#he was rubbing himself against my arm for like 5 minutes while I was talking to my dad he left a line of grey fur on my jumper
a-sleepy-ginger · 6 months
Cake for lunch
Was really comfy in bed when I woke up
Got economics assessment done
Got alot of cuddles from my cat
0 notes
cutielando · 10 months
stay with me | r.c.
synopsis: in which he can only stay with you
my masterlist
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"Don't come home"
Those words were echoing in Rafe's mind as he walked by the side of the road towards your house.
He had never seen eye to eye with his father, but he didn't think things would get so out of hand as to get himself kicked out.
He put his hand in his back pocket and took out his phone, smiling a little at the photo on his screen. It was one of the two of you at Midsummers, embracing each other and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes.
He scrolled down until he found your contact and pressed his phone against his ear, praying that you would still be awake.
"Babe?" you answered the phone, making Rafe let out a sigh of relief.
"It's so good to hear your voice, baby" he exclaimed, tears clouding his eyes.
He tried hard not to break down over the phone, but it was getting harder and harder.
"What's wrong, babe? Is everything okay?" you knew he wouldn't call this late unless something happened.
"I'm 5 minutes away from your house? Can I stay the night?" his voice was shaky, but he prayed that you didn't question him on it.
"Of course you can. I'll make you something to eat"
"Thank you. I love you"
"I love you too, bub"
He ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket before holding his head in his hands.
Hearing your voice was all he needed in that moment. He needed to hear that you were still there with him, that you didn't turn your back on him like his father just did not even an hour before.
Rafe snapped out of his daze only when he found himself standing in front of your house, seeing the light on in your bedroom and kitchen.
Before he could even knock on the door you opened it, standing there with the most sympathetic look you could muster.
"Oh, baby. Come here" you said and extended your arms.
Rafe didn't hesitate to step into your warm and familiar embrace, immediately burying his face into your neck and wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.
You brought your hand up to his hair while the other traced soothing circles on his back.
"Shh, you're okay now, you're safe with me" you whispered in his ear, making him completely break down.
You could feel him shake as sobs racked through his body, making your heart shatter for the boy in your arms.
You knew it had something to do with his father, it was always the case. However, you didn't push him to talk. You knew that he would tell you everything when he's ready.
After holding each other for a good 10 minutes, his sniffles had subsided and he finally stepped out of your arms, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it in anymore" he whispered, avoiding eye contact with you.
You took his face in your arms and looked him right in the eyes.
"Never apologize for being vulnerable around me. It's not something to be ashamed of"
He bit his lip but nodded, leaning down and pecking your lips.
"Can we go eat? I haven't had anything since yesterday night" he whispered, making you smile and take his hand.
You lead him into your kitchen where you prepared warm sandwiches for both of you, knowing how much Rafe liked them.
He groaned at the sight and immediately dove in, making you chuckle and kiss his head.
You took a seat next to him and started eating silently, watching him intently.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" you asked softly once he finished eating.
He sighed and hung his head low.
"We got into an argument, I don't even remember what it was about. We both said some things, but I guess he just didn't want to bother anymore so he told me to leave and never come back home" he explained, his eyes welling up with tears once again.
"Oh, baby" you got up and enveloped him in your arms, rubbing his back.
He sniffled and buried his head in your chest, holding you tightly to his body.
You knew from the beginning what a piece of shit Ward Cameron was, but you never expected him to kick out his own son. That was low, even for him.
"You're going to stay here with me. My parents already love you and they know how your situation is. They will love having you around all the time" you said as you pulled away and held the sides of his face.
"I don't want to intrude and be a bother" 
"You're not intruding on anything. If anything, you're bringing some light in this house. It's boring when my parents are at work, you're going to save me from boredom. Plus, we get to spend every minute with each other, so that's just another bonus" you explained, smiling when you noticed his eyes twinkling and his lips curve into a small smile.
"You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you, baby" he leaned up and pecked your lips, making you smile against his lips.
"I'm going to head over to your house tomorrow and pick up all your clothes and anything else you might need. I don't want you to ever have to step foot in that house again"
"You don't have to do that, I can go and take my stuff by myself" he tried to reason with you, but you were having none of it.
You wouldn't risk another encounter with his father which could very easily turn violent.
"No, I'm going. He's not going to say anything to me because he knows I will not back down"
He sighed but nodded, his expression finally softening.
"I love you. Don't ever forget that" you whispered, rubbing your thumb along his cheek.
"I love you, too. So much"
As your lips met once again, you two were starting a new chapter together. Another part of your story was beginning.
And you couldn't be more grateful.
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much appreciated!!
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eternalsams · 2 months
Never Again ↝ Tyler Owens
pairing: Tyler Owens x gn!reader
content/warning: bit of fluff, pet names, mention of sex (but no description whatsoever), mockery, swearing, slight angst
summary: When Tyler is invited on a talk show about his notoriety on YouTube, he doesn't expect that kind of meeting.
words count: 1.6k
notes: english isn't my first language, please take that into consideration. NOT PROOF READ
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You just came home from the groceries, your arms loaded with full bags and balancing yourself not to drop the keys when Tyler almost jumped on you. "Babe, I'm gonna be on TV!" He exclaimed, holding his phone and showing you the email he received. You blinked at him and didn't answer immediately, trying to process his words. "You what?" You then asked. He slipped his phone in the back pocket of his jeans and grabbed the two bags you were carrying, helping you get everything inside. "They somehow found my email and asked me if I wanted to be interviewed on live TV. National TV, babe!" He laughed and his phone started ringing. He pulled it out and his smile widened. "It's Boone. Don't worry about the groceries, I'll store everything myself, beautiful." He answered the phone and went to your shared room to call his best friend. You could hear his excited voice as him and Boone started getting each other going about the whole thing.
You grabbed Tyler's laptop and opened his mails, reading the last one he received. He was right, it was a big thing. The Tornado Wranglers would get a lot of new visibility with that interview. You were excited for Tyler, he loved being on camera, that was for sure. But he also loved meeting people who were interested in what he was doing. With that interview, he had the chance of showing the whole country how fascinating weather could truly be. You were disrupted in your reading by Tyler's scream in the bedroom, quickly followed by a loud laugh. You chuckled at how excited he was and closed the laptop before starting to put away the groceries. Tyler quickly joined you after his numerous phone calls and gently scolded you when he noticed you started storing the groceries while he said he'd do it himself.
"Did you answer yet?" You asked him after the euphoria of the moment passed. "No, not yet." He chuckled as he grabbed a piece of bread to eat it. "I wanted to tell you and the guys first. But especially you. What do you think?" He then asked, looking into your eyes. "I think it's amazing, Tyler. You're so passionate about what you do and you know so much. You'll be able to show people how interesting the weather can be. Maybe some kids are gonna go study meteorology because of you." You smiled at him as you grabbed his hand in yours. Your boyfriend smiled at you and brought your hand to his lips to place a delicate kiss on your knuckles. "It's gonna be amazing." He practically day-dreamed. You laughed and bent over the table to gently kiss his lips, your hand taking place on his cheek.
Two weeks later, you were standing behind Tyler as a girl brushed some mattifying powder on his face. He didn't tell you but you knew his heart was beating fast and hard in his chest, both from excitement and anxiety. He was so scared to make a fool of himself, to fumble over his words and look like he was a fraud. When the makeup artist finished her job, someone opened the door and announced you had 5 minutes left before Tyler was called on-stage. "You ready?" You asked, smoothing his flannel shirt. "Why is my heart beating so fast? I drive through tornado for a living, I shouldn't be scared of this." He sighed, carefully rubbing his eyes not to ruin the makeup artist's work. "Don't worry, it's just the nerves. You'll be great." You ran your fingers in his hair, styling it the way you loved it and he kept it everyday. "I'm just a bit upset Boone and the others weren't invited. We're a team, they should be there too." He closed his eyes and tried to focus on your fingers against his scalp.
The door opened one last time and a man called for Tyler. You kissed his cheek and wished him good luck before you watched him leave with the man to get everything checked for the mic. A woman came to lead you in another room where the program was on TV. You thanked her and grabbed a glass of water before taking a seat on the sofa. A few minutes later, Tyler was called on-stage and you saw him on the TV. He was smiling like a kid on Christmas morning as he shook the host's hand and took a seat in front of the man. A wide smile took place on your lips as you watched the man you love glow with pride on cameras.
"Tyler, I'm so glad you could join us tonight. You have quite a reputation on the internet!" The host started when the applause stopped in the audience. "The pleasure is mutual, thank you very much for the invite. It's an honor to be here." Tyler said, looking around at the audience. "For anyone who doesn't know Tyler, he posts videos on YouTube of himself and his staff driving through tornados in Oklahoma and Arkansas. You must be some crazy fella to do this willingly!" The man said, making the audience laugh and Tyler chuckled. "It's a good summary, yes. But we're professionals, we are equipped to do so and we only drive through EF1s or small EF2s." Tyler reminded with a smile. "EF1, EF2, what's that?" You knew the host wasn't stupid enough to not know what that meant, but you were grateful that Tyler could explain it, the passion on his face was pure gold. "It's a scale we give tornados. But what's really interesting is that we don't scale a tornado according to its size or its speed. We give them their scale according to their damages." Tyler explained. "So how do you know you're driving through an EF1 and not an EF5?" The host asked. "I studied meteorology so I can identify whether it's gonna turn bad or not and if I catch a single sign it's gonna turn violent, we just leave and find shelter." He explained with simple words.
"So you studied meteorology, got a degree, and still shoot fireworks up tornados for YouTube?" The man laughed and you could see something break inside Tyler's eyes. He played it off and chuckled. "Well, yes. I love that job, I'm having fun with my best friends and entertaining people. That's the dream." He laughed and looked around, starting to notice some unpleasant looks in the audience. "And have you ever tried doing anything else in that car when the tornado is hitting you? I don't know, read a book, play scrabble or even have sex." New laughter were heard in the audience as the host laughed at his own joke. A dry smile stretched Tyler's lips as he slowly nodded, thinking about how to answer this. He couldn't just leave, he wanted to be the more mature on this stage. Before he could even say anything, the host looked back at him with a smile. "Your partner is part of your team, right? Maybe if you asked, you could get a lot of views." He joked, making Tyler's blood boil in his veins. "That won't be YouTube anymore, that's more like reality show. That's not what we do." Some laughter were heard in the audience but he knew better.
"Alright, alright... But be honest for a minute, you have a million followers on YouTube, your whole staff-" The host started to say. "We're a team. I'm not the boss, I'm only the driver." Tyler corrected and you could feel he started to lose his patience. "Your team is very active on social media, you must've had some weird requests." The host then asked, faking a smile for the television. Tyler knew what he was trying to do, he wanted him to admit he'd been asked for a sextape through a tornado. And even though he received that peculiar request once or twice, nobody needed to know. You and him would never record that kind of video to post on the internet. "Someone once asked us to eat a pizza. And we all ended up having tomato sauce all over our faces." Tyler answered with a chuckle, now counting down the minutes before the end of the show. You watched as Tyler started to tap his foot in annoyance and you almost prayed for the host to stop his disrespectful questions.
The show regained a more respectful rhythm and when Tyler was dismissed, he immediately joined you in the backroom. "Let's go." He only said, grabbing your bag before taking your hand in his and walking, if not running, to the exit. He didn't say anything more until you were both in the car. He didn't start the engine, only staring at the steering wheel. "Tyler?" You gently put your hand on his arm but he violently hit the wheel with his hand. "Fuck! I really thought... I'm so stupid for thinking they'd be willing to listen to me." He rubbed his face and fought the tears away. Shame, embarrassement and anger were swirling inside him. "It's not your fault, Tyler. They were real bastards in there, you didn't deserve this." You tried to calm him down. You leaned over and placed a kiss on his shoulder, feeling him breathe deeply and relax. "Come on, let's go back to the hotel and tomorrow we'll have our flight home. You can tell Boone New York was shit and he'll tell you 'I told you so' before offering you a beer." You chuckled softly as you gently stroked his arm. Tyler nodded and started the rental before driving to your hotel. At least the show runners had the decency to pay for everything.
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@iliketopgun @callsigns-haze @toxiqueamour @choppedgalaxynerd @luvrofdilfsandmilfs @y-nk-live @books4ever03 @hookslove1592 @ipowell-tyler @floydsglasses @blue-aconite @28cnn @iscience02
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dollyyss · 10 months
Main four + Butter and how they cuddle…?
Please don’t ever feel pressured to do these on spot <3!!!
Im just— Kyle is heavy on my brain rn. Hhhhggh.. I can’t stop thinking.. about.. him..
Also some of this may of gotten a bit.. nsfwish I apologize.
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
𝙀𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 ₊ ⊹
𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙪𝙥! 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘼𝙐‧₊˚✩彡
𝙆𝙮𝙡𝙚, 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙣, 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙮, 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘽𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨𐙚
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Kyle 🐇𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒🪐
-Please.. Kyle’s got you in the goddamn honeymoon hug. You’re both facing each other, his arms are wrapped around your middle and yours wrapped around his neck. His legs and yours intertwined.
-He’s such a lover boy I can’t. His nose occasionally will press against yours, the two of you giggling and talking about anything and everything in such a gentle tone. Sometimes a whisper.
-He’ll do this normally, he just wants you close so he can tell you how much he loves you, how warm you are. How much he never wants to get up and could stay like this for hours. Kyle especially does this when it comes to movies. But.. it’s because he’s sleepy. If you’re helping him watch Ike while his parents are out, at some point Ike is put to bed, and Kyle suggests that maybe you two could watch a movie, something to pass the time but he says this as he’s already dragging himself around half asleep so you know what he means. He wants sleep, you can watch the movie. The minute you say yes his tall form is rushing over to the couch, squishing you into it while you both lay down. His back faces the tv, head cradled in your neck while yours rests on his shoulder to turn a movie on. His legs tangle with yours and just like that.. Kyle Broflovski is knocked the fuck out.
- He’s also the type of mother fucker to pull you back in if you try to get up. “No baby, just stay here. Please.” He’s mumbling, pressing kisses to your neck, those kisses turn into soft licks and nipping. His hands roaming more then they were 5 minutes ago. “Ky c’mon I’ll lay down with you, you wanted to cuddle” your ears heat up, fingers gripping his shoulders. He chuckles quietly, his fingers finding their way to your draw string. “M’sorry, I’ll stop.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Kiss?”
-He won’t ever really cuddle in public, but once you’re either at his or yours and studies are out of the way? he’s all over you.
-I may be obsessed with Kyle. Guys. I may.. be obsessed. Did I mention obsessed? I’m obsessed. Come to our wedding ;)
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Stan .° ༘🎧⋆🖇₊˚ෆ
-I feel like Stan is a clingy cuddle type. And I mean, someone speaks to you? He’s latched and immediately pulling you into his lap to curl you up so he can rest his head on you, hands rubbing at your legs. Someone’s looking your way? Yup “give me your hand.” He’s gripping it and pulling you into him so he can lean against you, swaying softly while he hides his face on your shoulder or in your hair.
-He’s also the type to cuddle when he’s drunk. “hic hiiii~ you look, so good right now.. hic” he’ll find the comfiest spot to lay you, practically flopping on top of you and mumbling on and on about whatever goes through that dumb brain of his. He’ll pass out sooner or later but before he does make sure to give him a gentle lil kiss to his messy dyed blonde hair, catch him smiling like a dumb idiot with that dopey face, cheeks red and warm
-He tends to come cuddle when he’s had a shit day and his father is just being an actually fucking dick. He’ll sneak into your room, tripping over shit but trying to be as quiet as possible. When he finds your bed he takes his shoes off and slips into the sheets with you, his head popping up between your arms, his hands under your shirt. “Hm?” You wake suddenly not sure who was in the bed at the moment, though the voice was enough to tell you it was Stan. “Hey hey, shh, it’s just me babe” his hand squeezes your side softly. “Just wanted to get away from dad.” He mumbles before feeling you bring him closer to you. Suddenly, he very quickly realized. In that moment. You were his home.
-He’s not horribly crazy about cuddling, you really just have to catch him at the right time. Either you let him come to you or sometimes if you come to him, he’s already ready for you. It really just depends on his day.
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Kenny ₊˚🕯️🖤❀༉
-If there is ever a time where Kenny has his hands off of you for a long period of time. Something is wrong. So cuddling is a must in your relationship with him.
-Kenny will cuddle anywhere, and I mean anywhere. This could be at school, an outing with his friends, at a restaurant, outside. Literally everywhere. As long as his hands are on you in some type of way he’s content.
-I’m sorry but.. cuddling with Kenny will result in some sort of sexual activity. Unless he’s tired, or.. stoned. If he’s tired, he’s sprawled all over you drooling and getting the best sleep of his god damn life, his arm is sprawled over your chest, his head is half off your shoulder and one leg is hunched up just below your stomach. If he’s stoned he’s got your head on his chest, one arm around your shoulder while the other is behind his head. He’s spewing none sense but.. he’s making you laugh so it’s all that matters to him.
-….cockwarming. Cough.
- “c’mon please?! I promise I won’t do anything” there’s a pause between the two of you “Kenny? Fine but nothing more, I wanna lay down” he’s nodding his head intensely, impatiently waiting for you get under his covers, following you quickly as he watches your slip your pants and underwear off, pushing them to the side. He’s quick to do the same, his tongue out like a panting dog as he slips in, his teeth biting down onto your shoulder as you both let out a pleasurable moan. Kenny’s fingers trace up and down your arms, soothing you. He honest to god probably falls asleep like this, snuggled into your back and whimpering occasionally at any sudden movement. His hand rests at your waist, soft snores leaving his lips.
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Cartman 🎧✮🧺✧˖°
-“Do you want me to die?! Is that what you’re saying right now?! Wow, well fine, I’ll just keep warm with someone else” cartman crosses his arms, watching you cock his brow at him, “cuddle, you mean” he cocks his eyebrow back, “keep warm.” You let out a snicker “righttt, just admit it Cartman you wanna cuddle there’s nothing wrong with that”
-He doesn’t like to admit it but he loves your cuddles. We all know cartman is on the chubbier side so he’s actually really nice to cuddle with, he’s warm, soft, and actually just really relaxing to cuddle up to.
-He won’t really notice it but his hands tend to pull you closer, rubbing your legs, arms, occasionally running his fingers through your hair. Depends on how you lay, but typically you’re at his either of his sides, he tells you nonsense stories until you fall asleep and when you do. He’ll pull out his phone to take a few quick pictures of you, saving it in his folder he has specially for you. Yeah he can be a sweetheart, shut up.
-The only time he’ll ask for genuine cuddles is when he’s sick. He’s a man baby when he’s sick and you can’t change my mind. “Y/nnnnnnnnn” he’ll be so whiny, giving the stupid ass pout to make you do what he asks. You’re sure he’ll ask you for soup which you’d gladly make but when he asks for a cuddle you’re quite surprised. It doesn’t take you long to find your way under his sheets, sitting slightly up right so he can rest against you. Your fingers rummage through his hair, scratching at his scalp and massaging his temples. He really does appreciate it, and he’ll make it up to you. …at some point.
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Butters ˚☆🐈*๑
-Like Stan he’s the clingy cuddling type. But not in like a jealous way just more, he just wants you around him so he’ll cuddle you to keep you there.
-if you two are ever out with friends or even doing something with his parents if he doesn’t have your touch he literally goes insane. He tries to find anyway to touch you, his foot touching your leg, his hand trying to find your hand, trying to move closer to you, literally anything to at least feel you.
-But when he has the chance to have his hands on you he’s a giggling mess. He likes to be the little spoon, he likes feeling you all squished up to his back, your hands around him so his hands can hold yours. He’ll curl up slightly as well, finding any sense of your warmth. If this mf could be in your skin. He would. He just wants you as close as you can get. If he ends up falling asleep, at some point he’s turned around, face squished between your arms that are hugging his head, your body latched around him and he could not be happier with the way he woke up.
-He likes to kiss when cuddling. His hand will be moving your hair out of the way while he presses kisses to your face. At times you hide it from him, shy at the way he just can’t stop pressing kisses to your face. “Aw jeez, don’t hide from me! It’s only a little kiss darlin” he uses his nose to brush against your hands, trying to push them apart because he wants to kiss your lips.
-like Kyle, once you’re cuddling. You’re trapped. He’s not letting you up for anything. Unless you really have to use the bathroom then if that’s the case he feels bad for keeping you locked in his arms. “Oh but please be quick okay! I still want cuddles!”
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sumeruin · 2 years
thinkin about being al haitham’s cute little gf :( kaveh not being able to understand what you, such a pretty, sweet little thing see in the stoic, unromantic man n so al haitham lets him watch while he fucks you until dumb on his cock :( thinkin about al haitham being so so sweet to you after he’s done ruining you n kaveh being surprised he’s capable of being so nice after what he just watched :( angelllll i need him so bad n it’s 5 in the morning help
minor writing smut, dni if uncomfortable!!!
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nonnie omg!!! i actually have been planning to write something like this for a while so you sent this at the perfect time <3 also i tried something new with my writing style for these lmk which one we prefer!!! i wrote it like how i write my actual fics just shorter :)
warnings: fem reader, bimbo reader, not really a threesome but kaveh does watch you guys fuck, aftercare, slight dacryphilia and sadism, choking, mentions of drool and spit
kaveh was skeptical, to say the least, when alhaitham told him about you, he’s seen you around the city and he just can’t believe that someone like you is dating someone like alhaitham. you’re just so sweet, and cute, and nice, and if he’s being completely honest, you aren’t exactly the smartest girl out there, and alhaitham is…. well he’s alhaitham. kaveh would’ve thought he’d consider intelligence more when choosing a partner.
he just couldn’t believe it, his roommate, actually managing to find a girlfriend. he was sure something was up. so, when alhaitham so generously offered to let him watch one of your dates he jumped at the chance to finally see what you saw in the cold, unromantic man, not even noticing the small smirk on alhaitham’s lips as he told him about the details.
what he didn’t expect was to see you immediately clinging to haitham once you saw him, holding his arm against your smaller body, looking up at him as if he was the only person in the world while telling him all about your day. kaveh was even more surprised to see haitham nodding along with your talking, actually listening to the pointless stories about how you got your nails done and saw a really pretty dress you were thinking of buying, even adding in his thoughts every once in a while. he was too caught up in his disbelief to see the small glances haitham would send his way every couple minutes.
the rest of the dinner had played out exactly the same, with you acting like haitham had hung the stars for you, him being much kinder than he usually was, and kaveh staring in disbelief. he was even more shocked when haitham invited him to come with you two back to your place, finally noticing the cocky smirk he had been wearing all night and the slightly shy expression on your face.
he accepted the invitation, obviously, and couldn’t believe his eyes at the scene in front of him once you had gotten back. you, pinned down underneath haitham on your bed, completely bare while he had only just barely pulled down his pants, one of his hands wrapped around your neck and the other rubbing hard, unforgiving circles into your clit while he fucked into you.
kaveh couldn’t deny how beautiful you looked though, long, whiny, drawn out moans constantly falling from your lips whenever haitham loosened his grip on your neck enough for them to be heard, the way drool and tears and spit trailed down your chest in an undeniably filthy display of your love, the way you still, despite all the overstimulation and almost sadistic pain alhaitham had been putting you through while he fucked you, looked up at him with such utter devotion in your eyes, as if you were honored to be fucked within an inch of your life by the man.
kaveh watched as haitham’s thrusts into your cunt sped up, watched as he pushed himself all the way in one last time before cumming deep inside of you, and then he watched as he slowly pulled out of you, instantly switching from the aggressive, commanding personality he had been showing just seconds earlier to a softer, sweeter version of himself, wiping your tears away, gently shushing your whimpers and cries with little, quiet coos, wiping down your sweat and cum stained body with a soft washrag and taking care to be extra gentle around your sensitive areas. the change almost gave kaveh whiplash.
at least he finally understands what you see in alhaitham.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
*t-poses into inbox* TIS I! 🎨 ANON!
We don’t talk about how I had to spend 5 minutes making sure this complies to your rules because I have a lot of mental disorders so I had to make sure this doesn’t cater to them lmaoooo
My hyperfixation is Tokyo Ghoul despite it being literal YEARS but whatever (I’m watching it again currently)
Ayato Kirishima with a male!S/O who has a hard time controlling his kagune (i.e when he’s scared he accidentally activates his kagune, when he’s angry it’s there. You can essentially think of it as emotion based) so he has a hard time hunting for food and doesn’t like to go out in public because of that
If you need more I gotchu but do your other requests before mine I know I get priority but nah I can wait
Kirishima Ayato - With Ghoul Male Reader Who Can't Control His Kagune
Hello 🎨pallette anon, I'm finally going to write your request after however long after you sent it to me. Sorry about that. By the way, college classes have been a major reason why my posting schedule has been all over the place, I swear I meant to get to this sooner. Anywho, I hope this is to your liking, and once again sorry for the delay. —Benny🐰
Warnings -> Mentioned Death, Mentioned Cannibalism, Mentioned Murder, Alluded Past Trauma, Ayato Being a Sweety
🐇 While he definitely wouldn't say it out loud, Ayato is incredibly concerned about you almost every hour of the day, though when he has important matters to attend to that worry is pushed to the background but is certainly still there. He's worried that you'll end up getting caught and killed or, worse, taken and experimented on by the CCG, so he's the slightest bit thankful that you stay inside more often than not. Ayato does make sure to drop by your place often to see if you're still there, and if you go out, he makes you tell him what you're leaving for and the exact time you left through the front door; he's not fucking around when it comes to your safety.
🐇  Usually, Ayato hunts for the both of you; he wants you to be able to go and get food on your own eventually, but until he's able to help you keep your emotions in check a bit better, he won't allow it. He may or may not enjoy being relied on by his cute boyfriend, but you didn't hear that from me. When he brings home a meal, he'll snack on it on the way to your place, but don't worry, he always makes sure to leave your favorite parts alone; Ayato just adores when you give him that happy grin while your cheeks are stuffed with the flesh of his latest game.
🐇  Often if you begin to have a panic attack or have strong emotions and your kagune begins to show itself, Ayato will 'reluctantly' grab onto your hand and give it a comforting squeeze. Although that squeeze tends to be a bit too tight most of the time and leaves you with an aching hand afterward, don't tell him that; he'll beat himself up for accidentally hurting you and won't touch you again for quite a while after that. If you're both at home, Ayato will drag you into bed and pull you against his chest, his hand rubbing your lower back under your emerged kagune to coax you into slumber.
🐇 When you both go out, be it for house essentials, food, or new clothes to replace the ones permanently stained with blood, Ayato always stands behind you and watches for potential threats or things that may stress you out. Suppose he sees that something is beginning to upset you, he'll grab you by the arm and physically turn you away from it, distracting you with an interesting object that's being displayed in a shop window or quietly telling you a piece of information about himself that you didn't know. Ayato is a pretty closed-off person even to those he's closest to, so he uses these hidden nuggets of information to his advantage whenever he's taking care of you.
🐇  Ayato is a very busy person, so he can't be with you as often as he'd like to be; to solve this problem, he's taken to leaving you little gifts around your place. A cute rabbit phone charm that he asked Uta to help him paint to look like his old mask, a few of his hoodies, random stuffed animals that he found on the side of the road, a couple of severed fingers for you to snack on in a take-out box, anything he thinks will make you feel better, to be honest. One time, Ayato even went out and bought you one of those cute squeaky stress balls whose eyes pop out when you squeeze them; it was a rabbit, of course.
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Chris sturniolo -focus
Pairing -domChris x British reader fem
Summary -When you decide to show your boyfriend you favourite British show , he gets bored and decides to test how good you can focus .
Warnings - smut , swearing , fingering, unprotected sex, p x v intercourse , slightly Dom Chris ,Dirty talking ,bulge kink , cream pie , praising,multiple orgasms.mentions of spanking , mentions of rough sex , mentions of masturbation. Thats all I think let me know guys if I've missed anything.
Author note -use of y/n , first person and not proofread .
Word count -2k
"Chrisss it's starting" I shout to my boyfriend of 1 year , dragging out his name while he leaves his bathroom and makes his way over to the bed."I don't get why you love this show so much ain't it just about people baking" he replies to me as he lifts the thick blue quilt up so he can get into bed , allowing the cold air to hit my side I'm instantly overwhelmed by warmth as Chris lays beside me ."oh no it's so much more then just people baking , it's a competition , it's entertaining and most importantly it's funny when things go wrong" I say with overenthusiastic excitement describing my favourite show ' the great British bake off' ."sounds like it's even more sterotypically British then you are , what are they going to do in the breaks eat fish and chips with the queen" he says with a awful fake British accent laughing "babe the queen is dead" I say shocked by his choice of words "oh shit yeah" he says linking an arm around my waist as i roll onto my side facing the laptop , I feel Chris make himself comfortable behind me spooning me from behind with my back against his chest .I press play on the screen.
The theme song starts to play and I do my basic girl thing ofo doing a happy little dance eating a deep chuckle from Chris ."you and this show I'm starting to think you love it more then you love me" he whispers in my ear giving me a quick kiss onto my neck."hmmm possibly" I say with a smirk on my face winding him up .*wack* "oh really" Chris says smug as he smacks my ass i can almost hear the smirk in his voice.Resulting in a squeal and laugh from me .We watch the first quarter of the show in a comfortable silence as the adverts start I hear a sigh from Chris as his deep breath hits the back of my neck causing me have instant goosebumps.
He shuffles behind me so that his head is higher up then mine , bits of his hair tickling my cheek "you know what" he says with his voice in a deep whisper I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach ."you look so beautiful right now" he says kissing my forehead .I feel my face get hot as I blush at his compliment " good job it's dark in here or you'd see me looking more red then a embarrassed lobster but thank you , you look beautiful too" I move my head so that I can reach his lips and I meet them with a light kiss , that both Chris and I smile into .We hear the show begin again so we both draw our attention back to it .
*5 minutes later*
We're still silent as we continue to watch the show when I feel Chris hand move under the waistband of the grey joggers of his that Im wearing, I try to focus on his laptop but the feeling of Chris's rough hands against the peachy flesh of my ass is slightly distracting."hmmm you're so warm mama" Chris talks into my ear more to himself then me.He rubs my ass cheek with his hand and I get deja vu from last time his hand rubbed my ass was last week when he caught me touching myself, Chris decided to teach me a lesson by spanking me and rubbing my ass to sooth me ."I must be that hot " I joke to him pretending to flick my hair , earning a laugh from him .I feel his hand start to move over my hip and close to my exposed core , causing me to let a small whimper of anticipation earning yet another laugh from chris."what are you doing y/n?" He whispers into my ear so innocently as if he doesn't know what he's doing .I keep my mouth shut knowing that the next noise that falls out of my mouth would be a moan ."answer me baby girl" chris says in a demanding tone ."trying to focus" i say through a breath to him ."shall we see how good you can focus mama" he says seductively "what do you me-" im cut off when his hand lands on my pussy with a quick smack."keep focusing on the laptop baby girl and you can cum and if you dont well take a wild guess who isn't coming tonight" He says to me finishing his sentence with another wack to my pussy , I nod my head signaling to chris that i understand."good girl" i hear him say as his fingers move up and down my slit getting coated in my juices ."so wet for me already and ive barely touched you" chris says causing a moan to fall out of my mouth .
"Please Chris , please" I say between breathless moans ."awe what is it baby" he says to me in a mocking tone "please just so something" I respond "well since you asked so nicely" he says in the same mocking tone as his fingers find my clit rubbing in quick circles I throw my head back against his shoulder as the instant ecstacy builds with every move of Chris's fingers "remember focus baby else you're not cumming tonight" he reminds me as my legs start to quiver around his hand."fuck..." I moan out closing my eyes thankfully that Chris was still behind me else he would of reminded me again to focus ."you're so good Chris" I squeal out "look at you already on the brink of cumming and I've not even went inside of you yet" I hear Chris say , sounding distant as I feel my release coming fast "please Chris please I need to cum I'm gonna cum" I say throw pants and moans ."go on baby be a good girl and cum" he says into my ear as his fingers move faster then they was previous as I feel my release overwhelm my body as I'm left a shaking , moaning mess while Chris continues rubbing my clit as he helps me ride through my orgasm ."so good mama , you look so pretty when you cum" he says as he pauses his movements "you're so pretty you're going to do it again " he continues all the attempt of focus has gone out the window as one of Chris's arms reach over me slamming the laptop shop his fingers that are still rest on my clit dives straight into my pussy as he pushes one into earning a instant moan " so tight baby even after I've already made you cum once you're tight" he says to himself more then me as he pushes a second finger in , plowing me he starts of deep and slow as his pace speeds up .The sound of my pussy wetness filling the room , Chris's fingers move so fast and so deep I can hear him talk to me but no words make sense I can't even place words myself I just have moans and whispers falling from my mouth as my second orgasm of the night builds up faster then the first one did ."so wet baby I can feel you clenching around me , do you wanna cum girl" he asks me hypothetically "yes god yes please Chris can I cum" the words leave my mouth in a embarrassing whining sound.Chris uses his spare hand to spread my shaking thighs as they try to close around his fingers , "gotta stretch you out ready to take my cock" I hear him says as he places a third finger into my wet pussy .He fingers go deeper and faster curling to touch my gspot as i throw my head back again as swear words, moans and Chris's name repeatedly falls out of my mouth as i cum for the second time tonight .Again he doesn't stop his actions until my body goes limp against his .He pulls his fingers out of me as i hear him sucking my juices off , i move around in his arm so i could face him when im greeted with his lust filled blue eyes staring into my dazed ones as he sucks his fingers clean of my juices .
"You good baby girl" he asks me I nod my head in agreement to him ."good cus you're gonna do it one more time " he says as he rolls me over already taking my jogging bottoms off."Chris I don't know if I can" I say tiredly to him "you can baby just one more time , cum around my cock let me fill you up mama " he whisper to me grabbing my chin so he can move my head so that I look at him ."okay" I say to him "I wanna watch you cum again" he says as he holds me legs up and open and rest the head of his dick at my entrance before he thrusts in stretching me perfectly, we both let out moans , with our mouths open and staring into each others eyes. He starts thrusting into , fucking me mercilessly .I feel his cock go deeper inside of me I move my hand over to my stomach when I feel a bulge it's Chris dick he's so deep inside of me that he's actually made a bulge in me ."feel this" I say to him between moans as I grab Chris's hand and move it over to where he dick is making itself well known in me."fuck im so deep in you" he said still holding my face so our mouths are touching as we speak were that close .
Chris never slack in his movement as he continues to thrust into me at a inhumane speed , I'm left almost screaming against his mouth showing the Chris that I'm near my release."you're shaking baby" Chris states with a smirk as his hand that is still holding my leg up reaches further up and rubs my already over sensitive clit fast and nearly coming " keep your eyes on me baby , I wanna see your pretty face when you cum on my cock" he says and that's all that it takes for me to release myself over him "good girl such a good girl" he says to me as he helps me ride out my final orgasm ."please Chris" I say to him as my body is exhausted after my orgasms Chris shows no mercy and continues to fuck me relentlessly "what baby" he says in the same mocking tone from earlier "cum Chris please fill me up I want to feel your load" those last few dirty words are all that is needed as its chris time to moan into my mouth as i feel his long hot strings of cum coat my walls .He stills and pulls out of me leaving us both a panting mess as he kisses my now sweaty forehead "im so proud baby , you took me so well".are the last words i hear chris say before i fall asleep with my head against his chest .
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Sooo I really want to participate in Radioapple week but I hate my art so we're writing thank you @hazbean-hotel-imagines for the idea of doing this format
I would like to mention all the things I'm going to write to are all in the same universe but are not necessarily in chronological order
My AU:
When Lucifer gets stuck on earth he needs to find a way to to get back to at least hell and away from Alastor. After making a deal with this serial killer (Lucifer doesn't know Alastor is a serial killer btw) he's now bound to him. Lucifer needs to get out but... What if he doesn't always want to?
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5 (coming soon)
Day 6 (coming soon)
Day 7 (coming soon)
Radioapple week day 1 Late night/Early morning and day 2 Enemies/Pinning
Late night pinning 📻🍎
Word count:
Trigger warnings:
Depression, Blood, swearing
- Third person narrative -
"Urgh stupid insomnia why can't I just sleep one night" Lucifer mumbled while making himself tea.
He continued to mutter and mumble complaining about his insomnia. While this was an everyday occurrence and something Lucifer was used to it by now but it still frustrated him. Alastor walked into the house rubbing his shirt against his glasses cleaning off blood
"Fuck that guy could really fight. Now I'm all messy!" Alastor thought.
He looked ahead in the hallway lights glowing from the kitchen. He hadn't left it on. right? Alastor approached the light to his absolute pure shock he found Lucifer mumbling to himself while making tea.
"Lucifer?" He said standing in the doorway.
"Huh?" Lucifer turned his head eyes locking with Alastor's. "Al what are you doing up?"
"Uh I think the better question is why are you awake?" Alastor said avoiding the question and staying in the dark in order to not be seen covered in blood
"insomnia" Lucifer said look at his mug with an upset expression.
"Again?" Alastor asked leaning against the door frame still in the dark though as he looked down at the shorter man in his duck pyjamas.
"Yeah" Lucifer replied filling his cup.
"You know for the king of hell you sure are weak" Alastor couldn't help but make a bitchy comment even if it made Lucifer hate him seeing him get all angry was like a drug.
"Oh fuck off Alastor you know I don't have full power on earth!" As Lucifer shouted he walked closer to Alastor. "And you don't even get the right to judge me asshole you're just a human! Also it's not like I chose to have insomnia! Like it's just part of depression and now I have to suffer with your arrogant ass! All because I made that stupid deal!"
Alastor's arms wrapped around Lucifer pulling him into a comforting hug. Lucifer's eyes went wide as his face was gently pressed against Alastor's chest.
"A- Al" he stuttered.
"Shh Luci relax I was just teasing" Alastor reassured him.
After a whole minute of the hug and utter silence Alastor's arms slowly slid off Lucifer.
"I'm going to bed make sure to get some rest Lucifer" Alastor said before turning around and walking off.
Lucifer was stiff not knowing what to do next. He turned around and put his attention back to his Tea. Lucifer grabbed his cup but on doing so noticed a red substance on his hand he looked down and it was on his clothes too. He lifted his hand and a wretched vial smell of blood hit his nose. How had he gotten covered in blood? That doesn't just happen out of nowhere. Unless, Lucifer looked back down at his hand held in front of his now stained red pajamas.
"Alastor..." He said quietly.
Lucifer looked back over to where Alastor was standing. "What's happened to you?"
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crazyco0tz · 11 months
Post-work out massages
Changbin x gn!reader
Summary: giving binbin a massage after a work out
(This is not nsfw!)
Through out the day you’ve had many texts from your boyfriend about how sore is muscles have been during practice, even though you warned him not to do anything extra today due to his pain… he still went to the gym.
So when he called you after going to the gym complaining of the pain, but you can’t help but feel bad for your poor boy, but when he gets home your gunna need to talk to him about ignoring his body’s needs.
Walking through the door slowly while flopping his bag and coat on the floor, not caring anymore at this point. Dragging his feet over to the sofa where he saw you sitting. Falling onto the sofa making sure not to hit you while he mutters a little “hi.”
“What’s wrong.” You question even tho you already knew the awnser. “My arms…my legs… my everything… hurts really bad..” he mumbles into the couch. “Aw if only someone told you to keep it calm today.” You tease, groaning at your comment he props his head up to look at you with a pout on his face.
“What bin??” You ponder while looking down at him, He pouts more while he forces watery eyes. “Baby what do you need?? Why are you pouting, I warned you” “no I know that… can you help with the pain though? Please..” you shrugg at him “what do you want me to do bubba? I can get you some anti-inflammatorys? I could get you a heating pack or a massage or-“ “can you?! Give me a massage??” You turn to him with a unimpressed look on your face
His pout was impossible to ignore though. You sigh dramatically before standing up off the couch and reaching out your hand to Changbin. His face lights up when he realizes that you’ve caved into his begging, he lifts himself up off the couch groaning in pain for a few seconds before grabbing your hand waiting to follow you to bed he assumed.
He follows you to your shared bedroom while slightly hopping with excitement, once you both reach the bed room you close the door behind you, turning back around to Changbin to direct him to bed while a small smile on your face. But before you tell him to lay down you need him to take his shirt off to have access to his back obviously, once the shirt has been discarded He slowly falls onto bed while groaning from slight pain again
You pout slightly at the sound of your lover in pain but you got over it quickly knowing he will feel much better after this, “are you gunna be ok babe?” You ask while you grab your bottle of muscle rub “yeah..thank you for doing this baby” he says shyly while grabbing a pillow to stuff under him.
You hum in response to his shyness while popping open the bottle of lotion, walking over to his relaxed figure, you pour a fair amount of lotion on his back which made him jump due to the cold temperature, you quickly apologize while giggling. Once the lotion is rubbed into his skin throughly you can start to actually massage his aching muscles, you thought you were pretty good at things like this, Changbin thought so too.
You start to palm his upper back and shoulder blades trying your best not to injure him but from what you can hear he is in no pain what so ever, “please tell me if your in any pain” “no ngh..I’m fine..” you giggle at his pleased voice while moving further down his back while digging your knuckles into his skin as softly as you can in fear of hurting him.
After 5-10 minutes of working on his back while he lets out breathy groans of pleasure, you decided to move to his arms after running your palms up his back one more time, “you feeling ok babe?” He lets out a loud sigh “yes..100%” you giggle lightly at his response “well sit up now, I’m gunna do your arms, if your comfortable with it?” He nods into the pillow. slowly lifting himself up to be met with your calming eyes, he always loved your eyes.
He pushes himself back against the headboard to allow you to sit infront of him, you prop your leg up in the bed while grabbing the lotion again, you grab onto his hand to lift up his arm. It mostly consisted of running your hand up and down his arm with constant pressure and stoping at certain pressure points to massage throughly
He moans softly every now and then while his head rests on the headrest. “Are you doing ok hm?” You ask as you push your fingers into his forearm “nghh..god yes.” “your getting tired huh?” You say moving to the next arm already “mhm..thank you..” he utters while looking away “what’s up??” You noticed his odd tone “it’s just makes me shy…” he says wincing at your pressure you put on his upper arm “don’t be shy babe, I’m happy to help no matter what” he smiles in response
You sigh, finally your done you close the bottle of lotion then you look back at Changbins flushed face, you lift your hands up to rub his shoulders softly. He slids into the sheets of the bed, to tired to do anything else, meanwhile you put the bottle back into the drawers.
You glance over at Changbin, he still had a sad expression on his face “what now my love? Are you still in pain?” “No.. ca-can we just cuddle..” “aw my baby still needs me?~” you tease
You crawl into bed next to him. Once you finally situated under the sheets you grab onto Changbin to pull him into your chest. “Sleep bin bin” he nods slowly while shivering slightly since he was to tired to put his shirt back on but he didn’t care. He wanted to stay in your arm’s forever, he felt so special at the fact that you took time out of your day just give him a silly massage, oh how he loved you..
This was pretty bad it’s so sad I can’t use words to describe something without ppl thinking it’s nsfw. So his reactions are dry. I just felt like i needed to post something small since I’ve been kinda lazy🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Bye sweeties🫰
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Can I request headcanons for con noncon with Nero and V? If either of them would be okay with it, I mean. (I feel like they could be, if you explain to them that its more about you trusting them so much and them getting you out of your own head. But that's just my opinion.)
I won't get into what I feel about them since it's already written in the headcannons. Here you go, hope you enjoy. 💜
Nero and V x Fem!Reader con non-con headcannons
□ Nero □
-Was against it at first because he didn't want to risk hurting you or damaging your relationship, but after you explained it's because you trust him that you want to do this, he agreed.
-Of course, you guys didn't jump right into it because Nero wanted to surprise you.
-He waited for you to be relaxing in your room, then pounced on you and began tearing your clothes off.
-You struggled against him, but only succeeded in riling him up further. Once he'd gotten your panties off, he started fingering your pussy with his specially outfitted proesthetic arm. When you tried to resist, he only shoved his fingers in deeper and turned on the vibrator function, forcing you down.
-You fought back and managed to get up, but his robotic fingers were still vibrating away inside you, preventing you from doing much, other than sinking to your knees.
-Nero took advantage of your situation and continued stretching you open with his fingers, feeling around your insides till he found your G-spot.
-He directed all his force to that one area, making you cum in an instant. Your orgasm claimed you, distracting you long enough for Nero to free his cock and stuff it into you.
-Though you may continue to struggle, Nero is a lot bigger and a lot stronger than you; he will pin you to the ground and mercilessly fuck you, until your eyes are rolled back and your brain is a pile of mush.
-You might try to escape from under him, but he keeps holding you down and slamming his cock into your pussy as hard as he possibly can.
-He is ruthless in his thrusts; the quarter-demon inside him finally coming out and baring its fangs. He will take you at least 5 more times after this--maybe even more.
● V ●
-V did not have a talk with you prior to performing the act; he happened to stumble upon you in a particularly vulnerable position and couldn't help himself.
-He saw you bending over, your bottom half naked, captured a glimpse of that lovely pussy of yours, and decided he had to taste it, now.
-He dropped to his knees and gripped your legs, keeping you from walking away. You were understandably very surprised, and tried to get him to stop, but he kept licking at your clit in a way that drove you crazy, rendering you unable to do anything except stand there with legs spread, moaning.
-V eats you out expertly, sucking on your clit while rubbing it with his tonge. The combined sensations bringing you to your peak almost instantly.
-V doesn't stop; he continues devouring your pussy like a ravenous wolf. The overstimulation overwhelms you and you try to break free, but V is stronger than he looks; his grip only tightens further.
-You scream and squirm, begging for him to stop, but he doesn't. He keeps going, and you keep cumming.
-Eventually your legs give out and you drop to your knees, now straddling V's chest. He holds you still by fingering your sopping wet pussy with one hand while the other undoes his belt.
-His cock finally freed, V lines up your entrance with the head of his cock, and forces you down on him. Your screams were delicious.
-Within minutes, V's lengthy cock had reduced you to a drooling, whimpering, mind-broken mess who could do naught but cling onto your lover and beg him to continue.
-V found the whole ordeal quite exhilarating, and though he doesn't know what the act is called, he is looking forward to committing it again.
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rorywritesjunk · 16 days
(for Croc's birthday. For fun. Modern AU because the throuple is so much fun.)
"You can't go home yet."
Crocodile looked up from his briefcase at his business partner in the doorway of his office. No, he was going home, didn't matter who he had to shove out of his way but he was going home, have a glass of something, and go to bed. He was exhausted, it was his birthday, and Buggy got on his last nerve at the 4pm meeting and it was a miracle that fool was still alive.
"Oh, are you going to stop me somehow?"
"I was given strict instructions by Miss Sunny not to let you get home until after 6:35pm."
The taller man narrowed his eyes. Oh, what did his darling wife have planned for him?
"It better not be a surprise party."
"I am under strict orders not to say a word."
That fool Buggy left around five, insisting he had a doctor's appointment to get to while Taron went with him, saying they needed to be there to hold Buggy's hand. Not to mention... Sunny never came by the office today. She almost always brought him lunch and afternoon coffee but today, his birthday, she didn't.
Instead it sounded like she was planning some hellish party.
He checked his watch. It was 5:50. Home was 15 minutes away. What was he supposed to do for 30 minutes then? He looked over at Mihawk. The other man was watching him carefully as Croc shut his briefcase.
"If I arrive before 6:35, what's going to happen?" He challenged as he headed for the door. Mihawk crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.
"You will break Miss Sunny's heart." He replied cooly. "Which we all know wouldn't be your intent."
Crocodile paused. Damn. Mihawk was really using Sunny against him in that way.
"Then what am I supposed to do until then?"
They were both in their forties. They didn't get drunk anymore like they did in college. But neither drank like they used to and Crocodile was a little tipsy. He kept enjoying his drinks while dreading the thought of a party in his home. Mihawk drove them home as Croc talked about everything he planned to do to both him and Sunny as his hand was on Mihawk's knee.
"It's my birthday after all."
"Wait until we get home." Mihawk said, making no effort to stop him. "Another few minutes."
"A few minutes is all I need." Croc grinned. "You first, then Sunny, then you and Sunny at the same time."
The car pulled into the driveway. Crocodile didn't see any other cars but they likely parked elsewhere. He stared up at the house for a moment, the thought of walking into a surprise party made him second guess his plan of coming home. Why would she do such a thing?
Mihawk checked his watch before opening the car door. "It's 6:36, let's go inside."
"Who's here for the party?" Croc sighed. "If Buggy and his little goons are here-"
"Miss Sunny worked hard on this." Mihawk told him. "You'll just have to see for yourself when you come inside."
"Is Taron at least going to be here?" Croc asked as he opened the door. "They can at least keep Buggy in check."
"Let's go find out."
Croc remained in his seat. He didn't want a party. He never asked for it. He knew his wife meant well and thought that this would be fun but a surprise party? Really? He threw her a few when they were first together yet she never managed to get him. He always caught on.
"At least act surprised when you walk in." Mihawk said as he glanced over at him. "She worked hard on this. There was a lot of planning to make it perfect and she's been stressed over it."
Croc rubbed his face and nodded, finally getting out of the car and staring up at the house. He could act surprised for her. He would enjoy himself for her. Just once and never again.
Mihawk led him up to the door, unlocking it and letting the two of them inside. Crocodile braced himself for the crowd of people to jump out and shout at him, something he would have it act nice for a little while. He hated the thought of it. He couldn't believe Sunny would do this.
Mihawk flipped a light on.
Nothing happened except Sunny sticking her head out of the kitchen, eyes lighting up when she saw the two of them.
"You're home!" She exclaimed as she hurried towards them. "Perfect timing, I ordered take out from your favorite restaurant and it just arrived. I have the dining table set for us and I made you a birthday cake."
"Where's the party?" He asked, looking between Mihawk and Sunny. She looked at him funny as she leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.
"Why would I throw you a party when you don't want one?" She asked. "I just asked Hawk to keep you from coming home so I could get dinner ready.'
He looked at Mihawk. The other man shrugged.
"I never said she was throwing you a surprise party."
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Love is Not an Easy Thing To Admit
Tumblr media
A/N: Wolfwood isn’t the best with his feelings especially when he’s smitten with a certain someone. So what happens when he tries to express those feelings to his crush, y/n? Thank you @sweetchildcloud for the request!
“Wolfwood, just tell Y/n how you feel. I’m sure they’ll understand,” Vash advised the so called “priest.” Wolfwood was smoking one of his usual cigarettes while sitting next to the humanoid typhoon. He didn’t even understand why he asked Vash for help in the first place when it came to asking out someone. He thought about asking Meryl, but he didn’t bother after seeing how inexperienced she was when it came to her job and mannerisms.
“Easy for you to say Needle-noggin. Telling someone how I feel isn’t my style. Let alone that person being Y/n. Before, it was easy talking to them. Now when I try to talk to ‘em about anything, I feel like I’m going to make a fool out of myself. Especially when I see that face of theirs. I can’t exactly just say ‘Oh hey Y/n, guess what I have a crush on you after all this time. Crazy right?’” Wolfwood goes on. He recalled how he starts to freeze up or how his heart races so fast he needs to excuse himself just talking to you after 5 minutes.
“Think about what you’ll say to them and let it flow from there. Just tell them the things you like about them. For example, compliment them or list things that made you start liking them,” the blonde suggested as Wolfwood thought about it. He did like how fiesty and head strong they were. But putting that into words was a different story. He sighed and looked at the blonde before getting up.
“Fine, I’ll give it a shot. But don’t expect too much from me,” the man commented as Vash wished him good luck. Wolfwood had no idea what he was getting himself into as he went to go look for Y/n. After walking a good ten minutes, he spotted them right outside the saloon. They looked as though they were lost in their thoughts, as they didn’t notice Wolfwood wave at them.
“Hey Y/n, got a minute where we can talk at the bar?” he asked. Y/n looked at them and nodded with that smile of theirs. As they started getting closer to him, Wolfwood could feel his stomach doing knots again and tried to calm down. He took a deep breath and exhaled before turning to look at Y/n. He pulled his chair up while Y/n did the same. The man put out his cigarette so he wasn’t blowing smoke into their face while they talked.
“What did you want to talk about Wolfwood?” they asked with curiosity all over their face. That face made Wolfwood weak in the knees. He was struggling to get the words out and the way they were looking at him was not helping. 
“Uh, I want to talk about...you. Just something I gotta get out of my chest,” he started as Y/n turned towards him. Y/n beckoned them to go on as he had their attention. All eyes were on him now.
“So listen Y/n, you know how when we first met...you’re not like other people I’ve come across. You’re kind of a hot head and a loud mouth sometimes. You’re also not afraid to start fights or go head first without thinking, which is something I don’t usually deal with every day. You also got some nerve to-” Wolfwood was trying to explain how he liked those qualities with Y/n, but he stopped once he heard the chair next to him scrape against the wood.
“Thanks Wolfwood, I got the message. I’ll just take my leave,” y/n said flatly. Wolfwood was caught off guard with their tone of voice. Even more so, he noticed they weren’t even looking at him anymore. The gunman was speechless as he watched Y/n walk away and felt the room drop a few degrees. The people near Wolfwood just gave him a face of cringe or disappointment after seeing what happened. Before Wolfwood could do anything else, he felt someone whack his head.
“What was that for?!” he asked
“What kind of confession was that?!” Meryl yelled as Wolfwood rubbed his head. Vash stood next to Meryl with his arms crossed and gave a disappointed look.
“I was just listing some stuff that I liked about Y/n!” he argued.
“When I said compliment and list the things you like about them, that’s not what I meant. It felt like you were pointing out things you didn’t like,” Vash explained. Once Wolfwood replayed what he said earlier, he felt a wave of guilt wash over him. The man was pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn’t know he screwed up this badly. His charm could only go so far, but now he felt like the biggest idiot there was in Noman’s Land. Just how the hell was he going to get himself out of this mess and explain what he really meant?
For a few days, things have been very awkward between Wolfwood and Y/n. Anytime The Punisher tried to get Y/n alone or strike a conversation, they practically avoided him. Whether it be an excuse to go do errands, or help Meryl and Vash, Y/n avoided the man at all costs. Wolfwood hated how bad things spiraled after their last conversation. Even when they were traveling through the desert, Y/n made sure Vash was in between them. They didn’t even look their way as the window view of the desert was more interesting than looking anywhere near his direction. Even when the priest looked at the rearview mirror, he could see Meryl feeling for him as she looked at him. Wolfwood missed how things were when he was on talking terms with Y/n. He longed to have those conversations that made him feel warm and grow fond over Y/n and the things they did together. Wolfwood didn’t know how much longer he could take anymore of this as he stared out the window.
It wasn’t until after the group landed in a somewhat deserted city that things changed. The group was exploring around to see why they weren’t any signs of life despite the buildings still being new. There was a faint noise of rumbling and an engine revving up. Vash and Wolfwood picked up on the sound as gunshots were fired at the men. Upon closer look, a group of men with black and neon colored outfits were closing in on the group.
“Shit, what are the Badlands Boys doing here?!” Wolfwood asked as he uncovered his gun.
“Everyone take cover and stay out of sight until we come get you! We’ll lead them away from you!” Vash yelled as he took out his gun.
Roberto dragged Meryl and Y/n away to a different direction, while the two men ran elsewhere as the Badlands Boys followed after them hot on their trail. The more they ran, the more the groups numbers increased as they kept appearing from different hiding places within the city. The gunmen kept shooting at the Badlands Boys and were able to knock a good amount, but there were still more popping up.
“Needle-noggin, let’s split up at the corner. We can start cutting them off slowly so they’re not too much,” Wolfwood advised as Vash nodded.
“Alright, watch yourself and shout if you need anything,” Vash said as he ran in the opposite direction. Wolfwood ran into a large space and started shooting at more of the men as they started falling off from their motor bikes. The Punisher was finally making some progress until he felt something graze his arm. He briefly glanced to see a bullet cut through his left arm. Then he felt another bullet hit his leg as he started to limp. He could then hear his pursuers laugh as Wolfwood growled.
“We finally made a dent in him boys! That’s what you get for crossing our territory and taking us on,” one of them yelled before they continued to laugh. Wolfwood reached into his pocket ready to ingest the liquid in his glass ampule until his eyes grew wide in fear. He saw Y/n pointing their gun at some of the men. They shot at the group, as it drew their attention away from him.
“Don’t you dare hurt him!” Y/n yelled as they continued to shoot. 
“Y/n! Get the hell out of here! Don’t worry about me!” Wolfwood shouted as he kept shooting at the group as well. The Badlands Boys were definitely getting annoyed and went after Y/n. Y/n was able to land a couple more shots until one of the members knocked the gun out of their hands. Then another one knocked the living daylights out of Y/n out with a punch to the stomach and another through the side. Wolfwood’s worst nightmare was unfolding right before him as one member grabbed Y/n by the neck who looked to be gasping for air until they passed out. The Punisher shouted for Y/n to wake up but to no avail.
The members laughed as Wolfwood was seething with rage. If looks could kill, everyone would have dropped dead by now. He crushed the tip of the glass ampule and drank the liquid as steam started coming out from him. His wounds started to heal immediately as he fixed his stance, ready to fight some more.
“GET THE HELL AWAY FROM Y/N!” Wolfwood screamed as he started shooting at the group. He was starting to overwhelm the Badlands Boys as they struggled to fight back or land a single shot at them. At this point, the man was unhinged as he saw the person holding Y/n try to run away.
“And where do you think you’re going?!” Wolfwood threatened as he shot at their leg, stopping them in their tracks. Wolfwood then walked up to them as the man was quacking in fear. He let go of Y/n and held his hands up in defeat.
“If I ever see you or your group again. I won’t miss on shooting one of your vital organs next time. Tell the rest that The Punisher did this you you. NOW GO!” Wolfwood threatened as the remaining Badlands Boy ran as fast as he could with a limp. Wolfwood then looked at Y/n and held them close. Vash then came into view as he questioned him what happened.
“Y/n needs medical attention. We gotta find a place with equipment to treat them,” Wolfwood point out as Vash started looking.
After Vash and Wolfwood drove out the Badlands Boys out of the city. Some of the city folks came out from hiding after their lives weren’t threatened anymore. Luckily, the group was able to find a nurse to treat Y/n and their injuries. They weren’t in critical condition, but the nurse informed that that Y/n would have a hard time walking for a few days so they need to rest. Wolfwood constantly beat himself up just seeing Y/n bandaged up. He would wait hours just to see Y/n wake up and hear their voice, but to no avail. It wasn’t until Vash finally convinced Wolfwood to eat something when Meryl ran to the group.
“Y/n finally woke up!” she said out of breath. Wolfwood’s eyes widened as his legs started moving on their own before he could think. He ran to their room to see Y/n’s eyes finally awake. Y/n was taken aback by his entrance, as Wolfwood was by their side out of breath.
“You’re finally awake, you had me worried,” he told them as Y/n looked away from them. Wolfwood was confused to see them turn away as his hand slowly reach out to them.
“Go ahead, lecture me. Isn’t that what you’re here for? How I’m a hot head and how I got myself into-” 
“Y/n! That’s not why I’m here. I need to explain about the other day okay? Just listen to what I have to say,” Wolfwood begged as he held their hand and their shoulder lightly.
“I didn’t mean to tell you those things at the bar. They came out wrong, but it sounded better in my head okay? I was trying to say that I like how you’re willing to put up a fight for those you care about. I miss hearing your voice and how we did things together. I like how much you lighten things up whenever you’re around. You make me feel a certain way when I’m with you. You’re brave and have the guts to act on instinct. And it’s that bravery of yours earlier that made me worry sick about you too,” he explain while squeezing their hand with his.
“And what happened earlier with those Badland idiots made me realize...I like you too damn much to see you get hurt like that. So please, don’t risk your life like that again and let me protect you? I can’t stand to see you risk yourself like that. Let me protect you so I don’t have to guess if you’ll wake up or not from something like that. I want to spend more time with the person I like,” Wolfwood finally confessed as his cheeks and ears turned slightly red. He knew how much of a risk it was being vulnerable like this. He had no clue if these feelings would be reciprocated, but he had to hope for the best right?
“You...like me? You really like me?” Y/n asked as they stared at him. The man was too embarrassed to look, but he nodded his head. He hand was still in theirs, so that was a good sign right? It wasn’t until he finally bit the bullet take a quick peak at their face. What awaited him was those beautiful e/c eyes staring at him fondly with a pink blush dusting their cheeks.
“I like you too Wolfwood. I always had since we first met. I just can’t believe this was what you were trying to tell me at the bar days ago,” Y/n giggled at the last part. But they were smiling from ear to ear. Wolfwood let out a huge sigh that he didn’t know he was holding in for so long. He felt a smile creep up as he held onto Y/n and slowly brought them closer to him.
“I’m glad we’re finally on the same page, and one other thing,” he spoke as he leaned in to give Y/n a kiss on the lips. It was a bold move, but Wolfwood figured this was much better to do than try to say anything. Once he parted for air, he flashed Y/n a smile.
“You can call me Nicholas, but only you. Got that?” he finished as they nodded with a huge smile on their face. 
“Sure Nicholas, but can I ask for another kiss? Just so I know I’m not dreaming,” Y/n requested as the man chuckled. He would gladly kiss them as much as they want. After all, how can he say no to the person he loves now that the feeling is mutual. Maybe another time he’ll tell them he loves them. But for now, this will do.
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
this place is such great motivation for anyone trying to move the fuck away from hibernation
chapter 6: spend the rest of my life with what could have been rated e | start at the beginning on AO3 Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
The next few days with Steve went by too quickly for Eddie to even process everything he was feeling.
Steve had other plans while he was there and Eddie still had to work, so they didn’t spend all their time together despite how badly they both wanted to. Life felt normal, but with an undercurrent of incoming change.
Every moment they had together was cherished, though. Mia hogged quite a bit of Steve’s attention, but Steve didn’t seem to mind. He was constantly enthralled by her, sitting on the floor to play with whatever toy she wanted, singing and dancing along to her favorite songs, keeping her busy while Eddie made dinner or a bottle for her.
Eddie watched as Mia stole Steve’s heart as much as Steve had stolen theirs.
On the day Steve left, Mia woke up cranky, almost like she knew that it wouldn’t be a good day.
She immediately started asking for “Mama”, and Eddie was doing his best not to cry about how little time they would have before Steve had to go back home.
He was having breakfast with the Hendersons and Max, then stopping to say bye to the Sinclairs and Wheelers before making his way over. Eddie had arranged for the morning off, agreeing to close up to make up for his late arrival.
Mia wouldn’t let Eddie set her down in her chair or on her mat, and he’d barely slept the night before, and he was trying to stay calm and not panic about Steve leaving again.
This time was different, he had to keep reminding himself of that.
When Steve finally showed up, Eddie immediately handed Mia to him and sat down on the couch, head in his hands.
He felt the couch sink next to him and listened to Steve whispering to Mia.
“What did you do to him, princess? It’s only 10:30 in the morning and he looks like he wants to go to bed.” Steve’s hand fell on his knee, squeezing once in silent comfort. “You alright, baby?”
Eddie nodded, and he already knew Steve wouldn’t believe him, but he didn’t really feel like going into everything now and ruining their last few minutes together for a while.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” Eddie looked up and over to where Mia was curled against Steve’s chest, her face buried against his neck. He felt a sting behind his eyes as he fought tears.
How was he supposed to do this? Sure, things were different this time and eventually, he’d be with Steve again. But right now, that felt too far away.
“It’s just a month and then we’ll see each other again, right? We can do a month,” Steve said softly, rubbing his hand across Eddie’s leg. “And then soon enough you both will get to be with me all the time.”
“Yeah,” Eddie took a deep breath. “I wish it could be now.”
“I know, love. I know.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Mia let out a small snore and disrupted them.
“Is she asleep?” Steve whispered, eyes wide. “How?”
“Neither of us slept great last night and we both got up earlier than we should’ve,” Eddie shrugged, placing his hand on Steve’s.
“Is it the teething again?” Steve kissed the side of her head. “I thought that got better once the tooth popped through the gums.”
“I think we both just don’t want you to go.”
The tears Eddie fought all morning finally fell, comfort in knowing Mia was asleep and wouldn’t see the only reason he decided to let it happen. He knew it would probably happen again tonight when she was in bed, and he was in bed wishing Steve was in his arms.
“Oh, baby,” Steve sighed, pulling Eddie against his side so he could rest his head on his the shoulder not occupied by Mia. “If I could bring you both with me right now, I would. I’d pack your bags myself.”
“Maybe I could talk to Rick, see if he needs anything sold. If I get some extra income-“
“Absolutely not.” Steve’s tone was harsh, but his hand on Eddie’s shoulder was still light, thumb tracing along his shirt. “What would happen to Mia if you got caught? Hopper doesn’t have the pull needed to get you off a felony drug charge.”
“I know. I wouldn’t do it,” Eddie didn’t even know why he suggested it. Wayne would kill him, and there was way too much of a chance that he would get caught and he couldn’t do that to Mia. “I just don’t wanna be without you.”
“It’s just for a bit, right? You’re gonna visit soon enough and then you’re gonna make the move soon after that.” Steve kissed the top of his head. “And we’ll talk on the phone so much, you may get sick of me.”
“I doubt that,” Eddie pouted.
“Are you pouting? Oh my god, you’re pouting!” Steve tried to hide his laugh, but ended up letting out a strangled noise that made Mia squirm against him. “I don’t even have to see your face to know it looks exactly like Mia did last night when you tried to give her the green bean baby food instead of the carrot.”
“Shut up, that’s not what I look like.”
Steve nudged him off of his shoulder and looked down at him. “Uh huh. Just as I suspected. Adorable.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, but smiled, didn’t want to tarnish their last few minutes with a bad attitude.
“I’m gonna go set her in her crib and be right back.”
Eddie nodded and watched Steve slowly get up and walk towards their bedroom. He could hear him whispering, but Mia didn’t wake up, content in Steve’s arms.
When she woke up, she’d be a nightmare. Hopefully, Wayne wouldn’t hate him too much for it.
Steve was wiping his eyes when he came back, not looking at Eddie as he straddled his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. He let out a shaky breath.
“I don’t wanna leave,” Steve whispered against his neck. “Wanna stay right here in your lap and kiss you whenever I want.”
“What about my job?” Eddie smiled to himself, full of sadness, but trying his best to stay strong for just a little longer. “Mia’s diapers won’t pay for themselves.”
“I dunno, maybe we could potty train her.”
“From the couch? At her age?” Eddie laughed. “I love you.”
Steve pulled back and looked at Eddie. “I love you, too. I’m waiting for you. Don’t get in your head, okay? Promise me.”
Steve knew him well. He’d already been in his head enough, and once he was alone, he knew he’d be back in it, spiraling about how much he missed Steve and how much Steve probably didn’t miss him.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Steve said fiercely, as if Eddie’d spoken the last part out loud. “It’s gonna be awful not having you with me. But I’m gonna focus on the endgame. I’m gonna get Mia’s room ready and look for open positions you can take nearby and start babyproofing the apartment. Robin already bought stuff for the cabinets because apparently our apartment is a death trap to a baby.”
“Robin said that?” Eddie had to admit, it was weird thinking about Robin panicking about his child. She really wasn’t the motherly type, and he didn’t think she’d be super chill about having them in her home.
“She’s actually pretty excited. She said she’s never changing a diaper, though.”
Eddie barked out a laugh. “I wouldn’t have expected her to. That’ll be your job.”
He expected Steve to laugh it off, maybe joke about changing his mind. He didn’t expect him to smile fondly and nod.
“Yeah, that can be my job. Whatever you want me to do, I’m happy to do. I’m in it for the good and the not as good.”
Eddie let out a sob. “You’re ridiculous.”
It was soft, endeared.
So was the look Steve gave him in return.
“I wanna be there for both of you, whatever you need, or want. I’ll do it.” Steve kissed him softly. “I’ll always do it.”
Their lips met again, this time harder, a physical reminder that the clock was ticking and Steve had to go. Eddie let himself cry, felt Steve’s tears mix with his as they tried to devour each other, neither wanting to separate for anything, not even breaths.
Eddie couldn’t let him go, couldn’t watch him walk out the door. He knew it was cowardly, but he needed Steve to be strong for them both and be the first to step away.
Luckily, Steve did.
He pulled away, but kept his eyes closed and ran his hands down Eddie’s arms. “If I don’t look at you, it won’t hurt so much, right?”
Eddie huffed, unsure if he was actually laughing or just holding back another sob. “I don’t know, I kinda wanna look at you every possible second.”
Steve’s eyes opened at that, tears pooling and making his eyes that much prettier. “I have to go.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“But you know it’s not like last time.”
“I know.”
“And you know I love you and I love Mia and I’m not abandoning you and I will call you as soon as I’m home and probably every day for the next month.”
Eddie smiled, nodded. “I know.”
Steve leaned in, kissed the corner of his mouth, smiled against his skin. “Gonna miss you every second.”
Eddie closed his eyes and nodded. “Already miss you.”
Steve backed away.
He was being strong for them both, had to be. Eddie wasn’t gonna be able to push him out the door.
He opened the door and Eddie pretended not to see the tears falling, pretended the sob he heard come from Steve was just a laugh that got caught in his throat.
Eddie’s vision blurred as Steve stepped out of the doorway.
Steve froze and turned fully towards him. “Yeah, baby?”
“It’s just for a little bit.”
“I know.”
“I love you. Mia loves you.”
“I know.”
“Be safe driving home.”
“You’re my home.”
Eddie snorted. “That was cheesy. Call me when you can so I know you’re okay.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you.”
Steve closed the door and Eddie dropped to the couch, letting out another sob.
He listened as Steve’s car started and idled for a minute, then two. A part of Eddie wanted him to shut his car off and come running back inside, tell him that he wouldn’t leave without them and they’d figure it out. Eddie would pack their things and he’d follow Steve back to his apartment, Mia babbling in the backseat. He’d find a job immediately and everything would be perfect.
But the reality sunk in as he heard Steve’s car backing out of the gravel drive. He had to have a real plan, one that kept him and Mia safe and fed and cared for, one that he wouldn’t regret going through with.
He stood up, wiped his eyes, and got ready for work.
- - - - - - -
Steve called. Of course, he called.
He called almost the moment he got through his own door, which was conveniently when Mia had realized that he wasn’t coming over.
She was too young to understand why she could hear him but not see him, but it was better than nothing.
He called every night at roughly the same time, managed to work it out that he could take his 15 minute breaks at work at roughly that time when he had a shift. He’d apparently told his boss all about Eddie and Mia, all about their plans, and his boss was very happy for them.
They had to fit a lot in in such a short call, and Steve always wanted to reserve at least a couple minutes for Mia, telling her silly stories and trying to have a conversation with someone who couldn’t say anything except “mama” and make babbling noises. Eddie found it endearing as hell and wouldn’t dream of interrupting them.
Every couple of nights, Steve would call Eddie when he got home from his shift, after Mia was in bed and Wayne was either asleep or at work.
Eddie would pull the phone into the bathroom, keeping the door cracked so it wouldn’t damage the cord. He would usually try to whisper whatever filthy words he could while Steve stripped his cock and whimpered into the phone. Sometimes it didn’t take much, sometimes Steve begged him to take it slow. Eddie’s hand always found its way to his own cock on those nights, savoring every whine and moan Steve let out as Eddie talked about everything he’d do when he got his hands on Steve.
Wayne caught on after a few times, giving him a gentle reminder that the noise from the bathroom carries directly across the hall to his room and he’d just appreciate a heads up when he’s gonna be having certain discussions with Steve. Eddie blushed, nodded, let him know he’d try to keep it to the nights he was working, apologized for anything he might have heard.
He put in for a few days off to visit Steve, started preparing for what he’d need to bring for himself and Mia. He figured it might make things feel more real if he brought a few boxes full of things in preparation for the move. Wayne agreed and brought home a few boxes from the plant so he could figure out what he could do without having here for a bit.
The time passed faster than he expected it to.
Mia kept him busy, work kept him busy, and trying to figure out his and Mia’s entire future kept him very close to a crisis.
Sooner than he realized, he was shoving boxes and borrowed luggage into his van and getting ready for his drive to visit Steve.
Wayne was getting Mia changed and saying his goodbyes, insisting on giving her a talk about being on her best behavior and enjoying the big city.
Eddie knew he just wanted to try to hide any tears from him.
“All packed and ready!” Eddie called out as he entered the trailer.
“Mia’s ready to go,” Wayne said as he came around the corner holding her. She was dressed in an outfit Steve sent last week, a onesie with guitars all over it he found at a record shop not far from where he worked. It was a little big, but bigger was better when it came to baby clothes. Mia outgrew everything so quickly, he was tempted to just keep her in diapers until her growing slowed a bit. “Did you already grab her bag?”
“In the front seat.”
“And the box of diapers I left on the porch?”
“In the back.”
“You grabbed the extra formula too?”
“Wayne.” Eddie smiled at him. “I got it.”
“I know you do.” Wayne sighed and kissed Mia’s head before handing her over to him. “Just not used to you not being right here.”
“I know. We’ll be fine though, won’t we, princess? Gonna have so much fun with Mama.”
Eddie had started referring to Steve as Mama to Mia, mostly because she was so insistent on calling him that. Also, it made Steve stutter and probably blush a bright red.
“You be safe. Say hi to Steve for me,” Wayne hugged him, his fingers squeezing his shoulder tight.
“We’ll call when we get in so you know we’re safe.”
“I’ll be waitin’.”
Eddie knew he wasn’t kidding; He’d probably be sitting right by the phone all morning waiting for the call.
“You know, you could maybe invite Hop over or something to keep you busy. He’s been bored with Joyce gone to visit Jonathan. Play cards or whatever it is you old folks do in your spare time,” Eddie gave him a teasing smile, a wink, and turned to leave.
Wayne grumbled something under his breath, but Eddie left it. He wanted to get on the road.
Steve was waiting for them.
- - - - - - -
Steve had warned him that parking would probably not be an easy task when he arrived, but he hadn’t expected this.
He’d been to Chicago and Indy plenty of times in the van to know it wasn’t the easiest fit along the sides of the street, but it was always manageable. Not today.
This was the first sign.
When he finally managed to find a parking spot almost at the end of the street, he decided to leave everything except the diaper bag for now, and hopefully a spot closer to the apartment would open up later so that he could bring up the boxes and luggage.
He got Mia out of her car seat, shouldered the diaper bag, and locked up the van.
Her eyes were wide as she took in their surroundings, people walking along the sidewalk, taller buildings than she’d ever seen on both sides of them, cars honking as they drove by.
He could hear children yelling in the distance, maybe a few blocks over, and someone was dumping trash in a dumpster in the alley directly across from them.
It was damn near overstimulating for him, and he was slightly worried that it would be too much for Mia, especially after napping for most of the drive.
She let out a giggle, and then babbled while smacking her hand against his shoulder.
“Oh? You like all the noise and people? Look, that man is wearing a red coat. You see his red coat?” Eddie read once that pointing out obvious things for babies helped them understand the world better, so he made it a point to do so when they went out. Even back in Hawkins, he always made sure to point out colors and shapes, pointed to simple words on boxes, and animals when they passed them in the car. “I bet he’s nice and warm in that thing.”
Mia kept babbling as Eddie walked up the street, a bit more nervous about the amount of people walking around than he expected to be.
If it were just him, he wouldn’t mind, probably wouldn’t even notice.
But with Mia so vulnerable in his arms, all he could think about was every worse case scenario.
Before he could spiral too much, Robin yelled out to him.
“Robin!” He walked faster to close the short distance to the building she was standing in front of. “Mia, look it’s Robin!”
Mia stopped babbling and took in Robin, who seemed very nervous to be in the presence of a baby, and maybe a little nervous to be in the presence of Eddie.
“Hi, Mia.” Robin waved, which was better than what Steve said she would do: offer a handshake. “You’re actually super cute.”
Eddie snorted. “Don’t inflate her ego too much, Robbie. Steve already spends too much time hyping her up. She’s gonna actually think she’s a princess soon.”
“Wait until she sees her room,” Robin muttered, probably trying to be quiet enough for Eddie not to hear her but failing. “Steve is gonna be back any minute. He forgot to grab something at the store and had to make a quick trip. I can let you guys in, but I have to run to class.”
Eddie nodded. If he didn’t know that Robin was just a fast-paced, rambly type of person, he’d think she was trying to avoid him.
She led them through the front door - unlocked, a sinking feeling settling in Eddie’s gut - and up two flights of stairs.
“It feels like a haul at first, but it gets a lot easier going up and down,” she said as she unlocked the door to their apartment. “It’s the only real exercise I get.”
When the door opened, Eddie’s eyes zeroed in on his worst nightmare since having Mia: a balcony.
He couldn’t explain it, it’s not like he was ever anywhere that would have one, but even just the thought of her falling off the porch would send him into a panic attack. It’s just the thought of Mia falling from something, getting hurt or dying because he took his eyes off of her for one second, he couldn’t handle it.
He immediately felt his breath leave his body, his chest heaved trying to catch it, and his legs went numb. The couch was close, so he sat down, holding Mia close to him so she couldn’t possibly crawl away.
Robin didn’t notice at first, made a comment about making himself at home while she grabbed something from her room.
“Eddie?” She was standing in front of him, worried eyes searching his face while her hands hovered near Mia like she would take her if he needed. Maybe she would. Maybe she was that worried. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t know there was a balcony,” Eddie whispered, surprised he even had a voice at all with how terrified he was.
“Um, yeah. We don’t really use it, and it stays locked if we aren’t on it, but sometimes it’s nice to enjoy some fresh air.” She still had her hands hovering, ready to hold Mia or comfort Eddie, maybe both. “It’s locked right now, do you wanna check?”
God, Steve really lucked out with Robin Buckley, didn’t he?
He nodded and handed Mia over to her. If he wasn’t so panicked, he probably would have laughed at the looks on their faces: Robin petrified and Mia silently judging.
He walked over to see the lock in place, pushed down and pulled up on it as hard as he could, pushed against the glass to make sure it wouldn’t collapse, and sighed.
His heart rate was slowing down, he was able to see more of his surroundings without a haze.
“Yeah. Sorry. I just worry.”
Robin nodded, like she understood, but she probably was just humoring him. “I get it. We’ll keep it locked while you’re here, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.”
She smiled reassuringly, and he took Mia back before things could get awkward. Mia seemed grateful, tucking her head into Eddie’s neck and curling her fists into his shirt.
“You okay if I go? I can wait if not. Being late for class wouldn’t even phase my professor. Pretty sure she’s extremely high all the time.” Robin covered her mouth. “Sorry, should I not say that stuff?”
Eddie snorted. “She’s too young for it to matter yet, it’s fine. But I’m okay. Get to class!”
“You’re awful good at that.”
“I heard it enough,” Eddie shrugged.
Mia sighed against him, like she was sick of what was happening. She remained quiet though, surprisingly shy.
“Okay, I’m heading out, then. Bye Mia!” Robin waved and booked it out the door.
Eddie sighed. “Well, princess, should we look around? Get to know the place?”
Mia moved her head back to look at him, but didn’t babble or do anything else to acknowledge him.
He decided to do it anyway, figured she would probably become more interested the more they looked around.
The shared space was small, similar to the trailer in everything being more open. The living room was basically a couch, coffee table, and small television with a table next to it for a VHS player and a record player. The VHS tapes and records were piled up next to the table.
Eddie gulped. Mia would knock those over within seconds if he set her down and turned away from her.
That was just a small thing though, they could move them to a place she couldn’t reach.
He turned and saw the dining area, smiling to himself over the highchair that was sitting in the corner, clearly used but sparkling clean like someone had scrubbed it with every cleaning product sold on shelves. The kitchen was a little cluttered, but clean, and all of the sharp objects were put away in cabinets or high enough that there was no way Mia could reach them. He tried to open the cabinet under the sink and was met with a child safety lock and the same happened when he tried to open the cabinet next to the fridge.
He let out a breath.
This would be okay. They’d clearly thought of some things and maybe just needed Eddie to figure out the other stuff. That was one of the reasons he was here, right? To find what they would need to make this work.
He opened the fridge and saw tons of Mia’s favorite fruits and vegetables. The cabinet by the fridge had a can of her formula and some of her favorite baby food flavors, along with the rice snacks and Cheerios she liked to snack on while Eddie made dinner.
Steve had clearly thought of so much, he couldn’t really blame him for forgetting about stuff that seemed relatively harmless on the floor.
He bounced Mia in his arms as he walked down the hall, passing by the first door on the left. He had no interest in going in Robin’s room, even though he was a little curious.
Maybe later.
The next door on the left was the bathroom, and Eddie was pretty sure he was gonna cry. The cabinets had the same child safety lock on them, and the toilet lid has a special latch that would require two hands to unlock it. The baby shampoo and soap that Mia used was on the side of the tub, as well as a few bath toys. There was a toothbrush for Eddie on the sink, and hair ties on a hook hanging by the basket with a hairbrush and hairspray.
There was a note on the mirror that he knew wasn’t for him, but he couldn’t help reading.
Pick up bows for Mia Crib liner? Might not need Batteries for baby moniter
Eddie sniffled, not realizing that tears had come to his eyes while reading the note.
“He loves you so much, princess.” Eddie knew Steve was giving this everything he had, and couldn’t imagine how much money he’d spent to try to make this perfect and feel like home for them. “We’re lucky.”
He heard a door close downstairs, but assumed it was just a neighbor, so he walked across the hall into what was going to be Mia’s room.
He let out a gasp at how perfect it was.
The crib was white with light pink sheets and a hand-crocheted blanket in the corner, a small stuffed rabbit in another. The wall behind the crib was painted with a mural of a castle, a dragon flying in the sky, a princess painted in front of the castle with dark curls and a bright smile. There was a rocking chair next to the crib, and a changing table across the room. He opened the top drawer to find plenty of diapers and wipes, diaper cream, and a few pairs of socks and plain onesies. The next drawer down had some more onesies, but colorful and many with cute patterns. The bottom drawer had shorts, pants, and overalls, and what looked like a couple of dresses.
There was a small bookcase, possibly even built from scraps of wood by Steve himself, in a corner, filled with a few cardboard books. He’d look at them closer later, but he already knew Steve put thought into each and every one.
The rug in the middle of the room was also crocheted, matched her blanket, and Eddie felt safe setting her down and letting her move around a bit. He saw the toybox at the same time she did and smirked.
“Go ahead, Mia girl. Those are yours to play with,” he said before sitting in the rocking chair.
He watched her scoot her way across the floor quickly, reaching into the shallow box, and pulling out a plastic key ring set just like she had at home. She’d used it more as a teething ring lately, but her excitement was palpable.
She kept pulling out toy after toy. Normally, Eddie wouldn’t let her have all of her toys out at once, wouldn’t want her to be overwhelmed, but this was a good exploration. He could put some of them away in a few minutes.
He heard the front door open and Steve call out to them.
“In Mia’s room!” Eddie yelled back.
And for some reason, that’s what did it, what made this all feel so real.
And he wasn’t entirely sure that it was all positive.
He looked up when Steve came in the room, his beaming smile lighting up the room.
Mia noticed him immediately. “Mama! Mamamamamama! Uh uh uh!” She scrunched her hands into fists and threw her arms up, rocking on her knees to try to get him to pick her up.
He gave in immediately, wouldn’t ever let her think he didn’t want to hold her.
“Princess! I missed you so much!” Steve’s voice was shaking, Eddie could hear the emotions pouring out as he planted kisses all over Mia’s head. “Do you like your room?”
“Stevie, you didn’t have to do all this,” Eddie said, tears in his eyes at how excited they both were to see each other. “This must’ve cost a fortune.”
“We thrifted most of it, and I made the blanket and rug. The bunny was a gift from my boss. I really only bought the diapers and some of the clothes. I told you I’d take care of it.”
Eddie had to let himself have this. He had to accept that Steve wasn’t doing any of this to show off, or buy their love, or make it impossible for him to leave. He was doing it because he loved them, and he wanted them to be happy and comfortable here.
Steve set Mia down, who seemed pretty content with going back to her toys after getting so much attention from Steve.
He made his way over to Eddie and leaned down, placing his hands on the armrests of the rocking chair, bracketing Eddie in.
“I missed you even more,” Steve said quietly, leaning in to peck his lips softly.
Eddie took it, wanted it to be more, but knew it couldn’t yet.
“You guys settle in okay? Hope you haven’t been here too long.”
“Nah. Just kinda walked around the place. Most of the stuff is still in the van that’s parked halfway back to Hawkins,” Eddie half-joked.
Steve frowned. “You couldn’t find parking?”
“No,” Eddie frowned. “I’ll move it later when something opens up.”
“I had to grab stuff for dinner or I would have been here when you got here. I assumed spaghetti would be okay?”
Eddie nodded. Exhaustion was settling in as he crashed from the adrenaline of…well, everything.
“You okay?” Steve asked, kissing his forehead before pulling away and looking over at Mia. “If you wanna go rest in my bed, I can watch her for a bit.”
Eddie didn’t want to waste any time he had with Steve, even if he was ready to fall asleep, but it was hard to turn down a nap in Steve’s bed.
“Okay. Wake me up to help with dinner?” Eddie yawned.
“Sure, baby.” Steve sat down on the floor next to Mia, reaching for a ring for the plastic ring toy. “Mia and I are gonna hang out and have a chat.”
Eddie made his way to Steve’s room, barely paying attention to the board hung up in the hall with polaroids and pieces of paper. He barely even noticed anything about Steve’s room other than the bed, which was surprisingly big and surprisingly soft. It smelled like Steve, and Eddie didn’t even have time to process any thoughts before he was asleep.
- - - - - -
When he woke up, he could hear music playing and Mia giggling.
A noise he loved to hear, especially when he knew that Steve was the one making her laugh.
He got up and walked to the kitchen, smiling when he saw her sitting in her high chair with some rice snacks on the tray, Steve standing at the stove stirring a pot of noodles.
“You two having fun without me?” he asked, making Steve jump.
“Scared me, Eds.” Steve smiled at him. “We’ll have even more fun now that you’re here.”
Eddie hoped that was true.
He felt out of place for some reason, like he was a guest in a life that Steve and Mia lived. He’d never quite felt like that before and something in his brain was telling him get out, to go back to Wayne and what he knows before he ends up hurt.
He did his best to ignore it though, smiling at Mia, kissing Steve on the cheek.
They had dinner like a family, and Eddie washed the dishes while Steve brought Mia to the bathroom for a bath before bed.
They both tucked her in, kissed her forehead.
Steve whispered that he was grabbing batteries for the baby monitor in the morning, but they could leave the door cracked open tonight in case she cried for them.
Eddie knew he was being quiet.
He also knew Steve desperately wanted to say something about it, but probably didn’t want to risk ruining their entire weekend.
They went into Steve’s room and got undressed, climbed into bed, faced each other.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Steve asked, rubbing his thumb along Eddie’s cheekbone.
“I-“ Eddie didn’t quite know. He had a sense of wrongness, a sense of sadness, but had no idea why it was hitting him now, here.
“Baby, you can tell me. Is there something missing? I went through the list, but we can always get whatever you need. I mean I may have to save up for some of it, but I-“
“Stevie, I don’t think I can move here.”
Steve’s face fell immediately.
Eddie’s heart dropped in his stomach as he realized that he meant it.
He didn’t think it was just fear, either.
Something was telling him it wasn’t the right thing to do.
“But-I don’t understand,” Steve admitted, his voice small.
“I don’t either. I just have this feeling, this thing in my chest and my head telling me that I shouldn’t. And it’s nothing you’ve done wrong or forgotten to do, I promise. It’s so wonderful. You’ve done more than I could have ever asked for.” Eddie paused, tried to figure out how to phrase this next part. “I had a panic attack when I saw there was a balcony. And I know it’s locked and she’d never be able to get out there on her own, but in the back of my mind, all the time, I’ll be wondering if she somehow is the one baby who can undo window locks. And I’m just thinking about how walking down the sidewalk with her felt like I had to use all my energy just to stay alert enough to protect her. I can’t do that all the time, I can’t live my life constantly at the highest level of stress.”
He could feel tears falling, but somehow managed to say everything he needed to.
Steve was crying, his hand gripping Eddie’s hips, hopefully leaving bruises that would stay with Eddie for days, weeks.
“Baby, this neighborhood is safe. I promise. I even looked into the daycares and school ratings and they’re all good. She would never be alone anywhere and you know I’d protect her with my life just like you would-“
“Stevie, I know. I know all of that.” Eddie kissed him fiercely, tried to make him understand. “But knowing it and processing it are two different things. I know I can’t live like that.”
“I can’t go back to Hawkins.”
Eddie nodded. He knew that.
He knew neither of them could do what the other wanted.
“So what do we do?” Steve sniffed, covered his mouth as a sob left him.
“I don’t know, sweetheart.”
Steve shook his head. “We can’t just give up. I can’t not have you.”
Eddie could agree. He couldn’t imagine being without Steve now, couldn’t imagine Mia not having him, not even having a chance to be a family.
But he had no idea how to fix this.
“I don’t know how to have you, though.”
Steve blinked at him a few times before sitting up and moving to the edge of his own bed.
“We should sleep on it.”
Steve’s voice was broken.
Eddie had caused that.
Eddie hadn’t been able to suck it up, try it out for the weekend.
Eddie was running before the race even started.
“Yeah. I guess we should.”
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 14
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Just a few more parts! Thank you to everyone for reading and sticking around. This is a soft part so I hope you guys enjoy it! Next, Steve and Eddie are going to be back in Hawkins.
Steve wakes up to Eddie’s arms clinging to his waist and his hair in his mouth. He takes a moment to appreciate the view. Eddie’s lying with the blanket pooling below his shirtless chest, hair askew, and mouth open, releasing soundless snores. The scars from the demobats are noticeable and prominent on his pale skin. But, scars and all, Eddie looked beautiful in the morning light sifting through the windows. 
Steve could stay in bed for the rest of life with this as his view. And he was the most comfortable he had ever felt. The sheets were cool against the warmth of the bed and with Eddie’s arms encircling him, Steve felt a warmth he had never before experienced. 
He must have spent an hour just laying in bed with Eddie, watching him sleep. He cataloged the way his eyelashes rested against his cheeks, the way his scars accentuated his wiry frame, and the way the blackness of his tattoos contrasted the paleness of his skin. But alas, his bladder protested and Steve moved to escape Eddie’s embrace. He made his way to the adjoining bathroom to relieve himself and brush his teeth. When he entered the room once more, Eddie was awake and pouting. 
“Where’d you go? I want cuddles,” he pouted and made grabby hands pathetically towards Steve. 
Steve chuckled as he returned to his position underneath the covers. Eddie immediately wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist like an octopus and drew him in closer. He hummed in contentment and nuzzled his nose against Steve’s shoulder, placing a gentle kiss upon the bare skin.
Steve kissed the top of his head in response. “Good morning, babe. What do you want to do today? I’m free until my shift starts at three.” 
He watched Eddie think for a minute. “Let’s just stay in. I just want to enjoy being with you.”
“Are you sure? Laying here with me isn’t going to be fun for you. We could go to the riverwalk or something we haven’t done yet,” Steve offered. 
“Stevie, baby. Look, you have been going out of your way to make sure I had fun since I got here. We don’t have to keep doing extravagant activities, I’m happy as long as I’m with you. So today, let’s just lay in bed talking and making out until your shift. Deal?” He asked imploringly, his brown eyes twinkling with honest affection.
Steve nodded and smiled a soft grin, “that sounds perfect, Eds.”
Eddie let a smile cover his own face, “good. So, you really want me to move in with you?”
Steve scoffed at the ridiculousness of the question, “of course I do. You think I wouldn’t want to wake up to my sexy boyfriend holding onto me every morning? You already agreed to move in, you can’t back out now.”
As usual, Eddie attempted to hide his blush by pulling his hair in front of his face and deflecting with humor. “Careful Stevie, you’re sounding a little gay there.”
He rolled his eyes, “Whatever man, bite me.”
In his defense, he often told the kids to bite him whenever they disagreed with something he said. He didn’t expect for Eddie to actually bite him like some sort of rabid squirrel. 
“Holy fucking shit, Eddie! What the hell was that?” He shrieked while rubbing his right pec where the bite mark was indented in his skin.
“It’s not my fault you look so damn biteable! How could I not?” Eddie defended himself. He bumped Steve’s hand out of the way and dropped a small kiss on the reddened skin. Then he moved on in the conversation, seemingly considering this issue resolved. “I think I’m going to go back to the record store today and fill out an application. The guy said they were looking for somebody.”
“That’s a great idea! You know a lot about music. Are you going to join his band too?” Steve asked. 
Eddie shrugged, “I don’t know. I’d have to meet with them to see if we mesh. I’d like to play again though, even if it’s not with Corroded Coffin.”
After the Spring Break from hell and the beatdown that the other band members received on Eddie’s behalf, they had unanimously decided to go their separate ways. Eddie felt guilty and the others wanted to appease their parents by putting some distance between themselves and the ‘Satan worshiper’ that caused the problem in the first place. 
“Hey, I’m sure it’ll go great. He seemed really impressed that you could play that song by the metal guys, right? You’ve already got a shoe in!” Steve reassured him, punctuating his words with a firm pat on the shoulder. 
“Master of Puppets by Metallica but yeah, you’re right. And they don’t know me as the guy who might’ve gone on a killing spree fueled by Satan so that’ll probably score me some points,” Eddie said sardonically, obviously still bothered by the abandonment of his past bandmates and ex-friends. 
“Exactly! They’re going to love you. You’re passionate and smart. And you play guitar really well! What’s not to love?” Steve told him, looking into his big eyes earnestly. 
Steve knew he said the right thing when Eddie engaged him in a deep kiss. Good thing they didn’t have to be anywhere any time soon. 
“Hey El, a few days ago when you compared Steve looking at Eddie to Hopper looking at Joyce, what did you mean?” Max asked her while the Party lounged around the Byers’ TV with The Goonies playing in the background. 
El thought for a moment, “Steve looks at Eddie like he loves him. Like there is nothing else he would rather be looking at. Just like how my dad looks at Joyce.”
Mike did not appreciate what she was implying, “you’re saying that they’re in love? Like they’re dating? There’s no way, El. They’re both dudes so they can’t love each other. You must be wrong.”
Max, always ready to argue with Mike, whipped her head around towards him. “They absolutely can! Why can’t two guys love each other? Love is love, Mike. Get with the times.”
Mike sputtered, “Loving another guy is wrong! There is no way that they’re gay. We would know.”
Max noticed how Will flinched and saw El move to hold his hand. “Loving someone is never wrong, dumbass. And we won’t know for sure until they tell us. Which they won’t if they know you’re a homophobic dickhead.”
Mike shrunk, ashamed that his opinion had upset the others. “I’m sorry. It’s just… Why Steve? Even if Eddie is gay, why does he have to like my sister’s ex?”
Dustin looked confused at the direction the conversation was taking but came to Steve’s defense regardless. “Hey! Steve is a catch, he’s dated half the girls in Hawkins. Okay, why wouldn’t Eddie date him?”
“Hey, I don’t care who they date as long as they’re happy,” Lucas added, ever the pacifist. 
“Look, I’m not surprised Eddie is interested in Steve. Have you seen him shirtless?” Max pointed out. “I have and it was a glorious experience.”
Will nodded in agreement before realizing his mistake and blushing. Thankfully, the other kids ignored him and continued their bickering. He was happy that the older boys had each other to love and support. He could only hope that one day, he could find someone to do the same for him.
Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Updated Taglist: @nickavalens @conversesweetheart @themostunoriginalpersonever @swimmingbirdrunningrock @eddiethegreatteddybear @harrumphingtons @call-me-big-eyes @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove @thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt @luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era @newtstabber @bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog @00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch @imzadidragonfly @freddykicksasses @krimsonsimp @whatthefuccck @delta-piscium @anaibis @tinynebula
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ladylooch · 9 months
Our Little Family [Miles Wood] - Chapter 10
A/N from 👢 anon: Heeyy, sorry I'm a little late. But this is my Christmas present for you guys. There is smut here.
Now we always talk about getting on your knees for miles, imagine the other way around, and this can happen. Hope you guys enjoy it !!
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Holding Miles in your arms, after a moment like this is special. You want him to feel loved, to understand that he can talk to you without being judged.
You rub his back and run your fingers through his hair. You kiss the top of his head.
“I love you, Miles William Wood.” 
Miles looks at you. 
“I love you.” 
He seals this unsaid promise with a kiss and what a kiss it's. One of your hands rests on his cheek while his hand is on your hips. 
You guys start to make out. It's slow kissing, exploring each other's mouths. You're lost in the kiss when Miles starts to move his hips. You moan into the kiss. You don't want to break this. 
Miles doesn't want that either. There is something about this sex. It's better than your first sex, first post-I love you sex. This is different. This is sex with your man finally ready to be yours, to give himself fully to you. Mentally and physically. 
You move your leg a little to give him a better angle. Miles pulls your leg higher. You moan into his mouth. 
You start to feel your orgasm building up. And as much as you want to get there faster, this pace is good, and you want to continue doing this.You're going to get there with time. Miles is hitting all the right spots. Your nails are digging into his shoulder blades. 
The knot in your stomach starts to get tighter and tighter by the second. He knows that you're getting there, and he is too. He's struggling not to cum. He moves his hand to your clit and rubs little circles. That brings you over the edge. Your orgasm brings Miles to his own. Both of you are moaning out each other's names. You almost black out. You rest your head against his forehead to calm your body down.
Miles is so relaxed now, you can feel that a huge weight left his body. You brush his sweaty hair from his forehead. You admire your fiance's fine bone structure. He pulls out, and you whine in the process. You feel so empty right now. 
Miles smiles as he brushes your lips with his thumb. You kiss it before saying that you need to use the bathroom. He helps you get up. You waddle to the bathroom. Miles chuckles, you want to flip him right now but bathroom first. You pee and take a quick shower. You come back and Miles is waiting for you with open arms. It's adorable how happy and relaxed he is right now. 
Before you go to bed, you pick up his dress shirt and give him a show. You walk to the bed, closing his shirt. You lay beside him, placing your head on his chest. 
“My clothes always look better on you.” 
“I know.” Your reply makes Miles chuckle before kissing your head. 
“I miss our baby. Can we call your mom?” You know Lily has an early bedtime, but you miss her. 
“Yeah, let's try.” Miles moves to grab his phone. He FaceTimes his mom while holding you in his arms. 
She answers the call, and her smile goes so bright. She was waiting for this moment. Where Miles is finally all in with you. 
After the greetings, you ask if Lily is still up. She replies that she's been asleep for 5 minutes or so. You get a little pouty. Cheryl apologizes. She says that if they knew that you guys were going to call, she would try and keep Lily up.
You assure her that it's okay, Lily needs her sleep, and you guys will try in the morning. You thank her for being with Lily. She says that they're happy to do it and then you end the call. You shift so you can cuddle your fiance. Miles put his phone aside before hugging you close. He kisses your head. 
You sigh, feeling his lips on your hair. This is perfect. Today has been perfect, all because of this man. You rest your chin on his chest to look at him. He's already looking at you. Both of you have heart eyes looking at each other. 
“Thank you for today. It means a lot to me. You are making time for me.” Miles reaches for your cheeks. 
“You don't have to thank me, I should have been making time for a long time now. Tonight is just the start, baby.”
You smile softly, turning your face to kiss his hand. You yawn, and Miles tell you to rest. You nod as you lace your fingers together. He knows that you're exhausted. He watches you fall asleep. It doesn't take him long to fall asleep too. Both of you are tired. 
You wake in the middle of the night needing to pee. You struggle to get Miles to let you go, but then he finally does. After using the bathroom, instead of you going back to bed. You stay up looking at the window, seeing the mountains, the quiet night outside. 
You and Miles struggled to get to this point. You know it's not easy for him, being on the road, blaming him for what happened. It's not going to help you guys. Things are going to change, you know that. 
“Babe, are you okay ?” Miles asks, hugging you from behind with that sleepy voice that makes you weak. 
“Yeah, just thinking about life. Didn't want to wake you.” You rest your hands on top of his. 
Miles rests his chin on your shoulder. You lean against him, enjoying his solid body behind you. 
“I want to marry you soon, like next month.” Miles catches you by surprise. 
“But, what about the party ? Your friends ? Your family ?”
“We can do the reception during the summer. But I want to be your husband. I want you to have my last name.” 
You spin in his arms. 
“Are you sure ?” 
“Yeah.” That grin comes to his lips. “That's all I want.” Miles licks his lips before kissing you. This kissing Miles is making you all soft, and you love him. 
The dim light in the room makes his body look like a Greek God. You guys are just kissing each other, and then you feel little Wood start coming to life. Miles pushes you against the window, moving one hand beside your head to brace himself. You moan into his lips reaching for his cock. You stroke him as you kiss. Miles breaks the kiss. 
“Turn around gorgeous.” You're a little unsure because you're going to be facing the window. 
Miles senses that it's something you're struggling with right now. 
“You don't have to, babe. I still can fuck you here with your back against the window.” You nod, that's such a turn on. 
Miles kisses your neck, as he works on opening your shirt. He starts to give your body open mouth kisses. He stops by your boobs giving his friends some love. 
Then he makes his way down, open mouth kisses. You look down. He's there on his knees for you. He moves your leg hooking over his shoulder.
You curse, feeling his tongue run through your folds. Your hand reaches for his curls fisting them, bringing him closer to where you need him. Miles starts to eat you like a mad man, and he's starving. 
Miles laps and sucks your clit. Sometimes he stops just to breathe, but that's when his fingers come to play. You're so sensitive from before, it's not going to take long for another orgasm from you. 
You're with your eyes closed, fisting his hair when you feel Miles hooking your other leg over his shoulder. He pushes you back so you can have the support from the window. 
It brings a string of curses from your lips. You know that he's strong, but this is such a turn-on to you. And he's not done with surprising you tonight  
Your orgasm hits you hard. You're shaking as Miles works you through your orgasm. He moves your legs down and kisses his way back to your lips. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders for support. He kisses you, feeling yourself on his lips makes you moan. He rests his forehead on yours. 
“Are you okay, sweetheart ?” He asks, a little worried. Today has been a lot for your body, and he wants to make sure you're okay. 
You nod. “I just need a couple of minutes. This one was a lot.” 
He understands. Miles moves his hand to slide behind your back, but you stop him. You guys are staying right here on the window and he's going to fuck you there like he wants to. 
You guys stand there for a couple of minutes. You start to run your hand on the curls on the back of his head. You kiss his jaw, showing that you're good to go again. 
“Show me how strong you are, handsome.” Miles groans, followed by a curse. He's loving this night so far. 
He moves his hands to your ass, giving a little squeeze before sliding behind the back of your thighs. Miles brings both of your legs to wrap around his waist. You know this position is not going to be for so long. But it's so sexy. 
He moves you back so you can have the glass support for now. Miles lines himself before sliding in slowly. You can feel every inch of him inside you. You throw your head back with a long moan. 
He feels so damn good inside you. He takes a few steps back to show you how strong he is. With the help of his arms you start moving up and down on his cock. 
The only sounds you can hear in the room are your moans, your wet pussy sliding up and down his cock, his grunts, a few praises from him and your ass hitting his hips. 
He's driving you insane. He feels so good. You lean your head to rest on the crook of his neck. You're trying to focus on something else, but he's hitting all the right spots. 
You're about to scream. You bite the spot between his neck and collarbone. That's going to leave a mark in the morning. Miles grunts with the pain. 
“Put me down, babe. I want you to fuck me from behind.” You ask him softly. 
Miles helps you put your feet on the floor. You turn to face the glass. He deserves this, too. You cover your face with your arm. 
“C'mon babe, I'm waiting.” You say shaking your ass for him. 
He doesn't need to be told twice. Miles spread your legs for him before sliding in one sweet motion. He definitely comes as advertised. He's taking his time with you now. Deep and long thrusts. Miles slaps your ass cheek. 
You know you're not going to last long. But you want to give him this. Miles grip on your hips gets tighter, and you know he's struggling to contain himself. 
You bring his hand to lift your leg so you can have better access to your clit. You start rubbing circles as Miles hits every sweet spot inside you. He says a few encouraging words for you to come. 
And you do. Another one for the night. Miles brings you flush against his chest, resting his hand on your neck. He nibbles your ear lobe. 
Now it's your time to praise and encourage him. You say that he fills you so well, his cock is perfect for you, he makes you feel so good. And then of course you ask him to cum for you. 
That's exactly what he needed. Miles orgasm hits him hard. Both of you guys lean against the glass. He rests his head on the cool window. 
“Fuck, I love you.” He says between heavy breaths.
“Love you too, handsome.” 
Miles kisses your shoulder, enjoying this amazing feeling.
He pulls out and carries you to the bathroom. He lets you use the bathroom while he starts the water for you guys. Just a quick shower after all that sweat. 
After you pee, he helps you step in the shower to rinse off. You look at Miles with heart eyes, and this time, his eyes match yours. 
“Thank you for not shaving. I know you're not a fan” You say as you run your hand on his chest. Miles giggles, making you laugh in the process. 
“No need to thank me babe, today was for you and for us.” 
You smile and lean to peck his lips. You and Miles clean yourselves quickly so you can go to bed. You need some support. Your legs are giving up on you.
As soon as you are back in bed, you're taking all his personal space. Making him chuckle in the process. Miles runs circles on your arms as your body starts to get limp beside him. 
“Thank you for picking me. You're not going to regret it. I love you.” You say as your eyes start to blink with sleep. 
Miles gets a little upset that it took him so long to be fully in and picking you. He smiles and kisses your head. 
“I didn't regret anything up to now babe, not going to start now. I love you.”
His "I love you" is the last thing you hear that night. He watches you for a little bit before falling asleep too. 
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jasminegazer · 8 months
Chapter 4 Part 1
Last night was a blur.
Hours spent talking and arguing with their dad. Trying to stay up later and find out every possibility of what could have happened to Mikey. All just to be left back where it all started.
Leo stood there alone on the rooftop across from Eastman High. Raph had locked himself up in the bottom bunk. And Donnie. . . Leo could only hope that he would actually unfreeze from the numb gaze he kept since the night before.
That was when Leo came to a scary realization.
They had never been so separated before.
Sure now that the turtles all had their own separate friend groups and activities. But they had never all been alone. Usually they were always at least a phone call away.
But now Leo had to face the school day alone. And on top of that he was the only one who could and needed to ask for the help of their one true best friend. The one who stuck by the boys through thick and thin. The one they all shared but in completely separate ways.
Of course it was up to the eldest and most responsible brother to handle the heavy burden. Alone. With a life on the line.
Leo thought back to one of his earliest memories. He and Mikey were venturing out into the sewers racing to their usual swimming spot. They were probably about 4 or 5 years old then with Leo just an hour or two closer to aging up than his other brothers. Though they never talked about it until the boys started finding out that siblings had an age order Leo was always assumed to be the eldest. The mother hen. The boss of the brothers.
Even their dad would ask out of all of them for him to do the hardest and most important tasks. Like babysitting while he went to get supplies or making sure Mikey and Donnie wouldn’t get hurt. That pair was always assumed as the younger and delicate ones being smaller and having softer shells than Leo and Raph.
As the two ran, feeling the wind against their cheeks, their feet splashed in the little stream running through the tunnel. “Wait up Leo” Mikey giggled stumbling behind his brother. Eventually the tunnel met an end and Leo paused looking down from the tiny ledge to take a breath. This part of the sewer was his favorite. The lake-like body of water was perfect for swimming. It was like a private beach only known to the inhabitants of the sewers. The turtle tot breathed in and out slowly taking in the smell of salty water pouring in from the Hudson.
“Watch out!!” Mikey yelped as he slipped onto his back and continued sliding towards Leo at top speed. “Wha- oof” Leo managed to turn around right Mikey’s shell came slamming into his chest knocking them both off the side of the ledge.
“Eeugh. Mikey what the-“ Leo said rubbing his head as he looked around to see nothing on the little beach.
“Mikey. Mi-ike.” He called as he turned around to his little brother. He was tucked under the pipe entrance hugging his knees and whimpering and chirping every minute or so. Blood slowly dripped down from his knee. “Oh mi gosh! Mikey! Are you ok?”
Mikey shook his head. Tears glazed over his eyes. “My knee. I want papa.”
Their dad was on a scavenging errand trying to find things that would be helpful towards trying to survive down there. Leo was supposed to be keeping them in the lair. Not goofing around getting his brothers hurt. “It’s-It’s ok. It’s just a little scrap” Leo was stuttering like he always did when he was nervous.
But he couldn’t be right now because his brother needed him.
‘Cmon Leo you can do this. Your brother needs you.’
After a few deep breaths he continued to comfort Mikey. “It’s ok. You’re gonna be just fine.” Mikey looked at his brother. Fear didn’t fill his eyes just sincerity and love. His whimpers turned into sniffles and his eyes focused on his brother.
“Can you let me carry you? We can do a piggyback ride home if you can be strong enough for it.”.Leo had him at piggyback. Mikey raised his arms and immediately started gripping the air. Mikey loved to be carried especially by his older brothers since they would rarely do it. Leo giggled as he lifted his little brother onto his back.
“Hey Leo.” Mikey whispered. “Mm hm”. “I love you bro.”
Leo stared at his drama king of a brother. “You’re not dying.”. “I know!” Mikey answered annoyed. After a long period of silence, Mikey squeezed his brother just a tiny bit tighter. “I just wanna tell you that. Cause I mean it.”
Leo was kind of shocked by how serious his baby brother was being.
“Yeah I love you too. But everything’s gonna be ok. You’re strong.”
Leo blinked himself back to the present. He took a few deep breaths and made his way to homeroom.
“You’re strong”
So just a quick peak in and out of the brothers past.
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