#he hates going on field trips but totally warms up and enjoys it by the end of the episode
thelonelyempath · 1 year
M!Crush x F!Reader: Better Late Than Never PART 1
THEME: Fluff, Some Angst (Enemies To Lovers)
WARNING(s): None yet (Part 2 is NSFW)
**This was heavily inspired by a Skins episode. It's Naomi's episode from season 3. I did make a few key changes to avoid the "plaigarism" allegations. It was also heavily inspired by IRL beef I have with someone at my college who I may or may not have had a crush on at one point. Unfortunately, that beef will not end in this manner because the world don't work like that.**
It was cold and miserable. Why were you even forced to go on this stupid retreat with C/N anyways? He told you his friends set it up so the two of you could "stop hating each other". Yeah, like that would ever work. If anything, you expected that time spent alone with him would make the two of you hate each other more.
"You okay?" he asked you, the glow of the fire illuminating his face.
"That's the first time you've asked me something." you quipped back.
"Well...answer it then. Are you okay?"
"No. This is miserable. The weather's shit and the company's even worse. Why are we even here? Why were we forced to go on this stupid camping trip with each other?"
"You know you could have said no. Nobody forced you to be here."
He was right. You could have said no. But, admittedly, a camping trip (even with someone you don't like) was better than sitting at home and being bored all weekend.
"Whether or not I said no is irrelevant." you said. "What was the point of this trip? Was it so your friends could make bets on if we're gonna hook up?"
"I'll be honest," he answered. "I don't know either. They said it was to get us to stop hating each other, but it's really none of their business. And now we're both just sitting here, bored and unhappy. The worst part is they're making us share a tent."
The fire was warm. It felt nice. You held out your hands against it to warm them. Unfortunately, the skies were looking a bit ominous. You were expecting rain at any second.
"You know I never hated you, right?" C/N said out of nowhere.
"Hmm?" you raised an eyebrow.
"It's true, Y/N. I never hated you. I guess I was always such an ass to you because I knew you didn't like me. It made me feel powerful. God, I'm such a dumbass."
Damn. That hit hard. Truth be told, you never hated him either. Maybe his friends were right. Maybe this rivalry was stupid and pointless.
"I never hated you either." you confessed. "I caught you running your mouth about me to your buddies and it hurt me. I was angry and upset. And I think that may have colored my thoughts about you."
"That's totally valid." he said. "And listen, I never should have said those things about you. It's fair that you thought I was a dick. I know I hurt you. Like I said, I'm a dumbass. I'm sorry."
"I guess I'm sorry too."
"For what?"
"The way I reacted. I held a grudge and I really shouldn't have--"
You were cut off by his lips pressing against yours. It was totally out of left field. Was it because you were talking too much and this was his way of getting you to shut up because he couldn't stand the sound of your voice anymore? You didn't want to like it, but you did. You surrendered to the kiss, which grew deeper when you gave in.
"I've been wanting to do that for a really long time." he said breathlessly after pulling away.
"You..." you didn't understand. "you kissed me. You just kissed the person who caught you talking shit about them a few months ago."
"I sure did. And I enjoyed every second of it. The reason I was talking shit about you in the first place was because I have secretly always had a crush on you. I was just scared of it and thought I had to pretend I didn't like you so it wouldn't be obvious. But that was really stupid and immature of me. I should've just told you so all this petty drama could have been avoided. But yeah...I've been crushing on you."
You felt a blush forming on your cheeks. C/N noticed this and smiled. Did you maybe secretly like him too? Where were all these feelings coming from?
"If you want the truth," you said. "I think the reason I was so hurt and angry was because I sort of liked you too. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe we didn't need to be fighting with each other."
It all finally made sense. You were both just too stubborn to admit you had feelings for each other. But you supposed it was better late than never. Though the fire was still blazing, a cool breeze washed over you. You ran cold anyways, so this did not help. You hugged yourself for warmth. C/N saw this and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close and kissing the crown of your head. Alas, you were finally in his arms. You didn't realize how badly you wanted that until now. With your head pressed against his chest, you could hear his heartbeat. It sounded so beautiful. Maybe you were starting to drift off to sleep. But just as you began to drift away, the moment was ruined. There was the rain, putting out the nice, cozy, warm fire.
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rueitae · 7 years
For the record, this is the fault of @sp4c3-0ddity, who originated the idea. You can read it and our subsequent conversation here.
I am so sorry.
When Allura opened the door to the classroom it was as she expected.
Pidge sat at her desk, attempting to ignore the world by focusing on writing whatever current code she had pulled up on her laptop. Their classroom pet, Platt the mouse, lay lazily next to it, soaking in the warmth.
Keith was also at his desk, clearly in deep concentration. He was working on what she recognized as their assignment from Friday. It didn’t surprise her that he wasn’t quite finished. Out of the entire class he was the most meticulous, bordering on perfectionist.
Their current unit of study was weather. Their assignment over the weekend had been to draw contoured lines across a surface map. Lines of equal temperature, isotherms. Lines of equal pressure, isobars. Lines of equal wind speed, isotachs. It was tedious and time consuming if one wanted to get it just right.
He was also visibly trying to claim deniability to what was going on in front of him, as he had a hand up over his face, blocking what was about to be a disaster.
Lance stood on his desk and was eyeing the desk in front of Keith. Hunk stood behind him, on the ground, with bug eyes.
So yes, everything was about what Allura expected.
“Lance, I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
“It’ll be fine, Hunk. It’s not a far jump. How many do you think I can get before Coran gets here?”
“Dude, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I’m recording it,” Pidge pipped up, eyes not leaving her computer screen.
Hunk’s eyes wandered over to the door, where he saw that Allura had just entered. A mischievous grin graced his face. “I’ll bet you can make it to the door.”
Lance looked up and finally noticed Allura’s presence as well. He blushed hard. “Allura! I didn’t even see you come in!” He stepped forward in order to greet her, but in his fluster had completely forgotten that he was standing on a desk, and was not on the ground.
He landed on his back, knocking the desk in front of Keith out of place. “Oww…..”
Soon the class had him surrounded, looking down in worry.
“Lance, are you alright?” Allura asked, concern written all over her face.
“I told you it was going to end badly,” Keith admonished, craning over his desk to look at his classmate.
Lance glared. He was clearly fine, his dignity the only thing wounded. “Stupid gravity, I wish we could just turn it off whenever we wanted to.”
Keith blinked, looking extremely confused and a tad exasperated. “Why even is that the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe just, not do things that might end up with you getting hurt?”
“You’re one to talk, Mullet.” Lance slowly sat up with Hunk’s help. “I saw your fight in gym class yesterday.”
Keith stared with wide eyes, and very much looked like he wanted to slam his head against his desk.  “We were supposed to. It was boxing day.”
“If you want to turn off gravity, just go to the Zero-G chamber,” Pidge suggested evenly.
“Iverson hates us and you know it. He’d never let us in during our free time,” Lance complained. “I’m talking just snap our fingers anywhere and we could just all float along all cool like!” He gasped before donning a particularly flirtatious grin. “Think about all the romantic possibilities. You could - “
“Laaaaaaance!” The class responded in kind with a mix of groans and annoyance.
“Besides, it’d be a terrible idea.” Pidge continued. “If we could turn off gravity at will here on Earth, everything would go wrong.”
“Pidge is correct,” Allura agreed. “While perhaps fun for a time, I don’t think it is as simple as everything just suddenly floating off the ground.”
“I, personally, would like gravity to continue doing its thing so that my feet can stay firmly on the ground,” said Hunk.
Keith casually glanced up at the clock, where it was nearly time for class to start. “Isn’t Coran cutting it a little close today?”
The door to the classroom slammed open on cue. It wasn’t Coran. “Did someone call the name of the co-”
“No,” Pidge deadpanned.
“-olest, most handsome big brother in the universe?” Leaning against the doorframe, Matt stood flashing a suave smile in the most ‘cool’ stance that he could manage.
Lance jumped up and pointed. “You! What are you doing here? Your classroom is down the hall. You’re not even in our grade.” He then moved awkwardly closer to Allura, who, if she noticed, didn’t seem to care much either way.
Matt not-so-casually waved him off and walked over to where his sister sat, and a second figure emerged from the doorway. Shiro entered back first, checking up and down the hallway before fully entering the classroom.
“I think we’re safe now,” he said in half explanation while he closed the door. He looked far more relieved than he should for being in the wrong room with class about to begin.
Matt grabbed a seat next to his sister and stole a peek at her work, eyes flashing in comprehension. “We convinced Slav let us join your class today,” he finally said.
Hunk’s face fell ashen.
Pidge smiled wide. “Really? That’s awesome! That means we’ll be hands on learning some advanced material. You’re the best, Matt!”
“Anything for the best sister ever,” Matt replied with a smile.
Allura lifted a finger to her chin in thought. “But the only time Slav ever lets you join our class is - “
“I knew it,” Hunk interrupted, already taking steps towards the door and a sense of dread in his voice. “I knew I should have stayed home today.”
There was a distinctive double beep in the near distance. Platt’s ears twitched as he sat up in attention. With a few leaps that Lance could only wish to emulate, the mouse jumped up to one of the windows near the front of the classroom and held onto the top with his two front paws, then let his weight pull down and let the window open.
A purple and pink twister came in through the window as Platt fell and bounced off the ground, landing neatly on the large desk in front of the classroom. The colorful breeze eventually settled behind the desk where Coran stopped spinning, cape spread out dashingly.
“Good morning, students! I hope your synapses are ready to work today!”
“Morning, Coran!” Most of the class responded back as they found their way to their regular seats. This included Matt and Shiro, as joining the younger students was a very regular occurrence.
Matt practically cheered his good morning. Allura, Lance, and Shiro were more measured with theirs, but still obviously enthusiastic. Keith and Pidge were distracted, but amicable.
Hunk wore a look of distrust and worry, already repeating a calming mantra to himself.
“Today we have a full day of learning ahead of us!” Coran explained with glee, taking off his stylish helmet. “We’ll be taking a look at the fabulous effects gravity has on weather on different planets!”
“Yes!” Lance exclaimed, pumping his fist. “Zero-G here I come!”
“No better way to learn about the universe around us than to experience it for ourselves! That means it’s time for a - “
“Field trip!” The class finished for him, most of them already rushing out the door. The school bus with a strange silver and blue paint job beeped for joy in the background.
Hunk burried his head in his arms. “I knew I should have stayed home today.”
It beeped again when the entire class was seated inside it.
Coran sat at the steering wheel with Platt comfortably on the wheel itself.
“Everyone ready? Our first stop will be a Balmera, and if we’re extremely lucky, we’ll experience the unique environment of a Weblum!”
“Sounds awesome! Let’s do this!” Lance said excitedly.
Even Hunk softened up a bit in the seat in front of him. “I guess if we’re headed to the Balmera again it’s not too bad of a field trip… I’m glad I didn’t stay home after all.”
Pidge grinned wolfishly from across the aisle. “You just want to see your girlfriend.”
“No kidding, Hunk. I want to meet her. I didn’t get to go with you guys last time,” said Lance.
“That’s because you were recovering from surgery,” Keith reminded from his seat in front of Pidge. “We went into your brain.”
Lance shivered. “That still gives me the creeps you were all inside my body.”
The Bus seemed to take offense at that and beeped angrily. Several springs in Lance’s seat came loose and pinched his butt.
“Ow! Dang it why does the Bus hate all of us?”
“It doesn’t hate us, Lance.” Shiro was ever trying to be the voice of reason. “Buuuut it definitely loves Allura the best,” he admitted with a helpless shrug.
The Bus beeped in confirmation.
Allura blushed from her seat across from Shiro. “Oh my. I’m flattered, Bus.”
Matt grinned wickedly. “Allura is truly a diamond in the Bus.”
There were groans all around. “Maaaaatt!”
Coran laughed at the antics and turned to Platt, who gave him a mouse salute. “Time’s ticking by in the school day! Bus, do your stuff!”
With a turn of a key, the Bus did just that. Today, it had decided, it was going for a very specific form. One that, when you looked on the outside, was more castle than spaceship. Since they were already halfway to Earth’s Moon, no one was bothered by it.
Except that someone was bothered by it.
Somewhere, deep in outer space, Shiro awakes in a cold sweat. He looks around and sees that he is in his room on the Castle, just as he remembered he had left it the night before.
He double checks that he is still here. Body? Check. Mind? Debatable. Spirit? The Black Lion purrs in confirmation.
For the first time in what seems forever, Shiro did not dream of his time with the Galra but rather his team displaced into a children’s cartoon.
He resolved to find himself a hobby. Fast.
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dracowars · 4 years
Hii! So i have seen that your request is currently open! Also that you are kind of new here (i guess? Idrk)! I was wondering if i could request one? The story goes like draco pulls a prank on y/n (any kind really its up to you!) then later on showers her with his love (gift too because we all know he got the ✨ money money ✨ so thats it! (Its very fluffy im sorry) i hope you can do it totally alright if you cant tho!! I hope to see more of your works! God Bless💗
fun and games | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x slytherin!reader
word count: 3,3k
summary: where draco takes pranking y/n too far
a/n: thank you so so much for requesting! <3 since this is my first ever request i'm a little bit nervous >.< i really hope that you like it and that it lives up to your expectations! i feel honored that you trusted me with your request even though i'm still pretty new on here ♡
warnings: none
universe: harry potter
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You can't remember when it started, you only know that it did and that it slowly starts to annoy the hell out of you. Not because you don't understand fun, you really do, but you can't even spend a quiet minute with your boyfriend Draco anymore since he started acting like Fred and George Weasley, always pulling a prank on you with every possibility he got.
Some of those were actually funny and made you laugh, but at some point it just got too much. Every time you are with him now, you expect something to happen. Whether it is that he calls you to him to show you fantastic beasts that do not exist, making you look like a fool while he laughs, or that he hides two of your belongings somewhere around Hogwarts, telling you that it is actually three objects that you then have to search for like crazy. He even gave you Veritaserum once, just to ask you an endless number of questions which you inevitably had to answer. All of that you already went through. But today was somewhat different.
Draco did not pull a prank on you for weeks now, which you can not complain about at all, in fact you are quite happy about it. After his last prank you asked him to finally stop and it seems like he listened to you. Still, something feels very weird.
You haven't seen Draco today, which is rather unusual for you and your relationship because neither of you can last longer than a few hours without the other. You have just come out of your Defense Against the Dark Arts class and look around the hallway, expecting to spot him somewhere, while your classmates walk past you to head to their break. Usually, Draco always picks you up after class so that you can spend time together until your next course. But you don't see him anywhere today.
At the end of the hallway you spot Fred and George trying to sell one of their newest and greatest inventions to a first-year. You shake your head and roll your eyes. These two are probably responsible that your boyfriend had his prank phase, even though he absolutely despises every Weasley. Of course Draco would never admit it, but you think that he copied a lot from them.
"Leave the poor child alone, Weasley's", you tell them while passing them, not wanting to wait longer for Draco to pick you up. Regrettably you shouldn't have opened your mouth because all of a sudden they apparate in front of you out of nowhere, making you flinch and taking a step back. "What, Y/N? Did I hear you correctly?", George says, wiggling his eyebrows at Fred. "You really want to test our new creation?", Fred adds with a smile.
"No, thank you. I've had enough of pranks lately", you assure them with a forced smile. Obviously offended by your statement, the red haired twins cross their arms over their chest, giving you a disapproving look before vanishing again. Shaking your head, you make your way to your common room, hoping to meet Draco on the way there. Unfortunately, that does not happen and you slowly start to have a bad feeling. Where is he?
Once you arrive in the dungeons, you say the password and enter the common room, which is cosy warm in contrast to the cold corridors outside. After all, it's winter; what else should you expect from the temperature? Several Slytherin's buzz around, sitting at the green fire or studying at the tables. But still, no sign of Draco.
You spot Crabbe and Goyle on one of the sofas, who have their eyes focused on you. As soon as they realize that you look back at them, they burst into giggles and look away as if nothing happened. Their weird behavior lets you frown in confusion. Before you can confront them about it, Pansy suddenly appears right in front of you and thus into your field of vision.
"Y/N! We want to go down to the lake in a few minutes. It's frozen solid for the first time this year! Do you want to join us?", she offers, her outfit already perfectly adapted to the cold temperature outside. "Do you know where Draco is?", you blurt out, not answering to her question at all. "No? Why would I?", Pansy responds irritated.
You loudly breathe out. "Nevermind. Enjoy your trip to the lake", you wish her and give her a small smile, then walk past her and towards your room in the girls' dormitories. You don't miss the look that Crabbe and Goyle give you as well as their giggles when you make your way out of the big room though.
While walking your gaze falls on something laying on the ground and you immediately stop in your tracks abruptly. You bend down and pick it up in amazement, a now much bigger smile forming on your lips. In your delicate hand you're now holding a rose petal. Looking in front of you, you notice more rose petals on the floor. They seem to show you the way to your room.
It must have been Draco, he definetely wants to surprise you after a stressful day, you are sure about that. Quickly and with unbelievable enthusiasm you follow the path to your closed door. You imagine how you will open the door and come into your room, there will be a romantic atmosphere with warm candlelight and Draco will lovingly greet you, hug you and kiss you until-
You have just opened the door when suddenly a huge mass of cold water falls down on you, completely soaking you from head to toe. Because of the shock and the sudden coldness surrounding you, you gasp for air. In front of you, you do not see your desired romantic atmosphere or any candles, but only your laughing boyfriend.
"I got you again!", Draco rejoices and praises himself while you can only watch him in shock. You look down at yourself and lift one of your feet out of the puddle beneath you which you are now standing in. Water drips from your hair and your uniform to the floor. Your boyfriend's cheeky laugh echoes in your ears. Slowly your whole body begins to tremble, although you are not sure wheather it comes from the cold water or from the anger boiling up inside of you.
Assuming that you find the successful prank as funny as he does, he keeps laughing, not noticing your anger yet. "Fred and George did the same prank with Weaselbee the other day, so I had to try it out as well. It worked! Crabbe and Goyle helped me set it up and-"
"I hate you so much!", you scream at him angrily, no longer able to keep your anger under control. Draco's expression falls immediately, obviously not expecting this kind of a reaction. You are still stiffly standing under the door frame, stretching your arms away from your body to somehow escape the extreme cold, water still running down, even under your clothes. "Why do you never know when it's time to stop?! I thought you wanted to surprise me!"
A little taken aback, Draco slowly approaches you while you are busy with wringing out your wet hair. "Don't you dare touch me now, Draco Malfoy!", you command and he obeys your words, stopping a few inches in front of you. "Love, it was just supposed to be fun..", he mumbles dejected, insecurely rocking back and forth on his feet, slowly realizing his mistake.
"Yeah, of course. For you it's always all fun and games until someone dies!", you angrily rebuke him. "I'm completely wet, I'm damned cold, as if it wasn't already cold enough outside, and all I wanted is to spend a relaxing and nice afternoon with my boyfriend who, as always, only got nonsense in his mind and not thinks about his girlfriend's feelings!", you complain, getting rid of your wet cloak while bumping into him with your shoulder as you walk past, throwing it onto your bed. You sit down next to it on the soft mattress and take off your soaking wet shoes as well. For a few minutes there is nothing but silence between you two.
"Y/N..", Draco breaks the silence, but you just shoot him a scathing glance, your lower lip now trembling from the coldness surrounding your body. "I don't want to hear anything, Draco. Really", you scoff and roll your eyes, standing up to finally get out of your uncomfortable clothes. "Can you leave, please? I want to change", you ask him reproachfully, but he doesn't move a single bit.
"I'm responsible for this so let me help you, okay? I'm sorry", he says, sincerity in his sad voice. You can't even answer him as he already pulls out his wand and casts a spell you don't recognize. The puddles on the floor disappear and your clothes are suddenly dry again. All that is left is the unbearable cold around you. Freezing, you draw your cloak tighter around you and give Draco a very small but thankful smile.
He looks at you thoughfully before spreading his arms to invite you into a warm hug, which you gladly accept. Even though you're mad at him, he still manages to make you soften again. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist and he gently strokes your back with one hand in hopes to warm you up at least a little bit, then places a gentle kiss of the top of your head and hugs you even tighter, pulling you closer to his much warmer body. He can clearly feel your body tremble against his. "I'm really sorry, love. I hope you can forgive me for my stupid behavior..", he breathes into your ear, loosening your arms around his waist to take your ice-cold hands in his.
He closely examines your face, searching for any hint of what your answer could be like. No longer able to resist his pleading stare and shimmering gray eyes, you slowly nod to assure him that you will forgive him. Of course you will; you love him way too much to let something this silly destroy your relationship. More than happy with your answer, he cups your cheeks between his hands, his silver ring coldy pressing against your skin, and gives you a loving kiss.
"I will make up for it, I promise", he speaks against your lips after you broke the kiss, his thumb caressing your lower lip softly. "As long as you stop those stupid pranks, idiot", you roll your eyes, still feeling a tiny bit upset about the incident. A little chuckle escapes his lips and he pulls you close against him again. "Let's warm you up first, hm?", Draco whispers and before you know it he has apparated both of you back into the common room. Because everyone left to go to the lake you're now completely alone in the big room.
Without your consent, Draco pulls you onto one of the couches near the fireplace so you can warm up. With the help of a spell, he increases the flame a little more. Out of nowhere he throws you a fluffy, thick blanket and wraps you in it, your body now slowly but surely heating up.
While you're still busy making yourself comfortable, Draco extinguishes all the lights in the room except for a few candles, which dip the quiet room into a soothing light, creating a relaxing atmosphere for you two.
"Are you feeling warmer already? Do you need something else? What about a hot chocolate?", he questions you, still feeling extremly horrible for what he made you go through. "A hot chocolate sounds very nice, actually", you accept his offer, deciding to take advantage of the situation, innocently smiling at him. It does not even take him one single second and he suddenly vanishes into thin air. Shaking your head but smiling to yourself you watch the flame in the fireplace while you wait for him to return.
To your amazement, it takes him a lot longer than you expected and that just for a simple hot chocolate. After about a quarter of an hour he pops up again in front of you all of a sudden, two steaming cups in his hands. He serves you your hot drink with a cheeky smile on his face. "As requested: one perfectly hot chocolate, but not nearly as hot as you", he winks at you before making himself comfortable next to you.
"What took you so long?", you ask and take a sip, skillfully ignoring his statement. "Had to.. run a few more errands, you know. I'm a very busy man", he smirks at you, holding the, in his hands much smaller looking, cup. You look at him in disbelief and then discover a few white spots on his uniform that make you raise your eyebrows in confusion. "It's snowing outside?", you question and point to the snowflakes on his cloak that are slowly melting in the warm room. "Care to explain why you were outside?"
"Uh, well.. I just wanted to please my lovely girlfriend", he explains and takes something out of his pockets. You immediately know what it is and sit up excitedly, but before you can grab it, you pull your hand back. "That's not another one of your pranks, is it?", you pout and look in his eyes for an answer, any sign that this really is just normal candy from Honeydukes and not some experiments he bought from Fred and George.
"Come on, Y/N! They are not poisoned. Eat now or I froze myself to death out there for nothing", Draco assures you and you decide to trust him, carefully opening the candy, revealing the actually normal, delicious sweets that you love so much. Happily eating them you don't even notice at first how Draco keeps staring at you, one of his fingers nervously tapping the rim of his cup.
"Y/N?", Draco finally clears his throat, sitting up straight while you look at him with big expectant eyes. The way he pronounces your name, how the letters roll of his tongue create goosebumps all over your skin, causing you to cuddle up more into the cozy blanket, waiting for him to continue. His gaze wanders back and forth between you and his warm drink, of which he has not drunk very much yet.
He opens his mouth to say something again but notices the goosebumps on your arm, the alarm bells in his head loudly going off immediately. "Are you still cold? Wait a second!", Draco tells you, without waiting for an answer, and jumps up, running to his prefect room and coming back a few seconds later to give you one of his green Slytherin sweaters. "Here. Put it on, it will warm you up", he commands and examines you carefully as you pull it over your head, the pleasant scent of his perfume clouding your senses instantly.
Your cheeks turn a little bit red, on the one hand because of the extreme warmth that now surrounds you and on the other hand because Draco gives you such a sweet and tender look, as if you are the most beautiful and precious being in this world; which, in fact, you definetely are to him. He moves closer to you and puts his arm around your shoulders so that you can lean against his chest and snuggle up to him. Draco gently runs his fingers over your hair, over your cheeks and to your chin, which he slightly lifts up, making you look at him.
Neither of you say anything for a while, you just look each other deep in the eyes. Draco brushes one strand of hair behind your ear that fell into your face and slowly leans in. You close your eyes, waiting for him to connect your lips, but he teasingly stops shortly before, his breath fanning against your skin. "I have something for you.. as an apology", he gently whispers and you open your eyes in surprise. "You don't have to give me anything, Draco. I've already forgiven you, you know that", you smile at him, cupping one of his cheeks which makes him smile.
He takes your hand in his and squeezes it lightly, kisses your knuckles and then shakes his head with a sigh. "I know. Still, I feel bad and want to give you something. Something very meaningful and significant", he declares, reaching into his pocket once again. Eventually, his secrecy makes you kind of curious anyway and you look at his hand eagerly, waiting to see what the gift will be.
Draco pulls out a small black box covered in velvet. Your curious gaze focuses on the box, which contents are still unknown to you until he finally opens it and reveals a beautiful, gold shimmering and, above all, quite expensive looking necklace. Small moons and stars hang on it, but the real focus of the indescribably lovely piece of jewelry is in the middle. The bigger splendid pendant attached to it is none other than his name, Draco, written in an artistic curved font. Overwhelmed, your mouth drops open.
"Actually, I wanted to give it to you for our anniversary this year, as a thanks for sticking around with me for so long, no matter how stupid and silly and annoying I was. Somehow it just felt like the right moment to give it to you now", Draco explains in a calm voice, no sight of the silly boy from a few hours ago, and takes the necklace out of its box, gesturing that you should turn around so he can carefully place it around your neck. He leaves a few butterfly kisses along your neck before you turn around to him again, immediately touching the pendant with your fingertips, slightly pressing it against your soft skin.
"I thought I would give you my first name as long as I can't give you my last", Draco smiles timidly, a tear escaping from the corner of your eye as you pull him into a tight embrace. "D-Draco.. I don't know what to say.. I love you so much", you sob into his neck, placing a kiss right there. His arms wrap around you and he breathes out contentedly and somewhat relieved. "I was afraid that you would reject me..", he whispers nearly inaudible, more to himself than to you.
"I would never even think about rejecting you! But do you really promise that you will make it come true, Draco? That you will give me the honor to receive your last name?", you ask seriously, retreating a bit so you are able to look at his handsome face. A smile creeps its way onto his lips at your so serious but also hopeful facial expression. "I don't want anything more in my life than that, darling", Draco clarifies honestly and then takes the pendant with his name on it between his thumb and index finger. "This is a promise", he repeats softly and gives you a quick but loving kiss.
Despite the short kiss, you feel a pleasant warmth inside of you and the butterflies flutter around in your stomach. You put your hands around his neck and can't help but grin brightly, trying to hide it by biting down on your lower lip. Immediately, Draco's thumb comes up to your lip and stops you from doing so, looking back and forth between your shiny eyes and plump lips.
The next kiss you share is so passionate and with so much love that you forget everything around you in a matter of seconds, fading out your surroundings. Now, there is only you and Draco. And a promise that you hold close to your heart.
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jeontaehui · 3 years
1. op said they were talking about going to the amusement park so i’m pretty sure she meant have fun
“you guys want to go to an amusement park or something?” johnny suggests, briefly glancing towards taehee who’s currently taking a scoop from her sundae.
“that would be fun!” taeyong chimes from the other side, taking a step to the left when he sees people about to exit mcdonald’s; obviously, taehee dragged them all there.
“yeah, sure,” the girl furrows her brows as the cold ice cream melts in her mouth, a habit the members would notice whenever she eats something good, “we can just have fuck or whatever.”
“wait, what?” mark looks at her as if she had grown two heads on her shoulders, mouth going agape at her choice of words before he bursts out laughing along with johnny.
“slip of the tongue,” she tells them with a straight face, but johnny raises a brow in suspicion causing the other three — mark, taeyong, and doyoung to laugh once more.
“oh shut up,” taehee gives them one last scoff before walking away.
2. this interaction is so cute
“holy shit,” she says, taking a look at the portrait her fan made for her through the screen, “you’re amazing!”
the fanboy starts giggling on the other end of the line, surprised at the words that came out of taehee’s mouth. nonetheless, he gives her a warm, “thank you!” in return.
still grinning, she quickly scribbles something down on their album as she says, “sorry for that, did i fluster you?” he shakes his head no, telling her it was alright and totally normal.
“yeah? well, your art is so freakin’ good!” taehee chuckles, “you deserve all the praise… in all forms.”
3. jaehyun and taehee in those jerseys are so cute
nct 127 had just finished watching the dodgers game in l.a. and taehee was pretty ecstatic as they all descended down the bleachers; after all, she is a baseball player and junkie herself — getting to throw a pitch on the dodger field was an absolute honor.
there was a slight skip in her step as they exited the stadium, the subtle pink on her cheeks was for sure a sign of her happiness.
she sees jaehyun pull his own special encased baseball from under his jacket from the corner of her eye, and from that action, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. she only brought the trash out.
“shit, jae,” taehee says turning to him, “can you go back with me? i think i forgot something.” he goes with her without another word, and a few seconds pass before he chuckles at the mess the girl’s in.
“did you enjoy too much?” he jabs at her, taking slower strides behind her own hurried ones. “maybe i did,” she sighs, walking even faster until jaehyun had to jog to catch up with her up the stairs. “slow down! you might trip!” some strangers who walk by heard him as he laughed.
4. almost caught her slipping
[MTOPIA] Among SuperM, who are having a blast in water, there's a hidden pro surfer? 🏄 | EP03
“i feel a bit nervous, dude,” you’d hear mark faintly say from the background, his conversation with taehee being overpowered by the excitement of the hyungs.
“don’t be a pus… don’t be scared,” taehee teases, shielding her eyes from the sun above them, “you’ll do fine.”
5. we definitely caught her slipping
나른쟌 (200629)
“okay, let’s move on to the next—“ johnny’s sentence suddenly cuts off by his snickering, trying to keep his smile contained during his live.
if you’d go back five seconds and turned up your phone’s volume to its loudest, you’d hear a familiar voice sing, “I LIKE THE TYPE TO EAT THE PUSSY ‘TIL I LEVITATE, AYEEE!”
the voice was none other than taehee’s, yet no one at the time knew that except for johnny and the members who were hanging out with her at the time.
6. she really hates beer yall
the different shops and cafes in some dimly lit street in london had somehow interested taeyong and taehee, so they decided to tag along the rest of the gang to have dinner outside the hotel for a change (except for baekhyun, he preferred to stay indoors). 
they spent a few hours outside doing more than just eating dinner, thinking of having a few drinks in the pub just around the corner before heading back to the hotel. now taehee wasn’t much one for alcohol, only taking little sips here and there from her wine glass, but the place does serve brownies so at least she’s enjoying herself, right? 
“good evening, here’s a beer for the lady,” the waitress puts down a bottle in front of taehee with a satisfying clunk. her eyes widen, “oh, i didn’t order—”
“the guy over there just bought it for you, dear,” she gives her a lovely smile. she seems to like being in the middle of sweet romantic gestures, even if its between two absolute strangers in some bar that barely had any lights on — but they get it, it was for the ambience. nonetheless, taehee gives her a smile back and says a polite, “thank you,” before watching the waitress walk off. 
she immediately turns to the boys as her heart beats rapidly in her chest, the neck of the brown tinted bottle felt cold under her fingers, “i am so surprised.”
taemin, who had understood a few english words from the waitress, had been enjoying the whole thing with a giddy smile on his cheeks. “did i hear that right?” he says, leaning forward, “someone bought that for you?”
taehee hears kai’s and lucas’s matching ooh’s before she could calm down. “the locals must really like you and taeyong, huh?” the older of the two teases and she scoffs. “that’s only taeyong hyung,” when taehee moves her gaze to the said boy, she’s greeted by an amused smile plastered on his features before he leant forward on his elbows. she knew he was enjoying this too when he asked, “do you know who gave it?” 
“i think it’s that guy on the table in the other corner,” kai points out, trying to be discrete as he gets a slice of the brownie taehee’s been having. only lucas and taeyong were the ones who immediately looked towards that direction while the others continued to look unaffected. 
taehee makes brief eye contact with mark beside her (who hasn’t said a word since the waitress came and put her beer on the table), before turning her head to the furthest corner on her left. 
there on the table was a group of four, maybe college students who went to the pub the same reason as them. she immediately gets a sense of who the guy was when he turns around and flashes her a smile, raising his own bottle in the air before taking a sip. 
she brings hers close to her lips, enough for her to subtly smell if something dangerous was put in her drink.
taehee does the same as the guy before taking a tiny sip, giving him a polite smile back before turning around to the boys. she definitely knew they watched the whole thing, and taehee lets her face fall back to normal. 
“this is just fucking nasty,” she sees mark grin when she glances to him, his hand already reaching out for her beer bottle.
“are you enjoying this?” he asks her, sliding her cold drink towards him knowing that she wasn’t going to take a second sip. “i should be asking all of you that,” she meets eyes with the entertained gazes of the members, all of them shaking their heads in amusement before going back to their own snacks. 
“that is the first time i heard taehee curse,” taemin mentions, causing the said girl to let out her own giggle before leaning back on the seat. 
“it’s all good,” while the rest have started their own conversations amongst each other, taehee lets mark know there wasn’t anything bad in the drink, her face just inches away from the side of his own. “it’s just that i really freakin’ hate that shit. i don’t even know how people can drink so much of that,” she hears a deep chuckle rumble out of mark before he drinks from the bottle, glancing behind her shoulder before bringing his eyes back to hers.
“then why’d you drink it?” he asks her, placing the bottle down on the table with a light thump. “i was being polite,” taehee answers him, straightening her position on their shared seat so she could take a bite of her brownie. 
“do you wanna switch seats?” she hums softly at his question, turning to him again with raised brows, “so you won’t get bothered anymore?” 
“mark, i know i’m pretty,” mark laughs at having found her confidence adorable, feeling her lean her shoulder tiredly on his arm, “and i have like what... six guys here with me right now. lucas and kai can just crush him like a bug.” they both share a laugh at that. 
7. maybe this is what they call karma for all the teasing 
절사2💚 (200821)
“this is your first vlive with (doyoung) hyung?” taehee asks renjun, slipping beside him as he browsed through the comments. he gives her an awkward chuckle, “yeah.” 
“you’ll create legendary moments, don’t worry,” she says as she gives soft pats on his shoulder, “you guys might say something really funny.” 
“yeah? like what?” 
“like ‘fucking pretty’,” renjun doesn’t realize she’s referencing to that one time doyoung cursed on another live, and he tries not to show the surprise in his eyes as he brings a hand up to his mouth to cover his smile. 
taehee knows she said it. there was this knowing look on her face, but she tries not to pay any mind to her slip-up by continuing to look at the comments. 
8. another one with renjun 
7드림 있으니까 특별히 들어오게 해줄게요💚💚 (181110)
it had been another one of those lives where the dreamies were shouting over one another, with one side demanding the other to do something cute for the camera, claiming it was for the fans, while the other side didn’t know whether they’d protest or just tell them to calm down — that ‘other’ being their eldest, mark. 
meanwhile, taehee sat bothered not by their chaos, but by the mini-cardboard standees that kept toppling over and ended up on the floor behind them. they were old and flimsy, but she guesses they’d keep it there to continue to promote the idols under the company. 
but it had gotten so annoying to the point that an exasperated, “fucking hell,” sighs out of taehee when an irene standee falls from the shelf and she goes to pick it up. luckily, no one noticed except renjun, who was just a seat away from her. 
when she looks back up from under the table, her eyes nervously drift to the people behind her before meeting renjun’s amused ones, trying to keep his laughter to himself. taehee brings a finger up to her lips, telling him to keep quiet about it not after proceeding with the live. 
she knows he’ll never let this down so easily. 
9. global citizen taehee was truly something else
taehee wraps her arms around herself and rubs on her sides to keep warm, but they were also about to meet h.e.r. backstage so it was about to be a pretty nerve-wracking experience for her. 
as they waited outside, she stands beside mark, shifting her weight from one foot to the other while the latter kept his gaze down. “dude, your converse are seriously beat up,” he chuckles, nudging her foot with his own. 
“yeah, no shit, mark,” she laughed along with him, tilting her foot left and right to see just how beat up her shoes were. she bends down to take a proper look at the anklet around her leg too, rolling the braided thread in between her fingers before standing up again. 
“but i wash them,” she lets him know, not expecting a brow to be raised and a knowing smirk on his face after. “really?” he asks, “that was months ago.” 
“as if you know, mark,” taehee bites back, but they both knew he was right anyways, so she just holds onto his arm for the next few minutes as some sort of warmth as they continued to wait. 
10. ending this one on a cute note <3 taehee radiates so much bestie vibes in this 
fans were going in and out of the tent quickly as superm held their fansign. unfortunately, you don’t get to meet everyone like you normally would, only being able to have a talk with one member that lasted less than a minute. 
“hi!” a girl greets taehee just as soon as the other one had left. “hey!” she greets back, giving her a dashing grin before grabbing her album and quickly signing it. the inside was loud and everyone’s conversations were overlapping one another, so the fan leans forward and raises her voice to say, “my girlfriend loves you! you’re really pretty!”
“bullshit, no way!” taehee says surprised, putting her hair behind her ear with her free hand as she handed back the album, “you’re prettier! is she here?” 
“she’s over there talking to kai actually,” they both glance towards the other direction, seeing the said member sign a girl’s album while they talked.
taehee chuckles, “am i her bias?” and the girl in front of her nods, saying she and taeyong are her own biases too. 
“that’s cool,” she nods smiling widely, squinting her eyes at the ray of sunlight that had gone inside the tent and it just so happens to land on her side. “well, i hope you guys had fun,” taehee lastly says, already waving her hand for a goodbye, “get something cool to drink, it’s hot outside.” 
“will do! thank you so much, taehee!”
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(only applies to no. 1, 3, 6, & 9) the idea of this is that these videos were taken by fans, and usually you won’t know the context behind them since they get cut off at random parts; so stuff written with the bars on the side is the actual video while the rest are just the behind context !!
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kimnjss · 4 years
desperate housewife | jjk
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⇢ pairing: jungkook x reader (ft. taehyung) ⇢ genre: smut. ⇢ word count: 5.5K ⇢ theme: husband!jungkook, housewife au, established relationship ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: soft angry guk, car sex, nipple play, unprotected sex (stay safe loves!)… this was lowkey kind softcore, ngl.  ⇢ summary: bored with your husband gone all the time, you decide to take up a new hobby... jungkook can only seem to focus on one thing when it comes to your new pastime. ⇢ A/N: this was heavily influenced by desperate housewives, okay. ive been binging it during quarantine nd kind of spit this out lmao. also!! want to apologize if this feels all over the place, kept on stopping nd starting again... so yeah!
The day your husband proposed, he gave you his word that you'd never have to lift a finger once you were married to him. His faith in his career and talents fueling his proclamation. You would've said yes even without it, but it was nice how badly he wanted to treat you like a princess.
You and Jungkook had been together for two years before he decided to get down on one knee. He made it known that he thought you were the one from the beginning and you had always thought, it was soon to tell- but he was right.
Your agreement was no short of immediate, wedding date set for an exact year after that day and you couldn't wait. Jungkook was oddly helpful with the planning and organization, way more than you'd expect a husband to be, but he was genuinely interested.
With his help, you two pulled off a gorgeous ceremony. His family and yours filling the place, watching as you agreed to become one with this man. It was all you wanted. Becoming Mrs. Jeon Jungkook was the best day of your life. Three days after your honeymoon in Malta, Jungkook was urging you to quit your job.
You did.
Jungkook was serious about keeping his word, didn't plan for you to lift a finger at all. A maid was hired to do the cleaning, chef to do the cooking, a yard boy to tend to your pool and pretty garden. You even had a personal driver to drive the car he had purchased for you.
Not once did you think of complaining. It was nice. Not having to worry about this or that or the other thing. Having everything done for you really freed up time for you to do the things that you really liked to do. The only problem was, you've been busy working your whole life you never really had the chance to figure out exactly what that was.
And it wasn't like you could hang out with the husband you loved so much, he hardly had time to cut his hair, let alone hang out with you. So you spent your days at home, chatting with the members of your staff and counting down to the days that Jungkook was able to come home.
It wasn't until you caught yourself in a heated argument with the yard boy about the exact inch length of your front lawn did the realization hit you. You needed a hobby. Shopping, getting your hair and nails done, that wasn't going to cut it. You needed something that was just for you.
You just needed to figure out what that was.
Sat on the couch with your feet propped on an ottoman, you flipped through your catalog. Sulin, the maid, stood across from you, wiping the windows down with glass cleaner. The sound of a car door slam had your fingers stilling, your body perking as your attention was brought to the large window in your living room.
“Mr. Jeon is home,” Sulin informed you, but you were already standing; all but running out the front door. Jungkook was waving goodbye to the man who had dropped him off, hands clutching his way too large suitcase. “Baby!” You squealed, not being able to contain yourself as you leaped for him.
Your husband and his ever so impressive reflexes were catching you easily, allowing your legs to wrap around his waist as he leaned up for a starved kiss. His hands were properly placed on your sculpted bottom, slowly inching up to grip the flesh. A squeal flew from your lips as you pulled back, playfully swatting at his shoulder.
“Do you really think the Jefferson's want an eye full of you groping your wife on the front lawn?” You questioned with a raised brow. Jungkook shrugged his strong shoulders, tilting his head up to reach for your lips again.
“The Jefferson's have been married 30 years, have six kids, I think they know a thing or two about groping.” You pushed the thought of your ancient neighbors going at it, instead deciding to concentrate on the cute dimples indenting your husband's cheeks as he flashed a boyish grin. Not only was this man blessed with deadly good looks, but he also had the heart and spirit of a young child. Things never got boring with him around.
Your hands cradled his face, leaning down the rest of the way to press your lips to his again. “I've missed you so much.” Your words are barely comprehensible, considering your mouth is smushed against his. Somehow, he understands you totally, sharing your sentiment with a wide grin.
His hands finding your ass again, Jungkook holds you to him as he begins taking long steps toward your house. You could feel his length against your thigh with each step he took and you knew exactly what you were in for once you reached the bedroom. Or maybe the kitchen. Hell, he might even give up on the front porch and do it there.
Yeah, things never got boring with Jungkook around.
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An entire week had passed since Jungkook came back home. A whole week filled with laughter, games, impromptu trips, spontaneous dates. A full week of fun with the man of your dreams. Every waking moment was spent together, genuinely enjoying each other that you forgot he would be leaving come Sunday.
This is why you wore a permanent scowl on your face as you neatly folded his clothes, taking on the task to pack his suitcase. Sulin had been doing it when you entered the bedroom, but for some odd reason, you felt like you wanted to. She was more than happy to pass the task on to you, moving to get dinner started.
Since it was Jungkook's last day in the house, Sulin had suggested she made all of his favorite foods for dinner tonight. No protests on your husband's side, of course, and you figured your waistline could suffer if it meant witnessing that huge bunny smile that took over his features.
Warm arms wrapped around your waist, chiseled chin nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Jungkook pulled you into his embrace, taking in the sweet smell of the perfume you prayed whenever you got out the shower. “How's my princess doing?” His tone was soft and caring.
Jungkook knew that you were upset that he was leaving. But he also knew that you weren't upset with him. Couldn't be upset with him because you knew what you were in for from the beginning. It just annoyed you that his job always cut into the time that the two of you got to spend together. He was hardly ever home, never really unpacked when he was home because it was just a matter of time until he was leaving again.
It was like your house was just a rest stop and that annoyed you, passionately. You didn't want to make him feel bad, though. You knew he was trying his best; could tell with how he fought sleep when he was back just so he could spend time with you. It was hard on him too, so there was no reason to make a stink out of it.
You pulled his suitcase closed, zipping it before turning in his arms. Your scowl had morphed into a pout, arms wrapping around his neck. Lifting up on your tiptoes, you pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “I'm okay. What time is your flight?” You wanted to know just how much time you had left with him.
“Javier will pick me up right after dinner.” Guess you only had a few more hours left with him then. A sigh slipped from his lips, his hands cupping your face and thumb brushing over your cheek. “I won't be gone long this time. Just a week or two and then I have a month off,” He offered up with a grin and you matched it, nodding your head.
“Can we visit that resort when you get back, then?” You looked up at him hopeful, his head was nodding not even giving a moment to think of the request. “Whatever you want. Just put it on the schedule. A whole month, I'm all yours.”
It was like time was on a treadmill whenever you were with him. Before you knew it, dinner was being served and the two of you sat across each other at your way too big dining table. “You know,” He was speaking after some time had passed without either of you saying a word.
You were playing with your food, eating in slow motion as if that would keep time from moving so he wouldn't have to leave just yet. Head lifting at the sound of his words, you tilted your head to the side. “Sammie Fields and a couple of her girlfriends all take dance lessons at the gym across town.”
Face contorted, you tried to figure out why he was offering up this information all of a sudden. “Alright, you got me. Why are you telling me this?” You pushed out a laugh, hoping not to sound too harsh. You just wanted to enjoy your silent dinner before he was being whisked away.
“Maybe you should join them sometime?”
“Is this your way of telling me that I need to start working out? Believe it or not, Jeon Jungkook I'm in-” He was quick to cut you off, quick denying shakes of his hands as he leaned toward you. “No! No, it's nothing like that. I just... you said that you were bored,” Your cheeks darkened, had forgotten that you had shared that with him while catching him up on everything that had been happening while he was gone.
“Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry.” You smiled sheepishly and he shook his head. “I don't really get along with Sammie and her friends. Don't think they'd really care for me tagging along.” It was no secret that the girls on the block weren't all too fond of you. You weren't sure why, but they didn't really seem interested in being your friend – had their little clique made before you even moved in.
And they weren't taking any newbies anytime soon.
“Ugh, I wish you could just come with me. I hate that you're stuck in the house bored all the time.” It had been suggested and shut down when you two first got married. Jungkook didn't really want to travel without you with your marriage so new, so he came up with the idea that you just came along with him.
His manager was quick to veto his proposal, deeming you an unnecessary distraction – the asshole. “I'll be fine, don't worry about me.” You pushed a smile onto your face, but he didn't look convinced; cut into his pork with a quizzical look on his face. His teeth worried his lower lip and you could almost literally see the wheels turning in his head.
“Or! You know what, I could take up tennis?” You suggested, with a grin. “Tennis? Since when were you into tennis?” A shrug of your shoulder was sent in his direction as you reached forward to grasp your wine glass, bringing it to your lips. “It's never too late to learn,” He nodded.
“Are you sure you're going to like it? I mean... not to discourage you, but baby, I've not even seen you pick up a ball. Well, besides...” From the smirk on his face, you knew exactly what he was alluding to. You rolled your eyes, trying to hide the smile that tried to peek through.
“It could be fun,”
You could tell that he was happier now, at ease knowing that you weren't just going to sit around watching grass grow as you waited for him to come back. “Alright, then! I'll get you the best trainer there is. Let me just...” His hand reached for his phone on the table, your hand quick to stop him.
“You don't have to do that, baby. I'm sure there are plenty of good enough trainers at the gym. Cheaper too.” Although you loved being pampered and spoiled by him, you didn't marry him because he was stinking rich.
You married him because you were madly, deeply, truly in love with him- so there was no need for him to hire 'the best' anything for your new hobby.
“I guess if you're sure.”
“I'm sure. I'll head to the gym tomorrow and meet someone,” He nodded, attention being drawn back to the meal in front of him. Finally being able to enjoy his favorite food without worry creasing his brows.
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Two days after Jungkook had left, you were dragging yourself out of bed and heading straight to the gym. You were excited, always had liked tennis and the whole idea of it; you figured it would be fun to actually play it.
Finding a trainer was a lot easier than you had thought it would be. After a brief conversation with the lady at the front desk, she was leading you down a long corridor into a sectioned off area of the gym. More elaborate work out machines were back here, a large TV and a sauna.
“Mr. Kim.” She called to the man running on the treadmill. A fitting long-sleeved top hugged his muscles, loose shorts bouncing with each movement of his strong legs. The woman called out to him once more before he was pulling the headphone from his ear, pressing a few buttons on the machine to slow his steps into a walk.
“What's up?” He replied, a bit out of breath.
“This is Mrs. Jeon,” She introduced you formerly, despite how you insisted she uses your first name. The man cocked a brow, sparing a sideways glance in your direction. Undeniably handsome, a face appears to be carefully structured by the gods. A strong jaw, pink full lips, cheekbones, nose a little large but fitting for his handsome face, dark intense eyes guarded by long eyelashes. Even his eyebrows were pretty, what the fuck?
The man pushed a long finger against the machine in front of him, stopping it completely. “She's in looking for a tennis trainer. I figured you would be fit for it.” He was hopping off of the machine, turning to face the two of you fully.
“Have you ever played before?” His words were directed to you, but you were distracted by the deepness of his voice. Did he really sound like that... all the time? How intimidating. His head tilted, awaiting your answer.
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, desperately trying to rake your brain from what he had just said. “Oh!” You spoke a little too loudly. “Not really, no. I've just always wanted to...” The intense way he was staring at you had your sentence trailing off.
He didn't speak, eyes scanning over you carefully; making you feel small. Even the girl that brought you here sensed the odd tension, shifting uncomfortably on the balls of her feet. His tongue pushed out to lick his dry lips, a smirk taking over his features as he dragged his gaze back up to your eyes. What you would give to know what was going through his mind just then.
“It'd be my pleasure,” His voice velvety sweet with some promised laced in his words. You grinned, taking hold of the hand that he had extended out to you. “I'm Taehyung.” He introduced himself with a small smile.
Taehyung nodded at the sound of your name, going to release your hand from his grasp just as the piece of jewelry wrapped around your fourth finger caught his attention. Mindlessly, his fingers brushed it, his eyes finding yours once again.
There was something going on in his mind, you knew it. Could tell by the furrow of his brow and the smirk on his face. You just couldn't decipher what it was. His hand was dropping yours, slipping into the pocket of his pants.
“Lynn will set you up with my schedule. See you soon, Yn.” Taehyung flashed that teasing smile before tucking his earphone back in and climbing back onto the machine. Lynn led you out the same way you first came, stopping at the front desk to schedule you.
No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on the words coming out of her mouth, you couldn't shake the thought of Taehyung from your mind. It was weird. Sure, you've been swooned by attractive guys before, you were married; not blind. But this was different, he was different.
You didn't know what it was and you were scared to find out. There was no point in either way. These were just tennis lessons. Nothing more, nothing less. You were married so that was it. Halfway home, you wondered if you should turn around and demand a different trainer. Decided against it, surely nothing will happen..., right?
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Two weeks had passed since Taehyung had become your personal trainer. It was fun, learning the sport and getting to know the mysterious man that paid so much attention to your skills. He had this set narrative of what you were capable of and never accepted less, always pushing you and oddly you liked it.
Your game was getting better as the days rolled by. Time no longer standing still with this new hobby of yours. You two met every day at 3 o'clock, most lessons lasting for an hour... maybe two if he wasn't busy, three if he got hungry in the middle. It was fun and you were quickly feeling as though you could think of the man as a friend.
The tension that surrounded you two when the first meeting had died down. You weren't interested, no matter how many smirks he threw in your direction. Jungkook was the love of your life and messing that up was at the bottom of your list. It wasn't even on your list. Taehyung got the hint without you having to spell it out for him. You appreciated that.
A gentle hand on the small of your back stilled your movements, your head turning to face the handsome man standing behind you. “You need to straighten your back,” His deep voice instructed and you nodded your head, following his orders.
He smiled, hand leaving your back to grasp your elbow- the other hand reaching for your wrist. “Tuck your core in when you swing, gives you more power.” The hand on his elbow dropped, splayed fingers landing over your belly button. You brought your arms back, tucking your core in and going for the swing.
You could feel the difference. “Oh! I didn't think it would-”
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” Your sentence was being interrupted by the booming voice of your husband. His face twisted with anger as he approached the two of you. “Get your hands off my wife!” He shouted, the words making Taehyung release you, jumping back a few steps.
“Jungkook? You're back early.” It was the only thing you could muster in your shock. Never had you seen him this angry before. His hand wrapped around your wrist, tugging you behind him as he stood square in front of Taehyung.
He sized him up, jaw clenched and fists balled. “Who do you think you are? Touching her like that?” Despite having the big muscle pig that was your husband in his face, Taehyung didn't seem the least bit intimidated. Arms crossed over his chest as he stared up at Jungkook, bored.
Sensing this could take a turn for the worse, you decided to step in. “Jungkook, baby. Relax. He's my trainer!” Jungkook only half-listened to your words, squaring his chest as he stepped closer to Taehyung.
“Does your trainer know that you're happily married?” His words were delivered through clenched teeth to the man standing in front of him. Taehyung was rolling his eyes, hands patting at your husband's shoulders.
“I suggest you calm down there, buddy. I can have you kicked out and your wife banned with a snap of my fingers.” He wouldn't do that right? Ban you? You two were friends, he was just saying that?
You didn't want to be the one to call his bluff. Hands finding Jungkook's elbow, you tugged him toward you. “Let's just go, baby.” He scoffed, tugging his hand from your grasp before turning and passing you, stomping up the hill.
You quickly followed behind him, legs moving quickly in fear he might leave without you. He had stopped in front of his car, hands in his pocket. You landed a soothing hand to his back. “Baby, I promise you. Nothing like that was happening. He was just helping me with my form!”
His hand pulled out from his pocket, your big, expensive wedding ring between his fingers. “Why aren't you wearing your ring?”
“Oh.” You could feel your cheeks darkening, embarrassed as if you had been caught. But you hadn't! You just knew what he was thinking and how all of this looked. You reached your hand forward, taking the jewelry from his hand. “I only take it off for training, I didn't want it to fly off.” You tell him, and it's the truth.
He doesn't believe you, rolling his eyes right in your face. “Yeah, fucking right and you just so happened to get paired with the young attractive trainer, rather than someone who is actually qualified.”
“It's not like that! Don't you trust me?” Wedding ring secured back on your fingers, you reached up to cup his face in your hands. You offered a soft smile up at him, thumbs stroking his clenched jaw. “I would never do something like that, baby.”
Scowl not falling, but an arm wrapping around your waist; you could tell he was softening. “It's not you, I don't trust.” He grumbled and you nodded in understanding, standing up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
“I know, baby. You'd be the first to know if he tried anything,” Your words are murmured against his lips. The grasp he holds on your waist tightening as he pulls your body tighter against his. You feel his grasp dropping from your hips to your thighs until he's lifting your body off of the ground; easily wrapping your legs around his waist.
Your back is being pushed against the cool exterior of his car, his body pressed tight against yours as his kiss gains intensity. His mouth desperately searching yours as if trying to imprint himself on you. His hand slid underneath the bottom of your tank top, smirking at the realization of your lack of bra.
Jungkook was breaking the kiss, leaving your lips yearning for more of him. Dark eyes stared into yours, heavy breaths leaving his lips as his thumb caresses your hardening nipple. “I can't fucking believe you.” He snarled, fingers pinching at your nipple; making you yelp.
He didn't even allow you a moment to reply, lips crashing against yours with much greed, hunger as his hips pushed up into yours. You could feel how hard he was even through the fabric of his jeans and you wondered if he'd fuck you right here... against his car where anyone could walk by and see you.
The thought had a rush of arousal pooling between your legs. You leaned into his kiss, returning everything that he was giving you. Jungkook's kisses were everything he was; sweet, passionate, determined, horny. His hands dropped from your body, grasping the behind you as his tongue pushed further into your mouth.
With unbelievable swiftness, Jungkook was pulling the car door open, lifting your body off of the car and laying you across the back seat. Reluctantly, he broke the kiss to climb onto you, trapping your body between his strong thighs.
You slid your hands up the front of his shirt, the rapid beating of his heart surprising you. He still wore that scowl on his face and you frowned. “I love you, Kookie. You know that, right?” You offered a sweet smile up at him, which he only nodded to. His hands hastily pulled your shirt up and over your head.
His face was buried in your neck, attacking your slightly sweaty skin with his lips and teeth. Big hands grasped your breasts, teasing them. Hearing the whimpers, the moans that his touches caused did wonders for Jungkook's ego. He loved knowing that he was the only one that could get you like this, see you like this. Fuck that Taehyung guy, you were his and he was more than willing to prove it to you.
He couldn't help the primal instinct to cover your body in his marking to make it completely and utterly clear that you belonged to him. Quickly, his hands were dropping and rounding your body to grasp your ass; using his grip to pull your body against his. At that exact moment, he was sinking his teeth into the skin just above your collarbone, sucking harshly on the spot right after.
“Fuck, Jungkook!” He loved the sound of your sweet moans. Loved it even more that it was his name falling from those pretty lips. Jungkook rolled his hips forward, grinding his hard and growing erection against your scarcely covered pussy. Such a tiny useless skirt, did you really think he'd have nothing to say about you prancing around in this?
Your shaky hands found the dark curls of his hair, tugging at the roots as his lips dragged their way down your chest. You were already so needy for him, back arching in an attempt to push your breasts closer to his lips, hoping he'd take the hint. He did. A breath of relief fell from your lips as his mouth finally wrapped around one of your hardened buds, wet tongue drawing circles around it, pulling desperate moans from your lips.
He was pulling back with a hiss, teeth sinking into the flesh of your tit, making you yelp. His gentle tongue soothed the skin, dark eyes peaking up to admire your lust-filled, half-lidded eyes. A gentle kiss pressed against the marked skin, “You're so pretty like this.” He grinned.
Jungkook reached his hand down to still the grind of your hips that had started without your knowledge, he pinned you against the leather seats and you whimpered. “What is it that you want, baby?” Fuck, his voice. It wasn't often that Jungkook took on a dominant role, sort of liked to go with the flow. But right now, the way he was looking at you, handling you, hand an unfamiliar twist building in your stomach.
There was no way you'd be able to keep your composure if he kept on like this. “I need you, Kookie. I need to feel you.” Never did you think he'd be down for car sex, but you weren't opposed to the idea; not one bit. With that, though, you knew that you had to be quick; there was no telling who could come rushing down the hill. Which meant foreplay wasn't really in the cards for you two right now.
Jungkook was quick with leaning back on his knees, tugging at the buckle of his belt until it came undone. He only pushed his jeans down enough to pull his cock out. No matter how many times you saw it, you always seemed to find yourself mesmerized by Jungkook's cock.
It was no surprise that it'd be long, Jungkook was a big guy and it was only fitting that he'd have a big dick. Rested nicely just inches below his belly button. It was thick too, pretty veins wrapping around the length and a pink tip that had your mouth watering and pussy clenching.
Jungkook watched you expectantly, a subtle smirk on his lips. He had definitely caught you ogling. It took you a moment to figure out why he was looking at you, but you were quick to catch on, lifting your hips to wiggle out of your tiny skirt. “Fuck, baby.” He breathed, eyes fixed on the way your panties clung to your damp lips. You felt your cheeks darkening.
He never had to do much to get you like this. A giggle left your lips, “You're the only one that makes me like this.” You reminded, hands reaching up to reach for his shoulders as you pulled his body down onto yours. The smile that took over his features didn't go unnoticed. His hand was fitting itself between your legs, long fingers rubbing at your folds gently.
Freehand lining the thickness of his head up with your center, and sliding all the way in with one powerful thrust. You let out a loud cry, caught off guard although you expected the intrusion. Gentle lips pressed wet kisses against your skin, allowing you the time you needed to adjust to his large size.
It didn't take long for you to get used to him being this deep inside you. Yeah, he's been gone for weeks, but your body had grown accustomed to him, always recognizing his return. Just a single roll of your hips was enough to get him to fuck forward, the breath he had been holding being let out.
He was quickly losing himself in you, forgetting if he had ever been mad in the first place. It was like he wanted to make sure you felt every last inch of him. Gradually, he was speeding up the movements of his hips, tickling the sweet spots buried deep inside of you before full-blown pounding against them.
Each thrust hit right where you needed him to, high, needy moans fell from your lips. Calls of his name as your nails dug into his back. You could feel yourself climbing higher and higher toward your release. Jungkook's hand grasped tightly on your thigh, lifting your leg to reach deeper inside of you. He was panting, sending you praise, reminding you that you were his.
Nothing else seemed to matter at this moment. Not the fact that you could be caught at any moment, the uncomfortable bend laying in the back seat of his car caused, Taehyung; it was just you two. “Kookie, I'm gonna...” You tried to tell him, the pleasure making its way into your veins and spiking through your body; cutting your sentence short.
He understood you completely, though. “Shh, I got you, baby.” He rasped, eyes finding yours in the cloudy haze of pleasure the two of you had created. He loved to see you like this, fucked out and desperate for him. His hand was sliding between your legs to find your sensitive clit, using his fingers to push you over the edge.
Nails dragged down his strong back, as you clenched down around him. With one final call of his name, you were falling apart, hips bucking and head falling back. The sight of you unraveling, was enough to push Jungkook over the edge. His head ducked into the crook of your neck, teeth, and tongue finding your salty skin. He pounded his hips powerfully into you until his body was stilling.
A drawn-out moan left your lips at the feeling of his thick release coating your pulsing walls. Warmth spread throughout your body as you began to relax under him, breath heaving as your body laid limp against Italian leather.
“Fuck,” Jungkook breathed out a laugh, eyes dropping to watch his dick slip from inside of you. The mixture of your release dripped out of you and he watched, amazed. “You're my perfect girl.” He complimented with a wide smile, droopy eyes lifting to find your smiling face. “I can't believe we just-”
His words were being cut off by a sharp knock against the window just above your head. Your body sprung up, arms wrapping around your body to cover your bare chest. Wide eyes landing on an annoyed-looking Taehyung.
“You can't do that here!” He called through the glass. Jungkook was smirking, reaching for the door to roll down the window. You stopped him, only being able to imagine what type of snarky remark he was about to spew.
“We're leaving!” You called back, officially kissing your weekly tennis lessons goodbye when you saw the scowl on the older male's face. He turned with a roll of his eyes, stalking his way back up the hill. “He's an asshole,” Jungkook noted and you laughed, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“Just take me home, want you to fuck me properly.” He perked up at the sound of that, hands quick to adjust his jeans before he was climbing into the front seat. “You lay comfy, I'll have you home in no time.” He grinned, quick with turning the keys in the ignition.
God, you loved this man. With every fiber of your being, you loved him. He was perfect for you and you could never imagine yourself with anyone else. You were sure he felt the same, making sure that you knew it every single day. The time apart only made your heart grow fonder, made every day with him that much more special.
You wouldn't change a thing.
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Cabin in the Woods [18+]
Jackson Neill x Female Reader
For @storiesofsvu​’s Fall Bingo! Requested by @resparza​​! 
Summary: You and Jackson take a trip to New England that goes slightly awry.
Warnings: NSFW, nipple play, fingering, praise, slow gentle sex until the end when it gets a lil rough. Fluffy fluff & the tiniest bit of angst (so Jackson can reassure you). Trans male version here
3,350 words
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Jackson made a tiny mistake with the timing. He booked your leaf-peeping getaway for mid-October, when the leaves in the city were just beginning to turn.
When you arrived at your cozy Airbnb in the mountains of Vermont, you were greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of… sticks.
“Goddammit. I forgot how geography works,” Jackson griped, pinching the bridge of his nose. He’d been in a sour mood for most of the drive up I-91 when the scenery started to look distinctly more ashen than orange halfway through Massachusetts.
“It’s like we time-traveled two weeks into the future,” you marveled at the bare tree branches rattling in a chilly breeze. Your rustic cedar-shingle cabin was surrounded by forest and at the end of a long dirt driveway. Even without the screen of leaves, you couldn’t see any neighbors.
“So much for leaf-peeping. There are no leaves.”
You picked up a bright red maple leaf from the driveway. “Found one!”
He chuckled at your enthusiasm and shook his head. “If I made our reservation a week earlier, the foliage would be, you know, in trees.”
“Found another!” you pointed at the colorful ground, grinning. “There’s another!” You picked each one up and tossed them at him like confetti.
“Alright!” he groaned, curling his elbow about your neck like a shepherd’s crook to wrangle you in. “I see you refuse to have a miserable time. Won’t even wallow with me for two seconds?”
“I think it’s pretty.” You turned in his arm and kissed him.
The tip of your nose was cold, but your lips were warm as he kissed you back and tried to look on the bright side. Just because things weren’t going to plan didn’t mean he had to relapse into his ingrained Catholic guilt.
Since the publication of his book, Meyerism: A New American Religion, Jackson Neill had been receiving threats from the eponymous cult that had him on edge. Not only was he afraid for himself—he wasn’t so macho to pretend otherwise—but he worried about you or his kids getting caught in the crossfire. The deeper he dug into the Meyerist Movement, the more he was convinced they were capable of anything.
This vacation was supposed to be a way to leave all that behind for a weekend, but stress clung to him like spiderwebs.
At least the weather was cooperative. Friday afternoon was clear and sunny—just the right temperature to sit out on the porch with a hot cup of cider. After unpacking, you settled down with Jackson on Adirondack chairs and listened to the sounds of nature as the fading sun slanted orange and red through the forest.
Pops of bright color still stood out amid the dull grey-brown landscape like flames—late trees that had waited for your arrival to change.
“You’re right: it is pretty,” Jackson conceded, your hand nested in his. Your fingertips were getting cold, so he held them to his lips and blew on them.
Tomorrow, you’d go on a nice hike with a beautiful view of the snow-capped Green Mountains. The trip wasn’t a total waste, Jackson thought. He tried to relax.
The next morning, you awoke to the pounding of rain on the roof and Jackson pacing downstairs in the living room. The entire cabin creaked and groaned with the force of the wind, and you quickly pulled on a sweater and wool socks before padding down the stairs.
Jackson was tapping at his phone, muttering under his breath, before finally tossing the useless device on the couch with a dry laugh. His apparent crankiness couldn’t have been that bad, though—he’d gotten up early to light about a hundred votive candles, filling the dim living room with flickering golden light. He must have been planning something romantic.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his stubbly cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“No signal out here in God’s country,” Jackson rolled his eyes at a wooden cross decorating a door frame, which had not been visible in the listing photographs.
“Isn’t there Wi-Fi?”
Jackson stared at you with lips so thin they vanished into a fine line, and eyes that looked ready to shatter like exploding light bulbs at any moment. “Storm knocked out the power.”
Oh. That was why he lit candles.
“And our hike is canceled, unless you want to go out in that.” A freezing mix of rain and sleet rattled the window panes.
It was easy to let another person’s bad mood get you down, but you tried to stay positive. He’d been so tense lately, he needed support. You both needed this vacation to go well. “That’s OK. We can stay in and get cozy with the fireplace.”
“You would think so,” he gave a humorless chuckle, shaking your arm off to sulk into the open-plan kitchen. “The listing said breakfast was included, but the refrigerator is empty. We’ve got… toast.”
“Maybe we can drive into town? Find one of those quaint little bakeries.”
“Out into the cold,” he sighed. “And we don’t have internet to look a place up. No wonder the host thinks they can get away with starving us—I can’t even call to complain!”
The wall of positivity you’d constructed groaned and cracked, and the anxiety it held back began to stream through. You sank down onto the couch.
Oblivious, Jackson hunted through the charmingly rustic (and empty) cabinets with an increasingly frustrated frown. “This trip is a disaster.” The words stung as surely as if he called you a disaster.
“I’m sorry.”
“What?” He turned. Your voice was so quiet he barely heard you say anything.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated so he would hear, lower lip trembling with the effort.
It took him three strides to cross the entire cabin, and he was on top of you, kneeling in front of the couch, stroking your face. “Hey, no, no… What are you talking about?” His green eyes were soft as the hay fields you’d passed yesterday as they searched yours.
“It was my idea to come here,” you sniffed.
“I know.” His head tilted, and frown lines creased his forehead. “I wanted this weekend to be perfect for you, and I can’t get anything right. I don’t know why you’re sorry. This is my fault.”
“But it’s my fault you’re miserable. I thought getting away from the city would be relaxing. I wanted some alone time with you. But you’re not having any fun. I just don’t want you to be upset…”
Something changed in his eyes.
“I… I’m not upset.” His thumb gently stroked your cheek. “I’m not upset at all—not at you. Maybe at myself. Fine, entirely at myself. This was your trip, and I fucked it up. I hate disappointing you.”
A hint of a smile crept back into your face. You covered his hand with your own and turned into it to kiss his palm. “Jax, you could never disappoint me. All I wanted out of this trip was to spend time with you. So long as we’re together, I’m happy.”
“You don’t look happy.” A flicker of a self-deprecating smirk. “Guess I ruined things by being a grouch, huh?”
Your face once again threatened a smile. “No…”
“Yes. I’m a big mean grouch. Come on, you can tell me off,” he grinned, leaning close to your neck and purring his words against your earlobe. “Punish me. Throw a handful of sleet down my shirt. Push me into a pile of wet leaves.”
“Nooo!” you squirmed beneath him, fighting a laugh as he invented tortures for himself and kissed them into your skin.
“Come on, I deserve it.” He pulled back, and a smile broke across his face like dawn to see how your eyes had brightened.
“Alright, alright. Maybe just a little sleet.”
“From now on”—he pressed his lips against your neck again and sucked lightly at the beat of your pulse point—“I promise”—he nibbled his way over your jaw—“to appreciate every moment of our vacation”—his lips ghosted against yours—“and make sure you feel good.”
You pulled him down onto the couch with you, falling back onto the cushions as his lips melted with yours and his tongue hunted for a moan inside your mouth. He found one, long, slow, and tortured as you tasted the raw heat of his apology.
“Mmm,” you hummed as if a chocolate truffle were melting on your tongue. “You want to make me feel good?”
“Yes,” he sighed back, lips moving against your cheek and his hips lazily grinding against your thigh.
“I have a few ideas about how you could do that…”
“So do I.”
His long fingers slid down your stomach and slipped beneath the waistband of your flannel pajama pants. You drew a sharp breath as his pads grazed the top of your slit, and he paused, looking to you with lust-blown eyes for permission to continue. Sucking your lower lip between your teeth, you angled your pelvis to move his fingers onto the aching bud of flesh that sent hot shivers out beneath your skin at the contact.
“Seems we’re on the same page, Dr. Neill,” you whispered, and captured his lips again.
Moaning into the kiss with a dark, gravelly rumble, Jackson let his fingers venture deeper into your folds. You weren’t drenched for him yet. Moments ago, you had been on the verge of crying, and he still had to reassure your body that it was wonderful and loved—but he was a patient man and enjoyed taking his time. Each breath and sigh was a signal he attended like a rapt student in the front row of the classroom, his own pleasure coursing through his veins as he played with your pussylips and brought out your trust and desire.
“Shirt off.”
Nodding, you peeled the hem up over your stomach, and he sat up to help you wriggle it off over your shoulders. While he was at it, he pulled off your pajama bottoms and stripped to his boxers.
“Hey, I’m cold,” you whined, pouting as goosebumps began to prickle over your naked arms.
He pulled the fleece blanket off the back of the couch and covered you both with it. “I’ll keep you warm, querida,” he purred as he lowered himself over you.
A hot flush spread over your skin. You loved when he spoke Spanish—sweetly, with the vocabulary of a 1950s telenovela, and full of diminutives the way his mother used to speak it to him as a child. A well-placed querida or cielito could send shivers up your spine. It was nothing compared to the back-arching jolt a moment later when his tongue teased your nipple.
You cried out, fingers curling sharply into his hair as if his tongue carried an electric charge, unsure if you were trying to push him off or pull him closer and make sure he never stopped. As he gently sucked and your sensitive flesh pebbled into a stiff peak beneath his circling tongue, you were leaning toward the latter. Head thrown back, you gasped out his name, begging for more.
He worshiped your chest, eyes flicking up to meet yours with a playful, attentive expression, but he didn’t give you more, no matter how you clawed at the back of his scalp. His tongue worked in gentle, leisurely circles, tracing one fully before moving on to give attention to the other.
Fingers delving back between your thighs, he found your clit swollen and throbbing. You let out a startled, sobbing moan as he stroked it, your back arching, clinging to his head almost painfully tight to brace against the overwhelming sensation. If he kept touching your two most sensitive areas at the same time, you were going to come fast.
“Easy…” he soothed, sensing your agitated level of arousal. “I want to make this last. Can you be good for me and wait?”
Whimpering, you nodded and loosened your tight grip.
“Yes, Dr. Neill.”
“Good girl.”
As he languidly serviced your nipples, he dragged his fingers lower, through your folds. It still made your skin prickle with wanting, but without direct contact with your clit, you wouldn’t come as fast.
When he found your entrance with the pad of a finger, it was slick enough to press inside without resistance. You let out a delicious, tortured moan as the long digit penetrated your tight walls, opening them a little at a time.
“Fuck, you’re so warm. So wet. That’s my good girl.” He lifted his face from your chest to kiss you in praise.
Your hips writhed to push the finger deeper as you kissed him back. He was hungry to reconnect with you—to go slowly and spend as much time as he could sharing pleasure with your naked body—but you were starving. You might explode if he didn’t fuck you.
He moaned softly as your wetness swallowed more of his finger. “Feels like you’re sucking it. Trying to pull me in. You must want more.”
“Yes… please,” you whined, your hands gripping at his broad shoulders.
A second finger stretched your entrance, and he began slowly fucking you with both.
“Oh, fuck. More! Harder,” you moaned.
“You sound so desperate,” he observed casually. “Like one of my students trying to cram for a test.” Heavy-lidded bedroom eyes betrayed his desire, but he wore a cheeky grin and did not increase his pace.
Wet sounds of flesh filled the cabin, so slow it was torture. “Please, Jackson… please let me come. Please…” you begged, but he just kept watching you studiously, worshipfully, as he fingered you slowly. Enough to keep you begging, but not enough to let you finish.
He was straddling one of your legs, and his cock pressed rock-hard into your thigh. Every so often, you would feel it twitch, usually when his fingers massaged a sensitive spot inside that made you give a satisfying noise, and he could feel your pussy gripping around him. Then he would murmur, “You’re so beautiful. Fuck, you feel so good.”
Only when you were a drooling, trembling mess that could barely string two intelligible words together did he start to actively roll his hips, rubbing his erection against your leg.
“Do you want more?”
“Y-yes,” you sobbed.
He sat back on his haunches, and you wailed as his fingers slipped from your yearning wetness, leaving you so empty. “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked softly, so tenderly that “fuck” sounded like the most romantic, poetic word in the English language.
“I love you,” you replied, which wasn’t technically a yes, but made Jackson’s breath catch suddenly in his throat.
“I love you, too, mi corazón.” He tugged the elastic waistband of his boxers down over his straining cock, and, taking it in his hand, notched its thick head against your entrance. His forehead rested against yours as he demanded huskily, “Now tell me you want me inside you.”
You gasped. He was so big and blunt against your tight pussy, you almost didn’t think he could fit. But you knew he could—and you knew that was why he always warmed you up so gradually, so agonizingly, so he would never hurt you. With the crown of his cock stretching your opening, the temptation of being filled by him was so close that an unbearable ache drowned out every other thought.
“I want you, Jackson. I need you.”
A thrill rushed through you as his walls came crashing down. His hips canted forward, and a pleasurable burn filled your depths as his cock stretched you open farther than seemed possible—and you watched his mind empty in that moment. All the stress and worry were gone. Nothing was on his mind but you and how good you felt wrapped around him. Nothing existed for you but him between your legs and the ragged sound of his breathing.
As if to seamlessly replace his fingers with his cock, he set the same languid pace. At first, the difference in girth was enough to make it infinitely more intense. Relief cascaded through you as your pleasure finally began to build toward a finale, heat pooling in your lower body with every thrust. Dipping his head, Jackson found a hardened nipple and sucked it until you were babbling incoherently, hips jerking to add to the depth and friction he was giving you.
“H-harder,” you whispered, and this time, he didn’t tease you.
Your pussy coated his cock with so much cream, he knew you could take all of him. Knew you were ready to snap, and so was he—so his hips pounded faster, thighs slapping your skin, heavy balls swinging against your ass.
“Yes… yes… yes…” he breathed rhythmically, chasing his climax as your arousal coated his cock and slicked your thighs.
“More,” you rasped, though your fingernails were already digging red crescents into his back, the stretch almost too much. He needed a stress release, and you wanted to be his outlet. “Let yourself go.”
A final barrier broke inside him, and he took you so quickly, it was more like jerking himself off with your body than making love. Nothing went through his mind but seeking his own release. For a moment, Even you vanished, and there was nothing but his cock surrounded and gripped by unbelievable warmth. You cried out in pleasure at the new depths he struck with reckless abandon.
His hips stuttered. “Fuck!” he gasped, fingers gripping the couch cushion as his hot seed painted your inner walls.
He panted, going still. After a few moments of catching his breath, cock twitching the remainder of its contents into you, he wiped the sheen of sweat off his brow and opened his eyes.
“You didn’t come, did you?” He gave a sheepish sigh.
“It’s OK. Sometimes it takes me too long… It was fun anyway.”
“Stop that. Whoever gave you those excuses is a fucking idiot.”
Keeping himself sheathed inside you, he reached between your bodies to stroke your clit. You gasped out, finding your body responded quickly with waves of molten heat exploding between your thighs. You were still close to finishing.
Jackson circled his hips, using his spent, tender cock while it was still hard. Though each movement was overstimulating and made his body cry out to stop, he savored the way you responded to the pressure: your eyes squeezing closed, your breath growing shallow. He lowered his mouth to your chest again, stroking your clit faster as he flicked his tongue and rocked his hips in shallow thrusts. Your moans built, louder and more strained, back arching beneath him until finally, you came, walls crashing around him, convulsing and releasing, then clenching down again as your whole body shuddered with wave after wave of ecstasy.
Jackson’s mouth popped off the bud of your nipple as a pained moan tore from his throat. His exhausted cock suffered as your pussy involuntarily tried to milk another orgasm from it, but there was a smile on his lips. A breathy laugh.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “You’re perfect.”
You lay together for a while under the blanket. Even after you’d recovered, your shared body heat was incentive enough not to want to get up yet. The storm outside didn’t relent, and despite the warm light of a hundred flickering candles, the air inside the cabin was chilly. Soon, you would start up the fire in the rustic stone hearth, and you could stay cozy inside all day roasting marshmallows and reading books or playing board games. After a brief trip into town for supplies, that is. Besides, you would have to brave the storm to make good on your promise to slip some ice down his shirt.
For now, Jackson’s face was buried contentedly in the curve of your neck, hot puffs of breath tickling your skin. You held him in your arms, combing your fingers through his hair.
“So,” you murmured. “Enjoying our vacation yet?”
You felt him smile. “It’s everything I needed.”
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● •
Tags: @beccabarba / @itsjustmyfantasyroom / @thatesqcrush / @dianilaws / @permanentlydizzy / @mrsrafaelbarba / @madamsnape921 / @astrangegirlsmind / @neely1177 / @onerestein / @dreamlover31 / @isvvc-pvscvl  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu / @welcometothemxdhouse / @feedthemadness-sweetie / @law-nerd105 / @amelia-song-pond / @michael-rooker / @xecq / @madpanda75 / @alwaysachorusgirl / @bananas-pajamas / @leanor-min / @mad-girl-without-a-box​ / @katierpblogg​ / @worldofvixen​ / @sassyada​ / @detectivebarba​
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Somebody to you
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Summary: Going on a school trip with your best friends is something you've ever wanted but luck wasn't on your side. Not only were you going to see your childhood enemy on the trip, but you had to share cabins with him due to unfortunate circumstances on your end. How would the trip turn out?
Theme: College au, enemies to lovers
Genre: a little angsty, slightly suggestive but nothing too serious, fluff ending 
WC: 7.8k
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hey there :) This one is a little longer than my other fics. Tell me if there's any mistakes! Anyways, hope you like it :))) 
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“Okay everyone, so as you may all know, the school has decided to let a few selected classes from each course go on a field trip to the mountain lodge where you will get to take part in fun activities such as skiing. Those classes who are not selected for this trip will be going on a different trip respectively since they could not accommodate a whole resort for the entire school.”
The school’s principal said through the loud speaker, announcing the school trip to everyone on campus. After he called out the selected classes for each trip, the students were visibly excited. But even then, somehow, two students from two different classes couldn’t help but frown as they both let out a defeated sigh.
The thought of seeing each other on campus was already disappointing enough. But to be stuck on a resort with the other, definitely never crossed their minds. After class was dismissed, you packed your bags too slowly for Jennie’s liking as the older girl tapped your nose teasingly.
“Hey. What’s with the face? You okay?” Jennie asked.
“No? It’s already bad enough that I see his face here everyday. Why do I have to see him again for the trip?” You said in an annoyed tone, causing Lisa to exchange a knowing look with Jennie.
“Are you talking about Yunho?” Lisa asked, a small sympathetic smile appeared on her face.
“Who else?” You puffed your cheeks. You three soon left the classroom, only for Jennie to speak up. “Oh come on, Y/N… Let’s ignore him and just enjoy this trip, hmm? Besides, look on the bright side! Yeri, Jihyo, Sana, Chungha and Mina will be there too!” You could only groan, making the two girls laugh.
By now, everyone knew the two Tom and Jerry on campus. You would never go a day without at least one verbal fight with him. You had just entered the cafeteria, finding for an empty table when you spotted him from afar with your eagle eyes.
You internally groaned when he happened to turn towards your direction as though he knew you were right there.
Yunho gave you a cold stare before turning back to his friends, allowing his smile to reappear on his face as if nothing happened. You continued your day as usual, despite not looking forward to the trip that was set to due in a week's time. 
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The week passed by pretty fast as you were unfortunately running late due to morning traffic. When you arrived on campus, you were at least 20 minutes late. However, apparently everyone was already given the chance to find a partner for each room and there were a total of 32 cabin houses that could accommodate a maximum of 9 people in each house.
You looked around to find your friends, but you nearly dropped your bags when you realized that they already had 9 people. With two girls whom you weren’t close with but you recognized them to be Yeri’s classmates. Jennie and Jihyo frowned, mouthing a series of ‘sorry’s and also saying that the headmaster didn’t give them a choice to wait for you.
You shook your head and smiled, telling them that it was okay. 
Just then, the headmaster turned to the latecomers only to speak up. “Do all of you have a cabin to join?” The 6 students shook their heads. Just then, a familiar voice spoke up from just two rows down.
“She can room with us. We have one extra spot left.” This made you turn your head, only to lock eyes with Jeong Yunho. Of course you would never agree to staying in a cabin together with him, but at that current moment, you had to weigh the pros and cons.
It’s either you stay with complete strangers who may or may not be the best of people or stay with an enemy whom you know almost your whole life and suffer with him for the next one week until the trip ends. What could possibly go wrong.
Eh, what the heck.
“Sure, I’ll stay with them.” You said as the headmaster nods, pointing his hand towards Yunho’s group of friends.
You hesitantly walked up to them but the minute you stepped foot in their circle, Yunho was quick to speak up.
“Just because I helped you, doesn’t mean I don’t hate you anymore.”
“Oh, I didn’t ask for your help anyway. And, don’t worry, I still hate you.” You said. Yunho made a face at you, earning a roll of your eyes. The rest of them who witnessed this couldn’t help but glance back and forth between the two enemies.
They were soon heading off class by class respectively. At this point, you were thankful that you could finally reunite with your best friends instead of being stuck with him.
The journey to the mountains took at least 4 hours but it was worth it.
When they arrived at the resort, it was a lot more beautiful than in the brochures. Everyone left the buses in awe at the spectacular scenery. Since it was almost the start of winter season, snow already began to coat the mountains and the roads in that area. 
The temperature was cold and breezy, making them wear warm protective clothings. You got excited when you saw the skiing park right beside the resort, pulling Lisa and Jennie over to the railings. “Wow look!” You gasped with a bright smile on your face. Both Lisa and Jennie did the same as they watched the people ski down the slopes professionally.
After they’ve all entered the main lobby of the ski resort, the headmaster made an announcement.
“Alright everyone. When the staff calls out your name, please come and collect the keys to your cabins. I’ve already told the staff workers here to label and assign each cabin to the respective groups according to what you chose earlier. After I have dismissed everyone, you are free to roam around, explore this resort before going to the main food hall for lunch. I will give you about an hour and a half of free time. Do I make myself clear?”
Everyone responded in unison and soon, the staff member began to call out the names of the student representing each cabin to come forward and collect the keys. After everyone was done, they soon dispersed to go to their cabins.
You stuck with your friends as you followed them to their cabin. Unfortunately, their cabin was at least 5 blocks away. Making it difficult for you to even sneak out and go to their cabin at night like you planned. Nevertheless, the cabin interior looked really nice and cosy. The wooden interior makes it even more warm and spacious.
“Wow! It’s so pretty!”
“This is nothing like the pictures!”
“I wish we could live here together.” 
A series of compliments were thrown the minute they entered the house. You were excited to stay in these kinds of cabins despite knowing you wouldn’t be sharing it with these bunch of people. The girls were about to explore more when you spoke up.
“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it. Text me if you guys are going anywhere fun!” You laughed.
“I’m so sorry Y/N! I really hoped for all of us to stay together.” Jihyo apologized, making you shake your head.
“It’s fine. We’re gonna see each other often during the activities anyway.” You said before you waved goodbye to them, leaving the cabin to go to your designated one on the other side of the resort. When you were just 4 feet away, you could already see the shoes scattered around the doorstep, making you sigh.
You didn’t have anything against the guys, because it was quite easy to say that you knew most of them on a name basis just that you aren’t close friends. However, the only person you knew the longest but also happens to be your enemy since high school, was obviously Yunho.
So when you pushed the door open, you immediately took in the wonderful pinewood smell of the gorgeous cabin. Completely ignoring the excited males running around the lodge.
“Oh, Y/N. Hey.” Hongjoong acknowledged you first, causing the rest to do the same.
You gave them a small smile followed by a nod before entering the cabin further. Once you were standing in the living room, just staring at Seonghwa who was wrestling Yeosang, a voice spoke up from the steps. “All the rooms have only one bed each, 3 queens and 1 king. We’ve already decided who rooms with who.” Yunho announced coldly.
“And…?” You paused, urging him to continue.
“And? Isn’t it already obvious who you’re rooming with? The boys figured you wouldn’t be comfortable sharing a room with someone you didn’t know. But I’m taking the bed. You can sleep on the couch.” Yunho said. You rolled your eyes, proceeding to walk in his direction before you came to a stop in front of him.
“I’d rather sleep in the kitchen instead of sharing the bed with you.”
“Be my guest.” He taunts. You could only growl before heading up the stairs. 
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Hours went by in a flash and it was already dinner time. You were already exhausted from the activities you did earlier in the day. Already planning to take a shower and head to bed the minute you reach the cabin.
A few minutes later after everyone was dismissed from dinner to head back to their cabins and rest, as promised, you immediately went to your shared room with Yunho only to unpack your things and organize them a little before heading for a shower. You didn’t realize it had been almost an hour and it was nearly time for the lights to be out. 
Students were told to turn their lights off and sleep by 10pm. It was already 9:47pm. Yunho was downstairs with everyone else, probably still playing games.
You decided to take a quick warm shower. Taking only your towel and phone with you. You completely missed out your new clean clothes, thinking you could just get them later after the shower. About a good half an hour later, you had just stepped out of the bathtub shower completely wet but definitely fresh.
You reached for the towel on the rack and soon towel dried your body slightly before wrapping it around your body. You turned off your phone and left the bathroom. However, what you didn’t expect to see was a room filled with guys. You shrieked upon seeing them, making them flinch as they turned around to look at you.
“What the hell are you all doing in my room?!” You nearly screamed from both annoyance and embarrassment.
“This is my room too, darling.” Yunho said with a smug look on his face.
“And didn’t you say you were hanging out downstairs?”
“Mr Kwon was going around doing his rounding duties.” Mingi said bashfully, eyes clearly respecting your almost naked figure just desperately clutching onto your towel for your dear life.
“And why of all the rooms, you chose this one?”
“Because I said so?” Yunho replied for Mingi, making you scowl.
“Have I mentioned I hate you?”
“Not today actually, no.”
“The least you could do was warn me, Yunho.” You loudly whispered.
He rolled his eyes at you thickly. The room fell silent but you were still staring at your bag that was placed perfectly beside San on the ground. You wanted to tell them to leave but you thought it might be a bit rude considering you weren't exactly friends with them.
Somehow, Yunho could sense your uncertainty. With that being said, he got up from the bed and walked over to your luggage on the floor. He took the carrier and brought it over to you by the bathroom door. “Here. No need to thank me.” He said before turning back to go to his friends.
You couldn’t help but stare at his descending back, unsure as to why you suddenly felt a weird pull in your stomach. You ignored the feeling and soon disappeared back into the bathroom to change into a pair of sweatpants, a shirt and a thick hoodie.
You came back out a few minutes later with slightly dryer hair since you spent about 10 minutes blow drying it. You placed the luggage back beside San, taking out your charger and plugged it on the side table. When you turned around, the boys were still chatting and playing their card game only to speak up to Wooyoung and Seonghwa who were sitting on the side opposite Yunho.
“Move elsewhere. I’m trying to sleep unlike you owls.” You groaned as the two boys scurried away to sit nearer towards the centre of the mattress. 
Once you climbed onto the bed, Yunho raised his eyebrow up in question.
“Uhh, who said you’re sleeping here? You’re taking the couch.” Yunho said firmly with a hint of irritation in his voice but you couldn’t care less. “In your dreams.” You said as you turned to let your back face them under the covers.
You didn’t see his burning glare, closing your eyes to sleep. 
You fell into a deep slumber within 5 minutes, you felt lethargic as it took over your body almost immediately. A few minutes went by, the boys were still in the room playing a series of games from both card games to truth or dares. Remembering to keep their voices at a minimum. They were half way through playing Uno when they heard a shuffle coming from behind Seonghwa.
They watched as you rolled over in your sleep, only to face them.
But what made them feel so endeared by it was the way you laid. You were laying on your side, one hand tucked under the pillow. The other rested in front of your face, in a way covering your face.
Your hair draped over your face while your lips parted open very slightly. There was a few stifled laughter filling the room, only for Wooyoung to speak up in a hushed tone. “How is she so cold and feisty when she’s awake but so cute and vulnerable when she’s asleep?”
“I know right? Look at her.” Hongjoong giggled softly.
“You cannot not tell me you don’t find her attractive, even the slightest bit.” Yeosang directed his question to Yunho who was seen staring at your peaceful figure.
“I don’t know if I can answer you…” Yunho whispered.
The guys smiled as they continued playing the game. About half an hour later, Hongjoong was the first to urge the rest to head to bed since it was already late and that they should let you rest.
They left the room, not forgetting to clean the room after themselves. The minute everyone was out the door with only Yunho left in the room, he turned around to look at your sleeping figure. Yunho very quietly made his way to you, only to stop behind you. He carefully reached up, letting his hand hover over your face for a second.
He let out a soft sigh before he gently tucked your stray hairs behind your ear. Careful not to wake you up. Yunho couldn’t help but stare at you for a little while longer before he spoke up very quietly to no one in particular.
“What are you doing to me, Y/N?”
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You stirred awake in the middle of the night, feeling the urgent need to use the bathroom. You got up groggily, only to shuffle your way to the bathroom. After you were done, you stepped out of the bathroom only to turn the lights off and head back to the bed. However, before you could lay back down, you saw Yunho curled up on the couch. From where you stood, his back was facing you but he looked fairly cold as his body was shivering slightly.
Despite the heaters in the cabin, the cold breeze from outside still managed to seep into the cabin.
You didn’t know why but you felt bad seeing him in that state. You wished you could just wake him up and call him into bed but you were afraid he might feel uncomfortable with it. So you opted to just take two of your jackets, one thick jacket and one full length windbreaker.
You quietly made your way to him, only to drape both jackets over his frame. He shifted in his sleep but never woke up. You carefully went back to bed, giving him one last glance before laying back down again.
5 hours later, Yunho woke up to a weird feeling of warmth engulfing his whole body. He remembered the night to be cold. For all he knew he was shivering last night. Yunho fluttered his eyes open, looking around to see what was the cause of warmth. That’s when he notices the pile of jackets on top of his frame.
He knew for a fact that it wasn’t his. With that being said, he glanced behind him only to see you still fast asleep on the bed. He couldn’t help but smile as he got up to take a shower.
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Minutes turned into hours, they were all gathered by the ski lodge to go snowboarding. They stood according to the people in each cabin. You were standing between Jongho and Yeosang, while Yunho stood behind you.
They managed to follow the safety guidelines correctly, only for you to join your friends instead of sticking with the boys. They of course didn’t stop you from going. However, that doesn’t mean Yunho would choose to stop keeping his eye on you from afar. Others might think he’s just figuring out ways to torment you and cause you to make a fool out of herself since they always fought with one another.
But in reality, he was keeping an eye on you to make sure you never hurt yourself because after last night, he suddenly had a change of heart towards you. He just doesn’t want to admit it yet. You were racing down the hill with Yeri a few feet behind you, wanting to challenge each other to see who could win.
You were reaching the bottom but you didn’t notice the boulder ledge right in front of you until a voice called out to you from ahead. It was Chungha and Mina.
“Y/N, watch out!”
You didn’t have enough time to react, your nervousness took over the board as it began to wobble. You were just about to hit the boulder when somebody came swooping in from your left, toppling you over the hill instead of the ledge. Your heart jumped out of your chest as a scream left your lips.
You couldn’t even bother to see who saved you from plunging to your death as your bodies tumbled down the hill mercilessly. But the person who saved you, was holding you tightly against them. Putting a hand behind your head to protect it. Just when you finally rolled to a stop, that’s when you carefully pulled away. 
You could hear a whole series of voices calling out to them but you couldn’t care less.
You were about to thank whoever that saved you but your words got stuck in your throat when you realized who it was. You were laying on top of him with your hands tucked between your chests. His arms were wrapped around your body, keeping you close to him. Snowflakes coated his hair and little on his face, probably the same for you.
Your faces were just inches away from each other but nobody wanted to pull away. “Are… Are you okay?” Yunho asked softly.
“Y-Yeah… you?”
With that, you carefully got off him. While Mingi and Hongjoong helped Yunho up, Jennie and Sana rushed over to help you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked him again, definitely not buying his answer since he practically took most of the hit. You knew he was at least in a mild pain but he put up a strong front. “I’m fine… really.” Yunho said. And for the first time ever, he flashed you a genuine smile that somewhat made you feel something in the pit of your stomach.
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After dinner, they all headed back to the cabin where the boys were all tired and agreed to rest early for the night. Yunho showered first before letting you use the bathroom. Needless to say, the two of you didn’t argue much ever since the incident earlier. You simply talked to each other when you needed to.
You left the shower wearing a hoodie and a pair of loose pyjama pants. Yunho was just taking a few pillows from the bed when you stopped him.
“Yunho… uhh, you can take the bed. I’m not sleeping yet.��� You said. Of course he took this chance to sleep on the bed, he did feel unsure if he should let you sleep on the couch. Before he could say anything, you left the room not forgetting to remind him again slightly louder.
“Sleep on the bed.” You soon closed the bedroom door only to head downstairs to make yourself a cup of tea. You could feel yourself starting to catch a cold, hoping the tea could cure your sickness.
You didn’t know how long it had been since you went downstairs. After what felt like forever, you finally went to wash your mug before going back up.
You came back to find Yunho lightly snoring on the queen sized bed. The cabin was still chilly despite the heaters so he had a hoodie on. The thick duvet covered up to his waist. He was laying with his stomach down, arms tucked under the pillow to support his head. He was facing the couch but he looked too pure and peaceful for you to even feel creeped out.
You found yourself smiling softly at him before going over to the couch. You laid there for a moment before you too fell asleep.
It was almost 4 hours later that he woke up to go to the bathroom. He turned off the bathroom lights and closed the door, ready to head back to bed when he saw you on the couch. You looked like you were shivering even though you had a thick hoodie on.
Yunho’s lips tugged into a smile as he walked up to you only to stop behind your figure. He shook his head softly at you before carefully slipping his arms underneath your knees and torso. Yunho swiftly lifts you off the couch, earning a very light groan from you. He carried you all the way to the bed, tucking you underneath the duvet before climbing in beside you.
Once he was sharing the space with you, Yunho gently pulled you against him until you were practically side hugging him. After he managed to find a comfortable position for both of you, that’s when he finally relaxed. He made you rest your head on his shoulder while his other arm rests on top of his chest. 
Your right hand was tucked between your bodies while your left arm was draped over his stomach.
Immediately, the warmth was too nice to ignore as he soon fell asleep not before planting a very chaste kiss onto the top of your head. Yunho had no idea why he did that. He just felt like doing it.
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The next morning, you woke up to an unusual warmth hugging your body. You never felt this warm during the previous morning when you woke up. You thought it was the heater’s work so you instantly relaxed further into the warmth. Just then, you felt a soft squeeze on your waist, making you open your eyes.
You carefully looked down to see an arm hugging your waist from the back. You didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. Just this alone was enough to make your cheeks flush red.
You mentally shook your thoughts away before you cautiously slipped out of his grasp to take a shower and got ready for breakfast. Thankfully, neither of you acknowledged it to avoid any awkwardness.
Hours went by and the activities today were less tiring but it did drain a bit of their energies. The boys were quite charged that night as all 8 of them gathered in the lounge area of their cabin. It was already half past eleven at night. The boys were just playing Jenga when Wooyoung noticed a figure stepping foot on the ground step by the stairs.
“Oh, Y/N. Are we being too loud?” He asked with a slight crinkle in his face, afraid of you lashing out. But instead, you smiled while shaking your head.
“No… I just… I couldn’t sleep…” You admitted to it shyly, fiddling with the hem of your hoodie before looking up to accidentally lock eyes with Yunho. Just then, Yeosang spoke up, asking if you wanted to join them. It took you less than a second to nod in agreement, making Yunho scoot over a little before patting down the space beside him.
Minutes ticked by as you watched them play, occasionally joining in. However, your eyes started to become droopy. Sleep was slowly taking over you as your head felt light with each passing minute.
Just then, right when Mingi was about to pull out the Jenga wood, Yunho felt a sudden weight on his left shoulder making him glancing down. That’s when he saw you resting your head on top of his shoulder. Since he couldn’t see if your eyes were closed or not, Yunho gently pat Jongho’s thigh who was seated on his right.
“Is she asleep?” Yunho whispered. The younger boy leaned over to take a peek. Curiously enough, the rest did the same.
“Yeap.” Jongho said softly in return, a smile gracing his lips. Yunho felt your hand grow limp on his sides before it dropped to his upper thigh, close to his hip bone. He glanced back up to see the rest of them smirking and giving him suggestive looks before one by one began to tease him.
“Looks like you’re finally weak for her huh?”
“Are you sure you hate her? You definitely don’t look like you do.”
“Sure, push her away if you hate her.”
“Do you need us to give you more proof that you’re actually in love with her?” Yunho simply glared at all of them, hoping you didn't hear any of this and thankfully, you didn’t.
About an hour later, everyone was heading to bed so while everyone was going to clear up the mess, the boys told Yunho to bring you upstairs. Yunho gently woke you up, shaking your arm softly.
“Y/N? Hey… wake up. Let’s go sleep upstairs, hmm?” His voice soothing to the ears. You stirred awake only to tilt your head up, too tired to realize how close your lips were. But of course, Yunho was too awake to notice the distance.
“Let’s go back to our room.” Yunho said as you nodded, struggling to stand up. Once you managed to find your balance, you made your way up with him to make sure you didn’t accidentally hurt yourself while going up the stairs.
Once they were both in your rooms, you walked over to the couch, making him stop you. “Woah, where are you going?”
“The couch?”
“What? Why?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“I thought you didn’t want me to sleep on the bed?” You asked, clearly still groggy from the nap. This made him let out a soft chuckle before walking to you. Yunho slides his hand around your waist only to guide you to the bed. If you were slightly more awake, you would have turned into a blushing mess. Once he sat you on the bed, he urged you to sleep.
“Then, where are you sleeping?” You asked with a small pout on your lip. Damn, you were making it so hard for him. “It’s okay. Just sleep. I’m not gonna do anything.”
“No, no, I know… It’s just… I want you to sleep with me… I mean, share the bed. It’s not too comfortable on the couch to be honest.” You finally admitted, making him smile. Yunho couldn’t help but chuckle softly at your words even though it was the most innocent thing he’s ever heard from you.
He gave in to your request, quickly taking off the hoodie he was wearing, only to leave the thin sweater he was wearing underneath. He soon climbed into bed after turning off the main lights in the room.
The minute he laid down on the mattress, you instantly craved for his warmth just like the night before.
Yunho allowed you to lay however you wanted, resorting to your head on his chest while your hands were hugging his torso. He could feel your legs tangle with his. The warmth engulfing you nicely. The both of you soon fell asleep without even waking up in the middle of the night unlike the previous nights.
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The next morning, you both stirred awake around the same time. Neither of you realized the position they slept in until you moved your head slightly to feel his lips brush against yours. You were laying on your back with him on his side, so close to you as he hugged your waist.
Initially, your head was turned away from him but when you woke up, you turned your head to the opposite side. That’s when your lips accidentally brushed over his. Your heart almost leaped out of your chest while he grew awake when he felt that small skin ship. The room fell quiet for a second, simply just staring at each other. You were the first to pull away, climbing out of bed to excuse yourself to shower.
A few hours later, they had just gone back from husky sledding and ice karting. They were all gathered to eat dinner. Yunho was seated with his friends while you sat with your friends a few rows down from him.
But from where he sat, they could clearly see each other. Halfway through dinner, the host announced a quick game of run and hide. The objective of the game was for the leaders of each course to try and find the hidden treasure located somewhere in the resort. However, there will be a surprise during the game. Whoever finds the treasure and successfully brings it back to the dinner hall wins.
You turned to Lisa and Chungha who were seated opposite of you when you heard them squeak.
“I would rather stay here.”
“Me too!”
You couldn’t help but laugh as your eyes naturally found its way to Yunho’s. Your gaze lingered on each other for a minute before you looked away. The selected leaders were being called upon, with you being one of them.
Even though you were dreading this idea, you didn’t want to disappoint your classmates and course mates. You got led to the front along with 4 other students. You looked around to see that they were all students you weren't familiar with.
Besides, since you were going against each other, being in alliances wasn’t really important. However, your strategy soon got thrown in the bin when Yunho was pulled up to a stop beside you. You looked at him for a brief second, only to see a small smirk on his face. You tried to hide your smile by looking away but your lips gave it away and he definitely saw it.
The instructions were given, brand new torchlights were distributed and everyone was ready to find the hidden treasure. Once the whistle was blown, all 6 students dispersed to find the hidden treasure.
You and Yunho went separate ways at first. You went to the east side of the resort while he went to the west side. They were told that the treasure is not hidden in the cabins so you avoided doing that. The only areas that were out of bounds were the cabins and the forest that led to the mountains. Other than that, every other place is accessible.
You carefully searched through the trees along the pathway, searching along the cabin houses. Everywhere you could think of. 
You were too busy searching for the treasure that you didn’t notice the person wearing a scary mask walking down the path with chains tied to his wrists. The man looked scary as he had a weird way of walking, almost like he was limping.
You were about to turn the corner when someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, using one hand to cover your mouth from behind. Once you were both squatting down behind the small bush, you let out a soft yelp as you felt yourself crash against a firm back. You glanced back to lock eyes with Yunho who whispered to your ear.
“Don’t scream…”
You were about to question him when the chains being dragged on the floor, followed by a low growl made you whip your head forwards. You clutched onto Yunho’s forearm out of fear as he slowly removed his hand from your mouth. His other arm was still wrapped around your waist. 
“How did you know I was here?” You asked when you turned around to face him. 
You tried to ignore the close proximity but he was doing nothing to hide his wandering eyes that travelled from your eyes to your nose, down to your lips and then back to your eyes. “I saw you searching through the bush and then I saw him.” Yunho said before looking back down at your lips again. This was enough to make your heart skip a beat as you turned back around to hide your blush by peeking out the gap to check if the coast was clear.
“I think we should-” You said as you turned around to talk to him when you saw the man dressed in the same way as the previous scary dude just metres behind Yunho.
“Go! Get up!” You yelled as you grabbed his hand and soon the both of them ran out the little alley between the two cabins. You ran hand in hand only for you to realize that there was more than one of them.
“This way!” Yunho said, bringing you back to the main building of the resort. You made your way to the other side of the building, only to come to a halt when Yunho spotted a treasure chest sitting behind the reception counter. It was hidden on the bottom shelf where no one could easily see unless they went close to the counter.
“Excuse me! Can you pass me that treasure box?” Yunho said to the clerk working behind the counter. She went over to the treasure box, only for you to see that you’re being cornered by the scary looking people.
“Yunho…” You warned by tugging on his sleeves and of course he got the signal.
The minute he took the treasure box, he quickly laced his fingers with yours and soon bolted down the lobby towards the main outdoor food hall. The two of you ran despite being chased by the scary looking men.
You were just a few feet away when a few same looking men blocked their paths right at the side entrance of the hall, making you both halt your steps. The other students who were watching gasped and screamed at you to take the other entrance on the other side. Yunho turned to you and asked if you could sprint. When you nodded, he told you to run around the back of the hall and go to the other entrance.
He managed to distract the men while you ran and when you successfully entered, you went straight to where the host and the other 4 students were. Who had treasure boxes too but they were empty.
Yunho managed to enter the hall, a few minutes later with a smaller treasure chest in his arms.
The host opened your boxes at the same time, only to reveal that your box was the correct hidden treasure, earning your course the win. Everyone cheered as you turned to Yunho who had a bright smile on his lips.
You then remembered what happened earlier beside the cabin. The memories came flooding in and you couldn’t seem to get that out of your mind.
Yunho took a few steps closer until he was right in front of her. You weren't sure what he was doing so when he pulled you into a hug, you found herself smiling against his chest. Both their friends were definitely shocked by this comeback but nevertheless they were glad that you two wouldn’t be fighting anymore.
After dinner was over, they all headed back to their own cabins. You hugged your girlfriends goodbye before joining Yunho and the others. They were walking down the path in silence while his friends were occupied with chatting to each other. The two of you were walking a few steps behind. Neither of you said a word until he spoke up first.
“I didn’t think you could run that fast.”
“I used to be a part of the track and field back in high school, remember? Or maybe you just didn’t realise since, you know...” A soft chuckle left your lips, making him do the same.
“Sorry if I scared you earlier.” He apologized.
“It’s okay. For all we know, you actually helped me from getting caught.” Yunho let out a laugh as they turned to enter their cabin.
He let you walk in first, holding the door for you. Such a gentleman. Once they were in, Wooyoung immediately took off his windbreaker and yelled happily. “Hey guys! Should we watch a movie tonight?” A series of yes went around only for you to turn to Yunho who was already staring at you expectantly.
“You can join them if you want. I think I’m gonna rest for a bit. I’ll see if I wanna join after.” You said, making the boys nod.
They all soon dispersed to their own rooms as Yunho followed behind you. Once you were in your shared room, he told you to shower first and so you did. But while waiting for you, Yunho sat on the bed in silence. Just thinking about how good it felt to hug you earlier and be that close to you.
Of course cuddling in bed is nice but you’ve never been that close in public. And for some reason, he liked it. He didn’t realize how long he had been sitting there for until he heard the bathroom door unlock. And out comes a freshly showered you with only a towel wrapped around your body. If he were to guess, you probably forgot to take your new clothes again.
“Forgot to take your clothes again?” Yunho asked with a soft chuckle, making you giggle with a nod.
He watched as you walked to your luggage, only to squat down to find your clothes. Once you took the clothes you wanted to wear, you excused yourself to go change and he just nodded. About 3 minutes later, you came back out looking as cozy as ever and all he wanted to do was hug you.
“Your turn.” You simply said, seeing him nod in response. When he disappeared into the bathroom, it was your turn to sit on the bed. You were just scrolling through your phone, looking at the pictures Lisa took of you at the ski lodge when you heard Yunho left the bathroom.
You looked up to find him walking out with just grey sweatpants on and nothing for his top.
Has he always been this toned?
You looked away to avoid him from thinking you were a creep, only to hear him chuckle. A few seconds later, he walked to you, stopping in front of you. Since you were sitting with your legs dangling off the bed due to using your phone while it's charging, Yunho had to stand almost in between your legs. That is if he took a few steps forward. 
“Are you really not coming down?” He asked.
“I… I don’t know.”
“Come on, let’s hang out for a bit. When have we ever been this close without actually being on each other’s throats?” His comment made both of you laugh as you realized he was right.
Just then, he extended his hand out for you to take. So you did. However, before you could go far, you tugged on his hand while staying in place. Yunho turned around to look at you, silently asking if something was wrong. But instead of talking, you decided that actions definitely speak louder than words.
With that being said, you took two small steps only to lean up, pressing your lips softly on his. You could feel his breath hitch in his throat when you kissed him. Your lips soon curved into a smile as you felt him snake his hands around your waist.
He pulled you against him, only to guide you gently back down onto the bed. He scooted you up a little before climbing onto the mattress, resting in between your legs while he hovered over you.
Your lips never once parted. 
Yunho hugged your waist as he carefully slid his hands underneath your hoodie. He slides his hands up your sides while he kisses your lips passionately before making his way down your neck. You were playing with his hair, feeling him kiss your neck when there was a sudden knock on the door. 
It made both of you jump while he pressed his forehead into the crook of your neck. He planted a quick kiss to your collarbone before he pulled away to speak up. “What?”
“Hyung. Noona. Are you guys coming down to join us?” Jongho’s voice sounded muffled from the other side of the wooden door, making you giggle softly underneath him.
“Yeah, we’ll be down in a minute.”
“Okay!” Jongho said, and once he was gone, Yunho turned back to you with a small smile that melted your heart. “Do you still want me to say I hate you?” He whispered as his eyes lingered on your lips.
“Only if you want me to say I hate you too.” You teased.
“Yeah, I definitely don’t want that.” Yunho said before kissing you on the lips again, feeling you wrap an arm around his head to play with his hair. Something he was weak for.
Yunho gently caressed your sides, messaging the skin on your waist. His hands remained respectful so as to not touch you inappropriately without your consent. Just when he wanted to pull away, you purposely bucked your hips up, brushing your lower half against his.
A soft groan left his lips as he sucked in his breath. “Look who’s being needy now.” He teased.
“I’m not the only one.”
Yunho emitted a low growl from his throat, only to kiss you again. Except this time, his kiss was slightly rougher. He kissed his way down your neck, only to leave a mark on your skin where your shoulders and neck meet. You hissed when you felt him bite your skin. Yunho pulled away to see his art, making you blush.
“Are you seriously marking me now?” You asked with a laugh.
“Why not? At least now people know we’re no longer enemies.” He shrugged, earning a soft slap to his chest. 
He couldn’t help but give you his cute toothy grin before kissing you on the lips again and soon helped you up. He threw over a shirt before they headed downstairs to find the boys already scattered around the living room. “Oh yay! You guys made it! Come on, we’re watching Infinity War!” San announced as they made extra room for Yunho and you.
You ended up sitting in between Yunho and Yeosang, but the minute you sat down, the other boy noticed the bruise growing on your neck. This made Yeosang smirk as he tried to come up with an excuse to make you leave the room for a bit.
“Y/N, can you help me get the box of soda on the counter? I forgot to take it.”
“Sure.” You soon got up to leave and the minute you’re gone, Yeosang turned to Yunho with a knowing smirk on his face.
“So, you two finally got along?” Yunho got confused at first but then when Yeosang pointed to the spot in between his neck and shoulder, the boy finally understood what Yeosang was referring to. He could only whisper a quick “shut up or I’ll kill you” before you came back.
The rest of them smirked at Yunho as well, only for you to get confused. “Is everything okay?” You asked.
“Oh yeah, everything’s okay. Is everything okay with you?” Hongjoong teased, making you frown.
“Yeah…?” Some of them were seen giggling and you were still confused. So a brilliant idea flashed into Yunho’s brain, wanting everyone to shut up. With that being said, he gently cups your chin and turns your head to him only to kiss you outrightly in front of the others. You immediately melted against his lips, ignoring both the screeches and giggles coming from all the boys.
Yunho bravely kisses down your neck to go over the spot that was now bruised, only to lick the burning skin. Yeosang faked a gag as he groaned in his spot.
“Okay, okay! We get it. Jeez.” Yeosang said, earning a laugh from the others. Yunho pulled away with a smirk on his face before placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Good. If any of you open your mouth about this to anyone, I’m gonna keep doing that in front of you.” Yunho warned teasingly, making them agree to the deal. your cheeks were burning red now as you turned your face to bury them in his shoulder.
Yunho could only chuckle as he kissed the top of your head lovingly, making your stomach do a flip.
That night before you went to sleep, you broke the news to your friends in your group chat. Everyone went crazy but they were happy for you. It was quite needless to say that almost all of them had expected this day to come sooner or later.
The two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms, with him holding you close. Yunho was happy to say the least. Since he’s actually had the longest crush on you just that he never admitted to it. He pretended to hate you because he was too shy to tell you how he really felt about you. He was just glad that both your classes were chosen to go on that trip.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Dramatic END~
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Warning!!! Sexual content below because.....Yes! You guessed it right! Kurama just needs a reason to touch her,
Chapter 26
--------Part 1--------
A few days after Kurama's declaration to learn how to be romantic....
Kurama: "So this hot springs, huh?"
Yoshino(blushing): "Kurama! Your wings! Cover your wings!"
Kurama: "It's alright, no one's here."
Kurama, stretching his wings comfortably in the warm water, says back to me.
(I never thought I'd end up in hot springs with Kurama.)
I hid my body with a body towel in the murky white water.
Then I started thinking about what happened earlier today.
Yoichi: "Huh? You wanna be romantic?"
Kurama: "Yeah. What exactly do you do when you fall in love?"
Kurama asks a sudden question as soon as he enters Yoichi-san's room.
Yoichi: "Hmm...it depends on each individual."
(That's right.)
Kurama: "Give me a proper answer or die."
Yoichi: "Scary~"
Yoshino: "Kurama! Don't threaten people..."
Yoichi: "Hehe...It's really unbelievable to see Kurama asking for others' opinions. I don't know what kind of sorcery is this. But don't worry, I'll give you some tips and tricks."
(You're so reliable!)
Kurama: "Then spit it out."
Yoshino: "Kurama!"
Yoichi: "Relax Yoshino. I'm used to it."
Waving his hand in a relaxed expression, Yoichi-san continued to speak.
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Yoichi: "How about a short trip? You had a hard time on the battlefield, right? A short trip will help you guys stretch your wings and relax. Start from there."
Kurama: "Is that how all relationships start?"
Hehe....Kurama's cold stare is incredibly cute. Even Yoichi-san is giggling.
Kurama: "I don't see how being in a different place is going to change anything."
Yoichi: "You are a very unemotional person, Kurama. You see, when you fall in love, you'll feel the world around you changing. You'll start feeling different and sometimes end up doing things you don’t usually do."
Yoshino: "....I think I understand what you mean."
Kurama: "You do?"
Yoichi-san nods in agreement as Kurama watched us cluelessly.
Yoichi: "You'll get to know each other better if you go to a hot spring. I know a nice hot spring that you can go to on a day trip. I hope that will help."
------FLASHBACK ENDS------
Kurama: "But I don't see what's the point of bathing in hot springs. If all you want to do is soak in water, then we can do it in an ordinary river too, right?"
Yoshino: "Wow! Your feathers are falling off..."
He stood up and flapped his wings, sending a huge splash from his black wings.
(Speaking of bathing in a river, when I met Kurama again in Kamakura....he was bathing in a river.)
The memories of that time are vivid in my mind.
Kurama: “—-What an ‘unpleasant surprise. Who gave you the permission to be in my sight?”
(I thought you were going to kill me that time....)
Same as that time, I looked away from Kurama's admiringly well-formed body as much as possible....
Kurama: "Why are you spacing out?"
Yoshino: "....!?"
He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up, exposing my body under the sunlight.
Yoshino(blushing): "....What are you doing?"
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Kurama: "I don't want to go on like this. You have to teach me how to enjoy the hot springs."
Kurama said, paying no attention to my embarrassment.
(Come on now....!)
(It's no use trying to teach Kurama about the concept of ‘shame’. If this happens...)
Yoshino(blushing): "Soak your shoulders for now."
Kurama: "Like this."
Holding me in his arms, Kurama dips into the hot water...
(Good. Now my body is hidden.)
Yoshino(blushing): "Now keep counting slowly till 100."
Kurama: "That's too much."
Yoshino(blushing): "You have to soak slowly to get warm to the core."
Kurama: "All right."
Surprisingly straightforward in his reply, Kurama hugged me from behind.
Yoshino(blushing): "W-What is this position?"
Kurama: "You didn't specify how to sit while taking a dip."
I tried to resist, but he held me tightly and his hot breath hit the nape of my neck, making me lose my strength.
Yoshino(blushing): "....Don't talk."
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Kurama(evil smile): "Don't you want me to count?"
------Part 2-------
Yoshino(blushing): "....Don't talk."
Kurama(evil smile): "Don't you want me to count?"
Kurama’s voice contained a horrifying and dangerous sweetness.
Kurama: “1..2..3....”
One of Kurama’s free hands slides over my skin under the hot water.
Yoshino(blushing): "...What...are you...?”
Kurama: “What’s wrong?”
Yoshino(blushing): “Mmm..mm....”
(His hands are going in all directions...not good...)
I felt a sweet numbness at the touch of his hand crawling across my breasts.
Kurama: “I’ll continue. 4..5..6....”
Yoshino(blushing): “Haa....ahh....wai..ahh...”
My skin was softened by the hot water and his fingers played with my pink nipples casually.
Kurama: “7..8..9...”
Yoshino(blushing): “D-Don’t...do...in...outside like...ahhh....”
Kurama: “10.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Ahh...”
Suddenly a finger moves down between my legs out of nowhere and my body jumped.
Yoshino(blushing): “Nnn....ah....”
Kurama: “I see. The warmed body responds better. Plus...you don’t have anything to cover. So I can touch you as much as I like.”
Yoshino(blushing): “This...is not...have you enjoy the hot springs....”
(I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing....)
Kurama: “Keep enduring it, till I reach 100.”
Our tightly pressed bodies and his lips on my neck make me go crazy.
Yoshino(blushing): “Mm...hot....”
Kurama: “Do want me to stop? Tell me if you want to get out of water.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Ahh...too bright....”
Kurama: “You’re so selfish.”
Kurama: “Yoshino, it’s annoying. You count from where I stopped.”
(Sure! I’ll count quickly and get out of this humiliation...)
Yoshino(blushing): “11-12-13-14-15-ahhh.....”
Kurama(evil smile): “Count properly, or you’ll have to start from the beginning.”
I trembled as I felt his hot tongue over my earlobe.
Yoshino(blushing): “Because....Kurama gets in the...way....Mmm....”
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Kurama(evil smile): “I’m just enjoying the hot spring...or more accurately, I’m enjoying soaking in the hot springs with you.”
(...This is terrible....can’t count...like this...)
Kurama: “Keep counting.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Mmm...14...”
I reflexively obeyed his orders which were given in a low voice.
Kurama lifted one end of his lips when he saw that....
(I’m totally flushed....)
Kurama: “I had a nice bath for the first time in a long time. I completely understood the benefits of hot springs.”
As we walk through the flowery field near the hot springs, I glared at Kurama with my red cheeks.
1. Oh yeah...
2. I couldn’t enjoy it..(+4/+4)
3. Good for you...
Yoshino(blushing): “Too bad, I couldn’t enjoy it....”
Kurama: “Stop complaining. I treated you well enough. You were so exhausted, that I had to carry you all the way to my room. Be grateful.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Yeah. And WHO made me tired?”
Kurama: “It was me.”
It was so refreshing to hear someone saying that without taking any offense.
(At the end of the day, I couldn’t fight back because of his straightforwardness.)
Kurama: “I heard that the cold weather makes humans sick. Let’s go back now.”
When Kurama takes my hand....
Yoshino: “Hm?’
Kurama: “....?”
(I wonder if that person crouching in front of the bushes is a visitor of the hot springs too.)
(But he looks familiar...)
Kurama: “....! That’s!”
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Ibuki: “Hm?”
Yoshino: “Ibuki!”
(No way!?)
When he turned to look at me, all at once blood drained from my face and I backed away.
Kurama: “-----Why are you still alive? Well, who cares? Let’s continue from where we left off, Ibuki.”
Kurama looked at Ibuki with an icy cold look.
Ibuki: “Shut up, Kurama. You’ll wake the kitten.”
(Hm, kitten?)
Kurama: “...........”
Kurama obediently kept quiet and looked at Ibuki’s hands with a disinterested face.
A white fluffy kitten was sleeping comfortably in there.
Yoshino: “Umm......?”
Kurama: “Don’t ask, Yoshino. It reminded me of one of this man’s incomprehensible tastes. He-----has a strange obsession with cats.”
Ibuki: “What’s so hard to understand? They’re the cutest thing in the world.”
Despite his complaint, his palm was moving back and forth across the kitten’s back lovingly.
(That was unexpected!!)
Kurama: “Still, die.”
--------Part 3-------
Kurama: “Still, die.”
Yoshino: “Wait! Not here....”
I felt the wind around us start to blow unnaturally and hurriedly grabbed Kurama’s arm, which reluctantly stopped moving.
Ibuki: “You have a woman with you now, Kurama. Learn to settle things through talking than using violence as a solution for everything.”
Kurama: “All right. Would like to have a blood bath or be completely mutilated?”
(This is not how you do it!)
Yoshino: “I think you need to calm down....Ibuki doesn’t seem to be in a mood to fight, right?”
Ibuki: “You’re right. After that war, I lost a lot of my magic power. Thank you, Kurama.”
Kurama: “You deserved it anyway. And  you, Yoshino, why are you talking to a man who tried to slaughter you?”
(You’re right, but....)
Yoshino: “I’m curious about Ibuki too....”
Kurama: “Ha?”
Ibuki: “....Ohh.”
Then Kurama glares at Ibuki.
(Oh, I know now!)
Yoshino: “I think it’s because he’s similar to Kurama.”
Kurama: “I and him are SAME!>”
Ibuki: “How are we similar?”
Yoshino: “------I think it’s the aesthetics of it, even though it looks like  it’s driven by crazy logic.”
......It was just after I was captured by Ibuki and subjected to Yasuchika-san’s manipulation spell.
Ibuki: “You must be in a lot of pain, but you’re strong. I like you. I can’t wait to see your face when you cry.”
Yoshino: “I….will never despair in your presence.”
Ibuki: “What?”
Yoshino: “I will prove to you the strength of humans that I believe in.”
Ibuki: “……………… Interesting. Then let’s play that game. Show me what you’re really made of.”
------FLASHBACK END-----
(Yes, when I saw Ibuki’s eyes at that moment...for some reason I felt like it resembled Kurama.)
Yoshino: “I still can’t forgive you for what you made me do. But I also think that somehow I accepted his way of life because he and Kurama came into contact with each other’s values on the very edge like that.”
(So maybe that’s why I couldn’t really hate Ibuki.)
Kurama: “..........”
Ibuki, who had been listening with his mouth agape, muttered quietly.
Ibuki: “----You’re a woman with good instincts. No wonder you won Kurama’s heart.”
Yoshino: “What?”
Ibuki: “Nothing.”
Then a soft smile came across Ibuki’s lips.
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Ibuki: “I shouldn’t have given you to Kurama. I should have noticed you earlier on and have played with you instead.”
His voice was calm and clear, with a hint of emotion.
When I was standing there confused-----
Kurama: “It’s unpleasant to see you imagine an impossible future.”
As if to break Ibuki’s gaze, Kurama hides me behind his back.
Ibuki: “I’m possessive too, just like you.”
Kurama: “I’ll pull out that tongue of yours if you say one more time that we’re similar.”
Ibuki: “Oh dear, why do you want to deny the similarities between us, Kurama? I’ve had so much fun raising you, don’t you know?”
Kurama: “More of the same nonsense.”
Ibuki: “I’m serious. I wouldn’t have carried around cute little boy like you for all those years.”
Ibuki giggled as he reminisced about the old days.
Ibuki: “Seeing you again at the battle that night, reminded me of our first meeting.”
(I’m sure Ibuki is a distorted person....)
(But I think he really likes Kurama.)
Kurama: “The words you speak are toxic. I will not ask you to mean it now. But your power, which I have longed to surpass, has not faded with the passing of time.”
Ibuki: “......!”
It was the first time I had ever heard Kurama say anything close to praise for Ibuki.
Ibuki: “Heh, jealous?”
-----Part 4-----
Ibuki: “Heh, jealous?”
Kurama: “Stop joking. I’m going to take the strength I’ve developed under you and go further.”
Ibuki: “-----See. You're being cute again.”
(Kurama was so disgusted by Ibuki’s habit of playing with others and the stupidity of those around him that he had to say goodbye.)
(But if he hadn’t recognized Ibuki’s strength, I think he would have given up on him much sooner.)
It was probably inevitable that their paths had diverged, but I couldn’t help thinking of a future if they hadn’t parted ways.
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Ibuki: “You’re getting stronger, my son.”
Kurama(glares cutely): “Who’s your son? I’ll kill you.”
Yoshino: “No bloodshed here!!!!”
In response to Kurama’s death threat, the kitten in Ibuki’s hands woke up.
Ibuki: “Yosh Yosh. Don’t be scared.”
Kitten: “Mew.”
Ibuki: “....Oww.”
The kitten clawed Ibuki’s finger, jumps off his hand, and runs away.
Kurama: “Such an interesting little animal.”
(Is Ibuki mad.....?)
Ibuki was silent for a moment, but then-----
Ibuki: “He has a good temperament. A cat with a bright future.”
Ibuki, muttering with a straight face, looks at the kitten’s regretfully and stands up.
Ibuki: “See you, Kurama. And you too, Yoshino.....I’ll play with you sometime when I feel like it.”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
Ibuki turned and walked away, not caring that I shouted in surprise.
Kurama: “Yoshino. We’re going to go to the hot springs one more time to get rid of Ibuki out of our minds.”
Yoshino: “One more time!?”
Kurama pulled me by my waist and urged me to walk.
Kurama: “What the hell was that man even doing here?”
After part ways with Yoshino and Kurama, Ibuki went outside the inn only to see------
Ibuki: “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Yasuchika: “I want to kill you for making me wait for this long.”
Akihito: “Unforgivable, right? I wish I could have been in the hot springs.”
Ibuki: “Brats.”
Akihito looks at Ibuki, who shrugs and joins.
Akihito: “So? Did you get the point of having Yasuchika find out where Kurama and Yoshino are?”
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Ibuki: “.......... It made me realize the value of what I’ve lost. Life is bittersweet.”
Yasuchika: “Wow! When Ibuki talks like a human, it makes me want to puke!”
Akihito: “Look, I have goosebumps too.”
Ibuki: “Are you just here to tease me?”
Akihito: “Actually, it’s rare to see you like this, Ibuki. It’s refreshing.”
Giggling, Akihito started walking.
Akihito: “It’s a miracle to see you having a change of heart for the first time in 1200 years. The fact that there are miracles in this world is a joy for people like us.”
Both Yasuchika and Ibuki walked along with him through the trees.
------While also hoping for a miracle like that to happen deep in their hearts.
That night.....
Yoshino: “I really enjoyed our trip!!”
Kurama: “Yeah. But, there were few interruptions along the way though.”
When we returned, we huddled together in the warmth of the cushions in Kurama’s room.
Yoshino: “I was also surprised to see Ibuki. But I’m glad nothing bad happened.”
(Ibuki’s magic is yet to return and the Imperial Court is unlikely to make any major moves...so we can enjoy our peace for the time being.)
The Shogunate and The Rebels are still on a temporary truce and also keeping an eye on the Imperial Court.
Yoshino: “When the Court’s plans are revealed and resolved then....the Shogunate and the Rebels will fight again, right?”
Kurama: “The feud between Yoritomo and Yoshitsune is deep. It is not easy for a human to forget his hatred. When the time comes to fight again----you’ll be sad, right?”
Yoshino: “Mm.”
When I imagined it, my heart hurts like it’s being torn apart.
Yoshino: “I’m sure I’ll suffer a great deal.....but I’ll never leave Kurama.”
(Because I didn’t choose to live with Kurama half-heartedly.)
Kurama: “I see.”
-------Part 5------
Kurama: “I see. Your suffering is yours and yours alone. No matter what I do, I will never be able to take that away from you.”
Kurama murmured with a deep voice.
Kurama: “But I promise, as a man who loves you, I will give you peace of mind until you stop crying.”
Again and again, I am overwhelmed and swallowed up by the magnitude of his feelings.
Yoshino: “Mm....thank you.”
(Kurama always keeps his promise.)
(I know that....so I’m not scared anymore.)
Kurama: “You have beautiful eyes. I remember being irresistibly drawn to those eyes even before you and I got together.”
Kurama gently pushes me down and his face comes closer.
Kurama: “It’s that look that shines so strangely in the dark of night.”
Those words bring back memories.....
Kurama: “—-What do you even know about me? I gave you the right to speak and now you’re getting on my head.”
Yoshino: “…..I certainly don’t know anything about Kurama. But still, the weak observe the strong.”
Kurama: “……………..”
Yoshino: “At least it’s faster for me to get to know Kurama…. than for Kurama, who has no interest in humans, to get to know me.”
Kurama: “—–Those eyes.”
Yoshino: “hmm?”
Kurama: “I don’t like your eyes. I hate the way how it’s shining so strangely in the dark night.”
------FLASHBACK ENDS-------
(It was the night when Ibuki kidnapped me and gave me to Kurama.)
Yoshino: “I know a lot more about Kurama now than I did back then.”
Kurama(blushing): “It’s still not enough. After wanting all of you, I’m still want more and more....I’d rather force myself to conquer all of you than hiding you from the rest of the world.”
Kurama(blushing): “And the brilliance of your eyes.”
His red eyes approach with an insatiable heat.
Along with that, Kurama’s palm covers my eyes.
Yoshino: “Mmm.....”
In the darkness, I feel my lips being robbed.
A sweet sigh leaks from my mouth and his tongue invites itself in.
Yoshino: “Haa....ahh...Ku...ra...maa....”
(Mm...no more...)
I was even more sensitive now that my eyes are covered and I was easily overwhelmed by Kurama.
When my head was in a haze, he removes his hand.....
I see Kurama looking down at me defenselessly.
Kurama: “Yoshino.”
His deep voice calls my name and softly bites my neck.
Yoshino: “Nnn....Ku...rama...”
Kurama: “Why are you keeping your voice down....? I like the way you resist, but you don’t have to fight greed, do you?”
Yoshino: “Nm...because...”
(Because it’s so embarrassing that I’m the only one drowning so much.)
Kurama: “I’m the only one who has the privilege to hear your sweet voice.....leave yourself to pleasure and accept my heart with your body.”
I can’t resist anymore. Everywhere he touches, just melts.
Yoshino: “Ahh....Ku...ra..ma....Mm...too....”
I put my arms around his neck and beg for him.
Kurama: “Finally gave up resisting?”
Yoshino(blushing): “How can I not...when you’re being so romantic...”
Kurama: “....Cheeky woman.”
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(We will deepen our love as often as we can. In our own way...and fast.)
Kurama whispered to me and held me down, forcing his body in mine more roughly than usual....
On that night, I received the love of a lone demon who never belonged to anyone.....
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spacetickles · 3 years
I also see ya like TAZ!! Who'd your fav character from each of the campaigns? (And if ya got any headcanons for them 👀) ~@eldritchtickles
I love TAZ!
My favorite character from each campaign, that's tough hmmmm
just kidding its Lup I'm gay.
Seriously though, my favorite character from balance is deffo a tie between Lup and Taako, my favorite from amnesty is probably Minerva and I don't really have a favorite from graduation but it'd probably be the firbolg
as for headcanons...
I'm fucking here for ticklish wizards, its all of them no one knows why its probably a class feature or whatever
Dude is ticklish as fuck, no question about it, he hates when people know it though. So what a fuckin trip it is when Magnus and Merle need no invitation to tackle him out of nowhere. As much of a hardass as he is about it around groups he cannot hide that he likes it one on one even a little. Kravitz finds out almost immediately after they start dating, mostly thanks to Magnus and Angus. 
His worst spot is probably his thighs or his ribs, but you'd never know it since he screams if you even think about going for his ears. He’s pretty screechy about the whole ordeal, cursing out whomever has decided to tackle him and take him down a peg, at least for the first three minutes or so, until he just cant keep it up and just lies there and takes it. 
As a ler he is more than fucking ready to waste spell slots on this shit do not test him. Teasing only flusters him but god if he doesn't give whomever he’s tickling the smuggest look he can muster. He is ruthless about his revenge, gotta keep up appearances and all that. 
She's a goddamn monster, however fucking ruthless Taako is Lup is 20x worse. She doesn't even bother wasting spell slots, she just throws people to the ground, she has taken magnus down, there is no escape from her. Her nails are killer, and she knows it. 
Being a lich has kinda messed with her sensitivity, she used to be just as ticklish as taako, but now she’s barely ticklish in most places. Her stomach, sides and her ears are pretty much the only places that will really get her laughing now. She is a squirmer, she’ll fight you, and probably get the upper hand before you can even blink. 
She loves it, openly, thinks its fun and is a good way to get her more serious team members to open up more, Lucretia. Lup and Magnus are a force to be reckoned with even to each other, they both are total lers, no one is safe from them if they're together. 
He’s a total teddy bear. No other word for it, he loves tickling his friends but he’d rather stab his foot and stare at the bloody wound than overstep and hurt somebody. He generally stayed away from roughhousing with the crew for the first few years, even longer with Lucretia, Davenport and Barry. he really didn't want to overstep. 
That being said, once he’s sure whos comfortable with what, he is unstoppable. God, when he finds out the twins like it, he has a field day! They don't escape his grip for a good 48 hours before he calms down about it. He is very much about lightly pinning and just going to town, it’s his favorite. 
The teddy analogy works both ways, dude has the cutest of worst spots. His stomach is killer, his underarms make him curl into a ball. his hands are too worn to be ticklish but his wrists are surprisingly sensitive. (Julia loved that one) 
Terrible old man, horrible. He’s very smug about knowing the starblaster crews spots by heart. No one knows how he knows, or where he got the information, he claims pan gave it to him if asked, but its bullshit. He keeps this knowledge after having his memory wiped, and Lucretia is more than surprised when Merle tweaks her knee before he has his memory back, Merle is equally as confused why the director made a sound like she swallowed a snail when he did it.  
It’s equally as confusing for Magnus and Taako when Merle leans back and yells out spots for Magnus to try when he has Taako pinned, especially when they're spots even Taako forgot he had. 
He is the only one who even knows Davenport is ticklish, and he has been sworn to secrecy (something he takes very seriously). 
Starblaster baby, she’s the youngest of them of course she is a target for tickle attacks. After the first few years, once she starts warming up to the crew she seals her fate. She leaned into a Magnus hug one too many times and now she will never be respected again. 
She is a baby about tickling too, cant take it at all. Her knees are the worst, and she kicks. Lord knows Magnus has gotten a chipped tooth or two from that. Once she loses some of her life in Wonderland she is almost content that her ticklishness fled with her youth, she is proven incredibly wrong once she hires Merle, Magnus and Taako. 
She’s they're bloody boss now and they still treat her like their younger sister, if she weren't so endeared she might be mad about it. They poke and prod at her whenever they get the chance, try and get her to break her serious facade.  
No one but merle even knows he’s ticklish, and he will keep it like that. That is not a promise it’s a threat. 
For a dude with so many classes, he can’t defend himself for shit. No one even tried to see if he was ticklish for the first few years. Lup, of course, tried first and scored the absolute jackpot. 
He is the most ticklish person on the starblaster crew, rivaling Taako, and he absolutely had to pay the price for that. Up until he became a lich along with Lup he was one of the number one victims of tickle attacks. 
As a lich, he is not ticklish. however, unlike Lup, in a human vessel, he is almost more ticklish than before, to the point that is almost unbearable. The others really had to ease up on him after that, because it would get overwhelming. They still sneak in pokes here and there but only every once and a while. 
After losing his memory the sensitivity was something he had to deal with a lot, not just in the sense of tickling, everything felt more, which became overwhelming occasionally.  
Baby boy, baby. He is absolutely a walking tickle spot. He very much does not like it though. He is the worlds best detective, he’s also 10 but that's less important.
He knows its a important bonding tool for Taako, Magnus and Merle, so he indulges them a little. They know he’s not a major fan, so they lay off him more often than not.  He might grow into liking it more when he’s older and less concerned about being serious, but for now its not his favorite. 
He is, however, not above sleuthing out their worst spots and gleefully telling others, though. (such as Kravitz, of whom listens very intently as Angus explains just how much tickling means to Taako, while talking around Taako’s hand trying to get him to be quiet mind you, but that’s not important) 
Dude has been dead for a long ass while, he probably used to be ticklish, but he very much isn’t now, much to taako’s chagrin. Even after his heart starts again, he’s not very sensitive at all. You might be able to get him to laugh if you surprise him, his neck and back are just about the only places that could qualify as ticklish, and really only if he’s not expecting it. 
He does very much enjoy making Taako laugh though, and takes quite a lot of joy from having such an effective method of doing so. He doesn't really get into tickle fights with anyone else, though he’s interested in why becoming liches had such different affects on Lup and Barry. 
I don't have any comprehensive headcanons for amnesty unfortunately. 
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clarichoupie · 2 years
°•House of ashes characters as landscapes•°
Since I need to relax right now because of the omnipresent stress in my life, I came up with this little concept. I haven't traveled around the world much compared to some other people, but I consider myself very lucky to have been able to do some things, and I decided that I was going to associate the characters of Houses of Ashes with the most beautiful landscapes I have seen during my tripes. So, let's get started! (The pictures are not mine but I put them here to try to give you an idea in addition to the description which I hope is precise enough to express my feelings).
Nick Kay
Nick's case was strangely easy enough. He is the exception to the rule since I will talk a little about my home country, France. Since I was a little girl, I've been going to visit my grand parents in the South, in Ardèche where they live in a small village in the countryside. It came to my mind a wonderful landscape that I could observe when we were waiting patiently in the car to arrive at our destination. A huge field of lavender with the smell of it everywhere in the air. The sun was starting to set very slightly as the evening was coming, showing the beautiful shadows of the olive trees. In the distance, the green hills were incredibly simple and yet so comforting in their familiar shapes. The quietness of the surroundings was wonderful as we saw some small stone houses on the side of the road. Nick gives me that warm, gentle summer feeling that envelops you all around while life seems almost too easy, as if nothing matters around you and you can finally rest. There is also the childish nostalgia of feeling at home, well sheltered from the problems of life while we could see the birds making their way in the sky which became very slightly orange.
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Eric King
Eric’s case wasn’t that complicated either. I actually had the chance to go to Italy before Covid 19. In just a few days (four I think) we visited Rome, Venice and Florence. A fast and very tiring trip but Venice definitely caught my eye. While Rome and Florence were more like historic cities, Venice seemed to me more touristic and open to possibilities. We didn’t really visit much, instead we took a walk. Of course, it was great to see the big squares and bridges of the city, however what I still remember the most are the small cobblestone and colorful streets on which we walked in the evening. It was like some kind of maze. Sometimes we just walked right up to a dead end and looked at the incredible houses at the water’s edge. The restaurants or other shops that we saw all around were always very pretty, with many lights and garlands to attract people. It was also flowery, impossible to walk in a street without the warm colors of some plants in small pots. We also took the boat several times of course to sail through this charming little spaces. Sometimes we passed under the bridges with a smile and then we enjoyed a moment of relaxation rocked by the light waves. Eric made me think of this elegant and graceful place. The soft lights of the garlands and houses were not like the warmth of the South but rather as a friendly atmosphere, both a sign of discovery and familiarity. The buildings that surrounded us were not perfect but next to each other, all together, they formed a magnificent whole.
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Rachel King 
I had to think a little more about Rachel’s case, nevertheless it seems to me that I found a good idea in my very distant memories. When I was a little younger, my family and I traveled to Greece, more precisely in Crete, for a week. The hotel was amazing and the pool and the sea wonderful, however, I was thinking of something else for Rachel. My parents wanted us to go on excursions to get to know the country a little better and discover the local culture. Worst day of the trip. I totally hated this arid landscapes, the bus trip was endless as I watched the little present vegetation. The village we visited was passable, very nice people but nothing seemed to catch my attention. It was as if everything around us was just an empty shell to me. The walk was also very long and tiring as we climbed a large mountain to reach the summit. The mules that carried some business were cute and sometimes some trees could give some look of prosperous nature but I remember well that I complained all along. I wanted to go home because I did not understand what the adults found beautiful in this place so deserted, poor and boring. However, all this was surely worth it when we arrived at the top of the mountain to visit what is called the “Zeus cave”. I would not tell the story behind this cave but just my feeling about it. Rachel is like this place. Her character is horrible to me by her harshness and her too strong side, always wants to do things without the others. Nevertheless, under this very dry and unfriendly appearance was hidden something beautiful. As we went down the stairs carved in stone, the floodlights installed for us illuminated showed the magnificent walls of the cave or a few drops still slipped, smoothing the stalactites and stalagmites and giving the place a sparkling side. It was much colder than in the almost desert plain seen before and this freshness was so strangely welcoming. We wanted to see more. The best being the depth of water where people threw their coins to make a wish, trusting gently to the sounds of the lapping drops. The silver covering the bottom of the basin only brought out even more the marvelous colour of the water, oddly blue and transparent at the same time. Even if on the whole this exit seemed despicable to me, I think we can always find something good in each thing, an aspect that we can only see if we force ourselves to see further than appearance.
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Jason Kolchek
Of course, I never miss an opportunity to describe Jason from the landscapes I saw during my trip to the United States. Although our favorite jarhead is from the southern states, my trip was to Colorado, more precisely Denver. I could talk for literally hours about this two week school trip that was one of the most wonderful of my life, but I will try to cut it short by telling you about one small moment. At the end of the first week, after Valentine's Day, me and my host family went to the mountains. We had a three day weekend because I think it was President's Day or something like that. Anyway, it was absolutely fabulous! The mountains are not usually my favorite thing to see, however, I loved seeing the wide open spaces so much. It snowed the whole time I was there, despite what the weatherman said. I loved it. The sun shone down on the snow layer all around us as we drove down the main roads to the family cottage. There was a huge sun sometimes hidden by the gigantic cliffs. But what I liked the most was when we left. After three days in the ski resort, we made a trip at night back to the big city, and that trip was magical. It wasn't totally dark, it was a full moon and the lights of the surrounding villages lit up the way. This landscape reminded me of Jason because of its power but also its veracity. It was very intimidating and at the same time so natural, as if after having passed the appearances, this different part of the world offered itself to us. The quiet and wintry night was strangely relaxing. As if after the day of intense activity and constant noise, the night ended the chaos and was the beginning of another area as I rediscovered the landscapes from a new angle.
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Salim Othman
And finally, last but not least, Salim. It didn't take me long to associate Salim with the landscapes I saw during my little three-day trip in Spain, more precisely in a small village called “Carrión de los Condes”. I spent some time in a hotel in this small town, then went to the baptism of my little Spanish cousin and after that there was a party in the evening. It was incredible. I could barely understand a word or two of what people were saying around me, but the atmosphere was so reassuring. Of course people lived in the evening in Spain, so the ambiance in the avenues as the sun was setting was so joyful that it could only wash away all other negative feelings. I was very young at the time, but I still remember the group of children I played with who welcomed me as one of their own despite the culture barrier. The warmth of the country was not like France, it was not sweet and nostalgic, it was overwhelming but in the best way possible. It was like you couldn't help but be happy, because everything around you, the people, the music, even the buildings, exuded joy of living and took you with them in their happiness. You can, I think, easily understand why this place made me think of Salim. Everything was almost surreal. This village with its lively and beautifully picturesque streets could not but please. After all, how can I refuse such hospitality and pleasure in the moment?
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Little lies and lunch breaks
Paring: George Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: George becomes a regular at the fast food joint Y/N works at.
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ message me if you would like to be added!
A/N: I started working at a vegan place so this may be loosely based on a fantasy I have about George coming in and falling in love with me *sigh*
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George was aimlessly wandering around London on his break on a Tuesday afternoon when he stopped dead in his tracks. Across the road he noticed an angelic beauty walking on the footpath. Her hair was swept into a braid and tucked under a black cap and was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. The girl entered a shop, George figured it was a fast food place by a quick glance. Perfect, he thought he was on his lunch break so definitely could eat something.
He followed the path of the H/C girl and entered the store the bell dinging behind him, he was right, it was a fast food joint for sure and even better the pretty girl was behind the counter chatting to another girl who was sweeping the floor.
He stepped towards the counter and the girl who was apparently named Y/N according to her name tag greeted him.
“Afternoon! What can I get started for you?” Y/N smiled sweetly at George.
George was caught off guard, her voice floated through the air, it sounded so warm and comforting. “Uh, what’s good here? Have you got anything with chicken?”
The other worker sniggered behind Y/N who held a confused look on her face, George wondered if he said something offensive.
“Um, no. Nothing with chicken, this is a vegan fast food place.” Y/N gestured to the wall behind George which a giant mural with the words ‘The Green Vegan – delicious fresh food’ was written right and centre.
George’s checks heated up and he was certain they were the same shade as his hair right now. He coughed, “Yes! I knew that. I don’t even like chicken, I’m vegan actually. Was just trying to be funny.” He didn’t know why he said that a straight out lie, the bacon and eggs he had for breakfast that morning popped into his head.
The girl let out a chuckle, “well the ‘classic burger’ is a crowd favourite, it has a heap of greens topped with mayo and a chickpea patty. It’s really yummy if you wanna give that a go?”
George nodded hoping his red cheeks have gone unnoticed, he doubts it.
Y/N clicks some buttons on the register, “you want it in a meal? Comes with fries and a drink?”
Once again George nods slightly scared that he’ll blurt out another random lie, he pays for his food and stands off to the side.
A few moments later his order is being called out and he walks up to the counter to get it.
Y/N passes it over to him offering him a warm smile along with it, “here you go love, hope you enjoy it!”
George throws a quick thank you her way and strides out the store. Godric why is he such an idiot, Freds gonna pass out from laughter when he tells him about this later on at the shop. Why did he say he was vegan? He hates vegan food, thinks it tastes like grass.
George has actually become a regular at The Green Vegan. Not because of the food although he will admit it does taste pretty delicious but mainly because of the pretty girl that works there. He quickly found out that Y/N works every day except Wednesdays and Sundays, so naturally he visits the store everyday except those two, just to see her. Surprisingly he hasn’t let any other silly lies slip from his mouth and even made Y/N laugh a few times during conversation.
Fred had a field trip when he told him of the unfortunate situation hes gotten himself into. Fred thought it was the funniest thing he’s ever heard and taking it upon himself to ask George if he has any vegan recipes he wants to share. George has learnt to ignore Freds teasing.
“Alright Georgie, you can have your lunch break now,” Fred announces returning from his break “I had the best chicken sandwich at the store on the corner, almost bought you one but I remember you recent lifestyle change so thought better not tempt you.”
“Oh, shut it will you.”
Fred smirked, “what are you gonna do when you finally ask the girl out? Probably wouldn’t be smart taking her out to dinner.”
Again, George rolls his eyes at his brother and exits the store, heading to his new favourite place.
“Back again? What would you like today George?” Y/N calls out to him the moment he steps foot into the shop. George hums looking at the menu, he’s been getting something new each time he comes. “I’ll try the Caesar wrap today please Y/N”
Y/N gets started on making his wrap right away, she glances up at him “so how long have you been vegan for George?”
George’s face pales at the question, “um, maybe a few months. It’s uh pretty new.”
Y/N nods and smiles before concentrating back on the wrap. George takes the time to admire her. She has a little wrinkle between her brows when she’s concentrating, she also has a habit to bite on her bottom lip when she’s thinking too, George has noticed. His focus moves towards her hands, swiftly grabbing the ingredients. She’s wearing gloves but George can tell her hands are soft and delicate.
Before he can stop himself, he utters, “has anyone every told you you have really nice hands?”
Bloody hell, he really should duct tape his mouth shut when he’s around Y/N.
“Actually, yes I have been,” Y/N states with a giggle packing up George’s food. “by some old guy. Think he was trying to flirt but I definitely appreciate the compliment more coming from you.” She winks at him handing over his food.
George quickly grabs the brown paper bag and shoots a see ya later over his shoulder before hastily leaving the store, not wanting to embarrass himself even more.
He doesn’t get to see Y/N until a week later, having had to travel for a business trip. George was itching to get into the shop again to see Y/N, chatting to her had honestly become the highlight of his day.
He orders the onion rings today and 2 strawberry milkshakes, one for Fred.
“Here you go George! I hope you have a good day.” Y/N grins at him and begins tidying up behind the counter.
George gets halfway through the door before turning around, a wave of confidence flowing over him.
“Hey Y/N,” he swallows “forgive him if I’m being completely inappropriate but I was wondering if maybe one night I could take you out? Like on a date?” He holds his breath waiting for an answer.
He watches Y/N’s face carefully, he notices her cheeks flush a light shade of pink and she bites he lips slightly before nodding slowly. “Yeah, I’d really like that. I finish here at 5 maybe we can go out for dinner?”
George grins widely, “perfect!” he states a little too loudly. “I’ll be here to pick you up.” He turns to leave, again stopping and facing Y/N once more. “Um, you should probably know that I’m not actually vegan. I don’t know why I said that the first time I met you, guess I was just nervous around you.”
“That’s hilarious George,” Y/N lets out a hearty laugh, “it’s totally fine though, we don’t have to go to a vegan place tonight. I don’t mind.”
George smiles, “perfect, I’ll see you at 5.”
“Can’t wait.”
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
A Road To Somewhere.
For prompt: road trip
Thanatos/Zagreus/Meg in the background.
5.7k total, link to part two at the end.
Warnings: some sexual stuff are talked about but the most that happens is kissing and cuddling. Jokes about cannibalism as well. Alcohol uses. No beta.
Summary: Why talk about your feelings with your childhood best friend when you can just go on a road trip?
A/N: sorry for going silent, I was dealing with some medical issues on top of helping my partner with stuff.
To the Anon who requested this, I'm sorry about the wait, I hope you like this and feel free to always hit me for another request!
At three in the morning, your phone rang. 
You groaned as you rolled across your bed. and you squinted at the brightness of your phone. 
Hypnos' photo flashed on the screen, the one where he stole your letterman jacket to nap in on the school bus that Zagreus had sent it to you. And if you kept the photo five years after high school, well that is your business and nobody else's.
You hesitated, not sure you want to talk to him right now. After that night, the only thing you and Hypnos traded was polite, almost cold texts. not your usual meme or lazy chatting about whatever. But something about the picture of Hypnos' sleeping face pushed you to respond. 
You swiped the green button.
"You are coming with me." Hypnos said, or rather slurred.
You covered your face,"Hypnos, dude. Are you drunk right now?"
"You- you said you have never seen the ocean right?" Hypnos asked, ignoring your question.
"Where are you? I am coming to get you." You turned on your lamp, looking for a pair of jeans to wear.
"No- no." Hypnos said firmly and very drunkenly. "Y/N, dude. I'm fine. I'm at my shitty apartment." Hypnos paused, "You know, the one where my brother hooked up with Meg. And Zagreus. At the same time. Which is really effing weird for me."
"I - Hypnos-" you tried to think of what to say. The said incident happened over a little month ago and Hypnos had the misfortune of walking in at the wrong time. Which of course because Hypnos got his heart broken by Meg lead up to Hypnos trying to hook up with you to get over her.
"Look, you always said you wanted to see the ocean right?" Hypnos yawned, which you took as a good sign. Hopefully it means your dumb best friend will pass out soon and not ruin his liver for rest of the day.
"Yeah, what of it?" You asked, frustrated at Hypnos for doing this to himself and to you.
"Road trip!" Hypnos dragged out the words with a laugh. "I will be picking you up tomorrow. Love you bestie."
"Hypnos wait no, we can't just leave." You said. You waited for a response, "Hypnos?" You asked worriedly.
A snore came through the phone and you sighed. You turned off the lamp and laid back down, listening to Hypnos' deep breathing.
You stared at the ceiling, and tried not to think about the last time Hypnos got this drunk. Or about that night or how Hypnos acted like nothing happened the next day.
You rolled over to face your phone and closed your eyes.
You will just stay on the line in case Hypnos wakes up.
"You can't be serious, Hypnos." You said as he went through your clothes, uncaring of any boundaries you may have.
But honestly with Hypnos, you had long lost any boundaries. You knew you should actually try to enforce some but you craved just being near him.
"I am! I need to get away for a bit and you told me you were taking a week off right? And it starts today or last night technically." Hypnos held up a lime green shirt and made a face at it.
"Yes for a staycation, I don't have extra money for a motel or anything like that." You replied, and took the shirt away to place it back on its hanger.
"It's my treat, Y/N." Hypnos leaned on you, his head on your shoulder. You tried not to notice how warm he was against you or his big golden puppy dog eyes. "Come on, a free trip away with your best friend aka me aka the best thing ever with your favorite person ever-" Hypnos rambled.
"Fine, only because you said you will pay for everything." You sighed, You hated how hard it was to say no to him.
Hypnos cheered and pulled you into a bear hug. You savored the warmth despite not wanting to.
You just needed a vacation too. To clear your head. And who knows, you and Hypnos could finally get back to being normal.
Hypnos was in the driver's seat as you closed the truck and joined him in the car. A pen dangled from his teeth as his golden eyes flicked across the map. He glanced at you as you strapped in.
"It will be a two days drive if we only stop when we need to. That gives us three days at the beach or wherever else we end up doing." Hypnos took the pen out and marked a couple spots on the map.
"Couldn't we just use our phone GPS?" You asked.
"Nope, the place I'm taking you isn't a normal public beach and we have to drive through some mountains and mountains always win over gps." Hypnos pointed the pen at you. "Always." He said in a mock doom voice.
You rolled your eyes, and with a finger pushed the pen out your face. "Alright but if we get lost in the mountains. I call first dibs on eating you."
"Ha, jokes on you, bestie. I got almost no tender fat on me. So enjoy gnawing on my worthless bones." Hypnos crackled as he started the car. He tossed the map in your lab and peeled out of the driveway.
His deft fingers quickly found some music as Tom Petty sang through the radio.
Hypnos sang along badly. You covered up your smile, it feel good just near him again even if you didn't want to admit it.
Within minutes, Hypnos had weaved into the midmorning traffic. But even with the traffic, you already feel a little lighter.
The first day of the drive went surprisingly well, even with traffic for the first hour. The skies were a vivid blue with fat, lazy clouds that casted shadows across the land.
Hypnos had the windows rolled down, one arm out of the window and music blasting. His shades should have made him look like a frat boy but you actually liked how they looked with his messy white curls and dark red shirt.
You kept your mouth shut and just watched the landscape change from suburbia to the fields dotted with cows and horses.
It was the most peace you had felt in a long while even with the elephant in between you and Hypnos.
It wasn't until twilight had followed you to the motel that the problems started.
"Is that a permanently closed sign?" Hypnos asked flatly, his shades resting on his head.
You nodded, "I had a feeling the trip started a little too well."
You and Hypnos both stared at the sign, the red and white words mocked you.
"I knew google was lying to me." Hypnos murmured.
"We can just sleep in the car, Hypnos." You followed him as he turned back. "We probably shouldn't drive anymore tonight."
Hypnos shook his head, "Nope, we would get murder so fast." He snapped his fingers to make his point. He threw an arm around your shoulders and guided you back to the car. "Come on, I bet there's another place just up ahead."
"And if there is not?" You asked, noticing how easily you fit next to him.
"There will be." Hypnos said confidently.
At your doubtful look, he said cheerfully,
"Or we could just get murder in a much nicer area."
It was almost an hour before you saw the faint vacancy light just peeking behind the trees.
You gasped, "There! Do you see it?"
"Yeah, I see it." Hypnos replied, perking up. The rundown motel looked like someone's idea of what an old western inn looked like without actually never seeing one before.
But after driving for an extra hour and half, it looked like heaven.
Hypnos pulled up in the first empty spot he found which was plenty of.
"Stay here, keep an eye on the car. Don't get murdered." Hypnos said as he locked the car up. He only looked back once as he entered the building.
You slumped in your seat, exhaustion overtaken you. Your phone buzzed in your hand, Zagreus's name popped up.
'Is Hypnos with you??'
You stared down at the text, why is Zagreus asking you?
'Yeah, why?' you replied.
Immediately, Zagreus responded.
'He hasn't responded to any of our texts or calls.'
In a separate text, 'Is he okay? I knew my talk with him was rough but I didn't expect this. '
You bit your lip, just realizing that you haven't heard Hypnos' phone go off all day. Normally, Hypnos' phone was glued in his hand and he was always constantly texting or playing a game.
You looked up, making sure Hypnos was still in the building.
You replied, 'I think he just needs a break. I will let you know if anything happens but maybe just give him some breathing room. Also what talk?'
Three dots appeared and disappeared a few times before Zagreus' response came.
'No, I know. We just wanted to make sure he wasn't alone. Thanks.'
You rubbed your face, unsure what to make of the texts and that Hypnos, a known phone addict, hasn't been on his phone all day. And that Zagreus didn't bother to tell you what 'talk' he had with Hypnos.
You looked back up and saw Hypnos walking back a grin on his face. When your eyes met his, he waved the roomcard and a plastic bag triumphantly.
You pushed your worries aside for now, Hypnos will talk to you when he is ready.
"Uhh, dude. There is only one bed." You said blankly when Hypnos turned the lights on. All the room had was a single hotel bed and a little table with two chairs. The whole area looked like it never left the seventies.
"And a sofa." Hypnos pointed out as he flopped down on it. The sofa creaked loudly as if threatening to snap in half. "I can sleep on anything, remember?"
"If you are sure." You grabbed the plastic bag from the floor as you sat down on the bed.
You dumped the goods on the bed. There was a healthy mix of spicy ramen bowls, candy bars and cans of soda.
You picked out the one you knew Hypnos liked and set on making dinner.
The sofa kept creeking each time Hypnos twitched or even breath. Hypnos' eyes were close but there was a tension to his body that kept him looking truly relaxed.
You debated on telling him that Zagreus had reached out to you but the tight frown on his face kept you from saying anything.
The microwave gave a high pitch beep and you quickly pulled out the ramen and placed the hot bowl on the table. "Hey, Hypnos. Soup on." You told him as you got your bowl ready.
"Oh. Thanks. Wanna have a soda?" Hypnos asked.
You thanked him as you dug into your own dinner and honestly the cheap ramen was the best thing you tasted after not getting lunch during the drive.
Hypnos was unusually quiet during dinner and while getting ready for bed. You couldn't help noticing that Hypnos never once picked up his phone.
Hypnos yawned and sat on the sofa much more carefully yet the beast still creaked in warning.
You sighed, there was no way you or him would sleep with all that creaking.
"Hypnos, just come to bed. I think it's a queen so we got plenty of room." You told him as you got under the covers. You met his gaze, his eyes bright even with the dark circles under them.
"Okay." He agreed softly. He gave you a look that you ignored as he joined you. He turned off the lights. "Good night, Y/N."
You rolled on your side, back facing Hypnos. "Good night." You yawned widely, already halfway to sleep.
You didn't quite wake up all the way, not at first. You blinked at the wall, small cracks in the blinds allowed for small rays of sunlight to break though. It made the motel room feel cozy even with the ugly decor.
There was an arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders and you sank into its hold with a sigh.
Your eyes closed before your brain realized that you could feel another body pressed against your back, legs tangled together.
You snapped awake, your body went rigid and you heard Hypnos grumbled against your nape.
You relaxed, letting out a breath when you remembered Hypnos was in bed with you. Hypnos, during sleepovers when you were children, always ended up clinging on to you.
It was almost nice, a return to a simpler time. Almost.
It was a very different experience when you both were adults. You flushed when Hypnos pressed a little harder against your body, a pleased, sleepy hum rumbled in his chest.
You could feel him pressed against your lower back and damnit, your traitor of a body was responding. You squeezed your eyes shut, flushed from shame and want.
Your mind flashed back to the last time you allowed Hypnos this close.
You could still remember how he pushed you into his dark bedroom and kissed you again and again. How it felt being under him on his bed. How you almost let him have more.
And you knew you wouldn't survive if Hypnos acted just like he did the morning after.
With the small strength you were able to find, you pulled out of his hold or rather you tried to.
His arm went tight and kept you in the bed, "Where are you going so early?" His sleep rough voice mumbled against your skin.
You ignored the goosebumps he caused and you sighed annoyed. "Come on, you're being a jerk. I need to go get ready for the trip."
"Hmm, we drove more than we planned. We still have some time." Hypnos murmured, clearly going back to sleep. You grabbed the blanket with your free arm and yanked it off the both of you.
Hypnos yelped at the sudden cold and let you go. You darted out the bed and grinned at the scowl Hypnos had. You tossed the blanket over his face and walked away. "Early birds get the worm Hypnos!" You called out as you headed to the bathroom.
You bit back a laugh at the loud groan Hypnos made.
After a quick stop for coffee and pancakes with bacon which Hypnos immediately drowned in syrup much to your disgust of the sheer amount of sugar, you were back on the road.
After an hour of staring out the window at patches of woods between the farmlands, you turned to look at Hypnos.
"What is it about this place that made you pick it? I looked at the map, we could get to the ocean quicker if we went along the other route. " You thought for a moment, "And you know, not to have to drive past the mountains."
"Yeah, if you want to see what everyone else sees and deal with the crowds." Hypnos scoffed. He pulled his shades down a bit to look at you, his windblown curls bounced with the movement.
You prayed he didn't notice your blush.
"Also my mom told me about this place a million times. Trust me, it is going to be worth the wait." And with that, Hypnos focused back on driving.
You turned back to the open window, silently hating yourself for still being attracted to him.
"Hey- is that a cow?" Hypnos asked, already slowing down. You looked down the road and saw the animal. You couldn't help the laugh that came out. "Yeah it is."
The stray cow stared down at the car. It was apparently unconcerned about being hit as it chewed on the grass in its mouth.
Hypnos pressed down on the horn repeatedly and long. The cow kept chewing on its bit of grass, blinking slowly.
"Dumb cow. It knows what it is doing." Hypnos muttered.
You laughed again, "I think that is an oxymoron."
Hypnos scowled and waved his hands at the cow whose tongue had found its nose.
"Well, what bright ideas do you have, Y/N?"
You looked into the bag of snacks down by the footrest. And pulled out a bag of barbecue chips.
"I'm going to lure it out of the road, first chance you get, drive past."
Hypnos pulled his shade down, an eyebrow crocked.
You shook the bag at his doubtful look.
Hypnos' eyes narrowed, eyes sharp and calculating. "That won't work."
"Oh?" You raised a brow. "And why not?"
"Those are barbecue chips, I'm pretty sure even that dumb thing know that smell. And when it smells the barbecue, it will just run you over enraged about the chips."
You leaned toward him, "Wanna make a bet?"
He matched your lean, a bright glint in his eyes. "Sure. If I win, you have to agree to everything I say until we get to the hotel."
"Fine." You agreed. "And if I get the cow out of the way, you can only speak in moos until we get to the hotel."
"Deal." He leaned back into his seat. "Easiest win ever."
You scoffed at him as you got out. "Gee, thanks for believing in me."
You stared down the cow who merely blinked at you.
Hypnos poked his head out the window, laughing "Hey Y/N, when it's moving, start running!"
You shushed him and crinkled the bag at the cow. It took a wary step forward and you opened the bag and it took a sniff.
The cow immediately tried to bite the bag but you took several steps and it followed you. You couldn't stop your smirk at Hypnos' outraged face. "Good cow." You cooed. "Good cow."
You took several steps back into the tall grass and dumped the chips on the ground.
The moment the cow started eating the chips on the ground, you took off like a shot and almost fell into your seat. You barely had a chance to close the door before Hypnos drove off.
You pulled your seatbelt on and waited, a huge grin on your face.
When Hypnos refused to say anything or even look at you, you poked him in his cheek.
"Hypnos." You called his name in a sing-songy tone. "I won the bet. Hypnos. Hypnos." You poked him with each word. There was an evil, childish part of you enjoying this too much.
Hypnos batted your hand away. "Moo fucking moo." He replied sourly.
You playfully frowned, "I don't think cows can say fucking."
"Oh my god."
"They don't say that either."
Part Two
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honeydew-mel0n · 4 years
Inspired by jojosbisexualadventure on tik tok.
Jonathan - For now
The picnic was wonderful, the food had been hand made a few hours earlier and with love. His eyes cast out into the fields before you, his mind far away. You can only imagine he is reliving his adventure, reliving the death of his closest friend and mentor. His face still held its warmth and kindness. But when he gets like this his eyes are cold, distant, full of pain. You place your hand softly onto his cheek, he returned in an instant. The hollowness of his eyes faided and filled with a familiar, loving warmth. His hand coming to meet yours. "Are you alright, love?" He says in a gentle voice. You now realize your lips had been pressed into a frown. "Yes of course, I always am with you. But... darling, are you alright?" He blinks as your question hit him. Was he alright? His lips curve into the smile you love so much.
"I'm not sure, but for now.. with you, I will be alright."
Joseph - Only for a moment
He flexed to himself in the bedroom mirror, you love him even though he comes off as a vain asshole. But you're smarter then that, he had less then a month to train to beat three gods millenias older the he. Who are most definitely well trained and stronger then him. He was scared beyond his wits, not that he'd admit that for Ceasar to hear. You slip off of the bed and to his side, his token smirk slides over his face before your gently rest your hand on his cheek. "Hey babe, what's up?" You never where the one for long speeches, you stood up as tall as you could, and he bent down knowing what you wanted. Your lips met, you could feel his tension. You slip your other hand into his hair, softly running your finger across his scalp.
He moans softly and his shoulder go slack as he seems to destress, only for a moment.
Jotaro - Just this once
Jotaro always had a far away expression, no one really seemed to noticed when things changed. Except you, that didnt help his belief that everyone just understand his emotions. He's not cold, just... distant. Even now. Especially now. The cold of his eyes was a drastic different to the hot sandy landscape before you all. Everyone had split up for a few hours, which is honestly for the best. You came along on this trip because Holly used to baby sit you, you care for her a lot. As you worry for her.. You cant imagine the fear that Jotaro feels. That he cant/wont show. As you two sit in this warm but empty courtyard together, you contemplate what to do. You reach up slowly, your hand destined to meet his face, his grabs a tight hold on your wrist. "What are you doing?" Still, you push forth. His grip loosens as your hand rest itself on his cheek. To your surprise he's immediately leans into it, his eyes dart from your hand to your face. And for a second his emotions slip through.
Only Holly was allowed to do this, but you... Just this once.
Josuke - Playful
Long day, really long day. But you know what? A park date with your lovely soft delinquent boyfriend made up for everything. You spend all day talking, for your groups, speech class, clubs but with him he just lets you sit quietly as he talks. You love listening to him go on and on about the new stand user in Morioh, and how he totally could have beat their ass but they're cool. Its wonderful. You had finished your icecream 15 minutes ago and he was just polishing off his. You honestly think he enjoys these dates more then you do. He doesnt have to be cool with you, he's just Josuke. Funny, warm, your boyfriend... you place your hand on his cheek as he speaks to try and hold his full attention, he smiles mischievously before moving your hand. He lightly bites your hand and you snatch it away as you both laugh.
Your playful boyfriend.
Giorno - Like glass
Giorno Giovanna does not have time to day dream, between being a son, a boyfriend, and oh yeah- the leader of one of the most powerful mobs in all of Italy. He didnt have a lot of time, but when he gets it, he uses it to his full advantage. His busy-ness never bothered you, you know his work. Even with that he still finds time for you, and in that time he is able to take time for himself. As the two of you sit on the balcony of your shared home, you can see in his eyes- he slips away. Not a daydream, but a memory. A horrible one of his battles against Diavolo and La Squadra, and the loss of the only other people he held dear. You know when to break things off, you slowly place your hand on his cheek and he turns his head to face you. Recognition happens Immediately. "Hi, love." He says in a happy and relieved voice. He's here. You're here. Safe. For a second you felt him tremble. He's the most powerful man in the mafia,
but you know, he's like glass.
Jolyne - The grass is greener
Sometimes she seemed off in her own world, like her father. Her eyes far away, not unhappy, but dreaming as her head bopped along to the music. You let go of your self control, placing your hand on her face. She lets out a little giggle and placed her hand on yours. Holding onto it softly "Hey Cutie." She says before planting a kiss on your palm. You join her giggles, looking deeply into the wine dark blue eyes that you loved. "I love you so much Jo..." everything began to faid and change. Her hair was down, and longer. And her blue one piece was just a orange sweater. "Jolyne?" Her eyebrows furled. "Not funny, you know my name." You smile and push down your sob. "Sorry Irene, bad joke." Forcing out a small laugh. You still remember, you hate that you remember. You want to forget, you cant forget. But at least here, you can be with her- shes not the same- but shes still the woman you love.
Maybe, maybe the grass is greener on the other side.
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animebaby00 · 4 years
Tea and Cookies (Ciel Phantomhive x Female! Reader) - One-shot
Summary: Y/N, the newest maid at the Phantomhive manor, adds a little something extra to Ciel's afternoon tea to hopefully brighten his mood.
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Stoic. Firm. Serious.
That's how the young master was portrayed to almost everyone. 
Punctual. Proper. Dedicated to his work. A human being with a perfect attitude that never faltered for anything.
But Y/N, she's noticed things that others haven't.
She had seen the small, underlying blush on his cheeks when embarrassed or flustered. 
She noticed his determination to please those around him. 
She's come across times where the tiniest of smiles had laced his lips.
And quite honestly, those were her favorite times because of how rare they were.
The young master was nowhere near the average 14 year old. 
Even as she bustled around the kitchen, she still found it strange to address him as such. After all, she was almost a whole year younger than him.
Just barely a teenager and working as a maid in the famous Phantomhive Manor. Even younger at the age of 12 when she had first started.
The word 'maid' had a repulsive sound to the average, noble lady. But Y/N was thankful to be given the position after the horrible state she had been in when she arrived. 
A lowly orphan clad in a torn, mud covered dress covered in soot and ash. An injured leg from running through the forest to escape the thieves that had stolen from the orphanage she had called her home. The crude individuals had set the building ablaze and she watched what few friends she had choke and suffocate in the dark, thick smoke.
On the Queen's Guard Dog's doorstep with red, watering eyes, matted hair, and a weak, trembling form.
An absolute mess.
But despite it all…. the young master took her in.
With a Butler clad in black by his side. 
The whole thing sounded frightening, and she had nightmares for months. But soon, comfort in knowing she was protected and had a place to call home again was a reason to stand strong and move on. 
She was welcomed with open arms and proved to be one of most level headed people in the manner, talented in many fields she didn't know herself capable. 
On top of every schedule the young master had, a worthy opponent in chess, decent in the kitchen, a fast learner in archery, and unbeknownst to her, the person Ciel preferred most to bring him his afternoon tea. 
And currently, that was what she was doing now.
Her steps were quiet as she made her way to her young master's office, cart in tow decorated with delicate silver utensils and expensive China. 
At last, she reached the door to the young master's study. She lay a fist against the door and knocked, and a muffled "Come in." could be heard shortly after.
She opened the door just enough to fit the cart through and closed it behind her once in the room, being mindful to not disturb the busy male as he talked business with his Butler. 
"I will send these out immediately, My Lord." Sebastian stated, tapping a stack of documents against a desk in order to even the top edges of them, " Don't forget you have your meeting with Mr. Thompson at 3. I will fetch for you when the time comes." 
"Very well," Ciel said lowly, folding his hands together, "You are dismissed." 
Sebastian bowed both towards Ciel and then to you. You curtsied in reply, keeping your head low out of pure respect, only raising it once Sebastian had finally left the room. 
"The other 3 could learn a few things from you." 
His voice rang in your ears. Smooth, mature, and slightly cold, causing shivers to run down your spine.
You turned around to see Ciel looking at you, lips turned into a rare half smile while his single blue iris stared back at you. The other covered by a silk black patch.
You took a step forward, pushing the cart that was in front of you as you began to prepare a cup of tea for your master.
"Do you mean Baldroy, Mey-rin, and Finnian, sir ?"
Ciel nodded, "Yes. I've been very tempted to insist you teach them manners and respect. Bard can't go one day without blowing up the kitchen even if all he's doing is boiling water, Finnian speaks out even when conversation is being held, and Mey-rin can't curtsy property or push that cart without tripping over her own two feet." 
You did your best to stifle a small laugh, "Yes, I'm aware of their shenanigans. But at least they get the job done. Especially with Sebastian constantly nagging at them."
Ciel hummed, "I suppose you're right. But they are still fools."
You chuckled, picking up the now filled cup of tea along with the saucer.
"It's Earl grey today, young master. Shipped here yesterday." 
"Hm…" he took the cup from you, his fingers lightly brushing yours. You could feel your cheeks heat up slightly, but tried to keep yourself calm, as any such behavior was highly improper.
But you were unaware of the blush that had dusted his cheeks as well. 
Even with such a slight touch, your skin had felt so soft. 
Being so close to him, he could smell your sweet scent. Vanilla, maybe mixed with hazelnut. It was divine and-
No. Stop. 
Such thoughts were entirely crude. He mustn't think like that. 
"Uhm...my lord?"
He blinked. And it was then that he realized he had been staring. Bloody-
"Are you alright ?"
His eye widened, "Oh ! Yes, m-my apologies. Just...lost in thought I suppose. I have quite a...uhm busy schedule today. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to it."
"Oh, I see." You looked behind you at the tea cart, specifically at the extra tray you had purposely brought in, covered by a silver lid.
You had made them just to be nice, not sure if he would even like them. But now, perhaps they could serve as a token to brighten his day a bit.
Another thing you knew was how much he hated meetings of business no matter how important they were. 
You turned to face him again.
"S-sir...i-if I may ?"
"Yes ?"
" I...well, it's not much but," you retreated back to the cart and picked up the sterling silver tray and set it on his desk, "Perhaps these will help." You hooked your fingers under the handle and lifted it.
Ciel's mouth dropped open slightly in shock. 
Simply displayed before him, was an assortment of cookies. 
They were pretty basic looking, but they smelled absolutely heavenly of chocolate, peanut butter, toasted sugar, and cinnamon. It clouded his senses, delectable, and so very sweet. 
He could've sworn ( though he would never admit it ) that his mouth was watering. 
You giggled at his expression, grabbing a tiny pair of serving tongs and put one of each cookie on a plate you had grabbed. Four sounded like a lot, but you had made them smaller on purpose, finding it easier to enjoy them when they took about one or two bites to consume. 
"I know Sebastian doesn't exactly like you eating sweets this early in the afternoon, but I think today can be an exception. " 
Ciel was dumbfounded, almost missing your previous statement. 
It was obvious, but he had to confirm.
"You...made these ?"
You nodded, "Yes. I did. Fresh out the oven this morning." 
"That's... highly impressive."
"Is it ?"
Ciel picked up one of the cookies. It felt warm against the skin on his fingertips."Well I know you had chores this morning, and you also helped with breakfast. So I suppose I'm just confused on how you found the time."
"I have my methods," you stated simply. 
Ciel smirked, his face imprinted with slight amusement as he brought one of the cookies closer to his lips, mouth opening slightly as he bit it in half. 
And immediately after, total bliss blossomed over his taste buds. It was soft, warm, with a slight bitterness so as to not make the dessert too sweet. He would have to guess it to be raw cacao powder or dark chocolate, but nonetheless. 
It was delicious. 
You watched him with a hopeful expression, watching his mouth move with every chew. 
Your heart was beating in your chest, and for the first time in a long time, you found that you couldn't read his expression which scared you quite a bit. 
Yet you were able to muster up enough courage to ask him the simple question that was burning on your tongue.
"W-what do you think m-my lord ?"
You knew you looked a fool. Standing there with fidgeting hands and sweaty palms.
But the cool, crisp, clean voice that you had come to adore cleared that nervousness away
"They're like nothing I've really ever tasted before in a sweet."
Your eyes widened, heat rushing to your face.
That made you perk up in both happiness and worry. but it seemed Ciel caught on to the flusteredness you felt taking over your nerves. 
He rose his hands up quickly, "W-which isn't a bad thing I assure you! Don't worry, please." He leaned forward, folding his hands across his desk, "They're actually quite good. I...like them very much."
The blush on your face deepened, "O-oh ! That's v-very good to hear. I'm happy you like them...m-my lord."
Ciel tilted his head,Actually....I was going to ask you, if perhaps you could -"
All potential awkwardness and discussion  was forgotten ad, both you and Ciel's heads darted to the doorway.
Ciel stood up from his seat, rushing over to your side, "What the bloody hell was-"
"Y/N !!!!!" 
You could hear frantic footsteps clack from down the hall. The door to Ciel's office was flung open and you immediately recoiled and Ciel clicked his teeth once you both caught sight of Mey-Rin standing there, out of breath, covered head to toe in soot and ash. 
You were about to ask what was wrong, but Ciel beat you to it.
"Mey-rin what is the meaning of this ?!'
"M-my apologies young master !" She squeaked, "Bard...he ehmmmm...oh he blew up the kitchen again yes he did ! A-and I was fetching Y/N for her assistance…"
Ciel sighed, rubbing his temple, "She'll be there in a few minutes. Go and get a head start without her. Now."
Mey-rin bowed clumsily, her glasses nearly falling off her face, "Y-yes young master."
And then she was gone, but not before you could hear her trip and fall from down the hall with a loud yelp. 
Ciel turned to face you, "Told you they were fools."
You sweatdropped, "W-well it was good for the time it lasted. Bard hasn't blown up the kitchen in...I believe...3 days ?"
Ciel gave out a deeper sigh, finding his way back to his desk as you collected and put away the items on the tea cart. 
"I suppose I should get going," you said, wheeling the cart closer to Ciel's desk, "I'll leave this here for you in case you want more tea or sweets." You turned your gaze fully onto him, " Now, what were you trying to tell me before ?"
Ciel's dark blue iris widened, "Oh ! Yes, uhm, simply just...I was going to say that if you're okay with it, I w-would like you to bring me my tea more often. I enjoy your company very much...it's nice to not have some lunatic driving me crazy or having Sebastian constantly nagging at me. I suppose it's just a relief to be around someone...normal."
You blinked, shocked over Ciel's statements due to several things. 
He stuttered quite a bit, something he hardly ever does. And he also didn't come off demanding with it at all. He was actually considering your wants and that made your heart flutter with warmth. 
How could you say no ?
"I-I'd be happy to serve you, sir. It would be my pleasure." Your curtsied then turned around, keeping your head his way so he could see the smile on your face, "Sorry, but please excuse me. I've been given news I'm needed in the kitchen."
At this, Ciel's widened eyes softened as he watched you leave, but just as you were about to…
"Oh, and Y/N ?"
"Yes, my lord ?"
He gave you a knowing look, "When we're alone, please, call me Ciel."
You weren't fazed or shocked by his request, you thought it rude to be, so you merely waved and abided by your master's wishes.
"If that is what you wish...Ciel." 
And you left, leaving Ciel alone to finish his tea and the special little treat you made just for him.
After all, what's a good cup of tea without a little something extra to go with it especially if it can brighten someone's day ?
Which is something you definitely achieved.
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Seasick→P.P pt.2
Parings→ peter Parker x reader
Warnings→slowburn, fake dating, fluff
Summary→when you lie to your mom about having a boyfriend before vactation peter steps in to help. But being in a fake relationship isnt as easy as you thought. especially not easy when you two have feelings for one another. 
A/n→ here is part two of seasick! @spectacularlyspidey made me this lovely moodboard, I love Ren 🥰 I hope you guys enjoy it and I’m going to try and post it more often if that is what you guys want💗
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Toothbrush, Peter, you need your toothbrush.” May helps him pack. She seemed more excited than peter. Peter placed his clothes into bens old suitcase as if it was a chore. Hes scared, beyond scared. What if your family hates him, what if they think hes less of what they expected, what if they catch on? All the ideas and scenarios ran through his head.
“May, i've got it. I'm 19 not 14.” he reminded her and she pouted. She knew the whole plane, he had nothing to hide from her Anyways.
“You know that you can still say no.” she comes over to run a hand through Peter's hair. She knew when Peter had a crush, she always did. Although normally he'd get scared of going on a field trip with one or a study date, never a summer vacation.
“She needs me to do this. I told her i would and were setting boundaries on the plane so when we get there its not weird.” he told her and she hummed.
“I know you really like her, like more than a friend. I have a tingle too.” she teases and peter scrunches his face. “But think this can be a start, you maybe could start something here.” she kisses his forehead before leaving him in his rom to finish packing. He looks over at his phone to see the time, he sees how you’ll be at his house soon and picking him up for the airport. The airport where you'd meet your family in Florida where you’d go out to sea.
He shuts the suitcase and listens to the sound of it zipping up before flopping on his bed letting the time run out.
8 hours, it was an 8 hour flight filled with anxiety and fear. You had both agreed on a list. A list of things to do around your family
-forehead kisses are allowed(kisses on the lips not necessary unless needed)
-holding hands as often as we can
-snuggling up to one another
-going places together like the pool or restaurant
-pet names
-make up stories about each other
-hands always on one another
That was about it. That's all you two had to do and you'd keep it up for a week. Then when the two of you get home things go back to normal. Normal. That word hurt peters ears. Normal meant there were no real feelings and he'd have to let go of you.
“I-i can hold your bags.” he offered as you two got off the plane. He wore his Columbia hoodie with sweats, probably not the best option for landing in Florida but he was so nervous.
You give him a warm smile and nod. You were nervous too, for almost all the same reasons as peter. You wished you could have just taken ned, ned or another friend who was just seen as your friend. Someone you didn't have to think so much about kissing. Someone you didn't have to think about pretending to hold. Someone you didn't have to worry catching feelings for.
“Wait,” you stop him and he looks at you with soft eyes. “My mom is really....touchy. She loves hugging and she might kiss your cheek. It’s nothing to intentionally make you uncomfortable but i'm really sorry in advance.” you warn him.
He nods as from a distance your mom shouts your name. She's wearing a sundress and sandals, ready for a vacation. Your dad is next to her smiling ready to hug you, now he knew it was real. All of it was now real. If your mom and dad intimidated him he was scared to see the rest of your family.
“Oh sweetheart i've missed you so much, ugh New York is such a small yet big state. We wished college did hog you so much.” she kisses your cheeks.
“Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend...Peter, the one I've been telling you about.” you hold his arm and he's already smiling and going in to shake hands. Your mom takes him for a hug and gets pink lipgloss on his cheek.
He sees how much you look like her, the hair, the eyes, the smile that's so contagious, but the personalities are completely different. She was bubbly and happy all over the place while you, you were a little more reserved and only showed the good side to your friends. Save the best parts of you for the best people.
“Ugh i was starting to think she'd never get one, especially not one so handsome and smart.” she holds his arms giving them a squeeze. “Wow he works out too you can really tell.” You quickly take him back before he gets uncomfortable.
“Mom…” you warn and she scoffs.
“Sweetheart, you know I'm teasing. Your sisters are already boarded and waiting so we can leave when you two are ready.” sisters. You never told him about sisters. He didn't even know you had any siblings. He thought you were always an only child. You never talked about any siblings or really family except your mom and dad and occasionally your aunt.
But he can tell by your facial expressions that you were already dreading it more than him, dredging sisters but he didn't know why. He wasn't going to push it either. By the shift in your body he knew it was best to just question when you two were alone.
He willingly followed your family into a cab where you four set off for a week of one of the hardest masks he had to put on, the mask of pretending to love you when he really did but could never tell you.
Never being on a cruise ship before he had no idea what to expect. His bare knowledge being the titanic—which did not help his fear of the ocean—even for the smartest kid, normally, he didn’t know much about boats. He never even considered himself to be on one, until last summer he never even thought he’d be in Europe for his senior year of highschool. That’s how he had to think of this, Europe. Semi-relaxing, regular peter, Europe. This was a once and a lifetime opportunity for him to be on a cruise with no Spider-Man activity, No stress, nothing but the sun on his skin.
“So we eat dinner at 7pm, you kids can get all settled in...maybe find yourself at the spa or the pool. Don’t be shy to order room service, ugh the boy is handsome but skinny.” Your mom comments once again. You give her eyes and a groan as you follow her down the hall to your room. “Oh please, you eat too, you're starting to lose your color.” She picks up your arm and you take it back.
He didn’t think the teasing was that bad, sure the appearance comments were too soon but he thought it was all a part of her bubbly personality. May teases all of them to eat when they’re over. May has teased all of them but always in a nice way.
When Peter dated Gwen—his ex girlfriend—last year she was the same. Always telling Peter about his appearance but he never really cared what she had to say. He just really needed someone at the time to move on from you.
“Here is your room, you kids have fun.” She hands you the card and kisses your cheek. “Wear the sundress your sister picked out, don’t be late.” She warned and walked down the hall. Only a few hours in and you wished you would’ve made some crap excuse about having a late final or actually telling the truth.
You two enter the room and Peter is shocked. It’s a gorgeous beach themed room. If he were a child he would already be jumping on the bed and touching everything. You seem to just drop your bags on the floor and immediately go to the bathroom. He leaves you be, taking in the beauty of the room, the California king bed, the wall hung T.V. The view of the ocean that made him slightly nervous but he didn’t mind. There was a dress on the bed, the sundress your mom wanted you to wear.
“Oh fuck.” You rub your face seeing that there’s the one bed. You thought maybe she’d at least use some sense and get two beds, that or a two roomed hotel. “I’m sorry pete, I thought she would maybe get us two rooms or—“
Another thing he seemed to notice was how money didn’t seem to be an issue for your family yet you never seemed to come off as well off. You lived in a small apartment like peter, your clothes were mostly thrifted or old, you ate ramen about three times a week and if it wasn’t that it was cheap pizza. Just like the rest of the group. You never came off as rich, it shocked him to even hear about a cruise, it shocked him even more that you could just say about how they could’ve gotten two rooms on a ship.
“It’s a California king,” he gestures. “We’ll fit without touching each other.” He calms you with a soft smile seeing how stressed you were.
“You’re not too scared of ships are you?” You ask him remembering how he said something about being afraid of the water.
“Well...Uh...no but yes, it makes me nervous but—“ your hand places itself over peters for comfort and he freezes up. You notice and quickly take your hand away.
“It won’t feel like anything trust me, you don’t feel the ship rock or anything. It’s not the titanic.” You reminded him as you picked up your phone and looked at the time. You two had plenty of time to get yourself ready.
“So….” he clasp his hands together and you look over to him. “For dinner how should I act?” He questions. You’re getting comfortable in the bed already while he’s still scared to touch it.
“Just be Peter, um...maybe a hand around my shoulder at one point or hand holding? Just like our list said. Really sell it. They’re gonna ask a lot of questions of how we met and stuff like that but I can do all of them if you want.” You tell him and he nods.
“Right,” he responded thinking the best thing to do was just be peter, the peter you knew, not the peter who was totally in love with you. “Just be peter.”
And that’s all he had to do.
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Fanfic trope! Alex/reggie, alex kiss reggie after he says something kinda dumb but very very sweet? Thks!
Thank you for the prompt! I know this isn’t exactly what you were thinking but this little idea popped up into mind and nagged me until it was written. I hope you enjoy!
Hot Dog Engine, Alex/Reggie
Tags: Fluff, College AU, blink and you miss it angst, some pining
Alex’s problem was all Luke’s fault. 
Not that he had done it intentionally. But ever since Luke and Jullie started dating he had been absent from their hangouts, leaving Alex and Reggie to hang out. Alone. 
At first it had been awkward, both of them not sure how to act with each other outside the usual dynamic of their group, but that soon passed. Overall, it wasn’t that different than when it was the three of them. 
Without Luke there to distract both of them, Alex was paying complete attention to Reggie and noticing things that he would have otherwise missed. Like how Reggie had a habit of eating his skittles in color order, and that he had a habit of bouncing a little when he was really excited about something. How his eyes scrunched and his voice got a little higher pitched when he was being defensive. 
At some point Alex realized that he noticed these because he was staring. Staring at Reggie’s fingers, at his mouth while he ate. Staring over at Reggie whenever they were practicing or looking to him first whenever anybody had good news. Staring as he started another argument with him just so he could see his eyes scrunch that way again.
Didn’t take a genius to figure out what that meant.
He wasn’t sure when it had happened, but one second he was just a guy hanging out with one of his best friends and the next he was a guy who was hopelessly crushing on a sweet, oblivious idiot. Alex tried to ignore the part of him that was completely unsurprised.
It wouldn’t have been a problem, but Reggie was everywhere. At some point, Reggie had decided that bothering Alex was his favorite pastime and since then had started seeking out Alex whenever he was bored, always having something he was excited to talk to somebody about. So Alex had to just sit there with his best friend and pretend that he didn’t want to kiss him all the time. It got really hard  That Reggie flirting with every single girl who looked at him didn’t bother him. That it didn’t especially bother him when Reggie flirted with Flynn right in front of him at a party one Friday night.
That it was definitely not the reason he was sulking in the studio, trying to finish the reading assignment that was due Monday.
“Hey Alex,” a voice called out from the other side of the room. Alex glanced up to see Reggie lounging in the doorway. His signature leather jacket must have been too hot for the weather because he was just wearing a pair of slightly baggy jeans and a slightly too small t-shirt with his usual flannel around his waist. 
Alex looked back down at his book without replying, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat at Reggie’s lazy smile. 
“Aleeeeex,” Reggie whined when he realized Alex wasn’t gonna answer him. “Entertain me I’m bored.” 
Alex chose not to acknowledge him again, turning the page instead. He heard Reggie huff in annoyance at being ignored and Alex repressed a grin of amusement. He was sulking for a reason dammit! He was so distracted with not paying attention to Reggie that he didn’t notice the sound of him walking over until it was too late.
“Oof!” Alex let out a quiet noise of surprise at the sudden weight in his lap. He looked down to see Reggie smiling up at him with an impish grin. 
“Hey,” Reggie winked.
“Can I help you?” Alex asked in mock annoyance.
“Yeah, hang out with me. I’m bored.” 
Alex rolled his eyes and looked back down at his book. “Go bother Luke.” 
“Luke’s with Julie for their six months,” Reggie waved his hand dismissively. 
“How disappointing for you,” Alex said dryly.
“I wanna hang out with you more anyways,” Reggie’s impish smile turned bashful at that. How he managed to look bashful while draped across Alex like a cat was beyond him. 
Even though Reggie had said it many times before, a warm feeling blossomed in Alex’s chest and he couldn’t help the small smile he felt stretch across his face. He hid his face in his book as he felt the warmth spread to his cheeks. Reggie shifted so only his head was in Alex’s lap instead of his whole body. They sat in silence for a moment, Alex pretending to read and that he didn’t notice Reggie’s expectant gaze.
Alex finally broke the silence. “Even if I wanted to hang out, I gotta finish this book by tonight so I have time for practice later.” He hoped that would be enough of an excuse to get Reggie to go away. “I have an exam tomorrow, and I’m not about to give Professor Covington a reason to fail me.”
“His obsession with failing you is kinda weird, huh?” Reggie mused. “Maybe he’s trying to fail cause he wants you to stay with him another year.” Reggie nudged Alex to look at him, eyebrows waggling. “Maybe Professor Covington has a crush on you.”
Alex shuddered and the other boy started shaking with laughter at his own joke. “Please no.”
“If you don’t want to do it you could always drop out and start a company with me.”
“Don’t you think that would be impractical?” Alex replied in a teasing tone. 
Reggie scoffed.  “Course not. I got the whole thing planned out”
“Okay,” Alex laughed, lowering his book, “then what does our company do?”
“Uh…” Reggie reached a hand up to scratch his nose pensively.
“Let me get this straight,” Alex said. He restrained himself from adding ‘which I am not.’ “You want me, a broke college student, to drop out of college with you, another broke college student, to start a company which you have no plan for?”
“Hold on,” Reggie said defensively, sitting up so he and Alex were face to face. “I totally have a plan.” 
Alex’s mouth went dry as Reggie put his face so close to his own, his field of vision narrowing to dark green eyes and lips stretched into a crooked grin. All he would have to do to close the gap would be to lean forward just a couple inches—
“Prove it,” Alex teased, mentally chasing the thoughts from his head as he gently pushed Reggie further away. He had gotten good at ignoring those kinds of thoughts the past couple months.
Reggie stood with exaggerated showmanship. “Well, I am so glad that you asked.” He grabbed the flannel from his waist, tied it around his neck like a really crappy cape, and struck a dramatic pose. “Are you ready for this awesome?” He asked with mock seriousness.
Dork, Alex thought to himself. “By all means Reginald. Blow me away.” Reggie opened his mouth and Alex just knew he was going to hear the biggest load of bullshit ever.
“Well, my slightly taller friend, have you ever been walking down the street and realized that if you didn’t get a hotdog in the next ten minutes you would die?’”
“Have you been looking for an easy way to get meals while on a long car trip that doesn't involve stopping at a restaurant?”
“Still no.”
“Have you ever wondered if you were getting the most out of your vehicle?”
“I don’t have a car Reg,” Alex reminded him. Where was he going with this?
“Well,” Reggie drove forward undeterred, “have I got news for you. Now introducing…” Reggie paused his theatrics to look over at Alex expectantly, “little help?” Alex rolled his eyes and began to give a drumroll with his feet. “Now introducing… the hot dog engine!” 
Alex snorted. “The what?”
“The hot dog engine!” Reggie said excitedly. “On the outside, a regular car. But when you pop open the hood, BAM!” Reggie loudly clapped his hands together, “a hot dog cooker right next to your engine, powered by the same battery!”
Alex started laughing at that. “Reggie, that is so dangerous. You could get oil or battery acid on the hot dogs which would kill you.”
Reggie gasped in offense, “where is your sense of adventure?”
“Must have lost it when I lived past the ripe old age of 18,” Alex said back dryly.
Reggie huffed before readapting his dramatic businessman persona. “Well not to worry, I have plenty more where that came from.”
“Oh goodness please no,” Alex said in mock horror.
“Leashes for fish,” Reggie shot out.
“Crocs that smell like pumpkin spice.”
“Who’s purposely gonna smell them?”
“Pet rocks.”
“Already done.”
“Umbrellas for your shoes,”
“What’s with you and feet?”
Reggie choked on a laugh and stared at him for a moment. Alex was definitely amused by this whole conversation, but if Reggie kept staring at him and saying stupid things that made him laugh they were gonna have a problem. He needed to shut Reggie up somehow.
His friend opened his mouth to suggest his next ridiculous idea, “what about an air cannon that blows out candles for you—hmph!”
The tiny ‘hmph’ of surprise was because Alex had figured how to shut him up, by launching himself across the room and pressing their lips together.
Oh god, Alex thought to himself the moment he realized he was kissing him. He pulled away, stepping back to look at Reggie who was staring at him wide-eyed, frozen in shock. Oh crap, oh god. What did I do? He’s gonna freak out he's gonna hate me he’s gonna—
“Well that just gave me a great idea,” Reggie cut through Alex’s train of thoughts.
“R-Reggie I’m so sorry,” Alex quickly stammered out his apology. 
“Alex—” Reggie tried to speak.
“I shouldn’t have just kissed you like that. I know you and Flynn just started having a thing and that you don’t like me that way—”
“ALEX,” Reggie said more forcefully. Alex stopped his rambling and stared up at his friend anxiously. Reggie took a deep breath, “my idea was that you could just bring your boyfriend to lecture to show Professor Covington you aren’t interested in him.”
That didn’t make sense, “who’s my boyfriend?”
“Well me, if you stop freaking out long enough to kiss me again.” Reggie’s face turned bright red as he processed what he said. “I-I mean if you want to. You don’t gotta um…” 
Alex felt the wide smile on his own face as he processed what Reggie was saying. He reached out and interlocked their fingers together. “Can I kiss you again Reggie?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
The second kiss was so much better than the first. The soft press of Reggie’s lips against his own made the butterflies he had been trying to digest for months fly around his chest for free. The hand that wasn’t holding Reggie’s moved up to cup the back of his head.
Eventually, Reggie pulled away, his breath was a little quicker than before and his cheeks were flushed. Alex felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest with anxiety and excitement. 
“I should probably tell you that I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” Reggie laughed.
“Oh,” Alex felt the tips of his ears burn. “Yeah. Uh, yeah. I mean, me too.” 
The answering smile from the boy in front of him was blinding. “Oh nice, does that mean I can be your boyfriend and make Professor Covington jealous?”
“You do know professor Covington just hates me cause he hates everyone right?”
“Alex,” Reggie huffed in annoyance, “you’re ruining the moment.”
Alex rolled his eyes. “Yes, you can be my boyfriend.”
Leaning in for their third kiss was Reggie’s response to that statement, and it was even better than the second.
Then the fourth which was better than the third. Then the fifth that was better than the sixth and so on until they both eventually lost count.
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