#he is a breathy moaner i see i see
wannabelife · 4 months
(what sounds do seventeen members make in bed?)
original post / credits for the idea
happy valentine's day special !!
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this man has the most beautiful moans out there and i can prove it. it prob comes out when he is trying to keep it inside, but it's not able to. you're just that good. his moans come from the chest, and most of the time, after a growl.
keep it down and low for sure, even tho they come out more high pitched than he intends to. do it shyly at first, but seeing how you enjoy it, he'd let it go shamelessly after some time.
low, low, low. so freaking hot. he mainly does it because he knows it affects you. his whole face twists in pleasure when his moaning, and it's the most beautiful thing to see it.
he has breathy ones. it comes out when he can't take it anymore or when he's caught heavy breathing. the type to like moaning right next to your ear while he fucks you.
he is most of the time in dom mode, so groaning it's what relieves him. he'd groan when you're not behaving too, so you start doing as he says.
he is shy about it, so groaning it's his way out. probably can't contain a moan here and there, too. it comes out more when you're on top of him, it feels too good, he can't contain himself.
low pitched, chesty groan. prob loses his mind when he's getting close and let it go repeatedly until he cums. it's always your breaking point too, hearing the sounds he makes.
borderline whining. his whimpers come out way more like a whine than anything. he has his eyes closed and neck veins popping out every time he's on it, lips caged in his lips too.
he doesn't care. he is feeling good and will let you know that. has his brows shut while whimpering and will also shower you with compliments while on it and how good it feels.
another shy one about it. it's not vocal until it gets too much, and he can't hold in anymore. has the most beautiful and needy whimpers while close to his release, telling you not to stop.
let it out all the time, from when you start kissing to when he's about to release. it's very honest with it and don't keep it down. whimpers back as a response from your moans and whines, he lets you know he's also feeling good.
it's not afraid to voice whatever he's feeling in the moment. but hearing you is his most favorite, he'd moan, groan, whimper, all at once as he feels his member tightening.
the sub of everyone's dream, honestly. he has a reaction for your every move. he will be moaning, whining, and squirming under your touch. it's his favorite having you on top of him.
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shalotttower · 6 months
Title: Sweetcheeks
Fandom: Black Christmas (1974)
Summary: You've been getting these odd calls for several months now.
Word count: 2000+
Characters: Billy Lenz x Reader (female)
Notes: Yandere!Billy (I'm not sure if there's a point to specify it, seems like his normal state), stalking, voyeurism, explicit and degrading vocabulary, some regular Billy perversions, NSFW, noncon touching, implied noncon by the end.
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You've been getting these calls from a stranger for several months, ever since you moved into the sorority house. When the phone rings, what you might hear is easy to predict: creepy panting accompanied by lewd remarks. There's a breathy, slightly raspy voice on the other end; Hello, sweetcheeks, whatcha got down them pants?
He calls you that, "sweetcheeks". Says your name as if it were the loveliest word ever. "Naughty girl," he croons, "let me lick your hot cunt". Nasty bitch. Angel. He has an extensive collection of nicknames, and keeps expanding it with every passing day. Some of them are quite creative, others made your skin crawl at first, but eventually you got used to his bizarre expressions.
He never gets tired of these calls.
The sorority girls named him the Moaner, because he does it quite a lot - moans. Moans and says obscene things, which make your face flush in a hot wave of pink.
"Did you think of me?" he asks.
Do you ever think of me?
"I could-" he groans those filthy words, and you want to wash your ears with soap, "fuck your brains out. Dirty whore. Your... mmm."
You slam the receiver down. It always happens when least expected. In the middle of a conversation with other girls, during study hours, when you're cooking or getting ready for bed, he calls. There's no pattern, so it's impossible to anticipate; normally you just answer the phone when there's no one else around or let others tell him to fuck off.
Today is almost the same as usual, with the only exception that you don't pick up.
What follows can't be described: the unbearable, insane trilling of the phone ringing without a pause. You don't want to go downstairs, there're finals, tests and assignments weighing heavily on you and no time to indulge the ever-breathing presence behind the line. So you don't. Luckily, a set of ear plugs from the local pharmacy helps a lot.
You don't bother answering for the whole week, yet despite your neglect he still calls as if desperate for something you can't place.
If only Billy could tell you how sweet you look when getting ready for bed. Through the attic floor cracks he sees every small detail of your routine, the room which is nice and smells of a woman - clean, soft with the hints of perfume, it makes him want to bury his face in your sheets.
If only Billy could tell you how exhilarating everything about you is. From the way you move through the day to the sound of your bare feet padding on the wooden floors in the evening. His favourite part is when you shake off your jeans; it's a clumsy movement which makes your ass wiggle.
Billy has a small box where he stores the pieces of your life. There's a receipt from the bakery, two pencils, a silver chain that broke off from your neck and he grabbed it like a treasure, a lip balm. You are all his, every bit of you in those little things you leave behind, even if you don't know it yet.
He knows so many things by now. What time you usually go to shower (late at night when all other girls are asleep), what you are going to wear in the morning (he saw you ironing a blue fluffy sweater and a checked skirt). He knows what's in each of your drawers, from cosmetics to panties, soft cotton that smells like laundry detergent.
The box is hidden carefully in the dusty corner of the attic. Sometimes he opens it, caressing the items you left so carelessly on the desk or bathroom counter - they burn his fingers.
You have a mole under your left breast, a beauty mark on your inner thigh. He also knows that you haven't been answering his calls for a week.
Engrossed in your books with sticky notes, you don't even pay attention to the ringing when he's trying so hard. Too bad Billy can't read, letters dance before his eyes, mocking him with their squiggly shapes; maybe he'd know what exactly is keeping you so occupied if he could. He heard some girls talking about upcoming finals but didn't understand what that meant.
Billy knows how to handle a girl who doesn't answer the phone, a naughty, mean girl who ignores him and gets under his skin like the itch he can't scratch, irritating, driving him crazy.
Patience is a virtue - that's what they told him in the looney house, but it must've been a lie. Patience won't bring you closer, he thinks, sitting cross-legged on the attic floor with a phone clutched in his palm. Patience won't help him touch you, lick your soft skin and hear you moan for him. In the cramped space smelling of old wood, dust and cobwebs, patience only leads to days crawling by like sluggish worms.
He knows how to handle the girl who doesn't answer his calls, but you do look tired, the shadows under your eyes are too heavy and prominent. Billy watches you rub your temples for the fourth time in an hour, yawning. He's seen this gesture before, saw you massaging the back of your head after reading for too long.
He likes watching you when you think no one's looking, because then you're most honest. Just you.
Maybe Billy will let you rest. Yes, maybe...But his hands itch so much. Itchy-itchy-itchy when he holds the phone. He wants to dial your number again, listen to your breathing and tell you something that will make your voice waver in confusion, just like that time when he asked what sounds you make when touching yourself.
He strokes the cord and imagines when you'll finally start picking up again. You'll say your name and ask, "Who's this?" and Billy will laugh, because you're silly, so silly and should've known it's him all along.
When did it begin to snow?
You remember the sun peeking from behind the clouds a few days ago and now there's nothing but whiteness outside. White paths, white street lights and white flakes melting on the glass windows. The kitchen feels quiet today, walls drip with the evening chill which crawls inside your veins; it's a week before Christmas and the radio is playing jolly songs about sleigh bells and presents.
Something's been off lately.
Another pair of your favorite socks is gone; you bought five, but three vanished without a trace. Maybe you lost them, maybe they got mixed up with others' laundry. Yet you distinctly remember washing the two and putting them away in the drawer. Usually you're not that forgetful, but perhaps it's finals stress shows.
You glance at the clock - past six - the sorority house is mostly empty, everyone's either in the library or went home for Christmas. The last few hours passed in decorating the living room area with tinsel and ornaments, you even put a wreath on the door. A festive mood is slowly seeping in, and all that's missing is a tree. You know that one should be in the attic, Allison told you there's a lot of stuff up there. The house is old, and whoever owned it in the past had a lot of things, from clothes and books to trinkets, all stored away in cardboard boxes and plastic containers.
Sturdy and narrow, the attic ladder is hanging down to the hallway, beckoning with its crooked wooden rungs. Allison mentioned some odd noises coming from there sometimes. Probably rodents. "Go take a look, girl," she laughed and made spooky sounds, wiggling her fingers. "But don't tell me if you find something nasty, I don't wanna know about it."
Your eyes wander over the ceiling and stop at a small trapdoor. There are rusty hooks holding it closed, and you wonder if it's safe to go up alone. It's probably dirty, a real mess, but the living room looks empty and unfinished without a Christmas tree.
Just a quick look. As long as there aren't spiders swarming the corners it'll be alright.
Everything's dark up there, nothing moves and the sound of your quiet breath is the only thing breaking the silence. You pull a flashlight out of your pocket. Flick. Nothing. Stacks of boxes crowd the space, pressing together, on the side of a particularly large container is scribbled: BOX 23. You look through the labels - toys, photographs, china, books - dozens and dozens of them, some haven't been opened for years.
Dirty. Stuffy-dusty, Billy's saliva gets sticky, leaving wet stains on his sleeves as he wipes his mouth. He can see you from where he's hiding. It's hard to breathe. Harder when you bend over to open a box with Christmas decorations; you've got nice thighs. Nice legs. It's so good to have you here, sweetcheeks, you won't leave soon, pretty kitty. Dumb bitch. Sweet angel. You really should've stayed downstairs, in the warmth and light of the fireplace, instead of crawling up here into the darkness.
Into him.
You go through the attic space looking for something, and Billy thinks that your soft slippers will be covered in dust after you're done poking around, all filthy, so messy. But it doesn't matter, Billy will clean you up later with his tongue, and you can sit on his blanket while he licks your hot cunt till you scream.
Billy knows exactly what kind of sounds you'll make.
He's heard them countless times already.
A sudden clank makes you jump. Your heart flutters, but there's nothing except for shadows dancing on the walls under the ray of your flashlight. Maybe a rat? Oh, there it is. A green plastic branch of a fake Christmas tree is sticking out from the nearest pile, just what you were looking for. You tug at it, trying to free it from the clutches of old furniture and junk, but the thing is stuck tight.
Billy wants to grab you. Wrap his arms around your waist, press his face to yours and whisper in your ear that you shouldn't worry about the Christmas tree anymore, because now you're going to stay forever and ever with him. He'll let you stroke his cheek and kiss him softly on the lips before carrying you down the ladder to celebrate together. Billy will take care of it, he's always liked Christmas; there was a time when everything was different, a man dressed up as Santa brought gifts, he even remembers what he got - a shiny red truck and a candy cane.
The flashlight slips from your grasp and rolls over the dusty floorboards. You curse, crouch down and reach for it though the hole between the boxes.
The trapdoor shuts close with a loud thud.
Your hand freezes.
There's a breath. Not yours, it tickles your fingertips and the skin of your palm like a feather; it shouldn't be there - you scramble away from the darkness. Or try to. Something warm catches your wrist in a vice grip, pulls and next you're tumbling forward, right through the hole with Christmas ornaments spilling everywhere.
"Nasty piggy," says someone's raspy voice, "why don'tcha pick up my calls anymore?"
In the dim yellow of your flashlight too far out of reach, you can barely see anything, only glimpses of dirty auburn hair, brown eyes and a green stretched jumper.
It's not a rat in the attic, you think. It's not a rat, he smells like a wet dog and has hot lips which press into your throat. His hands shake as they travel up your sides, touch your breasts through the sweater, squeeze, and then he moans.
You've been getting these calls for several months now, from a stranger who pants on the other end of the line and makes obscene remarks. And you know him by voice, the one who likes talking filth and making you blush every damn day.
"Santa brought presents," he whispers in your ear. A hand slides down between your legs and cups your mound through the fabric. "Merry Christmas, sweetcheeks."
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lawsvalentine · 11 months
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• Let’s Discuss…..Sex with Usopp • (18+)
CW: explicit sexual content, virgin!usopp, reader is described as chubby and have brown skin, praise kink, slightly submissive!usopp, a bit of humor in the beginning bc Usopp is so unserious sometimes with his lies 😭
Cee’s Note: a lil bday gift to my dear @csnovas happy birthday beloved 🤍 hope you enjoy 😚
Also usopp’s live action actor been on my mind 😮‍💨🏃🏽‍♀️
[minors do NOT interact; explicit content ahead]
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First and foremost, I believe Usopp is a VIRGIN
Nothing wrong with that, but he loves to pretend like he’s not 😭
I’ve mentioned this in a few past hcs but he loves to say things that will impress you and yes most of those things are him just lying through his teeth 😭
And you see right through every single one sgdhdj but it’s so endearing to play along and act like you actually believe them
“I once made a girl cum 10 times in one go” or “Every girl I’ve had sex with has squirted”
And your just like 🧍🏽‍♀️
Just the most OUTLANDISH lies PLSSS
But let’s say you play along bc you’re curious to see how long he will keep up his lies and part of you does have a crush on the sniper and wouldn’t mind seeing what he’s working with 🌝
When you propose the offer of sex to him, his facade falters and he is stunned that you actually want to have sex with him
But he quickly recollects himself and tries to act all smooth and you start to wonder how far he will go with this
He maintains his composure until you two are physically sat on the bed and that is when mans starts sweating bullets sgdhjd
You could feel the shaking sensation of his hands on your hips while you kiss him
You pull away and asks if he’s okay and he lies again saying he’s fine and that “this ain’t his first time” but you could see he is stressing out BAD
You pry again asking if he is telling the truth to which he finally comes clean when he sees how concerned you look and admits he has never done this before
You reassure him if he’s not ready, he doesn’t have to go through with it
Even though he is nervous as hell, he was not gonna pass up an offer to sleep with you. Mans has been crushing on you for the longest
So with that, you press your lips against his
I’m a firm believer that Usopp is a moaner and that he has trouble containing his moans, so when a soft moan escapes his lips, you smirk at the sound
In the start, you would have to guide him a bit. Now that he isn’t lying anymore his confidence is nonexistent
After a heated make out session, he is already half hard and bucking his hips into your touch
Yes I imagine him VERY needy
You start to unbuckle his suspenders (not the easiest item of clothing to get rid of sgshshjs) leaving him in nothing but his boxers with a prominent tent protruding under the fabric
You slide his boxers down and his cock springs out from it’s confines and your eyes widened at his size
You didn’t know what to expect but he was definitely more well endowed than you were expecting
You couldn’t help but to oggle the man under you , despite usopp’s cowardly and goofy personality you couldn’t deny that the 2 years did wonders to his physical appearance
If you vocally compliment his body, his dick would twitch and he would audibly moan at your praise
Yes he has a praise kink, i mean, are we surprised 🤭
As you undress yourself, his eyes gawk at your stunning curves of your chubby body and beautiful brown skin.
He moves closer to you and cautiously starts groping your chest, ears perking up when he hears your breathy sigh of pleasure
The sounds you make gives him a bit of confidence and he begins to suck the nipple, twisting and flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub
You begin to stroke his length while he continued stimulating you earning more whines snd moans from him
You guide his hand down to your front, growing impatient from the pleasure
Again, you will have to guide him on how to properly touch you and direct him to rub circles around your clit
Both of you were riled up and couldn’t do foreplay any longer
When you finally sank down around his length both of you let out gasps at the contact
You wish you could engrave the image of his facial features as you sunk down on him. His scrunched up face and mouth hanging open was a pleasant sight to see
You press down on his chest to keep him from bucking up into you, getting slowly adjusted to his size
When you start bouncing on top of him, he absolutely CAN NOT handle your pussy
He is VERY vocal and let’s out the cutest moans
You notice the more you praise him, the more dominant he gets
“You’re doing so well Usopp” “Feels so good” “Such a good boy”
He could cum right there just from your praise
He begins to take a bit of control and grip your hips, bucking into you rapidly
You throw your head back, high pitched moans escaping your lips as he hits your deepest walls
Usopp doesn’t last too long, the pleasure so overwhelming to him, the feeling of your warm walls clenching around him, has him seeing stars
You have to guide him again to rub circles around your clit so that you both can chase your orgasms together
After you both are done, Usopp is surprisingly a natural at aftercare
He is holding you and leaving kisses all over your face and neck. He offers to get you snacks or water.
He is just so much more infatuated with you after the sex and he will shyly ask if y’all could do it again
PLS he’s so cute
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hey Franky! Since headcannons and requests are open; can I please ask for Ace and Marco, together or separate, with an S/O who just doesn't make that much noise when they have sex? A lot of authors always write 'moan' and 'cried', and while that is sexy, I only barely whimper and gasp, so those scenes feel a little fake.
My darling, you are valid and I can see how alot of fics with screaming and moaning in passion might not connect. Not everyone is loud but I think it has become the standard in writing because there is a belief that good sex is loud. It's not the volume of the act that matters.
You can have the best sex of your life and barely make a sound, it can make your toes curl and your head swim and all you can do is let out a little mewl.
I've been loud and near silent and have had partners that fit into each and it's all valid. I wanted to do these headcanons because you deserve to feel seen also.
Sorry I went on a rant haha.
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Ace can be loud or quiet depending on his partner or the situation.
If his partner is loud he’ll be loud.
So when he’s fucking you and you let out soft murmurs against his skin he’ll let out small grunts.
He watches your face, seeing how dazed you look, how you look so blissful like an angel as he carries on thrusting into you like a sinner.
He’s always a little self-conscience about how well he is doing and he is used to being able to gauge his partner on the sounds they make but he feels your nails gripping his muscles, he feels your panting breath on his neck as he speeds up and that’s enough for him.
Ace doesn’t mind being the slightly louder one, muttering words of affirmation into your ear as you push back against him.
He doesn’t need a screaming crescendo to know when he’s made you come apart. Your eyes open wide, your mouth open with silent bliss as your body shakes and trembles.
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Marco isn’t much of a moaner himself, so he doesn’t consider it an issue that his partner isn’t very loud. Not to say he doesn’t like making his partner scream his name, he enjoys both.
Honestly? You don’t need to be vocal because he talks enough for the both of you. He’s into dirty talk so much that he can have a full conversation with himself while he watches his cock disappear into your waiting hole.
“You take my cock so well yoi,” He’ll praise and brush your hair off your face as you give him breathy moans, small but he still doesn’t miss them.
How you make a little mewl when he pulls the length of his cock out, rearranging you over his desk just to thrust into you again.
He doesn’t mind if all you can answer him is a simple nod of your head when he whispered into your ear. “Like that? Like me fucking you over my desk like this?” 
Marco lives for every silent gasp and moan, every slap of your palm against the surface he’s fucking you on or against.
When you cum for him he doesn’t need the rest of the crew to hear, he chuckles and kissing your neck, savoring the soft murmurs, all for his ears only.
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sirhyst · 1 year
Edgar Allan Poe NSFW Alphabet (U - Z)
TW/CW: sex, teasing, poe being loud, bottom!poe, top!reader, begging, sex drive, brief mention of Poe posing for you, body worship, brief mention of Poe in a skirt (again)
Note: so ends the NSFW alphabet, this was a lot of fun and it got me to write two drabbles about two of the letters. I’ll try to put together a master list so they’re easy to find including the Fluff Alphabet.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Poe has his bursts of confidence throughout the day. During these times, if you flirt with him, he’ll flirt right back. He has a tone that he speaks in when he’s being flirty, and it’s to die for 😔 Poe uses that sing-song voice that makes your knees weak. Bonus points if he’s working and not reacting the way he usually does to your antics. That being said, he’s not very good at teasing or egging you on. Typically you’d be the one teasing him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Poe is a very loud moaner. His moans are usually high pitch depending on how worked up he is. But his noise level is typically why you guys opt out of having sex in risky places. Depending on how tired he is, his moans become more breathy.
His whimpers are otherworldly and it’s a blessing that it doesn’t take much to coax a cute little noise or two out of him.
As mentioned in a previous post, Poe begs—before you even tell him to, a string of pleas and moans echo around your bedroom.
Poe whines if you don’t give him what he wants. Yes, even Poe can be bratty in bed. He might not make demands, but sometimes he still has half a mind to be a little more playful in the moment. Regardless of whether he’s feeling bratty or not, expect a lot of whines if you keep teasing him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I said this in the previous post but Poe purchased a skirt specifically to model in front of you.
If you’re an artist that does live nude model drawing sessions, Poe is more than willing to pose for you, he might get turned on from you looking at him. It’s like an internal battle because he knows now isn’t the time but he gets excited being posed in front of you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Poe’s waist and thighs are the most beautiful things in existence and he loves when you pay special attention to them.
But in all seriousness, he’s mostly thin, and his back is slightly hunched due to never sitting properly while he writes. It’s something he’s insecure about but can’t break the habit of slouching.
Even though he’s thin, he has light muscle but not much because he so busy at his desk. (The most exercise he gets is when he takes Karl for a walk or when he visits Ranpo)
He has moles around his body
He probably has a 6 inch, and was a blushing mess when you took your time to admire it the first time you had sex.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Poe’s sex drive isn’t very high, but that can fluctuate depending on the week. But He doesn’t like going to long without sex with you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Poe falls asleep as soon as you’re finished. If you can keep him awake long enough, he appreciates it when you take a hot bath afterwards. If you’re to tired to move but he has the energy, he’ll get the bath ready, and bring a glass of cold water (maybe some snacks to feed to each other cause he’s a huge nerd).
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I love the middle picture he’s so dramatic
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dilftaroooo · 3 years
How do you think the JJK boys would moan?
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♡ reader description: afab + no pronouns mentioned, race/ethnicity neutral
♡ characters: yuuji, megumi, gojo, todo, nanami, geto, choso, toji.
♡ tags: (18+) aged up characters, slight degradation, vaginal sex, blowjobs, first times, rough sex, blood mentioned.
a/n: now i consider this to be a request and my request inbox is closed but PHEEEWW this shit really has me thinking...
you wonder... just how would the jjk boys sound like in bed; would they be loud? whiny? husky? guess you have to find out for yourself.
HIGH PITCHED AND AIRY — When losing his virginity to you, the room was trembling with each howl he made. Even after he lost his v-card he still moans as though it’s his first time. A high pitched wail will unravel from his throat when he sees the round flesh of your ass slide down his length and he’ll hyperventilate when you slide back up, only to slam back down and set an even pace. He claims he’s a switch but he hasn’t once dominated you yet.
RESERVED AND QUIET — He isn’t too keen on having you hear him moan. Low groans and grunts is what you’ll be hearing most of the time but when you clench around him so tightly or graze your tongue across the head of his cock so graciously expect to hear a high pitched whine from him. Though, he’d instantly cover it up with the palm of his hand. He doesn’t like to sound so vulnerable.
OVER EXAGGERATED AND OBNOXIOUS — Satoru never subdue his moans and if he does it’s done very poorly. When he fucks your pussy so deep, it is reckoned to feel his hot breath heat up the back of your ear, moans rumbling against you, reminding you in staggering breaths of how much of an indecent little bitch you are and what it is you and your tight cunt do to him. And he’ll never shut up about it.
GUTTURAL AND LOUD — Aoi’s growls emerge deep within his chest, producing a dangerous grumble against your stomach as he pounds your entrance on the mattress. He’s easily comparable to a ferocious lion, marking their mate with teeth marks on their skin, easy to break and unbind fresh blood. There’s never a time where this man’s voice cracks with vulnerability. Only yours do.
RESERVED AND QUIET — Kento is rarely ever heard when you both get intimate. He refrains from making such noticeable sounds when he’s around you, borderline quiet if it wasn’t for the ragged breaths he takes when he enters himself slowly in your salivated cavern, wet tongue massaging the reddened head of his dick and bringing him down with the waves of euphoria. Though he’s not much of a moaner doesn’t mean he can’t throw a few dirty words here and there.
LIGHT AND BREATHY — Suguru’s moans are soft, ethereal. Almost resembling a light coo. He’d tell you how good you make him feel, how much of a luxury you are to him as he slowly grinds his hips into yours. His whines are so beautiful — he’s beautiful, every inch of him. He’ll kiss your chin when he nears his release and his moans tune up an octave as he comes deep in your womb. You mean so much to him as much as he means to you.
THROATY AND WHINY — Can’t help but release a cracky whine when you lick the underside of his veiny member, throbbing and twitching as he gazes down at you with teary eyes. He’s never felt something so divine, so suppressing his moans are not an option. A quick gasp of air before a impatient mewl elicits from his pale pink lips. The sound is a distinction to his usual aloof personality.
HUSKY AND RESERVED — On par with Kento, is seldom vocal when he’s fucking you, his dirty talk is what makes up for it. You have heard him once in a blue moon; when you took his nipple in your mouth, ringing your lips around the small nub and sucking lightly, you remember the rough yet soft growl he let out under you, placing a heavy hand on your head to encourage your ministration. He never knew how sensitive his nipples were.
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@amaiafairy @ideclinepussy @chxrryp0p @loveforkiyoomi @lazy10ieiri @fiona782 @bokutolesbo @megumisichigo @namjoonswifeyy @svnnyysvga @tanakaslastbraincell @hon3ybee-3 @getosplaything @gaaraswaifu @hybristophilaa @earlesskitten @tirzamisu taglist form
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'Tis But A Flesh Wound
Summary: reader comes back from a mission and they’re hurt so bucky helps them to clean up their injuries, and then they just like stare at each other, confess their feelings or sum, and then they fuck 😎, [also reader gets real sleepy and Bucky thought they were only into girls]. thanks to @h1ghtodeath for your help in brainstorming! A/N: I said I'd post today and it's (checks time) 11:55, so I've got 5 minutes to spare! Also this is what happens when I write when I'm sleepy! Reader is sleepy! WC: 2.1k of fluffy smex
CW: NSFW!! 18+!!; soft smut; mention of injury; you could argue slight somno if you really really wanted to?; k that's it.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” Bucky says, one hand around you as he helps you into your bathroom.
“It’s fine, Bucky, really,” you say, trying to get him to let you walk on your own to no avail. He shakes his head.
“You look like shit, y/n,” he says bluntly with a hint of a smile.
“Thanks,” you reply with your own hint of a smile. He (in all his super-solider glory) picks you up and sets you on the counter, opening one of the cabinets after.
“Where do you keep your medical supplies?” he asks, closing that one and opening another cabinet.
“Bucky, I can take care of it myself,” you tell him, moving to get up and get them yourself.
“Nah-ah-ah, y/n, keep your cute little butt on the counter and tell me where they are,” he says firmly. You feel heat rising in your face and sit back down.
“In the bottom left one, middle shelf,” you sigh, feeling like a stupid middle-schooler for your blush. That’s just how Bucky is, he’s not flirting with you. Well, at least, he’s not flirting with you any more than he does every single human on the planet. It’s just Bucky. You shake your head, trying to stop blushing by the time he turns back to you. You must succeed, because he shows no sign of a reaction to it. He sets the supplies on the counter next to you, grabs a stool, and takes a seat in front of you.
“Alright, now, le’me see that leg,” he says. You put your leg up for him to see, and after a moment he wets a washcloth with water. You wince a little while he cleans it of dirt and debris, but when it comes to the alcohol, you flat-out hiss at the pain. He gives an apologetic but amused grin at the sound, hesitating for a moment but knowing it will be better for everyone if he just gets it over with. He packs it with ointment, covers it, and wraps your leg firmly, then looks up at you.
“How’s that feel?” he asks. You nod.
“It feels good. Thanks,” you say. He smiles and stands, not thinking about how his seating arrangement means when he stands, it’s between your legs and uncomfortably close. You look at him, finding him staring straight back.
“Sometimes I really wish you were into guys,” he sighs, then starts to back up.
“Wait, what? You think I don’t like guys?” you grab his arm, keeping him in place to make sure you get your answer.
“I mean, with your ogling over Natasha all the time, I just thought…” he reached up and scratched the back of his neck with the arm you weren’t holding onto.
“Everyone ogles over Natasha,” you point out. “Including you.” He smiles a bit at that. “But, wait, why do you wish I was into guy—oh,” oh, you halt yourself at the realization. “You couldn’t mean that you—” you turn red.
“That’s exactly what I mean, sweetheart,” he says, his cheeks turning a little red. You feel yourself heating up and hope he can’t notice. “But don’t worry, y/n, I know we’re just friends and all,” he says, and you shake your head, sliding your hand down his arm to intertwine your fingers with his own, smiling a little shakily.
“We don’t have to just be friends,” you say quietly with a squeeze.
“We don’t?”
“Nope,” you pop the P as you speak. “I like you, too. I just never thought you would like someone like me,” you shrug.
“Don’t say that,” he says, picking up your chin with his free hand. “You’re amazing just how you are. I promise,” he says, leaning in for a soft, gentle, timid kiss. After the momentary surprise wears off, you kiss him right back, closing your eyes and leaning into him. You squeeze each other’s hands tightly as his other arm finds its way to the small of your back. You bring yours up to rest on his chest as you both deepen the kiss. Soon both of you are using both hands to explore, still gentle and slow, neither of you going further than the other, kissing and touching and breathing against each other. It’s only when he starts to get hard that he pulls back with an apologetic grin.
“Don’t worry, y/n, I know you just got back from a mission. You’re exhausted. Not that I would expect for you to—“
“We’ll just take it easy then, huh?” you ask, pulling him back to you.
“Hey, hold on. You sure you want this?” he asks, his eyes searching yours methodically. You nod.
“Yes, Bucky, I do, please,” you grab onto his shirt tightly. He grins.
“Well, I can’t argue with that, sweetheart. But we’ll take it nice and slow,” he says, hands finding their way under you to lift you into his arms and take you to your bed. He sits down, you straddling his lap, and kisses you. You bury your face in his chest and begin rocking your hips against his crotch gently. It’s been awhile since you’ve been with another person, and this is already much better than humping your pillow (which never really gets you off anyways). You let out a soft, breathy moan into him and his hands come up to your waist, gently guiding your movements.
“Bucky…” you say gently.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he says, and you tug at the hem of his shirt. “Oh, I get it,” he says. “Want more now?” you nod and lean back to allow him to take off his shirt. You take the opportunity to get yours off as well, and while you’re admiring his chest and abs, he manages to get both of your pants off. Now you’re straddling him still, but the only thing between your dripping core and his very hard member is two thin layers of cotton. You feel yourself heating up again and look away. Once more, he tilts your chin up to look at him.
“None of that, love,” he says, kissing you gently. “Just keep doing what you were doing.” His hands find their way down to their hips and help you find your rhythm again. “That’s it,” he praises gently, groaning. Both of you are starting to breathe harder now, and the fabric between you is soaked through. Still, however thin and useless the barrier, it represents something. You keep grinding down on him, his grip on you growing tighter, both your sounds building, until finally he pulls back a bit and looks at you.
“You’re sure?” you ask one last time.
“Yes. You?”
“Yes,” you nod. Slowly, you both lift up and remove your underthings. You sit back onto his thighs a bit, looking down between you.
“Too big?” he smirks.
“Don’t think so,” you shake your head. “But it is big. And it’s been awhile since…” you trail off. He nods.
“Me too. Don’t worry. I’ve got you,” he says. “Just tell me if you wanna stop or need something, okay?” he kisses your forehead and you nod in agreement. Slowly, he grips your hips again and guides you to hover just above him, then uses one hand to rub his tip against you. You flat-out whine at the sinsation ((an actual typo I made and then left in)), earning a chuckle. “You like that sweetheart?” he asks. You nod. “You ready to feel me filling you up?” he says in a low voice that makes you shiver. After another nod, he begins guiding you down, filling you slowly until you’re settled back down on his lap. Both of you sigh deeply in relief. “I hope you feel as good as I do, sweetheart, cuz holy fuck,” he whispers.
“You can say that again,” you agree with a breath of laughter. “Wanna move,” you say, squirming a little.
“Alright, darlin’, go ahead,” he says sweetly, and you begin to rock your hips again. His low, sinful groans fill your ears and only encourage you. He uses his hands on your hips to start to move you a little more up and down with your rocking motion, and oh god, it feels good. You let out a little whimper. “You’re a quiet one, huh?” he asks, no malice in his voice.
“Helps me focus on how good it feels,” you confirm his suspicion.
“Alright with me, darlin’,” he says. “Just makes every sound you make mean more,” he smirks. You laugh a little and nod.
Bucky, on the other hand, is far from quiet, but it’s not at all like some of the over-zealous, obviously fake sounds you’ve heard in porn or through walls. It’s genuine, low, husky grunts and moans that only serve to turn you on more. His vocalness is to him as your quietness is to you, and you revel in it, drinking every sound he makes.
He can tell that, even if you’re not a moaner, your breath says it all. And this close to you, with his forehead pressed to yours, he can hear the tiny little sounds that barely make it out of your throat when he does something right—the way your breath hitches and your gasps rub your vocal chords, the way you sigh, the way you whimper so softly he’s not always sure he heard it—he revels in it, drinking in every sound you make.
He can tell the mission and the exhaustion is catching up to you when your movements begin to slow and your head leans down onto his shoulder. He smiles, enamored, and leans to whisper into your ear.
“Wanna stop and go to sleep, sweetheart?”
“No,” you murmur. “Feels good. ‘M just tired,” you tell him.
“Want me to take over?” he offers, and you nod against him. He feels you giving him more control, not quite going limp, but not really focusing on your movements either. His grip becomes firmer as he begins to both move you and thrust up into you gently, letting out a groan that rumbles in his chest and reverberates in yours. “So good for me, honey, so good,” he says, and you hum a little at his praise.
Eventually, he leans back against the headboard so he can pull you up a little while letting you lean on him. Now, he’s able to thrust up into you better, and the weight shift means he can hold your hip with one hand and use the other to slide between your bodies and play with the sensitive bundle of nerves just above where your bodies are connected. He smiles when he hears the way you gasp, then whimper just a bit.
“Where do you want me to come, sweetheart?” he asks you.
“Inside…” you murmur. “I’m on the pill.”
“Aww, you wanna feel my nice warm load fill you up?” he coos. You nod.
“Yes, Bucky, please,” you say against his shoulder.
“Alright. I can do that for you, darlin’. You close?”
“Mhmmm,” you hum.
“Good. Wanna make you come first,” he says, angling his hips to hit inside you just right and rubbing your bundle of nerves just so. It’s not long before you’re tumbling over the edge, hips bucking as you squeeze your hands on his shoulders. You whine high in your throat when the wave first washes over you, then dissolve into gasps and sighs as you ride it out. Bucky lets himself go as soon as he knows you’re coming, holding onto you tight and burying himself all the way in you as he groans loudly, burying his face in your neck. The two of you ride out your ecstasy together, holding tight and breathing in every moment, and when you’re finally done, Bucky lifts you off of himself and carries you to the bathroom.
“Wanna go to sleep,” you complain.
“I know. But you gotta pee and let me clean you up, y/n. You’re in bad enough shape already without getting an infection,” he says, kissing your forehead and then setting you down on the toilet. Begrudgingly, you comply, going to the bathroom and then letting him clean your thighs and core with a washcloth. “See? That wasn’t so bad, huh?” he says, scooping you up once again and taking you back to bed.
“Actually, it was probably the worst thing ever,” you joked sleepily.
“Me making you take a piss is worse than your leg wound?” he asks.
“Yes, infinitely so,” you mutter, pressing yourself into his chest once he has you both under the covers.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart,” he says with a chuckle. “You can hate me for it in the morning.”
“Could never hate you,” you say.
“And I could never hate you either,” he says.
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isayamasideblog · 3 years
AoT Guys ;)
Hello, this has been in my drafts for so loooong. Anyway this is just a random assortment of aot guys as lovers! 
Note: They are all adults here okay! 
He’s actually really awkward at times. He really doesn’t know what he’s doing actually, (sex god? LMAO! NO!) but once he gets the hang of it, he will try his best. 
He can be described as a passionate lover at best. He will at least try to keep going until you are satisfied, but he will lowkey freak out if you start crying 
He won’t know where to put it in the first time :) 
“I-Is this the hole?” Boy will need some guidance here... *whispers* he didn’t know what a vag*na was for a very looong time (Armin had to show him a diagram 
Eren’s moans are the best btw
It’s a choir to your ears. Hallelujah! You’re out here clapping and crying as he’s ready to come inside you
He’s so deep and breathy and just so manly as he’s going into you and giving you a toe curling love session
He’s persistant... a lover that will make sure you have a good time
Crier and Moaner!!! 
Reiner would be the type of lover where he lets you do the work. He just doesn’t want to do anything that he’ll regret later on. You can be riding him and you’re the one asking him if he’s alright. He’ll just look at you and smiles as he says a quiet “yes” sometimes he just give you a nod... Mr. Braun has just been through a lot :( 
 You like to push back his hair and kiss him alongside his jaw as you whisper to him that he’s so brave and that he’s a hero in your eyes and that’s what gets him to his climax 
 You look at him and ask him if he had a good time as you wrap him up in a blanket kissing his forehead and telling him that he’s so handsome 
He’s baby OKAY! He’s so big and buff and yeah he can kill a man with his hands, but at the end of the day he’s baby
He’s a gentle lover
He will never hurt you and he will always ask if you’re okay, making sure that you are enjoying yourself 
He loves when you praise him btw, he loves hearing it from you most of all 
If you could carry him into the bedroom, you would. But you don’t mind that he carries you. 
Hold on to your wigs girls! 
This boy has been reading about the birds and the bees for years
Consider him an expert, because he just knows what to do
Even if he’s a virgin. HE. KNOWS. WHAT. TO. DO. 
He will be all for foreplay, making sure that you are nice and ready for the sexiest night of your life
A couple strokes in and you are ready to c*m 
He’s just super proper and serious as he says, “Tell me if it’s too much for you, I will stop immediately.” And he says this with puppy eyes btw
His “o” face is just... 🤤🤤🤤🤤 He looks like a literal angel while making the most lewd moves with his hips against you
This makes the situation so much hotter
He loves to give it to you from the back, he likes to have a good look at your backside
He has you hitting notes as if you’re Mariah Carey 🥴
Multiple orgasms 
He will give it to you how he wants it, which ends up being how you want it 
He loves when you pull on his hair, this gets him groaning and moaning in your ear
And let’s just say his moans are the ticket to open the gates of heaven 
Another one that is big on foreplay
Foreplay is his middle name
He’s out here using his hands in ways you never thought were possible, he’s stroking, fingering, and caressing you there and you’re like wow this is enough, but then he’s like “Okay now to the main dish.” 
And he’s out here sliding into you, filling you up and touching every part inside of you, hitting spots you didn’t know existed
You forget your name during seggs with him, the only name you know is Porco :S 
Multiple orgasms!!! WOOO
He’s a soft boy, too soft
You have to make the first move with him
He likes when you tell him he’s a pretty boy
He likes when you kiss his whole body... that’s a lot of body. So much leg! 
Best thighs ever 
So quiet and shy to make any noise, but you encourage him, soon he’s out here whimpering your name and u tell him that you’re proud of him :,) 
He likes to hold you close all the time and he’s always asking if you are okay and how it feels 
He whispers a lot into your ear telling you how good you make him feel and how he loves having you wrapped around him 
He’s so sweet with after care and he makes sure that you are comfortable the whole time
Probably runs you a bath and tucks you into bed as he kisses your forehead goodnight
He is an eager lover
Sometimes too eager and he cums a little too fast
But he’s good at giving you more than one session which makes up for him being an early arriver 
He worships you during, telling you that you look beautiful and that you’re the best he’s ever had 
He’s sweet at the same time, he’s holding your hand and whispering into your ear how good you are doing
He loves it when you are on top
He likes seeing how your arse bounces as you slide in and out of him 
He blushes so easily and gives off big virgin vibes, but he’s experienced and knows what he’s doing
He likes when your hair gets in the way because he likes to push it back behind your ear
He loves eating you out and BOY is he out here licking you and just going at it as if it were his last meal 
That tongue leaves you like 🤤
He loves when you cum first, strong believer of ladies first
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lxveshotaro · 4 years
˗ˏˋ Riled Up ´ˎ˗
Tumblr media
⊱┊Jung Wooyoung X Choi San X Reader
⊱┊Bratty! Switch! Wooyoung, Sub! San, Dom! Reader, Handjob, Thigh Riding, Finger sucking, MxM
⊱┊Wooyoung convinces San to go against the rules, Y/N keeps their composure when they find out what the two boys have done. Wooyoung keeps trying to rile you up and San continues to be a good boy.
⊱┊I didn't proofread this cuz ew, also if it seems patchy or weird at all its because I kept revisiting this and being too lazy to read over it sgsks
"No.. Y/N will find out." Wooyoung laughed at the other, shocked by his good behavior, "Since when were you so angelic? I know she'll find out, that's the fun part." San shook his head, turning away from the other boy again. "Come on San, just do it." Wooyoung was sat on the counter, legs crossed. He reached over and placed his hands on San's shoulders, pulling him over to him. He uncrossed his legs so that San could stand right in between his legs.
The younger boy ran his finger along the older boys jaw. San tried to look away, not wanting to be swayed but Wooyoung hooked a finger under his chin, lifting his gaze. A small smirk appeared on Wooyoung's lips as San looked up at him. "Don't hesitate, I know you want it." San nodded slightly but was at odds with himself, "Yeah but.. Y/N.." He laughed, "Y/N will be fine, let's worry about ourselves." San pouted slightly, "I'm gonna tell on you.." Wooyoung just nodded, already running through his excuses.
"Tongue." San parted his lips, slicking his tongue out slightly for Wooyoung. He licked it, sucking on it, playing a tiny game of tongue wars with each other. After a moment the two attached lips, making wet noises while kissing each other. San's hands unconsciously wandered the beautiful legs of Wooyoung, he felt how firm they were, his thoughts immediately wandered. He pulled away, his eyebrows bunched together harshly, "Wanna ride your th-thigh.." San looked down, still feeling a bit guilty. 
Wooyoung on the other hand pushed San back a bit, jumping down off the counter. He held the other boys hand and led him into the living room before taking a seat. "Come." Smiling victoriously, he placed his hands on San's waist, pulling the boy down onto his lap. San gazed at the time, just knowing they'd be caught at any moment. He whimpered as Wooyoung started to lick and kiss his neck, sucking hickeys into it. "Y-Y/N- will be h-here Woo.."
Wooyoung didn't stop, instead he placed his hands on San's hips, moving them back and forth for a moment as demonstration. Unconsciously, just wanting to please, he started to move his hips, his breath hitching quietly. "You're so good for me and Y/N.. You know that right?" San nodded, making eye contact with the disobedient boy in front of him.
You had finally gotten home, you unlocked the door knowingly, trying to be quiet. San heard the door, "W-wooyoung- wait y-y/n is ho-" Wooyoung cut him off with another kiss, the thought of you catching them was thrilling to him. You turned the corner, smiling when you saw the two of them there like that. You didn't get mad, instead you teased them, "You just can't be without me hm? San, so desperate, Woo, just wants to be punished, why can't you ever just ask nicely?" San wiggled off of Wooyoung's lap, coming over to you with his complaints.
"I was saying no but then Woo-" You nodded and smiled as you wrapped an arm around the boys slender waist, "Shhh. It's okay." The expression Wooyoung made caused you to laugh. "So you aren't mad?" Annoyance was evident on his face as you shook your head, instead finding it amusing. "I mean you'd do anything to piss me off, I'd imagined you'd have little San over here bent over some surface, let's see, maybe the kitchen counter, wanting him to beg for you as you hold his hands behind his back, am I right? Has it crossed your mind?" You made eye contact with each of them, San blushed at the description.
"You couldn't stop sending me filthy messages all day, I had no choice but to not respond. I saw every last one of them though, you're so so filthy Woo." Wooyoung hated how well you've gotten to know him over time. He rolled his eyes at you, not knowing how to retort. 
"I should fuck you so hard that you can't walk the next day, edge you, overstimulate you, all of it.. but we'll leave that for a day when i've got you all alone, just know that something is coming for you Woo." For now, you grabbed ahold of San's hand, moving him back over to Wooyoung. "Get off on his thigh, just like you were before I got here. But first." You moved towards Wooyoung, crouching down to unbutton his pants. "Of course you're hard too, little slut." He lifted to let you pull down his pants, sighing as you stroked him gently.
"Go ahead San." You stood up, watching as San's worried eyes wandered slightly. "Go on baby." He climbed onto Wooyoung's lap, adjusting himself. Wooyoung immediately rested his hands on San's hips. You just watched at first, seeing as the pleasure caused San to furrow his eyebrows. You took seat next to Wooyoung, he looked at you with a slight smile. 
"Hands to yourself Woo." He ignored you for a moment, you just stood there and waited. San grabbed his wrists and moved them off of him. "Y/N said not to.. I just wanna cum.." You laughed at him, he's being good for his own pleasure. The other boy rolled his eyes and just watched as San grinded harshly against his thigh, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You sat down next to Wooyoung, "Hands behind your back, I don't want to see them move." San slowed his movements, not needing to rush. 
He did it, not without talking back though, "What if I do move them?" You rolled your eyes at him. "Shut up Woo." You grabbed his face, squeezing his cheeks to part his lips before shoving your fingers deep into his mouth. He gasped, choking around your fingers slightly, a small smile forming on his face afterwards. You ignored him and pulled your wet fingers out of his mouth, rubbing them onto his hard member. You pumped him in your hand, listening to him whimper in your ear.
He's very vocal, San is more of a quiet breathy moaner. "Does it feel good San?" He nodded, his breath hitching as he continued to move at a slow pace. He always took his time with getting himself off, even if he was desperate. "Pick up your pace baby." He shook his head, hips stuttering, "W-wanna wait for Wooyoung." You nodded, sticking another finger in the bad boys mouth, "Hear that? Our precious boy wants to wait for you, should I let you cum?" He nodded his head quickly as he felt you pick up the pace of your strokes. 
"Faster San." He nodded, moans starting to mix with Wooyoungs. You leaned into Wooyoung's ear, speaking a bit quietly, "You can cum now but I'm gonna fuck you up later on." San placed his hands on Wooyoung's shoulders his climax threatening to come. "Can't- Can't hold it-" He whimpered and moaned as a wave of pleasure started to wash over him. "Go ahead San, Woo isn't far off." With that the knot in his stomach bursted, wetness started to form in his tight jeans, his dick twitching as he continued to come down from his high.
The focus was now on Wooyoung as you continued to pump him in your hand. "Can I?" San wrapped both hands around Wooyoung, moving at a fast pace. You cupped San's cheeks in your hands and pulled him into a kiss. You leaned back again after the quick kiss and watched as San focused on what he was doing. Wooyoung started to squirm around, his hips raising up off the couch slightly. He moved one of his arms from behind his back, grabbing onto your arm as he let out high pitched moans.
"Cum- c-an-" Before you can respond he shot white stripes of cum onto his lap and onto San's hands. "You just get so riled up sometimes Woo." You caressed his face as he came, breathing heavily. You pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek. "Come on, let's get you boys cleaned up."
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
how do daddy!steve’s moans sound? is there ever a scenario where Steve has to smother them?
Responding to this has me...lightheaded. 
I tried finding examples on the internet but that led me down a uhm...path but I couldn’t find anything that I really felt compelled to share. Lets see how well I do describing them lmao. 
The first noise that I feel is very much a Daddy Steve noise is one of those low and long exhales. It’s basically a groan but it’s really drawn out and quiet and pleased and much more breathy than a groan. It’s a noise that he’ll let out once he finally gets Bucky’s lips or hand wrapped around his cock or Bucky’s body pressed and rolling against his crotch. It’s a noise that he lets out on first contact. It’s one of those noises that he doesn’t realize he makes as much as he does or that there is a correlation between it and first touches, but Bucky has taken note. Bucky loves this noise. 
Another moan that Daddy Steve makes is one that really does sound like it’s punched out of his chest, one that is laced with a little surprise, one that he tries to hold back. It’s one of those where he holds his breath for a little before letting it burst through. It’s usually accompanied with a chuckle (Steve is definitely someone who moans and chuckles at the same time, fuck) and tends to be one that comes out when they are starting to fool around or right in the middle of it. 
Which leads me to our last moan which is the one that starts in his toes and gets carried all throughout his body. It’s the deepest noise, the most guttural, the one he lets out when he’s coming or towards the end of sex. This noise is very present if him and Bucky are doing something that is particularly intense or if he’s carried away, but that can go either way; he’s either going to be very quiet of he’s going to be very vocal. 
I think Steve likes to smother them into any part of Bucky he can get his hands on while they have sex. He’s someone who pulls Bucky close and tight, maybe too tight, and lets his noises out into Bucky’s neck or his chest or his ear. He isn’t someone who feels the need to smother his noises when necessary but also knows when to be quiet when needed. 
Like when they’re in a little quaint bookstore tucked away in the back and Bucky is on his knees with his lips wrapped around Steve’s cock or when they’re in a bathroom stall at a restaurant and he has Bucky pushed against the wall and Steve’s fucking him all nice and slow with his arms pulled behind his back. 
He’ll be as quiet as he needs to be then, but in any other setting he is 100% someone who doesn’t hold back his noises and is an open-mouthed moaner. 
Damn, I need a shower now or some shit, good lord. 
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heauxzenji · 4 years
Congratulations on your milestone, hun! Here's to many more to come 🥂 Can i request D, K, V and W (and J if it's not to much ahskak) for my mens Kenma aaand.. i can't make my mind between Tobio, Osamu and Tendo, so if you have the time to do two characters it's up to you to pick the 2nd one 😂 I love your writing it always makes me horny 🤧 I can't wait to get an S/O but m afraid the rl experience won't be as magical and satisfying as i want it to be 😫 That's why i read your writing- magic!
This is a lot to unpack- I have so many feelings anon first of all thank you! Second of all you are the real icon here for giving me a Kenma req because my obsession with him is unhealthy- third self ship maybe? Third, imma do Tendou bc I like ‘em crazy. And to add to this rant- I’m glad to feed you the content you crave! Lol don’t worry about finding an s/o, your experience will be magical when you’re totally ready and you can teach your partner exactly what you want! You’ve just gotta be open to it. my bf and I have always been super open about communicating what we want and that’s what makes it work! Anyway before this turns into a dissertation... I love you so much you are so valid and I hope you love this 💕
Kenma/Tendou fuckers come get y’all juice!
Kenma Kozume
𝔇 = 𝔇𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱
Kenma doesn’t only spend his money on video games. He actually has spent a significant amount of money on a very lavish collection of lingerie for you to wear around the house. He’s always buying new pieces and adding them to your playroom- oh yeah... you have a sex playroom.
𝔍 = 𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔣𝔣
He doesn’t like to do it himself, but instead opts for you to do so sometimes while he streams. You mostly do so because you want to though, he’s pretty indifferent.
𝔎 = 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔨
He likes roleplay! Anything that’s an escape from his normal he enjoys, and that also comes with your sex life too.
Kenma is also 300% into breath play, and no I will not explain it he just is and I won’t take criticism.
𝔚 = 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡
He’s not just a subby baby! He gets off on the power dynamic between you. He knows how apathetic he comes off at times and he uses that to his advantage- loving nothing more than for you to beg for him to touch you. He likes to ignore you on purpose to build up the tension.
𝔙 = 𝔙𝔬𝔩𝔲𝔪𝔢
Very breathy, very shaky. He’s not quiet, but there’s a lot of deep breathing and exhaling as opposed to outright moans. When he does actually moan it’s so delicate and pretty. He does talk to you as well, he tells you how pretty you look in your lace, and how much he likes pretty things like you.
Tendou Satori
𝔇 = 𝔇𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱
Tendou literally has no shame I doubt he has a secret- but there was that one time you tried playing with candle wax and you burned his arm pretty bad... he had to play it off like a cooking injury.
𝔍 = 𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔣𝔣
He likes to watch you do it. He likes to see the prickles of embarrassment ripple through your face as he looks at you in such a compromising position. He’ll walk in, look at you, lick his lips and then leave to let you finish, but it doesn’t take long for you to run after him to have him help you out.
𝔎 = 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔨
What ISN’T he into?!? But no seriously here’s a small list of things I think he would enjoy in no particular order
- Degradation (hes the degrader)
- Edging/Denial (giving and receiving)
- Size Kink
- Heels, I forget the actual name of the kink but like, he would let you step on him if he’s feeling subby that day
𝔚 = 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡
He IS the wildcard, but no actually Tendou will just randomly start sexting you for shits and giggles, then slip in a meme or a tiktok and go right back to talking about fingering you in a movie theater like nothing ever happened. It is very confusing but as long as he’s happy.
𝔙 = 𝔙𝔬𝔩𝔲𝔪𝔢
This- made me feral but YES HE IS VERY MUCH LOUD AND DEMANDING AND EVEN A LITTLE BRATTY AT TIMES. He isn’t a moaner, but he does grunt and growl from time to time, mostly while he’s telling you what to do. His dirty talk skills are unparalleled and honestly some of the things he says are so nasty you can’t even tell your friends about them. A king.
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep Calm and Go to London Chapter 25
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Synopsis: This is the story of (y/n), a successful actress,   musician, musical producer and songwriter. After battling depression and  breaking up a long relationship, she seeks for a change of air,   escaping LA for a while going to visit some friends in London and there   she meets Henry. -Disclaimer: some chapters are mostly smut.
Previous Chapters in the masterlist
Triggers: Pure SMUT/ *nal/  - If you don’t like smut, just skip the chapter, there’s not vital information to the story, just smut.
Tag list:  Here’s the incredible people who showed me support (thank  you    so  much for that) and people who asked  me to tag them too  ☺️   (I    think  I will write a few chapters of  this story, if you want me to  tag     you, tell me ☺️   ) @cavillanche @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo   constip8merm8      penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming     alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25 @thethirstyarchive @agniavateira   @honeyloverogers @hell1129-blog   @lunedelorient​  @michelle-1185​  @madbaddic7ed​     @summersong69​
-What lingerie should I wear tonight? - you asked Henry. He was taking a break from playing WOW and was drinking a coffee while watching some tv on the couch. You left your phone on the coffee table and turn to look at him, resting your head on your hand while your elbow was on the back of the couch. - You could wear nothing and I'd be happy, baby - he replied winking. - Seriously? Do you not like me wearing lingerie? Because every time I ask you this your answer is me being naked- you said frowning and pouting. - I do. I loveeee to see you wearing lingerie; it's just that I also happen to love to feel your naked breasts against my bare chest. The feeling of your soft skin and your hard nipples arouses me a lot.-he shrugged. - But I would love to see you wear the red lace one. I love that one.- he said grinning. - Alright, that one will be.- you agreed and kissed him on the cheek. You watched tv in silence for a few moments before you spoke again.- Baby, I was thinking that maybe we could try something different tonight if you want to. - What?- he questioned curiously. - Well, maybe we could do that thing that most men always beg women to do.- you replied smirking. He looked at you confused. You giving and "Are you serious?!" surprised that he didn't catch what you were trying to say. - Anal, Henry, anal.- you finally said sighing. Henry had just decided to take a sip of the coffee and chocked with it after hearing from you. You waited until after having checked that he was ok to laugh off his reaction.- Oh, common! Don't act like my suggestion shocked you, by this point you should know that I like to try different things in sex and would not exactly say no to one of the big ones.-you pointed out. He still was speechless.- We don't have to do it if you don't want to. It's ok if that's not your thing.- you assured him. - Oh, I do want to.- he replied- You took me by surprise, that's all.- he explained and you rolled your eyes and chuckled. - Great, so tonight we can do that.- you concluded with a smile. Later that day, you went into Henry's office where he was playing online games and gave him a pen drive. You had a smile from ear to ear and gave him a sassy look as you handed him the little electronic device. - What is this?- he asked confused. - Is a gift.- you replied.- I have a few musicians that I know and I hired them to record the instrumental parts of a song I wrote for you and then put all their different recordings together and the other day that you went to the gym alone, I used that time to record the vocals and finish this song. Before you listen to it, I would like to ease your mind by assuring you that no one but me has listened or read the lyrics; the players only saw the partiture for the notes that they should play but had no idea what the song is about. - you explained, winking.- I'm going to get ready for you know what. I think this is going to help you get in the mood.- you giggled and kissed him on the cheek before leaving the room. Henry took the pen drive and plugged it into the laptop and open the folder. Inside there was a single file: an mp3 archive. He pressed play and a song began to play:
Come here, big boy Ah, mm, yeah
You've been a bad, bad boy I'm gonna take my time, so enjoy There's no need to feel no shame Relax, and sip upon my champagne
'Cause I wanna give you a little taste Of the sugar below my waist, you nasty boy
I'll give you some oh-la-la Voulez vous coucher avec moi? I got you breaking into a sweat Got you hot, bothered, and wet You nasty boy Nasty, naughty boy
Oh baby, for all it's worth I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind Now, if you're ready, come and get me I'll give you that hot, sweet, sexy loving (loving)
Hush now, don't say a word I'm gonna give you what you deserve Now, you better give me a little taste Put your icing on my cake You nasty boy
Oh no, oh there I go again I need a spanking 'cause I've been bad So let my body do the talkin' I'll slip you that hot, sweet, sexy loving
Oh, ha! Come on, daddy! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh yeah Oh yeah, oh, come on, sugar
I got you breaking into a sweat Got you hot, bothered, and wet You nasty boy
Nasty, naughty boy Naughty boy
Oh baby, for all it's worth I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind Now that you're ready, give it to me Just give me that hot, sweet, sexy loving
Now give me a little spanking Oh, oh, is that all you've got?
Come on now, don't play with me
Oh, give me that hot, sweet, nasty Boy, don't you make me wait Now you better give me a little taste Put your icing on my cake You nasty boy Mm
The sounding of your amazing and sensual vocals combined with the sweet-sounding jazz music in the background had him completely aroused. He played the song enough times to learned its lyrics. Then he went into the main bathroom of the house to take a shower before sex. He had to control himself not to pleasure himself while showering because he wanted to leave all to you, but it wasn't easy to wait after how excited he got with the song you made for him. He didn't even put his clothes back on, just put a towel around his waist and went into the room. You were already waiting for him, laying on the bed with the red lace bodysuit that he loved so much - just that now you turned it into a two-piece thing - a corset-bra and panties- because he accidentally ripped it off the last time you wore it due to his desperation to put himself into you. He smiled at you and you smiled back. You got up, grabbing a pillow and walked towards him. You put the pillow in front of him and as he followed you with his eyes, you got on your knees, taking off the towel that covered him. You grabbed his throbbing manhood with your mouth and started to caress it with your tongue. Soon, you used your hand to help you, sliding your hand around his erection while using your full lips to cover the head of his swollen cock as your tongue played with the tip. He bended to grab your hair and softly held it as if his hand were a scrunchie. You looked up and saw his eyes closed and his mouth making an o shape as moans came from inside of him. You loved to see him clean shaved, but there was something about his growing mustache that made you completely insane. He opened his eyes and saw yours staring at him, while you continue to pleasure him. He bent again, enough for him to lift your chin with a hand - while the other still held your hair- and engaged in a sloppy and wet kiss. He pressed his forehead against yours for a moment, before allowing you to continue sucking him. You moved your swollen lips alongside your tongue in both sides of the length of his cock and then back to centre your attention on the tip. He made you stand, as he put his hand around your neck barely pressing it and kissed you with growing passion. Getting closer to your ear, in a deep and breathy whisper he said "You wanted to try new thing, didn't you?" and you limit yourself to nod, biting your bottom lip. He stroke your lips and chin with his thumb, and delicately pushed you against the wall. He kneeled and put one of your thighs in his shoulder, asking you to grab his hand, and then put the other thigh in his empty shoulder and stood up. Your heart was racing due to a mix of excitement and fear of falling. He asked you to press your back against the wall and to put your arms in the wall as well, so he could grab your thighs. You did as he told you. Before hiding his face between your legs, he promised that he wouldn't let you fall, that you were safe because he'll never do anything that could harm you. You relax a little, but the adrenaline was at its highest level. He started to suck your clit, licking your pussy in its entirety for time to time. You, like most people, mocked him saying that he looked like a pornstar from the '70s with the mustache, but you could admit that he embodied one whenever he made love to you. If he would have been an adult film actor, he'd had to be a very popular one; not only because of his pretty face, muscles and big manhood but also because of his talented moves. The man knew how to please a woman, there's no denying that. You usually were a silent moaner, but this time you couldn't help yourself by realising some noises of enjoyment, loud enough to feel the room and you felt Henry chuckle between your legs. He didn't need to tell you that the reason he was amused by the sounds you were making was that he was proud of himself. It was a self high-five. After a while, he grabbed both of your hands for you to use as a support, as he kneeled again to leave you on the floor. You put both of your arms around his neck, engaging in a deep, breathtaking kiss. He kissed the top of your breasts, which were covered by the piece of red lace lingerie that drove him insane every time. You walked to the bed without stop kissing and then he made you lay on the bed as he got on top of you. He grabbed the box of Trojan Magnum XL condoms and put one on and then slide its cock inside of you. He started slow so you could kiss some more. Your legs surrounded his hip as he started to fasten the pace, going quicker and quicker inside of you with every move. You kissed him and pressed your hand on his hairy chest, pushing him back. You turned around, slightly bending over your head while you positioned yourself for doggy style. Once again, he was inside of you, repeating the pace of his movements. After he came, you were back with your back against the mattress as he placed his head between your legs, making you come a few times before he was ready for another round. You put your knees and elbows on the bed once more, as he looked for the lubricant. He had changed the condom and applied a good amount of warm and sloppy liquid on his cock and you. He put the head first, slowly not to hurt you. He kept adding lube to make sure it was well lubricated so it wouldn't cause you unenjoyable pain. He delicately entered you little by little. He bent a few times to kiss your back, sending shivers down your spine. The touch of his lips and mustache on your skin while having him inside you was delicious. He did as you requested him and fastened his pace, but only getting a small part of his cock inside you. When he was close to climax once again, he took it out of you, replaced the condom again for hygienic reasons, and then was back on top of you, getting in and out of your wet pussy, while you grabbed his face and kissed him. You made him lay on the bed, as you rode him until he released and then kissed and put your head on his chest. While your fingers played with the hair on his chest, you heard his breath slow down as he felt asleep and soon you did the same feeling so relax by the movement of his sleepy body and the sound of his breathing.
Disclaimer: The song that reader wrote actually exists and belongs to Christina Aguilera. Is from the album Back to Basics and it’s called Nasty Naughty Boy, in case you want to listen to it (you should, it’s amazing).
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sluttysan · 5 years
Giving NCT 127 oral for the first time
It was your first time sleeping over with Taeil, and you both were trying to figure out which position to sleep in
You two settled with spooning, with him being the big spoon since he loved to feel protective of you
He sweetly pecked the back of your neck to kiss you goodnight, and you two had every intention to go to sleep
But within a few minutes, what had been a sweet date night with him shifted as soon as you felt him tense up and move away from you
You faced him to see what was the matter, and as you turned around, you felt his member poke at your thigh
“I think y-you should be the big spoon, instead,” he’d suggest, clearly embarrassed and attempting to hide his growth
Right before he had the chance to turn around, you got on top of him and he looked at you, bewildered
“Y/N… I couldn’t help it. I know you want to sleep. Don’t feel like you have to do anything…”
Even in the dark you could tell this boy was definitely blushing hard
He bit his bottom lip, and you couldn’t resist taking your hands down to his sweats and pulling them down to release his hardening member
“Let me help you out because it I still want you to be the big spoon, and it looks like the only way you could be,” you joked, trying to lighten up the mood
And just like that, he was submissive under you as you pulled his waistband down
When he felt your warm tongue circling his tip, he couldn’t help but get loud
And he’s a whiner
And definitely a moaner
Pets your head because isn’t too sure what he’s supposed to do at first
But then just lays back and let’s you do your thing
Is the type to emphasize to you that he loves you so much
Cums as your sucking him because he’s too weak to let you know poor taeil
Afterwards holds you and probably will be up for a while
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Johnny was honestly been ready for you to go down on him
So when the moment came, he had been waiting and was as ready as ever
He’d look down as you were unbuckling his belt with a grin on his face
Once your mouth is on his cock, the grin would turn into lip biting and he would be so vocal
Curses literally throughout all of it
“Fuuuuuck, Y/N, keep going”
“Shit, babygirl, you suck so good”
He’d lick his lips and grab your hair and guide you
Probably would deep throat you a couple of times tbh
Lots of grunting and thrusting into your mouth
When he’s close, he would want to cum on your tongue, as he would thoroughly enjoy watching his cum ooze into your mouth
Is super loud as he released his load
He doesn’t care if you swallow or not, in fact he enjoys it if you spit his seed back onto his cock and give him one last suck
It wouldn’t end there, expect him to return the favor and eat you out
You two would probably end up fucking right after ngl
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This boy is completely shy at first, stuttering to ask you if you were sure you wanted to go down on him
“A-are you sure?”
Ngl, Taeyong was the one who would pleasure you and not ask for anything in return
So when the tables had turned, he was not expecting it one bit
He’ll get over it as soon as your lips were wrapped around him
And that’s when his whole mood changes
He’s so horny for you and pretty soon gets hard
You could taste his precum as you sucked him off
Taeyong would lean back, watching you, only closing his eyes for a second each time
He did not want to miss the sight of you pleasuring him and enjoying it
The more enthusiastic you were, the more he enjoyed it tbh, he wants to feel like you want to pleasure him
And for him that’s the best part about it
He’d tell you when he was almost close, and would love it if you swallowed him
He’d grab your face afterwards and give you a sweet kiss
“Princess, that felt so good”
Probably thanks you afterwards lmao and he’ll get to his regular business of pleasuring you
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Yuta would watch you intently as you took his pants off, wanting to savor the moment, as it was your first time going down on him
He’d act all cocky, but little slivers of weakness comes through every now and then because you were just sucking him so good
He’d love to see you kiss his cock tbh, and kind of worshipping his member
And he’s into you spitting, he loves it sloppy
He’d love some hand action, too
He’d push your head to guide you, and might be a bit forceful (but if you didn’t like it, he’d stop)
But that’s because he’s very into it
Sooo into it
He’s so touchy
Like he would touch you everywhere he can reach
Grabs your neck as well
And your breasts of course, anything he could get a grasp of lmao
He definitely moans a lot tbh and will be loud but doesn’t care who hears
He would honestly want to cum on your breasts or all over your face
Yuta wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about how good your mouth felt for the rest of the day
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You bringing up the idea of oral to Dongyoung took him by surprise
He’d be bashful, but he’d hide it (and not so well) with sarcasm
“Could you be any more subtle about it? The whole world understood what you just said,”
“Duh, that’s the point,” you teased, rolling your eyes, then added, “so you don’t want me to?”
He’d gulp, knowing damn well he wants it badly, he’s definitely more dirty minded than he tries to seem
So of course he kept his mouth shut and let you do your thing
He’s the loudest out of all of them, so be careful of that lmao
He’d hiss your name the further you went down his length, you just made him feel so good
Wouldn’t warn you before he would cum this shit
Because he’s just that much into it, that he felt immense pleasure throughout all of it
So he’d shoot his load into the back of your throat
To make up for it, he’d probably run a nice, warm shower to clean both of you up
Gets all soft and fantasizes about what had just happened, because it was just too good to be true
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The first time you gave Jaehyun a blowjob was when all the members were gone and you two were cuddling and watching a movie
And you two had talked about it before, so it wasn’t just something that had happened out of the blue
You laid on top of him after the movie ended and you two just stared at each other
He played with your hair and you sat up on him
He started drawing circles with his fingers into your hip
“Do…Do you want to try that thing we were talking about that other day?”
And just like that, it happened
And it doesn’t take him long to get hard because just the idea excited him so much
He’s a grunter
And a loud one at that
And he’s a bit instructive, so he’ll tell you what he would like you to do
Fingers you at the same time because you’re his baby girl and he wants to be fair and pleasure you as well
Also pulls you in and thrusts himself into your throat
But is very careful at the same time
Caresses your face and runs his fingers through your hair, pushing any strands that got into your face
Tells you when he’s about to cum before he does so
His breath staggers when he releases himself
He’ll prefer cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow it up
Picks up where he left off and continues fingering you and tending to your needs right after
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✰Win Win:
Sicheng is so shy when it comes to being intimate as it is, so when you brought up the idea to try, he was speechless
It wasn’t that he didn’t want it, he didn’t know how to go about it
So he’d just be like “okay,” since it was your first time giving him head (once he’s experienced it with you once, he’d be more comfortable with it)
Really is just curious on what suddenly made you want to do it
But his thoughts stop wandering when you get him hard and start going at it
Then the focus is definitely on you
Is quiet for the most part, except for the occasional breathy moans
Watches you the whole time, loves how you’re bobbing your head and taking him all in
Moans your name a few times and runs his hands through your hair
Tbh loves it when you play with his balls at the same time
He’ll ask you to go faster and deeper
The more you sucked him, the more into it he’ll get, and he’ll start talking dirty
When Sicheng gets dirty, he gets dirty
He’ll have a sudden shift in demeanor the more you went at it
It’ll surprise you how nasty he could be
“Your mouth feel so good”
“Oh just like that... yes, baby”
He’ll be shameless about cumming, directly asking you when he’s close if you were going to swallow him
“Are you going to swallow, baby?”
Is amazed with what you had just done for him
Will definitely lead to something more, he couldn’t possible stop right there endorphins are making him wild
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Ok so makeout sessions with Jungwoo were rare
But when they happened, they were always playful and didn’t last more than a few minutes
However, it had been quite some time since the last time you had seen him
And things were getting heated
What started out as innocent pecks on the lips turned into lingering kisses
And even though you already entered dangerous territory, you decided to straddle him
You were just so carried away and he just looked so good
He didn’t know what you were planning on doing, assuming that you were just trying to kiss him, and that you were unaware of the growing bulge in his jeans
So he grabbed your hands sweetly
“Y/N, do you want to watch that new episode of—”
You’d have to stop him from reaching for the remote so he didn’t misunderstand your intentions
“Let’s keep going, babe... If...you want to?”
You reach down to his zipper, making your intentions clearer
The confusion on his face disappeared as soon as he understood what you were doing
“Y-you want to?”
He was reluctant at first, but that subsided when you began palming him and soon grabbed his member out of his pants and wrapped your lips around them
Low key gets a bit shy when you make eye contact, so most of the time his eyes are shut, just enjoying the sensation
Has one of his hands intertwined with your because he’s such a soft boy
You could feel his cock throb as he was getting close
His breaths would get sharper and his moans
He’d like it if you took his member with your hand and jerked him off until he finished onto your lips
Is so shy afterwards, but honestly really grateful for you because that was a hell of a lot to experience
Asks you if you wanted him to return the favor, if you did, he’d gladly do so
But if not, he would just holds you without saying a word
Ngl he’s still a bit vulnerable afterwards as well, but really is just taking in what had just happened
He’s definitely one to want to do it again and again
Not saying that he wasn’t sexually attracted to you before, but expect him to become even more sexually attracted to you + wanting to experience/experiment with other things
asdfghjhfkdjshf don’t know why this one ended up so damn long
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Ok so Mark knew exactly what you said from the moment it came out of your mouth, but took a few seconds to process it
But this one still didn’t have a clue on what he should do/say
Especially since it would be your first time going down on him
So you’ll have to say some more to fill in the silence
“We’ve been together for a while, so I wanted to try something new, but only if you want to”
“O-okay. Sure, Y/N.”
He’d nod slowly and bite his lip in anticipation and he was for sure getting excited
And he’s already turned on because of how direct and sure you were about it
It was quite the ego booster for him
Praises you consistently and sometimes slips out a few curse words
“You’re so gorgeous”
“Ahhh, you’re so good at this– damn, baby”
Loves it slower so he can take it all in and make it last for as long as he could
Sucks in his breath and his chest heaves at the feeling of your wet mouth
Like wow he is actually getting head from you, it’s unbelievable to him lol
Is kind of tense the whole time, but as soon as he cums he’s so relieved
Might be understandably awkward afterwards and say some silly things out loud
“Wow, so that just happened” dork
You both would giggle a bit
Doesn’t miss the opportunity to go down on you right away if you wanted him to
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Nervously laughs at the beginning when you’re taking off his pants
Is blushing literally the whole. entire. time.
And is very overwhelmed, so he squirms quite a bit
If you talked to him and asked him how he was feeling, he’d get more comfortable about it
And he’s shy because being so exposed and letting you do your thing was so surreal
And because it was his first time getting head from you (and probably ever), he was more reserved
So he kind of just let you lead the way as he watched
Unintentionally bucks his hips into your face, he gets a bit rough without realizing it
Is truly amazed by how using your mouth could make him feel
Moans your name when he’s about to cum and gradually gets louder when he does
Covers his face as he’s cumming into your mouth, letting out a whiny moan
Teases you right after to alleviate his shock about what you just did for him
“Didn’t expect that from you, you’re dirtier than I thought”
Is so giddy for the next fucking week tbh
Feels so damn lucky, so is super nice to you for a while lol
He would be a little late on returning the favor because of how amazed/shocked he was lmao, so expect him to ask to eat you out a few days late
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1899-newsboy-strike · 4 years
Joining In - Jack Kelly Smut
Requested: Could you possibly do 5,41,50 with Jack and a male reader for the smut list?
5 - Instead of staring you could join
Warnings:  smut, 41- edging 50- masturbation, dom Jack/sub reader, handjob 
Summary: Jack walks in on you and your teasing words lead to something you’d always dreamed of.
You hadn’t had the apartment to yourself in ages, and you had pent up frustration. You were never a quiet moaner, so you could never relieve yourself when Jack was home. What made it worse was your big crush on Jack. You frequently found yourself drooling over Jack, always getting stuck with problems you couldn’t fix whenever he walked around your apartment half naked after he would get out of the shower. 
You found yourself in the usual predicament. Jack walked around with his towel hanging down on his hips low, another drying himself and his hair off. You couldn’t stop staring, watching the towel slowly slip as he walked over to you. It hadn’t been until he was waving his hand in front of your face that you realized he’d been trying to get your attention. 
“Yeah?” You asked, averting your eyes from his stomach to his face. 
“I asked if you needed anything from the store.” Jack explained making you shake your head. 
“No, no I’m good.” You said, sitting up straighter on the couch. Jack patted you on the shoulder, earning a small gasp from you when you felt the sparks where his hand hand been. You tried to bring your focus back on to what you were watching after Jack had left, but you couldn’t ignore the ache in your pants any longer. 
You were naked on your bed, your hand wrapped around your hard length finally being able to make all the noise you wanted without having to worry about Jack hearing you. The second you started moving your hand the moans were continuously leaving your lips. You couldn’t help but buck your hips into your hand, the pleasure filling your entire body, thoughts of Jack clouding your head. 
“Oh Jack.” You whimpered loudly, imagining his hand was wrapped around you instead. You must’ve been taking longer than you thought, because the sound of someone gasping made your eyes shoot open and avert to your door. Jack was staring at you in surprise, frozen in place with a look that you couldn’t quite decipher, but you spoke before you could stop yourself. 
“Instead of staring you could join.” You breathed out through a smirk, your hand still pumping your length slowly. To your surprise Jack closed the door behind him, making his way over to you which made your heart beat out of your chest. 
“This all for me?” Jack cooed in your ear when he climbed on your bed, replacing your hand with his. You let out a whine, nodding rapidly. He teased your tip, grabbing your chin before pulling you in for a kiss. Much to your dismay you broke the kiss with a moan, your forehead resting on Jack’s while he started to move his hand faster than before. “How long have you wanted this?” Jack asked, kissing you softly.
“A long time.” You moaned, whining when Jack pulled his hand away from you.
“Well let’s see how long you can last.” Jack hummed, caressing your thigh softly. “I can’t get enough of your cute moans.” Jack smirked down at you making you shiver from his tone. You rested your head on Jack’s shoulder, your moans filling the room again once Jack started moving his hand again. 
“Fuck, Jack.” You cried out, your fingers digging into his arm. Jack’s hands seemed to be working wonders, and the second he felt you twitch in his hand he stopped his movements. “Jack please.” You begged, your hand sliding down his arm to his hand. He smacked your hand away softly, tightening his grip around you making your breath catch in your throat.
“I don’t know if dirty boys like you get to choose when they cum Y/N.” Jack teased, making you let out a breathy moan. “Do you want me to fuck you or do you want to cum?” Jack asked, moving his hand up and down at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Cum.” You cried out without a second thought, unable to pick your head back up from his shoulder.
“Aww, so desperate aren’t you?” Jack laughed softly, his hand picking up to an ungodly pace. Your mouth hung open, nothing but choked moans leaving your mouth. Your hips were once again bucking up, making Jack smile down at you. “Cum for me.” Jack whispered in your ear, slightly nibbling your ear.
“Fuck.” You cried out, most definitely bruising Jack’s arm at how hard you were grabbing it. Your orgasm hit you full force, your entire body shaking. Jack let you calm down from your high, rubbing your thigh like he’d done before, and before he could say anything he’d heard your breathing change and your body instinctively get comfortable on him.
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I think if he's wanking he's a soft, breathy moaner and just tenses up a lot, holds his breath, bites his lip, and tilts his head back but if he's with another person I see it being more intense for him and him being louder and more dramatic
yes yes yesssssss
if he’s alone and just jerking off then i see him as the exact same thing, soft breathy moans of “fuck” or maybe a “shit” as he tilts his head back and lets his hips buck into his hand
and if he’s with someone i agree that it’s louder and more dramatic, maybe his eyes roll back a little and his back arches and he announces when he’s gonna cum with a whine of, “shit, m’close” or something like that
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kpurereactions · 5 years
Johnny as a bf
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johnny is such bf material i’m sure everyone knows this,
even this gif is boyfriend material i’m sobbing,
okay starting, 
he’s tall so when ever he hugs you he rests his chin on your head,
also when he hugs you he holds on for a really long time, 
just a nice long hug whenever he can where he’s rocking you in his arms and talking to you quietly about his day or how nice your hair looks today etc. etc. 
this position gives him the best angle to kiss your temples or forehead as much as he wants, 
and he’ll take the opportunity every ti-me he sees it, 
also back hugging gives him the perfect position to lay his head on yours cause this one tall mf
bad jokes,
I have this gut feeling that he’ll be making terrible jokes/puns at least a few times a day, 
mainly very cheesy/cringy/flirty jokes,
“hey y/n, have you ever been fishing before? I only ask because I really think that we should hook up,”
“Johnny please stop we’re at the movies,”   
hand holding is a phat must, 
he loves just interlocking your fingers together and holding them close to him if you happen to be laying down,
sometimes he’ll intertwine your hands and put it in the pockets of his hoodie or vice versa, 
did someone say hoodies,
yes I did,
he lets you wear all the hoodies he owns, 
buys hoodies that you say you like and will wear it for a few days so you could wear it eventually,
“Johnny’s fashion evaluation” 
will always ask for your opinion on his outfits,
we all know he dresses well, so he’s really just fishing for compliments from you,
and you bet your ass that you’re gonna be gassing him up with compliments,
“oh daddy”
and of course he’ll gas you up as well when your outfit/makeup/hair/anything is looking fire,
Johnny is a big cuddler giant teddy bear and loves to have his arms around you,
when he is upset or under the weather, he loves to just be held,
loves when you run your hands through his hair and massage his head,
loves to lay his head on your chest and listen to you breathe,
he can fall asleep so quickly when laying on you,
okay now I’m getting to the naughty naughty bits ;),
Johnny is a moaner,
I just get this image of him nailing you doggy style and then he clenches his eyes a bit and rolls his head back and letting out long breathy moans,
ahahhahha im dying inside
he also talks pretty dirty when he gets really into it,
most of the time he’ll be moaning or saying how this or that feels so good (slight praise kink maybe?), but when he gets really into it he does some juicy dirty talk,
“love the way my cock feels in your mouth baby,”
“you like the way my tongue feels princess/prince?”
Johnny also loves to hear you be vocal,
he wants to hear you moan and say his name as he pounds into you or goes down on you,
i feel like he loves to grab onto you,
like at all times he has to have at least a hand gripping your thigh, ass, waist, wrist, etc.
in a way he gains more control which I think he likes,
on the topic of control he is a complete dom, 
I don’t see him subbing for anyone,
he may listen to your commands in the bedroom, but he does it in a way were he’s playing along with it,
like it’s almost laughable that you’re telling him to come take your panties off, but he’ll still walk over there and do it, but he’s most definitely in charge,
im giving myself heart issues thinking about this man
Johnny loves getting head,
he obviously loves getting his cock sucked duh,
but he loves watching you as you suck him off,
loves when you look up at him with puppy-dog eyes and give his dick a good sucking (wow im so good a describing head this is so hot wow),
anyways, he also really likes deepthroating,
he will probably be two seconds away from busting a nut when you start deepthroating him,
casual blowjobs are much appreciated,
like just watching a movie in the living room then BAM your sucking him off and he’s putty in your hands,
aftercare with johnny is really cute and sweet,
he asks if you’re okay and if he went to ham (not really but you get what I mean),
he just super gentle and super clingy and will 100% fall asleep either with you in his arms or vice versa,
im just gonna come out a say it now, I l*ve Johnny 
that’s all folks I’m gonna cry myself to sleep now!
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