#he helped me so much last night
littlebittywildflower · 10 months
I am making another blood of coffee I have decided cause self care. I have art things to work on for my booth I need to be buzz buzz!
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bizarrescribblez · 1 month
guys would it be cringe if i made a night at the museum insert … cuz of lancelot-
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wah i looove their designs and animation...
#sketched last night looped ''hot air balloon'' track last night rewatched elemental last night you know just how it is....i love it all augh#elemental#elemental 2023#pixar elemental#elemental fanart#ember lumen#wade ripple#it's so fun how just going w/the flow waviness drawing a wade is Correct. some flamey shiveriness / jaggedness in ember's lines is Correct#and it's all the more fun how it's like oh ofc not quite hitting the mark of how great their designs really are....so so good#and of course the expressive elasticity not only with their faces but the way their bodies ft. respective elements can be expressive#in addition to just usual [assume you have a usual literal human body] expressiveness options in posture / movement etc lol#also was thinking about how like we know everything we Need to know re: wade & his dad but also have so [zero details there]#which is interesting to wonder about. kinda assumed like oh a parent got sick & died but now considering how it could've been an accident..#the tiny layer of A Reaction he has when ember's talking abt parents giving up everything for you: could be nothing much; or Anything#also noting i Didn't note the first instances that they hear each other's names or introduce themselves thusly lol#or at least i sure can't recall it. just start knowing the other's name partway through which Isn't A Problem but it's like#ooh just more to consider & reexamine. i love to pick up More Details & that's helped by my difficulty in catching them in the first place#one thing about me i don't Catch things i don't Notice shit i don't Get stuff. and also of course: i do though lol#always a trip when it's like oh i love this movie i'm seeing it probably the two dozenth time#and then i notice something for the very first time that was clearly straightup meant to be Gotten upon the immediate viewing#even to the extent that smthing later seems to be kinda happening out of nowhere if you didn't. & i'd just rolled with it#like ok i'm autistic ofc that's something i gotta do all the time. & the adhd means i might keep getting distracted around the same pts.
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flintstill · 1 month
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I don't know what it is about this lil 'stache on him, but it makes me absolutely feral
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crossbackpoke-check · 15 days
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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liquidstar · 7 months
Oh fuck tomorrow I'm going to be a little birthday boy I keep almost forgetting
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alexturner2005 · 6 months
jesus christ we just nearly put my dog down and then one hour before the appointment he miraculously pranced around the block and was acting so happy and normal we couldn’t do it 😭😭😭
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marklikely · 5 days
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just sharing a collection of some pics that i really like of mac <3 unfortunately he got very sick this past month and we lost him this morning. rip to a very sweet and curious boy who loved to explore and was the only one smart enough to learn a trick so far you will be missed <3
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sysig · 2 months
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One better (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Blood#I knew going into this and it was still so distressing :'0#Who needs plot twists when you can create such an intense sense of Dread#Probably doesn't help that I read this At Night In the Dark lol - actual shivers#Gods this was a hard scene to read - there have been several instances of my face hurting from furrowing my brow so hard haha#The way that ''Doctor'' is written is So skillful - I'm so impressed by everyone's prose and quirks and syntax!#Not to mention when he breaks character in a later scene to apologize for taking a bit to move the scene along haha <3 Play!!#It really does speak to just how much skill and effort is put into everything <3 It's so well done all the way around!!#Anyway to the actual scene at hand lol ow :') Drawing blood is always fun but I wish it wasn't his ;u;#Ugh the way he takes the surgeries is so well written - fear of course but a kind of stoic suffering as much as he's able to -#Until it comes to his eye#Ugh the /break/ of it all he goes from so eloquent - almost snarky and silly! Still trying to find an out make peace do /something/#It all goes completely out the window he's so /reduced/ and nothing hurts worse than that ughughugh#For all his intelligence and wit and prior successes and charm and just - everything that makes him /him/ to be dissolved into abject fear#It's so sad ;; And so well done <3#And he still holds enough of himself to know what he'd be losing wegh it's so sad!! He's so defined by his vision as most VUX are it's fjdsl#Zelnick is already gone by this point but I wanted to throw him in for extra sad flavour :')#Plus - I've mentioned his post-Op was one of the ones from the gallery that Actively kills me every time I look at it#Can you imagine my heartbreak to find out that he didn't have his Captain to comfort him after this in actuality? That he was fully alone?#''Are we home? Is it over?'' ''N...not yet'' - The Absolute Devastation of realizing that Never Was not really#Just tear my heart out why don't you ugh I'm fully bleeding out 💔#That last one is actually meant to be Max but it's open to interpretation :)#I think it's such a waste that his eye was just disposed of! Someone else could've used that (lol)#I do think there's something to the idea of seeing what used to be a part of your body elsewhere - like the Leftovers!#Even just keeping as a memento tho - a trophy - insult to injury but literally#Just points to no one being special and nothing being sacred I suppose
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betweenlands · 1 year
legundo's been going back and forth around his villagers for about half an hour now by viking's best estimate. sometimes he talks to himself, but it's all idle chatter that viking really has no interest in, so in effect viking is getting nothing by just sort of waiting around -- and he's not even phased into the wall, he's just standing on top of something and legundo straight up hasn't looked at him yet.
which just won't do, so, viking waits until legundo's right under his perch, at arm's length, to make his next move.
"bell noises."
legundo scrambles back several paces, not only nearly dropping the pickaxe in his hand but also knocking a villager in a minecart down a railtrack. "viking, you can't just -- how long have you been here, nearly gave me a heart attack,"
"eh," viking says, shrugging, "five, ten, fifteen minutes maybe? you just didn't see me."
"you were in the wall," legundo protests, "what, do you expect me to just assume you're always watching me?"
viking's snicker is less of an unhinged giggle and more of a soft, low noise. "eheh. wasn't even hiding, legs. i was out in plain sight. you just didn't see me."
legundo stops with his hand on an empty minecart, and his involuntary shaking slows just a bit, which viking is pretty used to in terms of body language by now, because it means-- "viking, you're doing the voice again."
which isn't quite true and they both know it -- there's been no mania, no fervent and desperate energy behind the low tone. but viking will take partial recognition, honestly. at least legundo's picking up on things, unlike -- no, wouldn't do to think about that, stay focused. "which i shouldn't do," viking says, slowly, "because it scares you?"
"okay," legundo says, "okay no this is actually new and worse to be honest. how did you get worse. i don't like that."
viking snickers again. there's no joy in it. "i don't either."
legundo stares at him. just. stares at him. viking sits down on the wall, leans his head against one hand, and stares back. legundo backs away slowly, like he's worried viking is going to lunge.
"i'm not gonna hurt ya, buddy," viking says. "wouldn't do that to a friend. friends don't hurt friends, right legs?"
"i cannot express enough how uncomfortable this is making me," legundo responds, fiddling with his crossbow.
viking snorts. "shoot at me and i phase through the wall and you accomplish absolutely nothing."
legundo's fingers slip on the crossbow bolt he's loading, fumble and cause the bow to fire early and snap the arrow in half uselessly. he curses softly and closes his hand around the broken arrow.
"i just want to talk," viking continues. "that's all."
"right," legundo says, and his voice has reached that exact pitch between annoyance and fear that tells viking he needs to make a point quickly, "so, out with it, what horrible scheme are you going to try and rope me into this time?"
viking rolls his eyes, waves one hand, head still propped up on his other hand. "no scheme, just wanna know something."
"which is?"
viking hops off the wall onto the ground, pushing off the side with both hands to land a respectable but short distance between himself and legundo (who, predictably, backpedals, but not enough to get away entirely). "you. you're scared of me, legs. why are you scared of me?"
legundo does that nervous, panicked laugh that viking has always understood to mean he needs to close distance or legundo will bolt. "viking," he says, "seriously, what's going on?"
viking takes a step forward. "answer my question first."
"no, seriously-"
"answer the question, legundo."
"i don't know," legundo says, almost squeaks, "you're just creepy!"
"mhm," viking says, and now he is right up in legundo's face and there is just a little tiny bit of manic light back in his eyes. "so! how do i get worse?"
"worse!?" legundo looks a little like one of those toys where you squeeze them and their eyes bulge out right about now. it's not exactly the reaction viking was hoping for, but it's within the expected range of reactions, he'll take it.
"yeah," viking says, "worse. 'cause you take me seriously when you're scared of me, gundo. but everyone else? nobody else takes me seriously at all. therefore: how do i get worse."
legundo raises a finger, one hand clutching his heart, and takes a shaky breath in. viking waits patiently for him to compose himself. "ohhhhkay. okay. listen, viking, you don't want to go where you're going right now."
"nope," viking says, popping the p just a little, enunciation extra strained, "but it's either this or start killing at this rate, and c'mon, we don't need a second shadowmech type situation around!"
"oh," legundo says, "oh you're serious serious. oh i don't like that at all."
he turns. viking's pickaxe is already in his hand and then stuck into the waystone before he can get that distance. "nope," viking says, voice still flat and dull, "no, you are not running away right now, we are going to talk."
"viking," legundo says. "viking. buddy? you need to calm down. you need to take several deep breaths and you need to calm down."
viking's laugh, unlike the glint in his eyes, can no longer be mistaken for mania. it's just pure desperation all the way down, nothing else to temper it. "already tried that!"
he stops. shakes his head like it'll help clear his thoughts, even though he already knows it won't work. forces his tone back to steady. "already tried that."
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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i'm going to SCREAM
#tm#you don't get how UNHINGED this makes me it's SO#like he's been out all day trying to track down this missing kid (as part of her case too; to give her another avenue against volker)#and they have their little catch up and at first he's concerned (she's been at this all day and now into the night too#and he GETS it - in a way maybe other people wouldn't - but he doesn't want her to burn herself out; he wants her to be careful#maybe he's about to tell her a version of 'get some sleep')#but then she talks about amanda and it makes me NUTS because she does NOT ask for his help#she doesn't ask him to stay; to read the files with her; to 'burn the midnight oil' with her#she's just...stating her case; explaining why this means so much to her; and he listens; he takes it in; and he makes the choice to help#to sit in this with her and to help her work through it#and i just -- neither of them will ask the other for help (yes i know she did at the end of the last episode the context is different ok)#but they're both so quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) desperate to help each other it makes me sick#it's so interesting to see how they deal with this as the show goes on....idk how to explain it but like#when jane needs help he closes himself off; he keeps secrets and he schemes and he lies ('let me help you' 'you're sweet')#because he's trying to keep the people he cares about - the people he never planned on caring about as much as he does - safe#even as he shares more with lisbon (and sometimes the rest of the team) he still doesn't share everything#because that puts them at risk#and that's what lisbon used to do to - in the earlier seasons she put up walls when she felt vulnerable; and she still does in some cases#but with this case especially she's much more accepting of help - she relies on her team (not that she doesn't usually)#and she's practically an open book to jane - in this scene most of all - she lets herself be more vulnerable#(and open to suggestions/ideas she might otherwise scoff at or reject)#idk idk it's very interesting but this scene makes me so wacky there's something so soft and tender and understanding about it#the way there's no spoken acknowledgement - no 'i'll help' or 'thank you' - just the silent understanding that they're in this together#because they're partners#(also the way he picks at the rest of her food - the 'done with this?' the only thing they say - and the framing through the window#is still somehow very domestic it's like my perfect scene)#spinning my wheels hard i'm not thinking clearly i just love everything about it
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lleclercism · 7 months
I'm so tired that everytime charles gets pole all the f1 content pages start talking about most pole without wdc, conversion to win, jokes about charles pole / max win
When other non red bull drivers get pole this season is always a moment of celebration, considering how dominant red bull are, but with charles it turn to a opportunity to mock him
And even him said in a interview yesterday that he doesn't get much excited for the poles anymore because Sunday is what matters. Last weekend he also talked about people focusing on the convention to win as a bad thing, when he simply doesn't have the car.
I feel like the way people and media are always focusing on this when he gets pole is also starting to make him enjoy less the poles he gets now
i noticed that too! when he immediately went on about his pole vs win conversion and the only reason why he knew that is because he saw that topic being all over twitter during austin and has not been able to stop talking abt that stat, or ask ppl to stop talking abt that stat in general
i think it comes from the fact that ferrari is one of the most iconic and well-known brands, everyone who knows abou f1 KNOWS about ferrari, so if charles gets pole is not about him, is about FERRARI being on pole; and when he doesn't win, it's not about ferrari losing, it's about CHARLES losing. it's also bc charles himself is one of the most beloved drivers and just his face is very marketable so he despite him not having a wdc title, he is everywhere, and that means more eyes on him specially on sundays
i wish ppl would put some respect on his name, because he has been very consistent with this driving throughout the years and has been one of the drivers that has challenged max the most (who drives the most dominant car on the grid) despite never having a dominant car himself. idk at the end of the day it also falls on ferrari not being a circus so their drivers don't make fun of themselves on the track, but that's a whole other topic lmao
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
God. One of my little sisters is such a bitch. She's done me some genuine damage in exacerbating my already social bad anxiety. But when I have dreams where she's been hurt or killed, it's so horrible bc she's still my lil sister :-(
#its bc last night my dad had a dream she was in a car wreck. he transferred that anxiety onto me#shes such a bitch tho.just like intolerant of things she doesnt understand. and she does not understand my unwell brain#i think she likes my youngest sistsr best now. which fair bc i do too but we used to be besties. we used to explore in the woods together#and play ellos and barbies and legos and poly pockets and magnets. and now we never text eachother. its sorta sad#its not just me tho. my youngest sister and i have a 4 year gap so we weren't really interacting much when were were little bc she was too#bby to me but shes such a genuinely lovely person now. shes a special ed and preschool teacher. i asked her mom how she ended up with both#of my sisters bc my middle sister is the most like entitled person i kno. like my parents r very generous and she doesnt think for a moment#about not accepthing things from them. she thinks shes owed that amd more. its so strange#and my mom was like. thank goodness i got the youngest bc otherwise id think something was wrong with me#im prob somewhere in the middle of them. my brain is just more fucked up so like im greatful but im struggling. theres not a ton of like#really obvious mental illness in my family tho. just here and there someone should b diagnosed and get a bit of help. my uncle is the only#other one who could possibly be bipo1ar but hes also got a lot of problems: severe adhd and possibly b0rderline. so it could just b that but#my dad says when u talk to him sometimes things just doent make sense bc hes had convos in his head wuth you so he thinks u kno already#idk. its interesting tho#unrelated
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feline-evil · 11 days
Now we're nearing the end of my move (fucking finally) i can safely say that if i had not had the Song of Salvation on repeat for large stretches of time during this i do not think i would've made it through as well as i have
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sarah-yyy · 1 year
#i watched this scene with 陈老师 and said 好美我看着都想结婚 and he went 👀那再看一遍???? Jie jie...tell us more about 陈老师! 😊😊😊
ahahahahaha 来吧,吃吃我的瓜😂 if y'all have been following me on insta, y'all would've been Very Exposed to 陈老师 already, so......
OKAY so uhhhh some months ago, 秦律师 and i decided to call it quits. he was offered a permanent position back in hangzhou that paid a heck lot better and had way better benefits than his auckland firm, and it was just the kind of career move that he had to take (fair, i would've done the same). he asked me to quit my job to go to hangzhou with him, but uh because of a variety of reasons (a huge part of it was that giving up my career was a hard limit), i eventually said no. it wasn't a bad breakup, per se, but it was still :/ because we'd been together for about 3 years at that stage, and prior to this, we'd been very seriously talking about getting married???
enter 陈老师! so i'd actually known 陈老师 for more than a year at that point?? 陈老师 is a sound engineer working at the local tv station by day, and does some 直播(to pre-emptively answer an faq: 不露脸的那种,唱歌的)when he's free at night. we first met when i went with one of my clients to the station for an interview. we have quite a huge mutual friend circle but i'd never run into him before, but since we met at the tv station, we just.....sort of kept running into each other??
陈老师 says he had a crush on me from the moment he heard me quietly threatening my client not to say anything i told him not to say, but ahahahahaha it wasn't obvious until 秦律师 and i broke up imo. first 陈老师 started showing up at group events a lot more, then we started going out for coffees alone, and then we went through this super weird week where he kept calling me jiejie (because one of his friends told him that might do the trick) (it didn't but i was tempted 😂), and that sort of just progressed to him awkwardly telling me he likes me and then, get this, literally getting so embarrassed he had to run away before following it up again by wechat (over a song). it was weirdly cute. i said yes.
ANYWAY he's still a bit awkward, but he's found this trick where every time he want to express something Important, he'll do it by song so he doesn't mess it up, the concept is hilarious, but in practise it's actually quite heart-warming ahahahahaha all the covers i've put up on insta are songs 陈老师 covers and sends to me 🥰
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zevrans · 3 months
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