#he has one out of context thing to be upset about and hes hanging on to it for dear life
spidersinmysoup · 2 years
Ended a friendship this week and i am furious
Not because of it ending, quite the opposite, I'm very glad it did
It's HOW it ended that boils my blood bc it's SO STUPID
Part one of context
A couple of months ago redacted had to pay for tickets for our graduation and he didn't have enough money, so i offered him my wallet bc y'know he's my friend we've gone through enough to trust each other with stuff like this , also we both didn't know the exact amount he needed so i told him to take it and then tell me how much it was after (error), so he goes in, pays for his shit and gives me my wallet back, while we're walking i ask him how much he took out and he didn't really give me a straight answer so when we got back to my bfs house i counted the money and saw that there were $700 missing so i told him about it and he said ok cool I'll pay you back when I can, cool no problem.
This was in April
And it is now november
Let's go to part two of context now
Situation is: we are in our last year of highschool and we have a final project that we have to start from scratch, components, code, datasheets, the whole nine yards. Our group consists of: redacted, a friend who we'll call M ( important to later in the story), a classmate, my bf (gastón) and myself
Throughout the whole project, I'm talking the idea, main theoretical material (name, prices of the components, instruction manual, stuff like that) was all done by mostly gastón myself and M in that order exactly. And it's been this way since about April/ may. Now if you ask redacted if he did any work on this project his answer would be yes, which technically, sure but let me tell you exactly what this man did
• half of the price list ( i know because i had to finish it myself)
• de- soldered a power switch
• connected two cables (wrong, again, I know this because i had to fix it myself)
So naturally already we're fucking pissed, the project is nearly finished and he's done 2 maayybee three things.
Not to mention that while we're working our asses off he's either :
• on his phone texting/ sending audios to his friends about how he's working on a project and how it's soo complicated :(((
•Completely gone from the table drinking mate and talking shit with people from our class
Which like, if this were a stranger I'd be like, whatever fair, we've never shared a conversation ever and now we got put in a project together
But we know eachother, all three of us do, we've hung out before, we were friends up until a week ago, he has zero excuse to neglect basic fucking teamwork.
While this is happening we have plenty of other projects for the rest of our subjects, most of them with a maximum of two partners so naturally I'm with my bf, and redacted is with M
I think you can take a guess on whos really doing their projects
But it's not only that, this bitch fucking tells him what to do like - giving him fucking orders - he doesn't offer help, show interest, NOTHING , and i know this because we all sit together and every time the subject of projects come up redacted is like ' we gotta do the *subject* project' , there's no ' hey how's the project going?' 'hey is there anything you need help with on our project?' ' hey I've been doing some research on ___ for our project wanna take a look?' NOTHING
The only reason this man isn't failing right now is because he's taking advantage of all of us, every single one, in every single way and thankfully for him weve kept our mouths shut about it.
Now you may be thinking
"What if he did want to help but didn't know what to do?"
And the answer to that is, we did, countless times, and you know what his excuses were for not being able to work? Lucky for you, I'll list them
• was at a party
•was at a party
•computer didnt work (lie, fun fact about discord, people can see your activity on it)
Just in case that last one was indeed true we suggested meeting up at my house to work on the project together, here were the reasons that didn't happen either
• my house was too far (20 minute max bus ride, also he's taken the bus to my house to hang out plenty of times before but suddenly it was too far away)
• had a party (i wish I was joking)
• Didn't have money (because he spent it all buying drinks at said parties)
So naturally we got tired of insisting him to work and proceeded to just work by ourselves, us being M, gastón and myself
Our first member never showed any interest in the project like at all , but unlike redacted, we were never friends nor did we have any bond to begin with so, whatever.
Surprisingly redacted has plenty to say about our fifth member, even though they've both done about the same amount of work.
Anyways this is the part that was the final straw for him
Last week my sister came up to me at recess to ask me for money bc she didn't have any to buy food for lunch, this man doesn't let me finish talking to her and he gets up and gives her $100 (which isn't even enough but at the time it was nice? i guess? But my boyfriend later did give her the rest of the money she needed to actually buy herself food so she's fine, she ate, that's all that matters right?
Monday comes around and he arrives to school and this mother fucker had the nerve to say "hey you owe me $100 from last week"
I think he's joking naturally so i say
"Actually i don't, because you owe me $700 from when you bought the graduation tickets, so you're paying off your dept"
He,, did not like this half joke
He responds with " huh?? What?? What money? I don't remember??"
At this point my bf jumps in and backs me up (because he was there when i lent him the money)
And we say something along the lines of " damn that's convenient" in a still half joking tone
And then he turns around :) and says :) we're insistent :)
Mind you the times I've mentioned his dept in this post is around the same amount I've mentioned it to him (i must've mentioned it to him about a maximum of 3-4 times, no more than that)
And since then we have not spoken a word to eachother.
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chuusheartattck · 1 month
Chapter 26- Nobody knows ☕️
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Exhaustion was the only thing on your mind. You’ve been sitting in your studio for an hour staring at your notebook. You were trying to come up with new songs for your album but you hit a road block. You had no inspiration and the only thing that was plaguing your mind was Scaramouche.
What a joke. How dumb you were. He’s still stuck on your mind even after you “cut him off.” Scaramouche must be doing this on purpose.
Maybe you could use this opportunity to vent out the feelings you had towards him?
Ew as if.
The thought quickly went away when you realized you had to write a full length song about him. You sighed in frustration and closed your notebook. Writers block was the worse thing that has ever happened to you.
Well, one of the worse things.
As you were exiting the studio, you opened the door as someone was about to knock. The door accidentally hits them in the face.
“Holy shit I’m so sorry,” You began to say. It was only then you tried looking at the person, and met eye to eye with the man you were just thinking about.
You were more of a psychic than Mona with how much you think about someone and they appear right in front of you.
You slammed the door shut on his face. What the fuck was he doing here? How did he know where to find you?
Thoughts raced through your mind as the door opened again.
Scaramouche has entered the studio.
Your eyes locked and there was a long moment of silence. Neither of you knew what to say. His indigo eyes piercing into yours. He kept hesitating on what to say. His mind was going blank.
“Get out,” You spoke first. It was the only thing you could say at the moment. You might’ve missed his face, his voice, the way he would look at you in moments like these. However, it wasn’t enough to get you to be less upset with him.
“You’re going to hear me out.”
“Hear you out? Seriously? What more do you have to say to me?”
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started yelling at him again.
“Honestly, do you think I’m not upset with you? You repeat the same things over and over again. I’m not going to keep putting up with this you know.”
Something inside of him snapped and he raised his voice at you. He’s scolded you before on tiny things but this one was different. He seemed genuinely mad this time.
“Are you kidding me? Don’t put all the blame on me when you flirt with everyone you meet! Don’t act like you don’t do it on purpose! You rub it in my face and wonder why I get disinterested!”
You laughed at this. You don’t know why. Was it because you basically threw everything down the drain? Was it because you knew that what you’re going to say next will most likely change the way he viewed you? You didn’t care anymore. You felt as though this was past the point of no return.
“Did you ever wonder why I did those things to you? Did you ever look back at the context of my actions? It was whenever you acted like you barely knew me. After falling asleep on facetime, the next day you barely even looked at me in the halls whenever you were with your fatui friends.”
You looked down out of embarrassment. You thought it was embarrassing to admit you were like this. You hadn’t realize how deep your feelings were for Scaramouche.
“I fully understand why you did that now. How different you acted around our friends and switched up with those people. I would be friendly with other people to get your attention. It sounds stupid and corny saying it out loud but it was frustrating to deal with. Imagine spending so much time talking to a person and hanging out with them on some occasions with friends. Only to have them pretend you don’t mean anything to them because their other group of friends are assholes.”
It fell silent between you two. Scaramouche didn’t have anything to say. It was mostly out of complete shock at your sudden confession. You didn’t know what else to say because you felt annoying for even bringing this up to him. You didn’t want to seem like a clingy person for telling him all this.
You simply just chalked it up as a final confession before never seeing him again.
Is that really want you want?
You spoke up again, “It’s all in the past now so I’m no longer bothered by it. I guess my excuse now is how do I know you’re into me at all? Things aren’t the same as it was back then. There were some moments where I thought you might’ve felt something for me but it wasn’t enough confirmation. I’m being honest here when I say I had no intentions of ever ending up with Xiao. After the awards show I felt bad that you probably thought we had something going on. I was going to text you but news came out that you were spotted with someone.”
After those last words it became silent again. Another wave of embarrassment fell over you. Why were you telling him all this? You felt stupid for admitting this to him when you don’t even know what you are with him. It was like you were a crazy ex, only you two never actually dated.
Scaramouche took a step towards you. You didn’t step back. You just froze and continued looking at the ground.
“I’m not going to sit here and say you could’ve told me how you felt. It would be hypocritical of me because I know I’m not good at conveying my feelings either,” You heard him mutter.
You looked up at him.
“I guess I’m a bit sorry on how we turned out.”
“You guess? Either you’re sorry or you’re not,” You retorted. “Actually, don’t answer that.”
Your heart rate was increasing. Having a conversation like this with him made you anxious. You don’t know why.
Was it because he can be unpredictable?
“Go out with me.”
You gave him a perplexed look. What was he saying? Why now out of all times?
You were so confused. You didn’t think he was being serious.
“If you think like that then go on a date with me.”
Oh, so he’s not being serious. He’s just pitying you.
“I don’t need your pity.”
He took a step closer to you.
“I’m not pitying you. I wanted to forget everything about you after high school,” Scaramouche crosses his arms. “It wasn’t easy. I started dating rumors so I wouldn’t feel bad about the rumors with you and Xiao. It was a shitty thing to do on both our ends.”
He wasn’t wrong. You knew how the media would be with whoever you hung out with. You didn’t care to deny the rumors either.
“I’m only telling you this now because I ended things with Haypasia.”
You raised an eyebrow. What is he blabbering about now?
“Don’t you think you’re being too hasty? It’s not going to look good to anyone if you stopped seeing her and then start going out with me right after. Your fans will defend you to the core but what about me? I’m going to get chewed up and labeled as a home wrecker. I also don’t know if I could do something like this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, this is hard to deal with and I don’t want the press to make this even harder,” You sighed in exhaustion. “It’ll look better if I gave Xiao a chance don’t you think?”
“Stop bullshitting.”
You hesitated for a moment, “I’m being serious.”
You weren’t being completely honest. You frankly didn’t care how the media would perceive you because you knew your company would take care of it and it would die down in a few weeks. You were just scared. Scared of your feelings towards him and how he’ll deal with them. You didn’t know if he was going to crush you with them.
“Cut the crap. You hesitated before responding. You know you don’t want this. Stop lying to yourself for once.”
You didn’t respond. You only kept staring at his eyes.
His jaw clenched, “Do you think you can erase me like that?”
It sounded painful coming from him.
“I will. You’ve hurt me so much that it won’t take long to forget you. I’ve also hurt you so you should probably move on as well.”
You wanted to throw up after hearing those words come from your mouth. It isn’t what you want. It’s quite the opposite. You knew deep down this isn’t right.
The room was tense, the air thick with unresolved anger. Scaramouche’s eyes softened for a moment, but he quickly masked it with anger. “I don’t want to move on.”
You stood there, both your faces flushed with anger. Suddenly, the air shifted. His eyes flickered to your lips, and before you knew it, you were pulled towards him. Your lips crashed together in a heated kiss, all the pent-up frustration and emotion pouring out.
His hands gripped your waist tightly as he deepened the kiss. It was filled with all the anger, frustration, and unspoken words between the two of you. It was rough and demanding, a collision of emotions that had been held back for too long. Yet underneath it all, there was a desperate need, a plea for understanding and connection.
Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, becoming a dance for passion and fear.
When you two finally broke apart, you both were breathless. Only the heavy panting could be heard.
After realizing what had just transpired, you quickly took a step back. This felt wrong. You two ate each other’s faces after you told him you didn’t want to go out with him.
Scaramouche didn’t look at you, he turned his attention to the floor. Only muttering a simple “sorry” before turning around and leaving.
The door closed and you crouched down on the floor. You have no idea what just happened. You were left only confused. A flurry of emotions were deep inside you but you didn’t know how to react.
How were you supposed to react? Do you tell someone? What does this mean?
It gave you the biggest headache ever thinking about it.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Chapter 26!! I told you it was going to have an absurd moment. Tbh this was my first time writing a kissing scene so sorry if it’s lowk corny 😭😭
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @skyvella @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy @scaradooche @theyluvkatt @meigalaxy @noirechomps @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully @vxcmx @ariesloves @cayl33n @animeobsessed56 @heartsforni-ki @feikyuu @ichcocat @strayharmony943 @chscklvr @kunikissr @jiminscarmex @sp1ng @bananasquash @aceakariii @thegalaxyisunfolding @ariilies @hisfuture @automaticpatroltragedy @sartrst @cheriswag @kokomiskiss
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cheapshrimpysheep · 8 months
For the request thing, might be dark but holing it's more angst/scary -> Fluff. NRC First years (or any boy you wanna write about) get a phone call from Fem!reader in the night, they think they hear someone breaking into Ramshackle and are scared, the boys' rush in to rescue/protect reader. (Up to you if there is actually someone breaking in or its just old house noises/Grim or ghosts rummaging around etc) thank you for your lovely work thus far!
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COMMENTS: Hi! Thank you. 😊 First I just wanted to say that the way I wrote it doesn't make any difference if it's a Fem Reader, so I did it for a GN Reader like I always do. I also apologize that Ace and Deuce's parts are the shortest, it just happened. 😔
More recently I also have less time to write, which is why this one took so long to finish. But I hope you and all like it.❤️
BTW: I used Bard to help me with Epel's dialect. 😜
CHARACTERS: Freshmen (Ace Trappola; Deuce Spade; Jack Howl; Epel Felmier; Sebek Zigvolt)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader
WORD COUNT: An average of 490 words per character.
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CONTEXT: You had stayed in the bedroom while Grim went downstairs to do something. Probably for a snack. But then you hear him shouting your name as if asking for help.
Knowing that without magic you could be in even more danger than Grim, you pick up your cell phone and call the first contact that appears.
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“What's your deal calling so late, hum?” Ace says when he answers you. “It can be off with my head for this, you know?” You explain to him what happened. “Ah, so you called me to come and protect you, is that it?” he says smugly. “You're probably just exaggerating. Maybe Grim is asking for help because he realized he already ate all the-” he noticed that the call was suddenly cut. “Oi, Prefect?... (Y/N)?... (Y/N)?!”
Ace ran out of Heartslabyul without passing anyone who could stop him. Even though he knew he would have problems when he returned.
When he arrived at Ramshackle Dorm, he cautiously approached the door, trying to listen for something to know what state things were in and what situation you were in. But he can't hear anything.
Until you scream! He tries to open the door but it is locked. So he decides to break it in with magic, and runs to the lounge where you were.
“(Y/N)!” He runs to the lounge instinctively, automatically pointing his magic pen at whoever is there with you. Grim and the ghosts scream at being surprised by Ace and he realizes it's just you and them in the dorm.
“Wha- What is going on?!” He asks “You called me because you thought someone was breaking into the dorm. And I come running here to find out that nothing happened?”
You tell Ace that technically you never talked about someone breaking into the dorm, and that after all he was right and Grim was melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“So what was that about the call hanging up while we were talking?” Your cell phone has run out of battery. “And the scream just now?” The ghosts had decided to take advantage of the situation to prank on you.
Ace was upset, probably as much as you were.
“Serious? All this rush for nothing. How am I going to explain this to the housewarden? I'm going to lose my head at this hour.” He looks at you with that sly smile. “You know, this is your fault. I came running here because you hinted that you were in danger. I think I deserve compensation. What if you let me sleep here tonight?
“If you get in charge of fixing the door that you just broke into.” Grim says.
“I did it because I thought it was an emergency!”
“Oh yeah? We can always settle this in Heartslabyul's court.”
“Fine, fine, I'll fix the door.” He looks at you “Can I sleep here tonight then?”
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“Hi (Y/N). It's really late for you to be calling, is something wrong?” You explain to Deuce what happened. “Don't leave your room! Stay safe there, I'm on my way!” He hangs up the call and runs out of Heartslabyul without passing anyone who could stop him. He doesn't think twice because you wouldn't be the type to play a prank like that on him. Right?
When Deuce arrives at Ramshackle, he calls your cell phone. But you don't answer. Which worries him even more. He runs to the front door and tries to open it. Obviously it was locked. So he breaks it open with a mix of brute force and magic... or maybe a cauldron.
“(Y/N)! GRIM!” He calls.
“DEUCE?!” He hears the incredulous voice of you and Grim in unison. They were coming from the lounge, so he runs there. To find you, Grim and the ghosts safe and sound.
“Are you guys okay? What happened?”
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“Oh... That's a relief, I think. But why didn't you answer me then? I called you before I came in.” Your cell phone had run out of battery. He sighs and smiles at you. “Well, I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding and that you're okay.” All of his priorities at that moment were knowing that you were safe, so much so that it didn't even occur to him to ask any more questions.
You hear the door that Deuce had just broken down creaking in the wind. “I am so sorry!” he says “I can fix the door, don't worry.”
But the wind starts to get stronger, and thinking about the problems he will have when he returns, you invite him to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm that night.
“Are you sure?” He asks, as if he also said he didn't want to bother. It's the least you can do for him. And you will talk to Riddle to explain what happened and stop him from cutting off Deuce's head.
“Thank you so much (Y/N).” He smiles at you. “I promise I'll fix the door tomorrow.”
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“Hello (Y/N). Is something wrong?” Jack knew that for you to be calling at that time there was little chance of it being for a simple conversation. You explain to him what happened. “Did you hear any other strange noises?” You say there was absolutely nothing else, which also worries you. And at that moment you start to hear the wood on the floor creak as if someone was climbing the stairs. “Stay safe in your room! I’m on my way!”
The thing is that when you called him, he was already getting ready for bed. So he quickly changed his clothes with the help of magic and ran out of Savanaclaw right to Ramshackle Dorm. Making sure not to wake up any of the Savanaclaw students who might already be asleep, especially Leona.
When he arrives, he uses his signature spell to transform into a wolf and sniff the outside of the dorm to try to notice if there was any different smell, from someone other than you and Grim perhaps. But he doesn't notice anything strange in the air. Which meant that either there was nothing strange going on or whoever showed up was really good at hiding their tracks.
He approaches the front door and tries to listen inside. And that's when he hears you scream. He wastes no more time, breaks down the door in his wolf form and follows the trail of your scent to you. Upstairs. In your bedroom.
As soon as a huge white wolf appears at the door of your bedroom, Grim and the ghosts are the ones who scream this time. No one else was there with you. Jack returns to his beastman form.
“What happened? Did someone break into the dorm? Have they already run away?” He still had his defensive and ready to attack posture.
You apologize to him and explain that Grim's cry for help was nothing more than him being melodramatic when he discovered he was out of snacks.
“So who was coming up the stairs when you called me?”
After Grimm screams, the ghosts appear and they thought it was an excellent opportunity to scare you. They had just jump-scared you before Jack showed up. Up until then they had been making strange noises to build the suspense.
“And did you find that funny?!” Jack shouts at them. “This could have been an emergency! You shouldn't joke about something like that!” He starts to calm down as the ghosts apologize and Grim says it wasn't out of spite. And he remembers one thing. He puts his hand on the back of his neck and rubs it. “Oh, um... I... I ended up breaking down your door to get in. I'm sorry. I'll fix it.”
After all that and at a time like that, you invite Jack to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm. It's the least you can do for getting him into all that mess.
“Well, that would be very helpful. Especially because I don't want to risk waking up anyone in my dorm when I get back. But... are you sure?” You could see his tail starting to wag a little.
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“Good evening (Y/N).” Epel greets you “Is everything alright?” You explain to him what happened. “Hmm?! M-Maybe it's nothing serious. D-Do you have any way of knowing what happened safely? You know, without you being noticed if someone is there I mean?”
You say you'll try and Epel hears you walking and leaving the door of your bedroom but then he stops hearing anything.
“(Y/N)? Can you hear me?... (Y/N)?!” He looks at his cell phone and sees that the call has disconnected. “Land sakes alive, what have I done now? I gotta get on over there right this minute!” AKA: "AH! What have I done? I have to go there! NOW!"
He changes his clothes as quickly as possible with the help of magic and runs out of Pomefiore. Praying that no one spots him and stops him. The part about someone stopping him didn't happen, now the part about being seen or noticed could be another story.
When he arrives at Ramshackle Dorm he tries to call you again, but it seems like your cell phone is turned off. He prepares his magic pen and thinks about breaking the door with magic. But then he realizes that he can make your situation worse, since he doesn't know what's happening inside.
Until he hears you scream and then he forgets all his pacifist options and breaks down the door as his instinct was telling him to do.
“(Y/N)?!” he calls for you.
“EPEL?!” He hears your incredulous voice. It was coming from the lounge, so he runs there. To find you, Grim and the ghosts safe and sound.
"What in tarnation happened? Y'all alright?"
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“You're pulling my leg, ain't you? All this hullabaloo over a little snack?” You, Grim and the ghosts look at him confused. He clears his throat. “I mean, all this fuss for a late night snack?” He looks at Grim in annoyance. “Wait!” He looks at you. “What about your cell phone? The call dropped and I couldn't call you anymore.”
You explain that you ran out of battery on it.
“And your scream just now?”
The ghosts had decided to take advantage of the situation to prank on you. He looks at the ghosts with the same look of annoyance that he looked at Grim. Epel takes a deep breath and sighs. You all heard the wind making the now broken door creak.
“Ah! The door!” He realizes. “I’m so sorry. I break it to get in. I can fix it, I promise. I can make it as good as new. I can make it look like new. Since you'll probably need a new one anyway. I´m sorry... again.”
After all that, at a time like that, and thinking about the problems he will have when he returns, you invite Epel to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm. And you say that you will explain everything to Vil, especially the fact that Epel did that because he thought you were in danger.
“R-Really?! Um, but are you sure it's okay for me to sleep here tonight?”
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“HUMAN!” Sebek shout at your ear. “What is your business calling me at an unacceptable hour like this?” You explain to him what happened. “Don't be ridiculous! I'm sure nothing serious could be happening.” You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and approaching your bedroom. You tell him this. “Are you saying those footsteps sound like a human and not Grim?” The call hangs up. “Human?... (Y/N)! I DEMAND THAT YOU ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO ME!” But he doesn't hear anything else.
Under normal circumstances he would notify Lilia and ask for permission to leave Diasomnia at an hour like that. But he was also trained to act in emergencies and this was one of those times. He cannot waste any time and must leave immediately for Ramshackle Dorm.
Despite his temperament, he was trained to know how to act in these types of situations. He must first analyze what is happening and only then create a plan. Otherwise he takes the risk of making things even worse and in the worst case scenario, your life will end because of his irresponsibility. He approaches the door and listens. Things were calm, too calm. Until he hears you scream!
He immediately breaks down the door with just his strength and takes out his magic pen. He hears movement upstairs. In your room. He runs there and when he arrives, his warning shout gives a heart-stopping scare to everyone there with you. Which is just Grim and the ghosts.
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on. And then he and the ghosts decided to take advantage of the situation to play a trick on you.
“Was that why you screamed before I came in?” He asks. You confirm. “What about your cell phone? The call ended after you told me you heard someone coming up the stairs.” Your cell phone ran out of battery.
“HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS? You should always have your greatest means of communication ready for an emergency!” He then looks at Grim. “AND YOU! You should redefine your priorities! Asking for help over a snack is unacceptable!” Before Grim can complain, he finally looks at the ghosts, but still referring to Grim as well. “And what you did, from what I know, humans call it a prank. I always found them unnecessary and ridiculous. And look how right I am! UNACCEPTABLE TO BE USED IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS!”
Grim starts arguing with Sebek until the ghosts say he's right. That was a mean joke at a bad time and they apologize to both you and Sebek. Which brings a smug to his face.
You hear a creak, the wind passing through the broken door.
“Do you see where your joke took you? You made me break down the door thinking it was a rescue.”
“You broke her because you wanted to!” Grim responds. “We didn't force you into anything!”
Sebek sighs, annoyed. “Very well, I'll find a way to fix the door. BUT MAY THIS BE THE LAST TIME YOU TRICK (Y/N) TO THE POINT OF CALLING ME TO COME HERE!”
After all that and at a time like that, you invite Sebek to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm.
“Don't worry.” He says “There will be no such need. Just as I came here, I can easily return without any problems.” But if you say that you feel bad about making him go to Ramshackle Dorm for nothing and that it is the least you can do for the inconvenience, he might reconsider. “Oh, I see. You're still scared, are you not? Very well, I can keep you company tonight.”
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ recommend that you read this for context ]
“You’re…. here?” Taehyung is confused.
It’s not like he was unhappy to see you or anything, in fact his insides felt as if they could fucking explode out of joy right now you’re here. He could of sworn you were mad at him, like reallly mad at him like i’m not talking to you for at least 24 hours, running you over with a car in my mind i’ll push you off a bridge type of mad at him but like he said you’re… here, at his front door. Kinda weird he notes, you definitely do have a key that you make very frequent use of but he decides he’ll call you out on it later.
“Problem?” You voice seems hoarse.
Taehyung frowns. Had you been crying?
You immediately notice the frown that boy in front of you wears and let out a small cough in an attempt to clear your throat.
“Problem?” You try again followed by an awkward smile.
Taehyung can’t help but mirror your small smile with his own boxy grin “Never”
You now sit on Taehyung’s soft brown couch legs crossed holding one of his many decorative pillows to your chest. You inhale deeply and a musky wood scent fills your nose as you exhale his automatic air freshener, located on a shelf near his tv, goes off and a sickly sweet rose scent fills the room. You scrunch your nose up in disgust but choose not to comment on it knowing that your complaints will fall onto deaf ears as Taehyung claims the smell is “super romantic and alllll the girls love it” You giggle at the memory.
“Water right?”
You break away from your thoughts and look over your shoulder to find Taehyung’s eyes staring right back at you over his kitchen counter. You’ve always liked the way Taehyung’s place was laid out. The open plan really helps his home feel connected and has become your groups go to when hanging out.
You give Taehyung a small nod and turn back around. Something’s…. missing. Your gaze falls to the floor. Oh. You now notice one of Yoentan’s chew toys tucked under the corner of Tae’s fluffy carpet, the toy is purple in colour and what seems to be in a bone shape. Your lips pull into a smile.
“Where’s Tan?” You question.
Unbeknownst to you Tae freezes. “I— erm he’s with my parents right now” He internally cringes he hates lying to you. “Schedules have been real busy lately had to put him somewhere” At least that part was true.
Realistically there was no need to lie you about Yeontan’s whereabouts. I mean sure you would have looked at him funny probably asked a bunch of questions too but ultimately he could have told you. Yet he knew as soon as that question left your mouth he wasn’t going to tell you the truth.
Simply because he’s afraid.
Afraid that you’ll be ok with where Yeontan is right now. Who he’s with right now. And knowing you as much as Taehyung hates to admit it you most likely would be okay with it. You’ll probably read into it congratulate him on finding someone. Taehyung physically rolls his eyes at the thought. He wants you to burn like he did, like he does. He wants the thought of him choosing to leave Yeontan in the care of her instead of you consumes you whole. He wants it to devour you to haunt your every waking thought he wants it to—
“He’s all the way in Deagu? You know i would of taken him if you needed me to”
Taehyung blinks “I know”
He definitely does know.
But call him jealous, call him petty he didn’t care the thought of you and Jaehyun, Joon, Yoongi, Kook and fuck even Hoseok now consumed him. Consumes him. And that’s practically why he felt no shame in calling that number buried so deep in his contact list a week ago.
Now though, he must admit as he sits around an arms length away from you on his couch this whole “no shame” thing he was feeling before had just turned into pure guilt. Taehyung desperately tries to find your eyes but you refuse to make contact the air around you both suddenly awkward. Do you know he’s lying to you perhaps? Or is this just you upset because of the breakup? It’s very rare for Taehyung to be at a loss of what to say most of the time, so with everything in him he decides to break the awkwardness that has somehow found you both.
“Soooo…you went to see Hobi?”
Your eyes lighten up instantly thankful that Tae had taken the initiative to break the silence “Yeah i just wanted to make sure he got that the whole situation wasn’t actually his fault you know he gets in his head about that kind of stuff”
Taehyung nods along with what your saying
Another wave of awkward silence takes over.
You sigh and begin to get up off the couch.
“Maybe i should lea—”
“Did you fuck him?”
Both you and Tae’s eyes widen after the bold question leaves the man’s lips. Taehyung even slaps his hand over his mouth to had to the dramatics of it all.
“I’m sorry?” You begin
“No i’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to ask that i just— i just noticed you are wearing Hobi’s hoodie and i just thought that— you know so i asked and—” Tae rambles trying to save himself.
You look down at the light blue hoodie you’re wearing very clearly not yours and equally clearly Hoseok’s due to the bold “J-HOPE” printed on each hoodie cuff and it entirely being a little too big for you. You look back up from the hoodie to Tae finding him still rambling on.
“I mean with you Jaehyun it’s like crazy so if you—”
You make eye contact with Taehyung and he shuts up almost immediately.
“What if i did?” The air shifts.
“Huh?” Taehyung is quick to reply
“Fuck Hoseok, what if i did fuck Hoseok?”
“T-thats cool” Taehyung suddenly feels small under your intense gaze.
“Is it?” You press
Taehyung nods unable to trust his own voice right now.
“Are you sure Taehyung?”
“Super sure. I don’t care”
“Then why ask?”
Taehyung turns his head away from you breaking the eye contact you both once held. The Tension in the room in the room is thick, suffocating. Taehyung takes a deep breath.
You’re here.
And Taehyung is still confused as to why. You’re making him feel guilty. Taehyung has nothing to feel guilty about. You’re still here you shouldn’t be here. Not after what’s happened today no. You’re here, why are you still here? This isn’t fair, not on him on you, on Hobi, on Joon Yoongi Koo—
Your delicate fingers on his jaw pull Taehyung both out of this spiralling thoughts and his head to face you again.
“I’m here” You speak slowly to him.
Taehyung can’t breath, he won’t breathe he refuses to breathe so many thoughts, too many thoughts it’s-it’s all not fair. Hot, his body feels hot his mind feels hot everything is just hot and the way you’re looking at him is just so…
Fuck it. Taehyung throws all the nonexistent composure he had out the window and tugs you closer smashing his lips onto yours. His hands immediately find you hair while yours find rest on his neck your tongues dance in each other’s mouths for what feels like hours your kiss filled with so much passion and unspoken words before Taehyung pulls away for some much needed air. His hair just as disheveled as yours and lips just as swollen he smiles at you. He doesn’t say anything just stares and smiles. You go to open you mouth to say something but he’s quick to cut you off by diving back into your lips. He does this partly out of fear you’ll ask him to stop say this isn’t right and leave and party no fuck that definitely because if your lips aren’t on him in the next five seconds he’ll actually pass away.
In this moment Taehyung is happy. He’s happy and you’re here.
i don’t know where tf this came from shocked at myself actually
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @sopebubbles-replies @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp
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Aita for having a foursome without my partner while in a committed relationship?
I, 18f, am in a relationship with my partner who I will call Mike, 21m. Our relationship started in January when we meet on a hookup sight, and we liked the hookup enough to keep seeing each other and then we developed feelings. I'm from a pretty rural place and therefore the pickings of good men are slim so it felt like I hit the jackpot when I met Mike cause he was funny and didn't pressure me sexually and could actually make me cum.
But as our relationship became more serious I noticed things that were bothering me like how he's hardly on his phone so he doesn't text me back for anywhere from 2 to over 24 hours at a time.
He also in the beginning wasn't very good at communicating which lead me to not knowing what he wants from our relationship. He also wouldn't tell me he couldn't make plans until right before, or even after, the plans were meant to start. This happened often because he doesn't tell his parents that he has other plans when they ask him to do something (he still lives with his parents) and it even happened a couple times with his friends.
This is a slightly big issue to me because I have trauma based abandonment issues and BPD, and I will get upset and have an episode. Obviously it's not his fault I have these episodes and he's not causing them on purpose, but having episodes that often was negatively effecting my mental health.
My best friend Ken and roommate, 18n, and our two other friends, Julian, 18n, and Mac, 20n, had to witness the toll these episodes had on my mental health as I grew more depressed and anxious during the 5 months I allowed this to happen. They continuously encouraged me to either speak to him about his behavior or break up and I ended up talking to him and his behavior seemed to get better. (For context I only can see him about once a week because he has a job with long hours and works on his dad's farm on top of that)
Around this time my friends starting having threesomes together (Mac and Julian are ex fuck buddies and Mac and Ken are engaged) and they kept making jokes about how it should be a foursome/I should join then.
I brought these jokes up to Mike one of the times he was going to hang out with my friends incase made the joke in front of him as i didn't want him to go in unprepared. He said I should just "have sex with them to get the joke to stop" and I was like "??? We agreed to be exclusive, that would be cheating. Also if I wanted them to stop I could just ask" and he was like "yeah I guess but I still think you should just have sex with them. Just do it" I changed the subject cause I couldn't tell if he was joking and it made me uncomfortable.
I told my friends later when we were alone and they told me that was him giving me the go to have sex with them.
So I did, even though I held some reservations that he might have been jokinh. I had a foursome with them, and as I am the photographer of the group, took lots of photos and pictures and even sent the photos and pictures to the groupchat we share so the others could have them.
Then after it ended I started to second guess myself and deleted all the photos from my phone and texted Mike that I really needed to talk to him, like sooner then we usually would (since I had just seen him typically I wouldn't see him until next week). I felt gross like I had cheated, which is something I have always vehemently been against, and betrayed Mike's trust as we're in a committed relationship. I admitted these feelings to my friends and they said it wasn't cheating cause he told me too and even if he hadn't he was still horrible to me and he deserved it.
Only the last part made me feel even worse cause I don't believe anyone deserves to be cheated on.
I ended up telling Mike everything and he told me that it wasnt cheating because I "was basically just a promoted camera man" and that he had told me to do it anyway. But them he started making jokes about it. Like if I asked if he wanted to watch a show, he'd say "I don't watch TV shows with dirty cheaters" or things like "oh yeah, Mac, your other boyfriend" or "yeah i know how close you and Ken are" and just generally seems to get quieter when i bring up those three friends. I would originally think the comments were teasing as he's a playful guy but he started to say it enough that I can't tell if there's actually truth to it and a part of him thinks I'm a cheater, or all of him thinks I'm a cheater and he's lying that he's fine about it to not hurt my feelings/ruin our relationship.
Every time I voice my feelings to my friends (even the ones I didn't have sex with) they tell me that I'm not in the wrong but I feel like I definitely am in the wrong and a cheater, and I think that Mike might feel that way too. So I've come to Tumblr to look for unbiased options on whether or not I am and asshole and a cheater for having a foursome while in a committed relationship?
What are these acronyms?
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wutheringskies · 10 months
List: Wei Ying's Attitude Towards Lan Zhan (Pt 1)
Cloud Recesses Arc (Chronological)
1. First Impression: Lan Zhan is very, very pretty with a stern expression on his face, as if he's in mourning. Learning of his reputation, learning that he's well-spoken, smart and academically an ace.
2. Their dynamic forms: Wei Wuxian is annoyed by how Lan Wangji treats him, how he appears to be an immovable polished piece of jade and wishes to break through his composure by annoying him - he wants to be treated specially.
3. Respecting Lan Zhan's talents and genuine desire for friendship: Learning that Lan Zhan's reputation isn't fake. Despite being so young, he can carry three people onto his sword, think logically, and help people. Secondly, Wei Wuxian respects his integrity as Lan Zhan punishes himself as well for breaking the rules, despite the gap in their status. He wishes to become closer to Lan Wangji as they share similar values.
4. The first tones of romance: Wei Wuxian has always been interested in seeing how Lan Wangji would be as a romantic partner, thus baiting him with porn and "girls in Yunmeng." As Wei Wuxian hangs out with his friends, he sees Lan Wangji alone and wants to give him friends as well - the kind that Lan Wangji will like - so, he gives him two rabbits, which were in a compromising position and turned out to be both male. Secondly, he is very interested in Lan An's story as this is a new context to be applied to Lan Wangji.
Pre-Sunshot Campaign
1. Lan Wangji as his maiden: Wei Wuxian unknowingly always puts Lan Wangji into the place of a "maiden" - what I mean by this is that, when the girls chase after him in Yunmeng, he sighs and thinks of Lan Wangji. When he sees Lan Wangji's forehead ribbons, he thinks of pulling a girl's ponytails and tugs it. Thus, he has moved on from baiting Lan Zhan with girls to see how he would be in a romantic context to placing Lan Zhan as the maiden in a heterosexual context.
2. Stage of Denial: As Wei Wuxian's feelings for Lan Wangji keep surging subconsciously, yet he keeps facing with one rejection after the other, a proud man as him enters the stage of denial. Here, he constantly lies to himself, gives excuses for his actions, hides his thoughts and reframes events - aka, he gaslights himself.
• We know he has been thinking of Lan Zhan well after studying in Gusu (he studied for 3 months, Jiang Cheng studied for a year. In the lotus pod extra he's still talking about Lan Zhan and it's a common occurrence, so at least until 9 months later, he's still talking about him) yet he says in Qishan Archery Competition that he has forgotten about him. Secondly, he says he doesn't recognize Lan Wangji, yet he mentions that his fingers look suited to playing the guqin, thus he already recognizes this handsome man and his emotions surge, yet he calms himself down by framing his thoughts to make himself seem less attached.
• This behavior continues throughout the Qishan Wen Indoctrination. He went to Mianmian's side to get the perfume pouch after he heard it had medicinal herbs, and Lan Zhan's leg was injured. Yet Lan Zhan gets jealous and refuses his help, Wei Wuxian later takes a jab at his broken leg when he's bejng supported by Jiang Cheng - upset that he was refused once more.
• At this point, 2 years after meeting Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian is giving up on his thoughts of them becoming friends, even petulantly whining to Lan Zhan, that "why do you not like me???"
• He shoves all of his feelings down, and accepts that he needs to give Lan Zhan more space.
• Yet even after the Xuanwu Cave, we can see that though he wished to give Lan Zhan more space, he continued to ask questions after question about him to Jiang Cheng.
Sunshot Campaign
1. Takes a Hint: Now, Wei Wuxian is no longer a child. He has been through too many things, has too many responsibilities to worry about his "childhood ambition" of becoming friends with Lan Zhan. After his return, the first thing they do is have a fight - to Wei Wuxian's point of view, it is that, after each of his attempts to become closer have been squashed, now finally they're fighting - aka, they are on opposite sides. Thus, Lan Wangji suddenly turning 180 degrees back by wanting to take him back to Gusu registers as a "punishment." He simply can't even imagine a context where Lan Zhan likes him. Thus, this stage, I call - Wei Wuxian takes a hint (the wrong one.)
2. Confusion and Hurt: Wei Wuxian is already suffering through major identity crisis and plenty of trauma. In such a setting, he cannot evaluate Lan Wangjj's actions and arguments with him as "concern, care or worry." He cannot think of his opinions over digging graves etc as "righteous." Lan Wangji is "against him." Wei Wuxian suppresses his feelings well, and has moved on from wanting to be friends. Yet he does not agree with those who call them enemies - refusing to take Lan Zhan's behavior towards him as "hate."
Post-Sunshot Campaign
1. Hiding all his weaknesses: Now, Sunshot Campaign is over and Wei Wuxian is very aware that he's going to be hated by everyone sooner or later. He's scared and he doesn't know what to do, where he stands, and also regrets some of what he has done. He is without any backing, without any support - he covers up his vulnerability by standing up too tall, by talking arrogantly, by pretending that he's so strong - in his act, he doesn't notice Lan Zhan subtly moving towards him (metaphorically and literally), and walks past him, leaving him behind.
2. Shifting of Dynamic, Rekindling Hope and Extreme Fear and Vulnerability: Now that for the first time in years, that Wei Wuxian has time to breathe and momentarily, no immediate responsibilities or distractions his feeling surge again. He is still in denial about his feelings, but now the amount of gaslighting he does is truly remarkable. Firstly, he wished to place Lan Zhan in a romantic context (whether or not it included him), secondly he imagined Lan Zhan as a maiden for HIM, now thirdly, he is placing himself into the spot of "the maiden"
-> Throwing flowers at Lan Zhan along with other girls
-> Conveniently making the remark that of course, he doesn't imagine that Lan Zhan will ever take the initiative and kiss someone (aka, he wishes Lan Zhan will take initiative because he's put himself out there for so long, and he is tired.)
Now, Wei Wuxian's feelings towards Lan Zhan are very much real, the minor crush growing into something more - like a flower bud that wants to be watered to bloom. But since it isn't welcomed, he forces them back into his heart:
1. Admitting he finds Lan Zhan handsome - admitting some degree of physical attraction and admiration by throwing a flower at him.
2. Asking for his headband knowing it is somehow symbolic (something important to him, a privelege). Subconsciously playing Wangxian, and then finally getting kissed. For some reason, he FAILS to mention Lan Zhan's signature scent of sandalwood despite his senses being so keen. Why? In my opinion - it's him suppressing that thought. He knows the maiden is remarkably strong, he has an inkling that it is HIM so, he allows the kiss to go on, excusing it with the excuse that "how embarrassed the maiden will be once he sees her." After all, even when Lan Zhan asks him much later "you didn't know whom the person was so why didn't you resist, and then why did you tell me this?" Wei Wuxian doesn't answer him, but instead laughs at him for being jealous. In truth, I feel, this is another one of Wei Wuxian's deflections.
He knows admitting that he smelt the sandalwood would make it impossible for him to not relate to Lan Zhan. He knows only Lan Zhan was in the vicinity. He knows only Lan Zhan has showed any significant connection to him - someone like Wei Wuxian would definitely know if a girl liked him. But he can't read Lan Zhan. He also knows Lan Zhan is conveniently acting different than usual - yet, he doesn't probe too much, which is uncharacteristic of him. Not to mention, Lan Zhan is showing significant negative emotion towards him - asking him to go away. Wei Wuxian subtly sneaks in one of the doubts he's carried for three years now, "do you hate me?" But it's unanswered. Wei Wuxian is afraid and he's feeling self conscious again, eyes tearing up, so what does he do?
Act pretentious.
"Of course, I've a lot of experience. Even if it was you, it doesn't matter, haha. This isn't special to me. You aren't making me feel anything special. You aren't making me weak. You aren't hurting me."
After this, he is relieved. He has hid well. His feeling are hidden perfectly. To confirm, he even asks Lan Zhan og he's ever kissed, etc. Lan Zhan doesn't say yes or no, but Wei Wuxian has convinced himself that it wouldn't have been Lan Zhan. He makes up an imaginary maiden who kissed him. He says he never tried to find her to not embarass her. After he is sure it wasn't Lan Zhan, he is not interested in finding out who kissed him.
Successfully gaslighted □
The next incident is at Yunmeng, and it's by far the most obvious thing Wei Wuxian has done to show his feelings towards Lan Wangji. He casually admits that Lan Zhan is very handsome, and bestows plenty of flowers of all meanings upon him.
But the most important is the peony. Wei Wuxian reaches out towards Lan Wangji all the time. Each time, he's a bit more hurt, a bit more scared, a bit more vulnerable. So, this time, he's giving Lan Wangji and his surging feelings a chance - either Lan Wangji takes it and he allows his feelings to surge, or Lan Wangji doesn't take it and he swallows all his feelings back inside, rewrites the whole narrative and moves on with his life.
Thus, he throws out a flower that can either mean "a confession" or a separation.
He doesn't expect Lan Wangji to come up the inn. He expects it to be a separation. But he does come up - yet what follows is an argument, their last one. From Lan Wangji's point of view, it is also last time he asks Wei Wuxian to come to Gusu with him - to walk the same path moving forward, a last offer of protection. In a way both of them are confessing, yet they don't know.
When they part on dubious terms, Wei Wuxian doesn't know what to do - Lan Wangji DID come up, he did talk to him - that is not indifference or hate. It does not guarantee separation. Wei Wuxian just takes it as concern, without any confirmation from Lan Wangji himself.
Now, Wei Wuxian goes back to Lotus Pier in a dark mood. He says he met someone who wanted to lock him up - in a way, it must be addressed that Wei Wuxian's feelings are like chains for him. They don't liberate him. He needs to constantly suppress them. Jiang Cheng remarks it must have been Wei Wuxian who called out to Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian comments that he himself is ridiculous. He is frustrated over his feelings, unable to understand why he is placing himself into a position like this, why he has hopes only for them to be crushed again and again, yet unable to actually realize anything as he hasn't admitted it all to himself yet. Later, they talk about Yanli and Zixuan, and Wei Wuxian finds himself the perfect cover to talk to his shijie. He asks why people like one another - why does he have to feel so scared and afraid and vulnerable - and tells himself he's asking on part of his shijie. He convinces himself that he won't ever like anyone that much, thus once again - suppressing his feelings.
Later, at Koi Tower, he drinks from Lan Wangji's cup, unable to see him be disrespected and presents his case to the banquet. He ends up having to threaten everyone. Wei Wuxian HAS to make himself into something he is not. He's unafraid. At least that is what he wants to think.
Wei Wuxian glanced over at him (Lan Wangji). In those eyes, light as cat’s eye chrysoberyl, he saw his own near-hideous reflection.
This is how he truly feels - not just about himself (my boy literally has to carry a fake persona and be so strong and so alone for YEARS) but also how he perceives Lan Wangji's attitude towards him, and it stings him, but luckily he has more things to do than worry about how Lan Zhan feels about him.
YiLing Laozu
1. A ray of hope, separation and acceptance: Few weeks in the Burial Mounds has matured Wei Wuxian. He is naturally someone who works better when there is a goal, when there are people depending onto him. He has made his decision to walk his chosen path to its bitter end. Far away from the public's eyes, with his fear of being hated and ostracized, realized, now it is like he has little to lose, so he tries to make the best of it. When Lan Zhan visits YiLing, Wei Wuxian doesn't throw any curveballs to him. He doesn't ask too much, doesn't hope for anything, doesn't play around. Just enjoys some company time with him. Even when Lan Zhan brings up their persistent issues and pushes back them into the sphere of reality, Wei Wuxian deflects and only then shows some of his frustration. Yet, when Lan Zhan leaves, he chases after him to bid him goodbye. He tells him of his chosen path, asks him to form his own opinions about things, shows some trust in his integrity. They eventually go their own ways, the mood sombre. This time Wei Wuxian accepts that they aren't meant to be friends, but does say that they aren't enemies. Just people meant to walk separate paths. Thus, his feelings are no longer useful to him. They can't lead towards anything. He accepts it.
2. Extreme, Extreme Hurt: Acceptance doesn't mean it does not hurt. Just how long has Wei Wuxian suppressed his feelings? Just how long has he swallowed every hurt, every rejection? Just how many times has he called out first? Just how many times had he waited? When Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji stand on different sides in Nightless City with their weapons pointed at each other, Wei Wuxian finally "terms" Lan Wangji's attitude towards him: I knew from the start that we would have a real fight like this one, sooner or later. You've always found me disagreeable, no matter what.
"Wei WuXian had already lost his judgement. He was already half-mad, half-unconscious. All evil was being augmented by him. He felt that everyone loathed him and he loathed everyone as well. He wouldn’t be scared no matter who came at him. It wouldn’t matter no matter who came at him. It was all the same anyway."
He'd been scared, vulnerable and weak for so long, masking it with a layer of arrogance and humor. Yet now he simply can't do it any longer and his fears spill out, the darker thoughts he'd suppressed. He's like a child crying, saying it won't matter whatever his feelings were, he'd hurt them all. He was done of being hurt and scared, of hiding, of being treated like the problem. Note, that he has always wanted to be Lan Wangji's friend, always stated that they weren't enemies even when everyone around him laughed at his audacity. Now, he is done harboring hopes. He is ready to spill out all those things he's been holding back, all the fears he held.
Yet later, Lan Wangji is the one who helps him, hides him away, talks to him softly. If any part of Wei Wuxian was conscious, he'd have felt utter and complete exhaustion. "Get lost." As in, he is done. He doesn't wish for Lan Wangji to owe anything to him. He doesn't wish to change his perspectives once again. He has lost all hope, all will. He doesn't want to deal with it anymore. He can't leave by himself, he can't pretend otherwise, he can't make excuses, he can't hide in the face of Lan Wangji's action - so he can only drive him away.
If Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji ever had a few years of peace after they hit the age of eighteen, they would've figured their feelings out. Yet, everytime something is about to come out of their relationship, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji go through a major ordeal that pushes them back to base zero. In their first life, their relationship ends on a tragedy.
Lan Wangji's full-grown tree of his feelings doesn't get to provide Wei Ying with its shade, left forever alone until the tree eventually dies. Meanwhile, Wei Ying's sprouts never get the water it needs to grow spontaneously.
One can't fall in love as deeply as Wei Ying is with Lan Zhan after his revival in just three months. Thus, I hope this post made it easier to see just how deep his feelings ran. I will write a follow-up post about his attitude towards Lan Zhan in his second life!
Do let me know your thoughts as well.
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yannaryartside · 3 months
A revision of Claire’s “pushing” and who really benefits from it
A list of red flags I have been thinking about.
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gif by @felixcarlucci
I was reading this post and reflecting on why it felt, like @brokenwinebox mentioned, that Carmy was always in the passenger seat in the relationship with Claire (physically and metaphorically); their post is amazing, by the way, talking about this concept of "pushing" and how it should be a mutual thing.
I want to go back to the party and the context of Carmy and Claire's past. All of it is enhanced by that interview with Molly we have been discussing.
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My biggest question here is:
Why? Why the hell Claire "could tell" that Carmy wanted a relationship with her? They hadn't spoken in more than a decade, for real, wtf kind of signal did she see that he wanted to be with her? Does she think he has been in love with her all this time? Did she get that idea when she supposedly met Mickey? Because if she pursues Carmy, assuming he has feelings for her but only assuming this because of what other people told her, that is kinda fucked up. It all goes back to Fak being the one that tells her that Carmy loved her after all that shit he said while being stuck in the fridge. I swear to God that the more Molly says things favoring ClairexCarmy, the more red flags I see. Did Claire pursue Carmy knowing it would be a sure thing. "Oh yeah I remember you, you had the most obvious crush on me"
There is also the context of both of them growing up in the same spaces, Carmy very shy and Claire a very popular girl. Did she hear how lonely that was, which made her assume he was avoiding her because of a lack of social experience?
In their first phone call, she never let him explain if he was bussy, even after all that talk of her being supportive of the restaurant she said "don't make this weird," Claire was completely dismissing that Carmy was indeed doing something important to him; she never offered to work around both of their schedules, almost like she knew that if she "pushed" enough, she would get what she wanted.
And even that, their first date or hangout is not to a coffee place, maybe a restaurant with Claire actually interested in Carmy's profession and passion, or any other place they could get to actually know each other after, I repeat, a decade of not seeing each other. She brought him to a party.
She knows the Berzattos and how gatering will go on their avail, she knows Michael will set things on fire, she knows he comes from a family of addicts, and she knows carmy had difficulties on social environments (we can assume by the pictures they had around, taht Carmy attended to her birthday party and other stuff surely).
So why the fuck, on their first "date," not only does she insist on going to a party, but she tells him that he "owns her" to go there? Where there is alcohol and other people that he may felt rejected for as a kid? She knows this is a scenario that may cause him anxiety or discomfort, and she insists he must go. Maybe I am projecting a little bit here, since I am autistic, and at some point in all my friendships or relationships, I have to have a conversation about places that, because of my disability, I don't enjoy.
(little note aside: the excuse "my friend needs me" to convince him to go was utterly pathetic. Almost as much as "you own me.")
But what does this mean coming from Claire in the "pushing" thing? Does she feel she can push him to become (kinda by force) the person that will hang out in the same places as she does, assuming that is still what he wants?
She also knows that he probably felt cast aside from social events because of his shyness, and she invites him to provide all the things that may cause her to look like his only anchor in this stressful scenario.
She brought him the soft drink, tried to tell other people what a cool job he has, and told him what to do to comfort and upset a friend of hers. It felt like she was walking him on a tutorial on "how to be normal," and I didn't like that at all. Again, I may be projecting here, but the dynamic was kind of hollow regardless.
It is not like it is bad for Carmen to socialize and whatever. But she removed his agency completely; it feels like manipulation on many levels because she has perceived a lot of his struggle in this area; she also ignored his first reaction to going to the party and flipped her way. Carmy ended up trapped with a lot of immature young adults with whom he definitely has nothing in common. There was no space for actual empathy or connection to him to "come out of his shell." His conversations with Sydney are so natural because of this; there is connection and mutual respect, and he was very out of his shell with her.
The Pushing between Carmy and Syd this next season will likely be in a professional context but also rooted in a (future) agreement on mutual collaboration. But my feelings about this are not only for sydcarmy.
The "pushing" in ClairexCarmy was always in the context of Claire getting what she wanted and Carmy having to force himself to make it happen. There was no discussion, no middle ground, not even a recognition of why certain things have been difficult for you in the past; it is not an actual intention of helping to heal, but an expectation of the other to go your way "because they want you/love you. Claire is sure that only because of her will he want to change, and she will gain his heart by providing the scenario for all these things Carmy desperately wanted as a kid. I am sorry, Storer, if this is the love story you want to sell us, a salvation of all lonely/hurt people, I am very sorry, I hate it with all my heart.
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knightobreath · 20 days
oliver's epic ii2 movie act 1 trailer analysis
ok so ! theres a lot. im going through it scene by scene
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steve cobs KEEPS calling mephone. what the hell is his plan here. i would say mephone should just block his ass but i have a feeling that he is unable to. I predict that he's gonna have to answer at some point.
(also, i went and checked, but the sound that played is the same as the hang up sound from ep15)
also hotel oj party yayyy everyone gets to hang out and have some fun before everything goes to Shit!
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this shot's just fucked up man. i don't think i need to explain what this parallels.
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this is either a realization or someone walking in, and i think it's the latter because there's little build up. I cannot tell who it would be based on his reaction only, but it Would be someone in the hotel.
OR. what if it's another hallucination like with 4s in the iii finale? That would explain why there's no light from a door opening.
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baseball was already upset before seeing taco & mepad
his reaction BARELY CHANGED when he did see them (the eyebag line showed up after he looked through the door)
mepad is comforting taco, who is likely worked up about you know. talking to pickle and mic
man i actually like the bullets format im going with this from now on
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mic is happy! I don't have any predictions for the context of this scene
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we're getting stuff on knife and trophy!
can't really extrapolate from this scene, hard to tell if trophy was throwing the can there on purpose or not.
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test tube, fan, and paintbrush are going to play a very active role in the episode
As pointed out here, they're in the area that Paintbrush burned down in episode 12.
This area has a direct tie to Cobs with the painting, it's possible that they're trying to stop him on their own.
The device test tube is holding is a reused asset, and was both the time machine from episode 12 and the gem detecting device from episode 13. due to this reuse of the asset, we can't know for sure what it does here.
My prediction is that the device is being used to detect something meeple-related.
I'll note here that mephone is only shown inside of the hotel for the duration of the trailer, I believe that he might be hiding in there for most of this act while the contestants go out and actually try to fix things.
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NOW THIS IS INTERESTING. Knife and suitcase are traveling in the Grand Slams balloon from Theft and Battery.
Since it's only the two finalists, this could be a part of the final challenge.
Hot air balloons in ii have only been used twice. once in theft and battery to get to mecloud, and once in the great bluish bake-off to get to the end of the desert.
I predict that because of cobs's importance to the plot of this episode that this balloon is going to mecloud, although I'm not entirely sold on the idea.
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I predict that this goes before the scene where they're outside of the hotel.
tt and pb have an idea! and they're confident in it.
Judging by paper's expression, this was brought on by something Not Good Happening.
blah blah somehow i connect this to meeple shenanigans okay moving on
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simple! suitcase and knife entering the hotel
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hi lightbulb
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Cobs is PERSISTENT. voiceover backs this up
He must call mephone a lot during the episode
Mephone is clearly running off so people don't see him constantly receiving these calls. i bet hes having a complete crisis over it. panic attack
I predict that as the justification because hotel OJ seems to be a relatively safe space. Theres a total horror to it, a looming danger only one person can really see. He's being hunted down in the middle of a party.
I predict that Cobs's presence in this episode is mostly through this looming horror.
Then there's the flashback of episode 15 with mepad being mad at mephone, voiceover is mephone asking mepad for help, and i'll take a break from dissecting visuals for a sec
MEPHONE: We can't escape him this time! MEPHONE: You have to help. MEPAD: We no longer work together. MEPHONE: Then, don't do it for me.
The voice lines may be put together from other parts of the episode
ehehe i get to talk about mepad. Okay
Mepad not working with mephone extends beyond the show. He actually just doesnt want anything to do with him anymore. oh my god
listen. i would write a whole essay about mepad and mephone rn But i have more scenes to get through.
mephone being the one guy that mepad refuses to help anymore is sending me Dude you fucked this up bad. you ruined your relationship with the one guy whos willing to help literally anyone. but it also shows how out of depth he was coming back from iii because his previous development is not helping him with his mental health this fucked
the "don't do it for me" is said over a scene showing all of the hotel oj guests implying that mepad should do it for everyone else. while this is definitely true i think mepad should also just do it for himself. please. please have mepad start doing things for himselffffffffff PLEASE
I'll touch on this more as i go through the visuals
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taco knocking on pickle's door. it's happening chat
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and i think he saw her
judging by the eye height though? I'm not actually sure. Taco isn't that tall, so either he sees Mepad or someone/thing else. Most likely has to do with taco though.
off topic but does oj seriously decorate his hotel's walls with images of cups and oranges. someone get this guy an interior decorator PLEASE
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Don't have much to say here. not much is happening and there doesn't seem to be any implications with this bit.
whys paper so mad at those hats
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off they go!
i bet these two will be running around in the background of everything a lot.
likely not using mepad's teleportation because it's flashy and noisy, which doesnt work well for stealth.
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everyone's here! except for nickel, who doesnt show up at all in this trailer. don't know what to say about that.
salt also isnt in this particular shot, but she was at the party in another shot earlier.
Oh and mephone. He's probably stepping outside to take a call hehehehehehehehehehehe
pickle also isn't here, but i expect he's either avoiding the party for some reason or preoccupied with a certain sideplot. Or both.
everyone seems to be having such a nice time enjoying themselves! it would be a shame if something horrible were to happen and several characters were to permadie
*cough*but of course that wouldnt happen. Um
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the final shot of the trailer is mepad
i love mepad
i hope he doesnt die
this means hes gonna have another big role in an episode...
it seems a lot of the plot is gonna hinge on the decisions made by mepad. specifically if he's gonna help mephone or not
okay I'm tired. i may add more later. WAIT my final thoughts,
BIG PREDICTION: Mephone will try to hide the cobs calls at the party but will get found out. When he's found out various characters (including tt pb and fan as shown earlier) will try to help in some way. This is act 1, so a lot of stuff will be set up but there wont be any big deliveries.
Mepad will play another big role.
Taco WILL talk to pickle.
Any big deaths, especially permadeaths, will either happen right at the end of this act or in a later act altogether.
more toilet. please animaitonepic Please show us toilet again. i have hope since we saw the ep12 challenge area.
this party is not ending well.
i need to rewatch season 1 i barely remember it
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zurdurer · 3 months
Stranger ramblings because I am a broken man - this is literally just about the fact dbb and gpt sing each part of this lol
I wrote this half asleep so please excuse any over explaining or whatever, I'm copin w exam season and i needed enough context for it to make sense to whatever unfortunate member of my family i decided to throw it at
Drumbot Brian is cast away, killed by the people he wanted only to help. Called a witch for his abilities and mechanical prowess when he used his machines to revive a priest. His work clashed with the religion of where he had landed and was strictly a last resort to the townsfolk. After saving the priest from breaching the veil of death a mob was gathered, determined to put an end to this man who played God. They fired him into the cold of space using his own machinery.
Brian is benevolent, moral; he does only what he believes to be right. However, he is never allowed full control of his own situation. He was near completely stripped of his humanity by Dr Carmilla, his moral trajectory can be changed at the flip of a literal switch. He only wants to help, he only wants to love and be loved back. He knows that when people learn about that aspect of his mechanism and what he can and will do when the change is made there is a risk of them manipulating it - him - to their benefit.
This is why ‘Stranger’ is so utterly heartbreaking. Of course the story behind it is tragic:
A crane visits a man disguised as a woman and falls in love, they marry and live together happily. Over time though, the crane grows sick as it sells its feathers to support them both. One day everything changes, the man discovers the true nature of the crane. He says he cannot love her any further, that she has to leave, he cannot see through her deception. Heartbroken, it respects his wishes and leaves but as she goes it tells him “You are not worthy of loving a Crane.”
Now, in the song it is Brian and Tim singing the parts of Cranewife and husband; Brian playing the Cranewife. This is incredibly important to who he is as if you look at the folktale and compare it to Brian’s experience there are a great deal of similarities.
Brian wanted only to help the townsfolk with his gifts, the Cranewife only wanted to love and support the man he (it?) loved. Neither want to be alone, in fact: Brian makes a point to never sing or perform by himself, not singing at all during the retelling of his own tale. Both give up parts of themselves, to the severest degree, to help others and yet despite all of this they are rejected and cast off. Something changes. The truth about the Cranewife is discovered just as the extent of Brian’s abilities are and they are looked upon with nothing  but disdain and fear.
Similarly, in ‘The Ignominious Demise of Dr Pilchard’, Drumbot seems particularly upset that their kidnapper hadn’t believed what he told him and accused him of lying. This was likely also to be the case when in ‘The Hanged Man Rusts’ Arthur and Gawain didn’t listen to him. Drumbot is an honest man, he takes it rather strongly when people cannot place trust in him or his word for he knows he is not a liar. He knows when people think they have been lied to they feel threatened, when they feel threatened they often don’t hesitate to hurt him.
When the Cranewife is discovered, it is accused of “spinning falsehoods into gold,” but repeats the phrase, “I meant no deceit”. It didn’t mean to lie, he didn’t want to lie. He was living truly but concealing a secret out of fear for that rejection. Not a misplaced fear though as we learn from the line, “In your place a monster I do see”.
This story is an anecdote, of course, but it sounds almost personal to Brian. As though this is what he himself has lived before or after becoming a mechanism. Even if it is not his own, him singing it feels almost like he is healing from the trauma that haunts him. Afterall, this is one of the last things we hear from him before his death. His death being something I believe to be a sign that he could face himself, his past, and give himself the chance to return to the biting cold that should have taken him aeons before.
Not only is it important that Drumbot Brian sang the part of the Cranewife, but also that Gunpowder Tim sang the part of the husband. Tim’s mechanism is his eyes after they got burnt away by a blast strong enough to annihilate the moon. Before this, however, he had been blinded more metaphorically. After the death of his close friend Bertie during the war waged by the Moon Kaiser he fell into a deep bloodlusting rage where quick and mad he carved through the Kaiser’s men. He was eventually captured by the Kaiser which led to the loss of his eyes and the introduction to his new ‘immortal’ life as a mechanism.
From this point on, near every character Tim has played has had some sort of issue with foresight, actual vision or a combination of the two. In ‘Ulysses Dies at Dawn’ he plays Oedipus who is not only blind after gouging out his own eyes but also failed to recognise the identities of his mother and father along with the Olympian’s plans to drive him off world. In ‘High Noon Over Camelot’ he plays Gawain, a hot headed young man with a blind hatred for the Ghouls. In ‘The Bifrost Incident’ he plays Loki whose own mind is hidden from her. In the song ‘Alice’ he plays Major Hare who is likely rather short sighted as he fails to notice a doormouse sat in the teapot he is sharing with opposing Major Hatter.  In ‘Pieces’ he plays Osiris, changed and unreachable after being rebuilt by Isis. In ‘Twisted Threads’ he plays Arachne who cannot see the web Athena has caught her in. This trend persists in ‘Stranger’ where he plays the husband.
The man could not recognise the true nature of the Cranewife until it began to get weaker. When he found what he had thought he loved in a form he described as a “metal demon”, he was blinded by fear and betrayal. Unable to see the person he loved, he couldn’t listen to its begging for him to listen and understand.
Anyway they make me sick and I can't be normal about them :]
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anzulvr · 1 year
In which two friends like their other best friend.
COVE / DEREK X READER (head cannons might make a oneshot 🤞🤞)
— reaction
Cove is kinda confused, he never really expected Derek to like you in that way, he never really got any signs (Derek was trying to hide it) but he wouldn’t be upset or anything. You’re all friends in the end, besides Derek was being considerate trying to hide his feelings for everyone else’s sake.
Chalks it up to “Well who wouldn’t like MC?”
(Final warning for Derek dlc spoilers!!)
Derek has always been aware of Coves crush since it’s super obvious to everyone. In his DLC if you tell him you thought he was cute he admits his first impression of you was that you are cute too! So I think after he hangs out with you and Cove for the first time he realizes early on that Cove already likes you so he’d just try to act like nothing but the more you hang out the harder ignoring his feelings get. Derek’s reaction to Cove finding that out that he likes you would be worried cause he doesn’t want to make anything weird. Cove wouldn’t throw their friendship away just cause he’s got a crush on you. Derek would go down a spiral of “what if Cove hates me.” “What if they both never speak to me again.” So just make sure he knows you’re not going to ghost him over this😭
more in cut!!
Extra hcs for u!!🫶🫶
How would people figure out both derek and cove like you?
ft — Mr Holden, Moms, Elizabeth, Lee, Kyra! In that order!!
Derek was over for lunch with everyone and at the table it was just too obvious. They knew Cove liked you but they hadn’t really payed mind to how Derek acted until then. Cove still would have been completely oblivious to it. At home Mr. Holden would say something like “so, you have competition huh sport?” with zero context and wouldn’t further explain when coves all lost. Cliff decides not to break it to him💀Maybee if it comes up sometime he’d give cove advice like in the soirée DLC where he makes him to bring you a flower! He’d always be up to help out cove but cove would be too embarrassed to ask😭
For the moms they’d just tease you how they do with cove and they’d also just mess with Derek in the same manner. Probably not around Cove so he wouldn’t catch on😭 when they’re feeling out of pocket they’ll say something to you both like “I wonder what has him all nervous” once derek is out the room and just laugh while shushing eachother.
Elizabeth canonically knows and she doesn’t care who hears her when she says things lmfaoo
it’s not super regular she hangs out with you since she does her own thing but I feel like she’d be down to gossip about it all the time like. “ELIZABETH GUESS WHAT-” and that’s literally the only time she lets you in her room without arguing about knocking or telling you you’re being annoying 😭
Lee knows every detail she’s so invested lowkey she’d instigate just a little but nothing comes out of it because it’s Cove and Derek. You can’t leave this girl in a room with one of them because she’ll say somethingg 😓
“Hey Cove, didn’t derek ditch soccer’s practice to hang out with [MC]? It’s so unusual of him huh? To willingly SKIP a day to hang out with them..”
“Not really? I think it’s nice, he needs breaks once in a while.”
And then when Lee gets Derek alone for like 5 minutes;
“Hey Derek- do you think [MC] and Cove are cute?”
“Huh? Oh- well yeah [MC] is has the prettiest eyes and they’re so cool and funny and amazing- Coves a awesome guy too but I’m not interested like that ya know?”
“I meant cute.. like together. ”
“Oh. ”
Kyra time!! She’s the bestt
She noticed your little love triangle in that one trip to the mall while she was spying on all of you. The little drink share?? Derek blushing when you snuck up on him and Cove too freaked out to let you drink his smoothie?? She almost got caught by cove when he heard her laugh but he just wrote it off as him hearing things.
She TRIES to help Cove take you places because he drags you to the beach every other day 😭 like “Hey babyyy, you’re not hanging out with [MC] today?”
“Not today, they’re out helping Derek with his brothers today.”
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow? I can take you two out some place? Maybe the tropical place again.”
“yeah I guess? I’ll ask them if they can later! Thanks mom.”
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ilikepjo24 · 8 months
Octavian is not the villain all of you make him out to be.
He's annoying. He slices open teddy bears to supposedly see the future. He's a rich boy (although we never actually see him brag about that). Out of context, he sounds like a demonic toddler. He's a blackmailer. He's a fucking asshole. But that's all.
Not trusting Percy? Perfectly normal. If all your life you were told that there's this group of people that you've been in war with ever since before the Roman Empire was a thing, that this group of people hates you with a burning passion and wants nothing more than to see your doom, that you've hurt and humiliated them and they've hurt you and humiliated you back, that they inferior to you in every way, and then a person from that group showed up at your doorstep, chased by monsters and started making friends with a suspicious looking guy that turned out being a spy and an undead person, would you trust them?
Personally, I wouldn't. Remember, the audience knows and loves Percy, but to a stranger Percy is a random, aggressive, powerful dude that causes chaos everywhere he goes and is the main suspect in multiple cases of terrorism. To Octavian, a person he knew and had worked with and might have enjoyed the presence of suddenly went missing, and then this troublesome, forbidden kid shows up and hangs out with a spy and a zombie. What reason could he possibly have to like Percy? How is he a villain for not trusting Percy? He's just being a freaking sane person dude.
Not go mention that Percy was also a forbidden child, one that typically everyone is wary of. And what does the greek forbidden child that causes chaos and develops friendships with spies and zombies do? He goes in one quest and is immediately granted the position that Octavian has wanted and has been working for for years, which happens to be the same position that Octavian's... Friend (?) had before he literally went missing. Doesn't it sound a bit suspicious when your powerful friend disappears, and a powerful potential enemy with questionable company shows up and steals your friend's job?
What luck, am I right? For a powerful enemy to show up as soon as there's a position of power open that needs to be filled by somebody who has power? Who's to say that Nico, who was later on proven to be a spy, wasn't send there by Percy? Who's to say Percy wasn't the one to kidnap and maybe even kill Jason, so that the position of the praetor would be open for him to take, and then allow Greeks into the camp so that they can destroy it and win this endless, centuries old war between Romans and Greeks?
And isn't that exactly what Percy ended up doing? He was granted praetorship, allowed Greeks into that camp on a heavily weaponed, flying warship, and they ended up blowing up part of the camp!
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And what excuse do they give him for that? "This dude you don't know and don't trust and has built this warship got possessed by a ghost who we claim is rising but have no real, solid proof to support this claim. But she is rising and she did posses Leo, he didn't want to do it, he's a good guy that just happened to walk into your property with a huge weapon and blew up your house by accident. Despite all you've ever been taught about Greeks and despite that all the history books have told you about how much they hate you, and despite the extremely suspicious circumstances surrounding the situation, and despite blowing up your home, Greeks actually love you and want to work with you. Trust me bro." And this was coming from the dude that was friends with a literal spy that lied and kept secrets from everyone.
You know guys, you're right, I'm starting to see why all of you hate Octavian so much. He's being so unreasonable and overreacting over such small things. 😐 /sarcasm.
And then you were all upset that he gathered an army to go to war against the people that threw bombs in his house to defend himself.
Octavian was a dick, that's out of the question. He manipulated and blackmailed people. But the only thing he did that crossed the line of "dick" and entered "villain" territory was being the primary suspect for Gwen's murder. And she didn't even stay dead, so even that is not that bad.
This proven.
And for scientific reasons, I want to see if I actually convinced anyone.
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catflowerqueen · 4 months
I know I said I was going to take a break from TSAMS, and I probably will double down even harder on that after what just happened in today's episode... but I just couldn't help myself after seeing posts from some of my mutuals and their followers.
Rant below. If you do read, please take it with a grain of salt--there is probably context I've missed since I haven't been keeping up with the series the way I used to considering how disappointed I've been with the direction the story has seemed to be heading for quite a while now.
Immediate thoughts:
Way to not tell Old Moon the whole story, Monty. Especially after hearing him tell you he has no idea who Solar is. You know perfectly well that New Moon is in this state, negatively interacting with his family, precisely because he is still trying to help another family member. Solar is family! Family who everyone else is grieving! You are intentionally leaving out tons of context, and at this point I am still half convinced you're doing it because you, personally, couldn't divorce Solar from the other Eclipse(s) who personally harmed you. So this is just a convenience, getting a Moon back who is more likely to enable you and go along with your shenanigans.
And it also makes me think that you, personally, just never got over Old Moon's death or respect his choices at all, that you would be willing to do the exact same thing New Moon is trying to do, just in a supposedly "cleaner" fashion: Kill someone else to get the loved one you personally want back. The difference being that, again, Old Moon chose to sacrifice himself so someone else could live, unlike like Solar, who was a casualty of someone else's cruel plot, and New Moon is going after people who have actually done a lot of harm and murder. Unlike New Moon, who I am pretty sure hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Or at least no one that the others didn't agree was an acceptable target.
It also reminds me of how generally off and combative Lunar has been toward New Moon this entire time. Like--I really, really don't think Lunar ever got over Old Moon's death in any sort of healthy fashion, and I do wonder if he isn't still doing some sort of weird, internalized survivor's guilt deal, since he at one time offered to be Moon's "happy" and protect him, but then just ran off with basically no warning and didn't get the chance to apologize or even say goodbye before Old Moon died.
Not to mention that Lunar knew from Solar what the likely consequences would be of trying to remove KC, but didn't think to/have a chance to warn Sun or Old Moon.
New Moon isn't Lunar's Moon... so Lunar just never bothered to really get to know him or kindle a relationship, especially since he got a shiny new sister with no pre-existing baggage to hang out with. Rather than confront or acknowledge his past with Sun and Moon beyond the fact that an Eclipse was around.
Seems like, in general, everyone else is now reaping the consequences of the fact that Moon isn't around right now to be the pillar who cleans up their messes and problems. Because that usually is his role--he works behind the scenes to quash what problems he can before they get bad, or he does the most to try and fix things and find solutions while everyone else just messes around and then blames him for not doing better when he fails.
Like... right before the first October takeover. Sun got upset when he found out Moon didn't really have a real plan to prevent the takeover from happening, and said he wished Moon had told him earlier... but did Sun even think to really ask? Or offer his own potential plan? It doesn't really seem like it! Because that was Moon's job.
It's always Moon's job.
The only times he's really gotten help are when Monty was involved--which even Monty today admitted was not always the greatest of situations--or when he had Solar.
But then he had neither, since Monty today has seemingly proven they never actually cared about New Moon as their own person. And Solar is gone.
Why are they so surprised now that Moon--either Moon--has hit his breaking point?
Also--they should have given New Moon Yahtzee to play with! Moon at least gave Sun a mirror to look at when he trapped him in that magic box, and they gave Ruin a Monopoly board and streaming abilities when he asked. Old Moon has a sunset and can't really perceive the passage of time!
But, no, New Moon gets absolutely nothing.
And they are surprised he isn't getting better? There are reasons why solitary confinement is considered such a harsh punishment! Getting no mental stimulation does things to a person, and I can only imagine that it is worse for animatronics, considering how much processing power they have and how fast their thoughts must move!
Final thoughts:
If they are using this an excuse to bring Old Moon back permanently, then I just feel like they should have done this very shortly after his death to begin with. That way it would have just been a case of a minor amnesia plotline--not murder, like even Monty admits it will be.
And, for that matter, why is it Moon who never gets a second chance after death? Lunar and Earth have "died," but they got to keep their memories. Eclipse and Bloodmoon have died, but they get both a pass for past actions--which is fair, since, again, they aren't really them--while still reaping the benefits of having those memories uploaded into them, to learn from or ignore at their discretion.
But New Moon got all the blame and consequences while getting none of the benefits, and now they just want to kill him off anyways.
It just makes me so angry and sad.
(And secretly kind of wondering if maybe we accidentally switched Point of Views to a different dimension without realizing it, and our original, beloved Sun and Moon/New Moon are still out there, somewhere, living their best lives with no idea of what the viewers are currently seeing. Though I would still be so sad for the versions we are seeing right now if that was, indeed, the case.)
...And that was quite a rant. Please remember what I asked about taking things with a grain of salt, and forgive me if I ended up being wildly inaccurate with any of my information or assumptions.
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sugusat0us · 10 months
drag racer!toji hcs
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wc : idk :3
content : fem reader, modern!au, no curses!au, suggestive (?) content (reader strips), toji calls reader "minx" and "doll", reader is described to be smaller than toji, slightly oblivious reader, profanity
notes : read this for some context ! drag racer!toji *vibrates* i need. . . to expand on him. . .
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whenever you seem upset about something, toji always tries to cheer you up. he may not be a man of many words, but he always finds other ways to lift your spirits.
after a bad day, you decided to hang around toji's mechanic shop. he's always had a keen eye, so it's no surprise that he picked up on your somber mood quite swiftly. he decides to swing by the break room and grabs two cold cans of your favorite drink. "here, thought this'd cheer y'up." he says, reluctantly offering you the chilled drink with a sheepish expression on his face, avoiding your gaze. "how'd you know i even like this?" you ask, gratefully accepting the metal can that began to sweat under the summer's heat, pressing it to your warm cheek. "saw some empty cans of it when you dropped off y'r ride off to get it detailed," toji replies as he settles his large frame beside the set of stairs you were seated on. "you know," he begins as he cracks his own can open, "y'should keep that ride of yours cleaner. s' a stunner of a car, that's for sure." but his words seemingly go in one ear and out the other. the fact that he remembered such a small detail about you makes you forget whatever had upset you earlier.
rivals to lovers. . . mayhaps. . .
one day, you and toji got into a small argument over who's smarter out of the two of you. so, to settle the quarrel, you both decided on taking one of those completely-bullshit online tests.
as you were diligently taking this "free iq test," you couldn't help but notice toji repeatedly clicking the "c" option. . . for every single question. jokingly, you asked, "why are you choosing 'c' for everything? do you wanna lose?" with the biggest shit-eating grin spread across his scarred lips, toji replied, "well, when in doubt pick 'c', right?" in that moment, your expression changed from shock to amusement. shaking your head and laughing, you couldn't believe that of all people, toji was the one you couldn't get over.
unsurprisingly, toji is really street-smart
one time, the cops raided a race that you and toji were supposed to participate in. as you were hurrying to get to your car to make a quick getaway, you noticed toji struggling to open the door to one of his older cars that he chose to race in that night.
"fushiguro! leave it, we don't have any time!" you shout at toji over the loud commotion and sirens. "they're gonna tow my ride!" toji growls back, growing more impatient at the stuck door handle. "you're worried about the wrong thing right now. just get in my car, shiu'll figure something out! he always gets everyone's shit back if the price is right." you reason. toji notices how your tone only grew increasingly concerned, so he begrudgingly complies. "fine, fine. i'll go with you. jus' drop me off at the shop. or swing us around the spot for a bite, all this crap has got my stomach grumblin'." he sighs as he ducks down into the passenger seat of your car, clicking his seatbelt on. you raise a brow at his notorious freeloader suggestions. "your a real piece of work, fushiguro, y'know that?" you joke as you pull out of the crowded meet-up scene. "s' only fair! you don't ask a guy out and not buy him some grub," he huffs, jokingly crossing his arms across his broad chest and turning to face the window. "that is definitely not what the saying is, and i definitely did not ask you on a date!" you exclaim, exasperated. toji really is something else.
another time, you stopped by toji's shop hoping he could walk you through an oil change on one of your older cars. the truth was, you already knew how to do it, but you just wanted to spend some time with toji.
"tojiiii?" you called out in a sing-song tone, but he was nowhere in sight. it wasn't until he heard your honeyed voice ringing through the shop that he hopped off his ass and jogged over to greet you, his cheeks stained with grease and his white tank top and jumpsuit covered in it. not that you were complaining, but you wished you could see him wearing his jumpsuit properly instead of with the upper half tied around his well-defined torso. "wha'sup doll? why're you here dressed up nice?" he asked, resting his hands on his hips as he scanned your smaller frame. "thought you could show me how to do an oil change on one of my older cars. . . but i completely forgot how messy this place can get. i shoulda worn something else, huh?" you nervously grinned, not prepared for the possibility of rejection. "oh, yeah! no worries. f'sure i can. i got some spare jumpsuits and tanks you can change into. don't worry 'bout it." your request initially shocked him, but he grew excited at the opportunity to both spend time with you and teach you something. "seriously?! you're the best, toji!" you exclaim, gratefully taking both of his large, calloused hands in yours. toji blushes. "don' mention it. it's nothin'." he replies before retracting one of his hands to run down his face, unable to believe the effect you have on him. he starts to lead you down to his office so you can change into some more appropriate clothing, but he forgets that your hand is still in his. the skin-to-skin contact is short-lived as he lets go of your hand to unlock the office door. "here're the smallest jumpsuit and tank i got. lemme know if y'need anything-" he says, turning to hand you the clothes. however, he soon gets choked up mid-sentence as you've already started stripping your top off in front of him. "yeah! i'll get you toji, don' worry." you reply, your voice muffled from behind your top. clearly, you don't understand the effect you have on toji. "what're you doing, you minx? i'm still in here!" he splutters as he clambers out of his office, both his ears and neck now warm. "fucking christ. . ." he groans, making his way towards the washroom to cool down his face with some water.
after that entire fiasco, toji often played pranks with you while you were under your car changing its oil. he does all sorts of things, from splashing water on the lower half of your frame that hangs from under the car to dragging you out by your ankles. he's so annoying (affectionate).
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tags : @yunymphs @prttyangelz @maeby-cursed
© 2023, sugusat0us
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wibta if i left a server because one of my friends got added to it
this is probably a nothingburger, but i want to ask. i, 22f, am in three discord servers. i have a friend, 24m, who i'll call peter.
two of the servers i'm in are public community servers. the servers focus on collaborative writing (not really rp? it's like people can pitch ideas for one-shot campaigns, almost like dnd, and seek out other writers who'd be interested in working on the concepts with them). peter was in both of these. the third server was a private server for a similar purpose, but functions on an invite-only basis.
generally the servers are fun. no one in them causes any major issues, and i like peter a lot, usually, he's just someone who's hard to be around constantly. he has a bad habit of talking over people and bulldozing his way through conversations, but he's very anxious so it's hard to know what will upset him. he's not great at regulating his emotions and he inserts himself and his ideas very forcefully. we've collaborated on a lot writing before with not much issue, but he can be intense and it's a little exhaustive.
recently, peter got invited to the third, private server, too. the owner invited him. i did not know he was going to. for context, i do not own the server, but i do help run it and the owner has run things by me before inviting people before if they knew i knew them. i don't necessarily feel like this was owed to me, but it did startle me when i logged on one day and there he was.
of course, as soon as he was in, peter started acting the way he usually does. all the stuff i mentioned from before. i don't begrudge him and i don't personally think he's an asshole, but it kind of felt like i could feel my interest for the server draining in real time, lol. i don't really want to say anything to him about it since he's again, super anxious, and it doesn't seem like anyone has a problem with his conduct but me. at the same time, i love the guy, but i really don't think i can handle being in three servers with him.
i'm heavily considering cutting my losses and just leaving that server. i feel like it'd be kind of a jerk move though, mainly because i aforementionedly help run it. me leaving would probably make things very complex for the owner and their team, and i know it'd hurt a few people's feelings. i'd also be leaving the people i'm currently writing with in that server hanging. should i just tough it out? aita?
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niko-jpeg · 5 months
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First of MANY Camp Green Hill Doodles. Camp Green Hill is my silly summer camp AU, and since I've been on a 06 kick lately, lots of silliness with that case running through my brian. Context and explanations under the cut <3
Alright! Camp Green Hill takes place at its namesake. It’s a pretty nice, isolated place in the middle of nowhere, and a safe haven for Mobians with or without ‘supernatural abilities’. Sonic is a permanent resident and under the care of Ranger (“Uncle”) Chuck, who is currently in charge of the camp. Onto the doodle explanations:
“Sonic the Hedgehog”: Just a little doodle of our resident hedgehog. He’s well known both around camp and around town for being bright, full of energy, and very competitive. He possesses a super speed ability and loves to let it show.
Sonic and Tails: Sonic and his little brother, Tails were found in the woods around the camp around 10 years ago. Their origins are pretty much unknown, and neither of them say anything about their old homes. It came to light that Sonic kidnapped Tails after keeping an eye on the toddler and noticing he was severely neglected by his community. Sonic’s origins remain unknown. Uncle Chuck speculates he also came from a neglectful family, which is why he took Tails and ran. 
Drowning: Sonic cannot swim. Despite this, he hangs around water frequently, especially when pissed off or upset. This has resulted in many near drownings. 
Uncle Chuck: Artists rendition of how Uncle Chuck became an uncle. Sonic just kind of wandered into the camp, decided he liked it and its weird owner (Chuck), and declared him their uncle.
Sonic Enjoys Rock Climbing: It's one of his favorite camp sports! He’s gotten pretty damn good, but for the sake of setting a good example, will make use of the safety equipment.
A Completely Normal Cat: A completely normal cat with a completely normal vibe who cannot talk, I promise. Just kidding, that's resident half god Mephiles! They prefer to take on the form of a cat most of the time, mostly to not throw other campers off. And yes, they are in fact, a camper. It's a long story. If you want to know more. My ask box is open ;) 
Friendship Bracelets: Silver is buddies with Mephiles, but neither of them have been properly socialized. He and Blaze have matching friendship bracelets, so he made Mephiles one too. They wear it as a collar, since cat wrists aren’t the best for jewelry. 
Lawn Chair: There's a little filler ‘episode’ where Silver, Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow all go to a waterpark outside of town, and Silver enlists the help of Meph to get them in, since they know a certain illusionist jackal who could help them out. They pretend to be Shadow’s older sibling to get them in, and hang out with Blaze far away from the splash zone. 
They/Them Icon: Just a doodle of Meph I did to fill space lol.
Blaze and Silver: They have a long, complicated friendship. She appeared to him when he was younger shortly after losing his whole family to a catastrophic apartment fire. She’s a secret friend from another dimension, and his only real friend. Little does he know, Blaze was the one who accidentally started the flame, and now feels bad for orphaning him. She grapples with the guilt a lot. Meph was messing around in the future during the off season and accidentally befriended the two, which was their ticket to the past at the camp.
Also, Silver visits Blaze’s dimension frequently! Once he’s comfortable around people, he’s full of spunk, and loves a good adventure. He’s not as innocent and shy as he paints himself to be, not even by a lot. He’s still nervous around Mephiles though, given the whole ‘god’ thing.
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obsessionexpert · 2 months
Star Sans Poly But Its Aromantic Ink Edition
Ink sans call Dream and Blue his partners. Someone remarks on how its strange (Could be ink or blue or a stranger) and Ink is like They're his mission partners, his partners in life that he lives with and eats with and he bandages their wounds, and they are his partners in this never-ending fight thats cuts so deep and leaves nasty wounds, and in their deep os his partners hands reaching out not to hurt but the tenderly heal the vulnerable spots. His relationship with Ink and blue just feels deeper then friend with everything they go through. Theyre his partners. His partners Dream and Blue, and really that just doesn't feel like a friendship the way others define what a friendship is.
So calling them friends just subconsciously hasn't felt right, they're his partners. Its not boyfriends because theyre not dating so thats obviously not right, so partners is the main word Ink uses to describe Dream and Blue. He’ll use friends if it’s convenient in the context, but everything they do is better explained by the word partner.
so. he's explaining this idea with a Normal Friend (This could be any au variant idk) and he's like, well, this isn't a friendship then, this is similar to romance. (Add some miscommunication in that conversation. Maybe the person Ink is talking to describes romance for themself and they're saying its cooking for them and thinking for them all the time and getting little gifts and all that stuff while thinking about their own lover and Ink is like this is Dream and blue for me! I must be inclined to be in a romantic relationship with those two!
And that means in typical Ink Fashion Ink decides to experiment with romance and try it on for size. Be a little silly with it, and asks Dream to date him. It's just Dream because from observing romantic relationships, like Aplhys x Undyne and Sans x Toriel, he's like, hm romantic relationships are typically between only two people so to try out dating to get an authentic more likely to be accurate experiance since I know jack shit about exploring this concept, I should try to date only one person
ink goes through this process of trying to pick dream or Blue to date but eventually ends up just spontaneously picking one and dating dream cause he’s Ink. Maybe Dreams a bit upset in the scene and Ink knows romance might help these things so he forgoes his usual way of comforting dream, and decides to tell Dream he wants to date him. Dream accepts for some reason?? I might make a seperate post in the future exploring Dream’s relationship to romance
Eventually Ink feels kind of bad, or wrong, or just really wants to tell the truth because he figures out more from observing other romantic couples and realizes that he just does not feel romance like that. He does not feel it at all. (Maybe an aromantic awakening in there but Im not sure) and Ink confesses he doesn't feel romance, internally a bit stressed and frazzled cause this is just one more thing thats weird about him and he knows in romantic relationships things are Different and things are Heavier and that means that Dream might take a lot of offense to this admission and maybe even his weirdness. Who knows, romance changes a lot of things and Ink doesn't get those changes or how ppl act (Prob has watched a couple of yandere aus to study romance, which no ink! Thats not a good example!) hed hate it if Dream left or didnt want to hang out with him for a bit and the stability that comes with the star sanses to change. Ink loves a bit of chaos and unforeseen consequances but not with them. Ink explains that he diesn't feel it like other people, cause dream and blue are not his friends, but it's not romance he's feeling. And they talk abou it and get together in a platonic way and idk lots of self-discovery my ideas have ran out.
I would LOVE interaction with ideas or comments or smth Im obsessed with the Star Sanses (+Core Frisk but they're not relavant in this post, unless…..Core Frisk is someone he asks for advice at some point and they regurgitate information and bond over not experience romance normally cause there is no way Core Frisk experiences it normally being an omnipresent being. Maybe they're part of his aromantic awakening whenever that is? They know pretty much everything and love being completely and thoroughly accurate whenever anyone asks them a question and Ink asks a lot of questions sooooo, lots of ideas for that interaction to be had there)
Tldr: Ink sans is aromantic, is a dumbass, gets together with the star sanses romantically, and then is like, ya'll I dont feel romantic attraction so they get together platonically
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