#Barty hasn’t responded
If you’ve read the Song of Achilles, what’s your opinion on it? Should I read it? What’s the age range?
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theprongspotter · 1 month
Bag - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 19 - 1,009 words
Regulus stands near the entrance of the student union, staring down at his phone as his thumbs dances across the screen with rapid precision. Barty has been blowing up his phone for the past five minutes with increasingly ridiculous messages, ranging from “r u dead or smth??” to “im dying of boredom in this hellhole.”
“Get a grip,” Regulus mutters under his breath as another notification from Barty pinged onto the screen. He responds quickly, reassuring his impatient friend that he’d be there soon, though Barty’s dramatics were beginning to grate on his nerves. He can practically picture Barty slouched over a table in the library, drumming his fingers in exaggerated impatience while Evan probably sat quietly, ignoring his antics.
Just as he finishes typing, a voice rings out sharply through the busy hallway: “Look out!”
Regulus barely has time to lift his head before a figure comes barreling toward him like a freight train. His eyes widen, and for a split second, everything seems to slow down. But there is no stopping the inevitable. The next moment, the person’s solid frame collides with his, and the impact sends Regulus sprawling backward onto the cool tiles. His phone slips from his fingers, clattering onto the floor beside him.
A sharp ache radiates through his lower back and elbows from the fall, and Regulus grimaces, his palms pressing against the ground for support as he momentarily lays there, dazed. There is a murmur of concerned voices around him, the hallway bustling with students between classes, but Regulus ignores them as he mentally assessed the damage. It isn’t until he gathers himself to stand with his phone in his hand that he notices something was missing.
His tote bag.
The realization hits him like a second wave of panic. His black tote bag, the one that carries his laptop, books, and—most importantly—his latest assignment, is no longer slung over his shoulder. Regulus’ gaze darts around frantically as he scans the ground around him. A wave of frustration surges in his chest. Of course, he thinks bitterly. Just my luck.
As if this day can’t get any worse, a figure steps into his line of sight, holding the missing tote bag in one hand. Regulus’ eyes flickers up, ready to snarl, but the words catch in his throat. Standing there, with an awkward, sheepish smile, is none other than James Potter, the university’s star rugby player and, unfortunately for Regulus, his brother Sirius’ obnoxiously loud best friend. His presence is both a blessing and a curse—at least he has retrieved the bag, but now Regulus had to deal with him.
James’ smile is lopsided, his hand moving to rub the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. “Sorry about that,” he says, his voice warm and slightly breathless. “I—well, we—” He gestures over his shoulder, and Regulus notices the group of people standing a few feet away: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius himself, all of them looking somewhat amused by the situation. Sirius has his arms crossed, a grin playing at his lips as if this were all part of some grand joke.
Regulus scowls, his irritation flaring up again as he snatches his bag from James’ hand. “Yeah, whatever,” he mutters tersely, his sharp gaze darting away from James and back toward his bag as he checks for damage.
James, however, doesn’t seem put off by the attitude. If anything, his grin widens, his hazel eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “I’m James, by the way,” he says, as if Regulus hasn’t just dismissed him.
“I know who you are,” Regulus snaps, slinging his bag back over his shoulder. He adjusts the strap with a little more force than necessary and begins walking toward the library, trying to put as much distance between himself and Potter as possible.
But James isn’t easily deterred. He falls into step beside Regulus effortlessly, his grin now teasing. “Oh, so you’ve heard of me?”
Regulus shoots him an irritated glance. “The whole school knows who you are,” he retorts, wishing Potter would take the hint and leave him alone.
James raises his eyebrows, his smirk growing more playful. “Yeah, but this is different.”
Regulus stops mid-step, turning to face James with a raised brow. “How?”
James takes a step closer, his voice dropping slightly as he answers, “Because you’re you.”
Regulus blinks, completely thrown by the response. His brain scrambles to process the sudden shift in tone, but the confusion only deepens his frustration. “Yeah, that makes no fucking sense,” he finally says, shaking his head as he turns on his heel and resumes his walk to the library.
James laughs lightly, easily falling back into step beside him. “Where are you headed?” he asks, his tone friendly, like they are just two mates chatting after class.
“Away from you,” Regulus mutters, keeping his eyes fixed ahead.
“Aw, now why would you say that, love?” James’ tone is lighthearted, but the endearment makes Regulus’ stomach flip involuntarily. He clenches his jaw, fighting the urge to snap back.
Before he can respond, Sirius’ voice rings out from behind them. “Oi, Prongs! Stop flirting with my brother and get back here!”
Regulus and James both turn to see Sirius standing with his hands cupped around his mouth, Remus and Peter standing nearby with amused expressions. James chuckles, giving a playful salute in response. “Right, right. I’m coming.”
He looks back at Regulus, his grin still annoyingly charming. “See you around, Reg,” he said, his voice low and warm, and before Regulus can come up with a retort, James winks at him and jogs back to his group of friends.
Regulus stands frozen for a moment, his heart thudding annoyingly in his chest. His cheeks flushes, much to his dismay, and he scowls at the floor as he hurries the rest of the way to the library. No matter how hard he tries, though, he can’t shake the lingering warmth from James’ attention—or the fluttering in his stomach that just won’t go away.
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lulublack90 · 7 months
Prompt 23 - Alley
@jegulus-microfic February 23 Word count 949
Previous part First part
CW- Torture via cruiatus
Regulus knew something was going on the second the werewolves arrived. They entered Malfoy Manor in an orderly manner, unlike their usual free-for-all. 
They seemed to be guarding something in the middle of the group. They continued on until they stopped in front of Voldemort, and a man was dragged from the centre and forced to the floor. 
Regulus immediately recognised him. It was Remus. He carefully masked his features so he wouldn’t give either of them away. 
“Shit, is that Lupin?” Barty whispered too loudly to Regulus and Evan. 
“Hush,” Regulus said, warning flashing in his eyes. Barty fell silent, and they all watched the scene unfold before them. 
“Mr Lupin. I have heard many things about you. Most of them are not pleasant. I believe, though, it was your intervention that saved our dear Regulus from that beast Moody.” Voldemort paused to allow Remus to respond. Remus didn’t lift his head from the bowed position he’s been left in. He nodded. Voldemort placed a cold hand on the top of Remus’s head. Regulus didn’t know how Remus managed not to shudder at the contact, but he did. “Regulus also told us you wished to join your brothers and sisters and help our cause.” Another nod. Voldemort turned to one of the werewolves standing near him. “What of his companion? I believe he was always seen with the disgraced Black brother.” 
“We left him in an alley. My brothers may have had a little fun with him first. There’s been no sighting of him since. The informant hasn’t confirmed his current status, but they are working on it.” 
Informant? That was new. 
“Shut up!” Voldemort screamed. “CRUCIO!” The man fell to the ground, writhing in pain and screaming at the top of his lungs. The other wolves shuffled nervously while they watched their brother be tortured. 
Voldemort grew bored and released the curse. “Take him and leave.” He spat at the rest of them. One came forward and took hold of Remus’s arm, ready to drag him away with them. “No, no. Leave this one. I wish to speak with him alone. Tell Fenrir I will send word when he can collect him.” The wolves bowed and hurried away. 
Voldemort turned to Regulus and beckoned him forward. He went, leaving Evan and Barty behind. 
“Yes, my Lord,” He said as he bowed low. 
“Watch Mr Lupin here for me, will you? I have some urgent matters I must attend to.”
“Of course, my Lord.” He bowed again before wandering back to the others, Remus following behind. 
Barty clapped a hand on Remus’s back. 
“Knew you’d see sense and join our team,” Barty said loud enough for the whole room to hear. 
It was clever if they showed they trusted him, less would question his loyalty. 
“Well, the other side wasn’t exactly offering me much being a werewolf, were they?” Remus spat on the floor in disgust. He knew how to play this game. Barty howled with laughter and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, walking him towards the kitchen to help themselves to the refreshments. 
Regulus followed them, his mind whirling at the prospect of the information the wolf had let slip. An informant within the Order was bad news. 
When they entered the kitchen, he and Remus made eye contact, and he knew that Remus hadn’t known that either. 
They needed to be careful how they tread from now on until they found the leak. 
Remus stuck close to Regulus for the rest of the evening. Until Voldemort took him into a room by himself, he came out sweating and shaking but still in one piece. He bowed to Voldemort and then came to stand with their small group again. He didn’t say anything, just accepted the wine glass Evan handed him and sipped it slowly. 
“Chin up, Lupin, you’re one of us now,” Evan winked at him. 
Three wolves showed up to escort Remus back to the pack. Evan, Barty and Regulus all shook his hand. Regulus slipped a folded scrap of parchment into Remus’s hand as he shook it. 
Regulus needed to get away and call James. He was waiting, and so was Sirius. He needed to tell Sirius that Remus was all right. He left, only saying goodbye to Evan and Barty before apparating home. 
He sat in the kitchen with the mirror, sat on the table, and spoke to Sirius. 
“Sirius, I saw Remus.” 
James took the mirror back from Sirius’s hands after they’d finished so he could say goodbye himself. 
“James, there’s something else.” He said urgently. James waited for him to continue. “One of the wolves that brought Remus in let it slip that there is an informant in the Order. They’ve been passing information to the death eaters. They’re trying to find out if Sirius is alive or not.” James had gone pale. 
“Shit,” He said. “Are you sure?”
“Voldemort told him to shut up, and then Crucio’d him in front of everyone.” He watched the worry etch itself into James’s face.
“I’ve asked for a meeting with Dumbledore about the other things we discussed. I’ll alert him to this as well. I’ve got to go now, Reg. I’ll call you after I’ve spoken to Dumbledore. Keep you’re head down. I love you.” James smiled at him sadly as the sounds of Sirius’s snuffling filled the silence between them. 
“I love you too,” Regulus whispered as he ended the connection. 
He relaxed into his chair, taking a moment. He thought about the informant, wondering who it could possibly be. A flash of red blinked in his memory, and his blood ran cold. Surely not. She was a muggle-born, after all. 
Next part 
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
hi hi i came across your work a lot and i love it
i was wondering if you could do a ftm reader with barty crouch jr where the reader hasn’t done anything yet to medically transition besides top surgery (so no bottom surgery or testosterone) and it’s that time of month and they are feeling super dysphoric and just a bunch of fluff. if you’re comfortable with it please.
have a lovely day and i will return *evil gremlin laugh* bye!
A/N;I'll try, it's late.. almost 1am and I'm 🍃 rn.. ERM also lowkey basing off of my own experinces
Warning: slightly spicy suggestions, strong language, innuendos and explicit phrases(?) sorta got a enemies and lovers vibe, readers kinda a snarky asshole
Guess im a vampire- Barty Jr. X FtM! Reader
i shuffle uncomfortably in my bed, the room dark. I shuffle again as another wave of sharp, pulsating pain envelops my lower stomache. My grip on the heating pad tightens.
Fucking bloody Mary has decided to have a trampoline party on my... non wanted parts.
Not only does it slightly hurt my ego and absolutely destroy me mentally, it also decides to fuck me, and not establish a safe word.
As I shuffle again, feeling my insides shift as nausea hits as well as another wave of pain, my door essentially flies open, lock broken into firey pieces of metal, I see none other than resident "chalk dyed tips, emo twink" Barty Jr.
"Guess what I heard from Regulus that heard from Pandora that Heard from Evan?"
"what? Why are you all playing telephone?" I say, slowly sitting up, hair messy and a tired look on my face.
He leans on the doorframe, a mischievous glint in his eye. He raises a brow.
'He's not going to tell me unless I guess. Typical'
"Lucius and Narcissa broke up again?"
"Bellatrix comes out as being is in a lesbian relationship?"
"No, but that is in my Christmas bingo card so I fucking hope" He replies as he saunters over to my bed, plopping down next to me, although for some reason a bit more... Gently?
"They found out about when we-"
He glares at me.
"B, they can't hear us"
"they always hear us"
I sigh, and roll my eyes, although a bit more happier than earlier.
"Just tell me"
"Well, firstly I lied about hearing it through the grapevine, I just wanted rumor ideas-"
I snort a laugh, typical. He playfully glares at me.
"Evan told me this morning that you woke up in bloody sheets, and then we snuck into the library to get a gender book thing, and we looked at like-" He whispers the next word; "menstruation-. And like all that. and I asked Narcissa, -because you two are friends- how to help because he said you looked in pain, which, she said try coke,' that cheers most people up' and so we were gonna buy some, but Evan asked Pandora and-" he shuffles, sitting up and shoving a plastic bag for you.
You look at it causiously, but eventually give into temptation and look inside. Some hygiene products, a box of cigs, some candies and chocolates, paracitimol and... A box of lube?
You hold it up with a questioning gaze
"in case the thing gets stuck to the..." He gestures vaguely to your crotch.
"when you stick it on, the diaper, it's on your who-ha"
I laugh and cover my mouth.
"it's- it's not stuck onto my vagina, Barty. It's stuck onto the fucking underwear."
I laugh again, and Barty's head tilts lightly digesting the information.
I laugh again, before wincing from a harsh pain.
he looks confused, before remembering something, then gets off my bed.
He gestures to the bathroom.
"Wash up, get the vampire hoodoo off then come back over and we can try fucking round with a radio to become possessed."
I laugh lightly, yawning and respond: "Guess I'm a vampire now. Can I ask why?" I stretch,making sure the heating pad stays locked in position.
"Because Blood"
I raise my eyebrow. "Blood? What about it"
He shrugs. "Blood means vampire"
"Didn't you-"
"Never, not me wrong guy."
I quirk an eyebrow, and He shrugs.
"I'll be a vampire if your a vampire"
He rolls his eyes, head lolling backwards, he huffs over-exaggeratedly.
"if that means you fuck off and shower than sure" He grins sardonically.
I glance at the bathroom, before nodding and slowly getting up, which he ends up helping with and collecting some clothes for me for a shower; all because "we don't want grandpa to die".
After I shower, I come out, having had Barty essentially shove some pain killers down my throat, im feeling a bit better, but still tired. I find Barty, who is on his bed, with all of my blankets as well as his. He looks up as hee hears the door open, before quickly beckoning me over, he's laying down, so I join him in the same position.
He clears his throat.
"we can cuddle. Platonically, because I know your poor heart couldnt handle romantic"
I snort a laugh.
"it's not gay if we wear socks"
"I'm wearing only one, does that mean I'm bi?"
"what type of monster only wears one fucking sock?"
We continue to bicker as Barty gently maneuvers me to a position comfortable for both of us. We're pressed against one another. This isnt the first time this has happened.
We talk, and play some records and eventually fall asleep to Evan walking in with a camera.
That'll be a tomorrow issues.
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veritas-scribblings · 4 months
earn - @bartylusmicrofic - words: 471
It will take them days to find the bodies. Until one of the family begins to wonder why they’re not responding to letters and looks into it. Until the elf wakes up, distressed.
It took Barty a while to find two potions he could aerosolise that would kill a human and only incapacitate a house elf. Because Regulus had to go and be so damned attached to the creature. Sure, it had taken a while. Years, in fact. But there is nothing Barty cannot do when he puts his mind to it.
In the end, it will all be worth it. And really, they had it coming it. They should have seen it coming. But, Barty supposes, pride cometh before the fall.
It will take them days to find the body. The house elf will eventually wake and alert the proper authorities, be it Cygnus Black or the aurors. More likely the former, given the creature's loyalty. And Cygnus Black will arrive because he will want to know what has happened to his sister.
Evan helps Barty to tie up loose ends. He wipes the memory of the man who sold Barty the potions ingredients (because, Barty reasons, killing the man would be much too suspicious in light of everything) and cleans out his potions lab.
Inevitably, they will not be able to prove anything. They will not find anything. Because Barty is smarter than that. They will chalk it up to an unfortunate accident; this is what happens when you covet dark magic. This is why dark artefacts are strictly forbidden.
When Barty returns, Regulus is asleep on the couch by the fireplace. Andromeda has offered to put them up, hasn’t asked questions about it. She’s the safest of the Black family to go to, being an outcast and disowned and all. And if Barty is honest with himself, he likes her. She reminds him of Regulus with her fussy, no-nonsense attitude and her acerbic wit.
He has asked Evan to return to the Rosier Manor. Evan isn’t at all happy about this, but Barty needs him there and has promised that they’ll get Evan out later. Priorities and all. The aurors won’t be able to put together a proper timeline—Barty has made sure of this—and this is just the safest option.
Barty slides onto the couch, curls himself around Regulus’s body, buries his face in Regulus’s hair, which is silky soft and falls in loose curls over his eyes. He kisses Regulus gently, but Regulus doesn’t rouse. Barely stirs at all.
‘You’re free,’ he whispers, and he hopes that in his deep slumber, Regulus hears him. Because Regulus has earned it. Regulus deserves all the freedom. Regulus deserves the world. And there’s nothing that Barty would not do to give it to him.
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gold rush
word count: 1339 - jegulus, Hogwarts au, teen rating
Regulus was eleven when he first met James Potter. He was being dragged by his brother to meet his friends who he had already decided he hated. All summer, it was all James Potter this, James Potter that. He was tired of it and couldn’t wait to hate him to his face. 
That was…until he saw James. 
He was beautiful even for a twelve-year-old. Nothing about him was awkward. His brown curls stuck up in a way that on anyone else would’ve looked horrid but on him looked effortless. 
That instant he realized he would never be able to hate James. 
That was also the instant he realized he was attracted to boys. 
It was a lot for a little first year to process. 
Now, at seventeen, he watched James from across the Gryffindor common room with annoyance written clearly on his face for all to see. 
Gryffindor was having a New Year party, the last New Year party that Sirius’s group would be hosting before they all graduated that spring. 
James was beaming from ear to ear as he stood atop a table, pouring drinks for people who raised their glasses and dancing when everyone was busying themselves. 
He was magnetic. Intoxicating. Inviting. Luring. 
“Oh my, Merlin, you’re obsessed, Ruby!” A Hufflepuff snickered next to him to her friend. 
“He’s so beautiful! Look at him!” Ruby responded. 
“Don’t get your hopes up, James hasn’t shown interest in anyone since he gave up hope with Evans.” 
Regulus rolled his eyes and moved to get another drink from the refreshment table. 
James was a gold rush. 
Everybody wanted him. 
It was irritating. 
Regulus was just one of the many. 
He grabbed a fresh cup of Firewhiskey and started sipping away at it. 
That was…until he turned around and saw James winking at someone, giving them his dazzling smile. Quickly, he downed the rest of the drink. 
“Wow, Reg.” Barty appeared next to him. Regulus glared at him as he tossed his cup in the bin. “What’s got your panties in a twist?” 
Involuntarily, his gaze shifted to the boy dancing on a table. 
“Ah, your massive crush on Mr. Sunshine and the fact that you want to climb that beautiful golden wizard like a tree.”
Screw his inability to control his face when he was drinking. 
“What did he do this time?” 
“So, is it a general dislike for what he’s doing, the attention he’s gaining, or is it how you can’t control what you feel around him?” 
Regulus huffed and turned his back to James. “He’s so effortlessly beautiful.” His thoughts flowed out of him now that the alcohol was sufficiently doing its job. “It’s not fair. I put effort into everything I do, but he’s just…there, existing and perfect. I don’t like anticipating the flush of my cheeks when he deigns to smile. Everybody wants him and I’m just here. There’s no way I’ll ever stand a chance.”
Barty’s brows furrowed. “Do you want him to notice you? I was under the impression that you didn’t want to act on the feelings.” 
Regulus looked over his shoulder to stare at James grinning at his brother. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
James’ gaze shifted from Sirius to Regulus across the room at that instant. His eyes twinkled as he grinned, waving at Regulus. 
His eyes were pools of honey, it was so inviting. He wanted to get lost in them. 
Regulus continued to stare at James, not waving back but not turning away. 
James’ smile turned into a smirk like he was accepting a challenge, he handed Sirius his bottle of alcohol and hopped down from the table without looking away from Regulus. 
“He’s coming over,” Regulus warned Barty. 
“Got it, good luck,” Barty understood the sentence for what it was and left. 
“Hey, Reg,” James’ smooth voice broke through the music. “How are you?” 
James grinned and let his eyes wander over Regulus’ figure. “Good. You look great tonight.” His voice dipped low, luring him out to sea. 
“Just tonight?” Regulus played along, testing the waters. He wanted to jump in and drown himself in it.
James chuckled and leaned in, mouth hovering above his ear. “You look good every day but you look especially pretty tonight, is that what you wanted to hear?” 
He swallowed thickly and leaned in toward the warmth of James Potter. “Yes.” 
“Hm, good to know,” James spoke deeply and pulled away, taking the warmth with him. “Do you want to dance?”
Regulus blinked in surprise. He looked around at all the people already staring at them because of his proximity to the Sunshine boy of the school. 
James’ hand cupped Regulus’ chin, turning his head to look back at him. “Don’t pay attention to them. Do you want to dance with me?” 
Regulus’ mouth went dry. “Yes.”
James laced their hands together before he was tugged into the crowd. They stopped near the center of the dance floor. His anxiety rose thinking about everyone surrounding them. He didn’t want them watching, touching him. 
“Eyes on me.” 
Regulus snapped his head up and stared into that pool of honey he so desperately wanted to jump into. 
“They won’t come close enough to touch you, I promise.” 
Something about the way James spoke made Regulus believe him. 
James took Regulus’ arms and wrapped them around his own neck before wrapping his around Regulus’ waist, tugging him close. 
“Just focus on us,” he said in his ear. He swayed his hips, using his hands to help Regulus sway with him. 
He watched as slowly everyone on the dance floor was looking over at them as they danced. 
James really was a gold rush. Everyone watched him. 
I don’t like a gold rush…but I can’t look away from him. 
“Reggie,” James spoke gently. “Do you want to leave?” 
His arms tightened around James on instinct, hands slipping into the hair at the nape of his neck. 
A deep chuckle buried itself in Regulus’ bones. 
“Okay, love. Tell me if they’re too much?” 
Regulus nodded. It was too much now, but he didn’t want to break the moment. 
James’ hands spread across the small of his back as they danced. 
He couldn’t believe this was happening. 
As the song went on, Regulus became more confident despite the stares. 
He tugged on James’ hair lightly, earning a delicious groan from the wizard. His lips curved up with a slight smile as multiple witches narrowed their eyes with jealousy. 
Regulus wasn’t sure if this was a one time occurrence but he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to make a claim. 
He caught Barty’s gaze on the edge of the dance floor with Evan hanging off him. 
Barty gave him a thumbs up and mouthed, climb him.
Regulus rolled his eyes but still slotted a leg between James’s. 
“Aren’t we jumping a few steps, love?” James asked with a chuckle. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Is everyone watching?”
“Of course they are, James Potter—golden boy of Gryffindor Tower—is dancing with Regulus Black—heir to the Black fortune and Slytherin’s arsehole.” 
James’ shoulders shook with his laughter. “So, you’re saying if I were to do this—” James bit his earlobe lightly, “—everyone would see?” 
“Yes,” he said breathlessly. 
James hummed. “Good.” 
They continued on this way, slowly teasing each other to stake claims on one another. 
What would it be like to be with James? Would it be like this? How would it feel to be loved by him? 
He wanted to kiss him. 
But did he have enough in him to be loved by a gold rush? 
Would he survive this? 
He blinked and suddenly James had pulled back to look him in the eyes. 
He glanced at James’ lips and back up to his honey-filled eyes. 
Slowly, he leaned in, mouth hovering so close they shared a breath. 
His eyes twinkled with depth in those hazel pools. He was drawn to them like a human would be to a siren. 
So inviting, I almost jump in. 
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idle-soliloquy · 1 year
Jegulus microfic - prompt: swear (august 1st), 827 words, @jegulus-microfic
Part 2, 3, 4, 5
CW: explicit, cheating
Regulus takes his shoes off before slipping soundlessly into the flat. His boots are heavy, their soles thick and black, covered in grime from trudging through the muddy field. The gig ended in a flash of lights and amidst blaring screams and whistles. The air smelled damp and the rain was thick, bucketing down relentlessly as they ran back into town and headed straight for the nearest pub.
Recklessly, he downed his first shot of tequila and hadn’t looked at the time since.
The clock hanging in the hall strikes 5 in the morning when he clicks the door shut, praying the sound doesn’t travel.
Wishful thinking.
Regulus is soaking wet. His black locks are plastered to his cheeks and forehead, but not as a result of last night’s deluge - that ended hours ago. This morning was crisp and fresh, not a cloud in sight.
He did take a quick shower at Barty’s place before leaving in haste.
Regulus gingerly places the shoes on the rack, fingers trembling in a weak grip, and tries to shimmy out of his jacket. The leather squeaks and rustles, no matter how he manoeuvres his body to avoid it.
“Where have you been?”
Regulus’ heart comes to a screeching halt, and then, it’s plummeting down to his stomach and lands at his feet. Or maybe he doesn’t have a heart. Blood rushes through his veins, screaming into the void left in his chest.
Contain yourself, he thinks. Don’t let it slip. Don’t.
He turns around, slowly, licking his lips. They taste of salt.
James is standing in the door to their bedroom, gripping the frame and swaying. There are bags under his eyes. Regulus knows he stayed up, keeping vigil. The last message James sent arrived at 2 AM. Reg saw it much later, when Barty went to get them a snack and a glass of water, and Regulus locked himself in the bathroom to wash come stains off his shirt.
“The gig, and then we were out,” he eventually responds, coughing into his clenched fist, throat tight as a string.
“It’s 5 in the bloody morning. I thought you were meant to come back-”
“I got a bit tipsy, stayed over at Panda’s.” Regulus shuffles on his feet, pulling the jacket off in one swift motion. No need to walk on eggshells anymore - James is already here, gaze piercing and pleading. Scared. Doubtful.
“Oh,” James hums, crossing his arms over his chest. He swallows, eyes tracking Reg’s every movement, searching for inconsistencies wedged between his words, or veiled by his actions. “Why are you soaking wet?”
“I showered,” Regulus huffs and shrugs dismissively. “Did you see the weather last night? We were absolutely minging after the gig, you should have seen it. Some girl pushed Panda over by accident and she decked it, landed face first in the mud, it was hilarious.”
James lets out a laboured sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. The silence that follows is stifling.
“Why are you up, babe?” Regulus tries tentatively. He starts picking on his cuticles. A nervous tic, nothing else. James won’t clock it. Regulus is a nervous person by nature.
“I couldn’t sleep till late. I was worried.”
“Worried about what?” Regulus prods, even though he knows the answer. He’s no fool.
“You know very well what, Reg.”
He hums in acknowledgment, brows slightly furrowed. He has to play out the part, acting disgruntled - it’s been months now. Hasn’t James regained some of the lost faith he had in him? Hasn’t he proven, consistently, that he can spend time with Barty and not end up on his knees, worshipping at another man's feet?
Or is it a lost cause? James will never fully trust him again and will monitor his every step and misstep alike. A tragic ending to an equally woeful story. Regulus has the answer to these questions at the tip of his tongue. His actions from last night speak for themselves.
“James.” His inner turmoil does not show on his fine features. James stares at him, eyes wide and gleaming in the morning light. “Nothing happened, all right? We were out, got a bit sloshed and then ended up in Panda’s loft listening to records.”
“You swear?”
Regulus shivers, fist clenching at his side. A beat of silence follows and he thinks James will suffocate - he’s been holding his breath, lips pressed into a thin line, eyes pleading. It’s a sight to behold. James Potter, begging. Begging Regulus not to ruin his life, once again.
“Yeah, Jamie, I swear.”
James lets out a ragged gasp, leaning on the doorframe heavily. The tension that built up in the air, layer after excruciating layer, dissipates like morning dew.
Regulus feels a hollowness in his chest, one that eats at his soul with jagged teeth. It hurts, but only a little. It’s a flesh wound, a scratch, a gentle prodding. A guiltless guilt.
Then, the teeth chip away at nothing.
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The Warning - Chapter 6 Snippet
“Which one are you looking for?” Evan asks her curiously.
“Dearborn or Crouch?” he smiles at her.
“Oh, neither. I was just being nosey. I’ve never been down here before.” She answers glancing around the room. She notices little details like the skull on the mantelpiece, or the snakes carved into the windowpanes. Evan stares at her curiously, a small smile playing at his mouth.
“What?” Eva asks a little self-consciously.
“You’re really honest, aren’t you?” He answers. He sounds a little in awe.
Eva looks at him shocked. “What’s the point in lying?” She asks.
Evan grins again. He always seems to be smiling. “Quite right. I like it. Don’t ever change Hughes.”
“I thought I said black or green. However, this is also a rather gratifying sight.” Barty Crouch rounds the chairs, stopping in front of Eva. His eyes roam over her body greedily. She can see when his eyes linger at the bottom of her skirt.
Evan looks up at his friend with a blank expression. “Barty, where did you go?”
“Just went to freshen up a little. Want to look good for our guest.” He replies, his eyes never leaving Eva.
“Perhaps looking in a mirror would help next time.” Eva snaps.
Crouch grins widely. “Why would I do that? When I can look at you.”
Eva represses a shudder. Evan seems to notice and changes the subject. “Barty do me a favour, go see if Dearborn is alright.”
Crouch’s head snaps to Evan. “And why would I do that?”
“Because I’m worried and you’re already standing. I’ll greatly appreciate it.” He throws a charming smile at Crouch.
“Get lost Evan, I’m not your house elf.” He spits.
Evan just grins even wider. “Of course not, you’re too lazy. If you were a house elf, I’d have given you clothes years ago.”
Crouch throws himself onto the seat facing them. Muttering about Evan being a wanker.
Chris looks at Eva, he raises a questioning eyebrow. Eva knows he’s asking if she’s alright. She nods with a small smile. Crouch doesn’t miss it.
“Alright McKinnon, what are you doing here?” Crouch asks in a jaded tone.
“I came with Eva.” He replies curtly.
Crouch’s face drops into one of distaste. He sips his drink before giving Chris a tight-lipped smile. “Didn’t know you were actually interested in Hughes. I thought that thing on the train was a… one off.”
Chris just stares at him with dislike. “We’re friends Crouch.”
Crouch laughs humourlessly. “Friends. Do friends hold hands?”
“Yes. They can do. They can also hug, or is that too impure for you?”
“Trust me McKinnon. The things I want to do, especially to Hughes, are not pure in the slightest.” Crouch snarls.
Evan leans forward. “Barty, go get a drink.”
“I’ve got one.”
“Then go get another.” Evan orders. Crouch takes his eyes off Chris to stare at Evan. Evan gives him a reprimanding look. Crouch practically snarls, throwing himself off the chair. He storms towards the drinks table.
“You alright?” Evan asks them both.
Eva nods. “He’s an even worse prick when he’s drunk. Chris are you okay?”
Chris is biting his thumb nail. “Can I hex him yet?”
Evan chuckles. “Afraid not, it might cause a fight. But you’re right, him and alcohol don’t mix well. He’ll be happy in half an hour, you watch. So… what happened on the train?” He smirks at them.
Eva rolls her eyes. “Nothing. We were talking and Crouch acted like a prick. Chris went to hit him, I grabbed his hand to stop him. Apparently, that means we’re shagging.”
Evan snorts. “Fucking hell. He’s lost his mind. So, is there anything going on between you two?” He wiggles his eyebrows at them.
Chris seems to have calmed down a little. “No, we really are just friends.”
Evan smiles at them. “Good.”
Eva looks at him confused. He doesn’t respond, instead bringing his cup to his lips.
Chris hasn’t reacted, making Eva think she imagined it. Or misheard.
Caradoc walks over, a scowl plastered on his face as he joins them. He’s followed by Henry Travers, a snobbish looking boy with dark hair and dark eyes.
Caradoc’s scowl fades as he notices their arrival. “Hey. When did you guys get here?”
“About 10 minutes ago.” Chris replies. Raising his voice over the noise.
“When did you get here?” Eva shouts.
“Just before 8. I wanted to make sure neither you nor Lily were alone.” He replies with a smile.
“Thanks for the confidence, mate.” Evan throws at him. Caradoc turns to him surprised. He either didn’t expect Evan to be with them or didn’t notice him.
“I assumed you’d be with the other snakes.” He replies with a smirk.
Evan laughs. “Touché my friend. However, it turns out I’m on the other side tonight. But seeing as you consider me a snake, how about you be my wingman? Bird boy.”
Caradoc chuckles. “Alright. Who have you got your eye on?”
“I can’t tell you, that would make your job easy.” Evan replies in a matter-of-fact way.
“So… you just want me to big you up to anyone and everyone?” Caradoc asks, his brow furrowed.
Evan grins broadly. “What a great idea Dearborn. I knew I picked you for a reason.”
Chris chuckles at that and Evan grins even wider.
Selwyn looks over at them with a sour expression. “Evan.” She whines. “Come dance with me.”
“Do I have to?” He responds, he sounds put out talking to her.
“Yes.” She pouts, leaning over and grabbing his hand. “I really want to dance, and Reg won’t.”
“What makes you think I will?” Evan asks.
“Because you’re fun. Plus, you love to dance.” She responds in a sickly-sweet voice.
Evan glances over at them all. “Alright, but these lot are coming too.”
“What? No.” Caradoc starts to protest.
Evan holds his hand up, shooting him a stern look. “You said you’d be my wingman, now act like it. Hughes, Nott, I assume I don’t have to persuade you.”
Emily is deep in conversation with Adrien Wilkes, a gorgeous boy in the year above with dark skin and a deep voice, she doesn’t even notice them talking to her. Eva rolls her eyes.
“I’d better stay here with them. We’ll be fine.”
Evan pouts at her. “Just one?”
“Maybe later.” She offers.
“Okay Hughes is definitely dancing later. McKinnon, get off your arse and dance with me.”
Chris can’t even protest as he’s just took a swig of butter beer. Evan sees the opportunity and pulls him up and to the dancefloor. Selwyn and her friend following behind looking a little annoyed they’re being joined by non-Slytherins.
Caradoc is laughing but turns to Eva. “Are you going to be okay? I can stay.” He offers.
Eva shakes her head. “It’s fine, go and have fun.”
Evan shouts over. “You’re being a shit wingman right now Dearborn!”
Eva laughs. “Go on. Honestly, I’m good.”
Caradoc nods. “Okay, just come and get me if you need me.”
“I will.”
“Dearborn!” They hear Evan screech across the room.
Eva laughs. “Go before he comes and carries you away.”
Caradoc gives her a departing smile before turning to go join them. Eva laughs watching them all dancing like idiots. Evan is a great dancer but is overexaggerating his moves comically. Chris is the opposite he’s stiff and uncomfortable. Evan dances around him trying to goad him out of his shyness. When Caradoc joins them, he cheers dramatically pulling him into the same dance style making Chris laugh.
Eva is so lost in watching them, she doesn’t notice the couch dip as someone sits next to her. Not until she feels the person lean into her side.
She turns to see who it is and is met with none other than Barty Crouch leering at her. An unsettling smile playing around his mouth.
“Hi.” It sounds as if he’s trying to make his voice sensual. It just sounds like he’s pissed.
“No.” Eva says before trying to turn away.
“Don’t say that.” Crouch mumbles. “Come party with Barty.”
Eva pulls back shocked and repulsed. Whatever she expected to come out of his mouth, that wasn’t it.
“Salazar’s dick Barty. That made my balls crawl back inside me.” Regulus Black chastises.
Crouch shoots him an annoyed look. “Good job it wasn’t aimed at you then isn’t it.” He moves closer to Eva as he speaks.
Regulus gets up and sits on Eva’s other side. “If Hughes did have balls, no offence, I’m sure they’d also have crawled back inside.”
She won’t admit it, but having Regulus sat next to her makes her feel safer. She’s also grateful he’s letting Crouch know how repugnant he’s being.
“Why don’t we let Hughes make that choice for herself.” He rasps. His hand falls to her knee. Eva shoves it away immediately, moving closer to Regulus. Who, thankfully, doesn’t move away or push her away.
Crouch sends her a sickening smile, before he tweaks her nose. “What’s wrong Hughes? It’s a party you know.”
Eva pulls back even further. She’s almost lying on Regulus at this point. What the fuck just happened? Regulus lets out a sigh. Eva turns to look at him. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to lean on you.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m not sighing at you, I’m sighing at him.”
Crouch stop smirking at Eva and turns to Regulus. “Me? Why me?”
“Because you’re a fucking state mate. How many phials have you had?”
Crouch rolls his eyes before leaning forward some more. Now it looks like Crouch is lying on Eva, whilst Eva lies on Regulus.
“Just enough to be happy Reggie. It’s a party so don’t be a perfect prefect dickhead.” Crouch chides Regulus in a mocking voice.
“What the fuck is happening right now?” Eva mutters to herself.
Crouch picks up on it. “Us fucking could be happening right now. I’ve got an amazing reputation, just ask any of the girls over there. They’ll tell you.” He starts to stroke her arms.
Regulus pushes his hands away. “Barty, get the fuck off us.” He snaps.
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walkerismychoice · 3 years
Queen of My Heart - Chapter 38 (The End!)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake X MC, Liam X Olivia, Hana X OC Lydia
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The show comes to and end, and Riley contemplates her future
Author’s Note: I can’t believe I’ve finally brought this series to an end. There was quite a long time I thought I may never finish. I want to thank all the readers and friends who’ve read and encouraged me along the way. I want to especially thank @debramcg1106 as of late for helping me work through the ending and pushing me to finish it out. This is the technical end of the story, but I do have an epilogue planned as well.
Tag List: @khakie4 @dreadpirateemma @ritachacha @blackcoffee85 @choices-fanatic @boneandfur @butindeed @simplyaiden-blog @bobasheebaby @traeumerinsworld @theroyalweisme @umccall71 @lizeboredom @debramcg1106 @enmchoices @withice @viktoriapetit @mfackenthal @drakesfiance @drakelover78 @speedyoperarascalparty @silviasutton1989 @krisnicjack @devineinterventions2 @choiceswreckedme @notoriouscs @blackcatkita @hamalu @akrenich @drakewalkerfantasy @jamielea81 @andy-loves-corgis @jlouise88 @jovialyouthmusic @sleepwalkingelite @i-miss-trr @dragonball-luver @gkittylove99 @lovingchoices14
Word Count: 2230
Queen of My Heart Chapter Index
Due to everything that transpired, filming of the finale was delayed two weeks. Riley was grateful for the time and hardly left Drake’s side during his recovery. He was sent back to the palace after a couple days, and Riley had to convince him that whiskey was not a suitable replacement for the antibiotics and pain medication the doctor prescribed. Reluctantly he obliged. He worked with physical therapy, and by the end of those two weeks, you’d have hardly known he’d been injured at all.
Olivia was salty her ball had been ruined, but the production staff made up for it, giving her and Liam an overnight filmed at Olivia’s northern Lythikos retreat. She was still worried the country would favor Riley with Liam, but Kat assured Olivia between her heroic actions, personal growth, and some favorable editing, it would be hard for most people not to be on her side.
As for Madeleine, it was still unclear if she would be charged criminally or would be incompetent to stand trial due to her mental health, but either way, she wouldn’t be a danger to anyone for quite some time. It was questionable if Jo’s involvement in the whole thing broke any laws. She wasn’t Cordonian, so she couldn’t be charged with treason for skirting security and endangering the life of the crown prince, but authorities were looking to see if there was anything they could make stick. At the very least she was blacklisted and would never work in television again.
So finally, on a calm, clear, day, there was only one obstacle left. Riley met with Liam, adorned in a stunning, body-hugging, Swarovski crystal filled dress, to put on the performance of a lifetime and act as if he’d shattered her heart. Of course, it wasn’t that easy. There were a couple of takes where neither of them could keep a straight face followed few that were unbelievably dramatic, but ultimately Riley was able to tap into her vulnerability and the tragedy she had faced to bring genuine emotion and tears to light. It didn’t matter that it was unrelated to what was happening in the scene, it was real. Kat said it was perfect, and Liam was free to propose to Olivia.
Now that all is said and done, who will Liam choose to be his future Queen? Will it be the fierce Duchess Olivia, or the plucky newcomer Riley? Stay tuned for the finale of Queen of My Heart.”
Maxwell draped his arm around Riley’s shoulder. “What do you think, sis? How did I do on my television debut.”
Maxwell, Bertrand, Savannah, Hannah, Lydia, Liam, Olivia, Riley, and Drake were all huddled in the palace screening room to watch the finale as it aired.
Just about anyone would have been an improvement over Chad,” Riley teased, ”but the squid suit was definitely a nice touch. Your delivery was great, but did you have to call me plucky?”
“You know I had to play it cool,” Maxwell explained. “Plucky is good, but not over the top. Don’t want anyone thinking I’m playing favorites because you’re my sister.”
Riley rolled her eyes. “The suggested ‘noble newcomer’ would have been sufficient.”
“It was a stylistic choice.” Maxwell made a gesture with his hand indicating a mock hair flip.
"Ugh, enough about Maxwell," Olivia groaned. "I'm ready to get to the good part. Can we just fast-forward through any mushy Liam and Riley stuff? Nobody needs to see that."
"I second that." Drake raised his hand in rare agreement with Olivia.
Liam just shook his head. "I know nobody watches live network television anymore, so you must have forgotten how this works. There's no fast-forwarding. Not even through commercials."
"That's fine with me." Lydia chimed in. "More time for making out."
"Lydia!" Hannah's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.
Lydia pecked her on the lips. "Sorry babe. You're just too damn cute when you blush."
Hannah remained quiet but her smile gave her away. Lydia, with her outgoing, bold, and slightly unpredictable personality, was the perfect complement to Hannah being so shy, proper, and focused. They brought out the best in each other, and the difference in Hannah between when Riley met her until now was night and day.
The friends watched the show and Riley only cringed at herself in a few places, which was much less than she thought she would. Things did get a bit awkward during the montage of kissing scenes between Riley and Liam, and Maxwell and Bertrand made a show of covering their eyes for the steamier parts. They all laughed inappropriately when Liam dumped Riley since they knew it wasn't real. And then finally when Liam proposed to Olivia, everyone cheered.
Riley thought of her friends and family at home. She pictured aunt Susan, Sarah, and Daniel all rooting for her and how disappointed they must have been that she "lost." She couldn't wait to tell them, however, she hadn't lost at all.
"Wow, Livvy." Drake quipped, bringing Riley out of her deep thoughts. "How much did you have to pay them to give you such a flattering edit?"
Olivia threw a pillow at his head which he deftly dodged. "Fuck off, Walker. You were so desperate to get on the show, you leapt in front of a bullet."
"Now, now children." Liam said in a mock scolding tone. "Let's all play nice."
"Yes, father," Drake and Olivia replied in unison, causing laughter to erupt around the room.
Riley still didn't have all the answers about what her future would hold, but she had found her people. Where she was in that moment was where she needed to be.
Savannah yawned. "It's getting late. We should probably go and relieve the sitter." Riley hasn't wanted to pry into Savannah and Bertrand's relationship, but they were working together to parent Bartie and things seemed to be falling into place for them.
"Yes, yes." Bertrand agreed. "Time is money!"
"Oh my god, Bertrand." Savannah rolled her eyes. "Life isn't all about money."
"She’s right." Maxwell propped his arm on Savannah's shoulder. "Besides, now that the show is over, we'll be getting some money, and Kat said if viewers responded well to me, they would probably offer to extend my contract in the franchise. By the looks of these tweets, I'm going to be rolling in dough. 'That Maxwell guy is so hot...ridiculously funny...just what the show needed.' Should I read more?
"Please no." Bertrand groaned. "We can talk finances later. Goodnight, all."
As the rest of the crowd dwindled, Liam asked Drake and Riley to stay behind. He kissed Olivia and promised to join her when the conversation was through.
"So what's up?" Drake got right to the point once only the three of them remained.
Liam cleared his throat. "Well as you know, I highly value your loyalty to the crown."
"Heh." Drake let out a terse laugh. "I don't really give a fuck about the crown, but I do care about you."
"In any case, you take your job very seriously and I could see you as head of the guard one day, once Bastien retires." Liam paused before continuing. "However, I do have another proposition for you."
Drake raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Go on."
"How would you like to be the head of Valtoria?" Liam asked expectantly.
Drake' eyes narrowed in contemplation. "I thought Valtoria was unoccupied. Is there a new Duke or Duchess there now that needs a security detail?"
"No, no." Liam laughed. "Well, there could be. That's what I'm trying to ask you. I would like to give Valtoria to you."
"No fucking way. You have to be kidding me. Did you sign up for some royal version of a prank show now?" Drake scanned the room as if searching for hidden cameras.
"I'm serious, Drake. I think you would make a fantastic duke."
Drake scoffed. "I'm a commoner who despises most nobles and everything the monarchy stands for."
"That's exactly why you'd be perfect for the role." Liam explained. "Cordonia needs a fresh perspective - someone who can resonate with the people the monarchy serves. Just think, you could have a real voice in creating change. I don't want to rule like my father has and his father before. I want the people to have the representation they deserve, and you are a key to that."
Drake sighed deeply. "I don't know Li. Even if I could do this - if I wanted to - what makes me worthy? What's everyone going to say when they find out you gave an average dude the title of Duke just because he's your best friend?"
"I'll tell them that Drake Walker is anything but average. He's smart, capable, and fiercely loyal. He's saved my life more times than I count and has more integrity than anyone I know. Public policy can be learned, but these qualities cannot be taught. He may not be noble by blood, but he is my family, and he belongs."
'Wow, Liam." Drake ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to say."
"You're quiet over there." Liam directed at Riley. "What do you think?"
"Me?!" Riley had been as shocked by this as Drake, and she didn't know what to think. This was about Drake, not her. Did her opinion really matter? "I, uh.... think this is really Drake's decision."
Drake took Riley's hands in his. "But it's yours too. I mean, if we are going to be together..."
"Oh, well..." How was Riley supposed to help Drake decide such a life altering thing when she didn't even have her own life sorted out?
Drake didn't leave her fumbling for too long. "Liam, I really don't know if either of use is equipped to answer this question right now. It's a very generous offer, and the fact that I'm not totally shutting you down for suggesting such a ridiculous thing as me being a Duke should tell you I'm genuinely willing to entertain the idea."
Liam chuckled. "I completely understand. This life is new to both of you in different ways, and to navigate a new relationship on top of all that is a lot to ask. I'm in no hurry to fill the vacancy. Consider it an open-ended invitation. I trust that you'll be ready to make your decision long before the public pressures me into making a new appointment."
"Thanks, Liam." Drake gave him hug and patted him on the back. "Now get back to your fiancé before she blames me for keeping you too long."
Back in her palace guestroom, Riley nestled into Drake, her head resting on his chest. "It's been quite a night, huh?
"You could say that again." Drake pulled her tighter against him.
"I kind of feel like we're moving so fast, we're skipping steps - like we're being asked to decide the rest of our lives before we even know what we want to do tomorrow." Riley knew nobody was outright asking for an immediate decision, but she felt the weight of everyone's expectations. Whether she stayed in Cordonia or went back home, she'd probably be disappointing someone.
"Who says we have to?" Drake asked. "You heard Liam. He doesn't need an answer right away. I Know you haven't decided what you want, and I sure as hell don't know what I'm going to do yet. Why don't we take some time together to just...be. Do normal couple things and see where the relationship takes us."
"Normal couple things... I mean I don't know how I can go back to my normal peasant life after attending weekly balls dressed in couture gowns," Riley teased, "but I think I could make that sacrifice for you, my commoner boyfriend."
"Hey, watch who you are calling commoner." Drake pinned Riley down and tickled her sides until she begged him to stop, and he collapsed beside her again. "I just may outrank you soon if I so choose."
Riley laced her fingers through Drake's. "It's crazy to think how our lives have changed in a few short months. I don't think I could have made it through all of this without you, and not just because you kept literally saving my life."
"You may not have taken a bullet for me, but you've saved me too. For once in my life, I see multiple paths with meaning and purpose. I've seen so much of myself reflected in you, but it id the version of me I want to be, not the one I was. You've shown me trials and hardships don't have to make you bitter, and that you don't have to fit the cookie cutter mold to find your place here... Oh, God, listen to me. What have you done to me Bennett?" Drake shuddered in mock disgust.
Riley softly pressed her lips to his and pulled back with a smirk. "I don't think I can take all the credit, or the blame as you might put it. But enough talk about the future. You said we should focus on the now, and right now all I need is you."
"Well then, your wish is my command." Drake pulled Riley tight to him and then they lost themselves in each other, completely unencumbered by any decisions about their future. Those could wait for another day.
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The Aftermath - Ch. 31
The Talk
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Summary: Riley and Liam talk about what’s next for them, and Drake finally confronts Jessica
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: mention of character death, slight language, implied smut
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book, “The Goldfinch”)*
Catch up here!
Tags:  @captain-kingliamsqueen @gkittylove99 @lovablegranny @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @twinkle-320 @charlotteg234 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @queencatherynerhys @pens-girl-87 @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @liamandneca @cordonia-gothqueen @pink-diamond13 @queenwalton @yourmajesty09 @alj4890​
I don’t know if the tags are working or not, but I hope I got everyone down. If you would like to be added/removed, let me know :)
- Riley - 
I wake by the morning light that blares through the window. After blinking for a few moments, I slowly take in the room around me. I see my luggage near the far corner, and there are clothes littered on the floor. The covers of the bed are dangling off the edge. Liam is on the bed with me. His head rests on my stomach and his arms are loosely around me. His face is an image of pure peace. 
I wonder what time it is. Turning my head, I can see that my phone isn’t near me. I look again at Liam, sleeping soundly, and I don’t want to wake him. 
I shift my upper body, trying to lean down to see if my phone was on the floor. But I move a bit too much, and Liam wakes. He rubs his eyes, then turns his head slowly, kissing my stomach and all the way up to my lips. 
“Good morning,” I say to him when we part. His blond hair is a whorl on his head and there’s a content smile on his face.
I get out of bed and find my phone under my discarded dress. Checking the time, I see that it’s almost noon. I put it on the bedside table and begin picking up the clothes scattered on the floor. 
“What are you doing, love?” Liam asks, reaching for me. He lightly takes hold of my elbow and draws me back towards the bed. I let myself fall into his warm embrace. “I’d like to stay here with you forever,” he whispers in my ear. 
“I would, too, but we already missed breakfast. Plus the kids might be worried.”
Liam kisses my temple. Neither of us move to get out of bed. A part of me doesn’t want to move. Liam’s embrace felt peaceful and safe. It was refreshing in a way. It was like I had found my way home.
We stare at the ceiling, disregarding the time pass by.
“The Anointing Ceremony is tomorrow,” Liam speaks. 
“I know,” I respond. “My mother said she’s going to fly over for it. And Gabe said he was having a bit of anxiety.” 
“I’ll be sure to make accommodations for your mother. As for Gabriel, I’ll speak to him. I know he’ll be perfect.” He pauses for a second. “There is also something that I wish to ask your mother.”
“What do you want to ask her?” 
He gives a low chuckle. Liam meets my eyes, but says nothing. His silence gives me his answer. 
“You said you wanted me to give you until the end of the Social Season,” I state. “Well, there’s barely two days left.” He laughs again. “Is there something you want to ask me?” I manage to say through a smile.
He looks away for a moment. I’m still tucked under his arm and glued to his side. “Perhaps there is something I wish to ask you, but this was not the position I had planned.”
“Really? Then what did you have planned?”
“I thought I’d bring you to the hedge maze.”
“The same one that Ella got lost in?” 
“Well, I would make sure the children were safe before we’d go. There’s a well I wish to show you.” 
“And what would we do at the well?”
His gaze is intense. His eyes aren’t as tired as usual, compared to these past few weeks. I lean forward and press my lips against his. 
“Riley,” he says, making my body shiver. I push myself closer to him. “You torture me.”
I rest my head on his shoulder. His arms wrap tightly around me. “I’ve been torturing myself, too. Ten whole years.” I trail off, feeling uneasy.
“It took us ten years to make our way back to each other,” Liam says gently. “And now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you. Or Gabriel, or Eleanor.”
“I don’t want you to lose us, either.” 
He kisses me again, then moves away suddenly. “Would your mother be okay with that?” 
I give out a laugh. “What does she have to do with it?” 
“She was quite hostile when we were in New York. Whenever I’d mention anything about our relationship she wouldn’t hesitate to remind me how I failed you.” 
“But you didn’t fail me. Both of us made mistakes. I just want to leave it in the past.”
We snuggle closer to each other. Liam smothers my face in soft kisses. “Riley Brooks,” he whispers. “My queen.”
My heart flutters a little. We stay like that for a little while longer before deciding it would be better to get out of bed and check on the kids. We dress quickly, stealing kisses every other moment, and walk out of the room hand in hand. 
The estate is quiet and practically empty. Most of the court had already left or were still asleep. At the bottom of the stairs, servants are cleaning up the mess from last night. Bertrand supervises them, watching their every move. When Liam and I pass by, Bertrand glances at our hands, then at Liam, and finally gives us a wide smile. 
In the dining room, Gabe and Bartie play a game on one of Gabe’s devices, leaning close to the small screen with small controllers in their hands. Eleanor and Hana are going through a simple ballet routine, laughing and clapping for each other. When Ella sees us she rushes over to give Liam a hug, who lifts her into his arms. Gabe is still focused on his game but gives us a quick “hi”. 
I ask Hana were Maxwell and Rowan are, but she says she hasn’t seen them since last night. 
“What about Drake? Or Olivia? Or Boris?” 
“I saw Drake leave the estate a few hours ago,” Hana tells me. “Olivia and Boris I saw during the party, but not this morning.”
With Ella still in his arms, Liam makes his way over to Gabe and Bartie, asking about the game they’re playing. Hana pulls me to the side. 
“I have news,” she states, a wide smile across her face. It’s one that I recognize. I haven’t seen it in a while, but I knew there was only one thing that would make her this happy. “Neville signed the papers last night.”
“What!” I cry. Hana nods and laughs. I give her a tight hug. “Took you long enough to get rid of him!” 
“I know!” Her smile falters a little. “I haven’t told my parents yet.” 
“I’m sure they’ll understand. And don’t worry, I’ll be here for backup.” 
She gives a smile, then asks, “Now what about you and Liam?” 
A wide grin spreads across my face. “We talked.”
“And...?” Hana urges me to continue. 
“And... I decided that I want to stay in Cordonia. With him, Gabe, Ella, and all our friends.”
Hana gives me an amused look. “So you’re saying...”
“It’s technically unofficial... but yes.”
Hana squeals and we share a hug. Servants walk into the room, putting plates on the tables. Savannah and Bertrand enter, and we all sit down for lunch. 
Bertrand asks me the same question Hana did, and he and Savannah give me quiet congratulations. Gabe and Ella talk excitedly about some other topic, and Liam matches their enthusiasm. 
Before, looking at them interacting like this had made me upset. It reminded me of everything that I had kept from them. But now I feel the opposite; even though they had spent more time away from each other than together, there was the undeniable care and affection that the children had for Liam, and that he had for them. It was the way it should have been from the start, and knowing that there was no longer anything that could change it, I feel at peace.
- Drake - 
Jessica had left Ramsford in the early morning. She left Drake a note, claiming she had plans to meet up with friends. Drake suspected that he knew what that meant. Two hours after he woke up, he received a text from her: 
plans canceled :( come meet me, let’s have lunch xx
Once he read the message, Drake was sure that her “plans” had probably been with Boris, who was still locked in a bedroom somewhere in the estate.
Drake hadn’t told anyone what he had discovered about Jessica, not even Savannah. He wondered if Olivia had gotten more information out of Boris. Drake didn’t want to go see Jessica. He knew there was nothing she could do to make him angrier, but he needed answers. 
Even with the doubts, he drives over to her apartment in the capital. His mind is numb while he drives. Drake can’t bring himself to focus on the present moment, and almost swerved into ongoing traffic more than once. But he finally made it to her apartment and got out of his car. 
As he walked through the lobby and down the hall towards her room, he kept reminding himself that she couldn’t make him feel sorry for her. She had no power over him. 
When she opened the door, she wasn’t as composed as she usually was. She was rushing around the clean, white kitchen and starts talking about multiple things at once: a new dress she wanted to buy, tried it on, couldn’t decide, put it on hold, got shoes instead, a call from her uncle who lives in Italy, her boss wants her to fly to London for the weekend, her friend Emma wanted to go on a trip to the Caribbean but Jessica wanted to go France.
“Listen,” she finally stops babbling on. “I had such a good idea. Let’s go get a curry. I’m craving one and don’t feel like cooking. What’s that place you took me to that one time? The Maha something?”
“You mean that fleabag?” he says. 
“Excuse me?” She quickly turns to regard him. 
Drake didn’t remember the name of the restaurant she was talking about — the name changed every few years as it came under different owners, but the menu always stayed the same. His mother had brought him and his sister there when they were younger. A while ago he had dinner there with Jessica, who commented that the venue and waiters depressed her.
“The saddest restaurant in the capital,” Drake repeats her comment. “Great idea.” 
She frowns. “Whatever. I think there’s another place that’s closer. Emma knows where it is, I can ask her for the name. Or we can do what you want.”
“What I want?” Drake leans against the door frame of the kitchen, his hands in his pockets. “That’s rich.” 
“Sorry.” She turns away. “I thought a curry might be nice. Forget I said anything.” 
“It’s fine. You can stop now.” 
She turns to him again, a vacant smile on her face. “Excuse me?” 
“You know what I’m talking about.” 
Jessica blinks at him, but says nothing. 
“I think you should keep your phone on when you’re with him. I tried to call you on the street. Maybe if you had answered, we wouldn’t be here.” 
“Sorry, I don’t know...?” She trails off. Drake doesn’t know if the confusion on her face is genuine or fake. 
“Jess, I saw you.” 
Again she blinks rapidly. After a slight pause she continues. “Oh, please, you can’t be serious. You don’t mean Boris, do you?” A moment of deadly silence passes. Neither of them says anything, but she speaks up again. “He’s an old friend, from way back, we’re really close—”
“Yeah, I reckon you are.” 
“—from when his mother died. He moved to Cordonia for like a year when he was eight. We went to school together. Papa knew him, they did business together for some time. Emma knows him, too, and, and,” she stutters for a moment. “I know how it may have seemed, and I know you have a good reason not to like him, because, because I know about him knowing Riley for all those years and helping Theodore, and, sure they probably shouldn’t have done that, it... it was none of their business but listen, he feels awful about how it turned out—”
“Feels awful?”
“—and he’s been feeling terrible lately,” she continues rapidly, “ever since Theodore died and what happened to Riley and the kids—”
“You two sit around and talk about that shit? You talk about my friends and pity us?” 
“—and Boris, he came over to see Emma and I right before we got into the movies. We dropped her off at her apartment after. He... he had a bad upset and just wanted someone to talk to—”
“You don’t expect me to believe all that do you?”
“Listen. I don’t know what... what you know or how you know but—”
“How long have you been seeing him?” He was tired of the nonsense.
“Drake, let’s not do this.” 
“No, tell me, I want to know how long.”
“I won’t see him anymore,” she states quickly. 
“So you admit it?” 
“I didn’t think it mattered until we were married.” 
“Didn’t think it mattered?” He’s shocked at her words. Drake doesn’t know what to say to her, but anger still boiled inside him. “You didn’t think I would find out?” 
“I said I won’t see him anymore. I told him I wouldn’t a while back.”
“But he keeps coming back,” Drake speculates. “He won’t take no for an answer. He loves you too much.”
“That’s right.” 
Drake takes a reflexive step back.
A flash of guilt crosses her face, but it disappears in a second. “Listen. I don’t expect you to understand but it’s rough being in love with the wrong person.”
Silence spreads between them again. They don’t look at each other and instead glance around the room. 
Drake had walked into her apartment telling himself that she had no power over him, there was no way for her to make him feel sorry... but who knew the truth of what he was talking about better than Drake? Maybe he was wrong to connect Jessica’s relationship with him and Boris to Drake’s feelings for Riley, but his mind couldn’t help but wander.
“Drake, let’s not let this spoil things. We’re better people when we’re with each other, aren’t we? And... we’re a good couple. We like each other, we get along.” Drake’s anger rises, but he can’t bring himself to speak. Jessica continues, “Now, let’s both be truthful and kind and happy together and—”
“Stop it,” Drake interrupts her again. He had barely heard what she said over his heart hammering in his chest, but he knew that he was tired. He had used most of his energy last night during his fight with Boris, and he wasn’t going to let Jessica take advantage of his exhaustion. 
Drake remembers the ring that she wore the night before. He glances down at her hand to see that it’s still there. He makes eye contact with her again. Her eyes are slightly pink with tears. 
His voice is rough when he speaks. He’s angry at her, and he wants her to know it. “You can keep the ring if you want. Or sell it, give it away. I could give less of a shit for what you’ll do to it.”
She looks down at her shaking hand. “I won’t sell it, I know it was your grandmother’s.”
He watches her, wondering if she was going to give it back. 
“Drake, please, we’re right for each other. This marriage is the right thing for both of us and we both know it—”
“Jess, you know where I live. You can mail it, drop it off. Whatever you want. Just...” Drake trails off. Jessica moves towards him, but he doesn’t want to deal with her anymore. He turns his back to her and walks out the door. 
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Living off of no sleep and monster energy drinks. Life is great.
Barty hasn’t responded yet, y’all h e l p
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ohbarty · 4 years
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𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖞  𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖘  :  BARTEMIUS CROUCH JR is an eighteen year old pureblood. he is currently working as an intern for the department of magical law enforcement, and is suspected of siding with the death eaters. nicknamed the acolyte, they’re described to be disingenuous and devoted. wherever they go, they leave the scent of whiskey-splashed tea, the faint sweetness of an elderflower, & the air before a storm, and the memories of finding sanctuary in a rebellion, an oath of allegiance, the tell-tale tic, & houses that never felt like home behind. 
barty was born on the 4th of june, the first and only child of bartemius crouch sr and his wife, eleanor crouch - though how they both came to the decision to bring him into the world was a mystery that would puzzle the young boy for much of his life. while his mother was almost unrelenting in showing her affection for him as a child, his father, despite how loving he was to his wife, always seemed to have something better to do, somewhere more important to be whenever it came time for him to look barty’s way. it was almost as if bringing a child into the house was just another present he was giving his wife, not something he had to really care about or check up on himself - not even sharing a name could make that happen.
although barty sr never seemed to want to spend all that much time with his son alone, that didn’t stop him from dragging him along to lavish ministry parties, where barty would end up being left to be watched by the usually older children of the witches and wizards his father was busy mingling with elsewhere. when it came time for him to accompany his mother as she spent time with her friends, his situation was practically mirrored. however young they were at the time, however, these weren’t connections that barty would come to regret making, even if they were forced upon him at first, nor were they ones he’d abandon soon.
when it came time for barty to go to hogwarts, he was thrilled - finally, he wouldn’t have to be faced each night with the absence of his father, finally, his time with his friends wouldn’t be backdropped by formal, boring conversation of how brilliant barty sr was - it was his dream come true. at least, it was before it actually did come true - it was before he, after almost four minutes of deliberation by the hat, was sorted into ravenclaw. 
after spending much of his youth and even just the train ride to the castle talking with his friends, many of whom were already students, about how he’d soon be in slytherin with them, about which teachers favoured their house and which ones didn’t, about how to snatch the best seats in the dungeon commonroom before anyone else could and how long it would take for him to get to each classroom in the morning, finding out that everything he’d learned through osmosis was going to be absolutely useless was more than a shock. though he knew he was curious and was frequently the first to figure out a solution or quickly spin up an alibi if ever a situation called for it, he had never considered he’d be sorted into ravenclaw - and as he got acquainted with his new housemates, it didn’t take long for him to decide that he hated it there. outside of the house quidditch team, who he made sure to treat politely and almost happily put up with when he came to join their ranks in his third year, barty didn’t waste any time making friends with his housemates - in his eyes, the lot of them were pretentious, arrogant, annoying gits, and though he played nice when he had to, he made sure to spend all of his free time as far away from them as possible, instead meeting up with his old slytherin friends and, after most of them had graduated, opted to study alone (for ‘his concentration’) rather than fall back on them as his last resort. he’d rather be seen as friendless than as a ravenclaw.
thanks to who he spent the majority of his time with, it wasn’t at all surprising the crowd he fell in with - despite his father’s life being dedicated by that point to throwing death eaters in azkaban, barty couldn’t wait to become one of them. if anything, crouch sr’s hatred of them only fuelled his desire to listen closely whenever they brought up the ‘dark lord’ - though it wasn’t the only reason he turned to his side, nor was the presence of the only people he could say he’d ever been really close to, though without them he wouldn’t have considered it at all. the main reason was lord voldemort himself. the issue of purebloods vs muggleborns honestly couldn’t have meant less to him by the time he got the dark mark emblazoned on his arm - it had only taken one in-person meeting with the man for him to decide his was the side he wanted to support. he was respected because he acted, feared because he deserved it, and though he made it clear he was the man in charge, he still at least responded when his followers talked to him - he had become more than his past had seemed to want to dictate for him, and that was nothing short of what barty wanted to. he was incredible - when it came between choosing his parents, one who hated him, one who only loved the idea of him, and lord voldemort, there was absolutely no doubt in his mind when he immediately sided with the latter. 
now, barty works as an intern/assistant in the department of magical law enforcement, a position granted partly for his O.W.L results, partly for the reputation of good work his father’s name carried, and partly for a sly imperius curse kindly performed on the wizard in charge of hiring by one of the other deatheaters who was already in the ministry. it’s dull work, and he couldn’t care less for it - but that’s not the impression he puts on. at work, he’s a curious, outgoing young wizard who just wants to live up to his father’s name - and sure, he might mislabel a few things, misplace a couple documents, accidentally let a few people off the hook, but it’s not as if anything he messes up really matters, does it? with you-know-who on the loose and all, the ministry have bigger problems than a couple rookie errors - at least, that’s what barty’s counting on. 
tldr: barty crouch jr’s dad neglected him, he was sorted into ravenclaw which he hated and spent most of his time with his slytherin friends from before hogwarts despite it, he became a death eater as soon as he graduated and now works as an intern/assistant for the ministry.
although he hated himself for it because it meant he was sorted into ravenclaw, barty has always been fairly strategic and just generally intelligent, though he avoids chances where he may have to show it outside of a small comment here or a correction there, only bringing up what he learned through hours and hours of studying alone to avoid his housemates if it’s absolutely necessary. he’s cunning, but doesn’t pride himself for it. 
barty is nothing short of devoted, and when he finds some idea or person to be loyal to, he does it for the sake of being loyalty, not caring at all for what he personally could gain from it, how it would impact his reputation - he only did well in school because he learned for the sake of learning, not to do well, and now he’s joined voldemort, he cares purely for the man and the cause itself, having no real end goal in sight, despising anyone who’s a death eater for personal gain despite their shared allegiance
in fact, looking to the future has never been something barty’s been particularly good at - though he does make plans, thorough plans, and since he was a kid has been able to whip up excuses like that, when things go wrong, he prefers to think of a solution on his feet rather than plan for it in advance, and has pretty much no idea what he wants to do beyond the vague idea of helping his fellow death eaters to voldemort win, with no real ambition outside of that. he gets frustrated when he has to think of alternate possibilities, something that he’s been struggling with since he was at hogwarts - divination and astronomy were always his worst subjects. 
barty can get surprisingly emotional - though it’s something he worked furiously to hide as he drew closer to his graduation, he is genuinely fairly sensitive when it comes to things he actually cares about and can take things very hard. simply, he commits with his heart rather than his brain. although he has been able to force himself to cry to manipulate someone in a certain way, the fact he once spent a night sobbing over the death of his family owl is something he’d rather keep from the rest of the death eaters. 
barty is very observant, and very keen at spotting fine details - while so far it’s only really helped him at catching snitches, it has started to help him pick up on the mannerisms and habits of those around him. 
barty is a fairly decent manipulator - though he’s still learning, he’s great at covering up his own emotions or even his whole demeanor to keep him from being caught out in a lie, something which has been especially helpful during his time at the ministry, and it’s a skill which has definitely come in handy in general. 
do not call barty bartemius. bartemius, even if he doesn’t go by it much himself, is his father’s name - at the best of times, barty doesn’t even being like called crouch. he’s barty, or bart, or anything else - he’s not bartemius. 
barty has always loved quidditch, and the only ravenclaws he didn’t view with utter disdain while he was at hogwarts were the members of the quidditch team, which he joined in his third year as a seeker. 
he hasn’t spoken to either his mother or father since he left their home the night after graduating from hogwarts, despite working in incredibly close proximity with the latter
barty is a brilliant actor - though it hasn’t served him much use yet outside of just helping him stick to lies since he was a kid. how committed he is to whatever cause he’s focused on definitely helps the fact - he just has one infuriating achilles heel (see below)
whenever he’s nervous, stressed, or just caught off guard, barty has a habit of flicking his tongue over the corner of his mouth
when he’s around ministry people, he’ll keep his sleeves rolled down, though when he’s with death eaters, he’ll keep them rolled up
honestly i think i’d love any connections for him but that’s super vague so unless there’s a specific idea for him and another character here are some ideas!
pre-hogwarts/slytherin/death eater friends: originally these were all gonna be different points but all overlap so, whatever - basically, barty went into hogwarts with a lot of friends he’d met through his parents various parties and get togethers who either were already or were lined up to be slytherins, and when he was sorted into ravenclaw, he still spent most of his time with them - which is how he fell in with the death eaters. your character could be one or all three of these things, i just feel like this is the biggest section that can be covered simply lol
people who look out for him: that’s phrased very harshly but whatever - pretty much guaranteed to fit in with the above, someone who probably took him under his wing way before hogwarts and probably has something of an older-sibling like connection with them? he’d be super loyal to them - probably as loyal as he is to voldemort, though that probably wouldn’t be an issue since they probably would be as well. there’s a lot of probablys here - lots can be changed depending on your character, hell, maybe they knew him before hogwarts and tried to steer him away from hogwarts, i dunno! up to discussion
school best friend: again, a lot of potential overlap with the above two, but pretty much someone probably closer to barty’s age who he got on with really well in school and probably still does now - someone to confide in, to make stupid plans with, to help sneak firewhiskey into the school long before they’re allowed to drink it. 
death eater allies: different from friends - basically, though they’re both with voldemort, they don’t necessarily get along. maybe they find him annoying, maybe he finds them too self-focused, maybe there’s just bad vibes - could be anything. he’s still pretty young at this point and would definitely be taking orders and learning from people above him in the pecking order, so something could come of that.
ravenclaw housemates: barty, despite being a ravenclaw, does not like ravenclaws - but he couldn’t always avoid them. even if he slinked off to be with his slytherin friends, he’d still be spending a lot of time with his housemates, so definitely some connection possibilities there, especially if they were on the quidditch team with him - absolutely not a necessity, though
ministry coworkers: could be order, could be neutral, could be deatheaters - just people barty spends his day with at work, pretty much. maybe they’re working together to sabotage things, maybe they suspect him of something, maybe they’re genuine work friends who are completely oblivious to one anothers allegiances - who knows
a lot of these are very vague, but like i said most of these are sort of just jumping off points and i really am down for pretty much any connection - genuinely just throw any idea at me
hello! my name’s ringo, i’m 19, and i live in melbourne, australia (aest/aedt in less than a month)
my name’s not actually ringo, sorry for lying to you all for the briefest of seconds - my real name is jackson, but that’s pretty boring, and i’ve been using the name ringo since i first got my mum (whose a big beatles fan) to help me pick out a club penguin username when i was seven so going by anything else twelve years later is insane to me - if you want to call me jackson, though, that’s totally fine
this is my first time rping since 2018, when i decided to call it quits for a bit so i could focus on my vce exams - graduated last year, though, so i think i’m more than ready to get back into it, just please excuse me if i’m a little rusty
i do just really quickly want to make a note about my availability for plotting and replying and just generally being online, and this is the main reason i made this a whole section instead of just putting my name, age, and timezone up the top - even though i’m not currently studying (rip gap year europe trip) or working (recession), it’s pretty hard for me to get a lot of time online these days. i’m gonna try and keep this transparent while also not oversharing too much, but basically, my mum is a nurse working in one of the bigger hospitals here, and for the sake of keeping our family safe, she’s been isolating - and her not being here means i’m the only one looking after my three younger siblings. as well as needing to shop, cook, and generally take care of the house, i need to support them while they’re learning from home, so more weekdays than not i only really have the evenings to myself, at least until their end of term. i know this might make replies a bit patchy, and i really am sorry about that - but i just figured it would be better to just put this out there now, and i really hope its alright if i ask that you be a bit patient with me if things take a while. cheers!
anyway - my discord as of a few hours ago is jackyboyringo#1444 and you already know where my tumblr is, so please just hmu if you want to plot anything or even just chat! can’t wait to start writing!
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lulublack90 · 7 months
Prompt 21 - Attack
@jegulus-microfic February 21 Word count 962
Previous part First part
Regulus returned to the library to finish his book. It was gruesome, but he couldn’t leave it half-finished. He flipped the page to the next chapter and paused. Horcrux. The title read. He remembered seeing something mentioned about them before. They were a particular branch of dark magic that split the soul if the wizard committed a murder, allowing the killer to place a shard of their soul into an object. 
There wasn’t much on them in this text, so he spent the next few days pouring through multiple tombs, checking references and extracts. 
Finally, he found what he was searching for. The page lay open before him, the only illustration he’d ever seen depicting a wizard who had split his soul. The wizard’s skin had an odd, lifeless quality to it. His eyes glinted red, and his hairline had clearly receded. This was it. This was what he’d been missing.
He felt heat radiate from his pocket. He pulled himself away to answer James’s call. He flicked the mirror open and revealed James’s stressed face. 
“There’s been an attack.” James started speaking immediately. He didn’t even say hello. "It’s Sirius. He’s in a bad way. They took Remus.” Regulus felt the air bleed out of him as he struggled to control his emotions. “He’s going to be fine.” James carried on. “He hasn’t let Remus out of his sight, sticking close to him. We warned him he’d get hurt, but he’s stubborn.”
“Can I see him?” Regulus’s cracked voice whispered. James’s eyes filled with pity. 
“I don’t think they’ll allow that, love. He’s in a safe house. They won’t even let me go without prior consent.”
The wards around Grimmauld Place reacted to someone trying to get in. He could feel the magic tugging at him. 
“I have to go, James. Someones here. Tell—tell Sirius—tell him I’m sorry.” 
“I will. Stay safe, Reg.” Regulus quickly shut the mirror and stuffed it into the secret pocket in his robes.
When he opened the door, he was surprised to see Evan and Barty standing there. 
“Fucking finally!” Barty grumbled. “I’m freezing my bollocks off here!” Regulus didn’t respond just let the door swing open more and stepped back to allow them to enter. He didn’t say anything until they were securely in the house.
“Why are you here?” He asked, his eyes narrowing. 
“Aww, aren’t you happy to see us? Evan, I don’t think he loves us any more, now that pretty boy’s back in his life.” Regulus turned his attention to Evan and raised an eyebrow. 
“We’ve come to drop off the new information we’ve collected. We thought it would be better in person rather than sending it via owl.” Regulus nodded.
“Yes, you’re right. Voldemort placed charms around the house, preventing owls and patronuses from entering. I doubt he’s removed them. It’s definitely safer to be here in person. Shall we go up to the library?
He listened to them relay the information they’d gathered. He wrote everything down in the notebook. Once they were done, he spelled it so the writing disappeared.
Evan and Barty settled in. They’d have to be here for a few hours to avoid suspicion. Regulus had a question that had been niggling at the back of his mind since the last time he’d seen them. 
“So,” He started, “Lily Evans?” He didn’t need to say more. Evan and Barty had gone pale and glanced uneasily at each other. 
“What about her?” Evan cleared his throat nervously.
“I saw her sneaking into Pandora’s room as I left the other night. How long has that been going on?”
“Erm,” Evan looked at Barty again as they silently decided how much to tell him. “Since school. They had to keep it secret for obvious reasons.” Regulus nodded. He was well aware of the implications of a Slytherin and a Gryffindor dating with the way things had been and still were. He left it at that. Perhaps he’d ask more from Pandora the next time he saw her.
He pulled his book towards him and turned it towards Evan and Barty. 
“I’ve been glancing through a few of the texts in here over the last week. I found something interesting. Please have a look at this and tell me what you think. Does it remind you of anyone?       
Barty and Evan peered at the yellowed pages and the faded illustration. 
“Yeah, looks like ole mouldy Voldy. Barty cackled, looking at Regulus for his reaction.  
“That’s actually pretty accurate.” Regulus laughed under his breath. “These are the effects on the body after creating three Horcruxes.” 
“Shit, you don’t think?” Evan gasped. Barty was uncharacteristically quiet and paler than usual once the information sunk in. 
“So—So you’re saying that if he has created Horcruxes. Then he’s made more than three? That’s a lot, right? I mean, he looks insane. It’s way more than three.” Barty was tapping his fingers against his jiggling leg. Regulus nodded. 
“I think we found the missing piece as to why he’s so far been unstoppable. He is by all rights immortal.”
“So, what do we do about it? Pretend we never started helping the Order and just slink back into the fold?” The fear was evident in Barty’s whole demeanour. Evan put a reassuring hand on his shoulder as he quietly looked to Regulus for his answer. 
“No, we continue listening and gathering information. If he’s created Horcruxes, he has to be hiding them somewhere. Someone must know where they are and what they are.” He straightened his back more than it already was, his resolve firmly in place. “We will be careful, act as we normally do. Carry out orders as we usually would, and at the same time, we start searching.”   
Next part
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msjr0119 · 4 years
A Second Chance
Part 2
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King Liam and Hana had been assassinated, leaving behind their loved ones. Both Riley and Drake are struggling to come to terms with this- but does their future hold a second chance for the two of them?
Series Requested by @kacie-0156 ❤️
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley (Past tense), Drake x Hana (Past tense), Drake x Riley (Present tense)
*Majority of the characters belong to Pixelberry*
Song inspiration: See You Again (No Rap) - Samy Jebari
Warnings: Swearing, suicide attempt mention (past tense), mention of miscarriage (past tense).
Word count: 4,300ish
Tags: If you want to be added or removed let me know: @pedudley @kacie-0156 @ladyangel70 @annekebbphotography @yukinagato2012 @ravenpuff02 @kimmiedoo5 @bascmve01 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @lodberg @cmestrella @axwalker @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @walker7519 @drakewalker04
“Drake! Leave him alone...” Riley pleaded, she knew that he was only protecting his niece- but she also knew what he was like when he was angry. His temper could make the younger generation tremble.
Letting go immediately of Theo, he shook his head assuming that he had gone too far. Thank you, she whispered in his ear.
“What are you doing here?”
“Ayah invited me. I’m so sorry...”
“Mom, you can’t exactly criticise us. You was flitting between my father and Drake!” Riley’s eyes widened, she had never heard her daughter speak to her this way. Never mind calling Drake just ‘Drake’. It was always Uncle.
“Apologise to your Mom, now. That isn’t fair Ayah!”
“No! Myself and Theo are adults. Not kids as you all refer us too.”
“Ayah, shut up!” Louis shouted towards his older sister after seeing his Moms eyes begin to leak.
“Theo, please go home. Or I’ll contact your mother...” Riley began to walk back inside the cabin- knowing she needed to sort this situation out but she needed time to think.
“Mom, wait!”
Drake called a cab for Theo, he and Ayah decided to escort him home. The ride was mute, neither young adult wanting to annoy Drake anymore. Deep down Ayah knew that she had deceived everybody. Deep down she knew she shouldn’t have invited her boyfriend without permission. Deep down she didn’t mean to say hurtful things to upset her Mom.
“I’m sorry, I love you.”
“I love you too, Princess. I’ll text you.” Drake watched the two of them express their love, he knew that he couldn’t prevent the two of them falling in love. He knew it was none of his business- she wasn’t his daughter. Believing that he should butt out next time.
“What have you done now? Walker get off my land!”
“Fuck you, Madeleine. I don’t want to be here either. Explain to your son that he isn’t welcome on my land when not invited!”
“My son is going to be your future king! Watch your mouth, Walker!” Drake laughed, hestically out loud. Much to the annoyance of Neville and Madeleine who both provided him with the same expression- a scowl.
“Are you going to explain to the Earl, Ayah?”
“Countess Madeleine, Earl Neville- my brother is taking over the throne. Not myself.” The Vancouver’s jaws nearly dropped to the ground. They wasn’t aware of this ‘news’.
“So looks like you lost out of the crown yet again, Countess.” Drake smirked, he looked at Theo who clearly hadn’t informed his parents of Ayahs decision.
“Inside now, Theo!” Madeleine was more annoyed with the fact that Riley didn’t tell her, whenever they spoke about the social season plans- Riley explained that the suitors were all sorted and asked Madeleine to just concentrate on the event schedule. Now she realised why Riley refused to elaborate on the suitors details.
Drake and Ayah entered the cab again, as angry as he was with her still- he looked over towards her as she was crying. Holding her hand, he assumed that she would push him away- instead she snuggled into him.
“Do... do you think he loves me? Or was he only with me because they thought he would be King? Daddy told me that he is different to them. That he could see that Theo loved me....”
“Your father knew?”
“He knew for years... Mom only knew when I told her that I was abdicating. She had an inkling that I was in a relationship. She believed it was with Jackson though... but he’s seeing Elena.”
“Why didn’t he tell your Mom? You know your Mom thinks that you and Theo are just a fling or so she hopes... Jackson’s seeing Elena?”
“I begged him not to. I know how much Mom hates Madeleine and Neville hence why we kept it a secret all this time. Yeah, I thought you’d have known?”
“What is it with you lot keeping secrets? Any other secrets that I need to know about?”
“Bartie lost his virginity to Chloe...” Shrugging her shoulders it was the only thing she could think about that wouldn’t get her brother or Jackson in any kind of trouble. I’m surprised Leo hasn’t murdered Bartie. Drake couldn’t be a hypocrite towards them all- they all did irresponsible things as children/ young adults too. It’s only natural.
“Okay gossip girl, anything else?”
“You love Mom still?” First Louis, now Ayah. Why can’t they give me a break? Drake thought to himself, believing that sooner rather than later the two of them would be impersonating Cilla Black.
“I’ll always love your Mom, Ayah. Always. As I love all of you. When we get back you need to apologise to her. And next time, keep quiet- your Mom has very good hearing!”
“I will do. I’m sorry. I love you, Uncle grumpy.” Snuggling back into Drake, he held his niece tightly- hoping that Theo wasn’t going to hurt her. If so, himself and Leo wouldn’t hold back.
An hour had past since Theo was escorted home. Louis stayed with his mom, they remained in silence.
“Are you going to come back out? I think we’ve all sobered up due to Ayah’s drama - again.”
“I’m fine, Louis. Go back to sleep- or socialise with the others.”
“What Ayah said about you with Dad and Uncle Drake...She didn’t mean it. We all make mistakes, we all fall in love. She should know, I mean she could have had anyone and she chose a Vancouver..” Shuddering at the thought, he wasn’t usually one to pass comment on both of his sister’s relationships.
“I know she didn’t mean it. It was the heat of the moment. I’m fine honestly. Enjoy your last days of freedom.”
“Everyone loves you Mom, some more than others.” Quirking her eyebrows she assumed he meant her children.
“Mom?” Running up to her, her not so little princess pulled her in for a tight hug. “I’m so sorry. I’m a bitch. I didn’t mean what I said. I love you so much, I don’t want to lose you too.”
“You’re not going to lose me. Not yet anyway. I love you, Ayah Olivia Rys. Next time make sure that none of us see his you know what. How are you my daughter? Did I not teach you to be sneaky like I was?” Winking at her, she decided to have a laugh at her own expense. Knowing that she couldn’t change what had happened in the past.
“Difference between you and I Mother, is that I only love, Theo. I can’t blame you though, my Father and Uncle Drake are very attractive.”
“They are. I’m going to check on your Uncle Maxi. I’ll see you both in the morning. Anymore surprises before I go to sleep?”
“No. But....” Ayah looked at Louis, as if they knew what they were both thinking.
“Uncle Drake loves you. You love him.”
“Of course I love him, he’s one of my dearest friends. I love all of your uncles, Aunt Liv and Aunt Beth.” The two of them looked at each other, knowing she was hiding her true feelings. Giving the two of them a tight hug, she paused looking at them both adorably. Even though Ayah was her mini me, she could still see Liam in her as well as Louis and Ellie.
Drake was acting like a King’s guard. Impersonating his late father in some way. Making sure that all the young adults were all asleep- alone, with no further unexpected visitors. After his heart to heart with his goddaughter - he really didn’t trust any of them now, after Ayah’s confessions regarding them all. Walking into the cabin, he shook his head as he saw Riley and Maxwell top ‘n’ tailing on the couch. Maxwell was sprawled out- almost suffocating her.
“Hey...” whispering in her ear, she was far too deep in sleep to respond. Knowing he was about to break his back potentially- due to his age, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the spare bedroom. Gently placing the duvet over her, he made sure that she was comfy- before kissing her on the forehead.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. You looked so uncomfortable- and Maxwell could have potentially had a boxing fight with you in his sleep.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time... you look tired. What time is it?”
“Just gone three. I’ll leave you to it. I thought we could all go hiking tomorrow? Or fishing? That’s if you’re all up for it?”
“Sounds great!” Apart from the fishing part. “Can you stay with me? Or wake sleeping beauty up and ask him to stay with me? I know I sound pathetic but ... I can’t sleep, I always wake up. Crying.”
“It’s not pathetic, maybe Maxwell should stay with you though Brooks- because of our past.”
“We’re friends Drake. I’m not going to do a ‘Ayah’ on ya.” Gulping, she saw his Adam Apple bob up and down. Regretting what she said- she bit her lip.
“It doesn’t matter, Drake. I’ll be fine. Night.” Rolling on to her side, she sighed- regretting feeling needy. Hearing the door close, she debated whether or not to go and sleep next to Maxwell again.
“You’re back.”
“Of course I am, I can’t sleep next to the Queen butt naked. I’m always here for you, Ri.”
“I know you are. Ditto...” Slipping next to her, she immediately rest her head onto his chest.
“Thank you, goodnight Drake.”
“Night, Riley.” Holding onto her, she slowly fell asleep-wiping the tears that continued leaking from her eyes he hoped that she would sleep well.
A few hours later, Drake woke up spooning Riley. Before she noticed he immediately turned around- he was there to comfort her only, however Mother Nature thought otherwise. As he rolled over, his eyes widened at the figure who would now be nicknamed as Cordonia’s ‘peeping Tom’.
“Morning, Romeo!”
“Max! Get out of here now!”
“What did I tell ya about being too old to fuck. You sneaky bastards....”
“We didn’t do anything! She’s my friend.”
“You’re bedroom is next door though... ya can’t kid a kidder bestie...”
“It was you or I that was going to be sleeping next to her. You had passed out. Nothing happened. I swear, Max. She laid on my chest, fell asleep. Then she rolled on to her side. Why am I even explaining myself to you?”
“Will you both just shut the fuck up? Jesus, Max! Why do you keep insisting on waking people up?”
“Sorry, your Majesty. So besties, what are the plans for today?”
“You’re going home Beaumont!” Drake said sarcastically, already fed up of being accused of something that he hasn’t done.
“Woah, harsh Walker. So Ri, what are we doing?”
“You are leaving this room now, so I can get ready for the day.”
Pulling Drake to the side, she immediately noticed his morning glory. Pretending that she didn’t, he already knew that she had - it was too obvious not to.
“Drake... thank you for staying with me. I really appreciate it. I think it’s first night I’ve actually slept well considering how short it was.”
“No probs... erm... I better go and sort myself out. I’ll come down and make everyone something to eat...”
Riley walked downstairs and was immediately greeted by an audience wearing the same cheesy grin.
“Did you sleep well, Auntie Riley?”
“Yes, thank you Jackson.” Feeling paranoid, she shot Maxwell a look- knowing that he had gossiped about her sleeping arrangements.
“Hey, don’t blame me. They all wondered where the Queen and Sir was... I couldn’t lie, Ri.”
“To put you all straight, myself and my best friend Drake slept next to each other. He comforted me. I’ve not slept well since Liam di- left...”
“Are you okay?” Feeling his hand linger on her shoulder, she wasn’t sure as to why she had to explain herself. She had slept next to Maxwell plenty of times when Liam was abroad for meetings. But because it was Drake this time, she felt paranoid that they would all criticise her from ‘moving on’ so quick.
“Maxwell, I need your help. Now!”
“What’s up buddy? What do ya need me to do?”
“Stop spreading shit. She seems uncomfortable again. We’ve just got her back slightly to her being herself. You don’t want to push her away.”
“No one is bothered if you both fucked each other. Just saying. But don’t worry- I won’t mention anything more. But if my godchildren ask me questions I’m not gonna lie to them.”
“Are you okay? You seem quiet. We aren’t bothered that the two of you shared a bed you know...”
“I’m fine, Ellie. Honestly.”
“How about when we go back home, we all just have a big huge slumber party? Just us Rys’s.”
“That sounds great sweetheart.”
“I love you, Mom. I’ll remind Ayah, no Vancouver’s allowed! Or Beaumont’s - specifically the single middle aged Beaumont.” Ellie whispered, not wanting to cause anymore ‘Ayah Drama’.
“Here, tuck in everyone. I’ll be back in a minute.” Placing the food in the middle of the table, everybody knew that Drake was an amazing host, as well as cook. Not sitting down with everyone, he grabbed some apples from the fruit basket before making his way to the door.
“Where are you going?” Riley questioned him. Not that it was any of her business. She was just curious.
“Just to feed Starlight. Why?”
“I just wondered. That’s all. I’ll round these lot up for that hike and fishing trip.”
“Hey, girl... here you go.”
“I swear you love her more than you do me...” Jackson said whilst smirking.
“I swear that you love Elena more than me...”
“How do you know? Ayah....”
“Why couldn’t you tell me?”
“You’re still grieving over Mom and Uncle Liam. My love life isn’t important.” Placing his hands into his pockets, he focused his gaze to the floor. Unlike people such as Lydia Vancouver, he was selfless- his life didn’t need to be broadcasted.
“I’m still your father. I’m still here, for anything.”
“I suppose we are as bad as each other.”
“What do you mean?”
“You and Aunt Ri. I don’t know why you are both hiding your feelings. I love, Elena. I’m only half noble, I’m not sure if Leo and Beth would approve of our relationship- hence why we are keeping it hidden. Hence why I didn’t want to be a suitor for Ayah when she was the next in line. If I can admit all of that now, you need to admit it too.”
“Jackson... Leo isn’t going to criticise you for not being ‘full noble’... regarding Riley... she was the first woman that I ever loved. I still love her, but as a friend. That is it...”
“Okay.” Whatever, he thought to himself. “Come on, they will be waiting for us.”
After a long hike, everybody was exhausted and ready for bed. However they all promised to go fishing, one of Drakes favourite hobbies. Riley was hesitant at first- every since her accident she had grown a phobia with lakes/rivers.
The young lady that was pulled out of the Hudson River, early hours yesterday morning has now been named by NYPD as Riley Brooks, a 25year old waitress and barmaid from Manhattan. Miss Brooks is currently in an unstable condition in hospital. Two witnesses who were walking by at the time that Miss Brooks apparently entered the water, bravely jumped in the river and pulled her body to the river bank, where she received CPR after suffering a suspected cardiac arrest. There was support from other witnesses, who helped the two brave people also. Miss Brooks was then immediately rushed to hospital, as were the witnesses for a check up. No foul play is suspected at this time, however Detective David McDonald has requested if any other witnesses could come forward The previous day before this tragic incident, Miss Brooks had reported her ex partner to NYPD for domestic abuse. It is known that the well spoke about Lawyer, Nate Cooper had abused the victim for months, including hospitalising her on more than one occasion. Leo Rhys, a friend of Miss Brooks also became a victim to Mr Cooper’s violent outbursts. The man is currently in custody with the Boston Police Force.
I took my shoes off, and sat on the edge of the muddy riverbank, taking in the last memory of the beautiful scenery surrounding me. Pulling my purse out of my bag, I stared longingly at the black and white picture- my baby. Raising the picture to my mouth, I kissed it- mommy is coming to be with you angel, I’m sorry, I’ll see you soon and protect you and love you like I should have loved you in this world.
Leaving all my possessions on the side of the riverbank as if they were lost property, I timidly walked over to the water. Dipping my toes into the ice cold flowing water, sent a shock through my body. Could I do this, I thought? Having second doubts, I looked up to the beautiful sunrise, looking around making sure no one was there. I had to jump- no more second chances, no more time to doubt. It was no or never. My heart jumped out of my skin as I entered the water. I gave up. I’m sorry.
When Drake suggested fishing, he had completely forgotten how irresponsible it was of him to suggest this.
“We could do something else, we don’t need to do this..”
“It’s fine, just promise me that you and Max will hold on to me if I panic.. I’ll be fine...” I hope.
“If you change your mind, I’ll take us back. I promise, I’ll be next to you.” Drake walked into the water to hold onto the boat, and to also assist Riley safely on it.
“This is so relaxing...” Riley sighed, as she sat back on the boat. Drake provided her with a soft smile as he held on to the rod. They had been on the boat for a while now, and she seemed to be enjoying it. In Drake’s eyes he was relieved that she had overcome a fear, he was also relieved that Maxwell decided to get so drunk on the hike that he had passed out. Again. Silence is bliss.
“Hopefully we’ll catch something. I think I’m losing my touch looking over at their collection of catches...”
“It’s because you’re old now, Walker.”
“I maybe old, but I’m still talented at things Brooks...”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Blushing, he didn’t know what to say. He assumed that she wouldn’t call him out in a response.
“I.... Erm....”
“Have I rendered you speechless?”
“Let me have a go....”
Maxwell woke up from his slumber, forgetting where they were. Forgetting exactly what they was doing. Seeing his two friends incredibly close to one an another, he wondered how long it would be until they found solace with each other. A mischievous grin formed on to his face- deciding to rock the boat. Not realising how much strength he had until both Riley and Drake fell into the lake. “Oops!”
“Riley!” Drake swam up to the surface immediately scrutinising for Riley- unable to find her location, he dove under water. Finding her, he raced over and helped her. Knowing that she was panicking, his main aim was to quickly get her to safety and back to the cabin.
Coughing as they got back to the surface, Drake wiped her damp stray pieces of hair away from her face.
“Are you okay?” Stupid fucking question. Of course she isn’t okay.
“Yeah. Fucking Maxwell...”
“I thought I’d lost you, I couldn’t see you at first.” Unable to stop crying, flashbacks roamed through her mind.
“You’d never lose me.... thank you, for saving me.” Holding on to Drake for dear life as he tread water, she eventually wrapped her legs around him. Needing to feel safe. Luckily, Drake was a strong swimmer.
“Guys, I’m so sorry.... I’m like the Hulk and didn’t realise it...”
“Pull a trick like that again Beaumont, and I swear you won’t make it to your next birthday! Help me get Ri, back onto the boat...”
Arriving back at the cabin, shock from the events had soon disappeared- instead along with their children they laughed about it whilst providing Maxwell with dagger eyes every so often. Both Riley and Drake sat close to the fire, both feeling as if they had pneumonia. Once they got back on their boat, Jackson took his shirt off and threw it to them for Riley as she was shivering like a shitting dog.
“Hey, blossom. So when I was looking for some clothes for ya to wear- I was debating whether or not to ‘borrow’ one of Drake’s infamous jackets... but then I came across this... I believe it is yours anyway...”
“Aww I’m so in love with her already. I can’t help but snuggle her... Congratulations to you both.” Hana said to Liam and Riley as she held a new born Ayah.
“Hana, I hope you’re going to be snuggling her until she gets too big.. myself and Liam was hoping that you and Drake would be two of her many godparents...” Hana began crying, Riley was aware as to why the over dramatic expression from her best friend.
“We’d love to be.. thank you both so much...”
“I’ve got a present for you as well Han, but I’ll need to wash them all first. I don’t want to offend you so if you don’t want them it’s fine...” Hana provided her with a perplexed expression- Riley would never offend her, they were the best of friends after all.
“My maternity dresses, the ones that you always admired. I don’t think we will be having anymore children- if so it won’t be for a while. So they are yours if you want them. Drake didn’t tell me by the way, I figured it out - he just confirmed it.”
“You are the best friend anyone could ask for! I’d be honoured to borrow your dresses. If it’s a boy, there may be wedding bells in the future.”
“It’s... its .... one of my dresses... I gave it to, Hana. She insisted on giving me it back- but I refused... she suited it so much better anyway... even after having Jackson she wore them well with her fashion sense... I’m sorry, I need some air...” Everybody jumped up, hesitating whether or not to follow her before sighing at Maxwell in unison.
“What, I didn’t think I’d upset her... I just seem to be fucking up a lot recently...”
“No shit Sherlock! I’ll go and see to her...”
“Drake, I’m sorry...”
“I’m sorry too Max, you wasn’t to know how she would react... just see if all of her clothes are dry. Don’t cause anymore calamities...”
Hey, handsome. You will never believe what happened yesterday- I’m sorry I didn’t ring you as I usually do. I wish that you could be here to berate our daughter. Myself and the kids, Maxwell too- decided to spend time at the cabin before the social season. Ayah decided to invite Theo without telling anyone- we caught them doing... you know what... oh, Liam. What am I going to do with her? I imagine her antics are what you had to suffer with Leo when he was that age. Maxwell nearly killed me today as well. In a fucking lake. Typical. I panicked but I didn’t want anyone to know. I know how protective you would have been. Drake was furious with him. Why'd you have to leave so soon? Why'd you have to go? Why'd you have to leave me when I needed you the most? Give me all the strength I need. To carry on. I need it, Li. I’ve just broken down because Maxwell gave me my old maternity dress to wear that I gave to Hana. You remember, that flowery one that she adored. I’ve come out of my shell a bit, I’ve got all these muppets supporting me- especially Drake. I feel guilty but I slept next to him last night. I hope you don’t mind. I love you with all my heart, Liam. I miss you every second of each day. Everything’s going to be a bit hectic from a few days time- I’m not sure if I’ll be able to ring you every night. But you will always be on my mind- guiding us all, helping Louis become King. When I see you again.
“Hey... what are you doing?” She’s just rung Liam, shit. Perfect timing Walker.
“I needed to talk to Liam. I’m also feeling embarrassed for my emotional outburst over a maternity dress.. it’s little things like that, that trigger off happy memories. If it was the other way around, Hana wouldn’t have reacted the way I did.”
“Don’t be embarrassed. I suppose Maxwell didn’t want you wearing my commoner clothes.. remember you always used to take the piss?”
“Heh, yeah that shit. You look handsome in a suit though...”
“I still managed to make you fall in love with me once upon a time, wearing that shit...”
“You did...” Pausing, she didn’t want to elaborate. Their relationship was happy memories but was overruled by negative ones. “We all love you Drake, we just take the piss because you get so arsy easily. With Maxwell he just accepts that he’s the ‘clown’ of the group and laughs at his own expense.”
“Don’t I know it... why do you think I still call you Brooks? Because it annoys the hell out of you... it’s my little revenge...”
“I don’t mind it, not really. It’s our little thing.”
“I’ll have to think back to everything that annoyed you- just to get my own back then...”
“I’ve got a long list about how you annoyed me in the past. How you hurt me. But it’s all in the past...”
“I was a jerk... I grew up a lot after everything that I put you through. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise. You’ve made up for it a million times over. Besides, you brought me back to Liam. You found happiness with Hana. This year we’d have been celebrating our child’s twenty fifth birthday...crazy isn’t it?” Closing her eyes, a few tears leaked and fell down her cheek. Not only due to the miscarriage. But how it occurred.
“Yeah, every day I imagined what it would have been like. I didn’t like to think about it that much, especially in front of Hana and Li. It wasn’t fair to them. But I always did, Jackson is my child - but ours was my first child. I will never forget about it even if we never met it.” Hearing him say that, broke her heart. She had the same thoughts- she still had the picture of the scan in her memory box. Unknowingly to anyone, she looked at it on the anniversary of the day she lost their baby. As well as the baby’s due date. Knowing that Liam would have comforted her, if he knew that she did this- but as Drake said, it wasn’t fair on their spouses. Taking a deep breath, she decided to change the subject before she became an emotional wreck- yet again.
“Why didn’t you and Hana have anymore children?”
“We we’re blessed with Jackson. He was healthy. Obviously I’d have wanted more, but Hana didn’t after the labour. I love my wife so if she was happy I was happy. I had a vasectomy shortly after that. Besides I’ve got my godchildren who are practically like my own anyway.”
“He’s a credit to you both.... this is getting far too sentimental. I’m ready to go back if you are?” Holding his hand outwards her, she intertwined her fingers with his as they ambled back towards the cabin. Content in each other’s company.
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1, Chapter 13 (One Last Yeehaw)
• It's the chapter everyone's been waiting for! We're pregnant, we get to tell our spouses, we get to tell our friends, we get to tell the courtly ladies, Olivia wears leather, our MCs get to buy a crib for an poppy seed-sized something in their womb that doesn't even know what hands and legs are yet (forget cribs), and the best news of all...WE ARE FINALLLY LEAVING TEXAS!!!!
• If you don't want to see this post on your dash, these are the tags to block: #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs and #long post.
• Screenshots:
Hana: The Universal Studios 77 YouTube channel
Drake: @thefirstcourtesan and the HIMEME YouTube channel
Maxwell: @itsbrindleybinch
Title: Spreading the Word
Alternative Title: It's a Child, Not the Gospel 🤦🏽‍♀
• Before I start talking about the chapter...storytime!
• Sooo...my first pregnancy was a couple of years ago. And I like telling the story of how I broke it to my husband coz it is pretty damn funny. We'd been trying for two years, and had a couple of times when our tests would be met with a disappointing negative. So by the time I did get pregnant, the hubby was a little wary of hoping too soon.
• I had an inkling just before my periods were expected to arrive, because I found myself flopping down on the bed immediately after work, without even making dinner. No morning sickness, no giddiness initially, just constantly feeling so tired. Anyway, hubby insisted I wait a couple days more before a test because he was too afraid of getting his hopes up, and I agreed.
• I took my test around 4 or 5 that morning? And had to wait a couple minutes for the lines...and THERE WERE TWO. Do you really think I could keep such news to myself for more than ten seconds?? (even that was too much). Of course I was going to shake poor hubby awake and show him the test.
• It took five vigorous shakes to wake the poor guy up, and as soon as he was somewhat awake I shoved the test in his face (I was excited ok! 🙈) forgetting that without his glasses he couldn't see shit (very high power). "I can't see anything," he said sleepily, so I gave him his glasses. Ensuing conversation went as follows.
H: There are two lines.
Me: Yeah...sooooo...? 😀😀
H (sudden realization what two lines are supposed to mean): OMG there are two lines??? *sleepy smile*
H (weakly): Yayyyy. (pause)...can I go back to sleep now?
Me: But what will I do???
H: You also sleep.
Me (running on sheer adrenaline now) : I CAN'T SLEEP I JUST FOUND OUT I'M PREGNANT.
H: Oooookay. (is too sleepy at this point to process anything).
Me: (excitedly hops over to Google at 5.20 in the morning and types out "I'm 4 weeks pregnant now what")
LMAO. That first pregnancy was quite something.
• The chapter begins with the MC sending her spouse a text. Depending on whether you mentioned a surprise, mentioned that you need to have a talk or texted emojis instead, the LI will react accordingly.
• With the surprise option, the LI flirts with her. With "we need to talk", they appear tense and believe she's angry with them. The emoji option is the funniest, coz the MC sends a string of emojis with the last one being this: 🍞, and the LIs are confused and referencing the bread (I've seen only two routes of this one - Liam talks about the Cordonian Baker's Festival which will only happen after a couple months, and Hana speaks about a bread course). The MC is puzzled at first, then gets to choose how to tell her spouse the news.
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Liam: Ecstatic and excited at the thought of holding his own child in his arms. Immediately after, he worries over the preparations they will need to make, the childproofing of the throne room and the things they will need to get ready, and it is the MC who calms him down.
I personally love that the narrative makes a mention of Liam "recentering himself" here, because it does show me that this is a rare display of raw emotion, of Liam letting go of his control, and you get a glimpse of what calming down for him looks like. Wish it hasn't taken four books to actually muster up the effort to write that.
Hana: One of the sweetest reactions ever - "We're going to be moms?" and a hearty squeal after that. She then becomes emotional and teary, cries with joy. There's some gentle teasing of each other where they call each other "cute", and then Hana tells her she's so glad she gets to share both this moment and this entire journey of pregnancy with the MC.
Hana doesn't show many signs of her intensive planning in this particular scene, because this - again - calls for raw emotion where the LI basically forgets their "normal" and truly savours that moment, but we do see signs of the same type of planning in other scenes.
Maxwell: WHOOPS with joy and excitement as soon as he realizes. Wants to scream out the news on a mountaintop. He promises the MC that their family will be the most awesome, most fun one that the kingdom has ever seen.
I love how Maxwell's overall vibe in this chapter seems to reflect his family situation - he definitely wants to be the exact opposite to his own child what his father has been to him. It's a pity they don't explore that enough.
Drake: Wild with joy, can't stop grinning. But also worried about whether he is being careless with the MC and is overly concerned for her. Calls her not just by her surname but also her first name. I wonder if that should be added to my Book 1 tallies 😂
• That TRR lullaby music is going to be played so much after this that we'll eventually get sick of it. I know it. I know it already.
• The LIs also get to check in with the MC about how she's feeling, and you as the reader get to decide how she is feeling at the moment (ecstatic, nervous, scared?). We also get the option to decide when to break the news to our friends (at the reception itself, or the next morning at breakfast). I think enough of us had an axe to grind with Savannah and Bertrand for the stunt they pulled (with our help) last book, that most people slammed that "reception" button like their lives depended on it.
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• The LIs also act in different ways before their friends find out about the pregnancy:
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Liam and Hana both dote on the MC, and Hana specifically keeps the MC's dietary restrictions in mind (gets sparkling water/orange juice in place of champagne/mimosas, asks about caffeine content/salmon during breakfast - this varies depending on when you make the announcement). With Drake, the group figures out that he has something on his mind because he's grinning nonstop, and Maxwell tries really really hard to hint at the MC's pregnancy by using phrases like 'bun in the oven' and 'expecting', and gives up in frustration when no one catches on.
• There are three ways you can tell the news to the group - if you're at the reception, you can leave them to guess, get the LI to announce via loudspeaker or scream it out. If you're at home, the same three options except the second one is simply the LI delivering the news in a more low-key manner.
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• Bertrand is happy for us but Savannah is surprisingly (to my great joy) nowhere to be found.
• CELEBRATORY DIAMOND SCENE. For 30 diamonds, which is usually reserved either for finales or turning-point diamond scenes. Again, these scenes deal with the newness of it all, the jubilation, the end of a (not very long, actually) wait, and the LIs get to talk about family.
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The sex part is 🔥 🔥 🔥 as usual, but the parts that really justify the 30 diamonds we're spending come before and after that. Each LI, as I've mentioned before, responds differently, but the thread that connects them all is the awe and wonder at this new life, and their plans and worries for the future (Good. You all should be worried if Olivia's diamond scene is anything to go by).
- Liam: In the pre-sex portion, the focus is on celebrating this moment they have alone - as parents - together, because once this news is brought out to the world, both they and their child will be thrown into the spotlight. I have spoken in this essay about the kind of upbringing royal children tend to have and the lessons they unknowingly learn in that environment. Liam has gone through this, he is aware his child will go through it too, but he wants the child to have as normal a life as he as a father can provide. This is clear in the last portion of the scene, where he touches the MC's stomach, marvels at the life they both created and - as per the MC's choice - communicates with said child. My favourite option of course is the lullaby, because it's one that Eleanor used to sing to him - and it is interesting how a lot of Liam's memories of an actual parent, doing actual parent-things, is of his mother.
- Hana: In the pre-sex portion, she speaks about how nervous they've both been over whether this pregnancy would happen and the pressure from the court, and how excited she is that that moment is finally here. When the MC asks her if she is nervous or scared, Hana tells her that even though everything that has led up to this (leaving her parents, having a new life in Cordonia) has been unknown and scary, knowing that they will finally have their own family outweighs "all the worries in the world". In the last portion of the scene, they flirt playfully, leading Hana at some point to wonder about whether they should set ground rules if the child is going to be such a charmer. She's already got a whole range of things prepared - from a pregnancy kit to snacks and drinks appropriate for the MC's condition - but the MC encourages her to relax and not worry too much. You can tell that Hana is already in the zone of wanting to be a better parent for her child than her own.
- Maxwell: I find the Maxwell version of this scene really interesting this time, because it deals with both his struggle to change for his child, and his struggle to NOT be the kind of father Bartie Sr was (finally they address this!). The first part of the scene involves Maxwell being his usual excitable self, wanting to scream the news from the rooftops then realising that it might be too risky for his wife. He speaks of wanting to "rewire" himself into "Good Dad mode". The last portion is especially poignant, because he speaks both of what a life without the MC would have been life (an enjoyable Beaumont Bash, but one where he is forever searching for someone, and feeling constantly lonely, like something is missing in his life), and he also promises his wife that he will be the kind of father who will learn and grow from his mistakes, and who will be there whenever his children need him most, not just drop by on the day of their child's wedding.
- Drake: Drake also falls back into old-habit before getting into father-mode - he mentions celebrating with drinks before realizing the MC cannot have them. The MC gets to choose either a non alcoholic beverage or a massage, and as far as I have seen the massage comes with yet another family story about his father massaging a particular spot in his mother's shoulder that would easily tense up. It astounds me how much effort the writers make into making Drake's scenes and exchanges so much more personal than the others. Like the others have their moments in this scene too - but in their cases such moments are the exception, not the norm. In Drake's it's always the norm.
In the aftermath of the scene, the couple get to discuss how they will bring up their child, even though that child will be heir to Cordonia's throne, and get to choose if they want to bring that child up with a sense of normality, or to appreciate the benefits they get from the royal life. In the end, all Drake wants this child to know at the moment is how much their parents love them.
• We now have brunch, hosted by the newlyweds. If we have not yet announced our pregnancy, Bertrand will simply announce us the way a herald would at a royal event before Savannah teases him for doing so, and if we have, he mentions that we are "celebrating the happy news with them once more". Bertrand speaks of being overly formal when he's very happy, and is even happier to mention the word "wife". That'll last.
• Leona gives Bertrand a cup of bourbon as a reward for the way he stood up to Chuck, claiming that she thought of him as a "pretty boy" who knew nothing, but was impressed by his behaviour on the wedding day. At this point I can only roll my eyes and finally celebrate when Auntie Bitch disappears. We've wasted way too much time than necessary on Drake's shitty family.
• If you haven't announced the news, you announce it after this scene. There are a few slight changes, esp the drinks mentioned in certain cases because the brunch is a more relaxed atmosphere than the reception so the food and drink items mentioned are pretty low-key. But everything else is pretty much as is.
• Bertrand and Savannah have a honeymoon to plan, which means we will finally get a break from them too, and Bianca asks us what we're planning in order to celebrate the news. Maxwell suggests getting a gift for the new arrival (9 months before arriving), and Savannah suggests they go to the general store and get something from there. The MC is nervous, because she wasn't exactly planning to meet Cassidy West again. Thankfully, he isn't at the store, so she's pretty safe 😂
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All the LIs have items they will check out with their friends/wives, but the scene varies related to who the MC married. Minimally in most cases, quite a bit in just one. As usual.
Maxwell shows us baby socks, and realizes that this child is a "miniature human" who will have small-sized everything. Virtually nothing changes in this scene except for Maxwell calling the child "our baby" instead of "yours" in his own playthrough. Everything else is disappointingly identical.
Hana shows us a toy tea set (it's still early days but Hana tells the MC it will be fun to practice and to think of the treats the child can eat from that). If you are married to her, she gets a single line referencing the childhood scene where she waited in vain for her mother at her own tea party.
Liam's scene is the one wit the diamond option - as the King of Cordonia whose entire country's future rides on this child, he is the one who gets to show the MC (+ LI in their respective playthroughs) the crib. There are two variations in this scene - the ones where Liam speaks about "our heir". Other than that, very little difference (though he does mention Constantine in one line later, so I guess that's a plus).
Drake shows the MC a wooden rocking horse. In his friend playthrough, he speaks of the gift as something the child can have to remember "ol' Uncle Drake" by. But if you're married to him, there is a whole set of dialogues where Drake talks of riding horses being part of the Walker DNA, and there is a reference to the secret wedding (riding off into the sunset), and there is interactive banter between the MC and Drake that you don't see much of in the other playthroughs. I wish I could say I'm surprised.
• I mean...seriously??? Maxwell gets NO OTHER VARIATIONS??? Hana's mention of her mother never coming to her tea parties isn't even followed up by a line expressing comfort from the MC????
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• Just as we got there options for our nursery decor, we also get three options for the crib (classic, royal, forest fairytale). The royal option is lavish, all gold and cream, and the fairytale option is whimsical, wood finish and the same patterns of forest animals and flowers and leaves as the walls. The classic option is, like its corresponding decor, "very neutral. very baby".
• We exit the shop as quickly as we can either because Maxwell broke a trampoline (in the Liam, Hana and Drake playthroughs), or Hana dropped some teacups (in Maxwell's playthrough).
• Once we're done shopping, we get a call from Olivia, who is at our estate in Valtoria, asking us for the most precious thing in our room. But before she can ask, we tell her we're either furniture shopping or pregnant. The option the writers want us to be choosing is "pregnant", because there's a scene where Olivia secretly happy-cries for us when she learns the news. We can agree to loan her either some fancy shoes, our engagement ring (in the Maxwell playthrough, apparently, there is a reference to the twig ring he made back at the beginning of Book 3) or the Cordonian Royal Sceptre. She isn't sure if she'll come back alive, so she thanks us in case she doesn't.
• The ensuing Olivia diamond scene comes with a chance to figure out what Olivia is upto, an advantage over Auvernal, and a tiny hint at a Nevrakis name for TRM.
• I must say, the writers never cease to go all out for Olivia. Even over the female LI that should have been treated like a co-protagonist. And it's tiring because yet again I'll have to see half the fandom drag Hana just so they can drool over the white girl (in fact I already have).
• Olivia's sprite on the left side of the screen...is going to take some getting used to. It's disorienting. But it's fine after a second one!
• Anyway. She is now at a casino in Monte Carlo, meeting up with Bradshaw and Isabella. She's clearly in super-spy mode, since she refers to the King and Queen of Auvernal as targets rather than their names or titles. She has a better edge over the two if she is honest about her intentions and doesn't pretend she just bumped into them.
• Bradshaw speaks about King Liam sending his 'attack dog' to them and 'not doing his own dirty work' which is hilarious considering this man is from a militaristic society yet doesn't even know the C of combat training and has never done anything besides strategizing.
• Isabella always delivers her stinky, unwarrented opinion as if it holds any weight or has any relevance. In Olivia's case, she mentions Anton's marriage contract with Olivia and wonders aloud how the Queen/Duchess still trusts her enough to allow Olivia in her inner circle after that. All three options to push back at Izzy are 🔥 but my favourite one is "you look like you know all about poor judgement" (which is true, look at who she married).
• Olivia then gambles with Bradfraud and Stinkybella, with whatever the MC chose to give her as stakes. The best option is to simply call Bardfraud on his bluff, because he folds easily. Depending on whether Olivia wins or loses the game, he either asks the guards to place the item in the penthouse, or to get more funds from there. Olivia takes note.
• She then has to make sure she nicks the key to the penthouse from Stinkybella, either by acting tipsy or by coming closer to her for an "awkward hug". Both do the job.
• She learns the following from the penthouse:
- Bradfraud and Stinkybella stay in separate rooms, which means things "aren't as rosy" between them.
- She finds a letter of rejection, doubtless from another royal couple, and this is an indication that they aren't as popular as they pretend to be.
- She finds a map of a land she doesn't recognize (is it Monterisso? Olivia would recognize a map of her own country...and neighboring countries...but who am I fooling it's not like team TRH concerns themselves with such ridiculous things as logic!), which has troop formations on it. They're planning something called Operation Swan. I've heard of "Black Swans" and "Swanning About" used as military terms, but there's not a lot I understand from this. Perhaps this leans more towards a "black swan" idea - where they will launch a surprise attack with a nation they are allying with? IDK.
- Basically, we have enough leverage to win against these two, thanks to Olivia's work.
• In any case, someone comes to the room, and Olivia is on the verge of getting caught. So she'll need to scale her way down.
• This shows us if you have Olivia pray to her ancestors for wings:
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(Theodosia is clearly the Renaissance Nevrakis)
• If you don't choose to scale down, Olivia will land on the pool instead, but even then she makes it out okay. She decides to keep an eye out because Bradfraud and Stinkybella could pose as a problem for Liam and the MC.
• Olivia is operating on her own, as far as she has told Bradfraud, but the possibility that Liam is aware of what she is upto still exists. And the MC has no clue even if she is Liam's wife because:
a. The writers are too lazy to code this for Liam, and
b. It's not like the MC puts any effort into finding things out anyway
• We're now leaving the Walker Ranch, a couple hours later, and saying our goodbyes to Drake's mother and aunt. I heave a sigh of relief at the fact that there's no additional "memories" from Bianca become this family has gobbled up enough of our attention. Seems like their horrible attitude was really about the money they didn't get after all (it's a fair gripe to have, but doesn't exactly warrant the attitude they've been throwing around).
• Leona still acts like she did us a huge fucking favour hosting us, even though she was an awful host and seriously deserves to lose her ranch. Bianca tries to be civil but no apologies from her for allowing her son in law to be treated like crap until his wedding day. Seems like all Walkers have a habit of expecting civility from others while giving none.
• Bianca asks us to keep in touch and I'm pretty sure a huge chunk of the fandom said "no way in Yeehaw Hell".
• Liam continues to be mysterious with regards to what Olivia is up to, and Esther - who I HC'd as inquisitive - seems not to care enough to ask more.
• The LI tells us, as we leave, that Kiara, Penelope and Madeleine will be traveling in the jet with us, and it's up to us to decide how we break the news to them. If you own corgis, that features as an option. Two of the options (writing on a cake and announcement by corgi) come with a simple "Coming Soon...The Royal Heir", but the charade one is my favourite 🤭
• Penelope is that particular Drake/Walker Ranch stan who loved the time we spent at the ranch and Kiara is the rest of the fandom, who would much rather be in Cordonia than cooling her heels in Texas.
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The MC then tries another charade, one that resembles cradling a baby in her arms, which Kiara takes to mean "American football" (thank God they don't force Cordonians to call it "soccer" anymore), Madeleine takes to mean "a common pirate jig" and Penelope somehow gets the guess right (though Kiara is the one who straight-out says it).
• The ladies are ecstatic, and congratulate us. Penelope calls for drinks, but Kiara has the common sense to add that the drinks should be alcohol-free. Madeleine informs us of the events lined up for us, including the Apple Ball which will doubtless be the ball we will be attending in the finale.
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There's a small private moment where the LIs dote over the MC more than necessary, wanting to pamper her and keep her in comfort. The MC calms them down, convinces them that they have a very good support system/are a great team together who can achieve anything.
• Mara still finds out about the pregnancy via Maxwell scouring the online shops for corgi-themed onesies even when he is the father. Which makes sense. It's still Good Dad Mode 😁
• In the tiny space of time it took between Madeleine finding out we were pregnant and us talking to people, she managed to schedule a conference for the same day! At least let us confirm the pregnancy with our docs???
• Plus, announcing this early, even if you're not royalty, is pretty risky. You're mostly advised to not disclose it too soon because the first trimester can be a little risky. And there are also cases where your first ultrasound turns out to not be that happy moment where you see that yolk sac and hear its heartbeat, or an ectopic pregnancy 😔. I recall reading about it on pregnancy forums before my first ultrasound (and stressing, but I had to be prepared) and not being satisfied until I confirmed it for myself.
• The writers and the readers know she'll be pregnant because that is what the story is, but perhaps if the team hadn't wasted so much time on the Walker Ranch, they'd at least not have to hurry like this.
• Actually...no. "Hurrying" would be the wrong word. Because they're going to stretch the press conference itself to like two chapters, it seems like. Basically they will spend time on everything that isn't important to the story as long as it's important to their pet character.
• The summary of Chapter 15 (CHAPTER FUCKING FIFTEEN. We're stuck at the beginning of all this even by CHAPTER FIFTEEN) speaks of the press conference heating up, so I'm having an inkling that there will be some pretty heavy stuff being asked in between? Maybe with regards to alliances, or a new scandal, or something else. But it's not going to be easy at all, that much is pretty clear. It's going to be frustrating and there's going to be stuff that will anger the LIs I think. I could be wrong, though.
• Overall this chapter does better in terms of variations even though they still do beef up Drake quite a bit over the others. But at least Liam, Hana and Maxwell get the rare opportunity to briefly address the mistakes (too small a word for what they've done) their parents have made. It's still not enough though. Esp considering the last 9 chapters have seen such an overall of Walker history and Drake's memories and the others have barely a handful of chapters to catch up.
• Sometimes I wonder if Olivia's independent investigation is also fueled by her desire to be so different from her parents and aunt as to wipe out the memory of their betrayal through her deeds. I do wonder if she will burn herself out completely in the process. She is made of sterner stuff than that, I know, but the determination she was showing in this scene and in the last few chapters was on another level.
• I wonder if we will get intel on Monterisso as well (I don't fully trust Amalas yet), or whether the narrative plans to establish this country as the underdog we will be supporting. Who knows. But I'm sure we will see more of that country in further chapters as well.
• That's it for this chapter, I think. Until the next one!
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larryssunflower · 6 years
You Opened My Eyes - Part Four
Here we are!! Again thanks for being patient with me! I hope the wait this time was much better! Thank you all again for your support and reading my work! I really really appreciate it 💕
Tagging my usuals, if you don’t want to be tagged, just let me know! - @simplyaiden-blog @butindeed @mfackenthal @confessionsofabrokegirl @american-duchess @drakelover78 @monosodiumglutamateme @crookedslimecreatorpasta @mrsdrakewalkerblog @traeumerinwitzhelden @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty  @agent-zephyrkah @snyggflicka @sleepwalkingelite @nikkis1983 @choicesmacmakes @simsvetements
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Nsfw warning!!
We arrive back home, and all step out. Drake goes upstairs to take a shower, his clothes still all gross from the sludge. “Hey, Elle!” Liam calls out to me before I can make my way upstairs. “Yeah?” I ask, turning. “I’m headed to the store to get some wine, want to come?” He asks, and I bite my lip and nod. “.. uh yeah sure,” I say, going downstairs with him. “Mom doesn’t let us drive Pam, but we can use that rental car she got for you guys,” he says as we leave the house, heading back into the cold night. We get into the small sedan and pull away from the house. We sit in silence for a moment. “Hey, I know I mess with you guys, but I am genuinely happy that you two are finally together,” Liam says, and I smile gratefully. “Oh thanks, Liam, that’s actually really sweet of you,” I say. “Well I am the sweetest guy ever, as you know,” he says with a smirk, making me roll my eyes as we pull up at the small store.
We browse the empty aisles, looking for stuff for tomorrow night. Once we’ve got everything, we line up at the checkout. “Oh, one more thing!” Liam says, going over to the medical section. I stay in line, starting to put our stuff on the checkout stand. I smile at the tired looking worker, and Liam jogs back with a box in his hands. He plops it down, and I read the cover. “Oh? You and Olivia got a busy night?” I say cheekily, looking down at the Trojan box. “No they’re for you and Drake,” Liam says casually, rummaging through his wallet for his card. I choke in surprise, looking at him incredulously. “Liam!” I say, covering my face in embarrassment, as the worker doesn’t look so tired anymore. “Oh come on, I insist!” He says, making me shake my head in disbelief. He swipes his card, and before I know it, we’re headed back in the rental. Before we go in the car, he looks into his bag, grabbing out the condoms box, handing it to me. “Mom might have a heart attack if you have this out in front of her,” Liam says with a smirk, and I reluctantly take it, stepping into the passenger side. I open the compartment and toss the box in, rolling my eyes.
We get home and I help Liam put away the bags in the kitchen, before excusing myself upstairs. I sigh as I get into Drake and I’s room, plopping onto the bed. I can hear Drake still in the shower. It would be surprising he’s been in there so long but the store is about three minutes away and the store was mostly empty, so he’s been in there less than ten minutes. So he should be done soon.
I sit on the edge of the bed, biting my nails anxiously, the dull sound of the shower running in the background. This has gone on far enough. I need to tell him that it’s off. We need to tell everyone the truth. It just hurts too much.
I push myself off the bed, starting to pace back and forth. We can just tell everyone that it didn't work out. No biggie! Once we stop pretending to be a couple, I will stop having feelings for Drake. I mean, the only reason why I’m feeling like this is because of the whole fake relationship. As soon as we call it off, I’ll be all good, without a crush on my best friend.
I stop, taking a deep breath, relief flooding over me over finding a solution. The shower stops and I near the door, my heart pounding. “Hey, Drake?” I call through the door. “Uh yeah?” He asks, and I shuffle slightly. “I think we need to talk,” I say through the door, nervously playing with my hands. There isn’t a response, but in a minute, the door clicks open, and I freeze, my eyes widening at Drake who is standing there, his towel hung lowly on his waist. “Yeah? What’s up?” He asks, his chest and hair still wet. I gulp, my mouth drying up as I tear my eyes away from his toned chest. He has an amused smile on his face, and he cocks his head to the side expectedly. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.
“I- I need to leave,” I rush out, brushing past him to grab my boots and coat. “W-What?” Drake asks, but I don’t respond, stepping into my boots, shaking my head. “Elle,” Drake says, but I still don’t answer, shrugging on my coat and rushing out the door. I walk quickly past everyone in the living room and out the back door into the large backyard.
I run outside until my lungs burn with the cold air, gasping as I lean against a tree far from the house. What is wrong with me? I can’t be having feelings for Drake, it’s just ridiculous! I catch my breath, leaning my head back and gazing up at the sky. Just breathe. I tell myself, trying to convince myself that I’m fine.
“Elle? Elle!” Drake’s voice echoes, and I snap out of my daze, whipping my head in his direction. I see him outside the back door in his coat, jeans, and boots. Dang, he gets dressed quick. He sees the movement of my head and runs towards me, stopping right in front of me, his face scrunched up with concern, his hair still damp. He grabs my arms, stabilizing me. “Are you okay?” He asks, his eyes searching mine. His grip on me is strong, bringing me back to reality. I just sigh. “It’s- it’s not right Drake,” I say quietly, shaking my head. “What’s not right?” He asks, shuffling slightly, still confused. “This! This stupid relationship thing!” I burst out, breaking away from his arms.
Before he can even utter another word, I’m shouting again, unable to control the rush of words coming out of my mouth. “I know it was my idea, but your whole family thinks that we’re together! It’s just so messed up! I mean, Bianca dropped hints about an engagement. An engagement!” I scream, my heart pounding loudly in my ears. Drake’s eyes widen, blinking in surprise.
“What’s worse is.. is how much I love this, I mean I- I think I’m falling for you, and it’s all fake! Like what kind of idiot falls for someone like this? I-I don’t know why it is, if it’s the way that you are acting with Bartie or the fact that you don’t have cute little college girls skipping out of your room every morning, but Jesus Drake, I don’t know what’s happening to me! Being in this fucked up relationship thing just feels so right, and I don’t know why! And I know that you used to have a crush on me when we were little, but that’s obviously changed!” I stammer out, breathing heavily as I pace back and forth, too nervous to even glance over at Drake, who still hasn’t said anything. Oh god. “I mean- it’s completely idiotic for me to think that we would ever have anything, I mean, look at the girls that you usually sleep with! Skinny waists, pretty faces and sweet voices, and then there’s me! An unfit nurse who is always fucking exhausted, I just can’t compete with that!-“ I’m suddenly cut off as Drake grabs my flailing hands. I falter, looking up at his dark brown eyes. “Elle, those girls aren’t even on the same level as you,” that’s what I’m saying you fucking-“You are way above any of them,”. ... Oh.
My heart flutters in surprise, and I just watch him in as he laughs lightly in disbelief, shaking his head. “‘Can’t believe I’m saying this, but Elle, I’ve loved you since we were thirteen. I was lying when I said that it was just a short phase where I had a small crush on you, I thought about you day and night,” he says, his cheeks tinted red, but he never looks away from my gaze. “We were best friends and I always felt like I wanted more with you. I was so protective when you got your boyfriends and I told myself it was brotherly instincts but I was really just jealous,” he says, this time doing all the talking as I watch him in awe. “Around college, I finally realized you weren’t ever going to see me that way so I stopped trying. I dated other girls, but I couldn’t help the nagging voice in the back of my head, telling me to flaunt them to make you jealous but you were always just supportive and happy for me. Then I would go to the same bar and pick up other girls and I just never stopped. I only sleep with these college girls to try to fill the...void that you left, but your the only person that I’ve ever... loved,” He says, his deep eyes looking into mine.
I shift my footing, trying to get a grasp on all of this. “So you mean?” I start, and he nods. “I love you, Elle. More than you’ll ever know,” he says, and I just breathe a sigh of relief, flinging my arms around his neck. Chuckling softly, He wraps his warm arms around me, and we hug tightly, the warmth of his body calming me down. I bury my face into the crook of his neck, openly loving his soothing smell. Before we separate, I instinctively kiss his cheek, and we freeze for a second. We turn to each other, his cheeks reddening. I grin before grabbing his face, connecting our lips together. He is shocked at first, a muffled sound of surprise erupting from his throat, but he soon kisses back, his hands tightening around my waist.
We separate, breathing heavily, creating clouds from our breath. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” He says, his voice an unfamiliar husky tone, sending chills down my spine. I smile. “I don’t understand why you kept up with our friendship if you felt that way about me for so long,” I say, looking away. “I knew that our friendship was the closest I would get to you and I was okay with it,” He says, shrugging. “I had no idea that somehow you would end up feeling the same,” He says, an adorable bashful smile forming on his face. I can help planting my lips on his again, kissing him softly this time. He kisses back, entangling his fingers in my hair.
He breaks apart to pepper kisses on my jaw and onto my neck, making me moan softly. “You have no idea how hard it was to try to control myself around you these past couple of days,” he says in between kisses, making my heart burn with adoration. “Come ‘ere,” I say bringing his head back up so I can kiss him again. I can’t get enough of the feeling every time our lips touch. This kiss is rushed this time, both of us wanting to be closer. I take a leap of faith and I hook one of my legs up on his waist. In the flurry of the kissing, he grabs my other leg, bringing it to his waist and hoisting me up. My heart thuds in my chest, so loud I’m sure he can hear it too. He then pushes me against the tree, kissing just underneath my jaw, making me throw my head back at the sensation. He starts sucking the spot of skin, clearly intending to leave a mark. Once he’s satisfied, he kisses me once again, heated and rushed. I want to be close to him and nothing is close enough. “Let’s go somewhere a little more private,” I whisper into his ear, kissing his earlobe. “A-are you sure?” He says, and I nod, biting my lower lip. Just hearing his voice makes my stomach pool in arousal. “I don’t know if we can go inside...” he says, glancing back to the house. My heart pounding I try to think. “Oh!” I say, making him look at me in surprise. “The rental car! The one your mom got for you?” I say, and he nods, a grin on his face. “Come on then,” I say, dropping down from his waist, he grabs my hand, leading me to the car.
He unlocks it and climbs onto the driver's seat. Not being able to wait for another second, I hop onto his lap, closing the door. I reach down and press the button which moves the seat farther back to give us some room. I look back up to Drake, who is watching me, a strange look on his face. “What?” I ask, and he brings his hand up, caressing my cheek. “I just can’t believe that we’re here together. I’ve imagined this so many times, it’s hard to believe that it’s actually happening,” he says breathlessly, his face red. I grin, kissing his hand softly. “This is real Drake. I want to be with you.” I say, my voice laced with desire. His lips crash to mine, surprising me this time. The kiss quickly turns heated, my hands shaking as I run them through his soft brown hair. I fumble with his jacket, zipping it down hastily. He helps me remove it, throwing it carelessly to the back of the car. I then help him lift the sweater off him, tossing it behind with the jacket. “This is why I hate winter, all the fucking layers,” I mumble, making him chuckle softly. I run my hands down his toned chest, practically drooling. “It’s your turn,” He says, and I snap out of it, taking off my sweater as well, leaving me in my bra. Drake’s eyes roam my body, his gaze shadowed with lust. “Fuck,” he swears, and I grin, reaching behind and unclasping my bra, letting it fall off. “God, your so beautiful,” he says, his voice hoarse. I grin, leaning forward and kissing him once again. His hands quickly find my breasts, massaging them, making me moan. “Just hearing you make those sounds, Jesus Christ Elle,” Drake says huskily, his voice low. I reach down, grasping his noticeable bulge, making him groan. I lean into his ear, “I can make many, many sounds for you,” I whisper, continuing to palm him through his jeans.
He starts fumbling with my jean button, his breathing heavy. I stop palming him and try to help him get my jeans off, leaning back to undo the zipper. I lean a little too far back, and accidentally hit the steering wheel, making the car horn suddenly blare. Drake and I both jump in shock, and I can’t help letting out a squeal of surprise. We freeze in place, terrified someone heard us. The car is nearly buried in snow but our um- make out session has fogged up all the windows. No one has seemed to hear it after a couple minutes and Drake and I turn to each other, bursting out laughing.
Once I catch my breath, I turn to him. “Maybe we should go in the back, to give us a little more-“ I grind down slightly on his hips, “-room,” I say softly, and he sucks in a sharp breath before nodding. I grin and clamber off him, carefully climbing into the back of the car. Drake just goes out the driver's door and back in through the other door. As he closes the door behind him, I pull down my pants, revealing my plain black panties. I kick off my jeans and turn to Drake, who is watching me with hooded eyes. I grin at him, biting my lip. “I know I don’t have the best body-“ I start and he stops me. “You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamed of seeing your body, and I never could have imagined how beautiful you are,” He says, making my heart flutter. “How do you always know exactly what to say?” I ask, and he grins. “It’s a special talent of mine,” he says, winking. I snort. “Well, what other talents do you have?” I ask, biting my lip, my eyes slowly raking his body, and flicking back up to his face. His joking demeanor is gone, his face shadowed with desire. He nears me, and I lean back on the row of seats, my heart pounding in anticipation. He puts his hand on my thigh, slowly bringing it closer to my damp core. “I have many talents,” he says slowly, as his fingers finally brush over my soaked underwear. I gasp, holding onto the door handle behind me for support as he starts running his fingers up and down in tantalizing circles. “Drake,” I moan as he deftly slides the panties to the side, his cool fingers running up and down my folds. My swollen clit throbs in anticipation. “Faster drake,” I beg, fidgeting underneath this incredible man, yearning for release. He grins, a dangerous glint in his eye.  
He suddenly plunges one of his fingers within me, making me gasp, my hips bucking towards him instinctively. I cry out as he pumps his finger, in and out, stimulating my every nerve. He abruptly stops, my core pounding with desire. I look down and see him pulling down my panties and tossing them to the side. I’m about to question him but he leans forward, his face in between my legs. I can’t even react before his tongue is swirling around my most sensitive area, making me gasp and moan at the same time. Before long I can feel my orgasm nearing, my thighs quivering. “Drake I’m going to-“ I don’t finish the sentence, too overwhelmed as my orgasm crashes over me and I cry out euphorically, my head thrown back. He doesn’t stop, licking me as I ride out my orgasm.
He eventually removes his head from between my thighs. He sits there, watching as I barely move, breathless as I lie in shock. I prop myself up on my elbows, looking up at him. He glances at me, concern on his face. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. Drake grins, clearly proud of himself. “Told you I’m talented,” he shrugs. I climb over to him, straddling him on his lap. “Yes you are,” I say, kissing his jaw. “I think-“ I say, between kisses, “- that it’s your turn now,” I say seductively, my tone low as I palm his large bulge. He only groans in response. I bite my lip as I reach down, unbuckling his belt and jeans. He helps me pull them off, leaving him in his dark grey boxers. I reach right past his waistband, grabbing his length, making him suck in a breath. I start slowly pumping, back and forth. “You like that?” I ask slowly, and he nods, his head back as he lets out a low groan. Just the sounds of his throaty groans make my clit tingle in arousal once again. I remove my hand from his boxers, making him look down at me confusedly. “Just hold on a sec,” I say, looking around and thinking. I turn and climb between the drive and passenger seat, headed for the glove compartment. I may as well keep my ass pointed toward Drake as I work, trying to open the glove compartment. “You’re killing me Garden,” he groans, and I just grin, as the compartment pops open. “When you went upstairs to take a shower, Liam and I went to the store and he bought us condoms, insisting we needed them,” I say distractedly as I shuffle through the compartment. “What?” Drake asks, his voice incredulous. “Hey! He forced me to, but turns out it’s working in our favor,” I say, as I finally grasp onto the box. I climb back into the seat with Drake, fiddling with the package.
I eventually open it up and take out one of the foil packages. Drake’s hand suddenly grabs mine. “Are you sure? We don’t have to-“ I cut his sincere voice off, my heart bursting at this amazing man in front of me. “I’m sure. Drake, I want this.” I say sternly, hoping to convince him. He smiles. “Okay good,” He says, and I grin, getting the box and our disheveled clothes out of the way.
Drake removed his boxers, freeing his length. Jesus Christ. I stare at him for a moment, my surprise evident on my face. “What are you staring at Garden?” He asks, his tone cheeky. I clear my throat, looking up at his amused face. “Drake, I knew you were um- blessed- But damn!” I say, my mouth drying up. “I’m pretty sure your drooling,” He says, smirking. Two can play at that game. “Oh really?” I say, backing up slightly so I can lay out. I spread my legs, running my own fingers along my wet folds, staring intently at him. His smirk is quickly gone and he replaces is with a dumbfounds expression. “Who’s drooling now?” I ask innocently. He quickly snaps out of it, ripping open the foil packaging and rolling the condom down his length. I quickly bring my hand away from touching myself, waiting for him as he nears me. “You’re such a tease aren’t you?” He says huskily, touching his tip right up against my clit, making me gasp. “Well I made you wait so long, lusting after me,” I say cheekily, and he rolls his eyes. “Shut up,” He says, a slight smile on his face. “Make me,” whisper, and his expression immediately darkens as he doesn’t waste any time as he enters me, making us both moan. I rock my hips against him, as he buries himself deep into me. We’re both gasping and moaning, rocking against each other relentlessly.
It’s not long before we’re both on the edge, shouting each other’s names as we finish.
We lay there together for a bit, in each other’s arms. “So I guess we’re actually together now,” Drake says, and I nod. “Yeah. It’s weird. I feel so much relief now you know? It felt so wrong to lie to everyone for so long,” I say, and he hums in agreement. I realize how tired I am and sit up with a yawn. “I don’t want to go inside. I just want to be here. With you,” He says softly, kissing the back of my neck, making me smile. “Am I going to have to deal with you being all lovey-dovey now?” I ask, turning to look at him. He grins. “Yep.” He says shamelessly, making me laugh, throwing my head back. “I waited so long, I'm going to make the most of every second,” He says, and I widen my eyes at him. “That's what I'm talking about! It's like your out of some sort of romantic comedy!” I say incredulously. “You love it,” He says in a fake, deep voice, making me chuckle, shaking my head. 
Maybe falling for my best friend won't be so bad after all.
thank you again for reading! I think I may write a small Epilogue, but this is the end! I hope you enjoyed it as always! Much love! 
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