#he has been in the dorm
If you’ve read the Song of Achilles, what’s your opinion on it? Should I read it? What’s the age range?
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renonv · 6 days
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Gakuen Au where these three are RAs and Ludwig is taking his job too seriously
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Wes + This Look = Cozy Boyfriend Vibes
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deduction-substitute · 2 months
Something funny about the possibility of Lucky Guy being just that. A guy. Went to the manor with his closest friend for fun, only to end up in a hellhole all alone
The other survivors and hunters have all these complicated and rich backstories of why they came to the manor and Lucky just thinks to himself that he shouldn't have taken anything for granted back then. Worrying about his thesis and rushing to class looks so much easier now that he's in a game of life and death
He feels stupid for having gone to the manor. Test his luck? Yeah right. Lucky was too selfish. And now it cost him everything.
The first time the survivors and hunters finally step out of the manor, he doesn't believe it at first. The others celebrate, feeling like a huge burden has been lifted off of their shoulders.
Only Lucky stands to the side, staring at the phone in his hand. So many missed messages and calls.
(What was once cloth and cotton has turned into flesh and blood.)
Emma tries to call Lucky over to celebrate as well. Lucky looks up from the screen, and the gardener tries not to blanch at the dead look on his face. His eyes look tired.
"I need to get home."
And he still has that thesis to worry about.
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riddlerosehearts · 27 days
thinking about book 7 of twst i feel like my current opinion is so different than most of what i've seen, because like, i understand being anxious to see more of malleus but i really do believe that we'll keep seeing more of him throughout the story, i absolutely love what we've seen of the rest of diasomnia and what we've learned about them so far, and as someone who loves every dorm and just about every student i am unbelievably excited to see everyone's dreams ajsjdjgkdkd!! before the last update i'd been thinking i really wanted to see them all but that we probably wouldn't have time for it, and realizing that we would see them all just got me so hyped?? tbh after playing through book 5 for the first time i ended up wishing that the previous books had all been a little longer, or at least that twst would do events more frequently like other games do so we could get more character development out of them, so idk. i just really don't mind that book 7 is going to get crazy long and i feel pretty happy with where things are going right now. but if by the time it's over malleus still hasn't gotten much time to shine, then i'll be bothered by it.
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Eiji uses his skills in gardening to grow catnip for the local cat populations. The cat populations enjoy this greatly.
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thebirdandhersong · 8 months
babes I have been MIA for the past few days but that's because life has been a shipwreck lately I will get back to you (those whom I have not messaged back) as soon as I can but I have been up to some unexpected wild things and am still unfortunately up to my ears in it
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
have just been introduced to a kitten named rascal who lives on my floor and whose babysitters (who are not his owner?) were trying Really hard to goad me into adopting which like. he's a little baby and he's so so so silly and he barely even bit me but like also. this cat isn't yours???? anyway if the owner's giving him up then I might finally have a cat which like AHHHHHG
#i wanna cat SO BADD#but also i dont think this is the best environment to have ANY non-tank pet tbqh#and i dont wanna have to give him away if my housing situation changes bc my parents house wouldnt work#(one of our dogs has a pretty strong prey drive and i dont wanna risk it)#also the poor guy seems a bit skittish and i think the 2 big dogs would scare him#and then there's the 'is he my cat or your cat' thing w my roommate#i think the answer would be hes my cat bc shes more ambivalent but she can actually take him home so like#and ive pretty much been banking on going home after college anyway so like??? in the long term where would he go???#but also my dogs are getting older.. maybe by then they'll be gone and that problem'll go away#but hell my room there's bigger than my dorm room so even if we kept him in there it'd be a better space than here#it'd be a step up#ugh idk. i think it's a bad idea to have a cat in rooms this small in general. but i don't wanna see him go to a shelter either#like he's young and cute so maybe it'll be easier for him but he's also not super cuddly with strangers as far as i can tell#idk... im worried about him.... poor little rascal#like one of the girls mentioned being mean to him and i dont want him to be mistreated#like shining lights in his face and stuff#idk... sigh......#im considering transferring schools at some point. worst case scenario is i go somewhere they dont allow pets and i have to#either find a foster parent or give him away completely#but i really dont wanna have to do that if i can help it. i never want to put a pet that loves and depends on me in a situation like that#much less me like id bawl my ass off#but if theyre treating him bad then even if my situation isnt perfect wouldnt taking him in be in the right anyway?#but how long does that stand for? until i can find him a better home? ughh
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idiaa-shroxd · 11 months
Your cat cafe au is so much fun and so soft I adore it but hearing that Malleus and Leona's cats are friends is so funny to me and spawned the worst idea XD Prefect: Leona, Nebula is pregnant Leona: ...By who? Prefect gestures to Oatmeal and Nebula cuddling.
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we share the same brain!! actually working on the cat au ask right now, but have a few irl emergencies that prevented my writing, and here’s a little bit of it! but first let me just say this is 100% my thought process if you and rook have yet to neuter the kitties. oatmeal and nebula have a romeo and juliet love story! \(//∇//)\ more under cut! this isn’t canon in the au or anything but a fun concept!!
“Nebula has never looked better, he scooped her up in one arm and held her firmly against his bicep, smug as she meowed up at him and purred loudly. He had zero hesitation to hold her while walking to his fated rival, looking him and his cat up and down before scoffing. The two proceeded to argue over who’s cat looked better wearing their dorm uniform for a bit, as the two cats seemed content in their arms without hostility to one another. - Leona Kingscholar
Malleus Draconia - As Leona argues with him half his brain has melted to this is the greatest cat. Cat precious. My firstborn is the best in this world. The other half of him smugly picks up his son in his own arm, the cat against his own bicep as he begins talking about how regal he is. Honestly, his cat is just happy to spend time with him and begins playfully nipping at him after not getting enough attention.”
anyways back to the ask!! I’d like to imagine if that actually happened then leona would freak out at malleus, while malleus is shocked he is getting his first grandchild with you already as you reiterate that is a cat, and you both are not married. he’s not listening, to you or leona. they end up being that in law family that despise one another thoroughly like my child is too good for your child but i don’t want to lose custody of my grandchild. cats tend to have multiple kitties at once so im thinking depending on the amount the may definitely mean the boys now live ay Ramshackle with the kittens, with Nebula nipping at her dad proudly showing him her babies and Oatmeal showing his dad his babies too, forcing the two men to bond despite their prominent scowls, but they avoid being too loud because you remind them kittens are sensitive to noises. (。-∀-)
they’d definitely end up trying to adopt the kittens when you graduate.. but that custody battle is a talk for a different day. on the bright side Oatmeal and Nebula finally get to stay with each other openly as they raise the kitties.
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for anyone curious ( ^ω^ ) been busy these past few weeks with art fight, and my cat needed a vet emergency, still have to return to the vet later this week, but i’m also working on a r-18 birthday leona fic! friendly reminder my navigation does say mdni and you are responsible for the content on my profile that you view!♪
Σ('◉⌓◉’) actually haven’t written r-18 works for social media in a bit, but i will try my best to make the fic! if anyone does not want to view the content, please block the tag “shrouded in desire.” which i will be tagging the fic, and all r-18+ fics on my profile for those who do not want to see the content!
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About Idia’s Tablet
So you know Idia’s tablet that he uses so he doesn’t have to talk to people?
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This thing? Well I was reading Episode of Heartslabyul again and-
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Like. It seems like a regular-ass tablet that floats around, and there’s nobody there to watch it, it’s implied Ortho’s not around for this scene, the other dorm leaders and the rest of Ignihyde could give LESS out of fuck about it being there. 
And NOWHERE is it mentioned that it’s even ALLOWED to be there. Like the staff haven’t even mentioned this tablet, at all. So like. 
How has this tablet never been stolen or damaged?
Like. Seriously. 
You’re telling me. 
NOBODY has made a swip of this tablet or messed with it when nobody is protecting it. People just let it float around the school and go to classes like it’s nothing special.
I honestly don’t believe it.
You’re telling me a bunch of high school boys will leave this floating tablet, that costs who knows how much and goes everywhere without being supervised and has nothing to protect it besides maybe Idia saying “WTF DUDE”, alone but they’re more than okay with using magic outside of class to beat up people who bumped into them?
Not even the Savanaclaw students, the local dorm with very hot-headed boys-has tried to damage/steal the tablet and Ruggie, who will sell anything he finds to get more money?
Unrealistic. This ain’t the Disney Channel.
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irafuwas · 7 months
もうきっと多分大丈夫 どこが痛いか分かったからね 自分で涙拾えたら いつか魔法に変えられる
i'm sure everything's gonna be okay 'cause you realized where it hurts, right? if you can gather up your tears, they'll transform into magic someday
ほんの少し忘れていたね とても長かった ほんの少し お日様がない時は クレヨンで世界に創り出したでしょう
you just forgot for a little while, is all for a really long little while on that dark, dark day didn't you use your crayons to dream up the sun into the sky?
正義の味方には見つけて貰えなかった類 探しに行かなくちゃ 呼び合い続けた あの声だよ
even though your knight in shining armor never came you still gotta go look for that voice that always called out to you
溜め息にもなれなかった 名前さえ持たない思いが 心の一番奥の方 爪を立てて 堪えていたんだ 触れて確かめられたら 形と音が分かるよ 伝えたい言葉はいつだって そうやって見つけてきた
those nameless thoughts that couldn't even muster themselves into a sigh they lay deep in your heart, lashing out around them and they waited if you can reach out and touch them then you'll understand just what they are that's how you always end up finding the words to say what you want to say
振り返れば途切れずに 歪な線を描く足跡 悲しいくらい分かりやすく いつもここに向けて伸びる
if you look back, you'll see the the footprints you left behind still in that unbroken, crooked line it's sad, how easy it is to understand that they'll always be there, heading towards today
大切にするのは下手でも 大切だって事は分かっている せめてその白い手紙が 正しく届きますように
i'm not good at treasuring things but i know this is important to you i hope at least your letter will get to where it needs to go
考え過ぎじゃないよ そういう闇の中にいて 勇気の眼差しで 次の足場を探しているだけ
you're not overthinking it when you're in that dark place all you're doing is being brave and looking for the next step to take
解き放て あなたの声で 光る羽根与えた思いを その足が向かうべき先へ そうしなきゃ見えなかった未来へ 諦めなかった事を 誰よりも知っているのは 羽ばたいた言葉のひとつひとつ 必ず届きますように
your voice gave all those thoughts and feelings you kept bottled up inside their shining wings now it's time to set them free and for you to go down the path you're meant to take - to that future you've never been able to see before each and every one of your words knows better than anyone else that you didn't give up now look as they take wing i pray they'll reach where they need to go
もう一度 もう一度 クレヨンで 好きなように もう一度 さあどうぞ 好きな色で 透明に (Aah) もう一度 もう一度 クレヨンで この世界に 今こそ さあどうぞ 魔法に変えられる
one more time, just one more time pick up that crayon, and draw whatever you want just once more, go ahead use any color you like, that transparent sky is your canvass once more, just once more make the world what you want it to be now's your chance, so go ahead. it'll transform into magic
ああ、なぜ、どうして、と繰り返して それでも続けてきただろう 心の一番奥の方 涙は炎 向き合う時が来た 触れて確かめられたら 形と音をくれるよ あなたの言葉がいつだって あなたを探してきた そうやって見つけてきた
you kept on asking yourself, "why? just why?" but still you kept on going, didn't you? in the deepest depths of your heart your tears burst into flame and now it's time for you to face them head on if you can reach out and touch them, then you'll understand just who you are your words have always been looking for you and that's how they found you
もう一度 もう一度 クレヨンで 好きなように もう一度 さあどうぞ 好きな色で 透明に (Aah) もう一度 もう一度 クレヨンで この世界に 今こそ さあどうぞ 魔法に変えられる
one more time, just one more time pick up that crayon, and draw whatever you want just once more, go ahead use any color you like, that transparent sky is your canvass once more, just once more make the world what you want it to be now's your chance, so go ahead. it'll transform into magic
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celestial-sapphicss · 8 months
home school is frustrating to watch not because the show is bad (i love the show i have so many thoughts) but because despite the wildly different reasons (and stakes and intensity), seeing the education institution systems making students do things without any explanation or logic or reason just because they can and being absolutely unreasonable is very real of them.
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origami-teacup · 8 days
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the vampire diaries 8.16 // louise gluck, crossroads
“and damon, like the voiceover tell us, he was worried he would never see stefan again. it was just elena assuring him that there would be peace. that we’ve dealt with this other side of darkness for several seasons, but there’s also light out there and there’s peace, and damon will find it. if you search for it, you will find it. and we wanted to get that last moment to see that [...] damon found it too, and it looked just like his brother.” — kevin williamson
#not really satisfied with this one but eh#i don't envy gifmakers who've giffed the tunnel scene btw bc the lighting. my god. a travesty#anyway. beating this dead horse of an ep to death to eke out every last drop of defan it has to offer#the contrast between damon's expression when reuniting with elena vs stefan kills meeeee#he's doing THE most for stefan but for elena it's go girl give us nothing dot jpeg fjskfjdj#also in typical spn brainrot fashion while listening to damon's anguished declaration of love toward stefan in the tunnel or whatever#i kept comparing it to dean's 7 minutes of incest ahh speech in the finale#and my god#like i'm aware pitting damon i-stole-my-little-brother's-gf-and-let-him-drown-while-locked-in-a-safe-for-three-months salvatore#against dean i-sold-my-soul-for-my-little-brother-and-i-will-do-it-again-without-hesitation winchester#is unfair to damon#but damon's speech is SO bland and half-assed in and of itself#and it absolutely PALES in comparison to dean's speech it's actually pathetic lmfao#i couldn't stop thinking abt dean confessing that he stood outside sam's dorm for hours before barging in#bc he was scared sam would tell him to get lost#and it made me think that the writers could've made damon's speech that much more personal and impactful#by maybe throwing in a line like “i didn't come back to mystic falls all those years ago /just/ for katherine”#it would've recontextualized their reunion in the first ep and given the hello brother moment so much more depth#give us something authentic! something the audience isn't privy to!#something only damon would know and keep buried in the deepest darkest corner of his black heart!#like!!! i'm sorry but damon's dying (not really) declaration of love toward stefan reads so generic lol#just smacks of lack of creativity on the writers' part#which. tbf. is like all of tvd post s3 lmao#maybe it's a me problem idk i just think the speech could've been. well. better#like once you sit down and start dissecting damon's words they don't feel /that/ weighted. if that makes any sense#ok so maybe i just wanted him to say he didn't come back to mystic falls just for kat ! sue me#ANYWAY. someone please for the love of god write me a post finale canon compliant defan fic#a defan-in-the-afterlife fic if you will#or a damon-being-miserable-after-stefan's-death-and-being-really-shit-at-coping fic. that works too#wowee these tags are a mess
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its-coda · 9 months
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krenenbaker · 7 months
Random question but what are your thoughts on other dorms? I know you’re a fan of octavinelle but I don’t know what you think of any of the others 😅
This definitely isn’t because I have more lil scenarios and brain rot that I could send you and I wanna make sure that you actually like the characters I can talk about
hjdfskldhajdsl PLEASE feel free to send me brainrotting and scenarios!! I will absolutely GOBBLE them up!!!
Okie dokie, for my opinions on the other dorms!
Yeah, I'm fairly clearly an Octavinelle fan - it's for sure my favourite dorm. I do really like the other dorms, too :)
I think that Heartslabyul may be my second favourite dorm, either that, or Pomefiore. I absolutely adore the combined weirdness and classiness of both of those dorms, and the chaotic dynamics of the dorm members (is it also because I'm kind of obsessed with the second and third years in Heartslabyul and Pomefiore? ... maybe... ^^ )
Scarabia is also great, both because I love Jamil, and because the spirit of the dorm really speaks to me. It also fascinates me how in the fandom, Scarabia is known as the 'party dorm', when that's solely Kalim's influence. I think that if he wasn't there, the Scarabia students would probably be known for being just as reserved and solitary as Ignihyde or Diasomnia students.
Diasomnia is so cool, and I am so excited to learn more about the Diasomnia students come Book 7!! I love the vibe of the dorm, and the found family of the main 4 lads is so sweet. Also, I love Silver, and Lilia is also growing on me as a character.
I don't relate as much to Savanaclaw, but I think that the characters in the dorm are fantastic! Leona is so interesting to look at and analyze. Ruggie is also curious, and such a wonderfully scheme-y individual. And Jack is such a sweetheart, and deserves so much more love.
Ignihyde is a curious dorm to me, and I am also looking forward to how Idia and Ortho will develop in the post-Book 6 storylines. I think this may be my least favourite of the dorms... but I don't dislike Ignihyde. I would definitely struggle in that dorm (specifically with all the tech :/ ), and I don't really enjoy Idia or Ortho as much as most of the other characters. I think they're both really interesting, complex characters, and I LOVE hearing theories about them! They just don't... I don't know, tickle my fancy as much as some of the other students / dorms?
so, even though I mostly talk about Octavinelle, I'm more than happy to talk about any of the dorms / characters!! ^w^
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minglana · 8 months
i technically went to a therapist today and i have. so many thoughts
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