#he looks so pretty that 6th gif took me out
samcky · 2 years
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Sam Wilson in TFATWS - Power Broker
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atskiruma · 2 years
he makes you cry
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expl: he doesn't usually care about others' feelings, so how was he supposed to know what he did to you was mean?
a/n: appalled that this is my first time doing my favorite geo boy, appalled and ashamed; also exhausted this might not be my best work, requests sent will be fulfilled soon, i just need some rest! just got hired at a job that i went for an interview with today, so work will slowly be coming out later and later, sorry!
ask me anything
second-person writing no pronouns used, 2,818 words
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Xiao was not fond of caring about others' emotions, nor did it ever occur to him that he should care. He tried to keep his life as simple and as peaceful as possible because he deserved it after everything he went through before. Which was why he was so confused when someone would cry in front of him. Xiao never cried when times were hard, what made those salty tears escape human eyes so easily?
Most of the time, he never saw people cry, and if he did, he ignored it. That's how he was taught to deal with emotion, he'd ignore it.
It began when you were up in your room at the Inn, minding your business and trying to figure out how to make the woven bracelet that the Traveler had taught you. Frankly, it was pretty difficult, and when the Traveler was teaching you, you were so busy watching them that you never actually learned.
The hours were beginning to fly by and you could hardly make out the original pattern you were trying to replicate. Repeated failures over and over and piling yarn began to stack up on the bed next to you. It was when you had finally gotten it down to only mess up again because something distracted you was when you finally snapped.
Throwing the bracelet across the room where it rested under the table, streams of hot tears began to roll down your cheeks in frustration. You were doing everything right, why wasn't it working!
It happened to be the same time you were leaving your room when Xiao was strolling down the hallway. The two of you made eye contact and his eyes flew to where the tears were running toward the bottom of your neck. His eyes widened only a little bit and his mouth opened and closed like a fish only to not know what to say.
You also stood still and stared at him. Why? Maybe you were just waiting for him to comfort you or you were curious about what he had to say. But when it was clear that he'd keep gapping like a fish, you started to walk off again. Only for him to grab your wrist before you made it too far and pull you a bit toward him.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice, hardly making eye contact with you and finding his shoes on the floor more entertaining. It was shocking to see him show such concern in general, but you remembered why you were upset and started to ball again. Pushing yourself into his chest and crying warm tears into his shirt.
His hands fumbled on the sides of you for a while until he rested them softly on your hips. Awkwardly patting you in a form of reassurance he'd never shown anyone before.
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His face was pretty flat when you began to show signs of distress and sadness. Albedo was too focused on his experiment to even realize that something went wrong on your end. The sound of a beaker crashing to the floor sounded across the room, but he still kept looking forward, hardly hearing anything at all.
That sound kept up for a while, you were pretty sure you broke at least 5 beakers in the time it took for you to get them from the spare cabinet. It wasn't until the 6th beaker that you managed to catch did Albedo actually turn around to see what had happened.
His experiment seemed to be going fine, the color of the liquid sitting at the bottom of the beaker matching the picture right next to it perfectly. You sighed when you saw he had already beaten you to make the antidote.
"I don't know how you do it 'bedo. This one is probably the most difficult I've done." You said before wiping your forehead which was littered with sweat from how hard you'd been concentrating.
"Just try again, I'm sure you'll be able to complete it." He said, his encouraging words going little to no length and falling straight to the floor. It didn't help that the trashcan full of your previous broken beakers was so close. It was extremely discouraging to see how much damage you've caused just trying to learn how to brew the antidote.
Then Albedo took his leave, putting his things down when he realized the clock read 9 PM. Bidding you goodbye, he looked back one last time with his handle on the doorknob and spoke. "Humans sometimes do not carry the skill to complete such a difficult task, do not push yourself to do something you simply can't achieve."
And then the door shut. All you did was stare at where he previously had been, his words repeating in an endless loop shrinking infinitely into your mind.
"Huh?" Was all you said before a warm feeling rushed down your cheeks and landed on the toe of your shoes. Did he just call me stupid? You thought to yourself. The frustration you felt along with the fact that he just said that, caused a rush of salty tears to leave your eyes. Your eyelashes stuck together as tears mended them together.
You continued to stand there and cry, until the door opened again and the alchemist stuck his head back in the door, announcing he forgot something towards the floor. That was until he lifted his head up to see you standing there, crying. For once, he stood still and just stared at you unable to conjure any words for the scene he was witnessing.
The sniffles and the silent sounds of tears padding the floor were all that was making sound in the room. As Albedo continued to stare at you like the two of you were playing a game of freeze tag.
"I'm stupid aren't I 'bedo?" You said, which made him flinch when the sound of the nickname you gave him came out in a harsh and rude manner. "Too stupid to figure out the dumb potion because I'm just a mere human in your eyes."
"What're you talking about?" He said, with the quietest and most emotion-full voice you've ever heard him use. Albedo continued to step closer to you, almost as if he was never moving at all. When he finally did reach you, his hand brushed against your cheek and his eyes held so much concern it could fill up the sea.
"I don't think you're lesser than me, is this about what I said? I didn't mean it like that..."
You kept sniffling while looking at him, still stubborn for more than what he was giving you. His arms reached around you and held you close, something he often did when Klee would sob, which he learned from Jean.
The two of you stood like that for a while, until the blazing sun rested its eyes in the distance, and the sorrowful moon began to creep up the valley.
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"What is wrong with you??" Tighnari's harsh voice came out in a way you only heard once in a while. His irritated look glared at you from where you stood, all you had done was knock down a few books, but it looked like other things were really beginning to upset him.
You expected to greet the forest ranger and spend some time together, seeing as the both of you made those plans a while ago, but it seems that he was really busy with something that he was supposed to finish a while ago.
He whipped his head back to look at the beakers on the table, making a very loud and audible sigh at your appearance here. "I'm busy, so make another time for..." He waved his hands around dramatically and quick, "Whatever it was you were planning and leave me be."
You stood silent for a while, shocked that he was giving you such an attitude, but at the same time, you had no idea how to respond to what he said. So, you did just that and didn't respond, turning on your heels and leaving. Unfortunately, Tighnari didn't hear you leave and assumed you were still sitting there waiting for him like usual. So when he turned around and opened his mouth to address you and apologize, he stopped in his tracks to see you weren't there.
When you saw Tighnari again, it was actually just his voice you had heard and your eyes didn't flicker to see if it was actually him. Collei was holding some sort of dinner for the forest rangers in the area, to both thank them and congratulate her for beating Eleazar. But you finally did see him when it was too late, and you were bumping into the forest ranger with food in your hands.
A shocked gasp came out of your mouth till the echoed noise of a bowl rumbled onto the ground and crashed down, the food flying along with it. Your distressed state increased, and you immediately flew down to try and clean it up.
In fact, you were so busy trying to clean the bowl of food that had spilled over that you didn't even realize the forest ranger was standing behind you with his hands behind his back. Until the call of your name was repeated for the 3rd time, did you turn around to look at him, tears in your eyes from how frustrated you were?
Tighnari's eyes widened before he immediately dropped to his knees and put his hand on your shoulder for comfort. It shocked him to see you in such a vulnerable state, especially with how cheery you always seemed around him.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Tighnari said, before moving his eyes down to the food splattered all over the dirt. You didn't even realize how much helping out at the party would stress you out. As soon as Tighnari muttered the words are you alright, tears flooded out more and more as you tried to hide your face in your hands. Your shoulders and body shook with how much you were crying. Tighnari moved closer to you and shielded you with his body.
Not only did he treat you terribly before, but the first time he sees you in days, you were crying? His heart felt like it could break then and there. His hand came around your back to soothingly rub circles on it while you continued to sob. His ears even flattened a bit on his head in guilt.
When Collei had come around the corner to see the pasta salad splattered on the ground, and Tighnari hugging you with his tail between his legs. She smiled and sighed a bit, before walking away to leave you two be.
It felt like a long time while the two of you sat like that, his hand never stopping to rub your back. You finally pulled away to look at him and Tighnari rested his hand on your cheek in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry I treated you like that, I was irritated and you came in at a bad time. I never want to hurt you." His guilt-written face and ears practically flattened to his head making your heart beat in a painful rhythm.
"You can make it up to me by helping me clean this up?" You said as a sly grin grew a little bit on your face. He smiled back and rolled up his sleeves to begin cleaning.
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Scaramouche was a mean boy, everyone knew that he had no filter and he acted as if he didn't care about anyone when in reality it was the exact opposite.
"You're pathetic!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, looking at your shocked expression and stance from across the room. You had just failed to do the task that Nahida assigned you again, and it seemed like the newly-found anemo holder was growing more and more impatient watching you fail over and over.
"Excuse me?" You spat back, clearly irritated with his outburst and pushiness. Scaramouche scoffed again before trailing over to where you were, Nahida watching the interaction from her desk.
"You've been doing it all wrong, and that pathetic idiot brain can't seem to comprehend that." His fingers flew a swift flick to your head, pushing you back a centimeter. "If you keep failing, shouldn't you be trying something else instead of pushing the same solution over and over? Moron."
His insults over and over were hurting, sure, but you were used to it. When you felt good. Right now, this was the last thing you needed after failing again and again. At one point you even glanced over at Nahida after failing and saw her face look a bit reluctant about your skills. Which increased your anxiety tenfold.
"I never knew someone could be so stupid. I even worked with morons every day in the Fatui, but none match up to how idiotic you are." Scaramouche just kept blasting insult after insult at you. What was with him today? Was he really that peeved you didn't wait for him in the morning to walk over here?
Moving aside and putting your hands up defensively, you made way for the prince and his smart brain. He moved in front of you and began looking down at what you were doing. It looked like Nahida was still working with you on Fermat's Last Theorem, which was an extremely difficult math equation, back in the 17th century. Scaramouche made a noticeable eye roll before sitting down to begin writing out how to solve it.
What he didn't see was your reaction to the last flinching insult he threw your way. He didn't witness the tears swell up in your eyes and he also didn't see you walk away and leave the sanctuary. Only witnessing your presence gone when he looked up to turn another sarcastic comment towards you. Scaramouche's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before looking around him to see where you went. He turned towards Nahida when he couldn't find you and she looked up at him before looking back down at her papers.
"Tsk, whatever." He pushed his seat back and sat up to leave, wondering what he should have for dinner instead of concerning himself with where you went. It wasn't until later in the evening when he saw you again, sitting back at the desk, not uttering an obnoxious sigh or an irritating "What does this mean??"
He eased himself over to you with his hands in his pockets before leaning behind your shoulder to see what you were doing. You were working on the problem again, but his copy of it was nowhere to be seen, that is until he looked towards the trash and saw his handwriting on the paper barely crumpled and resting near the top of the bin.
"You threw away my paper?" He said with irritation lining every letter. You kept writing though and paid him no mind. The silent treatment seemed to be really riling him up because he continued to berate you over and over as you sat there taking it and continuing to work.
It was only an hour later that it really started to bother him with you being quiet. Maybe what he said earlier was too harsh, he didn't really feel that bad, but if it meant you weren't going to speak to him then he had to do something.
Leaning over you again, he placed his hand on your upper arm, grabbing your attention from the unusual act. His eyes met yours and held the stare for a couple seconds before he spoke,
"I'm sorry." That was all he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him, before squinting your eyes in confusion and responding.
"Sorry for what..?" The sarcasm dripped from every syllable and landed on his fragile ego.
His eyes widened and he took his hand from your arm, frowning and shouting back,
"I don't repeat myself! Accept the apology I gave you."
"You're such a child, does saying sorry really hurt that bad?"
"You heard me!"
Your eyes rolled and you turned back to your paper as if you were going back to ignoring him, his eyes softened again and he grabbed your arm once more.
"I'm sorry I said those mean words to you. I didn't mean it, I don't like it when you leave without me and I don't like it when you're upset."
When he grabbed your arm, you didn't turn to face him again, but after hearing the words he spoke, you turned again with a smile on your face and leaned closer to his.
The blush was evidently growing the more you leaned in, and you could see his adam's apple bob with nervousness.
"I accept your apology Kunikuzushi."
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punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyega’s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes they’re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they don’t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time I’m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since they’re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf it’s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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maxiscoolongg · 10 months
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☆ Lets bfr yall probably became friends because you were tutoring him on math because he is failing in school😭😭
★ like the teacher would pull you and Patrick aside after class and be like "Y/n you are going to be tutoring Patrick" you were stuned tbh
☆ Patrick however was really happy or something. When you guys were tutoring he kept asking questions about you.
★ You guys got surprisingly close.
☆ He gives you so much nicknames😭 (Ex: doll, dollface, pretty, darling, peaches)
★ he is really affectionate like REALLY affectionate.
You were at your locker getting your books for next period until you felt to hands go into your hoops of your shorts you giggled a little as you said "Hello pat" you said sweetly. That same sweet voic that made him fall in love with you "Hey dollface, I was thinking we watch a movie at your house?" He asked as his hands traveled to your waist as his head went onto your shoulder as you looked at him "Mm.. Maybe, I have dance after school" you said as you turned around
"Awh, come one can't you just skip one class, prettyface" He said flirty "I guess I can, but if my mom yells at me I will blame you" You said smiling a tiny bit as he smirked.
☆ He was the one who confessed to you for sure.
★ he LOVES watching horror movies.
☆ He for sure loves scream (Pretened it was released then)
★ Loves the way you get closer to him everytime a murder scene pops up
☆ If you don't flinch he love if you rant about it.
You guys were watching a movie and a murder scene popped up, he looked at you a little as you got closer in fear he watched as your brows came together as the character made a stupid decision "Oh my God!- she is so stupid! Why wouldn't she run the other way!" You yelled as he chuckled a little. He ADORED the way you ranted about movies he loves it so much.
★ Loves your lips, thighs, waist, ass,
☆ Definitely whispers stuff in your ear during school like ge would wishper stuff to make you laugh or to make you flustered
★ Your scared of the Bowers gang. Without a doubt, they are nice to you (Vic is the nicest) but still. You are friends with the losers and the keep telling you about them but you say "They're nice to me though!"
☆ Patrick definitely stalks you and takes pictures without permission. He loves the pictures of you drawing in class,
♡ you thought the relationship was all lovey dovey? No way.
♥︎ this man is so fucking overprotective, to the point its not even funny anymore
♡ if your asking me bro probably started stalking you in the 6th grade💀🙏🏻
♥︎ anyway, he probably planned the whole tutoring thing cause believe it or not he is actually probably really smart.
♡ teachers are SCARED of patrick, bro can practically get anything he wants so be careful my guy.
♥︎ If your hanging out with one of friends? Nope. Not any more! Patrick can keep you company,
♡ loves and I mean LOVES when he takes photos of you when you don't know, like bro will definitely pull a Johnathan byers and take photos of you changing. Not even kidding.
"I'm going to bed night ma!" You said to your mom as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked in your room closing the door behind you as you walked to your closet and took off your top to grab a pajama shirt
"God.." Patrick whispered from outside of your window, he was far but not the far, he was far enough you couldn't see him. He took a quick photo and almost chocked on his breath when he saw you bare naked. "Fucking gorgeous, darling" he whispered to himself but then again towards you
♥︎ bro is a sneaky mother fucker, steals everything.
♡ think a bracelet of yours looks nice? His now. No he doesn't do it because he wants it, he did it because he thinks you looked good wearing it and now he wants it so he can have a piece of you on him.
(EDITED March, 31st 2023.)
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
but what if you're the one for me?
when were you going to tell me you were seeing someone? i thought i was the first person you told about that stuff.
- Cassie Howard
but what if you're the one for me?
when were you going to tell me you were seeing someone? i thought i was the first person you told about that stuff.
Pronouns: He/Him/His
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Gathering the multiple party-sized bags into your arms, you peered over the top of them as you followed Lexi out of the kitchen and into the living room where the girls had gathered around. From the flush on Cassie's cheek and the way Maddy and Kat giggled, Suze must've told a helluva story. Lexi carefully balanced the small cups of dippings with one arm and began setting them down on the coffee table alongside the scattered candy wrappers and beer cans.
"Finally," Maddy groaned, wiping her lips free of beer and reaching for one of the tortilla chip bags you held. She ripped it open and dug inside, pulling two chips free and eagerly dipping them into the guacamole. She did a blissful shimmy when she munched on the chips and happily went in for more chips. 
"So, (Y/N)," Kat began with a wicked grin, her eyes watching you set the rest of the bags down on the table. You glanced at her questionably and settled down nicely beside Cassie, already feeling ganged up on from the way Maddy and BB turned to Kat expectantly. She took her time, sipping on her beer and taking a bite out of a chip before continuing. "I heard that you and Tammy Lewis were getting a little cozy at the movies last Sunday."
"What?!" Maddy nearly shrieked with a mouthful of chips, her head whipping around to look at you with wide eyes. "You dick! Why didn't you tell us?"
The guys at school who constantly badgered you with questions as to how you could've possibly managed to land a spot in a friend group consisting of the prettiest popular cheerleaders in school had no clue the type of torture you'd been under since 6th grade.
It'd all started one fateful afternoon during lunchtime when the snotty boy in front of you had made fun of Kat and tried to flee before Maddy could lay into him. It'd been instinctive how you stuck your leg out and sent him toppling to the floor. The humiliation of not only falling in front of half the school combined with getting a bloody nose had made the boy cry and you'd been given a couple days of suspension. When you returned afterward, you'd been formally invited to sit with the girls at lunch by none other than Madeleine Perez. 
From then on, the girls kept you around and you were quickly dubbed the luckiest guy in school, even if you viewed all the girls as sisters and they treated you like a baby brother they liked dressing up and cooing over. But along with the territory of brother, came the gossip, drama, and the fact every single person you vaguely showed interest in had to be approved by the council.
"It's not serious, Mads, I swear. It's just.... dating. We're not together." 
"Not yet." BB cooed, exhaling a breath of smoke and snickering when you groaned.
"Tammy Lewis," Maddy murmured and leaned back into the cushion of the couch with squinted eyes. "She's pretty, I guess."
"She's failing English," Kat added, "Like kindergarten reading comprehension type of failing."
"I think she's sweet." Lexi piped in, cradling a cola can in her hands and shrugging her shoulders. 
"It's not serious," You groaned again. "I would've told you guys if it were, I swear! It was just one date and nothing happened." 
Maddy squinted again. "Nothing? Not even a little kiss?"
"Maybe... maybe like one kiss-"
"And you didn't tell us?!" Maddy shrieked again and grabbed a pillow, tossing it over the coffee table and hitting you square in the chest. Unnaturally quiet Cassie laughed, albeit forced and slightly awkward, and retrieved the pillow before it could go tumbling to the floor. You glanced at the blonde, finally noting her lack of input but decided to leave it for later rather than put her on the spot. 
The rest of the night had been the same as others, with a couple movies put on the TV until the girls ultimately passed out either on the floor or the couch. Suze ensured everyone had blankets and pillows as she called up the parents to alert them their kids would be staying over before she retreated upstairs to her bedroom with one last glass of wine in hand.
You'd been curled up on the end of the couch on the brink of dozing off until the feeling of someone slipping by startled you awake and you caught Cassie slipping into the kitchen. You yawned and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, tugging the blanket over your shoulders and shuffling after her into the kitchen. 
"Oh, hey," She greeted quietly, taking a water bottle out of the fridge and drinking from it. 
"You okay?" You questioned and leaned against one of the counters, trying to fight the exhaustion from clouding your brain. Cassie brushed some loose strands of hair back and took another sip of water, the look on her face conflicted. Cassie confided in you all the time, whether about guys or her mother, so her hesitation seemed odd. 
"When were you going to tell me you were seeing someone?" She asked quietly, running her finger over the rim of the bottle. "I thought I was the first person you told about that stuff."
"You've got a lot on your plate already, Cass. I thought it'd be better to let you recover from... everything." Your eyes flickered down to her belly. She'd hardly been able to tell the girls about it when she found out, seeing as Maddy and Kat had gotten into it and angered each other that day. McKay had known, of course he had, but he hadn't been the one she called when the procedure had been over and done with. 
"I... I'm fine, (Y/N). I'm past it. I'm past McKay. He didn't make me feel... special or loved or.. beautiful. I know that's how love is supposed to make you feel. It- It shouldn't make you feel like shit." Cassie said, setting the bottle aside and turning to face you. Her eyes softened and then began to glisten with tears. You frowned and moved the blanket from your shoulders, taking a step closer and wrapping it around her instead. "He wasn't the one for me... but what if you're the one for me?"
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thedoctorisgroovy · 3 months
Chapter 2, chapter 1 can be found here!
» Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
» Word count: 1558
» Warnings: invasion of privacy, kidnapping, typical CM violence level, slight non canon timeline as Hotch is in charge, some fluff, mosly angst
» A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 100 notes is such a big deal for me omg. Still pretty heavy backstory, Still using y/n, s5 spencer in my head, All statistics are made up! (mostly) I actually researched kidnapping for this lmao.
Taglist: @esposadomd, @gghostwriter @inlovewithelliewilliams @the-quackson-brothers @lonelymuffin @lobstertalk
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After a year of working with the BAU, you thought you would be used to hearing “We have a new case” by now. Yet every time you sighed deeply, anxious what potential horrors you were to bear witness too. Peeling yourself away from your desk and to the briefing room, everyone was sat around the table, with an empty seat next to Spencer. You took your seat, and JJ - the teams’ liaison averted your gaze as she pressed the clicker to change the slide on the screen while explaining the details of the teams newest case.
“Local PD have asked us to come and help them, this is the 6th disappearance in 2 weeks with no explanation for where they’ve gone or why…” JJ’s voice fades into the background as you read the Powerpoint slide.
It takes a second to process the words on the screen but once it does, you blood runs cold. “Your Town Name” is right there, next to missing posters of kids. Your breath hitches in your throat, a half gasp/half choke and everyone turns to look at you. Spencer leans back in his chair and places a hand gently on your knee. Looking at you with worried eyes he asks if you’re okay under his breath.
“But that’s where I grew up!” You blurt out without thinking, frantically standing and pointing at the screen. Spencer’s hand drops from your leg as you stand and he reaches for your hand that’s down by your side instead. You bat it away and instantly feel horrendous, grabbing for it in the empty air to ground yourself.
“We know.” JJ and Garcia said in unison solemnly, looking down at the floor almost ashamed. Of course they knew. JJ would’ve asked Garcia to research the town once local PD got in contact and due to the extensive background check that the FBI make you go through, the town’s name would’ve flagged up as being attached to your file. Knowing Garcia, she would’ve snooped and discovered that you grew up there and where you went to high school. You loved her and knew that it was literally her job to investigate but you couldn’t help the annoyance bubbling in your chest. Even though there was nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s not like you had some big secret you were hiding in your personal files, but being here meant you’d left that town behind. You’d got out and done something important with your life, but here it was, dragging you back and down with it. Looking at their faces, you could tell they felt guilty for their curiosity and squeezed Spencers hand to calm down.
“We understand that this might be a conflict of interest for you Y/N, and I understand if you need to sit this one out,” Hotch said evenly and seriously, “however, we think that you and Reid are our best options for catching this unsub and bringing these kids back home.” You sat back down, loosening your grip on your boyfriends hand ever so slightly, awaiting your instructions. You looked over at Spencer but his eyes were glued to Hotch, even more curious as to where this was going.
“Wait how do we know that there’s an unsub?” Agent Morgan questioned, “Sure 6 kids going missing is weird but it doesn’t mean someone’s taking them. Maybe they got fed up of living in a small town like Y/L/N and dipped. It seems like they’re all seniors after all.” Morgan threw a joking but soft smile your way. It wasn’t often that he didn’t tease you but he could tell that now wasn’t the time.
“We don’t, but it seems highly unlikely that in 2 weeks, all these kids just decided to up and leave at the same time. Local PD told us that they go missing precisely during school hours. They turn up for home-room and first period but by the end of the day they’re nowhere to be seen and don’t come home after school. ” JJ stated, clicking to the next slide on her presentation.
“Wait two weeks? If this is a kidnapping why are we only just being told? Everyone knows that the first 72 hours are the most important in finding a missing person. At 2 weeks, there’s only 12% chance we’ll find them alive. Did you know that 81% of kidnappings victim are aged 12 and over...” Spencer butted in, demonstrating his statistical knowledge he’s had to memorise a little too well after being in this job for so long.
“I know.” JJ replied a little defeatedly cutting him off. “Local PD just thought they were runaways like Morgan said until student number 4.”
“So someone’s taking them out without anyone noticing, hiding them somewhere and returning all within what, an hour? And then returning to whatever they were doing before? If our unsub is a teacher, he’d have unfettered access to the kids without anyone batting an eye. And if he’s a student, it would look like they’re leaving school grounds for free period or something.” Agent Prentiss mused.
“Since they’re going missing while at school, we wanted to try something that we don’t normally do. Agent Y/L/N and Dr Reid, you’ll be going undercover posing as a teacher and a student.” Hotch asserted looking at you both across the table. The room froze. Undercover? “We’re profilers, psychology nerds with permission to carry” you thought and could tell the rest of the team were thinking similarly. In a room full of behaviour analysts, it wasn’t difficult.
“Reid, you’ll be substituting as a Maths teacher. We want you to talk to all the faculty and get to know them. Befriend everyone as best as you can, see if they’ve noticed any of the other teachers doing anything out of the ordinary. Teachers gossip, and if our unsub is one, you’re bound to find out in the teachers’ lounge. ” Hotch continued, mildly ignoring the confused glances being shot around the room. Spencer nodded slowly and then started to write furiously in his notebook.
“Y/L/N, you’ll be posing as a student - a fellow senior. Since you’re the youngest and look the youngest, you should be able to fit in convincingly enough.” You cringed internally, knowing at your big age you could still pass for a teenager.
“Talk to the students, befriend them, ask them what the students were like before they went missing. Any displays of odd behaviours, anything that can help us connect their victimology. Currently, there’s no obvious connection between the missing students. We’ll finish debriefing on the jet. ”Hotch finished the meeting with a dismissive clap of his hands.
You thought you heard a vague “wheels up in 30” but you couldn’t be sure. Even though you’d all been dismissed, nobody moved. They were too busy studying your body language. You felt dizzy, overwhelmed, confused. You weren’t even sure why you were reacting so dramatically. No one you knew or were even close to was hurt or in danger, so there was no personal connection or worry. High school wasn’t even that bad for you! Feeling eager and curious faces on you, you decided to stay silent for a couple seconds longer, you didn’t want to speak without being coherent or having figured out what was going on inside your head. Then the lightbulb hit. You felt like a failure. All the time and effort spent studying and working felt pointless. There was a common thought process around your old hometown that no one leaves or amounts to anything. You live, work and die there, but at 18 you’d decided that wasn’t your fate. Going back for a case wasn’t actually returning though you realised and once you’d caught the unsub, you’d be leaving again, back to your real life with your best friends and wonderful boyfriend who hadn’t let go of your hand during this entire internal dilemma.
“Yep I’m fine. Wheels up yeah?” You stated suddenly but genuinely, and everyone breathed a subtle sigh of relief. Now that the energy was back to normal, Morgan took the opportunity to tease you as you all left the briefing room to head back to your desks to pack up. Pointing out your baby face and height and the fact you’d have to go back to class - not forgetting to include Dr Reid, asking if he’s gonna wear a tweed jacket with elbow patches. Spencer followed you closely behind, not even bothering to go to his desk, just hovering around you while you packed and joked with the rest of the team. You could tell he wanted to pull you to one side and have a proper discussion about how you’re feeling. Every time you caught his eyes, they were full of concern and sadness, but you decided to wait until the plane journey. You secretly loved how much you worried about each other and subconsciously wanted to just stand there and hold him for 5 minutes. Breathe him in as he hugged you and stroked your hair. You caught his eye once more and nodded to his bag, a sign to not worry and gather his things. The first 72 hours were the most crucial like he said however, and since it had been two weeks, all you cared about now was getting to work.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do a kind of platonic Sanji x afab reader where the reader is apart of the straw hat crew and they just got to the Baratie and Sanji keeps trying to flirt with the reader but then he finds out she has a girlfriend and is absolutely flabbergasted/shocked, I think it would be kinda funny
Friend like me!
Platonic Fem Reader x Sanji
I tried 🤣 I laughed while writing this and did have a friend of mine help me!
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When the crew had picked you up from Koju Island they had seen a fierce female pirate with amazing skills with a blade and art making you the resident Barber/Artist on the Going Merry.
While the crew had definitely warmed up to you, one thing that became undoubtedly clear was- you were a bit of a Pervert.
When you and the crew arrived at the Baratie you had already tried to scope the scene and see what hotties were there, sure you would never cheat but you did enjoy admiring a artistic form.
It wasn't till the waiter came, first spilling some hateful words about the 'Shitty' restaurant in clear distaste which made you snort a laugh- His eyes catching yours.
You saw how his eyes lingered on your form, his eyes traveling across your bust and face for a brief moment and doing the same with Nami- Oh this would be good.
"What can I get for you two lovely ladies tonight?, We have a Poulet Breton, Coq au Vin and Roast Beef as specials tonight which would pair well with the house Merlot or we do have a fine Rosé that may suit you two better" He said with upmost kindness and politeness, intent pouring from his lips.
Nami sighed, clearly ready for some snide comment as per usual but you decided to have some fun.
"And what do you recommend? Personally" You say, seeing the waiters cheeks grow red at he gave you a crookened smile.
"(Y/N) stop teasing the damn Waiter-" Zoro finally cut in, Knowing you were just building him up to rip him to the bottom anyway.
"I'm a chef, not a waiter" Sanji said sharply "And if the pretty lady likes me then that's all that matters Green top-" Zoro glared at him and finally you laughed.
"I'm gonna have to stop you there, I already have a beautiful partner that I don't plan on letting go of" You say honestly, seeing him deflate a bit at hearing this.
"Ah I do apologize I didn't realize you had a bo-" You cut him off again.
"Girlfriend-" You say with a smirk, watching the blondes eyes widen in surprise.
"Really?" He said his eyes drifting to the red head which you shook head at mouthing 'Hotter' in response and he raised his brows impressed.
"Yes its called being a lesbian-" You say plainly, Zoro sighing at this and rubbing his temple as the rest of the crew stared at you and the waiter.
It was then that you two stared at each other.. like a 6th sense took over that felt the fellow presence of a fellow Pervert.
"So you're telling me you appreciate the female form" He said with a serious look on his face, you meeting his gaze with equal amount of seriousness.
"I fucking love it-" You say, before a smile stretches out over both of your guys lips like some wicked imps. You and him going into stories of beautiful women, you quite heavily over explaining your own girlfriend which Sanji agreed sounded like she was hot- Before delving into the models he had seen here at Baratie. Like you two where comparing notes for a very important study.
The Strawhats watching this with a dumbfounded look on their face and Zoro with absolute disgust.
"Did we just watch a unlikely friendship bloom between two perverts?-" Nami asked as she watched you and Sanji rave about beautiful women, Usopp nodding softly in conformation.
The crew sighed heavily at this- At least their wasn't a fight to clean up..
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Captain America: Civil War - 4
Summary: You make it to the airport but it looks like you're gonna have to fight your way out. Thankfully, Steve called some backup.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, slight Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of violence. Descriptions of injuries. Language. Mentions of Y/N and Y/N/N (=your nickname). My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: It took me a fucking long time to write this, I hope I did the airport scene justice. Here's to hoping the next chapters don't take me as long to write! I did my best, enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You get to the 6th level of the parking garage at the Leipzig/Halle airport and Steve parks next to a van and you all get out.
Steve gets closer to the van, followed by Sam while you stay behind with Bucky, both of you leaning on the car as you stand on the passenger’s side to be able to see over the car because you’re just that short.
You hear a little snicker from Bucky and look at him with your eyes narrowed as he seems amused by the sight but doesn’t say anything. Your attention goes back to the van as Clint loudly opens the side door.
“What timezone is this?” Scott asks, clearly disoriented as he gets out.
“Come on.” Clint encourages him and pushes him slightly towards Steve. “Come on.”
Scott walks to Steve and shakes his hand with an amazed look. “Captain America.”
“Mr. Lang.” Steve politely says as he shakes his hand.
“It’s an honor.” He says in awe. “I’m shaking your hand too long.” You try your best not to laugh as Scott fangirls over Steve.
“Wow! This is awesome!” He turns and sees Wanda and, in the same cheery voice, says “I know you, too. You’re great!”
Then he turns back to Steve and feels his shoulders saying “Jeez.” and you can’t help but giggle, seeing the scene and everybody’s reactions that go from amused to confused while Scott continues talking.
“Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so… thinks for thanking of me” He says and you giggle more while looking at Bucky to make sure you heard right and his face is as confused as you feel. You turn back to Scott as he says, “Hey, man!”
Sam tries to play it cool by saying “What’s up, Tic Tac?”
“Uh, good to see you.” Scott says, seeming a little confused at the nickname but deciding to blow past it. “Look, what happened last time when I-”
“It was a great audition, but it’ll…” Sam interrupts him, shaking his hand with a chuckle. “It’ll never happen again.”
“It was hilarious!” You comment somewhat loudly and everyone turns to you, Sam glaring while Scott giggles quietly as you wink at him and wave at Wanda and Clint.
“They tell you what we’re up against?” Steve brings everyone’s attention back on the matter at hand before you and Sam start bickering.
“Something about some… psycho-assassins?” Scott says innocently and you keep in your laugh, hoping Bucky is not offended by Scott’s description of the Winter Soldiers.
“We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man.” Steve warns him.
“Yeah, well, what else is new?” Scott says casually and you grin. Dude is pretty cool.
“We should get moving.” Bucky says.
“We got a chopper lined up.” Clint says to the group, just as the PA starts announcing something in German, which you fortunately understand.
“Dies ist eine Notsituation." You frown. Emergency? “Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren.”
You’re about to translate when Bucky beats you to it. “They're evacuating the airport.”
“Stark.” Sam says and you roll your eyes. Yeah, that makes sense, that dramatic diva.
“Stark?” Scott echoes, sounding surprised and not in a good way.
“Suit up.” Steve says in his Captain voice and you know better than to disobey.
Steve is in his uniform now as he strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for the chopper when an electro-disabler slams onto the chopper and Steve looks up.
Tony and Rhodey, both in their Iron Man and War Machine suits, descend and land in front of Steve.
You’re in the terminal with Bucky and Sam as the latter scans the airport to find their Quinjet. You can’t really hear what the others are saying, but you can hear Steve through the earpiece.
“Hear me out, Tony.” Steve tries to reason. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.”
You see T’Challa leap over a truck and after a moment Steve says “Your highness.”
You can see Tony talking, you assume trying to get Steve to surrender, before you hear Steve again. “You're after the wrong guy.”
Tony says something else you assume to be about Bucky because of what Steve answers back. ”And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.”
You can see Natasha talk next and then Tony makes a face and you know he’s done, then you can hear him yelling “Underoos!” through Steve’s earpiece. 
Suddenly you see a guy in a red onesie swing in and shoot what looks like webs at Steve, stealing his shield and binding his hands before landing on top of a truck a little wobbly. 
You furrow your eyebrows and look at Sam to your right but he’s busy with Redwing so you look at Bucky next to him and he looks just as confused as you do. He meets your eyes and raises an eyebrow in question but you simply shrug and look back at the scene when you hear Steve say. “You've been busy.”
Tony tries his hardest to reason with Steve while, as planned, the Captain patiently listens to him while Sam looks for their Quinjet. “You did that when you signed.” He answers calmly at whatever Tony said.
You can see Tony pleading with Steve, and you almost feel bad but are snapped out of it when Sam finally talks. “We found it. Their Quinjet’s in hangar five, north runway.”
You see Steve raise his arms and one of Clint’s arrows flies through the air and breaks the webs on Steve’s hands, freeing him. “Alright, Lang.” Steve says and Scott enlarges, taking the shield from the guy with the red pajamas with a flip and giving it back to Steve.
“I believe this is yours, Captain America.” Scott says and you chuckle. Dude has a serious man crush.
The two men next to you look confused at what is so amusing, and you merely roll your eyes and say “come on.” as the three of you start running.
As you’re going through the terminal, you see the Spider-man dude stick to the glass outside and all three of your attention goes to him.
“What the hell is that?” Bucky asks as you run.
“Everyone’s got a gimmick now.” Sam sounds really annoyed and obviously you have to tease him.
“That’s a person, not a metal bird, Wilson!” You say.
“Don’t bring Redwing into this!” He yells back, glaring at you as he runs.
“You brought Redwing into this!” You snark back and, before Sam can say anything, Spiderman breaks through the glass towards the three of you, Sam tries to protect you and that causes you both to go crashing into the wall. 
You can see Bucky throwing a punch but Spiderman catches his fist easily, shocking all three of us while shouting “You have a metal arm?! That is awesome, dude!”
Sam goes flying into Spiderman and takes him away, while you approach Bucky.
“Did that sound like a kid to you?” you ask him, still looking after Sam and Spiderman.
“Doesn’t matter. Let’s go.” He says starting to go after the other two.
“Matters a little…” You mumble while following Bucky.
You can hear Wanda and Clint talking through the comms, to Tony you assume when Wanda says “You locked me in my room.” and then you hear Clint say “made you look.” just as you see through the window all the cars flying down thanks to Wanda’s magic.
Spiderman wings through the rafters in the terminal, chasing Sam who flies backwards firing shots. Spiderman stops on a high beam and just then Bucky throws a giant piece of metal at him.
You can hear Spiderman yell back “Hey buddy, I think you lost this!” before throwing back the piece of metal, causing Bucky to cover you with his metal arm while it flies back, thankfully missing you both.
Sam takes the opportunity to kick Spiderman and try to bring him down, but Spiderman swings again and webs Sam’s wings, which sends him crashing to the floor. As he gets up, Spiderman webs his hands to the railing behind him and then sticks to a column and starts nerding out about Sam’s wings as you run to help Sam, Bucky right behind you.
You’re too focused on Sam to notice Spiderman swinging towards him at the same time that you get to him, luckily Bucky wraps his arms around you as all three of you crush into the railing and down to the floor on the level below. 
As you all land Spiderman quickly webs Sam’s arms together, Bucky’s metal arm to the floor and then your arms, sticking you to Bucky since he was still holding you with one arm as you basically landed on him.
While Spiderman talks over you, you can faintly hear Sam messing around with his gear and you hope he’s doing something useful. Just as Spiderman is about to shoot webs again, Redwing attaches to his wrist and drags him off.
After a beat of silence Bucky says “You couldn’t have done that earlier?” to which Sam answers “I hate you.” and you roll your eyes and say “God, you two are children.”
You do your best to grab your pocket knife and, after a moment of struggling, you succeed then cut the webs off of you and Bucky with a little difficulty. You get up and cut the webs off of Bucky’s metal arm before going to Sam and helping him out of the webs too.
Your heads all snap to the window when you hear the sound of an explosion and can see it just as you hear Scott through the comms saying “Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh… sorry.”
You frown and turn to Sam and Bucky. “That can’t be good. Let’s go.” The three of you run out of the terminal as fast as you can and when you get outside you meet up with Steve, Scott, Clint and Wanda, all of you running towards the Quinjet.
“Come on!” Steve yells, but your run is interrupted when suddenly a yellow laser makes a line in front of you and you’re all stopped in your tracks. A fucking laser. You look up and see Vision hovering over you.
“Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right.” He starts while the rest of Tony’s team gathers around him. Tony flies in while holding Natasha, Rhoday flies T’Challa and Spiderman swings down with one of Dora Milaje, T’Challa’s personal guards, that you saw at the FBI bunker and you think her name is Ayo. “But for the collective good you must surrender now.” Vision finishes talking and there is a moment of silence where you all just look at the opponent directly in front of you, which in your case is Ayo.
“What do we do, Cap?” Sam asks.
“We fight.” Is all Steve says and you hesitate for a second looking at him and then at Ayo.
“Anybody wants to switch?” You ask while looking at your teammates, some look amused but Steve kind of glares at you. “No? Alrighty, then.” You look back ahead as you all start walking, then jogging faster and faster until you’re full on running towards the opposite team.
Tony, Rhodey, Sam, Wanda and Vision take flight and then the first sound that can be heard is Tony’s fist meeting Steve’s shield. 
Clint shoots an arrow at Vision that dodges it, Sam bumps into Rhodey mid-air, Scott shrinks and jumps on Natasha, Wanda shoots her magic at Peter while he shoots webs at her and T’Challa straight up jumps onto Bucky. 
You lose track of what everyone else is doing once you come face to face with Ayo, who loses no time hitting you with her spear but you luckily dodge it, throwing a punch of your own that she easily avoids. The only thing you can tell is that Nat and Clint are near you fighting, and so are Bucky and T’Challa.
You take out your extendable baton, glad that Clint suggested it, and try to hit Ayo repeatedly, but you miss everytime. You’re getting frustrated when you finally land a hit to her cheek and grin, but you quickly regret it when she kicks you hard on the ribs, sending you flying back.
Ayo jumps on you and raises her spear right over your face, but before she can hit you Wanda sends her flying back far away from you.
You don’t have time to thank her when she’s throwing Natasha off of Clint and into a metal container. 
“Geez, Wanda, go easy on them.” You tell her and she gives you a pointed look, before looking at Clint and saying “You were pulling your punches” before walking away.
You and Clint exchange a look but you get distracted by T’Challa throwing Bucky into a container near you. You get into action right away and just as T’Challa is about to claw at Bucky, you push the supersoldier out of the way and you both go stumbling to the side while Wanda throws T’Challa into a big metal container far away from you. 
You and Bucky roll a little and, when you stop, you end on top of him. He looks up at you and whispers “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Soldier.” You wink at him and get up, helping him up too. Wanda joins you with an amused look on her face.
“Still think we should go easy on them?” She asks smugly, and you merely roll your eyes.
You’re thankfully distracted by Spiderman knocking Steve off his feet but when you go to help him, you’re intercepted by Natasha.
As you start doing hand-to-hand combat with her, you can hear Scott calling Clint “Arrow Guy” and you almost chuckle, but don’t let it distract you because you know Natasha could seriously hurt you, although it seems like she’s going as easy on you as you are on her.
“Nothing’s changed between us, right Tasha?” You ask, concerned about your friendship as you keep fighting, though it almost feels like any other sparring match you’ve ever had.
She laughs and nods. “Nothing, Y/N/N”.
You grin at the nickname and say “Good” before kicking her a little harder than you’ve ever had and sending her flying back, then you run to Steve and get to him as he points at himself and says. “Brooklyn.”
You frown at him and then look at Spiderman with one of those giant metal walkways people use to get to the planes and your eyes widen.
“That seems a little excessive.” You say, looking back at Steve.
“He’ll be fine.” Steve says shortly and starts jogging away, signaling to you to follow him, which you reluctantly do.
You and Steve are running when you hear Scott say “Uh-oh” through the comms and you frown. “Are you okay, Scott?”
You can hear him panting freaking out, saying “Oh boy. Whoa!”
You and Steve are joined by Bucky as you’re hiding behind some containers and you’re about to ask Scott if he’s okay again when Bucky talks and you turn to him. “We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.” You can't help but think how fucking blue his eyes are.
“We gotta draw out the flyers.” Steve says, snapping you out of it and you make up your mind.
“I'll take Vision.” You tell him “You two get to the jet.” 
You know Steve’s about to argue when Sam cuts in “No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” He says through the comms. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.” Clint chimes in. 
You and Steve look at each other and it’s like Sam can sense your hesitation as he says “This isn't the real fight, guys.”
“Alright, Sam, what's the play?” Steve says, his eyes darting between you and Bucky.
“We need a diversion, something big.” he says and you try to think about what you could do.
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long.” Scott offers “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half… don't come back for me.”
You frown and look at Steve and Bucky who seem just as confused as you do. “He's gonna tear himself in half?” Bucky asks.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks into his comm.
“I do it all the time. I mean once… in a lab. Then I passed out.” He tries and fails to reassure you.
“That doesn’t make me feel better, like at all.” You say looking from Bucky to Steve, who seem to agree.
You can hear Scott mumbling “I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!” to himself and then suddenly he grows into a fucking giant of 60-65 feet.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You say almost in shock.
“I guess that's the signal.” Steve says and starts running towards the jet, you and Bucky following closely.
You can hear Sam saying “Way to go, Tic Tac!” as you run, going past Scott, who stops T’Challa from following you by kicking a bus into him, then Rhodey almost gets to you, but he’s stopped by Wanda.
The three of you are getting closer to the jet when a tower starts falling over the entrance, courtesy of Vision, but Wanda keeps it up with her magic for you.
As you pick up your pace and approach it, you’re stopped by a spear landing right in front of Bucky, missing his foot by a centimeter.
Ayo is about to jump on Bucky but before either him or Steve can do anything to stop her, you throw yourself on her, sending her stumbling back and to the ground, enough distance between you that you have the opportunity to look behind you at Bucky, Steve just behind him with a look that’s both impressed and shocked at your reflexes.
“I got this. Go.” You tell the two men even though your eyes are fixated on Bucky. 
“Are you sure?” he asks you with a hint of worry and you grin.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Sergeant.” Steve smirks and nods, moving towards the jet again, but Bucky hesitates. You know Wanda won’t be able to keep the path clear forever so you try to reassure him.
“Go, I’ll be fine. Go!” You yell the last word, which seems to snap him out of it and he turns around with a nod, running at full speed towards the Quinjet.
You turn around just in time to see Ayo running towards you, but this time you’re not fast enough and she sends you falling back. You quickly get up and do your best to keep her occupied while the tower that Wanda was keeping up falls to the ground.
Or, more accurately, you're taking her punches while landing little to none yourself.
Ayo gets distracted for a second when she sees Natasha stunning T’Challa and that’s enough to give you the opportunity to take the upper hand and take her down. Unfortunately you don’t notice how close the two of you are to her spear but then again neither does she.
You see Giant Scott get taken down and, while still holding Ayo down as best as you can, you say worriedly through your comm “Scott? Scott, talk to me, are you okay?” There's a pause while you hold your breath and then he says “Does anyone have any orange slices?” And you let out a breathy laugh, both amused and impressed by his resilience.
In the time it took you to check on Scott, Ayo managed to get a hold of her spear, almost driving it through your arm. Thankfully she misses, though it still leaves a pretty deep cut.
Your eyes widen and as you get off of her she wastes no time to go help T’Challa. You lay down on the ground while holding your arm where the cut is and can see the Quinjet taking off so you let out a relieved sigh.
You sit up and, when you see Vision going to Wanda, you smile and get up to gocheck on Scott.
“You alright, big guy?” You ask him as you approach him with a little bit of a limp and he nods chuckling.
“I am. Are you alright? “ He eyes your arm and you nod. “I’m fine.”
Clint approaches you and wraps an arm around you to help you stay up, knowing you’re not gonna ask for help but he can clearly see by your quickly paling face that you need it.
You look towards the Quinjet and your eyes widen when you see Rhodey quickly falling down, Tony and Sam both diving to help him. “Shit…”
You all watch in shock as he hits the ground, Tony lands right beside him and then Sam lands a little further away. You can hear Sam saying “I’m sorry.” right before Tony shoots him and he goes flying backwards. 
“SAM!” You yell and try to start making your way to him even if he’s far, but Clint holds you back with his arm around your waist, Scott’s hand on your uninjured arm.
You hold your breath until you hear the faint “I’m okay” in your ear, followed by Sam’s grunts and you relax, mumbling “Thank fucking god…”
You look around the airport, all the destruction and the people you still love despite it all.
Steve and Bucky made it out of here, so you won. At what cost though?
You can just hope this was all worth it.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham @mary-jinx @abbyyourlocalmilf @selcouthial @esposadomd @americaarse
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dreaaspeaks · 1 year
How Tokio Hotel members would be in Hogwarts
idk why no one has thought of this but thanks to my irl, this idea has been rotting away at my brain (these ain't my gifs ya'll)
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Bill Kaulitz
I know some people might disagree but Bill is a Slytherin, HEAR ME OUT
he is ambitious, cunning and highly persuasive
He is definitely one of those students that no one really knows why at face value why he got into his house
People presume, if he isn't in uniform, that he is a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
He takes his passions and ambitions very seriously and is willing to overwork both himself and sometimes unintentionally, the people around him to reach his goals
I feel like he hates potions and transfiguration but loves more easy going subjects like Care for Magical Creatures and Divination
He probably likes the idea of Defence Against the Dark Arts but hates the amount of essays required
Bill took Astronomy because it looked and sounded cool but after he saw the graph paper on his table during the first lesson, he has been trying to drop it ever since
No one believes that him and Tom are related let alone twins, people just thought that their last names were a coincidence
Very personable so I think he would be quite popular amongst students but his dislike for too much authority doesn't make him too popular amongst professors teaching subjects he doesn't like
Professors teaching subjects he is passionate about however, LOVE HIM
always doing random extra studies just because he wanted to and for extra credit
The type to not study and fail for subjects he hates
But will still pass even if he didn't study when it comes to subjects he likes
Likes to watch Quidditch matches to support his friends but will rather die than get on a broom
Barely passed Flying in first year
Is that one friends that knows everything about everyone in Slytherin and surprisingly, Hufflepuff (why? even he's not sure)
Has gotten so many detentions because of going against dress code
He bedazzled his robe and tie with fabric pens, bleach and rhinestones and never changed them back no matter how many warnings he got
He got asked to the yule ball by a Beaubatoux boy and istg Bill laughed at first thinking it was a joke
When he realised the guy was fr he said he would think about it and get back to him
He literally put off thinking about it until Tom and Georg sat him down to talk about it so he could finally make a decision
Bill said yes to the date literally three days before the ball but mumbled it so fast and left so fast that Gustav had to repeat what Bill said to the boy
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Tom Kaulitz
Tom would be a Gryffindor.
Do I need to elaborate?
okay I probably should
He is less outwardly warm compared to Bill but he is more reliable
Tom is a loyal mf especially when it comes to his friends
However, he is in Gryffindor because he is very much willing to take a leap of faith
He is impulsive when it comes to a lot of things especially when it comes to school life
Went to Quidditch tryouts during second year as a dare from Georg and Bill with neither expecting him to do well
Bitch came out of tryouts with a Quidditch uniform and an inflated ego
Plays chaser for Quidditch team, pretty good player and uses Quidditch practice as an excuse to put off every other subject
"Why isn't the essay finished? It was due three days ago"
"Quidditch practice..."
that convo happened on the last week of school and he fully thought the Professor would buy it
To say he sucks at Potions is an understatement
When he found out he could drop potions in 6th year he ran a lap around the Gryffindor common room
He goes to every house party and gets absolutely smashed
He is surrounded by rumors, literally unless they are in his inner circle, no one really knows what is true or fake when it comes to Tom
People think he is some mean asshole that pushes people away from Bill but in reality he is just protective when it comes to who Bill mixes with since Bill is in Slytherin
Plays the student population's need to drama well so he is a traditionally popular type of guy
At some point he ends up ACTUALLY liking a girl and everyone doesn't recognise him, like he is stumbling over himself and begging to do projects for just a slight chance to do the project with her
Starts to show off more during Quidditch games like tries to do tricks
almost falls off his broom but he will deny it and swear to Merlin that he meant to slip off the broom
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Georg Listing
he is a Ravenclaw you cannot change my mind
He isn't like the nerdy super studious type of Ravenclaw (but really is any Raven though?)
He is the seven cups of coffee in the morning, two hours of sleep a night and getting constantly distracted by small side topics when studying type of Ravenclaw
off topic but I think he would be a muggle born who just adjusted really quickly to wizard life??
He would be into Defence Against the Dark Arts and charms like the hands on subjects mixed with essays
He HATES herbology, he could never keep the plants alive no matter how hard he tried
No one thinks he studies like everyone writes him off as the guy who didn't study because he doesn't do homework but he does really well in tests
Horrible credit
Great grades
Georg doesn't really speak up in class unless necessary and I see him falling asleep during Astronomy class
Like when his voice dropped after puberty people didn't even realise it was him talking because he talked so little in class
he parties just as much as Tom but stays more sober just incase they come across Professors
Georg plays Beater for Ravenclaw after he was asked to go to tryouts
When Tom and Georg are on the field together it is a bloodbath, Georg targets Tom and only Tom
One of those lowkey popular students, think Cedric Diggory
always helping the guys study and convincing them to at least study a bit
He isn't a sought after guy as a tutor but will accept to help anyone if asked
Kinda scary looking and isn't as open as Bill nor as big a party animal as Tom so he isn't approached very often by younger students tbh kinda feared for no reason, Gustav makes fun of him about it a lot
When it comes to dating at Hogs he is very straightforward, think how Fred asked Angelina
Romantic enough for it to be endearing but not too much for it to be creepy to a random cute girl yk?
Is definitely a Quidditch player boyfriend if you get where I'm going like will make the girl wear his jersey at his game and would magically become a better player after getting into a r/s
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Gustav Schafer
I know people will argue that he is a Hufflepuff but like bffr have you actually seen how he acts on Tokio Hotel TV??
Gustav would be a Gryffindor
He would be a Gryffindor in like a Dean Thomas kinda way
If Tom was Cormac, Gustav would be Dean
Becomes besties with the House Elves during first year because he got lost on the way to potions
Never went to Bill's dorm because he is scared shitless of the Black Lake and that damn squid
the muggle born that never got used to magic
Like he would be sorting out his trunk or cleaning his house and halfway through he remembers he went to fucking magic school for 7 years
BIG Quidditch fan
Paints his face and has merch like the whole nine yards
If Tom misses ONE shot during a game, he would not hear the end of it from Gustav for like a month
Refuses to use a quill
Will straight up in front of a Professor use a pen
He would not get an owl, Georg talks so much shit about it because they can't write to each other the 'aesthetic' way
Gustav just gives people his email/number
Naturally with that he isn't the best in DADA or Transfigurations but he would be good in Herbology and Arithmancy
Throws Tom under the bus SO OFTEN
That's why everyone thinks he is so sweet and innocent, he would push Tom into the way of a Professor on the way back to the common room from a party
Sends Howlers to his friends as pranks
He doesn't know he's popular but he is popular and gets so many confessions every day but just shrugs them off
Like the confession letter could be from the hottest girl in their year and he would go
"Awe that's sweet"
He is a sweetheart so he will ask a close friend to the Ball if he isn't interested in anyone
Even if he isn't interested in a romantic way he will still make it very cute and sweet to make his date feel special
If he is asking a girl on a actual date he would bring her to HoneyDukes and insist to pay for all her sweets
That's his big move, the HoneyDukes date (It's his thing)
(anyways so this is the first post of miiiine kinda long ngl)
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she-karev · 3 months
Maya meets Andrew DeLuca (Maya x Carina Sweet Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Station 19
Ship: Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
Canon Episode: Season 4 Episode 3
AN: Here’s the final chapter guys! Let me know what you think and like and reblog.
Summary: Maya and Andrew talk and get along to Carina’s joy.
Words: 885
April 6th, 2020
Maya sips her coffee sitting in the middle of the table with Carina at one end and her brother, Andrew at the other as they enjoy their breakfast. The conversation shifted to Andrew’s first day at work.
“Wait so you didn’t correct them when they thought you were an attending? I’m not judging I’m just…no I’m judging just a little bit.” Maya says honestly causing Caring to laugh, “Don’t be mad, I tell people what their doing wrong for a living.”
Andrew chuckles amused, “I don’t blame you. None of them actually called me an attending when I came from the scene. I told them it was my first day and they took it and ran with it. I was busy with the traumas, and it probably didn’t help that I stalled college for four years and looked older than the rest of my class.”
“It didn’t help no.” Maya eats a piece of the French toast that causes her to moan at the deliciousness, “Okay that is better than sex.”
Carina scoffs at that with a smile, “That sounds like a challenge.”
Andrew chuckles lightly at how predictable his sister, “And now I lost my appetite.”
Carina rolls her eyes and tells Maya, “Pay no attention to him, he’s skittles when it comes to sex because he isn’t having any.”
Maya chuckles and corrects her, “It’s skittish, skittles is candy.”
“And my sister’s insult turned around on her, this is a good morning so far.” He says with a grin sipping his coffee and continues to talk to Maya, “So a female fire captain that is very impressive I’m sure your coworkers love you over there.”
Maya groans, “Not at first but then they eventually saw my leadership skills after a few bumps and a bear in the road.”
“She told me about that too, she said it was at the pit where she first saw you. She was with a patient, and you were carrying a nose you ran with from the woods at the time. I gotta say it sounds really badass.” Andrew says impressed.
Maya smiles at that compliment, “Well thank you, it was pretty badass. I also helped contain a bomb inside a hospital and delivered a baby during a blizzard but I’m not bragging.”
Carina grins, “It sounds like you are, and I was the one who helped you deliver that baby, without me calling you you would have dropped that little girl on her head.” Andrew laughs at that with Maya smiling knowing it’s true.
“I don’t do well with babies, not all of us have to deliver them from vaginas. Firefighters are usually trained to put out fires and break down doors with axes but that part I leave to you guys.” Maya points out.
“I guess it’s not a requirement for the Olympics either?” Andrew asks jokingly.
“No.” Maya says, “And if it was, I would probably be dead last which would be a first in my life.”
“I would win the gold.” Carina boasts causing her brother and girlfriend to laugh.
Maya’s phone beeps causing her to groan, “I gotta go my shift starts, I’m so sorry.”
Andrew shakes his head, “Don’t worry go save lives.”
“You too, it was really nice to meet you.”
Andrew grins, “It was really nice meeting you too. I can see why you’re the longest relationship my sister has ever had but it wouldn’t take much time to exceed the standard she set before you.”
Carina grins amused, “Again please ignore him.” Carina stands up as Maya approaches her and they kiss, “Be safe Bella.”
“You too.” Maya steps back and looks at the siblings with a grin, “I’ll see you both later?”
Andrew nods with a smile, “Absolutely, I would love to hear more about this baby in a blizzard and bomb in a hospital story.”
Maya chuckles, “I have plenty more stories to tell and hopefully more time to share them.” Maya leaves with an I love you to Carina who says it as well. The door closes as Maya leaves and the DeLuca’s are left in the apartment where Carina looks at her brother with an anxious look while he finishes his breakfast calmly.
“Well…?” Carina asks, causing him to look up.
“Well, what?”
Carina gives a ‘really?’ look at her idiot brother, “Did you like her?”
“Oh…she was okay.” Andrew says dismissively causing Carina to smack him with the dish towel over him teasing her. He chuckles and speaks seriously, “I like her, I really do she has my approval not that you need it but still. She is perfection as you said.”
“I know.” Carina states with a smile and does a little happy dance, her brother chuckles, “I’m really glad you two met.”
Andrew smiles, “Me too. I’m really happy for you.”
“Thank you, that means a lot to me…and you’ll be happy too Andrea.” He looks up surprised she’s turning this on him, “Just give it time.”
He sighs but nods gratefully, “Thanks…Do you have anymore of that toast?”
Carina chuckles at her brother’s hungry attitude but heads to the kitchen to serve him another slice happy the two most important people of her life finally met and love each other almost as much as she loves them.
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The Yule Ball
(HotD Hogwarts!AU)
Part 1 of 3;;
Warnings: Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy; slight yandere Jace and Aemond (you'll be able to tell that better in part 2); angst if you squint; fluff, spice and everything nice
Pairings: Aemond x Reader, Aegon x Reader, Jacerys x Reader
Word count: 13k+ (not proof-read)
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How would HotD's Main Three (Aemond, Aegon, Jace) ask you out to the Yule Ball? Would they even gather the courage to do so, before it's too late?
╰┈➤ In this fic, you're a daring Gryffindor, navigating your 5th year at Hogwarts. For the sake of this AU, Aemond (Slytherin) is your best friend, Jace (fellow Gryffindor) is utterly in love with you and Aegon (Hufflepuff) is that emotionally unavailable pervert whom you've befriended... though you're not quite sure why.
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Christmas was a time to be celebrated at Hogwarts, both by muggle-born and pure-blood alike.
This year, the latter had been most excited, as the Headmaster announced the on-going preperations for the Yule Ball, a grand festivity that took place once every 4 years, all in honour of the Triwizard Tournament.
The buzzling happiness of the students was palpable: the nervousness of the girls and the slight waver in their voices. The boys, either completely unaffected by the notion of a partner or just as spent on the lingering question plaguing everyone's thoughts... 'So... who will you go with?'
The older students stricking their claim, the younger girls seducing away to secure an invitation...
(Y/N) decided then and there that she had never seen a crowd so colourful, so full of life.
It was around dinner-time when the impetuos doors of the Great Hall opened wide, and through them stepped - or rather, flied - in Jeremiah Blythe, a 6th year Ravenclaw with nothing to lose. Revealing a cage full of Pixie Faeries from underneath his robes, he set the little toublemakers free, still atop his broomstick.
All of them, as if practicing for weeks, flew in different corners of the room, revealing a shimmering banner, engraved with sparks and magical fire, reading the daring proclamation: 'You Should Dance Only With Me'
"Mary Bone, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Breathless, the male looked down at the object of his adoration, who, by that point, long forgot all about her mashed potatoes.
"My God, yes! Yes, Jeremy, of course!"
The hall erupted in roaring applause, whistles and yelled out 'Congratulations!' to the happy couple. As they were busy kissing away, (Y/N) gleefully turned her head in the direction of her friend, giggling slightly.
"I feel bad for the guy who's gonna pop the question next! It's pretty hard to beat that flammable display." She laughed softly, shaking her head in disbelief.
"I'd rather sympathize with the one who has to catch those faeries afterwards." Aemond hummed in a monotous tone. His eye quickly scanned the joyous face of his friend's, feeling a pang of fondness, before setting his attention on Otto Hightower, the Head of house Slytherin.
The greying man was all but yelling out at the two reckless students, settling on glaring daggers into their throats and proclaiming with a tumultuous voice: "30 points from Ravenclaw. And 30 from Hufflepuff."
A loud groan shook the Great Hall to the core - Aegon, now with his robes in a twist, looking at his grandfather in pure disbelief. (Y/N) offered him a compassionate look, shrugging her shoulders.
... At least Otto Hightower didn't shy away from punishing everyone equally in his own way. Even the house of his eldest grandson.
Once more, the girl's eyes caught a glimpse of silver hair. She wanted to keep talking to Aemond - the last hectic weeks in their schedules allowing little time for idle chatting. And... of course, the ball...
Before she could think of anything new to say, Aemond threw his leather bag over his shoulder.
"You're leaving already?"
"Mm, I have a paper due in Potions." Eyeing her sheepishly, running a hand past the nape of his neck, the taller boy paused, before opening his mouth once again.
... But just as he was about to add something more, a deep voice cut through his trail of thought.
"Hey there, (Y/N)!" Jacerys' velvety voice rang in her ears. As she spun around in her seat, the girl's eyes lit up, "Jace! It's good to see you!"
The brown haired boy plopped down next to her, quickly placing his hand over his heart, feigning hurt;
"Where were you today? We missed you at practice."
'The Quiddich field', the girl remembered, guilt seeping into her pores. She had promised Jace to be there. But after bumping into Aemond, she completely lost track of time.
Furrowing her brows in a twist, she aired out apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot...! I'll make it up to you guys."
Jace's face broke into a boyish smile, one that couldn't help but make (Y/N) blush. The Velaryon gently placed his hand above her hair, patting her down gently.
"Don't fret! I figured something must have stopped you."
Or rather someone. As if on cue, Jace's eyes left (Y/N)'s lips, traveling up, up to meet the lilac gaze of Aemond. Still looking at him with a quirked brow, he muttered to her softly. "Though, if you really want to make it up to me..."
His eyes glimmered with mischief.
'I can think of just the way.' he wanted to say. To finally ask the burning question, that stuck so well to his throat all those weeks ago. The very same question he knew Aemond wanted to ask as well.
"You help me out with that horrible Herbology homework tonight, and we call it a truce. Deal?"
Alas, he settled on what he could bring himself to get. Jace would grow to curse himself for not asking (Y/N) to the Yule Ball that eve - yet the immediate satisfaction of stealing her away from the company of that Targaryen brute was enough to quell his momentary thirst.
(Y/N) smiled at him softly, nodding decidedly, before turning to Aemond. If he also had a paper for Potions class, then maybe they all could --
But Aemond was nowhere to be seen.
"Huh...? Jace, did you see where Aemond left?"
The boy clenched his jaw in irritation of the name, but otherwise remained poised; smiling politely at his friend and shaking his head with furrowed brows, he moved his warm hand from her head to her shoulder.
"Sorry, (Y/N). Must've just gone back to his Common Room."
Defeated, the girl whisked her head around. She tried her very best to catch the reflection of his familiar white hair, but was unable to discern anything else besides Aegon's locks.
As if he could feel her eyes boring holes into his back, his mellow gaze met the one of (Y/N). He raised his glass of fermented wine to his face, gingerly nodding his head with a slight smirk and chugging it all in one gulp.
"You must be right."
Was that... disappointment that she felt? Mixed with some slight irritation, surely - Aemond could have at least told his goodbyes before disappearing like that.
Inhaling sharply, the pale girl nudged Jace's side playfully. "What do you say? Are you free to take care of that homework now?"
Maroon eyes swirled with gratitude. While nodding fevereshly, Jace took both his and (Y/N)'s backpacks, insisting on carrying them himself towards the vacant library.
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For the hundreth time that evening, (Y/N) had to stiffle a yawn.
Her and Jace had finally wrapped up that dreadful essay - and if it weren't for the late hour, the two would have celebrated how well it actually turned out.
... Instead, they had sluggishly returned to the Gryffindor dorms.
'Madam Tyrell has to give you an <O> for it.' the girl had told him excitedly, 'It's gotta be our best work yet!'
Jace merely laughed at that, boring deeply into (Y/N)'s heart. The lights erupting from the crackling fire of their Common Room danced across his handsome face, leaving intricate shadows in their wake - each accentuating his masculine features.
With his ears of a red tint, the boy managed to utter out; 'We... We should get some rest. Tomorrow we have that DADA midterm.'
Groaning at the thought, the pair rose up from their armchairs, bidding eachother a sweet good night.
A deep grumble abruptly stopped (Y/N)'s recollection of events.
By Merlin's beard, it was past witching hour. But she was really, really hungry.
The girl slipped out of bed carefully, doning on her white slippers. She threw a singular look over her shoulder, taking in Baela's and Rhaena's sleeping faces, sucking in a breath.
Her visit to the Kitchens would be a short one - it might take a while for her to get to her own bed again, but she could still get at least 3 hours of sleep. And she'd survived on way less during her 4th year's finals season.
Before she knew it, she was past the entrance of her Common Room and well into the open. Giving The Fat Lady a small wave and whispering a quick 'Lumos' underneath her breath, she made her way down the intricate set of stairs.
As predicted, it wouldn't take long for her to slip through the cracked door of the Kitchen. Lit only by a tiny candle, the wooden work space felt utopic.
(Y/N) sighed at the comfort of solitude, grateful for the peace and quiet that the sacred space provided. Her sharp eyes scanned her surroundings, stopping on the cradle of cold milk by the stove.
She slowly approached it, her shaky hand pouring herself a generous glass. Bringing the pure nectar to her lips, she let out a low hum of satisfaction.
Now, where was that food?
Before she could even place her glass back down, a strong pair of arms engulfed her by the waist.
A sudden yielp pertruded from her rosy lips - the Gryffindor spun around with great ferocity, heart hammering in her chest; there was no way someone just touched her like that and imagined there'd be no consequences.
But before she could empty the contents of her glass in the eyes of her attacker, a velvety laugh escaped his lips.
"I believe what you're looking for is in the oven."
"Didn't your mommy teach you never to touch a girl like that?" A bemused smile threatened to seer through (Y/N)'s lips. Eyebrow now quirked, she pushed the 7th year away from her body.
His hands gingerly let go of her waist, though not before circling once, twice, thrice over her hips - the warmth of them, like a scorching fire against her covered skin.
It took all the girl's might not to cringe at the contact. What was it with Targaryens and their ridiculously high body temperature?
"What are you doing here?" She finally asked, voice hoarse, breaking the silence.
His dilated pupils burned holes in her skull, returning the favour she made him at dinner. Aegon took great pleasure drinking in her delicate features, swearing to himself to forever engrave them to his memory. Finally, he graced her with a reply.
"Same as you, right? To grab a bite."
Stroking her side once more in an attempt to slowly move her to the left, the eldest of the Targaryen brothers opened the oven in front of him, revealing a cold pumpkin tart.
"The Gods provide." He whispered in the girl's ear, letting out a snicker once confusion darted across her face. "Once you come here often enough, you learn where to find the actually good stuff."
Grunting in reply, (Y/N) sat down on the kitchen counter, waiting for Aegon to cut her a slice.
The two stood in silence for what felt like an eternity, before the male finally placed a hefty slice in her open palm.
"So." He began dryly. "Are you Gryffindor girls just as crazed for the Yule Ball as the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws?"
He was making an allusion to earlier that day: when Jeremiah's display of affection had cost both Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs 30 points.
Wincing slightly, (Y/N) took a bite of the sweet tart, mulling her answer over.
"I suppose everyone is excited in a way. And more or less desperate for a partener. Though I think that's stupid."
"You think not wanting to go alone is stupid?"
"I think that going with someone has potential to be nice. But it's not the end of the world if you are to go alone." (Y/N) shrugged, scooting closer to the wall.
Aegon got up from his chiar, strutting closer to the cup of milk. Pouring himself a glass nonchalantly, he tutted, amused.
"I think it's one thing for a blooke to go alone. For a girl, it's just sad."
"You really think that?" The girl asked, bewildered by such a decided sentiment.
Aegon didn't miss a beat: "What I think is that you're trying to fool yourself cuz you've got no one to go with."
A teasing smirk tugged and twisted at his features. The silver haired man looked at you expectantly.
He wanted you to bite down on his challenge.
"Are you projecting your own situation?" She tried her best to stay lax, denying him entrance to her deepest thoughts.
Aegon let out a shuddering laugh. "I've had girls come to me like a flock of chickens to their cock."
(Y/N) scrunched her nose at that crude remark, but settled on rolling her eyes instead of matching him with a retort.
"No, sweet (Y/N), I'm definitely not projecting."
"Be that as it may, I still stand by my words. You don't need a partener to have fun at the dance."
"The fox that doesn't get to the grapes always says they're sour..."
"Quit insiunating I've got no one to go with! What's your obsession with that, anyway?" She finally snapped, but regretted her words almost instantly, as Aegon's smile spread even wider, if that was truly possible. Turning on his heel to look her straight in the eye, he pushed his hands near her body's sides, caging her in.
"So she does care, after all."
"I really don't."
"Little poor (Y/N) (L/N), the only girl in her year with absolutely no one who loves her." Slowly quirking his head to the side, Aegon continued. "How does it feel to know you are absolutely lonely?"
A loud slap echoed throughout the room. The sting in (Y/N)'s hand and the red pigment blossoming in Aegon's left cheek all but directly confirmed what had happened. Eyes wide, staring at each other, the sheen of tears in the ones of the fierce lioness.
"How dare you." She more so pointed out than asked.
"The bitch has bite to her." Aegon snarled, rubbing his high cheekbone. "Someone better put a muzzle on that haughty mouth, too."
Having finally heard enough, with nothing else to add to a losing battle, (Y/N)'s legs swung from the counter; soon, she was putting as much distance from her body and Aegon's as humanly possible.
Jerking the back door open, she turned around once more to face her midnight opponent.
"I'd rather have no one to go with, than have to pay for the company I indulged in as you do."
Now finally set off as well, the eldest Targaryen yelled after her fleeting footsteps.
"You know, I would take you there myself if you weren't so bloody proud!"
"Go be benevolent with someone else!"
She could still feel the scorching heat of his hands on her.
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The following day had passed, uneventful as all the rest, until dinnertime rolled around.
(Y/N) hastily made her way to the Great Hall, having already been late to the meal by quite some time. She couldn't find Aemond anywhere, neither Jace, Baela or Luke. She didn't dare look for any trace of Aegon, as the wounds from last night didn't yet have time to heal.
Where in the world had everyone ran off to? From the moment of her wake, throughout all her classes... it was as though her friends evaporated in thin air.
No matter, she would not eat alone that day. Gestured to take a seat by Borya Moore, the handsome Durmstrang student that eyed her up since his arrival at Hogwarts, the 5th year girl smiled at him tightly.
He was a charming boy, (Y/N) concluded, while side eyeing him during the fast break; Russia's golden boy, they called him, the champion of their respective school.
Tall, well built, with the greenest of eyes and the blackest of charcoal locks. Indeed, the older male was quite a sight to see.
He was smiling at her politely, talking to her in a gruff voice, laced with a strong accent. He sometimes recieved swift nudges from his surrounding classmates: what was on his mind was clear; and it was not original. All the same, a warm feeling crept it's way within (Y/N)'s chest.
As stated before, Borya was a handsome young man - and he was said to be proud, just and honest to a fault, though never cruel or unattentive.
Although his words were scattered few and far between, he was a good listener and seemed very interested in what the girl had to say.
"Are you excited about the next trail?" (Y/N) asked him, while playing with a piece of bread. Her eyes never raised from her plate, but she could feel his emerald hues running all across her face.
"Yes, excited to win it." The male let out a mirthled laugh, shaking the whole table with him. "Though, I am even more so for the ball."
"I can imagine that!" (Y/N) hummed with a small smile. "You'll have to open with a dance, right? Are you not nervous about that? Or... do you simply like the attention?"
Borya gave her a subtle wink, his hand making a wide gesture at the surrounding tables. Satisfied with her confused face, he quickly clarified:
"I would not think them trained enough to judge my dancing. All of us are here for a good time - trust me when I say, we'll manage the dance just fine."
... 'We'?
His obvious proposition of dancing together reddened your cheeks; but before the conversation could go any further, a flock of familiar silver hair caught your eye.
All hope decimated when, instead of a glimpse of cold green, you were met with the honeyed gold of the house Hufflepuff. Aegon had finally graced the other students with his presence.
A bitter taste formed into your mouth, which only accentuated as he came into better view, hand in hand (or rather, hand on ass) with Vela Castillo, the prettiest girl of the 5th year student body.
Scared to catch his eye, (Y/N) abruptly turned her head in the opposite direction and waited for the couple to sit down.
Aegon skimmed through the wide room from the moment he set foot in it - having located (Y/N), he was willing to do anything, only for her to notice him and his new, dazzling paramour.
He didn't just want her to bite his carefully laid bait this time around - he needed her to. Simply put, he craved her attention.
But the game felt old and boring for the 5th year Gryffindor. (Y/N)'s ember eyes turned back on Borya, pushing down a laugh when she noticed how Aegon sat Vela right in front of them, onto his lap, settling on kissing her passionately.
Coughing in the back of her hand, the girl beamed at her new acquaintance.
"I'm sorry, you were saying?"
A loud bang could be heard from their front - plates full of food were now laying in pieces on the ground. Aegon's and Vela's clash of lips had ended long ago; just what were the two doing now?
Aggravated by her lack of response, Aegon had taken his escapade up a notch, now having placed Vela onto the Hufflepuff table, feeling her up nonchalantly.
His scorching need for a reaction was becoming unbearable. He itched to get something out of (Y/N), anything really - and she figured it out quite easily. The right course of action was for her to keep eating, look as unbothered as can be and keep conversing with Borya.
... Even so, the sight before her would have any witch or wizard twitch in annoyance. If she wanted to see a spectacle, she would have turned for a stroll in Percy's Tour.
Just as their voices started to warm up to moaning, (Y/N) gently sat her cuttery over the empty plate. She grabbed an apple from a nearby bowl of fruit, bidding Borya a shy goodnight, before turning on her toes to leave.
And, had she given the table one last parting look, she would have noticed how Aegon peeled himself off the girl with haste, angered and dissatisfied by the trivial end of their night.
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"Stupid Aegon. Stupid Aegon and his stupid need to always start something stupid." (Y/N) fumed, whilst climbing the moving staircase. "How come Professor Hightower took points from an invitation to the dance, but won't bat an eye when his grandson swallows something else besides potatoes at dinner-ti--"
She crashes into a hard chest, and the oozing smell of fresh mint and murkwood tree invades her senses. She doesn't need to look up to confirm who she'd bumped into, but she does.
Ember eyes clash with lilac hues - Aemond, who had been talking to the old portrait of Merlin, keeps a hand close to her waist, barely grazing it. He looks at her, barely startled, but with a forming curiosity pertruding though his eye.
"... Aemond." The girl utters, barely above a whisper. She feels lightheaded, struck by the closeness of her oldest friend. The way she can cast upon his fair features, profiting off of their lack of distance, is almost sinful.
The male is the first to pull away, leaving her somehow wanting.
"(Y/N), I didn't see you there."
The Gryffindor feels a stream of indignation coursing through her veins. Aemond had been avoiding her all day, and these are the first words he tells her?
His velvety voice, his poised stance and his calloused hands, that delicately touched her not a moment ago. She could feel the heat of her body begining to rise, forgetting all about her previous anger.
"Aemond," she repeats once more, "where in Merlin's beard were you today?" She gave the wizard's portrait a quick glance, in order to check if he was piqued by the usage of his name, but was instead startled by how he unnoticedly stepped out of frame.
"Whatever do you mean?" Aemond hummed slightly, furrowing his perfect brows. "We saw eachother at breakfast, did we not?"
"We... yeah, we did. But we always walk together to dinner - I waited for you at the main entrance of the Great Hall, and then I went to check in front of your common room. ...Y-You weren't there."
She vexed herself with how desperate she had managed to sound. She prayed to whatever God would listen for Aemond to not notice.
His eye gave... nothing away. He looked almost bored, irked with her presence. For the thousanth time that day, (Y/N) had to blink away the tears that were threatening to leave her own. She removed her insistent stare from his face, and concentrated upon the books in her hands.
<Potions>, she read the glittering green title of the first textbook.
"Oh, right! You had that midterm paper to finish!" She quickly changed the subject, hoping to salvage what was left of her dignity. The following seconds were met with silence. "How was it?"
'Please just say something', she cursed in her head.
"I got an 'O' for it." Aemond said flatly, before turning oh his heel to resume his walk. Noticing how (Y/N) remained behind, he turned his head to her, jerking it in a gesture that urged her to follow him. "We mustn't stay in one place for too long. You know how the stairs have a mind of their own."
As the two climbed up the steps, (Y/N) fiddled with her black robes - she coughed in the back of her hand and offered Aemond the red apple she had taken from dinner.
"Since..." she began softly, "Since we're walking up instead of down, I assumed you'd skip dinner."
Aemond let out a strained grunt, accepting the fruit from her extended hand. He made no attempt of eating it, however, and simply placed it in an inner pocket of his coat. "Thank you."
The girl pressed her lips in a firm line, nodding strongly, before welcoming the enveloping silence.
A minute, maybe two passed. The tension could be cut by a knife; (Y/N)'s brain was working overtime, faced with his unanswered question.
'Were were you?'
As if he could read her mind, Aemond turned his head to the side. "I asked Alys Rivers to the dance today."
The simplicity of his words left the girl befuddled. "What?" She asked before she could compose herself.
"That's what I was doing. You asked earlier." He clarified almost immediately. His face was still away from her. The only thing (Y/N) could do was guess the expression he was wearing by the tone of his voice, and that was a difficult task.
Alys Rivers. The beautiful 7th year Slytherin - a witch coming from a very powerful family. One of the few half-bloods of her house, she had never met her mother, yet was taken in by her father, Lyonel Strong, almost immediately after her birth.
She was a cold beauty, ethereal in her own right, and (Y/N) couldn't help but painfully smile at the realisation: that she was exactly the type of girl she saw Aemond going for. Perfect, without a flaw to her face or selective character.
The thick coat of jealousy that hugged her frame became almost too much. (Y/N) felt how the air in her lungs spent itself. She felt the warm tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. Too afraid that she hadn't said anything in a while, the witch laced her pained voice with a beaming timbre.
"I'm so happy for you, Aemond! You two make for a very handsome pair!"
She swallowed hard, trying to level herself once more. What was even worse, apart from the fact that she could see it from a mile away, was that she had nothing bad to say of Alys.
Not once had the older witch been cruel to her. Not once had she bullied her, talked ill of her, or her group of friends.
(Y/N) couldn't be mad at her. She couldn't hate her. And that was what stung the most.
"Wow, we got here quick, didn't we?" She exclaimed rather loudly. The girl thanked the stars in the sky and the moon above her head for both their agile steps. At least in her common room, she wouldn't have to see Aemond.
She turned her back quickly on him, muttering the week's password, before stepping foot into the clustered tunnel.
"Thanks for bringing me to my room, Aemond. See you tomorrow, and congrats again!"
The door that closed with the last of her words left a very confused Aemond in their stead. Mouth still agape, as if wanting to add something, he took in a deep breath, somehow dissatisfied by her abrupt departure.
Then again, he himself was to blame for not saying all he wanted that day.
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(Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief when the smell of crackling fire finally hit her nose. She prolonged her body against the cold stone wall, taking in a deep breath in order to calm her nerves. When she felt ready, she got up from the ground and made her way across to the Common Room, smiling widely at the lounge of people.
Her tranquility was short lived when she saw Jacerys and Baela, sitting oh so deliciously close to one another on the nearest sofa.
For a second, she froze in her place. The couple seemed to be engrossed in conversation; Jace's arm was draped over Baela's shoulder, both bodies relaxed in front of the fire place. A small blush crept over her cheeks. Jace huffed at something the Targaryen whispered to him, and (Y/N) decided she had seen enough.
Walking past them with renowed vigour, she all but ran to the girls' dorm room, shutting the door swiftly behind her.
As soon as her head hit the cold pillows, (Y/N) felt disheartened. She thought back on what Aegon said, how it was so sad for a girl to go alone to such an event.
She felt angry with herself - for causing a scene with both Jace and Aemond. After all, they didn't owe her anything, and it wasn't their obligation to ask her to the Yule Ball.
The hurt in her chest would last her the whole night, but along with the pang of pain, she was now feeling guilt.
Jace and Baela, she poundered, along with Aemond and Alys, were perfect for eachother. Even Aegon and Vela made for a cute couple. Bringing one of the pillows to her face, (Y/N) groaned her heart out.
It wasn't as though she was unattractive, or she felt as though she would die alone: but it was so unfair, that every boy whom she fancied ended up not looking at her twice.
No. She wouldn't allow herself to sulk over such a trivial thing. And she would definitely not end up seated on a chair throughout the whole night at the ball, looking miserable for either boy to see.
Suddenly, Borya's face lit in her mind. Determined to end her night right, she thrusted herself up from the bed, doning her shoes back on.
Thanks to the obsessive gossip surrounding him, she knew the young man always took a run along the castle's lake at this hour.
(Y/N) smirked to herself. A light jogging sounded just perfect tonight.
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The final week before the Yule Ball went rather smoothly. Much to her own dismay, (Y/N) had been avoiding both Jacerys and Aemond.
The males had searched for her long and wide, but whenever one of them would get close to her, (Y/N) always found a way to leave almost immediately.
She wasn't proud of what she was doing. Although an immature reaction, the girl still felt the pang of jealousy and hurt whenever she'd see them with their respective dates.
It was better to avoid them altogether, she concluded.
The gradient dress felt tight against her skin. With each and every step she took, it shifted in colour - from a rich black, to a deep blue and a crimson red. Her hair was up in a braided bun, some loose strands resting upon her slender shoulders, neatly framing her face.
The forming echo of her footsteps washed an eery calmness over her. She couldn't be too fashionably late to the Yule Ball, as she'd have to dance with Borya in the opening waltz; thus, she happily skipped the next stairs in her descent.
Only one last turn separated her from the clustered hall, that led to the ajar doors of the celebration. Taking in one deep breath, (Y/N) made her entrance.
Both Jace and Aegon were made to scurry away by Professor Lynnen, the Head of the Hufflepuffs. Only Aemond remained waiting, as Alys, turned away from him, was talking with one of her friends with joyous interest. He himself was glancing at the appearance of his sister, Helaena, who was spinning around with her own partner.
"Oh, she looks beautiful, Aemond!" Alys exclaimed, coming near her handsome date.
"Yes, she is." He agreed proudly, still looking at his buoyant sister. Realising they weren't looking in the same direction, the Slytherin adjusted his body to face the main entrance to the Great Hall.
He was sure that his heart nearly stopped.
There (Y/N) was, in all her beauty, slowly walking in the direction of their resting bodies. For just a second, Aemond caught himself taking a step forward, wanting to offer the girl his arm.
The air in the room became impossible to bear for him - had she always looked so... ethereal? Her dusted cheeks, the red lips that flowered to a smile when she saw... she saw... Borya?
His trance broke as fast as it began. Before him stepped the champion of the Durmstrang school, who deeply bowed before the woman, eliciting her a small laugh, as he extended his arm out.
He could make her laugh too.
Borya was quick to cup her dainty hand into his own strong one, leading her away and to the grand entrance.
Eyes wide, as if she had just noticed him, (Y/N) offered him a small wave, giggling cheerfully.
"Hey," Alys clung onto his arm, "we should get going too. The main dance is about to start!"
Poor Aemond, still following his friend with his eye, curtly nodded before taking her arm.
Inside, (Y/N) felt like she was flying.
The way Borya was spinning her around, showing her off to everyone in the room with eyes to watch - the way his very own roamed over her face and figure, making her feel safe and desired - was more than anyone in her place could ask for.
Aegon and his date rested in a corner, the gossip surrounding them no different than the one they engaged in.
"Is that... is that (Y/N) (L/N)? With Borya Moore?" Vela chirped loudly next to Aegon's ear. Her eyes were shimmering stars, a swirl of both glee and mild jealousy as she followed the two on the dance floor.
"What...? No way. No, that's... don't be ridiculous. That's impossible! It-It couldn't be her."
Vela's eyes snapped in the direction of her partner, who couldn't seem to stop shaking his head. "Absolutely not." He proclaimed though a strangled breath, more so to convince himself rather than anyone else. "(Y/N) is far too..."
"Gorgeous." Came in the completion, given by none other than Jacerys Velaryon, who, just as the others, would not get his eyes off her. Baela, sympathetically to his right, jabbed his side playfully.
"I told you you'd regret not asking her."
"I tried! I was just... too late." He let out in an exasperrated breath, sighing dreamily as he caught another glimpse of (Y/N)'s dress.
"Next time, pluck up the courage to do it sooner."
"Trust me, I'll take this regret to my grave."
Aegon's face collapsed upon itself. Swishing his finger around accusingly at Jace's face, he managed to blurt out;
"You...! You asked - you asked her. To the ball."
"I was going to." Jace pouted, running a hand down his face. "I bought fireworks and even bribed the student choir to sing her favourite song."
"And why didn't you put your plan in action?" Aegon asked over his shoulder, as he filled his punch cup to the brim. Digging into his dress robes, he pulled out a flask of alcohool, completely draining it before setting his lips on the fruit juice.
"Same reason as you didn't? She was already going with someone else."
At that, Aegon almost spat his drink out. "No, no," he vehemently denied, "I didn't even want to ask her to the dance. I assure you."
Vela looked at him stupefied, while Baela only smirked.
"Of course."
"I didn't!!" He rebuttled.
"Sure." His cousin mused with the same untrusting look.
Throwing Baela one last dirty look, Aegon groaned in disbelief, seeing how Borya lifted (Y/N) into his arms, for the fifth time during that damned song. He deflated into a nearby seat, pulling Vela down with him, and started mumbling to himself.
Jace didn't need much coaxing to follow suit.
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Thoughout the night, they gawked and grovelled. Jace took the time to dance with Baela once, twice - as to not let her be alone in missing out on all the fun. Meanwhile, Aegon couldn't be bothered to move from his chair, despite Vela's insistent huffs and obvious hints.
"Bit of a ruddy pumpkinhead, isn't he?" Aegon spat in his drink, lilac eyes glaring daggers into the brunette's back.
"I don't think it was the books that had him going to the library, now that's for sure." Jace commented, not a heartbeat later.
Their souring moods only worsened as the night progressed and (Y/N)'s giggles filled the room.
"What do you think he's even saying to her? Nothing of importance, I bet."
"Oh look at me, I'm Borya Moore and I come from Russia. My accent is deep and my muscles are twice the weigh of my bloody head." Aegon immitated the older man with a skill and tenacity that must have been induced by practice.
"Do you wanna make out?" Vela asked Aegon suddenly, aggravated by the circling conversation.
"No." Came his simple reply.
"May I have your arm?" The deep voice of yet another Durmstrang student cut through their conversation. Bowing lightly before Baela, the Targaryen snickered in amusement.
She grabbed a hold of his hand with gratitude, nodding fevereshly. "Arm, leg - I'm yours."
... And then there were three.
"Do you wanna have sex?" Vela tried once again.
"No." The blonde man sighed.
"... Are you gonna ask me to dance or not?!"
For the first time that night, Aegon turned to look at her. "No."
Ired to no end by his catty behaviour, the Ravenclaw finally relented. She abruptly got up from her chair, going to the closest group of boys she could find and striking up a conversation. Soon enough, even she was dancing her heart out.
Aemond too, took care of his date. But as the end of the night approached them, and the more upbeat songs began to play, Alys couldn't help but start to take offence.
"Your heart's not in it, my dragon." She remarked dryly, moving his chin to face her for the millionth time that night. Slowly stroking his cheek, she tried closing in the distance between them, only to have Aemond jerk his head away.
"Now what is the matter with you?" She demanded, masking her impatience as a seering question. Her green eyes followed his, stopping in their tracks at the sight of the wavy locks of (Y/N) (L/N), the object of her date's pending attention.
"Truly, Aemond? This is the reason you're so distracted?"
A low hum escaped his lips. He turned his saddened gaze on Alys, who smoothly added distance between their sweat stained bodies. She had weighed her words very carefully, now awaiting his answer with a quirked brow.
"It could never be in it." He sighed heavily, reffering to her first statement. "My heart." He added stiffly. "Not while she's here."
A buffled snort escaped Alys' black stained lips. She fully expected Aemond to need more coaxing to admit his true feelings - yet here he was, biting his inner cheek somewhat apologetically.
"I see." She finally spoke though grittered teeth, "And why have you not asked her to the Ball in the first place; You thought it more amusing to waste my time instead?"
"I had thought it a course of action that would suit us both." He answered flatly. Aemond's eye cast over her shoulder, darkening slightly, "I apologise for the inconvenience. Believe me, it was most uncontiously done."
His words were unoriginal, and lacking of any true meaning. For a moment, Alys wanted to curse him for having played with her heart, to scream at him, for daring to shame her so with his open admition of feelings.
But that was only for a moment - for she remembered that she was Alys Rivers, a beautiful and powerful witch, who would not need his approval to bring forth either blessing or calamity.
Gathering her wits about her, she crossed her arms in front of her, shaking her head at his frozen face.
"You should never have done it. Hurt her or attempt to confuse me."
His jaw clenched tightly at the notion of having hurt his dearest friend. And it took all his restraint not to leave Alys alone, in order whisk (Y/N) off the dance floor and apologise, on his knees if he had to, for being so cold towards her.
As if she could read his mind, Alys tutted in feigned annoyance. "Go." she simply said, "Go after her. Or don't, and waste your time in here." Her pretty eyes now held an amused glint in them.
Aemond's very own softened at her - mirroring her beguiled stance, he clasped his hands behind his back, adding on thickly:
"You can slap me if you'd like."
Alys' eyebrows raised in pure wonder, the gesture itself, bigger than all of her reactions that night. She let her head fall back with a mirthled laugh, calming down only after the man's face began to relax.
Snapping back into place, she looked for confirmation in his eyes, before laying a loud slap over his left cheek, kissing it fleetingly afterwards.
"I won't keep you company anymore, you do understand." She said, mildly distracted. And, should she have felt any inflection of sadness, the girl masked it well; turning her back on him, the locks of her black hair whipped his face.
Aemond allowed a small smirk to grace his lips, feeling the rough edges of his scar with two slender fingers. The powerful slap would sure leave a mark (if it hadn't already), but he was greateful for Alys' choice in hitting the only numb spot that he had on his body.
"Don't worry, brother. It gets better after the first time." Both Aegon's delivery and his Cheshire Cat smile told the Slytherin everything he needed to know. His 'breakup' had been very public and wholeheartedly raveled in by his older brother.
While both opened their mouths to say something crass, neither would get the chance to exchange their choice words. The loud applause of the crowd signaled that last song of the night had ended, and with it, so did (Y/N) and Borya's ditzying.
Both brothers had to stiffle a growl at the sight of the Durmstrang boy, kissing (Y/N)'s hands delicately, before stepping away to a faraway table.
The girl looked after him for a while, before spinning thrice in place, breathless from all the ensued dancing. She felt her friends' insistent gaze on her, and she turned to face them, breaking out into a bubbly laugh.
"Hot, isn't it?" She asked as she approached them, "Borya's gone to get some drinks. Would you care to join us?"
Her chest, heaving in and out at a rapid pace, the light tremour of her body... Aegon scoffed harshly at the sight.
"No. We would not care to join you and Borya."
(Y/N)'s smile falthered at his coarse reply. Her eyebrows furrowed, her beautiful smile quickly turning to a frown. "Well what's got your wand in a knot?"
Aegon puffed in indignation, blowing some rebel hairs from his face. He soon made his way to the table Jacerys was sitting at; Aemond and (Y/N) following shortly after.
"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternizing with the enemy." Aegon spoke in a matter of fact tone, not even bothering to look at her.
"The enemy? Who was it that wanted to be his friend a week ago?" (Y/N) questioned, dumbfounded.
Aegon's eyes settled on the ground. He buried himself in his chair, not daring to look at the girl again.
"Besides," (Y/N) continued, fully aggravated, "The whole point of the tournament is... <international magical cooperation>. To make friends."
"Hah, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind." It was Jace's turn to speak, who turned beet rouge the second (Y/N)'s attention turned to him. Peeling her teary eyes away from his, she looked at Aegon and Aemond. Each avoiding her stare, neither jumping to her defense.
Sneering at their new unspoken antourage and nodding her head in understanding, she got up from her central seat. "How dare you..." was the only thing she muttered, before getting lost in the crowd once more.
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"We're only saying that he's using you." Aegon yelled after her fleeting form, sprinting to catch up to (Y/N).
"Thank you, but i can take care of myself." She spewed sarcastically over her shoulder, shocked that they were still stuck on that topic of conversation.
"I severely doubt it." Aemond spoke calmly, "He's way too old for you."
"What? Is that what you think?" The younger witch enquired, now even more enraged by her best friend's allusion.
"Mm, yes. That is what I think." He rejoinded, walking by her side again. The pressure on his heart tightened by the second, but he would not relent. Though he had never felt this way before, Aemond realised what his brain was urging him to do: completely ruin his best friend's night.
It was an ugly thing. But the only thing he believed would bring comfort forth.
(Y/N)'s walking came to an abrupt halt.
"Between me and him, there is a two year age gap. The same can be said for you and Alys, as far as I can remember."
"That's different." Aemond warned her though a low spat.
"How." The Gryffindor asked, forcing out a laugh.
His hands came to grip her shoulders. Although his movements had the intent to keep her looking at him in place, his touch was light and feathered - should she wish to, the girl could easily twist herself away.
His darkened eye came to rest upon her. What Aemond couldn't say, he tried his damnest to show through his stare.
"It's different because Alys is a woman and Borya is a man." Aegon answered in Aemond's stead, snickering lightly at her naivité.
That was the last straw for (Y/N). Peeling Aemond's hands off of her, she turned to face both men, almost shaking in rage.
"You really like that double standard, don't you?" (Y/N) pointed her finger at him, "So what say you is the difference between me and Vela, then? Your age gap with her is two years as well and you think yourself a man."
"Not all of us are like that."
"Like Borya."
"Yeah." He accentuated with an unruffled laugh.
"You know the solution then, don't you?" She tentatively said, closing the distance between them slightly.
"Go on." Aegon demurred through a raised brow.
"Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage to ask me before somebody else does! Offer me a real invitation. And not as a last resort!"
Tears were now freely streaming down her face. Before their eyes, (Y/N) could feel her hair falling into a mess and her cheeks reddening from the lack of air. Aegon's eyes widened and Aemond's hand reached out to her reflexively.
"W-well that's... that's just completely off the point!" Aegon's voice cracked nervously, now taking several steps back. "Jace...!" He blurted out, seeing his nephiew finally exit the Great Hall.
Aemond didn't turn to greet him, but (Y/N) did. Her eyes were blown out of proportion and her voice was hoarse from yelling. Upon seeing his face, all of the frustrations that she'd bottled up for the past two weeks emptied before them with the strenght of a hurricane.
"Where have you been?" She inhaled sharply.
"W-well Luke needed me to --"
"-- Nevermind! Off to bed, all three of you!"
Jacerys looks at her for a moment - at her tightened lips and teary cheeks.
The guilt pierces his heart like a Dementor's kiss. He knows he's half the reason for (Y/N)'s suffering, her tears only coming into play as a confirmation of how badly he'd hurt her.
Not knowing what to say, fearful that anything else he may add will only ruin her night even further, he nods his head briefly, hurrying past her.
He's climbing the steps with Aegon; Aemond pushed to follow as well by (Y/N)'s trembling hands.
"They get scary when they get older." Aegon articulates to Jace loudly, ripping a loud shriek from the heartbroken girl.
The boys climb up even faster as (Y/N) collapses, a faint "You bloody asshole" being the last thing she discerns before erupting into a fit of sobs.
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At last, as soon as she approached her bed, (Y/N)'s feet gave out on supporting her weight.
Looking around the dark room, saddened by the end of such a beautiful day, she noticed how all the other beds were empty. None of her dorm mates returned - all of them more than likely still ghosting though the halls of Hogwarts. Still seating at the edge of her bed, the young girl brought a pillow to her arms, hugging it tightly.
She would take off her make-up, undo what was left of her braids. She'd bathe, change into her night clothes and sleep: during her slumber, she'd soon forget all about the Yule Ball and it's rattling events.
Her life would turn back to normal. Back to the missing assignments and staying up till 2 AM.
The last concept within her trail of thought brought a strained smile upon her swollen lips.
She shakes her head, massaging the nape of her neck with one hand. She gets ready to leave for the Prefect Bathrooms until...
A large shadow grazes the floor of her dorm. Startled, albeit curious of it's main source, (Y/N) scurries to the bright window, peeking outside.
A tiny rock gets thrown on the upper left corner of it. And then another. And another.
Her eyes travel up into the sky, catching a wave of long, silver hair.
... Aemond.
Satisfied that he managed to get her attention, he lowers his broom until he is at precise eye level with her.
A sudden burst of happiness flourishes within her heart.
The last time she'd been eager to see Aemond, the boy all but chased her away. Not even two hours ago, he was dancing with Alys Rivers, paying no mind to her or her crushed feelings.
But then he wasn't. And then he gripped her. Touched her. He stayed behind for her. His eye bore into her frame, searching for her wide smile.
Still lost in thought, she felt Aemond tap into the window, signaling to it's nearby handle. It was cold outside, and he wanted her to open up.
A tiny smile framed her face. Shrugging her shoulders, (Y/N) played with her dress, watching the older male intensely.
Aemond mirrored her expression, pleading with his eye, until (Y/N) finally yielded. She hurried to open her window, making space for an easier landing for her friend.
"What I did to you," Aemond began with a strangled breath, "It was more than just wrong and cruel."
Now leaning on a wall and clasping both her hands together, the younger Gryffindor let out a confirming mumble.
"I know."
"You were always... here for me. Encouraging me." He added slowly, carefully. "When I lost my eye, I thought you would run away. ... Or make fun of me for being crippled."
(Y/N) turned livid at his words. With renowed vigour, she snapped in her place. "Aemond, I would never make fun of you for such a thing. Nor would I ever run."
"I know, I know." He whispered to her softly, daring to approach her and take her hands in his.
He prayed she wouldn't turn away.
When her hands turned lax within his, Aemond thanked whichever God had answered him, swearing his heartbeat became so loud, that all those within the West Tower could hear it.
"You were nothing short of kind. And good. And full of love. The day you kissed over my disfigured face, was the day I swore to always be by your side. As much, and for as long as you'd allow me."
(Y/N) let out a strained breath. She had never heard Aemond talk so feverently. So full of passion.
His pupil, so dilated by love and concentration, that one could barely see the ring of purple she had grown to love so much.
"You did all those things. Expecting nothing in return." As he pondered on her doings, his shuddering hand buried itself into his ball robes.
One by one, he took out all the objects that (Y/N) had given him selflessly throughout their friendship. An apple, stolen from dinner. A handkerchief, used to tie his bleeding knee. A brown hair band, from when his hair had gotten too long for comfort. A red button from her favourite dress, when he lost the one securing his robes, and cried to her that his mother would get mad at him.
Placing everything on the table, he used his free hand to gently cup her face.
"Yet when you needed me most, I ran away." His thumb slowly stroked her bottom lip, then gently moved to her eyes, wiping the black streaks of liner that her crying ensured.
The pair stood in silence for a brief moment, their blood running hot with need, with want, until Aemond swallowed and went on.
"I have no right to ask for your forgiveness." His breathing became laboured before coming to a halt. "So I'm not asking for it. I'm begging for it." As soon as the words left his mouth, the youngest Targaryen fell to his knees.
"... For you."
"God, Aemond...!"
His stare was getting too intense. As if he himself could feel that, he brought her hands down to his face, pressing his forehead against them.
Both their bodies were shaking in the dark. For the thousanth time that night, Aemond cursed himself for being so weak with her.
He knew he would never adore anything more than the way his name fell from her lips.
"... I love you." He whispered to (Y/N) and, if she couldn't feel his breath on her hands, she would be sure she had imagined it.
Waves of pure delight took a hold of her when she heard his strained words. Suddenly, all she thought of was how to make him say it again.
"Please - Aemond. Say it again. Please." She gasped, breathless.
"I love you. I love you. Avy jorrāelan. Avy jorrāelan sīr olvie ziry ziebzis."
His desperate pants melted any reminder of (Y/N)'s last resort. Crouching down to his level, she cupped his cheeks into her small hands, making small circles into his skin, tenderly stroking his deep and pink scar.
"I love you, too. So, so much."
That was all the confirmation Aemond needed, before kissing her oh so slowly.
The way his right hand rubbed her jaw soothingly, as if she would break at any moment, his left resting on her waist, pulling her closer - it was truly magical.
For a while, the only sound in the dorm was the echo of their moans and the loud gasps of the wind.
(Y/N) pulled away first, needed fresh air to breathe. Within a second, she dived back in, this time pressing herself harder against Aemond's chest, who only let out a low and satisfied hum.
"Mm, wait --" (Y/N) separated from him with a loud pop. "I hate to be a mood killer, but... w-what about Alys?"
Aemond looked at her adoringly, before licking his lips tentatively. "I can assure you. There was never room in my heart for Alys. Neither could there ever be."
(Y/N) let out a relieved laugh. "Good. Me neither, with Borya." She confessed rather awkwardly, and it was the boy's time to laugh this time. "I would have guessed as much." He said with a dangerous glint in his eye, "With how hard you kissed me, there was barely room for question."
"Speaking of hard things..." The girl mused at him, lightly shoving him away.
The two looked at each other for a moment, before snorting loudly.
Still holding onto her, Aemond went to the edge of her bed, plopping her into it ceremoniously, and stepping towards her window to close it back up. "I don't want you cold."
Striding back into her bed, he laid next to her, brushing the tangled hairs from all around her face. "Though I can think of a few ways to warm you right up."
As she blushed wildly, (Y/N) rolled her eyes at him. Her smiled falthered, however, with one left lingering question, and she raised from her bed, ready to talk serious business.
Sensing the change of mood, Aemond sat upright as well, going over her face. "What happened, jorrāelagon hen issa glaeson? What's on your mind?"
"This..." (Y/N) gestured between them. "Us. What are we now, exactly?" A smirk crept it's way across Aemond's features at that last question. Huffing, (Y/N) crossed her hands to her chest, nudging him slightly. "Don't make fun of me now. I only... want to hear you say it. To make sure we're on the same wave lenght."
"I suppose the appropriate term is 'lovers'. Though, girlfriend and boyfriend work just as well. Companions, innamoratos, paramours, sweethearts..."
"Okay, okay, I got it, thank you." The girl covered his mouth with a loud laugh and felt the great shudder of pleasure, when Aemond covered her hand with his own, kissing the inside flesh of it softly.
"I have long laid my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood. From now on, and for as long as you will have me - I am yours. And eternally I shall remain."
His tone was serious. Unwavered. And something within (Y/N) knew his words to be true.
"You may cage me forever, as you see fit, just do not release me from your grasp."
┍━━━━━━━━»•» 🌸 «•«━┑
"Avy jorrāelan" = I love you;
"Avy jorrāelan sīr olvie ziry ziebzis" = I love you so much it hurts;
"Jorrāelagon hen issa glaeson" = love of my life.
┕━»•» 🌸 «•«━━━━━━━━┙
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hogwartsandhawkins · 1 year
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 6: What The Hell Is Jess Logan Doing
Prove Me Wrong Masterlist
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Summary: After Billy stays a little too late studying, Jess makes an unfortunate realization.
Warnings: Swearing, Eating/food, reader/jess being hella stressed with school. As always, let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 2.8k
Author's Note: I know I said maybe 9 chapters when starting this series. That was a lie. This is definitely gonna be longer than 9 chapters. Enjoy the long ride.
Their visit to Big Al’s was essentially the same as the last, with them ordering the same meals, Billy sure to order Jess a double patty again just to steal one once it was delivered, sitting at the same booth coincidentally, and even having the same waitress, whom Billy seemed less interested in making blush this time around. The only real difference this time was the way they were seated, as Billy decided to sit on the same side of the booth as Jess rather than across from her. 
“So you’re telling me, pretty boy never let you touch his car?” Billy was now dipping his fries in Jess’s strawberry shake, even after her protests about Billy’s unwanted saliva in her perfectly good milkshake. 
“No, it’s not him, it’s his parents. Don’t want me putting a dent in his bimmer, which I don’t blame them. He tried letting me drive one night after a party once, but I chickened out last minute.”
“So what’s the deal with you being scared of driving?” Billy was now out of fries, and instead, grabbed a spare piece of bacon that fell off his burger and dipped that in her shake instead, something Jess either didn’t notice or pretended not to. 
“I’m not scared of driving.” 
“Yeah you are,” Billy contested dryly, popping the last piece of ice cream-coated bacon into his mouth before wiping his hands together. Jess turned her body to the right to face him placing her right thigh on the booth bench, her foot bouncing underneath their shared table. 
“No, I’m not.” Instead of contradicting her again, he took his straw in between his lips and sipped until he heard the loud, disruptive sound of air passing through it. 
“Whatever.” He then decided to steal her spare fries, dipping them in the ketchup she squirted on her own plate. Again, he was right, which was something that began to annoy Jess, the way his smug smile would come into play when he voiced certain things he’s noticed about her, the way he seemed to think he knew her better than she did, and the most irritating, he knew he was right. Every. Single. Time. About cheer. About her wanting him to take her to school. About both her lack of experience and fear of driving. What became even more irritating was the longer she thought about it, the more she realized she knew nothing about him. She knew none of his fears, or dislikes, besides his strange and immediate hatred for Steve. 
What Billy would never admit to her, or even himself, was that he had spent the last two months getting to know her without her realizing. With having 4th period and after-school practice to watch her cheer, and 6th and 7th period to watch her study, he spent a decent amount of time figuring her out. Not to mention the random run-ins in the halls or at parties. 
He remembered the incident she mentioned earlier, the one where Steve offered to let her drive from a party. It was Halloween. He had no idea what she came dressed as, all he knew is that she looked great wearing it. He remembered walking up to Harrington after beating his record and becoming the new “Keg King”, a name he thought was ridiculous but wore like a badge of honor anyways, and he remembered looking over at her first, standing next to Wheeler, making him almost too nervous to stare Harrington down in the first place. And then he remembered Harrington and her leaving the party, him obviously pissed at something, which Billy later came to find out was from some fight with his girl. Steve seemed to be a bit out of it, rubbing his chin constantly. Jess had run after him as he stormed out of the party. Billy couldn’t help but watch as Steve tried to change his expression from seriously agitated to indifferent but failed as tears welled in his eyes, threatening to fall if Jess dared to ask what happened. Instead, Steve quickly looked away and chuckled a bit. “You wanna drive, Jess?”
Don’t get him wrong, he watched everyone for the first month or so, trying to figure out who knew who, who was worth spending time with, who wasn’t, but over these last two months of getting to know her, he knew that she was insanely kind, incredibly smart, and didn’t look at him like a piece of meat. But over these last few days, he also knew that she talked shit about him to Steve behind his back, which he didn’t blame her for, as he regrettably did the same with Tommy and Carol. He knew that they may never be friends and that Jess would keep her promise he overheard to Steve, that he would be old news by the time their project was over, which made him second-guess his reasoning behind asking Mr. Crowley to pair the two up in the first place, something he would also never admit to Jess. 
Billy and Jess walked up to the register together, and after she denied a to-go shake this time around, they were ready to pay. 
“That’ll be $9.50” 
Billy already had a ten ready, with another $2 he planned on handing over for a tip when he noticed Jess take out her own wallet. “What’re you doing?” 
“I actually brought money this time. Good thing we went back to my place before we got here.” Billy couldn’t remember when she did that, most likely due to the fact that he was hyper-focused on her father, but it didn’t matter to Billy how she got it, she wasn’t going to use it. He ignored her and handed over the $12, telling them to keep the change. 
“Let’s go, Logan.” 
Jess followed closely behind him and attempted to hand him a $5 bill. Instead of taking it, he merely looked at her, annoyed, and spat “Knock it off Jess,” opening her door in the process. 
“What?” She climbed in, and instead of answering right away, he just shut the door after he ensured she was in all the way. He then entered the car himself and shut his own door. Jess still had the $5 in her hand and tried one more time to hand it to him, saying he didn’t need to pay for her all the time. 
“So did you get that out of your mother’s purse, or did daddy give it to you before you left?” 
“…purse… But I get an allowance, you know…” 
“Cute,” was all Billy had to say about that. He again ignored the bill lingering between her middle and index finger, and instead, stretched his right arm across the back of Jess’s seat, looked behind, and swiftly reversed out of their parking spot, heading back in the direction of Cherry Lane. 
She now felt awkward about holding the $5 bill but was too stubborn to put it back, so she began to open his glove compartment when he snapped, “Jess, so help me god if you put that bill in my glove box.” He had his Ray-Bans on, which shouldn’t have been needed as the sun was set to the point where it wasn’t a problem, but she felt the corner of his eyes on her. She flipped the compartment back closed and defeatedly dropped the $5 in her bag. 
When they reached the Logan’s driveway, the time was approaching 7:45, causing Billy to look at his watch, wondering whether Jess was wanting him to leave, or stay. So, he just sat behind the wheel, with the car still on. Jess noticed this as well, and thought it was him who didn’t want to come inside, “We can just start tomorrow if you want?” 
Billy nodded his head in agreeance, well, more like acceptance, as he was mildly disappointed, and looked back at her. “See you tomorrow Logan.” She nodded with the same dispirited acceptance, and slowly gathered her things, or rather, thing, being her small bag. As she opened the door, she hung her right leg out, fully intending to leave, but stopped herself before she did and turned back to Billy, who had yet to look away from her. 
“Uhm,” What the hell are you doing? “Unless… I do still need help in pre-calc… but I mean if it’s too late we can just do that tomorrow, if you want…“ What the hell are you doing? She began to mentally beat herself up for one, how dumb and possibly desperate she just sounded and two, actually wanting Hargrove to stay? 
“Thought you didn’t want my help, huh?” There it was again, that smug look. 
“I never said that.” Just let him leave! But Billy was already turning off the ignition, unbuckling himself in the process. He then reached behind his seat and grabbed his backpack, which was mostly empty, besides Jess’s old 7th-grade book, some of her handwritten notes, and his own notebook. Once he retrieved it, he opened his door and quickly left, as if he was anticipating Jess changing her mind. Jess continued to sit in the passenger seat, appalled by the way she practically begged him to stay. 
“You coming or what?” She supposed she had to, considering it was her house, so she finally lifted herself from his seat, locked her his door, as she was always ordered to do, and walked toward her front door with Billy for the second time today. 
The door was unlocked, as she had left it previously. While entering, she saw her mom and dad, sitting on the couch together, eating whatever her mother made for that night. Hearing the door open Mrs. Logan looked over her shoulder, “Oh hi hun, and Billy! It’s nice to see you again dear.” She quickly placed her unfinished dinner on the coffee table and hurried over to them. “You kids hungry? I just got done cooking.” 
“Oh don’t worry about it Mom, we just got back from Big Al’s.”
“That’s right, I remember Stan saying something about that. Well, food is here if you change your minds.” And with that, she excitedly hurried back to the couch, where Stan was barely paying attention to what seemed to be a game show. 
Jess grabbed her school bag that was sitting on the last step before hurrying up the stairs behind Billy. As she entered the room, she began to pull out her math notebook before discarding the rest of the bag at the edge of her bed. She searched her nightstand drawer for a pencil, eventually settling on a blue pen she found, and began opening to where she last copied from Billy’s notes. Without waiting for her to ask, Billy also opened his own notebook to where he thought she stopped and lightly tossed it to her side of the bed, sitting down on the other as he did so. 
“Okay, so explain the long way to find a derivative again,” but as she kept peering down at both of their notes, she already grew frustrated with her hair falling in front of her face, making her constantly have to tuck the strands behind her ears. As he began to try and explain, she cut him off, “Ugh, hold on.” Billy watched as she reached for her nightstand again, where she retrieved a baby blue banana clip, opened it, and effortlessly gathered her hair behind her head as she carefully secured the clip. “Okay, go ahead.” 
He must’ve not heard her, as he was still staring at her, carefully watching her scan both of their notes, side by side, making sure she’d written down the jumbled numbers and letters correctly. He watched as the shorter layers began to slowly become free of the clip, falling to the front of her face again, without obscuring her view too much. He watched as she continuously capped and uncapped her cheap pen, something she did a lot of in their shared 6th period, but never in their 7th, and he watched as her eyes quickly left the pages of their shared notes and found his own, wondering why he had yet to say anything. 
“Don’t tell me you lied about being good at this stuff.” 
“Sorry,” he mumbled, “You ready?” 
And so, he began to explain how to find the solution long hand, something Jess found useless to know anyway. “I don’t get it,” Jess exclaimed hours later, “I shouldn’t be docked points because I just use the shorter way. What’s the point of there being a shorter way if I can’t even use it?” 
“Dunno, I just do it.” 
“Obviously, the derivative of X squared is two X, done. Why do I need this stupid formula?” She became visibly agitated, considering she still couldn’t remember the formula, and when she did remember it, she seemed to keep distributing the values incorrectly. 
Billy seemed to find her frustration humorous, remembering that just a few days ago, they were sitting in the same place, with Billy being the one who was frustrated over their schoolwork. “It’s not funny!” Seeing Billy smiling at her confusion made her even more worried, “We have a test over the long-handed version Friday, and if I don’t get at least a ‘B’ then I’ll lose my ‘A’ in the class and my GPA is fucked.” 
“Take a break.”  
“But I have to get this b-“ 
“It’s Monday. Knowing you, you’ll get it by Wednesday.” And with that, he grabbed his own notebook and tossed it toward his bag, which was laying by her bedroom door. That’s when he began to yawn. Wondering why he began to feel exhausted, he looked up at Jess’s wall clock, which read 11:25 “Ah, shit.” He looked at his own wristwatch, which was two minutes ahead of her own and got up from her bed, which was beginning to feel scary comfortable. He didn’t understand how he lost track of time, but he did, and now he was going to have to quietly pull his car into his own driveway, and sneak through his bedroom window, with the hopes that his father didn’t wake up from the noise. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realize-“ she stopped before finishing her sentence, “Well, thanks for… everything,” is what Jess was able to come up with. She began to look down at her notes again, until Billy came to her side of the bed, grabbed her notebook, and threw it in the direction of her own bag. 
“Get some sleep.” He then proceeded to leave her room, but not before turning off her ceiling light, leaving only her dim, bedside lamp to illuminate her room. 
Billy made his way downstairs, trying as hard as he could to keep his heavy boots from making too much noise. When he reached the bottom of the steps, he was met by Mr. Logan, who was washing the dishes from that night. Mrs. Logan was nowhere in sight and had probably gone to bed by now, considering the time. 
Based on Stan’s surprised expression, Billy came to the conclusion that Jess’s parents already thought him long gone. Before Billy could apologize for staying so late, he heard a gentle “purr” and looked down to see a cat he’s never seen before. He bent down to pet him, only for him to jump slightly and run off into the darkness of the unlit living room. 
“That High School of yours really has you workin’ I see.” Mr. Logan was now drying a large skillet, hanging it from their silver pot hanger above the middle island when he was finished. 
“Sorry for being here so late, Mr. Logan.”  
“Don’t worry about it kid, get home safe.” The sentiment threw Billy off slightly, but he nodded to Mr. Logan, giving him a small wave as he opened the door, carefully closing it as he exited. It was much colder than it was when they first arrived back at Jess’s house, Billy being able to see his breath as he exhaled harshly. He looked back up at Jess’s bedroom window, which faced the front of the house, unable to see her ducking out of his view as she saw him turn back toward her. As she sat by her window, steering clear of Billy’s line of sight, she continued to scold herself for the events of today, hell, this past weekend. This is so stupid. You are so stupid. She sat against her ‘L’ shaped wall, lightly banging the crown of her head against it. But even though she knew better, even though she tried not to be, she was well aware: she was just like every other girl at Hawkins High. And just like every other girl at Hawkins High, she was well aware: she was infatuated with Billy Hargrove. 
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Hi! Can you write a Morpheus x child reader (like father daughter) where the reader is a dream that he was working on when he was captured and never finished and she was brought to life as a baby and grows up in the dreaming as it’s collapsing with Lucian as their care-taker/parent figure/teacher and everyone is just like wtf because dreams arnt supposed to age and are created as adults that already know everything they need to know but the reader doesn’t and needs to be taught manually.when dreams comes back he’s presented with a pre-teen reader and after his personal wtf moment he acknowledges the reader as a unique dream and takes them under his wing and basically becomes their dad and presents them to his siblings as his child and everyone is just like *niece acquired* even Lucifer has a soft spot for them and makes sure they know that their disdain for Morpheus doesn’t extend to them.sorry it so long lol I had this idea for a while but I can’t write so I hand it off to you.
Birthday Girl
Dream of the Endless & Dream!Reader
Summary: Hooray! It's your 6th Birthday! It's a costume party where all your classmates are invited, and, boy, are their parents are sure freaked out about your aunts and uncles.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: THIS IS A WHOLESOME FIC READER IS DREAM'S CHILD MISS ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT, Fem!reader, Endless Family Chaos™, Lucifer my beloved, Papa Bear!Dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: NGL this req kinda stumped me. it's a pretty tall order but i think i thought of something good enough to make what you wanted nonnie! ... or at least i hope so, since you wanted a pre-teen and I gave you a barely out of diapers kid lol ALSO you referred to the librarian as Lucien (well lucian), so it leads me to believe you had The Sandman Comics in mind but I have not read a page from the comics, and so i'm just going to fashion this to the show, ok? i did try to add more of the endless siblings though Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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"Papa," she mutters as she hangs on Dream's raised arm. "Yes, my heart?" he mutters, swinging the dangling child absentmindedly as he read his book while standing in the middle of the library. "Where do babies come from?" Dream turns to the wide eyes looking up at him. "Lucienne told me it's when an egg and a sperm meet, so does that mean you're a chicken?" "No." "Am I a chicken?" "You are a dream. My dream." "But you're Dream, papa." "Yes, I am."
"Oh wow," one of the parents who took the liberty to dress up as a really bad Dracula noted, "this is a gnarly getup. The wings look so real-"
Lucifer grabs the man's hand before he could touch her wing, "do not touch me."
The words were so simple, so plainly stated, and yet the man could not help but shiver. He plays it off with a chuckle as he withdraws his hand, "wow. Uh. Don't tell me. Are you supposed to be a fallen angel or something?"
"The fallen angel," Lucifer corrects.
"Oh," he nods his head, "so like..." he chuckles, "Satan."
"Yes," Lucifer grins softly, "precisely."
There was something so eerie about the smile of her face that the man could not bare to be around her any further. A shiver runs down his spine. Morningstar's grin widens as he walks away and when she hears a squeal.
"AUNTIE LUCI!" you run up to the fearsome being, giggles melting her very being into nothing but fluff.
"My dear dream!" Lucifer bends down to catch you in her arms as you jump to embrace her form.
"I've missed you so much!" you exclaim against her neck, little arms wrapping around her. Your voice is soft when you mutter, "I wanted to go to you but papa says hell is no place for a dream like me."
"Well," Lucifer pulls away, "perhaps I could steal you away from your-"
"Watch yourself, Lightbringer," Dream's voice echos in the WcDonalts, making the lights in the fast food chain flicker, and all the present parents survey the room in concern.
"Papa!" you turn to Dream and move in Lucifer's arms to go to him.
Dream raises his hands to get you, but Lucifer does not allow it. She greedily keeps you in her arms, "I was only telling my niece that I would bring her to my realm if her father holds her back."
"That was not the term you used," Dream narrows his eyes.
"And she is not your niece," Death speaks, earning your attention, "not really."
"AUNTIE!" you squeal, more eager to leave Lucifer's arms than ever. She has no choice but to drop you as you run up to your Aunt Death and seal her legs in a tight hug.
Death chuckles, crouching down, stroking your cheeks with the gentlest of touches, "hello, my love. How have you been?"
"I've been doing maths... it's horrible."
Death chuckles as she finally realizes, "are you dressed as the grim reaper?"
Death turns to her little brother, who shakes his head and raises her hands, "I expressed the impudence of it all, but she adamantly insisted."
"Didi told me about how cool the grim reaper is!" you bounced on your feet.
"Oh," Death releasing a breath, understanding, "did they now?" She bends down to meet you face to face, "do you know that the true grim reaper is actually your Auntie Death?"
Your face contorts, "you?"
She nods.
"But you're not cool, Auntie," you innocently say as you push her hair back.
Lucifer snots, suddenly glad to have not left for some WcBorgers just yet.
As Death's jaw hangs low, Dream could not say share a word of comfort, for suddenly, a group of children begin to cry. These were the group of children that were not accompanied by their parents and Dream had sworn to keep an eye on. Yet they were now being terrorized by Didi themselves.
Dream is appalled by the shreiking, and acts quickly to put a stop to it, giving Death a knowing look.
"How about a burger, child," Lucifer calls, making you squeal and run to her.
On his way, Dream grabs Delirium, who was talking to her reflection on the window. It takes a moment for her to speak, "oh! HeLlo bRothEr!"
"I need you to make the children stop crying."
"Well, h0w do i Do tHat?"
Dream and Delirium are upon them.
"Dream, Delirium," Didi smiles, "come for your cry babies?"
"De$ire!" Delirium says, "i d1d noT reaLize you W3re here."
Dream peers down at the crying children and turns to his sister, "how about some bubbles?"
"BuBBles?" Delirium says, manifesting bubbles around her in an instant.
Dream grabs Desire. The latter shoots a look, "what? It's a party, is it not? It's supposed to be fun."
Delirium herself is distracted by the bubbles as the kids crying begins to falter.
"You are to stay away from the children," Dream mutters darkly, making his sibling roll their eyes and pull away from him, "oh, you killjoy. I'm surprised you even let your daughter have a birthday party as WcDonalts. Don't you despise indulging her desires for fast food?"
"It is her day; she is queen."
Desire's lips curve up.
Dream is alerted by another cry ripping in the air. He turns around and finds that Delirium had stolen an ice cream cone from the child.
"She has made you soft, brother," Desire notes.
Dream has no time for either of his siblings as suddenly there is a loud crashing sound followed by an excited squeal.
The parents are immediately clamoring, grabbing the children.
"Destruction!" Death calls, running over to the gaping hole at the wall of WcDonalts right in front of you.
"Auntie!" you mutter, struggling to hold up the enormous teddy bear in barely in your clutch, "Uncle Desie gave me a gift!"
"My, my," Desire crosses their arms, "it seems not even the prodigal is immune to your daughter's charms."
Dream's dark stare at Desire sequentially darkens the room.
Desire raises their hands in surrender as one parent scream something about leaving, which makes Dream drop his guard and turn to the mother who drags a child dressed as a tomato away, "I would not dare to hurt my beloved niece."
"I've had enough of you, Desire," Dream chides, snapping back to them, "I do not want you-"
"PAPA! LOOK!" you grunt, dragging the huge teddy bear over to your father with much difficulty, "UNCLE DESIE GAVE IT TO ME."
Desire is the one who responds, "an exquisite addition to your collection, my dear."
Dream blocks Desire's view of you, "where is Lucienne? You should ask her to hold on to your gift for-"
"NO!" you quip hugging the bear tightly, "it's mine."
"I did not say it was not. I was only saying-"
"My 💖 NiEcE 💖!" Dilirium calls, swooping you up in her arms, "wheN did yOu g3t here!"
You giggle as she swirls you around.
Another child cries from the other side of the room, making Dream release a deep sigh.
"You best attend to the crying broccoli, brother," Desire points, pulling a disgusted face, "I say, what is with their shabby vegetable costumes?"
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saspitite · 3 months
The Hint
On February 6th, 2024, a thread on KauKoBoard made by user HedoniSt0rm had been suddenly updated after going silent for nearly five years.
[24/02/06 19:13] HedoniSt0rm: Hello everyone. Sorry it's been a bit, I got busy with life and had to distance myself from online matters. I hope I didn't worry anyone, though- I know there's only like, 80 people here? So it's pretty easy to remember most everyone and notice when somebody leaves. Either way, I'm back, and with something I think you guys might like. [24/02/06 19:22] Milli_Best_Pilli: TORILLE PERKELE!! welcome back man, we missed you so much! :D you doing alright? [24/02/06 19:24] HedoniSt0rm: Doing just fine, thanks! :]. [24/02/06 19:25] notawolf: what did i miss??? hedoni's back???? talk about the second coming of christ lol [24/02/06 19:25] notawolf: in all seriousness i'm happy you're back dude. what's the thing you wanted to show us? [24/02/06 19:26] HedoniSt0rm: Glad you asked. Hope everyone still has their detective bones in them like the good ol' days, because this was an interesting encounter. Remember what I said before I left? It was the last update I made in this thread. [24/02/06 19:27] notawolf: no fucking way. [24/02/06 19:27] Milli_Best_Pilli: ...do i need to grab some popcorn [24/02/06 19:27] HedoniSt0rm: Yep. I talked to the Kauhukorppi. [24/02/06 19:28] notawolf: DUDE [24/02/06 19:28] HedoniSt0rm: Sit tight, I still have to upload all the photos to my computer- then I'll explain. [24/02/06 20:14] HedoniSt0rm: Alright, everything's done uploading and nothing got corrupted (too much). So, I had gone to a Hevisaurus concert earlier and remembered my hypothesis of potentially communicating with the Kauhukorppi. It felt a bit strange in practice, continuously taking photos while the band wasn't even playing, but I'm sure nobody noticed me amongst all the excited kids. My plan was to keep taking photos periodically until I "caught" him, and then find ways to communicate from there. Yes, it sounds extremely unplanned, but it turns out I didn't really need much of a plan at all. It turns out that the Kauhukorppi can read minds, too. Below is the first photo I had taken which captured the Kauhukorppi. What was interesting was the "..." clearly visible above his head, along with the fact that he wasn't staring into the camera like he usually does. He was definitely aware of me- but specifically aware of the fact that I was trying to get his attention...
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[24/02/06 20:16] HedoniSt0rm: My suspicions that the "..." held significance ended up proving true with my second photo. He was now communicating with me directly, stating that he could "hear me"- my thoughts.
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[24/02/06 20:18] HedoniSt0rm: I then asked the Kauhukorppi if I could speak with him. He stated that he would be delighted to. I'm unsure what the "just don't blink" statement specifically meant, but it was possibly referring to the photos I'd be capturing from then on.
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[24/02/06 20:21] HedoniSt0rm: I began by notifying him of his presence in the real world, and how he had garnered a community online. I was surprised by his answer- he was aware of it, and even went on to say it was his "purpose" to be known.
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[24/02/06 20:24] HedoniSt0rm: Upon asking for more clarification, it seems the Kauhukorppi became a bit agitated, mentioning some kind of nebulous "them".
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[24/02/06 20:25] HedoniSt0rm: I took a wild guess and asked if he was referring to the Sony vs Hevisaurus incident. What I got in response was, bizarrely, silence. He had looked away again.
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[24/02/06 20:28] HedoniSt0rm: I took another photo and he finally answered. It seems I surprised him.
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[24/02/06 20:30] HedoniSt0rm: And then, he made a shocking offering to me. There seems to be much more we don't know about the Kauhukorppi.
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[24/02/06 20:33] HedoniSt0rm: And as I asked just how much there was to uncover, the distortion of the photos began to strangely lessen, and he said this:
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[24/02/06 20:35] HedoniSt0rm:
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[24/02/06 20:37] HedoniSt0rm: This last photo unfortunately still has issues with excess corruption. I am not sure how to decipher the meaning left in this one, as it's too broken on my end to understand. Help would be appreciated. Thank you. I will be signing off, now. -Hedoni
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kichikichiko · 2 years
Scaramouche x fem!reader, fluff, running away, youre both married, scaramouche no longer a fatui, called him "Kuni", sort of soft scaramouche(?) proofread i think 😃
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Ocean waves came on about, hitting the sand beneath and splashing water to nearby rocks
Small sea creatures quickly made their way back to the ocean waters after getting swept away by the strong waves
And you were there, casually admiring up on one of the rocks not caring if you got your outfit wet. Your hair swaying gently by the wind.
Youve moved to the beach long ago with your lover, scaramouche, who was once the balladeer.
The both of you had made work of living by the seaside, adapting was easier than expected, then its probably because the both of you were in it together.
You ran away with him here. Far away from Snezhnaya, far away from the fatui and far away from the past.
As you were in a daze watching the ocean, you started to remember how he asked you to run away with him all those years ago.
"Lets run away together (name)" he said with full determination, eyes showing how serious he was but also how worried he was with how you'd take his statement. It was sudden and out of the blue and he knew
Your eyes widen "what..?" You were shocked, baffled. You didnt know what to say or do, what he said was unexpected and came out of the blue.
"You heard me, lets run away together. You and me. Far away from here, far away from the fatui." He held both of your hands and placed it near his chest as he continued "we can live in peace, we can live together forever. Im sick of this place and I want to spend my lifetime with you always"
You stared at him and started to think. Never once in your life did you think you would ever hear the 6th of the fatui harbinger, your boss, your lover, propose such an idea. The thought of running away will be risky, and if even 1 thing went wrong the whole plan will far apart which worried you. You dont know what would happen to you or him
You looked down as you thought more to yourself. Being with him is what you wanted, he was the reason being in the fatui was bearable as the days went by. Although you both had to keep your relationship a secret, running away would mean that you both wouldnt have to hide it anymore. No more sick experiments to see, no more killing people, no more orders
It will just be you and him againts the world.
You both will finally have a place to call home.
"(Name)!" A voice called out which took you off your train of thoughts. Cranking your head up to meet the voice who called out your name
Out in the distance you saw your lovely husband, hands in his pocket as his hair as well as clothes swayed by the wind, "he looks stunning as always" you thought to yourself.
There was comfortable silence between the 2 of you before you smiled and went off the rock you were sitting on, walking towards him.
Sometimes you thought that maybe running away wasnt a good idea as you both had to face a lot of hardships throughout the journey, and you wondered how your life would have been if you both stayed in the fatui.
But its moments like this that make you remember
That you would sacrifice anything and everything if it means you both could be together and live comfortably.
"Kuni" you said, smiling at him placing your hand on his cheek as you careess it, making him lean into your hand.
You looked so pretty, the sunlight shining on your skin before the moon came up to greet the world. He couldnt help but kiss you, of course you kissed back.
After some time he pulled away and placed his hand on your shoulder, making you lean on him as you both watched the sunset, listening to the waves crash on the rocks and hitting both of your feets
"Lets go home shall we?" He asked you after a moment of silence
"Yeah... home"
Looking up at him you smiled as tears swelled up in your eyes
"Lets go home"
You knew you wouldnt have it any other way.
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
Ice Dance Falls, Fails and Flubs
Part 1
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1. “Stationary Lift BASE?! “😱🫠
Classic HD fuck up 1.0
By now y’all know my distain for HD, not that I have any love lost for Bock either.. or WeaPo.. or gilorier.. so basically this is me missing VM at 4CC and HOLLERING at the cocky ness HD display for a rushed, messy, careless program with a travelling stationary lift guys come on what are you doing sitting there pep-rallying for +5’s.. you look like idiots. Btw. who tf is this lady on the right ↗️??
Also feat. Evan ‘employee of the month at Taco Bell’ Bates
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2. Belbin/Agosto blow it in the Compulsory Dance
They came to these world champs in 2008 expected to win, with the Russians D/S out with injury. But down Tanith goes on a twizzle in the CD.. the point of CD’s is that you are in hold basically the whole time therefore it’s extremely unlikely to fall bc your partner holds you. This put them 6th after the CD, 5th in the OD, rising to 4th after the FD.. they would never win a worlds or Olympics despite being an incredible team* (for the time.. )
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3. FP/M- Torino addition
Maybe the funniest thing ever in Ice dance. This happened after at least 3 teams had already had serious falls (including Marie and Patch which I won’t be talking about bc of the seriousness of it- that was not funny) this on the other hand is HILARIOUS. Firstly: the costumes. WHAT? WHY? Maritzio looking like a pimp. Even before the fall this performance reminds me of your cringe aunt and uncle getting up to dance at a wedding. They had not competed since SLC 2002.. we won’t discuss that bc How and WHY- what sport was ID in 2002 where this team wins a medal over Bourne & Kraatz?????
Then.. the fall.. yes BESP uncles.. it was the too much outside edge that did it, that’s where the problems started, never mind mags’ shithouse skating skills.
My favourite part is when she just *reverse Homer Simpson’s out of a hedge* towards him and he does that *nod* as if to say “hey that was pretty damn good” seriously, what a flop, even in the K&c it continues to be hilarious him just man spreading looking at the scores while she looks like she’s gonna kill herself (and him), he’s looking as if ‘yeah that’s not bad’ well you wouldn’t know bro there’s been a new system introduced since you seemingly last stepped on an ice rink.
Just omg.. iconic. all I can think about is god forbid this ever happened to vm and the polar opposite their reaction would be (except S never dropped T and S actually had skating skills)
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4. The piece of shit that is Didier Gailhauget
(Thankyou to @iluvausten for finding this for me)
I don’t need to translate this right y’all get it..
This tweet and subsequent result is the reason the acronym LMFAO was invented. Guess the Russian mob didn’t feel like helping out on this one sorry boo 🥲
(And/Or the bby angels were just too damn good)
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5. Bourne/Kraatz 2002
This is kinda a sad one..
But what I love is the contrast between B/K reaction and FP/M..
No blame, no hate, no making a scene.
They were in 4th place going into the FD with a good chance of capturing bronze, but fell in the last 5 seconds.
It was so unfortunate but you know what: you skate to MJ you should expect karma..
They finished 4th- same as they had in 1998- a fixed event
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6. Classic HD fuck up 2.0, Worlds 2017
I don’t want to talk about this to point where I’m gonna get hate for it and I also don’t want to be that person who says ‘I don’t talk bout what I don’t know’ and then talk about what I don’t know but since this post has a bit of a ‘blunt and direct humour about it’, why do I get the feeling that the whole ‘we don’t have faith in ourselves’ thing was a bit of an act with these two and training with the goats gave them this false sense that they were better than they were and took that cocky confidence too far to the point where (he especially) couldn’t stay on his damn feet?? The whole ‘Gabrois podium sweep’ thing they were going for at these worlds and olys gives me side eye..
Ok. That’s part 1, part 2 coming soon
Reminder this is all in good humour, every team that competes at this level is highly skilled in some respect and then others are just a$$holes🥰
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