#he was a dude that left that i was remembering fondly
axolotlclown · 1 year
the craziest part about being a man is that you could have a super chill relationship with another male coworker like absolutely zero problems and then bring them up with a female coworker and hear crazy shit like "that guy? he keeps trying to send me dick pics on instagram so that ill join his thruple or whatever"
and youre standing there like 🧍
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
does he always do this?
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'heard it in a love song'
rated m | 995 words | cw: mentions of sex | tags: everyone loves steve, but eddie loves steve like a love song, steddie, corroded coffin friendship
Eddie tapped his pencil against the journal, checking the clock above the phone in the kitchen for the hundredth time in the last 30 minutes.
Steve was late.
Steve was never late.
He was only minutes away from trying to call his house to make sure he didn't forget he was coming over when he heard a car pull up out front.
"Finally," he said to himself, throwing the pencil down and pushing the chair away from the table.
He went to open the door and was shocked to find not just Steve, but his entire band as well.
"Uh…hi?" Eddie watched as they all grabbed backpacks from Steve's car. "What's happening right now? Is it an intervention? I don't even drink."
Steve rolled his eyes as he got closer and kissed the corner of Eddie's mouth.
"The guys are here to help with the song."
"What song? There's no song," Eddie panicked. It was supposed to be a secret, dammit. He'd been so careful.
"The song you've been writing for me that you're having trouble with. You've been distracted for days and I want my boyfriend back," Steve pushed past him and into the kitchen, opening the fridge to start grabbing random things Eddie didn't even know they had.
"Hey Eddie," Jeff and Frankie said in unison as they pushed past him and set their bags on the floor inside.
"Hey, man," Gareth said as he did the same.
"Who told him about the song?" Eddie hissed as Steve made himself busy pulling a pan out of the cabinet.
"No one. You left your journal wide open on your desk and he saw it when he was getting ready for work," Jeff rolled his eyes. "We told you to keep your stuff hidden."
"I thought you were just being assholes about Steve being my boyfriend!" Eddie threw his hands up in frustration. This was bullshit. He could get the song done on his own!
"Anyone allergic to anything?" Steve called out from the counter, where a variety of peppers, onions, and garlic were spread out to be cut.
"I'm allergic to vegetables," Gareth smirked.
"Right. I'm sure," Steve didn't even entertain his comment, continuing to cut up the food in front of him. "Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes."
"Does he always just come in here and start cooking?" Frankie asked from his spot on the couch. He sure made himself comfy fast.
"Only if he knows I haven't eaten much."
"How does he know that?" Jeff asked as he settled in Wayne's chair.
"His hands are shaking because his sugar's low and he has six empty cans of Mountain Dew on the table, meaning he hasn't gotten up from the table for hours. Focus on the song, pretend I'm not here."
Eddie smiled fondly at Steve, only turning back to everyone when Gareth clapped his hands in his face.
"Dude, you're so fucked."
Eddie groaned. "Yeah, well, the song has me fucked up worse."
"What have you got so far?" Frankie asked.
Eddie got up to grab the journal from the table and threw it to him. Frankie read the few lines and nodded, smirking.
"This isn't a love song."
"What do you mean? Of course it's a love song!"
"Dude, this is a sex song."
"It is not!"
Jeff grabbed the journal and read the lines, his eyes widening momentarily before handing it over to Gareth.
"Damn, this is a sex song."
"You writing dirty things about me, baby?" Steve asked from his spot at the counter.
Eddie covered his face with his hands and groaned. "I wasn't trying to."
"Alright, so do you wanna shift gears and try to focus more on love or do you wanna stick with this?" Jeff asked, getting down to business. He was good at keeping them on track.
"Stick with this."
They sat around figuring out lines that could work, and Steve stood at the stove listening, but keeping to himself.
He ignored the teasing Eddie received when he admitted to wanting to see Steve in only his vest, but smiled to himself when he remembered the first time he'd worn only the vest while Eddie fucked him against his bedroom wall.
He ignored how red Eddie got when they tried to rewrite the line about "seeing white on red", saying it didn't make sense. Maybe to them it didn't, but all Steve could picture was when Eddie's cum painted his ass, bright red from the spanking Eddie'd given him.
They luckily didn't talk much about it over dinner, too busy shoving the food into their mouths to say anything.
After dinner, Steve cleaned up while they got back to it, then went to take a shower and get ready for bed. They might stay up all night writing, but he sure wouldn't be awake for much longer.
Eddie snuck into the bathroom while he was rinsing his hair, sitting on the sink and asking about his day.
When Steve got out of the shower, he wrapped his towel around his waist and stood in between Eddie's legs, cupping his face in his hands.
"You love me?" Steve asked, the same way he did every night.
"More than anything in the world, Stevie," Eddie answered, the same way he did every night.
"How's the song?"
"It's…our sex life. Kinda out in the open. Is that okay?"
Steve smirked. "Yeah."
"It's not really a love song."
"Sure it is. You love me, you fuck me. It's all the same," Steve kissed his lips softly, smiling into it. "Can't wait to hear when it's done."
"I could sing it to you tonight," Eddie wrapped his arms around him.
"Hey!" Gareth banged on the door. "No fucking while we're here!"
They both laughed.
"Better get back to it," Steve kissed him again before opening the door and walking to the bedroom.
Eddie watched him go, biting his lip.
"I've got the chorus," he yelled to the guys.
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semischarmed · 1 year
Shane dropped his controller as he finished another round of his favorite video game. 
He paused the game to catch a breath. 
“Oh, by the way Arthur’s coming over,” Shane’s roommate and best friend Noah yawned. Noah ran his hand up his shirt, showing a slight peek of his abs as he lazily scratched. 
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Shane could never put into words the maddening effect that particular move had on him. He didn’t know what it was about Noah, or why it took him so long to see it.
It was just something about the guy, his carefree attitude, his natural charisma, his cute smile. The guy was a gift to be around. He didn’t even think about guys that way- except Noah now, of course. Noah was different. And it was only recently that he had felt such a strong pull for the guy. Guys like Noah were like that. Warm. They had a way of making you smile fondly at the thought of them, at their laughs, at laughing with them. And before you knew it, you were blushing.
Naturally, Shane had kept quiet about his new feelings, knowing that such a confession would cause irreparable damage to their relationship. After all, they’ve been friends as far as he could remember. It was in these contemplative moments that Shane’s mask slipped, and he muttered in slight annoyance, “Arthur again?”
“Yeah bro, he’s actually a pretty fun guy to be around”. The half-asleep Noah said back. Away from the man’s line of sight, Shane grimaced.
Arthur again.
Shane noticed the two hanging out ever since their New Year’s party. He wasn’t even sure how the guy was even invited. Perhaps it was pity. Admittedly, they were all quite cruel to him in high school. Noah especially. That’s just how it was back then. Growing up in a small town had a way of turning something as inconsequential as social status into the end all be all. He was happy to have grown past it. That they had all grown past it.
Shane reasoned Noah must have felt a twinge of guilt about it all. He supposed he felt a bit guilty as well. Shane sighed as he started another match, thoughts lingering back to his roommate.
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- - -
It wasn’t long before the nerdy Arthur was at their door. 
It was another point of annoyance to Shane. The fact that the guy had a key to their place. Arthur merely let himself in, wordlessly plopping on the couch beside Noah.
“What game is that? Looks a bit boring?”
Shane could always count on Arthur to justify his coldness toward him. This nerd was annoying. “Doesn’t matter dude… Noah’s out cold by the way- ” He jerked his head at the collection of empty beers on the coffee table. The air was rank with the noxious mixture of the man’s natural musk and cheap beer. Shane took a swig as he continued with his match.
From the corner of his eye, Shane watched Arthur dig through Noah’s pockets. He felt him continue to dig through the jock’s pocket, lingering a bit too long before fishing out an old phone with a cracked screen. Arthur leaned forward, unlocking the phone and responding to a few messages. With a satisfied smirk, the nerd nonchalantly placed the phone back into Noah’s pocket. 
Shane couldn’t focus too much on the bizarre sight before him. At least, that’s what it looked like to him- he couldn’t tell if he had just imagined the whole exchange in the heat of his particularly difficult match. 
“I think we’re going to play a different game, a guessing game…” Arthur laughed as the television flashed black. He threw the remote to the floor.
“-Hey” Shane shot back in annoyance. He started to get up, only to be slammed back into the couch by his sleeping friend’s meaty hand. “What the fuck?”
Arthur leaned closer to Noah’s sleeping form as he began his game. “Guess.”
Despite the confusion, Shane felt paralyzed with a mix of shock and intrigue. “Guess what?”
This time, Noah jerked to life head turning just a bit too far to left. With a toothy grin, Shane’s best friend answered back. “Guess how long this hunk of meat has been mine.”
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- - -
“C’mon bro, guess”. 
Shane needed more answers. It made a demented sort of sense. Why would Noah, of all people, hang out with Arthur? How did Arthur inexplicably have all this access to Noah’s life? He gulped. Shit. New Year’s. “A couple weeks,” he stammered out, afraid to even speak the words.
Shane couldn’t believe how long it had been. He felt lightheaded at the thought of his best friend, of Noah being reduced to this. He thought of how many people. How had he not noticed? How had no one noticed? The implications were even graver. The fact that one person could do this- could be anyone. No. Before he could even expand his line of thought, an image of Noah’s dumb, grinning smile flashed through his mind. Noah. He felt sick at the prospect. Noah was his best friend, and he couldn’t tell for weeks.
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“Wroooong” both of them hummed. 
Shane was still reeling from the initial shock. “I-I’ll call the police!” Shane stammered.
Arthur looked amused, chewing on the statement before cackling. He stroked Noah’s cheek. 
“My Dad’s the police chief, dumbass... I made each of those piggies mine months ago.” Noah giggled. It was uncharacteristic, entirely unnatural for Noah. 
Shane’s stomach dropped. Months? 
Arthur fished out Noah’s phone again, showing Shane the police chief’s contact screen as he hit the call button.
“Hey, Pops?” Arthur asked. 
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“How long have you been mine?”
“Hmm, let’s see… New Years was six weeks ago… Artie, it had to have been eight mon- “
“-and?” Arthur cut him off, sounding somewhat bored. 
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“-aaand this little piggy loves when you pull on his strings.” The Noah’s father continued, “-aaaand this piggy loves what you’ve made him do to each of his officers-“ Shane heard the police chief audibly lick his lips before moaning “-aaand I love that you wormed into every bit of my son. Thank you for letting me feel my boy’s orgasms.” The police chief’s voice became deranged. He grunted and huffed in the background, while sounds of the police headquarters and cheering officers rang in the background. “-aaand Noah and I have never been closer”. At that, the cheering slowly dimmed and a soft groaning permeated the otherwise eerily quiet air. It was followed by wet, sticky, slapping noises before the beep of the phone hanging up. Shane noticed, ever so slightly, how each grunt and slap seemed to slowly pry open Noah and Arthur’s mouths.
Noah’s eyes squinted in glee, mouth now agape as he began playing with his nipples. In response, Arthur’s cheeks flush. He let out a warm exhale as Noah continued. “Pops was soooo easy. Idiot didn’t even realize his own son’s been the perfect puppet for ages… I played up the gay shit too, made him watch me fuck my main body in his own bed… while my strings dug into him.” 
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Arthur licked his lips with a sinister glee as he spoke this time. “That homophobic asshole had it coming… Once I had enough strings wormed into ol’Chief, I made him masturbate to the sight of his only son fucking me. He’s my best recruiter. You wouldn’t believe how many bodies that muscle-packed body could pull”. At this, Shane could only look at the pair with disgust. A stray tear left Noah’s right eye, as Arthur, without breaking eye contact licked it up. A tiny flicker of hope, of resistance lit in Shane’s mind, only to be smothered by crushing darkness as Noah’s hand brought Arthur’s over his package, guiding it to fondle the jock’s junk.
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Noah’s eyes roll to the back of his head, grin widening as he continued to guide Arthurs hand into more aggressive kneads. ”Don’t feel bad- Artie thinks and feels for me. He loves this so I fucking love it, bro… now, back on topic” Noah’s eyes roll back, appearing normal for a second before dropping all pretense. They now shone with a perverse delight as Arthur continued.  
“C’mon bro… guess again”.
Shane was revolted. Arthur was only around the last few weeks. That meant that Arthur had been behind the scenes, parading Noah’s body around like his own personal plaything even before Shane had a passing thought about the nerd. It was a horror, packaged in such a profound sense of hopelessness that Shane could only wearily try to recall any change in behavior around the New Year’s party. With a defeated sigh, Shane muttered, “months…”
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-End Part 1-
You may have seen the original draft of this. The images on the original may have been too much for Tumblr. In any case, it felt a bit too long so I decided to break this one up.
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Space Oddity, Part 1
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In my ongoing quest to write more self indulgent reader inserts, I present to you: Weird Reader.
Sorry guys, but in school I played with the girls who pretended to be Warrior Cats, and ate lunch with guys who unironically did the Naruto run. The only thing separating me from this reader in this story is the fact that I mask in public and unmask at home.
“You want me to play D&D with you guys?”
You watched with suspicious eyes as Mike Wheeler and Dustin Henderson nodded frantically, stirring the sweet, syrupy dessert of fruit cocktail in your lunch tray compartment. Staring at you was like staring at a taxidermy raccoon: you were dead eyed, but still positioned as though you could jump out and give someone rabies.
If he had been asked at gunpoint, Mike would have admitted that you were a last resort choice.
“Yeah…” Mike said cautiously, trying not to stare directly into your eyes.
Dustin smiled, leaning forward.
“You like D&D, right?” He tried, hopeful.
Everyone they had asked in Hawkins High had so far said no to subbing in for Lucas Sinclair, and Mike had balked at the idea of even thinking of asking you when they got rejected for the fifth time. You were even worse than the freaks of Hawkins High. The collective student body had come together as one to declare that you were a weird, mean bitch.
“I like what I’ve heard of it…” you mumbled, “I never played it before…”
Dustin’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Really?” He asked, his geometric pattern button up nearly dipping into his open can of chocolate pudding, “Never ever? So you’d need to be taught?”
Before you could venture an answer, Mike pulled him back.
“Could you-… Could you just excuse us please? Thank you.”
You nodded slowly while Mike dragged Dustin away to a corner of the bustling lunchroom. While they conversed in hushed whispers, you sat there alone, the students sharing your space giving you a wide berth at the head of the lunch table.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?!” Mike hissed at Dustin, “You’re going to ask The Bitch to play, and she’s never even played D&D before?!”
Mike knew the stories. Robin had once asked to borrow a pencil from your jubilee of pens you kept in the pocket of your shortalls. Reluctantly you agreed, and then you had a meltdown when she took the flat contractor’s pencil with the He-Man sticker on it. Steve had told any of The Party who would listen about his encounter: even Eleven could perfectly recite the story about the weird girl who had flat tired Steve in the hall every day at 9am when he walked by Mrs. Click’s class, ruining the backs of his brown suede moccasins so often that his mom stopped replacing them after a while. His description of the perp matched you exactly.
Even Mike on his first day of school had been subject to your oddities. A casual lunchtime stroll found him tripping over a trap, made of plastic milk crates and dead branches you’d constructed by the football field. The encounter ended with him being subjected to your twenty minute screaming lecture on why it was rude of him to wreck the “houses” you’d made for the skinks that darted around the concrete walkways.
Mike Wheeler hated you because of reputation, but Dustin knew better than to fall victim to heresy. He had seen the drawings of dragons, daleks, dinosaurs, wolves and mermaids on xerox paper you had left behind once in the lunchroom. When he found you to give them back (you didn’t say thank you), he’d been gifted with a drawing a day later in his locker: a very detailed Spock giving the Vulcan salute, “Live Long and Prosper” written underneath in bubble letters above your loopy cursive signature. He still kept it taped to his Geometry folder.
“Dude, yes! Chill out!” Dustin hissed back, looking at you fondly from a distance, “You remember what Eddie said? ‘Find the little lost sheepies that need us’. Look at her, man. Doesn’t that scream little lost sheep to you?”
They turned to look at you simultaneously. After looking both ways to check the coast was clear, you commandeered Dustin’s abandoned chocolate pudding. Spooning the syrupy peaches, pears, pineapple, and single half of maraschino cherry of your fruit cocktail inside, you mixed the chocolate and fruit together. Lathing up the leftover pudding with your tongue, the spoon was licked clean before you tossed it vaguely into an indignant girl’s creamed corn, but she was too afraid to yell at you while you were armed with chocolate.
With great relish you began eating your concoction with your fingers.
Mike grimaced while Dustin just laughed.
“She’s perfect.” Dustin gushed, “And you should see her drawings, they’re badass!”
“Just because she’s a gross weirdo who’s good at drawing doesn’t mean she knows jackshit about tabletop games!” Mike growled, nearly gagging when he saw you mop up the leftover pudding in the can with your bread roll, “You bring a beginner into Hellfire Club, Eddie’s gonna blow a goddamn gasket! He’s already on the warpath because of Lucas’ championship game tonight, can you imagine what he’ll do when we bring in The Bitch?!”
“Mike, relax. Eddie’s not going to know she’s a novice. Everyone still flips through the handbook, they won’t notice if she does it. We’ll give her a crash course, I’ll even let her borrow my Player’s Handbook so she can come in looking like she at least knows the basics. And if Eddie does get pissed we can just… ease him into the idea that a succulent babe wants to play with him.”
Dustin made the shape of a curved figure with his hands, while Mike looked ready to punch him in the groin.
“You think he’s going to fold for a fat girl?” Mike snarled.
“… Shut up Mike,” Dustin said, immediately protective of you, “He’s going to fold for a cute girl. Look at her! Soft arms, round face, thick thighs… Eddie’s gonna lose his goddamn mind, man! That’s like his ideal type.”
They continued to argue back and forth, finally coming to a grudging resolution when Dustin dragged Mike back by the shirt to your lunch table.
“If this goes to shit, I know where you live.” Mike hissed quietly.
“Shhhh!” Dustin slapped Mike’s arm before looking back at you with a dopey grin.
You were staring down both of them, eyes flicking from Dustin to Mike. The empty pudding cup can was sitting exactly where it had been once full before, but the pop top was gone, and you were pretending like you hadn’t just gone to town on an unholy concoction.
“I made a decision.” You said suddenly.
The two freshmen looked at one another, before leaning in closer. Mike looked skeptical, but Dustin’s grin was nearly splitting his face in half.
“I’ll play with you guys.” You said after a few seconds.
Dustin couldn’t help but fist pump into the air, nearly tipping over backwards on his chair while Mike just grimaced like he was about to puke. An imperfect smile with chocolate teeth flashed at the boys, and you were just about to speak when Mike stopped the party.
“Okay, listen… if you’re going to play, you’re going to have to put in the work, it’s not like playing Monopoly.” He said, staring you down, “This is serious shit.”
You closed your mouth, head tilting to the side.
“Oh… I thought it was like, making your own characters and pretending to be them and stuff.” You said.
“It is, but it’s a lot more nuanced than that. Our Advanced D&D campaigns are different. We play very combat heavy sessions, we use actual strategy in battle. It’s not a goddamn tea party.”
“And Eddie takes the rules very seriously…” Dustin chimed in, “So we’ll have to familiarize you with the basics.”
Both boys jumped back as you banged your hands on the table, getting up close and nearly crawling on top over to them. The students sitting next to you collectively jumped, the metal legs of their chairs scraping and making a horrid screech against the linoleum flooring.
“You mean… you’re talking about Eddie The Freak, right?” You hissed under your breath.
“Eddie Munson.” Dustin corrected, frowning when you called him a freak, “He’s the dungeon master of our club… of Hellfire Club.”
Your eyes widened, and your chest began to rise and fall rapidly.
“You’re right though. That is the very same freak.” Mike cut in, lowering his pitch hoping that feeding into the negativity would scare you away, “He’s a dick to newcomers. You might get the boot if he finds out we brought you in without having any background knowledge of D&D.”
His words made you shrink back, looking at your lunch tray and the little mess of chocolate you’d unknowingly splattered on your clothes. Dustin could have killed Mike, while the latter just looked smug.
And then… you began to giggle.
“Okay…” you smiled.
“Okay?!” Mike and Dustin repeated.
Mike managed to speak up while Dustin was still picking his smiling jaw up off the floor.
“You’re sure you still want to play?” Mike asked, panicking as he pulled out all the stops to get you to quit, “Eddie is not a patient guy with new players, he’s going to rip you to pieces and sacrifice you to the devil!”
You nodded quickly, breathlessly hyperventilating.
“Yeah…! I… If Eddie Munson is running the game… I really wanna play.”
Dustin gave a high pitched giggle of his own and shook Mike’s shoulder, absolutely loving the way your face broke out into a goofy grin. You didn’t even flinch at Mike’s attempts to scare you.
“You got a thing for him or something?” Mike ventured cautiously.
You answered so unabashedly, with no hesitation, that for a minute it actually endeared you to Mike. Who knew that The Bitch of Hawkins High was actually a human being with wants and needs?
“Wait… are you serious?” Mike asked.
“Uh huh…”
You giggled, biting your lower lip and covering your burning face.
“I think… I think he’s really hot…”
If they had been drinking Tab, they would have spit the liquid out all over you.
“You think Eddie’s hot?” Dustin wheezed.
“Yeah… um… I’ve had this like monster crush on Eddie since I was in fifth grade. He did like this talent show and played the guitar real good, and he’s all loud and funny and crazy and I think he’s got a real charming smile…”
The cadence in your already deep contralto was lilting into a mezzo soprano the more you talked about their sadistic dungeon master, and you were rocking side to side in your plastic chair while Dustin and Mike just watched you make a complete ass of yourself.
This probably would have turned into two hours of blabbing, had not Mike refocused you and Dustin and begun to actually lay out the basics of TSR’s Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. No time to lose, back to business. If you were going to play with Eddie you had a lot of catching up to do. They had a spare set of dice, and Mike helped you roll for stats as Dustin began to write out a crude character sheet for you based on your imaginative ideas.
“We can probably make you a character very quickly.” Mike said, flipping through his own Mead Composition notebook as he checked past characters that had died valiantly in battle, “I have one you can use. Barbarians are stupid easy for first timers since you’re just hitting shit with a sword-...”
“I want a character based on my story I’m writing!” You exclaimed, and then you subjected Mike to your brief (lie) synopsis of one of many witchy characters who was cursed by a dark goddess.
It took a lot of adjusting and words that held no meaning to you, like “Domain of Trickery” and “Cleric of Shar”. The two freshmen helped you settle on a character that would be deemed useful for Hellfire’s campaign, and made sure to force feed you every rule and spell that Gygax and Arneson had conceived for your chosen class. True to his word, Dustin let you borrow the Player’s Handbook he carried with him at all times when the bell to conclude lunch rang out. You took it with promises that you’d give it back when you met them outside of the drama room later after school, already burying your nose in the pages when you walked off to your class.
The boys saw a different side of you that possibly no one else in the school ever had: a familiar side, a human side. A side that was brutally honest and sometimes a little mean, but just as vulnerable and relatable as anyone else. A consensus had been reached during their shared English class: you were definitely weird, but actually pretty smart and imaginative. Possibilities of keeping you on as a permanent member were being discussed when Dustin and Mike found you hiding behind the lockers just outside the drama room around three pm.
“What are you doing?” Mike asked.
You shook your head, clutching your fat trapper keeper to your chest and handing Dustin back his Player’s Handbook.
“Eddie’s in there…” you muttered, chewing on the spine of your trapper keeper covered in duct tape
“Yeah, he usually gets there with Jeff, Gareth and Frank really early, to set up the map and the dice towers.” Mike nodded.
From the rectangular slat of a window, one could see Gareth and Frank meticulously setting up Jenga pieces and miniatures on top of a slab of butcher paper marked in sharpie, janky cindrilical tubes painted to look like castle towers were set up at each place at the table (the dice towers, fashioned from Pringles cans, cardboard, glue and paint). Eddie and Jeff were deep in conversation, plugging in lamps and electric candelabras left over from the drama club’s last production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Inside the mood was almost holy, reverent (or like Eddie liked to call it: a softcore porn on Valentine’s day mood), and the boys couldn’t help the eagerness as they went to the door.
You, however, stayed firmly planted behind the lockers.
“What are you doing?!” Mike hissed, “Come on! We’re gonna be late because of you!”
“I don’t wanna go in…!” You snapped back, suddenly shy.
Mike looked at Dustin, ready to destroy him, while Dustin tried to talk you down.
“Hey, hey! Come on, it’s okay. Don’t worry! You have a good character, and if you need help you can just sit with me and Mike-…”
“But what if he doesn’t like me?” You protested.
“I swear to you on my mother that Eddie is going to love you.” Dustin said, trying to calm you down, “You’re great. You actually came with a character to play, and he’s going to be so happy that a girl is showing interest in his hobbies.”
You were about to turn tail and leave when you felt an iron grip around the meat of your bicep, pulling you forward with an unnatural strength born entirely of Nerd Rage.
“Oh hell no!” Mike said, pulling you kicking and protesting towards the door, “You’re not doing this to me right now god dammit! You’re going to get your ass in there, and you’re going to play! I didn’t sit through lunch listening to your weird edgy character backstory just so you could pussy out at the last minute! Now get your ass. In. NOW!”
With a harsh shove, you flew into the drama room – tripping on your own two feet trying to catch yourself – and spilling the contents of your trapper keeper all over the ground. Strong hands caught you before you face planted into the floor, holding you steady.
“Easy, easy!” Called out a familiar voice, “Goddamn... What the hell was that for, Mike?! You could’ve broken her nos-…”
Eddie Munson’s voice trailed off, and the boys watched as their fearless leader, their metalhead bard, began to stare open mouthed slack jawed at you.
“You told us to find a lost sheep.” Mike snarled, “So here she is.”
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canislupus-exe · 1 year
Made for Each Other | eddie munson
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fandom | Stanger Things
character | Eddie Munson
reader | he/him/amab (she/her/afab ver.)
requested | anonymous
warnings | smut/nsfw, mutual perversion, peeping, mild degradation
word count | 1,804
keys | (Y/n) = Your name
summary | can u maybe do an eddie munson smut where the reader catches him masturbating to a polaroid of him and then the reader fucks him 👉👈
editor | @feliscatus-exe
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You sighed as you checked your watch, the time read 9:17. The day had been surprisingly slow so you decided to hang out with your best friend, but found his company had barely changed that fact. You’d burned through two movies with him and were going to start a third when he suddenly realized something and bolted out of the room. 
That was a few minutes ago and now you were waiting for his return, sprawled out on his bed. You yawned and laid your head against the pillow. Nothing happened until finally, you heard the bedroom door open. You lifted your torso and leaned on your elbows, raising your eyebrows at him. A bright flash caused you to blink rapidly and groan.
“Dude, what the hell?” You asked, sitting up fully and rubbing your eyes. You could hear Eddie laugh before feeling the bed shift as he sat next to you.
“Ain’t he a beaut?” He asks. You stop rubbing your eyes and look at what’s in his hand. It’s a Polaroid picture of yourself. Your shirt is slightly lifted and your pajama bottoms are slightly misplaced, revealing a small bit of your hip area. Your eyelids are slightly drooped, making you look sleepy and even somewhat sultry.
“When did you get a Polaroid?” You asked.
“I found it at the thrift store just outside of town. I seriously couldn’t believe my luck. It was a little busted right here, see, but nothing some duct tape couldn’t fix.” He raved, showing you all parts of the camera. You smiled fondly.
“That’s awesome Eddie.” You say, handing him the picture. He looks at it for a couple of seconds before looking back up at you.
“You don’t want to keep this?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Nah, what purpose do I have for a picture of myself?”
“Wouldn’t I have even less of a purpose for a picture of you?” He asks with a laugh. You shrug and smile.
“I don’t know. Use it to remember me or if you miss me.” You say with a snicker.
“That’s the corniest shit I’ve ever heard,” Eddie replied. You laughed before standing up from the bed.
“I should probably go home now Eddie. It’s getting late and we have school tomorrow.” You say, grabbing your car keys from his nightstand. 
“Already?” He asks a twinge of sadness in his voice. You smile.
“I’ll be back, probably sooner than you even realize. Thanks for letting me hang and keep you company though.” You said. He nodded and stood from the bed, walking you toward his front door.
You said bye and locked up his door, hopping in your car and starting it up. Your house wasn’t too far from the trailer park, which you were thankful for. It made your visits to his place that much more convenient. You whistled to the song on the radio, mindlessly tapping your steering wheel while focusing on the road.
As you pulled up to a crossroad to take a right turn, you realized how cold you were. You always kept your windows rolled down when you drove but it was much chillier than usual. You were about to turn when it dawned on you that you left your jacket at Eddie’s house. No wonder I’m freezing, you think to yourself as you pop a quick U-turn and backtrack to the trailer park.
It doesn’t take long since you didn’t get very far. In a matter of six minutes, you’re putting your car back in park in Eddie’s driveway. You toss your keys in your jean pocket, knocking on his door. There’s no answer, and you can’t help but assume he’d fallen asleep. Normally, you wouldn’t intrude, but the freezing Indiana temperatures urged you to use the spare key he’d gifted you years ago. Just for emergencies, he told you, and if you stayed out there any longer without a protective layer you’d freeze your dick off, which was as close to an emergency as you could damn near get.
You opened the door and shut it quietly behind you, not wanting to wake him up. You quickly scanned the living room, searching for your jacket. It was nowhere to be found but you didn’t fret, you probably just left it in Eddie’s room. You walked toward his bedroom door, seconds away from pushing it open when you heard a noise.
Not just any noise, though. A very distinct type of noise that caused your feet to stay planted on the floor and your stomach to meet them there. It was a moan. A moan that no doubt belonged to your best friend. Your heart began to thump louder than it ever has but you tried to drown it out, listening for another noise to prove you weren’t going crazy. 
And there it was again. A whiny, high-pitched moan that sent tingles down your spine and blood rushing to your crotch. You clasped a hand over your mouth in an attempt to regulate your breathing, scared you’d make a noise and alert him that you were here. Which you should’ve done, you knew that. You knew how wrong it was to listen to someone get off, but you couldn’t move your feet.
And to make matters worse, your eyes found themselves drawn to the crack in the door. You weren’t just listening now, you were full-on peeping on your best friend jacking off, and God was it making you hard.
The sliver in the door was small but if you angled yourself just right you could see enough. His right hand rapidly moved up and down his shaft while his left held a picture that looked almost familiar. Further up you could see his shirt lifted and his left hand holding a piece of clothing to his nose, which he was no doubt sniffing with fervor. The item of clothing was also familiar. It almost looked like…
“(Y/n)~” Eddie whined breathlessly, and the air around you seemed to turn cold. That couldn’t have possibly been…
“Fuck- (Y/n)…” He moaned again, and you were sure of it this time. He was, without a shadow of a doubt, moaning your name. That wasn’t the only thing he was doing. As he continued to furiously pump his shaft with his fist you realized why everything looked so familiar. He was holding the Polaroid he took of you earlier and sniffing your jacket. Eddie was masturbating to the thought of you.
“God p-please I need you~” He moaned, panting heavily. You got so warm in the face and so fuzzy in the brain that you acted without thinking. You pushed the bedroom door open and walked in, causing him to yelp and throw everything off of him. He scrambled to pull a blanket over himself to salvage a shred of his modesty but you’d already seen too much.
“Don’t stop on my account sweetheart. In fact, let me help you~” You say, popping the button of your jeans. His face turns bright red, staring at you in utter disbelief.
“(Y-Y/n) I can explain-“
“Explain what? That you were jacking off to a picture of me? Mmm, what did you imagine we were doing Eddie?” You asked, pulling the blanket off as you licked your lips. 
“I-I wasn’t-“
“Come on Eddie~ You can tell me. If you ask nicely, I might even do it to you~” You whisper in his ear, gently placing your hand around his already twitching cock. He gasps and whimpers, covering his mouth to stop the needy noises from spilling out.
“You were so loud before, what happened to ‘I need you’?” You asked, moving your hand up and down his shaft. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he lowered his hands, babbling for a second as he presumably tried to find the right words.
“I was i-imagining you- ah- fucking me into the- hng- mattress.” He gasped out, balling his hands into the sheets. You smirked, pulling your hand away and watching him practically chase your touch.
“That can be arranged.” You reply, pulling your pants and boxers off all the way. He watched with wide eyes as your cock sprung out, standing at attention and making his mouth water. He watched you bend and spit on his hole, gasping at the sudden cold sensation. You rubbed it into his asshole, expertly spreading him out in seconds and causing him to turn to putty once again. 
Once you were finished prepping him, you positioned your cock head at his tight asshole, teasing by gently prodding it. He whined, staring at you with pleading eyes. You decided to take mercy on him and finally push yourself inside, groaning as he enveloped you. He bit his lip harshly and squeezed his eyes shut, overcome with the pleasure of being filled.
“Look at you, you filthy little pervert. Getting fucked by the guy you were jacking off to.” You practically growled at him, an irregular dominance clouding your mind. He moaned and covered his face, too embarrassed to look you in the eye.
“Maybe we’re made for each other though.” You say somewhat fondly as you pick up your pace. He moans, face still covered, but he manages to get out two words of inquiry.
“W-We are?” He asks meekly. You laugh almost sadistically as you grip his legs.
“We are… wanna know why?” You ask, slowing your hips just the slightest bit to grab his focus.
“Why?” He asks breathlessly.
“Because I’m a pervert too Eddie. I watched you jack off to me. I liked watching you jack off to me.” You say, giving him no time to process what you’ve said before starting to plow into him again. This practically sends him over the edge, whimpering and begging to cum as you fucked into his prostate like never before. He wraps his arms around your back and begins moaning frantically
“Fuck fuck fuck I’m- agghn!” He gasps for air and scratches down your back, body shaking as spurts of cum shoot from the head of his cock. The sounds he’s making and the tightness of his ass proves to be too much as your hips sputter and you let out a low groan, emptying your load straight into his suffocating hole.
You gasp in an attempt to regain your breath, Eddie still latched onto you like his life depends on it. You chuckle and let your body weight fall onto him, electing to clean yourselves up later. You do however decide to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek at the moment, and you’re glad you do when you see his flushed face fondly smile.
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bonefall · 1 year
Oh, does wildfur live?
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[ID: the Better Bones AU version of Wildfur from Warrior Cats. He is a gray tabby with a "vest" mane around his shoulders, silver paws and muzzle, yellow eyes and whiskers, with a board tied to his waist with string.]
Not only does this dude live, he takes on the Great Journey while in that mobility device.
It's really important to me that, this time around, the Clans don't just leave behind every cat too "slow and weak" to make the journey lmao wtf
There is no question that Wildfur and any other elders and disabled cats will be going on the journey; only a discussion of logistics.
(And also ShadowClan's dark sense of humor, Tawnypelt returns telling them about the lake and Blackstar tells a sadistic joke about leaving behind 4 cats captured by humans, the Clan chipping in while suggesting more and more ridiculous cats to leave behind, like the elders, and Wildfur, and the kittens who aren't even big enough to fight yet.)
Wildfur has a very "rockstar" aesthetic and personality, he's pretty vain and prone to outbursts.
I kinda want Wildfur to have kittens; being an honor sire before his injury works, but I also like the thought of him adopting a kitten in the Lake territory.
Maybe a rogue's abandoned kitten, or a loner who was bit by an adder and left kits behind.
Cinderpelt and Littlecloud are responsible for making that mobility device! It's nowhere near as advanced as Briarlight's is. It's Version 1.
They're getting a little side parable at some point as they hatch a treatment plan together, which will include Wildfur getting chest infections from being depressed and sedentary after his injury.
The problem with V1 of the Mobility Device is how it tends to wear down the twine over time, and there's no way for Wildfur to put it on without help. It's also prone to occasionally getting rocks or thorns stuck under it, so he checks himself for unknown injury after an out-of-camp stroll.
It was still lifechanging though, and gave him the confidence to rejoin Clan life.
There are several points during the Great Journey where Wildfur is physically incapable of accomplishing certain feats, like mountain climbing. Blackstar carries him. All the big warriors take turns.
Wildfur has a pretty relaxing life after that. He's just a really interesting background character.
"Is there a reason he's an elder and not on Kitchen Patrol or something similar?" He doesn't have the patience for it, he just likes being an elder and doing whatever he wants. He still helps out here and there though.
Eventually he passes away of a disease at some point before Briarlight has her injury. He's fondly remembered, and Littlecloud explains to ThunderClan what her life will be like.
Unfortunately Millie still really doesn't take this well, she hears, "please be careful of catching any illnesses or sustaining injury to your lower legs and also we'll have to discuss how to keep yourself clean now that your dirtplace habits will be different" and takes it as "EVERYTHING ON EARTH IS A THREAT"
But, anyway, say hello to one of my favorite little background guys. I'm super fond of ShadowClan and their nasty humor and deep love for each other, I want Wildfur to have a ton of that in him. Looks mean, absolutely adores his family.
He's just a neat dude.
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bepisbee · 11 days
and now for your regularly scheduled random vidow au
featuring transgirl Vio and afab enby Shadow :) theyre dating your honor. i wanted to play with giving shadow a midwest accent. Think of them as like Wisconsin vs Cali for Lorule vs Hyrule respectivley. mostly writing practice for the accent and descirpters of character building (focusing mainly on shadow tbh)
Read on ao3
“You what?” The group paused at Zelda’s inquisition. They had this huge plan to set up their resident nerd with a date and it was backfiring horribly. A boy from another class, admittedly pretty cute, stood there awkwardly.
“I have a partner.” Vio repeated. “They go to Lorule, I’ve told you this before?” She looks incredibly annoyed.
“I- we…” She looked sheepish.
“We thought you were just saying that to get us off your back,” Blue scoffed, “The whole goes to another school excuse is overused.” he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, haha no. I am dating someone. We have been since middle school.” She uncrossed her arms and pulled a long chained necklace from her uniform blouse. It had a ring attached. “And considering we’re all graduating next week I’d say it’s still serious. And not fake.” she glared at Blue. “I’ve told you this. I met them when our family went to that resort years ago and left me to read in a corner in the kid section. They stole my book and I chased them up to the playground tubes and we stayed there for hours. They needed to search for us when it was bedtime and we refused to go to seperate rooms. We pranked the fuck out of all those kids the whole weekend.” She grinned, fondly remembering it.
“...” Zelda smacks Blue on the arm, “Are you kidding me!? You roped me into all this for nothing?” The boy snuck away while they argued. Poor dude.
“I still don’t believe you. Do you even have a photo?"
“None that I can show you without betraying their privacy trust.” Vio sighed, “We video call every night, I don’t really have their face in a photo.” Zelda giggled at the scandalous admission.
“No face photo?”
“! Sh-shut up.” she flushed. “None of your business.” Vio flipped them off. “Doesn’t matter. They’ll be here soon for the summer. They had their graduation already and wanted to spend time with me here. I was planning on going to Lorule for a while this summer too, so we can decide where we want to stay.”
“You’re moving!?” Blue didn’t like the implication. “With someone we don’t even know?”
“You would know them if you were ever listening to me.” Vio played with the ring. “We haven’t decided anything. We both have family and friends to consider and futures and shit. It’s an in person kind of conversation.”
“Well.” Zelda clears her throat. “I think we should have lunch sometime, and meet them.”
“That would be nice,” Vio is grateful for her speciality in neutrality and problem solving. Blue just grumbled.
He still thought Vio was lying. Until one day she brings someone back from the airport. He notices as he was walking over to bother her, Red in tow. Vio was taking some luggage out of the car trunk and someone with purple hair was investigating the scenery. The small stone brick cottage that someone’s great grandma once loved was in better shape inside than out. 
“It’s so… rustic.  And worn,” A soft voice commented. “Inna nice way, like when cats nap in a sunbeam. Or someone’s Granny makes pie.” they clarify. They step around to her side of the car. They were tall and lithe, grown into what was probably a lanky awkward puberty. They had stunning eyes, one red and one blue. Freckles scattered across their milk chocolate complexion. They looked like tiny stars. Fluffy medium length bright purple hair bounced as they walked. Two black rings of snake bites in their lips, and a ball in their tongue as they talked. A dangling earring in the shape of an eye indicating their relation to Sheikah at some point. 
They had a crop top with some metal band logo across it and shredded jeans with combat boots. The light purple happy trail under their navel surprised the two, showing the color was natural. “?” Shadow caught them staring slack jawed. “We have an audience darlin’.” they drawled.
Vio turned confused, raised her eyebrows up. She was in her cutest sweater with a dinosaur holding a cup with a straw and regular jeans and hair pinned up in a butterfly clip. She never wore her nice sweaters outside of home, let alone makeup. That was clearly significant, Blue frowns. Shadow would have been dolled up too, but flights and napping took priority.
“Uh, hey.” She shut the trunk of the small black car. “Good timing! Shadow, this is Red and Blue.”
“You actually weren’t fuckin’ with me? Yall have color names?” They smiled at them.
“They’re real?” Red and Blue exclaimed, Red way more excited in tone. She ran up and surprised them with a hug.
“Hello! Wow you smell nice! Are you Vio’s boy-girl-theyfriend? Partner?” Red wasn’t sure what term they preferred. “Gosh you’re pretty.”
“Partner. Yer sweet,” They chuckled, “You must be Red then?” They patted her head. “Nice ta meetcha.” Her eyes sparkled.
“I like them.” She decided and let go. “Lemme help!” she grabbed one of the carryon duffel bags. “Blue! Stop staring and come help!” she reprimanded.
“I- uh- whuh… ahem.” He took a bag too, mumbling about Vio being ridiculous. He was just embarrassed over being wrong.
“Sorry, we can’t really hang out much right now.” Vio led the way in, unlocking the door. She was so glad she had this shitty old house to rent, even if it was tiny and heated by a wood stove.“I’m sure Shadow needs some rest from the time difference and flying.” They didn’t protest either, the rest or Vio time was their goal. They helped bring in the bits and bags and set them in the living area. It was all open space, a living room with just enough room for a tv set, coffee table, loveseat, and cabinet. Across on the other side a kitchenette with stools at an island wrapped around and hanging cabinets. Vintage, but well cared for. The wood stove was cast iron and in near perfect condition.
They set their bags around the living space and Red dusted off her hands.
“Well make sure you text Zel! We have to have a lunch. And send a pic! She is going to lose her mind. You are super attractive.” She gushed, “Don’t mind Blue, he’s just mad he lost a bet.” She smacked his arm while he bristled. “Well go, enjoy your ‘nap’” Red pushed him out the door. “See you guys soon!”
“See ya, thanks for helpin’!” Shadow waves and turns to assess their girlfriend’s reaction. “They seem nice.”
“I’m glad Red likes you.” Vio admits, “Come rest with me? I saw that yawn, you can't hide from me, love.” She offered with a motion. They gladly took the offer. They explored Vio’s room before sliding their jeans off and laying on the big soft purple bed. It took up most of the room space. They both laid just looking at each other.
“...this is weird ta say considerin’ I talk to you everyday, but I missed you.” Shadow cupped her face, and kissed.
“Aw, love.” She sighs into it, no protest when that hand gets wandering under her sweater. Shadow freezes in realization.
“Have you not been wearin’ a bra this whole time??” Vio’s response was a cheeky grin. Shadow lifted the sweater up to admire the view. They whistled, “Well, damn! No wonder you feel soft. They’re so big now! I’m prouda you.” They squeezed one gently. “I did notice they were bouncin’ a lot, but I didn’ wanna be crude.”
“You are welcome to comment on my boobs anytime.” Vio laughed. “I worked hard to grow those.” Shadow hummed in agreement. She pulled out her phone and sat on their legs. “Photo for zel?” Shadow posed with one arm behind their head. She snapped and sent it off with a “Legally obligated hot partner pic”. They sent each other some questionable things sometimes. She was sure she wouldn’t mind the snap including her bent thighs and Shadow in their pretty black underpants. Zelda had seen more of her for opinions and advice than that. She turned it around first for approval.
“Mm. Hot.” They grabbed her thighs. “Ya know what’d be more hot darlin?”
Vio set down the phone, ready for the chaos. 
“No, why don’t you show me?’
Shadow woke up shivering, Vio not next to them anymore. They sat up, rubbing their eyes. “Mgh?”
“In the kitchen,” She called from the other room. A metal hinge creaked and shut the stove. They wandered out. Vio was heating the old gas oven, a large pot on top. A cutting board with vegi bits and ends sat on the counter. A few small containers and shakers filled with stuff. Shadow could burn cereal, they had no idea what was what but it looked fancy.
“Whatcha doin?” They yawned, walking to their smallest bag, unashamedly nude. Shadow dug in and pulled out a hygiene bag with toothpaste, a comb, and a few other things. They hummed and took a comfy outfit as well.
“Making soup, found the recipe online.” Vio got distracted watching Shadow’s bare legs and ass walk by. “Everyone’s coming over later…”
“Sounds fun,” Shadow carried their goods to the bathroom. “I’m gonna clean up, if you wanna join me?~” their eyebrows waggled up and down.
“Don’t tempt me,” She sighed, “I have to make sure this doesn’t burn.”
“Damn. You’re comin’ next time though!” Their double meaning is obvious. Shadow doesn’t shut the door anyway. Vio chewed on her lips before huffing. She set the gas on low and gave in, following Shadow. Hot water is already steaming the glass panes, slight fog from the temperature difference. They peeked over their shoulders, smirking. They knew she couldn’t resist. Vio joined them.
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
Wednesday's Bestie
I hope the wednesday-fandom hasn't died out yet, but I wanted to share my thoughts on Wednesday having a best friend who just came out of nowhere and shocking everybody. Also with a hint of pining, but - who knows? Maybe also angst for those who want it~...!
Also I didn't proofread and english is not my mother's tongue.
Part two , Part three
What if Wednesday had a best friend, somebody, who's got the same mindset and lifestyle as her. But, her best friend shows more emotion, AND, her best friend is manipulative.
Imagine, you, who's been the deadly girls best friend ever since you two could remember, also comes to nevermore a few days later for similar reasons as Wednesday and Wednesday shows actual emotions on her face.
Of course, Enid, Ajax, Xavier, Bianca and the others are shocked by the behavior of you two meeting and being all giggly and shit. Enid is jealous that you make Wednesday laugh until she wheezes, Bianca is disgusted by both you and your goth bestie and the others...well, they don't know if they should be happy or crying, since they don't know you.
I mean, Enid was the one who tried to get on Wednesday's good side since day one while you just swooped in one day and reclaimed your spot as her best friend. How were you able to befriend her anyway? You seemed so...well, too nice for Wednesday! However, she should actually listen to what you two are discussing while squealing like little piglets instead of getting her load of prejudice out on Ajax, who has to listen to her tantrums about her trying everything in her might to become the Addams' best friend while you are casually cracking jokes left and right, making Wednesday ring for air between laughter.
Xavier sees you as a potential rival- love rival, to be exact, because he doesn't miss the way you two look so fondly at each other. I mean, maybe it's just his jealousy and mind playing tricks on him, because you two obviously haven't seen each other in so long, maybe he's also right about his suspicious about you two secretely liking each other.
And for principal Weems, oh, that poor, poor lady...
One minute it's a student crying for help- Wednesday's fault, the next minute somebody breaks their arm- your manipulative advice. Sure, Wednesday and you have missed each other dearly, but what you guys missed much more was to cause chaos all over your surroundings. And what better place would be than your sweet Nevermore, where you and Wednesday didn't want to be in since the beginning?
Weems can only do so much as to threaten and give you guys detention. Because A. you guys hide the evidence too good, B. She never sees you two doing anything suspicious, and C. You, for example, don't look like somebody who'd befriend Wednesday at all, but there you are, talking to her about things Weem's too far away to understand.
In the prom or wherever you guys had to go, you asked Wednesday if she'd like to be your date there with fiddling thumbs and your eyes cast downside in a shy manner, but she declined, having to go with some normie called Tyler.
Oh yeah, you were a multi-monster. Extremely rare. To put it simply, you could shapeshift into anybody you'd like, have the icks of a siren, vampire, werewolf and every other monster, making you practically invincible.
Upon hearing her choice being some lanky dude who worked at a boring cafe, you were furious, but you didn't show it. Instead, you stalked Tyler through and through. and you found some interesting details about his past. But, it seemed like Wednesday really was all heart eyes for the little shit and threatened you to break whatever connection you two had if you didn't stop with accusing the 'human'. After that blood-incident by the prom happened and some time later, where Wednesday went to meet Tyler, you followed, in hopes of gaining her trust again.
Of course, you were still sour about this, and you even lost some of your treasureable feelings for her, but she was still your friend, that you'd still hoped that she'd listen to you. And well, if it wasn't for you, then Wednesday could've died that day if you didn't save her. Furthermore, instead of apologizing for her not trusting you even though you were her closest friend of more than a decade, using you being manipulative and shit as an excuse to defend herself, you just...shut off. Now, you were really like Wednesday, no emotion on your face, and Wednesday didn't like to admit it, but she felt scared for some reason.
"All I wanted was your love. Your attention on me. And you give it to some dude you don't even know for a month? Kissing him and exchanging spit?", you asked quietly, in a hissing matter as you slowly stepped towards the black haired girl, and she took a few cautious steps back.
"We were fucking friends, wednesday, you- you were my friend, even if you didn't believe so! I never know what is going on inside your head and I never know if you ever even thought of me as even an aquaintance, but you s-saying that I am manipulative ot you?", you stopped, taking a deep breath and giving the gurl in front of oyu some space too. your voice was croaking like a frog and your throat was going dry, but you had to get one last thing out of your soul and heart.
"I never manipulated you wednesday. In fact, i fucking admired you, you know? I wanted to become like you; uncaring of what the hell other people thought about me, being scared of me, never knowing what is going on inside my head, and more.
Also, I had the longest crush on you, but of course you'd never know. You're too egoistical to even notice your own fucking mistakes. You're toxic and I should actually fucking-...hate you. And I do.
I do hate you Wednesday Addams.
But oh, cara mia, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't love you.", you whispered, your eyes filling with tears and your fisted hands wiped them aggressively.
During your whole confession, Wednesday only stared at you, unable to form any words. She knew that you were hiding something from her, but not...that. Bad thing was, she didn't know if you were even telling her the truth. Or if you were just manipulating her with gaslighting. She didn't know whether or not you were the still person she hung out all these years. I mean, you grew in all the right places, you had a new haircut and you looked much more mature than you did the last time she saw you.
And there was another thing; Even though she didn't harbour any feelings for you, your romantic speech did things to her, too many than she'd like to admit so herself. Wednesday couldn't handle any of it, so she chose the safest option.
"Get out."
You stood there for a moment, stopping dead in your tracks with wiping the neverslowing waterfall which came from your tearducts. you then frowned at her before storming out of the room.
Wednesday sunk to the ground and even her eyes got wetter than usual.
How was that? I hope it wasn't too confusing cause I threw in some sentences there and here, hehe...
Would oyu guys like a part two?
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a-cat-in-toffee · 29 days
uhhhhh. suck rand cleans and apartment. rolan gets hit by a car. it's kind of gay. 553 words. this is a horrible summary thumbsup
Staying home, Rand finds, is very boring when you have nothing to do. He had spent the first 30-something years of his life staying home, doing nothing, so he really had enjoyed and grown accustomed to having a job. To having something to do.
But not this week, apparently. The comic book shop is supposed to be closed for about a week, he didn't really ask why. Something about a fire hazard, and OSHA violations being much more closely monitored because of some club in a completely different part of town. Something stupid like that. Which left Rand with a week to do... basically nothing.
By the third day he had started cleaning. For fun.
He honestly doesn't know if their apartment has ever been cleaner. Rolan was the only one who ever minded, and normally by the time he got home he was too tired to really pick up. Kian and Rand did try to do their best, but on the whole neither of them really minded the mess.
But, now Rand needed something to do. So clean it was.
He had fully cleaned the living room and started deep cleaning the fridge by the time he got exhausted, letting himself collapse onto the couch. His legs hung off of the side of the couch, his torso and head taking up a good third of the cushion space.
Kian would be home in a few hours, but Rolan should be home much sooner, so he closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head and waited for the telltale distinct jingle of keys outside the apartment.
Only five minutes passed before the door slammed open, the sight of a tired, disheveled, and bloody Rolan greeting Rand. He raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised by the "bloody" part, slowly sitting up on his elbows.
"I got hit by a car." Rolan informed him, leaning back against the wall and letting his head hit the door. Laying back down, Rand gave him a minute to take off the ruined suit jacket and set down his briefcase before asking any questions.
"So what type of car was it?" He picks a pen up off the table, throwing it in Rolan's general direction and earning a glare despite the pen falling several feet short of its target.
"A Sedan? I think?" Rolan falls onto the couch next to Rand's head, exhausted. "I don't know, I didn't get a really good look at it."
Rand blinks, then grins. "Nice."
"Shut up."
He laughs but doesn't say anything more, staring up at Rolan through tinted glasses. Over the years since the trio had gotten out of Galloway Rand found himself just looking at the other two much more often. Or, he thinks more often? He couldn't quite remember if he frequently stared at Rolan and Kian in highschool. It all started to blur together a little after a while.
Certain escapades were burned into his mind, of course, as was late at night, laying on his bed with Rolan passed out next to him and Kian. He would never stay up as late as them. Rand remembered those late nights fondly. Sometimes he wondered if Kian remembered them, too.
"What?" Rolan brings him back out of his thoughts. Rand grins.
"You look like shit, dude." He lies.
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
I really like the ideas and scenarios here, so I want to contribute. Just ignore this if you're not interested.
I had this thought about a scenario where some assassin dude, or the like, goes after Malleus, with Sebek jumping in and ending up injured instead, leaving said freshman bedridden for an indefinite amount of time.
Bout to put everyone in a whole world of pain fr
I say it happens during a break. Diasomnia have returned to Briar Valley, just in time to celebrate Malleus' birthday...which has become a national holiday.
Malleus is forced to appear during the festivities to keep appearances, but it does warm his heart to see his people happy and thriving.
Lilia has gone off to look at the multiple booths ("Malleus, look! You've been turned into a marketable plushie!" "A...what?"), while Silver and Sebek stay close behind Malleus despite the multiple guards in the area.
Someone approaches Malleus, making sure to keep some distance when they spot Silver and Sebek behind him. They smile wide. "Happy birthday, Prince Malleus." They even bow. Malleus awkwardly chuckles, insisting that there's no need for the bow. Silver fondly smiles behind him.
While Malleus converses with another citizen, Sebek tries to hold himself back from shouting at them for wasting Malleus' precious time. He opts to look around the square instead, a bit awestruck by the different kinds of fae that came to celebrate. He has to ignore the very obvious stares directed at him, and he lets a strand of hair fall to cover his left ear.
Malleus seems to be wrapping up his conversation already. The fae he's talking to beams at him, and Sebek lets himself observe them. They have unusually light hair, opposed to the mix of black and brown mingling through the crowd. Perhaps they're a snake fae? But their pointed ears are a bit too big...
Something glints at the corner of his eye, and he finds himself looking at a necklace. It is not the first time he's seen it, remembering that Kalim had gifted the exact same one before for someone. With dawning horror, he realizes that the second year told him that it was made with iron.
When Malleus finally bids goodbye, it's like a switch is flipped. The snake drops all pleasantries, quick to unsheathe a dagger that was strapped on their thigh. With no warning, he strikes.
The dagger plunges into flesh, the smell of burning skin permeating the air. Just not the skin that the disguised human intended to harm. Instead, Sebek's blood trickled down the dagger. Despite only being half-fae, the iron was still one of Sebek's weaknesses.
The festival descended into chaos, and Sebek looked up at Malleus with teary eyes. Before he could get a single word out, the human pushed the dagger even deeper, frustrated that he wasn't able to make the kill. A single grunt makes it out of his mouth, before Sebek was no more.
Malleus held his retainer's body in his arms, before staring at the perpetrator.
And all hell broke loose.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
I remember you saying that Buck associates love with pain, and it occured to me that his relationship with Tommy could help him get away from that mindset. Every single one of his relationships was painful, in a way: Abby and Ali left him, Taylor used him, Natalia was obsessed with his death (and he ended that one himself, which was a big step for him). To be in a relationship with someone who treats him with kindness, who doesn't pressure him and who respects that he's figuring out his sexuality, could be big for him. In the future, he could look back on it fondly, especially if it ends amicably, with no hard feelings (which is what I'm expecting). It would lead him to seeing love in a more healthy way and realize that he can love and be loved without pain. And then he could start healing. At first, I was skeptical about this relationship, but now I'm fully on board. He needs this. It will help him grow and get him ready for the big one that will (hopefully) come after.
Yeah, that comes a lot with his parents and the way he used to hurt himself for attention, but yeah, Buck never had a romantic relationship with someone who's gentle with him. And there's a lot to do with the way he's the big strong firefighter, but like, Abby calls him a boy toy, Taylor is Taylor, she was so bad for him dude looks genuinely confused when she says she loves him. I kept saying he needed a relationship to show him relationships are supposed to be fun, and if Tommy can be that for him, that's awesome. And it would be beautiful to watch Buck have a first queer relationship that's just, sweet. Be something he doesn't regret, or that doesn't hurt to think about in the long run. But yeah, I agree, it could be healing for him, I hope it plays out this way.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Stay by My Side Ep 10 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, these two worked out some of their issues about Jiang Chi prioritizing Bu Xia over himself, and they also checked in with the sister on a way to stop Bu Xia from hearing ghosts. Seems like marriage is involved. I felt like this show had run out of legs, so let’s finish this lap.
They have Bu Xia, boy who is terrified of ghosts, watching a horror flick.
I’m encouraged that Jiang Chi is working on projects away from Bu Xia again.
Now, I would have to kick both of my friends’ asses if they left a live stream on when they could see me getting hot and heavy with my dude. The lack of loyalty!!!
Episode 10: Because of you, I’m not afraid anymore.
Bu Xia’s instant rage at a fiancée showing up was way funnier than I think it was meant to be.
Girl, get out of here with this delusions of marriage.
This show has some silliness to it, but the emotional core is grounded. Bu Xia is totally valid to say that he won’t accept being a concubine.
Well it’s definitely the final episode of a Taiwanese BL. We’re building to a whole thing with the parents and marriage.
I’ve really enjoyed the dynamic between Jiang Chi and Gu Bu Tao. My sister is younger than me, but she’s similarly protective.
Wait, this is the end of the show? What the fuck??
Oh, post-credits. Jiang Chi took the burden on himself. Fascinating.
Final Verdict: 7, It’s Fun But Leaves a Lot Hanging. I had a lot of fun watching this as one of my lighter watches for the last two months. I like the core emotional dynamics between characters, and I think the leads grew on me over time. Still, I feel like a lot of the undergirding plot elements felt underdeveloped and hoped they’d do more with that. I also feel like the show ended abruptly as it was heading into some final territory. As such, I will remember this show fondly when I see a gifset or its name, but I don’t know that I’ll be returning to it on my own.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Hidden Agenda Ep 3
Time for real dating that Joke badly disguises as fake dating shenanigans! I am here for it.
Is it just me, or are a lot of GMM boys lefties? I started noticing it in Enchante and now my head just won't stop noting all the left handed writers (although I guess in Enchante it could have just been for the "mystery").
Ah, posture training. I remember that not so fondly. Although I will say I am grateful for it. I may not sit with the best posture anymore (I tend to pretzel), but I do walk well. And thankfully the person who taught me wasn't whacking me with a giant stick.
Shopping date!
"Fashion isn't about price tags; it's about taste." True, actually, but also. Sometimes your taste exceeds your means.
Aw Joke full on lost his breath for a second there. I don't think Zo looks particularly gorgeous in this outfit but who am I to judge, really? I'm not the one with the giant crush.
I also feel like comfort does have something to do with it. I am making no claims to being the arbiter of taste, but I do feel like if someone feels self-conscious in a thing it will detract from how good they look because they will keep doing things like tugging at their clothes, etc.
Well look at that handsome dude. I love how both of his friends' jaws drop like "who is this person and what have you done with the old one?" But it's a good look on him.
And yes, Pat totally knows about Joke's crush. No way he'd be reacting that way if he didn't. He knows and he's rooting for Joke, for whatever reason. I wonder if we'll get more background on that later.
Fine tune the details indeed. This is totally a date that Joke is going to pretend isn't a date.
Yep this is a date. Zo is not going to cotton on to the fact that it's a date, but it's a date.
The restaurant is pretty. The date advice isn't bad but also, it's still good to think about what she might like. I think that it was sweet that he tried to think of somewhere Nita would be interested in going, but one thing that neither of them are considering is that he could always ask where she wants to eat.
This poor smitten boy. He's so far gone he keeps losing his breath and Zo's just here like "you okay, friend?"
"All due respect to Aphrodite, but she was stupid. I would never leave someone I loved alone like that."
Is that not what he said?
THE PINKIE THING I CAN'T. It's so good. Look, I adore the longing looks and the stares and the way that Joke keeps trying to be cool and failing utterly, but the pinkie thing is so deliciously subtle and just rocked Zo's world completely off of its axis. It basically drop kicked him out of his all too comfortable oblivion and straight into awareness. That there's been something between him and Joke this whole time I think is obvious, but now he's finally aware of it, at least on his side. And Joke is so obvious I doubt it will take Zo long to pick up what he's putting down, now that he is primed to look for it. Primed to want to look for it. Plus there's just something about a soft touch that speaks of repressed longing that does it for me.
Laughing forever at Zo's attempt to try to recreate the atmosphere he had with Joke with Nita, and her reaction. My kind of girl, honestly. Nita is not the hopeless romantic that you think, Zo. That one is a little closer to home.
"All this random reading is fine and all but uh, aren't we here to do an assignment?" NITA. I love her.
Okay Joke is such a liar about not feeling fluttery feelings when he has a crush. But his attempts to comfort Zo are actually really sweet. His offended little look when Zo shoves his hand off of his shoulder is funny.
Now they're going on another date. I am pretty sure Joke has decided to drop subtlety completely at this point.
Part of me does have to wonder, though. The whole thing is about hidden agendas, and as much fun as it's been to watch Joke completely fail to keep his interest in Zo a secret, I can't help but think that maybe we haven't gotten everything.
Then again, maybe we have. Who even knows, really. It could just be pure fluff. I would not be upset about it at this point (although it will make me wish harder than ever that this were airing alongside a more dramatic offering from GMM, since the fact that I seem to be in the mood for it means that it would be the perfect thing to cut the angst I expect from stuff like Dangerous Romance or Only Friends. I love angst but even I need a palate cleanser on occasion), but I do wonder,
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canislupus-exe · 1 year
Made for Each Other | eddie munson
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>>gif credit to @/rpvisualosities<<
fandom | Stanger Things
character | Eddie Munson
reader | she/her/afab (he/him/amab ver.)
requested | anonymous
warnings | smut/nsfw, mutual perversion, peeping, mild degradation
word count | 1,804
keys | (Y/n) = Your name
summary | can u maybe do an eddie munson smut where the reader catches him masturbating to a polaroid of her and then the reader fucks him 👉👈
editor | @feliscatus-exe
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You sighed as you checked your watch, the time read 9:17. The day had been surprisingly slow so you decided to hang out with your best friend, but found his company had barely changed that fact. You’d burned through two movies with him and were going to start a third when he suddenly realized something and bolted out of the room. 
That was a few minutes ago and now you were waiting for his return, sprawled out on his bed. You yawned and laid your head against the pillow. Nothing happened until finally, you heard the bedroom door open. You lifted your torso and leaned on your elbows, raising your eyebrows at him. A bright flash caused you to blink rapidly and groan.
“Dude, what the hell?” You asked, sitting up fully and rubbing your eyes. You could hear Eddie laugh before feeling the bed shift as he sat next to you.
“Ain’t she a beaut?” He asks. You stop rubbing your eyes and look at what’s in his hand. It’s a Polaroid picture of yourself. Your shirt is slightly lifted and your pajama bottoms are slightly misplaced, revealing a small bit of your hip area. Your eyelids are slightly drooped, making you look sleepy and even somewhat sultry.
“When did you get a Polaroid?” You asked.
“I found it at the thrift store just outside of town. I seriously couldn’t believe my luck. It was a little busted right here, see, but nothing some duct tape couldn’t fix.” He raved, showing you all parts of the camera. You smiled fondly.
“That’s awesome Eddie.” You say, handing him the picture. He looks at it for a couple of seconds before looking back up at you.
“You don’t want to keep this?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Nah, what purpose do I have for a picture of myself?”
“Wouldn’t I have even less of a purpose for a picture of you?” He asks with a laugh. You shrug and smile.
“I don’t know. Use it to remember me or if you miss me.” You say with a snicker.
“That’s the corniest shit I’ve ever heard,” Eddie replied. You laughed before standing up from the bed.
“I should probably go home now Eddie. It’s getting late and we have school tomorrow.” You say, grabbing your car keys from his nightstand. 
“Already?” He asks a twinge of sadness in his voice. You smile.
“I’ll be back, probably sooner than you even realize. Thanks for letting me hang and keep you company though.” You said. He nodded and stood from the bed, walking you toward his front door.
You said bye and locked up his door, hopping in your car and starting it up. Your house wasn’t too far from the trailer park, which you were thankful for. It made your visits to his place that much more convenient. You whistled to the song on the radio, mindlessly tapping your steering wheel while focusing on the road.
As you pulled up to a crossroad to take a right turn, you realized how cold you were. You always kept your windows rolled down when you drove but it was much chillier than usual. You were about to turn when it dawned on you that you left your jacket at Eddie’s house. No wonder I’m freezing, you think to yourself as you pop a quick U-turn and backtrack to the trailer park.
It doesn’t take long since you didn’t get very far. In a matter of six minutes, you’re putting your car back in park in Eddie’s driveway. You toss your keys in your jean pocket, knocking on his door. There’s no answer, and you can’t help but assume he’d fallen asleep. Normally, you wouldn’t intrude, but the freezing Indiana temperatures urged you to use the spare key he’d gifted you years ago. Just for emergencies, he told you, and if you stayed out there any longer without a protective layer you’d freeze your tits off, which was as close to an emergency as you could damn near get.
You opened the door and shut it quietly behind you, not wanting to wake him up. You quickly scanned the living room, searching for your jacket. It was nowhere to be found but you didn’t fret, you probably just left it in Eddie’s room. You walked toward his bedroom door, seconds away from pushing it open when you heard a noise.
Not just any noise, though. A very distinct type of noise that caused your feet to stay planted on the floor and your stomach to meet them there. It was a moan. A moan that no doubt belonged to your best friend. Your heart began to thump louder than it ever has but you tried to drown it out, listening for another noise to prove you weren’t going crazy. 
And there it was again. A whiny, high-pitched moan that sent tingles down your spine and blood rushing to your crotch. You clasped a hand over your mouth in an attempt to regulate your breathing, scared you’d make a noise and alert him that you were here. Which you should’ve done, you knew that. You knew how wrong it was to listen to someone get off, but you couldn’t move your feet.
And to make matters worse, your eyes found themselves drawn to the crack in the door. You weren’t just listening now, you were full-on peeping on your best friend jacking off, and God was it making you wet.
The sliver in the door was small but if you angled yourself just right you could see enough. His right hand rapidly moved up and down his shaft while his left held a picture that looked almost familiar. Further up you could see his shirt lifted and his left hand holding a piece of clothing to his nose, which he was no doubt sniffing with fervor. The item of clothing was also familiar. It almost looked like…
“(Y/n)~” Eddie whined breathlessly, and the air around you seemed to turn cold. That couldn’t have possibly been…
“Fuck- (Y/n)…” He moaned again, and you were sure of it this time. He was, without a shadow of a doubt, moaning your name. That wasn’t the only thing he was doing. As he continued to furiously pump his shaft with his fist you realized why everything looked so familiar. He was holding the Polaroid he took of you earlier and sniffing your jacket. Eddie was masturbating to the thought of you.
“God p-please I need you~” He moaned, panting heavily. You got so warm in the face and so fuzzy in the brain that you acted without thinking. You pushed the bedroom door open and walked in, causing him to yelp and throw everything off of him. He scrambled to pull a blanket over himself to salvage a shred of his modesty but you’d already seen too much.
“Don’t stop on my account sweetheart. In fact, let me help you~” You say, popping the button of your jeans. His face turns bright red, staring at you in utter disbelief.
“(Y-Y/n) I can explain-“
“Explain what? That you were jacking off to a picture of me? Mmm, what did you imagine we were doing Eddie?” You asked, pulling the blanket off as you licked your lips. 
“I-I wasn’t-“
“Come on Eddie~ You can tell me. If you ask nicely, I might even do it to you~” You whisper in his ear, gently placing your hand around his already twitching cock. He gasps and whimpers, covering his mouth to stop the needy noises from spilling out.
“You were so loud before, what happened to ‘I need you’?” You asked, moving your hand up and down his shaft. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he lowered his hands, babbling for a second as he presumably tried to find the right words.
“I was i-imagining you- ah- riding me into- hng- oblivion.” He gasped out, balling his hands into the sheets. You smirked, pulling your hand away and watching him practically chase your touch.
“That can be arranged.” You reply, pulling your pants and panties off all the way. He watched with wide eyes as your soaked pussy was revealed, dripping with arousal and making his mouth water. He watched you bend and spit on his cock, gasping at the sudden cold sensation. You rubbed it down the shaft, expertly lubing him up in seconds and causing him to turn to putty once again.
Once you were finished prepping him, you positioned your entrance over his hard cock, teasing by gently prodding it. He whined, staring at you with pleading eyes. You decided to take mercy on him and finally sink down, groaning as he filled you up. He bit his lip harshly and squeezed his eyes shut, overcome with the pleasure of being inside you.
“Look at you, you filthy little pervert. Getting fucked by the girl you were jacking off to.” You practically growled at him, an irregular dominance clouding your mind. He moaned and covered his face, too embarrassed to look you in the eyes.
“Maybe we’re made for each other though.” You say somewhat fondly as you pick up your pace. He moans, face still covered, but he manages to get out two words of inquiry.
“W-We are?” He asks meekly. You laugh almost sadistically as you rest your hands on his stomach.
“We are… wanna know why?” You ask, slowing your hips just the slightest bit to grab his focus.
“Why?” He asks breathlessly.
“Because I’m a pervert too Eddie. I watched you jack off to me. I liked watching you jack off to me.” You say, giving him no time to process what you’ve said before starting to bounce vigorously on him again. This practically sends him over the edge, whimpering and begging to cum as you intensely rode him like never before. He grabs your hips and begins moaning frantically
“Fuck fuck fuck I’m- agghn!” He gasps for air and digs his nails into your skin, body shaking as spurts of cum shoot from the head of his cock and nestles deep inside your pussy. The sounds he’s making and the feeling of him releasing inside you proves to be too much as your hips sputter and you let out a loud moan, shaking as your own orgasm so intense takes over your body and leaves you trembling.
You gasp in an attempt to regain your breath, Eddie still latched onto you like his life depends on it. You chuckle and let your body weight fall onto him, electing to clean yourselves up later. You do however decide to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek at the moment, and you’re glad you do when you see his flushed face fondly smile.
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azikarue · 1 year
Mayblade 2023 : Day 14 : Sorcery
Ryu Granger, Tyson, Bladebreakers | FFN Rating: T | FFN Link ❖ It put a smile on Ryu’s face to hear his grandson outside jiving with his friends. It had been too long since he’d stood in the kitchen and listened to the whole team bicker and battle and bond.
Ever since the gang had touched down in Japan, they’d been training morning, noon, and night in preparation for the upcoming World Championships. They barely even stopped for meals – Tyson and Daichi were remarkably chill about it.
That, and the fact that every single one of them were way taller than he remembered, made it feel like they were growing up right before his eyes.
Ryu was drying his hands on a dish towel when Tyson toed off his shoes and crossed the threshold into the dojo.
“Smells good, Grampa!” he said, nodding to the stove where dinner was simmering away. He grabbed half a dozen bottles of water out of the fridge, then set them aside so he could crack one open for himself. “Can’t wait to eat. Daichi’s stomach’s been growling for half an hour now.”
His voice turned sarcastic toward the end and Ryu smiled fondly.
“Any of your friends stayin’ for dinner, T-Dawg?” He knew the answer already. Some nights Hilary, Kenny, or Max would go home, but more often than not, they all stayed until it was too late to do anything other than collapse onto the training room floor.
“Yeah, I think everybody is.” Tyson took a drink of water and wiped his mouth on his wrist. “Oh, except Max,” he added. “He has to go back to the dentist. Lucky guy gets to leave before Hilary’s last set of death drills.”
Ryu raised an eyebrow.
It had only been a few weeks since the Bladebreakers were back to training as a team and Max had left practice early three times. This would be number four and something, probably the rehashed excuse, seemed fishy. There were only so many reasons boys Max’s age skipped out on their responsibilities and since he wasn’t usually the kinda kid to skive off…
“Everything okay with the little dude?” he asked, even as he began to paint his own picture of what was going on. Some of his suspicions must have shown on his face, judging by the look Tyson was giving him.
“He has a cavity, Grampa,” Tyson said, waving him off. “He’s not lying to get out of practice. Max just has the decency to tell us when he has places to be. Unlike Kai; when he disappears, it’s radio silence.”
“Kai’s been cutting outta practice early too, then?”
Tyson hesitated for a second, before answering, somewhat reluctantly, “Well, no. Sometimes he’s gone when we wake up. Or we’ll just look up halfway through practice and he’ll be gone. That doesn’t mean that Max is trying to get out of practice on purpose.”
“I didn’t say he was trying to get outta practice. But I do think your homeboy might be hiding something.” He ignored Tyson’s doubtful expression and asked, “What’s the lowdown on his other excuses?”
“I don’t know Grampa. Something about the Hobby Shop and a video call with his mom?”
Ryu hummed thoughtfully and tapped his chin. “Does he seem nervous before he leaves?”
“Why would he be nervous?” Tyson countered, the non-answer giving Ryu all the reason he needed to do more digging.
“Does he stutter?” he asked. “Fidget? Blush?” He leaned closer to Tyson with each word, carefully studying his reaction.
Tyson leaned back, eyebrows knitting together. Then, after a few moments of hesitation, he said, “Maybe sometimes? I think he feels bad leaving early.”
Aha! The kids really were growing up.Ryu straightened up and crossed his arms over his chest. “More like Maxie’s got himself a stone-cold fox, ya dig?”
“A what?”
“A girlfriend, T-Dawg!”
Tyson blinked, staring at Ryu like a deer in the headlights, before his lips curled up into a smile and he burst into laughter. “A girlfriend?!” he cackled, nearly doubling over he was laughing so hard. Eventually he calmed down enough to choke out, “Max wouldn’t cut practice for a girl, Grandpa!”
“Love is a strange kind of sorcery, Tyson,” Ryu said sagely. “One day, you’ll find a foxy mama of your own and you’ll understand.”
Tyson wrinkled his nose in disgust, all traces of laughter suddenly gone. “Grampa, don’t ever say that again.”
At that moment, Hilary poked her head inside, effectively cutting the conversation short.
“Tyson! When exactly are you planning on coming back outside?” she asked, a special irritation reserved for his grandson in her tone. Ryu smirked when he heard it. “Thanks to your dawdling, you missed the rest of Max and Daichi’s battle. Next time, I’ll get the water if you can’t do it in a timely manner.”
“Relax, Hilary.” Tyson rolled his eyes and scooped up the water. “I’m coming – you don’t have to nag.” He breezed past her, pausing only to step back into his shoes, and left to rejoin his friends. No doubt he was moving faster to get away from the third degree Ryu was giving him. Lucky he had all the information he needed.
“Sorry about that, Grampa.” Hilary bowed her head apologetically. “I need to steal Tyson back.”
“More power to ya, Homegirl.” He winked.
“Thanks!” Hilary smiled and followed Tyson back outside.
As if on autopilot, Ryu brought up the rear.
Outside, Kenny was checking out Strata Dragoon with Daichi on one side and Ray on the other. Hilary joined their circle, reading Dizzi’s screen from over the top of their heads. Kai was on the porch, a little farther away, always on the outskirts of the group, but close enough to hear everything that went down. Tyson was handing the last water bottle to Max, who was still standing in the dirt beside the bey dish. For now.
“Sorry I missed you pulverizing Daichi,” Tyson said, patting Max on the back, nearly causing him to slosh water all over himself. “I’ll have to catch Kenny’s instant replay.”
“He’s a defensive type,” Daichi moaned. “Strata Dragoon should’ve had an advantage.”
“Quit whining, Daichi,” Tyson scolded. “Draciel isn’t just any defensive type. Even I have trouble against him.”
“Stats aren’t everything,” Kenny piped up, fingers gliding over his keyboard. “Max battles smart and strategically. Honestly, you could both stand to take notes.”
While Tyson and Daichi rounded on Kenny, demanding to know what he meant by that and why he wasn’t picking on Kai or Ray, Ryu kept a close eye on Max. He was watching the scene unfold with a grin on his face. Ryu was sure he was the only one seeing how he snuck glances at his watch, drumming his fingers on his water bottle and watching the others for an opportunity to make his exit.
Sly dog.
“Max,” Hilary shouted to be heard over Tyson and Daichi’s bellyaching, “don’t you have a dentist appointment? Don’t let these two make you late.” She shot the pair of them a pointed look.
Ryu watched as Max took an overly obvious look at his watch, like he didn’t know exactly what time it was, and fake surprise.
“Yeah, sorry guys,” he sighed, the reluctance in his voice clashing with the fact that he’d already started backing slowly towards the front of the dojo. “I have to go.”
“Good luck!” Ray said, having slid further back on the porch to get away from the Bermuda Triangle of Tyson, Daichi, and Hilary that poor Kenny was currently at the center of. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Let us know how it goes!” Hilary chimed in.
The rest of the team echoed similar sentiments and Ryu kept a keen eye on Max who was definitely starting to sweat.
“Oh, uh, thanks guys!” His laugh and wave reeked of nervous energy, solidifying Ryu’s theory with each passing second.
As Max gathered up his things with oddly unsteady hands, Ryu was piecing together another way he could back up his hunch. And it was a way that only he could pull off without rousing suspicion. Ryu smirked. Sometimes there were perks to being old.
“Thanks for having me, Grampa,” Max said as he passed, polite as always but with a glimmer of excitement in his eye that the dentist wouldn’t see on the best of days.
“Anytime, Homie,” he answered with a thumbs up. “Catch ya on the flip side.”
Max smiled, waved, and started to jog away.
He was almost out of earshot when Ryu chuckled to himself, and shouted after him, “Hey Maxie, don’t forget to wrap it before ya tap it, ya dig?!”
He ignored Tyson’s indignant yell and the sound of one of the others choking on their water, in favor of watching Max trip over his own feet on his way out the gate. When he glanced back, his face was beet red and, judging by the poorly-concealed guilt, Ryu hadn’t been totally off base about his girlfriend theory.
He chuckled to himself and watched as Max left at a new, forcibly sedate, pace.
“What’s everybody freakin’ out about?” Daichi piped up, looking around at the rest of the team with obvious confusion.
“Sorcery, Little Dude,” Ryu answered when none of the others would meet Daichi’s eyes. “The strangest kind of sorcery.”
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lirusstories · 11 months
Count, Till I Don't Know What Counts - Chapter 1: Every Nightmare Has an End
TW: Depression, Jack being talked about while coma, Begging, Mind Control(?), just, over all creepy scientist
A/N: The end is Egotober Day 8, yes that was intended, gonna try and update once a week but no promises
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“And I will see all you dudes!” Chase takes a big deep breath in, “IN THE NEXT VIDEO!”
And then he stops, falling back in his chair as what little energy he had left leaves his body.
It takes him a good five minutes before he’s actually able to stop recording, turn off the camera and turn everything off before just sitting in the silent room, only lit by the ambience lights.
And then Chase just breaks down, first with tears streaming down his face with his hand over his mouth before just sobbing.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been crying for but he is rather startled out of it by a quiet, “Oh Chase…”
He quickly whips around to see Liru standing in the doorway, looking at him sadly.
He quickly begins wiping away his tears, turning away from the door. 
“Shit- I’m sorry.” He croaks out, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
He jumps again feeling a hand on his back before she’s next to him, having him look up at her. She looks at him so sadly and Chase can’t help but start crying all over again.
“C’mere love.” She murmurs softly as she encourages him out of his seat and gently cupping his cheek and wiping away a few tears.
“Jack?” Her voice cracks a little even asking. Chase swallows a lump in his throat as he nods.
She just pulls him into a strong hug and he slowly begins to cry again, he cries a little harder when he feels her tears on his shoulder.
They stay there like that for minutes until they both manage to calm their sobs and wiping away their tears.
Liru hugs him tightly once she’s free of tears and Chase hugs back once Chase 
“I just, miss him so much…” Chase finally says. “I just…”
“I miss him too.” She whispers back, sounding so choked up. “I miss his laugh.”
Chase lets out a stuttered breath, “Me too.”
“The only thing I don’t miss is him nearly burning down the kitchen.” Liru attempts to joke, to her relief, Chase lets out a watery chuckle.
“Let’s… Let’s go downstairs.” She tells him in a small voice, “Its… It’s not good to stay in here for long.” She barely gets out.
Chase nods and she gently holds his hand before turning and leading him out of the room before gently leading him downstairs and two the kitchen.
“Sit.” She tells him softly, “I’ll reheat some clam chowder.”
Chase nods and sits at the table as she grabs a pot and a container from the fridge, scooping enough for the two of them into the pot and putting the container back, putting the pot on the stove and turning it on before going and sitting at the table with him.
They sit in silence while Chase twists his ring around in an attempt to soothe themself.
“Do you remember his turmoil series?” Liru asks softly, breaking the silence.
“I do, I remember how badly you just wanted to take over for him for the first like, five episodes.” Chase recalls with a small smile.
Liru chuckles fondly as she remembers, “Poor thing had no idea what he was doing.”
“In his defense you learn things freakishly fast.” Chase tells her while she waves him off.
“It’s a simple game alright leave me alone.”
“Mmm, nah. I like being around you.” Chase responds with a chuckle, grinning softly, then widely when Liru flusters and reaches over to lightly smack his arm.
“You can’t just say stuff like that.” She hisses, her face a deep red. He can tell she doesn’t really mean it, she’s just never been one to be able to handle flirting.
Chase reaches over, gently grasping her hand with his left, the ring on it reflecting the light above.
“I’m afraid I can.” He tries to keep a serious face. She pouts playfully making Chase laugh a bit more.
“Hey, you’re the one who agreed to married us and that comes with all the flirting with it My Dear Rose.” Chase tells her in a fond voice with a chuckle.
She hums, smiling softly, though her face is still pink she has a calmer demeanor as she looks at him lovingly. 
“And I don’t regret it one bit My Flower.” She hums affectionately and it makes Chase melt. 
She smiles seeing his face turn a dark pink and it seems like he’s trying to hide his face under his short hair.
She chuckles and reaches up and stroke his cheek gently. He leans into her touch, reaching up to cup her hand in his own.
Chase swallows as the reason why they came down here in the first place comes flooding back.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this…” He whispers quietly, sounding so small.
She’s quick to blink away her sudden tears at his words, 
“Why don’t you text and ask the others to pick the kids up from school, yeah?” She asks softly as she gets up.
Chase nods and fishes his phone from his pocket, sending a message in the group chat before getting him.
“Go pick out a movie to watch love, we can eat on the couch.” She murmurs, leaving a soft kiss on the top of his head before going and checking on the soup.
Chase nods and goes to the living room, choosing and putting on Bolt before helping her bring the bowls and glasses of water to the living room. 
Liru winces a little seeing the movie, this one always makes them both emotional, but she’s not complaining, she’ll gladly watch it with him. But she will be singing along. Not that chase will complain anyway.
And with that they snuggle up to each other on the couch.
Jackie comes home a few hours later with the kids, hushing them a little, he can hear them sleeping on the couch. The kids are giggling however as they see their mom and one of their dads sleeping on the couch together.
“Alright alright.” Jackie whispers. “Let's go upstairs and eat and work on your homework.” The kids pout at the thought of homework but are quick to make their way upstairs for their carls jr.
Jackie tiptoes over to the couch after giving the kids their bag of food  them running off with it upstairs. He turns the tv to YouTube to play something for them as they sleep but grabbing and putting the dirty dishes in the sink. 
Jackie gives one last understanding look to the sleeping pair before making his way upstairs.
He feels floaty, he hates it.
Whenever he feels floaty something bad happens and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone again.
He finds himself mumbling apologies as he feels his body begins to rise and he begins to properly panic.
“Please.” He begs, voice warbled and warped beyond recognition, so deep it makes his throat sore.
Please don’t make him do it, don’t make him hurt them again please he begs for deaf ears.
They don’t care, sometimes if they’re especially sadistic they’ll taunt him. Asking if he’s excited to feel blood between his finger again after a particularly long time.
God, he feels tired, like he could sleep for a thousand years and never wake up. 
He wishes he could. In his floaty haze, he wishes they’d just kill him already. They’ve already taken everything from him.
But they still refusing to show any mercy to the pleading man, he’s nothing more than an object to them.
“Just go to sleep.” The scientist says in a soothing voice, like talking to a cornered animal. Their voice sounds too calming and it makes him so, so tired. He attempts to fight the darkness away amidst his floaty haze but he just can’t.
“You’re just going to have a little fun.” The scientist continues.
“Please…” He whispers as bright silvery tears begin to fall, his voice sounds so fare away.
“Oh none of that. Just get some sleep, you’ll be fine.”
Anti can’t help but consumed by the darkness as he fades out of consciousness, his last sight being the smiling scientist.
Anti wakes up much later, the smell of blood permeating his nose making him want to gag, but he feels too weak to even do that.
His vision his blurry and the light blinding him is not helping and oh god his hands are sticky with congealing blood. Oh fuck who did he hurt? He can feel his heart beginning to race as he tries to remember.
Then he gets a flash, Jameson, oh god he feels like he’s gonna be sick.
He tries to push himself up so he can move to the toilet and throw up but his arms give out before he can get his legs under him.
He can hear the sound of Jameson screaming so clearly in his ears and his insane laughter ringing in his mind before the tears begin to fall again, much heavier than before, before a sob tears through his throat and he just quietly curls into a ball on the floor, sobbing out soft apologies to his little brother that he knows will never hear him.
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Taglist: @glitchyartist @brokentimewatch
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