#he made the enemies to lovers trope popular yes
joequiinn · 6 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 1
[chap two] | [all chapters here]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: Was I the only one who turned 18 a month into their senior year and then proceeded to spiral and become The Worst version of themself possible?? Well, this fic is semi-inspired by that shitty part of my life lmao. Reader figure skates though. I can’t figure skate, hurts my feet lol. I never expected to write a fake dating story, but Eddie Munson has had me bewitched for nearly 2 years now, so here we go.
(if you'd like to be added to a tag list, pls let me know!)
wc: 3.9k
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Chapter One
The idea came to you during a student council meeting as the class president was droning on about the ‘85 homecoming preparations: you needed to do something crazy, something completely and utterly out of character.
Maybe it was because of your ex breaking up with you just weeks before school started. Maybe it was that senior year itch. Maybe it was the realization that you were turning 18 next week. Hell, maybe you just woke up that morning with a strong sense that the things in your life were no longer satisfying you.
Whatever the cause, since the start of your senior year, you’ve just felt so off.
Your ex, Duncan, breaking up with you right before school started was a low blow, and an absolutely shitty feeling - you didn’t date much, but when you did, it was never the guy that ended things. It wasn’t shitty because you were in love and oh so heartbreak, it wasn’t shitty because you saw a future with him. It was shitty because of how goddamn embarrassing it was.
To your peers, you were a couple that made sense, and in fact people had been urging you to go out for a while. And, obviously, you had grown to like him, considering that you were in a relationship for six months - you never would have put up with him for that long if you didn’t actually like him. But the fact that he broke up with you, and not the other way around, left a sour, spiteful taste in your mouth.
So, perhaps it was that break-up that made you feel different this entire month. Or maybe it was your impending 18th birthday, which made you realize just how close you were to legal adulthood. Whatever the cause, every single aspect of your life up to this point suddenly came under your deep scrutiny. You just weren’t… happy?
That made it sound bad, but what were you enjoying right now? What got you excited every day? As you sat in the student council meeting, zoning out since the very start, you came to think that maybe you had nothing going on right now that you genuinely wanted in your life.
Hell, you weren’t even on the student council because you enjoyed it, Janet just dragged you into it back in your sophomore year. You figured she loved the sense of importance it gave her. She and everyone else in the council probably got off on how important they felt, the dictators of Hawkins High School.
You always ran in this crowd, and before you never questioned it. The popular kids, the rich kids, the successful kids. You don’t remember ever choosing these friends and acquaintances - if anything, it seemed that these peers were all a constant, as if they’d always been there from the very start. You figured it was the natural state of the world - as the daughter of one of the richest men in town, you were predestined to end up here. Not here as in the student council, surrounded by other spoiled rich kids debating the difference between turquoise and cyan. But here in an even broader sense - in a finely curated life, in all the “right” circles, on the path to either greatness or becoming the trophy wife of greatness.
Up until now, you’d never questioned it. Yes, mom and dad, you were a popular kid whose free time was fully booked between college prep, figure skating, student council, dates with a cookie-cutter boyfriend, and everything else under the sun. Yes, mom and dad, you were doing everything they all told you too because it would look great on your college applications, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, because that’s how things have always been done.
It started to dawn on you maybe a week or so into the school year just how mundane you were - you never questioned your time spent skating or on extracurriculars, you never went against the order of things as dictated by only the most popular of your peers. That’s just what was done, what was always done. But after your ex dared to break up with you, you came to realize recently that maybe all of this wasn’t what you wanted - maybe it was time to start making some choices for yourself instead of worrying what your parents told you or what your peers thought or what to do to keep your boyfriend semi-happy.
So, you started to consider what exactly it was that you wanted. And that proved to be more challenging than you anticipated, which probably would have sounded extremely pathetic if you had said it to any of the people sitting next to you.
Did you like figure skating? Of course, it was your idea after all. What you didn’t like was the pressure from your mother to train and become an Olympian, a feat that was never your intention when you took up the sport at six years old. Besides, you told her, you were way past the age for trials, you’d never get in (or, at least, that’s what you told her, because how the hell would you know whether or not there was a cut off age).
Did you like your friends? You thought so - you’d known them virtually your entire life, so you never questioned your relationship with them. But proximity didn’t necessarily go hand-in-hand with likeability. Maybe some of them you actually liked, but the rest? No, they were just around because they always had been.
Did you like your relationship before Duncan broke up with you? No, probably not. Of course, your opinion of him and that entire relationship was soured now, but even at the time, you were probably just going through the motions, doing things that couples do without any real heart in it.
So… What did you want? What did you actually like?
It was jarring to realize that your entire life had been dictated and finely tuned for you from the moment you were born, that even the things you wanted had been molded into new shapes by your parents or your peers or your teachers.
Once you realized how little of your life was in your own hands, you couldn’t get it out of your head. You always saw yourself as someone who was in control, as someone who couldn’t be told shit. And yet, you came to realize that that was far from the truth. It was as if suddenly everything about your life was something you hated. You hated your classes, you hated your friends, you hated running in the same circle as your ex, you hated all your obligations. Through the first few weeks of senior year, all you felt was frustration, disinterest, and absolute boredom with everything around you. Something had to change. And during the bullshit student council meeting, you became determined to make it happen.
So, over the course of that boring as all hell meeting, you tried to figure out what you wanted, and how you were going to get it. You set a goal for yourself, silly but helpful considering the structure you were so accustomed to: you’d set your plan in motion on your birthday. New year, new you, right?
Once you gave yourself that deadline, you then had to think about what exactly you were trying to accomplish - yes, you wanted to make some major changes, you wanted to, in a way, become a new person, but how were you going to do that?
You settled on four key things to keep in mind:
You wanted to piss off your parents big time - your dad barely acknowledged your existence and your mom coddled you, so actually upsetting them would be a feat unto itself. You had to become so awful that even your mother would stop making excuses for you.
You needed to drop your friends - the more you thought about all the people you grew up alongside, the more you realized that you weren’t particularly interested  in relationships with any of them. Whether you made new friends or not wasn’t a priority, in fact you kind of liked the idea of just being left alone.
You had to figure out what you actually enjoyed - outside of skating, you had no idea what really interested you, what you would like to do with your life and your free time. You figured it was time to do some self reflection and focus on finding things that you’d actually enjoy.
And, most importantly, you had to get back at your ex. Yeah, it was stupid to be motivated by a boy, but nothing would make you happier than seeing him worked up and frustrated. Your focus wasn’t on trying to win him back or anything like that - you wanted to piss him off, to exact some kind of revenge for making you look like an idiot when he broke up with you at a party that all your friends had attended.
How you were going to accomplish these, however, was yet to be determined. But they were a damn good starting point, and they got you motivated to become an absolute nuisance to everyone around.
The Friday following the student council meeting, you decided to first experiment with a little something, satiate a mild curiosity. To anyone else, it was probably the most mundane thing in the world, but to a high schooler who thought graduation was life or death, doing anything out of the ordinary felt nail-biting.
You were going to sit at a new lunch table.
You had just two days left until your birthday, until you’d officially set your plan in motion, so you still had a little more time to come up with something. So far, you couldn’t think of shit. You were already someone who was blunt and commanding and mean, whose thoughts and feelings were always on your face, so people were used to you being bossy and a little miserable - you couldn’t start being meaner or blunter, you just knew that wouldn’t be enough. Maybe you could start skipping class, maybe you could start flaking on friends, but somehow none of that felt like enough, like it wouldn’t make a statement. You had to really make an impression, to really set yourself up for a total ruination of your social status, you just hadn’t figured out how.
But a new lunch table was as good a starting point as any, right?
You chose a table at the far end of the lunchroom; customarily your group of friends, acquaintances, and ex sat centrally, surrounded by the jocks on one side and the academics on the other. The new table you chose was only occupied by two other people, a dorky little couple who looked at you funny when you sat as far from them as possible. In turn, you gave them an icy cold glare, prompting them to look away quickly, like you were a Medusa who could turn them to stone.
Your stupid little lunchroom plan was a bust, though. Five minutes into your peaceful lunch, your two closest friends, Amelia and Janet found you, each looking perplexed and put-off by your seat of choice. They looked around before lowering into the seats around you, their expression full of something akin to disgust, as if sitting at a different table was that offensive.
“What are we doing over here?” Amelia asked judgmentally, eyeing the couple at the opposite end of the table. Across the lunchroom, a few people (including Duncan) from your usual lunch table looked at you funny, “It’s like we’re exiled or something.”
So dramatic, you thought while staring harshly at her.
“Change of scenery.” You answered plainly, stabbing at the food in front of you. Amelia hummed in acknowledgement, but still made it quite clear that she didn’t agree with the decision.
“What, does this have something to do with Duncan?” She jabbed, receiving another nasty look from you, “So, he’s a jerk? Get over it.”
You should’ve known this idea was too simple to work. Of course they’d just follow you like the lemmings that they were, just as unable to make their own decisions as you were. Yeah, you definitely needed to try something bigger to scare them off.
Briefly, you thought that you could maybe tell them, just say point blank, “Amelia, Janet, I hate being around you and this friendship is done.” But, again, you figured that wouldn’t be good enough, that they’d laugh at your mean sense of humor even if you reiterated yourself. In this crowd, being mean was never enough to make your point, because all of you were nasty, not only to each other but to virtually everyone you met.
And despite your well-known attitude problem, you still cared about Amelia and Janet, flaws and all. These were the girls that you’d known since you were five years old, of course you worried about their feelings at least a little bit - nearly 13 years of friendship would do that to anyone. Guess you had more of a heart than you gave yourself credit for.
You definitely needed a foolproof plan to get out of this friendship, this social circle, this popular bubble that you’d always been trapped in. The friendship had to end without you saying so. You had to push them out until they finally gave up on you. Make it seem like it was their idea, that would definitely work on them.
As you schemed, Amelia and Janet chatted around you. Various acquaintances stopped by the table, all with the same question: what the hell were you guys doing sitting all the way out here? Even Duncan was amongst those that asked, trying to ignore the way you glared daggers at him. Amelia and Janet gave various responses, all of which put blame on you as if this simple little decision meant their utter ruination.
As Duncan was preparing to walk back to your usual lunch table, a commotion rose out in the hallway, the echo of rapid footfall drifting in through the doors. Multiple heads turned to face the cafeteria doors with curiosity, some people peeked out into the hall to check what the yelling was about, scurrying back to their friends to report what they’d seen. You, Amelia, Janet, and Duncan all waited silently, sharing raised brows and curious looks.
Not even a minute later, Eddie freaking Munson came crashing into the lunchroom, a look of total glee on his face as he cackled, not even remotely fazed by all the eyes on him. As he tumbled through the cafeteria doors, you jumped a little at the burst of sound. Eddie’s disruption turned everyone’s heads now, the lunchroom silent in shock and loathing as the resident outcast ran between tables, heading for the set of doors at the opposite end of the room. Your gaze was locked on the shit disturber as he blew past your table, carelessly running into Duncan in the process, but even that collision didn’t slow him down. Duncan yelled at him, but Eddie was focused on one goal, and if this were a cartoon you definitely would have seen dust kick up behind him from how quickly he was moving.
Not too far behind was Coach Miller, a look of absolute rage marring his puffy red face as he pursued Eddie. It didn’t even seem to cross his mind that he was making a fool of himself in front of the entire student body - his only focus was stopping the offender of whatever shenanigans currently pissed him off.
Your gaze turned back to the excited Eddie, an undeniable curiosity rising in you - what the hell did he do to piss off Coach Miller this bad? Sure, the coach was always pretty damn temperamental, but you couldn’t recall ever seeing him look quite this upset before.
Eddie paused at the cafeteria doors to turn and pull a mocking face at the coach before darting from the room, as if nothing in the world could touch him and he was unstoppable.
As Coach Miller disappeared after Eddie and students returned to their usual conversations, albeit with an air of awkwardness, you stared at the cafeteria doors thoughtfully.
That’s when an idea began to form.
You needed to take a page out of Eddie Munson’s book. If anyone in this school knew how to be a thorn in everyone’s side, it was him. So, you spent the remainder of your lunch brainstorming, trying to figure out how to channel even a sliver of Eddie’s energy; you only chimed into the conversation when someone spoke to you directly.
In the middle of fifth period, you still weren’t quite sure what your game plan was, but you at least had a vague starting point. While your history teacher rambled on about some significant European war that you couldn’t begin to care about, you tapped your pencil as you thought about Eddie Munson (a sentence that very nearly grossed you out).
You’ve known about him since your freshman year - at the time, he was a year ahead of you, but since then he’d been held back. People always sneered when talking about him, as if Eddie was the most offensive thing they’d ever encountered, as if he was some kind of plague. He went against all social norms you’d learned up to that point, he was contradictory to everything you’d ever been taught about social conduct and likeability - he wore ratty clothes, listened to scary music, acted out in the most theatrical ways possible, and never seemed to give a shit what anyone thought.
You had never spoken to Eddie personally. Through the years you’d had a few classes together, including your math class this year, so you’ve witnessed some of his antics. But really, you knew nothing about the guy. Just the things that everyone else told you, and those things were nothing good. Whether or not Eddie was as bad as people said didn’t matter to you. His reputation was shit, and in this instance that’s exactly what you needed.
So, how were you going to ruin your senior year with the help of Eddie Munson? Well, at the very least, maybe you first had to have a conversation with him. It would be pretty stupid to walk up to him and go “hey, Munson, I know everyone here hates you, how about we chat and you make them hate me, too!”
Maybe you needed to find a way to hang out with him? Pretend to be friends long enough that the rest of the student body begins to ostracize you? With a little amused huff, an even worse thought crossed you: maybe you needed to pretend you were interested in Eddie Munson for a while, that was sure to piss just about everyone off. Especially Duncan.
But then the idea gave you pause.
You could not pretend to flirt with, or even date, Eddie fucking Munson. No chance in hell that would work. No way he would go for it, and no way you’d be able to tolerate him long enough to convince anyone that you were even remotely into him.
But… maybe?
Shit, what a stupid idea.
Or maybe it was a brilliant one.
You mulled it over a few minutes longer - if you were going to, somehow, convince Eddie Munson to pretend to date you, you needed to offer him something in exchange, that was obvious. You needed to give him a good reason to help you out, or this plan was never going to work. Its chances of success already seemed slim to none.
You had one idea, though you weren’t entirely certain if he’d go for it.
Your Uncle Tom was a cop, had been with the force your entire life - and you’d bet he’s probably had at least one run-in with Eddie. Maybe you’d tell Eddie that you could get cops to leave him alone, to stop watching him wearily whenever they were around. You couldn’t promise him too much, of course, but you knew at the very least that you could get your uncle to leave him alone. Or you could even take the fall here and there for whatever trouble Eddie inevitably lands himself in - what cop was stupid enough to arrest the niece of a cop and the daughter of a man who owned half of Hawkins?
It wasn’t foolproof, and you knew there were flaws to be found, but it just might work.
So, with your mind made up, you rip a scrap of paper from your notebook and scribble out a quick message:
Let’s make a deal. Sunday. You pick the time and place. Locker #436
You’d hoped that Eddie would be smart enough to realize that you wanted him to write you back, to drop his own stupid note in your locker so you could meet up and tell him your stupid, crazy idea. God, this better work.
You swiftly raise your hand in the air, giving a small impatient wave when your teacher didn’t acknowledge you right away, instead trying to focus on his lecture.
He rolled his eyes when he spotted your hand in the air, pointing at you and saying in an annoyed monotone, “What’s so important that you’re interrupting?”
Without any hesitation, you state bluntly, “Lady troubles.”
The teacher looks shocked by how plainly you stated it. But because it was you that said it and not someone else, your peers didn’t dare laugh, although a couple boys seemed to choke in surprise or amusement.
“Go, go…” Your teacher waved you off before continuing his lecture, wanting to forget the small interaction entirely.
You exited the room and roamed the halls confidently. Eddie’s locker wasn’t hard to miss - he was one of the students that decorated the metal with crude permanent marker sketches, and the school was too cheap to care about replacing or painting over it. As you approached Eddie’s locker, you checked around to make sure no one spotted you; it wasn’t as if you were committing a crime, but you didn’t need anyone wondering what you were up to in case this plan didn’t work.
So, you slipped the note into his locker, returned to class, and waited impatiently for the final bell of the day to ring, hoping that Eddie would actually stop by his locker and not just leave school without ever seeing your note.
When the end of the day came, it took everything in your power not to rush back to your own locker - just in case, you didn’t want him spotting you there. Why all the secrecy, you sure as hell didn’t know, but you nonetheless continued it.
So, you waited, stopping into the bathroom to check your makeup, walking with Amelia and Janet as they stopped at their own lockers. As the three of you exited the building and walked into the parking lot, you pretended to remember something, telling them that you needed to run back inside. You said your quick goodbyes and went back to wandering the halls, finally opening up your own locker.
It was stupid that your heart leapt when you saw a crudely torn piece of paper resting on top of some of your belongings.
You opened it quickly, eagerly reading the metalhead’s response:
Picnic table behind the football field, 4.
God, what were you getting yourself into.
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tonixe · 10 months
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a/n: ZOOWEMAMA, NEW CELEBRITY CRUSH UNLOCKED. Yes, I DID JUST WATCH THE NEW HUNGER GAMES, AND THIS is PROBABLY LIKE THE ONLY TIME I WILL SAY, THAT ONLY THE YOUNG CORIOLANUS SNOW IS HOT; the movie was good asf, low-key jealous of the actor who played Lucy like I would love I mean love to just be proximity 5 feet or less like he is just so hot. **
warning: mentions of violence (threats), smut, p in the v, penetration, fingering, bathroom sex, enemy lovers trope...proofread (?).
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
word counter: 1.8k
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You were perfect, the embodiment of a perfect daughter, student, and personality. You carried yourself with grace, and made yourself known as an individual with class and intelligence.
You have an outstanding academic standing, high grades, good social points, and were popular with your peers. A person with all that must have someone to be rival with or a person trying to one-up them. In this case, it was true for you, the last name Snow, made you snarl. The name Coriolanus Snow, made you grimace even. He was always one step ahead of you, if you were two, he would be one. It made you resent him in every single way.
Today was reaping day...the anniversary of making the district pay for their uprising against capital control and authority. You were wearing a black dress with a scoop necklace and small cut diamonds sowed on your dress, making it look like the night sky, it fell to your knees. Pearls waiting on your neck with matching earrings and a dashing pair of bloody red lips to match the blood that was ready to be spilled in the arena.
The building was busy with students, excited for the games to begin. It was supposedly going to be last, but you knew it was a lie. Why would the capitol stop the games, weren't their enemies not rebelling against them enough? Vigilantly waiting for it to start, holding onto a delicate glass cup with some liquid poured into, it as you sipped from the glass. You were conversing with a few of your peers, not friends. You weren't considered them anywhere near you, there were just walking money bags that socially and economically fueled you.
"Y/N, how would you prophesize this year's hunger game will turn out ?" Festus said, you looked at him. "Well...I, presume that it going to end as fast as it started" You declared, smirking against the glass before you sipped the liquid inside your cup, "I don't expect any of thoses things to survive fast" Felix agreed with your thought, "The same" Arachne added.
You loved basking in the attention of others, made you feel like you had some power, and if people liked you. They would agree, give, gift, allow, and offer anything to you. It was shortly outlived, "Finally, the star pupil," Arachne said, their attention turning to Coriolanus, and yours flickered to him as well.
You bit your lip at the scene, glaring at her before you looked at him. "That's a snazzy shirt, what are those buttons.. tesserae?" Arachne marvels at his shirt, picking out several details, you put your hands covering your mouth to hide your smile.
"Hm..that's why they remind me of the maid's bathroom," Coriolanus remarked, looking at the button, turning his attention towards the group, "Not surprising with the people you associated yourself with, Coriolanus" You commented, taking a sip from your drink, faintly tilting your head to the side, denoting Sejanus's presence from afar.
"How malicious of you, y/n. That was the most humane thing you ever displayed to me" He said, his eyes and yours making contact with each other, making the room oddly tense up. "I'm tender-hearted but not a charity" You affirmed, the grip of your glass getting harder as you spoke to him.
Were you jealous, no, never. Why would you ever be jealous of him? Maybe it was his high intelligence, the way he carried himself, his charm on everyone he talked to? or everything that was neatly wrapped in a silky satin red bow, that was an embodiment of himself. It was funny to you, that you had this 'discreet' loathe for someone, and that person was in less than 6 feet of you, proximity 2 people away.
"Well, I heard this year there is something called the 'Plinth' prize" You turned your attention to Felix talking, "Something about Doctor Gauls' being in the building, Plinth.." Felix turned his head, "I mean just look at his spawn" I turned my attention to Sejanus from afar. "Who knew you could buy your way into the capitol?" Felix finished, "Well, money does control everything" you muttered, cocking your eyebrows.
"Well, you can't buy class, I mean...have you looked at his mother's outfit, Oh sorry, his ma's..." Festus mocked before the group snickering, "Dress a turnip in a ball gown, and it will still be begged to be mashed" Coriolanus joked, flickering his eyes away from Sejanus.
"Don't do that we all know you like him" Arachne commented, " I don't like him, Arachne. I tolerate him. He's District" Coriolanus finished, cutting her off completely, made you amused. "That's a low blow" You mockingly did a sad face at him, "The low blow is being district" Coriolanus muttered, you smirked at his actions.
"Tolerate him, just don't encourage. I heard these games how immoral these hunger games have been, putting him in the arena must—" Festus spoke he cut himself short as Sejanus walked toward the group. The whole thing was funny, snarky remarks being thrown, and your lips were graced with a smile every time.
Your ears heard the ringing of the bell signaling the start of the reaping. You got into your seat, sitting right next to Arachne.
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It went delighting, well for you. You got a capable-looking tribute, she looked promising to you, and her name was Hera. Interesting to give a poor girl, a high-class name. You were in the bathroom, powering your nose, fixing up yourself. Puffing the power puff on your face, leaving your face having a matte finish. Applying your signature color on your lips.
Your ears heard the door opening, but your eyes didn't bother to look at the person who came as you were too busy with yourself.
Feeling a pair of hands on your waist, your eyes flickering to the mirror, looking at the one who was responsible, only to met with the eyes that you so daintily hate. You quickly turn yourself around, "What are you doing here?" You exclaimed, turning your attention to the blonde that came in, Coriolanus. "Do you know what bathroom you're in Coriolanus?" You crossed your arms, glaring at him.
"It didn't bother you then, why now" He walked closer to your awaiting form, "Then, I didn't resent you," You stated, feeling his hands on your bottom, lightly spinning you in a halfway motion. "Are you serious going to this in the bathroom.." Your eyes darted away from him, "What if I said, yes?" He lifted your head up narrowly so that your eyes met his "...what if we get caught?" You really did hate him, how he made you feel, how he controlled you, but it felt natural to be obedient to him, his cold stare meeting yours.
"Let's wait still we do" He leaned towards you and whispered to your ear, before taking you by surprise, taking your body and placing it on the marble of the cold bathroom counter. Making you hiss from the temperature change, his actions were rushed taking your tights off with the motion of matching colored panties, discarding them somewhere else.
His lips latching onto yours, leaning you back to the mirror, your arms holding down for support. Moans trailing down from your lips, groans from his, your hands on your cheeks, feeling his tongue exploring the caverns of your mouth. Opening your eyes slightly from the hungry kiss, catching your gaze at the growing size that was bound to be released from his constricted black pants. You withdraw from the kiss attempting to catch your breath, feeling yourself unravel in front of the blonde gentleman. "Just put 'it' in already" You whispered, hanging your arms that lack strength on his shoulders, "Not yet, my dove" Feeling his fingers dancing under your dress, his finger making contact with the sensitive parts of you, making you shutter.
"Coriolanus....be gentle, you know im sensitive" your lips pouting before feeling the intrusion, making you jump in your skin. Your languid moans being ripped out from your throat, while he pushes you further, pushing the digit further in and taking it out, thrusting in a frantic style.
Your body jolted and bounced back from the force he used. He edges you on, till your skin is covered with a layer of sweat, and everything around you makes you feel hot. You needed to get out of his dress in some way, it was another layer that denied you, the friction you needed.
His slender fingers carved a way into you, reaching into parts of you didn't know you had, your head hung low, feeling embarrassed from the vulgar things you both were doing in the bathroom, the feeling of being caught was only a chance but was never low. Your eyes hesitantly look at the door, feeling your skin pricking, distracting you. "Coryo...I'm close" you whispered, something in him erupted when you said that, that..very nickname. His fingers removed themselves from you, making you quiver, dissatisfied.
"Y/N..I want you to use that name...every time I thrust into you" He spoke, his very words made you wet, if not impossible more attracted. His hands on your upper thigh, pulling you towards him. Propping your hip at the edge of the counter, your cheeks were flushed, knowing what was next.
Next thing you knew his pant were discarded like your panties, and feeling him lining up with your slit. His hand is on your waist massaging the muscle, before he pushes his hips to yours, the intrusion feels better, moans trailing down on your lips. His hip colliding with yours. Your ears hearing him groan in pleasure, your own mind on cloud 9.
Feeling yourself getting needier for a sort of release or satisfaction.
"C-coryo, I'm close" you whimpered, your skin feeling more hot, your dress making you uncomfortable. His cock fucking into you, your body jolting at the frantic push into you. Hooking your arms around, feeling yourself almost unraveling, "Me too, my dove" Coriolanus groans out, his hips snapping back into you. Before you felt a crash of waves coming down on you, your gummy walls clamping down around his cock. Hearing his groans in your ear, as he thrust into you a few more times before pulling out of you, and spilling himself on your stomach.
Heavy breathing was all you heard, no words just your body growing tired from the minute. "You did well" his hands caressing your cheek gently. Your lips parted, as you stared into his icy-like eyes. Your chest heaves out, placing your hands on his, leaning into his embrace.
You hate it, but you can't understand why you love it at the same time...it fills you with confusing thoughts, but every time you look at the same blonde gentleman you thought you were to loathe, but your heart skips a beat.
You gave him back a small smile. Finding yourself surrendering and freezing into the snow and frost—and your heart being held with a lock and key.
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wonryllis · 5 months
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마치 아무 일도 없었단 듯이 그녀는 나를 보네, 그늘 한 점 없는 눈으로, 하지만 나는 알아, 내 안의 심연. 입을 벌린 채 나를 기다리는 걸, 순결한 목덜미가 계속 날 미치게 해. 주체할 수 없는 욕망에 날 던지라 해, 수없이 용서받고 거듭났었던 나인데.
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yes baby? in a lovesick smile ( where he shows you what's it like to be loved right. ) | fluff, comfort hurt, drabble |
agent heeseung: little bit dangerous baby, that's how i like it ( where agent red gets distracted ) | headcanons, NSFW, short |
after hours, i can be whatever you want me to be | drabble, 0.8k, fluff, toxic situationship, down down down bad lee heeseung with naive philophobic reader, age gap, suggestive: mild | 📌
you know i want you | short drabble, fluff, strangers to lovers, neighbours to lovers, rock band frontman!heeseung |
dear future husband | social media!au + written chapters, spoiled rich girl x middle class hee, SMUT, fluff, humor & crack, minimal angst, college au, nonidol!au, neighbors to lovers!au, childhood friends to lovers!au |
preview. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
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last friday night ( think we kissed ) | fluff, enemies secretly in love but oblivious, long drabble? oneshot? 3.3k | 📌
you, my fate come and kiss me | fluff-angst, soulmate au, short drabble <500, valentine special |
daddy issues, my little girl (teaser) | neighbours to lovers, strangers to lovers, SMUT, fluff, comfort, angst, romance, ddlg concept, i know you can do it but let me do it for you trope, oneshot, around 35k, revamp + new part | 📌.THE FAV!
preview. you had always had daddy issues, for as long as you could remember. so when jay came along with his caring nature, how could you possibly keep your feelings at bay? not to forget, your roses of love have wilted long before you even knew what love meant but jay, he’s here at your doorstep with a watering can. will you be able to refuse? or where, new neighbor dr jay park is asked to babysit you over the week. ironically the only man you have ever had a crush on.
、SIM JAEYUN. —⁠심재윤
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into the spider verse ( you're a sunflower, i think your love would be too much. ) | fluff, slightly suggestive in some places, headcanons, small scenarios and dialogues, jake as spiderman, 2k | 📌📌
please teach me how to understand you ( where he is ready to learn to love you. ) | comfort hurt, argument, reader overthinks a lot, drabble |
watermelon sugar (M) | roommates to lovers, SMUT, fluff, crack, fuckboy soft for his girlie trope, college au, oneshot, 13.5k, a major revamp | POPULAR
preview. he’s the sweetest to you, one might confuse him for your boyfriend, but he’s not, he just your fuckboy of a roommate who treats you like a delicate candy, always looking out for you and never at you; or so you think.
candy, you're like a drug (M) | featuring, jake and candy from WATERMELON SUGAR this can absolutely be read as a standalone |
preview. where jake teaches you how to blow him behind the bleachers just before his soccer practice, unable to resist the charm of you in a cheerleader outfit. well it's not like he has to resist you anymore, you are finally officially his girl.
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baby you're the only one for me: must've been your other girlfriend NSFW TEXT!AU
somewhere in northern italy (teaser) | fake dating, enemies to lovers, fluff, crack, smut, one shot. at least 10k or more | 📌
preview. park sunghoon hates oranges, he always has. the tangy citrusy tingles he's so not fond of it. he also hates you, the living embodiment of an orange: cheery, full of life, and well, round. why should he be bothered by it though? all he has to do is work hard to get into his dream university. but the thing is, he really needs a specific recommendation letter for it. something which he can only get from your father. and hypothetically speaking, he can't just ask for it, so he does you 'a favor for a favor'; he fake dates you on your trip home for summer break and surprise surprise your family owns the biggest orange farm in the country.
poker face ( she's got me like nobody ) | fluff, enemies secretly in love but oblivious, long drabble? oneshot? 2.3k | 📌
the three stages of dating park sunghoon | fluff, scenarios, drabbles, 1.1k |
happy for a while | angst, rebound!reader, no physical cheating though, painful but really good i promise, 1.4k drabble |
the hot dad next door (teaser) | dilf au, neighbours to lovers, smut, fluff, oneshot, around 10k or more, age gap | 📌
preview. the ever quintessential first time dad moves in next door with his five year old and finds it impossible not to fall for you, the pretty girl who gives his daughter cookies and him; the doll eyes. obsessed with your entire being, unable to keep his hands off you, park sunghoon questions if he's just crazy or he's crazy over you.
i'll wait for your love | long drabble 2.2k, suggestive: making out, summer fling, happy ending, fluff, slight angst, "he's super hot so why not" trope | 📌
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. . nothing yet
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give a chance to cupid: situationship texts with yang jungwon 📌
my sun, he makes me shine: thoughts on soft boyfriend jungwon with his stressed s/o | headcanons, fluff, comfort? |
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stop teasing me! ( where his hidden feelings are not so hidden. ) | fluff, older reader, super short <500, scenario, drabble |
lowkey accidentally falling super hard for you: slightly toxic!situationship texts with riki 📌 POPULAR
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rillils · 8 months
how do explain stucky from the moment they met to where they are now (together in each others arms) to my friend who knows nothing about marvel
ohh this is a tough one, honey! i think i've got two options for you:
the short answer:
stucky is a compendium of all the best tropes out there, and i'm sure i'm gonna miss a few:
soulmates? check! star-crossed lovers? check! battle husbands? super check! mutual pining? check! 'and they were roommates'? check! best friends to lovers? check check check! long-lost lover comes back from the dead? fuck yeah, check! temporary amnesia? check! dude in distress trope? check! 'they will always find each other and choose each other in every lifetime'? also check! identity porn? extra check! saved by the power of love? you guessed it: check! slow burn or childhood sweethearts? you decide!!! did they share their first kiss when steve was 16, as per a popular fanon theory? did they only confess their feelings during the war? did they only get together much later, when bucky was healing in wakanda? you can pick literally ANY point in their timeline, and it will still make sense! they're all equally valid! you can even have multiple different headcanons at once, i mean who's gonna stop you??? all you have to do is join in the fun! 💕
the long AF answer, aka:
all right, let's set the scene:
imagine two young kids, let's call them steve and bucky. they meet, they immediately take to each other, they become instant besties! and as they grow up together, facing many hardships, their bond deepens. not only are they best friends; they are also each other's family. they take care of each other, and they both know they can always rely on one another in times of need.
when steve's mom (and only remaining relative) passes away, bucky reminds him that he's not as alone in this world as he thinks he is: bucky will always be by his side. bucky will always love him unconditionally, will always be there for him, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, and he wants steve to know that.
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in fact, he asks steve to move in with him, thus offering steve both a literal and a metaphorical home.
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and steve says yes!
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SO. they are each other's home, they're living together, they're getting by all right. but then war breaks out, and eventually it reaches their little home as well: bucky is drafted, and steve, due to his many health issues, and despite his best intentions, can't follow the boy he loves onto the battlefield.
it's a very difficult time for them both - so much so that they can't even bring themselves to talk about it.
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they have no choice but to say goodbye for now, knowing that they might never see each other again. but here's something you might not know yet about steve: he's the most reckless, most stubborn fucker america's ever seen. he's not gonna let this stop him!!! instead, he goes and gets a very sweet, kindly scientist to fucking experiment on him, because screw it, he's going to fight in this war if it's the last thing he does. and that's how he goes from Smol Steeb to Lorge Premium Steeb.
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of course, things don't go exactly as he predicted, and steve is made to be the star of a war propaganda-fuelled musical kinda thingie, which he resents (but he looks fucking precious in his costume)
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BUT! he does get closer to the actual battlefield. which is where he discovers that bucky has been captured by the enemy (!!!!!!!) and is most likely dead by now. but steve isn't willing to give up so easily! he'll believe bucky's dead when he sees it with his own eyes. so, he embarks on this suicide solo mission in the attempt to get bucky back, even if it means wandering on his own. into enemy territory. where he would be shot. on. sight. with no protection for his dumb ass except for a bunch of theater props!!! but such is the power of love, y'all.
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against all odds, steve finds bucky very much still alive! and as soon as bucky recognizes him, even as confused as he is, he pulls out this beautiful, ecstatic, angelic-ass smile, like he's just seen god or he got high on some real good edibles or maybe both idk, like my man here was having a serious Religious Experience™ you guys
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and i just wanna say, they could have totally kissed here and it would have made plenty of sense. but that's true of like 90% of their scenes in this franchise, so *shrugs*
ANYWAY steve takes bucky in his arms (well technically yes he does) and brings him to safety, and on their way there, bucky proves once more just how hard he meant that "with you til the end of the line" from before
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afterwards, steve is finally given the chance to fight, just like he wanted.
bucky, on the other hand, could very well leave the war behind and go home; but when he learns that steve is staying, he chooses to stay too, and fight by his side. and he tells steve so in this very intimate, softspoken, delightfully suggestive conversation, which can be summed up like this:
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and so they walk right back into the heart of the fight, only this time together, as they were always meant to be!
but. during an especially tricky mission, they're surprised by the enemy, and as a result, bucky falls to his death into a deep ravine.
steve is devastated. overwhelmed with guilt, grief and rage, he vows to bring down the people responsible for his loss, even if it costs him his own life.
and um, it kind of does? cost him his own life?
victorious after his last vis-a-vis with The Antagonist™, steve still chooses to sacrifice himself to prevent the catastrophe set into motion by the aforementioned Antagonist™. he's flying a jet over the frosty expanse of the atlantic, and you know, from the outside, you could easily argue that he could try to save himself. if he really wanted to. but with bucky dead, and the people responsible for all this pain, either dead or captured, it seems like all the will to fight is gone from steve; and so he plunges the jet straight into the ocean, and himself with it.
is this the end of their story?, you might ask.
the answer is: of course not!!!! the best is yet to come, babes!!!
EDIT: here is part 2
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Learn to Love (p.3)
A/N: this is the final part, I hope you enjoyed the mini-series!
Pairing: Rhea x Reader
Warnings: swearing probably, smut, fingering, oral/69-ing
Part two
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Your nerves were increasing as the day went on, not quite sure how the crowd was going to accept yours and Rhea’s partnership. You knew they loved her and they seemed to love you, but would they love you together?
Rhea stayed close to you throughout the day and you actually didn’t mind. While she calmed your nerves in some ways, she made them worse in others.
Now wasn’t the time to deal with those feelings bubbling up inside. You had bigger fish to fry and matches to win.
“You ready to go, babe?” Rhea asked, grabbing her bag to head to the show.
“Yeah, ‘babe’, I’m ready,” you laughed.
“I have an idea. Come here real quick,” she said, pulling out her phone. “Put this on.”
She handed you her hoodie and you slipped it on. She pulled the hood up and turned you toward her so your back was facing the mirror on the wall. She snapped a quick picture and posted it to her Instagram with the caption “big surprise coming tonight 😈”
No one could possibly tell it was you in the picture but you enjoyed the comments of people speculating what was going on.
Someone commented “Rhea’s new gf?” to which you noticed Rhea had liked.
“So I’m your new girlfriend then?” You asked, showing her your phone.
“Sure are, sweetheart,” she said with a smirk.
“That escalated quickly.”
“What did?” Dom asked, coming over.
“Rhea’s my girlfriend now,” you said, jokingly.
“Took long enough,” he said with a big smile. You were too confused by his reaction to notice Rhea’s, who was behind you waving her arm and signaling for him to shut up.
He looked at the confused look on your face and noticed Rhea’s panic and realized he may have messed up.
“I’m just saying…enemies to lovers is a very popular trope nowadays and that would be an interesting storyline for the two of you,” he quickly covered.
“Maybe we’ll run it past Vince,” she said, quickly stepping in front of you. She motioned for him to leave and he thankfully for the hint.
“Well, uh, good luck tonight!” He said before running off.
“What a weird kid,” you sighed, making Rhea snort.
“I’m telling him you said that.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you said. She turned to face you fully and came closer.
“Try me, sweetheart.”
You knew she was trying to be menacing but she never scared you. You straightened yourself out to stand taller, leaning in so you were only inches apart.
“Maybe I will,” you whispered.
“Don’t tease me now.”
You weren’t quite sure where your little exchange was going but it was pumping adrenaline through your veins.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Damian had taken a picture of the two of you and sent it to Rhea.
She felt her phone buzz and decided to step back with a small smirk on her face.
“Just kiss her already,” he wrote. Rhea looked up and saw him staring from down the hall.
You followed her gaze and he waved when he noticed you looking.
“Did I miss something?” You asked.
She turned her phone toward you so you could read his text with the picture attached.
“It looks like we’re about to kill each other, not kiss,” you laughed nervously. There was obvious tension between you, you just weren’t sure if it was sexual or otherwise.
“Would you rather kill me?”
“So you’d rather kiss me?” She asked, stepping closer once again. Your eyes widened and your heart was racing.
“That’s- that’s not what I said,” you stammered.
“But you said you didn’t want to kill me.”
“I didn’t say I wanted to kiss you either,” you argued.
“Do you want to?”
“Kiss you?”
“Ladies! You’re up next!” The producer interrupted, making you jump back from her.
“Let’s go kick some ass,” Rhea said, grabbing your hand to pull you along.
How could she just be so calm when you were left reeling? You’d have to figure that out later, after the match.
To say the fans loved the two of you together was an understatement. They went nuts when you were announced as her partner.
The match was just a warmup to see how you worked in the ring together and it went surprisingly well. You played off each other’s strengths and made up for weaknesses. When Rhea made the pin and the final bell rang, you ran into the ring and into her arms. She lifted you with ease and spun you around.
You made your way backstage and you were ecstatic. Rhea was looking at you with such adoration in her eyes; what a change from just a few days ago. Rhea was beginning to think Vince was a genius for teaming you together.
Rhea’s bliss was cut short when she saw Shayna coming over and scooping you up.
“That was awesome! You guys did so well!”
“You watched?” You asked, finally being set back down.
“Of course, I watch all your matches,” she answered.
A sour feeling was settling into Rhea’s stomach as she watched your exchange. She was jealous; there was no way to deny it. She brushed past the two of you and went into the locker room. Your smile fell as you noticed her walking off. You thought she’d be happier after your win.
“I’m gonna go make sure she’s alright,” you said, giving Shayna another hug.
“No worries- go get your girl,” she said with a smirk.
You went into the locker room and found Rhea scrolling through her phone. She didn’t even look up at you when you walked in.
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she mumbled, still looking at her phone.
“You don’t seem fine,” you said.
“Well I am so why don’t you run back to Shayna,” she snapped.
“Seriously? We’re back to this? I thought we were past that,” you sighed.
“I’m just saying, you’d obviously rather be with her right now.”
“If that were true then I wouldn’t be here…with you,” you said, sitting down next to her. She finally looked up with regret in her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“I’m gonna need more than an apology to understand why you get so weird when I’m around other people.”
“I can’t explain it.”
“Try. Please?”
“I just don’t like how it makes me feel…”
Part of you, deep down, hoped it might be jealousy- a feeling you could easily relate to. It was how you felt every time you watched her be flirtatious with other women or even Dom. You figured that’s where part of your animosity toward her came from and you were hoping it was the same for her. Then the two of you could put those nasty feelings aside and admit to one another how you really felt.
“What does it make you feel, Rhea?”
“Confused, I guess,” she said quietly, looking down at her fidgeting hands in her lap.
“Can I maybe help un-confuse things?” You asked.
Rhea took a deep breath before looking up at you. Before you knew what was happening, she grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. You were frozen at first, but you quickly reciprocated the kiss. You were certain your heart was going to beat out of your chest. You wanted to badly to deepen the kiss but before you could, Rhea pulled away.
“I have to go,” she said, quickly getting up and running out of the room. You were stuck in your spot- your mind racing with what just happened.
When your body finally caught up to your mind, you were racing after her. You weren’t sure where she went so you were looking anywhere you could think of.
You were running out of areas when you were stopped by the interview crew.
“Could we ask you a few questions about your new tag team with Rhea Ripley?”
“Oh um sure,” you said, bouncing back and forth and looking around for her.
“When did the two of you decide to be a team? It always seemed like the two of you were at odds with one another.”
“It was a recent decision actually. We’ve been getting to know each other inside the ring and out. I think we work pretty well together.”
“That’s an understatement! You guys were amazing out there; I think you might have something special on your hands.”
“Yeah, I agree. Rhea is definitely very special and I think we have a bright future ahead of us,” you said with a genuine smile. You excused yourself from the interview to continue your search.
You didn’t realize, however, Rhea had been watching the interview with Dom and Damian.
“She obviously likes you,” Damian told her.
“I don’t think so. She’s been pretty friendly with Shayna lately- and then I just go and kiss her and mess everything up!” She whined.
“First off- Shayna isn’t in the picture like that. She knows you like her and wouldn’t get between the two of you. Second- kissing her was probably the best idea you’ve had so far. Now she knows how you feel. Your only mistake was running away from her!” Dom said.
“How does Shayna know how I feel?” She asked.
“I may have mentioned it at the gym the other day,” Dom said quietly, looking at his feet.
“Is that why she canceled dinner?”
“Just so the two of you could have some time together,” he defended.
“I should kick your ass, but I’m too shaken up still,” she sighed.
“Why don’t you go find her? I know you’re worried things are gonna go wrong, but just remember, Mami always gets what she wants,” Damian chuckled. Rhea sighed and hanged her head in her hands.
“I think I’m just gonna wait for her at the hotel,” she said.
She quickly gathered her things and went back to your room. You searched the arena high and low and with every failed turn, your frustration was building. How dare she give you attitude, then kiss you, then run off?
You needed answers and you wanted them now. You finally found Dom who was packing up his gear.
“Have you seen Rhea?” You asked without greeting him.
“She left already. She said she was going back to the hotel,” he said.
“Seriously? Oh I’m gonna kick her ass,” you snapped.
“Is everything okay?” Dom asked cautiously.
“No, everything is not okay. You’re gonna need to find yourself a new Mami by the time I’m done with her!”
“I know she hasn’t always been the best at expressing herself, but she really does care about you,” he told you.
“Then why did she run away from me?”
“I think she’s scared- but you didn’t hear that from me!”
“Well off to the hotel it is then,” you sighed.
“Want a ride? I’m heading out now too,” he offered.
“That would be great,” you smiled.
The ride was quick and you tried to pry more information out of Dom but he didn’t let anything more slip.
Once back at the hotel, you practically ran to your room, hoping she was there. Thankfully, she was sitting on her bed when you went in.
“Are you done running from me?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of you.
“I’m not sure, are you going to yell at me?” She asked.
“I have half a mind to! First, you get an attitude when I’m with Shayna. Then you won’t tell me why. And then…and then you kiss me and run off to hide from me. Why shouldn’t I yell at you?”
She got up from the bed and stood in front of you. Your arms dropped to your side, subconsciously opening yourself up to her.
“I’m sorry for everything. And I’m sorry for kissing you. I was out of line and it won’t happen again,” she sighed. Your heart broke a little when she said that.
“I’m not mad that you kissed me,” you mumbled.
“You’re not?”
“I’d be more mad if you never kissed me again,” you admitted. A small smirk was playing on her lips.
“Is that so?” She asked, taking another step toward you.
“Yes, but you still need to tell me why you get so upset whenever you see me with someone else,” you said.
“I get scared. I get scared that they’re going to take you away from me- which I know sounds insane- but you’re mine, no one else’s.”
“Is that so?” Now it was your turn to smirk.
“Yeah, it is.”
She closed the distance between the two of you and kissed you again. This time you were ready for it and immediately deepened it. The kiss was full of passion and heat, each of your pouring your desire for one another into it.
She slid her tongue into your mouth, easily winning dominance over yours. She spun you so your back was to the bed and she laid you down, not once breaking the kiss.
She hovered over you and began to kiss down your jaw and neck, leaving love bites in her wake.
“Rhea, please,” you whined.
“Please what, pretty girl? Tell me what you want.”
“I want you. I want you to touch me,” you said.
She pulled your bottoms off quickly, sliding her hand in your panties.
“You wanted me to touch you here?” She asked, sliding her fingers through your folds.
“Fuck, yes!”
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, babygirl. I’m gonna make you forget anyone who isn’t me,” she said.
“I’m yours, only yours.”
“That’s right, sweetheart; good girl,” she said, circling your clit.
Your body jolted as she slid two fingers into your entrance, slowly pumping them in and out. Her thumb was still circling your clit and you couldn’t help the moans falling from your lips.
She quickened her actions when she felt your pussy gripping her fingers more, signaling you were close to your peak.
“Gonna cum for me, love? Cum all over my fingers,” she told you, sucking another hickey onto your neck.
“Fuck, Rhea, I’m cumming,” you moaned. You reached your climax moments later and you swore you’d never felt better in your life. She circled your clit slowly, allowing you to come down from your high once she was certain you were satisfied.
She pulled her fingers from you and licked them clean, moaning at the taste.
“I think I need more,” she said, smirking at you.
She tore your panties off and threw them across the room.
“Wait, it’s your turn though,” you said, tugging at her pants.
“I have an idea then.” She quickly pulled her pants and panties off, crawling over you once again. “Are you okay with this?”
“Of course, only if you are,” you replied.
“Okay with it? Sweetheart, I’m in love with it. Besides, Mami is always on top.”
She quickly turned herself around and knelt over your face. Her pussy was only inches from your tongue and your mouth was already watering.
“You ready, love?” She asked.
“So ready,” you sighed happily.
She lowered herself onto your face and leaned down so she was now level with your pussy as well.
You beat her to it, your tongue diving between her folds first. You felt her jump at the feeling before she quickly began to devour you as well.
It was hard to focus when she was making you feel so good, but you could tell she was enjoying herself as well by the noises she was making.
You could’ve sworn you had died and gone to heaven, with her body pressed to yours and being able to pleasure her just as much as she was you.
Your hips began to move, your climax approaching once again. But you were determined to get Rhea there first. You focused your attention on her clit, sucking and licking at the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Her legs began to shake slightly and you knew she was close. It was as if she caught onto the secret competition because she doubled her own efforts between your legs.
Before you realized it was even happened, your orgasm crashed over you in waves. You let out a whine but continued to lap at her pussy. Knowing she gave you your own climax sent her into hers. She continued to lick at your clit as you both rode out your orgasms together.
When you were both satisfied, Rhea got off and laid next to you. She pulled you in for another kiss, the taste of the both of you mixing on your tongues.
“So is it safe to say you’re mine now?” She asked, finally pulling away.
“I’m most definitely yours,” you said with a smile.
“Remind me to thank Vince,” she chuckled. “This may have been his best idea yet.”
“I definitely don’t think this was his idea,” you laughed.
“No, but still, if he hadn’t forced us together, I probably never would’ve worked up the courage to tell you how I feel.”
“Well I’m glad you did. And now we can move forward and be happy,” you said.
“I promise I’ll do anything to keep you happy.”
She kissed you once more and you sighed contently. Things may have gotten off to a rocky start, but everything works itself out eventually.
Comments and reblogs are very appreciated!
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thoughtsforsoob · 5 months
could i request a soobin with enemies to lovers prompt? 🥹 i think i have an obsession with this trope atm
a/n: hello anon! i hope you enjoy this. i wasn't sure how i was going to write this but i made it happen! i love the enemies to lovers trope but i cannot write it for my life. please enjoy this! i hope it lives up to expectations. 
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you and soobin were total opposites. he was this cool guys with a close knit friend group and lot’s of popularity. he had a set group of people that would eat lunch with him everyday. he was really smart too. he constantly made student of the month and was on track to secure the valedictorian spot for your graduation class. 
you on the other hand…you had only two friends you hung out with everyday and you lacked the popularity he had. you loved your friends group so it’s not like you were complaining or anything. you were also very smart. you were good at pretty much everything you teachers put in front of you. art, english, math, history. anything. 
this is where your story starts. you and soobin usually did not cross paths at all and if you did…it was because he was insulting your intelligence and lack of friends. he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings so deeply but little did he know, you would go home and cry into your pillow because of his hurtful words. he would put you down by both only questioning your intelligence but even your looks. saying things along the lines of, “well, we can’t all be good looking and smart”. When he’d run into you in the hall ways during passing period, he would humiliate you by screaming and then saying, “oh wait, it’s just you. i swear i just saw something straight out of a horror movie.” you would go home and curse him. how could he be so handsome and so mean at the same time? it’s not fair! 
you two were made to cross paths on this occasion because you were both called into the principals office. the principal organized this meeting to let you know you both were tied for the spot of valedictorian and that you both would have to share the honor if nothing changed with your grades. soobin took this as a threat and you, were just fine with it. he started going on about how it’s not fair that he had to share such a high honor with a girl. when you left the principals office, he let you know his intentions to raise his grades to beat you. when you just shrugged him off, he grabbed your wrist. you glared at him. “let me go! i’ll tell someone!” he sighed and rolled his eyes, “as if anyone would actually care.” he looks you up and down, “just back down. you’re too stupid to even formulate a speech to accept this award. why do you even want it so bad?” 
you pull your wrist back, “it’s none of your damn business! leave me alone. I'm not backing down and I'm not going to no matter what you say.” you turn and walk away, back to the class you had left for the meeting. he watches you walk away with a smirk. he was thinking of ways to get you to back down as he walked back to class. 
after school and clubs, he went to look for you. he was going to tell you again to back off when he noticed something strange. he was walking into the gym since he knew you’d be come with volleyball (let’s just say you play) but the gym was really quiet. among the quiet, he heard a small voice, begging the word ‘stop’ over and over. he finally recognized this voice as yours. as much as he pretended to hate you, he couldn't help but go over there and asses the situation. 
you were being back into a corner by a sophomore in your club. his name was Jake. he was much taller than you and much bigger. he’d been asking you on a date at every single club meeting for a whole month. Since he always made you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, you would always decline. he kept asking and asking until he finally got fed up and decided he was going to make you say yes. he decided to do this by backing you into a corner of the gym once everyone was gone after practice. you always stayed behind alone to clean up since your friends had to run off to their part time jobs after club. he decided today was the day and he started to back you into the corner. 
soobin hesitates but decided the right thing to do was to intervene. he walks up behind Jake and when you see him, you gasp. Jake was looking at you with a raised eye brow and suddenly feels a big hand grab his should and pull him back. “hey, Jake. what are you doing?” soobin puts on a fake smile and pat’s the younger boy’s shoulder. Jake rolls his eyes, “I'm asking her on a date and she’s not saying yes! can you believe this? who wouldn’t wanna date me?” Soobin finally stops smiling and does what he came there to do. he pushed Jake back and the younger boy stumbled, falling onto his butt. "you leave her alone. you hear me? i thought you know better than you harass girls who want nothing to do with you?” soobin grabs your hand and looks at you, “come on. let’s get any from this loser. he’s got a lesson to learn later on. i’ll be back for you.” soobin threatens. you follow soobin as he gently pulls your arm to lead you outside safely. he refuses to let go of you hand when asking if you were okay. "did he touch you? I'm sorry he did that to you.” he groan and pull your hand back.
“why do you care? you always talk shit to me. why did you even step in? you could definitely not care less about me.” you look down at the floor, kicking dirt around. you felt back for talking to him that way after he saved you but you couldn’t help it. why did he do this? he looks at you, “i wasn’t going to let him hurt you. no one deserves to be harassed by anyone. not even you.” you look up at him with softer eyes. you notice how he got shy when you looked in his eyes. you smile at him for the first time ever. "thank you. thank you for saving me from him.” he take his hands and look at him again. "are you shy?” you laugh when his face and ears to red. his body betrayed him. "hey, this is no fair, you’re touching me. how am i supposed to react when he pretty girl touches me?” 
you gasp, “pretty? now you’re just messing with me. don’t do that.” your smile turns into a frown and soobin panics. “hey! hey! I'm not kidding. I'm serious. i really do think you’re pretty. im sorry for all those times i said other wise. I'm sorry I've been such an ass hole to you. i’ve treated you like absolute shit for no reason. you’re too pretty to be treated like crap.” he panics when you start to tear up but he wipes your tears away. he goes as far as to pull you into his chest and hug you. you melt into him and hide your face in his chest. he let’s you cry for a while. 
finally, you look up at him with puffy, red eyes. “so…what now? am i gonna have to go home and cry into my pillow because you’re going to tell me you don’t like me the way i think you do?” he smiled at you and wiped your face again. “i don’t think so. i like you a lot. how about i go in there and help you finish cleaning and then i can walk you home? we can stop for some boba tea? my treat for being such an asshole.” you smile at him and hug him again. "sure. but…only if you’ll be my boyfriend.” he turns red once again and whines, “Hey! what’s with your love of flustering me?” you frown, “is that a no?” he shakes his head, “you’re already got me wrapped around your cute fingers, you know?” you smile at him and you both hug. he places a sweet kiss on your cheek and you turn red. 
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bookwormangie · 1 month
Lily is absolutely flirting in Snape’s Worst Memory - but I think this is one scene that has dated the series and is easily overlooked if the reader is not a Brit of a certain age. Lily and James are bantering in that scene in the way that Beatrice and Benedick do in Much Ado About Nothing or the way that Elizabeth and Darcy have crazy sexual tension while she’s telling him that she hates him and that he’s the last person on earth she’d ever marry.
People don’t see it now because James’ approach has so many red flags that are widely acknowledged as red flags in 2024 that they see Lily’s responses as genuine disgust and dislike, instead of her getting drawn into his game because she’s interested. But it was obvious in 2003 what JKR was going for here. The implication is that Snape lashes out at her *because* he sees her half smile and her flirtatiousness in this moment, and properly realises for the first time that his ‘best friend’ is totally into the guy tormenting him in front of half the school.
None of this is to say that Lily wasn’t a) completely right to terminate the friendship and b) wasn’t overall a very decent person. But she’s supposed to be a pretty shit friend here - put any one of the trio in Lily’s shoes and imagine their response to the same situation and it becomes clear that her half assed, rather impersonal defence was indeed intended to be half assed. Now of course this is directed by JKR needing to keep the connection between Snape and Lily secret until the very end, but she makes this work retrospectively from a characterisation perspective in the Prince’s Tale by depicting a Snape who is difficult to be friends with and who doesn’t recognise what true friendship *should* be because he’s never had it, and a humanised (not a saint) Lily who’s been quietly realigning herself away from her difficult friend for a very long time without making it crystal clear to him what she’s doing. It doesn’t make her bad, it makes her a very normal 15 year old pretty, popular girl with all the positive traits that entails (confidence, vivaciousness, fearlessness) as well as the negative (thoughtlessness, a lack of empathy towards those less socially adept).
Thank you for your message, anon. 
I understand where you’re coming from, and while some people interpret the scene as flirting or as "laying the groundwork for their eventual romance," especially when viewed through the lens of classical literature and 'enemies to lovers' tropes, I see it differently. For me, attraction doesn’t automatically equal flirting. I do recognize subtle cues in Lily’s behavior that suggest she might be physically attracted to James, and yes, there’s some tension, but I wouldn’t categorize that as flirting. To me, flirting is intentional—a deliberate way to say, "Hey, I’m interested in you; let’s date.” That’s not what’s happening here. While Lily may have had some attraction to James, her intention certainly wasn’t to express that to him, particularly because his bullying and arrogance were significant turn-offs. This is consistent with the fact that she only began dating James in their seventh year when he supposedly "deflated" his ego and stopped bullying others. She valued the growth she saw in him, which made him someone she could consider dating at that point. (Whether he genuinely matured is another discussion, but I won’t delve into that here.)
I don’t deny that Lily’s conflicting feelings toward James might have influenced her defense of Snape to some extent, but to call her defense completely “half-assed" because she was supposedly “flirting” with James seems like a stretch. (Honestly, I’m considering posting the whole scene because it feels like people may have forgotten what actually happened or have only skimmed it.)
From an external perspective, Lily’s defense might appear somewhat weak or insufficient, especially given the severity of the situation. However, it's crucial to understand that this perception does not fully capture the complexity of Lily’s internal experience. Lily’s primary goal was to stop the bullying by publicly insulting and embarrassing James. She’s clearly trying to de-escalate the situation by first shouting at them, and when that doesn’t work, she takes out her wand, ready to escalate things if necessary. While it may not have been the most forceful defense, it was still a defense, and it clearly demonstrated her disapproval of their behavior. Initially, it even seemed effective, as James did perform the countercurse to the full body-bind curse. However, after Snape called Lily a Mudblood, she left, and James and Sirius resumed bullying him.
From an internal perspective, in my view, the primary factor influencing Lily’s defense was the state of her deteriorating friendship with Snape. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts and reblogs, their friendship was strained, and she likely had conflicting feelings about him. As you pointed out, she was gradually distancing herself from him due to his behavior. After years of standing by Snape, excusing his actions, and pretending everything was fine, Lily likely felt frustrated and betrayed. She was torn between her past loyalty to him and her current disapproval, making it challenging for her to respond more forcefully. While I do wish she’d done more (and she certainly could have), her feelings are understandable given everything that had transpired between them.
Regarding the notion that Snape noticed any "flirting," I respectfully disagree. Snape didn’t lash out at Lily because he saw her "flirting" with James or noticed any subtle expression. His focus was on defending himself from Sirius and James. Additionally, he wouldn’t have seen her expression since his robes were hanging over his head while he was suspended upside down:
"James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants."
The more likely reason for his outburst was that he felt humiliated and emasculated by James, especially when James said, "Lucky Evans was here Snivellus —,” as he let Snape down. That likely exacerbated Snape’s embarrassment, leading him to lash out with, "I don’t need help from a filthy little Mudblood like her." It seems like he was trying to regain some dignity, and the slur slipped out in a moment of anger and shame.
All in all, you’re right—Lily isn’t a saint; no one is. And while I’m not eager to compliment JKR the TERF, I do think she did a good job of humanizing her characters. Lily isn’t as fleshed out compared to other minor characters like James, and I do wish we’d seen more of her flaws. That said, her response to the situation, while somewhat imperfect, reflects the complexities of her character, which makes her more relatable and human.
While we may not completely agree, I appreciate your interpretation and opinion, anon. Thank you for sharing your perspective. 💫
*As a side note, I want to clarify that I’m not trying to excuse Lily for not defending Snape more effectively; I’m simply trying to view the situation from her perspective, as I do with other characters when analyzing them. Additionally, I want to emphasize that I’m not hating on Snape. Some people have taken my posts and reblogs about Lily as an excuse to criticize Snape, but that’s not my intention at all. I clearly identify as a "Snape defender" in my bio. Just because I’m exploring Lily’s perspective in SWM doesn’t mean I don’t also understand Snape’s situation. I have other posts dedicated to him on my blog.
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heeseungismymanz · 5 days
𝑀𝓎 𝒲𝒶𝓎
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Synopsis: You and heeseung have been dating for about 3 months now. You both were the most popular people on the entire campus. It was all fine until you two got in a fight because of his ex. But now you have to go your own 𝒲𝒶𝓎.
Mentioning: All of enhypen (heeseungs friendgroup), yunjin lsfm (y/n bestie), yunah illit (heeseungs sister and your bestie), karina aespa (y/n bestie), keeho p1h (y/n ex), yeji itzy ( heeseungs ex ),more..
Pairing: Popular bf!Heeseung x Popular gf!Fem Reader
Taglist: @mitmit01 @mimisxs
Tropes: Loving to Hatred, Lovers to Exes, Friends to Enemies
Warnings: Cursing,Fighting,love language is pt so will hug,cuddle alot,nothing much,idrk! Tell me if i forgot something!
°•More under cut•°
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"How am i grounded AGAIN and i have a basically broken leg?!" you ask while literally about to cry. Your at your dad's house and all you wanted to do was meet up with your boyfriend. And YOU personally didnt see a problem with it. But your dad did. "아빠는 그냥 친구예요! (dad hes just a friend!)" You yell. The only response he has is "그럼 지금 우리 친구에게 키스하는 건가요? (so we are kissing friends now?)" What was he talking about? Didnt he or like mom kiss their friends on the cheek when they were younger? Well Heeseung isnt just a friend but whats the big deal? You how old like 17? Does he want you to die single or something?. You didnt physically say it but in your mind you said "무슨 일이 있어도 나는 학교에 갈 것이다. (whatever im going to school.)"
Now your walking to school. May i mind you with a sprained ankle (that is NOT breaking your leg but wtv) and all you hear is "she really is weak!" or "ew her personality is giving ugly but her face is giving pretty!" those insults were WEAK to you and were super childish so you just walked by not giving a single fuck. Soon you made it to class. And the first class had to be math. Heeseung and Yeji sitting in a corner laughing ,smiling and just talking. Then your friends sitting in another death-staring them. You take a seat with YOUR friends and Heeseung's friends. "Hey guys!" You say smiling hiding the fact your annoyed seeing Heeseung and his EX together. "Hey ynnie!" Yunjin says first. You smile then use your phone texting Heeseung "Hey can we talk soon after class?" You see the bubble typing to see a new message "Sure.." What does he mean "Sure.." he's supposed to be the kind, loving boyfriend he always had been. Annoyed you decide to talk to Jake because who doesnt like talking to your boyfriends friend? "Hey jakey!!" You say loud enough for Heeseung to hear. "Oh hi yn!" he says smiling back with his big puppy like smile. "Wanna eat lunch together?" You also say really loud to the point Jay and Sunghoon asks "Can we join?!" at the exact same time. "Sure! Id love to eat with all of you. How bout all of us including Yunjin, Karina, and Yunah join and meet at that boba cafe near by!" You say smiling really big at Jake for no absolute reason then looking back to the others. "OOH YES!" Karina says. "Seems like a good plan" Yunah says. "I should invite hee-" Yunah trys to say "Oh no its fine hes with Yeji anyway. Im sure they have plans together for lunch!" You say practically aiming for them to not come while also cutting off Yunah. "Oh true! Plus we havent been all together for a while like this." Sunghoon adds. "Okay ill text the address." You say. "Also i cant go to any parties for like a week so :/" You add on. "What AGAIN?!" Jay asks. "Yeah i got in trouble for sneakin out tryna meet with someone i shouldnt see." Then the teacher walks in Yappa yappa yappa.
Heeseung texts you. "Lets talk now?" he asks. "Sure meet me at my locker." You text back. Honestly your really scared to the point you might even pee or poop your pants. You havent talked to him ever since the fight. So you dont really know what to say. You lowkey zone out for a few minutes til heeseung shows up. "What do you want?" He asks obviously NOT wanting to be there. "Why the fuck are you with Yeji? Am i NOT your girlfriend?" You asked him quite literally deathstaring him. "Listen she's better anyway like why'd you try punching her?" he asks as if he's trying to avoid the question. "Punching? So i started punching now?!" You say kind yelling in the school hallway. "WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU?!" He asks still avoiding the question. "Heeseung its my way or hers. Choose." You say literally annoyed to the point you might drop kick him like a kickball. "And what if i choose hers?" He says. "Im done with this fucking bullshit see me out of this relationship. All i was trying to ask was why your flirting with your ex!" You yell. "OH IM FLIRTING NOW?!" He yells back in defense. At this point Sunghoon, Jake, Jay, Karina, and Yunjin found you and Heeseung. You quite literally almost punched him but then Karina, and Jay held you back. Then you black out.
Now your in the nurses office. All you remember was Karina and Jay holding you back. Nothing more nothing less. The nurse walked in. " Yoon Yn im sorry to say this but you have bruises and have a serious head injury that might not heal really fast because you've been hit in the head by Heeseung." That fucking bitch. How'd you even like a man like that? All because you tried Sneakin out tryna meet with someone you shouldnt see. Wait when did you even meet him?
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AN: What an interesting way to end a chapter. Why is heeseung lowkey a bitch in this chapterrrr. Im so sorry i havent been updating but it's because my sports. I literally have volleyball games back to back every week.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Bestie hear me, out hear me out, it might be my atsv hyperfixation still running high and the fact that the kraven trailer got me binge-reading/watching every piece of media that this man appears in but could I request an enemies to lovers trope with Kraven and gn spidey reader ? Is it going to be just fluff or have some smut at the end ? I'll leave that up to you.😜
Anyway, feel free to ignore it if it's not right up your alley.
Thank you and I hope you're having a good day <3
Warnings- suggestive towards the end but no actual smut, reader and Kraven been “enemies” for months with just a lot of tension
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Kraven liked spiders, just like he did lots of animals. He found them interesting and beautiful.
His opinion had changed when he met you.
“I’m just doing my job.” You said, putting your hands up in defense quickly running up a wall, away from the man who was currently trying to attack you. He seemed feral, almost.
“Well let me do mines.” He growled, and started to walk away when you shot a web to him, quickly making him turn back to you.
“Yeahhhh.. after what I just saw, can’t happen.” You folded your arms, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Well then pretend you didn’t see it.” He began to walk away again, not feeling like killing a popular hero and getting arrested for it.
“You bit some guys nose off, man!” You groaned and shot some webs in front of him, blocking him from leaving.
The man turned back, sighing.
He ran up to you, you shot a web in his face, making him unable to see, you kicked his ankles, he fell down to the ground and ripped the web off his face, now pissed off.
He ran towards you, your eyes widening and you quickly shot your webs towards him, they hit his arms, and you pulled, throwing him towards the ground, as he was down you made a makeshift cocoon with webs, trapping him.
He threw his head back onto the concrete, and you picked him up like he weighed nothing as he trashed around in the webs.
“Jesus Christ, man, you’re so violent.” You said, as you struggled to hold him.
“If you let me go I can show you just how violent I am.” He mumbled.
“Sounds great. So great.” You rolled your eyes. Asshole. That’s when a loud noise behind you stopped you, a whole damn tiger running up.
You yelped and dropped Kraven, his head hitting the ground as he groaned, the tiger sniffing him before looking back at you, making a run for it.
“How’d you get a damn tiger?!” You yelled, running away.
So that’s how you were now standing in front of him, you both just staring, your arms folded.
“Sooo… how was your day?” You said, trying to lighten to very tense mood.
“It was good before I saw you.” He looked back at the group of people he had just murdered.
“Mm.. I see that. And what’d these guys do?”
“They are- they were working for my dad.”
“Oh, so daddy issues?”
“Yeah… something like that.”
“Well.” You sighed. “As much as I would love for this great conversation to continue, I gotta take you back to jail.” You shrugged.
“So I can break out again?”
You groaned in annoyance. “You better not.”
He laughed quietly and shook his head.
You both fought for a while, and suddenly he was on top of you, breathing heavily as you tried to push him off, your attempts futile. He stared down at you, just staring.
(Can you guys tell I suck at writing fights?)
It all was probably because of adrenaline, but you quickly lifted up your mask, and he was bending down to your level, and your lips suddenly connected in a hungry kiss.
You laid in the hotel bed, lifting the sheet up and thinking about every single choice you just made.
He got in the bed next to you, you continued to stare at the ceiling.
“That can never happen again.” You mumbled after a while, him reading a book.
He looked at you, laughing again.
“That’s what they all say.”
“Seriously- me and you- we fucking.. hate each other.
“Mmm.. do we?”
“Yes! I’m the person who’s stopped you like a billion times-“
“Tried to stop me. Some of those times you failed.”
“Oh, whatever! You’re a prick.. just happen to be a very attractive prick. And it was just adrenaline-“
He snickered and looked back at the book.
“Was it?”
“Yes! You’re like… you’re like a fucking bird, and I’m the damn spider! In case you don’t know-“
“Birds eat spiders-“
“So you admit it? I beat you a lot?”
“Shut uppp.” You rolled your eyes.
“Something kinda rude to say to a guy who you were just begging to fuck you.” He snickered.
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sugarsfics · 2 years
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Summary: The Queen of the Nerds and King Steve have been secretly dating. Prom is coming up and he only has one girl on his mind
Trope: King Steve x Nerd!Reader; established relationship, but was enemies to lovers
Warning: Use of Y/n, bad writing/ bad grammar
Word Count: 800
30 Day Challenge: Day 6 Send Request <3
Steve was freaking out. He is car going over what he wants to say to you, how he wants to ask you. He was asking you to Prom. You and Steve have been secretly dating since the summer. You met during chemistry class last year, you tutor him, it was the beautiful enemy to lover trope. He’s king Steve you are the queen of nerds in high school that means arch enemies, for some reason he wanted to impress you so he would talk about his wealth and his basketball skills you saw it has him bragging and being self-center. That starts the war of snarky comments at each other, from lifestyle to the way you dress. He would tease you for your love for comics books and Star Wars. He would tease you for wearing glasses. He would tease you for making periodic table jokes that you only laughed at. Yet you were the first person he would tell when he got an A, yet when he needed to a tutor in math he asks for you, yet he would always look for you at prep rallies. Something came over him the day he got his final grades back there was only As and Bs on his report card, he made a b line for you knowing you would be in the science room. He found you a shove it in your face before you would yell at him, he kissed you, you didn’t pull a way you brought him closer all your frustration you had for each other left during the make out session. After he asked you on a date and the rest was history. You kept it a secret knowing Hawkins would blow up if two different cliques were to be together, also the relationship was just you and Steve, well you Steve and Dustin. 
Steve was going to ask you at lunch in front of everyone, he was tired of being a secret. He wanted to hold your hand at school, he wanted to kiss you in front of everyone, he wanted you to wear his leather man jacket on game days, he especially wanted to show you off in front of the nerds. He knew how the nerds felt about you, you were their queen, they all had fallen for you the same way he had fallen, your smartness, your wits, your beauty, you. Steve had overheard one of the more good-looking nerds, Mikey, saying that he wanted to ask you to prom and to be his girlfriend that made his blood boil, and he pushed the kid into his locker to relive some anger. After school he called the one he could trust the most Dustin, also he is always a nerd. Dustin helped Steve make his poster, Steve told him that he loved your nerdy jokes, the ones that he never got and only made you laugh. So, they came up with Are you copper and tellurium because you are cute Be My Date PROM, using the periodic elements, he knew you would love it.  
All the girls were freaking out when they saw Steve holding a poster, "Omg." Who is he going to ask? It must be me right. Their dreams were quickly shut down when he walked right past them, everyone followed who was King Steve asking he walked by the jock table, the cheerleaders, the popular girls, he was going all the way to the end of the cafeteria.  
You hadn’t noticed the commotion, you were too busy with your head in a textbook, you were helping Mary with her math homework, you didn’t notice the shadow that cast over you or the look of fear in the other’s eyes. Someone clearing their throat caught your attention, Steve. He turned the poster around to face you, everyone gasps reading He was asking the Queen of the Nerds your eyes widen this was such a pubic things “Y/N will you go the prom with me” before you could answer people started to laugh “Nice joke Harrington” is it a joke you thought, but you found your answer in his eyes they were so sincere practically screaming at you saying NOT A JOKE. “yes” you answered his smile reached his eyes then leaned in for a kiss, more gasps were heard. “No more hiding he whispered you nodded “Can I sit” he asked pointing to the seat next to you; you moved your bag and motion him to seat. He put his arm around you, everyone's eyes were still on you both “Yes we are dating move on with your lives” you exclaimed scoffs were heard by girls everyone still shock on what just happened. “Are you guys really together” Mikey asked “Yep she is all mine” Steve smirked kissing your forehead. “So, my next game...” 
Tag list @thefreak0fhawkinshigh
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Maribat Ships and My Vibe Explanations
These are based on the most popular tropes and scenarios I've seen particularly for a specific ship, but some are my own vision:) Moodboards I made for each ship, which are partially inspired by the below thoughts, are linked in the ship name.
Boss x Secretary trope or Socialite meets Other Socialite and Both Discover each other is Less Shallow than they Thought
Hero x Villain Love story.
Look, we all know Bruce has a bad track record with his Rogues and also Love in general
Black Cat Mari is the most popular, probably, but I think we should see more Villain/ Morally Grey Mari with other Miraculi
Not my favourite ship but it can be fun
Particularly when we add Dad Bruce and Mari gets to adopt the Batkids and be a Cool MomTM.
Often a Villain x Hero romance, usually Black Cat Marinette and Nightwing.
A good trope to be sure, but I think we should spice it up more.
Vampire Dick Truthers (you know who you are) have a point with their Vampire Dick and Mari fics. Why not make Dick the villain in Mari's Rogue Gallery???
Overall a great trope, especially if you really delve into their characters: both are 'sunshine' characters who fight everyday to be the nice, kind heroes everyone thinks they are and expects them to be, even though it's the hardest route to take.
(I'm biased as it's my #1 Maribat ship, but I'll try not to go on too long >.<)
Villain x Hero? Hero x Hero? Amazing, outstanding. What about Villain x Villain? I myself would love to see more Rogue Jason and Rogue Mari fics.
Any AU is amazing. I admit to having a fondness for Mob Boss Jason, partly because he is one in canon, at least for a while, and because I'm addicted to dark/mafia romance novels. Lieutenant Mari? Yes, please. Rival Mob Boss Mari? Heck yeah! Bat-affiliate Mari? Gimme. Please.
The amount of character exploration you could do if you wrote a romance where they actually stayed together, looking at you, DC is intriguing. Would Jason change for someone he loved? Would he give up crime lording? Would Mari accept him anyways but then they'd have to deal with one half running from the law/vigilantes and the other half being on the vigilantes' side?
Also, soft Jason. Nerding out over books and music and fashion and appreciating the fine things in life and meeting this cute fashion designer with a penchant to listen to Jagged Stone-
So many AU opportunities!! Bakery AU! Mafia AU! Coffee Shop AU! Meetcute at the Museum AU!...
Okay I'll move on now:(
I need more, I don't care if it's overused
Also, rival hackers or geniuses.
They're both coffee monsters, it's perfect
No I don't care that there are two dozen coffee shop Timari AUs, give me more.
Or just rivals to lovers is fine too
I'm not even into HP but I want a Hogwarts AU with these two-
or any dark academia rivals to lovers au
Enemies or Rivals to Lovers
It's just a simple misunderstanding, as all large rifts start off with.
There's a translation issue or an eavesdropping that is taken out of context
(they're both idiots your honour)
But then something happens and they have to work together or they're made to talk and they realize it's all just a misunderstanding
And then they're like... " while we're clearing the air...so uh, I kinda have a crush on you'
"no way, me too!!"
And Mari meets Lian (or maybe that's what starts this, Jason and Mari are hanging out babysitting Lian and Roy comes to pick Lian up and they start talking and and and-)
And Mari loves Lian immediately of course, who wouldn't?
And so Roy likes her more because she likes Lian so automatically she's not as bad as he thought, and Lian really likes her too
And then they fall in love and Jason and Lian are the master matchmakers behind the scenes
You can pry OTP Jason & Lian setting up Roynette out of my cold dead hands
I haven't seen or read a ton of Konette, but they usually meet at the Titans
Friends to Lovers 100%
They're both quiet and new and feeling out the dynamics
so they're often pushed together on purpose or by accident because the others are just so loud and chaotic
And then they become BFFs and are less inclined to join the others' chaos and so spend more time together, and so the cycle continues
And then one day something happens
Kon is Kryptonian and Mari had the Miraculous, they're usually the least-damaged members, but something happens, there's Kryptonite or magic or Something and one or both gets hurt.
The other jumps in front of them to take the blow because they can't let the other get hurt
"Why did you do that?!"
"I couldn't let you get hurt. You need to save our teammates."
Then the hurt one faints or passes out and the other confesses and thinks they can't hear them
They get back to the Tower safely and get treated and wake up and then they see the other
"Did you say you loved me, when I was passed out?"
"You heard that? Uh...yeah, I love you."
"I love you too!"
I haven't read much of any of the other ships to get a good feel on them, so I'm stopping here:)
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leajdh · 1 year
Gold rush
Chapter three: And I thought this was as bad as it gets, but I was wrong, I was so wrong. Seems like the world’s placing bets if I’ll be able to last any longer.
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He was just a few more steps away from becoming a living legend. Already praised by the media as the honored one, he made a grave mistake which not only put his Ice Hockey career on hold, it disappointed even his most loyal fans so much so that his reputation sank to an all-time low.
Then he meets you; a retired figure skating champion who is now trying to find her purpose in life after her triumphs, all while still being loved and cherished by the media and public likewise.
Satoru Gojo sees his chance to not only get back unto the rink, but also to regain his former popularity.
But he soon realizes it will be a lot harder to get on your good side, because he's everything you despise combined into one person.
Will you give him a second chance and allow him to redeem himself, or is this going to be the match for your life time?
Gojo Satoru x reader (first person narrator)
Ice Hockey AU
Enemies to lovers
English isn't my first language, so expect some grammar errors
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After the encounter with Satoru on the rink I went home, threw my phone on my bed, took a shower and ignored the constant beeping which was in highsight a grand mistake. 
I notice that Hime isn’t home as I’m leaving the shower. With a towel around my head I turn on the TV while applying some moisturizer on my legs and arms.
I’m not paying too much attention to the gossip news anchor as I search for the remote in between the couch gaps, leaving cream grease everywhere. Just as I found it, the sports segment starts. 
And my name drops. 
I haven’t heard my name on the news in months. Last time was when I announced I wouldn’t be part of the Olympic team anymore. 
I stare at the TV screen as the brunette anchor continues: “... the Olympic gold medalist, still known as America's sweetheart, sneakily revealed to her fans on Instagram her new relationship with NHL champion Satoru Gojo. Take a look.”
I can’t keep looking away from the screen. It’s like a vile catastrophe where you can’t shut your eyes. They show a picture of Satoru grinning as his head lays on a thigh. 
My thigh.
No, there is no way. 
I look at the corner of the screen and see the source. 
It’s my instagram account.
Without thinking I run to my room, nearly slipping due to the moisturizer still drying and grab my phone. 
It’s going crazy. 
I have a dozen missed calls, text messages and way too many notifications. 
I ignore it all and go straight to my instagram story where I see that this isn’t a bizarre dream.
It’s reality.
From the living room I hear the anchor talking more: “Both recently started to follow each other on instagram and while neither her nor his PR team confirmed the relationship so far, it seems really clear to us.”
Then laughter. 
I stumble back to the living room and stare again at the screen, while my phone is constantly beeping in my hand. 
The brunette anchor turns to a blonde one, who says: “This is the first time Satoru Gojo has presented a girl on his social media accounts as he reposted her story with a heart. Which tells us even the most notorious playboy can fall in love.”
Then again, laughter.
“I would love nothing more than to play fly at their dinner table. I can not imagine Naobito Zenin, who is the coach of the New Jersey Devils, being happy about his daughter dating a New York Ranger.”
Then again, laughter.
“So far upon request he hasn’t commented on it, but we are sure..”, I turn the TV off and glare at the black screen.  
My heart stands still.
Am I dying?
But it feels like it. 
I’m not sure what would be worse. This or if he had leaked the video of us in the car. 
I just know one thing, he is behind all of that. While my dumb ass was occupied looking through his messages, he deviously took the picture and uploaded it on my instagram. 
What I certainly don’t know is why is he doing that?
What the hell is his reason behind it?
I sit on the ground, feeling my phone still vibrating in my hand as my brain goes blank and a second later starts to rattle on full speed. 
No, no, no, this can’t be happening!
I’m opening Instagram.
He played me again, but this time for everyone to see.  
I want to lock my phone again after seeing all the notifications and throw it away, but I’m too hooked. 
I’m a shaky mess. I can’t believe this is real. So many people have already seen this picture. I have thousands of users reacting to my story. Under my newest post, which was days ago, people talk about it. 
There are a lot of positive comments. Nothing special for me. Usually all my comments are nice. I never get genuine hate. A few mean comments about my looks, but nothing out of the ordinary. Bad comments are normal on social media, sad but true.
People congratulate me, wishing Satoru and me good luck in our relationship. Saying stuff like couple goals and some even say they are jealous of me for dating Satoru. 
I’m freaking out. 
Is this really what they are thinking? 
Dummy, of course they would think that! 
However this time I’m completely beaten as I see some of the sheer hate comments I’m receiving. 
My comments are full of New Jersey Devils fans, calling me all sorts of names. From whore to slut to traitor. Telling me that they now understand why my father never mentions me when I’m spreading my legs for a Ranger. I should be ashamed and kill myself. And more wicked misogynistic slogans I would never have imagined to ever hear. 
I’m trying to calm down. 
People like that shouldn’t bother me.
But what bothers me are my followers who are disappointed at me for apparently hooking up with Satoru. They call him a troublemaker, a womanizer, a fucking fuckboy. They don’t understand why I would date a guy like him. It’s out of character for me and they already seem to know that he will cheat on me. 
Hooking up, dating, cheating.
All these theories and not even one is true.  
What kind of sick game is Satoru playing now? What is this all about?
I try to regain my posture and take a deep breath before I will end up throwing my phone against the wall. 
I go to my timeline and gossip pages have already written articles about the situation. The picture is everywhere with all types of headings like Satoru Gojo dating everybody’s figure skating darling; Olympic gold medal athlete shares intimate photo of her new relationship; Satoru Gojo quits his bachelor lifestyle with no other than America's sweetheart - can this really end well? See here all his former liaisons and so on. But the worst is a headline with a picture of my father and in big fat red letters written Betrayal! How could his own daughter do this to him?
I hate the press. 
What do they mean with ‘do this to him’? 
Acting like he cares, let’s not talk about all the shitty stuff he did to me. He should grovel on his knees to me and thank me for never talking bad about him. For ignoring his existence as much as he tries to ignore mine.  
At least the article says that neither his PR team nor him are available for a comment, like the anchor on TV said too. He goes the typical route. Ignoring everything that has something to do with me. I am relieved by his silence. 
My next stop is Satorus profile. Apparently I’m already following him and of course he follows me back. He shared my story with a huge heart emoji added to it. I check his newest post out, it is a photo from a week ago, and go to the comments. All comments are just a few minutes old and they are so different from mine. Of course he also got hate from Devils fans, as expected. But I notice Satoru gets overall hate. 
I realize I was so focused on hating Satoru that I didn’t see the hate he’s already getting from the public. People calling him a disgrace to Ice Hockey, how he should have died in the crash and that the Rangers deserve better than an alcohol addict. Disappointed fans everywhere, if you can even call these people fans. 
Just as I started to feel pity for him, I looked at the comments for people congratulating him on the relationship. And they are so different from mine. They are just so humiliating. For me. Talking about my tits, my ass, my body overall but worse are the comments about how only a Ranger could fuck a Devils daughter so hard that she switches sides. The jabs against my father are vile and nasty and I’m the last person to defend my father, but they are so horrible. 
However in the end all come to the conclusion that I’m the problem. I’m the whore daughter with daddy issues who picked out of all the men available a Ranger to get attention from her father.  
Again more and more conspiracies about this one fucking post. 
And I’m the one in the crossfire. 
I can’t wrap my head around on why Satoru did this. 
What does he gain from it?
Other than humiliating me. 
If he thought it’s a funny little jab against my father, he couldn’t be more wrong. My father will ignore this and overcome these jokes while this will taint my entire career, my entire life. 
From now on this will follow me like a shadow and leave a dark cast around everything I have ever done, everything I will ever do.  
I end up throwing my phone against the wall. The screen shatters like my accomplishments. I stand up and walk in circles, feeling like the air in my lungs doesn’t fully get in and I start to pant in panic. On my knees I concentrate on breathing, trying to regain composure, but I’m too overwhelmed and all I can think about is, why? 
Out of the corner of my eyes I see the screen lighten up, Hime is calling me. I managed to pick up the call, filled with rage I didn't feel until now.
“Thank god, you finally picked up! Why didn-”
I don’t let her finish. 
“Do you know where he is?”
She instantly knows who I am talking about.
“Oh uh, he’s at the resort eating lunch with-”, again I don’t let her finish and hang up, letting my broken phone fall to the ground and run to get some clothes on. I struggle with putting my jeans over my greasy thighs as I jump up and down. It’s not even fully over my butt as I grab my shoes and slide into them, all while pulling the first top I can find over my head. 
I stomp outside, closing my jeans as I take a shortcut through a muddy path to get as fast as possible to the resort.
My shoes are ruined but I don’t care as I run through the entry, seeing Hime behind the counter arranging some flowers.
“There you a-”, she pauses as I ignore her and just rip the vase out of her hands.
“What are you doing?”, she runs after me as I enter the dining room. It’s empty, only one table is occupied. 
I notice the white hair and see red.
Everything happens so fast as I throw the flowers on the ground, Hime shouting something while Satoru looks up at me as I toss the water on him. 
Everyone on the table jumps up, Suguru snatching the glass vase right from my hands before I have the chance to throw it too. I don’t care, I quickly clasp whatever is standing the nearest to me and fling it at Satoru, who is completely drenched.
A spoon, a handful of a salad, an open orange juice box.
Everything lands on Satorus chest.
Suguru puts the vase to the side, instantly capturing me by my waist and pulling me away from the table. I kick my feet against it like a raging child as everyone stares at me like I’m completely insane. 
“You fucking asshole! Why did you do this!?”, I scream at Satoru as Suguru pulls me away even further. I hit him with my elbows, but his grip isn’t getting weaker as he lifts me off the ground with one arm. 
“I should have expected that”, is all Satoru utters as he dusts the salad pieces off his shirt. 
“Calm down”, Suguru speaks softly to me and I hear Hime croak: “Oh god.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down! Let me go!”, I boot against his legs, fidgeting like a fish on dry land. The other man on the table just stands there in shock. I recognize him as the skinny one, who left Masamichis office yesterday. 
“I will if you stop throwing things, okay?”, Suguru says calmly, even when his grip around me tells a different story. 
“Don’t tell me what to do! I have every goddamn right to react like this! Do you know what he did!?”
“I do and I understand your anger, but please calm down and let’s talk about this. Together.”
I don’t know why Sugurus' voice has this effect on me, but I settle down, stop kicking and let my arms hang loose. Suguru releases me from his hold and sets my feet on the ground. I still glare at Satoru and for a second I want to grab the chair next to me and hit it over his stupid head. 
“Just tell me why”, I stammer and keep looking straight into his eyes. I know I must look wild. My face is probably red as a tomato, my hair is still wet from the shower, I have tears in my eyes and my hands are coated in yellowish salad dressing. 
I wipe with the backside of my hand over my itchy nose and wait for a response, Suguru close to my side, he’s probably afraid I will throw something again upon hearing Satorus response.  
“You would have never agreed to this, so I took matters into my own hands.”
I frown.
What does that even mean?
“Agreed to what?”
“Fake dating me”, he states and I blankly stare at him. 
“Fake dating? What? Why? I don’t understand.”
Satoru sits back down on his chair, spreading his legs while he slumps down in the most relaxed way possible. 
I don’t think I have ever seen him sit like a normal human so far. 
“My popularity isn’t the best at the moment. So I had this idea that if I was in a relationship with you, America’s scandal-free sweetheart, I could regain it.”
“Miss, we didn’t have any clue about this”, the skinny man tells me. I quickly gaze at him. His head is down and he stands still like a statue. 
I have no idea what to say. This is just too unreal.
I’m glad Utahime decides to speak for me, even though she must be confused as well: “So you decided that without asking for her permission?”
“Ups, I guess”, is all he says and now Hime is the one throwing something at him, but Gojo catches it.
“Satoru”, Suguru warns in a low tune.
“You have 30 minutes to pack your stuff and get out of my resort or I will call the police”, is all I say as I turn around with a blank face to leave. It’s not particularly my resort but after this story Masamichi would agree without a second thought.  
“Wait, I’m sorry! I know I’m a shithead. But this whole situation is beneficial for both of us!”
“How?”, I don’t believe it, whatever he is going to tell me. There is no benefit for me. 
“I will pay you as much as you want and-”
“You think you can buy me?”
“I didn’t mean it in that way”, he shrugs, now starting to realize that he won’t be able to glide easily through this ordeal. He stands up, towering over me, as I take a step back to bring more space between us, while he is trying to come closer. 
“I don’t need nor want your money”, I pause and want to walk away but it overcomes me. I want him to know what he did to me. Closing the space between us, I push with my flat hand against his chest, which feels like a brick wall as I yell: “Did you read the comments? I get called a whore, a slut and even worse names. Your “fans” talk about my body like I’m a fucking piece of meat. I get dragged through the mud but of course, you wouldn’t care about what this means for me!”
I push him once more, he lets me do it, looking at my eyes while I fight back the tears: “But wanna know what the worst thing about all this is? Reading in an article ’Satoru Gojos alleged girlfriend hasn’t commented so far on her relationship status’. I’m starting to get the girlfriend-of treatment. After all my triumphs I’m just the silly little girlfriend. It wasn’t enough for you to ruin your own career with your egotistical behavior, no, you had to taint mine too.” 
He still looks at me and for the first time he seems to be ashamed. His shoulders are tense, his hands are clamped together as he has a hard time maintaining eye contact. 
“We will figure something out”, Suguru interrupts the silence. 
“No, you have 30 minutes to leave.”, I state more to Satoru than to Suguru.
“Let us find a solution together”, Suguru insists but I just shake my head, now looking at him.
“30 minutes is a nice gesture of mine.”
I turn around as Satoru tries to get a hold of my wrist, but I’m too fast as I walk faster and faster out of the resort. I hear Hime behind me shouting something, but I don’t care as I fall into a sprint. 
I need to get everything out of my mind.
No thinking, just running until my lungs burn.
I run over the muddy path to my car, nearly slipping and twisting my leg. My mother would have killed me if she saw that. Risking my well being because I’m so emotional and don’t know what else to do except running away. 
Soon I arrive at my car and just drive to the rink. My legs are still sore from the hard morning training but I don’t care. This is the only way I know to deal with too many emotions. 
I shut them out with ice skating. 
I unlock the closed doors at the rink hall. Seems like my uncle is still skiing. 
Behind the counter are my skates and a pair of leggings. I easily swap my jeans with them and sit down at my usual bench to knot my skates on. 
The front door opens and closes with a squeak and I expect Hime to show up. She knows me so well. 
But it isn’t Hime who walks towards me. It’s Suguru.
“How did you know I would be here?”
There is no use in asking him why he is here. 
I know why he is. 
“Your friend told me where to find you”, Suguru answers. 
I ignore the sting in my chest on why Hime would tell him that. Suguru seems like the type of person who can be quite convincing.
“I don’t want to talk.”
“Just give me 5 minutes and I promise we will leave.”
“No, you will just try to justify his behavior.”
“Trust me, I won’t give you any excuses. I just want to talk with you”, he pauses: “We haven’t seen each other in ages.”
I look at him, standing a few feet away from me in a white pullover and dark jeans. His left arm hangs weirdly loose on his body and his long, silky hair is falling out of his bun. Under his sharp eyes are dark shadows, but he is still so handsome it should be a crime. 
I shake that thought away.
“Please”, he grumbles but I just get up, walk past him and head to the rink. He doesn’t follow me, which I appreciate. He sits down on the bench and my first thought is how we used to sit on this exact bench together, lacing our skates in silence next to each other, all while we were snacking on a different kind of bar. I used to eat a protein one with strawberry flavor while he always picked one with vanilla flavor from the vending machine. 
I tried it once and nearly puked. It tasted like an old, wet washcloth dunked in vomit, but apparently it had the most proteins.
I couldn’t resist. 
I type into the vending machine a code and receive two bars. As I walk back to the bench, Suguru still sits there, his hands placed over his eyes like he needs a minute for himself.
“Catch”, I exclaim, he looks up just in time to capture the flying bar. 
He first glances at me, then at the bar in his hands. 
“I never understood why you chose to always eat this one. It tastes vile.”
He snickers at that: “because it has-”
“The most proteins.”, I finish for him and sit down next to him. He slightly smiles at me and nods, softly ripping the plastic wrap open with his teeth.  
I do the same with mine and we just sit there and eat. In complete silence like we used to do all these years ago. 
“What's wrong with your arm?”, I break the silence as I still notice Sugurus' arm hanging loosely on his side.
“Nerve damage”, he takes the bar between his lips and rolls his sleeve up, revealing a huge scar. With a blob he sucks the rest of the snack into his mouth and chews. 
“What happened?”, I ask him, now looking in his face.
“I got mugged after a night out”, he pulls his sleeve down again, staring at the wall in front of us. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry that’s horrible, but at least you are-”, I say and instantly regret it. 
I mentioned before how the media and most people say to athletes after an incident ‘at least’ it’s only a concussion, ‘at least’ it’s only a broken leg, ‘at least’ they didn’t die.
But they always forget that even one small injury can cost us our career. 
“That was dumb, sorry”, I wait before carrying on: “Chance of recovery?”
I can imagine his answer. 
“Zero, maybe in a few years there will be a therapy, but I don’t have high hopes”, Suguru sighs and tilts his head back. Even if he tries his best to conceal the pain in his voice, I can still hear it: “I left the Bruins after the attack.”
I can’t envision his pain. Training years and years for a goal, so someone takes your dream away from you with one stab. Someone snatching away all your hard work with one stab. Someone destroying your life with one stab. 
Over some change in your wallet and maybe a smartphone. 
“Did they catch them?”
“No, they didn’t”, Suguru breathes. His lips are pressed together to a thin line, eyes closed.
“I’m so sorry, Suguru.”
“It’s fine, really. I wasn’t that good of an Ice Hockey Player anyway.”
“Don’t ever say that. You know it’s not true.”
“It is. In contrast to Satoru I was a wimp.”
“They took your career, but don’t let them take your pride as well”, I mutter.
“Yeah, you are right”, he says and smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. His expression is shallow.
If I was a better person, I would know exactly what to say to him. But I can’t even face my own problems without running away and tormenting my body. 
“Enough about me. You won at the Olympics, twice. Congratulations! I knew you would make it. Did you ever receive my letter?”
“Well thank you, and I did, but I didn’t have time to visit one of your games. Right after the Olympics my PR team didn’t give me one second for myself”
I want nothing more than to travel back in time and go and watch a stupid Ice Hockey game. I will never have the chance again to see Suguru playing on the rink.  
I nervously fidget with my hands, letting my fingers crack as I mumble: “I would have written you back, but your letter didn’t have a sender.”
“Or any other way to contact you”, I whisper under my breath. 
In the end surely I would have managed to find a way to contact him. 
For example I could have asked my old manager for help or just wrote to one of his team mates on Instagram (of course, a guy like Suguru doesn’t have social media). 
I would have found a way, but again. We weren’t close at all. Still aren’t, so why does this feel so different? Why do I feel like I'm talking with an old friend? 
Human connections can be so odd. 
I briefly chuckle at my own thoughts.  
Suguru looks at me, this time the shy smile ghosts around his eyes too. 
“I knew I had forgotten something.”
Now we both grin, me pressing my arm on my belly while he hides his laughter faintly behind his hand. 
“Why are you here?”, I ask him and he seems to understand what I actually mean.
“Satoru gave me a job after the attack, so I’m part of his recovery team.”
“How can you-”
“-hang around with him?”, he interrupts me with a chuckle.
“Hang around with him without shooting yourself in the head”, I add with a light smile.
Suguru stretches his legs and for a second the way he sits reminds me of Satoru.
“You will probably not believe me, but he is actually a really good guy.”
“You meant to say shithead.”
He laughs deeply and my heart starts to melt at that sound.
“Yes, he can be and you have every right to hate him, but he’s still at heart a good guy. Without him I don’t know if I would still be here.” 
Suguru takes a deep breath before continuing: “He took me out of my slumber after the attack and convinced the Rangers team to hire me as an assistant coach. He also pays for my medical bills and for both my sisters’ college tuition.”
I snort: “And all you have to do is just work under him. How practical.”
“I wanted that. He never forced me to. He said he would pay my bills and support me if I decided to become a stand-up comedian and he hates stand-up comedy”, a small chuckle leaves his lips. 
“Because after all he’s my best friend”
“Just because he treats you well, doesn’t mean he’s a good person.”
Suguru thinks for a moment.
“Maybe you are right, but I know he didn’t intend to hurt you.”
I chuckle sarcastically at his remark. 
“And how would you know?”
Suguru tilts his head back, staring at the ceiling.
“Satoru first ever mentioned you after he became captain around four years ago. You know as a captain, he has to know the opposing teams from A to Z. He told me he stumbled across your name as he looked up your father. I was still playing for the Bruins at that time as he facetimed me and together we watched you compete at the Olympics the second time. He rarely can shut his mouth for a second, but I swear to God he didn’t say one word during your performance”, Suguru smiles at me.
“By the way, you were amazing. I mean you still are”, again a shy smile, which I return.
“Anyway he didn’t speak for a while, even after you were done. I first thought he had a stroke or something, but then the only thing he said was: “If I had a daughter like her, I would not shut up about her.” He clearly meant your fathers ignorance over you. He didn’t understand why your father doesn’t acknowledge your existence.”
“Hm, makes two of us”, I butt in, waiting for Suguru to continue.
“I don’t understand it either”, again this small smile, which makes my heart stumble. 
He places his large hands on his knees, struggling with his left one. He tips his head towards me and continues: “A few weeks later he had a game against the Devils, and the Rangers won. He laughed at your father and said something along the lines of “of course your team lost when the coach can’t even acknowledge the talent inside his own family.”. Your father said something to him, but Satoru never told me what exactly. All I know is that he punched him and got suspended for the next three games.”
I remember that incident. I saw it on the news and still to this day Hime and I use it as a reaction gif. 
“That was Satoru? Really? Because I’m pretty sure the guy had red hair”, in the clip I saw online, you couldn’t see his face, just a red buzzcut. For a second I try to imagine Satoru with this hair style and come to the conclusion that he probably looked good with it too. I want to bash him against his head like he did to my father, but I still have to admit that Satoru is extremely hot. 
“He had an unusual hair color phase”, Suguru sighs with a smirk on his face. 
“As if his snow white hair is less unusual”, I comment and Suguru snicker. 
“But what I actually want to say is, Satoru had the urge to defend you in a way that could have cost him his career. Therefore I don’t think he ever intended to hurt you the way he did.”
I gaze at Suguru and see his crooked smile. He told me he wouldn’t excuse Satorus behavior but in the end he did. 
Apparently risking his career for me would be considered as honorable, but all I see again is his reckless behavior. Reckless behavior for a person he didn’t even know at that time. I start to think Satoru is actually insane. Who in their right mind does something like this? 
Probably someone who knows he gets away with everything. Three games suspension is really a clap on his hands for punching a coach. I bet every other player would have faced some serious consequences, but this doesn’t seem to include Satoru. He really is larger than life.
“And? You want me to forgive him because he punched my father? I never asked him to do that”, I stare challenging at him.
“No, I didn’t tell you this so you will forgive him. That’s completely up to you. I just told you, because the theme came up.”
“Yeah, right”, I don’t want to giggle, but I can’t control it. I can see him holding back a cackle.
I was right about Suguru, he is a really convincing person, maybe even a bit manipulating. 
I hold that thought back.  
“On our way to the resort, he told me he would make sure your father can no longer ignore you. I didn’t understand it at that time, but he must have had this idea from the beginning. Maybe not with this execution, but the fundamental idea.”
“And why does he think I care about my fathers attention?”
“I guess because attention is what every child deserves”, Suguru suggests with a smile.
“That’s the dumbest way possible to get his attention.”
“You are probably right, but Satoru always says even bad press is good press.”
“Of course this idiot would say that”, I mourn: “And now he wants me to drag him out of his bad press. Such a stupid idea.”
“I don’t particularly think it’s a stupid idea. Yes, the beginning is awful, especially for you. I’m sorry about all these horrible comments, but you have the might to form this relationship in any way you want. That’s the good thing about it being fake. You can create the entire narrative, and can control every aspect of it. If there is no love, just business, this could work out well”, he adds: “I know you will hate what I say now, but the cat is out of the bag. Everyone already thinks you both are in a relationship, so you should make the best out of it.”
“The best would be to say it was a joke.”
“No one would believe that.”
“I know”, I groan and grasp my head between my hands. 
“Wanna know my opinion?”
He laughs and tells me his opinion anyway: “You should give it a chance.”
“But I don’t want to turn into Satoru Gojos girlfriend.”
“Then change the narrative however you like. Make people call him your boyfriend. You haven’t competed in years and you are still popular. If one person knows the media game, it’s you.”
“But in the end I still don’t see what I can gain from this, except money I don’t want and attention I don't need.”
“A good deed.”
“He doesn’t deserve my kindness.”
“Why not?”
“He drove under the influence.”
“I understand. I’m the last one to defend him for that, but some people would say people make mistakes and learn from them. Second chances exist for a reason”, Suguru looks up at me, trying to read what’s on my mind.
“My mother didn’t get a second chance as a drunk driver killed her.”
Suguru frowns and turns his upper body to me. 
I hadn't fully noticed that while we were talking, we got closer and closer together on this bench. He is sitting so close his knee sometimes touches mine when he is chuckling.
“I didn’t know it was a drunk driver. I just heard and read about a car crash.”
“Yeah, a lot of people don't know that.”
“I’m so sorry.”
I’m silent.
“One thing I can still remember about you was when you didn’t want to think or you had too many emotions in you, you would skate until you collapsed”, Suguru says out of the blue. Again, human connections can be so odd. 
All these years ago we barely talked but he still figured me out by just observing me. 
The same way I observed him. 
Again, I wish I could travel back in time to this exact bench with him lacing his skates and snacking on a bar and just having a tiny bit of courage to start an actual conversation. 
How different our lives would have turned out if we became even a little bit closer. 
“So Utahime didn’t tell you where to find me. You knew.”
“Yes, just didn’t want to come off as a creep.”, he scratches his head: “Maybe I’m completely wrong in my theory but your mother died right before the Olympics and you won Gold. I saw you on every TV show possible, doing everything except healing. Jumping right back into training for your second Olympics. Did you ever truly process her death?”
It’s crazy how well this man knows me. How well he can read me. Must be a gift he’s blessed with.
“No”, I answer truthfully. 
“Maybe this could be your chance to find closure, by helping Satoru out. He doesn’t show it, but the disappointment from his fans gnaws at him and sometimes I think he will give in and grab a bottle again.”  
So it wasn’t just the pain in his leg that made him drink. There are deeper issues. 
“Do you really think a fake relationship with me would help him?”
“I dare to say you are the only person who would be able to succeed with this task.” 
I sigh and tilt my head to the side, leaning it against Sugurus shoulder. 
I think about this situation. 
One thing is clear, Satoru isn’t just a normal Ice Hockey Player. He is the Ice Hockey Player of our time. He has more followers than a lot of movie stars. He is seen on red carpets and events that have nothing to do with Ice Hockey. I bet a lot of his fans don’t even watch his games and just follow him for his aesthetics or what not. When you say his name, most people will know him. He broke out of the niche Ice Hockey and became an actual celebrity.  
Something I also managed to accomplish years ago, but after I retired I didn’t really care anymore. I don’t go to events, I don’t go to shows or do any interviews. I just backtrack from the public eye and post a few pictures here and there. My follower count is stagnating. With this stunt that Satoru pulled he revived me back into the public eye. 
But do I even want to be there again?
All I knew my entire life was to skate. Living my mothers dream of winning at the Olympics. Heck, I have to accept it was also my dream in a way. Maybe it was a bit forced unto me, but I wouldn’t have come so far without my own determination. 
But now I sit in my hometown and have no clue what to do next. 
I feel really lost, if I’m being honest with myself. 
Suguru is right with many things. 
First, the photo is already posted. The public thinks Satoru and I are in a relationship. It’s easier to go along with it than explaining this mess.
Second, I could really find closure through Satoru. If I do this fake relationship, I can not only help Satoru, I will also make sure that he never brings himself nor an innocent person into a dangerous situation. For this I need to put my own loathing aside and learn to forgive.
Third, helping Satoru also gives me a purpose again. Something to do other than my mundane daily routine. Maybe this will help me find a new dream.
Fourth, I really hate my father. I was always polite. I never publicly said a bad word about him, but this fake relationship with Satoru could give me the chance to actually for once show the world what an asshole he is. I don’t want his attention in a good way. I want his attention for revenge. I want him to be unable to ignore me any longer. This means I have to step into his world, which is Ice Hockey. 
So I look up at Suguru from his shoulder and grin: “I mean my father would really hate being asked about my relationship with Satoru over and over again.”
I feel Sugurus' shoulders move as if he is laughing a bit. 
“Well, at least you know your father will not harass Satoru for money. Mine would do it in a heartbeat.”
I sometimes overheard Suguru talking on his phone with his father. About gambling debt and how Suguru often had to leave the training earlier to pick up his younger sisters because his father was in a casino. I’m glad that he had a scholarship. I don’t think he would have been able to go to university without it.
For whatever reason we both laugh at that. Well, it is kind of funny how different our problems with our fathers are but still they cause us the same distress.  
I hear the squeaking of the door again as Suguru and I keep laughing. As I look up I see Satoru standing there, staring perplexed at us, not saying a word. 
“Wanna add something to the shitty father conversation?”, I ask Satoru, who seems to be a bit amazed, that I actually talk with him. But only for a second, before his cool demeanor snaps back and he says: “No, mine is cool. Always let me do my thing.”
“Some people are just lucky”, Suguru declares and stretches his arm out, after I stopped leaning my head against his shoulder. 
“What are you both doing here?”, Satoru asks after a while. I tip my head to the side and gaze at Suguru.
“We just talked about the good old times”, Suguru answers, but we actually barely talked about this. Mainly because we actually never closely interacted. Everything we know from each other was because of our observation of the other person. 
I look at Suguru and a fifth reason comes to my mind.
Fifth, if I agree to the fake relationship, I have a real chance to get to know Suguru, not just observations. I could sit on this bench with him again everyday while Satoru has his training sessions with Mei Mei, eat a protein bar and finally have a connection with him. A reason to talk, a reason to get to know him. 
No need for me to time travel back to this bench nearly 10 years ago. 
“By the way, I actually think the protein bar you ate is expired. Can’t remember the last time I refiled this one. You were the only person to ever eat these”, I joke to Suguru.
“It tasted fine to me.”
“Maybe because it tastes expired anyway”, I turn my body towards Suguru next to me, my leg bent on top of the bench: “Oh, I remember one time some girls bought the same bar after you picked it from the vending machine. They screamed at Masamichi on why he is selling expired food. They couldn’t believe it hadn't expired.”
“Some girls bought a protein bar because of Suguru? I never knew you were this popular with the ladies”, Satoru chimes in, leaning against the wall parallel to us, smirking at Suguru. His white hair falls back into his blue eyes as he blows a strand away. 
“She’s exaggerating”, Suguru murmurs shyly and I jest: “Yeah right, once you graduated and didn’t train here anymore, there were a lot less girls cheering for your old team.”
“I knew it! You womanizer!”, Satoru quips as he walks over to Suguru and playfully punches his shoulder. For a minute they both seem to throw small jabs at each other, both grinning while doing it.
“He never talks with me about girls”, Satoru addresses me while Suguru tries to get Satorus hand of his shoulder with an annoyed expression.
“And I can see why”, I answer with a small smile, seeing Suguru roll his eyes.
“Hey”, Satoru lets go of Suguru and peers at me with an unsure expression: “I’m really sorry about everything I did.”
I can tell from the look in his eyes, he not only means the picture. 
He means the video he took of us making out. He means him drinking alcohol at the pub. He probably even means stumbling in my life and surely even his car crash months ago.
“We packed everything together and booked a flight back. Again, I’m sorry. You are right, I was egotistical. I will do everything in my power to resolve this.”
“There is a solution”, I get up and stand in front of him. Even in my skates I’m nowhere near as tall as him. I bite on my lower lip as I stare at him, unsure if I’m really doing the right thing. 
If I should really listen to all the reasons. 
Satoru is a wild card. Reckless, arrogant and egotistical. The worst kind to get along with. The worst kind to fake a PR relationship with. 
But fuck it, I always love a good competition. If I can manage to turn this mess into a beneficial deal for both of us, I can do anything. 
But most importantly even after everything that had happened between us, I still can’t seem to fully hate him. 
Yes, I wanted to rip him apart not even twenty minutes ago, but I have to admit to myself, I like him. Maybe because he is reckless, arrogant and egotistical. 
Me too, just in a completely different way. 
He is intoxicating. 
I know against my better judgment, I would regret not doing this with him. 
I would regret it as soon as I fall back into my daily life after he leaves this rink.
Even if this will end badly, which it probably will, I don’t want to regret it by not saying yes. 
This is going to be the performance of my life time.
“Let’s do it.”
“What do you mean?”, Satoru wipes his hair out of his face, looking a bit dumbfounded at me with an open mouth. 
“Let us fake date.”
“Are you serious?”, his mouth is still open.
“Yes, I am.”
“I don’t know what to say other than thank-”
“Don’t thank me just now. This isn’t going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy. There will be a lot of rules.”
“I will do everything”, he hums, beaming like a small child who sees the DisneyLand Castle for the first time.
I smile at him too. 
He seems eager, but he has no idea what’s in store for him. 
My entire life I expected perfection from myself. Now I want that from him too.   
“I will write a list with rules and send it to you. I want a written contract”, I sit back down and get rid of my skates.
“Sure, everything you want”, he says and looks at Suguru with a big grin, shooting him a thumbs up. Suguru pats my back lightly with a smile, like he is proud of me for doing this. More so for myself than Satoru.
“I guess, I will go back and tell Ichiji to cancel the flights”, Suguru gets up and our eyes meet for a second. 
“Welcome to the team.”
My glance follows him until he is out of sight. 
“Hey”, Satoru tries to get my attention back. 
I look up at him.
“Did you and Suguru ever fuck?”
I frown. 
“You heard me. Was there or better is there something between the two of you? Because if so, I can’t have this fake relationship with you”, he doesn’t look at me, instead he focuses on cracking his fingers in a rough way.
“No! I mean, we actually never talked. Today was the first time we ever really did. I don’t-, we don’t know each other at all.”, I stammer: “There wasn’t and isn’t something between us.”
I feel like I just lied to him, even though it’s the truth.
“Good”, he smiles weakly. 
“You see, he’s my best friend, but he never really talks about his feelings with me. As I told him about my idea with the fake dating, he seemed fine with it, but I just had to make sure by asking you.”
“Sure, I understand”, I say, feeling a weird sense of guilt. 
My focus is on my skates again as I get them off my feet. I slip my shoes on and stand up, Satorus broad frame leaning over me again as he reaches his hand out for me to take and shake. Without saying a word I take his large hand, his long fingers wrapping around to my palm. We both stare at each other as we silently agree to our deal. 
To our fake relationship. 
I let go of his hand, feeling his touch still linger on me as I step past him with goosebumps on my arms. 
I turn around once more before meeting the corner and snicker: “By the way, you owe me a new phone.”
His gaze follows me the entire time. He shortly seems puzzled by my words but instantly his calm mime returns.
“Everything you want.” 
He smiles. I smile.
Then laughter. 
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Why Enemies to Lovers is so unusual in its true form and often replaced or solved quickly
So! I got this ask about enemies to lovers and it's popularity/lack thereof and why it's such a struggle to see and why we don't see it a lot and I answered but I've also been thinking about it and then I watched the new episode of A Shoulder to Cry On and I had a realization.
I know why enemies to lovers is so difficult to do and why it's uncommon and why we tend to see either a rush to get it over with or it's one-sided instead of full enemies.
And it's because in order to be enemies, one of them has to have wronged the other. And finding a balance between wronged the other enough to become enemies and unforgivable isn't the thickest of lines and varies for every person.
Enemies is lovers complicated because you have to tread the line of what made them enemies and how they find or earn forgiveness for what happened, how they relate to each other and how their relationship grows.
So what happens, I think, are that there are three types and depending on how they're handled and how they go, you get very different fandoms.
What this means is... let me list some different scenarios.
Enemies to Lovers with a good reason: This is a struggle and is A Shoulder to Cry On as my current example. YaDeol has a very good reason to dislike and distrust and be enemies with TaeHyun. It makes sense, TaeHyun accused him of sexual assault and has never apologized or taken it back in front of other people. While we see that YaDeol is developing an interest in him, the narrative is not giving yet giving us any kind of growth that explains this or shows this yet. So I'm struggling because we need to forgive TaeHyun in order to move on with the relationship... but the show is treating it that way, at least a bit, so I am holding out hope. This one is easy to mess and often leaves me feeling empty in the end because the forgiveness is either rushed or unexplained and there's a lot of very popular ships that I've never been able to enjoy because of poor handling of this.
Enemies to Lovers without a good reason: This tends to struggle in serious shows and shine in comedies. This is the FUTS (but that one definitely failed me) kind of show. Where the enemies are played for a joke, they're enemies for no reason, they're enemies because he stole his pushpop when he was a toddler or something... Not my favorite version of the trope, makes a much better one-sided enemies story (We Best Love is a prime example for a serious version) but is occasionally done as a real enemies to lovers.
Enemies to Lovers but silly: This is SoundWin from My School President. Yes, they're enemies. But it's all just very... light. It's teenagers. It's goofy, the enemies part is real but not serious and it's easy enough to let them grow into a new relationship. My favorite incarnation, honestly, because it allows for the easiest growth and for the great moment when their friends all roll their eyes at them.
Enemies to Lovers is hard and I definitely understand why shows rarely do it fully, instead focusing more on one-sided enemies or to quick solutions. I mean, it's pretty obvious to me that most fanfolks greatly enjoy a rushed resolution to enemies to lovers but that's from a big fandom I don't talk about so, I guess don't take my word for it.
That's the end of my additional thoughts.
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moon-thething · 1 year
Alright hey its me the same anon from last time—I'm sorry, I just really like your writing 🥲 but anyway, I was thinking—Kevin x Reader headcanons, but enemies to lovers edition. Your choice though.
Hello again anon :) I really don't know how to write enemies to lovers trope so these headcanons kind of turned out as bullies to friends to lovers but I still hope you enjoy these!
P.s. you can also become a named anon if you'd like to request more than once
Romantic or platonic?: Platonic/romantic
Readers gender: gender neautral
Type: Fluff?
Warnings: not proof read, not announced change of povs
Hope you enjoy :)
The first time you two had met in high school
The reason he started to hate you in the first place because you were the popular kid
And from every TV show and or movie the popular kid was always snobby and didn't have a care in the world. So he started to believe you were exactly like that
And the reason you hated him was simply because every time you tried to talk to him he'd scoff and roll his eyes
Who wouldn't get anoyed at that?
And so, you two were known in highschool because of your rivalry
Kevin would purposefully drop small notes into your backpack and or hide your stuff to quote 'get you back' end quote
While you would as well put pathetic fake love notes into his backpack as well as steal his pencils and pens
The sound of chalk on the board and the teachers bored tone echoed around the room as Kevin was getting more and more tired by the second
Finally getting sick of the teachers talking he lifted his hand up, when the teacher turned around she opened her mouth to speak
"Yes Kevin?" She asked, tilting her head as she waited for a response
"May I use the restroom?" He asked, lowering his hand. The teacher let out an anoyed sigh
"Yes, you may." At that Kevin stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom
The teacher continued on with the lecture as Y/n looked back at Kevin's empty seat, they let out a quiet chuckle as they ripped a peace of paper and wrote a quick note on it
'Meet me at the rooftop, at lunch time ;)'
And they put it into Kevin's backpack, being careful and quiet so the teacher wouldn't notice
When it was lunch time Kevin rushed to the rooftop and waited for the mysterious person to show up. But of course, they never did
Kevin quickly realized and groaned at his stupidity as now he had lost his whole lunch break
It didn't go too extreme since you both didn't want to get expelled
So all throughout highschool you were butting heads and talking smack about each other. Wether it be face to face or talking to your friends
When highschool ended you were both relieved to never see each other's faces again. While you had moved and started to actually enjoy life, Kevin was stuck working at a candy shop
As more years passed both of you now seemed to realize the mistakes you two made with your rivalry
While Kevin was more ashamed of himself for putting the expectations of you being a snobby rich kid he had only now realized how nice you actually were
When he looked back he had memories of seeing you afar, either helping a nerd tht was beaten us by treating his wound's wefore sending them to the nurses office, or feeding a stray dog/cat
And he couldn't help but beat himself up for putting those thoughts up first before actually talking to you. But deep inside him he still felt a little hated towards you for doing those little pranks on him even though he started doing them first
While you just looked back and still felt a burning haterid towards the raven haired boy. Never actually finding out the reason as to why he hated you, but always seeing him from afar treating other people better than he had treated you
But you had still felt ashamed for writing those fake notes and putting them in his backpack, even though every time you wrote the note it seemed more and more meaning full. As well as stealing his pens and pencils
And, if you were being completely honest, the reason you went up to him wasnt just to make small talk. Ever since you had seen him enter the classroom you were in it was like an angel has entered
So when you tried to talk to him you could just imagine how heartbroken they were, having their crush hate them
And one fateful day, you had returned to your home town to visit your family and old friends
Walking down the street you saw a familiar candy shop and the memories of you going there when you were younger just flooded in
And so, to fulfill your inner child, you walked in
And when you saw Kevin at the counter you could feel the butterflies in your stomach
While Kevin was just feeling panicked
"Well, funny seeing you here." Y/n said as they approached Kevin. He could feel heat rising to his cheeks as he cleared his throat
"I thought you moved away." He mumbled, leaning against the counter as he looked at the floor in shame, lol of the bad high school memories coming back to him
"I know this night be a bit awkward to you, but I'm not here to pull any pranks." Y/n joked, making Kevin let out a huff of laughter, "But.. I've been wondering. Why did you exactly hate me?" Kevin swallowed the lump in his throat as he let out an awkward laugh
"haha, well.. you're gonna absolutely have me for this, but..." Kevin started, Y/n put their hands on the table as they listened closely, "Since I watched too many teen movies.. I kind of made the connection that all popular kids were assholes." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly
Y/n started to laugh as Kevin felt more embarrassed by the second
And from that point on, you two became some sort of friends
You come to the candy shop every day. Internally screaming every time you accidentally made even the slightest contact with him while Kevin was just oblivious
But as time passed Kevin seemed to start noticing his feelings towards you. But he was of course too blind to see your feeling's towards him
And on one perfect day, both of you decided to confess to one another. And I repeat: both
Y/n walked towards the candy shop, gripping the end of their shirt anxiously as they came closer and closer towards the shop. They
They opened the door as Kevin's head shot up. He also seemed a little on edge but at the moment Y/n didn't pay any mind to that
"Hey Kevin. How're you doing?" Y/n asked awkwardly as they leaned against the counter
"GoOd." Kevin's voice cracked, making him cry internally
The two stayed in an uncomfortable silence before they both wanted to break the silence.. at the same time
"I need to tell you something." They both said in usion
"Sorry, you can go first." Y/n apologized as they looked at Kevin
"Nononono, you go first." Kevin insisted
"Why don't we both say it at the same time?" Y/n asked
"Sure, why not. But we sould at least go somewhere private." Kevin said, pointing towards the huge window's of the shop as people passed by. Y/n nodded slightly as they followed Kevin
"Okay, on the count of three."
"I really like you!" They both yelled. They looked at each other with wide eyes before they both bursted out in laughter
"God, we're so pathetic!" Y/n laughed as they clutched their stomach
When their laughter finally died down the two could only stare at each other with warm smiles. Kevin then boldly wrapped his hand around their waist ad pulled them towards him
"May I kiss you?" He asked with an unsure tone of voice, Y/n let out a giggle and slightly leaned in
"Yes, you may." The two connected their lips as they shared a long and tender kiss
God, the relief the two of you felt when you confesed to each other. You might as well have been in heaven at that moment
And now as Kevin and you both looked back at the past memories in highschool and the awkward confession you wo shared, you couldn't help but laugh at your guyses stupidity
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ria-writes-stories · 10 months
This story was inspired by @taminam02 's art! Make sure to give them the proper appreciation because this story wouldn't have existed as is it is if it weren't for the RockBand AU!
Ship: Thad x V
Genre: Romance-ish, Action, Thrill, Rush of Adrenaline
Trope: Enemies to lover sort of
Title: Danger
Description: When one fights for survival their heart beats as hard as when they are in love.
Warning: bites, and claws and tackles and uh- neck bites- BUT NOT LIKE THAT-
(No one's pov)
Thad was walking outside of the colony, which was a nice change in his life since the disassembly drones were no longer hunting down the worker drones. Thad and N got along pretty well and as far as he knew the other one that stabbed him, V, was chained up or something like that when he last saw her.
The world empty and cold as it was had a strange beauty in it, plus, it was nice to explore after being stuck in just one place your entire life right?
Suddenly Thad heard a rush of wind passing by somewhere near by, he looked up confused and unsure as to what could have caused the sound, but then he remembered when he flew with N back to the colony with him and Uzi the air made a bunch of noise besides their bodies and besides N's huge wings, so, maybe it was was N.
Thad went to inspect, curiosity kills the cat after all, doesn't it? Well, this one is rather charming so maybe he'll be off the hook this time along.
Thad snuck behind a corner as his gut told him that something was wrong, deeply wrong, and low and behold it was right. V, the murder drone, was cleaning her claws from oil via her tongue. 'Worker drone oil. How did she get out of the chains?' as these thoughts went through his head his eyes widened in shock as he stepped back from instinct but the silent sound of the snow that crushed under his boot was heard by the far more deadly drone in the zone, as she smirked widely.
Before Thad knew it he was pinned to the wall as V looked down at him with a subtle psychopathic look in her eyes as a smug grin spread across her face as she held the jock in place with her claws. "If it isn't the 'conventionally attractive male' from the last time. The purple one ain't here to help you, is she now? Poor prince, mister in distress without his saviour coming to the rescue." V taunted as her claws slowly pressed against the surface of his skin threatening to pierce his skin and cause a wound that would be rather painful given their sharpness.
A wound from which the succulent delicious cold oil would pour out for her to consume to her heart's content until he was dried out and empty, however once again she underestimated the courage of the popular jock that had already defended his fellow members before, and now as there wasn't the risk of anyone else getting harmed besides him...
Thad punched her in the chin which took V off guard causing her to loosen her grip on him as she took a step back, moment in which he duck under her arms and ran. V rubbed her chin and growled before chasing after him. "NOW WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!" V yelled angrily. Thad turned around to see her, only to come to the shocking realisation that she was right behind him and before he could react she tackled him down to the ground, raising her claws in the air ready to strike. He had to think quickly.
He grabbed a nearby arm that was laying around and used it to block her attack as he pulled the arm from both ends to rise the tension within the arm making it a tad easier to break yes, but it meant the breaking of it would be messier, which would hopefully break and cause enough tension to tickle the disassembly drone painfully like a rubber band breaking and hitting you.
Thad's emerald green eyes glared into V's deep devilish yellow ones as he growled lowly and pushed the arm up with all of his strength as V's eyes slightly widen noticing the strength in his arm before quickly placing her other claw to his shoulder pressing her claw on it painful.
Thad looked at her other claw as he kept the position before he looked back up at her noticeably angry and upset. "Don't think you're getting out pretty boy." V spat out with venom as she looked at him, but not at his face.
When Thad noticed it his eyes widened even more, and before he could do it she went in for a bite, but he wasn't going to let her. He kicked her off with his feet, before rushing behind a wall as he froze in place, but why? He didn't know.
He pressed his back against the wall as he ran one of his hands through his hair as he rested the other one on his chest, feeling his hear beat like crazy. What was this? Was this the rush of adrenaline through his veins? Was it the shock of the situation? Why couldn't he move? That look in her eyes...
Before he could get any answers she was back to play and this time he wasn't going to escape as easily as he did before, because she wasn't going to allow it. Just because a cat let's her mouse escape for a few moments it doesn't mean that the mouse escaped from luck, nope. The cat was simply playing.
V tackled him and forced him on his stomach, taking one of his hands and pressing it on his back as she leaned in and spoke lowly. "Not so strong now huh?" She said as Thad squirmed under her touch, struggling to get out, and in the moment she got close she proceeded to hit her with his head. "Gah! God you're pesky!"
Thad took his chance to run away ignoring completely the fact that his hat fell behind. V was left to realise that she unconsciously got off of him giving him the chance to run. 'Oh you got to be kidding me...' she thought to herself.
There was never a scenario where Thad would have escaped with his life, or at least unharmed. She was faster, stronger, far more skilled, but his fight was admirable, therefore when he found himself thrown into a wall as he crashed into it painfully before being picked up...
"It'll be quick." She said with a cold look in her eyes ready to end his life, but Thad was more bite and bark, and so, he bit her arm. He bit hard, forcing his teeth to break the surface of her skin, causing her to slightly bleed out as she let out yielding in more shock than pain. Were all drones from that damned colony as pesky as the purple one?! No, they were cowards, the purple one wasn't that much either, but this one...
He was sure he has met his end as the girl held him by his collar, high in the air, pressed against the wall, left helpless at her mercy.
She opened her hungry mouth as he could practically see the saliva running down from the roof of her mouth onto her tongue, and he knew that not even death could satisfy that hunger.
She sunk her teeth deeply finally piercing his skin as the oil ran out of the wound as he hissed in pain as he stiffened, slightly trembling. He shouldn't have stiffened, it only made it more painful, and the fact that she decided to randomly pull his hair to force his head to move as to make his neck more exposed did not help.
His pain wasn't enough, the misery and despair that he was feeling were not enough for her no. She sucked out nutritive contents that she needed and then bit onto his shoulder as well, the same one that she has stabbed a few weeks ago., as Thad let out another sound of desperate pain as he looked at her with widened eyes.
He couldn't process what just happened. One moment he was about to die...the other he was left alone to walk home. He didn't understand this one bit.
Once he got home he looked into the mirror of his bathroom without opening the light as he didn't wish to wake up the entire household. He looked closely at the wounds that had been inflicted on him as he briefly ran his fingers around them as he felt his heart pounding in his chest.
He held his head frustrated in his hands as his fingers ran through his ruffled up blond hair as he let out a deep sigh. What was all of that just now? He would have liked to think it was a bad dream but these wounds on him were as real as he was.
Thad decided to sleep it off but once he found himself in his bed he was left stranded, staring at the ceiling as his mind was filled with thoughts that he thought he'd never catch himself thinking of. Her eyes. That look in her eyes as if she was devouring up just by looks, and those lips- what was he thinking?!
She was a monster! A disassembly drone- a murder drone! So why was he-
Thad slapped himself to pull himself together as he then proceeded to stand up on his bed as he groaned in his hands. He got up and walked around his room aimlessly trying to drain himself to the point he wouldn't have any choice but to fall asleep. He was already pretty drained after the fight but the adrenaline that was in his veins wouldn't allow him to rest, not yet. And then he noticed it...
His hat. His hat was on his desk...the very hat that he dropped during the entire fight. The hat that he completely forgot about on his way home. So how was it here...?
The end
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lemonhemlock · 11 months
That anon does have a point when saying that lots of Aemond x OC fics (especially where the OC is a daughter of Rhaenyra) use some of the same plot points for their made up character. For example they will have their OC, instead of Luke (sometimes he will not exist at all in the fics and she takes his place), be the one who takes Aemond's eye which is even more startling when, as an adult, he will hopelessly fall in love with OC, is ready to sacrifice everything, abandon his family and switch sides just to marry her something that will almost never happen in the opposite case. While yes, Aemond developing an obsession with the person who took his eye is very normal, falling in love is a totally different thing and seems forced and just…unrealistic? And it's very weird when you see team black stans complaining from time to time about the amount of Aemond fics on AO3 paired with a daughter of Rhaenyra's falling in love with him and betraying her side when 99% of the same fics are written by other team black fans and have Aemond doing the switching sides thing lmao.
Of course people are free to write whatever they want about fictional characters, but after a while these type of fics are quite tiring since they're following the same plot points and tropes, more or less: she takes his eye or defends her brother doing the same without even trying to understand Aemond's POV, is either a Strong or Daemon's bastard masquerading as a trueborn Velaryon, rides Vermithor or Cannibal and knows how to control them unlike Aemond, behaves and sounds like a modern day feminist or is a girlboss who, unlike all the other ladies, knows how to fight using a sword and so on while Aemond behaves like a dumb simp all the time and is constantly villainized by the narrative (as well as most of the commentators) for being a misogynist who hates seeing women in power because why is he not swearing allegiance to his half-sister in two seconds????!!! Not to mention that in most of those fics the greens are villainized to the point where they seem like cartoon characters, especially Alicent who is always characterized as the worst mother ever who doesn't love her children at all or as a religious extremist. I've had to quit reading some precisely because of reasons like these despite them being popular and amongst the fics that were very well written otherwise. Nowadays if I really want to read an Aemond/OC fic (or an Aegon one) I'd probably search and choose one in which the OC is a lady from some random house…at least with these ones you have a lesser chance of being disappointed down the road if you're a green fan.
oh definitely the aemond x oc fics really started to get very derivative after a couple of months and the template you provided is really spot-on. but those traitor!aemond fics (where luke is replaced by another black-aligned OC) were never really written by greens anyway, so it's funny that anon thought to complain about that in the askbox of a green account :)) i also noped out of quite a few fics when they started with the alicent-bashing, i just don't have the patience for that & it was rarely even nuanced criticism anyway, at least not in my travels
i don't really know what the state of the nation is nowadays, if lucemonds really discovered body horrror, but at the time i was complaining about it, their dead doves were, at most, ridiculous dungeon sex slave fics that would be on par, comedic-wise, with Unhinged by Vera Valentine or Stuffed by the Were-Turkey by Tate McKirk. and, like, good for you if you enjoy the silliness of it, bc it's never really that serious, but, equally, be aware that people are going to poke some lighthearted fun at you for it
the thing about lucemond is that, while there is definitely basis in the enemies-to-lovers trope or the idea of obsessing over your tormentor, at the end of the day they have to be honest with themselves and admit that they started shipping it after they watched hotd. it's an entirely show thing, no one shipped those two when only Fire & Blood existed. and, say what you will, but there is no shipping subtext in the show about this either, PLUS the visual discrepancy between the actors' ages makes it really not secksual at all. like, that is clearly a grown man and a barely pubescent teenager, there is no "story chemistry" to speak of :)) and i'm not even talking about the squeamish implications of that taboo topic, but there is 0 such <chemistry> or buildup in the text of FB and there is 0 in the media text of the two hotd episodes where both of them appear. not from the part of the actors and not from the part of the technical crew that filmed and edited it. i would love for someone to point out at least 1 such frame that indicated lust or longing or some kind of repressed romantic feeling. so it's only natural people are treating it as some kind of crackship.
anyway it's funny people are still in the grips of lucemond more than one year on. by all means do what you want, but, man, you gotta make some allowances for the goofiness of it all :))
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