#he was saying nice things abt me to be clear but he kept using the wrong pronouns and holy fuck. I’ve never seen anyone so murderous
totopopopo · 1 year
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The best part about gaining the favor of a group of nine year old girls is that they are 900% ready to throw down for you at ALL times (whether you want it or not)
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slutt4ellie · 5 months
Hearts Over Hierarchy
PT2 - Love In Bloom
Loser!Ellie x Popular!Reader
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PART 1 // PART 3 // PART 4
Do opposites really attract?
Summery : After Ellie asked you to go to the cabin with her friends, and you full heartedly agreed, you started to realize that maybe a friendship wasn’t the only thing the both of you had..
Warnings -> Alcohol usage / The smut is hereeeee / Fingering / Oral / Scissoring /Miscommunication (they don’t talk abt wtf their relationship is) / Implied jealously! / tiny tiny bit of smau / Obviously NSFW!! / (Lmk if I missed anything else)
WC: 5.3k
(Not proofread!)
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It’s been exactly one week since Ellie invited you to go join her, and her friends in the cabin which is few hours out.
You were a bit nervous. You just blamed it on the fact that you were meeting two new people, and the fact it was just going to be the 4 of you. Alone. In the middle of nowhere.
Ellie kept reminding you they were nice, and you literally have nothing to be nervous about. But your nerves were still constantly running.
You were just on packing the last few items you needed to last your 3 day trip but before your thought process could even continue there was a few knocks.
“Y-yeah hold up!” You say walking over to the door opening it slightly. Once your are met with blue ones, you know who it is.
Things with Emily have been so fucking awkward since she decided to give her unwanted opinion about Ellie. And you didn’t even understand why!
She was never mean, at least it was fucking rare. But when it came to Ellie, everything suddenly became so uncomfortable and unwarranted.
It’s like she was constantly trying to persuade your opinions on her, just making mini side comments. Small sighs. It was little things but you noticed it.
And Emily must have noticed the tension between the two of you because she nervously spoke.
“H-hey..” She cleared her throat noticing how her voice sounded small and scared. After she clears it her voice finally becomes more full..Either way her eyes aren’t shifting from the floor.
You talked back looking at her hands and how they’re fidgeting. “Hey..”
Emily finally made eye contact with you once again. “Are you mad at me..?”
“W-what no?” It was a white lie. To say Emily’s behaviours weren’t getting annoying was bullshit, you knew it, and she did too.
“I-I just know you’re going away with Ellie and her friends- I just don’t want us to be in bad terms.” Emily says, there’s this look in her eye which is almost unbearable..maybe sympathy, or her just pleading for forgiveness. Regardless it’s a look that you don’t see often.
“Em. We won’t be on bad terms.” You shake your head then look at her. “I promise..”
She bites her lip almost if something is resting on her tongue. You don’t want to push her to say whatever is on her mind, but subconsciously you feel like you should.
But before you can even make decision your phone buzzes in your pocket.
Your hand grabs it and your eyes shortly trail to look down.
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Emily looks down at your phone too. “She here?”
You quickly clear your throat and look back up at her, you feel shitty. It almost feels like your ditching Emily but whatever she wanted to say can probably wait.
“Y-yeah she’s here!” You smile watching Emily slowly nod.
“Okay I can help you take down your suitcase.” Emily smiles causing you to shake your head and chuckle. “Em it’s okay, I got it”
“No! No I want to?” She shakes her head grabbing it.
You don’t protest it this time which causes her to smile, and once the two of you are downstairs and outside the door, you see the parked car.
There’s a man with black-ish hair, he’s sat right in the driver seat, there’s a girl beside him. You quickly take in her pretty features, and brunette hair, which is styled in a messy bun.
“That them?” Emily ask looking at you which you reply with a simple nod. “Yeah I believe..!”
Emily just smiles putting down your suitcase stepping over to give you a tight hug.
“I’ll see you in a few days?” Emily pulls back, her blue eyes not tearing away from yours. After she finishes her sentence you smile and nod. “Yep, few days!”
She then moves a loose strand behind your ear. “There’s a party when you get back by the way? Everyone is gonna be there, soooo you’re definitely going” The way Emily said it almost sounded like a command, it had a chuckle leave your lips.
“Why does that sound like your forcing me!” You smile lightly shoving her shoulder. “Cause I am! You’re coming to the party!” Emily says tilting her head.
“Okay whatever! Byeeee!” you say to Emily giving her a wave as you watch her figure go back into the sorority house.
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Ellie ending up seeing that whole interaction between you and Emily. Her face was practically screwed to the window, when Emily moved that strand from your face, she almost instantly saw how you were smiling and giggling with her.
It gave Ellie unwanted feelings of jealousy which she couldn’t even understand. She doesn’t like you like that. You guys are just friends..
“So are they dating?” Jesse ask looking back at Ellie.
Ellie obviously wasn’t paying attention so he lightly shoves her shoulder.
“W-what man!” Ellie says annoyed. Pushing his hand off her shoulder.
“Are they dating?” He repeats himself, now that Ellie’s attention is finally off of you..
“T-the f-fuck I don’t know!? I haven’t asked?” Ellie says rubbing her eye not knowing what else to say.
“Who’s the girl?” Dina now chirps in looking back at Ellie.
“I-uh I don’t know?” Ellie feels stupid now realizing how much she doesn’t know about this mystery girl. She thought i’d be weird to ask you about her, and if Ellie’s being honest with herself, she doesn’t even know if she wants the answer?
“And you haven’t asked if she’s dating anyone?” Jesse chuckles looking back at Ellie.
“No because that’s weird! We’re friends man!” Ellie says quickly shaking her head, not even letting the thought breath before she turns it down.
Ellies eyes fall back on you. She sees how your walking towards the car and she hops out of the back seat super fast.
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It doesn’t take long before you’re opening the trunk and Ellie’s met outside the car with you. “Hey!” Ellie smiles helping you put the suitcase in the trunk.
You look at her green eyes noticing how they’re trailing all over your face. “Hi!” Ellie slightly clears her throat. Giving you a chance to give her a tight lipped smile and reply with a “Hellooo!”
Ellie smiles and looks at you. Her eyes keep on shifting between yours. “Um I- I downloaded like some movies so we can watch them on the drive? You don’t have to though! Jus-“
You smile and nudge her shoulder lightly “You always think so deep into things, obviously I wanna watch movies” You say before closing the trunk. And thank god you did, because say you didn’t, you would have seen Ellie’s bright red face instantly noticing how flustered that one fucking sentence made her.
You quickly take notice of the two extra people in the car, taking a short deep breath which Ellie immediately notices. “Dina and Jesse are niceee! Just relax” Ellie’s says, now being the one to nudge your shoulder.
You do appreciate her reassuring words and you nod. “I’m super relaxed Williams!” Ellie chuckles shaking her head, putting up her hand’s defensively which earns a chuckle from you. “Right!”
You quickly enter the back seat and the first few minutes are filled with introductions. Dina and Jesse are super nice. Ellie was right. Not that you’d admit that to her though!
They say how Ellie’s mentioned you quite a bit which prompts Ellie’s face to turn beet red out of embarrassment. But this time you did notice it, and you fully teased her about it, you truly thought it was cute funny! Despite Ellie’s denial.
Even though you teased Ellie about it you always found ways to sneak her into the in conversation. And half the time it was accidental!..
Ellie stayed denying the whole subject, saying she barley mentions you, and how Dina and Jesse were being “dramatic!” It caused you to laugh but you dropped it.
Ellie sat in the middle seat which was ironic because she could have had more space by just sitting on the opposite end.
It would have allowed the both of you to at least have on spot away from each other. Even when you brought it up she just shook her head.
She smiled and argued that you wouldn’t be able to see her phone if she sat one seat away from you. Which to give her the benefit, that point was actually fair.
So here you are now shoulder to shoulder watching the original Jurassic Park. Which Ellie practically begged to watch despite your protest. It unfortunately didn’t take long till you finally agreed.
“Dude this shit is so unrealistic!” You say looking up from the screen facing her green eyes. You saying this causes her to instantly shake her head. “No it’s not?! It’s cool!”
“Barley!” You laugh following up. “The fucking dinosaurs don’t look real!”
“It was made in the 90s??!” Ellie argues. But you didn’t want to hear it. The movies visual effects were genuinely painful to watch.
“Okay! Still I could’ve made real looking dinosaurs!” You chuckle, which leads Ellie to smile. “Oh yeah! Totally!” Ellie shakes her head.
Your eyes fall back on the screen having some final chuckles leave your parted lips. When Ellie looks up at the front seat she sees Dina and Jesse giving each a quick “You notice it too?” Kinda look which Ellie clears her throat to finally get them to stop.
She didn’t want you to look up and notice the fact they we’re practically giving each other morse code through blinks. Dina and Jesse were being far from fucking discreet.
Ellie’s eyes look back down at the phone screen her eyes feeling slightly heavy. She yawns, and just like that she was out.
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Ellie wakes up to Dina tapping her knee lightly. Her eyes flutter open, and after a few seconds Ellie finally noticed this slight weight and warmth planted on her shoulder.
And before she could even process the waking up feeling she sees your head placed conventionally right on her shoulder. Your hand was also laid flat on top of hers. Ellie felt the heat rise to her cheeks once again and Dina chuckles.
Now Ellie doesn’t waist time and she quickly pulls her hand away. She doesn’t feel like getting teased from Dina any longer and she doesn’t want you to wake up and see the weird fucking position the two of you were in.
“Sleep alright?” Jesse chuckles tilting his head and looking at your sleeping body matched with closed eyes right on Ellie’s shoulder.
“Shut up!” Ellie says in a whispered yelled straight at him before gently shaking you.
Your voice comes out light and quiet, having an inaudible sound which Ellie recognizes as a little “Hmm”
Ellie tried not to panic considering your head was still firmly placed on her shoulder. “W-we’re here” Ellie says gently shaking you again.
Your eyes finally open and when you notice you fell asleep right on Ellie’s shoulder your body shoots up mumbling a few sorry’s.
Ellie shakes her head fast. “N-no you’re good! I-I fell asleep too.”
Her words do offer you some comfort but either way you feel extremely embarrassed about the whole situation. You’re just praying she drops it, and you’ll do the same.
Your head quickly moves to the window getting a view of the cabin that you’re going to be spending the next 3 days at.
“It’s nice right?” Ellie says watching as Dina and Jesse get out walking straight to the trunk. “Yeah really nice.” You smile looking at Ellie.
Ellie gets out of her seat and you take that as a signal to do the exact same.
When Jesses eyes meets Ellie’s he gives her a smirk, he knows something is going on the two of you, at least that’s what Ellie’s assuming. It’s like he’s talking through his eyes or something.
Ellie just shakes her head and grabs your suitcase first disregarding her own.. Once she sees you get out she quickly hands it to you. “I can show your where you’ll sleep in a second?”
You just nod and make your way up the stairs. The cabin was beautiful, when you walked in it had a full open concept and huge windows giving you a full view of the forest..
Since the windows were huge you could see everything. The scenery was beautiful, it also helped since there were a few couches you could sit on. Ellie must have walked in shortly after you because you hear her voice softly talk.
“I can show you the room you’re sleeping in.” Ellie smiles as you turn around in face her. “Yeah, yeah that sounds good.”
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After Ellie showed you where you’d be sleeping the day quickly faded into night. You, Dina, Jesse, and Ellie we’re all sitting on the couch a few shots coursing through all of you, it had everyone a bit more loose.
The night was filled with laughs. A few drinking games, and everything felt nice. You don’t even know how it happened, or why it was happening, but as the night went on you and Ellie both got closer. Not romantic or anything crazy, like kissing or some shit? Just more along the lines of sitting beside each other in a way most people wouldn’t particularly call “platonic”.
Along the lines of knee to knee, with Ellie’s arm over your shoulder. But then again some friendships have a more physical aspect?..And that’s all you were willing to blame it on as of now.
Just a physical friendship?
You also learned when Ellie got drunk she got bolddd, which was a huge personality switch. At least in your eyes. You obviously thought this because she’s always fiddling with at least two fingers and studying every sentence before she even says it. Not to mention the stuttering would make an appearance in almost every sentence.
And as the night went on, and all 4 of you got more drunk Dina decided to spit out an amazing idea, which was going swimming!
Of course all of you having alcohol in your system so didn’t even hesitate, quickly agreeing. You and Ellie ran to your separate bedrooms and Dina and Jesse ran to their shared room.
It didn’t take long till everyone was in their bathing suits. But your eyes just went straight to Ellie, it led you to basically disregard everyone else in the room.
She had bathing suit shorts on, with a bikini styled top. When your eyes fell on hers and she saw how you observing her, insecurities rushed through her head simply because she couldn’t read what the fuck your eyes meant.
Like she couldn’t tell if it was disappointment or something different? But when she saw your face slowly bring out a tight lipped smile she knew it was fine.
You were smiling at her..
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The four of you all rushed outside going down the steps which promptly led to the doc, your hand now intertwined with Ellie’s.
And to be fair It was on instinct! Since you guys were stumbling on your own feet, Ellie momentarily decided it would probably be safer if you held each others hands.
Which was super responsible!
So she quickly reached out her hand to yours.
And you didn’t hesitate to grab it back.
Sure maybe you guys didn’t need to have your fingers literally interviewed with each other! But! It offered more…grip!
“You’re jumping in!” Ellie says laughing while still holding onto your hand.
“No i’m not!” You quickly shake your head looking at straight at her.
“No?” Ellie’s hands find your shoulder and you guys are going straight to the edge of the doc.
“E-Ellie stop!” You quickly yell, your hands trailing straight to her waist in an attempt not to fall.
Ellie just chuckles, because despite your efforts she knows you’re going into the water.
And she was right.
Because as soon as your foot hit the edge of the doc you were a goner, the cold water hit your whole body instantly which covered you head to toe in goosebumps.
You quickly rose above the water and you see Ellie practically on the floor because she’s laughing so hard. “What the fuck!” You yell while laughing, still desperately trying to keep on the annoyed facade. Which was already failing when you saw Ellie smiling and laughing.
“What!” Ellie laughs looking at you. “I was just helping you in!”
You quickly shake your head and splash her. “Yeah fuck you!”
And after that moment it only took a solid 5 seconds before Ellie jumps in now splashing you..
And in no time all 4 of you guys are in the water splashing and swimming around each other.
You quickly swim up to Ellie smiling “Thank you for inviting me.” You clear your throat watching as her green eyes fall on your lips.
“I-uh know this is like your thing with your friends and shit so..-” You nod trying to show your thanks.
“Well you are my friend?” Ellie’s eyes meet yours again. She’s almost refusing to break eye contact. Which you can’t even understand why it makes you nervous. “Y-yeah well, I was talking about like a thing with you, Dina, and Jesse?”
Ellie sorta shrugs and then nods. “K well now you?” You chuckle looking at her “Huh?”
“Now your on the list? Me, Dina, Jesse, and you?” She says it like it’s obvious. Like she can’t even understand why you didn’t automatically get that.
Your gaze goes behind Ellie’s shoulder and your eyes are met with Jesse and Dina making out.
Ellie didn’t understand why your eyes were now off hers and she turns her head to see what your gaze was focused on.
Ellie turns back to you and laughs shaking her head. “Let’s leave??” She’s says asking you first, which you nod.
“Yep!” You smile getting out of the water and saying mini goodbyes to Jesse and Dina before taking her hand once again.
You notice how the feeling of being drunk was still pretty apparent. And you knew you still wanted to be close to Ellie. But you fully blamed that on being drunk. You and Ellie were literally only friends! Nothing else?
“I-I’m gonna have a shower, get the lake water off of me!” Ellie smiles, she doesn’t wanna be the first one to let go of your hands. She has this feeling with you, one that she can’t ignore, even if she wants to.
After Ellie talks you look at your fingers intertwined together giving your head a slight nod, slowly letting go of her hand. “Okay- me too..”
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As you walk out of the bathroom, your hair now fresh, your body now clean and feeling a bit more sober then before, you hear faint giggles which you already know is Jesse and Dina.
But before your thoughts can even continue you see Ellie with a towel ruffling it in her wet hair. She’s now in a fresh pair of grey sweatpants and a white tee.
Since she didn’t notice you, you decided to talk first. “Hey..” Ellie stops ruffling her hair in the towel and she smiles at you. You can tell she’s also sobered up slightly because her bold persona is now faded. “H-hey”
“You going to bed?” You ask looking at her before following up. “I think Jesse and Dina are gonna be a bit busy?” You give her a short chuckle. “Gross” Ellie wrinkles her nose with an over exaggerated disgust look.
“I-yeah maybe? Are you going to bed” Ellie ask looking back at you. “No, probably not right now..?” You shake your head looking at her feeling a thump form in your throat, which you get out by clearing your throat.
“Wanna just hang out in my room” Ellie doesn’t even know how the fuck she managed to get that out without stuttering but she did! And that’s all that mattered right now.
“Y-yeah..!” You say looking at her shortly talking again. “But i’m not watching another fucking Jurassic Park movie Ellie!” You say walking into her bedroom, when she doesn’t laugh you turn around.
“I-is that girl, is she your girlfriend.” Ellie says out of nervousness. It was so random, but at this point she felt like she almost needed to know, she needed to know if she was reading into this thing between the two of you.
She knows she has a answer locked in her mind. At least the one she hopes it is, but either way. The way that girl hugged you, moved the loose strand behind your ear. It all felt so fucking real, so romantic.
“What- wait who??” You say obviously not following Ellie’s train of thought.
“The girl with the blue eyes. The one who liked- knocked on the door that night?”
Fuck..was she talking about Emily?
You would have never really associated romantic feelings with Emily. Let alone Emily being your girlfriend? Sure you two were close, but you two were friends. And since you’ve been friends with her so long? You couldn’t really understand why this was was a topic of discussion. You wanted to know why she even thought that.
“E-Emily- What no? Why do you even?-“ But before you can get a word out Ellie talks
“F-fuck I don’t know?? I mean the way she looks at you?” Ellie shakes her head, maybe she was the one reading into it? But Ellie knows what look Emily constantly gives you. It could easily be deciphered as love. Anyone with eyes could probably see that?
Despite your two pair of working eye balls, you couldn’t fucking see it, so you denied.
“Me and Emily were just friends! We’ve been friends for awhile- that’s it.” Now Ellie’s eyes are unreadable. It’s like she’s deciding something. But before you can even think about what that look might mean. “I swe-“
Ellie’s lips were suddenly on yours.
It’s like she’s worried someone might interrupt, like when the two of you almost kissed the first time.
Your hands go on Ellie’s cheek. The kisses are needy and messy. Ellie’s making little noises which are going straight into your mouth.
She moves your back against the door, her hands finding a comfortable spot on your waist. Ellie’s lips plant right on your neck. She’s kissing and sucking which is 100% going to leave marks for the morning.
But right now you don’t even care. It’s just you and her.
Ellie’s hands go to the hem of your shirt and she pulls back from the crook of your neck. “Can I..?” Her voice comes out in a faint whisper having you nod just as quick as she says it.
Ellie also doesn’t hesitate as her hands reach the bottom of your shirt hems and she pulls them up and over your head.
Ellie’s whole mind feels frozen. Because sure she’s had sex, but fuck. This was different.
When it comes to you, she’s scared she’ll fuck it up or something. “C-can I touch you..?” Ellie ask clearing her throat.
You never really had someone ask how Ellie did. When you hooked up with other girls they were so fast. Just wanting to quickly fuck and get it over with.
But with Ellie she actually fucking cared, so you nodded and the two of you move to the bed.
Ellie kisses you neck and her hand moves to the waistband of your shorts. Her hand is going in slow repeatitipve circles on your clothed clit which earns moans from you..
“Baby..Jesse and Dina- they might hear?”
The way baby slipped so easy off Ellie’s tongue just made you more fucking turned on. Her touching you over clothes wasn’t enough right now.
You needed more.
So you took it into your own hands and grabbed Ellie’s hand leading it down.
Ellie understands what you want and she complies smiling. Ellie’s eyes trail yours, she notices how your eyes screwed shut and how the back of your hand was pushing against your mouth to muffle the moans.
You open your eyes and tap Ellie’s waist lightly as she lays on her side. “Y-wearing to much El..” You moan out and look at Ellie.
And you didn’t have to tell her twice because Ellie uses her free hand and takes off her shirt so she’s in a sports bra and sweatpants.
But Ellie doesn’t stop there, she follows up by taking off her sweat pants then bra so now she’s literally just in her boxers.
You can’t help but let out a chuckle. You’ve never seen Ellie like this.
Ellie then smiles looking at you before kissing you again mumbling a short “What..”
You smile and shake your head, pulling back from the kiss. You also decide to move a few loose strands out of her face. “I didn’t say anything..?”
The way Ellie’s chest pushes against yours. How she refuses to break the kiss, swallowing your moans as she plays with your folds. Even though this is so foreign for the both of you.
It feels right.
Ellie’s hand’s travel to your bra quickly taking it off and just like that her lips are wrapped around your nipple licking the sensitive bud.
Your moans are faltered by Ellie’s index finger going straight into your mouth.
Your tongue is going all around Ellie’s finger sucking it and licking it.
Ellie’s starts to kiss down your collarbone, then chest, passing your bellybutton and waist, her fingers moving to the waistline of your pyjama shorts.
You notice how Ellie looks up at you again, subconsciously looking for permission, she doesn’t wanna accidentally step over a line regardless of how far the two of you have already gone..
As you see her greens eyes meet yours, you nod. You feel your shorts sliding down your thighs as Ellie kisses down them. “This okay baby..” She ask again getting extra clarification.
For someone who’s a stuttering mess in normal situations Ellie knows how to keep herself calm, at least that’s what you thought.
Ellie’s mind feels like it’s going thousands of miles per hour right now and she literally can’t stop it. She just has a better poker face.
Her red face is basically talking for how the fuck she feels right now. You two are so different yet you’re the one moaning for her.
You’re the one who’s wet for her.
And Ellie doesn’t wanna fucking mess this up.
The room is filled with muffled moans and pants from both ends, you start to feel as Ellie’s lips latch onto your throbbing clit.
Every noise you make equally turns on Ellie. She’s so concentrated, eyes closed, a sweat band now prominent on her forehead.
“Right there” You moan, your hand grabs a fistful of Ellie’s hair shoving her nose, lips, and tongue deeper inside your pussy.
Ellie slides her index, then middle inside your dripping cunt. Causing a loud moan to come from you mouth.
Now you’re just internally praying Jesse and Dina are heavy sleepers because if they’d head ever fucking moan leaving your body right now.
Ellie’s hands are pulling you in by your outer thighs causing a shit ton more moans to leave your mouth. “F-fuck”
As Ellie’s fingers slip in and out your overboard. It didn’t last long till you felt a huge sense of euphoria course through your veins.
Fuck you came so hard you could have sworn you saw white.
Then as Ellie’s lips came smashing back on to yours and you taste yourself on her lips you moan more.
“Baby shh” Ellie says kissing you again.
But right now all you wanted was Ellie, you wanted to feel her, in the way she felt you. So you pull down her boxers and place her thighs so they straddle yours.
Your clits now lining up which causes a pretty loud moan from Ellie..
Her body falls limp on yours, smashing her lips on you once again, basically refusing to break it kiss. Despite the fact her clit is rubbing on yours, and she can feel her self going overboard she doesn’t pull back once from the kiss. She just keeps chasing it.
You two just swallow each others moans fighting the urge not to cum.
“F-fuck baby..” Ellie moans again. “I’m so close”Ellie says against your lips.
After you hear the words “I’m so close” leave Ellie’s lips you grab her hips rocking them back and forth aggressively.
Louder and more desperate moans fill the room, both of you saying mini praises.
And that was probably the thing that sent her over the edge because in no time after you literally only called her hot, there was a loud moan followed by warm liquid leaking down your cunt.
“F-fuck” Ellie stutters out of breath. All her body weight now on you, kissing your jaw lightly
You’re also out of breath. And you can hardly believe what the fuck happened.
Because sure you just slept with Ellie, came two times, but fuck was she good.
Everything Ellie did, it just felt better then the last. You didn’t want to lose her. It felt like you couldn’t.
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The way you woke up felt extremely unexpected. You feel a warm body pressed beside you, legs tangled and a pair of lips rested on your neck.
Fucking Ellie.
Her hair is now out of her normal ponytail which you hardly fucking see considering it’s only tied up. Her face is still red even though her eyes are closed and her breathing pattern is steady and slow. Which means she’s definitely still sleeping.
But when you least except it, her eyes are open and she smiles, the events of last night are dawning on her too. She doesn’t know what last night meant, but she’s happy..
“Hi..” Ellie smiles looking straight at you.
“Hi..” You say moving a loose strand of her hair and giving her a light kiss on her cheek. You also didn’t know what the fuck this was. You liked Ellie but maybe last night was a different idea for her.
More of a friends with benefits situation.
“Last night..I mean it was?” Ellie says looking at you.
“Was fun.” You smile nodding, Ellie was happy you didn’t say it was a mistake? But saying it was fun…that also felt odd? She doesn’t really know what she wanted you to say but that wasn’t really it.
You then sit up grabbing your shirt and shorts which conveniently were on your side of the bed. Ellie’s eyes trail your back and your side profile.
She then takes this as a signal to do the same. After both of you are clothed it finally hits how fucking awkward this whole situation was.
I mean you two were sorta drunk last night? At least that’s what you wanna blame it on, knowing damn well you were sober enough to realize what fuck you were doing.
“I don’t want it to be weird?” Ellie spit out practically reading your thoughts. “Like because of last night I mean”
“N-no me neither?” You instantly shake your head looking straight at Ellie. “I a-also don’t don’t want it to be weird.
Ellie doesn’t know what led her to lean in and kiss you after you finished you sentence but she did.
You also kiss her back, your hands trailing to the back of her neck, having Ellie take it as a sign it won’t be awkward.
“Breakfast?” You say looking at Ellie giving her a smile.
Ellie ties her hair in the fucking signature half up half down ponytail, shortly nodding “Yeah let’s goo”
Ellie grabs your hand taking you downstairs.
Dina’s and Jesses attention immediately shifts looking at your guys intertwined fingers then back at each other.
“We miss something orrr?” Jesse chuckles his eyes going up and down. Watching your intertwined hands then face.
“No!” Ellie shakes her head going to the kitchen island and sitting down neither of you wanting to let go of each other.
“Righttt??” Dina chuckles. “Last night then? You guys have fun?” Jesse says after Dina finishes her sentence.
Ellie shakes her head smiling, then denying anything that Jesse brought up. “Fuckkk off!!” Ellie smiles looking back at you.
Despite the teasing, whatever this was between you and Ellie. You were happy. And that’s all that really mattered.
AN -> OKAY! I know how I said I was gonna do angst this chapter but when I hit 5k words I had to tap out 😭
I didn’t feel like anyone would particularly wanna read an 8k fic so I stopped it early!
Regardless I have so much plans for the next chapter which will 100% contain angst and drama so please stick around! 🙏
I wanna just briefly mention I don’t really like writing smut because I feel like I’m bad at it? So sorry if anything is weird, too fast, or whatever idk?
I hoped you enjoyed reading and expect a new part maybe in a week? (again don’t hold be to that because i’m working on part 3 for Fated Hearts Start With Fire!) WHICH U SHOULD READ! 😘
Taglist : @bready101 @onlinelesbo @amberputh @seraphicsentences @a-little-bit-of-everybody @zoehxnji @cyb3rd0nguh @graviewaviee @i-feel-violated @elliesexual @macaroni676
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binsito · 10 months
I loved your idea of hannie with his nail tech crush.. yk what i think though? OBVIOUSLY the nailtech kinda knows abt this little crush of his. She doesnt know how severe it is but she does notice the way he blushes slightly when she compliments his hands, or the way his eyes sparkle when she finally giggles at one of his jokes. Also who am i kidding the nail tech obviously ALSO finds hannie v v cute and v v hot bc,,,, he's hannie??? He's charming and handsome and he keeps his fingernails clean soooo maybe the next time he comes around, and she is feeling a little frustrated bc her own hands aren't enough fun for her.. she'll hint at wanting his fingers inside of her? Maybe she'll be kinda distracted and shy this tine or maybe she's bold and just straight up teases him by saying things that could be considered dirty but also might just be his pervy mind interpreting the wrong thing. Aaa idk i'm not a writer but yourw giving my head THOUGHTS
OHHHH MYGOD. thank god you left this ask bc i was dying to write more for this JASHDJA
warning: fingering, hand worshipping, swearing, slight perv!han jisung, lmk if i missed anything but it's pretty tame
wc: 914
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hannie has to act normal.
hannie has to be cool.
hannie has to act like he doesn't go home after every appointment and edges his cock thinking about how nice it would be to have your lips wrapped around his tip.
so when he walks into the salon, straight into your suite and takes a seat at your chair - he makes a mental promise to himself that:
he. will. not. get. hard.
he won't get hard if you hold his hands, it's all part of your job.
he won't get hard if you smooth lotion on him, it's just a courtesy.
he won't get hard if you compliment his nails, they're only pretty because you made them pretty.
"hannie do you even put your fingers to use?"
"you come here so often and yet they're rarely chipped or overgrown. you must not lift a finger." you smile.
he felt so stupid, of course he read into it in such a dumb, perverted way.
"you must take good care of yourself hm?"
why couldn't he be normal? why couldn't he just have nice, clean thoughts? why was he getting hard? why couldn't he just keep his promise?
"your hands are always soft. i wish i had nice fingers like you. they're long and pretty.."
he clears his throat and laughs awkwardly. he was being such a loser.
"oh yeah.. they're definitely long, alright.. hah.." he says
who the fuck says that?
he literally wanted the ground to eat him up.
"yeah, they are. longer than mine." you giggle as you work on his polish.
"yeah.. way longer.."
and why he kept going? only god knows, but he definitely noticed your face flushing (and was he crazy or were you pressing your legs tightly together under the table?)
hannie doesn't think he's ever seen you this quiet, this concentrated on his hands before. after the conversation died out, there was no other topic to bounce off of. and normally han jisung would just start talking about random shit, would tell you your hair looked pretty or that he noticed your subtle eye makeup and that it looked nice.
but not now.
not today.
"hannie have you ever had problems reaching things with your fingers? i-it could just be because mine aren't as long as yours but.. you know they're never quite enough to reach."
"oh uh.. n-no but do you need help reaching something? i could help.."
"could you really? that's so sweet of you, hannie.." your smile could melt him into a puddle. you smile at him so sweetly, just for him and han jisung can't really handle that well.
"so what is it you need help with? something too high up or-"
"well.. i just can't seem to cum. doing your nails frustrates me so much. they look so nice so why can't i have them inside of me?" you pout at him.
the wind feels like it was knocked out of him. he thanks god that you have your own little suite and no one else was around to hear that.
"f-fuck, are you serious? holy shit, why didn't you say something sooner?"
"well because i'm a little shy and because i wanted to finish doing your set first, of course..
you really mean it though? will you actually help me?"
"yes.. fuck, yes i'll help you."
his eagerness was cute. unluckily for him, he still had to wait for you to cure his gel polish. his leg bouncing impatiently as you gave him a look to quit it.
he smiled shyly and let out a nervous chuckle as he tried to contain himself. once you were done, he damn near jumped out of his chair towards you. you put some of your supplies away and walked past him to lock the door. as soon as he felt the coast was clear and no one would walk in, he grabbed you - kissing you deeply and pressing you against his lean body.
it was an intense kiss, full of want and desire but you welcomed it because you had been feeling the same way. you pulled away slightly to grab his wrist, bringing it up towards your mouth so you could take two of his freshly manicured fingers in between your lips.
you made sure to get them nice and wet, saliva connecting them to the tip of your tongue when you pulled them out.
han jisung felt weak.
he found himself pressing you against the nearest wall, your pants long forgotten as he pumped his fingers inside you, finally leaving you fuller than your fingers ever could.
the pads of his fingers massaged your gummy spot and curled against it making your knees buckle. it was all too perfect and better than you could ever imagine. you knew the orgasm he was going to pull from you was going to be intense. you felt it bubbling up already and he hadn't even been touching you for long.
but when he brings his other hand forward to rub at your clit and you look down to catch a peek of his baby blue nails, you lose yourself to him and feel yourself cream around his fingers. clenching your cunt tightly against them, not wanting him to ever pull out.
however when he does pull out, he makes sure to have you watch as he sucks your essence off his fingers. rolling his eyes back at the taste and humming in satisfaction.
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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lmaooo kenny watching you sleep is so creepy (might also be the type of person to randomly trace your nose to see if you'll wake up???)
i can imagine being in a relationship with kenny being like dealing with an unpredictable hot potato of an angry cat who can bite you at any given moment (but, like, the risks of getting scratched and bitten until you bleed outweigh petting a cute cat...)
also, i feel like kenny would just know random details about you?? like your ring size. or your shoe size. or, if you have period, when it starts. and ends. or that you used to have a fringe in seventh grade. or that your grandma likes to bake victoria sponge cake.
or like, casually remembering something small, and being, five years down the line, like, "Do you remember you told me on X day of the X week at X hour XYZ?"
and you're like ????
and sometimes, when kenny would be weirdly nice like getting you a blanket or really leaning into domesticity, you would like watch him like O.O what's next...?
would casually spring up things on you. "Let's get married." "Do you think I should test this out on a human?" "I am leaving for five days, don't contact me." "Should we freak your mother and father out by saying that I'm centuries old?" "You remind me of someone I knew in the sixteenth century. They were... interesting." "I got you a wedding dress, put it on. If you don't, there'll be consequences." "I don't think I'll kill you... I think."
high-key very unhinged... but at least you're kept on your toes all the time? right?
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he’s so fucking Weird . 100% stares at you sleeping and traces the bridge of your nose … smiles a little when that makes your face scrunch up a bit. he’s just fascinated by you i think!! by the fondness you make him feel. he’s like oh :) emotion :)….
AND YES. HE LITERALLY IS JUST A CAT. when it comes to dating kenny i feel like you sort of have to adjust to his whims….. he can definitely be silly and affectionate (in a mildly condescending way) but then he can also be very Cold. and come off as apathetic. he’s like a stray cat who waltzed into your home one day and let you pet and feed it…. sleeps in your bed and purrs when you scratch behind its ears but won’t hesitate to hiss if you do something he doesn’t like. random bouts of affection but only ever at his whim, y’know? like. he’s Your Cat but he also isn’t. he doesn’t always come home and it’s clear he has a life outside of you. but he likes your company enough to let you come closer than anyone else has been and that means a lot on its own!!! he’s just…. your mildly creepy cat. who watches you sleep with his big creepy eyes and protects you from the shadows.
BUT OK enough abt kenyaku (<- his Cat name)….. ANON I LOVE YOU. i agree!! on all points!!!! him knowing random little things about you….. randomly recalling certain things…. i feel like his memory is a little jumbled. kenjaku is the type to forget your bday but like … he’ll remember your thoughts on Every Single Character in the show you’ve been binging. or the exact tone of voice you had when you spoke to him for the first time. his love definitely shows in the little things… he might not tell you that he Loves You outright and i don’t think he’d care about making your relationship official in any way, but if you mention liking a brand of soda you’ll find one waiting for you in the fridge the next day. he’s cute. i’ve said this before a while ago but i also think kenny would take you on random trips a lot…. just to spend time with you!! but he doesn’t Tell You where you’re going so you just have to listen to him say ”we’re almost there ^_^” like 50 times. lmao.
ALSO BEFORE I FORGET . the period thing. you’re a genius anon. he just randomly sniffs you and then goes ”you’re on your period aren’t you” and you’re like ??? wtf is wrong with you ?????? (he was Right btw) LIKE HE’S SO STRANGE. you don’t need a period tracker because he’ll just casually let you know you’ll be getting your period tomorrow. and that it’ll probably be a little worse than usual. and he’s Always right so you just have to nod.. silently…. trying not to give him side eye……… for the record i think he also takes care of you well during your Time of The Month. tries to be a little more tender because he knows you’re sensitive and doesn’t really want to deal with you crying (he doesn’t like seeing you in distress but that’s a secret)….. makes sure you’re taking ibuprofen. makes sure you get some fresh air. lets you sleep on his lap like a puppy while he reads. places one of his big warm hands on your lower stomach. he’s a little more indulgent i think.
but ok period comfort ASIDE . the random bouts of affection/domesticity….. you Get it anon. i think he’s actually fairly physically affectionate but it’s never something He initiates. he just expects you to know when it’s okay to cling to him and not. so if he pulls you into his lap or covers you in a blanket or whatever you kind of melt a bit…. i DO think he’s a frequent hair-ruffler though. and a serial booper. he’ll mess up your hair and boop your nose and you just have to Deal with it. get booped idiot. (it’s how he shows affection :3)
"Let's get married." "Do you think I should test this out on a human?" "I am leaving for five days, don't contact me." "Should we freak your mother and father out by saying that I'm centuries old?" "You remind me of someone I knew in the sixteenth century. They were... interesting." "I got you a wedding dress, put it on. If you don't, there'll be consequences." "I don't think I'll kill you... I think."
AND FINALLY. THIS. i went insane btw. all of these r so real and true anon …. he’s just kind of silly and weird and tiptoes that line between hot and cold. but he Cares for you in his own weird way.
and!!! i don’t think he would ever kill you!!!!! i do think he’d say that last line but only to see your reaction lmao. compared to other jjk villains kenny is never shown killing anyone on a pure whim, obviously he doesn’t Mind doing it but it’s not something i see him doing casually yk?? especially not to someone whose company he genuinely enjoys…. maybe if he thinks he’s getting Too attached to you? :0 idk but!! i feel like kenny keeps you around for as long as he possibly can if he cares for you. spending time with you is important to him. even if he randomly disappears now and then. (if he genuinely Loves you i think there’s a good chance he’ll just throw you over his shoulder and bring you with him LMAO)
BUT YES. i’m OBSESSED with him. thank you soso much for feeding my kenny thoughts anon <333 the kenny talks i’ve been having lately r Really tempting me to finish some kenny fics T_T….. soon.
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ncityavenue · 2 years
Most to Least : Mommy kink ft 127
TAEYONG - just look at him, it's so visible that he has one. You do something sexy asf during sex and he's just like "OMG MOMMY." Like it's just second nature to him, or he looks at you just existing and in his mind he's like "Mommy..." He said it out loud once by accident when yall were conversating with his members, Ps. Johnny has never let it go🤭
HAECHAN - I think it's very clear that he would be down for any kink, he's freaky as fuck– not only does he say it during sex but he says it on the regular.(regular huh?) Like you could be washing the dishes and he hugs you from behind and is like "Hey mommy" with a lil smirk.🤫
MARK - OH FOR SURE. Mostly during his orgasms, like it's an intense one too–it catches you by surprise almost. "Oh fuck‐ m-mommy~". HJFIWBSHXBWKSNFBW. he sometimes doesn't even realize how frequently he says it. He's just too cute with it that you need to hear it again and make him have like 1 (3) more orgasm.
JAEHYUN - I feel like jaehyun is a switch at heart and a sucker for dom women, he likes to see someone that is stereotypically seen as the sub part of a relationship to tell him what to do and order him around during sex and just use him as a sex doll– OFF TOPIC SORRY YALL🤭🤭 anyways he would fucking love to call you mommy, he'd be hesitant at first bc he don't wanna weird you out but c'mon you gave him a boob job- A BOOB JOB and it just slipped out. "Oh shit mommy oh my god". WOOOOOOO. After that it just kept coming out..or should I say cumming? I'm Sorry...
JUNGWOO - he mostly says it for teasing or fun purposes, I can see you're like sucking him off and then you do something that catches his attention he's just like "ooo~ mommy~" and wiggles his eyebrows. I would count it as a kink most definitely because even before yall were a thing he use to see pretty girls and be like "she's mommy for sure." Then it kinda slid into your relationship.
DOYOUNG - it would be rare, but its not like it won't happen at all. Funny thing it didn't even start off sexual, STORY TIME: he was very intoxicated and had a hang over the next day obviously, you were giving him pain killers for the migraine he had and he faintly laid his head on your shoulder sleepily saying " Thank you Mommy ". BOY DID THAT BECOME RATED R QUICKLY. atp you wanted him to moan it instead😭. It's mostly when you take care of him (sexually or non) that he says it but it's still rare.
YUTA - he's not totally off that idea, he just rather call you pretty,gorgeous, princess, & baby. He's had a conversation with haechan about this and the younger boy suggested for him to call you that one time and see what happens, Yuta tried it. Wasn't really his cup of tea. It didn't roll off his tongue the way he anticipated it to, so he never really says it to you unless you ask (beg).
JOHHNY & TAEIL - Since I can't really figure it out, I put them together bc they level each other out. Johnny just rathers calling you beautiful or sweetheart,baby,& pretty kinda similar to yuta. He also rather you call him daddy AHEM! 🧍🏾‍♀️, it's just not in his nature to do that. He joked maybe a few dozen times abt it seeing you in something cute/hot he's like "Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry." Then cringes. HXWBUDDBWK. Taeil on the other hand is like "A what kink?" Like he's genuinely distraught. It's giving the same energy as haechan saying bop and him having no clue what it means, you explain mommy kink to him and he's like " that's nice...for other people though :) " passive aggressively telling you, ITS NOT HAPPENING WITH HIM SIS 😭😭 he likes to think you were joking with him from the jump. When he wants to be evil though, he pretends he's gonna say it but doesn't at all. Sorry hard taeil stans:/ (including me it was hard for me to write this part tbh😪)
- ♡︎ -
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tetsuskei · 2 months
RISUUU HELLO MY ANGEL 💗 i haven’t been in your inbox in a million years forgive me 🛐 i hope you are having a wonderful week, sending u a big hug and a kiss.
also, i was curious if you have a modern au with childe teehee <3 if so i would love to hear about it !! or if you have a favorite au with him in general 🤭 and sorry if you’ve received this question recently bc i have been so absent on here recently. anyways I LOVE YOU!!!!
HI RYLIE MY BELOVED ! 💖 apologies for this being delayed i had to think about my answer, bc i have never gotten this question before ! :0 i hope your week has been off to a great start ! ilysm :>
i think my modern au with him would be with him being an mma fighter tbh :0 ! but i also have an idea of him being an actor since he is known for being in plays, and i like that as a more unexpected job for him to have. plus, my job as an art director has a higher chance of having us crossover and meeting.
so if he was an actor i’d say that i work a lot behind the scenes and help out the main director and such, and we just happen to cross paths bc he needed help rehearsing his lines and asked me (he was nice abt it so i said yes >_>). it was a romantic scene so a bit awkward for me, but he didn’t mind! told me that he liked having me as an acting partner.
after that he kinda just…kept coming around. he would try to distract me from my work, saying he was bored at times and liked talking to me. he is very persistent. he is also a gentleman and took the entire crew out for dinner (man is very loaded) 🙂‍↕️.
it’s really the classic case of me thinking he’d never think of me in *that* sense, but also not realizing any of his advances. i think one day he makes it abundantly clear he’s into me, and then things take off from there!
after we have been dating for awhile he of course takes me to meet his family and they adore me :3 hehe. i think that makes him fall for me even more and not long after does he ask me to move in with him.
he’s pretty much like a house husband, always taking care of things but i have to remind him to also take care of himself. will also force the two of us to have self care days. i enjoy babying him sometimes i won’t lie. and it ofc is the same way for me with him.
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bitter-like-coffee · 5 months
hehehe thank you for the Jessica Jones ramble!!! ur sooooo right abt everything tbh. i totally think ur fine to just watch s1, like the others were fine but s1 stands alone really well. also i feel it with tennant tbh i never even liked him until he was kilgrave and its still my favorite role hes ever had
Its just, its so sad it could only happen in the lawless era of Baby Netflix because its just delicious. I think if more of marvel's ips were handled with a similar brush i might actually enjoy them. Not to say they have to all be Gritty Noirs Focused On Very Grounded Villains, but itd be nice if they really sat w their premises. I dunno if any of the movies w Steve and Bucky ever really get into that sorta thing, but theres such a depth you could get out of Steve and Bucky grappling with the future and adapting and challenging their 30s? Worldview, etc.
Tennant just did such a good job w Kilgrave. Simmons was uh terrifying lol. I realize I hadnt mentioned Trish and. Ough. Ough. I love her so much, like any good noir should elicit, I spent so much of her screentime murmuring "girl dont do this". I love her desperation and drive to help people even at her own peril. Much like Jessica, she can't help it, but unlike Jessica she's not physically strong enough to not be the damsel, so she hides in Rapunzel's pin-locked tower and learns to fight in the hopes that if the evil stepmother or a dragon comes she'll be ready. And then the dragon asks her to come in, politely, through the front door and she's so charmed by his candor that she's helpless. The entire rest of the show after Trish popped one of Simmons' pills to save Jessica, I was just looking at her like a dog eating something it's not supposed to.
It really was like, incredible how harrowing every moment with Trish's mom was. The scene where she was trying to force Trish to purge was so hard to watch, made me cry.
And then theres Malcolm abd Robyn abd Reuben abd this isnt even getting into the deliciously toxic yuri wrt Hogarth and Pam and her ex-wife whose name I'm blanking on. Honestly this us just a testament to how beautifully female lead so much of the show felt, which really added so much punch to the themes they were tackling, especially since there were a ton of Kilgrave's victims who were men (but weren't solely the focus).
I really loved Malcolm, especially after they, blessedly, revealed that his addiction was less of some stereotypical black druggie horseshit abd that Kilgrave had just added another tool in his arsenal to keep a good guy under thumb. (To be clear whether his reasons for his addiction, he needed help and compassion, but I was wary of it as a like stock trope.) Learning he'd wanted to go into social work was gutwrenching.
I think, though, I was most impressed with Robyn and Reuben. From the outset they seemed very...Stock "Crazy" Apartment Weirdos, abd as was perhaps the intent, they made me very uncomfortable, especially with early appearances making it seem like there was some WEIRD incest going on. And then Reuben's little crush on Jessica happened and I dreaded every time he was on screen but gradually less because he was a little weirdo and more because he was so visibly a little weirdo head over heels for Jessica. I cried when he died, and I was shocked at how masterfully they made me care. And then Robyn's neuroses kept building in the background abd foreground as she desperately searched for Reuben, and even though she's absolutely weird and abrasive and perhaps needs anti-anxiety medication, she's so solidly a mourning person who was so afraid because as much as she felt like her brother couldn't survive without her (and woe, she was kinda right), she needed him. The scene in the penultimate? Episode? Of Season 1, where she sobs because his fucking charger finally came, days too late, because she told him express shipping was too expensive? Oh that crushed me and made me really gel w her very strongly as a character.
Everyone's Arcs were so good aaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa. (I love Luke Cage and i practically danced every time he was on screen. Just such a wonderfully grounded, traumatized man.)
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
tell me abt the okujima single parent au 🥺
Makoto was so eager to impress Haru in the beginning. And always, really. But. Oh she was down bad right from the start
She's got like. Negative natural rizz and kept trying to flirt and it was so fucking painful. Stuff like "aha, wow nice weather. Kinda. Kinda like you"
"...Ms Niijima it's raining??"
Akira and Ren just had to watch their mom be cringefail and. Somehow she still got a date. And married. Damn.
Their first date is dinner at a pretty low-key neighborhood pub, and. Makoto was convinced it would be just a nervous first date but her sister insisted on watching the boys, taking them for Aunt Night
Makoto wears her nicest buttonup, charcoal, with black pants and a navy tie. She's embarrassed that she has to take her date on the bus, but Haru, in her lovely summer dress and pulled up hair, she uses it as an excuse to tuck right into her side
Haru is batting her eyelashes throughout the dinner, practically playing footsie under the table. The wait staff are confused cause. One of them heard Makoto ask Haru what her favourite flavor of cream cheese was. And then talk about why her favourite was garlic chive
You see anything could've happened on that date and Haru still would have intended to spend the night with Makoto. She's been down bad from the start too, so down bad she pushed herself through a very awkward encounter with her own daughter, trying to explain why she wasn't going to come home that evening
Haru: you'll be fine on your own tonight, right? I don't need to call your grandpa?
Kotone: mama? Aren't you just going on a date with that library lady? Why wouldn't you come home?
Haru: well. You see.
Haru decides, much later, so much so that it's nearly morning, that the result was worth that conversation.
Tae and Sae both adore Haru, and spoil Kotone as much as they do the twins. They're the dual income lesbian aunts bringing the gift reckoning. They're adored
Okay some more focus on the kids once they're more grown cause. I have stuff for them too
Kotone, of course, mega gay, in love with both Yukari and Mitsuru. Mitsuru confesses to both when she graduates, a year ahead of them. She says it's clear there's something between all three of them but with her leaving, that at least Yukari and Kotone should try. And if either still has a splinter of feelings for her by the next year, to join her at uni
She gets showered in kisses before she leaves, of course. As of either would ever lose interest in her, of all people. Mitsuru and Akihiko room together and it's very much Lesbian and Gay Man existing in barely functioning shared space
I hc that Mitsuru likes to physically separate her work from her relaxation. Aka she just. Strips when she gets home from class. Lounges in a bra and panties. Akihiko hates it.
Her next set of roommates. Are much more appreciative
Kotone and Yukari spend the year getting closer. They don't call it dating, wouldn't be right without their third. But. They kiss, and when they have sleepovers they share the bed, waking up cuddled together. But it's not datinf, they're not dating
Until they both move in with Mitsuru. All three, at uni together, in one apartment. Yukari is the big cuddler. Always starting contact randomly. Mitsuru is. For lack of a better term the horniest of the three, and Kotone. Is so full of love
Though it is a lot when she's curled up with Yukari and Mitsuru just starts. Kissing her neck all sensual
So Ren as a teen is pretty quiet, calm. His ADHD meds get lowered, just a little. He's athletic, enjoys gymnastics actually. He's besties with Kasumi and Sumire, and he has a thing for track champ Ryuji. Ren's also really open with his feelings. So within a week Ryuji is his boyfriend
Ren also has glasses. He doesn't need them. It just keeps him from being confused for Akira
And. Well. Akira. Never lost his trouble maker genes, he's besties with Futaba and has the crafty mind of someone who always knows a little too much. He has a fact about everything, and his meds are at the max. He's reached the legal limit. Impulse control is not his strong suit
He's on debate team, and every week he has a battle of wits with Goro. Everyone else knows they're in love but them. Long story short, right after their final debate they end up in a closet making out. Nearly more but they get discovered
Makoto and Haru don't end up having a kid of "their own". They dont
...stop looking at me like that
Someone convince me out of adding the P4 group into this mess with another kid-
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umflowers · 13 days
hi! uh just a warning this is fairly nsfw but i don't really know where else i can vent abt this so sorry 😅 you were just kind of the first person who came to mind for telling this bc i don't rlly wanna talk to my friends or whoever about this. anwyays. all nsfw from now on! slight mention of sa btw (sorry!)
so! today i tried to get myself off for the first time in ever, i'm pretty sure. i probably tried to like, search around in that region when i was little? because i was curious as to what's down there but not sure of the language to actually google it, but i don't think that that counts. anyway! i'm just like. ok so i tried two times today technically: in and right after i got out of the shower (maybe like 6pm est? also counting those as the same time because there was a very much negligible gap between them) and about an hour and five-ten minutes ago, bc no one was home other than me and my dog.
first time: i did NAUGHT know what i was doing, anatomy wise. specifically, according the planned parenthood diagram i looked at right right after getting out of the shower (part of the negligible gap), i was going for the urethra. oops. but thanks to the mighty power of planned parenthood, i figured it out! i tried for a little bit, just experimenting, and i'm pretty sure i was getting the hang of it! at least until i had to take my dog out bc he needed to go out. but after that, i was like, THRUMMING with excitement, because well, i was excited! after i got out of the shower, i was playing 'summer' by circadian clock and baethoven, btw. not rlly relevant, just what i had playing before i went to shower, i just felt like mentioning that.
second time: i get everything rlly prepared. i put on agora hills (the doja cat song) to try and set the mood. i lie down, and i try (now with the knowledge of where the clit is), and i STILL can't do it. not even after like, 45 minutes!!!! which is honestly just ridiculous. i get myself wet a couple times, which is nice, because it means that i'm not completely fucking up (how that's the first swear word in this i have no idea but 🤷‍♂️ we move), but it's still annoying because i kept on drying up after a certain point!!! which is just soooo annoying and i'm just. it didn't WORK is my problem. like, i tried to use spit to get it going a little, but that barely worked bc i kept on having to do it, and again, I KEPT ON LOSING THE FRICKING CLIT!!!!! is it the curse of being a boy (tboy for clarification) that's making this not work?? when i ended up a boy in a girl's body, did god just say "oh well i'll just make it impossible for you to find the clit so you can have at least one part of the boy experience" ?!?!?!?!?!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!!! this might also be my punishment for not paying attention to sex ed, but in my defense i was shown porn in fourth grade because my ex bff's older sister forgot to clear her browsing history and i immediately became SUPER sex repulsed (having to lie about it to my parents, the weird shame that came with it being interesting, religion, and the fact that i'm pretty sure it was one of those stepsis/stepbro things where the guy was basically assaulting the girl did NOT help imo) and decided i would never do any of that stuff ever and thus did not need sex ed so. well that's besides the point! i think i'm just mad that i can't even get myself off. i'll admit the music kind of helped, but not really all that much, and i wasn't sure what to do with anything, and i DID try to imagine stuff but nothing actually WORKED which was really annoying and yeah. rant over. thanks!!1
hello nonnie! well first off, strange as it may sound, i'm touched that you thought of me to rant to about this bc i always hope i make people feel safe to talk about things 💜 secondly, anything i say is just my personal insights, bc i have no medical training and am def not qualified to teach sex ed :p going through everything you said, it may be a combination of things? firstly, it's great that you found some music that was helping! but if i may ask, were you trying to make everything perfect to the extent that you built up masturbating into this big thing in your head and that stressed you out about it? cuz stress and anxiety can make it hard to orgasm. if so, it's okay to be excited about trying! but maybe give yourself just a bit of a cooling off period and try to relax about giving it another try and come to just see it as a fun new thing c: masturbation can be as much about learning your body and what it and you like as it is about reaching the finish line secondly, do you happen to be neurodivergent, especially if you have adhd? i personally have a really hard time achieving orgasm (like. my husband and our [female] fwb were laughing about 'punching in for their shift' when we had a threesome bc she cums really easily, meanwhile they're like taking turns as their arms got tired trying to get me there once lol) for a variety of reasons, but one of those is in fact that i have a hard time focusing due to adhd. it's not bc i'm not enjoying myself or anything like that, but just like in all other situations in life my mind just drifts, so i've learned to kind of guide myself back and make sure i'm in the moment as a side-note to that, do you have chronic pain? often those of us who do are constantly cataloging what hurts, how badly, and why, and that can be super distracting. d'you know how many orgasms have been killed for me by my hip or calf or thigh or ass cheek or neck cramping oml x_x; so if you have chronic pain, wait for your body to be in a place where it can take some tensing muscles and you don't have to focus so hard on that
as for the anatomy, i'm glad planned parenthood once again came to the rescue! there are a lot of people who didn't get the education they deserved on their own anatomy, so that's nothing to be ashamed of <3 i used to just rub at the lips and be like 'c'monnn, do something' lol. as for losing your clit, belieeeeve me i understand. clits come in all different sizes and also swell as you get more turned on, plus if you start getting really wet that thing is like a little slip 'n' slide. one thing i found that helped was getting a hitachi wand-style vibrator, cuz the vibrating head is big, so good fuckin' luck ducking out from under that thing, clit. but also, gauge your own sensitivity bc those wands are usually pretty powerful and can be overwhelming to some people, especially when you're new to masturbating. you can start smaller, too. there are any number of sites to buy sex toys from, but the one i personally use is adam & eve (https://www.adameve.com/). try poking around on there if you like and getting a feel for what clitoral vibrators are available and what you think might work for you, if that's of interest ^^ i would definitely recommend not trying in or right after you get out of the shower - i know shower sex gets shown in movies and porn a lot, but having tried it? in practice it actually tends to dry a vagina out bc it washes away our natural lube. and also! lube! lube is your friend. even if you're not doing anything penetrative, a little dollop on the clit goes a long way to making anything you're doing feel way better. water-based lube (which a lot of lubricants are) is usually better than oil-based, and remember to never use oil-based lube with a sex toy bc it wears down the surface of the toy. as for the trauma when you were young, i'm so sorry you had to experience that :c i understand religious sexual oppression and the lingering effects it can have, as well as sexual trauma, believe me. it's possible that that's also contributing to why you couldn't orgasm, but that's also nothing to be ashamed of. it's okay to react to things, especially when you're a kid and you don't even really understand what you're experiencing. also, and you certainly don't need to tell me if you're not comfortable, but being trans, do you have any dysphoria regarding your genitals? i've known trans people across the spectrum with this, from being able to masturbate without any problem to being unable to clean up in the restroom without it affecting them mentally, and it's all valid. if you do, that of course can also affect how much you enjoy masturbating.
as for having a hard time picturing things, ooooh my god i get it. i have aphantasia, so i have a hard time picturing anything in my head, and i'm also an auralist so i'm more turned on by sound than sight, anyway. if you're unable to or uncomfortable with watching porn, you could try audio porn if it would appeal to you? there are people who just either improv or read prepared scripts, and it's only audio. you can find any number of kinks, accents, gender pairings, etc. my go-to for it is actually a subreddit called gone wild audio. all in all i'd say, wait until you know you'll have a decent amount of time to yourself so you don't have to worry about someone walking in. take the pup for a walk first if they're anywhere near due for one (and please give them a pat for me!) and just try to relax and see it as enjoyable, not something that you have to figure out or be perfect at right away. it's easier to orgasm the more you're enoying yourself, and trying to race to the finish line ends up being stressful. get some lube (i swear by astroglide, but it can be pricey and there are perfectly good cheaper options!) and, if you're able and want to, some kind of vibrator and see what that does for you, then go from there and build on your knowledge of what you enjoy (: good luck! you're always welcome to send another ask or message me if you like 💜
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celestie0 · 4 months
its been forever bae i’ve missed uuu ☹️ i’ve been so busy lately i havent had time to send in my asks 😞 i’ve been thinking abt u tho 😘🤞(omg gojo is that u?? am i gojo??)
OKAY BUT BAE OH MY GODDDDD I’ve started catching feelings for one of my friends and he is literally the sweetest kindest most caring boy i’ve ever met. we’ve been friends for YEARS and he has literally NEVER hurt me. he’s the kind of person you can talk to about anything and he will literally literally not judge you no matter what ☹️whenever im with him i always feel so safe
okay so a while ago his friend who imma call J was interested in me and kept trying to flirt with me, but the guy i like (imma call him C) noticed this and he got like very protective of me. like for example he wouldn’t leave me alone with J, he’d be kinda touchy when J was around and he always made sure to keep J at a distance. One time tho J approached me when C was busy doing something and J was like saying some kinda weird creepy stuff to me so when I told C he was FURIOUS 😭 I swear he looked like he wanted to smack someone, I also found out that J was a playboy and he liked to mess with a lot of girls so I think thats why C was acting that way??
the other time was a few days ago C and I decided to hang out at a park bc it was a nice day and I decided to make a flower crown bc there were a bunch of daisies,, so I was sitting on the grass making it and C was sitting next to me watching me so I asked if he wanted one but like the boring man he is he said no 😒😒 so i picked up a daisy and tucked it behind his ear instead 😆 he wore it the entire time we were out and he even kept it ☹️ lowk felt like i was having a main character moment, LIKE IT FELT STRAIGHT OUTTA A FANFIC OR SOMETHING 😭 it felt fanfic worthy anyway 🤷‍♀️ OKAY BUT I SWEAR I CANT TELL IF HE KNOWS IN FLIRTING WITH HIM OR NOT 😭 cause like i said we’ve been friends for years so we’re just super comfortable and close with each other 😭😭
okay but enough abt C,, how’re u doing bae?? i’ve been missing u lately ☹️💗 i hope you’ve been taking care of yourself! it was pretty hot up here in norcal for this past week so I can only assume its been hot down there as well?? imma tell u bae as a city girl,, i cannot deal with hot weather. over 67° and i’m melting 😭 idk how you guys in socal do it 😭
anyway bae thats all for now,,
-🦌 anon
awwww hii my love i was thinking about you earlier last week!! so happy to see u <33
omg 🤧 C sounds soooo nice :””) he had those red flag glasses on when he was steering u clear of J but also maybe he was jealousss?? 🤔🫣🤭 also the flower thing is so adorable n you’re so right that’s like straight out of a fanfiction omggg ✋🏼😭 friends to lovers goes CRAZZYYY. if you like him bb u should tell him how u feeeeeel. i just watched ‘one day’ netflix series recently which is like friends to lovers but hella slowburn over the course of like twenty years but if there’s anything it taught me, it was to just tell ppl how u feel honestlyyy 😭😭😭 i’m rooting for you!! also is this the same guy that you were texting last time that wanted to stay awake w youuu at night?? 👁️
i’ve been doing well my love!! i just got back from a 20 mile bike ride so i’m exhausted n gonna go pass out LOL. im training to do a 100 miler w my friends in october so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 been spending sunday mornings working on rides haha. but yea im chillin im gonna hang out w my mom cuz mothers day i think her fav brunch spot is doing some 15% off mimosas thing so my brother n i are gonna take her there. YEA omg its getting hotter slowly, surprisingly this week is going to be still cold for us, tbh it’s supposed to be hotter this time of the year i’m a bit surprised by how pleasant it was when i was out riding today?? the sun only came out around 10am. shocked but i’m not complaining HAHAHA. we’re like low 70s rn and its bliss bc once summer hits i just wanna DIE. so jelly of youuu ik norcal has some wind to cut the heat too but not so much here at least not where i live since i’m more central from the beach 😭
i missed u toooo bb so nice to hear from you <333 LOVE YA HUGS N KISSES 💋 💕
- ellie 🦢
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rrelationshipadvice · 5 months
so i recently spoke to this guy from my school on insta. it had been a while we haven't seen eo but recently, we had been crossing our paths for the past two tests we had and bc im friends w her sister, we spoke to each other too. now after texting the night before, we texted the next morning too for a while. the night we texted, we spent 3 hrs talking abt various things including his past relas, my past situationships, we even flirted in the middle saying that it was j a practice flirting session for me etcetc {in the midst of the convo, i j called him a bbg to which he asked me to be his mommy and i jokingly agreed to which he replied again saying "SO BREASTFEED ME"- which he later deleted saying it was too much but okay💀💀idrk how he actually is. either a freesoul jokester or not but he even sent me a text saying "then j marry me" when i told him that him being a better person wont benefit me rather his wife & kids would enjoy the benefit.} and in flow i even told him how my friends saw him as "my crush" bc i had used his name a multiple times to save myself from an embarassment infront of my friends involving my past situationship. he replied saying that i owe him my life lol. moreover bc of sum instance, he had been thinking that i liked him which i cleared out the night we spoke. [🤡the instance🤡: i had initiated a convo w her sis bc we were from the same state so the next time i saw him alone w/o his sis i j went and asked for his insta id AND I SWEAR IT WASNT BC OF ANYTHING BUT PURELY CURIOSITY & BC OF MY EXTROVERTED ASS FR. thats when we saw we had moots. so he actually reached out to a moot of ours and asked her what sort of a person i am by sending the text "how is she" to the kid. now the kid told him that im nice and etcetc to which he responded saying that he asked her not bc he was interested in me but bc he felt i was interested in him. like woowww???] now im not really sure he was convinced bc in bw our convos he kept saying things like "if you want me j say so" etcetc. now THE MAIN THING, the next morning we spoke he said in bw our convo that 'HE USUALLY ISN'T SELF CENTERED BUT HE BECOMES ONE WHEN HE TALKS TO ME' which really made me wonder if its bc he has the pride over his delusion that i prolly like him or bc of sum other reason i cant think of. he did say that i shouldnt take this as an appreciation nor as a disrespect when he said he j likes to be self centred around me. if y'all actually think that it's possible that it's bc of sum other reason then please enlighten me. & if any doubts then please leave the question below BUT PLEASE DO HELP ME FRRR OML
thank you !!
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rinakat · 4 years
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they cleaned out the gift shops at work so they gave out all the chips and candy to us for free ahakshsksj
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finelinevogue · 3 years
We need more Bella and Megan content!!! Insta posts were so cuutee!!! Maybe a blurb abt the relationship between Megan and the family?? It could be interesting… I imagine then being a very open and close knit family u know, where they can talk freely about anything,and yes including sex, and I think it could be interesting to see how maybe bella needs some advice/want to talk to someone about being intimate w her gf and doesn’t know how to bring that up to her family bc she is embarrassed and doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable?? I’ve never read a doc like this, or where one of the kid is not straight (only w/ Harry or the reader being bi) and yeah it should be written abt more.
megan and belle are sooo cute yes! ok let’s see where this goes!! hope you have fun reading;
belle - 18
“Will you stop faffing, you look beautiful honey.”
You slapped Belle’s hands from playing with her outfit again. Tonight you and Harry were properly meeting Megan for the first time, by taking them out for a meal at this new Thai restaurant down the road. Belle had been worrying all evening as she was getting ready, coming downstairs multiple times to show off outfits to you so you could give them your honest opinion. It didn’t help her when you said she looked beautiful in all of them. Belle wasn’t into playing “girly” dress-up, but she thought that putting effort in for her girlfriend, tonight, might be a good idea. So she’d finally decided on some denim jeans, a basic top and then one of Harry’s old blazers. She looked amazing.
“Just so nervous.”
“Why? You like them, right?” You asked, adding on a bit of lipstick, whilst you were sat at the table of this fancy restaurant.
“Yeah. Like really like them.” Belle emphasised, shrugging off the blazer as she was becoming too hot with nerves.
“Well then we’ll really like them too. We trust you.” Harry butted in, sitting as close to you as he could whilst sat in these chairs. Before you’d managed to sit down at the table he’d moved your chair along to be closer to his, meaning he could slink his arm around the back of your chair and have his hand in your lap if he wanted to. Even after all these years he still knew how to make you feel especially loved.
Belle’s phone pinged and it made her freak. “Oh god, it’s Meg. They’re here.”
“Okay, B. Calm down and go and get them from outside, we’ll just order some wine or something.” You ordered her softly, trying to put your daughter more at ease. She was more nervous than you imagine Megan would be.
Your daughter stood up from the table, both you and Harry smiling at her. “Okay.” She pushed her chair in behind her and about to walk off, but she quickly turned back to you both, “Remember; Megan Dover, they/them pronouns and don’t mention anything about astrology otherwise we will be dead before we leave this table,okay?”
You both chuckled at her, loving how she was so aware of her girlfriend and the things that were important to them. “Okay love. Now stop fussing and go.” Harry shooed his hand and his daughter away from the table. She turned back around to flash you two thumbs up and you both smiled at her, watching your all-grown-up baby walk away.
“We’ve done well Styles.” You turned to face him, to find he was already admiring you, thinking about the wonder life you’d both created and the wonderful children that had been a product of it.
“Was just thinking the same thing, m’heart.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you, pressing his lips onto your lipstick-stained ones. He didn’t care if his lips became painted a different colour because of it, he would never miss the opportunity to give his beautiful wife a deserving kiss. He loved you too damn much.
You cupped his chin and he tightened his arm around you, that had been slunk around the back of your chair. He squeezed your thigh three times in signal for saying ‘I love you’ without any words needing to be spoke. You tapped his chin three times in return. Everyone always hated how loved up you two were, but really you just think they’re jealous of how perfect your relationship is. Sure you have your ups and downs, but isn’t that what makes it so perfect? You pulled away and looked into his dreamy eyes, kissing him once more for good luck, before returning your attention to your glass of water for a drink.
“Thirsty?” He asked you, keeping you close.
“Mhm. All that talking I was doing this afternoon on the phone to that bloody insurance company.”
“You did give them a piece of y’mind though, love. You were a lot more civil than I would’ve been.” Harry chuckled, waving his hand to catch one of the waiters attention.
“Seriously though? Nearly charged us an extra £1,000 for a service charge. Bloody fuckers.” You sighed and put your water back on the table after taking a lengthy sip.
“£1,000 isn’t really that mu—” He didn’t finish his sentence though because he caught sight of your stern face and knew exactly what you were thinking. You hated when he talked about money as if it wasn’t a problem, because you didn’t want your kids to grow up with that ideology. “You know what? They’re bastards and i’m proud of you for handling them so well.” He kissed you again and then the waited came over, stopping you from having a go at him for being cheeky. You pinched his leg in respond and he caught your hand, holding it tightly in his as if a warning for you to stop.
“Evening Sir. How can I help?” He asked politely, his serving towel draped over his forearm.
“A bottle of y’cheapest red wine please.”
“Certainly Sir.” And the waited was gone.
“Cheapest?” You asked confused, making Harry turn back towards you.
“Well it’d be a bit hypocritical of us to ask for our favourite bottle of wine, which is £1,000 darling, now wouldn’t it?” He smirked at you, knowing he’d played you just perfectly.
“Such a git.” You scoffed in pretend offence and then kissed him again too make sure that he knew you weren’t mad.
You both sat back and looked in the direction which now you could see Belle walking back over to you from where she’s gone to fetch Megan. Belle was guiding them book, Megan following closely behind her, and they were holding hands. They looked completely adorable and you wanted to just rush your camera out and snap loads of photos of them to remember this moment. Yes, you were that mum who takes a photo of everything and anything when it came to your children. You even had an album on your phone dedicated to your children’s haircuts… You leg started to shake nervously in anticipation.
“Calm down you!” Harry laughed quietly, just incase the two girls could hear you. Harry stood up out of his chair first and held out his hand for you to follow. He made sure your chair didn’t tip back as you stood and kept ahold of your hand as they approached you both.
You caught Belle’s eye and you could how happy she was from the twinkle within.
“Mum, Dad, this is Megan,” Belle introduces you all, Megan still stood slightly behind her, “Meg, this is my mum, Y/N and my dad, Harry.”
Harry was the first one to cross his hand over the table. “Lovely to meet you Megan.”
“And you Mr Styles, but please just call me Meg.” They shook hands together and Harry smiled at them warmly, wanting to make her feel as part of the family as possible. He was good at that.
“Well then then you, please, call me Harry. Makes me feel old otherwise.” His joke made the table laugh and ease any nervousness that had been there before.
“That’s because you are old, dad.” Belle added cheekily.
“Oi watch it you. Don’t think I won’t embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.” He raised his eyebrows teasingly and pointed sternly at his daughter, who did pack quite the punch with her snarky responses sometimes.
“I’m counting on it Harry.” Megan laughed, which made everyone chuckle again. Megan was such an easy girl to get along with and it was clear that they made Belle a very happy person, for that you indebted to them.
“And nice to see you Meg.” You shook your hands with Megan as Harry and Belle continued to banter over the table. You were sat opposite Megan, Harry next to you and Belle diagonally opposite you. You and Megan both sat down before Harry and Belle did.
“Likewise Mrs Styles,” you gave them a look which had them chuckling as they corrected themselves, “Y/N, sorry! Are they usually like this?” They asked you, watching Belle and Harry talk about some absolute rubbish.
“Oh don’t even start! They wind each other up all the time. Drive me up the bloody wall they do!” You laughed and you felt calmer when Megan laughed too. “Wine?” You offered them, having had the bottle delivered whilst you were all being introduced to each other.
“Yes please.” They smiled and held out the glass to help you pour. You poured them a generous glass and then followed by pouring yourself one too.
You weren’t blinded by the beauty of Megan. They had strong-loving brown eyes and blonde hair that seemed to be toned down with brunette roots. They had a simple face with perfectly plucked eyebrows and a fiercely sharp jawline. They were just very naturally pretty, that you could tell. They were wearing similar to Belle actually, which made you think they’d coordinated their outfits - your inner mum was freaking out over the soft thought. You and Harry often liked to coordinate outfits too, like tonight - both of you were wearing navy blue.
“You want wine B?” Meg asked Belle, breaking her away from the pointless conversation with her dad.
“What? Oh, yes, yes please.” Belle responded, shifting closer towards Meg and holding their hand again. They kept their public displays of affection to themselves, a bit like you and Harry had originally been. You filled up your daughters glass, but passed on filling up Harrys glass because he was driving home tonight.
“So what do you plan on studying at university Meg?” You started the conversation with the easiest question you could.
“Marine Biology.” They answered and you could tell they were clearly excited by the tone of happiness in their voice. You didn’t miss the squeeze of pride that Belle gave them either.
“That sounds good! Where abouts are you going to study?”
“Newcastle, actually.” Meg went quiet and you understood why, because Belle was going to the exact same university to study Engineering.
“Oh really?” Harry asked, pretending to be surprised but it definitely came through sarcastically - this earned him a kick under the table from his daughter.
“Oh shut up!” Belle rolled her eyes and Meg smiled at her playfulness with her family, it made them really happy that their girlfriend had such a loving and special family.
You were so not ready to send off your daughter to university, because she was your final baby to leave the safe nest of the Styles home and it was just going to be you and Harry left. You were excited for the time you’d have with him, but you were sad to see you final child leave you. You were even more excited for Belle to be going out and adventuring the world as she wanted to. She was going to do great things and you couldn’t be prouder of her. It eased you to know that at least Meg would be their with her - almost like a home away from home.
“You have any brothers or sisters Meg?” You asked.
“I have a younger sister, but she’s evil.” Meg laughed, before taking a sip of their wine.
“Evil how? ‘Cause my children are the exact same.” Harry spoke sincerely as if one of his children weren’t sat directly in front of him. It earned him another kick to his legs from his daughter. “See? Evil.” Everyone laughed, Belle just sulked.
“Well Ivy just terrorises everyone and anyone. She’s just evil.”
“Belle ain’t much better i’m afraid.”
“Dad! Meg is going to leave me if you keep painting me out to be an arsehole.” Belle rolled her eyes, but was brought out of her strop by Megan who brought her hand up to press their lips on her skin.
“Can’t chase me away that easily Belle.”
And it was that moment that you knew that Belle had found a forever partner in Megan, just as you had found in Harry.
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cheegu3 · 3 years
~ Yandere Hyunjin - X31 ~ [CULT SPECIAL 1/2 PTS]
tw / trigger warning: Yandere themes, abusive relationships, brainwashing, violence, cult themes, blood etc [this one isn’t very “ culty “ only an introduction]
a/n: I was really feeling a cult yandere thing and I haven’t written abt stray kids in a while oop so here u go <3 also let me know if u want a continuation or smth similar c:
wc: 1.4k
summary: there was an active and well known cult / gang in your hometown, you had never ran into them until u did - and the leader set his eyes on you, he’ll do anything to get what he wants.
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Thankfully the house where the party had been at wasn’t too far from your house. It was a couple of blocks away and once you came out onto the main road it wasn’t as badly lit as before, except you never made it there.
Thankfully the house where the party had been at wasn’t too far from your house. It was a couple of blocks away and once you came out onto the main road it wasn’t as badly lit as before, except you never made it there.
Thankfully the house where the party had been at wasn’t too far from your house. It was a couple of blocks away and once you came out onto the main road it wasn’t as badly lit as before, except you never made it there.
A firm hand was placed on your shoulder stopping you from passing. It was hard to see what the person looked like because they were wearing a dark mask. Other than that he was very tall and slender with piercings and tattoos complementing his jet black hair. 
‘‘ What is such a cute girl doing out here alone on a friday night? ‘‘ he asked.
His tone of voice didn’t sound teasing or innocent, it sounded rather like a bit of amusement that rang alarms and made your gut wrench telling you to get away from this man. 
You chuckled nervously and tried to look like you were just shy while increasing the distance between you two.
‘‘ I-I’m gonna go meet my brother, after uh, his boxing practice? ‘‘ you weren’t good at lying and your tactic of trying to make him scared by saying you basically had a big scary brother that would hurt him if he tried anything, completely failed.
He laughed, his voice and deep laugh didn’t match the cuteness of his face when his mouth curved upwards which made his eyes crinkle into half moons. He looked adorable to you but something told you it was often used to his advantage to get the people to trust him and then do...bad things.
‘‘ You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met ‘‘ he still had a twinkle of amusement in his eyes from laughing.
You chuckled awkwardly again and began shifting uncomfortably. Small drops landed on your exposed skin, fuck why would it start raining now.
‘‘ Well I better go. It was nice meeting you ‘‘ you said.
He didn’t say anything, just nodded and stood frozen in his spot even when you walked past. Chills ran down your spine when you turned back one last time to see him watching you - his eyes had never left you and they looked very dark now, like they were one with the darkness behind him.
You quickened your pace and even though you expected him to jump out at every corner you turned and every alleyway you passed, he never did. When you had reached your apartment you glanced back and quickly got in, pulling the door shut after you and locking it. But even as you were basically safe you still were on the edge all the way up to your room, jumping at the slightest sound.
Feeling exhausted from the party even though you didn’t drink much you decided to get to bed. Crawling under the covers you looked at the dark street below, you suddenly remembered the man and squeaked feeling very childish when you ran to close the blinds and then pulling the covers up to your nose after.
It took about an hour for you to just calm yourself down. You lived alone and it wasn’t the first time you’d had these hysteric thoughts that kept you up for several hours, sometimes for the whole night. Finally though you managed to repeat positive affirmations to yourself which made your body relax, making you be able to fall asleep.
The next morning you woke up early, sweating from the heat. You pulled up the blinds cautiously and peered out. It was dead empty and it looked spookier than ever with the thick fog covering it.
You sighed knowing you still had to go to work, you were always cursed with the early shift. When you had pulled on your shoes and clothes ready to leave the house, the man from last night had completely slipped your mind and so you felt peaceful walking past that same very alleyway - until someone grabbed you.
You were pushed very hard and pinned to the brick wall to your right. You groaned in pain loudly but were very quickly silenced by a large hand covering your mouth. Your head was spinning but you still managed to look up at the person that had basically attacked you.
It was him no doubt. The dark seemingly innocent eyes, the dark hair, pierced ears and tattooed arms. Only, he wasn’t wearing the black mask now which gave you full access to his other features.
Even those from his soft plump lips and defined nose with a mole on it made him look innocent. There was no way this man would hurt you let alone anyone...would he?
You swallowed thickly and looked up at him. You saw him smirk slightly.
‘‘ So we meet again y/n ‘‘ 
You pushed his hand off in panic but he still kept you pinned to the wall.
‘‘ How the fuck do you know my name? ‘‘ you screamed, and there he was covering your mouth again but this time more harshly so you’d have no way of pushing him off.
‘‘ Be quiet ‘‘ he growled lowly.
He then pulled you away from the wall and took a fistful of your hair, twisting it to force you to move towards the direction he wanted you to move in - further down the alleyway. There was a clearing there and what seemed to look like a black van with a bunch of graffiti on it. 
You didn’t resist him and only followed, your panic hadn’t fully kicked in and you were still hopeful somehow - thinking that someone would save you as you got out or that he didn’t want to hurt you, anything to keep you sane during the walk.
When he had pushed you out into the clearing on the other side of the alleyway you took one last look at the apartment where your friend lived and where the party had been just last night. 
Hushed voices made you snap your head to the left and you saw several more guys, dressed like him and they all had the same vibe with tattoos and piercings decorating their bodies. When they noticed you two they looked surprised.
‘‘ Found her already? ‘‘ one of them said, one that was a little shorter.
‘‘ Jesus, that was quick boss ‘‘ another added.
You looked at the guy holding you. He was their boss? 
He looked a bit annoyed and gave them a silent dangerous look.
‘‘ Everything ready? ‘‘ he asked them.
They nodded in sync and gestured towards the van that on closer look was a lot bigger than it seemed to be. It had several seats and could easily fit up to ten people. You didn’t have a choice, he pushed you into the back and pulled up some sort of cover which divided you two from the others. 
Without a word he aggressively handled you, he sat you down correctly and fastened your seatbelt. When the panic that you had been so numb to finally kicked in and you tried to hit his hands away he growled at you again and grabbed both your wrists with one of his hands.
With his other hand he was fumbling somewhere to his side feeling around with his fingers until he apparently found what he was looking for. He brought it up so you could see it,
It was a rope.
An overwhelming feeling of nausea overtook you and you started fighting back harder, kicking and screaming as well.
‘‘ HELP! HELP ME! ‘‘ 
But even amidst your adrenaline kick he was still stronger than you, tying your hands up so tightly that it was hurting you.
Then he snapped with his fingers to get your attention, which it did. He rolled up his sleeve and there on the top of his bicep was another tattoo, it had words that made you silent immediately when you read them.
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lovelyjasmari · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Reaction Part 12 ~ Sallie Mae Made Jamil Overblot Edition + Announcement!
About the title...yeah...its in reference to an EXTREMELY stupid ass joke found in this post...you’ll see...
I must say, even though I already read all of book 4 on my own, it’s still a fun treat reading it in EN simply for all the meme-able content the official translations offer! Since it seems like there won’t be any story updates this month, I’ve decided to continue reading book 5 on my own this weekend. There is also another reason I’m going ahead: 
Over on my blog @jasmariswonderland I’m working on a mock event story with  my twst ocs! The story takes place during the events of book 5 and is sort of a side story showing that some of my characters are up to during. So of course I need to finish reading for context but that shouldn’t take long since I don’t have to worry abt battles, twistunes or overblots. 😅
In the meantime, let’s finish up book 4! Warning: pic heavy, some swearing, some personal projection/mentions of my past, meme-ing, yelling at the Tweels and thirsting for ya’ll-already-fucking-know-who. Let’s jump in!
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If we must, Jade. If we must...
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Heyyy! Shoutout to my namesake princess! Also off topic, but cyan is one of my personal favorite colors and I would love to cosplay Princess Jasmine one day when I’m thinner. 
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KALIM! Don’t do it! Runnnn!
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Goddamnit, now I have a new ship...😩👀💀
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“Forbidden lore”... whatever Azul! Tell that to all the wonderful artists over on twst twitter! 😭
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God as much as the Tweels amuse me, if I were around them as much as Azul, I’d probably have to sleep with one eye open. Doesn’t help that they’d probably eat Azul if they could. Such an odd dynamic, I love it! 💜
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Awwe his chibi is doing the glasses thing! 🥺🥺🥺
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Jokes aside, I REALLY wanna know Crowley’s secret. Like this man oozes with sus sauce, moreso than any of these beautiful bastards going to NRC. WHY isn’t he trying to find a way to send us home?! WHY does his school suck so hard compared to RSA?! WHY do the students hate each other?!  WHAT IS THIS FUCKING BIRD MAN DOING?! YES! DO IT JAMIL! EXPOSE CROWLEY! Yuulan would probably thank you!
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Orrrrr, ya’ll can just cancel him. That works too...NOT! 😤
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Thanks Azul, I hate it!
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Intellectuals tend to be dastardly too, you know! 😤
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Uhhhhh...that doesn’t look like a good sign Kalim...
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So...I was gonna retake this shot but I BARELY managed to defeat his first OB stage and the more I looked at this pic, the more it made me laugh for some twisted reason. To the point when I was debating weather to do his fight again just to retake it, my bf kept saying “looks like Sallie Mae made Jamil overblot...”
I know...we have an...odd sense of humor. 
Sallie Mae aside, another cool as hell overblot design. All these designs for the overblots are so cool and now I’m even more excited about seeing that Vil’s looks like. But also terrified cause I feel like his will probably be WAY more difficult than this one.
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What’s hilarious about these official translations is when they do speak clear english but the localization team still translates it into something else. It was especially noticeable during the culinary crucible event and its EXTREMELY obvious here! 😭😭😭
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And as always, Yuulan continues to be iconic...
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Poor Kalim, this really made me sad. I really feel like he didn’t mean anything malicious. He’s just too sweet and too good for this twisted (punch me) world. 
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Jesus fuck Jade! You’re charming but Jesus fuck! But seriously though, I respect it. With that smile, you can be certain no one would be able to find the body...
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THIS IS WHY I DON’T LIKE YOU NO MORE AZUL (joking, please don’t come for me Azul stans)! Jamils gonna fucking die soon if we don’t do something and all you’re thinking abt is exploiting developing nations for a quick buck! FOR SHAME!
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Aaaaand once again, we as the fans have been cheated of seeing Azul in his octopus form without having to overblot...😭
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All that’s missing from this scene is for the boys and Yuulan to be in sexy red harem outfits...👀
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If he can’t do it, GREAT!!!
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This face is particularly creepy tho. 😳
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Why am I not surprised this fucking bird man was willing to take bribes? This is probably why your school is so messed up (affectionately).
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Okay! Time to get personal for a moment! Up until this point, I’ve had a certain level of sympathy for all the overblot boys and Jamil is no different. But Jamil’s sad story hit me especially hard because I was recently forced to sever ties with a group of toxic friends who, for more than  decade, were the only friends I really had. And my relationship with them was a lot like what Jamil has with Kalim. Without going into much detail, I realize in hindsight that there was a lot of uncheckhed envy on everyone’s part but especially against me. I was made to defer to another friend who, for reasons, had to be better than me at everything. What made things worse was that our other friends were pressuring me to defer to them and yet actively compared me to them every chance they got. 
One of the reasons I’ve been hesitant to continue reading book 5 is because even though I’m only a third of the way in, I can already sense that Vil has a similar dynamic with Neige as I had with this friend of mine and the parallels are even more clear to me. I hate to use this word but it’s been extremely triggering to me because these friends left me in an extremely venerable position that has only fed into my obsession with perfection and my self hatred. I have no friends at this point in my life and my creative pursuits are what bring me joy these days but one thing I’ve really appreciated and loved about Twisted Wonderland is the writing and how layered the characters are. That I can see my traumas in this story makes me feel strangely validated. I know that’s a pathetic thing to say but it’s true.
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Floyd, sweetie, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but please shut up before I pull out my stick again... (affectionately) 
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OOF! That’s all I can say, hell, that’s all I COULD say when I first read this! 😂
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Daaaaammmnnnnnnnnn this is actually pretty awesome! And true.
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Awweeee, this is so sweet. You two have really grown on me since the first time we met in the prologue. We’re all officially besties and it’s awesome! Even if you two do act like airheads sometimes...
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But I’d love to know what public transportation is like in this world. Are there planes? Even though brooms are a thing. I’m sure boats are a thing since most of the land are isles, but yeah, I’m curious now. 
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Unlike Crowley, who DID...
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And yet, you’re smiling...❤❤❤
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Awwe, they were worried too! 
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Oh, hi Lilia. Fancy seeing you he...LILIA?!?!
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Please don’t, and for the love of god, PUT THOSE FUCKING FANGS AWAY!!! 👀
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Though I wish he hadn’t vanished so quickly, I would have happily invited Malleus to our feast, Lilia too! 💚
Also, I feel for Mal probably on his knees praying to the Great Seven that we wouldn’t figure out that M.D. stood for Malleus Draconia. Since he probably couldn’t sign the card Tsunotaro without Lilia interrogating him about it. Or worse, Sebek having a hissy fit abt someone daring to call Malleus such a name. 😭
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Oh God...OH FUCK! OHHHH FUCKKKKK! Does that mean...? Could that possibly mean?? 👀👀💙💙👀👀💙
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APPLE CHILD! My sweet apple child! His birthday is coming up soon too! 💙
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Where’s my stick...
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NOOOOO! Don’t cry, Epel! Please don’t cry! And the “dagnabbit” is adorably funny! I wasn’t gonna pull for Epel’s birthday card but I lowkey want to just to see how EN will translate that one part of his birthday story where he completely goes into his dialect.
Anywhoo, please don’t cry, Epel! Who would dare make my sweet apple child cry?! Cause the second I find them, me and my stick are gonna...
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...oh...oh...nevermind...I’ll just put this stick down and see myself out...*backs away slowly*
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Aaaannndddd, I’m back on my Rook-thirst bullshit again. Sorry Epel, you’re on your own for now. When Rook comes on screen, my better judgement leaves me out the opposite window! And with that, let me end this before I get too far in my Pomefiore flailing. Yeah...🤣🤣🤣
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lorebird · 3 years
GOD I NEED TO GO TO BED BUT NOW IM THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING UNDER BOATEM . I’m officially scrapping the latest comic I was working on bc I have ideas for other stuff now, but I’ll put the thumbnails under the cut bc it did take some time! Anyways. Rambles
I’m loving the idea of a truly Well-Meaning boatem beast more and more. I know I’ve already got like 2 sub-aus where it’s malicious, a regular one and one with watcher grian, but uhhhhh what if I made another au where it’s nice. For fun and flavor. I think it’d be interesting if it knew what was going on with the moon’s oncoming impact and wanted to save everyone via the void — if it kept timmy alive all that time in this version, then it can probably safely move people through the void!! Having its limited communication w echoing words would be interesting too. It could kind of retroactively fit that one doc comic, trying to tell him that the only way out is Down
Idk I will sleep on it but!! I am so excited by this au just In General and if anyone ever wants to send in asks abt it I’ll kiss you
Ok so this comic was for the Watcher Grian version with him finding out he’s the only one that can remember the boatem beast. The first page would start out very yellow, then into oranges and reds, until the last page was vibrant purple. I also used it to spin ideas for how the beast actually like. Hunts. It’s not super clear here but it basically turns things into pure void and absorbs that into itself, leaving no items/xp behind, just like what happens from falling into the void regularly (plus its whole Taking Visual Traits... thing). Last thing I wanted to do was show grian growing somewhat numb to what happens, since he can’t change anything and no one else remembers, slowly taking on a passive role as watcher
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The characters’ dialogue isn’t like. Super important or anything. The “narration” text says
“I remember the first time I saw it.
No one else can remember it. I’ve seen it get everyone,
but it’s never come after me.
It only ever watches.”
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