#anyone is welcome to add more to this
ohhcinnybuns · 2 months
Chuuya and freckles.
Chuuya with freckles.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body with corruption tattoos.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body, corruption tattoos and bite/love marks.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body, corruption tattoos and bite/love marks from Dazai Osamu.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
I'd like to congratulate you on getting your CPR certification.
Now remember, when you’re going in for compressions, it should sound like somebody is standing behind you with the worlds largest Dorito and cracking it open!
Go in firm and hard and snap as many ribs as you can on the way down, that means you’re doing it right.
You save that life. Good luck.
Or... Or... Or kill them, I don’t fucking care.
Audio source
#ultrakill#gabriel ultrakill#congratulations this is misinformation and by listening to it you have actually gotten a bit dumber <3#you're welcome!#anyway. this is the first post using a new method for the filter. my second time completely redoing it lol#can anyone but me tell the difference? probably not! did i spend hours trying to figure it out? yes!#basically what i did was download an unedited audio from his patreon and compared it to the edited version (the srimp special if u care LOL#and did edits- then compared it to the edited version. over. and over. and over........ and over.......................#ANYWAY.#turns out i have been delaying too little#before i had done between .025 to .075 depending on the audio#its more around .1#i also downloaded reaper to add the bitcrush#so its about as close as i can get it without having the exact number that the filter is supposed to be delayed by#i could not for the life of me figure out why mine has less 'echo' but its close enough..#plus the audio from the streams is not the best quality and already has a slight filter on it anyway so like- theres only so much i can do#cough. so anyway i brought my laptop to work today and spent a long time figuring that out#paid to shitpost on company time~#also i have no idea if this is too loud or too quiet cause the audio levels on my laptop are weird#like anything over 10% volume is super loud#i was at 6% while editing but idk how that is going to translate over to other people uhhhhh idk let me know if its ok
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remarcely · 10 months
Sleeping Robin
Since his arrival at Wayne Manor, it had been remarkably difficult for Damian to feel comfortable expressing his feelings, especially when it came to something so menial as affection. Dick had been the first to wear him down, constantly encouraging hugs and sharing his feelings, but it had taken time.
As emotionally volatile as the whole family was, they knew pushing for results would only scare the boy off. It had taken months for Damian to stop standing rigidly still whenever Dick did hug him and allow himself to hold him back.
So, when Robin was visiting the Watchtower for his third time and had fallen asleep on Batman’s lap, it was understandable to say Bruce was surprised.
He’d been showing his son the security systems and, with no other chair available, had lifted Damian to sit on his knee at a distance from the rest of him, just in case Damian was uncomfortable.
However, perhaps from a weeks’ worth of restless nights or the deep timbre of Batman’s voice as he spoke, Damian had scooted closer to curl up on Bruce's chest and rested his head right over his father’s heartbeat. In less than a minute, his eyes were shut and he was fast asleep.
Bruce hadn’t noticed at first, continuing to explain the setup, and only realised his youngest was snoozing when Damian snuggled closer. He hesitantly removed his hand from the computers keyboard and brushed back his son’s hair, fondly smiling down at his sleeping face.
In moments like this, the boys constant tension faded and his expression was free from scowls and harsh lines. Like this, Bruce could pretend he'd never been exposed to the League, that the scars on his back were a false memory, and his son was okay.
Bruce shifted in his seat a little, bringing his cape up to tuck around Damian and decided to continue the rest of his camera-duty in silence.
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ribbonpinky-art · 1 year
What are some tips you have for drawing chubby characters? I have a lot of trouble doing it and I want to draw my characters’ body types accurately. You draw bodies so well, I’d love to have your talent!
please excuse me for taking a while to answer!! I appreciate that you love how i draw fat characters <333 I wasn't sure if like... i wanted to do a verbal explanation or have a whole tutorial, but i doodled a few examples anyway!
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fat is affected by gravity, so areas of substantial fat appear weighed down by it (most of the time- everyone is different). it's also good to practice double chins, which are very easy to draw once you drop the need to give everyone a defined jawline
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think round! fat is round and sometimes a little squarish around the pelvic region
the main things i can suggest are to not be afraid to draw people Wide. don't be surprised that you can draw characters wider than u think, and even wider than that! there are endless kinds of chubby and fat body typs to draw and see
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o also, chubby and fat people tend to not have visible collar bones. another thing i suggest is to fill ur social media feed with fat liberation blogs or just fat-friendly blogs that have a lot of irl photos of larger people. that'll help build ur mental library, and it'll show u the beauty of human diversity for ur palette!!
here's a couple resources for u as well: Fat Photo Reference
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds (art reference book)
Adorkastock has plenty of larger bodied pose references too. this is their deviantart link, but they have a main website as well
here are various blogs that showcase fat acceptance, information, and art:
@fatliberation @fatandlikeitlikethat @recovering-vamp @fatqueerlove @bigfatscience @worth-beyond-a-number-scale
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theacebandit · 2 years
by the way since there’s a night vale renaissance going on I’m going to recommend a few specific episodes from a bit later in the show:
Episode 133: Are You Sure? You should download this episode and listen to the whole thing. Then delete it and listen to the ending again. Then delete it and do it again.
Episode 199: Guidelines for Retrieval. One of my favorite episodes, it focuses on a person who got rid of all of their negative thoughts and feelings and emotions, and they’re struggling to figure out who they are without all of those, and struggling to determine if it’s worth it to get one of their negative memories back.
Episode 203: The Kareem Nazari Show. Features Adal Rifai (from magic tavern and hey riddle riddle) as Kareem, this episode has a normal guy who’s parents were taken into night vale and he’s trying to figure out what’s going on. He had a very creepy conversation with himself that I love to relisten to. If you listened to the whole show you can enjoy recognizing certain aspects (ex: the doubles) but still absolutely enjoyable going in blind.
Episodes 144-149: (The Blood/Space War) focuses on the war we’ve been hearing about in the background, but we didn’t know much about it until now. The character of the general is fascinating to me, and the idea that she can win the war but at the cost of everything she’s fighting for is great. Plus the resolution, how she has to bring the world back, is absolutely great.
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johaerys-writes · 5 months
I got u fam. Achilles was known to ransom captives rather than kill. Why? If he went to troy for glory, then why was he not out there killing left and right? Do you think that deep down it was against his nature and he was just “stalling”? What exactly was his plan to achieve glory? TSoA in a way implies Achilles did a lot of “stalling” to have more time with Patroclus, but I want to hear your take on the Iliad.
Hello, thank you for this ask! You raise a few different questions so let me answer them one by one.
Why does Achilles ransom captives rather than kill? What was his plan to achieve glory? In Book 1, Achilles explains exactly why he went to Troy, and his attitude towards the Trojans in general. This is what he says to Agamemnon at the agora:
For it was not on account of Trojans warriors I came to wage battle here, since to me they are blameless— never yet have they driven off my cattle, or my horses, nor ever in Phthia, where the rich earth breeds warriors, have they destroyed my harvest, since there is much between us, both shadowy mountains and clashing sea. But we followed you, O great shameless one, for your pleasure, to win recompense for Menelaos and for you, dog-face, from the Trojans; none of this do you pause to consider or care for.
Achilles doesn't have anything personal against the Trojans. He didn't come to Troy for the singular purpose of slaughtering them and their families, nor does he seem to revel in that violence, even though he also says that of all the Achaeans he is the one that conducts 'the greater part of furious war', as the strongest among them. He takes pride in his skill but he isn't bloodthirsty. He came to Troy as much for honour (i.e. winning recompense for the Atreides and restoring Hellas' honour as a whole, which is how the war was framed), as for glory. Therefore, helping Agamemnon win his war and bringing Helen back to Menelaus would have been Achilles' 'plan to achieve glory' if you want to call it that. I know that the take of Achilles being obsessed with his own glory and doing everything in his power to make sure he gets as much of it as he can is quite popular, but I believe that his reasons for fighting in the war are much more multi-faceted than that. And it's also something that he very eloquently explains throughout the Iliad as well.
Later on, in Book 21, when Lykaon (one of Priam's sons who had been sold by Achilles to slavery and managed to find his way back home) implores Achilles to spare him once more, Achilles tells him that he used to spare the Trojans because it is what his heart chose once, but that is no more. And then he kills him—which comes to show us that brutally slaughtering the Trojans he encounters isn't like him at all, and it is not what others expect of him.
As to whether it is in his nature or not, I really can't say. I do think that, as I said earlier, Achilles as a character isn't bloodthirsty or violent for the sake of being violent, he does not kill needlessly even when he does have that choice—we only see him slaughtering like that after Patroclus' death, which is essentially the breakdown of his character. But I believe it also has to do with his upbringing: in a previous ask I mentioned that Euripides in his Iphigenia at Aulis has Agamemnon explain to Menelaus (and the audience) that Chiron raised Achilles to be honourable and to stay away from wickedness. Achilles himself says that Chiron taught him to keep a single heart (i.e. to be steadfast and keep true to his words and actions), to be respectful of the gods and those he chooses to follow (the Atreides in this case) and do honour to them with his spear, unless they lead him or the people astray. That doesn't sound like someone who kills people left and right, nor like someone obsessed with glory no matter what is required to achieve it. And this is a portrayal that is encountered in other works of antiquity as well. Which tells me that this is the way Achilles was intended to be perceived: stubborn and hotheaded, but at the same time honourable, law abiding and very rigid in his moral code leader and warrior.
2. Was Achilles stalling? That is a question that does not really have a straightforward answer imo. Miller chooses to have Achilles stall so he can have more time with Patroclus, but the truth is that in the Iliad we have no evidence of that. Even the extent to which Achilles knew of the prophecy isn't conclusive: in Book 1, he already knows that he will never be leaving Troy and that he'll die there, but it is only in Book 18 that Thetis mentions that Achilles' death will come soon after Hector's. It is not clear in that exchange, at least to me, whether Achilles hears of it for the first time or if he has known it all along. So we can't really know whether he was delaying his own death, nor if he did it for the sake of Patroclus. I believe that anything we say on this topic is pure speculation.
As to why the war took as long as it did: there is no straightforward answer to this either. Perhaps the armies were evenly matched for the most part. Perhaps Troy's walls were just that strong. Perhaps it is the result of bad leadership: as it is hinted a few times in the Iliad, Achilles would get into arguments with Agamemnon and other leaders, presumably because he disagreed with their ways of doings things, which could mean that Agamemnon was just, well, an incompetent leader whose decisions caused the war to go on longer and longer. Perhaps it is a combination of all of the above. For all we know, Achilles, as the extremely straightforward and honourable person he is, wanted to do his best to make sure the Atreides win their war so they can all go back home—and he has already planned and prepared for his death in that case, as he tells Patroclus before he leaves to fight Hector that he expects him to come back safe from the fighting and take his son to Phthia to meet his grandfather and his clansmen after Achilles is gone.
That doesn't sound like someone who fears or stalls his death, but as someone who has prepared for it even if it saddens him. Besides, Achilles' greatest descriptor, 'swift-footed', does not imply a person who would be stalling when it comes to anything, rather a person that sees what he has to do and simply does it; although whether he was ever entirely sold on Agamemnon's and Menelaus' war is also debatable, if you ask me.
I hope I answered your questions!
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M*A*S*H 4077 & DND
guess who started their m*a*s*h rewatch around the same time they've gotten into d&d and now cannot stop thinking about the utter chaos and hyjinks of The Gang trying to play a campaign. it starts with none of them really super into fantasy roleplay, but they're all So Fucking Bored they might as well play to have something to do.
it started off imaging just what role they'd each play, but now I couldn't stop myself from imaging each person's race, class, AND, just for fun, the dice they'd use!
hawkeye: isn't that bothered about races, probably either an elf or just a human. class is paladin, relating the paladin's 'call for good' something like the oath doctors take to always help and heal patients, no matter what (and, let's be honest, probably feeds into his egotistical nature at being a naturally skilled surgeon, as if he was 'called'). cannot be Asked to care about ability scores (only to deeply regret it when he's nearly off'd the first battle) except for pouring most of his points into charisma. mostly likely of the party to Fuck his way out of a confrontation (no matter the other's gender #bihawkrights). spends most of the campaign messing around and forgetting what his spells are, but when the party hits a serious battle, is the first to throw himself in and use any spells to help his friends before himself. originally wasn't that interested in the game, but overtime becomes one of the ones who gets really into it, screaming across the board at ppl's bad roles and cheering & trying to pick ppl up in glee when they win. dice of choice:
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(just the most wack-ass coloured dice I could find, metaphor for the inside of his brain (also this way he can tell if anyone tries to conceal any as theirs)).
radar: while interested in the fantasy stuff (being a comic reader), was a little intimidated with all the math & rules involved until hawkeye and bj convince him. part of me thinks he could be a halfling or dwarf, but then I think he might enjoy being a humanoid creature like a minotaur (farm boy) or a satyr bc of his love of animals. class is bard, where he carries/plays the drum. enjoys and gets really into the story, but is always flummoxed when it comes to the battles, asking what everyone else thinks his character should do (only for everyone to yell back several different answers). always needs a couple of seconds of mental math to add his modifier to dice rolls (me too radar) but when the party comes across a riddle or puzzle, is usually the first to figure it out. keeps trying to pick up small creatures to put them in his sack. is not allowed to talk while people make their roles bc of too many times where he's predicted the number before they can read the dice (the moment of hawkeye's saving role during a Big Bad battle was kind of ruined when radar elatedly jumped up at the nat20 before the dice even left hawk's hand). dice of choice:
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(cute little puppers!)
margaret: at first is staunchly against it, calling it childs' play, but eventually is worn down by hawk & bj and is also so bored, she gives in. thought she might be an elf, but in the end chooses genasi, picking fire power. chooses the fighter class, leaving hawkeye to make a remark that gets a dice thrown at his head. doesn't really get super into the meta of the game or the story (often tells the dm to get on with it and cut to the action) but does love to play, where it overtime becomes a good outlet for anger ('the demon tries to approach you, margaret what do you-' 'I SLICE OFF HIS KNEECAPS WITH MY BATTLEAXE!'). is a good player until the roles don't go her way ('you only rolled a 10, so your attack doesn't hit-' 'SCREW YOU! KLINGER GIVE ME YOUR 18 ROLE!'). is pretending like she isn't having fun but everyone can see through her. dice of choice:
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(these seemed the most like margaret, elegant but not too girly).
henry: is also peer-pressured into joining. picks barbarian class so he doesn't have to think about spells. tries to pick human bc all the other races were 'too complicated' but got told due to his class, he has to pick a more built character like an orc, so an orc he ends up being. but he's bad at it, often either trying to escape a battle or by being a peacemaker, trying to persuade the monster out of battle but with such a low charisma score, it usually ends up with him getting clonked over the head and margaret jumping in before he's killed. keeps trying to give his gold to poor peasants they meet along the way. doesn't understand any of the mechanics. rolls so many nat1's that nobody will switch dice with him anymore, thinking his are cursed. the game is often more stressful for him then not, but he enjoys the time with his friends. dice of choice:
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(I dunno, for some reason when I think of henry I think of a dark orange/amber).
potter: prolongs joining, thinking he's too old for it, but is also peer-pressured and eventually caves, thinking it'll be good for morale. chooses dwarf and for his class to be an old wizard. doesn't understand half the rules, spends most of the time muttering under his breath as he goes over the manual, radar (un)helpfully leaning in beside him to explain. but once he gets the hang of it is a good team member; is the only other person besides margaret to take the hints and puzzles seriously and without him (+her) the party would probably be making circles lost in some boundless woods somewhere. cheers his teammates on when they make a high roll or powerful move and only occasionally has outbursts ('well colonial sir, you need a 16 or higher to cast-' 'MULE FRITTERS! I said cast magic missile and that's an order!!!"). dice of choice:
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(same thing - when I think of potter, I think a dark blue).
charles: the last of the group to get into it. completely refused and repeated that 'he was far too smart for that kids' stuff' and everyone was wasting their time. but when someone had to dip out of the campaign last minute to deal with a medical thing, charles was brought in as filler with the promise of a day's R&R. at first I thought high elf, but switched to dragonborne, of the noble variety of course. chooses sorcerer (blessed with some innate magic, as his ego prefers). constantly complains about the needless complexity of the rules and why bother having ability scores when it's the modifier that counts???? is always arguing with the dm on his rolls. uses up half of his turns to use mage hand to steal hawkeye's things or cast ray of sickness on him when he's being annoying - but, when it comes down to it, is one of the more strategic players and has gotten them out of many sticky situations. like margaret, is pretending he isn't having fun, but isn't immune to jumping up with the others over a saving nat20 role, at one time even excitedly picking up a confused radar. in the end, swallows his pride to shyly ask if he can join the party finally ('you know, it'll, uh..it will give me something to do during those boring intervals, and clearly this group needs all the brains it can get..' '..charles, you wanna come play with us?' 'well, if I must..'). dice of choice:
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(the snootiest of dice, a pure gold colour).
mulcahy: also initially intimidated by the mechanics, but is happy to play a game with his friends. a possible half-elf or maybe a wise owlin. cleric, obviously. gets invested in the storyline, often applauding the dm's story or asking 'what happens next???" only to be told to wait till the next meet. one of the few who has actual healing spells and probably the only reason everyone didn't die in their first battle. a nerd who enjoys solving the puzzles. actually gets into the lore and one time had a deep, 2 hr conversation with radar & hawkeye about the disenfranchisement of some of the races and the hierarchy of the class/rule structure within the fantasy realm, and how it relates to theirs. the next day, radar came to his tent to show him a little sketch he did of his character in cleric robes, shrugging it off, but mulcahy loved it so much he pinned it up on his tent walls. dice of choice:
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(inspired by one of my favourite mulcahy lines, when he's talking about missing holding services in real churches - 'I am rather fond of stained glass', which I always think of whenever I see stained windows. tried to pick the ones that emulated the colours best (also would've liked maybe a light, forest green colour; it just feels mulcahy-esque to me).
klinger: one of the first to join bc what else what he gunna do but sit in his tent, sewing up pantyhose? rogue class, of course, relating to the 'urchin' background. changeling race, so that way with his class he can hide at any moment, and also, as he says, 'can perfectly match his outfit no matter what he looks like!' tries to follow the storyline but doesn't have the attention span for it, half the time guessing the wrong answer to any clue or puzzle (will come and poke the dm awake in the middle of the night with his patrol gun, claiming to have figured it out). second after hawkeye to try and Fuck his way out of a situation. cannot do math to save his life, making margaret often rip his dice away from him to add it herself. will gang up with hawkeye to use his pickpocket skill on charles. resourceful enough to have tricked the villains multiple times and gotten away with it but will also roll to try and kick the villain in the nuts to see what happens. dice of choice:
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(these just screamed klinger to me; I like the dark, 'masculine' colour contrasted with with the colourful flowers).
bj: thought I missed him? well, I saved the best for last bc bj...is the dm! ha ha! no one really in particular stood out, but after thinking on it, he seems like the best fit. first, I was thinking of the episode 'the kids' where he gets really into the story he's telling, full of voices and sound affects and all. and secondly, our kindly mustacheo'd doctor loves Mind Games and pranks - what better way then stringing his friends along into one big, zigzag puzzle? bj loves nothing more then having his friends on the edge of their seats, only to pull out a bad guy the group thought they got rid of months ago, glee in his eyes watching them combust into screaming and table flipping. getting a thrill during off hours, hearing hawkeye & charles hastily whisper across bunks to each other on the campaign thinking he can't hear them, or getting shaken awake by margaret in the middle of the night, demanding answers. he spends hours planning out the campaigns in the tent (and finding new places to hide his papers from hawkeye), sometimes writing peg about it and occasionally - if the timing of the mail is right - using her suggestions she writes back. but mostly, bj just loves watching his friends have a good time - cheering each other on and hollering with each battle won, feeling proud of them for everything accomplished (when he doesn't have to babysit hawkeye & charles from casting spells on each other, trying to answer radar's 49th question on how rolls work, or keep margaret from solo fighting the demon fifteen levels above her). dice of choice:
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(idk, these just feel 'bj hunnicutt' to me).
other camp members: - frank: was only let in Once after margaret begged hawk & bj, saying it was only fair. initially picked human bc 'they're clearly the purest and most civilized race!!' (causing eyerolls), quit thirty minutes in after being told he couldn't be a fighter 'cause they already had margaret and that he couldn't just 'set all his abilities to 20', calling them all nerds and angrily throwing a d20, only for it to bounce back on the tent beam and hit him in the eye. - some of the nurses have occasionally filled in, but otherwise don't play outside of margaret (most of their time was filled up with hawkeye using his character to flirt with theirs). one time nurse kellye filled in; she played a cute little halfling druid, and her and radar teamed up to help rescue all the forest animals, much to the groups chagrin. - zale & igor: permanently banned. both tried to eat the dice on a dare.
campaigns are held twice a month in the swamp, with drinks and stale pretzels to go around. use to sometimes go all night but after one too many nights of clambering arguments over each other's rolls, the whole camp banded together to force a curfew. while the game only exists within the swamp's quarters, they'll once and a while jokingly call each other by their character's names (and if you're margaret, one time accidentally using it to call hawkeye to surgery, which he now never lets her live down). during the last campaign of the story, radar pulls out another drawing he did - this time of everyone's characters, standing valiantly over the dragon they slayed. it now has a place of honour hung in the swamp.
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chaosangelmp3 · 11 months
only thing i’m gonna say about the whole ronance tag on ao3 but that is someone who wants to do harm.
i’ve already gone through this on the 100 fandom with a different lesbian character. lesbophobes wanted to paint her as a predator anyway they could. what this person is doing was one of those ways.
this is someone who wants to paint robin as a predator.
let me say that again. they want to paint robin, a lesbian, as a predator.
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ashchoo · 1 year
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ref sheet for mob Ashton :)
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mintedwitcher · 11 months
So I'm comparing (unintentionally) the music for Sweeney Todd, between the film adaptation (my first experience of this particular musical) and the 2023 stage production, and oh. Oh. OH. The film really fucked up.
Johanna in the film is a passive presence. She's there for Anthony and the Judge to covet and for Sweeney to mourn, that's all. She's not even an active participant in her own life or her rescue by Anthony. She has one song and then two spoken lines, and that's all.
Johanna in the stage production, though, is a real woman. And I mean that in the most positive, human way possible. She's real. She's not an object of Anthony's desire - she's an equal participant in it, she desires him just as much. But when Anthony reveals his plan to her to run away together, she participates enthusiastically in the planning, she wants to go with him and elope if it'll keep her safe from the judge. She even gives him hell later when the plan is delayed. She's a real person.
And look, I know that film adaptations of stage productions always cuts stuff, usually for run time, but I mean. Come on. Johanna in the film doesn't even pass the lamp test. She's not a person or a character in the film, she's just something pretty for the men to covet.
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twinsoftriumph · 1 year
the sky concept art masterpost!
i compiled a bunch of official sky concept art in a google drive folder because i got incredibly sidetracked looking at elder references. it’s not all illustrations; there are a few 3d images from the game’s development. i also included dev notes when available as well as the slides from the art of sky presentation.
google drive folder here - note that this is mostly for easy viewing and saving the images if you want. i’ll be listing the direct sources below
tom zhao’s sky concept art - a classic. over 200 images. concepts for basically every major aspect of the base game. includes lore, story beats, environment concepts, etc.
art of sky cotl - a presentation by yuichiro tanabe + cecil kim on the art of sky. i believe some of these images are the ones you can see in the office area? the slides themselves are in the folder but the important commentary is all here!
7 days of sky - includes concept art from tom zhao so you will see some repeated images here. this one has the most dev comments. goes through all realms minus eden as well as elders + creatures. originally posted on twitter as 7 separate threads but this is the easiest to view
tiffany hayashi’s tumblr + concept art - some early development sky concepts. commentary taken from tumblr, the concept art page is the art by itself with a few not posted to tumblr
ashley coad - some concept art for various seasons. i didn’t include the flight promotional pic in the folder since it’s Promotional but it’s there if you want to save it
IGN first - a 2017 article with some dev comments and images of sky in development
feel free to suggest anything i might have missed!
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Here are more of my notes and personal thoughts on the Commando App because I find it very intriguing and I am insane
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(Note: In 2x09 and 3x18 there's a slight font error and the period between "2.1" in the "APP v2.1 BETA" in the corner missing. It doesn't appear until 4x10 when the numbers are spaced out and slightly resized)
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So, we see throughout the show in the bottom right corner on the Commando App's engagement screen that Chase's Commando App is the 2.1 Beta version. Kate on the other hand has the 3.1 Beta version of it
Something worth noting is that Chase is the original owner of the Commando App, and up until Kate was introduced, he was the only one to have it and after 4x10 he is back to being the only one to have it
So, why does Chase have the 2.1 Beta version and not the 2.0 Beta version? Even more so, why isn't he even the Beta 0.1-1.9 version of the Commando App if he's the first person to have it installed on his chip?
And on top of that, if what we see of the Commando App in the show is the Beta version, then what was the Alpha version and when did it exist?
The Alpha version had to have come before the Beta version, that's the whole point of the Beta version existing since it's the second phase of an app after Alpha
Hypothetically, the Alpha version was what was originally on Chase's chip before it was implanted into him, or right after it was implanted into him
What I mean by that is when Douglas made their chips he obviously had the Commando App in mind to give to Chase because of his main bionic ability not being an offensive or defensive power and with Chase being physically smaller, but since this was new and experimental technology he had to make the Alpha version first to put onto the chip
I could imagine four potential (and completely hypothetical) things out of this idea:
The Alpha version only existed before the chip was inserted into Chase. Douglas created the app and programmed it into the chip and then did some tests and fixed some bugs on the app before turning it over into the Beta phase and then inserting the chip into Chase
The Alpha version existed on the chip as it was inserted into Chase, and then since the chip was essentially "live" and activated inside of Chase Douglas then observed possible faults and glitches in the program where he fixed it and then progressed it into the Beta phase, left at the 2.1 version, where he probably would have continued to update it further before Chase was taken by Donald
Once Donald took the bionic sibs, he had been updating the Commando App as he was still navigating their bionics and their apps. I don't see this as very likely though considering if he says the Commando App is glitchy then he would have done something to the app to try to get rid of the bugs in the programming
The Alpha version was supposed to go on Adam or Bree's chip, or even all three siblings, but Douglas ultimately decided to give it to Chase considering his size and main bionic ability. This is where the Alpha version turned into the Beta version as it was given to Chase
Circling back to Chase's Commando App being the 2.1 Beta version, the number could also simply mean that Douglas just started off numbering the Beta version at 2.1 since Chase is the original. Why not at least 2.0? Who knows! He also could have just skipped over the Alpha version and started off naming it right at the Beta 2.1 version
We see that Kate's Commando App is 3.1, not 2.2 or even 3.0. Considering the Beta numbering of Kate's Commando App compared to Chase's leads me to believe that there was a 1.1 Beta version at some point or even that the 1.1 could have been the Alpha version
Whether or not the Beta version 1.1 existed is just something to think about, and if it did then I think it's safe to assume that is was on Chase's chip at some point before potentially being upgraded to the 2.1 version
I think if we got to see Bree's Commando App activation screen in 4x10 then it could have potentially given us more information on the numbering system for the app. Bree's Commando App was temporary though, so I wonder if her Beta version would have been 3.2 or if it would have been 4.1 or even just 3.1 like Kate's
Ultimately just comparing the numbering of Chase's and Kate's apps means that the Commando App doesn't seemingly take "baby steps" in being upgraded, like having a Beta 2.1.1 version and whatnot. Maybe even the numbering is based off of the activation trigger for each Commando App. Spike activates when Chase is nervous, scared, or angry (a reminder that he's a form of Chase's fight-or-flight instinct but without the flight) and Spikette activates when Kate sees someone (or even just Chase for some reason?) getting hurt and becomes a rampaging momma bear
We could also throw away most of these ideas for Kate's Commando App and the relation to Chase's considering Krane gave her the app so he could have numbered it 3.1 instead of 2.2 but this is getting ridiculously hypothetical so I'm going to just dive away from this thought
Basically what I'm trying to get at is that Kate's 3.1 version most likely isn't an upgraded version of the Commando App, it's just numbered 3.1 because it's just another version of the app installed into a different person
Lastly, it's a great detail that the Commando App is programmed as a Beta app considering the nature of the app itself. Not only that, but it is quite literally new and experimental technology as it's an app on a chip inserted into bionic human beings!
It's referred to as a glitchy app and it even appears glitchy, which is what a Beta version is of an app/program. The Beta version is meant as like a semi-testing version of the app, a step up from the Alpha version, and has more work to be done before the app/program gets more finalized. It's going to have bugs, it's going to be glitchy, it's going to have plenty of issues but it's also operational and better than the Alpha version. So having the Commando App listed as "Beta" is a perfect and neat detail!
I actually don't think that there's anything wrong with the Commando App at all, or at least not Spike. I think contrary to what the characters say about it, it's not glitchy, at least not Spike. Sure there's maybe just one or two parts I could see as a "glitch" but I also could see it as normal operation. The bionic disruptor enhancing his bionic aggression instead of deactivating the Commando App is super interesting
It certainly doesn't help that Spike's behavior and personality is inconsistent so it's hard to judge this, or the fact that he only appears four times in the entirety of the show. On the other hand I think Spikette is different though and that she might have a few glitches, especially if we consider Krane gave it to her so it might be unstable but honestly who knows. This "glitch" talk is something for me to discuss at another time though.....
This is what we see out of the Commando App. The owner of the program cannot control the engagement or disengagement of the app, nor can they control themselves when the app is engaged. It's also described as a dangerous app due to this, especially since the owner loses control and their rampaging alter ego takes over.
And maybe this was how the Commando App was always meant to be, a defense mechanism that shuts out its owner in order to protect them, or at least that's Spike's purpose and not Spikette's. This would make sense since it's essentially their fight-or-flight system and meant to protect the owner of the app, they're not meant to be the ones in control of their own fight-or-flight system. They're supposed to take their enemy off guard by seemingly fighting a weaker appearing opponent that suddenly turns into a highly aggressive brute that will tear them apart
Or like Chase was wanting to find out in 4x10, maybe the Commando App could become controllable. Could this have been a potential future software update further into the Beta version or even into a more finalized version of the app? Was it obtainable at the versions Chase and Kate had? Was the Commando App meant to be controllable in the first place? Who knows!
So really all of this is just hypothetical. Was there an Alpha version of the Commando App? I think we can assume so, and further more it either existed before it was inserted into Chase or right when it was inserted into Chase before being upgraded. Maybe there wasn't an Alpha version and it started off as the 2.1 Beta version in Chase, but I still believe there was a 1.1 version somewhere, whether it was an Alpha or Beta. Maybe the Commando App was never meant to be finalized and was always meant to stay as a Beta version
Maybe the Alpha version of the Commando App were the friends we made along the way
No matter what, it's a great concept that I wish was utilized more in the show. I also wish we were given more general information about it. It had more potential, especially Spike (*cough cough* S4 Spike was disappointing though *cough cough*) to be developed further. I wish we heard more about Chase's thoughts on having the Commando App and practically being deemed weak at birth to have this monstrous alter ego inserted into him that he didn't ask for
Ultimately, I just think it's neat!
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magpiesbones · 7 months
I’ve been thinking about how I’d section witch hat into arcs and I have a preliminary setup:
Volume 1-3: Introduction; you meet the characters, world, and main conflict.
Volume 4-5: Romonon arc; first conflict with Big Systematic forbidden magic. Also Richeh’s arc: the main conflict is whether it is valuable/worth it to study what came before you (cat man, Richeh can’t fight, Eunice’s preparations) and comes down definitively that it is.
Volume 6-8: Disability arc; not self-contained. Introduces the second main theme aside from education, which is Lack Of Access (to education and to other things). Starts off with beldaruit physically unable to access most of the city he lives in (sealchair too wide for the halls) and progresses onto qifrey (imminent visual impairments and social ostracism) and Tartah and Coustas who cannot access knowledge to improve their lives (medicine and magic).
Volume 9-[ongoing]: Justice arc; addresses who deserves to be able to access magic. Coustas? The knights? The king? The people? Begins to morph the question of deserving magic to the question of whether this is magic that deserves to be done, as in: is this magic something that improves a life, and can you trust everyone’s judgement on what does/doesn’t improve a life?
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geoledgy · 1 year
Hi I have a geology question?
So I just saw this picture:
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And I assume it's accurate (as accurate as a distant projection can be anyway) since it is from natgeo (I checked), but it makes no sense to me at all? I remember from my hs geology class that the atlantic ocean is expanding because of the mid-ocean ridge diverging fault, and that the pacific ocean is shrinking because the pacific plate is subducting under most of its neighboring plates. But this picture shows that the exact opposite has happened and I am bewildered. What am I missing????
Hi! Awesome, I had an obsession with tectonics and supercontinent cycles back in my undergrad this is gonna be fun.
So for context, this is an image of "Pangaea Proxima" which is one of the four different suggestions for how the next supercontinent could look like, including: Amasia, Novopangaea, and Aurica. It's not that this isn't an accurate image, but it's a scientific model of a proposed supercontinent that could happen. Some key points of each model is:
Pangaea Proxima - prediction that Mid-Atlantic Ridge becomes a subduction zone, first between South America and Africa, leading to closing of Atlantic Ocean. Based on knowledge of previous continent formation and break-up cycles rather than current modern day mechanisms.
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Amasia - prediction that Pacific Ocean closes while Mid-Atlantic Ridge pushes the Americas westward, following the current subduction trends we see today. Asia and North America would collide first in this model, at the North Pole.
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Novopangaea - another prediction that the Pacific Ocean closes due to movement from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Based on current tectonic and subduction trends. The configuration is pretty similar to the Amasia model but this one involves collision of East Africa and Australia (since East Africa is actively rifting).
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Aurica - most recent proposed prediction. A very dynamic model that proposes the Pacific AND Atlantic Oceans will close at some point, and a new ocean replaces them. Eurasia is split into halves due to a proposed rift zone forming from the arctic to India. The Americas are then bodied on both sides from the 2 rifted halves.
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In geology, "the present is the key to the past", but the future can be a bit more uncertain because tectonics are proven to be unpredictable. There is research that states the tectonic cycle is full of unexpected shifts, and so Pangaea Proxima (the one you shared) accounts for that unexpected possibility either the Mid-Atlantic Ridge turning into a subduction zone or just failing/ceasing to continue rifting. There are many failed rifts, one that I distinctly remember is the North America Midcontinent Rift (near where the midwest/Great Lakes are).
Hope that answers your question!
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hee-blee-art · 7 months
hi friends. I'm going on indefinite hiatus for while. in the meantime, I'm going to be queuing a lot of my drafts and some sketches, but for several reasons my blog/posts will look a bit different, and be less accessible (specifically less/no ids and less tags). I sincerely apologize for this & I hope those of you who can will be flexible with me as I continue to share my work within my current limitations, even though its not ideal. all the best to you & yours <3
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wade-a-minute · 2 months
People describing what Deadpool smells like
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