#he might be the most convinced that Eddie is dead because of all of the above
try-set-me-on-fire · 5 months
@daffi-990 @lover-of-mine @devirnis tagged me in wip Wednesday! Look I promise this thing is going to have a happy ending
The sob that rips out of him hurts, like debris is getting lodged on his insides on the way out. He crumples like wet tissue, slumping onto Maddie who somehow manages to keep him upright. “Oh, Evan,” she says, holding on so tight. “Oh, honey, we’ll figure it out. We’re all going to be right here for you. You aren’t alone.” Isn’t he? Hasn’t he been left alone? How is he ever going to know where his shoulder is supposed to be without Eddie’s there to bump against? “And- and he could still be out there, maybe they’ll-“
”No.” the word is choked and violent, and his body tears itself back a step. “Maddie, stop.” He’s shaking his head, maybe. “He’s- I can’t think that. If he’s- if he’s-“ how did the ocean find him here? Why is he underwater? “I can’t do anything about it. It means I-I- I gave up, I left him-“ if Eddie is, somehow, still alive out on the open ocean he won’t be for long, and the thought of finding out later that something could have been done if only, if only- it floods his mouth with bile, makes his words come out sharp. “He has to be dead. I can’t- I can’t hope, Maddie, it will kill me.”
She looks sort of horrified. Buck isn’t sure about which part, but he can’t spare any thought to figure it out because- “Eddie’s dead. E-Eddie’s dead. He’s dead, he- I can’t do this, I can’t- I can’t fucking look at anyone, I don’t want-“ huh, he can’t really see. “I don’t want to- to talk to anyone, I can’t- they’re going to bring casseroles a-and I’m going to have to answer the door and say thank you and we’ll- we’ll- there’ll be too much food in the fridge because that’s what happens when people die and I- I can’t- I can’t do this- I can’t do this-”
Very faintly, he is aware of hands on his body, moving him, sitting down. He wishes desperately for a moment that it had been him that died, but then thinks about Eddie still alive and feeling all this. He’s still a stoic man, all that therapy and effort to share what he’s feeling aside, and he thinks no one might realize right away how bad he was hurting if Buck wasn’t there to see it. At least Buck does this, explodes all over hospital waiting rooms or Bobby’s house or Maddie’s, and everyone can see the gooey pieces of him melting into the cracks and staining the carpet. Somebody’s got a shop vacuum somewhere probably, labeled with his name and in case of emergency.
Tagging @bigfootsmom @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @eddiebabygirldiaz @chronicowboy @homerforsure @rewritetheending @shitouttabuck
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 37
part 1 | part 36 | ao3
cw: depression, ptsd, references to canonical death and horror
Chapter 9
The smudged feeling comes back.
Which sucks, if he's being honest.
Despite the new thing with Eddie and the breathing room in his budget; despite everything going fine with Robin and work and the kids, his good moods never seem to hold. They keep getting muddied up, can't shine through the grubby handprints that threaten to blot them out.
And sure, it's not like he expected one great make out session to change his life (and it was a great one, to be clear; a great make out session and an even better handy later that night in Eddie’s van), but he just…
He doesn’t know.
He thought it might feel easier. Life, adulthood; everything. Like the lightness and warmth he felt that night might carry over, might drift through to fill the cracks in him like a blanket of fresh snow.
But they don't, because they can't.
They can't touch the fact that he has no clue what he’s doing. That Steve Harrington's got no purpose, no direction and no point.
Most mornings he's got nothing but his creeping paranoia and a bone deep sense of dread.
The new year closes in like a wet tongue up the back of his neck; hot breath of a drooling grizzly getting ready to take a bite, and the long winter shadows around his house are growing fangs, rows upon rows of razor teeth in petal mouths.
His nightmares tastes like rot and lilac. Something heavy in the air.
And in the mornings he feels stupid when he wakes up shivering in cold sweat, foolish and young and alone. He clutches at his nail bat and peers through the cracks in the blinds, and he feels like a lunatic because there’s nothing out there. Nothing abnormal. Nothing wrong-side up. Just the shadows and the strays; the scurrying of house mice and the skitter of dead leaves.
It’s over now, they told him. It’s over, kid. We won.
They said it all three times.
Eddie's standing in Steve's doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms loosely folded over his chest, a weird smile on his face like he's deeply fucking confused by what he's seeing but is trying so hard to be cool about it.
Which, like. Fair.
It's mid-morning on a Sunday and Steve is crawling on hands and knees in his gutted disaster of a living room — ripping up the edges of his terrible burnt orange carpet without even pausing to say hello — and the kids will be here any minute to help put up the Christmas tree, and he hadn't meant to do this; knows he looks completely manic, sweat dripping into his eyes, knuckles bleeding from the tack strips, but he woke up trembling from another nightmare and decided that everything had to go.
The nightmare felt too real. Long claws and sharp teeth, squelching muck and snaking vines; a flash of Chief Hopper bloody and shorn in a frozen wasteland, but the chief is dead and everyone's dead and Steve is so tired of being haunted by their ghosts, and in his shaken, post-dream haze he convinces himself that it's this place.
This place is the fucking problem.
This godforsaken tin can with spirits crawling in the walls.
They're clinging on like static just before a thunderstorm. In the floorboards, in the rug. Steve can feel them with each step. How many footprints buried themselves in these worn fibers? How many exhausted treks to the fridge and frenzied rushes to the phone; how many angry late-night pacers and visitors overstaying a welcome?
"Stevie?" Eddie clears his throat.
Steve just wants them all gone. The whole haunted circus — wants to strip it to the bones, start fresh with something new.
So far all he’s done is make the place smell like his nightmares. Like dust and death and lilac as he pulls the carpet up. There’s an oily stain on the subfloor from where he smashed his mom’s perfume, and a green-black mystery splotch by the kitchen that could be water damage, or it could be the remnants of a liquified rat. Or a person; so many people, melted meat monster smashing through the city blood and gore in a demodog's jowls the walls pulsing with membranes like some fucked up rotten womb and—
"Hey." Eddie's boots come into view. Calm commandment in his tone, stepping right into Steve's space. "Look at me," he sighs.
Steve sits back and wipes his brow. The sweat stings his cut-up hands, and he wishes he weren't so busy being a nutcase, because Eddie looks good like this. Standing over him, petting a hand through his damp hair. Making him kneel down at his feet. It’s hot. They could do something with this. Steve could—
"You want to tell me what you're doing?"
Tears prick up in Steve's dumb eyes.
What's he supposed to say? There were ghosts in the fucking carpet?
He shakes his head and sniffs, and Eddie steps in a little closer; moves his hand to cup Steve's jaw. "No?" he lifts a brow.
Outside, tires crunch over the gravel, the kids making a racket as they pour out of the Wheelers’ car. Goddammit.
Steve huffs and gets to his feet; lets Eddie steady him. They share a look. The kids are shouting on the lawn. "Can you take us to Home Depot?"
part 38
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
kiss me once ‘cause you know i had a long night, kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be all right, three times ‘cause i’ve waited my whole life
Steve’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He’s technically not supposed to have it on the floor, but it’s 9:30 on a Wednesday night and the store’s dead anyway.
Eddie 🎸👎: date’s a dud engage emergency protocol immediately 🚨🚨🚨
Steve rolls his eyes and clicks the little phone icon near Eddie’s name.
“Hello?” Eddie manages to sound both confused and concerned.
“Help, help,” Steve deadpans, leaning his elbows on the counter. “I’m having an emergency that only you can help me with.” Steve’s done this enough times in the three years they’ve lived together to know that Eddie can think up his own lie to tell his date.
“Oh my god, I’ll be right there, Steve.”
Steve’s not sure how Eddie manages to make it sound so convincing every time, but it’s enough that even Steve might start to believe it if he wasn’t the one calling.
Eddie hangs up without saying goodbye, probably to tell his date some exaggerated story about how Steve’s fallen in the shower or fell off a ladder. Somehow, all Eddie’s emergency scenarios involve Steve hurting himself in increasingly embarrassing ways.
By the time Steve’s got the store tidied and closed and walked the four blocks to their apartment, Robin and Eddie are already on the couch in the living room. Steve can hear them bickering over what to watch from the front hallway as he slips off his shoes and shrugs out of his jacket. He follows the sound of their voices to find them practically wrestling over the remote.
“Jesus, can’t leave you two alone for more than five minutes. You’re worse than the kids,” Steve says as he makes his way across the room and into the kitchen for a bag of chips. It wasn’t the healthiest dinner, but he was too exhausted to cook.
“There’s leftovers from the diner in the fridge,” Eddie calls out to him, not even missing a beat as he pries the remote from Robin’s white-knuckled grip.
“You took leftovers on a first date?” Robin asks him, appalled, as if it’s the most unheard of thing Eddie’s ever said.
Steve’s popping the styrofoam container into their tiny microwave as Eddie tells her, “It was a second date for your information.” He puts on an episode of Ghost Adventures without asking anyone’s input.
“Wow, someone made it past your rigorous first date interview? Shocker.” Robin crosses her arms and huffs in annoyance, because she was also going to put on Ghost Adventures but it’s the principle of the thing. You just don’t take a woman’s remote from her, under any circumstance.
“Hey, it’s imperative for me to suss out a potential partner’s commitment to the music gods,” Eddie says.
“‘Potential partners’?” Robin scoffs. “I thought you said you were in your slut era?”
“Well,” Eddie seems to lose his footing here. “I am. But I can’t be fucking anyone who listens to Tame Impala.”
“Steve listens to Tame Impala.”
Steve has made it back into the living room in time to see the blush rise on Eddie’s cheeks.
“Good thing I’m not fucking Steve then, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, good thing.” Even Steve can hear the eye roll in Robin’s voice.
Because the thing was…
Okay, so the thing is…
The long and short of it is that they’re not fucking.
But they’re also, like. Not not fucking.
It’s just that sometimes, after a horrible date or a stressful day or even just when they’re feeling incredibly horny, the apartment can feel kind of lonely, even with two roommates. So. They… do stuff. Together. No penetration, but. Yeah. Enough for it to be called ‘fucking,’ probably. At least Steve thinks so.
But they haven’t told Robin. They’re both pretty sure she suspects. She’s not a fucking idiot and Steve thinks someone living under the same roof as Steve and Eddie would have to be in order to be that oblivious. Steve’s pretty sure she’s been trying to get one or the other of them to confess, but they’ve held strong so far. It’s not that they were hiding it, exactly. It was just that, whenever this thing inevitably came to an end or imploded on them both, they didn’t want to have to explain it to anyone. At least that was what Steve was thinking, because it’s not like they actually talk about it.
Neither of them say anything else, so Steve makes an attempt to change the subject.
“So what did you tell your date this time?” He asks Eddie before shoveling a forkful of reheated pasta into his own mouth.
Eddie smirks. “I told him you cut off the tip of your finger with your crafting scissors while you were scrapbooking and then passed out from the sight of the blood and hit your head on the corner of the coffee table.”
Steve pauses with his fork halfway between the takeout container and his mouth.
“I thought these emergencies were supposed to be believable.”
“I’ve literally walked in on you scrapbooking multiple times, Stevie,” Eddie says it like he’s stating the obvious.
“I could never cut through my fingers with my crafting scissors.”
“Oh, that’s what you take issue with about that lame-ass scenario?” Robin scoffs again.
“There’s nothing wrong with scrapbooking,” Steve says defensively.
“Didn’t say there was,” Robin mutters, turning her attention back to the TV. “Can you guys shut up now? I’m trying to watch my stories.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shares a look with Eddie before doing as Robin says and shutting the fuck up. He drops down into the lone armchair to finish his leftover diner food, attention fixed on the television. He thinks he can feel it every time Eddie’s eyes dart over to look at him.
Later, after Eddie’s snuck into his bed around one a.m. and they’re laying there next to each other in the afterglow, Steve asks, “So the date really sucked?”
Eddie sighs. “I mean, he was nice and all, but there just wasn’t any, like… chemistry or whatever. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” Steve responds, his voice low. Steve hadn’t been on a date in months, hadn’t felt the usual impulse to flirt with strangers incessantly. Robin kept saying he was in a lull or a slump or something, but Steve does start to feel lonely sometimes, especially when Robin is out with her girlfriend and Eddie has a date and he’s left to his own devices in their shared apartment. Even though, more often than not lately, Eddie’s dates almost always end in “emergency protocol” and the two of them wind up tangled in Steve’s sheets. Steve can’t help but think that it’s only a matter of time before all of this comes to an end, before Eddie finds someone who’s perfect for him.
Someone who isn’t Steve.
Three days later, Steve and Eddie wake up to the blaring honk of Steve’s alarm, wrapped around each other. Steve can’t help but notice the way Eddie looks when he’s just woken up, soft and rumpled, hair a tangled mess on top of his head.
“Ugh, make it stop,” Eddie groans, scrubbing a hand down his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Steve slams his hand down on his alarm clock and flops back onto his pillows, even though he really should be getting up for work. He wraps a hand around the back of Eddie’s neck before dropping a kiss to his forehead and pulling him back to lie against his chest.
“Don’t wanna get up yet,” Steve mutters, eyes falling shut again. The blankets are warm and soft and the weight of Eddie on his chest is enough to have him drifting back into sleep.
Eddie doesn’t let him though. Instead, he plants his palm on Steve’s chest and pushes himself upright, making Steve groan in dissatisfaction.
“Gotta get up, dude,” Eddie tells him, yawning and climbing out from under the covers to pull on his discarded sleep pants. “Got, like, seven engines to fix today. Something about spring, man, everyone’s car starts to break down.” Eddie pulls his t-shirt over his head before opening Steve’s door and sticking his head out, making sure the coast is clear.
Eddie leaves the door slightly open and crosses back to Steve’s bed, planting a kiss on Steve’s cheek, like he just can’t help himself.
“Won’t get off until late and then I have a date, so keep your phone at the ready,” Eddie smiles when he says it and Steve wants to trace his dimples with his tongue.
“Coming home first?”
“Nah, just gonna shower at the gym next door,” Eddie stretches. “See ya later, Stevie.” And then he’s out the door and slipping quickly into his own room down the hall.
Steve doesn’t like the way Eddie’s bedroom door sounds as it clicks shut.
Steve has the early shift at the store, so when he gets home in the late afternoon with two bags of groceries, he’s got the apartment to himself. Robin’s spending her weekend off with Vickie and Eddie’s still at work before heading off to his date.
Steve puts his groceries away, makes himself an early dinner, and then positions himself in front of the TV. He puts his phone face up on the coffee table, so he’ll see it when Eddie texts him to get out of his date.
He gets lost in the Real Housewives of Wherever for hours before he remembers he’s supposed to be keeping an eye on his phone. He taps the screen and sees there are no notifications. That’s weird. It’s already well past nine; Eddie usually texts by now for a rescue.
Steve sits back on the couch, eyes on his phone where it sits on the coffee table in front of him. He watches it for a few long moments, willing it to ring.
It doesn’t.
Hours later, Steve wakes up to the front door slamming shut. His face feels plastered to the leather of their second-hand couch. He knows it’s Eddie coming through the door because he’s the only one of them that lets it slam when it closes.
Steve reaches for his phone, still on the coffee table where he’s left it. He taps the screen and sees that it’s already after two in the morning. Eddie comes into the living room and seems surprised to see him on the couch.
“You’re still up?” He asks, eyebrows pulling together.
“You didn’t call,” Steve tries to make it sound casual, but even he hears the accusation in his own voice.
“Uh yeah. No. He was, uh. Kinda cool, actually,” Eddie smiles to himself and it looks so soft and sweet in the dim light of TV. Steve feels his chest go hollow seeing it. He swallows.
“Well,” Steve clears his throat. “That’s great.”
“Wanna hang out?” Eddie asks. Steve’s not sure if he means hang out or hang out, but either way, Steve can’t bring himself to say yes.
“Nah.” He yawns. “Early shift tomorrow.” It’s a lie, but who can blame him?
Steve gets up off the couch and crosses the room before Eddie can say anything.
“Oh, sure,” Eddie mutters as Steve brushes past him on his way into the hallway. “Goodnight, Stevie.”
Steve feels his throat constrict, like he might cry if Eddie says anything else. He clears his throat again. “‘Night,” he returns, before he shuts his bedroom door behind him.
Steve stews in it for a couple of days. He’s annoyed and grumpy and even Robin starts avoiding him after he snaps at her one too many times for no reason. He’s avoiding Eddie, but he suspects that Eddie is also avoiding him.
Which is absurd. It’s not like Steve changed the rules. He’s not the one who changed their routine. Who went on a date with someone else and enjoyed it.
That thought gives Steve pause because that’s not what this is, is it? He’s aware that he’s not very good at keeping his emotions out of his sex life. He knows he gets too attached too soon. But Eddie is his friend. You’re supposed to have emotions for your friends. You’re supposed to hate everyone they date. You’re supposed to want to spend all your time with them. Right?
Fuck. Fuck. Steve is maybe out of his depth here.
By Tuesday night, he has no choice but to go to Robin.
“I fucked up,” he says without preamble, walking into her room without knocking and flopping face first onto her unmade bed. She just watches him from where she sits at her desk in front of her laptop. Eddie has a late night band practice after work, so they’ve got the place to themselves.
“Yeah, how?” She asks.
“I… am not sure. But I feel bad.” Steve is practically whining at this point.
“Can I tell you what I think without you getting mad at me?” Robin’s tone is cautious in a way that it hardly ever is with Steve.
“When do I ever get mad?” Steve scowls at her, the side of his face smooshed into her pillow so he can see her.
“Gee, I wonder.” Robin rolls her eyes. “You’ve been testy since Saturday, babe.”
Steve huffs but it’s not like he can deny it, exactly.
“Whatever, I’m in a bad mood,” he grumbles, picking at a thread on her comforter.
“Yeah, and why do you think that is?” Robin’s question sounds decidedly pointed.
“I dunno. Full moon or something. Something’s in retrograde, probably.”
Robin sighs. “Look, I’m going to say something to you and I want you to just listen and synthesize the information, okay? Just shut up.” Steve grunts and Robin clearly takes that for assent. “I think that you’re in love with Eddie.”
She says it so matter-of-factly that Steve sits straight up on her bed so he can look at her fully. His eyes dart to her open door. “What?” He practically spits out.
Robin rolls her eyes again. “Yeah, whatever. I know I’m not supposed to know about the… whatever you want to call it. But you guys aren’t exactly subtle. Or quiet.” Steve’s jaw falls open. “I know you’ve been fooling around for months. And you haven’t had to figure out your feelings for each other because you haven’t been dating at all and every date Eddie’s been on he’s sabotaged himself. And now he’s had a great date and you’re feeling threatened, obviously. You’re jealous, Steve.”
Steve just looks at her for a moment, before saying, “I actually hate you so much.” He looks back over toward her open door. “Did he say it was a great date?”
“Ugh, you’re pathetic.” Robin balls up a piece of paper and throws it at him, before turning serious. “Just tell him, Stevie. I’m pretty sure he’s into you just as much as you’re into him. You should see the way he stares at your ass when he thinks no one’s looking. It’s truly disgusting.”
Steve throws the ball of paper back at Robin, hitting her squarely in her forehead.
Steve locks himself in his room for the rest of the night, obsessing over what Robin has told him. He tosses and turns all night thinking about it. He’s vaguely aware of the door slamming as Eddie comes in from band practice around midnight and he thinks that maybe Eddie might linger just a little longer outside Steve’s door, but he doesn’t knock. Just pauses before he moves on to his own room.
Steve wakes up late the next morning. He has to rush through his morning routine and by the time he makes it to the kitchen for breakfast, both Robin and Eddie have left for the day. Luckily, Steve has a midday shift, so he has a bit of time before he has to leave for the store. He leans against the counter, spooning cereal into his mouth. As he places his dirty bowl and spoon in the sink to clean after work, his eyes get caught on the whiteboard they have hanging on the fridge.
Second date tonight, keep phone handy -E
Steve feels his heart start beating fast, almost erratically. His fingertips go numb. He licks his lips and leaves the kitchen, slipping on his shoes and jacket and leaving for work.
Steve comes home to an empty apartment. Robin has some study group and Eddie has his date. Steve can’t help but feel a little depressed as he walks through the door to nothing but quiet.
He makes himself dinner. He puts something on the television. He places his phone face-up on the coffee table, just in case.
It doesn’t light up with a notification until well after nine. It’s a phone call. From Eddie.
Steve fumbles his phone as he lunges to pick it up.
“Hey,” he says into his phone’s speaker. “Thought you had a date.”
“Yeah,” Steve can tell Eddie’s smiling, even though he can’t see him. “Was wondering if you had some kind of emergency to tell me about?”
“Um.” Steve is confused. This isn’t the normal script. He’s supposed to call Eddie. Not the other way around. “I don’t. Know? I mean. Yeah. I… need you?”
“On my way, Stevie.” And then he hangs up.
Steve’s paused the TV and is sitting on the living room couch in silence by the time he hears the door slam shut. He looks up as Eddie walks into the room.
“Hey,” Eddie greets him, voice low. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, been… busy.” Steve inwardly cringes at how he sounds, knows it’s a lame excuse, because Eddie knows him. He knows why he hasn’t seen Steve.
“Right,” Eddie smirks. “So… can we talk?”
“Sure, whatever.” Steve tries to sound casual, thinks he misses it by about a mile.
Eddie sits in the armchair instead of next to Steve on the couch. Steve tries not to take it as an insult.
“I was on a really good date tonight, Stevie,” Eddie tells him, voice soft and slow, like he’s breaking bad news to Steve. Steve’s heart clenches in chest, hard and painful. He nods, eyes on everything but Eddie. “He was cool and funny and actually had good taste in music.” Steve’s not exactly sure he really needs to hear this. “But…”
Steve feels a small flutter of hope in the pit of his stomach. “But?” He prompts, still not looking at Eddie.
“But.” Steve can tell from his tone that Eddie’s smiling again, that same smile he’d heard on the phone. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. About sitting here watching dumb reality shows with your arm around me. Waiting for your call even though I hadn’t texted you.”
Steve’s eyes snap to Eddie’s. He licks his lips. “What.” He doesn’t say it like a question.
“I wanted to be with you, Stevie. Always wanna be with you.” Eddie looks nervous now. He pulls at a rip in his jeans. “Do you… what do you think about that?”
“I, uh.” Steve’s mouth is suddenly dry, voice just a little hoarse. “I think it’s… good.”
“Good?” Eddie snorts. “You think it’s good? Gonna need a little more here, Steve.” Eddie still looks a little nervous, but his smile is starting to form again.
“Yeah, like. Really good.” Steve licks his lips again. “I always wanna be with you, too,” he adds softly.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, and he sounds vulnerable in a way that Steve’s never really heard before. He’s fully smiling again, small and soft, like maybe he can’t believe his luck.
Steve smiles back at him. “Yeah.”
And then they don’t say anything at all. Eddie crosses the small space between them and tackles Steve back against the couch. Their lips meet, soft at first. Then Steve let’s out a moan, opens his mouth under Eddie’s and the kisses turn decidedly less soft and more horny.
The next morning, Steve’s phone dings on his bedside table. He reaches over to read the screen.
Queen Robbie✨💕: love that u guys have figured ur shit out, but can we work out a system or something? i heard u [redacted] and then [redacted] and also [redacted]
Steve smiles before dropping his phone back on his bedside table and turning over in his bed. He pulls a sleeping Eddie into his arms and drops a tiny kiss to the back of Eddie’s neck. Eddie lets out a sleepy little moan. Steve could get used to waking up like this every morning.
An anonymous benefactor gifted me with lyrics from “Paper Rings” and here is what I’ve done with them.
Just two things: 1. I have never seen Ghost Adventures, but I imagine it would be one of the only shows both Robin and Eddie could agree on and 2. I have never listened to Tame Impala, I know nothing abt the music (beyond the fact that it’s just one guy??? see, I am hip and cool, gen z), so this is not intentional slander, I promise!!! It’s just the first thing I thought of.
Oh ETA: I also know nothing abt cars or what mechanics do, I assume they sometimes fix engines.
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Sometimes Eddie can't believe that they've made it. He'll look at Steve, like right now across the lawn, watches him teaching little Emma how to put sausages and burgers on the grill, and Eddie still can't believe it.
For the longest time as a teen Eddie was convinced he would end up in the 27 Club. Trying to escape the reality of his meager life expectancy as a queer freak trailer trash kid in a small town in bumfuck Indiana by glamorizing going out with a sex, rock'n'roll, and drugs fuelled bang before the age of 30. He never thought it would be an angry mob of jocks and a thunderstorm of bloodhungry demobats that would almost take him out before the age of 20.
Eddie only managed to step away from death's door thanks to the miracle that is Steve Harrington. And he truly is a miracle. Not just because he carried Eddie's half-dead body out of the upside down and nursed him back to health. Not just because he helped get Eddie's name cleared and his charges dropped. No, everything about Steve felt like a goddamn miracle. The way he smiled, his bitchy but entertaining little jabs, the taste of his chicken noodle soup, the way he would comfort everyone who needed it. But the most miraculous thing to Eddie had been that Steve had chosen him. Had fallen in love with him. Had stayed with him.
Still feels like a miracle every morning when Eddie wakes up in Steve's arms both of their bodies aching. As if he could tell what Eddie is thinking Steve looks up from the grill and finds Eddie's eyes. He gives Eddie that private little smile, the smile that means, "you too are my miracle." Because Steve feels the exact same.
It took a couple more months and for Eddie and Steve to leave the god-forsaken small town of Hawkins behind for Eddie to believe that he might make it past 27. They moved to Indy first and then later to Chicago. Shabby apartments became home and strangers became friends, confidants, people that turned out to be just like Steve and Eddie and Robin. And then some of those friends started dying. Eddie kinda lost count of how many funerals they went to during those years. Is thankful every day that they made it, is thankful for all the friends that did make it.
He watches some of them across the lawn or on the porch, chatting, carrying potato salad, laughing and lifting up their kids or even grandkids. Eddie watches them all and takes in the miracle that is grey hair and wrinkles, looks at Steve and loves how the nickname "The Hair" doesn't quite apply anymore, curses the pain in his own back and kinda sees it a little bit as a blessing at the same time. As a reminder that they have made it. As a reminder that they get to have this, that despite supernatural powers and bigoted people they got to have this.
They got to grow older and will continue to grow older. They got to get married (three times: once in Amsterdam, once in Massachusetts and once last year in their backyard renewing their vows, celebrating gay marriage being legalized). Two arms warp around Eddie from behind and a soft kiss is pressed into his cheek.
"Hi dad," Allison, their eldest, says and let's go of him.
"Hey honey," Eddie says and pulls her into a proper hug, holding her tight.
She moved to West Coast for college, near where Will and Mike are located now, so Eddie and Steve don't get to see her all that much, as opposed to George who just moved to Detroit. It's nice, means Eddie and Steve get to see little Emma relatively often. As if on cue Emma turns around and looks from Steve to Eddie and Allison.
"Aunt Allie," she yells and runs across the yard to hug her aunt, leaving Steve all alone at the grill.
While Emma and Allison hug, Eddie makes his way over to Steve. Thinks once more how lucky they are that they got to adopt two beautiful kids, now have a grandkid too. Fucking miracle. Eddie reaches Steve and sneaks his arms around him, chin hooked over his shoulder.
"Oh hello," Steve says and turns his head enough to steal a quick peck. "What are you doing here?"
"Missed you," Eddie mumbles and buries his face in Steve's neck, nose brushing against Steve's scar.
"Sap," Steve says, but then adds, "Missed you too, baby."
Eddie closes his eyes and just drifts. Takes in the smell of Steve and bbq, hears children laughing and friends talking, feels Steve's warm body pressed against his. With the lives they have led, the places they came from the odds have never been in their favor. But somehow, by pure luck, miracle, determination and stubbornness they made it. And Eddie is thankful for it every day. Thankful for Steve, and Allision and George, and little Emma and everyone else part of their little miracle.
They've made it. Eddie still sometimes can't believe it.
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penny00dreadful · 4 months
Spies AU - Complete
Part 1 Part 15 AO3
13th December 2015
Kas was dead.
The ghost that haunted the nightmares of Creel’s enemies was dead.
The legend was dead.
The news was met with both disbelief and scorn throughout the underworld. 
Kas the Bloodyhanded had not only been real and just as deadly as all the rumours had said, but he had also gone down burning the mansion of the most ruthless and influential criminal boss in modern memory, stabbing his master in the back in the process. 
It sounded like something out of a novel.
He had killed his boss for his sweetheart, the rumours said.
It gained him a new title.
Kas, The Betrayer.
People made it a whole romantic thing.
That Kas had found out his next job was to assassinate his sweetheart and he just couldn't do it because he was so in love, he turned on his boss, making sure his sweetheart was safe before he went to Creel’s mansion, the two of them perishing amongst the flames.
If Kas had been legendary before he was borderline mythical now.
Steve wrinkled his nose.
It was all twisted up with a rose coloured filter over the top, sweeping orchestral music and dramatic declarations of love.
The truth of it was dirtier, bloodier, tinged with fear and panic. It was slow and agonising and heartbreaking. 
Kas hadn’t turned his back on Creel the second he was given the order to kill his sweetheart.
He had broken into Steve’s apartment and pointed a gun at him and intended to kill him. 
And Steve had looked him dead in the eye, knowing that Eddie could have easily done just that.
But Steve also knew, down into his soul, that Eddie wouldn’t hurt him.
Kas might have, but Eddie would never.
He never doubted for a second, even when Eddie did, even when Eddie had thought he could still kill him.
But when it came down to it, Eddie’s eyes had been shiny, his lip was trembling and his hand had been shaking.
He knew Creel was watching him and was listening to make sure he went through with it. Because he suspected that Eddie had gone soft. That this was a line he couldn’t cross. 
And he was right, though he didn’t need to know that at the time.
Eddie had shot, but he’d moved the gun, the bullet tearing through the communicator over Steve’s ear, destroying it. 
Steve’s vitals flatlined like they had back when he’d taken that baseball bat to the back of the head and his communicator self-destructed.
The echo of the gunshot through Steve’s apartment had no sooner faded than Eddie had collapsed in on himself.
Steve had crumpled to the floor right along with him, wrapping himself around him, unable to break through Eddie’s sobs about how he’d just condemned his people to painful deaths because Creel would find out, of course he’d find out, and he’d make their deaths agonising and he’d make Eddie watch and-
Steve had to kiss him to quieten him, try to calm him down so he could get a word in edgewise.
It was wet and messy and gross but it did the job.
He was finally able to tell Eddie they had his people in their sights, it would just take one phone call to make them safe.
“Call them!” Eddie had his fists curled into Steve’s top, his face was wet and blotchy and red and he stared at Steve, practically shaking him. “Call them, sweetheart, please! I can’t- I can’t lose them, I can’t…”
Eddie broke down again, so Steve just held him tighter. He pulled Eddie’s hair away from his face and tried to continue soothing him, rocking him back and forth. He took his phone out and dialled.
Eddie was still shaking in his arms when he told the kids to eliminate their targets and call him back once it was done.
He held him close and tried to comfort him, to make him feel better, but Eddie was still convinced everything was hopeless.
When Steve tried to get him up off the floor and take him into his safe room, keep him as secure and sheltered and away from Creel for as long as he could, Eddie had refused to move. 
He couldn’t hide, he couldn’t run.
He had to go get Robin.
Creel would be keeping an extremely close and suspicious eye on him, just in case he had managed to do exactly what he had just done. 
Betray him.
Steve felt the panic starting to kick in again at the reminder that Robin had just been fucking attacked in the office but Eddie told him with a thick voice and a shake in his arms, like he expected Steve to lash out at him, that they weren’t going to kill her.
Creel wanted her.
It was barely a half an hour later when the kids had called back to say Eddie’s people were safe, they’d managed to eliminate their targets with terrifying efficiency, Eddie collapsed all over again. But there were no tears this time, just hyperventilating relief. 
He wasn’t sure he believed it at first, Steve could tell from the look on his face, he was both relieved and a little disbelieving. He’d spent so long under Creel’s thumb, thinking that this was all his life was ever going to be until he died. 
It was a little difficult to swallow that he was nearly out.
But eventually Steve managed to assure him that it happened. Freedom was just on the horizon and Steve would do anything to make sure Eddie got there.
Surprisingly the most difficult person to take down had been Billy. Steve would have expected it to be Connie, but apparently Billy just refused to stay down. And he played dirty.
All the kids had to come in and help with that one. 
But Max had told him she’d taken great joy in crushing his balls and his head under her baseball bat. 
In that order. 
The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity.
Eddie gave Steve as much information as he could about Creel’s contingency plans and in return, Steve told Eddie about the night he and Robin came out to each other, telling him to use that if he needed her to play along.
Steve had then called Hopper and got him up to speed, getting him to bring in his most trusted Agents to help knee-cap Creel before he could run. Then all that was left was to follow Eddie to the office and then to the mansion at a distance.
He had to admit, it was a lot of dramatic flair to bust into Creel’s office when he did, but he had been given the perfect opening, how could he not respond to being called just a piece of ass?
But then everything had gone to shit.
Robin got stabbed, Eddie disappeared and a corner of the mansion had been blown to pieces, killing four Agents and severely injuring three.
The smoke and flames were only getting higher and Eddie hadn’t reappeared yet.
Hopper looked like he wanted to stop him going back in after he had gotten Robin to safety, but they both knew nothing was going to stop him finding his baby.
Steve had never felt fear like he did carrying Eddie out of that burning building. 
Eddie was slipping in and out of consciousness, sometimes speaking, sometimes going completely limp and when he muttered “I love you” with his head lolling against Steve’s shoulder, Steve nearly broke down on the spot.
He tried to stop him, tried to convince the both of them that he didn’t want to hear it now, he wanted to hear it after, he wanted to hear it when Eddie was safe and whole and okay.
But Eddie was insistent and Steve would never be able to deny him anything.
Even as he sat and watched Eddie’s chest slowly rise and fall in his hospital bed, small and fragile and delicate, he knew he’d give Eddie anything he ever wanted for the rest of his life.
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13th December 2015
“Um, hello?”
Steve looked up from his curled up position on the chair by Eddie’s bed.
He was met by the sight of three familiar faces peering around the doorframe, Jeff, Gareth and Grant looking in at him with polite masks, trying to hide their confusion about who this tired and worried stranger was sitting by their friends bedside.
“Hi.” Steve said, getting to his feet and wincing at the various cracks his joints let out, giving away that he’d been sitting in the same position for far too long.
Even though he’d been at this job for nearly ten years, it never got any less weird meeting people who had no idea who he was when he knew an extensive amount about them.
He shook their hands as they introduced themselves by name but then hesitated, trying to figure out how to introduce himself.
“Steve.” He said. “I’m his…” he glanced back at Eddie then towards the boys again. “I’m- I’m… his.”
The soft smiles they gave him in response were almost enough to break his heart all over again.
He turned back, gesturing them over to Eddie’s bedside, needing a moment to get himself under control. 
Grant seemed to take pity on him, breaking the silence as they all sat down, the great big bear of a man settling himself down gently at Steve’s side while Gareth and Jeff sat at the opposite side of the bed.
“How’s he been?”
Steve swallowed through the emotions and managed a smile. “He’s been in and out. It’s gonna take a few months for him to heal. His lungs and chest will always be moving while he's breathing so it’ll be harder. But he’s really just sleeping off the worst of it at the moment.”
He wanted to reach out and take Eddie’s hand again, but he felt so awkward about it.
Gareth sighed, resting his elbows on the edge of the bed and holding his head in his hands. “We always knew it would be something stupid like this that got him.” He muttered, angry and worried all at once. “I mean, he’s a demolitions expert. Shouldn’t he know not to let a building collapse around him?”
“That’s not fair, Gare.” Jeff’s eyes flicked in between Steve and Gareth like he expected Steve to jump up and start defending Eddie’s honour, but Steve knew people and he knew Gareth was just fucking stressed and worried. He didn’t blame him. It would have been worse if he’d known what actually happened. 
Gareth opened his mouth as if he was about to argue back but just as quickly deflated.
“I know. Maybe now Wayne will actually be able to convince him to retire.”
Steve nodded, hoping that he would also be able to convince Eddie to keep himself safe from now on too. But now that he thought about it-
“Where is Wayne?” He asked, realising that he hadn’t seen him yet. “I would have expected him to be breaking down the doors as soon as he heard.”
Jeff nodded. “He would have been if he could have. But there was an issue with his dialysis nurse. Apparently she just up and quit out of nowhere and he’s pissed. So he’ll be in once he has a new nurse sorted out.”
Maybe he should try to help with that. It was the least he could do, really.
“How come Eddie’s back in Hawkins anyway?”
Steve fidgeted with the hem of his sleeves. “Um… that would be me.” He said, unable to meet their eyes. “I thought he would want to be back here with you and with Wayne. I know I was probably overstepping, I’m sorry-”
A warm and gentle hand landed on his shoulder. “It’s okay, man. I think he’s gonna be very appreciative of it once he’s able to tell which way is up.” Grant said, his voice soft and comforting.
Steve gave him a small smile back and settled a little more comfortably in his chair. 
It didn’t last very long though, because Jeff looked across the bed at him and asked in a curious voice, “So. How did you two meet?”
And fuck.
They hadn’t come up with any kind of story about that. When would they have had the time? In between running into each other on jobs or trying to scramble for their lives and the lives of their loved ones?
The three of them were looking at him expectantly and he had to figure out something.
“Oh, we uh… I guess it was when… um- so what happened was-”
“Tried to pickpocket him.” Eddie’s wheezing voice came from the bed. Four heads whipped around to look at him as he rubbed his cheek into the pillow, his eyes gleaming in Steve’s direction. “Then he shoved me into an alley and paid- paid me $20 to blow him.” Eddie’s words were stilted and slow, his breathing a little shorter and sharper than usual, not able to move his chest as he normally would but he was coherent and sure.
Steve’s face lit up fire truck red. “That’s not-” He stuttered, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. 
He really wanted Eddie’s people to like him and this was not the way to do it.
“‘S how I remember it, sweetheart.”
Jeff and Grant sniggered to themselves while Gareth hummed, placing a hand against Eddie’s arm. 
“Did you at least make it good for him?”
Eddie shrugged, just a little jerk of his shoulder on his uninjured side, wiggling around to face his friend. 
“Worth every cent.”
Gareth nodded like he expected as much. “Not the worst thing you’ve ever done in an alleyway.”
Eddie grinned back. “Damn straight.”
Steve squirmed in his seat, still wanting to defend Eddie against his friends who were clearly only poking fun and not taking anything he said seriously. 
It was the same kind of ribbing he’d get from Robin. Maybe not from the kids, but Robin would be going for his throat in the exact same way, especially if he scared her like Eddie must have done to his friends.
Steve let himself fade into the background, watching the four of them catch up around him. 
Despite his pallid and tired face lying in the hospital bed, Eddie looked like he’d been given an injection of adrenaline, alight with energy being back around his friends again. 
It made Steve so happy to see he wanted to fucking cry. 
With slow and calculated movements, he managed to slip out of the room, mostly unseen. Eddie’s eyes flicked over to him once or twice but there was no fear or apprehension about being left alone in them, just a small ticking up at the corner of his mouth, letting Steve know it was okay, he was well taken care of here. 
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13th December 2015
Steve stayed gone a little longer than he had meant to. 
He’d gotten on the phone with Robin, giving her an update on everything and like the two of them so often did, they ended up completely lost in conversation, it was only when she mentioned the kids had asked about how he and Eddie were doing that he remembered he needed to call them too.
The kids were beyond curious about Eddie, both about how he was healing and how on earth Steve had managed to bag such a badass assassin.
Steve frowned.
“Because I’m a badass super spy?”
“Well yeah.” Dustin agreed with an eye roll that Steve could hear. “We know that but Eddie sounds so cool and you’re just so…”
“I’m just so what, Henderson?”
“You’re just so… like… straight laced.”
“Okay, one: there’s nothing straight about me-”
“Well duh-”
“Two: I am definitely hot enough to bag someone like Eddie-”
“Keep giving me lip and I won’t let you meet him.”
“Steve.” Dustin sighed as if disappointed. “Your new boyfriend, partner, lover-”
“Oh god, don’t ever use that word again-”
“Whatever he is to you, is an assassin with a code name from D&D, what makes you think you can keep us away?”
“I’ll use my super sexy spy skills-”
“Keep him hidden away from little shithead gremlins-”
“We are all in our mid-twenties-”
“Don’t remind me-”
It went on like that for a while, as it usually did whenever he and Dustin devolved into bickering, neither of them able to get a full sentence out as they poked at each other.
“When was the last time you left the hospital grounds?”
Steve snapped his mouth shut, Max’s voice coming from nowhere through the phone while he and Dustin snapped back and forth, all the kids on speaker phone.
“I… I can take care of myself, Mayfield.”
“Uh-huh. Is that why you’re not answering the question?”
Steve pursed his lips.
“Oh, look at that! I’m going through a tunnel, bye!”
He hung up, knowing far too well that the argument that had surely broken out between the kids would take up enough time for him to come up with a proper excuse about why he’d been holed up in the hospital day in and day out and not at the hotel room provided by the Agency.
Shaking his head and seeing evening start to creep in through the windows, he decided some shitty vending machine coffee would be the best option for tonight, getting a second cup of decaf for Eddie in case he was still awake.
As he approached Eddie’s hospital room he noticed the door was now closed and based on his glimpse through the window, the boys had left. Eddie was sitting up though, propped up against his numerous pillows, which was a good sign.
Steve shouldered his way through the door, eyes on the cups in his hands.
“The kids are still crawling up my fucking ass about getting to meet you-”
Steve snapped his mouth shut, noticing the other figure in the room, sitting at Eddie’s bedside, a cane in one hand and an eyebrow raised.
Eddie was glancing between the two of them, not quite apprehensive but not quite gleeful either. Maybe a little nervous.
Steve blinked, still frozen in place while Wayne appraised him.
Eventually Wayne leaned back in his chair, fingers laced over his belly. 
“S-Steve.” Steve said, by way of a truly pitiful introduction, like an idiot, given he was still standing there like a fish out of water.
“I know who you are.” Wayne answered, completely impenetrable. “Seems a bit sporty for you, Ed.”
“Wayne, be nice.” Eddie chastised his uncle, who didn’t take his eyes off Steve even as a slow smile curled over his face. “Look at him, the poor guy- s shaking in his trainers.”
Steve huffed, shoving his nerves down and finally getting his legs to start moving again, placing the decaf cup down on Eddie’s rolling table.
“Is this going to be my life now?” He asked the both of them. “Being teased mercilessly by everyone close to you?”
Eddie grinned at him, wide and toothy. “Absolutely.”
Steve threw himself down into the chair across from Wayne. “Well, nothing I’m not used to I suppose.”
Wayne was still smiling at him, his head tilted to the side in a move that was way too familiar, his eyes boring into Steve with an intensity he’d rarely wilted under before but Jesus Christ did he feel like wilting now.
“You’ve got kids?”
Steve felt his ears heat up.
“No, they’re… well the kids- or not kids, they’re in their twenties, but I took them under my wing a few years ago and I guess they stuck around-”
Wayne hummed, cutting him off and nodding his head.
“Ed always wanted kids.”
The squeak that left Steve’s throat was not something he would ever admit to under threat of death or torture, ever, ever, ever. 
All his years of spy training, all his years of dedication and subterfuge and unflappable confidence went out the fucking window in the face of Wayne Munson, the most important person in Eddie’s life.
He couldn’t stand to look in Eddie’s direction.
“Oh, I- me… me too, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Wayne.” Eddie said a little more forcefully. “Leave him alone. I just managed to get- get my claws into him, I don’t need you… scaring him off.”
Wayne finally tore his gaze away and Steve felt like he could breathe again.
“You finally gonna listen to me and retire from that job?” Wayne asked, turning to Eddie. “Do something a little less dangerous?”
Eddie smiled at his uncle, eyes flicking to Steve and then back again. “Yeah, I think so.”
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1st June 2016
Steve was fucking exhausted.
His last few months at work had been busier than usual, the vacuum of power Creel left in his wake giving all those on the lower rungs ideas about ascending to his level and neither Steve nor the Agency were about to let that happen.
But Jesus Christ, these people did not go down easy.
Steve grimaced as he stepped into the elevator up to his apartment, the small metal box closing him in with his own smell, stagnant water, fish and something oily and greasy.
His clothes were still damp from where he and his opponent had tumbled into the old breeding pool at the abandoned salmon farm and all he wanted to do was fucking shower.
Scrub himself until the top layer of skin was removed completely, fall into bed and then sleep away the rest of the night until Eddie got back from his visit to Hawkins tomorrow.
He was pretty sure he could almost see the cartoon grey cloud hanging over his head, his shoulders slumped, his head drooped and his footsteps plodding as he made his way down the hallway to his apartment.
Steve shoved his apartment door open and was met with a sensory overload.
The sounds of guitar and drums were vibrating through the air and the smell of something garlic and creamy hitting him as he closed the door behind him. The apartment was warm and the lights were already on.
His stomach grumbled so loud, he could hear it over the metal music and he was pretty sure his mouth was fucking watering.
As he stepped further inside, Steve was met with the sight of Eddie practically throwing himself around their kitchen, head swinging back and forth, knees kicking up, fist in the air while something bubbled in a saucepan on the stove.
Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot-
“Woah.” Eddie said as he turned and caught sight of him, completely unashamed about what he’d just been doing, but turning the music down anyway. 
Steve watched him, a little dazed, his posture still slumped and probably looking like a damp, kicked puppy.
“What happened to you, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, stepping closer. “Rough day at the office?”
Steve blinked at him, overwhelmed and bone tired.
“You’re here.”
Eddie grinned at him, stepping closer again. “I’m here.”
Steve took a few steps back with his hands up though all he wanted to do was just fall into him.
“I wouldn’t.” He frowned, even as he said it. “I smell like shit.”
Eddie’s brow wrinkled but he still continued to approach. “I don’t care.” He said, even as he couldn’t help the scrunch of his nose. “Is that fish?”
Steve grimaced as Eddie’s fingertips touched his cheek, the thick layer of grime he could feel over him making him squirm.
“Okay.” Eddie said, giving in to Steve’s clear discomfort. “You go shower and I’ll finish up your dinner. Sound good?”
Steve’s shoulders fell again, but this time in relief and he shot Eddie what must have surely been a grateful if not lovesick smile.
“Yeah.” He sighed out.
Eddie sent him off to the bathroom with a wink, the volume of the music climbing again behind Steve as he walked away, though not as loud as it had been.
Steve shuddered to himself as he peeled his clothes off, barely wasting any time between getting naked and throwing himself into the shower, not even bothering to switch it on first.
He could deal with the cold spray until it got warm.
His muscles unwound themselves and his brain finally started to get a bit quieter as the smells around him slowly changed from disgusting fish and old water smells to the soapy fresh smells of his shampoo and body wash.
Steve was no stranger to taking time in the shower, making sure he gave his hair all the love and attention it needed but tonight he stayed even longer, just letting the hot water melt his muscles into a puddle.
He had his forehead against the shower tiles, letting the water hit his back. He didn’t even jump when the door slid open behind him and a pair of tattooed arms wrapped around him to hold him tight, warm and comforting. 
“Are you letting dinner burn again?” Steve asked, turning his head a little against the tile to glance over his shoulder.
Eddie was watching him with dark eyes, his lips pressed against Steve’s neck.
“No. I’m keeping it warm in the oven for you. And I’ve only ever burned dinner once.”
“Because you’re insatiable.”
“Because I love you.”
Steve pressed his arms down over Eddie’s, keeping them in place around him.
“I love you too.”
“I know.” Eddie hummed into his neck, not kissing, just dragging his lips up and down with the lightest of touches, lightly trailing his fingers down Steve’s stomach.
Steve tipped his head back as Eddie began to press his palm against him, working him up to full hardness in almost no time and sucking at the skin just below his jaw.
He was just starting to get lost in the rhythm of thrusting his hips forward when Eddie removed his hand, turning Steve by the shoulder and guiding him to lean back against the tile wall.
He watched with hooded eyes as Eddie slowly lowered himself to his knees, barely settling his weight down before he took Steve into his mouth and straight down to the back of his throat. 
Steve’s eyes rolled and his head dropped back to thunk against the tiles. Eddie had his hands splayed over his hips, holding him down and Steve dug his fingers into the wet curls atop his head, not gripping or pulling, just resting there, content enough to feel the small bobbing motions.
“Baby,” he panted, tilting his head back down and watching Eddie look up at him with those huge eyes, lips red, cheeks hollow and fully hard. “Touch yourself, please.”
Even though his mouth was stretched around Steve’s cock, he still somehow managed to grin, knowing Steve was desperate to see him enjoy himself as well.
Steve brought his other hand up from where it was hanging limp, using it to tangle his fingers with the one Eddie still had on his hip, holding on tight while he was brought to the edge in record time, spilling down Eddie’s throat embarrassingly quickly while Eddie worked himself in his hand.
If Steve had thought he felt boneless before, it was nothing on what he felt now, his legs shaking and his mind calm and quiet while Eddie stood, just in time to cum all over Steve’s stomach. 
He looked down as it was all slowly washed away under the stream of water then back up when Eddie hooked a finger under his chin, guiding him into a slow and sweet kiss, full of love and affection.
“Are you feeling up to dinner?” He asked, soft against Steve’s lips. “Or do you just want to go straight to bed?”
Steve blinked at him slowly, his eyelids feeling weighted down. 
“I need to eat.” He muttered.
He’d love nothing more than to go straight to bed, but he couldn’t let all of Eddie’s hard work cooking him food go to waste. He’d never missed a dinner Eddie had made him and he didn’t intend to start now.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want the food Eddie made him, he very much did and it had smelled divine but he wasn’t completely sure he would be able to stay awake through the whole thing.
And he’d missed him. 
Eddie had been gone for a few days already by the time he’d been called out on his latest mission and Steve had ached to have him near again. He wanted to be close and he couldn’t force Eddie into bed with him when it was barely even seven in the evening.
Eddie was watching him with those burning and intense eyes like he was picking apart all of Steve’s thoughts and scanning through them, cataloguing them and tucking them away for later.
“Okay.” He smiled against his lips. “You want me to help you dry off and get dressed?”
Steve tipped his head to the side, burying his nose into Eddie’s neck and pulling him in tight.
“I’m just glad you’re home.”
Eddie squeezed him back. 
“I’m glad I’m home too.”
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25th March 2023
Steve settled his gun harness around his shoulders, so lost in thought he nearly jumped when Eddie rounded the corner and leaned against their closet doorway.
“Something on your mind?” Eddie asked, arms crossed, the black of his wedding band stark against his skin, the only jewellery he was wearing this early in the morning.
Steve nodded, bucking himself in. He took the few steps forward until he was in Eddie’s space, running his hands up and down his arms.
“Do you remember what one of the first things Wayne said to me was?”
A crease appeared in Eddie’s brow to go along with the confused smile on his face.
“That you were too sporty for me?”
Steve shook his head, gripping Eddie’s arms tighter.
“He asked me if I had kids.”
Eddie’s mouth drew into a tight line.
“Not this again, sweetheart, please-” he moved to pull away but Steve held him tighter, keeping him in place. He knew that if Eddie wanted to break out of his grip he could have but he felt a small little bit of relief when he stayed where he was.
“And he said you always wanted kids too.”
“I did. I do. You know I do. But we’ve talked about this so many times-” Eddie sighed, pressing his forehead against Steve’s collarbone. “Your job is too dangerous. We can’t expose kids to that.”
“When I first took in the Party, they were practically kids.”
“They were teens. That’s different. We don’t need kids to have a full marriage.”
Steve nosed into Eddie’s hair, cupping the back of his head.
“But you want them. I want them.”
Eddie just burrowed in deeper. “But we don’t need them.”
“I don’t want to die with regrets, baby. I don’t want to be old and grey and thinking I shouldn’t have let my job get in the way of life with you.” He placed a kiss against Eddie’s temple. “And you’d be so pretty with children swinging out of you.”
That got Eddie to laugh. “Oh yeah, real pretty. You get to swan off and shoot people in the face. Meanwhile I’m back here, trying to handle fucking… Spider-Man birthday parties or something.”
“You’d love it.” Steve grinned, bringing his hands up to cup Eddie’s face, pulling his head back just enough to look at him. “You love being my little house husband.”
Eddie turned his head, grinning into Steve’s palm.
“I do.”
“I’ll talk to Hopper when I get back, okay? See if I can transition over to training duty for new recruits or something.”
“Really? You’d give up your dream position for that?”
Steve dipped forward, pressing a slow, sweet kiss against Eddie’s lips.
“You’re my dream, baby.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, but brought his hands up to circle Steve’s wrists.
“Who taught you such sappy talk?”
“You did.”
Steve brought him in for another kiss, just as sweet and just as loving as the last. They were only broken apart when his watch beeped.
“I have to go.”
Eddie walked him down to the front door, lingering just inside the threshold.
Steve kissed him again, squeezing his hand.
“I’ll talk to him when I get back.”
Eddie nodded, a hopeful smile on his face.
“When you get back.”
A week later Steve would open his eyes to Eddie’s tear streaked face by his hospital bed, whispering to him angry and devastated, “If you ever do that to me again, I swear to god sweetheart, I’ll take you out myself.”
Steve just gave him a weak grin in return, squeezing his hand.
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18th August 2023
Steve groaned as he blinked his eyes open. His back was still aching after being amateurly tied to that chair for however long. Being kidnapped was such a drag.
“I want to have kids with you.”
Steve blinked down at Eddie curled up against his chest, the morning light giving him a soft halo of light as he turned his head, chin digging into Steve’s sternum, eyes bleary and tired. 
Like he hadn’t slept a wink all night.
“I thought-” Eddie tightened his arms momentarily, not enough to aggravate Steve’s back, but enough that he could feel it. “I thought you were gone. For a few terrible moments after Chrissy called… I thought you were gone. And I kept thinking that I’d missed it. I’d missed out on it. That I could never have it again because you were gone and I’d never get to see you hold our baby or push our kid on the swings or help them get ready for their first prom. You were gone and I’d missed my chance and I’d never have it again. I’d been so scared. I was so scared. I don’t want to be scared anymore, I’ve done enough of that in my life.” Eddie’s voice had started to crack and he buried his face back into Steve’s chest.
Steve felt like his heart was breaking.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was scared. I didn’t think- I thought we’d have more time-”
“Hey. Hey, baby, come here.” Steve pulled at Eddie’s shoulders, unable to drag Eddie up his body but making his wants known. Eddie sniffled into his chest hair but wiggled his way up the bed regardless, burying his face into Steve’s neck while Steve enveloped him as much as he could.
“We have time. We have all the time in the world. Don’t jump into anything you’re not sure about-”
“I’m sure.” Eddie pushed himself up onto his elbows, his eyes red and his nose running. “I’m sure. I’ve been sure for a while, I just didn’t know how to- I kept putting off telling you, waiting for a better moment.”
“It’s alright.” Steve soothed, running his hand through Eddie’s hair, already knowing he’d give him everything. “It’ll be a big commitment, what with my back-”
Something like hope was starting to dawn on Eddie’s face, as if Steve could have ever thought of denying him anything.
“We’ll make it work. And you can walk again. Plus we’ll be getting your car soon, with the push pull pedals. We’ve fought bigger battles than this before.”
Steve smiled at him. 
“Yes we have.”
Eddie kissed him, wet and messy and elated.
“I love you, sweetheart.” He whispered against his lips.
“I love you too, baby.”
Part 1 Part 15 AO3
It's done! Thank you so much, everyone for your support through this story, it's one of my favourites I've ever written and I LOVED how completely unhinged everyone was with me while we screamed about these two boys.
The song Eddie is listening to in the kitchen is One by Metallica, an absoloute banger of a song. It in no way is symbolic or reflective of his internal thoughts, it's just a song that fucking slaps. 😅
@geekymagicalpotato @estrellami-1
Divider by firefly-graphics
Big thanks as always to @hbyrde36 for the magnificent beta work and to the @strangerthingswritersguild for their motivation and of course I also have @steddielations to thank for planting the seed of this idea in the first place with their own spies ficlet so a big thank you to everyone! 😊
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
This has probably been done or thought of before and apologies if it has! But my brain gave me another idea and I had to share. Basically, this is kind of a Pushing Daisies fusion where Steve has Ned’s powers, but where everything else more or less happens as it does in canon. This is kind of a summary/outline, mostly of the backstory, that somehow ended up over 800 words lmao
Steve spent most of his life thinking of himself as an ordinary guy, in an ordinary town, where only ordinary things happen. If you pressed him for the weirdest thing that ever happened to him, he might have told you about the time he found a dead bird when he was a kid that came back to life when he touched it. As a kid, it seemed like a miracle. When he got older, he knew his mom was right—the bird was just stunned.
So, yeah, ordinary guy, ordinary town. And then it turns out the town is not so ordinary. Steve’s life gets really fucking un-ordinary when he fights a monster from a shadow dimension with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. But he’s still ordinary. Yeah, he fought a monster, but that was a blip in an otherwise ordinary life.
And then the monsters come back. That’s when Steve finds out he’s not as ordinary as he thought. When he’s putting the dead demo dog in the Byers’ fridge (sorry, Mrs. Byers) he touches part of it and the thing comes back to life in his arms.
It must have been stunned, like that bird when he was a kid, or just maybe got a second wind because, in the confusion and chaos that ensues, he makes a grab for it, and the thing just falls to the floor. Stone cold dead.
If it wasn’t for Dustin Henderson, that’s exactly what Steve would have thought for the rest of his life. But Dustin saw the whole thing and he decides that Steve is some kind of miracle worker and he wants to experiment.
It takes a lot of convincing, but Steve gives in. He wishes he hadn’t. Because he finds out that, yeah, he can bring things back from the dead, but if they stay alive for more than a minute, something else dies. Something nearby and more or less equal. (So, a bird for a squirrel, a butterfly for a bee.)
And if he touches it a second time? Dead. Again. Forever.
So, Steve swears Dustin to secrecy and vows he’s never ever going to touch a person. If he can bring a bird back to life, but sacrifice a squirrel for it, what happens if it’s a person?
And he keeps the vow, though, thankfully, it’s not a hard vow to keep.
And then Eddie Munson dies.
Steve and Nancy and Robin find Dustin cradling Eddie in his arms and the bottom falls out of Steve’s stomach. The Upside Down starts going crazy and Vecna is still out there and they have to get out. But Dustin has a busted ankle and he won’t leave without Eddie and Nancy and Robin are trying to figure out how to get them all out and Dustin is saying, “Steve, please,” over and over and over.
And Steve tells them all to shut up and they do, surprisingly, staring at him. There’s no time so he tells Nancy and Robin to get Dustin out and they try to protest but he tells them again. Tells them to get as far away from the gate as possible. And, it’s a miracle, but they listen to him.
When they’re gone, Steve waits, and waits a little longer, and then he falls to his knees beside Eddie. There’s no one else in the Upside Down, no one else to be taken by the gift he’s going to give to Eddie, except maybe himself. But it wouldn’t work like that, would it?
He reaches out and he hesitates. What if it does take him? No. No, it wouldn’t.
And he reaches out again, saying “Sorry”, and he touches Eddie. There’s a little spark and Eddie gasps and he reaches for Steve and Steve jerks back. He tells Eddie he’ll explain later but he can’t touch Steve—not even the tiniest touch—and they have to get out. Eddie nods, goes along with it, stumbling to his feet.
They race back to the gate at Eddie’s with everything going crazy around them.
Steve sends Eddie through first and then it’s his turn. He makes it through the gate just in time to see it close up, which is weird, and then the earth shakes and there’s this booming and crashing and then…everything goes quiet. Also weird. But weird is par for the course these days.
Eventually, they make it to the others (who have a lot of questions Steve doesn’t know how to answer yet) and regroup and get cleaned up, preparing for the next fight. But they don’t know, yet, they don’t have to. There won’t be another fight.
Because Steve and Eddie weren’t alone in the Upside Down. Vecna was down there. And Eddie’s been alive again for more than a minute.
(Of course, that’s just the beginning. Eddie may be alive again but he’s a wanted man. As much as it sucks, it might be better for an alive again wanted man to play dead still for a while. So, he hides out at Steve’s grandparents’ cabin, which they conveniently never visit, and tries to figure out how to be alive again when he was barely dead. And he has to figure out how to deal with falling in love with Steve Harrington when he can never touch him.)
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jqmalikhsgib · 2 months
“ouch, holy shit! you got the heaviest grip on ya kid!” eddie curses as lily pulls his hair. he’s gotten use to his kids pulling on his head over the years.
hopper keeps telling him to cut the damn thing but eddie tells him his hair is off limits! though yn loves his wild, curly hair, she thought he should cut it as well.
it had become a huge problem with their babies. she just didn’t want one of them to yank too hard and pull his hair out.
“i think you should cu—”
“don’t say it yn! my hair is off limits.”
yn chuckles at eddie’s antics. he’s being very silly about his hair! it’s not like it won’t grow back. but, it was no reasoning with the man.
eddie sets his daughter down into the play pen. yn wraps her arms around eddie’s neck. she stands on the tip of her toes before gently kissing him. “come on, baby! i think you’ll look absolutely sexy.” eddie groans.
“don’t try to seduce me into cutting my hair, yn! that’s a low blow.”
“i wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you, rockstar!” she kisses his cheeks next. “you’d look absolutely ravishing. want you all day, all night, from the bed to the kitchen floor, hmm?”
eddie shakes his head. she knows she’s close to convincing him. just gotta get a little push.
“just think baby, i might even let you do that thing you’ve been asking for the longest.” she bites her bottom lip.
eddie stares at her with wide eyes. “that’s low, baby! even for you!”
“what do you say, mister munson? gonna cut off that mane of yours?”
eddie groans. “fine! but it’ll take away my rockstar image!”
yn rolls her eyes. “eds, you’re a rockstar no matter what hairstyle you’re rocking because you’re eddie fucking munson, yeah?! born to be a rockstar, baby. plus, it’ll grow back! and it’ll be healthier because we’ll take better care of it!”
eddie sighs. he knew she’s making great points! he gently kisses her before smirking. “you’d really let me, you know?”
yn made a face. eddie gives her a pleading look. “only once! just to try it out.”
“and if you like it?” eddie whispers in her ear.
“then ill let you do it more, baby.”
eddie groans at the thought.
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eddie leg shakes as he waits patiently for the barber. he’s still very hesitant about cutting his hair. it wasn’t just hair to him! he grew this the moment he got away from his father.
eddie thought growing it meant riding all the memories he had of the man that hurt him the most! he knew he’s more than just his hair.
he also knew in the end it’ll get his kids to stop pulling it, and he can start over, make sure he takes better care of it! he just hated that all the growth would be gone.
“oh, calm down boy! it’ll grow back faster than you think!” jim hits his future son in law on the shoulder.
“munson, you’re up next!” eddie stands up and sits in the chair. he closes his eyes after the barber got everything ready.
once he heard the snip of the scissors he takes a tiny peak and groans. the barber continues to cut the young man’s head before finishing up.
“that wasn’t so bad, was it?!” jim states.
the barber hands him the biggest chop. eddie moans as he looks at his hair in his hands.
“this is gonna take some getting use to.” eddie states.
“you look good! i think you should keep it this way, son!”
eddie looks at jim as if he grew two heads. “over my dead body!”
“lets get you home, crybaby.” jim shakes his head. he pays the fee before the two head into his car and drives them back to the house.
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“oh, look at how handsome daddy looks!” yn points to eddie as he walks into the house, jim right behind him.
“what happen to your hair, daddy?” aster asked.
“the haircut fairy came and took it.”
“haircut fairy?”
“did she give you a dollar like the toof fairy?” jasmine asked.
eddie pulls out a two dollars from his wallet. “she gave me two! told me to give them to my big boy and girl!” eddie hands them each a dollar.
“yay! put it in my piggy bank!” jasmine runs to her room. aster follows right behind her.
“how was he, dad?”
“cried like a baby.” jim greets his daughter by kissing the top of her head. eddie scoffs.
“as if!” eddie states.
yn laughs. “hows el?”
jim sighs. “she’s having a hard time in school. kids are picking on her.”
yn frowns. “what kids?”
“i think it’s jason carvers little brother.”
eddie groans at that. “of course the little dip shits brother is an asshole too! the whole carver family members are asshats.”
jim hums in agreement. “what are they saying?”
“apparently telling her she’s an unwanted orphan. stating i only adopted her and you because i felt bad for the situation you guys were in. not because i actually care and love you two like my own.” jim shakes his head.
“the fuck?!” eddie blurts.
“yeah! i don’t even wanna get into what they’re saying about you anymore darling. but it’s sick and kids are cruel.”
“steve and i can take care of this for you!”
yn shakes her head. “gonna threaten a couple of kids, eddie? come on!”
“baby, they’re seniors in high school! plus el is family, id be damn if another fucking carver threatens my family!”
“forget it eddie! we have kids to think about. dad will handle it. right?”
“damn straight, darling! they messed with the chief of police baby girl. no one’s getting away with hurting my babies.”
yn smiles. “if she needs to talk, tell her im not too far! she can come visit her big sister any time.”
jim hums. he kisses his daughter forehead once more before saying goodbye to his grandkids and leaving.
“im sorry, babe. just don’t know it when people mess with anyone i love.” eddie hold yn tightly.
“i know. just—i don’t need you to get into any trouble. just because my dad is the chief, he still has to answer to others. you could get in trouble with someone higher up. the kids and i need you.”
eddie kisses the top of her head. “promise, ill be a good boy!” he smirks. yn gently pushes him playfully.
“ruined the moment, eds!”
eddie chuckles. yn begins to walk away. eddie gently smacks her ass and smirks. yn turns around and points to the kids.
“they’re too busy watching peppa pig.” eddie states. yn playfully rolls her eyes before they both sit on the couch and cuddle next to their babies.
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xenon-demon · 1 year
I fucking love pretty much every version of the “celebrity x Just Some Guy™” trope that there is for Steddie, but in honor of having a totally reasonable amount of wine I’m going to tell you about the version I’m currently thinking about all the time, one of my dumbest yet also funniest AU concepts: modern!AU with streamers Steve & Robin and Hardcore Fan™ Eddie who writes reader-insert fic about Steve.
Steve and Robin, aka EvenStevens and BirdBox_ on Twitch (“My name is spelled with a P-H, Robin, that’s such a stupid name.” “No, it’s actually even better this way! You don’t want to just use your real government name for something like this, and you would just make your username ‘SteveHarrington01′ or something equally uninspired-”) frequently stream together and have a shared YouTube channel. They got popular doing reaction videos that quickly devolve into the pair of them bickering on camera, and since the internet just loves the ‘snarky woman and her emotional support himbo’ dynamic, they got very big, very quick. Plus, it certainly doesn’t hurt that they had the combined might of Dustin and Erica to help them bend the algorithm to their whims.
While most people recognize their platonic-with-a-capital-P soulmatism, there are still some that are convinced they’re secretly dating - they can’t decide if it’s hilarious or absolutely maddening that every time they try to disprove the rumors, they somehow get stronger. Robin doesn’t feel comfortable coming out to the internet yet, and without that trump card some people just can’t understand why they’re not dating.
...there are other sections of their fandom, however, that absolutely do believe they’re not dating. Mainly because they’d rather be dating Steve or Robin (or both!) themselves, and write all the reader-insert fanfiction you could ever possibly need about it. Robin is largely ambivalent to the concept of fanfiction being written about herself as long as they’re not writing smut, since at least that way they’re not insisting she’s dating Steve.
Steve on the other hand finds it absolutely hilarious how despite how much he’s changed, he’s back to being the heartthrob he used to be in high school - and, he’ll be honest, he thrives on the attention. He’s given everyone the green light to write whatever they want - dared them to make it raunchier, even - to the point where it’s a running joke that Steve will read your reader-insert fanfiction about him unless you tag it with some form of ‘Steve don’t look’. He even used the prevalence of fic about himself to come out on stream.
(Steve’s in the middle of re-organizing his flower field in Animal Crossing when he’s interrupted by a donation. “Hey Steve, really sorry to tell you this but people are writing porn about you... and they’re making it gay. Like writing about you getting fucked by a dude. Just wanted you to know so you can say something about it.”
Steve stops dead, his screen freezing on his open inventory. “Hey, uh, why the fuck would I have a problem about a fictional version of me bottoming? Or- wait, do I seriously give off homophobic vibes? I’m literally bisexual. Hey Dustin, can you ban that guy please? Christ, the nerve of some people. If that’s how you feel about people being gay, or about people writing things that I’ve already said I have no problem with, you can leave this stream right now because I don’t want you here.“)
Many people lost their minds after that stream, one of them being popular tumblr blog whorefireclub.
Eddie didn’t plan on starting a tumblr blog for self-insert fanfiction about a twitch streamer. Really he didn’t, and every time he thinks about it in terms that plain he kind of dies a little on the inside. It’s really all Gareth’s fault, for getting fed up with Eddie’s dumb parasocial crush on a streamer and daring him to just “get it out of his system already”. So, using a bare-bones anonymous tumblr and many, many beers as his cover story, Eddie posted some of the most quickly written and unedited pieces of writing he’s ever produced in his life.
Except he wrote it with an AMAB reader character - and for those of you unfamiliar with the reader-insert sphere, that’s like fucking hen’s teeth. People are pretty good at making things gender neutral at least in their descriptions, and sometimes the anatomy is vague enough that it’s ambiguous, but the majority is written with AFAB genitalia for the reader character.
Eddie’s little drunken post blows up, and at first, he’s never regretted a life choice more.
After thinking about it, and seeing just how many people left comments with their reblogs or came into his askbox directly to thank him for giving them the representation they wanted, he starts to feel a bit better about the whole thing. In fact, it kind of tickles his “protector of the outcasts” instincts; there are people who can’t enjoy the content they want to because it doesn’t gel with their anatomy or gender identity. Eddie could, hypothetically, if he wanted to be absolutely insane about this one hot streamer guy, help fix that problem somewhat.
A couple of months later and he’s become “the guy who writes inclusive reader-insert fic”. While a fair amount of his work is gender-ambiguous, both in anatomy and in avoiding gendered language, more than half is written for anyone who finds themselves underrepresented in the usual reader-insert scene; anyone AMAB, AFAB people who can’t do female language, he’s even written a few oneshots with intersex reader characters. He did research for it and everything. It’s certainly not how he planned for this to work out, but it’s actually kind of... nice. He’d written a lot of fanfiction in his youth, mainly about Lord of the Rings and Star Trek, and while this isn’t how he’d imagined returning to the hobby it’s actually really fun. (It’s making his celebrity crush on Steve a million times worse, of course, but he’s in denial about that so it’s totally fine.)
He’s a little shit, so his blog header has - underneath his personal details - a PSA that reads “Steve, don’t look at this unless you have the balls to shout me out on stream ;)”. Eddie thinks he’s absolutely hilarious.
Right up until he wakes up to find his following has exploded overnight, and upon checking his DMs from his mutuals realizes that - oh shit - that bastard actually did it and talked about his blog on stream.
And Steve said he liked it. Steve likes the porn that Eddie wrote about him. Jesus H. Christ, Eddie is so unfathomably fucked.
if this were to exist as a fic it would be told through social media posts/DMs. one of those fics that uses unconventional (i.e. non-prose) formatting, you know the ones. the concept actually came from the fact I fucking LOVE fics like that, I’m a slut for any of that House of Leaves-type shit. one time I read a fic that consisted of 8 short stories and each one had a HTML puzzle you had to solve to be able to read it, e.g. one you had to highlight because the text was in white, another you needed to hover your mouse over to make it scroll through the text - I can’t remember the rest but it was SO COOL.
(or, to put this another way, I read homestuck at a formative age and it forever changed how I feel about formatting stories.)
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uncpanda · 10 months
Blood is Thicker than Water: Chapter 20
AN: Not going to lie. I STRUGGLE writing wedding scenes. However, I really love how this chapter turned out. Instead of dragging it out, we get snippets. I love that about this. Please leave feedback.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Master List
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Guest List: 
“Four hundred and thirty-six people.” 
Rafa stares at you. He’s been sipping from that cup of coffee for over two minutes now. You lean forward and say it again, “Four hundred and thirty-six people.” 
He finally puts the cup down, “I really don’t see the problem.” 
You scream in frustration and stomp right out of the apartment. 
The moment the door closes Rafael looks at Benny and asks, “She realizes I have a big family right?” 
Wedding Party: 
“So that gives me Rita as my best woman, and Ed and Eddie as groomsmen.” 
“And I have Liv as my maid of honor.” 
Rafa stares at you, “That means the sides are uneven.” 
“They can’t be uneven.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “Why not?” 
“It won’t look right.” 
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
Your fiance sighs, “What about your friends from college?” 
“Most of them are already married and have kids. Plus they live in different states. That’s not fair to ask them.” 
“Friends from childhood?” 
“I hung out with Elliot’s kids. I haven’t talked to them in years, andI don’t really have a desire to do so now.” 
“So this is just how it is.” 
“Unless you want me to ask your mother?” 
“Nope. We’re good.” 
The Venue: 
“What do you think?” 
You look around at the garden. It is perfect for a springtime wedding. Even without the flowers in bloom, it’s gorgeous. 
You look over at Rafa, his smile is stretched across his face. He’s done good. Amazing really. There’s just one problem. 
“It’s not going to fit four hundred thirty-six people.” 
Your fiance scowls, “We can figure it out. Some people can stand.” 
You cross your arms, and lean forward, “That’s against the fire code counselor.” you point towards the plaque that reads a max of 300. 
He throws his hands up in frustration, and finally says the words you’ve been waiting to hear, “Fine! I’ll make cuts.” 
Ring Bearer: 
“He needs a part in the wedding!” 
“I’m not disagreeing with you.” 
“You said no.” 
“I said no, because I already told my sister Noah could do it, and he’s our nephew.” 
“Well of course Noah is a ring bearer, I’m just saying Benny could be one too!” 
  “There’s also the fact that your grandmother might pass out if she sees a dog in the processional. We’re already not getting married in the neighborhood church. She nearly cried when we told her that.” 
“She loves Benny!” 
“I know, that’s why he can come to the reception and take pictures with us. I already talked to the venue and our dog walker.” 
“Oh. Well, okay then.” 
“So how did you manage to convince mama Barba and Abuelita and the rest of his relatives not to come today?” 
You take a sip of the champagne in your hand, “I told them the truth. This is a you and me thing. No one else allowed.” 
Liv smiles, “Well, it means a lot that it’s just us.”
“What do you think of these?” 
You and Liv turn together and watch as Ed and Noah come out together. They’re dressed in matching tuxes. You and Liv melt. Noah is absolutely adorable, and Ed actually cleans up pretty good. While Rita is Rafa’s best woman, Ed and Eddie are his groomsmen, and Noah is the ring bearer. 
After you’re all done cooing at Noah, Rafael finally steps out of the dressing room. He looks drop dead handsome in his tux. You feel your eyes go wide, and then he gets a little smirk on his face. You know you’re not living this moment down. 
You stare at Rafa. He’s trying not to laugh. You can’t blame him. “She’s going to kill us.” 
You smile, “This song comes from the first movie we ever watched together.” 
“We’ve already found a way to work quotes into the wedding. If you walk down the aisle to this song, your sister might just kill us.” 
You shake your head, a serious look coming over your face, “No she won’t. She knows why I love this movie, why I love the book.” 
Rafa looks serious now too, “I think it’s perfect.” 
Dress shopping: 
“No,no, no, no, no! What did I tell you about off the rack? I said absolutely not! Where is your manager? I helped him evade a racketeering charge, he owes me!” 
You sip on champagne and look at your sister. She has that look on her face, “At least it wasn’t a murder or rape charge.” 
She nods in agreement before asking, “How did Rita end up on this chopping trip again?” 
“This is apparently the best wedding dress shop around. She knows the owner . . . apparently rather well. She’s trying to help.” 
A second later a terrified manager and a ranting Rita pass you by.
You both watch them go. You’re happy to say you don’t find your dress in that store. 
Dress Shopping Part 2: 
The day you find your wedding dress, you’re not expecting it. You’re less than five months away from the wedding, and you’re panicking a little bit. You KNOW it takes time to order a dress. Rita’s told you about it five million times. 
You’re walking Benny when you see it. A small bridal shop, with a pretty dress in the window. You stare at it for several seconds before you call your sister. She answers on the first ring, “This better be an emergency. I’m in the middle of a case.” 
“I think I might have found my wedding dress.” 
There’s a moment of silence, “What’s the address, I’ll be there ASAP.” 
You rattle it out just as an employee sticks her head out, “Hi there. Would you like to come in?” 
You look down at Benny and she smiles, “He’s welcome to come in too. I love dogs!” You go in.
By the time Liv arrives, Benny is on his back getting belly scratches from the staff while you’re in the dressing room being fitted into your dream dress. 
Liv stares at your goofy, three legged dog for a second before she calls out your name. You step out a second later. 
You watch her eyes go wide, as she studies you for a second, “That’s it.” 
You nod, “Yeah.” There are no tears. It’s just a comfortable feeling. This is your wedding dress. 
The Night Before: 
The night before your wedding is spent at Liv’s apartment. Ed and Noah head over to your place to spend time with Rafa and Eddie. It’s just the two of you. You put on face masks, paint your nails, and watch Disney movies. It reminds you of one of the best parts of your childhood.
It’s as you’re sitting on the couch that Liv says, “I’m so happy for you. You know that right?” 
You smile, “I know.” 
“He’s a good man.” 
“The best in my opinion, though Ed gives him a run for his money.” 
She smiles at that, “I truly think, you’re going to be really happy together.” 
“I know so.” 
With that, she pulls you in for a hug. 
Right Before the Wedding: 
You don’t actually feel nervous until about half an hour before the wedding. Your makeup and hair is done. You probably should have been in your dress by now, but you’re still in your getting ready outfit. Things are a bit behind schedule. Noah had a melt down, your sister has cried no less than three times, and Abuelita and Lucia have been bickering with each other. You haven’t seen Rafa. You’re not sure why you’re sticking to this stupid tradition, but you are. 
You’re watching the chaos with an observant eye when someone taps you on the shoulder. You spin around to see your sister standing there. She tosses her head to the side and you follow her outside. The sun is shining and the March air is only a little chilly. You close your eyes and allow yourself a minute. When you open your eyes, you see Liv smiling at you. 
“It’s just crazy. How Lewis,” 
“May he rot in hell,” 
“Lead to all of this. You moving back and meeting Rafael. Me and Ed connecting, getting married, and having Noah. We’re getting those happy endings we dreamed of as kids.” 
You hug yourself and look at the ground for a little bit before you look up, “Did I ever say thank you?” 
“For what?” 
“For raising me and loving me when you didn’t have to?” 
Your sister hugs you, “You never have to thank me for that. You are one of the best joys of my life.” You smile at that. 
Walking Down the Aisle: 
You’re nervous, but you’re allowed to be. You’re in your dress, your veil is attached, and everyone has walked down the aisle except you and Liv. You look at your sister. She’s dressed in a black dress. She has once again avoided color. 
She holds out her arm to you, and you take it. You close your eyes, and you count to three. The music starts: the instrumental Dawn from Pride and Prejudice; the first movie you and Rafa watched together. The movie you two still watch together.
You start to walk. It’s slow, and thanks to the three hundred and twenty three people (Rafa was able to cut it down) you can’t see Rafael yet. You do, however, see Uncle Don, and Finn, and Munch. You smile at them. 
And then you turn the corner of people, and you see him. Rafael is standing there. He’s dressed in his tux. His hair is perfectly styled. His eyes are focused solely on you as though you’re the only thing he sees. You feel yourself start to speed up, but your sister grounds you like she always does. 
When you finally reach him, you feel your breath leave your chest. And as you take his hand, everything else fades away. It’s just you and him. Just like it’s supposed to be. 
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theladyyavilee · 1 year
This episode frustrated me how dare they say that about she she sees him more then he sees himself and how she’s different no that’s not what was shown. What was shown is that she’s not into him at all for the person she’s into him cause he died. I really truly hope buck wakes up quickly and realizes this relationship is going to go nowhere. She doesn’t care about him and the writers want us to seriously think she’s a viable love interest nope sorry not working.
love I am saying this with all the kindness in my heart (like, genuinely, it sounds like most of your disappointment and frustration might be self-inflicted!), but you literally answered your own question here - it is not working and she is not what buck is trying to make himself believe she is to him and that IS THE POINT and the writers are making that point on purpose
I do not know why you (and so many others) are so convinced that everything buddie happens on accident and that the relationships with the various love interests are trainwrecks on accident as well, like, they are telling a story here, and it is not a straight (haha xD) line from point A to point B, it's a winding path with dead ends and wrong turns and obstacles like in real life, which I personally think is a way better and more intersting story <3 and that means trying things and failing, which includes relationships that aren't endgame, but which are an important opportunity for you to learn something about yourself and what you want from a relationship and who you want to BE in a relationship
and so these relationships feel off because they are SUPPOSED to! if they wanted you to actually like and get on board with a love interest, they WOULD get you there, I promise you, the way they are handling the relationships of madney, bathena, henren and even more background couples like david and michael and toni and clive and even sue and her husband and couples on calls like the amnesia couple in 5x18 or the lesbians from 5x9 or mitchell and thomas from waaay back in 2x8 for example should tell you that they absolutely know exactly how to write healthy and beautiful and lovely relationships that feel right and satisfactory -like even for the background couples, with just a handful of scenes they got me so invested in those couples and I was rooting for them sooooo hard!!! so if they wanted us to feel that way about a buck or eddie LI, I am pretty sure they absolutely would do an amazing job convincing us (and would have started doing so waaay before this point in time if we are being honest xD), but they very much ARE NOT, BECAUSE THAT IS THE POINT, those relationships are not meant to be taken as endgame options and we are not supposed to be rooting for them and I promise your experience with this show is going to improve soooo so so much when you start trusting the writers on being able to tell you whether or not to get invested in a couple, because it will spare you so so so much anxiety, I really really promise!
also, side note, 'they' (as in 'the writers' I assume?) did not say anything at all, Buck said that she sees him, because he is an unreliable narrator and he is misunderstanding a MULTITUDE of things in very unhealthy ways at the moment, but that that doesn't make it true that she sees him in any way, shape or form, they are indeed literally showing IN THE SAME scene that what buck is saying is bullshit, because Eddie is the one who actually sees him and Buck is missing it (and they told us he WOULD miss the point this season, when in episode 1 he had that line about 'excellent options right under his nose' and 'like he is choosing not to see them'! buck is very much missing the obvious and reaching all the wrong conclusions!)
so yeah, to summarize - the relationship is feeling off on PURPOSE because that is the kind of story they are telling and if they wanted you to actually root for them, they would go about it very differently (which we know they can pull off!) and so I would recommend to have a little more faith in the writers and let yourself look at what they are really actually putting down instead of giving too much weight to bad faith conspiracy theories here on tumblr about how the writers are forcing buddie appart and trying to force us into believing in love interests that are very unsubtly and in text already heavily doomed!!!
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
No, no please ramble on, i have many a bone to pick with the way this was recieved. And i honestly didn't expect a certain part of the fandom to have any correct takes about this as they rebuke anything that even remotely points to Buck and Eddie being anything but good ol' bros, but the amount of shippers who retroactively decided that actually, nothing means anything is kinda disappointing. This is a pretty interesting (genius even) way to illustrate Bucks perception of home, romantic relationships and his agency in them after all.
I think Buck and his metaphorical connection to "belonging" and his home space, apartments/loft, couch, etc have been a Thing™️ since his introduction in season 1.
Season 1- he's uncomfortable in a shared house with a bunch of frat guys (including *cough*Connor) that he only came to LA with because of a delusion of creating a "family" with them. Then he meets Abby, he feels like she "sees" him, he moves into her place and doesn't leave until halfway through season 2 even though the relationship has been dead for longer than it's been alive.
Season 2- He meets Ali, and she's the one who convinces him to get his own place, the entire loft is ALI'S doing, harkening back to Buck's passivity in relationships and his tendency to lose himself in them. Ali is the one who gives the iconic "You're like a perpetual roommate, even in your own place" and she hit the fucking nail on the head.
Season 3- the meat of Buck with the Diaz boys starts. "This is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest". Strong establishment of Buck is at his most comfortable with Eddie and Chris.
Season 4- First we got Chim invading Buck's space, then Albert, then Veronica. His space is still never safe because anyone at anytime can come in and make it there's and he just lets them. Buck retreats to the Diaz house even more for safety. Introduction of "everyone needs a safe space where they can be themselves" by Dr. Copeland. Then in the finale, Buck is the one at the Diaz house, sleeping on their COUCH, taking care of Christopher emotionally and physically, while Eddie recovers from the shooting.
Season 5- Taylor moves into the loft, encroaching on Buck's supposed "safe space", getting rid of his couch in favor of her own (putting her needs above Buck's), and she only moves in because Buck asked her after panicking that she might leave him after he kissed Lucy (both trauma responses). OBVIOUS cracks in the relationship that only gets WORSE when they move in together. They break up, and she takes her couch with her leaving more obvious holes in Buck's loft.
Season 6- the birth of the couch metaphor. Of Buck textually connecting his couch ie. his home with his romantic life. His distant yet overbearing mother forces a couch on him as a way to make up for 30 years of emotional neglect, he hates it and is uncomfortable with it, he only finds solace and rest on the Diaz couch, Kameron INVADES his home in 6b and demands more of him than he ever agreed to. She destroys his couch with her birth fluid. The couch is gone, and Buck asks Natalia if she wants to go couch shopping, incredibly soon after she walked out on him for being "too much".
Buck searching for his true home, his safe space, his family being connected to his physical home has been and will likely continue to be a huge part of his character arc. Who was it I saw who was waiting for Buck's loft to burn down since season 4? Y'all are where it's at, honestly. Who knows, maybe the "Buck's loft should burn down" truthers can combine with the "couch theory" truthers and the "buck breakdown s7" truthers, and make season 7 the best season yet.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years
Since I’m on a roll, here’s another part I had fun with. Both this and the Steve-Goes-Into-The-Car-Blanket-fort scene are apart of Illustrated which is my lil Soulmate AU. 
“The famed bedroom of King Steve. I feel like I should have made you work harder to get me in here. Rumors say you enjoy the chase after all."  Munson drawls, as they walk down the hallway.  
"Rumors say a lot of things, Munson. Most of it’s-" Steve stops, catches himself before he says the word bullshit and inflicts psychological damage on himself. "Stupid." 
"Stupid." Eddie echoes, teasing lilt to his voice. 
“Tommy once spent six weeks trying to convince last year's freshmen that Ms. Click is in a motorcycle gang.” Steve counters. “Went so far as to try and get the school’s journalist club to fake some pictures for him.”
“That explains the entire debate club's fixation with leather vests.” Eddie says triumphantly, looking like there’s a story he’s about to tackle (likely with many dramatics, because omelets seem to have somehow restored the guy’s energy) but stops dead as Steve swings his bedroom door open. 
“Oh my god why is there so much plaid?” Eddie��s jaw drops, teasing forgotten entirely as they step into Steve’s room. 
Who rolls his eyes. “Why does everyone always say that?”
“Because no one in their right mind has plaid walls, dude.” Munson blinks, dramatically staggering backwards like he’s been hit. “My eyes are being assaulted right now.” 
Steve should be annoyed, but surprises himself when he finds he actually wants to laugh. “Does it help if I tell you I didn’t pick it?”
The look Eddie gives him almost makes him laugh anyway. “Who the hell did? Satan?” 
“Close enough. My mom.” Steve turns to look at his room, imagining how someone like Eddie must see it. 
Plaid walls, minimal décor, a bed that’s made (only because Steve’s mother drilled that habit into him) and hideous, matching curtains. The whole set was picked out of a catalog, right down to the stupid, framed car poster. 
The only thing that shows any signs of life is his desk, which is covered in scraplets of paper, pens, a phone and random other objects. 
(Steve’s favorite is a small stuffed penguin wearing a sailor costume. Robin had a matching one, a tribute to the way they had met. It would be the very first thing he’d grab in a fire, one of the very few possessions he owned that Steve truly treasures.)  
“Ahh the fabled Mrs. Harrington. I thought she was made up.” Eddie says, finally  entering the room. He explores it like something might pop out at him, and hell, Steve couldn’t blame him for that either. 
“Yeah. She picked it out when she used to be here more. Before her and my dad fucked off to New York.” 
“And you didn’t immediately renovate?” 
This is the most expressive Steve’s seen Eddie in the last twenty four hours. Feels almost like he’s got the guy back to some semblance of a balanced mental state, which makes the part of Steve that loves caring for people unbelievably happy. 
Steve shrugs. “Honestly, I never thought about it much.” 
Doesn’t mention that these days he tries to spend the least amount of time he can inside his own home, instead bouncing between work, Dustin’s house, and any antics the kids or Robin had pulled him into.
Thinks vaguely that he and Robin may have actually slept in his living room more than his actual bedroom-or, him in her bed, considering how often he sneaks into her room. 
A fact her parents would be furious about except they’re so painfully relieved that they’ve purposefully given Steve some grace. Something Robin hates and Steve does his best to distract her from. 
“Yeah we’re gonna fix that.” Eddie spins slowly, looking all the way up like some bit of personality is hiding out on the ceiling. “Immediately.”
Digs around in one of his pockets, and pulls out a thick black Sharpie, before turning with it to give Steve a wild grin.  “What do you say to a little home makeover?” 
Steve raises an eyebrow at him, before looking over his room once more. “You sure you don’t want a shower first” He asks, to buy himself time to think.
Has a feeling Munson can find the time to shower, nap and cause chaos, in equal amounts. 
Sure enough, Eddie waves him off. “Don’t you worry about me, Steve-o,  I think I can manage to figure out how to use your bathroom after giving this place a little art CPR.” 
Screw it.
Will in fact, likely help Munson channel out whatever leftover emotion he had left into whatever horrors he drew upon Steve’s wallpaper, which at the very least, could always be removed later.
It’s not like his parents can get any more disappointed in him. 
“Fine, just promise me no dicks.” He agrees, with a sigh. 
Eddie cackles. “Don’t you worry man, just watch the master work.” 
Steve rolled his eyes.
Does actually hang around, if only to turn on his cassette player and point out where all his tapes are. 
Leaves when Munson momentarily stops “redecorating” in order to trash Steve’s taste in music, in alphabetical order. 
“I get it, I’m a mainstream prick, you jerk.” He calls over his shoulder as he exits. “Now I’m going to go where I won’t be insulted, and see if Cunningham needs anything.” 
(She doesn’t, but does playfully insult him, having overheard the conversation. 
“Well fuck me I guess.” Steve mutters with a sigh, as she laughs at him.)
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madwheelerz · 1 year
Today I’ll go over my favorite proofs regarding the manifestation theory and also a rant that I had said I would do ages ago, but never got around to. I’ll be doing these in order of season so it should be easy enough to follow along.
Season 1
In the very first episode we are introduced to the boys playing DnD and witness Will make a failed roll. We get this dialogue between Lucas and Will-
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Which essentially warns us against Mike knowing things. Of course, this doesn’t work out because Will does tell Mike about the failed roll.
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Then he gets kidnapped by the Demogorgon, essentially continuing the game in real life. It’s also interesting to note that the events seem to follow a continuation of the first DnD game that the boys play because the monsters are week to fire, but it won’t kill them completely most likely due to the initial failure in the game.
Season 2->3
I’d also like to point out that Mike knowing things is weird. He shouldn’t know them. Hopper calls him out on it when he says that they can’t just kill the monsters with guns.
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The next thing is a combination and barely involves season two, but remember that super angry terminator dude who just hated Hopper’s guts for no reason and seemed to want to hunt him down in season 3? He looked like he came right out of a movie, but he also didn’t seem to have any motive to hunt down Hopper the way that he did. He was on Hopper’s case even before the entire ordeal with Alexei. Here’s what Hopper says before running into this guy.
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Surely, that’s the only time he’s said something like that-
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Live terminator reaction lmao
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In conclusion, this man has no reason to distaste Hopper except for the fact that a drunk Hopper bumped into him. This guy proceeds to probe around looking for Hopper and not Alexei while referring to him as a “psycho”. Aside from seeming like he got plucked straight out of a movie to be some avenger because a kid found him cool, he’s more clearly targeting an American cop as opposed to the traitor.
The only person who currently has beef with Hopper, thinks he’s “crazy”, and would absolutely prefer some distance between them (cough*ill-annoy*cough) is Mike.
Also, El’s powers notably don’t become targeted by the Flayed in season 3 until after the big argument that has every ganging up against Mike to let her use her powers.
There’s also the entire thing with Suzie and the Russian code. It’s mainly weird because of how they have Suzie point out that Dustin should know the code because it’s a constant. There is no way that the writers are actually trying to convince us that a bunch very intelligent scientist came up with the idea to use Planck’s constant as a code, but a kid particularly dedicated to physics might have.
Season 4
Jason’s speech is like insane to me so I’m going to transcribe the bites of it that are important to me and give a manifestation theory overview of it because I think about it a lot.
“And I’ve come to accept an awful truth.
These murders are ritualistic sacrifices.
This isn’t incorrect Vecna is lowkey sacrificing people in order to open the gates.
And Eddie Munson is the leader of one of these cults.
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Mike too lol.
The mall fire. All those unexplained deaths over the years.
The leader is the one that’s being blamed for everything but given that Eddie wasn’t introduced until this season so it’s impossible to say that he caused all of this to happen from the get-go. Mike on the other hand has been around since season one and given that episode one frames the events that occur to be continuation of the game, he was the Dm for it wouldn’t be that big of a stretch to apply this to him. Particulary when Mike is attributed as a leader for the first time this season while we have the chaotic mess of the leader supposedly being responsible for the events that are unfolding. Also the episode two summary goes ‘A plane brings Mike to California – and a dead body brings Hawkins to a halt.’ This sort of pairs the two events and we go from the cops looking into the events to Mike arriving in California from a visual standpoint.
A lie designed to conceal the truth.
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Hiding him.
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The frames of the Wheeler parents absolutely means that this has to be about Mike in my opinion. Mike is the only him who both Ted and Karen could be trying to hide and protect. It’s also not like Mike is not in danger. We see Nancy shut down Jason’s attempts at finding out Mike’s whereabouts later on.
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Allowing him to… to continue his rampage.
This ironically reminds me of the Wheeler parents not getting involved with Mike lashing out in season two at the dinner table. They let him lash out and do whatever until it become inconvenient for them and by the time that had happened they still went about it in a way that was pretty bad
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hbyrde36 · 9 months
Chapter 10!
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
ao3 link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Eddie woke in the dark. 
He rose with the knowledge that he was free, no longer feeling the psychic weight of the heavy chains laden with crosses that had been trapping him inside this forsaken box for far too long. 
It could only mean one thing. 
Steve had done it. He had succeeded in defeating Billy, and managed to free Eddie and his people from their torment at his hands. He only hoped their side hadn’t paid too high a price for the victory. 
Eddie had called a handful of different vampires Master over the years. By no means was Billy the worst, but it was as if the older he got, the less patience he had for taking orders from morally reprehensible leaders. 
This was his chance, he could feel it. The longer he was away from France, the more powerful he could feel himself becoming. He had theorized that the vampire who turned him, the one he’d served under for longer than any other, had been somehow dampening his power. It seemed he might  finally have his confirmation. 
He knew he would fare best if he could convince Steve to join him, to take on the last two marks and become his human servant for real, but he would not force him. He wanted Steve to offer himself up willingly. For them to unite because it was what they both wanted.
Eddie had always been pretty, even by vampiric standards. A fact that led to him being passed around as no better than a piece of meat to anyone his master wished to curry favor with. He knew what it was to be forced, to be violated, and he would not do that to others if he had a choice. 
He had already made mistakes with Steve. Though he had his reasons for doing what he had, giving the first mark to save Steve's life, and the second mark to save his own, Eddie knew no matter how good his excuses were, he was on a slippery slope. The road to Hell being paved with good intentions, and all that. He would go no further with their bond without Steve’s consent. He would wait. He could be patient, no matter how long it took to earn the other man’s trust. 
He pushed up to open the lid of his coffin and climbed out, and If he had any say in the matter, it would be the last time he would ever set foot in one of them again. It was such an outdated concept in his opinion. A necessity for some, sure, but they were underground here. Well below street level, deep under the theater with no windows or doors that opened directly to the outside. There was simply no reason for the vampires who lived here to spend their days in a light proof box. 
The first thing Eddie noticed as he surveyed the room was the smell of bleach. That told him, as much as anything else, that whatever had happened here was over, and the cleanup was already well underway. He noted, with a glance, that all of the other caskets were open, and empty, save for one. A modern model that sat just on the other side of Billy's abandoned ancient coffin. 
Eddie stepped up to the box, hurriedly opened the lid, and let out a sigh of relief. The young boy was just fine. Dead to the world for now, and would be until the sun had set completely, but fine.
He smiled fondly as he looked down at Dustin’s sleeping form, noticing for the first time that the kid had taped photos all over the inside of his coffin. Eddie chuckled, it was a very Dustin thing to do. He didn’t recognize most of the people in the pictures of course, though the one face he did recognize was in nearly every single one. Steve.
He felt silly suddenly for having been so worried. Of course Dustin was okay. The boy might be in Eddie’s care now, but long before that he was Steve’s charge.
From day one the kid had talked about his old babysitter ad nauseam. Only to Eddie, though. Dustin wasn’t stupid, he figured out pretty quickly who to trust, and who to keep his head down around. Truth be told, Eddie didn’t mind being the kid’s sounding board. 
Within 6 months of Dustin's transition, Eddie felt like he knew everything there was to know about the intriguing figure called Steve Harrington. He’d fallen half in love just listening to Dustin's stories. When he did finally set eyes on Steve in the flesh, the first time he’d come calling with the police, Eddie knew he was a goner. 
Normally, he wouldn’t have even considered pursuing a human in such a way. It was far too dangerous in his world to hold a mere mortal so close, but once he got that first taste of Steve’s power, he couldn’t help thinking that maybe, just maybe, this one could handle it. 
Eddie was undeterred by the fact that they were natural enemies. Steve was a vampire hunter and executioner, after all, but it was nothing they couldn't overcome. No relationship was perfect. 
He knew that Steve wanted him too, he’d smelled it, that reluctant desire, at their first meeting. He was stuck somewhere between denial and playing the worst game of hard-to-get ever, but Eddie was sure it was only a matter of time before Steve would stop lying to himself about his true feelings. 
Eddie stepped away, leaving the top to Dustin's coffin open so he would know he was free.  He would need to look at a clock to be sure, but he guessed that it was mid-afternoon. Eddie had been waking earlier and earlier these days, another sign of his growing power, but it would be at least a few hours before the younger vampire woke. 
The sound of voices off in the distance interrupted Eddie’s thoughts. Whoever it was sounded calm, relaxed even, so he wasn’t too concerned, but he still ventured out into the hall cautiously, not taking any chances in case he was wrong. 
He found his guests gathered in the lowest room of the compound, the one Billy had liked to call the dungeon. He was greeted by three overgrown rats, and a small but tough looking woman with dark hair. 
Palms raised, Eddie approached the darkest of the wereanimals, recognizing Gareth in his rat form. They weren’t friends, but Eddie had made it clear from the beginning that he was no big fan of Billy, so he’d earned a little of the rats' respect.
“You’re up early.” The wererat king commented casually. “I didn’t think you had that kind of power.”
Eddie shrugged. “What can I say, I'm full of surprises.” He didn’t sense any hostility from Gareth, so he lowered his hands. “Mind filling me in on what I missed while I was indisposed?”
“I’m afraid I can't give you many details, Munson. I helped your Steve and a woman to get in early this morning through our passageways, but then we had to keep our distance until Billy had been taken care of.” Gareth explained.
“He’s not my Steve, not yet anyway.” The vampire clarified. He didn’t want Steve to hear even a rumor that Eddie was claiming him as his property. “So it’s true then?”
The wererat nodded, or at least gave the closest approximation to a nod as he could in his current form. “Yes. Billy and his servant Heather are dead, as well as his scumbag of a father, and anyone else who was known to support him. Also, it turns out the animator, Martin Brenner, was the one killing vampires. He’s been disposed of as well.”
“Good.” Eddie declared. “Thank you for all your help. How can I repay you?” He asked.
Gareth’s whiskers twitched as he considered how to respond. “I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but we didn’t do this for you, or for Steve. We just wanted out from under the master’s thumb. As long as you don’t have rats as your animal-to-call, we’re square.”
“I think you’re safe from me.” Eddie smiled. “I have never felt a particular affinity with your kind.” 
Then he had a thought. 
“I do wonder though, if your people would be willing to work for me for a time. I’d pay you, of course, and extend any protections I have to give. I’ll need to fill this place out again. We lost a lot of vampires to the murders even before this. There are a few of my followers scattered through the city, those that chose not to live with the master, but our numbers are small. I’m going to have to bring in some outsiders to fill out the ranks. I could use some security in the process.”
Gareth was quiet for a long time, and Eddie was sure he’d gone too far, but then the rat-king gave that funny looking nod again. “I think we could work something out, Eddie, as long as my people are employees and not slaves.”
“Of course.”
Eddie watched as the small group scurried one by one back through the hole, leaving the way they’d come, with Gareth taking up the rear. The rat-king paused before replacing the grate, taking one last look back at the vampire. 
“You should know.” Gareth began. “I don’t think Harrington meant for me to overhear, but you know sometimes with our abilities it’s hard to avoid eavesdropping, and the girl was under your protection, I believe, so..”
“Spit it out, man.” Eddie said. 
“Chrissy is dead.”
Eddie’s stomach dropped. He grit his teeth, willing himself to maintain some decorum, and not show weakness in front of his new ally. He gave a solemn nod in acknowledgement of the information ,and walked away as soon as Gareth had disappeared into the dark.
He held it together until he reached the coffin room, nothing more to do for now except wait for Dustin to wake up so he could find out what the hell had happened. 
Eddie fell to his knees in the center of the room, face twisted in pain as a sob was torn out of his chest. He pounded hard on the concrete floor until his fists were bloody, and he worried he would crack the hard surface. 
He jumped up, grabbing the nearest casket with two hands and hurling it at the wall. It hit with a satisfying crack, hard enough to splinter the wood into dozens of pieces. He repeated the process with every box in the room, saving Billy’s for last.
He knew Billy had killed her. Even without knowing any of the details, that much he was sure of. He broke Billy's coffin apart with his bare hands, snapping it one piece at a time until it was nothing but a pile of kindling. 
As a vampire, Eddie had no need to draw breath except to speak, but he knew if he was human his chest would be heaving, heart pounding with the exertion. He didn’t often miss those things, but in that moment he would have given anything to feel the abuse he was putting his body through, because he deserved it. He deserved the pain. Deserved to be punished. Though others may have been responsible for actually ending Chrissy’s life, he blamed himself most of all.
Eddie sat in the corner of the room, back against the wall, curled in on himself as he cried for his dead friend whom he had loved so much. He was too busy wallowing in his guilt to hear it when Dustin clambered out of his coffin, and too distracted by his own anguish to notice the boy moving closer. 
He startled when a hand latched onto his arm. He reared back, hissing in alarm as he looked up into a set of wide concerned eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Dustin asked in a panic. “Is it…did something happen to Steve?”
Eddie wiped at his eyes and tried to blink back any remaining tears as he cleared his throat. He must have been sitting there for hours and not realized. He hadn’t meant for the kid to see him like that.
“Not Steve. Chrissy. She’s dead.”  Eddie managed to say, pushing himself to his feet before continuing. “Do you know what happened?” 
He fought to keep his voice even. He was so angry. At Billy, at the world in general, at himself, but he would not put this on Dustin. He just wanted to know the truth.
Dustin’s face fell, eyes shining with sympathy. He may not have known Chrissy that well, but he knew how close she and Eddie had been. “Neil took her from the club. I’m sorry, but that’s all I really know. As soon as I realized what was happening I called Steve for help, but Billy caught me and threw me in my coffin before he got here.”
“It’s okay.” Eddie murmured. It seemed if he wanted real answers, he would have to talk to Steve.
“What happened in here, and why are we free?” Dustin asked. 
“The mess is my fault, I might have taken my anger out on the furniture. As far as the rest, it turns out your old babysitter is apparently just as badass as you always made him out to be. I was told he and some woman came in here and took care of everything. It’s over.”
Dustin grinned. “Oh! That'd be Nancy.”
Eddie rolled his hand, making the universal gesture for, ‘please tell me more about this human woman who the object of my affection trusts enough to fight with him side by side.'
“She’s the sister of a childhood friend.  She’s a vampire hunter too. I think her and Steve used to date or something. They work together sometimes. I hear she’s really good.”
“Good for her.” Eddie seethed. It was true that he had no real claim on Steve, no right to be jealous, but that didn’t change the fact that he was. 
Later that night, Eddie sat in his office at Guilty Pleasures, waiting for the hour to grow late enough that Steve would be asleep. He’d considered having Dustin reach out to him instead, to set up a meeting of some kind where he could hear the full story of what had happened, and maybe start to repair things between the two of them, but he didn’t want the kid to feel like he was caught in the middle. 
Eddie felt it when Steve slipped off to sleep. He wasn’t sure he would, but he supposed it was hard to keep your guard up when you’re trying to drift off. It was a subtle thing, a split second where his entire body relaxed, mirroring what Steve was feeling, wherever he might be. 
Eddie locked the office door and laid himself out on the crimson couch, the same one Steve had rested upon not too long ago, if Jeff were to be believed. He closed his eyes and turned his attention inwards towards the bond.
Steve’s mind felt so different once he slipped into slumber, it was like the walls he’d built to keep Eddie from getting too close became softer, more flexible, and if he pushed hard enough and in just the right spot he could get through. 
Things were different now, though. Before, Steve had been aware, at least on some level, that he was dreaming when he was with Eddie, but now he knew that it was real. That Eddie was himself in their dreams and not some figment of Steve’s imagination. Now he knew he could keep Eddie out if he wanted to.
He approached Steve's mental barrier slowly, calmly, trying to project an air of, ‘I come in peace’. He gently caressed the wall with a metaphorical hand, and was pleasantly surprised when it vanished beneath his touch. Steve was going to let him in. 
He materialized in the corner of Steve’s bedroom, the same setting as their last shared dream, foregoing the bed this time in an effort to make Steve more comfortable. It was a good choice, considering Steve himself was pacing a hole in the floor, tense even at rest. 
“Are you alright?” Eddie asked, walking slowly towards the other man.
Steve’s head snapped up, furious eyes boring holes into the vampire’s own as he ignored the question. He rounded on Eddie aggressively. “What do you want?!”
It stopped Eddie in his tracks. He had expected to be greeted with some level of anger. He’d thought he was prepared to take it, and to apologize, but the rage radiating off of Steve was far beyond anything he’d anticipated. It threw him off kilter. He was immediately defensive and felt himself wanting to respond in kind. Had he wronged Steve to an extent? Maybe, but what right did he have to react this intensely when they hadn’t even talked about things yet!  
Eddie smoothed his face out into a blank mask. “I wanted to congratulate you on your victory, of course. I knew you could do it.” He said, beginning to stalk a very slow circle around Steve.
He knew it was the wrong thing to say, and wasn’t what he had planned to open with at all.
“Fuck you.” Steve spat.
“Ooh. Touchy, touchy.” Eddie's face split into a wide grin as he held his hands up.
He hated himself even as he mocked Steve for his fury. He should have had sympathy for the man, and he did, but Eddie found that he was angry too.  
“Yeah you’d be touchy too if someone forced themselves on you like this.”
Eddie didn’t know whether Steve meant the dreams or the marks, but it hardly mattered, the implication was the same. He saw red. This human had no idea what Eddie had been through over the course of his very long life. If he had even the slightest inclination he would never have accused him of such a heinous crime.
He continued to pace his circuit as he sneered. “Don't stand there and act like I've stolen your virtue. I gave you a GIFT!”
“You would see it as a gift to be tied to you for eternity!” Steve spouted.
Eddie halted his movements, facing the other man head on. “That’s not what I mean and you know it.”
Steve didn’t back down, in fact he stepped into Eddie as he taunted him, “Sure it’s not.”
Eddie took a step in as well, his anger propelling him closer. “I saved your life!” He shouted.
Steve moved again. They were practically nose to nose as he said, “Yea, and I'm so grateful, considering you did it just so you could use me to kill your enemies.”
“Do you really think so little of me?” Eddie asked.
Steve's eyes were glued to Eddie’s lips as he spoke. But he quickly looked away when he realized what he was doing. 
“If the shoe fits, princess.” Steve was trying to be snarky but it just came out breathless. 
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, struggling to think when his body was this close to Steve’s. Even as they raged at each other, he had never wanted someone more. 
“Fuck you.” Eddie said through tight lips.
“No thanks.”
Eddie growled in frustration. “Just tell me what happened to Chrissy, and I'll leave.”
He had hoped to hear the whole story of Billy's downfall but it was clear that Steve had very limited patience for him at the moment. Which was fine. At the end of the day, it didn’t matter how it all went down, Billy was dead, and they were alive, but Eddie needed to know what happened to his girl. 
Steve stepped back abruptly, so much so that he almost stumbled. It took everything Eddie had not to spirit to his side to steady him. It’s not as though Steve could be hurt, it was only a dream after all, but the instinct was hard to tamp down. 
Steve stared off, lost for a minute in his own thoughts. 
Eddie tried again. “Dustin said she was taken and that he called you for help. I know she didn’t..make it, but you are the only person left alive who saw what happened.”
“Why do you care?”
The question hit Eddie like a punch in the gut. Why did he care? “She was my friend, Steve, and she was under my protection. I never thought…”
“No you didn’t think.” Steve snapped. “You just had to go and piss your boss off and get yourself thrown in that damn coffin, leaving her with no one to look after her!”
The accusation drained all of the fight out of Eddie. He couldn’t argue with what Steve had said. He wasn’t even angry anymore, just sad. 
“You were there for her.” Eddie said, softly.
“As much as she’d let me.” Steve admitted, deflating a little. “I should have tried harder.”
That’s when Eddie finally saw it, the guilt Steve was carrying for Chrissy’s loss. “It’s not your fault, Steve.” 
Eddie wanted to reach out, to hold him and tell him there was nothing he could have done. Why were they fighting when they could mourn together? But then Steve’s eyes flashed with that rage again.
“No. it’s yours.”
Eddie sighed. “I know.”
There didn’t seem to be anything more to say to each other after that. He couldn’t keep pushing, if Steve didn’t want to talk about it, he'd have to accept that. 
Eddie didn’t know what Steve wanted from him, or how to move on from here. Maybe they just needed some time. He turned away, about to step out of the dream when Steve spoke again. 
“I know there's no way to reverse this thing between us, but I want…” Steve paused and blew out a long breath. “I need you to stay away from me.”
“Okay, Steve. If that’s really what you want. You know where to find me if you ever change your mind.”
“I won’t”
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A few months had passed since Steve went toe to toe against Billy and won, with Nancy’s help and the wererats, of course.  He hadn’t seen or heard from Eddie again after that first night, when the vampire had visited his dreams for the last time to ask about Chrissy. 
Steve was still mad, and he still didn’t want anything to do with the guy or his damn marks, but with a little distance he was starting to think that maybe he’d been a little too harsh. It hadn’t been fair to blame Eddie for Chrissy’s death. 
Nancy had left town without a word a few days after the fight. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary and Steve didn’t take it personally. They weren’t the type of friends who kept in touch on a regular basis. He knew she’d come back around the next time she had a job in the city, and until then she was more than capable of taking care of herself.
Going back to work had been rough. He couldn’t exactly tell Bert, his boss and father, why he’d been out of touch. He and Nancy hadn’t had an order of execution for Billy. Technically, it was murder, though it wasn’t likely that anyone would ever find out what they’d done. No one outside of the monster community had really known the master’s identity, and it’s not as if any of the remaining vamps or wereanimals would report him missing. There would never be an investigation.
So, his dad was ON HIS ASS. 
He gave Steve an ultimatum. Start showing up for work consistently again, or you're fired. He was pretty sure it was an empty threat, it’s not like there were other animators lining up to take his job, but Steve needed the money, and so he re-committed himself to his career. Thanks to his new drive, and a slight downturn in supernatural crime, he had managed to not miss a single night that he was scheduled. 
Steve spent what few evenings he had off with Dustin, their rekindled friendship the one good thing to come out of this whole mess. It was nice getting to know him again. They couldn’t just go out and grab dinner casually, with Dustin being what he now was, so they got creative. Late night movies, rounds of pool at a local dive bar, and bowling; which they were both terrible at. It didn't matter in the slightest though, because they would laugh at each other until their sides hurt, and it was so much fun. They never talked about Eddie.
His days were spent with Robin. If Steve wasn’t sleeping, they were together. She had decided that the best thing for all of his woes and problems was to keep busy. She even stopped complaining about their work out sessions, which was terrifying and occasionally made him think he wasn’t doing a good enough job at hiding how much he was struggling. It was the only explanation for her going on a jog with him, willingly. 
Robin had asked about Eddie only once, the morning after his final dream with the vampire. She’d slept over that night and he woke up in her arms. She held him while he cried, and said he didn’t want to talk about it. She never brought it up again.
Steve was just getting out of the shower when his phone rang. He hastily wrapped a towel around his waist and ran for his bedroom to grab it. He was late to pick up Robin, they had plans to meet Dustin downtown together, and he had no doubt it was her calling to make sure he was alive. She worried too much. But so did he, hence the running.
“Hey, Sorry Ro…”
“Are you watching this?” She interrupted.
“Watching what?”
She exhaled loudly into the phone. “The news, Steve! Turn your T.V. on, right now.”
He did, switching the channel over to their local CNN affiliate, one of the few networks that didn’t cater to ring-wing crazies. It was a live feed, a crowd of reporters sat in rows like an audience in a large open space. It looked like the ballroom at the Conrad hotel, if Steve had to guess. Apart from the fact that scattered amongst the crowd was a slightly bigger police presence than would seem necessary, it looked like your average press conference. 
“What am I looking at here, Robs?”
She shushed him, muttering, “Just watch.” 
The live feed switched momentarily to a view of the podium, Mayor Kline stood nervously to one side of it, smiling tightly amid the odd camera flash when one was pointed his way. 
A hush fell suddenly over the room, it must have been nearly time for whoever was about to address the crowd to arrive. 
The camera angle changed again, and flashbulbs all around the room began to go off at a quickened pace. The picture finally settled on a set of double doors, just in time to catch Eddie Munson entering the room. The vampire paused in the open doorway, smiling for pictures for a beat or two before making his way up to the microphone. 
Steve dropped his phone, letting it fall to the floor with a loud clatter as he gaped at the television. That’s when he finally noticed the news ticker running along the bottom of the screen.
:Master of the City of Indianapolis comes out of the coffin:
When Eddie reached his place at the podium the heading changed.
:Vampire and local business owner Eddie Munson reveals his identity as Master of the City: 
Steve scrambled to pick up his cell, managing to get it to his ear as Robin asked, 
“Did you know about this?”
He shook his head, answering out loud once he realized she couldn't see him. “No, Rob. I mean, I knew he was powerful but I didn’t realize...”
“You basically put him on the throne.”
“I know.” He said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Do you think… was this his plan all along?” She asked.
Steve didn’t respond. It was exactly what he had accused the vampire of months ago. He just didn’t know, and did it matter? His head was spinning and his heart raced. He couldn’t help the feeling that Eddie had just drawn a giant target on his back. 
Not that he cared what happened to the guy. 
Did he? 
No, he was just in shock. He hadn’t thought about what would happen after he killed Billy, effectively leaving behind a power vacuum in the city. He’d been so intent on ignoring all things vampire, apart from Dustin, that he hadn’t let himself consider the possibilities. 
He could hear Robin distantly saying his name but he was too caught up in his thoughts.
Why hadn’t Dustin said anything? How could he let Steve get caught off guard like this? No. That wasn’t fair. The kid was only doing what he had asked by not talking about vampire business, and Eddie in particular. 
Steve sighed. He had no one to blame but himself for not knowing. He wasn’t sure if this was good new or bad news. Either way, it’s not like there was anything he could do about it now even if…
“STEVE?!” Robin shouted.
He shook himself, staring back at the tv where Eddie had finally started addressing the room full of reporters.
“Sorry Rob, I uh, I gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Steve hung up quickly before she could convince him to go through with their plans, or offer to come over. He wanted to be alone. He wasn’t going anywhere that night, and he certainly wasn’t up for facing Dustin in the midst of it all. 
He sat on the edge of his bed, still dressed in only a towel, and turned the volume on the tv up, bracing himself to listen to Eddie’s speech.
“Good evening. My name is Eddie Munson and I am the master of the city of Indianapolis. You may be surprised that I have come to you like this. It is rare for one of my kind to be so publicly open about their identity and the role in which they play within the vampire community. What I will say to you is this; I think it is far past time for the vampires in this country to step into the light and claim our position alongside our fellow Americans.  Two years ago the United States voted in favor of giving vampires legal status. With that came many things, including the right to live without worry that we would be hunted down like dogs for simply being what we are; without crime and without cause.  Regardless of these strides, most of my people still hide. They live in the shadows, many ashamed of their basic nature. That is why I have chosen to reveal myself, and my position. I can only hope my actions will inspire others to come forward and take their place in full view of society, instead of continuing to be its dirty little secret. Let this be the start of a new age of vampire history and politics. I won’t lie to you and tell you that things will be easy. There are bad vampires in the world, just as there are bad humans, but I can promise that the overwhelming majority of vampires wish nothing more than to live alongside you in peace.”
It was groundbreaking. No vampire had ever addressed the general public quite like this, broadcast right into people's homes. Even Jason Carver, the closest thing to a vampire public figure that had existed till now, had never allowed himself to be filmed. You had to visit the center if you wanted to see him or hear him speak. 
Eddie took questions for over an hour following his speech. Steve knew he should shut it off, or leave the room, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away. He couldn’t help feeling like everything was about to change. For himself, for his city, maybe even for the country at large. He just hoped he was ready for whatever came next.
Chapter 11
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patchesnpins · 2 years
ʜᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴀᴠᴇ
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: it's a hot and gross day, your a/c is dead you're craving a quick way to cool off on such an awful day. Eddie has an idea, unsure whether it'd work but you don't think you can think straight in this heat
☾⋆*:。 a/n: writing this to ignore the fact my a/c stopped working, I'm overheating and this was probably a poor way of coping but whatever
☾⋆*:。 details: NSFW//w.c: 2k//warnings: m!reader, porn with plot (shocking!), finger sucking, marking, hickeys, pet names
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The dull whir of the box fan filled the silence of the room, occasionally punctuated by the creak of the old couch or Eddie moaning about the heat. The heat wrapped around you like a heavy blanket, making your whole body feel lazy and tired. The popsicle dangling dangerously in your hand, no longer minding the sticky sweet syrup dripping down your hand because at least it felt cold.
It was a record breaking heat wave in Hawkins, every news channel droning on about it for hours as if it was the most groundbreaking news in the small town (and knowing Hawkins, it probably was). Your old faithful a/c that sounded like a car motor when it roared to life had finally kicked the bucket with a sputter and hiss, leaving you in an entirely too hot house with nothing to solve the problem.
So like a parched lizard in desperate search for shade amidst the desert, you turned up on Eddie Munson’s front step.
He opened the door with a shocking amount of energy, the same Eddie with bright eyes and an excitable attitude. The only thing that was missing was his shirt. Suddenly found yourself no longer being a trifling lizard but the desert itself, your mouth dry and unable to swallow as you eyes wander a bit too long
“What brings you to my humble abode?” He says with a smile, sweeping his arm out and escorting you inside before you can even answer.
“My a/c died.” You grunted, the air was stuffy and no better than outside the trailer but every now and then a wave of coolness washed over you from the small fan trying its best. Eddie cackles loudly from the kitchen, fishing out two packaged popsicles and closing the door with his hip.
“Now what makes you think my place would be any better to beat the heat? Our obviously very expensive and high quality central air conditioning?” He smiles wolfishly at you and gestures to the box fan pointed towards the couch that you had already been familiarizing yourself with. “Don’t hog the air, you don’t even live here.”
“Might as well at this point,” You sigh, voice warped and robotic from sitting so close to the fan. “I don’t have anyone else to go to, and not a single fan in my house. Never prepared if my a/c died because I never thought it would happen.”
“Oh poor you, never had to think ahead.” Eddie collapses into the couch behind you, patting the empty spot beside him then holding out the icy treat to beckon you over, an olive branch to get you away from the fan.
“Are you gonna put a shirt on?” You grumble, crawling to your feet and abandoning the sweet coolness from the fan. Your eyes dropped to his exposed chest, dark black curls plastered to his sweaty skin shining in the low light.
“Are you going to keep staring?” He questions with a raised eyebrow that says obviously too much.
The room has become entirely too hot, you decide with a scowl on your face.
So here you were, cooped up on Eddie Munson’s couch trying to convince yourself that you weren’t actually going to die from heat. You felt like you were high, a thick fog settling over your brain that for all you knew could be melting in this weather. Your coherent thoughts were out the window, zoned completely out and not even noticing your dripping popsicle till a chunk of blue ice splattered in the middle of your chest.
“Fuck.” You hiss, enunciating the k with a click of your mouth. Lazily tilting your head, you stare at the blue syrup staining your once perfect white tee. At least it felt cool.
Eddie looked up from his spot on the couch, laughing hoarsely but not having it in him to come up with some sort of snarky response. “Dude that sucks.” You roll your eyes and with the energy you can muster, shrug off the shirt and toss it into the corner to be lost in Munson’s trailer. “Look at you, hadn’t you been complaining about me not wearing a shirt? A bit hypocritical aren’t you sweetheart?”
“M’ gonna throw this popsicle at you.” You jerk your wrist at him and a droplet of blue goes flying and lands just short of where he was sitting. “I don’t feel any cooler.”
“Well, getting half naked isn’t always the solution to cooling down. Tends to have the opposite effect sometimes.” Eddie just has to be the court jester, grinning and pouring all of his small remaining energy into mocking you. You just moan and melt further into the old cushions of the couch. “Sometimes you gotta get hot to cool down.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, unsure if that was a sexual inneundo or your brain was truly melting.
“You ever hear about how you should drink something hot on a hot day? Makes you sweat more so you cool down, never tried it myself but makes sense science wise.”
You’d roll your eyes but don’t have the energy. “Why would I listen to you, Munson? Mr. held back not just once, but twice.” You say your words with confidence and as if whatever great power above was now deciding to humble you, the final chunk of your popsicle slides off the wooden stick and plops right onto the middle of your chest, a puddle of raspberry blue forming rather fast.
Eddie can barely fight down the howl of laughter that erupts from him, head tossed back as he slides right off the couch onto his ass. He climbs to his feet, shaking with laughter as he crosses over to the kitchen for napkins and you grumble quietly.
Arriving with a handful of napkins, he dabs one against your chest and collects the blue syrup as you lazily lay beneath him. “And as you were saying?”
Your breath is caught in your throat, Eddie was so close and practically on top of you. His midsection was pressed against your hip, the slightest bit of skin on skin contact above the waistband and god the warmth of him was all you could focus on. “I don’t think I want a fucking hot coffee or something to cool off.” You hiss out.
Something flickers in his eyes and you can’t tell if our starting to hallucinate in this weather, a smile pulling at his lips once again but there’s something behind it. He holds your sticky hand that hung limply at your side, pulling it dangerously close to his face and you can feel the heat of his breath and his lips brush against your skin. “Y’know,” He speaks slowly, testing the waters. “There’s other things you could do that’ll have the same effect.”
Your eyes catch his and there’s a myriad of excitement in his, begging for your response whether you push him away or decide to indulge. You can’t breath, that heavy fuzz that coated your brain was back and you couldn’t find your words, only nodding carefully while staring like a deer in the headlights. 
The slightest smile paints his face, pink tongue poking out from his mouth as he drags it along your sticky digits, collecting sweet syrup that stains his tongue. Tracing your fingers with his tongue, the pads of your fingers meet the tip of his tongue before he dips his head and your fingers plunge into his hot and wet mouth, lapping and suckling at your fingers to get rid of the stickiness.
Suddenly the room was a million degrees, your skin prickling and screaming in the heat. You felt like you’d been tossed into the sun itself, flames licking at your body and driving you near crazy as you tried clinging to your thoughts that were papers lost in the wind. Eddie was just a sweet mirage in the middle of the desert and you were licking your lips and diving in.
You curiously pressed your fingers deeper into his mouth and Eddie moaned around them, his eyes never leaving your face as he lapped at your digits. With a shaky exhale you removed your fingers from his mouth, saliva coating them in a thick and shiny sheen and making your head spin. You both can only sit and stare, the sound of the spinning fan heavy in the silent air that’s thick with tension.
“Fuck.” You mutter once again and that’s all it takes, the tension snaps like a twig and Eddie surges forward with a clash of teeth and excited hands. His skin is so hot against your chest you can’t get enough, you want to feel him everywhere and wrap your arm around him tight to pin him against your chest. Both your chests shudder with fast and unsteady breaths, gulping in air as you tangle yourself in desperate kisses, smashing your lips together and drinking each other in like the sweet syrup from a melted ice pop.
Sweaty skin sticking together and your jeans sliding against each other with rough friction, Eddie pushes himself against you like he can’t get enough. He licks into your mouth and moans so sweetly when your hand takes hold of a clump of his hair and pulls, teeth latching onto your lip and letting go when he draws back, only sharing a quick look before diving back in for more. Your stomach is already churning, all the blood in your body rushing from your darkened cheeks to your crotch. And it doesn't help with how Eddie is grinding against you, his own hardness digging into your inner thigh as he humped against you desperately.
“God you taste so sweet.” Eddie gasps between a kiss and you moan a response. “Would love to get a taste of something else later.” He cackles against your lips and you smash your lips against his to shut him up, hands blinding moving downwards and finding the bulge in his pants. You squeeze gently and he's gone, moaning and whimpering in your lap at just how good it felt to be touched.
You finally break away, gasping for air to quench the flame boiling inside you. You were overheating, nerves fried and sending sparks throughout your body that made you feel like a live wire. You needed a second, the fan was doing nothing because Eddie was so close to you and so fucking hot, leaning in against your bare chest to drag his tongue along blue stained skin from the popsicle. He took a second to relish in the flavor, dipping back more to lick and bite at your chest, eliciting hisses and groans from you.
“Fucking teasing me aren't cha?” Hissing through gritted teeth you tangle your fingers in his hair and pull. Eddie moans, whether it was affirming your accusation or just because had a thing for his hair being pulled, you couldn't tell. But he didn't pull away from your chest, leaving dark marks behind as he excitedly kissed and bit you.
“Don't know about that, maybe I just think your tits are so cute.” He hums, lips sealing over your nipple.
“Fuck you,” you smile and your head thumps back against the couch. “Aren't we supposed to be cooling off? I think I'm boiling alive.” You sigh softly when he lets go of your nipple with a pop, staring up at you with curious eyes as his hand dips down to cup your bulge, warmth radiating through the thick denim of your jeans.
“We can solve that pretty quick, don't cha think big boy?” Nimble fingers grab the waistband of your jeans in search of the button, quickly undoing them and peeling at the layers till you were in nothing more than your boxers, jeans pooled at your feet. A big dark stain was in the middle of your boxers, your dick hard and weeping with precum seeping through the fabric. “God I've waited forever to see that.”
Eddie kicked off his own pants, bringing his underwear with them and his erection popped out. Precum drooled from the tip, smearing against your belly when he leaned in to lock your lips together and work your underwear down. Your own cock came free, pressing against Eddie’s and a shiver went down your spine at the feeling of searing hot flesh against each other. Your cock jumped with excitement, hips rolling forward and you grabbed his hips to pull them closer.
Eddie moans into your mouth, loud and unabashed as his hips kick forward and your cocks grind together. There's barely any space between you two, hips digging into each other's and lengths pressed against your stomachs, slick with precum and the sweat coating your bodies. You can't get enough air to fill your lungs, knocked out everytime Eddie grinds forward and just moans so loudly. Filth falls from to spit slick lips as he tries to gather thoughts in his lust ridden mind.
“Got such a pretty cock, so good fuck. Want you to fuck me nice and deep with it, fill m’ up all good.” He groans into your neck, curly hair sticks to your skin and his breath is hot. “Maybe I could fuck you too, have you crying and fucked all sweet and dumb on my cock. D’ya want that? To feel so good? I want you to make me feel good shit.” He spits out, now panting hot and heavy against your mouth with eyes screwed shut tightly.
“Mmph, gonna make you feel s’good. Grinding up against my cock all pretty and desperate.” You moan, slotting your legs together and sliding your cocks against each other just right and you swear you're seeing stars, white exploding behind your eyelids. You want to scream, a shout bubbling up in your throat as you grind messily against each other in the hot stuffy room.
You feel like you're suffocating because Eddie and that sticky heat is everywhere, surrounding you on all sides and all you can feel is the sweet burn on his skin against yours and your erections sliding together. Even with how overwhelming it is your brain cries for more more more, desperate and insatiable echoing like a mantra in your head that couldn't form a more coherent thought.
You're on fire and as your peak approaches it's the only way to quench the flames, grinding deeper and harder and Eddie reciprocates. He moans filthy shit in your ear, edging you on as you hold his hips in a white knuckle grip and drag his hips against yours.
Your body is lazy and tired with each long stroke against each other that sends warmth through your body and pooling in your stomach. You press hot and wet kisses against sweaty skin, panting and moaning so loud as your orgasm builds in your abdomen. “F-fuck, m’gonna cum.”
“Wanna paint my stomach with your cum big boy?” Eddie laughs breathlessly, humping against you a bit faster and leaving you burying your fingers into his skin. You screw your eyes closed and a strangled cry leaves your throat, tension snapping sharply in you as you spill your white seed all over his sweaty and slick skin.
You barely get a gasp of air in before you're flipping you both over, humping frantically against Eddie and sliding your cocks together feverently until Eddie is screaming out your name. He goes tense, eyes rolling back as you feel the wetness of his cum painting your body. The overstimulation is beginning to set in as you lazily rut your hips together, panting and hissing softly.
Your arms quiver like jello then you collapse hard against him, shuddering against his chest as every part of you gives out. You're sweaty and sticky now, your skin burning with heat enough to make you feel like you'd be set aflame, leaving your brain hazy and slow as you carefully gather your bearings again.
But like a miracle, the cool air from the fan washing over your sweat slick body actually gives you the illusion of cooling down. You prop your chin up on Eddie’s chest, looking at the man who's gone quiet to find him grinning like a mad man.
“Now what did I tell you? Gonna doubt me next time?”
tag list: @adamgetawaydriver
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bari-the-witch · 1 year
Steddie Fic rec PART I
Some of my personal favorites I could read over and over again. You can all find them on AO3:
The shire is NOT on fire by kissesforcas (50k+ words, Rating E)
The kids convince Steve to take them all to a Renaissance Faire and LARP event. Steve has more fun than he admits. And then Steve has a LOT more fun than he admits.
Comment: One of the first Steddie fics I read, love it!
Wouldn't it be nice (if we could wake up) by kissesfarcas (100k+ words, Rating E)
Steve finds his pulse. He carries Eddie out of the Upside Down, he keeps his heart beating until they get to the hospital. And then the government intervenes, that shady part of the government? With Sullivan? And he and Eddie wind up locked up, together, in a cell. There's one bed, and glass walls, and it turns out that he and Eddie? Might need each other more than either of them thought they might.
Comment: It's Kas Eddie, what more can I say?
this is what fallin in love feels like by plutoelegies (50k+ words, Rating M)
“For the sleeping thing- I get it. I really do. So you’re gonna get in my car and you’re gonna sleep in my guest room until you look more like a person and less like a Night of the Living Dead character.” Steve said, a tone of finality in his voice.
“Steve, man, I couldn’t ask you to do that.” Eddie said.
“Good thing you’re not asking. This is what we do, we take care of each other. Because if we don’t, nobody else will.” Steve said.
Or: Eddie has nightmares, Steve has a sexuality crisis, and while they’re busy co-parenting some freshman kids, their unlikely friendship begins to turn into something more.
Comment: Season 4 Fix-it with nightmares and a good old-fashioned sexuality crisis
The Adventures of Eddie Munson, Cheerleader by bookworm1805 (20k+, Rating E)
The moment the basketball players walked into the gym, all hell broke loose. 
Curses were spat. Teenagers whispered in scandalized tones as their nikes squeaked over the polished wood floor. Prayers were chanted. Somewhere across town, a baby probably cried.
Eddie Munson grinned. 
Eddie borrows Chrissy Cunningham’s spare cheerleading uniform as a prank. The ensuing chaos tips his entire world on its head, for the better.
Comment: This is so funny (and hot!)
Steve Harrington's Guide to Planning a Party (Without Blowing Up) by Anonymous (80k+ words, Rating T)
In a way, Steve was kind of grateful for the swift intervention. He knew now, after all, that most people in the world didn't have the ability to pick out people's emotions, and in a town like Hawkins he wouldn't have lasted long if he commented on every feeling he encountered. It was the reason why despite everything, he had turned out normal, despite all of life's attempts to turn him into something other than a popular somewhat dim-witted jock.
Comment: I'm a sucker for Steve has Powers! It's so so good and well-written.
Must Have/Can't Stand Checklist by deludez3 (60k+ words, Rating E)
Steve decides to move to Chicago for a fresh start after everything is settled with Vecna. Three years later, he returns to Hawkins for the kids’ graduation and rekindles some feelings he discovered years earlier for Eddie.
When Eddie offers his apartment for Steve to crash at to stay longer in Hawkins, Steve can’t say no. Sure he was supposed to drive home on Sunday, and sure he was supposed to work that week, but how could he say no to those chocolate button eyes?
Comment: Eddie and Steve become temporary roomates - hot shenanigans ensue.
someone else's favorite song by fastcardotmp3 (100k+ words, Rating E)
“Not sick, not sick,” he slurs, and Eddie wants to see his face, wants to hold it in his hands, wants to look him in the eye when he says, “just sad. Sad. Fuck… fuck, sad.”
“Why are you sad, big guy?” Eddie asks.
Steve laughs again, but it’s sharper this time, it doesn’t last as long, because as soon as the words slip out of his mouth— “My mom’s dead—”
—it walks that treacherous line between the two sounds and morphs straight to a broken sort of sobbing that reaches directly into Eddie’s chest and drags out his heart.
- A friends-with-benefits relationship goes complicated when who Steve and Eddie are to one another shifts with the coming of a new sort of tragedy.
Comment: This is the best piece of Steddie fanfic I've read out there, I swear. MUST READ
Sanctuary by SpicedSage (40k+ words, Rating E)
After Steve Harrington goes missing, Eddie Munson gets exposed to the secret dangers of Hawkins, Indiana in 1985 instead of 1986.
Will a different first meeting lead to a change in his fate?
Comment: Eddie helps Steve after he got captured by the Russians post Season 3, the characterization is so so good in this one.
More will follow :)
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