#he was looking for the holiday themed snack cakes
morganbritton132 · 2 years
A girl posts to Tiktok like “oh my god, oh my god, look what I found at the grocery store” and then when she flips the camera around, it’s Steve.
He’s alone at the end of an aisle, talking aloud about cereal brands and an article he saw. He asks ‘what do you think?’, pauses, and then turns around like, “Ed?”
The video cuts to later in the grocery store to Eddie and Steve in a different aisle. They’re holding hands now so Eddie doesn’t wander off.
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jo-harrington · 10 months
Standard Operating Procedures 1.04 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: The summer is ending, school is about to start, the seasons are changing...and so are things between you and Eddie.
Previous Part: Corrective Action
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual Pining and Slow Burn, Fluff, Food/Eating, Talks about the Future, Romantic Tension/Sexual Tension
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Eddie had always had a sweet tooth.
His mom swore, up and down, that her only craving had been for Zebra Cakes when she was pregnant with him.
His favorite food as a baby had been mashed peaches.
And now he was sure his body was chemically composed of more Dr. Pepper than water.
So it should have been no big surprise that he was so attracted to you.
So it should have been no big surprise that he would have planned a snack cake taste test extravaganza for your usual Sunday Not-a-Date Date.
You'd revealed early on that your grandparents were both "in the sugar business."
"My grandpa," you told him once as you walked through the mall window shopping on your lunch. "Worked the chocolate chip line at the Maurice Lenell bakery."
"Are those the fancy cookie tins--"
"That they sell at Christmas? Yes."
"Wayne always gets one with his holiday bonus," Eddie reminisced. "The pinwheel ones with the red sugar on the outside are my favorite."
"And my grandma worked at the Hostess factory," you continued. "She always always brought home boxes of rejects. I probably would have been too shy to make friends at school if they hadn't flocked to me for baked goods."
Because of this though, you had never fraternized with the enemy, as Eddie so dramatically put it: Little Debbie.
"And now," his gaze turned dark and mischievous as he threw open the doors to the van. "You shall feel the full power of the dark side."
He outdid himself, truly.
Piles of snack cakes from the gas station, sorted into two neat little stacks, a little notebook for scorekeeping, and a 6-pack of Mountain Dew as a palette cleanser.
“You keep saying,” he said as you settled in amongst the pillows and blankets he’d set up in the back so you’d both have a cozy spot to snack. The radio was softly playing in the background. It was nice. “That you wanted to drink the water in the mall fountains. Did you know that Mountain Dew is the closest you’re gonna get?”
You’d both run garbage late one Wednesday night and thrown coins into the fountain on your way back to your stores. And that’s when you’d revealed your deepest darkest secret.
“Because they’ll both probably kill me in the end?” You joked.
“No, because Bromine is in both.”
“Ok nerd.” You snorted.
“Not…a nerd,” he shoved you as he plopped down beside you. “But I did this project for chemistry class last year. On Mountain Dew. And how it gets that color. And it’s also how they keep the fountain water clean. Or pool water? I can’t remember exactly right now.”
“Ok nerd.”
“I’m sorry,” he clutched his hand over his heart. “My lady wanted to taste only the finest of fountain water. And I deliver her the closest thing and am openly mocked? Twice?”
You stuck your tongue out at him and slapped his shoulder, then asked what the rubric was for the taste test.
And then you snacked til you made yourselves sick and did what you always did, balanced conversation and companionable silence.
That was a new thing. The silence.
Not for the two of you, but for Eddie.
He wasn't used to silence, he was used to loud music, noises and raucous laughter and adventure--real or fantasy--with his friends, but since the two of you started hanging out, he was getting used to the silence a little more. Enjoying it. Savoring it. Looking forward to it.
The anticipation of waiting for something wonderful--thoughts or observations or confessions--coming of your mouth made him feel warm inside.
Eddie had pondered your friendship earlier in the day as you'd run in to let him know you couldn't take lunch together.
"There's this crazy long piercing line and I'm just running to get a slice of pizza and then going back up. I'm so sorry, I'll see you after work ok?"
Your energy was frantic and your words faster than lightspeed, but your eyes were filled with concern and care for him. The little hitch of your eyebrows and the extra pause you took so you made sure that he understood that you weren't ditching him you just...couldn't do lunch and didn't want to leave him hanging.
Even when everything was falling apart around you, you cared to make sure he understood.
It was nice.
And it wasn't just you. But it was nicer when it was you.
He didn't get a lot of understanding like that. Especially not in Hawkins where his last name and his appearance caused everyone's hackles to raise a little. And even the people who did want him around...well it was hit or miss if they decided to stick around.
But since working at StarCourt, things had been different. He had a boss and coworkers who liked him, inside jokes with people who worked at other stores. He had you. He wasn't Eddie The Freak Munson. He was Eddie from TapeWorld. And Eddie from TapeWorld seemed to help people warm up to Eddie Munson.
What a weird concept. People wanting him around. Coming to StarCourt and being around people who accepted him and valued him...understood him. He'd only felt that way with Hellfire...and with Corroded Coffin.
People were good and people liked him. A sweeter treat than all the Hostess in the world.
It had been a few months now; a few months of an actual job, a consistent crush friend, and everything seeming to look up for him. Give or take a few minor hiccups but...he was feeling good.
And school was starting soon, maybe this would be the year the tide turned? No more waiting for the future to finally happen for him; he was making things happen for himself.
It might finally be his year...
"So," he leaned over, into your personal space, and fished a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. "Kyle gave me this thing yesterday."
"Oh yeah?" Your eyebrows raised in curiosity as you happily munched on a sugary treat.
He'd spiraled a little bit when he'd been handed the sheet. Three little words at the top.
Schedule Change Request.
Way back at the beginning of summer, after the initial shock that he'd gotten the job at TapeWorld, he figured he was just counting his days until he was fired and that the start of the school year would have been the final nail in the coffin if he made it that far.
Instead Kyle was...asking him to stay.
"I’m probably not gonna be able to give you as many hours with school,” he sighed. “Which is a real bummer. But I’ll put you on as much as I can."
"You're not kicking me out?" Eddie asked, shocked.
"What? Are you nuts? Ed, you're like...my best guy! I need you here. Selling those guitars, getting those sales bonuses. And because you're my buddy. So make sure you put your for-sure days off on there...you know I'm gonna forget.”
He explained it all to you, which led to you cackling loudly.
"Oh my God," you laughed. "Eddie!"
"What? I know it's silly."
"No, I'm not laughing because of that," you began. "My first position at Claire's had been a summer job too and I seriously thought that I was gonna get fired once school was back in session."
"Yeah. And it's a real thing because no one tells you that you're done when summer's over. You're gonna see come Christmas, Kyle will have to hire seasonal associates--and hey, ok...seriously if Gareth or Dave come asking for a job...it might seem fun...but don't--and he'll have to make sure they have end dates on their paperwork otherwise it's a whole thing."
You went on and on about helping your old manager with paperwork and you'd forgotten to put an end date as you were filling everything out. And then someone's mom came to complain at the end of the season when their kid was let go.
"And she kept screaming and screaming. And that's why I have a strict parent policy at work. Even though I'm the reason that got so fucked up; trial by fire. Jen was pissed."
Eddie reached out and unwrapped your hand from the Sno-Ball that you had crushed as you told the story. He adored it when you got so animated, but the poor little pastry was now just a mess of crumbs and frosting and marshmallow goo on your fingers and now his as he plucked the half-destroyed treat from your grasp.
And the thing was...
The thing was, Eddie wasn't...he was decidedly not smooth. He was gross. He was a gross boy. He hacked loogies and did spit handshakes with the guys all the time. He had no five second rule when it came to food dropped on the floor; it was an optical inspection and then usually straight down the gullet.
He could be romantic and seductive if he wanted to be; he could charm the...ahem...pants off some people if the need arose. And he had.
But that wasn't this.
This was a caught up in the moment of having a good time with his friend and doing what he would have done if one of his buddies crushed a snack cake. He'd be his usual gross self and expect them to groan and screech and laugh at him. Boys will be boys and all.
This was a too little too late moment of realization as he, Eddie Munson, lacking the foresight of having napkins in the van for this little snack cake taste test since he usually wiped his honey-bun-icing slick hands on his jeans after he unhinged his jaw and shoved it in on mornings when he was running late, saw no other way to clean sweet frosting off your hand except to lick it off your thumb.
The van suddenly got smaller and hotter as his tongue traveled up the pad of your finger, over the ridge of each joint and to the center of your palm. His eyes traveled up to meet yours as he flicked the sweetness off of you, and his breath hitched when he saw the way your eyes widened.
How was he supposed to deal with this? How was he supposed to handle this epic potential fuck up right here? How was he supposed to stop his brain--and maybe some other parts of him--from wanting to take the hand that gently held your wrist and pull you closer so he could kiss the sugar from your lips and not just...
Lick it off your hand.
Jesus, he was an idiot.
Caught between a rock and a hard dick.
Hard place. Fuck.
But that was the conundrum right? Because Eddie did want to kiss you; he enjoyed kissing...a lot actually, and it would be...nice if all of these dates were actual dates so that he could just kiss you and squeeze you and all of the nice things that came with...having someone who liked you back. So he didn't have to shoot Kyle a dirty look every time he teased "have a nice lunch with your girlfriend" knowing fully well that it was exactly what Eddie wanted.
He'd heard the spiel many times when Kyle had come back from his own lunch and then stood over Eddie as the younger man unpacked shipments, and told him, flat out, hands on his hips "you just need to ask her out man I'm getting sick of this."
And the guys had teased him a bunch.
And Wayne kept asking when you were coming around again.
Well this could be it.
A horrible start to asking a girl out on a date but wouldn't that be a funny story, and Eddie really did like a funny story.
This is. This is the moment.
Eddie opened his mouth to say something and so did you. You both backed down from actually saying anything. Eddie's hand tightened on your wrist and he was sure he could feel your heart beating faster. And was that you leaning a little closer to him? And did your eyes look at his mouth as he licked over the seam of his lips really quickly for courage.
He opened his mouth again...
Courage. He could do it. This was gonna be his year, and you were gonna be his girl.
...and then slammed the broken remains of the SnoBall in.
Quite literally slammed, shoved, fingers flailing as he tried to smoosh the chocolate cake and pink-coated marshmallow and remnants of frosting inside.
He let go of your wrist and then backed away from you as far as he could.
You let out a nervous laugh and looked down at your messy hand. You tried to use a discarded wrapper to clean yourself up when Eddie just...pulled off the flannel that he'd layered on to help wipe you off instead.
Like he probably should have done in the first place.
You didn't say anything, just smiled gently at him, like you always did. Always patient. Always forgiving of his mistakes.
What had you even been talking about before?
"Note to self," he muttered around the SnoBall. "Never becoming a manager."
Your eyes crinkled a little as your smile got bigger and you grabbed onto the front of his shirt and shook him a little.
"Save yourself!"
The rest of your evening went by unremarkably.
You both got too hyped up on sweets and Mountain Dew, ran a few circles around the van in the StarCourt parking lot, headbanging and screaming, after Eddie threw on a tape he said the two of you could dance to. Then to Dairy Queen where you soaked up all the sugar with chili cheese dogs.
An otherwise normal Sunday for the two of you.
Mishap forgotten.
Nerves forgotten.
Misplaced feelings...forgotten.
For now.
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.05
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sara-scribbles · 1 year
Melting the Dragon King’s Heart (Part 2)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Malleus Draconia/F!Reader Summary: After falling down some stairs, you wake up in the body of a villain from one of Idia's cheesy romance books. Destined to die a fiery death, you have to figure out a way to change your fate. Word Count: 8,000 Notes: I decided to split this part into two. The original is about 11k words and counting. This way I can work on the final part but also provide everyone with something. Reader uses she/her pronouns Warnings: Physical abuse, emotional abuse
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
After revising the proposal and sending along the messengers, you spent a lot of time filling out paperwork. Malleus seemed to trust you to do more, so you found yourself given more work. Though you’re glad he trusts you more, you hate all the new work.
Because of all the work, you’re unable to do much besides hole up in the office. Thankfully Diablo is always there to bring snacks and remind you of the time. You often get lost in the paperwork and forget to do the basic necessities such as eating dinner. Malleus is always happy to answer any questions you have, and having his office across the way is very handy.
It’s a few weeks later that you notice the castle is abuzz with more activity than usual. You can hear everyone rushing back and forth while signing off on a few things. You can see staff rush by with vases, flowers and linen. 
“Diablo, what’s going on?” you ask the butler, who places a new cup of tea down.
“The palace is preparing for his highness’s birthday,” he informs you. “It is a national holiday so Briar Valley throws a party for the citizens. There’s also a ball that is hosted in his honor where we invite the surrounding kingdoms. This year's theme is a masquerade.”
You had completely forgotten about his birthday. Setting aside your work, you lean forward on your elbow while strumming your fingers on the desk. “What should I get him as a gift?” you muse aloud.
Glancing over at the butler, he pretends to stare straight ahead. After a moment, he sighs before shaking his head. “I apologize, your highness, but I do not think I should tell you what to get his highness.”
“But I don’t really know what he likes…” That’s not completely true, but it would be nice to get something that you know Malleus will like.
“My advice is that as long as the gift has your thoughts and feelings, his majesty will like it.” Diablo bows slightly before leaving.
Letting out a deep sigh, you jot down a list of things you know Malleus likes and dislikes. From your previous conversations, you do know some things. He likes gargoyles, abandoned places, and cold treats. He dislikes whole cakes and gargoyles that serve no function.
“What to get him…” A maid gently raps on the door, disrupting your thoughts.
“I apologize for disturbing your highness, but a letter just arrived.” She hands you the cream colored envelope with a rose wax seal.
Once she leaves, you open the rather thick letter. Reading through it, your eyes slowly widen with each word. Excitement and trepidation fill every fiber in your body. Leaving your study, you make the very quick trip to Malleus’s office next door. Your sudden intrusion startles him from the paper he’s reading.
“He responded!” you exclaim, slapping the letter down on the desk.
He quizzically looks at you before taking the letter. You watch as he quickly scans the contents. “Riddle Rosehearts wants to meet about our proposal,” you explain. “It’s a good sign, right?”
He sets the letter down and nods. “It would seem he wants to iron out the details. I’m surprised he responded so quickly, since I’ve heard he’s the type not to make decisions without careful consideration.” He ponders, “Perhaps he’s been wanting to establish relations with us and this gives him a good excuse.”
“Right! So, when do you want to go?”
“You wish to do this soon?” he asks.
Nodding, you explain, “I think it would be ideal to do this sooner rather than later.”
“Hmm… I have a few meetings to attend with some diplomats from other countries. And then there’s the banquet…” He shifts through a notebook containing his day-to-day schedule. “Maybe we could go… no that won’t work.”
After a while of going through his schedule, he sighs deeply. Brows furrowing, a small frown appears on his lips. “It seems I will be busy for a few months. We may not be able to do this as quickly.”
There’s a pause before you throw out a suggestion. “What if I go and meet with him?”
“Alone?” His frown deepens.
“Yes. I believe I can work on this with him. We won’t sign anything, but it will at least iron out the details.” You want to do this. It’s something you worked on for a while, so it would be nice to be the one to close the deal. And you can’t say you’re not curious to see what the Queendom of Roses is like.
“I know you might be worried about my abilities, but I would like the opportunity to prove myself beyond paperwork and readings.”
Malleus regards you quietly. The frown has left his face but his brows are still creased. “I do not doubt your abilities. I just worry about you being in another country alone.”
A small laugh escapes your lips. His concern for your safety is endearing. “I can bring a guard or two with me, if that will ease your worries,” you quickly add.
That seems to alleviate some of his worry. “Yes, I think that will be fine. When would you like to leave?”
Taking the letter, you fold it back into the envelope. “His highness said he could meet starting next week. How about a week from now? It should give me enough time to send a response back and prepare for the trip.”
“So soon…” he mutters. Letting out a huff, he waves off whatever is concerning him “I will instruct Silver and Sebek to accompany you. Diablo will help you prepare everything else.”
You’re surprised he’s having his two closest knights go with you. “Are you sure? I could take someone else.”
He shakes his head. “These two are one of my most trusted knights, so it would be appropriate that they guard you on your journey.”
Seeing the firm set of his lips, you know not to argue. “Thank you. I will gather some material and start packing.” 
Turning to leave, Malleus calls to you. “How are your parents doing?” he asks suddenly.
You halt, almost stumbling in your steps, before slowly turning toward him. “They’re fine. Why do you ask?”
“I was thinking we can send them an invitation for my birthday ball,” he explains. You can’t read his expression.
Every fiber in your being wants to scream ‘no’ and that you never want to see them. But you know you can’t. You have to keep up appearances for now. “If that’s what you would like, then please invite them,” you respond as calmly as you can.
He’s quiet as he studies you before nodding. “If there is anyone else you want to invite, please let Diablo know. The invitations will go out in about three weeks.” He returns to his papers.
You suddenly have an idea. “Is there anything you want for your birthday?” you inquire, walking over to stand in front of his desk.
“Nothing in particular,” he says, not looking up.
“Really? Nothing at all?” You’re hoping he’d give you some ideas. Buying birthday gifts for Idia was easy since he usually wanted something related to his games or anime.
Malleus finally looks up from his papers. “I’m sure whatever you decide, I will like.”
You resist the urge to groan. “Diablo said something similar, you know…” Placing both hands on his desk, you give him a stern look. “If I give you something you hate, let me know right away. Okay?”
He blinks twice. “I doubt you’d ever give me something I’d hate.” He pauses when he sees the slight turn of your lips. “...but I will let you know if that happens.”
“Great!” Turning on your heel, you leave his office. You miss the smile on his lips as he watches you go with a fond look.
The trip to the Queendom of Roses is an uneventful ride. Silver and Sebek do accompany you on horseback. Neither say much so you’re left going over things in your head. You’re not sure how this will go, but can only hope you don’t start a war.
The Queendom is lush and green with picturesque homes. Everything reminds you somewhat of images from the Victorian era. When you arrive at the castle, you’re greeted by the queen’s personal advisor, Trey Clover.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness,” he greets with a deep bow.
Taking his offered hand, you step out of the carriage. “Thank you for having me, Mr. Clover.”
“Please call me Trey. If you’ll follow me, his majesty has prepared some tea.” Silver and Sebek follow a few paces behind as you’re led through the rose garden. Some of the roses, you notice, are white while others are red. And some of the red roses almost look to be dripping in paint.
When you arrive at the heart of the garden maze, you are greeted by the queen himself, Riddle Rosehearts. He’s dressed impeccably, though you wouldn’t expect less from someone who follows rules strictly. Though much shorter than Trey, there’s something about his presence that seems to tower over everyone.
He greets you with a bow. “It’s nice to meet you in person.” He’s polite but firm.
“Thank you for having me.” As you dip into a bow, you can’t help but marvel at his composure. For someone who’s around your age, he carries himself as if he’s much older and wiser.
“Trey, please place her highness across from me,” he orders. Silver and Sebek melt somewhere into the background without a word.
As you take the offered seat, you give him a tentative smile. “You can call me by my name. I’d like to think we’ll be good friends soon.”
He seems to sputter a bit before finding himself. “If you insist. Please just call me Riddle, then.”
As tea is served, you engage in small talk. Though you’re eager to get on to the topic of the proposal, etiquette dictates you share pleasantries. It would be considered rude since the tea and treats were specially prepared. The strawberry tarts are delicious so you don’t really mind.
After enjoying the tea, Riddle wastes no time getting onto the business. “Your proposal is indeed interesting to us, however, I want to ask you something.”
“Go ahead.”
He leans forward, hands propped under his chin. “What would you do if we said no?”
There’s a pause. You hadn’t actually considered they would reject your proposal. After a moment, you carefully choose your words. “I would respect your decision. Ultimately, you do not need to accept the proposal. We are not the type of country to force our will on to another. Though, I do think it would be foolish not to take the deal.”
He gestures for you to explain. “Though the Queendom is rich in crops, you do lack magical resources. As you’re aware, Briar Valley is old and has many deposits of magic, which have been refined into its purest form. I’m sure trading between us would help increase the Queendom’s magical might.”
Riddle leans back as he mulls over your words. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, wondering what is going through his head. After a few moments, he smiles. “Let us draft up an official agreement, then.”
“You accept?” you ask, a bit surprised considering how serious he had been looking. He almost looked like he was about to reject the offer.
“Yes. I’ve always thought it would be good to become allies with our neighboring countries,” he explains. “I realize we haven’t really interacted in the past, but I hope this will be the start to a good relationship between our kingdoms.”
Relief washes over you. “I agree. I think this will be beneficial to both of us in the long run.” There’s a loud commotion that causes you both to turn and look around. “Is…is everything okay?”
Riddle frowns. “There shouldn’t be any problems… Trey?” The green haired man from before does not appear, which causes Riddle’s frown to deepen.
Then, there’s a loud shout. “Get back here!”
A gray blur bursts through the bushes and makes a beeline toward you and Riddle. A redhead and a brunette follow suit, both looking disheveled. “You can’t be here, Grim!” the brunette shouts.
The gray blur stops short and you realize it’s a cat. A strange cat that can stand on two feet with blue flames coming from its ears. You can’t help but stare as you realize who this cat is. And just as you thought, another person comes through the maze, out of breath. Yūki, the protagonist of ‘Melting the Dragon King’s heart’ and the one who saves Malleus, stands before you.
“Grim! Trey said he’d feed you some tarts later!” Yūki shouts.
“Mrrrawh! I want a tart now!” Grim howls.
Riddle stands up, his chair falling to the ground. His face is bright red. “What do you think you’re doing! We have an important guest and you make a spectacle!”
“Uhh… uh oh!” The cat slinks back at the sudden anger rolling off in waves from Riddle.
The redhead manages to grab Grim by the scruff of his neck. “Gotcha!”
Trey steps in along with Silver and Sebek. “I apologize, Riddle. We weren’t able to catch him.”
You, however, can’t take your eyes off the protagonist. In the books Yūki is a magicless human in a world filled with magic. However, that never stops them from traveling to different places and having adventures with their friend, Grim. It’s during one of their trips that they happen to meet Malleus, and everything else falls into place.
You never thought much about where Yūki’s last adventure was before coming to Briar Valley since the story glossed over everything. But to see them before the start of the novel is strange, yet you’re curious.
Feeling your gaze, Yūki turns to you. Their eyes are bright and filled with wonder. “Hello, your highness.” They bow. “I apologize for interrupting your meeting.” They ignore the others who are still squabbling. Riddle doesn’t look ready to calm down any time soon either.
“It’s nice to meet you…?”
“Yūki! And that,” they point to the cat who’s munching on leftovers, “is Grim. We’re adventures.”
Though you’ve only spoken a few words, you can feel their warmth and sincerity. No wonder they’re able to break the magic on Malleus so easily. They’re like an early spring day coming to thaw the remaining coldness from winter. Ironic, you think.
“An adventure? Where else have you traveled?” you asked, genuinely curious.
“Well, we just came back from visiting the Island of Woe. But we’ve also seen the Shaftlands, Scalding Sands, Coral Sea, and the Sunset Savanna.” They tick off each location on their fingers.
From your memories, you’ve never been anywhere besides your home and then to Briar Valley. The Queendom of Roses is the first place you’ve ever visited. “That’s a lot of places! You must have a lot of fun.”
Yūki chuckles, rubbing the back of their neck. “Yeah… we always manage to get into some kind of trouble, so it’s not that great. I’ve heard Briar Valley is a nice, quaint place…”
“Yes, it’s quiet but the people there are wonderful. You should come visit someday.” The offer is genuine. 
They smile, making their face light up. “We definitely will. I think right now Grim and I are going to rest a bit more here.”
“Is the food good there?” Grim suddenly butts in. There are crumbs all over his mouth, which Yūki begins wiping off with a napkin.
You nod thoughtfully. “I would say so. If you come to visit the castle, I’ll make sure to have our chefs whip up a wonderful meal.” You haven’t had much complaint about the food. Though there are some comfort meals you miss from home.
“Sweet! Let’s go there next, Yūki!” The cat’s eyes light up at the prospect.
They groan while crossing their arms. “I still need time to rest from our last adventure. Anyways, Riddle said we could stay as long as we wanted, which means you’ll have access to unlimited tarts.”
Grim huffs but doesn’t seem too bothered. “I guess you’re right…”
Riddle, having calmed down, sits back in his seat. “I do apologize for the abrupt intrusion from my knights.”
The two who had been trying to catch grim, kneel. “We apologize for intruding, your majesty,” they both say in unison
Trey shakes his head. “Honestly… this is Ace and Deuce. They’re newly appointed knights, so they’re still rough around the edges.”
“I don’t mind. You’re knights are a lively bunch.” The two have the decency to look embarrassed.
“A bit too lively,” Riddle mutters. Letting out a sigh, he gestures to Yūki and Grim. “These two are esteemed guests.”
“That’s right! Me and my henchhuman are super important!” Grim boasts, crossing his short arms while puffing out his chest.
Yūki glances at you with an apology in their eyes. “Don’t go getting a big head, Grim,” they warn jokingly. 
“Too late! His head is already huge,” Ace teases.
“My head’s normal sized!”
You hear Riddle sigh once more as he rubs his temples. It seems any talk about the proposal is over, but you don’t mind. With how lively everyone else is, things are bound to never be boring.
Your gaze once more turns to Yūki. They’re different from what you expect. Seeing them laugh without a care in the world reminds you about something in the book. In the story, Yūki does lament the fact that they won’t be able to travel anymore once they marry Malleus. They put their adventures on hold. You don’t remember the story ever saying that Yūki laughed in such a carefree way.
Meeting your intense stare, they regard you curiously. “Is there something wrong, your highness?”
You wave them off. “No. It just seems like you’re really close with everyone here…”
They nod eagerly. “The thing about adventuring is that you meet people from different backgrounds and walks of life. I enjoy adventuring for that very reason. I guess I can’t imagine staying in one place for too long when there’s places I still haven’t seen.”
“So, would you want to adventure your whole life?”
“Yes, that’s the goal!” Their grin is infectious. 
As Deuce and Ace draw their attention away, you find yourself thinking. Seeing an enthusiastic Yūki and Grim compared to the more subdued versions in the story is so jarring. It’s almost like once the events of the story happen, all of Yūki’s personal dreams and goals get pushed to the back. 
By now you’ve accepted your life as the queen. And perhaps with you here, the story has changed. Perhaps you don’t have to follow the story in order to live. A very selfish part of you doesn’t want to leave Briar Valley like you had originally planned. And maybe that’s okay.
As you watch the two adventures talk animatedly, you make a decision. You’ll figure out how to stop your parents your own way.
Returning to Briar Valley after a few days away, something has changed. It seems like Malleus has started following you around more. The moment you stepped out of the carriage, Malleus was there to greet you, which you thought was sweet. However, he’s started coming into your office for nothing in particular. He’ll sit in one of your chairs pretending to read whatever papers or book he’s brought with him. You can often feel him hovering, gaze following your every move. It’s like he’s watching and waiting for something to happen. 
It’s much like how your parents were always watching you, and if they couldn’t monitor you, they had one of the maids do it. Like a bug under the microscope, you never had peace to yourself until you slept. By then, you were too tired to do anything more than just sleep.
It’s starting to get on your nerves. When you ask him what he wants, he simply says he doesn’t want anything. But you can tell he wants something! But he won’t tell you!
You blink as you stare down at the now broken pen in your hands. Black ink oozes out and drips onto the paper you were working on. Malleus immediately perks up from his spot across from your desk.
“Is everything alright?”
Letting out a long breath through your nose, you summon some magic to clean up the mess on your hand. The broken pen is tossed in the trash. “I’m fine,” you mutter, not looking up.
There’s a pause though you can feel him staring once more. Finding your spare pen, you crumble up the ruined papers. “It seems you’re upset,” he muses. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“No,” you reply curtly.
Perhaps your tone is a bit too icy because when you look up, you can see the hurt in his gaze. Sighing, you lean forward and cover your face. “I… I didn’t mean to be snappy with you, Malleus. …Why are you hovering so much?”
There’s silence before he answers, “I missed you. Lilia said that if I missed you, I should spend more time with you.”
Looking up once more, you’re not sure what to say. You let out a dry chuckle. “I see… If you want to spend time together, just let me know. I don’t mind spending time together, I just don’t like you hovering.”
“I didn’t realize. I’m sorry,” he apologizes sincerely.
“I’m sorry too for not communicating with you better about this.” You sit back, body suddenly feeling tired. “I’ve spent a lot of my life being watched, and it wasn’t pleasant. I want to spend more time with you, but not like this.”
You glance at him tiredly. There’s a harshness in his gaze but it vanishes too quickly for you to fully understand. “I apologize for making you uncomfortable. It was never my intention.” He lowers his head, his lips are pressed in a firm line.
“I know.” He would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.
“Do you want to take a walk in the gardens?” he asks suddenly.
A break would do you some good. Following Malleus to the gardens, you stroll through the roses. Though the Queendom had lovely roses, there’s something about these roses that you like more.
He leads you to the center of the garden where you sit. You lean against his side, eyes closed, enjoying the fresh air. Malleus traces patterns on the palm of your hand. You sit like that for a while before Malleus breaks the silence.
“While you were away, I walked into your office wanting to see you. It made me realize how little time we spend together outside of our work. I’d like to spend more time with you doing things like this,” he admits.
You hum in agreement. “I’m always open to spending time together.”
Malleus weaves your fingers together with his. “Even if we don’t do anything?”
“Yes. Sitting here and enjoying each others’ company is enough.” Opening your eyes, you smile back at him. “I prefer this over you hovering.”
He nods. “I will keep that in mind. Perhaps next time I should be more clear with Lilia on my question…”
“Or you could ask me. Why not go to the source?” you suggest. It’ll save you from any miscommunication.
“Alright. I’ll come to you if I have any questions or concerns.” He chuckles as he squeezes your hand.
There’s a pause before you ask a question that’s been plaguing your mind for a while. “Why did you marry me? I don’t come from a country that can offer much, so it’s not like Briar Valley gained anything.”
Pulling away slightly, his brows crease. “Did your parents not tell you of the deal?”
“No. They just told me it was an honor to be marrying you.” They had told you nothing beyond that you were to marry a complete stranger. The glee in their gazes as they concocted their scheme to take over Briar Valley remains fresh in your mind.
He mutters something under his breath before shaking his head. “One of your ancestors from long ago sought out my grandmother for a blessing. Apparently their land was on the verge of collapse and my grandmother offered to bless the land once more. In exchange, they or their descendants would have to marry off their first born to her grandson. I wasn’t born then, but it seems grandmother already knew I would be eventually.”
You slowly process the information. “So essentially, it was just timing that it happened to be me?”
“My grandmother never really explained but when the time came, she told me I’d be marrying you.” He runs his thumb over your knuckles. “But I am glad it was you that I married.”
Your face warms as he gazes at you sincerely. “I’m glad too,” you manage to sputter out. Sometimes Malleus can say the sappiest things with a straight face. Yet, you know he’s always true to his feelings. It never fails to make your heart flutter.
Your gaze drops to his lips and stays there for a bit longer than you mean. You haven’t kissed him, and now you’re wondering how it would feel. You wonder if he would be a gentle kisser or would he bite at your lips with his sharp fangs. You wouldn’t mind either way…
Feeling your face warm at the sudden thoughts, you realize that Malleus has shifted a bit closer. Peering back at him, he watches you with half-lidded eyes. His usual bright eyes are dark with swirling emotions.
“Malleus…?” Your voice is barely a whisper.
He reaches up to stroke the right side of your face. He traces the curve of your jaw before gently grasping your chin. There’s a fire burning in his gaze as he leans closer. You stay completely still, barely daring to breathe.
His lips are inches away from you before he asks, “Can I?” His gaze flickers to meet yours.
You nod wordlessly and he-
“KING MALLEUS!” The voice that echoes through the garden causes you to jerk back in surprise. You almost stumble off the bench if not for Malleus’s quick reflexes as he steady’s you with a hand to the small of your back.
“Sebek, I don’t think you need to yell so loudly,” another voice admonishes with little heat.
Nervously clearing your throat, you quickly stand up. “Looks like your knights are looking for you.”
Warily turning in the direction of where the voices are coming from, his eyes narrow. “It would seem so.” He hands clench and unclench a few times before he stands. “I should go see what they want…”
“Right… See you later!” You make haste to leave before he can say anything else. You rush past Silver and Sebek on your way out of the garden.
“Your highness?” Silver calls to you, but you’re too busy running away to stop.
Face still warm, you can’t get the image out of your head. The way Malleus looked at you was like he wished to devour you whole. And you wouldn’t have minded.
The birthday party is as lavish as you could have imagined. A full orchestra plays music while guests mingle, eat food and dance. As guests arrive, they each approach Malleus to wish him a happy birthday. Presents are left in a different room as they’ll be opened later. Standing beside Malleus, you can feel your mouth aching as you politely smile at everyone that comes over. 
Speaking of the birthday boy, he’s dressed impeccably in black silk accented by silver thread embroidery. His black mask is much like your own except the gems match the color of your eyes. His hair is slicked back though there are still a few stubborn strands that refuse to stay put. You can understand why he’s the love interest with how beautiful he is. Your heart did a weird flip when you saw him before the party.
“Are you alright?” Malleus asks once another guest leaves.
Meeting his gaze, you give a tired nod. “I didn’t realize how strenuous just greeting people can be.” From what you could remember, no one ever approached. You spent most parties trying to melt into the wall. 
His lips turn slightly down in a frown. “You may rest if you wish. I can handle the guests.”
Shaking your head, you chuckle. “I’ll be fine. It seems like there aren’t too many more people coming.”
“If you’re sure…” He trails off as another guest arrives. This time, you recognize the guest as none other than the ruler of the Queendom of Roses, Riddle Rosehearts.
“Happy birthday and thank you for inviting me,” Riddle says, inclining his head in greeting. You admire the vibrant red mask he has. The design incorporates a subtle rose pattern.
Malleus greets him just as politely. “Thank you for coming, Rosehearts. We are both glad you’re able to come.”
With how many times he’s said the same thing, you can repeat everything word for word. “Is Yūki and Grim here?” you ask.
He shakes his head. “They went to the Coral Sea for something. They should be back in a week or so.”
“Oh…” You did want to speak with Yūki a bit more. You wanted to hear more about their adventures.
Riddle pauses as if wanting to say more. He shakes his head. “This is a celebration, so I will not bring up business. But perhaps we can meet again sometime. I’ll be in Briar Valley for a few more days.”
Nodding, you gesture for Diablo, who stands a bit away. His sharp eyes never miss anything. “Diablo, please discuss with his majesty when we can meet.”
“Of course, your grace.” To Riddle, he bows. “Please let me know when you would like to discuss scheduling, your highness.”
The redhead nods. “I’ll have one of my men reach out.” He turns to you with a smile. “It’s nice to see you again.”
As Riddle leaves, Malleus shifts closer to you. “It seems that the agreement with the Queendom is going smoothly.”
“Yes. Riddle Rosehearts is fair but has a firm hand.” He has his eccentricities, but from your conversations, he’s a good ruler. From the rumors you heard while in the Queendom, he’s loosened up a bit from when he first ascended the throne.
“You should come next time we’re invited to the Queendom of Roses,” you continue. “It’s a lovely place and so vibrant.”
“Do you prefer the Queendom to Briar Valley?” Malleus asks. The way he’s looking at you, you can almost hear sad puppy dog whines.
Biting your cheek to keep from laughing, you shake your head. “Of course not. The Queendom is different from Briar Valley. But Briar Valley will always be home because the people I care about are here.” And that’s the truth. You’ve come to like the people in Briar Valley. And though you won’t admit it aloud, you’ve come to like Malleus a lot more.
Before he can say anything else, a voice that sends chills down your spine breaks in. “Happy birthday, our dear son-in-law.” 
Malleus turns to greet your parents as you try to contain your fear. Though you’ve only experienced them through old memories, your body involuntarily stiffens as you try to hide your shaking hands by clasping them behind your back.
“Duke and Duchess Wynters, thank you for coming,” you hear Malleus say. However, his voice becomes muffled as those old memories try to resurface. To outsiders, they look like a sweet older couple.
However, you know the truth. Their eyes are too cold. Their smiles filled with malice. Their hands are covered in your blood and the blood of others. Their hearts are darker than any ink and colder than ice. You force the memories that are trying to surface and adopt a neutral expression. You’re glad for once that you have a good poker face.
When you meet your father’s eyes, you almost forget to breathe. “Dear?” The sickeningly sweet way your mother calls to you fills your mouth with bile.
You managed to force a smile. “Mother, father, I’m glad you could make it.” As much as you didn’t want to, it would look suspicious if they weren’t invited.
“How could we miss our dear son-in-law’s birthday?” she chortles. “And we miss having you home. You haven’t been home at all since you got married. Your father and I are starting to think you don’t want to see us anymore.” She feigns hurt, but you know the truth.
You bow your head slightly. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy with everything that I didn’t realize how much time has passed. I promise to visit soon.”
“You should come too, Malleus,” your father says. “We’d be all too happy to host you for a few days.”
Digging your nails into the palm of your hand, you gently touch Malleus’s arm. “I think I will check in with Diablo,” you murmur.
Malleus nods though there’s worry in his eyes. “Of course. I will see you later.”
“Father, mother, if you’ll excuse me.” You force yourself to walk even though every fiber of your being wants to run.
When you’re out of their line of sight, you head outside to the garden. More guests mingle in the rose garden. Floating lights illuminate the garden making everything seem almost dream-like. Feeling the cool night air on your skin, you let out a big breath. The anxiety is still there, but at least you no longer feel like throwing up.
You didn’t think you’d have such a reaction to meeting the parents. You had memories, so you knew about the vile things they did to their own child. Yet, you had thought since you hadn’t seen them in awhile, things would be fine. But the moment you heard their voices, you lost all control.
Wandering away from the guests, you find a secluded area of the gardens. It’s quiet though the music from inside drifts faintly by. Taking off the mask, you breathe deeply for a bit. If you can avoid them for the rest of the party, you should be fine.
After a few more minutes alone, you decide to return. However as you turn to go back, something catches your eye. In the low light, it looks to be a rope of sorts. You reach down to pick it up but when your hand brushes against the rope, it moves.
You let out a startled gasp as a voice from the bushes grumbles, “You’re either brave or a fool for trying to touch my tail.”
The bushes rustle before a figure sits up. You stare wide eyed at the sleepy-eyed guest. His cat-like ears twitch as he regards you with annoyance. “Are ya gonna just stare at me with that stupid look on your face or apologize?” He glares at you as he pulls himself up and out of the bushes. His mask is nowhere to be seen.
Finding your words, you raise an eyebrow. “Well if you didn’t just leave your tail hanging around, I wouldn’t have mistaken it for something else. Maybe don’t go napping in other people’s bushes,” you bite back.
His eyebrow twitches but you can see the way his emerald green eyes light up. “Heh… you’re a brave one to be speakin’ to me like this.”
Standing up straight, you regard him coolly. “You speak so freely for being one of my husband’s guests, Prince Leona.” 
You remember him now as he came with King Falena of the Sunset Savanna. He barely gave Malleus a glance before stalking off, though his nephew immediately ran after him. You’re pretty sure he didn’t even notice you as he seemed to want to get away as quickly as possible. You had read about Beastmen in the books, but this is your first time meeting them.
Leona was decked out in brightly patterned material that showed off both his lean physique and the wealth of the nation. The deep reds and turquoise complemented the gold mask that hung at his hip.
He scratches his ear nonchalantly. “So, you’re the one married to the lizard. Huh… you’re not what I expected.”
“And what did you expect?” You tilt your head to the side. He has a few leaves still stuck in his hair. Your hand twitches but you resist the urge to remove them.
He smirks. “A weak little herbivore. But it seems you actually have a spine.”
You feel your own eye twitch and his smirk grows wider. “So, what were you doing in the bushes?” you ask, changing the subject before you decide to do something un-royalty like.
Yawning, Leona stretches. “I was trying to take a nap.” He notices you’re staring at him intensely. “What are you looking at?”
Pointing to your head, you gesture around. “You have some leaves stuck in your hair.” He lazily swipes at his head but it does absolutely nothing. “No, you missed! No, no, a little more to the left.”
Grunting, he gives up. “Why do you take them off for me, huh?” He leans closer with a wicked glint in his eyes.
“Honestly…” You know you shouldn’t since you’re a queen and all, but the leaves are bothering you. Reaching up, you gently pick the leaves out of his hair. His hair is surprisingly soft to the touch. “Done!”
Looking up, his face is much too close. “Thanks, herbivore.” Your cheeks suddenly feel warm as his gaze doesn’t leave your face. His eyes are hooded as he watched you like you’re some kind of prey.
“There you are.” Whatever spell Leona had you under breaks as Malleus steps forward. You move away to a more respectable distance from the second prince.
The look on Leona’s face could kill a man. He scowls as Malleus places his hands on your shoulder. “Kingscholar, it’s nice to see you again.”
Leona mutters, “Whatever. I’m heading back inside.” He walks off without another word. Seems he can’t stand being in Malleus’s presence for even a second.
“He left in a hurry,”  Malleus muses.
Taking Malleus’s hand, you ask, “Did you need something?”
“I was just wondering where you wandered off to.” He glances at the direction Leona left. “You seemed to be very close to Kingscholar…”
“I found him napping in the bushes. He had some leaves in his hair, so I was just helping him get them out.” You chuckle when you notice the slight pout on his lips.
“Hmm… I see.” Sometimes he can be quite childish.
Deciding to distract him, you lead him to a back entrance to the palace. “I know it’s early, but I do have a birthday gift I wanted to give you.”
That perks him up. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Of course I have to. And since you weren’t much help in figuring out what to get you, I had to do a lot of thinking.” You lead him to the kitchen, which is empty. “Stay there.” Finding what you’re looking for, you bring over a plate that holds a miniature cake.
He stares at the cake. “...”
Slicing the cake in half, you hand him a fork. “Just try it.”
Malleus hesitantly takes a piece. You watch as his confused expression melts into shock. “Ice cream?!”
Grinning, you nod vigorously. “Yup! It’s an ice cream cake. The pastry chef helped me make it since I’ve never done it before. It took a few tries but we got it eventually. I used some ice magic to keep it from melting.”
He chuckles as he sets his fork down. “You know I don’t like whole cakes, but you played quite a trick on me.”
Taking a bite of your own slice, you’re surprised how tasty it actually is.  “I thought a small one wouldn’t be so bad, and one filled with ice cream sounds even better. You don’t have to eat cake alone, Malleus.” You set the plate down on the table. “You have Lilia and your retainers. You have Diablo and the rest of the staff, who would love to share with you. And you have me.”
Reaching for his hand, you give it a gentle squeeze. He leans forward pressing his forehead against yours. “Thank you for the present. And thank you for being here with me.”
You recall your almost kiss in the gardens two weeks ago. Not quite brave enough, you gently grasp either side of his face. Moving back, you meet his tender gaze. You press a kiss to his forehead; his breath hitches. The scale markings on his forehead are cool to the touch. Pulling away, you watch as the apples of his cheeks slowly turn red. It spreads to his ears as he stands there frozen.
He doesn’t speak and you wonder if you broke him. “Malleus?”
Blinking a few times, the red has faded away. It’s honestly cute how the tips of his ears are still red. “Can I…can I kiss you?” he asks.
Heart thumping in your chest, you nod. No interruption this time.
You move your arms to drape around his shoulders as he grasps the side of your face. Leaning closer, you admire his long lashes. Closing your eyes, you feel his lips brush against your like a whisper. Then a little more firmly. His lips glide against yours in a sweet and hesitant kiss. He smells like magic, old parchment, and ink. He spends so much time working, you’re not surprised the smell has seeped into his very being.
He pulls away all too soon. He stares at you with the same look as in the gardens. He wants to swallow you whole. His hands have drifted to your waist as he hesitates to make another move. 
You’re not quite done with him. “Come here,” you mumble before dragging him back for a better kiss.
You lead him in the kiss. It’s not hesitant as your mouth moves against his. You nibble at his lower lip before giving him a nice, sharp bite. He grunts before you soothe the sting with your tongue. His body shudders. You slip your tongue into his mouth causing his grip on your waist to tighten. Your fingers play the hair at the nape of his neck, twirling the strands around your finger and gently tugging. Your heart feels like it's going to beat out of your chest as your lungs beg for air.
Finally, you pull away with a gasp. Your face feels hot. He breathes heavily as he holds you flush against his body. Meeting his gaze, his pupils are blown wide. He licks his lips as he regards you. A pleasant shiver runs down your spine when you see his sharp canines glint in the light. You wonder again what it would feel like if he were to bite you.
He leans close again. “Can I have another?” he asks in a hoarse whisper. You’re all too eager to agree.
The party goes on long into the early mornings. After your alone time with Malleus, you both returned hand-in-hand. Thankfully it seems the guests are all too tipsy to even notice the birthday boy had disappeared. Only Sebek, Silver and Lilia notice. The green haired half-fae frets over where his master went. Lilia has a devilish smile on his lips while he gives you both a knowing look.
Malleus bids the guests goodnight, though the party continues. You’re about to follow when your parents stop you. Your grip on Malleus’s hand tightens for a second, but you quickly try to relax. 
You smile as sweetly as possible. “Is there something you need?”
Duke Wynter picks off invisible lint on his jacket. “Your mother and I have something to discuss with you, dear.”
Glancing over at Malleus, you want to tell them to fuck off. However, you know you can’t. “Diablo, can you bring my parents to my study?”
“Of course, your majesty.” 
As he leads them away, you turn to Malleus. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course.” He leans forward and kisses your forehead. Your face grows warm at the gesture. His eyes sparkle as he smiles, amused. “Goodnight.’’
Letting out a deep sigh, you head to your study. Diablo is there waiting at the door. “You may leave, Diablo.”
“Your grace…?”
“You don’t have to stay. I’m just having a chat with my parents.” You offer a too bright smile.
The old butler hesitates before giving a bow. “As you wish. Goodnight, your highness.”
Stepping into the study, you close the doors. Your parents are busy looking around. Walking over, you square your shoulders. “What did you want to talk about?”
Your body tenses before your brain can process the pain. 
Your mask flies off and clatters to the ground. The force of the backhanded slap causes your ears to ring. The left side of your cheek throbs painfully and a metallic taste fills your mouth. You stare at the ground blankly.
“You idiot!” your father hisses. “What did you tell the king!?”
You count backwards in your head from five before answering, still keeping your eyes on the ground, “I don’t know what you mean, father.”
He scoffs. “The war with the Queendom of Roses! We were supposed to have a war with them!”
You had almost forgotten about that. “I thought that making a deal for resources would be more beneficial. The land would have been otherwise destroyed beyond repair if a war broke out. It would be useless to you, father.”
The man paces back and forth. “We could’ve expanded our territory…”
Your mother’s shoes come into view. She grabs your face, tilting your head up so she can stare into your eyes. She squeezes your cheeks together and digs her nails into your skin. Your cheek hurts even more. “Oh, our silly, dumb child,” she tuts, clicking her tongue. “You don’t need to think. Just do what we have instructed and leave the rest to us.”
Her cold, sharp eyes gaze at you with disgust. She releases her hold. “Come, dear, no need to be agitated. We can always start a war after everything is complete.”
Your father stops pacing and sighs. “You're right.” He glares at you. “Stick to the plan,” he orders. You recoil when his hand raises, but by some miracle he decides not to hit you again.
The two brush past you. “Make you sure you heal that unsightly face,” your mother calls. “We don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression, do we?”
The door to the study opens and then closes with a thud. Staring at the wall, you fall to your knees. Hand resting lightly on your cheek, you run on autopilot as you heal it. There are many memories of something similar to this happening. And each time you’re left to tend to yourself.
You can’t tell Malleus. Not yet. If you reveal your parents’ plans, they’ll make sure to bring you down with them. You’re not sure how Malleus would react if he finds out you were trying to control him. Anyone in their right mind would be upset if they found out the truth. He might be understanding, but you’re pretty sure Lilia and the others wouldn’t be.
And there’s still the issue of the weapon. In the story, your parents find a dagger that can kill anyone, including a being as strong as Malleus. Yūki is able to get their hands on the dagger before it can be used. Yet, the story never explains where or how your parents got this magical dagger. It also glossed over how Yūki was able to get it. You need to find out.
So even as your body shakes, you’re determined to take them down.
Tag list: @candlewitch-cryptic, @whatstheoccasion, @nimko, @yo4sblog, @mc-cos-charm, @mochiclouds, @41sh4
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
A Slightly Late Munson Christmas Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie spent Christmas '85 with Evil Woman, but it's time to go home and celebrate with Wayne… what if he brings her along? Contains: Hangin' with the Munsons, Christmas gifts, a sleepover, Eddie finally accepting that this is not a temporary arrangement. Words: 1.4k
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"Wayne's coming home tonight."
You open your eyes and try not to show Eddie how sad you are about him going home. He's been with you most of Christmas break, since his uncle started working overtime, and you'd loved every second of it. But he has to go home sometime.
"I know," you mumble, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. You're nestled into his side, as close as you can be, on the loveseat in your garage. Is it warmer inside? Yes. Do you prefer being out here so Eddie can smoke and you're forced to huddle for warmth? Absolutely.
"Wanna come do Christmas with us?"
"What?" You lift your head to look at him.
"Do you want to come over and have A Slightly Late Munson Christmas with us?" He glances at you, then focuses on the smoke rising from the cigarette in his hand.
You can't fight the grin spreading across your face. "Really?"
"Don't get all excited about it or anything, it's just frozen dinners and whatever's on TV."
He stubs out his cigarette and tries to play it off as no big deal, but you're more excited about this than your own Christmas. Eddie coming to you has become standard, because his uncle works through every holiday. You knew they did a little something together afterward, but he's never invited you to be a part of it before.
"I'd love to."
You shared the plan with your mom, packed a bag, hopped in the van, and went straight to Bradley's Big Buy for the essentials. (TV dinners, beer and soda, some holiday-themed snack cakes that were half-off.)
The trailer was cold when you got there. Eddie turned up the heat, and you both scurried around to straighten up a bit before Wayne came home. Blankets were folded, mugs were washed, ash trays were emptied. You placed your presents for Wayne on the table, as well as a plate of cookies your mom had saved for him.
The tin trays of something slightly resembling food were in the oven and Eddie was in the bathroom when you heard Wayne's truck door slam outside.
He ambles in with half-lidded eyes, and smiles when he sees you leaning against the kitchen counter. "Hey, darlin'."
"Hi, Wayne."
"Hey, old man," Eddie grins, emerging from the hallway.
"Watch it, boy," Wayne warns half-heartedly, causing Eddie's grin to approach Grinch-like intensity.
Wayne sits down in the chair beside the door to unlace his boots. "Y'all have fun?"
"Oh yeah," Eddie says, dropping into the chair across from him. "Stole some lawn ornaments, set fire to some Christmas trees, sacrificed some virgins. The usual."
Wayne sighs and looks to you. "Did he behave?"
"For the most part," you grin. "Chief Hopper let him off with a warning, since it's Christmastime and all."
"You weren't supposed to tell him that!" Eddie stage-whispers angrily.
You chuckle, and Wayne shakes his head. Eddie's watch beeps - which is standing in for the unreliable oven timer - and he reaches for a potholder. He transfers the flimsy foil trays from the oven to the counter to cool, like a pro, then stands next to you.
"Well, while those are coolin', how about presents?"
"Talked to Santa," Wayne says somberly, leaning back to lace his fingers behind his head. "Said he'd have to pass you by this year."
"Well, my girl's mom must've changed his mind, 'cause I had a packed stocking on Christmas morning just like everybody else," Eddie says proudly, hooking his arm around your neck and pulling you close. You wrap an arm around his back and smile up at him, remembering how excited he was every time he pulled out another little gift.
"Really?" Wayne's eyes flick from Eddie to you. You nod subtly, and Wayne smiles. "Well, in that case, I guess it's alright. In the corner, go get 'em." Wayne gestures to his favorite chair. Eddie lets you go with a kiss to the forehead, and goes to investigate. While Eddie's ass is in the air, leaning over the chair and trying to reach the gifts behind it, Wayne looks to you.
"When he was little, I had to lock his presents in the toolbox on my truck. Such a sneak. Gettin' lazy in his old age."
"Not lazy," Eddie grumbles, bringing a few packages wrapped in newspaper to the table. "Just knew I'd never get anything cooler than the Stretch Armstrong that Santa brought me when I was 9." He puts the items on the table and heads for the door. You raise an eyebrow and stay put. He comes back with a bucket, which he flips over and sits on. "C'mon," he says, patting the chair he'd recently vacated.
You sat around the table and exchanged presents while Eddie filled Wayne in on your first real Christmas together, and what "Santa" had filled his stocking with. When your tinfoil dinners were cool enough to handle without burning off your fingertips, you moved to the living room. Wayne propped himself up in his favorite chair, and you and Eddie took the couch. Eddie found an old western on TV, and you ate in a comfortable silence.
When you finished eating, you and Eddie stacked your trays on the coffee table, but made no move to get up. He put an arm around you, you cuddled into his side, and he covered you both with a blanket.
The Slightly Late Munson Christmas was very different from Christmas at your house, but you loved it just as much.
You were rubbing absent-minded patterns on Eddie's leg when a snore rumbled through the room. You jumped in surprise, and Eddie let out a quiet chuckle.
"C'mon," he whispers. "Let's let the old man crash."
You stand and quietly gather your trays and cans - and Wayne's - and take them to the trash can. You place the forks in the sink one by one to avoid clattering while Eddie pulls out Wayne's creaky fold-up bed. The lights are turned off, except for the one above the stove, and you retreat to Eddie's room and close the door.
"Is the chair bad for his back? Should you wake him up?" you ask with concern, sitting on the edge of Eddie's bed.
Eddie shakes his head with a smile and unbuttons his jeans. "He drank two beers, he'll be up to wiz in an hour anyway. Then he can crawl into bed and let the sugar-plum fairies… dance or strip or whatever."
You snort, and he dives into bed in boxers and the t-shirt he'd been wearing all day. You, a more civilized kind of person, slip into the bathroom to change into pajamas. When you return to Eddie's room, he's ditched his shirt and is lying there in bed in what you assume is an attempt at a seductive position.
You roll your eyes and crawl over him, unaffected. He pouts and flips over, so you're lying there facing each other.
"Thanks for inviting me to A Slightly Late Munson Christmas," you whisper.
"Thanks for putting up with me all week," he smiles.
"I want to put up with you all the time."
"Your window to get rid of me is like," he squints and pushes his thumb and index fingers together to leave just a sliver of space, "this close to closing forever."
You reach out and use your own fingers to push his together.
"You're mine, Munson."
Eddie's mouth slips into a lopsided smile, and he leans forward for a kiss. When he pulls away, he looks at his watch and laughs.
"You know it's like 9:30, right? And we're in bed like old people."
"I'm sure we can think of something to keep ourselves awake…" you smirk.
"Yeah?" He waggles his eyebrows. "Wanna make out a little?"
"Eh… I guess," you shrug, like that wasn't your intention all along.
Eddie scoffs and flips over to lie on his other side, facing away from you. He crosses his arms with a dramatic "hmph!"
"Aww," you tease, moving in close and spooning him from behind. You wrap your arm around his middle and nuzzle your cheek to his back. Eventually, his hand closes over yours.
"This was the best Christmas ever," you mumble into his back.
"Hell yeah, it was," he yawns, giving your hand a squeeze.
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amazing-spiderling · 8 months
asks for you: something you are looking forward to but haven't told anyone about? last song listened to? last thing you bookmarked? newest graphic tshirt you got yourself? last person you called just to chat? last mattfoggy prompt you gave yourself but haven't done anything with, yet? what do you want to see happen most in DD:BA?
something you are looking forward to but haven't told anyone about?
My friends are coming over this weekend for my husband's birthday party. My husband is a gamer TM and one of his favorite games is "Factorio" which is a game about being stranded on an alien planet and having to build a bunch of stuff to get your spaceship off the ground so you can go home. (I keep joking that it's big kid pikmin.) There's a lot of machinery and factories and conveyor belts, so we factored that into the party. In addition to thematically appropriate board games, we got this oval shaped lazy susan thing that is sort of like a manual conveyor belt you spin with your hand, and it looks a bit like a factory belt too. We're going to set out ingredients so people can make their own custom snacks (miso soup, salad, onigiri, mini sushi cakes, etc) and finish it off with s'mores over this little s'more maker that coincidentally looks like the forge in the game. People know the theme of the party in general terms, but I don't think any of them have played this game themselves, and nobody knows about the "build your own" aspect of the menu, so I'm excited to see their reactions.
last song listened to?
Piplup Step (Piplup Cheer You Up)
last thing you bookmarked?
Hahaha, I'm so bad at bookmarks. There's a shortbread recipe I have open that I need to come back to.
newest graphic tshirt you got yourself?
In December I got a shirt from Vapor95 that is black with these teal jellyfish on it. But like, in a vapor/chillwave kind of way, not a "I'm into aquariums" way. XD Not that there's anything wrong with aquariums lol.
last person you called just to chat?
Returned a call to my friend Tiffany and caught up about our holidays and upcoming events.
last mattfoggy prompt you gave yourself but haven't done anything with, yet?
Okay, this is SO dumb but I found a jokey meme post on tumblr last night that was about being ten and waiting for the day wings sprung out from your spine and THEN everyone would SEE. And I just imagined Foggy and Matt in college and Foggy relating all these "one day people will see how special I am" childhood fantasies he has with Matt (who is trying SO HARD for people not to see how special he is). Anyways, we'll see if anything comes of it.
what do you want to see happen most in DD:BA?
You know, I don't spend that much time hemming and hawwing over it, I'm very "whatever will be will be" and believe that no matter what happens in the new show, it can't take away my good memories of the original one. I mean, broadly, I would want to see all of the characters treated with respect not just in their individual characterization, but their importance to the series overall. IYKYK. I know we won't hear about it since they're not in place anymore, but damn would I have loved to see Matt and his thoughts on the Sokovia accords (since they were a thing in the NMCU! They played a big part in Jeessica Jones!!!) I'd also like to know more about how Fisk went from being in superjail to a viable candidate for mayor, like, I assume it had something to do with the instability of the blip but STILL? I can understand him being out of prison (who was going to run prisons during the blip) but the man was going to do LIFE and somehow he was out and about during the blip with the same level of influence over the police as before? HOW. Just, give me a flashback, give me SOMETHING. If we're going to see him try to be mayor I need to know what his "I'm totally reformed" pitch is gonna be.
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lizstaysinneverland · 2 years
Another Halloween request from my deactivated account. It isn't my best work but I don't hate it either so here you go.
"Scenario of fem!reader spending the Halloween night with Diasomnia boys, please?"
You get invited to a Halloween "party" night by the Diasomnia squad.
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The wind was strong, the trees painted a beautiful combination of red, orange, and yellow while the dorms and the school hallways were decorated in creepy skeletons and pumpkins. It was clear that it is Halloween, the day where you celebrate and remember the dead...well, that is what it is supposed to be but nowadays it is more about the celebration and having fun rather than remembering the departed.
The gate cluttered as you closed it, heading to your dorm in steady steps when suddenly Lilia's head pops into your view. Hanging upside down a tree, grinning at you. “Oh Gosh, you scared me! What do you need?”, you ask warily. He gets down and apologizes, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you but I have something for you.”. He takes out a beautiful envelope, shut tight with a waxed insignia stamp. You look at him questioningly. “Just make sure to come, okay? Bye” And with those words, he vanished into thin air.
You walked into your room and opened the envelope as soon as you sat on your bed. The letter inside reading, “Dear [Your Name], We hereby formally invite you to our very own small celebration of the holiday known as Halloween. Please be at Diasomnias gate by 9 PM sharp. We kindly request you take some change of clothes as we will give you accommodation overnight. Yours respectfully” signed by what seems to be Malleus, Lilia’s, Silver’s, and Sebek’s signature.
A smile graced your lips, it seems you can spend Halloween with your beloved Diasomnia squad instead of having to spend it on your own. You do your usual chores before deciding on what to wear. A quarter to 9 PM, you are fully dressed with spooky makeup to accentuate your wizard costume. Proud of yourself, you head out with your small bag filled with necessities and snacks.
You give three loud knocks and the door opens on its own. You only take a few steps before stopping in your tracks. The decorations are stunning and the light play which they made with their magic is just making it just creepy enough to enjoy it instead of genuinely being scared. “You are early by two minutes, this is unacceptable!”, Sebek comes into your view, complaining about how the invitation precisely said 9 PM sharp but you barely listened to him, still admiring the view. When he calls out to you, you focus on him again and apologize and thank him for welcoming you. He stutters a bit but then says, “it is okay since Malleus nor Lilia saw you enter yet, so I will be lenient this time...but only this time!”, he huffs and leads you to the big living room which has a massive flatscreen and a whole table with Halloween food and drinks.
When you look around a bit more, you see Silver sleeping in a corner. He really can fall asleep anywhere...Then you hear a deep voice from behind, “Thank you for coming, I appreciate it a lot.”, you turn and see Malleus looking down at you with the usual soft smile he wears. Your heart flutters a bit at the sight of him. He does have that kind of effect on you. “No problem, thank you for inviting me, I can’t wait to play games and have fun with you all.”, you reply, avoiding his eyes.
Lilia pops up and goes straight to Silver, waking him up to have him greet you as well. “Glad you could make it on such short notice, we have plenty to eat! I even made the cake back there!” motioning to a corner in the room with a very ominous looking cake, you gulp, thinking this could be your death if you take a bite out of that thing. Silver tips on your shoulder and tells you he will show you your room and then you can all start the party. While walking after him, you ask him if he knew what was planned for today. He told you as far as he knows, they plan to do some Halloween themed games and then watch scary movies before going to sleep.
Sometime later you find yourself in the middle of getting mummified by Sebek, who keeps grumbling about the fact he should have been the one wrapping Malleus up instead of Silver but this anger made him want to beat Silver, he circled around you at the speed of light so you two won the game. You played several more games like a feel-box and a murder mystery game. Afterward, most students decided to go to sleep now instead of watching movies, so it somehow ended up just being you and the four Diasomnia boys. You made yourselves comfortable and Lilia chose to put in The Nightmare Before Christmas. You expected him to put in some kind of slasher movie or something like Paranormal Activity but you assume he was mindful of Silver and Sebek, as they are still underage.
You all commented during the movie, making it more lively at the beginning, but near the end, it died down. When the end credits roll, you try to move, only then realizing that Sebek fell asleep on your shoulder and Silver on your lap. You giggled softly, trying not to wake them while standing up to leave. You look at the other two and realize that both Malleus and Lilia fell asleep as well. Malleus was actually sleeping with his head against Lilia’s upper arm, making it look very funny but this position cannot be good for him so you decide to actually move his head into a more pleasant position. You then take the blankets near you and drape them over everyone. looking at them, having such relaxed faces, and be so unguarded kinda makes them look adorable. You cannot help but smile and softly murmur “Goodnight, sleep tight, my precious friends.”.
As you made your way up the stairs to go into the guest room, you fail to notice Lilia's eyes following your frame until you are out of sight, grinning in a satisfied manner. “Mission accomplished.”, he mumbles under his breath before getting his three “children” into bed as well.
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epitomees · 2 years
More than the music, decor, or presents, what Teddie looked forward to the most during the holidays was a chance to come together with all of his closest friends. That occasion tended to fall on Christmas Day, and he was always excited for it. Ever since the case ended there weren't too many times where the whole team came together. For that reason, he had to enjoy these times to the fullest.
After cake it was unofficially decided that it was a good time to exchange gifts. There were no rules involved and participation wasn't mandatory but it was still fun to participate. It was still Christmas, after all. And Teddie had presents prepared for all his friends! Except for Yosuke, who received his present the day before.
"Chie-chan, Nao-chan, these are for you!"
Chie's present was a green box while Naoto's was a blue box. He color coded each present to not get them mixed up. Named tags? What were those? Sounded boring.
Inside Chie's box was a pair of charms Teddie made that looked like golden dragons and a small box of Christmas candies. Inside Naoto's box was a handmade Teddie-themed book mark for Naoto's journal, a hair clip that matched her hat, and a small box of Christmas chocolate.
Friendships spanned for eternity. No matter the distance, the time since a face-to-face chat, or even their last conversational discussion, the team never once lost contact with any other. Their group chat still existed, filled with nonsensical topics at random or a barrage of pictures from their most recent destination. At most, Chie made a point to show off new food creations from different restaurants. Lots of meaty dishes, sided with chocolate cakes or colorful parfaits.
Yet every winter, despite their current paths the gang always took time for their annual Christmas get-together. Their bond was strong, tight-knitted, and unbreakable. Seeing each other's growth sparked a kindling warmth, one that only grew more robust and profound as their celebrations continued.
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After tasting most of the food and snacks prepped for the night (and not filling her plate TOO high), the brunette made herself comfortable on a nearby chair. For a moment, she felt a sense of nostalgia observing the others conversing around the kotatsu or rummaging through kitchen cabinets to grab replenish the plates. Not much had changed between them, but in other ways...they did change. Good changes, like how they grew up more since their last get-together. Physical, emotional, personal, whatever it may be.
Yet they remembered their roots. The town, and the people, who helped realize the better part of themselves.
But enough sentimentality! Chocolate hues caught sight of brightly, shining blonde hair, and a brilliant smile to match. Naoto strolled by his side with a coffee can in hand.
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"Teddie here has a few presents he'd like to present to you and me." At the same time? Strange, but the detective didn't need to ask questions. Just enjoy the moment, and let Teddie have his spotlight.
"Oh! Weeeeell, sure thing Ted! It's nice of you to get us a little something for the occasion." Because Chie certainly didn't forget. Nope! Not at all! The themed colors made it very easy to differentiate their presents, as well as how each individual decided to open them.
Not a single care was taken from Chie, ripping off the bulged sections where the tape was tough and scattering the pieces to the ground. No regards to flinging garbage around, although the brunette did pick up the pieces afterwards. "Whooooooooa!!! Look at the dragons!! They're so detailed, and so SMALL!" Eyes glimmered fascination just by the mere craftwork put into the design. The colors, each small line etched into the creature, and fashionable too!
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"They're wonderful Ted!!" So were the candies currently being stuffed into her mouth.
Naoto, on the other hand, carefully creased her thumb along the open sections of paper. Slow and methodical, as it suited the detective's demeanor. The first item to catch her eyes was the small hair clip. No crazy colors, nothing charismatically whimsical in its design, but a common hair accessory matching the deep blue hues from her hat. Did it mean something about Naoto's hair? Or if was a sign to embrace more of her femininity? Questioning further proved fruitless, as it would potentially ruin the cheery atmosphere of the party.
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"They are quite lovely, Teddie." Satisfaction settled warmly in Naoto's chest. A small indulgence of the other's chocolates made her feel all the more at home. "I thank you for the homemade gifts as well."
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Summary: James watches his favorite Christmas movie, The Polar Express, with his husband Jesse
Word Count: 1105
Read on AO3:
“Jesse! Baby, you almost ready?”
James’ voice rang out from the living room. He sat on the couch happily humming a tune from his favorite Christmas movie.
“Yeah, just need to grab a saddle to work on while we watch the movie,” Jesse called back.
“Okay,” James continued to hum as he worked to get one of Theodore’s many, many Christmas outfits on. The sphynx cat gave a proud meow giving no grievance as the Santa hat was placed on his head.
“Awww, aren’t you Santa’s cutest little helper,” James talked in a cutesier voice than normal as Theodore strutted around a bit to show off his new drip. James cheered on his cat, lost in the little fashion show. He didn’t mind if it took Jesse a long time to join him. In fact, James wasn’t sure how much time had passed when his husband strolled back into the living room with a horse saddle in his hands.
“Okay, I’m here. Polar Express again?” Jesse asked as he sat down and worked to get his long hair away from his eyes.
“Yep! It’s the best Christmas movie,” James scooted a bit closer to Jesse and quickly picked up Theodore before he could step all over the saddle and scratch it.
“Thanks, baby,” Jesse had picked up on Theodore’s mischievous intentions but currently hadn’t had the free hands to deal with him. “Theo is looking cute today even if he’s being his usual little shit self,”
Theodore meowed at that, sounding rather smug at the words directed his way. He trotted around James’ lap, headbutting him here and there and causing the little bell on his outfit to ring.
“Yeah, he’s super festive today,” James spoke in a soft voice then carefully worked to get the remotes. It only took him a few seconds to get everything set up and soon a track from the movie’s soundtrack started to play on the title screen. Not wasting a second James pressed play and cuddled up on the couch while Jesse got to work. He knew that Jesse wasn’t the biggest fan of this movie but he did really appreciate him being willing to watch this movie again and again with him.
Jesse opened up the can of saddle soap and used a damp sponge to gently apply a thin layer of the soap on the saddle. He used small, circular motions to cover every single inch of the leather area of the saddle while also being cautious to avoid the suede areas. He was completely wrapped up in his work until he decided to glance up, watching the scene of the young protagonist waking up when his bed began to shake. It wasn’t an earthquake though; the sound of a train made that clear. As the young boy walked outside to check out the train Jesse was once again reminded of one of the many things he wasn’t a fan of when it came to this movie. The animation. It was shit if Jesse was honest and he felt like the uncanny valley nature of it really made it uncomfortable to watch.
James didn’t feel that way though. The animation didn’t seem to bother him. Instead, he was solely swept up in the magical Christmas joy that this movie gave him. To see this young boy who didn’t believe in Santa or the magic of Christmas slowly over the course of the movie start to believe always hit James right in the feels. This movie always instantly got him in the holiday spirit. He knew it was a movie that wasn’t for everyone but he couldn’t help but rewatch it every year.
As the scenes in the train started Theodore completely settled down in James’ lap, sleeping soundly while his Santa hat drooped slightly off the side of his head. He was getting to the super sleepy stage where his head had become super limp making it easy to bop around his head. James didn’t want to bother him though and instead worked to carefully grab some of the Christmas-themed sweet red bean paste cakes that he had set out as festive snacks.
“Want one?”
Jesse looked up from his work. “In a minute, I just need to finish one more spot.”
“Okay,” James happily nibbled on the cake while listening to the instrumental version of “Believe” playing onscreen. Jesse walked off for a minute, making sure to put the saddle somewhere safe before returning to the couch. He sat right beside his husband and leaned his head on James’ shoulder while James started to play with his hair. There still was a lot of the movie left but Jesse didn’t mind as long as he was with James.
It was the usual emotional rollercoaster of an experience for James as it always was with the Polar Express. As soon as it got towards the end Jesse leaned over to grab some of the sweet bean paste cakes and the tea he had made then grabbed a box of Kleenex. He had seen how this part of the movie affected James before and this time he was ready. It was always the same final few scenes when the young protagonist held onto the bell that Santa had given him. A bell whose sweet whimsical notes could only be heard by those who believed. At first, the protagonist and his sister Sarah could hear the bell, excitedly ringing it constantly even though their parents couldn’t hear the bell at all. But as more time passed all of the boy’s friends and his sister could no longer hear the bell even though the boy could as an adult.
James started to fan his face, trying to stop himself from crying. “It’s so emotional. I know it’s stupid but he never stopped believing even though everyone else had.”
Jesse took some tissues and handed them over to his husband then started to rub his back. “It’s not stupid.”
James nodded and wiped away at his eyes before taking a few deep breaths. “Wow, what a movie. Now it really feels like Christmas,”
Jesse had a somewhat teasing smile at that. He couldn’t help it. Still, he knew that his husband loved that movie to pieces even if he never understood why. “Wanna go for a walk to get some fresh air? I think it started snowing again.”
“Sure, I just need to figure out how to move Theo somewhere safe where he can nap.”
Jesse shook his head and gave a lighthearted laugh as he worked to grab a pillow.
“Nothing, you’re just really cute sometimes. That’s all.”
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ramblinganthropologist · 11 months
The pirate and the pumpkin
Summary: Halloween hits Skyhold, and Bull's got his eye on the cakes. Well, the cakes and a pumpkin.
Bull might not have been as familiar with bas holidays, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy participating in them... especially when there were little cakes to be had.
"No one's going to guess what you are, Chief." Kremsicle was full of snark that evening as the two made it to the grand hall. Bit odd, considering he had been the one to design the costume for him and the rest of the Chargers. The pirate outfit took into consideration his knee brace and eye patch, so he wasn't going to complain.
He was going to ask why the Vint hadn't dressed up as a pirate, mind you. All the other Chargers had gone with the theme, becoming the Bullseye Pirates for the night. He... looked the furthest thing from a pirate, actually. Sure, he was wearing black, but the long coat and symbol of Andraste kind of made the theme switch up.
"Well, they'll be too busy guessing what you are, Creme de la Creme." He chuckled, feeling it rumble in his chest. "You're not a Chantry brother or something, are you?"
Krem made a face at that - whether it was from the suggestion or the difference in the Andrastian factions, he wasn't sure. At least he was certain that his second in command wasn't supposed to be with the church. That didn't leave him with a lot of options, however. It was kind of annoying.
"Krem, there you are!"
Bull felt his eyebrow cock as he watched a familiar figure cross the hall to meet his favorite Vint. Bones - Ian Trevelyan - wasn't dressed as a bag of bones surprisingly. While his dark wig was a bit askew, the mage had taken the time to wipe the skull from his face and instead deepened the circles under his eyes. He had also drawn red dripping from his lip, and when he smiled sharpened teeth glinted in the light.
"Trevelyan, good to see you. Amazing that you could cover all the freckles up." Krem's eyes were as soft as his tone as he looked the mage over. His crush on the man was obvious and kind of endearing in an awkward way. But that crush was the key to his costume, Bull realized, as a grin split his features.
"Better make sure he doesn't put a stake through your heart, Bones."
Of course his second in command was a vampire hunter - he was already aiming for the mage's heart, might as well make a costume out of it.
"Oh, I think I'll be fine, Bull." Bones beamed at him, clearly pleased with how things were going. "Nice pirate costume. I'm guessing you're the captain?"
That's what the hat perched between his horns stood for anyway.
"Something like that." He nudged Kremsicle towards his crush, beaming. "You two have fun, I'm going to get some of those little cakes before they're all snatched up."
Bull left the two, no doubt red in the face, as he headed towards the snack table. It gave him a chance to work the room, see who was what. He spotted more than a few couples trying to be discrete - the Boss and Dorian were off in the corner, chatting and definitely flirting awkwardly. He spied Bones' cousin dressed as a fairy princess getting snacks with her favorite dwarf scout, the two awfully close if he was anything to judge by.
Ah, young love. If it didn't put an ache in his knees.
"Nice hat, Bull." Varric was grabbing a snack too as he made his way to the table to get something to drink. The dwarf was dressed in a long coat that had far too many feathers attached with a toy cat hanging off one of his shoulders. While it was odd to see him with his shirt closed, it was even weirder to see him holding a fake mage's staff in his free hand.
Of all the things he would've expected Varric to dress as... fucking Anders was not one of them.
"Kremsicle made it for me. Thought he was going to be my first mate, but-" he gestured to the vampire and his hunter. "I guess he had other plans."
Varric chuckled deeply as he picked up a cupcake for his plate. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy your second in command has eyes for someone, Bull?"
He made a show of being offended, chuckling. "Me, never. It's good to see him find someone, though I have to admit going for a necromancer wasn't something I expected. Must be a Vint thing."
Bones better be good to Kremsicle, or he was going to need his necromancy to put his bones back in order...
"I suppose the heart wants what it wants." Varric gestured with his fake staff. "Speaking of, I don't see the objects of your affection anywhere. I'm surprised you didn't come with them."
Bull snorted as he grabbed for some mead - he had a taste for it now thanks to said objects of affection. "Akri's in the library trying to pull ahead of Dorian in research. Tried to get him to come down, but their battle is far more important."
He was fond of the man, but he was a giant ass nerd sometimes. And by sometimes, he meant all the time. Honestly, he was surprised the Vint was even down there instead of the library. No doubt his fondness for the Inquisitor had drawn him away from his pile of books.
He should try that some time... Akri needed a little air.
"Such is the fate of one who has something with a mage." Varric chuckled knowingly as he continued to scan the area. "I don't see Jackel though, but she no doubt sees me. Is she hanging from the rafters sniping candy?"
Bull glanced up - it was a little hard, thanks to his lack of depth perception. But he didn't spot a bit of red hair or the glint of her knives. As far as he could tell, the elf wasn't hiding in the ceiling, waiting to get the drop on somebody. Maybe she had already gotten her fill of candy.
Though, knowing Jackel, she could never get her fill. It was part of her charm - she had the sweet tooth to rival any qunari.
"Nope, she's no there." He shrugged. "Guess she'll pop up sooner or later."
Bull grabbed a few tiny cakes for good measure as he nodded to the dwarf. "Enjoy the party. I'd advise staying out of Cassandra's sight."
"I'm a master of that." Varric chuckled. "Have fun, Bull. Say hi to Jackel for me if you find her."
Could do.
He left the snack table after that, staking out a corner of the room to eat his snacks and people watch. Old habits died hard - he was still Qunari deep down, even if he was technically a gray one. As he sipped at his mead, his one good eye scanned the gathered partygoers, trying to pick anything out.
Thanks to that, he saw motion at one of the doors. There was a flash of orange and red, with the familiar speed of someone he knew very well. Something about it made him chuckle as he finished off his mead rather quickly - it was for humans, so it did nothing for him at just one - and headed to the hallway.
Unlike the party, it was dark in the hallway leading from the great hall. Bull cursed as he put his good hand to the wall. Once again, a lack of depth perception was kicking his ass and then some. He felt along the wall, aiming for the stairs. As he walked, he heard the familiar scampering along the beams.
Then she jumped down.
"Evening, captain." Jackel was a small woman, so it didn't hurt when she landed on him with her full meager weight. She too was wearing a costume, bright orange and round. Unsurprisingly, she had decided to come as a pumpkin - or, as he realized with a chuckle, a jack'o'lantern.
Or should he say a Jackel lantern? She was one for puns.
"Evening, Jacks." He chuckle as he handed a small cake up to her. "Having fun?"
She started to munch on it as he walked. "Was keeping an eye on Trevy and Harding. She better not hurt her."
"I think Trevelyan can handle herself, she can summon the dead after all." Bull resisted the urge to make a face at that. He was never going to be ok with necromancy, but the woman was ok. She just... ok, he was still a little Qunari deep down, it was going to take him some time. He was working on it.
He would've expounded on that, but as he walked he got the sense that something was off with his girlfriend. Normally, she was steady on his shoulders as he moved. However, he could feel her fidgeting against the back of his neck, and the outer part of her pumpkin costume kept bumping into her ear.
There was only a few things that could make her fidget like that.
"Too loud for you out there?"
She managed a nod, which was all he needed. Bull left the hallway behind, making his way out of the main building of Skyhold and towards where his room was. All the while, Jacket fidgeted in her pumpkin costume. At least when they went outside, the quiet was better on her ears.
Lucky for her, his room was far from the party. He could feel her relax as he closed the door behind them, submitting them to the quiet of the empty ramparts. Jackel's tense body began to relax as she climbed down from his shoulders and sat on his bed, sighing in relief as her bare feet dangled inches off the ground.
He nodded as he sat next to her on the bed. "Anytime. What set it off this time?"
Jackel shrugged as she reached into her pumpkin costume and pulled out some candy. Perhaps he should have been surprised she had a candy pocket in there, but it made sense considering she was both small and a master thief when it came to sweets. Even better, she tossed him some as she began to eat.
"Fucking ex Templars are loud when they get drunk. I could hear them across the way when I was keeping an eye on Trevy and Scout Harding." She popped a piece of chocolate in her mouth. "Fuckers."
Bull could understand that one - even his ears had hurt a little when those assholes had come in. He could only imagine what it had been like for her and her elven ears.
Never was he more glad to be around explosions in his younger years.
"Well, you can stay here until you calm down and want to go back, or we could just stay here." His knee was beginning to bother him to say the least, so he was fine with staying. "Your choice."
Jackel answered by nudging into his side, still chewing on her candy. That was her way of saying she wanted to stay - she was big on nonverbal cues. Bull nodded as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer and practically in his lap. He could smell the chocolate on her - it didn't quite go with the pumpkin costume, but it was nice.
"I'm just mad I didn't get to see Ian and Krem flirting." She popped another piece of chocolate in her mouth as she nuzzled close, somehow not hampered by her pumpkin costume. "Ian took forever to get his costume right. He really wanted to look good for your second in command."
Bull snorted as he started to munch on a tiny cake he had brought with him. "I have no doubt they're being sickeningly cute right now. Kremsicle's crazy for the guy. I have to question his taste in a necromancer, but I'm biased."
"Your bias is noted." Jackel tossed her wrapper in the trash before she continued. "They'll be dating before you know it, they're already in the couples' costume phase."
Great - just what he needed. At least Krem would be happy. His second in command deserved that much.
But after that, they lapsed into silence as they ate their snacks and enjoyed the quiet. Bull swore he could feel Jackel's hummingbird heart through her costume, though he knew he was probably just imagining things. It didn't matter - he loved the sensation whenever he got it.
Not a bad way to spend his Halloween, honestly. He had Jackel, he had tiny cakes... couldn't get much better than that. Well, maybe if there was a dragon involved... but he was asking for too much there, even he knew it.
But... hey, 2 out of 3 wasn't bad.
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the-scythes-pen · 2 years
Thinking about small seasonal moments with the boys....
Watching a fireworks show with Simeon to celebrate the end of summer. The two of you sit on a grassy hill by the beachside, watching the popping flashes of brilliant lights against the darkened sky in awe. You're covered in glowsticks, bent and connected together to form a necklace, a wristband, and a halo of all different colours. Simeon matches you; the soft glow of the glowsticks against his skin causes the air to catch in your throat because fuck, he looks absolutely stunning.
Mammon curling up beside you, the two of you under a blanket on the sofa in his room, watching a horror movie in the middle of fall... He's terrified, but he wants to be strong for you- to show you he can protect you no matter what. He holds you so close, so tight, and he's warm and cozy compared to the cold evening air. His arms are strong, you can feel his tightened bicep as he nearly crushes you to death, but you feel so safe and loved.
Walking along a path covered in orange and red leaves in the human world with Satan, the two of you bundled up in warm clothes as you head to your destination. The air is cold, but refreshing, and it truly reminds you that fall is here. Of course, you can't help wanting to admire the gorgeous trees that line the path, and you can't help but try and step on the crunchy leaves with childlike glee- and Satan stands a little ahead of you, watching with a soft smile on his face as he's reminded of just how much he loves you.
Preparing for a Halloween-themed birthday party for Diavolo with Barbatos, preparing cupcakes and shaped chocolates and a large cake and so many other treats. Little gourmet chocolates shaped like ghosts on a stick, cupcakes decorated with icing spiderwebs and marshmellow googly eyes. The two of you are up well into the evening, laughing and enjoying yourselves under atmospheric flickering candelight, feeding eachother pieces of rejected snacks and extra bits that have fallen off.
Having a large feast with the brothers to celebrate the final harvest of the year in the human world; theres pumpkin pie, yam, cranberry sauce, turkey, ham, dinner rolls and so much more. As usual, everyone is making a fuss over this or that, it's loud and it's chaotic at times, but it feels just like home. Theres warm apple cider in your glass, and Lucifer gives you the softest smile you've ever seen from him- he's proud of the family he has, and he's proud to have you here as a part of it. He's happy to see the contentment on your face as you eat in silence, merely enjoying the atmosphere, the food, and the noisy demons you call home.
Taking Levi to play out in the snow during winter. He complains and stutters as you hold his hand, dragging him out the door after bundling him up in warm clothes. You drag him to a skating rink in the human world; you drink hot chocolate with him on the benches nearby as you watch the other skaters. You walk around your town together, hand in hand, admiring the lights and the festive decorations that have been hung for the holidays. The two of you head to a park and build a snowman, the activity lasting well into the evening as snow gently falls around you. Your laughter can be heard all over the park as you recreate Pridy McPrideFace in snowman-form, and Leviathan is happy you dragged him out of his room for once.
Spending the night before Christmas at the Demon Lord's Castle; you and Diavolo sipping on lovely homemade eggnog made by Barbatos for today and tomorrow's festivities as you talk late at night. Theres quiet snowfall outside, a cold draft leaking in through the nearby window thats just enough to remind you of winter, but the crackling fire infront of you and the prince keeps you warm. The two of you talk about everything and nothing at all, the night growing deeper until theres nothing left but embers in the fireplace and memories of a delicious drink in your cup. It's quiet for a few moments, and in that peaceful silence, you instinctively cuddle up into Diavolo for warmth and end up drifting off to sleep. Looking down at you, the prince feels his heart swell, and he can't help but place a kiss on the top of your head and take your hand in his own, holding it as he leans into you as well and opts to fall asleep on the couch with you. He silently vows to never see you hurt; to always protect you for as long as he lives. He wants to see your smile everyday, and wants to love you for the rest of time.
The two of you are found the next morning in the common room, infront of the christmas tree and illuminated by reflection of light off the pure-white snow just outside the window. You're both sleeping peacefully, enjoying eachother's warmth and touch. Barbatos drapes a blanket over the two of you, and for once the brothers remain a little quieter then usual as they exchange gifts, waiting patiently for the two of you to arouse from your sweet dreams.
Spending a quiet, calm night in the human world with Solomon; the two of you looking up at the stars twinkling in the darkened sky as you wait for the new year. Solomon takes your hand in his, and the moonlight reflects off his pale skin in a way that makes him look almost ethereal. The sight steals the breath from your lungs, and he only gives you a somewhat sly, yet somewhat soft smile as he meets your gaze. And as cheers erupt from all over the world, the sound of fireworks going off in the distance- he leans in and captures your lips with his own; he's warm and tastes sweet, and despite the cold his lips are soft and he kisses you with such adoration and love. He pulls away only to rest his forehead against yours so he can mumble promises of eternal love to you, of telling you just how much you mean to him, and telling you he's been waiting all his life to meet you.
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hansensgirl · 4 years
you better not shout, better not cry.
summary. | they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.
pairings. | Dark!Sebastian Stan x Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader, Dark!Charles Blackwood x Reader, Dark!Chris Evans x Reader, Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader, Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Reader, Dark!Andy Barber x Reader.
warnings. | NONCON/DUBCON, gang bang, eight-some, (forced and not forced) drinking, manipulation, coercion, dark themes, crimes, threatening, slight angst, mentions of cheating, age gaps, Daddy kink, Sir kink, power dynamics, boss/employee relationships, face fucking, oral (m receiving), dom/sub, finger sucking, degrading, praise, humiliation, voyeurism, fingering, double penetration, cum marking, facials, anal, unprotected sex, cream-pie kink, slapping, spanking, smoking, choking, hair pulling, manhandling, + more. 18+, DARK FIC.
word count. | 13k.
authors note. | merry christmas/happy holidays! please be wary of the warnings, and have yourself a merry christmas and/or a great day! don’t use my gif without permission, and don’t forget to read and reblog because i worked so hard on this. IF YOU’RE INSPIRED BY THIS FIC OR WANT TO USE A SIMILAR PLOT PLEASE MESSAGE ME FIRST OR ELSE YOU’LL BE BLOCKED. love you all sm! also gonna be submitting this to my bb @mypoisonedvine’s festive holiday challenge! (ty for beta-ing and putting up with me).
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Make my wish come true… All I want for Christmas is you…
A group of women erupts in laughter as they point at one of the ugly sweaters that their coworker wears. The man burns up with shame before grumbling off, making you furrow your eyebrows. You stifle a laugh, before grabbing a sugar cookie that you baked yourself. Little red sprinkles fall to the floor as you bite into the treat, the sound drowned out by the others.
The melodious voice of Mariah Carey starts playing and everyone cheers; you included. You quickly shut up, though, realizing how stupid you must look. Standing there by yourself, an elf costume on, stuffing your face full of cookies as you yell.
You find comfort in the numerous Christmas-themed treats — from sugar cookies to Rice Krispies, to cake pops. Your mouth salivates at the sight even though you just had a cookie. Everything is so irresistible… “Merry Christmas Eve!” A cheery voice calls from behind you, and your heart quickens its pace.
“Oh- uh, Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Mr. Barnes.” You stammer in shock, careful to not look up at him. You fiddle your crumb-covered fingers together, a habit that you have yet to lose. “No need to be nervous, doll. Are you enjoying yourself?” He asks, grabbing one of the cookies that are covered in green sprinkles. It’s shaped like a Christmas tree, and it’s one of your favourites.
“Uh, yes, Sir!” You answer quickly and nervously. Undeniably, everyone knows that Mr. Barnes drips with eloquence and dominance. As soon as he walks into the room, everyone either wants to be with him or be him. Everyone vies after him, and he knows that. He knows that, and he just makes it worse and worse and- “Why’re you alone by the snack table, doll?” He asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh well- I’m not overly friendly with the others- I mean I’m not rude to them! I’m just not close to them, that’s all.” You ramble nervously, wringing your hands. Bucky places a heavy hand on your shoulder and the butterflies in your start fluttering even harder and faster.
You struggle to look him in the eyes, those darned cerulean eyes that make you weak in the knees. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that… Have you been drinking, doll?” He asks you, and you choke on your saliva. “Oh I don’t drink, sorry if I’m being annoying…” You sheepishly apologize, realizing how out of line you must be acting. Truthfully, Mr. Barnes always has that effect on you.
“Uh- I should probably go see if everything is in order.” You say before Mr. Barnes can say anything else to you. “Happy Holidays!” You call out as you speed walk as far away your legs can take you. Three glasses of eggnog have you wobbling slightly but you’re determined to be far away from Mr. Barnes and the others.
In a way, they aren’t really your bosses. They’re just the CEOs and your boss is the head of the HR department. …Perhaps they are your bosses, but you’ve never really talked to them much. Mr. Bodecker’s temper always frightens you, Mr. Blackwood’s stare would always have you shaking, Mr. Barnes’s aura always makes you weak, and then there’s Mr. Stan himself. Everything about him sends numerous emotions through you and others as well.
You lean back against the wall and pull your phone out, sighing with a heavy heart. You’re not sure if it’s the heavy nostalgia of seeing Santa Claus sitting on a throne or the wallpaper on your screen but either one makes you tear up slightly. You already took photos of the party, and you’ve already sent well wishes to your friends, family and coworkers.
You look back up from your phone and try to decide whether or not you should scroll through your camera roll just to look busy to others. Whilst you ponder with your hazy mind, you accidentally lock eyes with Santa Claus. Younger you would’ve freaked out, but older you burns up with embarrassment. Suddenly, his white-gloved hand beckons you to him with a come-hither motion.
You point at yourself just to make sure because only you know how many mistakes you’ve made of thinking that someone was pointing at you. He nods and smiles, but you’re still not sure. Call it paranoia, call it anxiety, but there’s no way in hell that you’re going to make a fool of yourself on Christmas Eve.
You’re still unsure, so you look around and everyone else is off getting wasted in the main hall. Shiny confetti crunches under your flats as you hesitatingly walk over to Santa. He flashes you a smile and maybe it’s the egg nog talking but his pearly whites look awfully familiar to you. A waitress crosses your path, like a deer suddenly crossing the road. The platter that she holds gets slightly jilted but the shot glasses of tequila survive and her too.
You stop her and grab a couple of shots, taking them down the hatch with no shame at all. Liquid fire claims your throat as you have no remorse for your future self who’ll be hugging a toilet in the morning. You cough and sputter as you continue your way to Santa Claus. “Merry Christmas Eve, little girl!” He cheers delightfully.
You giggle drunkenly, the kind of laugh that would make anyone fall for you. “Oh, so no ‘Merry Christmas Eve’ for me? Seems like someone is asking for coal, or maybe even a spanking.” He drawls in a slight country-Santa accent. Perhaps your ears aren’t deceiving you, but there's no plausible way that Santa Claus just said… that.
“Oh— uh— Merry Christmas Eve!” You whoop, before bursting out in another fit of bubbly giggles. He laughs with you, but only for a few moments before taking in your appearance. Though you’re drunk on tequila, a few sips of wine from before the party and eggnog, he’s aiming to get drunk on your aura. Quiet yet sweet, a nervous mess that only furthers your adorable-ness and amazing desserts.
“See something you like, Mr. Claus?” You question him, snapping him out of his daze. You wiggle your eyebrows to your best ability, but you’re no actress. “Well, maybe I do, little girl.” He winks at you, and you swear that you’ve seen him before. “Wait- Do you work here? Or did we just hire you?” You ask him, as though you’re interviewing him.
“Can’t hire Santa Claus, little girl.” He disappointingly clicks his tongue. You let out an ‘oh’ before letting out a small laugh. He smiles at you and you bite your lipstick stained lip. Your coworkers are chanting in the background but you choose to artfully block them out. Maybe you’re not choosing, and it’s just the alcohol doing its wonders.
“I’m not little, why are you callin’ me little girl?” You slur your words as you question him again. “You are a little girl, and I can’t believe you’re back talking to Santa!” He scolds you, making your eyes water. You jut your bottom lip out in a pout and you’re doing the best puppy eyes that you can. “You been drinking a lot, huh little girl?” He asks you, turning the tables and you gladly let him.
“Yep! Gotta stay hydrated…” You tell him in a sing-song voice that makes him chuckle. “Silly little girl, getting all drunk in front of her coworkers…” He chides, grabbing your almost flailing arms. He pulls you up into his lap with a grunt, even though it doesn’t take much strength. You’re immediately reminded of the way he used to sit you in his lap.
Spinning you around in circles at first, loud giggles and begging for them to stop. Perhaps it’s fortunate that the alcohol renders your mind fuzzy and you can only make out a few colour blobs. “Whaddya’ want for Christmas, little girl?” He teasingly questions, smoothing a white-gloved hand over your hair. “Hmm, I can have anything?” You ask him, a bit of drool leaking out of the corner of your mouth. He nods, taking his thumb and lifting it to your mouth.
Oh, how he has the urge to just push his thumb past your lips and make you choke on it. “Well… I want a raise, even though I’m not all that worthy of the company… Just like my ex said, I’m easily replaceable. Oh! Can I ask for another thing?” You perk up even though your throat burns with sadness and your eyes are almost leaking.
Interested, Lee nods and drags his thumb across your rouge top lip. If he didn’t have a wife who drags him to makeup stores on the regular, he would’ve thought your lipstick was expensive. But it isn’t, because there’s no way your paycheck can afford a lipstick from Hermes or Christian Louboutin. “Can I know why my boyfriend left me? I know I may seem dull and quiet, but I have more to myself…” You sadly ask him, ashamed of how he abandoned you for one of your closest friends.
Lee’s heart breaks in two — making him question whether or not he had a heart after all. Insults had him believing that he’s heartless, but you’re making him question every fibre of his being. “I’m sorry about that, little girl. But what we don’t know can’t hurt us, right? Curiosity killed the cat, little girl.” He reminds you, talking down to you as though you truly are a little girl. “But satisfaction brought it back.” You sass in return, your voice cracking from the impending tears and alcohol.
“You need to listen to me, little girl. Your boyfriend doesn’t know jackshit about treating a girl like you right. He probably doesn’t even know where your clit is.” He scoffs abruptly. You lean in, listening to him as though he’s the wisest man ever. “Bet he can’t fuck that tight lil’ pussy a’ yours as well as a real man like me can.” He whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and heat to your core.
“Didn’t know Santa Claus had such a filthy mouth…” You tease him, running your hands up and down his thick thighs. He groans, his cock stiffening up inside his red trousers.
“But, before anything like that happens… I would really like to have a raise.” You say with a heavy-hearted sigh. Lee has the urge to grab you tightly and shove his big, hard cock into any wet hole of yours. “Alright, little girl. But you need to continue to be a good girl, or else I won’t be able to get you anything except for a spanking.” He warns with a faux-smile beneath his fake beard. You giggle and squeeze his thighs, almost like a wave goodbye.
You stumble off, probably to go pee or hurl your guts into a toilet. He watches as your hips sway with each step of yours. The sight fuels the thought of you grinding yourself on his cock as you beg him to fuck you. He notices the party has died down to just people humping each other to party songs. Grumbling, Lee pulls the awfully fake beard away from his handsome face. Before, he was cursing his luck for drawing the short stick to become Santa. But now, he’s glad.
He’ll talk to your boss about the raise, maybe along with a promotion. If only the others could mind their own businesses. Literally. He’s glad that he wore only a dress shirt and not the double-breasted suit Jane suggested for him. “You comin’ or what? We gotta’ make these deals before everyone leaves.” Bucky asks as he swiftly walks past Lee. Lee nods and starts to take off the rest of the obnoxious costume. Bucky puts no effort into stifling his chuckle, a known trait of his.
Bucky smooths his hair back, even though not one strand is out of place. His arm whirrs wildly and his fist clenches every few seconds. His stress symptoms were the worst, but they’ve never been this bad. It’s risky; the deal that they’re about to make. For months, they had been making secret bribes, forging numbers and signatures, and putting their employees in loopholes from their contracts. But this deal was the riskiest. Their plan was well thought out, all thanks to Charles, whose middle name might as well be devious.
He stands in front of one of the glass doors. His reflection looks back at him. Somehow, the dark look in his eyes becomes enhanced. His huge frame only makes him more intimidating, but he knows that no woman ever had a problem with it. Except for one. “You comin’?” Lee asks as he brushes past Bucky, mocking his words from earlier on. Bucky rolls his eyes like a spoiled rich kid because he is one.
Bucky buttons his suit jacket and exhales one last time. He walks to his right and pushes the door open with only a little bit of strength. Laughter from different men fills the room, along with thick tension and the smell of expensive booze. “Oh, look who decided to join us!” Ransom sarcastically jabs at Bucky. “Look who finally got laid. I was beginning to think you couldn’t get it up anymore, Drysdale.” Bucky sneers at him, pouring himself a glass of Dalmore 62.
Ransom grumbles a few curse words under his breath and a prideful smirk spreads across Bucky’s face. They all have their ties loosened, maybe even the top buttons of their shirts but nobody cares enough to look. All but Mr. Stan and Mr. Evans are relaxed. They stare at each other with such glares they could murder one another. They all sit in their chairs, all similar. Except for Mr. Stan, who seems as though he’s sitting on a throne.
“They havin’ a starin’ contest or what?” Lee questions Bucky, downing the rest of the whiskey. “I don’t know, but didn’t they hate each other over some family feud shit?” Bucky asks in return, handing Lee the bottle of highland malt scotch. “Like the game?” Lee jokingly asks, knowing that the two head owners of the companies loved to get into petty squabbles. “We all fucking wish.” Bucky jeers, eliciting a chuckle from Lee. As much as they all hate each other, they always did have their moments when they weren’t insulting each other.
The only one who isn’t drinking, Andy, pipes up from all the talking. “So are we going to make this deal or not? I gotta get home for Christmas.” He grumbles just like the old man he is. “Oh fuck you, Barber. Just because you went to Harvard doesn’t mean you’re some busy guy.” Steve jabs, clenching his jaw in annoyance. He always hated Andy, and he proudly showed it.
Charles snickers, Ransom too. Lee and Bucky smirk from the sidelines. Andy clicks his tongue in a threatening way. But Sebastian and Chris send daggers in the form of glares at them. “I suppose we could sign the contracts and then celebrate… I could call the girls from Eighteen30’s.” Sebastian proposes, standing up from his seat. He emerges from the darkness like Batman, his beautiful eyes gleaming in the light. Everyone in the room groans in pleasure, recalling the moments they remembered from the last time they went to Eighteen30’s.
Andy pulls the contract out of his briefcase; an obvious “Andy” move. The sounds of glasses being set down on surfaces fill the room at different pitches. Evans simply turns around, stroking his beard as if he wants to say something. “Got something to say, Evans?” Charles asks him, giving him a devilish smile. “No, just thinking about how I’m gonna be rich as fuck once the ink dries.” He says in almost a hopeful manner. He thinks he has everyone deceived, but it’s the total opposite.
They all choose to keep quiet, wanting to just sign the goddamn papers and get it over with. “Just to be sure… We all know what this entails, right? More money, more power.” Sebastian states, pouring himself a glass of whisky. He never minds the burn, he actually loves it. They all nod, because who doesn’t love money and power? They all pull a pen out of their jackets, ever the businessmen. One by one, in smooth black loops, they sign their full names on the contracts.
Sebastian and Chris are the last to sign because their names carry the most weight. Charles lights his pipes and sighs as he takes a drag of smoke from it. As Lee watches Charles puff the smoke out of his mouth, he has the urge to light up a cigarette. But he can’t, because his doctor told him not to. So now he has to suffer the pain of fighting away that urge and Charles all but taunts him. He watches, and he fights, and he watches until he snaps.
“‘Scuse me.” He says, getting up. “Are you going for the champagne?” Sebastian asks, tracing the rim of his glass. Lee nods, lying to his business partner and longtime friend. “I’ll come with, can’t fucking stand the darkness.” He grumbles, following Lee. They both appreciate the fact that the part is still lively, maybe even more as booze has taken over everyone’s body. “Hey man, sorry you had to be Santa this year.” Sebastian apologizes, clearing his throat beforehand.
It’s not unexpected. Lee already knows that Sebastian is comfortable with him. “Ah, it’s alright. Only had to talk to a couple ‘a horny girls and Mrs. Patterson’s son. That lil’ fucker is cute an’ all, but he fuckin’ drooled on my hand.” Lee rants to him, making him let out a chuckle. “Well, the girls weren’t all that bad, right?” Sebastian questions him, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. “They were… somethin’. Most of them were obnoxious, except for one of ‘em.” Lee admits to him.
“Oh really? Anyone I might know?” Sebastian continues, handing Lee a cigarette. Lee gruffly thanks him and hands him his Valentino lighter. “Hmm… not sure. I don’t think anyone really knows her, she seems quiet. But she was drunk, so that was nice.” Lee tells him, sparing certain details. “She wanted a raise, and to know why her boyfriend left her for some other girl. I think it was her friend. Either way, she nearly started cryin’ on my lap.” Lee recounts to him, something he’d only do with his therapist.
Besides fucking her, of course.
“Oh… maybe we could give her a raise. Do you see her here?” Sebastian asks him with a smirk on his face. Lee wonders if Sebastian is thinking of the same thing that he is, and vice versa. Lee’s blown out eyes scan the crowd for you, hoping you’re still here. Maybe perhaps even more drunk than before. “She’s in this burgundy dress and had a mini Santa hat on… Red lipstick too.” Lee describes to him. Sebastian nods his head and keeps on looking for you.
“Think she had lingerie on underneath the dress… probably wanted to get back with her boyfriend.” Lee begrudgingly admits to Sebastian, finishing his cigarette. Smoke flies from both of them yet nobody seems to care. “How do you know she had lingerie on?” Sebastian teasingly asks him. Lee’s face burns up with slight embarrassment. “I… I was feeling her up, I couldn't help myself. She was all over me in the cutest way possible.” Even though Lee doesn’t give a rat’s ass about God, he’d swear on her that he’s telling the truth.
“Is that her?” Sebastian asks him, pointing at you as you walk out of the women’s bathroom. “Yeah…” Lee puts out his cigarette and throws it beside him, leaving it for the janitor to pick up. Sebastian does the same, aiming his cigarette more accurately. “Fuck, that little doll? I’ve always had my sights set on her. Always so cute and shy… Never bothered anyone.” Sebastian groans, hoping— no, knowing that Lee and the others are on the same boat as he.
“I have an idea,” Lee says, shoving his hands in his pockets. Sebastian follows him, going along with whatever his idea is. From your spot at the snack table, you manage to fill your now empty stomach with your sugar cookies. You’re slightly disappointed that not many of your treats have disappeared, but you tell yourself the night is still young. You look up at the sound of footsteps coming closer and nearly choke on a cookie.
“Oh my— uh, Merry Christmas Eve, Mr. Stan and Mr. Bodecker!” You cheer, stumbling on your words and yourself. “Hi, darlin’,” Lee says, giving you his signature ‘ladies only’ smile. You feel yourself become shy at the sight, but Mr. Stan makes you look back up. He clears his voice and you take in both of them. They both stand tall and intimidating, with enchanting stares that just capture you. “Merry Christmas Eve to you too, little girl,” Sebastian says, taking in your form.
You look absolutely adorable and innocent in front of them. In your little burgundy dress and Santa hat… slightly tipsy with cookie crumbs all over your face. “We came over here to ask you for a quick favour… We just closed one of our biggest deals and we’d love for you to help us bring the champagne. Maybe make a toast with us? It’s the least we can do since you brought all these lovely treats.” Lee explains, grabbing himself a sugar cookie.
It’s identical to the one you have in your hand; except yours is half-eaten and his only has a small nibble. “M- Me? Really?” You ask in shock, nearly going into full cardiac arrest. They probably don’t even know your name, but that doesn’t matter. At least they’re talking to you. “Yep! Unless someone else made all these delicious desserts.” Sebastian jokes around, slightly admitting that he tried a cookie. You shake your head in object and lace your sweaty fingers together.
God, why did you have to drink?
“I’d love to, Sirs.” You whisper with the utmost grace you can muster up whilst being half-drunk. They both nod and Lee places a heavy arm around your shoulders. The cookie in your hand breaks and you not so discreetly drop all the crumbs onto the floor. “Can I ask what the deal is for?” You question, not even daring to look up from the floor. “Oh, it’s nothing to worry your cute little brain about,” Sebastian tells you with a smile, quickly shutting you up and shutting the topic down.
They lead you to the bar and Sebastian makes a simple gesture with his hand. The bartender makes quick work of getting five champagne bottles and you’re easily amazed. Without realizing it, your jaw drops slightly in awe. Both Sebastian and Lee chuckle at how cute you are. The sounds are absolute heaven and they force you to realize something.
Holy-fucking-shit— You have feelings for your bosses.
You choke on your saliva at the epiphany, making Sebastian and Lee jump to you in concern. “Hey, are you okay?” Sebastian asks you, rubbing your back gently. Lee does this same, but his hand inches down to the small of your back. With anyone, you would jerk away and feel very uncomfortable. But with them… With them, it’s the complete opposite. You nod as you slowly calm down. The bartender sets the numerous bottles of champagne down on the bar.
Two bottles of Dom Pérignon, two bottles of Boërl & Kroff Magnum and one bottle of Goût de Diamant Brut. It’s the most expensive champagne in the world, costing $1.2 million. But to them and the company, it’s no big deal. You only know the price because he would rave about it on and on. You sniffle at the memory and Lee shushes you in a calming matter.
“Here, you lift this one, and we’ll carry the rest,” Lee instructs, handing you one of the bottles of Dom Pérignon. You hold onto the bottle tightly, but not too tightly. Sebastian and Lee point to where they’re going to celebrate, just to direct you. You walk in small steps, careful to not drop the bottle. They’d probably murder you if you did. “Right there, little girl… I— uh, I heard you wanted a raise, is that true?” Lee asks you, desperate to hear your lovely voice.
“Uh yeah, I just haven’t had a raise since I’ve been working here. All my coworkers are constantly getting raises…” You sheepishly admit to your two bosses. They nod and frown, how long has that been going on? They’ve kept their eyes on you since you started working here. You reach the door and you don’t open it because your two hands are occupied. Lee oddly knocks on the door, perhaps in a code. A few seconds pass, but the alcohol in your system makes it feel like an eternity.
Mr. Barnes opens up the door and gasps at you. “Nice to see you again, little girl.” He greets, smirking down at you. The sober version of you would’ve noticed the plethora of men in the room, but drunk-you can’t focus on too much at once. You nod shakily, swallowing thickly as you remember your encounter with Bucky earlier this evening. Bucky takes the champagne bottle from you and leads you inside, Sebastian and Lee following.
Bucky briefly leaves the room after setting down the bottle of champagne on one of the tables. It’s incredibly dark in the room and you can only make out the lights coming from the city. Sebastian flicks the lights on and you bite back a hiss at the sudden change. You look around and nearly drop dead right there and then. The company’s biggest enemies are here, smug as ever. “I… Huh?” You’re confused, not sure if your mind is playing a wicked trick on you.
Mr. Blackwood takes a drag from his pipe and then puts it out, the only remnants of it being the scent of smoke. In front of you, though, are Mr. Drysdale, Mr. Barber, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Evans. “Is this the little minx you’ve been telling us about?” Steve asks your bosses, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “Yep, even better in person,” Bucky says, pushing your hair to the side. “What’s going on?” You ask, trying to move away from him. Lee quickly stops you, his pudgy stomach pushing you closer to Bucky.
“Like I said before, little girl. Nothin’ for you to worry your little brain about.” Lee says, his country drawl sending shivers throughout your body. Little girl… The nickname is all too familiar, and it’s not like anyone else with a country accent would call you that. “You were Santa Claus?” You ask him, slightly nudging him. “She’s smart… Can’t fucking wait to make her go all stupid for our cocks.” Ransom says, a smug half-grin on his face.
You whimper at his words because they’re straight out of your greatest fantasies.
“Oh you like that, don’t you? You really wanna be dumb and stupid for our cocks?” Bucky asks in a condescending tone. You shake your head no because all you want is to get out of here. “Let’s get the real party started…” Chris ominously says, grabbing a bottle of Dom Pérignon. He pops it open, the wooden cork flying to the other side of the room.
Foam pours out of the bottle and everyone cheers, minus yourself. Instead, you flinch and still try to move from their grasps. Andy hands him the glasses and he pours everyone half a glass. You, on the other hand, receive a full glass with a strawberry inside. “I- I think I had enough to drink tonight…” You shyly tell them, inching your body away from Andy. “Nonsense, celebrate with us, little girl.” He objects, beginning to tilt the glass forward.
You shake your head and twist your face away, but Bucky’s metal hand stops you. He roughly grabs your jaw and squeezes until your mouth pops open. Champagne fills your mouth and you refuse to swallow. Lee’s fingers dance across your cheek and clamp over your nose, cutting off your only source of oxygen. “C’mon, swallow it all. Do it like the good little girl you are.” Charles demands, the praise going straight to the pit of your stomach.
You cave because there’s no way you’re winning this. Against your will, you swallow the bubbly golden liquid. Slight carbonation sizzles on your tongue and in the back of your throat. You have to admit, it is absolutely delightful. You now see why rich people drink it like it’s water. “That’s a good girl. See? Wasn’t so bad after all.” Andy praises you, tapping your cheek as though you’re a pet.
You whimper again, feeling Lee and Bucky grab your arms tightly. “As much as I love that cute little dress, I’d prefer to see you out of it,” Ransom smirks, handing Andy another glass of champagne. This time, it’s a glass of Boërl & Kroger Magnum. It’s stronger, much stronger than the previous one. Ransom’s hands come to the front of your favourite dress and a loud rip reverberates throughout the room.
You squeeze your eyes shut as the room fills with whistles and groans. “Fuckin’ hell, little girl.” Lee groans, his cock swelling up once again. Suddenly, everyone’s trousers are a few sizes too small. They drink in your lingerie-clad form and you grow even shyer underneath their strong gazes. “I don’t know if I wanna fuck you in this little get-up, or rip it off and then fuck you.” Steve groans, palming himself through his dress pants.
You don’t realize until now that they’ve all surrounded you. Andy tilts the glass into your slack jaw and you allow the bubbly beverage to fill your mouth. Why fight it? Plus, there’s no way you can get wasted off of champagne. You can feel a bit of champagne dribble down your chin and towards your cleavage. It has you feeling even more embarrassed and ashamed than you already are.
The sight fuels everyone in the room. “Fuck it,” Steve says, grabbing the glass from Andy. He throws it behind him, a crash reverberating in the room. You flinch at the sound and Ransom cooes condescendingly. “Are you scared, little girl?” Ransom asks you, tilting your chin up to his face. His blue eyes are blown out with lust and darkness. He smashes his lips against yours and you’re not sure whether to kiss him back or not.
A harsh hand squeezing your ass warns you to mimic his movements. The kiss is rough and filled with need. You try to keep up with kiss lips, so focused on doing it correctly. You don’t even realize that you’re being moved to one of the couches and that everyone has been stripped from their suits. The only article of clothing on the men is their boxers. Ransom shoves his tongue into your mouth and you let him dominate you. Sets of hands begin to feel up your body — groping, squeezing, rubbing.
You feel someone else’s lips on your neck, lightly peppering kisses near that sweet spot of yours. As soon as Charles hits it, you melt in all of their hands. “That’s a good girl, yeah.” Chris praises, cupping one of your tits through your bra. The strings on your lingerie are tearing away, the sound echoing in your ears. Your bra and underwear remain, with tethers of red string on them. Sebastian’s hands run up and down your waist, making goosebumps form.
You aren’t sure what Lee, Andy and Steve are doing, but you know their hands are on you somewhere. Then, Ransom pulls away. Your lips are swollen and they even hurt a bit, too. You can feel wetness pooling in your red panties, but you’re too drunk to care about your sudden neediness. You’re worried about what’s going to happen. Lee lifts you and places you on the expensive shag carpet.
You whimper in pain as the carpet digs into your skin remorselessly. “Sorry, baby. It’ll be worth it, don’t worry.” Lee gently tells you, rubbing your cheek. Suddenly, he strikes you harshly. You let out a shriek of pain and fear, but you’re quickly shushed. “Shh, I know you like that, look -- You’re rubbing your thighs together like a lil’ slut.” He jeers, stroking the other cheek. You whimper and shake your head, even though he’s correct.
“Lying isn’t very nice, little girl,” Steve warns, standing next to Lee. You look up at them both, tears welling in your beautiful eyes. The sight makes them even harder than they already are, to the point where it’s almost unbearable. Lee pulls his boxers down and so does Steve. You gasp and your jaw nearly drops. Their cocks bunce up and slap their lower abdomens. Pre-cum leaks from their swollen, red tips. They’re both roughly the same size, but Lee is thicker than Steve.
“You like what you see, little girl?” Steve asks, grabbing the base of his cock. It looks even bigger in his large hands, and you gulp in fear. You’re not sure why you’re nodding, but you can’t stop yourself. Lee gives his cock a few strokes, and Steve grabs a handful of your hair. You whimper loudly as he drags you closer to his cock. “Say ‘ahh’.” Steve teases, before shoving his cock into your mouth.
You’ve done this before, but never with someone of his length and girth. Your mouth and jaw immediately start to hurt at the stretch. His cock is only halfway into your mouth, but it’s quite possibly one of the worst feelings ever. Steve tugs at your hair again, and you take it as a sign to start sucking. You hollow your cheeks and begin to bob your head, your tongue laving at the bottom of his cock.
You can feel the different veins on his cock throb, pulsating underneath the wetness of your tongue. He groans above you and the others in the room whistle at you. You’re not sure where to look, so your eyes dart around. You end up locking eyes with the man above you and your squeak around his cock. The vibrations of your voice have him cursing like a sailor. “Fuckin’ hell, little girl. So good at sucking cock.” He praises, petting the top of your head.
You involuntarily hum at the praise, squeezing your thighs together. Suddenly, you’re pulled off of Steve’s cock. You gasp for air, not even realizing how you were barely breathing whilst sucking his cock. Your chest heaves and your heart clamours as Lee drags you closer to him. He slaps the fat tip of his cock on your thrumming cheek. You flinch, feeling sticky pre-cum stain your face. Lee shoves his cock in your mouth the same way Steve did, only this time he forces you all the way down.
Your nose meets his fuzzy, soft tummy. You gag and sputter around his cock, trying to control your very much needed breathing. Lee places both his hands on each side of your head. Somehow, he’s still a bit gentle with you, even though he’s forcing you to suck his cock. He slowly moves your head up and down, moaning softly at the feeling of your wet mouth. Saliva coats his coat with a sticky sheen that only helps you make him feel good and nothing more.
“Oh, fuck.” He groans loudly, tossing his head back. You swallow around his cock, your threat constricting around him for a brief moment. You can feel his heavy balls against your chin for a few moments every now and then. All of a sudden, you’re once again pulled away from his cock. Steve forces himself farther into your mouth, just like Lee.
You feel light-headed from the little bit of air you’re getting. But you know that’s not their priority. Gags fill the room and your eyes roll back into your head. You aren’t pulled off of his cock, yet. “Fuck, I’m pretty sure she’s enjoying this as much as you are, Steve,” Bucky says, only just realizing that you’re trying to alleviate the ache between your legs. Everyone’s eyes fall to your cunt, where you’re rubbing your thighs together and humping the hair like a little bunny.
“Bet she probably doesn’t even realize it…” Ransom smirks, feeling his cock throb. You can only hear some of their words. You don’t know what they’re talking about, but it can’t be good. Steve begins to thrust his cock into your mouth, moving his hips back and forth. His balls slap your chin, his cock stretches your mouth and his moans are the only thing your ears can hear. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He announces, and you shake your head in objection.
You place your hands on his thighs and push him as much as you can. Your efforts are wasted because he doesn’t budge at all. You decide to resort to hitting, but it still doesn’t do anything. Steve suddenly still and his cum shoots down your throat. White stickiness fills your mouth up and you whine loudly. Steve paints your mouth with white streaks and he sighs loudly. He doesn’t pull out even after he’s already come, and you’re confused.
“C’mon, swallow it all like the good little slut you are.” He husks, his voice a bit hoarse. He shoves his cock more into your throat and you have no choice but to swallow it all. As soon as you do, Lee pulls you away from Steve. “Fuckin’ piece of shit.” He grumbles loud enough for only you to hear. He gives a nod to someone and then grabs a hold of your head again. “Shh it’s okay, you can do it. I know you can, you’re a good girl.” He eases, slowly pushing his cock into your wet cavern.
Unlike Steve, Lee is a bit gentler. Maybe it’s because his heart is slightly bigger than his dick. His cock hits your gag reflex and you’re so fucking lucky that you aren’t having any… accidents. Steve’s cum is still lingering in your mouth — musky, a little salty, and sticky. The droplets that are on the side of your mouth roll down Lee’s cock, leaving slight wetness on him that isn’t saliva. As soon as your nose nuzzles against his stomach, he groans.
He keeps your head locked in place for some reason, you’re not exactly sure why. Maybe he’s giving you some time to get used to his thickness. You hum in delight, a way of showing that you’re thankful that he’s sparing you some humanity. He chuckles, stroking one of your cock-filled cheeks. Cold fingers crawl between your thigh and you jump in fear. Your body doesn’t fully jerk away because of Lee’s strength. You can see Bucky smirking from your peripheral view and he rubs your wet cunt through the panties.
You shake your head and try to kick him away, but he stops you from protesting. Bucky spanks your ass harshly, watching as the skin ripples from the force. “Uh uh, stop that. Don’t make me put you over my knee and spank you ‘till you’re bleeding.” He threatens, placing one of his knees on your leg. You try to wiggly away from him, but your attempts are fruitless. You accept defeat, but only for now.
His metal hand returns to your cunt and he grabs the crotch of your soaking wet underwear. Bucky pulls it away from your cunt and you can still see his grin as smug as ever. You look up at Lee and your eyes plead for him to stop it all, but he just rubs your bulging throat. He moans at the slight pleasure and you gulp in fear. His thumb rubs at your cheek whilst Bucky rips your underwear away from your pussy.
Sebastian, Chris, Ransom, Andy, Charles, and Steve watch the sight before them with their hands palming their hard cocks. “She’s so fucking wet, aren’t you, little girl? Bet you got this wet just from sucking their cocks, ‘cause you love it so much. You love being a little slut for us.” He sneers, lightly smacking your cunt. You whimper around Lee’s cock and he grows tired of holding back.
He drags his hips back slightly and moves your head away from his cock, before pushing you back down rather quickly and harshly. You feel Bucky’s fingers trace at your drooling hole, occasionally dipping the tip of one of his fingers inside. He traces your wet lips and your sensitive clit too. You twitch at the sudden stimulation. Lee guides you up and down his cock at a rather decent pace. Your gags, wet noises and Lee’s moans fill the room in a rather melodious manner.
Bucky pushes one finger into your tight cunt, groaning at how your pussy immediately hugs his digit. “God, you’re so fucking tight. This cunt just needs to be destroyed, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, we’re gonna ruin it for any other man.” Bucky chuckles, pushing his digit further into you. He feels around, searching that spot that you haven’t found yet.
“You look so pretty with your mouth stuffed full of my cock, little girl. So fuckin’ pretty, ‘s like it was made just for me.” Lee cooes at you, thrusting even harder into your mouth. Tears sting your eyes but you ignore them. Bucky let’s put a noise of satisfaction and pride as you clench around his fingers. “There it is… Do you like it when I touch you like that, baby? Yeah, I know you do. Fuckin’ love it.” He husks in your ear, before nibbling on your earlobe.
You squeeze your eyes shut once Bucky starts moving his fingers inside you. Lee fucks your face with sloppy movements, signalling his impending orgasm. You place your hands on his thick, squishy thighs. Your short nails dig into his soft skin slightly as Bucky assaults your g-spot with his metal fingers. Lee pulls out your hair, a delicious sting radiating from your head. The pain makes you sputter once again around his cock, and that’s when Lee loses himself.
Just like Steve, he shoves his cock further down your throat as he hits his orgasm. His hot cum shoots down your throat, some of it filling your mouth up along with his cock. His hips are stilled but his cock is twitching almost wildly in your mouth. You can feel him throbbing against your tongue and you’re more ashamed than ever. Hopefully, it’s all over now. You shut your eyes close, unable to look Lee in his eyes.
He gives your cheek a light slap, and this time you don’t shriek or flinch. You swallow obediently around his cock, losing all defiance just so that it can all be over. You cringe at the feeling of his cum sliding down your throat, which is a fleeting moment. Bucky’s other hand reaches down to play with your little pearl of nerves. Suddenly, you’re gushing around his single-digit as it thrusts in and out of your pussy. “You look so pretty when you come, little girl. Such a sight.” Bucky whispers in your ear, kissing your neck.
“Aw, you love this, don’t you?” Lee asks, watching as you struggle to keep yourself together. You shake your head, even though the man above you doesn’t allow you to move. “Yeah, you do. You love sucking your seniors’ cocks and having your bosses watch. That’s why you’re all wet, right? Soaking Bucky’s fingers an’ coming all around them.” Lee presses, pulling his cock out. Somehow, he’s still as hard as ever. Steve too.
You open your mouth up to scream for help, but Ransom quickly stops you. His hand wraps around your neck and squeezes, cutting you off. Your scream for help dies down in your throat and so has all the fight in your body. Bucky continues to fuck you with his finger and his hand doesn’t leave your clit either. His movements are quicker, much quicker. Ransom leans his face close to yours, a dangerous scowl staining his.
“Do you want us to be rough, hm? We can fucking ruin you, and your holes. Are you that fucking stupid to try and scream? Who’s gonna help you anyway? Especially if they walk in to see you bouncing up and down on our cocks, begging for our cum.” He spits, squeezing your throat even tighter. “I— I’m sorry.” You apologize, scared of the man in front of you and the others who surround you.
You can feel yourself slowly losing consciousness, slowly but surely. Tears sting your eyes and begin to leak down your cheeks, maybe Ransom chuckle. You can feel his pinky ring dig into the skin of your neck, just like how you can feel Bucky’s fingers push against your sweet spot. “Do you wanna breathe, or do you wanna cum like a good girl?” He asks lowly, staring right into your eyes. You’re not sure what the right answer is, but you can barely think.
From the loss of oxygen to the way Bucky's fingers and slowing down and denying your pleasure. You feel Ransom’s fingers loosen a bit, almost as if he’s giving you a hint. You’re sure he knows you can’t think straight, and he’s probably going to tease you for it. “I… I wanna cum like-- like a good girl…” You breathlessly admit, feeling your eyes flutter shut. “Please…” You beg, more tears leaking from your glassy eyes.
Ransom lets go of your neck but he doesn’t let you fall. Bucky’s ministrations on your pussy speed up, bringing you closer to the edge. White fire burns in your stomach and cunt as you can feel yourself about to cum. “Please, please, please, Sir…” You unconsciously beg, before starting to sob. “Awe… Look at you, so desperate. Hm? You don’t even care if you were gonna pass out, you just want to come.” Ransoms jabs at you, grabbing your face roughly.
You can see that he’s taken off his boxers, his hard cock hanging between his built thighs. “Do it, come right fucking now.” He demands, before hollowing his cheeks out. You can’t see what he’s doing through your bleary eyesight, but you have a feeling that it isn’t good for you. You let out a gasp as Ransom spit on your face, his sticky salvia painting your left cheek.
It drips down to your open mouth in the worst way possible. You let it roll into your mouth because you can’t stop it. “Oh my God, yes…” You pant desperately as you hit your climax. You cum all over Bucky’s fingers, your cunt spasming. You moan loudly, just like the slut they claim you are. Bucky rubs your clit and continues to finger you until you can barely keep yourself up. “So sensitive… God, I’m gonna have so much fun with this pussy.” Bucky groans, slowing down his movements.
You barely have any time to collect yourself from your heaven-sent orgasm. You’re being lifted and placed on someone else. You rub your eyes and turn around, just to see Andy smirking up at you. His kind-seeming eyes, but his smile tells a different story. You turn back around, just to see your bosses and their deviant partners surrounding you. Charles steps forward with his signet ring-decorated hand wrapped around his cock.
He stares you down as he spits in his hands and brings it to his cock. He strokes himself slowly, the salvia making lewd squelching sounds. Andy’s hands crawl up your ass to your soft thighs. He grabs your skin and spreads your legs as wide as he deems best. His thighs rest under yours as Charles kneels down in front of you. “Such a pretty little pussy, Bambina.” He softly tells you, as though he’s your lover.
It seems that you’re looking at him, it truly does. But in reality, you’ve zoned out to a land far, far away from where there were no monsters like these men. Only princes and heroes like him. “Look at her, she looks so fucked out.” Steve comments, pointing at you. Charles hums, before snapping his fingers. Your trip is cut short, and you’re back to reality. Charles grabs the base of his cock and slaps the head of it on your sensitive clit, making you twitch.
Andy runs two of his fingers across your face; his pointer and his middle finger. He moves down to your slightly parted lips and pushes them inside. Charles smears his pre-cum against your wet lips, mixing the stickiness with your cum. You whimper at the feeling and focus on that only. “C’mon, suck on my fingers like it’s my cock, little girl.” Andy urges, pressing your tongue with his fingers.
You hesitatingly comply, trying to please him. The more you listen, the quicker it’ll all be over, right? “You’re just a good little slut, aren’t you? So good, the best little girl ever.” Charles praises, running the head of his cock through your folds. If this was all… okay, then you would agree with him and serve your duties as a good girl. But it isn’t okay, so you leave it at that. Charles pulls his now soaking wet cock away from your pussy, and you feel him push in.
But it isn’t him. It’s Andy’s cock. He slowly pushes into you, stretching you until it hurts like nothing before. He bottoms out with a loud moan that nearly makes your right ear hurt. He doesn’t begin to fuck you brutally, as any man would. No, he stays buried in your wet cunt and Charles seizes the moment. His wet cock head nudges against your other hole, the one that was forbidden to your boyfriend — ex-boyfriend.
You flinch and try to close your legs, but Andy stops you as quickly as possible. “Please…” You beg, using your eyes to tell him “No, I don’t want this. Please stop.” He shushes you and pushes the head of his cock in slightly. You’re gratefully he doesn’t just get on with it and brutalizes you. Andy pulls out of your wet cunt and you’re immensely confused.
To be honest, though, you always are.
Charles pushes into your cunt and fills you up like Andy. He immediately finds your sweet spot just like Bucky did. Andy grabs his cock and leads it to your tighter hole, before slowly pushing in. He groans loudly at how tight you are, how much you’re squeezing him like a vice. “No, stop it, please.” You beg, trying to get up from your spot on his chest.
He pulls you back down and Charles wraps his hand around your throat. “Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth before I get one of them to stuff it full with their cock.” He threatens. His face is calm in the most frightening way possible. Andy curses behind you as he finally bottoms out inside your ass. The pain makes you want to scream, but after your previous antics, you choose to just bite your lip and keep quiet.
Your short, red nails dig into your palms and draw blood, but it doesn’t hurt that badly. They both nod at each other but you don’t notice it at all, too focused on the excruciating pain you’re feeling. You might say that you’re about to pass out, but you can’t even form anything more than “please,” and moans of pain. Charles’s rough thumb rests upon your throbbing clit, ready to bring you to your orgasm.
But God, you’re squeezing his cock so tightly with your pussy it takes him a few moments to collect himself. “You’re squeezing our cocks so nicely, little baby. You just don’t wanna let us go.” Andy chuckles, wiggling his hips for some friction. You let out a loud moan — and you’re not sure if it’s of pain or pleasure.
Charles slowly drags his cock out of your cunt, leaving just the tip inside you. The feeling of sudden emptiness reminds you of when you stand up too quickly after laying down for a while. Mind-altering, if you must say. He slams back inside you and Andy does the opposite; pulling out of you. Charles fuck you slow, yet hard and rough. He rubs your clot quickly as he fucks you relentlessly.
Groans, whistles, curse words and moans all fill the room yet you only focus on the way their cocks are driving in and out of you. “Fuck, such a nice ass. You love having Daddy’s cock in your ass, don’t you?” Andy asks, looking straight down to where you’re connected. You swallow thickly and Charles feels it against his hand. He squeezes the sides of your throat slightly, and you nod quickly.
“Say it. Say you love having my cock fuck your little ass. I bet nobody ever fucked you like this, not even that lousy boyfriend of yours. You probably wished he took you like the little slut you are, destroying all your holes.” He demands as his dirty words make you wetter and wetter. “I…” You pant helplessly, looking around.
Everyone stares you down, their cocks in their hands as they slowly jerk off to you. “I l-love having your c-cock fuck my a-ass, Daddy.” You sheepishly tell him, whispering that last part. “Brava, Bambina.” Charles praises, punctuating his words with one thrust that hits your cervix. You let out a cry and the lewd sounds of them fucking you are drowned out for a brief second.
Charles continues to pummel your g-spot, and occasionally, your cervix. The pain isn’t as bad as the pain Andy is causing you. You can feel Andy’s cock pulsating in you, driving in and out of you. You’re sure you’re probably bleeding, but you know that none of these men care. “Fuck, she’s so stretched out…” Someone says, loud enough so you can hear.
You feel yourself being pushed to the edge at a rather fast pace. “You gonna come, baby? You gotta ask us first.” Charles snickers, slowing down his thrusts and taking away his thumb from your clit. You whine out like a bitch in heat, desperate to come all over their cocks. “Please…” You beg, gyrating your hips so that Charles can continue to fuck you like a starved man.
“Gotta do better than that, Tesoro Mio.” He hums, pulling out even more. He watches in awe as your wetness coats his cock like nothing before. In the bright lights, his cock glistens with your juices. “Please, please let me come! I need it, I want to come so badly, Sir!” You beg, bucking your hips upwards. “That’s a good little slut.” He praises, pushing back into your cunt. You moan loudly and wantonly once he bottoms out again.
The pain in your ass finally turns into pleasure and you moan even louder. “Oh my god!” You squeal despite your throat hurting. You grind down on their cocks slightly, chasing your orgasm. “Please let me come. Please, Sir… Please, Daddy!” You beg involuntarily, taking a page out of your wildest fantasies. Your words spur them on and you’re suddenly crashing into a lovely climax. You moan loudly and clamp down on their cocks as much as your body lets you.
“Fuck, you’re even more beautiful when you come around our cocks. You love being fucked by two men, don’t you? Yeah, yeah you do. That’s why you’re being so needy and desperate.” Andy groans in your ear, feeling his balls tighten up as you milk him and Charles for all they’re worth. You nod in agreement, not even caring anymore,
You soak their cocks with your cum, and your eyes roll back into your skull. “Awe, look at her. She goin’ all stupid.” Lee teases, squeezing the base of his cock to stave off his release. Your heart clamours in your chest, beating wildly as you struggle to come down from your high. Your mind has a slight buzz to it, and the champagne is the one to blame. You can hear soft moans from the other men, and you fight back a shy smile of pride.
Charles and Andy both have beads of sweat dripping down their skin, enhancing your arousal. They both curse under their breaths and groan. Andy’s hips still first, and his cock twitches inside you. “Oh fuck…” He groans in a low voice. Streaks of cum paint your insides, filling you up in a pleasant way possible. You sigh at the feeling and look up at Charles. He squeezes your throat a bit tighter, which only makes you wetter.
His thrusts are slow and sloppy, signalling his orgasm. “Please come in me… Please, Sir.” You whisper to him, knowing he needs something to push him over the edge. “Fill me up with your cum, Sir.” You add, remembering certain lines from porn videos you used to watch. “Oh— fuck…” He groans as he comes inside you. You can feel his cum, filling you up to the brim and then some. Andy pulls out, his cock lightly brushing against Charles’s thigh.
You watch Charles as he slowly comes down from euphoria. You feel empty, so empty. Bucky watches with hungry eyes as cum and a tinge of blood leaks out of your asshole. It’s slightly stretched, which only turns him on even more. Charles drags his cock out of your pussy, slowly and carefully just so that he won’t hurt you.
Again, if the circumstances weren’t so… fucked up, you would’ve enjoyed this all.
You sigh and flop backwards onto Andy’s chest, ready for sleep to take you. You feel your eyes flutter shut, but then you’re jerked back to reality. Your eyes open up just for you to come face to face with Bucky, who smiles deviously at you. “I know you’re tired, baby, but we’re not done with you yet.” He cooes at you, rubbing your ass.
You don’t know where he’s taking you, but you hope it’s somewhere near the door.
“Hi, baby girl… You feelin’ good?” A raspy yet oh-so-familiar voice asks you. You rub your eyes as you’re set on someone’s lap. Ransom’s dark, lust-filled eyes lock with your tired ones. It takes you a good few moments to nod, and he chuckles. His hand comes up to your face, cupping your slightly sticky cheek. He caresses your face with his thumb, and you involuntarily lean into his touch.
Bucky pushes you farther into Ransom’s arms and he grabs your hurting hips. Cum leaks from both of your aching, stretched holes. Ransom’s hand leaves your cheek, but it quickly returns. But this time, it isn’t sweet and loving. No. Instead, he gives you a light slap on the cheek, just like Lee did. The coolness of his ring on your hot skin is… refreshing. It’s different.
Your ass is lifted into the air slightly, giving Bucky easy access to your stretched out rim. Bucky runs his hands up and down your ass, occasionally spanking you. The crack of his hand against your skin is just a reminder of your situation. You can feel Ransom’s cock resting right beneath your abused cunt, throbbing with want and need.
He grabs the base of his cock and lines the fat, leaking tip up to your cum-filled hole. Neither he nor Bucky needs any lube, all thanks to Andy and Charles. In one thrust, he fills you in a way that your fingers can’t. You can feel Bucky scoop up some of the cum leaking from your holes, along with your juices. Everywhere is tingling, a sensation unlike anything else.
He brings his fingers up to your mouth and Ransom squeezes your jaw until your mouth falls open, just like before. Bucky quickly pushes his fingers into your mouth. The taste of cum — salty, musky, and sweet — fills your mouth. It laps over your tongue and you involuntarily swallow it all. Whilst being distracted by Bucky’s fingers in your mouth, you don’t realize that he’s already pushing into your ass.
You gasp around his fingers as he quickly bottoms out inside you. Bucky’s too eager to take it slow. Bucky takes his now spit-slick fingers and wraps his arm around you, reaching down to your clit. You feel even more full than when Andy and Charles were in you. Maybe it’s the added cum, or maybe it’s the same and you’re just not used to being filled by two cocks.
Ransom moves his hand to your stomach and rubs the skin there — the bulging skin. The outline of his cock is faint, but it’s there. “Look at you, all filled up with our cocks.” Ransom whispers, before roughly grabbing your hips. He grinds you down onto his cock before lifting you slightly. Both he and Buckypull out slightly and start shallowly thrusting into you, almost in a teasing way.
You want more, you want more pleasure so badly. You want them to fuck you hard, for them to fuck you deeply and maybe even roughly. “You want something, don’t you, baby? So ungrateful…” Ransom disappointingly coaxes. You thrust back onto Bucky’s cock, a trick you learned from when you caught your ex-boyfriend balls-deep in your closest friend. Then, you grind down on Ransom’s cock.
Cum drips from both of your entrances and runs down the sides of their shafts and your inner thighs. “Fuck, if you wanted it that badly all you had to do was ask real sweetly.” Bucky groans, losing all sense and self-control. He pulls his cock out all the way, not even leaving the tip inside your ass. Ransom pulls halfway out and then bucks his hips up. He fucks back into you, but this time it’s more deep and punctuated.
“Oh— Thank you… Thank you, Sir!” You squeal as Ransom pounds against your g-spot over and over. His sticky, swollen, heavy balls slap against your empty ass. Bucky rubs your clit slowly, just to hear you whine like the desperate slut you are. “C’mon, make some noise for Daddy.” He demands in your ear, rubbing the tip of his cock on your other hole.
The feeling is lovely, but you crave more. “Please… Please fuck my ass, Daddy! I wan’ it so bad, wan’ you to put your big cock in me… Please, please…” You beg whilst you pant wildly. “примерная девочка.” He husks before pushing his hips forward. Despite having your… anal cherry being just popped, he acts as though you’re constantly begging to take it up the ass.
“Fuck, she doing that thing again,” Ransom comments, staring at your face. By ‘that thing,’ he means that way your mouth drops open in a silent scream and your eyes roll back into your skull. You clench around both Bucky’s and Ransom’s cocks, even though your muscles are barely working. You fall onto Ransom’s chest and you can hear his heart beating wildly in his chest, just like yours.
Unbeknownst to you, you just gave Bucky more leverage to fuck your ass. He takes his hand away from your clit and instead wraps it around your hair. He gives your hair a slight tug, and starts fucking you even harder. You dig your nails into Ransom’s chest at the stronger thrusts overpower your entire body and mind. You can hear a groan rumbling in his chest. “Fuck, best pussy I ever had.” He growls, finishing his sentence with one painful snap of his hips that goes straight to your cervix.
“Oh, can I come, please? I need it so— so badly, Daddy… Please, please let me come…” You beg, feeling the knot in your stomach beginning to tighten up. The pressure increases and you’re not sure if you can hold out for a minute more. The lewd sounds, the feeling of their cocks driving in and out of you, and their moans all push you to the edge.
“Awe, well go ahead, little girl. You’ve earned it, come all over our cocks.”
“Yeah… Fuck— I don’t think ‘m gonna last any longer…” Bucky curses under his breath loud enough for you and Ransom to hear. Ransom nods, a bead of sweat running down his neck. Bucky’s metal hand comes up to your bra and he unhooks it. Ransom grabs the cheap fabric and throws it at one of his friends. Ransom gives a wink to Lee, who pockets your bra.
Your tits are sticky with dried champagne from before. Ransom has the urge to swirl his tongue around your hardened nubs until you’re coming around their cocks once again. But his basic needs are just more important than yours as of now. Bucky’s hips still first, his brutality against your ass finally coming to an end.
He swallows thickly — but he gets caught off by a loud, deep moan of his own. It’s right in your ear, and Bucky has you use your body as a brace to hold himself up. His balls tighten up and cum shoots inside your ass. You’re far more sensitive than the previous time and now you can feel every single drop painting your walls. Ransom follows, his load pumping into you in a relieving way. Your walls encompass them both, hugging them tightly.
Bucky fucks into you with a few more thrusts; shallow and quick. He prolongs his orgasm until his mind is fuzzy and his cock can’t take it. He pulls out, removing his hand from your hair and he sighs. His and Andy’s cum follows his cock along with a streak of light pink. He feels nice, prideful in a way that throughout all the pain, you only ever took pleasure.
Ransom keeps his cock locked inside of you, and he just knows that you’re on the verge of either crying, screaming, or passing out. He also knows that you’re smart, and won’t do anything other than remain docile for Sebastian and Chris. “C- Can I go now? I won’t tell anyone– I swear!” You plead to Ransom in an excited sort of whisper. Ransom clenches his jaw and stares down at you, and your lips turn down into a frown.
“You’re lucky we aren’t alone.” He tells you and his words are enough to shut you up. You whimper, but you don’t apologize. “You’ve been such a good girl…” Sebastian says from behind you. You turn around and look up at him. He smiles at you and it’s gentle, almost reassuring. But you don’t return it. Sebastian wraps his muscly arms around you and picks you up with ease.
Ransom’s cock slips from your folds with ease, and cum drips from your filled up pussy. White stickiness drips down your slightly sweaty thighs and it makes you feel so conscience-stricken. Unlike every other time — like when you were sucking off Lee and Steve, or getting fucked by Ransom and Bucky or Charles and Andy — you’re now standing up. It’s weird, a funny feeling that might take you a few seconds to get used to.
Chris comes up to you and he has a menacing stance. He cups your face with his soft yet slightly coarse hands. You flinch, scared that he’ll slap you the way Ransom did beforehand. Luckily, he doesn’t. “Aw, you’re scared, aren’t you?” Chris asks you, rubbing your top lip with his thumb. You hesitatingly nod. “Don’t be. The only thing you should be scared of is us destroying your holes… And by the looks of it, it seems like we already have.” He chuckles in a mocking manner.
You gulp thickly and try to ignore the newfound wetness that is pooling in your core. Along with it is a fire that doesn’t seem to be put out yet. Sebastian’s hands move from your waist to your back, and then to your hips. His movements are gentle and soft, almost as if his intentions hold no malice. But the truth is a complete contrast to what he’s trying to imply.
He spins you around in one swift movement and your world tilts on its axis for a brief moment. You grip his biceps as you try to get a hold of yourself. “Wanna see this pretty face while I fuck you into oblivion.” He mumbles under his breath, and you can feel Chris’s hands running all over your hurting ass. “And I wanna see this ass while I fuck it.” Chris chuckles in your ear once again.
He lands a spank onto your ass, watching the skin ripple in such a marvellous way he swears he’ll never see a girl as pretty as you. Sebastian lifts you up and on instinct, you wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel Sebastian’s cock right near your beaten up, cum-filled entrance. Then, you feel Chris’s tip at your other entrance.
They both thrust into you at once, and a loud squelching noise fills the room. “That cunt is so filled up…” Steve comments from the side, slowly jerking his cock off. You squeeze your eyes shut at his words, and try to block them out. Sebastian lets out a choked moan, whereas Chris groans lowly in your ear.
They both hold you up by your ass, and they start to thrust into you hard and fast. Your head lols back onto Chris’s shoulder and you can barely keep up with them. Sebastian’s hips buck up to your pussy and his cockhead slams into your cervix. “Ow…” You whine, before biting down on your lip. Your lipstick is smeared and your makeup is all ruined, but that seems to be the last thing on your mind.
You’re so fucking sensitive, it’s practically hilarious. Your little body has reached its limit... but maybe your body has no limit anymore. “Shh, just give up, babydoll. You’re doing so good, letting us use you.” Sebastian praises as he delivers a nice, harsh thrust. Chris ruts into you like no tomorrow, treating you like the fleshlight you are.
“Yeah– You love getting used. Bet your boyfriend couldn’t fuck you like this, couldn’t make you feel this good. He probably didn’t know how much of a slut you are.” Chris whispers in your ear whilst he grinds his cock into you. Both of their cocks are covered in cum, but they don’t mind. “These holes belong to us, right? All ours, ready to be used anytime.” Mr. Evans adds.
His slightly greying beard scratches your skin, right where Ransom was choking you. He places a few kisses on your bruising, hurting neck. Your hardened nipples rub against Sebastian’s sweaty chest, and your bulging abdomen touches his, too. “It’s… ‘S too much..” You complain in a dragged out, pathetic whine that turns into a moan. “Oh, it’s too much? Poor baby… Do you want us to slow down?” Chris asks, bringing his thrusts to a halt.
You nod before you start begging because you know they want the cherry on top. “Yes, please. Please, Sir, please slow down.” You ask them politely. You even flash your signature puppy dog eyes, hoping they haven’t gone out of style yet. They both coo at you, before smirking at each other. You shut your eyes and sigh, but your eyelids fly back open when you feel Sebastian and Chris starting to fuck you even harder.
“Too bad,” Sebastian grunts. “You’re going to take whatever the fuck we give you.” He sneers, and you can feel that pressure in your stomach beginning to increase. But it’s too much, more than you can handle. You shake your head and beg them to stop, but your pleas are silenced when Chris wraps his hand around your throat.
Every word that’s in your mouth dies down, and the only thing that comes from you are your moans and whimpers. “You’re gonna come, aren’t you? Just can’t help it, it feels too fucking good, doesn’t it? Do it, come all over our cocks right fucking now.” Sebastian growls as your moans become louder and your grip on their cocks grow tighter.
Your legs are shaking as you come undone. Your hands curl into fists and your eyes shut as they roll back. Your wet walls gush around their thick, long cocks and they continue to fuck you until you’re babbling like a dumb little baby. “Fuck…” Chris curses under his breath, his thrusts becoming sloppy. It’s the same for Sebastian, and inside you’re elated.
Finally, finally, it’s all over.
They both pull out and you’re all but confused. They set you on the ground and you can barely stand without holding on to either Chris or Sebastian. Lee chuckles, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment. “Oh, don’t be like that.” Ransom sasses from Lee’s left side. He’s right. These men just put you through hell, and that’s what you’re going to be embarrassed about?
Sebastian pushes you to your knees and you fall with a muffled thud. Once again, the carpet digs into your knees but this time it isn’t as painful. You look up, and you’re suddenly surrounded by everyone. Mr. Stan, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Bodecker, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Evans, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Drysdale, and Mr. Barber… You’re not sure whether you should look at any of them in the eyes or not.
Truthfully, you’re not sure what to do. Should you run? Scream? Fight? Stay put? Millions of thoughts run through your mind but none of them seem to fully register. Everyone’s dominant hands are on their cocks, moving up and down at a rather fast pace. Chris and Sebastian fuck their hands even faster, eager to meet their climaxes.
Their moans and groans go straight to your wet pussy, fueling certain feelings you had been trying to push down all night. “Fuck, yes…” Chris moans coarsely. His balls tighten up and his red tip lets out spurts of cum. He paints your face and you nearly gag out of disgust. “You look even prettier with– with your face painted like that.” Lee groans, and he comes too. “Open up.” He orders in a creepy sing-song voice.
You listen to him obediently, and you haven’t noticed that the alcohol in your system has dissipated. His cum shoots straight into your mouth, his signature taste of muskiness and salt spreading across your tongue. After a few more seconds, Chris finally stops. He admires the way your face is covered in cum — his cum, to be exact. “C’mon, swallow it all like the good slut you are.” Sebastian urges, and his streaks of stickiness begin to shoot from his tip, too.
He paints your chest, almost like it’s a canvas. As much as you hate to admit it, this all turns you on even more. You can feel your wetness leaking from your cunt. Lee’s finger drags through the cum that’s on your face and he scoops some of it up. He pushes his finger into your mouth and shakes his head when he learns you haven’t swallowed his seed yet.
His frown is enough for you to listen. You swallow with difficulty, which comes from his digit. Your tongue laps up the cum on his finger and he smiles down at you. He pulls his finger out with a ‘pop’ and your legs are being spread again. You know for a fact you can’t take anything more, but you also know that they probably don’t care.
Ransom aims for your cunt, Steve too. They both come at the same time, loud moans escaping past their plump lips. More cum joins the gratuitous amount that’s already there. Once they stop moaning and they stop coming, you’re turned over onto your stomach. You already know that the carpet is probably a mess that dry cleaning might not accept.
Bucky and Charles cover your ass in ropes of their seed, and your messy chest presses into the ground. There’s more cum on you and in you than there is dignity. “Fuck, I wish my phone wasn’t dead. I would’ve taken so many lovely pictures of our masterpiece here.” Bucky groans, and he continues to give his cock a few more strokes just to lengthen his orgasm.
Andy is the last, only because he has patience for things like this. He paints your back like he’s Monet, or maybe even Da Vinci. Sebastian kneels down in front of you and picks your head up from off the ground. His thumb smears the cum on your face into your skin, and you don’t even have the energy to ask them if it’s all over. He chuckles, before standing back up again.
“Looks like you really were a good girl this year.”
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baekhvuns · 4 years
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synopsis : in which your best friend gives you the biggest gift that’s he’s always kept to himself on the day of christmas. ( collab w/ @hanflix ) ♡
pairing : minho x reader
themes : romcom & fluff.
word count : 3k
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christmas eve.
you shuffled around in your bed, a pout decorating your pink-tinted lips as you brought the blanket closer to your face.
your mouth escaped a sigh one too many times now, and the only thought circulating in your mind was that your best friend in the entire world forgot it was christmas, a holiday you’d always without a stop celebrate together.
your mouth flees another sigh, it wasn’t a big deal that he forgot christmas considering he’s on tour in a completely different country while you returned from your work with the sweet wishes from your coworkers.
your best friend, lee minho, no, not the actor, is from the worldwide famous band, stray kids. it was only normal for him to be travelling way too many times during the years due to his schedule, but he always made time for you even on the busiest of days.
you’ve been friends for more than fifteen years, starting from middle school all the time now. the two of you shared everything, from your very firsts to seeing each other be successful.
you were truly happy at the fact that you two were still best of friends despite him being a literal singer who barely has time to take a seat.
and you love him for that, his personality, the whole tsundere facade, sarcasm and constant chaotic behaviour that made you laugh even on your worst days. on top of that his looks, especially his sharp eyes that you loved to gaze into and the way he always looks like a model when he’s doing the most basic chores.
so being lonely in your apartment, well both of your apartment as he’s over most of the times, was normal. but today felt colder than usual, the apartment quiet with the occasional sounds coming from the heater you placed in front of you.
just the mere thought of him sent your heart fluttering especially when you’ve got an unrequited love for him, being friends for fifteen years and one of us not having feelings for each other sounded absurd.
that’s impossible, that’s what you thought at first but then you started seeing minho in a different light. the way you’d look at him changed and the way your thoughts were constantly crowded by him finally made you realize that yes, you are indeed in love with minho.
your eyes gazing the sky outside, courtesy of the apartment window being able to showcase the city up top. the snow had already started to fall, it was a white christmas, you could see the christmas lights hanging and glowing, tall skyscrapers advertising their christmas spirit by showcasing a lights show of red and green with the occasional appearance of santa.
you could very barely hear the christmas bells from the street market below, but the piano music in the background that you specifically chose was louder.
you rolled over to face the window and buried yourself in one of minho’s black hoodies and the blanket, your eyes tired from the work and feeling droopy as if they’ll shut down any minute.
your thoughts wandering to minho who must be on stage performing his heart out, getting the adrenaline from his fans who he cherished the most. you smiled nonetheless, his face flashing in your mind.
minho on the other had just landed home, he wasn’t exactly supposed to be taking the uber back to your place considering one of the concerts was in both your hometown and he’s supposed to be with the members practicing for it.
he bids goodbye to his friends who cheered and whistled loudly at him yelling “good luck! call us if it works out your way!”
throwing them a playful glare he makes his way to the uber, pulling up his mask and adjusting the jacket around him as the cold december night wind lingered through.
he excitedly tells the address to the man driving not before stopping by a local bakery to grab your favourite cake and snacks, he makes sure to get both of his and your favourite colours along with a cartoon candle that reminded him of you.
he smiles at the bag in his hand before sitting back down in the uber before being driven to your apartment complex.
he sprints up to the building with the plastic bag containing food and cake in one hand while the other held his suitcase, while another bag over his shoulders.
he huffs and puffs out harshly as he tugs the mask down, bowing to the apartment building guard respectfully who only laughed and waved, knowing him and the number of times he’s visited before opening the door to the complex building and immediately being swarmed by the heat.
he glances around and a wide smile graces his face, he loves chirstmas, just because it’s your favourite holiday. he loves seeing you getting all giddy about decorating the tree and when he wraps you in wrapping paper while hearing you scream his name.
he’s sure that you did a great job decorating the entire apartment this year too, although a pity he couldn’t join you this year.
he shakes his head and makes his way to the elevator, pressing the top floor button before entering it. he jumps on his feet back and forth slightly, excited yet scared to see you after a while especially when he’s got something extremely important to say.
when the elevator dings, he practically sprints out of the elevator and makes his way to your shared apartment. but pauses before he could make noise, he takes a swift look at his wrist and checks the time.
11:40 pm.
“she’ll be sleeping, only got twenty minutes left,” he whispers to himself, taking the spare key out and slowly and quietly unlocking the door, not wanting you to know he’s here.
he takes his shoes off and pads his socked feet quietly on the wooden floor until stepping on the comfy carpet. he slowly unravels the window blinding and glances at the city being covered in snow, a smile on his face he looks at the clock again and panic comes over him.
he slowly but quickly takes the cake box out and places it neatly on the table, he grabs plates and puts the dishes beside the cake and then finally places the candles on the surface in a matter of seconds before lighting the candles up.
he has the radio set up for the perfect soft christmas music that echoes in the background, smiling to himself he lets out a sigh of relief and stands up, quietly making his way towards your bedroom even though he feels as if he wants to scream and jump on you.
slowly opening the door, he peeks his head in and his eyes settle on your sleeping form. a warm smile tugs on his lips but he pauses before opening the door.
his heartbeat increases and his stomach churns at what he’s about to do, he’s afraid that you’ll be upset and it’ll ruin everything between you two but he opens the door wider and makes his way towards you.
his lips curve up into a smile when he notices that you’re wearing his hoodie, your cheeks squished together with a blush to them as you slept away.
he contemplates for a second to either jump on you and surprise you awake or to scream and wake you up and then surprise you. laughing he chooses to peacefully wake you up, he takes a seat next to you and pats your warmer cheeks with his colder hands.
“(y/n), wake up,” he mumbles softly and you stir in your sleep, he smiles and caresses your cheek softly.
“(y/n) wake up or i’ll leave, ” he says again but this time closer to your face, you groan and reluctantly flutter open your eyes to look at whatever called out to you.
once your irises focus on the setting they immediately widened, a bright smile on your face as you jump in utter surprise. “minho,” you say groggily.
“what the heck are you doing here!” you let out and he pulls you in a warm hug, whining in your hold as you let out a chuckle.
he taps your head softly, “it’s christmas you idiot and you’re here sleeping,” he says, rocking you back and forth in the hug and you smile against him.
“well, if my best friend isn’t beside me,” you pause and push him away, “how will i celebrate it?” and examine his stunning face.
his eyes turn into crescents and he shows off his infamous smile that has butterflies aviating in your stomach.
before he’s about to pull you over his shoulder you stop him, “but min, aren’t you supposed to be with the guys? what about your tour?”
he chuckles and pulls you up, “you forgot the last concert is here, so i came straight to you so we both can celebrate christmas together,” he says, grabbing your hands and pulling you off the bed.
you groan and he chuckles, “now, c’mon it’s almost christmas.”
you follow him into your living room only to stop beside him, he grins widely when he looks at your shocked face and you find yourself tearing up and he panics immediately.
“w-what’s wrong?” he says, cupping your face looking at you in worry, but you only let out a chuckle and punch his shoulder.
“god, you’re going to make me emo today,” you say and walk past him to admire the living room. eyeing the small cake lit on the centre table with your favourite food around it, your stomach grumbles and you take a seat on the floor.
minho who’s been on pause for the past few seconds jolts out and walks over to take a seat beside you.
your eyes gaze over the table and then back to minho who’s weirdly fidgety, you look at him in confusion. “what’s got you so fidgety?” you ask and he shoots his head at you, wide eyes staring into yours.
he clears his throat harshly before dramatically placing his elbow on the table, cradling his face on his palm.
“nothing,” he gulps at your stare, you look at him a second longer before reaching behind him.
he swears he’s about to have a heart attack, it’s not like you’ve never come closer to him. you’ve hugged on multiple occasions and even sat beside each other with no feelings but for the past few years, all of that has changed.
his breath hitched in his throats and he swears to god that he hear his heart thumping in his ears, he then thanks the almighty when you pull away but only curses internally at your killer smile.
you extend your hand to minho, the one holding your present for him, wrapped neatly in a red box with a golden ribbon right in the centrepiece.
he crosses his eyebrows in confusion, “what is this?” he asks before taking it from your hands, you glance behind him to look at the time.
11:54 pm.
“it’s my christmas present to you,” you reply, pointing behind, “it’s almost time anyway’s so i thought i should give it right now.”
you smile when he takes it from your hands while eyeing you, he chucks open the gift and immediately gasps.
“you did not,” he exclaims, pulling out the very thing he wanted from the beginning of the year.
you grinned, “i did,” watching his eyes sparkle brightly that fastened your heartbeat.
he smiles and places the box beside him before clearing his throat and dramatically bringing out a green bag from behind him, he shoves it to your chest and looks away, a blush coating his cheeks.
you coo in excitement and dismantle the bag, going past the number of fluffy papers to finally grasp the rectangular object. your eyes widen at what you’re holding and scream, minho flinching in the process.
“minho you’re insane!” you say, absolutely blown away by the present he’s given you.
“y-you don’t like it?” he stutters out, afraid that you might not like it even after all the consultations from his group members who said, “simple is sexy.” and so he listened.
“are you kidding me? you got me one of your albums and you think i won’t like it?” you joke, patting his shoulder repeatedly at the excitement as you hurriedly discarded the plastic layering.
he watches your face contort into various expressions and feels his heart sped up as you flip through the pages.
you squeal at every photo and point at how ridiculous minho looked, even though he didn’t.
“oh, hyunjin is so hot,” you say and he immediately snaps his head at you.
“what did you say?” he asks, and you stick your tongue out at him playfully.
as you flip the pages and admire every single one of them, you find yourself staring at the ones with minho longer than the rest. when realizing you’ve been staring at it for seconds you quickly flip the pages, getting excited about the photo card you’ll pull.
minho’s internally screaming, knowing you’re one page away from the photo card, he feels himself starting to sweat, heart wrenching and he looks everywhere but you.
it’s not just a plain old photo card, instead, it’s a special one, the one he specifically designed for you after begging one of the staff members to create on extra print of it, and placed it at the side to give it to you at the perfect time.
you flip the next page and squeal at the photo, “hey! look it’s you, what a coincidence!” you say, picking it up to give it a look.
“what a coincidence,” he mumbles under his breath.
you flip the card and took the time to read whatever auto-generated thing he wrote but to your surprise, it’s something completely different from the past ones.
this one however has your heartbeat increasing, you lift your head to look at minho who’s been eyeing you in curiously.
you open your mouth but nothing comes out, instead, you hear your heartbeat thumping loudly. “a-are you serious?” you ask and he swallows, nodding hesitatingly.
“read it out loud,” he says and you shift to look at the card.
“(y/n), for the past few years, i’ve come to completely fall in love with you.” you pause to suck in a breath. “so this christmas, i wanted to ask you if you’d date me?”
you lift your eyes to look at him who’s scared out of his wits, water starts to brim along your waterline when he starts to speak.
“for the past few years, the way i looked at you changed, you’ve never invaded my mind so much till now,” he stops himself as his head slowly bows down.
“i’ve grown to love you differently,” he says and you place a hand on your mouth. “(y/n), you’re probably the first person i liked outside my members,” he chuckles dryly.
“so i wanted you to th-“
you stop him by lifting his head and pressing your lips to his, he lets out a surprised yelp and you cup his cheeks. he closes his eyes and kisses you back softly, smiling against your lips.
when you pull back, “i love you too, you dummy,” you say with a smile, breathing heavily while glancing in his eyes.
“not just as a friend, but more than that.” you smile before closing the distance between you two again, losing yourself in a sweet yet chaste kiss once again.
this time he pulls back with the brightest smile you’ve seen in a while, “i need to tell the guys, they must be waiting for my call.”
you gasp, “you all knew? and only told me now?”
he doesn’t respond but grins widely, fishing out his phone from his pockets to speed dial the rest who were waiting in their living room, settled on the couch waiting impatiently for the one special call.
once the call goes through they quickly answer it and put it on a video call, minho grabs your waist and pulls you down to sit in between his legs.
you smile shyly, the blush hitting your skim different today. your eyes meet the impatient eyes of the seven boys huddling over each other and you hear minho chuckle lowly in your ear.
“they’ve been waiting,” he whispers and you shoot your eyebrows up.
“how long?” you ask, and he finds himself smiling, “ever since debut.”
even before you could reply, the guys on the other side immediately start screaming at the sight of you two, shaking the camera violently while you and minho laugh at their absurdness.
chan, who seems the only normal one at the moment takes the phone with a big smile. “so? what’s the news?” he asks, his dimples showing and eyebrows wiggling.
you feel the blood shoot up to your cheeks when minho places his chin on your shoulder, “it’s a success.” he says and the other line goes insane once again.
one of them singing ‘my house’ teasingly, the other’s yelling and screaming in excitement and you watch them with wide eyes as if they’ve never witnessed a couple.
you turn your face to minho’s, “are they ok-“ before you could even complete your sentence he takes the chance to press his lips on yours and you find yourself melting under his touch, smiling against his lips.
“oh, eww!” you hear the other’s groan in disgust, making you and minho chuckle at their reactions as he pulls you closer to him.
you glance at the snow falling outside and a smile laces on your lips, burying yourself more into your now boyfriends hold you think about the past christmases with him, but this one takes the cake for being the best with the best present, the photo card.
oh, and of course, your best friend turned boyfriend.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Captain Munakata knocking on the door of every room in the dormitory (complete with the costume) and saying "fufufu, trick or treat~"
Answering this one out of order because today is a spooky theme and nothing is more spooky than Munakata in a Halloween costume going door to door in the Scepter 4 dorms requesting candy (especially because Munakata probably takes this trick or treat thing literally and if there are no treats he feels he must by obligation trick someone and no one wants to be on the receiving end of Munakata's tricking). Imagine this is like some bonding thing Munakata plans for the force, like they will have a 'trick or treat' night where they will all go door to door in the dorms in costume. The event will last for several hours so Munakata figures this will give everyone time to switch out with their roommate, like one person wears the costume and goes trick or treating and the other stays in the room to hand out treats and then they switch. Despite Munakata being clearly excited for it most of the squad think he can't be serious and aren't they a little old to trick or treat, like surely Captain wouldn't go through with this right.
Come Halloween night imagine Akiyama and Benzai are innocently hanging out in their room, snuggled under the kotatsu having tea and cake when someone knocks on their door. They exchange glances and finally Akiyama gets up and goes to answer, worrying that maybe there's some kind of emergency. Instead what he gets is Munakata, dressed in a very elaborate vampire costume and holding one of those pumpkin-shaped trick or treat buckets, smiling with a complete lack of shame as he's all 'trick or treat, Akiyama-kun.' Akiyama just stares, brain still trying to catch up with what he's seeing, and Munakata chuckles as he says perhaps his appearance is surprising, even so Munakata hopes Akiyama has prepared an excellent treat or he will have to be tricked. Akiyama and Benzai exchange panicked glances and they probably end up like desperately wrapping a slice of cake in a napkin and putting it in Munakata's bucket. Munakata swirls his cape dramatically and thanks them before leaving, Akiyama and Benzai are still staring after him like 'should we warn everyone?' 'Let's not, I want to see how this goes.'
So then Munakata proceeds to go door to door requesting treats and everyone gets to have a panic moment of 'quick get something for Captain before he plays a trick on us.' Doumyouji has to part with the new tasty candy he bought, Kamo reassuring him that there will be a snack made for him later just give Captain the candy. Enomoto has some promotional anime drinks that he bought extras of to get concert tickets so that goes right into Captain's pail, meanwhile as Hidaka's looking for something, anything, to give to Munakata Gotou just serenely drops something mysterious inside the bucket instead and Hidaka really hopes that his roommate didn't just give their King drugs.
And then Munakata gets to Fushimi's room and the entire rest of the squad is probably clustered around their doors trying to act like they aren't watching as Munakata proudly knocks. Fushimi opens the door looking half asleep and cranky all 'what?,' and does not look any more impressed when Munakata sparkles and tells him 'trick or treat.' Fushimi attempts to slam the door in his face but Munakata gets a foot in before he can, eagerly awaiting what treats Fushimi has prepared. Fushimi's all 'eh?' and Munakata says he posted the notice for all to see, that tonight would be a trick or treat night. Fushimi's like why the hell should I have to give free food to beggars in stupid costumes, what a useless holiday, and Munakata's all 'Oya? Have you never gone trick or treating, Fushimi-kun?'. Fushimi gets a sudden sinking feeling and he probably just throws a Caloriemate in Munakata's face as he slams his door before he can be forced into a costume and dragged through the neighborhood begging for sweets.
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
I can’t believe have to repost this but tumblr is just absolutely terrible and none of stuff is appearing in my tags. This discourages me from writing more than anything else.
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Oscar looked over at (Y/N) at her exclamation, raising an eyebrow at her. They were in the baking aisle of the grocery store and (Y/N) was looking at the baking kits.
“We should bake some holiday treats! Ya know, cookies, cakes and stuff” (Y/N) said as she waved him over
“Yeah?” Osar nodded as he looked at the different types of the kits they had in stock, “We should do it properly though.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean none of this boxed shit. If you wanna bake then we have to do it from scratch, make it worth our while”
“...But that’s like a lot of effort”
Osar threw her a wink before he pulled out his phone to look at recipes, “Exactly”
(Y/N) pouted as she looked at the kits in front of her, “Can’t we just get one kit? Please!”
Oscar stifled his laugh as he nodded, “Sure”
(Y/N) hummed as she looked over each one, she wanted to get something that would be more difficult to make from scratch and settled on Devil’s Food Cake. She wasn’t the biggest fan of chocolate but Oscar and Cesar were, not to mention Cesar’s friends as well.
After she dropped the box in the cart, she turns to Oscar who was still on his phone,
“Find anything you like?”
“Gingerbread men, sugar cookies and brownies”
“They’re not very holiday-themed”
Oscar shrugs, “The gingerbread men are”
(Y/N) lets out a laugh but doesn’t say anything and just follows Oscar with the cart as he places what ingredients he needs in the cart.
Once they got home, Oscar decided to do the box kit first and the rest of the treats closer to Christmas day and since the kids were coming over for a ‘friends-mas’, it was a perfect time.
“I need you to pull out the mixing bowls and grease the baking tins, while I’ll measure everything out.”
“Yes sir!” (Y/N) joked as she got to work. It reminded her of when Oscar got into the zone when he cooked but while she usually left him alone then, she was determined to stay with him now since it was her idea after all.
As she greased the tins and Oscar mixing the ingredients in the bowl, Cesar stepped into the kitchen,
“Hey, did you pick up any… Woah what are you doing?”
“Baking!” (Y/N) beams
“Baking what?”
“Chocolate cake” Oscar filled his brother in
“But (Y/N) doesn’t like chocolate”
“I can have like a slice or share some with Oscar but it’s mostly for you and friends for your little friends-mas”
Cesar brightens up at that and sends both of them a large smile, “That’s great! You guys are awesome”
“So, what did you want?” (Y/N) asked as she passed Oscar the baking tins
“Just wondering if you picked up those pretzel snacks that Jamal likes”
(Y/N) nods before she starts to shuffle Cesar out of the kitchen, “Of course we did now shoo, we need to finish in here”
Once Cesar had left, (Y/N) jumped up on the counter and watched as Oscar filled the tins with the cake mix and placed them in the oven, admiring him as he moved about.
“What are you looking at?”
“I’m just admiring my very hot boyfriend, am I not allowed?”
Oscar saunters over to her and places himself in between her legs, “Only if I  get a kiss in exchange.”
A soft smile appears on (Y/N)’s face as she looks down at Oscar, “Of course.”
They made out in the kitchen until the ovens timer went off, catching both of them off guard causing them to jump apart and laugh once their hearts stopped racing.
“Can I do the frosting?” (Y/N) asks as Oscar is pulling the cakes out of the oven.
“You have to wait until they’ve cooled down though.”
“I know. Let’s go watch some tv while we wait for it to cool”
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
38 for sternclay? Especially bonus if Jewish stern🥺 thank you for your writing it is a gift I hope you are doing well (also maybe nsfw if it works)
(((38 sternclay ask also trans stern if possible because I'm trans too and it gives me life))).
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like what I write! Here you are!
38 your birthday lands on christmas so no one ever remembers except this year i’ve asked everyone to delay their holidays to throw you a proper birthday bash
Barclay is practically vibrating in the back seat; he hasn’t been this excited since his moms took him to the tour of the little chocolate shop in town.
Joseph, his new–and best– friend, has invited him to his tenth birthday party. A birthday party three days before Christmas? This week is going to be great.
His moms escort him up to the door, then take Joseph’s parents up on the offer of coffee while he hurries into the living room. There are blue and green streamers, bowls of snacks, and games tacked to the walls. Joseph is at the table, staring at his bottle of blue soda.
“Happy birthday!” Barclay holds out the present, startling the frown from his friend’s face.
“Barclay? You…you came!”
“Course I did. I’m your best friend, remember. Also Ma called your parents to tell them, remember?” He takes the chair nearest him, grabbing a soda from the center of the table.
“Lots of people say they’ll come. But there’s always something that happens at the last second and then they can’t make it.”
“So it’s just us?”
“Yes.” Joseph sags, “we never even put it on my real birthday just to try and get people to come.”
“It’s not today?”
“It’s the 25th.” His friend picks up a grape and chews it miserably.
“But that’s awesome! You get double presents, and you could throw an extra big party because it’s two celebrations in one!”
“I don’t celebrate Christmas, remember? But everyone else does, so they always forget it, or they’re too busy to come to my party.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He doesn’t know what else to say. He feels a little silly forgetting Joseph told him he celebrated Hanukkah. They were eating on the playground when his friend confessed he felt weird about the Christmas tree and Santa decorations in their classroom.
More than that, he’s confused. Christmas or not, he wouldn’t miss his friend's birthday for the world.
He nudges Joseph’s foot with his own, “Well, I’m here. What do we do first?”
The answer turns out to be “pin the tail on Nessie;” Barclay assumed the Plesiosaur on the invitation meant a dinosaur party, but it’s all Loch Ness Monster themed. They play, then try to make their own lake monsters out of LEGOs until pizza arrives. The cake Mrs. Stern ordered has such a neat design of the monster on it that Barclay almost feels bad eating it.
As they’re cleaning up the spoils of the pinata in the garage, he spots his moms whispering something to Joseph’s parents.
“Joseph” Mr. Stern comes over with a bag for them to dump the candy into, “Barclay’s parents said it would be more than okay if he spent the night. How do you boys feel about a sleep-over?”
They shout a sugar-fueled “yes” and he tells them to go upstairs to make sure Joseph’s room is clean enough for Barclay to put a sleeping bag down.
As they’re speed-walking (no running is a rule in Joseph’s house, right after no shoes), his friend whispers, “I never have sleepovers, this is so great.”
They have left-over pizza for dinner, Barclay making sure to help with the dishes. By the time Mr. Stern shoos them upstairs to get ready for bed, they’ve eaten everything that came from the pinata.
As they’re snuggling down, the snow outside sending a chill under the windows, Joseph looks at him earnestly.
“This was the best. Birthday. Ever.”
“Okay, these are slightly early, but work is closed tomorrow so I had to swipe them now.” Barclay sets the plate of gourmet cupcakes on the tiny bed. He and Joseph are taking the early train home from campus tomorrow, both of them needing to work up until the last possible day before Christmas.
Joseph smiles at the plate, “Did you decorate these yourself?”
“Yeah.” Barclay’s rather proud of his birthday-themed messages, but he stops short of telling Joseph he took the closing shift specifically so he could hang back and put non-holiday decorations on them. He doesn’t want to weird Joseph out.
His friend peels the wrapper from the mint mocha cupcake, thoughtful expression turning to a genuine smile.
“Anyone else give you a present before they left?”
“No, but what else is new?”
“I’m sorry, man.”
“It’s hard to be mad when my best friend brought me bespoke cupcakes.” He smiles, coffee icing on his cheek, “thank you, Barclay.”
“Any time.”
Santa Claus knows that we’re god's children, that makes everything right
Fill your stockings and say your prayers cause Santa Claus comes tonight.
“I think they’ve got this song on repeat.” Barclay mutters.
“It wouldn’t surprise me; the jingle bells followed us from aisle to aisle.” Joseph taps his elbow against the magazine rack, “holiday Bon Apetit is out.”
“Fuck yeah.”
“Toss it in.” Joseph holds out the grocery basket; they long ago gave up demurring when one of them offered to add something to the bill for the sake of the other. Fifteen years of friendship and counting, you learn it all balances out.
The woman ahead of them in line finally finishes her purchase, during which she’s talked at the cashier non-stop. Picking up her bags, she says, “Happy Holidays. No, merry Christmas.” She tosses the last two words out with the bravado of someone who thinks they’re bravely subversive.
Barclay contemplates chucking the bag of potatoes in his arms at her while Joseph sighs at the basket containing, among other things, applesauce and sour cream.
“I knew we should have just gone to the deli downtown.”
“Do they have enough potatoes to feed all the Sterns plus my flock of relatives who all have appetites like mine?”
“Probably not.” Joseph sets the last of their groceries on the belt, “we should also–where are you going.”
“To get part of your birthday present. Trying to get an early start this year. Wait for me at the car?”
“Of course.”
“Thanks for taking time to come see me.” Joseph pulls out his keys, opening the main door of the apartment building.
“I’d never miss your birthday. Besides, someone’s gotta make sure this girl gets her exercise.”
“Nessie runs with me almost every morning.”
“Nah, she’s just a big old couch potato, aren’t you? Aren’t you?”
The greyhound wiggles and bounces at his feet, following the cook up the stairs. When Joseph adopted her, she was painfully shy, and will still freeze and whine if she meets something she decides is too unfamiliar. But she loved Barclay from his first visit, wags her tail when she hears him on the stairs.
Just one more of his good qualities. At this point, the list of them is so long it’s woven itself into a human shape that keeps slapping Joseph and telling him to make his move before his chance is gone.
“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” He turns the knob on his apartment door.
“Ohmylord!” He jumps backwards, bumping into Barclay as his friends wave at him from his newly decorated living room, “so that’s why you lobbied for the longer walk.”
“You know it.” Dani tosses Barclay his spare key, “I was texting him every ten minutes to tell him whether the coast was clear or not.”
“I, I don’t know what to say.” He takes in the presents on the counters. His friends have been good about remembering his birthday, which was why the lack of any gifts or cards in the days leading up to it had confused him. Then he’d just told himself that they’d been busy, or that it had slipped their minds.
“Happy Birthday! Cider?” Aubrey hugs him, then lifts the lid on a crock-pot.
“Yes, please. I, you did all this just for me?”
“It was this guy’s idea, but we all got pretty into it.” Duck tilts his head at Barclay.
He turns and Barclay looks up from where he’s soothing the perplexed Nessie, “I figured you deserved a real birthday party on the actual day, even if it was just once. So I, uh, I asked if people would be cool with adjusting their plans just a little.”
“Thank you.” Joseph can’t stop smiling as his friends make space for him at the table. The whole meal is a potluck, and as he piles up his plate he notices that someone (probably Indrid) made little Bigfoot and Mothman garlands that are now strung along the room.
He assumes most people will take off once they’ve finished their cake (Barclay made his favorite; yellow cake with milk chocolate frosting). But no one seems to be in a rush, so he breaks out the wine, coffee, and tea and they all settle into the living room for a game of Exploding Kittens (Aubrey introduced them all to it, but Duck is the most ruthless player).
By six, everyone except Barclay, has said their goodbyes, and Joseph is walking on air. They’re moving the gifts into the bedroom so he can organize them and put them away.
“Anything else you wanna do? It’s still your birthday, and my moms pushed their stuff to tomorrow anyway so my aunt can get into town, so I’m happy to hang out more. Could even go root around the Walgreens down the block to try and find a pinata.”
“As sweet as that offer is, I think my thirty-one year old body can’t handle that level of sugar intake.” He watches Barclay move his new UFO sweater to the laundry hamper, looking like he belongs here. He does; he and his handsome face, broad chest, and kind heart belong with Joseph, just like Joseph’s heart has belonged to him for years.
He picks up a stray stick-on bow, sauntering over, “Well, there is one more thing I want for my birthday.”
Barclay turns, clearly ready to help with whatever it is. When Joseph gently sticks the bow on the button of his fly, his brown eyes dilate with pleasing speed.
“H-how much of this is party related.” Barclay’s hands hover near his hips.
Joseph guides his hands into his back pockets, “None of it. Or, well, the things I love about you are the things that mean you went out of your way to get all our friends together just so I could have a birthday party on my birthday.” Joseph kisses his shoulder, “You know how to sweep a man off his feet, big guy.”
“Does it count as sweeping if it took me years to do this?” Barclay tips his face down, planting a faintly chocolatey kiss on his lips.
“Technically, no, but I don’t care.” He backs the other man into the wall, kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt, “if anything, it means we should make up for lost time.”
“Uh huh, yes, fuck, anything you want babe.” Barclay’s hips buck and Joseph slides his leg between his thighs to give him something to rub against while he finishes yanking his shirt off.
“Shit” He gropes Barclay’s chest, teases his nipples just to make his moans go higher, “god, look at you, I can’t believe I’ve been around this” another squeeze on his pecs, “for years and never felt you up.”
“Wanted you to.” Barclay whimpers, tugging at Joseph’s sweater.
“And what do you want now, big guy?”
Several words try to leave his friend’s mouth at once, resulting in an unenlightening moan.
Joseph brushes their lips together, “Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Please.” Barclay’s hips grind frantically, his cock trying to split his jeans.
“Go get on the bed, clothes off.” He kisses him sweetly, then swats his thigh.
He disrobes to the sound of fabric hitting the floor, opens the third drawer on his dresser to grab his harness. Given that he’s already waited too long for this, he opts for a narrower dick with a prostate targeting curve.
When he turns, Barclay goes from mostly reclined to sitting straight up.
“Holy fuck that’s hot.”
“Glad you approve.” He grabs condoms and lube from his stash, “do you want to prep yourself or should I?”
“Will, um, will you do it?” Barclay looks shyly at him, even bats his eyelashes, “I don’t want to stop touching you.”
“Touch whatever you like.” Joseph joins him on the bed, sliding a condom onto his finger as Barclay lays back and spreads his legs. Calloused hands stroke his sides and pet his chest as he presses the first finger in. Barclay groans happily, parts his lips so Joseph can’t help but lean down to kiss him. He wonders how he went so many years without this, without the faint scratch of a coppery beard on his skin and the little rumbles of pleasure from Barclay’s chest.
“More?” Barclay is blushing from his cheeks all the way to his chest.
“Of course.” Joseph eases in a second finger, getting harder every time Barclay moans, “you can have anything you want from me, big guy.”
“Joseph.” It’s a whimper, Barclay turning his head to try and kiss his arm.
“Right here.” He kisses his forehead, “Going to be so good to you. Because we look after each other, don’t we?”
“Uhhuh, fuck, babe, Joseph baby please fuck me.”
He pulls out his fingers and tosses the condom into the trash, too excited to care about the mess he’s making on the sheets. By the time he’s teasing Barclays ass with his cock, the man beneath him is shaking with anticipation.
When he pushes in Barclay’s arms are immediately gliding up and down his body. His cock bounces adorably as Joseph fucks him, and when he plays with his pecs his legs open wider, desperate to take him as deep as he can.
“So fucking good, fuck, Joseph, AHfuck, fuck” Barclay’s hips jerk, “right there, please, fuck, fuck I was w-way better at dirty talk in my fantasies.”
Joseph pauses, dragging one of Barclay’s hands to feel where he’s soaked the fabric of the harness, “Does it seem like I mind?”
“N-noOH, ohfuck, ohgod.” He whimpers as Joseph strokes his cock, “fuck, babe, I’m gonna cum.”
“Good.” He gives three quick strokes and then Barclay’s cum hits his stomach. He pulls out in a hurry, tugging off the harness and scrambling to straddle his friend’s hips. The cook licks his lips, transfixed and panting, as Joseph fucks himself with abandon.
Just as he’s about to cum, he drops down to devour his mouth with kisses. His orgasm rolls through him as he spills half-formed profanity down Barclay’s neck.
They’ve known each other long enough that Barclay doesn’t tease him for getting up and grabbing a clean blanket for them to lay down on. Soon they’re nestled under the covers, trading small kisses as their heartbeats return to normal.
Joseph strokes Barclay’s beard, smiling at him when he whispers, “This was the best. birthday. ever.”
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vennilavee · 4 years
pairing: levi x reader, ft baby kaiya (moon/stars universe) summary: it’s kaiya and levi’s birthday. and you have a proposition for levi. warnings: some suggestive themes (kissing, nudity, the use of the word daddy) but it’s very brief a/n: i struggle with writing holiday themed things so this is the closest i could come up with. enjoy and happy holidays :))
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Kaiya’s birthday being two days before Levi’s birthday was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because she loved sharing her special day with Levi, and a curse because it hardly gave you time to think about what to get Levi for his own birthday. And not to mention that their birthdays were both right in the middle of the holidays.
Every year since Kaiya was born, you and Levi at least put some multicolored lights around the house, spent a weekend decorating stockings to put over the mantle of the fireplace, and spent another weekend stringing lights up outside. You had even bought a five foot tall light up snowman for the front yard, which Kaiya had loved. She had nearly fallen over when she had seen it for the first time, and then immediately tried to hug it.
And Levi glared at it whenever he pulled out of the driveway. 
Even when it was just you and Levi, you’d both put some lights up around your previous apartment. That didn’t mean that Levi didn’t grumble about it the whole time.
For Kaiya’s third birthday this year, you had decided to combine her birthday party with a dinner for Levi over the weekend. And it worked out- Kaiya adores her father, and she had squealed when you asked if she would be okay with it. Levi had protested, not wanting to do anything for his birthday and wanted to give his baby the spotlight. It’s her third birthday, after all. His baby girl’s third birthday. But he had relented when Kaiya looked at him with tear filled eyes and her hands clasped together in pleading-
“Pwease, daddy! I wanna hab birfday wif daddy!”
And really, how could he ever say no to that? So you put Levi to work, asking him to pick up some gold and green glittery streamers the week before and some helium balloons the day of. Kaiya is with Erwin while you run around to pick up a cake and other last minute things. 
Kaiya had wanted a tea party with some of her toddler friends from the neighborhood park for her third birthday and if that doesn’t solidify that she’s Levi’s daughter, you don’t know what does. Her favorite colors right now were greens and yellows, and so that’s how the color scheme of the party goes. But you subtly include bits and pieces of Levi’s personality in there as well- with a silver birthday hat that you had bought specially for him and with his matte black teacup with his name engraved in gold lettering. 
She’s wearing a cute green glittery headband in her dark hair, black pants and a yellow long sleeve shirt with a big, glittery sunflower on it. 
She’s sunshine personified, Levi thinks. He matches her, with a dark green shirt and Kaiya gasps when you whisper to her that her daddy matched her-
“We gween!” Kaiya exclaims happily.
“We have the same birthdays, princess. Of course daddy will match you,” Levi murmurs, taking her in his arms and kissing her cheek.
It’s funny- Levi hardly ever graced you with public displays of affection and vice versa. But when Kaiya came along, he’s become a little more fond of little pecks and soft displays of affection. Kaiya eats it up, with big eyes.
His eyes. Her eyes are so inexplicably a reflection of his. 
“Gween nice, daddy,” Kaiya says, squeezing her Totoro stuffed toy close to her chest.
“It is nice,” Levi agrees, “What else is green the color of?”
“Umm… sky!” Kaiya shouts confidently.
“Good job, princess,” Levi murmurs, gracing her with another kiss to the cheek.
It makes you soft. Watching him carry her to her tea party with her party of three. Her two friends are seated in plastic blue chairs around the play table, while their parents linger with snacks in their hands.
You could combust, watching Levi take a seat on the small plastic chair and tipping his head so Kaiya can place a tiara on his hair. He only gives the kids a soft look, letting them fawn over him. Kaiya’s friends each pour Levi some imaginary tea from the teapot and with soft, toothy grins, “Happy birfday Uncle Levi.”
You take a video and pictures of him to save for later.
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Some snow still remains on the grass from a previous snowfall, covering your front and backyard in a pretty coat of paper white magic. Of course, by the time Kaiya’s friends leave and your friends arrive for dinner, Kaiya is asking to build a snowman and make snow angels.
Levi bribes her with cookies to get her to stay inside with him. She had only just gotten over a terrible cold last week and the last thing anyone needed was for her to get sick. Kaiya sits on Erwin’s lap, listening intently to a story he’s telling her about a space princess. Erwin feeds her half of a cookie and she wordlessly chews on it with wide, curious eyes.
You had cut a small cake for Kaiya with her friends and had gotten a bigger cake for both Levi and Kaiya to cut together. It’s a lemon cheesecake and you know both father and daughter will love it. Neither of them have a terribly fond sweet tooth, but this cake is just the right amount of sweet.
After all, you had baked it.
When dinner is over and you’ve refilled glasses of spiced wine for everyone, you bring out the cake with a hearty start of singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Everyone chimes in, Hange with her arms around your shoulders and Kaiya beaming happily. She reaches for Levi and pats his cheek, as if to say ‘pay attention’.
“Hap birfday, daddy,” Kaiya whispers shyly.
“Happy birthday, Kai,” Levi murmurs and pats her forehead fondly. Levi moves to stand next to you and lets Kaiya blow out the candles for him. Levi holds his hand above yours as you cut a slice of cake into sections to feed to both him and Kaiya.
“When did you make this?” Levi asks.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, birthday boy,” You tease and feed Kaiya the first piece of cake. She gasps and claps her hands enthusiastically.
“Mommy, it yum,” Kaiya giggles. You kiss her cheek and wipe away some stray cream. 
“Wanna feed daddy, Kiki?” 
Kaiya nods and you help guide the fork to Levi’s mouth. “Thanks, Kai,” Levi says, “Can I feed you?” With another nod, Levi gives Kaiya a small bite. Not wanting to have a sugar rush later in the evening. And finally, you feed Levi a piece of cake, smiling at Erwin when he tells you all to look at him for a photo.
You’re tempted to smear some cake on Levi’s cheek, just to irritate him but you ultimately decide against it. After all, you have something you want to say to him later.
“Hey,” You murmur with a grin, “Happy birthday, my love.”
The tips of his ears tint pink and you pat his cheek before cutting more slices for everyone to have. Mike helps you pass out slices to everyone and you smile at him in thanks.
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After everyone has had their fill of wine and cake, everyone begins to yawn and Kaiya even falls asleep in Erwin’s arms. It starts to flurry as well, light specks of white dotting the still air.
Your guests begin to leave after helping you clean up and after you give them leftovers to take home. After the hugs, happy birthdays, and promises that they’ll text you when they get home, Levi swiftly pulls you into his arms for a deep kiss, your knees buckling immediately.
“Is it my birthday?” You ask slyly, “You only kiss me like that when it’s my birthday.”
“That’s a fuckin’ lie,” Levi rolls his eyes.
“Yeah,” You say dreamily, “It is. You wanna go to bed or have another glass of wine?”
Levi wordlessly pulls you into the bedroom after making sure Kaiya is asleep, dropping kisses up and down your neck. His lips muffle your soft sounds, his hands gripping the curve of your hips and sliding down to your ass. He undresses you easily, peeling you out of your blouse and unbuttons your jeans. 
You’re in no rush. You only press against him, hands traveling the expanse of his broad chest and squeezing lightly.
“I wanna tell you something,” You mumble weakly, lips deliciously close to his ear.
He hums in response, pulling away to look you in the eyes. A hand comes to rest against your cheek, thumb caressing your cheekbone.
“I love you,” You say earnestly, “But also. I want another kid. I wanna give Kai a sibling. I wanna make you a daddy again. Wanna give me a baby, daddy?”
Levi rolls his eyes at your use of the word, swatting your ass lightly. “Kaiya would be a good big sister. And… I’ve been thinking about it, too.”
“Why didn’t either of us say anything then?”
“The idea was marinating-”
“Marinating? Don’t say that the idea of a second baby was marinating like meat in the fridge,” You joke, swatting his chest, “I was trying to be cute, by telling you on your birthday celebration. And you just compared our second baby to marinade-”
“I wanna make us parents again,” Levi whispers, cutting you off, “Want some of my marinade?”
“Do I ever,” You grin, licking a stripe up his neck, “So a second kid? You ready for it?”
“Are you ready for it? Are we ready for it?”
“I’m ready if it’s with you, my love,” You say softly, with a smile, “I’m ready for anything if it’s with you.”
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tags: @simpingmaize​ @captainchrisstan​ @alrightberries​
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