#he recognized the zoroark and was very happy
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I remembered that he had a Zorua friend, that Rood gave to Nate/Rosa in B2W2. I wonder if this Zoroark is his Zorua friend that was entrusted to Nate/Rosa, but Nate/Rosa returned his Zorua (who had evolved to Zoroark) to N when N met them at Pokemon League?
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For Wild Man and Wild Miss again.
Now I’m wondering how this au affects the relationship between the Pearl Clan and Jubilife. Like, I’m imagining the PC would warn them of anything they think is particularly dangerous, like Ingo and Akari and their pack in the icelands, but then Ingo just wanders in a day later, introduces himself, and tells them he’s happy to trade with them and also “please don’t catch any of the zorua or zoroark like you would normally. They’re scared of humans, and kidnapping their family even temporarily will not make them like you. Also have you met my lively daughter? Let me tell you how we met.” Does the PC know Ingo does trade with Jubilife? Do members ever see him and/or Akari there but they can’t do anything but leave because Jubilife is neutral territory and they’d be kicked out for starting a fight?
Also, more specifically, what if one day Gaeric tried to talk about that time he was defending a child against a zoroark when the Wild Man attacked and whisked the zoroark away. Rei hears this and puts two and two together.
Gaeric, in the games is a likable enough guy. I imagine nobody in the clan really dislikes him. Imagine his surprise when this Galaxy Team kid blows up at him and angrily tells him about how that experience looked from his perspective.
Jubilife is very firmly in neutral territory, so even if they don't agree with certain practices of the clans, they don't do anything about it, and it's generally agreed that they should make no comments on how the natives do things. Likewise, the Pearl and Diamond clans both agreed to not start anything within Jubilife. So, yes, while some Pearl Clan members recognize Ingo, they don't actually do anything about it other than trying to warn some of the people in Jubilife about him.
Of course, Jubilife is free to make their own opinions, and Ingo quickly proves himself to be a very friendly man. He's polite and would immediately drop what he's doing to help another person if they so request it, and he likes to brag about his little daughter to anyone who will listen.
It's hard to take anything the Pearl Clan says seriously when the guy they're trying to warn people of is some dude who shoves his daughter in everyone's faces and proudly announces that she can count to 20 all on her own, now, isn't she the smartest?
As for Gaeric, he definitely does keep that story up his sleeve to talk about sometimes, and he would absolutely get a nasty surprise when he tells it anywhere near Rei. The idea that there's anyone who's actually friends with The Wild Man is just absurd to a lot of the Pearl Clan. They didn't expect that there were people in Jubilife who actually likes him and his "daughter." They believed that Ingo is only ever there for purely business purposes.
Of course, Rei blowing up at Gaeric would be brushed off quickly. Gaeric will believe that Rei's just not that great at telling an illusion from reality, especially since Rei's just a kid. And the people of Jubilife would be forced to apologize for Rei's outburst because, again, this is neutral territory and nobody is supposed to aggravate the tentative relations they've built. Gaeric is a Warden, after all, which means he has high standing.
This isn't to say that the civilians of Jubilife would disagree with Rei's outrage. They've babysat Akari many times in the past. They remember her being brought through the gates, bloodied and crying and whimpering. Finding out the one responsible is someone deluding themselves into thinking they did an honorable thing over unfounded superstitions would put a sour taste in a lot of mouths. And that someone has political immunity. It just leaves a sense of tension, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. No one can speak up, no one is allowed to explain it.
On a different thought, I find it very funny that Ingo is just unintentionally a political time bomb. He's just going about trying to exist, take care of his daughter, etc, meanwhile he's somehow caused the most tension between the Pearl Clan and Jubilife without even doing anything. By being likable.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Tarzan!Volo headcannons
Cw: kidnapping, you get hit in the head
I personally had Canon two Pokémon he could be raised by, a mother Garchomp.
If his mother was Garchomp his mother would probably try to teach him enough in order to survive.( I don't see Garchomp as a very social species)
Volo almost completely renounces his human mostly just doing his own thing he welcomes his dad to any stray Pokémon an attacks humans that goes near almost maliciously as if seeking vengeance, no human knows his face because he wears a worn down Zoroark mask.
But...he still saves time to visit an old woman only because he saw that the woman had the same pendants as his necklace.
Because of that woman he has a newfound interest in his upbringing and his people, especially about the the Pokemon in myths and legends.
He would only take interest into you at first because you had something related to the Pokemon of Sinnoh. Following you from a safe distance.
He doesn't really understand the mechanisms you use, but if your Pokemon looked happy, then he had no interest in freeing them.
You are connected to the creature he is seeking, so don't be surprised if you suddenly black out from blunt-force trauma and wake up in a place you don't recognize.
You wake up on a pile of old blankets and pillows, and the First thing you see when you wake up is a Togapi bringing your berries. Once she notices you're awake, she smiles, dropping the berries as she runs to get Volo
Volo barely acknowledge use your existence only interested in you somehow some way leading him to the Pokemon he's looking for. Occasionally taking you to different ruins he knows that the Lords have been acting strange and you have something to do with it somehow.
However he does take his time and studying you he's never seen a human up close and the similarities are...strange to him. Occasionally you even catch him mirroring your movements, instead of couchinh or an offensive stance like a Garchomp, he stands more upright, easily towering over you or any man you've seen.
Getting a relationship with a Volo would take a long time, but it is not impossible.
He starts becoming closer with you, brushing your hair out the way to get a better look giving you light touches, his face softening when he sees you.
He has grown very protective over you; he will not let you leave his den without his supervision. Growling when bigger Pokemon get too close—bringing home food and even bedding material. He would never want you to be uncomfortable.
It's hard going back to his original plan... When whenever he sees you and his mind says, "mate, mate, mate."
You somehow have a connection with all Mighty Sinnoh you must be the perfect mate.
Besides one of the rare times he let you go to the settlement, he saw other humans talking to you. Made his blood boil. Those humans could never protect you as he could. Most of them are too scared to even look at Pokemon, let alone fight them with bare hands like he has done many times for you.
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Ok, I just finished a certain quest so an irrelevant but happy detail.
Cynthia's Spiritomb always adored Dawn. Neither Cynthia or Dawn ever knew why, but Spiritomb was just ecstatic to see her, and every meeting led to a ghostly hug that Dawn would happily return!
After she disappeared, Cynthia's Pokemon were very worried...except for Spiritomb. They didn't panic, they didn't frantically search, just assured both Cynthia and Dawn's teams that "She'll return when she's done". Questions and demands received no explanation, just a steady repetition.
After encountering Akari, if Cynthia were to ever throw out Spiritomb...They would immediately do their now-customary greeting, because she's back! But now...Akari recognizes them as the exact same Spiritomb from Hisui!
That probably won't happen, since that's just a giant red flag to Akari's identity, but it's a cute thing that I thought could make sense.
That would be a really cute au! If the Spiritomb Akari helps in Hisui was the same one Cynthia uses! However this would be impossible in my fic, because the spiritomb she helped recapture all the escaped wisps for, Vessa, is the same Spiritomb Akari brings back to the present with her.
But! That isn’t to say Cynthia’s Spiritomb wouldn’t still recognize Dawn/Akari. But instead of being excited to see her when she first met them, they always shied away at first. Because they use to be the very spiritomb that Volo had used on his team. They feel bad for what their former trainer had put her though and also feels guilty knowing there’s nothing they can do to stop her from disappearing.
Much later, when Akari properly reunites with Cynthia, the former champions Spiritomb bust out of their pokeball and is so happy/relieved to see her alive and safe in person!
Also, because it’s been awhile since I clarified it, and there has been some updates, here is the total list of the pokemon Akari has on her team when she arrives in modern Sinnoh, how she got them, her team prior to Hisui, those she acquires later.
Hisui team:
Typhlosion, Dusk, female, Akari’s starter
Espeon, Hypnos, male, the first eevee Akari caught in the fieldlands.
Lilligant, Prima, female, was among the petilils she caught when doing the medical leaf quest.
Sneasel, Jelly, male, caught him with a petcha berry while exploring the highlands.
Voltorb, Orbert, happily rolled right up to her while she was walking though the ruins and just let her catch them.
Frosslass, Yuki, female, was the first pokemon Akari caught in the Icelands, finding her right next to the camp as a snorunt.
Vulpix, Aurora, female, Akari earned her friendship after finding all her siblings who were scattered in the Icelands.
Zorua, Akane, female. Akari earned her friendship after months of work to help mend Zorua and Zoroarks relationship with humans.
Spiritomb, Vessa, female. This is the same Spiritomb that appeared to Akari after she had gathered all the wisps together to restore her. She of course named her Vessa in memory of her mysterious friend, whom she suspects is indeed this wonderfully strange pokemon.
Rowlett and Oshawatt, both still unnamed, male. Were given to Akari by professor Laventon shortly before she left. He appreciated their company in his lab, but could see how much they adored her any time she visited.
Past Sinnoh team:
Piplup, Pippin, male. Dawns starter.
Luxray, Stars, female. The first shinx Dawn caught after leaving home.
Blissey, Omelette, female. Was hatch and raised from the egg she received from that traveler.
Gardevior, Sweets, male. Was caught while Dawn was exploring the grand underground. Found him in the beautiful crystal cave.
Lucario, Lulu, female. Was hatched and raised from the egg given to her by Riley.
Umbreon, Shadow, female. Given to her by Bebe as an Eevee for completing the Pokédex.
Additional pokemon after returning to Sinnoh:
Azurill, Dot, female. Formally belonged to an neglectful trainer. Follows Akari and Ingo back to their camp and chooses to stay after making friends with their Pokémon.
Cleffa, still unnamed, female. Formally belonged to the same neglectful trainer as Dot. Is taken in by Akari after the confrontation between her former trainer and Akari.
Additional Pokemon post story in Unova:
Ponyta, Renee/Rhiannon, female. A gift from Galar’s fairy gym leader, Opal, after she saw an interview where Akari mentioned having heard of how different Galarian ponyta’s were but having never seen one.
And I think I mentioned Akari being eventually gifted a Wooloo and an Axew from Hop and Drayden respectively. Both would be male, but I don’t have any names for them.
So, a grand total of 21 pokemon that Akari would have in the very end. Cleffa, Ponyta, Wooloo and Axel would all be by the very end of the story though.
If anyone has any name suggestions for Rowlett and Oshawatt I would love to hear them!
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
can you share some stuff about phantump Sunny..
OKOK i will . try. ITS VERY JUST LIKE. whats the term.. idk. kinda convoluted tho since its a side au of a different au (and theyre both WIP aus tooooo wauuugh)
putting this under the cut bc . erm. gets embarrassed talking about my own au. it feels a bit out there for an omori au concept so immmm. ueueu. scareds
but uhmm. I thiiink ive talked about my Zoroark Omori AU yeah? Branch AU of my PLA AU where Sunny (called omori in that au) ends up dying in hisui and becomes a zoroark, and after uh.. how ever many years the difference is between hisui and modern times is. ends up finding himself back in faraway town, and uhh. with how hisuian zoroarks kind of. are. and some other stuff i dont wanna make this post too long, he is not happy when he comes across his old friends and his past self again.
thiiis is where things kiiinda differ ?? bc like. ok. so the circumstances in the Zoromori au r kind of changed so it functions kinda like a time loop (Sunny gets eebied to hisui - dies - spends the next 100-200 years or so alone, becoming a BIT of a bitch. old man. - finds himself back in faraway town, during the time his friends were there - kiinda. probablly not completely intentionally, causes Sunny to get eebied to hisui. cycle repeats) so like. me and my friend were discussing ways to have this cycle break. we came up with a couple but one of the ways was having Sunny get. fucking killed thanks to Omori (again. probably not intentionally.?) leaading too ^_^ Phantump Sunny!! Omori kind of dumps his body off in the woods hoping no one will find it and either runs off or takes his place (it. it makes sense i promise he has reasons i just have trouble wording them) . idk ^_^
I think Basil probably ends up eventually finding him, but probably wouldnt recognize the phantump as Sunny, especially if like. Omori just started disguising himself as Sunny. Basil would have no reason to believe hes dead obv. He just has this weird little tree following him around all the time now its his new friend :) (unaware of the horrors)
SORRYSORRY this is a . poor explanation and, again, a bit of an out there au for omori.. its just kinda smth for me and my friend to mess around with .. i hoped u liked reading about it tho!! ik im coming across as very nervous but !! i am glad u asked about it :]
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goldenworldsabound · 7 months
Thanks Rattie!!!
Clayman time!!!
😱Expressionism😱 ~ Describe to us exactly how your F/O makes you feel! Or, for a twist, describe how you make your F/O feel! Or do both!
He makes me feel so indescribably happy 🥺🥺🥺like a warm blanket or a delicious home cooked meal. it feels like he's always been here even though we're only coming up on a year in December. He is a part of my life now, solidly.
As for my SI specifically, he is quite literally their emotional support/comfort husband. He has always ALWAYS always been there for them and their entire life has always centered around him. They feel loved, and appreciated, and deeply attached to him. They feel safe with him. They are willing to commit horrific crimes for him. They trust him, no matter what.
He feels 🥺 also so very very loved and supported. When he remembers that he's "weak" or he feels discouraged, they are always there to help him feel better and recognize his true worth and boost his confidence. He feels like he ca do anything with them around, and he trusts them completely, too.
🖕Bastardcore🖕 ~ Are there any “flaws” of your F/O that you find endearing?
fdjafjs he's SO proud of himself for things that really don't merit being proud of dkjahfsa I find this incredibly endearing, yes. It's very dorky. He's adorable. Also his smug condescending behavior is rude but like also hot okay-
🎮Nintencore🎮 ~ Create a Pokémon team for your F/O!
Yamask/Cofagrigus (mask theme, sarcophagus also pertaining to the fact that he's a Deathman created from dead elves), Ninetales (aesthetics mostly tbh but also will-o-wisp battle style), Malamar (strong hypnosis abilities), Mr Mime (clowns), Zoroark (sneaky), Marowak (mask, Cubone parent tie in with Kazalim's death).
not a meta worthy team at all, entirely based on vibes and aesthetic. So many Poke'mon work well for him though it was hard to choose kjfhdakjfs
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Gods... the Emmet version of the Zoroark possession AU... they gotta deal with all that PR shit about Emmet!! But also: it would be so funny if Emmet went to Hisui after Ingo but accidentally left his body behind. Gets to witness Ingo still light up and recognize him as a Zoroark despite only seeing him like that once. Or if not recognize, then have him still approach him friendly-like. Not quite recognition but Ingo WILL hug the fluff of this oddly friendly Zoroark :)
Yeah, there's one hell of a PR storm!! One brother was revealed to be a Zoroark, and the other brother disappeared... there's probably some doubts as to whether or not Ingo was human too!! There's plenty of debate as to whether or not Emmet should be allowed to keep running the Battle Subway, which is kind of a moot point since he's focused on trying to find Ingo... or at least, he is after he gets a pep talk from Elesa and Drayden, who promise him there's no way Ingo could hate him and that something else must have happened to him.
Also lmao... Emmet going to Hisui after Ingo, but he forgets his body at home. I'm just picturing Elesa and Drayden just staring at Emmet's unresponsive body like uuuuuuhhhh while Emmet just pops into Hisui as a hugeass Zoroark. And yes. Ingo does vaguely recognize his brother, and knows that he is very drawn to this particular Zoroark, even if he doesn't know why. It makes Emmet so happy!!
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darkmatter-nebula · 10 months
"Ghostboy in Hisui" AU drabble ahead. Basically, Dawn came back from Hisui as well and visits Allister. The shy ghostboy is very happy to see his friend again. Let's go, my dear fellas. 😊
Drabble: The Ghostboy And The Champion Of Sinnoh
It was a quiet afternoon in Stow-On-Side. Allister sat in the kitchen and drank some tea. Bea glanced affectionately at her beloved little brother. She didn't fail to notice the peaceful smile on Allister's adorable face.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. What the siblings didn't suspect was, that a certain someone wanted to pay Allister a visit. As Bea opened the door, she was face to face with Dawn, the Champion from Sinnoh. "Hi! I'm Dawn! Is Allister home?"
"I'm his big sister. My name is Bea. Yes, he is home." The fighter, who couldn't believe her eyes, answered. "Can I come in, please?" "Sure!" As soon as Dawn was inside, she immediately noticed her favorite ghostboy.
Allister recognized Dawn's voice and didn't hesitate to rush to her. "There you are, Al!" Dawn wrapped her arms around Allister. To Bea's surprise, her shy little brother cuddled close to Dawn. "I promised that I would visit you. Here I am, Al." Dawn smiled.
"Do you want some tea?" Allister spoke up, a kind smile on his maskless face. Soon, Dawn and the siblings were in the kitchen. "It's so nice to meet you, Bea! Allister talked a lot about you at our time in Hisui." "Nice to meet you too, Dawn."
After a moment of silence... "Dawn?" "Yes, Bea?" "Thank you for taking care of him back then. I'm glad that he gained you as a big sister figure." The Fighting Type Gym Leader couldn't be more grateful that Allister was in good hands back then.
Dawn couldn't help but smile as she heard Bea's kind words. "I was very surprised as he was sent back in time, not unlike I was. We had a lot of missions together. Allister always did very good! Every single time, I was proud of him. I still am!" Dawn explained.
"She always protected me, Bea. Soothing the frenzied Noble Pokemon was our most important task, aside from studying wild Pokemon. Lord Avalugg was the hardest battle." Allister chimed in. Bea took softly his small hand.
Allister clearly remembered as one of Lord Avalugg's icy projectiles hit his head. This was the exact moment Zoey evolved into a Zoroark. Her protectiveness towards Allister triggered her evolution. She used her new strength to kick Lord Avalugg's ass.
Bea already knew about the incident with Lord Avalugg. She glanced at the tiny, barely visible, scar on Allister's forehead. Bea also knew about Allister and Dawn's banishment. She was still mad about the fact that her eight years old little brother was blamed for something he didn't do.
Allister noticed Bea's expression. The small boy intertwined his fingers with Bea's. "It's ok, big sister. I'm alright. And the people from Hisui properly apologized after everything was over." "I know, Alli. It's just so unfair that they blamed you for something that wasn't your fault to begin with." Bea sighed.
Seeing Allister and Bea being so sweet to each other definitely warmed Dawn's heart. The Ghost Type Gym Leader and the Fighting Type Gym Leader truly loved one another. "You two are so cute!" Dawn said softly. She spend many hours with the Gym Leader siblings.
As she had to go, Dawn promised to visit Allister every once in a while. He wasn't only her dear friend, he also was her little brother figure. It was quite obvious that Allister and Dawn were very happy to see each other again soon.
The End
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Okay I have 3 questions for your Into the Wild thing because I have hyperfocused and read all of it including the tumblr posts in one night.
1) Can Akari mimic an alpha’s call? Like. Can she change pitch when she mimics the noises? Because imagine there’s someone just out trying to get crunchy salt and they hear her and Miyuki on either side and they’re just like OH FUCK
2) Wh. Where did Akari get her zoroark pelts I need to know
3) The baby riolu that eventually appears- will they have any physical traits from their mother? Markings or extra floof or anything? Will any zorua from them get, idk, spikes when they evolve? I am curious how you do Pokémon hybrids
Also pokemon who have friendship evolutions that exist in the wild I am pretty sure canonically exist bc those can happen when they befriend other Pokémon and I’m very happy about this knowledge and needed to share
ALRIGHT, i've been meaning to answer this ask but couldn't find the energy to do so until now, SO.
She doesn't have the same pitch, but the intensity is there enough that it really doesn't matter if it's not the same pitch as an Alpha. Can still scare the shit out of people though.
Ginkgo Guild. Miyuki can and will rummage through Ginkgo Guild merchandise for Punch Baby Akari, and the Ginkgo Guild effectively lets it happen because it's better than pissing off an Alpha Hisuian Zoroark. The pelts were part of that, since it's always best to make the most out of the things you find in the wild, like say, a dead Hisuian Zoroark, whose pelt would fetch a pretty penny on the market. :V So yeah, no need to worry. The Zoroark was already dead (old age/sickness, something like that). Mama Miyuki just decided to take back what she feels was hers (even if the Zoroark in particular was no one she recognized - she feels that it would be best for Akari to have it).
Pokemon Hybrids do exist, but my headcanon for them is that they are VERY rare. So it's not something that often happens. Like, the chances are pretty rare, that it's pretty much unheard of (especially during this time in Hisui, where everyone is afraid to get too close to them or really do anything out of the norm, like cross breeding) You're less likely to see anything that drastic, beyond maybe some markings or colorations that can be chalked up as an outside influence, in the same way Akari's been getting influenced by being around Tetsuya and Miyuki (her fangs and eventual markings - like with Coco and Zarude). And also just random chance, because Mama Miyuki is deviating from her own coloration as she grows into her Alpha size. (you're more likely to see a hybrid in Also-Ran, with how busy Dante the Grimmsnarl and Bayonetta the Hatterene are, with their massive number of children - goth Hatenna anyone? lmaooo)
Friendship evos do exist in the wild, most definitely, because it's all about that friendship and if not that, I have a headcanon that extreme duress or dure situations can sometimes force an evolution to happen (even in the case where it normally requires a stone, trade, item - whatever, because how else do these fuckers evolve naturally in the wild?????). Still worth noting that, at everyone's current catching level, it would be far easier to go after the pre-evolved state of the friendship evolution, because would you rather dead with a possible Petal Dance and poison spikes from a Roselia? Or spores from a Budew?
(frankly, I'd choose the Budew, and I'd also choose to nab a Riolu over a very angy Lucario that can Aura Sphere me on sight - which is how I caught Tetsuya as a Riolu during my gameplay lmaooo)
(sorry, just wanted to share that, because it's still so funny how I was throwing balls at a Lucario, and then told him to fuck off when he wouldn't stay in the ball before throwing a ball at a nearby Riolu that actually LET me catch him)
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Note: This is unfinished and I likely won’t be returning to it. It ends abruptly and is littered with placeholders/notes. If that’s a dealbreaker for you, you’re better off skipping this.
Neither Ingo nor Emmet paid too much attention to social media. Certainly, they used it to promote the station or stay in contact with faraway associates, but it wasn’t something either of them did for fun.
So neither of them noticed when #zorua began to trend.
It came up, tangentially, in the downtime between end of one battle and the next-- one of Emmet’s challengers briefly addressing the topic with the friend she’d brought for moral support-- but whatever the news was, it had all day to circulate before either of the twins looked into it.
And circulate it did. It came up no fewer than four separate times on the doubles train-- three on the singles-- and, by the end of the day, it had Emmet curious enough to investigate. While Ingo was busy with the last few forms before their shift ended, he tapped away at his Xtransceiver, trying to figure out what in the world was going on.
The first few images loaded. He blinked at them, uncertain he was seeing correctly, but the image stayed static.
“These are photographs of a Hisuian Zorua.” He announced.
There was a long pause, Ingo’s hands stilling over the evening’s paperwork, and, eventually, he said, “...I beg your pardon?”
Wordlessly, Emmet turned the screen so his brother could see, and Ingo spent another few seconds studying it.
“That looks...” He trailed off, brows furrowed, and his eyes dropped back to the paperwork without actually seeing it.
With no ending forthcoming, Emmet concluded the thought for him and tilted the device back to where he could scroll further down, “Like the Icelands. Correct.”
[that tech didn’t exist outside of the village, which was a static studio]
“Then you won’t be happy to hear that those are stills from a video.” He said, eyes locked on the screen as he read further, “It seems they’ve recovered a device remarkably similar to the one Akari carried.”
This time, Ingo didn’t wait, coming around to Emmet’s side to peer over his shoulder. “Oh. I’d… completely forgotten about that.”
Emmet shot him a questioning look and, silently, he nodded. It had been his for a very brief amount of time, long, long ago. Given everything else that had slipped his mind at the time, the fact that this had fallen by the wayside until now was hardly a surprise.
[He checks his own Xtransceiver, finally, and realizes that there are messages from friends who recognized the circumstance/his voice in the full clip. Begins to panic]
“It’s currently 7:06-- no, 7:07 pm. I’m hoping to document some wild Pokemon using this strange device--”
His twin hummed an acknowledgment, smile turning fond as the past version of Ingo marveled at the sights around him.
“I think you should stop the video playback.”
Emmet glanced up out of the corner of his eye, puzzled, and then shifted his attention entirely as the look on his brother’s face processed. Blindly, he reached over to pause the clip, interrupting Ingo’s [infodump] on the matter of Snorunt’s eating habits.
“Something happened to you in the Alabaster Icelands. You think your device captured it.”
“No, I’m positive that it did. [Has multiple messages from peripherally aware people going ‘this u?’ and Elesa, who’s in the know, freaking out about him having been attacked].”
[Much later. Reluctantly, Ingo decides he needs to see the clip to understand the context of what he’s being asked/what he can plausibly deny if need be. Isn’t asking Emmet to watch with him, necessarily, but of course he does.]
Emmet’s grip on his hand tightened, ever so slightly. At the stillness that followed, Ingo allowed himself to lean further into his brother’s side. “If there’s something you want to say, I’m listening.”
[long pause]
“I am… verrry grateful this footage was not discovered sooner.” / “If it had surfaced while you were missing...”
[it wasn’t the zoroark attack that wiped his memory-- that was an unrelated incident]
“Ingo. I think Arceus may hate you.”
The bluntness of the statement caught Ingo off guard, and he huffed a laugh. “After everything that happened, I’m relatively certain it hates us both.”
“Then it will have to dispose of us as a unit.” / “I would like to see it try.”
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Zoroark bringing them a child they ‘found’, but they parents are nowhere to be found! And they look awfully familiar……
Ooh, a baby?? A baby for Zoroark?? For trainer?? Lol, this is super cute <3 (also, I am very dense, so if this wasn't what you were hinting at, please let me know)
When Zoroark brings him the child, Laventon is panicked, immediately calling around for the parents. He searches the region, but no one recognizes the kid. It's cleaved to him and to Zoroark, and as he gives up his search, he starts to notice how similar the child looks to you. . .
When they smile at him, Zoroark licking their face to clean it of crumbs, Laventon realizes what stands before him. He tries to coax out a name despite the child being mostly nonverbal, but nothing works. As a last resort, he calls them by your name, and feels dread grasp his spine when they respond immediately
He takes care of the child you best he can. It's bittersweet, being reminded of you whenever he looks at them, but at the same time, he gets to see how you were when you were small. Chaotic and always wanting to play, it seems. He enjoys their company, as much as Zoroark does, chasing them around his office with happy yips as they squeal
He knows they can't stay, but he can't deny that he loves having the little you around
Zoroark trudges into the cave during a rainstorm, soaking wet and cradling a shivering child in its arm. Ingo immediately sweeps up the little thing, wrapping them in his coat as he shushes their terrified whimpers and sobs. He tries to coax a name out of them, only to be shocked to paralysis when they say your name. Zoroark stares at him sadly, and suddenly he recognizes the big eyes staring up at him
Ingo clings to the baby you so tightly. He fathers them like no other, teaching them about the world their now in and how it came to be. Zoroark also enjoys the little, for their willing to tussle with the big dog, and enjoy getting kisses. Ingo watches the two interact with a tight pain in his chest as he ignores how you'll have to return
He surrenders himself to the child's joyful attitude and the songs they like to sing for him. Just for a while long, he promises himself, hugging them tight to his chest as they nuzzle into him, just a little while long
He can't seem to let them go when that while longer finally ends
Zoroark is hiding something in her bed, something squiggling and giggling. She's not pleased, especially after it ran off into a distortion earlier that day before getting put in time out in her home. Seems Zoroark has let a child inside. Cyllene sighs, and demands the child be returned.
But then a little head pops out that she doesn't recognize. And they tumble off the bed, running up to her, calling her pretty and calling themselves by. . . your name. She refuses to believe it despite Zoroark's whines as she leads the child outside.
But no one recognizes the child, not a soul in Hisui. The little creature with your eyes, your smile, your name, has no one here. And Zoroark has become very attached, but. . . if this is you, a far younger you, then you can't stay
So as much as it pains her, she keeps her distance, watching on as Zoroark chases you around, as you braid flowers into Zoroark's fur, as you shyly bring her the prettiest flowers you could find because, as you claimed, they looked like her. She keeps her distance, though she would give everything just to hold you, even this little you, just one more time. It doesn't matter, though. They'll be gone soon, and she has things to do
He's exasperated when Zoroark emerges from the distortion, carrying a child. He already knows this kid is far more lost than they realize, but he can't keep them. No matter how much Zoroark whines over the little thing, they have a mission, a dedication to you, and there's no time to play around
So he takes the child to Jubilife, learning along the way that they had a very familiar name. He forces himself to believe its a coincidence, even when the child gives him your smile with your twinkling eyes. Even as Zoroark casts looks at him so sadly, the child snuggled into their fur, asleep
He takes the child to Jubilife, and let's them figure it out, freak out over this young you now running about. He starts to leave, but the child grabs him, asking him to play. He tells them he can't, he's leaving, and the tears that well up break the rest of Volo's feeble reservations
He scoops the kid up into an embrace, soothes their tears, and agrees to stay awhile. The village are hesitant, but Volo is so gentle with you that they slowly relax. Okay, he decides, chasing the kid along with Zoroark, maybe there's a little time for playing around
I can imagine this being like whiplash. You died, you came back as a Pokémon, and now here's a baby you?? Suddenly?? So excited and happy to see them?? They need to sit down
Have a great day, love!
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theiris1002 · 2 years
Oh wow, you hooked me in with the angst/drama of the AU but now I’m LIVING for the comedy possibilities. Ingo insisting that the weird Zoroark doesn’t need a warden, (because he’s already a warden!) Emmet possibly showing up and being mistaken for a Zoroark disguised as Ingo (but actually he’s the human brother and Ingo is disguised as HIM) I love your AU so much!
I dont think Emmet being in hisui is cannon to the au but your making me think of the chaos it would cause if he was.
Ingo doesn't recognize Emmet as his brother but he knows he had to get his face from somewhere. So he gos to greet the "stranger" and Emmet just bear hugs ingo and won't let go. Ingo knows in his heart that this person is really important to him but he has no idea how. he apologizes and asks Emmet who he is. Of course Emmet is heart broken and tells him that he's ingos brother. Overtime ingo and Emmet reconnect ingos memory is still very very spoty but he remembers a few things from his past now.
The pearl clan notices that Emmet is very good with pokemon. Specifically he is very good the the weird zoroark. The pearl clan decides to make Emmet the zoroarks warden and for once ingo has no objections.
They mostly just hang out with lady sneasler. ingos happy because he found a loophole to the warden thing since his bother knows he doesn't need to be looked after. emmets happy because his official job description is "person who takes care of ingo"
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youareunbearable · 2 years
Continuing with my Pokemon/Silmarillion AU idea.
Maedhros' Pokemon
Zoroark (Haldanárie- Hidden Fire, F):
Maedhros met Haldanarie as a Zorua when he was a child wandering around in the forests by Formenos. Halda enjoys having a large family to look after and to play with, so she was very happy to be put on babysitting duty/be a big sister with Mae and playing with all her younger siblings, cousins and their pokemon. She is an excellent fighter, doing the most damage during the First Kinslaying while keeping her partner and her family alive. She was killed during the confrontation with Melkor, Mae ordered all his pokemon to help guard the rear as his brothers and their people escaped, and she gave her life protecting Caranthir. Her hatred of Melkor and love of Maedhros made her come back as a Hisuian Zoroark, where she spent 30 years screaming and killing Orcs at the Gates of Angband. When Nolofinwe's host came upon the gates, they didn't recognize her, feared her when she alone answered Maedhros' unheard desperate calls, and chased her off when she used her illusions to make it look like Feanor and his Sons were begging Nolo's host to enter the gates, hoping they would save Maedhros. Her new appearance and temper made her feared by both friend and foe, believing that she is a thrall created by Sauron, especially since she now matched her scarred partner.
Aegislash *shiny (Kunyar- Ruler, M):
Inherited from Feanor after his death. Many see Kunyar as an extension of the Crown, so when he didn't go with Nolofinwe when Maedhros gave up kingship, they didn't view Nolo's reign as rightful. Kunyar didn't listen to Maglor when Maedhros was captured, letting everyone know that Mae was still alive in Angband- which didn't bring as much joy as it should have. Kunyar was a deadly opponent, as none lived who crossed his blade, and many attributed his battle skills as one of the reasons Maedhros was able to hold the East during the Dagor Bragollach. Throughout the Ages, he is feared and respected as a weapon of victory and kingship, and there is a saying that came up as he was in Numenor, that only the kings that are righteous and just will be able to wield him properly.
Sylveon (Lelyo- Lovely One, M):
Starter pokemon, hatched from an egg when he was a child. He is the one that came with him to court in Valinor, and helped him act as a mediator between his family members and their pokemon. Lelyo was also a big help during Maedhros' healing process, normally seen perched on the tall Elf's shoulders or at his feet, ribbon-like feeler wrapped around his right wrist. Lelyo acted as his right hand and helped him keep his emotions in check during meeting with Nolofinwe and his younger brothers, but of he would much prefer if Maedhros left Himring and instead lived with Fingon in Hithlum. He was killed during Ulfang's betrayal in the Nírnaeth Arnoediad and was mourned by those left alive that who knew him. Many blamed his death, as well the death of Maedhros' dear cousin Fingon, on what pushed the eldest of the Feanorians to continue with the Kinslayings and complete the Oath of Feanor once and for all.
Phantumps (Lemyaro-He Who Remained, Oialo-Unceasing One):
No one really speaks about the Phantumps that follow Maedhros around. He also doesn't claim them as his pokemon either. After the Second Kinslaying, he went into the Woods of Doriath looking for two lost princes, and came out with two Phantumps instead. He never named them, always treated them well, and didn't stand any who would say ill about the two little ghost pokemon. They seem to enjoy spending time with him, often playing with his or Halda's hair or pulling little pranks. They followed Mae into Sirion for the Third Kinslaying, and did nothing but watch the red head with unblinking stares the entire time. Along with Halda, they tried their best to help the new twins Elrond and Elros adjust to life at Amon Ereb. It was Elrond and Elros that named the twin Phantumps after a rather boring Quenya lesson. Maglor tries not to interact with them, and Maedhros always calls them by a different name, but he never lets the twin Half-Elves overhear what those names are.
Haldanárie was killed in the battle where Maedhros was captured and became a Hisuian Zoroark that haunted the area by Thangorodrim's gates. When Nolofinwes hosts went to the gates to blare their horns, and came across a strange, feral white Zoroark, Fingon thought it was odd that the violent pokemon did nothing to their people but let out a mournful howl and try and trick them with illusions to enter Morgoth's gates.
(It almost sounded like it was answering a call, one Fingon couldn't hear but his heart ached for the strange yet familiar pokemon)
Finrod was still shaking after seeing prideful Curufin almost on his knees begging for his cousin to follow him and Nolofinwe's fists were clenched with rage at the taunts the illusioned Feanor was calling out. Aredhel was the one to chase the mutant Zoroark off, shooting at it, and the illusion of Celegorm's mournful pleading, with her arrows. Even after watching the Zoroark snarl and flee, breaking it's spell over the host, Fingon could swear he still heard an echo of Maedhros' sobbing on the wind.
When he found out Maedhros was captured, Halda was killed and her ghost was haunting the gates, he felt sick. No wonder the Zoroark felt so familiar. No wonder she knew how to make Maedhros' begging and weeping sound so realistic.
Since Feanor had ordered Kunyar to follow his eldest son, to follow his lineage, he had never abandoned Maedhros. Except for that one battle that killed Halda, where he was ordered to retreat and protect the little Sylveon, Lelyo; Feanor's other sons and their partners; to protect the crown and kin at all costs. He didn't like leaving his new partner so soon, and hated the idea of leaving his first partner's son for dead, but orders were orders. It all worked out in the end, Maedhros was back and Halda was still around, as a ghost type pokemon and so very different from her normal silly and loving personality, but still there.
Kunyar hated that Maedhros gave up his birthright as king, Lelyo had said there was some important political maneuvering with the action, but that didn't mean that Kunyar enjoyed the fact that it looked like Meadhros was betraying Feanor's last wish. The Elf did end up softening the blow by making it so that everyone who looked upon his partner knew who the real king was through his actions. Not even Nolofinwe would claim the valour that Maedhros put forth effortlessly through his leadership in the East and during the War.
As a team, they all held the East alone when the fire and dragons came. Kunyar, Halda, and Maedhros slaughtered the Men that took Lelyo from them during the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, the battle that Lelyo, Maedhros, and Fingon were so sure would win them the war. He guarded over his Elven partner as he cried, weeping as Kunyar hasn't seen since Feanor's death, clutching pink and gold ribbons to his chest.
Kunyar was pleased when Celegorm and Curufin's whisperings finally reached Maedhros' senses. His blade gleamed brilliantly under red splatter when they sacked Doriath, something he was viciously happy about. If these prideful Dark Elves had joined Maedhros' Alliance, some of the death's could have been prevented, and everyone would be able to see the brilliance and importance of Feanor's line. The only thing that would have made the night better was if he could have thrust his blade into Thingol's chest himself, but he supposed his granddaughter-in-law would have to do after what she did to Caranthir.
Later in the night, Kunyar and Halda followed their Elf as he ran through the woods, calling and begging into the empty air for two lost children. It was Halda that managed to find the twins, coaxing the two young and new Phantumps to their frantic partner. The screaming and weeping Maedhros made when they came into view confused Kunyar. He had no idea why his Elf was wailing like that. They found the lost children didn't they?
As he often thought since Ulfang's betrayal, Kunyar couldn't help but wish that Lelyo was still with them, but more so now when Maglor brought the twin children home with them after Sirion. The little Sylveon would be able to make the twins stop shaking and weeping and flinching around him. Well, its not Kunyar's fault they had to witness his more enthusiastic display in Sirion. He enjoyed a good bloodbath, and when cities with thieves and traitors leading them also collapsed, well, their blood soaking his blade made it even more fun.
Haldanárie tired to be gentle with Elrond and Elros, but they were too scared of her appearance. She was more intense looking now, she had to admit, and it didn't help that Maedhros at her side made them look like a matching set. So she spent the time they adjusted to their new lives patrolling Amon Ereb with Maglor’s Absol, lurking in the halls with Neylo, or sitting under the night sky with the little Phantumps- soon to be named Lemyaro and Oialo- on each side.
(Halda knew they had other names, Elf names, but no said them besides Neylo when he wanted to hurt himself. Besides, after talking and spending time with the ghostly children for so long she knew that the two Phantumps hardly remembered their orignial lives, just had flashes of feelings and memories here and there. So Halda was very pleased when the two little half-Elflings gave the ghostly twins names. She thought Lemyaro and Oialo were happy to be given names too.)
The twins eventually warmed up to her and she often found herself with a Elfling on her back, covered protectively within her mane as the child prattled on about whatever thought came into its mind. She missed carrying around children like this, and hasn't had anyone on her back since Lelyo died, and Celebrimbor grew up. Halda fell in love with the twins since the first day Maglor brought them home, just as much as she loved all the other children that she and Neylo took care of in her past life. It felt good to have young ones to watch over as they grew up and, as all kits ended up doing, leaving their protection to be on their own.
When the time came for the, now grown, twins to part with their adoptive fathers, Halda was surprised when Neylo asked her to stay with Elrond. Halda has never parted with her partner, had stayed as close by as he could not letting even death separate them. But she heard the meaning behind her partner's words. She knew how tired her Neylo was of life, of his Oath pulling at his mind and spirit, twisting him until he became the monster everyone said he was.
Halda felt pained, had snarled and tore at the ground, but she eventually agreed. Elrond was her kit, her Neylo's adoptive child, and she would protect him, and this time she wouldn't fail like she failed Neylo.
She followed Elrond to Lindon just as Kunyar followed Elros, all while Nelyo went to go face his death alone. Well, except for two little Phantumps and Maglor, who had also divided his team amongst the twins- Absol with Elrond and Jigglypuff with Elros, Meloetta long since having left her partner's side- all except for the little Vaporeon at his heels. But Halda never trusted Maglor to keep Neylo safe as she once had, not after 30 years of wailing and laying waste to the orcs at Morgoth’s gates alone. She knew that Maglor would not, or could not, stop whatever Neylo from whatever his plan was.
Halda knew that Kunyar must have also felt the exact moment when Neylo died, the ghost pokemon having a heightened connection with death and their former partner. As the land broke off into the sea she joined Absol in howling their pain at the sky for their lost partners.
Zoroark never felt comfortable at Lindon, being comfortable in a city was something from her past life, and even then it was Lelyo that thrived in a city seting between the two of them. But she enjoyed Rivendell. A little litter of Elfings to care for, forests to run patrols in, and while it didn't have Himring's bitter winds or snow covered peaks- it was a territory that was theirs. She knew Elrond enjoyed Rivendell much more than Lindon too, especially with Celebrian and his people beside him.
When Numenor sunk into the sea Halda was pleasantly surprised to see that Kunyar's stubbornness still kept the bloodthirsty thing alive, and even across the battlefield he could feel Aegislash's fierce joy in slicing off Sauron’s finger even though his blade was broken. Halda and Elrond has spent many nights after that sitting by his shards in Rivendell, both knowing that the spirit within the blade was peacefully dormant until the day he would be reformed and placed into Elros' descendants waiting hand, ruling beside a king once more.
Until then, Haldanárie waited and protected her young partner, and their territory, as always.
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ghostie-gengar · 3 years
Ok so i have had this idea of an AU where N has like an actual known mother for like so long and i just. i have to get it out i need to so here’s a very very watered down version of her story with events that are so unlikely but whatever i just (warning it’s really long despite being a summary so prepared to get smacked with mom lore)
so. Her name is helen and she is a very nice lady. like SUPER NICE like you could break into her house and she’d be like “oh hey :) would you like some cookies i can put on a pot of tea” but also not a doormat. she Would Not hesitate to tell ghetsis off or smack anyone who hurts her kids.
anyways helen and ghetsis met in their mid to late teens, became friends (somehow :/ ghetsis was quite the charismatic young guy i imagine) and got married in their 20s. after a couple years twins!! im sure i don’t need to tell you how that happened. anyways concordia and anthea popped up and they were quite the handful but helen absolutely adored them and ghetsis was just kinda like “ok whatever children”
oh also im not sure if i’ll keep this but helen can sooooort of understand pokemon and N got that ability from her
oh also btw helen and ghetsis formed team plasma together see helen’s idea was to create like a pokemon relief center kinda like a sanctuary idk and ghetsis’ branch of family was kinda like a cult that thought humans and pokemon should be separate and ghetsis wanted to use that for more power and saw helen and was like “i can use this :)” anyways moving on
One day helen and ghetsis were taking a lovely stroll and they came across these young triplets who were homeless and helen was like “mine” so they adopted them and ghetsis twisted it to make it seem like He was the cool one who saved them so they’d listen to him (shadow triad)
this is kinda where team plasma begins to seem more evil and helen is catching on but she’s like “noooo ghetsis wouldn’t do that” (girl you’re wrong)
anyways once concordia and anthea are like eight or nine a little natural harmonia gropius pops up!! and helen is overjoyed cuz like she secretly always wanted six kids and now one two three four five six!!!!
she and ghetsis are also quick to notice how much n looks like ghetsis and ghetsis is mentally like “haha yes mini me >:D”
Then team plasma is very clearly a cult like helen can’t even deny it anymore and she tries to bring it up to ghetstink but he just waves her off like “now now dear don’t be silly” and she’s like >:(
ghetsis starts taking about making n the king of team plasma and helen’s like “well only if he wants to right” and ghetsis is like “no”
he only wants to use N more when he figured out N could understand pokemon cuz like he’d babble to helen’s minccino (oh yeah btw helen has a minccino)
theeeeeeeeeeen helen walks in on ghetsis being mmmmmmmmmmmm not good to concordia and concordia and anthea are both crying and helen is like “DUDE” and makes him sit down and have a serious talk about proper parenting which ghetsis also brushes off
then after a couple of days, concordia and anthea run away and helen is obviously absolutely devastated and she and ghetsis look for weeks. months. And no sign of them. ghetsis is like “well i guess they’re dead nvm then” and helen is like “DUDE” and she looks in the girls’ bedroom and finds a note from the girls that tells her to keep n safe and not to worry about them
after thinking about all the crap stuff ghetsis has done lately helen takes n in the middle of the night and runs. no looking back. bye bye ghetstink :( and life is much better honestly
she lives in that trailer in lostlorn with lil baby n and her plan was to wait for him to be able to walk and fend for himself and then they’d both go look for concordia and anthea but until then peaceful forest life playing with pokemon
And ghetsis upon waking up and seeing his wife and kid is gone he’s very upset. after a few years however he’s walking in like white forest or something and stUmbles upon concordia and anthea and he’s like “frickin sweet man” and snatches them and they are Not Happy but when they get back to the castle and see helen and n are gone? they are So Relieved those two got away even if they had to stay there
Anyways once n was three or four he was fine he could walk and he loved to wander around and make pokemon friends and he’d always come back to the trailer
one day ghetsis was walking through lostlorn for no particular reason and he came across n playing and recognized him immediately and was like “Oh My God No Way” and committed grand theft natural right there on the spot
but before he left he left a note for helen to find that said “did you really think you could hide forever” just to rub salt in the wound
anyways helen is like man it’s getting late i wonder where little natural is and so she gets a pidove to go look for him and the pidove brings back the note and when she sees it. tears. literal tears and sobbing she’s like “oh my god he has him He Has Him” and then she’s like “k you know what? Imma go get him i will go GET my child from this stinky man watch me grab my coat and i will get back the boy and if he has the girls too i’ll take them too and”
and then!! The shadow triad appear in the trailer (they all have names that only helen bothered to learn) and they’re like “hey so we kinda have strict orders from ghetsis that if we see you in the castle or anywhere near team plasma we kinda have to tell ghetsis and he’ll hurt n so maayyybe don’t?”
and helen is like crap. like genuinely there is no good solution cuz if she goes and fails to get the n back ghetsis would hurt n and if she did get the n back ghetsis would hurt the shadow triad and so she’s stuck and she has no choice but to just let everything happen
But!!! This story has a happy ending!!!
so i didn’t mention this cuz my thoughts are all over the place but helen likes to paint and so in order to cope with everything she painted her kids and they’re like really good anyways
N meets her at some point after bw2 cuz he was in lostlorn and it was raining and zoroark ran into her trailer and he was like “zoroark you Cannot Be Here we need to go” and helen walked in and she recognized him immediately like she was internally like holy arceus above that is my son that is my son that is my
but N doesn’t remember her like at all so she doesn’t want to say anything in case she overwhelms him and N is like “i am so sorry for coming in here my zoroark just hey you know what i’ll just leave”
Meanwhile she’s trying not to cry and she’s looking from n to a painting of n she did and she’s like holy arceus and she’s like “nono you can stay for tea until the rain is over”
And n had also noticed the painting and he was like that’s literally me but didn’t want to say anything
So n stays for tea and they have a lovely chat and helen is like this is literally my son and he has no idea who i am and then the rain stops so n leaves and helen is just like. Sad
But then n comes back another day and stays for tea again cuz they kinda became buddies and n is about to leave but he stops. at the doorway and slowly turns around and is like “i feel like i know you from somewhere” and helen is like “???” about to cry again
And you can like see the gears turning in n’s brain and he just freezes. and he looks up. And he’s like “.......mom?”
tears. Everywhere and both of them are sobbing and hugging each other and helen’s like “omg you’re so tall look at you how you’ve grown” and more tears and they literally hug for like hours while helen tells the story and helen was like starting to calm down and n’s like “btw connie and anthy are alive” and she just starts crying again and then they go to the house in driftveil so helen can see the girls and everyone just starts crying the girls are freaking out cuz they never knew what happened to mom and rood was there and crying like “mistress helen you’re alive ma’am” and just. big group hug and the shadow triad probably teleport in there for like five minutes and helen will absolutely not let them go without hugs even if they still work for ghetsis and yeah. that’s the very long summary of n’s mom imagine how long it would have been if i like actually wrote it professionally ok bye
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Ok, I ended up having to rewrite this like three times because I didn’t want to make it too long. I tried to keep it as compact as I could, if you have any questions I’d be happy to expand on it.
(please note that I’m still plotting this story out and haven’t had much time to work on it so there’s still allot of gaps I’m trying to fill.)
Akari discovers a second Arc-phone while shiny hunting in the Icelands. On this phone she only finds half finished notes on Snorunt and what looks to be a video log. Specifically, this Zorua/Zoroark video. She recognize the person’s voice and realizes the phone must have been Ingo’s. He must have arrive here just like she did if he had this phone, but then must have lost whatever memories he had of that arrival in the Zoroark attack.
She takes the phone back to him, and as she explains it/shows him the video Ingo has that weird experience of watching a memory he can’t recall. Then! Both phones suddenly react to being held by the correct person and a new feature is unlocked. A PC storage feature! They can now store pokemon into each phone. They also get notified of a new mission, ‘capture x number of each Hisui pokemon’, and next to the little reward notification it reads ‘return home’.
So they do that, then say a heartfelt goodbye to every one. Arezu, notably, gives Akari one last hair styling for free. On a whim Akari chooses the tied back style in white so to match with her lil Zorua.
Meanwhile, the events of my earlier post play out when Ingo goes to say goodbye to lady Sneaseler. Ending with the noble choosing to go with him to the future along with her basket full of her latest clutch of eggs.
They then arrive in modern Sinnoh! Where they, through shenanigans I’m still figuring out, are accused of stealing their Hisui pokemon from the new fancy totally not evil pokemon research lab. And the fact that Akari introduced herself to a cop as a member of the Galaxy Team, hoping that could make her seem credible in this time,  is not helping their image either.
So Ingo and Akari are labeled as wanted suspects in the theft of multiple highly endangered pokemon. What images they could get of them from security footage and shaky phone pictures are spread across the news. Due to the new hair and poor pictures, Akari is not recognized as Dawn, however Ingo is immediately recognized due to his old uniform and the internet blows up with theories.
Poor Emmet learns of his brothers sudden return and criminal acts all at once when cornered by reporters outside the subway station. Elesa saved him and they are contacted by the police to ask what he knows. He knows nothing and asks them what they know and they tell him they can’t divulge that information during an ongoing investigation. Emmet and Elesa both go ‘fuck that’ and book tickets to Sinnoh.
Due to the lack of info on Akari, her light hair, and her closeness to Ingo, people start theorizing for a hot minute that she’s Ingo’s secret criminal daughter who pulled him into a life of crime! That excitement eventually dies down until it’s reported that she referred to Ingo as ‘Uncle Ingo’ and the internet is set ablaze again. This time with theories that she’s Emmets secret crime daughter who he abandoned so his brother left to join her in her life of crime!
Everything after is still wibbly wobbly, though I now have the idea of when Ingo and Emmet first reunite. I also definitely want to include team galactic as well because Drama. I plan to sit down and write a proper timeline out soon, but haven’t had the chance. You folks have been so kind, giving me ideas and helping me expand my own, I’m really glad so many are interested!
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ashendalia · 2 years
I thought of another AU ending for PLA Nora and Ingo this morning
It would be a little while after the game's main and post story events, and one day both of them are out with all three of their children. They end up getting caught in a time/space distortion and they all end up getting eeby deebied into the present, but it ends up being a different universe from the one Nora and Ingo are originally from.
Thankfully not much is different from what Nora remembers and they're able to get around decently until they find a more solid place to settle down for a bit so everyone can regain their bearings. They end up in the Resort Area and manage to get a bigger villa for all of them because it's the most familiar place to Nora.
Kaito and Moriko seem to acclimate to their new surroundings pretty decently and once they figure out how to use modern technology, are allowed to go off on their own and they go off to challenge gyms because they find the idea of them intriguing and want to get even better at battling. Kaito just has to be careful when it comes to his Zoroark because it is an extinct variant and eventually he settles on that it came from fossilized DNA to explain why he has it.
Nora and Ingo actually do end up meeting this universe's Nora at the Resort Area because of Duchess recognizing PLA Nora and coming right up to them, but manage to convince the younger Nora that it's just a coincidence that they look similar and have the same name. This universe's Nora is still with Flint too, and it makes PLA Nora happy to see them happy together.
Nora, Ingo, and Ayla also end up doing some traveling around different regions to see if anything would jog Ingo's memories, and they do end up in Unova and Nimbasa City eventually. Being in the subway station definitely does bring a feeling of familiarity to Ingo, so the three do visit it quite often and slowly fragments do start coming back to him.
Ayla ends up getting lost one time, and while she's trying to find her parents ends up gravitating towards a particular person because she saw a coat that she recognized. It ended up being this universe's Ingo and she refused to leave his side, and he wasn't just going to leave a lost child alone and brought her with him to locate her parents. She meets Emmet too and isn't the least bit intimidated by his personality, and he jokes that she could be her brother's child with how similar they are to which Ingo is not amused and gets a bit flustered by it.
They do find PLA Nora and Ingo not long after, and they have to give the strange coincidence excuse again to explain why the two Ingos look so similar and have the same name before thanking them for finding their daughter and leaving. It comes off as a very strange event for this universe's Emmet and Ingo, while for PLA Ingo it really starts bringing back memories in full force now.
The couple ends up more permanently settling in Celestic Town and Anville Town, having a place in each to stay, because of the more quiet atmospheres and how the two places bring back different sorts of memories for them.
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