#he hit them with the knowing glance fr
teerayus · 1 year
PatPran: right buddy??
Tian, elder gay senses tingling:
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pretty-little-mind33 · 5 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: You want your boyfriend's attention again.
Genre: Hurt & comfort (angsty fr)
Warnings: James is an asshole in the beginning, relationship problems (happy ending!), mentions of fighting and jealousy, crying, sexual harassment/non-consensual kissing, swearing (a lot)
"Wait, James! I'm sorry," you shout but James doesn't listen as he harshly pulls his arm away from you when you try to hold onto the sleeve of his jumper. Salty tears brim your eyes as you mutter, "Please, Jamie. You have to understand."
You almost bump into him when he stops dead in his tracks. "Understand? What is there to understand?" he states in a whisper, his voice uncharacteristically calm for someone that's so very clearly furious. It scares you. Your chest feels tight as he turns around and when thunder crackles in the sky, you jump.
"He touched you," Pain taints his voice and your eyes soften, "Rosier had his dirty hands all over you and you didn't even try to stop him."
You shake your head and your hands move to hold his cheek but he turns his head away, "I didn't want him to touch me! I s-swear," you try to explain desperately, "I just, I just wanted you to see me and — " You start but James interrupts you,
"Y/n, how can you say I don't see you? I love you! You're the only thing I see."
You feel like you're slowly losing your mind, "Then why don't you show it anymore?" Thunder claps again and rain hits your skin like small knives. You don't dare make a move as you remain frozen under your boyfriend's harsh stare.
"I show you I love you plenty," he defends.
You feel exhausted and your words come out jumbled, "No, you don't. I almost never see you anymore and tonight you spent all evening with your friends. I-I wore this stupid dress for you," You show him your dress and he looks at you with round, frustrated, eyes, "And you couldn't even compliment me."
James runs a hand in his damp hair and tugs at his curls in frustration, "I tell you you're beautiful all the damn time." He insists and you shake your head furiously.
"You haven't complimented me in weeks!"
James doesn't move and you can almost see inside his mind. He's thinking hard. "I haven't?" he asks slowly, genuinely trying to understand and remember.
You turn from him a little, tears pricking at your eyes. You close them, trying to erase what had happened at the party earlier. The music, the dancing, Rosier's lips against your ear, his hand on your arm,
"I can make him jealous, you know."
You had jumped, the drink in your hand almost falling to the floor. Evan held your hand and smirked his infamous smirk. "What?" you asked, your voice small as it's drowned out by the music.
Evan pursed his lips and ran a hand in his hair. "Your boyfriend," he said with venom and glanced at James. James, who was across the room with his friends, laughing loudly with his arm swung around Sirius's shoulder. You had blushed, a familiar pit forming in your stomach. You grasped your dress as Evan continued, "I can help you make him jealous."
In a moment of weakness, you looked at him and asked, "How?"
And then his body was pressing yours against the wall. Stunned, you didn't have the time to process what was happening as Evan's hand swept up your side and he whispered, "Let me show you how gorgeous you look tonight, Y/n," his voice was smooth as honey but his teeth nipped at your neck.
You made a small gasp when his lips found the corner of your mouth and just as your hands touched his chest to push him away, he's yanked away by his collar. James looked furious as he punched Evan and the party came to a sudden halt.
"She wanted me, mate," Evan said through a busted lip and, judging by the guilty look on his face, James believed him. James hadn't said a word to you as he dropped Evan and stormed outside. You ran after him, desperate.
Your eyes open and a tear slides down your cheek as you answer James, "No. You haven't. Not in a while. You barely even make time in your busy schedule to make conversation with me. I-If you don't want me anymore, you can tell me and," your voice is trembling and you have trouble finishing your sentence, "and w-we can break up."
James's entire face drains of color hearing you and his eyes widen. His hands shake as they find your cheeks and he moves in closer.
He looks you over, his lip trembling. "I'm so sorry," his voice is a mere whisper as he continues to look at you. You can see his mind racing, his eyes moving quickly over you as he searches your skin. "Y/n, did he hurt you? Rosier — did he hurt you?"
James leans his forehead on yours when you shake your head no. "Shit, baby, I'm such an idiot," he sounds desperate as his hands sweep up your arms and he looks at your body. "You're so stunning, Y/n. So beautiful all the fucking time. I'm so fucking sorry, love. I don't want to break up with you, that's the last thing I would ever want. I can't lose you."
You're overwhelmed by all kinds of emotions as you whisper, "Then why have you been ignoring me? Am I not enough for you anymore?"
James shushes you as he pets your soaked hair and gently guides your head to look up at him. He moves hair away from your face. "Don't say that. Please. You did nothing wrong. It's my fault. I have been so busy lately with school and Quidditch and – fuck – it never occurred to me that I was losing you. I took you for granted, love," he admits, caressing your cheek, "You're so sweet and kind to me I didn't even know something was wrong. I'm so sorry."
You don't want to forgive him and still, you subconsciously find yourself leaning into his touch. As much as you want to despise him for what he did, you love him more than you could ever hate him and James sees this. He holds your cheek and he strokes his calloused thumb against your skin. "You should be mad at me, love. I fucking deserve it," he says sadly.
"I just don't understand why you would think I wanted Rosier to kiss me," You admit, your voice small. James's heart tightens in his chest and tears brim in his eyes. He doesn't think you can hate him more than he hates himself at this moment.
"I don't know, Y/n," he admits, "I don't know what I was thinking but I- I should have listened to you," he whispers, looking down and you can tell he's replaying the moment Rosier crushed you against the wall over and over again in his head.
"Bloody hell, I'm a shit boyfriend. Some guy forces himself onto you and the first thing I do is blame you," he sounds angry with himself and you can tell even if you reassure him, he won't excuse himself so easily.
"It's okay," you try anyway but James quickly presses his finger to your lips.
"Shh, no. It isn't okay," he says, his eyes stern and he leans his forehead on yours. "I don't fucking deserve your forgiveness," his hand hovers over your form, afraid to touch you but silently pleading with his eyes for you to let him.
You nod and his fingers skim the satin of your dress. "I love you," James says. His hand touches your waist and then gently slides up your ribs. "I love you. I love you. I love you," he continues in a mantra as his lips press to your ear and you let out a sigh. You melt into his touch and his mantra changes, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Shit, baby, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," You try and whisper again but this time his lips find yours to silence you. You're surprised but when James pulls away to make sure you're okay with him kissing you after everything, you squeeze your eyes shut and chase his lips. James's hands move up and hold your cheeks as he kisses you again.
The kiss is delicate and mixed with both anger and sadness. Your anger and his, his sadness and yours, as well as an abundance of soul crushing love. Jame's hand slides down to hold yours and he disconnects your lips. "How can I make it up to you?" he asks seriously, looking into your eyes.
"What?" your eyebrows crease.
James repeats his question without complaints, "How can I make this better? I want to show you how much I care."
You search his face and he looks determined. A smile tugs at your lips. "Oh, um," you think for a moment, "just don't do it again? Please don't forget me again." James's heart shatters again and he's convinced all he has left in his chest are sharp shards that will cut into him for the rest of his life.
"Never, baby, never," he promises as he presses a kiss to your forehead. "What else? What else, love?" James sounds desperate at this point.
You pull away and stare into his eyes. "Listen," you start and his stomach turns as sweat beads at his forehead, mixing with the raindrops. His mind starts to spin as he thinks of what you could say.
I think this isn't working. I can't look past this. I don't love you anymore, not after what you did.
"I'm not looking to punish you for what happened, I just want to move forward," you pause and James hangs on your every word. "I love you and I can tell you're really sorry. I know you, and I know you won't do it again." James nods his head, agreeing, and caresses your cheek, "That's enough for me."
You kiss his lips and then smile at him and James is sure his heart will explode from happiness. The rain finally slows as he listens to your words and in a breathless whisper he vows to never do anything like this again.
And he never does.
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puppy-steve · 7 months
Robin has spent plenty of time watching Steve Harrington from the shadows. The way he continuously stayed on the sidelines of the rest of his friends’ bullying was interesting. He never said too much of anything when it happened, didn’t look all that interested in it, either. Just leaned against a locker and looked bored out of his mind.
Until a week before Thanksgiving break a couple years ago, when Tommy Hagan started bragging to anyone who’d listen about how Steve got his shit rocked by Jonathan Byers and promptly dumped him and Carol to the curb after. Sure, Tommy made sure to mention that Steve was the one to push until Jonathan finally snapped and punched him, but he didn’t say how Steve had gone limp after. Letting Byers rearrange his face until a teacher ran over to break them up.
She remembers how lost he’d looked in the aftermath. Like he was a shell of himself.
So yeah. Steve Harrington isn’t the same person he was in high school. Or at least he’s trying not to be, that much Robin has noticed since he started working at Scoops at the beginning of the summer. But she didn’t think he’d changed so much to be openly flirting with the Freak of Hawkins.
Well. Not exactly flirting, but there’s something there Robin can’t quite put her finger on.
Steve’s manning the counter, right where she’d left him twenty minutes ago, but instead of looking like the picture of boredom slinging ice cream to annoying kids, he’s leaned his elbows on the counter where Eddie Munson is doing the same on the other side. They’re too quiet for Robin to hear what they’re talking about but Steve’s fingers are hooked on Eddie’s watch, not pulling or tugging. Just resting.
Eddie’s hands are clasped in front of him but his pointer finger keeps reaching out to lightly stroke Steve’s arm, and that’s when it hits Robin like a slap in the face.
They’re domestic.
The lobby is empty, save for Eddie’s friends that now occupy one of the booths, loudly arguing over something but Robin could care less because at that moment, Steve says something that has Eddie letting out a cackle laugh, his nose scrunched up and his shoulders shaking as he laughs. Her eyes slide over to Steve and he’s.
Gone is the usual smug smirk that graces his face when a girl laughs at one of his (awful) jokes, and is replaced by something… fond. His face is relaxed into a small smile and his round Bambi eyes are shining with mirth. Like he’d expected this reaction. Sometime during this, their fingers have tangled together in a subtle hand-hold across the counter and holy shit.
Steve Harrington is dating Eddie Munson.
One of Eddie’s friends (Jeff, she thinks. They had pre-calc together.) says something and Steve only rolls his eyes as he replies. Eddie’s grinning at them over his shoulder. Neither of their postures have changed. Robin feels like the room’s spinning.
She knows about Eddie. Eddie knows about her. It’s never been verbally said, but birds of a feather and all that. It doesn’t have to be. She must accidentally bump into something in her attempt to rebalance the world because Steve’s head is snapping toward her and panic flashes in his eyes as he tries to rip his hands away from Eddie’s.
Eddie only holds them tighter as he locks eyes with her.
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” he tells Steve in a hushed tone. In front of him, Steve’s visibly shaking like a leaf, mouth opening and closing but not making a sound. Robin’s heart breaks a little. He looks downright terrified. Eddie’s eyes haven’t left her. “She’s safe. Aren’t you, Birdie?”
The question is directed at her. She swallows and nods quickly. “Y-yeah!” She winces at the volume of it. Clearing her throat, she tries again, taking a step forward like she’s approaching a frightened animal. “You can trust me, Steve.” Uses his first name instead of the ‘dingus’ that’s grown affectionate. “I'm—” She glances over at the booth that’s gone quiet. She doesn’t want to out herself to the entire freak population of Hawkins High.
“I’m a friend,” she settles on.
It takes Steve a moment for it to sink in, and when it does, his eyes somehow grow bigger in understanding. “Oh,” he breathes out, like a sigh of relief. Eddie’s rubbing his thumb over Steve’s knuckles.
“Yeah, dingus.” Robin’s close enough now to nudge his shoulder with hers. “Oh. Why don’t you go on break? I’ve got this.”
Steve gives her a grateful look and tugs Eddie to the booth to join Eddie’s —their— friends.
“It’s about damn time you guys remembered the rest of us,” the curly haired one complains as they both slide in on the same side. Eddie throws a straw wrapper at him and Robin stops paying attention after that.
permanent taglist: @yournowheregirl @judasofsuburbia @steves-strapcollection @thefreakandthehair @stobinesque @vecnuthy @scarcrossdlvrs @starrystevie @inairbinad @flowercrowngods @starryeyedjanai @matchingbatbites @corrodedbisexual @theheadlessphilosopher @patchworkgargoyle @sentient-trash @wormdebut @legitcookie @corrodedcoughin @steddieas-shegoes @wynnyfryd @sidekick-hero
🥐☕💕 buy me a coffee?
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ihave-atummyache · 7 months
everyone is a little toxic
Stray Kids Imagine
summary: toxic traits of skz
sfw! mean!skz toxic!skz but nothing crazy fr. suuuuuper angsty
5.7k words
ik i said that i would post it all in one part but mwahahahha😈 there will be a pt 2. later gators
Bang Chan: Overworks himself then takes it out on you.
You scoop the meal you just made into a bowl and stare at the steaming food, your lip between your teeth. It is for your boyfriend, Chan, who has locked himself in his room to keep working on a track. The same track that practically had him in tears last week.
You know if you go in and bother him, there is a fifty-fifty chance of him snapping at you. He often does when you 'bother' him while he is working. It isn't your fault that you get concerned for your extremely overworked boyfriend!
You let out a deep sigh and pick the bowl up before making your way over to the room that was set up as an office for him. You knock gently on the door twice before letting yourself in. He often has headphones on and doesn't notice you when you knock so you always let yourself in.
"Channie?" You question, walking towards his hunched figure at his desk. You glances over at you when he senses your presence but doesn't bother taking a headphone off or even trying to talk to you.
You bite down on your lip and debate walking back out of the room and not even talking to him or offering him food. He has been locked up in this room for almost 24 hours. He neglected coming to bed last night and instead has been sat in front of his computer.
"I made dinner," you comment as you reach his desk. He knows you’re there but chooses to pretend he first notice you. Once you're beside him, he dramatically rips his headphones off and slams his hands on the desk, making you jump.
"What, y/n? What could you possibly want right now?" he snaps at you and you bite down on your lip, feeling tears wanting to well up at the embarrassment he was making you feel for trying to take care of him. Your cheeks and neck burn with a deep blush.
Chan’s eyes are bloodshot and glassy. His face is flush and his hair is sticking up in every direction, an obvious sign that he has been running his fingers through it over and over again.
You were right, you should have turned around and left. But its too late now. You're already in the room and you're already getting yelled at so you might as well accept it, even if it does break your heart.
"I-I made you dinner," you stutter out and break eye contact with him, opting to look at the bowl in your hands instead. It is still steaming hot and the steam is hitting your nostrils, making your own stomach growl. You know this is one of Chan's favorites so hopefully it'll act as a peace offering.
"Oh my God. Get out! If I was hungry or if I wanted you in here, I would have called for you," he snaps at you again and pulls the headphones over his ears again, turning to face the computer screen.
You feel your face heat up more in a mix of anger and embarrassment before you slam the bowl down on the desk beside him. You try not to notice that the liquid sloshes out of the bowl slightly and lands on your hand, immediately burning you.
You turn on your heel and storm out of the room, slamming the door behind you. By the time you reach the kitchen, angry tears are running down your face and your even angrier hands are trying to wipe them away.
Lee Know: Short tempered
You know Minho has a short temper. Everyone knows that, but it doesn't excuse him going off on you for absolutely no reason. You often are the object of his anger because you are together so much and you’re usually able to just brush his outbursts off.
However, sometimes you just can’t let them go.
"Hm?" You question, pulling your headphones off. You had seen your boyfriend talking to you but only caught the end of his sentence by the time you removed the headphones. He rolls his eyes at you, obviously annoyed.
"I hate repeating myself, y/n. You know this," he raises his eyebrows at you and you blink at him a few times, waiting for him to say whatever it was that he had said.
"I said," he starts, attitude dripping in his tone, "Do you want to go to that new restaurant for dinner tonight?" he asks and you nod.
"Yes of course. When do you wanna go?" you ask and stand up. For some reason, you miscalculated exactly how close you were to the table and your knee hits the table, knocking your glass of water over and making it roll off the table, shattering all over the floor.
"Are you kidding me? Why is it so hard for you to do simple tasks like listening and watching where you're going?" Minho snaps at you before walking towards the kitchen. You roll your eyes and opt to not reply.
You squat down to pick up the glass and somehow one of the shards cuts your finger, right where it meets your palm. You let out a hiss and drop the glass on the ground bringing your hand closer to inspect it.
The cut isn't too deep but it is in one of those spots that seems like it will never stop bleeding. You stand quickly as the blood drops from your hand and lands on your mess. As you walk towards the kitchen, you are dripping blood and don't notice.
"Did you seriously cut yourself?" Minho's tone is impatient with you again and you nod, walking towards the sink to rinse the cut out.
"Let me see it," he demands and you shake your head, letting the water run over the cut, another hiss leaving your mouth at the sting.
"Stop being so fucking stubborn," he grabs your wrist, a little too harshly, and yanks it from under the water to look at it, making you stumble into him slightly.
"Stop being so fucking mean," you reply and snatch your hand from his grip. He scoffs at you and rolls his eyes, slamming the towel that was in his hand down on the counter beside him.
"If I'm so fucking mean, then clean your own damn mess," he spits at you before leaving the room, his heavy footsteps indicating that he is making his way to your shared bedroom.
You let out a frustrated yell and grab the first aid kit from under the sink. All you did was ask him to repeat himself and drop a fucking glass and he's acting like this is the end of the world.
"Y/n! You got blood on the floor. You couldn't have at least stopped that from happening?" You hear Minho's voice again and you ignore him, not feeding into his temper anymore.
You hear his footsteps making their way towards the kitchen again and slam your hands down on the countertop, definitely making your cut bleed much more than it was before.
"You don't hear me talking to you?" He questions and you turn around facing him. A look of disgust and annoyance covers your face.
"Oh fuck off, Minho. Yell at somebody who gives a shit," You snap and push past him, letting your shoulder hit him a little too hard, and making your way to your bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind you.
Changbin: Arrogant
"Who was that?" You ask, setting your purse down as you enter you apartment. Changbin comes in behind you and helps you slide your coat off, placing a kiss to your bare shoulder.
"I met her a while ago at an award show," he replies and you nod, toeing off your shoes. You aren't one to get insecure or jealous, especially with the way your man is all over you, even in public.
But something about this girl just really rubbed you the wrong way. The way he unwrapped his arm from your waist to shake her hand made your stomach flip. Her lingering touches and flirty eyes, all while you were standing right there.
"She seemed a little touchy," you comment and Changbin shrugs, ultimately disregarding your comment.
"You only met her once?" You clarify again as you follow Changbin into the bedroom to change your clothes.
"Mhm, she used to have a thing for Hyunjin I think," he comments, loosening his tie and sliding it over your head. You let out a little 'ah' and pull your dress off, replacing it with a t-shirt and sleep shorts. You make your way into the bathroom and grab a makeup wipe, starting to remove your eye makeup.
"Why are you acting so weird? You aren't jealous, are you?" Changbin's voice sounds from the doorframe and you look over at him before looking back into the mirror, shrugging.
"It isn't that I'm jealous,” you clarify, “It's more like the principle of her overstepping obvious boundaries that you wouldn't push with someone who is in a relationship," you try to explain.
"It wasn't that serious," Changbin once again shrugs off your feelings and you turn to face him, crossing your arms across your chest.
"Are you even listening to me, Bin?" your voice is laced with frustration.
"Of course I am. You're jealous because some colleague was being too nice to me," he turns to walk away and you scoff. 
"Do you listen to anything but the sound of your own damn voice?" you suddenly snap at him and he freezes before turning back around to face you. He opens his mouth to speak but you interrupt him before he can start.
"Whenever I tell you about my feelings or try to have a conversation like this with you, you just brush it off. I'm not jealous, Changbin. It's the principle of it all. And if I was jealous, you definitely aren't doing anything to help my insecurity," your temper has ran out and his eyebrows drop into a furrow, seemingly confused about your sudden outburst.
"I just don't understand why you are coming for me like this when I didn't do anything," he says, his own tone starting to reflect yours.
"What I'm trying to say is-"
"No I get what you're trying to say. I just don't understand why you're so mad at me," he tries to clarify and you turn back towards the sink.
"Then you obviosuly don't get what I'm-"
"Y/n you need to calm down," He interrupts you and you scoff, slamming your hands down on the sink.
"Stop fucking interrupting me! You are so fucking arrogant. Oh my God! You can't even actually listen to me for five fucking minutes without having to have your own input," you snap and he takes a step towards you so you're face to face in the bathroom.
"Sometimes you're wrong, Changbin. Whether you like it or not. Get your head out of your ass," you push past him and go towards the living room.
Hyunjin: Perfectionist
Hyunjin's most toxic trait is something that has been forced upon him in his career. He is convinced that everyone, especially the public has to think that he is perfect.
The perfect man, the perfect idol, the perfect boyfriend. This sometimes causes huge strains in your relationship because you can't tell what is real and what is a facade that he is putting on for the public eye.
You and Hyunjin are on a date and got into a small argument. It wasn't even an argument as much as you were just bickering with each other. He had picked this Italian restaurant and the portions were huge so you two decided it would he best to split a dish. However you couldn't decide and started to bicker back and forth between two dishes, trying to decide which to get.
"We can literally make that at home, Hyunjin. We should get something that we can only have in an authentic restaurant like this," you try to reason and Hyunjin rolls his eyes.
"You already decided on white wine, which doesn't go with the dish you want at all," he replies and you throw your hands up a little in frustration.
"Whatever, Hyunjin. Get what you want," you snap at him and before he can snap back at you, the waitress walks up to the table. He plasters a huge fake smile on his face and tells her the order, getting what he wanted and the white wine that you wanted.
"Now everyone is happy. Stop being a crybaby," he mumbles and you scoff, pulling out your phone. Your Twitter is getting notifications and you open the app.
Someone had taken a video of you and Hyunjin in the past ten minutes and posted it to Twitter. It already had over 1000 likes and you laugh at the video.
It showed Hyunjin saying something to you before you roll your eyes and fall back into your seat, crossing your arms. Then Hyunjin runs a hand through his hair, obviously annoyed.
"What's funny?" Hyunjin's voice pulls you from the video and you look up, turning your phone to face him. The smile on your face drops when you take in Hyunjin's face, obviously not amused with the video.
His jaw clenches and he clears his throat before turning in the direction that the video seemed to be taken from. The person recording was obviously long gone and he turns back to face you, a sigh leaving his mouth.
"What's wrong?" you ask, putting your phone away and resting your chin in your hand to look at your boyfriend.
"Nothing's wrong," he mumbles and you let out a small chuckle. You already know what's wrong. You reach for Hyunjin's hand across the table and he lets you grab it.
"Jinnie, relax. It's okay! There's nothing wrong with us disagreeing from time to time. It's natural and everyone likes seeing this real and raw side of you. You know that," you try to reason and he nods as the waitress approaches the table with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
The waitress pours your wine and neither you or your boyfriend say anything besides a small 'thank you' and even after she leaves, the silence between the two of you remain. You take a sip from your glass and look over to Hyunjin. He is zoned out, his finger tracing the rim of the glass and he's focused on something on the table.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of your's?" You finally break the silence and Hyunjin's eyes shoot up to meet yours immediately.
"That looks like we don't like each other," he mutters in a small voice, not much more than a whisper. You let out a sigh and adjust in your seat, uncrossing your legs and leaning towards your boyfriend. Before you can say anything, he's shaking his head at you.
"Stop it. Your body language is weird. Now we know someone is watching us, we need to act like we like each other," he speaks up, his eyes darting around the restaurant. You feel a little pang in your chest at his words and suck in a sharp breath.
"Act like we like each other?" You inquire, an eyebrow raised. He shoos you with his hand, still looking around the room.
"You know what I mean, y/n. Let's not start a scene. We have already caused one," he dismisses you and you scoff, taking the napkin from your lap and slamming it on the table.
"Whatever, Hyunjin. I'll give them something to spectate about," you spit at him and stand from the table. You grab your belongings and turn, making a beeline for the door. You barely hear Hyunjin calling in a whisper yell behind you before you reach the door and pull out your phone, ready to call a cab.
Han: Wandering eyes
Your first thought when you get to your house is to turn on the T.V. and see your stunning boyfriend at his award show. Your relationship was still under wraps so you weren't allowed to join him at his award show, at least not yet. You turn on the T.V. and realize you missed their red carpet so you take to Twitter to see what you missed.
Before you can even type his name into the search bar, you see that under trending is your boyfriend's name. He must have looked really good if he's trending away from his group. You click on the 'Han Jisung' hashtag and your heart immediately drops.
He wasn't trending because of how good he looks, he's trending because he was caught by a million cameras checking out another idol. Bile creeps its way into your throat and the tears spring to your eyes before you can even stop them.
This may seem like an overreaction to most, but this is not the first time that your boyfriend has been trending for his wandering eyes and flirty behavior. Just a week ago you two had gotten in a huge fight about how just because you're a secret, doesn't mean he needs to act single.
You thought that it got through to him but it obviously went in one ear and right out of the other. You lock your phone and frustratedly slam it down on the couch beside you. You let out a groan and let your head fall into your hands.
"Han fucking Jisung," you whisper out to yourself. You fall back against the couch and cross your arms over your chest before deciding to train your eyes on the ceiling. It only lasts about a minute until tears have started running down your face.
About two hours later, you hear the front door of your apartment open and you roll over in bed, not ready to explain to your boyfriend why your eyes are so puffy and red. He obviously didn't go to the after party so that gives you a little reassurance, but not much.
"Baby? Are you asleep?" you hear your boyfriend's voice and pull the blanket tighter around your chin before shaking your head. You hear him make his way over to the bed and he places a kiss to the side of your head. He smells like his shampoo and soap which means he either showered at the venue or went home before coming to see you.
"Did you watch the show?" he asks and you feel all of your emotions over the situation bubble to the surface. You let out a scoff.
"No, Jisung. I was too busy scrolling through your trending video from a million different angles," you reply coldly. He doesn't seem to pick up on your tone well and settles in the bed behind you.
"I'm trending?" there is pure excitement in his voice and you almost feel bad for him. Almost. You sit up straight in the bed and turn to face him. His bare face is illuminated by the faint glow of street lights outside your window and he really does look stunning. If you weren't so upset with him, you would surely be jumping his bones.
"Yeah. You're trending. Not for what you, your company, or your devoted girlfriend would like you to be trending for, however," you snap at him and grab your phone from the side table. You pull up his name under trending and toss your phone at him.
He flips it and you see him obviously scrolling through the tweets. His eyebrows are dropped in focus before they relax and a small smirk takes over his face, making your jaw drop.
"Does this make you happy, Jisung?" you question, hostility dripping from your tone. His eyes dart up to yours before they're back on the phone again. You glance over at your screen and see that he is watching a video of himself that is from an angle that you can see the exact asset he was assessing on the singer.
"You have got to be kidding me," you snarl at him and stand from the bed, ready to sleep in the living room.
"What? Can you blame me? She has a nice-"
"You have a girlfriend!" you interrupt him, your tone much more hostile than you intended and he's slightly taken aback.
"I know! I'm a guy. What do you expect?" his absurd defense just pisses you off more and you can't help clenching your jaw. He locks your phone and throws it onto the bed next to you.
"You are unbelievable." You spit before storming out of the room.
Felix: Belittling you/making you feel inferior
You sigh again. Your work computer has been acting up and you have done everything you can to try to make it work. You're trying your absolute best to not have to resort to calling your IT desk at work, but it seems to be your only option.
"That's one sigh too many. What's eating you?" you hear your boyfriend's voice behind you, giving you some comfort but frustration still racks your body.
"My computer is being dumb and I really don't want to have to call IT. I've tried everything I can think of and it still won't work!" you exclaim out, slamming your hands down on the desk. You feel his hands start to massage your shoulders and a gentle kiss is placed to your temple, obviously trying to calm you down.
"I just don't know what to do, Lix. On top of that, I have a report that I need to present on Friday!" you complain again and tilt your head back to look at Felix. He turns his attention from the computer screen down to you and presses a quick kiss to your lips.
"Do you want me to have a look at it?" He asks and you shake your head before sitting back up to look at the screen again.
"In all honesty, I just want to go to bed and not even think about this mess anymore," you confess and rest your head in the palm of your hand.
"Have you tried plugging it in?" Felix asks and you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at him. You were already frustrated and you don't want to be sent over the edge and snap at your boyfriend.
"Yes, Felix. I tried to plug it in," you reply but the exasperation in your voice is impossible to miss. You run your hand through the front of your hair and sit back up again, ready to try a few more things so you can work on your project.
"Have you tried restarting it?" It was meant to come out as a helpful question but you can't stop the scoff that leaves your mouth in response.
"I'm not an idiot, Felix," you snap at him but he doesn't say anything else for a few beats of silence.
"Did you put it to sleep or hard reset it? Do you know the difference?" he asks and you turn in your chair immediately to face him. Maybe it was the underlying belittling in his tone that sends you over the edge but you all but spit out your next response.
"Actually, Felix, I do know the difference and you are so not being helpful at all right now and in all honesty, you're pissing me the fuck off," you stare at your boyfriend, who is obviously taken aback by your outburst.
"How am I pissing you off?" he questions and you stand, letting out a humorless laugh. You turn and close your laptop before making your way over to your bed.
"You keep talking to me like I'm some kind of idiot. I'm not dumb, y'know? You always do this if you think you know more than me about a topic," you rant and he raises an eyebrow at you, still confused. You roll your eyes and slide under the blanket, turning your back to him.
"Whatever, Felix. Goodnight," you snap but it doesn't take long for you to feel the bed behind you dip from his weight.
"Don't go to sleep mad, angel," he reaches out to touch your shoulder but you shake his hand off. You turn to face him and regret fills your body at the face he is giving you. He looks like a guilty puppy and you let out a sigh. You lean over and press a quick kiss to his pouty lips before pulling back.
"I'm not mad. I'm just..." you pause, searching the ceiling for the right word, "Annoyed, frustrated, tired. I just want to go to sleep and we can talk in the morning. Sound good?" you try to reason and he nods but the sad puppy look is still plastered on his face.
Seungmin: Cruel
Seungmin loves you. So much. More than he has loved anyone else before. He knows it, you know it, his friends and family know it. However, sometimes he isn't as nice to you as he probably should be.
It isn't always what he is saying or his actions, as much as it's his tone. Today is one of Seungmin's more unkind days and you noticed it as soon as you woke up. He spent the night at your house last night so it was nice to see your boyfriend first thing in the morning.
He is always up before you and today was just like any other day. When you open your eyes, they're met with the chocolate ones of your adorable boyfriend. You hug him a little closer and he grumbles at you, his morning cranky still evident.
"Good morning," you whisper out, leaning up to press a kiss to his jaw line. He mumbles back a quiet response and you try to pull him closer to you, wanting to savor the cuddle a bit more but Seungmin's body stiffens, pushing you away.
" 'S too hot," he groans and pushes you away completely, getting up from bed. You whine at him and he chuckles slightly, heading towards the bathroom. You get up and follow him, running your nails up his back.
"I love you," you speak out again, voice still raspy, before placing a soft kiss to the nape of his neck. You want so badly to wrap your arms around his waist and relish in his warmth for a little longer but you refrain.
Seungmin glances at you through the mirror and you stare back, waiting for him to mirror the same words back to you. He puts his toothbrush in his mouth and a frown finds its way onto your lips. He notices and pulls his toothbrush from him mouth.
"Love you too," he shortly replies and it stings a little. Not only did he not say 'I' but the response was robotic, rehearsed. It felt like it was what he was supposed to say more than an expression of his feelings. It seemed like he didn’t even want to admit he loved you in all honesty.
Later that same day, you find him on the couch and plop down next to him. He glances over at you then back to the T.V. again so you scoot closer. He has been neglecting you all day and you finally found the perfect opportunity to cuddle up with your boyfriend.
You silently hoped that a good cuddle would make up for him hurting your feelings earlier and would offer you some much needed reassurance. You wrap your arm around your boyfriend's arm and place your cheek on his shoulder. You immediately feel him shift away from you and your heart drops.
"Do you have to sit so close to me? I don't feel like being touched right now," his evident irritation is enough to make tears want to spring to your eyes. It makes you want to curl up into a ball and cry out of embarrassment and the rejection of your boyfriend.
"You're being mean," you mumble out as you push away from him and settle onto the other side of the couch, turning your attention to the T.V. instead.
"How am I being mean? Maybe you're just being too sensitive," he shrugs before standing from the couch and grabbing his glass from the coffee table.
"Seungmin," you warn but he doesn't listen, instead walking into the kitchen to refill his glass. Your eyes burn with the tears that are begging to spill so you stand and decide to go take a shower to cry by yourself.
"Where are you going?" Seungmin's voice rings behind you and you feel the first tear fall so you decide its best not to turn around.
"Shower," you mumble out and continue walking towards your bathroom. You can't help the sniffle you let out as more tears fall and you quickly step into the bathroom and turn the shower water on as more tears fall from your eyes.
I.N: Gets distant
"How is Innie doing?" Your best friend asks over the phone and you bite down on your lip. She knows when you're lying and will call you out on it so you opt for a more neutral answer.
"Busy. How is your boyfriend?" you quickly try to change the topic but she is much smarter than you're giving her credit for and doesn't let you switch the conversation.
"He's doing it again, isn't he?" she questions, her voice full of sympathy and you can't stop the sigh that leaves your lips. Too ashamed to admit out loud that your boyfriend has went distant on you again, you just nod.
"Babe, you can't keep letting him do this to you! You need to put your foot down," she insists over the phone, obviously frustrated with your boyfriend's antics. It may seem like you aren't frustrated to everyone else, but that couldn't be further from the truth
You hate when Jeongin decides to disappear and not talk to you for days on end. You hate when he comes back and acts like nothing happened. You hate how defensive he gets when you call him out on it. You hate it.
You open your mouth to reply when you hear your lock code being punched into your door. You sit up on the couch as soon as the door opens, revealing a very tired looking Jeongin.
"Hold on. I'll call you tomorrow, okay? We spoke him up," you look at your best friend through the screen and she shakes her head muttering a quick 'love you, make good decisions' then ending the call. You look over at your boyfriend and he walks towards the couch, immediately crawling in between your legs and placing his head on your chest.
His arms wrap around your waist and you let out a sigh, laying back on the couch so your boyfriend can lay on you. You reach up and run a hand through his hair, getting a whiff of his shampoo.
"I missed you," he mutters against your chest and squeezes you a little tighter. You let out a breathy chuckle.
"And whose fault is that?" you reply quietly, still working your fingers through the tangles in his hair. He stiffens a bit on top of you then turns his head to rest his chin on your chest. You lock eyes and feel like you could melt into him.
"I've been busy," he tries to excuse but barely a beat passes before you reply.
"You could've told me," this is usually how these conversations go. You would let him reply at this point but your best friend's words are ringing through your ears, 'you need to put your foot down'. So you take a deep breath and speak again before he gets the chance.
"It's been a week, Jeongin. I haven't gotten a text, a call, a visit, nothing. It has been seven days. You do know you're my boyfriend, right?" you ask and his eyes drop for a second before meeting yours again.
"I said I've been busy," he repeats himself and you shake your head, sitting up and forcing him to sit up as well.
"I said you could've told me. How hard would it be to take 30 seconds from your busy schedule to send me a text and tell me you're busy or you miss or you love me or...anything at all!" you finish the sentence, throwing your hands in the air.
"Why are you being so demanding? You know distance makes the heart grow fonder," he tries to defend himself once again and you scoff. You stand from the couch, moving to the chair to try to create space between the two of you.
"Don't try this bullshit with me, Yang Jeongin. If you don't want to be together anymore then let me know now. Don't disappear on me and claim you need space. We're adults. Act like it," you point an accusatory finger at him and he stands, now towering over your seated figure.
"Why are you trying to force me to break up with you? Do you not want to be together anymore?" he flips the question on you, anger in his voice. You open your mouth to answer but honestly, you don't even know the answer. So you tell him just that.
"Honestly, Innie, I don't even know anymore," you whisper out, looking down at your hands. You're picking at your fingers as silence falls on the room. Then before you know it, Jeongin's knees buckle and he's on his knees in front of you, his face in his hands and his body shaking with the violence of his sobs.
"I-I," he tries to speak but you stop him, dropping to your knees as well and pressing your forehead to his. You let your eyes fall closed as his tears soak your hands. Before you know it, tears are leaving your eyes as well.
"I don't want to break up," he whispers out and your eyes open to find his already trained on yours. You let silence fall between you two for a minute, just looking into each others eyes before you let out a sigh.
"I think you should leave," you finally speak up, breaking the silence.
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write4cench · 7 months
kisses and braids.
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summary: you braid central cee’s hair, but he seems to be a bit too distracted.
pairs: girlfriendreader x boyfriendcee
genre: fluff + making out?
word count: 1.2k
a/n: idk about u but something about braiding a mans hair just does it for me. 😩
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“oakley, if you don’t stop moving i swear your braids won’t turn out right.” you complained as he leaned over to pick up something that he managed to drop on the floor, a smile only grew on his lips amused at your annoyance.
central cee and you were seated in the bedroom of your apartment as he found himself comfortable upon the floor, rested on a pillow within your legs whilst you were seated upon your bed.
it was a random time within the evening when the idea of braids came across his mind and of course he turned to you, pleading for you to braid his hair.
and now here you were, braiding his hair into cornrows and having been doing so for the past hour or so, only getting to about half of his head.
one thing about central cee is that he had a lot of hair, but for some reason despite your advice, he always decided to keep it underneath something.
“shit, does it have to be this tight?” he asks you as his tattooed hand comes to rest upon his newly braided hair, you giggled at his silliness.
“baby i’m sorry, but if you want them to look good for longer they can’t be loose.” you insist to him and he sighs, staring off towards the television in your room.
“i just wanna look good for my show this saturday.” he mumbles as he opens a packet of whatever it is that he decides to eat, eyes glued onto the screen.
you pick out a comb and part his head, pulling apart his hair as you do so. “you always look good, “ you start causing an adorable smile to grow on his lips, “why don’t you just keep your hair out once in a while?” you ask him.
he shrugs his shoulders, “i guess it’s too much work innit, at least now there’ll be something done to it.” he insists, implying towards the braids you do.
you pull off of his head and lean back checking out your job so far, unable to see the front you sigh. “can you like turn this way?” you ask him.
you tilt your head towards him to get a better view of the job you’ve done so far. the two of you make eye contact with one one another and a smile grows upon his lips.
“what’s funny?” you ask him confused, comb in other hand. he smiles brightly and adorably, “nah nothing, you just look cute when you’re focused.”
you roll your eyes upon hearing his words and it only makes him laugh, “shut up.” you mumble. “it’s real cute.” he continues.
the room fell quiet and you turned your focus back onto braiding as neat as you possibly could do so, you were on the final braid luckily so it wasn’t a hard job.
cench was too busy eating upon on the crisps within his hands as he found himself interested in whatever it was that he was watching, one thing about the two of you is although you might not talk a lot with each other, something about the quiet company is comforting.
his hand came to playfully hit against your leg in a rhythmic form, the sudden feeling wasn’t annoying but comforting knowing the way he would be playful with you.
“why are you hitting my leg now?” you ask him, slightly moving after each hit of his hand, he doesn’t stop instead continuing on not uttering an explanation causing you to let out a stressed sigh. "alright i guess you want to be annoying." you mutter, loud enough for him to hear.
your hands focus on finish the braid, your hands interwinding his hair between one another as you approach the end, trying to finish it as fast as you possibly can, and when you do you sit back and glance at the finished product.
cench remains seated for a moment, filling his mouth, when he doesn't feel your hands on his hair he turns around to look towards you, eyes wide and hopeful, you beam.
"are we done?" he blinks and you nod your head, he exhales tired yet excitedly whilst you lean over, wrapping your arms around his shoulders pulling him into a hug from behind, he eases into your embrace.
"i'm tired." you yawn as you rest your hands for a short moment, "get some rest." you insists and you refuse, shaking you head.
as soon as you lean back he gets up from the floor, stretching for a short moment and you watch him do so. you take the chance to get up from the bed as well, standing beside him.
"wanna see how it looks?" you manage to say through a yawn, he only looks towards you with thankful eyes, pulling you into his arms.
you almost squeal at the sudden affection, his arms rest against your lower back as he holds you close, his eyes studying yours noticing how you pretend to wish to pull away from him.
"i asked you if you wanted to see your hair, not if you wanted to kiss me." you tell him and he tiredly laughs, arms still holding around onto you. "i don't care, why can't i be close with my girl?"
his head comes to teasingly rest against your shoulder and you giggle as you find a comfort in wrapping your arms over his own, you feel him pecker a few lips onto your skin and since your ticklish a few laughs manage escape through your lips.
"stop." you manage to say through your laughter a hand gently holding onto your head, but he only continues holding you close, you feel his lips form a grin against the skin of your neck.
as soon as he pulls apart you meet eye contact once again, you don't utter a word instead your smile lingers upon your lips and one mirrors upon his own. you lean in, your lips meeting his and he doesn't hesitate to kiss you back.
you kiss one another a passionate moment, enjoying the feeling. the sound of your lips against one another sounds throughout the silence and the comfort of your bedroom. you forget about everything, instead you're focused about spending this moment with the man who you truly love.
you pull away from the kiss when you feel it begin to grow a little too heated, feeling the tingles and sparks that flow throughout your body. playfully you push him away from you, his arms widen and his mouth drops jokingly confused yet enjoying the act.
"we need to stop there." you tell him warningly, it almost as if he knows the affect you have on him since he doesn't complain and you know that he knows.
"alright." he simply says.
nothing but love fills his eyes and it's almost as if you always catch yourself smiling whenever you're with him. "i love you." you say.
he remains quiet for a good moment, realising he's about to catch himself saying something he never thought he would, you watch him expectantly watching how his lips agape to utter the words, just when he's about to he buries his head into his hands.
"i love you too."
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. miles morales (1610 & 42)
summary. Once Miles arrives on Earth-42, he goes to visit “his” boyfriend.
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, violence, foul language
a/n. Girl that’s not meee!!! 😫
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“What the hell was that...?”
Y/n lowered the volume of the TV, straining his neck to catch a glimpse of his dimly lit room. Miles stumbled into the living room, drenched in rain, his eyes wide with a hint of panic. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. "Man, Miles, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Y/n walked toward his slightly trembling boyfriend, a small smile forming on his face. "You took out your braids? Well, I'm definitely not doing them again." Miles frowned, his eyes welling up with tears. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. Y/n looked at him, perplexed. "Sorry? For what?" Miles continued, disregarding Y/n's question. "I'm sorry for being careless, for neglecting you. I should have cherished what we had, but I got caught up with Gwen, and it cost me something important. I'm so sorry..." Miles's voice trailed off, tears coming down his face. Y/n stared at his boyfriend in disbelief before bursting into laughter, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Miles, baby, what telenovelas have you been watching? And who the hell is Gwen...?" Y/n settled back onto the couch, motioning for Miles to join him.
Miles looked at Y/n, confusion etched on his face. "You don't remember? The huge fight we had?" he asked, clearly puzzled. Y/n whipped away the tears. "Miles, the only thing we've argued about in the past few weeks is which flavor of cake we should make... I don't remember any major fight." Y/n picked up the remote, flipping through the channels, skipping his favorite show since he knew Miles didn't enjoy it. "Wait, go back. I love this show," Miles exclaimed, grabbing the remote from Y/n's hand. Now, it was Y/n's turn to be surprised. "What! No, Miles, you literally threw a bagel at me the last time I put this on!" Y/n chuckled. "A bagel? What is with me and throwing bagels...?” Miles muttered, "Was it at least buttered?" Y/n rolled his eyes, getting up and heading to the kitchen. "I'm getting popcorn. If you're really into this show, we'll be here for a while." Miles nodded, satisfied with the response.
While waiting for the popcorn, Y/n decided to browse through his phone when a text from Miles popped up. Y/n glanced at the living room and smiled before focusing on the text:
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Who you with?
Y/n I know you see this.
You fr ignorin me?
Y/n remained frozen, staring at the text for exactly three minutes, desperately hoping it was some kind of twisted joke. Snapping back to reality, Y/n looked down at the message and quickly gave a response.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Is this a joke?
Miles. I’m with you rn
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Why would I joke abt this? 😑
I’m with my Uncle Aaron rn
Does he look exactly like me?
Get away from him until I get there
Before Y/n could hit send, "Miles" entered the kitchen, questioning the delay. "What's taking you so long? Is the microwave not working?" "Miles" peered through the transparent part, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. Y/n swiftly grabbed his phone, retreating a few steps, attempting to avoid any suspicion. "Uh, yeah, maybe you can fix it? I need to use the bathroom," Y/n replied, never taking his eyes off the impostor. Once out of "Miles'" sight, Y/n rushed toward the bathroom. "Damn it, why didn't I grab a knife!" Y/n cursed, making sure to lock the door behind him. "Is this one of them Mandela catalogue shits? Oh, please, let it not be!" Y/n whispered anxiously, crawling into the bathtub and opening his phone to find multiple notifications from Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Answer me
Where is he?
Are you hiding?
Get something to defend yourself
It’s gonna alright, I swear
I’m hiding
Are you almost here?
Y/n’s thumbs hovered over the screen, his hands trembling. His mind going blank, until he heard a knock at the bathroom door. A voice came from the other side, “Babe?” Y/n got up, putting his ear to the door “Miles?” The voice on the other side responded “Who else? You doing good in there?” Y/n noticed the lack of Miles’ accent, so he crossed out the option that it was his Miles. He still decided to play it off until his Miles gets here “Y-yeah…I just feel a little sick, that’s all. I’ll be out in a minute.” He heard a hum from the other side, “Alright. You aren’t mad about that thing, are you?” Y/n furrows his brows, “N-no, I told you I don’t even remember it…”.
"Miles" chuckled. "Alright, hurry up. We're already halfway through an episode," Y/n nodded, listening to the fading sound of footsteps. A notification caught his attention—a text from the real Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
we’re here
I’m in the bathroom
Stay there
I’ll come get you
Y/n followed the instructions, remaining inside the bathroom. He tried to calm his racing thoughts, finding solace in the fact that Miles was strong and capable of handling weird situations. After all, he had chosen to date Y/n, so he must possess some level of resilience. Opening the conversation with Miles, Y/n scrolled through their messages, a twinge of worry still lingering in his chest. What if Miles couldn't handle this? "I shouldn't be thinking like this," Y/n muttered, attempting to push the negative thoughts aside.
Another voice echoed from the other side of the door, calling out to Y/n. "Y/n, Bebé, are you in there?" It was Miles. Relief washed over Y/n, as he quickly opened the door to see his boyfriend. Without hesitation, Y/n pulled Miles into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down his face. "Oh my god! You have no idea how scared I was. I thought he were one of those creepy anomalies that impersonate people." Miles returned the embrace, looking at Y/n with a puzzled expression. "The ones from TikTok?" He chuckled, finding humor in Y/n's paranoia. Y/n nodded, lifting his head from Miles' shoulder. "I can't believe I kissed a complete stranger..." Y/n sighed, still in disbelief. Miles pulled back slightly, his frown evident. "You did what?" he questioned. Y/n quickly backtracked, "Nothing... Just forget it." Pulling Miles back into the warm hug, Y/n chose to ignore the current gaze Miles directed at him.
“We’re gonna talk about that.”
“No we aren’t.”
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Gonna drop this here before I completely disconnect from the outside world.
What aboutttt bestie Sasha introducing you and drugDealer!Ony at a party, only to find out y’all already know each other very, very well.
me and you like this fr🤞🏽 we share a brain. you are me and i am you. i love you twin😩 we gon use shy!reader for this one bc regular reader would’ve been made it known that he was her man😭
“girl let’s goooo. you wont die if you just lived a little.” your roommate sasha sighed as she watched you look yourself over for the third time. “i don’t know sash. it’s a little short for me” fingers toying with the fabric of the short skirt as you looked at your unrecognizable reflection.
you weren’t really the type to wear this kind of stuff. going for a calmer, more covered up look rather than the cute skimpy outfits sasha would wear. but since this was your first party your roomate insisted you borrow some of her clothes. “girl you look sexy as fuck. if i wasn’t with connie i’d definitely hit that.”
sasha light tapped your ass before turning on her heals and leaving your room. “i’ll be in the car bitch. don’t take all night in here staring at yourself.” you sighed before picking up your purse and following her. as soon as the two of you walked in the door the smell of weed and alcohol hit you, making your scrunch up your face as you fanned your hands in the air to clear the smoke.
“no need to be doing allat girl. i’m getting you high tonight anyways.” sasha giggled as she watched your eyes widen. the two of you walked deeper into the party, eventually stopping in the kitchen for some drinks. you settled for a small cup of casamigos while sasha grabbed a couple shots of fireball.
you didn’t get the chance to take a sip of your drink before sasha began pulling you towards the backyard. “we gotta go cop some weed before we start.” you gave her a puzzled look. “connie’s not here so where you gon get it from?” your question was immediately answered when the two of you stopped in front of a man leaning on the wall.
he was tall, about 6’3 wearing his sweatpants sagging a little under his briefs. his black tee fit snug, stretching a little as his arms flexed while he was lighting the blunt in his mouth. “ony ony onyyyy.” sasha yelled as she gave the guy a side hug. “yoo sash. what you need?”
ony gave you a calm glance, eyeing you as he took a long hit from the blunt. sasha took his expression as confusion, explaining the situation to prevent any confusion. “oh!! ony this is my best friend and roommate y/nnn!!” she turned towards you, laying her hand on your shoulder to give ony an introduction as well. “y/n this is onyankopon. connie’s bestest friend and my backup plug.”
ony chuckled as he held his heart. “damn that’s all i am?” sasha sighed loudly before correcting herself. “and he’s my friend” his large hand outstretched, waiting for you to shake it. your hand slowly connected with his, looking away shyly as his deep voice rang through your ears. “nice t’meet you sweetheart. what y’all ladies lookin for tonight.”
sasha opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. “hello?….the fuck you mean?….ughhh okay….okayyy i hear you damn.” you and ony looked at her in confusion. “uhhh we gotta go. connie stupid ass left his gun in my trunk and he needs it now.” sasha rolled her eyes as she put the fireballs on the nearby chair.
you honestly didn’t wanna go to connie’s, knowing damn well the two of them was gon end up arguing then fucking mad loud upstairs while you sat on the couch watching spongebob. ony could tell you didn’t want to go by looking at your face offering to take you home instead. “i can take her. if you okay wit that” sasha immediately shook her head. “hell nah she don’t know you like that. ian gon do that to my girl.”
ony shook his head as he watched you stand there with your hands behind your back, swaying from side to side as you quietly watched the two of them go back and forth. “sash i know how y’all be getting and i know she don’t feel like sitting in the living room while you get your back blown out by my brother.” a giggle flew out of your lips as sasha gasped in shock. “oh my goddd y’all be hearing usss??”
the two of you nodded your head before sasha looked away in embarrassment. “you okay wit going wit this bum?” brown eyes looking him up and down before a small smile crept on your lips. “i don’t mind as long as you don’t drive fast.” ony’s lips twitched into a smirk. gold grills peeking at you before he replied. “i’ll drive at whatever pace you want.”
“oohhhh my godddd faster daddyyy.” you moaned as ony pounded into you. hand lying flat on your back as you drooled all over his seats. strings of your arousal kept the two of you connected as you started fucking yourself back onto his dick. “that’s right mama throw that shit back. you know how i like it.” your ass clapped repeatedly on his stomach as you moaned his name.
“love your lil outfit princess. look so sexy wit this skimpy shit on.” ony’s hand gripped the skirt that was bunched up around your hips. tugging on it to fuck you onto him harder. he took his other hand and landed two rough slaps to your ass. “ooouuu mhm.” your ass poked out more are you prayed for more of the delicious contact. “you like that mama? like when daddy spanks you?”
“ y-yea. w-want daddy t’be rough wit me.” ony smiled at your change in behavior. just thirty minutes ago you were quiet as a mouse, barely able to look him in the eye. but now here you were, getting your back blown out in the back of ony’s black srt, begging him to fuck you like a slut.
you and ony have been doing this thing for awhile now where you’d act like the two of you weren’t well acquainted in public just to fuck each other like you’re married in private. since he was a very well known guy and you didn’t talk to many people you came up with the idea to leave your little situation a secret.
trying to avoid the drama that came with having a fine ass drug dealer for a boyfriend. it’s been going well in your eyes, but ever since ony saw you all dressed up for this party he knew that tonight he’d have make you fold. wanting your sexy ass all to himself everyday and not just days you were alone and horny.
“i want you t’be my girl” he moaned as he stilled his hips. watching you continue to throw it back on him at a slow pace. his words made you look back at him, hips never faltering as you looked for a hint of untruthfulness in his eyes. “b-but people might-”
“ion give a fuck about how people gon feel. i only want one girl and it’s you.” a moan slipped from your lips as ony began thrusting into you again. light brown palms pushing your back down again before slamming into you repeatedly. “auugghh onyyy.” your hand reached back and gripped his wrist, holding it tightly as you tried to endure the harsh strokes he fed you.
“be mine y/n. that way you can be daddy’s girl every night instead of the nights you home alone.” your pussy fluttered at his words. you loved when he talked like this. “c-can i think ab-about it daddy?” ony leaned down to kiss on your neck. “take your time mama. m’stayin wit you tonight anyways.”
ony ended up crashing at your place that night. chest full of tattoos facing the ceiling as he slept on his back. his black durag that he always left in your dresser fitting snug on his head. while you admired your new boyfriend you were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. “hello?” you whispered. “hey girl m’stayin over at connie’s. you get home safe?hope he didn’t drive too fast.” you giggled as you glanced at ony’s sleeping figure, brows furrowed and lips parted as he slept peacefully in your bed.
“i got here fine. he drove really well-” the feeling of ony’s large hand pulling your back to his chest made you gasp before he spoke lowly in your ear. “why you so far away mama? when you stay at my crib you usually like to sleep on my chest.” his sleepy voice rang through the speaker, making sasha gasp. “oh. my. go-”
“see you tomorrow girl byeeee.” you hung up, putting your phone on silent to hush the millions of texts sasha was going to send soon. you turned towards ony before lightly pushing him in his back so you could sleep comfortably on his chest. “goodnight princess.” he grumbled before falling back asleep. you smiled, cuddling your face deeper into his inked chest. “goodnight papa.”
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partycatty · 4 months
giggling at this idea i just thought of but would u consider... hear me out... mk1 johnny finding out that reader has a body pillow of him? like those anime ones but bcs he's a celebrity, someone made one of him too 💀 & reader secretly bought it and tried to hide it/deny it but johnny sees all fr fr
i wrote this and then it got DELETED i almost cried
johnny cage > superfan
johnny never visited your place, but now he sees why.
notes: the way i used to unironically have a bodypillow of a character i'd rather die than admit... this hits so close to home
[ masterlist ]
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you and johnny were an unlikely pair in the grand scheme of things. you were a toned down worker in your own field while his face was plastered on every billboard, magazine, and teenage girl's home screens. at the end of the day, though, you were both humans in love and that's all that genuinely mattered.
johnny's arm that was slung around you as you two cuddled on his couch shakes you back to reality.
"you know what's funny?" he suddenly brings up, closing the tiktoks you were watching together. "we always come to my place. never yours. i've only ever seen the inside when i pick you up."
there wasn't a hint of annoyance or accusatory language in his voice; he was curious. as he typically is.
"i don't know," you shrug nonchalantly, hoping to get the topic over with. "your place is nicer." this was entirely true. despite downsizing after his divorce and other events he has yet to disclose to you, he still had a truly nice home. it radiated the energy of a celebrity without needing the size, but was just homey enough for you to spend your nights there when you felt like it.
"so?" his eyebrow quirks up.
"so, it's better to hang out here. my apartment isn't all that exciting, not a lot of room to do much."
"but it's the person that excites me," he replies quickly, kissing your forehead. "plus, all we usually do is sit on my couch here. what's the difference of doing it there?"
as your mouth opens and closes to try and dismiss the subject, johnny turns to face you completely with a beaming grin.
"can i come over tomorrow?" he asks, like it's your first date with him. his eyes are bright, like a kid asking for permission from his mother. you couldn't even bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you swallow hard. there wasn't necessarily a true reason to not have him over, but preparing for his arrival would take a considerable amount of effort to... redecorate. finally, you nod with a sheepish smile, and johnny plants a slap-like kiss to your lips as a thank you.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
the following morning, you were throwing your piles and piles of collectibles into boxes and shoving them into your closet. the replica of his brass knuckles or figurines of ninja mime had to go before he arrived. johnny couldn't know that on top of being his girlfriend, you were a fan. and not just any fan, a superfan. every piece of evidence had to be thrown into a corner lest you face his endless prodding and teasing. besides, even if he was a celebrity, he probably didn't expect his partner to have such belongings. it felt... wrong. but even still, you couldn't help but support him in his works!
a knock at the door makes you visibly jump as you're kicking the last of the merch under your couch. wiping your hands, you race to the front door and take a deep breath, making sure you plugged in your wall scents and lit your candles. you swing it open and johnny peeks his head in, glancing around with his typical grin. he puts his sunglasses atop his head to adjust to the indoor lighting, a curious glint in his eye.
"i don't know what you were talking about," johnny finally says, hands on his hips. "it's nice here. quaint."
"i think that's just calling me poor politely," you reply as you fight a smirk. johnny tenses up, already apologetic before you reach up to kiss his check. "i'm teasing, dear. now what?"
"a movie?"
"not one of yours."
"we didn't even finish citizen cage last time!"
you roll your eyes at his puppy-like stare. you immediately cave in with a huff. as his own version of a thank you, johnny swoops over and picks you up, sure to support your ass more than your thighs as they wrap around his waist. he shoots you a devious grin, as if to say "i can't help it!"
you're playfully tossed onto the couch, and you have just enough time to chuck a throw pillow in his direction as he heads toward your bedroom.
"i'm stealing your comforter," he announces. "since i don't see a regular blanket around here." you gulp, remembering your johnny cage themed throw blanket that once laid on that very couch. thankfully, it's buried under your other laundry.
"not everyone has blankets for every occasion!" you shout back, settling into your new spot and allocating space for his large body. that is, until you hear eruptive laughter come from your room. of course it was johnny, but the laugh was so hysterical, so out of character, you partially wondered if he had gotten possessed. "babe?" as you're about to rise from your spot, johnny responds in an unusually high pitched voice, strained from the cackling.
"why do you have this?!" his grin is audible, dripping from his upward inflection. your stomach drops, but you try to play dumb in case it's not what you expect.
"have what?" your voice is low, unwilling to give anything away. your question is answered when johnny emerges from the hallway, holding up your dakimakura with one hand, slung around its painted shoulder.
your face heats up in record time. it's a drawing - a realistic one - of johnny, laying down. the other side features the same, except blushing and only in boxers. you must have forgot to fully hide it, and left it on your bed like a fool. and what a fool you were for thinking a simple blanket would conceal it. times like these you wish you could afford a throw blanket to bury yourself in it and hope he'd go away.
"if you wanted me in your bed, you could've just asked," he giggles to himself, admiring the possession. "hey, at least they got my features right."
"please put that away before i die of embarrassment," you quietly beg, voice muffled by your head in your hands.
"really though, doll," johnny's smile doesn't disappear, just lessens. "why, of all things, do you own a bodypillow of me?"
"it was limited edition," you mutter. "the artist put it on sale."
"limited edition? you're a collector?"
shit. you sold yourself.
"collector of what?"
"i could deduce that. i won't judge you, honey." he kneels down to meet your level, putting his hands on your knees as he sets the pillow down beside you.
"i, uh... i collect things. related to you." johnny's face freezes, lip twitching in amusement as you continue to defend yourself. "i'm not weird about it, though."
"except for the pillow."
"50% went to charity!"
"touché. don't worry about it, sugar," johnny kisses your forehead. "there are worse things to collect. if anything, you're pretty lucky to have a famous boyfriend. lots of stuff to collect. you want one of my shirts? i'll sign it for you—"
"enough, enough," you giggle, swatting your hands at nothing. "this is already mortifying for me. you should see the rest—" you stop in your tracks, smile dropping in an instant.
"there's more?" as he asks, you two stare at each other in disbelief. and before you could react, he darts off to your bedroom, pushing himself off of the wall as he nearly runs into it. you shout-laugh as you follow after him.
"JOHNNY!" as you turn the corner to stand in your bedroom doorway, johnny charges at you and slings you over his shoulder. all you can do is half-resist his grip as he swings your closet door open. your legs kick against his body, and you're slapping his back. "DON'T LOOK!!"
"i can't not look!" he protests, patting your ass playfully. his hand falls to his hip as he inspects your crammed closet just as his grin widens once more. "is that a life-size ninja mime cutout?"
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mxqdii · 9 months
hey! i love love your work, and i was wondering if i could request a chris sturniolo x fem!reader?
maybe reader is also a well known influencer, or an actress or something of the sort, and there’s rumours about her and chris being together that they haven’t really confirmed?
but they are dating and she’s on live one day and he calls her like an intimate pet name, or just overall says something that shows they are in fact together and like the comments on the live just go crazy and stuff and shes like telling chris she’s on live or whatver
im so sorry if this doesnt make sense 🙏🙏
stop bc i requested pretty much this same thing to another author (on wattpad) a few months back, so when i read this request it was such an "i made it" moment (i love u sm, you're just like me fr fr)
baby - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: chris accidentally calls reader 'baby' while she's on live, revealing to the whole world that they're dating/
warning(s): fluff, reader calling chris bro 😔
not proofread
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i'm sitting on the couch, watching tv, bored out of my mind.
then an idea hits me, i could go on live!
i used to go live a lot with the triplets, but only on their account, so it would be fun to go live on mine.
i open instagram and click the live button, watching the stream fill with thousands of people
"holy shit that's a lot of people" i say with a nervous laugh
"uhh i guess i'll answer any questions anyone has! so feel free to ask anything!" i add, smiling
i read through the comments, lots of them asking where the triplets are
i can't help but notice seeing a few asking if me and chris are dating.
fortunately, those allegations are true! but we've decided to keep it quiet for, just for now.
still, there’s only so much one can hide from the public
and although me and chris haven't said anything, i think everybody knows anyway.
people can see our glances, our gestures, how close we are, it's all pretty obvious.
i answer a few questions like my favorite singer, when my next video is coming out, podcast stuff with the triplets, and just some other various topics.
suddenly i hear the door unlock, looking over at it, but not really caring.
maybe i can get whichever triplet that is to join my live.
chris walks in and i smile in his direction
"hey baby" he says and my expression immediately drops.
i look at him, PALE.
(absolutely terrified to look back at the screen)
"what?" he says, walking closer, i turn my head to the screen, anticipating my death.
i let out a sigh of relief seeing the comments
@ssturniolo BABY???
@strniolo AWWWWWWWW
@lvrsparadise GOODBYE I LOVE THEM.
@ellieswifie this is such a chris and y/n mistake 😭
@lavieenvalentina i'm so happy for them i'll cry
(shoutout to everyone tagged ILY<;3)
as i'm reading the comments, i smile, chris hovering over me reading them too
suddenly he hugs me from behind, squeezing me tight
"chris!" i say laughing
"let me go bro" i whine
"you did not just call me bro" he says, immediately stopping
his death glare makes me laugh
"consider it payback for you calling me baby on live" i say laughing
(him clearly not amused)
"okay fine fine im sorry, guys it's all okay he's not my bro please let me redeem myself" i say joking on the last part
me and chris stay on live for another 30 minutes, answering questions about how we got together and just stuff about our relationship.
"bye guys we love you!!" i say, ending the live
i close out of insta, putting my phone down with an exhausted sigh
"so?" i mumble, anticipating chris's response
"so? so nothing" he say's with a smile and i face palm
"chris! we just told like, the world that we're dating" i laugh
"yeah, and i'm happy about it, like honestly i can't think of a better way it could've happened" he says
we both look at eachother and burst out laughing
"we're a little interesting thats for sure" i say
"i can't believe we tell the world we're dating ON ACCIDENT and then you start calling me bro" chris says, making me laugh harder
"i was nervous! im sorry!" i yell with my hands up in defense
"yeah yeah, it's fine" he says, wrapping his arms around me
"bro" he adds on
"chris i swear to god-"
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Best of Friends With A Little Extra (Doctor Who)
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: Based on the prompt: “People who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.”
CW: smut (gn), hair pulling, back scratching, friends with benefits (but not really- they're in love), fluff
Doctor Who tag list: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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“People who’re just friends don’t do shit like this and you know it,” you pant into the Doctor’s ear. 
“Oh, come on- I thought we were the best of friends, darling-” he breaks off into a moan, eyes clenching shut as you contract your muscles around him. His arms are almost shaking as he holds himself above you. He relaxes them, propping himself up on his elbows to press hot open-mouthed kisses to your lips. “Best- oh- best friends.”
You rake your nails down his back and delight in the way he moans, cock twitching inside you with pleasure. He always did like a little bit of pain with his pleasure, your Doctor. 
“We are- ngh- best friends, dear,” you moan out, rocking your hips to meet his thrusts. You reach out to yank on his pretty hair. The Doctor’s head tilts to the side and you see the pink flush crawling up his skin. “But we’re more than that and you know it.” 
The Doctor breaks out into a cheeky grin, giving you a particularly hard thrust that causes your hand to fall from his hair and cover your mouth to keep the escaping yelp in. 
“Perhaps,” the Doctor acquiesces, beginning to thrust faster, chasing his orgasm. He nips at your jaw playfully. “But- oh- sh-hit, you feel good- uh, uh, where was I?”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles from your chest, though it draws out into a moan as the Doctor leans up, grabs your hips tightly with both hands and drives his cock inside you as far as he can, sinking in until you’re worried you might burst with the fullness. 
“You- oh, fuck- um, were saying per-perhaps,” you managed to grunt out, pleasure swirling in your gut as you grew closer and closer to your edge. 
“Oh yes, that’s right,” the Doctor pants, giving your thigh a little pat before going back to gripping at your hip. You think there might be light bruises there by the time he’s done, and you cannot wait to admire them later. “Best friends- but you’re right- best- ngh- fr-friends don’t screw each other’s brains out on the- fu-huck- TARDIS floor, do they?” 
You shake your head, biting down on your lip as you feel the Doctor’s hips start to stutter. He’s close. You are too. 
“B-brilliant,” he grins, but the expression morphs into a pleasured ‘o’ as you clench particularly tightly around him. “You’re brilliant, you are.” 
Your thighs are shaking around his hips now, the pleasure growing sharper and sharper. You roll your hips back against him and he lets out the most delicious moan that makes your core tighten that little bit more. God, you’re gonna- 
“So tight,” he groans. “Cum for me, please? Please- please-” 
That does it for you, hearing him plead for your release so desperately. Your pleasure crescendos, tight ripples of blinding satisfaction spread from your hole as the Doctor cries out, ropes of thick cum exploding inside you. You feel him filling you up, and it only serves to heighten your sensitivity. You grapple to hold onto him as your entire body shakes with pleasure. The Doctor’s hips are stuttering into you erratically, slowing down until he eventually stills inside you, leaning down to wrap you up in his arms. 
You’re still twitching, the endorphins taking root in your system and giving you that happy post-sex glow that you love so much. 
“There you are, so perfect for me. So brilliant,” the Doctor mumbles into your neck, pressing kisses all over your skin wherever he can reach. 
You lay there on his coat for another little while, drinking in each other's skin with featherlight touches and appreciative glances until the hard floor becomes too much for you both. 
You retire to the shower together to clean up, and you end up cuddling for a while in the warm jets of water. 
Life is not always peaceful with the Doctor, but moments like this make it worth it. He’s always worth it. 
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selfishdoll · 8 months
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❛ IM SORRY...❜
Oh, tell me what you're willing to do? | Kiss it, kiss it better, baby ⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 ♡ KISS IT BETTER
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ཐིཋྀ ⊹ 𓈒 SUMMARY.
you’re sick of choso being late for dates.. unfortunately he knows the perfect way to make it all better.
mdni, reader is petty fr <3, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, groveling choso (lowkey), fingering, multiple orgasms, pet names, praise, etc.
ཐིཋྀ ⊹ 𓈒 NOTE.
on my munch choso agenda & he seems like the type to eat pussy to make it up to you. unedited, please excuse typos & grammar mistakes.
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He was late. Again. For the third time. Your blood boiled within you, ass planted on your couch when it should be in your boyfriend’s car; on the way to your favorite restaurant. But no, Kamo Choso decided to ignore his alarm, and your many texts plus phone calls; to only answer them about thirty minutes after the time you two were supposed to be there.
Despite how remorseful he was on the phone, you were still a bit pissed; something he sensed easily.
With a soft grumble to yourself you rose from the couch, padding over to your bedroom. Your good mood was gone, you wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and watch some tv. Nothing Choso did would fix his mistake this time.
Entering the bedroom you sat at your vanity, beginning to remove your jewerly. First your rings, bracelet, and whilst working on your necklace you heard your front door open; causing your eyes to roll.
“(Y/N)?” Choso called, fiddling with his keys for a moment, shoulders faltering when you didn’t reply. Yeah, he knew he screwed up bad. Taking a breath he kicked his shoes off, waltzing over to your bedroom and peeking in to see you wiping your mascara away with a wipe. “I’m sorry for being late, we can still go.”
You didn’t answer, not even bothering to look at him as you continued to wipe away the minor makeup. Choso leaned against your doorframe, lips pressed into a thin line as he attempted to search for the words to change your mind. You were always so stubborn when you got like this, something he found cute until it was directed at him.
His thoughts trailed away the moment he heard your chair push out, watching you stand and waltz over to your closet; refusing to acknowledge him. You searched through your clothes for a moment before settling on a simple nightgown, moving backwards to your bed and sitting down. You leaned over, attempting to unclasp the anklet you wore, grumbling when it proved difficult given your nails. Finally fed up you sat up, extending your leg to Choso.
“Finally acknowledging me?”
“Just take off my anklet.” You mumbled, glancing away from him. The man gave a soft sound of disbelief mixed with amusement, moving closer and grabbing your leg. He pressed it against his chest, fingers fiddling with the gold plated jewelry of his name for a moment before his fingers trailed across your skin.
“You know I didn’t mean to oversleep.”
“And I’m really sorry too.” Choso claimed, watching your cross your arms and slowly nod. The man smiled a bit, leaning down to press a kiss to your ankle, feeling you twitch. That was enough motivation, lowering the kisses until they hit your inner thigh, watching you finally glance at him. “Choso..” You spoke, attempting to pull your leg away, only for his grip to tighten on your ankle. Your breath hitched as his free hand began to push your dress up to your stomach, lowering until he rested on his knees. “Choso.” You called out again, hissing the moment you felt his lips press against your covered slit.
“Lemme make it up to you princess. Show you how sorry I really am.”
Choso’s fingers caught on the band of your panties, pulling them down and off your body, hands grabbing the inside of your thighs to spread you wider. The man wasted no time in driving his thick tongue up your slit, fingers digging into your flesh to assure you didn’t move an inch. Lapping at your sex, shifting between teasing your entrance and tracing your sensitive bud; continuing to grip you with each twitch of your thighs.
Your resolve was melting away, struggling to keep your moans at bay. You wanted to be mad at him, even if it was an honest mistake. You wanted to be petty and ignore him. But, he was just so damn good with his tongue. A messy eater that left you shaking and trembling with each careful swipe of his wicked muscle. You bit your palm, legs closing around his head as your eyes pinched close; widening the moment two fingers entered you, curling against your spongy walls. Your hand flew to his hair, his messy black tresses being pulled in a tight grip.
“There it is..” The man murmured, pulling back from your cunt; thumb quickly replacing his tongue on your clit. His digits thrusted and scissored inside you, furiously rubbing circles on the bud— all while his heavy lidded eyes stared up at you. “That’s it.. Not as mad as you were before, huh?”
You whimpered as his fingers went deeper, all the way down to the knuckle as wet squelches erupted from between your legs. You wanted to defend your case, maybe curse him out too— instead you could only moan and shake, losing yourself in the pleasurable apology.
Choso gave a knowing smile, enjoying the way your previously irritated expression melted into nothing but pure ecstasy. He would give a proper apology later but now, this would do.
“Can’t even speak.. that’s okay, she’s talking enough for you.” The man spoke, removing his thumb to go right back to sucking and lapping at your swollen button; unfazed as your thighs continued to close around his head. Your hips rose, grinding into his face as the band in your stomach tightened and tightened.
His name fell from your lips in a dazed mantra, eyes glazed over before you broke; a high pitched cry escaping you as you came— tainting his face in your mess. Your legs shook, greedily sucking up air as you attempted to come down from the high; all while he continued to suck and thrust his fingers inside you.
Soon enough the sensitivity became too much, hand sliding from his hair to push at his forehead— whining as the pleasure teetered on painful. Choso didn’t let up however, quickening his fingers all while sucking your poor bud raw. Tears of overstimulation trailed down your hot cheeks, head twisting back and forth as you tried to somehow run from the pleasure. You only got an inch away before he was releasing your thigh to instead lay his heavy arm across your lower stomach; holding you there.
“Cho—Choso.. please fuck—! I forgive you.. fuck I can’t—“ Whimpers escaped you, the pushes against his forehead becoming weak as your hips rose into his face. Your were making such a mess of yourself, him, and your blankets; something you couldn’t give a damn about at the moment.
Your stomach clenched harder than before, both hands gripping his hair as your back arched; his name exiting your throat incoherently, creaming all over his face and fingers.
You sniffled and breathed heavy, blurry eyes watching Choso slowly pull away from you after lapping all your juices up. He crawled over your tired body, fingers finding your cheeks to turn you, capturing your lips in a nasty, wet kiss. Your hand lazily grasped his arm, blinking heavily, hissing when his thigh brushed between your legs.
“Hurts, Choso..” You spoke softly, pulling back to breathe. The man chuckled at your words, leaning down to kiss your wet cheek.
“I know. I’ll be gentle next time.” A lie. One you both knew.
His strong arms reached under you, pulling you into him as he laid on his side. “I am really sorry for sleeping through my alarm, I know how much you wanted to go.”
You shook your head slowly, smiling at your lover tenderly. “No. You worked the night shift, I have to be a little more understanding.” You spoke, fingers trailing his arm to which Choso smiled back. The two of you shared another sweet kiss, hands brushing across the other’s form.
“How about we order in?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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calypsocolada · 9 months
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PERCEPTIVE | o. dazai
synopsis: you don't smile around dazai and he's been wondering why. authors note: no notes just dazai. cw: suggestive, making out, flirting, fem reader, c*ckblock kunikida (plot device because i suck writing smut lol) wc: 3k
Dazai liked causing mischief. He liked keeping people on their toes, and liked annoying his coworkers. You were no exception. When you were hired on as his new assistant the first thing he noticed about you was how you persevered through all his antics. 
He’d accidentally spill coffee on important documents but somehow you had copies. He’d be running late to work and expect a verbal lashing from Kunikida but when he’d get there Kunikida would be happily content and unaware of his absence. 
You were smarter than you let on. 
So Dazai started to test you. 
He’d write bad reports and make a mess of his desk and come back an hour later to find everything in tip top shape and the reports written so impeccably that even Kunikida would be impressed. After a few days of this he saw bags under your eyes and knew it was because he was stressing you out. He stopped the tests right then because you seemed like the type to suffer in silence. He felt that was on par with him. 
So from then on Dazai started to try and make things easier on you. He’d write good enough reports, keep his desk clean and often buy you lunch. He was searching for one thing in return. 
A smile. 
You smiled at everybody else and no matter the jokes or things he did for you you were always just very professional. It drove Dazai mad. He didn’t know why he wanted to make you smile so bad. Or why he wanted to hear your laugh. Let alone why he bought you lunch everyday and started trying harder at his job. These questions started popping up in his brain more often now. He’d sit at his desk and steal glances at yours. You were very elegant, that was another thing he noticed. Your handwriting was perfect, the way you ate, no matter what it was you found a neat way to eat it. Your voice was soft and you read at your desk on slow days. Dazai started writing down books that you read so that he could read them and see if he could find some part of you hidden between the lines. 
All of this was driving him crazy. 
The last straw broke when he saw you talking to Kunikida one day in the breakroom. You were at the table with him, legs crossed, hair in a loose braid. You were smiling and laughing. At Kunikida. Dazai couldn’t comprehend what could be so funny. Let alone Kunikida saying something that could make you laugh like that. 
That was the moment it hit him. Like a ton of bricks, sitting at his desk staring across the room at you. It all fell into place like leaves on a fall day. Dazai never thought it could happen, let alone to himself. He loved you. He was sick to his stomach, a love bug infecting his entire person. He’d never felt more stupid in his life. If he saw anyone else acting this way he could figure it out in seconds but since it was happening to him he had just shrugged it off. But he couldn’t do that anymore because he felt physically ill watching Kunikida make you laugh. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to be happy but goddamnit he wanted to be that cause of happiness sometimes for you. 
Dazai let his head fall into his hand, sighing and groaning obnoxiously loud. He literally had a book you were reading last week on his desk, how could he have been so blind? 
“Mr. Dazai?” A pleasant voice broke through his melancholia. He slowly raised his head to see you, standing by his desk. Your braid was tucked behind your back, loose strands of hair falling in your face. For some reason his throat closed up. All this thinking had stuttered his ability to speak to you now because now he knew. He knew what you meant to him. 
“Hm?” Was all he could muster and he felt pathetic for it.
“Would you like a coffee?” You asked and he knew it was because you had caught him looking fraught. You were so perceptive. Dazai cleared his throat.
“I would,” He says pushing up from his chair, you look at him in confusion. 
“Tagging along?” You ask and he nods his head. You lead the way and Dazai can’t help but feel like an idiot. He finally had you alone and he was walking two steps behind you unable to speak. A part of him wished he never figured it out. You slowed your pace so that you two were walking side by side. “Something on your mind, Mr. Dazai?” You asked, tilting your head to catch his eyes. It works and you have him blushing. 
“Uh- nono, nothing’s-- just uh- enjoying the weather.” He says, making a show of looking at the sky. You slowly nod your head, obviously unconvinced.
“Uh huh, it’s getting chilly, do you like the fall?” You ask as Dazai clears his throat, pursing his lips. He was being so utterly uncool around you it was making him annoyed. 
“It’s preferable to summer, do you like the fall?” 
“Yes.” You answer simply. Dazai looks over at you, watches your eyes dance along a tree, the leaves changing with the season. He admires you as you admire the world. You’re so pretty, so interesting he wonders if someone has already noticed that about you, wonders if you already have someone that cares and that you love. It twists his stomach thoroughly. “Mr. Dazai?” God he wanted you to call him Osamu, he wondered how it would sound on your lips.
“Uh yes?” He stutters when he remembers you addressed him. 
“Read much?” You ask, there's a slight amusement to your voice that he picks up on immediately. His eyes devour your facial expressions. You were teasing him, which meant you had seen the book on his desk, even when he tried to hide it discreetly under a stack of papers. 
“Apparently.” He answers as you turn to face him. 
“That’s the third book you’ve read of mine, are you trying to tell me something?” You ask, your lips curving into something close to a smile. He wanted more.
“Just trying to figure you out.” He answers, a slight breeze picking up at his words. 
“Have you?”
“Have I what?”
“Figured me out.” You answer, turning to look straight ahead as the sidewalk gets a bit busier. Dazai pushes through to keep close to you. 
“You read stories of tragic love. This last one nearly brought a tear to my eyes. Though from what I’ve observed it barely affects you.”
“It’s just a story.” You answer, holding the door to the cafe open for him.
“You don’t get attached to the characters?” He asks as you two stand shoulder to shoulder in a very long line. 
“I do. I just can’t cry at work, that might freak some people out.” You say wryly. Dazai chuckles warmly. 
“Might I suggest your next read?” He asks as you turn your head to meet his eyes. 
“Maybe something romantic, with less tragedy.”
“I like the dramatics.” You answer with a scuff of a laugh. 
“You’re very serious.” Dazai says, watching you raise your brows. 
“Yes, is that okay?”
“More than. I need that balance.”
“Oh do you know?” You ask, there’s something in your voice, something in the way you spoke that has Dazai pausing. Unluckily for him your two are next, you put in the order and he follows you to the other side of the counter to wait for your drinks. He watched as you tucked some loose hair behind your ear and smiled gently at the barista as they handed you the drinks. So a barista could get a smile but Dazai couldn’t? You handed him his drink, his fingers brushing yours in the exchange and that’s when he saw it. Just barely after the touch your cheeks pinkened and you slyly looked away from him as you took a sip of your drink. The little moment was so quick that he thought he might’ve dreamt it. You led the way back outside and held the door for him. This time he purposefully brushed against you and this time your cheeks reddened. Dazai hid his smirk behind his cup as he started walking.
“You have a very pretty smile, you know?” He asks, carefully watching how you reacted. It took you a moment to speak. 
“I don’t think so.” You answered simply, seemingly cool but Dazai had sniffed a trail and he was going to follow it.
“You don’t?”
“It envelopes my face too much.”
“It’s perfect, it makes your face light up, but how would I know since you never smile around me…” He trails off teasingly. He doesn’t miss the quick glance you give him. As if realizing he noticed something you were keeping hidden.
“Your a menace, Mr. Dazai. What’s to smile about?”
“Call me Osamu.” Your midship as he says it, his voice all saccharine honey. You choke slightly, coughing. “Oh dear, slow sips.”
“Hush. It.” You cough out, clearing your throat. Dazai laughs wholeheartedly. Your eyes find his face, he’s so pretty when he laughs. He squints at you and you look away quickly. Guess he didn’t need those books to figure you out because now he knew all. 
“We should go out to dinner tonight.” Dazai says casually, carelessly as though he was speaking of the weather. 
“Dinner?” You echo and he looks down at you, nodding his head. “For what purpose?”
“A date.”
“A- date?” You echoed again, he didn’t take his eyes from yours. Again he nodded his head, cocking it slightly. 
“That’s what I want, I’m sure it’s what you want to.”
“You’re so sure?” You ask and his lips quirk up in a smirk as he nods his head again. “How so?”
“You don’t smile around me.” He says simply, sipping the rest of his coffee, tossing it in a trash can before slipping his hands in his pocket. You blink. 
“Okay… and?”
“And you don’t like your smile, so why would you do it around someone you fancy?” He asks so casually. Your expression drops as he holds the door open to the building the agency is located in. You pause. He caught you red handed. He purses his lips at you. Never once did you think his little sleuthing skills would sus you out. You bit at the inside of your cheek and cursed yourself for not being able to refute it in time because too many seconds had passed. You sigh, pushing past him. 
“You're annoyingly perceptive.” You say. Dazai laughs at that as you reach and press the button to the elevator. Part of you wishes you can slip on and close the doors real quick before he can but when the doors open, you're too in your head and Dazai strolls on before you can do anything. Dejectedly you walk in too and stand on the opposite side far from him as the doors slide closed. You can feel the weight of his eyes on you, you sip your cold coffee, not enough to ease the heat under your skin. “Stop looking at me.” You whisper as though someone other than Dazai could’ve possibly heard you. 
“Something wrong?” He asks and you can hear the smirk in his voice. It made you miss the moments where he seemed like the nervous one. “You’re extremely red.”
“Shut up.”
“Like the actual shade of maroon.”
“Go to hell.” You snap. 
But why would he be nervous around you if not for… oh. Gaining just the smallest bit of control over the situation you remembered what it meant to see he was reading something you were reading for the first time. Or catching him staring at you across the room multiple times over the day. Him buying you lunch and snapping at Atsushi when he lingered by your desk too long. The door to the elevator slid open and you turned to him, motioning him first.
“Such a lady.” He says, walking out first, you follow. But Dazai stops, blocking the door. “We have work to do, you know?” You sigh but he just leans in and presses a soft kiss against your lips. You let out a little gasp, your coffee splashing onto your hand. You raise your hand to push him away but you feel the warmth of his own eclipse the side of your face, stirring up something in the pit of your stomach. His fingers barely slide into your hair, surely messing up your braid but you can’t find it in you to be annoyed because he’s kissing you so expertly. Walking you back until you're pressed up against the wall just by the detective agency door and pressing himself against you. You let out a small noise that he devours. When he pulls back for a breath you speak.
“Osamu, I-” He’s back on you in seconds. Hearing his name on your pink swollen lips, your voice slightly hoarse and out of breath, he could’ve devoured you whole right there in that moment. Suddenly there’s a click, the door to the agency being pulled open. You shove Dazai off of you and turn away from whoever was walking out. Your cheeks and hair are surely a mess.
“Ah Dazai, of course I’d find you out here slacking off.” Kunikida says disapprovingly, his eyes turning to you. “And keeping Ms. L/n from her duties, shameful.” He says walking further into the hallway. You clear your throat, brushing your fingers through your hair. Kunikida looks at you. 
“Ms. L/n? Are you feeling well? Do you need something?” Kunikida asks.
“Nothing I can’t provide her.” Dazai replies, making your cheeks go even redder. 
“What? Dazai, she looks hot.”
“Yes,” He agrees. “Very hot.”
“Quite messing around!” Kunikida growls.
“I’m fine. Really, just gonna get back to work.” You say, pushing past Dazai back into the agency. You practically run to your desk, burying yourself in your work. Everybody else had left for the day, you just needed to finish one report then you could leave too. Dazai walks in a moment later and stroll to your desk. “Leave me alone.”
“We should talk about what just happened.” Dazai says as you refuse to look up at him, fuming. 
“Nothing happened, I don’t know what you're talking about.” You answer stubbornly. 
“Oh really?” He’s quick, deft fingers sliding under your chin to tilt it up. “Let me jog your memory.” He purrs just before leaning and meeting your lips with his own.You didn’t expect the kiss but that didn’t mean it wasn’t waiting there hungrily between you both for months and months. You didn’t expect his hands, covered in scars, to feel so soft against your face. But you had wanted and needed this so badly your eyes practically pleading every moment you looked at him. The world turned around you as you slowly rose to your feet, Dazai pulling you onto the top of your desk until he was standing between your knees. The grasp you had held onto so tightly was loosening. Your lips parted in a gasp and Dazai, with a growl of barely contained want. And he kissed you deeper and harder. Pressing you back against the desk, things knocking off left and right. Your lips parted in invitation and Dazai was never one to leave an opportunity unexplored. Every part of him was pressing against you, he wanted to make this special, make every touch one that you would crave and remember. He wanted you to be reading your silly books of tragedy in your desk chair and think about this moment. Your hands slipped into his hair, tugging slightly.
“Oh- my god!” Kunikida exclaimed from the door. This was like a bucket of cold water to the moment completely. Dazai pushed up slightly, shooting a glare at Kunikida. “And to think I was worried you were sick.” Kunikida sighs, looking horrified. You pushed Dazai off you, getting to your feet. You didn’t talk as you picked up things you two knocked over onto the ground. Dazai leaned and grabbed the last thing, handing it to you, you grabbed it, your fingers brushing over his. It sent a chill down your spine. You grabbed your bag and looked at your feet as you left, too embarrassed to look Kunikida in the eyes. You rode the elevator alone and when it stopped at the ground floor you slipped out into the cold, inhaling a deep deep breath, leaning against the cold brick. The door pushed open behind you. 
“There you are.” Dazai says, walking and slinging your jacket over your shoulder. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.” You shook your head. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea after everything. I mean,” You sighed. “I’m probably gonna get fired anyways but-”
“No one’s firing anyone.” Dazai says as you bite your lip.
“There’s no way he won’t tell Fukuzawa.” You say as Dazai cocks his head, his brown hair falling into his eyes. 
“There is a way and I already took care of it.” He shrugs as you look up at him.
“That’s a secret.” He says, slowly sliding his arm over your shoulders. “Come on, I’m not letting you walk, it’s too cold.”
“I like the cold.” You say, knowing if you got in that car he’d probably have you in his lap in seconds. It seems any hope of control has now been squandered. If you couldn’t control yourself in the office, his car, with dark windows and a long ride home, was going to prove to be a challenge. 
“Do you really?” He asks with a smirk.
“You better be a gentleman.” You say with a sigh, letting him lead you to his car. 
“I’ll be as gentle as you want, love.” He says and you can’t help it, after being caught red handed you start laughing, rolling your eyes. 
“You’re the worst.” You smile as he leans and presses a kiss to your lips.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
ocean eyes: chapter two ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ocean eyes masterlist
summary: widow!jake sully x female!reader, 10 year age-gap. jake is lowkey sunshine <3 reader is grumpy! arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, eventual smut + wc - 1,753
comments: part two lovers, i love reader, she's is slay girl boss fr ! idk what to say lmao but tysm for the love on part one, i hope you love this just as much! also omg pls check this out, @saltsacc drew what they think reader looks like and she's gorg! i litch cried ! but okay bye lovers <3 part three should be up on thursday <3
previous ✩ next 
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The morning time had come quickly, the bright sun hitting your features and it disrupted your wonderful slumber. But if the sun hadn't woken you up, your sister's voice certainly would have. “Tsmuke! You need to be ready by now. Oh Great Mother, give me strength!”
You rubbed at your sleepy eyes, throwing her an annoyed glance, “Why are you being so strange? They are just other Na’vi. Or let me guess, Eywa has let you know they are of importance?”
Ronal pinched at her nose, “If you must know, he is Toruk Makto. He was the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya. He is important, more than you know!”
You laughed quietly, “Do not let Tonowari hear you, you sound enamored.”
“Stupid girl!”
You laughed louder, shaking your head as you stretched before getting up. “Make haste!”
You hissed at her lightly, your good-hearted nature wearing thin as she rushed you. You quickly washed your face, Ronal helping you by fixing up your hair. “Oh Eywa, you are preparing me like I am going to marry the man!”
She said nothing, her nervous fingers quickly braiding a few pearls into your hair. “What is so special about him anyway?”
“Did you not hear what I said? He is Toruk Makto.”
You huffed in annoyance, “Of course I heard you sister, but-” Your shoulders shrugged, “How mighty can he be if he left his whole clan behind?”
She smacked your shoulder roughly, “Ow! Ronal-”
“Must you always be so crass? His mate died a few years back.”
“How did she die?”
“Protecting her children, in the battle field. I do not know much else.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, instantly feeling guilty, “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. So be kind to him, to all of them.”
“You may think poorly of me sister, but I am not mean.”
Ronal’s fingers stilled in her movements, face scrunching up as she mulled over what you said, “I do not think poorly of you.”
You didn't say anything else, toying with your fingers as you sat in front of Ronal, “Tsmuke, I do not think poorly of you.”
You grumbled out quietly, “You already said that.”
“I-I just want what is best for you, and at times I do not think you know how to find that for yourself.”
“Ronal, I am happy.”
“You are reckless! You think I do not know why you behave the way you do? You want the attention you lacked as a child, but you are grown now. There are responsibilities and duties you must fulfill.”
Her harsh words caused tears to well to your eyes, pulling away from her, “You do not listen!”
“And you do not obey!”
“Why should I? You are my sister, not my mother! Just because you ended up happy with Tonowari does not mean I will end up happy with whoever you stick me with. I love my freedom far too much to give it up.”
She sighed in exasperation, “Well that is not your decision. It is the Great Mother’s and she has spoken to me.”
It dawned upon you then, what all this was about. The enthusiasm to have you meet the Toruk Makto, dressing you up. “You are planning to mate me with that man?”
There was a glimmer of guilt in her eyes, but it was shaken away as she nodded her head. “He is a good man, with a strong heart. He will be good for you.”
Your words were low, quite with disbelief, “I cannot believe you.”
Ronal said nothing, “I always knew you wanted me out of your life, too much of a burden for you and Tonowari but I did not expect you to push me into the arms of the first man you saw!”
A spike of pain ran through Ronal, this is exactly what she feared. She made her way to you, the apology already starting to fall from her mouth but your shaky finger pointing at her stopped her movements. “Stop! Don’t-do not come near me!”
Your ears flattened against your head, the words getting caught in Ronal’s throat as she watched your eyes pool with tears. “Please get out so I can change.”
Ronal’s fear of hurting you even more had her walking out of the marui, leaving you to wallow in your own pity as you dressed yourself.
Tonowari instantly wrapped Ronal into his arms, rubbing against her back to soothe her, “Wari, she is going to hate me for the rest of her life.”
He shushed her quietly, having heard everything that happened, “No she will not, Yawne. You know how nervous you were before we actually mated. It is a big step in our lives, we just need to let her be.”
Ronal let herself bask in the warmth Tonowari provided, pulling away just a few seconds before you stepped out. Ronal’s eyes scanned over you, you looked so beautiful. She wanted to compliment you but knew you'd take it as mockery, some sort of jab to make you feel worse. So she said nothing, walking besides Tonowari and you followed quickly behind the two.
You were far more quiet than normal, and it hit Ronal just how much she actually enjoyed your inability to remain quiet. Tonowari called your name, “Did you hear me?”
“No-I did not.”
“I said I think he will be good for you.”
“If you say so.”
The pair shared a look, your tame behavior caused a sense of worry to nestle into Ronal. They entered the marui of Jake Sully, the Na’vi was sharpening his knives but other than that, it was empty. Tonowari cleared his throat, Jake’s head snapped up and was greeted with the three of you. “Tonowari, Ronal-oel ngati kameie.”
His eyes shifted to you, your eyes were already locked on him and Jake felt his ears twitch. Ronal uttered your name out, “This is my Tsmuke.”
“Oel ngati kameie, Jake Sully.”
“Oel ngati kameie.”
He noticed your intricate top, your pretty hair and how your skin glowed beautifully against the sun. He felt his throat instantly dry up the more he took you in. “We spoke briefly yesterday of your stay here.”
“Oh, yes.”
“The Tsahik and I have discussed what we wish for you to be able to stay. We know you have come seeking Uturu, a fresh start but we must also ensure this is safe for the clan. Beneficial to our people. You understand?”
Jake nodded his head, he more than most understood what it was like to make decisions that he did not entirely want for the prosperity of the clan. “Well, we can allow you and your family to stay if you mate with a woman of the Metkayina Clan. More specifically, with her.”
Your ears turned downwards slightly, but still you held his gaze. That was certainly not what he expected. “We understand that it may be hard to just thrust this upon you, so we will give you both time to adjust. She will be the one to train you, help you adjust to life near the water.”
A swift flicker of anger made its way to your eyes, turning towards Tonowari, “I do not have time to train him.”
“Well then you will make time.”
Your eyes rolled back, anger seeping into his family home from you alone. Jake would be lying if he said he did not enjoy seeing you so agitated, especially when it came to him. He fought the smile that was trying to make its way to his face the more he watched you. “What do you say, JakeSully?”
Your eyes jumped back to him, there was a look in your eyes that he could not quite place but it excited him beyond belief, “If that is what you wish. I only hope I can speak to my children about this before the clan is made aware?”
Your mouth dropped slightly in disbelief, confusion webbing its way into your mind as to why he would agree to this so willingly. You thought you'd have time, time to be on your worst behavior around him so he can back out before he even agreed. But no, he had already said yes to you.
Your arms crossed over your chest stubbornly, huffing out a breath of annoyance as you watched the smallest of smiles fall across his features. Ronal was trying her best to contain her excitement, she had always wanted you to mate with someone, and it appeared that the time was soon.
She turned to look at you and was unsurprised to find you glaring at the Toruk Makto, your lip jutting out in an angry pout. “Very well, JakeSully. Make your preparations and we will announce it during a feast a few weeks down the line, yes?”
He only hummed, eyes still locked onto yours. You rolled your eyes at him, he was clearly enjoying himself, “Can I leave now?”
Ronal called your name but you ignored her, walking fast out of the home and towards the beach.
Tonowari’s mouth turned into a thin line as he sent an awkward look towards Jake. “She is very kind, just-strong willed.”
A quiet laugh left Jake’s mouth, “I can see that.”
He walked with the two out of his mauri, his eyes scanning the waters and he locked onto your form, jumping head first into the water as an ilu swam towards you. Ronal tsk’ed quietly, “She is going to ruin her clothes.”
Jake watched you retreat further into the water, your animal easily gliding along as you got smaller and smaller. “Are you sure she will show up to train me?”
Jake’s eyes moved over to Tonowari, “Yes, I will make sure of it.”
Jake’s fingers reached his forehead, signing them goodbye as they walked away. He let out a quiet breath, his thoughts consumed with excitement and wonderment at just how these next few weeks may play out.
Your feelings on the matter were entirely different, anger coursing through your veins as you swam out past the reef.
Ao’nung and Tsireya shared a look, noticing the angry glare on your face when you didn’t even bother to stop and talk to them. “Should we tell Sa’nok and Sempul?”
Ao’nung shook his head at his younger sister, “Ma’ will pluck her eyes out for real this time.”
Tsireya fumbled with her fingers nervously, “Ao’nung, it is going to storm, she didn’t look to be thinking clearly-”
He watched your form retreating farther and farther, heading towards the Three Brothers rocks. “If she does not return in an hour we will call for father.”
Tsireya sighed quietly but listened all the same, returning back to her task at hand. “So, you must learn to breathe from here.” She pointed to her stomach, “Take deep breaths, fill your lungs and slow your heart. It will assist with staying underwater longer.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Three hours had passed by and you were still out past the reef, finding refuge in the mountains as the waters turned violent, your ilu having swam away as it noticed the dangers of the water. You huffed out in frustration, Ronal was truly going to kill you now.
Ao’nung was the first to notice just how late it had become. By the way the sun was hitting just a few moments ago, he could tell that well more than an hour's time had passed, and you were still not back. The water rocked them violently, and Tsireya’s sharp gasp of air at seeing a lone ilu swimming back only furthered his fear for you. His parents were going to kill you.
“We must cut the training short, we will see you all tomorrow.”
Both Ao’nung and Tsireya swam quickly back to shore, leaving behind four confused Omatikaya Na’vi. “Their aunt, she’s-how do I put this nicely-rebellious?”
Rotxo laughed quietly, shaking his head as he watched his two friends swim as fast they could back to the beach. “Lets head back, no point in training with the waters like this.”
The two siblings entered their marui, surprised to find Jake sitting with their parents, they both dipped their heads to the former Olo’eyktan before turning to their parents, “Have you seen Tanhí?”
“That is why we are here, Sa’nok.”
Ronal’s brows raised in question, noticing the tremble of worry in her daughter's voice, “She-she left past the reef a few hours ago.”
Ronal swore she felt her blood pressure go up, feeling woozy at her sister's complete disregard for rules. “But-”
“But what?”
Ao’nung watched his younger sister's ears pin to her head, losing her voice, “But she has not returned, and the ilu she rode on did. She rode in the direction of the Three Brothers.”
Tonowari let out a deep breath, his head throbbed roughly as he looked out to see how violent the waters were. “I will be back shortly.”
“Sempul-the water is dangerous.”
“Yes, but knowing your Aunt the trouble she is in is more volatile than the waters.”
Jake noticed how calm the breeze was despite the rain, it was perfect weather to take flight. “I know where Three Brother’s rocks are. I can fly on my Ikran, it is safer than you riding out on a Tsurak.”
Ronal protested quickly, knowing her sister, “I do not think that is a good idea, JakeSully.”
He felt a bit of disappointment settle into his chest, he couldn’t help it, he was so intrigued by you. And truth be told, maybe it was a stupid part of him, but he liked the idea of saving you. Or at least helping you. From what he had heard, you were more than capable to fend for yourself. “It really is no big deal, I will be back quickly.”
He was hoping his eagerness was not evident in his voice, and with the worried look Ronal shared with Tonowari he was sure it wasn’t. “We should let him? Yes-might ease your sister's resistance if he’s the one to go for her?”
Tonowari was asking, but Ronal knew he had already made up his mind. She sighed quietly, “Fine-sure. Just-I cannot guarantee she will greet you with a warm smile.”
Jake refrained from thumping his tail in excitement, “It’s fine. I will not take it to heart.”
Jake quickly made his way outside, calling for Bob just as his children made their way towards the beach. “Sir?”
Neteyam, his oldest, was looking at him in confusion. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I will be back shortly.”
He sent all of them a smile, instructing his Ikran to take flight. The air got colder the further he was from the beach and it caused a shiver to run down his spine. He was well past the reef, and searching for you within ten minutes. As his Ikran gently flew around he caught the blur of teal blue amongst one of the tall rocks. His head shook, a laugh threatening to fall from his mouth, as even from this far away you looked upset.
He did not know you, but he was curious, beyond interested in knowing you. There was a deep itch in the back of his brain that seemed to only simmer at the thought of you. Call him stupid, he had only caught a few glimpses of you, but he felt the pull. He hoped you felt it too.
With quick glides he was by your side, dismounting Bob with ease as he sent you a smile. Your eyes narrowed in on him, annoyance clear as day on your features. Jake’s lips tugged gently, refraining from cracking you a toothy smile. “Why are you here?”
“Hello to you too.”
You grumbled out angrily, arms crossing along your chest as you looked away from him. “I am here to take you back.”
Your thick tail swayed behind you in annoyance, “I was perfectly fine here. Waiting for the storm to pass.”
“I am sure you were, but I am here now. So let me take you back.”
You did not like the tone he had with you, his accent thick with humor as he watched you. It only caused your irritation to spike up. “I do not know you. Plus I am not used to riding on-those bird things. I rather not.”
Bob huffed at your words, clacking loudly at you. “They’re Ikrans, and very smart.”
Jake was sure his voice was dripping with his amusement, he couldn’t help it. You made him laugh. “I know what they are!” You all but shrieked, “Does not make me trust them anymore so.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head at you. Your eyes narrowed in on him, irritation flowing through you so deeply you refrained from yelling at him. You hissed at him, and it caused a harder laugh to leave his lips.
“If you keep me here for any longer, Tonowari will come searching for us. You are already in trouble with your sister. Do you wish to make it worse?”
“I am not a child!”
“That is very obvious, so why make this harder than it needs to be?”
Jake quickly mounted his Ikran, he was almost positive you would follow after him. You weighed your options, you knew Ronal would be angry with you, should you really test your luck?
You groaned out in frustration, walking towards Jake and his Ikran. This was far scarier than taming a Tsurak, you would have no control on the animal. His five fingered hand extended to you, and you could not help but stare. His fingers were scarred, and calloused, slipping your fingers together as he pulled you up.
You swiftly threw a leg over the Ikran, shifting farther back on the animal as you were pressed too close to him. “Hold on.”
“I am fine as I am.”
He shook his head, creating Tsaheylu with his Ikran and the animal instantly jolted forward. You were thrown back lightly, hands instinctively wrapping around his waist to keep you steady. If you could see Jake’s face he was sure you’d hiss at him once again. The smallest of smirks fell onto his features.
The cool wind caused a shiver to run down your back, admiring how beautiful the island looked even in the darkness of the storm. You peaked your head to look ahead, frowning deeper the closer you arrived to the beach. “I hope you know I could have made my way back without you.”
“And I do not doubt that.”
As you both landed, you could see Ronal’s angry face as she stomped towards you. “Here we go.”
Jake helped you dismount, jumping quickly down after you. “See what I mean! Reckless!”
You rolled your eyes at your sister, walking straight past her and towards your home. Jake could see the exhaustion on Ronal’s face. He would be lying if he said he did not sympathize with her. It was clear that she cared for you deeply, but there were some lines blurred between the two of you. “Thank you, JakeSully.”
Jake only dipped his head down at the Tsahik, watching your figure retreat farther away.

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peetapeetapumpkineata · 3 months
Peeta Mellark X AFAB!reader
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Summary: you're worried about him during the quarter quell
Tags: fluff, slight angst, insecure little Peeta baby😔, kissing, one or two innuendos, three uses of y/n, established relationship (your in Katniss's place, obvi)
wc: 3.134k
Notes: there is definitely not enough Peeta fics!! I'm also working on a hijacked Peeta fic based off of one of my favorite songs! (idk when I'll finish it). Enjoy! also reposting this since it flopped
It had been three hours since Peeta hit the force field and Finnick had to resuscitate him.
You have been keeping a frantic eye on him, just in case there was another deadly object he wants to bump into (silly lil Peeta. You can’t take him anywhere fr fr). 
“y/n- I swear I'm fine. You don't have to keep watching me.” Peeta mumbles and glances at you.
“I know, I'm just scared.. Maybe you shouldn’t be so clumsy.” you tease, trying to calm some of your nerves.
“Ok, ok. I get it. I thought everyone knew I was the weak one in the alliance.” he chuckles and shakes his head.
 “What do you mean? You’re not weak, Peeta. You won the games.” you look at him and raise your eyebrow.
“Are you sure? I won the games because of you. I was just.. Lucky.” he looks back at you and shrugs.
“Lucky? Peeta, I’m the lucky one. We probably wouldn’t have made it together if you didn’t find those berries.” you sigh and scoot closer to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and squeezes you gently. “y/n.. Just because I found some berries, doesn’t mean I’m not weak. I’m just a baker.. You deserve someone who can take care of you.”
You gently grab his chin and turn his head to face you. “But you can. You’re the only person I feel safe with. And I like that you’re a baker. It makes you more adorable.” you giggle softly and stare into his eyes. 
“You’re just saying that.” he blushes faintly and rolls his eyes playfully.
“No, I'm not.” you brush away a piece of his hair and shake your head.
He smiles at you and wraps his other arm around you.
You rest your head in his lap and lean against him, smiling back up at him as he strokes your hair. 
“So it's true. I guess the ‘star-crossed lovers’ are actually real.” Finnick snorts, nudging Johanna next to him.
“Isn't it obvious? I thought it was hilariously clear when she started whaling on him and shouting at all of us after his heart stopped.” Johanna laughs, nudging him back.
“I thought she was gonna start punching me after i gave him mouth to mouth.” He laughs with her, glancing at the two of you.
“‘Peeta! Peeta! Omg Peeeetaa!!’” Johanna mimics you, laughing even harder with Finnick.
You glare at them and sit up from his lap. “Do you two ever shut up?”
“Oh please, we all know how you got that ‘baby’ inside you.” He grins and wiggles his eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes and scoff. “You two make me sick.”
“Whatever, lover girl.” they laugh again and walk back over to the rest of the group
You sigh and lean back against him “I can’t stand them sometimes.” 
“Me either.. I just wish they would give us some time to ourselves.” he mumbles and kisses you on the forehead. 
“‘Wanna go for a walk? For a break?” you smile and raise your eyebrow
“Yeah, why not?” he smile back at you and stands up
“Hey ‘love birds’! Come back with another bun in the oven so we can get some sponsors, eh?” Finnick shouts and laughs harder. 
“Don't make me shoot you!” you shout back and grab his hand as you head deeper into the jungle.
You lean against a tree next to him and rest your head on his shoulder. “I miss home so much. I would do anything to have your cinnamon buns one last time before my stupid inevitable death.”
“Cmon y/n, you’re not gonna die. I’ll make sure of it.” he strokes the side of your head with his thumb. “Once we get home together, I’m gonna make you your own batch.” he chuckles and pecks the top of your head softly.
“Peeta, you know it's practically impossible to get out of this together, right?” you glance up at his face and smile sadly.
“I know, but I'm willing to risk those odds. I’m sure I'm lucky enough” he smiles back at you and moves his hand from your hair to your cheek.
You grin and pull him into a soft kiss. Not a forced one, for the cameras or for the capitol. A real kiss. 
“you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to.” he says after you pull away.
“I know.” you nod and kiss him again.
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serenewrote · 3 months
"I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you" - Aegon Targaryen II x Cousin! reader
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Synopsis: After the events of the disagreement of Driftmark's succession, such as the "unfortunate" death of Vaemond Valeryon, the family indulges in a nice dinner where you give your cousin an offer he shouldn't refuse.
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): attempted manipulation (my girl almost had him fr).
You are seated at your father's left side, patiently waiting. You and your father, Daemon, glance at each other. He looks at you in discontent and you give him a look, he knows you won't let up.
King Viserys stands, well more like leans on the table, and speaks, "How good it is... to see you all tonight... together."
"Prayer before we begin?"
The Queen Alicent begins to pray, "May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long."
You rolled your eyes. What does she thinks she's doing?
"And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest."
You snicker at the last remark, may the gods give him hell. Vaemond was out of his mind.
"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes... and their betrothed."
You smile, proud of your sisters and how they've grown. "Hear, hear!"
Aegon leans over to whisper to Jace, "Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman."
Baela takes a drink and looks at him in annoyance. She then turns to look at you. You make eye contact. Do not worry, dear sister. He'll get his due.
You take a look at your cousin. How pathetic? Your women will chew him up and spit him out. Not before you have your turn, of course.
"Let us toast as well to Prince Lucerys... the future Lord of the Tides.
"Hear, hear."
Aegon leans over to Jace, once again.
"You do know how the act is done, I assume? At least in principle? Where to put your cock and all that."
"Let it be, cousin."
"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed."
Aegon hums in fake agreeance. You zone out halfway, coming back seeing Jace take Helaena to dance. You see your father nod in your peripheral. You move to Jace's seat and lean to whisper in Aegon's ear.
"Dearest cousin, I heard of the little situation with a servant girl this morning."
Aegon looks at you. Why the hell are you talking to him?
"What of it, cousin."
"I- It must feel so restricting. Not being able to do what you truly want, having to marry someone you feel no love for."
"Well, I don't see a man at your side, cousin. Did you scare them off."
"Quite the contrary, Aegon. Unlike all these other ladies of the court, I don't need a man at my side to have power. I'm free to bed whoever I want, whenever I want."
Aegon grits his teeth at your clear mocking, "How lucky you are, Y/n."
You smirk internally. Hook, Line, and Sinker. "I could help you, of course. The women of Dorne love men like you, cousin. Princely, Silver-haired, Targaryen. Personally, I like my men: pathetic... and good for one thing."
You lean closer. Your lips grazing his ear, "I could take you away from here. To Dorne. You'd be away from all of this. Away from your mother, who seems to only care about image. You'd be free, Aegon."
He looks at you, his eyes growing desperate. He's actually considering it.
Just then, a servant sets a roasted pig down. Lucerys chuckles. Aemond hits the table, anger evident. He stands, goblet in hand.
"Final tribute. To the health of my nephews: Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm.... strong."
"Come... let us drain our cups to these three... Strong boys."
Jace gets in Aemond's face, "I dare you say that again."
"Why? Was only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?"
Jace punches Aemond as Luke gets up and Aegon slams his head on the table. You look the boys in disgust. One normal night. Just one, please?
"Why would you say such a thing before these people?"
"I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother. Mm, though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs."
Rhaenyra turns to Jace, Luke, and your sisters, "Go to your quarters. All of you go, now."
Your father looks at you expectantly. You whisper in Aegon's ear one last time, "Seems as though you are happy here, cousin. Being a nuisance. Forever at the beck and call of your mother and grandsire."
You leave him, walking over to your father and Rhaenyra, "Goodnight, Father, Rhaenyra." You retreat to your chambers.
As Aegon stands in front of the people, having been crowned King, he thinks back to your words. The offer sounding so convincing. If only he hadn't acted out, then maybe the sound of your voice and your sweet words wouldn't haunt him.
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Oh. My. God. I don't know if I love or hate this because I straight pulled this out of my ass.
Also for further context, you are Daemon's oldest daughter. Your mother is one of the eldest children of Qoren Martell and the reason why you aren't married is because you really don't need a husband. Your mother has a twin brother and so you will rule alongside your cousin as it is not known which one of them came first.
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causewayguy · 1 year
Pics courtesy of a fellow follower
You folks know how Chinese parents like to have sons instead of daughters? They will always go 'Son good', 'Son carries our family name', 'Son is better'. But there is always one very special reason most fathers want a son for, and for me, her name is Charlotte.
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Charlotte is my son’s latest girlfriend. They have been together for close to 1 year now and Charlotte has recently begun to stay over. Since my wife passed many years back, having another woman in the house was super exciting - FBTs, tank-tops, thin shirts, pokies, nip slips, etc. And all these from a hot piece of ass! Charlotte was becoming my main masturbation material.
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One Saturday, I was home alone while my son and Charlotte went on their date. While scrolling through Insta, I came across Charlotte’s IG story; a selfie in my son’s bedroom and a side profile picture, with her jeans showing off her juicy ass. Suddenly, an evil thought came over me and I quickly went into their room, searching for something….viola! Charlotte’s lace panties. I started jerking off with her panties while eye-fucking her IG pictures. Before long, I cum all over her white panties. An eviller idea came to mind. I folded and placed her panties on the top of the pile, hoping my fantasy would come true tomorrow.
The next morning, I woke up at the first ring of my alarm and quickly went to the living room, as Charlotte always cooks breakfast for us. There she was. She smiled and greeted me then continued cooking her scrambled eggs. Not sure which Buddha answered my prayers as a piece of egg fell on the floor and Charlotte bends down to clean it up. My eyes widen in happiness, Charlotte was wearing the panties from last night, filled with my cum! I dashed back to my room to take care of the hardening boner, and came 3 times in just 15 minutes, thinking of what had happened and what can I do further in future.
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Few weeks later, the 3 of us went on a family trip. I have been busy with work and had no time to masturbate so my balls are completely full. And Charlotte being on this trip certainly helped. At the pier we visited, I imagined the wind blowing her hair back as she sucks me off in her tight tank-top and jeans. I imagined fucking her against the wall of the art museum we visited, as though she was one of art pieces for everyone to enjoy. And finally, I imagined titty fucking her fantastic C-cuppers exposed through the gap of her black top and spray my cum all over Charlotte’s face as my son was in the shower. If the trip lasted longer than a week, I would have suffered dehydration from masturbating too much to Charlotte.
However, the best was yet to come. My son can never handle his alcohol well, so usually takes an Uber whenever he and Charlotte go drinking. One night, Charlotte ringed me well past midnight. It turned out my son was so wasted that no Uber was willing to take them home. I was fuming as I had to drive all the way down to Clarke Quay to pick them up. However, my heart melted as I saw Charlotte standing there, looking all defeated as my drunk son leaned his entire weight on her.
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On our way home, Charlotte apologized over and over again to me but I just smiled at her, brushing it off. What I was actually doing was stealing glances at her deep cleavage from her wraparound white top. In her tipsy state, Charlotte began complaining about work, about friends, about my son drinking too much, about how he was not satisfying her enough. The more she complained, the more body movement she made and well, the more her boobs jiggle.
Hornnnnnnn! I was so mesmerized by her boobs that I did not notice a red light and the oncoming traffic horned. On instinct, I struck out an arm while hitting the brakes, trying to protect Charlotte from falling forward. But this meant that her front body fell onto my outstretched arm.
‘Uncle are you oka- Ahhhh…’ Charlotte moaned as she finally felt my hand on her boobs. I was high on adrenaline from the near miss, so when my hand was on the boobs of my masturbation fantasy, I just squeezed. When I realized what I have done, my cock also started to rise in my shorts. I tried to pull my hand away but Charlotte kept my hand there while she stuck her other hand between her legs. Her face was filled with CFM expression. ‘Please Uncle…don’t stop now…’
Without thinking, I sped home with one hand on the wheel and the other hand ‘servicing’ Charlotte. Alternating between both boobs, I managed to peel off Charlotte’s nipple stickers and started tuning her rock hard nipples. My car was filled with erotic female moans as well as the squishing sounds of something wet. My rock-hard boner was now like another gearstick that Charlotte groped at. I felt her pumping my cock to the rhythm of the squishing sounds between her legs, adding my moans to the already erotic surround sound in the car.
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Within minutes, my car was safely parked in my garage, with me fucking Charlotte over the bonnet, pulling her golden long hair.
I could feel every inch of Charlotte’s pussy as I thrusted my cock into her. I could see her boobs bouncing out of that white top of hers. I quickly grabbed them and started to pump into her faster and harder. Charlotte’s face was filled with lust and her tongue hanging out, drooling and moaning.
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I started becoming the devil again.
Me: ‘Who is bigger??’
Charlotte: ‘Uncle bigger~!’
Me: ‘Who is better??’
Charlotte: ‘Uncle better~!’
Me: ‘Who are you??’
Charlotte: ‘I am your slut, Uncle… Don’t stop!!!’
I could feel her pussy clamping on my cock as she cum but I couldn’t stop. Not yet. With my cock still inside her, I walked (dragged) her over to the back door and opened it. Still weak from her big orgasm, Charlotte leaned forward above my drunk son with her hair flowing down to my son's face. Now, I continued to fuck her harder, right above my son!
Me: ‘Who is the guy in front of you, you slut?’
Charlotte: ‘M….my boyfriend…’
Upon hearing her answer, I pulled out immediately, leaving my cock head barely touching her pussy.
Me: ‘Again, who is he??’
Charlotte: ‘Nnooo, he’s nobody! Don’t stop plea-uuuhhhhhhh’
Charlotte whimpered loudly as I thrusted my full length into her without warning. Watching her moaned right at her boyfriend’s face while his father’s cock penetrating her from the back was too much for me. I emptied my weeks’ worth of cum into her pussy raw, triggering Charlotte’s second big orgasm. Charlotte was so fucked that she fell onto my son, panting and shaking.
We rested for a bit (and me taking a mental picture of this scene) and I carried Charlotte up to my bedroom where we made some more loving before finally dozing off in exhaustion.
One year later…
Buzz, buzzz
I received a photo from Charlotte with the caption:
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‘Dear, your son passed out from drinking again. 😊 Managed to get him drunk every night of our honeymoon. But now I am super horny le… Lucky I brought the bra with your cum stain with me. Sniffed it while I masturbated last night 😉. Will wear to on the flight back to SG later too. See you soon! xoxo Charlotte’
Thank you, Son, for the world’s best daughter-in-law.
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