#Roach is a good girl in every universe
batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
Do you have a list of good sex ed books to read?
please bear in mind that some of these books are a little old (10+ years) by research standards now, and that even the newer ones are all flawed in some way. the thing about research on human beings, and especially research on something as nebulous and huge as sex, is that people are Always going to miss something or fail to account for every possible experience, and that's just something that we have to accept in good faith. I think all of these books have something interesting to say, but that doesn't mean any of them are the only book you'll ever need.
related to that: it's been A While since I've read some of these so sorry if anything in them has aged poorly (I don't THINK SO but like, I was not as discerning a reader when I was 19) but I am still including them as books that have been important to my personal journey as a sex educator.
additionally, a caveat that very few of these books are, like, instructional sex ed books in the sense of like "here's how the penis works, here's where the clit is, etc." those books exist and they're great but they're also not very interesting to me; my studies on sex are much more in the social aspect (shout out to my sociology degree) and the way people learn to think about sex and societal factors that shape those trends. these books reflect that. I would genuinely love to have the time to check out some 101 books to see how they fare, but alas - sex ed is not my day job and I don't have the time to dedicate to that, so it happens slowly when it happens at all. I've been meaning to read Dr. Gunter's Vagina Bible since it came out in 2019, for fucks sake.
and finally an acknowledgement that this is a fairly white list, which has as much to do with biases with academia and publishing as my own unchecked biases especially early in my academic career and the limitations of my university library.
ANYWAY here's some books about sex that have been influential/informative to me in one way or another:
The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life (Michael Warner, 1999)
Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual Experiences (Laura M. Carpenter, 2005)
Virgin: The Untouched History (Hanne Blank, 2007)
Sex Goes to School: Girls and Sex Education Before the 1960s (Susan K. Freeman, 2008)
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex (Mary Roach, 2008)
Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution (Revised Edition) (Susan Stryker, 2008)
The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women (Jessica Valenti, 2009)
Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex (Amy T. Schalet, 2011)
Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality (Hanne Blank, 2012)
Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships (Meg-John Barker, 2013)
The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Realities (Rachel Hills, 2015)
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Tranform Your Sex Life (Emily Nagoski, 2015)
Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (Jane Ward, 2015)
Too Hot to Handle: A Global History of Sex Education (Jonathan Zimmerman, 2015)
American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus (Lisa Wade, 2017)
Histories of the Transgender Child (Jules Gill-Peterson, 2018)
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights (Juno Mac and Molly Smith, 2018)
Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex (Angela Chen, 2020)
Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press (Kim Gallon, 2020)
A Curious History of Sex (Kate Lister, 2020)
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity (Peggy Orenstein, 2020)
Black Women, Black Love: America's War on Africa American Marriage (Dianne M. Stewart, 2020)
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality (Jane Ward, 2020)
Hurts So Good: The Science and Pleasure of Pain on Purpose (Leigh Cowart, 2021)
Strange Bedfellows: Adventures in the Science, History, and Surprising Secrets of STDs (Ina Park, 2021)
The Right to Sex: Feminist in the Twenty-First Century (Amia Srinivasan, 2021)
Love Your Asian Body: AIDS Activism in Los Angeles (Eric C. Wat, 2021)
Superfreaks: Kink, Pleasure, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Arielle Greenberg, 2023)
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widowbitessting · 2 years
Sugar Mommies Season 2, Part 4
Welcome back to my little corner of the internet! Get blankets, something warm to drink and enjoy the next chapter of this universe <3
Lots of love,
Livvy xox
Trigger Warnings: There's a negative word for lesbians mentioned, as well as the brief appearance of this seasons antagonists. I will do a trigger warning for every time they make an appearance, I want to keep you all safe. If you want to read after seeing this trigger warning, please do not send me hate afterwards. I have warned you. If anything triggers you, please do not read.
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“Natty? Hi!”
You can hear her smiling through the phone as you giddily jump up and down on the spot. 
You don’t care if people are looking at you. 
The fact that you’re actually speaking to Natasha, after what feels like the longest period of your life, is enough to fill your brain with serotonin to last you weeks.
“Hi, baby.” She chuckles. “Excited to hear from me, are you?”
God, you missed her voice. 
You miss everything about her.
So freaking much.
“Very excited, I missed you!” You can’t stop smiling. Grinning even. “Where’s Wanda? Is she okay?”
“Clearly you haven’t missed me that much if you’re already asking for Wanda, kitten.” 
Your smile falters.
“No! Wait!” 
But Natasha laughs and the worry of upsetting her all but evaporates.
Carol watches you, grinning.
Only stopping to cast a defensive glare at a teen who watches you with a disgusted look. 
Subtly turning you so you don’t register the teen. 
You’re telling a story about face planting a door to even notice Carol moving you. 
Your mood is far too innocent to deal with any obnoxious people. 
When Carol is happy you’re still fully consumed by your conversation with Natasha, as well as distracted by the sugary goodness on the counters display, Carol returns her attention to the teen and raises an eyebrow, glaring at him.
When he clocks her stare, the boy’s glare falls from his face but he doesn’t back down. 
“Is there a problem?” Carol asks in a low, warning tone.
The boy doesn’t reply. 
He takes his drink and pastry and walks past, muttering the word, “Dykes.” under his breath so Carol specifically hears it.
She’s just so happy Natasha has you under her spell.
And oh, how Carol wishes she responded. 
Cause a scene over this teen roach who wants to try and hurt you. 
Hurt what’s hers. 
Their baby girl.
It seems that karma wants this kid almost as badly as Carol does because the second he opens the door; three seagulls go for him.
White blurs tackle him, snatching bits of his pastry, leaving it reduced to nothing but soggy crumbs in his hand within seconds. 
He lets out a startled scream.
In his haste to scramble away with what dignity he has, the boy ends up tipping his coffee all over his white shirt. 
As well as almost losing one of his trainers in the process. 
Carol watches, a smug smile firm on her face as the teenager bats away the seagulls with what remains of his pastry.
The rest of the coffee shop customers are watching too, enjoying the free show.
When the kid lets out a long stream of swear words, it catches your attention and you glance outside too; just in time to see the kid throwing his empty coffee cup to the ground in anger. 
You glance at Carol.
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing, baby girl.” She kisses your temple. “Keep on talking with Natty.”
You shrug and go back to looking at the delicious treats. 
Carol’s hand once again finds your own as the boy contemplates coming back into the store. 
But he catches Carol’s gaze - as well as most of the others in the store - and rethinks his options. 
Instead, he swaggers off, trying to keep what little of his pride he had left. 
Which in Carol’s eyes isn’t a lot. 
When she turns her attention back to you, your nose is all but pressed up against the glass counter. 
“Easy there, baby girl. You’re gonna go through the glass if you’re not careful.” 
Carol can’t help the small grimace as you pull back, a nose print staining the glass. 
Groaning about germs as you shoot her a sheepish look. 
“Tell Carol we say hi, baby?” Natasha asks you.
“I will, after I get to speak with Wanda.”
“Oh? Was that an order, little girl?” The red head replies.
“I - no.” 
“Pass the phone to Carol like a good little girl and we’ll forget this happened, understood?”
“Yes, daddy.”
You hand the phone quickly and get a brief head scratch from Carol in return.
“Stop scaring the small one, baby.” Carol says with a smirk into the phone. “Oh? Is that so?”
Carol’s playful demeanour changes so suddenly it has you nervously biting at your thumb.
“Leave it with me. You’re not staying there for another two weeks.” 
“Two weeks?” You can’t stop the pout from forming.
Carol yanks you to her side and cuddles you close.
“No, baby. They’ll be home in two days like we promised. No later.”
Natasha continues the conversation and Carol listens. 
Sensing your worry, she asks Natasha to pause before speaking to you.
“Go and order our drinks, kitten. Order the sweetest thing that you had your eye on and then find us a table, okay? Everything is fine.” 
“Do you want an americano or a latte?” You ask a little glumly.
Carol leans down to peck your lips.
“Americano, please, baby. With warm milk.” 
You nod, and reluctantly do as you’re told, letting go of Carol’s hand to walk to the till to make your orders. 
Only, as you’re about to open your mouth to greet the lady, Carol shouts your name.
“I’ll call Nat back on my cell. You got a message too, baby.” 
She chucks you your phone and you manage to catch it straight to your chest. 
You wince. 
You don’t even check who it is, instead opting to pocket it so you can order your drinks and treat instead. 
The need for sugar is too high.
They’re going to be gone for two more weeks? How is that even fair?
And what if Carol has to go back?
You’ll be alone once again; being an awkward third wheel to MJ and Peter…eating crappy take out while they are all cuddled up on the couch under the same blanket…
“...hon? That’ll be $13 total.”
“Oh! Sorry.” 
The cashier smiles.
“How will you be paying today?”
“Card, please.” 
Of course when you go to pay, Carol just appears with her own card, and taps it against the machine before you can blink.
“My treat, baby.” She kisses your cheek, smiling when you blush slightly. “I’ll bring the drinks over.”
“Okay,” You lean up so you can kiss her cheek. “I’m waiting for my cookie though. Don’t want you taking a sneaky bite.”
“You don’t want me to take a sneaky bite of your cookie?”
You can hear Natasha’s belly laugh from Carol’s cell and fight back the blush when the server comes back with your treat. 
You just know she heard Carol’s remark with the way she refuses to make eye contact with you. 
“One chocolate chip cookie. Your drinks will be a couple minutes.” 
You go to take your treat from her but somehow, despite being quick, Carol manages to get it before you.
She takes a large bite from your cookie before handing it over to you.  
“Yummy.” Carol says, crumbs falling from her lips. “Good choice, kitten.”
“My cookie…”
You’re pouting and you fully know it. 
“I’ll take another bite if you don’t stop pouting. Go and find us a table.” 
You glance at your cookie and sigh. 
You turn and jump, a squeak escaping your lips when Carol smacks your ass. 
“Less attitude too, please.”
“Sorry, Carol.”
You set off to find a table and the thought hits you. 
You don’t have a middle ground nickname. For any of them. 
Sure you have their dom titles; but in this case, calling Carol ‘Captain’ just doesn’t work.
You make the mental note to ask Carol this when she joins you. 
You flop onto the sofa seat and sigh, nibbling on part of the cookie that Carol left you. 
“Stupid, big mouth, dom.” 
Your phone buzzes again. 
“If this is you MJ, wanting a hot chocolate, I swear to God.”
But it isn’t MJ. 
Your body freezes.
It’s your bimonthly texts from your parents.
Coming in with a slam dunk to ruin your mood.
You can’t even bring yourself to open the messages; knowing they’ll be waiting to check for the ‘Read’ icon. 
A request of hers. 
So you opt for blissful ignorance instead. 
Lying your phone screen down on the table, you nibble your cookie and watch Carol talk on the phone. 
You can tell she’s stressed. 
She wants Natasha and Wanda home just as much as you do.
When your phone buzzes again, you shove it roughly back into your pocket; mood officially sour.
The messages will be waiting when you get home.
They will still be waiting. 
You refuse to let them ruin this. 
Ruin the good in your life. 
You want to live in this bubble with your darling Trio a little while longer. 
Before they come into it and destroy everything. 
Is it too much to ask?
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angellayercake · 1 year
Ghost Fandom Fic Recs
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This is such a great idea @ghuleh-recs thank you so much tagging me in yours and saying such lovely things about Banchetto!
I must say this is by no means an exhaustive list of the writers I admire but on digging through my tags and my AO3 bookmarks these are the ones that had my giggling and kicking my feet all over again
And this is getting really long so I'm am going to try to limit myself to one fic per amazing person 💜 haha I failed so hard at that you are all too talented.
@ghostchems I actually gobble up everything chems writes like a greedy little gremlin and I love her OCs as much as I love the Papas. But as I recently admitted I have been fangirling about her since before I was lucky enough to be her friend so Black Light Guides You is my go to for many reasons. It's got the signature horny/horror Chems blend as well as our boy getting resurrected and taking back his rightful position. I love how Terzo and Marion's relationship develops and I am so excited about where they are headed in the ongoing sequel A Perpetual Rise. And then Burn with me!!!! I came for Dracopia and stayed for Mia.
@ramblingoak The Queen of AUs if you want a Papa in any kind of situation Oak is the person you need. If I start talking about The Cardinal's Bride I will actually never shut up and Oak suffers enough word vomit about it from me so I will stop there. But I will say Oak is an incredible all rounder. Every thing she writes it is great and there is something fantastic for everyone. Sexy Cardinals, Mary Goore, Vibrating Pants, Ghaseball, Rat Birthday Parties or Zombies have at it!!
@the-hole-in-terzos-shoe No matter what the scenario Shoe writes the most romantic, charming Terzo you will ever read. I was going to rec the incredible My Dirty Little Secret and Let's get these heels off... which was inspired by our mutual love of Vita deVoid's Terzo but then she dropped Intro to Romantic Literature yesterday and I haven't been able to stop thinking about Professor Terzo so just go read both.
@sucharide If you want to read about some of the darkest depravity written in the most beautiful poetic way you could ever imagine then Roach is the writer for you and A Problem of Mind and Body is the perfect example. But my personal favourite and the first I read I think is Ritual and Ruination a silly and sexy look at the consequences of rituals gone wrong. And who am I kidding I can't not put Poor Beast in the Catacombs on here.
@zombiequeenblog I tell everyone who will listen to me about Cardinal Copia: A Sadistic and Glorious Bastard. It was my first Dark Copia fic and still to this day my favourite Copia characterisation. He is such a well rounded full character in this and I can't get enough. It's hot, it's emotional, it's scary at times but I can count on my hand how many couples I am as invested in and these two are at the top of my list. The world building is incredible, this version of The Abbey is so vibrant and all the side characters are so fleshed out. I have an especially large soft spot for Terzo in this fic he is the perfect dramatic flirt and I would give anything to be one of his girls.
@honeyynymphh Reading anything by Missy is like reading a gothic horror classic. The way she builds atmosphere is second to none a little nightmarish, a little maudlin (good golly go get this kid some laudanum!) is such a great example. And another one of my favourite Copia characterizations especially in The Mark of the Beast, Freshly Squeezed and my personal favourite there’s total depravity (standing right in front of me) he is so mean and I love it so much.
@kissingghouls SUCK CLUB!! I can't possibly decide which one of these is my favourite. I love this whole universe. There is so much going on and I can't wait to get to the bottom of the ongoing vampire mystery. I love how they all interact and I love that the all read The Cardinal's Bride! The Count, The King, and The Prince and I just love them all!
@xfilesinamajor With Wandering Steps and Slow This Terzo!!! This one right here is my favourite, god this fic breaks my heart but it is so so so perfect. His self esteem, his natural charm as a defense mechanism god I am obsessed with it. Also The Peach is one of the hottest ghost fics I have ever read. The ghoullettes really need to get more action, especially if it's like this
@writingjourney Everything Ibi writes is just so perfect. The slow burn of Honey and Venom and Unprecedented have me on the edge of my seat. But I have to especially urge everyone to read Friday Nights at the Cinema Club because if you aren't a Primo fan you are wrong and this will show you exactly why. Like I said, perfect!
@sweatandwoe I am always impressed with the ideas that sweaty comes up with. Really fun and original and hot. These assorted drabbles and headcanons are an excellent place to start. Study Break is so incredibly hot and The Sacrifice was a real highlight from petrifying papas. I also can't rec sweaty without mentioning the Saren fics because WOW. If you have any interest in Mass Effect and Turians then you have to read Overflow and Melting Point
@inkstainedrat Lacrimis et Memorias This fic broke my heart and put it back together again. It is the definition of bittersweet and yeah. I have a lot of feelings about Terzo and this story pokes every single one of them and is another one that stays with me.
@violet-lazer Another one of my favourite Terzo writers, in Pride, Incumbent and Astronomy he is so charming and lovely. Also Terms of Engagement Copia is such a cutie
@whatawonderfulexistence--blog Distractions is a lovely first date with Terzo and then Strawberries because i do love when he is being all seductive. Also I'm not fully caught up with Powerwolf yet but Atone was so HOT
@hallowed-be-thy-username Kissing the Obscene was the Terzo fic I ever read and Please Papa was the second and I just keep going back to them. I had started to fall in love with Terzo already but reading these and all the others really sealed the deal. And also coincidentally one of my favourite papa cosplayers!!
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meteor752 · 11 months
Episode 6 and 7 thoughts
This will now be a regular thing
Also im writing this as I go
Episode 6
So Izzy thought Ed was Roach. Huh. Does he and Roach talk regularly? <- Coming from a Rizzy shipper
“Do weeeee?” Fang I love you
Oh my god, Frenchie and Jim coming to Ed and Stede like they’re kids asking if their cousins can sleep over
The crew going shoppiiiiiiiiing!!!
Frenchie’s lil dancey dance added many years to my life
Ed being nice and giving kids mon- oh never mind, oh that’s a knife okay. Ed never have kids please
“Don’t pirate kids” well listen okay I don’t have HBO Max it’s the only way I can watch this show
Wee John you’re so beautiful and amazing and we don’t deserve you
Jim’s lil mustache, like yeah me too <- Non-Binary person
Stede looks so happy about seeing Wee John!! He’s so proud of his son!
Izzy is gorgeous. I’m actually so happy to see him explore more sides of himself, and to find things he can indulge in. This whole season has really just been Izzy’s big therapy arc
His hair makes him look a bit like Cinderella’s evil stepmother though
Oh he can sing too! Izzy!!! <- A person who did not like Izzy in season one
Wee John X Izzy? Roach X Fang?
Ed protecting Stede….just, immediately putting him behind himself…I just…
I rewatched that clip five times
“Because I only hang out with cool pirates” Stede’s face!!! He’s just like Oh Snapppp
Despite it all, Stede and Ed are still the cutest couple that has ever graced the TV screen. Like hell yeah, make fun of people together!
Ed keeps being protective…..okay I need a moment…
Roach you’re a lunatic and I love you
“Whatever this is it’s just gonna turn me on” Izzy you’re a shining star
Also I just now noticed that Black Pete and Lucius aren’t there. I’m guessing they eloped somewhere and are currently taking care of their adopted cat
Nope okay, literally the second I unpaused there they are. That’s the worst timing
Hell yeah my dudes, I hope you broke whatever bed you used
“I’m just doing it for the lolz” Yeah that’s sounds like something someone from the 1700s would say
I know this is a pirate ship but why do they just have so many knives and swords laying about
Who is this fanged torture queen, and how do I acquire her number?
Stede remains best employer, while Aziraphale is the best landlord. Can these two people just run the world please and thank you
Hell Cat Maggie is my soulmate
I feel like there needs to be a pirate workers union
The crew of the revenge is the best found family of all time
Stede Bonnet can rival Steven Universe in reforming villains, like he’s just such a genuinely nice dude
“Alright gang! Let’s talk profit sharing”
Oh protective Stede, alright let’s go mate defend your mans
Okay but why is Stede kinda 👀 in this scene
Oh Stede, love…
That French? Izzy speaks french?
I want to see that man get dicked down
I guess the revenge now has a pet goat
Episode 7
Okay Ed is a soft boy again, aight
The anime toast in mouth thing. He’s officially been baby girl for a long while, but we’re really solidifying it
Isn’t there an anime where a mob boss becomes a house wife? Yeah that’s Ed
Oh we’re telling him about the mermaid fantasy, okay
Izzy what the fuck, you’re amazing
“He’s jealous” my darling
The polycule is going strong, and I love the absolute lack of jealousy. This is the best representation I have ever had
Oh they’re going on a date! That’s so sweet actually
It’s really sweet that they’re talking about their time apart
Stede’s famous now? Good for him!
I need to stop falling in love with every pirate lady In this show. That being said, I hope we see more of the fangirl lady
I’m reinforcing my claim that Stede and Ed are cuter than anything that has ever been on screen
The Söt Och Saftig, my love. Also this far in and this is the first time the character “The Swede” actually says something in Swedish
Scammer Frenchie is back in business, love that
Jim and Archie trying to get their boyfriend set up is very sweet actually
The character development of Izzy going from wanting Ed to remain “Blackbeard” to him saying if being a softie makes him happy then he should do that, like I get it now, I know why you all love this man
Can’t believe Stede is an official Slut now
Open communication? Like genuine conversation about their relationship, and the pace they’re taking it? Ed being honest that he’s not ready for the steps they’re taking in their relationship?
What is this argument
I live for Lucius and Black Pete’s nicknames for each other
“I’ve only known you for a few hours Bonnet, but I’d fucking die for ya” Same random dude. Same
Zheng and Olu are really cute actually
Oh my god the polycule will end my fucking life
“That was really mean” YOU TELL HER STEAK KNIFE
Protective Jim my beloved
Oh my god
Roach and Fang friendship?
Roach is the queen of self care
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nanoland · 11 months
ofmd s2 incoherent rambling ahoy: about the women
now that
, i've had enough raw joy injected into my veins to enable me to actually discuss ofmd!
................. aaaaaand now that That Episode has soured my good will, i gotta say: i do not love how this show depicts women.
to be clear: taken on an individual basis, every actress did a terrific job and their time on screen was a delight. nothing but admiration on that front.
however. in terms of how they were WRITTEN. well.
okay, so it was. perhaps. a little Huh when in s1 you had the two most prominent lady characters being mary and jackie. and mary was a white hetero abled woman, and jackie was a black queer disabled woman.
and mary was sweet, and a mother, and long-suffering, and artistic, and her finally attempting to kill stede was the culmination of his being a shitty husband for years and years. and she got a whole arc to herself and a charming happy ending.
and jackie was.... well, JACKIE. 100% girl boss. tough as nails, takes no shit, puts arrogant men in their place, nose jar, etc. not much of an arc. no happy ending. she finishes the same way she starts.
AGAIN! not saying that Jackie is a bad character. she's a great character, steals every scene she's in.
but. the contrast, yeah?
but hey, we can set that aside because while mary and jackie were the most prominent women in s1, they weren't the ONLY women. you also had jaguar lady and nana. they were both tough as nails, and took no shit, and put arrogant men in their place. it's ok! it's ok.
then.... s2.
lots more ladies! awesome!
we got zheng, who is tough as nails and takes no shit and puts arrogant men in their place.
we got auntie, who is tough as nails and takes no shit and puts arrogant men in their place.
we got anne and mary, who are both tough as nails and take no shit and put arrogant men in their place.
yeah. see?
meanwhile the guys are all over the spectrum in terms of competence, power, intelligence, courage, etc. lucius is an intelligent coward, pete's a brave idiot, roach is a cheerful sadist/masochist with no fucks left to give, ed's the best pirate who ever lived (allegedly-_-) while also being the worst captain in the world, oluwande's kind and vulnerable, frenchie has Seen Some Shit, izzy is doggedly devoted to his job no matter how many times the universe signals that it's time to pack it in, stede's smart but naive and gentle but mean-spirited.
(NOTABLE EXCEPTION: archie! archie's weird and feral and resigned to life and gets her ass kicked and i love her. she's clearly not a girl boss. however, also the only woman on the whole ship.)
now, obvs we get to see the boys being more nuanced characters than the girls because, on the whole, we spend FAR more time with the boys than the girls.
and i'm not objecting to that! OFMD is a show about queer men. that's fine. that's GREAT. it's totally allowed to be that. queer men rock and deserve the world.
but. still. if you're writing ofmd, and you know that you're only going to be introducing a handful of women and not giving them much to do.....
.......you kinda need to double check to make sure you aren't giving 80% of them very similar personalities, yeah?
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icedkestrel · 8 months
A/N: Hey guys, I've noticed a lack of Zimo smut so I wrote some myself. It's not beta read or edited because my editing app broke so it's probably kinda bad. Title from that Chase Atlantic song
Posted on AO3 as well: Swim
I think letting that man help me with my stance at gun range that one time was the best decision I've ever made. We've had ups and downs but Zimo, my Zhiqiang has helped me become a better person for it.
The stress and trauma that comes from this job in Specgru leaves Zhiqiang with a lowered libido and the combination with insomnia leaves me writhing in my skin for more every long night. Everything about him, those starry night eyes, that dragon tattoo on his back and those little glimpses I get if he wears grey sweatpants, everything drives me insane and honestly maybe makes me a bit of a pick me girl to my own boyfriend.
Maybe the universe had heard my anguish or maybe she was just being nice tonight but I had noticed the signs. A day of sun in the midst of a barren February, a break from missions, the shine in Zhiqiang’s eyes when he stares.
He does that a lot, stare I mean. He stares at his friends while they talk, at supervisors when they walk by and at me when I do anything. Lately though, his stares have grown suggestive in nature, fleeting down to private areas and drawing my own gaze to unsavoury areas. Of course anyone who looked for more than 3 seconds could understand exactly what he wanted. Roach ended up teasing me for an entire afternoon once.
That’s how I ended in this position. I am leaning heavily against Zhiqiang as I straddle his lap. His hand runs across my back and down my spine in a comforting manner as he keeps me lifted with my cunt directly over his red hard cock.
“Your first time, we’ll do this slowly, Ok? Nice and slow.”
He slowly pushed me down by the hand on my back while pulling me off of him slightly to gain access to my flushed sweaty face. There was a sudden stretch as I tried to accommodate the cock now breaching me and I made sure to let him know of the pain by trying and failing to grip his buzzed hair.
“Awwww poor little soldier.”
However, he continued to push me down against the blunt head of his cock. Almost unbearable, the pain continued as he bottomed out inside of me and stilled for a second. To distract me, Zhiqiang leaned forward and took me in a gentle kiss then swallowed my pathetic whimper as he rubbed his finger over my clit just right.
Pleasure blossomed throughout my whole body and nulled the pain from the stretch to fit him in. More moans fell out from my lips as he flicked my clit in a way that had me believing he could have been a fertility god. Suddenly he grabbed the flesh of my hips and pushed me up again, finally properly fucking me. My legs shake as his cock hits every sensitive spot deep inside of me and sends waves of pleasure that leave me breathless and soundless.
I squeak and wrap my arms around the man in front of me for stability. Zhiqiang let out a little raspy laugh that permeated straight to my chest and kissed me on the cheek.
“Feels good, right?”
“Mmm hmm” I mumbled into his shoulder and kissed his neck as I felt him continue to fuck up into me. The familiar knot in my lower stomach begins to grow and I move my hips up and down slightly in a rhythm like Zhiqiang. A growl escaped with his lips and I could feel him twitch inside of me. Still with care, he starts to thrust into me harder and suddenly the knot snaps. I grip Zhiqiang’s shoulders and scream silently while my eyes roll back into my head from the sheer overwhelming pleasure flooding my body. As tears prick my waterline, I could feel Zhiqiang hold my hips down and fill up the condom placed around his cock. He slips out of me and smiles at me again, petting my hair like a cat.
While he takes off the condom and throws it out in the small garbage can, I slowly sit up and stretch out my limbs as I regain feeling in them. My boyfriend walks back over to me and helps me up by my armpits so that we could go to the bathroom to shower. Of course I ended up groping him at least once.
Afterwards we cuddled like we had many times before. On top of him with my head in his neck, his arms around me and calm conversation filling the space between us. We fit together like puzzle pieces and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. He took a little longer due to his insomnia but in the end he ended up sleeping, holding me like a teddy bear.
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onlineproblems · 10 months
Let's just save everyone some time and annoyance. Instead of posting my entire Spotify library one track a time, cluttering up your dash, here's my top 200 songs (minus the X-Files soundtrack...) so that those who care can look.
Top - Live
Carry on Phenomenon - Kishi Bashi
Gillian Anderson - DeRita Sisters
T.B.D. - Live
Philosophize In It! Chemicalize In It! - Kishi Bashi
The Sandman - PJ Harvey
All Over You - Live
Fall - Davido
Crystal Ship - The Doors
Everyday - Weyes Blood
Shit Towne - Live
Sylvia - The Antlers
Theme for Scanty and Knee Socks - TeddyLoid
Fighting With the Melody - Jimmy Urine
Prometeme - Monsiuer Perine
Doctor Blind - Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton
Selling the Drama - Live
Bad Girls - Donna Summer
Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
Get It Up - MSI
Stage - Live
Hollywood Baby - 100 Gecs
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
Jesusland - Ben Folds
Broken - UNKLE
Like a G6 - Far East Movement
Sober - Fidlar
A&W - Lana Del Rey
Twilight Time - The Platters
Witch - the bird and the bee
The Perfect Drug - NIN
Mulder and Scully - Catatonia
Concerning the UFO sighting - Sufjan Stevens
Freezing - Mozella
Epilogue - The Antlers
I Alone - Live
Never Wanted to Dance - MSI
A Lot's Gonna Change - Weyes Blood
Iris - Live
Obstacle 1 - Interpol
Jinja - Olamide
The Heaviest Matter of the Universe - Gojira
The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala
Waitress - Live
Starman - David Bowie
Death is a Girl - Mini Mansions
My Gun - Tove Lo
Sheisty - Trinidad James
Come on Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
Close to You - Carpenters
Eventually - Tame Impala
Never Let Me Down Again - Depeche Mode
The Dam at Otter Creek - Live
Intro/Pathos, Pathos - Kishi Bashi
Mulder, It's Me - Roach Coach
Take What's Mine - Baumer
Patty Hearst - Jimmy Urine
Oblivion - Grimes
Wonderboy - Tenacious D
Andromeda - Weyes Blood
MY GOD! - Tessa Violet
Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
Here Comes the Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze, Salaam Remi
Volverte a Ver - Monsieur Perine
Get Over It - OK Go
money machine - 100 Gecs
Knife Prty - Purity Ring
Loser - Beck
I-E-A-I-A-I-O - System of a Down
Gasolina - Daddy Yankee
Scroll Patrol - Rinse and Repeat
Sleep - Conjure One, Rhys Fulber
Every Third Thought - David Duchovny
Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell
Attack - System of a Down
Seether - Veruca Salt
Fucking Boyfriend - the bird and the bee
Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club
Funkin' Around - Outkast
867-5309 - Tommy Tutone
Attitude - Buggin
Son of Sam - Elliot Smith
Goatmeal - LustSickPuppy
RIDE IT - LustSickPuppy
Space Oddity - David Bowie
All I Really Want - Alanis Morissette
She Blinded Me With Science - Thomas Dolby
The Government Knows - Knower
Don't Worry About the Government - Talking Heads
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane
Crystal Ball - Keane
Life on Mars? - David Bowie
Road to Nowhere - Talking Heads
She's An Angel - They Might Be Giants
Sci-Fi Wasabi - Cibo Matto
Yours Truly, 2095 - ELO
How to Disappear Completely - Radiohead
In the Backseat - Arcade Fire
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel
La Mer - NIN
Burn the Witch - Radiohead
Galaxies - Laura Veirs
Scientist - The Dandy Warhols
Stella was a diver and she was always down - Interpol
Hurt - NIN
Female of the Species - Space
Lithium - Nirvana
Black - Pearl Jam
Karma Police - Radiohead
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Who Can it Be Now - Men At Work
Gila Monster - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
The Boy with the Thorn in His Side - The Smiths
Live Fast, Diarrhea - The Vandals
Screaming Infidelities - Dashboard Confessionals
MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday
Freak Mode - Dorian Electra
Welcome to Earth (Pollywog) - Sturgill Simpson
Origin of Love - MIKA
The Curse of Curves - Cute is What We Aim For
love nwantiti - CKAY
Adore You - Miley Cyrus
On & On - Longpigs
Dumb - KOPPS
Anubis - Septicflesh
Girls on Film - Duran Duran
Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
Andrew in Drag - The Magnetic Fields
Water of the Gods - The Changes
La Gozadera - Gente De Zona
Violent Pornography - System of a Down
You Sexy Thing - Zella Day
Heart Burn - SUNMI
Party Time - The Northern Boys
Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Island in the Sun - Weezer
Babooshka - Kate Bush
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
What Kind of Name is Love – Big Kid
Hacker – Death Grips
Space Age Love Song – A Flock of Seagulls
The Way We Talk – The Maine
Walking on a Dream – Empire of the Sunday
Neighbour – Mother Mother
Slow Dancing – Aly & AJ
To the Hellfire – Lorna Shore
Los Ageless – St. Vincent
So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings – Caroline Polachek
Me and Bobby McGee – Janis Joplin
The Message – Grandmaster Flash
Maria – HWASA
Mothercreep – FKA Twigs
Locket – Crumb
When You Die – MGMT
I Want You – Mitski
Ghost Town – The Specials
joke! - SE SO NEON
You Oughta Know – Alanis Morissette
Propagation – Com Truise
No Rest for the Wicked – Lykke Li
Genghis Khan – Miike Snow
Kettering – The Antlers
Just Say Yes – Snow Patrol
Take a Walk – Passion Pit
Major Tim – Shiny Toy Guns
Neighborhood #2 (Laika) – Arcade Fire
Genius Next Door – Regina Spektor
More Than Words – Extreme
Creature Comfort – Arcade Fire
Dark Red – Steve Lacy
Let It Happen – Tame Impala
Crimewave – Crystal Castle
Church – Aly & AJ
Better Things – Passion Pit
Tulsa Jesus Freak – Lana Del Rey
cellophane – FKA Twings
Insane in the Brain – Cypress Hill
Me and My Husband – Mitski
Duality – Slipknot
Send Me an Angel – Infected Mushroom
Lady – Regina Spektor
Girl Loves Me – David Bowie
I’m Yer Dad – GRLwood
Hollywood Junkyard – The Bobby Lees
Disco Heaven – Lady Gaga
Helplessness Blues – Fleet Foxes
Such Great Heights – The Postal Service
In Cauda Venenum – The Dear Hunter
The Other Side – Pendulum
Bruma – MOL
Alrighty Aphrodite – Peach Put
Prince Johnny – St. Vincent
Shake It – Metro Station
You Are the Right One – Sports
Now We Can See – The Thermals
Body – Mother Mother
Kids – MGMT
I Will Possess Your Heart – Death Cab For Cutie
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canoncompanions · 10 months
UPDATE: New Playlist: Musical Gems
After two years of resisting watching Steven Universe followed by four years of not being able to find the whole thing, I finally watched it in 2020 and that is what solidified my choice to resurrect Canon Companions. Yes, it inspired me that much. This is also the fifth playlist to reach over 100 songs as well as the first time two works of the same medium type have had over 100 songs.
Note: For the next several playlist updates, I will not be including artists that passed a 10 and new duplicates in the note section, but I will compile a complete list of each after getting through them all.
SU Season 1
Smalltown by Chumbawamba [Tubthumper]
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World [Bleed American/Jimmy Eat World]
Seven by Tijuana Sweetheart [Public Display of Infection]
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts [Bad Reputation]
Lesson Number One from Mulan 2
Got My Own Thing by Liz Phair [Somebody’s Miracle]
Foil by Weird Al Yankovic [Mandatory Fun]
I Don’t Understand You by They Might Be Giants [Apollo 18]
Bitchin’ Summer by Avril Lavigne [Avril Lavigne]
Walk and Chew Gum by Optigonally Yours [The Powerpuff Girls: Heroes and Villains]
The Simple Things from Hey Arnold [The Best of Nicktoons]
Overjoyed by Matchbox Twenty [North]
Dirty Little Secret by the All-American Rejects [Move Along]
Nobody’s Home by Avril Lavigne [Under My Skin]
Oceans by Evanescence [Evanescence]
Unaffected by Hoobastank [The Reason]
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk [Discovery]
Invader Zim Theme Song from Invader Zim [The Newest Nicktoons]
Harlow’s Song {I Can’t Dream Without You) by Good Charlotte [Cardiology]
Hit the Floor by Linkin Park [Meteora]
Something Else by Good Charlotte [Good Morning Revival]
In My Eyes You’re a Giant by Sonata Arctica [The Days of Grays]
Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [Don’t You Fake It]
SU Season 2
Perfect by Simple Plan [No Pads, No Helmets… Just Balls]
I Don’t Like You from Galavant [Galavant: Season 2]
Oops!... I Did It Again by Britney Spears [Oops… I Did It Again]
Broken Hands by Bright Light Fever [Bright Light Fever Presents the Evening Owl]
For the Sake of Revenge by Sonata Arctica [Unia]
2 Minutes to Midnight by Iron Maiden [Best of the Beast]
Open Your Heart by Crush 40 [True Blue: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog]
Dreaming by System of a Down [Hypnotize]
Ruby by Kaiser Chiefs [Yours Truly, Angry Mob]
Tyranny of Normality by Papa Roach [Getting Away with Murder]
Do It Again by the Chemical Brothers [We Are the Night]
SU Season 3
On the Run by 3 Doors Down [The Better Life]
Shame on Me by Ryan Cabrera [Take It All Away]
Perfectly Perfect by Simple Plan [Taking One for the Team]
Smoothie King by Bowling for Soup [A Hangover You Don’t Deserve]
I Push Her Buttons by Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives [Second and Eighteen]
Happy (Without Me) by Resident Hero [Look]
Stronger by Britney Spears [Oops… I Did it Again]
Know Who You Are from Moana
She’s So Mean by Matchbox Twenty [North]
Wisk by Bowling for Soup [Rock On Honorable Ones]
Had Enough of You by Breaking Point [Beautiful Disorder]
A Reunion by Gentle Giant [In a Glass House]
Always Creating by Shoeless Revolution [From the Inside Out]
Architects by Rise Against [Endgame]
Road to Bloodshed by Sanctity [Road to Bloodshed]
Do What You Have to Do by Sarah McLachlan [Surfacing]
Without a Fight by Hoobastank [Every Man for Himself]
Never Walk Away by Breaking Point [Beautiful Disorder]
Holy Mountains by System of a Down [Hypnotize]
Hero Takes a Fall by the Bangles [The Bangles Greatest Hits]
Peacemaker by Green Day [21st Century Breakdown]
Take It by Staind [Break the Cycle]
SU Season 4
Hero of War by Rise Against [Appeal to Reason]
Lacrymosa by Evanescence [The Open Door]
Lost in Space by PressureHead [Sci-Fi Café]
The Land of Do What You’re Told by Chumbawamba [A Singsong and a Scrap]
Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. [Out of Time]
Stranded by Julien-K [Death to Analog]
Don’t Cry Out by Shiny Toy Guns [We Are Pilots]
Torn by Natalie Imbruglia [Left of the Middle]
Outsmarted by the Hives [Veni Vidi Vicious]
I Will Deny by Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives [Second and Eighteen]
Strange by R.E.M. [Document]
When It Rains by Paramore [Riot!]
SU Season 5
Worthless from the Brave Little Toaster
Broken by Bad Religion [The Process of Belief]
Bring Me to Life by Evanescence [Fallen]
Just a Taste by Scary Kids, Scaring Kids [The City Sleeps in Flames]
Hello Heartache by Avril Lavigne [Avril Lavigne]
I’m Just a Singer (in a Rock and Roll Band) by the Moody Blues [Seventh Sojourn]
Everything Had Changed by Barenaked Ladies […Are Me]
Never Go Back by Evanescence [Evanescence]
Secrets by Mission of Burma [vs.]
Let Me Go by 3 Doors Down [Seventeen Days]
Lucky by Britney Spears [Oops!... I Did It Again]
Inside by Vertical Horizon [Go]
Marry You by Bruno Mars [Doo-Wops and Hooligans]
Final Wars by Buckethead [The Elephant Man’s Alarm Clock]
The Damage in Your Heart by Weezer [Make Believe]
Home by Daughtry [Daughtry]
Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd [Wish You Were Here]
Shine on You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX) [Wish You Were Here]
Now or Never by Stagehands [The Silent City]
The Time Has Come by Roger McGuinn [Back from Rio]
SU The Movie
A Real Life, Happily Ever After from Galavant [Galavant: Season 2]
Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye [Making Mirrors]
Amnesia by Chumbawamba [Tubthumper]
The First Cut Is the Deepest by Sheryl Crow [The Very Best of Sheryl Crow]
SU Future
Whenever You Need Somebody by Rick Astley [Greatest Hits]
Farewell to Arms by Five Iron Frenzy [The End Is Near Here]
Never Leave by Seether [Karma and Effect]
Life Changes by Good Charlotte [Youth Authority]
You’re the One by Hoobastank [For(n)ever]
Scars by Papa Roach [Getting Away with Murder]
Problem Child by Simple Plan [Taking One for the Team]
A Killer Inside by Bleed the Dream [Killer Inside]
Reprehensible by They Might Be Giants [Long Tall Weekend]
Do or Die by Papa Roach [Getting Away with Murder]
We Are Broken by Paramore [Riot!]
Al’s War by Less than Jake [Hello Rockview]
New artists: Mulan [in-universe], Optigonally Yours, Hey Arnold, Daft Punk, Invader Zim, Galavant, Bright Light Fever, Kaiser Chiefs, Chemical Brothers, Sanctity, PressureHead, Brave Little Toaster, Bruno Mars, Buckethead, Pink Floyd, Gotye, Rick Astley
Formerly unique artists: Tijuana Sweetheart, Ryan Cabrera, Resident Hero, Moana, Shoeless Revolution, Bangles, Natalie Imbruglia, Mission of Burma
Welcome to the Club!
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0 notes
pillage-and-lute · 4 years
Can I have some Book! Geralt,who somehow happened to be in show universe,meeting Jaskier, who after some prodding from him tells B!Geralt about mountain and B!Geralt is furious? At some point they meet show! Geralt and B!Geralt makes sh!Geralt jealous because he knows Jask's feelings are not unrequited,but only after making sh!Geralt understand that that is not how you treat your best friend in the whole wide world. I just want some sh!Geralt/Jask with a little help from B! Geralt Thank you <3
Hi Sadpathologist!
Have I read the books? no, but I intend to.  I’m giving this a whack nonetheless! 
Jaskier about leapt out of his skin when the tall, silver haired witcher appeared beside him at the bar. He seemed...different. Jaskier’s brain, marinating in a fair amount of gin, wasn’t putting in the work to decifer the difference. 
Jaskier coughed.
Geralt glanced at him, looked directly at him, then went back to ordering his drink.
So that was how it was. Twenty two years, just to end up strangers again. 
Jaskier wasn’t going to put up with that. He deserved better than that. He wasn’t quite sure what all he deserved, an apology for one, but not to be given the silent treatment and a cold shoulder were definitely on the list.
“Hey,” he said. “Geralt.” 
The witcher turned. “Do I know you?”
Jaskier felt something little crush in his chest. “That’s not fair and you know it, we’ve known eachother for decades, Geralt.” His voice was getting dangerously wobbly now and it made him burn with shame but he didn’t deserve to be treated this way. “We were friends,” he said through the lump in his throat. “I know you never called us that but we were. I know we aren’t anymore but...” He choked, not able to finish the sentence and not sure how he would have if he could.
Geralt was looking at him, wide eyed.
“I haven’t gone by that since Oxenfurt,” Jaskier said. His rational brain was really, really trying to tell him something about Geralt, something was weird, but it had been a lot of gin. “I’m not sure I ever told you that, either.”
Geralt picked him up by the shoulder and hauled him out of the tavern, into the light of day. It hurt after all the daydrinking, but realization slid into place and the shock had a better sobering effect than a cold bath.
“You aren’t Geralt,” he said. He began to twist about in the grip, captured by some Geralt-facsimilie. 
“I am, I am,” the not-Geralt set Jaskier down. “I’m just not- I’m not you’re Geralt. He pulled Jaskier into the stables and Jaskier took a good look, since the man didn’t seem to be actively trying to kill him. 
“You aren’t my Geralt,” Jaskier said. “The scars are wrong, and your beard is more grown in than you usually let it get.” He thought. “And I don’t think I told you I ever went by Dandelion.”
“What, never?”
“You-he never asked.”
“Okay,” not-Geralt said, sitting down on a sack of hay. “I’m not from here, I know a Dandelion-Jaskier, he looks a lot like you, but he’s blonde. There was this... thing, I interrupted some big sorceressy ritual, I’m sure I’ll get back in a couple of days but listen...what did you mean when you said we-you and your Geralt- aren’t friends anymore, that he never called you friends?”
The face, almost familiar, looked very serious. Geralt was looking at him with genuine concern and it was so close to everything Jaskier wanted, but the scars were wrong, there were little laugh lines and marks in the wrong places. The eyes were the same.
He believed this Geralt, too. It sounded crazy but, well...golden dragon men, djinns, devils, elves, Jaskier had known a lot of crazy.
This Geralt hadn’t asked for the whole story, but it felt so good to tell someone about it, Jaskier gave it to him anyway. From Posada to the mountain. His voice broke, and not-quite-Geralt put a comforting arm around him, rubbing his hair in a way he liked. It was as if he knew just how Jaskier liked it.
Jaskier full on cried talking about the mountain, but he never even talked about the final argument, merely saying Geralt had sent him away. He felt safe and appreciated but it wasn’t his Geralt and it was so close that it hurt to talk about it. The thought that in another life Geralt might be his friend, could be this more open, loving person ached. In this life Geralt would rather he be dead.
He sat there, other Geralt seemed baffled. After a moment he spoked.
“What a dick.”
Jaskier was thinking though. Maybe the difference wasn’t about Geralt. What difference in Jaskier could cause all this.
“Tell me about your Jaskier?”
Geralt-ish looked down at him. “He’s blonde, he wears loud clothing, more pinks and purples, and feathered hats.” A small smile crossed his face, and it was so beautifully, heart achingly familiar. “It took me a while to accept our friendship too, but he practically forced it to me. I love him more than anything.” There was a soft look in Geralt’s eyes.
“I can’t image a world in which we aren’t at least friends, if not lovers. I don’t think the white wolf was meant to be without his barker.” He made direct, blazing eye contact with Jaskier. “We need to find your Geralt and knock sense into him, if you can’t do it, I’ll take him outside and beat him from one end of the Continent to the other.”
“I don’t even know where he is,” Jaskier said.
“We’ll find him, if I were him I’d still be brooding at the bottom of that mountain.” Other-Geralt began slinging bags onto Roach. She looked exactly like Roach. Jaskier approached carefully. 
She sniffed him cautiously, but there must have been something in his scent she recognized because she nuzzled him appreciatively. Wrong-Geralt mounted up and looked at Jaskier expectantly.
“Well? Go on, get on Roach.”
“Oh no,” Jaskier said, stepping back. “I’m not allowed on Roach.”
Not-Geralt looked at him like he was stupid. “What do you mean you’re ‘not allowed on Roach’, you don’t have your own horse. You can’t walk all the time.”
Jaskier shouldered his lute. “I manage fine.”
Not-Geralt picked him up by his collar and deposited him solidly on Roach’s back. “Hold tight,” he said. “We can’t both ride her all the time, but we’ll take turns walking, it’s not too far to the mountain you mentioned.”
Jaskier wasn’t certain he wanted to go back to that mountain at all. 
This wasn’t his Geralt. This was a witcher from a completely different universe. One with a blonde Jaskier who still went by his old stage name. He could be completely wrong about all of this. He might love his Jaskier, but what if in this world Jaskier was truly despicable to his Geralt. A shit shoveler. 
He must have tensed because the Geralt he had his arms wrapped around twisted back to look at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something you aren’t saying.”
Jaskier sighed, and they rode on a few more minutes in silence. He hadn’t gotten very far from the mountain, and it would take them only a few hours on horse back.
“When Geralt-my Geralt, told me to leave on the mountain...” Jaskier tailed off, the memory was still so recent and it stung. 
“He said something, didn’t he?”
Jaskier nodded, sure the witcher would feel the movement.
“It’s okay, you can tell me. What did he say?”
“He told me I shovel shit,” Jaskier gave a wet little chuckle. “He blamed me for every bad thing that happened in his life. Then he said...”
Other-Geralt held Jaskier’s wrist where his arms were holding on and rubbed his thumb across the joint sympathetically. Jaskier began to cry silently.
“He told me that if life could give him one blessing,” Jaskier said, leaning his wet face against the back of other-Geralt. “If life could give him one blessing it would be to take me off of his hands.”
Other-Geralt took in a sharp breath and brought other-Roach up short. He turned almost fully around in his saddle.
“He said what?” His voice was low and dangerous. There was real fury in his voice.
“He said-” 
“I heard what he said, he said that to you? He actually looked at you and told you that?”
Jaskier nodded. 
“Tell me,” other-Geralt said. “Did he leave you to get off of that mountain alone?”
“There were tracks,” Jaskier said, feeling somehow that he should defend his Geralt, although admittedly the witcher probably no longer deserved his loyalty.
“And, from what you’ve told me, some pretty murderous people not to mention treacherous terrain.” Other-Geralt nudged not-Roach into a trot, but his jaw was working the way Geralt’s did when he was angry.
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Don’t,” Jaskier said softly. Not-Geralt peered at him over his shoulder. 
“You know you don’t deserve what he said, right?”
“Yes of course, I didn’t deserve any of that.” Jaskier huffed ruefully. “Especially not after twenty two years.”
“Good,” not-Geralt said, turning back to face front. “So long as you understand that.”
They rode a while in silence, Jaskier’s eyes gradually drying.
“Do you love him?” not-Geralt asked eventually. 
“More than life,” Jaskier said. 
“Even after all this? No one would blame you if you fell out of love after treatment like that.”
“Even now, yes,” Jaskier sighed. “I think it’s because I understand him better than anyone. He isn’t used to dealing with his emotions, so sometimes he does it badly. I still love him, but he really messed up this time, he’s bad at emotions but this bad...it really hurt me.”
Other-Roach walked another long silence.
“I think it hurt even more because sometimes,” Jaskier took a deep breath, not willing to cry again today. “Sometimes I thought he might love me back, love me too. There were little things he’d do...”
“Like what?”
“Oh little things, he noticed when my boots needed replacing before I did, let me wash his hair. Tiny, sleep smiles in the morning, that sort of thing.”
“He does love you,” other-Geralt said. “I’m certain of it. We’re not far from the mountain now, and I have a plan, if you’re willing.”
“A plan?”
“Absolutely. It will be torture for him, and he’ll certainly apologize, probably confess his feelings too.””
Not-Geralt explained his plan. 
Jaskier listened.
“Won’t your Jaskier mind?” he asked. 
“I don’t think so, we have a flexible exclusivity, and this is for a very good cause, besides, we won’t go very far.”
“If you’re certain.”
“It won’t make you uncomfortable?” asked the other-Geralt.
“No, actually,” Jaskier said, grinning. “I think it’s a perfect plan.”
They reached the inn at the base of the mountain before nightfall.
Just like other-Geralt said he’d be, Jaskier’s Geralt was drinking with a single mindedness that was a little worrying. Other-Geralt turned to him.
“Sure you don’t want me to just beat sense into him?”
“No,” Jaskier said, mentally slipping into character.
“Okay then, ready?”
Other-Geralt strolled up to the bar with Jaskier basically hanging off his arm.
“Pint for me, please,” he told the barman. “And one for my...friend.”
Friend dripped positively salaciously. 
Jaskier’s Geralt didn’t even look up, but he didn’t let himself be deterred. 
They sat with their ales close, but not too close to Geralt. Jaskier plopped himself, giggling into other-Geralt’s lap. He leaned into his ear and whispered flirtily, “tell me a joke?”
Other-Geralt chuckled, and oh, that sound in such a familiar voice made Jaskier’s heart skip in his chest. 
“Where does the general keep his armies?” other-Geralt asked. Jaskier thought, then asked,
“I dunno, where?”
“Up his sleevies.”
It was such a ridiculous joke, silly and lighthearted and so odd to hear in Geralt’s deep rumbling voice that Jaskier tilted his head back and let peals of laughter escape. He finally disolved into little, bubbling giggles and buried his face into other-Geralt’s neck.
“Is he looking?” he whispered, barely a breath so that sensitive witcher ears wouldn’t hear in the loud tavern.
“Yes,” other-Geralt rumbled. “He looks green with envy.”
Jaskier looked into almost familiar eyes, smiling. “Okay?” he whispered. 
“Yeah, okay,” other-Geralt said. He leaned in and kissed Jaskier. 
It was a lovely kiss, other-Jaskier clearly liked being kissed the same way, but it was fairly short. Then other-Geralt pressed little kisses along the top of Jaskier’s cheeks and behind his ears, beginning to trail down his neck.
It was his Geralt, standing over them. Jaskier looked up. “I’m busy,” he said, then leaned in to wrap his arms around other-Geralt’s neck, as if he was going to kiss him again. 
Geralt lifted him off by his collar. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he growled. Jaskier noted with amusement that he was making his voice deeper than usual, like a tom cat fluffing it’s tail. The bard crossed his arms as his feet hit the floor. 
“I don’t see why that’s any of your business,” he said, although part of him just wanted to melt into that familiar gaze. “Especially since you decided it would be a blessing for me to be taken off your hands.”
Other-Geralt, with expert timing, pulled Jaskier back into his lap, sliding one hand up to Jaskier’s inner thigh. It was almost indecent, although not really, but Geralt looked ready to explode. 
“I don’t know if you noticed,” other-Geralt said, voice pitched suggestively. “But your hands aren’t what he’s going to be on.” This was accompanied with a truly indecent hip thrust, rolling Jaskier where he was sat on other-Geralt’s lap. The witcher wasn’t hard, and it was all an act, but Jaskier couldn’t help blushing a little. This was, after all, the body double of his Geralt. 
He looked up at Geralt. “You can go now,” he said.
His Geralt looked so conflicted that Jaskier’s heart went out to him. He could see the emotion running across Geralt’s face. Guilt, regret, loss, betrayal, anger.
“Please, Jaskier,” he said. 
“Please Jaskier what?” just because he still loved the idiot didn’t mean he was going to make this easy. “Please Jaskier leave me so you don’t shovel more shit into my life?” Geralt winced.
“Please Jaskier take yourself off my hands because after more than twenty years I still don’t think of you as a friend?” Geralt winced again. Other-Geralt had started leaving teasing, butterfly kisses along his neck again, and was shifting in his seat. It wasn’t sexy, and his hips weren’t rocking against Jaskier, but to Geralt it must surely look that way.
“Please Jaskier, find your own way off this god-forsaken mountain with murderers and monsters and, oh yeah, all the provisions were in your pack and I had to forage and not poison myself?”
Other-Geralt growled his displeasure at that detail. Geralt’s shoulders slumped. Jaskier tapped other-Geralt’s leg to let him up and they both stood. 
“I’m going outside,” he said. “If you want to say something, come too, if not, I’m leaving.” Jaskier smiled flirtatiously at other-Geralt. “And he’ll be going with me.”
Geralt followed him outside. 
Other-Geralt followed too, but at a slower pace so they could talk. 
In the stables, hoping Geralt wouldn’t notice the identical Roaches side by side, he whirled around, finally letting out every last bit of anger, betrayal and frustration he’d been feeling.
“Twenty two years you stupid bastard!” he yelled, poking one finger into Geralt’s chest. “Two decades!” he smacked the armor with an open palm. “And in all that time not once could you bear to so much as call me you friend! You ASSHOLE! And I love you! That’s not fair because I STILL love you! And you DON’T DESERVE IT! But I LOVE YOU!” 
Jaskier took a tiny breath then continued yelling. 
“And I KNOW you love me too! You don’t do the things we did for one another without love! It might not be the way I love you, that’s okay, if you only love me platonically, but you love me! I was so SURE you loved me! AND THEN YOU LEFT ME ON THE MOUNTAIN!”
Geralt opened his mouth and Jaskier slapped a hand over it. He wasn’t sure at what point during the screaming he’d started crying but he wasn’t about to lose momentum now.
“NO! I’m talking now! You LEFT ME ON THAT MOUNTAIN! I COULD HAVE DIED! YOU DON”T DO THAT TO PEOPLE YOU LOVE!” Damn it all, he was losing momentum, he was crying for real, sobbing. And the sobs were choking his anger. 
“You told me I was a burden and a curse,” he said between sobs. “That I had only ever caused you misfortune.” He sucked in a breath and looked into tortured golden eyes. “You told me that if life could give you one blessing it would be for me to be taken off your hands. How did you mean that? Did you mean simply that you would never see me again? Or did you mean me dying on that mountain without a pack and without food or water? Or did you mean me falling on that mountain and dying alone and in pain on the rocks below? Did you mean me getting murdered by the bastards who’d gone on that dragon hunt?”
Jaskier was sniffling great, snotty pauses in his sentences. “Or maybe you just wanted some peace and quiet, like that time with the djinn.” He stepped back from Geralt and met his gaze, watery though his own eyes might have been. “So tell me, how did you mean it, Geralt?”
“I didn’t.”
It was a whisper, then Geralt knelt in the straw and took both of Jaskier’s slightly shaking hands in his own. 
“I swear on my life, Jaskier I didn’t mean it.” 
His gaze was so honest and open and he looked so tortured Jaskier wanted to forgive him and fall into his arms right there, but he was still hurting so badly.
“You said it though, it almost came true, like with the djinn, am I that much of a burden to you?”
“No!,” Geralt stood, not releasing Jaskier’s hands. “No,” he said a little more calmly, stepping closer. “You are the greatest gift of my life, my treasure, my friend,I swear it.”
Geralt looked at Jaskier’s face, gold and blue meeting in the dim stable light. 
“I don’t know if you can believe my oath, but I swear to you, on the name of every witcher, alive or dead, on the medallion I wear around my neck, Jaskier. Jaskier, you are my truest blessing.”
He pulled Jaskier into a perfect, soul numbing hug. 
“I’ve hardly slept,” Geralt whispered. “I’m so, so sorry. I’ve hardly slept for the thought that I’d killed you. Fed you to that mountain.” Geralt was taking great, shuddering breaths, his shoulders trembling, tremors in the earthquake taking over him. “I thought I’d killed my love. I’m so sorry, Jaskier. My love. I do love you, not as friends. I love you like a ballad, and I could have killed you.” 
Geralt was crying, Jaskier realized. His tear ducts may have been dry but he was crying all the same, clutching to Jaskier like a lifeline, like Geralt himself had been left dangling from the mountainside and Jaskier was his rope.
“I’m sorry Jaskier, so, so sorry. I’m poor with emotions and I took it out on you and it could have killed you,” Geralt said, his face buried in Jaskier’s hair, squeezing him tight like he wanted them to be glued together. “I didn’t mean a word of it I swear, and I searched that thrice damned mountain for you until I found your tracks leading you safely away.”
“I wanted to kill you,” other-Geralt said, stepping around from the corner of the stables. “You’re lucky he still loves you, or I might have.”
Geralt-Jaskier’s Geralt, for ther first time got a decent look, not obscured by jealousy or dim lighting, of other-Geralt.
“Oh,” he said. “You��re...”
“You? Yeah. It’s hard to explain but it involves blundering in to some sorceressy bullshit.” Other-Geralt clapped one massive hand onto Geralt’s shoulder and stared into his face, gold meeting gold. “I have a bard in my world, and I’ll be returned to him soon. He is truly my greatest gift. I want nothing of your bard but for him to be happy, because I do not believe in any world where I and my love are not at least companions.”
“I understand,” Geralt said.
“No, I don’t think you do,” other-Geralt said. “If I ever somehow, and I don’t know how, get a dream I suppose, that you mistreat your gift again, I will slice open this wall between worlds and hunt you down myself.”
A whistle came from behind them, and the three men turned. Jaskier looked into a face very similar to his own. It had a goatee. And blonde hair. The man was standing next to a glowing portal.
“Geralt,” the other-Jaskier, Dandelion, Jaskier supposed, said. There was relief in his voice. He leapt to his witcher and there was a kiss so vigorous that Jaskier, singer of two dozen bawdy songs, looked away. 
“I feared I’d never find you,” the blonde said. Other-Geralt grinned at him.
“I always knew you would, my love.”
He turned to Geralt and Jaskier, standing dumbstruck. “I guess my work here is done.” Here he pointed at Geralt. “Remember my warning.” He mounted up on his Roach and with barely a sound to mark their leaving, the pair left.
“Well,” said Jaskier, sitting on a barrell. 
“Well,” said Geralt, standing stunned in the center of the stables.
“I’m glad at least somewhere we sorted ourselves out,” Jaskier said, smiling sadly.
“I want that to be us.”
“I want to be able to kiss you like that, someday.” Geralt crossed the room towards Jaskier. “I want to turn to you someday and not be so...so stupid, so emotionally stunted, that I can name you as ‘my love’ in front of others.”
“Jaskier, I never called you friend because it ached that you saw me as friend when I wanted you to be more, and now I’ve had a taste of losing you and I would walk over fire never to do so.”
Geralt got down on his knees in the stable and reached out with one hand. His fingers curled around Jaskier’s neck and pulled him closer until their foreheads gently met.
Somehow it was more intimate than a kiss.
“I forgive you,” Jaskier said. “And I love you, always.”
Geralt tilted his head up and captured Jaskier’s lips. 
It was sweet and perfect and Geralt pulled back and planted so many more beautiful, chaste kisses that they fell like rain. 
Then he pulled back and tugged Jaskier to his feet, a little, toe-tinglingly sexy growl escaping him.
“My love,” Geralt said, clearly savoring the phrase in their little bubble of secrecy. “I could eat you alive.”
“That,” Jaskier said, pulling back and smiling. “You may have to wait for.”
Geralt followed him out into the chilly evening. “For you I would wait forever,” he said.
Jaskier had a feeling that he probably wouldn’t make Geralt wait very long.
Ope, you sent a request and I gave you a fic. 3812 words! hope you enjoy.
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fangirleaconmigo · 3 years
To the Dark I Said Pour and Forgot to Say When
People were encouraging about my Truck Driver Geralt / DJ Jaskier AU idea (thanks @beginte), so I humbly present to you, an actual fic. About 2700 words. Rated T. Loads of yearning, with a happy ending. Also on ao3.
Geralt is a long haul truck driver, wrestling with the aching loneliness of a life spent constantly on the road. He adopts a dog to keep him company in his cab. It helps, but he still struggles in the silent stretches. Then one day, as he is passing Oxenfurt Academy, he turns on the radio and hears a voice that changes his life.
Geralt does not notice the loneliness looming over him. His spirit sags under a heaviness he cannot see. His foster brothers can.
They notice that he drags himself out of bed at five in the evening. They notice the empty bottles stacking up and leaning against the garbage can.
They know why he is drowning. Geralt drives a two-week long haul route for the Golden Coast trucking company. They move autoparts from one coast to the other in black eighteen-wheelers. Geralt drives for two weeks, gets a two day break, and then he is back on the road for two weeks. Rinse and repeat. It is lonely. He feels guilty being away from his daughter.
But what can he do? He wants a local job, but the market is rough. He combs the classifieds every chance he has. He calls the numbers. He puts on his good jeans, shines his boots, and goes to the trucking offices to fill out the applications. He can't seem to catch a break.
Eskel suggests he get a dog for the long trips, just to make it more bearable. Geralt knows he is right. He doesn’t want to end up like those guys that can’t even finish a shift without a hit of something. The next day he goes to the local shelter. The minute he sees her, he knows that she is his dog.
Eskel, Lambert, and Coen try to convince him to name the dog something else.
“It’s an insect.”
“It’s a fish.”
“No one knows it’s a fucking fish.”
“I do.”
Geralt has ‘Roach’ embroidered on the massive dog bed into the back of his cab. He orders stickers that say ‘Roach’ in bubble letters. He puts them on the round plastic food dishes and the orange cooler behind his seat.
“Good girl.” He scratches behind her ears, and in response, her tail beats the leather seat like a jackhammer.
At first he feels stupid for needing a dog. But he quickly forgets all about any sense of embarrassment. Roach listens patiently to his ramblings. When he pulls into truck stops to eat his lunch, she tries her damndest to crawl over the stick shift and snuggle into his lap. And never has a single soul been so overjoyed to see him after an absence of even five minutes for a bathroom break.
Yes, this is better. The heavy, oppressive loneliness eases into an aching wistful loneliness. He can manage this. He can manage. He can.
Geralt daydreams as he whizzes along long quiet stretches of road, hand buried in Roach’s fur. He has one of those bucket seats with good shocks, so it shakes and vibrates in tune to the bumps in the road.
It is a day like all the others when Geralt hears his voice. He is on the second day of his eastbound trip, and he is driving past a city called Oxenfurt. Geralt has always wanted to go see the university there. The cold gray spires are beautiful. He can see the tops of them from the highway. But on his eastbound trip, he can’t spare the time to stop. On his westbound return trip, he always seems to be driving by in the middle of the night.
At any rate, it is in that moment, when the spires are just passing out of his peripheral vision, when Geralt pops out his book on tape. He has been listening to a volume about Eastern Europe in the middle ages. His tape deck switches to the radio and a voice crackles through the speakers.
The voice is warm and musical and there is both joy and sorrow in it. Geralt is so transfixed that he pulls off the freeway and sits in a gas station just to listen. He learns that the voice belongs to music professor Julian Alfred Pankratz. His students call him Professor Pankratz, but his friends call him Jaskier. Jaskier runs the station, and announces each student at the top of the hour.
He eventually has to get back on the road. By the time the station trails off in fits and starts until it’s nothing but static, Geralt just wants to hear Jaskier’s voice again. His return trip cannot come soon enough. When it does, he turns the dial back to the static so he can pinpoint when it comes back into range. When it crackles to life, that is when he hears Jaskier sing.
It changes everything.
From then on, Geralt lives for the two hours that he is in range of the Oxenfurt Academy college radio station. Geralt is not interested in the hours that the students DJ, talk or play. He lives for the wee hours of the mornings when sometimes, sometimes, Jaskier sings.
Geralt moves heaven and earth to arrange his routes so that he passes by Oxenfurt between two and four in the morning. During those hours, Jaskier's voice fills Geralt's lonely cabin. It melds with the noises of the truck and the road and the night, imbuing the sounds of his life with longing and beauty. It is the highlight of every trip.
The rain patters, the gears shift, Roach snores, and Jaskier laughs self-deprecatingly when he messes up a note. His voice vibrates and sparkles and Geralt takes it to his chest and holds it. When the static begins to break in, he feels regret. He feels loss.
When he returns that way, Geralt counts the miles until he's back in range of the station. When he catches sight of the little green mile marker that says twenty-six, he knows it is time to turn the dial. That is when Jaskier's voice, bright and warm, fills his life again with its comfort.
Jaskier sings, he plays songs, and because no one else is listening at that time, he chats aimlessly between songs.
He talks about a bird he saw, a joke a student told him that day, or if he is feeling self-indulgent, he will talk about what music means to him. He can hold forth an entire hour on the musical contributions of Freddie Mercury or Prince. He grows so excited that he knocks over microphones, or once, his coffee cup. He curses floridly and Geralt throws his head back and laughs.
Sometimes it feels like he is talking directly to Geralt. Geralt knows he isn't, of course, but sometimes, it feels like he is. No one else seems to be listening.
And then there is the music. Sometimes, Jaskier plays other people's songs, but Geralt always prefers it when he sings. Geralt only has two hours with him, and if Jaskier only sings once an hour, Geralt only gets two songs.
So, one night, Geralt gathers the courage to call in. He pulls into a truck stop and with his heart thumping in his chest. He approaches the scratched up pay phone sitting under a single street light. He jingles his coins nervously. Roach is leaning against his legs as he dials.
Jaskier answers on the first ring. “Oxenfurt Academy Station.”
“Hi. Yes. I drive a truck cross-country. I look forward to listening to you every week when I pass through. May I request a song?”
Geralt can hear his own voice in the echo, and it sounds odd. Like someone else was brave enough to do this, not him. His hands are clammy. He cannot believe he is actually speaking to Jaskier.
Jaskier seems shocked and delighted to receive a call. “My dear man. That is so kind. Of course, of course. What would you like to hear? The new Bowie came out this week, and I have the album.”
Dear man. Kind.
The words shoot directly to Geralt’s heart. He clears his throat. When he answers, his voice trembles just a little bit. “Could you sing your own songs? As many as you can fit in between two and four? I’d appreciate that.”
There is a moment of silence on the other end of the receiver.
“Hello?” Geralt has a moment of panic that Jaskier has hung up.
“Oh, yes. Yes, I’m here. Wow, that is... That is really lovely. I’ve only ever played them on the late show. You would be the first person to actually ask to hear them on purpose.” He laughs and it lifts Geralt’s spirits like a leaf on the autumn breeze. “I didn’t think anyone was listening.”
He requests his favorite of Jaskier's songs, saying that it reminds him of the rain falling on the windshield and the feeling he gets when he rests his hand on Roach's side and she is snoring in rhythm. Jaskier is speechless, and Geralt hangs up, never having given his name.
When Jaskier resumes the show, he stammers his gratitude to his wonderful caller. Geralt can tell Jaskier's voice is thick with emotion and it tugs at his heart strings.
After that, Jaskier does talk directly to Geralt.
He calls him his highway angel, the man who requests the songs he writes himself. The man who sees him. Who hears him. Who listens. Now that he knows someone is listening to him, everything he says takes on new meaning. No one else exists but the two of them.
Geralt takes to calling in each time he passes by the city. He is a bundle of nerves, so he never stays on too long, and he never shares too much about himself. He just talks about the songs. Or Roach. It is easy to tell stories about Roach.
“The insect or the fish?”
“The fish. I like fishing. It’s meditative.”
One night he does manage to tell him that he has made his life better. That he has brought something warm to his cold nights. Jaskier manages to coax him into sharing something about himself. He tells him he has a little girl with ashen hair that is an absolute beast in the dojo. That he misses her. Jaskier tells him how he has been scribbling poems and songs on bits of torn paper since he was just eight years old.
Something feels like it is connecting every time they speak. Galaxies are being born.
Maybe it is just Geralt. Maybe it is just wishful thinking.
One night, Geralt is passing through on his return trip, and he stops at the payphone. It is broken. There are no other payphones nearby and he can’t maneuver his truck through the city streets. He wants to scream, but there is nothing to do but keep driving.
Jaskier knows he is passing through that night. He knows his rhythms now. He tells him that wherever he is, and for whatever the reason he hasn’t called in, he hopes he is safe and well. Tears spring to Geralt’s eyes. He doesn’t know why.
He is almost out of range, static has almost taken Jaskier from him again, when Jaskier blurts out that he is playing a show at a local coffee shop the very next day. He invites his highway angel, even though he knows it is a shot in the dark.
Geralt acts without thinking. He pulls over immediately and finds a cheap motel room, the kind with scratchy blankets and nothing but fuzz on the television. This is his return trip and he has the next day off, so he can afford to. No one needs the truck tomorrow either. He’ll make some excuse to his boss. Still, he can’t quite believe he’s doing it.
He spends every hour of the next twenty-four panicking. Feeling like he is out of his mind. He's being impulsive. This is crazy, right? Jaskier couldn't possibly mean it. He could possibly want to meet him. What if he seems like a stalker? Or desperate? Or pathetic?
He almost gets in his truck and leaves. He gets as far as putting his hand on the door, when he goes back into his motel room. He has to find out. He has to know whether Jaskier really wants to meet him in the flesh. He has to be brave one more time.
When he walks up to the cafe with Roach at his side, he has his answer.
He sees Jaskier first. He is the man sitting at the front with a guitar. Geralt stops breathing for just a moment. He realizes that he has never asked himself what Jaskier looks like. It never mattered.
But he is beautiful.
He is wearing worn jeans. He has rings on almost every finger. He smiles with his whole face and his hair falls into eyes. His fingers fly nimbly over the strings and he sings.
Hearing his voice with no static or speakers or dials between them feels like someone has removed miles of distance. His voice is so raw and real and close, that what Geralt feels in response is almost too much to bear. He worries that he will crack and spill.
Roach recognizes the voice too. She strains at her leash and wiggles her tail so furiously that her entire body shakes. She barks a hello.
Jaskier looks around to find the source of the noise. He looks down at Roach and then back up at Geralt. The moment Jaskier understands who he is, his face breaks out into the brightest smile Geralt has ever seen.
His eyes are full of meaning. Of recognition.
You are here for me.
You are mine.
The notes Jaskier is playing fall silent with a strangled twang. There is a silence, then a confused murmur in the audience. They watch Jaskier as he sets down his guitar without a word and walks down the center of the tables. He passes from the light of the stage into the dark of the audience. And then he is in front of Geralt. They look at each other, with barely restrained emotion, not knowing how to start. They are tentative and bursting with nerves and anticipation.
“May I... hug you?” Jaskier asks. His voice trembles, and there is a smile as well as tears.
Geralt nods mutely. He is afraid to speak. He just opens his arms.
Jaskier leans against him and slips his arms around his waist. Geralt squeezes his eyes closed and feels him heavy in his arms. He savors his weight. It is the antidote to those moments when Jaskier wasn’t in range, and Geralt was terrified that he had invented him.
Feeling him now, flesh and blood in his arms, is a bone deep relief. Almost like he has cheated death.
“You know,” says Jaskier, pulling back, his eyes glistening. “None of this would have happened without you.” He gestures to the stage.
Geralt looks carefully into his eyes to see if he is serious. “Really?”
Jaskier smiles and nods and looks at him with such fondness. “Really. You gave me courage.”
Geralt’s hands slide from Jaskier’s shoulders down his back. He surprises himself with his boldness. But it feels right to touch him. Jaskier seems to agree. He nestles into his arms. Then, with a tip of his chin, his warm breath and soft lips are so close. Geralt kisses him.
They linger over the kiss, like it is a warm crackling fire. Jaskier reaches for his face, and cradles it tenderly with both hands. It is gentle and precious, yet it also ignites something more ferocious in Geralt. Something primal. He forgets they aren’t alone.
They are both trembling and out of breath when they pull back. They find a bench and huddle together under the stars on the patio. There are twinkling lights and a murmur of people around them.
“My name is Geralt.”
“Hello, Geralt.”
“Hello, Professor Pankratz.”
“My friends call me Jaskier.”
“Am I your friend?”
“You are my highway angel, remember? That is what you will always be.”
That night, on that patio, Geralt knows that he will always think of his life in terms of before this moment, and after this moment. And after a night of music, soft touches, and even softer kisses, he knows that he wouldn't go back for anything in the world. In fact, when he gets back in his truck, the first thing he does is get on the handheld and tell Lambert and Eskel that he has met the man he is going to marry someday.
Someday turns out to be ten months later. They get married in Eskel’s back yard, under a weeping willow. Everyone he loves is there. Ciri is the flower girl. Roach is the ringbearer.
Jaskier has gotten a position at the local university. One of the benefits is free tuition for family members. Geralt quits his job and signs up to study history. He uses his spare time to learn audio editing. He helps Jaskier record his first album. Since he has more time at home, Yen brings Ciri over all the time.
And it is all he ever dreamed of.
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seidenbros · 2 years
May I request
making sure your partner gets into bed on time (because they have a tendency to stay up until 4 a.m. and thus sleep deprived)
with geraskier?
As always, thanks in advance!
My dearest Sunflower 💚
Thank you for this request, I absolutely adored this idea, and I hope you don't mind that I put it in the same universe as I'm Lost, I'm Found in You because it fit so perfectly. So have some FLUFF and nothing but fluff in an established relationship between these two (with Ciri as their daughter)
Word Count: 1577
AO3 Link
Happiness Consists of Getting Enough Sleep
It was one of those nights where Ciri didn't want to go to sleep, where she tried everything to stay up a little longer, because she wasn't tired. As usual, it was Jaskier who picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and carried her to her bedroom. All the while, Ciri was giggling, because she loved this, loved having Geralt and Jaskier as her Dads after everything that had happened. Jaskier had accepted her with open arms straight away, but then again, he already had some experience with Yennefer's nieces. Still, having a little girl live with him was something else, but he'd adapted to that situation rather quickly. More than that actually, because he absolutely adored Ciri, and would do anything for her. That was why he was the one to tell her stories before bed. Not every night, but when she didn't want to go to sleep or wasn't able to do so, he was there to tell her his own stories most of the time. Sometimes, he read a book to her – the books his grandma had read to him when he'd still been a boy, so they held a special value for him.
It didn't take Ciri long to fall asleep, when he told her about dragons and Geralt being the hero in all of this, since he didn't slay the dragon, like he was supposed to, but rather protected it, since the dragon hadn't hurt anyone. No, the dragon had just protected its egg, protecting its baby, just like Geralt did with Ciri. Jaskier as well, because they would both move heaven and earth to protect her, and they already had. Sometimes, Jaskier just stood there and watched her sleep, knowing that she was safe here, worried about what had happened to her, how much she still remembered, what haunted her dreams. But he'd always be there to catch her and reassure her.
“She fell asleep pretty much right away,” he said to Geralt, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, Roach by his feet and Batman curled up in his lap.
“She's just afraid that she's missing out on something. And you're not exactly a good example when it comes to going to bed.” Geralt's words were serious, but he still smiled. He didn't want to attack Jaskier, but it was true, that his sleeping schedule was a little messed up. Staying up way too late and then getting up when Ciri was awake. Taking a nap with her in the afternoon didn't make up for all the sleep he was missing out on.
“I know... Old habits die hard.” Jaskier smiled and leaned down over the back of the sofa to kiss Geralt's cheek.
Geralt quickly reacted and turned around, put his hand on Jaskier's cheek to keep him exactly where he was and steal a kiss from his lips. A soft sigh escaped Jaskier's lips when his eyes opened again and he looked at Geralt. Unbelievable that they'd only met a year ago when Geralt had been looking for a way out of the big city, away from the noise, and had moved in with Jaskier, a man he hadn't known at all. And now? Now, they both couldn't even think about living without the other anymore.
“Where are you going?” Geralt carefully sat up, mindful of the cat in his lap, because it was the rule not to move and get up before the cat – in this case Batman – got up first on their own accord.
“I'm just gonna go in the studio and jam a little.”
It was completely soundproof once Jaskier shut the door, so he was able to make music, record it at any time of the day. Sure, he played his guitar sitting in the window in the living room in the middle of the night as well, but that was always quietly. In the studio, he could be as loud as he wanted. He usually forgot about the time when he was making music, because he was in his element.
Geralt knew that of course, because he'd often found Jaskier still in there when he'd gotten up in the morning. It was always nicer to fall asleep with Jaskier next to him or at least wake up next to him, because falling asleep together was rather rare. In these instances, Geralt had made Jaskier get a couple of hours of sleep, usually when Ciri was at school, so that he could get some proper rest. In his opinion, though, they really needed to work on Jaskier's sleep schedule.
That was why he opened the door to the studio when midnight was almost upon them. Jaskier looked up, a little confused, before his eyes landed on the clock.
“Everything alright?” he asked Geralt, slowly got up from his chair and walked up to him.
“Yes, I just think it's time for bed. And that means you as well.”
“But... I'm not tired, and I still have some stuff to do.” He looked around at the scattered pieces of paper.
“Jask... you really need your sleep. It's not good to stay awake till four in the morning and then get up between six and seven again. Have you seen the bags under your eyes?”
Jaskier huffed and crossed his arms like an insulted child, but that only amused Geralt all the more. It was the same expression he'd seen on Ciri's face earlier. That also led him to do what he did next. He quickly wrapped his arms around Jaskier and threw him over his shoulder, just like Jaskier had done with Ciri earlier. Yes, Jaskier was taller and heavier than the little girl, but Geralt would manage to get him to the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” Jaskier's voice was higher than usual, but he didn't struggle, instead he held onto Geralt because he didn't want to fall to the floor.
“I'm taking you to bed, since you won't come on your own accord.”
“You're crazy!” Still Jaskier had to laugh, because this was so ridiculous... that it could be something he himself would do.
“No, just looking out for you.”
“If you put it this way...”
Jaskier had to admit that it was true. Not that he'd ever think that Geralt would want to harm him, but sometimes, he just needed a little nudge to do what was good for himself. In that case, that meant getting an early night.
Once in the bedroom, Geralt carefully let him down, but still kept him in his arms to share another kiss with him.
“Maybe that wasn't entirely selfless,” Geralt admitted, lips still close to Jaskier's.
“Mhh?” Jaskier only managed, his eyes still closed, basking in the warmth that radiated from Geralt, seeped into his own skin.
“Maybe... I just want to fall asleep with you in my arms. It just... it soothes me.”
“Yeah, I still remember the first night, we did that.” Jaskier smiled against Geralt's lips, but then he pulled back to caress Geralt's cheek. “I didn't intend to fall asleep next to you, I just thought that it would help you sleep again, since Roach wasn't there. I was already so deeply in love with you at that point but was afraid to ruin the friendship we were having.”
“I felt the same way, Jask... But we're here now, aren't we?”
“Yes... and I couldn't be happier.” Jaskier leaned forward again to press a sweet kiss to Geralt's lips, before he turned around and started undressing. Now, going to sleep early – early for him – didn't sound so bad anymore. He could feel Geralt's eyes on him, which made him smile, but also made him take his time with taking off his clothes. Once he was dressed down to his boxers, he climbed on top of the bed.
“I hope, you're not sleeping in all these clothes. That would be a bit warm, don't you think?” Jaskier teased, his eyes fixed on Geralt, who was blushing now.
“Right...” Yes, he'd been watching Jaskier get undressed, because he couldn't get enough of him, of this. Because he loved that man with his whole heart. But he also wanted to climb on top of the bed and pull him into his arms again, so he quickly undressed and did just that.
Once on the bed, he pulled Jaskier against his chest and pulled the comforter over both of them. Jaskier immediately snuggled up to him and closed his eyes. He pressed his nose against the crook of Geralt's neck and inhaled deeply, letting out a content sigh afterwards.
Ever so gently, like he was made of glass, Geralt's fingertips travelled across Jaskier's back, next to his spine. He could lay like this forever and just enjoy the company of the man he loved.
“Think that's something that could persuade you to go to bed earlier on a regular basis?”
“If you throw in a couple of kisses... I might just say yes.” Jaskier chuckled to himself, slowly raised his head again to look at Geralt.
“Whatever you want, my love.” With a smile on his lips, Geralt leaned down to kiss the man that had stolen his heart a year ago. Yes, he'd definitely get all the kisses he wanted.
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wscoop46 · 3 years
more boxleitner hcs for the soul <3 (primarily mine)
- he’s always stressed about something, whether it be his university lesson notes/plans or some to-be-conducted experiment.
- he easily bonds with his students since he’s so young; he is well-liked on ratemyprofessor.
- when focusing on a task, he unconsciously combs his hair with his hand or tightly grips it. whether it actually helps him focus or not is debatable.
- a strange affiliation with lab rats/mice, he found them adorable and it broke his heart to use them as experimental subjects.
- a very distracted individual, he leaves in the middle of experiments to find whatever he needed. he’s often aloof and careless, how he earned a Ph.D is beyond most of his students’ beliefs.
- very easily bribed as well, his students would offer his favorite goodies in exchange for extra credit, he usually gives in. how he has not been reprimanded for this is inexplainable.
- his digestive system is particularly weak, he’ll eat a cracker that’s maybe a day expired and he will be OUT.
- he has a sweet tooth, he’s particularly fond of soda and hard candy.
- harboring such great hatred for bugs, more specifically roaches and silverfish, his closet is packed full of raid and his home is bombarded with anything lavender.
- he hates the minecraft silverfish too.
- he is often complimented for how nice he smells, thanks to how much lavender is in his home. he’s not the most fond of the flower, but anything to keep silverfish from his living quarters.
- every time he sees a roach in his home, god forbid his room, he loses that night’s good sleep.
- he frantically cried to his friend about seeing a cockroach in his room and all his friend sent were roach emojis (that happened to me😍).
- a below-average cook, he can cook scrambled eggs fine, sometimes he can follow instructions to make ramen. on lucky days he can cook a full balanced meal!
- most of his nutrients are gotten through raw foods, he’s willing to eat raw vegetables to avoid cooking.
- he uses the iron fish in soups.
- he does not own a rice cooker.
- when he switched to a pescatarian diet, he had a hard time letting go of lunch meats, particularly pastrami and salami.
- he visits his family every couple of years since he lives in a different state. he often keeps in contact the years he’s not visiting. he loves his niece a lot.
- he developed a sort of protective nature around word girl, he saw lots of his niece’s personality in her.
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valdomarx · 4 years
Anon requested: Person A thinks that a proposal would be a great way to get out of a jam. Person B thinks it is a sincere proposal and accepts. Realizing it wasn't done from a genuine place leads to some upset.
In Jaskier’s defence, it had seemed like a good idea at the time.
“Marry me, Geralt!” he called, jogging over to his witcher, a little out of breath.
Geralt’s face pinched into something cross and Jaskier was sure he was about to be told to fuck entirely off.
“It’s the Belleteyn festival tonight,” he explained quickly. “I might have, erm, sown my seed a little more widely than would be advisable in the town.” Geralt scowled. “And there may have been some, ahem, threats against my person made by the local lord.“ Geralt’s scowl deepened. “But we can smooth it all over if we’re wed tonight. There’s some local custom -- forgiveness of past indiscretions for newly married couples on May Eve.“
Geralt was still glowering but he hadn’t said no yet. Jaskier pulled out his strongest move: He ducked his head, looked up at Geralt from under his lashes, and licked his lips. Geralt’s eyes followed the movement of his tongue almost imperceptibly.
“So marry me? Here. Tonight.”
It had been a lovely ceremony, as fake weddings go. There had been music and wine, dancing and merriment, and Geralt even allowed some of the local girls to braid flowers into his hair.
They’d only had enough coin for one ring, a simple silver band, so Jaskier had taken that and he’d given Geralt his father’s signet ring. He’d never have parted with it for anyone else, but it was Geralt. He knew without question he would keep it safe until this ruse was over with.
Perhaps there really was something magical in the air at that time of year, or maybe it was an evening spent at an increasingly raunchy celebration that did it. But after the festivities were over and the townsfolk returned to their homes, Geralt took Jaskier back to their campsite in the woods, laid him down on a bedroll with indescribable tenderness, and fucked him within an inch of his life.
It was everything Jaskier had been quietly fantasising about for years, except more because it was Geralt and even Jaskier’s profoundly vivid imagination couldn’t match the reality of his witcher, every glorious inch of muscle straining and taut, eyes blown wide with lust, taking Jaskier apart and piecing him back together again.
The next morning, Jaskier woke slowly, feeling the telling ache of a night well spent. Geralt was already up, packing up camp and loading their bags onto Roach.
“There’s oatmeal in the pot if you want breakfast,” Geralt grunted. “We should get going soon.” He turned back to his work.
Right. Okay. They just... weren’t going to talk about it then. Back to business as usual.
Jaskier shouldn’t have been surprised. Of course Geralt would be as pragmatic about sex as he was about everything else. A way to get some relief, to meet a need. No expectations.
Hell, it had taken Geralt over a decade to admit they were actually friends. Jaskier felt stupid for even hoping for more.
Sleeping together had been a one time deal, it seemed. Too bad.
Jaskier realised he was still wearing the ring a few hours later. He should take it off, get rid of it. Maybe sell it at the next town.
He should ask Geralt for his father’s ring back too. But it seemed somehow rude to ask, too needy.
And he... well, he sort of liked catching glimpses of it decorating Geralt’s finger, like a tiny piece of Jaskier was with him wherever he went.
Jaskier found his thumb rubbing over the silver band around his own finger over and over again. It was silly, he knew, but he liked the feel of it. He would keep it for now.
After that, things got weird. At lunch, Geralt tried to persuade Jaskier to eat the last of the apples, as if he didn’t know their supply was running low. And at dinner, Geralt hunted and prepared two squirrels for Jaskier instead of the customary one. Jaskier would eat just about anything in a pinch, but charred rodent was not something he felt the need for seconds of.
Everywhere they went, Geralt kept trying to foist food on him. Did he think that Jaskier was weak? That he wasn't able to keep up without extra supplies? Jaskier was, admittedly, not as young as he used to be, but he thought he still measured up pretty well in the fitness department. He didn’t love the implication that he was falling short in some way.
At night, Geralt would lay out their bedrolls close together. Close, but never touching. When he laid down, Jaskier could feel Geralt’s breath on the back of his neck, and his chest ached with want.
He waited every night for Geralt to sneak an arm around his waist and pull him close, or to lean forward and whisper an invitation in his ear. Jaskier would be on him in a second.
But he never did, and every night Jaskier berated himself again for being so foolish and tried to push the thoughts from his mind. It was hard being so close and yet so far from what he truly wanted, but he wouldn’t force Geralt into a situation he wasn’t comfortable with.
After a week of this Jaskier was truly beginning to lose his mind, and it was a relief when they came upon a small town where they could rest for the night. Jaskier could go out, find some company and distract himself from the hopeless longing settled in his bones, even if only for the night.
When he announced his intention to look around the town, Geralt said he would come along too. That wasn’t ideal for Jaskier’s plan of distraction, but he’d make it work. He always enjoyed Geralt’s company anyway.
There wasn't a lot going on in the town, but there was a pretty barmaid in the tavern, a cheerful red-haired lady with exuberant freckles and strong curves. She flashed a smile at Jaskier the moment they walked in.
Perfect. He smiled back, ordered two drinks, and set to flirting outrageously with her. She giggled and teased back, not seeming intimidated by Geralt‘s presence, even though he was growing notably testier as their interactions became more charged.
When she reached over the bar to twirl a finger through Jaskier’s hair, Geralt actually growled.
She backed off and looked at Geralt. “Didn’t mean any harm,” she said. “I’m just being friendly. Unless...” She looked down at their hands on the bar, apparently noting their rings, and then back to Jaskier. “Unless you’re spoken for. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Oh, it’s nothing like that,” Jaskier said with a laugh, just as Geralt said, “Yes, actually, we’re married.”
Jaskier stared at Geralt. Geralt stared at Jaskier. The barmaid held her hands up in the universal gesture for “none of my business, nothing to see here” and backed away to wipe down a table.
Every muscle in Geralt’s neck was tense and throbbing, and Jaskier had no idea what to say.
“Geralt,” he began, carefully. “is this about the other day? The ceremony? Did you... Did you think that was for real?”
Something pained flashed across Geralt’s face, an expression more raw than any Jaskier had seen on him before. Then he stood, turned, and bolted from the tavern.
“Geralt!” Jaskier called, getting to his feet. “Geralt, wait!”
By the time Jaskier was out of the door, Geralt was already disappearing down the dirt road, not turning back.
Ahh, fuck.
Jaskier left the girl at the tavern with a hurried apology, pausing only to throw their various possessions into bags and to load up Roach before heading out after Geralt. He knew bugger all about tracking, but he knew the direction Geralt was heading, and after that he relied on Roach’s instincts. She at least seemed confident in what to do.
He caught up to Geralt less than a mile outside of town. He was sat alone in a copse of trees just off the road, staring at the leaves.
He didn’t flee as Jaskier approached, though he didn’t turn to look at him either. “Geralt? I’m sorry. I was thoughtless. Please don’t be mad at me.”
Geralt stood slowly and turned to face him, though he avoided making eye contact. “It was a misunderstanding.” Geralt’s face was carefully blank, a look Jaskier recognised from times he was trying very hard to hide his emotions. “A wrong assumption on my part about the seriousness of the ceremony at Belleteyn.”
“Holy hell, Geralt.” Jaskier’s mind reeled. Geralt thought they had really been getting married, and he had been okay with that? “Does that mean... Would you actually want to be married to me?”
“It was stupid,” Geralt gritted out. Anyone else would have thought he was angry, but Jaskier knew him well enough to see he was hurt. “To think it was anything more than a distraction.”
No no no, that wasn’t right at all. Jaskier tried to take Geralt’s chin in his hand but Geralt turned his face forcefully away.
“Is that why you’ve been acting strange?” Jaskier thought back on it: the gifts of food, the aborted attempts at closeness, the feeling Geralt’s eyes on him constantly, checking his well-being.
“I thought...” Geralt wouldn’t meet his eyes. “I thought you wanted things to be normal. Like they always were.”
“If I were married to you for real, I wouldn’t act like everything was normal!” Jaskier exploded. “Damn it, Geralt. I’d kiss you every morning and hold you every night. And I’d tell everyone we met -- everyone -- that I was the luckiest person on the continent, because this is my husband, the one and only Geralt of Rivia, and he’s the best man I’ve ever met.”
Jaskier shut his mouth. Too late, though. Too late to take any of that back.
Geralt’s brow was pinched, though it didn’t quite look like a frown. It almost made him look thoughtful.
Finally he looked at Jaskier raised an eyebrow. “Every morning?”
Jaskier felt all the fight leaving his body in one grand sweep. Geralt let him push him to his knees on the ground and allowed Jaskier to flop into his lap. Jaskier brushed a strand of hair from his face. “I’ve thought about kissing you every day for years,” Jaskier confessed.
And then he saw it -- one of Geralt’s oh-so-rare smiles. Not the forced grimace he adopted when he needed to look nonthreatening, or the tolerant lip twitch he’d give Jaskier when he was trying to be funny. No, this was a genuine Geralt smile, more precious than gemstones, the kind that lifted his entire face and reached his eyes.
Geralt threaded a hand into the back of his hair, brought their faces closer, and kissed him. At the touch of their lips every part of him went boneless, held up only by Geralt’s arms and a determination to make as much bodily contact as he possibly could.
His head was spinning by the time they pulled apart for air. Geralt’s eyes were sparkling, and Jaskier could have lost himself in that sight for the rest of his life and considered himself a lucky man.
Geralt leaned their foreheads together. “Will you stay with me?” he asked, very quietly. “Even if all I can offer you is charred squirrel and sleeping beneath the stars?”
“Always,” Jaskier promised, without a shadow of a doubt. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
Through the good and the bad, the injuries and the pain, the plenty and the lean times. Through it all, he wanted to be with Geralt.
Jaskier took Geralt’s hand in his and slotted their fingers together. Their rings lay next to each other, the elaborate gold of Jaskier’s crest shining against Geralt’s pale skin and the smooth silver encircling his own finger like an embrace.
It was all startlingly clear. “Marry me, Geralt,” he said, his heart welling over. “For real this time.”
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pinkmirth · 4 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ (ch.1 | feenin')
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Frenzied cheers buzzed throughout the raving auditorium, the basketball’s reverberating bounces against the slick court floor adding onto the thrill. This match was nothing but hyped, but in a good way so.
The sports chants of the college goers sounded rather foreign to you, since it wasn’t like you attended Stohess University anyway. The fellow audience around you were at the edge of their seats, hailing their team’s basketball players as the raving shouts began to sound borderline intoxicating. So much so that you couldn’t help but clap along to another school’s anthem.
“Havin’ fun?” Marco questions, the corners of his mouth upturned into a smile that showcased his quirky dimples. You beamed right back at the freckled male, plush lips curved into a grin of your own.
It all seemed trivial, just a friendly collegiate basketball match that your friends Jean and Marco had invited you to free of charge, but it was all the break you needed from your own studies and more.
“Hell yeah I am,” you chuckled in reply, “but you know what’d make it better?”
His doe brown eyes flitted between you and the vibrant box of candy in hand, which was seemingly low in supply after you and him dipped your hands in for a bite a countless number of times.
“A refill on these, yeah?” His claims were just as what you were thinking, earning your brief nod of agreement. Marco subtly shook the snackbox within his hold, the spare pieces left beginning to rattle around with the motion.
“You read my mind, Coco,” you grinned, rising up from your reserved seat with spare cash stuffed into your back pocket. “I’ll be right back, ‘aight?” He sends you a brief smile in compliance.
“Get the sour patch this time!”
“You got sour patch money..?”
He pursed his lips momentarily, unsure as to whether you had been joking or not. “M’just messing ‘round with you, Coco,” you snickered with a teasing grin, slipping a hand into your pocket to retrieve the few bucks. “It’s on me.” Was all you said before making your way through the crowded stands, descending down stair after stair.
“It’s only the first game of the season, and our pride and joy, the Stohess Scouts, are already dominating tonight’s guest competitors!” the commentator boomed through the mic, their voice adding onto the various noises that filled the gymnasium. “We’re calling for a halftime, but let’s keep our fingers crossed that Kirschtein can pull through with a fair amount of two-pointers by the upcoming final quarter—“
The mentioned name of your close friend makes you beam with pride, content that your Jeanie was the star of the show. You set eyes on the brunette from where you stood, who was now making his way to the sidelines for a desperately needed and duly earned swig of water, his light brown hair in a disarray of stray strands fraying out from underneath the simple hairband you’d given him a while back.
You eagerly began to flit down the stands to reach him, striding past the poor row of benched players, from the injured to the water boy.
Jean eventually takes notice of your arrival and instantly beams, subtle puffs of air leaving his agape lips after all the running and dribbling and such that came with game day.
The first thing you do is taunt upon your arrival,“Y’all had better win, Jeanie.”
As always, Jean only smirks. “You doubting that I won’t bring that trophy home, Pookie?” you playfully grimaced and let out a stifled laugh over the somewhat embarrassing nickname— one that you made up when the pair of you were seven, and it's the same one that he’s been holding onto for all these years, even at nineteen.
“Well, I’d be lying if I said you aren’t lookin’ pretty damn promising out there,” your reply is genuine, the soft grin that you display causing Jean to display one of his own. It was an affable, never ending cycle— you’d tease and he’d do it right back, until the both of you would laugh over it and depart with a brief smile.
“M’getting snacks, I’ll be back before the breaktime ends, okay?” Kirschtein briefly nods in compliance, sending a few adjusting tugs to the white basketball sleeve hugging his bicep before departing with the sharp squeak of his shoes sprinting against the court floor.
Once again, you find yourself strolling past every individual seated on the benches. You’re speed-walking alongside them, anticipating to retrieve a couple snacks for you and Marco, until something— Someone catches your eye.
It was brisk and almost too sudden, but flashes of green meet your line of vision. You managed to make out the blur of thick brows, long dark hair having been thrown into the messiest attempted bun, a modest, charming smile, and a pair of turquoise irises that seemingly peered into your own with an intensity that made you take it personal. Yet, you hardly even caught a good glimpse of their face, whoever they were.
You passed by said person a good thirty seconds ago, already pushing your way past the double doors and over to the vending machines stationed along the semi-populated hallway, but that striking gaze was still heavily implanted within your mind.
Hazy green-grey eyes, you recalled, accompanied with them shooting you the briefest grin just as you whisked by. Though, as recent as it was, that was all in the past now.
You glance around to see a decent handful of people here to buy food of their own, being perched at other vending machines. The snack-wielding contrivance before you isn't drawing much attention and doesn’t have an awaiting crowd standing around for a bag of potato chips, so you withdraw the dollars from your back pocket and attempt to straighten them out a bit before inserting them into the slot.
This sudden breathy gasp from a “random whoever” is something that you take notice of, but it isn’t enough to rip your attention away from your scavenge for Marco’s sour patch. To their dismay, you do nothing but continue with what you came to do. In your opinion, whoever that was had been getting a bit too close for comfort..
Albeit the evident way you choose to ignore, another whistle resounds, along with an unpleasantly suggestive hum. It sounds somewhat louder, and it seems much closer than before. You can’t help but tear your gaze away from slot E7 and look up, since it seems so directed towards you.
You've hardly turned around before being met with the abrupt presence of a stranger uninvitingly looming beside you, the man’s beaming grin seeming sickeningly sweet. Almost too approachable.
“Oh, I’m sorry to pop up out of the blue,” his apologies come out within a chuckle, and as inviting as he attempts to seem, your brows only furrow. “—but you really caught my attention!” He was greatly unfamiliar to you, some white male around your age with shaggy auburn hair and chestnut colored eyes in contrast. Despite his subtle charm, you weren't growing a liking to him and his stupid little smile.
“Oh,” You muse with a dull hum, pursing your glossed lips before releasing them with a slight pop, “Did I really?” His nod is too enthusiastic, and you hardly try to cover up the mug-like expression that overtook your features, eyes grazing across his plain face uninterestedly. You promptly slide the dollars right back into your pocket, “Nice to know. Can you mind your own now?”
“Wait! I'm not meaning to be a bother, but.. I don’t see girls like you around much..” You're instantly encased with a shiver of deep cringe, one that annoyingly scurries up your spine and makes your lip twitch into a vexed glower.
You emitted the most exaggerated huff, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, all the while glancing at the sheen glass of the vending machine to see your own reflection. It was plastered all across your face, yet this dense-ass man still couldn't get it; you were pissed-off.
Great. You internally groan, Another snow roach who thinks I’m exotic.
“I really appreciate how different you look,” Was he really still rambling on, despite knowing damn well that you were growing uncomfortable? Or maybe, he was just an utter dumbass and couldn't take the painfully obvious hints.
“You wanna know what I’d appreciate, hm?” You say sharply, taking a swift inhale through your nose, “If you left me alone.”
Your smooth, placid voice was the first thing that Eren heard when he trotted into the hallway, that of which sounded dulcet and intriguingly accentuated, but more annoyed than anything else. He turns the corner and is met with the sight of a bastard that looked too smug for his own good, and a girl, such a pretty girl, whose melanated skin even found a way to gleam under the shitty fluorescent school lights.
It then clicks in Eren’s mind, briefly but distinctively. You were the person who'd strolled by the bench that he was sitting on earlier. You were also the same one who did a double take upon seeing him, glancing once— No, twice, with those captivating eyes of yours. He remembered the way his leg started to bop along the floor with a newfound excitement that he just couldn't place. Though, more than anything else, Eren recalled that he did the exact same; hold his gaze and grin at the sight of you.
“Ah, but you can spare me a minute more, can’t you?” You respond with the swift roll of your eyes, eliciting an exasperated groan, “Nigga, I said bye.” Eren’s thick, neat brows falter into a furrowed position, looking upon the scenario that was being splayed out before him, which everyone else in that hall was seemingly content with ignoring. It couldn't have only been him that saw that this bastard was relentlessly bothering you, could it?
“Woah, no need to get aggressive,” Eren’s expression contorts into a grimace upon hearing every little word, the tips of his ears red with brewing rage. Despite his matured will to control his daily outburst of emotions, it was safe to say that he'd never exactly gotten past his trial of anger issues since he was a kid.
“Listen, this is my nice way of tellin’ you to fuck off, but I can get aggressive if you want.” Your offer sounds downright threatening, “Do you really want that?”
You’re snappy and direct, and Eren can't deny that he likes that. Though, as much as he's growing fond of your strong will and defensiveness, he knows he can't stand idly by all day, he just can't. Besides, everyone knew well— It was practically Eren Jaeger’s forte to intervene.
The green eyed male eventually begins to make his way towards the scene in the form of subtle limps, being cautious of his ankle sprain as he grows closer, which was the reasoning behind him being benched in the first place.
You were much too preoccupied with that cheeky, unrelenting bastard to notice the way that Eren was gradually coming over, anyway. What could he say? He was a fan of the element of surprise.
You halt in the middle of your opposing rant, growing aware of another’s emerging presence. You're yet again bombarded with somebody else making their way beside you with an act of stealth that you were unknowingly soon to be thankful of.
Before you get the chance to merely peer in their direction, tall, a long haired male clad in the black and grey Stohess basketball uniform is towering alongside you, his toned, burly arm slinking around your shoulder.
This sudden proximity leaves your head spinning in the best way possible, and how could it not? You don’t know a single thing about this alluring stranger, but he’s close, so close, and it gets your heart and mind racing miles in a minute. You were subtly, but instantly enraptured once the weight of his arm rests comfortably upon you.
Eren doesn’t pay the confused male not one glance, but instead tends to you and your own state of delighted shock. “Play it cool, alright? I wanna help.” Your breath instinctively hitches once he leans down to ease out his whispered plan into your ear, flashing you a consoling half smile.
You return a brief nod before dragging your eyes along the male’s face, which looks so much better up close. Your interpretation of his image was more literal and precise than you thought to be; The dark, long tresses that had been pulled back with the aid of a thin elastic scrunchie, his expressively thick brows, pink lips that upturned into a supportive smirk, and those sea-green eyes that left you feeling weak right in the knees.
Albeit Eren’s prior grin, he eventually turns his attention towards the unrelenting man for a second or two. In that moment, his expression speedily grew all the more intense, practically sharper than before, and contorted into something of a scowl. Although, you can tell he’s trying so hard to channel his temper and mask away his revulsion.
“I’ve been, ah.. waiting for you to come back to your seat!” Eren begins to improvise, flashing you a subtle gleam that made it seem as though the pair of you were familiar with each other. “S’been a while since then."
He purses his lips within a pause, nimble fingers draping along your shoulder before shooting you a reassuring squeeze, "Is it ‘cause this bastard is keeping you occupied? He’s bothering you, isn't he?”
You're damn near close to stammering over the words that were bound to leave your mouth. Though, it doesn't take much for you to regain yourself. Your lips fall slightly agape all the while you briskly dragged your line of vision along his charming features, but your response follows after in a quick manner. It was just that you couldn't help how his unnerving gaze left you mesmerized.
“—Yes. Yes he is.” You hum, accompanying the claim with your hands crossing over your chest as you leaned into his grasp, in an attempt to appear convincing. Your confession sounded assured and stern, which was the complete opposite of how girls would act around him.
Eren knew well of the doting effect that he had on females— It was hard to forget when he’d merely ask for a spare pencil and wind up with an unasked phone number in return. Though, he admired the way you saw him as any other person and played along so well.
The brown-haired male scornfully laughs, and just the sound of him leaves you feeling uncomfy, “Whaddya' mean? We were just having a small chat, isn't that right?” Your contorted expression is full-fledged disrespectful, and Eren has to stifle his chuckle over your unsmiling glare and scrunched up nose. Damn, were you entertaining.
“Small chat, huh? Well, it was real one sided..” You voice out an irked murmur, “You're over exaggerating, you just haven’t warmed up to me yet—”
“If I didn’t know any better,” Eren makes a very much intended interruption, “I’d say that she doesn’t want to mingle with a sorry bastard that should leave her alone already.” You note at the subtle flex of Eren’s clenching jaw, signifying the way his already weary patience was running rather thin.
“Bastard—? Wait, who even are you?”
“Who am I, huh?” scoffs the green eyed male alongside you, a twinge of drawled hesitance in his voice. Eren pauses momentarily, only now beginning to realize that his little hero act wasn’t as planned out as he thought to be.
What could he say that would be persuasive enough to get this sorry fucker to leave you alone other than throwing fists unnecessarily? Jaeger’s emerald-hued eyes eventually light up in the dawn of an idea. One that he’s somewhat unsure of, but it’s much better than nothing.
Besides, this plan of his had been set in stone by the very moment he had draped his bare arm around you and shot you that all-too-suggestive smile, so he might as well finish what he started.
Eren’s touch trails downwards swiftly, spreading riveting tingles from your shoulder down to your forearm, then along your wrist, and even past there. His hand is now encasing the left side of your hip as his lithe fingers press into the curve of your supple waist. He takes a light inhale, giving you a light squeeze with his large palm, as though signaling for you to brace yourself over what he was bound to say.
“—I'm her boyfriend.”
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thebeebi · 4 years
You will be beautiful.
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pairing: Taehyung x reader
warnings: disturbing, violence, yandere theme... can’t tell you much, because then it would not create the wow effect I wanted. ;)
genre: modern, rich boy / poor girl
word count: 4.4k
a/n: it would be better if you eat before reading this hahaha, you’ve been warned!  There might be some gram. mistakes. English is not my first language. Enjooooy ♥ 
...Y/N stopped walking and stood still, hypnotized by Taehyung’s every movement. Something about him was so attractive to her, that she forgot about the outside world. Not only was he handsome and her ideal type, but there was this strange aura around him that made her halt her steps and just adore his visuals. She stared at him so intensively, that even he felt it and looked up from his phone, looking around feeling something weird. He was unsure what it was until he met her gaze. To Y/N, it felt like an eternity when they locked their eyes, but Taehyung swiftly looked back to his phone smirking while whispering silently: “beautiful.” 
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They were so different. He was one of the most wanted men in the world. Not only he was born with a silver spoon but also his physical features were out of this world. She was just an ordinary girl not very pretty, but also not ugly, a bit of weight to spare. Since childhood, Y/N had several health problems, which resulted in the scale to show three digits of her weight. This caused both others and her, to hate herself. She hated her body until he showed up one day. When she saw him for the first time, her legs started shaking. It was when she was coming out of the university’s areal while complaining to her best friend, Hwasa, about her day and how others made fun of her weight. Y/N thought that once she changes the environment and enrols at university, people would act more mature and the bullying would stop. She hoped people would stop caring about her weight and looks, but nothing changed. As it was a problem at her high school.  It was even worse at the university because at lectures she attended there were about 200 people. She felt unwell even if she only had to pass through the lecture hall to find the seat. Usually, when the lecture ended she would go out hearing other people’s whispers or some rude guys shouting rude remarks at her. Elephant. Whale. Roach. It was more than often that she ran out of there with teary eyes without waiting for the lecture to finish. That was the day she met Taehyung. He stood in front of the gate while typing furiously into his phone. Even though he was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen, Y/N realised she would not have any chance with him. Ever. Hwasa, who was waiting for her, ran towards her bigger friend and started talking about her boring day and what she has to do once she gets home, but Y/N paid no attention to her words. While Hwasa was talking about homework, Y/N stopped walking and stood still, hypnotized by Taehyung’s every movement. Something about him was so attractive to her, that she forgot about the outside world. Not only was he handsome and her ideal type, but there was this strange aura around him that made her halt her steps and just adore his visuals. She stared at him so intensively, that even he felt it and looked up from his phone, looking around feeling something weird. He was unsure what it was until he met her gaze. To Y/N, it felt like an eternity when they locked their eyes, but Taehyung swiftly looked back to his phone smirking while whispering silently: “beautiful.”
 “Beautiful,” Taehyung whispered when he looked away from the girl who was staring at him. Unknowingly, the girl was for him the most beautiful human he had ever seen. Her size, face without any scar and for sure she had a perfect body. Her body would be worth it. Taehyung would give her all his attention if he only did not have to deal with the problem in his company. He thought that he would just shortly reply to the stupid texts and look back 
 “Don’t forget the homework we have to submit due to-“ Hwasa turned to Y/N while explaining the importance of the papers they have to submit, but it was only then that she realised her friend is nowhere close to her. She looked around looking for her friend, but couldn’t find her. “Y/N?” She shouted walking back to the place where she has last seen Y/N. When she recognized a familiar figure, Hwasa waved at her shouting her name once again. When Y/N heard her name, she looked away from the mysterious man and waved back. “Why are you still here, Y/N? Let’s go!“ She said as she started pulling her hand leading them in the direction they were supposed to go. Again. I wanna see him again. As Hwasa tried her best to walk her toward the crossroad, Y/N turned her head towards the man but was surprised when he was already looking at her. Their eyes were locked until the two girls walked around the corner.
 “Beautiful,” Taehyung whispered when he looked away from the girl who was staring at him. Unknowingly, the girl was for him the most beautiful human he had ever seen. Her size, face without any scar and for sure she had a perfect body. Her body would be worth it. Taehyung would give her all his attention if he only did not have to deal with the problem in his company. He thought that he would just shortly reply to the stupid texts and look back at the mysterious beauty. He wanted to know her name and everything there is possibly to know, but before he could ask her, Taehyung heard a random girl shouting a name. When he looked up from his phone, Taehyung saw a skinny girl pulling his beauty away from him. “Why are you still here, Y/N? Let’s go!“ Taehyung inhaled deeply as he was trying to smell her fragrance. Y/N. He looked at the girl and saw that girl named Y/N is turning to look at him again until he lost her from sight. Right away, Taehyung pulled out the phone from his leather jacket, which he had designed and sewn up. Dialled his assistant’s number, waiting for him to pick up before giving him information about his beauty. “ XY National University, her name is Y/N,” he considered giving his assistant more information but at the same time he did not know anything else about his goddess, so he decided to just stay still. “Find her,” Taehyung said and ended the call before Mr Kim could say anything. Taehyung no longer cared about his company, nor any problems they were currently in. The only thing he wanted was her, Y/N.
It has been a few days since he met his beauty. Not only did he find out Y/N’s full name, address, amount of money she has on her card, but he finally had something he wanted. Her phone number, so he could call her. Even though he waited for her in front of the university every day, she did not show up, so he started to visit her favourite cafés and library. He tried his best to meet her, but it was like she disappeared. If he hadn’t find out all information about her, he would think she was just a beautiful dream. “So beautiful…” he sighed, while small scalpel was slowly cutting into the leather. Taehyung was in the studio, in which no other living being stepped into. It was a small workroom, in which A´he stored all the stuff for his hobby. He created most of the leather clothes and other stuff he wears in this room. The studio was dark, not only walls were painted to black. Even a sofa, which was near the window, was made of dark green satin and all other furniture was made of dark oak.
“Ring. Ring. Ring.”
Taehyung looked at ID showed on the screen of the phone, while softly stroking the leather which he was trying to straighten up and with disgust, he picked up the phone. “I am listening.“ Taehyung said, when he pressed the green button, making known to his assistant that he is ready to hear everything his assistant has to say. “That girl is at work, sir.” It was all Taehyung needed to hear before leaving all stuff alone running towards the car, wanting to meet his beauty. When he arrived in front of the café she worked at, Taehyung looked in the mirror making sure he looked good for the girl he wanted to meet for the past week. A strange smile appeared on his lips that did not disappear even after leaving his car, walking up to the door of her workplace.
Y/N turned towards the sound of the doorbell that rang that day for the hundredth time. “Welcome,” she said automatically without even looking at the man who just entered. Taking the rug to wipe tables, she sighed. I want my shift the end. I want to go home. She thought as she put the dirty rug to side and took little notepad to write down the orders from the customers. Y/N walked from one table to other asking what people want to order, if everything is alright and had small talks with customers until she got to the darkest corner of the café, which was lit up only by little light chains. “Hello, what would you like to or-“she wanted to ask, but words got stuck in her throat as she was who was sitting in front of her. It’s him! Y/N didn’t know how to react, should she jump around feeling happy or just turn around and run away from there, never coming back again. The latter option was more appealing but she needed the money to survive so she just coughed up, pretending that something was stuck in her throat, not wanting to show a handsome stranger that his presence influenced her. “Sorry about that. What would you like to order?” Taehyung who was amused by her behaviour was trying to read all the little details about her face and just mumbled so she could not hear him: “You.” Y/N thought she heard something, but wasn’t sure because she has been overworking herself lately, so she repeated the question: “Sorry, I did not hear you. What would you like to order?” Taehyung tried his best not to repeat his answer and rather decided to point at the advertised drink on the table. She nodded and went to the bar, so she could make him a black coffee Taehyung ordered. He watched her every move so it was obvious he did not miss her being clumsy. She somehow burned her hand and yanked her hand away from hot steam. That will leave the scar. He thought as looked away from her figure while she started walking towards him. Y/N came closer, preparing to put down the cup of coffee, Taehyung pushed the table which resulted in her spilling the coffee on the table and also somehow managed to stain his pants. As he felt hot liquid touch his tight, he stood up from the chair fast and made a sound that made everyone in the café focus on them. Only then did Y/N realise what was going on. “Gosh! I don’t know how this happened. I am so sorry!” Y/N shouted with teary eyes bowing to the handsome man. That was what Taehyung wanted. To see her being helpless. How perfect she looked when tears were staining her rosy cheeks. Even if Taehyung felt the pain, it was nothing compared to the bliss he felt when she cried. “It is alright, stuff like this happens, right?” he laughed and he softly pushed away your hand from his stained jeans. Y/N runs toward the place where she put the rug she was cleaning tables with and walked toward Taehyung, trying to make things better. Even though Taehyung was disgusted with cloth in her hand, he let her try to wipe away stains. “Sir, I am really sorry. I will do anything to apologize.” That is what Taehyung wanted to hear. He had to bit into his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing. How gullible, just how I wanted. My plan is perfect. He knew what he wanted. He had everything planned. All she had to do was to say yes. “If you want to apologize, then go on a date with me” Y/N wasn’t sure if she heard him correctly. Why would he want to go on a date with her, if all she did was cause him pain? She was not sure why he would want to go on a date with her. Is he making fun of me? She thought but before she could think of other negative thoughts, Y/N decided to shake them away. “Please, choose something else how I can apologize to you.” She looked at her shoes, not wanting to meet stranger’s eyes knowing that her thoughts must be right and that he is just trying to make fun of her. “Y/N,” said the stranger, but it was all it took for her to look into his eyes. She should not have done that and she was well aware of that. When she met him for the first time, she could not stop staring at him but now? When she is only a few centimetres away from his face? Impossible to look at anything else! “It is the only way to show me how sorry you are,” Taehyung said not breaking the eye contact between them. He knew she would say yes the moment when she did not ask him how he knew her name. He knew everything about her and that was why he knew she would not reject his proposal. “-but I” Y/N tried to find an excuse until Taehyung said calmly “-the only way”. Y/N wanted to find an excuse for not going on a date with him, but Taehyung’s  voice stopped her from interrupting again. “My name’s Taehyung, you finish at 6pm, right?” He asked her even though he knew when she finishes. He even knew that whenever she finishes her work for the day, she goes to a small convenience store for two minutes, so she can buy a grape soda in a can. She nodded and added that she will be done in 30 minutes. “I will wait for you.” Taehyung said as he sits down again in the corner of the café.
Time went by and after 45 minutes, Taehyung stood up from the chair, paid for his coffee and walked out of the café. He thought, that he should wait for her outside because otherwise, it would feel like he waited forever. The thought of her leaving without notifying him was so strong that it slowly but surely started to anger him. Where is she? Did she leave just like that? When I meet her, I am going to twist her n-. “I am sorry for being late. I hope you don’t mind.” Y/N said while smiling fixing her hair which was ruffled because of changing her uniform. Taehyung wanted to show how angry he was but decided to hold back not wanting to scare her. “Let’s have dinner at my place. My car is over there.“ He pointed at the yellow sports car. Y/N did not have a good feeling about this sudden invitation to a dinner date, but after all, she caused his inconvenience. Even though he was still a stranger, a very good-looking stranger, she decided to go with a flow forgetting about the warning sign in her head. Rational thinking told her to not go, but her heart wanted more than just a meeting. Not wanting to waste any more time thinking whether it was right or not, she walked towards the opened door of the yellow car and sat down looking around the leather interior which made her consider what kind of leather it was. The inside of the car smelled like her favourite lotion. Meanwhile, Taehyung walked around to get to the driver seat, she softly touched the beige cover of a steering wheel. “This smell is amazing, it reminds me of my body lotion” She giggled and looked at Taehyung who sat down to his seat. He smiled at her and with long fingers stroked the steering wheel. “Every bit of leather you see on my and in my car was sewn by me. It first, I had to remove meat and then I started working with leather in my studio.” Admitted Taehyung and added: “You are right. It smells here as the lotion because I used it. It is the best one on the market.” He looked away from Y/N and silently started the car, so they would arrive sooner to his house.
The ride took about twenty minutes before they arrived at Taehyung’s house, during which Y/N fell asleep. She was awakened to the sound of a door being closed. She wanted to open the door, but Taehyung was faster and opened it for her with a smile on his lips. “I hope you are hungry because I want to prepare something very special. Just for you.” Y/N smiled at him but shook her head. “I am dieting, I can’t eat much nor eat any meat.” Taehyung inhaled sharply and closed the door to the car once Y/N was out. “Then you should make today an exception. I will let you eat the meat of the best quality. It is worth it!��� When they entered the house, she stayed silent trying to understand why this wealthy man asked her to dine with him. “This way,” Taehyung said while pointing in the direction of a huge living room. When she followed him and entered the room, he took remote control to switch on the television and put a hand on her shoulder. “I am going to cook, just stay here and relax. Okay?” Before she could say anything, he disappeared from the room.
He made sure Y/N was not following him when he got to narrow hall and looked around once again making sure no one was around him. Before he entered his workroom, he exhaled and nodded while smirking. Beautiful. He started walking towards the fridge, which is in the back, he stopped midway next to the table, on which he left his work earlier. He looked at the unfinished piece of leather and sighed. He touched it the only bit that had a little imperfection and frowned. Even after three days of working on it, he couldn’t get rid of the imperfections. “You could have been so beautiful but this…” Taehyung shook his head and walked to the fridge pulling out the piece of meat which he decided to make for dinner. “At least you will taste good.” He added walking away from his workroom and after exiting it, he stood still waiting for the door to lock automatically before heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
It has been an hour already. What is taking him so long? Y/N thought as she started walking around the room for the fifth time already. His entire house was furnished in a minimalistic style that even if she tried to look for any more decoration or picture, she wouldn’t find any. When she was about to walk to the window, Taehyung appeared while announcing that dinner is ready. “Come with me.” He came closer to her and held her hand trying to walk with her to the dining hall with a huge table that has been set up for two. Taehyung smiled at her sweetly and pulled the chair for her to sit down. When she did, he walked across the table and sat down himself. So romantic. She looked at the lit candles but soon enough threw away the thought knowing there would be nothing between them. “I will give you a little test.” Said Taehyung with which he made Y/N focus her attention on him. Even though she was a really shy person, that did not mean she wasn’t competitive. “What test?” Taehyung smirked and added: “I hunted this by myself. Can you guess what kind of meat is this?” Y/N was unsure what kind of test it was, but her growling stomach decided to play along. When Taehyung pointed at her plate, she took a knife and fork and started cutting up the served delicacy. When she put the first bit in her mouth, she was sure she has never tasted this kind of meat before. Pork? No, it was too different from the taste I know. Beef? Maybe, but some special kind. She wasn’t sure, but before she could try more of it, it was all gone. Taehyung was looking at her without paying attention to his plate. “Liked it?” he asked as he noticed she finished her meal. “Yes, I don’t think I have eaten a better meal than this. What was it? My guess is beef, but I am still not sure.” Instead of answering her question, Taehyung smiled and asked her. “What are your hobbies, Y/N?“ Forgetting their previous conversation, she stayed silent for a bit but admitted that no one has ever asked her about her hobbies. “I would say painting, what about yours, Taehyung?” It was the first time she has ever said his name aloud, but he already felt intoxicated with the idea of her screaming his name later on. How beautiful it would sound. He stood up from the table and took wine glass to his hands. “I love working with leather. I think it is the only thing I enjoy in this world.” Taehyung helped her stand up. “Do you want to see my workroom?” Y/N nodded and let him show the way towards the little room no other living human saw but him. When they got to the narrow hall, he pushed her carefully forward making her stand in front of the door which was locked with code. What could be so important, that he keeps it behind the locked door in his own house? Taehyung took her hand in his own and lead her to touch screen. “I will tell you the code, you can type it.” He laughed as she touched the screen that suddenly lit up. “7,” said Taehyung and she repeated. “7,” “7 7 5 5 4 4 4 6 6,” Taehyung revealed the secret passcode as Y/N softly whispered the numbers while pressing them on the screen. She focused her attention on the door as she hears the sound of unlocking. She pushed the door, so it would open but before she looked inside, her gaze met Taehyung’s with a smile.
Taehyung pressed himself on her back while trying to push open the door Y/N tried to open before. When her eyes went from Taehyung to the dark room, with courageous steps she walked in and looked around. His workroom was nothing special. Y/N noticed small fridge, huge and for sure heavy furniture, large table and wide glass case with some strange looking tools. She walked past the table to look closely at the tools, which Taehyung uses for his hobby. Her fast steps slowed down before they completely halted. Why would he keep in his workroom something like this? She thought as she touched the glass of the case. “Why would you need captive bolt stunner? She looked at the gun used for killing animals that were in her opinion too inhumane. “Don’t you like working with leather?” She suddenly felt unwell. Since she was born, she despised people who enjoy hurting animals. “How could you do this to them? Don’t you like animals?” Taehyung looked her amused. “I do, but… who told you I use these tools on animals?” A smile that was there before, is now long gone and so was the inner peace which has Y/N felt before. Through reflection on the glass, she looked into his eyes but she no longer saw the sweet, hot man who she met in front of her university or at the café. “I have to go!” She said after she gulped even though her mouth was dry. She turned around, determined to leave but Taehyung stood before her to block her steps. “Where would you go? You haven’t seen everything yet.” He placed his hand on her shoulders making her turn towards the table. He digs his nails into her shoulders as he pushed her forward. At first, Y/N did not understand what was so important but when she saw the leather on the table, her face turned pale. Is that skin? “Do you see that, Y/N? Do you see the imperfection?” Taehyung pointed at the tattoo. “I didn’t know she had that. Otherwise, I would have never asked her to eat dinner with me. I wouldn’t share with her same delicacy I served you tonight.” She widened her eyes realising what was going on with tears in them. “But I forgive her that she did something so horrible to her skin. At least she tasted nice.” He laughed and held her chin between his thumb and index finger and with that he made her look at him. “You don’t have any tattoo, right?” Her silence changed to heart-breaking cries. When Taehyung did not receive the answer he wanted to hear, he asked again, but this time with more emphasis on the last word. “Right?!” The only thing she could do was nod slowly. “Great! Do you remember the jacket I was wearing when we met for the first time?” He inhaled sharply and continued: “It is worn-out already and I need a new one. When I saw you for the first time and your beautiful huge body, I knew right away that you will make a perfect materia-” “NO!” Y/N shouted trying to push him away but it was all in vain. “I hope you did not expect getting that delicacy without me getting anything in return?” Even if she knew something was up, she wished and prayed that her hunch was not right. “What are you talking about? I don’t get it!” She was confused and not ready to accept reality, but as she heard the door that was before opened automatically locking, she knew it was the end. “You tasted her precious flesh.” His head moved to the direction of the table. What I ate was a human flesh? She was ready to throw it all up as she tried to push her fingers up her throat but Taehyung helps both of her hand. “And since you did not pass my test,” She was not looking at Taehyung, but his eyes were filled with love for her body as he licked his lower lip. “…now you will be another test for another beauty I will meet later on.” As she could not bear what he was saying, Y/N fainted in his arms, but he let her fall on the cold floor. He saw that so many times that it started getting hilarious. “Oh dear Y/N, just as these was Hana and Jennie, from whom I made the cover for seats in my car, there was also Joy from whom I made my jacket. The pity is that Jane had the tattoo on her skin, otherwise I would use her for my new jacket. And now … You are here. And in the future, there will be others who will not pass my test.” He sighed as he walked towards the glass case and pulled out the captive bolt stunner. You will be beautiful.
a/n: I hid something in the code,  I wonder if you can decipher it. :) 
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 21
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.72K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔞/𝔫: in regards to the banner above...yes tae if i also looked like you i would want to kiss myself too
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear |@mangminnie | @pixiekooo
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Some people are connected.
Aren't they?
When you meet them, it’s as though something clicks. Something inside that tells you some unimaginable being has brought you together. A hidden string tying you to the other, drawing you slowly across the universe just to meet each other.
And once you’re connected…
Do you ever really let go of them?
Groaning, Taeyhung turns over in his bed for the thousandth time.
Why is this so hard?
Letting out an exasperated sigh, he lies on his back, sheets and comforter scattered, as he stares up at the ceiling. Glaring up at it with his eyebrows furrowed tightly together, he purses his lip into a pout, his jaw set defiantly.
“This is your fault.” He mutters underneath his breath, before running his hand absentmindedly through the tangled locks of his hair. “I don’t know how...but all of this is your fault.”
When the ceiling doesn’t answer him, he gives it a look before rolling out of bed, not really caring if he brings the covers along with him. As they fall from the tangles around his body, and rest safely on the floor, he catches the reflection of his eyes in the full-length mirror he keeps expertly held on the sliding door which hides his clothes closet. Biting his lip, he hesitates a bit before heading over to the mirror and taking his reflection in.
He’s grown a bit taller...perhaps half an inch. Don’t worry Namjoon hyung, one day I’ll be as tall as you. Though he smirks a bit at the thought, it quickly vanishes as his gaze travels to more points in his reflection. His dark glazed eyes, his mess of curls resting on his head, his slightly pale lips. Almost despondent, he pulls aside the already halfway buttoned down shirt and presses his fingers against his stomach. He smiles back to when all that was there was a soft belly. When he didn’t care as much.
When did he start caring?
Was it when he saw everything that ARMYs felt about him? When he realized just how double sided they could be? Was it when he realized that they really did care what he showed them? That if he showed them who he really was…
They would just walk away?
He knows he probably shouldn’t have read those comments, that he shouldn't have seen what some people have said...but did they forget that he could see everything they said?
Did they forget how much he gave...how much he sacrificed for them?
And when he shows them all of him…
The good and the bad…
"Kim Taehyung seems a bit rude…
He doesn’t care at all about BTS.
You think he needs them? If he were given a chance he would just leave.
Kim Taehyung is too moody. He’s happy one moment but sad the next.
Don’t you think fame has changed him? He seems so cocky.
What’s wrong with Kim Taehyung lately? Doesn’t he seem depressed?
Honestly, if I had to put my money on it, he’d be the first one to leave.
He’s so untalented.
BTS is filled with a group of 6 very talented, beautiful, and handsome young men. And then there’s the roach called Kim Taehyung.
Why doesn’t Kim Taehyung just leave? If you’re really bored with everything by now, why don’t you just leave?
Do us a favor and stop pretending.
Just leave."
Taehyung winces at the overwhelming amount of bad memories slamming into his inner consciousness. He tries to forget them, but every time he looks in the mirror, he can see them reflected back at him. As though they were burned deep into his skin. As though the sign of hard muscle beneath his fingertips is a scar he can’t escape.
The only thing he can remember, the only thing he can think about when he sees himself, is what they have molded him into.
The beautiful, the perfect sculpture which they call V.
Defiantly, flames burning in his eyes, he meets his gaze in the mirror. Anger and hurt mixing together into one painful chaos inside his chest, his gaze darkens before he swings back his fist and rams it deep into the mirror. As the glass shatters and sharp, iridescent pieces dig maliciously into his skin, he breathes heavily and glares up at his broken reflection. Into the dull dim hue of his hazelnut haze.
Eyes which have changed from bright beautiful saucers that could only see the sky...
To a gap of emptiness which cannot be filled.
Reflecting the cold abyss he feels in his own heart.
As thick blood begins to numbingly ooze from the cuts in his skin, he hardly flinches. The iron taste playing sinisterly on his lips, he can’t help but relish in the pain. Is this what he deserves? Is this what they want now that he’s not who he was before? Now that he’s grown, changed even the slightest bit? He almost wants to push his fist deeper into the glass, deepen the pain, all to distract him from the roar in his ears.
The constant screaming inside his mind.
He did everything they wanted him to do. He smiled for them, hid the inner part of him screaming, brushed away any hateful comments, any people who hurt him, and laughed through all the pain. He became a bigger person and grew.
He did it all for them.
He did it all for the sake of BTS.
Because he loved ARMY. Because he loved his hyungs.
Because this was his dream.
He became the man they all wanted.
He became V.
So why?
Why is it the moment he starts to let go of the mask, the moment he starts to become himself in front of their eyes...
Why do they turn against him as though he had never existed in the first place?
As though they didn’t beg him to hide.
As though all his efforts…
Meant nothing after all.
The worst part of it all…
Was that he let go for them.
Because he wasn’t willing to say goodbye.
The soft ring of his alarm breaks him out of his thoughts and his hand falls to his side as he turns to the sound. Sighing, he runs his hand through his tangled mess of hair picking up a tissue on the way to his dresser, and wiping off the thin trails of blood the cuts brought forth. In the back of his mind, he scoffs at the fact that that’s the third mirror he’s broken this week. Perhaps he needs a break. Looking up at the ceiling, he takes a deep breath.
A break from myself.
Picking up the phone he quickly dismisses the alarm, and finds himself staring at the lock screen in dismay.
To this day, Taehyung still uses the Galaxy BTS phone made especially for them and ARMY. Jimin absolutely loved the thing, and Taehyung treasures it with a quiet wonder. When he finally moved everything from his old phone to this one, he used it daily, even if it wasn’t always in front of the cameras. Back then when they had to leave for a while, looking at it gave him strength to go on. To head back to them. To see ARMY again.
Looking at it now, he wonders if it’s actually real.
If the love ARMY gives them…
Isn’t all just a lie.
When the phone buzzes suddenly, Taehyung lets out a small yelp, fumbling as his phone flies halfway in the air. Luckily, he’s able to catch it before it falls. Letting out a small breath of relief, he checks the random message that has popped up on his lock screen, peering to see who it belongs to.
Eyes widening, he nearly drops his phone again.
Stumbling to catch it, he falls on top of his pile of sheets and blankets, but thankfully the phone falls in his outstretched hands securely.
It's you.
Why is it always you?
Shocked, he slowly unlocks the phone, opening your little message. As it pulls up on his screen, he softly smiles.
Good morning, Mr. Pan.
It's such a simple message. Such short, sweet words said out of consideration and kindness. You sent it as a second thought, somehow knowing that he might need a smile after the amount of trouble he must have gotten in yesterday. He doesn't know this. All he knows is that a mere mention from you has made everything all right again.
It clears his mind, allows him to focus, saves him from the darkness continuing to choke him in its hold.
He picks up his phone and presses a button, before holding it up to his ear. It rings into the dead silence for a couple of seconds, making Taehyung a bit nervous. For a moment, he doesn't know if you're going to pick up, but once he hears the familiar click and the steady sound of your breathing, he can feel a rush of relief spreading through his body and leaving nothing but happiness.
"Hello?" You nearly whisper, a bit in shock. He can hear it over the phone and, sitting up, he doesn't notice as the gorgeous smile grows.
It’s funny how he didn’t realize until he heard your voice, that his head and his mind was filled with thoughts of you.
On the other line, you smile softly, finding the same truth.
Was it only yesterday that your dream came true?
He finally did it. He spoke to you.
Things should be over right?
But you find yourselves wanting…
"Good morning." He teases in response to your recent message and you have to refrain yourself from groaning in embarrassment. "Did you sleep well?"
Hearing his innocent voice and the deep lure to it so early in the morning makes you wonder if you're dreaming. Smiling on the other line, you cup your hands around your phone, pulling it close to your cheek and smile, unable to stop the happy pink hue from creeping onto your rosy cheeks.
"Yes." You reply, a bit of excitement creeping into your voice from the giddy fact that you’re talking to him. "I slept like a baby...what about you?"
You decide to keep from him the fact that you hardly slept last night. Your constant nightmares and terrors of panic scared you. They made you afraid, thinking that if you closed your eyes, you would once more be lost in a deep sleep. Trapped in the hidden corners of your mind.
He smiles on the other line a bit sadly, deciding to keep the fact that he didn't sleep half the night to himself, lost in the whirlpool of hateful comments and slurs towards him. Towards BTS. He decides to hide the truth that the only thing that was able to let him sleep that night was the sight of your phone number held tightly within his hands.
"Yeah...yeah I slept alright." He says, unable to mask the catch in his voice. Your eyes widening in concern, you open your mouth to ask if he's alright, but he quickly clears his throat and changes the topic.
“How’s your ankle?” Even though you know he asked the question to change the subject, you can't help but wince.
Your ankle hasn’t shown much improvement.
The swelling has gone down and you're able to stand on it, but every time you try to walk, numb pain still courses up your veins. It's still pretty bruised, but what is there that you can do? You've already slipped on an ice pack, wrapping it carefully around your ankle to prepare you for the day, but you know it's going to be quite the uncomfortable ride.
You hesitate, pondering whether or not to tell him this, but he continues on the other line.
“Yen?” The way he whispers your name makes you melt inside. So concerned and full of worry, you wonder if you truly deserve this small blessing. The blessing to know someone like him. “Are you okay? Does it still hurt?”
The blessing to be able to speak to him.
Smiling, you shake your head before responding, slightly struck speechless.
“Yes, I’m fine...your ice pack yesterday really helped so I’m all ready to head to work today. Don't worry, I’m fully prepared with an ice pack of my own in case the bruise starts to bother me…” You start rambling, trying to reassure him that everything will be fine, while on the other line, his eyes go wide with protective anger.
You’re doing it again.
Forcing yourself to continue, when you should be looking to take care of yourself.
Not the other way around.
“No.” He says interrupting your slight tangent, and you flinch, pausing and your grip clenching tightly around the phone. You knew this would happen. You knew that he would be upset. That’s why you shouldn’t have said anything. Somehow, this frustrates you. You know it shouldn’t, after all he’s just looking after you, but you can take care of yourself. You aren’t some damsel in distress that needs saving.
Trying hard to forget what you’d rather not remember, you sigh, massaging your temple.
“Taehyung, I’m fine. I really am--”
“I don't believe you. And even if you were telling the truth, you should at least rest it for a day at least! Do you want to worsen it because you decided to push yourself?” Shocked at his sincere and concerned tone, you really don't know what to say. You know he’s right, but you can’t help but feel that if you listen to him, if you rest easy for just today, you’ll be letting someone down.
Namjoon is waiting for you.
He doesn’t know that your ankle is bruised, nor that you could sprain or quite possibly break it if you try to come into work today. But you’ve already been late once before. Today was supposed to be your first official day on the job. He was counting on you to be there.
Hoping that he’d be able to rely on you.
You can’t help but feel that if you decide to stay...that you'd be letting him down.
You don’t want to let him down.
You can’t let him down.
Glancing down at your ankle, you grimace a bit as you bitterly smile.
This is just a minor bump in the road isn’t it? All you're doing is offering a small sacrifice so that you can be there for him. So that you can carry out your job, your obligation as his manager. He should know that you will always be there to help. Isn’t that what a manager should do? You have a duty, an obligation...a simple bruise shouldn’t get in the way of that. After all the ways you let him down yesterday, and the kind way he treated you in spite of that...isn’t that the least you can do? You can afford to give something in return...after all he’s given you already.
Yes...this is nothing…
Taehyung wouldn’t understand…
Taking a deep breath, you respond to him.
“Taehyung, I really appreciate your concern but…”
“If you say you’re fine I am going to come to your apartment and force you back into your bed.” He replies so steadily and sternly that it’s hard for you to conceal your burst of laughter. He hears, however and grows a tiny bit offended, not willing to admit that the sound of your laughter brought a little bit more light into his clouded mind.
“You think I’m joking?!” He shouts on the other line, and you can’t keep it back anymore, your laughter spilling over and melodiously carrying itself through the line and into Taehyung’s small, scattered room. He smiles at the fact that he was able to make you laugh, although it wasn’t his intention. That just like that...you were able to make everything seem alright again. It’s almost as though a mere smile from you, a simple laugh escaping from your lips…
Makes the world a little bit brighter to him.
“I-I’m sorry…!” You manage to gasp out between your small fits of giggles. “It’s just the thought of you walking over here all angry and trying to force me back in bed…” You break off at the end, your sweet melodic laugh ringing high in the air once more, and he can’t help but crack a smile, eventually laughing along with you. After a moment, once the laughter subsides, each of you glance toward the phone as though that would help you see the other's face, or at least imagine it as though you were standing right next to each other.
Taehyung smiles a bit before glancing away and closing his eyes in serenity.
“Yen?” he murmurs softly, his eyes opening a fraction of an inch as he stares into the distance, almost imagining your smiling face right in front of him. At the sound of him saying your name once more, your eyes flash towards the phone, a bit surprised. It takes you a moment, but you eventually answer, a small smile growing on your lips.
“Yes?” you respond, your hands once more finding themselves cupping around the phone almost as if you held onto it a little bit tighter he would magically stay with you just a little bit longer. Offer you this comfort for just a bit more.
Is that too much to ask?
You know it is and yet you can’t help yourself from wishing for it.
Wishing that you had...more.
“I want you to know that I’m saying this with the best interests for you in mind.” He answers, and your brow crinkles a bit, wondering what he’s going to do this time. Taking a deep breath, he ponders whether or not to say the words, but he decides to do it anyway. Your safety is the most important after all.
“Don’t come to work today. Please stay home, and take care of yourself. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Startled, you open your mouth to answer, to refuse the kind request, to let him know that you’re going to head to work anyway, but he’s already hung up the phone, leaving you dumbfounded. Your heart pacing a million miles per hour, his last few words lingering in your mind.
I don’t want to see you get hurt.
“Who gave you the right?” you murmur softly, your hands rising furiously to hide the growing hot blush against your cheeks against your will. The hot tears that begin to push against your eyes, threatening to escape out of the cage you have held them in for so long.
“Who told you to care so much about me?”
Taehyung, after hanging up the phone, has completely forgotten about everything else but you. He smiles a bit sheepishly at the cheesy things he’s said and stares at the empty screen where your profile pic rests, safe in his contacts. He can’t help but wonder how you do it.
How with a few simple words…
You make everything okay again.
Turning to his closet, he starts to pull out a couple of clothes to wear that day, as he dials a number on his phone. Once it starts to ring, he places it on his dresser, putting it on speaker phone so he can hear the clear annoyed voice that answers, no doubt being distracted from an important source of work.
“What is it, Taehyung?” he snaps, tired and worn-out, and Tae smiles at the familiar greeting, as he pulls off his shirt, avoiding the cracked mirror beside him.
“Nice to talk to you too, Namjoonie. How's the album coming?” He responds playfully, and Namjoon on the other line can't help but smile. He adores that nickname, and it definitely puts him in a better mood. Just like Taehyung knew it would. Turning back to the screen of the computer, Namjoon can't help but sigh. There’s a whole lot of work to be made with the album...and such little time to do it in.
“Well...it’d go a lot faster without interruptions like this. What is it Taehyung-ah? This better not be a prank call or something for a Vlive…” Namjoon begins, his tone warning and Tae can’t help but laugh. He shakes his head, pulling down his pajama pants, and deciding to replace them with plain blue jeans. They don’t really have dance practice planned today, just a bunch of meetings and preparations for the album...maybe even a photo shoot.
“You know I try to stay away from Vlive’s nowadays.” Tae replies, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice, but failing miserably. At the comment, Namjoon can’t help but feel a stab of pity and regret. He knows that it’s a sensitive topic for Tae now...especially with what happened the last time Taehyung held a Vlive….he shouldn’t have mentioned it so soon.
“No it's not...Namjoon it’s about Yen.” Tae explains, and at the mention of your name, Namjoon sits straight in his chair, work forgotten, and mind focusing on you.
“What? Is she okay? Did something happen? Is she--” Voice heavily decorated with worry, Tae has to bite back the laugh that threatens to be released. Is this how he sounded to you? No wonder you started laughing at him. Smiling softly at how open and kind Namjoons heart is, Tae shakes his head once more, pulling on a grey hoodie.
“Actually I wanted to talk to you about that.” Tae replies, as he pulls on his socks, and rummages for his jean jacket. Namjoon waits a bit impatiently on the other line, trying his best to be polite and wait for Taehyung to finish. Once he finds it, Tae lets out a small cry of victory before looping his arms through it and finishing his look. Picking up the phone as he grabs a plain white mask and heads for the door, Taehyung smiles slightly at his victory.
Try to refuse staying home after this, my Wendy.
Just as RM opens his mouth to demand a straight answer from him, Taehyung replies, leaving behind the mess he had made just moments before untouched and forgotten.
“Namjoon...could you do a favor for me?”
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: this chapter was kind of sad...
chapter 22 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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