#he hardly lets me brush him though because his long kinky hair in places makes him nervous and lucy likes to bark and shout at us
mabelsguidetolife · 2 years
the other night i dreamed that i met younger doggies that looked just like miles and i was so surprised and joyful that there were more dogs out there that shared his unique look — he’s half afghan hound and half australian shepherd so it’s kind of a specific mix
anyway i wanted to adopt one in the dream but irl i don’t think it would be a good idea to do, especially while miles is still living; he would probably feel cast aside and he gets very emotional when he feels he’s being ignored
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kurokoros · 4 years
appetence (part 1) | bakugou katsuki
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Rated: M
Words: 4.8K
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
Summary: Appetence: longing or desire. A mission to track down a villain leaves you and Bakugou in a rather… compromising situation. It’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
AN: I have zero explanations for this one either. I just felt like writing a smutty fic with Bakugou and the reader locked in a building for twenty four hours. Queue the kinky smut. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for future chapters! I’ll try to update once a week, but it depends on how long the chapters get! I’m aiming for 4-5 chapters, but again, we’ll see!
Warnings: smut, language, aphrodisiacs, marathon!sex (future chapters)
As a Pro Hero, you’re no stranger to potentially hazardous situations. Tracking an A rank criminal isn’t exactly a new experience. In fact, most of these missions go exactly the same way. Mind-numbingly boring stakeouts that can last for hours until you can verify the presence of your target. A sixty second window between verifying the presence of said target and all hell breaking loose. And, of course, the part where all hell breaks loose because no one can understand the concept of a stealth mission. Stakeouts you can handle, for the most part. While boring, at least you aren’t actively being punched, stabbed, or shot at, so you consider it a minor win most of the time. The conversation is never great, but you can deal with that. And, really, you can’t complain about having a six feet wall of solid muscle to back you up.
But why the hell did you have to get stuck with Ground Zero?
You cast a glance at the other Pro out of the corner of your eye, your mouth twisting into a frown when you see his agitated expression. He looks halfway to blowing a gasket already, and you’ve hardly been here for an hour. At this rate, the two of you aren’t going to last until the target slips up.
It’s not that you dislike Bakugou. That’s not it at all. Frankly, you usually enjoy working with the brash, temperamental man. He’s a good Hero: smart, strong, capable. He always watches your back when you need him to—and you can’t deny that he’s some pretty great eye-candy, considering your situation. But he’s also incredibly impatient. And watching him pace around like a caged animal isn’t exactly helping your own irritation at being stuck in a cramped, ram-shackled building, in the rain, waiting to catch a glimpse of a villain that might not even be here.
It’s going to be a very long night.
“Would you sit down?” you snap at him, tearing your eyes from the compound you’re supposed to be staking out once again. He shoots you an irritated look, and you sigh, shifting in your seat. “Please? You’re making me claustrophobic.” It’s like he’s trying to make you antsy. Usually, stakeouts aren’t this bad, but something about the shitty location and the shitty weather--and the fact that he’s close enough for you to feel the heat rolling off him--have you a little on edge.
Something in Bakugou’s eyes shifts, his glare losing it’s bite, but then he snorts. Shuffling back to where you’re sitting near the small window of the hideout, he does as you ask, though he doesn’t look happy about it. Whatever. You’re just glad he doesn’t seem to be in an arguing mood right now. 
“This is fucking stupid,” he grumbles under his breath. You probably wouldn’t have heard him if there wasn’t exactly two inches of space between you. His shoulder brushes against yours as he crosses his arms, firm muscle flexing beneath his costume.
You ignore your little flicker of disappointment over the fact that he’s wearing his winter costume.
Figuring he’s complaining about the waiting, you say, “Regardless, we can’t just go charging in there, Ground Zero.” This time, you keep your gaze locked on the building Cobra is supposed to be in, watching for any signs of movement at all. Nothing. Either Cobra’s being especially careful--something he’s never been before--or you were given faulty Intel. “We don’t even know if Cobra is inside,” you remind your partner. “Dammit, if Omen sent us on a bust mission…” You trail off with a heavy sigh.
Bakugou follows your gaze to the building, regarding it carefully. It’s not particularly large or heavily fortified, but that’s the point. It’s the perfect place for a group of villains to hide and lay low for a while. His jaw clenches and he turns back to you. “What do we know about him?”
You sigh, shooting him another look. “Did you seriously not do any briefing at all?” You shake your head. “Why they put you on this mission instead of Deku is beyond me.” Before he can start bickering, you continue. “Cobra’s quirk allows him to secrete and manipulate toxic fluids created from his body. Gasses too, according to a few sources.”
It’s not too different from Bakugou’s quirk, if you think about it, but you’d take the explosive sweat over toxins rivaling that of a Box Jellyfish any day.
He scoffs. “That all?”
“Reportedly, these toxins can be corrosive enough to burn straight through human tissue and bone in a matter of minutes.” Bakugou doesn’t look the slightest bit impressed by the new information, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “If he manages a direct hit on either of us, we’ll have an hour tops to get help before the damage is irreversible. And we don’t have backup,” you remind him.
“Whatever,” he grumbles. Despite his blasé reaction, you’ve known him long enough to recognize the slight furrow of his brow. Clearly, he’s about as enthused as you are about dealing with Cobra. “Any idea how to take him down?”
Pursing your lips, you turn back to the building across the street, scanning the windows for any kind of movement as you contemplate your response. “We’ll have to be careful,” you tell him. He snorts at the obvious advice. “Cobra is fast, and we only have one shot at this. He tends to go underground for long periods of time after a spree like this week.” Two bank robberies and a successful museum heist. He’s getting bolder, smarter--running with a crew now. You need to take him out now or things are only going to continue to escalate. “If we time it right, we should be able to incapacitate him fairly easily if we stick together. He has a strong quirk, but he��s not much of a fighter.”
Bakugou hums in thought, his brows furrowing as he surveys the building as well. “Got a plan, babe?” he asks. There’s a fire in his eyes that wasn’t there just a moment ago, and you can tell he’s just itching for a fight. Clearly, you should have told him about the corrosive, flesh-dissolving poison earlier. 
Bakugou catches your gaze and smirks in a way that does dangerous things to your heart. And then--fuck--he actually licks his lips and a large part of your brain short-circuits for about half a second before you catch yourself. Shit, you need to confirm the target and get some sleep. Obviously, you aren’t thinking straight.
You swallow thickly, mouth a little dry. “Apparently, he’s a talker,” you say, opting not to comment on the pet-name. “If we time it right, I can keep him distracted long enough for you to blast his ass from behind.”
His expression goes from pleased to petulant in a second. “You wanna play bait?” he grinds out from between his teeth. The question comes out akin to a low growl, and you quirk a brow at his apprehension, bristling. A quip burns on your tongue, but any thought of snapping at him for doubting you disappears as soon as you glance at him. There’s a slight grimace on his face, like he’s uncomfortable with the thought of you playing distraction for an occasionally homicidal art thief with a quirk that can eat through flesh like paper. As soon as he realizes you’re watching him, Bakugou’s lips curl back in a sneering grin. “Sure you can handle that?”
“One of us has to,” you say, deciding to ignore whatever just happened. You can worry about that later. You glance at him again, grinning. “And I’m faster.” He still doesn’t look very reassured, so you try a different tactic. “Though, like I said, that’s only if he’s here.”
Of course, that’s when a small explosion goes off in the building across from you.
Bakugou swears under his breath, lunging to his feet. “That proof enough for ya, sweetheart?” he asks, straightening his gauntlets. He flexes his fingers before curling his hands into fists. His roguish grin is back.
“Dammit,” you hiss, scrambling up as well. The explosion might not be big, but it is noticeable. Criminals don’t draw attention to themselves like this unless they don’t plan on sticking around much longer. “Let’s go.”
You practically throw yourself out the window, Bakugou right on your heels as the two of you fall two stories to the ground. Hitting the ground, you roll to your feet. The impact jostles you, but it’s not the biggest fall you’ve had before, and Bakugou’s firm hand on your lower back urges you forward silently.
The two of you run silently across the street, smoke from the explosion offering you cover, so thick you almost can’t see. “Stay close and stick to the plan,” you call towards Bakugou, not waiting for a response as you dash towards the entrance on the side of the building, close to where the explosion came from. If you can cut Cobra off as he’s trying to run, you might be able to end this fight before it really starts. 
Things go wrong the moment you step into the building. 
The smoke is thick and noxious. The smell burns your nose and chokes your throat; your eyes water, stinging, your mask doing little to protect you. Something about it doesn’t feel right, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, goosebumps prickling across your bare arms and legs. The smoke and the smell are disorienting, and you know immediately that you need to get rid of it, but neither of your quirks are practical for this. Bakugou’s would only spread it around. Shit, this isn’t good at all.
Movement to your left draws your attention. Your gaze snaps to the hazy outline of a person racing past you and disappearing around a corner. Bakugou. Swearing under your breath, you take off after him. Of course he would ignore the plan--as vague and half-assed as it was--and run headlong into things like this. You should have expected as much coming from Ground Zero. Hopefully you can catch him before he runs into Cobra.
Careful not to make a sound, you race after him, throwing yourself around the same corner he did. The hallway is empty already, but you can hear faint footsteps coming from the other end. The smoke isn’t as thick here either. You round the corner at the other end of the hallway in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of Bakugou turning another corner. Huffing, you give chase again, picking up the pace now that you can see again.
It’s like a game of cat and mouse. Each time you think you’ve caught up, he manages to stay just out of your reach, much to your frustration. You don’t know what the hell he’s playing at, but when you catch him you’re going to throttle him. Damn stubborn bastard.
You round another corner.
A hand lashes out, purple gas bubbling against a calloused palm.
The reflexes you’ve gained from being a Pro are the only thing that saves you from having your face melted away. “Shit,” you hiss, throwing yourself back against the nearest wall as the blast blows past you. Some of that purple gas brushes the tips of your hair, dangerously close to your nose, and you watch the strands dissolve in front of you.
“Ooh, you’re fast,” the man in front of you compliments. His grin is wide, revealing dangerously sharp canines. He stares at you from behind spiky hair, impressed. “Not many people are able to dodge a point blank hit like that.” His head cocks to one side, his expression smug. “The commission really sent in the pros this time, huh? I’m so flattered.” The toxin he secretes with his quirk liquefies and drips down his fingers. The ground smokes where the droplets land.
“Cobra,” you respond, voice even. Shit. It definitely wasn’t Bakugou earlier. Cobra must have noticed you were there, somehow, and used the smoke to get you separated. Fuck, you’re going to kill Omen later. Tensing, you keep your eyes on Cobra as the man takes a step towards you, relaxed despite his escape being compromised.
Maybe this is what he was waiting for.
You clench your jaw, back straightening as you edge away from the wall--you can’t let him pin you down.
His smile widens. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He looks particularly pleased with himself at your recognition, violet eyes darkening as he looks you over. His fingers flex, purple smoke billowing around his palms. He doesn’t strike at you though, not yet.
If you can keep him distracted for a little longer, maybe Bakugou will be able to find you. You can still make this work. You can fend him off for that long. “How did you know we were here?” you ask, wetting your lips.
If he finds the conversation suspicious, he certainly doesn’t act like it. “Just a hunch,” he tells you, shrugging. “Things were a little too quiet. I figured the commission had to be sending someone.” The corner of his mouth quirks upwards. “Didn’t think it would be you and Ground Zero though. They must be getting desperate, huh?” His drawling tone makes your jaw clench in irritation. When you take too long to respond, Cobra sighs, his mouth curving down in a disappointed sneer. “Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, I really don’t feel like going to jail today. So why don’t you make this easy for me and step aside?”
Your hand curls into a fist that doesn’t go unnoticed by the villain in front of you. Channeling your quirk into your feet, you prepare yourself for his next strike.
“No?” Any lingering friendliness disappears in an instant at your silent refusal. “All right, sweetheart, we’ll do things your way.” He throws his arm forward, poisonous gas hurtling towards you.
You’re already moving, springing from your spot as pale blue electricity crackles around you. The impact of your feet against the opposite wall sends a shock-wave through your legs, and you whirl around, keeping your eyes on your target. There’s a hole in the wall where you were just standing, and a jolt of fear strikes you between your ribs.
The next blast comes just as suddenly as the first, and you dive out of the way again. It sets up another game of cat and mouse, but this time you’re the one running, and there’s nowhere for you to hide. You don’t know the building like he does, and Cobra is proving to be nearly as fast as you are, throwing poison gas at you just as quickly as you can dodge it.
He doesn’t let you get close enough to strike at him, and you silently curse your quirk for being ill-suited for long range combat. You’d need to land a direct hit, and in these cramped hallways you can’t surprise him from behind.
Where the hell is Bakugou?
Poison nearly scorches your arm, and you hiss as it burns your skin despite not touching you directly. With your jaw clenched, you throw yourself against the wall to your right. In the split second before he can aim his quirk at you, you change your angle and lunge for him. Cobra’s eyes widen in surprise. Caught off guard, he doesn’t have the time to deflect the electrically charged fist aimed towards his head.
Cobra smirks.
Panic wells in your chest, and you pull your fist back just as Cobra dissolves in front of you. Your knuckles brush against the cloud of violet dust before it disappears. Fire races through your veins.
“Too slow,” a teasing voice calls from behind you. You whirl around on your heel, prepared to strike again, but Cobra is faster. As soon as you catch a glimpse of him, his hand lashes out. Coral colored dust explodes in front of your face, blinding you. The powder sticks to your skin and chokes you, rushing down your nose and throat until you feel like you can’t breathe.
It knocks the breath out of you, throwing off your balance, and suddenly you’re falling to your knees and coughing. Panic swells in your chest, but you’re quick to shove it down. It’ll only make the poison spread faster. You can already feel it burning through your veins, an uncomfortable heat tingling from your fingertips to your abdomen. 
As if he can hear your thoughts, Cobra smirks, all teeth. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’s not poison,” he coos, crouching down in front of you. “I couldn’t do that to a face this pretty.” He grasps your chin between his fingers, tilting your head so that you’re forced to look at him. The desire to lash out rushes through you, but your limbs are heavy and you still can’t breathe. Cobra wets his lips. “Though, you might wish I did.”
A hiss escapes through your teeth as you double over, the heat intensifying. “What the hell did you--” You cut off abruptly, crying out as a full-body shiver wracks your frame.
“Such a strong reaction already,” he muses, squeezing your chin a little tighter. “You’d be a fun one to play with. Damn shame I can’t stay to watch the results.” There must be a puzzled expression on your face, because Cobra leans in a little closer, lips hovering an inch away from yours. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, sweetheart. I like to mix a little pleasure with my pain.”
It clicks. “An aphrodisiac,” you gasp. 
He taps your cheek with one finger, and the feather-like touch makes your breath hitch. “Smart girl. Poison works fast, but sometimes it’s fun to watch people squirm a little--until they’re just begging to get fucked.” Cobra’s head cocks to the side. “Bet you can feel it now, right? Heard it’s a bit like liquid fire. And let me tell ya, that itch isn’t just gonna go away by itself.” He chuckles. “I’d give you a hand, but I don’t think your partner would like that very much.”
Cobra releases your chin and lunges to his feet, swinging his arm just in time to send a fistful of that pink powder directly into Bakugou’s face.
“Ground Zero!” you cry out, voice shrill.
A small explosion bursts in front of Bakugou, dissipating most of Cobra’s quirk before it can hit him. He winces as the dust burns his throat.
“Perfect timing,” Cobra murmurs, throwing himself backwards as Bakugou drives his fist into the ground in front of you. 
The floor explodes. You throw your arms up to cover your face, and when you lower them again, Bakugou is standing in front of you, one arm thrown out defensively as he glares at Cobra, sneering. His shoulders are tense beneath his jacket, and in your dazed state you can’t help but appreciate how broad they are.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” Bakugou growls, his fingers sparking. You can feel the tension rolling from him, the hallway sweltering with the heat from his quirk and the drug burning through your veins.
Cobra glances between the two of you, a slow smirk overtaking him. “As you wish,” he says, taking a step back. “You two have fun.” And then he turns around and runs.
Instead of giving chase, Bakugou whirls around and drops to his knees in front of you. His gloved hands cradle your jaw carefully, and you whimper as he touches you. Heat bursts across your skin. Fuck, he needs to stop touching you. “Ground Zero,” you gasp, “you have to--”
“Shut up,” he snaps at you, tilting your chin to the side. His ruby eyes look over you carefully. “That bastard hurt you?” he demands, jaw clenched. The pad of his thumb brushes against your bottom lip.
“I’m fine,” you hiss through your teeth. “He said it wasn’t poison.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. He’s so close that you can smell the caramel scent of his quirk. It curls around you, making you press your thighs together tightly. You shiver as he moves your head to the side again, and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop another soft noise from slipping from your mouth.
Bakugou’s eyes narrow. “And you think he was telling the truth?”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “Yes. Now you need to go after him, I’ll be fine.”
He continues to stare at you, then makes a displeased sound in the back of his throat. “You better be right fucking here when I get back,” he snaps, lurching to his feet and taking off after Cobra.
Outside of the building, a hooded figure glances up as Cobra comes strolling out of the building, his arms crossed behind his head lazily. “You took too long, Cobra,” he says, voice eerily blank. Blue eyes narrow behind his hood, glowing in the darkness. 
“What can I say?” Cobra grins, winking at his partner. “Good things take time, Diamondback.”
Diamondback's gaze slides to the building curiously. “Did you finish them off?”
Cobra’s smile widens. “Not quite,” he says, waving off the other man’s concern, “but they won’t be following us anytime soon.” 
“You sure about that, bastard?” someone snarls behind them. 
Both men look up, Cobra glancing over his shoulder to see Ground Zero racing towards them, small explosions lighting up the darkness. Cobra’s expression sours, his smile waning. “Seal the exits,” he demands. 
Diamondback is quick to comply. Clear fluid springs from his hands and snakes across the ground to the open doorway. The substance covers the door and hardens just before Ground Zero can reach it, and the Hero slams into the shield feet first. Bakugou grunts at the impact, the glass like structure holding firm beneath his weight. His eyes narrow on the men on the other side, a feral grin spreading across his face as his feet slide back to the floor. “Think that’ll stop me?” he taunts, pressing his palm to the clear wall between them. An explosion rips from his palm, bright light and smoke clouding the room.
When the smoke clears, Bakugou’s eyes widen. 
There isn’t a scratch on the shield.
“Nice try,” Cobra commends him. “Unfortunately, even your power won’t be enough to get you out of there. Diamondback’s shield is stronger than any other substance on this planet.” He steps towards the building and raps his knuckles against the glassy surface. “And I wouldn’t try blasting your way through the walls either. Enhanced, quirk resistant steel walls, and such. All you’re going to do is make that pretty friend of yours inhale more smoke.” When Bakugou bares his teeth, Cobra laughs. “Really, you should be thanking me,” he tells the Hero. “Enjoy the next twenty four hours!” Still laughing, he walks backward, offering Bakugou a salute as Diamondback starts to follow.
Bakugou throws his fist against the surface. “Dammit!”
Honestly, you didn’t think tonight could get much worse, but seeing Bakugou stomp back into the hallway with Cobra nowhere in sight proved you very wrong.
“Shit,” you groan, head lolling back against the wall as Bakugou inspects your injured knuckles. They don’t hurt much anymore, just sting in a slow, irritating way, but he insisted on looking them over as he explained what happened with Cobra. “Diamondback wasn’t supposed to be here. We aren’t going to be able to bust through.”
Bakugou’s eyes rise to meet yours. “So what the fuck are we supposed to do?”
“Well, the good news is that Diamondback’s shields can only maintain their solidified form for a maximum of twenty four hours. After that, they’ll return to a liquid state and disappear.” He nods in understanding, finally releasing you in favor of helping you to your feet. His hand is hot against your waist, and you swallow down a pleased sound as his touch lingers. Cobra must not have gotten a good shot on him. Or maybe the aphrodisiac isn’t as strong because he’s so much bigger than you are. You quiver at the thought. “Until then, I guess we just… make ourselves at home.” You shrug, glancing around the empty hallway. “They were camped out here for a while, so there should be some place to sleep.”
Sleep would be good. The heat that consumed you before has only spread in the short time Bakugou was gone, and with him so close the feeling has only doubled in intensity. It spreads like water beneath your suit, which suddenly feels almost too tight.
Bakugou nods, but doesn’t say anything as he helps you back to the main room where you came in. The silence would be comfortable, if you couldn’t feel the way your face flushes, your nipples stiff beneath your bra and suit. Each step makes you wince as the fabric scraps across your skin.
“You good?” he asks as you drop down on the couch situated in the main room. A quick glance around the room tells you that your suspicions were correct. There is indeed a bedroom. Singular. Fuck, Cobra was right, you definitely would have preferred flesh melting poison over the steady pulse of heat growing between your legs.
There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep in the same bed as Bakugou tonight--not without doing something you might regret. Already, the urge to reach down and touch yourself is almost unbearable, and it’s hardly been more than twenty minutes since Cobra hit you with his quirk. You can’t imagine that having Bakugou’s tall, muscular frame pressed up against your back would do you any good. Especially when it would be so easy for him to pin you down and rip off your--
“I’m fine,” you lie, struggling to keep your breathing even. If you sound breathier than usual, he doesn’t notice. “You should get some rest. Aren’t you usually asleep by now?” you try teasing him, grinning. Your thighs rub together subtly, arousal pooling low in your belly as you reach into the secret pocket in your thigh-high boots.
He doesn’t take the bait. “What about you?” he asks, crossing his arms skeptically. His eyes rake down your body slowly, and you feel it like a physical touch.
Your mouth is painfully dry.. “I’m going to stay out here for a while,” you tell him, holding up your phone with a hand that trembles just the slightest. “Someone has to report back to Deku and Red Riot and let them know that Cobra got away. And that Diamondback is with him.” You can see the argument in his eyes before he even opens his mouth, and you hurry to continue. “I can’t sleep in strange places anyway.” You really fucking hope your smile is reassuring and not something closer to a needy wince.
Bakugou stares for a little longer before shrugging. “Your loss,” he says, tossing off his gauntlets and gloves. They land on the other end of the couch. Your fingers dig into your palms as you look at them. “See ya in the mornin’, sweetheart.” Your head snaps up just in time for you to see him strip off his shirt and toss it onto the couch as well. The dark fabric peels from his sweat-slicked skin, and your pussy clenches as you get an eyeful of lean muscle and a soft trail of blond hair that disappears beneath his low slung pants. “Fuck, it’s hot in here,” he grumbles, shaking his head as he strolls toward the bedroom.
The door shuts behind him with a loud click.
Phone forgotten on the table, you aren’t sure how long you sit there in silence before your hand moves down between your thighs without your permission, pressing against the seam of your suit. The fabric is thin, and you have to swallow down a moan as your fingers brush over your clit. The light touch has your legs quivering, and your free hand clamps over your mouth. Fuck, you shouldn’t do this.
Your eyes close, exhaling slowly, and tip your head back against the couch cushions. This is enough. You’re definitely not going to start thinking about the man in the bedroom less than a dozen feet away from you. You will not slip the crotch of your suit to the side, letting your fingers drag through the slick already dripping from your slit.
A shudder rips through you as your hips buck against your hand, two of your fingers slipping inside of you easily.
Cobra’s voice echoes in your head. That itch isn’t just gonna go away by itself.
Fuck, it’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Scream For Me
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I’m going to start off by saying I’m sorry because Idk were this came from I guess I am just more into Mic then I originally thought 
Present Mic x Reader 
word count: 1,100 (about)
Warnings: Smut, Dirty talk, Rough sex, Daddy kink, Mirror sex, semi-public sex, bathroom sex drinking, swearing
summary: no plot here only smut
The club was hot and crowded, you could hardly maneuver your way to the bar. the music was the mindless base heavy type that always played in ‘classy’ clubs like this. before you could catch the attention of the bartender someone tapped on your shoulder. you turned, wondering if you were in the way of someone. Instead, you were met with a gorgeous blonde haired man that you recognized immediately.  
Hizashi Yamada, you had gone to school with the Supper Sonic hero, although you were in the business program so there hadn’t been much interaction with him, still, you wondered if he had recognized you, or if just looked that good tonight. he beckoned you forward with a quirk of his finger. you leaned in so he could whisper in your ear, even though you knew he could be heard if he really wanted to be
“I love your dress,” he said, his breath tickling your ear.you pulled back and grinned you spun for him letting him see every inch of the outfit, watching how it glittered in the low lights and hugged your body. Hizashi bit his lower lip and was clearly staring at more than just your clothing.
“ I’m Hizashi,”
He leaned in again to whisper your ear, this time he settled his hand on your waist  “I’ll cut to the chase, how many drinks would it take for you to be with me?” he whispered. you thought about just kissing him right then and there. but you bit back your eagerness. who were you to deny his generosity? you held up two fingers. he laughed and pulled you to the bar,
“get whatever you want Princess,” he said. You decided on Cherry-bomb shots. they had a delicious sweet and sour taste, sugar melted on your tongue while the alcohol burned your throat. Hizashi matched you drinking shots of his own. 
“that’s two am I looking fuckable yet?” he giggled, clearly feeling the buzz already. you hooked a finger through one of his necklaces and pulled him closer. 
“definitely,” you kissed him quickly. he squeezed your waist bringing your hips to his and wedging one of his legs between yours. you ran your fingers through his long blonde hair and tugged on the yellow strands making him moan into the kiss. you moved your hips along his thigh enjoying the grind of his jeans and the lace of your panties. 
“you don’t waste time do you Princess?” he smirked, “your place or mine,” he asked 
“This place has a bathroom, doesn't it?” you asked, you needed him now you didn’t think you could wait to fuck him. he groaned
“you’re a dirty thing aren’t you?” he laughed before pulling you towards the back of the club. 
you were pushed up against the bathroom door the second he could. Hizashi licked a long stripe up your neck. making you gasp. He roughly pushed the top of your dress down and squeezed your breast before his long fingers moved to the peek to toy with your nipple. you moaned his name 
“you want me to bend you over this filthy sink and fuck you? is that what you want Kitten?”
“yes,” you whimpered, needily bucking your hips against his leg
“we’ll have to make it quick okay? unless you want someone walking in on us,” he laughed moving to pin you to the sink like he promised. your face flushed at his filthy words, you should have guessed that present mic would have a bit of a mouth on him. he pushed your skirt over the curve of your ass. he hooked his fingers under the waistband of your panties before letting it snap back down. 
“naughty,” he teased before letting his fingers skim along your damp folds. your thighs trembled as he reached the apex of your thighs, his fingers brushing up against your clit. 
“I thought you said we had to hurry,” you taunted wiggling your hips you locked eyes with him in the mirror. in a moment you feel the head of his cock tease your entrance. 
“ask for it Princess,” he purred, his voice was smooth and perfect,
“please Hizashi I want your cock to fill me up,” you whimpered. He eased into you making you moan. he ran his fingers through your hair before grabbing a fistful of hair and yanking. he lifted your head and made you look at yourself in the mirror.  
“look at yourself, look at yourself while I fuck you,” he growled before roughly pounding into you. you did as he told you and locked your eyes on your own face as it contorted around you. you hadn’t expected him to be rough and kinky like this but you wouldn’t deny that it was a pleasant surprise. one of his hands remained locked in your hair and the other groped your tit. 
“touch your clit for me,” he growled leaning down and nibbling on your neck.  you did as he told rubbing fast circles over your clothed clit. 
“Good girl,” he praised pounding into you harder. you hadn’t seen his full length before he had eased his cock into you but there was no denying Hizashi was a big man and the way he stretched you was proof to his size. 
“you’re squeezing my cock so good sweetie, are you going to cum?” he laughed against your neck. you nodded weakly your thighs spasming around him as his thrusts became harder and harder. 
“say it Sweetie say ‘I’m going to cum on your cock Daddy,” come on Baby I know you can” he demanded
“I-I’m gonna cum on y-your cock Daddy,” you moaned, your finger moving faster and faster against your clit. 
“that’s a good girl, go ahead Princess cum for me,” he purred. you bit your lip and aloud yourself to fall over the edge into bliss. Praise spilled from Hizashi’s lips as you climaxed around him. 
“good girl just like that, cum for me, you’re so pretty, so fucking beautiful for Daddy,” he growled. his cock left you only for hot cum to spatter against the back of your thighs. 
“that was fun,” he panted.
“yeah,” you agreed getting to your feet shakily. you readjusted your dress and Hizashi dampened a paper towel and cleaned up the mess he had created. then his arms snaked back around your waist. 
“Why don’t we go back to my place and we can have a little more fun?” he offered. you hadn’t even caught your breath yet, but you knew you wanted more of him. you smiled and pushed the door to the bathroom open, grabbing his hand
“lead the way Loverboy,”
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ticklish-sprout · 5 years
Fight/Flight/Freeze - Prinxiety
A/N: I’ve finally written something after so long, and it’s for Sanders Sides! I’ve never written for this fandom before and I’m excited! Here we go!
Words: 1,363
It was quiet in the Mind Palace, maybe even too quiet. Roman was sitting on the couch in the living room by himself with his eyes closed, earbuds in and volume turned up high as he could stand it. He bobbed his head and mouthed the words to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack without noticing the figure approaching him. He did feel the weight plopping down next to him though, and he opened his eyes. “Hey, Grimdork! What brings you here?”
Virgil snorted. Grimdork, that was a new one. “Nothing. What are you listening to?”
“Sincerely, Me just started! You want to listen?” Roman took out the right earbud and held it up.
“Mmm, sure.” He giggled softly when his fingers brushed against the shell of his ear after allowing him to stick the bud in. He shivered and leaned against his shoulder comfortably, unconsciously snuggling closer to the warmth.
Roman let out a soft “aw” and didn’t protest the intimate contact in fear of scaring him off. He wondered if Virgil knew he had noticed that cute giggle of his, but he chimed in with his favorite part of the song before he could dwell further on it. “KINKY!”
“Hey!” Virgil whipped his head around, pulling the earbuds out of both their ears. “Princey, come on!”
“What? Like you weren’t thinking of doing the exact same thing!” He placed his hands on his hips. “You ruined it!”
His mouth twitched into a smile, and he giggled again. “I hate you.”
“You love me.” Roman moved to put the earbud back in his ear, then stopped. “And I love hearing that laugh of yours.”
Virgil made a sound that could only be described as a squeak, a blush spreading across his face invisible under the makeup. “Again, I hate you!” His voice cracked at the end.
“I’m sure you do, Tickle Me Emo.” He could see the flush on his cheeks now, and it was adorable.  “Question, are you ticklish? I think you are after the way you reacted to me barely even touching you!”
Honestly he expected him to deny it or call him names or even run, but instead he nodded shyly. “Maybe a little.”
Roman blinked, trying to process what he had just been told. “A little?” he said finally. “I wouldn’t call that a little! You almost dove off the couch!”
“Did not!” Virgil snapped. “And so what if I’m ti-that, isn’t everyone? I’m sure you are, too!”
He gasped dramatically, draping an arm over his forehead. “You have wounded me with your scandalous remarks! How shall I ever recover from this travesty?”
“You’ll find a way.” He scooted back after seeing the devious glint in his eyes, biting his lip nervously. “What?”
Roman scooted forward. “I shall get you for this.”
“Back off, Ro.” Virgil’s voice held a warning edge to it, but he didn’t move anymore. “I’ll kill you.”
“I’ll kill you first.” He paused, giving him time to take in his expression. “With tickles.”
His eyes widened, and he sunk down into the cushions with a wobbly grin crawling across his lips. “No.”
Roman scoffed. “Yes.” He sat himself down on the younger Side’s legs for leverage as he snuck his hands through his hoodie and under his thin shirt to tease the pale skin of his sides. Giggles almost immediately bubbled out of his throat, and he bucked up into the touch instead of away. Interesting. “See? I’m hardly doing anything and you can’t take it!”
“Fahahahalsehood!” Virgil stuck out his tongue and giggled harder when the gentle touch turned into light fingernail-tracing. “Get ohohohohoff!”
“You’re not fighting me!” He nipped at the hand that tried to push his face, coaxing out a happy squeal. “Come on, you can do better than that! Give me a challenge that I am worthy of!”
“Royal pain,” he hissed in response.
Roman shrugged. Oh well, it was his funeral. “Something tells me this cute little tummy might be ticklish!”
“You’re delusional!” Virgil sucked in his stomach as far as it would go.
“Rude!” That was the last straw. Grinning evilly, he finally struck without any mercy. Clawing, pinching, scratching, all without a discernible pattern to keep his friend guessing what he’d do next. It was perfect.
“RohohoHOHOHOHOHO!” He burst into bright laughter that clashed wonderfully with his dark and strange persona, arms flailing awkwardly. “WHY ARE YOHOHOHOHOHOU DOING THIS?”
Roman rolled his eyes. “Did you honestly just ask me that question? I’m doing this because you’re a grump with the purest laughter in all the land! Plus you like this!”
Virgil shook his head no, arms flopping uselessly to his sides and confirming those suspicions. “SHUHUHUHUHUT UP! SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOHOHOHOHOHOUTH, IDIOT!”
“Who are you calling an idiot?” He tried his best to sound angry, but found it was a hard thing to do when he had an adorable boy squirming underneath him just from his touches. He had power over him. It felt good knowing that. “You want to repeat what you just said? You were talking about how much of an idiot I am, remember? Want to pick up where you left off? Hmm?”
He groaned through his laughter and brought a fist up to punch him in the chest, not making it clear if the gentleness was on purpose or just from him being weak. “I SAHAHAHAHAHAHAID-“
“What? Can you try saying that again without laughing? I can’t understand you!” Roman snuck a quick kiss to his quivering belly and poked at one of the dimples on his face. “Oh look, the beautiful sun came out to say hi to me! Hello, sun! It’s so lovely to see you!”
“FUCK OFF!” Virgil screeched.
“Did you just swear at me?!” He wiggled a single finger in his belly button, earning a shriek. “Bad spot? Or would you consider this a good spot since you like it?” Eyeliner-laced tear tracks were streaking down his rosy cheeks after only a few minutes of navel tickling. He laughed along with him and kissed his cheek as he booped what he was now cooing to him was a “giggle button”, feeling nothing but pure love.
He loved Virgil. He loved Virgil so much. Despite the rocky beginning they experienced with each other, he now loved him more than anything in the world.
“Why did you stohohop?”
Oh, whoops.
Roman chuckled awkwardly. “Sorry, I was just caught up in my thoughts. Did you want me to keep going?”
Virgil bit his lip and gazed up at him with an embarrassed smile. “I wouldn’t really mind. What were you thinking about?”
“I love you.” He brushed one of the tears off his face (mentally making a note that even that made him giggle), black smudging his hand. “I was thinking about how I love you.”
“Don’t say things like that unless you mean them.” He paused. “Promise you mean it?”
Roman nodded, pushing aside his bangs. “I promise that I truly love you with all of my heart.”
“Then prove it.” Virgil’s eyes fluttered shut as they kissed slow and soft, hands tangling in hair and clothing. They had to cut it short due to one of them occasionally grinning too hard to hold that kiss for much longer without laughing into the other’s mouth. “Uh, wow.”
“Wow,” he echoed. “That was truly divine. Will you perhaps do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”
He covered his face with shaking hands, peering through his fingers. “Y-yeah. And I love you too.”
“Score!” Roman punched the air and wiggled his fingers ominously. “So, you said you wouldn’t mind this again?”
Virgil grabbed his hands and bit them with a cheeky smirk, laughing at the pained shriek ripped from the prince’s mouth. “Only if you can catch me first.” And then he was gone.
He blinked, stunned for a couple seconds, before launching himself off the couch and tearing down the hall as fast as he could run. “I’m gonna get you so hard!”
“I look forward to it!”
Logan briefly glanced up from his book, hearing unfamiliar laughter from the room next to his. “I don’t think I even want to know.”
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
ABC’s of Vergil
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(WARNING! Obviously nsfw) 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Vergil won’t do much after sex except for maybe letting you rest your head on his chest or use his arm as a pillow. He’ll occasionally stroke your hair, but only if he’s in a good mood. He’ll also maybe help clean you up a bit, but most times he doesn’t bother, because “that’s your problem, not mine.” If it was a particularly rough session, he might stay awake to talk to you a bit, or read some poetry to bring you back down to earth, but that’s about as soft and romantic he gets with aftercare. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)
Doesn’t really care about what he looks like, whether its because he knows deep down he looks like his brother, or because, why care about his own looks when there are much more pressing topics to endure? With you, he kind of feels the same way, he feels that a persons appearance shouldn’t matter at all because… well, whats the point? But, if he had to pic a part of you that he might find himself gazing at once every while, it would either be your lips or your hips. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
After discovering he has Nero, he did his research and becomes a little worried whenever engaging in sexual intercourse with you. So, he will never cum inside you, even if you’re on the pill or any other contraception types. Even if he’s wearing a condom, he will try to pull out before he cums because he is so paranoid that you’ll end up pregnant. He has heard of contraception failures, like condoms breaking or whatnot. He also knows that precum can get a woman pregnant, so he always makes sure to use protection. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Dante was talking about some odd kind of videos, saying that Vergil would probably like them since he’s into the whole Japanese aesthetic. He was just goofing around of course, but Vergil didn’t know what this was (cause he’s been in Hell for a long time and is only just getting used to the internet) so, he looked up this… “hentai” that Dante spoke of and was more than surprised at what he found. He became even more surprised when he found he didn’t exactly hate it either…  He doesn’t watch it often, hardly at all actually. Much prefers your body over some pixels on a screen. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
(Nero’s mum was his first, fight me) Poor dude had little to no experience when he first slept with you. You want to help him develop his skills? Too bad, shut up and let him discover what he likes most for himself. He will not let you, in any way, shape or form, suggest other things or positions he might like. If you happen to enjoy what he’s doing so far, good. If not, thats not his problem. He’ll slowly gets better at actually focusing on your pleasure instead of his own, but in the beginning he doesn’t even think about what you’re feeling. You’re moaning though, thats a good thing, right? 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably exclude a visual)
Vergil likes positions where he doesn’t have your eyes on him. He doesn’t like when you face him and stare at him, because he feels a bit awkward when you moan and look at him with lust and desire in your eyes. Anyone else would find it hot, but not Vergil. So, taking you from behind while you’re on your knees, face pressed into the mattress or floor is one of his favourites. Also bending you over furniture is very arousing to him, with his hand pressed firmly on the side of your head, pinning you down while he snaps his hips against your ass. Just the thought of you like that is enough to make his mind spiral into nothing but dirty thoughts. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment or are they humorous, etc)
He is as serious as they come! Unlike Dante, who loves to make his s/o laugh at any given chance, Vergil much prefers to simply focus on getting the pleasure he so desires. If you start laughing about something while he’s balls deep inside you, he will straight up cover your mouth with his hand to shut you up. But, for whatever reason, if that doesn’t stop you, and he can still hear your giggles, he will either set a brutal pace to insure you can’t even remember how to laugh, or simply walk away. Want to laugh like its all a joke? Have fun reaching an orgasm by yourself. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc?)
His hair is surprisingly down a lot more than you’d expect, he only really keeps it up during the day, but will let it down at night. He’s very well groomed, always hygienic. He seems bare up top, crazily smooth even on his arms and legs, but he does actually have hair there, they’re just very fine and, because they’re white, you can only really see them in the sun. However, he does have a nice and even patch of white hair at his crotch. Literally never lets it get to be too much, he basically has a shower ritual, so don’t worry about him getting all scruffy and smelly on you. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Hardly romantic. Especially not at first. In the beginning he only cares for his own pleasure, and that will always be somewhat of an issue with him, but he does manage to get better as time goes on. It was actually his poetry that made him realise that, some love poem about treating your partner better than anyone. He kind of brushed it off at first, but it was always in the back of his mind. However, before then, he is very cold and distant, even when he’s got you shuddering as you reach your climax right under him. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcannon)
Doesn’t do it. He did a few times before he met you, but he always felt disgusted about it. He found it dirty and almost repulsive at some times. He knows that its a normal thing that a lot of people do, but he finds it uncomfortable when he does it himself. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t, there were a few times when he felt very needy and simply couldn’t ignore the tent forming in his pants, so he quickly jerked off and came into his hand, trying to make as little of a mess as possible, then washed his hands almost frantically. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Likes choking and breath play, giving not receiving. He always has to be in charge, so he’s heavily into being dominant. He always found bondage to be fascinating, but never acted on it, because he felt like it would be too weird and he would be judged or made fun of for it. Basically anything where he’s the alpha who gets to be in charge of everything, is what really gets him going. If you tell him you want to be in charge, he will most likely laugh in your face and say “oh, you think you can make me submit? Foolish” so, feel free to try, but he won’t go easy on you, it’ll take a lot of strength and power to get him to do what you say. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Isn’t too kinky when it comes to location. A bed will suffice him well enough, but he won’t say no to a good, sturdy desk or table. He isn’t one for having sex in public places, more so because he has a reputation to uphold, not because he doesn’t want anyone seeing you naked or anything. He would probably like other people to see what it is they can’t have and practically rub their faces in it, but thats more of an unsurfaced fantasy that he will never be making a reality. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Sitting in his lap and grinding against him is probably the quickest way to get him riled up. But surprisingly, even though he’s always rough and tough and hardly ever shows his emotions willingly, he is a sucker for your lips on his neck. Shockingly, something he isn’t in control of and could be a sign of weakness in his eyes, gets him hard in no time, if done correctly. Suck his sweet spot, maybe bite a little bit and you might just pull an unwilling sound out of his mouth. As soon as that happens though, be ready to be slammed down on whatever surface is closest, because he needs to put you back in your place. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Inviting other people into bed with you is a big no. I mean, theres a chance he might go for it on one of his good days, but don’t expect that person to be walking out of the room alive afterwards. He wont be submissive, he wont be humiliated, he wont be tied, bound, blindfolded or gagged. He doesn’t even want to hear about golden showers or anything involving pee or fecal matter. Toys used on him are a no. Pretty much anything that sounds like it could be used against him in a humiliating fashion, he won’t even think about it, it will be a straight up no. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Does’t really care for either. He’ll go down on you rarely, because his pleasure comes first remember? He is very skilled at it though and will have you begging for him to eat you out whenever you two have free time on your hands. If you go down on him, he just gets impatient, because he can’t go as hard as he wants or he will literally kill you, and he prefers to hear your erotic sounds, rather than them being muffled around his cock. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Almost always fast and rough with you, likes to have you screaming his name with tears streaming down your face from the intense pleasure he gives you. Likes to leave a red print on the side of your face as he holds you down with your cheek pressed into whatever surface you’re on. He likes how you get lost in the pleasure and can’t think of anything to say other than his name. He gets cocky when he watches you walk funny for the next couple of hours, the ache between your legs making you shuffle around awkwardly like a penguin. Why be slow and sensual when nothing can beat those fun, little details? 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s not really for or against them. He doesn’t like the idea of having to rush, but if you both have a minute to spare through a busy schedule, he will pin you against a wall, take your pants off, shift your panties to the side and fuck you nice and fast to quickly bring you both to climax. He does much prefer to take his time with with you though, savouring the feeling of your warmth and tightness, while listening to your moans and screams as if they’re his favourite song. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
The biggest risk he ever took with you was teasing you under the table while out for dinner with the Devil May Cry crew. You were being bratty before hand so he had to teach you a lesson somehow, and just how lucky were you to be wearing a skirt? He usually wouldn’t do such a thing because he found it dirty and unnecessary, especially in public. But if you rile him up, he has to assert his dominance somehow, even if he is arguing with his brother while doing so. He didn’t want to get caught for his own benefit, so he didn’t draw attention to you, didn’t tease you by making you talk to anyone while pinching your bundle of nerves. Which you were thankful for. You did hate how calm and collected he looked the whole time, while you were left biting down on your tongue to keep yourself quiet. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they last for, how long do they last…)
With his demonic side, he has a lot more stamina than an average man, so realistically he can go for maybe 5+ rounds if he really wanted to. But, he finds just one to be quite enough. He isn’t a sex fiend like his brother who could have sex all day, every day, finding that indulging his sexual pleasure just once a day or so is more than enough. He doesn’t push himself after his first orgasm, because he thinks ‘what is the point of continuing when I’ve already gotten what I so desired?’ One round can last a while though, he’s pretty good at control so he can last as long or short as he wants, ranging from a 5 minute quick to over an hour, but it both depends on his mood and whether or not you’ve been bratty. (Be bratty if you want him to last longer). 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No toys for himself but he did manage to get into the use of handcuffs and blindfolds for you, but only if you bought them yourself because he would never be caught doing anything more than merely looking in the direction of a sex shop. If you have a vibrator or dildo for yourself for when he’s away or whatever other reason, he wont mind too much, surprisingly doesn’t get offended or jealous, but he will say something along the lines of “Do what you want while I’m away, but I know a piece of plastic cannot be more pleasurable than I?” Just know that while he is in the same house as you, you wont even think of using them or you’ll be punished. 
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease)
(I’m in two minds about this one) Vergil doesn’t tease too much surprisingly, not the kind of guy to beat around the bush. His form of teasing is more of a punishment, like not letting you cum, or making you cum too many times to the point your begging him to stop. That’s only if your bratty and question his dominance. That’s also later into the relationship, earlier on he doesn’t even bother with any form of teasing, its just, get whatever pleasure you can before I finish and thats it. If you tease him though, you’ll be in for a real treat… 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s very quiet. Maybe a few grunts here and there, but you’ll never catch him moaning. Even when you kiss and bite his neck how he likes it, he never releases a moan, its more of an animal-like growl instead. (He totally purrs when you massage his scalp or play with his hair, but he suppresses it enough that you can’t hear it, however there is no stopping the deep rumbling in his chest, like he’s vibrating)(Don’t mention it to him though, or he’ll swat your hand away any time you go to touch his hair). 
W = Wildcard (Get a random headcannon for the character of your choice)
Vergil is only as rough and focused on himself, because he is surprisingly pretty self conscious. In his mind, its better to be the monster everyone sees him as, rather than showing a different side of him and either being judged or belittled because of it. He feels that if he were to be gentle, loving and passionate with you, he would be seen as vulnerable and weak. So, even if he is feeling a little touch starved, and wants to be more kind and gentle with you (human side of him), that feeling inside him that doesn’t want to be weak or used (demon side of him) is much stronger. 
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Vergil is above average, nice in both thickness and length. He has a prominent vein on the underside and curves upwards slightly, and a round, pink tip. Honestly, he just has a very attractive looking penis. He doesn’t get cocky about it, doesn't like to walk around naked, so theres no showing off from him because he doesn’t care.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He could last a week without sex if he wanted to, but he enjoys the act like most people do and finds himself being greedy sometimes. He will want to have you at least once every day or two. However, if you two are separated for a while, he doesn’t find it to be a problem and can handle going a week or even a few weeks without indulging in any sexual activities. 
Z = ZZZ (…how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Since he’s got supernatural stamina and doesn’t go many rounds with you, he doesn’t tire himself or get worn out, even though at the pace he goes, it would be enough to make any ordinary man exhausted. However, while you are struggling to keep your eyes open, since you are human and his strength easily wears you out, he will be siting beside you, resting his back on the headboard of the bed, probably reading while you curl up to his side and fall asleep. 
Hope you guys liked this, sorry if it wasn’t as romantic and soft as you hoped lol
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gb-fics · 5 years
Your Skirt Is So Short
Kiryuuin Shou x Kyan Yutaka (Golden Bomber)
Note: It’s Yutaka’s birthday today! (^-^) The fic is based on the song “Kimi no sukaato ga mijikakute” from the last album. Also, WARNING! There is a full on sex scene in there. The kinky kind, with Yutaka in a skirt. The first half is normal, though, so you can read up until the confession without being scared :D
Shou was in suspense.
Suspiciously he eyed the bare thigh, that was almost touching him.
Why did they even sell skirts this short? Was it okay to wear something like this in public? One wrong movement and the world would be able to see panties. Not that Shou was thinking about the panties beneath that skirt. Though he had to admit, that those were some pretty sexy thighs, objectively speaking. They were well shaped and the skin looked so even and smooth and Shou caught himself thinking that …
“Oi, pervert! What you looking at?!”, Yutaka shouted and nudged him with his elbow.
He didn’t have to speak quite so loudly, since he was sitting right next to Shou, but he did anyway.
“Isn’t that skirt too short?”, Shou said scolding. “People will think you are a pervert for wearing it!”
He managed to look up into Yutaka’s face. His face was irritating, too.
The makeup around his eyes look more delicate today. He was wearing lip gloss. Long hair was framing his face.
As long as he kept shut, he looked like a cute girl. A cute girl, that Shou would go out with, even if the thought was somehow disturbing to him. Fortunately, it was nearly impossible for Kyan Yutaka to keep shut.
“Eh?! Me?! A pervert?!”, he shouted and then paused to laugh. “Yeah, sounds about right.”
Shou snorted and rolled his eyes, checking on the camera team. He didn’t know what was taking them so long today. He couldn’t wait to change into more comfortable clothes. And to see Yutaka change into other clothes as well. Right now, Shou wished he could put a pair of pants onto him. Or wrap him up in a blanket or something, so people wouldn’t be able to see his legs like this. And by people, Shou mostly meant himself. He really needed to get laid, when even the sight of Yutaka’s legs already threw him off balance so much.
“Ah, what’s taking them so long?”, Yutaka whined.
Shou noticed that Yutaka’s voice always sounded slightly different when he was dressed as a woman, but he couldn’t quite place what it was about it that changed. His voice sounded high, but then Yutaka didn’t exactly have a deep speaking voice to begin with, so he was clearly not talking high pitched on purpose. When Shou dressed up as a woman for their shows, he always felt the need to talk gentler, a little more in character with what he deemed the female nature. Yutaka clearly did not speak gentler. His way of talking was still brash and loud, but where it usually was just aggression, it was now aggression and a soft pout. Shou thought it sounded cute somehow. Slightly scary, because he wasn’t used to women being so very … much of whatever Yutaka was, but cute nonetheless.
“They’re probably still searching for the rest of your skirt, before we can get started”, Shou observed dryly.
Yutaka laughed.
Even his laughter sounded different. It caused a soft, warm dripple inside Shou’s chest, that he usually only felt when he succeeded in making a pretty girl laugh. Surely, Yutaka’s laughter therefore sounded different. If it always sounded like this, it would mean that Shou felt the same about his usual self, too, which would be absolutely absurd.
Shou shifted on his seat. They were really waiting around here ridiculously long already, considered that it was just supposed to be a short promotion video. Jun and Kenji hadn’t even come in. It wasn’t anything official, just for their social media channels. They shouldn’t be wasting so much time on it.
Shou’s body was starting to feel uptight. He stretched his arms, letting his hands fall back onto his lap. His hand brushed against Yutaka’s thigh lightly. The skin felt smooth indeed and his body was warm. Shou sensed it, although he flinched back immediately. The touch felt weirdly forbidden and exciting at the same time. He hoped that Yutaka hadn’t noticed his reaction. Shou couldn’t explain why he felt this flustered. He cleared his throat.
“It’s alright”, Yutaka said teasingly.
He spread his legs – Shou was horrified thinking what that might do to the skirt, but he was too scared to check – so his thigh was now pressing against Shou’s. He felt his body heat through the fabric of his pants.
“I’m not timid”, Yutaka added.
Shou turned his head only slightly, watching Yutaka’s face out of the corner of his eyes. When he didn’t look at him directly, the illusion grew even stronger. He could almost believe that he was a real woman.
“Uhm”, he muttered.
“Aah”, Yutaka exhaled. “Do I make you nervous?”
He put his hand onto Shou’s thigh. Shou stared at his hand. Yutaka’s nails were short and clean. They looked surprisingly well trimmed. It wasn’t a very feminine hand, but if you wanted to believe that it belonged to a woman, you certainly could.
For a moment, Shou considered just allowing himself to be fooled by it. Yutaka’s hand felt very warm on his thigh. If he slid his hand up a little bit higher …
Shou cleared his throat again.
He tried not to let any of his emotions show on his face. He wasn’t nervous. Nervous? Whom? Him? No way! He wasn’t having inappropriate thoughts about his friend and bandmember right now. But if Yutaka was a woman, well, that would make things easier. In that case, Shou would definitely be attracted to her. And if she touched him like this, it would only be natural that he thought of that warm hand with the neatly trimmed nails slipping into his pants and closing around his …
Yutaka leaned in a little.
Shou inhaled deeply, hoping the oxygen might somehow clear his mind. Damn, he was desperate. His last relationship had been what – two years ago? Nearly three, if he was being honest. No wonder his mind turned funny with a pretty woman this close to himself. Man, a man this close to him, looking like a pretty woman. There was still a difference. Yutaka wasn’t a woman and therefore Shou did not feel attracted to him.
The air around Yutaka smelled very sweet.
Looking for help, Shou glanced over at the camera team. They were still busy with their equipment. If they looked over to them now, what would they be thinking? That something was going on between them? Would they judge Shou? Or would they take a look at the length of Yutaka’s skirt and get as confused as he himself? The thought made Shou feel protective again. Yutaka should not be wearing such a short skirt. If he wore it in Shou’s presence, that was alright. If they were alone, maybe Shou would not feel so guilty for staring at his legs and actually enjoy their sight. And even if Shou’s thoughts headed into a weird direction then, Yutaka wouldn’t have to worry. They were friends. Shou knew his boundaries. Those guys from the camera team maybe didn’t. They might see Yutaka dressed liked this and actually get the idea to hit on him. Maybe they thought it wouldn’t be so bad to be with a man, if only he was as pretty and charming and had legs like Yutaka. Maybe they wanted to do gay things with him. Shou had to protect him from their dirty glances! He wished Yutaka would be wearing sweatpants underneath the skirt.
The sweet scent in the air sent Shou coughing.
“Are you wearing perfume?”, he asked and furrowed his brow.
Yutaka leaned back immediately and his hand vanished from Shou’s thigh. He reached up to fumble with a strand of his hair. He looked a little coy. The gesture was so girly that for a moment, Shou really forgot it was Yutaka he was talking to. His usual way of movement contained definitely more poorly concealed aggression.
“You don’t like it?”, Yutaka asked.
Shou sniffed again, this time making a small show out of it.
Yutaka smelled sweet and feminine. If Shou closed his eyes, he’d surely have the feeling of being with a woman. If he wrapped his arms around Yutaka and felt his warm body and smelled his sweet scent, it would be like being with a girl.
“It smells nice”, he admitted. “But why did you put on perfume? It’s a video, dude. No one is going to smell you!”
Yutaka parted his lips as if wanting to say something and then closed it again. His lips looked glossy today. Somehow, the gloss made them look fuller, too. Was that possible? Could lip gloss do that? Or did his lips always look so gorgeous and Shou hadn’t noticed?
“I was trying to get in character!”, Yutaka finally huffed out.
Shou shook his head.
“Just tell me you didn’t buy it for today. The sheer waste of money would pain me too much.”
Yutaka grinned. His grin was a little lopsided. He looked more like himself that way. Or rather, he still looked like a pretty woman, but not just like any pretty woman. He looked like Kyan Yutaka as a pretty woman. The junction was very unsettling.
“Nah, one of my exes left it at my place. It looked expensive, so I thought I’d keep it, you never know.”
His grin looked proud.
Shou shook his head with a smirk.
“That poor woman”, he said. “First she has to date an idiot like you and then she gets robbed after the breakup.”
“I view it as a compensating fee”, Yutaka said. “She broke up with me without good reason!”
“She had a good reason”, Shou said seriously.
Yutaka looked at him kind of puzzled.
“She was dating you. That should be enough of a reason for a breakup already”, he clarified.
“Oi!”, Yutaka shouted and slapped Shou’s head.
Shou chuckled. He knew that the average cute girl would never talk to him like that. But that was also kind of nice, he thought. Usually, Shou tended to get awkward and tense around cute girls and the conversations did hardly live up to that term at all. Talking to Yutaka was easy. Talking to Yutaka was fun. He wished Yutaka was a woman. He wouldn’t just be attracted to her. He’d probably fall in love.
“It was not that!”, Yutaka protested. “She claimed I was in love with someone else.”
Shou suddenly felt curious. For some reason, Yutaka wasn’t one to share details about his love life as freely as the other members, who discussed it quite frequently whenever they were stuck with each other on tour. Yutaka sure talked a lot about his sex life, but it had always remained a bit of a mystery to Shou how he actually felt about his girlfriends.
“Were you?”, Shou asked.
Yutaka shrugged.
“I was seriously trying to make it work with her anyway. I deserved that perfume”, he said.
Shou wondered what to make of that reply. If Yutaka had tried to make it work with her, it meant he didn’t have a chance with the person he actually liked. As far as Shou was concerned, Yutaka had never mentioned an unrequited love.
“We are ready!”, a loud voice interrupted them, before Shou could voice any further questions.
“Finally”, he muttered.
“Kiryuuin, please look infatuated”, their director inquired. “And then try to embrace him. Kyan, please, just look like you are annoyed with Kiryuuin.”
“Oh, that can do”, Yutaka said cheerfully. “And I thought I’d have to act today.”
“Oi!”, Shou said quietly.
Yutaka flashed him a quick smile. Shou’s chest tightened. He really enjoyed joking around with Yutaka like this.
“Alright, we’ll just give it a go then”, their director said. “Action!”
Shou turned his head to look at Yutaka. Yutaka looked away. It gave Shou time to study him closely. He had soft looking features. Maybe that was why he made for such a pretty woman. His lips looked gorgeous, his eyes, too. The light colour of his wig suited him. He looked healthy and cheerful, just the type of woman that Shou would fall for. If Yutaka was a girl, his smile would be the cure to Shou’s gloominess.
He shuffled closer, trying to put his arm around Yutaka’s shoulder. He always felt awkward when doing that with women, too. Shou wasn’t good at initiating the first touch. Just before he managed to rest his arm around him properly, Yutaka shifted his weight and dodged Shou that way. He hated it when that happened with women. Now, he didn’t know what to do with his arm for real. He tried again to put it onto Yutaka’s shoulders. This time, he managed.
Yutaka’s shoulders were bare and Shou sensed the parts where their skin touched way too clearly. It was the same with women, too. He always felt their touch too violently.
He checked on Yutaka’s face. Yutaka was frowning.
“Cut!”, the director shouted, then he laughed. “Guys, that was perfect. I was aiming for awkward, but this was more awkward than I even dreamt of.”
“The awkwardness comes to him naturally”, Yutaka replied.
The frown had vanished from his face and he was grinning again.
Hastily, Shou pulled back his arm. He had kept it around Yutaka for far too long. Why had he done that? And why was he so self-conscious about it? Usually, he didn’t have a problem with touching Yutaka.
“Maybe we can do another one, that’s a little more straight-forward. Kiryuuin, can you really go in this time and try to kiss Kyan?”
The temperature in the room seemed very high all of a sudden. Of course, Shou just had to pretend to try. He wasn’t actually going to kiss Yutaka. No reason to feel weird.
“Sure, sure”, he said.
“Kyan, you just keep it up. Action!”
Without warning, Shou turned around and wrapped both of his arms around Yutaka’s waist, pulling him close. His body felt warm and Shou smelled his perfume more strongly again. Up close, his face looked even prettier. Holding him like this, he wasn’t able to tell the difference to a real woman. His waist was slim and for a moment, Shou wished it would be possible to get even closer to him. It felt astonishingly right to hold him like this.
He leaned in, bringing his face closer to Yutaka’s. Of course, he was just pretending. But if he had to kiss him for real to get a good shot, well that could just happen. He was a professional. He wouldn’t mind putting his lips against Yutaka’s. But just because he didn’t mind, didn’t mean he wanted to. His heart was beating just a little too fast, because the situation felt so new and unfamiliar.
He was so close now, if the director didn’t announce the cut any time soon, he’d definitely end up kissing Yutaka.
Yutaka turned his face to avoid Shou’s lips and stared right at the cameras. Shou paused. He was leaning in so far, it was hard to keep his balance. If he had to hold this position much longer, he’d fall onto Yutaka for sure.
“And cut!”, the director shouted.
Shou inhaled deeply and sat up again. Yutaka’s perfume was making him feel dizzy. Somehow, his thoughts didn’t seem to work properly the closer he got to him. It had to be the perfume.
“That was perfect!”, the director announced happily. “Kyan, that face you pulled was perfect. I could really see you thinking: What the fuck is he doing?, when you looked into the camera. The audience will laugh for sure. And Kiryuuin, great job at acting awkward, very authentic.”
Shou pulled a face at Yutaka, who certainly did not believe Shou had to act to appear awkward. Yutaka gave him his lopsided grin. Shou was almost sad he hadn’t ended up kissing him. Just because he wanted to know what it felt like when he looked like this. Maybe it could have been enjoyable – as long as Shou convinced himself that Yutaka was a woman, of course.
“Any more takes?”, Yutaka asked.
“I think that ought to do. Some edits and it will look great. You can go change, if you want. We are done here. Thanks for your hard work”, the director said.
Shou bowed his head slightly.
“Thanks for your hard work”, he repeated and got up.
Yutaka jumped up as well. His usual, energetic movements looked cuter while dressed like this. Shou checked for his skirt. It was still extremely short, even when he was standing.
“Sorry you had to do all this for just such a short video”, Shou said and gestured towards Yutaka’s outfit.
“It’s alright”, Yutaka said and waved it off. “You had to get your makeup done as well.”
He walked off towards the dressing room. Shou followed behind him, staring at the back of Yutaka’s thighs. The skirt was just barely covering his butt, for heaven’s sake. Luckily there was no wind inside the building. A light breeze and there’d be eyewitnesses.
The dressing room was empty now. The makeup kits had been removed from the tables, so Shou assumed that their stylist had already went home. Yutaka’s clothes were resting in a pile by the door. Shou would only get changed into something comfortable at home. He hadn’t brought a set of spare clothes to the shooting. He thought of removing his makeup, but decided he might just as well do it at home. Since they would be driven home together, he’d have to wait for Yutaka, though.
Shou closed the door behind himself, so no one from the camera team would walk by and accidently catch a glance of Yutaka changing. Not that Yutaka would be embarrassed by his own nudity, but after showing off his legs like this already, Shou decided seeing any more of him might be a bit too seductive for anyone from their staff.
Yutaka stared at his clothes indecisively.
“What are you waiting for?”, Shou scolded him.
It was high time Yutaka got out of those clothes and took off the wig. Shou was tired of feeling confused whenever it was alright to find him attractive that way or not.
“I think I will just change at home”, Yutaka said. “Let’s go already.”
“You can’t go out like that”, Shou protested, stepping in front of the door to block Yutaka’s way out.
Yutaka snorted. He put on a small pout. His lips looked very sexy that way. Just, objectively speaking.
“Well, we’ll just be in the car”, he said.
Shou frowned.
“The driver will get distracted by that skirt of yours and we’ll get into an accident. I’m not having that”, he said sternly.
Yutaka laughed quietly. His laughter sounded a little gentler today, Shou thought. More melodic. Sweeter, somehow.
“What’s with you and that skirt, really?”, he teased and tucked at the hem of it.
If he had been a woman, Shou would have found the gesture somewhat flirty. He was looking up at Shou through his lashes. But at the same time, he didn’t sound shy. He sounded challenging. Yutaka made for a good woman, yes, but a frightening one.
For the briefest moment, Shou considered admitting that the skirt unsettled him, because it made Yutaka look sexually attractive to him. But then he realized that it would be a pretty weird thing to say to your friend. It would sound like Shou meant it in a homosexual way. Which, very clearly, he did not.
“Aren’t you ashamed to be seen like that?”, he asked instead, sounding too harsh even for his own means.
He hadn’t meant to shame Yutaka in any way.
“Actually”, Yutaka said and raised his head to meet Shou’s gaze directly now. Somehow, Yutaka’s eyes fixed on his face, made Shou nervous. “If I’m being honest, I feel more confident this way.”
“Uhm”, Shou said.
He wasn’t sure what to say to that. It felt like Yutaka was pulling a joke on him and like Shou was supposed to give a joking reply in return. But on the other hand, Yutaka had spoken quite seriously. Was he trying to come out to Shou in some way? In that case, making a joke about it would be the most insensitive thing to do. But Yutaka had never given off the impression that he wanted to be … what even? A woman? A man who wore women’s clothes? Shou really didn’t know a lot about things like that.
“You never struck me as someone who is struggling with low confidence”, he finally observed.
Yutaka made a face that looked slightly flushed and embarrassed. Shou thought he had never seen him like that before. He wondered if that facial expression came with the outfit.
“It’s just that I feel braver like this”, Yutaka said. “Braver to do things I usually wouldn’t do.”
Shou could not think of anything that Yutaka might be scared of.
“Like what?”, he asked dumbfoundedly.
Yutaka took a sudden step towards him. Instinctively, Shou took a step back. Then he realized he was being stupid and tried to look casual.
“Flirting with you?”, Yutaka suggested, making it sound like a question.
Shou thought of the way Yutaka had put his hand on Shou’s thigh earlier. He usually didn’t do things like that – not with such seriousness at least.
“You like women, I know that”, Yutaka continued and took another step towards him.
This time, Shou managed to not back off. His throat felt dry. He had a suspicion where this conversation was heading, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about it.
“So, maybe”, Yutaka carried on. “When I’m like this.” He ran his hand up his own thigh, lifting the hem of his skirt just another few centimetres which caused Shou’s face to feel very hot. “You don’t mind so much, if I …”
He broke off and took another step towards Shou, so their bodies were almost touching now.
Shou felt nervous. Incredible nervous. He knew what was going to happen. He still didn’t know how it made him feel.
Yutaka leaned in and kissed him on the lips surprisingly gentle. It didn’t feel passionate, but not playful either. It felt tender and maybe a little hesitant.
He pulled back and looked at Shou.
Shou was aware that he was supposed to say something. His mind was completely blank, though. His lips felt weird. Tingly. It wasn’t a real sensation, but rather an itch that came from thinking about it too much. Yutaka had kissed those lips right now.
“I’m usually ashamed of those feelings”, Yutaka said, quietly. His voice sounded gentler when he lowered it. “But if it was Yutako, she wouldn’t have to feel ashamed. She wouldn’t have to be scared you’d hate her.”
Shou just looked at him for a moment.
The thought that Yutaka felt ashamed for liking him seemed absurd. They were friends. Even if Shou didn’t like him back, it wasn’t like he would hate him. They could talk about those things. Liking another guy was nothing shameful.
Slowly, Shou blinked.
Today, when staring at Yutaka’s legs, he had felt ashamed.
He had felt ashamed for being desperate enough to find the sight arousing. He had been scared of Yutaka noticing, because he would judge him for sure. Deep inside, Shou had felt ashamed for finding another man attractive, although his brain told him there was nothing to be ashamed of.
And he wondered how he felt, if he was honest with himself. If he stopped judging himself.
He looked at Yutaka and tried to forget about all the heteronormativity he had been taught throughout his life. If he allowed himself to find Yutaka attractive, how would he feel about him?
Shou leaned in and kissed him back.
Yutaka gave a surprised noise, that died out against Shou’s lips.
Shou reached up, putting his hand onto Yutaka’s neck. He felt the long, smooth hair of the wig tickling the back of his hand. His neck felt frail under his palm.
Yutaka softened against him, parting his lips. Their kiss turned more heated now. Shou was no longer holding back.
He had wanted to kiss Yutaka all day long.
He wasn’t sure if it was only because he looked like a pretty woman today, or because Yutaka was handsome in general and he hadn’t really noticed it so far.
Without breaking the kiss, Shou took a step forward, using his body to push Yutaka towards the dressing table.
He heard loud clattering as Yutaka collided with the table and then he started laughing against Shou’s mouth. The kiss became sloppy and he could feel Yutaka’s teeth. No woman he had kissed had ever laughed like this. Shou thought it felt surprisingly nice. Not in an arousing way, but in a way that lessened the tightness in his chest and gave him the feeling it was impossible to do anything wrong. Usually, Shou was quite good at worrying about doing something wrong.
Yutaka pulled free and then hopped onto the table. He sat on it, spreading his legs widely. The skirt was still covering his crotch, but his thighs were almost completely exposed now. Shou slipped in between them, putting his hands onto Yutaka’s thighs. He had wanted to do this all day long, too. His skin felt soft and smooth and his legs were very warm. They were pressing against Shou’s hips from both sides. He dug in his fingers lightly and watched Yutaka inhale sharply.
“We should definitely not continue this here”, Shou observed, sounding somewhat breathless.
“Agreed”, Yutaka said and then put his hands onto Shou’s shoulders, pulling him close to kiss him again.
Shou slipped his hands up a bit further. Against his fingertips, his could now sense the hemline of Yutaka’s pants underneath the skirt.
He broke the kiss again and tilted his head, now running his tongue down Yutaka’s neckline. His skin tasted a little salty. He kissed his bare shoulder, burying his face against his neck for a moment. The hair of the wig felt smooth and not very natural against his cheek. He inhaled Yutaka’s smell. There was the sweetness of his perfume, but underneath was something else, darker and more masculine; maybe the leftovers of Yutaka’s bodywash. It was a weird mix that somehow got him excited.
“Your perfume is driving me crazy”, he mumbled against Yutaka’s skin.
He didn’t mention that the same went for his thighs and his skirt and his kisses.
“Shou?”, Yutaka said, running his hands from Shou’s shoulders up his neck, until they entangled in his hair. He was gently pulling him to look back up.
Shou looked at Yutaka again.
His lips seemed even fuller now, swollen from kissing. His eyeliner was smudged, but only on the left side. Shou wondered how he had managed that without touching his face. He still looked pretty, though. Now that Shou allowed himself to view Yutaka as attractive, he suddenly couldn’t get enough of him. Yutaka was – without exaggeration – the prettiest woman Shou had ever been with.
“You want me to …” Yutaka hesitated. Shou noticed that he was indeed speaking a little high pitched now as if trying to imitate a woman’s way of speaking. Shou wished he would speak normally. “You want me to suck you? If I do it like this, you won’t even notice the difference.”
Shou stared at Yutaka’s swollen, glossy lips. He imagined them closing around his cock. He felt a throbbing in his pants.
“You know I’d never say no to that”, he said with a grin and leaned in to kiss Yutaka again.
His offer was generous, but Shou couldn’t get enough of kissing him just yet. He loved the sensation of Yutaka’s body pressing warm against himself. He loved to feel his arms around his shoulders and his legs around his waist.
He felt the strong desire to touch Yutaka’s crotch. That was what he would do with a woman right now. He’d slip his fingers into her panties to feel if she was wet, taking pleasure from the feeling as much as from the knowledge that their kisses were turning her on as much as they turned on him. He thought how good it would feel to know that Yutaka was hard as well. Maybe that would be crossing the line, maybe being reminded that Yutaka was a man would destroy the illusion and put him off. But in his mind, Shou thought it to be quite sexy instead.
He slipped his right hand to the inside of Yutaka’s thigh, going up under the skirt. Against his palm, he could sense Yutaka’s hard cock, surprised at how hot it felt even through the fabric of the pants. The feeling was quite sexy indeed.
Yutaka inhaled sharply, followed by a short whining noise that sounded as if he tried to suppress his voice.
Shou rubbed him through his pants teasingly, grinning as Yutaka’s whimpering turned louder and he felt his fingers digging into Shou’s shoulder violently.
“You don’t”, Yutaka gasped forcefully. “You don’t have to do this.”
Shou leaned back a little, just to watch Yutaka’s face more closely. He squinted his eyes slightly. Women wore that expression, too, at least when he did it right.
“You don’t have to do this?”, Shou repeated mockingly. “Usually this is when I get to hear: Shou, maybe this should wait until our second date.”
Yutaka snorted and a lopsided grin spread slowly on his face. He looked like himself again. Not like a pretty woman – with an admittedly male boner – but like Kyan Yutaka with a wig and makeup. And Shou thought, that actually, he looked even prettier when he smiled like that.
He pulled back his hand abruptly, realizing only now why Yutaka had felt uncomfortable about the touch. He thought that Shou minded. He thought Shou needed the clothes, the illusion to fool around with him. And maybe Shou had thought so too, just a little, and that was why he hadn’t protested sooner.
But he got excited by touching Yutaka’s dick and he got excited by his smile. He wanted to reassure Yutaka of that, but he also wanted to reassure himself.
Gently, he reached up, pushing back the wig from Yutaka’s forehead. He wore a black hairnet underneath. Shou took off the wig completely and threw it onto the table behind Yutaka.
“You even need that?”, he asked jokingly and pulled at the hairnet lightly. “For the bit of hair that you have left.”
Yutaka grabbed the hairnet and pulled it off with a jerk. His hair underneath looked both flat at the top of his head, and very messy everywhere else. Combined with the makeup, it looked ridiculous.
“You are just jealous, because they don’t make hairnets your size”, Yutaka shot back.
Shou laughed and kissed him on the lips, gentle and quick this time. He loved joking around with Yutaka and making fun of each other. He had loved it, before they even founded the band.
“We should really stop making out in the dressing room”, Yutaka said.
Shou nodded and reached for the hem of Yutaka’s top.
“Yes”, he confirmed. “We should take this to a hotel room already.”
Yutaka raised his arms without protest. Shou pushed up the top and pulled it over Yutaka’s head. His hair looked even more messy when it came off.
Shou stared at Yutaka’s chest. He was wearing a hot pink bra. Probably, it had been meant to create the illusion of boobs for the video, although it hadn’t done much good.
Shou gave it a knowing look.
“A cup?”, he guessed.
Yutaka rolled his eyes and grabbed Shou’s neck, pulling him close for another kiss. Shou’s lips were starting to feel sore.
He smiled into the kiss, reaching around Yutaka with one hand and fumbling with the clasp of his bra. He tried to pull back the fabric on one side to loosen the bra hooks. But instead of loosening them, he seemed to pull the entire backside off Yutaka’s back, without doing anything to open it.
Yutaka leaned back, pursing his lips and watching Shou’s face in amusement.
“I’ve got this”, Shou said.
Yutaka nodded.
“Sure, shoot me a message when you are done. Or when you are ready to admit you need help.”
“I’ve got this”, Shou repeated, pulling harder.
He had managed to open bras with one hand before. Sometimes. He might have gotten lucky, though.
“Okay, I have not gotten this”, he finally admitted and reached behind Yutaka with his second hand as well.
He fumbled with the clasp some more.
Yutaka started dangling his feet to either side of Shou. He pretended to suppress a yawn.
“What kind of witchery is this?”, Shou whined.
“I can’t believe there are actually women out there who had sex with you”, Yutaka said, shook his head gravely and reached behind himself, pushing Shou’s hands away.
He opened the bra at first try, stripped it off and slapped it onto Shou’s shoulder.
Shou pretended to wince.
“It’s a complicated technology!”, he defended himself.
“No, it’s not, you are just stupid”, Yutaka said.
Shou looked at his face. Yutaka was grinning. By now, his makeup was smudged across both eyes. He looked incredible.
Shou put his hand onto Yutaka’s lower back, pulling his upper body closer to himself. He kissed his neck again, this time hearing Yutaka moan softly. He seemed to have given up on suppressing his voice, or maybe he had just reached the conclusion that it wouldn’t scare Shou off. Shou liked the sound of it quite a lot.
Yutaka’s hands were on his hips by now, holding on to him lightly.
Shou wondered if it was alright to touch his chest. He kind of wanted to touch his breasts like he wanted to touch female boobs, but he wasn’t sure if that was a normal thing to do. Did dudes touch each other’s boobs as well? Or was that a habit developed by his heterosexual experiences and wasn’t appropriate in this specific situation?
Shou hesitated, but then he reached the conclusion that the worst thing happening would be Yutaka making fun of him. Since that wasn’t really anything new, Shou figured he might as well risk it. He had never felt as much at ease with anyone else before. It was just Yutaka. The thought was soothing. It was comforting. There was nothing Shou had to feel ashamed of.
He reached up, cupping Yutaka’s breast with his hand, massaging it quite firmly. It felt harder than touching boobies, but then not that much different from small boobs. Shou concluded that whatever the differences or similarities, it felt equally good.
Yutaka’s knees were pressing into his side a little firmer now, which Shou interpreted as encouragement to keep going.
He bent his head, kissing down Yutaka’s collarbone until he reached his nipple, flicking it with his tongue, then nudging it with his teeth carefully.
Yutaka shuddered against him. Shou could sense it all over, since their bodies were so close. He even felt it against his crotch. He moaned very quietly in return.
Looking down Yutaka’s body, he saw the waistband of his skirt digging into his skin.
Shou loved skirts. He had tried hard not to think about it too much for the entire day, but he really, really loved skirts. What was exciting about skirts was knowing you only needed to push them up a bit and you already reached the panties. And with those, it was only one layer left until nudity. Right now, all he had to do, was pull down Yutaka’s pants and he’d practically be naked. In this position, if he leaned back a little and if Shou took out his own dick, he’d be able to fuck him without further problems. Not that he was considering doing that. Shou had never considered doing that with another man before. And he wasn’t even sure if Yutaka would be alright with it. He shouldn’t image how easy it would be right now and how good it would feel. Shou’s penis was throbbing again.
“I know what you are thinking right now”, Yutaka said.
Shou stopped kissing his chest to look up.
“You don’t”, he said firmly.
He felt his cheeks heating up even more, but he assumed Yutaka would not be able to tell the difference. Shou probably looked flushed already anyway.
Yutaka could not possibly know the shameful thoughts Shou had had just now. He could not know that Shou wanted to do something so extreme to him.
Yutaka leaned against him, bringing his lips closer to Shou’s ear, so he could lower his voice.
“My handbag is by the door with my clothes. The side pocket on the back”, he whispered. “There are condoms inside.”
Shou felt himself tense up.
Was Yutaka really offering him what he thought he was offering right now?
“Are you … are you sure?”, he stuttered.
“Dude”, Yutaka said, leaning back and raising his voice again. He nodded down to his crotch. Although the skirt was technically covering it, it did nothing to hide the bulge of Yutaka’s erection showing visibly. Shou thought that skirts looked sexy with a boner underneath. Weird. That was clearly something he had never thought about before.
“Does that look like I have any doubts to you?”
Shou chuckled, but he still felt hesitant.
“Have you ever …?” He broke off. “Have you ever done it before?”
This time, he could see Yutaka hesitate as well. For a moment, there was no emotion showing on his face at all, as if he still hadn’t decided on how to feel.
“It’s only been you”, he finally said and shrugged as if he felt somewhat embarrassed by it. “It’s been women and you.”
Shou swallowed. He understood how big a confession that was. It must have been him for a long time then.
“But don’t worry”, Yutaka added hastily as if he had noticed the mood was growing too heavy and meaningful. “My body is ready. I bought myself a dildo.”
Shou managed to choke on nothing but air.
“You what?”, he assured.
Yutaka shrugged again, this time peaking up at Shou through his lashes. It was his flirty, challenging look again.
“I wanted to know what it would feel like to have you inside”, he said. “I only ever thought of you when using it.” He paused. “And sometimes of that foreign AV actor I once saw in an American porn, but that guy was fine as …”
Shou kissed Yutaka to shut him up again. Both of them were smiling into the kiss. He liked it when Yutaka talked silly like that. It was so very much him and Shou wanted to kiss him whenever he made a stupid joke and he wanted to hold him and he wanted to tell him how much he loved Yutaka being himself.
“I just want it to be nice for you”, he mumbled close to Yutaka’s face. “Especially if it’s your first …”
Yutaka slapped his shoulder lightly.
“Please”, he said. “You are allowed to treat me like a woman, but dare you treat me like a lady.”
Shou chuckled.
“Alright then”, he said quietly and reached under Yutaka’s skirt until he found the waistband of his pants.
Then he knelt down on the floor in front of the table, pulling down Yutaka’s pants. Yutaka had to shift his weight for it, so Shou managed to pull them out from under him. He closed his legs, so Shou was able to push the pants down to his angles.
“Don’t treat me like a lady, he says”, Shou muttered. “And still has me taking off his shoes.”
Yutaka laughed loudly as Shou took off his shoes first and then his pants. He was still kneeling in front of him.
Shou pushed up the skirt to expose Yutaka’s erection towering up. Yutaka spread his legs again, allowing Shou to get close.
Shou eyed his penis curiously. He had never seen it erect like this.
He stuck out his tongue, running it along the downside of Yutaka’s dick. The taste wasn’t nearly as strong as he had assumed. It felt hot and smooth against his tongue. Yutaka groaned loudly.
Shou got up from the floor, pleased by the reaction.
“And there I have been worried to gross you out for years”, Yutaka observed and flicked his tongue. “I should have known you are a pervert.”
Grinning Shou walked over to the door, taking his time to turn the key before checking for the bag. He couldn’t believe they had allowed things to get this far when someone might have walked in on them any moment. Shou had completely forgotten about it. Yutaka had either forgotten as well, or he just hadn’t cared. Knowing Yutaka, both was possible.
Shou found the side pocket, opening it to a number of wrapped condoms. He took out one and shook his head visibly.
“I can’t believe you just carry those around with you”, he stated. “You are clearly more optimistic than me.”
Yutaka let out a barking laughter.
“I’m more handsome than you, too”, he said.
Shou turned back to him to stick out his tongue. Yutaka winked at him.
Unbuttoning his jeans, Shou walked back towards him. Yutaka had shifted his position and the skirt was falling back in place. Yutaka reached under it, starting to move his hand. He pulled a dreadful face at Shou, that made Shou laugh, but that also somehow turned him on, because he noticed Yutaka’s chest heaving a little more violently now.
Shou pulled down his own pants and exhaled with relief. They had grown uncomfortable tight for his erection. He ripped open the condom, putting it onto his cock with not so practiced motions.
“You don’t have lube or anything with you, do you?”, he assured, worried if Yutaka would be alright.
He had always thought of sex between men as something somewhat unpleasant, something that you did not want done to yourself. But then he was aware, that it was probably just the stigma of homosexuality in Japan in general and had nothing to do with the actual experience. From what he had figured, gay men seemed to enjoy sex, too.
“This might come surprising to you, but I do not carry a sex store around with me”, Yutaka said, rolling his eyes.
“It does come a little surprising to me”, Shou agreed. “Since you have enough condoms on you to provide for an entire brothel.”
“I won’t be judged by the person who keeps the whole tissue industry running just by himself”, Yutaka shot back and grinned.
Then he pulled back his hand from under the skirt and leaned back, spreading his legs and putting his feet into the air in a way that made him look like a frog, if that frog had to struggle with a serious physical disability.
Shou laughed, but he also felt excited. Yutaka was the only person who had ever made him feel this very specific mixture.
He stepped in between his legs, letting Yutaka wrap them around his waist. One of Yutaka’s hands was on the table plate behind him, support his weight while leaning back. The other one he now placed on Shou’s shoulder, grabbing him firmly for support.
Shou shot him a short smile, suddenly feeling nervous. So, they would really do it. Him and Yutaka. His friend. His bandmember. They would fuck. What a scandal.
Shou took hold of his erection, guiding it as he pushed up against Yutaka.
Yutaka tilted back his head and moaned as Shou first entered him. His insides clenched down tightly on the head of Shou’s dick. He moaned loudly as well. This definitely felt better than they made you believe.
He pushed his hips forward carefully, making sure to enter Yutaka slowly. He had to keep himself in check to not thrust into Yutaka in one go. The sensation was so great, it almost made him lose self-control.
Finally, he was buried inside Yutaka almost completely. He paused to give both of them time to adjust to the feeling.
Yutaka exhaled shakily, though he did not look very much in distress.
“That feels bigger than expected”, he owned up.
“And that was only the first half”, Shou joked. Both of their laughter sounded breathless.
Shou grabbed Yutaka’s hips, right where his thighs were starting. He held him in place firmly as he started with small, slow thrusts. The fact that Shou was standing made it easy for him to control his motions and regulate their impact.
Yutaka closed his eyes and moaned softly. His lips were parted and curling up. It looked like he was smiling. Shou was going in and out at almost full length now. It felt amazing.
Yutaka opened his eyes again, digging only his forefinger harder into Shou’s shoulder now as if trying to give him a signal.
Shou met his eyes, though he felt slightly embarrassed by it. His breath was coming heavy and he didn’t feel in full control of his facial expressions.
“Hey”, Yutaka gasped out. “I told you, I’m not a lady, right? No need to go easy on me.”
Shou jerked his hips forward violently as a form of teasing. A funny sound escaped Yutaka’s lips, that was somewhere between a gasp and a moan. Shou felt his entire body shuddering and realized, he had done something right.
He started using more impact with his pounding, still watching for Yutaka’s reaction. Yutaka tilted back his head and started moaning soft words of encouragement. Shou decided that it was alright to let himself go just a little. He closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling. Yutaka felt hot around him and Shou’s entire body felt feverish. All by himself, sex was usually significantly less fun.
He thrusted a little harder even, now hearing a thud whenever he jerked his hips forward. He opened his eyes to check and realized he was shoving the entire table with Yutaka on it against the wall and caused a rhythmical rapping. Shortly, he worried if it would possibly be heard outside the dressing room, but Yutaka’s voice was so loud by now, that chances were high they’d be heard anyway. Shou decided he felt too good currently to worry about it.
He looked down. Yutaka’s dick was bouncing up and down under the skirt in the rhythm of Shou’s pounds. Shou thought of touching him, but then his fingers were digging into Yutaka’s hips quite violently and he couldn’t bring himself to let go. In this position, he was in full control of his motions and knowing his own clumsiness, Shou was not willing to give up on that. Moreover, the hot, clenching sensation of thrusting into Yutaka occupied really all of his concentration and he wasn’t sure he would be able to coordinate his hand properly to get him off.
As if he had read his thoughts, Yutaka’s hand now vanished from Shou’s shoulder, reaching down between them. He pushed back the fabric of the skirt, closing his hand around him own erection. Shou watched him stroking himself with fast and hard flicks of his wrist while he kept fucking him. The sight alone was nearly enough to send him over the edge.
Yutaka’s voice turned darker all of a sudden, more guttural. Shou felt his whole body tightening and then he saw Yutaka spilling white semen all over his hand and the hem of his skirt.
Shou groaned, squeezing his eyes shut to keep going just a little bit longer. His thrusts were coming frantic and uneven by now and he was holding on to Yutaka even tighter. With a last moan, he allowed the orgasm to wash over him, a warm feeling flooding his system and the whole vision behind his eyelids turning white. Just for a moment, Shou forgot everything around him. It felt like floating.
Then he opened his eyes again, looking into Yutaka’s exhausted face. The already messy hair now stuck to his sweaty forehead and Shou really wondered how he had managed to smudge his makeup like this. He was smiling at him.
Shou pulled back, somehow managing to pull the condom of his limp dick. He wiped his fingers on Yutaka’s stained skirt. His knees felt so weak, he just wanted to lay down somewhere. Shortly, he considered just colliding on top of Yutaka, because it felt impossible to stand up any longer. His body was warm and heavy and radiating a peacefulness from the inside that Shou hadn’t felt in a long time.
Yutaka sat up straight again, wrapping his arms around Shou and burying his face against his neck.
Shou leaned against him, wrapping his arms around Yutaka’s waist as well. It felt as if he was holding him upright. Yutaka was leaning in on him, too. Maybe, they were holding each other upright.
Yutaka’s upper body felt warm and slightly sweaty. Shou could feel his chest heaving with each breath. For a moment, it felt as if they were glued together, turned into one by the afterglow they were sharing.
Shou usually felt good after sex and – he hoped – the women usually felt good, too, but to him it had always been a separate wellbeing. He had felt good on his own. But he didn’t know how to talk to the other person afterwards. Once they were done with sex, it felt like they lost their connection, their motivation for staying together. Aside from feeling pleased, Shou tended to feel somewhat empty after sex, too, and somehow lonely. But right now, he felt neither of those things. Yutaka was his friend before he was someone he wanted to get laid with. After sex, he was still his friend. That felt pretty amazing.
Shou rubbed his cheek against Yutaka’s shoulder affectionately. The smell of his perfume seemed to have intensified as if there had been a chemical reaction with Yutaka’s sweat. Shou remembered their conversation earlier.
“That person you were in love with”, he said quietly. “Why your ex left you. Was that me?”
Yutaka’s body trembled in his arms as he chuckled.
“No, that was the other guy I confessed to today”, he said sarcastically.
Shou laughed quietly as well and straightened up to look at Yutaka.
“How are you feeling?”, he asked.
Yutaka made a face.
“Seriously, my butt hurts”, he said in a whiny tone of voice.
“Really?”, Shou assured, suddenly worried he had been a little too hard on Yutaka indeed.
“Yeah”, Yutaka confirmed and let go of Shou to knock his knuckles against the table plate he was still sitting on. “Because this table is uncomfortable as hell.”
“Oi, idiot”, Shou said and nudged Yutaka against the shoulder gently.
He thought that this felt incredible nice. Joking with Yutaka, holding him like this. The sex had felt great, too.
“I also”, he said and then hesitated. “Don’t really dislike you all that much.”
Yutaka snorted.
“I figured”, he said.
Shou shook his head and forced himself to meet Yutaka’s eyes, although he felt a little embarrassed by it still.
“I don’t just mean physically”, he clarified. “More like, ah, romantically.”
“Kiryuuin Shou”, Yutaka said mockingly. “The master of romantic confessions.”
Shou rolled his eyes and watched Yutaka’s typical lopsided grin spreading slowly. He seemed happy.
“Want to get dressed and head out of here?”, Shou suggested.
Yutaka nodded and looked down on himself.
“Ah, damn”, he said.
Shou followed his gaze.
His skirt had stains of drying cum all over it.
“Looks like I ruined the skirt”, Yutaka observed.
“You know, don’t worry about it”, Shou said and looked up again, grinning widely. “I think the skirt was too short anyway.”
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Can I still request nsfw alphabet, if so can I get one for Shinsou, Mei, or Monoma [BNHA]?
Hope it’s okay, but I decided to do Monoma for this since he is my BABY DADDY!
Monoma Neito: 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
Aftercare with Monoma always has a good chance of turning into another heated round of sex. He is very physical and loving when it comes to aftercare, running his hands over your body to soothe out any kinks or bruises you may have, his mouth pressed against your neck as he whispers sweet nothings to you and plants kiss after kiss against your swollen and flushed skin. His touch is so hot and loving, hands always seeming to find the right spot to lay upon that will make the steamy fire within you rekindle and get you up and ready to be taken by him again.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
On himself, he loves his eyes the most. He enjoys the way he can trick and deceive people with only his eyes or hide his emotions from those who may be trying to pry into him. Although, what he loves most is how quickly he can make you come undone by just looking at you. Those intense blue hues stare down at you, clouded over this lust all and only for you will make you melt on the spot and he loves every moment of it.
On you, he likes your lips the most. Oddly enough, he doesn’t like it for sexual reasons (not that he doesn’t think of it from time to time). He loves your lips because of how round and plump they are, they’re absolutely kissable and it’s all he can ever think about. The way your lips move to form words or to say his name always makes him feel as though he is floating above the clouds. Whenever you talk, his eyes always seem to drift to your lips, a small smile forming on his own. He feels himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you whenever he see your lips moving, or when he sees you bite them, or even when you let him bite them.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Monoma is a dirty, kinky, disgusting boyo okay!! But he is so in a gentlemanly kind of way… sort of… not really. His cum is a little on the runnier side but doesn’t taste all that bad and knowing that (how he knows that, that’s up to you) he will want to cum in your mouth and watch you swallow it. It turns him on greatly to see you swallow his load so happily after he’s given you a good fucking. Besides that though, he loves seeing his cum on any part of your body, watching as it pours down you, making a mess of you and marking you as his own
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would like to have his own sex chamber when he gets older for him and his wife. He can’t wait to get the chance to have his own house were he can install a personalized sex chamber for you both to have your fun in. He can imagine having all sorts of toys and playthings in there for you both to try out and experiment with. On his more stressful days he can picture you already in there, a bow on your sweet little innocent head just waiting for him to claim you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s only ever had sex once in his life with some older woman he met at one of his mother’s parties. It wasn’t the best sex in his opinion (not that he can really compare it to anything else) but the woman was pretty helpful in teaching him a thing or two that he can use in the future. For the most part he does know what he is doing, but once he has a partner he has an emotional connection with, then he will do and learn a lot more to please them.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He loves any position that will allow him to see his partner’s face or that allows for a lot of petting. Monoma is a pretty physical guy and loves to be able to caress his partner in anyway he can both inside and outside of the bedroom. Being able to run his hands over your sides, breasts, hands, stomach, anything really will make him feel so energized and hot during sex. He is hardly ever able to keep his hands off you at times like these. Now when it comes to seeing your face, he just loves seeing you bite your lip to keep your moans at bay, or seeing your face flush a deep red whenever he hits the right spot.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He isn’t really goofy during sex but he can be playful. He likes to make you smile and giggle but not because he has said something funny, but mainly through his actions. He will nuzzle his nose against different parts of your body to tickle you and make you laugh, or playfully flick your nose with his tongue, but that’s about it. Other than that, he is usually serious about sex.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Monoma keeps himself exquistly neat down there. Hair doesn’t exactly bother him unless it is causing him discomfort or pain and usually leaves the majority of his hair alone, but will give it a light trim from time to time to make sure the hairs don’t get caught anywhere and to keep things even. He isn’t ashamed or embarrassed of doing it either. If you so happen to walk in on him giving his pubes a cut with baby scissors, he’ll just ask you if you want a trim too or if you mind getting him some aloe gel so he can shave a little on the sides.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He has romance coming out of his ass. Sex with Monoma will always be romantic and full of love and genuine affection. More often than not, you two will end up crying as you make love to each other, arms wrapped tightly around the other and moans mixing together. He makes sure to set the mood before hand or to at least say something suave or sexy beforehand or to at least say something suave or sexy before you two get started so that you’re set in some type of mood to make sex more enjoyable. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it often but when he does, he likes to take his time and dirty talk to himself. He loves dirty talk in general, but doing it when he is pleasing himself is so sexy to him, especially if he is watching something (usually a video you have sent him previously). He’ll both encourage himself and the person he is watching to touch themselves, stroking his cock slowly but in such a firm grip. He’ll edge himself until he can’t take it anymore, ruining his orgasm by cumming too soon, making a mess of his hand and lower stomach. He always makes sure to send you a picture of video of the aftermath.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Phone sex
Dirty talk
Light BDSM
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes to mainly keep things in the bedroom, but if the mood strikes him, he’ll be down to doing it somewhere semi-public like at the school or maybe in the common room or in a restaurant bathroom. While he does love the thrill of possibly being caught, he always makes sure that you both won’t be, usually taking you in semi-public places when he knows people won’t be around for a while.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Having you yell at him is a good way to get him motivated. He loves it when you raise your voice at him and put him in his place. It turns him on in more ways than he can describe. He can only imagine how frustrating it is for you to have him be so turned on by your anger and yelling but he just can’t help himself. You look so sexy when you’re mad and all he wants to do is pin you to a wall and fuck you so that you’re screaming in name in pleasure instead of anger.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pulling his hair. There is nothing Monoma hates more than having his hair pulled. His scalp is pretty sensitive and it hurts pretty bad to comb his hair let alone brush it. If you pull his hair during sex, chances are he is going to get pissed off and want to stop to soothe his scalp.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
While he does take me as someone who would be more of a giver, I just don’t think that would be right and I don’t want to do my Baby Daddy wrong. He is all about having you on your knees, mouth around his cock and sucking away at it like your life depends on it. He loves how submissive it makes you look and how you are doing this only for his benefit and pleasure. However, he isn’t half bad when it comes to giving you head and is pretty generous when doing so. He makes sure to eat you out if he ended things too quickly for himself or as a reward for you being such a good girl.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to take his time when it comes to sex, but the twist to this is that he can either take his time being rough with you or by being loving and gentle with you. Either way, you’re going to have a pretty good time because both feel amazing.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He is up for quickies every once in awhile but not too often. He’d much rather have a pretty long time to admire and love you down fully. He could go for a quickie maybe 3-4 times a month and nothing more than that.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He loves taking risks. Trying out new things during sex and testing boundaries and getting thrills is all part of the experiencing and he finds it to be a great bonding activity when it comes to sex. Anything you have in mind, he will be down for trying and he hopes that the same goes for him in regards to you.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He has an average amount of stamina for a teen boy. He can go for about two rounds and lasts 15-20 minutes tops. He likes to draw things out and build you up to a point in which you are practically begging him to fuck you before he finally gives you what you want.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You bet your ass he has toys. He has two dildos, one for him and one for you both to share, and a vibrator. He likes being able to use them on you and vice versa since they make things more exciting between you both in the bedroom. It sexy seeing you pleasure yourself with one of his toys as he jerks himself off. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is a major tease. If there is an opportunity to tease you, you can bet that Monoma is going to take it. He loves having you beg and whine for him, turning you into this needy, desperate mess of a person just for him. It turns him on seeing you so desperate for his touch, for his body, and simply just for him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He doesn’t get all that loud but the sounds he makes are pretty sexy. They’re usually deep low moans that start in his chest and seem to echo when they reach his mouth, followed by a soft whisper of your name.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Doesn’t like his after sex bed hair. He can’ manage it the day after because it sticks up in all sorts of different places and it’s so stiff due to all the dried sweat in it. Everyone can always tell when he has had sex because of it and it’s more annoying to him than embarrassing.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Such a pretty cock this boy has. Now, it isn’t the longest or widest, but damn is it fucking pretty. When fully erect it stands at 4.8 inches and it has pretty average girth to it. The tip of his cock is always flushed a soft pink color both when it it hard and soft, and the color only seems to seep lower and lower to the base of his cock the longer he has been aroused for. It’s all smooth and even skin tones and his veins aren’t all that noticeable. It curves upwards slightly as well.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a pretty average sex drive, usually ready to have sex about 2-4 times a week during the beginning stages of your relationship, but as you two continue to date, it might increase to 3-5 times a week.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t fall asleep until after you two have had some mild yet sweet pillow talk. He likes to talk to you after sex as he caresses your body, asking you how everything was and if you are okay. When you’re conversation comes to an end, that’s when he’ll go to sleep, letting you know just in case you decide to stay up longer than he does.
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Wanna see some other shit I’ve written?
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lozenger8 · 5 years
My Game of Love Has Just Begun
“We should fake date as an April Fool,” Scott said, rubbing his nose against the inside of Stiles’ wrist and letting out a long, slow puff of air. He sounded content.
Stiles gazed down at him and his half-lidded, warm brown eyes. “But we are dating.”
“Yeah, we know that, but no one else does. So, we tell everyone we’re fake dating under some whacky hijinx reasoning, and watch everyone squirm.”
“So… we fake date, to what, gauge everyone’s reactions to the idea of us being oblivious that we really wanna be together? Because we still haven’t told them we are together?”
Scott smiled, and gave what could’ve been considered a nod from a different angle. “Yeah, aren’t you curious?”
“I always forget that there’s part of you that’s a super sneaky deceptive gremlin.”
“Coach has been trying to set me up with Danny again, so I’ve asked Stiles to pretend to be my boyfriend,” Scott told Liam. He was so impressed he kept such a straight face. He’d definitely improved in his sneaking, tricking and avoiding skills over the past three months.
Liam’s eyes lit up and he hit Mason’s arm. “Oh yeah? How did Stiles respond?”
“He was weirdly into the idea. I was sure he’d refuse on account of Lydia, but maybe he’s trying to make her jealous.”
“Yeah, that’s probably it,” Mason said, not sounding convinced or convincing at all.
Liam and Mason exchanged a look when they thought Scott had turned away. Their expressions were gleeful.
“Are you going to take him out somewhere nice?” Liam asked.
“You think I should?” Scott asked, feigning ignorance.
Scott smiled to himself as Liam and Mason shared a fistbump under the cafeteria table.
Stiles engaged in overly affectionate and showy PDA in the hallway later that day, pressing wet kisses to Scott’s knuckles and wrapping his arm tightly around his shoulders, much to the disgust of literally everyone around them. Except Kira. She was looking at them with a soft, joyous smile. Stiles could tell Scott secretly loved it, as Scott’s eyes kept dipping to the places they were joined and his smile would grow wider and sweeter.
“It’s not real,” Scott told her once they were all alone, as Stiles carried his books for him, stupid-cupid style. “Stiles is just helping me out.”
Kira’s expression transformed, dropping immediately. “It’s not?” she asked, quietly.
The strain of lying showed around Scott’s eyes. “No.”
“C’mon, Scotty-babeh, we’ll be late if we don’t skedaddle,” Stiles interjected, taking Scott’s hand and dragging him along. Stiles didn’t have to look over his shoulder to know Kira was watching them, her lips twisted up with worry. But he did anyway.
He resolved then and there to say to Scott he could let Kira in on their little secret.
“Very funny April Fools prank,” Boyd said, with no intonation.
“Why do you think this is a joke?” Scott asked, holding Stiles’ hand and entwining their fingers. He had already known he loved the sensation, but getting to do it out in the open made it feel even better.
“Because you have more sense than to date Stiles, even for pretendsies,” Erica butted in.
“I do not!” Scott exclaimed. He gazed imploringly into Stiles’ eyes. “There’s no such thing as needing sense when it comes to dating you.”
“I am truly sickened,” Boyd said, but he tapped Scott on the shoulder, and Scott took it as tacit approval.
“I revise my opinion,” Erica said. “You’re clearly nonsense.”
“Whatever kinky stuff you two wanna get up to is fine by me, just don’t do it in my gym, got it Mccallinski?” Coach yelled in the middle of Econ. Scott laughed as Stiles went bright red.
“Lydia, you’re not gonna text Jackson about this, are you?” Danny asked, leaning over the aisle.
“Already done, sorry,” Lydia said, phone in hand. She didn’t sound very sorry.
Scott tilted his head at Danny, quirked an eyebrow.
“I owe Jackson $450 because you two assholes figured it out before graduation,” Danny miseries, shaking his head and pulling up Venmo. “Couldn’t’ve waited. Or kept it among yourselves. Jerks.”
Lydia shrugged a shoulder when they later told her their fake plan of fake dating. “Anyone with rudimentary mathematical understanding will be able to predict where this is going,” she said. “And I’m hardly telling Jackson now that he owes me $1000.”
“I don’t care,” Derek said, emphatically.
Ten minutes later he narrowed his eyes at Stiles and angrily whispered, “If you hurt Scott, you’ll pay. I don’t care if you think this is all a game. I will seek retribution.”
Stiles sputtered. “What if Scott hurts me?”
Derek rolled one shoulder. “What’ll be will be.”
“Liars,” Malia said, the second after Stiles told her he and Scott were a pretend couple. “You’ve been boning for months.”
“We have… what?! No! Boning? That’s preposterous! That is not… I haven’t even seen Scott’s boner!” Stiles tried, indignant. He gave up after one long Malia-strength stare. “How the hell do you know?”
“You both have a sex glow, you smell like each other all the time, you get all gooey looking at each other when you think no one’s paying attention, and you’re always arriving to school precisely six minutes apart from each other because you drop Scott off down the end of the road every morning you sleep together,” Malia checked off, one by one.
“We should just keep dating,” Stiles said, later that night, his legs tangled up with Scott’s. “The reactions were mostly positive, though Derek did give me the shovel talk. Which I’m guessing is what you were testing.”
“Yeah, everyone seemed really happy for us, or like they didn’t care even a little bit,” Scott agreed, a wry cast to his frown.
“And you know what? I loved being able to show everyone I love you,” Stiles said, brushing his fingers through Scott’s hair delicately. “Having the world see you’re mine and I’m yours.”
“Yeah, me too,” Scott replied, nudging into Stiles’ touches. “It was so good not having to be careful anymore. To be able to lean against you and hold you and feel your lips on my skin.”
“So it’s official.”
“It always was. It’s now just officially known.”
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raendown · 5 years
Last entry for @madatobiweek already! For the prompt: something kinky.
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 5360 Rated: E Summary: Tobirama takes care of Madara's kinks and Madara indulges Tobirama's. A little give and take is only fair in any relationship.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Even after several years Tobirama still sometimes found it hard to believe that he associated the words ‘going home’ with the sights and sounds of the Uchiha district. Hearing the old lady that lived next door singing through the open window as she started dinner, seeing children playing in the nearby park, nothing worked better to help put him in a calm mood after long days of signing superfluous forms that were bureaucratically necessary yet practically useless.
The only thing that could possibly put him in a better mood would be times like now when he came home to find Madara’s chakra burning quietly inside like a beacon of welcome. Tobirama’s lips parted in a wide smile after checking to make sure no one around was watching him at the moment. What excellent luck. His husband wasn’t supposed to be due back from his trip to Kirigakure for another week.
Not sure whether he was going to find a happy-to-be-home Madara or an exhausted-and-grumpy-from-his-trip Madara but not particularly caring either way, Tobirama threw open the front door of their home and kicked his shoes off with very little care then set a course straight for the source of that beloved chakra. He found his husband in their bedroom standing in front of a mirror hanging on the back of the closet door. No shirt in sight, towel around his waist but long hair still dry, clearly the first thing he planned to do upon arriving home was bathe. Tobirama very much approved.
And just as clearly this was not a relaxed and happy to be home Madara, currently swearing at his own hair brush as he was. Or perhaps it was the hair he was swearing at.
“Fucking useless rat’s nest! Messy bush! Work with me here!” His brush caught on another tangle and he winced before releasing a fresh wave of curse words that would have made a sailor blush. Tobirama bit his tongue to keep the laughter in and cocked his head to the side, trying to figure out what was off about the picture before him.
It took a minute or so to realize that Madara’s hair, already big at the best of times, was somehow even more voluminous than usual. He made it only one step closer before his lover spotted him in the mirror but by then Tobirama was close enough to see what the problem was: kinks. As though it had been separated in to a million different tiny braids, Madara’s hair was thick with tight little kinks. It looked like he’d gotten a perm while he was away except Tobirama was well aware that there were very few people the man allowed to get near his hair.
“Having difficulties, love?” He’d brought a few papers home with him to work on since he’d expected to spend his evening alone but now he set them aside without another thought, approaching his husband instead and not bothering with a proper greeting.
“Whoever invented humidity can just…just…die!” Clearly greetings were beyond Madara at the moment, annoyed as the man was. He yanked on his brush one more time and then abandoned it to hang where it had gotten stuck.
“I don’t suppose you’d like some help?” Tobirama offered. He laughed at the puppy eyes that watched him sadly in the mirror. “I’ll take that as a yes. Come over here, then.”
Madara docilely allowed himself to be led over to sit on the end of their bed where Tobirama settled behind him and began to slowly work the brush free of the hair tangled around its bristles. It was hardly the first time he’d had to play emergency hairdresser, though he couldn’t remember a time when he’d seen anything quite like this, coarse black locks twisted and crimped almost beyond recognition until Madara’s head was nearly twice the size it should have been. Upon closer inspection he revisited the idea of multiple tiny braids. He couldn’t think of anything else that would cause this, no matter how much his partner grumbled about humidity. Perhaps the poor idiot had thought braids would control the mess when he got in to a humid area and his hair began to expand around him.
Eventually, as he’d known it would, the gentle touch of familiar hands helped Madara relax enough that he began a quiet recounting of his journey, all the useless little details he would never think to add in the official report. He told Tobirama about the family of rabbits he’d seen making their way through the undergrowth and the lake he’d found perfectly surrounded by pine trees.
“It looked just like a painting,” he murmured as Tobirama finally worked the brush free. “Or at least it looked like something that someone might paint. I don’t know. You’ve always had a better eye for that sort of stuff than me.”
“That does sound lovely. If I might interrupt for a moment, however, I have a question.”
“Oh?” Madara peered warily over one shoulder. He was right to be suspicious and he clearly realized this as soon as he spotted the amused twinkle in Tobirama’s eye.
“If you were going to bathe anyway then why were you trying to brush your hair first? Would it not have been easier to do this after? I did buy you that special conditioner for a reason.” As much as he loved his partner, there was nothing more satisfying in the world than watching Madara splutter indignantly because he’d caught the man doing something ridiculous. Even more fun was knowing that Madara had probably realized halfway through that he was making things more difficult for himself but was simply too stubborn to give up on his chosen course of action.
Patting him on the shoulder, Tobirama hummed as though the spluttering had contained some kind of well-phrased opinion. “I see. Well, now that we’ve tried things your way – and now that I’ve saved your hairbrush from certain doom – what about we try things my way? If you ask very nicely I might wash your hair for you.”
Madara froze. Of the few people allowed near his precious locks, Tobirama was the only one who knew how very much he enjoyed having it played with, how he liked to be pampered. His offer made it a battle between how stubborn the man was feeling and how badly he wanted to have Tobirama wash his hair for him. While he waited Tobirama hefted the brush towards their shared dresser and leaned forward to press himself against Madara’s back, hoping to subtly point out a few other benefits of bathing together.
It seemed his husband got the point. His muscles stiffened with surprise before relaxing back in to the hold, though he did make a point of grumbling under his breath just so it wouldn’t look like he was giving in so easily.
Both of them scrambled off the bed and Madara made a show of stomping ahead to their master bathroom. Tobirama didn’t mind so much. Walking behind gave him a chance to admire that massive cloud of hair one more time before it got washed away. Hopefully he would be able to get the story behind that hilarious mess because he was definitely going to be sharing this memory with Izuna later. Falling in love did not mean he had in any way given up the rights to make fun of Madara behind his back.
While his husband headed to the closet to pull out fresh towels Tobirama got the hot water running, letting the bathtub fill up as he got undressed. The nights he spent alone, whether because of missions or some sort of fiasco at the office, Tobirama usually enjoyed traditional bathing habits. Soaking his body twice was a pleasure he hadn’t been able to enjoy when he lived in the same house as his brother unless he wanted to risk having the idiot crawl in to the tub with him. No matter how old he got Hashirama refused to learn boundaries. On the days when Madara was home, however, they usually preferred to bathe together and that meant bending to his partner’s habit of cutting the time spent bathing in half by washing first and soaking once.
That wasn’t to say there weren’t any advantages to Madara’s method. At least this way there was less time to wait before Tobirama was treated to the sight of that gorgeous body covered in suds, hands sliding obscenely over his own skin like one of the private fantasies Tobirama would never dare to voice out loud. Waiting for the tub to fill up so he could place a cover over the water to keep it warm was difficult when he could see the treat waiting for him across the room.
Finally Tobirama was able to stand up and slip across the bathroom floor to fit himself up against Madara’s back, closing his eyes against the spray of water from the showerhead and using his hands to trace the muscles he already knew by heart. Madara paused in his washing routine to lean in to the touches with a low groan.
“You said you’d wash my hair,” he mumbled petulantly.
“And I will. Can you blame me for wanting to greet my husband properly first?” Keeping his eyes closed, he tilted his head to press a line of kisses across one shoulder and brought a hand up to massage the opposite one, drawing out a moan of pleasure.
“God that feels good. Fuck your kisses, where’s the other hand? I’ve been tense for a week.”
Tobirama waffled indecisively for a moment, unsure if he wanted to take offense to that or not. In the end he decided that starting a fight in the shower would deprive him of holding a naked Madara close in the tub and they had already been apart for too long. He could start all the fights he wanted tomorrow. Right now he was more interested in the way Madara physically melted and had to prop himself up against the wall when Tobirama brought his other hand in to play as requested, massaging sore muscles, digging his thumbs in to every knot he could find until his husband was little more than putty in his hands.
When it finally stopped Madara was so relaxed he couldn’t even bring himself to protest. All he could do was stand very still and close his eyes as Tobirama reached for the shampoo bottle, pouring out a small amount in one hand to get his own hair out of the way first. Once that was done he ran a bar of soap around his body once, only giving a proper amount of attention to under his arms and between his legs.
After his own body had been taken care of he was free to reach for the shampoo again and gently shuffle Madara out from underneath the spray. He started at the bottom of that incredible mass of hair, lathering the shampoo in and making sure to work it all the way through before moving slowly upwards until finally he was scraping his nails along Madara’s scalp and smirking at the sounds he was drawing out. The whine when he stopped to reach up for the water almost made him chuckle out loud but he managed to control himself, not wanting to break the moment. He mumbled out a warning before pulling the shower head down and using his other hand to help rinse the suds away.
Then it was time for the conditioner. Very expensive and delicately scented, Tobirama came across it in Uzushio where it was considered traditional to cut one’s hair only after being defeated in battle. Considering their renowned sealing skills, it was unsurprising that most people there sported very long hair, nor that they were careful to maintain it. Although it cost a great deal of money to have so much conditioner imported from so far away it was definitely worth it. Tobirama could already feel the difference by the time he had worked it through half of Madara’s incorrigible mane.
He could also feel interest stirring in his lower region no matter how hard he tried to tell himself just to wait a little longer. Nothing was going to happen while his fingers were busy detangling the mess in front of him. Still, his body wasn’t interested in excuses. By the time he was once again dragging his fingernails along Madara’s scalp he was hard as a rock from standing so close and yet so far from all that wet naked skin and listening to the soft shameless moans as Madara enjoyed his turn being pampered.
Tobirama held back while he rinsed all the conditioner out but controlling himself was a lot more difficult when Madara finally turned around to face him, his eyes drooping and glassy, reaching up to pull him in for a kiss. Their bodies pressed together and Tobirama twitched, muffling the noise that tried to slip out at the unintentional friction. Whether it was his reaction or the fact that something hard was poking him in the belly Madara finally seemed to clue in that the mood in the room had shifted. The lazy pleasure in his expression stayed but the fog cleared from his eyes as he slowly tilted his head down to glance between them.
“I assume that’s for me,” he said. Tobirama paused.
“Well it certainly isn’t for anyone else.”
“That sounded really stupid, didn’t it?” Madara asked. Instead of agreeing Tobirama pulled him in for another kiss, drawing it out until they were both reluctant to part.
After clearing his throat roughly he managed to say, “I can ignore it if you’re tired from your trip.”
Madara snorted as if the very suggestion that he was too tired for sex was an insult. With his eyes still locked on the prize standing at attention between them he brought his hands up to trace the shapes of Tobirama’s biceps, shuffling the both of them backwards until his back was up against the wall and Tobirama stood directly underneath the spray of water.
“Have I ever left you wanting?” If he wasn’t already hard the confidence in his partner’s tone would have had Tobirama rising at lightning speed.
“Not yet,” he agreed. “Does this mean…”
“That I’m finally giving in? Yes.”
“Have I told you yet today that I love you? Because I do.”
Blinding reaching out for the soap, Madara rolled his eyes. “No, you love that I keeping indulging you in all your weird little fantasies. I just don’t get what the draw is for shower sex.”
Tobirama paused, stepped back, and deliberately ran his gaze up the length of Madara’s naked body. When he reach the man’s eyes again he smirked at the blush his attentions had earned him. It was always nice to be able to make his point without even having to say a word.
Not wanting to stay separated for long in case Madara changed his mind, he was quick to close the distance between them again. The two of them had been together for enough years that he knew exactly what to do to get his partner in to the mood as well. All it took was a suggestive smile and both hands tracing down the man’s sides to then slip around and take a firm grip on that magnificent ass. Nothing got Madara in the mood faster than having his ass grabbed; the man called him kinky but Tobirama wasn’t the one who got hard in the office after one pat to the bottom.
It did work to his advantage right now though so he refrained from any teasing as Madara pulled him down for a slow kiss. Yearning for a little friction to take the edge off, Tobirama rotated his hips in lazy circles to grind himself up against the other man’s belly. Under the sweet torture of wandering hands groping a muscle here or pinching a nipple there Madara was quick to harden as well and Tobirama was quicker to grin with satisfaction.
Gathering the strength to stop was hard but eventually he managed, slipping the bar of soap out from Madara’s now lax grip and slowly lowering himself to his knees at the same time. His tongue tasted nothing but clean skin and water when he leaned in to encourage his partner’s legs apart with kisses and gentle nips. Thick fingers braced themselves with a tight grip on his hair but Tobirama ignored them, rolling the bar of soap back and forth until he had a palm full of suds then reaching up to trace the seam of Madara’s ass. Now probably wasn’t the time to mention it but later he was definitely going to smugly ask how his partner had known that their soap was safe for such activities when he was usually such a stickler for using proper lubrication.
The first finger slid in easily, drawing out a soft noise. When their position made it difficult for Tobirama to push in as deeply as he should have been able to Madara lifted one leg to drape over his shoulder without being asked. The new stance left him much more open and his soft noises became open groans of appreciation when Tobirama added a second finger and curled them both in search of Madara’s prostate.
Watching one of the strongest men in several generations grind down in to the pleasure he was giving never failed to make Tobirama feel powerful, like he could bring the world itself down to its knees with just a few careful touches. Perhaps it was lucky for the rest of the world that he was only interested in ducking his head to lap at the hard length bobbing in time with the rocking of Madara’s hips. Salt teased his tongue as he drew the head in to his mouth, pre-come already gathering, a welcome little treat as he began to slide forward and back in time with the fingers sliding in and out of Madara’s entrance.  It only seemed polite for him to reward Madara for finally indulging him in a fantasy he’d been rejecting for so long.
After another couple minutes of teasing Tobirama reached down with his free hand to lather the soap again, removing his other hand to transfer it over and then slowly entering Madara’s hole with three fingers this time. He waited for the shudder that indicated his partner was feeling the stretch to open his jaw a little wider and take as much cock in to his mouth as he could. If he could have smirked around all that hard flesh he would have when Madara’s knee nearly buckled under the dual stimulation.
“Damn it,” he cursed. “Fu- aaahh fuck! Hurry up! You always – nngg! – take so much time with this!” With his head thrown back Madara’s words almost seemed to be addressed to the ceiling. It would hardly be the first time he yelled aimlessly at the gods.
Tobirama hallowed his cheeks with suction as he slowly pulled away, letting the cock fall from his lips and watching as it bobbed back up at full attention.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt you,” he purred.
“You won’t! Just – guhn. Get up here and get in me.” Madara’s hand clenched in his hair and Tobirama bit his lip.
“Since you asked so nicely.”
He slid the twitching leg off his shoulder and stood up with the soap in one hand, the other held under the shower spray to gather a bit of water so he could work up a lather one more time. Once he had enough bubbles on his hand he set the soap aside and reached down between his own legs to coat his neglected erection with lather.
Once again moving without being asked to, Madara turned to face the wall as soon as he had both legs underneath himself, bracing against the tile with both hands and letting his head hang down.  Tobirama stepped up close behind him and dropped his forehead against the back of his partner’s head, breathing in the comforting smell of his freshly cleaned hair. Then he lined himself up and pressed teasingly against the eager entrance waiting for him but not slipping inside just yet. Madara snarled and bucked, trying without words to get him to hurry up.  
“Patience, love,” he said quietly.
Shifting his weight a little, he pressed forward again with gentle rolls of his hips until finally the head slipped in and both of them sighed with a gentle sort of relief, happy to be together like this again after so long apart. For a few seconds Tobirama kept still just to enjoy the feeling of being inside his husband but it didn’t last long. Soon he was pulling out and tilting his head back to feel the shower water on his face as he pushed forward to fill Madara once again.
Though he hadn’t exactly had a multitude of partners before they got together, Tobirama could say with confidence that there was no other feeling he had ever experienced quite like being buried deep within the man he held in his arms at that moment, bare skin pressed flush together while he worked himself in and out of that tight passage gripped him like a vice. Maybe it was the fact that there would always be genuine emotions between the two of them even when they acted little better than animals rutting together in heat. Or maybe Madara was just the best fuck he’d ever had. Whichever one it was, Tobirama was hardly surprised to find himself drunk on the feeling after less than a minute, bending his neck to catch an unsuspecting ear between his teeth.
Feeling the spray cascading over his skin in waves as he rocked back and forth only added to the incredible sensations blotting out the rest of the world. Shower sex was every bit as amazing as he’d always thought it would be, even if he did have to reach over and grab the soap again a couple of minutes later when he realized he was running out of suds to act as lubrication. Really they shouldn’t be using soap, he should have been smart enough to grab the actual lube just to be safe, but Madara had yet to complain of any unwanted drag and there was no way he was stopping now.
Promising himself that he would never be so irresponsible again, knowing that he probably would anyway, Tobirama nibbled his way down an arched neck and latched on the top of Madara’s shoulder to suck a light hickey on to pale skin.
“God, fuck, I need–” Madara whined low in his throat and then finally choked out, “Deeper?”
“Can you spread your legs for me a little more? Like that, yeah.” Tobirama’s eyes rolled back in his head as he slid just that one half inch deeper and felt Madara contract around him.
“Ah! Yes! Ri-right there!” More helpless pleas tried to slip out but Madara bit his lip, muffling them until the syllables built up behind his teeth and spilled out as helpless moans each time the new angle allowed Tobirama to impact his prostate dead on.
Damp skin making lewd noises with every meeting of their hips, water spraying out in all directions with his erratic movements, Tobirama distantly thought that it was ironic they should have their messiest sex here in the bathroom where they were meant to be cleaning themselves. His rhythm sped up just slightly when he felt that telltale gathering of tension and realized he was fast approaching orgasm. And if he was close then Madara definitely had to be after being the only one to benefit from a little foreplay.
Unclenching his fingers from the hips in his grasp was difficult. Tobirama had always been a fan of Madara’s hips and it was one of his favorite simple pleasures to hold them between his hands to guide his own thrusts. He managed only because he loved his partner and he knew just how much of a kink Madara had for being fucked through his orgasm. The heavy shudder he got for his troubles when he reached down in front of the other man to take Madara’s cock in hand was reward enough on its own for sacrificing his own small desires.
Both of them gasped in time with the fist stroking gently along Madara’s length, a perfect counterpoint to the way his hips couldn’t seem to remember their rhythm anymore. Tobirama pressed himself closer to the body in front of him until they were both pushing in to the wall, barely enough space left for his hand to desperately chase the end he could already feel coming.
Madara felt over the edge first, crying out once and writhing under the body pining him to the shower wall. His muscles clenched and his jaw fell open once again to let slip a litany of curse words liberally sprinkled with mewls and whines, softly begging Tobirama not to stop yet.
He got his wish for maybe a dozen more thrusts until Tobirama’s own pleasure crested and he went still with one final snap of his hips, burying himself as deep as he could to ride out the wave. It wasn’t until his eyes fluttered open after several minutes that he realized his limbs were all trembling as though he’d been training for the whole day without rest. Tobirama smiled tiredly to himself; it had been a long time since he’d worked himself up to such an intense orgasm. From the way Madara lay all but melted against the wall in front of himself it seemed that he was in much the same state.
Pulling away earned him a weak growl that would have made him laugh if he still had the energy. Unfortunately all his energy went in to fetching a washcloth so he could help Madara clean himself again before encouraging both of them towards the much needed hot water awaiting them.
Slipping in to the steaming bathtub and laying back with Madara’s weight settling on top of him was nothing short of heavenly. Tobirama groaned and rested his head against the lip of the tub, arms circling his husband’s waist to pull him in tight and keep them close. His eyes fell closed to take a deep breath. The entire room was filled with an interesting mix of sex and soap, not a combination he expected to work so well together but definitely enough to have him contemplating another round right here in the bathtub. He decided against it only because the very thought of moving right then had every muscle in his body screaming out in protest.
A low groan from somewhere around his chest made him look down and he smiled to see that Madara’s eyes were closed, his face lax, and without Tobirama’s arms holding him up he likely would have slid right under the steaming water.
“We’re both going to be nothing but giant prunes by the time we get out,” his husband grumbled. Tobirama pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“Don’t worry. I think you’ll make a very sexy prune.”
“Never ever say that again.”
“Why ever not?” Tobirama asked, smirking at the way Madara’s nose scrunched up with distaste.
He was only mildly surprised to get no answer. Clearly Madara was more tired than he’d known if the man didn’t even have the energy to argue. Such a thing had only occurred a mere handful of times since they first moved in together and each time he found himself more amused than worried. Madara was a grown man, he knew his limits and pride be damned he knew when he had crossed the point of needing to ask for help. A little exhaustion hadn’t killed either of them yet.
Unfortunately Tobirama couldn’t afford to let his own body give out just yet. He did allow himself a proper soak before moving because there was no way he would deny himself such a treat but he used that time to gather energy enough to wrestle Madara in to sitting up. Only when he was sure his legs wouldn’t fold underneath him did he feel around with his toes and pull out the plug.
Emptying the tub was really the only way he would convince Madara to get out; fighting about it before hand would be wasted effort.
Ignoring the grumbles that he honestly sort of agreed with, Tobirama made them both stand up and watched with a smile as Madara tottered across the room to where he’d left the towels somewhere out of the splash zone. He accepted one for himself and gave his own body a cursory pat down before helping to squeeze out as much moisture as possible from Madara’s long hair. On a day when they were both awake and energized this task was usually more akin to wrestling a particularly squirmy child since Madara was always caught halfway between the soothing calm of having fingers in his hair and the frenetic energy of arousal from the same thing.
Right now all he did was sit still as Tobirama popped out to fetch the brush he had rescued earlier and set about the task that had led to all of their activities that night: brushing Madara’s hair. With the conditioner smoothing the way it wasn’t nearly as terrible a task as it had been when the locks were dry and bushy. Despite that it still took the better part of twenty minutes just for Tobirama to work out the worst knots and separate it all in to three mostly smooth sections.
“Are you braiding it?” Madara asked in a sleepy voice, all but nodding off on his stool.
“Of course I am. Going to bed with wet hair? You’ll soak the whole bed. At least this way you’re only going to soak your own side so I don’t have to sleep in wet blankets.” Tobirama snorted at his partner’s gentle huff.
“Fucking braids,” was all he managed to say but Tobirama was intrigued. Tomorrow he would definitely work on getting the full story of what exactly happened to the man’s hair.
Stepping back to admire his work, he announced, “All done. Bed time.”
“Finally,” Madara breathed.
Despite his exclamation of relief he didn’t seem capable of getting up on his own just then. Tobirama had to help him off the stool and the two of them propped themselves up against each other’s shoulders as they wandered out in to the next room and crashed down on the bed, wriggling their legs until one of them caught the blanket and kicked it upwards.
Madara snuffled adorably as he shoved and pushed until Tobirama rolled over so he could curl himself in behind the younger man, his rightful place in bed as he called it, always the big spoon no matter that he would never be the taller man. Since it saved him the trouble of sleeping with mouthfuls of hair Tobirama had never bothered to complain. He was doubly grateful tonight not to sleep with his face pressed against that still damp braid, his own short hair already mostly dry.
Silence settled over them like an extra blanket and Tobirama was halfway to some much needed sleep when a quiet voice murmured against the base of his neck.
“Missed you,” he heard Madara admit quietly. He lips stretched in a gentle smile and he squeezed the hand wrapped around to grope loosely at his chest.
“And I you. Now sleep; it seems as though you’ve earned it.”
No response came but the even breathing against his skin that told him Madara had probably fallen asleep before he was even done talking. And that was fine, really. Tobirama closed his eyes again and shuffled back a little closer to the man behind him, holding on tightly to the hand in his grasp as he reached for dreams of his own.
“Welcome home.”
18 notes · View notes
thejokersenigma · 6 years
Loki x Reader - Oneshot - If Only [SMUT]
Ok guys, finally I’ve finished this (been editing it for hours now!) I’ve based this on a request by the lovely @spider-piggyxo  (who I can’t tag for some reason). But I’ve also added a little twist of my own because I’m a cruel creature. :P ;)
Request: Hey! So I saw you take request. Could you write a one shot between Loki x female reader where the reader is crying Because she and her partner split up so loki comforts her and admits that he’s in love with her and they end up having kinky sex where he makes her beg for it then it ends in cute cuddles and fluff? If you write this please tag me!(: Thanks! 
Hope you enjoy it! Only the third smut I’ve done, so I’m still leaning, but I hope its not too terrible!
WARNING: Smut! Duh! Please don’t read if your under-aged!
Loki stared coldly out at the city beyond the balcony’s glass railing, his arms crossed behind his back as he surveyed the rooftops and rushing car lights.
It seemed an understatement to say that he truly loathed this planet.
Besides being held here against his will by his own brother as a punishment, the almost barbaric world with its similarly uncivilised occupants, offered little to Loki in the way of interest or entertainment except for one thing in particular. One thing that he wanted – that he needed – and was then forced to watch as it was taken away from him.
The skin over Loki’s knuckles stretched even paler than usual as his hands gripped one another in aggravated frustration. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door closing in the room behind him, his jaw also clenching in annoyance now at the thought of an unwanted interruption to his own self-pitying. He feared it would be his brother seeking him, out of the apparent goodness of his heart, in an attempt to engage him in some form of small talk-like interaction before he would finally broach the subject of Loki’s foul mood.
Loki, however, had no intention of confiding anything to his brother, especially not in matters of his feelings or frustrations of the heart. He would gain nothing from it, he was certain, and would never hear the end of it from his irksome brother.
Yet that was what was troubling him, his damn heart was overpowering his head, and as a man of brains and logic, it was very disturbing.
As a smart man, it should be clear to him that [Y/N] [L/N] was a Midgardian, not an Asgardian, and, due to that alone, she was not a suitable partner for him. It should be clear to him that he had berated Thor for a similar attachment of the emotions to a human only a few years earlier. It should be clear to him that love – if it could be argued to exist – was a weakness and something he – Loki - could not afford.
And it should be clear to him that, even if all that didn’t matter, [Y/N] [L/N] was already taken – that her soft skin, her shy blushes, her flirtatious smirks, her gentles touches and witty, teasing comments… They would never be his…
“Loki?” As if thinking your name had somehow summoned you, Loki now dropped his hands in surprise, turning slowly to find you now stood in the doorway to the balcony, watching him with a confused, concerned frown. You sniffed, “What are you – why are you still out here?”
“What time is it?” He asked instead of answering your question.
“It’s uh –“ You glanced down at your watch, though barely - as though it was just a habit and you in fact already knew what the time was, “it’s only nine,” You admitted, lifting your head again, “but I – uh – I thought you’d have already retired to your books by now.” You confessed, stepping out onto the balcony, the cold breeze immediately whipping across the ledge and pulling at your hair and the looser parts of your dress.
You looked even more beautiful than usual, Loki couldn’t help noticing, your hair styled for once rather than its usual, more practical look and your makeup somehow enhancing the flecks of colour in your eyes, drawing his gaze, and he noticed how they seemed red and maybe slightly puffy.
Like you’d been crying.
You wrapped your arms around your chest now against the chill in the air, ducking your head and glancing away as though in an attempt to shield your face from Loki’s scrutinising, but you couldn’t help the necessity to sniff again, unfolding one of your cold hands to quickly brush at your cheek.
“You are back early…” Loki observed carefully, watching you intently.
You cleared your throat. “I – I saw no reason to hang around.” You confessed thickly. It was clear you were still attempting to try and maintain some form of dignity in front of Loki but failing when your own tears now quickly overwhelm you.
You screwed her eyes closed in an attempt to stop them, turning away fully now, but a few managed to escape from the corner of your eyes and soon you couldn’t help it any longer, giving up and allowing the rest to tumble down your cheeks unhindered.
Immediately Loki was in front of you again, his hands grabbing your upper arms to stop you turning away from him, though you refused to look at him as his eyes flickered over your face and body, conducting a survey of damage as he held you at arm’s length. “Tell me what happened.” He demanded urgently, his voice almost a growl.
You silently shook your head as the tears continued to run from your eyes. “It’s over.” You finally managed, fighting against your own sobs. “I – I – I wasn’t,” You choked out, still shaking your head incessantly, “I wasn’t enough…” You mumbled, then suddenly seemed to sag forward, dropping your head against Loki’s chest, much to his surprise, ignoring his attempt to keep you at a safe distance from him. He blinked in astonishment for a moment, feeling your strength crumbling beneath his grip, before he finally released your arms, allowing you to now fall completely against him. He let his arms wrap around you now instead, holding you against him as you sobbed nosily into his loose shirt.  
“[Y/N],” He murmured down to you, his lips skimming your hair lightly, “I assure you, you are far more than enough.” He promised, breathing you in. “And I am sorry this has happened.”
“S’not your fault.” You dismissed thickly into his chest, then suddenly seemed to remember yourself, pulling away and keeping you head down to hide your puffy eyes, wiping quickly and rather ineffectively at your cheeks and nose. “I – I ‘m sorry, I – uh - I didn’t mean to - “ You mumbled embarrassedly, gesturing vaguely at yourself then at Loki and the darkened patch on his shirt where the material was saturated with your tears. “I – I really didn’t think anyone would still be up here,” You croaked in explanation, “– J-Jarvis said everyone had gone out…”
“Yes, well, I’m hardly classed as ‘everyone’…” Loki observed bitterly.
You frowned at this, seeming to forget your own distress for a brief moment. “That’s not fair and they all know it!” You protested with a scowl, I – I’ll speak with Stark.” You growled, squaring your shoulders, as though you were about to march up to him right now, forgetting your red eyes and smeared makeup.
“As the technology told you, the metal man is currently out for the night.” Loki reminded you with an amused twist of his lips. “My concern is not, and never has been, on being included in my brother’s friendship groups.” He muttered, “Right now, I am more concerned about you - you are not hurt, are you?” He frowned, his eyes roaming over you again.
“No, of course not.” You scowled weakly, batting your hand in the air to stop his scan of you. “You know he wasn’t like that, Loki.” You reprimanded lightly with a scowl.
“One can never be too careful…” He muttered in defence - he never wanted you hurt, but he wouldn’t have minded an excuse to pay the kid a visit.
Not that he really needed an excuse.
“Look can we not – can we just not talk about it?” You now asked desperately. “I just - I just think I need to sit down and take my mind off it.”
Loki nodded at this. “A drink?” He offered as he now placed a light hand on your back to steer around.
“Sounds perfect.” You nodded with a sniff, letting him lead you back inside.
Loki headed to the bar on the other side of the room, pouring two glasses of Stark’s premium collection, before then moving to where you had fallen onto one of the sofas. You thanked him as he handed you a glass, then he went to take a nearby armchair. “Wait.” Loki faltered, glancing back at you with a raised eyebrow, making you turn slightly red, “Look, you – uh – you have every right to tell me to shove off an all, but… I – uh – I could really use with someone right now and – well you’re the only one here…” You admitted with a shrug and Loki raised his eyebrow even further at this particular compliment - though you didn’t see, your head down as you mumbled - “And, if I’m completely honest, you’re also the only person I want right now…”
Loki’s eyebrow dropped in surprise at this and you kept your head down, thoroughly embarrassed by your confession. “I – I just – I mean – I – could you – could you just sit with me?” You stuttered, gesturing at the cushion next to you.
Loki hesitated at the request. He had been trying to avoid being alone with you for as long as he could remember now – ever since he’d found out about him. When he couldn’t – or shouldn’t – do anything. But now you weren’t.
It still struck him as a bad idea – you were in a vulnerable place right now and he knew he’d had a list of reasons, other than you being with another man, to not involve himself with you... But in that moment, none of them seemed the slightest bit important.
Loki kept his face impassive as he now sat down beside you, even though he could already feel the warmth radiating off your skin and the scent of you still clinging tortuously to his clothes. He was painfully aware of how temptingly close you were again now, and ensured he kept himself to the very edge of the sofa, sat too upright and every muscle tense.
“Look, I – uh – I know you like your personal space…” You now muttered awkwardly, mistaking his discomfort, “But I –“ You stopped, chewing your lip anxiously, clearly unsure how to broach the question and shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
“Not when you are concerned.” Loki assured you quietly, noticing your struggles and already catching sight of the fresh wave of tears welling in your eyes. “I would consider it no less than my duty.” Loki murmured gently, and you glanced up in surprise before giving him a weak, almost strangled smile, the pain that flashed in your eyes placing a similar constriction on his heart.
Had he said something wrong?
You nodded soberly at this, but nevertheless shuffled closer, gently leaning into Loki until you laid against his chest again. Loki hesitated for a moment, but then cautiously laid an arm around you. “I am sorry,” You mumbled into him.
“There is no apology necessary.” Loki stated indifferently, “You have been hurt - I am only too aware that physical pain is often preferential to mental pain – especially when the heart is involved.”
You lifted your head slightly, “You’ve felt like this before?” You sniffed in surprise.
Loki wanted to deny it but couldn’t see the point. “Yes.” He said with a single small nod.
“A-And you got through it? How?” You croaked desperately.
“I haven’t...” Loki confessed honestly. “Not really.” He glanced away from you, “I do not believe a heart can mend,” He explained, “much like any other anatomical tissue, the new is always weaker than before and there is nearly always the scar of the memory…” He murmured quietly.
“That’s… almost beautiful.” You mumbled, having been staring up at him as he spoke. “Can you tell me about her?” You asked, and Loki glanced down at her in surprise at the request. “You don’t have to,” You backtracked quickly, “…if it still hurts.”
“No, I – I am capable.” He assured you, glancing away again and pausing in thought for a moment before he spoke again. “She was – is –“ He corrected, “beautiful. She can see through my illusions and never backs down at the cruel remarks that I never mean…” He mumbled. “She calls me out when I become detached and uncaring… Can pull the real me back... She fascinates me and no care for traditions or reasonable thoughts can stop me loving her…” He turned back to you now where you had lowered yourself back onto his chest as you’d listened, your eyes on your hand that you’d rested on his waist. “But then she fell in love with someone else.” He murmured down at you.
“Did you know if she loved you, though?” You asked quietly below him, and he thought he heard your voice crack slightly. You were intelligent – another reason to love you – and you must have suspected something. “I don’t know.” Loki admitted truthfully. You pulled back once more to finally look Loki in face again. You were so close he could smell the alcohol on your breath. “But I had hope.” He confessed. “I always have hope.” He murmured, his eyes flickering between your eyes and your slightly parted lips.
Then suddenly you had lunged forward and captured his lips, closing your eyes as you poured your passion and desire into it. It took Loki by surprise for only a moment before he was eagerly returning the kiss he had been starving for, your hand’s coming up to cup his cheeks as Loki pulled you in closer with the arm around you, his other hand going to your hip.
He pulled back briefly, both of you already gasping for air. “Don’t tease me,” He growled dangerously at you, “Because I won’t stop.” He warned.
“I’m not.” You gasped, “I want it.” You insisted, “I want you.” Loki growled in response to this, now pulling you up and over him so you straddled his lap, then tugged you back down to him almost desperately.
Both your hands went back to his face again now, holding him against your lips even though he could think of nothing that would have made him pull away. Content that Loki wasn’t about to break the kiss again, you allowed your fingers to slide up until they entangled in his hair, Loki’s own hands stroking down your back slowly till they found your ass. You moaned into his mouth, rocking forward against him and Loki could feel the bulge in his pants reacting to this pressure alone.
He growled at your teasing, squeezing his grip on your cheeks till you squeaked and giggled against his lips. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, my love.” He muttered against you.
You pulled back, a devilish twinkle in your eyes as you knelt above him, cupping his cheek with one hand again and tipping his head back. “Oh, I fully intend to make good on it.” You grinned before kissing him hungrily once more. Loki wasn’t letting you take the control though, breaking the kiss again and taking advantage of your heightened position to kiss and nip your throat and collarbone making you moan and bite your lip again, your hands slipping to his shoulders where they gripped tightly in an attempt to keep yourself upright.
Loki grinned against your skin, moving one hand to the small of your back before turning and pushing you back onto the sofa so you were laid out before him. You grinned up at him eagerly from the cushions and Loki knew he probably should have paused then and considered that this was all a big mistake, that you were feeling sad and lonely and were making a rash, reckless decision…
But in that moment, he really didn’t care – he was getting what he had been craving for so long and he’d never hurt you – he loved you and perhaps you loved him.
Or could.
His decision seemed made for him when you now wrapped your arms around his back, pulling him down on top of you. Loki grinned, planting his hands either side of your head as he leant down to your lips again.
Your hands slipped round his side, feeling his muscles tense under your strokes, before your fingers trailed down his stomach the front of his trousers.
He growled against you again, “So eager, aren’t we?” He asked as he pulled back, catching your hands. You whined eagerly, and Loki smirked dangerously at how excited you already were. “Maybe you need to learn some patience…” He teased, slowly moving your arms up and over your head as he leant in close to your face, his breath brushing distractingly against your mouth.
You parted your lips to breathe him in, the scent going straight to your head and you closed your eyes at the bliss, wanting more. “Please.” You whimpered.
“Not yet, my love.” He growled casting a simple locking charm to keep your hands in place above you before slipping down your body, his hands gripping the edge of your dress and easing it up your thighs. You struggled weakly with your restraints, helping him shimmy the material up your body, somehow managing to pass the sleeves over your hands though they remained locked in place by the invisible restraints.
Before you could truly comprehend you were now left only in your underwear, Loki had tossed the dress away and grabbed your ankles, pulling you now to the edge of the sofa and kneeling before you. He bowed to your ankle, placing a feather-light kiss on the sensitive skin, chilling his breath as he blew along the skin of your legs, crawling back up your body. You squirmed under the sensation, moans muffled as she bit down hard in the inside of your lip.
Loki paused at the top of your thighs, so you opened your eyes in confusion, glancing down your body at where he had paused, your eyes locking with his heated gaze. Without looking away, Loki lowered his face to where only your panties remained, blowing cold air on the damp material that covered your heat.
You couldn’t help it, unable to hold back the moan this time, tilting your head back, knowing it was only a tease of what was to come - of what you so desperately wanted. “Loki.” You panted, pushing your hips towards him, though he simply pulled away slightly, denying you his mouth on the area. “Stop.” You managed to hiss through her teeth
“What is exactly that you’d like me to stop…?” Loki asked innocently, his eyes sparking with mischief.
“Stop teasing.” You groaned, still bucking your hips pointlessly. “Please.”
Loki grinned, leaning down to bite the rim of your panties, slowly peeling them down your legs and you couldn’t help squirming where he teeth grazed your skin. Before you knew it, your underwear was gone, and you were exposed to the cold air and Loki’s gaze.
You instinctively went to close your legs, but Loki’s strong hands were already in place, easily holding them open. “I have only dreamt of this sight…” He purred, “Of this taste…” He almost growled, as he lowered himself down. You gasped as his lips met you, your head jerking back and your thighs would have clenched if they could.
Loki was thorough, sucking, rubbing and teasing you, your sweetness better than he had imagined and practically intoxicating. Coupled with your moans it was enough to make him to go painfully hard.
Despite this, he continued his slow torment on you till you were a writhing mess beneath him before he then pulled back, slipping up your body to combine the taste of you with your lips. You groaned at the loss of contact, but welcome his lips again, desperately fighting your restraints above you, wanting to touch him. “Loki – please.” You protested distractedly.
“I am going to remove every scent, every touch, every thought of him.” He promised with a dangerous growl, his hands slipping beneath you to release the clasp of your bra.
“Do it. Please.” You begged, arching your back do he could pull your last piece of underwear off. It took barely any time for him to lose his own clothes, seeming unable – or unwilling – to release your for even a moment before his hands and lips were greedily back on you again.
He turned his attention you your chest now, kneading one breast as he kissed the underside of the other. “As much as I want to spend hours loving every part of your body my dear,” He murmured against the sensitive skin between your breasts, “I cannot stand this much longer.” He confessed, and you watched thoroughly barely opened eyes as he now moved to position himself at your entrance.
You felt him brush against you. “Oh my god.” You moaned, and Loki knew your helpless was killing you just as much as you were loving it.
“Yes.” He gasped, “I am your god,” He growled, unable to wait any longer, “And I am going to prove it…” Without warning he thrust into you. He had wanted to take it low and savour it, but he couldn’t. Not now when he needed you so badly.
You cried out as he forced his way into you, the sensation of you tightening around him enough to make his mind go completely blank for a moment and the spell binding your hand’s failed, freeing you. At first you didn’t realise though, your face screwed up in pain at the size of Loki and the stretch of your walls at his intrusion. Loki faltered slightly, worried he’d gone too far but the minute he stopped, you whined desperately, unable to find words, instead dropping your head back, eyes closed, and frantically grabbing at his back trying to get him to move again. “Loki.” You hissed, and that beg was all he needed.
You clung to him desperately as he thrust unto you again, the pain on your face soon ebbing away to pleasure. You kept your eyes closed as the bliss built within him, and Loki’s hands went to your hips now, pulling you into each of his thrusts before he lifted one of your legs to hook around his waist. You soon followed suit with your other leg, the new angle allowing Loki to plunge deeper inside you. You cried his name out as you clung to him, rocking with his motions, your nails digging into his back as he felt his crescendo building.
You slipped your hands up to his hair again now, yanking his head down in a mixture of pain and pleasure as you captured his mouth one more. The kiss didn’t last long before you both broke away again, gasping for air and leaning your foreheads against each other, gazes locked as Loki continued to pound into you, watching every flicker of pleasure across your features.
You bit down hard on your lip, closing your eyes and he could tell you were as close as he was. “I can’t –“ You managed to gasp out, letting out a silent moan.
“Then don’t.” He growled, capturing your lips one last time as he then felt your entire body tense around him as you came, causing him to do the same, crying out your name in ecstasy.
 Loki woke in bed the next morning, not entirely sure he could remember how he had got there from the sofa. He turned his head to the side to see you curled up in a foetal position next to him, your hand under your cheek and watching his confused expression with your beautiful eyes and an amused smile.
He reached out a hand to stroke your cheek as you, in turn, reached for him.
But he never felt your touch, and his own hand passed straight through your cheek in a glimmer of gold.
Loki felt his heart drop and crack at the same time. His illusions lacked any density without his dreams and your whole image now wavered in front of him. You continued to smile that - almost cruel now – smirk as you flickered and faded before Loki’s eyes, soon leaving him completely alone in the bed with nothing but a damp patch next to him and the heavy aching heart that came with reality.
Tags for Everything: @thatwriterizzy @arkhamsurviour @beautifulbows924 @sheldonsherlocktony @angelicshinigami @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @jemjem-chan @minahraven @wanna-see-my-lease
Tags for Loki: @drakesfiance @ruffdog921 @vanyali07 @frostymoon11 @hakuoyuki @imagine-that-100 @lexiiiii28​
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youleftme-clarke · 6 years
I’ll Give You That
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: The 100 (TV) Relationship: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Fluff and Smut Shameless Smut First Time Friends to Lovers Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Roommates Cunnilingus Vaginal Fingering Dirty Talk Praise Kink Words: 6,726
a/n: when i die and reach the gates of heaven, this fic will be cited as the reason I don’t get in.
Summary: Clarke wants to know what sex is like. Bellamy offers to show her. Feelings happen.I'm bad at summaries but this is super soft/mildly praise-kinky Bellarke PWP. The dirty talk is very real. It's also the filthiest thing I've ever written, so there's that.
She turns to face him once she’s inside her room, and he has to pause to take in his surroundings. Her lights are off, the room aglow in soft yellow light from the strings of fairy lights she has on her headboard and all over her bookcases and desk. It’s almost… romantic. “So, how do you want to--” she starts, but isn’t sure how to phrase her question. Bellamy reaches out and runs his fingers down her bare arm. He doesn’t miss how she shivers. “Clarke, just relax, okay?” he twines his fingers through hers. “You want this to be good, right?”
[read on ao3]
Clarke takes a drink of her rum and Coke as Jasper thinks about his question. They’re sitting around the living she shares with Bellamy playing a game of Never Have I Ever as though they’re all a bunch of teenagers and not professional adults in their mid-twenties. It’s Friday night and Clarke and Bellamy’s turn to host game night which always turns into some kind of drinking game early enough in the evening. It’s hardly even nine and Bellamy’s already feeling the steady thrum of alcohol in his veins.
“Never have I ever done molly,” Jasper finally settles on.
Everyone chances a look around the circle, but to their general surprise, it’s Monty that drinks first. “What!” he says defensively. “I was young once!”
“That is the lamest excuse. What happened to being peer pressured into doing drugs like they always told us was going to happen?” Clarke asks, and Bellamy casts his eyes over to her, noticing the light flush that is making its way up her chest as she drinks more.
“People realized that drugs are expensive and stopped giving theirs away for free?” Miller grumbles.
The entire gang has somehow managed to fit into the less than spacious room. Miller and Jackson are lounging on the couch with Raven and Zeke at the other end, Harper sits in Monty’s lap on Bellamy’s armchair, Niylah has Octavia between her legs on the floor so she can braid the brunette’s hair, Clarke’s lounging against the sofa, leaning against Miller’s legs while Jasper and Maya rest with their backs to the half-wall separating the living room from the kitchen. Bellamy’s against the opposite end of the couch from Clarke, knowing how he tends to become more affectionate as he drinks. It’s best to keep his distance.
“Your turn, Reyes,” Jasper prompts.
“Never have I ever slept with a woman,” she says with a grin at her boyfriend.
Bellamy laughs. It wouldn’t be any kind of game night if some part of it didn’t turn sexual. Jackson and Miller whoop and turn to look pointedly to look at Bellamy who rolls his eyes and drinks. A lot. It’s only fair, considering the amount of women he’s slept with. Clarke drinks, along with O and Niylah, Monty, Jasper, and Zeke.
“Let’s go, Clarke,” Raven says. “Hit us with your best shot.”
Clarke stops to think, and Bellamy tries not to stare, but everyone else looks at her expectantly, so he lets his eyes linger just a little longer.
“Never have I ever had sex with penetration,” Clarke says with a quirk of her eyebrow.
Bellamy chokes. The last thing he needs is to imagine Clarke having any kind of sex.
“Griffin!” Raven gasps. “ Any penetration?”
“Nope! I’ve always been, I dunno, too nervous? Finn didn’t care as long as he got off, and Lexa was just always focused on my clit.” She shrugs. “Anyway, everyone drink.” And they do.
“Damn,” Raven says before taking a swig of her beer. “You’re kinda missing out. It’s not all about penetration, but… damn…”
It’s nearly midnight by the time everyone leaves, and the alcohol’s all but made its way out of Bellamy’s system. He grabs the empty bowl of chips and dips from the living room table and brings them in to the kitchen where Clarke is doing the last of the dishes.
“Have fun?” he asks her as he wraps up what’s left of the vegetable tray Raven and Zeke had brought.
“Yeah,” she says with a smile, and damn if it doesn’t made his stomach twist to see her so happy. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
Her brows are drawn together in question and she suddenly looks nervous.
“What’s it like?” she asks quizzically.
“What’s what like?” he asks, drawing a blank.
“You know, like, real sex?”
Bellamy huffs out a laugh. “You’ve had real sex. You tell me.”
“No,” she shakes her head, her lips pursed. “Not like--you know, real sex.”
“Clarke,” he says sternly. “Penetration doesn’t make sex any more or less real.”
She sighs, frustrated. “You know what I’m trying to say.”
And for the first time, he notices the blush creeping its way up her cheeks.
“It’s not…” he searches for the right thing to say, but then she looks at him and bites her lip and the words are out of his mouth before he even stops to think about the implications of what he’s offering. “Did you want me to show you?”
She looks at him and he watches her swallow, look him over as though she’s waiting for him to take it back. When, for some stupid reason or other, he doesn’t, she nods.
“Can I--Can you just give me some time to get ready?” she asks quietly.
“Clarke, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I was just--” he hurries to reassure her, but she cuts him off.
“No, I kinda--I want to. I just need some time. Is that okay?”
She’s so soft and quiet that he wants to just hold her and tell her that she doesn’t need to feel any of the anxiety that she’s feeling, that he’ll take care of her if she wants him to, and if she wants to stop, he’ll stop the second he gets an ounce of hesitation. Instead, he tells her that he’s going to his room and he’ll read a book until she tells him that she’s ready.
“Thanks, Bell. For, you know, for offering, and for being cool about it.”
He swallows and kisses her hair. “Of course. What are friends for?”
He’s hardly read two pages in the entire time it took her to finish tidying the kitchen, shower, and get dressed. He paces his room nervously, because of course he wants this, but there’s no way it means the same thing for him as it does for Clarke. He’s been in love with her for months, and she just wants to experience something because she’s curious. Finally, she pokes her head into his room and he has to face the music.
“Your offer still stands?” she asks, her nerves showing through her easy smile.
“Ready when you are.”
“Do you mind if we do this in my room?” she asks, and she almost sounds clinical about it.
He nods and follows her, trying not to stare at her ass as she makes her way down the hall. She’s wearing cotton pyjama pants with cartoon rabbits on them and a tank top that makes it obvious that she’s not wearing a bra.
She turns to face him once she’s inside her room, and he has to pause to take in his surroundings. Her lights are off, the room aglow in soft yellow light from the strings of fairy lights she has on her headboard and all over her bookcases and desk. It’s almost… romantic.
“So, how do you want to--” she starts, but isn’t sure how to phrase her question.
Bellamy reaches out and runs his fingers down her bare arm. He doesn’t miss how she shivers. “Clarke, just relax, okay?” he twines his fingers through hers. “You want this to be good, right?” As he talks, he walks her back to her bed and crowds into her space when the backs of her thighs hit her mattress. Clarke can only swallow and nod. “You tell me if you change your mind at any point, but I’ve got you, Clarke. Just let me… fuck, let me…”
She saves him from saying anything more, anything he probably shouldn’t say right at this moment by taking his hand and placing it on her hip. His fingers slip under the worn fabric of her tank, and she closes her eyes at the contact. Bellamy’s index teases the waistband of her pants, and he swears she becomes less steady on her feet, swaying towards him.
“Lie down,” he commands softly, brushing the back of his fingers over her stomach.
[read the rest on ao3]
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d-vient · 6 years
                                        Do It For Daddy. / 001
                                                             ( feat. @tarynitdown )
          This both was a good morning for Mira and also... was not. On the bright side, she had maintained her self-control and not gone and whored herself out to the first man that looked appealing, and then attempted to see if he was willing to go kinky (which is how it would have gone if she had not exercised that self-control). On the more... cloudy side of the morning, she had exercised her self-control, gotten drunk last night, and now she was extremely horny, a bit hungover, and standing outside a bar squinting away from the sun. If last night had been hard to keep herself go looking for a man, today would be even harder.
Which was why, when Mira heard the rumbling of a motorcycle behind her, she turned slowly, her eyes taking in that sleek black machine being mounted by an even sexier specimen than the bike. Her hand lifted to her sunglasses, tilting them down so she could get a better look at the way he straddled that bike, imagining that she was the one he was straddling. She was hardly aware of the fact that she was striding towards the man, so caught in her reverie as she was.
"Going somewhere?" she purred, both hands resting on the handles as the leaned forward, plunging v-neck barely covering her assets. "Can I come with?"
          Walking back from an ATM a ways down the street with his phone in hand, Sam had gone through a list of potential contacts, debating on whether or not he should reach out to one before hitting the road. After all, he had just finished a job in the area, and if he could help it, he wanted to keep himself busy for the foreseeable future. Wanted to load himself up with cash before he'd go about with maybe taking a little break to enjoy the finer things life had to offer. However, when no names seemed to strike his particular interests before he'd make it to his bike, he'd decide to figure that out later before straddling onto his ride and revving up the engine.
However, just as he was looking up to check his surroundings and see if it was safe for him to backup, he'd find himself pleasantly surprised when a busty young woman would boldly set her palms of the handles and command his attention. Lifting up his gaze to an eyeful of cleavage, the long-haired male would arch his brows and look for more than a few seconds before even thinking of meeting her gaze. While he missed the first half of her statement, just from perplexion over her assets, he did catch the second half.
Sizing her up once more, a faint smirk would curl up in his lips before he'd reply with a faint chuckle. "Sure thing, sweet cheeks." Gesturing behind him with a slight head tilt, he'd invite her to get on.
          Hearing his reaction to her proposition made the girl smile, and she took a moment to look him up and down—giving him a moment with her cleavage in his face—before she pushed off the handles and walked around to the back of the bike, straddling it as well. Though her initial mount, had put a little space between the two of them, Mira not-so-subtly scooted forward, so that her body was flush against his, and she leaned forward, pressing those large breasts of hers into his back, before wrapping her arms around his chest. She could already tell he was strong from just putting her arms around him, and the discovery had her already grinding slightly against him, rubbing her breasts into him. “I’m ready,” she said in his ear.
          Lowering his hues to openly gaze upon the girl's bust once more as she lingered in her place for a moment, he'd arch his brows a bit as she'd push herself back and make her way around to the back of the bike, and make a point to follow her every step of the way. Glancing over his shoulder as the stranger settled herself behind him, he'd take the opportunity that presented itself for another glance over her features while she scooted herself closer to his bulky figure. Right up to the point where she was brushing up against him. Lowering his gaze as he'd feel her arms wrap around his chest, he'd bite his bottom lip just as the woman leaned in to whisper into his ear. Briefly meeting her gaze, he'd shoot her another smirk before advising, "Better hold on tight."
Then, without further ado, he'd make the engine roar a second time before starting to ease back onto the road. "You got some place you need to be, pretty girl?"
          As if Mira needed an excuse to hold onto the man any more tightly. She wrapped her arms around him more securely, making sure to push her chest against him all the more so. “Is this good enough, Mr. ….?” she asked, seeking a name, or something to call him. Daddy would have been preferred.
She let out a soft gasp as the engine roared again, a smile coming to her lips. “No, I don’t have anywhere to be,” she said in his ear, just over the sound of the bike. “In fact, I was looking for somewhere to go. Something to distract me. This seems like just the thing. If you could help, I’d be grateful. So you can take me anywhere you want.”
          "Sam. Winchester." Sam would say, making another little glance over his shoulder before he'd answer her question. "And yes."
When she'd mention she didn't have anywhere she needed to be, the man would turn his gaze to the street and smirk to himself. Good, he thought. Then, she went on to lean in just enough to add on that she was more than open to being given something to do. You can take me anywhere you want, she said, to which he thought, Oooh. Even better. Chuckling audibly, he'd reiterate her words out loud with a playful inflection. "Anywhere I want, huh?" Biting down on his bottom lip, he'd nod once just as he finished settling into the perfect takeoff position. "Alright."
Then once more, the engine would sound off as Sam pushed on forward in a burst of speed. While he didn't have any particular ideas off the top of his head as to where he would wanna take this broad, he knew without even a shadow of a doubt that he was gonna give her the ride of her life. Especially once he'd find a place to have a little fun.
          "Okay, Mr. Winchester," she said, leaning against him. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She couldn't see him smirking, but she could hear the tone of his voice when he repeated her words, and though she initially smiled, that smile faltered for a moment. Wait, maybe she was giving him the wrong idea. She was trying to distract herself from her more... carnal desires, wasn't she? Then again, this was just harmless flirting. It didn't have to mean more than it actually was.
Having decided that, she smiled again and gave a little gasp of exhilaration when he sped off. She'd been on a motorcycle before, of course, Mira being Mira this wasn't the first time she'd jumped on a strange man's bike. But that didn't make this any less exciting.
          Zipping through the streets at a speed that was a few notches past the designated limits - no matter which road he happened to be going down - Sam kept an eye out for places of interest. Places he could possibly pull over at, places where he could spend a little more... 'quality time' with his new companion. He passed more than a few bars and diners, but opted against those because he wasn't particularly interested in buying her food of some sort. As interesting as she was, his appetite was of a far different nature. Something more lascivious.
It wouldn't be until he found himself coming close to one of the local parks that the metaphorical bulb would light up in his head. Not only was this particular park a convenient place to stop, as it wasn't terribly far from the hotel he was staying at, but there were more than a few options that presented themselves as far as what they could do. Or, more specifically, where they could do things...
Making a pleased sound as he took notice of the park, he kept an eye out for the parking spaces before finding a place to park his bike. Once the vehicle came to a stop, the man would cut off the engine before straightening up and looking over his shoulder with a smile as he'd ask. "Well? How'd you like that?"
          They were going really fast. Mira was torn between giving into the feeling of adrenaline pumping through her veins and giving into quite different feelings that were making her a little wet between her legs as they gripped the bike, in slight fear of falling off. Because Mira found this was actually turning her on. Sam was showing off. It was a display of power, of control, and she liked it.
When they stopped at a park, she inclined an eyebrow. It was a bit serene. Were they going to take a walk now? That was unexpected and a little boring. She was still breathing hard though, chest heaving into his back, and she cleared her expression as he turned around. "That was... amazing," she said. Eyes wandering to the park, a dull curiosity in her eyes. As in, please tell me he doesn't want to go for a romantic stroll in the park.
          Chuckling as he'd rise up from the seat of the bike, Sam would ease himself off and immediately turn his eyes to the other woman, actually getting the first good look at her since he spotted her walking towards him. Damn, he'd think to himself. Damn.
Openly admiring her features with a gradual sweep over her curvy figure, he'd bite his bottom lip before smirking and offering a hand to help her off. A gesture that seemed gentlemanly on the surface... but really, it was more of a transitional move that'd give him the perfect segue to pulling her thick body towards his and allowing him a chance to become more intimately acquainted with her and her assets.
"Come on," he'd say as he offered his hand, seeming friendly and perfectly well-meaning up to the point where she was fully off of the bike. Within the next instant, the grin on his face would take on a more mischievous appearance, and a low hum would escape his being while he'd use this newly established contact to pull her into his grasp. And if that wasn't aggressive or forward enough, he'd immediately follow up with placing one hand just above her thick rear, while the one that had caught hers would trade up to cop a feel of her considerable bust. All the while, he'd utter a much huskier, "Come here."
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          Mira caught him admiring her body, quite openly, she noted. If she had been another type of woman she might have been insulted, but instead it only flattered her. Though she had been bored by the idea of a walk in the park, a hand offered was nice, and she took it gratefully, using it to help her stand.
It was to her surprise, then, when once she was standing, he essentially yanked her into his grasp. “Oh!” she uttered quickly, nearly falling into him. She was hardly able to take her next breath before his hand was on her ass, the other actually groping a breast. “Oh!” she said again. Wide eyes looked into Sam’s with surprise, but not displeasure. In fact, a breathy little sigh of pleasure left her lips a few seconds later. “I-“ she stammered. “I shouldn’t. I’ve been good recently.”
          Growling with lewd approval as he groped her out in broad daylight, the man didn't even look her in the eyes while she expressed shock over his advances. (It seemed she liked the attention anyway, if the lack of resistance was any indication to him.) He'd snicker under his breath as he'd tighten his grip on her breast, shaking the mound some before he'd finally meet the stranger's gaze. When she tried to suggest that they really shouldn't, and that she'd been good recently, Sam would arch his brows as he'd coo with interest. "Recently?"
There was a lot to unpack there... but that was a conversation for another time. For now, he was content with pondering over some of the tickling possibilities in some corner of his mind while he focused more on bigger and better things. More on the things that were happening right now, and not so much the things she may or may not have done before she met him.
With a toothy grin, he'd tilt his head a bit and hum in amusement before adding on. "And what's that gotten you, hmm?"
          He was actually growling as he gripped her breast more tightly, shaking it some as if he owned her. Even Mira would have been somewhat offended at this point if she hadn’t been so damn taken off guard at the sheer audacity of this man, who had her so tightly in his clutches, so doubted she’d be able to twist away.
A blush came to her cheeks as he seemed to pick up that she had only been good up until recently, but she was soon distracted when he asked her a question. What had that gotten her. Here, evidently. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Then again, it had gotten her here because she was a great bit horny and more than a little desperate. “It’s gotten me...” she murmured. “In your grip, apparently at your mercy.” She looked up at him, twisting a bit, testing him to see if he would release her. Not that she wanted him to in the slightest, as her words made obvious.
          While Sam had half-expected a response along the lines of this 'good girl' act getting her nowhere - at least, as far as fun was concerned - he was more than pleasantly surprised with the one he had gotten instead. That this 'good girl' act had led her right into his grasp, with her at his mercy. Sounding off another approving hum, he'd briefly lower his hues to the woman's plump lips before rasping in response, "Good answer."
Getting one solid squeeze of her ass in before moving his hand up, he'd take hold of both her tits now and shift himself just a bit closer while he'd resume his harsh groping. Green eyes raised from the mounds on her chest, just to see the look on her face when he'd push those bundles of flesh against each other. When he'd claw into them with firm clutches, and especially when he made the bold act of freeing them from the top they seemed to be ready to burst out of. From there, he'd be able to really take his time with tenderizing the flesh she had tried to keep under wraps, and smack it around a bit.
          Mira could feel her body practically thrum with pleasure when her praised her, even if it was just her answer. At the squeeze of her rear, her lips parted in a quickly drawn-in breathy sound, almost a moan. When he took both breasts in his hands, her own hands, which had hung limp at her sides before, came up to cling to his arms, lustful eyes staring at him.
But when he made the move of freeing her from her clothes, oh, that was a shock like no other. She immediately took a step back, made a sound of protest, though the feeling of rough fingertips on her bare breasts kept her from moving farther away. “We’re... public place...” she stammered.
          While it didn't come as too much of a surprise that the woman seemed to go back and forth on whether or not she really wanted to follow through with this - from what he could understand of her perspective, she had the evidently hard choice of choosing between sticking to her supposedly self-imposed 'good girl' mentality and her obvious lust for him - Sam didn't even miss a beat when she tried to skirt away from him as he freed her breasts. When she'd take a step back, one hand would reach for her hair and yank her back towards him while the other continued to molest her massive bust.
As Tits - or whatever her real name was - would verbally express her reservations about them fooling around in a public place - in broad daylight, at that - the man would quickly follow up with. "What? C'mon, it's not like anyone's paying attention. We just got here." Not like her protests did anything to stop him from his advances.
          With the step back Mira took, Sam yanked her forward by the hair, pulling a whimper from the girl (and making her grow even wetter as his hands continued to grope and massage and manipulate her breasts).
It was getting very hard to control herself. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and enjoy the rough treatment he was giving her. But she couldn’t. Plus, people would notice and start to stare. Someone might even call the police. “Someone might,” she pointed out, her breath coming out heavy and hard. “Come on.... please.” Except, even though she meant it to sound like she was, she wasn’t begging him to move somewhere else. She stepped close as she said this, gripping his arms more tightly. What did she really want? Him to fuck her right now. “Please.” She pushed her hips flush up against his.
          Releasing another growl as the woman continued to protest, the man would look up to see the desperation in her face as he manhandled her. While she'd shift her body closer to his and actually make pleas in hopes that it'd incite him to do more - which really didn't need further prompting; he was planning to fuck her here and now whether she wanted it or not - Sam had interpreted them to be pleas for him to stop. Which was why, after the first 'please', he'd offer threatening words with a certain edge to his playful tone. "Don't tell me I'll have to make you shut up." Then she'd brush her body against his - and tell him once more, 'please' - and he'd smirk a bit before responding accordingly. "Alright. You asked for it."
Suddenly tangling both hands into her hair, he'd bare his teeth and air another aggressive grunt as he forcibly shoved the curvy young woman into more of a kneeling position.
          As she was shoved to the ground, Mira gave a little cry, which turned into a cry of pain when her knees hit the asphalt. “Ow!” she said after, in displeasure. Then, however, she looked forward, catching a glimpse of the sizable, though covered, mass in front of her.
“Oh fuck,” she whispered. “That’s amazing. That’s... wow.” She reached up to touch, stroke,  and then her eyes widened. “You’re not even fully—god.” She moved her legs against each other.  “I want you inside me. Just... please.” She looked up at him. “I need your cock inside me. Please fuck me. You can do it here. Anywhere.” And then she whispered under her breath, “Please Daddy... ”
          Heaving a few deep breaths while the woman responded to his harsh advances initially with pain, he'd take a quick glance around to make sure that nobody was paying attention. However, upon returning his attention to the brunette, she was swearing under her breath in awe as her eyes fixated on the considerable bulge in his pants. Plump lips parted in slack-jawed surprise, and striking hues widened as it dawned on her that he wasn't even fully erect at this point. Smirking with pride, he'd find her gaze as she looked up to him with a sense of need, snickering a bit as she claimed she wanted - no, needed - to have that big cock of his inside her. Once she'd lower her voice some, though, the man would arch his brows as an excited expression entered his face. Blinking once, he'd lift one hand to his ear as he taunted the woman with the notion that she wasn't speaking loud enough. "What was that?" he'd say. "I don't think I got that last part."
He could've sworn he heard a certain - special - word fall from her lips. He could only hope that he was right about this; only hope that this girl was even more of a trainwreck than she let on.
          Mira heard his snickering, but let that slide off her ego, especially considering the fact that he seemed to catch on to her whispered begging and "special" name. Her initial response was to pretend as if she hadn't said anything at all, but she hesitated to claim such. After all, she noticed that upon hearing her say Daddy, Sam seemed excited. Actually excited. What if... he was into that too?
Still, being a freak was risky. She shifted on her knees. Chewed on her bottom lip. Then, she made her decision. "Please," she whined. "Daddy... I need you inside me..."
          "C'mon," Sam would say when he noticed the woman suddenly get a little nervous, the grin on his face widening as he'd nod in encouragement and add on. "You can tell me." And then, after another little pause, she finally repeated herself. And sure enough, she told him - told 'Daddy' - that she needed his dick inside her.
The smugness on Sam's features would reach an all-time high at that point, as he'd bare his teeth once more upon releasing another amused snicker. "Mmm, I'll bet you do," he'd muse aloud after biting his bottom lip. Then, he'd lower both his hands to the belt wrapped around his waist, and from there he'd start to undo everything he needed to just to give the girl what she so desperately needed.
"I'll bet you do, little girl," he'd rasp under his breath once the buckle came loose. Making haste in unsnapping his buttons and lowering his zipper, it wasn't much longer before the man was grabbing onto the waistband of not only his pants, but the boxer briefs he wore underneath as well. And in one swift act, he'd shove the layers down to his knees and shift his body just an inch closer as his thick mass had sprung free.
          Cheeks red with embarrassment, Mira's repetition of her words made her want to hide her face (preferably in his crotch, but she wasn't sure how he would react to that). She watched his reaction like a hawk instead, and saw a smug grin alight his features, ending in a snicker, which only made her turn redder. She thought then that she had made a mistake, and he had only looked excited to embarrass her.
Except then he reached for his belt, and called her little girl. Her eyes went wide, lips parted. She watched as he undid his pants and then unveiled his lower body in all its glory. Breathing hard, Mira's tongue ran along her lips. She knew then why she was on her knees. "Daddy," she said, looking up at him, then back down. "I want it. Do you want my body? My mouth? My throat?" She swallowed hard. "Please say yes. I'll let you use me however you want if you say yes."
          When Sam had first met this woman, he had just taken her to be some random, disposable whore that he could maybe get a good fuck out of before moving on. Now that she was on her knees though, and now that she was looking up to him with a very particular sort of vulnerability - everything with her seemed to be more about needs than wants; she needed his cock, and now she needed his approval, not to mention she instinctively referred to him as 'Daddy' - the man found that there was more to this girl than what initially met the eye.
This whore had issues. And while that wasn't exactly an oddity to come across - girls like this were about a dime a dozen - something about this girl specifically piqued Sam's interest. He wanted to see just how screwed up this bitch really was.
While she'd practically hump the ground beneath her in anticipation while she waited in anticipation for him to express his desire for her, another smirk would form in his lips as he'd say. "Oh, I want everything you have to offer. Everything. Yes."
His reaction was everything Mira could have hoped for and more. Not just a yes, but descriptive language. He wanted everything she had to offer. Everything. She could have almost cried with happiness. "Then I'm yours," she answered readily, fingers quickly going to that massive member of his and beginning to pump him, a gesture of thanks. "I'll give you everything I have to offer if you want me, Daddy." That felt so good to say. So good that she needed to taste him right now, needed him inside of her. Mira opened her mouth wide and took him between her lips.
Humming happily against his cock, she sucked at the head for a moment, running her tongue along it, before taking him deeper, bobbing her head up and down, swirling her tongue and sucking as she went. She looked up at him, expression pure bliss. She had Daddy's dick inside her.
          The ecstasy that had lit up in the girl's features was unmistakable. As she professed herself that she was his, it was like she had fallen head over heels in love with him right then and there. The moment he said everything she wanted to hear and then some, just like that, she was more than ready to be of service to him. More than happy to wrap her lips as much around that thick cock of his as she could manage.
When she'd look up to him with a blissful expression, Sam would meet her gaze and hum deeply as the grin on his face would widen just a touch. Lifting one hand, he'd guide his fingers toward her dark locks, and tangle them in to give her a few little nudges along the way while she put her lips to good use.
          Mira was pleased that her actions seemed to make Sam happy, and as such she renewed her efforts, pushing his cock further down her throat, and lifting her hands to massage the rest of him. She wanted to give him everything she had to offer, after all. Even when his tip tapped the back of her throat, she kept going, pushing back her gag reflex for as long as she could just for his pleasure, before backing him out ever so slightly, just to give herself enough time to recover. And all the while she’d be staring at him adoringly, her Daddy.
          As Mira's palms began to explore the rest of his body, Sam would smirk as he felt her fingers smooth under the material of his shirt, brushing up smoothly against the cut of his toned muscles while she enthusiastically bobbed her head back and forth along his massive girth. Chuckling to himself, he'd tilt his head to the side some and admire how things looked from his perspective, mumbling a few times under his breath, "There you go. That's it." When she even went the extra mile to please him, and visibly struggled against her own gag reflex, Sam would respond with even more satisfaction. "Yeah, there you go."
When she'd pull back just a bit to catch her breath, and blink her hues up to his with wide doe eyes searching for approval, she'd be met with a warm smile and a few 'love taps' against her cheek as he said with a certain tone of voice, "Good girl."
          This was perfect. This was wonderful. This was everything she had ever dreamed of. Mira barely even heard the car pull into the same parking lot they were in, and the part of her that heard it didn't care. She was pleasing her Daddy, who wanted her. She was a good girl. Smiling, at least as much as she could with a cock filling her mouth, Mira traced her fingers down the lines of his toned muscles, admiring and loving the way he was.
And he was gracious, too, letting her pull back a bit to catch her breath, and she thanked him by renewing her bobbing along his cock with vigor, tapping the back of her throat to the point of making herself gag, eyes watering. But she was doing it for him, so it was okay.
          "Yeah, good girl," Sam would reiterate as the woman eagerly went back to work, adding the other hand to her hair and pushing her a little more forcefully to quicken the pace of her bobbing movements. Taking the time to check his surroundings every once in a while, he'd become even more forceful when he'd hear a car pulling up close by, balling his hands into as much of a fist as he could manage and using his new, vice-like grip to force the whore's face back and forth along his shaft.
In the event that this newcomer would be the type to question their activities instead of look the other way and pretend they didn't see anything, he wanted to make the most of his time while they were here by his bike.
          When Sam put both his hands to her head, pushing her down on his dick more forcefully, Mira choked a little, unprepared. Though his grip tightened in her hair almost as if to keep her from getting distracted or pulling away, he didn't have to worry about that. She didn't falter, not even when the car drove by them, slowing down, a man rolling down the window and outright staring. Her eyes remained focused on her Daddy, as she moaned against his cock, grinding her hips into her legs. She wanted him badly, even as she choked on him, fingers grabbing a fistful of his shirt.
          As he effectively took control of the action right then and there, Sam would bare his teeth and let out a savage growl as he forced the woman's face back and forth along his cock, taking one hand off only to reach down momentarily and lay down a few smacks against the thick round cheeks that presented themselves so nicely, especially now that he had taken the time to pull up the material of her skirt. "Fuck," he'd grunt out loud, looking down to meet the gaze of his new whore while he went ahead and re-established that firm grip on her pretty face. As she'd clutch to his shirt for support and look up to him with as much adoration as she could muster in that moment - given the obvious strain his mass was taking on her - he'd flash her a wide smirk before snickering with borderline sadistic intention. "Come here," he'd say at a point, pushing both hands against the back of her head in the interest of getting her as close to his base as he could possibly get her. Even if it meant pushing her past her own limits, he'd force her to hold his cock down her throat. And in case she needed more incentive to do as she was expected, he'd add on the insistent verbal cue for her to 'stay right there.'
          The girl shivered with pleasure at the animalistic growl that left Sam, and at his renewed aggression. And when he lifted up her skirt and slapped her cheeks, Mira groaned outright, arching her hips at the stinging sensation. And as he shoved her head forward, as far as she could go, her fingers flexed and spread out and clenched again, and she squeaked as she gagged and choked. But she stayed where she was, sucking on him as much as she could, eyes still focused on him. Complete adoration.
          Turning his head up to the sky, he'd close his eyes tight and breathe sharply a few times as he merely savored the feel of this woman's mouth as it was wrapped wholly around his thick shaft. Letting out an airy chuckle as he'd feel her make an attempt to lap her tongue against him even now when he was choking her with his manhood, he'd direct his gaze downward and meet the brunette's strained gaze with one of pure and primal lust. "Oh, you are a good fucking whore, aren't you?" Nodding some as he prompt the girl to respond accordingly, he'd talk down to her with that condescending tone of voice once more as he answered for her, "Yes, you are... yes, you are." Shaking her up a bit as he repeated those words with a more aggressive inflection the second time around, he'd shove her back and finally give her a chance to catch her breath.
But of course, he wouldn't just leave her hanging; as he'd wrap one hand around his coated cock to start pumping himself a bit, he'd curl a finger in indication as he told the girl. "Get up." If things went his way, and they would continue to go about their business uninterrupted, he was going to turn her around, bend her over his bike, and thrash her right then and there.
          "I am a good whore," Mira repeated, but while his shaft was fully in her mouth, her words were unintelligible. Still, she thought he'd understand, and her smiling face was more than enough to communicate what she meant. She loved the way he looked at her, with total lust and want.
When he shoved her back, she waited expectantly, at least before he indicated with his finger and his words for her to stand. Then she scrambled up, standing so she could run her hands over his body. "Daddy, what else can I do for you?"
          Kicking off his jeans while the busty woman practically scrambled to get up on her feet like she was asked, Sam would take some steps closer, meeting her halfway as she helped herself to brushing her fingers up against his body, half-clothed as it was. Smirking some as she asked what more she could do for dear old 'Daddy,' he'd reach for her hips and respond with actions instead of words. Turning her around swiftly, he'd shove her upper body forcefully over the seat of his bike. Reaching for her ass cheeks then, he'd spread them a bit before spanking her once, growling lowly as he'd start to direct his girthy member towards the space between her legs. And regardless of whether or not she was prepared to receive him, he was prepared to take what was his, with an assault that would be brutal right off the bat.
          Mira hummed happily as her Daddy stepped closer to her, and she looked up at him as she brushed her fingers against his skin, along his hip bones, across his chest. When he reached for her hips and turned her around, she did stumble a little, not the most coordinated, but not unwilling. Bent over quickly, she grinned, loving it already, gripping the bike with both hands and practically wiggling her ass at him. The spank earned a loud, appreciative moan, as she waited hopefully for him to push inside her cunt.
          The inevitable push between her legs was about as forceful as it could be, as Sam wasn't really looking to take his time, especially considering where this was all taking place. (Besides, Sam figured the bitch would be able to take it.) Groaning out loud upon entry, the older male would reach for the flesh in front of him, with one hand taking her hip while the other reached for her shoulder. Upon finding solid grips in both respective places, he'd begin his onslaught without much in the way of buildup, instead releasing about as much frustration (if not more) on her cunt as he did on her face moments ago. And for the most part, he'd maintain his hold on her, only loosening his grip whenever he felt the urge to vent on some other facet of her body. Like that pretty face of hers, or that round, supple ass.
          When he thrust his massive cock between her legs, it wasn't gradual, gentle, or even at a relatively normal pace. It was about as forceful of a thrust as she had ever experienced, and that was after having been going at it for a while. So she couldn't be blamed for arching up, moaning, almost screaming loud, in pleasure, lips parted. "Fuck!" she cried, as he grabbed for her hip and her shoulder. A second later he was slamming his meat into her at a breakneck speed, and her cunt immediately began to tighten around him in response, becoming slicker than ever, as curses and moans and cries of "Daddy" left her lips.
          Smirking as the woman started to moan and call out to Daddy, Sam would use the hand close to her her face to reach for it, feeling up her jaw before he'd start to slap her a few times. "Yeah, that's it," he'd say. "Tell the whole world who's fucking you." Sure, it would draw some attention to them and their... publicly indecent activities, but it was a risk that Sam was willing to take. And he was almost positive that this woman wouldn't think twice in doing it, seeing as he had pretty much already gotten her wrapped around his finger. (Among other things.) With another slap, he'd insist. "Come on, cunt. Come on."
          Oddly the slap to her face did not come to her as a shock, and she took it well enough, especially as it was followed by encouragement. She heard him tell her to tell the whole world, and she was more than happy oblige, especially as, with the way he was pumping his cock into her cunt, she couldn't help but cry out anyway. "Yes!" she shouted. "My Daddy's fucking my cunt!" Her shouts were followed by a series of loud moans and curses, so loud in fact that her voice cracked during one of them, but she kept going, kept moving her hips along with his thrusts.
          "Yeah, that's it," Sam would chuckle, keeping a wide smile as he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip while the whore rose her voice and swore without any sort of sentiment resembling shame. Smacking her a few more times, he'd lift his other hand to cover the other side of her face, dealing blows on both sides for a bit until he found the corners of her lips and hooked his fingers into them accordingly. In the event that anybody within their vicinity had stopped and lingered long enough to get a look at what was going on - or where these loud noises were coming from - Sam made sure that the first thing they saw was this woman's face as it was twisted into a distorted expression of twisted enthusiasm, with moans and curses devolving into unintelligible pants and groans.
          So, Mira's shouting did pull the attention of some people, who weren't quite nearby but were close enough to hear her. They turned to look, and stared at the scene. It would seem they hadn't quite understood what was going on, because they approached.
Meanwhile, Mira was slightly confused by the fingers hooking into her mouth, but she didn't mind, though it made it so she couldn't scream how hard Daddy was fucking her anymore. Still, she moaned through his fingers, bucking her hips into his thrusts.
And then a couple approached, a middle-aged couple, the wife staying back with the kids who were made to turn aside as the husband approached. "Hey! Stop that! Are you raping her? Miss?"
          Biting his bottom lip hard as he'd momentarily lower his gaze to the massive cock between his legs slamming into the tight cunt between hers, he'd grumble back a few swears and thrive on the unintelligible noises falling from the woman's lips. Having tuned out the surroundings for a moment, it wouldn't be until he heard another male's voice calling out for them to stop that he'd find his gaze sharply rising from the fat cheeks that were bouncing well in time with his thrusts. Without even missing a beat, he'd tilt his head some to get a good look at the man before smirking to himself and adjusting his grip on his whore's features. Cupping both sides of her jaw, he'd force her to look the man in the eyes for a good few thrusts, smacking her a few times before he'd prompt her. "Well?" Slap. "Am I?"
To say Sam was curious would be an understatement; he legitimately wasn't sure what to expect. At the very least, he figured the response would be amusing.
          It was a strange question, Mira thought, when clearly she wasn't fighting it, but maybe the man had heard her shouting and not been able to tell what she had said. She looked up at the man, not needing Sam to force her to look up as she groaned in pleasure. When her Daddy smacked her, Mira winced, making the man yell, "Hey!" Before she could respond, the man lunged forward.
Of course, if the man attacked her Daddy, he would stop assaulting her sensitive cunt, so Mira did the only thing she could. "I love it!" she cried. "My Daddy's not raping me, I love his cock inside me!"
The man stopped short, staring at her (obviously taking a moment to try to understand her distorted words). Looking uncomfortable at the pleasure in her eyes as Sam continued to thrust into her. Then: "I'm calling the cops."
          It probably was the right call for the woman to be honest, and say that she really did love having her Daddy's cock inside her. (Which probably sounded strange enough on its own, considering this man wasn't entirely certain of the context.) Even so, Sam was tickled by the possibility that she could've gone the route of normalizing rape, and telling the man how good it felt to have Daddy using her in such a violent way. And given this girl's apparent lack of shame, he wasn't quite ready to rule that out as something beyond the realm of plausibility.
However, things would take more of a serious turn when the stranger threatened to call the cops. While it wouldn't stop Sam from his advances - at least, not right away - he'd taunt the man with a proposition that'd surely make him walk away. "Oh, okay. Well, you're welcome to watch while they're on the way. I'm sure my little girl here won't mind." Then, with a more aggressive inflection that'd go well with the increased force of his thrusts, he'd turn the mockery towards the woman he was casually humiliating in public. "You don't mind, do you, little girl? Hmm?"
Of course, if she'd start to express uncertainty, he wouldn't hesitate to grab onto her face and silence her with a firm grip over those plump lips.
          The man looked at Sam with disgust. Looked at Mira with disgust. And it was true that Mira was uncertain about Sam's offer for the man to watch, but she didn't express it, only frowned slightly at the idea. After a moment, the man walked away, but he was dialing a number on his phone and holding it to his ear as he walked away. He hurried along with his kids and wife, as Mira moaned softly.
          Watching as the man would walk away, Sam would continue his thrusts for a few moments longer before abruptly removing himself from between her legs and grabbing her by the hair to pull her up from the bike. "C'mon," he'd order, using his grip on her dark locks to start leading her into the actual park. "I'm not finished with you yet." Smoothing the hand swiftly down her back, he'd find her bare ass cheeks and give them a good squeeze before inciting some urgency in the form of a spank. "C'mon."
          The girl grunted upon feeling his cock leave her cunt, and she stood up, guiding by the hand yanking her hair. Stumbling along, frowning slightly because she would have gone willingly with him into the park, the frown cleared when the hand left her hair and went down her back to rest on her bare cheeks, squeezing and spanking them. She jumped slightly, giving a little yelped, then looked at him and grinned. "Yes, Daddy."
          Spanking the woman a few more times - just for fun - as he walked with her through the park, Sam would indulge himself in the sight of her hips swaying from side to side for a bit before he'd turn his attention towards finding a new place for them to fuck. And the sooner he could find that spot, the better; after all, he wasn't looking to be found by those cops, assuming they'd actually respond to that man's call. Scoping out the place as they treaded off the beaten path, the man would eventually find a decent cover in the form of a nice little gazebo.
Narrowing his gaze some to make sure there was nobody occupying the space already, Sam would bring his hand back to the other's hair, using it as a leash of sorts to lead his new pet towards their new playpen. "C'mon," he'd say after taking point in the trek, putting a little more pep in his step as he sought to get them under cover as soon as possible. If only so he could get back to the thrilling exchange he was having with this woman... who he still didn't even know by name.
          Half her clothes abandoned by the motorcycle, Mira followed Sam dutifully through the park, earning stares as they went, until they got to a gazebo. Probably because it was so early, the gazebo was thankfully empty, and even with the hair pulling Mira nearly skipped into the gazebo.
Once in the cover of the little structure, Mira took the opportunity to strip free of a few more articles of clothing, namely her shirt, before running her hands along her Daddy’s chest. “I’m ready when you are.”
          Spanking the woman once upon entering the gazebo, he'd take one quick look around to make sure nobody cared enough to bring their attention towards them before turning around just in time to see the brunette taking off her shirt and stripping herself until she was fully in the nude. Arching his brows some, his eyes would fall to her massive breasts and linger there, even as she'd reach for his chest and give another moment to reverently brushing her fingertips along the thinly covered muscles.  Smirking some at her words, he'd chuckle a bit before remarking, "Yeah, I'm sure you are," and taking the time to do away with his own shirt and throwing it to another corner of the gazebo.
From that point on, Sam made it clear that he had no interest in wasting time, as he'd immediately re-establish his grip on the woman's hair and suddenly take on a more aggressive demeanor as he'd guide her towards one end of the gazebo. "Down," he'd say once, before reiterating it with a forceful tug. "Down." Then, after bending over the bench that lined the circumference of the gazebo, he'd lift one foot to press it down against her face. Not only as a means of keeping her in place, but also an expression of dominance. Of authority, of superiority.
          Eyes went wide upon seeing Sam's bare chest, and Mira's fingers greedily went to feel what they were seeing, only to be redirected as she was pulled towards the end of the gazebo. arms dropped, Mira went with him, bending herself over the bench and lying down on her stomach, only to get a faceful of... foot? She looked up at Sam, confused, very confused. "Daddy?" she questioned, frowning slightly.
          "Stay," Sam would say as he guided his cock back between her legs, massaging the lips of her cunt in just a brief instance of teasing before he'd ease himself right back in. Reaching for the woman's arms to pin them behind her back, he'd work hastily towards regaining the momentum he had built up in the parking lot, making it more than clear that he didn't care much for her comfort as he went from steady bursts to violent slams in a matter of moments. (As if the foot on her face wasn't enough to rub it in.) Making sure to hold both her arms in place with one hand, the other would reach for the stout flesh of her ass, giving it a bruise-inducing squeeze before spanking her a few times and reiterating his command with a deep growl. "Stay right there, fucking cunt."
          Without answering why he was treating her the way he was, Sam told her to stay, as he pushed inside her again, which was amazing of course, bringing a small moan from her, but still she was troubled. She didn’t mind harshness, as long as she knew the cause. As he kept growling at her to stay where he was, using multiple methods to keep her in her place, Mira became distressed. Why did Daddy think she was going to try to leave? What had she done to make him think that? “Daddy, I’m not going to run, you don’t have to—“ she started, then faltered in her confusion.
          "Oh, I know," Sam was quick to say, almost as if he was anticipating the level of distress the brunette was currently expressing. Talking down to her, he'd grin smugly as he reiterated, "I know you wouldn't try to run from me." Spanking her a couple more times, he'd add. "Daddy just wants to make sure Little Girl knows her place." Applying a little more pressure against her face, he'd put more strength in the shoves between her legs, gritting his teeth some as he growled under his breath. "Fucking piece of shit whore."
          Still frowning slightly, Mira's confusion grew as Daddy reassured her that he knew she wouldn't try to run from him. But as he explained more, that he wanted to make sure he knew she knew her place, and then he followed up with another insult, she began to understand. That this was just part of what he enjoyed. And if Daddy enjoyed it, so would she. Squinting her eyes a bit at the pressure against her face, Mira began to really enjoy that huge cock that was now pounding into her, causing her to moan, "Fuck! Daddy!"
          "Yeah, that's right." Sam would say, raising his voice some to make sure the woman could hear from under his foot. "That's right, cunt, you tell Daddy how much you like being his good little girl." He'd spank her once. "Good little fucktoy." Then once again, only to suddenly break the rhythm of said beatings by gripping tightly to her hips and just thrashing his mass into her at peak strength and speed. Like a rabid, angry, savage beast.
          “Oh!” Mira groaned, arching her hips into her Daddy and clenching her fists tightly. “I wanna be your good little girl, Daddy, I would just love to be!” She shuddered as she could feel herself gripping his cock with all the strength of her muscles, completely out of her control, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Smiling, she looked up at him. “Daddy.” she moaned. “I want to come, can I?”
          "What's that, little whore?" Sam would tilt his head to the side, stomping on the woman's face some as he prompted her. "You wanna cum? Hmm? You wanna cum all over Daddy's big cock?" Smirking a bit, he'd nod a bit in encouragement as he continued to taunt her, at least for a little bit. "Yeah? You do?" Holding her in suspence for some stretch of time, regardless of whether or not she pleaded for his permission, he'd keep her in that state of inner tension for a moment before he'd finally give her permission to do... well, more than he typically let any other whore get away with. "Come on," he'd say with another spank. "Do it. Cum for Daddy."
          Even as he stomped on her face, Mira looked at Sam adoringly, waiting for an answer. Truly, she wanted to come but she didn’t mind if he wanted her to wait until he did. After all, it was only right that he get what he wanted first. Still, it was difficult not to come, so she was breathing hard and moaning and crying desperately, “Yes, please Daddy!” until he finally spanked her and gave her permission. Though never one to come on demand, she did, cumming all over Daddy’s cock.
          "Yeaaah," Sam would groan as he felt the cunt's walls start to tighten around his thick shaft, finally taking his foot off the side of her face and finding a more solid and stable footing before he'd proceed to push through the intense orgasm that'd flow through the woman. Reaching for her hair, he'd lean in as he established a firm - but brief - hold on her dark locks. At least, it'd remain that only long enough for him to hack some spit onto her features.
Sure, the advance was meant to degrade and insult the girl. As was the following comment: "Good fucking whore." With the little bit of knowledge he had of her, though... he half-expected her to take the words (and maybe even the actions) as compliments. As perverse expressions of love.
          As her walls tightened around Sam's cock, he slid his foot from her face, then thrust into her as she rode out her orgasm, which only served to make it more intense. She groaned as she felt him pushing past her tight walls, the hand in her hair... She winced at the spit, but that was automatic; she'd accepted by now what this meant. The compliment only made her even happier, and Maria moaned appreciatively, focusing all her efforts to make her walls clamp down all the more tightly around him, just so he'd feel the most pleasure.
          Humming under his breath, the man was certain to make his appreciation known even as the woman continued to serve him and the release he clearly sought - the pleasure he clearly deserved - swearing on more than a few occasions and continuing to lash out against her flesh with his open palms while the rest of his body slammed into hers. "Yes. Yes. Yes." He'd say time and time again, landing one hit after another against her ass until it came to a point of desperation. Where all the man wanted to do was claw into the flesh he was plowing, while he pushed on to a climax of his own. Soon enough, this bitch was going to get Daddy's love and affection. She was going to get it all over her pretty face.
          Hearing his appreciation from his words, and the sounds of the smacks of his palm on her ass, Mira moaned loudly, only encouraged to please him further as she kept up her tightening of her walls. While his repeated slaps against her bare cheeks really began to hurt after a while--he was showing no mercy--she understood he was doing this because he was enjoying himself, which made it all worthwhile. "Daddy! I want you to cum too!" she said. "Wherever you want!"
          "Oh, yeah? Wherever I want?" Sam clearly liked that. Of course, he had every intention to unload on her wherever he wanted, but it was all the more amusing to know how this girl actively encouraged it; not only did she want his cum, but she was happy to receive it anywhere (and probably everywhere) on her thick-ass body. Landing one final blow to her bruised cheeks, he'd shove her back and get right to pumping his massive girth, uttering under his breath for his whore to face him. "Come on," he'd say. "Come here, little girl." Biting down on his bottom lip, he'd tap on the ground before him with his foot and insist. "Right here."
          He responded enthusiastically to her request for him to cum wherever he wanted, which meant she had said the right thing. That made Mira very, very happy. It seemed she had hit the jackpot, so to speak, with this man, because everything she wanted, he seemed to want too. Though some things he wanted weren't her style, she was nothing if not adaptable, and -- her thoughts broke off as he pulled out of her, the emptiness pulling a moan from her. She turned around, pouting at him as she stared longingly before dropping to her knees.
          "That's right, there we go," Sam would mumble to himself once the woman finally conceded, biting on his bottom lip and working his fingers fast along his shaft, right up to the point where he started spewing a steady stream of semen. As soon as the first rope had shot from the swollen tip of his cock, an audible grunt would escape the man's lips as he'd take that time to adjust his aim accordingly, making sure that the coming bursts would land on her attractive features, as well as her tits. "Ohhh, yeah," he'd groan. "Ohhhhh, fuck."
          Knowing what was coming next, Mira watched Sam eagerly as he pumped himself, waiting for the inevitable. When it came, she accepted the cum on her features and her tits happily, even opening her mouth to get some of his stream in her mouth. Licking her lips, she smeared the cum on her breasts a little and squeezed them together.
          Relieving himself with a few deep breaths, the corners of his lips would twist up in satisfaction as the woman seemed more than happy to objectify herself even further, rubbing her tits and squeezing them together while she she swallowed the spunk that had landed in her mouth. Humming a bit, he'd slow the strokes of his hand as he mused aloud, "You know, I think I'll keep you." Then, lifting his free hand, he'd rub at the top of her forehead as he commended her accordingly. "Yeah. You're a good girl."
          She watched him continue to stroke himself, mesmerized. But at his words, Mira tilted her head to the side. "Keep me?" she repeated, smiling a little. But when he rubbed the top of her forehead she closed her eyes, nuzzling at his hand like a cat. You could almost hear her purr if you listened carefully enough. "Yeah. Keep me, please."
          "Oh yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Sam would tease, snickering some as he brushed at the top of her head a little more harshly. Stroking himself just for a moment longer, he'd take the his hands away from their respective places and give the woman a couple of little smacks on the cheek as he told her. "Come on. Let me take you back to my place." There was a place not too far from this town that he liked to retreat to from time to time. A place that was probably the closest thing to a home, and probably would be considered as such if he wasn't on the road so much. He wasn't initially intending to head back there so soon... but seeing as he now had more than a few reasons to take some time off, he figured this was just as good a time as any.
He was going to have fun breaking this dumb little bitch in.
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mrsren · 7 years
Unnamed Tomione
It still has no name, but I can’t help sharing it here. So, beginnings of a teacher/student AU. It’s super smutty, Tom is domineering, and delicious in my not so humble opinion. I’m sharing the entire thing as is, so some of it you’ve read from last time. I tagged some of the ones I knew liked/reblogged, hope you don’t mind. 
@weestarmeggie17 @aconitumluparia @tomioness @alexandriarenee @dameesmeralda @apfelalice
All of it below 
The pulsing lights of the club were alluring the patrons scattered throughout the room, some lounging against the bar, some dancing when they were barely able to stay on their feet. She noted a girl who was giggling loudly, laying on a table while her boyfriend -or she hoped it was her boyfriend- licked alcohol from her bellybutton.
“Get the frown off of your face. You look unapproachable.” Ginny harped, leading her to the bar with her arm looped through hers.
“Fantastic.” Hermione drawled, taking a seat on one of the barstools. “Considering I never wanted to be here in the first place.”
Ginny rolled her eyes.
“I don’t need a relationship.” she insisted, waving down the landlord. “Two shots please, vodka.”
“Hey, you know I hate that shite. Tequila, please.”
Hermione held her palm up, stopping the short, stocky man that eyed her oddly. “The vodka is for me.” she explained, and he gave a curt nod. “What’s that look for? If I’m going to be here, I’ll need all the liquid courage I can get.”
“We are going to have a bloody fantastic time. I didn’t ask you for a girls’ night so you could find a relationship. You need a one night stand to remove the stick up your arse.” Ginny sported a grin while Hermione gritted her teeth.
“It’s hardly a girls’ night if you’re trying to get me into bed with a random stranger. Thank you.” she took one of the shot glasses he slid to her, cool beneath her touch as she tipped it backward. It was cold, awful tasting as it slid down her throat. She gagged as she wasn’t able to swallow the shot in one go, half of it lingering in her mouth.
Ginny took her shot as if it were the first she’d ever downed, like she was a teenager who choked and Hermione chuckled at her. “Forgive me, your majesty. Not all of us are so well versed in taking shots.”
Hermione looked away from her, scanning the room. “I don’t particularly need a one night stand either, Ginny. I don’t need a male for my self validation.”
“Of course not, but I’ve seen you after you’ve had a good fucking,” Hermione grimaced, turning to her second shot. “And it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen that look on your face. I know Ron,”
“No.” Hermione hissed, setting the shot glass back on the counter. “Don’t you dare bring his name up if you want me to have a good night.”
She put her hands up, nails perfectly manicured from the appointment she’d set for herself and Hermione earlier that day. “What I mean to say is my brother didn’t appreciate you, and I want to see how happy you are when someone else appreciates you. And plus, you’re a little kinky and he never lived up to those expectations, right?”
“Ginny, has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?”
“All the time, of course. Mostly you though. Come on, isn’t there anyone here that catches your eye?”
“As if I would ever tell you.” Hermione laughed at the flash of anger that crossed her closest friend’s face. “Just order some drinks, and we’ll have a good time all on our own.”
“Actually,” she sang, and Hermione groaned. “Harry will be here later, so I’m sure I will be having fun, but it won’t be with you. Ooh, what about that guy,” she pointed across the room, and Hermione’s eyes landed on an attractive brunette who wore a cocky smirk. “Because he’s been watching you since we stepped inside this club.”
He looked vaguely familiar, Hermione thought, but she couldn’t place her finger on it. “Hasn’t Molly ever told you it’s impolite to point?”
“I’m sorry,” she mocked. “Do you see him? He looks like he’s just what you need.” The man arched an eyebrow as Ginny’s words carried over the crowd. “Hermione!” she grabbed her by the arm, causing her to knock over the shot glass the landlord had just brought her.
“Will you stop acting like a child?” she hissed, ripping her arm free. “Yes, he’s attractive. Yes, he’s taken an interest in me, but no that does not mean I will be hopping merrily into his bed.”
Ginny argued adamantly, with the idea that Hermione should go settle into the empty seat beside him and ask if he’d mind buying her a drink. “Say you forgot your wallet.”
“Ginny, my wallet is sitting on the counter.” she deadpanned. “Doesn’t matter, looks like he’s coming to me.” Her friend vanished, vacating the seat with the reassurance that she would wait to observe before calling Harry and bailing on her. “Hello.” she told him, spinning back to face the front of the counter.
“Your friend is staring.”
She laughed, leaning backwards in her seat to see Ginny sitting in the seat he’d left, shooting her a ridiculous thumbs up and wide eyed grin. “Yeah, she does that. I’d just ignore her if I were you. Hermione.” she introduced, extending her hand.
“Tom.” he replied, taking her hand and placing a soft kiss to the back of her hand. Her lips parted in surprise, while she attempted to cover her shock. A small smile settled over her face while he dropped her hand. “What were you drinking?”
“Vodka,” she answered, thinking her voice sounded more breathless than it had moments earlier. It was what Ginny would have called a turning point, and it was what Hermione would have neatly classified as a cliche that belonged in an old romance novel that she hid under her bed. “You?”
“The same. May I buy you a drink?”
Her lips quirked up. “Make it several.” He chuckled and something in her stomach twisted deliciously at how dark it sounded.
She’d made the executive decision to not drink herself stupid like she might have if Ginny had still been at her side. It was clear where her night was going when she found herself dancing with Tom in the middle of the floor, her back pressed to his front. His hand ghosted against her hips, tugging her backwards when she slipped too far away from him.
“So, your friend left as soon as she spotted you with someone.” he whispered into her ear.
It was definitely the drinks that had her swaying as if she knew what she was doing and grinding into him. “Oh, yes. She must have decided you were enough to give me a good time. She’s rather pushy with the opinion that I need a one night stand to make everything better.”
“And what do you think?” he asked quietly, brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. “You seemed rather against being here in the first place.”
“What do I think? Ginny thinks finding a new man for me is the best way to help me after her brother fucked an ex girlfriend behind my back, in our bed, and in our apartment. We had been dating for long enough that it hurt.” she shrugged, his hands coming to massage the knots from them. “She doesn’t believe that I simply let go.”
“Hmm,” he mused lowly in her ear. “That’s preposterous, you’re hardly the type of woman to hold onto a boyfriend who wasn’t enough for you.”
She laughed, her head laying back against his shoulder while she peered up at him. “You are far too intoxicated to be using words like ‘preposterous’.” Her head rolled to the side, and she pressed her lips to the hollow of his throat. His fingers gripped her hips. “She’s a great friend. She’s worried about me.”
“Worried that you’re alone?”
Hermione snorted. “Hardly, not in the way you’re thinking of anyway. She is constantly nagging me for getting myself off, rather than finding someone else,” she nipped at his neck. “To take care of me.”
“You’re sloshed.” he told her, pressing himself into her. A whimper slipped out of her at the obvious bulge that settled against the curve of her arse. “Otherwise I doubt you’d have just told me how you get yourself off. Tell me more, would you?”
She was melting, and she knew it. He had her trapped in a neat web, one she’d helped him weave with her not so subtle comments. Tom was intriguing, the way he spoke, the way kept up with her, and the way he reacted to her acceptance into a grad program. She knew he was intelligent by the way he carried himself.
And that this had ultimately turned into a game of cat and mouse.
“What do you want to know?” she uttered softly.
Tom gripped her hand, twirling her and looping her arms around his neck. “Did you use your fingers, or did you use a toy? Do you finger yourself until you spasm, and come over your fingers?”
Hermione was trembling against him, looking into dark eyes that gave away what he wanted to do with her, that there was hardly anything stopping him from dipping his fingers beneath the slutty black number -Ginny had bought it- and into her pretty black, lacy knickers. Given her heels, she was able to match his height to whisper in his ear. “Do you want me to tell you, or do you want me to show you?” she challenged, feeling his grip shift to the back of her neck and his fingers grip strands of her hair.
He’d picked her up easily when she stumbled on the stairs leading to his flat, chuckling in her ear as her dress slid up. Hermione wrapped her legs around his waist, cupping his jaw with one hand while she tugged on soft, brown hair. Her mouth slanted against his, she kissed him thoroughly, slowly at first, almost tentatively until her back was slammed against the door of his flat.
A door opened, a nosy neighbor peeking out to see who exactly the soft whimpers belonged to. Tom unlocked his door too easily, she thought, and doubled her efforts to fluster him with a smirk.
He kicked the bottom of the door open, the door knob connecting with the door stop and he locked it behind him. “Christ.” she murmured as he yanked on her hair, her head falling back while he nipped the skin of her neck.
There was the recurring thought that Ginny was going to die whenever she found out she’d actually gone home with the hot, older man from the club. If she told her that is, Hermione thought she might like to keep this night a secret as she was sure Tom was the kind of man who would show her everything she wanted to try and more. Unlike her previous boyfriend-,
“You’re thinking too much,” he murmurs against her skin, carrying her through his flat and into a bedroom. “Come back to me, love.” Tom’s voice was low, hot against her ear as his lips skimmed her neck.
And she’s blissfully drunk, still coherent, but she’s brave enough to sink to her knees when he sets her down. With a grin she undoes his belt, the button on his trousers and pulls them down with his boxers. Her eyes widen a fraction, she turns her head so he won’t see her cheeks heat up.
His cock is, if she were forced to compare, the same length as her ex boyfriend, but thicker than she’d ever had. This night cannot go on long enough. From him sweeping her into his arms, her dress in bunched around her waist, exposing her thong.
“No,” he tells her, taking hold of her hair how she liked, and pulled her to look at him. “I want you in front of the mirror so I can see your arse when I like.” A whimper slips between her lips as he walks backwards towards the bed, guiding her by her hair, and her knickers dampen. He tilts his head to the side, a feral look in his eye. “Actually,” he begins softly. “Would you slip the dress off?”
Hermione nods, leaning against his lap while he reaches down her back to unzip her dress. Her eyes flick to his cock, resting against his leg and right in front of her lips. Her tongue slides against the tip, her plump lips wrapping around it.
He groans above her, and her dress tears. “Look what you’ve done now,” he muses. “I suppose it doesn’t matter now. I’ll give you something to wear.” Tom rips her dress, forgetting the zipper and she gasps. He takes the opportunity to thrust into her mouth,  his fingers sliding along her spine. The tip hits the back of her throat before he pulls her away from him.
He reaches out to trace her pouty bottom lip with his thumb. “Take your knickers off, Hermione.” Her name is a low rumble from the back of his throat, a smile toying with his lips. His eyes flick down to her bare chest, the dress had been tight enough to hold her breasts in, not to mention pushing them up. “So pretty.” he cooes, brushing a finger across the tight bud, watching it harden.
It’s difficult to say if her legs shake because she’s intoxicated, or if it’s because of the sexual power this man held over her. Her fingers hook into the sides of her knickers, slowly sliding them down in front of him. “On your knees for me?” he phrases it as a question, but his eyes give away that it’s an order. “Legs apart, I want to see your cunt.”
She moans softly, dropping to the floor and parting her legs to expose herself. “Fuck,” she gasps as he takes hold of her hair once more. She peeks up at him in an effort to memorize the hard line of his jaw, the way he was looking down on her. She licked the underside of his cock, dragging her tongue against his flesh.
Her eyes fluttered shut as she wrapped her lips around his cock once more. She wrapped her hand around the bottom of his shaft, pumping as she worked to take him in her mouth. Muffled moans slipped from her mouth while she sucked him, but a tugging at her hair brought her attention back to him.
She nods, letting her hand fall away from him, letting him take control. He thrust into her mouth once more, grinning wickedly when she gagged as he hit the back of her throat. “You are perfect,” he tells her, his soft voice a contrast from the way he fucked her throat. “Do you like it rough, Hermione?”
It’s all she can do to moan as his grip on her hair tightens, tilting her head back while he stands. Her eyes water, as to be expected when she managed to deep throat him. He pulls away, and she whines in disappointment. “If you keep sucking my cock like that, I’ll come down your throat.”
She remains in her pose on the floor, hoping he will come back and do just that. “That sounds perfect.” she grins.
“Not yet,” Tom crooks a finger at her. “Sit on the bed for me, I’m going to grab a drink for myself.” He smacks her arse as she stands, pulling her to him by her shoulders, slipping a hand between her legs from behind. “You’re dripping.” he whispers in her ear, sliding a finger between her folds. His arm comes to her collarbone, pinning her to his front. “How do you taste?” Tom slips his index finger into her mouth, groaning when she cleans his finger with her tongue.
“Just bring the bottle,” her body shudders against him as his erection slips between her arse. His only reply is to bite down on the hollow of her throat, catching her when she nearly stumbles. “Tom.”
“On my bed,” he reminds her before releasing her.
She’s breathless as she crawls onto the large bed, tucking her legs beneath her and sitting on her knees. He seemed to like her like this, she thought with a smile. It was clear she’d have to thank Ginny Weasley for dragging her out to a club.
Her nipples stiffened against the cold air of his room while she clasped her hands in her lap. She laughed when he appeared in the doorway, carrying a bottle of vodka with no glass in sight. Hermione grabbed the bottle from him, unscrewing the cap and taking a drink while he unbuttoned his shirt.
Tom took the bottle from her outstretched hand, kneeling in front of her. She’d thought he was going to take a drink himself, but was thrilled to be wrong. He tilted the glass bottle over her, letting the ice cold liquor slide over her breast, a droplet sliding over her nipple that he caught with his tongue.
She whimpered, grabbing onto his shoulders while he laid her back against the pillows, sucking on the poor nub. The bottle never leaving his grip, she noticed. Hermione rubbed her legs together, desperate for friction, but he parted her legs by wedging his knee between them. “Oh, my God, please.” she begged, throwing her head back as he rubbed her clit.
“Whatever you like,” he tells her, licking between her breasts before latching onto her other nipple, nipping it lightly. “You have to tell me though.”
She pants above him, snatching the bottle and taking a long drink before answering. “I want you to taste me.” she teases him, using his earlier words. “I want you to eat me out.”
Tom leaves the bottle in her trembling hands, gripping her hips as he moves down her body. He leaves a trail of hot kisses down her abdomen, pressing his lips to her smooth mound. Hermione watched him with wide eyes as he spread her legs apart while her back was against the wooden headboard.
He held her legs steady when she began to shake as he leaned in and inhaled the scent of her. “Oh, my God.” she whimpered, taking the moment for another drink. The hangover would be horrible in the morning, but if she sobered up, she was sure she’d get embarrassed and run. “Tom,” she moaned loudly, knocking the headboard against the wall when he licked between her folds, dragging his tongue up her slit and flicking the sensitive little nub.
“You’re delicious.” he growls, lowering his mouth while maintaining eye contact with her. He laps at her cunt with slow strokes against her clit. He watches her eyes fall shut while she pushes herself closer to his mouth. Not that he lets her, he pins her down and puts her through the pleasure he slowly gives her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” she groans, her back arching. “That feels so good, Tom, please.” She has no idea what she’s begging for. His index finger slides into her, curling deliciously while he works to find her g spot, and when he does-,
Hermione screams at the sensation, he’d added another finger. Between his fingers curling against the spot inside of her, and him sucking lightly on her clit -no one has ever done that, she thinks mindlessly- she feels boneless. Hermione comes hard on his mouth, spasming when he continues eating her out while her body rocks from her orgasm.
“Tom,” she gasps, her legs relaxing finally as he moves up her body, capturing her lips roughly. He bites her bottom lip, his cock sliding between her lips while she scrambles to pull her closer. “Fuck, where have you been all of my life?”
He chuckles, taking a drink while she presses her lips to his throat, biting down roughly. She’s going to leave marks on him, so that when tomorrow comes he knows exactly who left them. “Waiting to meet you in a shitty club, apparently.”
She laughs, licking the vodka that slips from the corner of his mouth and down his throat. “Tastes better off of you.” Hermione whispers to him, biting his bottom lip as he had done to her.
“I can’t wait to fuck you,” he groans, letting her shove him onto his back and grind her cunt against his stiff cock. “This is pretty,” he murmurs, tracing what she assumed was a bruise he’d left on her neck. “Did I hurt you?”
“Absolutely not.” she moans, moving to impale herself.
Of course he stops her. “I want you to watch me fuck you senseless, until you’re begging.” he whispers to her, smirking when she freezes over him. “I’m going to make you scream for it, Hermione.”
Gripping her by her waist, she couldn’t wait to see the bruises that would be left in the shape of his fingers tomorrow morning, he moves her into a position she’s never been in before. “Trust me,” he purrs in her ear, moving her ride him with her back facing him. She sees them clearly in the mirror in front of his bed. His cock is thick, pressed against her swollen, dripping cunt.
Christ, he’s too fucking hot.
“Tom,” she whines impatiently, just as he guides her down his cock. She watches, open mouthed and shaking, while he slides into her. Watching her cunt stretch to take in his massive cock makes her moan loudly.
Who cares if his neighbor is eavesdropping?
“Tell me what you see.” he orders her, thrusting into her tight heat several times, listening to sweet, little whimpers that keep him impossibly hard.
“You fucking me.” she manages between her ragged breaths. “The way your cock stretches me, God, you’re so big.” She can’t see his smirk, but she’s sure it’s there. “I can see my tits bouncing each time you slide into me.”
He hums. “Do you see how wet you are for me?” Tom asks her, slamming into her harder. “Did sucking me off do that to you?” A nod. “We’re going to change positions.” he tells her, letting her crawl off of his lap. “Do you like being told what to do?” Tom’s voice is soft, but firm, and she can only nod.
“I do, but you’re the only one to ever give it to me how I want.” she grins as he’s taken by surprise.
“On your hands and knees,” he tells her, and she crawls in front of him, bracing herself on her arms instead of her hands and arching her back. He slaps her arse, settling behind her and guiding his cock to her entrance. Tom leans down to whisper in her ear. “You like it rough?”
“Please.” she returns, pressing herself against him, the tip slipping inside of her. “I think I’d like it any way you want to give it to me.”
“You shouldn’t give me that kind of power, love.”
She looks back at him. “Then make me regret it.” Hermione isn’t sure why she said it, she’s certainly never played with fire before, but it’s hard to regret it when he grabs her roughly by her hair, wrapping the strands around his knuckles.
“Watch me fuck you then.” he growls.
And she watches while holding her breath in anticipation when he slams into her roughly, her front half dropping to the sheets while he fucks her like he’s attempting to break her. “Tom!” she squeals, wriggling her arse when he spanks her again and she finds that she’s utterly in love with the delicious pain it causes her.
She feels completely full as he thrusts into her, groaning how tight her cunt is wrapped around his cock. He tells her what a pretty, little cunt she has, spread so nicely by his cock. His words would have pushed her into another orgasm alone, but then he takes her by surprise once more.
“Play with your clit for me until you come. I want you to be a screaming mess that’s wrapped around me when you come.”
She whimpers as his finger rubs against her arse hole, while she reaches between her legs. Her fingers slip as she’s so wet, but she strokes her clit, rubbing in circles quickly as she cries out. “Have you ever had your arse fingered?” Tom asks her, massaging the tight ring. She shakes her head. “Would you?”
“Yes,” she gasps. “Jesus, I’ll try anything.” she admits and watches his face light up.
“Perfect,” he murmurs, slipping his finger into her cunt alongside his cock. He coats her arse hole with her slick juices, carefully pushing the tip of his finger inside. “You’re allowed to come once you can take my finger.”
Her eyes widen, but she nods quickly. His thrusts don’t slow as he carefully slides his finger inside of her, pausing when it reaches his knuckle. Hermione adjusts to it easily, she’s sure it’s because she’s lost count of the amount of shots she’s taken, but she pushes herself backwards. “Please don’t stop.” she begs, moaning as his eyes darken and she feels his finger slide all the way in. “Move!” she shrieks at him, her hand between her legs rubbing the hard nub quickly.
And he does, he fingers her rougher once she’s acclimated to it, once she’s begging him to be rougher. “Come around me, Hermione.” he urges her. “Let me feel your cunt tighten around my cock before I fill you.”
She’s never been so grateful for being on her birth control shot, and for him being genuine in having had a physical not too long ago. It’s still risky, something she’d have never done if she wasn’t begging for his cock.
He was right when he said she’d be screaming.
Hermione screams, it’s his name on her lips, she thinks and she shudders. She continues to rub her clit, while he fucks her so hard she knows she’s going to feel it for days. “Tom, Tom.” she repeats his name over and over again.
Tom yanks her backwards by her hair, her arse against his pelvis while he sheathes himself fully inside of her while he comes. He groans her name, his voice low, broken and husky. “Fuck, it’s more like where have you been all of my life?” he mutters under his breath and she’s sure she wasn’t supposed to hear it.
Hermione turns to face him on her knees, dragging her soaking fingers across his lips, coating them with her juices.
It’s him who shouts though when she wraps her lips around the tip of his cock, sucking lightly while she tastes herself on him.
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armltagehux · 6 years
We have some pretty amazing Reylo's writer on ao3/tumblr, and you my dear, are one of them. Can I please request a cross prompt? Kudos to you. #21 and #22 with “I can’t think straight with you.” , “I’m scared.” and “trust me on this.”
omg you are too sweet!! thank you so much
prompt tag here
read it at ao3: When We’re Alone
Rey stands at the foot of the bed, looking up at Ben. This is all new. Very new. They’ve had endless conversations about this and they’re both fairly certain they’re going to like it, but Rey’s paranoid that her roommate Finn will decide to come back from his vacation with his boyfriend a day early (ridiculous) or that Ben will change his mind at the last minute (unlikely).
There’s also the fact that they’re both naked, and Ben is the most vulnerable she’s ever seen him. He’s sprawled out on the bed, his dark eyes carefully watching Rey. It’d taken a lot for him to bring up this topic at all, and they’ve tried this many times where Rey’s the one tied up, but she teasingly asked if he wanted to try and he’d very honestly said yes.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to do this,” he says, giving her an out.
“I do!” she insists immediately. “I do,” Rey reassures him again. She walks around to the side of the bed. “It’s just... I’m scared. What if you don’t like it?”
Ben takes her hand. “If I don’t like it, then we stop, but... I think I’ll like it. Trust me on this.”
“How do you know?” she asks. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Ben kisses her knuckles. “You didn’t know if you’d like it when we first tried it,” he reminds her. He rolls her hand over and kisses the inside of her wrist. “And I didn’t hurt you.” He kisses further up the tender skin of her arm. “It’s all really mild stuff, Rey. But if you don’t want to...”
“I do.” 
She stands up, picking up one of her scarves from where it rested on the bedside table. If this was going to become a regular thing, she thinks they should probably invest in something more legit, like cuffs or something, but this would do for now. “How do you want it?”
Ben submissively puts his hands above his head, wrists crossed. Rey remembers this position; she’d loved it, even though she ached to touch Ben the whole time. She kneels on the bed, by the pillows, aware of how close his face is to her core as she weaves the scarf firmly around his wrists, and then ties them to her headboard. He tugs at the bindings experimentally, to see if they’ll give. They don’t.
“Still good?” Rey wonders.
“Yes,” Ben nods.
She looks into his eyes and recognizes the feeling of his gaze; of surprise, at how something like being tied up could have such an effect on a person. His eyes are dark, and he’s gazing at Rey hungrily, already so desperate to touch. “It’s okay,” he encourages her. “Keep going.”
“I will,” Rey insists. “I promise. I just... can’t think straight with you. When you look like this. It’s -”
“I know,” Ben nods. “It’s good, isn’t it?”
Rey bites her lip and nods. With his arms stretched over his head, Ben’s muscles are all so much more pronounced. She wants to touch them all, memorize the way his body reacts when she touches him and he can’t interrupt her, can’t rush her along to the final act that they both know they want. “You’re gorgeous, Rey,” he tells her.
She smiles coyly, and then reaches to the bedside table for one more thing. Rey plays with the fabric in her hands for a moment, watching as Ben realizes what it is. A blindfold. Rey covers his eyes, tying a knot gently in the fabric, and then rakes her hands down his chest. Her fingernails leave little white trails along his skin, and his whole body stills as a shiver shoots down his spine.
Rey feels powerful, but in a way she’s not used to. Ben is hers, to use, to mark, to pleasure however she wants. It’d been a scary thought at first, someone giving themselves to her so fully, even if she’s done the same for him. But now that she’s here, looking down at him, at how trusting he is, Rey feels... special. Honored, even. 
Ben isn’t restrained by much, but it’s enough to have a profound effect on him. Rey notices the way his cock has begun to harden, the way his breathing is growing labored. He’s chewing on his lips, plumping them deep crimson. And now Rey can use the element of surprise as she touches him. He won’t know what’s coming, and she smirks at the thought of that.
From her place at the side of the bed, Rey gently leans over. Her bare breast brushes over his chest as she mouths against his jaw. Ben tilts his head, desperate to capture her mouth in a kiss, but Rey leans away before he succeeds. Teasing Ben is far more of a turn on than Rey ever expected.
Her hand drifts gently over the scar marring his cheek, his shoulder. That damned car accident had been horrible, and all her fault for insisting she could drive in a blizzard, but he didn’t blame her for it anymore. Rey reverently kissed at the scar whenever she got the chance. She’d never stop apologizing for even so inadvertently marring his beautiful face and body.
Ben shivers when her mouth rests hot kisses to the scar, and he lets a moan escape when her plump lips graze over his nipple. She’s never touched him there before, but Poe told her to give it a try (he knew his way around a man’s body better than Rey did, still), and clearly it works.
She leans down, mouthing at his nipple, proud of the little string of moans and uttered profanities falling from his mouth. Rey feels pride in knowing she’s unraveled him like this, that he’s given himself to her completely - that he trusts her this much.
His chest heaves with each breath now - the pleasure mixed with anticipation and mystery and not being able to move - and Rey understands the feeling. It can be overwhelming. She doesn’t want to tease him too much, but loves being in control. She kisses down his chest, over his abdomen, following the smallest trail of hair down until her breath comes out in hot puffs on his cock. Ben groans.
Rey takes him in her hand and strokes; it’s dry, not very good yet, but Ben shifts on the bed anyway, nearer to Rey, to her touch. Rey rather ungracefully lets a long string of saliva drip out on the tip of his cock, wetting him enough so there’s some slick as she keeps stroking him. It’s obscene, how hard he is, how big he is. Rey can take him, of course, but it was more than she’d expected the first time. Now she’s used to him, knows that her hand can stroke what she can’t take into her mouth, and that’s the way he likes it best, anyway.
Her lips wrap gently around the tip, a feeling he loves, but it’s just not enough. He needs pressure, suction, something to give him that release. Rey knows, so she doesn’t give it to him. Not yet. She lets her tongue graze the underside as she leans down, taking him further into her mouth, her throat. She doesn’t stop until she lets out a little gagging sound, and then she pulls back. “Rey,” he mutters. He’s always insisting she doesn’t need to do that, but Rey likes to try. She likes to think she could take him all in her mouth one day.
She strokes him more, her lips wrapping around him and mouth working him in earnest now. She’s teased him long enough; his whole body is flushed and slick with a sheen of sweat, and every muscle in his body is tense. They’d expected he wouldn’t last long this first time; Rey didn’t, either. The new sensations are a lot... more than most people expect. More than either of them expected.
“Rey,” he mutters again.
It’s the only warning he can give before he comes, spurting come into Rey’s mouth, on her cheek and chin as she pulls away, surprised by it. Usually he pulls her head away, because he knows she doesn’t like to swallow. Something they hadn’t considered when they tied his hands up.
Rey coughs a little, but swallows what was already on her tongue. She knows she looks a mess, but also knows Ben probably feels guilty that he couldn’t give her more warning. Rey lets out a soft moan, hoping to let him know as she walks to the head of the bed that she liked that -- that it was sexy. Rey unties the blindfold first, letting him see the mess he made on her face.
Ben’s eyes grow dark and full of lust when he sees, and he wants so desperately to touch her. He knows she needs her release, too. That’s when Rey gets an idea. “I’m going to untie you, but don’t move from the bed,” Rey tells him.
Ben nods obediently.
She works at the knot she tied on the scarf - it was pulled tighter by Ben as he tugged against the restraints when she got him off. Once she finally gets his wrists free of the restraints, Rey climbs up onto the bed. She always feels a little awkward doing this at first, but knows that Ben loves it almost more than she does.
He reaches out for her, knowing exactly what she’s doing as she swings one leg over his body and settles herself above him. Her cunt is shining wet with arousal; he can smell her, and now he’ll get to taste her. He reaches up, hands hooking over her thighs to bring her down, letting her settle on his face. Rey shudders when his mouth makes contact and he tastes her on his tongue. She’d gotten so turned on having such control over Ben’s pleasure that she doesn’t think she’ll last long now, already. 
Not with Ben sprawled out on the bed, come splattered on his stomach, pliant and submissive as she sits on his face and tells him that he’s going to eat her out. His tongue works against her clit, and when she feels him press his tongue inside of her, Rey’s body doubles over and she moans.
Her hands grip the headboard and she can hardly take it, so sensitive and turned on already. Ben is relentless; his tongue works her over expertly, in all the places he knows she likes, and Rey feels like her whole body is on fire. Ben’s touch always makes the rest of the world float away until it’s just the two of them - their hands, their bodies, their love.
Ben uses his grip on her thighs to pull her down even more, and Rey wonders how he’s not suffocating underneath her. She supposes it wouldn’t be a bad way to go. The pressure is so much more now, and her whole body trembles. “Ben,” she pants. “Ben, I’m...” she sighs, her orgasm hitting her like a wave. Her thighs shake and her knuckles turn white as she grips the headboard as her body doubles over with the intensity of the pleasure.
Her toes curl and a moan escapes her lips and she can feel just how hot and wet her cunt is on his face, how Ben can taste everything.
Rey feels like jelly, like she can’t move even if she wanted to, but she doesn’t have to. Ben can lift her so easily, and he does. He lifts her from his face and plants her on the bed next to him. They leech on to each other, clingy and warm and a fucking mess, but pleased.
Rey is breathless, and she can feel Ben’s heart thudding hard in her chest, matching her own. With an exhausted, bemused laugh, Rey says, “Finn should go on vacation more often.”
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5ketchupsos · 7 years
The Pyramid Chapter 1
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Requested- Yes
Anon- I was wondering if you can do a smutty fanfic involving Luke and Ashton with a girl, any name will do.  Their daddy af, so it’s a smut full of bdsm, chocking kink, daddy kink, etc.
Pairing- Ashton irwin & Luke Hemmings & Sierra Larson
Words- 1870
The ring of the alarm clock was enough to drive anyone insane. Luke always set it on the shrillest volume. Sierra leaned half out the bed and whacked the snooze button as Luke rolled over and snuggled in to her back, still half asleep.  This boy could sleep through a thunderstorm.
"Luke, alarm," she reminded him gently.
"Mmm," he murmured against her neck.
"Luke you have an hour before you have to be in the studio," she giggled as his lips tickled her neck.
"Uh huh," he mumbled.
That did it.  She rolled over so she was on top of him with her legs astride, grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms at either side of his head.
"Time to wake up," she scolded.
His eyes were open now.  An oasis of blue looking up at her tinted with a hint of darkness.  He smirked.
"Look at you trying to be the boss," he chuckled.
She let go of his hands and sighed in content as he sat up with her in his lap and slid his hands under the back of her t-shirt, stroking the dimples above her panties.  Actually it was Ashton's t-shirt originally but she had claimed it a long time ago.  Luke moaned seductively in to her neck and squirmed a little, letting her feel his morning wood firm against her core. Sierra bit her lip.  She wanted him.  She always did but right now he had to get ready.  Studio time was expensive and Ashton was flying in from Australia today.  She needed to get ready.
"I so don't want to share you tonight," Luke whined.
She leaned back and took his face in her hands.
"You two never want to share.  Didn't your parents teach you that sharing is caring?" She teased.
"Well then Ashton and I must care a heck of a lot for you."
"Mmm hmm," she mumbled.
He brushed his lips against hers and she could taste his morning breath.  It wasn't minty fresh but it wasn't unpleasant either.  Her hands snaked around his neck and her fingers tangled in the soft curls that hung to his chin.  She loved his hair like this and she loved to play with it.
He removed his hands from under her t-shirt and rested them on her hips instead.  Sierra squealed as he suddenly lifted her and spun around, trapping her on the bed beneath him as she had previously done to him. His lips found her neck and roughly sucked the skin there and she let out a soft whimper that seemed to encourage him further.
Oh the way his mouth felt on her skin.  She could melt in to this.  She could lose herself entirely in the bliss that was Luke Hemmings worshiping her body. She almost did and then she came to her senses and gently pushed him back.
"Luke the guys will be waiting.  You need to go."
"Fine but I'm telling Ashton that he doesn't get you to himself tonight.  I wanna finish what I started."
"Remember what I just told you about sharing?" Sierra giggled, shaking her shoulder length brunette hair out her face.
"I remember and if I have anything to say about it then Ash and I will both be caring for you a lot tonight."
He winked and she shuddered in excitement then watched as he strolled in to the ensuite, his broad naked shoulders reaching up to fetch his towel off the hook on the door.  He turned to shut it behind him and smirked as he saw her watching.
"Like the view Miss Larson?"
"Always," she giggled.
He shut the bathroom door and she flopped back on the pillows and grinned to herself.
She loved that boy so fiercely but she loved Ashton too and she couldn't wait to have him home.
It wasn't a conventional relationship.  Most people said it wasn't a relationship at all.  That just showed how far equality still had to come.  But she could face the bad press and the fans labelling her a slut or a two timing whore.  It was worth it for her boys.  And the people that mattered understood.
She slid out of bed and grabbed her robe and slippers.  It was the height of summer here in LA but the last few days had been nothing but rain. She made her way to her own room and grabbed her reading glasses and her book.  She was currently reading "the beauty myth" and she loved it.  It resonated well with her bad*ss, feminist agenda.
She turned the lights on as she made her way downstairs and through to the kitchen.  They had a chef that they could call at any time but she'd lately got in to cooking and baking and they hadn't needed him as much.
"Luke," she muttered to herself, "coffee, one sugar, splash of milk and two pieces of French bread."
She turned the coffee machine on and let it get to work.  Before it had finished filling the jug she replaced it with a large mug, let the mug fill and then swapped it for the jug again.  She sipped the coffee in the mug as she set about making enough French toast for Luke and herself.
Her phone began ringing just after she had put the toast in the pan.  She took a large gulp of coffee and grabbed it.  Ashton. Butterflies formed in her stomach and she put her mug down and answered her phone.
"Hey babe.  Just checking you and Luke are awake.  I didn't interrupt anything did I?" Ashton checked.
"Nah Luke is in the shower and I'm making French toast."
"You had coffee this morning?"
She rolled her eyes.
"I've just made myself a cup."
"A cup or a bowl?"
She could hear the judgment in his voice.
"I'm serious Sierra.  Too much of that crap isn't good for you."
"I'm aware.  I promise I'll limit it to six cups a day."
"Two cups," he counter offered, "and actual cups not that ginormous thing you call a mug."
"Five cups and I stick with my mug."
She heard him chuckle.
"You're impossible you know that?"
"I do know that.  That's why you love me."
"It's one of the reasons.  Would be nice if I didn't have to monitor your food and coffee intake so you don't die of a caffeine and sugar overdose though."
"Fine I'll go down to four but that's as low as I go."
"I'll take what I can get.  Luke gonna make it to the studio in time? I'm here already and Calum is about five minutes away.  Michael won't be long too."
"He'll make it.  I'll make sure he does."
There was a pause for a second.
"I've missed you princess."
"I've missed you too," Sierra replied.
"No I've like really missed you.  All of you," Ashton mumbled, emphasising the "all".
Sierra giggled.
"Mr Irwin are you trying to tell me your horny?"
"So fucking horny," he whispered in confirmation.
"Why are you whispering?"
"Because I'm in the studio and there's other people here.  Look I don't care if I have to share you tonight alright? Just so long as I get you.  Two weeks with nothing is two weeks too long."
Sierra smirked.  Between Luke's friskiness this morning in bed and Ashton's clear desperation she was starting to feel mischievous.
"Well I can hardly say no to that now, can I daddy?"
She could almost see his apples Adam protrude as he gulped.
"Did you just say-"
"What? Daddy?  I may have."
"Sierra Larson you are seriously unfair," he whined.
"You and Luke in the studio all day aren't you? I hope I don't get lonely and start without the two of you."
That did it.  The desperate Ashton vanished, replaced by the kinky Ashton.  She was never sure which side she loved more but kinky Ashton was definitely the sexier of the two.
"Just try it princess.  Your daddy's will punish you big time.  You wait for us you got it?"
His voice was still a soft whisper and yet somehow it sounded so demanding.  She loved it.
"What if I want you to punish me?" She teased.
"Ugh! Fuck girl you are so gonna pay for this tonight."
"Hmm we'll see."
"What's going on?"
Sierra jumped as Luke entered the room behind her.
"Um Ashton is-  I was just."
"Sierra give the phone to Luke now," Ashton barked.
She blushed and handed her phone to Luke.
"Ash wants to speak to you," she mumbled.
She knew she was screwed now.  Ashton would tell Luke what she was doing and the two of them would no doubt hatch some plan to punish her.  Not that she could complain about that.  Punishment wasn't painful so much as really hot and sexually frustrating.  She just hoped they didn't withhold orgasms from her.  That was delicious and yet so torturous.
"I see."
She turned redder as Luke spun around to face her, one eyebrow arched.
"Yes.  I'm up for that," he smirked.
She almost melted as she listened to the two of them conspire over the phone.
Luke chuckled suddenly.
"Count me in.  She needs to be taught."
Oh god.  Taught? She shouldn't have teased Ashton.  What had she been thinking.  Now she would have to go all day wondering what the pair of them had planned.  Pondering over what they would do to her when they got home.  Wondering alone was going to drive her crazy.
"Yeah I'm just gonna grab my breakfast to go.  I'll call you from the car," Luke said before hanging up and placing the phone on the counter top.
Sierra took his French bread from the pan and placed it on a plate, waiting for him to say something.
"Can you get me a ziplock please babe? I should really get on my way."
She frowned.  He wasn't going to say a single thing about the phone conversation was he? Damn it.  What did Ashton suggest that Luke seemed so keen on? What were they planning to do to her?
She silently got the ziplock bag from the drawer and put Luke's bread in it.
He took the coffee jug and poured some in to a travel mug.  Then he screwed the lid tightly and took a sip before reaching out and taking the bag from her.
"Thanks babe.  We'll see you tonight.  Love you."
He picked her on the lips and headed for the door.  At the last second he turned and looked back.
"Oh and Sierra?"
She looked at him.
"You may wanna wear some sexy underwear today."
He winked and then he left and she stood in the middle of their kitchen trying not to convulse.
The promise of the two of them at the same time was hot enough but the idea that they were plotting to punish her was almost enough to bring her to her knees.  She clung to the counter as she finished her first cup of coffee and then she looked around at the messy kitchen.  She needed to pull it together.  There was lots to be done before her boys came home.
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
My demands-Daddy NewtxReader (request)
A/N: Okay, so I had a good 40 Newt smut requests. This takes care quite a bit of them. I had a few that just wanted more daddy Newt, some that wanted him eating Reader out, others about a desk lol and so on. So, hope this covers what y'all wanted. As for the others, I’ll see what I can do. ❤️ Enjoy.
Newt ML
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MOOD MUSIC: Watch by Billie Eilish
There was something enchanting about him, a spell that often went unnoticed by most who knew the wizard. He could so easily blend in with the world around him, and yet the contrast of his character and clothing only brought him so fully into your view it was hard to ignore. You would’ve never bet in a million years, that you’d be so lucky to call him yours. Newt was a loving man, attentive, loyal, and so carefree in his nature that it always brought a smile to your face. He treated you with the same dedication he did his creatures, and in turn you only hoped you devoted yourself to him equally. As you were now, so wrapped in pleasure it hardly made any sense. For the one part of him you so thoroughly enjoyed behind closed doors, was his contradicting rough yet gentle demeanor.
“Say it, my love.”
His aroused tone rolled off his tongue so hypnotically, making your body shiver in delight as he bent you over the desk in his shack. The wood of it pushed uncomfortably into your bare stomach, though his soft lips brushing along your nape did wonders to alleviate that discomfort. He was so captivated by your body, often times just spending minutes to hours worshipping every patch of skin, and logging it into his memory. The researcher in him committed to knowing what made you break under his affectionate touch. Those sultry little sighs and gasps that flew along your lips in strangled versions of his name. That’s what he lived for, and he was ever so dedicated to finding every spot that caused you bliss.
“Newt…” You whined out, wiggling your backside to gain any form of relief between your legs. It couldn’t have been long, within seconds of coming home to him and entering his case he had you in his arms. His embrace quickly turned primal, both your lips and tongues exploring the other’s mouth until he had you where you laid now. Your sex was aching, nearly pulsing with need and your inner thighs grew sticky with your own desires. You could beg, whine, anything at all and Newt would still just continue his foreplay. Sometimes you wondered if he spent far too much time around beasts, for he often enjoyed the hunt and chase of laying with you.
“Not that, my darling…” he trailed off, licking across the warm pulse of your neck. He buried his nose right below your jawline, his desire for you obvious when you felt him push his trousers into your ass. His fingers traversed your lower back, some of them hovering and creating an electric sense of ecstasy between you. But, one kept firmly at your spine, gliding along the path until he stopped at your neck. He quickly cupped the back of it, tangling his hand into your hair and harshly pulling back. You gasped at the sensation, breathing now heavy as Newt purred his request to you again. “I want to hear it, my love.”
He leaned into your face, nuzzling your noses together and groaning at the feeling of your heat bearing down on his length. He wasn’t even undressed yet, and he was already dreaming about the tight sensation of your body awaiting him.
You fought against your restraint, licking over your lips and giving him a teasing smile. You knew exactly what Newt wanted, but you weren’t so easily going to give it. Pushing him was something you became rather talented at, in the bedroom that is. Or desk, as circumstances would have it be today. But, Newt had a lustful shyness to him, as if he had so many risqué ideas to bring to fruition yet too unsure if it was well thought out enough to let you in on. It was a reason you so frequently urged him on, wanting to break that last barrier in the way of your pleasures. It worked perfectly every time, and it was the cause of you becoming privy to a certain fetish of the wizard’s.
“Make me say it.” You baited him, knowing if you played along long enough, the Hufflepuff would find himself too turned on to care about the delicate nature of your foreplay.
The wizard’s eyes darkened, eyelids narrowing in deep thought before he smiled. It was amazing how charming he could be, even when he had you bent over his desk, numerous potion bottles and herbs scattered about in your heated encounter. His bow tie was tangled around your wrists, holding them down your back. It was loose enough to allow for no pain, but tight enough to ensure you would remain at his mercy. Newt adored it this way, having you all for himself and giving him the time necessary to please you.
“The human body is…” Newt began, pulling back up and keeping his hand at your neck before tapping his fingers back down your figure. He studied the way your muscles contracted beneath his fingertips, noting the areas that seemed particularly sensitive. “admirable in how far it can be pushed until it reaches a point of overstimulation.” His hand cupped your waist, pulling you back into him. “Come on then, my love…humor me.”
His soft chuckle made you moan, a tiny smile forming on your lips as you laid your head down on the desk and looked back at him. “Never.”
Your defiance was simultaneously exhilarating and bothersome for the magizoologist. He could find pleasure in bringing you to that peak, but drawing it out was always the entertaining part of it. It seems you would have it that way as well.
“As you wish.” Newt leaned forward, kissing you pleasantly on the lips. He lingered there for a moment, admiring your features before starting a path of fevered pecks and licks down your back. He went back to those sensitive areas, smiling whenever you writhed about or moaned for more. It brought a sense of pride over him, knowing only he was privileged enough to bare witness to such a lovely view.
“Newt.” You whimpered a pleading sigh, closing your eyes and trying in vain to gain some form of contact besides his talented lips. But, the wizard was preoccupied now, busying himself with working your body to its high point. He relished the way you trembled beneath him, nearly groaning in utter need as you bucked back into his erection. Your impatience was inviting to his senses, but he brushed those more animalistic tendencies aside for now. Newt would much rather ignore his own aching desires in favor of yours.
“You are magnificent…” Newt mumbled between kisses, slowly kneeling down until he was leveled with your inner thighs. He kissed the back of each leg, causing ripples of pleasure to run along your skin. You instinctively pushed back, wanting him to satisfy the heat building down below. “Merlin’s beard.” Newt could feel the warmth radiating from your womanhood, his breath now shortening into pants. He could only still his temptations for so long, and with a growl he moved forward, burying his lips into you.
“Ohhh,” you bit down on your lip, trying to keep your whispers of excitement to a minimum. But, his skillful tongue was already bringing you to completion. He licked a wet path over your folds, stopping to delve the tip of his tongue into your entrance. He thrust it in and out of you, groaning at the taste, and the way your walls welcomed him. They were eager for more, but until he was graced with that one thing he wanted he wouldn’t give it to you.
“My darling…” Newt flicked his tongue over your clit, keeping the rhythm going as your body tightened up. The enticing patterns he drew with his lips and tongue were becoming too much, and you whined out weakly as you tried pulling away. But, the wizard kept you in place, his hand coming up to grab the edges of his bow tie and pull you back into his awaiting mouth. “You taste wonderful.” He licked across his lips, now coated with your rising delight, and softly blew against your glistening folds. The contrast of the cold made you jump slightly, thighs quivering as Newt continued his blissful assault. You were dangerously teetering on the edge of orgasm, hoping the wizard would no longer deny you such a treat. But, he would only tease now, torturing you with soft kisses or licks around your sex.
There was one thing he was after, and as he spread your lower lips and sucked on your clit, you couldn’t stop yourself from giving in.
“D-Daddy!” You nearly screamed it out, knowing it was the form of address he cherished in the bedroom. That odd little fetish you discovered one night, when he was close to release and he let it slip from his lips in a tantalizing question. It took you by surprise, because Newt never struck you as a man with such fancies. Not that it bothered you, truth be told, you found it arousing in a unique way. Many women in these times referred to their significant others as daddy, you supposed it was no different. Aside from the naughty spin to it…either way, seeing how excited it made Newt was entirely worth the experience.
“That’s it, darling.” Newt chuckled, releasing you from his lips. He denied you your further pleasure, but was eagerly going to make up for it in a second. He pulled away from you, giving a playful slap to your behind before working at his belt. “Daddy will take care of you.”
A/N: Also, like dozens of you wanted a spanking scene….kinky bastards. I love it, and I’m aware I left y'all hanging lol.
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