#he messed with her during his lil time in college
astoldbychae · 5 months
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Miss ma'am has returned from her lil mini trip and is headed to the salon (She only has two clients to ease her back into the work week).
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ayyy-pee · 1 year
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - JJK Masterlist
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Summary: Every choice Satoru makes just seems to be digging himself into a deeper hole. But when it comes to you, he can’t seem to help himself.
Story Warning: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Toxic Behavior, Cheating, Protected Sex (wrap it up kids), Jealousy, Obsessive Behavior, Exes to Lovers (for a lil bit), Gojo is sprung on reader real bad, Dumb Stupid Idiot Satoru, Downbad Satoru
Gojo art by: Ilameys (used with permission)
Available to read on Ao3!
AN: Gojo has been eating my brain so I had to get something out. I've been obsessively listening to LIMBO by keshi and had it on repeat writing this (listen to it if you haven't!) Anyway, enjoy!
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“Satoruuuuu,” an aggravating, whiny voice slurs. “Can you get me another drink pleaseeeee?”
“Hm? Oh, sure.”
Satoru rises from his seat on the couch, running his fingers through his silky white hair. He leaves his girlfriend to chat with her friends as he makes his way to the kitchen for yet another drink. Really, he should cut her off and take her home. She’s insufferable when she gets a drop of liquor in her, not that she’s any less annoying when she’s sober. All the whining, all the clinginess, all the slurring of his name as she wraps herself all around him. It used to be cute when they first started dating a year ago. Now it’s just suffocating. But Satoru sucks it up, though he’s not entirely sure why. Maybe because when she drinks, he doesn’t have to deal with actually trying to have a conversation with her. She’s a bit more tolerable after a few drinks. Annoying still, but less so.
He maneuvers through the crowd of the house party he’s currently attending. It’s packed, the scent of alcohol heavy in the air. Leave it to Suguru to go all out when he’s back in town. The guy invited practically everyone from their time in high school. Since arriving, Satoru’s already run into Mei Mei, Ino, Utahime (unfortunately) and surprisingly Nanami. There’s even students from the Ainu Technical School here. He had no idea Suguru even knew them. 
Regardless, Satoru is happy to see everyone. He stops every so often to chat with old classmates as he wanders towards the kitchen. Everyone seems to be doing well for themselves since graduating high school, which Satoru is glad for. No matter how life went, he always wished everyone well.
And life was good for Satoru, too. At 26 years old, he certainly couldn’t complain about much. He’d graduated from high school, gone to college, had a hell of a great time during his undergrad career, got himself a well paying cushy sales job. And he had a girlfriend that he…had been with for awhile. Life couldn’t be better for him.
So why did it always feel like something was missing?
Satoru enters the enormous kitchen and makes a beeline to the assortment of drinks lined along the built-in bar. Of course Suguru has a built-in bar in his kitchen with an array of pre-made cocktails to choose from. Always such a great host when he’s not traveling to clean up celebrity messes for his PR firm.
“Satoru!” A man’s voice sings behind him as an arm slings across his shoulders. 
“Haibara,” Satoru greets him. “Back for another drink?”
Satoru grabs one of the plastic party cups from the counter and pours one of the cocktails into it; something fruity and syrupy. He might’ve given it a try if the overwhelming smell of tequila didn’t burn his nostrils. He thinks of his girlfriend, knowing she will definitely feel like shit by the end of the night.
“Hm?” Haibara shakes his head, his raven hair whipping with the movement. “No way. One is enough for me. I have early practice tomorrow. Coach says my swing needs work, so not willing to fuck that up.” Ah right. Satoru had totally forgotten that Haibara played tennis professionally now. He nods, listening to his friend fill him in on what his plans for tomorrow are. Haibara’s wide brown eyes follow Satoru’s movements as he fills his cup. “You, though? I never see you drink at these things?”
Satoru shakes his head. “Not for me. For my girlfriend.”
Haibara’s signature, open-mouthed grin spreads wide across his face. “Oh! You’re still dating her? Wow. Good for you, man.”
Something about the surprise in Haibara’s tone takes Satoru aback, brows knitting at this. “Why’d you say it like that?”
Haibara crosses his arms, his smile melting away with a sigh. “I mean…” Haibara sighs your name quietly. “The two of you were together for a long time before you broke up after high school. We all thought you’d still be together, but if you could end that relationship, I’m just a little surprised you’re still with this one. That’s all. But if you’re happy...”
Just hearing your name on Haibara’s tongue has Satoru’s stomach twisting in knots. He hasn’t seen or spoken to you in years, something he’s been wanting to change for a long time but too cowardly to do so. 
Satoru nods, giving Haibara a weak smile. He can admit that his girlfriend was…not the least bit interesting, annoying and did little for him. But he enjoyed her company sometimes.
“Just don’t be surprised if one of us leaves with Y/N tonight, though,” Haibara jokes, throwing his head back with an obnoxious chuckle. 
Satoru feels his heart leap into his throat as his crystalline eyes dart rapidly over every occupant in the kitchen, only seeing the familiar faces of his old classmates and a few strangers. There’s no sign of you. Maybe Haibara was just fucking with him. 
Satoru laughs to save face, albeit awkwardly. “Funny,” he mutters, staring down into the drink meant for his current girlfriend, though now his thoughts are only occupied with you.
“Hey man, I need to get back to my girl, so I’ll catch you later,” Satoru tells his old friend.
“Yeah, later! Hey!” Haibara calls out to him and Satoru turns briefly. “Let’s get together to play some time!”
“Yeah, sure. Text me!” Satoru calls back, waving as he exits the kitchen. Unlikely, but he appreciates the effort.
Satoru shoulders through the crowd again, carefully holding onto the red cup in hand so it doesn't spill. He takes his time getting back, a new goal in mind: find you. Are you actually here? Or was Haibara just trying to mess with him? His heart pounds hard in his chest as he moves, eyes scanning every face he sees.
It’s been seven long years since Satoru last spoke to you - his first real crush, his first real girlfriend, his first time. His first everything. He wonders if you’ve thought about him at all in this time. He’d be surprised if you did. Things didn’t exactly end well between you two.
Seven Years Ago
You and Satoru dated all through high school. Satoru, a star athlete, played many sports and you supported him through them all, cheering for him at every game and helping him with his practice. You two were inseparable. If you weren’t at Satoru’s place, he was at yours. The love was deep between you two and a promise was made that you’d always be together.
But life didn’t always happen the way you wanted. The joy and excitement of being accepted into your dream schools did not last long when you realized you’d be going to school thousands of miles away and oceans apart. It was the first time a true test of your relationship was presented. Satoru was staying in Japan for college while you were headed overseas. Could your relationship survive the distance?
The first few months apart weren’t so bad. Satoru was making friends, excelling at school and becoming quite popular. You were also busy with your new life and hobbies. You made time for each other when you could. But it wasn’t enough. The loneliness Satoru felt without you was all consuming and it was only a matter of time before he found himself sending fewer texts, calling less, absorbed in the newness of college life.
Satoru loved you so much, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew the likelihood of a long distance relationship surviving was slim regardless of who it was. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but the trying part was becoming more burdensome than he wanted.
And it wasn’t as though you had done anything wrong. This feeling Satoru was experiencing was all on him. You made the effort to keep in touch, to call when you could. And you still wanted it to work. But if Satoru were honest, he just wanted to enjoy his time in school without the constant worry of pleasing someone who he never saw unless it was behind a screen. It was selfish of him, but he wanted to have fun. This was a new world and he wanted to be free to explore it.
So he ended things.
He’ll never forget the quiet sobs on the other end of the phone as he sat in silence after uttering the words, “I don’t think this is going to work out anymore”.
His heart ached listening to your hushed pleas for him to not do this, to not end things this way. But it was for the best. In the long run, you’d be happier. He’d be happier and what was that corny saying again?
If you love something, set it free? Satoru thinks that’s what he did that day.
And you were so upset. Rightfully so. You loved Satoru. You were each other’s first kiss, first times before you left for college, first loves. You’d quite literally given everything to each other. But Satoru couldn’t commit to you anymore. He didn’t want to. He wanted to enjoy college, live his life. It may be selfish of him, but he didn’t see it that way. It was his chance to grow. 
Even after all of your pleading, he stuck to his guns. It was torture, listening to you tearfully beg him not to do this to you. He had to end this.
So he told you he’d met someone else, that he couldn’t be with you anymore because there was another woman he wanted to be with. The stretch of silence was painful, Satoru quietly waiting to see if you had anything to add. The call ended with you hanging up in his face with only a choked sob as the last thing he’d heard. 
Adjusting to life without you proved difficult at first. Satoru isn’t embarrassed to admit he moped around campus for a while before he was able to start trying to move on. After that, the next few months of college were great. Satoru was Mr. Popular, quickly rising to the top of his collegiate sports team. He was the life of any party he went to, the center of attention wherever he went. 
Life should’ve felt perfect. 
But as the months passed, Satoru found his mind occupied with the thought of you at the worst times. 
While his professor discusses marketing strategies, Satoru’s mind wanders to you. 
What are you doing right now? 
When he’s at practice getting berated by the coach for poor blocking form, he knows he can’t tell him it’s because he’s distracted by the thought of you.
Who are you with? 
When he’s giving another girl his number at a party, planning to hook up later, he pushes back the memory of the first time he’d spoken to you. 
Where are you?
When he finds himself between another girl's legs that same night, he squeezes his eyes shut, picturing you and biting his tongue as he tries his best not to moan your name.
Do you still think about him?
The months soon stretch into a year and Satoru hopes this intense yearning he has for you will just fade away. He’s not so lucky. If anything, he thinks about you more. He checks your social media profiles to find you’ve removed him as a friend on everything. Of course you did. He ripped your heart in two. There was no way you’d allow him access back into your life. Your accounts are all private, so he can’t see anything and he’s not willing to ask a mutual friend about what you’ve been up to. It only makes him a little bit crazy that you’ve put up this wall between you two so he has no access to you. 
Another six months pass and Satoru works up the nerve to text you for the first time since you’d broken up. He hopes you’ll reply. It’s been more than a year. You can’t possibly still be upset, can you? He can admit that he could have handled the way he ended things better, sure. But if he can get past it, you can too, right?
You never respond.
More months pass by and soon another year. One late night, Satoru slips into his apartment after a failed hookup. He pulls his phone out, scrolling through his contacts to find your name. You didn’t reply to his last text. He doubts you’ll respond to this one, but he takes a deep breath and shoots off a message to you before he changes his mind.
Days later, you finally respond. You chat for a while, sending messages back and forth. Generic things, really. Just catching up. Until one night Satoru musters up the courage to call you.
“Hello?” You answer. There’s soft music in the background and Satoru wonders what you’re up to. Are you home? Maybe you’re relaxing and the music is on for background noise. Or maybe you’re with someone, listening to music to set the mood. There’s an unpleasant twist that forms in his stomach at the thought.
“Hey,” he says easily, though he can barely hear your voice over the rapid pounding of his heart. “I figured a phone call may be easier than just texting. What are you doing?”
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” He hears you shuffling around, then the quiet click of a door closing as the music fades out. “I’m actually at a friends for dinner.”
A friend. He wants to ask more about your friend, but he knows he has no right to that information anymore. 
“Sorry to interrupt your night,” he tells you, hoping his voice doesn’t betray how tense he is. His heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest.
“It’s fine. I have a couple minutes to spare.” You sound relaxed. Like speaking to Satoru doesn’t have the same effect on you as it does on him. Like talking to him is just like talking to anybody else. He knows it’s his own fault it’s this way, but it still stings. “Did you need something?”
That’s what Satoru wants to say. More than anything, he wants to tell you that he wants you back, that he needs you back. He wants to tell you he made a mistake breaking up with you, that he’s so sorry. He wants to ask that you’ll please forgive him. 
Satoru wants to say he regrets his decision to call it quits. Wants to admit that he should have made more of an effort to make it work out and not have been so fucking weak. He wants to tell you that if you’re willing to give it another try he is, too.
That’s what he wants.
Because after everything, he still l–
“Satoru?” You repeat your question and Satoru realizes he’s let the silence hang in the air between you both for far too long.
“Oh, I jus–”
“Babe? Dinner’s ready. Do you want any wine with yours?” A deep voice cuts through the quiet and Satoru feels his heart drop hearing someone else call you by the name that was once meant for only his use. He hears soft shuffling and hushed whispers and a “sorry, I thought you were off the phone, babe. You were quiet–”
He can tell you’ve muted your phone. He can’t hear anything anymore. The looming silence makes Satoru want to hang up on you so he can swallow the bitterness he feels. So you had moved on, found someone else who gets to treat you the way Satoru should have. It’s fair. It’s been years since you two had broken up. You’d barely started speaking again. Of course you would find someone new. You were perfect and anyone would be an idiot to let you go. Much like Satoru was.
His thumb lingers over the end call button on his screen…and then you’re back just before he presses it.
“Sorry about that,” you breathe. “Anyway, did you need something, Satoru?”
“That your friend?” Satoru asks, ignoring your question completely. He can’t even pretend it’s not because he wants to know who the hell was calling you ‘babe’.
You clear your throat. “No, ah…that’s my boyfriend,” you finally tell him.
The silence falls over you again for a few seconds, Satoru trying to find his words. Again, it’s fair for you to date someone else. Satoru had ended things. He lost his right to be jealous when he did. And yet, against his better judgment, he leans into the bitterness he felt moments ago, forcing out a laugh. “Good! Oh, that’s good for you. Glad you found someone.”
Satoru hums. “Yeah. I mean, glad we both moved on. I was actually worried when I was calling that you’d still be hung up on me or something.” He winces, but laughs awkwardly again. Knows he just shot himself in the foot. Maybe you’ll just laugh it off, take it as a bad joke.
“Yeah.” Your voice is clipped, short. “Okay, well, it was great catching up with you, Satoru. I have to go now.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Got it. Well, have fun at your din–”
The line goes dead.
Satoru tosses his phone to the side, throws himself back on his bed with a groan. 
You don’t return any more of his calls or texts.
Satoru’s feet carry him through the crowd, conversation drifting through the air. He can hear Utahime yelling at Suguru and Satoru resists the damn near instinctual urge to turn towards the screeching so he can join Suguru in whatever antics set her off. It’s always funny seeing how red her face gets. He also hears the sounds of Shoko’s airy laugh as she catches up with Nanami and Ijichi. An odd group, he thinks, but Satoru doesn’t have time to dwell on it because he hears the sweet sound of your laugh and–
He stops in his tracks, the drink in his hand sloshing with the abrupt halt. He turns his head to peer over the crowd, but he doesn’t see anything, doesn’t see you. Maybe his mind is playing tricks on him. There’s no way you’d actually be here. You’re overseas. At least, he thinks you may be overseas. That’s the last thing he knew about you for certain. Satoru’s not sure what you’re up to these days. He hasn’t asked, afraid of what the answer will be. He’s not sure he could handle knowing you’re potentially engaged or happily married. Hell, he’s not sure he could handle knowing if you’re dating someone. 
His piercing blue gaze finally lands on you and he realizes Haibara was actually not joking about someone potentially leaving with you tonight. Because you’re right there, off to the side of the crowd with some man, giggling at whatever he’s saying.
Satoru knows it’s you, even from a distance. He couldn’t mistake those beautiful eyes for anyone else's, the way they crinkle ever so slightly in the corners when you smile. He could never mistake those luscious, glossed lips he loved to kiss. You’re all smiles, as stunning as he remembers.
Everything keeps moving as time seems to stand still only for Satoru, his eyes never leaving you. And he knows he’s at this party with someone else. That’s what he should be focused on, but you’re all he cares about right now. His gaze locks onto your lips, following the curve of your smile, the way your tongue darts out just a bit to run along your bottom lip, the way those lips form your words. 
You may still hate him after all this time, but Satoru wants to talk to you. He almost wants to get just close enough for you to notice him. Maybe you’ll make the first move and talk to him.
‘What the fuck am I doing?’ He thinks, lips pursed in concentration.
He should get back to his actual girlfriend. He’s been gone for too long. She’s bound to come looking for him if he doesn’t get back to her soon. Yeah, he’ll just go back. Talking to you won’t be good for him anyway –
The man you’re speaking to leans forward, his lips moving to your ear and Satoru, with his eyes still glued to your lips, feels his blood boil as he watches them part with what he’s pretty sure is a sigh. When he sees your hand come up to lay on the other man’s arm, his nostrils flare with irritation. When you smirk at what the man is whispering, he feels his jaw tighten. And when the other man’s hand comes to land on your waist, Satoru’s feet move before he even realizes what he’s doing.
As he approaches, the man steps away, a slick grin on his face and you roll your eyes, shaking your head and giggling. Are you actually flirting with this guy? It’s only as he gets closer that Satoru can better make out who it is; poorly done bleach job, shitty eyeliner around his eyes, and too many ear piercings. It’s just Naoya Zenin. From what Satoru remembers, you hated that fucker all of high school.
Unless something’s changed and suddenly you’re into him? Is this who you’re dating now?
Satoru wants to be pissed, but this may work in his favor. If you could be on good terms with Naoya, who you absolutely despised for as long as you’d known him, then maybe you had room in your heart to forgive him for being such a piece of shit to you all those years ago.
Your eyes drift over to Satoru as he approaches you both. And you hardly react, only offering him a small smile before your attention drifts back to Naoya. And though a tiny curve of your lips is something, the lack of a reaction kind of annoys the shit out of him.
“Hey,” Satoru greets, mainly directed towards you because fuck Naoya.
“Hi, Satoru.” You fold your arms over your chest, eyes coming back to meet his. God, you’re as pretty as Satoru remembers you being. This close to you, Satoru can see how much you’ve changed. And time has been very good to you. You’re still beautiful in the youthful way Satoru remembers, but you’re grown now. His eyes trail down your frame quickly, drinking in the way you’ve filled out.
“Gojo…” Naoya says with clear disdain in his voice.
And it’s quiet now. Awkward. But it doesn’t matter to Satoru. His eyes are only on you.
You pull your gaze away from Satoru and back to Naoya.
“You look great,” Satoru tells you, sipping the drink meant for his girlfriend to keep himself from potentially following up with something stupid. He grimaces slightly at the taste before trying to cover it with a lopsided grin.
And you give him the same grin back, a little shy. It’s cute.
“Thanks, Satoru. You look good, too.”
“I didn’t know you were back in town.”
“Yeah, I’ve been back for a few months now. Just settling back in and working,” your brows knit together as you lean to the side to glance around Satoru. “I’m surprised Suguru didn’t tell you since I just had lunch with him like two days ago.”
He realizes you must be looking for Suguru when you straighten your stance again. Deep in his mind, Satoru makes a mental note to have a word with Suguru about this later. Next to him, Naoya snorts and Satoru has to resist saying something that will surely end with them in a fight. You must sense the tension because you ask Naoya if he can grab you a drink which prompts an eye roll from him, but he goes anyway. 
“Doubt he’ll be back,” you mutter to Satoru with a smirk. “That asshole wants to hook up so bad it’s pathetic,” a soft chuckle rushes past your lips.
“Not interested, then?” Satoru jokes, a smile spread across his face.
You narrow your eyes, “Ha ha. You know I hate that guy. He won’t be back anyway. No way he’s gonna waste time getting a drink for someone who isn’t fucking him at the end of the night.”
If you weren’t still watching Naoya push his way through the crowd of partygoers, you may have seen Satoru visibly deflate.
“Ah, good to know you haven’t lowered your standards,” Satoru says and you laugh. The sound makes Satoru’s head spin. It’s been so long since he’s heard it.
“I don’t think my standards could ever be low enough to fuck Naoya,” you clarify, nose crinkling in disgust. Satoru chuckles at your reaction, watching as you shift uncomfortably before him. You fidget with the hem of your dress before you speak again.
“It’s actually really good to see you, Satoru.”
“Is it really?”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to reach out for a while. Life just got away from me.”
Satoru’s brows lift in surprise. “Reach out for what?” Your eyes are boring into his, wide and surveying, peering into his soul. Just the way they always did. 
“I just felt like things left off on such a sour note with us. And you reached out trying to build a friendship and at the first sign of things getting weird, I just…ran. Didn’t look back. You were trying and I wasn’t. You didn’t deserve that.”
He knows you’re referring to the last time you’d spoken, though he’s not sure why you’re the one trying to apologize.
“And I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being a terrible friend to you.”
You always were way too sweet to him. He didn’t deserve that.
“I should be apologizing to you,” Satoru shakes his head. “I was still jealous back then. When I said I was worried you were still hung up on me, it’s because I was trying to cover up the fact that I was still hung up on you. Hearing your boyfriend call you babe–”
“Ex-boyfriend,” you interrupt, a soft smile gracing your features. Satoru smirks.
“Hearing your ex-boyfriend call you babe, it just…made me feel a lot of things I didn’t understand at the time. I shouldn’t have said what I did to set you off. I’m sorry.”
It’s only been a few minutes of you talking and it already feels like a weight has been lifted, like the wall you put up all those years ago has come down. You both must look strange, just standing off in the corner alone staring and smiling at each other like you’re the only two people in the room. 
You talk a bit more, catch up on life. It doesn’t take long for things to feel comfortable between you two again - for your bodies to move a little closer, for your eyes to meet more often, for your shy touches to linger a little longer.
You’ve got your hand wrapped around Satoru’s forearm, snickering at something he’s said. And when you glance up at him, there’s something in your eyes telling him it’s okay to ask this. Because Satoru is happy to know you’re not interested in Naoya, even happier to know you’ve broken up with your college boyfriend, but what he wants to know now is –
“Are you seeing anyone? Dating, I mean,” He asks while he still has the nerve and tries not to let his eyes fall to your mouth when you shake your head and draw your lower lip between your teeth. 
“Nope, single and just enjoying life honestly. You?”
“Me?” Satoru asks.
Say yes, stupid.
You nod. “Yeah, you. Are you with someone?”
Yes. Yes.
“Uhh, well…”
The voice in his head is screaming the answer, the one he knows he should give you. The one that would confirm to Satoru that even after everything he’s done, he’s not a shitty person, not a terrible boyfriend. But when he looks at you, eyes shining up at him with those pretty lips curled into a smirk, he doesn’t want anything more than to be with you.
God, he’s such a piece of shit. He knows it. He’s not even thinking about his girlfriend still sitting around waiting for him to come back. He’s got tunnel vision and the only thing he sees is you.
Say yes!
“I…am not…with someone.”
The door to Suguru’s master bathroom slams shut, your back pressed against it as Satoru’s lips find your neck, licking a long strip from your collarbone up to your chin. 
“Ah- Toru, the door. Lock the door,” you gasp, threading your fingers into his soft tresses to pull him down for a kiss. His fingers fumble around before he finds the lock, quickly turning before he breaks the kiss to focus on your neck again, kissing and sucking, marking anywhere he can. Your hands move to glide underneath his shirt, fingers grazing over his defined muscles and you sigh just as Satoru moves away from your neck to press his lips against yours.
Soft. So soft. It’s been so long since Satoru’s had you like this. He’d forgotten your taste, your smell and right now, it feels like he can’t get enough. Fuck the liquor, he’s drunk on you.
“Can I touch you?” Satoru breathes against your mouth. And you nod, kissing him again. He groans as your lips part, tongue slipping out to glide against his lips, seeking entry. And he obliges, gives you all the access you want as your tongues tangle together. You moan into his mouth, the sound shooting straight to his cock.
The dress you’re wearing is nice, simple but fits your body beautifully. Satoru can’t wait to get underneath it. He reaches down, pulling the hem of your dress up until it’s sitting at your waist. He slips his hand into your panties, hissing when he feels how soaked you are.
“So wet for me,” Satoru whispers into the kiss. “You want me that bad, baby?”
You nod, panting hard. “Yeah, so bad, Satoru,” you moan when his fingers glide through your slick fold, back arching off the door. “Fuck, I want you so bad.”
“I’m yours, baby.”
His lips crash into yours again, fingers working tight circles against your clit. You cry out, your hands balling into fists as you cling to Satoru’s shirt. He breaks the kiss, pressing his face into your neck as one of his fingers finds your entrance, plunging in slowly. Your mouth opens with a gasp as Satoru pumps into you, curling his finger until he finds your sweet spot.
He pulls back, watches your face as he slips another finger inside. He likes the way your legs shake when he turns his fingers a certain way. And the way your back arches off the door when he presses his thumb to your clit. It’s all new to him, these reactions you’re giving. You were a lot younger when you’d first become intimate. Now, it’s clear you’re much more experienced. The thought bothers and excites Satoru.
He pulls his fingers from your core, kissing you when you poke your lip out in a pout. And then he’s bending you over the bathroom sink, pushing your dress even higher before he slips his fingers in the waistband of your panties and pulls them down.
“Fuck, I never thought I’d see you like this again,” he groans, palming himself through his pants.
“Toru, stop wasting time and fuck me, please.”
You’re a lot more demanding now too, apparently. He doesn’t mind.
“Did you miss me?” Satoru asks, because he’s dying to know. Did you think about him when you were with your boyfriend? Were you trying not to cry out Satoru’s name when you fucked him? Did you want him back as much as he wanted you?
Satoru unbuttons his jeans, pulls his pants and boxers down together, hissing as his cock springs free. He’s so fucking hard, he could cum just looking at you bent over the sink like this. But Satoru wants to savor you, wants to enjoy this moment of having you again for the first time in so long. He reaches over and pulls open one of the bathroom drawers, fishing around until he finds a condom and he mentally thanks Suguru for always being prepared.
“Tell me,” he demands, wrapping a hand around his length. He strokes himself lazily as he rips the condom open. He rolls the condom down his length, lining himself up with your entrance. “Did you miss me?”
You’re so patient, waiting quietly for Satoru. Although, he can hear your breathing becoming a little harsher in anticipation. Satoru moves behind you, lines himself up with your entrance and just before he’s about to roll his hips forward, he glances up to see his reflection in the mirror with you bent over and ready for him.
“Look at me,” he says. You look up, watching him through the reflection. Even in the dim lighting of the bathroom, Satoru can see your pupils blown wide with lust matching his own. He wants to see you, wants to see your face when you take him for the first time in so long.
“Look at me,” he tells you again.
“Okay,” you breathe.
“Tell me you missed me,” Satoru quietly demands as he pushes forward, sliding the tip through your folds and sinking in slowly.
“Fuuuuuuck,” your mouth falls slack with a moan. Satoru’s hands find your waist, holding your curves as he sinks into you. “I missed you, Toru. So much, so fucking much.”
“God, baby, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear you say that.”
He’s halfway in and he has to stop to catch his breath because hearing you moan his name like that…He may not make it all the way in without blowing his load right into the condom. You’re suffocating him, clenching onto his cock so hard he’s almost afraid to move.
“Satoru, please. Don’t stop,” you plead. He meets your gaze in the mirror again, sees the way your eyes burn with desire. Satoru pulls his hips back until only his tip sits inside you and then he rolls his hips forward, burying himself as deep in your cunt as he can.
Your walls clench down on his cock and he moans again before he starts to move, pounding into you at an unrelenting pace. You cry out his name and he keeps moving, not letting up.
Satoru brings a hand around your neck, holding your head in place so he can look at you through the mirror. He sinks into you, bending down to kiss along your neck, your shoulders, your back as he bottoms out again and again, moaning his pleasure against you.
Satoru thinks you feel like heaven. It’s the only thing he can think when he leans back and grips on to your waist again, watching your face contort in ecstasy. Every little sound you make, every moan, every sigh, every “right there” you utter brings Satoru closer and closer to his release. 
Satoru has missed you. He’s missed the way your skin feels against his, missed the way your breath hitches in your throat when his cock hits just the right spot, missed touching and grabbing the soft curves of your beautiful body. Missed how your ass bounces with each thrust, cheeks spreading just enough to give him a glimpse of that tight little hole he’s never gotten the chance to have. And god, he hopes no one else has either. 
More than anything though, he’s missed the way you take all of him, hug him tight like you never want to let him go. Fuck, he could live inside you and never get tired of it. The thought alone, the thought of having you all to himself again has him leaning forward, moaning into the space between your shoulders as he rocks his hips against you. The loud smacking noises of Satoru’s groin meeting your ass echo throughout the bathroom, and he doesn’t care who hears. 
“Fuuuck, how are you so fucking tight, still?” Satoru groans, reminiscing on the first time he’d ever had you. An out of body experience for him, personally. Truly unforgettable.
“I’m never letting you go again,” he grunts, feeling your walls begin to flutter around him.
“Toru, I’m close,” you whimper. “So close, Toru, don’t stop.”
“Cum for me baby,” Satoru groans, hand sliding down your side to find your center again. He rubs tight circles on your clit, eyes rolling to the back of his head when he feels your pussy squeeze down on him as you cry out his name, your release crashing over you.
It’s so tight, so fucking tight Satoru thinks he might pass out. He can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t fucking see straight, you’re gripping him so hard.
“Ah- fuck, oh fuck! I’m gonna cum. Baby, I’m gonna cum,” he grits out as he pushes his cock all the way inside you, thrusting as deep as he can go as hot spurts of cum fill the condom. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against your back as you both catch your breath.
Satoru meant what he said. He never wants to let you go. He has every intention of being with you. After you’ve both come down from your highs and cleaned up, Satoru kisses you gently. He watches as you turn back to the mirror. You’re even more beautiful as you tame your messy hair, fix your makeup and adjust your dress. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” He asks, ready to make up for years worth of lost time.
Your eyes meet in the mirror, your lips tilting with a small smile. “Yeah, let’s go.”
Fingers laced, you and Satoru weave through the party together. The crowd seems to have thinned out now with how late it’s getting. It’s the perfect time to get out of here with you, take you home and –
“Satoru! There you are!” A familiar voice squeals. The sound makes Satoru quickly yank his hand from your grip. You stop in your tracks, brows furrowing as you look up at him.
“What’s the matter?” You ask just as this person you don’t know bounds up to him and wraps her arms around Satoru’s neck, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek before she lets go.
And Satoru isn’t sure how he hasn’t noticed this before. It seems like some sick twist of fate that it’s only now that you’re standing next to each other that he sees how eerily similar you and his girlfriend look. It makes his stomach churn.
But his girlfriend, so drunk and so sweet, turns to you and beams as she holds out her hand to you. “Hi! I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Satoru’s girlfriend…” His stomach nearly drops into his ass. “...you are?”
God, he wishes he could teleport out of here. Or that the ground would open wide and swallow him whole, bury him 8,000 meters beneath the earth. Anything to avoid being present at this moment. He peers down at you briefly, your hand extending to shake his girlfriends for only a second. And Satoru thinks he may be imagining it, the sheer anger he can feel radiating off of your body, even as you return his girlfriend’s sweet smile.
“Satoru’s girlfriend?” You ask and he knows you’re making sure you aren’t hearing things. Because not too long ago, he told you he wasn’t tied down to anyone. “I wasn’t aware he was dating anyone.”
“Yep! Been together almost a year now,” she brags cheerily. Satoru really wishes she’d shut up for once in her damn life.
You breathe out a bitter laugh, gazing up at Satoru and he knows he’s not imagining the rage. He can see it swimming in your eyes even as you reach up, your thumb gently swiping the corner of his mouth where apparently remnants of your lip gloss remained. You hold your finger up to show him and then hold it up to show his girlfriend who five seconds ago was too drunk to notice. She seems to have sobered up quickly now, eyes focused on the lip gloss you just wiped from Satoru’s face.
You introduce yourself to her, wiping your thumb off on your dress before continuing, “And I’m sorry to tell you this, but I’m the girl who just fucked your lying boyfriend in the bathroom.”
Satoru watches in ill disguised horror as you crane your next to the side, gesturing to the marks he so stupidly made along your neck in the heat of passion. His eyes find his girlfriend who stands there, mouth agape.
“Satoru told me he wasn’t seeing anyone. If I had known it wouldn’t have happened. And believe me, it won’t ever happen again.” You turn to face Satoru one last time, gritting out, “I can’t fucking believe you. After all these years, you’re still such a piece of shit, Satoru.”
You don’t wait for a response from him, turning on your heel and storming through the crowd. Satoru watches as your back retreats, not sure what the hell he’d say even if he did catch up to you. How could he explain that he lied about his girlfriend because he wanted to spend more time with you? It’s not like he planned on fucking in the bathroom, it just happened. But there was no way you were going to give him a second of your time to try and explain.
There was no coming back from this.
When he finally loses sight of you in the crowd, Satoru reluctantly brings his gaze back down to his probably soon to be ex-girlfriend and is met with a fury similar to yours. Again, the similarities are uncanny. All the love and happiness once shining in her eyes is nowhere to be found as one question hangs in the air between them.
“Satoru, what the fuck is she talking about?”
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AN: OOF, let me know what you think!
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illubean · 3 months
Hi can I get a nsfw scenario where Chrollo gently seduces the reader during her first time and discovers she has a praise kink? I feel like this man would be literal god tier to have
Gentle Praise
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer Type: NSFW, Oneshot, Fem!Reader, College!au because I'm a sucker for scholar Chrollo
mueheheh >:) reader is a lil shy and awko taco in this but not like cringe stereotypcial "omg im so shyy >.<" type also this ended up being super long thus turning a scenario into a full fic oopsies
Warnings: maybe ooc Chrollo idk, mentions of alcohol, he calls y/n princess a few times, praise (fem receiving), oral (fem receiving) unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), reader discretion is advised
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Chrollo isn't quite sure how you ended up in a setting like this. You were a pretty little thing with a look so elegant you look almost out of place at one of Uvo's rowdy house parties.
The bright LEDs, loud music and cheap beers didn't seem like your kind of scene. But there was no way for Chrollo to know that for sure.
You stood off to the side near the snack table, slowly nursing your cup of jungle juice that you didn't care much for. You had only taken it from your friend since you felt rude to turn it down. Said friend of yours was currently having the time of their life. They were plastered, dancing through the crowd of bodies and mingling with other drunk partygoers.
You're not too sure why you even came to this party. You much preferred small gatherings, and you don't even like alcohol all that much. You sighed, awkwardly scanning the room until your eyes met a pair of onyx orbs. They belonged to a face you knew all too well.
Chrollo Lucilfer.
He was a year or so older than you, a psychology major. You've seen him around campus and even though he was well known for mostly good reasons, your friends still teased you for finding him attractive. Perhaps you had stared at him for a bit too long though, seeing as a smirk made its way onto his face as he got up to approach you.
You panicked a little, looking around awkwardly seeking a quick escape. You placed your cup down but before you could flee, a voice came from in front of you.
"Hey Y/n."
Oh my god he knows my name.
You managed to spit out a response, feeling your hands get clammy as you looked into his eyes. You were completely and utterly helpless. This man managed to reduce you to nothing but a nervous, sweaty mess simply by just existing. It was kind of pathetic.
But the man responsible didn't think so. Chrollo thought it was cute how awkward you got, not being able to hold eye contact and wiping your hands on your clothes. He was no fool, and he knew exactly what effect he had on you. As a matter of fact he had this effect on quite a few people, though none of them stood out to him like you did.
He would be lying if he said he'd never thought of you in a romantic setting before. You were a cute (your choice) major who he often seen walking around with Machi. From what he's seen, you're not so much of a partier and prefer to focus on your actual studies than crazy frat gatherings. Maybe your more mellow and reserved nature is what drew him towards you.
"I didn't peg you as the party type," he says, breaking you from your previous daze.
"Oh, I'm not. My friend over there dragged me here."
You pointed into the crowd towards said friend, who was currently standing on top of a coffee table, a bottle of some sort of strong liquor in hand as the people around them cheered them on.
Note to self: make sure they get home safe
Chrollo chuckled at the deadpan look on your face after you saw how drunk your friend really was.
"Seems like they're having fun. Why don't we sneak off somewhere more quiet?"
You felt the tip of your ears burn at his offer before quickly nodding as he led the way.
Leaving the loud, hot and crowded living room AND spending time alone with Chrollo? Score!
He took one of your hands into his own, placing the other on the small off your back, leading you past all of the other partygoers and up a flight of stairs. He led you into a rather plain room, shutting the door before letting go of your hand and flopping down to lay on the bed.
"Is it ok that we're in here?" you ask, not wanting to disrespect someone else's house.
"This is my friend Shalnark's room but he's rarely ever home. I crash here sometimes so I don't think he minds."
At his words you hesitantly and awkwardly sit on the corner of the bed, facing away from Chrollo. You had no clue what to do now. The both of you were silent for a while, the light thump of the distant music being the only thing disturbing the atmosphere.
After a few moments pass, Chrollo sits up and moves closer to you, leaning in order to make eye contact.
"You don't have to be so awkward around me, y'know? I don't bite. Unless you want me to."
You look away in an attempt to hide your embarrassment from the man before you, who only chuckles and grabs both of your hands.
"You get flustered so easily, how adorable."
One of his hands reaches up to the side of your face to turn you towards him. His beautiful onyx orbs were glazed over in what you could only describe as a mix of admiration and lust.
Chrollo began leaning closer, you doing the same. Naturally, your eyes started to close as the two of you got closer.
Then he stopped.
You sat there in anticipation for a moment but nothing came. You opened your eyes and furrowed your brows in confusion, only to find Chrollo already staring back at you with a small smile on his face.
"Is this okay?"
You gave him a frantic nod, a quiet yet rushed 'yes' leaving your mouth. At the confirmation the man pressed a searing kiss into your lips, gently caressing the apple of your cheek as you reached your arms out to embrace him.
His touch was gentle, yet burning with the passion of a thousand suns as he led you to lay across the bed. His large hands slipped underneath your shirt, softly caressing your lower back and waist as he continued his assault on your mouth.
You whimper softly into the heated kiss, feeling your skin practically burn where his body came in contact with yours. He pulled away from your lips, leaving you breathless as he carefully removes both your shirt and bra.
Chrollo takes a moment to take in the sight of you, panting and topless beneath him. He swore he would brand this image into the back of his mind for the rest of his days, never wanting to forget how beautiful you were in this very moment.
"God, you're gorgeous."
His hands begin roaming your body once again as he planted searing, open mouth kisses along your neck and collarbone. You couldn't help but writhe under his touch, soft but needy noises leaving your lips. His words had an affect so strong on you that was unexpected.
Chrollo's hand trailed down the front of your body, slipping underneath the waistband of your panties. Two off his fingers gently prodded at your entrance, before trailing back up to swirl around your clit. You clenched your thighs with a gasp, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to pull him closer.
"Who knew my pretty girl would be so sensitive," he coos. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
A violent shiver shot down your spine and into your core. God, if he kept talking like this you might just be able to cum from his words alone. You whimpered, arms tightening around him to pull him impossibly close. He chuckled sofly, planting a few kisses across your face before pulling away completely.
Before you could whine in protest, Chrollo pulled off the clothing left on your bottom half. He settled himself between your legs, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he faced your glistening heat. He looked up at your through his eyelashes before speaking again.
"You doing alright, princess?"
You nodded, face flushed at the nickname. But this didn't seem to be enough of a response for Chrollo.
"You're going to have to use your words, beautiful."
"Yes! God, yes just please...continue."
He chuckles at your desperation before licking a long, slow stripe up your pussy. This draws a trembled moan out of you, which only egged him on further. He buried his face impossibly deep into your cunt, going down on you like a man starved while you reached down to grip his hair. He eased two of his fingers into you as your body writhed with pleasure.
He pulls away from you momentarily, eyes flicking between the sight of his lithe fingers plunging into you and the flushed expression across your face. He felt your walls flutter around him which caused him to smirk up at you.
"You're getting close, aren't you? Go ahead, make a mess for me."
He dove back into your core, determined to make you cum. His lewd words sent you over the edge, having brought you to your first climax of the night. He sits up, making eye contact with you as he licks your juices off of his two digits.
He crawled back up the mattress so now you were both face to face, arms bracing himself on either side of your head to keep himself above you. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull him down to meet you in a heated kiss. You could care less that the taste of yourself lingered on his lips. All you could think about is how Chrollo is all yours right now.
After kissing you for a few moments longer, he pulls away from you to hastily remove his clothes. Your eyes followed his movements, starting at his toned chest and moving down his abs. There was a light happy trail that peeked out above the waist band of his boxers. Finally, he hooks his fingers beneath it and drags them down his hips and oh.
He was huge.
Your eyes widened as you took in all of Chrollo's naked glory, his pretty cock standing thick and girthy. His balls sat below it, heavy and full.
How the hell would that ever fit?
The man you had been gawking at chuckles before gently prodding your entrance with his fat tip.
"Don't worry, you can take it. I know you can."
Your heart pulsed at this, heat rising to your cheeks as you look away from him, embarassed.
"Nervous, sweetheart?"
He leaned down closer to you to plant a reassuring kiss on your cheek, trailing them down your neck and along your collarbone.
"...this is my first time," you admit bashfully, moaning at the feeling of his lips on your skin.
"I'll just have to take extra care of you then."
He pushes himself into you, the plush walls of your heat stretching to wrap around him. He continues to kiss you through it as you pull your bodies impossibly close to each other. After sheathing himself completely into your pussy he begins to trust into you, slow and sensual.
He only picks up the pace after feeling your body relax, his thick shaft stretching you deliciously well and hitting all the right spots deep within you.
"God, you're perfect. It's like this pussy was made for me," he grunts, fucking himself into you deeper and deeper with each thrust.
It didn't take long for Chrollo to reduce you to nothing but a moaning, babbling mess. Not only could he lay pipe like no one's business, but his praising words sent you to heights you didn't know you could ever possibly reach. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you felt your climax approach for the second time that night.
"Chrollo, 'm gonna-"
Your words were cut off with the sound of your own moan, feeling Chrollo's dick brush against your g-spot. Your pussy quivers and clenches around him, sucking him back in every time he pulls away.
"Wait for me, sweetheart. Just a little longer, okay?"
You whine, digging your nails into his shoulder blades as he speeds up and fucks you with newfound vigor. You couldn't hold back any longer, a white hot flash hitting you like an ocean wave as you cried out Chrollo's name. The man cursed, feeling you clamp around him impossibly tight, bringing him to his climax as well.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, prompting him to burry himself deep in your womb. His cum floods your pussy, making you feel impossibly fullwhile you pant, coming down from your previous high. You let go of him, body going limp against the mattress, absolutely fucked out.
Chrollo pulls out slowly, watching his seed drip from your weeping cunt, breathing heavily at the sight of you. You press your hand against your bloated tummy, causing more of his cum to spill out of you. His cock twitches as this, and he wastes no time in mounting you again.
"I'm not done with you yet, gorgeous."
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may or may not have gotten carried away with this OOPSIESSSS ;p
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
such a random thought but like...
U college!eren and his friends are playing truth or dare (cuz everything happens during truth or dare) and some bitch is jealous bc eren is feeling you and not her. So she's like "I dare you to have sex w someone rn" cuz last time u said truth and they asked u who ur best fuck was and u said no one cuz like u never got past making out
and u start stressing tf OUT cuz aint no way u fucking anyone there. but eren's goofy ass is like "come on let's go fuck" and ur just wide eyed staring at that mf cuz huh???
said bitch is getting mad like "cmon eren someone else should do it, u dont have to pity her"
bro's like "i want to" so he drags u away to his place n is like "we dont gotta fuck, i was just helping u out. wanna fill condoms w lotion?"
uhhhhh "why?"
"proof, armin aint gon believe us if i just give em my word." so u n eren spend the next hour making it look like yall fucked. im talking messed up his sheets, filled condoms, three for good measure. you did end up making out w him cuz like you need realistic hickeys, make up aint gon cut it also he's hot who wouldn't wanna kiss him
he wet his hair to make it look like he showered and changed his clothes.
"take off ur bra"
"what the hell, no"
"it'll be more believable if u "accidentally" left ur bra at my place cuz my dick is so good"
"ur full of shit, u just wanna keep it"
"can i?"
"its one of my cute ones so i'll come back for it, turn around so i can take it off" he turns around, he can hear u shifting around so he takes a lil peek only to see ur back he's lowkey upset cuz he wanted to get a look at those tiddies
eren brings u back to where t or d is going on, n honestly the bitch is mad that eren "fucked" u
yall just acted like it was normal and nothing happened. when u were getting ready to leave armin pulled u aside and said, "ik u guys didnt fuck but ill keep ur little secret."
"how'd u know??" did eren say something
"if u actually had sex w him im sure u wouldn't have come back, eren tends to leave people fucked out."
"why do u know that?"
"threesomes are a thing" he smirks
"i'll keep ur secret if u n eren promise me a threesome, i wouldn't wanna pass up on someone as pretty as you."
you gush a lil bit, "maybe, i wont fuck unless im comfortable."
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remi's note: i wanna write this but i also dont lmaooo, this been on my mind for a little bit. dead ass how fun would it be to make evidence w eren, i feel like you'd be helping mess up the sheets and he'd throw a pillow at u and its not soft either he full on fucking body slammed u with a pillow
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I saw that your requests were open so I was wondering if you could do Asahi x reader? Maybe relationship headcannons? You can have creative liberty with everything else though.
Thank you ^^
ofc Anon, happy to help ya out! This is my first time writing for Asahi, but honestly it should be pretty easy, because I’m an asahi Kinnie. Love y’all sm, if you liked this, make sure to like, follow, and if you curios, just ask
warnings: Swearing, crack, fluff? Mentions of vagina? Has one section implying a AFAB reader, but is only one paragraph. If you aren’t a pussy owner, pretend it’s a papercut it literally the same results. I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible.
status: edited, but at like 3am so read at your own risk
💜Asahi Azumane💜
💜Boyfriend Headcannons💜
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First things first, Man is so freaking shy. Like goodness, he wouldn’t be able to talk to you when he has a crush on you. So, if you want results, you have to A) Be confident, and B) be in a place he’s comfortable interacting in. Like at volleyball practice (Gia- Joden shut your ass up, your AsaNoya is showing.) So, for this let’s just imagine you’re a second year, helping Kiyoko manage the team. Yeah that sounds a lil familiar but shhhhhhhhh, let me have this.
Once we get over the hurdle of him actually asking you out (AKA Tanaka bullying him into doing with some, if you don’t do it, I will,) Be gotta be the biggest sweetie ever. Like I’m used to writing for assholes, but I physically cannot with this man, this pure sweet chipotle bowl of a man. The most shit I can say is that he’s a pussy.
Please. For the love of God (Gia- You called?) Play with his hair. He will literally melt like butter into a blushy slushy mess it’s so freaking adorable.
The literal epitome of pit bull energy. Like so freaking terrifying on the outside but inside? Literally the softest thing since Japanese pancakes. And because of this, mfs be terrified to talk to you. Like even if he’s so polite, things don’t change. What he says- “Hi, I’m sure you didn’t know, but that’s my partner , and it looks like you’re making them very uncomfortable, could you please leave them alone.? Thank you! 🌸☺️🌸” What people hear- “Aye yo, what ya doing with my girl buddy? You tryna start something, I’ll fucking kick your ass *insert Tanaka face*”. Yeah, it’s a common occurrence for people to tell you to blink twice if you need help.
Even though he’s canonically not planning on going to college, he’s still above average in school work. Not really in terms of analysis and problem solving, so his best subjects are stuff he can just memorize like science or History. If you happen to be weak in either of those, he would be more than happy to help after practice or during weekends. He’s super patient with you and often suggests snack breaks and other things whenever it gets to much. (Because of that he’s also really good at helping you through panic attacks, more on that if I do a part 2.)
In terms of cringe, the cringiest thing y’all do would be like seriously basic couples costumes. And I ain’t talking joker and Harley Quinn type bs (that fr can be cute sometimes,) I’m talking moth and lamp type shit. I know it’s probably adorable to some of yall but it gives me the serious ick.
Speaking of the Ick, man uses the most horrendous nicknames unironocally. He doesn’t do it all the time (especially after Tanaka nearly pissed himself after hearing him trying to be tender.) like I can just hear him saying, “Hey muffin, can you grab my bag from the club room? I have to help clean up.” (Gia- joden ewwwwww stop it that’s literally so gross.)
reads you the Bible
Yall know that one comic where it’s like killer croc and his girlfriend walking around and she tells him how much she loves him and how safe he makes her feel? Yeah that’s literally yall and it’s so precious. Like just imagine walking anywhere and everywhere holding pinkies (my gay lol heart is melting) while he’s just being a blushy mess.
Noya is the main wingman, but still doesn’t know on how how you got together. His idea of friendly advice is, “QUICK BEING W PUSS AND ASK THEM OUT LIKE A MAN ASAHI😤.”
Regardless of if you are a titty owner or not, please don’t take your shirt off around him, he will literally malfunction.He will literally have an aneurysm. Like mans nosebleeds will rock him like a rocket. Like man will be in the morgue from blood loss. And we still need this man for cuddles, so no. Kill the spike not your boyfriend, can i get an amen 🙏?
He is the most precious fluffy boyfriend possible. Like he’s the sweetest of all beans. Like you could ask him to murder someone and he’lll just be like, “Yes Sweetie anything you say dear 🌸🥰🌸.” Kinda like Gojo in that one jjk scene (the I’ll murder you one)
he loves restaurant dates, but like don’t take him anywhere who only has spicy food. I love this man with all my might, but he is a serious pussy. Like my goodness has the gracious. And he won’t even say anything about it. My poor baby will just suffer in silence. So please don’t, he’s a poor baby.
This one’s for all my long hair honeys. One word. Hairties. Hairties Galore. He never has enough. And he always has them at the ready. But on the unlikely chance he doesn’t, he has no problem using your scrunchies during a game, and it’s seriously the softest marshmallow man move ever. I can not emphasize it enough.
ok this man if the favorite of all of his younger cousins. Like the little dudes love just climbing on them. He physically cannot say no to them. So, what’s something they force him to do? Watch Disney princess movies with them. He knows all their names trust. His top three definitely Jasmine, Belle and Cinderella, trust me on this.(Gia- fuck sukuna, Asahi x Cinderella for life lol) He gives the most insane Disney adult energy it’s insane. (Gia- joden, chill with the slander mate).
He is a living random fact generator. No I will not elaborate. He watches that kind of YouTube shorts. He’s so boring I swear to fuck.
(I had to Make Gia write this lol) This one is for all my pussy people. He gotta be the most worried individual on this side of the nuthouse whenever you’re bleeding. Like the second he hears your on the cycle it’s, “OMG ARE YOU OK, ARE YOU DYING? OMG MY GIRLFRIENDS DYING, HELP WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE DOCTORS! PLEASE DONT DIE ON ME BABY! DO YOU NEED PADS, HEATING PADS, IBUPROFEN, CHOCOLATE!?ILL GET YOU THAT, THE VERY BEST BEST QUALITY-” please shut him tf up. He’s gonna have a panic attack, please calm him down,
for us non pussy personas, just imagine you got a paper-cut. He literally acts the same way.
For my final big thing, ima just give ya’ll little addicts exactly what yall came here for: Crack. (Also yes a changed some lyrics, I ain’t about to whitewash no characters)
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
*Literally everyone is gay in this show so I’m not including this verse*
all- Sausage!
Asahi- hagsaggecgedhurdgiitg
all- Sausage!
Saiko- Big tits, and I’m thick so you know I take
all- Sausage!
Kuroo- Yeah I read but but they’re all about
All- Sausage! Sa-Sa-Sa-Sausage, Sausage
kiyoko- I like girls, can I still take sausage?
bro I ain’t gon lie, I had so much fun writing this, but I’m sorry I took so long Anon, I love all of yall so much, but I also am smack in the middle of exam season, and you’re boy needs his degree. If y’all love this, then feel free to ask for more, it’s free, and like and follow me. Love y’all lil freaks,
Joden (edited by Gia)
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jester-lover · 2 years
SLENDERVERSE CHARACTERS: giving you a hug!! (Everyman HYBRID ver.)
Warnings: BLOOD, fluff, lore spoilers, mentions of violence, habit
Characters featured: Vinny, Jeff, Evan, Damsel/Stephanie, Alex, HABIT, Slenderman
Vinny Everyman
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Bear hug, every time
Homie doesn’t even think, he just sees you and pounces
He’s so warm too
Industrial space heater
Cuddles get a lil tough because of that
He’s so sweet though
Always loosens his grip if he thinks you’re getting uncomfortable
Will accidentally hit his glasses on yours's (if you have them)
“You’re finally here!”
Jeff Koval
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At the beginning of your relationship, he’s anxious towards affection
But when he’s comfortable, he’s comfortable
Will be behind with you at every moment he gets weirdly paranoid, hugging you close
Sometimes, when he gets so anxious he can’t sleep, he’ll stay up so late it’ll mess up his sleep schedule, he’s very affectionate when he’s sleepy
“I’m so tired, please don’t let go of me.”
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Before HABIT, he’s really your average college kid
Hugs before and after classes
Smiles at you during any classes you share (not a thought in his head)
He’s rather short, so usually he’s resting his head on your shoulder, but if you are even shorter, he’s definitely putting his head on top of yours
Holds you whenever you watch movies together or play video games
After HABIT, it all changes
He’s so terrified of hurting you he backs away, he’s no longer affectionate because he feels like he can’t trust his own body
This is where you step up, you reassure him that he is still deserving of love and support
He breaks down in your arms, everything is going to be okay
Even for a little while
“I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t know what’s real.”
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(Could not find a gif of her:(
In my own opinion, damsel/Stephanie seems to be a bit more of a serious character, one who is hunting down Slender without a laugh in sight
She’s a sucker for hugs, especially if she wants to calm down after a tough day
Will be so happy if you hug her while she’s painting (be aware that you will have paint on you)
Has off days, usually when her nightmares get worse
It’s better to leave her alone on those days, she just wants to cry in frustration
After she feels better, she’ll give you a hug and ask to draw something with her
“Keep your pencil there, the shadows aren’t deep enough.”
Alex Koval
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Since Alex is another character we know little about, I have read his wiki and rewatched his appearances in the series, I will choose to portray him as the more timid Koval brother, one who is haunted by the events in his life. If you don’t like this characterization, please consider leaving suggestions for a better characterization, I’m always open to kind criticism.
Alex has never been in a relationship as serious as he has with you.
He holds you so dear to his heart, it almost hurts him every time he sees you go
Alex tends to talk to himself a lot, he gets picked on a lot by his colleagues for his strange behavior
But not you, you never pick on him
You are soft and kind to him, he hasn’t felt like this before
He holds you, unless the thing by his bedside is near, he gets strangely, almost aggressively distant when the scratches start appearing
One day, when you finally break and ask him why he won’t give you affection anymore, he shows his scars to you
He tells you he won’t let it happen to you
“You mean more than anything, you can’t get hurt. I won’t let it hurt you.”  
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Absolute little degenerate
Homie will jump on you the second you walk through the door
Will go off about everything he’s done that day, even if you want to hear it or not
Definitely hogs the bed, will not give you an INCH of blanket, he also grips on to you like you’re gonna fly away
I’m so sorry if you like cooking, he will come up behind you and scare you before hugging you
On a more positive note, he deeply enjoys dancing around in the kitchen, Frank Sinatra playing in the background, it’s one of the few times the both of you feel content
“Humans are so soft.”
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My depiction of Everyman Hybrid slender is a slightly more modern creature than a puritan eldritch, like, he’s still been around (and smart) for a long time, but he’s learned to stick with the times. This also helps me put together some of his hijinks in the series.
He does not give hugs !!!
He is pure evil !!!!
But I choose to ignore that !!
He has extremely long limbs perfect for hugging
Def will make you climb him like a tree to hug you though, out of spite
He also is a gentleman who will always ask for your consent before initiating larger displays of affection
Plays music while you cuddle, but not like classical, he listens to the smiths.
Look at him and tell me this isn’t a Smiths fan
If you give him a lil kiss he’ll be very happy it’s heartwarming
Thank you for reading! I’ll be working on creepypasta content too, Laughing Jack is on the list (my personal favorite), but I need recommendations!! Who would you like to see in future posts regarding creepypasta?
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lovelylusts · 1 year
cloud nine // csb // 03 - d-day
summary: a group of friends form on nsfw twitter, and hijinks ensue. but when jisu starts catching feelings for soobin after filming with him, she has to grapple with her feelings while assuring her close bond with him doesn’t die.
general warnings: choi soobin x oc (moon jisu), smau, smut, fluff, angst, crack, the rest of txt is here too, aespa is also here just bc they serve, no relationships or events in this story reflect real ships and are just for the story, this is a pro sex-work story obv, lowkey probably gonna be filthy as hell considering it’s a sex work au, vague relationships lmao, she/they oc because i’m projecting, genderfluid yeonjun agenda, oc has a not-so-secret thing for soobin’s hands, they use fake names on twt :)
chapter warnings: this one is written!!, there’s a lot of warnings i’m sorry 😭, hard?dom!soobin (with mildly sub thoughts), sub!oc (with mildly dom thoughts), jisu uses she/they pronouns but i only used she while writing this to make reading more seamless, lots of mentions of sexting and nudes and sex work onlyfans and nsfwtwt as per the last chapters), grey sweatpants deserves its own warning tbh, she wears a collar and cat ears but there’s no petplay, filming, dry humping, biting + hickeys, brief mention of edging, obscene amounts of precum mentioned a few times, they’re both pretty needy and fucked out, some pretty messy deepthroating, very brief and vague comparison of jisu to succubus, consensual !! head-pushing, face-fucking, makeup kink?????? idk he likes seeing her makeup get more and more messed up, praise, the tearing of clothes, nipple play, pussy eating, fingering, squirting, protected!!!!! vaginal sex (cowgirl), lil bit of possessiveness but it’s just dirty talk, multiple orgasms (jisu), aftercare
word count: 4.5k
series masterlist // general masterlist
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the weekend came sooner than jisu had expected. she had spent the past couple of days making overpriced coffee for broke college students like herself, and her nights going over video ideas with soobin that led to steamy phone calls. it wasn’t the first time the two had had a sexual exchange - in the early days of being mutuals, as was common in their sphere, they had numerous sporadic conversations that veered into late nights filled with hasty texts riddled with misspellings from having to text with one hand as they aided in getting each other off.
it was always funny to jisu how her friendship with soobin started, and how their group of friends formed. they were all strangers from the internet who all, except for yizhuo, lived in seoul for various reasons, be it living the former idol trainee lifestyle or having been born and raised there. if anything, jisu had been more intimate with these friends than any partner in the past couple of years since she had created her twitter account. their group chats were filled with opinions on racy photos, exchanging stories of hookups, and shamelessly flirting with each other on a platonic level.
so why was jisu so nervous right now? this wasn’t the first collaboration she had ever done - her most popular post to date was a collection of photos of herself and minjeong posing lewdly together in skimpy witch costumes for halloween. was it his height? his versatile personality in sexual situations? jisu eventually landed on the idea that this would be the first time she filmed herself having sex for profit. the idea made her stomach flutter.
soobin lived a short drive away from her, and it was a drive she had been well acquainted with for a while now. beside her in the passenger seat sat a backpack that, during nine months of the year, was filled with textbooks and folders, but was now housing a collection of objects that her fans knew well - some pastel pink rope, a small black bullet vibrator, fluffy pink cat ears with a dainty collar to match, and so on.
neatly on top of these items was a folded set of lingerie. the previous night, while on facetime with soobin, she rummaged through her extensive collection of sexy garments, looking for sets she wouldn’t miss if something were to happen to them. it was a hard decision, but they eventually agreed on a simple lacey set that was quite see-through - there wasn’t really anything special about it, but it still hugged jisu’s body perfectly and made the blood rush out of soobin’s head down to his dick.
jisu felt her heart thumping harshly as she navigated her way around soobin’s apartment complex until she ultimately reached his place, her hand firm against the pale grey door as she knocked three times, the door opening only moments later to reveal her tall friend.
she was always shocked when she saw him in person because, in her words, “he’s basically a giraffe.” she couldn’t help but gaze over him, noticing that he was wearing those damn grey sweatpants that she recognized from late-night photo exchanges. oftentimes, he would be wearing those well-loved sweats when he sent her photos of him grabbing the outline of his hard member. this has to be on purpose, she thought to herself.
“hey, jisu,” he said sweetly as he pulled her in for a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist as she did the same. he couldn’t help but take in her signature scent, a soft mix of vanilla and lavender, and he held her close. maybe it had been due to the days of anticipation and planning, but he could already feels the butterflies in his stomach and the blood rushing down to his cock as he pulled away from her. “you ready?”
“let’s do this.”
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆
jisu thought that she’d be prepared for this. after so long of filming and taking photos of herself in compromising situations, she truly thought she was ready for this. but as she sat on soobin’s lap on his bed, grinding against him with her back arched away from the rolling camera and her covered chest against his bare one, she had never felt so vulnerable in her entire life - not when she opened her twitter account, not when she sexted a stranger in her dms for the first time, not when she first posted on onlyfans. it seemed that it was soobin’s large hands gripping her ass as he rocked her lace-covered clit against the monster in his precum-soaked boxers that made her feel more exposed than ever. it was her long dyed hair swept over one shoulder so the camera could capture soobin biting and sucking on the sensitive skin of her neck that adorned a fluffy baby pink choker. it was the fact that she was unsure if she had ever been this aroused in her entire life.
soobin himself wasn’t holding up too well either. it was as if there was no blood left in his brain because it had all flowed down to his other head. through all the grinding and grabbing and heavy breathing and sighing against each other, he felt that he could finish at any moment - he was so thankful that he had trained himself in the art of edging, because he was certain that he would have cum at least twice already had that not been the case.
“s-onyx,” she sighed out, being careful to only refer to him as his social media name. “i-i wanna suck your cock. please.” jisu couldn’t help that her request came out as a breathy whimper. she was familiar with his dick from photos and videos, but she had never seen it in person. the thought of finally being able to touch him made her mouth water.
soobin’s brain almost short-circuited upon hearing those words leave her perfect lips, the lips that he had seen wrapped around her own fingers, candies, and sex toys that made him think god, i would give anything to feel them around me. his head lolled back, his teeth digging into his bottom lip due to the combination of her dirty words and a particularly delicious roll of her hips against his own. “fuck, yes.” he almost let a please roll out as well, but with what little control he had over himself at the time, he knew he couldn’t. he couldn’t slip out of the dominant role after all the planning that went into this video of him ruining her.
jisu slid off of his lap, looking down and smirking when she saw the large wet patch that covered his boxers, then grabbed the secondary camera and handed it to soobin as she fixed her lingerie and hair while he turned on the camera, fumbling a little bit due to the arousal that made his brain feel foggy. the camera soon switched on as he held it at his chest, looking into the view finder to see the perfect image of jisu between his thighs, somehow looking so innocent yet so seductive, her nipples poking at the thin lace of the bra she chose for the shoot, and fluffy pink cat ears pinned to her lightly curled hair - he soon decided that no matter how incredible she looked at that moment, her appearance wouldn’t matter by the time he was done with her. his goal was smeared mascara, torn clothes, and cum covering her face and bleached bangs.
her intimidation was overshadowed only by her excitement as she began to tug down the waistband of his underwear, watching as he lightly lifted his hips up to help her, until they were off and discarded somewhere in his bedroom. she swore she could sense soobin’s heart racing as she eyed him up and down with dark eyes before wrapping her right hand around the base of his cock, her other hand resting on his hip bone. she looked up at him through her mascara-coated lashes - she made sure to forgo her usual waterproof mascara in favor of letting the black run down her face in streaks and splotches, maybe even some staining the light blue quilt below her. their eyes met, both of them smiling at each other briefly, before she stuck her tongue out to lick a stripe from right above her hand all the way to his leaking tip. upon her tongue reaching his head, she began to slowly glide her hand up and down his cock, the movements made easy by the obscene amounts of precum released only minutes earlier, while wrapping her lips around the head of his cock, moaning lightly as she took in the taste.
soobin threw his head back, an obscene moan leaving his mouth as his right hand instinctively reached ouch for her, his fingers lacing in the strands of her hair close to her scalp. he wasn’t going to force her movements, not yet at least, though it took everything in him to not do so. they had talked about it - face-fucking, that is - and while she was, to quote, “so down,” he wanted to take in the moment. he wanted to know what she would do while she was in charge of the moment.
jisu was a bit worried about how much of him she could fit in her mouth. she knew he was huge, but seeing it in person, having it in her hands, was way different. fuck it, she decided, and decided to surprise him by taking him as far as she could down his throat, which was considerably far for how long and thick he was, and a loud gag erupted from her throat as she tried to hold his member in place for a second, pulling away when she felt it was too much, an obscene amount of saliva following her lips. she took the moment to recover a bit, stroking her right hand along his length and spreading her saliva as she lightly twisted her wrist.
she reveled in the sight of soobin’s reactions as she did this, seeing that he was already struggling a bit. his cheeks were red, and despite him biting his lip, he was still making quite a bit of sound. she realized that he had never actually filmed with anyone before. she had gotten so used to him either doing fan-service content in the form of dirty talk audios or photos of his really pretty hands, or videos of him simply jerking off, but she had never actually seen or heard him with another person. for a second she tried to convince herself that it was the excitement of not always being able to expect what a partner may do that made him react in such a way, but, for the sake of her ego as well as the throbbing between her thighs, she told herself it was all because of herself. she shot him a small smirk before taking his length back into her mouth, this time bobbing her head, a soft gag leaving her throat each time she took him.
his grip on her hair tightened a bit as he struggled to breathe properly. he had had many sexual ventures in his time being a college student, but this was different. he swore that she was secretly a fuck, what are they called? those hot sex demons. suck something. suck. suck. holy fuck she’s sucking me off so good. he couldn’t think straight as he felt her hot, wet mouth around his painfully hard cock. he was still gripping the camera with one hand, though he no longer cared if the shot was clear or not, whether it was even pointing at her or if the had angle shifted while he struggled to not writhe under her touch. “fuck, baby, it feels so fucking good,” he groaned out.
jisu could feel her cheeks heat up ever-so-slightly at the praise. this entire situation was really bad for her ego. she pulled off of him with a deep, loud inhale, even more saliva pooling around her mouth and fist, as well as along soobin’s length. her momentary stop gave him the slightest moment of clarity, checking to make sure the camera was focused and looking at the view finder to see jisu with flakes of mascara beneath her eyes, the small bit of eyeliner smudged, and the cat ears lopsided from where he had grabbed the hair next to it. he also used this moment of clarity to go through the mental list he had made of things they thought about including - they hadn’t decided on anything concrete, deciding to go with the flow and do whatever felt natural. so jisu wasn’t exactly surprised that soobin had moved his fingers closer to the back of her head to push her down towards his cock. she eagerly let him take control, at first only lightly guiding her movements as she returned to her previous routine of taking him down her throat.
soobin was able to focus better this time around, the small pause having helped him compose himself. he was nearly convinced that this is what heaven felt like. her lips looked so perfect around him, her eyes looked so perfect as they met his with a devious innocence - which was something he was sure would never exist until he saw jisu peer up at him so sweetly while doing such sinful things to him. that’s when he decided to fully grab her hair and hold her head in place, instead pushing his hips up towards her face. the gagging sounds intensified and became shorter as he went at a pace quicker than what she had previously set.
she was loving every second of this. it was fun to be in control, even if just for a moment, to make him lose his mind, but she had to admit that being used as a fucktoy suited her just as well. she felt the tears that had already formed along her waterline begin to drip down her face, her eyes stinging a bit as her mascara began to face its demise. but much to her disappointment he soon pulled his cock out of her mouth, looking at the mess of saliva in awe.
“you did so good for me, jiu,” he said, trying not to sound as breathless as he felt for the sake of his ego. “wanna taste you.” he quickly saved the video and turned the camera off before pulling her back towards him, delivering a hard smack to her ass before pushing her down on the bed, making sure in the view finder that a good amount of her body was shown, then reaching for her lacey bra.
he had pulled at the seam between her breasts until it tore, pushing the two pieces to the side to reveal her nipples, perky from the cool air now meeting them. he grabbed her soft tits in his hands, lightly squeezing them and running the pads of his thumbs over her nipples, which, judging by the slight whine that came from her, were sensitive. he reached over to suck on one nipple while pinching the other, reveling in the small sounds she made as he did so, switching sides to assure they were both equally loved, before trailing his lips down her torso, making sure to leave hickeys here and there before reaching the waistband of her underwear.
jisu knew was to expect when he sat up briefly, quickly tearing the other half of the lingerie set and letting it fall against the bed before he leaned over, wasting no time and diving in, slipping his tongue between her sticky folds to collect some of the wetness leaking from her pussy. she let out a whiny moan, her hips jerking lightly. he was barely starting, and she was already infatuated by his tongue.
“god, you taste so fucking good,” he growled against her, pushing her legs further apart and bringing her legs over his broad shoulders. he was fully addicted to this, there was no doubt. he felt as good giving her head as he did receiving it from her - how could he not when she tasted that good? and she was so sensitive too, practically just as much of a mess as he was minutes earlier, but way more vocal about it too. her soft, high-pitched moans were so filthy, so pornographic, they were music to his ears. he didn’t care how messy his sheets were becoming beneath him as he lightly ground his cock against the fabric, surely leaving behind a large puddle of saliva and precum as he stimulated his painfully hard cock.
she was sure she had never been this sensitive before. like soobin, she had also had her fair share of sexual escapades in her time as an undergrad student, but nothing was comparable to this. not even close. his tongue moved flawlessly against her wet heat as his large hands dug into her hips as she bucked against him. she felt like she couldn’t even control her hips as her hips lightly jerked, which eventually turned into full-blown grinding against his face when he decided to wrap his plush lips around her clit. she was so far gone that she hadn’t even noticed his right hand leaving her hip, only noticing when she felt a finger or two teasing the entrance of her tight cunt.
the sound she released as he inserted a finger into her pussy was probably the best sound he thought he would ever hear, though this was quickly replaced by the sound she released as he curled the finger against her g-spot. he swore he almost came from taking in her reaction alone. her fingers were entangled in his soft black hair, desperately moving her hips to make him go faster. this only led to another slap being delivered to her ass.
“you’re gonna take what i give you when i give it to you, or else you’re not cumming. have i made myself clear?” he talked to her sternly, making her head spin so much that she could barely let out a cohesive sentence. “i asked you a question, baby.”
“yes,” she squeaked. “i’ll be good, i promise.”
“good girl,” he muttered as he reconnected his lips to her swollen clit, entering another finger into her wet cunt and continuing to finger-fuck her with his digits perfectly angled against her sweet spot. “you’re such a fucking mess for me. i wonder how many times i can make you cum tonight. wanna find out, baby? hm?” his deep voice almost sounded condescending, laced with so much arousal that he was sure he barely sounded like himself.
“please make me cum,” she repeated over and over again like a mantra, more and more tears spilling from her eyes and falling down her temples, her head thrown back against his comforter as she felt the knot in her stomach begin to tighten. already? fuck, how is he capable of this?
her pleading only encouraged him as he sucked harder on her clit and pushed a third finger inside of her, fingers hitting against her g-spot at a pace he didn’t think he was capable of.
“fuck,” she squealed, her first orgasm of the night crashing down on her like a tsunami. she didn’t even notice the wetness that was gushing out of her, hitting not only soobin’s face but also his blanket.
“fuck, jiu, that was so fucking hot. you did so fucking good,” he rambled as he brought his face back closer to hers, pressing a kiss against her lips. the kisses were messy and needy, moaning into each other as they tasted themselves on each other’s tongues. “i need to be inside you, holy fuck.” he wasted no time standing up, making sure to take the scraps of fabric off of jisu’s body and throw them haphazardly across the room before walking towards the camera set-up, making sure that everything was in place for the last scene.
the view finder showed that the camera couldn’t even capture how incredible, how erotic jisu looked to him. hickeys littered her collared neck and pale torso, her eye makeup was everywhere except where it was meant to be, her ass was a soft red from where his hand had met the smooth skin, and a thick sheen of ejaculate and precum slicked her inner thighs. the most devilish angel he could even dream of.
he walked back towards the bed and sat back against the pillows, pulling her towards him to sit her in his lap, both of them shivering as they lightly brushed against each other. he was quick to grab the condom off his nightstand and roll it on his cock before tightly grabbing jisu’s hips and pulling her down to sit on it, watching with a dark gaze as his length disappeared into her pussy. he couldn’t help but pull her close against him, moaning into her neck as her tight, warm, wet walls fluttered around him.
“fuck, you’re so fucking big,” she whined out, raising her hips until he was mostly unsheathed before lowering her hips once again. his cock was filling her perfectly in every way, brushing just right against her g-spot and even hitting lightly against her cervix. it was at that moment that she was almost certain she could die happily.
“you’re so fucking tight. god, this pussy was made just for me, yeah?” soobin kept rambling as she bounced on his cock, her tits jiggling and her perky nipples brushing against his chest every so often. these words weren’t just taken from the random audios he would post - well, he had probably said those words before, but he didn’t actually mean it. this time, though it wasn’t evident to him due to how little he felt his brain worked from how good she felt, he really did mean it. sex was ruined for him forever, he was convinced. no one could make him feel as good as jisu was.
jisu was fairing far worse, basically unable to form words and instead whining an affirmative against the skin of his neck, where she couldn’t even bring herself to return the favor of the numerous bruises littering the skin of her neck, instead pressing soft yet messy kissed in an identical spot. she wasn’t sure if it was her lack of clarity or something else, but his words sparked something in her. it really did feel like he was speaking the truth, after all, she couldn’t disagree that she had never been filled up so perfectly before, how no one had made her feel so incredible it was basically unreal. the feeling, rather than any of this actually forming a coherent thought in her fucked-our brain, was interrupted by soobin’s hand colliding with her ass yet again.
“use your words,” he demanded before bringing his hand down on her once again. as much as he loved hearing her pathetic little sounds, he craved hearing the words struggle to come from her mouth. yeah, this shoot was definitely unhealthy for his ego, but he couldn’t have cared any less when her pussy hugged his throbbing cock so nicely.
“y-yes. my pussy was made just for you.” saying the words out loud brought back the funny feeling, though it was quickly replaced by the rubber band inside of her snapping once again, crying out as she came. soobin lifted her hips up so the camera could see as he reached his fingers between her legs as her orgasm rippled through her, rubbing his fingers against her at a furious speed, making another round of fluids gush out of her hole again. soobin’s cock, thighs, and any of the surrounding blanket was absolutely soaked, but god, they both loved it.
he brought her hips back down, this time taking control completely when he realized she could barely move by herself. his grip on her was intoxicating, sending shivers down her spine as she cried from the overstimulation. “please,” she cried out to him, “i need to cum again.”
he grinned deviously at her. “anything for you, babygirl.” he brought her hips down against his faster and harder, addicted to the way her walls kept constricting around him. his words aided in bringing her closer again already, her moans becoming more and more frequent with her volume becoming harder and harder to control. then he brought his fingers back to her clit and rubbed in small circles.
“fuck, fuck, fuck,” jisu kept crying out against him, cumming hard around him once again, squirting all over him before falling limp against his chest. he took the opportunity her current state gave him to push her backwards, making sure her legs weren’t in too uncomfortable of a position before he ripped the condom off and sat his knees on either side of her neck, and began quickly stroke his aching cock. finally, after forcing himself to hold it in for the duration of their filming, soobin finally let go, his cum spurting out and painting her face, hair, and clip-in cat ears in what felt like ounces of cum. he ran his fingers through as much of his cum as he could gather before shoving them in her mouth, whispering praises to her as she licked it all off.
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆
jisu soon learned that soobin was not only incredible at fucking, but incredible at after care. shortly after removing his fingers from her mouth and taking a moment to regulate his breathing, he got off the bed and made his way to the bathroom connected to his room, coming back with some wet washcloths to clean the messy mix of saliva, precum, and cum off of both of them, making sure to get as much cum out of jisu’s hair as possible so washing it later wouldn’t be as difficult for her. he threw both of the dirty towels somewhere in the room, deciding to pick up the loose articles of clothing later. right now he had to focus on jisu. he grabbed the extra pair of clothes she had packed and helped her put on the pair of boyshorts and the loose t-shirt, though he couldn’t help but notice the many other goodies she brought that they didn’t use.
“i don’t think we needed them,” she said with a small shrug as she sat on the chair he had placed her in so he could change out the sheets on his bed. “you were… wow. i don’t think i can ever sleep with anyone else ever again.”
“same,” he said with a chuckle. “we should do this again. with or without a camera.”
“yeah, i would really like that,” she said with a smile. the entire time he helped her unwind after they finished, she couldn’t help but notice that the weird feelings of butterflies that she had gotten earlier had returned. but they were done filming, there was nothing sexual going on. so what did it mean?
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆
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goat-guy-tm · 6 months
Because MCD!Aaron×Lily is so dear to me I have them as canon in my MYS Rewrite as well.
They started dating their Sophomore year, and actually stayed together past graduation, lil highschool sweethearts. (Yes Aaron was going to a military school still but was still in the same state, they met through like friends)
During their senior year they had accidentally gotten pregnant. When Aaron and Lily told Derek, he instantly disowned Aaron, telling him off for 'messing around' and that he was so dissapointed in him. First time Lily had really seen Aaron cry.
After that Lily's parents took him in, as they were much more accepting of the information. Still surprised and worried but after a bit they were okay with it.
Aaron ends up dropping out of the military academy he was in, as he hadn't gone for a few weeks after being disowned. Lily ended up finishing her senior year and graduating before Jacob is born.
Aaron ends up working a lot in those 9+ months, and through encouragement and help of Lily's parents he ends up putting in an application into Phoenix Drop High (in my rewrite it's a private high school that requries college like applications and such) to finally finish up his diploma.
They end up getting married and moving into their own place after Aaron graduates. Both him and Lily go to the same college, which makes everything a bit easier in some senses, they got permission to bring Jacob to some classes, and they have just casually passed him to the other some times when passing in the halls.
Aphmau and Ein baby sit Jacob every so often too.
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kits-ships · 2 years
2, 3 + 5 for s/i lore ask game!
si lore game
i'll do these for both olive and holly since olive is under-developed and holly is my most well-fleshed out s/i / oc !!
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
i imagine olive would come in before seeds of doom, but i don't have much of an explanation for her arrival! they'd find her in 1970- injured after a protest gone wrong. the doctor spots olive and bandages her up- inquiring about her situation. sarah jane and olive seem to get along really well and, when asked what she's doing with her life, olive doesn't have much of an answer so <3 they get to go mess around with space and time together
holly doesn't have a grand entrance in the movies- i always imagined her being more of something nonverbally mentioned like, if in avengers (2012) they walked past a newspaper stand mentioned something about the night-web being spotted yet again. her bigger entrance comes in daredevil season one where she decided to chase down fisk with matt.
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
olive is only a companion during a bit of four's run, so she only meets two of his companions. olive loves sarah jane who, is the type of person to go up to the mcdonalds counter and go "excuse me she said NO pickles" because olive is too anxious to go herself. harry kind of thinks she's odd because olive is a bit afraid of men and isn't old-fashioned at all, but they still get along! once olive n the doctor kind of realize their feelings towards one another, the master in particular sees this as a fun way to devastate the doctor, but olive lives bitch!!!!
holly is originally seen as broody and standoffish, but as she goes through the events of daredevil, other characters, excluding matt, kind of look at her and go "damn bitch you live like this?" frank castle in particular thinks she needs to get a handle on the way she lets others treat her and he's right !! other characters who never get to know her also think she's rude (most bc holly thinks the avengers are stupid and refuses to acknowledge them.) peter is a lil afraid of her also </3
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
olive is just kind of a lil guy! BUT..... she does have a degree in botany and uses her knowledge a lot when they visit alien planets. even on earth, if they're visiting a place that doesn't have modern medicine, she'll do her best to find something in nature to assist them if necessary!
holly was bitten by a spider similar to the one that bit peter parker, so their powers are pretty identical! however, because i made her during my raimiverse phase, holly creates her webbing in her body and can shoot it from both her wrists and ankles! the spider that bit her was also a jumping spider so her ability to launch off the ground directly is pretty impressive! the first time she tried to jump onto her raised bed in college she actually knocked her head on the ceiling and wound up on the floor hjkgfdgf.
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skyguywrites · 8 months
Marcus Greene
inspo // 32 //sexuality: queer of some variety // fc: tbc // ship: n/a
this man has existed in my brain since november lmao
he had a face when i first came up with him but. i'm just. undecided and overthinking it
he's not much anyway so it's irrelevant. but.
only child
has two mums as well as his dad who is their best friend
mums bestie offered to be their donor and the rest is history
all v regular people who love him v much
basically just hard working people who grew up with very little but always ensured he was happy and safe and making good choices
dad worked in a record shop which sorta gave him an interest in music
he works in a recording studio
mark ronson esque type who is a music producer but does a whole lot more?
he works on sound design/tech and mixes and makes records but he’ll also provide a lot more under the radar/without credit
so he does a lot of like additional last minute vocals or will record random riffs on the guitar or melodies on the piano if it’s too far down the line to get the artist back in/they can’t find someone to help collab with
he basically just helps out in whatever way he can tbh
never has his name on a record past production/direction credit
not entirely sure if he’s gay or bi? he’s definitely dated women in the past but neither he nor i know if it was just comphet lmao
he’s a nice, friendly guy but a bit of a loner
just spends so much of his time in the studio and rarely gets out/meets new people outside of the business
he’s not necessarily shy because if you approach him he can hold a conversation? he’s just quiet and a lot of people find him to be boring or a bit short, but he’s just a lil guy
he’s only ever dated women but he’s been with men in passing
fooled around with some guys during his college years that didn’t amount to anything
random studio execs and rich guys that would hit on him and he sorta just obliged to help further his career? not bc he’s some ruthless guy but just bc he knew saying no could mean losing out on opportunities
he’s not really one to just go out and hook up with strangers and he honestly doesn’t have any/many friends for him to be Getting Any
his last relationship ended quite badly? she was never very nice to him so it was always tense and she was kind of emotionally abusive at times. she thought he was too passive and disinterested and so she cheated a bunch which he just. chose to ignore tbf
it got to a point where she deliberately brought someone back to the house and fucked them in their bed where he’d find her? but it was his best friend of the time so the fallout was hard
he was surprisingly indifferent and unbothered at breaking up with her which only angered her more/concerned his parents
but the loss/betrayal of his friend messed with his head a fair amount so he just sorta became more of a recluse
one of his mums is a woman’s rights activist and she’s always getting into fights on twitter and ending up on british news and he’s crazy proud of her
his social media presence is very calm and orderly but he always likes and shares her stuff because he wants people to always know where he stands politically
a little tightly strung without realising it? like he needs to get laid so badly
he’s def aware he’s attracted to men but he doesn’t really recognise that he’s Queer bc he’s never thought too hard about it lmao
he’s never had any romantic feelings towards men before so he probably thinks it’s just like. sexual attraction and nothing more
but he's never given himself the chance to explore that side of himself
like he's not especially attuned to his romantic feelings regardless of gender, so
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petrichorium · 1 year
bambi & sleeping beauty for kuroo pls beloved <3
bambi - how’s your f/o’s relationship with their family? do they know about your relationship?
i have Such an intense canon for his family and im so stressed that theres smthn in actual canon that messes w it but JKHSBDF to me he was largely raised by his dad and his dad's parents (mostly the latter) and his sister is p significantly older than him, like abt a decade or maybe a lil less. his dad's family owns & operates a lil restaurant and his mom left them when he was very young and has since remarried; she's very work-oriented and left them for her career (depending on how im feeling sometimes this is full-on "came from a corporate family who did not approve of his dad and she chose to return to them" and sometimes shes just an ambitious career woman). his whole family likes me a lot! his sister in particular rlly adores me, and controversially his mother also really adores me too even tho it wasn't until years into our relationship that i finally met her. in his adulthood she's tries to reach out more and we see her a few times a year but hes not very excited about it.......
sleeping beauty - any hurdles you have had to go through during your relationship?
we spent ten years w one of us having a partner or the other going to college too far away just a bunch of unfortunate "wrong time" issues that prevented us from trying. i think we genuinely would have drifted apart if not for kenma who was def the link.
send a disney themed selfship ask!
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sakuramiku · 1 year
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i spent this past weekend in california with my immediate family & my boyfriend!
i struggle a LOT with vacation depression because i constantly feel like a burden when my mom spends a lot of money on me. i feel so useless despite our agreement being that i have to attend college full time & help with my brother during the week + some weekends. i also get drained super quickly on vacations because of vacation depression. i think a lot of it comes from for me, is how glamorized vacations are in forms of media. but! enough about that.
my boyfriend flew from his area to nyc to meet us and we all left for the airport together. my mom bought clear passes for all of us so we skipped the security line all together and went straight through which will be beneficial when i attempt to go visit my boyfriend (date unknown yet but it will be sometime this year). oh my god bro jetblue SUCKS as an airline like they don’t even provide plug in earphones. we landed early friday morning & slept then we went to disney on the first day.
we stayed in glendale so it was about a fourty min drive to anaheim which was 😮‍💨 california people drive funny too . . i finally understood all the jokes about picking up people from lax and how it’s a nightmare. we went to disneyland first & did some of the rides there, until it started POURING on us. california is the first place i’ve ever seen people CLAP for pouring rain!!!! we had a dinner reservation at the princess and the frog themed restaurant & wow! the place was BEAUTIFUL!!! the food was too ass though. we ended up all having mcdonald’s in our hotel room when we got back there
the next day was my brothers birthday 🥳 🎂so we went to universal studios because his birthday wish was to go to marioland since one just opened in the states. my mom is super anti-rollercoasters (so is my godmommy) but she got on almost everything there was so that was such a change of heart because i remember i used to BEG her to ride on stuff when i was a kid & she would always refuse. we did marioland early access so we had to leave early from the hotel but we were less than twenty mins from the park. since we didn’t eat breakfast, we had food at the park & did a reservation at toadstool cafe. everyone had mario burgers but i got the bowsers fireball challenge. it was good but i wish it had complex spice? after that, my stomach felt like i ate lava. we were able to bypass a 180 min line for mariokart THANK GOD! the worker was really nice about my brother being special needs & i feel like all the workers were so nice at the parks. we had universal express for all the rides but that doesn’t work on that specific ride. we did all the rides in the park & besides mariokart, i really loved the return of the mummy ride.
after that, we went back to disney to finish the rides we couldn’t when it started raining. we started in california adventure & did everything in there! my favorite ride in there would have had to be the incredicoaster, radiator springs (we were in the winning car), & mike and sully. i temporarily lost my phone on incredicoaster messing with my lil brother bc he wanted to carry this princess and the frog themed book all day long. i HATED that damn guardians ride that my brother wanted to go on. IVE ALWAYS HATED drop rides, rollercoasters let you see what’s happening where as drop rides scare you like that shit was 116ft in the air which is nothing compared to the shit that’s on the side of kingda ka which is at the six flags near my house. that one is 416ft in the air and goes almost 100 miles per hours. i remember when i did the formula rosa in dubai’s ferrari world & that was 290 miles per hour but it was a regular roller coaster! except the part where they make u put on goggles bc if a bug hits u in the eye while ur on the ride… u will lose that eye 😭😭😭😭
then we went over to the disneyland again by the time we got over there, the fireworks show was happening. so we walked over to a small world and waited. then did everything in the remaining park except roger rabbit because it was closed which made me sad cause if you know me, I LOVE ROGER RABBIT. that’s one of my disney movies, i can quote that movie all day long & the toad ride because it broke down while we were in line and since the park closed in eleven minutes, we decided to head back to glendale from anaheim. swore i started my period on the park but i didn’t LOL. i have a doctors appointment about it … gonna make that for thursday or friday. there was nothing better than holding my sweet boy in bed. he gets along with my brothers pretty well. pretty nice to have a bf that’s loved by brothers & vice versa. i need to learn how to heal from vacay depression bc i swear my shit goes crazy every time i’m on a family vacay
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Itzy headcanons: your first meeting
Itzy members X GN!Reader
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You have been hired a month ago in a cafè near the JYP building
You were surprisingly good at your job, so the rumor of a new amazing bartender has spread
That's why that morning Yeji choose your bar instead of the usual one
When she entered, she was amazed by your beauty and kindness
She was wearing a mask, but still you were amazed by her eyes
She forgot how to speak, so you translated her groans and gestures and successful completed her order
Now she has a BIG CRUSH on you
And now your bar is her usual one
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Another love story, another cafè
This time you're a customer, on the table a cappuccino and your college books
Lia entered in the bar and sat at the table next to your
It was her free day, she wanted just to relax in that peaceful afternoon
But when she put her eyes on you, her jaw dropped
She gathered her courage and ask you what were you studying
You ended up to talk for two hours and followed each other in the social media
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Her session of training that day really tired her
So she decided to have her lunch in a park
She was ready to bite her tteokbokki
When she saw this giant ball of fur running into her
It was your dog that for the first time in your life to follow his instict instead of your command
Luckily she was not bothered, on the contrary she considered your pet as an energizer
So she invited you to join her and even offered part of her food
You refused her food, but accepted her offer and you sat near her
You talked about a little bit of everything, and both enjoyed your time
Now you often meet each other for having lunch or dinner at the park
Soon she will realize that she likes you more than as a friend
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She was alone in the practice room alone
Her body dripping sweat for the intense physical activity
She was in her own world, spacing out as usually lol
When she heard a voice behind her: "Excuse me, is this the practice room number five?"
She looked back to tell you that it was not, but when she saw you she lost all the words in her mouth
She became a blushing mess
But she still managed to discover that you were the new backup dancer for the NMIXX comeback
Her member wonder how this shy lil' bean found the courage to ask your number
Now you often see each other in the practice room, but this time it's not a mistake
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She began her idol life when she was still a minor
So this means that she could not be very present during lessons at high school and her grades started to go down
So the school sent you, one of her classmates, to help her to study in after-school hours
The company accepted but they were sceptical about this solution because of Yuna
She is a very smart girl, but she was too lazy to study after all the activities of her days, and neither her members not their manager convinced her to open the books
The manager itself was present at your first lesson at their dorm to supervise the situation
He was so surprises when she followed your lead without esitation, so he left the room, scared to ruin that mythical moment
The reason for the Yuna's behaviour is that she was intrigued by your aura: you was smart yet humble, diligent yet gentle
At the end of the lesson she was infatuated with you
Now she awaits every lesson with anticipation
PS: i'm having fun writing headcanons, suggests are welcome
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
Taro tea title game request.
So, I know I've sent you two things recently and one for your 3k event already (congrats on that btw!) So feel free to ignore/skip this or the other but, I have a scenario, not really sure if you'd wanna write the beginning, ending or anything but feel free to be creative and go where your inspiration takes you.
So, I have to believe being Kiri's girlfriend means he brags/shows off anything he like/love/remotely enjoys about you with anyone and everyone who will listen to him. Not in a 'look at what I have you fucking losers' kind of way but rather in a 'i fucking love my girlfriend and love sharing how amazing she is' kind of way.
I feel like kiri being kiri also has no trouble sharing even things about your sex lives (unless you say you're not ok with that). Which leads me to the kinda kinky but also super hot (at least to me) mess.
So one day he's having a guys night or something so Sero, Bakugou and Denki are over. They get on the topic of sex and stuff and somehow squirting comes up and Kiri is just like "yea, y/n does that. It's super hot." Que the group, except bakugou, who already know about this and has probably seen it cause he and Kiri are just that close being like wow that's hot and amazing.
Now at this moment you happen to stroll through the room cause you're hiding out in the bedroom so they can have guy time but you needed a snack or something. And a lightbulb goes off in Kiri's head. He loves showing you off.
One thing leads to another, and there you are on his lap, with him giving a demonstration of you *talents* with three sets of eyes taking in every detail to permanently etch it into their memories.
(this is all under the presumption that you are a consenting participant and all on lookers are either single or have an understanding with their S/O)
Hope you don't mind me sending this and once again no biggie if it's not something you wanna write! Love you and your content and don't wanna demand anything! 🦊
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taro title: wide open + beginning.
tteokdoroki teaparty event masterpost!!!
♡ pairing: eijirou kirishima x fem!reader.
♡ genre: mdni, 18+, smut.
♡ summary: eijirou gives his friends a demonstration on how to make their girl squirt and you are the test subject.
♡ warning(s): heavy smut, squirting, exhibitionism, male masturbation, fingering ( female receiving ), pussy slaps :]
♡ author’s note(s): reee don’t worry about the number of requests darling !! i want to do as many as i can to give back to everyone 🥺 GOT A BIT CARRIED AWAY BUT anyways i hope you enjoy this one !!
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in all honesty, you weren’t to sure how you ended up in this situation. one moment, you were headed downstairs to grab a quick drink during your study break; the next you were plastered against your boyfriend’s firm chest— his large hand between your thighs as he spreads you out for all his friends to see.
one a month, eijirou invited his old college buddies over for guys night— a lot of them lead busy lives now and your boyfriend never asked for much, it was the least you could do to open up your home to his friends. for the most part, they were all nice guys, bakugou you had known the longest and he was much like a brother to you whilst you’d met kaminari and sero at your boyfriend’s college reunion. you never really sat in on the guys nights, keeping to yourself in your shared bedroom. occasionally when you popped out you’d be able to hear their topics of conversation.
tonight, just so happened to be about squirting.“oh yeah, my pretty girl squirts for me all the time.” eijirou hums proudly, taking a sip from his beer with a smirk as two of three out his friends hoot wildly. bakugou might have seen one or two things in the past, but the others believed you were completely innocent in bed due to your naturally quiet aura and personality. “it’s pretty cute, actually.”
and thats how you end up in your current predicament. your body flares with heat as three sets of eyes watch your movements eagerly— from the drastic rise and fall of your chest to the rapid, slick movement between your shaky legs. “c’mon now angel, feel your thighs tryna close around my hand— keep em wide open for me... so we can put on a show for them baby...” you look up to kirishima with tear stricken eyes, his hand never stopping as his thumb swipes vigorously against your clit. pressing two fingers against your entrance, you whine and search for the comfort in his ruby eyes.
you know that kirishima would never do anything to put you at risk, your comfort was always his top priory in the a scene like this and his only rules were that you listened and behaved well for him. with laboured breathing, your hole spasms around the digits that stretch you wide open and spread your arousal across your puffy folds. “yes, daddy,” comes your vulnerable smile as you relax your thighs that straddle your boyfriend’s. pride flashes across his face and he relents in curling his fingers to press down on your spongy g-spot. a reward for his good girl.
“she calls you daddy?” sero asks, succeeding in capturing your attention. your gaze trails down the man, his lean figure practically hanging off of his seat to catch sight of your cunt. eijirou had made sure to show you off nicely, shredding your cotton shorts and forcing your panties to the side in order to put your glistening hole on display. he’d rip your panties off later if he needed more room. either of your legs are hooked around his own, so if he spread his legs with you in his lap— he could help your flower blossom.
eijirou nods to his friend, free hand sliding up your flimsy camisole to expose your breasts before he pinches at the pebbled nipple. “the key to getting her to squirt isn’t just the way you touch her, but the way you talk and handle her as well. she trusts that i’ll take care of her as her daddy, right baby?” the way the red head and is friends discuss you as if you’re not even there makes your heat spasm— the sight alone earning groans from all three men, noises that you admit you want to hear more of.
“mmhm,” is all you manage to whimper out.
kaminari speaks next, amber eyes locking with yours. “fuck that’s cute, your lil cunt gonna squirt from the way daddy talks to you?” the blonde chuckles, forcing you to watch as his own hand slides beneath his pants to relieve the hard on thats formed from watching you. it doesn’t take you long to realise that all three men have been fisting their cocks to you. you almost nod your head in agreement.
a growl of possession rumbles in kirishima’s chest, the vibrations going straight to your pussy and adding pressure to the unwinding knot of your orgasm. he delivers a harsh spank to your folds, euphoria clogging your brain and clouding your vision as you cry out for him. “look at me,” kirishima snarls into your ear, laughing lowly as you gyrate your hips into the heal of his palm to earn friction against your clit. you glance up; a dark look you’ve seen oh so many times before. “why don’t you squirt for them baby? and after that, daddy’s gonna make them practice what they’ve learned on you, how does that sound?”
your body shakes and you can see the peak of your release on the horizon. you’d be a fool to say no to that.
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dejwritesarchived · 3 years
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𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄. chapter four ( &. nanami kento x black!female reader — warnings: mentions of sex, infidelity,gore, profanity, chapter jump from past to present, gojo & geto being the funny ones in the group. college au/artist nanami au)
➣ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the aftermath of the date leads to heartbreak, but it's always someone there to pick [y/n] back up. — PAST
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: @nanaminshousewife @wavyyl0sr @dearmrsuh @gemimaya @thenerdyrebel @maydayaisha @thatonerandomchick1 @gabzlovesu @bnuyy @protectpancakes @just-a-mess-bro @festive
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 dejwrites. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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WHEN YOUR DATE WAS OVER with you, you texted your friends to see where they were at, which you had a feeling they were at that new bar that opened up like two weeks ago. The girls wanted to know just how wonderful the date went, which you thought was going to go horrible because frankly, you thought the guy Mei chose would be a little handsy, especially considering he was older. But he wasn't. He was actually a quite flirtatious gentleman that knew boundaries. He would open your door for you, making sure you walked on the side of the sidewalk that wasn't closer to the street, he made you laugh, he would place his hand on your lower back. He even let you borrow the jacket to his well-tailored suit since you mentioned how cold you were. Which you were cursing yourself mentally for sacrificing being cold to show off a little cleavage. You could go on about just how good the date went. You two agreed to go out on another date, this time something not as formal as the fancy five-star restaurant.
SPICE GIRLS. [GROUPCHAT w/ Y/N, Mei, Utahime, & Shoko ]
shoko 🩺 y/n, pls don't be mad. i kinda told the guys about your date. super sorry, it kinda just slipped out
utahime 💗 ouch, that had to hurt our lil nanami's ego & heart.
he about to bump drake all night long
omg do you guys remember when he had that emo hairstyle in high school?
mei 💄 he will get over it, after all you two are single. y/n need to keep her options open !!
why do you oddly remember that horrible hairstyle he had
shoko 🩺 so how was the date??
mei 💄
it better went well, i swear to god i will kick him where the sun don't shine if it didn't
y/n 💖 it actually went pretty well. we agreed to go somewhere less formal next time.
shoko 🩺 ouu another date??
y/n 💖 yes. with the nanami situation, i need to keep my options open you know. honestly don't know what the hell is going on in his head
utahime. 💗 yea, i mean idk why he haven't asked you to be his girlfriend but it doesn't shock me..a lot of men want to be sluts during college take gojo and geto for example
mei 💄 that's true. nanami need to stop stringing y/n along though. just be honest
y/n 💖 exactly. but hey, toji was a complete gentlemen and so hot 🥵
mei 💄 well, my match making job is done here. i'll expect a payment by friday
utahime 💗 lmfaooo. ard, i'll see you guys later. my group members finally showed up to the cafe
mei💄 see ya.
y/n 💖 shit, i forgot to give him his jacket back
[ &. TOJI & Y/N MSG ]
y/n. hey, i could return your jacket to you tomorrow if you like?
toji. even if it looked better on you than me you can just return it whenever
y/n. i shall return it tomorrow then i'll protect it with my life lol
You would push your phone in your purse as you opened the door to the bar searching for your friends. Although, you felt a little overdressed for a bar with your fusion pink strap dress, which hugged your figure perfectly. You didn't think of it to go change clothes considering how it was already quite late. You tugged Toji's jacket further on your body as you walked into the bar searching for your friends. The bar wasn't that crowded, some tables and booths still were open. However, you could tell that people came here to end their stressful week of college. Spotting your friends in one of the booths closer to where the pool table was at, you would make your way to the back.
Finally greeting the table, you gave them a smile. However, Shoko was the only one who greeted you with a smile back and she even brought you your favorite drinks Geto and Gojo were eyeing you up and down, you just chalked it up as they knew also. Nanami didn't even bother to look up from his half-drunken beer.
You didn't think of it to tell Nanami about the date because you knew he was going to argue against it. But he couldn't really argue against it considering that for once, you two weren't official. When you brought up putting a label on whatever you guys were, he would change the subject. So, you going on one date shouldn't have mattered.
"Switch seats with me," Shoko told Gojo.
"Nope," Gojo said. "She has to sit next to him," Gojo adds not even looking up from his phone.
The booth was meant for five to six people and just your luck, the only seat left was the one next to Nanami. You would only roll your eyes sliding in the booth, Shoko sliding your drink over to you. With the awkwardness making you feel a little uneasy, you didn't even think you could drink any alcohol tonight. You toyed with the ends of Toji's jacket, you should have just gone home. Therefore, you wouldn't have to explain yourself to Nanami.
"So, how was the date?" Geto asked. He refused to let this night end with awkwardness. He was going to force both you and Nanami to at least talk.
"It was okay, he was a nice guy," You answered.
"That's his jacket?" Gojo questioned.
"Obviously," You responded.
"He must come from a rich family, I have the same suit jacket," Gojo answered as he eyed it.
You now felt even worse that you were wearing Toji's expensive jacket. Now you had a duty to make sure nothing got on it. Shoko would sip at her drink before speaking, "Should we order shots?" She questioned.
"Not really in a take shots mood," Both you and Nanami said at the same time.
You would look at each other and then look away. You let out a sigh before grabbing a hold of his hand and tugging him out of the booth. "Let's go, we're going to go talk," You said.
Even though, he did exit the booth. He let go of your hand as if he didn't even want to touch you. You felt so hurt by that as you followed behind him through the bar that was now beginning to gain traction during this Friday night. When you two stepped outside, walked a little further down from the bar so you could get privacy and hear each other.
"You could have been honest with me Y/N," Nanami said as he shoved his hands into his jacket.
"I knew you would get upset Nanami, like you are now," You pointed out. "It was just a dinner date, nothing happened. Plus, you don't even have the right to be upset? We're not even officially dating." You found yourself explaining.
"I know, you don't have to remind me..our fucking friends don't have to remind me all the time," Nanami responded.
"Then why are we here talking? Do you want me Nanami? Do you want this?" You questioned, your hands motioning to you and him.
His silence stunned you as you could feel your eyes watering. You two never had arguments or even disagreements, so this was something new to you.
"Do you want to be happy with him?" Nanami questioned, completely ignoring your question. Because frankly, how could he explain to a woman that he didn't expect to fall for that it was no future for you two because of a family business move.
Your silence to his question obviously was the answer. He let out a sigh. Even though the blonde-haired artist only brought this situation on himself, he didn't expect to lose you so quickly. He knew that after a while, you would want a person to love you out loud and finally want to be in a relationship. So, it was best for him to let you go. You deserved to be happy even if that meant not with him.
"I think it's best if we just keep it strictly as friends," Nanami answered. Even though, he couldn't stop staring at you as you were dolled up elegantly. Your natural hair was out in a nice wash-and-go style. You wore your favorite jewelry and even had on the highest heels you thought went well with the dress. But Seeing another man's jacket on you, caused a pit to form in his throat and for his jaw to lock in jealousy.
"Nanami..." You said. You thought he was blowing this out of proportion and acting out of jealousy of you with another man.
"[Y/N], it's for the best. I know you wanted something deeper and I simply can't give you that right now. I'm sorry," he would give you one last kiss on the cheek before walking away and disappearing in the crowd in front of the bar.
YOU COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT LAST night, you stayed up late doing designs simply because you couldn't sleep. Manage to finish your pants suit project at like three in the morning. Nanami words cut you like a sharp blade and you didn't even know how to stitch yourself back up. You weren't sure to cry because of the fact that he told you it's best if you keep it strictly at a friendship level knowing how close you guys were. Or to be angry because he acted on pure jealousy, it wasn't your fault you decided to keep your options open just because he didn't want to put a label on whatever you guys were. But you didn't understand why he couldn't give you a relationship. Was there someone else? Maybe he wanted to focus on school.
It frustrated you and you were so glad it was the weekend so that you could just relax. When something was bothering you, you had this thing where you always tried to keep your mind busy from thinking about the said thing that was bothering you. As you were cleaning your room, which wasn't particularly messy but more disorganized, you would find things that belonged to Nanami that he left at your place. You walked out of your room with the box of stuff, placing it near the door. You texted him to come to get his stuff, which he read your message and didn't respond. Utahime was in the living room watching some movie as she was eating a bowl of ramen.
"I made you some ramen," She called out, even though her eyes never left the screen.
"I'm not really hungry," You stated as you practically watched as he started texting but sooner the text bubble disappeared.
Why did it feel like you guys were breaking up if you weren't in a relationship?
Utahime would glance at the box, her eyes finally clawing away from the movie she was watching. [Y/N] told her everything that happened and she didn't know what to say, nor did she want to take any sides. "You need to eat something, you haven't left your room all day. Plus, I know you haven't been to sleep either."
She did make a point. Plus, Toji was stopping by to get his jacket so you definitely didn't need to look like a zombie due to the huge bags under your eyes. Utahime motioned to the bowl of ramen on the kitchen counter and you went to grab it while also joining her on the couch. Utahime notices how awkward it got within the friendship group.
"Don't you have another date with Toji tomorrow?" she asked.
"I don't even feel like going anymore," You answered her as she held your chopsticks in between your fingers.
Utahime found herself rolling her eyes, "You're going on that date," she said. "Do you really think Nanami is in his room dwelling over this situation?"
"I mean I hope so, he seemed pretty hurt yesterday," You answered.
Utahime grabbed her phone off the coffee table in front of her, she opened the Snapchat app tapping on Gojo's profile. She showed you the story of Gojo, Geto, and Nanami out on Gojo's family yacht enjoying the time of their lives. "That was posted three hours ago," she said. "And here you were about to not go out with that man." She adds.
"Okay, but what if Geto and Gojo forced him to go?" You asked.
Utahime rolled her eyes. "Stop making excuses for that man. [Y/N], if he wanted to. He would. If Nanami wanted a relationship with you, he would have been asked your ass to be his girlfriend," Utahime said shrugging her shoulders. "Now eat your ramen and go get yourself cleaned up cause like you said Toji's coming to get his jacket."
You stared down at the broth in the ramen before beginning to eat. Utahime's words practically spin around in your head, trying to process what she just said. It was true, if he wanted a relationship he would have made it happen. You let out a dramatic sigh before finishing up the ramen she made for you, which when you were done Utahime handled the dishes so you can make yourself look at least decent for your guest. Even though, you were sure he would compliment you even when you weren't looking your best.
You got up to go shower and change into something. Settling with a pair of biker shorts, your university crew neck apparel that was a little too big (it was Nanami's), and your favorite pair of Jordan 1's. When you notice the crew neck sweatshirt didn't belong to you, you found yourself changing into a different top and sooner tossed the sweatshirt in the box. When you were done, you stepped out of your room and Utahime saw you and she gave you a round of applause. "I hate when you guys dwell on men," She says. "Especially giving that that a good portion of men can't even make a woman orgasm." She sighs.
You let out a chuckle at what Utahime said. It didn't shock you hearing her say stuff like this considering the young woman was bisexual, but according to her. Each day men's behavior pushes her further into never dating men ever again. The men's behavior in question was Gojo's and Geto's.
"He said he'll be here in 30 minutes to pick up this jacket," You said motioning to the jacket that hanging on the coat rack in the corner.
"You don't find it odd that he's coming to get his jacket today instead of just waiting until tomorrow," Utahime said. "Damn, he wants to see you that bad," she adds.
"Maybe, it's a very important jacket." You responded before laughing. "Okay, maybe he just wants to see me."
"Of the words of Mei, the way you get over a guy is to get under another," Utahime said.
You looked at your phone seeing that Toji texted you. He stated that he was waiting in the lobby of your apartment complex for you. You would grab a hold of the jacket, giving Utahime a sly wave before exiting the place. You took the elevator down and when you were searching for Toji, he was chatting it up with the guy at the front desk. You would approach him with a smile, his jacket in your hands. When he saw you, his face lit up.
"Here's your jacket," You said as you would hand him the expensive jacket.
"Even though, I could have cared less about the jacket, considering that I can have it replaced in a blink of an eye. I just used it to come to see you," Toji bluntly admitted.
"You're definitely seeing me tomorrow though, remember?" You reminded him.
"Of course, but when I want to see someone sooner. I'm going to make it happen," Toji responds as he clutches his jacket. "So, let's go."
"Let's go," Toji said as he grabbed a hold of your hand tugging you along.
You let the larger man drag you outside your apartment complex and saw the familiar black car that you once were in. Once again Toji opened your door waiting for you to get in. "Where are we going?" You questioned.
"Somewhere." was the only thing that escaped Toji's lips.
You would simply get into the car let him close the door behind you.
You found it extremely attractive when it came to the way Toji was driving. The way his large hands gripped the steering wheel or the fact that there were some moments where he would use his knee to guide the steering wheel just to touch your thigh or even let his thumb caress your hand. It causes your heart to flutter and for you to cross your legs even tighter than ever. As he pulled into the parking lot, you noticed that you guys were near the docks. Which if you remembered correctly, it was going to be a little flea market set up with small businesses and food vendors. Perhaps this was something you needed to get your mind off Nanami. However, this would definitely be something Nanami and you would have done.
When you stepped out of the car, you would glance around before speaking, "Wouldn't think you would be the type of guy to want to walk around a flea market?"
"You know, I'm not even shocked you said that," He commented. "But, it's a nice day today and like I previously said, I wanted to see you. You see anything you like, it's yours."
Your lips formed a smile before he grabbed a hold of your hand and led you through the market filled with so many cultural shops. Your eyes lit up as you two stopped at the fabric booth, which was just next to this arts and craft booth. Your fingers glided across these yellow-colored silk fabric, which the vendor would notice just how much your face lit up when you saw it.
"How much for 4 yards of this?" You questioned.
The vendor told you a price, but sooner suggested a discounted price just for you. You opened your mouth to accept the deal, remembering that Toji did say if you wanted anything he'll get it for you.
"We'll take all of it." Toji interrupted.
"What? Toji, I'll only need maybe 4 yards. If I need more, I'll just come back tomorrow." You said to him, he simply stared at you as he opened his wallet pulling out his card.
"Now, you don't have to come back tomorrow." He said as the vendor would greedily take his card to swipe it. Another vendor at the booth took the fabric off the shelf to neatly fold it into a bag for you.
You jumped into Toji's arms, your arms squeezing at his torso as a string of thank you's escaped your lips. You glanced up at him as your arms were still around him, "I appreciate it a lot." You said. "I'll even tailor one of your suits for you whenever you want."
"Oh don't tempt me, even though I would prefer you taking it off me."
You felt your cheeks grow hot as Toji reached over to grab the bag from the vendor. You let go of him as he extended his hand for you to take it. You noticed that the once hurt Nanami that was swirling in your mind was pushed out when Toji was in your presence.
Nanami did say himself that he couldn't give you something deeper at the moment, but here Toji was in front of you possibly about to give you that. You just needed to take that leap. You grabbed a hold of Toji's hand as you made your way down to see the other street vendors at the flea market. A smile on your face as you realized that you deserved to be happy even if that meant it wasn't with Nanami.
But little did you know that the blonde-haired artist was working the arts and craft booth (after being forced to go to a yacht party with Gojo and Geto) as volunteer work for one of his art professors and he witnessed the events that unfolded in front of his eyes.
Nanami may have officially lost [Y/N].
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yojeongin · 2 years
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→club pres!renjun x publicity officer!reader
genre: social media au, humor, fluff, slow burn, romance, slice of life, future angst, coming of age, college au
m.list | previous
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1. this was when mark and yn would constantly flirt on the tl and were getting annoyed at lhc targeting them
2. after constantly hanging out with renjun aki was going through it
3. Idk where I was going to put this I don’t remember but it just adds to how they struggled when in hs but had each other ; it has the “and that’s messed up because you know english wasn’t my first language. what? you want to send me back for ELE?” sound
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4. fawking tumblr glitched and deleted the paragraph but since 127 was having their seoul concert in december and since yn is a big 127 stan I wanted to incorporate into the story line as a small change but when I did the map it would ruin the tl cause it was too late </3
4. fawking tumblr glitched and deleted the paragraph but since 127 was having their seoul concert in december and since yn is a big 127 stan I wanted to incorporate into the story line as a small change but when I did the map it would ruin the tl cause it was too late </3
5. boss era appreciation plus I was going to do it once they found out renjun knew jaehyun all along and yn was going to reply with ‘I’m so miserable’ while crying about it to mark on messages
6. haknyeon teasing beomgyu, I thought it was cute lol
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7. just some cute interactions I was bored in class and did these lol. supposed to say ‘cock’ but i was too lazy to correct it btw
8. messy evil renjun lol I found it funny
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9. this one yn was hanging out with her friends so renjun was being dramatic about not being with her and in true renjun fashion he runs to jaedo to get her attention, my clingy lil renjun lol. it cut off in the second pic but it was sumn along “go play with your friends” and him telling sicheng they had class so they made a deal in which renjun goes to hang with his brother and his colleagues/friends if he paid for dinner
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10. I thought this one back in december as an ode to htgtb (despite my great hatred towards it) but I wanted the lil parallel or at least spiderman to give them that one similarity since the movies came out whenever I started writing each au. I was going to add it to the epilogue but as you all know, it would not make sense at all
11. chenle facts: chenle is head of the film club and does work study in school’s radio station. his major is specifically centered in tv media and radio. the radio station was only used to report news to students but he took charge and ended up creating his own segment getting high rankings within some specific majors (anything in the liberal arts + design/fine arts majors) the name of his segment (volcano’s nerve) stems from the album title ‘el nervio del volcan’ by caifanes a mexican rock band from the 80/90s. it’s not spoken throughout the story but chenle is big in exploring bands from any country. In addition to this, he was supposed to be more angry and only had a soft spot for jisung but him being an ass to his friends in a teasing way sounded better
12. chenji’s makeout creek: makeout creek is a duo band formed by chenle and jisung in which chenle is the vocalist and jisung as the bassist. the name comes from a mitski album called ‘bury me at makeout creek’ jisung is a big mitski stan so thank him. the band was started to help the both grow as musicians especially since jisung is a music theory major + performing at guerilla stakes has helped them get connections
13. speaking of guerilla stakes, that’s the concert hall/bar where jaehyun meets his future band (which he only performs with during his free time) contras, the place, the atmosphere, and the people he meets help him ease from the stress of being an idol and how harder it gets the more 127 becomes more popular. this is all for a future jaehyun fic that has been in the works since last year so don’t worry much about it bc I’m not nearly done and evol took 2 years to finalize so let’s not get hung up on it. also due to the nature of these two bands performing in the same place, you’ll expect to see evol characters once jaehyun’s fic is up (which again let’s not focus on due to how long I take for a single fic)
14. yn facts: this is only lightly touched upon a few times but yn is one of those personal/troll accs. she has in the past said anything to rial fandoms up and even her own fandom for the sake of giggles to get back at them for shit talking 127 (☠️) hence why her and jeno are similar since he tends to get ratiod for pissing off fandoms that get him restricted often. was it not bc she also likes all of jaemin’s faves she would’ve already had a bigger twt feud with him
15. aki… I was not going to make him pine after her at all I was just going to make him a friend similar to mark BUT by the time I was rewriting this, a guy in one of my classes kept trying to talk, hang, and flirt overall and it was making me uncomfortable the way he makes yn so I projected that onto him except for the fact that the guy in my classes still irks me and makes me uncomfortable so she’s being nicer in not completely hating him at the beginning ☠️ I didn’t add this but his progress is getting over her failed and every time he sees them or someone talking about them, he has a full fit crying and throwing up
16. my meow meow yangyang ☹️ since yn is a chronically internet person deep into the kpawp fandom I wanted her to have an internet friend and I found yangyang to be the perfect person for that. he’s an ode to all my closest moots. she met him through their mutuals in a gc and ended up becoming the closest despite being quite different from each other but his cats helped. huge tmi but she helped him figure out safe ways to become un-constipated that helped the friendship even more
17. mark’s departure: on the first draft of why mark wasn’t part of the group and was a sensitive topic was bc dnyl had a rule where they couldn’t date and he broke that rule by dating a girl he hid from the club and when the guys found out it was going to be a corny lil argument scene that made no sense at all and would be too stupid plus he was going to lash out on them and they would be the hurt ones which would leave jaemin with huge trust issues and fear of change but the rules I had set for the club at the beginning sounded dumb and I did NOT like that ☠️ like they wouldn’t let girls in and it was a close knit club so they really wouldn’t have let anyone join in general. mark was the founder again, haechan had just gotten rejected and jisung had experienced his first heartbreak.
18. speaking of dnyl! this has also been brushed upon throughout the story but hadn’t been cleared. lhc was created by xime as just like ceena she had been pining after jeno with the exception that she actually liked jeno but he kept rejecting her and she couldn’t take no as an answer and he lost it when she tried to join the club to just keep being stuck with and he told her off so that’s when she created lhc as a way to fight against him and the guys which is so ☠️
19. chenle’s movie plot: the plot is basically renjun and reader leaving clues for each other like they’ve seen each other around the laundromat they flirt and flirt through puzzles and letters until the final one where they see it’s each other and meet at the photobooth where they kiss. chenle hates it, he absolutely hates the plot but he needed a plot and anything that would put him near producers to secure at least an internship. Ik the plot isn’t clear but that’s what was on my notes lol
20. beomgyu’s hatred towards yangyang actually stems bc of yn 😭 my pookie was actually really jealous of yangyang at the beginning bc despite him being her internet friend he knew her longer than beomgyu and mark was already pushing it so for yangyang to come along again— it was ruining him. chenle doesn’t count bc he knows jisung is chenle’s best friend. his most recent hatred for yangyang seems to be kind of a tom and jerry type of relationship, yangyang is jerry btw
21. haknyeon was supposed to be more ditzy and innocent, an angel if you’d like to call him but I though him and keni being a mischievous duo was more entertaining than having him be the voice of reason bc quite honestly that would’ve just separated him from group knowing well they’re all up for some chaos
22. controversial but on the second rewrite/plot (never posted) yeonjun actually played a big role 😬… he was going to come to town and be included to group activities bc beomgyu’s mom forced him to (yes even in their 20s) yeonjun was going to develop a crush on yn and he’d wouldn’t act upon it bc beomgyu’s was very vocal about not wanting his family and friends to be romantically involved because he didn’t want to choose between family and friends especially cause yeonjun always got involved with any of beomgy’s past friends and he was tired of it. mainly because he would always choose his brother over any of his friends despite how much he loved them and when it came to yn it was going to be more difficult to let her go.
after the december happenings, yn and renjun were going to have an actual argument to the point he made her not feel loved after all they went through together and they felt perplexed because she truly liked him so much but he felt betrayed because she hid something big like his close friend and his future lover hiding a friendship between them and the guy who ruined his trust in love so he would run away from yn and they wouldn’t interact for the winter break and she would vent to yeonjun because he just caught her in a vulnerable moment and she confessed that she was confused with renjun all along because they hung out a lot and it felt like dates but he never said they were and yeonjun took the opportunity to make a move and he offered to take her to a mock date because he was aware she really liked renjun anyways besides that it was going to end with yeonjun actually taking her first kiss and the two promising to hide it from beomgyu because they didn’t want him to have a breakdown but renjun caught them when he was going to apologize.
so going off from that— I hated it!! no reason to involve yeonjun when aki was already there and it was really fucked up for her to kiss yeonjun when she really liked renjun plus I wanted to emphasize that renjun HAD to be her first in everything. her first boyfriend her first time and her first kiss, this is important to the final product
23. the original plot: originally yn would try to join both groups but she was supposed to be really close friends with lhc :( she was supposed to like all of them even xime aki and vero they were actually much tolerable in the original plot but besides that yn was still going to help markhyuck sneak around since evol didn’t like mark after he shit talked them but hyuck couldn’t let him go as they had an extensive history of being friends so she helped them in exchange for kpop albums (☠️) plus she found the little rush funny. she met mark through writers club and he would introduce her to hyuck that’s how they’d become friends form then on she was supposed to be in a film class with renjun and they were the ones supposed to make a film project for the class but she was more blunt about her feelings and instantly would confess to markhyuck that she found his attractive. bc of how much hyuck and her would hang out on this plot Renjun was going to take advantage of her friendship and try to get info out of her regarding why she hung out with hyuck all the time cause jaemin and him were convinced hyuck started secretly dating yn and from then on they would follow the other two eventually lhc would have the same idea bc of the same reasons and would follow her around but bc Renjun had put much effort into getting info out of her he ended up learning about her and falling for her and bc a rule in lhc is to not date either they would have a secret relationship it’d be fine at first but eventually they would find yn mark and hyuck together and from then it would cause an argument within dnyl and renjun to feel perplexed cause he really liked her and finding out she hid that from him made it worse because he would be a hypocrite considering he was dating her in secret so he was no better than mark (again the reason he left in the original plot is stupid). that’s where I left it off I didn’t really find a solution not an ending to this plot it just stopped at the climax. I do remember renjun and yn getting caught on a date and jaemin had a breakdown bc it reminded him of the happenings with mark and he was scared renjun was going to destroy his feelings like mark did and end up abandoning them as well.
that’s it for these behind the scenes and delete d scenes! the file I had all the notes got deleted somehow so these are all from extra files I had or could recover and from what I remember from the top of my head :/ thank you sm for sticking around this long!
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taglist: @resceluwu @ellie-idk-anymore @hyunsbunny @aminihhj @flower-lise @eggoyu @haknyeonsju @eboyjuni @nshitae @daegalfangirl @luvdroids @samsemsame @haechansgfreal @butterfliesinthenightsky @lyleo @jiye0n0 @haechansittinginatree @dojun00 @baekhyunstruly @cwsana @fylithia @artspling @yutashotaro @rynshyuckies @babyjenono @yeonjunisbetterthanyou @runawayreki @kosmiks @bigtittietoji @dandelionxgal @diestheticu @scoups-of-sugar @onlyjenos @john-joong @renjunniex @becoolgirl @vantxx95 @hrjchive @karaxomb @carayat @fullsunld @meltinghershey @brightestmark
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