#he only bullies thanatos
smolvenger · 4 months
Dangerous Stubbornness (Caius Martius Coriolanus x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: Life as wife to Caius Martius Coriolanus has its benefits. You married him for stability, protection, and status- not to mention the delights of his bed. You expect to be no more than his dutiful wife. Yet...it seems perhaps there is something more there then all of that....
From @muddyorbsblr's request of Coriolanus with the trope "he flals first."
Word Count: 2954 (oop, she exploded from a blurb)
Warnings: There is smut, NSFW 18+ please refer to Dick-tionary (rougher sex, dirty talk I stole from Ana Huang's books, doggy style, some light dom/sub, voyeurism), a creepy sexual harasser gets what's coming to him, Caius being a grumpy angy babygirl sharko bite blorbo who actually is soft for his wife and is wrapped around her little finger, Reader uses Caius as scary dog privilege. Attempts at accuracy to Ancient Roman culture and characterization but at the end of the day it's about the wish fulfillment and the vibes. Lots of fluff. Grammar mistakes bc i just want to get. This. Shit. Done after the wild two weeks I've had.
Dick-tionary: Smut starts at "Three little words. That was all he needed." and ends at "You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm." Use to your discretion.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You were never afraid of walking through the streets of Rome because your husband walking behind you would scare all who dared to harass you. You would go about the streets, your veil fluttering on your head, smiling bright in the afternoon sunshine. Caius always had a frown and glare in his eyes that dared any fool to try to cross with you. 
The marriage was purely for status- you were a good woman from a respectable family. Yes, that was probably why it was arranged between your parents! They wanted someone with a good heart and reputation, and Caius only wanted a wife to manage his house and give him children. Why should you say no? Not that you were scared of him at all- for he never once was cruel to you. Perhaps curt and blunt on occasion, proud and stubborn- but he never bullied you. With his famous wealth, you would never go hungry. He’d be away in battles and you would be alone and be free to do as you wished for months on end. If he died in battle, you figured, the more the better! You would have his money and the freedom of a widow with the respect of his name. Besides, you weren’t in love with anyone and never thought any suitors would show interest in you. 
Such was one walk, early in your betrothal. One fellow had not heard the news or knew who you were and came upon you. Trying to touch you, invite you to dinner or the bathhouses. You kept refusing, he kept insisting.
Then, the braggart leaned over and grabbed your arm.
In about ten seconds flat was Caius, unsheathing his sword, upon the braggart, pulling him by the collar. You shoved him off and ran behind him. The man trembled as if Thanatos stood thundering before him.
“I shall be quick in work and send you to your death-do you understand, villain?”
He nodded, shaking. He already seemed to learn his lesson. You edged forward to your dragon of an intended.
“Please- don’t kill him, there are too many people out watching- just scare him!” you whispered to Caius.
Caius shoved him down. The man shook where he stood and you thought you smelled urine leaking from his bladder.
“If you ever as much as speak this lady’s name-I will kill you.” he threatened quietly.
The man, having learned his lesson, mumbled a whimpering “yes, dominae” and fled.
Since your marriage, and with your new status as a general’s wife, such incidents never happened.
As you peered about one stall in the market, admiring the fresh fruits offered, you smiled bright.
“Oh, how lovely these berries look! So ripe and fresh! Wouldn’t you agree, dear husband?” you asked.
Caius remained frowning, though eyed down the berries. The man selling them looked pale and kept eying the sheathed sword on Caius’s hip.
“They’re fine,” he said. His pride kept him from commenting further on a simple farmer’s wares. But you felt his eyes over your smile seeing them.
Caius lent his coin to buy you some. The trembling farmer scooped up some berries, and popped them into a little bag, and handed it to you. You thanked the farmer and paused to admire them.
You smiled at them, as if they were jewels in your hands. Then you tried a little handful, popping them into your mouth.
“Mhm! They’re delicious! Thank you, Caius,” you replied.
You leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blinked, and his shoulders loosened down from the feeling of your lips. You could have sworn a faint pink was on his cheeks as he continued behind you- not that he dared smile or keep his guard down in public.
You thought it would be another ordinary quiet night. But Caius Martius was many things. Quiet and ordinary were neither of them.
At home, you wanted to rest your feet from all the walking today. Your loom was coming along and weaving it felt relaxing. As you sat, you heard footsteps. Turning around, you saw Caius standing there.
You stood up. “Husband? Is something the matter?”
“...no…” he said.
“Oh…then, what…what brings you here?” you asked.
“I wish only to sit, I have…scrolls to read.”
“This is, er, not the usual room for a man,” you said, taking note of the loom and embroidery, the flowers from the garden.
“I am going to sit and read. In this room,”  he said determinately.
Letting out an exhale, you relented.
“Oh- your mother is always right! Your dangerous stubbornness- oh, you are welcome here, Caius, dull as it must be for you compared to a fight with a Volsce…” you teased.
He made no answer. But you sat and weaved. Watching how the lines all came together and became one for the latest project.
Little did you know that his eyes were more on you than on the flimsy scrolls. Seeing your profile and your eyes over the work then the dusty work.
Though as you ate dinner, His eyes were on you, the neckline of your dress, showing your shoulders.  Your tempa mesa was presented, eaten, and sent away as was the meal. He moved closer, to sit beside you. You felt him move an arm around you. Speaking to you in soft tones.
 As a slave came in to take an empty bowl, you felt him close, he held up a hand. Talking about some silly complaint with the tribunes Brutus and Sicinia. But it was useless- he only wanted to touch your hand, trace it, and bring it to his mouth as his lips ghosted a kiss onto your palm. You took in a sharp breath as he did.
You felt your breaths become shallow and saw his eyes flutter boldly to your chest. He sat beside you, one hand always lying on your thigh.
“What…is this….”
“I only want to enjoy all that is mine- my house, my meal, and my wife.”
With that, he propped you upon his lap as the slave brought more wine. You felt yourself get warm, feeling him on you. Such…intimacy sent your heart aflutter. Though…after plates were cleared before he could tighten his arms to hold you, you slid off. He let you, his blue eyes widening.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” you announced softly.
His hand was still on your skirt. As you walked away, the fabric pulled and then slid lightly off his fingers. His hand is still in the air as if still touching you.
You sat down before the vanity. Making sure your face was washed, you removed the jewelry you had. Smiling at how lovely they were. Gifts he still found to give you even though the wedding was some time ago. Gifts he still would give you.
The slaves were still around. They kept fanned cool air with peacock feathers. Played soft music on harps and little reeds and made sure there was always water for washing and kept about.
The door opened, and your heart beat hard as he got inside. You continued your nightly routine, removing the ring and necklace as well as the belt before you. Getting ready to change- and yet…here he was. A shadow in the corner. He walked up.
“Husband! My…I’m not in trouble?” you asked, slightly teasing.
The servants all shot a look, he gestured at them to stay. To continue their business.
His arms wrapped around you slowly. Then, he laid his head down, looking at you in the mirror.
“But…I didn’t say I wanted this evening to end…” he breathed, he began to pepper kisses down your neck. His hands running down your arms.
“I said I was going to bed…not to sleep…” you said. Enjoying the teasing and playfulness. How you could still hold this mighty, fearsome warrior like wet clay in your hands.
He whispered into your ear for only you to hear.
“I’m going to burst if I don’t have you now.”
You grinned.
“Then have me,” you replied.
Three little words. That was all he needed.
He tore off your veil to where it flew down, fluttering like feathers. He pulled you in and kissed you. You moaned into it. His hands grew bolder, feeling down your sides. You moaned in response as he slid his tongue inside. You pressed yourself next to him, feeling his desire prod against you.
Then he was on you like an animal starved. At once he began to kiss you, cupping your face, keeping a hand on your back to keep you close. You waved a hand through his short, dark blonde hair. His own were going down to feel all over your skin, though his firey kisses never stopped. The man had a craving for you in the bedroom like no other. Not that you complained about it.
You took his hand and led it to your breast to squeeze.
“Caius…yes…more…” you moaned.
“You want more…” he replied.
“Yes- give it to me…” you asked.
“All of it…”
“And you will take it?”
You looked into his eyes.
“...yes. I want more. Not like on our wedding night. I want it hard. And rough. I can take it. I will take it.”
At once he threw you upon the bed. Lush with blankets and pillows, rich and comfortable. He walked towards you, eyes filled with lust, his steps slow, his head tilted, but not smiling.
“When I take you, I want you to cry out. I want all of Rome, every plebian, every senator, every person, and every animal and god to know you are mine.
He was on you, feeling a hand on your leg and kissing you. You began to grind against him. The servants blushed and looked about, he gestured to them.
“Stay,” he ordered them.
They stayed.
“I don’t want you dignified. No, wife. Show your loyalty-” he moved his hands through your dress.
“Take off your clothes.”
“If you want me naked that badly- take them off yourself,” you dared.
He obliged.
You let a sound as he roughly reached into your dress and shoved down the sleeves. You began to let a sound, a gasp as it broke open. It nearly ripped it. Shaking, you helped remove his own clothes still on him. Amazed at though his chest was filled with those dark, bloodied scars, the muscles still on them. 
He smiled.
“Such a tongue you’ve grown to have on you, delicae,” he said
The music of the slaves continued, as did their fans. Though you could feel their eyes.
 Now you were naked in his room, feeling his hands explore all over you, one squeezing your breast as the other spread around your back, wrapping you in, fingers into your skin as if to mark you.
“Then shouldn’t I be punished?” you asked coyly.
He smirked as looked at you. Then he let the last of his clothes fall. Showing his impressive thighs and impressive cock so hard it dripped against his stomach,
“It was everything in me not to take you at that table…then we’ll make up for it…”
He half threw you to the study part of the room. There sat a desk.
“Lean over that desk.”
You obliged, heart beating hard.
“Spead your legs,” he ordered.
You opened your two shaking legs, your wet sex glistening before him.
“Put your hands on the edge,” he ordered in a rasp.
Two shaking hands of yours gripped the edge. He laid your hips up. Then thrust into you at once. You let out a sound. Then roughly, he began to take you. Pounding in, his large cock straining inside you. You let out a sound.
“Yes- yes keep that- you are- you’re mine, you’re mine now- now-say it-say. it.”
“I’m” you cried between his thrusts. “I’m-I’m-your-yours-you- gods!” 
He pounded into you with a fury. His own groaning increasing. It was so filthy, so depraved, and you loved it. You had to grip the edge tightly as he pounded into you. Grunting like an animal. 
The music from the slaves continued, as did the footsteps from their business. Harps continued on as Caius took you like a whore. You could feel them still watching everything. Wondering if they were frightened, aroused, amazed, disgusted, or all four at once. 
He began to growl to you between pounding you.
“So you-” 
He pulled you up by your shoulder to your ear. His voice right next to it, his cock and his voice overtaking you.
He reached a hand, finding your opening between your legs. The bud inside you, swollen and needy and overcome.  One large finger began to strum it and you let out a whimper feeling it. His large, long fingers could already play it so easily. He let you down, and you were gripping tight to keep from losing it all. You weren’t going to last long at this rate.
“Caius! Caius please-please-Caius-”
It was already crawling up, the desk thudded loudly, perhaps breaking if it weren’t so thick and sturdy. The slaves would know he was yours and you were his. That only he and you could bring each other this.
“Yes- cum, dammit, wife- cum for me, cum- just cum, cum with me-”
“Caius-caius! I- Caius-caiuscaiuscaiuscaius-” you repeated, feeling it break. Your voice gets higher until you let out a noise, as your climax hits you.
Then with a shout from him, the seed shot forth inside you. You moaned as you panted, catching your breath. He steadily pulled out. 
You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm. One wrapped around you for protection. 
“Get her something to drink now!” he barked at the servants.
They nodded their heads and ran off. Caius with one swoop got you into his arms. You felt your breath light, almost dizzy with joy- he hadn’t done that since your wedding when he brought you to this house. You could still feel his strong arms supporting you so easily. He carried you over to the bed, settling you amongst the blankets. One slave brought a cup of your drink, and you sipped at it with both hands. He made sure a blanket was draped over you for a bit of modesty.
“What kindness…I never would have guessed you would have kindness in you…” you remarked.
“I…want to be honorable…” he said quietly.
He waved a hand, and the flushed slaves left, Granting you privacy at last. You saw Caius look at you, then glance down like a shy maiden.
This wasn’t like him.
“What is it?” you asked.
“What is what?” he asked.
“You and your dangerous stubborness! Well I have some in me too. You have enjoyed me. And you wish to speak of something, I can feel it. You can tell me. Is there something you want of me? A son? I’m sure at this rate, you’ll have one…” you urged, a hand consciously at your belly.
Caius tilted his head again, his hand moving you away from yours. But touching it softly. 
“It…isn’t that. What I have…you must think it isn’t for a man to say aloud,” he said
“But you must say it! Is something wrong? Are you ill? Is your mother ill? What did Menenius try to weasel you to do? Where are they sending you now!? Caius, Why not-”
He quickly got up and cupped your face. He spoke quick, plain, and to the point.
“I love you.”
You paused your breath tight and the room spinning
“You…love me?”
“Why did I ask my mother to arrange us married?”
It struck you.
“I was…am a virtuous daughter of a respectable family-”
He looked into your eyes.
“I’ve loved you the day I met you. I wanted to have you as my wife or no one.  I couldn’t resist you if Diana herself ordered me to.”
Struck silent, you saw his face soften. The orange glow of the candlelight making him that more beautiful. 
“When…when did you know for sure…did Eros really strike the moment you saw me ”
“I…I remember it was- it was the race for the senate. All the crowd gathered to see me speak, to see the consul. I tried to ignore you there, and I could not. I was in denial all that time. But seeing you-when you looked at me, and smiled, I forgot it all. I didn’t want the seat. I wanted you. Honestly, I don’t know when it happened. But it did. And yet- all at once I-I-”
He paused.
“Maybe it was when we were betrothed. Maybe I walked with you to the markets. Or when I saw you there. Maybe it was every dull dinner and banquet I had to attend, that I still went, hoping to see you. To just see you…”
He caught himself.
“But no…I think most of all…it was each time I spoke to you. And you knew of me….and now …”
He touched your hand and you brought it to your lips, kissing it tenderly. You almost saw a tear drop despite the stillness of his face.
“I know what I am. And I thought you should hate me. Beyond whatever duty you may feel to me as your husband-”
“Caius, I don’t hate you. Not at all.”
“Then…could you-”
“I could learn to love you, and choose to love you, Caius.”
You pulled your face to his and kissed him. Then you tucked yourself into him, embracing him as you both lay on the bed. Not just as husband and wife, but as two people deeply in love.
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xanasaurusrex · 6 months
I absolutely Stan your headcanons hun! I love the accuracy and perfectly logical reasonings (also very well written and explained), Could you pleaßw do Thanatos as well? No pressure, of course!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ thanatos cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
a/n: thanatos is literally the personification of death i'm so hyped for this! also these headcanons are a little bit short because for some reason i was totally blanking on thanatos kids, but i think that i got some pretty good headcanons in there (:
thanatos kids are the definition of badass
they're naturally very intimidating
i mean, their father is literally the personification of death, so there's like... something unsettling about them
spirits kinda follow them around
it's very common for thanatos kids to have been bullied when they were younger, but also the bullying doesn't last long, because they can get a spirit to knock something over near them or something
thanatos kids are very untrusting, because the world has been pretty cruel to them
on the wikipedia page, it says that thanatos is the personification of peaceful death, but i'm not sure how true that is since it's wikipedia, but basically what i was thinking is that like thanatos kids can always tell when someone is going to die of natural causes, just like in their mind, if that makes sense
like a canon event for a thanatos kid is having a grandparent or older family member start acting differently, and the kid immediately knowing that they're gonna die
their mortal parent definitely could never look at them the same after the sick individual died
i kind of headcanon that there are lots of thanatos kids that have weird relationships with their mortal parent because of this reason
like there's lots of trouble with people seeing thanatos kids as "spawns of satan" if that makes sense, and so they're kinda shunned
and yes, thanatos kids are definitely badass, but they also have a sort of general unsettling sort of vibe
exactly like how hades kids can be kind of unsettling at times
same thing with thanatos kids, although it's a lot more subtle because thanatos is a minor god
but there's just something about thanatos kids that put mortals on edge
(it's the gentle reminder that death is always possible at any given moment, and being near a thanatos child, the child of literally the personification of death, makes this reminder a lot more fresh in people's minds whenever they're around)
other demigods generally aren't as affected by this, because just existing as a demigod means you can die anywhere and anyway, so being around that reminder is just sort of more of a friendly reminder like, "hey! i'm a child of thanatos, remember to look out for monsters! (:"
for some reason i feel like thanatos kids would get along really well with hecate kids
they both give off kind of spooky vibes, i feel like they would totally be friends
they would go allllllll out during spooky season, i guarantee it
like halfway through september they start announcing to camp that it's officially spooky season
thanatos kids are very intense
but a quiet kind of intense, where they have like unintentionally intense stares
thanatos kids also have very big feelings
when they get sad, they get sad
when they get happy, they get so elated it looks almost as if they're about to take flight
that's just kind of the pattern with thanatos kids
they definitely had explosive tantrums as a kid
thanatos kids also tend to be sort of closed off, and kinda hangout with each other more than anything
also for some reason i kinda headcanon thanatos as a bit of a slut so i feel like there are a lot of thanatos kids for like no reason
okay honestly that's all i have for thanatos kids
i'm so sorry this was so short, but i for some reason had no ideas for thanatos kids (althought in my defense the only thing about thanatos is that he's the personification of death so yknow) but i also have a bunch of requests to write! thank you so much for reading, and have an amazing day!
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burning-sol · 1 year
I assign the JRWI characters a social media.
You would think Exandroth would be on Twitter but no he is a Tumblrina and a very very toxic one. Somehow its blog has endured for a very VERY long time. You don't know how.
Rumi has an instagram I think that's obvious. It looks amazing. They have many followers. Sometime their story is a bit weird though, don't worry about that.
Peter actually has an ancient html site that he still updates and its coding is really average. He hasn't improved much over the years. You click through his gallery of rock photography with length captions about the processes that led to its formation. The still life painting page that he updated with blogs has "started over" typed on it like a bajillion times with photos attached of a new blank canvas.
Thanatos doesn't have a social media. He's normal.
William and Dakota have Twitter as stated in canon. William has 50 alts he uses to bully people he doesn't like. Dakota doesn't really touch his account but he posted once and has a fuck ton of followers now.
Vyncent has Snapchat primarily so that he doesn't become a stray kitty. They need to track him somehow. He sends you a photo "hlep 😿" and you see he's on the other side of the city. You tell Vyncent to stop using the cat emojis but for some reason his phone ONLY has cat emojis. It doesn't make sense. Help him.
Ashe goes on Fur Affinity and obscure internet forums. What more needs to be said.
Trickster has a pinterest where they never credit people and leaves mean comments on their pins and leaves mean comments on OTHER people's pins. Don't look at their boards it'll make you ill.
Chip, Jay and Gillion share an instagram account together and it's really cute. Their stories are WILD though and one time they went live and it was the worst thing anyone ever beheld. Nice photos of the sea though.
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sparklecryptid · 2 months
Imagine how fem!Regis would work in AtB verse.
What I mean is that there are some very confused women because sure they had sex with an LC but that was a woman so how did they get pregnant and also why is their kid sneezing fireballs.
(Uncle Ardyn will have to add a new and very embarrassing part of the Talk for his nieces.)
Ardor's mother: You know I only agreed to teach Regis how to *ahem* perform well because I was certain I would not get pregnant. It seems however that was not to be the case.
Thanatos' mother: If my son destroys the world with whatever invention he makes blame his other mother not me.
Persephone's mother: *vividly imagining setting Regis on fire*
Mercury's mother: ........My kid just set a scientist on fire. With her mind. Well. Guess I have to murder that guy now so he doesn't snitch on my kid.
Bard's mother: *stares at her child who makes images come to life through song* I KNEW something was up when the birth control failed - fucking princesses and their big eyes -
Jules mother: *comforting her crying child because Jules at the age of 6 just sent a bully into a wall.*
Jupiter's mother (who is a member of Clan Bellum and Sonitus' mother as well): Well if shit goes sideways we can always go get the Khara's, huh Kat?
Katrina: *pretending that she does not know about another Lucis Caelum wandering the islands* As long as they don't touch our kids they can do whatever they want with the Queen.
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Okay so remember the post where i ranked Thanatos and Hermes across media?well it’s Persephone time.
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Percy Jackson:
We don’t see her much,mostly because most of the books are in summer.
I did like her turning Nico into a sunflower tho.
(I’m sorry Nico you’ve been through so much but you gotta bully(affectionate) your faves every once in a while take one for the team)
I also saw that she was described as a brat by Percy in the Greek gods book of which I think is an interesting description that certainly fits the next character well…
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Lore Olympus:
The only character I wholeheartedly know is going to score lower is LO hades because fuck him.
Ill save a rant but basically here’s some of the worst she’s done:
Committed genocide against an entire city.
Turn a lady into a plant.
Act as if she would still have her job in the underworld as if it wasn’t for hades.
Neglect her purple baby.
Corner a guy at his job.
And finally trash a girl(who is very explicitly a lower class race in this world)’s house for flirting with her husband.when he VERY CLEARLY SHUT HER DOWN.
That’s all I can remember off the top of my head but yeah.what did you expect.
(Also if you like Persephone,that’s valid.but I personally dislike Hera lot)
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Lowest hades score so far and vast improvement on the last character!
This lady jumpstarts the entire plot of the game in a genuinely believable way.
The story of Persephone leaving the underworld is a very well written one and it makes sense as to why who did what.
Also once she dies find out zag is alive she instantly made an effort to reconnect(even if it took her a while to make it back).
Also?she gives you the Pom blossom.
As for her design,I love both a lot but I like her queen of the underworld drip more so that’s the one I’m using.
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Overly sarcastic productions:
I love her design and she perfectly captures the “sweet until you piss her off” vibe.
Also she loves her dog what did you expect.
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The better we took romance Persephone.
Okay,but other than her being the cooler Daniel she’s pretty cool.
I like how she’s shown as actually having sexual agency and how she interacts with hades is pretty fun.
Also I like her design quite a bit.
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Gods school:
Okay,I know I didn’t mention gods school in the Hermes post but I hadn’t watched it at the time.
Now,I find her dynamic really interesting as it seems like minthe is blackmailing her but we don’t really know much about that.
Also,her design is pretty good.
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Lore Olympus Episode 251 Spoilers
"Yet in spite of everything, [...] look at the man you've become."
You mean, a slave driver, an abusive dipshit and a horrible parent. Yeah, that's not the best argument, Persie.
I find it funny how LO often goes out of his way to have characters assure Hades that he's nothing like Kronos, but honestly? Hades is extremely similar to Kronos. Uncomfortably so.
They were both lonely and filled that void with women much younger than them, whom they were also in a position of power over, Kronos with Hera and Hades with Minthe and then Persephone.
Both like to play victim. Kronos loves to guilt-trip Hera for deceiving him and ignores that his actions would most certainly have doomed the world and Hera and the other Six Traitors had basically no choice but to fight back by any means necessary. Hades frequently whines to Persephone and others about how he feels oh-so-lonely and oh-so-isolated as King of the Underworld, ignoring that he himself is a huge reason for why other immortals percieve him as scary and unapproachable. He's constantly intimidating and bullying people with both his status and his money, see him threatening that one poor nymph with closing her business if she didn't give him private information about Persephone or him constantly antagonizing Demeter for no reason.
They're both tyrants. Kronos is self-explanatory. Hades is downright proud of exploiting the shades who come to the Underworld. He literally brags about making them perform unpaid labor. Hades also seemingly doesn't give a rat's ass about his people. He threatens both his employees and regular citizens on a daily basis. The only person in the Underworld he shows a modicum of care towards is Hecate and that's only becaus she's a long-time friend of his. And also because she actively enables all the shit named above. If you wanna cheat you could say that extends to Persephone, since she's also officially a citizen of the Underworld, but let's be real here, that's only because he's in love with her. I sincerely doubt Hades would put up an embargo and show up at a trial as the lawyer if any other citizen of the Underworld was being unfairly persecuted by Zeus.
Both Kronos and Hades are horrible parents. Kronos ate all of his sons alive but one and the only reason he didn't eat Zeus was because Rhea was wise enough to hide him away. Hades emotionally abused and neglected Thanatos for all his life, didn't show concern when Thanatos was M.I.A and when confronted by Thanatos over being a shitty father, instead of apologizing or showing anything even resembling remorse, he instead made excuses about how Thanatos wasn't throwing himself into his arms eager to be fathered after his own mother gave him up into child labor. I've said it before but I'm genuinely afraid for Dionysus, Hades isn't father material and I'm positive he'll repeat the same neglectful bullshit he pulled with Thanatos.
"There were times in the last few years of my life where I felt truly hopeless."
Sure would've been nice if we could've seen those times instead of time-skipping right over them. Persephone keeps talking about how hard the years in the Mortal Realm were, but all evidence we've had of that were her hands going green. And even that's gone now.
"But then I thought about you and [...] your capacity for love despite all the cruelty you faced."
Excuse me, what????
Name one person in this goddamn Webtoon Hades was ever genuinely loving towards that wasn't someone he once fucked or wanted to fuck.
I see the child is only referred to as 'the interloper' now. I'm guessing RS doesn't want readers to think too hard about the fact that hxp have been doing fuck-all to save an endangered child for several episodes.
And we're officially going for the "Delusional Jealous Woman" route with Leuce it seems. RS' hatred for all women that aren't her self-insert is so palpable it hurts.
"I miss Minthe."
Me too, Thetis, me too.
I'm honestly scared of where this whole Kassandra/Apollo thing is going, I don't want any more Apollo woobifying.
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princessmeepa · 3 months
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Is it me or does Adam from ROR and Obanai Iguro are better than Christian blue (in my opinion)
I have talk about Eve and Mitsuri that are better pure female characters than Pink RS from my blog, so I decided to give my opinion to their male lovers Adam and Obanai and how are they are a way better than Christian blue (Hades). Adam, Obanai and Christian blue are a very handsome, strong and mature men, but unlike Christian blue who is over the top sexualized than all the male characters (I believe), because RS has a unhealthy celebrity crush on Mads and she of course over the top sexualized him to make her fantasies come true, and yes Adam is sexualized (and not Obanai, because he was never sexualized in the anime and manga besides the other male characters in Demon Slayer), ladies calm down, yes Adam is sexualized, because he was walking around naked and he only wears a leaf, but that was not in cast for the female gaze, yes I understand that he is the first man and clothes were never made back then, it was to show of his masculinity and his love for his children. Unlike Christian blue as we all know who is a Gary Stu Lolicon who never made mistakes and has a daddy issues, Adam and Obanai has flaws and they made mistakes, Adam is very powerful, because he has a Divine Reflection and he can defeat any god, but he lost and dies in the 2nd around and he can also hurts himself if he uses his powers to much, is to show us that he is not over the top perfect and he is a father who is fighting for his love for his children and Obanai has a horrible childhood, because he was a only male to be born in all female cult and he is going to be sacrifice to the female snake demon, and he escapes and he ends up being saved by Shinjuro Rengoku and it leave Obanai feeling traumatized and has a hard time of trusting women, until he meets and falls in love with Mitsuri. Unlike Christian blue’s wife/girlfriend as we all know who is a pink Loli adult 19 year old “WOMAN AND NOT A TEENAGE GIRL” and he is deeply in lust with Pink RS’ body and her childlike personality, because he is a complete lolicon simp, but Pink RS loves him for his money and body too and their relationship is more like father and daughter, Adam and Obanai’s women (Eve and Mitsuri) and yes they look like Victoria's Secret Angels, but they love and support their men, Adam and Eve’s relationship is so sweet and wholesome, Adam is the only one who stands up for his wife who is being falsely accused by the snake man and he kills his wife’s rapest. Obanai and Mitsuri’s relationship is so sweet and they die at the end and they got married and have a family together.
Note: Adam and Obanai are better fathers and husbands than Christian blue, because Christian blue seems like he enjoys bullying and abusing his adopted son Thanatos and while neglected his other adopted son Dionysus, Adam is a wonderful father who loves his family and children deeply and that’s why he fights for them with love and not hatred and Obanai is a wonderful father and he loves his family deeply, what do you guys think?
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genericpuff · 2 years
I just wanna to quick add something about the hole Tori and Persephone situation, I feel Persephone’s arc was meant to be stop being a push over and to fight in order to get respect from others, even if you have to be mean to get set respect.
But…it fails when it comes to the Tori’s reunion scene, as he only spoke for what Hades did to Alex, and it was mostly Hades’ fault she got mistreated by her classmates, despite not minding the photo as it really didn’t even affected her to begin with.
If she was rude as revenge for what people like Minthe, Thethis or Thanatos did to her, it made sense considering what happened in Tower 4 and with Demeter in the trial, but Tori?…. She knew why he was afraid of her, she understood his point of view (yes bad talking someone is wrong and in some cases it can leave to trauma) but she didn’t gave him a chance to apologize after Alex got his eye back or to talk to him once she became the Queen of the Underworld and make peace with her.
I mean, if this was how the pilot people treated her in her school then the story would be different, there her bullying was implied to be nastier than what we got on Webtoon, in the woman’s bathroom it was written "Persephone goddess of the sluts”.
Even compared to everything she experienced in the past, considering the Village incident it just weird why she doesn’t choice to move on with Tori, and say to herself, yes he was a jackass to me but I see where he was coming from, Hades fuck off that time and it’s fine I’m now Queen he can thing whatever the hell he wants, it won’t affect me anymore.
That's an interesting take, I've also seen people claim that it was due to her still being "shook" from seeing the Apollo poster.
But neither of those are ever an excuse to abuse people.
I'd be fine if this was meant to be some point of character development for Persephone, like if maybe Daphne called her out on it like "hey, pal, are you okay? You kinda went overboard there" or something. Or if maybe it went the other way and Persephone was meant to be the villain in her own story.
But we don't get that.
Instead, we get a scene that obviously implies Persephone is now rich due to the account Hades has opened for her, so she's essentially been rewarded for doing absolutely nothing - compared to Tori, who's been indirectly affected by Persephone's actions (through Alex) and now works in an industry that's RUN by Hades (the banks) and is being harassed by his 'future wife'. She didn't 'fight back' here, she deliberately punched down on someone who's now in a lower position of power than her and she knows it.
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She's hypocritically emulating the exact same behavior she chastised Hades for back in S1.
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So to break it all down, instead of getting an empowering 'revenge' scene like in Pretty Woman where a woman of lower social status fights back against the system that rejected her, we get Persephone, in a much higher position of power than Tori, using her influence to be a dick towards him, and then pretty much gets rewarded for it in the scene afterwards where she gets a shitload of money, buys an apartment, and eats Chinese takeout with Hades. What a picture perfect happy ending we have here 😒
I agree also when it comes to the pilot content, there was SO MUCH MORE done to show how Persephone's life was being affected by the tabloid.
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But in the Originals version, a couple people gossip/refuse to be friends with her (for GOOD REASON BECAUSE ONE OF THEM HAS ALREADY BEEN SERIOUSLY HARMED BY THE KING OF THE UNDERWORLD ON HER BEHALF) and that's about it. She also waves it off super casually in front of Hades.
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So why is she still so fucking salty about it 10 years later? ESPECIALLY after all that she's been through, this is the hill she chooses to die on?
Honestly, I agree with Hades here.
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Where is her sense of wrath? Why does RS keep flip flopping between Persephone being a 'soft' valley girl with limitless patience and empathy vs. Persephone being a wrathful goddess who's willing to throw hands with anyone? And why is it her dumbass beef with Tori that brings out the latter? There's just a complete lack of consistency in her character or commitment to her being one or the other, so it means when we do see Persephone acting 'wrathful', it 1.) comes out of nowhere, and 2.) is being used for shit that isn't even worth being a dick over, like harassing a bank worker. Persephone isn't being 'wrathful', she's acting petty and childish.
And it's so obvious that if this was intended to be a moment of weakness for Persephone, it HASN'T come across that way at ALL to the main readerbase. I seriously can't even go into the comment sections on those episodes because all I see are people rooting for Persephone, saying how Tori "deserved" what he got, how Persephone is such a "boss" for doing what she did. While I do blame the readers for being so horrible in this regard, I also blame Rachel for clearly not defining her intentions with that scene - which leads me to believe that that WAS the intention, to make Persephone look like a 'badass' through abusing an employee that she went to school with for a couple weeks once ten years ago. Rachel hasn't done any work to show the contrary, so that's what we've been left with.
The good news is, we don't even have to speculate on that much. RS answered that question herself outside of the comic in the official FastPass FB group.
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There you have it. In which Rachel displays the fullest extent of her empathy and emotional maturity - absolute cringe.
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pinklikeroses · 1 year
Lore Olympus 245
Okay I’m gonna do best to try and keep this brief but if you know me—once I get started it’s hard to stop
Here go
First and foremost this episode was pointless… aside from the brief Demeter cameo…it was wasted time.
Second this was yet another “girl boss” moment or was supposed to be….
The amount of hypocrisy and bullying Persephone does,… at this rate she’s a corrupted, bully using her power to pick on those lesser than her. This wasn’t wasn’t a girl boss moment this was embarrassing. Where do I even start?
First off she should’ve confronted Hades about this not Leuce. For a “modern day” interpretation of the gods this was poorly executed and such a sexist stupid move on Persephone’s part. Ppl will often more than not nowadays tell women to confront their parter not the “other woman”
If Leuce and Hades have history, she should’ve talked to her husband, she should’ve asked him questions! How long had he and Leuce been talking? When did they stop? Did they really have a strong connection or did she misread him? Doe’s Leuce understand the boundaries Hades addressed if he addressed any? And did he make it clear Persephone is the only one for him? Persephone should be holding hades accountable and asking why on earth Leuce would think it okay to instigate an affair in the first place
We’ve seen first hand Hades isn’t a loyal partner. Neither is Persephone. Dude straight up lied to her in the early episodes! Said he was single even though he was clearly dating Minthe , and when Minthe confronted HIM about it he changed the subject ans claimed she had nothing to worry about despite the fact he kept lusting after Persephone any way!
Persephone had a crush on hades knew he was in a relationship and pursued him anyway. She didn’t even bother confronting him about proposing to minthe before they got together. So her confronting Leuce is hypocritical bc before their marriage, before they were together, Persephone was the home wrecker, Persephone was the other woman! She only comes across as insecure and imposing.
Now it was wrong for Leuce to instigate an affair no matter how air headed, but hades should be the one to confront her not Persephone. He should be the one to make it clear he has no interest in her. That he only cares for his wife.
This comic makes it so clear it doesn’t care about women only the “good” ones, the “pure” ones. And some serious favoritism issues with the cast.
Something else I want to bring up and this is super super important is now not only are Leuce and Minthe done dirty in this comic but how it botched up the og myths.
With Minthe and Persephone, in the og myhs , it’s believed Persephone and Hades had other lovers despite being married. They had an open relationship if you will. Even though they could take on other lovers they still belonged to each other, and their lovers stayed in their lane. However the problem with minthe was that was deliberately trying to overthrow Persephone and take her place as queen. Persephone being the wrathful goddess that she was not only turned minthe into mint but stomped her into pieces , and in some iterations— tortured and ate her.
She did this to show she was the one and only queen and no one could Take her place.
The og myth with Leuce, was an ocean nymph kidnapped by hades loooooong before he kidnapped Persephone and made her his wife. He married Leuce and stayed with her till she died and turned her into a poplar tree and placed it in the Elysian Fields.
Turning a woman who too was abducted against her will, forced to marry a god she potentially had loving relationship with—into a sleazy “home wrecker” is vile. It did nothing but add useless tension between these two characters
Hades would make a terrible father. He neglected Thanatos his entire life, gave a woman he wanted to bone more love and compassion than the adopted son he had. The on,y good thing he ever gave Thanatos was a half assed apology and a sandwich. He’s shitty guy with nothing but shitty excuses.
The good thing was seeing Demeter again with the hope she and Persephone can finally talk things out and hopefully patch things up……
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andromedaexists · 8 months
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Fiction - somewhere between suspense & fantasy in a dystopian future
Sublime Grimdark
sublime (n.) - art that refers to a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement or imitation
grimdark (n.) - a genre of fiction, especially fantasy fiction, characterized by disturbing, violent, or bleak subject matter and a dystopian setting.
Greek mythology, corrupt government, social outcasts, QUEER!!, heavy themes of abuse (both power and familial), mental health, (stealing some from book 1) trans men's wrongs, anti-establishment, friends to lovers to strangers to enemies to ????, tattoos and piercings as a form of therapy, bullying as an act of love, etc etc
(it got kinda long so I put the rest of the info under the cut :) )
An anti-establishment retelling of the fall of Icarus.
Ten years. Ten years of solitude, of surviving, of hiding. It has been ten long years of navigating the world alone, of planning how he would exact his revenge on those who have wronged him once he gets the chance.
A chance he has yet to receive. He's just one man, one cast out kid. How can he expect to go against a corporation as large as ATLAS alone?
Only he isn't alone, and it is time to make his move.
Διαφθορά is a tragic continuation of Δάιος, following Icarus as he and his dysfunctional found family lay the groundwork for a revolution. It seems like everything is going in his favor so far, even as the appearance of his sunshine throws him off-kilter. Will that continue as protests rise up throughout the country in his name?
Icarus (he/they) - We all know Icky baby, he is the man we see the story through the eyes of! Icarus is a chronically exhausted autistic trans man with a caffeine addiction and anger issues. (i suppose he's babygirl too idk)
Apollon (he/him) - I guess he's the love interest for Icarus but he's best known as my beloathed. Apollon is the #2 Elysian just two years after his debut! He is a childhood friend/lover? of Icarus' and perpetual pain in his ass.
Andromeda (they/them) - Our mama bear. Andromeda may share the same name as me, but they are not based on me. Rather, they are heavily based on a good friend of mine. Meda is the oldest, they take care of the group and make sure that everyone comes back alive and well. They don't specialize in fighting, but in healing. Particularly herbal and natural remedies (remember, lavender for anxiety and antibiotics for a fucking infection)
Achilles (he/him) - Another childhood friend of Icarus. He is Icarus' adopted little brother and right hand man.
Thanatos (he/him) - The information broker of the group. He specializes in getting what he needs to get and doing so discreetly, a huge benefit for Icarus' group. He is gender non-conforming and is a lovely person to be around, so long as your name isn't Icarus.
The Elysians - The figureheads of the government. They basically have free reign to enforce the laws of the land. The most notable of the Elysians are Daedalus (#1 rank), Nyx (not ranked, she operates out of sight), Casseopeia (former #2 rank), Prometheus (#5), and Thetis (#9). Each of them specializes in different fighting styles based on their mythological code name. 
Website, CMI tag, and Spotify Playlist 
Picrews for Icarus, Andromeda, Apollon, Thanatos, Achilles, and Patroclus!
Character Introductions (Main Group): (will likely update these)
Character Introductions (Elysians): (yeah i gave up on this)
Shit Posts!
Incorrect Quotes: Banana Earth Edition
Find The Word Tag
Last Line Tag
Heads Up 7 Up
Worldbuilding Wednesday
Storyteller Saturday
Blorbo Blursday
Other Misc Tag Games
@flowerprose @isherwoodj @cream-and-tea @touchingmadness @lockejhaven @marinesocks @wildswrites @the-finch-address @leighvalentin @inkspellangel @outpost51 (this is borrowed from book 1's tag list, if you would like to be removed please lemme know) @love-whatit-loves @xoberryblush
Please fill out this form to be added or ask to be removed!
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
I would love more of ur "If Nico dies" headcanon plz :3
You have come to the right place. Buckle up, buddy, ‘cause we’re going for a longggggg ride.
I have like, a bunch, a dozen, a lot of ideas about Nico passing away, and I might not have a coherent way to organize them all, so you might have to bear with my millacenous thoughts, then, just a head-up!
Why I love “If Nico dies” that much
Hades breaking rules of death for Nico because I’m nothing if a sucker for parental love, really.
A list of post about psychopomp Nico. Basically Nico nearly died only for Hades to make him an immortal psychopomp. Now he collects souls, travels the world and haunts people.
My most obsessing fantasy is the shadows blossoms and reaches out to Nico. Just. A blob of darkness suddenly covers the sky and he dazedly looks at it. Something’s calling for him from the dark. Nico extends a hand. The first fingertip touches the lingering darkness and he’s. just. gone. The shadows hug him tight, embracing him in an eternal slumber. Cold. Numb. No feeling, no pain, no suffering.
If Nico manages to die of old age like a normal person, Thanatos will greet Nico with a smile, “Your father is waiting, young Lord” and Nico would walk through the door of the palace with a glowing laurel wreath like a prince he is.
Hades sets up a whole coronation ceremony LMAO. Jk, he probably did it when Nico became the official Ambassador of Hades.
Makaria cheering “Baby brother!!!” while peppering kisses all over Nico’s face. She kinda takes permanent residence of Nico’s house in the Elysium and complains in their weekly afternoon tea parties that Nico spends too much time in their father’s palace.
Melinoe can legitimately bullies Nico now. So he makes a point of avoiding her and sticking close to Makaria everytime they have family dinner.
Nico’s near death trying to save Bob, and Zagreus tears down the Tartarus coming to his brother’s aid.
Bob’s happy because Nico stays in the Underworld much more frequent now. And they play Mythomagic together, yay!!!
When Nico dies, his power goes haywire. The shadows want to pull everything into demise to accompany their master. I have talked about this once but I lost that post so... ehehe ig??...
That post about Tartarus corrupting Nico and he begs Jason to kill him.
The most possible way, tho, would be him fading into the shadows due to over-exertion after transporting the Athena Pathenos. I had another post about this specific outcome. And ohhhh this is a painful ride.
Well technically Nico has and is still suffering from a lot of physical burdens, I honestly can’t fathom how tf he manages to stay alive but i glad he did. So now I’m fantasying he doesn’t.
This death of Nico would be tragic and glorious, yall, because it’s a sacrifice. Even though it’s not in the prophecy, huh.
It would be after the battle has died down, and Nico looks up at the clear sky sparkled with Imperial Gold, the ringing of Octavian’s death resounding sound and clear through his bones, drowning every other sound. He feels lightheaded. Someone is screaming. He can’t quite hear it. The sky turns grey. His vision turns monochromic. He feels sleepy.
He doesn’t feel anything when he falls to the ground. All of his senses are plunged into slumber.
And his body and soul dissolve into nothingness.
Hades would be the first one to come to his side - because he is the one who can feel Nico’s life force fade away the clearest. But there’s nothing stopping death, as the god can only manage to grab his son’s hand before the boy’s eyes close and the grass under them withers away just as fast as his body’s disappearing.
The next one is Hazel - sprinting and dropping down her knees on the ground at the other side, blood and tears on her face, a broken voice calling her brother’s name. She pays no mind to her father, instead grabbing Nico’s hands. But her hands go right through him. As if waving through a fog. Hazel watches it ripple and turn transparent. She can’t touch him. She cries harder. Black diamonds and onyx stones pop up around them, building up until it suddenly looks like a gemmed tomb.
Reyna appears next to Hazel. She understands right away what’s happening, but she can’t help panicking at the realization that Nico is truly disappearing for good. Her hands instinctively go to touch him, but they, too, can only feel thin air. Only Hades can touch Nico now.
Hazel is screaming at Hades, now. Rules be damned. She begs him to do something. Because Nico is dying. Because Nico shouldn’t be dying, that after all of this he just can’t be dying like this i can’t lose him too you’re the god of dead please please——
But all of those fall in deaf ears as Hades just blankly gazes at his son’s lifeless face, the lips now nearly grey, the dark circles under Nico’s shut eyes, the black hair slowly dissolving into nothingness. His two big hands clutch the smaller hand, wrapping them whole as if the god is, too, begging for Nico to wake up.
He can feel his son’s soul crumbling. He can’t feel Thanatos coming to reap it. And Hades, for once in his life, fears that he wouldn’t be able to see his son after all those years of having him running around in his kingdom.
The circle of dead grass keeps widening as shadows stretch out - from Nico or Hades, no one can tell - but Jason and Percy can feel the weight, sorrows and sadness, pure grief and pain, suffocating them the moment they step in the clearing. And they fail to take another step when their eyes catch the image of one unmoving body in Hades’ arms. Percy falls to his knees, digging his nails in the dirt as a silent scream tears his lungs apart. Jason watches the scene, hands balled into fists at his sides. And he wonders, what kind of evil game are the Fates playing on Nico di Angelo to give him such devastating ending?
Gosh this is so hard to write because i keep crying arghhhh.
Anyway, on to the aftermath.
- Nico’s body was gone. They have nothing to burn. Until Persephone and Hades appears with a black shroud and Nico’s stygian sword. Hestia lights the flame. The gods stay to watch, and Percy stands next to them until it burns out completely.
- Hestia comes to Underworld on Nico’s death day to share Hades’ grief.
- There’s a pomegranate tree next to the Hades cabin the following day after Nico’s funeral. Huge and lively, green leaves glinting in the morning dew and big red fruits forever fresh hiding in the foliage. It surrounds the wooden cabin, hugging it, magically alive as if a late wish to the lost boy. Forever waiting.
- Hades’ grief shakes the earth. His darkness cloaks New York City in nightfall for three weeks. Mortals wonder if the apocalypse’s coming. Apollo’s sun chariot barely makes a small night lamp. The gods want to tell Hades off, but the Underworld has been shut down from all entrance and Persephone knows that even Hades isn’t in a clear enough mind to control his powers.
I have so much for a grieving Hades but it’s kinda messy so we’ll just have to settle for this ^^^^ and the previous post I mentioned.
- Hazel. Gods, Hazel. She loses her only maternal relative. The one who pulled her away from the timelessness of Asphodel. The one who, technically, gave her a new life. Who loves her unconditionally and always places her on top of everything else. She’s alone. In a new world. Her father cannot acknowledge her existence lest she dies again.
If anyone, who grieves the most would definitely be Hazel. A pure family love.
She draws him every time she misses him, and all the walls in her room are stuffed with drawings of Nico. She puts some in the Pluto shrine, too, only for them to disappear the next day, taken by Hades, sometimes replaced by little gifts.
Hazel imagines they grow up together, a normal pair of brother and sister in the 21st century. She talks to those drawings. She tells Nico on the canvas about how she’s doing, what she learns about the new life, how Frank is treating her and Nico doesn’t have to worry. She asks herself “What would Nico do?” every time she feels troubled.
She wears his ring (Hades took it before it was gone with the body) on a necklace - because she can’t stand to retelling his story every time someone ask about such mismatching ring when she wears it next to her wedding band. She tells her children about their uncle, tho, little by little. About how he brought her back to life and gave her a new future. About how brave he was to give this world a future, too, and by extension, her children’s lives.
She tells them that the ghosts aren’t necessarily hostile, and the darkness isn’t that scary - because they befriended their uncle Nico, who was so full of love it hurts.
- Jason would be devastated because he lost two of his friends at the same time: Leo and Nico. One is his best friend, the other is one he feels responsible for as he inadvertently knew of his deepest secrets. Jason was made a leader. His hero-complex would definitely makes all deaths heavy on himself and if he starts doubting the gods then it’s his problem.
And Leo returns 5 months later, whereas Nico never shows up again.
Jason finds out that some of the minor gods actually know Nico, so he makes a habit of asking them about the boy and manages to collect a bunch of stories to tell Hazel and her children every time he swings by. He helps Frank cheer up Hazel when Nico’s death day comes every year.
He meets Hades during his journey through the Underworld, and he sees the same pain reflecting in the god’s eyes when he grits his teeth, ready to smite him with a spiteful “Why did he have to die only for you children of my brothers to be praised as heroes?!!”.
He was saved by Persephone who interjects with a firm “Nico wouldn’t want this”. Jason stays for a while, though, to tell Hades about what he learnt of an amazing Nico di Angelo. The god listens silently. His face’s tired and somber.
- Reyna praises Nico with all her heart. He’s forever a soldier in her heart. She calls him her brother because that’s who he is to her. She just gained a new family member and loses him in one journey oh gods. Does she blame herself? If only she could lend him more of her strength? But she knows Nico wouldn’t want that.
The Ambassador room that Nico used is kept in pristine condition because Reyna, even when it’s groundless and stupid, still holds a thin hope that Nico would one day appear in front of her, swaying sleepily and waving goodbye again. She builds a corner for him in the Pluto shrine: his Stygian sword displayed in the middle of all kinds of glowing jewelries, some of Hazel’s drawings tucked in between. Reyna goes there when she needs to think, sometimes sharing McDonald’s with Hazel and/ or Jason.
She calls his name when she has a panic attack over her father’s ghosts. It works, as if Nico’s still protecting him even from the nothingness.
Her Hunter of Artemis accessory has a small bone put into it. What kind? I have no idea but I like the concept so yall will have to get on with it.
- Percy. Hello guilts my old friend, i have come to talk with you again. Jeez I have no idea how Percy’s gonna cope with Nico’s death. He would probably blame himself. A lot. Like really. Everyone has regrets when it comes to one Nico di Angelo. That’s how his tragedies affect and haunt people, Percy is, without a doubt, the most severe.
He helps rearrange the funeral for Nico. It’s hard, because it was normally Nico who does this kind of thing. He only manages with the help of Annabeth. Percy has so much to say to Nico, yet he asks Hazel to do the speech because he doesn’t think he’s can utter anything about the child whose life has gone downhill partly of him.
He talks to Hestia more often.
He thinks he sees Nico’s ghost sometimes. That can’t be right though, because Hades once cursed at him, pain in his voice that Nico was forever gone from every corner of this earth.
Percy visits Hazel a lot, maybe he thinks that he can at least take care of Nico’s sister after disappointing his other sister and, unintentionally, contributing to his misery life. He finds Nico’s mythomagic cards and gives them to Hazel. Percy tells her about the young Nico. About how Nico had gone through so much because of him. About how despite all of those Nico still saved him countless times.
And he sits there, in the small living room, repeating sorrys over and over again whenever Hazel’s grief causes her to bite out a hateful blame.
I think this is probably it? I would probably come up with something sooner or later, but oh well I think this is enough for one post.
Immensely, sincerely, genuinely THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK. Oh gods you have NO idea how thrilled I was when I saw this ask!!! 😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹 Lots and lots of love to you, dear!! I’d definitely write at least one of these ^^^, and when I do I’d hit you up!
Luv ya 💕💕💕
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wanderingbards · 2 years
JRWI characters as out of context quotes my friends and I have said!
(If a line has a - that means it's a follow up to the previous line)
Rumi: Pretty privilege exists but it's only me fueling it.
Jay: Fight, flight, but we're all forgetting the third response.
-Chip: ...FUCK?!?!
--Jay: FREEZE!!!
Jay: Congratulations. Now we're all co-conspirators in avian war crimes.
Finn, to Arlin: Why is your kid a fruit?
Jay: Those were some big emotions there bud.
-Chip: Not as big as my dick.
Dakota: You're bullying a child. It's me.
Chip: My first boyfriend was an accident!
Peter: Thanatos, tone down your he/him pronouns and let the she/her speak!
William: I don't know enough about you to diagnose you on the omegaverse spectrum.
Rumi: I like my men pathetic and fruity, you wouldn't understand.
Rumi: All I'm saying is god forgot to give me self-hatred.
William: Wyoming would maybe be my least-favorite state if it existed.
Vyncent: I need a girl with a nose ring to tell me what planet is making me sad.
-Cantrip: It's Prime.
Dakota: Whoa, this is just like the ending to Kung Fu Panda 3!
-William, about the same movie: Oh my god this is just like Pacific Rim-
Jay: Hey, hey Gillion? On a personal level, what does gunpowder taste like? And how do you know this?
Peter: I'm a quirked-up white boy goated with the sauce, and the sauce is the blood pooling in my feet.
William: Uh, no, only the hoodie stays on.
Gillion: That's it, I'm gonna go drink vanilla now.
Vyncent: Have you ever heard of Homestuck?
-William: ...I am the sacrilegious one.
Chip: Good words start with gay. ....no wait-
Dakota: I'm not picky, I have taste.
-William: And the taste is autism?
--Dakota: I legally don't have to answer that.
Jay, with confidence: ABDCE- wait fuck-
Chip, about Goobleck: That thing doesn't deserve pronouns, it's ugly as fuck!
Peter: Tareus was pretty chill, just not with capitalism.
Chip: Jay's getting proposed to this winter.
-Gillion: CANON?!?!
Rumi, to Peter: You won't be made if I call you short king, right?
Vyncent: If you're gonna stab me, at least make it a pretty knife.
Chip: Is there a spell for getting bitches?
Lizzie: Just because I don't hate gay people doesn't mean I don't hate you.
Ollie, a confused child about Chip: Why is he gay but for women?!?!
Peter: I would cry at a lot of things, that's just one of them.
William, driving: I am making multiple tactical errors as we speak.
Jay: Because your frog is 2 feet tall, and a frog!!!
Peter: I'm gonna peg him, just to prove a point.
William: My infodumping is the sexiest part about me.
-Vyncent: It is~
--William: ...fuck off, simp.
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commenter2 · 2 months
Blood of Zeus season 2 thoughts
After almost 4 YEARS since it was green lit, season 2 of Blood of Zeus is coming out May 9th. To quickly recap season 1, the show follows Heron, the son of Zeus, realizing he is the only one who can save the world from an army of demons who seek to destroy the Greek gods with the Giants on their side. The S2 trailer has serious spoilers from season 1 so I'm just going to get them out of the way below.
Season 1 reveled the leader of the demons is Heron's angry god hating brother Seraphim, Hera betrays Olympus and wants to kill Zeus and Heron after being cheated on too many times, Zeus dies sacrificing himself to save Hera after she was betrayed by the other seasons villains causing her to go MIA in the finale, and the dead Seraphim is offered a choice by Hades to serve him or go to Tartarus.
The season 2 trailer shows that now that Zeus is gone, the Gods will try and figure out who should be their new king, and Hades seeks to claim it since it is his birthright as the firstborn son of Kronos. Yes it seems like Hades will once again be portrayed as an antagonist but it seems like he will have a side viewers can sympathize with. It's also shown that his wife Persephone will be by his side, also showing them having a healthy relationship, which is mythologically accurate as well as being cute to see more in modern day writings featuring them.
I am concerned by her line about the "injustices" they suffered, as the common injustice Persephone suffered in the myths involves her marriage to Hades. Luckily this series follows a different version of the events of the greek myths so maybe in this universe she willing married Hades (there is an old version of her tale where this happened after she was intrigued by the afterlife) but this caused her to get bullied by the other gods. Maybe her mother was so disgraced by this that she disowned her? I just hope she won't be a secret villain. I could see Thanatos being that as the trailer starts with Gaia saying that while death can hurt, it's still good in a way, and it is implied that other dead people like Seraphim will have a role in the season, so maybe he will try to take over and create a world where life and death are the same and create a twisted peaceful world through it.
Can't wait for the season to come out, and I hope the writers are now focused on the series, as they did say years ago that they had 5 seasons outlined. Hopefully the other seasons come out back to back. I could see one season having the gods fighting against the remaining Titans and another season having the Greeks interacting with another mythology as that has been popular lately as seen in Rick Riordan's works, Marvel, and God of War.
Are you excited for season 2 of Blood of Olympus?
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chthonicgodling · 8 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 1!
featuring: Ares & Ker
WELCOME TOOOOO the constant parade of rainbow themed posts coming your way for the next 30 days! I’ve made my very own Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE love to see!) and for the first time I’ve decided to go for the unabridged version!
I have tried very hard to include a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow, incorporating multiple OCs at every possible moment and especially ones I don’t draw as often. This will be such an exciting month!!
And so finally to start, here’s!! NEO’S WEIRD UNCLE AND AUNT — oh just kidding but. Barely. notes!! :
Ares, Olympian God of War (yes that Ares), and Ker, Daemon Goddess of Violent Death, not only have had a relationship as coworkers for millennia, but within the past few years, have been tasked with training teenage Grim Reaper Neo, Goddess of Gentle Death….
…since of course previous God of Gentle Death, villainous lunatic Thanatos, had already been long since euthanized. No great loss to Ares OR to Ker honestly. so their current role in the Elysium’verse is exactly that!
despite appearances and realm and… Olympianness, Ares is actually super cool he’s like the only Olympian who’s not a complete dick🥰 he is genuinely a helpful mentor figure to Neo even tho he’s just death adjacent;
and Ker - who yyeessss technically an Elysium villain due to her allyship w Thanatos and her many attempts to murder Chal (her biological child), has actually begrudgingly taken a… liking???? in her own way???? to Neo??? at least she takes her job seriously instead of trying to bully the Underworld like SOME certain predecessor who shall not be mentioned
so yay here they are! There are very few Reds in Elysium bc that’s actually Thanatos’ token color so here’s one of the rarities with Ares, and helpfully all those bloodsoaked bits on Ker.
Stay tuned tomorrow for day 2! huh I wonder who the second red could possibly be.,,,
click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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rinwellisathing · 4 months
Side character compendium for You're Awful, I Love You
Hey so of you've been reading my Durgetash fic, I realize a lot of the characters in the background tend to be OCs apart from the ingame NPCs so far, so here's some concepts for each of them:
The Siblings:
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Jakael 'Jackal' Silk, renamed Jackal Shadowsworn when he reached the surface. Sentry's 'brother'. He is a Drow Bhaalspawn and cultist and the oldest in the group. He is generally ignored by father and considered a failure, but has excellent tracking and hunting skills and was a fairly prolific serial killer before his initial capture. His first kill was his abusive wife, who really more so owned him as he was the third son of a struggling noble house who was all but sold to her as an amusement. He generally dislikes Sentry, sometimes to the point of outright abuse before Sentry fully comes into his power, though backs off and falls in line when Sentry is stronger than he is.
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Commander Gabraela is a fellow Tiefling Bhaalspawn, but older than Sentry. She is a middle aged woman who killed her husband, daughter, and Flaming Fist regiment in her father's name. She feels guilt over the loss of her child and acts as a protector to Sentry, using him as a surrogate son. Violent and vicious, Gabraela has no mercy for anyone but her charge.
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Tomi Kisaragi is an enigmatic and beautiful Bhaalspawn who appears as an elf, but is rumored to be something else entirely. One of the more prolific killers of the family, she acts on her whims and flights of fancy more often than not. She dotes on Sentry and acts as a good big sister towards him because he does not get in her way and is more than happy to share hunting grounds if she shares materials.
The Previous Families:
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The apprentices of Commander Ojeda were fellow paladin trainees who tended ro bully and abuse Sentry when he lived at the temple, they did all this without their Commander finding out. Sentry murdered them the day he left.
Commander Evagria Ojeda was Sentry's adoptive mother and the first person to show him kindness. She was a devoted paladin of Ilmater and a friend of Father Lorgan, who also treated Sentry well. Evagria was the only person who could ever make Sentry's urge fully quiet.
Lakhesis and Thanatos Mortis were Sentry's Bhaalist parents and were heavily abusive, viewing him as nothing more than pureblood breeding stock. They were his first kills and his first work of art. Their preserved bodies still hang in Sentry's childhood home.
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negative-speedforce · 10 months
detailed oc questions for Siv, Jay, Gina, Hailey, and E-2002 Eobard #s 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 40, & 41 :)
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Sivonne Alessandra Thawne; Sivonne- misspelled version of Siobhan, I thought it worked so I kept it. Alessandra- Defender of men (it's more ironic than accurate).
Jason Luca Barron; Jason- means "healer", also mythological hero. Luca- form of Luke, means "Light". Name chosen because it fits Jay to a 'T'.
Regina Maria Rivera; Regina + Maria = Queen of Bitterness/Suffering, fits Gina's story arc.
Hailey Tuyet Laurence; Hailey- means "Hay's Meadow" in old English, Tuyet- means "snow" in Vietnamese. Names were chosen based on vibes.
Eobard Claudius Thawne; "Eobard" and "Thawne" are from canon, but I added the name "Claudius" as a reference to Hamlet's murderous stepdad from Shakespeare's Hamlet.
2: Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Siv: Dark Streak: Their hero title, named for the black blur that people see because of her suit. Euphoria: The name that she uses when they're half-Siv half-Negative Speed Force, from the drug-like high that "going Eldritch" gives them.
Jay: Zephyr, named for his ability to control wind.
Gina: N/A, but would have gone by "Psyche" if she lived long enough to unlock her full abilities.
Hailey: Phantom, because, y'know, she's a ghost?
Eo-2002: "Reverse-Flash" for obvious reasons, but he's also been referred to as "Thanatos" by Cassandra's team before they knew his identity, as a reference to the Greek god of death. (we all know which name is better)
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Siv: Only managed not to get expelled for fighting because her dad gave some VERY generous donations to the school. They excelled in all forms of Math, Science, and History, but they had trouble with Ethics and English. Unfortunately, she was erased from existence the week before her graduation, and therefore did not receive their diploma.
Gina: Was known as the "good girl" at St. Florian's, because she got good grades, never tried to sneak out of Mass, didn't get in trouble, etc. She died a few months before graduation, but she excelled in Language Arts, Choir, and Art, but Math and Science were her weak spots. She loved school, and her friends there, and most of the other students loved her just as much. If she hadn't died early, it is likely that she would have had a chance for Valedictorian or Salatutorian.
Jay: You went to high school? Jay went to school high. Somehow, he managed to graduate with A's and B's (no one knows how- he didn't even cheat!). He graduated high school, and went to college for an accelerated Engineering program, which he graduated from with his Bachelor's in less than two years. Jay excelled in all his classes except P.E. and Music.
Hailey: Hailey went to an extremely strict, extremely upper-crust military school. She did not have a good time, being bullied for her feminine mannerisms and personality (spoiler alert: she's a girl). After graduating, she went straight into the Marines, mostly to get away from her strict family. In school, Hailey excelled in History, Political Science, and all/any foreign languages she took, but she struggled when it came to writing.
Eo-2002: Excelled at everything to a creepy extent. Was the weird quiet kid who everyone's kinda scared is going to become a serial killer. Graduated with high honors from High School, College, and Grad School, where he recieved dual doctorates in physics and biology.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Siv: Despises children, probably because they pretty much skipped the early childhood phase. Kids are usually kinda scared of her. However, if they were to be in charge of a child, the kid would probably go home with knowing about 50 new curse words, a stomach full of absolute junk, and having seen movies that were VERY age-appropriate.
Gina: LOVES children, and they love her. Would be the best mom, kinda strict but not overbearing, and would sing the prettiest lullabyes.
Jay: Loves children, but they usually think he's kinda stupid. He would love to have kids, and him and Cassandra do eventually have a kid, Reggie. He's a really good dad, really into "gentle parenting" and other such techniques.
Hailey: Is good with kids, but doesn't really like or want them. If she was put in charge of a child, they'd probably be sent home just as healthy as when they left, though Hailey would probably just park them in front of the TV playing PBS Kids all day because she doesn't know what to do with a kid.
Eo-2002: Doesn't like children, terrifies children, doesn't want children. Somehow, he ended up with two. With his own kid being a speedster and him having a "Jessica Wells", he assumed that he could have a small army of speedsters to take down Barry if he kept them both alive until adulthood. As a parent, Eobard was very detatched, chosing to let Esme raise Siv rather than actually doing that much parenting himself.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Siv: Is lactose intolerant
Gina: None
Jay: Vegetarian, unless it's free food.
Hailey: Lactose intolerant
Eo-2002: None
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Siv: Drinks energy drinks because she likes the taste, not because they affect them in any way.
Gina: Enjoys coffee and green tea
Jay: Drinks energy drinks, is a sugar addict
Hailey: Is British. She drinks a cup of black tea with cream and sugar every day.
Eo-2002: Drinks coffee, it doesn't affect him.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Siv: Is a lesbian. She likes girls who are taller than her, curvy, and are both competent and confident. What they mostly need in a relationship is someone who can both match their wit and comfort them when they break down.
Gina: Is a lesbian. She likes feminine and androgynous women, with athletic body types, though that's more a preference than a definite "type". She likes someone who is brave, protective, and has a big heart, and in a relationship, she mostly just needs a friend, someone to share all her thoughts and ideas with.
Jay: Is pansexual. He doesn't really have a physical preference, but he likes people who have strong morals and are brave in the face of danger. In a relationship, Jay needs someone who can back him up, and can confirm that he's doing the right thing.
Hailey: Is asexual and biromantic. She's pretty much exclusively attracted to masculinity (masc women and enbies and masculine men), and she likes someone protective, confident, and open about their emotions. In a relationship, she needs someone supportive, who can make her feel alive even though she technically isn't.
Eo-2002: Is gay. He likes men who challenge him, both mentally and physically. His type is Barry Allen, but he'd never say that out loud. In a relationship, he needs someone who can hold him back from doing something hasty and irrational, and who can support him through... whatever the fuck's going on in his head.
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