#he wanted to scoop him up like a bag of rice
chicademartinica · 1 year
When Pat grabbed his t-shirt and the night air touched Jeng’s belly I swear on his playboy gold chain he wanted to pull a Gun and go from this:
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To this
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Jeng is going to carry Pat we know that but WHEW that was close. They did not cast this MAN to not give us numerous lift offs.
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
Haikyuu men as fathers pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Ushijima, Kita, Kyotani and Asahi
Note: The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18. Bringing this series back for someone who requested Kita :3 @warriordemigosworld
content: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting, etc
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
When you arrive home you're met with the sight of both your husband and your baby girl knocked out on the couch. Her little head is resting upon his chest, her small hand curled up in a fist too.
You can see the drool on his shirt from her little lips. She's just so tiny and he's so big. Whenever you'd post them on your social media the first thing people comment on is the size difference. They always talk about how soft and gentle he is with his baby girl for such a big man.
Wakatoshi seems to notice your staring because his olive eyes open looking around for a second before they meet yours.
"Looks like you two had a good time." A smirk graces your lips. He chuckles quietly, rubbing her back when she starts to stir awake.
"She wanted to play animals so I dressed up as a tiger for her. She insisted that she should paint my face to make me look the part." Oh. So that's why his face is orange with smears of black on it.
"I'm guessing she was a baby tiger?" Your little girl's face was also colored in orange and black face paint.
"Precisely." Wakatoshi watches as you pull out your phone and snap a few pics.
"I'm sure Grandma and Papa would want to see what you two were up to today." He nods, a small smile gracing his face.
Wakatoshi is the kind of parent to let his child experience little moments that make them happy
He doesn't limit their imagination as his mother tried too when he was younger because of his left-handedness
He doesn't enjoy singing but he will hum his baby to sleep
When his baby was little he would always have her sleep on his chest which is why she's so used to it (i love his chest....)
all in all ushi is such a good dad
Kita Shinsuke
You were watching as Shinsuke and your little boy were out in the rice fields. There were two cold glasses of water waiting for them when they came back.
They had matching hats and overalls; the whole thing. Shinsuke insisted his six year old should be interested in little boy stuff like playing and discovering the world, but your little boy wanted to help his daddy out in the fields.
So of course, Shinsuke would show him how to do basic things around the rice fields. He made his son a mini bag of rice to carry since the normal bags are way too heavy for a six year old.
Little giggles escape your lips watching the two of them haul the bags of rice toward his truck.
"Are you helping daddy out?" You ask recording him.
"Yep! I'm almost as strong as daddy is!" To prove his point he flexes his little muscles.
"Oh wow!! You are super strong." Shinsuke chuckles too. He's sweating up a storm, wiping his forehead every few minutes.
"Do my two favorite boys want to come take a water break?" Your husband is grateful for your observation skills, he could use some water.
Your son looks to his father waiting to see what he says. The little boy admires his father with his life.
"Yeah let's get some water, bud." Shinsuke scoops up his son causing the little boy much joy.
Kita is very stern with his kids, he likes order (which is why they have so much respect for him)
Almost never breaks the rules like if there's not supposed to be any sweets before bed he'll listen to the rules even if his kids beg and beg
He teaches them to be honest hard working children (just like how he was when he used to help his grandma clean)
There are fun days too, he'll take them to amusement parks and such.. only for good behavior though
lmaoo I think he looks a little scary to other kids, so when he's chaperoning at field trips and stuff none of the kids (even the most mischievous ones) dare to act up
he's always taking his kiddos to onigiri miya because they always talk about how much they "love their uncle samu's food!!"
if they show any interest in volleyball he takes them to see the red falcons (aran) or the black jackals (atsumu) they always think it's the coolest thing ever
Kyotani Kentaro
The screaming match going on downstairs didn't concern you in the slightest.
Your husband and your daughters do this at least once a day, which is why you're still laying in bed minding your own business.
"IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR PROJECT YOU'LL FAIL!" Kentaro yelled at his ten year old daughter. She was; in your opinion a carbon copy of her father.
"I DON'T WANT TO!!! IT'S BORING-UHHHHHH." She drags out the last syllable, causing a giggle to leave your lips.
"WELL LET'S GO SEE WHAT YOUR MOM HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT." You pretend to sleep as the three of them stomp up the stairs to see what you have to say.
"[name], your child won't-" when he notices that you're "sleeping" he shushes his children and walks them out of the room.
You hear a mumbled, "Will you do it if I help you?"
The older daughter of yours agrees with her father's suggestion. The younger one has no clue what's going on but she wants to be included too. So, she also hums in agreement.
He communicates his love through snarky comments and eye rolls
Doesn't find them annoying, just could use a break sometimes
He thought being a dad would be a piece of cake.. imagine his surprise when he changes his first poopy diaper
Scary dog privileges still apply; no one dares to look at his kids wrong, much less try to hurt them
He girls think it's funny that he's "bald"
Will NEVER admit it but he is a girl dad
Azumane Asahi
"I think I'm gonna be sick, babe, what if we don't find him?" Asahi asks tugging in your shirt sleeve. This isn't your best parenting moment; your little boy is lost somewhere inside this huge Costco. Your son who's eight insisted he'd go grocery shopping with you even though he was probably gonna complain after ten minutes about his legs hurting.
Of course your husband wanted to tag along. He enjoys family bonding and he saw this grocery trip as an opportunity to execute it. The two of you had gotten so caught up in conversation that you didn't even realize your son went missing for maybe four or five minutes? You hope it was only that long.
"Ren! Where are you honey?!" You yell out, not too loud so it's not fairly obvious of your failure as a parent but loud enough that he could hear you and follow the sound of your voice.
To make matters worse he has his nintendo switch that his eyes are probably glued to.
"Oh baby, what.. what if someone takes him?" Asahi's voice sounds horrified. Little seeds of insecurity make their way into your brain, but you must keep strong because your husband is absolutely losing his shit.
"Management on aisle twenty-seven, we have a child climbing the racks." You two give each other a knowing look. That sounds 100% like something your son would do.
"You stay here with the basket, I'll go get him." Asahi says leaving no room for argument when he runs off to get his child.
Within a few minutes he returns with Ren. Asahi's confused by the way you giggle, but you find it cute how his man bun was undone, most likely from running fast.
"Man, I haven't ran that fast since high scho-"
"Dad you need to work out more!!" Naive little Ren says, causing his father to sigh loudly with a cheeky smile.
"And you," you say pointing to the little boy in question, "need to stay where mom and dad can see you. Are we clear?"
He nods in a respectful manner.
"Now let's finish shopping.. as a family."
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pricelessemotion · 1 year
Never really over | S.H.
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summary: [4.2k] you and steve fall apart, then fall back together.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: so much angst, best friends to exes to lovers, language, gratuitous taylor swift references
a/n: exes to lovers is one of my fave tropes so i hope i did it justice! reader is vaguely asian-coded by accident (though there shouldn’t be any direct references to r's appearance!) lmao happy AAPI heritage month to all my fellow asians
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The day after your breakup, Steve shows up at your house with a bag of takeout and a six-pack. He kicks off his shoes at the front door while you’re in the kitchen, already grabbing napkins and chopsticks. The light on the floral rice cooker on the counter just turned from cooking to keep warm. Steve is nothing, if not right on time. 
To most people, the situation would seem peculiar. But you and Steve were best friends before your break up and you had promised that you would stay best friends after it. 
You settle in on opposite sides of the worn-down loveseat, a rerun of Golden Girls playing on the television. You’re just about to ask him if he remembered to get extra sauce for the chow mein when Steve, seemingly anticipating your question, silently hands you a small cylindrical container. 
The night goes on as it usually would, with Steve lamenting Keith’s tyranny and Dustin’s antics. He helps you clean up when you’re done, scooping the leftover rice into a Tupperware container saying I gotta get myself one of these, it’s so convenient! He even does the dishes, washing while you dry, never commenting on the fact that you have a perfectly good dishwasher that you never use. 
Once he’s standing in the entryway, shoes back on and keys in hand, he instinctively leans in for a chaste kiss goodbye. 
You flinch, turning your cheek at the last second. The moment becomes a sobering reminder as to why you decided to break up in the first place. Instinct over time starts to feel like routine. Routine over time starts to feel like a chore. Another thing that you have to cross off your to-do list.
For a while, it was grounding. It felt good to be normal. Normal felt like warmth, like coming in out of the freezing cold and cozying up next to a blazing fire. But you knew from experience that the cold always comes back. As the days drew darker, the once roaring hearth settled into a pile of ashes. Being grounded can feel like being tied down. It’s only natural to want to break free. 
You didn’t realize freedom would feel like this. 
“Right.” Steve huffs out awkwardly, swinging his car keys around his index finger. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He shuffles out the door while you offer a weak goodbye. You know you’re letting the cold in by watching him as he gets into his car. You do it anyway. 
Steve and Dustin have taken to visiting you while you’re on shift at the coffee shop. You’re not sure why. The arcade next door seems much more fitted to their shared interests, but they still come and visit you all the same. Usually, when you come upon them, they’re standing on the other side of the till having a whispered conversation that dies the moment they notice you’re there. 
“A latte for me, and hot cocoa for the kid.” Steve says, ruffling the younger boy's hair. 
“I’m fourteen!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Maturity. Did you want a coffee? I’m sure our girl over here has some great recommendations.” 
Dustin only grumbles in response, muttering insults under his breath. Steve refuses your offer to comp their drinks, paying and dropping his change in the tip jar.  
You set both drinks down on the counter when they’re done. One is a simple steaming cup. The other is piled high with whipped cream and sprinkles, decorated with a tiny plastic snowman left over from the holidays. 
“Thank you,” Steve says, leaning against the counter. “Y’know, you’re my most favorite barista in the whole world.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only barista you know, but you’re welcome.” 
“So, would you be interested in movie night tomorrow?” 
“Wow, let me think.” You feign contemplation, sarcasm dripping from every word. “I’ll have to check my schedule. I have a meeting with some venture capitalists but I might be able to squeeze you in.”
“It’s a date.” 
“So… you guys are back together?” Dustin darts a confused glance between the both of you, his irises going back and forth as if watching a ping-pong match. 
“No!” You and Steve both blurt out at the same time. Then you both take a moment to look at each other as if to say, I know why I said no but why are you saying no? 
Is it really over?
Dustin, as observant and tactless as ever, gives off a little shrug. You mutter something about needing to go to the back to do inventory. As you’re walking away, you hear Steve say something that sounds a lot like Nice going, doofus!
Dustin answers the door when you ring the bell. Steve’s house has the usual suspects for movie night. Max and El are cuddled up together on the floor, practically laying on top of each other. Robin and Nancy are on the loveseat to the left, so wrapped up in each other that they barely even register your arrival. You presume that the sounds coming from the kitchen are Mike, Will, and Lucas, no doubt making one too many bowls of popcorn in the microwave.  
Steve is sitting, his arm draped over the back of the couch. Before, there would’ve been no questions as to where you would sit. The empty couch cushion practically had your name on it. You would’ve already bounded across the room and snuggled up to the boy that felt like home. 
You search the room for another option, but come up empty. Unless you want to pointedly avoid sitting next to him by crashing on the floor with the kids, which would undoubtedly draw attention to the very thing you want to ignore. 
Taking a seat next to Steve, you toe the line between platonic distance and romantic distance.
“What’s on tonight?” You ask no one in particular. 
“The Princess Bride.” Lucas replies, coming from the kitchen with a bowl of fresh popcorn. 
He barely gets a chance to put it down before the three other boys tumble onto the floor and begin shoveling the savory snack into their mouths. Max and El whine about their lack of civility, yelling at them for having spilled popcorn on the floor before the movie has even started.
“Ah, that’s my favorite!” 
“I know.” Steve finally speaks up beside you. 
“We’ve only seen it like a million times.” Max says, rolling her eyes and resting her head on El’s shoulder. 
“Hey! Little shits who eat my food and use me as a taxi service don’t get to complain about my movie choices.”
“Whatever, Steve.” The redhead remarks, with an unmistakable fondness in her voice. 
You settle into your seat. The January cold has seeped into the house and, despite the heating being on full blast, you’re freezing. Steve notices, tugging the comforter in his lap over your frame, enveloping you in a warmth you didn’t realize you missed so much. You murmur a quiet thank you that you’re almost sure goes unheard until he turns, giving you a small smile before returning his attention to the screen. 
In order to properly share the blanket, you have to scoot in even closer. You tell yourself that it’s a perfectly reasonable platonic distance, that you used to do this all the time before you were dating. If Steve is experiencing even a fraction of your inner turmoil, he doesn’t show it. He just keeps looking ahead, paying far too much attention to the film. The palm that would usually come to rest upon your shoulder stays gripping the back of the couch. 
Sometime after Buttercup and Wesley enter the forbidden forest, you fall asleep.
It’s hard to make out anything through the dense fog. The trees around you loom large, foliage so lush and thick that it blocks out the sky, making it unclear if it’s day or night. The only light source comes from an oil lamp. 
The lamp casts a shadow over the face of the person holding it, emphasizing his strong brow and straight nose. You go to move toward Steve, but you can’t. You’re stuck. Ankle deep in sand, coarse and with the consistency of molasses, that slowly creeps up higher and higher. It takes you a moment to realize; the sand isn’t getting higher, you’re getting lower. 
You’re sinking. 
Desperately, you begin grasping at anything and everything that might get you out. It’s futile. The more you move, the further you fall. You’re waist-deep now. Steve is still standing there, stone-faced, oil lamp flickering. He turns, walking into the fog and taking the light with him. 
You open your mouth, wanting to scream. Needing to scream. But only one word echoes throughout. It does nothing to stop Steve’s retreating figure. 
“Hey,” Steve is tugging on the sleeve of your sweater. “Wake up.” 
The fog dissipates. Feeling slowly returns to your limbs. The first thing you realize is that you fell asleep on Steve’s shoulder. The second thing you realize is that, due to your impromptu nap, the distance between the two of you is practically nonexistent. You recoil, sliding yourself as far away from him as you can. Steve flinches at the sudden movement. 
“Are you okay?” His voice is soft and comforting, like a childhood blanket that you can’t sleep without. “It seemed like you were having a bad dream.”
You blink your eyes furiously, trying to shake the sinking feeling that has settled deep into your stomach. 
“Where is everyone?” You ask, avoiding his question. The once lively living room is now empty. Remnants of movie night surround you in the form of stray pieces of popcorn and a nearly empty tub of Red Vines. 
“They all went home about twenty minutes ago.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You seemed so comfortable. I didn’t wanna wake you.” He shrugs, saying the next words gently. “Are you having nightmares again?” 
Before, you would tell him yes. You always talked to Steve about your nightmares. Most of the time he was there to witness them firsthand, waking up to your shouting and thrashing. Some nights, he would be able to coax you back to sleep with soothing words and tender touches. Other nights, he would stay up with you for hours, talking about nothing. The next day, the deep bags etched under his eyes would serve as another reminder of just how tiring you could be.
“I’m fine.” You wipe the corner of your mouth, cringing at the slight dampness you find there. Great. Not only did you fall asleep on Steve but you also drooled on him. “I think it’s time for me to head out.”
Leaping from the couch, you get to the foyer in record time. Your shoes are already halfway on before Steve appears, standing in between you and the door. 
“You don’t have to. You know the guest room is always made up for you if you want it.” He bargains. 
“I— I have to go. I’m sorry. Goodnight Steve.” 
“Please, you’re tired. At least let me drive you.” He’s practically pleading, already moving to grab his car keys.  
“Just let me go, Steve!” Your outburst echoes throughout the empty house. 
Steve takes a step back away from you. “I’m sorry.”
Regret washes over you like a tidal wave. You can feel yourself being ripped under the current. You curse yourself, not for drowning, but for dragging Steve down with you. 
“No, don’t apologize. Fuck, I’m sorry. I just—” 
“Have to go?” He supplies. 
He sounds dejected like this is another battle with you that he’s already resigned himself to losing. You fumble through another apology, another goodbye.
You don’t dare to look behind you as you make your way to your car. It isn’t until you’re halfway down your street that you spare a glance at your rear-view mirror. Steve is still standing there, the door wide open. 
You don’t know why you keep having dreams where you ask Steve to stay. 
You’re the one who is always leaving. 
“She was totally flirting with you!” You scream whisper, keeping in mind that the diner is mostly empty aside from the loyal patrons that come in every weekday for a hearty serving of beef and potatoes.
Steve showed up to the coffee shop today, sans Dustin, asking if you’d like to grab a bite to eat after your shift. You obliged, hoping to make up for your outburst from the other night. He still hasn’t mentioned it. For your sake, you hope that he won’t.
“No, she wasn’t.” You thought Steve’s obliviousness when it came to romance only extended to you. Apparently, you were wrong because he was completely ignoring the way that the waitress was batting her eyelashes at him.
“Yes, she was!” You take a fry from the basket and Steve pushes his strawberry milkshake toward you, already knowing that you were going to subject him to the gross combination and he might as well get it over with. “Y’know, if you wanted to ask her out you could. Don’t let me hold you back.”
“You’re not holding me back. Anyways, isn’t it weird, having your ex-girlfriend be your wingman?”
“I’m still your best friend. Besides, you totally helped me out with Brandon so I just thought I’d return the favor.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve asks, causing you to furrow your brow at him. Despite having loved him for a long time and having known him for even longer, his inability to read a room knows no bounds. 
“Last week at Family Video?” You utter the words with slow precision, but recognition fails to make its way across Steve’s face. “Brandon Clayborn asked you for horror movie recommendations and you sent him to me.”
“And he asked you out?” Steve gapes at you from over the rim of his milkshake. The idea of grabbing the glass and slogging the pink confection at him crosses your mind, but instead, you clench your fists at your side. 
“Is that so unbelievable?” At your response, Steve’s brows pinch together. He toys with the wrapping paper of his straw, folding it over and over again. 
“And what did you say?”
“I said yes.”
“Oh.” Steve finally stops fiddling with the piece of paper. It’s shredded to pieces in a pile in front of him. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the bulging leather wallet. “I’ll be right back.” 
With that, Steve slides out of the booth and walks up to the counter. The giggles of the waitress can be heard throughout the diner. You turn toward the window so that you don’t have to see her scrawl her number on the receipt, and you catch your muddled reflection. You don’t know if you look like you’ve seen a ghost or if you’ve become one. 
Due to unforeseen circumstances, your second date with Brandon had to be rescheduled. A literal rain check. He’d sputtered out numerous apologies over the crackling phone line, saying how the picnic he had planned didn’t account for a torrential downpour. You promised him that it was fine, that you didn’t even wanna leave the house in this weather. You didn’t think anyone would want to leave the house in this weather, which is why you grew shocked at the sound of the doorbell ringing. 
Then you promptly remember that this is Hawkins and that anyone or anything could be behind that door. Grabbing the old wooden bat you keep under the couch for emergencies, you inch toward the door. The frantic ringing of the bell matches the beat of your heart. Peering through the peephole, you sigh in both relief and frustration before flinging the door open.
“Are you insane?!” You practically scream at the soaking wet boy. “You scared the shit outta me.”
Steve stands in the threshold, shaking his head like a dog would to get all the water out. You flinch as the droplets inevitably fall on you. The fine mist and wind that he’s brought in with him chill you to the bone. 
“Sorry.” He smiles sheepishly.
“How did you even manage to get this wet in the twenty feet from the street to the porch?” You ask, peering behind him to look for the familiar maroon vehicle. It isn’t there. 
“I walked here.”
You balk at him. Sure, Steve has been known to act recklessly from time to time, but never without reason. Instead of taking the time to berate him for being so stupid, you take one look at the soggy shivering boy and shut the door, turning on your heel towards your bedroom. You don’t need to look behind you to know that he’s following you. 
“C’mon, you’re gonna catch a cold if you stay in those wet clothes.”
You rummage through your drawers, managing to find a t-shirt and sweatpants that you had stolen from him long ago. Now is as good a time as any to give it back, right? Stuffing the items in your arm, you thrust them into Steve’s hands and direct him to the bathroom. He doesn’t need direction. He knows the floorplan of your house just like he knows you–all too well.
While Steve is in the bathroom, you go to shut the drawers that you had left open in the rush to find him something to wear. The bottom drawer has always had a problem, getting stuck at the most inopportune moments. Lifting it just a little, you slam the drawer back into place which causes the contents on top of your dresser to shake with the force. The silver picture frame falls on its face and you go to place it right side up. 
It’s a photograph of the two of you from last summer. Robin had pointed the camera at you and at the very last second Steve grabbed you and placed a sloppy kiss on your cheek, causing you to squeal in delight. The memory stings. You almost want to put it face down again so that you don’t have to be reminded of what once was. Instead, you’re interrupted by the sound of a lock turning and quiet footfalls on carpeted floors. 
The moment Steve steps into your bedroom, you’re drenched in nostalgia. It’s been months since you’ve seen him like this–standing in his pajamas in your bedroom. It’s moments like this that are the hardest. The ones where you can feel how everything and nothing has changed. It feels like relief and restriction. 
You realize you’re still standing in front of the dresser and go to sit on your bed. You need to put space between you and Steve. He has this insane gravitational pull and you know that if you stay around him like this for too long, you’ll end up back in his orbit.  
He steps cautiously around the room like he’s afraid of stepping on a landmine. One wrong move and everything could blow up. Standing in front of the dresser, he takes the dreaded picture frame into his hands. He’s still using a towel to dry his hair when he finally speaks. 
“It’s a good picture.” He says, simply. The pads of his thumbs wipe away the layer of dust that coats your sunbleached faces. 
“It is.” You manage to choke out. “Why are you here, Steve?”
He places the picture frame back down on the dresser. It’s perfectly angled towards you. The ghost of your smiling face taunting you in your own bedroom. 
“It’s funny, y’know?” Steve lets out a mirthless laugh.  
“What is?”
“We broke up and the only person I wanna talk about it with is you.”
All of the air has been sucked out of the room. Steve has always been good at taking your breath away. 
“I mean, I get it. I get why we broke up. I do.” He lets out a deep breath before continuing on, not giving you a chance to interrupt. “Except, I don’t. I can’t wrap my head around how one day we were fine and the next day we weren’t. I know that I’m not good enough for you–I’ve always known that. I guess I just wanna know when you finally figured it out.”
His words make you ache. A tightness blooms in your chest and spreads all the way down your arms to your trembling fingertips. You want so badly to reach out to him. He’s on the other side of the room but he might as well be on the other side of the world. You don’t know how to bridge the ravine that you’ve put between the two of you. You know for him you’d make the leap, uncaring of the abyss below. The thought scares you so much that your fists tangle in your bedsheets, hoping for something to keep you from falling back in.   
“The last thing I wanted was for you to feel like you weren’t good enough for me. You’ve always been good enough, Steve.”  
You can tell from the shake of his head that he doesn’t believe you. 
“I thought that maybe you just needed a little space, a little time. Then I have to watch you go on dates and move on like it’s easy. Like the fact that we’re not together anymore doesn’t eat you up inside.”
“It’s not easy! It’s killing me!” Tears collect in your eyes, blurring your vision. “I don’t know why I can’t just be happy with you. I want to be happy with you.”
“What are you so afraid of?” Steve begs, his question punctuated by a boom of thunder and a flash of lightning. 
You found solace in the eye of the storm. Once the storm passed, you didn’t know what to do with the wreckage. Calm didn’t provide comfort. Instead, it only reminded you that there was likely another storm to come. Steve has always been better at picking up the pieces and patching things up. You didn’t want to become just another thing he had to fix. So, you pushed him away. 
He still came back.
This time he brought the storm with him. 
“I’m afraid that the minute I actually enjoy everything, it’ll all get taken away from me.” You confess, roughly wiping away your tears. 
Steve crosses the room and kneels in front of you. His hair is still slightly damp, a stray strand hanging in front of his forehead. You brush it out of the way and he catches your wrist, placing a kiss in the palm of your hand. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He murmurs, lips still brushing your skin. He says it like a promise. You wish the words were tangible, that you could close your fist around them and hold them close. “Tell me what I can do to fix it.”
The words simultaneously endear and exasperate you. Here is this boy who loves you, sitting in front of you telling you to let him love you. Here you are, about to tell him that he can’t. 
“What if you can’t fix it, Steve? What if I’m unfixable?”
He doesn’t respond immediately. Instead, he takes both of your hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. 
“Then I’ll still love you anyway.” 
Steve looks up and the clouds part. You’ve been so caught up in your doom and gloom, that you’d forgotten what it felt like to see the light of day. You lean down, closing your eyes, pressing your forehead to his. 
“Why?” The question comes out watery and wanting. 
“I can’t help it.” He breathes out. 
You understand the feeling. 
You bridge the gap, uncaring of the abyss that lies below. You’d fall through eternity if it meant you got to do it with him. His lips feel exactly like you remember them–like home. He kisses soft and slow, hands anchored at your hips as if to prevent you from floating away. When you break apart, both of you gasping for air, there’s uncertainty in his eyes. It fades away as soon as you lean back on the bed, pulling at his sleeves and dragging him with you. 
The night is composed of soft apologies and even softer sighs, accompanied by the din of rain against the roof. It isn’t until far into the night that the storm finally subsides, leaving the pavement to glow in the morning sun. 
Waking up next to Steve is a revelation. You don’t know how you ever survived without it. He’s all sleepy smiles and tired eyes, drowsily pulling you closer to him. Resting your head on his chest, you’re soothed by the rhythmic thump of his beating heart.   
“Y’know, you didn’t have to walk in the rain just to say that you wanna get back together. You’re so dramatic.” You joke, hoping that it isn’t too soon to start poking fun. 
His chest rumbles with laughter, the reverberations quelling your fears.
“In my defense, it wasn’t raining when I started walking.” He says, voice still thick with sleep. “Besides, you love it.”
You smile contentedly to yourself, not offering up a response besides a hum of agreement. He’s right. You do love him. Rain or shine.
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likes are appreciated, comments and reblogs are cherished ♥️
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jaythes1mp · 2 months
Cat reader idea: which one is your favorite. Like Damian would be nice but he’s always on you for improper diet (you ate fruit and not the horrid wet food he leaves out for you)
Dick has no sense of personal space and he wants to squeeze your adorable little toe beans despite your protests.
Jason would be okay but he practically steals you at night for cuddles and for your own safety. Nothing safer than sleeping with a knife under your pillow.
Tim is iffy, he just likes your company, but the moment you sneeze he’s sending you to the vet- even worse when you get out, using your chip to locate you.
Bruce and alfred just adore you, but only get to see you now and then due to their busy schedules, mainly petting you when they walk by or doing your training.
:3 hope this is accurate lmao
Okay, this is beautiful and a perfect way to incorporate some things into the fic.
More on cat shifter reader.
Damian is 100% on your ass, meticulously keeping track of your dietary habits, setting up charts to keep track of your meal times, ensuring that the family knows exactly what you've consumed and what not to give you. This way, he can ensure that you're sticking to the food plan he's designed, with zero room for deviation. He even resorts to constantly reminding Alfred and Dick not to give you anything, no matter how hard your adorable little eyes plead up at them. Determined to make sure you stick to his meal plan. It’s even worse when you’re in your human form, despite his repeated warnings. — and don’t get him started on Jason. The man is the most difficult of them all to control when it comes to your diet. He completely ignores Damian's instructions and will immediately scoop you up and secure you in the cat carrier attached to his motorcycle if you even hint at being hungry. Then, he'll spirit you away to his apartment without a second thought, offering you an array of forbidden human foods in exchange for your sweet meows.
Don’t think about attempting to escape through him however, that would only lead to being futile. He's engineered his bike with a series of safety precautions, meaning that if you even displayed the slightest indication of trying to jump out or escape, the restraints would immediately tighten, making it virtually impossible for you to break out. Let alone breathe comfortably.
Moving back to your diet; Damian has completely altered the Wayne Manor’s kitchen to cater exclusively to your feline dietary needs. He’s even managed to ensure that the rest of the family has adapted their own diets to match yours, to prevent any accidents regarding food you’re not supposed to eat. Despite your attempts to reason with him, Damian refuses to acknowledge that as a human, you can safely consume foods like chocolate without getting sick. You’re a kitten after all.
Though, if by some chance you do manage to infiltrate the kitchen, an assortment of only the finest fruits are packed at the ready for you. Small bits of cut up mango, fresh unpackaged pineapple, blueberries, melon, bananas, apricots, apples and watermelon at the ready. The fridge always stocked full of cooked meats, fluffy cooked rice, boiled eggs, and vegetables.
Damian might not be overjoyed when you venture from the specific meats and hundreds of lavish wet food brands that he's tasked Pennyworth to prepare, he still begrudgingly accepts it as a form of compromise. As long as you’re eating things that fall within his carefully controlled parameters, he can justify allowing it. He’s aware that you need some form of autonomy and independence to survive in the manor, unlike many of his brothers.
He treats you the most reasonably.
Dick is definitely one of the people who gets loads of little cat clothes to dress you up in and needs to have you in his little cat bag so he can take you around everywhere.
Who cares about the numerous concerned remarks regarding your drowsy appearance? Dick simply laughs off their concerns. His kitten is just tired, he promises! After all, it’d be quite a hassle to have to explain to every person who stops for a photo that it's nothing more than the effects of the medication he's given you to ensure you remain placidly content and docile during cuddle sessions and neighbourhood walks.
Once Dick starts on your adorable little toe beans, there's no stopping him. He gushes incessantly about the cute contrast of pink and black on your little paws and how they're just perfect for the miniature cat-themed socks that Alfred has patiently taught him to make. He gleefully coos over your small digits, marveling at how perfectly they fit into the little socks. Aren’t you happy your big brother made them for you? Can’t you just purr this once, please? He won’t even get mad if you kick them off or tear them to shreds again!
He’s definitely the type to have an entire wardrobe filled with little outfits for you. A nice red bow tie to get you to look nice and handsome or a warm purple sweater for you to look pretty.
Dick's affection for you remains steadfast, even when you shift to your human form. However, in his mind, you'll always be his precious little kitten, and no amount of whining, hitting, or swearing can convince him otherwise. He's stubbornly determined to shower you with love and care, undeterred by any resistance you may offer. The world’s just too big for you, and he needs to protect you from it. So come sit on his lap and stop whining, the movie’s starting.
In stark contrast to Dick, Jason has a clear preference for your feline form, showing little interest in you when you appear as a human. He often ignores you entirely, showering you with love and attention only in your feline body.
It's a double-edged sword, this dynamic with Jason. On the one hand, you've discovered a way to make him leave you alone – simply appear in your human form, and he'll instantly lose interest. He'll glare, shake his head in distaste, and then storm out of the room, grumbling incoherently under his breath as he goes. Unfortunately, when Jason realises your tactic to avoid him, he'll barge into Tim's room unannounced, no matter the time of day or night. Tim, due to his habit of staying up late, will inevitably be awake, and Jason will insist that he make you transform back. Following his forceful tactic of making you transform back, Jason will quickly switch gears and act as though nothing untoward has happened. He'll enfold you in a tight hug and bury his face in your soft fur, nuzzling against you affectionately, completely unbothered by his previous behavior.
Given your penchant for exploring the outdoors, Jason often takes advantage of the darkness of the night to whisk you away. He's aware that you need to experience life beyond the confines of the Wayne estate's gardens, and he prefers to do it when the rest of the family is less likely to notice your absence. Or rather, more occupied with their nightly duties so they’re unable to stop him from taking you.
You’re still under complete lock and key, but at least you get to experience the night air every once in a while.
If I had to pick my favourite out of the ones you’ve written I’d go with Tim’s. It’s the one I agree with the most.
Tim likes to keep you sedated. Having you laid out nice and docile on his lap, desk, or of the many cat trees that litter the place, while he works away on the batcomputer.
He’s the most precocious, being particularly meticulous when it comes to your well-being, even the slightest sneeze prompting him to arrange a visit to the vet. Monthly veterinary checkups are non-negotiable, and he ensures that your health is consistently monitored. Saying that, he’ll never take you to a hospital with doctors that specialise in anything other than animals.
A sleek, high-tech collar encircles your neck, constantly transmitting your vital signs in real-time to Tim's phone. Additionally, a microchip planted in your body and trackers strategically installed on various parts of your anatomy ensure that they can monitor your location at all times ensuring that under no circumstances are able to escape.
Tim is the one who suggested and ultimately confirmed your declawing, dismissing your protests and tears as mere tantrums. Despite your pleas and emotional outburst, stating that it would render you disabled — equivalent to cutting off your fingers down to the knuckle — he remains cold and uncompromising. Your objections are disregarded, treating your fears as if you were a pet throwing a tantrum, denying you any agency in the matter. If you didn’t want this to happen, you wouldn’t have scratched them in the first place. It’s easier this way, really. They get to look after you in human form and there’ll be no more scratching up their arms or the furniture.
Initially, Dick supported your side, recognising your profound distress and desperation. However, after a conversation about how you would be completely reliant on him while in your human form, he changed his stance. He stopped giving the issue a moment's consideration, fully accepting Tim’s conclusion.
When it came to the decision, Jason and Bruce were in favor from the beginning. For Jason, it meant his new couch would remain unscathed, and prevented you from clawing at Bruce during business meetings while he held you snugly in his lap.
The sole member of the family fiercely opposed to the idea of declawing you was Damian.
Nevertheless, to Damian's dismay and your own, you'll be made to undergo the declawing against your will anyway. Despite his disagreement, he'll still be there to gently bandage up the raw nubs where your former fingers once were, and he'll lovingly pet away your tears and sobs. You were still his kitten, he’d coo. Just a slightly less fierce one.
I’d have to disagree with you here.
Bruce will undoubtedly make time for you, despite any disagreements you may have. You're a top priority in his life, and he'll ensure that you receive the attention and care you deserve.
The eldest Wayne will go to great lengths to accommodate you in his busy schedule. He'll happily reschedule meetings and carve out special time just for you. If there's a vital meeting he can't avoid, he'll bring you along, insisting on having you by his side.
You’re theirs, through and through.
Thanks for the ideas! Any and all asks are encouraged and appreciated.
Previous cat asks: 1 2
Link to Masterlist.
Link to offical chapter
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kitakashi · 1 year
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Featuring: Kuroo, Akaashi, Suna, Kita, Atsumu, Osamu, Iwaizumi, Oikawa…
Part 2
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Kuroo Tetsurō adamantly declares he’s a dog person. Complains about cat hair on his suit and stinky litter boxes to no end. But every night it’s the same routine. After dinner you two sit on the couch watching whatever with your cat nestled perfectly against his broad chest, his long fingers rubbing velvety ears, purring away. Little kisses to the top of your cat’s head. Disturb the fur baby and you get a withering glare from your man.
Akaashi Keiji uses your cat as his personal therapist. Especially when the mangaka he’s supposed to be working with fails to turn in their work on time. From long nights editing, your man and your cat have irrevocably bonded. You swear he’s become nocturnal, but glad he has a companion for those all nighters. The cat tree was even moved to right beside his desk. If he’s not careful, your cat will drink his coffee.
Had Suna Rinartō not become a professional volleyball player, you swear he should have become a photographer. His two favorite models? You and your cat. If he’s ever home alone expect to be bombarded with adorable sleeping kitty pics. You can’t even be mad when you see his phone gallery has more pictures of your cat than you. His wallpaper is you and your fur baby curled up together for a nap.
Kita Shinsuke smiles when your cat welcomes him home every day from the rice fields. A little chirp and head butt before prancing away. He also spoils her rotten, sneaking her bits of meat from your dinner. You’d scold him for it but because of their dynamic your cat now listens to him more often than you. Kitty doesn’t dare misbehave when he’s home. And you can’t hate his gentle smile while petting your cat either.
Miya Atsumu tries and fails to be indifferent to your fur baby. However, he gets insanely jealous if your cat is in your lap when he wants attention. Your man will even sulk if you refuse to move the sleeping fur baby. He came up with the idea of buying more cat toys to distract your cat with so he can cuddle you more. Now your cat expects toys from him every time he comes back from an away game trip. He gets swatted if he comes back empty handed.
Even after a long day Miya Osamu insists on making your cat’s food. None of that canned or bagged nonsense. At times you think your cat dines better than you do. Your fur baby even gets first dibs on any leftovers from Onigiri Miya. He insists it’s because a cat’s diet is different than a humans’ and they can only have particular things. If your cat ever turns up their nose at anything he makes, he gets extremely offended.
You’re used to Iwaizumi Hajime and your cat having daily staring competitions. After coming home from a long day working with athletes, your fur baby meets him at the door. His intense stare matching your cat’s feline one both unblinking. It isn’t until your cat yawns and begins grooming that he sighs with relief and passes by. You can’t help but chuckle at your beefy man silently asking permission from your cat to enter his own home.
Oikawa Tōru treats your cat like a peer. Ranting about the woes of being famous as if only your kitty could ever relate. He acknowledges the little meows as part of a serious conversation. Interrupt that communication and receive a scathing look. He will scoop your cat up and sashay from the room venting about how peasants could never understand their plight. You can’t help but laugh when he pretends your cat’s opinion means more than yours.
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mangostarjam · 6 months
welcome home — jjk, gojo satoru x female reader, suggestive, established fake relationship, "baby" as a pet name, 1.4k words
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The door clicks open and you shuffle inside. You toe off your shoes, set your bag on the small table Satoru got the other day for the genkan, and shut the door behind you. 
It's quiet. 
Disappointment creeps through you as you slump further into the apartment. Normally the quiet would be welcome — cherished, even, after the endless loud bustle of the day — but your ears strain for any hint of Satoru moving about, humming some annoying song under his breath or maybe watching another terrible movie. 
The apartment is empty, save for you. Your sigh is loud and gusty as you flop onto the couch, legs dangling halfway off the side as you fling your arms up to cover your face. Maybe a nap would help. Your phone hasn't lit up with any notifications in the past hour so Satoru probably is busy doing his actual job, supervising his students or giving them a lesson or something. 
He's probably excited about it — wearing that wide, stupid grin that crooks up just a bit on one side, large hands carving nonsense through the air as he chatters away. You frown at the ceiling and shift a little on the couch. Satoru's always so annoyingly hot, and you know your imagination isn't doing him any justice, but picturing the proud set of his shoulders as his students answer things correctly is making your heart squeeze in your chest. 
This is stupid. You swing yourself upright and make your way to your room to grab a change of clothes and hop in the shower. It's stupid, stupid, stupid — you've had long days before, plenty of them in your twenty plus years, and you know how to take care of yourself. You don't need Satoru's stupid long arms and aggravatingly firm chest to crush you like a stress ball. 
The shower steam follows you out of the bathroom as you hum to yourself, feeling marginally better and a little hungry. Next step: dinner. 
You wonder if Satoru will be home for dinner. He'll usually tell you in advance if he's going out of town for any reason, but it's always possible that some disaster has struck and he's been summoned away before he got a chance to let you know. 
You pause as you scoop a cup full of rice grains into the pot. That would… suck. And maybe it's selfish of you, but surely he could teleport home real quick just to tell you and get his good luck kisses? 
Not that he needs them, even if he always insists on them now that the two of you have been kissing more regularly. You tell yourself that it's good — it's good to practice the kissing, and the touching, so he doesn't freeze up again if you initiate very light PDA in front of your friends. 
This fake dating thing is a lot of work. 
Actually, that's a lie. Being with Satoru is easy — maybe a little scarily so, with how quickly he's wiggled his way into the seams and stitches of your life — but the pretending? That's hard.
You're tired. Water runs over your fingers as you rinse the rice grains. Maybe you don't need a hug, but it would be really nice to get one. 
"Honey, I'm hooome!" 
You set the rice cooker to cook and turn just as Satoru steps into the kitchen, a wide smile on his face as he crowds you back into the counter. 
"What happened to using the front door?" you ask, ignoring the way your heart stutters in your chest as he leans over you. Cypress and fresh air and Gojo Satoru fills your senses, his warmth seeping into you as his palms meet the counter on either side of you. "The neighbors are gonna talk." 
"I wanted to get back faster," Satoru pouts. He leans down, clearly angling for something, and you pretend not to notice. "Did you miss me?" 
"We were just talking a few hours ago," you point out, raising an eyebrow. You put your hands up to keep him from pushing you any further, but the instant your palms meet his chest you can't help it — you slide them up, looping them around his neck and dragging him down, as natural and instinctive as breathing. 
Satoru smiles as you kiss. You can feel his lips curving irrepressibly even as you try to kiss him, as you lick into his mouth and stretch up on tiptoes to get closer, sinking one of your hands into his fluffy white hair and shoving his headband out of the way. 
He huffs out a laugh when you pull away with a light tug on his lower lip with your teeth. Annoying bastard. "Gojo, what the hell —" 
Satoru dips down again and catches your complaint with his mouth, kissing you properly this time, melting you into his stupidly perfect arms wrapped firmly around your waist. He breaks away just a breath to tsk. "It's 'Satoru', remember?" 
"Shut up, Satoru," you grumble. Your hand drags down from his neck to grip at his bicep and a bolt of heat lances through you, but you just lean up to kiss the stupid smirk off his pretty face. "Welcome home." 
His hair is a mess, sticking up every which way with his headband caught in the strands, so you yank it off entirely and grin as the silvery strands fall into his eyes. He shakes his hair into place with a fond smile, his brilliant blue eyes soft and warm as he tugs you impossibly closer. "You did miss me!" 
"Shut up, Satoru," you say, but there's no bite to it and he laughs. "It was a long day, okay? How was yours?" 
"Hmm? I wanna hear about yours first. C'mon, tell me. I'll make dinner." 
You snort. "All you have to do is heat up the leftover tonkatsu. I started the rice already." 
"Great, so we have more time for kissing practice!" 
"Uh, I guess? Ah — Satoru, wait —" 
"Tell me about your day," he murmurs, lips pressed to the skin right below your ear. You can feel his smirk against your neck as he moves, kissing you slowly and carefully, mapping out every sensitive and delicate piece of you. "I want to know everything." 
Satoru is warm and solid and firm against you, the hard planes of muscle hidden under his loose clothing revealed in every shift of his body against your own. You hold onto his biceps for dear life, clinging to him even as you try to muster the strength to push him away. But every minute flex of his muscles beneath your fingers makes your knees weak and every light suck and nibble along your neck is making you dizzy and — this is so unfair. 
"Satoru, S-ah!" You jerk in his hold as he latches onto a particularly sensitive part of your neck and he grunts, rolling his hips against yours with a terrifying fluidity. You whimper in spite of yourself at the hot, hard press of him against the space where warmth is pooling alarmingly quickly. God, he — he's so stupidly hot — but you haven't gone any further than kissing, haven't talked about boundaries and how far he's willing to go as your fake boyfriend — and your conscience is yelling at you to let him go but his teeth nip at your skin and you nearly sob as the sensation travels directly down to your clit. 
"Satoru, stop." 
He stops immediately, pulling back and blinking down at you with a hazy, fucked out expression that does nothing to help the ache in your gut. You stare at him, a little annoyed that he looks so good like this, because of course he does. 
"What's wrong?" he asks, a little breathlessly. "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I —" 
"No, no," your hands grip at his sleeves, keeping him close though he's made only the barest of movements to step back, "I'm not hurt, but — Satoru, isn't this… too much?"
Steam is whistling out behind him, though you can barely see with his broad shoulders blocking the light. The pleasant scent of cooked rice begins to fill the air. "Too much?" he repeats. The chuckle he lets out is a little strangled. "Sorry, sorry. I just. Didn't know you could sound like that."
"Let's… eat dinner."
Satoru's eyes are bright. "Sure, baby." Your face heats incriminatingly at the endearment. "I missed you, too, y'know."
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dokifluffs · 4 months
Their Kid(s) Falling Asleep on Him | Ikuya, Seijuro
Pairings: Ikuya X Reader (female)
genre: domestic, fluffy goodness yuhhh 
Author’s Note: more free 😤😤 
Sosuke, Makoto // Rin, Haru 
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gif from @makeusfreefromthisfandom​
Ikuya: Ikuya’s is basically based off of Monsta X’s Hyungwon 
“Ikuya, I’m home,” you called out as the plastic bags crinkled in your hold as you stepped out of your boots, making sure the snow didn’t get into the house  
Warm air from the heaters welcomed you home as you peeled off your damp winter coat, stepping into the house
You went into the living room, hearing the sound of his voice grow as you carried in lunch
He sat beneath the kotatsu, reading aloud his favorite book, the little mermaid aloud as you entered, stepping down from the hard wood to the plush soft carpet
You two decided to buy lunch for today, being too lazy to really make anything on this fine winter day
The aromatic smell of the hot food made your bellies growl
“Hey, how was the drive?” He paused from his reading as he looked up
“It was alright, Not that many cars out there but the snowfall’s getting a little lighter.” You unpacked the foods
“Where’s S/N?” You asked, curiosity peeking
Usually when you came home, your four year old son would run out from wherever he was and greet you, hugging you but today, it was silent
“Here,” Ikuya set down his book as he lifted the Kotatsu, letting you look under
And there he was
S/N was fast asleep in Ikuya’s lap, head resting on a pillow  
“He fell asleep a little after you left and couldn’t fall asleep, so I just started reading to him,” Ikuya smiled as he ruffled his son’s hair. “He really likes the story too.”
“Aw,” you leaned under, pressing a kiss to your son’s cheek as he slept, his thumb slightly in his mouth
“S/N,” you called out quietly, lightly shaking his shoulder. “S/N, time to eat,” you mumbled against his cheek before kissing him, slowly waking him
He stretched his body out, peeking his eyes open
“Sleep okay, buddy?” Ikuya chuckled as he helped his son crawl out, putting the back of his hand on the under edge of the kotatsu from bumping his head
“Mmhm,” he sat right in the corner, sitting in between of the two of you as you unloaded the bags, spreading things out
Ikuya ruffled his son’s hair as he let out a yawn, leaning back on his dad, wanting to nap a bit more
“Wash hands,” you chimed, pulling your son and husband to their feet as you all went to the bathroom and kitchen before coming back to your spots around the kotatsu
You ordered some fried shrimp, sweet tamagoyaki for ikuya while you got some oden, nikujaga, and sukiyaki
Everything smelt so fresh, it made Ikuya’s mouth water as he dug in while you portioned some things out into your son’s bowl
“Ah,” Ikuya offered a bite of his shrimp to his son, who took it but bit and chewed slowly, eyes blank as he just looked at the food
“S/N, eat up,” you placed his bowl plates in front of him on the table
He nodded quietly and lifted his training chopsticks, slowly eating his food bite by bite
You and Ikuya exchanged glances and looks, knowing what was going on and continued eating, watching your son eat
The room was quiet, the only sound of food being chewed could be heard
But the more you guys ate and the longer it went on, the sooner he was drifting
S/N’s head dropped and bounced back up, waking him up slightly as he sighed, taking another bite
“Chew chew,” Ikuya teased, playfully tapping his son’s cheeks as he could barely keep his eyes closed
“S/N?” Ikuya pushed back his food as he scooped up his son. “Chew, chew,” he looked but all the little boy could do was rub his eyes, pushing on chewing his small bite of rice before giving up
He swallowed the bite and sighed, reaching out his arms to hug Ikuya
A great smile spread on Ikuya’s face as he laughed, pulling his son close and stroking his hand down his back, letting him cling to him as he went on eating, taking bites of his food as well as some bites of food you fed to him, the two of you careful not to get any foods or sauces onto his back
Even when finished eating, he helped you clean up while your guys’ son clung to him, fast asleep as he held onto Ikuya’s sweater sleeve
“He must be so tired,” your voice quiet as you sat down beside your husband, setting down two mugs of hot cocoa with little marshmallows floating on top
His hair was soft as it brushed against your fingers, combing through them as you leaned closer, resting on Ikuya’s shoulder
“Hm, hopefully he won’t sleep too long.. He needs to eat..” Ikuya worried since his son only ate a few snacks since breakfast and just a few bites form lunch
“He will..” You assured your husband, resting your head onto his free shoulder as his head rest on top of yours, the three of you resting this wintry day together
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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sonicfan69420 · 5 months
Okay, 5 more days on the count down, yall. Y'all are so sweet and kind to me all the time
“....Cook?” The swordsman groaned, his voice was hoarse from sleep.
Sanji didn’t respond at first, instead he shoved the glass of water towards the swordsman. Zoro furled his brow, before gingerly taking the glass and downing it. Now that the mosshead has at least drank some water, Sanji had no qualms about ripping him a new one.
“You’re a real idiot, you know that Mosshead?” Sanji took the empty water glass from Zoro, walking away to refill the glass. “You got shitfaced at the celebration for us, terrorized a stranger, and then had the nerve to make me carry you back to The Sunny.” Sanji returned, handing the refilled glass back to Zoro. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Zoro glared, before immediately regretting the action. He moved his free hand to rub his forehead, pinching at the skin in an attempt for comfort. "Crlllss, cn we please not? M' tired."
Letting out a huff, Sanji bent down to be eye level with the swordsman. Zoro was still too drunk to be fully cognizant. There was a pleading look in the Marimos eye. Sanji would be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart pull in his chest. Zoro looked so...helpless, which was the last thing he’d ever associate with the drunk idiot.
"Shut up and drink your water mosshead," Sanji began to make his way towards the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves and washing his hands, "and tell me what you want to eat before I change my mind." Sanji ordered, making his way to the large bag of short grain rice in the pantry and then hefting it up onto the counter.
Noting that the mosshead still had yet to answer his question, Sanji looked back to the swordsman who had once again changed positions. He was properly sitting up now, his head still lolled to the side, but Sanji supposed that was to be expected. What Sanji didn’t expect was the beaming smile directed at him, eye wrinkled and eyebrows unfurled. It had been a long while since Sanji had seen a smile like that from Zoro, and it was directed at him. It wasn’t fair for a caveman smile to make his chest feel tight.
“Yuu al’redy know wha I wan.” The moss brained idiot slurred.
Sanji exhaled a laugh from his nose, looking away as he scooped the rice into a strainer. He really would have to kick Zoro’s ass when he’s sober, making him feel so soft just from a smile and slurred speech, despicable.
“Yeah,” Sanji said as he began to wash and prep the rice, feeling his heart melt a little because the moss was right. “ I do.”
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I DONT KNOW THE SPECIFICS BUT SOFT DOM!MINHO?? like it could be the reader just in need of being doted on or something and turns into sex or something 🥹
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Pairing: Minho x Reader
Genre: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Word count: 1k
Warnings: 18 + MDNI, Oral sex, Soft dominance, orgasm denial.
A/N: thank you so much for your requests.... i am loving soft dom minho so much we defiantly need more of him
When you came home today, Minho was the last person you expected to see. “What are you doing here?” His eyes became soft as he saw your tired eyes.
“You haven’t texted me all day," he said, cutting carrots.
“Sorry, it's been so hectic." You are still confused about why Minho would visit you. He wasn’t your boyfriend. You were just playing buddy.
“Did we have a play session booked, sir?” You said, placing your bag on the hook.
"No. You didn’t answer my texts,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me.
“So you let yourself into my apartment because?” The corner of Minhos' mouth turns into a smile.
He placed the knife down as he walked over to you, putting his finger under your chin. “If you read your text messages, you’d know,” he said, lifting his chin to look him in the eyes.
He turns back towards the kitchen. You can’t help but look at how his ass looks in the slacks hugging his thighs. Curious about the text he sent you; you open your phone.
“What are you doing tonight? I’m coming over.”
“Are you ignoring me?”
“I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.... but I know where you hide the spare key, remember.”
You giggle to yourself as you read the last text he sent.
“Go wash up dinner is almost ready," he said, not even looking up from the chopping board.
After having a quick shower, you throw on a T-shirt and panties.
“Sit,” Minho says, gesturing at the dining table full of food.
“Why are you here, Minho?" you ask, placing your hand on his chest.
“Does my little kitten not want me?” He says, kissing your nose.
You sit at the table. Minho plates your food and sits beside you. "Are you not eating?" Your eyes widen.
“My kitten has had a hard day. I want to make sure she eats first." He grabs a scoop of rice and adds some kimchi to it before feeding it to you.
“Oh, this is so good… thank you, sir”, you smile while covering your mouth to chew your food.
Minho pulls your hand down by your wrist and kisses your lips softly. “I will always take care of you," he whispers.
You and Minho finished eating, so you took his plate to the sink to wash up.
“So, tell me about your day”, he says, turning you around and trapping you between his body and the sink.
Minhos's veins bulged as he gripped the bench as you told him how stressful your job was. He brushes a string of hair behind your ear. "Kitten," he says softly.
“Yes sir”, you reply.
“We need to talk about you ignoring me” his mouth forms a mischievous smile.
You wrap your arms around his neck as your lips hover over his. “Do we?” He chuckles as his hand rests on your hips.
“How many times do I need to tell you? I hate being ignored,” he growls. "I'm going to have to punish you,” he says, brushing his lips.
“Punishment…. What's that?” You are just being cheeky to him now; Minho acts tough, but deep down, he’s a softy. Even during your play sessions, he checks in more than most dom would.
“Don't”, he growls as his lips clash with yours, his hand sliding down to your ass. You grin against his lips, your hands running through his hair. He pulls away, a smirk on his face. He knows he can't stay mad at you for long.
Grasping the backs of your thighs, he lifts you up to wrap your legs around his hips. He stops kissing you briefly. You trace your lips down his neck as he walks you to the bedroom.
Placing you on the bed, he kneels on the floor, lifting your legs over his shoulders. He kisses down your thighs. His kisses are passionate and gentle at the same time as he continues moving down your thighs, teasing you as he moves. He looks up at you with desire. You can feel the heat radiating from his body as he explores every inch of your skin with his lips.
His hands move up your body to your hips, gripping them firmly as he kisses his way back up. His breathing is heavy, and you can feel his desire as he moves up to your lips, connecting with them in a passionate and deep kiss. He pulls back with a mischievous smile on his face.
"You are driving me crazy." The words send goosebumps across your body.
Minho lifts your shirt slightly, letting the cool are brush across your skin. Minho licks down your breast flicking your nipple as he works his way down your body. His touch and tongue send tingles throughout your body, and his words send you a wave of pleasure and anticipation. You can't help but feel excited about what he has in store for you.
He traces circles around your navel with his tongue, his hands skimming along your thighs as he moves lower. His hot breath sends shivers through your body, each touch and lick more tantalising than the last. You can feel your heart racing in anticipation as he explores every inch of you.
Placing a kiss along your underwear line sends a shock up your body. You giggle as Minho's eyes lock with yours, and his lips move closer to your body. The pleasure builds until it reaches its peak when Minho finally devours you.
Your hands gripped onto the sheets as Minho eats your pussy like he’s been starved. Sucking and flicking your clit with his tongue as though this may be the last time he does this. “You are so good tonight”, you moan, causing Minho to press a smile into your heat.
Bunching the sheets in your hands, you arch your body, causing Minhos tongue to lick up your pussy to your clit.
Your vision blurs as Minho reaches under you and stabilises your body while holding onto your ass. "Please, I want to come", you whimper under his touch.
Minho stops immediately. You feel yourself coming down from your high instantly, your eyes opening as you start breathing heavily. "next time.... think about this moment before you decide to ignore my text."
Taglist: @daceydeath @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @cakeracha @9900z @uwuitsjungwoo @armystay89
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hockybish · 7 months
l Brock Faber l Brock Faber x Dancer l masterlist l
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"Five, six, seven, eight." Maggie Walker counted out loud to herself as she spun around.
"Knock, Knock" A voice called into the studio she was renting. Brock popped his head in. "Hey Mags" he smiled.
Maggie ignored that man standing in doorway, continuing to work on the big turn sequence, it needed to be perfect. She needed to be perfect. She wasn't going to be the one that messed up by falling out of a turn or hesitating on the aerial. The dance team had a legacy to uphold.
"Hello? Maggie? I brought dinner, you want some?" Brock interrupted her concentration by holding up a bag full of their favorite foods from Chipotle.
"What you and Sammy not want to cook again?" She chirped noticing what he had brought along to share with her.
"Something like that or maybe we don't have any clean dishes." He joked along with her. He started to unpack the bag. Setting up a makeshift picnic on the side of the room. He looked up at her when he was finished expecting her to come eat.
"You go ahead start eating. Gotta keep working on this." Maggie began again.
She pliéed deep, pushing off the floor, going into the same turn she been working on. She went into that side aerial. She must have place her foot in the wrong spot because instead of flipping over she slipped and fell.
It was whatever. Maggie got back up, prepping to do the sequence one more time. The result same as before. She hesitated before the flip and help. Slamming her fist on the ground in frustration.
"Take a break Margret Walker. Eat something, you can try again afterwards" The rookie defenseman rushed over to help the dancer up.
Maggie nodded letting Brock guide her to the food that for sure had cold by now. Nonetheless she still began to eat the chicken, rice, bean, cheese and salsa burrito bowl. She used a chip to scoop up a chunk of the mixture for a bit of added crunch.
"Feel better?" Maggie nodded with a toothy smile. She made sure not to eat too much of the filling meal, she had to get back to work and she had a late night class to teach.
The elite dancer got into place. She taking a deep breath, she pliéed and began to spin but it was short lived. She started felling the nerves again. Getting into her head, Maggie lost count and fell out.
"Do you think you could count for me?" Brock agreed and Maggie instructed him on the tempo.
Maggie got back into her starting position as Brock started to count. "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight" Split jump down to a roll, formation change, roll again, pirouette á la seconde times 10, aerial into three more pirouette á la secondes, and finishing off with two regular pirouettes.
"I got it!" "You did it!" The two friends cheered jumping towards each other in excitement. They ended closer than they thought with their noses practically touching and his hands on her waist.
Brock's eyes were focused on her lips. He felt as though he should kiss her. It's not like her hasn't ever thought about it before. It was more that, her brother's one of his good friends and teammates. And you don't date your teammates sisters. But she was so pretty and funny, kind and -
"Oh my god, is that the time? I'm gonna be late for class." Maggie slipped away, hurriedly collecting her things. Her feet were out the door before she turn back to him. Standing on her tip toes she kissed him.
Pulling back she grinned at him "We'll finish this later"
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chicademartinica · 9 months
10 07 BL Boys That I Want Carnally
Tagged by (the hilariously outraged) @lurkingshan . I honestly thought I was never tagged because duh y’all know me fam, even though I do swing that way, men are you know…men. ( I couldn’t find 10, dear family you know I’m picky)
Inspector M (played by Great Sapol in Manner of death) Hate Fuck the police. Do you know how stupid hot you have to be for me to LOOK at a policeman. Muay Thai stance and stern look can get it. You see the curls in my pp, I’d let him pull on them and that’s saying A LOT.
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Tan (played by Max Nattapol in Manner of Death) Feline, trouble adjacent, borderline insatiable, amazing kisser, perfect teeth, played by Max. Sign me up.
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Tony (played by Joong Archen in The Wrap effect) Tony is so attractive he flusters people who don’t swing that way. Kind, direct, well mannered with good banter he is an extremely caring partner who can scoop you like a bag of rice, fold you or do it standing up in the club’s bathroom. (Joong playing older under Jojo’s lense ? B-A-N-A-N-A-S)
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Palm (Played by Pond Naravit in Never let me go)While devastatingly handsome it’s Palm’s erotic versatility that puts him on the list. That man had sex with his lover A LOT while still using formal speech, always hovering between “spit in my mouth Khun Nueng” and “you belong under me always”. Plus they always look knocked out after sex. Palm’s a good time and an AMAZING KISSER.
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Ritsu (played by Nakata Keisuke in The end of the world with you) Bisexual nightmare with a big d*ck and surreal stamina. Will spit in your mouth and send you home limping and happy. Delete his number after, cherish the memory.
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King (Played by Net Siraphop in Bed Friend) The man on everybody’s list. My yaoi Aladdin ! The neck kissing alone…
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Gu Hai (played by Huang Jingyu in Addicted) The real OG bisexual Chinese Seme. Bat shit crazy, martial artist, stupid hot, forceful and surprisingly kind. He scares me but I grew up respecting the OBEY hoodie you dig me ? (Can also pull my hair and as I said I LOVE my hair.)
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fuckingstrange · 9 months
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| Day21: Faking Sick or not well? |
WARNINGS: Seasonal depression mention, Caring Reid, implied late seasons Reid but it's wtv
WORDS: 469
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x m!reader (refers to reader as "man" one time)
Rushed ASF bc it's the 23rd (like 4am) and I gotta get three fics out by the end of today so I don't feel like a mad man going to jail for missing so many days already
You sit on the living room couch, nearly half asleep as Tom and Jerry plays on the TV. You're still in the same pajamas as three days ago, when you had gotten drowned in a wave, more like a tsunami, of depression. 'tis the season for messy depression. It was all you could even think to do to call Hotch and claim you're sick, not wanting the team to worry about you or show up at your house because you didn't show up to work unannounced.
It's around 6pm when your front door opens, your gaze remaining on the TV. If it's a burglar, they'll find out there's nothing worth taking. It's not until a bag full of Chinese takeout lands on your field of vision on the coffee table that you look at who it is that came inside.
You're met with Reid, his brows furrowed as he stares at your scruffed up appearance, the matted clothes, messy hair, darker than usual eyebags all just confirming his suspicion on why you weren't really at work. He takes a step back, turning around and marching off to the kitchen. He returns not a minute later with two forks, shoving one in your open hand that slightly dangles off the couch.
“Eat.” He orders, grabbing a small thing of fried rice and putting it in your other hand. You sit up with a groan, adjusting yourself so you can lean your upper back against the arm of the chair. You don't argue, simply open up the small takeout container and begin slowly eating, gaze still on the cat and mouse running around on your TV.
Reid begins eating as well, though his gaze is on you rather than the cartoon. He takes a bite right after you do each time, making sure you're eating with him. “You didn't have to do this, y'know.” You mumble, taking another bite of the fried rice, attempting to put it down but hearing Reid’s near growl of disapproval you're quickly pulling it right back close and scooping up some more. “Yes, I did. I knew you weren't sick the day Hotch told us you called out of work. You never take sick days, even when you're sick, I have had to drag you out of there and into your damn bed when you couldn't go thirty minutes without vomiting a couple months back.” He argues.
You just shrug in response, “Well, if anybody asks..” trailing off, with the fried rice still in one hand, you use the other to slowly cover your mouth and make a fake coughing sound. Reid gives a soft scoff, followed by a light chuckle. “Just eat your damn dinner, man.” He says, reaching over to give your leg a light nudge. His action pulls a tiny smile from you.
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aquietwritingcorner · 4 months
Toaster Troubles
Title: Toaster Troubles Fandom:  TMNT 2003 Word Count: 3409  Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating:  K/G Characters:  Raphael, Donatello Warning: NA Summary:  All Donnie wants to do is fix the toaster. All Raph wants is for his five-year-old brother to wait for supervision. This is going to end well. Right?   Notes: Part of the Little Don AU, an AU I’ve had forming in my head where, during a crisis with the Time Scepter, Don sacrificed himself to save everything. Instead of it killing him, though, it turned him into a baby, and his family has needed to raise him all over again.        ff.net || AO3
Toaster Troubles
As much as Raph missed his brother, he couldn’t deny that having little Donnie around was a lot of fun. Getting to see how his brother viewed the world, watching as he learned everything again with wonder and excitement, it was refreshing and there was something special about it. It was like Raph got a window into how his brother’s mind worked that he hadn’t been able to have before.
Of course, Donnie being, well, Donatello, it had led to some pretty heart-stopping moments as he explored the world around him. It had gone from pulling all sorts of things out of his mouth, to pulling him away from dismantled appliances, to pulling him out of dangerous places because he had seen something interesting in them. Donnie was always keeping them on their toes, even with Splinter anticipating at least some of this.
Yet, Raph wouldn’t trade spending time with his little brother for the world, even if it meant dealing with the results of his curiosity. And when Donnie wanted to spend time with him over the rest of his family, well, Raph couldn’t help but feel a little special at that. He enjoyed those times with Donnie.
Today, Donnie had been favoring Raph, even with the mundane things, and so Raph had scooped him up and taken his five-year-old brother with him to the kitchen to work on dinner. It wasn’t anything too complicated. Just some chicken and rice, with a side of vegetables. With the rice cooker, and some of those microwavable vegetable mixes in a bag, most of dinner would be easy. It was just the chicken that would take most of Raph’s attention.
Well, that, and one little brother who it was best not to ignore for too long.
“Alright Donnie, ready to help me make dinner?” he asked as they walked into the kitchen.
Donnie, who he was carrying under his arm like a sack of potatoes, giggled and nodded. “Mm-hm! I’m ready to help, Raphie!”
He wiggled a little, clearly asking to get down, and Raph obliged, standing him on the counter.
“Alright. We’re gonna have chicken, rice, and some veggies. How’s that sound?” Raph asked.
“That sound good!” Donnie said, bouncing on his toes. “Which veggies?”
Raph thought for a second. “Tell ya what. If you can get into the freezer by yourself, then you can pick them out, alright?”
“Okay!” Donnie grinned brightly and dashed along the counter towards the refrigerator. Raph kept an eye on him. It would take a little maneuvering and thought for Donnie to manage to open the freezer, find all the different vegetables, put back the ones he didn’t want, and close the freezer. But it was an easy and safe way for him to practice his ninja skills outside of the dojo, and that was always a good thing. In the meantime, Raph got out a cutting board and knife and pulled the package of chicken thighs out of the sink where it had been thawing. He didn’t really want Donnie messing with raw meat yet, so he’d do all of the work with them.
Glancing back over at his little brother, Raph saw that Donnie had managed to open the freezer, and was now laying on top of the refrigerator, leaning over it to reach inside and pull out the vegetable packets. Raph couldn’t help but grin a little. That was a good way to do it, and he was proud of his little brother for figuring it out. Not that he had expected anything less from Donnie.
Raph started cutting up the chicken, keeping an ear on Donnie, and he looked over when he heard the freezer door close, watching as Donnie jumped back onto the counter and ran over to him.
“This one!” he said with a grin. “Look, it has baby corn and snap peas! I like baby corn and snap peas!”
“I know you do,” Raph said. “Alright, put it by the microwave. It won’t take too long to cook, so we’ll do it later.”
Donnie carefully made his way to the microwave, and sat the bag of vegetables by it, before coming back towards Raph. “Now what?” he asked.
“Hm. Well, since my hands are covered in raw chicken juice, how about you help me season the chicken?” Raph said.
Donnie grinned and nodded, and Raph started rattling off instructions to the boy. Donnie, as usual, was a very good listener, and followed all of Raph’s instructions about seasoning, preparing the pan, and turning on the water for Raph to wash his hands. Raph slid the chicken in the oven to cook and stood back.
“Alright. Now we just gotta do the rice,” Raph said.
“I’ll plug up the rice cooker!” Donnie said, scooting along the counter to go do that.
Raph grinned at the enthusiasm, and got the rice, preparing it. It didn’t take long and within minutes the rice was in the rice cooker, the timer set. That done, Raph looked around the kitchen. There were plenty of dishes to be done, and it’d be easier to do them now than to wait until after dinner.
“Keep an eye on that for me, will ya?” Raph asked Donnie. “I’m gonna wash some of these dishes.”
“Mm-kay!” Donnie chirped and turned to watch it.
Raph turned his attention to the sink full of dishes, keeping an eye on Donnie, who was sitting on the counter, watching the rice cooker, and chattering to himself about something. He nodded to himself, satisfied that Don was occupied with his own thoughts.
Most of the dishes in the sink weren’t too hard to clean, except for a couple of them, which had gotten food dried on and stuck. Those took focus and elbow grease, but he eventually he got them off.  Smirking triumphantly to himself, he turned to check on Donnie again—and nearly had a heart attack.
Instead of sitting on the counter, carefully watching the rice, Donnie was now surrounded by pieces of the toaster, the thing stripped down and, thankfully, unplugged.
Mentally, Raph cursed to himself. He should have been watching Donnie more closely. His brother had gotten in the habit of taking apart just about anything he could get his hands on—and he couldn’t always put them back together yet. They tried to keep him from doing it alone, especially since he wasn’t aware of the dangers of what he was doing, but sometimes he still managed to sneak something by them.
Taking a breath and keeping his voice calm, Raph looked over at Donnie. “Donnie? Bud? Watcha doing?” he asked.
Donnie didn’t even look up from what he was doing, taking another piece off of the toaster with his—yep, that was the Swiss army knife that he had been gifted on his birthday. “Fixing the toaster,” he responded, laying another piece down. “It’s all dirty in here. I’m cleaning it out and then I’m gonna fix the spring so that the handle stays up better and the toast pops out better.” He looked back over at Raph. “The tension got all loose, see? And the springs need to have good tension! But I can make that happen if I just put them back better.”
He grinned at Raph, all shinning eyes and missing teeth. “I can fix it, Raphie!”
Of course he would notice something small like that. And of course he would try to fix it. Raph let out a careful breath. “Yeah, I see what’s wrong with it, Donnie,” Raph said. “But why don’t you wait until after we eat to try to fix it. Maybe we can get LH to come over and--”
“But I can fix it now!” Donnie interrupted, his bottom lip jutting out just a little. “I can do it!”
“After dinner,” Raph said firmly. “And with supervision.” The timer for the chicken went off, and Raph turned to attend to it. “Leave it alone for now, Donnie,” he said. “Why don’t you put the veggies in the microwave?”
His attention focused on the oven for the moment, Raph opened the oven door and peered in. The chicken looked done, and it smelled just right. Raph grabbed a potholder and pulled it out of the oven, settling it on the stovetop. He carefully poked a few pieces with a fork, and nodded to himself when they seemed just right.
“Food in two!” he yelled in the direction of the door, knowing that his family would hear him. He turned his attention back to Donnie and frowned. His little brother hadn’t put the vegetables in, and hadn’t moved from where he was sitting, still stubbornly playing with the toaster which was now completely disassembled.
“Donnie,” he said, his voice firm. “I told you do leave it until after dinner.”
“But I can fix it now,” Donnie insisted.
Raph frowned, and tossed the bag of vegetables in the microwave, before turning back to his little brother. “It’s dinner time. You can come back to it after we eat. But it’s time to eat now.”
Raph recognized the stubborn spark that rose in Donnie’s eyes and settled in his shoulders. This was about to turn into a fight.
“No,” Donnie said, resolutely. “It won’t take me long! Look, it’s cleaner now! All I have to do is put it back together.” His hands reached for a couple of pieces. “I’ll eat after I’m finished.”
Raph suppressed a growl, but before he could do anything, he heard footsteps approaching.
“I heard dinner in—uh-oh,” Mikey stood in the doorway, watching.
“What’s uh-oh?” Leo asked, coming in behind him. He paused when he saw the toaster scattered on the counter. “Oh,” he said.
“It’s nothing,” Raph said, his attention still squarely focused on Donnie. “Just trying to convince Donnie here to come to dinner. Dinner’s almost ready, the table just needs to be set.”
“Mikey and I can take care of that,” Leo said, knowing it was usually best to leave dealing with Donnie to whoever was already dealing with him. “Come on, Mike.”
The two moved, but Donnie refused to move from his spot. He scooted closer to the toaster.
“Donnie…” Raph said. “Time to get off the counter.”
He should have known that wasn’t going to work.
“No!” Donnie said, the word just below being a shout. “I’m gonna finish this first!” He reached up and curled a hand into the bottom lip of the upper cabinets, doing his best to secure himself. “I can do it!”
“My sons?” Splinter entered the kitchen. “Is there a problem?”
“No problem, Sensei,” Raph said. “Just trying to convince Donnie to come to dinner.”
Splinter moved closer, and then seemed to nod to himself as he saw the mess. “I see,” he said. He looked back up at Don, clearly taking note of the stubborn way the little boy was sitting there. “Come, my son. You can finish this after we have all eaten, so that the food does not get cold.”
For a moment, Don’s resolved wavered just a bit, even as he clearly wanted to stay with the toaster.
“Come on, Donnie. I promise you can go back to it afterward,” Raph said. “We’ll get LH over to help.”
Something about what he said seemed to solidify Donnie’s desire to stay put. “No!” he said, tightening his grip and beginning to look upset. “I-I’m gonna finish this first!” he said, his voice starting to waver with tears. “I need to put this back together first! And I’m going to before I eat! I’m going to! I’m going to put it back together!”
“Come on, Donnie!” Mikey said from the table, as he sat out plates. “We’ll get LH to come over like Raph said. You love LH! He’ll help you—”
“NO!” It was a shout from the normally quiet little boy. “I can do it myself! I can do lots of things myself!” his chin trembled, and he held tighter to the cabinet. “I can! And-and-and I don’t care if the food gets cold! All of you can eat it! I’ll make mine warm later—after I fix this!”
Splinter straightened up. “Donatello,” he said in his no-nonsense voice. “That is enough. You will eat dinner with us.”
“No!” Donnie yelled out, and Splinter reached up to take him off the counter himself. “No!”
Donnie yelled out again and tried to squirm away. Splinter, though, was faster and stronger, and he pulled Donnie off of the counter, prying his hands off of the cabinets.
Donnie wailed as Splinter pulled him away, still twisting and Splinter simply carried him over to the booster seat that they had for him. Donnie yelled and squirmed, trying to get out of it when Splinter put him in it.
“Donatello,” he said firmly. “You will sit with us and eat your dinner!”
“No!” Donnie said, and angrily pushed his plate away from him. “No! I don’t wanna eat! I wanna fix the toaster! I wanna fix it! Why won’t you just let me fix it!”
It was clear that this was becoming a full tantrum, and Splinter, clearly having none of it, picked Donnie up again.
“We will be back,” he said over Donnie’s howls.
The remaining three brothers stood there in silence, watching and listening as Splinter took Donnie to his room and shut the door behind him.
“Geeze,” Mikey said. “It’s been a long time since Donnie’s thrown a tantrum like that.”
“I know,” Leo said, looking over at Raph. “What happened?”
Raph shook his head, “I dunno. I was washing dishes, I turned, and he had the toaster in pieces. When I tried to get him to come to dinner, well… You saw all of that.”
“I wonder why, though?” Leo said. “Something triggered the tantrum.”
“Let’s hope he’s not getting sick, like last time,” Mikey said, shuddering.
None of them had enjoyed that particular tantrum and the clean-up, although once they realized that Donnie was sick, it had made the tantrum a bit more understandable.
Still, the brothers ate quietly, listening to the yells and howls of their youngest brother as he threw the biggest tantrum they’d heard yet. They were nearly finished eating by the time the tantrum started to calm. It was only a few minutes later that Splinter returned, pushing a still sniffling Donnie in front of him.
“What do you have to say?” Splinter asked the boy.
Donnie opened his mouth, looked at Raph, at the toaster, and then back at Raph.
“I’m still gonna fix the toaster!” he said defiantly.
“Donatello!” Splinter said.
Donnie’s chin began trembling again. “I-I am! I’m going to fix it!”
“Dude. Why not just wait until LH—” Mikey started.
“No!” Donnie yelled, cutting him off even as tears began to rise in his eyes again.
Raph let out a frustrated noise. “Why is this so important to you!” he halfway yelled back, exasperated at Donnie’s stubbornness.
For a moment, there was silence, and then Donnie burst into noisy tears. Leo reached over and whacked Raph on the shoulder, even as Raph looked at his little brother, slightly horrified. “I—”
“Why won’t you ever let me do anything!” Don sobbed out. “I can do it! I can fix it! But you won’t let me! None of you will let me! I’m smart! I know how! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!”
His words turned into noisy sobs and desperate tears, and Splinter reached down, bundling the boy up in his arms. “Ah,” he said. “I think I understand.”
Three pairs of confused eyes looked at the rat as he held the sobbing tot in his arms. Splinter simply moved to a chair, and sat with Donnie, rocking him slightly.
“When Donatello was young, the first time, he had already begun taking things apart and putting them back together at this age. As I was somewhat ignorant at the time of the dangers, I allowed it, especially as he was able to make many things work.” Splinter ran a hand up and down Donnie’s shell, trying to comfort him. “Perhaps in our zeal to protect him, we have instead stifled him.”
Donnie was a bit calmer now, although still clearly upset. “I can do it,” he said his voice muffled from where he was curled into Splinter. “I can put it back together all by myself.”
Oh. Oh, that hit a bit different and explained things. Raph looked at his baby brother, new understanding forming. It wasn’t about the toaster itself, but about them trusting him to be able to do things.
Raph knelt next to the chair and reached out, rubbing Donnie’s shell. “Hey, Bud. I’m sorry I didn’t understand,” he said softly. “It’s not that I don’t think you can put it back together, it’s that I don’t want you to hurt yourself, okay? The idea of you getting hurt scares me, and I want to keep you safe.”
Donnie kept his face buried in Splinter. “But I’m safe,” he said. “I know all the protocols! LH and Aunt April taught me! I just wanna do it by myself, ‘cause I can!”
“We understand that, my son,” Splinter said, pressing his nose to Donnie’s head. “But that still does not excuse your behavior. Even when you were that upset, you knew that it would be better to use your words than to throw a fit.”
Donnie didn’t say anything, but he nodded a minute amount.
“You will be allowed to fix the toaster, by yourself,” Splinter said. “But only after you have both eaten and apologized to your brothers.”
Donnie sniffed and nodded. “Okay,” he said.
Splinter let the boy get down, and he looked up at his brothers, before looking down at his feet again. “I’m sorry,” he said in a small voice. “I shouldn’t have thrown a fit. That wasn’t right. I shoulda used my words better.”
“It’s alright,” Leo said. “We forgive you.”
Donnie sniffed, and looked up at his brothers, taking in their expressions, and then looked back at Splinter.
“You are forgiven, my son,” Splinter said. “Now—come eat your dinner. Afterwards, you will repair the toaster, and then we will discuss your punishment for the tantrum.”
Donnie’s eyes grew a bit wet again, but he just nodded. “Yes, Father,” he said.
Splinter and Donnie ate, while the rest of the brothers cleaned up from dinner. Afterwards, Donnie worked on the toaster, fixing it perfectly, just as he said he could. He was, however, sent to bed early, and would be doing some extra meditation with either Splinter or Leo tomorrow. The rest of the family settled in the living room, a little exhausted from everything that had happened.
“Well, that was something,” Mikey said.
“Certainly not the way I expected things to go,” Leo agreed.
“Yeah, but—” Raph looked at his family. “What are we gonna do about this? I don’t think we can just keep Donnie from taking things apart anymore.”
Splinter shook his head. “No, we cannot. He is a gifted and curious child, and in our attempts to give him a better life, we may, in fact, be stifling him. I will talk to both Leatherhead and April about Donatello’s education going forward. Perhaps it is time we gave him a little more freedom when it comes to his engineering endeavors.”
“Uh-oh,” Mikey said, a teasing lilt to his voice. “Here it comes. We’re gonna start finding screws and bolts and tools everywhere, probably with our feet, and it’ll hurt worse than legos.”
“And we’ll have to start making sure he doesn’t sneak projects under his covers at night,” Leo said.
“And we will have to get used to mistakes, clanging, and small explosions,” Splinter said.
“Yeah,” Raph said. “But we dealt with it before—we can deal with it again.”
There was a general murmur of agreement from the others, and they settled into a companionable silence. Perhaps they should have seen this coming sooner. After all, Donnie may not have been Don, but he was still Donatello. Of course he was going to be a little engineer. And if Raph was honest with himself? Having Donnie start down that path again was comforting. He looked forward to the day when Donnie had the lair ringing with the sounds of his latest project again.
He just hoped it didn’t involve anymore tantrums.
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Snippet (read as: literally all I wrote) of a scenario where someone with the power to literally rewrite reality abuses this power to... give Sunshine an ideal belly rub.
⚠️ stuffing (retroactive?), belly kink, weird existential magic
"I can make this... more enjoyable for you, but..." The starry figure hesitates, and as Sunshine's curiosity is piqued, so is his concern.
"Hey," he says softly, "what's up? What is it?"
"It'd mean..." Its brows furrow. "It'd mean making an edit to your story, should you choose to accept my offer. Nothing major, nothing that would too greatly affect your life- but your recent memories will be slightly altered to accommodate."
That's... a little scary. Every time he's reminded this gentle being can literally rewrite reality, it gives Sunshine chills.
"...nothing bad?" he manages to venture.
"Nothing bad," it echoes, cradling his face with a soft smile. "Oh, sweetheart, I wouldn't hurt..."
...it trails off, looking guilty, then recollects itself. "All I want to do is make sure you had lunch before you dozed off."
He did drop off as soon as he got home earlier, didn't he. It's... a kind offer. Characteristic of this being. After a moment, he nods his assent.
When the god next speaks, its voice sounds... different. More authoritative, richer, expressive, like it's reading from a storybook. It's soothing to Sunshine- he hasn't been read to since he was a kid.
"When Sunshine came home from work just past noon, rest was the only thing on his mind. It had been a draining day."
He definitely recalls that much.
"He let his bag slip from his shoulders, paying no mind to it as it thudded to the floor. He shuffled for the couch like a zombie, ready to lose consciousness the second he was in a horizontal position...
"But then his stomach snarled, halting him in his tracks."
What? Sunshine blinks. That hadn't-
No. It had. He'd frozen in place as an almighty growl seemed to fill the room, and he realized all at once how starving he was. It had made him shudder, made his face feel strangely warm. A similar blush rises to his cheeks now.
"Shocked by its audacity, Sunshine pressed a paw to his empty belly, telling it to be at ease. Sleep could wait- he needed to eat first, or he'd be miserable later."
Sunshine's breathing quickens a little as the god continues.
"He had to wait for his food to cook, so as he was teased with the aroma of fresh hot rice, he soothed his complaining stomach with tender words and touches. Soon, he promised, soon."
Sunshine's face heats further as the memory of talking to his tummy is slotted in. It feels natural. It's entirely something he'd do, so long as he didn't have witnesses- and he hadn't, in that empty apartment. Hearing the starry god acknowledge that silly aspect of him so fondly is giving him butterflies, making his tail quiver.
"When the rice was finally done, he hastened to season and butter it after scooping it out of the cooker... but he hesitated. He was very, very hungry... surely, another serving could be in order?"
He groans. He doesn't know why he keeps making that mistake. He'll cook himself a second batch of rice when he feels particularly ravenous, then either can't finish it, or tries to and regrets it. And then he does the same thing a couple weeks later, not having learned his lesson at all.
"So he filled his rice maker up with a second serving, letting it cook while he scarfed down the first."
And suddenly, there's a warmth in Sunshine's belly.
He squeaks sharply as the faint ache of emptiness, too mild to care much about, evaporates on the spot. He squirms slightly, feels a little weight in his stomach- he's not full by any means, but he's been retroactively sated. Just like that.
It's... extraordinary.
The starry being beams at him. "Still okay? That's not too much?"
"Y- Yeah," he stammers, head spinning. "M'good. Great."
"You're doing wonderfully." Its touch, both warm and cool, smooths over his forehead. "Just a little more."
The words make his heart swell.
"Not long after he was scraping the bowl for the last grains, the cooker chimed again. He got up for a refill- he wasn't full yet. But, halfway through the second serving..."
Sunshine jerks as the warmth in his belly redoubles. Suddenly, he's comfortably full, even a little moreso. It makes him feel heavy and satisfied. This would be the point to stop, if there weren't food at risk of being wasted.
"...any more and his stomach wouldn't be happy with him." The god turns its shining eyes to Sunshine. "So... he had a choice to make."
"...me?" he squeaks, ears lifting.
"You," the god answers patiently. "You have the choice to push yourself- would you?"
He swallows as he considers his options. There's spice on his breath, and a grain of rice stuck behind one tooth that wasn't there a minute ago. He takes in the comfortable warmth currently in his belly, and thinks about how it would feel beneath those starry hands.
But then he considers the ache of overfullness, how he never hated it enough to avoid it the next time, how it sent confusing shivers up his spine that he can recognize now as arousal.
"I..." Sunshine gulps again. "I can take it. I'd do it."
He shudders as the god smooths a hand over his still-clothed belly. "Good," it says, "good boy. It's going to ache, so brace yourself."
Sunshine tenses as anticipation and arousal fill him from the words.
"After a moment's consideration, he kept going. He didn't want his cooking to go to waste."
A pang seizes Sunshine's middle. He gasps as his shirt slightly, but visibly tightens around his belly as it firms up. It lets out a displeased gurgle, one that sends lightning up his spine.
"He regretted it, of course," the god says gingerly, "but not enough to stop himself. And the ache felt good."
It did. It does. Sunshine moans.
"He wasn't sure how he found the strength to stand and put his dish in the sink- his exhaustion had crashed down upon him again, twofold with how overly full he was.
"But somehow, he managed. And even with the ache in his tummy, he was asleep the second he hit the cushions.
"...oh, sweetheart, are you okay?" The ethereal quality fades from his benefactor's voice altogether, its brows knitting with concern. "Did we overdo it...?"
His stomach cramps, and he sucks in a breath through his teeth. But it's a good kind of ache. "No," he grits. "No, this- this is good..."
"Let me help you," the god offers, and reaches down to pluck his shirt open.
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Husband!Reiner x Black!fem Reader
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this isnt as hunky dory as i initially thought this to be but i think its still a valid insight into life with rei. surprisingly ive been having a lot of news, convos and experiences with various people in my own life about marriage and children so i guess this post was a subconscious embodiment of that. either way, enjoy 🫶🏾
Husband!Reiner knows he lucked out in bagging you and he absolutely adores people coveting him. everytime he tells someone hes cuffed, he literally cannot wait to show them a picture of you
Husband!Reiner always spoils you when it comes to bringing home gifts. Its rare that he ever comes home empty handed. more times than less he’s entering in with your favourite snacks or maybe a bracelet he thought suited you whilst he was on break earlier in the day
Husband!Reiner isnt picky when it comes to food. that man would eat just about ANYTHING you feed him and say how its the best thing hes ever tasted. not that youre a bad cook, but he’d find a way to praise even the simplest of meals.
“god, baby, this so good!” reiner’s cheeks were bulging full of food whilst he gave his compliment.
with a sweet laugh, you shook your head whilst opening a beer for him by cocking the tin lid with an opener.
“its literally just rice and stew. you eat it all the time by now.” placing the bottle next to his plate, you bent down to kiss his forehead.
he made a grunt of disagreement.
“dont change the fact that it’s always so good!”
Husband!Reiner is quite reserved when it comes to intimacy and sex. the furthest he’d go in terms of public displays of attraction is hold your hand or a quick peck on the cheek. he’d occasionally lean his chin on your shoulder when in the presence of other company.
however, in the private presence of each other, his attitude towards public reservations has never stopped him from pulling you to the side for a quick fuck before you go out with the girls or letting you go down on him once parked outside his family home for a visit.
Husband!Reiner isnt the best with chores. He tried to help in the past, and has the utmost purest intentions when offering his help, but his standard of clean isn’t the same as yours and so you believe you’re better off just doing everything yourself.
Husband!Reiner is really handy with manual labour tho!! if anythings broken around the apartment hes more than happy to get on it right away. if hes unsure how, he’ll find a tutorial on youtube and work it out from there
Husband!Reiner helps with all the tricky stuff with your hair. whether it be helping you to twist it before bed, wash day or being a live wighead for you to style your pieces — he’s available.
he learnt especially for you but always says if he’s possibly going to have a black daughter one day then hes gonna have to learn.
Husband!Reiner wants kids. its one of the few things the two of you disagree on and several arguments have lead out from that. he loves kids in general but he gets particularly broody whenever he babysits or goes to visit his baby cousin gabi.
it also doesnt help that Husband!Reiner has a particular breeding kink. hes okay with you going on BC because that’s your business and it means he can bottom out anytime! but it does sadden him that in result it means he cant give smol gabi a playmate
“i just think it’d be nice for her to have someone to play with!” he said as he tooths another parting in your hair with the metal rod of the comb. he gingerly took a scoop of hair grease from the tub before layering it down onto your exposed scalp.
“but rei, thats not your— our —responsibility to deal with. its her parents job to give her a sibling if need be so you gotta stop stressing about it like it’s your problem to solve.”
the man was quiet for awhile as he continued to grease your head. when he sighed, he looked over at the two of you within the mirror.
“i know.” he said after awhile. “i just…i never had any siblings or cousins growing up, you know? i don’t know if id want her to go through the same thing i did.”
Husband!Reiner is very family oriented. even though its just the two of you, he still tries his best to make the most of holidays and time off. he always insists you have at least two ‘holidays’ to yourselves a year — sometimes abroad, sometimes on an excursion or even just a spa weekend away. that way when it comes to festive holidays, there isn’t a feeling of fatigue from NOT spending time with each other, meaning you can spend it with extended family and not feel drained from lack of timeout
Husband!Reiner smokes as a habit rather than a coping mechanism. his favourite brands are malboros but you absolutely hate the fresh smell of the smoke once hes come to you after one. he doesnt smoke as much as he did when you first met him.
(back then, he promised to ween off of them if you were to give him a chance! — he did for awhile but after he got closer to the Jaeger’s around a year ago, he picked up the habit again. that’s another thing you two argue about)
“reiner, that fucking stinks. get the fuck outside with that shit, i’ve told you about smoking that nastiness inside here.” you say, flailing your arms by your side as you walk into the living room.
turning around with a face of confusion, reiner spoke slowly in a low tone.
“but i literally am outside, im on the balcony.”
“then close the door! all that smoke is coming inside and it’s stinking up the place.” you exclaimed.
“but i wanna watch the match at the same time.” reiner pointed towards the tv but you could only shrug.
“watch it through the window then.”
“but then i wouldn’t be able to hear the tv!”
“reiner james braun, i swear—”
reiner didn’t want, nor wait, to hear what else you had to say to him. with a grumble beneath his breath, reiner complied and leaned backwards to slide the balcony door shut, the action slightly shaking the walls.
Husband!Reiner is hospitable but mostly for people he’s used to. he loves setting up gatherings for your friends to come round and enjoy each other’s company. since uni, a lot of you haven’t been able to see each other a lot but reiners a bit like the glue that keeps everyone in touch
however, since all of you know each other from around the same time (and because they paired the two of you up!) your friends sometimes felt responsible for your relationship and were weary of any ‘threat’ made towards it
“you two thinking of extending the family anytime soon?” mikasa said, her voice hushed as you, her and annie sat on the balcony and away from the bustle of everyone else inside
you made a noise of surprise at her inquiry.
“actually, we have been! i was thinking of getting either a cat or a puppy. im not too keen on dogs but they say if you nurse them from young, you can get them to behave really well.” you deflected as your mug of hot beverage made its way to your lips.
with an amused hum, annie side eyed you.
“you know thats not what she meant.” she said as she took an inhale of her cigarette. “she’s talking about kids and you know it.”
as soon as annie spoke, your mood suddenly soured. with a huff you looked up towards the night sky.
“why does everyone keep asking me this question? im sure no ones asking pieck and porco this shit and they’ve been together longer than us. or you and bertholdt! so why is it me thats always being asked this stuff?”
mikasa shuffled awkwardly in her seat. hugging the blanket she had over her higher towards her chin, she made a dejected sound before speaking. from that alone, you knew she was reluctant to say her next words.
“yeah but…you dont see either of them loudly proclaiming their contrasting ideas. all of them have decided between each other what they want and seem at peace with that. but reiner’s like…the broodiest man ever and never fails to remind us. the fact that you two dont have kids yet means there’s obviously a hold up on your behalf.”
at mikasas bold words, a dry laugh left your mouth. was this seriously the conversation you were having right now?
shrugging your shoulders, you gave her a wild look
“so?! is it such a bad thing for me to not want them? why’s everyone coddling around reiner and his needs of wanting kids? whys no one thinking of me — the person whos gonna have to carry said child and be their primary care giver — who says im ready to give this life up for that?! why’s no one taking my choices into consideration?”
softly hopping in her seat, mikasa briefly hid her face behind the blanket before pouting over at you.
“i am taking you into consideration! and i know! and im sorry for bringing it up again. eren put me up for asking because he says hes sick of reiner’s whining in the guy’s groupchat. you know im on your side regardless.”
mikasa laid her hand over on your exposed arm, her face laced with remorse but you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of discontent at the knowledge that reiner was vocal to your friends about you not wanting children.
blinking forwards, you could only weakly shrug. even though mikasa had given her reasoning for asking, you still couldn’t help but feel slightly betrayed
“i know, man but just… miss me with that bullshit. i know what im saying when i say i don’t want em right now.” you mumbled, now feeling more conflicted than before.
that night, you and Husband!Reiner have a bit of a honest conversation about how reiner talks about the whole kid thing with his friends. hes very quick to assure you that he doesn’t talk bad about you behind your back but tells them that he cant have them right now when you have a contrasting opinion to him
you personally dont have a problem with that because these were your friends too — theyed be quick to g-check reiner if he ever said something less than positive about you and then report it directly to you
but for the sake of the situation and with how sensitive it was, you asked reiner if he could refrain from sharing that personal aspect of your life with them
“i know i’ve said it way too many times now but im truly sorry for all this. mika was wrong for asking you that.” reiner says as you lay under his arm. you found solace by burying your face into his side.
“well i dont blame her. if you’re constantly telling people in the groupchat that kinda stuff then yeah, of course they’re gonna feel like they have to intervene. they’re our friends and they only want the best for us.”
you could really tell reiner was thinking this all over in his head by the way he made subconscious groans.
when he had finally made up his mind, he slightly bent down to kiss your forehead.
“yeah i guess so. i wont bring that stuff up again, im sorry for putting you in that position, baby.”
the two of you laid up next to each other, and went on to talk about other miscellaneous things. however, just when you were about to fall asleep, you tiredly mumbled into reiner’s skin.
“its not that i don’t ever want kids. i just…not now, rei. im still very much enjoying life with just the two of us. kids are hard work and a lifelong commitment. everything i know and do will have to change from here on out and i just dont think im ready for that kinda burden yet.”
with a lethargic hum, reiner nods his head.
“yeah, i get you.” he mumbles.
although Husband!Reiner still wants kids, he agrees to getting a puppy in the mean time. he says he might as well get the practice while he waits.
surprisingly Husband!Reiner is in absolute adoration of the new bundled edition. the pup is boisterous and hyper but listens to commands well and learns quickly
the puppy is even more enamoured by smol gabi who always seems to have either its tail or ear within her chubby small hands. still, the puppy only sees it as a bunch of fun
Husband!Reiner isnt perfect, and definitely has so many flaws where he needs to fix up on but he’s trying and he really does love you so you’re okay with working him through all of that.
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a-roses-wondrous-rain · 2 months
It Isn’t Home Without You.
TW - angst with a happy ending, Kaveh neglecting himself like always
They had another fight. But this one was one of the biggest arguments they’ve had in almost their entire time of knowing each other. It started with minute things, but Kaveh started pointing out and belittling everything. And it snowballed into genuine insults and pointing out everything they hated about each other, even though the pros of knowing and living with each other outweighed all of this.
Normally, Kaveh would be the one to leave, but Alhaitham just needed a minute of quiet, so he packed up a bag and left. And didn’t come back for a month. It was a bad argument, neither were ready to talk to each other, and neither attempted it. But in the month that Alhaitham stayed in the Shapur Hotel, it felt so wrong. The room was smaller than he was used to, he didn’t have his books to read, and he didn’t have Kaveh. But of course, Alhaitham was stubborn, and wouldn’t go back and admit he was wrong so soon. So he instead suffered in the hotel room for a month.
But finally, he decided that this was just a tad petty. Sure, he loved proving Kaveh wrong or having lighthearted arguments with him, that’s what made their dynamic fun, but he didn’t want to destroy his friendship a second time with a second argument. So he approached their house, which seemed oddly quiet for once, and unlocked it using his set of keys. The snow leopard charm that matched Kaveh’s lion one jingled against the keys as he turned it, opening the door.
Alhaitham walked in and took off his boots. He could hear something. It was a slightly annoying sound, but he soon recognized it as Kaveh’s pencil. He put his keys in the bowl and walked over to Kaveh’s room. Alhaitham took off his headphones and put his ear to the door, and he could hear mumbling. Was Kaveh spiraling again? He tended to do that whenever they had bad fights…
Alhaitham knocked, “Kaveh? I’m home, are you okay?” Kaveh quieted down, and slowly moved over to the door and opened it. Alhaitham only stared at his disheveled appearance; unwashed hair, heavy eyebags, shaking hands and an ever so slightly thinner appearance. Alhaitham sighed and scooped Kaveh up, much to the annoyance of the architect. “Let me go, Hayi,” was the first thing he said. The scribe walked over to the kitchen with Kaveh, “when was the last time you ate? Not just a snack, not something Tighnari mailed to you, a genuine meal.” That shut Kaveh up. In all honesty, he hasn’t eaten a full meal since a couple days after Alhaitham left. It felt wrong to make a meal without him. They always discussed what they’d eat, or occasionally they’d help each other in the kitchen, but they always ate together.
Alhaitham put Kaveh down. “Now, have you gone shopping in the month I’ve been gone? Or do I need to go dig out something that’s still good?” “I- …no, I haven’t gone shopping since you left.” Another thing that felt wrong without Alhaitham. They always went to the market together, picking out fruits, spices and meats, or other foods to try and cook with. Alhaitham went over to the cabinets, since the dry and canned foods would supposedly be good still. He ended up grabbing frozen beef, canned tomatoes, kidney beans and rice. Kaveh curled up on the couch while waiting for it all to heat up and cook.
“You don’t have to do this, azizam. I can take care of myself. I’m not a child.” Alhaitham stirred the rice pot, “ah, right. Because a functioning adult doesn’t eat a full meal for a month straight. You need to take care of yourself better, Kaveh.” Kaveh really didn’t have a response to that, so he just quietly sat on the couch as the aroma of the ingredients filled the house. It actually smelled quite nice. Alhaitham poured the rice in with the beef and added canned tomatoes and kidney beans, mixing in spices as well. He served it in two bowls and put everything else in the sink before walking over. “Here, eat. You clearly need it.” Kaveh took the bowl and a spoon, slowly taking a bite. Alhaitham joined him on the couch with his own bowl, grabbing a book and putting his headphones back on to play white noise.
Kaveh swallowed his spoonful before quietly speaking, “Hayi, I’m sorry for my behavior and all… I didn’t mean to be that loud, or that mean, or that selfish, or- or that horrible.” Alhaitham paused, looking up at Kaveh as he kept going. “I understand that you may hate me for my actions, and that’s alright, I just wanted to say that I apologize for all of… this.” He emphasized the last word by gesturing to the both of them, and his neglected appearance. Alhaitham thought to find the words for a minute. Despite being a Haravatat scholar, he really didn’t know how to properly word any sort of apology, or explanation, or frankly anything with emotions to it. “It’s alright, Kaveh. You don’t need to keep putting yourself down. Just say the little things when it bothers you so we don’t get outbursts like that again.
Kaveh chuckled, “is that why you immediately mention when something ticks you off?” “I suppose so. To be fair, you do a lot of annoying things.” Kaveh let out a gasp of mock offense, “are you saying you don’t enjoy living with me?” Alhaitham figured it was sarcasm since it was a lighthearted situation now. He scooted over to Kaveh, turning up his white noise a bit while he ate and read, and Kaveh started talking about projects he had been working on during Alhaitham’s absence.
Finally, things were feeling better again.
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