#VLD crossovers
mockingjaylad · 2 months
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Feeling a bit Jason Todd today I guess ^_^
+ Shiro from “Home” by ErinWantsToWrite and alighterwood on Ao3
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tricodekus · 3 months
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haikyu: legendary defender
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
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i almost forgot to post this here but!!!! we reached 200 people in the discord server!!! i drew Peter from LoF and Lance from my VLD rewrite, Home :)
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strelkovski · 7 months
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Back with my weird crossovers - it's space elf and altean warrior Maedhros!
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xxking-glitcherxx · 25 days
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lilcatastrophe · 1 month
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my brain playing pen pineapple apple pen with my hyper fixations rn
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mottemort · 1 year
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Voltron / Avatar Shiro metal bending
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staralex20 · 2 years
Avatar The Last Airbender x Voltron
Klance x Sukka
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fate221 · 10 months
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Hear me out…
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hypfden · 6 months
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Night adventures
“She was still a child and scared of the dark, of course as her older brother I created light for us.” - young Matt
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asdeloppa · 2 months
Weeeellll I love the idea about crossover ‘Voltron and How to Train Your Dragon’ SO THE QUESTION
If the Voltron team found itself in the world of dragons, what kind of dragons do you think the crew members would choose?
Especially dragons for klances
In general, they fit well into the place of Hiccup and Astrid (although I’m not very sure about her). We also joked that the klance could sit on the twins’ dragon (it would be a tragedy for everyone)
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goodfish-bowl · 3 months
Ghost in a Bottle
Danny Phantom x Voltron: Legendary Defender
DP Crossover Angst Week Day 4 - Trapped in a Thermos for Days or Months.
Summary: Pidge had gotten the thermos as part of a deal, along with the coveted gaming system and Kaltenecker. Of all things to be inside a 300-year-old Earth novelty item, Pidge had not been expecting a person. Danny just wants to find Jazz.
Notes: I've never written anything for Voltron before, and it's been a hot minute since I watched that show. This takes place circa Season 4, ep 4.
Word Count: 3,676
AO3 Link
Pidge had honestly forgotten she even had that thermos until it sent her flying across the room. The metal thermos was sent flying in the opposite direction as Pidge collided with a readily prepared pile of clothes. She groaned from having the wind knocked out of her before glaring at the container. She had picked it up from that one Earth-themed shop in the space mall since the keeper had thrown it in as part of a deal for the gaming counsel, along with Kaltenecker. It had gotten lost in the mess of her room until it apparently desired vengeance for being forgotten on the floor in the form of a tripping hazard. 
It was an odd, collectible-looking thing, made to look “futuristic” if Pidge had to guess, at least for three centuries ago. All shiny metal with the most saturated green she had ever had the displeasure of witnessing. It had a small button and meter on the side, which glowed a faint green, which was why Pidge had assumed it was collectible. 
“For tossing me to the floor, I’m going to fill you with the most bland, warm Altean food goo there is,” Pidge threatened the thermos. 
Well, before filling it with food goo, Pidge realized she should probably wash it… thoroughly disinfect and sanitize it first. Who knows where the thing had been, especially to make it this far out into space. 
Pidge crept out of her room and made her way to the kitchens. It wasn’t that late, probably the equivalent to 11 pm Earth time, but Pidge was still surprised to find Hunk in the kitchen, cleaning up from whatever he had been trying to make. Trying, being the key word, since there was a pile of burned goop being scraped into a container to be disposed of. 
“Hey, Hunk, what were these supposed to be?” Pidge asked.
Hunk jumped, before spotting Pidge in the kitchen. “Oh, it’s just you, Pidge. I was trying to make a curry, but, well…”
Pidge nodded in understanding. 
“Well, what are you doing? It’s a bit late for a snack, even for you,” Hunk pointed out. 
Pidge held up the thermos. “Gotta wash this.”
“Huh,” Hunk said, looking at the thermos. “Okay.”
Pidge went over to the Altean equivalent of a sink and unscrewed the cap. The hiss of pressure release was expected, but the amount of gas that started pouring out, less so. Pidge only held the thermos for a moment longer before dropping it into the sink and backing away. She ducked behind the island table in the middle of the room, dragging Hunk behind the table with her. 
Gas, thick and opaque, kept pouring out from the thermos, first pooling in the sink, then overflowing from the sink to the ground, forming a cloud at the base of the cabinets. Pidge and Hunk watched it continue to flow onto the floor, forming a cloud just big enough that Pidge could probably lay in it and be completely covered. 
“Pidge, is it just me or is it taking the form of a person?” Hunk pointed out. 
Pidge checked, and sure enough, the fog was beginning to compress, all on its own, into a vaguely humanoid form. She cursed under her breath. Of all the weird things to get her hands on, this one had something inside.  
“Hunk, sound the alarm,” Pidge said, refusing to take her eyes off their potential intruder. 
Hunk pressed the alarm button, and the silent alarms went off, flashing the lights, and notifying anyone else on board of the location and potential danger. 
The smoke condensed even further under the careful watch of both Pidge and Hunk from behind the counter, and slowly began gaining color while the smoke itself became thin and dissipated. A black suit, with long silver-white gloves, and tall boots. The being’s hair was white, while a tan-green color filled out the location of their face. Details became more apparent just as the other Paladins and Coran managed to make it to the room. On the floor, seemed to be a young male teen, likely just a few inches taller than Pidge herself, with bright white hair and pointed ears. 
“What’s going on? Are you both okay?” Shiro demanded as he rounded the corner. 
“We’re fine,” Hunk confirmed. “But… uh. I think we have an intruder.” 
Shiro rounded the corner, prepared for a fight, only to pause. 
“Okay, where did this guy even come from?” Lance asked, round the corner just behind Shiro. 
“He was in the thermos, that’s in the sink,” Pidge announced. 
Lance glanced at the thermos in the sink, pointing at it. 
“He was in that?”
Both Pidge and Hunk nodded. 
Lance frowned, going to nudge the boy with his foot. His foot passed through the boy, dissipating the smoke before quickly reforming. Lance yelped, jumping back. 
Allura rounded the corner herself and considered the unconscious teen, Coran behind her. 
“Do you know what he could be? I don’t think we’ve encountered smoke people before,” Hunk asked. 
“You said he came out from that vessel, correct?” Coran asked. 
“Yeah, I just thought it was some old novelty Earth thing. I wasn’t expecting there to be someone inside,” Pidge explained. 
Coran hummed, carefully picking up the thermos and examining it, while Allura looked at the boy more closely. 
“Careful, Allura. He’s an unknown,” Shiro warned. 
“A very unconscious, made of smoke, unknown,” Lance helpfully added. 
“I’ve…” Allura trailed off. “I’ve never encountered a people like this before. But whatever he is, he is overflowing with energy in a way… we’ve rarely encountered.”
“I’ve also never seen technology like this either,” Coran added. “Where did you say you found this, Pidge?” 
“From the Earth shop in the Space Mall,” Pidge repeated. “I don’t think we had technology like that on Earth 300 years ago either. It aesthetically matches the time period, so it could’ve been in the shop by mistake.”
“We’ll have to check. It’s an interesting piece, I would like to study it if that’s alright with you.”
Pidge shrugged. “I don’t care. I was just gonna fill it with food goo. New tech is always cool to fidget with, so let me know when you decide to take it apart. But, right now, I’m more interested in what we’re going to do with him?”
“We should move him into a sleep tank. I’d at least like to speak with him and learn more about his people,” Allura stated. 
Shiro frowned. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if he’s hostile?” 
“It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had a hostile person on the ship.”
“Not that I’m against moving him to the sleep tanks,” Hunk spoke up. “But how are we supposed to do that? He’s made of smoke.”
“Not anymore,” Lance announced, crouched at the feet of the unconscious unknown. “He finally solidified about a minute ago.” Lance poked the boy’s boot to prove it.  
Shiro sighed. “Let's get him to the sleep tanks. Who knows how long he was locked in that soup thermos.”
Danny woke up slowly, all sensation out of reach. But he could tell he was submerged and suspended in something. The only thing he could feel was the gas mask over his face, forcing air into his lungs. Had Jazz managed to get him to the Far Frozen? Danny’s eyes refused to open, he couldn’t so much as twitch a finger, feeling heavy and foreign in his own skin. He doubted he would even be able to breathe if not for the mask. Danny was in the Far Frozen, he would be fine. And if he was here, so was Jazz. She was safe amongst the yetis. Jazz was safe. 
Danny slipped back asleep.
Danny woke up again, this time more quickly. He twitched his fingers, and slowly, opened his eyes. There was a hydraulic hiss, and the fluid Danny had been suspended in drained away, slowly allowing him to stand on his own. He couldn’t, and ended up heavily leaning against the side of the tube. It took longer than Danny would like for his vision to clear up. 
Danny was not in the Far Frozen, that was for sure. And worse, he was completely alone, with no idea of where he was and how he had gotten here. He seemed to be in a large room, containing a few other containment things. His clothes, at least, had not been changed from his threadbare shirt and tattered jeans. No shoes though. He physically seemed to be fine, just a little weak and tired, but he couldn’t tell where he was, and there was no one there to ask. 
Slowly, Danny put more weight on his legs, and the containment tube he was in opened, allowing him to step out. From here, he could spot a hallway leading further into wherever he was. He could also spot the heavy cables and pipes connected to each of the containment tubes, but his looked to be the only one in recent use. 
Slowly but surely, Danny made his way out of the room with the tubes and made it down the hallway. It was very futuristic in his opinion. There was a humming in the air, not quite electricity, but it didn’t remind him of the Ghost Zone either. He wasn’t in his ghost form right now either, so definitely not in the Ghost Zone. But that energy was there, humming in the walls like in his parents’ lab. Danny wondered if Jazz had actually managed to take him to another world or something, rather than stay in the Ghost Zone. It was kind of making him hungry. Danny wondered if he could find the kitchens. 
Danny heard heavy boots against the metallic ground before he saw someone. They were moving fast, and their rapid and loud approach was the only thing that kept Danny from being practically tackled to the ground in surprise. 
It was a tall man with black hair with a mess of white in the front, dressed in some kind of black and white armor. He immediately stood on guard and Danny raised his arms in surrender. He didn’t want to fight. He doubted he could even run as he was right now. 
“Uhh, hi. I’m lost.”
The man looked startled and confused for a moment before shifting to exasperation. “Did you just come from the sleep tanks?”
Sleep tanks… oh. “Yeah, I did.”
The man crossed his arms. “We have some questions we’d like to ask you.”
Danny frowned. “Okay… can I get something to eat, at least? It feels like it’s been years since I’ve had a snack.”
“We can provide something,” the man confirmed, “But for now, follow me.”
The man started walking away, and Danny struggled to keep up, which eventually got noticed. He slowed his pace to match a bit more closely with Danny’s while also talking into a mic on his armor. Danny listened, only able to make out half the conversation. His head still felt like it was full of whatever he’d been floating in. 
“Yes, I’ve found him… There's been some... unexpected developments. I’ve sent an image through the comm. Also, he wants snacks… no I don’t know what he likes, Hunk…”
“I like chips,” Danny helpfully interjected. 
The man frowned at him before returning to his comm unit. “He likes chips… sure Hunk, go nuts… No, it would be better to ask those questions once I’ve brought him to the main room… I’m not asking him that.”
Something was bothering Danny. It felt like he was on his way to an interrogation. No, he was definitely on his way to an interrogation. But there shouldn’t be a need for that. If he was here, Jazz should also be here. They should already know who he is, and any other questions that Jazz could answer. But they didn’t know. It left a sour feeling in him and a twist in his gut. 
“Hey,” Danny called out, gaining the man’s attention. “Where is Jazz?”
The man raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know anyone by that name.”
The feeling got worse. Maybe it was just a big place? With how far they had walked, there had to be a decently large group of people running it. Which reminded Danny that he still didn’t know where he was. 
“Hey-” Danny started again but cut himself off by the man raising a hand. 
“I’m sure you’re confused about everything, but we have plenty of questions ourselves. We can do our best to answer once we get to the bridge. Please hold onto them until then.”
Danny felt like he had just been scolded, and gave a silent nod. 
They were going to the bridge. That was a part of a ship. Were they on some sort of massive ship of some kind, like a naval base or something? Danny didn’t like the thought of being in government custody, even if these people had far too much color in their uniforms (which Danny was assuming the armor was) to be with the GIW. Besides, why would the GIW be at sea? Last he checked they didn’t hunt sea monsters, just ghosts. Something still didn’t feel right. 
Then they entered the bridge, and Danny swore his heart, brain, and core short-circuited at once. There, just outside the window-
“We’re in space!” Danny exclaimed, gaining the attention of everyone else in the room. 
Danny bolted to the window, instantly glued to it, eyes darting as he tried to spot familiar constellations. There was a conversation going on behind him, but Danny couldn’t care for it at the moment as elation filled him. They were in space! He was on a spaceship! This elation was dampened slightly by the fact that Danny couldn’t even recognize a singular constellation. 
“Where even are we…?” Danny trailed off, talking more to himself than asking questions aloud. 
“I believe we are currently just outside the Malark galaxy, passing by the Shuldek system,” a voice answered. 
Danny’s head snapped over, to see a ginger man with a large mustache and pointed ears, along with small blue markings just under his eyes. Danny didn’t understand what, or where, exactly that meant, but it awed him anyway. But just past the ginger man, the entire group of people was staring at him with a mix of expressions. There were only six of them, counting the ginger man, but no Jazz still. 
“While I’m sure you have plenty of questions for us, we would like to ask you a few first, if that’s alright?” The woman with white hair, pointed ears, and similar markings under her eyes asked. 
Danny blinked, still not too sure what was going on. “Uh, sure I guess.”
“Wonderful! First, are you aware of who we are?” She asked. 
Danny shook his head. “Nope, not a clue.”
“Then I suppose introductions are in order. I am princess Allura of Altea, the Blue Paladin of Voltron. Here with me are the other paladins of Voltron, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. And Coran here is the Captain of our ship, the Castle of Lions.” It was a very… professional introduction. Danny wondered how often she had to recite it. 
Danny glanced over the other ‘paladins’ the princess had named. Only Shiro was in armor, while the others wore something that resembled the more casual clothes Danny was used to. They also seemed to be human. 
Danny cleared his throat, realizing they were waiting for a response. “Oh, um. I’m Danny Fenton.”
There was a small reaction to his name, but not any recognition. That was… really problematic. Princess Allura went to ask another question but Danny spoke first, interrupting her. 
“I… I know you wanted me to wait a bit before asking my questions, but I would really like to know where Jazz is?”
They just looked confused, so Danny continued, trying to push back the small bubble of panic that had been slowly building since he had woken up. 
“Jazz, ya know? About yay tall, bright ginger hair, always wears a headband, talks like she can figure out every thought in your head. She’s my sister, she should’ve been with me.”
 Still no recognition on any of their faces. 
“I’m sorry, but we didn’t discover you with anyone. Pidge discovered your… thermos at a store and purchased it, releasing you upon opening it,” Allura explained. 
Pidge helpfully held up a beat-up-looking Fenton Thermos that Danny could’ve recognized anywhere. 
“You gave us quite the scare and we’re glad you’re alright. I’m sure we can try to find your sister as soon as we can,” Allura assured him. 
Danny felt like he was going to fall over. Had they been separated? Yeah… he could just find Jazz. Or she would find him. She might’ve lost the thermos or something and was probably going nuts looking for him. These people sounded important. If he was seen with them, or they made some sort of announcement, Jazz was sure to know exactly where he was at. He was fine, and Danny was sure Jazz was too. On another note, they had been the ones to open the thermos, and he had most likely not popped out in ghost form. His secret was blown before he even got their names. 
Danny deflated, taking a wobbly step forward. “Okay… can I sit down for a bit? I… I can answer your questions.”
Danny carefully walked over to a section of the bridge with a few more seats and practically collapsed into one. There was a plate of something that resembled homemade potato chips but slightly purple. He wasn’t really hungry anymore, now much more worried about Jazz than he had been minutes ago. 
“Okay… what do you want to know?” Danny opened the room. 
“First off,” Shiro began, “Are the terms ‘Voltron’, Altea, and the Galra all completely foreign to you?”
“Yeah. Sounds important, but I’ve got no idea what you're talking about,” Danny confirmed. 
“What are you and where are you from?” Shiro asked next. 
“I’m… half human. I’m from Amity Park, Illinois, Earth.”
“Do you know what your other half is? Your appearance changed quite dramatically from your initial appearance. And from what we’ve seen, humans are not particularly capable of shifting to a gaseous state,” Princess Allura asked. 
Danny didn’t exactly know how to answer that question, so he lied. “No, I don’t. It’s just how I am.”
“Do you know how your thermos got all the way into Galra-controlled territory?”
“No. That might be a question for the person you bought it… me from.”
“Oh! I got one!” Lance announced, “Danny, do you know what year it is?”
“Lance, of all things to ask, there are more interesting things you could’ve asked. Just because he looks out of-” The one known as Hunk began scolding Lance before Danny answered, interrupting yet again. 
“Last I checked, it was 2006.”
That shut everyone up fast. Wow. Danny had already assumed he was in another world, and he was very much in space, but he had no idea how far along this world was chronologically, not that it really mattered to him. 
“ 310 years? ” Pidge sputtered, seemingly in more shock than the others. “You were in that thermos for 310 years?!”
Danny shrugged. “Maybe.” 
He really didn’t want to have to explain alternate realities and time travel to a group of space strangers. Danny being a bit temporarily displaced did seem to strike a chord with both Allura and Coran somehow. Now that he considered it, they weren’t humans were they? Wow! Danny was used to nonhumans in the zone, but it was completely different when they were alive! Danny wanted to ask them all about their home planet, and also the ship. He also really wanted to know about the ship. He also really wanted a nap.  
“You don’t seem particularly… troubled by your situation,” Allura pointed out. 
“I mean, what can I do about it? And until I find Jazz, I’m not going anywhere,” Danny said. “Am I allowed to stay here?”
“Of course! In fact, I’m sure you have many questions about our times. Coran here is very knowledgeable about everything concerning our ship and space. Please feel free to ask him any questions you might have,” Princess Allura stated. 
Allura sent a look at the other paladins that Danny chose to ignore, instead setting his sights on Coran who looked somewhere between acting like he’d been left to the wolves and preening at the acknowledgment of his knowledge. 
“Of course! I shall answer any and all questions you have. It was my grandfather who built the Castle of Lions and-”
Danny listened intently about everything from the construction and operation of the ship to the neighboring star systems, absolutely transfixed. He would find Jazz soon, but until then, he was going to learn everything he could about space from Coran. 
The paladins were huddled together, varying expressions on their faces.
“Wow, all the way from 2006. That’s before the third world war, isn’t it? Can’t imagine what it was like back then. And Illinois, of all places,” Lance hummed. 
“I’m more interested in finding out how he got all the way out here, locked in a thermos of all things. The timeline lines up, but the thermos and Danny himself are the big questions,” Pidge said. 
“Yeah, that’s a long time to be locked in a thermos. I wonder if it was cramped or anything. I mean, he was smoke in there, so maybe not, but,” Hunk swallowed thickly. “Danny seems… really intent on finding his sister,” Hunk stated. 
“That’s a potential issue… Pidge, did you check in with that Earth store yet about the thermos,” Shiro asked. 
Pidge averted her eyes. “I… I did. The owner said it’s been a part of their collection for as long as he can remember, which would be well over a century. Wherever his sister is… I honestly doubt we’ll find her.”
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tricodekus · 3 months
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haikyu: legendary defender pt 2
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cyantt-does-stuff · 20 days
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Sorry for deleting this I had a style crisis but here you can eat it again.
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0xy--m0r0n · 6 months
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"fuckin' androids..."
a dbh x vld au :33
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xxking-glitcherxx · 10 days
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My favs :3
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