#he left after that one kind of offended that i dared to ''talk back'' like that and luckily one of my coworkers was in there to witness it
hearts-hunger · 1 year
i'm deep frying my boss with my mind btw
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deansapplepie · 2 months
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Whatcha lookin’ at? (Drabble)
Warnings: none.
A/N: maybe ooc Daryl, I can’t say certainly.
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The Quarry, Atlanta
It was a scorching hot morning at the quarry. 1 month after the outbreak or maybe a little more. The community that started small at the quarry, now had a lot of people and everyone had their own function. The function division was a little sexist, but you wouldn’t complain unless someone made some harm against you, or your dad. Not that you were dangerous or anything.
You were squatting near the water washing clothes with the other women, not your favorite chore you should say. You never thought you’d miss a washing machine so much in your life, but the task was bearable, the other ladies were nice and… having him some meters away fishing and being able to steal some glances made it all better.
Your legs were paining from squatting for a long time, so you decided to stand up for a little and you couldn’t just control your eyes as they wandered to where they’ve been wandering for the last month… to the charming grumpy handsome redneck. Daryl Dixon. He wasn’t one to speak much, but when he did you could expect 2 things a pretty smart remark that no one would expect from someone like him or a sassy remark that would annoy most of people, but made you all tingly and bothered.
“You’re staring, darling. Again.” Jacqui said by your side.
“I’m not.” You answered, cheeks instantly blushing.
It was well known among the women about your crush on the redneck, they saw how you looked at him, most of them disapproved it, not that they had any saying in it, but they new a Dixon wasn’t the kind of men Dale would ever want for you. Just a few of them didn’t judge you, Carol was too busy with her problems to care about anything else, Jacqui wasn’t one to judge anyone and Amy… she was a sweetheart, young and a little rebellious, so she always thought ‘why not?’.
While you were lost in your thoughts looking at Daryl, the way his muscles tensed while fishing, the sweat running on his tanned skin burnt by the sun…
He looked back at you.
He started walking in your direction.
“Fuck.” You squatted instantly again and put your attention back to the clothes. “He saw it, please pretend I wasn’t looking at him.”
“There’s no way of pretending, both of you are always on a staring contest.” Amy frankly spoke.
“What?” You asked, nope you were always the only one staring.
You got no answer because as soon as the blonde opened her mouth to answer you, a certain redneck approached you.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” He asked his feet planted by your side.
You didn’t answer. Maybe if you pretended it wasn’t with you he would just ignore and leave.
“Horvath, I’m talking to ya.” He squatted, SQUATTED, by your side. “Why d’ya keep staring? Have ya never seen a dirty redneck?”
Shit. He wasn’t going to give up, you pissed him.
You couldn’t dare saying anything, but before he could open his mouth and pressure you one more time, the words simply left your mouth.
“You’re handsome.” You looked at him and you almost fell with your ass on the ground just by looking at his eyes deep as an ocean, but his reflexes were faster than gravity and he got a hold of your arm supporting you.
That was his turn to have no words. Were you joking?
“I like looking at pretty things.” His hand got a tight grip on your arm, it didn’t hurt, but instead sent tingles all over you.
He didn’t know if he felt flattered or offended. First of all he didn’t think he was handsome and secondly no men would like to be called pretty, but he couldn’t feel mad when it was coming out of your sweet pretty lips.
“And what does your daddy think about this?” He didn’t know what to say, so the first thing left his mouth was an intent of telling you that your father wouldn’t approve it.
In an act of boldness you said “I don’t know, I never asked him if he thinks you’re cute too.”
You thought you had screwed things bad and if he didn’t hate you before, he’d now for sure, but your worries dissipated as soon as a smirk appeared at his lips, almost a smile, his pointed canine showing slightly at the side. “Ya’re fun.”
“Sometimes I am.” You answered.
He grunted, when what he wanted to say was from now on you would probably need to bear with his staring too, not that he didn’t before, there was just one thing about you that made it impossible for him to not take glances at you constantly. He wanted to dislike you, like everyone else, but even if Merle was disgusting to you, you still treated him nice, even if his brother was a jerk.
He got up and before living you go be tortured by the other women he said one last thing.
“I’ll see ya ‘round sunshine.”
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @shadowcitrine @vaniniweenie @cupidelocke
MDNI banner by @anitalenia
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amphitriteswife · 1 month
Jaegyeon na x reader
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Standing on the central station of Incheon, you were busy reading the latest news. You were going to take the next train to Seoul which was in half an hour. Tapping your foot against the ground impatiently, you were reading the news article about Jichang kwak who ‘suddenly’ passed away. Scrolling through the article almost the 3rd time in the past few minuted you scanned the words. Nothing made sense at all. Jichang wasn’t a weak man, nor was he he careless man. So why would someone target him when he wasn’t even the king of Seoul anymore but of Chuncheong? A place that many did not care for at all? Thinking about it terrifying. Not only did they know lots about jichang as a gang member, but they were strong enough to kill him.
The harsh and loud scraping of the train gliding ringing in your ears, the sound of many people talking all felt a little overwhelming at the moment. But what was there to do? It was strange. Everything seemed out of place. Jichang was a honorable man even if you didn’t often cross paths. He was respectful and did care more for his family than for the greed of taking over the territory of the other kings of the 1st generation. It was just so heartbreaking for a man who was finally making a turn for his life. Most of the time then. It gave off a chilling feeling. Unfortunately for you, the chilling feeling only became worse when a familiar voice was heard close to your ears
‘I thought we agreed you wouldn’t show your face in this place again?’ A man with a blonde dyed mullet and black roots asked you. He wore rather fashionable clothing and a chain around his neck. He looked like a kpop idol…you almost mistook him for DG but with another style..not that you’d say it out loud.
The man waved in front of your face. Seemingly to get you to pay attention. ‘Hellooo i asked you something Y/N’ the man said seeming a little irritated that you didn’t answer his question. Strange. He knew your name. Yet you didn’t know him, not at the top of your head. ‘Who are you?’ You asked him back a little puzzled. The man seemed absolutely floored at your question, almost offended even. His face switched from narrowed and a scowl to dropping open his jaw and having wide eyes. ‘It’s me! The king of Incheon!’ The man said pointing to his own face. ‘How could you ever forget my handsome face?’ He asked you back, offended at your lack of recognition for him. ‘….James?…’ you said slowly and hesitantly, recalling the events to meeting a red haired youngster you met a few years ago.
The man stopped moving, completely stunned by the name you just called him. He looked almost deeply hurt and on the verge of crying by which name you just called him before his face distorted in pure rage ‘JAEGYEON! JAEGYEON NA DAMMIT! HOW DARE YOU EVEN COMPARE ME TO THAT FUCKER!’ He said all in one go, catching his breath after followed by his composure. He ran a hand through his bangs and looked at you again all cocky and arrogant. ‘So..what is the former Queen of Incheon doing here? Trying to get back your title?’ He asked you in an almost mocking tone.
Realization dawned over you which made you laugh because of how you totally forgot him, and because of how much he changed. Physically then, mentally he was still the same. ‘Well, even if i was the former queen, i left that life style behind a long time ago. Why did you think you won anyway?’ Jaegyeon stiffened a little. Are you implying that you let him win? How humiliating…But he decided to play it off for now. ‘So..what are you doing here?’ He asked you a little hesitant but mixed with curiosity. ‘I’m going to Seoul, taking the train. Why?’ You asked him back. A little suspicious by the questioning which made him scoff. ‘I could drop you off myself. No need to take the train.’ Jaegyeon offered, sounding more cocky than kind. ‘No way, i’d rather take the train than be seen in that junk of yours.’ That seemed to piss him off as his face scrunched up in anger before he started insulting you, spewing all kinds of nonsense and walking away to his junk car. Muttering a soft ‘stupid girl’ under his breath, secretly hoping you’d hear him.
It was weird, since you two were around the same age. But then again, it’s not like you’d care if he said something like that to you. You just waved back and stepped into the train that had arrived in the mean time, leaving Jaegyeon alone with the weird interaction he just had with you. He couldn’t help but wonder when he’ll see you again and confess. If he’ll even have the balls to do so.
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Thank you all for reading! 🙏
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arsonlookers · 4 months
Broken Marriage
childe x reader ANGST [modern au]
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You two have been in a healthy and romantic relationship for over 6 years, you're marriage looked perfect from an outsider's even your parent's perspective. Childe was blunt and sarcastic and cold sometimes but he was loving and sweet at times, and you can tell he truly cares.
Over time for one year and a half, you noticed that Childe had slowly been growing colder and driving away from you. He seemed extremely uncomfortable when he walked in the room and he'd always make excuses for staying out late. He didn't love you the same anymore for this past year.
He comes home late as he usually does and goes to his little office room where he always usually stays
"Childe?" You called out to your husband from the other room. "Are you okay?" You were met with silence and for a moment you thought he didn't hear you. He finally spoke over the sound of his computer.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied but his tone was obviously irritated.
look at his door room totally not convinced, you already know what is going on you just want confirmation on why the hell is he acting like this this time.
so You enter his little office room and look over at him. He was leaning back on his chair, looking at his screen and typing away. You couldn't read his expression but you had a feeling something was wrong. again
You walked over and gently touched his arm. "I know you're not okay. Please talk to me."
"There's nothing to talk about, babe."
He didn't tear his eyes from his screen, his voice was quiet but you could hear the coldness in it. The last time he called you "babe" was a month ago.
SO full and irritated by this kind of behavior he has with you. You are so done now, you are done being PATIENT with him, and all his tantrums.
You coldly say to him "Did you really think" You glare at him
This time He finally looked away from his Screen and turned towards you. His face was cold and serious, the exact opposite of his old loving self. He seemed to be holding back a lot of words.
you continued "I'd just forgive and forget...no" This time you are ready to spill the secret he has been holding onto you
The look on his face remained unchanged. After a short pause he let out a sigh, like he was preparing for a speech.
"Look, I don't know how to be any clearer, but I've just been feeling different lately. I don't feel the same about you anymore."
" After all this course of a year, After catching you with her that day, Your blood should run cold" You continued
Childe's look went from cold to pure hatred as the words "her" left your lips. He gripped the sides of the chair, his knuckles slowly turning white.
"Her?" He repeated and you could see his lip twitch.
"Oh don't you dare pretend now Childe" You glared hard with range but still keeps your calm cold tone as you said that
"so cold" Looking down at him from where you are standing "You,…you two-timing, cheap lying, wannabe"
Childe's hands gripped even tighter and he slowly stood up from his seat. This wasn't the man you knew, this was a stranger.
*"You're nothing but a dirty whore who can't keep her legs closed." His voice was low but it was clear how much anger he had stored inside.
feeling offended and hurt by what he said you Slap him hard on his right cheek for what he said.
He flinched and his face immediately turned red to match his mood. His eyes narrowed and he glared up at you with hatred. He rubbed his cheek and stepped forward, he seemed like a different person now. You didn't know how far he'd go but you had a gut feeling he'd do something worse if you provoked him further.
'but I am not scared of him at all' You thought as you stood your stand and face him with your own coldness and glare "You're a fool if you thought that I'd just let this go"
Childe was clearly annoyed by your lack of fear. He let out a short scoff and grabbed your arms.
"You won't let this go? Is that a threat? Because I'm warning you right now, you don't want to see what I'm like when I'm angry."
"Oh Childe I think you already are " you glared at him "You have been like this…you have changed…" mocking him "You not the same person I married 6 years ago"
Childe's face scrunched up from your mocking. He leaned closer to you, so that his face was inches from yours.
"You're right, I'm not the same person I was 6 years ago. You're not even the same person. This marriage has gone nowhere but downhill for the past year and I don't think it's going to go anywhere. We both deserve to find someone that's right for us and that person isn't each other."
feeling like something inside you boils from his statement "God you’re just so obvious, Is that why you Already CHEATED on me huh?" questioning him with a tone of mocking
Childe let out a low growl, his grip on your arms tightened.
"Why can't you just keep your whore mouth shut? It's not my fault you aren't good enough for me, it's not my damn fault for liking her more than you. If you just tried to be better instead of playing the victim all the time…"
something inside you was breaking but at the same time too cold and indifferent from what you are feeling currently just anger and disappointment coursing through your veins
"Do you really think I needed it? Your fcking opinion means nothing to me" with venom through your words
Childe's face was filled with pure anger, he was shaking now and you could see the veins in his neck starting to bulge. He was completely losing control.
"Then why the hell did you even marry me in the first place?! Why would you let me waste 6 years of my life on you if you don't even care about what I think?"
You look at him dumbfounded as if you are hearing to the most stupidest things you have heard of
"That is because I didn't marry a cheater before Childe!? Just why did you change?! what did you see in her that I don't have?? "
Childe looked down at you with a frown. The anger on his face seemed to fade a bit, like he was beginning to pity you now.
"I didn't change I just realized things about you. I realized that I married the wrong person. You're weak and insecure and it's honestly pathetic. And if you want to know what I saw in her, she's everything you're not."
This time you can feel the little love you have left for him is starting to fade and break away from what you are feeling changed by hatred, shock, sadness, anger, and all negative emotions you feel in the course of your life
"…..wow" in a sarcastic tone "Really wow" The look of disbelief was evident on your face
As he sees your reaction he didn't like it one bit so he said it again
"Do you want me to say it again for you? If your dumbass didn't get it the first time."
Childe's voice was dripping with sarcasm but he wasn't lying. He was beginning to think you were even more pathetic than he first thought.
"Did you happen to forget, all the little details Like texting her In the middle of the night?Beside me!? Did you really think I'm that DUmb HUh?! HAHAHAHAHA fck Childe I didn't know I also just married a person who literary would be so fcking idiot " You backfired him back
"The texting during the middle of the night wasn't even the worst of it. I really didn't think you were that blind, but if that's the case, how did you not realize I've been seeing her more often than you. Your dumbass didn't even realize I didn't come home some nights because I was with her."
You could feel his hatred coming back into his voice again and his anger was starting to get to him.
'wow the audacity to get angry at me' You thought but at the same time what he said sounded so ridiculous and so outright sound like a joke to your ears
"pffftttt haha" you tried to surpass the need to laugh at the moment
"I should have guessed you wouldn't be able to handle the truth. I mean are we surprised? You can't even handle the fact that you're not good enough for me anymore."
He leaned closer to you again, his face being mere inches away from yours. The look in his eyes was scary, it almost seemed like he was going to hurt you if you said one more thing.
"HHAHAHAHAHHAHA you think I'm that surprised anymore?! What are you an idiot? you would think that "I" didn't know that my fcking husband is fcking another girl behind my back DIDNT know?! oh, let me tell you Childe" Pointing at his chest
"I fcking knew from the start I fcking knew all your business trips are just trips In her house to just fck her, and pretend you're both married, Don't even get me started with your list and list of hotels receipts just to fck her there you horny little shit!?"
Childe was now completely losing it. His grip on your shoulders was now so hard that his nails were digging in your skin. His breath was shallow and you could feel the heat emitting from his rage. The look in his eyes has completely changed, he was pure anger now.
"You knew? You knew all along and you still stayed? You are a bigger idiot than I thought. Is that why you weren't able to satisfy me? Because she was doing it better than you?" he mocked looking down at you with range in his eyes
But all you can feel is the need to let him know about what you truly feel at this moment. feeling a little sting inside your heart for hearing him say that but also feels your whole being, being able to let it all out.
Childe lets out a roar of rage, his grip on your shoulders is still strong but he's starting to lose his strength since he can't keep on holding you back. All of the years of being patient with you have lead up to this moment now and he was finally snapping. He yells the next words with anger and hatred.
"Beloved?! You call being cheated on for the past year "love"? Love? You've got to be kidding me! You're just as dumb as I thought you were. I am so glad I'm getting a divorce!"
Childe's face went from anger to shock and pain as the second slap landed. His grip on you tightened again, his fingers tightening around your shoulders, his nails piercing your skin. Your words seemed to sting him but the pain just made him angrier.
"Shut your whore mouth, you stupid c*nt."
Hearing it you just can't stop talking back at him "OH YEAH!? ARE YOU TALKING TO YOURSELF?! Congrats!! YOU KNOW YOURSELF THAT MUCH!?" you sarcastically replied
Childe's body clenched and he grunted as the insult hit him. He didn't say anything but the fact that it hurt him was clear. Without warning, his grip let go of your shoulders and he pushed you away with such force that you fell backwards onto the floor. His eyes looked at you with nothing but hatred now.
So you stand up by yourself from the cold floor "bastard till the end" Cold glare as you contact his eyes with yours.
Childe stood there for just a moment, looking down at you. He was about to leave the room but he paused, as if he had something more to say.
"You're right; I am a bastard all the way through. I don't like you. Hell, I never even loved you in the first place. The only reason I married you at all is because I felt sorry for you."
Something inside you is now...empty after hearing what he said to you. feeling stabbed inside… again and again inside your pitiful full of holes and broken heart
"is that so… then let me tell you Tartaglia I only married you because I did loved you and I meant the Ajax that I married not the cunt like you .. So let me remind you clear EVEN if you married me because of pity I dont fcking care"
"Oh really? You don't care if your husband married you out of pity because you're as pathetic as they come?"
Childe took a step forward, getting closer to you again.
"I knew you were stupid, but I didn't think you were that stupid. Who the hell would love you if I didn't? You're not loveable."
with range blinding your vision third slap came from your right hand in a flash of the eye harder this time "Leave already you FCKING CUNT?! "
Childe flinches again, this time showing more of his pain. He seemed to be more in his feelings than he was before. He looks away and scoffs, he could've just left but he stays, as if he can't seem to walk away.
"Fine, I'm leaving. But before I do, I'm going to give you one last piece of advice: Don't be so fcking annoying. Maybe then someone might love you."
You look at him leaving the door
"then some advice from me is. Don't be such a fcking horny cunt who can't be satisfied by one woman. then maybe the only possible woman to love you truly and won't leave you for the rest of your lifetime." Slammed the door hard in front of his face
Childe's face scrunched up in anger as your words hit him once again. He wanted to say more, he wanted to get the last word in but, at the same time, he was ready for this to be over. He slammed his fists against the door loudly before finally walking away.
Well, looks like this marriage is definitely over. The two of you seem to be going your separate ways now and it looks like there's no hope of reconciliation. Although the two of you have made harsh remarks at each other, it's clear that there is still a bit of underlying feelings.
You would be stuck with these memories of being cheated on and emotionally abused for years to come. The pain from all the events leading up to the end won't be easily forgotten for you, but that also isn't something that will stay with you forever you convince yourself. That, you will find someone better and have a healthier relationship, just like you wanted from your relationship with Childe.
Overall, it's safe to say that there are a few lessons to be learned from this story: don't stay in a relationship out of pity, and don't cheat on your partner!
If you want a Happy ending it's in the Comment section
A/n: Hi Ars here! I just wanted to say that I don't really know if this is counted as angst??? I mean that was pretty intense I tell you. Well, I don't really know for now since exams are over I think I will slowly start to work on my other drafts as well but at the same time take a break from the stress life has gifted Given to me. I feel like being sucked by mosquitos after answering problems 😢
P.s : hidden easter egg : search for the references :>
Anyway, help me decide if I should continue or no? Thank you Have a great day ahead of you!!!
©2024arsonlookers: do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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cherry-pop-elf · 9 days
Drink With Me
George Weasley x Reader
AN: For poor @im-trying-my-best-yall who needs some needed fluff
Sum: George has been acting pretty weird around you recently. He keeps trying to say something to you, but whenever he does he seems to switch topics right before he says it. You figured he’s just stressed about planning for WWW after school ends, but it’s getting annoying now. So you confront him
Warning: Short and Sweet
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“Georgie! Hey, I gotta ask you something!”
There you hurried after him, to cut him off from heading to his next class. The rare times he and Fred weren’t glued to the hip. George took up new class that just wasn’t Fred’s speed. Was something about Baking if you recall correctly. Fred prepared to cook. Had to take the chance, while he’s alone, so no one could intercept you both.
“Hey shortie, what’s up?” He would ruffle at your hair, as you quickly fixed it. Those Weasleys and their string bean genes. Made him tower over you. Always left with a hurt neck if you talked to him too long. Hopefully this will be short.
“You’ve been trying to ask me something for the past few days, and I figured now that I caught you that you can tell me. So what’s up?” You asked him. Asking seemed to be what he feared the most out of you.
His wand was soon rubbing his neck, his freckles cheeks flushing, and his doe eyes darting. He just seemed to instantly clammer up. Just not seeming to be the confident ladies man he normally is. He is just a wet hand mess. What was going on?
“Oh yeah….That. Yeah uh….Um.”
Oh how his eyes were darting around. He was trying so hard to find an excuse to not Ben in this situation right now. To find something to make him shut up. To escape this pin. But no one was around. No one anywhere, not even Peeves to give mercy to the bastard in the Gryffindor Robes. He needed to face this head on.
“Was um. Just wondering if you wanted to hit up the Three Broomsticks together. That’s all.” He tried his best to act casual, and shrug. Made you all the more confused.
Why is this making him so flustered?
“Ok…..Werido. That sounds nice. We could hit it up sometime after class. Fred and Angelina should be-“
“Without them…..”
Just the two of you. No brother, no other friends. Just the two of you. Like a date. Like a normal date that normal couples do. Normal normal normal little dating. Just a date between two people. A date date.
“……I uh. Yeah, I think I can do that.” You swallowed, as this was starting to really register now. He wanted to ask you out on a date. Still, why was he so flustered over it? He’s asked out plenty of guys and gals before. Never sweat this much. Even Fred straight up called Angelina across the table to the Yule Ball, and that was the end of that. What made you different?
“You weren’t dared to do this, were you?”
He stared down at you with the most offended expression possible. As if you called him a blood traitor. Some kind of slur that would make Molly faint. He looked ready to smack you, but of course he wouldn’t. He never would lay a hand on you. Unless you asked.
“What?! The hell you mean ‘was this a dare-‘ bullshit? No! This isn’t some dare. What gave you an idea like that? Fred and I have standards. Pranks like that are not only overly simplistic, but there is no joke at the end of it. Who’s laughing? No one. Give me some respect-!”
He gave you a hip bump, and it made you laugh. Helped you feel a little better over the whole situation. Maybe you were different for other reasons. Maybe he was bashful because you two had been friends for so long. It is pretty awkward to ask a friend out. If they say no, well….You can’t really take back what you said.
“Ok ok, I’m sorry Mr. Weasley. I shall never question your pranking methods again. Now hurry to class, before you get detention. If you get detention we can’t grab butter beers. Go on and get-!” You hip bumped him right back, and he gave that cute crooked smile. One that showed there was no worries to ever hold. That he’s all laughter.
“Alright I’m gone! All gone! Poof!” And down the hallway he went. Vanishing around the corner, as you now were dancing a squealing. Flapping away at your robes in total utter glee.
George Weasley asked you out.
Had you stimming like crazy, unaware that a certain red head had his own stimming session all the same. Flapping his hands to try and calm down. So damn happy you said yes.
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sportswriters · 5 months
nope, no favorites around here - j. drury
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pairing: jack drury x female!reader | f, slight a | co-workers to lovers | wc: 716 | warnings: mentions of jack fighting on the ice
welcome post!
y/n’s part of the medical team of the carolina hurricanes. she has a great relationship with the players since it's her job to do check-ups before and after the games.
one fine day, she almost collapses while watching jack getting into a fight with the opponent. the crowd is loud, the guys on the bench are shocked and impressed at the same time. jack dropping the gloves mid game? that's rare. she hates it.
“i don't care if you won, i don't care if it hypes up the crowd, i don't care if it's normal in this sport. are you freaking dumb?”
she's distracted until she notices jack watching her with a smug smile on his face, not even slightly offended by her rant. y/n freezes.
“sorry, shouldn't have gone that far.”
“it's alright, it's a valid worry to have… as someone from the medical team.” jack absolutely knows there's more to it, but he's having fun. she's adorable.
“of course.” she nods. “medical concerns only.”
at home, she starts overthinking about her relationship with jack, wondering if people might be seeing too much. i'm kind and attentive to everyone, right? oh, no, what if they think jack's my favorite? that's awful!
the next day, she goes to work completely self-conscious of her own actions. she greets everyone trying not to be suspicious as she almost sprints to her office. she takes care of the paperwork from the previous day and take notes of what the boss left for her. when practice time arrives, the players come around to do a quick check-up before going to the ice. she has other doctors with her, but somewhere inside she knows jack is going to her cubicle.
he does. jack walks peacefully to his favorite doctor assistant — knowing that there are a few others available —, but what catches him out of guard is how professional she’s acting. well, of course she always does her job correctly, but never this cold, this far — far from him. y/n does every step of the check-up carefully, trusting she’s great at hiding her thoughts from her expressions. they seem to be eating her up inside, that’s why she looks so focused on not messing it up.
“you alright? you look restless,” jack asks, genuinely concerned.
“all great, just got a lot on my plate today,” she replies, eyes on the clipboard with his informations. “good practice, jack. don’t come back here anytime soon.”
y/n turns her back at him to hide her frown, regretting her words. she just needs him to leave so she can breathe properly.
“thought i was your favorite patient.” he tries to lighten the mood. he really doesn’t want it to end that fast, but regrets it a second after, because when their eyes meet, she’s terrified.
“what? nope, no favorites around here. i treat every player equally. have you heard something about it?”
“hey, don’t worry, i was kidding.” jack watches her posture relax. “i promise to do my best only to come here to see you, is that okay?”
y/n freezes. what the hell is going on, right now?
“look, i like talking to you, alright? i’m not a fan of pain and bandages as well, i just don’t mind coming here when i know i’ll be seeing your pretty face.” jack decides to keep talking, afraid you’ll make any assumptions. “and i don’t want you to overthink that i’m giving mixed signs. so, y/n, i’d really like to take you on a date if you allow me.”
“yes. wait.” she covers her mouth then her face in embarrassment. jack softens, his smile grows bigger.
he waits patiently for her. in fact, he’d love to cup her cheeks on his own hands, but that’s hopefully for another day.
“i mean, yeah, it would be nice to go out with you,” she answers, holding a smile as best as she can. “but now i think you should go. wouldn’t wanna mess the queue and get me fired, right?”
he chuckles. there she is, the y/n that got him infatuated.
“of course. see you later, then?”
“don’t even dare getting a scratch on purpose, you hear me?”
“even though you’re adorable when you’re worried?”
“get out of my face right now!”
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staytinyville · 1 year
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: none, mentions of the previous chapters
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). Just know I am reading every single one of your comments and reblogs. I love them so much!
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You kept an eye on Jongho, who stayed quiet the entire trip back to the boys. You were glancing at him every so often, sighing when he just stared ahead. He didn’t bother to look at you, which left you a mess. 
It was way past the middle of the night by then, but the boys assured you it was not a problem. The one lantern they were using was enough to light the way. As you all pulled up to the camp, it was quiet until someone opened up their tent to take a look at what the noise was. 
“What are y'all doing back?” Hongjoong asked, walking closer to the four of you. 
“Plans changed.” Yunho sighed, pulling you off of his horse. As you walked into the camp, the others had moved to put their horses where the others were. 
San had gotten out of his tent, looking around and finding you waiting. He took notice of your tired expression, walking closer to you.
“You alright, Darling?” He asked, placing his hands on your arms. 
You tried to give him a smile, but you were too emotionally tired. “Yeah. I'm fine, San.” You told him.
“We're here if you need anything.” He continued, rubbing his hand along your sleeve.
“I know you are.” You whispered with a smile. “I appreciate it.”
“You wanna go to sleep?” San perked up, pulling you along. “You can sleep in my tent. Let's get you into some other clothes.”
You had a tired smile the whole time the man spoke to you. You allowed him to drag you into his tent, quickly moving about to find a clean shirt to give you. When he found what he needed, he handed it to you before moving back out the tent without a word. 
You were grateful for how gentlemanly they all were. They could tease you all they wanted, but they for sure knew how to respect others. It was something you found yourself admiring. They were not at all what one would dare consider criminals. At least not when you got to know them. It left a bubbly feeling in your chest to think about them at all.
When you had finished dressing, San walked back in, giving a closed eyed smile when he took you in. A blush was starting to settle on his cheeks as he enjoyed the sight of you in his clothing. 
“Thanks for the shirt.” You spoke up, moving to sit down on his bedroll. 
San watched as your shoulders dropped and you began to fidget with your fingers. He knew the tale-tell signs that you were stuck in your own head and it was making you emotional. 
“Hey, please talk to me.” San spoke up, kneeling down in front of you. “I know something's bothering you.”
Your bottom lip trembled as you tried not to cry in front of San. The man looked intimidating–seemed like he frightened just about anyone with how wide he looked. However, he was the sweetest man you had ever met. You knew he was someone who would listen to you. 
“I had a fight with my parents.” You softly told him.
“Those sometimes happen.” San scooted closer, moving to your side. 
Tears started to pool in your eyes once more, lips wobbling as you tried to speak. “Yeah, but not because they think you're a–a who-”
“You are not!” San stopped you from finishing. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, almost offended you dared to say that. “Don't ever think for one moment you are.” He shook his head. 
Your mind wandered back to earlier in the day, trying your hardest to justify what you had done. You knew that there was something wrong with what you were thinking. You were even honest with Mingi after he had kissed you. Not only that, you didn’t know which one of them you liked in a romantic sense and it left you in a dilemma. 
There was nothing wrong with liking multiple men, however in the end there was only one a woman could choose. But did you really want to pick just one of them? You were the kind of person who wanted to get to know someone before even thinking about them romantically. And you had spent enough time with some of the boys to know that you were starting to like them. 
And because of that, it made you think that your parents were right about you. Who in their right minds liked multiple boys? Who would dare to even tell them that?
“But-I kisses Mingi-” You choked out.
“What does kissing Mingi have anything to do with what you are saying?” San frowned. 
“Because I don't know what to do with my feelings for everything.” Everyone was what you wanted to tell him. However, that involved telling him that you liked them all. 
“Do you like Mingi?” San asked, looking at you as he waited for your answer. 
As you looked at him, everything seemed to flood in as you didn’t really know what to tell him. How were you supposed to answer him when he looked at you with kind eyes? He was a patient man who valued your words. You were a dead woman with how they all treated you. 
“Yes? Maybe. I don't know.” You groaned. “It's complicated.” Your shoulders dropped as you thought about what to tell him. “After he saved me, I feel like things changed.”
“Good or bad?” He tilted his head.
There was a fine line between knowing what was good and what was bad. You had your very obvious ones that made you look stupid if you didn’t think about it before. However, when it came to the feelings a human has, there were a lot of troublesome details that fell into it. 
Your feelings were your own, just as theirs were. In your head you knew it didn’t matter what others thought of it because it was what you wanted. They weren’t going to be the ones who supported you when things got tough. Perhaps your family was always going to be there, but if it was what made you happy, why would you give it up just to please them?
But they were still your family. They had taken care of you your entire life, up until that point, and will probably be the only people who knew better than anyone else. You cared deeply for their opinions, which left you with an aching heart over choosing your happiness or the safe route of staying at home.
“I can't answer that if I don't know.” You explained. “And the only reason I think that, is because I don't know if it's normal to think the way I do.”
“I'm sure you'll figure it out.” San patted your knee, humming.
You’ll figure it out? Figure out exactly what? That you were being pulled in different directions and didn’t know which one to take? You didn’t ever think that liking a man would be so troublesome. But then again, the first time you would ever like one, it just had to be multiple men. 
You had no idea what it was like to court someone, nor to have someone court you. You never really got past a first date with someone and didn’t get to experience the full thing of having someone listen to you, make you laugh, make you cry, save you. There was something about having someone do those kinds of things with you that made you regret not knowing about it sooner. 
However, thinking about it, if you had someone already there, would you have ever met the boys? They left you breathless because of how they looked at you. They didn’t make you feel like you were insufferable. It made you feel like you were on top of the world.
The problem in everything, though, lies in the fact that while you weren’t going to fall in a hole, the others were going to. What happens if in the end you could only choose one and the others are left to their devices? Were you really going to come in between them like that? You were being selfish.
“What happens when I do, though?” You sighed to yourself. “Someone is gonna get hurt either way.”
“Why would they get hurt?” 
“Because it's not normal-”
“Nobody will be normal, so long as one other person will think of you weird.” San frowned. “I still haven't found normal and honestly I wouldn't want to.” A soft smile crossed his features. 
“That would mean finding what everyone else thinks I should and should not be doing. I love what I do. And the others make it all the more better.” San turned to you. “Darling, no matter what you want in the end, we'll respect it. We'll respect you. Nobody is rushing you to find out what you want.”
You could remember Mingi had said just about the same thing. It made you wonder if they truly knew what it was you were talking about. You weren’t being completely honest and talked around the real problem. But it seemed like they knew you more than you thought. 
“Thank you, San.” You smiled, taking in his features.
“You're welcome.” His eyes closed as his lips pulled into a smile.
“Sweetheart, you're staying here?!” You and San turn to the entrance of the tent, watching Wooyoung pronounce into the space. “You look so adorable!” He cooed, eyes drifting over your body in San’s clothing. 
“The others have gotten you for far too long and I want to stay with you.” He made himself comfortable on the bedroll, pulling you down to lay next to him. “Sannie, come lay down with us.” He spoke up, calling for his friend.
You started to giggle as Wooyoung’s hands tickled you lightly, squirming away from his touch. San chuckled, scooting himself closer to both of you. “Coming, Woo.”
San and Wooyoung whispered to each other as you laid between them. They both seemed to be bickering, which caused laughs to quietly fall from your lips. They were like a married couple. Wooyoung would say something and San would try to agree no matter how stupid the boy sounded. It left a smile on your face as you drifted off to dreamland in their arms. 
You were baffled, though. There was so much you were missing in the picture–so much you didn’t know about them–that it made you worried about how much you cared about them. It was important to know the person you wanted to be with, even if in this time it wasn’t common. You knew that at one point you would need to separate yourself from them for fear of tearing them apart. 
But you wanted to be selfish just a bit more.
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki, @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory , @mommahwa1117 , @stvrfir3 , @sunnyhokyu , @cloudieclair , @araknoid , @starjoongi1117 , @chel-awingcherry ,
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quinloki · 7 months
I'm not even into yandere normally but I'm thinking about a polyam yandere situation with some of the WBP division commanders. Maybe you were a stowaway, maybe you were a hostage they couldn't bear to get rid of. Regardless you're entrapped between the group of them now. With such a large crew someone always has eyes on you. They rotate you between different DCs to sleep with, like a prized possession they share.
Also, if anyone is too harsh with you, there's always Marco to heal and soothe any injuries. He seems like the softest, most rational one--but in reality he's the most obsessed.
WB lets it happen--anything to keep his sons happy and under control.
Help it's too early to have these thoughts OTL
… you can’t do this to me.
You can’t
Gods -
You get hurt defending one of them- you’re no one really, just some islander, never left your village hardly never mind your island, but the WBP have been protecting the place for half your life. You watched things improve.
Like most people you lookup to them, so when other pirates start a fight with them at port you’re staying out of the way, but you’re also close by. You’re not much of a fighter, but you want to see them fight, you want to witness your heroes being heroes. You’re so unskilled comparatively that you don’t realize that Marco isn’t moving because he knows an attack is coming, you think the attack is working.
Moving before you can speak the realization hits all three of you at once. The pirate turns toward you as Marco turns to see who those third person is, and it all happens just fast enough he can’t stop you from taking the strike. Clumsy and accidental, it’s still deep. Deadly, if not mortal.
The white beard pirates erupt in ferocity - they had been holding back cause they don’t treat weaker crews cruelly, but now someone under their care has been harmed. The battle barely lasts a second after that.
You’re in Marco’s arms, flames flaring around you as he takes you back to the ship. It takes days - fighting off infection and fever with his help, he and some of the other commanders listen your fever dreams - your devotion, and they watch you struggle to live. The offending crew will be on the bottom of the ocean if you don’t pull through.
When you come around there’s a celebration. You are quickly effectively adopted by the crew. You’re so enamored with all of them, these great men you idolize, that you are on your best and kindest behavior. You couldn’t dare to put them out or offend them.
By the time you’re fully recovered you realize that something’s wrong. No one’s talking about how they’ll miss you. No one’s talking about getting you home. They’ve talked about your room, your space, your home and you realize they don’t mean the island.
You stand at the railing of the great ship, so large you hadn’t barely felt the list and tilt of the waves from your recovery bed, and you see naught but sea.
Marco puts a hand on your shoulder and when you look up at him you see a darkened face and fiery eyes, a fierce and demanding gaze hidden in the hooded eyes that always seemed so docile. Thatch, Izou, Ace, and a couple other commanders are standing around. Their kind smiles and warm expressions slightly off just like Marco’s.
Menacing to you with your new understanding.
“Don’t worry, yoi.” Marco says, even and clear voice oddly reassuring, equally terrifying. “We’ll keep you safe, pretty bird.”
And Marco is the constant. It’s his eyes you see in the dim edges of the kitchen when the drugged food Thatch is giving you starts to take effect. Marco sitting in for tea with Izou, while you’re bound in shibari, elegant and beautiful and immobile. Marco who pulls Ace off you when he’s fallen asleep buried inside you and you’re too tried to get out from under him.
Marco who sits on Pops’ shoulder when you’re called to talk to the Captain.
Marco who soothes your rope burns and relieves the ache of bruising marks even as he moves over you, laying you down so sweetly beneath him. Don’t worry sweet little bird, he’ll be so gentle, so precise, so sing for him in that song that no one else gets to hear.
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msnanu · 9 months
Libertine 06 | JJK
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Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those experienced through the senses.
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❧ Series Masterlist ❧
⏤summary ❧ He has a reputation for being the most promiscuous man on campus, and you, well, you are basically him in women’s pants. It will be the very first time that Jungkook is faced with someone who is gonna make him question his feelings and actions.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ f*boy jungkook x f*girl female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ some fluff, smut, mild angst, teasing and lots of sexual tension.
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language, NSFW🔞
❧ banner by: @dojakoo ❧
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The room that minutes ago was echoing several moans, now witnessed a deafening silence. The atmosphere in the room was tense, anyone who walked in there at that moment wouldn't say that sex had just happened.
Both of you were already properly dressed and as presentable as you could be.
As you struggled to get the strands of hair back into place, you watched through a glass closet door Jungkook pace up and down impatiently. You hadn't exchanged a word since the amazing sex session ended, just a kiss and nothing more.
You could sense the sudden discomfort in Jungkook’s body language. That’s weird – you thought.
“You okay?” You asked, looking at Jungkook through the glass.
Cursing at yourself for a moment because you shouldn’t care what the hell is going on in his head right now, you saw him turn to you directly.
“Fine.” He took a deep breath. “I just think we should go back.”
Huh? You didn’t see that one coming.
“We should?” You dared him.
Jungkook noticed that his monosyllabic posture did not please you. He saw you looking at him with a certain disdain after his short answers.
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you?” You asked, feeling somehow offended by that behavior.  
How could Jungkook explain to you? How was he supposed to tell you that this half-hour fuck had been the best fuck he'd ever had in his life. How to tell you he was on the brink of obsession over a girl he didn't even know if she had any kind of regard for him. He was feeling helpless, weak. He didn’t even understand what the hell was going on in his head.
It wasn't supposed to be this good. 
Of course, he wanted to fuck you, but not like this. It was supposed to be regular sex, like all the others.
Jungkook was acting that way because he knew he was utterly fucked.
“Nothing. Can we go?” He said, waiting for you by the door.
Until now, you felt like you could read him like a book but this time, you really didn’t understand what went wrong for him to start acting like this. And you were getting angry at the fact that you wanted to know what the hell happened.
You tried not to show any reaction to the way he was treating you right after you had sex. You really tried to, but you failed miserably.
You frowned, scoffing. “You’re an asshole.”
Jungkook didn't even have the right to be upset by your words. He knew he was being an asshole. It was the only thing that he knew how to do perfectly.
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The drive back to college was quieter than usual.
On the way out, Jungkook had avoided talking because he didn't want anything you said to make him overthink, but now, on the way back, he realized that was impossible.
You were no longer admiring the city like the moment you had left college. Your posture was straight on the seat while your face remained motionless looking straight ahead.
Jungkook was driving a little more quickly, eager to get out of your company. He felt like he was suffocating with emotions that he didn’t want to deal with.
As soon as Jungkook parked, he noticed some stares from vacant students outside.
“Dear God.” He whispered to himself.
You kept overthinking the whole ride, you needed to know if maybe he got the wrong idea.
Before he got out of the car, your voice caught his attention.“I wasn't faking there, I don't know what you-”
“Do you think I'm being an asshole to you because I thought you faked an orgasm?” Jungkook interrupted you rudely. “I know you didn't.”
Okay. That was mean. What the fuck is his problem?
You let out an exasperated sigh.
“So, why are you being so rude to me?” You were staring at him.
“Why do you care?”
Yeah. Why do you care? You thought. He’s just a hook up for the love of God, that’s all he ever was. Like every other guy. You shouldn’t care about it.
But why in the world are you feeling a sudden sting in your chest? You feel like such an idiot.
And as much as Jungkook found your behavior justifiable, he didn't understand why you were acting like this was something more than casual sex for you. You went out with different guys all the time; he was just one more on the list.
His last response seemed to awaken something on you.
“You're right. I don't know why I care.”
Your voice was shaking and Jungkook could see you swallowing hard.
Without saying another word, you opened the car door and started to get out, drawing more attention from those outside.
Jungkook felt awful. “Y/N, wait. I didn’t mean to-” he said, holding you by the wrist.
“Let go of me.” You said, straining to release your arm. The look that you gave him was enough for him to let you go immediately.
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Jungkook gulped and watched you walk toward the college entrance. The small groups around commented excitedly as they swung their gazes between you and the spot where he was parked.
He took as long as he could to get out of the car, but the timing wasn't helping him. He was late for second class.
As if the day couldn't get any worse, when Jungkook stepped inside the college, a familiar voice called him out.
“Hey,” Seulgi was shored up on a pillar in the courtyard. “I missed you this morning.”
“You were the one ignoring my calls.”
That phrase was a full plate to shape Jungkook's personality. Nothing was ever his fault, there was always someone to point fingers at.
“You were flirting with Y/N in front of me last Saturday, what did you expect?”
Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to keep what patience he had left. He didn't intend to argue with Seulgi there, but the girl seemed so determined to confront him that he had no choice.
“Are you done?” He asked, seeing the girl let out an evil smile.
“You know she's with Park, right?”
Apparently, Seulgi wasn't as dumb as he thought. “He said he spent all Sunday with her.” Seulgi said, tilting her head. She was desperate to provoke him.
He didn't even know if what she was saying was true, but just the thought of you and Jimin together for a whole fucking day made Jungkook's blood boil.
If Seulgi only knew where and who he was with, she wouldn't be teasing him right now.
“What do you want, Seulgi?” He asked, forcing himself to be polite.
“He really likes her, Jungkook.” She approached him, staying close to his ear. “Why don't you tell him you were with her this morning?”
Jungkook chuckled. That was a funny way of telling him that she'd seen them both.
At first, he thought Seulgi would be jealous, but the girl was willing to try to blackmail him with the fact that he had hung out with his friend's hookup.
Sadly for her, he couldn't care less what Jimin would think if he knew they were together.
“I'm sorry babe, I don't give a fuck about that.” 
Jungkook was so stunned by the whole situation with you, he just wanted to end that shit talk.
Seulgi mumbled a few words, but Jungkook was already walking to his class. He could feel she was grumbling behind him.
Desperate to get together with his friends and try to forget the events of that early morning, Jungkook quickened his steps. From a distance he could see Taehyung, Jin and Jimin talking in front of the class.
As Jungkook approached, he saw more details of that circle. Taehyung was standing with his feet against the wall, Jin also at his side. However, Jimin was sitting on a bench in front of them. As soon as Jungkook found them, he swallowed hard.
For a moment he thought he was living in some kind of sitcom, and that at any moment he would hear a booming laugh in his ear.
There you were, sitting on Jimin's lap, your hands were around his shoulders as Jimin held you by the waist. 
Jimin was caressing your body and you had your face rested on his. It was a hell of a scene to watch. Jungkook thought about walking right past you, but Jin didn't give him a chance.
“Hey! What’s up, JK.”
Jin's greeting made Jimin and you to look up to see him. Jungkook avoided facing you and instead offered Taehyung an uncomfortable smile.
He seemed to be the only one Jungkook could count on at that moment, he was certainly understanding the discomfort of the situation.
“Kook.” Taehyung greeted him with a fist bump.
“What’s up?” Jungkook said tiredly.
“Morning, Jungkookie.” Jimin said a little resentful.
When Jimin greeted him Jungkook was forced to look down.
His eyes met yours directly. You had an extremely peaceful expression, it was scary.
Your eyes were slightly narrowed, which made Jungkook take a deep breath. 
The scene of you moaning his name came to his mind and he just couldn't hold his gaze. The sight of you alone was enough to intimidate Jungkook in those conditions, the recent memory of you begging him to fuck you was the Armageddon of his existence. There was no way he could ignore it.
You on the other hand kept your gaze fixed on him, trying to intimidate him.
Successfully, you caused a feeling of anguish to take hold of Jungkook. Suddenly, he felt as if he was deprived of air, his eyes couldn't hold the gaze for long and his skin felt itchy.
It was a mixture of anxiety and angst.
“How you doing, Jimin?” He struggled. “Y/N.”
You smiled at him. You freaking smiled.
He was visibly affected. Feeling this way was different for Jungkook.
“Why don't we go in? Professor Hyuk is already inside.” Taehyung cleared his throat.
Jungkook was the first to nod and head into the room, causing his friends to look at each other.
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This feeling of failure was foreign to Jungkook. He defined this moment as "failure" simply because he got attached to you more than he should have. His reputation as a rake had grown naturally, it wasn't something he aspired to have, but it would be a lie to say he didn't like all that fame.
He knew that the correct way to solve all his mixed feelings was to have an honest conversation with you, it was the only way to actually "accept" those weird feelings.
However, he had already been warned that you had the same reputation as him, meaning there was little chance that you would take anything between you two seriously.
You being there with Jimin right after you had sex with Jungkook reinforced pretty much that thought.
It was a combo of bad things.
While Jungkook tried to find a way to get you out of his thoughts, his professor explained the basic matrices of how to perform applied statistics.
College was also stressing him out more than usual. Usually, Jungkook felt good in this environment with his friends, but all this confusion with Jimin had made him prefer to avoid his group a little.
Time passed and to Jungkook's relief it went faster than he had expected. 
Sitting at his desk, he did the math on how many days he could miss that subject. He couldn't take it anymore.
“Are you coming? Or are you staying to close the class?” Taehyung teased him.
Taehyung had been very close to Jungkook these days. Of course, he knew he could count on his friend, but lately he was being more than exceptional.
It was good to know that his bad temper hadn't scared off everyone around him.
“Jerk.” Jungkook said slowly getting up.
“Come on Jungkook, offer me a ride, I know you want to.” 
The two laughed.
“What the hell, what happened to your car?”
“I ended up abandoning it in a shady spot.” He said guilty.
The two walked towards the parking lot.
“What were you doing in a 'shady spot'?” Jungkook asked with a smirk.
“Let's just say that Anyra and I could not wait until we got home.” Taehyung was smiling like a child; it was amazing how good that girl was for his friend.
“You depraved perv.” Jungkook pushed him.
Inside the car on the way to Taehyung's house, Jungkook continued to talk about Anyra. He felt curiosity seeing his friend in this state.
“Is she really everything you say? Or are you just in love?”
“She's amazing” Taehyung looked at him smugly. “We are just enjoying ourselves for now, letting it flow”
The path was silent only for a little while.
“What about you and Y/N?”
“What do you mean? There isn't 'me and Y/N'.” Jungkook rumbled.
Taehyung let out a booming laugh.
He wasn't lying there. There wasn't a "Jungkook and Y/N" together, as a couple, it was easier to say there was a "Y/N and Jimin".
“Oh Jungkook, people talk.” He said, raising an eyebrow at his friend. “I know you were with her this morning.”
“So, that means we are together?”
“No. That means you are a man-whore.”
Jungkook laughed at the term Taehyung used to define him. He had heard it from many people but never from his close friends.
“Did you…” Taehyung hesitated.
“Bang her?”
“I wasn’t going to use that word… but okay, yes.”
“Yeah.” Jungkook sighed.
“I thought you would be happy about it.” His friend looked at him with a frown.
It was difficult for Jungkook to explain why he wasn't satisfied. The way he looked; it looked like it had been bad sex.
Several excuses came to his mind, anything was better than the truth, but Taehyung was being so understanding and willing to listen that he decided to speak the truth.
“She's... She's... I don't know... She's different. It's so fucking weird.” Jungkook stuttered. “Like, she's seeing one of our friends, and I never cared about it before, but now, it's like... I don't know... I think I care about her.”
Taehyung was awestruck. “Who is this guy next to me and what did he do to my friend?”
“Oh fuck you.” Jungkook lost his composure and laughed.
“Now, for real,” Taehyung said, composing himself. “I don't think I've ever seen you like that over a girl, but this thing you're feeling it's a good feeling to have. I mean, I know you, your reputation and stuff, but you should give this a try.” 
“Even if she has this reputation as a heartbreaker?” Jungkook asked with a slightly cocky air. “I don’t know man, it would be cool having her as a friend I guess, she’s someone nice to be around.”
“Well, my friend, you've got two ways to handle this situation, either you give it a go, or you just keep being the same asshole Jungkook as always. It's up to you.”
Jungkook chuckled. He knew what Taehyung was referring to when he called him an "asshole".
Probably all the time he just acted like a dirtbag with every woman he's ever been with.
Taehyung was right in a way, but Jungkook wasn't so comfortable with not having his reputation preceding him.
As Jungkook parked in front of Taehyung's house, his friend patted him on the shoulder in farewell.
“Enjoy things more, Kook,” He winked. “Bye.”
“See ya.”
He returned home thinking about what his friend had said.
There was no way he could let his guard down with you, it was too risky, even for someone as self-assured as he was.
Maybe he should enjoy things, just like Taehyung had said.
Maybe he should find you and keep having sex with you, there was nothing to lose as long as he didn't show his feelings. Even he wasn’t sure of what was that he was feeling. Maybe it was just the shock of how good the sex was and nothing more. He shouldn’t overthink this.
If you were hanging out with him and Jimin at the same time, let him make an effort to fuck you better.
On the way home he decided that he would follow Taehyung's second advice: to keep being an asshole.
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During Tuesday and Wednesday Jungkook didn't hear from you, he didn't see you, he didn't hear you, let alone hear about you. He guessed Jimin was giving him a break. 
He didn't know if Jimin had heard the rumors about the two of you leaving together. Not that he minded, but if Jimin actually knew, Jungkook would want to be prepared for confrontation.
All his classes were boring and hard to bear until the end. He couldn't wait for summer vacations, maybe then he could forget about you forever.
On Wednesday night Jungkook ignored Seulgi's calls. He could go out with her just so she could give him some peace, but he just didn't want to and didn't care if she got angry at him.
Through the cell phone screen, he could see all the messages, asking him to answer her, sending him provocative photos. She really didn't give up.
Two weeks ago he'd probably run over to her so they could fuck for an hour and then relax. However, this week he didn't feel the least bit horny for her, which was weird.
On Thursday, Park Jimin decided to end his peace.
Approaching his group of friends at college, Jungkook could see that several side conversations were taking place.
Jin and Taehyung were discussing something about football and gaming, Yoongi was talking about how shitty applied economics his senior year was, and Jimin was sharing sexual details of you with one of Yoongi's friends.
As he stepped close to them, Jungkook overheard their conversation which caught his attention right away at the mention of your name.
“If only I could describe to you the way she tastes. It's insane.” Jimin said excitedly.
Jungkook's jaw clenched instantly, and he regretted being there.
Yoongi's idiotic friends encouraged him to keep talking, asking about how you acted in bed. Jungkook's breathing was uneven, and his hands clenched in fists.
“All I can say is that she's a talented girl.” He bragged.
And he thought he was the asshole.
Once again Jungkook found himself wondering how you considered sleeping with this man.
How a smart, self-centered girl like you had put up with that. He wasn't much either, but he was definitely better than Jimin.
That conversation had awakened in him the desire to see you. Not for the reasons that the theme would imply, but simply because of neediness.
Jungkook wanted to know about you, if you were okay, wanted to be close to you, keep you away from his friend.
He thought about clearing his throat just so they would know he was there, but he didn't want to give Jimin the pleasure of knowing he'd overheard part of that conversation.
Instead, Jungkook remembered the conversation he'd had with Taehyung and decided to resolve his neediness with who was the main cause of it.
He needed to enjoy things.
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Feeling despair take over his body, Jungkook walked eagerly toward the hallway you were supposed to be studying. He saw the friends who were always with you standing in the middle of the courtyard and decided to go to them.
He was acting like a horny teenager, and he wasn't shy about admitting it.
For a moment, he was scared that your friends already knew how much of an asshole he had been with you and that they would blow him off because of that.
"Hey you." He waved at them.
The girls looked at each other and laughed at each other, they were blushing slightly. He liked to be received like that. And clearly you hadn’t told your friends anything.
“I’m sorry,” He started. “I need a little help from you misses...?” He waited for them to complete.
Jungkook was pretending to be on a show where he was the main character.
“Right, Miss Jihyo and Miss Joy.” Jungkook smiled confidently. “I really need to know where your friend is right now.”
Self-aware that the girls had for some reason been on his side since their day at the pub, Jungkook was sure they would give him the answer just in time.
And he was right.
“Ah, I think she's in the department room, she said she had things to do there.” Jihyo said quickly as she stared at him with a silly smile on her face.
If you were with them right now, you would surely curse at them for being this submissive with Jungkook. One word from him and they were already spilling everything.
Joy was smiling at him too.
“Thank you, girls, you were the most helpful.” Jungkook said, already squeezing his step towards where you were.
Arriving in front of the administration building, Jungkook thought it was best to wait outside. You didn't seem happy with him the last time you'd seen each other, and he didn't need to give you another reason to be angry.
He waited for about twenty minutes. For a moment he considered that you were already gone. Fortunately, Jungkook had faith, and a huge sexual tension to resolve.
Leaning against the wall, he watched you walk through the door and pass in front of him. Quickly, he grabbed you gently by the wrist.
“What the hell.” You practically yelled.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jungkook released you. For a moment he thought you were gonna punch him.
“What’s wrong with you, Jeon?”
Not even his last name sounded like it used to in your voice. Before, he could feel that you were teasing him but now it was just a way of showing a certain kind of contempt.
Jungkook took a deep breath, taking a long time to speak to you.
“Look, I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier this week. You were right, I was being an asshole.” He threw up the words.
He's so confusing.
You were looking at him with a frown. He could feel your breaths were in sync.
“What made you admit it now?”
Do not fall for his words, Y/N – you kept repeating yourself in your head. You had been successful in avoiding his presence the last few days, you were upset at him for the way he had treated you, although you were never going to admit it.
You didn’t even tell your friends what happened. Well, to be honest, you just omitted the part where he suddenly started acting cold towards you right after the deed.
You didn’t have much choice but to tell them that you had slept with him, since basically every soul in college seemed to know that you had arrived along with him that day. Your friends were beyond ecstatic even though you made sure to ensure them that it was just a hook up, and that it wasn’t going to happen again.
No Sir, you were going to be a strong soldier and no matter how fucking hot he looks right now, you are not going to give in this time.
Not even when you kept thinking since that day on how good and big he felt inside you that day at the library. God, you’re fucked. And horny. Again. What has he done to your mind?
Leaving all these intruding thoughts on hold, you tried to compose yourself and not showing any kind of reaction before he could respond your question.
Due to the position from where you were talking, you now had your back to the wall while Jungkook had one of his hands at your side. 
Your face was pointed upwards, you knew how to position yourself as superior despite the obvious height difference between you two.
And then he finally opened his mouth.
“The fact that I can't stop thinking about you.” He leaned down, talking into your ear.
Soldier down.
Jungkook wasn't lying, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about you since that day at the library. Well, maybe, in all honesty, he couldn’t stop thinking about you since the night at the pub.
However, he didn't want to let his guard down with you right now, so he did his best to make that phrase as sexual as possible.
And he saw that it had had an effect. Your lips were parted, and he could feel that you were, for the first time, at a disadvantage.
You stared at him in bewilderment, not as if you doubted what he was saying, but stunned by the sincerity he conveyed.
Jungkook braced both hands on the wall, trapping you between them. “I could lie about anything but this,” He leaned close to your lips and whispered. “I haven't been able to think of anything else for the last three days.”
Another truth, but lest it sound too romantic, Jungkook traced his gaze from your mouth to your thighs.
He felt your hot breath find his face. Your lips were trembling.
 Fuck it.
“I hate you so much when you act like this.” You replied on his lips.
Faster than Jungkook realized, you ran a hand through his hair, bringing him closer to you.
You started a kiss, not giving him space to back away. Jungkook's hands were automatically on your waist, squeezing you.
He heard small moans come out of your mouth as one of his hands came down to your ass.
Your hands went down to his neck and your nails began to scratch gently. Jungkook felt his pants getting tighter and tighter. Holding you against the wall, he worked his mouth down the length of your neck, making you moan even more.
His mouth descended to your collar, distributing kisses and little hickeys.
Suddenly, you realized where you were and what you were doing so, you pulled him up, making you both face each other.
You were breathing hard, and your face was confused. You seemed to consider whether to say something or not.
“Y/N…” Jungkook started.
“Take me to your place.” You said between sighs as you kept your eyes locked on his.
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⏤ author's note❧ just a little bit of angst for this chapter! 🙃 how are we feeling about the story so far? A huge appreciation for everyone who has been supporting and leaving beautiful comments. As always, don't hesitate on leaving your feedback, reblog, send me asks, whatever you'd like. It would all be very welcomed and it really serves as inspiration for me to keep on writing 💜
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⏤ tag list❧ @chimsworldsstuff @erica2283 @ahgasegotarmy116
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kaixserzz · 1 year
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i looked into the mirror today and i was like GODDAMN my eyebags are HORRIBLE holy shit 😭😭made me think about zandik so here :3 kinda sucks but i just needed to prep myself b4 i write smth longer and get through this state of mind 💀💀
dottore drabble x4 "eyebags"
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during your days back at the akademiya, it was not uncommon for scholars and students alike to have sleepless nights for the sake of their own projects and research.
zandik was especially no exception, despite his research usually having nothing to do with the akademiya.
it was always you who would remind him to sleep, so he wouldn't pass out in the middle of writing on his desk or start stumbling as he walks. you seemed to care for his body more than he did himself.
but he'd listen to you anyway, no matter how much he thinks it would be a hindrance to his progress if he dared to sleep, take a break, or even eat. you always seem to manage to convince him into doing things you want (for his own good).
it's not like he could think straight in such a vulnerable state.
so zandik was surprised to see you passed out on the living room floor, with papers messily splayed all over the coffee table, and dirty plates with leftover food on the couch.
if it was him in the scene, you probably would've scolded him for messing up the living room and sleeping there, but as of late, zandik noticed that you've been way too busy. but he hasn't seen you pull all-nighters unless there were exams, or you were nearing a due date.
zandik took it upon himself to investigate, peering into the numerous papers laid on the wooden table and ultimately found out that some of these papers weren't even yours, or were a group project.
he clicked his tongue in annoyance.
without waking you, zandik picked up all the papers and organized them as neatly as possible, resisting the urge to rip them apart. it was your work after all, despite the papers having someone else's name in them. then, he cleaned the dishes you'd left from your midnight snacks.
when you groaned and started blinking blearily awake, zandik gently pushed you back onto the couch, mumbling something about sleeping more.
and when you refused, he glared at you with a huff. "sometimes, your kindness could be such a curse," he remarks as he watched you shakily sit up, yawning, "you look horrible."
ignoring his comment as you stretched your body, noticing the clean living room. you gave a knowing smile to zandik, to which he just scoffed at.
you almost flinched at the sudden touch of his hands on your face, cupping your cheeks soothingly as he stared into your eyes. the fog of sleepiness hasn't been fully cleared from your mind, and you find yourself melting in his hands, sighing blissfully.
his thumbs pressed on the flesh beneath your eyes, and his right eye twitched. "you have big eyebags."
at that, you let out a noise, offended at his words, as you quickly sobered up from your sleepy state and glared halfheartedly at him. your hands found themselves on his face and lightly pinched his cheeks.
"like you're one to talk!" you pouted at him, "you're the one sleeping 2 hours everyday if i don't tell you to sleep!"
"i do not care much of what you do," he quickly lied, and you rolled your eyes, "but i will not stand for your idiocy to do everything yourself." zandik hissed, not noticing how his brewing anger made him dig his nails onto your jawline.
but it wasn't painful, considering how gentle he was whenever he holds you. though, you could tell he was genuinely upset. why were you letting others take advantage of you? he hates it, and you know he will do something about it sooner or later.
your chest felt warm knowing that he cares so much about you.
so you just sighed and grabbed him by his arms, before falling back onto the couch.
zandik yelps as he lands onto your body, and before he could process what you did, you had your arms wrapped around his torso, successfully trapping him. "what are you doing?" he glares at you again, elbows on the both sides of your head, propping himself upwards to not crush you.
"let's sleep a bit more," you cooed, pulling him to you, using all his strength to deny his squirming. you let him lay atop your body, arms refusing to let him go.
zandik flushed at the closeness, struggling to think coherently as your hot breath fanned against his neck. he felt the hairs on his arms stand when you spoke against his skin.
"we're both tired, so let's sleep,"
zandik scowled, but he let himself be comfortable against your body. he couldn't help but breathe in your scent as he buried his face in your chest, slowly growing content in this position. the feeling of your hand rubbing his head in all the right places is slowly lulling him to sleep once more.
"...fine," he relented with a grumble, "just this once, only because you're an idiot who needs a teddy bear to sleep."
you laughed lightly, before kissing him on the cheek. "thanks for looking out for me,"
ugh, how is he going to sleep when you make his heart pound crazily against his ribcage?
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I'll appreciate it very very much! Don't repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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sillyromance · 7 months
Can you make comfort vore? From Optimus?
Hello, dear evelyntyecrqzy!
Sure! Here you go!
P.S: there is angst and one heavy word in this work. Also I've written it from the first person's perspective... I really hope you don't mind it.
Have a good day and take care!
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- How do you feel, little one?
It was late evening; almost all the lights were gone, the only bright area was Ratchet’s lab: the old medic was staring at the big green screen, typing aggressively on the panel and mumbling something inaudible. He was too busy to pay attention to anything else. The rest of the team left to their quarters after they had brought the kids home. No body had shown any signs of life since then.
I was lying on the couch, curled up in a tight ball. My head felt heavy and hurt; I felt cold and lonely. It was hard to hold back sobbing, but I didn't want to attract unnecessary attention - nobody cared anyways. Why would they? Were my problems that important?
I squeezed my eyes shut, tears running down my cheeks violently as my shoulders started shuddering...
And then I heard his deep, gentle voice.
"How do you feel, little one?" - I turned my red face to the huge mech behind me. Optimus Prime, my guardian. Through the cacophony of my thoughts I hadn't heard him coming. His blue optics far above glowed with concern.
I hurried to wipe the tear tracks from my face and stand up, mumbling something like: "Sorry" or "It's fine, don't bother yourself..." But as far as I did this, his large servo wrapped around me and very soon I found myself sitting on his plain rough palm, being swirled with his kind, sad gaze. I felt nothing but guilt, though the only reason for it was my depressing mood. I couldn't look straight at him, turning away over and over, rubbing my hot cheeks in attempt to get rid of the tears. I hated myself for the mess I had become – I waited for him to throw me away as far as he would get a good look at my ugliness. However, Optimus didn't seem disgusted with me at all.
- Did someone offend you? - The mech asked again with the same sincere tenderness in his tone.
I shook my head negatively.
- Is it something in your body?
I closed my face with both hands and shook the head even more violently, crooking.
- No...
- And what’s about your soul?..
I sniffed silently; choking sensation dug its claws into my throat as it let out a pathetic "Mm-gm..." and I nodded. Everything in me just fell somewhere down; I felt my poor heart beating hysterically in the stomach. There was a crazy mix of panicking fear and complete indifference. I was trembling, wishing to be left alone. But even more, I wanted to be comforted. I wanted someone to embrace me and whisper soothing words, to say that it was going to be OK, to stroke my hair as if I was just a kid. But wasn't it too much to ask? I didn't dare to believe Optimus would bother himself to spend time with such a puny, pathetic creature.
After this cut through my head, I couldn't keep myself from crying anymore – I literally burst out.
- Hey, look at me, Y/N.
Hesitantly, I obliged. I was ready to see disappointment or distaste, but instead...
- There is nothing to be embarrassed with. Do you want to talk about it?
I wasn't sure if I heard him right. Did he really... worry about me? Of course, as my guardian, he should have, regardless... Wasn't I dreaming?
- W-what d-do you m-mean? – I replied indecisively.
- I thought, perhaps you could share your pain with someone. Sometimes it helps. - A small, understanding smile appeared on his faceplate. - I'm sorry... It hurts my spark to see such precious little thing crying.
I lost my ability to speak for some seconds.
- Does it r-really? W-why?
Prime's eyebrows lifted up in surprise.
- Because you matter. You're my friend, Y/N. Friends help each other, don't they?
His gravely voice had already had its way with me. My shudders calmed down and though my eyes were still wet, I couldn't help but smiled back at him.
- Thank you... for this... But I don't want to talk right now...
- It's absolutely fine...
- ... I'm very, very tired, though. - At the moment I said that, my spine weakened and I collapsed at the flat, warm surface of Optimus' hand.
Something childish, basic, something from the abyss of my wild, subconscious core suddenly arose inside me and escaped my chest with barely audible plead.
- Please... Don't leave me here...
A quiet sigh rambled beside me; my entire figure was washed with warm air of his exhale.
- Don't worry, Y/N. I won't.
His digits closed over my tiny form. I wasn't able to see a thing anymore, but I could say for sure that we moved away from the place.
Quite soon the sounds of Ratchet's work faded away. Optimus opened one of the many electric doors and walked into a somewhat room - I heard a soft "whoosh" as the panel shifted back to its place. My guardian set me free on his berth, and only then I understood that we were in his private room. Sitting down beside me, he spoke even gentler than before:
- You are out of energy. And so do I. But still, I don't want you to stay alone...
Do you trust me?
I nod, already predicting where he was heading to. Cybotronian friends committed this small ritual with humans regularly; many were fond of it. However, I had never tried it with him. I couldn't claim that I was completely inexperienced too, but those previous times were emergencies which I couldn't truly like – they were harsh and distasteful like a rotten fruit. Now... It promised to be much more intimate. And it depended only on my wish.
I glanced at him through my eyelashes - I was too sleepy to keep the eyes wide open - and murmured:
- I do.
Optimus nodded. I was lifted up again - straight to his mouth.
Slowly, controlling every his movement, my guardian guided me inside his maw and laid my feet on his squishy glossa - there was a faint blue light twinkling at the back of his depthless throat illuminating a humid, warm chamber. Thanks to him I didn't even touch the sharp dents – their deadly blades loomed right above me, but stayed harmless, serving simply a reminder of what power Optimus actually had over me. The glossa curled around my legs as soft, thick blanket, then released them and I was pushed further to the glowing entrance of the esophagus.
I stared down, processing what was about to happen. I appreciated the leisure pace Optimus chose with me; his gentle licks and steady, rhythmical ventilating brought me nothing but comfort and peace. I sensed my toes in his pharynx and waited for inevitable with dull thrill - to be unceremoniously drugged into misty, humid confines of the muscles’ trap, to be deafed and choked. That what I was usually met with before, every time I was gulped down. However, when Optimus swallowed, his artificial, metal flesh contracted just slightly, pulling me so carefully inside that I almost missed the moment. It was like... A hug. The next swallow was just a little bit stronger - I gasped as he let his hand go off me and my tiny being got engulfed into his soft throat. It felt better than anything I knew before. Surrounded by the pulsing alien flesh, I finally felt protected and loved – the state I sought for so desperately all that fuckin’ day.
For some time he just held me there, his head titled back. I didn't make a move, trying to avoid hurting him. Living heat of his soaked into my bones and made me so drowsy that I thought I would fall asleep. However, at that moment the muscles came to action and lovingly tugged me deeper. The light grew brighter, though it didn't bother me at all; I was easily slipping in a long wiry tube constructed from the smaller ones, thinner and more solid, poured with viscous, bubbling energon – I was watching little sparks floating in there as I was passing by and a weak flame of forgotten happiness flickered in my soul once more.
Finally, I arrived at his fueltank. Its walls greeted me with a friendly squeeze, forcing me to curl into fetal position. I didn't cry anymore; all my worries and demons disappeared long ago, at the second I heard: "How do you feel, little one?"
God! I was so horribly wrong. I thought no one needed me, that I was lost, abandoned... And still, there was someone who couldn't bare me cry.
I felt Optimus' servo laying down on the lump I must have made on his waist, caressing me. I rubbed my head against the spot where I could recognize the pressure and smiled.
I did matter.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Alright, here comes day two! Vreenak has entered the chat!
Day 2: Orgasm Denial
SOC prompt list here. SOC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vreenak (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Romulan/Human sex, orgasm denial, dirty talk, fingering, necking, almost getting caught, power imbalance, power play, getting interrupted, enemies to lovers kind of.
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“Do you do that for the sole purpose of annoying me?” Vreenak’s low, silken voice seemed almost too loud in the confined space of the motionless turbolift. At least ten minutes had passed since either of us had spoken, and we’d been stuck between levels for nearly half an hour. We’d received one communication from Ops saying that we’d be out soon, then we were left on our own.
“What?” I asked meeting his icy, irate gaze with confusion.
“You’re tapping your foot,” he said gesturing to the offending appendage.
“So?” I didn’t dare admit that I was just getting rid of some nervous energy. That would open a whole other can of worms that I didn’t want to have to deal with while I was stuck here with Vreenak.
“So it’s irritating,” he snapped with a pointed glare. “I’ve half a mind to cut it off at the joint if you don’t stop.”
“With what? Your shit attitude? Besides, it’s no worse than your pacing a while back,” I muttered under my breath as I leaned against the back wall of the turbolift and crossed one ankle over the other. Folding my arms across my chest, I acknowledged that it was bad enough that he hated me and everything that I did. He didn’t need to know that I was attracted to him, bad attitude and all.
Fine. If he wanted to be an ass on what was already the worst day I’d had aboard this damn station, who was I to stop him? It wasn’t like I hadn’t tried in the past. Apparently, everything I did, including the way I dressed, annoyed the Senator. For a man his age, he really should have better manners.
“You’re lucky we’re not on Romulus. Speaking that way to a man in my position would undoubtedly garner more serious consequences than you could anticipate.” Was I crazy or was there a hint of amusement in his voice? I didn’t bother to look up. I just took a deep, slow breath, and tried to concentrate on anything but the fact that I was stuck in such a confined space with a man who clearly despised me. “Oh, don’t go quiet on me now. I thought even the weakest Humans had more fight in them than that.”
Stubbornly staring ahead at the dark, non-functioning panel on the opposite wall of the turbolift, I listened to both our breaths.
“I suppose I was wrong. How disappointing. What meetings will I miss if we’re stuck here for the next few hours? Or didn’t you have time to memorize my schedule this morning?” Despite his snide comment, I was glad he changed the subject. A little of my tension melted away. I could handle business talk.
“Don’t be absurd. I’ve worked for you for how long now? You’ll only miss one. A Bajoran Minister and Admiral Ross were scheduled for three hours of your time, beginning roughly an hour from now,” I answered without missing a beat. “I believe they wanted to discuss some prior incident that occurred a few years ago at a place called Derna.”
“Oh, wonderful,” he groused, and I glanced up just in time to see him pinching the bridge of his nose with those long, agile, stupidly gorgeous fingers of his. A professional sculptor couldn’t have done a better job– Stop it, stop it! Get your mind out of the gutter! “That’ll be three hours of posturing wrapped up in pointless, transparent appeasement and assurances. Utterly tedious.”
“You could always cancel or reschedule,” I suggested as he leaned against the lift wall beside me with a sigh. “I could tell them that I’d accidentally double-booked your appointments, or something so you wouldn’t be blamed.”
My mind screamed that after how he nitpicked everything I did, he deserved to suffer through a rough meeting. Just a little bit. Why was I offering him an alternative?
Those sharp, blue eyes that I both hated and adored in turns scanned my face - presumably to determine whether I was serious. After the absurdity of the day, I supposed that was only fair. Beginning the day with a drunk Klingon tearing up his office, an Andorian challenging me to a fight in said destroyed office because the Senator was busy, and the replicator nearly exploding in both our faces when we tried unsuccessfully to order lunch...that wasn’t exactly a normal day.
This turbolift incident, as inconvenient as it was, at least afforded us a moment to breathe. Sure, we’d still have to clean up his office, give statements to security about the Klingon and the Andorian, and put in a repair call for the replicator, but, for now, all we had to do - all we could do - was stay put and wait.
Well, that and try not to kill each other before the station’s engineering team could get us out. That was much easier said than done, especially on Vreenak’s part. The Senator certainly had a temper, but I’d only seen him really lose it once. He’d needed a new desk, and the person he’d thrown through it needed major surgery. His anger with me never seemed quite that intense, though.
“Who are you to assume the relative importance of my appointments?” Vreenak’s voice dropped to that low, raspy register with which I’d become so familiar and agitated over the last few months. That tone always made me question whether he was serious or teasing, so I usually didn’t push my luck.
Today, however, I was feeling foolishly bold. After all the chaos of the morning culminated in this damn turbolift trapping us, I’d had enough. My patience had run out, and Vreenak’s snide little comment was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“I think I’m the one who sets up your schedule and keeps angry Admirals from bursting into your office. I was trying to do something nice for you, not that you could tell. You wouldn’t know kindness if it bit those pretty, pointed ears of yours,” I retorted before I could think better of it. His eyes widened in surprise, but I wasn’t done yet. I’d been kind, I’d been accommodating, but that didn’t mean I was going to allow him to walk all over me just because I was nothing more than a glorified secretary to the man. Like a tidal wave, all my built-up frustration with the man came spilling out of me before I could stop it. “If you really want to deal with Starfleet and the Bajorans after a day like today, by all means, go right ahead! Don’t listen to your secretary’s advice. See how well that goes. After all, what the hell do I know? I’m just a Human. I’ve only covered for you about a dozen times! Heaven forbid I try to make things easier for you, you arrogant, ungrateful bastar–”
“Shut up,” he growled pinning me against the wall with one arm and grabbing my jaw with the other. The thought flickered across my mind that he might snap my neck. Instead, he crushed his mouth against mine in a hard kiss. After a beat of frozen surprise, I kissed him back with the same level of intensity. For several long moments, we lost ourselves in a dance of teeth and tongues.
He was essentially my boss. This should feel wrong, but every movement he made felt so perfect. His hands slid down my body with something like hasty reverence.
“Fuck you.” The words spilled involuntarily from my lips as he ground the heel of his palm between my thighs over my uniform.
“You seem quite eager to try,” Vreenak pointed out as I spread my legs for him. Practically clawing at the closure to my pants, he swore quietly when he dipped those long, devious fingers of his beneath my clothes and found me dripping.
He asked me something, but I could do no more than let out a desperate whine as he shoved two long digits into me. Grabbing his shoulders to steady myself, I tugged him closer.
“You’re infuriating,” he hissed as I bit the corner of his jaw. In retaliation, his fingers curled mercilessly, striking that place inside me over and over with unrelenting precision.
“Says the most irritating man in existence,” I gasped, rolling my hips to try and get more friction. Burying his head in the crook of my neck, Vreenak moaned as I palmed the bulge that had been pressing against me so insistently. Intense satisfaction poured through me when he began rutting slowly into my touch.
“Yes, but you want me, nonetheless. Don’t deny it. I’ve seen the way you look at me,” the Senator lorded that observation proudly over me even as he dragged me closer and closer to an orgasm. “Beautiful, pliant, little thing...”
“I fucking hate you,” I breathed, but my protest was so feeble and obviously false that neither of us could stifle our half-choked laughter.
“You’ve always been such an awful liar,” Vreenak murmured slanting his mouth over mine with an affection that I hadn’t anticipated. His hand sped up, intent on drawing screams from me. I was so close I could taste it. The lift jolted, but neither of us paid any attention. My breathing was no more than a stream of whimpered pleas as I began to tip over the edge–
“Ops to Turbolift Four, please respond,” a voice crackled over the comm, and we froze. Our labored breathing seemed almost too loud, now. With both our orgasms stolen away by reality’s return, Vreenak helped steady me on my feet before going to the comm panel. “Our controls show that you should be moving now. Can you confirm?”
“Yes, Ops. We’re moving,” the Senator said as he readjusted himself in his pants and took slow, deliberate breaths. I couldn’t help but smirk at the knowledge that he’d been as close as I’d been. Tuning out the conversation, I righted my clothing and tried to make myself look as if I hadn’t just been fingered within an inch of my sanity by my boss.
Mere seconds later when the turbolift opened on the level where the Senator’s office was, we both looked relatively put together for people who’d just been wrapped around each other. Navigating through the small group of people who were gathered at the lift entrance, I was suddenly grateful for the officer who’d interrupted us. If they hadn’t, we would’ve had quite the captive audience when the door had opened. We were almost to his door when one of Vreenak’s hands took up residence on my lower back.
“Cancel that appointment, but don’t pretend you double booked. Tell them the truth. Tell them...that an urgent personal matter has arisen that requires my immediate attention,” he murmured as we paused in the empty hallway. He tilted my chin up and gave me a mischievous smirk. “Once you’ve done that, I’d like you to come to my quarters. I believe you owe me a few screams for talking back to me, my dear.”
“Oh my, Senator, whatever will people say?” I teased winking up at him.
“If they’re wise, they won’t say a word. The ones who do, well...let’s not forget that I’m the Vice Chairman of the Tal.” His playful threat drew a laugh from me.
“You’d make someone disappear for gossiping about us?”
“For you, I’d make whole worlds disappear.” Having stunned me into silence, Vreenak placed a soft kiss on my forehead and started to walk away. One final teasing comment floated over to me as I moved to enter his office. “Don’t take too long, or I may have to begin without you.”
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tokimihyachi · 2 years
Achilles Heel [Pantalone x Reader Series] Chapter 1
❝I cannot kill you, for your end will become my eternal damnation.❞
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SYNOPSIS: Pantalone does not do well with love. He never thought, wanted, much less had experience in that field. He viewed it as a weakness, a bad omen hanging above his head. But he was prepared to make an exception for you.
He'd let you become his only Achilles Heel if it meant keeping you.
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     It wasn't luck that had gotten him the seat of being the second richest person in Teyvat. Nor was fate the reason why he ended up being one of the renowned Harbingers. That was his doing, not of any god, not of any preordained fate. Every deal he had made was calculated carefully to match his objectives and each contract he handled traipsed on a rope of his cleverness.
     He deserved his riches, his power, and his influence. His job required excellence in the observation of how the economy fluctuates, and sharp wit to act on the scene. While it is true that being a banker required empathy as well, only a fool with no self-awareness would dare and test his tolerance.
     The Regrator was in search of a temporary secretary— his former one had unfortunately been hospitalized for poisoning— when a man in his late fifties pleaded him for a moment of his time, claiming he was the one he has been looking for.
     But with his patience growing thinner, perhaps this imbecile should have begged for his life instead.
     He glanced at the watch hidden underneath the layers of his thick coat, before begrudgingly placing his attention back at the buffoon in front of him. 10 minutes. The oaf sitting across the table had been uttering pure nonsense for ten minutes of speeches filled with self-centered praises, and glories of his wealth.
     The relevance of his self-boasting to their interview? Nowhere to be found.
     "What was your name again?" he asked. The man, obviously offended by the sudden interference, frowned and straightened his posture.
     "Diego, My Lord." Pantalone thought briefly of how common his name was and how this man's stupidity blinded him from seeing how angered the Harbinger was.
     He gathered every parchment from Diego's resume, pretended to scan them quickly, and smiled wryly. "After such a short-notice meeting, I'll require more time to evaluate certain things before I reach a decision. Regardless of such, you have a remarkable taste for gifts."
     Diego seemed pleased with the compliment, eyeing the sack of treasures he had gifted upon his arrival.
     "Anything for you, My Lord." the man replied standing up from his seat, holding a hand out for him to shake.
     How ludicrous. Did this dolt really think he'd win him over such useless trinkets?
     Nonetheless, he kept his façade and shook Diego's hands.
     "It was a pleasure doing business with you, My Lord. I hope we will meet again soon." the man removed his hat and placed it on his chest as he bowed at him.
     Pantalone acknowledged it, waving his hand in the air to dismiss his presence. Words should not be wasted on unprofitable assets which Diego was the moment he walked his hubristic soles into his office.
     Once the man had left, the banker called out his guards stationed outside the cabin they settled in. At the sight of him, the Fatui saluted, awaiting his orders.
      Pantalone's eyes drifted to the fading figure of the man outside talking to his coachmen, barking orders. Men like Diego needed to be put back in their place. He appreciated ambitious people. Essentially, it was those kinds of employees that worked more diligently than the rest as if they had to prove to the world that they were capable of doing something. That their presence was needed. Their talents sought after.
     After all, that was how his own story began; destitute from birth with no blessing from the gods. He loathed it. His meager disposition, the vulnerabilities of his upbringing, and how those experiences dubbed him detestable to society.
     Rather than listening to his Aria of misery as everyone else with ill-fated lives, he stole the baton from the conductor and became the maestro of the orchestra. When an instrument to his masterpiece invariably sounded out of tune, he took it upon himself to pluck the strings of his own fate— weaving it meticulously, till he had the results he wanted.
     Till the pitiable harmony that was his life sounded like a symphony worthy of reverence.
     Though so minuscule, he could see that in Diego. A man yearning for success to improve his life. However, it seemed that the career-driven man was long gone.
     Pantalone turned to his men and with an unmoving gaze said, "Kill him. Swiftly, and not a sound should be heard."
     They nodded, moving in synch comparable to robots, and went away.
     Embers from the cabin's fireplace crackled slowly in a faded resonance within the sanctuary of the office. The sheer cold from outside slowly invited itself as it crept up the nails of the roof similar to an unwelcome guest— dampening the firewood until its glow dimmed. What a quiet reminder that Snezhnaya's frost was unforgiving, much like the Tsaritsa herself.
     Truly, Pantalone was grateful for the benevolence of their Archon. Whilst it was the Director who recruited him into the Fatui, the Tsaritsa saw him for his aptitude in financial affairs, thus granting him the power to the nation's economic policies and the position of Northland Bank's head.
     She did not bat an eye when his greed overtook his senses, a case rarely ensued but still did at a certain point. To the Tsaritsa, as long as her children remained faithful only to her with their long-term goals aligning her grand scheme to overturn Celestia, the manner in which they carried out their duties was irrelevant.
     The clack of the door hitting the wall pulled him from his thoughts, and a figure with a hood entered his office: unwanted, unannounced, with a stature so confident it almost vexed him. Which ignorant moron would dare enter a Harbinger's office without their permission?
     Turns out only you.
     "Oh," you said, "so there's one more."
     Pantalone looked through the window only to be greeted by the sight of all his men on their knees, tied up together like a present, unconscious.
     Though the Regrator was a businessman to heart, the sight of blood never fazed him. If anything, he greeted death whenever the two crossed paths on the battlefield with a nod of his head. One is not a true member of the Fatui if danger is not their companion.
     The Tsaritsa only accepted results beyond satisfaction and Pantalone was prepared to do anything even if he was just artillery to the Archon. Therefore, dealing with you should be easy if he hadn't just finished dealing with his former client. He wasn't quite in the mood for a fight.
     What a nuisance you are.
     Instinctively, his hand went to his delusion, hidden from plain sight underneath his overcoat. Even so, you simply went past him and reached for the sack Diego had brought earlier. After only seconds of rummaging, you brought out a piece of old jewelry— a pendant with a faceted rock.
     You looked at him briefly, the papers on the table, then to every part of his body except his eyes. "Sorry for the mess. This is very important to me and that man," you pointed at Diego outside, dead from the looks of it. "stole it from me. Just had to get it back. I heard your order to kill him from the roof so I did it myself."
     "Now, now, there's no need to thank me just a smile from you is enough." you added, chuckling a little.
     Pantalone drew his brows together. Were you perhaps... an escapee from the mental hospital? That's strange. He was sure there were no psychological institutions nearby.
     When no response still came from him, you stared at the papers again. "By the way, the fifth clause in that contract technically breaks the policies stated in the first." you said.
     The man finally moved. "What?"
     "That resume on your table," you gestured at the papers. "Not only are the stipulations contradicting, but the estimation for the projects are all wrong, and that seal on it is fake. Whoever forged that was clearly stupid."
     He knew that. Admittedly, it took him six seconds of reading the documents to conclude they were written by another hand who clearly did not understand the demands of a secretary to a Harbinger's work, but you merely glimpsed at it still inches away from yourself and already recognized what they were.
     How odd you were.
     You sighed from his inability to continue the conversation, "Well, I'll be taking my leave now." you then placed a hand on your chest out of respect. "Goodbye, kind sir."
     Before you could take another step, Pantalone seized your wrist, the warmth from your bare hand seeping through his gloves.
     "Are you deranged?" he asked.
     "My insanity depends on the amount of breakfast I've had. I've barely eaten a spoon today so I think you've made the correct assessment. Are you a doctor?" you grinned.
     Pantalone almost snorted in amusement if he hadn't stopped himself. What civilization did you live in for you not to recognize who he was? Wait. He shook his head. What was he doing? Enough time was already wasted on the wrong interviewee, he couldn't waste much more. He tightened his grip on your hand.
     "How courageous of you to walk into my office, thinking you'd step out freely with no sanction. Do you know which den you've walked into?" His tone was crisp, like the unrelenting ice that plagued the room.
      Obviously, he was livid with regard to your lack of manners. And from the looks of it, you were about to be served the wrath of the Ninth. The hand that once preyed on your wrist was long gone and moved to your neck.
      There was a flicker in your eyes one that he knew was of acknowledgment, albeit the hood that covered most of your face. But it wasn't recognition of his position. The sudden shift in your facial expressions—what you recognized was not who he was but how dangerous he is.
     Yet what intrigued him was how you were more beguiled, curious even, rather than afraid.
     "I think I've walked into a lion's den," you answered, almost gagging at the force of his hold. But despite the lack of air you managed to crack another smile as you continued, "Though I must say, I'm not afraid of being bitten at all."
-> chapter two
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tip this broke law student here! thank you, travellers! i hope you enjoy the rest of the fic! <33
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babyxbunnyx · 2 years
Have you ever thought about being gay?
Summary: Working on a project with Ben
Relationship: Ben Gross x Male Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: 1460
Explanations: h/c = hair color, e/c = eye color
A/N: So this is my first time in a year writing again plus my first xreader story. Excuse any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language. Hope you enjoy it!
(Y/N) silently listened to his teacher talking about some new group project and how everyone should get together in groups of 3. The (h/c) boy didn't even bother, knowing well enough nobody is gonna ask him. So it didn't surprise him that he was one of the two remaining students. But, he was surprised when he saw who his partner for the project would be. Ben Gross. And Ben didn't look too happy having to work with (Y/N). He sighed, before getting up to sit down next to Ben. Before (Y/N) could even say one word, the brown haired boy interrupted him. "Look. We are gonna do my idea. Simply because it will be the best of this whole class." (Y/N) smirked slightly, before replying. "Are you sure? Cause I overheard Devis Ideas and man.. no one can beat her." While Ben gasped, seeming offended, (Y/N) had to hold back his laughter. He knew Ben and Devi had some kind of rivalery going on and the face Ben made after his statement was truly priceless. "How dare yo-" "Calm down Ben. I was joking. But yeah we can go with your idea. How about we meet at yours after school?" Ben seemed to think about it for a second, before nodding. "Yeah sure. My parents aren't home so they won't distract us from work." The (h/c) boy smirked. "Great. See you after school, Benji." As Ben was about to protest that his name was Ben, not Benji, the bell rung and (Y/N) left. He smiled slightly to himself. It was new to him that someone called him something other than Ben or Benjamin. Expect for some rather unpleasent nicknames.
After school, Ben was looking everywhere for (Y/N). He was about to give up and just go home to start the project when he spottet the (h/c) boy at the school gate. He sighed, before walking up to him. Since (Y/N) had his back to him, Ben thought he might touch his shoulder to let him know he's there. He expected (Y/N) to maybe jump a bit, after all he walked up from behind and it was a bit loud. He didn't expect the squeal that left the (Shorter/Taller) male's lips. 'Heh.. kinda cute..' Ben thought before he realised what exactly he was thinking. He felt his face heat up, embarresed by his thoughts. He cleared his throat before asking his partner if he was ready to leave. After a short yes, both boys left the school ground, going straight to Ben's house.
'Man didn't lie when he said he's rich..' (Y/N) thought when he entered Ben's house. After grabing some snacks and drinks from the kitchen, Ben took the (younger/older) boy to his room. "You can sit down on the bed while I make the script for the project if you'd like. Just be quiet" Ben didn't bother looking at the other, while he walked to his desk. "Oh but my dearest Benji, this my friend is a partner project. Means we will both be doing the script" (Y/N) smirked while Ben gave him an annoyed look. "My name is Ben, not Benji. But fine, grab the chair over there and help.. or at least try to help." While the (e/c) boy got the chair and sat down besides the other, Ben got his notebook and pens. He ripped out a page and gave it to (Y/N). "There. You could start making a design for the poster? I happen to notice some drawing of yours in your notebook earlier. I have to admit, they are pretty good" Ben smiled slightly when he noticed the other boys cheeks getting a pink taunt. "Oh uh thanks. And yeah I can do that. You just gotta tell me your oh so great idea, Einstein." (Y/N) smirked when he saw Bens face loose a bit of color, realising he never told the other about the idea. After that was done, they both worked in comfortable silence, for what seemed like minutes to them.
"Okay I have a few designs for the poster. Choose which one you like best so we can work out the proper design" Ben looked up when he heard the other talking, not wasting much time and looking over the scetches. While he did that, (Y/N) decided to check his phone. And he was fucked. He had a ton of missed calls from his mom and even more messages. "Shit.." Ben looked over, slightly concerned at how pale the other got. "You okay (Y/N)? Whats wrong?" "My mom called about a thousand times. I better get going its.. holy shit is 11pm already?!" Bens eyes went wide. "Holy shit. Is your mom gonna pick you up?" The (h/c) shook his head. "I'm just gonna walk. Its only 45 Minutes" Ben looked at him like he was crazy. "I don't feel comfortable knowing you'd have to walk that long at this time. If you want you can sleep over? And I'll explain it to your mom tomorrow?" (Y/N)'s eyes lit up. "Really?! Omg you are a life saver Benji!!" Before any of the boys realised what happened, (Y/N) threw his hand around Bens neck, pressing their bodies together. Ben hesitaded before wrapping his arms about the others waist. They sat there for what felt like forever, enjoying each others presence. Suddenly, (Y/N) broke the contact and cleared his throat. "So uhm..." he looked away, trying to hide his blush. "Where can I Sleep? And can I have some clothes to sleep?" Ben's cheeks felt hot. He just didn't understand why, it was just a hug. "Uh yeah so my parents would kill me if I used any guest room without permission so we'd have to share my bed and yeah I can lend you some clothes" (Y/N) nodded, still looking away. They both got ready for bed. While (Y/N) took a quick shower, Ben got lost in his own thoughts. He never really paid attention to (Y/N). He can't help but think about the things Ben noticed about the (taller/shorter) male. How he'd stick out his tounge when he was concentrating. How his eyes would start to shine when he got praised for his art, as if nobody ever did that. He also couldn't stop thinking about his own reaction to the hug. His heart was pounding hard, his hands got sweaty. He didn't want the moment to end. And god.. (Y/N) looked so cute with his blush, suddenly all shy. "......Ben?" He looked up, starring directly into the others (e/c) eyes. He hummed, trying to not get lost in his eyes. "You okay? I tried getting your attention for a few minutes now" Now he felt his face heat up again. "Uh yeah I'm good. Just lost in some thoughts. Lets go to bed its pretty late" (Y/N) nodded, getting in bed besides Ben. They stayed quiet for a few moments after the blue eyed boy turned off the light. "Hey Benji? Random question" Ben turned onto his side, looking at the other. He motioned for the other to continue. "Have you ever thought about.. idk being gay or something." (Y/N) was staring at the ceiling. "I uh guess yeah. But only recently. What about you?" He could see the other nodding. "There is this boy.. I think I really like him but that can't be possible. I mean sure we are in the same class but we barely talked... until recently.." The brown haired male sat up. "Hmm.. if you aren't sure what you feel why don't you just ask him out on a date? Worst thing that could happen is he says no or you don't have feelings" "You're right... Benji?" Ben hummed. "D-Do you wanna go on a date with me?" Ben felt like his heart is gonna jump out of his chest. He felt his face lit up, as it did many times today. He felt (Y/N) shaking a bit, waiting for Ben's awnser. "Y-Yeah sure! When do you wanna go?" The (h/c) boys eyes lit up. "Sunday? If you're free?" Ben nodded, feeling exited. He layed back down, closing his eyes. "I'll pick you up at 2." The dark haired male heard a little squeal before he felt a weight on him. When he looked down, he only saw the others hair. He let out a quiet laugh, before wrapping an arm around (Y/N). "Sleep well Benji" Ben could feel the (taller/shorter) relax. "Sleep well (Y/N).." And with that, they went to bed, feeling exited for their date.
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transman-badass · 1 year
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A Pharaoh Syndicate Investigations short story
William Armitage, son of librarian Henry Armitage, talks to his friend, private detective Josiah Smith, and learns disturbing information about Arkham's residents, and resident mob boss
Note: contains (my attempt at) period typical sexism and ignorance/non-malicious misgendering.
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William Armitage walked up to the edge of the crowd, and stopped. The old house needed to be torn down years ago, before he left Arkham. Now anxious police fluttered in and out of its doors, mumbling to each other, looking over their shoulders. A journalist begged for answers, but the officers didn’t even meet his eyes. All around him, he felt it, that one name on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but no one dared speak it.
Hell of a thing to come across on your morning walk.
“It's bad,” his friend Smith said later that day. “The Syndicate doesn’t play around. Anyone who offends O’Tipp gets the same treatment.” The dark haired man shook his head. “You shouldn’t have come back.”
Smith was probably right. But there weren’t many other places to go. He’d lost his job, and Miskatonic offered him a position at his father’s side. How could he say no? What other alternatives did he have? His wife, his little twins, they needed what only he could provide. They’d all already lost so much in these darkening days… William was grateful to not have to walk the streets with sandwich board signs, like so many he saw in the bigger cities, and even here.
William leaned forward. The library offered the only sanctuary for this kind of conversation in the entire city. They sat here, in the quiet after hours, and no one would hear a word of it.
“So it was him? The Harbinger?”
Smith shook his head. “The Harbinger?” He snorted. “He’s just a story. This is pure human cruelty, and there’s nothing worse than it.” The man looked towards the floor. “O’Tipp is a monster of the finest kind. He rules this city - he owns it. Don’t think even the men in Washington can stop him now.”
Something softened, saddened, around Smith’s eyes. “In Chicago and New York, you know, they have limits. But O’Tipp - even the women aren’t safe from him.”
Cold horror gripped him. Straightening in his seat, William leaned forward. “What do you mean?”
“We had two girls working at the agency, before O’Tipp shut us down.” Smith didn’t seem to see Willain anymore. “Sisters, I always thought. They lived in the old Witch House, before O’Tipp bought that, too.” He sighed, long and aching. “The older one… Always a queer thing, she was. Couldn’t tell her apart from the men. Don’t think most of us even knew she wasn’t one. I don’t even remember, how I learned otherwise. Keller was a coward, didn’t have the guts to…”
He shook his head. William did too, for different reasons. A woman detective? In Arkham? Arkham had always been a strange place, but even this turn seemed unbelievable. And yet, damn, she sounded like his kind of woman. In his younger, more adventurous days, he wouldn’t have thought twice of making a wife of her, no matter his father’s disapproval.
“Keller gave her soft jobs," Smith said, "but she was… Well, she wanted bigger changes than are possible. She wanted to go after O’Tipp.”
“Dear god,” William mumbled. Something icy gripped him, his hands clenched.
“Keller said no, but she…” Smith shook his head. “Damned woman. None of us even knew until O’Tipp walked into the office, with that hideous smile of his.”
“Knew what?”
“The girls had been doing their own personal investigation into the Syndicate.”
William drew in a sharp breath.
“They’d been doing - I don’t even know, what they’d been doing, but they’d done worse than anger O’Tipp. They’d impressed him. He wanted to hire them as his own employees!”
“Is he mad?” William said, louder than he’d wanted. “What could he possibly want with them?”
“The young girl, Sadie Goode - she was our secretary,” Smith said, pain in his words. “Real good at her job, too. Sweetheart of a girl, in her flour sack dresses… The woman you see with O’Tipp in the papers - that’s not his wife. That’s her.”
He didn’t want to ask this, but something compelled him. “What about the older woman - what did you say her name was?”
“She called herself Lazarus Core,” Smith said. “I don’t know who she really was. When O’Tipp showed up, she fought back.” He paused, looked at the ground again. “O’Tipp had his men drag her into his car, and I never saw her again. Not on the street, not in the papers. Like she never existed at all.”
In the hours that passed, even after they went their separate ways, William couldn’t stop thinking about it. About her. That false name lingered in his mind, hypnotic, seductive. Lazarus Core. Lazarus Core.
Who were you, Lazarus Core? He wondered. Why did you turn yourself into a man? Why did you pursue O’Tipp all on your own? Are you still alive?
William almost hoped she wasn’t. If she were still alive, she was no doubt in some unspeakable position, something too horrific to linger on. And his father, he might have said she deserved it… but he might not. William had no plans of sharing this horrible story with him. The world was already cruel enough, he needn’t share painful gossip that would only hurt his father’s good soul.
But he could not, and would not, forget it himself.
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ascendancy-echoes · 8 months
Chapter 12: Russ and the Blackbird
2nd of Ninthmoon 1019 AG, Medina forest
Seven years had come and gone in Medina since Russ had been found by Ismene. While little had changed for the Mystic lands as a whole, Russ’s arrival had definitely changed things in Medina. After the initial curiosity and gossip in the first few weeks, the citizens of Medina accepted Russ as one of their own. After all, he wasn’t human and that was good enough for everyone.
Although Russ never really lost his strange accent, it became less pronounced over the years. He had grown from a lanky child into a young adult in what felt like a blink of an eye. Even though he had no idea how old he was exactly, Russ suspected he was in his early teens when Ismene found him.
Ismene had teased him about his growth spurts even as he stood a good half a foot taller than her when they finally seemed to stop. Meanwhile Belinay delighted in his frequent visits to the shop to get clothes replaced as he rapidly outgrew his previous sets of clothing. She always chatted with him about how Ismene and he were doing, seeming to genuinely care about him and his life with Ismene.
One day, she made a comment that left Russ feeling uncomfortable to say the least.
“Surely you’ve moved out of that little room by now,” Belinay remarked out of the blue as she measured him for some new autumn clothes.
“Why would I?” asked Russ, genuinely perplexed at Belinay’s question. “It’s not that small. It suits me just fine for a bedroom.”
Belinay seemed just as confused by Russ’s response. She tilted her head and eyed Russ. “I mean, the way you talk about Ismene these days, are you two not a couple now?”
Russ shrugged slightly. “I don’t see it that way. Izzy’s a great friend but I wouldn’t say we’re a couple.”
“Ah! You see? That there,” Belinay noted firmly. “You are the only soul in Medina that gets away with calling her anything but Ismene. She’d slap any one of us with her tail right into next week if we dared to call her anything as cute as ‘Izzy’.”
“You two have lived together for quite some time now, you both talk about and to each other just like any other couple so surely you’re more than just friends,” she concluded.
“Belinay, what are you trying to say?” Russ asked, his accent intensifying. Between this and Russ’s ears flicking slightly, Belinay knew she crossed a line and now Russ was offended.
Belinay clacked her beak over so slightly. As much as she wanted to know what others wondered, Belinay knew it would harm the friendship Russ saw in her if she pressed the issue further. She sighed. “I’m sorry. I just assumed you two were a couple since you seem so close. I didn’t mean to offend.”
“It’s rather bold of you to assume something like that,” Russ grumbled. “Izzy is my best friend besides Nabal. I care about her greatly but there is nothing going on between us.”
Belinay nodded. Russ, honest to a fault, was always sincere with others. She wondered if perhaps Russ didn’t see Ismene in any intimate way because he wasn’t the same type of Mystic as Ismene. Of course, the poor dear was the only one of his kind in all of Medina.
“Well I’m sorry in any case,” she said. Changing the subject, she told him the new coat would be ready next week.
Russ muttered a thanks and farewell before he departed for home. As annoyed as he was by Belinay’s comments, it made him wonder if he and Ismene were more actually than friends. 
Back at the cottage, Russ found Ismene in the workshop, hanging some flowers and leaves to dry. He immediately told her what Belinay had said about the two of them.
Ismene made a face as though she had eaten a whole lemon and scoffed. “I swear Bel would blow a gasket if she didn’t say something gossipy at least once a day… What did you say?”
“I-I said you were my best friend…”
“But?” Ismene asked, getting the impression that Russ had more to say.
“I mean, she isn’t wrong that we’re close after all this time. Everyone can see that,” Russ said. “But I was wondering what’s the difference between how we’re close friends and how Nameia and Iados are a couple?”
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“Fuck if I know,” Ismene shrugged. “Besides the fact they’re always kissing and way too snuggly? We don’t do that shit.. so besides that, I think there’s little difference, do you?”
Russ shook his head. “Not really.”
Ismene turned her attention back to the pile of flowers on the counter and resumed hanging them. Gesturing to the far counter, she asked,”Think you can start on those orders? The Elder is gonna expect his tea in a few days and I’d prefer that he not send Oz again.”
Russ nodded and got to work. As he did, he pondered what Ismene had said and what Belinay had said. It was true he had no desire for physical closeness but being with Ismene made him feel happy in a way that he couldn’t quite describe. It had little to do with the fact she had taken him in those years before. He was continually grateful, but gratitude is not the same as fondness. He wanted to be with Ismene, even on her grouchier days, he was always thinking of her and happy that they were together. Eventually, Russ came to the conclusion that perhaps he was overthinking the matter. What truly mattered was that life was peaceful and they were happy together.
It had been a rather rainy week as summer turned to autumn. Neither Russ nor Ismene liked the rain much but it did mean that there were plenty of mushrooms in the forest to collect for medicines and food. Gathering what he could find, Russ spied some more mushrooms atop the hill and climbed up.
Reaching the top of the hill, Russ could see Ismene at the bottom. He waved down to her, saying that he found some chanterelles. As he stepped over the root of the tree to walk over to the mushrooms, the ground beneath his feet gave way.
A feeling of complete terror seized Russ as he plummeted. Instinctively he closed his eyes and braced for the inevitable impact but instead he felt himself tumble roughly down a steep slope before coming to a brief stop before once more falling a few inches, this time against branches that cracked under his weight.
When he opened his eyes, Russ could hear Ismene yelling for him in the darkness. The cave he had ended up in was cold and hard. The darkness sent him into a panic. He had never been afraid of the dark before but the feeling of being alone in complete darkness was oddly familiar and very upsetting.
“Light, come on, stupid spell, I need a—“ Russ cursed to himself as he tried to focus to summon a sphere of light. When he managed it, he immediately regretted the choice.
Russ found himself in a strange room, metal countertops with strange objects embedded in them were all around, there were also a few skeletons, broken and slumped against the counters… and he was sitting on top of one.
Russ let out a shout and scrambled to his feet, the light spell dissipating as fear broke his concentration. The bones of the skeleton clattered and scattered as he ran up the sloped floor to the entrance of this strange tomb. The air felt both stale and filled with energy, like a thunderstorm.
Sparks of lightning arced around Russ and struck the counters. Lights flickered on briefly and a gemstone projected a ghostly image of a human whose face was covered by a mask. A stuttering voice echoed through the tomb-like room.
“C-ca— be-ieve… Da-ton f-ck’d us o-over. So-ing … kingdom’s fall- La-
Then there was the sound of an explosion from the apparition and frantic disembodied voices yelling that something hit them. Despite the garbled voices, Russ could make out something about a "Blackbird" crashing. Then the ghost vanished and the room fell silent and Russ was in the dark once more. Not wanting to dwell on what he had witnessed, Russ tried to summon a light so he could find his way out of these strange ruins. 
As usual, Russ’s spell fizzled out within moments, leaving him to repeatedly cast it as he made his way up the sloped corridor. After several feet, he came to a steeper incline and could faintly see the light from the surface.
He could hear Ismene shouting for him so he shouted back that he was okay, unsure if she could hear him. His voice and hers echoed back and forth through the passageways as he tried to tell her he was climbing back up. It was clear that neither of them could hear the other clearly but Ismene sounded relieved to hear him call back to her.
As he slowly made his way up, Russ intermittently cast the light spell to ensure he was finding his footing and grabbing the openings in the wall and floor of the corridor. Every so often, Russ caught glimpses of human skeletons or strange rusted statues in the edge of the light down other passages. He continued to reassure Ismene that he was coming up the slope.
As he arrived at the opening to the sinkhole, Russ could see it was a straight drop down to where he was. There were roots and dirt around the opening but Russ wasn’t sure he could reach the roots and he was exhausted. He was out of breath and his body was shivering. Russ felt light-headed and barely registered that Ismene called out to him again.
“Russ! Are you hurt?”
Shaking his head, Russ stammered that he didn’t think he was hurt, just really tired and sore from climbing his way back up to the opening.
“Well, you look like shit,” Ismene remarked from her vantage point. 
Russ glanced up and chuckled weakly. “I feel like shit. I don’t think I have the strength to climb out, Izzy…” 
Ismene looked down at Russ. There was no way she was going to be able to reach him even if he jumped to grab her hand. The hole was too deep and she wasn’t strong enough. She hated to leave him down there but she felt had no choice. She’d have to go find help.
“Stay right there, I’ll go get help… someone’s gotta have a rope or be strong enough to pull you out,” Ismene called down.
Russ nodded. Sitting at the top of the slope, he watched as Ismene slithered out of sight. Looking back down into the darkness, he could see that beyond the few feet of dirt and stone that he was in some sort of building made entirely out of metal that had been buried who knows how long ago. It looked like the tree roots had forced their way through the pieces of ceiling and the groundwater had rusted the panels enough that his weight was the tipping point.
Although his body had stopped shivering, Russ still felt uneasy, almost nauseous. It reminded him of his first winter in Medina when he got a fever and while not bedridden like previous times, was certainly not up to doing much.
He wasn’t sure how long he was alone before he heard Ismene’s voice. It sounded like Belinay was with her as well as Nox.
“Still alive, Russ?” Ismene asked, peering down into the hole.
“Last I checked,” Russ replied. “Who’s come to my rescue?”
“Hello Russ!” Belinay called out. “Nox and I are here to help. I brought the rope.”
“Ya brought some of your fancy silk cord,” Nox retorted. “I said to grab rope.”
“It is rope,” Belinay replied. “Silk is stronger than it looks. Don’t let its splendor mislead you.”
“Shut up and give it to me so I can fish Russ out of the hole,” Nox snorted. “Don’t know why you’re even here, dirtying up your fancy-ass robes.”
Russ was doubtful that the silk rope that was thrown down to him was going to hold his weight. After a couple of attempts and losing his grip, Russ decided to tie the silk cord around his waist and then try to climb out as Nox and Ismene pulled him up.
To everyone’s surprise, except Belinay’s, the cord held true as Ismene and Nox assisted Russ in getting out of the sinkhole. Ismene immediately rushed to Russ’s side as he found his footing in solid ground.
“Dear you look awful,” Belinay remarked. “What exactly happened down there?”
“I fell into some sort of ancient ruins,” Russ breathed. He described his climb out of the building below their feet and how he saw an apparition and human skeletons deep in the darkness.
Nox glanced down the hole. “That’s a hell of a fall. How in the name of Lavos did you manage not to break anything?”
Russ could only offer a shrug. He wasn’t sure how he survived the fall without any serious injuries. The whole tumble has been a blur yet strangely familiar. Russ had the eeriest sense of deja vu but decided to keep that to himself for now. He and Ismene thanked Nox and Belinay for their help before Ismene placed a hand on Russ’s shoulder and told him they should get back home.
Walking back, Russ still felt lightheaded and nauseous. Ismene looked his way and asked how he felt. Russ let out a breath and admitted he felt ill, unsure if the cause was the stress of the fall or perhaps the air in the ruins.
Arriving back home, Ismene made Russ lay down on the couch and told him to stay put. She came back several minutes later with a cup of tea and a bottle of medicine.
“I’m not sick, Izzy,” Russ protested despite still laying dazed on the couch. “I’m probably just tired from climbing out of those ruins and the sinkhole.”
“You said you cast that light spell a lot, right? You’re sick with magic exhaustion,” Ismene replied, measuring out the liquid in the bottle and adding it to a cup of tea. “I’m not a physician like Paion but I’ve seen it enough and read about it to know what it looks like.”
“Using your magic up is like pulling a muscle or over-exerting yourself,” she explained, handing Russ the cup of tea. “Most of us have done it at one point or another in our lives. Drink it up. There’s enough honey to hide the taste of the Ether.”
Russ frowned but took the cup and drank the concoction. A bit sour but Ismene had poured a lot of honey into the tea so it wasn’t so bad.
“Were you serious about the shit you said back in the forest?” Ismene asked. “There’s a bunch of human ruins down there?”
“I guess? The bones I landed on looked human enough,” Russ replied. “It was too dark to see anything when I wasn’t creating light to find my way out.”
“Not surprised there’s human ruins around here,” Ismene remarked. “There’s a weird stone platform to the north with a bunch of weird symbols carved all around it. Zoradysis says it’s ruins from some human kingdom called Zeal that vanished eons ago.”
“I’m sorry all the mushrooms got crushed when I fell down that hole,” Russ sighed, laying back on the couch “All that hard work destroyed because of a damned sinkhole.”
Ismene waved her hand dismissively. “Mushrooms grow back. I’m just happy you didn’t get hurt or worse.”
It was dawn about two days after the incident in the forest. Ismene and Russ had finished their breakfast and were about to start their work for the day when they heard the sounds of a bell ringing. Low, loud repetitive tones rang out. Ismene dropped what she was doing, took off her apron and rushed to the front of the cottage and pulled a sweater over her blouse.
“Get your coat and boots on, we need to go to town,” she said. “Now.”
Russ put down the pestle he was about to use and asked, “Why? What’s going on?”
Ismene went straight for the front door and replied, “The Elder is dead.”
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