your back. You had to bite your lip from making any kind of noise when he moved back down your back after rubbing some on your shoulders, neck and arms. His hands were moving dangerously low, fingertips reaching just under your bikini bottoms. “Y’want me to do your legs?” You only nod, not trusting your voice in that moment.
It should be innocent but nothing with Jude was ever innocent which you got confirmed when he rubbed up your thighs until his fingers stopped just under your ass. Your body was feeling like it was on fire and you knew he could sense your body tensing at his touch by the chuckle that left his mouth. “My head is telling me to throw you back in that pool since you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”
"Hey, m'just helping out," he held his hands up in fake surrender before leaning forward and kissing the back of your shoulder. "All done," you watched as his tongue darted out of his mouth, licking his lips before he gently tapped the back of your thigh. "Do me now?"
The dynamic between you two had been like this for years, you enjoyed the flirtatious aspect of your relationship because you didn’t overthink it. You knew Jude was that way with other people too but then there were those nights where he would keep his arm over your legs or around your shoulders when you’d sit next to him and the longer the night got the closer he’d pull you in until you were almost sharing a chair. All of it had your heart raising, especially when he would be so close that you could feel his lips against your ear just so he could tell you that you looked unreal, how the dress you were wearing fit you perfectly and how you were the prettiest girl in the room.
It has been just that, sweet words and innocent touches until it turned into nights spent together. It was convenient really, just two friends keeping each other warm during the nights but both of you knew it was much more than that.
You wanted to spend your nights together and neither of you could stand the idea of the other spending it with anyone else.
When you that night in Greece ended up in his bed yet again you wanted to curse yourself out because you’d promised yourself that last time was the last. His arm was wrapped securely around your waist, your back flush to his chest and all you could feel were his soft breaths against the back of your next. The sun wasn’t up yet which confirmed that you hadn’t been asleep for long. You closed your eyes and tried going back to sleep but Jude’s fingers aimlessly drawing different shapes across your lower stomach made it impossible.
"Go back to sleep." His rough voice so early morning almost startled you a little.
"I can’t."
"Stop overthinking and you will,” you didn't have to look at him to know he was smiling.
"What are we doing, Jude?"
"Are we being stupid?"
"I think we are."
"Always so fucking stubborn," a silence follows his words before he speaks again, "who even cares anyway?" You weren’t sure what he meant, if he was talking about your friends because you knew they didn’t care but you did so to think he was in the same boat as your friends hurt you more than you’d like to admit.
“I do,” you whisper and that was your way of telling him that whatever this was, it was fucking with your head but no response came as Jude’s scores filled the room.
You both wake up a few hours later and act like your conversation never happened and when your friends see you leave his room, in nothing but his shirt from the night before they all look away.
You stayed away from Jude that day, spending most of it by the pool with your girlfriends and when he’d be at the pool you would walk to the bar and when he’d call your name out you’d pretend like you didn’t hear.
The evening rolled around, everyone were chatting away, excited, happy and drunk and you were too focused on the conversation you were having with a girlfriend to notice Jude making his way over to you. He stopped next to you, his hand coming to rest on your hip, “you don’t ignoring me for whatever reason yet?”
You weren’t so your eyes remained locked with your friend who was finding the entire situation too amusing. “So fucking stubborn, like always,” is what Jude said before walking away.
You didn’t know what time it was when you decided to be the one to call it a night but your eyes were heavy and you were cold so all you wanted was to get back to the villa. You stepped out before everyone else, followed closely by Jude who pulled you in for a hug. “You’re shivering, I keep telling you to bring a jacket but you never listen, so you?” You feel done ignoring him for the night so you wrap your arms around his waist, squeezing him a little before looking up at him with a pout on your face.
"It's your job to bring the jacket," he laughs before apologizing for forgetting to bring one and he didn’t want to tell you that it had been because you hadn’t picked one out for him that night.
"I haven't told you yet but thank you for coming. I love having you around, y'know?"
"Of course, wouldn't miss it," he kissed your head before moving his lips down to your cheek. You expect him to move back but instead you feel him press more kisses to the apples of your cheeks.
"I hated not talking to you all day," he whispered, his kisses were light but made your heart speed up and your cheeks heat up. A final kiss was pressed to the corner of your lips before he untangled himself from you when he heard a friend of his call out for him.
You tried to control the flush growing on your neck and face but on the entire walk back to the villa you couldn’t shake the feeling of his lips on your skin because that entire moment had felt so intimate. Almost too intimate.
It was cliché, the oldest book in the world - girl falls in love with bestfriend.
Jude was someone you considered near perfect. He had the prettiest smile you had ever seen and the biggest heart you had ever known. He was driven, talented, funny and he cared about you more than most people did so of course you couldn’t be just friends with someone who made your heart beat extra hard each time you just heard them laugh.
You hadn’t just caught feelings, you had fallen completely head over heels with someone who had never shown that they feel even remotely the same.
The oldest book in the world sucked and right now you were getting past the chapter where you laid in bed crying as your friend, Lea rubbed your back, whispering that everything was going to be okay because boys were boys and sometimes they're too stupid to see what they have right infront of them.
You woke up with swollen eyes and the shower you took didn’t help you feel better.
You didn’t only make breakfast awkward for yourself but for everyone else too when you leaned away from Jude and dodged the kiss he had leaned in to give you. His friends all laughed, wondering what he could have possibly done to have his girl give him that treatment but they quickly stopped when Jude frowned at them and Lea told them to shut up and eat.
Jude stayed away for the day, not because he wanted to but he knew something was on your mind and that you didn’t want to talk to him about it. Lea had confirmed it to him later that day, letting him know that you just needed some space but that you were fine.
You weren’t fine and he knew that, your eyes didn’t have that glint to them that he adored and your smile didn’t reach your eyes.
He did well, stayed away for the day, got ready by himself in his own room and when he saw you walk out of your room he almost felt like you were trying to torture him. You were wearing a blue mini dress that was complimenting your skin perfectly. Your hair was curled to what he thought was perfection and he simply couldn’t take his eyes away from you. “You’re catching flies, mate,” was what his friend told him before he shoved him away, eyes back on you to see you standing before him. “You look really nice,” he never went a day without telling you that so the words only came natural to him.
You have him a soft smile, “thank you, so do you.” Your conversation didn’t drag longer.
You were having a good time. You were smiling, laughing and dancing like nobody was watching. You talked to the boys who approached you but couldn’t even pretend that you were interested for longer than a minute because none of them were Jude. Lea told you that you needed to kiss someone, to maybe bring someone back to the villa because the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else but you couldn’t do that. You had regretted not taking Lea’s advice because when the boys got back home, an hour after you had already left they were accompanied by four girls you had never seen before.
You pretended like it wasn’t bothering you, striking conversation with all of them and playing nice but when Jude started getting a little too close to one of them your face instantly fell. He was making her laugh and when he leaned in a little too close to whisper something in her ear you felt tears cloud your eyes so you got up and out of there before causing a scene.
You were definitely blaming the alcohol.
You couldn’t imagine how you looked, tears streaking down your face, makeup looking a mess by now along with your hair you had just tossed up in a messy bum. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were still wearing your uncomfortably tight dress you would have jumped into the pool instead of sitting at the edge of it.
"I won't save you if you jump in," you jumped slightly, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"I can swim,” you don't look at him when he sits down next to you.
"Why are you crying?"
"Don't what?"
"Don-, don't sit here!"
"Oh? I don't see any sign claiming this is your spot," for the dramatic Jude looks around himself before his eyes settle on you, fighting the urge to reach up and wipe the tears that were still falling down your face, "nope, no sign."
"Okay, well...don't look at me with your stupid pretty eyes."
"You think I have pretty eyes?" When you don’t reply, Jude let out a sigh. "Babe, I hate seeing you upset."
"Don't make me upset then,” you hiccup, hands going to wipe away a fresh set of tears.
“I’m the reason you’re upset?” He am almost sounded offended, “can you tell me what I did?” You were just sitting there, not looking at him because you were sure that if you did you would completely break down. “Y/n, this is childish.”
"Don’t fucking tell me I’m childish when I’m upset!” He doesn’t say anything so you continue, “and don’t bring back a bunch of girls that we don’t even know to our villa without as much as asking us like a bunch of self centered bastards!” You look at Jude for the first time since you sat down and he looks completely taken back by your outburst. You sigh before telling him that you’re sorry.
"You're fine."
"I'm not and what I said, I don’t mean it. You're not self centered."
"But I am bastard?" You just laugh at him before shaking your head. "You can talk to me, y'kow?"
“I just-, today and yesterday has been difficult. I’ve had a lot on my mind.”
“I’ve missed you a lot.”
"I've been here the entire time."
"Not really, you’ve not been with me."
"I bet you haven't even noticed,” your voice is barely a whisper.
“I always notice when you’re not around. Being with the lads is nice but I was looking forward to spending majority of my time here with you.” You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping that it could make the tears stop falling because you weren’t even sure why you were still crying.
“You looked pretty cozy with that girl.” It was meant to be a lighthearted comment but the confusion on Jude’s face told you he didn’t take it that way.
“Is that what this is about?”
“You think I’m crying over that?” You were but he didn’t have to know that.
"Then why did you bring it up?” You didn’t have a response because he was right, you don’t know why you had brought it up. “What’s going on with you? You’ve been acting strange. You’ve been avoiding me for two days. Everything was going perfectly fine with us, we were good and then suddenly you start acting distant and I don’t know what to say or do.”
"Please, can we just drop it?”
"You're confusing the fuck out of me, y/n."
"Do you not think I’m fucking confused too?”
"About what?"
"I can't do this, Jude."
“You have to be more specific.”
“This! The,” you take a deep breath knowing that once you say what you were about to say there was no turning back, “the kissing, Jude. The cuddling, the holding hands, the fucking teasing, touching and flirting! The sharing bed, I can’t do any of it.”
"That's what this is about?”
“I really wish you could stop acting like it doesn’t mean anything!”
“I’m really not following.” That was your chance to tell him that it was nothing and to just forget about it and you could just go to bed and and pretend like this conversation hadn’t happened.
Tomorrow would be a new day and you would just have to accept that he didn’t have those kind of feelings for you which was fine.
Maybe it wasn’t fine but you would have to learn to accept it but instead of dropping it you shake your head. “How are you not following? I can’t have you kiss me, Jude. I can’t have you hold me and pretend like it doesn’t mean anything because it does to me.” You take a deep breath and ask him to not interrupt you when he’s about to say something. “I can’t let you have me just to not have me, it’s not fair anymore.” You wanted to scream at yourself to be quite because you had said enough but you couldn’t stop yourself. “I’m in love with you. I think I have been since we were like fourteen. I know you’re my bestfriend and I know that’s all you see me as, which is fine,” you laugh a little, “I think it’s fine. It will be fine but I just, you’re the first person I want to call when I get good news. When I see a stupid or funny video on Tiktok you’re the first person I want to send it to. You make me so happy and I feel so lucky to have you in my life but I can’t continue acting like these feelings aren’t just eating me up.” You feel like you might fall apart when Jude wipes the single tear that has fallen from your eye. “You’re my favorite person.”
You felt like your heart was going to beat out chest.
Jude’s eyes burning into you wasn’t helping but you sit there and look back at him as you wait and hope that he can say anything to help you ease your heart but he doesn’t so you speak again. “I’m sorry.”
He inhales sharply, head leaning back as he lets out a low laugh. “Wow,” that wasn’t exactly the first thing you had hoped he would say. “You’re in love with me?”
"Don't make me say it again.”
"Why now? if you've felt like this for so long, why not tell me before?"
"I don't know, Jude."
"You've felt like this the whole time?" You almost feel like he was making fun of you, like he was dragging it out until you’d just run away and refuse to ever see him again.
"Yeah, the whole time."
"Well, fuck," you clear your throat and wipe at your eyes, feeling nothing but embarrasment by his reaction, even if it was completely valid. "I don't even know what to say. I wasn't expecting this."
"Yeah, me either." You say, barely a whisper and you feel him more so close. Your eyes are locked and you feel like you’re barely breathing when his thumb caresses your cheekbone before wiping away another tear and you just shake your head before closing your eyes. Jude leans his forehead against yours and all you can feel is his hot breath on your lips.
You know he was trying to think of something to say, anything to make you feel better. “You don’t have to say something because it’s what I want to hear, Jude.” His brows furrow before he nods, whispering that he knows. “I’ll be fine. You don’t owe me anything.”
"I know, I know." He kisses you on the cheek, does what you had just asked him not to do and you want to cry because you can't even find strenght to push him away. "It's just a lot, I don't know what I'm thinking or feeling." You just nod, feeling guilty that you had dropped something like this on him out of nowhere. "I feel so much for you, you have to know that.”
“I do,” he acknowledges your words with a nod before he lets go of you and lays down on the grass. You still sit there, unsure of what to do.
You hear glass shattering before Jude’s name is being shouted and you just smile at him before nodding towards your friends. Telling him to just go without having to use your voice because you’re not sure how much more talking you can do for the night.
He takes your hand in his, squeezing it before he stands up, helping you up too in the process.
"I'm just going to see what they want, alright?" You repeatedly nod your head, wanting to tell him to just hurry up so you can disappear to your room and hope the ground swallows you up.
"Yeah, that's fine. Go." You say, squeezing his hand once before letting go.
"Okay." He nods before walking backwards towards where your friends are, eyes not leaving yours for a moment before he turns around and jogs the short distance there. You walk the same way, catching Lea's eyes and you just shake your head at her before hurrying the other way and once your head hits your pillow and silence surrounds you all you can think is holy shit.
The next morning you feel like hell.
You skip breakfast and don't leave your bed until the afternoon, nobody comes looking for you, everyone well aware of the conversation you and Jude most likely had.
You took a quick shower before getting ready for the last day in Greece. You were glad it was coming to an end because you knew you wouldn't see Jude for a few weeks, maybe even months and that would help you forget everything that had happened.
Once you got ready you made it out with the group to some day club. Shots were being sent around and thrown back everywhere you looked and you were doing your best at pretending you weren’t feeling miserable.
When you look at Jude and see that he is completely fine you realize that the hardest part hadn’t been pouring your heart out to him but it would be seeing him carry on like nothing had happened and even if it was selfish it’s how you felt.
You get back to the villa before everyone else, your excuse was that you still had a lot to pack. You were walking around your room, picking up all your heels and sandals when you hear a knock on the door. “You need help?”
“It’s fine. I just got my makeup left to sort out after.”
“Why did you leave so early? I could have helped you pack.”
"Felt done, really." You smile at him, trying to focus on the task you had at hand and not about how he was laying in your bed, shirtless and looking more handsome than ever.
“Honestly, I feel like I’ve always been pretty in tune with my feelings,” you just nod, not entirely sure what he’s trying to say, “but last night, it just fucked it all up.”
“I really want us to just forget about it.”
“I let you talk last night so I’d like to talk now, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, sure.”
"You mean a lot to me, a lot more than most people. Genuinely fucking adore you and yesterday when I said I wasn't sure what I was feeling it was true. It was a lot at once, a million thoughts running through my mind, yeah?"
“Me saying that, it wasn’t because I don’t care for you because I hope I’ve made it clear that I do but I just needed to think about how I wanted to approach all of this because once certain things are said, we can’t go back.” He gets up from the bed and sits down on the floor next to you before taking your hand in his. “I talked to mum this morning, told her what you said.”
"Jude! Why the fuck would you do that?”
"I needed to know if it was obvious and I was just being dumb or something." You shake your head at him. "Guess mum's always know, yeah?" His knuckles graze your cheek, like they had done the night before and he inhales once before his hand falls to the side of your neck so he can pull you even closer and God, you're just so close and you're glad you're sitting because you're sure your legs would have given up on you by now. He takes another deep breath and smiles softly at you before he leans forward so he can kiss your jaw and up to the corner of your lip and all you can do is whisper his name. "I don't want to have to stop kissing you." You're not sure where this is going but you can't pull away so you sit there, fingers drawing shapes on his thighs while you wait for him to continue. "I miss being with you, joking with you, making you and having you make me laugh." He smiles at you before continuing, "I miss holding you at night." Your breath hitches at his words, mind racing and heart pounding. "I think I've always had these feelings but I've been good at hiding them because I didn't want everything to change but fuck that." He leans forward and kisses the skin just under your eye. "It's natural with us so nothing will change, yeah?" You just nod. "I've never felt this way before so it's terrifying the shit out of me but I know what I'm feeling now and that’s that I’m so in love with you too.”
You're not sure what to do or say so you wrap your arms around his neck and let him pull you into his lap and when your palm rests against his chest you swear you can feel his heartbeat so clear, perfectly in sync with your own. "Just took me a little longer to realize." You laughed softly and Jude thought it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. "Wanna be mine then?"
"Was I not already?"
"Yeah, you always were which is why I still can't believe your jealousy led to all of this."
"What? Don't be ridiculous," you say, leaning away from him when he tries to attack you with kisses.
"You so were."
"I wasn't!"
"It's fine to admit now." You just shake your head. "Come here, m'silly girl." He says, smiling as his tongue pokes out to lick his lips. You lean your forehead against his and let his familiar perfume wash over you as you let out a content sigh. Jude reaches out and pushes a strand of your hair away and behind your ear, his fingers gently brushing across the apple of your cheek before his thumb runs over your bottom lip and the entire thing makes your heart flutter.
"You make me so happy." A grin breaks out across his face and he didn't want to waste any more time before he leaned forward, closing the short distance between you, pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss that filled your entire body with warmth and you really could have stayed in that moment forever, especially when Jude smiled into the kiss making you giggle against him before he pulled you back in for another kiss.
Maybe the oldest book in the word wasn't that bad.
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ynbabe · 6 months
Fake texts au- pt.9 bffs with the rookies+ The Hangover II
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"WHAT THE FUCK!" the boy's Australian accent echoed throughout the room, making the employees stare at the group of seven.
"What the hell did you guys do? Zak's texting me about it because you aren't picking up your phone." His older teammate explained making everyone stare at the usually timid boy.
He patted his jeans and hoodie, "I can't find my phone, do one of you have it?" He asked his friends making the three check around but finding nothing, "Call Alex he's still in the room, maybe I've left it there." He said making Y/n reach for the phone but finding nothing, Arthur and Logan, checked for theirs but did not find them either.
"What the fuck?" Y/n asked, "Where are all our phones?" She looked at the older men for answers.
Max and Charles looked disappointed and Lando looked like all his prayers had been answered, "Finally, I'm not the irresponsible kid of the grid!" He exclaimed gleefully making the four shoot glares at him, Oscar most annoyed of all, threw his table napkin at his teammate.
"Wait, Oscar, what's on your hand?" Max asked, reaching out to hold the younger boy's hand, pushing the sleeve of his hoodie up to reveal a haphazardly placed blue stamp. "Seriously, y'all went to-" Max expressed his disbelief as the others rolled up their sleeves to find the same stamp.
"Who let you guys in? You can't get in without a sponsor?" Max asked.
"of course, you'd know about a club like that," Charles remarked, making Lando laugh and nudge his friend and Max rolled his eyes at the antics of the two men sitting on either side of him.
"Wait, fuck, I remember- My friend got us in," Y/n spoke up, getting flashbacks of the night before.
"Of course," Arthur began but then remembered a memory of his own, "Oh my god, we went to the hospital too, 'cause I fell... from somewhere," he groaned.
"Did we go to the zoo? why do I have so many scratches?" Oscar complained, looking at his arms.
"Oh my god, Y/n look at your face!" Logan whisper-yelled, making everyone stare at the young woman.
"Wha- rude!" she said but pulled Lando's phone out of his hand, turning on the camera. "WHAT THE FUCK!" she screeched, touching her nose, which was turning black and blue, much like the bruises on Arthur and Logan.
Arthur poked at her eyebrow making her hiss, as she swatted his hand away, "What the fuck even happened?" she asked and looked around, passing the phone back to Lando.
"Okay, okay, wait, timeline time," Oscar said, making everyone turn to him.
"Like the Hangover?" Logan asked, "Exactly," his friend replied.
"Okay, so, we were in the club till midnight," Arthur began.
"Then we went out to get food to McDonalds, till like 1, I think," Logan continued.
"And then we went to my club," Y/n said, with a look of regret.
"That's where you all lost your phones," Max said, making everyone look at him for an explanation, "they take people's phones away so people can have privacy." The Dutchman shrugged.
"Wait but didn't we call you?" Y/n asked.
"Yes, from Lando's phone,"
"Lando, you were there the whole time!?" Oscar yelled, looking at his teammate accusingly,
"I so wasn't," he yelled back, I was at the club with Carlos," he said.
"oh okay, yeah, that explains it," Y/n shrugged,
"Anyways, I met, the four of you while going home, but you all DRAGGED me to where you all were going," He continued, "Y/n and Arthur already had a hospital band around their wrists, I think maybe that's where the 20k went,"
"Fucking American healthcare," Y/n exhaled as she touched her nose again.
"And you all stole my phone and called Max like a Billion times, and then Max and Charles got there and Arthur and Logan began climbing a fucking building and Oscar and y/n kept going onto the road."
Everyone looked at him dumbfounded, finally the only reaction was Arthur running out of the room to throw up.
"Lightweight," Y/n and logan said at the same time, laughing after they realised.
"Uh, Y/n," Charles called out to the girl, scrolling on his phone, "Did you post on your account, last night?
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we are scandalingggggggg, next is the last chapter of the Hangover saga 😥 kinda sad but I've got a lot planned for later!
But what do you guys prefer? Writing, Insta-styled posts or fake texts? or a combination of all three?
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @cashtons-wife @i-wish-this-was-me @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eugene-emt-roe @fangirl-dot-com
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xdaddysprincessxx · 10 months
The Cabin in the Woods
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Dave York x f!reader
Dark fic/dead dove, kidnapping, Dave is mean, dub/noncon, piv (wrap your Willy kids!) light dick sucking, dick biting, no description of reader other than having a vagina and grabbable hair, cream pie, scary dark basements, uhh probs some other things I’m forgetting but bottom line: this is dark. Dave is not a nice guy. Enjoy!
Summary: it’s been a few days since your world was turned upside down. Running on pure adrenaline, you plan on getting loose and running as far away as you can but can you outrun your kidnapper? Do you even want too?
A/n : yeaaa this is my first fic(?) idk I wrote this on my phone, purely horny brain rot for my suburban murder daddy. Not edited or beta’d. The more I look at this the more I hate it and feel like it doesn’t read well but in the words of the loml @toxicanonymity fuck it we ball
Your daily life has always been mundane. Predictable. Comfortable. You work, go home to a studio apartment just a few blocks from your office, every other day you order takeout, you try to workout and go out on the weekend but your couch and netflix stay calling your name. It’s the middle of September where it’s chilly in the morning but by the afternoon your sweating bullets so you decided to try and look cute by wearing your favorite black tshirt dress. Work is the same as always except you’ve recently been working on a new case, a murder/suicide. There’s something weird about this case though. A husband shoots his wife at the kitchen table before turning the gun on himself. No apparent marital problems beforehand, no affairs, no real motive behind why he would do it. And then there’s the blood splatter. It just doesn’t add up. There’s something strange about this case you just can’t place your finger on it.
It’s already half past 7 at night, you got lost in your work yet again and lost track of time. The office is empty and mostly dark. You can’t help but get the creeps as you leave your office and start walking towards the elevator. Not even half way down the hallway when you swear you hear a loud thud making you jump out of your skin as you turn around trying to figure out where the noise came from. With your heart in your throat, you pick up speed, walking towards the elevator. Just as your rounding the corner you run straight into a solid chest belonging to a very handsome man you’ve never seen before.
“Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there.” You stammer out as the handsome man just chuckles
“You outta be more careful sweetheart. Not good for your health to run into bad men.” the man said with a smirk
That’s a weird statement. Not good for my health? Bad men?? Your mind starts running wild as the handsome man snakes his arm around your back and before you can even react his other hand is coming up to your face, pressing a soaked cloth to your nose and mouth
“ Sorry sweetheart, it’s nothing personal.” is the last thing you hear before everything goes black.
You’ve always had weird dreams all your life. Even had some dreams that later came to fruition in real life. But this has to be the weirdest dream you’ve ever had. You dream of these beautiful brown eyes. Of a rough, deep voice. You can feel his hot breath on your neck while he whispers in your ear.
“ I need you to be a good girl for me sweetheart. This is for your own good.” As much as his voice alone has you turned on, you can’t help but have this nagging gut feeling that something is deeply wrong. You’re scared but can’t remember why. Suddenly everything around you melts away and your in a room you’ve never seen before. Blood red walls, a beautiful matte black four poster bed in the middle of the room. However you notice there’s no windows. That’s when you feel a hand on the back of your neck, guiding you towards the bed.
“Now I need you to do what I say sweetheart. It’s for your own good. Don’t fight me or try to run or else you won’t like the consequences.” the brown eyed man said in a low, rough voice. As soon as he said that, you suddenly find yourself at the bed. With his hand still on the back of your neck, guiding you, you climb up on the bed on all fours when he removes his hand. You don’t know why you feel the need to lay on your back with your hands above your head but that’s exactly what you do. That’s when you finally see the man standing above you as he tied your wrists together to the bed post. Just as he finishes tying you up, everything starts melting away into pitch black darkness.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is the light. It’s not super bright but bright enough when it feels like you’ve been stuck in a coma for a month. Your definitely in a bedroom, very simple. Just a regular full sized bed in the middle of the room. A small dresser to the right of it and a chair in the far right corner facing the bed and a man sitting in it. That’s when you realize your laying on your back with your hands above your head and that your wrists are tied together to a bed post above your head. Holy fuck do your shoulders hurt.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. Or I guess good evening.” Dave says as he chuckles at his little joke.
The man! The mystery man you ran into before falling into this deep sleep. Wait no it wasn’t sleep. It’s all coming back to you now. He put a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. He used chloroform on you!
“Now that your awake, I’m going to need you to cooperate. This is for your own good sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you but you are playing a very dangerous game.”
“What? I don’t know what your talking about. I’m not playing anything! I swear! You must have me mistaken for someone else! Please! Let me go, I swear I won’t tell anyone about this just let me live please!” You try to beg as you find your voice again after being asleep for god knows how long.
“Aht see that’s where your wrong. You were working on the Bernstein case correct?”
Confused, you nod your head as best you can. What does work have to do with this?
“See here’s the thing sweetheart, my team and I, we’re bad men. We do bad things for money. And you, princess, were dangerously close to solving the mystery which would be very bad for my men and I.”
You lay there with a confused look on your face as the puzzle pieces begin to fit in your brain and suddenly you’re able to put 2 and 2 together. You knew there was something off about the case but you had no idea he had any involvement or who he even was.
“ I - I’ll stop working on the case! I’ll tamper with the evidence, throw them off your track! Please! I’m sorry! I won’t tell! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“I really do enjoy hearing you beg sweetheart.” Dave shakes his head and chuckles darkly. “But begging isn’t good enough. Not when it comes to this.”
As your mind starts racing a mile a minute, you subconsciously start to press your thighs together for a little crumb of friction. The dream you had about this mystery man had you turned on and now that your awake, seeing his face and hearing his voice more isn’t helping your little predicament. While your lost in your head you don’t realize he’s been watching you like a hawk and has noticed every little movement you’ve made.
The man moves closer to the bed your on when you snap out of your thoughts. “What are you thinking about pretty girl?” he asked as he sits down next to your body. You look up at him with wide eyes
“ I - uh nothing.” You manage to stammer out, knowing damn well he can see right through you. “ uh huh. Is that right? So you rubbing your thighs, squirming like that, that’s nothing?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. It’s like he can read your mind! You’ve literally been kidnapped and tied up but yet instead of trying to get out your brain is stuck on dick. Your own pussy has betrayed you! You can’t help but notice this dark look come over his face. A hungry look in his eyes. And you can’t help but press your thighs together even more, causing your squirming to increase.
The mystery man lays a massive hand on top of your thigh making you hyper aware of the fact your in a dress. He starts rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, sending chills down your spine. It’s been god knows how long since you’ve last been laid. And the first man to touch you in so long just happens to be your kidnapper?? The universe is playing a cruel joke on you.
Your breath hitches as his hand makes it’s way up your thigh. You can’t help but notice how large and veiny his hand is. How warm . .
He breathlessly says your name. “Look at you. You’re a filthy little thing. I’m a bad, bad man who could do anything he wants while your completely helpless. And all you can think about is how bad you want me right here.” The mystery man says right as his hand stops at the apex between your thighs.
Dave tsks, “Now what am I going to find when I lift this pretty little dress up? Huh? Soaked panties? A wet little cunt who wants to be used?” He says in the most condescending voice as he slowly lifts your dress up.
Embarrassed at the fact that he’s right. Your panties are soaked. You can clearly see the wet spot on your white cotton panties you had on. “ I- I uh I don’t d-don’t k-know-ow” you barely even stammer out, words completely lost to you.
“You y-you d-don’t know-ow?” He mimics your stuttering words, “oh princess I think you do know. I think you know just how bad you want me to touch you right now. How bad you want me to use my fingers, my cock to make this wet little cunt feel good. I thought you were gonna be my good girl? Good girls are honest and beg the bad men to fuck their cunts.”
You swear you damn near cum just from his words alone. “ I- I uh I . . “ you still can’t even get words out. As you try your hardest to find words, the mystery man oh so slowly takes his forefinger and runs it up and down your clothed pussy. Making you throb even more just from the light touch.
“ I- I want you to fuck me. Please.” You say as you look down, unable to look this man in the eye. You can’t believe you even said that. You don’t know who this man is, don’t know his name, you’re still tied up to a bed somewhere you don’t even know. What is wrong with you?
“There’s my good girl.” He practically croons as he starts to slowly pull your panties down.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Now listen to me and listen carefully. The better you are for me and do what I say, the better all of this is going to be for you.”
“ Yes sir.” You said. On the inside, however, you’re speechless. What is even happening right now? Who gets off on being kidnapped and wants to fuck their captor?? Nothing in life has ever prepared you for this or even made you think a situation like this would ever even occur.
The mystery man’s hand leaves your face and goes to his belt and begins unbuckling his pants. All you can do is sit there, arms above your head, neck at a weird half up position and stare as he pulls his thick cock out. Your eyes widen as you see what exactly he had hidden in his pants. That is easily the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. It’s a good 7 inches if not more. Girthy as hell, a huge prominent vein. The head is a tanned pink and slows changes to a darker tan shade down the shaft. You can barely make out dark curls around the base but for the most part you can tell this man keeps it nice and trimmed down there. You had no idea he was gonna pull out a damn horse cock. And why is it making your mouth water?
The mystery man spits in his hand as he goes to stroke himself while his other hand goes back up to your pussy and slowly starts to circle your clit. Everything about this is so wrong but he feels so good.
Unable to stop yourself, you moan out loud, “Please” you croak out. Not sure what your asking for, just knowing you want more.
All he does is chuckle at your request. But nonetheless his forefinger makes it way down to your opening and dips inside. Just barely entering your wet heat and it has you on the verge of tears. After a couple of teases, Dave inserts his middle and ring finger into your pussy.
Oh the relief! Your whole body heats up from how good his fingers feel moving in and out of you. Maybe there is a god. Maybe this big, bad man is merciful.
After thrusting his fingers inside your sweet little heaven, Dave moves his hand away from your pussy and goes to stand up next to the bed, causing his dick to be right in your face.
“ You want a taste pretty girl? Go ahead stick your tongue out baby”
You do what he says quickly. It’s almost comical how fast you stuck your tongue and boy did he notice. Your starting to believe nothing gets by him. Except one thing. Your restraints. They’re tight but not tight enough. All you had to do was wiggle them just so and you’ve managed to loosen them up even more.
Dave takes his cock in hand and sits the head on your tongue. He gives it a little thrust while you do your best to swirl your tongue around the tip. Dropping your jaw wide open, he takes that as you want more and thrusts his cock half way in. The sudden intrusion caused you to gag around his cock, sending spit and drool down your chin.
He keeps thrusting into your mouth despite your gagging. It seems to only be turning him on even more seeing your teary eyes look up at him.
“Fuck princess. Your sweet little mouth feels like heaven.” Dave moans out as his eyes roll back.
That’s when you decide to take control of the situation. With your hands loose, you yank down, freeing yourself and bite down hard. A metallic taste floods into your mouth and you know you’ve drawn blood.
Dave’s enjoyment is cut abruptly when you bite his dick. He falls backward trying to get his dick out of your mouth and slips on his pants. You jump up off the bed and manage to get past him while he’s on the floor cussing, trying to nurse his injured cock.
You bolt out the bedroom door to reveal an open floor space. You quickly realize your now in the living room and make a dash towards what you think is the front door. After a few seconds of desperately trying to unlock it, you finally get it and bust out the front door onto the porch and down the stairs. From the looks of it, you’d say it’s probably about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. The suns going down, you might have another hour of light left. But you don’t care. You run full speed into the woods in front of you. All you know is the mystery man took you, brought you to a cabin in the middle of the woods, night is approaching and you’ve just escaped his clutches.
After running what felt like hours in no particular direction, you start to feel yourself tripping over sticks and leaves. You immediately start to fall to the side when you crash into a tree shoulder first. As you steady yourself and try your best to take deep breaths while also catching your breath is when you hear him.
“Sweetheart come on out. You and I both know you don’t know where you are but I do. I know these woods like the back of my hand.” he shouted out. The mystery man sounds close. You start to move as fast as you can without making a sound, practically holding your breath so you don’t get caught. You’ve managed a fast half walk half run from tree to tree, frantically moving your head all around to make sure you don’t see him coming towards you. As your hiding behind a rather large tree you decide to take a quick second and look from behind it to see if you can see him or not. When suddenly you hear a twig snap right behind you and that’s when you feel a large hand yank you by your hair, pulling you backwards into the mystery man himself.
Wrapping his other arm around you tight, with a death grip on your hair, he leans down by your ear and whispers “Gotcha.”
“You little fucking bitch. You bit my dick. I was being nice and showing you some mercy because you were being such a little slut and you bit. My. Dick. Now your gonna see the monster that I really am.” Dave growled in your ear.
With that he keeps a tight hold you as he shoves you down on the ground, belly first. His body following yours, Dave puts his full weight on top of you. With his hand still grabbing your hair, he pushes your face into the dirt and manages to lift your dress with his other hand.
“If you try anything else I swear to god I’ll make this even worse for you.” He spat on the side of your face as he pulls himself out of his pants. He quickly spits into his hand, lubing his cock up and thrusts into your still wet pussy. Fucking hell his cock splits you open. You have no time to get used to his cock inside of you before he’s thrusting like a mad man. You swear you can feel him in your stomach. Thank god for his ministrations from earlier because there is no way in hell you could’ve taken all of him without it.
“Such a fucking dirty little slut. I can feel this cunt squeeze my cock sweetheart. Don’t try and lie to me. You fucking love this.” Dave growls at you while his massive cock pounds your poor pussy. And he’s right. You do love this. The way his cock is splitting you open. The delicious way he’s forcing your pussy to take every inch. Even his body weight on top of you is making you gush around him. Both of you grunting, you from trying to get away and him from pounding the life out of your pussy.
“Ngh that’s right take this fucking cock slut. Take every fucking inch. Hnnn fuck yes. Fuck. Look at you, already cockdumb. Can’t fucking say a word, just taking it like the filthy little whore you are.” Dave grunts out as he continues to mercilessly fuck your pussy.
His words alone have you creaming. You can’t help but moan. No point in trying to hide it. You know he can feel it. You’re so wet and creamy now from his unrelenting cock. You’re so close, if only he would just touch your clit or you could move your leg just right and get a little friction where you desperately need it. You swear you feel him speed up and after a few more thrusts, you feel him pulse deep inside you.
“Fuck sweetheart. That’s it. Take my fucking load deep in that sweet pussy.” he says panting in your ear. After a few more seconds of him panting in your face, he sits up on his knees, still pinning you to the ground. He puts himself up, stands and yanks you by your hair once again to make you get up.
As he turns you to face him, you realize what a mess he made of you. Tear streaked face, dirt and leaves stuck all over your body and in your hair. Cum trickling down your thighs. The bastard looks you up and down and just smirks.
The walk back to the cabin was quiet. You knew you were fucked. Literally. As soon as the two of you re entered the cabin, he took a left turn instead of going towards the back where the bedroom was. Soon you approached a door with a chain lock. You knew deep in your soul you weren’t making it out of here alive. After unlocking the door, he opened it to reveal a set of stairs going down to what you assumed must be the basement.
Dave tightens his grip on your hair as he guides you down the stairs in front of him. Once you both reach the bottom, he turns you to the right and all you can see is a damp, dark basement. Two little basement windows are the only light source to help you see where you are. Cement walls, some boxes stacked on the far right wall, what looks to be a washer and dryer just a few steps in front of you. He flicks a light switch on, flooding the room with light, causing you to blink real hard because of the sudden harsh light blinding you. Dave continues to be silent as he walks you over to the other side of the boxes to reveal a set of cuffs attached to chains stuck in the cement wall. He lets go of your hair only to shove you down on the ground and put a cuff on each ankle. Wordlessly he chains you up and turns back around to go back upstairs.
“Wait!! Wait! Please don’t leave me down here! I’ll be good I promise!! I’m sorry for earlier! I won’t do it again! Please!!” You begged. You pleaded to him to not leave you only for him to stop and turn to look at you
“It’s too late for that sweetheart. Begging will get you nothing. Your lucky I’m putting you down here when I should take you out back and put a bullet between your pretty eyes.” And with that he turns the light back off and stomps up the stairs, leaving you all the alone.
- I hope y’all enjoy this! My first fic ever! So I’m super nervous lol I do hope it’s good and reads well, the perfectionist in me is saying it’s horrible and delete, delete, delete but I’m not. Im posting it lol but yea if y’all like it I could definitely do a part 2(:
Tagging a few of ya that encouraged me to write this and a few I think would enjoy(:
@toxicanonymity @lumoverheaven @bonezone44 @neverwheremoonchild @wannab-urs @multiversed-daydreamer
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helloalycia · 8 months
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the Clarks [five] // alicia clark
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summary: you go on a supply run with Alicia and things don't go to plan, leaving her extremely pissed off at you. It takes a reality check for you to understand why.
warning/s: mentions of the dead, injuries, weapons and violence.
author’s note: and this is the final part! such a fun one to write and i do hope the person who requested it liked it! kinda went overboard but you all know the drill with me by now 😂
one / two / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
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After being busied by chores and odd jobs around the stadium and then eating lunch, it was soon time to go on the supply run with the others. Alicia and I met the other two residents by the truck out front and we all made sure we were armed before heading out.
"This strip mall we're heading to should be clear enough, but we haven't had a team check it out in a while, so everyone be on high alert," Alicia warned everyone on the drive over. "Only go after the essentials, if there's any left. Ideally, some more clothes and shoes – stuff like that."
Everybody agreed, a focus in mind, and it was silent the rest of the way. Eventually, we arrived at the abandoned strip mall and Alicia pulled up, the four of us splitting into twos. They took to one side as Alicia and I took to the other.
Unfortunately for me, my thoughts were still on Rick and Alicia earlier, their flirting engraved in my mind and my jealousy still in full throttle. I couldn't help but bring it up.
"So, Madison and I were talking about the new residents earlier," I started, trying to make it sound natural. "Lots of good people joining us, don't you think?"
Alicia hummed as she kept her eyes peeled. "Sure is. It's amazing how big our little community has become."
I nodded in agreement, my grip on my knife tightening. "Yeah. New girl Sally is pretty friendly. Her kid's cute, too."
"Aw, yeah, he's adorable!" Alicia agreed with a smile.
"Yeah... there's Rick, too. What do–" I cleared my throat nervously. "What d'you think of him?"
She thought to herself, distracted by looking into the shop windows. "He's nice enough, I suppose. A bit too flirty for my liking, but nice. Definitely skilled with a knife."
What did that mean? She didn't like his flirty-ness? She did? God's sake, I needed more than that.
"Why? Did he say something?" she asked with confusion, glancing over at me.
I perked up, meeting her confused eyes. "What? No, no. Just wondering. I, er, thought the same."
She began to smile, unsure what I was doing, but nodded. "Right... weirdo."
Thankfully, she got distracted by a small thrift store and nudged me to follow her, and the conversation was dropped. There was lots of options to pick from, since it wasn't looted to the bare bones like other stores were, so we gathered what we could and loaded the truck.
Between that and the few others store, we managed to gather quite a few supplies, odd assortments of things but all that would benefit the stadium in the long run. As we were heading back to the truck, Alicia slowed down to look in the window display of a jewellery store. It looked pretty banged up on the inside, no doubt one of the first places to be looted back when the outbreak began, but Alicia was still intrigued.
"There's probably nothing worthwhile in there," I told her, but she was still up close to the glass, smiling at the rings on display.
"It's still pretty to look at," she pointed out lightheartedly, shooting me a smile before returning her attention to the rings.
Something about how excited she was for the moment made me smile to myself and I couldn't just leave it like this. She clearly wanted it.
"Then what are we waiting for?" I suddenly said, straightening up and going to the door.
There was a couch blocking the doorway, clearly put there by whoever had been here last, but it wasn't going to stop me. I began to lean against it in an attempt to push it out the way.
"Y/N, what are you–? Stop it, what if there's someone in there?" she followed after me, half scolding me and half worried.
"Only one way to find out," I said with a shrug, before finding enough strength to shove the couch forward, and it hit the tiled floor with a loud bang.
"Y/N," Alicia groaned at all the noise, but I ignored her and stepped over the couch to let myself in, before yanking open the other door so she wouldn't have to.
"After you," I said playfully, stepping to the side.
She fixed me with a disapproving stare but walked in, looking around. It was ransacked in there, as expected, but there were a few pieces of jewellery still on the shelves. We took a look around, Alicia warming up once she studied the displays. I could have watched her all day, the beautiful smile on her lips that matched the dazzle in her eyes. Seeing her happy was my favourite thing, as lame as it sounded.
"Okay, maybe you weren't that stupid to come in here," she admitted as we looked around.
"Let's not forget why we came here in the first place," I said with a smile, before leading her to the display window. "This one, right?"
I pulled out the ring from the display, a simple silver band with a gemstone embedded within the the metal. Holding it out to her, I tried to put it on her finger, but it was huge and would have fallen right off if I didn't catch it.
"Well, that was short lived," she said with a sigh, before trying not to laugh as she met my eyes. "Thanks anyway, Y/N. It was a sweet thought."
Unimpressed, I shook my head. "No way. That can't be it." I looked around, before my eyes fell to the stock room in the back. "Aha! There's gotta be more stuff back there. Let me have a look."
"Just give me a sec," I told her, before taking the ring with me and heading to the door.
Luckily, it was unlocked and I was able to walk right into a small closet-sized space that had an old, wooden shelf against one wall, full of stock.
"Alicia, I might need you to help me because there's a–" I began to call to her, but I was cut off by intense snarling from my right, and then something grabbed me.
I let out a yelp when I realised it was an infected man, the limited light from the front of the store shining through the door and letting me see his horrendous face. He must have been hiding behind a shelf, too late for me to see, and I struggled against him in the small space.
"Y/N!" I heard Alicia call, but I couldn't reply because if I moved my attention away for even a second, I was sure I'd get bitten.
He was so close to me – hot breath and rancid smell blinding me and burning my nose – that I couldn't find an opening to stab him with the knife in my hand. As I took a swing, he toppled right into me, knocking me backwards and to the floor with a thud. My head took the brunt of it, dazing me momentarily, but the snapping face coming at mine brought me back to reality and I just about managed to grab my knife again, stabbing him in the head before he could do any damage.
A second passed and his snarling ceased and I sighed with relief, feeling dizzy in the head. That's when I heard the creaking coming from my feet, and when I shoved the infected off my body, it was too late. The shelf against the wall suddenly toppled over, everything falling off and hitting the floor around me before the heavy shelf itself landed right on my leg, making me scream at the impact.
"No, no, no, no," Alicia suddenly appeared, taking in the scene, before scrambling for her radio and calling the others. "Guys, I need you at the jewellery store now! Y/N's hurt."
I forced myself to sit up, wincing at the shelf that was trapping my leg, and didn't move another muscle because it was too painful.
"You're such an idiot!" Alicia shouted at me, before kneeling down to grab the shelf. "I told you not to come here!"
As she attempted to lift it, I let out another shout of pain because she wasn't strong enough by herself and it was only making it worse. My leg was definitely broken and I wanted to throw up at how strong the pain was, but I forced my eyes shut and tried to push it away.
"You're so fucking stupid!" she continued to curse me out, but the worry in her voice was obvious. "I told you there'd be infected here!"
As much as I loved a good grilling, my head was still throbbing from before and I was still feeling dizzy, leaning on my arm to steady myself in the spinning room.
Finally, the others turned up and, between the three of them, they managed to lift the shelf up long enough for me to crawl out of it. My leg was definitely fucked though.
Alicia rushed to my side to help me stand, but I was nauseous as soon as I did and couldn't say anything for fear I'd throw up there and then.
"You didn't get bitten, right?" she asked, panicked and checking my face and neck.
I shook my head slowly, leaning my weight against her. "I think I'm gonna pass out, Alicia..."
"Help me get her to the truck," Alicia ordered the others.
After making it back to the truck, just about, we drove back to the stadium speedily, each slight bump making my stomach turn and head throb. Before I knew it, I was in the medbay back at the stadium, being sat upright on a bed and struggling to ease the dizziness.
"Is she gonna be okay?" Nick asked a nurse we had.
A bright light was shone in both my eyes, irritating me, and then the nurse replied, "She's got a mild concussion. Possibly a broken leg. But she'll live."
Nick grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, and then my moment of peace was ruined when Alicia burst through the door with Madison in tow.
"You fucking fool!" Alicia suddenly snapped at me, glaring ferociously. "You could have died! And for what?! A fucking ring?!"
I winced at every word, her words ringing in my ear.
"She's concussed, Alicia," Nick told her sternly. "You're not helping!"
Alicia clenched her jaw, eyes full of tears, and after glaring at me once more, she left the room, slamming the door behind her. I jumped at the sound, surprised at how angry she was at me. Nick gave me a disapproving look but said nothing, and all I kept thinking was how badly I'd messed up.
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After being checked out by the nurse fully and having some medication, I fell asleep with a broken but bandaged leg that I couldn't put weight on for a while. I woke up to Nick by my side, who immediately gave me some water and helped me sit upright.
The look he was giving me wasn't easy to ignore, so after downing my pills, I returned his stare.
He blinked. "Y/N, what happened out there? Alicia is pissed."
I sighed, Alicia's angry expression imprinted in my mind. "We were at a jewellery store and I went in the back. There was an infected I didn't see, that's all. It got out of hand, but I handled it."
"Handled it?" he asked with exasperation. "You broke your leg and got a concussion!"
"Only a mild concussion," I corrected, before adding, "and I'm alive, aren't I?"
He shook his head, annoyed. "You have to be careful, you idiot. Your life isn't worth some stupid jewellery. Why were you even in there? We don't need that stuff here."
Feeling bad for worrying him, I said, "Alicia wanted to look and I just– I thought it would be nice, y'know? Make things feel a little normal again."
He sighed, his head in his hands. I frowned slightly, the guilt sinking in.
"Is she still mad? I asked, hoping she'd have cooled off by now.
I chewed on my lip nervously, wondering how I'd get her to forgive me. Nick left to go and get Madison, who wanted to be called in when I'd woken up, and I hoped Alicia would stop by, too. But the blonde turned up alone.
"Madison," I breathed out, still happy to see her, even though she didn't look impressed.
"I'll save you the lecture," she began, taking my hand in hers, "but it was pretty stupid."
"I know," I agreed tiredly. "I'm sorry."
To my relief, she really did save me the lecture, instead squeezing my hand comfortingly.
"Is, er, is Alicia coming?" I asked lamely. "I wanted to apologise to her."
Madison smiled apologetically. "Maybe not so soon, hon. She's really angry."
"Right. I guess that's fair."
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I had hoped to see Alicia over the next day when I was kept in the medbay, expecting her to at least visit me, even if it was just to shout at me, but she didn't. It stung a little, but I also felt horrible knowing that I'd pissed her off this much.
When I was finally allowed to leave, with the aid of some crutches, the first place I headed was to Alicia's quarters to pay her a visit. I knocked on nervously, anticipating what could happen, and then the door opened to reveal the Clark girl.
"Hey, remember me?" I joked, hoping to lighten the mood, and she simply rolled her eyes, about to close the door in my face.
"Wait!" I said, sticking my crutch in the way, and she stopped.
"What?" she snapped, green eyes darkened with fury.
Losing my humour, I met her eyes. "You didn't visit me."
"If I did, I would have strangled you."
Licking my lips at the awkwardness, I said, "Alicia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. But I thought you'd at least–"
I went quiet. Well, I thought she'd at least visit. She'd never been this mad before, not at me and not for something so minor. And the longer I fell quiet, the more her jaw clenched and she stared daggers into my eyes.
"Can we please just forget it happened?" I asked instead. "Move on?"
Without another second wasted, she said, "Whatever," then closed the door in my face.
I stared at it in awe, stunned at her behaviour. How could she still be mad at me, even after apologising?
Unsure what else to do, I left her place to go and sulk in the stadium's stands which were empty. What else could I possibly do for Alicia to forgive me? I understood I worried her, but I literally apologised and I was okay! She'd never been so mad at me before...
As I got lost in thoughts of the green-eyed girl, sulking and thinking and wondering what I could do, I almost missed Madison finding me and joining my side.
"You seen Alicia?" she asked, knowing I was going to talk to her daughter earlier. "How'd it go?"
I shook my head, still surprised at what occurred. "Not good at all. She's still so angry and I just– I don't understand why! It was an accident, Madison, and I apologised!"
Madison glanced at me from the seat beside me, quirking a brow, and I was even more confused.
"What?" I asked. What had I missed?
She sighed heavily, earning my attention, and looked me in the eyes. "Y/N, hon, I'm saying this with love," she started, "but you're so blind to what's in front of you."
Blind, and apparently lost too since I had no idea what she was talking about. She must have noticed, as she rolled her eyes with impatience.
"Alicia cares about you," she said in a knowing tone.
"I know that."
Closing her eyes with pursed lips, she waited a moment before clarifying, "No. She's in love with you, Y/N. She's been in love with you since you were kids. Of course she's angry, but she's mostly hurt. You almost died over something so stupid! Why else would she be like this?"
My jaw dropped as I stammered to find words. "What? She– what– how do you know that?"
Alicia being in love with me? There was no way that could be true. I refused to believe it.
"I know my daughter, very well," she said like it was obvious, before resting a hand on my knee. "And I know you, too. You feel the same, Y/N."
Immediately growing flustered, I avoided her eyes. She knew? How the hell did she know? I was certain I'd hidden it well. I couldn't have hidden it better!
Oh, God, she knew I was in love with her daughter.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed," she suddenly said with a quiet laugh, "it's okay!"
Horrified, I swallowed hard, knowing my face felt as hot as the sun right now. What did I even respond to that?
"I did think you'd have said something to her by now," Madison added. "It's a lot, I know. But, maybe, it's time you came clean and reassured her. Because, quite frankly, I'm sick of watching you both not do anything about it."
If Madison was right about me being in love with Alicia, then surely she was right about Alicia being in love with me? And if that were true, then... holy shit. I guess it made sense why Alicia was so angry at me – or upset, I now realised.
I couldn't find words, not when the confession was shocking me to the core, so I simply nodded slowly in response. At least Madison seemed to be okay with it, the whole me liking her daughter thing.
"You're gonna be fine," she assured me with a small smile, before squeezing my knee and getting up. "I'll leave you to it. Remember to rest your leg, Y/N."
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It took me a while to accept the fact that maybe Madison had been right, myself reliving every interaction I'd ever had with Alicia since I met her, overanalysing and trying to gauge whether she may have cared about me like I did her. Two days to be exact, in which Alicia avoided me completely.
When I finally decided enough was enough, I went straight over to visit Alicia with the hope of finding enough courage to either tell her how I felt or get it out of her first. Clearly I was too scared to tell her myself all these years, so I wasn't too convinced it would go to plan.
I found her at her quarters again, an old dugout converted into a room for her, and knocked on as confidently as I could muster. As soon as she opened the door, her expression hardened and she narrowed her eyes at me.
"I just wanna talk," I said before she could think to close the door on me.
"About what exactly?" she asked, her anger still as fresh as it was from two days ago. "About how idiotic you were trying to get a ring?"
Remaining calm, I said, "I just wanted to get it for you, Alicia. Give you a sense of normalcy again and–"
"I didn't ask you to do that!" she exclaimed, before scoffing at me angrily and walking further into her room.
Reluctantly, I stepped inside and tried to defend myself. "I know you didn't, but I wanted to! You seemed to like the display and I thought–"
"I don't give a fuck about a ring!" she shouted, glaring at me, and this time her hurt was present. "It wasn't worth dying over! I care if you're fucking alive! That you're safe!"
The guilt returning yet again, I nodded in understanding. "You're right. I get it. I'm sorry, Alicia."
"No, you don't get it," she retorted, frustration being replaced with worry. "D'you know how– how scary it was watching you back there? Hearing you scream and then seeing you– fuck! Seeing you look so– so fragile? And now look at you! Walking on fucking crutches!"
I chose to stay quiet as she continued to rant, my guilt deepening as she spoke her fears aloud.
"You can be so careless sometimes!" she added, a frown on her lips and glassy eyes darting between mine. "Though, I suppose that's why you're Nick's friend, right? He does the same fucking thing!"
"I won't do it again," I promised her. "I'll think next time."
"Yeah, I hope so," she said bitterly, crossing her arms.
I watched her closely, searching for a semblance of what I hoped to find. "I didn't think you cared so much."
My nerves were creeping in and I so desperately hoped she'd admit her feelings first, so I wouldn't have to.
She looked at me, face flushing shyly before looking away and playing it cool. "Of course I do. You're family. And Nick's best friend."
I waited momentarily, wanting her to say it, but she didn't. And I foolishly couldn't. I was too scared to put myself out there, even after all this time.
Unable to hide my frown, I nodded. "That it?"
She met my gaze, confused. "What else?"
Now it was my turn to grow shy and embarrassed, and I looked away, feeling a little humiliated. It wasn't Alicia's fault at all – she couldn't help how I felt. And maybe Madison had gotten it wrong.
Changing the subject, I shook my head. "Never mind. Sorry again."
I turned to leave, feeling her eyes bore a hole in my back, and somehow I knew that when I walked out of this door, there would never be another chance to tell her how I felt. After all this time, even if she didn't feel the same, maybe I should have finally come clean like Madison said. If I did and we could get over it, maybe I could finally move on?
"Actually no," I said, suddenly feeling an adrenaline rush as I turned around to face her. "I'm not sorry."
She quirked a brow. "Excuse me?"
I sucked up a breath and held her gaze, despite a part of me wanting to leave and never speak again. "I'm not sorry. Not for trying to get that ring. For worrying you, yes, but not the ring."
"Wow, thanks," she said sarcastically, but I didn't let it get to me.
"You wanted that ring," I reminded her. "You looked in that store window and you saw something normal and I wanted to give it to you. I'm not sorry about that. I went in there for you and, yes, you didn't ask me to, Alicia, but you didn't need to. I wanted to! To make you happy, I would do anything. I thought you knew that by now, but maybe I didn't make it clear enough."
Her expression softened as her eyes widened slightly. "What are you saying?"
Now or never, right?
"I'm in love with you, Alicia," I stated with all the confidence left in me. "I have been, since we were kids and since I was old enough to know what love is. And I've been terrified to admit it aloud, especially to you, but I can't keep it to myself anymore. I didn't mean to worry your or upset you or make you so angry, you have to know that."
She didn't say anything as she seemed to digest my confession, and the longer she stared at me without any indication to how she was feeling, the more stupid I felt.
"I can get over it," I told her with a small smile, avoiding her eyes. "You don't need to take this on or anything. I just– I had to tell you. If I've made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry and you have every right to stop talking to me."
"No, just–" she started, and I held my breath as she struggled to speak. "You're in love with me?"
"I'm in love with you," she admitted, and I could have sworn I misheard until she repeated, "I'm in love with you, too."
"You're in love with me."
"I am," she said softly. "Why didn't you– why didn't you say anything all this time?"
I raised my brows. "Me? Why didn't you?"
She scoffed. "Seriously? I'm your best friend's little sister. How was I supposed to?"
"Exactly," I agreed. "You're my best friend's little sister. How was I supposed to?"
Her eyes flickered between mine. "Like you did just now."
My heart was thumping so loudly I was surprised she couldn't hear it in the quiet of her room. Now what?
"I care about you a lot because I'm in love with you," she said, stepping forward and shakily lifting her hand to cup my cheek. "I don't want you doing stupid stuff that could get you killed. Especially not for me."
"If I had known it was dangerous, I wouldn't have gone in," I told her seriously. "I promised you I wouldn't leave you. I meant it."
She tensed her jaw as she lowered her hand, resting it on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I got so angry and upset. I shouldn't have reacted like that, especially after you got hurt. I just– seeing you like that and knowing it could have been worse, it just– It was frustrating. And I didn't know how to express that, not without revealing how I felt about you."
"Yeah, I kinda thought I fucked everything up when you didn't stop by for a visit," I said, in an attempt to lighten the mood, and it seemed to work as she cracked a small smile.
"I should have visited," she said apologetically. "And I should have told you how I felt."
"Me too," I said gently.
She looked at her hand on my shoulder, avoiding my eyes, and I couldn't stop staring at her as she did. She felt the same way. How could that be possible? How had I missed it?
"Now what?" she murmured.
"Now..." I paused, making her eyes flicker to mine momentarily, hopefully. And, still on a high from being able to admit the truth, I asked, "Can I kiss you?"
She pressed her lips together, nodding slowly, and then I leaned in before I could stop myself, wrapping my crutch and arm around her waist to pull her even close. Her figure fit perfectly in my arms; her lips were as soft as I could have imagined; her fingers left goosebumps across my skin where she caressed my cheek. This was all I'd ever wanted, and now I finally had it.
We pulled apart for air and I was afraid that if I opened my eyes, she wouldn't be there and I'd have imagined it all.
I opened my eyes, only to be submerged in golden-green. "Yeah?"
"Thank you."
I lifted an eyebrow. "For?"
She didn't falter as she said, "For being here for me all this time. For not leaving. For keeping your promise."
I stroked her waist with my thumb subconsciously, eyes flickering all over her face, committing it to memory, and then a smile curled on my lips. "You don't know how much you've done for me, do you? We're even, Alicia."
She began to smile too, making butterflies blossom in my chest, and then just like that, she pressed her lips to mine and I was in heaven once more.
Looks like Madison was right after all.
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carlgrimesloverr · 1 year
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carl grimes x fem!reader
summary : you were always there for carl, now it was his turn to be there for you.
takes place during : somewhere between s5 and s6
warnings : mentions of self harm, mentions of suicidal thoughts, mentions of attempted sa, mentions of death, lots of mental health talk, talk of relapsing
word count : 1,137 extra : this one is just really dark, really dark. and it talks a lot about possible triggering topics, so please do not read if any of those things could possibly trigger you!
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it had been three weeks since you came to alexandria. three weeks since that awful night. three weeks clean. the burning feeling was still there. so were the thoughts that maybe you’d be better off dead. but he was also there. and hopefully, he’d always be there.
then it was four weeks - a whole month - clean. four weeks in alexandria. four weeks with him.
then it had been five weeks. then six. the seven. then it was two months.
judith was growing up, rick and michonne had something going on, carol was baking. the residents of alexandria were treating you and your group like you truly belonged. everything was going well.
then, ron’s dad died. and he got angry, he got really angry. he would rant to you for hours on end, raging at carl for ‘ruining’ his life. you weren’t sure if ron knew how close you and carl really were - how your moms were best friends in high school and got pregnant around the same time, how you watched carl grow up from the moment he was born (you were born just three days earlier and constantly reminded him), and how carl refused to leave you behind when the apocalypse started. maybe ron didn’t know, maybe he simply assumed you and carl were friends because you were in the same group together. or maybe he did know, and he enjoyed being the one to take up half your time, because you were the one thing he could take from carl.
you were able to contain ron, at least a decent amount. you stopped him from hurting people, mostly himself. you knew the boys would quarrel every chance they got though. you knew when they were in the garage they were fighting. you knew it all. but you didn’t know ron would snap. you didn’t know that walkers would break into alexandria. you didn’t know ron had a gun, and you didn’t know he would shoot carl. 
you didnt know you cared so much about carl. that he was the one reason you were able to stay clean for two months. but you did know he would get better, he always did. carl was the type to always bounce back, even if others couldnt. after that night… the night you found daryl… carl bounced back. you couldnt, but carl could. no matter how many times you showered, or took a bath, or went swimming, you were never clean enough. you could still feel his hands all over you.
carl thought he knew a lot, just like you. but he didn’t know the pain you were in. he knew when you were younger what you delt with, he knew that you weren’t always the happiest kid. but he thought you were getting better. you two celebrated two months being clean. 
he thought a lot of things. 
while he was getting better, though in pain, he made sure that he focused more on you then himself. you would do the same for him, that he knew for sure. 
another thing he thought he knew, but was so wrong about, was that you had moved past that night. he tried, he truly did. he could remember the fear he felt as if it was yesterday, but that was all he could remember. he blocked the rest out. he thought you had done the same. fear was something everyone had gotten used to the past few months, if you weren’t scared were you really human? if you weren’t scared, how different were you from the walkers?
you were scared. all you were was scared. carl knew that.
but he didn’t know that you weren’t two months clean. you weren’t even a week clean.
“carl?” your voice snapped him out of his daze, how long had he been drifting off? was he ever even asleep - hell, were you? there you were, lying in his arms, but he couldn’t even remember if you were sleeping or not. probably not, based off of the tone of voice you used. 
you had been crying.
“carl, are you awake?” you asked, and he could feel your body turn as you moved to face him.
“yeah, i’m awake. what’s wrong?” he asked, eyes softening as he recognized your puffy eyes and the redness around your nose.
“i’ve been lying. i’m just a big liar.” you sobbed, clutching his shirt as you cried harder while speaking.
“what? what do you mean?” he asked, eyebrows now furrowed out of confusion.
“i’m not two months clean - hell i’m not even a week clean! i try so hard to be clean, but i just can’t forget that night. that godawful night. i try so hard - really, please believe me, i do… but i just can’t.”
“it’s ok… you don’t have to apologize, and please trust me - i believe you. you know i’ll always believe you, right?” 
“why do ya believe me… always? darlin’… all i do is create trouble! it’s like im a walking bad luck charm.” you cried a little louder, and held onto carl a little tighter.
curse that accent you were slowly picking up from being around his father constantly, because if it weren’t for that accent he’d be able to think like a normal human being, and comfort you in the ways he knew you needed. but because of that damn accent, all he wanted to do was kiss his sweet, caring, and sad best friend and hold you as close and as tight as possible to protect you from all the bad in the world.
“i - how do i prove to you how much i care for you? how do i even begin to prove that as long as you’re not planin’ to hurt yourself in ways that you’ll never heal from, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been clean?”
“it don’t matter?”
“no. as long as i wake up tomorrow and you’re breathing, it don’t matter. just please, next time you ever wanna hurt yourself, come to me first? let me help you. i know, you don’t think you deserve it, but i love ya. i need you safe. i think i’d go crazy if you weren’t here.”
“i promise..” you mumbled, slowly loosening your grip on carls shirt, though he tightened the grip of his arms around your waist, subsequently pulling you closer.
“get some sleep, we’ll talk tomorrow, okay?” he sighed before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“okay” you murmured before falling asleep in the brunettes arms. 
it had been two months since you arrived in alexandria. two months since that wretched night. but 2 days clean. the burning feeling had subsided though. so had the thoughts that maybe you’d be better off dead. he was also there. he’d always be there.
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
Besties get Banged
Angel Dust x MaleReader Smut
➽─❥Angel Dust x FemaleReader Smut version
You didn’t think Angel liked you the way you did him, how could you? While sharing a profession, he was nothing like you. He was the star in every room he entered. After being booked on a shoot together, you find maybe Angel wasn’t so ignorant to your existence.
Warning/Promises: Angel x Reader do not fuck but they do get banged, Val is going to ruin shit but I ain’t writing that part, Foursome but no one cares, handjob, cum countdown 💦, masturbation, making out, porno, vaguely threatening ending from Val
minors dni (👁️👄👁️🔪)
When Angel Dust slipped into the dressing room of Val’s ‘sex dungeon’, you struggled to keep your smile down. You’d never actually worked together. The two of you had attended the same awards shows, frequented the same clubs, danced the same stages. But never graced the same screen. Every encounter left you more and more enthralled. Always the life of the party, but when the crowds would die down Angel would become so sweet, talking with an emotional intelligence many sinners seemed to have lacked or intentionally abandoned at death.
Angel threw himself at many people, sometimes jokingly, sometimes not. But you’d be lying to say it didn’t sting he’d never propositioned you.
“Mornin’,” he plopped into the make-up chair beside you, hand lazily combing through his bedhead.
Angel hoped you hadn’t seen him pause when he saw you. He didn’t get butterflies often, but you always managed to make his stomach flutter. He felt so silly, a kid with a crush.
You knew Val wasn’t going to let it be just the two of you. He enjoyed watching you both get fucked too much. ‘Besties get Banged’ was written on the clapperboard. Angel gave you a wink, “Ooh besties! Is this work or just another Friday night?” His elbow hit a soft spot in your ribs, making you laugh.
“Stop— st-stop that. Get on the bed.” Val used all four arms to separate you, “Bitch number 1 on the left side, Bitch number 2 on the right.” He sat in his chair, arm angrily motioning for the large demons to enter the set already.
It was a standard enough shoot, until you and Angel found yourselves both on your knees, eye to eye from across the pink heart shaped bed. One yellow and one black eye looking back at you, hazy with pleasure as he was fucked dumb by some piece of muscle with a dick attached.
He looked so beautiful when he felt good. You reached out your hand to him, then the other. Fingers laced together, you both moaned into the space between yourselves. Angel’s eyebrows rose up, tongue coming out. His face was so flushed, cheeks pink. You weren’t sure it was an invitation, but you pulled yourself to him and ran your tongue over his. The demon behind you followed your body, trying to maintain contact.
Angel’s eyes rolled closed, tongue pushing into your mouth. The kiss interrupted again and again as the repeated pounding into your holes pulled your lips apart, your entire bodies moving in rhythm.
“Hey!,” Val yelled, “What the fuck are you doing?”
Angel smiled at you, “Whats the matter Val?” He strained forward, capturing your mouth again.
“Stop kissing! You’re ruining it!”
“You never kissed a bestie? Awww,” Angel kept his lips near yours. “Val’s never had a real good friend before.”
Val’s antennae bristled, “Pull em apart, they’re making googly eyes at each other. Killing my fucking hard on. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
Your bodies were slid away, fingertips still reaching out to each other. You were flipped onto your back, pacing brutal as if making up for lost time.
Angel watched you, mouth lonely. His cock leaking from just a kiss. Reaching down, he began to stroke himself while enjoying his own personal show. Your body bouncing with the thrusts, dick swinging against your stomach, eyes watery. He arched his back, looking across to where your body connected with the other demon. You looked so wet, so inviting.
“Angel!” Val seethed.
Angel closed his eyes, imagining you fucking him, not whoever that was behind him. His eyes shot open when he felt hands on his face. His fear dissolved into relief as he saw you had scooted back towards him, pulling him down for an upside-down kiss. Breath hot, he moaned into your mouth.
“Uh Boss, should we stop em again? It’s kinda hot.” The shark demon behind Angel slowed.
Your fingers slipped through his hair, bringing him deeper into your kiss. There was nothing else in the room anymore but you and Angel. Tongue rolling over tongue, breathy moans exhaled and inhaled.
Val shook his head, “Let the little sluts kiss. If they wanna ruin my shoot so badly, be my guests.” His eyes aglow, Valentino exhaled his toxic smoke throughout the studio, sinister grin spreading across his face.
The demons continued as directed, you and Angel not having noticed the interruption you had caused. Angel’s mouth left yours, head resting on the mattress.
“Val’s going to kill us,” you tried to remember the name of the wolf demon pounding into you, knowing you had some sort of lines.
Angel’s teeth nipped your ear lobe, “He’s gonna do that anyway.”
You moaned, “Feels good when you do that.”
“Yeah?” The wolf asked. You wanted to kick him in the neck.
“Uuh, yeah. You… fuck me so good, Daniel.”
“Donny.” He corrected.
Angel got back on his elbows, “Literally no one cares, David.” Whispering now, “Roll over and come ‘ere.”
Douglas didn’t seem bothered, you using your feet to stop him and twisting around his cock to get back on your knees. The demons whose names neither of you cared to learn followed you again. Angel was pressed into you, two arms holding you against his body, one arm on your cheek, a fourth finding its way to your half hard erection.
You gasped, Angel licking up your neck and chin as his hand expertly jerked you off. Regaining some bit of your brain, you reached down a hand to his cock. It was slapping against this stomach in time with the thrusts. Your hand only need to grip him, the other actor basically fucking him into your grasp.
Angel’s head craned down, sucking bruises into your collar bone, “I want you to fuck me so bad, it hurts.” Another whisper into your skin.
“I thought you didn’t like me,” your words faded in and out, volume jumping as your hole took hit after hit. Angel’s hand was electrifying every part of your body.
Angel pulled you as close as he could, bringing your hand from his cock to hold in his. Now him and his pre-cum were rubbing along your stomachs, slipping past your member, bodies pressed together tightly. “Wrong. So wro-uh.” Eyes rolling back, Angel’s words fell apart.
“You close?”
He nodded.
“Want me to count you down?”
A more frantic nod.
You leaned in to kiss at his neck.
A long drag of your tongue up to his ear.
A kiss to his cheek.
You bit at his lip, pulling it with you before letting it go.
Angel clenched his eyes, grip on you tightening as he came across your stomach, thick and hot. You heard the other actor moan, Angel’s ass tightening with his release.
You took the chance to kiss Angel again, lips soft and swollen from the long shoot. His cum dripped down your stomach and onto your throbbing cock, adding more lubrication to your slippery stomachs. Angel’s fingers eagerly used his seed to slip and slide over you.
The feeling pushed you into your orgasm, legs shaking as you tried to stay up. “For fuck’s sake,” Val could be heard shouting just past the studio lights.
Drawing him in for another kiss, less deeply now, lips sometimes on lips, and sometimes the chin and the cheek.
You stayed, holding each other, through the shoot. The other actors finishing their parts, cumming and making some puns about bosom buddies. When everyone else left the scene, and you two broke apart your hungry mouths to consider getting cleaned up and dressed, the air grew thick around you. Heads swimming now, a horny haze fell on set.
“Bravo, bitches. You ruined my shoot, only fair I get to ruin something now.” You both turned to see the lights gleaming off Val’s glasses. “Where should I start?”
My general tag list is called the Horny Little Deer Cult! To be tagged, you are more than welcome to ask to join
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planetpiastri · 1 year
ooo can you do 10 with hangman please??
anon this request grabbed me by the hair and threw me down the stairs and when i got up this blurb existed. i am merely a vessel here. i hope u enjoy!
10. sitting next to each other at their mutual friend’s wedding
word count: 2k
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“You’re late,” hummed Mickey under his breath as you brushed past him, heading out towards the lawn.
“But they haven’t started playing music, so I’m not that late,” you shot back, pausing to catch your breath and scan the crowd sitting on the folded chairs spread across the greenery. “Which is Rooster’s side?”
“Left,” he said with a jerk of his chin, “but it’s not like you really have any other options. You’re on the end there.”
“Thanks,” you said, giving him a quick squeeze on the arm. “You’re the best usher ever. It’s good to see you.”
“Hurry up!” he chuckled, but you’d already started moving again. You tried not to focus on the fact that the one open seat was on the aisle towards the front, which meant everyone seated got to stare at you as you walked down the aisle. Instead you made eye contact with Rooster, standing under the white archway in his tux, and waved excitedly.
He very obviously stifled a laugh and shook his head in mock disapproval, mouthing, You’re late. 
Sorry, you mouthed back, quickly taking your seat and nearly colliding with your seat neighbor. Jeez, these seats were tiny.
“Well, hello,” said your seat neighbor, immediately stopping whatever conversation he was having and turning to give you a very obvious once-over.
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you turned and did the same to him—and immediately wished you hadn’t. Oh, shit. This guy was cute. He was broad-shouldered, with a strong jaw and bright green eyes. His blond hair was neatly smoothed back for the occasion, and he was dressed in a nice dress shirt suit jacket that seemed to be straining at the seams. There was a half-cocked smirk resting on his lips as he looked you over, and you felt your own jaw clench as your eyes met his.
“Hi,” you said.
“You know, you’re late,” he told you as if you were old friends.
“No kidding. I thought the ceremony started at—” you checked your phone, “three-twenty-four. That’s a normal time for weddings to start, right?”
He chuckled, but it sounded more like a scoff. He jerked his chin up towards the archway where Rooster was standing, fiddling with his hands nervously. “Which are you here for? Bride or groom?”
“I’m sitting on the groom’s side, aren’t I?” you shot back.
He fixed you with a look that made you freeze in place. “I wasn’t aware you had many options.”
Your cheeks started to warm, but you fought it back and cleared your throat, blinking and tearing your eyes away. What was that accent? It was faint, just barely there—Texan, maybe? “Me and Rooster are old friends. High school.”
“No kidding,” said your seat neighbor, throwing his elbow up against the tiny back of his folding chair. “He’s never mentioned you.”
“You don’t know me,” you reminded him.
“Jake,” he said quickly, holding out his hand. “I’m an old piloting buddy of Bradshaw’s.”
After a moment, you shook his hand and introduced yourself. 
“There,” said Jake. “Now I know you. And now I know for sure that he never mentioned you.”
“Well, he never mentioned you, either,” you said.
Jake laughed, and you were oddly pleased to be the inspiration of such a noise. “You know just how to cut a man deep, don’t you?”
“It’s a talent,” you admitted with a sly smile.
A dimple on Jake’s cheek twinkled as he gave you an appraising sort of look that went on for several seconds longer than might have been appropriate. Then he stretched out, saying, “So, old high school buddies, huh? What’s the deal there? Childhood sweethearts? Best friends who always wanted more?”
“No,” you said sternly, shooting him a glare.
“What?” he shrugged, laughing. “I’m just saying. Someone pretty as you—there’s no way Bradshaw’s never thought about it.”
As you scoffed and adjusted your outfit, feeling quite flustered, the bride’s entrance music began to play. Everyone shifted in their seats except for Jake, who kept looking right at you, pinning you with that green gaze. You finally said, “You’re extremely presumptuous, Jake. No wonder Rooster never mentioned you; you’re exactly the type of piloting buddy he would have told me to stay away from.”
“Bingo,” said Jake. “Best friends who always wanted more. I knew it.”
“That’s not—!”
“Ssh,” he interrupted, pressing a finger to his lips. Behind it, his mouth curled into a teasing smirk. “It’s rude to talk while the bride is making her entrance.”
Part of you wanted to wring his neck; another part of you was sure he could hear the way your heart was pounding in your chest, an excited, flirtatious flush coursing through your body as he watched you. But you maintained your composure and turned primly in your seat, turning to watch as Rooster’s wife-to-be slowly and elegantly made her way down the aisle.
The ceremony was lovely and beautiful, just as you knew it would be. Rooster had asked Maverick to officiate, something you knew meant a great deal to Rooster and probably more to the old captain. When it came to the reciting of the vows, you were fairly certain there wasn’t a dry eye in the house; even aloof, stoic Jake next to you dropped his cocky smirk, and you caught him subtly dabbing at his eyes once or twice when he thought no one noticed.
Once the reception began, you didn’t hang around to let Jake get under your skin anymore. It was wild to you just how quickly he’d figured out what buttons to push that made you squirm, and you didn’t want to give him any more opportunities to learn anything else about what made you tick. Instead, you rushed to find Rooster as soon as you could, throwing your arms around him and giving him a congratulatory kiss on the cheek before doing the same to his bride.
The hours plodded on, and soon everyone was at least three drinks in—or, as Mickey liked to say, the wedding had actually started. You split your time between dancing with him and dancing with Natasha, and you used slow dances as an opportunity to return to the bar and rest your feet for a bit.
You were nursing a tequila sunrise at the bar when you remembered the man from the ceremony. Come to think of it, you’d seen him on the floor a couple times, dancing with a bridesmaid or a couple of his bro-ey friends, but he hadn’t said a word to you. And why would he? Why were you still thinking about him? He was obviously just a flirt; he’d probably gotten under the skin of half the bridal party tonight.
“Stupid,” you muttered to yourself, stabbing your straw through the cherry in your drink.
“Whoa,” said a voice at your shoulder. “What’d that cherry do to you?”
“Jake!” you gasped, whirling around to see him leaning casually against the bar right next to you. His hair was tousled and his tie was loosened, the top three buttons of his dress shirt undone and exposing a sizable stretch of muscled, tan chest. His eyes were shining, and his cheeks were rosy. In short, he looked about as tipsy as you felt.
“Why haven’t I seen you all night?” he asked, shifting a little closer. 
“Trust me,” you said, “I’ve been around. You’ve just been busy, is all.”
His eyes lit up and he beamed. “Have you been keeping track of me?”
Fuck. “No.” You wiggled on your stool, moving out of his personal space to try and clear your head. You waved your hand in his direction. “You’re just very…noticeable.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, that’s not better! 
“You know, I’ve been told that before,” said Jake smoothly, accepting his whiskey from the bartender with a cool nod and taking a long drink, watching you over the rim of the glass. He motioned towards the cocktail in your hand. “Has this been your night, then? Drowning your sorrows at the bar because your best friend just married someone else?”
“Oh, my god, no!” You laughed, shaking your head. “Would you quit it with this ‘I’m-in-love-with-Bradley’ line?”
Jake held up his hands in a ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ position. “You said the thing about him not wanting to introduce us, not me.”
“That is not what I said.”
Before you could argue more, Jake leaned in close—so close your breath caught in your throat and you felt yourself paralyzed by those green eyes again. He smelled like whiskey, but it worked for him. He said, “D’you wanna dance with me?”
"Are you hitting on me?” you asked.
"I was hoping you’d pick up on that,” he said.
You coughed, taking a long sip from your cocktail before shrugging. “Okay.”
He downed the last of his whiskey in one gulp, which was an impressive feat since he probably still had two fingers left in the glass. Then he grabbed your drink out of your hand and placed it on the bar before leading you by the arm to the dance floor, where they were playing some classic love song—Here Comes My Girl by Tom Petty, you thought. One of his hands splayed firmly across your waist, and a swarm of butterflies burst into life in your stomach, but you tried to play it cool.
“When’s the last time you danced?” he asked, the judgment in his tone clear.
“I’ve had a lot to drink tonight,” you muttered, staring at your feet in concentration. “Gimme a minute.”
But a strong pair of fingers caught your chin, lifting your head till you had no choice but to look Jake square in the eyes. You were positive he could hear your heart pounding, sure he caught the way your breath hitched at the touch. But he just smiled, using the hand on your waist to help sway you to the music and said, “Don’t think. Just do.”
“You are unbelievable,” you heard yourself say.
“I get that a lot,” he replied.
You rolled your eyes and allowed him to lead you in a close, swaying dance, trying not to focus on the lyrics too much. Or on the fact that his cologne smelled really good, especially mixed with the whiskey. Or on his fingers at the base of your spine, or the way his other hand had twined your fingers together nonchalantly, like it was the most casual thing in the world.
You started talking before you could think twice about what it was you were saying. “Before, when I said you’re the type of guy Rooster would have warned me to stay away from, I didn’t mean it’s ‘cause he was protective of me, or there was history there, or anything like that.”
“Oh really?” His voice rumbled in his chest, reverberating through you. God, he made it hard to focus.
“Uh-huh,” you said.
“Well, then what would the reason have been?” He squeezed your hand, his lips so close to your ear that you could feel his breath on the side of your face.
You swallowed. “Because he knew you were exactly the type of guy I would have gone for.”
You felt more than saw Jake’s smile. “Is that so?”
“And you’d break my heart,” you went on, “and Rooster’d have to pick up the pieces.”
Jake didn’t have a snarky report ready for that. He kept swaying you, but it felt a little less self-assured now, a little more cautious, and strangely, more intimate. You let your eyes fall shut, trusting him not to let you fall, and enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, dancing to a classic Tom Petty tune at your mutual friend’s wedding.
“So what now?” Jake asked finally, drawing you back into the moment.
You blinked your eyes open and pulled just far enough away so you could look him in his eyes. “I don’t know,” you said softly, allowing yourself a tiny smirk. “Are you gonna break my heart, Jake?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted softly, and you were surprised to see the confident facade had fallen away. It must have been the booze, you thought. It had to be the booze.
His eyes darted down to your lips before moving back up.
You really did smile then, wrapping both of your arms around his neck so that he could hold you fully by the waist. “Guess there’s just one way to find out,” you teased lightly. 
His stare was hot and intense, sending shivers up and down your spine. “Do you want to get out of here?” asked Jake.
You threw your head back and laughed before settling in his arms, resting your head on his chest. His arms tightened around you, and you said, “Let’s finish the song first.”
And you did.
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emerald-antssss · 1 month
Happy Sunday!
“Hey kiddo, what’s up?”
Sonic looked down at his communicator. It had been buzzing just seconds before, informing the hedgehog that his little brother was trying to reach him.
“Hello,” came the soft reply.
“You okay?”
The kit hesitated before answering his brother. “Yeah, I-I’m fine.”
“O-okay,” Sonic said. Even over the phone, he could read Tails’ emotions and knew for a fact that the kid was not fine. “Was there a reason for your call?”
“Did you know…” Away from the phone, the kit coughed and whimpered. Sonic winced. What was up with him?
“Did I know what?”
“French Angelfish stay together until one d-dies…”
The hedgehog smiled to himself. He thought he could see where Tails was going with this. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in.
“And… it’s unlikely to find one alone. Pairs of-of t-these fish work t-together to defend their territory against other A-Angelfish pairs…”
“That’s a lot like us.” Sonic chuckled. “We partner together to save the world from Eggman…”
“…And it’s hard to find one of us without finding the other,” the two finished together.
On the other side of the line, Tails smiled at the ceiling of his workshop. “Did y-you know t-that Eggm’n has badniks t-th’t shoot arrows n-now?”
“What’s he gonna name them, ArrowBots?” Sonic snickered. 
That got a small chuckle out of Tails, which ended with a whimper. For a bit, the line went quiet.
“Tails,” Sonic said quietly, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Dodging the question, Tails whispered “I l-l’ve you.”
“I love you too, Tails.” Sonic sighed, leaning forward in the chair. “But I need to know you’re okay. You were stuttering a lot, did you have another panic attack?”
“You‘re a g-g-good b’other.”
“Thanks, buddy. Uh… is something going on?”
The blue blur heard shifting from the other side of the line. It stopped abruptly. 
“Okay then,” Sonic replied. He was confused, to say the least.
The line went silent again.
“If you don’t have anything else to say, I’m gonna hang up, lil’ bro.”
More quiet. Sonic could hear the AC in the background on the other line.
“I’ll see you tonight, keed,” the hedgehog whispered. Tapping his communicator, he hung up and leaned back into his chair, arms crossed against his chest.
Something was up.
And he was going to get to the bottom of it.
Tails was not picking up the phone.
It added some difficulty to Sonic’s dinner search. He wanted to know what the kid wanted to eat.
But at the same time, Tails was never a picky eater. Sonic knew he would eat anything he brought, even if it was absolutely disgusting. 
And the hedgehog was pretty sure he had bought more than enough food to the point where he could share with Tails and still have leftovers.
But the brotherly part of him told his to get something the kid wanted.
Sonic pushed the Chinese takeout bags further down his arm. Tapping on his communicator, he tried to get ahold of his little brother yet again.
It rang once.
Three times.
Sonic sighed with relief. “Jeez, kid. What took you so long to pick-“
“You’ve officially reached my voicemail. I got you there, didn’t I Sonic?”
The hedgehog glared at his communicator in response to the kit’s smug voice coming from the speakers. 
“Leave me a voicemail, would you?”
“If you’re not gonna answer the phone, you’re just gonna get this takeout, buddy.”
Pausing for a moment, Sonic sighed. “You’ve been off today, Tails. I wanna talk about it when I get home, okay?”
Hanging up, the hedgehog glanced at the sky. “Come on buddy, talk to me,” he whispered.
“Hey buddy, I’m back!”
No response. 
The workshop was eerily quiet. No tinkering, no food cooking in the kitchen…
And that’s when Sonic noticed the bloody pawprint on the wall. It looked dry now.
Something had happened.
The hedgehog sprinted through the different rooms in Tails’ workshop. Nothing in the kitchen, nothing in the kit’s bedroom, nothing in the-
A thick stream of half-dried blood trailed out of the bathroom. A jagged knife laid on the ground. The bathtub was murky with bloody water.
Sonic felt his ears press to his head. He was afraid to touch anything.
Whatever happened, it wasn’t good.
He followed the red line out of the bathroom and into the main room, where he was greeted with a sight that he would never forget.
He didn’t hear the cry that exited his throat as his eyes fell on the corpse of his beloved friend.
The fox was laying on his side on the wooden floor, an oversized puddle of blood surrounding his small frame. The kit’s dusty grey eyeswere half closed, and his lips formed a small smile. The Miles Electric was on the floor, just above the kid’s head.
Sonic dropped to his knees, gently touching Tails’ face. 
He didn’t mind the blood that smeared against his hands as he gently held the kid’s head in his arms.
Sonic stared into his vacant eyes.
They weren’t the bright blue he remembered.
Sonic gently put the fox down and slid the Miles Electric to himself. When he unlocked the device with his gloveprint, the first thing that he saw was the phone call screen.
There was a call to Vector from last week, and Tails had missed a call from Amy yesterday.
There was a more recent phone call.
The last thing that Tails had done was call Sonic.
The last thing he had done was talk to his brother.
He had compared them to fish who depended on each other and watched each other’s backs and loved each other.
Sonic’s Angelfish was gone.
And as he gently picked his kid’s cold body up and covered him with a sheet, the tears spilled over.
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c-h-i-m-es · 10 months
gojo satoru
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the door to your apartment bursts open, startling you. you whip your head back and see gojo come in with megumi and tsumiki on either sides of his arms, . "hello to my favorite person." he says to you with his usual grin on his face.
"don't go on banging my door boy." you get up and spread your arms, in which tsumiki runs and hugs you with a huge smile on her face, "hi baby. how was school today?"
"i got ten out of ten in my drawing todays." she says with a huge smile on your face, which did not match the frown the megumi had on his own. "that's my girl. i'm so proud of you." you ruffle her hair and look at megumi, "stop making that face megumi."
megumi extends his arms at you, his way of telling you to carry him. you chuckle and take him making gojo's lips turn to a pout, "hey give me some love too." you blow him a kiss and walk to the couch, holding tsumiki's hand in yours while gojo follows you behind.
you place megumi on your lap and cup his face, "why are you more grumpy than usual baby? did something happen?" he looks down, playing with his fingers, "my friend bragged about how he went out of the city to visit his grandparents."
"what? you wanna do the same?" gojo speaks, wrapping his arms around tsumiki, earning himself a slap on his arms from you. you pat the kid's head, "and then what happened megumi?"
"he told me that it helps improve bonding in the family." you are shocked, to say the least, at his words because what kind of elementary kids talk about family bonding and not their favorite cartoon and candies.
you shoot a look at gojo, who seems dumbfounded by what megumi just said. he tilts his head at the kid, "and you're sad because your friend is bonding with his family?"
you shake your head at his comment and mouth his some curses. "i am not sad." megumi exclaims and looks up at gojo with his brows furrowed and a pout on his lips. "i want us to bond as well. i want all four of us to spend time together."
"megumi, we do spend time together. we all four also sleep together when you cannot sleep alone." gojo teases the kid making you groan, "satoru you are such a bad parental figure."
"woah babe, careful with your words. you might hurt me." he puts his hands up, but then looks at megumi again, "megumi, do you think we are not bonding as a family?"
you look down at the baby boy in your lap who shakes his head, "no i also wanna do some bonding activates. my other friends also spend their weekend visiting places together with their family."
tsumiki's face suddenly brightens up and she clasps her palms together with a grin on her face, "how about we go for picnic this weekend?"
you smile at how adorable expression she has on her face and ruffle her hair, "i do think we do quite a lot of bonding together thing. but hey, how can i say no to my kids?"
megumi beams up at you, his eyes sparkling and a smile on his lips, "we can?" you cup his face, "of course we can baby. right satoru?" you look at your boyfriend, who has a smile on his face, looking at the two important people in his life together, "yeah of course. whatever you kids wanna do." he ruffles megumi's hair, making the kid's face break into a huge grin, and not the usual frown.
two days passed, and it's saturday. you spent the morning in your kitchen with the three's helping hands, making some sandwiches and going grocery shopping to buy snacks, drinks and chocolates.
"i don't think i've ever went for a picnic." gojo says as he spreads the cloth on the grass. and helps you with the basket, putting it in the middle, while you, tsumiki and megumi take off your shoes. megumi takes off his backpack with his favorite toys and coloring book and crayons, putting it besides him as he sits down, with a smile on his face. same with tsumiki, but with the cookies she baked with you the other day and her story books.
you and gojo sit on each side of the and unpack the foods that you bought. you see your boyfriend open up the food packages, and suddenly feel giddy. "this feels so nice."
the three look at you, tsumiki leaning onto you with a smile on her face, "can we take a lot of pictures? i want to make a scrapbook." megumi perks up, "i wanna take pictures too! i'm gonna show them off to my friends."
you just chuckle while gojo lets out a laugh, like he is proud of what he just heard come out of megumi's mouth. "don't worry kids, i'm gonna make all your wishes come true."
about an hour and half has passed and the kids are running around the park, playing among themselves, leaving you and gojo to have some alone time. you lay your head in his laps, while he is looking at the kids with a fond smile on his face and his hand stroking your hair.
"we should do this more often." gojo speaks pulling you out of your thoughts and looks down at you. you smile at him, bringing your hands up to cup his face, "yeah we should." he leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"dad!" the kids come back running to you both, making you sit up. the kids come running and crash into gojo, making the poor man groan in pain. he holds them both on either sides of his arms, pulling back just a little to look at them, "careful kiddos, you might hurt yourselves."
you look at the three of them, and think about how this all feels so normal. having to look after two kids at such young age felt weird at that time. but what's more weirdly normal now is how being with them feels so natural. they've become part of your life, that being without them seems more weirder.
being with them not only feels normal, it feels like home.
"so what do you kids want?" gojo asks and tsumiki points at the icecream truck a little away, "we want ice cream." gojo chuckles with a nod and turns to you, "i'll get us our desert, 'kay?" you nod at him and he ruffles your hair, making the kids snicker at the action, and get up, walking towards the icecream truck.
in next few minutes, they are back again with a cone in each of the kids' hand and gojo himself with two cones in his hands. he hands you your cone with your favorite flavor and the three sit down around you.
you let out a sigh and rest your head on gojo's shoulders, him holding your empty hand with his own. seeing you two, the kids also lean in close and laugh at the very familiar sight of you two being affectionate with each other.
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a/n; i saw the shibuya arc trailer like half an hour ago and i cannot wait for it anymore. EVERYONE LOOKS SO GOOD even mahito😭😭 and GOJO AND CHOSO😻💋👀‼️😭🫀 KILL ME PLEASE I ALMOST DIED THEY'RE SO HOT!!! and even the op is so good like how is everything so damn good??!!!
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