#she irks my damn nerves
astoldbychae · 5 months
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Miss ma'am has returned from her lil mini trip and is headed to the salon (She only has two clients to ease her back into the work week).
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yuyusboyfriend · 5 months
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500 follower special!
pairing: bestfriend's brother!wooyoung x ftm reader [gn reader coming soon!]
wordcount: 6,7k
content: Your best friend's twin has been the bane of your existence for the last 10 years. That was, until, he decided to visit your dreams.
warnings: nsfw, drinking, weed - both joints and a bong, drinking games, cunnilingus, pool sex, sex without a condom (dont!) afab ftm reader, use of words like cunt, clit etc. lmk if I'm missing anything!
soundtrack: water + truth or dare - tyla, Water - Ten
a/n: Thank you so much for 500 followers😭😭 I hope this fic makes up for all of my breaks between fics I made this as long as I could bc I really wanted to do smth special <333 also shoutout to @zh0nggucc1 for being my bsf 🙏❤️ one more note, this is proofread but I always manage to make a 1000 mistakes so I apologise for any!! Happy reading!
Masterlist!˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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"Finally you're here! Took you long enough" your best friend shouts over the music, holding out a shot glass filled with a clear liquid, "Gotta do a shot before I let you in, Jongho's orders" she smirks as she salutes.
"Really? At-," you quickly glance at your phone," 5 pm? I thought drinking would start later?" you look over the girl's shoulder to see Jongho and Mingi already holding clear cups with some sort of concoction in them.
"Look I'm not arguing with Jongho, he'll throw me in the pool and I haven't changed into my swimsuit yet, so! Take the damn shot will you, pretty please?" she looked at you with big round eyes as if that would persuade your decision.
"I'll do it just stop looking at me like that, it's kind of scary…" you teased, grabbing the shot and throwing it back, hissing slightly at the burn.
"Atta boy! Now go say hi while I go get changed." she ran off before you could argue. As you stepped inside you were greeted by your two friends that you had just seen, Mingi throwing his arm over your shoulder pulling you close to him and offering you his cup. You took a sip out of curiosity about what they had been drinking, not surprised when it tasted of all the soju flavours mixed with a dash of some juice they'd found in the back of the cupboard.
"Mmm! That is awful! Best one yet Mingi I mean seriously they should get you making poison," you and Jongho laughed as Mingi shoved your shoulder and pouted.
You felt eyes on you from somewhere as you looked around the room, your vision landing on the one person you'd hoped you wouldn't have to see until at least 10 shots in. Wooyoung.
Wooyoung was the biggest pain in your ass, and what made it even worse was that he was your best friend's brother. You had been best friends with Vee since the rotten age of 12 years old. Since your first day at your new school, you had practically been attached at the hip, never being away from each other for more than a couple of days — the problem there was that her twin brother Wooyoung was also attached to your hip, and somehow knew how to get on your every last nerve. He never did anything inherently bad to you but you just found him irritating nonetheless, even as the years passed, the smirk on his face every time he said or did something that knew would rile you up irked you.
"Your little boyfriend is watching you again~" Mingi sang into your ear, obviously already tipsy because there was no way in hell you'd ever be with Wooyoung. Was he attractive? Objectively, you guessed so. Had he given you butterflies once or twice when he held your hips to pass you as you helped his mom with the dishes? Maybe? But that was just a natural reaction, it didn't mean anything. Did the clothes that he gave you after you came out smell like him and make you feel funny? … He uses a nice cologne, that's all— The point is he wouldn't date you with the way he acted and you wouldn't either. So it was fine. Totally. Fine.
You elbowed Mingi in the side causing him to double over dramatically and wail, making Jongho laugh even more. You laughed along but couldn't shake the feeling that Wooyoung was still staring at you, so you excused yourself from the boys to go see Hongjoong in the kitchen.
"Vee not with you?" He asked as he spotted you rounding the island to greet him.
"She's upstairs getting changed, Praying she won't be much longer, need her to swat Wooyoung away." Hongjoong laughed as he shook his head at your misery.
"Surely he's not that bad y/n, he's cool when he's with us, a yapper at most," you stared at him with disbelief.
"All of you. Traitors!" You sighed as Hongjoong began to laugh more.
"Who's a traitor?" Your muscles stiffened as you felt a familiar pair of hands on your sides, causing you to roll your eyes and ignore the dip in your stomach. One thing Wooyoung never seemed to understand was personal space, 'what's yours is mine' as he would say.
"We all think you're just the best Wooyoung but y/n doesn't agree," Hongjoong exclaims to the boy behind you. You shake your head at Hongjoong's words, they might be true but it was still rough he put you on the spot. Wooyoung's thumb massaged the flesh at your side as he placed his head on your shoulder.
"Impossible, y/n loves me, don't you?" He smirked as you looked down at him. That fucking smirk.
"yeah, about as much as the rock in my shoe right now," you huffed as you shrugged him off. "I'm getting in the pool, I'll see you lot there, yeah?" you announced, walking through the back door before hearing Vee's voice behind you.
"Wait for me!" She exclaimed slipping by her brother and joining your side, a cute and flowy bathing suit adorning her body as Hongjoong watched her flaunt past. As you got to the pool Vee turned to you, "What was happening with you and Woo back there?" you shook your head, already sick of hearing his name in such as short amount of time.
"Nothing was happening! He's just weird and clingy!" Vee looked at you with confusion, being able to read your thoughts and know them better than you do at this point.
"Then why are you being so defensive? He doesn't usually piss you off this bad, what happened?" She said in a soft tone, the tone that made you feel safe despite feeling so irritated. You knew the answer to her question, but your words fell short.
Last night you had a dream. About Wooyoung. Everything seemed normal until he sat down next to you on your best friend's bed and laid his hand against your thigh, his thumb circling the skin just as his hands would always do when they came into contact with you.
"You want me, don't you?" His big brown eyes stared into your own as he carried on massaging your flesh, tingles zipping up and down your spine as you sat there in utter shock. The close proximity forced you to take in all his features. His little moles under his eye and on his lip. His gorgeous jawline sculpted by god himself. The way his fresh out-of-the-shower hair was draped over his forehead and the way the water droplets rolled over his tanned skin. God, he really was pretty, wasn't he? Your eyes darted back and forth between his features before finally landing back on his lips. You felt yourself leaning forward, losing control of your muscles as you did.
"Yeah." Wooyoung's face moved towards yours and joined your lips together so gently you barely felt it as his free hand pressed to your neck to bring you closer, the warmth of his hands and lips sending you into overdrive-
And that's when you jolted up out of your sleep in a cold sweat.
"Hello? Earth to y/n?" Vee waved a hand in front of your face to try to gain your attention, "What you thinking about?
"I… I had a dream and it's freaking me out okay? No more questions." you mumbled out of embarrassment.
"About my brother!? That's definitely new…don't tell me if you had sex because that's gross but I'm gonna need details!" she looks at you with a look of curiosity and horror.
"Will you lower your voice? Good god, I'm about five seconds from drowning myself in your pool."
She sighs, "Fine, but just use protection, you'd be a great dad but I don't want to be an aunt yet, I'm already busy enough with Kyungmin." you mirror her look of horror from a minute ago.
"I'm not gonna have sex with him Jesus!" she laughs at your panicked expression before sitting down to dip her feet in the pool.
"You getting in or what? We've been standing around for long enough" she said before throwing herself into the pool, splashing you on the way in. You smile and set your stuff down on a chair before taking your shirt off and following suit.
You and Vee chilled in the pool as more guests arrived and began to fill the water around you with inflatables and games, music filling the air as the sky changed to purple and red hues, the fairy lights hung on the fence twinkling this the reflection of the water. After a while, you could feel your skin getting ready to shrivel in the water so you decided to get out and dry off and get a drink. Compared to earlier the kitchen was now filled with people, the majority you knew but there were still quite a few new faces, maybe Wooyoungs friends? you didn't really care to converse with people who associated with him, so you went straight to the drinks table.
Only to feel a stranger's hands around you, pulling you towards him, "Hey handsome, what are you drinking? I'll get it for you hm?" Great, some drunk asshole has already started making rounds but before you could even reply with a snide comment, Wooyoung had ripped the guy away from you and had a hand clutched onto the guy's shirt.
"Don't fucking touch him you asshole, if you're gonna act like this Minjun ill kick you out right fucking now." Woo hissed at.. minjun? so he must know him then. Minjun put his hands up in defeat and apologised to Wooyoung before walking to the living room. Wooyoung turned back to you looking you up and down with worry. He knew you weren't comfortable with that much physicality, especially with strangers, but it was still weird to see him so outwardly caring about the state you were in. Maybe he was always like this, but you opted to ignore him most of the time so you wouldn't know.
"Y/n you okay, he didn't hurt you right? do you want him out he can leave, I'm sorry I didn't think he'd be weird-" You cut off his rambling, just wanting to leave and put on a shirt to not feel so exposed for the time being.
"Woo, it's fine I'll survive." You were looking around until that moment, finally connecting with his eyes. You noticed that he had a rather surprised reaction, not understanding why until you replayed what you just said in your head.
You never called him Woo, that was only reserved for friends. You never considered yourself to be anything close to a friend to him so you refused to call him it, despite him telling you to the first time you met him. You didn't really want to discuss this with him any more than you already had, so you slid past him to go and grab your shirt.
"Seriously, what the fuck is happening with you two?" Vee laughed at her brother, "He's spoken to you more tonight than he has in the last 10 years and It's kind of freaking me out honestly." Wooyoung stood there still in a state of surprise, acknowledging his sister's words, before returning to his regular composure.
"Oh I'll figure it out, he can't keep a secret from me." He flashed a grin at his sister and sauntered to the living room, grabbing an empty bottle and calling everyone to sit down and play spin the bottle.
You reluctantly sat down in the fairly small circle after San linked arms with you and practically pulled you to it. Surprisingly most of the guests didn't want to play so most of them either sat down to spectate and cheer on the players or moved outside to relax in the warm summer night air.
"Who's going first then?" Seonghwa sighed looking around the circle, praying someone would volunteer so there wouldn't be an extensive game of rock paper scissors.
"One of the hosts should go first, it's courtesy" Yeosang chimed in, looking between Wooyoung and Vee.
"Ooh, I'll go then~" Vee chirped, leaning into the middle and giving the bottle a good spin. The circle of people watched the bottle circle round a few times before landing dead centre between Hongjoong and Mingi.
"That's pointing at me!" Mingi exclaimed to Hongjoong, only for Hongjoong to argue back that it was pointing at him.
Vee laughed at the bickering boys, "I'll kiss you both then, yeah?" She crawled over to where they were and gave them a quick peck each before moving back to her space. You rolled your eyes and laughed at the boys who were abashedly blushing next to you. They span the bottle a few more times before it finally landed on you. At this point the group was teetering on the edge of being buzzed and drunk, you being the former.
"Come on y/n spin it!~" Vee shouted not being able to register her volume now, obviously being the latter the way her cheeks were rosy. You reached over to the bottle and spun it, anticipation making your stomach churn. You watched it spin round and around, feeling as though it was taking hours to slow down. Finally, it came to a halt and your heart stopped, knowing damn well who was sitting in that direction. But as you looked up -
"Yunho! kiss! kiss! kiss!" the circle cheered and gawked at the two of you in excitement. You and Yunho met in the middle before pressing your lips together briefly, moving back to your designated spots. Yunhos cheeks were slightly flushed, mostly from the alcohol, but before you could think about it anymore, your eyes drifted to Wooyoung who was staring right back at you. His eyelids were lowered as he kept his gaze fixed on your lips. what the fuck? You would blame it on him drinking but he had drank less than you at the point, so it was kind of scaring your buzzed brain.
As you watched the bottle spin over and over again, it managed to keep narrowly avoiding you, making your stomach flip time and time again as it passed you. As the circle started to get bored, Vee suggested we amp up the tension by playing truth or dare.
"But if you decide not to do it you have to take a shot, okay?" The group nods in agreement and Vee spins the bottle once more to decide who the first victim is. As the bottle span once the tension rose in your chest, you could already feel who it was going to land on, and sure enough, it came to a halt pointing straight at the man across from you.
"Woo! Truth or dare?" He ponders for a second before deciding on his answer.
"Dare." Wooyoung looks at you before returning his line of sight to his sister. But, before she could answer with a dare, you chimed in first.
"I dare you to back Mingi's cup!" You looked at the growing horror on his face, as Mingi was famous for his awful attempts at being a mixologist, but Woo wasn't ready to lose a dare, even if the counterpart was only taking one shot instead. He wasn't really thinking at that moment since it was you who asked. You watched him stand up and walk over to Mingi, grabbing his cup and staring at it briefly while grimacing before bringing it to his soft lips and chugging it in one go. As he finished the drink he hissed at the taste and shook his head before giving Mingi a stinkeye and walking back to his seat.
"Okay, y/n, truth or dare" Wooyoung studied you, waiting for your answer.
"Uh, truth?" you stammered out trying to think about what Wooyoung would've made you do if you had picked dare, probably make you jump in the pool or-
"What was the last thing you touched yourself over?" what the fuck? the room filled with oohs and giggles while they waited for your answer. How the fuck could you tell them it was a dream about Wooyoung that had pushed you over the edge? you hadn't even told Vee because she still would have likely been horrified despite her interest
"um, a dream." The circle cheered and laughed again at your answer and you could feel your cheeks warming.
"what was it about y/n?" Wooyoung pushed more and the circle seemed to get more excited in anticipation of your reply.
You huffed at Wooyoung, "Not telling you weirdo, plus it's not 21 questions." feeling eyes on you at your small outburst. "I'm gonna get a drink, carry on without me, I'll be back." You smiled, putting on your best poker face before getting up and leaving the room. you could feel Wooyoungs eyes on the back of you as you walked out almost making you stumble. You walked through the kitchen, grabbed a fresh drink filled to the brim and walked out to the pool, slipping your shoes off once again and dipping your feet into the pool. You felt your body cool down in the summer night air as you swayed your legs in the water and sipped on your drink. Why was Wooyoung being so weird today? His gaze was making you feel dizzy, you'd never really felt this way about him so why was a silly dream affecting you so much? You felt as if he was reading your mind all night and it was starting to get to you honestly.
"You want to smoke?" The familiar voice nearly made you fall into the pool, Speak of the fucking devil. You turn your head to see the last person you would want to right now, holding a joint in one hand and a lighter in the other. Despite your need to be as far away as possible from this man right now, you couldn't pass up the one chance at relaxation being offered to you.
"…Sure." You reluctantly answered him. He took a seat way too close for your comfort at this moment, but you tried to shrug the weird feeling in your stomach off. You watched Wooyoung hold the joint between his fingers and light it, bringing it to his lips. He took a hit and handed it to you, smoke cascading out of his mouth while looking into your eyes.
"Your turn," He kept observing you as you took a hit from the joint, feeling it travel down into your lungs and relaxing you instantly. You took one more long puff before handing it back to the boy next to you and laid back to look up at the stars. You and Wooyoung kept passing it back and forth in silence till it was finished, him now laying back with you.
"Why do you hate me so much, y/n?" He said so quietly you barely caught it.
You sighed before formulating a reply, "You used to irritate me a lot when we were younger, you'd pushed my buttons too much and I started to dislike you more and more. Now though? I'm not really sure anymore." You tilted your head to look at Wooyoung only to see he was looking right back at you. He was always looking at you.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be your friend, but you pushed me away and the only way I knew how to get your attention was to do what I did, and eventually I didn't even realise what I was doing to you, to our relationship." His words felt sincere, and fuck you felt horrible. You knew Wooyoung only acted that way with you and you hadn't even noticed why, not even after ten years of fighting. You kept looking into his eyes, and you could see the sadness in them. Was that always there and you just never noticed?
"I never said thank you for the clothes you gave me when I came out, did I?…thank you."
"I knew you needed them, they were waiting in a stack for the day you would claim them." before you could even realise it, you felt a tear roll down your cheek. Wooyoung hesitantly lifted his palm to your face and wiped the wetness from your face, stroking his finger under your eye and cupping your face with his hand. His soft thumb swiped back and forth, gently caressing your face.
He looked so pretty in the moonlight. The way the light sat on his lashes and defined his jaw made you want to touch. You craved to feel the surface of his skin grazing against your palm right now you could hardly fight it. Instead, you leaned into his chest and rested your head on his collarbone, not daring to look into his eyes right now, not daring to reveal the emotions in the expression that was on your face. He stroked your hair rhythmically and you felt your whole body relaxed into his touch, god was this what you were missing out on all this time?
"Don't fall asleep on me now, my sister will kill me if she sees I let you sleep on the floor," You chuckled into the warmth of his chest before finally sitting up, Wooyoung following you.
"you wanna go for a swim?" You smiled at him, not waiting for an answer, taking your shirt off and sliding into the heated pool. You swam to the middle, hearing a splash behind you, and turned around to see a now wet-haired Wooyoung following suit. You tried to ignore the fact that now he really reminded you of your dream - hair soaked, droplets dripping down his shimmering skin as his smile spread wide at you. You tried to swim away but your battle was quickly lost when you felt a hand grab your ankle and pull you under the water.
Your body flipped underwater, turning around to feel Wooyoung right above you. His hands came to your face and begged you to look in his eyes. You opened them to see his face inches from yours, and how desperate his eyes were to close the short distance between the two of you, and you were only a weak man. You pulled him down by the nape of his neck and joined your lips together and good lord, even underwater, it was still better than you imagined. Wooyoung broke the kiss after a few seconds and brought you back to the surface for air, not giving you long till he dived back in to kiss you once more, his hands begging to feel every inch of your waist and pull you towards him. The way his skin felt against yours felt hot and you needed more of it everywhere so desperately.
"Woo I need you," you whispered, trying to communicate with your eyes and praying he would understand.
"You have me, baby." His body moved you backwards, out of sight from the living room and windows, until your back hit the side of the pool. His mouth made its way to your neck, nipping at the skin before running his tongue over it. "Can I touch you?" He whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe.
You nodded into his shoulder, hungry for the feeling of his fingers in you. His hand slipped passed the waistband of your swim shorts, giving him straight access to you. His fingertip grazed up and down your slit, teasing your aching clit.
"Wooyoung please" You whined into his ear, deciding to take some sort of initiative and fidget with the strings of his shorts, tugging at them till he permitted you to touch.
"You wanna touch me, baby?" He grabbed your hand in his and slipped it into his shorts, letting you get a feel of the bottom of his stomach, hand slowly inching down till you reached the base of his girth. His other hand was still teasing your cunt, finally allowing one digit to slide into your hole. You moaned softly into his shoulder, writhing at the pleasure of feeling him in you, while still beating yourself up from missing out on this for so long.
As you were about to start stroking his cock you heard the back door open. You and Wooyoung shot your heads around to see who it was, quickly separating yourselves to not get caught. You heard the loud music bouncing throughout the house as a hoard of people spread out onto the porch, all ready to go for another swim, Vee carrying another speaker with her to liven up the night.
"What are you guys doing out here?" Vee shouted over the music, looking between the two of you with a shocked expression.
You looked at Wooyoung trying to formulate an answer, but you answered for him instead, "Oh, we were just talking… about stuff…" You watched her face try to decipher what you meant, but she came up short with answers. She could tell that both of you were stoned though, and honestly? She was grateful you were getting along, even if it was just for one night. Wooyoung watched Vee walk away, far enough before he asked you,
"Do you wanna go upstairs?" He pressed his body against you slightly, and you could feel how hard he was against your leg. His eyes were begging for this not to end here, and you didn't feel the need to argue for once in your life, So you dragged him to the ladder and got out first, ready with a towel for him once he got out so he could hide what was going on his shorts. Once he was out he clutched your hand in his own, pulling you through the house and up the stairs to the safety of his room. Before you could even react Wooyoung had you pressed up against the closed door, lips back on the underside of your jaw. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness of his room. You had only been in here a handful of times, in which you'd never spent long enough to have a good look around the area. As you examined the room, your eyes zeroed in on the bong on his bedside table.
"You have a bong?" Your voice came out hoarse.
"Yeah, you ever..?" Wooyoung questioned.
You looked at him, "No… Can I?" He smiled at you and brought you over to his bed. The bong was already filled with fresh water, as Wooyoung packed the bowl, grabbed his lighter and held it to the bowl igniting it. He inhaled for a few seconds before pulling the bowl out, inhaling the rest of the smoke. He gave you a smug grin at your amazement and handed the bong over to you.
"So I'm gonna light it for you, and when I pull the bowl out, I'm gonna need you to inhale the rest of it or it'll leave stale smoke in the chamber, okay? now I'll let you do a little hit to get you started, just put your lips on it like I did, baby." His sugarcoated pet names had your stomach doing flips, but you stayed focused on the task at hand. Your lips met the mouthpiece and you waited for wooyoungs signal.
"Okay I'm lighting it, start inhaling gently…" You followed his instructions, feeling the water bubbling and the smoke enter your mouth. "Okay inhale fully," Wooyoung concentrated as he pulled the bowl out, you felt the fresh air clear the bong and go into your mouth. You took your mouth off of the bong and exhaled, feeling a cough climb out of your throat with the smoke - Wooyoungs hand instantly joined you to rub circles on your back, a little laugh coming from him at your suffering. After you laughed with him, "Let me try again, I won't cough this time-" Wooyoung suddenly kissed you quickly, making your body follow him as he pulled away.
"Sorry, I just wanted to kiss you again." He looked…Bashful? You had never seen this on him, and God it made him look hotter, I mean, really how did you not realise any of this? He brought the bong back to your mouth getting ready to light it once more. "You wanna do the same or a bigger hit?"
You tried to think through your already clouded mind, "Big." was all you were able to come out with, too busy staring at his pretty face. You put your lips to the bong and Wooyoung repeated the process, adding an extra second before pulling the bowl out for you. You felt slightly lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, laying back slowly to ground yourself, hearing Woo take a hit above you. As Wooyoung joined your side, Your mind started filling with all the dirty things you wanted to do with him, all the things you could do to make up for wasted time. Woo felt you sit up and throw a leg over his waist so you were straddling him.
"You know what you asked me earlier? About what my dream was about?" You leant down to his face and whispered in the shell of his ear. "It was about you. I was dreaming about you, looking all sexy fresh out of the shower, touching me." You looked at his face, hooded eyes but still surprised at your confession. You ground your hips down on his bulge, feeling his hard-on grow against you once again
"Y/n…" You halted your movements, shit, had you done too much? Before you could worry you felt his hips rise looking for the friction "Oh God please don't stop, y/n." His hands landed on your hips and pulled you back down, moving your hips with his own. He whimpered under you as you rolled your hips along him, thumbs massaging your flesh. His head tilted back and you took your chance to nip at the base of his throat, and began to suck, leaving a blooming mark in its wake. Your mouth needed to be busy, begging to have Woo in it any way you could have him. You left a trail of bites on his collarbone leading up to the underside of his jaw and ears, making him huff with each one.
"Mine," you whispered. He heard you. Your words sent him into overdrive as he sat up and flipped your bodies so you were now under him before he started tugging at your shorts.
"need these stupid things off," He mumbled finally getting them off you, leaving you completely exposed. "Can I eat you out? I really wanna taste you." He patiently waited for your response like a dog waiting for a treat. As soon as you nodded, cheeks blushed, He dived in and started to devour your aching cunt. His tongue was working magic against your hole, nose rubbing your clit deliciously as he moaned into you. You writhed against his mouth, hands gripping his hair to ground you because of the way he took you to cloud nine.
You could already feel the orgasm building as he greedily ate you out. His tongue worked against your clit as he added a digit to your soaked hole, moving it in and out in a steady rhythm, desperate to bring you over the edge before he finally fucked you senseless. He was barely taking breaks to breathe, ready to die if it meant he'd die face buried in your sweet cunt, the way you clenched around his finger was going to make him cum in his shorts at just the feeling. Both of your senses were heightened from the weed and the pleasure was a hundred times stronger than usual, you weren't sure you were gonna last long and Wooyoung could tell. "You gonna come on my fingers, baby?" He said, voice croaky as he added another finger, "Cum on my face pretty boy, I want to feel you on my tongue when you do."
Wooyoungs words sent your body over the edge, and you seized up as you let go, feeling Wooyoung sucking your clit while you rode it out on his fingers. He unlatched his mouth from you, feeling your body calm down, and slid his fingers out of you to see them soaked in your arousal. You watched him with hooded eyes as he licked the traces of you off of his fingers. Fuck, that sight alone could've brought you to an orgasm again.
"Gonna fuck your pretty hole now, baby" You moaned at his tone, pulling him to you so you could taste yourself in his mouth, tongues moving in unison. Once you had a good grip on him, you pulled him back onto the bed and stood up to pull his shorts down. You watch his hard cock spring out from them and licked your lips at the sight. You knew it was big, you could feel it but fuck, the way it glistened from the precum leaking out of his tip, made your desire to taste him grow one hundred times. You leaned down to his tip and gripped the base, before running your tongue across it and sinking down about halfway. He whined feeling your mouth around his hardness, it was heaven but, "I don't wanna cum in your mouth baby, want you on my cock now," He begged you, needing to feel you, to connect you.
You needed him just as badly, so you moved upwards so you could straddle him. You lifted your hips and hovered over his cock, holding it so you could get the angle right before slowly sinking down on him. You felt so full as he entered you, the stretch feeling the best you had ever felt. You knew nothing else would ever feel the way Wooyoung felt in you at that moment, you would never be able to take another cock that would feel as good as he did. His voice cracked as you finally bottomed out on him, staying there until you both adjusted to the feeling.
"Holy fuck, give me a second or I'll bust early" Wooyoung huffed out, his chest sinking and rising quickly as if he had forgotten to breathe, because well, he did. "Fuck baby, you feel so good, your boy cunt is mine, it's mine you're mine oh my god." Wooyoung babbled, his brain completely fried from how you clenched around him.
"You ready for me to move, baby?" You whispered to Wooyoung, receiving a nod from Wooyoung as you started slowly rocking your hips back and forth. The feeling of him reaching deep into you was pure bliss. Wooyoungs hands had a death grip on your hips, fingertips digging into your soft flesh, making you moan with each movement.
"Fuck Wooyoung, you feel so good, I don't know how long I can last," You could already feel yourself losing control of your sanity, but you weren't about to let this end so quickly. You lifted your hips to slam back down onto his cock, making him moan loudly. You kept this rhythm going and the pleasure was overwhelming, feeling the way he hit your g spot so nicely each time you bounced on him.
"Ah fuck, fuck you feel so fucking amazing holy fuck please don't stop," His praises kept fueling you to sink onto him deeper and deeper with each stroke. You both were losing your sanity together and it was fucking incredible, if Wooyoung was ready to die happy before, he was even more sure now that he was buried so deep in you that he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to leave you and the way you gripped his throbbing member. Your body ached to be filled by Wooyoungs cum, not ready to feel empty once he was done. You craved to feel full like this for as long as you were on this earth, while Wooyoung was by your side.
"Baby I'm not gonna last much longer, where do you want me to cum?" Wooyoung wheezed out between breaths.
"In me, please god please, I need you in me," You begged, speeding your pace up as Wooyoung reached to circle your clit.
"Are you sure?" He said worried.
"It's fine I'm on the pill, please Woo I need it." Wooyoung rocked his hips aggressively as his orgasm built up, yours ready to spill over the edge. His hand sped up on your clit and finally, your orgasm hit you like a truck, ripping a guttural moan from your chest. Wooyoung felt you clenching around him so hard that his own orgasm followed suit, His soul being snatched from him as you kept riding out yours.
Your body turned to jelly as you finished and you flopped down onto Woo's chest, hearing his heart racing against your ear.
"Fuck me." He gasped out, still trying to catch his breath, making you laugh.
"I literally just did Woo." He pinched your side in response, making you laugh more, your arms wrapping around him. You sat there until you had both calmed down, before sliding out of you. You could feel his cum leaking out of you and you whined at the loss as he moved you to the side of him so he could clean up.
"Sorry, baby I gotta clean you, and me up. I'll be two seconds." You watched him walk to his bathroom, damn he's got a nice ass, you thought to yourself, waiting for him to come back. Sure enough, he was quick, and back with a washcloth to clean you up. He was careful as he wiped you down, knowing you'd still be sensitive after two orgasms. He handed you some of his clothes to put on and excused himself to get the two of you some water.
"Where have you been? and where's y/n? I can't find him," Vee questioned Wooyoung as he reached the bottom of the stairs, noticing he had changed into sleep clothes despite the party still going.
"Don't tell me…" Vee thought about the circumstance, and the guilty look on Wooyoung's face.
"Did you fuck my best friend??" She watched the corners of Wooyoung's mouth curl up, and she knew she already had the answer.
"Sorry?" Wooyoung said very unapologetically as Vee punched him in the arm.
"If you ever hurt him I'll kill you, I do not care if you're my twin. I still have kyungmin, you hear me?" Vee said dead seriously, slightly scaring Wooyoung, but he couldn't help but make fun.
"I solemnly swear to never hurt y/n as long as I live, Seargent!" vee punched him one more getting ready to send a very long message to y/n.
Wooyoung arrived back upstairs, two bottles of water in his arms and a few munchies in the other.
"Oh you're a godsend Wooyoung- never thought I'd say that…" You laughed with Wooyoung as he plopped down next to you in bed, putting a movie on and cuddling up to you.
"Sorry, it took so long for us to be friends, Wooyoung. Woo." You sighed, avoiding eye contact with him now, guilt still eating away at you after everything.
"I don't want to be friends." Wooyoung declared, waiting for you to look at him. You shot your head around, confused and concerned.
"What? What do you mean?"
Wooyoung smiled before answering, " I've loved you too long just to be friends, y/n." Tears filled your eyes as you wrapped yourself around him, needing his warmth. "I love you y/n."
"Love you too."
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AHHHH tysm if you made it to the end I hope you enjoyed!!! <33333333 thank you again for 500 followers !!!❤️
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caramelcleopatraa · 7 months
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word count: 1100~
x: Presented to you by: The Bank: A short piece of fiction starring Roman & Aaliyah (got this done in a couple of hours, so excuse the errors you see. thinking of doing a part two for this one. feel free to comment... i'm a whore for comments)
content: Roman Reigns x Aahliyah, suggestive themes (ofc)
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She was in no mood to argue. Today has already been a long day, but things never go as planned. Her quick paces were not enough to escape him chasing after her, but their bedroom door would. She slammed the bedroom door just for him to bust through seconds later, and the infuriating bickering started once again.
“What is your problem Aahliyah?”
“I just told you what my problem is.” She quickly disappeared into their shared bathroom with her silk robe in hand. “I'm tired of arguing with you, I'm tired, Roman.” Roman lets out a weighted sigh and wipes his hand over his face. “So that's it? You wanna leave this conversation unfinished?” She reached to turn the cold silver knob to her desired temperature. She finally turned to face him for the first time in minutes. “I'm gonna need you to get out.” Roman walks closer to her, towering over her 5’7 frame. “Nah, that’s not gonna work for me. You gon’ calm the hell down and we gon’ talk this shit out,” he huffs, standing tall in front of her, staring into her brown eyes.
“Since you wanna talk shit out, go talk it out with her.” She didn’t know that the conversation would drag out this long, especially over some random girl. Sabrina Smith. She's been throwing herself at Roman for as long as they’ve been in a relationship. It never bothered her before, but she started to get bolder with her attempts. Scandalously flirting with him right in front of her, wearing more revealing clothing, referring to Roman as her future husband. It screamed fan behavior, but as much as that woman irked her nerves, her problem isn't with her this time. Everytime she approaches him, he minds his business, but doesn’t bother telling her off or telling her to simply get lost. He sits there and ignores her, letting her make a fool of herself, but somehow never tells her to back up. That was her problem.
“You act like I'm entertaining the damn woman.” She faced the wide mirror that reflected anger radiating from both of their bodies. The shower had already been running for a minute, so she started to speedily undress to run away from the escalating discussion. “You might as well be. You don't tell her to stop or back up, anything! You just let her do whatever.”
“Because I dont give a fuck about her, Liyah.” He leans on the cream marble counter and crosses his muscular arms over his chest. “Yeah, whatever. I’m done.” She hears Roman scoff, but she doesn't pay much attention to it. He knew that when she said she’s done, she’s done. Aahliyah doesn't like to prolong arguments, and with this argument that they were having, She could already tell that they were on opposite sides of the spectrum. She stepped into the steaming shower in an attempt to calm herself down from the rush of emotions, when Aahliyah felt a rush of cold air hit her side. The glass door quickly shuts and a pair of hands snake around her waist. “You should know better than to run away from me,” Roman whispers in her ear. ‘Well there goes my plan for relaxation for the rest of the night.’ She knew how Roman was when they had arguments. He never liked leaving her angry or unhappy, he preferred to talk it out, no matter how long it took. “Are you at least going to let me shower?” He grins at her and replies, “Of course, but you’re still gonna tell me what the hell is going o-”
“Do you like her or something?” She turns to face him in the spacious shower. He was already focused on her before she turned around. His hair was pulled back into his standard man-bun, and of course, stark naked, with occasional water droplets decorating his broad frame. Confusion was written all over his face when that question escaped her mouth. “Why the hell would I like her? I come home to you every night, don't I?” She interlocked her fingers together and rested her chin on her hands. Directing her eyes to look anywhere but him. “I know that, it’s just that… if you don't tell her to stop when she openly flirts with you, it makes me think that you like her giving you attention. That's all.”
His right hand lowers her interlocked fingers and replaces them with his hand, lifting her head to get a clear look at her. “Why didn't you tell me at first?” She bit her lip in deep thought, reflecting on her attitude and approach at the start of the argument. “I don't know, I just thought you knew that already.” His thumb rubs side to side against her soft caramel skin, logging and observing each reaction she made. “Well i didn't think of it like that, thank you for telling me.” He closed the space between them by feathering small kisses on her cheek. In no time, his lips collided with hers, letting his right hand disconnect from her chin and drag down her curves. It was second nature for him to fill his hands with her beautiful assets, and she never complained. Their lips clashed in passionate kisses, feeling each other’s bodies and letting themselves get lost in the moment. She pulled away from their heated makeout session, chest heaving, clinging onto her lover. “This doesn't mean I'm not mad at you still.” He worked down her jaw to her neck, still planting kisses on her skin. “How can I make it up to you, mama?” She gasps at the sudden pinch to her neck, followed by a cycle of kissing and sucking, which already fogged her mind better than the steam could fog the huge glass doors. “By getting out and letting me shower in peace,” She joked, gently massaging both his shoulders. “Hah, hell no. I got a better idea” He pulls away from the crook of her neck and pulls her arms around his neck tightly. He chuckles at her surprised yelp when she is hoisted into the air, quickly locking her legs around his waist. Her sumptuous thighs were overflowing in his hands, and the position that she was in, made her forget why she was even mad in the first place.
“Let me show you that you’re the only one I'm entertaining, baby.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41
Welcome to your new addiction
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jeansplaytoy · 1 year
“Ain’t shit.” - c.springer
(part two here.)
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part 1
when you and your toxic ass boyfriend, connie get into what seems to be your final argument.
mentions of cheating, cursing, n word being used, afrolatino/lightskin!connie ;), angst?, toxicity.
^y’all i have no idea why the words r bunched up if y’all see that. lmao
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“don’t start wit’ that bullshit, y/n.” connie said, walking through the house while you followed him— with the bullshit.
“nah, because why everytime i go out, it’s another hoe screaming ‘bout how she fucked you whenever? you know what? i’m done wit’cho ass.” you followed him to the kitchen. it was exactly what it seemed too, everyday, another woman was talking to her friend about how connie did this and that to her, and you just wasn’t really having it.
“bro, what is you talkin’ bout? i ain’t fucked nobody since i been wit’ you.” he paused. “but you” he said, stopping by the sink and leaning on it, letting his head hang a little to huff at your words. “well that’s not what them hoes say.” you put your hands on your hips as you stood all the way across from him, on the other side of the island counter. one thing you weren’t gonna do, is let no man play you. ever. he can hit once and leave, but if a relationship comes into the picture then you take that shit seriously, and right now it seemed like his ass really didn’t care.
“you buggin.” he laughed to refrain his self from getting mad at you, but you were irking his nerves. like, for real. “oh i’m buggin’? connie, that’s what you always say when i catch you in a damn lie.” you tilt your head in a ‘wtf are you talking about’ way.
“so you gone listen to some random hoes on the street instead of me?” he crossed his arms. “yes, nigga cause’ you always doin’ something you ain’t got no business.” and that’s when you started walking over to him. his eyes followed you as he kept his attention on you. “now if i were to go around fucking on yo friends you’d be mad right?” you said before nudging his head. he rubbed the side of his head before looking at you.
“hell yeah i’d be mad, cus you always finding a way to piss me off when i don’t be doing shit to you. always believing what other females gotta say.” he shook his head before walking off. “man, stop acting like a bitch sometimes.” he mumbled under his breath while walking off.
you looked at him and narrowed your eyes. “what?”
it wasn’t like he was calling you a bitch, but that word being used in a sentence where he was referring to, and talking to you? no.
“chill out ma, you keepin’ up all that noise.” he said before sitting on the couch and propping his leg up. you stared at him for a minute before slowly nodding. “get the fuck out.” you pointed towards the door. he looked at you for a few seconds before laughing. “what?”
“i said, get out.” you repeated yourself.
connie looked at you again before his smile slowly dropped, but not into a sad face. this time, you really pissed him off. “ ‘t fuck?” he frowned. “oh, what? you don’t think i’m dead serious about what the fuck i’m saying?” you tilted your head. “since you wanna go with other bitches, go with em. go live with em. do whatever you want, we done.” you said before scoffing.
connie stared at you before standing up. “that’s yo problem. you believe everything everybody say. you too pretty to be acting this damn stupid.” he mumbled while standing in front of you. you looked towards the ground to avoid any further conversation with him.
“you think i wanna do this?” you asked. “hell yeah.” he said while tilting his head back a little. you looked up at him. “i hate yo ass. you make me sick.” you said before pushing him away from you and walking upstairs.
you weren’t being completely serious. you didn’t hate connie. but you hate how he acted everytime you got into an argument about another woman.
“how? cause you never did that crazy shit. you never went through my phone, asked about my female friends, if i even got any. but you tryna accuse me of cheating on you. ma, you know how dumb you sound?” he frowned while following you upstairs.
“connie just get out, for real.” you shook your head. “nah, what’s the problem? i thought you was all big.” he said while walking into your room where you sat on your bed. “leave me alone.” you exhaled. “and get out.”
he looked at you before nodding. “okay.” he said, grabbing only his charger as his phone was placed in his pocket. you looked at him. “get all yo’ shit, connie, you not coming back over here.” you frowned as you followed him back down the stairs. “connie, i’m so fuckin serious, get yo shit from upstairs.” you pointed behind you as you grabbed his arm to turn him around.
“i’ll come get my shit when i feel like it.” he mumbled before opening the door and slamming it behind him. you stared at it for a while before locking it and walking back over to your couch, sitting down.
“hoe.” you mumbled to yourself.
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yes the theme changed!
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
i love the willy kick you’ve been on but can you do an auston enemies to lovers? maybe she’s will’s best friend in it too?
I can always do something with Auston, bb 😉❤️ And of course, as always, I got a bit carried away - I mean, how can you not love this handsome face 😍
Word count: 4.3K
・✶ 。゚
I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
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"Ugh, he's just so annoying..." you muttered quietly as you entered Willy’s apartment, returning to his place after a casual dinner with the team.
"Come on, y/n, you have to find a way to be around Auston. He's one of my best friends, and since you're one too, I want you two to get along."
For months, William had been trying to build a connection between you and Auston. 
Having just moved to Toronto six months ago, your childhood friend William Nylander had been so kind to introduce you to the city. You had happily accepted a new job opportunity, and within a few weeks, Willy messaged you on Instagram after seeing your post about the move.
As children, William had always been one of your closest friends, but due to his moving around, it was sometimes challenging to meet up. However, thanks to social media, you both managed to stay updated about each other's lives.
And as your old friendship quickly rekindled, returning to its comfortable roots, you swiftly became best friends again.
Soon after spending quite the amount of time together, William had introduced you not only to his closest friends but also to the entire team. However, there was a catch – Although your heart might belong to another team, Toronto had to earn a soft spot as this was your new home.
Fortunately, you clicked well with everyone on the team, including their significant others. Yet, for some reason, Auston had irked you from the moment you met him.
He hadn't particularly done anything against you, but it was his smug expressions and comments about your sudden switch in team loyalty just to impress Willy that grated on you. Then, he had the nerve to suggest that you wanted to cosy up to your "so called" best friends to gain entry into the NHL world and snag hockey tickets.
"Probably just to boost followers on her Instagram," he quipped one evening, speaking low enough for only a few people to catch, yet loud enough for you to hear.
However, your intentions were far from that. Fame or social media followers were nowhere near your goals. All you wanted was to spend more time with Willy, and since you loved watching hockey, you were more than willing to pay for your own tickets.
So, from that moment on, every time Auston was around, you saw red. He exuded excessive confidence and an overall air of being too much. Sure, he was a star player on the team, but he wasn't constantly on top form. He had his off days, yet he was terrible at owning up to his mistakes.
To say the least, your thoughts about Auston weren't exactly positive, and his opinions about you weren't any better.
In his eyes, you were plain and uninteresting. A workaholic who seemed to indulge excessively on weekends, not holding back when it came to alcohol. He observed you flirting with almost every guy when out, and your perpetually upbeat and positive attitude was just too sickeningly cute for his taste.
The only reason he put up with being around you was because he recognised how much you meant to Willy and what a good friend you were to him. That, he could respect.
"I can be around him, Willy - I just prefer not to," you quipped, as the two of you headed first to the kitchen to grab a few snacks before settling on the sofa after a long walk with Pablo and Banksy.
"I mean it, y/n/n, I want you two to get along," William sighed lightly, though his friendly smile remained.
"I know, but we just... don't," you attempted to flash a sweet smile as you conveyed your feelings to William. "I can't put my finger on it... maybe it's his terrible moustache that he's always so damn proud of..."
"He's a Movember ambassador..."
"Well, he doesn't limit it to just November," you replied, a hint of disgust in your expression and a sigh. "He's simply not my cup of tea, and I'm definitely not his either."
William regarded you with a thoughtful expression, slowly coming to terms with the idea that the relationship between you and Auston might not improve, although a part of him thought otherwise.
"You know, you two are actually more alike than you think," he chuckled, trying to gently nudge you out of your comfort zone.
"Oh really?" You retorted with a light huff. "And how exactly am I similar to that self-absorbed so-called hockey star?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Well, for starters, you're both incredibly stubborn," William laughed heartily, a point you begrudgingly had to admit he might be right about. "And secondly, you're both insanely passionate about what you do. And you both care about your family and friends..." He continued softly, meeting your gaze as his words began to ease your tense demeanour. "Come on, Auston's a really great guy once you get past that tough exterior of his, and you're a wonderful person too - he just needs to see it. Then, I think the two of you could actually become pretty good friends."
William genuinely believed in what he said, but he was gradually growing tired of the ongoing friction between you and Auston. So, he made an effort to establish some sort of connection.
"Alright," he sighed deeply. "I suppose I can give him another chance..."
"That's all I'm asking for," William chuckled lightly before both of you diverted the conversation and turned your attention to the TV show you had planned to watch.
A couple of days later, you found yourself back in your usual spot at the Scotia Bank Arena, where the Leafs were facing off against the Senators.
Despite your efforts over the past 48 hours to shift your thoughts about Auston, making an attempt for the sake of your best friend William, as the players were announced and his prominent face appeared on the large screens, applauded for his talent, you couldn't help but feel a knot of discomfort within you.
"Fucking twat," you muttered under your breath, fortunately unnoticed by anyone around.
However, as the game began, you shook your head, attempting to push away any negative thoughts about him. You concluded that he wasn't worth your energy and mental space, but avoiding thoughts of him was easier said than done. After all, you were at a hockey game where he played, and his number was frequently mentioned.
Nonetheless, you did your best to ignore it and enjoy the company of other fans, including girls and families supporting the players. The arena reverberated with cheers and excitement as both teams alternated in scoring and taking the lead, making the match almost unbearably intense to watch.
During the third period, the score stood at 4-4, and with just three minutes remaining, if nothing changed, the game would head into overtime.
Your pulse raced alongside your quickened heartbeat as your eyes fervently tracked the play. And just before the buzzer sounded, number 34 skilfully manoeuvred the puck around the skates of two Senators and swiftly shot it under the goalie's pads, concluding the match with a 5-4 win for the Leafs. Which also secured him a hatty for the game.
"Of course," you thought, lightly shaking your head as the entire arena erupted with cheers and excitement, loud applause echoing through the air, and hats being thrown onto the ice.
Following the game, everyone gathered outside the locker room, waiting for the players to finish showering, attending to media commitments, and celebrations, where Auston was naturally announced as the player of the match.
You were engaged in conversation with some of the girlfriends as the players gradually exited the dressing room. And as one of the last to emerge, you patiently waited for Willy.
"Hey," he greeted, approaching you with damp hair, dressed in his post-game outfit. "I thought you had a date tonight?"
"Oh yeah, but we rescheduled since he had to cancel," you replied with a sweet smile and a light shrug.
"You didn't ditch him, did you?" William chuckled.
"What, no, he just cancelled on me. So, I chose to come here and offer my support to my best friend and his team," you playfully responded with a light smirk.
"Alright, well, I just need to finish up some things with Brad, then maybe we can go out for a late-night snack?" William suggested.
"Sure," you said with a friendly smile as William began to walk away. However, your smile quickly faded as a certain Arizona lad playfully joined your personal space, prompting you to turn and face him. 
"Already tired of your new victim, y/n?" Auston's voice was filled with his signature confidence, clearly relishing the moment, especially after tonight's game.
"What's that supposed to mean, Auston?" Your tone was sharp and fierce as the tall lad stepped in closer to you.
"Well, just seems like you've been through every eligible bachelor in Toronto, and nobody seems to be good enough for you," a smug grin stretched across his tanned face, his ridiculous moustache curving along his lip.
"I haven't been through every bachelor in Toronto..." you retorted defensively. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with having standards - I mean, at least I'm not like you, poking into every available cunt you can find."
Your words seemed to hit a nerve with Auston, yet he responded with a dismissive huff and a chuckle, brushing off your comment.
"At least I'm getting some action - maybe you could use some too," his chuckle was cocky, and you couldn't help but express a disgusted look.
"Well, I'm sorry I don't sleep around like you do and actually prefer to be with someone I genuinely like," you retorted, matching his smug attitude. Though you knew it wasn't entirely true; you were open to casual hook up now and then, but you did prefer to get to know a person a bit before getting intimate. 
"I'm just saying it might be good for you," Auston chuckled. "Besides, didn't you just get dumped last year? I mean, you should be out there, playing the field after ending a relationship."
"I didn't get dumped! And how do you even know about that?" you retorted sharply.
"Willy mentioned it a while ago," Auston replied with a smile.
"Hmm, well, yes, I... we broke up, but that doesn't mean I've given up, you know," you huffed gently, almost desperate to make a point. You understood Auston wasn't the most romantic person, and his confident, boyish manner shouldn't make you believe that all men were like him. "And I especially don't need to go around sleeping with everyone."
You crossed your arms defensively, fixing him with an intense gaze.
However, your stern comment only made Auston chuckle even more. "Whatever, still think it'd be good for you."
And as if on cue, William returned from his chat with Brad, and Auston quickly walked away after nodding to his teammate.
"Hey, you ready?" William asked with a friendly smile.
"Yeah, I'm all set," you replied with a smile, though your attempt to contain your annoyance wasn't entirely successful.
"What was that all about?" He chuckled a little.
"Oh, nothing," you gently rolled your eyes. "Just Auston being Auston."
Knowing you well enough, William merely chuckled and let the matter drop.
The following Sunday, you found yourself feeling freezing, sitting outside on a bench and waiting.
Your date had been rescheduled, and now you were impatiently enduring the cold while waiting for him to show up by the outdoor ice-skating rink the city. The first 20 minutes were bearable; you assumed he was just running late. But after 40 minutes with no replies to your messages and no sign of him, you started feeling rather foolish.
This turn of events caught you off guard. Based on your last two dates, everything had seemed to go smoothly, and you'd been texting each other every day for weeks. However, suddenly, for some unknown reason, he appeared to have lost interest in you.
But you wanted to maintain some semblance of dignity, to believe that he had a valid excuse, and that something unexpected had caused this delay. However, you also didn't want to be too naive. And after an hour had passed, you realised it was time to leave. It wasn't a mere mistake about the time; he had indeed stood you up and ghosted you.
And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, a familiar voice spoke from behind as you stood up from your seat.
"Still waiting for your knight in shining armour?"
It was Auston. Of course, HE was here. And he'd spotted you.
"Shit," you muttered to yourself as you slowly turned around to face the last person you wanted to see right now.
"And what are you doing here?" you flashed him an unsatisfied grin, letting out a deep sigh.
"I was just ice skating with some friends," he simply replied, one hand tucked comfortably in his pocket to keep warm, while the other held his pair of skates. "So, are you here alone?"
"Why do you care, Auston?" your tone softened, yet it held a deep, sharp edge.
"Just noticed you were sitting all alone from across the rink..." he spoke almost gently, taking another step towards you, a smirk still on his face.
"And what? So, you thought I was looking pathetic, and you decided to come over here with your smug face and revel in the fact that I'd been stood up? Well, I'm sorry Auston, but I'm not in the mood for your annoying comments right now," you said sarcastically, feeling your tone might be a bit more aggressive than intended. However, you couldn't seem to control yourself at this moment. It turned out you were more hurt than you initially thought.
"What... no, y/n, I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd been stood up," Auston spoke, his smirk slowly fading as he noticed the genuine sadness and disappointment on your face. "Honestly, I didn't even know you were on a date; it was just a joke."
Your eyes met his, and you found yourself unable to respond immediately. While slowly, you felt tears starting to well up, but you tried your best to hold them back and not let it show. 
"I'm sorry..." you said. "I just didn’t find it particularly funny..." Your arms crossed over your chest, not defensively but more as a way to comfort yourself, as a tear trickling down your cheek, and your heart heavy with disappointment.
Auston's expression had also completely changed. He seemed almost... concerned about you?
In that moment, Auston found himself genuinely impacted by seeing you so vulnerable. You were completely exposed emotionally, and he felt a sense of empathy for you, being treated in such a manner. While you might not have been his favourite person, he also didn't believe you deserved to be treated this way. And it stirred an unexpected urge in him to offer you comfort.
So, without overthinking it, he found himself speaking up.
"Do you want to skate together?"
His words surprised both you and himself. You never expected Auston to ask you to spend time with him, let alone attempt to console you in an emotional situation.
Baffled, you stood there, still in your skates, amidst the cheerful sounds of people skating and having fun around you. You simply stared at the man before you, shaking your head gently, trying to gather your thoughts to respond.
Auston chuckled lightly, realising the surprising nature of his question. Yet, a sense of warmth grew within him as he contemplated trying to uplift your spirits.
"I asked, do you want to skate together?"
Though still slightly baffled, you regarded him with a curious look.
"I thought you were here with your friends?"
"I am," he flashed a smile. "But they have each other – you, on the other hand, seem like you could use some company."
You weren't entirely certain what to make of this situation. Was Auston joking? Was he playing around or something?
But oddly, he seemed genuine.
"Why... would you do that?" you inquired, a curious smile forming on your lips, prompting Auston to release a soft sigh.
"Well… maybe Willy has asked me to be a little nicer to you… and, since he's my best friend, and hanging out with him also means being around you from time to time, I figured…" Auston shrugged lightly before continuing, "Maybe I can, I don't know, try and get to know you a little bit better. And since you're all alone, why not now."
You found yourself holding your breath momentarily, contemplating his words. Yet, as you observed him, his smirk faded, gently licking his lips and replaced by a soft smile on his face.
"Alright," you replied softly, meeting his gaze as your eyes reflected the city lights around the rink. “But only if you promise me one thing…”
"Which is?" 
"You won't laugh at me skating…" you timidly requested, a hint of embarrassment colouring your cheeks.
"Why would I laugh?" Auston gently smiled.
"I'm good at skating, but I'm also rather clumsy," you admitted, a small smile forming on your lips, and Auston simply replied with a casual chuckle.
"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall then."
After putting on his skates as well, both of you headed onto the ice together with soft laughter. And surprisingly, Auston turned out to be excellent company.
Surely, at first, it was a bit awkward. Breaking the tension that had built up over months between you wasn't easy. But gradually, as you continued skating side by side, the atmosphere lightened. William was, of course, the primary topic of your conversation, as he was your strongest common link. However, the conversation then gradually shifted to hockey – what you both liked and disliked about the sport. And soon, you found yourselves sharing personal details, discussing your upbringing and your personal stories.
Auston even laughed when you shared childhood stories about you and Willy, talking about the times when you gave him advice about girls during your teenage years. He then reciprocated by sharing stories from their road trips and the challenges of growing up while playing in the NHL. He delved into tales about his family, highlighting how supportive they had always been, and mentioned being the protective brother and the struggles he faced in finding close friends with whom he could form genuine bonds.
And this sudden display of vulnerability started to alter your perception of him, if only slightly. As you continued gliding across the ice, maintaining your closeness, Auston began discussing how many people in his life had come and gone, primarily seeking his friendship for the sake of public recognition.
You found yourself developing a small soft spot for him as he gradually opened up, revealing a side you had never seen before, one that he probably never showed to the team or to many others. And despite having tried to maintain a distance from him, you slowly came to realise that you did, in fact, know Auston quite well. You understood that he wasn't comfortable discussing emotions or engaging in heartfelt conversations, so this talk was a significant step for him.
Eventually, both of you skated to the edge of the rink to pause for a moment, a brief silence settling between you before you decided to break it with a soft sigh.
"Is that why you said those things about me when Willy first introduced me to the team?" you looked up at him, facing each other, both resting a hand on the border. "That I only wanted to be close friends with him because of fame."
Auston understood exactly what you meant, and you were spot on. That had indeed been his initial thought about you when you re-entered the life of one of his best friends.
With a gentle nod, he softly replied, "Yes."
Another quiet moment settled between you, and it became evident what this misunderstanding had truly been about. Auston's initial desire to shield Willy from a potentially damaging friendship, and your perception of him as cocky and arrogant because of his defensive stance from the start.
Once again, your eyes locked, a bit more intensely this time, as you both felt the opportunity to break free from this tension between you.
"Well, I hope I managed to prove you wrong then," you sighed softly, offering him a sweet, friendly smile.
And Auston simply matched your expression. "You did," he replied.
With a few shared light laughs, the profound tension suddenly dissipated. And a new sensation seemed to grow between you both – perhaps even a potential friendship.
But just as everything seemed to settle into a comfortable rhythm, someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere and forcefully crashed into you, causing you to fall over and straight into Auston, who lost his footing and ended up falling backward onto his back, pulling you along with him. In the midst of the fall, you accidentally collided, your head hitting his face, resulting in both of you letting out loud yells.
"Fuck!" Auston shouted.
"Shit, Aus, are you okay?"
Your head was spinning from the adrenaline rush.
"Yeah, I think I'm good... how about you?"
"Well, I did land quite softly," you tried to offer a light chuckle, prompting Auston to do the same.
And slowly, with a bit of assistance from the stranger who had accidentally bumped into you, both of you managed to regain your footing. However, your attention snapped back to Auston as you noticed something alarming.
"Fuck, your nose is bleeding!"
Auston touched his nose, confirming that it was indeed bleeding from the collision.
"Come on, let's get out of here," you suggested, gently taking his hand as you both stepped off the ice and made your way to sit on a nearby bench.
Auston tried to lean back to prevent too much bleeding, while you gently guided him and then applied a piece of tissue to his nose. Thankfully, you had had the foresight to have a package in your pocket, though not specifically for situations like this, it turned out to be quite practical.
Sitting closely on the bench, you carefully wiped the blood off his nose, feeling a twinge of guilt despite knowing the accident wasn't your fault. And Auston's intense gaze focused on you as you attended to him.
"I guess this wasn't how you thought your date would be," he chuckled.
"Maybe not," you gently smiled back. "But despite the blood, I actually think it's been a rather fun day," you softly admitted, meeting his eyes.
Auston reciprocated your smile, feeling your gentle touch close to his face.
"He's an idiot, you know, for blowing you off like this," he gently spoke, causing you to pause and look up at him.
"Thanks, but I suppose it's just my luck… you were right, I've dated so many guys, and although I promised myself never to give up on love, it's just not always easy," you softly admitted.
"Hey, it's his loss – I mean, you're... sweet, funny, and quite good-looking, so if he doesn't want to date you, he’s the one missing out. You shouldn't feel bad about it."
"You really think so?"
"Yeah... I mean... I know I haven't always treated you nicely, but... I've always thought you were hot," Auston chuckled.
"You're not too shabby yourself," you flashed him a sweet smile, eliciting another laugh from him. 
As you sat closely together amidst the vibrant winter wonderland in the heart of Toronto, both of you couldn't help but feel a sense of connection.
It felt odd.
It was as if all previous tension had vanished. You were now just two individuals, engaged in pleasant conversation, enjoying each other's company.
And Auston finally understood what William saw in you. He had never felt this comfortable opening up and expressing his thoughts to someone. No one had ever made him feel so at ease and relaxed during a heartfelt conversation like you. You were certainly something else.
But then clearing your throat, you broke the intense gaze you shared.
"Perhaps I should better get going... it's getting late, and I shouldn't be keeping you from your friends like this," you timidly suggested, looking down at your hands for a moment before beginning to unlace your skates.
With a nod, Auston followed suit, swiftly changing back into regular shoes. Standing with your skates in hand, you exchanged a sweet smile before an unexpected surge of confidence propelled you to lean in and plant a timid kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you, Auston... I really enjoyed spending time with you today," you softly expressed, while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You're welcome," he replied, exhaling softly. 
But then as you turned to walk away, an unexpected desire to keep you close surged within Auston. And with his free hand, he swiftly caught yours, drawing you back toward him, pressing his chest against yours before tenderly kissing your lips.
The kiss was gentle, yet both of you found yourselves leaning slightly into it. Auston dropped his skates, using his hand to cup your face, holding you just a little closer, before slowly pulling apart.
You exhaled deeply, confusion mingling with a pleasant sensation, ultimately giving way to a smile.
"So, I guess this means we're good?" you tentatively joked.
"Yeah... and the next date you're going on will be with me," Auston stated firmly, wearing a wide grin.
"God, you're way too confident," you teased, playfully rolling your eyes at him.
"Maybe, but I know you like it," he countered, raising an eyebrow before leaning in to connect your lips once again.
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noosayog · 1 year
wc: 700
warnings/content: reader uses she/her pronouns, university AU ft. Atsumu
part 1. directory here.
A light incessant tap on your door has evolved into a knock with the intensity of someone running from murder. Unlucky for the person on the other side of the door, no serial killer inspires enough altruism in you to take kindly to their knocking bloody murder at your door at -- you crack open one eye to glance at your phone -- 2:56 in the morning on finals week.
Your footsteps stomp heavily across the floor of your studio and you swing open the door without looking to see who it may be. If you were more awake, you'd scold yourself for the serious lack of awareness.
"What the fuck do you want," you growl at the figure.
In the hall, a tall, blonde man you’ve never seen before holds his hands up in surrender at your tone. He gives you a smile that would irk you if you could be more irate than you already are. He gives you an up and down which makes you bare your teeth at him and he drops the smile.
"I'm sorry to bother you-"
"You better be. What do you want."
His eyes dart down to your legs then back up again.
"Nothing," he says, starting to emulate some nerves in his voice. "I really am sorry because I actually don't need anything. I live down the hall and we're playing truth or dare and my friends dared me to come knock-"
You've heard enough and slam the door in his face.
The next morning, you wake up predictably grouchy. You're trudging down the hall to your last final of the year when the door on your left suddenly slams open and a familiar blonde-haired body barrels straight into you. Unable to withstand a wall of muscle multiplied by the force of his body slam, your body goes flying into the opposite wall and you crumple into the floor, vision going white.
"Oh shit," you hear someone mumble.
You feel someone roughly grab your arm to lift you up, but you tear your arm away, staying on the floor to snap out of your vertigo. You feel the arm let you go but the body the arm is attached to hovers over you, arms circling over your body as if he were a metal detector but the metal he's trying to find is bodily harm dealt to you.
"Are you okay?" the metal detector asks.
"What the fuck do you think, asshole?" you snap when you regain some semblance of motor function.
"Jeez, are you always this grumpy?"
You finally look at the offender to find the same man at your door earlier this morning. He grins at you, introducing himself as Miya Atsumu, as if introducing oneself is the natural course of action after giving the counterparty a damn near concussion. He offers you a hand, bright, sunny smile still plastered on.
You slap his hand away and stand up by yourself. After a quick assessment of your essential body functions, you conclude that you're probably alright. You muster up the nastiest glare you have in your arsenal of glares for different occasions and ignore him, continuing on your way.
"Hey, hey wait up," he says, running after you. "I wanted to apologize for last night."
"Apology accepted. Please leave me alone."
"Great then! What's your name? Maybe we can be friends since we're neighbors."
You don't dignify that with a response and instead propel your legs faster, practically running away from him.
He keeps up easily though. By the time you're on campus, your calves are burning, but the whole trek, Miya Atsumu has continued circling through his never-ending carousel of conversation topics, not even breaking a sweat.
Finally, at the university center, you make towards the left and he says, "I'm actually going this way. This was fun, neighbor! Your legs are more muscular than they look!" He flashes you a thumbs up. You sigh in relief, wondering why the fuck he's talking about how your legs look when you suddenly remember that you sleep in just a tank top and panties. You realize the weird ups and downs he was giving you last night were because you were practically naked. As if the day couldn't get any worse, you decide to visit the clinic to propose a lobotomy to forget the events of the past 12 hours (you actually just wanted some aspirin because you had a headache that had spiraled into serious nausea by the end of your final) only to find that you have a concussion.
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loonylooly · 1 year
at this point i'm wondering what sarah is thinking when writing her love interests, like ok it's clear she finds them hot but like....are they good people
UTM lap dance shenanigans
throwing Feyre into danger constantly (Weaver, destroying cauldron, getting the book from Adriata, etc etc)
Still not doing jack shit about wing clippings in Illyria?? Emerie is right there, Rhysand, go enforce your damn laws
Insulting his wife's sister constantly
Almost killed his wife's sister cause she dared give her important medical information
Locked Lucien (MY BOY!!) in the house of wind
Locked Nesta in the house of wind
Didn't give Mor any warning that time he made her face her abusers and she cried i think (ngl i forgot most of it)
Ignoring Hewn City even tho...Kier is like the only bad guy we've seen from there?? Surely there's decent people in Hewn City, don't gotta make everyone suffer
Nesta windhaven kidnapping intervention so she stops spending Rhys' money (if it was really about her own sake, they would've put a stop to it much earlier)
Seemingly alienates everyone in Feyre's life that could and would stand up to Rhys for Feyre's sake. Lucien? Nah, shoo. Nesta? Nah, shoo. Weird thought but Tarquin? Yeah, makes her steal his book.
And last but DEFINITELY not least; demon baby wife death
Barely ever stands up for Nesta in the IC
Aids in kidnapping Nesta to Windhaven so she stops spending whysand's money
Laughs at Nesta when she falls down the stairs
Aids in punishing Nesta for daring to tell Feyre important medical info
Constantly going agaisnt Nesta's wishes and trying to "save her" when she doesn't want him to
That one time Azriel asked Nesta if Cass had pushed her down the stairs...Like are we gonna ignore that?? Personally I'd have a quarter life crisis if my closest friend, who is like my sibling and has known me most of our lives, seriously entertained the idea that i would physically assault the girl I like
general aggressiveness all of ACOSF
aids in bulldozing Nesta's apartment
Rowan goddamn Whitehorn (Who I've yet to see people bashing him somehow,,, HoF rowan was like if ACOSF cassian had a horrific murder baby
Left his pregnant mate alone during a war cause he wanted to prove himself....like..idk man if i had the choice between war and taking care of my pregnant wife i'd pick the wife (did he know she was pregnant? i've kind of forgotten by now)
Rowan's kid would've been hundreds of years older than Aelin.....just think abt that
Literally everything he did to Aelin during training in HoF
Their argument where he PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE
Threatened to whip Aelin...I repeat....Threatened to whip Aelin, an ex-slave....
Told Aelin it'd be better if she died 10 years ago (unprovoked?? bitch you met her like 2 weeks ago just cause she's getting on your nerves doesn't mean you gotta wish DEATH upon her)
Literally was relieved to find out she was only 19 because if she was a few years older she could've been THE CHILD OF HIS BEST FRIEND.
No issue with marrying the cousin of his best friend's child....Imagine if he hadn't met Aelin first.. If he'd met Aedion first, Aelin would've always been the relative of his friend's son to him
FOR THE RECORD i hate all of the SJM age gaps but rowan and aelin's specifically irks me because Aelin LITERALLY CALLS HIM OLD throughout the WHOLE SERIES
Literally tells Aelin he doesn't care about what she's been through and that she is nothing to him after she confronts him for leaving her
Puts Luca in danger by sticking him on to a frozen lake with a monster inside where he'll DIE if Aelin can't save him
Funnily enough, some of the only seemingly decent person guys in SJM 1. Are completely forgotten about in the books or 2. SJM had to make them violently unlikeable
Like we've got:
Tarquin, seemed like a pretty good guy, rightfully pissed that the IC stole his family heirloom, shows up like twice in the books (LET HIM COME BACK SARAH I LOVE HIM)
Tamlin, was pretty decent in book 1, was made violently unlikeable in book 2 onwards
Chaol, very strong morals, generally a good person, loves his wife, made violently unlikeable and boring in late CoM, HoF, and QoS (ToD is one of my favorite books in the series, will praise ToD till the day I die, my boy EARNED his own book)
Aedion, seemed like a good person, strong morals, spent years trading his dignity for the sake of Terrasen, loved his cousin above all else, made violently unlikable in KoA (even tho I think he was justified in being angry about it, i'd be SO pissed)
Sartaq, good guy, strong morals, Nesryn's chapters were some of my favorites in ToD, Sartaq is one of my favorite SJM love interests, i'll never forgive author lady for forgetting about him in KoA (tho i guess she forgot about everyone from ToD? Yrene and Chaol are the only important ones, she barely even mentions Nesryn even though Nesryn's BEEN an integral part of the gang since QoS, giving her the Suki from ATLA treatment)
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narrators-journal · 6 months
20$ make a fella holla
I don’t know if it’s obvious, but I can never describe Senku’s fucking hair. It’s just...how do you describe that shit??
Regardless, I hope this is a fun read, I just kinda had fun with it, tried to make it amusing to read, just a lil fake dating romp <3 Hope the romantic tone is there though at the end! I thought it was a pretty cute lil moment, at least.
Some people loved weddings, with the belief that they were the perfect time to bask in the love of your partner and joy of your family. Some, believed the events to be garish, stressful, exhausting nightmares for everyone involved. Which, was more or less the group you fell into.
Though, of course, you had no real issue with weddings, and someday may also wish to be married to your own future partner. But, that didn’t keep the sudden invitation to a family friend’s surprise nuptuals from coming out of left field.
So, befitting someone in your panicked position, you scrambled to find a date to accompany you to the event. Someone, anyone who could make sure you couldn’t be paired off with a complete and total stranger for pictures, and that no well-intentioned aunties, or eager, nosey grannies could offer potential dates and suitors.
Alas, your boyfriend had dumped you a month before, and none of your friends were free to attend with you. “When does this crap end? I’ve got a project to get to.”
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Senku, will you please quit complaining already? Do you have zerofucking social skills?” You hissed back in a similarly quiet tone your date at the reception table. Aka your roommate, Senku Ishigami. A slightly eccentric, odd-haired 19 year old science prodigy on his third year of college, and your last fucking nerve at the moment.
But, your annoyance seemed to simply bounce off of your ‘boyfriend’ as his crimson eyes glared back at you as he muttered quietly, “I do, but this is damned boring. Plus, this tuxedo is itchy as hell. I did my bit, why don’t we just leave already? The ceremony’s over.” “Because that’s passive aggressive and rude, Senku. Have you never been to a wedding?” You asked back, but before your ‘boyfriend’ could shoot back with some explanation about the useless nature of such events, one of your tablemates asked, “So, how long have you two been together?” in an attempt to start some less hissed and angry conversation. “Oh! Uh, about…” While you scrambled for a good answer, Senku jumped in to save you, “Going on two years soon. A little under a month before that marker, actually.” He answered, his boredom well hidden under his usual cool, unbothered demeanor as he spoke, but it still irked you.
Almost as much as his claim did, honestly. God, why am I not surprised that he doesn’t give a singular fuck about the plot holes I’ve gotta patch up if someone asks for details?You mentally fumed as your expression remained politely chipper and joyful as the woman across from you continued to ask questions. “How ever did you two meet then? I hope I’m not rude, but you two don’t seem like eachothers ‘types’.” She hummed, but before you could toss out some bland, cutesy meet-cute plot, Senku spoke once again, “Oh, kinda creepily, actually. She needed a room mate, I was just the person to take her offer.” Why not just admit I’m paying you to be here too?!“We didn’t like eachother at first, I usually don’t like super extroverted girls surrounded by dramatic friends and shit. Which, at first, that’s what she seemed like. I mean, jeez, let loose a machete-wielding maniac on campus and she’d have been prime ‘hot bimbo victim’ material.” Oh my fucking god, Ishigami, what next? Calling me ‘the old ball and chain’? How is this supposed to be believably romantic?!But, of course, the man continued regardless of your attempts to psychicly blow him up. “But, a month or so in, I realized my assumptions were wrong. She’s actually quite a funny, charming girl, with a good head on her shoulders, and some intellegence to her. And...well, y’know, I asked her out from there. Though, I have no clue why she agreed to date my ass, but she did! And I’ve held onto my title since then.”
As he spoke so easily, you were stuck with a nerves-laced smile the entire time. Only able to muster the occassional giggle to try and sell the romance in his take on your actual situation. Because, what else were you to do? Correct your boyfriend on your meeting story? That’d just out how fake the two of you were in an instant, so you mostly focused on your bland wedding reception food and tried not to give your room mate dirty looks as he spoke.
Thankfully, though, the woman across from you two seemed at least a bit charmed, or at least amused by the romantic twist on how your initial meeting with the odd-haired scientist. So, you could let out an internal sigh and redirect the conversation away from your ‘love story’ before Senku could cook up any other questionable tales. But, as you sat there in polite conversation as you ate your fillet mignon and mashed potatoes, Senku’s story was able to settle into your mind. Allowed to stew and marinate as the reception continued.
Why the hell would he got down such a weirdly honest route? He seems more the type to claim we met on tinder, not that weirdly sweet tale of growing to like me from an awkward set up. You asked yourself. Because, in the two years you’d had the man as a room mate, he had always favored blunt honesty over sugar-coating anything, so, it was odd that he had such a long-winded lie at the ready. And it you couldn’t explain it away as him having ‘prepped for the role’, you had to fight him just to put on a tux and pull his gravity-defying hair into a ponytail so he didn’t look weird in any wedding photos. He wouldn’t bother with that type of preparation. So...what? Was he being...honest?
It wasn’t an entirely comfortable realization to come across. Even if Senku had his moments of being attractive, and he was a pretty good room mate, he had the tact of a brick, and a blatant love for science over any living person, least of all you, right?
God, get a hold of yourself, girl.You chided yourself with a small sigh, only a glance thrown to your date to briefly study how he sat and ate his food, that glint of boredom back in his cherry-colored eyes. This isn’t some rom-com fanfiction. Your roomie hasn’t been harboring some deep love for you for two years unless your a beaker of nitroglycerin. You reminded yourself firmly, the flustered butterflies in your belly squashed coldly as you returned to the food in front of you.
Though, after a moment, you did dare another glance to your pretend boyfriend beside you, and this time, those crimson orbs looked back at you. And, as if the scientist had suddenly learned to read your mind, he leaned over until you could feel his warm breath tickle your ear when he whispered, “What’s with the weird looks? Surprised the unfeeling scientist has a heart?” in a playful,flirtatioustone that was almost alien to hear mixed into his voice. A tone you had heard plenty of time in your life, but still managed to cause you to gasp, and choke on your own spit. Like a true charmer.
“Oh! Oh shit, are you choking on something, hon?” Senku asked, instantly on his feet as you coughed on your surprise, “Jesus, maybe this is a good time to go. With your luck, dear, you’ve got a cold brewing.” He said, at least decent enough to fabricate some form of a lie before he took his opportunity and almost drug you from the reception hall just as you got your breath back. I’m going to kill this bastard.
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heejayy · 2 years
Eren Y. || Campus Creeper
Warning: mentions death, blood, swearing
Genre: angst
Pairing: Eren Y. x Black reader
Happy Halloween! Stay safe!❤️👻
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For Halloween you and your boyfriend decided to go with something simple but classic, ghost face. Well more like he was ghost face and you dressed up as a sexy bloody victim, either way it was a good costume.
“Hey have you seen my thigh garter?” You asked Eren as you looked under the piles of clothes that somehow found its way to the floor.
“No check your vanity” he answered unsurely “and please hurry up we’re gonna be late.”
You rolled your eyes “when are you ever on time for a party Eren? You’re known to be fashionably late” you mocked throwing up air quotes. Eren smacked his lips glaring at you “you’re not cute now hurry up” you giggled knowing for a fact you were irking his nerves.
After a few minutes of searching you found it and slid it up your thigh. Taking some time to check your outfit again Eren yanked your wrist eagerly rushing you out the house almost yanking your arm off. You two finally made it but you started feeling a bit nervous. “Ooh I’m so excited I haven’t been out in so long” you giddily smile as you took Eren hand stepping out the car.
“Can I say you look gorgeous” he smirked eyeing you up and down, you shyly smiled looking away. “Oh stop Eren you should see yourself, girls are gonna be all over you” and it’s true for some reason girls like hot guys in a mask, you for sure was drooling over him “and you better behave” you added with a warning glare.
He raised his hands in surrender “yes ma’am” he smirked winking at you. You playfully rolled your eyes you for sure knew he had a few shots before you both left home.
You were chatting in the kitchen with a random girl you just met while your sipped on your drink. You chose to stick with juice because you for sure knew Eren was getting shit faced tonight and you’ll have to drive home.
“Girl have you heard of the Campus Creeper?” You shook you head no in confusion.
“The campus who?”
“The Campus Creeper” she exclaimed “he or she is responsible for like six students disappearing” you looked at her furrowing your eyebrows.
“Has he been caught yet?” your question was met with a sigh and a head shake.
“Not even one lead and to make things worse the students have nothing in common the killer is just targeting anyone” you nodded feeling a little uneasy as you looked off into the living room.
Something about that news made you feel weird. Maybe it was because it was Halloween night and you were at a frat party full of people you didn’t know, but you couldn’t shake this queasiness in your stomach.
“Hey I’ll be back I’m gonna go find my boyfriend” the girl nodded leaning against the counter taking down a another shot “you be safe ok?” You added before leaving.
You threw your cup away while before leaving the kitchen. Since the ghost face costume was common you had a little trouble finding Eren so you walked around calling his name. The longer it took the more frustrated you were becoming pushing through the sweating bodies with the loud music blasting through your ears. You made it to an empty hallway and leaned against the wall, you were becoming breathless and aggravated, you were pissed and ready to go.
While trying to catch your breath you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turn around annoyed until you realized who it might be. “Eren?” You asked, the masked figure nodded.
“Finally! I’ve been looking everywhere for you” you wiped the sweat beads off your forehead “I’m ready to go babe I can’t do this anymore.”
He nodded and you took his hand walking down the stairs. Eren was unusually quiet as you both walked down, but you just chopped it up to him being too drunk to form a sentence.
“You can take your mask off silly we’re leaving” you said letting his hand go.
You made it outside and remembered you left your jackets upstairs. “Damn it I’ll right back I left our coats.” You turned to leave but he forcefully pulled you back by your forearm, you winced in pain turning around confused “I said I’ll be back, chill” you huffed snatching your arm back rubbing the spot where he roughly grabbed you. Without thinking much of it you left him on the porch of the frat house as you ran back in.
You successfully found the jackets without running into anyone fucking in the rooms and made your way back downstairs. To say you were tired was an understatement.
“Hey baby where you going?!” You heard someone call for you over the music. You rolled your eyes thinking it was a cat caller and kept walking.
“Y/n where are you going?” They called again and rushed in front of you stopping you from walking, it was Eren.
“Huh?” You said genuinely confused “I told you I was ready to go why are you back inside?” You asked puzzled and he stared back mirroring your confusion.
“No you didn’t I was in the game room with Jean and Connie playing beer pong. Where were you?” Now you were really confused and slightly scared.
“No I found you upstairs and left you on the porch while I came back for our coats stop playing around” you explained with your voice stern but trembling a bit.
“I’m being serious I was in the game room the whole time baby.” Your stomach dropped and your throat became dry.
“oh- ok well can we go?” He nodded taking the coats from you and grabbing your hand. He could tell you were becoming overwhelmed with the big crowd and the loud music, and right now could only take so much.
When you walked outside you made it your mission to look around for the one you dragged out here but ended seeing no one but students partying on the lawn. You felt overwhelming nauseous and you were just ready to be home where you would be safe.
The next morning you felt much better, but still couldn’t get that stranger out of your head. Who were they? And why did they go along with you? Could it have been the Campus Creeper?
You shook your thoughts away getting to head to the kitchen knowing you’d find Eren there.
“Mornin’ baby I made you breakfast and coffee” Eren smiled sliding the plate towards you along with your cup. “Thank you handsome” you returned a smile and kissed him on the cheek.
“Ayo babe did you hear about what happened last night? That Campus Creeper got someone else” he shook his head in disappointment while pouring syrup on his waffles “good thing we left when we did.”
You looked at him terrified “who?”
He just shrugged “not sure but some girls found her body behind the house, it was a complete blood bath” he pulled out his phone showing you the ID picture of the victim. You let out a horrific gasp it was the girl you were talking to in the kitchen.
“Did you know her?” He asked concerned.
“N-no I just I met her last night at the party, we were talking and I..I told her to stay safe” you poked your breakfast with a fork feeling that nauseous feeling returning.
“Damn poor thing” he sighed “I’m gonna start going everywhere with you, you understand? It’s not safe for you to be alone” You nodded sadly thinking that could’ve been you.
A/n: I was gonna do a plot twist and make Eren the murderer but I didn’t know how I would fit that in and it seemed like too much work 💀
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bubbleblowinggirl · 3 months
what’s wrong w fidji
What mainly irks my nerves is how she doesn’t acknowledge Tish. Yeah Tish may be like, I don’t want you to do that or whatever but damn. Like girl, we know you be with her. I’m saying this because of what I see.
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
soooooo- before i forget... i diddddd finish something to talk about.
honestly- i kinda did like it?? a lot more than "mistakes were made" which was the other book id read by this same author. i dont think its anything special tbh and the characters werent super compelling or memorable just in the sense that it felt like they didnt have a lifespan outside of the book. i wasnt really expecting much- and at first i was sooo bored. i wanted to drop it bad cause 😩 augh was just thinking "yeah but what is all this for??????" because it felt like the plot was being slow asf. and then BOOM. the accidental kiss. which- was sort of a turning point and made me get semi invested. the asthma attack too- ooo damn. it did kinda irk me that jo kept asking about her having her inhaler 😭. but like- man emma really got on my mf nerves. i absolutely hated her for a good chunk of time. like- THE FACT THAT the both of them were doing everything possible to not talk and communicate and instead emma had that stupid internal turmoil and became infuriating to read. i was soooooo mentally yelling at her. like girl. how are you going to be all dramatic and yet not communicate your feelings like how else is she supposed to know!!!! the harassment part was a whole trip. idk i just got super annoyed at the first part when they were actively avoiding properly solving their issues CAUSE DAMN they had a bunch of them.
THE ALMOST kiss after jo's dad had me actually on the edge of my seat cause holyyyyy crap. idk and then the business trip happened and emma came to terms with her feelings and they kissed-
I LITERALLY knew it was phil. LITERALLY LIKE it was so obvious when he made that comment in the interview. i deadass put two and two together.
i liked the ending part after theyd realized their feelings tbh. it just like wrapped up good. idk abt the smut part- kinda was underwhelming but it wasn't bad. i think it was an alright read. idk if id recommend it personally just because for me personally- i dont want someone to pick that as a recommendation from me over something like ols. for ME personally its not "the best" its not bad and i did have an alright time with it, but i wouldn't read it again tbh. its was definitely better from her other book but even jo feels like a carbon copy of erin from mistakes were made. she was in her 40s and rich so like is this woman just wanting to write about milf women or something??? age gap?? idk. i just noticed that lol.
im glad i stuck it out but i did feel it drug a little bit throughout. emma- i... i literally cant. she is... ugh. i dont think i liked her character 💅. jo was neat but i just- ughhh they feel so... fictional. not realistic in the way they react or narrate, especially in the internal dialog. i liked avery!!! she was awesome. hmmm... idk.... it was nice. sorry if it seems like im talking in circles and seeming like i disliked it- I DIDNT DISLIKE IT. only some parts of it i disliked. just the author's execution for some parts.
just because as someone whos done a lot of research on writing i pick up details on things and have nitpicks about how things are delivered. i notice stuff.
anygayyyy is that enough yapping???? i dunno what else to sayyyy 😐. u should probably make an asks tag for me atp with how much im yapping in ur inbox ffs.
This is hard to answer lmao. I’m glad you kinda enjoyed it? I’m sorry it wasn’t your favorite? It wasn’t my favorite of all my recs (you should read some girls do. at some point, no pressure. But that is one of my favorites) but I did like it enough to rec. I appreciatep you coming and yapping to me even if you didn’t like the book and I hope that doesn’t make you wary of my recs from now on lmao. Also I made you a tag 👍
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esta-elavaris · 1 year
Fallen Through Time
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Part Eight [4,011 words]
An AU of my completed, 400k+ word fanfic Catch the Wind [AO3], in which Elizabeth, not James, is the one to discover Theodora Byrne after she crash-lands into the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.
Historical research notes at the end, for fun 💜
Also now on AO3 and FF.net.
Masterpost - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - *Part Eight* [you're here!]
Tag list [let me know if you want to be added!]: @missfronkensteen​​​​​ @dancerinthestorm​​​​​ @teawithshakespeare​​​​​
Preparing for a dinner party under the watchful gaze of Elizabeth Swann was the closest thing to having a ‘dance mum’ Theo suspected she’d ever experience. But her excitement helped her forget her own nerves, and her enthusiastic instruction was worlds better than being stuck under the tutelage of someone who had little wish to help her, so all in all Theo considered herself pretty lucky.
In the morning, they rattled through the list of courses and the corresponding cutlery one final time. Theo excelled at that part solely because she sang the list, in order, to the tune of an AC/DC song in her head. Although she doubted that sort of shit was the audience they were aiming for when they wrote Back in Black.
From there, they practised her entrance down the staircase (which, given the drastically upped hair and skirt mass that formal evening dress held in store, would be trickier than it sounded apparently), the correct way of wielding a fan, and went over what was and was not acceptable dinner table conversation. Dirty limericks, sadly, were out.
Theo wasn’t without opportunity to introduce Elizabeth to some modern ways of preparing for get-togethers, either, though. Namely with the concept of pre-drinks – in their case, a generous glass of wine each rather than anything wild like vodka shots – and showing her the wonders of a homemade oat face mask. Neither the servants, nor Governor Swann, had any idea of what to make of that.
Luckily, the results weren’t so astounding as to be considered witchcraft. That would be just her luck, wouldn’t it? To get this far and then get scuppered by something she’d learned from a shitty YouTube tutorial.
The arrival of the evening was something she greeted with far more dread than the morning. Alice, the maid who’d been tasked with helping her get ready, seemed to sense her nerves – for after ten minutes of dead silence as she began twisting and curling her hair into an elaborate updo, the brunette began chatting merrily about this and that with little expectation placed on Theo to respond. Not that she didn’t try to respond, she just wasn’t particularly successful.
“It’s lovely,” she gave a strained smile when Alice stepped back, “thank you.”
It was nice – even if she always felt like she had a tower on top of her head around here, regardless of how the styles Elizabeth (and therefore Theo herself) opted for weren’t exactly the skyscrapers that others here favoured.
“It’s not done yet, miss,” Alice said. “There’s still the accessories to go. Although it’s such a lovely colour, this hair of yours…it’d be a shame to distract from it. Pearls would be a bit much, I think. Especially for a dinner party…and lace wouldn’t match the dress…”
Some maids seemed irked by the fact that Theo lacked a certain amount of decisiveness when it came to decisions such as these (mostly because everything was a damn code here, and she didn’t want to arse it up), but Alice apparently enjoyed the freedom of input. Which was likely why she’d been assigned to her. Still, as she rattled off an endless array of household items that could possibly be lodged into her hair to give it that extra bit of flair, Theo couldn’t help but wonder if the next option would be to stick a little plastic angel on top of it so everybody could sing Christmas hymns around her in a circle.
In the end, they settled on a decorative hair comb, comprised of a cluster of pewter flowers, and Theo considered herself lucky all in all.
Next came the dress. And Elizabeth had really outdone herself on that score. A deep, cool-toned purple silk, it was saved from being over-the-top by the fact that whoever had made it mostly allowed the fabric to speak for itself rather than decking it with non-stop bows and gems and gumdrop buttons.
It was adorned, sparingly, at the pleated elbow-length cuffs and the bodice with lace a handful of shades lighter than the purple of the rest of the dress, and with an amethyst inlaid in silver right in the centre of the neckline. With a length of matching silk about her neck, balancing precariously in her skirts atop the matching slippers she’d been given, she looked like she belonged in this time. To her own eye. Whether she’d ever feel that way was another matter entirely – but that didn’t matter much. She was still clinging to the hope that she wouldn’t be here long enough for that to become a real issue.
Despite the sneers of the people who were resolved to be unwelcoming, there were plenty here who’d been kind. Elizabeth, Governor Swann, the servants here, Groves, Will, and now even Norrington. She was grateful for that, of course she was. And she’d never discount what a difference that made, because when she thought of how different her day-to-day life would look without the kindness of the Swanns in particular, she ran a real risk of bursting into tears. But…it was still difficult. Of course it was difficult. Watching the clear adoration between Elizabeth and her father had her missing her own dad all the more sorely than she already did, it was a constant reminder. Where did he think she was? How could she get back?
Thankfully, it was time for her to move downstairs before she could follow that thought into a spiral.
They would begin in the sitting room, and then once everybody was good and ready they’d adjourn to the dining room, Elizabeth had explained to her. The guests arrived, and Theo was glad she’d never suffered from an excess of self-consciousness (well, other than when she was a teenager, but that was a given) because if she had, all of the eyes constantly on her would’ve sent her off into the ocean to find Jack herself before he even rocked up of his own accord.
While the good Captain Sparrow was not fated to attend on this night, plenty of others did. Amelia and her cronies, for one, but also a fair few families who Theo hadn’t met – all of whom seemed nice enough – as well as, of course, Captain Norrington and Lieutenant Groves.
The former greeted her with a nod when he entered, but veered off to speak to Governor Swann rather quickly, while the latter smiled and approached when he arrived barely five full minutes later. He came to stand by her at the side of the room, where she’d been pretending to admire a painting. Not that it wasn’t a lovely painting, but she knew sod all about art and cherubs weren’t really her thing. If they were anybody’s thing.
“You look well, Miss Byrne,” he greeted warmly. “Are you ready to be unleashed upon society?”
Theo was aware of how many eyes flitted towards them more or less the moment they began speaking – but she suspected it was a given around here whenever any man spoke to any woman. Maybe there was a secret betting pool going on beneath the surface on who would be wifed off and when. Precious little else was going on here. For now, anyway.
“Unleashed?” she laughed. “You make me sound like a plague.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. Although, come to think of it, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a good thing being unleashed.”
“Dogs, I suppose.”
“That was hardly the comparison I was trying to make, either,” he chuckled.
“War?” she suggested. “I think you can unleash war.”
“You must stop making these suggestions, Miss Byrne, or I’ll think you’re determined to dig me in deeper,” he teased with a snort, accepting a glass of champagne from a passing footman – after which his eyes lit up. “Power. There. You can unleash that. That was my very clever metaphor all along.”
“Oh, I like that one. Nicely saved,” she smiled, clinking her glass against his.
“Now I can rest easy, knowing I’m spared your wrath,” Groves sipped from his glass.
“That sounds ominous,” came Norrington’s greeting as he joined them, nodding at her. “Miss Byrne. Lieutenant.”
One thing she noted was that, in person, it was much easier to tell that he was handsome beneath the wig than it was on the screen. Very handsome, actually. Well, either that or she noticed him a lot more when speaking directly to him than she did when there were endless pirates and all sorts vying for attention alongside him. Sure, there was always the second one, but with that one she was usually much too traumatised by Jack's demise to notice much else.
But now? Here? She could definitely see why he was considered the catch of the settlement.
“Hello, Captain Norrington,” she greeted. “Your lieutenant and I just made war and peace in a minute flat.”
“A new record,” Norrington mused. “The peace treaty must note that, I think.”
Theo smiled, and decided she rather liked him when he was funny.
“Were you successful in your endeavour from the other day?” he asked.
“I was! Very,” she nodded – pleasantly surprised that he was even following up on it. “I’m just waiting for word from town.”
“Speaking of things that sound ominous,” Groves commented.
“Oh, it’s nothing – well, it’s a surprise, really. I can’t discuss it just yet. But it’s a good thing.”
“My comment about your being unleashed stands,” Groves smirked.
Norrington was too disinterested to ask what Groves meant by that – or, it appeared, too preoccupied by reaching into his fancy embroidered uniform coat to produce something. A fairly small leatherbound book, worn but finely embossed. He handed it to Theo, who managed to accept it after a moment of blinking in surprised. It was very warm, from where it had been nestled against him.
“I brought you a welcome gift, Miss Byrne. After our conversation the other day, I thought it might interest you.”
She was too busy reading the cover and getting over her shock to notice that his tone was just a bit too overly pleasant.
“You’re in danger of outshining the rest of us, sir,” Groves joked, but appeared just as confused as she was.
“Viking Maritime Architecture and Engineering,” she read aloud.
It sounded like a real nail-biter. But from the likes of Norrington, it was truly a peace offering, so she smiled all the wider and looked back up at him…only to find his watching her with a surprisingly smug expression.
“You really can read.”
Theo faltered. And then the smile slipped from her face, replaced by hurt – fuelled by embarrassment, too. Over the time and the setting he’d chosen to do this, and the fact that he’d done it after she’d just been so relieved at their improved standing. Over their stupid little bonding moment. Over how much she’d bought all of it. Y’know. Like a prat.
Not so much a gift, as a test, then. It was clear he hadn’t meant to say it. Or maybe he just regretted saying it when he saw how her eyes flashed – as she recognised why Norrington’s prowess was on the battlefield (battle-sea?) and not in political arenas. The fact that he’d done it here, in front of everyone, with Groves standing right here as part of their conversation, was just salt in the wound.
“It was good of you, Captain,” she breathed a flat laugh, “to choose one with such long words, in order to really test your hypothesis. There, actually – hypothesis. Add that to the list of words I know with more than two syllables. You’ll have a whole scroll of ‘em before long.”
It probably wasn’t very polite of her to say what she did. But mostly, Theo was congratulating herself on not saying what she’d really wanted to; that he could shove the book, along with his stupid wig, right up into a certain orifice…if not for the stick that was already lodged therein. But the Swanns wouldn’t have appreciated that – even if she herself might’ve been proud of herself for putting together an insult that contained the word therein, because it looked like this century was really rubbing off on her already.
Groves suddenly appeared to find his glass of champagne utterly fascinating,
“Excuse me,” she said, setting the book down on the nearest side table, and taking her leave.
“That went well, I think,” she heard Groves comment mildly behind her.
Norrington did not respond.
Of course, as she took her leave she realised that she didn’t actually have anywhere to walk away to. She knew no other here, with the exception of Elizabeth and her father, and she point blank refused to be the sort of pathetic wet wipe who scurried off to hide behind the Swanns whenever the going got tough.
God, she’d sent him a sandwich. What sort of idiot was she? She wished he’d damn well choked on it. He’d probably binned it, actually, or tested it for poison – or force fed it to one of the prisoners in Fort Charles to test his little theories.
She was saved, mercifully, from pretending to stare at any more of the room’s decorations when dinner was announced in the next moment. And then she was saved yet again when she found that Norrington was seated at the Governor’s side down at the leftmost end of the table, while she was placed firmly by Elizabeth right at the opposite end, with Groves at her left and a man she hadn’t yet spoken to opposite her. Theo also suspected that Elizabeth did indeed know damn well which women had been a problem in town, because they were all seated down at the other end, too. No doubt they’d be pleased at being so close to not only the Governor, but their favourite eligible asshole too, so everybody was happy.
Dinner went off without a hitch. She followed Elizabeth’s lead with the cutlery, she made decent enough conversation with those around her, and – best of all – Groves resolutely pretended he hadn’t witnessed what had just happened in the drawing room. The meal itself was a long, drawn-out affair, but she didn’t mind that. The food was good, and she wasn’t in any rush for the whole party to mingle once again for a final round of drinks in the drawing room.
When that time finally did come, she decided that she at least deserved a moment to collect herself before getting through the final burst of the evening. If she left after they entered, it would only be all the more noticeable, so she reached for Elizabeth’s hand while everybody was distracted by leaving the table.
“I’m sorry – I’m not used to this heat just yet. Do you mind if I…?”
“Of course – go. The patio is often cool at this time in the evening, so long as it’s a cloudless night,” Elizabeth squeezed her hand and dismissed her with a wave. “I’ll make your excuses.”
The night was indeed cool and cloudless, and after the humidity of the dining room and the pervading smell of meat and alcohol, the fresh air was a miracle worker. Leaning against the wall so that she wouldn’t be visible from the drawing room windows to any but the most stubborn observer, she stared blankly into the distance and let her mind wander.
Before long, Theo had no idea how long she’d been out there. She felt lighter out of the gaze of those gathered – taller, too. It wasn’t even that she put stock in their opinions of her; save Elizabeth, none of them could ever know her story, and therefore they could never truly know her. Their opinions, their disapproval, their judgement was all for the façade she was putting on. Well, if they knew the real her, they’d deem her common as muck anyway, so none of it really mattered. But there was not caring about what they thought, and then being stuck in a room with them all while they tittered and whispered behind their fans. And while the one who was supposed to be all good and noble and proper made it worse by openly humiliating her.
Had the movies really gotten him so wrong – shined such a rosy light on him – or did she come across that badly to everybody here? It was…demoralising. It was lonely. She just wanted to go somewhere where people knew her. The real her. Jack’s arrival was something she’d been nervous about. A lot was riding on it, it was her only hope, and it was far from a solid hope, at that. But the more things felt wrong here, the more she looked forward to it. She took a deep breath in, refusing to cry over this. That would be pathetic. She was just ready for the night to end.
So lost was she in her brooding that she didn’t notice the footsteps approaching behind her – something for which her folk back home would’ve been sorely disappointed in her. When the hand landed on her shoulder, though, they would’ve been very pleased by her response. After all of the sparring they’d drummed into her, it was muscle memory more than it was a conscious reaction. What her instincts told her to do was spin away from the grip, grab the person’s wrist and hold it at an angle.
It should’ve been easy. But while she could manage it in stilettos if she really tried, doing it in stupid eighteenth century slippers with nothing at her heel was another matter entirely. Her foot slid from the shoe as she spun, sending her off-balance as she unexpectedly stepped down a few inches. Stumbling, the hand that would’ve grabbed the arm ended up aborting that mission and flailing before her face instead, and she ultimately looked like an absolute tit. All before a very horrified Groves.
Not only Groves, it turned out, but also the guests who were near the massive windows…and Elizabeth, walking but a few feet behind the Lieutenant.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I’m so sorry – I didn’t know you were…”
“No, I’m sorry,” Groves said quickly, offering a hand once she straightened so she could step back into her shoe. “I…I called to you, but you didn’t hear.”  
“No, no, not at all, I was- I was world’s away,” she caught her breath, waiting for her heart rate to return to normal. “It was my fault. I didn’t smack you, did I?”
It was a miracle – a sodding miracle – that she’d stumbled and arsed up the move. Being startled, she could explain. Putting Norrington’s right-hand man in a headlock? Not so much.
When she recovered fully from her shock, she noticed Elizabeth watching the exchange like a hawk, with an expression that was completely unreadable.
It was late in the night when the guests finally took their leave, and Elizabeth was more than ready to change into her nightgown and slip into bed. After a thorough debriefing session with Theodora, no doubt. But there was one thing to see to first.
She asked Captain Norrington for a word while a large group of the others were busy saying long goodbyes with her father, and Theodora was preoccupied with Mrs Spencer, and he complied easily enough. They retreated to the side of the drawing room, and Elizabeth took a moment to make sure that none were listening before she got right to the point.
“That was unkind. What you did tonight – and at a gathering meant to welcome her to our home, no less.”
Huffing a laugh, he shook his head and crossed his arms.
“I suspect Miss Byrne wasted no time in rushing to you and relaying our entire conversation.”
“Theo hasn’t breathed a word of it, I suspect she’d much too embarrassed to do so. I overheard everything myself – I was standing not five feet away, speaking with Mrs Spencer.”
Captain Norrington scoffed, shaking his head, but that was the extent of the argument he could offer. Well, until he had a moment to think, and then he spoke again with an eye roll.
“I gave her a book. One that I thought might interest her. How she chose to take that gesture is entirely her own affair.”
“You caught her out under the guise of good will for all to see! Do you know what she’s spoken of to me, openly, this week? Frequently, too, for that matter?”
“I dread to think.”
“Your gentlemanly nature. Your kindness.”
He faltered for but a moment, during which it looked like he might almost be vaguely tempted to feel guilty…before straightening and schooling his features back into a look of polite boredom.
“A ploy, no doubt.”
“Captain, do you think me a simpleton?” Elizabeth asked frankly.
That got rid of the bored look. Norrington gaped at her. When one dark eyebrow rose at him as she waited for a response, showing she really did expect a response, he recovered – but not particularly quickly.
“Of course not!” he denied. “I never would. None could.”
“So, in that case, might I ask why you think certain details regarding Theodora have escaped my notice? That I am blind to her oddities?”
“I…I only thought…you seem so taken with her…” he said, before frowning at her. “Surely you do not mean to say that your approval of her has been a façade this entire time?”
“Of course it hasn’t, I like her very much.”
“But you believe her to be a charlatan?”
“Oh, really, Captain Norrington,” Elizabeth sighed impatiently, folding her arms. “There are many reasons why a woman of good birth and education might flee her home and disguise her identity, and few of them are rooted in that woman being a brigand.”
The captain, to his credit, seemed to visibly take stock of her words and truly consider them, his face veiled in thought, his gaze downcast. Elizabeth felt then that it was safe to continue.
“And none of them,” she pressed in a gentler tone, “may be discovered without kindness.”
Looking suitably chagrined then, Captain Norrington was silent, and so Elizabeth felt it safe to continue.
“I do not think she hides nothing. Few can profess that. But whatever it is that she hides, I think it harms none, save herself.”
His brow furrowed, and it was then that Elizabeth went in for the kill.
“I don’t suppose you saw how she reacted when Groves gave her that fright?”
That was all it took. A simple question, asked softly, with the right tone. Elizabeth left him with that, excusing herself to rejoin the rest of her guests.
Notes: SO because some folk like the historical rabbit holes these stories take me down -- while I was writing this chapter I was a bit worried because I remembered that, at some point in history, it wasn’t legal for non-royals to wear purple, and I was oddly committed to the mental image of Theo in her lilac gown, so I went digging. Elizabeth I made it illegal during her reign in the mid 16th century (unless you were closely related to the royal family), and it was not legalised until after sumptuary Laws in England were repealed in 1604. Even after that, though, it still wasn’t affordable for ordinary people until 1856, when they found a cheaper way of making the dye. But the Swanns aren’t ordinary people, and so Theo gets her lovely purple gown.
Plus, I think it would be a nice message on Elizabeth’s part as to Theo's worth, how she expects Theo to be treated by the others like she’s one of the gang, and it’s a message that Theo wouldn’t be aware of because she uhhhh doesn’t spend her time researching historical tailoring laws so she can write fanfic about fictional dead men x  
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dancingbabya-notes · 4 months
Summer Mirrors 1
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ ->
Kiba x reader (Idol AU)
wc: 1017 (I fought for those last fifty words damn it)
Welcome to week one, who this finds everyone well I just wasn't sure what to do this year and I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have time to do a really long list of characters and a whole bunch of prompts. if you can tell that I didn't know what I was doing... no you didn't. But hopefully the rest of them come out a bit better.
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ ->
You were always dragged along to events by your friends, Hinata and Ino—ever the unlikely friends—happened to like the same idol group as teens. You didn’t entirely dislike them, but you weren’t exactly a stan. It wasn’t obvious at first, you thought you were doing normal event stuff, what you forgot was some time ago Ino had signed the three of you up for a recent audition. An idol audition. You weren’t a slacker you were just not sure why being an idol was what she thought was good for you all.
“You’re telling me you want us to do what we do for fun for some men in suits?” Hinata stutters.
You blink a bit confused. “Didn’t your dad say that he didn’t want you being an idol unless it was under his company?”
“No, he changed his mind,” Hinata chuckles nervously as she  looks away.
Ino smiles as she pulls the two of you close. “Come on we got this, it’s not gonna be too hard.”
It was hard. Because upon getting accepted you three were given another newbie. It didn’t take long for your parents to get involved, despite how they claimed they wouldn’t insert themselves in your life, they did actually do something good for once. Whatever it was, your parents did make it, so you and your friends weren’t bound by contracts that they drafted. Luckily the added member was also roped in with you and they also got out of an unfair contract.
“So… you want to write songs Sakura?” You were stretching and it was obvious that you were already sick of the constant practicing, exhaustion was starting to nibble at your nerves when involuntary moments would be bade based off the drill like practice.
“I mean one of us has to.” She shrugs a bit, the recent cut to her hair was uneven and you know why.
Digging in your bag you hand the bundle to Ino. “Ino, don’t you know how to cut layers think you can fox busted bangs.”
“Y/N!” Sakura gasps quickly covering her forehead.
“Oh, come on, I had to dye my hair again I don’t wanna hear it.” You roll your eyes as they leave.
But with just you and Hinata in the room you didn’t expect anyone to walk in. Much less an idol group you were familiar with.
“Hey shorty,” smiles a cocky man, his eyes bright as he towers over you.
Finding the manicure, you’d been given recently much more entertaining, you glanced to Hinata, her mind must have been short circuiting. “Hina, when do you get to go back home?”
Snapped back to reality she blinks, picking up the little book she’d started to help keep herself organized. “We have two hours before physical practice ends. Then Sakura and I have vocal practice while you and Ino need to talk to the manager again.”
“Tch, I hate talking to them they never listen anyway.” You roll your eyes before looking at the man still a little too close for comfort. “Why are you boys here anyway?”
Sai, Ino’s favorite, chuckles a bit. “We’ll be doing practices together for a little bit. They want us to do a collaboration.”
Kiba hums. “That’s right, they want us to do pairs. And we’re paired together rapper.”
“Huh?” Irked by his continual dismissal of personal space you cross your arms. “This is news to me.”
Ino and Sakura walk into the room. “So, I thought it was a joke, was he actually serious.”
“Yup,” Naruto seemed energetic as he looked Hinata in the eye. “And I’m paired with you.”
“Don’t seem very fair we only have four girls, and you have six members,” you turn away with your styling bag back in your possession.
“Awe but I was really excited for this.” Kiba chuckles.
“That’s the thing we’re getting two more girls.”
“All the pairs are decided, your particular register and style is taken into account.” Sasuke, who would usually have walked away based off the other’s rumors, clicks his tongue as he walks to grab Sakura.
You sigh. “Alright big guy, do you know exactly what they want us to do?”
“Well, you haven’t been listening to me this entire time.” Kiba’s face got too close. “So, I’m gonna have to bend my knees just a little bit for you to hear me properly, aren’t I?”
You took him down, pinning him to the ground with your knee on his back. “I think I can hear you a little better if you stay down there.”
And he laughs, letting him go you step back.
“Never mind I don’t need any threats of you get bruised. Remember that this is purely work related. Meaning you two still gotta pretend you’re not married.” You narrow your eyes reminding Hinata and Naruto.
“No promises.”
Sakura pulls away from Sasuke. “Why’d they pair us together?”
“Dunno, don’t care.” He shakes his head.
“I think it’s quite an interesting combination.” Sai hums. “Your other members will join you tomorrow, right?”
You give a slight nod. “Yeah, Shikamaru, Choji please be kind to them they are still newbies got it?”
“Right. Just don’t go flirting with Kiba during practice.” Shikamaru yawns, but you didn’t have much a chance to respond when your body made contact with the ground.
“Oi! I was gentle with you, jerk.” You push him off you before sitting back up. “If I have a bruise you’re paying for my extra makeup fee.”
Kiba pulled you closer to him, his chin resting on your head as you tried to scoot away. “I’ll pay for all your make up fees even if you don’t got a bruise. Come on what’s a little fight between friends.”
You, finally giving up, cross your arms and frown. “We’re not even that close.”
“Looks like you two are a lot cozier than you let on.” Naruto teases but you stand up to get free.
“I’m guessing our manager wants us to help out the new girls, this is gonna be annoying. Don’t make extra work for me okay, Kiba?”
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡— NEXT ->
Side note I'm realizing that 1k isn't as many words as I thought it was... I apologize for the future posts
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mhateesyoux · 1 year
Only friends Ep 8
Thoughts were all over the place…
Let’s dive in, before I go on these are MY opinions. You’re welcome to come for me or not lol that’s up to you. I simply write my personal thoughts during and after watching the episodes.
I want to start with the mess that is Raymew, but before I hit up on that, cheum baby, let’s talk about you shall we?
Up until this episode I’ve been riding with cheum. I love her, this episode however, I started feeling some type of way towards her. She’s still a very likable character don’t get me wrong but in this specific episode I was not on board with her though i get her pov. that’s the beauty of writing. I feel as though p’jojo had her be the one to go off on ray to let us know that she’s the one who can bring and probably keeps them all together as a friend group. But we might dig into that later. I just personally felt the attack on Ray, after so many times he’s fucked up. Like I said I get her. I see why she’s frustrated, Ray is a mess and that boy needs help, but where will he find it or heal if he gets it from no one? Not his parents, for obvious reasons we already know, not from his friends, we saw it from Mew but only for a brief time and the love Ray has for Mew maybe affected the way Mew cares for Ray now. I’m not defending Ray at all. He’s making endless mistakes and I’m honestly getting so annoyed at him but that’s how unstable people realistically act. They can’t accept or receive help even when it’s given, i.e Sand in Ray’s case. I just thought the both times she blamed Ray for Mew, a grown ass man who’s capable of making his own decisions, for the bad boy choices. I felt like she just wanted to blame Ray due to his obvious constant behavior but Mew is choosing to deal with his pain this way, and again; realistically some people do cope with pain in that way, we see it in Ray all the time. She needs to pull Mew aside and talk to him about why he’s acting out.
Now RayMew. Mew was chill for me but up to this point he’s been making decisions that irk the shit out of me. Like i mentioned in last week’s post, he was getting on my nerves with the way he was acting over Top but I was shut up which I really liked! But this episode i was back to disliking this new version of Mew. It’s good that he’s giving Top the cold shoulder that’s what I support but what I don’t like is that he’s using Ray in this messy ass revenge he’s got going on. Again, not defending Ray cause I know damn well he knows he’s being used. He knows Mew is hurting and is using him as a rebound. I don’t think it’s okay to use anyone in any matter the way Mew is using Ray. For the story, it makes sense and I guess the choices they’re making in the writers room will eventually make sense as we continue watching but for right now I stand by my feelings towards Mew & I don’t like him at all. There’s something very fishy about him. I feel he makes himself seem like this sweet innocent kid but in reality he’s as evil & toxic as his friends. Maybe he’ll grow on me later? Idk I liked him last episode this episode, not so much.
Top & Boston. I’ll do these two in one. Okay, Top is shining now. He’s trying. However, i still don’t feel anything towards his character. The love he has for Mew is clear now, I guess he really is serious about him. It was nice to see him being caring towards him but I’m still eh. Boston on the other hand, im warming up to. He’s funny. He is probably the only character besides Sand that is so real & gives no fucks. He literally is so chill and unbothered by everything. He made me laugh so much this episode and I’m starting to love him cause he never fakes who he is. Boston is Boston and I’m loving him for being himself regardless of anything.
Nick, he really is so lost. My boy is just obsessed. It’s sad in my opinion. I still like him for some reason and I think that reason is because Mark is too adorable to hate. I don’t condone his stalker ass tho lol from the start I’ve said he’s creepy for have gone after Boston the way he did but hey it worked for him. I just want him to move on, tho it’s clear he’s very much in love with Boston and maybe Boston is feeling something towards him as well? I gotta admit that scene of him at the bar was super cute. But they’ll be toxic together given Nick’s spying kink and Boston’s “I can’t stick to just one person” but there’s potential I guess.
I’m very biased I know, Sandray….
Ugh, what to say? Ray is an idiot. Like I said he’s getting on my last nerve. Not only is he all kinds of fucked up but to have the audacity to cock block Sand from moving on is actually gross. The satisfaction I felt when Sand told him he wasn’t his second option and shoved his ass onto that couch?! Ughhh love! I fucking clapped and cheered. That’s what I need from Sand. As much as I love FirstKhao, Sandray is not my go to no more. Sand deserves so much better but he ain’t safe either i have shit for him too! Not him running back to Ray next episode! Face palm! Sand cmon man you’re stronger than that!! I will admit Sand is my favorite character, as if I haven’t mentioned that previously lol but yes I will stick up for him but this episode him going to safe Ray’s ass yet again got screaming at my screen “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!” And next week’s episode put the cherry on top to my disappointment lol however, despite that whole party interaction, That sandray scene at the very beginning of the episode is also my favorite sandray scene thus far. The smoothness and calmness of it ? Beautiful. First & Khao are so talented. I felt Sand’s pain and First’s pain for sand. I also felt Ray’s disappointment to Sand learning to let him go. The writing in that scene is what i hope to write in the future as a screenwriter. These situations are what inspires me. Big props to P’Jojo for that beautiful scene and the crew for beautifully transferring it on screen.
Little note: sandnick’s friendship needs protection at all costs!
Next week’s promo: im ready for that daddy Dan & Nick dynamic… oh lord! But… Dan seems kind of sus ngl. Boston… back to making bad decisions but that’s what makes him Boston and i can no longer hate him for it lol Top forcing himself back into Mew’s life, yikes. Sandray get away? It’ll end in pain again, i already know it. I’m not getting my hopes up at all fuck that. They can give us hopes and then they just take it away. I also feel it won’t be real? I have a sense that it’s more of a dream sequence? But maybe not. Idk it seems too good to be true, but at least we get the “now that you walked into my life, I’m not letting you go” scene!!! That song they used for them: broke back mountain reference for sure you can’t tell me otherwise. I’m very anxious for next week & i have zero patience.
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munsons-melody · 9 months
I know she been through a whole lot. But damn. I got real sick of Nancy’s attitude in S4. Especially with Robin.
tbh i do agree 🫣 i love nancy, don’t get me wrong but she can get on my nerves sometimes
like in season 2 when she is always like “we killed barb!” to steve cause it made me feel bad for steve cause the poor guy just wanted a normal night with his girlfriend whom he loved after all they went through the year before
and then after everything she went through with jonathan, in s4 she doubting her and jonathan’s relationship
idk i love nancy but she does irk me
edit: i do also get annoyed on how much she got annoyed with robin in s4 cause she should’ve been more loving like when it came to the whole penthurst situation
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shibainu2006 · 2 years
Getting sick of dis whole...
Short girls are cuter than tall girls.
I get y'all like small ladies, but why, when a lady is tall, she immediately must be masculine?
Why is it, that society believes women have nothing but small feet?
My feet are fuckin huge! It should never be this hard to find fucking SHOES!!
No one should ever tell me or any other girl with height that she looks like a man.
As funny as y'all who do it think it is, it fucking isn't.
Just cause a woman is tall, doesn't mean she's into things considered to be masculine.
She might like dresses a lot, but can never find any in her size, because the rest of this world just wants her to be small.
I damn well can almost never find a dress in my size.
Especially if I really like the dress!
You have no idea how mad it makes me when someone says short girls are better.
It just irks my nerves.
I get it, you don't think we're cute, now hush, and stop rubbing it in!!
We ain't men, we are all different! Not every single tall girl fucking wants to be depicted as masculine!
We wanna be told we're pretty too! We wanna be fucking appreciated!!
Is that so much to ask!?
Okay I'm done ranting. I just got really pissed about it..
I'm gonna wanna rant again later just so you know. It's comin.
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