#he has an alolan ninetales (his partner pokemon)
scrimblyscrorblo · 10 months
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Pokémon Gym Leaders (Sword & Sheild ver)
Member of the Elite 4 and Water type gym leader: Tomioka Giyuu
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Fairy type gym leader: Kanroji Mitsuri and her partner Pokémon: Sylveon
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Hi could you do drayton x ice type specialist reader?
Omg, I just thought of the idea of Ice Type specialist reader being an ice skater... since Grusha used to be a snowboarder, it'd be cool if reader had a similar profession!!
Drayton is mesmorized by your skills as both an ice skater and a trainer. Not only are ice types one of his team's only weaknesses, you use ice types masterfully in battle. You're even more elegant while ice skating too-- he can't help staring when he sees you on the skating rink.
He finally has someone to hang out with in the Polar biome! You're not as immune to the cold as he is, but you don't mind it as much as the average person. The two of you go on long walks together.
You took him ice skating once, and let's just say... he's REALLY bad at it. He stepped in so confidently and then immediately fell on his face, then vowed to hold onto you or the wall for the rest of the time he was there 😭
You're one of the only trainers who has beat both Drayton AND his grandfather. Ice was long known as one of the weakest types defensively, but you managed to defeat two powerful dragon type specialists even despite knowing that.
I imagine reader's ace Pokemon are Alolan Ninetales and Weavile. Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for setting up hail/snow plus Aurora Veil, and Weavile is a very fast Pokemon who hits very hard in general.
Cetitan would also be a nice team member, since it hits hard despite being so slow-- but again, with snow set up, its speed doubles thanks to the ability Slush Rush.
Nerdy stuff aside, Drayton's very happy to have you as a rival AND a romantic partner. You're something special to him.
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involuntaryspya · 1 year
ok since i was asked over on steve's blog what his pokemon team is, i felt i'd be remiss if i didn't include bucky's team too. his is less utility and more... themed. you'll probably figure it out lol.
umbreon - his starter was eevee that he had while he was cap's partner. evolved into umbreon during his tenure as the winter soldier. now, to evolve eevee has to have high friendship with its master and it must be nighttime, two things easily gained with bucky. my favorite pokedex entry comes from moon, "With its black fur, it blends into the darkness. It bides its time, and when prey appears, this Pokémon goes for its throat, and then eats it." ain't that the perfect partner for bucky?
houndstone - so houndstone's data entry in SV is "A lovingly mourned Pokémon was reborn as Houndstone." bucky originally had a growlithe, but it perished and was reborn as a graveard, evolving quickly into a houndstone due to it's loyalty to its eternal master.
aegislash - two dex entries for you: first aegislash has "Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities of leadership." which is why it finally evolved to it's final form when bucky took over as cap. but he was found with one nearby in his winter soldier days, as honedge's data entry states, "Honedge’s soul once belonged to a person who was killed a long time ago by the sword that makes up Honedge’s body."
hisuian zoroark - another departed pokemon, this one being one that senses "lingering malice." after being the winter soldier for so long and finally being able to live his life under his own power, bucky found himself just... angry at those who had ruined his life, and wound up finding a friend in this ghost.
mimikyu - came to join him during his tenure as cap because who relates more to the pokemon that dresses up as the most popular pokemon in an attempt to find love?
alolan vulpix - this has all been incredibly depressing up to this point, yeah? well it's ok bc bucky is ultimately a survivor and is working thru his shit. this vulpix is his "alpine" - a signal of recovery... tho the og ninetales is also hinted at being a vengeful spirit so yknow. still spicy.
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Though not the first Pokemon he came to own, this Alolan Ninetales was the first Pokemon Jin raised. A gift from his adopted parents, it was named Reitou. Ability: Snow Warning Moves: - Ice Fang - Zen Headbutt - Moonblast - Blizzard
For Jin's other Pokemon, see below;
Yukianesa (Alpha Froslass) F Ability:  Cursed Body Moves: - Destiny Bond - Aurora Veil - Hex - Ice Beam
After a tragic, unforeseeable incident led to the loss of Jin's family, he was adopted into the wealthy, influential Kisaragis. Not long after his adoption, it was determined that Jin held incredible potential as a trainer, and he was sent to the world famous Uva Academy in Paldea.
All students entering the Academy are given a Pokemon of their own to train. Though Jin already had a Froslass, Yukianesa, it was clear the Pokemon was far beyond the young Jin's current capabilities. The head of the Kisaragi family made the decision to keep Yukianesa until Jin would be able to control it- in its place, they imported an Alolan Vulpix to be his training companion. After all, a prestigious trainer from a prestigious family ought to have an equally incredible partner Pokemon.
Alolan Ninetales was first inspired by Jin's 5D, the one that looks like a wolf's head. Its name, of course, comes from Jin's Drive.
Ice Fang serves to further reference Jin's 5D and his Drive as a whole. Its a bite attack- mirroring the imagery of 5D- that carries a small chance to either Freeze the opponent or make them Flinch. Freezing his enemies is kind of Jin's entire thing in the mainline games, while Pokemon's Flinch condition serves a similar function mechanically to the BB series' Freeze, in that it prevents the opponent from doing anything for a moment, creating offensive momentum for the user.
Zen Headbutt was chosen with the same reasoning in mind- the imagery of a headbutt is kind of like the wolf's head from 5D jutting out at your opponent, and it also carries a change to make the opponent Flinch, just as 5D carries Freezing utility.
Moonblast was chosen as homage to the Hiyoku Getsumei, or Moonsong, Distortion. Like Moonsong, it's a longrage shot kind of attack, and it has the moon-themed naming. It also gives the Pokemon another STAB attacking option, and may even lower the Special Attack of its target. I liked slipping little debuffs like that into the movesets of Jin's Pokemon, to keep disrupting his opponent's offense, just like how he can be played.
Blizzard is an attack that shares its name with Jin's Fubuki Special. It's a powerful Ice-Type attack, but it has pretty bad accuracy... unless it happens to be snowing on the battlefield. Then it always hits. Speaking of...
The Ability Snow Warning passively summons a snow storm, reminiscent of all the freezing air and glittering frost summoned when using his Nox Nyctores. And makes that Blizzard attack unavoidable. I like to envision it kind of like a reference to Arctic Dungeon.
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Hello people of rotomblr!
I'm Marius! I am a writer of travel reports and gay fiction for all age groups and a huge history nerd. After completing my studies at Uva-Naranja, I was actually expected to return to my home region and work a different job. However, thanks to a very supportive group of friends and my partner pokemon Spot, I decided to pursue my dreams and Spot and I have been on the road ever since.
I am also somewhat of a trainer and have competed in a couple of gym challenges... to mixed results. I will admit me and my pokemon are not the strongest team out there but we have heart and we do pretty well being constantly out on the road.
My askbox is pretty much always open and I don't bite (and Spot only bites when you don't acknowledge her status as supreme diva of the universe) so please feel free to reach out whenever!
(More team info for people who depend on screen readers plus other pokemon I have caught on my journey and some fun facts about me and my team under the cut)
My team
Spot (Alolan Ninetales) (Ghost Tera type)
Piotr (Poliwrath)
Gregory (Gengar)
Precious (Altaria) (Fairy Tera type)
Lucien (Roserade)
Romeo (Umbreon) (Fire Tera type)
Other Pokemon I caught (and where they currently are)
3 Eevee (I gave these to my siblings as my family can't afford to just get them starters as accessibility where I'm from is hard)
Cyclizar (my trusty Cyclizar, Zooms, is currently enjoying lots of running around at his own leisure at my aunt's place in Paldea)
Monferno (currently with my family being fed lots of good food and keeping them warm)
Camerupt (same as with Monferno)
Piplup (also with my family. mostly because my mum loves the little one)
Luxio (my dear Luxio, Eduardo, is always up to something)
Arboliva (she's beautiful, she's grace, she's in Mesagoza)
Fun facts about me and my time
✨️ Spot and I met during a particularly harsh winter in my home region when she (still as a Vulpix back then) followed me on my way home from the school I went to prior to the Academy in Paldea.
✨️ Spot likes it when we just sit somewhere cosy and I brush her fur for hours and talk to her (and somehow it kinda feels like she talks back).
✨️ Eduardo was my second ever pokemon and is always up to something.
✨️ Gregory was fully evolved when I caught him.
✨️ I am constantly on the go and don't exactly have a huge budget (not doing badly financially - just feeding a full team and myself and having to find accommodations) so when I have some extra cash I really like putting that into a spa day.
✨️ I got gifted an Ice Stone for my 5th anniversary of being with Spot and that's basically the story of how she evolved.
✨️ Lucien has an intense rivalry with my friend's Meowscarada.
✨️ Piotr was the only time I ever saw a pokemon egg hatch and raised that myself.
✨️ Piotr likes to imitate my movements when I cook.
✨️ Spot looks like a shiny when she terastalises (and on that note - no I have no idea why here Tera type is Ghost but before I met her I wanted to be a Ghost-type specialist)
✨️ Precious is the only wild Tera pokemon I ever caught and I got given my Tera Orb because I talked the teachers into it after catching her.
✨️ Precious likes to come out and stare at the moon for hours during nighttime.
✨️ Romeo was given to me as an Eevee by a very eccentric playwright.
✨️ Gregory has such a soothing presence.
✨️ Romeo knows Flamethrower. A move I'm 100% certain he shouldn't know. I've always assumed it's linked to Terastalisation and Tera Blast not working outside of Paldea.
// OOC
This blog is being run by a queer adult (20-something). The admin of this blog uses he/they pronouns. There will be no explicitly sexual content but mild explicit language is possible. Mentions of violence will be tagged but are also just extremely unlikely. I just like pokemans. Me and my OC, Marius, have a lot in common.
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scorchamp · 2 years
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this is victor’s OFFICIAL CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM, the six pokemon out of all that he’d caught up until then that he brought with him to fight for the title.  not pictured are  MINCINNO ♀ ( LVL 65 ), ROCKRUFF ♂ ( LVL 47 ), ZACIAN ( LVL 73 ), and ETERNATUS ( LVL 79 ). 
CINDERACE ♂ ( LVL 71 ) - victor’s starter.  they met in postwick when victor was given the choice between SCORBUNNY, SOBBLE, and GROOKEY.  SCORBUNNY’S  endearing rambunctiousness caught his attention and captured his heart, and  SCORBUNNY became his very first pokemon.  victor often affectionately refers to CINDERACE as his “partner”, as they’ve been together so long, it would feel strange to be in any battle without him.  since the early days, CINDERACE  has very rarely been seen in his pokeball, even when camping, and still proudly stands at victor’s side no matter what, so it was only natural that victor bring him to his last battle.
GALLADE ♂ ( LVL 69 ) - met as a  RALTS  in the wild area, victor and  GALLADE  have had a somewhat tumultuous relationship up until the events of  THE DARKEST DAY  .  stubborn and hardheaded,  GALLADE  had a hard time actually  OBEYING  victor’s commands during battles, opting to do whatever he thought was best.  he still won, of course, but they didn’t always get along, up until the fight against  ETERNATUS  .  after witnessing the strength of victor’s conviction, as well as the compassion for his team,  GALLADE  evolved and became only slightly less rebellious.  now willing to listen to victor’s commands in battle,  GALLADE  was added to victor’s championship team for his strength and quickness.
BOLTUND ♂ ( LVL 73 ) - though they met as a  YAMPER  ,  BOLTUND  was victor’s second-caught pokemon on  ROUTE 2  .  BOLTUND  may be one of the few pokemon of victor’s that he caught rather untraditionally.  while setting up camp one day, victor found that a wild  YAMPER  had wandered over and made himself right at home, sitting perfectly by the pot of curry he’d been making.  of course, victor fed the poor thing, assuming it was quite hungry, and unknowingly had himself a new pokemon companion.  YAMPER  followed him all the way to motostoke despite victor’s efforts to make him leave, but by that point there was nothing he could do.  ever the loyal and faithful companion, there was no question in bringing  BOLTUND  to the championship.
NINETALES ♀ ( LVL 75 ) - victor met  VULPIX  through a trade with a stranger, who’d been looking for a regular  VULPIX  instead of the  ALOLAN VULPIX  she had.  after they’d swapped pokemon and parted ways, victor wanted to get to know his new team member, but  VULPIX  nearly refused to come out of her pokeball.  she was a diva in every sense of the word, refusing to eat if the curry victor made wasn’t up to her tastes.  however, she eventually softened up when victor took care of her when she overheated in the wild area, and she began to trust him more.  even as  NINETALES, she remains a diva, but she’s loyal and strong, and victor couldn’t imagine a better companion to join his team.
GYARADOS ♂ ( LVL 74 ) - truthfully, victor felt a little sorry for the  MAGIKARP  , and took pity on him by bringing him along, at least at first.  but the little fish had taken a  liking  to him  ,  going so far as to evolve when an enraged  BEWEAR  chased victor through the wild area after he had unknowingly trampled on its paw.  his  GYARADOS  grew strong  ,  following him from gym to gym  ,  winning battle after battle and badge after badge.  anyone who had followed his journey wasn’t surprised to see  GYARADOS  on victor’s final team.
CORVIKNIGHT ♀ ( LVL 73 ) - originally a rather shy  ROOKIDEE  ,  victor was surprised to see her get flustered during pokemon battles.  she was easy to train and friendly towards the rest of his team, plus victor himself had plenty of faith in her.  it took him until she became a  CORVISQUIRE  to realize she was just like him, terrified of the spotlight, and a bit of a crybaby, though he’d never say it out loud.  CORVIKNIGHT  became essential in victor overcoming some of his own fears about being in the public eye, and it’d be a shame for him to leave his beloved  CORVIKNIGHT  out of it as she grew into herself as well.
MINCINNO ♀ ( LVL 65 )  was not brought to the championship not because victor has no faith in her, but rather because  MINCINNO  hates battling.  she’s fought for him in the past, of course, because she loves victor, but he’s always known her heart isn’t in it.  if she didn’t want to battle, victor wouldn’t force her, and instead,  MINCINNO  is a very loyal, loving companion pokemon, one he brings with him for public appearances due to her adorable appearance and natural charm, and her close bond with  CINDERACE  .
ROCKRUFF ♂ ( LVL 47 )  was not brought because while victor has no issues training him,  ROCKRUFF  simply didn’t want to evolve for some reason.  victor won’t force him to evolve, nor will he force him to keep battling if he refuses to, and  ROCKRUFF  keeps his mother company back in postwick alongside  MUNCHLAX  ,  a faithful companion and guarddog.
ZACIAN ( LVL 73 )  was not brought because although they’ve bonded and  ZACIAN  could be called one of victor’s pokemon, it wouldn’t have felt right going into the championship with what felt like such a massive advantage.  ZACIAN  waits for victor in the slumbering weald should he ever have need to call on him.
ETERNATUS ( LVL 79 )  was not brought for a similar reason as above, but victor couldn’t stomach the thought of bringing him into battle just yet.  he carries a great deal of trauma from  THE DARKEST DAY  and  ETERNATUS  ,  and has placed  ETERNATUS  in a box in for the moment, but does so with no true ill will in his heart.  one day, perhaps years down the line, victor will decide what to do with  ETERNATUS  ,  and he hopes the creature understands.  he likes to think  ETERNATUS  understands he holds no ill will, as there hasn’t been another attempted attack on galar for the moment, nor has he broken out of his pokeball and box yet.
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phyrexian-lesbian · 1 month
My pokemon ocs part one:
Jessica Costia
Galar-born, Jess first began her Pokémon journey when she moved to Alola. She's journeyed to Hoenn, Unova, Kalos, and Galar and is preparing for a journey to Paldea. The team she sticks with the most is as follows:
Chandelure (Litwick-Lampent-Chandelure) was the first Pokémon Jessica caught in Unova. Jess found him struggling against a rival's Wartortle, and saved the then-Litwick from further harm. Jess took him to the Pokémon centre and healed him. When he was healed, much like Mimikyu, he asked Jess to take him on her journey so that someday he could challenge the Wartortle again. He learned from Jess's more powerful Pokémon and helped her defeat the Unova Elite Four. But he could never quite beat that Mega Blastoise that brought him into Jessica's life in the first place.
Plusle is the first Pokémon Jess caught in Hoenn, and he instantly won over her and the rest of the team's hearts. He is full of energy, energy that only Toxtricity can rival. When he isn't wreaking havoc with Toxtricity or playing games with Mimikyu, Plusle will bring gifts of food and flowers to his friends.
Ninetales (Alolan Vulpix-Alolan Ninetales) was among the first Pokémon Jess caught in her journey. She put up a fierce fight, and was cold towards Jess and Mimikyu at first. But being part of a team was something she had never felt before. And she liked it- she felt happier, and more needed. So her fierce demeanour Twisted towards whoever dared interfere with her new family.
Toxtricity (Toxel-Amped Toxtricity) was Jessica's notorious family pet. He was full of energy and easily excitable, both a nuisance and an inspiration to Jess and her mother. When Jess started her Pokémon journey, he decided he would join her in seeing more of the wide world. As he did as a Toxel, Toxtricity often sleeps on or next to Jess.
Gardevoir (Ralts-Kirlia-Gardevoir) is the second Pokémon Jessica ever caught. As she was travelling with Prof. Kukui and her mum to Melemele to start her journey with Mimikyu, they made a stop in Akala. As Jess bought herself and Mimikyu a malasada to share, a small Ralts stole it. Outraged, Mimikyu and Jessica tore after it and challenged it to a battle. They won and Kukui helped Jess catch the Ralts, only for Jess to guiltily realise that Ralts was starving. Feeling tremendously bad, she helped care for it and nurse it back to health. Since then, Ralts has been a loyal member of the team- and as she grew into Kirlia and finally Gardevoir, she was the most caring of Jessica's Pomémon. But don't mistake her caring demeanour for softness- if she finds out you haven't eaten in a while, she will find you. Jess and Gardevoir shared a strong bond from day one, and so it was no surprise that when they got to Hoenn, Gardevoir became Jess's Mega Evolving Pokémon.
And finally, Mimikyu. Mimikyu is Jessica's partner, oldest companion, and first Pokémon ever caught. When she first arrived in Tapu Village, she talked to the visiting Proffessor Kukui about becoming a Pokémon trainer. As they talked, however, they noticed a young Mimikyu being attacked by a Magnemite. Without thinking, Jess ran in to protect him. She suffered injuries herself and was knocked out. Kukui used Torrocat to scare the offending Magnemite off, and got both Mimikyu and Jess to the PMC. Mimikyu healed first, and curiously went to see the brave- or foolish- human that had tried to protect him. So that's how Jess woke up with a Mimikyu looking down at her face, sitting on her chest. And from that moment on, they were inseparable. Mimikyu became Jessica's starter Pokémon and has been there every step of the journey.
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
if they had partner pokemon enciodes would have an alolan ninetales and audie would have chien-pao. but shealtiel would have a flapple and would lose his mind furious when he finds out andoain rescued an appletun at one point and has it on his team. how dare that man accidentally have a matching pokemon with him. how DARE he.
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xamaxenta · 3 years
i love your pokemon aus! do you have other headcannons for what the strawhats (and everyone else) does in the pokemon world?
I love this question so so much, world building is one of my favourite things ever
Currently I’ve mentioned Ace Luffy Sabo and Marco (a bit of Usopp) so far
more under cut because this is huge
Ace was a competitive trainer and took the league challenge by storm, he was the new rising star, undefeated and with a strange monotype (mostly fire type) team, his starter was a chimchar, but died as an Infernape protecting Ace from a rampaging stolen Rhyperior, since his partner’s passing Ace quit the pro battle scene and became a Pokémon Rancher/daycare specialist
Ace’s original competitive team consisted of: Infernape, Ninetales, Salazzle, Houndoom, Talonflame and Alolan form Marowak
Sabo was away during the devastating time Ace went through in mourning his Infernape’s passing - he regrets it, hates himself so much for finding out months after - reason being he was on his own journey to catch and train all dragon type pokemon in the world so he may seize the title of dragon master, however the moment he hears about Ace he returns after his journeys to the same city as Ace’s Ranch to work at the coincidentally “Dragon” type gym, it is the 8th and final gym in the league challenge, the original leader Dragon (harhar) was called away on business and Sabo has taken his place as the leader, his duty is first and foremost protecting the city and its people
Sabo’s gym officiated team is a gauntlet of five dragons or four dragons and one honourary: Garchomp (also his therapy mon), Druddigon, Dragonite, Salamence, Gyarados
Luffy is the only one out of the three to go challenge league pro, after seeing Ace leaving his dream of becoming the champion behind, Luffy swears to carry Ace’s dream for him and become the champion - his strawhat was given to him by Shanks a mysterious Pokémon master who sees potential in Luffy, they will battle someday - Luffys starter was a Ledyba now Ledian caught by Ace and Sabo when they were children, it is his pride and joy - he also gathers his “crew” to journey around the world with
Luffy’s current team is still growing he has: Ledyba, Scrafty, (Aipom - currently wild but tags along)
Zoro, left his home early because his sister Perona wouldnt stop torturing him with her creepy Sableye, he meets Luffy in the forest outside his father’s castle (Mihawk) after wandering around said castle for a day or two, his team: Kartana, Doublade
Nami, originally a con artist meets Luffy and Zoro in the town housing the first Gym, she steals Zoro’s bag and loses to Luffy in a battle to get the bag back (has all their money in it dumb boys lol), her team: Meowth (yes it has payday), Rotom, castform
Usopp, bug catcher and budding artist meets the dawn trio in a forest where Luffy and Zoro scare away the Heracross he was hunting to draw, joins them after they help him catch it, his team: Heracross, Treecko, Noibat
Sanji, because all then strawhats are actually 14-15 here he’s run away from his family, now holing up in Zeff’s restaurant and Pokémon double battle cafe combo, Luffy beats him and Zeff both in a double battle and Zeff encourages Sanji to travel with the group, his team: Combusken, Buneary
Chopper is the last to join the motley crew of friends, he’s basically threatened to join the crew by his grandmother Doctorine, she wanted some peace and quiet from all his whining (she wants to see him grow with friends his age) his team: cherubi, chansey and snover
Robin Franky Jinbe and Brook are all older trainers met during the Luffy crew adventures, al four tagging along during the more dangerous parts (gang fights saving the world etc)
Robin meets Ace at Portgas Pokemon Ranch initially due to her Litwick, unsure what to do with its tiny flame she goes to Ace for advice seeing as she’s heard of his achievements and incredible talent for Fire types - Ace only has to take one look at the litwick to inform her that Litwicks feed on the closest lifeforce, but this one loves her so much it doesnt want to feed off Robin at all, stunned and very emotional over her Litwick, Robin becomes fast friends with Ace and whenever someone becomes friends with Ace it means they get to sit through the riviting tale of the “Luffy sagas”
Marco, head doctor in the largest Pokemon hospital in the same city that Ace’s ranch and Sabo’s gym resides - meets Ace one day to check on his tiny runty flighty Azurill (Azurill was dropped off by Thatch earlier in the week so Ace didn’t meet Azurills original trainer then), assuming Ace’s services to simply be babysitting, to his amazement Azurill clings to Ace like glue, full of life and adoration - Ace informs Marco that under his care Azurill has learnt two moves since he was away and hopes this is ok, Marco realises hes dealing with someone who knows what he’s doing and maybe maybe its love at first sight 😳❤️
Marcos pokemon are fairy types, they help him with patients: Sylveon, Azurill, Chansey (doctor requirement haha) alolan ninetales, togekkiss, Kirlia
other characters of note:
Deuce, Ace’s travelling partner back in the competitive days, he’s now studying to become a Pokémon researcher and professor, his only pokemon is a vivacious Lucario that insists its very very helpful (which he is), Ace meant to pass on his Ninetales to Deuce officially to help protect him during his fieldwork bc Deuce has a knack for getting into trouble easily, unfortunately Ninetales did not like Deuce and prefers digging holes all over the Ranch for Ace to fall into
Coby: Luffy’s rival, his starter is also a bug type in a wurmple - Luffy fights him when its a Cascoon, and essentially tells him he’s weak why is he afraid of evolving ? Coby inspired next challenges Luffy with a stronger team and his fully evolved Dustox
Koala: gym trainer at the dragon type gym, basically showed Sabo the ropes and gave him a tour around the city when he first moved in, called Sabo a nerd only to find out the next working day that said nerd is her BOSS, RIP koala 😭 her team: Haxorus, Altaria, Dragalge
Law: another teenager competing in the league challenge, someone who has the unfortunate or fortunate luck of bumping into Luffy everywhere he goes who really really loves his company, for whatever reason, he currently travels with them as Luffy’s demands, his team: cubchoo (bepo!), umbreon, kadabra, chansey (doctor/healer requirement, his however is a shiny bc he won’t be caught DEAD with a pink one)
Dadan family: runs a small countryside daycare in which Ace stayed at to heal after the tragedy , learnt everything from his foster mother Dadan to open his own ranch
shanks: ???? Pokemon master 👀 or soon to be one at least more to come on him hehe
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week Day 3: Into the World of Pokemon
After moving in with their 1ps, the 2ps have had no shortage of weird moments they've experienced. One such crazy and weird adventure would be the time the Japans got them all sucked into their newest pokemon game thanks to a new virtual reality invention. Let's see how this goes!
Dropped into various areas around the pokemon universe everyone freaks out and Luciano's particularly enrages screams can be heard everywhere. Starting in the beginner's area, everyone is separated and given their own starter Pokemon. Alfred immediately starts fanboying and runs up to every Pokemon he sees with his starter Rufflet following right behind while Allen gets his bat out as he has no idea what's happening as he's never gotten into video games and mostly tries keeping him out of trouble while eyeing everything with suspicion. Once he catches up and Alfred somewhat comes down from his fanboy high, Alfred immediately gives a fast explanation and tells Allen everything about Pokemon. Allen gets the gist of it and is really interested in Pokemon as they start exploring with his own Houndour walking beside him and his bat swung on his shoulder. France starts freaking out about his hair when a Caterpie string shots it while his Roselia fusses over it. Roselia seems to share the same personality as France. Luiz can't help but scoff and puts his cigarette out, being in a forest and all, and starts to pick a path with his Espurr and leave the two freaking out peas in a pod behind to catch up once they notice he's gone.
Arthur and Oliver get dropped somewhere nearby. Arthur is immediately taken by his Galarian Ponyta introducing her to Flying Mint Bunny. Interestingly, the pokemon can actually see Arthur's magical friends. Oliver immediately starts gushing about his Slwirlix and how helpful he is with baking. They are the only ones who can completely understand and talk to their pokemon thanks to FMB translating. They end up running into the France's and Arthur and Francis immediately start going at it. Thanks to Japan giving their starters similar personalities, Roselia and Ponyta also start bickering. Meanwhile, Oliver is gushing over how adorable Luiz's Espurr is and showing him Swirlix. Luiz, who quickly grows a soft spot for Espurr, humors Oliver.
Mathew and James end up near a stream where a Bidoof and Bibarel dam is. Thanks to countries having a natural connection to their national animal, this also extends to pokemon and they quickly befriend them, becoming the Beaver kings. Mathew has a Cubchoo while James has a gruff Teddiursa. James is immediately reminded of Kuma and how Kumajiro was as a cub and becomes extremely protective. The Bidoof and Bibarel help them find their friends. Gilbert and Klaus start out in a cave somewhere and thanks to millions of Zubat, get immediately get ejected. They come out to see a hilltop view a la BOTW. GIlbert has a Sneasel with the same mischievous streek GIlbert has while Klaus, being the trained knight he is, has a Honedge. Gilbert tries leading them but he and Sneasal immediately fall into a nearby stream because he wasn't looking. Elsewhere, Ludwig gets that strange feeling Gilbert is somewhere doing something stupid while he's petting his Riolu, and Lutz's Poochyena is napping on his stomach. The aforementioned Lutz is taking a nap on the ground. Feliciano has an Eevee and Luciano has a Zorua. Feli immediately tries to say high to every Pokemon in the vicinity and almost gets stunned by grass types, blown away by flying types, etc. Luciano wonders how he'd ever survived out here on his own without him. Flavio starts out with a Popplio and takes it in stride! He helps the, at first timid, Popplio regain his confidence by reminding him it's not the outside that matters and that he has an inner beauty that shines through. Lovino ends up with a grumpy little tsundere Pikachu and tries to find their way to the others while Flavio and Popplio are preoccupied with an impromptu photo shoot. It doesn't take long for them to reunite with Feliciano and Luciano and Feli immediately gets excited to show them his and Luciano's pokemon and meet theirs. Eevee's hyper personality exhausts Pikachu.
Ivan ends up with a Sunflora and immediately names him Sunflower. Viktor thinks it's a stupid name but d doesn't say anything because he knows Ivan loves them so much. Viktor ends up with a serious Bagon who he helps train to evolve. Yao practices martial arts with his Meinfoo while also keeping Xiao and his Aipom out of trouble. Finally, the Kiku has a Treecko for himself and Kuro has a Pawniard.
Eventually, they all manage to meet up with everyone talking excitedly or angrily about the pans sucking them into the game. Luciano especially exclaims they'll pay while Feliciano and Alfred are thanking Japan for doing something so cool. All of the countries start bonding with their partners and the Japans pass out Pokeballs and Ppkedexes for the fun has just begun. Kiku and Kuro regret nothing!
Meanwhile, in the real world: The other countries eventually notice there all missing and they come to the meeting to find them in the game. Because this is a golden entertainment moment, they immediately start passing out popcorn and watching them. Hungary almost chokes laughing when Prussia falls in the stream. Belarus has been locked in the closet after trying to destroy the game or in her words the 'device trapping her big brother.' Denmark gets jealous that he can't join the rest of the Awesome Trio. Spain feels kind of bad getting left out but likes that Lovino's Tauros. The states and provinces also sneak in and try to reverse engineer the device used to get into the game. They want a pokemon adventure too after all!
BONUS Everyone's final teams:
Alfred: Braviary, Muchlax, Elgyeam, Wailord, Charizard, Vanilluxe
Allen: Houndoom, Manidbuzz, Garchomp, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Krookodile
Matthew: Cubchoo, Bibarel, Sawsbuck, Decidueye, Togekiss, Swanna
James: Beartic, Ursurang, Pidgeot, Kangaskan, Stantler, Alolan Sandslash
Arthur: Galarian Rapidash, Mismagius, Corvinight, Gallade, Inteleon, Toxtricity Low Key
Oliver: Slurpuff, Hatterene, Male Pyroar, Wigglytuff, Alcremie, Polteageist
Francis: Roserade, Furfrou, Florges, Gardevoir, Vivillon, Tsareena
Luiz: Meowstic, Aromatisse, Thievul, Vileplume, Malamar, Granbull
Yao: Meinshao, Pancham, Spinda, Ribombee, Drampa, Relicanth
Xiao: Aipom, Pangoro, Infernape, Dragalge, Sabelye, Yanmega
Ivan: Sunflora, Abomasnow, Bewear, Mamoswine, Aurorus, Dubwool
Viktor: Salamence, Hydreigon, Avalugg, Frosslass, Shuppet, Dusknoir
Ludwig: Lucario, Manectric, Arcanine, Stoutland, Rhypherior, Lycanroc Day
Lutz: MIghtiyena, Aggron, Tyranitar, Rampardos, Slaking, Steelix
Gilbert: Weavile, Gengar, Fearow, Lycanroc Dusk, Gliscor, Male Salandit
Klaus: Aegislash, Mimikyu, Golurk, Comfey, Absol, Audino
Flavio: Primarina, Milotic, Beautifully, Glameow, Delcatty, Cincinno
Luciano: Zoroark, Honchcrow, Liepard, Noivern, Alolan Persian, Wobuffet (He just appeared at some point and Luciano couldn't get him to leave).
Feliciano: Eevee, Plusle, Smeargle, Boltund, Latias, Goodra
Lovino: Pikachu, Minun, Incineroar, Golisopod, Latios, Tauros
Kiku: Porygon, Metagross, Octillery, Lurantis, Greninja, Alakazam
Kuro: Bisharp, Ninetales, Accelgor, Kommo-o, Rotom, Samurott
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mage-parivir · 3 years
Hello! Loving the story and hope this question gives you something fun to ponder: if the story took place in the pokemon universe, what would the ROs & Saine be (i.e. trainers, gym leaders, champion etc.)? Additionally, what would be their main pokemon companion be? (i.e. the pikachu to their Ash, the meowth to their Jessie and James, and so on). Likewise, what would you be/what would your main pokemon companion be?
Ooh, I do love me some Pokemon. Lets see:
Ilya is an Elite Four member, one that the fandom will slash with the other female Elite Four member for No Discernible Reason. Has 3 minutes of screentime but is one of the most popular tags on AO3. Ice- or Fairy-type specialist, and her signature Pokemon is Alolan Ninetales.
F is one of those old-school rival characters, the ones that catch you off-guard with a fully refreshed team after you’ve been battered by Victory Road. Liable to get gamers to ragequit. Companion is Hydreigon.
Leon, meanwhile, is the new-school rival character, in the vein of Hop or Hau. He’s the one that’s on friendly terms with the player and semi-competently bumbles through the gyms, before experiencing a This Is Not My Path realization after getting his arse handed to him for the fifty-sixth time. Ends up as a house-husband, probably. Has Stoutland as a partner.
Yu gives me very strong mid-game Gym Leader vibes, like a Morty or an Elesa. Finds gym leading duties high-key boring but can’t complain about the pay. Half-asses their gym battles. Companion is Talonflame.
Eli is one of those randos outside of cave areas that heal your Pokemon for free after you defeat them (They lost on purpose, btw. Doesn’t have it in them to take money from 13-year-olds.) Companion is Mightyena.
Saine could probably be an Ace Trainer if he put his mind to it, but he’d definitely prefer to take it slow and lay kind of low on the trainer scene. When all is said and done, he’d probably be an OP Bug Catcher. Accelgor as his partner.
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junglefurytrash · 2 years
Starlight Express but it’s Pokemon Pt.4
Part 4 of my StEx but they’ve got Pokemon teams, we did Update!Electrics last time, so it’s OG!Electrics this time!
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We’ll start with Krupp, and his team is as much of a mishmash as Killerwatt’s is, but the general typing his team sticks with is Electric/Fighting/Psychic. His team is (from top left to bottom right): - Stoutland, Magnezone, Espeon, Manectric, Gallade, and Sirfetch’d. - Stoutland and Manectric are his guard dogs/sniffer dogs, much like KW’s Arcanine. They’re also popular picks for police officer trainers in the games, so it fits in that way as well. - Gallade and Sirfetch’d are backup muscle similar to KW’s Electivire and Copperajah, though with more experience and natural combat skill as Fighting types in reference to how Krupp came before Killerwatt and has been in the show longer as a result. - Magnezone and Espeon act as his cameras/watchers, and of course Magnezone as a literal magnet Pokemon is in reference to the Electrics’ magnetic capabilities. Magnezone is a bit slow, but Krupp doesn’t mind, he’s not made to be a racing partner, he’s made to be a sturdy guard.
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Next is Electric Mom Waifu, Wrench! She’s an Electric/Normal/Fairy specialist (with a bit of Flying from Togekiss). Her team is (from top left to bottom right): - Shiny Sylveon, Audino, Togekiss, Ampharos, Heliolisk, and Dedenne. - Wrench’s shiny Sylveon is obviously her pride and joy and her signature Pokemon. Electra gave her a shiny Eevee as a gift early on when she started working for him and the care she gave it caused it to evolve into a Sylveon who helps her during races. - Audino is often associated with doctors and nurses, and one is seen helping Nurse Joy in the Pokemon Black and White anime, so it feels like a perfect fit for Wrench. - Togekiss brings blessings of good luck and kindness to good-hearted people, and is generally considered a helpful Pokemon. Plus they match Wrench’s colour scheme! - Ampharos is said to act as a lighthouse of sorts to help save lost people, which feels like something Wrench would have to help find lost Competitors during races. - Heliolisk is the Generator Pokemon capable of creating enough electricity to power a skyscraper so Electric Trainfolk would absolutely adore them and have them as backup power sources. - Dedenne is Wrench’s little pet, but it also helps with communication when the Frequency is acting up, as Dedenne can transmit communications with its wire-whiskers.
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Next is Purse, who’s team.. Kind of went off the rails a bit (pun not intended). And somehow, he’s ended up as an Electric/Water specialist. His team is (from top left to bottom right): - Meowth, Lanturn, Shiny Electrike, Vaporeon, Milotic, and Lumineon. - Meowth is practically known for being the Pokemon associated with money, it loves to look for it and its signature move is Pay Day, so that obviously fits with Purse as a Money Truck. - Vaporeon is said to have a preference for clear waters and beautiful shorelines, which to me feels fitting for Purse (he wouldn’t want to go to just any old-looking beach). - Milotic, Lanturn and Lumineon are said to be beauties of the waters, with Lanturn and Lumineon capable of glowing vividly, and those absolutely feel like Pokemon which Purse would want by his side to look all pretty. - His shiny Electrike is actually a gift from Krupp, who’s Manectric bred with another and ended up producing a rare shiny pup. Krupp and Purse are notorious for being incredibly gay with each other, so Krupp giving Purse a special rare Pokemon as a gift of some sort feels right.
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Up next is Volta, who as I mentioned in Part 3, has a team which mirrors that of Zero. She’s an Electric/Ice specialist with a hint of both Fairy and Ghost. Her team is (from top left to bottom right): - Shiny Glaceon, Alolan Ninetales, Pachirisu, Rotom Frost Form, Minun, and Froslass. - Volta and Zero’s Glaceons are siblings, but with the difference between them being that Volta’s is a rare Shiny Glaceon. It’s not very different, and Zero teases her for it, but Volta swears that there’s a difference and that her Glaceon is still very special. - Alolan Ninetales acts as the counterpart to Zero’s Alolan Sandslash. It’s said to be kind and graceful, but also want people to leave it alone so it can enjoy some peace and quiet, which I feel fits Volta’s quiet and elegant nature. - Pachirisu is mostly there as a pet for her of sorts, as well as matching her and her team’s colour palette which makes her happy. Joule often ends up overfeeding it to Volta’s annoyance. - Froslass is another counterpart Pokemon to Zero’s team, with him having a Glalie while Volta owns a Froslass. Froslass is also fast (allowing it to race and train with Volta) and also breathes cold air and ice (which I headcanon to be an ability Volta has). - Minun and Frost Rotom are counterpart Pokemon as well, but not to Zero, instead to Joule. Whenever the two participate in double-battles, they’ll pair up with these Pokemon.
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Speaking of, here’s Joule herself! Electric/Fire specialist to nobody’s surprise. Her team is (from top left to bottom right): - Electrode, Flareon, Salazzle, Rotom Heat Form, Plusle, and Blacephalon. - Electrode is known for using the move Explosion, and Joule is the Dynamite Truck. I don’t need to say anymore on this choice do I?  - Blacephalon is here for the same reason with it’s signature move Mind Blown. How she obtained an Ultra Beast is anyone’s guess, as it wasn’t a gift to her; She claims it appeared to her while she was practicing one day, and it wanted to stick by her side.  - Salazzle I chose because it’s a very feminine Fire-type Pokemon known to have reverse-harems with male Salandits. I felt this matched pretty well to Joule who’s known to be a flirt (and also can’t keep her hands away from her breastplate). - Flareon is her “pet” Pokemon, gifted to her as an Eevee upon joining the team, and who she gave a firestone to in order for it to evolve. She loves her fluffy dog-like Pokemon a lot. - Lastly Rotom Heat and Plusle, who as mentioned are counterpart Pokemon with Volta’s Rotom Frost and Minun. It was Joule who got the idea for them to have counterpart Pokemon for double battles.
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And lastly, because I wanted to add her and give her a team, we have Charge! She’s an Electric/Dark specialist, fitting her more cheeky nature. Her team is (from top left to bottom right): - Pawmi, Helioptile, Charjabug, Shiny Umbreon, Absol, and Liepard. - Pawmi is one of the newest Pokemon added so I don’t have much of a reason behind why she has one beyond “because it’s Electric type”. The biggest other reason is because it’s a newly announced Pokemon, and Charge is the newest member of the Entourage. - Helioptile is the pre-evolution of Heliolisk, and is basically Charge’s mini-generator. She’s training it under Wrench and her Heliolisk to be able to help out if Heliolisk gets too tired. - Charjabug is the Battery Pokemon and literally shares a name theme with Charge herself, it’s perfect. She probably keeps it as a funny little bug buddy that sits and vibes with her. - Shiny Umbreon actually wasn’t given to her as a shiny Eevee, she found it herself after a late-night race. It was injured, so she helped it back to the Entourage and got it the treatment it needed. Umbreon chose to stick with her after that. Also they have a matching colour palette :) - Charge’s Absol is actually the member of her team gifted to her, by Wrench and Krupp. It was given to her after Charge’s first crash by them out of worry for her safety, since Absol can predict oncoming disasters and help people avoid them. - And lastly, Liepard’s highest stat is speed and is said to run silently but swiftly, in reference to Charge’s nature as a race partner and fast speed.
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lunation · 2 years
Headcanons below the cut, minor pokemon death mention:
Opinion on Gym Leaders and Champions:
João's style of battling is quite different from the normal battle stage. Being in a cage match with your Pokemon results in many different styles of battle formed on instinct, and is far more hands-on in his opinion than standing to the side giving directions.
Due to this, João has the tendency to turn up his nose at the so-called "best battlers," those champions and gym leaders who compete for titles. He's quite open about this opinion and likely would say that a good majority of those battlers wouldn't last a round in the Amphitheatre.
How he battles:
Depending on type differences in his main battle partner, Enzo (Ninetales), and his opponent. He quite favors flanking his opponents, trapping them between himself and his partner, after all, it is hard to direct a pokemon when you have your back to it.
João fights defensively, using one's weight against them, doing his best to keep his distance, to save energy. So he can line the opponents up, flanking the two. Once they're lined up, both he and Enzo get in close, crowding before using all of that saved energy. He couldn't care less if the human is hit by one of Enzo's moves. In fact, he hopes for it.
Rarely is he an offensive fighter himself, too much aggression having led him to a loss and the much more permanent loss of his first Pokemon caught after falling, a Goldeen named Beleza.
Such is the way for the Amphitheatre.
The shiny version of Ninetales has silver-gray fur instead of its usual light cream fur, and its tails are tipped in blue.
Ninetales have high intelligence and strong obsession. They can live for a thousand years when they use the power of their tails. They never let go of their vendetta against ones they have a grudge on, including the person's descendants.
Imtelligent enough to easily understand human speech.
Ninetales has sinister red eyes which give it the ability to psychically control the minds of people and Pokémon.
They can control wisps and flames through mystical forces, as well as hypnotizing victims and prey through flickering flames emitted from their mouths. They can even release odd beams from their red eyes to manipulate a person's heart and mind at their own whims.
Upon being released from his PokeBall, the temperature of the room is sure to increase, though at a quick glance it's easy to mistake him for an Alolan Ninetales. It's equally surprising when he comes out with a solar beam right out the gate.
Its eyes, as well as its flames, are known to consume the mind of opponents, even if just for a moment that is all this pokemon needs. Its trainer has already given directions before even entering the ring.
Enzo has quite the mean streak, a contrast in fighting to João's defensive fighting. In a loss, the Ninetales will become agitated, prone to pacing and bad temper. The only cure to this is a rematch, and one in which he wins.
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shivada-jade · 3 years
poké partners
i've gotten back to watching pokemon and bro. so here i've only focused on one pokemon FORGIVE ME
m working on a more complete ver of this later >:)
characters: diluc, childe there are other people which i know they have these certain pokemons in their team
his team: talonflame, arcanine, ninetales, luxray
okay this man has an arcanine and i know this because i saw with my own two eyes
i have diluc in my team and his voice line abt his poke-partner is:
"arcanine? he's been my companion since day one. noble as ever. please treat him with the same care as you would with any other companion of yours."
arcanine has been his partner since forever
in the tavern? arcanine's on guard with him behind the counter
at the winery? arcanine's helping diluc supervise the people and wine
darknight hero-ing? you bet there's an arcanine
it's a wonder how people never catch on who the darknight hero is like this is fr miraculous ladybug magic working here
he and arcanine are always on guard to protect those who need it
diluc and his flaming claymore, next to his majestic eagle and fiery lion
if you somehow catch diluc resting under one of the many great trees of dawn winery, maybe you'll see him in tranquil. eyes fluttering shut, light filtering through the leaves, and his hand rubbing arcanine behind it's ears while it rests on his lap
his team: lucario, piplup, greninja, panchum, blastoise, magicarp
no doubt about it
he found pancham punching bamboo trying to make itself stronger
he sat next to the pokemon and skipped rocks at the shoreline they were nearby
he and pancham have the same goal: to be stronger; to strive higher; to be a warrior
pancham wanted no pokeball but wanted to travel with childe after seeing him defeat mitachurls in ten seconds tops. so you'd see that panda perching itself on the top of childe's head like it was a hat
the harbingers and AHEM clients he met in secret would often question and scowl (just scaramouche) at the pancham atop his head
after the debts have been collected and a few people have cried, he'd feed pancham few twigs and leaves here and there and give a pat on it's head
they'd wander off into liyue harbour without a care in the world
it's just ajax and pancham
okay no but i think he'd have a snorunt at the beginning
snorunt as his pal before his abyss days but im gonna end this short cause then i'd end up making his whole backstory with snorunt
his team: alolan ninetales, glaceon, cleffa, espeon, absol
he found his pokemon at the peek of dragonspine when he was accidentally wandered off too far when playing hide and seek with jean and diluc when he was younger
he got lost and was like "dang" he had to settle down in a cave, if there ever was one he could find
no he couldn't find one
so he had to find an abandoned camp without the fatui roaming around
he did, but there was someone keeping the fire from going
an alolan vulpix
it wasn't shivering like him, but he needed the fire
he had his match and box ready but the vulpix was not having any of it
and so he didnt light it up
he just sat there on the snow with the wintery vulpix
they just stared at each other in curiosity, seeing someone different for the first time
before you know it, diluc finds his father coming back from dragonspine with kaeya half frozen to death and a new best friend that looked similar to his own vulpix in the winery
now kaeya befriended vulpix and grew up with each other
aallll the way to present time
he'd have alolan ninetales sitting with him while he's in the favonius meetings cause he's bored
"yeah the cavalry team is doing swell- yeah no duh i dont have an idea, i dont have cavalry to captain"
alolan ninetales is as sly as he is
also very majestic
both of them love the children of mond dearly
when they arent in their work mode, they'd hang out with the children
love playing with kaeya and ninetales
they'd put on an icy show for them together
kaeya would dance with the children and his ninetales would create a light flurry of snow in the middle of the plaza while singing
flashy as always
once they're done
they'd sit by the ocean of dandelions and make wishes, watching the first snowflake of winter fall on their faces
his team: arceus
his team: salamence, torterra
her team: mime jr., chatot
abyss twin: giratina
bennett: "squishy" (zygard yup)
TW: mentions of death below and vent <3 cute feel free to skip but if any yall want a reason why i stopped posting for a while, this is it
this is the part where i go
hey guys sorry i've been inactive and not posing. someone close to me died and i had to take care of my family while handling with midterms, life, and homework. i lost my time and motivation to do extra curriculars and destressing time so i come back for this little short writing? i noticed that my writing skills have gone down and my imagination has gone bleak so im coming back to fix that. thank you guys for understanding, i'll be writing soon cause im feeling better im healing! >:)
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r0-boat · 4 years
Pokemon Au round 2 genshin impact
Half of The Knights of Favonius...and Diluc
World building
I can see Mondstadt as a place where flying types are a lot more common than any other place in teyvat
So naturally the people native to Mondstadt will have at least one flying type Pokemon
I think Jean would have a gentle jumpluff
However the fierce lion Pyroar would also fit her
Maybe the Rufflet line would also suit her too
Jean had her hoppip as a kid where The Grandmaster gave her a litleo as a gift
Espeon I see no other Pokemon that would fit as well
Lisa also has a Emolga
You can mostly see her Espeon in the library working with her helping her sort books.
She frequently uses her Emolga. To scout people with overdue books lol.
Flareon and Fletchling
Fletchling really fit her character design.
To be honest I don't really have a solid explanation it's just a feeling
Alolan Ninetails and Altaria
Weavile Works too
He uses his Ninetails for most of his fieldwork. His Altaria is there rescue missions or getting himself out of a tight spot
He got his Altaria from a mission where acquired him to investigate Mount Dragon spine.
Charmeleon and Swellow
When she first got a Charmander she promised him that someday he will evolve into a Charizard with her help
She got her swellow from a Taillow that had an injured wing. She nursed the taillow back to health and the taillow couldn't part with her.
I can also see her having a Noibat
Talonflame it goes without saying
Regular Ninetales(haha see what I did there)
I can also see Umbreon being his temporary partner as The Dark Knight hero
He uses his Talonflame it's the most. His Ninetails usually guards the winery
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magicalfxgirl · 4 years
LO Characters as Pokemon Trainers: Godesses
No Artemis for reasons. These are goddesses of LO as Pokemon trainers based on LO and the Greek mythology. So let's begin.
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The Goth queen of LO, Hecate has a magicbased team. Heccate's ace is ancient Delphix named Baba Yaga. As cunning as her trainer, Baba Yaga is not one to be triffled with. Her Hatterene, Morgana, shares her hattred of noise. Morgana and Baba Yaga sometimes throws sticks for Hades dog pokemon for fun, despite the doggos noisy natures. Her Alolan Ninetales, Mystic is often seen playing with Hades's Houndoom, Cerberus. Mismagius helps when dealing with dead employed at Underworld Corps. Her Mimikyu, Nightmare loves to scare people, but never scares Persephone. As she is the only one other than Hecate who shows him any affection. How or why she has a Hoopa named Chaos, should be obvious. They both love chaos. Chaos and Nightmare are BFFs, much to the employees of Underworld Corps horror. Persephone is just happy that Nightmare finally has a friend. Hecate also has Zoarark named Shadow, but no ever knows where it is. Thus it is not on her team. Although the Furies suspect Hecate uses on days she wants to sleep in. Bewarned messing with Hecate, Persephone, Hades or their pokemon will lead to all of Hecate's pokemon to wanting vengence. The results are brutal just ask Minthe and Thetis.
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Hestia despite never battling, still has a pokemon team. Although she considered beloved by Fire types she does not share their firey nature. Her Rotom, Trouble, lives up to his name. Despite this Trouble loves Hestia alot due to her saving it when she founded terribly injured. He possess a oven which is useful for Hestia, who loves to cook. Tea, Hestia's Polteageist has been her tea time partner for ages. Her Cyndaquil, Muffin is the reason that Cyndaquil are Sacred to Hestia. Muffin is always there to warm up other pokemon, or help roast a marshmellows. Trouble and Tea are very protective of Cyn due to his shy nature. Still don't mess with any of the rest of her team or Muffin will get mad. If Muffin gets mad at you, you better run. Hestia never evolved her Milcery, Milk into Alcremie. Her Mudbray, Sweety is there to bring injured pokemon to its trainer, and Snubull, Hug just acts as a cute cuddle bug.
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Athena as the godess of wisdom and battle stratgy her team reflects that. Her Gallade is not just her ace but was gifted to her as a Ralts by Hera herself. Gallade and Athena are extremely close. Athena's Noctowl, Bubo is extremely small for his size, but is adored by Athena. He is always sitting on her shoulder. Her Lucario, is another one of warrior pokemon. Gallade and Lucario are often seen sparing with each other when Athena is not around.She likes to play chess with her Alakazam and Oranguru, when she not busy. Her Falinks, is there to help figure out army formations. She also has a Sirfetch'd as a companion, it stands as guard over its trainers temple.
Next up is Artemis and her family.
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