#he has a good family and had a wonderful support network
blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
Fandom is wild! I love it.
Also, I'm just thinking and those thoughts are wandering out of my fingertips. This is just me wondering "aloud".
Tommy Kinard shows up for 30 seconds, after comments about Buck going on a self-discovery journey, and BOOM we have a new relationship and portmanteau in less then 60 seconds.
After last season, I have zero expectations for this season. I can honestly say last season was the most disappointing of the show for me. That ending was awful.
But back to the speculation and messiness. Okay, let's assume for a minute that Buck and Tommy start messing around. I hate to break it to the general public but it isn't as uncommon as you may think for people in their 30s, 40s, and even older to realize they may not be the sexuality they thought they were or to say, "I don't give a damn", and start exploring different avenues.
Personally, I think Buck has been bi-coded all along. But, that's just my opinion. I think he just hasn't dated any man since he began working at the 118.
As for Eddie, I think when they were on Fox, that character was written to appeal to the...ahem...Fox demographic. He's a macho, muscular, handsome alpha male type: good old southern boy, religious, war hero, badass, survivor who loves his family and country. No way was that character EVER going to be anything remotely other than completely heterosexual.
I also believe that as long as the show was on Fox, no white male lead would be anything other than straight. (Look at the history of the major or recurring gay characters on the show. Hen, Karen, Michael, David, the first guy Michael was dating, Eva, and Josh. Note the ratios and how almost stereotypical Eva and Josh are written.)
With a move to ABC, I think there is a chance for a more...diverse spectrum within the LGBTQ characters; however, I am not sure ABC is willing to write both the male leads, I know Bobby and Chim are strongly written characters, but let's be real, Buck and Eddie are arguably the most popular characters, as possibly bi or gay and put them together. Why are they, and not Bobby or Chim, the most popular, especially with that coveted demographic of women 18-49? When you answer that you have the reason both networks might be hesitant to put two men who live in each other's pockets and co-parent a child together.
In business and marketing, how race and sexuality are approached is still quite influenced by the vocal majority and how they think it works. It isn't right. It silences the voices of those who aren't TPTB. The people who are members of those groups aren't listened to, but that is how it is.
My heart will always beat for Buddie endgame. (And write Buddie fanfic when I have time.) But I have seen how media, marketing, and corporations operate and they will always feed the people holding the wallets keeping them afloat. That is why there is a part of me that believes Buddie is probably only going to exist in fanfic.
Buck, and Buck alone, may be given a bi arc while Eddie is written as 100% heterosexual and permanently paired with a woman, while being supportive of Buck and his partner.
By keeping one canonically straight and making the other canonically bi they can straddle the fence. They can play up the chemistry between Buck and Eddie, teasing a what might or could be situation, while keeping them apart.
I could also be totally wrong. Maybe when Eddie realizes Buck likes men, he decides to add more rainbow to his preferences, give in to the very dirty, and locked down like a bank vault, fleeting thoughts he's had about his best friend over the years, corner Buck alone, tell him drop Tommy or whatever man is d-ing him down, and do the d-ing down himself.
Hey, ABC! You are welcome to use the last paragraph for inspiration!
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frownyalfred · 2 months
If this too much or too personal please ignore!
But I was just wondering if you had any advice for grieving? (I lost a close family member very recently)
I'm so sorry for your loss, anon. I don't know your exact situation, but I hope your loved one's memory is a blessing to you and your family. I'll leave my thoughts below the break, since I'll discuss death and dying a little.
I am, as many people on here likely know, still grieving the loss of my father. It was sudden and unexpected. It was bloody and somewhat traumatic for our family. Thinking about it still leaves me dazed and unfocused.
Grieving is such a strange process. I've been talking about it with my therapist weekly, and her main takeaway has been that there is no right way to do it -- and that it is far from linear. There are positive moments and regressions. There are funny memories and difficult truths to grapple with. There is anger, confusion, sadness. Despair. So many unanswered questions and moments that hover on the edge of veneration simply because they are the only ones you have left.
How did I grieve? I cried a lot, at first. I took off work and sat shiva with my family. I answered a thousand well-meaning messages and played one singular song on repeat on my phone. I barely slept. I dreamed and dreamed and dreamed. I woke up crying without remembering exactly what I had been dreaming about.
Then, as if in reprieve, my brain let up. I slept somewhat normally again. My body was no longer on the edge of tears at any given moment, nor was I entirely numb. Slowly, I began to think of normal things again; new television shows, updating a chapter, irritation at the banal things like traffic and work.
And anon, I thought to myself, this must be it. I'm no longer "grieving," or at least not in the traditional sense of the word. I was eating, sleeping, going to the gym and work, updating my works and hitting the club again on the weekends.
But I wasn't done. And I'm not sure I ever will be. I wanted to be done, in so many ways. I was mad at my father for dying, for making me grieve, for keeping me in this state where I couldn't be confident in anything I was feeling, any progress I was making. Where I could remain silent and resolute at his burial, but sob like a baby in my apartment when the concert t-shirt he gave me was stained by some soup.
But that's a lot to put on the dead. And sometimes I have to keep reminding myself that -- that he is dead, that there is a gap in my life I keep trying to skip over, like avoiding tonguing at the aching tooth in the back of my mouth. And when I forget, the world is more than glad to remind me, whether through well-meaning neighbors, colleagues, etc etc.
I suppose that's a long way of saying, I think I'm still grieving anon. I'm not sure I'm doing the best at it, active or involuntary as this process seems to be. I have an amazing support network, but so much of this work seems to be solitary, even when someone is sitting right next to you, crying with you.
The Jewish saying "May their memory be a blessing" has been a good focal point for me, I think. It dovetails nicely with the Mandalorian saying "Not gone, merely marching far away." I've thought about both a lot in the last few months, because I'm a huge nerd and also because I don't think the cultures are too dissimilar.
Let your loved one's memory be a blessing in your life, anon. Remember the happy moments, and speak them out loud if you're able. Don't let their name remain sacred. Don't sanctify them, for we are all humans and humans are complicated, but don't leave their life behind you.
Those memories of them, those funny moments and sad days, fun trips and strange conflicts, those are all yours now. No one else has them. And when you and your family are gone, those memories are gone too.
Other small things that have made this whole process easier: Starbucks and DoorDash giftcards (seriously, some days are too hard), letting myself take time off hobbies (gym/writing) without penalizing myself, naming my grief and allowing myself to sit in it (I'm sad today about x, and I want to lie down for a few hours. I'm lying down because I'm feeling sad about x, and I'm allowed to feel that way). Going to the gym and running until the natural endorphins help. Talking with my families about good and complicated moments with my dad. Writing, when I'm able. Reminding myself it's okay to not be very functional, that it's okay to not be perfect and you would never expect someone who is grieving to be so. Talking to a therapist and getting treatment for what I experienced. Accepting the kind words of others, even if they hurt or are unintentionally difficult.
I'm sorry you're going through this anon. I know how you feel, or at least some of what you feel. I hope you have support and loved ones around you who can help shoulder some of this process.
<3 Jay
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Oh no. I’m back. And I didn’t shut up for 9 pages. I’m sorry. 
Moon Knight. A commentary on mental illness and able-ism? 
I’m not going to dive into the comics because we have…..YEARS of content to unpack there with every single writer. But I am going to brush on it just a little. This is going to be mostly about the show. 
I’m going to preface this by saying that everyone’s experience in anything is going to be different. We are, after all, individuals. You can give the same diagnosis to five different people, and while they will have some overlapping similarities, they will all experience it differently. Honestly, the same goes for any type of handicap, mental illness, religion, autism, or any sort of neurodivergent person. Which is both wonderful and oftentimes frustrating. One person can point at something and scream how wrong it is and toxic, while another will point and say “I feel seen! At last!” We just have to keep in mind that maybe both perspectives are right. Which is hard to do, but all we can do is try. 
Let’s start with the abuse. Wait, let’s go further back. Let’s start with the absolute neglect that was given to Wendy. 
I am not here to apologize for her. She was monstrous and cruel and 100% a destructive force… But what was done to help her in the start? What was done to stop her from taking it out on Marc? 
A mother that just lost her child is in pain and mourning. We see a glimpse of people sitting around, but no one is actually talking to her. Where is her support network? Where are the family and friends? Where is the culture? Where is the Rabbi? If she was not Jewish, or considered a convert, let’s assume the father has his own cultural support. So where is his support? Why is he not grieving with his wife? 
She starts to scream and blame Marc for the loss of her son and the smallest effort is made to stop her. More so, no one follows Marc up the stairs to comfort him. A child that just lost his baby brother. A child that was there and witnessed the drowning of his baby brother. A child that probably just barely escaped death himself. 
There is a lack of a support system. A lack of grief counseling. A lack of spousal support. A lack of spiritual help. A lack of community. 
She sank into alcohol and while we see the father trying to give Marc a normal life of birthday parties and so on, it all feels forced. Nothing is wrong here. Why can’t you just be normal and happy? There is nothing wrong with the family. Your mother doesn’t mean those things she says. She’s just sad sometimes. 
Wendy is spiraling down and at most the husband is a small voice in the background asking her to please get over it. Please don’t do this. Don’t make a scene. 
As a child watching this, you don’t understand why it is happening. This isn’t supposed to happen. Adults are invulnerable. They have all the answers. They are supposed to make things better. The only logical conclusion that can be made is that it is your fault. If you didn’t exist they could be happier. They wouldn’t be so sad. None of this would have happened. 
Next we see a very good example of looking the other way. She starts to beat him. She would have left marks. Using a belt with that much pent up rage, she would not have been careful to only hit so it won’t show. Unless he was dissociating so hard that completely tuned it out, he would have had defensive marks that first time. Hands up, curling up in a little ball to protect himself if she had let him. She might have grabbed his wrists to prevent him from curling up. She would have left bruises there. 
Did the father not notice? Marc would have been too scared to have told him. It was ingrained too much in him that it was his fault and that he deserved this. He wouldn’t have told anyone. But someone would have seen the marks. Over and over again. 
Now we have the failure of a society to talk about or question what was happening at home. A thing that still very very much happens. Why is the kid acting out? Why are they suddenly quiet and submissive? Why are they getting into fights? Clearly they are just a bad child and nothing is going on at home except for a lack of discipline. The school calls up “Hey Marc got into another fight. He’s failing math. He needs more structure at home.” 
This leads to more beatings. 
I wish we had seen more of his interactions with his father. The one scene we got was “Why haven’t you?” as his father begs him not to leave. The one time Marc questions why his father hasn’t done anything to help him or help his mother. 
My personal head canon is that Marc has very little memories from around this time. Especially around his father. Giving his time to Steven, dissociating, and possibly the emergence of Jake all scrambled his memories. I believe that Marc reached a point where he took too much from his mother and that Jake came during a very dark time for the system. Possibly in a psychiatric ward. Possibly during a break down. Possibly in dealing with his father’s failure to properly identify the problem and further putting it on Marc instead of Wendy. I think Jake’s demons lay in facing his father and the lack of proper help and protection Marc was offered. But none of that is solid or supported by the show. Just my own two cents. 
Next we go into the military. Cause they’ve never failed to identify mental illness and give support, right? HA. 
Marc is good at hiding his problems. Scarily good. Going with the show, he’s very very good at masking his autism. Honestly, he takes things at face value, likes structure, and doesn’t understand exaggerations. Of course he thrives in the military. He’s good at it and picks it up. He makes it his drive to understand weapons and fighting. He mostly has Steven figured out at this point. Steven is a switch he can turn on when he feels overwhelmed emotionally. He isn’t going to have that in the military. He has control. He is a picture of perfect cool. 
Except when he isn’t. Marc has anger problems. He is still overwhelmed by other emotions. He has self worth problems. He probably wakes up at night cringing and defending himself from his mother. 
I’m going to go off on a small tangent for a moment, but please hang in there. I met a guy in college who wanted to be a nurse. He was so happy and bouncy and bubbly. A huge buff man that worked out with muscles for days. He was ex army and covered in tattoos. 
He had to give a presentation on something personal and he gave one on PTSD. Now, we all knew he was a former army and had seen action. We all figured “Ah, PTSD from the army guy. He must have seen some fights!” 
His presentation started with how one quiet night he was on guard duty. He got up to check on a weapons shed. He reached up to turn on the light and he was suddenly a small boy again seeing his mother’s hand come flying towards his face. He started having panic attacks, night terrors, and would freeze up in routine situations. He had blocked out the years of abuse his mother had done to him. It all came flying back to him because he got up one night and turned on a light. 
How often do you think Marc would hear someone bang on a door and kick start his fight or flight response? How many times do you think he would start to dissociate because he could hear running water?  
I believe that the only time Marc had full control of himself was in the heat of battle. He could focus on the battle. On getting through. He could feel alive and ignore anything else. He could focus his unchecked rage. He could ignore any pain in the heat of the moment. I think it was when things calmed down and were quiet and he was left to his own thoughts that things got bad for him. 
I think Marc’s own problems started to get in the way. Dissociating, losing time, wandering off because he can’t handle the clam and quiet. Moments where perhaps Steven would come to the surface for just a bit. Moments where Jake might have had to take over because Marc was too lost in his own head. Jake would have had to learn to fight just to get them through. I can imagine the first time Jake was dropped into the middle of some fire fight. The absolute sheer terror and determination to get them out of there. 
So of course Marc gets kicked out. A fugue state. They don’t want to deal with that. Forget sending him to counseling. He came in already broken. It isn’t their fault he can’t handle it like everyone else.  Marc wouldn’t talk to a counselor anyway. He’s been trained not to talk. To put on the mask and make it all fine. 
There is no fall back as a mercenary. No therapy or ‘hey you okay?’. You fight and hope you don’t fall behind and that you get paid. 
I’m not going to get into Khonshu. We all know what he did. His manipulation and using Marc’s problems against him. 
Let’s jump into Steven. Sweet Steven. Here is a man that doesn’t know the definition of Masking. Why would he? He’s never had to. He sees the museum is hiring and they have a special exhibit on his favorite thing ever! 
So he wanders in and applies. This part is actually upsetting. He has the knowledge. He wants to be a tour guide. He wants to smile and tell people everything he knows about Egypt. He knows so much that he can’t help but correct any mistakes he sees. Correct anything someone mispronounces. He’s awkward, he doesn’t have social cues. He’s a grown man with the energy of a child. 
He knows more about Egypt than any of the tour guides that sat through a five minute video course and was forced to memorize a script. THE MAN CAN READ HIEROGLYPHS. So why is he a gift shoppist? 
Is it because he talks too much and too fast when excited? Is it because he can’t stay on script because he has so much more to tell you than what was written out by some tired man that read a book once? Is it because he awkwardly sat in the interview, waved, and said “Hi! I’m Steven with a V. I saw you had a sign up about Egypt and I love Egypt I’ve been reading about it for years and I’ve been through your exhibit about ten times in the past week and let me tell you that the sign on the statue of Horus is absolutely wrong because while they are both birds it is actually Thoth, who is vastly different. I bet whoever made that mistake is going to be so red in the face, am I right?” 
And they keep him there in the gift shop. Any time they see him talking to the patrons they put him back behind the counter. They punish him for being over exuberant and being late with inventory duty late into the night. They can’t be asked to learn his name or listen to him when he tells them he doesn’t like nicknames. He isn’t normal and honestly they treat him like a child. 
When Steven starts to show signs of stress and causing problems, they punish him more. We all know at this point that Donna is a representation of continued abuse from his mother and Ammit and so on… But we all know a boss like her. A bully. One that has decided that you are an idiot and not worth their time. She doesn’t care about his dreams or desire for a better job position. She would put him in the broom closet if she could. To her, he is disgusting and wrong. He doesn’t act like everyone else. She just wants him to shut up and sell whatever crap they have to sell that day. 
So when the bathroom is trashed and they have the video of a man clearly in distress, they don’t know what to do with him. He’s called out as being mentally ill, which to them is a liability. What if he freaks out in front of guests? What if he breaks something important? He’s fired and given a pamphlet. “We aren’t going to help you get help, but read this and go find help.” 
Is this the place he needs to go? Do they know what kind of help he needs? Is he in crisis? If he were a man in crisis, handing him a pamphlet is not a great move. They don’t know what kind of help he needs! Does he need a very specific type of trauma therapist? Does he already have his own therapist or doctor? Who cares, give him a pamphlet to a place they heard about. At least they can be seen as compassionate and offering help, even if he doesn’t take it. 
At this point, the only person who Steven is comfortable talking to is a man that is akin to a mime. He can’t talk back and is a living statue. I think this says a lot about the state of how alone Steven is. So when Harrow calls him Broken, Steven knows he isn’t broken. His life is falling apart and he doesn’t understand why, but admits that maybe he needs a little help. Of course Harrow isn’t there to help him. Harrow is there to make him feel broken. To feel powerless. 
The way Harrow asks Steven if he can talk to Marc is like when a teacher talks down to you and asks what you did wrong, knowing you did wrong. Steven puts his foot down. Steven is not having it. There is nothing wrong with him and this is not the help he needs. Steven can see past it and has had enough being belittled and overlooked. 
It affects Marc, though. Marc hasn’t learned how to handle this sort of thing. Harrow is chipping away at him. For the first time ever, someone is acknowledging that there is something wrong with him, but instead of helping him, they are throwing it back in his face. Of course he’s broken. Of course he is mentally ill. He’s so broken and ill that no one can help him. He is just more of a disgrace. 
Harrow further chips away at Marc in the great pyramid. Calling out all of Marc’s insecurities that he witnessed when he looked at his scales. Of course Marc knows his own name. Marc knows about Steven. He probably helped set up Steven’s work history. But Harrow is taking Marc’s fear of being seen as broken, wrong, and mentally ill and throwing it back in his face. He’s using it against him. He’s telling these other powerful people that hold a place of power not to listen to Marc because he is sick. 
These are things Marc fears. Things that have probably happened to Marc at some point in his life. Perhaps things his own family threw at him. “Don’t talk like that, what will the neighbors think?” “Put on a long sleeve shirt to hide your scars.” “Smile for the picture. You don’t want people to think you aren’t friendly.” 
And we do see how it hurts him. Khonshu has used his body without permission. You can see how it hurts him after each scream. How draining it is. Not to mention this is a sensation Marc knows. To not have control of your body. To not feel yourself. To have to watch and listen as someone else uses you and you can do nothing. 
You can see the point where Marc is broken down after Khonshu is forced to release his hold on Marc. On his knees before people that now only see him as ‘unwell’. Before a man that knows his secrets and just how sick he views himself as. 
He once more asks for help and he is not only denied help, but he is dismissed. They don’t listen to him. If they had a pamphlet for ‘Sick Avatars’ they probably would have given it to him. It’s exactly what Steven went through in the Museum and while it made Steven angry and seek answers, this is where Marc has been before and he is too broken down and tired to fight it anymore. He knows where it has landed him before. 
If it weren’t for Steven, Harrow would have won right there. Marc was done fighting. 
So where does the story change? 
In the comics it still hasn’t changed. For so long Moon Knight was seen as the crazy hero. The one playing hero that no one took seriously. The Avengers called him a mad dog. They don’t trust him to carry out serious missions because he’s crazy and could go off at any moment. 
He’s been called schizophrenic, been tossed older terminology of Multiple Personality (even after the newer terminology was recognized and accepted in more common use), been shown as having made it all up in his head, of erasing his traumatic past and blaming it on being touched by a god and frying his brain, of saying his problems are an outside force that damaged him somehow. 
The hard part is that when we do get a good writer that puts Marc through his struggles and brings him the peace and understanding he has always been looking for, the next writer could undo it all so easily. 
Moon Knight has come to be defined by his mental illness. I think they are afraid that if they make him more at home with himself then they will lose the edge and he won’t be fascinating to read or write. That is why they keep redoing him. They didn’t know what to do with him and now all they do with him is try to define his illness. 
In Marc alone, we have depression, trauma, DID (heavy on the D), guilt, self spite, symptoms of having been gaslighted, PTSD, suicidal tendancies, and a man that is always on the edge of being in crisis. The beautiful part? So many of his readers can relate to some part of this. 
I’ve seen so many people be asked, “Hey, you have DID, what do you think of Moon Knight?” And they just start gushing. While it hasn’t always been a realistic representation, and not always a favorable one, this is a man that chooses to be a hero in all aspects and somehow figures out how to function. A man people love not despite his illnesses, but because of. 
There are some readers out there that go to him because he’s wild and ‘unhinged’ and has violent fights and kicks ass. There will always be that group. Yet there are so many that want to see how he handles being in real therapy. To see how he manages to still be a figure of importance in his neighborhood. To see him make friends and fight his inner demons as much as his enemy of the week. People that see his struggle as their own and want to see him crawl out of the sewer and be surrounded by his friends. 
We want to see him acknowledge that he is who he is. That he isn’t broken. That maybe he’s a little different but that he can still be who and what he chooses to be, and that is a hero. 
So back to the show. Where does that leave us? He isn’t asking for help anymore. No one listens. No one understands and while everyone is telling him how broken he is, no one is willing to help him get himself back together. 
I think this is where a lot of people see themselves. Rock bottom, desperate, giving up, broken, tired of asking before no one is listening or seeing them. So how does Marc get lifted up? 
In this case, Marc has built his own support system. Jake is there to force him to stop hurting himself and Steven is there to lift him back up. Even Layla who eventually realizes that despite Marc pushing her away, he really just needs her there. She literally flies in and saves him, then helps him back up. 
It doesn’t matter where your support system comes from, it’s something we all need. Outside forces or inside. 
I wish I wish I wish we had the Diab cut. We got to see him stand up to Khonshu, Ammit and Harrow… But to see him confront his mother… Something we all wish we could have. To find the person that has abused and tormented them and stand up and say “You were wrong. I am not broken. I am surviving and I am still here.” 
So again, where does that leave everything? We don’t know. These are problems that don’t go away overnight. The show ends on a note. Not an up note or a down note. Just a note. They are still back right where the show started. Tethered to a bed and unsure about the future. 
But on waking, the first thing Marc does is call out for reassurance. “Steven, are you there?” A man always on edge of crisis. This time he is asking for his life line, and his life line, while sleepy and unsure about his own future, will always be there to help him. 
They will still face rejection, people trying to tell them that they are wrong or not normal or broken. People that feel the need to bully them because they are different. They will still face prejudice and people not willing to understand. People who will think that they need help and proceed to offer the worst help one can find. 
Is any of that okay? No. Unfortunately it is realistic. But I think they are going to be more confident in themselves now. When one feels insecure or like maybe they are wrong, the other can help them push through. 
Society is not the best at offering help. Sometimes it’s going to miss big things and then pat itself on the back when it hands you a fucking pamphlet. The important thing is that we are our own heroes. Maybe we can be someone else’s hero. 
We’d rather save the world.
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poisonousquinzel · 8 months
Batman: The Animated Series: Death In The Family arc & Harley Quinn's involvement.
Hiiiiiii, I've been working on remaking a post and I wanted to briefly discuss this arc itself beforehand because of a panel that's being used in the other post. <3
So Ig to begin, in case you weren't unaware, the btas universe isn't technically over.
While the animated show has long since wrapped, Paul Dini has participated heavily in a continuation comic series that take place somewhere in the New Batman Adventures seasons.
(Side note: Batman: The Animated Series / The New Batman Adventures are the essentially the same show.
Wiki: Three years after the second season of Batman: The Animated Series ended production, the show was moved from Fox to The WB network, which was airing and producing Superman: The Animated Series. These shows were merged as part of an hour-long segment called The New Batman/Superman Adventures. The WB wanted more episodes of Batman, so 24 new episodes were produced, which featured a different format and more focus on Batman's supporting cast.
In addition to the network's demands, the producers decided to make the show match the graphic style of Superman, so all the characters and objects were redesigned with fewer lines, usually referred to by the fans and creative staff as the "revamp" (or alternately, the "new look"). A similar graphic style was used in the rest of the DCAU later on.
The entire series was released on DVD as Batman: The Animated Series Volume Four (From The New Batman Adventures), most likely to establish the connection with the original series.
Ex: Catwoman is shown in the first arc of these comics and she's based off TNBA's redesign.
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So, the Death in The Family storyline. It starts off right from the bat in Season 1 of the comic.
This story is being told multiple years after it happened, all from what Alfred knows of the event. He's telling the current Robin what happened after it's been discovered that Jason Todd is alive.
The first appearance Harley has in this series is this moment.
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"Well, well! Looks like the bat-brood is in serious need of family therapy."
"I happen ta know a good shrink..."
He explains that Jason ran away and quickly remade his public image, from Boy Wonder to Boy Barbarian.
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This change was noted by the Gotham Rogues.
Batman gets Intel that Jason's next target is rumored to be The Joker. Cut back to Harley & that creep.
Now, even though they'd commented on him needing a shrink, that's not what they were doing that night.
Knowing Harley, this was a very special night for her. Their anniversary.
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They were out for a romantic night on the town, or so Harley had hoped...
"Ya call this romance?! I get more affection dewormin' th' hyenas!"
"Oh, don't be such a party pooper, Pooh. Look! Something for you to snuggle when I'm out with the bat-boys."
Of course, The Joker being the stupid little bitch he is, the night doesn't scream romance or anything close and she's frustrated. She tells him off and storms off, Joker giving a loving "Yeah, you'll come crawling back. You always do!". what a charmer 🔪💀
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"An' now I'm out! Sayonara, smiley! We're done!"
"Yeah, you'll come crawling back. You always do! Now where's that pesky whack-a-mole..."
"Who's crawling now, Puddin'?!"
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"Give my regards to th' laffin' fish!"
That was just the start of their very public breakup. Ms. Quinn appeared intent on destroying every place they had gone as a couple.
Let's make it clear that Harley did not have some elaborate "Let's pretend to fight and break up and I'll go pretend to be mad and destroy shit until the Boy Barbarian shows up." Plan with Joker.
She was destroying stuff that reminded her of him and their time together because she was mad and hurt. That's it. This wasn't a ploy to get Jason out of hiding.
He just happened to show up.
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"I'm single an' celebratin'! Whoopee cushions fer all!"
Of course, these shenanigans would bring her out into the open. As they did that evening when she decided to close down their favorite restaurant.
"Red hots! Get 'em while they're hot! Umphh!"
"And here I thought you only dated weiners."
"Back off, boy scout!!"
"Boy scout? You haven't been watchin' the news."
"I'm a bad boy now. More your type. In fact, we got something else totally in common."
And The Joker just happened to feel like stopping him.
Though it's Very Very doubtful he did this out of a "oh no, my love, Harley, is getting hurt." It was an opportunity and he took it.
That's it.
It had nothing to do with Harley being in danger.
It also likely had to do with the fact that he heard Jason ask her about his location and he didn't want to risk losing whatever hideout they'd acquired this time.
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So he shocks him, asking Harley if she's playing the field already.
"We both want to get rid of The Joker. Tell me where he is and you'll only wind up in the emergency room."
"How could a girl say no ta that?"
[Jason gets shocked by Joker.]
"Playing the field already, punkin-pie?"
"Oh, Mista J., You really do care!"
"Smucks, Harley-Mae, I cain't stay mad at you. I even brung ya some flowers from ma's garden. Ah-hyuck!"
"It was a...trick....uuhh..."
"On second thought, they're more fittin' on this here young fella. Now don't that look purdy?"
While Jason passes out believing it was a trick, it wasn't.
It was just bad timing.
Harley wanted a romantic night on the town, and when that didn't happen, she wanted to instead destroy all the places she'd been with Joker that reminded her of that relationship. That's the Only thing she wanted.
Maybe Joker had a plan, but it wasn't one she was privy to.
This isn't what's stated by Alfred, but frankly, that's understandable. He does have bias in this situation.
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But what we're shown does not align with "So Harley lured Jason in and Joker sprang the trap."
I said it once and I'll say it again, as great as Alfred and Bruce are, sometimes, they aren't reliable narrators. It was the same thing in the Mad Love episode and, especially, comic. As the comic is the only one that's got their conversation about Harleen. In the episode itself, it cuts straight from the Dentist's office to Harley trying to be seductive.
I've talked about that comic and the themes here and here.
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"I wanted a cheerful environment for our playdate. You've been a busy bird lately. And an unhappy one too, it seems."
"I'll feel better when my hands are around your neck!"
"There! You see? All that pent up hostility! The boy is obviously in need of help."
"Oh, if only there was a trusted professional we could call!"
"A-hem. The doctor is in!
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In...sane, that is! And ca-raaazy t' help ya!"
"You're dead, Quinn."
"Oh my! Such violent psychotic tendencies."
"What do you make of him, doctor?"
"The patient has a history of acting out destructive power fantasies. No doubt the effect of a very toxic home environment."
"Knowing the father, I concur."
"It's clear that Batman's obsession with building a vigilante dynasty has driven him to make anyone a so-called Robin. Even an unhinged maniac like this."
"Yes, yes! I'm in complete agreement with your diagnosis. With an emphasis on the "Die"!
What we're faced with is a case of self-preservation.
Penguin nearly splattered into street pizza, Clock King almost losing his second hand...and poor Crocky! He'd be a matching set of luggage now if our rabid Robin's aim had been better.
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Junior here has become a real plague on our kind.
[Hits Jason with the crowbar.]
Fortunately, I've got the cure!"
"Yowzie! That's gonna hurt in the morning!"
I think something else to note is that if Harley was in on this elaborate plan, she would have been aware of what The Joker planned to do. She wouldn't have clearly thought this was a typical "let's rough up the punk cause he's being a pain in the ass for all of us rogues."
She's here to mockingly diagnosis him and watch him get roughed up a bit for all the trouble he's caused to the criminals in Gotham.
That's it.
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"Indeed it would! If he weren't going to that big birdbath in the sky tonight!"
"Laugh it up, bird boy! These are the jokes! Ha, Ha, Ha!"
"How selfish of me! Have a whack at him, Pooh."
"Roughin' th' punk up is one thing, but killing him?!"
Because that Is what she thought it was. She makes that apparent in her reaction.
Joker doesn't appreciate her hesitation, or interruptions while he's beating him. So he has her thrown out by his henchmen.
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"Did you think we were just going to give him a love tap and let him go?!"
Harley cowers as he physically leaned towards her, the crowbar still gripped in his hand.
"He won't stop until he's killed every one of us! You've seen what he's done! He begged for this!"
"Get her out of here!"
"Don't touch me! Slimy creeps! I'll knock yer heads off!"
Harley's restrained and lifted out of the warehouse by two goons.
Batman is perched outside, presumably already searching for Jason.
"Batman later admitted that Quinn volunteered to help him stop Joker, though he wisely left her cuffed outside."
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Batman: The Adventures Continue Chapters 10, 11 & 12
Written By: Paul Dini, Alan Burnett
Artist: Ty Templeton
Colorist: Monica Kubina | Letterer: Josh Reed
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observers-journal · 8 months
Do you think that the whole controversy with Tenoch has caused ER to either be more popular among social media and the public or just less as if people are turning away from her? Especially since the 'so-called' evidence that she posted was used against her to call her out on her lies as well as her crimes and history. Also, I wonder if politicians who have tried to be associated with her, such as that one deputy who schemed with her to try to pass the stealthing law by dragging Tenoch, are avoiding and turning away from her due to probably realizing how toxic and criminal she really is. Because it's amazing how they are all silent instead of supporting her, even with the access to the media power that they have that they could use to promote her such as they did with her case as there is not much news going on except for what she posts on Twitter, even with her acid case. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that no one prominent is really on her side publicly, except her lawyer and followers, which makes her really all alone. She probably does these horrible things as a way to feel good about herself and have some self-importance, which would have been sad, if it wasn't for the fact that she tramples and hurts others with her family to do so. If there is one important thing that I have learned in my two and a half decades of life on Earth that is very true, it's that the bill always comes due, and I feel that her bill for all that she has done might be on its way.
Thank you for the submission, anon! You pose a very interesting theory, which I agree can be true.
I'm gonna be a bit more cautious here about my answer, mostly because everything is so chaotic, nuanced and layered it's hard to tease out a specific reason for this. Whatever I say is purely my opinion, so please take it with a pinch of salt.
She could be the case of "bad publicity is still publicity". If she truly is trying for a political career, this might bring her some exposure. Politics is usually dirty and messy, and any kind of exposure helps. I have a feeling she's not very big on her own, but tries to show herself by using the few contacts she has gained, and the nexus she has from her own family. She cares a lot about her carefully constructed image, coz that's what she has going for her. That public sympathy and an activist image.
On the other hand, an equally valid argument is the one you raise. And that I suspect too: this is gonna come back to bite her. Everyone acts to preserve their self-interests, and so we have seen people distancing themselves from her. The amount of stuff she and her family has going on is a biggg problem for her. It's not like other politicians are not toxic or criminal, they just hide it better.
She definitely created a big ruckus and then nothing came of it. So to some extent, I think her temporary social media popularity is down. Will it continue to be that way? I can't say. Does it reflect the ground reality? I don't know.
I don't want to pass any personal comments on her as a person, and keep myself limited to her case with Tenoch. I feel bad for her acid attack, but what she did to him was nasty. Terrible.
Here's what I suspect. All of our conclusions are based on publicly available info. Behind the scenes? She could have quieted down and shifted her focus elsewhere (other cases that are more important). She might have found solace in the fact that she was able to successfully deliver a blow to Tenoch's career. She might be covering up her criminal traces. She might be working on her network politically. Or she might be quietly planning another attack on Tenoch (I actually doubt that).
But boy do I hope he sues the hell out of her.
Sorry for such a long post! I had thoughts. I hope you keep the world bright through your goodness and optimism! 🫶
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tayfabe75 · 1 month
hi. Just wondering if you have seen the last couple of concerts that were streamed and what you think about Matty feeling quite down. Do you still think there is any hope for him and taylor to be back together
I'm going to preface this (probably) controversial take by first explaining that I think Matty is someone who, while touring, is lucky to be utterly surrounded by loved ones. From his bandmates to his manager, the personal friends he's enlisted to handle the merch, lighting, stage production, etc, even the security guys seem quite close with Matty. If the man was truly struggling with poor mental health, he has a giant support network at his fingertips. Trust me, if you can tell Matty is upset from a grainy livestream, the ones on and behind the stage can, too - and they care, even more than me or you! Because they know him, truly know him, in a way that fans never could, no matter how many times they listen to his albums or watch his interviews. He's good! Or, if he's not, he will be soon, because he's got his boys!
All that said… I'm going to draw attention to something else Matty said while on stage:
"Even in an earnest moment, you should always be suspicious."
And so, I remain suspicious! If Matty appears upset on stage, it's either one of two things: 1) tour is ending, or 2) he wants to appear upset. He once said this about ATVB:
"It's a show that feels pretty loose, but it's actually very, very tight. It's very, very well-rehearsed."
I know the generally accepted fan take is that Matty is just too ADHD to follow through with anything and gave up whatever his plans for the show were supposed to be... But what if the plan was always to make it look like he was really going through it for the duration of SATVB? Upset, distracted, struggling. He even preemptively warned of this emotional shift:
"If you see me sliding over the next six months, I appreciate it, but don't worry about it."
Of course, if Matty has truly been experiencing mental turmoil in his personal life that has since spilled into his professional life, I wish him all the best and hope he finds time and space to heal, but I trust that he's in very good hands if that's the case. After all, he assured us that the boys (his chosen family, if you will) would die for each other if it came down to it!
But, if all is as it seems and Matty truly lost Taylor last June… and if his upset during the last handful of SATVB shows was somehow connected to that loss all these months later… I would point you to the 'Oh Caroline' video, which shows what will become of him if he gets the ending he had hoped to avoid… (ie: if he got it "wrong")
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He still ends up with his boys! That's not so bad, is it? Do you happen to know how many folks out there dream of growing old with either Ross, George, or Adam? A whole bunch. And all three? Matty, you lucky dog!
For me, the more likely explanation is that absolutely everything has been orchestrated from start to finish. The tour may have concluded, but the show must go on. So, yes! I would bet money on Matty finding his way back to Taylor. And by the time he does, I even suspect the tides will have turned in his favor following whatever devastation awaits us in TTPD. We'll see!
But... how curious that a pair of artists who have both romanticized star-crossed love stories... should end up in one of their own! Luckily for us, Taylor didn't like the ending of Romeo and Juliet, so she changed it. Thanks for the ask! 🤍
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apocalypticavolition · 9 months
Let's (re)Read The Wheel of Time! Chapter 5: Winternight
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Welcome back to the reread that has caused both my tablet and my fire cube to glitch out in horrible, frustrating ways for no apparent reason! There are many spoilers going forward (like the fact that this will cause me to snap), so if you don't want that sort of thing, run.
In the Two Rivers that often included three or four generations under one roof, including aunts, uncles, cousins, and nephews. Tam and Rand were considered out of the ordinary as much for being two men living alone as for farming in the Westwood.
Makes you wonder what did happen to Tam's family. Presumably there were some deaths (maybe that's why he left the region in the first place; trying to get away from grief), but you'd think he'd have some cousins or something that would merit a mention. Or maybe the al'Thors were incredibly inbred and used to be a Congar/Coplin tier clan until they all died.
“I’ll start some stew for supper. And as long as we’re here, we might as well get caught up on a few chores.”
Already it's the worst Bel Tine ever, but don't worry Rand, it will get worse.
A broad oaken table was the main feature of the room other than the fireplace, a table long enough to seat a dozen or more, though there had seldom been so many around it since Rand’s mother died.
Because of course it's up to women to coordinate social events, even if they're outlanders who don't have the decades of social networking that their husbands do.
I skipped over a whole bunch of chores, btw. It's good scene setting but there's not much else to say about it.
...The Travels of Jain Farstrider sat on the table...
Hi Jain! For the first few books, your own title sounded like something rather old and well-established, The Travels of Marco Polo not as seen by his contemporaries but by the people of the 1500s. Now we know it's actually a very recent tome, not much older than Rand, which means that he's lucky to have a copy at all. Maybe Tam bought it in Illian.
There's actually a lot of domesticity stuff I'm skimming over. It helps set the calm mood that is about to be so violently shattered.
When Tam came back, Rand stared in surprise. A thick belt slanted around Tam’s waist, and from the belt hung a sword, with a bronze heron on the black scabbard and another on the long hilt. The only men Rand had ever seen wearing swords were the merchants’ guards. And Lan, of course. That his father might own one had never even occurred to him.
Of course even before that we get the mounting dread as Tam locks and bars the doors and starts rearranging the furniture.
Rand doesn't recognize the significance of the heron, which is a little odd. You'd think the sign of the blademaster would be exactly the sort of thing that stories would harp on about endlessly, like how Rand never shuts up about his man crush Lan.
“I got it a long time ago,” Tam said, “a long way from here. And I paid entirely too much; two coppers is too much for one of these. Your mother didn’t approve, but she was always wiser than I. I was young then, and it seemed worth the price at the time. She always wanted me to get rid of it, and more than once I’ve thought she was right, that I should just give it away.”
And this right here is virtually all the info we get about what might have happened in the Tam prequel that Jordan wanted to do. Two coppers doesn't seem like anything other than a complete steal for such a valuable blade, but something about Tam's statement makes me wonder if there's a lot more going on than just spending two coppers.
He had always vaguely supposed his father must have gone outside—his mother had been an outlander...
Shame that in all your years you never asked your dad about how he met your mother. Usually we get some kind of nod about how "Father never spoke of Mother" in these kinds of stories but Jordan's never actually said that and Tam seems quite open and supportive so it's just odd, like his lack of any relatives in the area. I will now endeavor to never think of these incongruities again because they don't really matter, they're just the kind of thing that you look back on make you go, "Oh yeah, these guys are fictional and not real people".
Then the Trollocs show up!
Rand felt the beginnings of an odd sort of relief. Whoever this was, it was not the black-cloaked rider.
Welp, Rand's gone into shock. Thankfully he snaps out of it and...
The creature roared, part scream of pain, part animal snarl, as boiling water splashed over its face.
Even in the first book the Trollocs are getting punked. This is only a distraction before Tam actually takes it down, but still.
Shadows, he told himself. Only shadows.
Yes Rand, the Shadow has finally come for you. Save this feeling that it's a completely inconsequential copy of what's real and true; it'll help you later. (Sadly, he will not.)
“They’re coming in the back!” The words came out in a croak, but at least they came out. He had not been sure they would. “I’m outside! Run, father!”
He starts and ends on good notes, but when you're being hunted by the forces of darkness you never give away your position even a little.
In mid-stride Tam whirled, not running toward Rand, but at an angle away from him. “Run, lad!” he shouted, gesturing with the sword as if to someone ahead of him. “Hide!”
After Rand gives away his position AGAIN, Tam bravely covers for him. You shoulda spent less time on meditation and more on emergency situations. What kind of novel by a semi-libertarian type is this that our heroes who live out in the woods besides a minimalist democratic government aren't crazy preppers whose irresponsibly placed bear traps have already killed fifteen government agentsShadowspawn?
Suddenly a hand closed over his mouth from behind, and an iron grip seized his wrist. Frantically he clawed over his shoulder with his free hand for some hold on the attacker. “Don’t break my neck, lad,” came Tam’s hoarse whisper.
Coulda whispered quicker. Geez, Rand probably pissed himself.
They kill for the pleasure of killing, so I’ve been told.
Don't sound too different from real people, do they Tam?
But that’s the end of my knowledge, except that they cannot be trusted unless they’re afraid of you, and then not far.
Is it just me, or is this rather an odd piece of trivia to know? Most good people aren't going to need to know this. Maybe Kari *had been* a Darkfriend back before she settled down and knew these things from experience?
No, of course not. But it's funny to imagine and since we don't get a prequel anymore we're all welcome to come up with the stupidest headcanons imaginable.
If he had to do it against a Trolloc he was surely just as likely to run instead, or freeze stiff so he could not move at all until the Trolloc swung one of those odd swords and. . . . Stop it! It’s not helping anything!
Realism doesn't hurt, Rand. It's good to acknowledge that battles are scary and that since you're not trained you're not likely to make a positive difference.
Creeping from tree to tree, he tried to make a plan, but by the time he reached the edge of the woods he had made and discarded ten. Everything depended on whether or not the Trollocs were still there.
Jordan, being a military man, is smart enough to know that plans don't really last in conflict, and this spreads to Rand. He also is again aware of his limitations and knows that if the house has Trollocs in it his only smart choice is to run back.
It was the light that decided him. The barn was dark. Anything could be waiting inside, and he would have no way of knowing until it was too late. At least he would be able to see what was inside the house.
Of course, you'll be quite visible as well, especially if there's anything in the barn watching. Can't blame you for not thinking everything through though - and luckily, nothing is in the barn, so that's all going to work out.
Four twisted bodies made a tangle in the remnants of the furnishings. Trollocs.
Tam did pretty fucking well to only be semi-mortally wounded while taking out four and distracting all the rest, especially for someone who claims to have had no experience with Shadowspawn, which are quite distinct from human opponents in several ways.
“Others go away. Narg stay. Narg smart.”
In a book filled with early installment weirdness, Narg really takes the cake, huh? He's also incredibly popular, though much like another incredibly popular non-human in this series I don't really get it. He's a fun but to me very forgettable meme. (NOTE TO SELF: Put in more of these hot takes in the hopes of getting angry replies to boost viewership.)
Did Jordan intend for there to be more distinct Trolloc characters over the course of the series and just never got around to it, or had to abandon them as the plans changed? Was this just laying the groundwork for Shaidar Haran? The world will never know.
Desperately he brought his sword up. The monstrous body crashed into him, slamming him against the wall. Breath left his lungs in one gasp. He fought for air as they fell to the floor together, the Trolloc on top. Frantically he struggled beneath the crushing weight, trying to avoid thick hands groping for him, and snapping jaws.
Rand's first fight. Like so many of his physical confrontations, this one ends ignominiously. His most "epic" fight is in a Sanderson book and besides that one I feel like most of his battles have high prices, ambiguous outcomes, or other weirdnesses that stop him from being Gilgamesh and keep him more at a Samwell Tarly kind of level when it comes to combat. You'd think the dude would have clued in sooner that his focus wasn't meant to be on the material world, but he is just a sheepherder I guess.
He was sure he was forgetting any number of things they would need, but Tam was waiting, and the Trollocs were coming back. He gathered what he could think of on the run.
He actually does pretty well. In a crisis, Rand tends to have a pretty clear head when he's not succumbing to madness. Anyway, he heads into the barn (it's empty and the wagon is wrecked) and promptly breaks down the wagon to at least have something to carry Tam in.
When the shaft fell free, he looked at the sword blade in wonder. Even the best-sharpened axe would have dulled chopping through that hard, aged wood, but the sword looked as brightly sharp as ever.
Every fantasy series needs to have magical blades that don't need sharpening no matter how often they're used. Jordan was probably one of the first to state that it all happened because the wizards and witches forging the blades were manipulating them at the atomic level. Even this is a cliche in the modern era though.
That thought was like a beacon as he pulled on his coat and bent to tend Tam’s wound. They would be safe once they reached the village, and Nynaeve would cure Tam. He just had to get him there.
I'm starting to wonder if any of these chapters will end without irony at this rate. Rand does *not* have the gift of Foretelling, that much is for sure.
Anyway, tune in next time for Rand's desperate trek across the Westwood. I'm sure it's just a travelogue chapter and that absolutely no life-changing revelations will be had.
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kiveriah · 2 years
Azure Gleam - Dimitri
We get to see how a Dimitri with a present support network can be a good king since early on, and he could have reached a similar path in 3H if he had the same opportunities, I stand by that.
Pre-timeskip Dimitri is the same, the only thing that changes is that he was crowned sooner and those who were keeping their distance (Rodrigue and Matthias, Lambert’s best friends) are suddenly by his side, supporting him with more than thoughts. 
Plus all of the Blue lions leave the academy and follow him, expanding his support network even further. Unlike 3 houses in which everyone kept him at bay, they were closer than any other house, yes, but only Mercedes called him by his name, the others either was love or respect always refer to him by his title (or worse). 
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Felix and Rufus are the worst offenders. Rufus was one of the people responsible for the Tragedy of Duscur and manages to kill his brother but to his regret Dimitri survives. And then he claims he is ‘scared’ of him since he was a child. He continues to taunt him until his death.
All of his family is either dead (Lambert, his mother) or has betrayed him (Rufus, Patricia/Anselma and Edelgard*). Rodrigue, Felix, Matthias, Sylvain, and Ingrid kept their distance.
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But when they need to defeat Rufus all come to aid him and STAY with him as their king. The two most important changes are:
Rodrigue drops his title but helps him with Duscur (second father figure)
Felix becomes the duke and tries to advice him (rekindle their friendship but he stills calls him out, thing the others still have a little trouble doing)
We get to see Dimitri become more open, sharing the burden and trusting the Blue lions. Even if he is still plagued by his ghosts he now holding tight to the living. We reach a similar Dimitri than the one we get to see at the end of Azure Moon which makes me wonder, had he had a support network (he knew he could go back to) in 3 Houses how he did here, would his fate had been any different?
We already had hints in 3Houses about how the lost his eye and why he is so ruthless with Randolph but it is nice(? to get a confirmation in 3Hopes also.
See how Dimitri acts in 3 Houses after getting captured, tortured and threatened (with Dedue / possibly Rodrigue), he tried to follow the same modus operandi as his trauma VS in 3 Hopes he willingly gave himself as a hostage and what Cordelia is threatening him with.
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We know Dimitri parrots what other think of him. When his uncle or Felix call him beast/boar he does not deny it, he never pushes back. He accepts all criticism at face value. This is the way he reacts with words and I think this is the way he reacts with actions, he is just parroting or recreating what he went through. It show how when the others took the first step to help him he open up/trust did too.
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
I understand if you don't wanna answer this but I'm a bit concerned, I saw your replies about Tay being sexually harassed by one of his cousins, is he safe now? And is everything ok with the rest of his family? I know his parents are wonderful and that he's also posted about people who I believe are either siblings or [good / non-abusive] cousins. I just wanna make sure he's out of harm's way and still has access to a good support network.
There's a good support network and a protective order in place, Tay is safe and his family is aware all this is happening. It's frustrating and scary, but they are working on keeping Tay safe as always and the "harassing his friends and the friends of his friends" combined with the nature of his disabilities was enough for a protective order. (Thank you to everyone to sent me screenshots. You did tangible good!)
Tays parents basically had to build their entire lives around keeping Tay safe and supported. It's impressive as hell, and I wish I had half the drive and creativity they have when it comes to raising their children. I'm very open when I think someone is mistreating their child, but I'm confident that Tay is in the best environment he can be and they're doing a great job.
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
Li'l author spotlight for all a' you'se tonight, bc I've been bingeing a bunch of their works page on AO3 and everything they've ever written is gold. Okay? Okay. Let's give it up for AO3 author ApprenticeOfDoyle:
The main fic I wanna gush about is pressure (pushing down on me), which is more or less a pathos-riddled retelling of the trilogy up until it veers hard into canon divergence--of a distinctly NaruMitsu flavor, of course. By the time the events of AA4 roll up, Phoenix has a much more prepared (and present) support network, which is just so satisfying and wonderful and ugh. Even after that point, however, it follows the outline of the canon cases closely enough that it turns into an almost 'what-if' style of fic, where the only major difference is that the Phoenix, Maya, Pearl, and Miles (and later Trucy) are all one big happy, adorable, inseparable family.
And like, that'd be enough for me already--I LOVE canon retellings, especially ones that are different in just small ways like this. But this fic also just feels so good to READ. I think in my comment on the fic I described it as "crystallized catharsis", and I stand by that. Phoenix CRIES in this fic, and he does it a LOT, and Maya and Miles and everyone else around him all cry, too, and it is AMAZING. If the author's main goal with this fic was to expand on all the moments in the games that made you think "oh wow, that was effed up, I bet the characters are effed up about what just happened", then they SUCCEEDED.
God and don't get me started on how much appreciation this author has for the Feys, or for Phoenix's sibling bond with them, or for all the trauma these characters have experienced to be given some damn breathing room so they can help each other heal...
Guh. Anyway. The fic is great. If you like it when characters cry a lot and hug a lot and talk about their feelings, this is the fic to read.
(And if you'll allow me to gush just a second longer: the first fic in the series covers from right after Dahlia's trial to the disbarment [and, spoilers: Kristoph's early defeat]. Then, there are SEQUELS, one focusing on Trucy and her adoption, and another focusing more on Apollo in this universe's version of AA4. Both are WIPs but I am salivating over both of them waiting for more, they are SO GOOD. HhhhHHHHNNNGH FAMILY!!!!)
And THEN!!!
Not part of the same 'verse as the aforementioned series (though I think it could work as a part of it no problem): a whole damn fic just retelling the events of the first Investigations game...... but if Miles and Phoenix were happily dating. It's essentially just AAI1 but Phoenix is there to freak out and give Miles hugs after all the terrible things happen lmao. It's delightful and also treats all the panic attacks and kidnapping etc with the gravity and emotion that the game failed to deliver, meaning it's an automatic win in my book. Just let them be mushy sappy boyfriends who offer comfort at each other's time of need.
And finally, because even this author's little smutty oneshots are brilliant, here's a short post-JFA get-together fic with very sweet, heartfelt dialogue, and here's a VERY funny comedy about everyone mistaking a bruise on Phoenix's neck for a hickey (and, as the tags say, Miles getting "a little bit Genghis Khan"). Delightful, delightful, delightful.
I'll stop now bc this post is too long already, but this rec has been ready to burst out of me for almost a week now and I had to write it out. Now go give these fics some love 🌻
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gacmediadaily · 7 months
Danica McKellar has taken a step away from Los Angeles, but not her career.
The "Wonder Years" star moved to Tennessee a year ago, and the change of scenery has been refreshing. 
"Tennessee is a total quality of life improvement. It’s gorgeous, I love the seasons," McKellar told Fox News Digital. 
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Danica McKellar told Fox News Digital her move to Tennessee is "a total quality of life improvement." (Astrida Valigorsky/Getty Images)
"Maybe it’s some sort of honeymoon period. I’ve been there about a year now, but I love all the seasons."
McKellar has also continued her journey with faith, a newer addition to her life that coincided with her move to Tennessee.
"I would not say I’ve embraced religion so much as relationship. I’ve found my faith, and it’s been an amazing life changer," she said. "I have this sense that everything’s going to be fine in a way that I never really had before."
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McKellar said her newfound faith has been "an amazing life changer." (Nathan Congleton/NBC via Getty Images)
"I am so grateful to Candace Cameron Bure for bringing me into this era of my life. She really had a lot to do with it," McKellar said. "Also my dad. He’s been a believer for a long time.
"It’s just been a beautiful, beautiful gift, and it feels so good, and I want everyone to have that feeling." 
McKellar’s also continuing her work in TV and film.
"I am just as busy in Tennessee as I was in Los Angeles because so much of everything that I do is virtual, online, preparing for projects," she explained. "I shoot my movies mostly in Canada. But I like to say that my view out the window is a lot prettier. And when I have to drive some place, it’s just a gorgeous drive."
The 48-year-old’s latest project, "Swing into Romance," premieres Saturday on Great American Family and gave her a chance to hit the dance floor again after appearing on season 18 of "Dancing with the Stars."
"‘Swing into Romance’ has three full-on ‘Dancing with the Stars’-level swing jive routines. It’s no joke," McKellar shared. 
"I rehearsed a ton. I took a lot of ice baths, also reminiscent of my time on ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ Something I learned, if you don’t want to hurt, then you take an ice bath after you dance. It’s unpleasant but it’s worth it."
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Danica McKellar placed sixth during her season of "Dancing with the Stars" with partner Val Chmerkovskiy. (Adam Taylor/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images)
McKellar was partnered with "DWTS" pro Val Chmerkovskiy and finished in sixth place during her season. The experience got her hooked on dance, and she said she "kept taking lessons after that because I just loved it so much."
The actress was able to discuss the movie thanks to an interim agreement through SAG-AFTRA, the actors' union still on strike, and the production company that produced "Swing into Romance."
"It's so great because I've been dying to talk about it," McKellar said. "I'm so grateful to Fran Drescher, our SAG-AFTRA president, for making these interim agreements possible.
"I’ve heard her say these interim agreements are part of her strategy for getting the big networks on board, so I’m so excited that me promoting my movie actually supports her efforts, and I’m really praying for a quick resolution at this point. I know it’s been a long time, I know a lot of people are out of work, and I’m really hopeful and I’m so grateful for all her efforts."
The movie also stars "DWTS" pro Gleb Savchenko, who is partnered with Oscar winner Mira Sorvino on the current season, and McKellar dropped by this week’s taping to cheer them on. 
"'Dancing With the Stars' is one of the craziest, most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. And I haven’t been back here in years. It’s really exciting to be back. I cannot wait to see everyone dance," she said.
"But that all prepared me for working with Gleb. And a few times, he said, ‘Hey I have to thank Val for preparing you so well because you still got it.’"
Savcehnko, in his first acting role, plays the ex-fiancé and ex-dance partner of McKellar’s character, and the two worked closely to prepare each other for the movie.
"I have to say, this was his first acting job, and he did amazing," McKellar said. "It was really fun because I got to coach him in acting. So, he was coaching me in dance, and I was coaching him in acting, and you’d never know it was his first movie. He did a fantastic job playing my ex-fiancé and ex-dance partner, and I can’t wait for you guys to see the movie."
Savchenko told Fox News Digital his character was "this Russian superhero in dance" and joked that, in his scenes, he has a "Russian ‘Terminator’ accent," a nod to his actual Russian roots. 
"It was incredible," he added. "I enjoyed every moment, every day, being on set. I came on set even when they were not my days to shoot just to learn. I was behind the scenes, I had earphones on just to listen and see the monitor, what they were doing how they were acting. It was almost like this month of an acting job was an acting boot camp for me.
"But, at the same time, I had a chance to train Danica and dance with her. And we had a lot of fun doing this, and she is so into dance."
"Swing into Romance" premieres on Great American Family Saturday, Oct. 7.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
I think the deadliest thing about Krow is how badly he can be underestimated due to being short, goofy and kind. He’s charismatic, persistent, sneaky, and shaped like a friend. Non-threatening. He covers his tracks. He can also gaslight.
So how are Gabby’s instincts so damn good? She seems a lot more switched on than the average person and is very confident and clear in her perceptions. She knows no specifics but read Krow to filth. There was no confusion, she sniffed him out inside that sheep’s clothing from day one.
Has she dealt with dangerous people before? Is she a Murderino/true crime fan? Naturally tuned in socially or good at body language? Very analytical? Guarded less trusting personality?
Gabby takes a lot of safety precautions. Is that specifically about Krow, living in a dangerous city, simply being cautious as an AFAB person? Had a family member or friend been stalked, attacked or killed? Is it due to her having past experiences of abuse that makes her wary of others, or her/her partner working a high risk job that requires it?
Is her partner working in law enforcement or as a psychologist, is she ex-law enforcement or ex-psychologist? (Perhaps she still is, or if she works with Dove as a barista maybe she didn’t continue after study or burned out and left for a less demanding job. Perhaps she’s working part time as a barista with Dove while she studies.)
Perhaps she’s sapphic and so has more emotional distance from *people assumed to be men not to be influenced by his charm. (Sorry if that question is intrusive/inappropriate or misgenders Krow.) She could be asexual. She could have a personality that doesn’t readily form connections with others so he can’t buddy up. All of this would give her a more objective view of his behaviours.
Or maybe she’s so happy and nourished in her relationship she just isn’t as susceptible. She has a strong support network and/or is not emotionally vulnerable.
I don’t know how she worked it out on so little. Because I know exactly what Krow is and still don’t know how she so intuitively saw the danger without being told, and I still find him a somewhat sympathetic/tragic figure.
Did he miscalculate, do something slightly sus and she saw it? Was he just that bit overly forward or persistent, coming to the cafe too much? Seeking Dove out specifically? Did she overhear him manipulating Dove or pushing them for a date?
The lady is street smart as hell and I need her to teach classes.
I love these detailed asks you send in anon. But you also need to get out of my head. /lh /teasing
You definitely have it right about Krow, that his greatest asset (I think) is the fact he is often so wildly underestimated. As you say, he's short, a bit goofy and rather kind and well mannered (most of the time). He's just a silly, quirky artist guy with a crush. What harm could he possibly do or be capable of? So why is Gabby so keen on saying he is a giant red flag?
Part of the answer is kind of spoilery (or well, wouldn't make much sense at the moment, other things need to be revealed), but the short of it is: Gabby is extremely paranoid and tends to have a 'glass is half empty, and what's left is probably poisoned' view of the world and others. Sometimes this benefits her. Sometimes it doesn't. This pessimistic personality she has now wasn't always extreme. It's something she has developed over the years.
Gabby has had some... harsh experiences in life, shall we say, that has left her with a pretty bitter outlook. She is in a MUCH better place in all regards (you ARE right anon that she is quite happy and nourished in her relationship and has strong bonds with other folks in her life) but the damage has been done. It still leaves her... wary of most others.
From her life experiences, and just brief interactions with Krow, he just ticks off one too many boxes on her 'most likely dangerous person' checklist for comfort. And the fact he is keen on getting close to Dove... is it any wonder she is so adament in telling you to stay away from him?
But this isn't exactly new or surprising behavior from her (and she HAS been wrong about people in the past, to be clear) so it's up to you, Dove, if you believe her warnings or not.
I will say though, there IS something that Gabby herself does in her own time that also has helped her hone her analytical skills, yet also has perhaps left her with some more bitter impressions on the world at large.
I'll say too her partner also has some skills which also come in handy for sussing out someone like Krow.
The major thing though is... something has happened to Gabby in the past that has reeeeally left her... wary and very cautious of others. Which may or may not be revealed in due time. (:
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ewan-mo · 1 year
“At home” in Kisiizi, and encouraging developments
2nd March 2023
“At home” in Kisiizi, and encouraging developments
2nd March 2023
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In one of our conversations at Kisiizi, Moses the hospital secretary reminded us that Kisiizi was our “second home”. Our welcome certainly suggested that we were part of the family. How lovely.
Georgious is the Psychiatric Clinical Officer who leads the mental health service at Kisiizi. His report was exciting as he told us of new developments and possibilities. And perhaps most importantly, we heard Georgious’s enthusiasm, leadership and vision. 
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The ward and patient shelter
mhGAP training, sponsored by JF, has proved to have had remarkable results. 
When Covid struck, and senior mental health professionals couldn’t travel to the outlying clinics, the newly trained staff at the rural health centres carried on providing mental health treatment and support as they now know what to do.
A young clinician trained in mhGAP has been promoted to in-charge of the mental health ward.
Prima, who qualified in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, was inspired to renew her adult mental health skills by mhGAP training. 
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On her way to school
Georgious is much more confident that if he has to be absent, the young team collaborate to share the responsibility of caring for the patients together. Georgious is in no doubt that mhGAP has made a significant difference. He says that staff are eager to apply their new knowledge and skills, and he can see the development in the way they work. His newly trained colleagues say they are not just wanting to pass exams as they were during their studies, they really want to use what they have learnt. And a good proportion of the mhGAP trainees have continued to practise their new skills. 
Georgious has also led the workshops for Community Leaders’ Sensitisation. He says there is now clearly much better understanding of the nature of mental illness and epilepsy. The mental health team have a very good partnership with local teachers, and the police continue to refer potential patients. 
Perhaps most excitingly, some of the pastors have really begun to change both their thinking and their practice. One pastor, for example, has identified 12 people who might have epilepsy or mental illness, brought them to the hospital, and stayed with them as they were assessed and started on treatment. He is now following them up and ensuring that the patients continue with their treatment.
This is a wonderful development, as the local church pastors are key people in their communities. Both we and Georgious are very hopeful that many more might follow this example. 
If you have contributed to Jamie’s Fund in the last few years, your donation has helped to bring about all of this remarkable progress. Thank you so much for that.
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Mobile phones get everywhere!
Georgious would like to expand the workshop programme to district level – he says that the district teams meet many patients and have the potential to be very supportive. Conversations with Kuule, who works at Bwindi hospital, have encouraged Georgious to make plans also to sensitise Village Health Volunteers – more key players in the life of village communities. 
We were pleased that Dr Henry, the relatively new Medical Superintendent, was listening closely to  Georgious’ report. Together with Moses we needed to have some discussion on matters less encouraging and more challenging. The team lost a patient to suicide recently, and this has provoked a renewed discussion on security, and their protocols on risk assessment and observation. 
Another challenging issue is the number of patients who stay too long! Several patients have been left on the ward and abandoned by their families. In some cases they can’t even tell the team where they come from. In spite of best endeavours using community networks to try to trace the families, these have failed. The ward is left with these people who are technically no longer patients and have long been ready for discharge. Others are held until the families come to pay the fees due. 
Kisiizi’s aim has always been “care for the vulnerable” and the management see this group of people as in that category. But the situation means that the mental health service has a big bill assigned to it, even when these individuals should not be there and aren’t a cost in terms of mentally illness. It is more a social work issue. This is a huge challenge. There is also an imbalance of unwell and well people, and too many extra beds down the middle of the wards.
We also talked of the Good Samaritan Fund, which provides for patients and families who cannot afford to pay for their psychiatric medicines. Georgious is of the view that if they could further expand community services and keep people well, patients would be less likely to relapse and need comparatively expensive medication. I think he is right. 
When we were here last year we were struck by the negative impact of covid. It seemed to us that the whole country was depressed. This time it’s not so obvious, but there are still some concerns.
There is increased poverty, and fewer patients attending the hospital, resulting in a lower income. Patients not attending means they don’t get care from the team, and they probably don’t get medicine either, resulting in a higher number of patients relapsing. 
There are psychosocial effects: increased rates of gender based violence, for example. Children have not been in school, and Georgious feels that many of them are losing hope. Some teachers took to alcohol during lockdowns.   Higher pregnancy rates in girls and young women have negative results in many ways. 
Families are less likely to afford medication because they have so little income; in addition, the drugs have became much more expensive, something we’ve seen around the world.
Kisiizi Hospital has, as always, tried to help the most vulnerable, and the School of Nursing has provided food for poorer patients where relatives cannot prepare meals for the inpatients.
The discussion took much of the morning. You remember that in a previous blog one of the sisters said they appreciated us coming because they felt loved. Moses commented that ��when Ewan and Mo come it’s like an Annual General Meeting”!
But he also reminded us that “even if it’s a flying visit it’s important for us.” It’s important for JF too – we need to know that the funds you donate and we distribute are being put to the best use. 
They are.
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The vehicle bought by JF years ago with funds raised from a sponsored cycle. Still going well and 190,000 km on the clock.
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sirchubbybunny · 1 year
Also, massive shout out to one of my friends today.
I got some really disappointing news today from the surgical team associated with the surgeon I was slated to have a top surgery consultation with. She said he was unfortunately retiring and they'd have to cancel, as he has no replacement and if one comes in, it won't be for another year and it isn't clear if they'd do top surgery.
She suggested that I call my provider for others in the network who could help, though I sadly said I've done that for a few years now and who they had down isn't great. The whole thing was the cherry on top of the bad sundae that this month has had out for me. There's one person who I'll try to call tomorrow that a family member knows, but that's besides the point.
My friend comes in the thread and gives me so much love and support. She told me that she was sorry for the bad news and while it may feel like the universe has it out for me, but it's simply just bad luck and that I'm likely to strike good luck soon than just having more dealt to me statistically speaking.
She told me to remember that she's rooting for me and confident that things will work out, that everyone here loves me and she loves me regardless of all the stuff related to how I look and the things that make me dysphoric. Not gonna lie, that and hearing her say how proud she is of me and how far I've come, who I am, and all the work I've done to be able to get to this point damn near made me cry.
She's so fucking lovely and wonderful. I'm not sure where I'd be without her being this incredible source of light in my life. It was like being enveloped in just the warmest, safest hug and I'm forever grateful and thankful that we share space together for one another. I'm tearing up writing this, actually. I've been feeling so down and out for the last few weeks and she just swooped in like a hawk and lifted me back up.
Now, I'm going to go listen to some music and try not to cry for a while.
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kitmarlowe · 2 years
BOTH Johnny depp and amber heard are terrible people
As a woman I’m asking you
Why do you think ambers so innocent just because she’s a woman???? What is wrong with you ? Also no sorry but people (at least from what I’ve seen) don’t hate her more than that piece of shit putin
Literally why is it so hard for people like you to understand that women can also abuse men???
the tone of this message suggests to me that you believe she is lying, despite opening with saying they’re both terrible. to believe they’re the same, you must believe some of what she said. and if you believe that, I can’t see why you’re having a go at me. mutual abuse cannot exist here. do i believe she’s an innocent, perfect woman? no, of course not. she admits herself she isn’t. but you can’t compare her actions to his. if you’re interested, this post breaks it down.
obviously i didn’t write the putin comment. but she has been targeted on social media every day of this trial, not to mention actual death threats made against her and her baby. not so for depp.
“people like me” understand perfectly well that women can abuse men. i never said otherwise. perhaps you’ll go lend your support to someone like ioan gruffudd?
good rule of thumb: if a woman tells you she’s been abused - especially when she’s speaking against a powerful man - believe her. if she’s lying, you’ll soon find out. if she’s not, she needs support. no woman has ever gained anything from lying about abuse.
the fact she’s a woman isn’t why i believe her (though for reasons stated, i can’t say it’s not a factor), I believe her because of the evidence. a uk judge ruled there was enough evidence to support 12 out of 14 of her allegations, while also dismissing some of depp’s.
let’s look at some of depp’s comments and the myth of mutual abuse. strap in.
abuse requires a power imbalance. who do you think had the power in that relationship? depp was a-list. he had power in the industry. worth millions. he had so many people working for him who never seemed far away. do you think his security team would have allowed her to hurt him? amber was nobody. she was in her 20s, he was late 40s/early 50s. he love-bombed her, her family and her friends. he let them live rent-free in his penthouses. one moved in before amber. he did drugs with her addict father. he told everyone that he’d take care of them, whatever they needed. a lot of her support network relied on him at some point. who had the power?
it sounds like he’s used similar tactics on his team. so when they don’t do as he wants he gets aggressive until they’re practically grovelling. a lot of conversations with amber sound like this. this exchange is with his assistant. for context, it’s sent on the same day as another of his texts which seems to imply depp has already used up the supply of cocaine he got for him and he’s having to look elsewhere for more:
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a victim hitting back does not mean they are as much to blame as the abuser (the infamous audio is explained at the top link). would you prefer she never fought back? would you prefer she just let him hit her until she was dead? if a bully is repeatedly attacking someone and the victim hits back, are they now the bully? no. you also need to put yourself into that mindset. the person you love beats you. you know what the triggers are, so you’re on edge. you’re overthinking everything you do because you can’t guarantee they’re not going to snap again. you’re walking on egg shells. you know alcohol and drugs make it worse. you try to stop them doing those drugs. they don’t like that. if there’s a lull in the abuse, you’re wondering every day when it’s going to happen again. has it actually stopped or is it just around the corner? sometimes it might get so bad that you just want to end the anticipation. perhaps you hit them first. it’s still a response to the abuse. and you know what? she acknowledges her part in it. she acknowledges the things she said, when she hit back. he denies all of it.
he tried to use her not letting him leave a fight as an indication she was the abuser. but that’s also a classic move. to say you were the one trying to de-escalate the situation, to say your victim was the reason it kept going. she wanted him to see what was happening, she didn’t want him to just walk off and pretend he’d done nothing wrong.
i don’t want to detail what happened in australia because she never wanted that to be public knowledge. the uk trial protected her and let her tell it privately. it doesn’t appear in the court documents. no such protection in the us. he wanted it public, he wanted power over her. because this is all about humiliating her while he sits there doodling and laughing and falling asleep.
she’s the one who’s had to sit on that stand and tell the world what he’d done to her. she’s the one who had to submit all this evidence she gathered because no one would believe her, because his staff would not challenge him. she’s the one having her testimony dragged through the mud, memed, used for material in stand up shows. why is he not bringing evidence? if his entire argument is meant to be how she is the real abuser, why is he not giving examples? ordinarily i’d say victim’s don’t need to tell us everything, but he brought this trial. you’d think he’d have something to actually say.
you’ve got his fans calling him a gentleman and sometimes even “literally a minor”. he’s certainly not that. he’s a raging misogynist. he’s racist.
here’s some of his messages (also look at the ones with paul bettany in the post linked up the top.
with vanessa paradis, i’m not sure who he’s talking about but hmm:
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from an email, regarding vanessa paradis:
“on the other side of the coin... my kids have fallen head over heels in deep love with Amber(my girl) and that pressure off my shoulders is fucking gone!!! that is, until the french extortionist (ex cunt) attempts to brain wash them against her... which, I’m sure is imminent.”
he later changed his story and said his children hated amber. not true. he paints the women in his life as the villain to suit his narrative at the time.
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amber’s said a lot of the abuse came from his jealousy and he never wanted her to go out with anyone or do any auditions. he constantly belittled the roles she was given and accused her of having affairs. it seems he thought he was getting a trophy wife and she would be happy just playing that role. amber focusing on her own career seemed to cause issues between them. she stood back.
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he seemed quite proud when this one was read out in court. amber cried.
and this from amber’s witness statement for the uk trial:
He demeaned me anytime I tried to wear anything that could be seen as sexy, calling me a “whore”, “slut”, “fame-hungry” and “an attention whore”, but it got worse over time. He started saying things like “well I’m going to have to watch you get raped” and “I hope you get railed by a bunch of fucking fellas.” Sometimes he used racial epithets about the men I would be – or deserved to be – assaulted by, saying things like “a slimy Mexican” or “a fucking gang of big black mother fuckers are going to fuck you and get their big cock in you”. His verbal abuse was often sexualised, but it was also about my looks and related to my work, saying things like “no one will hire you when your tits and ass sag” or calling me “fat ass”. Sometimes I would react and give it back to him, calling him “old man” or “limp dick”. He would often refer to my verbal insults as “right hooks” or “sucker-punches”. For the most part, it wasn’t worth responding because it only antagonised him.
there’s loads more. there’s audio of him talking to her like this. he’s told you what he wanted to do. public humiliation. you’re witnessing it.
this video from amber’s lawyer’s closing statement is quite good. everything referenced here is backed up by evidence. listen to what he’s saying.
the public response against her does make me think i’m going crazy. but the evidence is in her favour. they are not both terrible. it was not mutual abuse. he abused her.
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the-rogue-dragon · 1 year
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@withouthonor​ Merlin sent;
“ i’m not what you think i am. ”
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🔥HAVING EYES AND EARS IN THE RED KEEP WAS ESSENTIAL for survival, that was a truth many learned from a young age, and it was something that Daemon himself had learned even before he had turned six and ten. He mistrusted many people around his family - the Targaryen Dynasty was mostly used for personal gain, and the Rogue Prince has never liked how people used the good will of his brother. Viserys was too soft, too weak for the throne, anyone knew this, but all supported him for their own reasons.
Since he decided to stay in King’s Landing - despite his niece asking him to marry her and move to Dragonstone - the Prince decided to refuse such, as she was married with Laenor, and he had wanted to stay close to the King. Viserys was dying, slowly yes, but surely. It could be a day from now, or ten, a year or many, but he was not going to part sides from him, he wanted to make sure he was treated with respect, and not used. Even when the Hand’s grip on his brother was still too great, as Viserys gave up more control day after day.
Due to this Daemon - with the help of Mysaria - had a network of spies around the Keep, perhaps greater than that of the Hand. He was not a spy himself, but he had little dragons everywhere. Ears and eyes that watched over every person linked to the Greens. These spies of his had warned him about unusual behavior from one of the servants of Aemond. Upon hearing these news he has been paying close attention to the young man, actually seeing more than the boy intended.
As he approached the man - one night - in the streets, Daemon hummed at the words of the other, before he even said a thing. “You must be aware that your words alone betray you, for now I believe you are what I think you are.” He purred smirking in amusement, it seemed to be truth that a man would fall for its own tongue. “I have been watching you, Merlin, closer than you may think, and I do wonder, what a young man of your talents its doing in King’s Landing, serving a Prince.”
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