#he looked SO soft and fluffy at todays event im really not okay
gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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svnaslove · 4 years
✰ pinky promise
summary: pinky promises with Daichi and Tsukishima
genre: fluff
characters: Daichi Sawamura, Tsukishima Kei
warnings: a lil angsty? but it’s okay, it has a fluffy resolve, daichi prompt; [sugar impulse, light hearted], tsukishima prompt; [touch starved, PMSing]
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Tsukishima Kei |  月島 | boyfriend
Tsukishima was not the biggest fan of PDA, you probably knew that even before you started dating him. You didn’t mind it at all, as long as it wasn’t anything too far, but the farthest your boyfriend would go with PDA was to just hold your hand and you were okay with that. But not today, today you were touch starved.
It was lunch time and you usually sat with Tsukishima and a few of his volleyball teammates at the circular table just outside of the cafeteria, for now it was just you and him as you two waited for the rest of the table to come.
“Keeiii” you whined, trying to set your head on Tsukishima’s shoulder.
“What are you doing?” he asked dodging your head.
“I missed you all day and I just want to be with you” you pouted, a little upset that he just dodged you like that and the look on his face when he did.
“yeah, but now right in front of everyone” he whispered, a little harshly into your ear.
His words kind of hurt you a little, you just wanted to be close to him, it probably didn’t help either that you were PMSing and you’re hormones were all out of wack.
“I-Im sorry I embarrass you Kei” you pouted letting go of his hand and looking down to your fingers.
Tsukishima’s attitude completely transformed upon seeing that he made you upset, “you don’t embarrass me, why would you say that?”
“because...you just.. never want to be with me in front of everyone, and that’s okay but i just need you right now, and it doesn’t help when you get mean about it, I’m sorry” you admitted, a small tear starting to form.
“hey,” he said, more delicately this time, his hand reached for your chin and brought your head up to his.
This in itself was already a big move for him in public, but there were only a few people around since you two had gotten to the table early.
“that’s not true, it’s just that-” he started, his words getting caught on his throat as he watched your tear fall down your cheek.
“i just, im just not super comfortable with doing more then hand-holding, you know that, and it’s not because i don’t love you that i don’t hold you i just...”
Tsukishima took a deep breath before continuing, “I just don’t know how to be, you make me blush alot and I don’t know what to do.” You looked up again at your boyfriends eyes to see that he seemed embarrassed to admit that, his gaze slightly fluttering to the ground, but even more so, you were shocked at how Tsukishima just opened up to you.
“really?” you ask, watching his expression as he tries to push down his blush.
“really.” he nodded his head, trying to move his eyes back to yours.
“I know, how about as soon as school ends, you come over and we can cuddle, does that sound good?” he suggested.
“pinky promise?” you asked, already getting excited for the events, your heart becoming warmer at how soft your boyfriend could be.
“pinky promise.” Tsukishima called, holding out his pinky and intertwining it with yours and then pulling you a little close and giving you a quick peck on your forehead.
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Daichi Sawamura |  大地 | boyfriend
“oh come on Daichiii, don’t be a draggg” you whined.
“y/n, i already told you to drop it, we agreed on this together” Daichi replied, drawing an imaginary circle connecting you two at the emphasis of the word ‘together.’
“i knooowww but i can’t go on much longgerrr,” you continued. “i can’t just eat fruits and veggies for a whole week, just a little itsy bitsy tinnie winnie little chocolate bar?” you pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
Daichi shot you a glare that was meant to be jokingly intimidating, “i thought you were the one that brought this idea in the first place?” he teased, “you can’t even hold up to that?”
You pouted as you recalled 3 days ago when you brought up the idea to your boyfriend for the two of you to eat as healthy as possible before Daichi’s tournament, one, because it’s just good for you, and two, if you two did it together you could stop each other from your impulses, but so far you were ready to give up, already missing the sweet taste of sugar.
Daichi looked at you pouting and literally broke and his gaze softened, he sighed, “fine, but just one bar, and no more sugar until we finished our week since were supposed to be ‘cleansing our bodies,’ remember?”
You flinched to when he used your exact words of ‘cleansing out bodies’ but ignored it because he actually agreed, “yayyy thank you Daichi!! i pinky promise!!” 
you squealed and held out your pinky and he held out his and you guys intertwined them to make your promise.
“ok now come on, which do you want, 70% dark chocolate or 90% dark chocolate, i’ll let you make the choice.”
you shook your head in bewilderment that you had just been tricked, of course he was going to make you choose dark chocolate, which was the “healthiest” chocolate you could get. 
“you tricked me!” you yelled, laughing at your own clumsiness of realization.
“did not! now come on choose, after this week you can have all the milk chocolate you want” 
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softinkshadows · 4 years
drunken wrong room encounters w adultrio (x female reader)
Disclaimer: contains some lime-y content! HISOKA
The elevator at Heaven’s Arena dinged softly as its doors opened to the 200th floor. Flushed with a giddy smile on your face, your heart was full from the night’s festivities. Today you scored your 4th win on the 200th floor, and took to a nearby bar afterwards to celebrate. Being one of the only female fighters on the floor, you were swarmed with many fans; you smiled to yourself remembering  the cheers and ruckus from everyone at the bar, hands offering you yet another shot, loud hooting when you downed them all as you found yourself happily egged on to take one too many drinks. Thankfully the corridor was well-lit, if not you’d have trouble finding your way back to your room. You turned the door handle, going inside.  Did I forget to turn off the bathroom light? you wondered absentmindedly, kicking off your shoes. The room smelled a little different - sweeter? There was a scent of damask rose, but you brushed it off. You hummed a small tune as you started to undress yourself for the night, stripping yourself of your pants and outershirts (a little dirtied from the fight earlier) and laying them over the armchair at the room desk, finally only clad in a fitted neoprene tank top and underwear. You sighed a little, steadying yourself with the desk in order to stand up straight when you felt a rush of heat behind you. Strong arms pinned your hands to the desk as you felt the immobilizing weight of another body leaning against you from behind, the scent of roses now wafting heavily close. In your disorientation you felt the texture of a soft bath towel against your butt. “Eh?? Who the hell -” your protests were cut short as the strong limbs flipped you around, maintaining their grip on your wrists. “My, my, it seems like someone went into the wrong room.” A voice purred. You were spun around to face none other than the strongest fighter at Heavens Arena. His striking red hair fell in a damp tangle around his face, still dripping wet from the shower. Your eyes followed the thin trickles of water, as it fell onto his bare, sculpted torso. “Hi-hisoka!” you gasped aloud both in shock at in the embarrassment of the man who was barely clothed and leaning over you on the desk. You felt your face flush with warmth, your head still spinning from the effect of alcohol. He moved closer, golden eyes glinting with mischief, until his face was barely inches away from yours. “I saw your fight earlier, you were.. good,” he emphasized the last word, his lips curling into a smirk. The slight suggestiveness, his piercing eyes, the proximity of his body were enough to make you more flustered, as a strange heat began to pool in your abdomen. “Wait- wh-what is thi- I’m gonna kill y-you,” you stammered incoherently. Hisoka leaned towards your ear. 
“Would you like me to... stop?” he whispered, biting on your ear lobe. “A-ah!” you gasped, feeling a tinge of arousal creeping between your legs. He moved downwards to breathe lightly against your neck. “Yes...” he began, using his tongue to delicately trail your skin, travelling the length from your collarbone to your ear, “or no?” His tongue flicked your ear again. His fingers laced with yours, body pressing into you, the sensation of his tongue making you tremble as you felt the heat between your legs grow. “N-...Ye-..yes,” you struggled to form your words, your mind clouded with a feeling of confusion, irritation and pleasure, along with that heady scent of damask rose.  “Very well.” You heard a chuckle before you felt the world spin a little. Everything was a blur; you being carried bridal style - the lights and airconditioning of the corridor - another door opening and closing - the softness and familiarity of your own bed. You felt exhaustion begin to wash over you, barely making out Hisoka’s chuckled words before he closed the door. “As for a fight... I’ll do you anytime. Come to me when you’re ready, or when you want your clothes back.” ILLUMI “Y/N, are you sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your room?” Leorio asked, being the gentleman that he was. It was the 287th Hunter Exam, and you managed to clear the 4th round. Now all the participants who passed were on the airship headed from Zevil Island back to the Hunter’s Association building, and you and Leorio had taken to celebrating with rounds of indulgent drinking. “NAH IM OKAY!” you exclaimed exuberantly, even though you were clearly wasted. “Thanks for, y-your hard work todayyyyyyy, Leoleo!” “It’s Leorio!!” he yelled back, irritated but stifling a laugh, before walking towards the other residential wing of the blimp.  “Room 16...17...ah 18...?” you clambered around unsteadily, before finding the door knob. The room was dark save for a rectangular window on one wall, letting in some shafts of moonlight. The bed looked incredibly inviting after a long and tiring day, especially with the physical strain of the last exam round. White soft sheets and a thick fluffy duvet heaped on the large bed. At least there were some perks for getting this far, you thought. Standing by the side of the bed, you stretched your body in exhaustion and satisfaction. “Tsukaretaaaaa~ (trans: I’m so tired~~)” you breathed, removing all your clothes in one fell swoop, letting them fall noisily to the floor. You weren’t going to bother with a shower now, you could deal with that tomorrow. Now, you just needed some quality rest before you’d be raring to go for the last exam round the day after. You pulled the soft duvet up to your chin, ready to drift into deep sleep. Next to you, on the other side of the bed, something stirred. A soft, displeased voice grumbled, “Hisoka, what is it this time...” Someone got up and was now above you, legs on either side of your waist, forearms bent at right angles and pressed to the bed to hold themselves up. “I thought we agreed...” Illumi trailed off, looking down at the person he thought was in his bed, before realizing he had made a mistake. For a moment, he was stunned. “Huh?” “Haah?” You responded, in a drunken drawl. Through your flushed cheeks, and slightly blurred vision, you saw a beautiful man with deep raven-coloured eyes. Long black hair fell silkily down to the pillow, cascading like a veil over your head. You were vaguely aware of his arms on both sides of you, and the proximity of his body to yours, but it didn’t feel intrusive. There was almost a feline lightness to his features and limbs. You were certain that you’d never seen this man before, at least throughout the hunter exam, and you were so sure that you were dreaming. Illumi turned his head to look at the discarded clothes on the floor, before turning back to you. “Ah..” He then realized the state of you resting in his bed, and his eyes wavered a little, his heart leaping just a bit faster than usual. What should he do? How did years of assassin training not prepare him for this? At this point you had made a move to sit up slightly, the duvet falling a little further around you below your chest. “Um...”  his nimble fingers picking up the duvet to cover your chest, a faint blush dusting his pale cheeks. Enjoying every moment of what you were certain was a dream, you reached up to gently twine your slender fingers in his black hair. “So soft....” you remarked as you felt the strands, your eyes dazzling with awe and inebriation. Your hands made your way to his face, and your fingers moved along his brows, nose, before resting on his cheeks. “So soft~~” you squished his cheeks gently, giggling a little. W-wh-what was that? In a flash, the man above you moved away, and your hands grasped only at air. You sulked out loud a little before falling finally into slumber, letting out a small snore. At the other end of the bed, Illumi was awake, staring at the wall with a strange tingle in his chest, his ears unmistakably red. CHROLLO You’d just about had it. Seething with anger, you pressed your floor button in the hotel lift, leaning back to the wall with your arms crossed. You knew you would have to meet unsavoury people in your job as a reporter, but nothing had readied you for tonight’s event. This gala was attended by the supremely, grossly overpaid upper class, another fundraising event to line the pockets of yet another private trust. The pitiful looks they gave you, their derogatory comments...! Thankfully as part of the job you had a suite in the hotel that hosted the event, and you exploited the complimentary flow of alcohol too... You noticed your suite door ajar, and caught a glimpse of a service cart. Hmph, at least there’s additional room service too, you thought, pushing the door open to enter. The hotel maid caught a glimpse of you, cheeks red from all the wine and champagne, stumbling a little into the suite. Her eyes glanced over towards the master bedroom and back at you, turning embarrassed as if having understood something, before leaving the room hurriedly. 
“ANNOYING RICH PEOPLE!” you yelled to yourself, flinging your shoes near the doorway before collapsing on a large leather sofa. You looked out of the down to floor windows at the glimmering lights of the city, floating hazily before you. You felt one of your dress straps fall past your shoulders, and your black evening gown was already hitched up past your knees, but you didn’t really care. A sound of soft footsteps approached before you saw someone looking down at your lying figure. His black hair fell close to his shoulders, there was a funny cross tattoo on his forehead, his grey eyes piercing and inscrutable. Ah, you remembered him from the gala too, although he was alone most of the time, interacting only with a few select people. Now he had half unbuttoned the vest of his 3-piece suit, and was in the process of loosening his tie. His voice was gentle, but contained a trace of amusement. “Miss, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong room.” “NO YOU’RE IN THE WRONG ROOM!” you yelled in drunken stupor, not even making sense anymore. You sat up disheveled. “PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE ALL THE SAME, LOOKING DOWN ON OTHERS, USING PEOPLE LIKE THEY ARE TOYS AND THEN THROWING THEM AWAY. DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY HUMANITY?” you ranted, not realizing that he had taken a seat on the sofa near you. He propped his head up with one hand resting on the armrest, his eyes twinkling and he gazed at you. Even with his loosened tie, and a dress shirt tucked out, there was something alluring about him, drawing you deeper into an abyss. You couldn’t tell if it was dangerous or just seductive. You didn’t even hear the words you were saying. “AND DAMN YOU AND YOUR GOODLOOKING FACE.” He chuckled to himself, before looking back into your eyes with his steely grey ones.  “And how shall people like me be punished?” he asked softly. You found yourself climbing into his lap, your tousled hair now falling a little out of your bun, you knees between his, as you leaned close to his face. You felt the heat of his body below yours. “LIKE THIS.” Without warning, you raised your hand, and gave his forehead a quick and powerful flick. He didn’t even blink, although his eyes registered some kind of shock. Then Chrollo burst out into a small laugh, running his fingers through his hair. So amusing, he thought to himself. Perhaps I can enjoy myself tonight.
Feeling a little mocked, you continued, spurred by embarrassment, “Y-YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU? NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, YOU’RE JUST... EMPTY!” 
Before you knew it, suddenly you were on you back, and Chrollo’s hands gripped both of yours, pinning you down hard. Your words had struck a nerve. Surprised from the movement and his reaction, you were speechless, your cheeks now a little warmer when you realized the position you were in, your dress now hiked up almost to your waist. “Perhaps I can prove you wrong,” he whispered, leaning so close both your lips were almost touching. Chrollo knew, from all the women that threw themselves at him throughout the gala, that any of them would immediately take this chance now. He was craving a little release after all, and by this point, no one would refuse.  Then, you stared at him, face red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment, and stuck out your tongue defiantly like a child. With your hands pinned above you, you looked away, pouting. S-so cute! One of Chrollo’s hands flew to shield his face momentarily to stifle a laugh, and a discernible blush covered his cheeks. He stood up from the sofa and straightened out his shirt, walking into the bedroom before returning with an extra duvet. By then, you had dozed off asleep, and he glanced at your weary form. Such an amusing, vulnerable creature. He chuckled, laying the duvet gently over you. “Sleep well tonight, my dear. I’ll be with you in the morning when you wake.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: I wanted to write the last Chrollo-only one for the previous situation, but somehow this floated into my mind. I found myself internally screaming when writing the Illumi portion becos Hiso-Illu just dropped so casually I’m like... sometimes I’m glad I have this brain 
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Sick Day
{Harumo’s room}
The Sun rises to the world of Tokyo,dark areas illuminated, the greens and living beings, everyone in the world of the unknown,And speaking of unknown, in one of the dorms rooms of Shinjuku Academy lies a young chubby boy with hundreds of simps [literally] lay dormant in his room resting from all the fighting and all nighters they do because everyday is a new huge event for him, The curtains sway lightly as the wind  passes through,the room begins to bring color as the rising run brings joy to some individuals, There the chubby hero name Harumo covered in blankets still asleep even though he was about to be late for his classes starting right........now..
Lil Salomon: Wakey-wakey master its time to get up, You’re going to be late for school again.....Master?
Your forevor close buddy familiar attempts to wake you up,however you appear  unresponsive to his pleas. But something about your silence begins to worry him.
Lil Salomon: Master!,Master!,Wake up!
Attempting to wake you up again in a panic state,circling around your blankets shaking any area to atleast make you twitch,however it doesn’t work.. This only made your butler more worried,because of the fact he can’t be seen by other people and only you can see him, he cannot go to your classmates for aid as well as his father Mr Mononobe whom can see Salomon if he has the ring,that is now in your right ring finger.
Lil Salomon:  Who could that be?!
Shiro: Harumo?,are you up!, You’re gonna be late again for class.
Lil Salomon: What Luck!... Master!, you’re friends are here to see you,Master please wake up.
He tries to wake you up again,
Lil Salomon: Ma-Master?, {Touches forehead}...ow! Oh my goodness!, Master you’re burning up! 
Harumo.....*soft groan*....
Ryota: Did you guys hear that?
Shiro: Yes, i did,Harumo what was that noise?
Kengo:Step aside you two.
Ryota: Kengo?, what are you doing?
Kengo: Im gonna punch that cute ass of his if he doesn’t wake up.
Shiro:Absolutely not Kengo!, You’re going to break school property!.
Lil Salomon: How am i going to tell them,,,Uhmm......Oooohhhhhh thats it!HOLD ON MASTER!
Ryota: Wahhh!,,what the?,, 
A  piece of paper mysteriously appeared on Ryota’s shoe..
 Ryota: HELP?!
Shiro: What the?...HARUMO!,,{KNOCKING}
Shiro: Kengo break the door!
With no hesitation Kengo easily breaks the door down with his mighty kick as strong as horse’s gallop.A loud bang with a surprise for the trio waiting for them as they found themselves shocked to enter your room with you on the floor,
Ryota: Harumo!, 
Kengo:Partner what happen?!
Shiro touches your forehead.
Shiro:{Gasp} Harumo,you’re burning up! 
Ryota: Shiro, we have to bring them to the clinic 
Shiro: Kengo grab Harumo and bring them to Shennong’s clinic,Hurry!
Kengo: Right! Hold on partner! will get you to Shennong! so hang in there!
Kengo lifts you up with both hands carrying you as Kengo looks at you with a serious yet scared face followed by Shiro,whom is both running with him as he checks on your body along with Ryota, who is seen almost on the verge of tears as he looks upon his friend while hearing the soft groans as a slight displacement is enough to hurt them...
                                                                                                                                                          HARUMO SICK DAY
In a old abandoned building in Kabukicho, a lone transient is seen sleeping on the couch, with his usual expression, though in some moments it changes to a happy one, where he could be seen smiling. i wonder what they’re dreaming about?
{Shino”s Dream} 
In a calm peaceful forest in Shino”s homeworld, Lays a medium sized hut with a  large window next to the entrance with a small workshop underneath it. There the chimney is seen being lit as puffs of smoke exits from it,indicating that someone is cooking...Waiking slowly to the door the gray fured therian sees.. 
Shino: Beloved,,, i have returned... 
Harumo: Hello Shino, Welcome back! 
Shino: Yes, my dear. that smells nice,
Harumo: Well, thats because im cooking your favorite today, 
Shino:  i see, be careful with cutting with a knife dear. 
Harumo: Don’t worry, dear, im always careful. 
Shino: i should aid you in cutting the meat.
Harumo: All right, you big fluffy worry wart, 
Shino: Tha-,,i already told you, to please stop calling me that!. 
Harumo: But its cute, and you really are fluffy and big. 
Harumo: Im going to pick some vegtables from the back. 
Shino: Ok dear..
Shino: Harumo?.... 
His ears twitch as he went to see his dear coughing and it appears They’re trying to cover it. 
Shino: Harumo...are you ill?..
Harumo:*coughing small amounts of blood*...
Shino:.you’re not well!, you medical assistance! 
Shino steps in to catch you from falling as your knees begin to gave out,,as soon as he lifts you up in his arms like a knight carrying they’re princess,
But as soon,as Shino turns back...
Shino: {Gasp}..... NO!!!....
An unexpected arrow,was fired as Shino’s back....
Hunter:i’’ve found him!....
Other Hunter:There he is!,, Fire! 
Shino: Harumo!...Hold on!
Shino: I won’t let them harm you my beloved! 
Hunter: Fire at him! 
{Piercing sound} 
Shino: Thaaaa! 
Even with arrows sticking out of his back, Shino takes a stance in fury and readys his sword,with his paw clutched,Shino could never forgive the ones that try to harm his dearly beloved.
Other Hunter: He’s gettin ready to attack,,defend yourself! 
Hunter:His coming! 
Running furiously,sword in hand and paw ready to grab the head,  Shino,,full on runs towards the two hunters in rabid speeds even though he was hit with two arrows on his back,but it seems to have no effect on him as he was about near the hunter who shot the first arrow...
Hunter: aHHHH!
Shino: Huh,,,Harumo....
Just moments away from pulling his neck, Shino heard the cries of his beloved and stopped him from taking his life,,,however hunters,,,give no mercy to their prey.....
Shino: You dispicable!
With his sharp animal senses, and even more high alert, Shino spots the hunter about to stab him,. 
Harumo: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 
Other hunter: No! {Fires an arrow}
 Shino dodges the incoming arrow,with the unconcious hunter out of commisioned,the now calm Shino hurrys back and sweeps up and hunt continues on..
Shino: Just hold on a little longer, and we’ll be there. 
Harumo: T-thank you Shino,,,,for sparing his life..
Shino: Look, we’re nearly out,,just hold on a--
Harumo: Ahhh!!! 
Shino: Harumoooo!!!!
While near the exit of the forest,a lone hunter is seen in a firing postion,as though they have been waiting for a while and shotted an arrow hitting Harumo in they’re right side....
Shino: Harumo....Harumo!!...YOU!!!!!
As the blood of his beloved’s body spreads, 
Harumo: Ahhhhhh!!!,,,,,*Coughs blood. 
Shino tries to take down the lone hunter,,but alas,,,the hunter had shot an arrow in Shino’s chest piercing his heart...as they fall,,and slowly close they’re eyes,,,The image of his beloved covered in blood on the ground as Shino can only see the life of his beloved eye’s slowly fade away....
Shino: Thaaa!!!----*gasping* *sweating*....
Shino: *Gasping* I..its...its just a dream...*gasping*  
Shino:My lord.....
Rushed to the medical clinic of Shinjuku Academy The Summoners watch in worried as they see in bed while Shennong examines your body and coming up with a diagnostic. 
Shiro: How is Harumo? Shennong..
Shennong:Its all right now,,,Harumo just got a really high fever. 
Shiro: {Gasp}
Ryota: Harumo....
Shennong: I’d say 2 days of bed rest,and Harumo will be better.,   
Shiro: Understood Shennong.  
Harumo: *soft groan* ahh...
Kengo:  partner...just relax now..
Shennong: I called Mr Mononobe, to inform him about Harumo, he should arriving soon ..oh......speak of the devil. 
{Door opens}
Mr Mononobe: Oh, so this is were you three were.  
Mr Mononobe: How’s Harumo? 
Shennong: Harumo is in bed, They just got a high fever, but he’l be fine.They just need a lot of rest.
Mr Mononobe: I see, Thank you for your work Shennong,and to you to also Shiro,Kengo and Ryota, 
Shiro: We’re just glad Harumo is going to be okay. 
Mr Mononobe: I’ll inform the other teachers about Harumo and tell them why you three are late.. 
Shiro: Understood,Thank you Mr Mononobe..
Mr Mononobe: No problem, Now you three better go to class all right. 
Kengo: Im staying to take care of Harumo!
Mr Mononobe: Now,now Takabushi, i understand that you’re worried, but Shennong can keep an eye on Harumo,, 
Shiro: Kengo we can’t do that!, 
Ryota: Im worried also for Harumo,and i want to take care of them... 
Shiro: Kengo,Ryota lets go now!
Kengo:rgghhhh!,, fine,,.....I’’ll be back for you partner!.
Ryota: Harumo..i promise im going to take care of you! 
Shennong: See you all as well, I’ll  watch over Harumo.
Shiro: Thank you Shennong. 
Shiro: ....I’ll be back to take care of you!
Kengo: Hey you’re stealing my lines!
Mr Mononobe:all right now, run along kids. 
{Door close} 
 {Nakano Shopping Mall} 
In the mall.... 
Customer: Can i have 10 rainbow buns please! 
Customer: I’ll take 14 rainbow buns to go and can i have a soda! 
Here in the Nakano Shopping Mall is where a very popular bun is being sold,not only for its deliciousness,but for the wide varieties of colors that represent that each a different kind of flavor, and as you can tell, from its name,the buns come into all different colors hence earning its name Rainbow Buns. sold by the shop being managed by the father of a young pink-haired chubby boy.
Ebisu: Coming up 10 buns of Special Rainbow buns!
Employee: Hey Ebsu, where’s num#4′s order?! 
Ebisu: Oh, Coming!,
Normally its not as busy in the shop, but strangely,people have been coming in to taste and witness the popular Rainbow Buns thats been getting famous in Nakano..And hopefully Ebisu doesn’t get tired....
2 hours later.... 
All orders that have been piling up, has now begin to disappear one by one as the customers each take of what they have ordered, feeling thirsty and tired,Ebisu goes to the terrace of the mall where it faces the calm sea...
Ebisu: Phew.......{sips tea}
Resting calmy  on a bench, he stares blankly at the tranquil sea, as it reflects the rays of the sun,and the many fishing boats moving rapidly to their fishing spots. 
Ebisu: Its so beautiful....*sigh*
Sitting on the bench,reminded him of the person who sat next to him, in comfort, 
Harumo: Can i sit here? 
Ebisu: .....
{End of Memory} 
He stares at his tea while remembering that said person.
Ebisu: I wonder how Harumo is doing?...Hmm..
{Remembers Harumo sweet moments}
Ebisu: w..Did, my heart,,,just beat skipped a beat?.. and why is it when im remembering Harumo? 
Ebisu:.....w-w-.why do i want to see Harumo again?!, do i like them?Well offcourse i like them!, but whats this feeling that,,,that my heart is about to explode!.....Ahhhh!,..
 He scratch his head in confusion.
.Ebisu: Thaaaa,,,,C’mon Ebisu,,Do you really like Harumo as a friend or as a lover!
Employee: Hey Ebisu!,Breaks over! lets get back to work! 
Ebisu:Thaaaa!!!,,,,, Oh,,,sorry sir!,,, 
 Employee: Get a move on, those rainbow buns aren’t gonna cook themselves!
.Ebisu: We actually bake them sir.
.Employee: Oh.,,,also, what were you shouting back there?,  
.Ebisu: What?, you heard?,, its,,,nothing,, nothing sir,, 
Employee: ......Then i why were you shouting lover then?!
Ebisu: You heard that?!,, ohhhhhh,,,,
Ebisu covers his face out of embarassment as you can tell from the tomato colored face he’s doing,, the employee, looks at him sharply into his eyes as if he wanted to tell something to him,, 
Employee: Is it about that Harumo guy you mentioned, the one that you’re inlove with?!
Ebisu: What?!,no!,,i just,,,its just that,,,
Employee: Shhhhhh,,,don’t say anymore, 
Ebisu: But...
Employee: A THAT THAT THAT THAT,,no more..
Ebisu: *Sigh*  its just that, i just,,can’t seem to stop thinking about them, it confuses me, and i don’t know if i really love them, 
Employee: You can tell them about it later after work,C’mon the customers are probably waiting.
 {Shinjuku Cafeteria}
Lunch time,at Shinjuku Academy, Ryota is at the front of line,  
Ryota: Hey Choji!, whats special for today?.
Choji: Hello Ryota,Our main menu for today is our special Chicken Karaage and it comes with a sauce of different flavors,you could also pick which flavor of the Karaage,we have spicy,sour,sweet,savory,  flavors so take your pick. and we also have chicken soup and chicken curry...
Ryota: Karaage?!,,,,Can i have 5 sweet karaage!, 
Kengo: Hey its chicken on a menu!, I’ll take 10 of....uhh....the savory ones!
Choji and Ryota: T-t-TEN?! 
Ryota: Are you sure you can eat all of it?! 
Kengo: Hah!, i need a lot of protein for my body you know,also im going to bring these to Harumo,, i bet they’re hungry.
Choji: Come to think of it,I don’t see Harumo with you, you guys are always with them.
Ryota: Harumo is sick,,He’s got a high fever so they can’t come..
Choji: Oh no!, hope they’re feeling okay...
Choji: Its a good thing we have chicken soup on the menu,, that will help in they’re recovery,I’ll save a batch for him and you can feed it to them...
Ryota: Thanks Choji,
Shiro: You better eat all of it Kengo! 
Kengo: Whaddya think im doing, im not going to waste chicken, and also Choji will go berserk on me. .
Moritaka: We warriors need a lot of protein to sustain our bodies,so im sure Kengo will eat everything on his plate..
Toji: Still, it will be better if you added some vegtables to your diet Takabushi. 
Kengo: Why is everyone questioning my food choices!
Ryota: Hey,how about we visit Harumo,to see if they are awake. 
Chernobog: Is something a matter with my heroic one?
Ryota: Ahhh!, Oh,,its just you Chernobog,, don’t scare me like that!. 
Chernoog: I did not mean to frighten, you Ryota, i just heard you mention about the heroic one,, but i don’t see them.. 
Shiro: Harumo came down with a high fever
Moritaka: Might i ask Chernobog, Where is Zao?, you’re always accompanied by him.. 
Chernobog:  Zao, sneaked out of class and went mountain hiking.
Kengo: Hahaha!,Nice job Zao!
Shiro: [Pinches Kengo’s ear} 
Kengo: Ow,ow, what the heck nerd!
Ryota: How you join us in visiting them, im sure they’ll be so surprised.
Chernoog: I do wish check  Harumo’s  wellbeing...
 .Toji: I’ll also wish to pay them a visit, just to ensure they’re being taken care of, 
.Moritaka: Me too,, Having a fever is very common for me, so i want to look out for them.. 
.Ryota: Shiro,,can we??Please???
Shiro: *Sigh* fine, I’ll go ask Mr Mononobe if we’re allowed..
After a moment,Shiro comes back with news. 
Kengo: So, how it go? Can we see them.?
Shiro: Yep,,Mr Mononobe gave us the approval.
Kengo: Well what are we standing around for, Lets go! 
Moritaka: Lets go!
Chernobog: Wait for me Heroic one.
Ryota: Wait! im going to fetch Harumo some lunch,im sure they haven’t eaten!
After some time, you have awoken from your pained state of slumber and scan your entire surroundings,
Harumo:W-where am i?,,,,is this Shennong”s clinic...?
Lil Salomon: Master!, {hugs them} 
Harumo: Whoah hey, Lil Salomon, what happened just now? 
Lil Salomon: You had a high fever Master,and then quickly rushed here by your friends.
Harumo: Really?!,,
Lil Salomon: Oh!,i was so worried about you, you have no idea how paniced i was when you rolled down on the floor!
Harumo: W-well, sorry to worry you ..ow!. 
Lil Salomon: Master? 
Harumo: My throat..feels like its being pierced.
{Door Opens} 
Kengo:  partner!,
Shiro: How many times do i have to tell you,to not run in the halls!
Kengo: Can it Class rep!, I have to be the first one my partner has to see!
Shiro:  Oh Thank goodness you’re awake Harumo,,.. 
Harumo: How long was i out?..
.Shiro: You were out about 2 hours now.
Moritaka: Harumo, my friend!, 
Harumo: Well theres a fluffy cute face..
Moritaka: I--Well,,thank you for the compliement!
As soon as Toji enters,he immediately examines your forehead, to check your temperature..
Toji: huh...you’re burning up.
Chernobog: My Heroic one,
Harumo: Never seen you wore the uniform before...
Chernobog: Yes, it came to me just now,,its a miracle they found a size for me.
Shiro: Moritaka, is the towel cold? 
Chernobog: What is the purpose of this towel on you? 
Chernobog points at your towel that Moritaka checks if its cold. 
Moritaka: This is a towel that they use to cool down Harumo, we drenched it in cold water and put it on their forehead..Oh no! 
Shiro: What is it Moritaka? 
Moritaka: The water is warm now. 
Chernobog: Let me..
Chernobog summons a small cloud over the bowl of water and rained ice from it. 
Moritaka: That was amazing Chernobog, how did you do that.?
Ryota: You’re a wizard Chernobog.!
Chernobog: it is the power granted to me of being the dark lord of Bald Mountain. 
Moritaka dips the towel into the now cold water that is giving off a cold air, 
Moritaka: Its so cold!, that my hands are going to freeze, There we go! 
Harumo: Shhhhh,,,ahhhh,,,,
Chernobog: Is it too cold Harumo? 
Harumo: No,,,Its just right...
Ryota: Okay, I know you haven’t eaten in a while, so,, i packed you some delicious snacks and also Choji ask me to feed you some chicken soup.. 
Ryota places a handful of snacks comprise of chips, fruit juices and also Karaage that Choji saved for you.
Shiro:Good thinking Choji,it will surely help Harumo
Harumo: ....ow....uhm,,can you feed it to me?
Ryota: W-what?,,o-okay say ahhhhh....
Ryota takes a spoon of chicken soup ..
Harumo:Ahhhhhh,,,  Mmmmmm,,,This is delicious.. 
Chernobog: Is this a tradition when one is ill? 
Harumo: Do you want to feed me too Chernobog? 
Chernobog: I-....Well...if it aids in your recovery. then  i shall..
Ryota hands Chernobog the spoon, and gently takes a spoon of chicken soup,being cautious as to not break or drop it,by his massive fingers.
Chernobog: Say ahhhhh...
Chernobog: Is it to your liking? 
Harumo: It was delicious Thank you Chernobog!
A smile finally appears to your face as,, you have seen all the people that will take care of you...
Chernobog: My pleasure.. .
Harumo: ahh.....my...throat .
You hold your throat as you try to speak,,in every second you try to speak your throat feels like a burning furnace inside you.. 
Ryota: Here Harumo,,,some orange juice,,
Ryota hands you a can of  orange juice with a straw in it...and slowly sip.
You can still feel a slight sharp pierceing feeling,when you sip the orange juice,, as your tonsils are inflammed.. 
Harumo: Mmmm,,mmm,,, 
You start to feel drowsy and fatigued as you slowly lean on your backside.
Your friends can only watch you wreath in pain and sweat like you’re running a marathon, as they have seen you triump in many hard battles, and always went ahead with a fierce smile on your face, but now,,that smile is nay in the present ,for as they see infront of them is a highschool student in pain,,, 
As Ryota wipes away your sweat, he worrys more,as he looks more closely to your face, 
Ryota: Harumo..whats wrong?!
Moritaka: Ryota move!
Shiro: Moritaka,,could you go flush Harumo’s vomit away.
Moritaka: Oof!, that is most unpleasant.
 Toji: You were:somewhat aware of that happening..
Moritaka: To tell you the truth, I’ve experienced having fevers from past years during those times and i have learned the symptoms.
Harumo: *groans*  
Shiro: Oh Harumo...
 Kengo: Partner...
{Door Opens} 
Shennong: Whoah!,,,well this is,,uhm,,  
.Shiro: Shennong, Harumo just vommited just now, what does that mean? 
Shennong: Lets see....
Taking into account that Shennong was the military medic of the Warmongers,and you could expect that whenever training goes into the walls of Penitentia Academy, you would expect the training regime to be brutalizing.
 To the point where some trainess would even vomit out of exhaustion or go cranky, or even losing their lives to its merciful dictatorship, whereas  Shennong have seen the dark side of being a medic and as he calmly examines  
The body of the that person, he as already a prognosis. 
Shennong: Well, They’re temperature hasn’t changed, Lets just give them some rest, I’’ll have one of you take Harumo in a wheel chair, so you can get them back to their dorm,after school,because i won’t be present by that time.   
. Shiro: Understood Shennong. 
Kengo: Yeah, but whose gonna take them? 
Shiro: Well off course it should be me, 
Kengo: Huh!, who made you chief here? im going to do it. 
Ryota: Shouldn’t it be me, since im the closest to his dorm.
Moritaka: Comrades, cease yourselves, im much more qualified to do it!
Toji: I’ll have to intefere with that bold proclamation of yours Inuzuka. I swore to protect Harumo, so I’ll be escorting them, 
Ryota: No ME! 
Shiro and Kengo: ME! 
Bickering over to whom shall be entrusted to carry out the responsibility of escorting them back to their dorm, one individual angrily intervenes. 
Chernobog: RRRR...ENOUGH!
Harumo: {Shivering} 
Chernobog: Your bickering has cause Harumo discomfort, I’ll be the one escorting them back to their dorm room, Do i make myself clear! 
Summoners: ........Okay....
Shennong: I’’ll also have to mention that someone has to stay with them, incase they feel any pain or to replace their towel with cold water. 
The room falls into an awkward silence,An uneasy stare off, and then.
Shiro and Kengo: I’ll be staying with them! No me! 
Ryota: NO ME! 
Moritaka and Toji: ME! 
Chernobog: RRRRRRRR.....
 Harumo: *groan*,,,guys,,,,*coughing*
As you attempt to breath out a word, you continue to cough aggresively.
Harumo: .....Guys....please.. don’t fight!.....
You released those words just before falling sleep, 
.Shennong: Thats it!, im going to the one assigning,,,, Chernobog, you’d be the one to escort them back to their dorm and gonna spend the night with them..Do i make myself clear!      
Shennong: Good, use that whellchair there to transport them after school,got it? 
Chernobog: Yes, i understand.
Shennong: Check if his towel is cold before  going to bed,and you will the one feeding them, i highly recommend feeding them soup, 
Shennong:That way its digestable,and if they can’t taste it,do not worry,  its normal when you have fever and after meals, have them swallow this pills,..Understand Chernobog? 
Chernobog: i understand it all. 
 Shennong: Thats good to hear, now run along kids, lunch time is over by this hour correct? 
 Shiro: Oh crap!, We have to hurry you lot! See you later Harumo.. 
After every visitor have said they’re goodbyes to them, The afternoon classes can finally resume.. 
Meanwhile, As the afternoon classes had begun, a lone figure slowly waiks in a  familiar room, only to discover a scene that sends chills down their spine. 
Horkeu Kamui: Huh?,,,What the?!
Horkeu Kamui: What on earth happened here?
The worried shocked faced transient, looks inside to find it to be a total mess,as scattered pieces of wood are scattered throughout the floor,the airconditioner still open,and a stack of books,journals and other reading material spread around their study desk. 
its as if someone had broken inside, maybe someone very strong broke in and did someting to that person,  
Horkeu Kamui: MY HERO!?.
The screams of his worry echoes throught out the halls of the dormitory, as if a vengeful ghost is screamed in fury.. But, he does not know that his beloved hero is safely in the clinic, resting,.. 
 .But to him, he interpreted it as much more sinister, for he’d had witness the deaths of his students over and over at the hands of a certain dark lord..  
.Who will tell him that his beloved hero is just resting, and not in danger, as per everyday they are always in constant danger.  
While,back in Nakano. 
After work....
A pink-haired chubby boy , is seen mopping away the grime and dirty water off the floor as the massive crowd did a lot of running for Ebisu. 
But he still is conflicted about a certain issue that boggles his mind.
.After the treasure hunt, A part of Ebisu was confronted and it did him wonders after, for as they have said they’re goodbyes after departing from each other...
Ebisu had a strange feeling, to him atleast,but for everyone to witness, its perfectly obvious that Ebisu has a thing or somehow special connection with a certain someone. 
 But for Ebisu, he is somehow confuse about what to feel about them, for he has been debating whether they like Harumo as a friend, or Love Harumo as a lover. 
For as he continues to mop away, He’s expression changes to a slightly annoyed Ebisu, as he is infact nervous to tell them, As he continues on, 
  Ebisu: ahhhhhhh!!....
Ebisu: C’mon Ebisu!,
He holds  two pudgy cheeks,
Ebisu: *Inhale* ....*exhale*.....Okay...
Ebisu: Do you like Harumo?, Ebisu?,
Ebisu: I do like them,,Do i love them? 
Ebisu: Well.....
Employee: Listen to your feelings for once Ebisu...
Ebisu: Whaa!....Oh..sir..I didn’t know you were there..
Employee: The part about questioning yourself is only i heard..but.you should ask  those questions to the person. not yourself,.. 
Emplyee: How could will you get the answer that you want,when you already have a sure way to answer it..
The 6ft tall employee stands infront of Ebisu as if he was a fatherly figure just now. for as they and Ebisu are both Papa and Son, 
Ebisu: Sir...
Employee: Works over, so call me Papa,..Now, you’ve been acting differently ever since you returned from your voyage, Its as if you have close your scars now. 
Ebisu: Thats because during that long journey i  have learned to not feel about what people expect of me, and i have finally got my answer..But...mmm
Papa: But?...
Ebisu: But i don’t know, i...can’t make out what this feelings thats stirring up in my head...
Ebisu: I’ve already know how to not feel about people’s expectations, but why do i expect them to feel the same way that i do feel for them..
As continues to release his frustations, the tall dad figure kneels down to meet his eye level, and looks directly into to his eyes as if he wants to convey something to him.
 Papa: Ebisu,let me ask you one question...
Papa: Does Harumo expect something from you?
He puts his hands on both of Ebisu’s shoulders.. 
 Papa: Do you expect them to feel the same way you are feeling? 
Papa:Then you have nothing to worry about.
Ebisu: Huh?.
Papa: Did i ever told you,that i used to have massive love interest to one person when i was your age?
Ebisu: You did?!..and what happened? 
Papa: Well, i was so confused about what my feelings for them mean to me, i couldn’t even sleep,thinking about ,,, what will they say to me?... 
Papa: I can’t stop thinking...but in the end, i mustered up all of my courage to tell them about what i feel about them,,..
 Ebisu: And?...what did they say?..
Papa, takes a moment to answer as Ebisu waits for his response.
Papa: They said: “i love you too, but. I don’t want it to be romantic” 
Ebisu: Did you get rejected?!...
Papa: It didn’t feel as a rejection, its more like i finally got my answer..
and ever since that day.. i was satisfied with their answer..
Papa: For as i didn’t expect them to either to be my lover nor i want them to be mine. but,, the thought of them answering ,,, was enough for me...and to this day..that friend of mine,are still friends..             
.Papa: Our relationship to each other hasn’t changed back to my childhood days. and im glad it didn’t...Hahaha. 
.Papa: So, now that you heard my story, what are you going to do?...Uh..Ebisu? 
Papa: Whoah easy there, you gonna burn down the kitchen if you keep this up! 
Ebisu: Thank you Papa, i know what i must do!, Thank you very much!..
Papa: Your welcome.,,oh and as an added bonus, give them this here rainbow buns that i saved, for you know..when...
 Ebjisu: Wait..don’t tell you knew this was gonna happen, did you?.
 Papa: Well,. it was 50/50,but im glad you know what you need to do now..
Ebisu: Yes,,Thank you a bunch papa. i have hurry now, before the train leaves.! 
Papa: Hehehe, Go, you better reel in a good one!.
Ebisu: Yes!..    
Tightly grasping a medium box in his hand,The confident pink haired boy sprints in a hurry to catch up to the train station and soon follows his destination...Shinjuku...
Ebisu: Harumo,,if you’re gonna reject me!,its fine by me,,but i want to know your answer, and to figure that out ,i have to tell you the truth..of what i feel about you!.     
{Shinjuku Dormitory} 
After school..in the mid afternoon.
 Chernobog prepares your wheel chair as you try to get out of bed, but sadly, the strength that pull everyday is no longer present ,as every step feels as if you’re dragging 10 pounds of weight, and every step you take,
  leaves you out of breath as you lean onto Chernobog for support, 
.Harumo:{breathing softly} 
 Chernobog:Harumo, we’ll be going back to your room now, so you can rest easy now, 
Chernobog: Yes...
Chernobog:Per instruction, is to accompany you and that is to sleep beside you.
Harumo: ...Oh..cool...Nurse Chernobog..
Chernobog: Lets us make haste now.. Onward! 
.And as the drama begins, the two of you slowly make your towards the dormitory so that you may sleep.
On your way towards the exit of the school, you encounter a familiar student leaning on the side of the door frame, its as if that said person is waiting for someone in particular. 
 Harumo: Kengo?..
Kengo: Hey partner, I’ve been ..waiting for you..
Harumo: For me?..
Kengo: Yeah...i just...i just want to guard you,make sure you both are safe, An enemy could take advantage of your fever, so i want to make sure.
Chernobog: I am mostly grateful for your intent of protecting Harumo, 
Harumo: Okay,...Lets go...
The second strongest member of the Summoners and The Dark Lord of Bald Mountain, had became your escort, its as if two alphas are protecting their King. as they keep an eye out for anyone that will attack out of the blue..
After reaching the entrance of the dormitory,  
Horkeu Kamui: Dark lord Chernobog!, 
Chernobog: ....
Kengo: Hey, what are you doing here Horkeu Kamui?! 
Horkeu Kamui: Harumo!, what did you do to my hero?! 
Chernobog: Calm yourself Horkeu, you misunderstand the situation.
Harumo: HorkeuKamui, calm down for a sec...
Kengo:Hey, Quit you two!, nows not the time ! 
Kengo steps in-between the two people who have a sharp gaze at each other as they look deep into each others eyes
 As if they are about to pounce at each other.. Their gaze are almost sharp daggers that pierce into each other’s soul. as Kengo becomes the peacekeeper.  
Harumo:ENOUGH YOU TWO! {Coughing} 
As you try to scream at the top of your lungs,your voice becomes hoarse as your tonsils are inflammed,
 After that, you continue to cough aggresively as you hold your neck feeling the sharp pain of your tonsils, your sweating more and more as the two feuding have snapped to their senses. And return to your eyes as you are weaken. 
Kengo: Partner, don’t taik, Thats you two idiots, Harumo is screaming because of you’se two keep on bickering, 
Chernobog: Harumo im sorry, i...
Horkeu Kamui: My hero, i did not intent to cause you great harm, Im sorry..
Ebisu: Harumo...?
Trio: Huh?..
A mention of your name, the three escorts quickly turn their sights at a lone chuby figure behind you.   
Harumo: That voice...
Ebisu slowly waiks towards to you shyly. 
Horkeu Kamui: Who are you? 
Chernobog: What business do you have with Harumo? 
Harumo: Ebisu!
Ebisu: I’ve finally found you!
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lostinwildflowers · 3 years
hello!! i have come to give my congrats to you on 800 followers (holy shit, you deserve it!!) and inquire about the event!! if there are still spots open, i'd love to request one, but if not, feel free to disregard this ask :)
my name is jessica, i'm 19 (gonna be 20 in like 2 weeks -_-). im a film major in college right now, and I'm going to be starting a minor in Japanese next semester. I really want to do screenwriting or tv writing in the future bc i really like storytelling and worldbuilding, but we'll see how that goes lmao. the film industry is brutal. i like to draw and read in my free time, or just listen to music and disassociate yk -- anything that allows me to be immersed in something bc my psychiatrist said that's good for my anxiety :D we love mental illness. ig personality-wise im pretty chill?? but im also a bit of a perfectionist and i tend to be pretty organized (if that makes sense lmao). I tend to have either really weird or dark humor and i hyper-fixate on things really easily. i am more introverted though and it takes me a while to open up to people fully -- i have to be REALLY comfortable with them. i can also be really stubborn, especially when i think im right and ESPECIALLY when think im right and later find out im wrong :/ im working on it. I've been told im a really good listener tho, and good at giving advice. also i like cats :) OH and one of my fatal flaws is that if i really REALLY don't want to do something, will literally do anything else before that, and normally that ends up being cleaning. once i vacuumed the entire apartment bc i didn't want to write the outline for an essay.
for the character i'd be fine with either oikawa or sakusa from haikyuu, whichever one you want to feel is easier for you to write for!! and if you could do option 3 that'd be great! something fluffy, i think, but honestly, whatever you write i will absolutely love. go crazy! i just don't want to cry, i don't need the sadness :( aot is already destroying me every week.
thanks and have a great day!!!!!!!! congrats again :))
Hehe oopsie! This is just over 400 words XD I couldn't stop myself! Thank you for your support, I hope you enjoy this little drabble!
“My love?”
Oikawa had just gotten back to your shared apartment, and was confused at the sound of the vacuum cleaner running as well as wipes on the counter and the trash sitting next to the door.
In his hands he held a small carrier- a surprise for you, actually. You had been very busy with school and working towards getting possible internship, so he decided you needed a little something.
As he walks further into the apartment, he can see your sketchbook resting on the table in the living room, and he quirks an eyebrow toward your bedroom, where the noise was coming frmo.
He gently sets down the carrier before sliding into the room, his eyes catching on your figure, noting the tension in your shoulders and the stressed look on your face.
“Jessica,” he tries again, calling over the sound of the vacuum. This time, you hear Oikawa, and your eyes light up at the sight of him.
You turn the vacuum off, walking over to him and burying your face in his chest. He just chuckles and brings a hair up to rub at your head as he mumbles, “Hello to you too.”
“Sorry Tooru… I’ve been really stressed and busy today, and I have an analysis due Thursday-” “Shh shh, it’s okay, I got you a little something,” he cuts in gently, pushing you back so he could gage the reaction on your face.
You just look confused and he knows this will be perfect. He gestures to the living room and says, “C’mon, lets go.” You just follow him silently, your mind racing as to what he could have gotten you.
And that’s when you catch sight of the cat carrier sitting in the middle of the living room, and the soft meows coming from within it. Your mouth drops as you turn in shock to Oikawa, who just proudly grins at you.
“You got me a cat?!” you yelp as you race over the carrier, dropping to your knees to see the small brown kitten inside. Oikawa sits down next to you and says, “He’s all yours, Jess. I got all the supplies and stuff, they should be delivered in a couple hours. I thought you might need a study buddy.”
You turn away from the kitten and toward your boyfriend, pouncing on him and attacking him with kisses.
“Thank you so much! What are we going to name him?!” “I thought we could call him Oikawa Junior.” “Absolutely not!”
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violetnotez · 4 years
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Omg I know anon poor baby is always getting hurt! 🥺 I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it!
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Genre: Fluff, PG
Word Count: 2951
Warnings: none!
Summary: Izuku expects to find himself with Recovery Girl after he gets hurts in training yet again. How surprised he is to find it’s actually you who gets to take care of his wounds.
Prompt: #2, “You wanna get out of here?” for the @bnhabookclub Provisional Licensing Event!
(Here’s the link)
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Izuku’s leg jumped as he waited impatiently in the sterile white room. 
This was now the 3rd time he was in the nursing office this week alone, and it was beginning to exasperate him how easily his body could get damaged in simple training.
He had to work to be harder. Faster. Stronger.
And he couldn’t do that without getting a little torn up and beaten up-it’s the fact he didn’t know when to stop that was the trouble.
Recovery Girl had told him that multiple times since he had became a regular visitor in her office, even threatening to speak to Aizawa-Sensei and revoke some of his training hours. 
That was the very last thing Izuku ever wanted to happen: he had to train. But he laso had to put everything into it: if he didn’t, how wouldnt ever get better.
Izuku heard a door inside the office open, looking up to meet Recovery Girl with a sheepish grin. 
But to his surprise, it wasn’t Recovery Girl-it was a student. 
They didn’t seem to notice him at first as they began to rummage in filing cabinets, their fingers nimbly searching through the organized folders.
Izuku stared with reddened cheeks-they were pretty cute.
But where was Recovery Girl? Maybe they were her assistant, but no, he was in the nurses office so much he would have known-
“Um, excuse me? Are you injured-do you need help?” The attractive person asked, their eyes looking down at him. They were right in front of him now, staring at him with an amused smirk as he thought out loud.
Izuku yelped, realizing a moment too late that he was mumbling again. His whole face became enveloped in red, his freckles much more prominent as he looked up.
“No-actually, um-yes, yes, I am hurt, just not badly,its really just a scratch -“ he was rambling again, instantly stopping as he realized how silly he sounded. His cheeks were on fire, and he was feeling so sheepish and dumb. Why couldn’t he form a single sentence correctly? This person was just too attractive, he couldn’t think straight-
He was surprised to here the person chuckle, their body bending down to be at eye level with him.
“Why am I not surprised Izuku Midoriya is in the nurses office again?” You grinned at his clearly shocked face, his green eyes wide with bewildernment.
“How-how do you know my name?” He asked, his eyebrows knitted in confusion.
You smiled at the nervous boy, your eyes drinking in his face-he was pretty attractive, his cheeks dusted with pink and his freckles scattered around his face like stars. His eyes were a pretty shade of forest green, his messy hair matching it perfectly.
You knew you should be checking for his vitals and any obvious injuries that were life threatening, thats what you’ve been taught after all-but if he had enough blood to blush that hard a few moments ago, he was more than likely fine.
“Well, your practically a honorary resident in the office at this point” you smiled playfully.
You remember him? That made Izuku’s heart soar, knowing somebody as cute as you could actually recall who he was.
Izuku felt a twinge of guilt though, because if you had seen him so many other times, why was this his first time seeing you?
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, really,” he stuttered out, “but I don’t-seem to remember you-“
“Oh, don’t feel bad!” You comforted him, “Ive only just started interning with Recovery GIrl these past two weeks,”
“My name’s y/n.” you gave him a warm smile, making Izuku’s insides feel fuzzy.
You began to rummage in the cabinet on the wall, pulling out a small first aid- kit.
“You just happen to hear alot of things once your around teachers more,” you answered his question happily, opening the kit on the bed Izuku was sitting on.
“Like-like what?” he was a little concerned by that- were the teachers in some way talking negatively about him?
You noticed the way his expression changed to worry, giving him a calm smile.
“Its nothing bad, dont worry,” you reassured him, “Recovery Girl actually has quite a soft side for you- its just shes worried about how hard you work yourself.
“You definitely have a reputation for getting yourself pretty banged up, dont’cha?” you giggled at the way Izuku gave you such a guilty, sheepish grin as he fidgeted with his scarred hands.
He chuckled along with you, “More a less- I guess…”
He watched you pull out items from the white box:soft gauze, a vile of clear liquid, fluffy cotton balls, brand new bandages-
“If you dont mind me asking- is Recovery Girl not here today?” he asked
“Nope! Shes on break right now,” you explained, pulling a chair from under the bed he was sitting on, “so you got me for today,”
You scouted the chair in close, so you were practically in between Izuku’s legs and looking right up at him. He felt his body heat up from the sudden closeness-you seemed so calm, collected, and in control, while he was feeling like nervous wreck from how close you were..
“So, you injured your side, right? On the left?” you asked, looking at the torn clothing on his abdomen.
He gave you a curt nod, his green curls bouncing slightly.
 You looked up at him suddenly, his breath stopping in his chest.
“Mind if I look?” you asked, your voice sweet like honey.
“Uh, sure go ahead- just, be careful- its pretty, bruised-”
“Oh, dont worry ‘Zuku, Ill be gentle,” you sent the boy a wink, making his head spin.
Wait- were you flirting with him?
He felt your hands gingerly prod against his PE shirt, the fabric practically worthless around his injury. Your hand left a ticklish feeling against his skin, like kisses trailing along the surface. They sent his stomach into a frenzy, making it felt like it was made out of cotton. 
You hand reached lower, towards his 4th rib bone, prodding slightly as you went along. Izuku instinctively hissed in pain as you touched a certain spot- that was the most tender area by far.
 You gave him a worried expression, a quiet sorry spilling out of your lips as you retracted your hand.
You rested your chin against your fingers, your lips pouted out slightly as you sat there deep in thought.
“You definitely got a good injury there-” you concluded, “but Im not too worried about it. A couple bandages and maybe something for the bruising….and you should be good to go!”
Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, being careful to not exhale too much in order to not irritate his wound.
“Thats a relief!”
You looked down, your teeth catching your bottom lip in nervousness by what you were going to say next. You had to heal it, but the only way to do it would need Izuku to get a little bit more comfortable with you.
“But….in order for me to properly heal it-
“Your gonna have to take off your shirt Izuku.”
Izuku could barely breathe now- take off his shirt- in front of you?? 
He could have gotten a cut anywhere- his arm, leg, shoulder- but no, he got it on his stomach. Where you, this pretty nurses assistant, would have to see him close to naked. 
He know he shouldn't be so worried, this was your job after all, you probably seen plenty of have naked students come and go due to injuries- it just felt strange.
“Are-are you sure, I think Ill be fine, you dont have to, its okay Ill just-” he began to ramble, his mouth making word soup as his anxiety kicked in.
“Izuku,” you sighed calmly, “you wanna get out of here, right?”
He nodded numbly, his green eyes full of concern and sheepish from the turn of events.
“Then your gonna have to trust me,” you placed your hand on his knee, leaning into his body softly.
God- you were- so- close.
Izuku felt his face heat up, unable to think properly. How were you so okay with being so close? You seemed so unfazed by being this near him, your voice calm and reassuring. He, on the other hand, was practically shaking from shock and nervousness.
“I wont judge you for anything, I promise,” you gave him a cheeky grin, letting your eyes trail to his torso, “-and I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” 
The boy was always training, non-stop- at least that’s what you heard from the teachers. 
You were practically certain this boy was only made of hardened muscle, watching how is arms ripples with each movement and the built muscle move under your fingertips.
 If he was worried he wasnt in the best physique to be near a girl shirtless, you were quite certain he was sorely mistaken. 
And if giving him some praise was going to make him feel a little comfortable-you would give him as much as he needed.
Izuku shuffled in his seat again, crinkling the thin paper on the bed.
“O-okay then-I trust you,” he said, trying to sound a little more confident, “Do what you have to do.”
“Awesome!” You exclaimed softly. “I have to go get a few more things..:in the mean time, try to take off that shirt, Kay? Be gentle-and don’t be afraid to call me if you need help,”
You gave him a reassuring pat on the knee, rising from your chair to get larger bandages from another cabinet. You turned your back to Midoriya, walking over to another cabinet and rummaging through the boxes until you found the perfect size bandages.
You felt your hands shake slightly, your heart beating feverishly against your chest. 
Why were you nervous? Was his hesitancy rubbing off on you now? You shouldn’t be scared in any way-you were quite accustomed to this, already working on a handful of other students since interning with Recovery Girl. This shouldn’t be a such a nerve-wracking problem-you has seen countless shirtless boys-
But you had never seen Izuku shirtless-and that was a first.
You willed yourself to take a calming breath, trying to coax your stampeding heart to lull to a normal pace. You had to be comfortable for him at least-he was so beet red in the face from worry he practically looked like a he had a fever.
“Hey Midoriya, you doing alright-“ you began as you turned around, trying to sound as cheerful as possible until your eyes feel on Izuku, your breath hitched in your throat.
This boy was built like a god.
His arm muscles gleamed in the fluorescent lights, almost sparkling as they slumped gently with his breaths. His pecks protruded our nicely, and his abdomen was a sight to be seen. Your hands itched to run along his abs, each one perfectly rounded and built. His v-line made you blush as it set deep into his skin, barely pecking out from his pants.
You could now fully see the injury, the only thing that was disrupting the masterpiece that was Izuku’s body. The red Cuts and purple bruises looked shallow as they encased around his 4th and 5th ribs.
“Is it-that bad?” he asked timidly,’his green orbs staring intently at your shocked face.
You shook your head of your stare, your cheeks inflamed-you couldn’t just be so blatantly enraptured by him. You secretly thanked that Izuku was kind of clueless and thought you were freaking out over his wound, because any other person would have known you were really just checking him out.
“Oh no! Your injury is fine,” you gave him a sheepish grin, placing the boxes on his bed.
His injury was easily fixable, and not at all serious- you were just so confused. How could someone so cute and endearing be so HOT.
“You really do train hard, huh, Midoriya?” You gave another glance at his abdomen, making Izuku chuckle nervously.
You pushed the chair you had sit in under the bed, deciding it would be easier to work on him if he was standing.
Oh geez-youd be the death of him-
you were now standing in between his legs, your hands ghosting the skin on his knees as you stared at him with those pretty eyes of yours.
He gave another small chuckle, his hand going up to scratch the back of his neck. The movement didnt react to well with his injury, a sharp pain crawling up his body. He winced, instinctively holding his side as you looked at him with worry.
“Is it alright if I-” your hands went to lightly touch his side, but he moved to block it away from your touch.
He realized his movements might have looked rude to you, his eyes growing wide with worry.
“I-I’m Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ he began to feverishly apologize, but quickly stopped once he felt you place your hand on his lower thigh.
“It’s fine, Izuku, really, I’d do the same thing to,” you gave him a soft smile, squeezing his thigh gently.
That action made his whole body feel like jello, his mind only focusing on the way your hand was so gentle against his skin.
“Do you still trust me, though?”
“O-of course!” He exclaimed, his eyes wide.
“Alright then-I promise I’ll be as gentle as possible, Kay?” You said softly, your voice so soothing to Izuku it felt like a lullaby in his ears.
He nodded his head, his curls cascading over his eyes slightly as you took your hand off his leg, his eyes watching your every move.
Your fingers gently ran against the bruised skin, making sure to be as soft and gentle as you could with the infliction. 
You didn’t want to cause him any type of unnecessary pain, but sometimes it was necessary to get the job done.
“I-uh-I have to clean your wounds,” you looked up at Izuku, surprised to see how gentle his eyes were as he looked down at you. He seemed to be much calmer, but the way he looked so dazed and in bliss made your heart thump painfully in your chest.
 “It might sting a little, but I promise after that, it won’t hurt any more than it does.”
“That alright, I-I won’t take any offense, your doing what you have to do,” he grinned slightly at you, his freckles like stars against his cheeks.
You returned the sweet gesture, trying to focus back on his wound and not the way  Izuku was making you feel.
 He was so sweet and so adorably awkward, you couldn’t help but feel something towards the boy that was more than just a friendship feeling. He really was different than any other boy you had ever talked to.
You began working on his cuts, sterilizing each one, and making sure they were completely clean so they wouldnt get any type of infection.
Your heart went out for this poor boy-he really was strong. You had always hated this part whenever getting an injury, and he took it like a champ.
He only hissed once, his eyes and nose scrunched up, reminding of you when a bunny sniffs something it didn’t quite like. He body tensed for a split second, his hands curling around the bed. You placed your hand gently on his, making sure that he knew you were still there. You gave him an apologetic expression, his eyes looking down at you delicately, reassuring you that it was alright.
The room was deathly quiet, yet it was comfortable-you focused solely on Izuku, placing an ointment on the open flesh in order to help it heal. You made sure to keep your hands clean in order to not spread any possible infection, walking away to clean your hands at certain times.
Midoriya hated when you left, missing the warmth your body radiated off. It was intoxicating, really-you were so incredibly gentle and sweet with him. Your hands were so soft and light he sometimes couldn’t even feel you working to heal his injury. He was cherishing each moment: the way he could almost feel your heart rate from your wrist against his skin, the way your fingers would brush against the inner side of his arms by accident, sending a tingle to shoot up throughout his body. He loved how your voice was so soothing and tender, and the way you took time to make sure he was comfortable, asking him if this area hurt the most, if he felt the bandages were too tight, if he needed anything for the bruising.... You were so kind and considerate it made his heart soar with how much you cared for him in this moment.
His chest exhaled sadly when you moved away from him for the last time, realizing you had finally fixed him up.
You stared at your handiwork, your hands a little firmer this time as you moved in quickly, wrapping your fingers against the thick bandages.
“Does this feel fine? Do you feel this? Is it too tight?” You asked for what seemed like the uptenth time, making Izuku chucke sweetly.
He really didnt mind all your questions: he found it quite endearing actually.
“Yep! I’m fine, honestly, you don’t have to worry,” he gave a sheepish grin, gently trying to move to get off the bed.
You instantly rushed to help him, your hands gingerly finding a place in the crook of his elbow and his waist, guiding him off the bed.
He smiled up at you, your heart soaring as the freckled boy gave you such a warm look of appreciation.
You fidgeted nervously, sadly letting go of your hands on his body and tucking a hair behind your ear.
“Your free to go if you want Izuku, it was really nice meeting you!” You gave him one last smile, his heart dropping sadly as he smiled back.
“It was really nice meeting you too, it’s-too bad we don’t have any classes together, you seem, well, really nice!” He was practically stuttering again, yet your warm laugh made him feel a little at ease.
“Oh don’t worry about that Izuku, I’m sure you’ll be back in here in no time! I hope you don’t be too beat up then, but I look forward to it,”
“Me-me too”
And with one last smile, he walked out the door, his heart beating feverishly in his chest.
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@birds-have-teeth​ @yuueimagines​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @freckledoriya​
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nekomasmngr · 4 years
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➳ synopsis: You wanted to be warm more than anything. After a rough day at work and the bitter weather that seemed to cloud your mood, you couldn’t wait to get home and shut yourself away from the world. But, as much as you yearned for warmth, that wasn’t the only thing you needed today.
➳ genre: slice of life, comfort to fluff, established relationship between you and Suga!
➳ warning: just in case, there are mentions of being overworked and exhaustion, fidgeting behavior, self-deprecating thoughts, signs of an upcoming breakdown, post timeskip!suga, patient and loving suga <3
➳ word count: 3.861k
➳ a/n: here’s my sfw secret santa gift for @bugmomwrites !! this was a joy to write and i think i have a thing for writing long one shots for suga and i’m really glad you enjoyed reading this! posting this on record cause im quite proud of it hehe (っ◔◡◔)っ
That was all you had in mind. It was all you needed. 
Feet were being dragged as you trudged along the side of the road. Adjusting your form that was bundled up in layers to trap your own body heat. Yet, every step you took, every breath you released; warmth just kept escaping you. 
Your mind felt so muddy. You fidget and flex your fingers to try to keep them from freezing stiff from the brisk blow of the cold air, yet you had your attention recalling the events that occurred earlier in the day: the mistakes, the slip ups, and the lectures you got from your ever so judgemental inner critic. You’ve probably spent most of your energy making sure to get through the day as best as you can even if it meant feeling more overworked and exhausted than usual. 
Today wasn’t kind to you at all. You just wanted to warm yourself up with a nice bath, maybe order in some pizza and pig out on some ice cream, close the blinds on your windows and turn up a good sob story, maybe even cuddle up with your fluffy blankets and pillows—
A sharp buzz from your pocket pulled you out of your thoughts of relaxation, with a text from Sugawara that read: ‘Hey bubba! how was work? I’m almost at your place! can’t wait to see you!’
Oh no. 
It was date night with Suga. 
How could you forget?! 
Suga’s job at the elementary school demanded a lot of his time and attention. You, being the supporting girlfriend, didn’t want to be a distraction or an added burden to his job. So, you both agreed to focus on yourselves for the meantime. But, you both also decided to dedicate a night, once a week to see each other again— hence, date night.
Knowing the holidays were coming up, both of you had been assigned more tasks that usual, as the year comes to an end. Days were long and nights were lonely, weekends would be filled with other demands and unfinished deadlines. The time spent apart couldn’t be more evident that it was now and this night would be the first date you would have in weeks. You wouldn’t deny it— you missed Sugawara desperately. 
You started to think of what you both could do for date night. ‘Would he want to go out for dinner? Maybe see that new movie that was just released last week? Hm, or maybe we could catch up with some of his old friends, it is the holidays after all. Oh no, I have to change my clothes. Maybe put on a nice dress? But, it is colder at night, maybe some dress pants? Ew, that’s like going out with work friends.’ 
Your thoughts were running through every activity you could do and all the other things you needed to do to prepare for the date. An overwhelming burn rose inside of your chest, bubbling up with a mixture of excitement, panic, and nervousness. 
Another gust of wind blew through your face, biting your cheeks and nipping your nose. You were instantly reminded of the earlier weight you just had on your shoulders. The exhaustion you still felt made you think of how much energy you had already lost and how much you would have to use to get through tonight. It would take too much energy to entertain someone today, even if it was your boyfriend. 
You frowned for even thinking of cancelling date night. What kind of girlfriend would you be if you did? He might think you’d rather not spend time with him at all or worse, he might think you believe that both of you started to drift apart. 
You were slowly feeling more irritable at the different thoughts and little noises that just irked you more than they should. If you had to see Suga today, you definitely didn’t want to accidentally snap at him. Your head started to get dizzy as you kept thinking whilst fighting off your fatigue. 
Inside, you knew you missed Koushi so much. Just seeing him would probably make you feel better, with that smile of his that always brightened your day. However, you couldn’t ignore your aching muscles, the crick in your neck and the stress on your back. Your nerves were on fire and all you really wanted was for it to stop.
It seems as though your thoughts held your attention ever so fervently, because next thing you knew, you were standing right outside the door to your apartment. 
With a sigh, you squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath before jamming your key into the door. Stepping inside, you were greeted by a deafening silence. 
You had some coats and jackets strewn across your common area. The weather had been getting chillier lately and you had different articles of clothing available to you if ever you needed the extra warmth. A few knick knacks, memorabilia, and picture frames decorated the walls and shelves. The slight mess was homey to you. It made the place look alive and lived in, but right now it was an unearthly empty apartment. Something didn’t feel right. You didn’t know what it was, but the walls didn’t hold the warmth you yearned for. 
Frustrated at your dissatisfaction, you took a straight path to grab a glass of water that would hopefully clear your head. 
In the middle of your third glass of water, a knock at the door sounded. 
You flinched at the sound. Suga.
You mentally kicked yourself for getting distracted. You were so preoccupied with your own thoughts and feelings, you completely ghosted your own boyfriend. If only you had better focused and weren’t so bothered by every little thing that did bothered you; you would actually be a better employee or a better significant other— just someone better that deserves love. 
Dejectedly, you put down your glass and timidly inched towards the door. Opening it to meet soft doe eyes that looked at you in anticipation. Suga started out with a simple greeting and a bright smile that slightly put your aching heart at ease.
“Hey,” you replied, giving him a small smile in return. 
Entering your apartment, he started to get comfortable as you always allowed him to do so. Taking off his coat and putting down his bags, he turned to you to start the night’s activities. But you cut him off as soon as he opened his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” your eyes casted down on the ground, both of your hands coming together to fidget with your fingers. 
“Oh, for what?” 
“I didn’t reply. I—,” with hesitation, you bit the inside of your cheek at how ridiculous you must have looked with your weak excuses, “I had a rough day and I’m just really…” Everything suddenly came rushing back to you: your thoughts of self-criticism, your slip ups at work, the cold that prickled your skin, the wasted time you spent on being preoccupied with your own thoughts, your tiredness and headaches—  all the things that seemed to drive you to your limit. 
You sounded silly with your struggle to form words without getting choked up by your exhaustion. You shut your eyes tightly to try to reset your mind and say what you wanted to say straight. 
Suddenly, gentle arms wrapped around you as you were pulled into a warm embrace. 
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” A familiar hand rested on the back of your head and soon you rested your forehead onto your boyfriend. “It’s okay, there’s no rush, love.” 
Time seemed to stand still as you took in every bit of reassurance that spilled with his every word. Suga immediately saw your inner battle as he was attuned to most of your quirks and habits. He knew you just needed someone to hold you close. 
Unlike the present, most days, you would be filled with so much energy, just bouncing around, talking about the most random things. Bright smiles, heart-filled laughter, and matched chaotic energy exchanged between the two of you. 
You could easily ease up the most stressful days of work, where he’d come home tired from teaching the kids and administrative work for the school. But as soon as he saw you, all his exhaustion seemed to turn into more energy. You’d be so eager to listen to every word he would say about his day and he’d be just as happy to tell you all the cute little things the kids did— any sign of his own exhaustion had disspelled.
But of course, there are the days when you would be just as exhausted as he would be on those days, if not more with all the extra energy you spent trying to keep yourself together. Perhaps, today was one of those days. 
Tender lips pressed on the crown of your head. You felt soft movement against your skin as you heard your boyfriend’s kind words, “Is something wrong?”
You deeply sighed into his chest, your breath expelling heat that warmed the both of you. Shoulders and back muscles instantly relax into his strong arms. Your head slowly motions into a nod, but you don’t quite want to face him just yet. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” 
You bit your lip and buried your face further into Suga’s chest, shaking your head. 
He smiled at how adorable you had become and piped out a suggestion, “Hmm, how bout a nap first?”
You turned your head to look up at him, but your eyes shifted away as you saw his soft gaze. “But, date night…” you trailed off, not knowing how to say that you didn’t want to cancel on him. 
“It’s okay. You need to rest first, okay? We can talk later, but right now, take as much time as you need.”
Keeping an arm around you, he led you to your room and stopped at the side of your bed. Your own arms instinctively wrapped around your form to trap the leftover weight that lingered from the absent arms. 
“Do you need anything else?” Sugawara asked, fluffing up your pillows and opening the bedsheets up for you to slide right in. 
You took his hand and tugged him beside you; a signal for him to take a nap with you. 
As comfortable as you may have looked, with your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around his middle; your body didn’t fully relax just yet. You didn’t usually feel this shy when cuddling with Koushi. In fact, being vulnerable with each other was something you loved most about your relationship. But, there are still days when you would retreat into your own shell, when your mind kept up with your racing thoughts that only ever burned at your tired heart. 
Smooth thumbs ever so gently rubbed on your shoulder, pulling you out of the tension you were holding yourself hostage. Like a silent knock of permission, you were reminded of his overwhelming presence; the absolute love and lack of judgement that you would always be reassured of. No amount of shame, guilt, or sadness that you might feel would ever be hidden from Koushi. Just as he could never hide something from you. 
Trying to steady your beating heart from the rush of emotions that just went by you in such a short time. You slowly focused your mind on what's happening now, at that moment. 
With plush covers enveloping you, head resting on your loyal pillow and your favorite part— warm arms that led to careful hands. Suga dragged his palms slowly from your shoulder to your head. 
You felt gentle fingertips push against the middle of your brows, unaware that you had furrowed them in an attempt to make sense of your thoughts. 
“You can go to sleep, love.” Sugawara whispered, with a voice so soft and deep it was like a lullaby to your heart. With a last hum, you acknowledged his words and focused on the steady beat of Suga’s heart that hushed you to sleep.
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That was what you awoke to. 
Sitting up from your nest of blankets, you pouted at the absence of your boyfriend from your side. Stretching out your limbs from your position, you heard satisfying cracks from aching joints that have been stiffened for what felt like hours. Taking a glance at the clock on your nightstand, it had been a little over an hour since you were sent off to sleep in the sweet arms of home. 
Raising your nose into the air, you gave a whiff of something utterly delectable. Muffled sounds of padding feet and subtle rustling of metal, you suspected someone was in the kitchen area. With the thought of the mystery that was happening outside of your room, your stomach grumbled loudly as to add to the equation. 
As you entered your small common area, you were fixed on a familiar head of fluffy grey hair that seemed to float across the living space. Your boyfriend was carrying a couple of plates and glasses and arranged them on top of the placemats and utensils that rested on the low coffee table. All that was missing was the food.
Wondering if you had just imagined the earlier scent of delight, a couple of paper bags that were placed near the floor of the couch caught your eye. You perked up at the size of the bags and the likelihood of the great amounts of foods and snacks that could be inside. 
As if on cue, Sugawara greeted you with a shining smile that struck a good light into your soul. “Good morning, sleepy Bugs!” He walked towards you and gave you a sweet peck on the cheek. “How was your nap?”
“Um, it was good,” slightly suprised from the amount of affection you had just been given and from the sight before you, you remember feeling rejuvinated after that nap he suggested you take. “It was really good.” 
After having rested, you definitely felt better than you did the whole day. Suga definitely grounded you when you needed it the most and gestures like that never ceased to warm your heart at how he knew you so well. 
Fixiating your gaze on your boyfriend, you observed him unpacking your favorite foods from their packaging, placing them neatly on your dishware. 
“What’s all this?” You gestured to the set-up he had laid out on your coffee table. He gave a little shrug and looked up at you with a small smile, “I figured you would be hungry once you woke up, so I got us dinner.”
He was right once again. Your stomach cried at the sight of your favorite foods spread out infront of you.
“And since, it’s still date night. I thought we could just have a little self-care date just here.” he said as he motions to his little dinner party layout; both of you would be seated on the ground, with backs against the couch facing the television, fresh food on both your plates, a couple of bags of chips and soda on the side. It was comfy and casual, but seemed just perfect for the two of you. 
With a blanket on his lap, Suga looked up at you, head held high in anticipation of praise and a smile that lured you to sit by his side. 
“You sure you don’t want to go out?” you asked just to be sure. Your eyes locking on his, analyzing any hesitation or disappointment he might have over having to have to stay in on date night.
“Any moment spent with you is a date to me already.” He admitted with a grin. Your face scrunched at the sound of his affectionate line. You snorted until you both let out a laugh at how cheesy that sounded. “That was too cheesy, even for you.” You smiled at him. 
He whined at your tease, but quickly pushed your plates to yourselves eager to dig into your meals. 
As you ate, you conversed about what he had planned for the night, thinking of the time he must have spent devising this lovely impromptu evening. 
“We could watch a movie together,” he offered, “maybe do some skin care, what do you think of that?” 
“Skin care? You want to do that?” 
“Yeah! I want the full experience! I wanna get a fluffy headband to pull back my hair.” As if to show proof, he excitedly shook his head, making his fluffy grey hair bounce around. 
“I want to know about those uh, face washers?” he thought for a moment, turning away to take a peak at another paper bag that you didn’t notice before. “Or was it face masks? You know, to bring a little glow to the skin.” Suga said as he brought out some sheets of face masks that he must have bought when you were sleeping.
You almost awed at the sight of how enthusiastic and prepared he was. But, it was nothing unexpected of your boyfriend. Any spontaneous antics you would come up with, he’d support it either way, whether it was a surprise visit at each other’s work areas or a 2am drive to the nearest 24 hour fast food restaurant for a ridiculous craving; it was always something exciting with Koushi.
After a second to think, you answered honestly. “Yeah, we could do that. My skin’s feeling a little dry lately.” 
Immediately thinking of the other products you had that the two of you could use, but curious eyes pulled you from your thoughts as Sugawara studied your face, “Oh yeah, it does.” He leaned back and nodded, “You might need the whole treatment more than me, Bugs.” Taking a bite of food, he put on a classic innocent smile, but that could never fool you. 
How cheeky he had become all of a sudden. You groaned at his little act of mockery and gave him a sharp shove on the shoulder. 
The little joker lurched forward, spilling his food back on his plate, “Oi! I could’ve choked on my food!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, do you need some prune juice to water it down, old man? ” you retorted back at him. 
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The night continued on with your customary jokes and teasing. As Sugawara planned, after your dinner, you were both seated on the couch, swaddled in your comfiest clothes and blankets. Headbands clearing any stray hair away from each other’s line of sight, as fresh face masks adorned your gleeful faces. 
It was refreshing to not have to worry about what happens next and how much energy you had to spend to act as though you were enjoying. It all just came so natural with Suga. You didn’t have to keep up a facade, like a professional one at work, thinking over each task and mistake you inevitably made and repenting for it. 
Tonight was just about the two of you. Addressing each other’s needs and soaking in each other’s genuine presence. It was a slow day, nothing extraordinary, but it satisfied you both to know the security you felt in each other. Feeling as though you were both constant in each other’s lives, especially in this age of uncertainty. 
As the night came to a close, you both retreated to your earlier position. Limbs entangled with one another, the comforting beating of each other’s hearts slowly tuning in sync. You both haven’t quite fallen asleep yet, having felt the air fill up with unsaid thoughts and yet, none were uttered as a blanket of silence covered the entire room. 
You didn’t know how long you both just laid there, but you remembered feeling the dancing fingers that were playing with your hair, halting its movements. Followed by a light poke on your cheek which brought you out of your own trance.
“Hey,” Koushi chimed in, “we forgot to do one last thing.” You hummed as you turned your head expectantly at him. 
“But we don’t have to do it, if you don’t wanna talk about it okay?” You nodded in agreement, paitently waiting for his next words.
“We haven’t talked about your day yet. How was it?”
Ah, you knew this was coming. Sugawara would never let you go to sleep without acknowledging both the good and the bad things of the day. Having spent a good 4 hours on your date night, ignoring the bad and recharging your emotional battery, it seemed like a good time to bring up what bothered you. 
In a way, this was something you were grateful for. Recounting the events of the day felt easier to talk about  now rather than how you would have expressed them earlier that evening. Allowing yourself to understand the bad things in life validated those rush of emotions you felt which didn’t seem as muddy as it was before. Which is why you would always be grateful for Sugawara for being who he was. Knowing that he knows how you work made you feel special, made you feel seen by someone who was a witness to all of the different parts of you. 
As you end your cathartic narrative, you gave your boyfriend the softest of smiles that hopefully showed how thankful you were for being able to have a safe space for your emotions.
He mimicked your look and added, “I know it’s sometimes hard to admit these kinds of things.” His smooth palms took your hand that was on his chest in the softest of grips, bringing them to his lips for a kiss. 
“But, you can always talk to me about them, alright?” 
It was in the way his eyes glowed along with the moonlight that spilled in from the window, hinted at something deeper than just ‘these kinds of things’. Trust seeped out from his gaze and into yours as you understood his real message that Sugawara meant. That he was here for anything; anything you wanted to say, anything you wanted to do, and anything you felt like—
He was here for you. 
Sugawara wrapped both of his arms around your frame for a firm embrace and poured every reassuring emotion into his hug. Making it known to you that you can always count on him to be there for you. 
Basking in each other’s arms, you savored in the overwhelming soothing warmth that you both shared. A knowing inkling chimed at the back of your head bringing to light the earlier encounter with the unknown missing presence after having entered your empty apartment.
Warmth was missing.
More importantly, Suga’s warmth. 
This was all you needed to unwind from the worldly chaos that you go through everyday. It is in his arms where you feel the safest and it’s a place you wouldn’t want to leave anytime soon. 
His actions today showed you how attentive and dedicated he was to you. Pure love and care was all that you felt while being with him today and you believed in him to be there, with just as much love and care (if not more), in the days to come.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Angst/fluff prompt list 2: no 28 and 40. Whiskey of course ;) Feel better soon!
Holy crap, look who finally answered a prompt! Sorry for the wait anon, but I hope you like this fluffy piece of... fluff lol Thank you so much for the prompt!
“I hope your day gets better.” and “You know, you can stay if you want to.”
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x GN!Reader/OC (written in 3rd person using they/them pronouns)
Warnings: Uh... none I don’t think. Fluff, and more platonic than romantic. Soft boy Whiskey having a good day.
Whiskey was walking  through the park, enjoying a rare moment where he had nowhere to be and nothing to do. It wasn’t often he had such freedom with his time. Between upholding his faux job at Statesman Distillery and his real job of being a Statesman Agent, he was often being pulled in one direction or another. If he wasn’t on a mission, there was paperwork. If there wasn’t paperwork there was a meeting. The rare minutes between events he usually spent bathing, sleeping, or just sitting down and letting himself breathe for a minute. He loved it, he truly did, but he couldn’t deny the pleasant feeling he felt down to his very bones as he wandered aimlessly in the sunshine.
People were all over the park. Children playing games, dogs running through the grass, couples picnicking. It was an ideal day to be outside. Warm, but not too warm. A cool breeze, but not too cool, rustling the leaves and keeping the heat from settling too deep into his skin. Maybe that’s why he had the day off, even the evils of the world - both moral evil and corporate evil - were out enjoying the day too.
An ice cream cart was set up just ahead, where several walkways converged. A small line had formed, unsurprising that the vendor would have good business on such a nice day. Whiskey thought to himself, trying to remember the last time he’d actually had ice cream. When he couldn’t remember, he decided it was time to fix that.
Picking a simple scoop of French vanilla, he meandered towards a large tree, thinking it would be the perfect place to sit and enjoy the ice cream for a few minutes. He groaned quietly as he lowered himself to the grass, knees protesting the movement.
A soft sniffle to his left caught his attention. He looked but didn’t see anyone. He leaned over and finally saw a denim clad knee and the sole of a shoe. Scooting to the side, slowly the rest of the person came into view. They were hiding their face in their hands, clearly distraught. Jack looked around, wondering if he was the only one to notice someone having a terrible time on such a lovely day.
“Excuse me?” He asked quietly. The person must not have realized they weren’t alone under the large tree. They jumped at Jack’s voice so close, lifting their head to look up at him with tear-filled eyes
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” Jack chuckled lightly. “You okay?”
“Uh, yeah... “ They stuttered, wiping at their running nose with their sleeve. “I-I’ll be okay.”
Jack stared them down with a disbelieving stare for a moment before asking again, “are you sure?”
They nodded, looking away and avoiding his gaze.
Looking down at the cone in his hand and back at them, he had an idea. “You like ice cream?”
They looked back at him, confusion in their sad eyes. “I guess.” They shrugged.
“Here,” Jack offered his cone. “Vanilla.”
“You don’t have to-” They shook their head, but Jack cut them off.
“I insist. You look like you need it more than I do.” He insisted with a kind smile. The person bit their lip, looking at the cone and studying Jack. “I got it from the gentleman over there about a minute ago. You can go ask ‘im yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Finally, they took the cone from his hands. “Thank you. That’s really nice of you.” They thanked him with a ghost of a smile.
“Ah, it’s nothin’.” Jack dismissed. He braced his hands on his knees, preparing to stand up and give the person their privacy. He was stopped though when they spoke again.
“You know, you can stay if you want to.”
He paused in his movements, noticing the look in their eyes. They weren’t just telling him he could stay, they were hoping he would. No one should be sad like this on a day like today, and so he decided to stay.
They sat in silence at first, both of them observing the other people in the park while the stranger licked at the ice cream. Jack was comfortable enough in the silence, relaxing in the open air. He figured if they wanted someone to talk to, they’d open up eventually. He was right.
“Bad day. You know?” They offered vaguely. “One of those days where… I don’t know, the world likes to kick you when you’re down.”
“Been there.” Jack sympathized with a nod. “The days when you feel like you’re at rock bottom but then suddenly you fall even lower.”
“Pretty much,” they sighed.
“I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.” They shrugged.
“I’d offer to buy you a replacement, but I lost my wallet.” They sighed.
“Don’t worry about it.” Jack shook his head. “As soon as I bought it I remembered I hate ice cream.”
They laughed, that kind of laugh that bubbles out of nowhere and takes the person by surprise. Jack grinned to himself at the sound as the person called him a liar.
“You can’t prove that.” He countered, leaning back against the tree.
The silence fell between them for a moment as they licked at the cone.
“You’re a good liar,” they pointed out, “I just don’t believe you hate ice cream. No one hates ice cream.”
“I do.”
“If you say so.”
Jack watched as the person broke off a piece of the cone, tossing it to a squirrel that was skittering nearby. They watched the animal contently as it scurried over to the offering, snatching it up and nibbling away. They took their own bite of the cone with a small smile. The silence stretched until the cone was gone, just the napkin left.
“I ought’a get going,” Jack groaned as he stood, “but I hope your day gets better.”
They smiled up at him, the red around their eyes the only sign that they had been crying at all. “It already has.”
Jack smiled back, tipping his hat.
“You didn’t even tell me your name.” They called once he was a few steps away from the tree.
“What does it matter? I’d probably lie anyhow.” He teased with a wink. He heard them laugh as he walked away. He was used to anonymity for all the good he did in the world, but this small deed made his heart soar in a way that he didn’t often feel after missions anymore. He couldn’t stop himself from whistling a tune as he carried on his stroll through the park, feeling lighter than he had in years.
Tagging: @wickedfrsgrl @din-damn-djarin @thisisthe-wayson @vonschweetz @insideafictionaluniverse @driedgreentomatoes @computeringturtle @thottiewinemom
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mother-snake · 4 years
Thank you so much for the response to my ask! It was so so good!! 💕 I saw you posted wanting short, mostly Janus centric, ideas so maybe something nice and fluffy after I just asked to put him through angst? Maybe Thomas and the sides taking a chance to show Janus appreciation after his acceptance or something?
well short is out of the window with this one im afraid...(this one is defianately fluffier than the last by a long shot)
taggs: @idkanameatall @imma-potatoo warnings: angst words 3212
-a bold statment-
Janus had been having one of those days. He had turned off all the lights and built a small blanket fort filled with pillows and stuffed animals. Fairy lights lit up the small space and he had a book in hand.
He couldn’t focus on the book. he had been re- reading each page as he lost concentration once again. he felt frustrated, tired and just wanted whatever he was feeling to disappear.
He pulled the blanket that had been covering his lower half and moved it further up. snuggling close as possible as unwanted tears made of frustration began to prick his eyes.
He was barely cut out of his mind by a small soft knock at his door. “Janus?” Logan said, just able to be heard, “may I come in,” he asked.
He rubbed his eyes before letting the lock on the door click open. He heard the sound of the door open and close. “Janus may I turn the lights on,” Logan asked. “yes” the lights remained off.
He listened as Logan shuffled around the room and shift a little. The opening of the blanket fort was pulled back slightly, letting Janus catch a small glimpse of the logical sides face. “hello,” Logan said with a small smile. “hi,” Janus mumbled back.
The air was quiet but not tense. Logan let out a sigh before looking at the blanket fort. He was quite impressed by the way it had been built. “are you alright Janus?” he asked as he peaked a little further in. he didn’t respond, but Logan could tell the answer despite his ‘lack of emotions’ “would you like a hug?” he asked. Janus looked at him with nervousness. This didn’t feel like something Logan would do. this wasn’t something he was used to. But the offer was too enticing for him to deny. he gave a small nod to Logan and shuffled over for the logical side to make his way in.
Logan slipped in, and sat by Janus. The snake seemed to melt into the simple touch as Logan wrapped an arm around Janus. he looked over to Janus’s lap where a book sat forgotten. “a fine choice of book if I do say so myself,” Logan said. “thanks,” Janus muttered.
They sat in the quiet for a while. Janus had been trying to keep his emotions in line as the time continued. He burrowed his head into the crook of logans neck. he felt tired, but he didn’t want to sleep. His heart felt heavy. His mind had thankfully begun to slow down. his eyes began to droop as the warmth radiating from Logan. the logical side feeling like a hot water bottle or heater.
A small smile creeped Its way onto his face. Logan had stayed for who knows how long, maybe out of politeness or maybe it was kindness. Either way, it warmed his cold heart. Ever. So. Sightly. and he soon found himself falling fast asleep.
And deep down he hoped that it could last.
Logan glanced down as he felt his shoulder grow heavier. A smile appeared on his face as he looked down to see Janus fast asleep and looking calmer than he had ever seen the snake. he couldn’t find it in his heart to leave Janus. And he didn’t mind if he had to stay until he woke up. he would keep the fact that Janus’s scales had been slightly discoloured by a from of grey mixed with yellow to himself for now. --
Patton had been in the kitchen that faithful night. He had put on the kettle and sat down on a stool by the kitchen island. he hadn’t been able to sleep no matter how hard he had tried. He was beyond exhausted but no attempt had been successful.
There were soft, quiet footsteps coming from the hall. He turned to face the door and felt his eyes go wide as he saw Janus standing at the door shifting nervously. “am I not intruding?” he asked looking at Patton. “of course not kiddo,” he said patting a stool next to himself.
Janus shuffled in, not knowing what to say as he sat down as Patton stood up as the kettle stopped boiling. “would you like some tea?” he asked. “no thank you.”
“are you alright Janus? Would you like to talk about it?” Patton asked as he brought the two cups over. “I’m not fine, it wasn’t a nightmare,” he said before taking a sip of tea. “can I ask what it was about, it might help to tell someone.” “yes,” he said sternly.
Patton stayed quiet after that. he wouldn’t be getting through to Janus today. He tapped his fingers on the counter as he looked into his partially filled cup. the only sound that filled the space was a clinking of cups against the surface.
It was only when Patton looked up from his cup that he spotted it. Janus’s scales were slightly… discoloured. “Janus, do your scales normally turn blue?” he asked looking at them slightly closer. “no, they don’t always do that,” he responded with a small smile. “that’s amazing!” Patton said, stars appearing in his eyes. “you don’t think so?” Janus asked, reaching up his hand to touch his scales. “of course! Its amazing,” he said excitedly,” do you know why they do it?”
Janus’s scales had begun to change slightly a coral colour mixed in as his human side blushed. “it isn’t like a mood ring, it doesn’t help me express my emotions,” he said as he rubbed his neck.
Patton was in absolute awe. “I need to find some paper,” he said before bolting out of the room, causing Janus to let out a chuckle.
Yes, he maybe did let down his cover on his scales for Patton to see. But he knew that Patton would need cheering up.
As the minuets ticked by, Patton came back into the room with a tub of coloured pens and a sheet of paper. “I hope you don’t mind, but I want to make a chart for everyone. I feel we could use it in the future,” he said. “I suppose that will be doable,” Janus said, his nightmare forgotten about by him for now.
“hey Janus, can I let you in on a secret?” Patton whispered with a toothy grin. “very well,” “logans eyes do something similar, just look at the rim of his iris,” he hushed at Janus.
And that’s how they spent the next several hours. With Patton bouncing questions off Janus and creating a mood chart that he would then hang in the Livingroom by the date calendar. Janus wouldn’t say it. but it felt nice to be listened to. Even if it was just answering a few questions.
He hoped that this could last. --
He it wasn’t a good day from the get go. He had woken up late, got piled behind work and skipped both breakfast and lunch.
He was stressed and about ready to begin crying over the fact his pen had stopped working when he felt a presence in his room. he rubbed his eyes before he heard the person speak. “come on Jannie, you need a break,” Virgil?
He turned to face the anxious side. his eyeshadow wasn’t dark like it had been when he was in the deceitful side’s permease
“I'm not fine.” He said as he reached for another pen. “dam right you’re not fine, Janus. Your scales are going grey from stress. Please take a break,” Virgil said, “you haven’t eaten anything all day. Eat and then ill let you get back to whatever this… is?” he said looking down at the barely legible hand writing.
“no,” “great, come on. romans making dinner tonight,” he said as he pulled Janus up from his seat.
 As soon as he left the smell of mac and cheese filled his nose, a small grumble came from his stomach. To his misfortune, Virgil had apparently heard. Virgil kept up with the pace and they were in the commons much sooner than Janus would have liked to be. “where aren’t the others?” he asked, noticing a very empty table. “ah, its just us three today. The others have gone to Remus’s imagination believe it or not,” “not including Patton?” he asked surprised.
“yeah, our dear father whisked away by my brother and the dear nerd,” roman said as he peaked his head from the kitchen door, “food’s ready,” he stated with a wink.
 As they ate, roman and Virgil began to talk about the recent events that had occurred today. “what do you think of Mr. Flores Janus?” roman said looking over. “I'm afraid I don’t really have an opinion on the matter,” he said, taking another bite from his food. “oh come now, surely you must have,” roman said with a raised eyebrow.
Janus didn’t say anything for a brief moment before he was startled as the prince yelped in pain grabbing his knee. “you don’t have to answer Janus,” Virgil said, wary of the purple shifting scales. “well, I don’t thank you for the meal but I best finish up my work,” Janus said as he stood up. “try and get some sleep tonight, okay?” Virgil said before bringing Janus into a hug, surprising the deceitful side greatly.
As they pulled back, he Janus almost felt his heart lift as he saw the bright purple eyeshadow under the eyes of Virgil. God, how long had it been since they had done that. they must have been around seven the last time he witnessed that.
He had enjoyed the company and break, but he knew he needed to get back to work before Thomas suffered because of the pile up. but for now, he would just enjoy the fact his friend was becoming his old self once more.
He hoped that this could last. --
Two days later he had a heavy knocking at his door followed by a sort of exited screech.
He let the lock on his door go and Remus burst into the room with a wicked grin before faltering slightly. “what the fuck are you doing on the floor?” he asked. “definitely not wallowing in self-pity and doubt. You?” he said sarcastically.
Remus scowled as he looked at his friend on the floor. Looks like today was going to be one of those days. “okay dip shit. Grab as many blankets as you can carry,” Remus said as he plucked Janus up from the floor by the arms. “why?” Janus asked, concern plastered all over his face.
“were taking over the commons today, and they can’t fucking stop us!” he cackled as he grabbed an armful of blankets from the floor.
 It took far longer than either would admit, but it did look impressive. Remus in the end had to summon more blankets for the inside, but that just meant Janus had more blankets for future times of need. So, he wasn’t exactly complaining.
They crept inside and Janus immediately flopped down onto a pile of soft and warm blankets. Remus sat by his side and ran a hand through his hair. “when was the last time you had one of these days?” Remus asked, “because I feel like it’s been fucking ages.” “beginning of the week n yesterday,” he mumbled into the pile of blankets. “and you didn’t say anything?” Remus said almost annoyed, “you realise the others and me would be more than happy to led you all their limbs right?” he said as he ruffled Janus’s fluffed up hair. “I don’t know,” he said exasperated, “I just totally want to put all my issues on all of theirs, cause that’s so fair.”
Remus stared at him with a scowl for a couple seconds before a lightbulb lit up in his head. Oh boy, Janus was going to kill him for this.
“give me a couple minuets will you dear snakey?” said side watched as Remus left their blanket fort. A small pool of worry began to build up in his chest. had he offended Remus?
 He wasn’t expecting for the sides to trickle in one at a time however. first was roman who quickly placed himself next to Janus, then Virgil who threw a blanket over Janus. The familiar scent of coffee and lavender seemed to somehow put his mind slightly at ease. then came Logan with a book in hand. he sat down a bit away, but he knew that the other was concerned. The blue rimmed brown eyes showing that he was himself in slight distress.
Then came Patton and Remus. Patton was holding a tray of cookies and a couple cups, whereas Remus came in with what he assumed to be a pot of tea.
Remus placed himself on the opposite side of Janus as the side sat up slightly before leaning over and whispering to the snake. “told you they cared,” he said with a victorious smirk.
For the first time in for a long time he felt himself just relax as he felt a hand run through his hair. The warmth and love that surrounded him seemed so real.
He hoped that this would last. --
It had been a week later. The other sides popping their heads in when he was beginning to overwork himself so they could get him to take a break. Patton had found himself occasionally staying up with Janus when neither could sleep and sharing secrets about the other sides. They shared stories from after the mind palace split into the two segments. Giving stories that would have seemed impossible to anyone else.
Logan would often join Janus reading in the Livingroom early in the morning when no one else was awake.
Roman and Remus had begun to take him out into the imagination so he could get some natural heat from the sun. he had found himself happier on those days.
Virgil would often wrap him in a blanket when his scales would begin to show that he was slipping slightly.
But despite all they did for him. He still didn’t know why he felt so… alone? Was that the right word? there was normally an empty feeling in his chest, sometimes when he got too overwhelmed and cried it would appear. He would lose his ability to feel. And he didn’t like it. not one bit.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised when he was summoned. But being lost in a pile of work and in his pyjamas was the last way he had ever wanted to see Thomas. Yet caught up in work, he didn’t even realise he had been summoned.
“Janus, are you okay?” Thomas asked looking down at his side. “hu?” he looked up and around the room. it was just him, Thomas and…Nico. Oh.
“well…  this was certainly unexpected,” Janus said,” don’t worry Thomas, just got caught up in my work. nothing else,” he said before snapping his fingers. his papers went back to his room and his normal attire replaced the black and yellow snake themed pyjamas he had been previously wearing.
“so, you are Thomas’s deceit?” “indeed, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person Nico,” he said with a smile.
“wait- Janus… since when did your scales change colour?” Thomas asked as he looked at them with almost the same curiosity Patton had. “ah, yes. I forgot you didn’t know about that,” he said, wincing at the fact he had actually forgotten himself.
Nico stared at the two’s small interaction. “so, do you know why they change colour?” he asked. “imagine a mood ring,” Janus said with a fake smirk, he was ready to bolt at a second’s notice.
Apparently, the fact that he said that had caused Nico to give him a small smile, “not enjoying this?” “I don’t tend to like confrontation unannounced. I preferred to be warned about these things so I'm prepared,” he muttered, giving a small glare at Thomas.
Nico let out a chuckle, “ill remind him next time if this happens again,” he said with a wide smile.
Janus gave a small nod before beginning to sink down. “wait, before you go,” Thomas said, “I haven’t seen you in a while. I hope you’re okay Janus,”
Janus was taken back by what he had said but he knew his answer, “some days are always harder than others, but I think I'm going to be fine Thomas, goodbye,” he said as he sunk down.
“you think he’ll be alright?” Nico asked. “eh, knowing the others, they’ll make sure of it,” he chuckled lightly.
 Janus rose back up to his room, but he didn’t go straight back to work. Nope. He gathered a couple blankets and made his way to the commons where he made a small cocoon for himself and decided it was time for a nap. it was always warmer out here than in his room.
A warm feeling spread in his chest. covering him completely in a feeling he hadn’t felt in such a long time. hope.
Hope that the future would be okay. That for now everything was okay and he didn’t need to worry so much about Thomas.
He hoped that it would last. --
-two weeks ago-
Every side (other than Janus) and Thomas Were gathered in the real living room for a small meeting. the topic, of course being about the one person who wasn’t there.
“so, I take it we called this meeting for the same reasons? Right?” Patton said, pulling at the sleeves of his cardigan that was wrapped around his shoulders. “I believe so,” Logan said.
“do you two know much about why Janus maybe trying to push us away?” Thomas asked looking over to Virgil and Remus. “its… been like this since we were children. After the mindspace split he sort of just… Closed down. It was around that time he began to lie,” Virgil said meekly.
“the fucker would hide away most the time, but still kept an eye on the louder dark sides. Like a parental figure, but more babysitter than anything else,” Remus said boring his eyes into Thomas’s head.
“so, he’s been like this… for years?” roman Virgil nodded and pulled his legs up onto the sofa, “I don’t think he is aware that he’s no longer there. That he’s safe with us,” he said looking at Remus.
“what do you mean?” Patton asked nervously. “some of the others were known to get. Violent over nothing… he tried his best to keep us away from them,” he said reluctantly, “I just think over the first couple months, he took what they said to heart.”
Everyone remained quiet. Trying to process what was told. every part of their minds seemed to link as one as a single thought coursed into their minds. “well then, looks like we’ve got a lot of work to do. but for now, let’s make sure Janus knows he is welcomed then? Shall we?” roman said as he stood up from his place on the floor.
They looked at one another and nodded. they would make sure Janus knew they’d always be there for him. That would never change.
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
oh no! im so sorry to hear about your apartment :( hopefully all will be okay! to brighten your day (and because your current fic is so good) could i please have some ignoct? you've inspired me to love this ship when i had always been on the fence about it but now i super love it! ive requested other asks from you so im really happy your doing this again! umm, how about some older ignoct, like both are kings now! not sure on theme but something fluffy something sexy. stay safe love your stuff
[Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your request! You are the first to make it over to the inbox :) I am so glad that you’re enjoying my current fic, and I’m even happier that you like it even though Ignoct was iffy for you before it! I hope you enjoy this prompt- it was a lot of fun to write! <3]
At thirty years old, many assumed that King Noctis would have grown out of his penchant for sleep. Many assumed that as a king, he had many tasks to do and didn’t have time to sleep. The best part about being married to someone as capable as Ignis Scientia made sleep easier, not just for Noctis but for Ignis as well. As King and King Consort, they found that they did well nearly working in shifts. Ignis took over the morning duties, advisements, and other kingly needs, while Noctis would wake up later and take care of the late night items on the docket. It worked for them rather well, but the thing that they looked forward to move was the time that they had in between, when there was nothing for them to do. Well, almost nothing.
Noctis was fast asleep in their bed chambers within the Citadel, enjoying his peaceful rest until the early afternoon hours. He was usually up until the early morning hours, sometimes staying up to take care of things that Ignis would take over when he awoke and insisted Noctis get some rest. Right now, he was lost in a dream world, somewhere far away and at peace, a soft smile on his face as Ignis stepped into the chamber to wake him.
Before waking him, though, Ignis took off his kingly reignment, knowing that he would don that attire soon enough. It didn’t bother him, although it was a tedious process to take off all the adornments befitting the King Consort. While Noctis was eager to just throw his clothes anywhere, Ignis was careful to lay them out for the staff to care for. Ignis had gotten in the habit of picking up after Noctis at an early age. At least on that front, things hadn’t really changed.
“Noctis,” Ignis said as he walked over to his husband, caressing the soft black hair as he moved it out of his face. Noctis let out a low hum, somewhere between a grunt and a moan of disapproval. It made Ignis smile. Always so difficult. “It’s time to get up. You have to be the king for today.”
“As king I declare that I’m going to sleep,” Noctis protested, making Ignis laugh. Noctis pulled the blankets around him tighter, reminding Ignis of when he was twenty, or fifteen, or ten. It was always the same hassle, yet that was why Ignis had dressed down into his black slacks and a shirt instead of wearing something particularly fancy. Sometimes he just had to have the ability to stretch in the event he had to toss Noctis out of the bed.
“And as the king consort, I declare that you need to get up so you can give me a kiss,” Ignis replied. He suppressed a grin, knowing that such a proclamation always worked on Noctis. 
Today, though, it had the opposite effect of what Ignis expected. Quickly, Noctis reached for him and wrapped his arms around his waist, knocking him off balance as he pulled Ignis into the bed. Both of them ended up laughing, delighting in an intimate moment before the world hit them with all their duties. Ignis ended up straddled on top of Noctis, pinning his hands down on either side of his head, fingers intertwined. Noctis’s eyes finally fluttered open, deep pools of liquid smoke and azure that had yet to dull with age.
“Cheater,” Noctis accused, but he didn’t seem that genuine in his stubbornness. Ignis knew this game well. They had played it for years, ever since they got together when Noctis was twenty. Ignis looked down and realized Noctis was sleeping shirtless this time, his bare chest beautiful and toned.
“Who is the cheater exactly?” Ignis asked, watching as Noctis flushed a bit. Even after all these years, it still sent a flurry of excitement through him. He would never tire of Noctis’s shyness and inability to accept any sort of compliment.
“I got hot in the night,” Noctis explained, his eyes darting away in vague embarrassment. “It’s your fault. You hang on me all night.”
“I do,” Ignis purred, leaning down so their lips were almost touching. He could feel Noctis’s breath on his lips, not at all bothered at his morning breath. They had been together for ten years as a couple, after all. If he was bothered by it now, then it was going to be a shock to them both. “And you are hot all the time, Noctis. It’s time you admit that.”
Noctis made to protest, but Ignis was kissing him before he could stop him. For a long while they were lost in each other’s lips, their hands clutching onto each other as they forgot their worries for just a moment and only remembered each other. Ignis eventually pulled away with a smile, looking at his husband with a love that he hadn’t ever felt for anyone else. Noctis looked breathless, as he always did during these moments, and Ignis knew that his king felt the same.
“I can see you’re up now,” Ignis mused with a bit of a laugh, rocking his hips just a bit so Noctis let out a low moan. Instead of indulging him, he got up and out of the bed. Noctis let out a whine, a plea for him not to be so cruel. “If you don’t overwork yourself today then perhaps we can enjoy each other’s company tonight.”
Noctis perked up at that, hopping out of bed and looking at Ignis with excited eyes. Even at thirty years old, he was so easy to read. “I’ll be done by midnight.”
“I look forward to it,” Ignis chuckled. “Get ready and I’ll join you for your duties this afternoon.”
Noctis beamed at that, and immediately began to get dressed for the day, looking far more a king than just a few moments ago. Ignis watched him, delighting in the fact that this was his life. Noctis was his life and always had been. Nothing was going to change that, and Ignis was forever grateful that his adoring husband felt the same.
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midnight4krisis · 6 years
I Want This - Part One
Predebut era, Trainee!Reader
Han Jisung/ Older Reader (ft. Bang Chan)
Warnings: A Roller coaster of fluff, light angst, and (eventual) smut. Some cringey texts I’m sorry kdhi
Summary:  You met Chan on your first day of training, and never left his side ever since. You shared everything together, even the same group of friends. He was the only one you ever trusted, the only warmth you needed until Han Jisung came into the picture. Count: 2k+
Part One Part Two Part Three
A/N: Even though this is predebut, I’m going to treat the characters with their current ages.
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It was pouring outside, your dark bedroom illuminated softly by the reoccurring lightning.
Tucked under your covers, your body shivered with each sound of thunder, eyes darting at your shaking windows. You were never the type to be phased by the weather, but today was different.
The rain had been going on since sundown, growing with each hour, and It was 12 am already yet your roommate was nowhere to be found, having already left your dorm room to attend a gathering at some bar with the rest of the older trainees, probably sheltered from the storm underground.
You never joined her on any of these events, not that she wasn’t fun, but it’s mostly because you preferred the company of the younger trainees. Something about their raw energy and carefree attitude really drew you to them, and you never understood the issue in enjoying slightly sillier activities or just plain fooling around to get your mind off of the daily stress.
Usually, you were the one taking care of them and providing a place of comfort for when they needed help or advice, even if you weren’t the most helpful. And yet today was one of those days where you were the one that needed the comfort since the change of weather seems to be playing with your own mood, but even the youngsters were busy with their practice today, leaving you dreading that gap in your schedule.
You heard knocking on the door, and you know it’s strange since no one else in this level was there.
“Coming” you got up despite the fear, still wrapped in your blanket.
“Hey y/n” you opened the door to the sweetest smile spread across a pale fit young man leaning on your door frame.
“Chris!” You grinned in relief at the sight of your best friend. “Thank God you’re here.”
He lets out a small chuckle, his dimples becoming more prominent, and it only made you smile more. “Why, what’s up?” He looked around dramatically, then whispered: “are you scared?”
You pushed him playfully and he continued to giggle at your reaction “No! I’m just..”
“Stop it!” Your pitch became a little higher. “Okay, I’m a little phased by it, but only because it’s been going on for hours! And I’m alone with nothing to do and it’s a little dark an-“
“Ok ok, all you had to say is ‘please come in Chris I need you’” he cut you off.
You rolled your eyes at his teasing and pouted your lips childishly before deciding to give in. “Ugh, just come in”
He makes his way to sit on your bed as you turn on the lights.
“Woah.” He attempts to hold in the laugh this time. “I didn’t realize you were wearing that” He points his eyes at the baby blue blanket hugging your body.
“ it’s cold!” You raise your eyebrows at him.
“Not that cold.” He mocked.
You narrowed your eyes and ran towards him while unwrapping the blanket to throw it over his head and land beside him.
“What the-“ he struggled to get the tangled cover off, and you couldn’t help but laugh in revenge. “Seriously?” He glared at you through his messy hair, then shook his head as he laughed it off and wrapped the blanket around both of you.
You couldn’t believe how easily he had introduced coziness and comfort into your gloomy room, but then again this was Chris.
“So, how come Christopher Bang is free on a night like this?” You swayed your head at him.
He rolled his eyes “It got really boring hanging around a laptop for the past week”
“You don’t say?” You giggled. “I kept nagging you to take a break so you won't burn out, but no-“
He covered your mouth and hissed “I know, but I told you many times, once I’m in the zone, I can’t get out.”
You snatched his hand away “I just hate it when you drain yourself like that.” You pout, then stared at the red veins in his eyes, his bent posture devoured of energy, and you realized this might not be the most comfortable position for your overworked friend.
“Do you want to lay down a little?” You extend your hands towards the stack of pillows and stuffed dolls on the back of your bed.
Chris immediately grabbed your fluffy panda, as if he had waited for the opportunity. “Mayybe” he squeezed the stuffed animal.
You giggle as you escaped from the wrapped blanket and rearranged the pillows for him, and got up to close the lights and darken the room once more but this time adding the dancing flame of two scented candles.
“These are my favorite scents when I need to relax, lavender and-“
“Cheese cake?!”
“Vanilla” you said in between your laughter.
“Close enough! Gosh, I’m hungry.” He groans and stretches more over the bed, still grasping your panda.
“Honestly, what’s new?” You jump over the pile of pillows behind him, leaning over your side so that you’re looking down at him. “But have you actually eaten anything today? Or did you forget while working like always?” You started playing with his hair.
“I may or may not have done the latter”
“Chris!” You whined and pulled his hair slightly.
“Ouch! You know I can’t do anything about it.” He bent his neck to look up at you.
“Yes you can, I always told you even if you’re too busy to get something yourself, you can tell me.”
“I’m not going to burden you like that.” He brought his head back down. “You have your own stuff to worry about.”
“Don’t make me pull that hair out of your scalp” he chuckled at your brutal comment. “Besides, it’s not like I have that much going on.” You sigh.
“Uhh y/n.” His voice starts to stagger. “You’re constantly practicing and doing your best, daily. I’m sure something great is waiting for you soon. Just don’t think about it too much.”
“Yeah.” You continue caressing his hair. “I know that. Honestly, who am I to complain when it’s only been 3 years” you let out a faint chuckle. “That’s nothing compared to what you’ve been through. I’m really happy for you, Chris.” You smiled wholeheartedly, poking his slightly rosy cheeks.
“I know.” He giggled, but soon after that, his face became devoid of expression. “I’m just” he sighed. “a little worried about the possibility of eliminations. I don’t think I could leave any of the guys behind.”
“And you won’t have to. They’re all ready for this, and your bond as a team in itself is enough to amaze anyone, Chris.” You reassured him, staring straight into his rheumy eyes. “It’s gonna be alright, I promise.”
He shut his eyes right after you said that then turned to curl his body into the side of your bed, leaving you a little startled at his reaction.
“Thank you, y/n.” He mumbled, and the subtle sounds of his soft snoring soon followed, and couldn’t hold in the wide smile forming on your face.
You continued playing with his curly strands while staring at the rainfall now slowly sliding on your windows, it seemed like he drifted the storm away on his way to sleep, like the sky had been roaring for his aching body to rest.
You stumbled back to reality at the buzzing of a phone beside you, it was Chan’s, and you couldn’t stop yourself from quickly peeking at the spam of messages.
“I know you’re working but why are you not answering the door?”
“You can’t possibly have gone to that weird party with Minho Hyung?!”
When the messages kept coming, you were starting to worry, but at the same time couldn’t for the life of you wake him up.
So, you decided to use the privilege of having your fingerprint saved on his phone to see what’s going on without bothering the poor guy.
You stared at the contact name. “Jisung?”
“Final call: HYUNNNGGGG”
“Jisung calm the f down, what’s going on? it’s y/n, Chris is asleep right now..”
“Y/n? What are you doing with Chan’s phone? Where are you guys?”
“We’re at my room, and you were sending too many messages so I had to check. Sorry, but I couldn’t wake him up after he finally got some sleep.”
“Hyung? Sleeping? Is this a miracle?”
“My magic 😌 or my panda’s, he’s suffocating him right now”
“Please take a pic, I need that for..research”
“Bold of you to assume I hadn’t already taken one, but you’re not getting your hands on it.”
“Pshh I’m coming to see the real thing”
“Did you just invite yourself to my room? Uh hell no, Chris needs rest 😠”
“DO NOT CALL ME THAT and is that why you kept spamming him? Well, your insomniac parter has abandoned you tonight”
“This is not fair 😭”
“Yes it is, and you should get some sleep too, you guys had practice all day.”
“But I cannnnt. Why don’t you spare me some of your magic too?”
“Nop, you have to earn it”
“Noona why do you hate me? 😒”
“But you are my noona”
“But Idc I don’t like it, makes me feel old”
“Oh please, everyone knows you act like a 10-year-old”
“IN A GOOD WAY, a really adorable way actually, but I still like calling you noona”
“And I still hate it, AND YOU”
“Pshh I’ll make you love it”
“Lol how”
“Like this..”
You suddenly heard faint knocking on the door. “Unbelievable.” You muttered before being forced to get up and answer so Chris won’t wake up.
“NOON—“ Jisung said loudly before you covered his mouth.
“Shhh” you whispered. “What is the one thing I told you not to do?!”
“Come to your room? Bother chan? Calling you nooooon—“
You cut him off again “see? you demonstrated my point exactly” you giggled a little at the silliness of the entire situation.
Truth is you obviously wanted him around, you didn’t feel like sleeping anytime soon and wasn’t entirely comfortable with sharing a bed with your best friend, so having Jisung as a distraction till Chris woke up wasn’t a bad idea.
You just don’t know why you love teasing him, maybe because his reactions are always over the top and entertaining to see, or maybe because he does the same to you.
“Just let me in and I promise I won’t annoy Chan Hyung” he pouted
“Hmm” you pretended to give it a thought.
“Come on, pleaaase” he grabbed your shoulders and shook you around gently “NOONA PLEASE”
“No no, stop saying that” you groaned.
“I won’t stop, noona. I won’t stop until you let me in”
“Fine, just-“ you let go from his grip. “Don’t make a sound” you emphasized on your way in.
He closed the door behind him quietly and you both sat down on the far edge of the bed.
“You weren’t lying about the panda.” He exclaimed with a slight chuckle, observing his teammate in his peaceful sleep. “Must be so nice sleeping over a mountain of pink pillows Chan.”
You laughed at the desperation in his voice, like he actually meant it. “Don’t even think about joining him.”
He looked back at you instantly. “I’m offended.”
“I can’t have two guys sleeping on my bed!” You whispered dramatically.
“As if having one is less weird.” He snorted.
“Nah, it’s Chris! You know it’s not like that.” You react in a slightly defensive tone.
“Shh.” He imitated the way you shut him earlier, whispering “you’ll wake him up.” Before laughing it off once you gave him a slight push. “I know, noon-“
He let out a low chuckle. “But I’ll be honest, not everyone does.”
“Does what?”
“You know..” he leaned his head towards the direction of the blond laying behind you, and your eyes stretched wide open.
“Me and Chris?!” You accidentally raised your voice but proceeded to yell through the whisper. “You guys think?”
“Ehh” he hesitated to answer.
“What! No, we’re not- that’s not how-“
“I know I know, relax.” He giggled and reached for your wrists to calm you down, His tone and expression softening as he spoke. “Yes we had our suspicions at first because we weren’t used to friendships like that, but it’s pretty obvious by now, so don’t worry about it.”
You nodded and looked down at your snatched wrists. skin-ship was a regular thing between you and Chris, you can’t pinpoint exactly when it started being so, but it became too natural for you to think of it otherwise, and you assumed it was the same for him as well. For reasons beyond your understanding, you felt safe around him.
However, it wasn’t that way with the other guys, so staring at Jisung’s fingers rested on your skin in that fashion felt foreign, your instincts pulled back before you realized it.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” He rubbed his neck and looked away. “I should tone it down with the teasing, it’s getting annoying.”
“No, it’s not that-“ you buried your face in your palms. “I never know how to explain this, I just trust him more than anyone.” You release your face and look up slowly.
“You guys spent the longest together in training, it makes sense that you’d be this close.” He shrugged.
You nodded.
“Anyway, do I smell vanilla?” He looked around, trying to change the subject.
“And Lavender.” You juggled your eyebrows.
“Damn y/n, no wonder he’s passed out, you really know your stuff.”
“Thank you.” You chuckled.
Jisung always knew how to keep the mood bright, it was something you really admired about the boy.
You can’t recall a moment where the smile left his full cheeks, or where the sparkle left his dark eyes.
And through the next hour it was all the same, your roommate still nowhere in sight, your best friend passed out on your bed, and Han Jisung failing to keep the both of you quiet from all the laughter.
It didn’t seem like Chris is waking up anytime soon, and for a while, you forgot how late it was, until Jisung let out a low yawn, and yours followed. “I think you need to wake him up before you and I pass out beside him"
You looked back with furrowed eyes. “I don’t have it in me, look at him.”
He sighs. “I’ll get going then, have fun explaining this to your roommate.” He scoffed as he got up.
“Wait, you’re not going anywhere” you tugged at the tip of his T-shirt, looking up at him, you just realized how baggy he wore his clothes, and how good his golden skin looked in black. “Not until he wakes up.”
“But I thought you didn’t want me here.” He smirked.
“Just sit down Jisung.” You whined.
He obliged, but the smirk failed to leave his face as he stared at you.
“What?” You felt the blood running to your cheeks. why was he looking at you that way all of a sudden?
“Nothing.” He shook his head and looked down, and for some reason, his fluffy hair was so tempting to pet.
He continued to glance at you when you came in contact with his soft strands, the goofiest smile engulfed his face. “Are you bribing me to stay.”
“Am I?” You gently brushed his bangs out of his face. “Maybe.” Or maybe you couldn’t resist it.
He laughed and pulled away. “I’m not falling for that, I’m tired, right? I practiced all day, remember?” He imitated you again.
“Why are you acting like you weren’t the one who begged to come here in the first place?” You smirked back, inching closer.
“And why are you ignoring the fact that you absolutely needed me?” He slowly leaned back.
“I did?” You tangled your fingers in his hair again.
“Uhmm” he hummed before shooting his hands back to catch himself from leaning over, only to hear the loud breath escaping Chan.
“Shoot!” He quickly removed the hand he accidentally rested on Chan’s leg, and the two of you stared widely waiting for him to wake up.
But to your relief, he didn’t.
You both looked back at each other, stuck in the same position, his face now just as flushed as yours, and at the moment you forgot you were almost on top of your younger friend.
You were gazing at a completely different Jisung now, and you only wanted to get closer.
“Noona?” He whispered softly, his face close enough for you to feel the warmth of his breath.
“Y-yes” you started to stutter, frozen in place.
“Can we move off the bed?” He brought his other hand to your hand caught in his hair, and the contact felt electrifying. “Hyung might wake up.”
You mummed, still processing the cause of your wavering body.
He snatched your hand in his and brought them in between you, caressing it as his whispers deepened “Noona.”
You blinked, your breaths growing shorter, eyes finally leaving him to wander towards his lips. How come you never noticed how sweet they looked?
He tugged at your hand to come closer and bit his lower lip.
He noticed.
Was it the cold weather that confused your body’s shivers? or the adrenaline left from the frightening thunder? you weren’t sure, but what you were certain of is that whatever it was that pushed you towards his lips, you didn’t want it to go away.
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solaneceae · 5 years
thats right bitches, today is Robbie’s bday, sorry what, "anti", hmmmm never heard of that bitch-
pardon? yes Karen i know it isnt the 15th in the US yet sHUT UP LET ME BE A EUROPEAN STAN IN PEACE-
aaanyway, i wrote a thing for my moonlight son, it was made in a rush to post it today, typed on my phone cuz im on a road trip with no computer UwU
anyway here goes, this is for you all robbie stans @lilakennedy @tabbynerdicat @theshysepticeye @spunketpunk (ask me if you wanna be tagged too!)
He was warm. He was safe. Content.
Robbie’s simple, sleep-hazed mind held on to those feelings as he stirred; the zombie let out a content sigh and nuzzled the thick, hand-knitted blanket -a gift from Ant- he was wrapped in.
So...warm… soft…
Part of him just wanted to go back to sleep, but something was pushing him towards wakefulness. it was a strange sensation, like… urgency? But not bad? Like something important was happening and he needed to be there for it.
The purple-haired creature groaned, milky white eyes fluttering open; that was fine, he had a good nap and wanted to go play with Marv anyway.
He stretched out his slightly numb limbs and let out a high-pitched yawn, before detangling himself from his blanked and standing off the living room couch. The house wasn’t big by any means, but it was cosy and always seemed to accommodate each new ego -and occasionally Seán whenever he came by for a visit- back when their weird little family was still growing.
When Jay had asked about that strange phenomenon, Marv had shrugged and muttered something about the pocket dimension they were living in, and magic. In short, no one knew how it worked, and no one really cared, least of all Robbie.
As long as he and his brothers were safe, he didn’t care much about anything else, really.
The zombie perked up; Jackie had appeared in the hallway, smiling and walking towards him. The young ego greeted the red-clad hero with a happy grunt-chirp-purr and shuffled over to him, pulling the older ego into a hug.
“Hey buddy,” Jackie chuckled, squeezing the taller man back; it was in moments like these he really didn’t mind being the smallest of Seán’s egos. Despite Robbie being a foot taller, his hunched over posture usually brought them to the same level, and the zombie’s natural gentleness made him an excellent hugger. “Ya had a good nap?” The purple-haired creature let go and nodded. “Mh. Wan play… Marv…”
Jackie smiled even wider, ruffling the other’s hair. “Sure thing bud! He’s been working on new tricks, ya gonna love them. But there’s somethin’ we need to do first.”
The undead ego tilted his head in curiosity. Something? What thing?
“Do ya know which day it is today?” the hero asked. He was lightly bouncing on his heels, seemingly excited about something. Robbie pursed his lips, then shrugged; he wasn’t good at keeping track of days.
“Well it’s a very special day,” the smaller man explained solemnly. “So we all need to go to the kitchen to celebrate it, okay?”
Jackie gently grasped Robbie’s right hand and lead him through their cosy little house, the zombie obediently following along. He wondered what was so important about today, and if it had something to do with the bubbly, squirmy feeling that had settled in his gut since this morning.
“’kay guys,” Jackie called out as they finally entered the kitchen, “I got him!”
Robbie’s eyes widened; all his brothers were here, which was a rare event in itself: Chase, with his sunny smile and kind eyes; Sheep, a stiff but steadying presence in his life; Jay, waving at him enthusiastically; Ant, the elusive but fiercely protective glitch.
But that wasn’t even the best part.
“GUS!” the zombie squealed in delight, letting go of Jackie’s hand to throw himself in Angus’ awaiting arms. The tall adventurer laughed at the creature’s antics, returning his hug. “Hey lil’ guy! S’been a while.”
Robbie pouted and took a step back; his oldest sibling was always chasing sunken ships and buried treasures, and his visits had grown scarce. “Too… long! Be there more!”
“Yah, I know bud.” the aussie smiled apologetically. “S’been a busy year. But I’ll come back more often now.”
Angus chuckled, patting the purple hair tickling his chin. “Yup, swear it on my hat.”
“Oh shit, now we know it’s serious.” Marvin gasped in pretend shock from his seat on the kitchen table, “You never let us touch that old thing.”
“Will you please get off ze table?” Henrik sneered in response, glaring at the magician. “Zat is most unsanitary.”
The performer mulled it over for a few seconds, fiddling with his long, dark green braid, before turning to the doctor with a shit-eating grin. “No. No, I don’t think I will.”
“Vy you-”
“Will you two can it for a sec?” Anti growled, crossing his arms in annoyance. “This is important shit!”
“Language, Anti.”
“Inhale my-”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Chase rolled his eyes, putting his hand on Robbie’s shoulder. “He’s right though. This is about Robbie, and we should all focus on that.”
The zombie blinked, visibly confused. “About… me?”
The fatherly ego just winked at him before turning to Angus, excitement sparkling in his eyes. “Wanna do the honors dude?”
“You betcha!”
The survival hunter slowly reached inside one of the oversized pockets of his jacket, while Robbie followed his movements with great intrigue. The aussie’s hand came back holding something, something small and dark and… fuzzy-looking…
Then the thing produced a high-pitched, somewhat raspy meow as two bright yellow orbs appeared in front of it, and the undead ego gasped.
“I for one was not a fan of zat idea,” Shneep sighted, “but I got outnumbered. Zis is vy democracy is idiotic.”
“Good thing no-one cares about the opinion of an old man.”
“What? You know it’s true, hero!”
Robbie paid no mind to their squabble, mesmerized by the creature Angus was gently placing in his arms. It was a tiny black kitten, two months old at most. His short, shiny fur was incredibly soft, and his golden eyes stared at the dumbstruck zombie with placid curiosity.
“That lil’ lady here?” Angus began, “Found her in the forest on my way back here. No mama, no nothin’. So I took care of her, and now she’s yours.”
Robbie’s gaze kept switching between the explorer and the kitten in his arms. He slowly, carefully started to run his fingers through the dark fur, a little purring sound rewarding his ministrations. He whined, overwhelmed by all the emotions blooming inside of him.
Gratitude. Happiness. Love.
“Happy birthday, Rob.” JJ signed, a huge smile on his face. “Happy birthday!" Jackie and Marv cheered, quiet enough not to startle the cat. “You are very much appreciated,” Henrik nodded, adjusting his glasses to hide the emotion in his eyes. “Remember zat.” Anti rolled his eyes at the doctor’s contribution, but joined in with a mumble nobody could make out. The softness in his black and acid green eyes betrayed him though.
“Happy birthday, Robster.” Chase chuckled fondly, watching the zombie blink back tears. His birthday. Angus had come home, just to be there for him today. Everyone was here, getting (mostly) along, for him.
He cradled the kitten -his gift- against his chest, the vibrations making him giggle, to nuzzle the top of her fluffy head. “S-soft…”
The tiny creature meowed contentedly, and Robbie felt so happy his cold, still heart might’ve stirred a bit. “Soft!” he squealed decisively, looking up at his family with a blinding grin.
“Soft?” JJ signed, tilting his head. “Is that what you wish to name her?”
“Is zat truly appropriate for a pet cat?” Henrik raised a brow. He was however stopped from saying more when everyone else shot him a Look™, and he pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat. “Soft. Yes, of course. It is perfect, Robbie.”
The birthday boy looked up at his family. He was happy. Very, very happy. “Thank… you. Love you.”
“Aw.” Marvin said, hiding his blush behind his kitty mask. “We love ya too buddy."
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ukulelecal · 6 years
Biggest Fan pt. 4
In which you’re a famous singer and Calum is a fan of your music.
Warnings: maybe like one swear, but other than that not really
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Requested By: Anonymous originally
“hi can you do a blurb on calum where you’re also famous and u find out he’s interested in you and low key loves your music? shebjdjsj idk jus make it fluffy and ill love u forever”
A/N: another obnoxiously long wait, another part!!!! finally!! we got some cute calum all up in this bitch YEESS im in love with him. sorry its short (well like not super short but shorter than part 3), i wasn’t sure what else could happen without making it extensive for just one part. but give me some feedback, tell me what you thought!! also, do you guys want more parts? i could probably end it here if yall are done with this, but i also have some ideas for some more things that could happen!!! aka i could kill yall with some cuteness!! or make you cry with some angst!! what do you guys think???
Requests are OPEN!
*Gif not mine*
Series Masterlist
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Your head was pounding. Your stomach was churning. All the telltale signs of a hangover.
A groan fell from your lips, bringing your hand up to rub your eyes. After they adjusted to the light coming in from the windows, you glanced at the bed next to yours; Cara and Sam were still sleeping soundly. Your eyes then fell on the clock, squinting to see clearly. 12:34 PM. You hadn’t even realized you slept that late.
The occurrences of the previous night were one massive blur. You remembered getting ready to leave and meeting up with Calum and Mali, having a couple shots, but after that? Not much came back to you.
It wasn’t until you picked up your phone, seeing a text from Calum, that perhaps the most significant event of the night finally popped into your head.
You admitted your feelings to Calum. You kissed him.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to smile or punch yourself in the face.
Sure, you had been wanting something like that to happen. But, in a club and being totally wasted wasn’t exactly how you imagined it happening. You couldn’t really complain, though. He liked you back.
He liked you back.
Yeah, you had to smile.
You glanced down at your phone again, actually reading the text that Calum sent you.
Calum: I have to get back on the road later today. I really need to see you again before I go.
You bit your lip softly, typing out a reply.
Y/N: Definitely. Where should we meet up?
You set your phone back down on the nightstand to wait for a reply, and kicked the blankets off of you. Might as well start getting ready if you were going to meet up with Calum. You quietly padded to the bathroom, trying not to wake up Cara and Sam, and glanced in the mirror. Oh, yikes. You had managed to change out of your clothes before crashing in bed, apparently, but neglected to remove your makeup. Your eye makeup was smudged everywhere, and your lipstick was smeared a bit.
Well, that probably wasn’t entirely from sleeping.
You grabbed a makeup wipe and cleaned everything off, then thoroughly washed your face. From outside the bathroom, you heard your phone vibrate, and you quickly scurried out to check. There was another text from Calum.
Calum: You can come to my hotel, if that’s okay. I’ll take you back to yours on my way to the airport after.
Y/N: Sounds good, Cal
He proceeded to send you the name of the hotel and his room number, and you scurried over to your suitcase to get some clothes. You decided on something cute but casual, just for a meet up. A pair of mom jeans, and a simple white t-shirt tucked in.
As you went about your morning routine, you pondered exactly what you and Calum were going to talk about. The night before was inevitably going to come up, but that conversation could go in many different directions. You weren’t sure exactly how it would turn out.
Still, you meant every word you had said. You liked him a lot. Although your time together in person was limited, you texted and Skyped him a lot and got to know him very well. You fell for him from miles away.
After you finished getting ready, making yourself look as presentable as possible being quite hungover, you shook Cara and Sam awake, earning tired groans in response.
“You can go back to sleep if you want,” you chuckled. “Just wanted to let you know I’m going to go see Calum for a bit. I shouldn’t be too long.”
Cara grumbled something incoherent and buried her head deeper into the pillows. Rolling your eyes, you reached for the pad of paper and pen that hotels provided, and wrote out a quick note. Chances were, neither of them were going to remember a thing you said, if they even heard you at all.
You slipped on some shoes, grabbed your phone and room key, and headed out the door.
On the way down to the lobby, you put the address to Calum’s hotel into your phone to see how far it was. Turns out, it wasn’t far at all, only a couple blocks away. You decided against calling an Uber; you could walk.
You turned left out of your hotel and started your walk. It went by quickly and uneventfully, and you soon found yourself in the lobby of the hotel Calum was staying at. You headed towards the elevators and went up to the sixth floor, where he had said his room was. You then followed the signs to room 659.
Taking a deep breath, you gently rapped on the door. It opened a couple moments later to reveal Calum dressed in black joggers and a green hoodie with the word “empathy” printed across the front.
“Hey,” he said, a sleepy grin resting on his face. You could tell by the dark circles under his eyes and the disastrous state of his hair, that he was feeling the effects of a hangover as well.
“Hi,” you replied, and he stepped to the side to let you in. Letting the door fall shut behind you, he gestured to the bed, sheets wrinkled and messy from a night of sleep, for you to sit. You gingerly plopped yourself down on the edge, and Calum did the same next to you.
“So, um, have you seen the pictures?” Calum asked, scratching the back of his head as he turned to look at you, face slightly scrunched up. You furrowed your eyebrows at the question.
“What pictures?” You asked, confused. The only thing you had done on your phone was text Calum, not check social media. He sighed and grabbed his phone that was resting on his pile of pillows, and unlocked it; you didn’t want to be nosy, but you couldn’t help but notice that his lockscreen was a photo of his dog, Duke. He had shown you pictures of him when you were in Paris. You smiled a little. Hopefully you’d get to meet the little guy.
Then the familiar blue of Twitter appeared on his screen, and Calum used his thumb to scroll until he found what he was looking for. He clicked on a picture and handed you his phone to see.
Your heart dropped in your stomach a bit as you swiped through the many.
The pictures were all of you and Calum at the club. You were used to having your picture taken when you were just trying to do normal things or have fun, but these weren’t exactly the same. There were a couple of you and him dancing, but the majority were of you and him kissing.
It was those that made you slightly uncomfortable. Calum had you pinned against the wall, hands gripping your hips and your arms thrown around his neck, having a sloppy makeout session. That wasn’t the type of picture you wanted of yourself getting spread around the Internet.
“Oh,” you breathed out softly. Wordlessly, you handed Calum his phone back, gently taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
“I know,” he sighed, tossing the electronic back on the pillows. “I wish they would just leave us alone, you know?”
“Yeah.” It was normal for you to be scrolling through Twitter and suddenly find a picture of yourself walking down the street, getting into your car, having lunch with a friend. It definitely did get pretty annoying. “What are people saying about them?”
Calum sighed again, fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
“Similar things to what they said about the Paris pictures,” he began. “There were more of them that weren’t so nice, I guess.”
“Of course,” you grumbled under your breath, more to yourself rather than Calum. Another thing you were, unfortunately, used to was hate on the Internet. You had seen it all; jabs at your music, your appearance, your clothes, your personality. Most of the time, you tried not to even read it, ignore it the best you could, but curiosity got the best of you every once in a while. Nonetheless, you tried not to let it bother you. “What are we going to do, then?”
Calum hesitated before answering.
“I’m not sure what there is to do. Just don’t acknowledge it, I guess.”
You weren’t sure why you felt a wave of disappointment wash over you.
“And, about last night…” Calum continued, voice trailing off. Your eyes widened a bit.
This had been what you really wanted to talk about. You knew what you were hoping for him to say, but there was always the possibility that he could take it back. Tell you he was drunk and it didn’t mean anything. That you should just keep being friends.
“Did you mean what you said?” He asked, voice soft, and you could hear the slightest shake in his voice. A small smile graced your features.
“Of course I meant it,” you replied, just above a whisper. “I really do like you, a lot.”
Calum smiled, and your smile grew to match his.
“Did you?” You questioned, letting your head fall daintily to the side. Calum chuckled.
“Every word.”
He suddenly stood up, reaching his hand out. You gingerly grabbed it, letting him pull you to your feet and close to him. Looking up to meet his gaze, you found his brown eyes boring into you, and you felt your heart flutter.
Those damn eyes got you every time.
“I don’t think we had a very proper kiss last night,” he mused, running his thumb over your hands that were held between the two of you. “C-Can I kiss you again?”
Calum was mentally cursing himself for stuttering, but you were nodding and smiling fondly up at him, already starting to slowly lean in. He moved his hands to cup your cheeks, closing the distance between you.
This was more like the romantic first kiss you had imagined.
Your hands found his shoulders, letting them rest there.
Your heart was pounding. You were weak in the knees. You were wrapped around his finger.
He felt the same. Ever since he met you in Chicago, he knew you were special. It was a leap of faith for him to tweet you that day, so long ago, and he about died when you replied. He couldn’t be more glad.
The kiss eventually broke, and you stayed with your foreheads resting against each other, dazed smiles on both of your faces. Before either of you had the chance to say anything, Calum’s phone rang from where it sat on the bed. Of course, something had to ruin the moment.
He sighed heavily, mumbling out an apology before reaching for it.
After he hit decline to whoever was calling him, he tossed it down and reached for your hands again.
“I have to leave for my flight,” he sighed, almost sounding upset that he had to go. As much as you wanted to have more time with him, more than just these few minutes, you knew he had a tour to get back to.
“Okay,” you replied, giving his hands a light squeeze. “I can walk back to my hotel.”
“Are you sure? I can ask my driver to drop you off on the way.” You shook your head. “No, don’t worry about it. I’m only a couple blocks away.”
He nodded, pulling you in for a hug. You breathed out deeply as you wrapped your arms around his torso, taking in his scent. You knew it would be a while before you saw each other again, maybe not even until after he finished the North American leg of his tour, which was the last one.
You just didn’t want to leave him.
“Text me later, okay?” You mumbled into his chest, eyes unintentionally falling shut.
You pulled away from the hug, looking up at him with a grin.
“Bye, Calum.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
Hesitantly, you removed yourselves from each other grasps, and Calum walked you to the door.
Just as you stepped foot into the hallway, Calum grabbed your wrist and spun you around.
“One more,” he breathed out, pulling you in for another kiss. You melted into it. How was a simple kiss so heavenly?
“Now I’m good,” he chuckled when he pulled away, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little as well. You bid your final goodbyes, and before you knew it, you were on your way back to your hotel.
After you returned and relayed every single detail of what happened onto the finally awake Cara and Sam, you decided to spend the day relaxing by the pool.
You were laying out on your chair, catching some California sun, when the thought came to you; you and Calum for sure liked each other, but nothing ever became official. What were you?
You wanted to wait, didn’t want to seem desperate, but it was nagging you. Did shared feelings and a few kisses mean you were together? Official? Unofficial?
Letting out a deep breath, you reached for your phone, typing a simple, straightforward text out to Calum.
Y/N: Cal? What are we?
You weren’t expecting a reply right away, assuming he was probably on the plane, but much to your surprise, you got one just a few minutes later.
Calum: I mean, I kind of wanted to ask you this in person, but that depends on how you answer this question
The typing bubbles appeared, signalling he was still typing. You bit your lip as your heart pounded in your chest. The next text couldn’t come soon enough.
Calum: Would you like to be my girlfriend, Y/N?
And everything suddenly seemed like it fell into place.
Y/N: I would love to be your girlfriend, Calum. And I would love for you to be my boyfriend
Calum: You’re fucking adorable. I wish I was there to kiss you right now
You giggled a little, covering your mouth with your hand.
Y/N: Can’t wait until I see you again so we can do boyfriend-girlfriend things like kissing xo
Calum: Soon, just a few weeks left. I’m boarding now, I’ll call you later, ok?
Y/N: Ok. Have a safe flight!
His response was a few heart emojis, and you locked your phone. There was no way in hell you could wipe the smile off your face.
It was official. Boyfriend-girlfriend official.
“What’s got you smiling like that?” Cara asked, returning with Sam from the bar where they had been getting drinks. You giggled, covering your face with your hands.
“He asked me out,” you mumbled from behind your hands, earning excited squeals from your friends.
“Now we can like, go on double dates and stuff!”
You laughed at the comment from Sam, finally removing your hands from your face.
It was surreal, but it was happening. After he tweeted you never thought you’d end up dating. After Chicago, it was a thought in your mind. After Paris, you wanted it. Now, here you were.
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edgar-allan-foe · 7 years
[nameless short story]
Word Count: almost 2k with a crap ton of talking/fluff
A/N:  I haven’t been writing in a long time since college kind of sucked the life out of me for five years; however, I’ve been having a lot of personal issues arise lately and I find this as a coping mechanism (especially with my job/boss). ps - im sick D:
Shout-out to @tinny-tin, @lloyd-g, and @stiles-derpinski for being awesome and wanting to see my work.
All I see is red and blue. Everywhere. This kid is going to end up giving me a heart attack. It’s a Wednesday night and usually Peter is coming home from band practice, but in the last six months I’ve seen nothing from this boy – no instruments, no science projects gone wrong, just nothing. I feel like I’m losing him all over again since Ben. That boy was Ben’s entire world let me tell you. The way he boasted about winning the regional science fair two years in a row to how Peter was selected for Midtown’s academic bowl, his eyes glistened with tears of joy. It was as if Peter was his son this entire time.
Tonight, I lie awake worrying about this boy like I usually do. It was taco night since yesterday I saw no trace of him until he got up today to get to school. But like Ben, Peter would never voice what was rattling in his head…what kept him out all night. I always tell myself that I hope he’s talking to Ben somehow through all of this, for us. As I start to drift away from following the news as background noise and beginning a new knitting project, I hear the back window crack just slightly. At this point, the creaks and leaks throughout this apartment don’t phase me, they just give the place character.
“Who’s out there!?” I screamed. I am not the type to fight, but I was boiling over with the constant absences of Peter these past couple days. It’s like this kid doesn’t have a home. I grab my extra knitting needle and tuck it underneath my skirt. I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone use one of these for self-defense in any crime show, but it’s worth a shot on being creative and terrified all at once. I hear the window squeak once more as I inch closer to my nephew’s room. One could easily shrug this off as the wind or an alley cat, but with all the horrible things happening in the neighborhood recently, I am not in any position to risk it. I place my hand by my hip, ready to grab the needle, and swing the door right open to a –
“AUNT MAY! Jesus! Put that thing down!”
“Peter! PETER!? Where the hell have you been?” I shouted. I hated yelling at my boy like this, but there was no other way to let it all out. “Y’know…I’ve made dinner, did your laundry, even ironed your decathlon jacket, and not once have I even heard you say ‘thank you’. I’m getting so tired…so frustrated. Just tell me what’s going on. Please.” I sit on the edge of the bed ready to start crying. These tears have been busting to come out for the past two weeks and it was time to let out Niagara Falls.
“May…please…stop. Don’t cry.” Peter was the sweetest kid you could ever imagine. Have you ever seen those 60s commercials for baby food where the perfect child with the biggest eyes and soft, angelic curls just makes a mess with mashed peaches and greens? That was Peter. Most definitely my boy, but fast-forwarded 15 years. When he was born, I use to call him ‘PB’ for short – Peter Benjamin Parker. His newborn locks would just sit on the sides of his face, tempting you to push them behind those ears and make room for all that gushing. He was a good kid. A lovely little thing. I slowly drop the knitting needle to the floor and embrace Peter for a long-deserved hug.
“Aunt May, I can explain. I know I haven’t been home a lot and I swear, I’ll –”
“Peter, I know you’re lying.”
“May, I love you and I am so sorry. It’s just this internship means everything to me. I know I haven’t been open with everything that has been happening, but it’s some seriously awesome stuff you wouldn’t believe it! Like today at school, I found out that I can use the gravity formula from Mr. Watson’s physics homework to detect the angle in which the Iron-Man suit needs to be elevated to reach maximum speeds for flight! Like it was the coolest thing ever to even think of stuff like that. Oh, and –”
“Okay, okay. Enough Peter. I get it, you love what you do. But promise me something,” I took a deep breath before I can finish my sentence. “Just come home, please. We – erh, I mean ‘I’ – I miss you, honey.” It’s so hard to not include Ben in every little bit of Peter’s life. They were always together and I know in my heart he would be so proud. After calming down a bit, I noticed on the edge of Peter’s eyebrow some small bruising. It was fresh, at least within the last couple hours. I’ve gotten so use to this child getting beat up, I almost expect it. Last time he came home with a black eye, he mentioned a kid named Steve from Brooklyn. Not entirely sure what Peter would be doing over there so late at night…it took at least 30 minutes without traffic to even make it to the outskirts Prospect Park – Peter’s favorite place since he was a little one. Also, doesn’t Ned live 2 blocks from us? I cannot even begin to describe how many times I’ve seen Ned in the past week looking for Peter. It’s as if he’s forgotten about his best friend too.
           “I swear…every time I feel like I’m on to something and report back to Happy…I end up not being so happy…with myself”, I whispered. I shrug off my blue sweater throw my backpack in the corner. I think that was a first for me to even remember where I place my backpack nowadays. I didn’t do too much in the suit today; in fact, I didn’t even do anything at all. I swung around and helped an elderly man get his cat from inside a dumpster. Quite large. Very fluffy. Calico? I took a few photos of some pigeons. Oh, and escaped a near arrest yet again! I should try to be more careful when interacting with cops, but hey, it happens. A lot of what I’ve been doing since school’s been out hasn’t been all too much. I wouldn’t even try calling it “crime fighting”. I finally perfected my training wheels protocol for shooting web grenades down by Coney though! That was amazing on how precise my vision has become with the new suit…or Karen. Should I even call her Karen? Where did I even come up with the name for Karen? Anywho, from now on I’ll have to respect both suit and her.
           My reports have gotten a lot less action-ey if you could call it that. With all the focus on just utilizing the suit without Mr. Stark replacing the tracking system, I feel a bit lost honestly. Not much is happening now in the concrete jungle. Summer is practically gone. I can smell the new textbooks in my locker already and the musk of Midtown’s hallways by the main office. It’s as if the world knows who I really am now, especially now with Mr. Toomes in jail. I slip back on my mask and make sure the bedroom door is locked. May hates it when I lock the door, so I’ve developed a new habit of playing some of my cassettes when I’m home. She seems to be liking my taste recently. I made a recent shift to listening to classic rock when building Lego empires with Ned or doing homework. It replaces the need for me to talk everyone to death, including myself.
           “Hello, Peter. Lovely evening, isn’t it? What’s with the music?” Karen is quite charming when activated I must say.
           “Nothing, I just needed someone to talk to.”
           “Well…you got me. Would you like me to initiate night mode for you?” It’s gotten quite dark since I came back. My eyes usually dim to the size of a rice grain since the bite. It’s been harder to really keep focus too when I’m reading. “Sure! Thanks Karen! I don’t thank you enough really”, I replied. “So…Karen…what can you tell me about…emotions?” I had no idea where to start. Quite frankly, I am known for terrible first impressions. Most say I’m a world record holder in that.
           “Okay. According Webster’s dictionary, emotions are defined as an intuitive or instinctive mental state based on reason, recent events, or your surroundings.” She does this a lot, so I let her talk.
           “Alriiiiight. What can you tell me about falling in love?”
           “Is this about Liz? Go tell her, she would love to hear what you really feel about her.”
           “I –I can’t. You know I am the reason she’s moving to Oregon.” My eyes are beginning to water so much, it’s hard to really keep it from destroying the mask. Karen is known to start the vacuum inside to keep it dry. She’s like May 2.0 really. “I’m sorry Karen, I feel like I’m pushing everyone away with being Spider-Man. I know what I am and who I am, but I don’t know what I want. I know I want something outside of this Stark-universe. I want to be a normal teenager again.”
           “But you are, Peter.” She deactivated the vacuum so her AI voice resonates a bit clearer. “You’re showing your emotions right now and that is what makes you normal. It’s part of growing up.” My sobbing has mellowed out to that of a puppy huffing in it’s sleep.
           “You’re right. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Goodnight Karen.” I peeled off the mask before I could even hear a response.
           “Goodnight Peter.”
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
{Dorm Room}
Another morning rises, and so does everyone, including a particular individual who is about to have furry day.
{Alarm Ringing}
Your alarm rings without stop, You tried your best to go back to sleep, however... 
Harumo:   You.......
You furiosly stopped your annoying alarm in fury, however... 
Harumo:   What the- 
You noticed your hands are covered in black fur, caressing it, you feel its smoothness like a waxed plate, 
Harumo:  Okay, this is a weird morning. Wait, what if... 
Curious, you went to your mirror and saw 
Your voice echoes through out the halls of the dormitory, making any student hearing it, surprised and will find out what happened.
Shiro:  Whats the matter ! 
Shiro, as the class representative, has to be the first one to wake up to ensure his guildmates would come to school. hearing his guildmaster’s voice he quickly rushed to there dorm room. 
Shiro:  Harumo?!,...... Harumo?! Whats the matter?!, are you allright?! 
Harumo:   Uhm, yeah, kinda. 
Shiro:  Kinda?, Did something in there? 
Moritaka:   Shiro, i heard Harumo’s scream just now, what happened?! 
Before coming to school, Moritaka always trains behind the dormitory, to get some early exercise to keep himself fit and ready for battle, upon hearing there scream while training, He dropped everything to rush to there aid. 
Shiro:   I don’t know, But.. Harumo will you please open the door?! 
Kengo:  Hey, whats up ! 
Ryota:  Hah, hah..... Kengo...... Please..... ahhhh..
Shiro:   You two are up too early, why is that? 
Kengo:   I was taking Ryota jogging, and when we came back i see you two, infront of Harumo”s door. 
in light of the recent events, Ryota has been the slowest of the group, Kengo noticed it, so he invited or FORCED, Ryota to come jogging with him, to increase his physical attributes. 
Moritaka:  Im amazed, Ryota, You went jogging this early in the morning
Ryota:  Hah...hah...... IT...WAS...TIRING..
Shiro:  Kengo, knock down Harumo’s door. 
Kengo:  What?!, are you serious?! You’re actually making me destroy school property. 
Shiro:  Yes, i know, but this serious, Harumo won’t come out. 
Kengo:  Why? whats the matter? 
Moritaka:  Our dear friend Harumo let out a scream this morning , and we’re trying to make them come out, unfortunately Harumo is not opening the door.
Kengo:   Hey partner!, Open  the door! 
Harumo:   No!... 
Ryota:  Harumo.... are you okay? 
Harumo: ......AHHHHHHHHH! 
Shiro:  Kengo now! 
Kengo:  You owe me this one nerd! 
Kengo does a mega punch and knock down the obstacle preventing everyone from seeing the terrifying horrors they are to witness.. 
Harumo:  Why did you break down my door! ?
Moritaka:   A T-T-Tail?! 
Shiro:  Ears on top of their head 
Ryota:  And whiskers? 
Kengo:  Partner!, what the hell happened to you?! 
Harumo:  I don’t know !, i just woke up like these! 
Moritaka:  Y-you turned into a cat! 
Harumo:   Yeah, but, how may going to change back.?
Summoners: { They are so cute ! }
Harumo:  Hey, whats with those faces!? 
Ryota:  Nothing......
Moritaka:  But you’re fur is so soft and fluffy, 
Harumo:   Really?!, then shower me with compliements! 
Shiro:  Im glad you’re okay but, how are you going to change back? 
While question how to change your sudden appearance back to normal, An individual came running to your doorstep. 
Toji:  Harumo!, What seems to b- What the?! 
Harumo:  MEOW! 
Moritaka:  You meowed all of a sudden 
Harumo:  HI Toji! 
Toji:  Okay,,,, whats going on?! 
Shiro:  We clearly do not know either, They  just suddenly changed. 
Harumo:  Is there a way to change me back? 
Toji:  How about the Beast Tamers? 
Harumo:  Oh, you mean Leib’s guild? 
Shiro:  If memory serves ,i have met them before, They are a guild that specilizes in researching about transients. 
Toji:  Correct, they might be able to find a solution to change you back. 
Kengo:  Welp, looks like we need to head over to that guild, to change you back partner. 
Ryota:  Which means, we have to miss- 
Kengo:  C’mon Shiro! Can’t you see our guildmaster is turned into a cat. 
Ryota:  Yeah, What if, its permanent or we could even stop if we could just skip school....heheheh
Shiro: HAHAHA! Do you two honestly think, you two could get away from your presentation,, THAT IS TODAY!  for Mr Triton”s class.
Ryota: Eeeppp!, Uhmmm no....
Kengo: Must haved slipped my mind. 
Because of their negligence, Shiro decided to hit the two lazy ones with his book, 
Ryota and Kengo: OW! THAT HURT YOU KNOW! 
Shiro: Im glad you did, ,, 
Shiro: Now, im gonna be the one who’s going to take Harumo to the Beast Tamer’s guild to change them back, 
Kengo: Wait a second!, you’re gonna skip school, while we suffer and you get to spend the day with my partner! 
Shiro:  My objective is to change Harumo back, before someone from the another guild finds out. 
Harumo: Okay guys, lets calm down... 
Ryota:  Yeah! Thats not fair Shiro!, i wanna spend the day with Cat Harumo! 
Harumo ; Cat Harumo? 
Ryota: Since you’ve changed into a cat, i figured we should call you Cat Harumo for now. 
{School Bell Rings} 
Moritaka: Friends, The school bell has rung, we should hurry or we’ll be late. 
Kengo: We’re not leaving until... 
Harumo:  Okay, guys, i have an idea! 
Shiro: Oh, whats your idea then? 
Harumo: We all go to school. 
Everyone: ...EH......WHAT!? 
Harumo: If we’re not going to decide who’s going to skip school, then we just go to Mr Mononobe and tell him what happened. then 
Shiro: He might excuse us for the rest of the day.  It might work. 
Kengo and Ryota: ALL RIGHT!? 
Shiro:  Im gonna have a serious taik with you two after this ! 
Moritaka: Im not to kin with the idea of skipping school, ,,however if its going to help Harumo, then i will be honored to accompany you my friends. 
Toji; Im coming too, i promise im going to help Harumo, whenever they are in trouble. Good grief. 
Harumo:  Thank you you two, i love you two! 
Moritaka and Toji: {Blush} I-its no problem at all ! 
Shiro: All right then. Lets go to Mr Mononobe then. 
Your day has gone from Guild Battles yesterday to gone Cat day today, Your friends have set off to explain to your teacher/ parent like, Mr Mononobe to explain to him,the reason for your excuse and hopefully to give guys the day, to change you back to normal, 
Tadatomo:  W-what happened to you my lord?...
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Tumblr media
Title: I Lost You
Warnings: fxf thoughts, angst, pain, sadness, swearing
Word Count: 1789
Summary: The Reader is suffering through the loss of her close friend Peter- who began slipping away after getting a girlfriend.
A/n: This was not Beta’d, but I really wanted to write a fluffy piece but that changed as soon as I listened to this song and then I descended into the angst trash- i tried to pick it up at the end? *sigh*
You quietly watched Peter with her, laughing as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to his side. You swallowed thickly and looked down at your tray- your appetite no longer the most important  thing on your mind. You heard her voice from your spot in the cafeteria and your best friend- MJ- nudged you.
“Hey-  i’d cheer up, you’re getting his attention.” She said softly and you shrugged, standing and grabbing your tray before leaving. You dumped the food and tossed the tray on top of the trash can and leaving, tears falling silently down your cheeks as you held tight to the strap of your bag.
You were sitting in class- hair released from its bun to hide your face as you stared at your notepad- thoughts straying very far from algebra. Just ten minutes ago you had walked by Peter and his girlfriend- some girl you didn’t know still- kissing. Nothing heavy- just a simple, sweet loving kiss. Something you found yourself longing for from Peter- from the guy you’ve crushed on since third grade.
Ned- who was sitting next to you- tossed a note onto your desk, causing you to flinch from the sudden appearance of the paper. Slowly you unraveled it- shoulders slumping in relief and your eyes softening as you stared at the doodles on the page. There were some star wars characters who had word bubbles around them saying silly things- yoda’s saying ‘seagulls stop it now’- prompting a small giggle from you- and other little things.
There was a small note written at the body- what you’ve come to associate with Ned’s handwriting.
Look up, you still have those who love you right around you- all you have to do is look up.
It read, and you managed a soft smile- glancing over to Ned. He smiled back and you forced yourself to look away before you let your eyes travel to Peter, Ned made you feel better- no need to make yourself feel worse afterwards.
You carefully folded up the note and brought it up to your face, letting it simply rest against your nose as you watched the teacher- finding some small peace in your heart if only for a moment.
You were laying in your bed- the small pile of notes all folded neatly resting underneath your hand as you tried to take the joy from them that you had felt when you had first opened each one. Your heart sent a pang of longing and heartache through you and you sighed, rolling over and leaving the notes there as you grabbed your pillow, pulling it to your chest and hugging it, managing to fall asleep.
“Please, Peter.” You begged- holding tightly to his hands as you stared at him. Suddenly she was there- holding your hands and giving you a pleading look- a saddening look. She gently kissed your forehead, pulling away.
“Sorry- you’re gonna have to-”
“(Y/n)!” A familiar voice shouted and you jerked up- left arm flying up as you shot to a sitting up position- heart pounding in your chest violently as you stared at MJ, letting your thoughts catch up to what your eyes were seeing.
“Oh- MJ- you scared me!” You managed to get out, throwing your pillow down and letting your head land against it. MJ frowned down at you and you sighed, glancing at your clock. Well damn- no wonder she showed up- you missed the cafe date you two had planned.
“You missed it (Y/n).” She said and you rubbed your face, taking a deep breath in through your nose.
“I’m so so sorry MJ- i finally managed to fall asleep and I didn’t realize- ugh i’m so sorry.” You said, hands resting on your face as you laid on your bed. She softly sighed and picked up the folded notes- removing them from you bed and placing them on you desk. She slipped off her shoes and crawled over you to lay on the empty spot on the bed- and you wished that it was Peter laying there.
“Look out your window- at the stars.” She said softly and you did, blinds pulled all the way up. You both just laid there for a few moments and then you got up, unlatching your window and pushing it open- climbing out onto the fire escape. MJ followed after you and both of you climbed up barefooted- climbing the last few feet onto the roof and sitting there on the edge.
“Why do I let myself get like this?” You whispered- eyes moving from the sky to the city around you. Up here… you felt as if you ruled the world- as if everything was beneath you. No problems, just you and the sky.
“I don’t know kid, i don’t know… you know what i find helps?” She said and you looked over to her- feet swinging as you waited patiently. “I scream- from the rooftops. I’ll just scream what i’m feeling- and afterwards I feel a little bit better, knowing some random person was listening and intrigued, possibly. You should give it a try.” She said and you moved away from the edge, standing up and taking a deep breath- arms lifting up and spreading out to the side.
“I WISH PETER PARKER WAS WITH ME!” You screamed- and MJ stood up, standing in front of you before looking to the sky.
“I WANT TO RIGHT WHAT’S WRONG!” She screamed and you couldn’t help but laugh- spirits beginning to lift.
“IM A HOPELESS ROMANTIC TRYING TO GET MY THIRD GRADE CRUSH’S ATTENTION!” You screamed, both of you beginning to laugh.
“IM A SINGLE MOTHER WHO HAS TO WORK TOMORROW- SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!” A third voice screamed and you both covered your mouths, giggling as a window slammed shut. You and MJ climbed back down then went back to your room- slipping inside without a sound and crawling into you bed, both of you curling up tight under the blankets and giggling softly.
“We should do that again- maybe at your place tho.” You whispered, the moonlight being the only providing source of light.
The two of you whispered away into the night until eventually you fell asleep- MJ quietly leaving the house at two in the morning.
The next day at school you were sitting in math class, once again, when Ned passed another note. You looked from him to it- confused. Today you had been in a better mood than yesterday- even if you still felt down. You opened the note, surprised to only find the words ‘Meet me after class by the boys bathroom.’ You raised an eyebrow- looking over to him and nodding- though confused.
When class ended and you packed up your bag you left the class, wishing the teacher a good day before heading over to the bathroom that most students didn’t use. Ned stood there- looking nervous and you came up to him- raising an eyebrow.
“What’s up Ned? You’re awfully nervous.” You said and he managed a short smile.
“I’m not the one you’re meeting- good luck!” He said suddenly, sprinting away as fast as he could. Your brows furrowed and you turned around- nearly running into Peter. Last nights events came rushing back, and then every other time you’ve seen him with his girlfriend, and you swallowed thickly, taking a step back.
“You’re the one that’s been writing the notes.” You whispered, looking up at him. He nodded and you blinked away the wetness in your eyes- looking off to the side. You didn’t know whether to feel betrayed by Ned or elated at the thought that Peter cared enough to cheer you up.
“Please, Peter.” You whispered, eyes finding his. You couldn’t help the dew building in them and at the pained look in his eyes it only grew. “You’re happy- don’t screw this up for you.” You whispered, and went to walk away but he gently grabbed your bicep, a pleading look on his face.
“(Y/n)- please. Listen to me.” He said softly and you took a step back, standing before him once more, nodding for him to speak. “I’m sorry-” he started and you rolled your eyes to prevent yourself from letting the tears fall. “I mean it- I’m sorry. I-I heard you screaming last night, with MJ.” He said and your heart stuttered in your chest and your jaw clenched- feeling uncertain.
“I live close to you- not too far. But- okay i’ll just try and start from the start. I liked you- a lot. Like really liked you ya know? Have for a while, but when you started talking to MJ about being my friend and how you loved having just that-”
“You didn’t hear the whole thing Peter. I said being friends with you was probably the best I was gonna get- and that I was fine with that… I was lying to myself.” You stated softly- the tears still make you vision sort of fuzzy. He bit his bottom lip and you swallowed thickly. “Continue.” You whispered.
“I thought you didn’t like me- that you only wanted me as a friend- and when Ned, and MJ told me what was happening to you I grew worried- and in the cafeteria- do you even eat enough anymore?” He asked and you let out a sigh, adjusting your bag. “You can’t skip meals- you need the calories for soccer.” He said and for a moment everything felt like you two talking as good friends- as worried friends. You didn’t respond and he gently grabbed your shoulders, his hands so warm.
“Come on Peter- we’re late to class already, you might want to hurry it up.” You said, and he suddenly pulled you into a hug- one hand holding the back of your head as the other draped over a shoulder, his hand resting against the middle of your back. It took you a moment before you let your bag slip off your arm- books thunking against the ground before your arms were around his waist, face buried in his chest.
“I’m sorry I hurt you.” He whispered, and you sniffled as he held you- squeezing tightly as if you were worried this wasn’t happening- that this was all some sick dream your brain was thinking of.
“I lost you- y-you slipped away.” You whispered, managing to not choke on your tears. “I lost- my Peter.” You choked out before softly crying. Peter simply held you tighter- his nose pressed up against your hair as he gently swayed side to side.
“I’m here now- it’s okay. I’m here for you (Y/n)- I’m not leaving again.”
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