#he was such a freak (affectionate) we had an incredible friendship & would have the most insane and open convos abt sex
sydmarch · 2 years
if only I was still in touch w my work friend from like 6 years ago at the sales job who was an insane dom & sadomasochist who brought our group along to the bdsm party and told me he frequently jerked off to the memory of when he had his arm sliced open in a bar fight I would buy one of that hoodie for me & one for him and we would match
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5am-mist · 2 years
I freaking love your fics so much!! And i have a request idea, okay so Bella x reader who is Pedro’s daughter who is in other shows and movies but when reader does it visit her father in Canada she meets Bella and eventually gets a role in ‘the last of us’ and like in interviews they will lean against each other and is just very affectionate so one day in an interview they get asked about their “friendship”. You can make up the rest lol
°pairing°> bella ramsey x pedro's daughter!reader
°summary°> a simple visit to your dad on set ended up leading to one of the best things that has ever happened to you.
Thank youu so much anon!🤍 i used they/them pronouns for bella! i really hope this is what you wanted, i tried my best lol enjoyy! love youu<33
You couldn't place when exactly the turning point was. The moment that lead up to the current one. Was it when you had decided to visit your dad (Pedro) on the set of 'the last of us'? Possibly. Maybe it was when you actually met Bella. If that wasn't it then it definitely was a crucial part of it all. Was it when you landed the role as one of Ellie's love intrests? There was a chance. Could it have been the months you and Bella spent getting to know each other? Maybe.
What if it was all of it? Yea. That seemed right. Everything must have aligned at the perfect moment that sent off a chain reaction that lead you here. That chain reaction included some of the best months of your life, it included the late night calls you and Bella would have, it included all the interviews where you and Bella sat 'too close together' what ever that meant but most importantly it included the day you and Bella confessed to each other and started dating.
Now you two were sitting on a couch in front of the interviewer that had just asked "whats going on between you two? you seem to be very close friends." and you weren't sure what exactly to say.
You guys weren't necessarily apposed to having your relationship public i mean it didn't really matter what others thought of you two, but it's just that you two didn't expect the question. You were the one to speak up "friends?" you put on an offended face and tone and layed your hand over your forehead. The interviewer clearly hadn't realised you were joking because he responded with a quick "the internet is just curious, you guys are always together and seem very close in interviews because youre constantly laughing and leaning on each other."
"Well we are great friends" Bella commented, you both were making the interviewer incredibly nervous. "I mean we were great friends right?" you looked over to Bella who currently had thier arms crossed over their chest and was nodding at you. "what happend?" the interviewer piped up concern visable on his fac.
"some secrets were said and it changed our relationship forever," at this point it was getting incredibly difficult to hold in your laugh. "What she's trying to say is that we confessed to each other and are now dating" Bella had finally gave in. You burst into giggles leaning into their side. "Aww i was having fun" you pouted looking at them.
"I wasn't i thought something really happened between you two" the interviewer exclaimed which made all 3 of you burst into laughter
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cooloddball · 3 years
I woke up to see a lot of people saying that they no longer believe in cockles because of the Gish zoom reunion and a very long ask on the same. I was skeptical to watch it at first but some very nice people @green-blue-heller and @thegandy told me it was an amazing panel. Well, ladies, the peer pressure worked and I watched it. I have to say, that panel was the most adorable zoom panel they've had together. It was 20 minutes of pure joy and serotonin boost on my pant. So thank you.
Now back to the panel. I watched this video from the official Gish YouTube account so that's what I'll be referring to. I don't know if there are any other videos but well, let's go.
Let me be honest, waiting for the ceremony to begin, I was nervous. These two are total chaos together so I was already suffering from second-hand embarrassment way before it began.
Jensen being an old man who doesn’t understand technology will never not be funny to me because this guy has been in Hollywood since he was 18 and you would think he would know how to operate a camera.
What’s happening with your face, ‘I can’t.” who taught you that lingo, Jensen? It’s very hip.
Misha pretending not to know that he had that filter on, yeah sure Jan.
Jensen’s excitement when he saw Misha’s face. Can someone please look at me like that? I mean I don’t have big beautiful blue eyes like Misha but still—c’mon.
Is it just me or was it more like they were flirting while talking about the whole "how’s filming going?"
Mish saying, “Early on you were worried that you gonna have to act professional.” Is it just me or does this sound like pillow talk?
They look so happy to be together again even if it's not in person.
Misha knows Jensen won’t go back to the States until June. How do you know Misha?
Misha calling Jensen Buddy?Man?Dude? Is it just me or is Misha trying way too hard to call Jensen all the dude-bro names that he can come up with?
The look Jensen has on his face when talking about JJ’s birthday
Jensen is so handsome.
Why was the conversation about Jensen technically being a Canadian so funny? is it an inside joke that we missed or? Misha is literally just saying that Jensen is technically a Canadian having lived there for almost 20 years.
Their conversation flows very naturally. It’s not forced or anything.
Jensen hulking out. Yum. I'm looking respectively, please.
"It's like hat head on your face."
The hat head comment is followed by Misha saying, "jensen, I miss you so much, man"
And Jensen saying, "you too brother" then immediately segues to talking about texting Jared and how they all can’t all wait to be together. Not weird at all. Also, is it just me or does Misha look kinda ‘not happy about that? Not in a bad way but maybe he wanted Jensen to say he misses him too?
Misha knows Jensen stoic about showing emotion. Yeah, they know each other well. Misha calling out Jensen for not showing emotion- performing masculinity and Jensen agreeing.
The silent disco moment was lit.
Are they moving closer to the camera?
Also, Misha showing a sliver of skin. Yes show your man your titties on main Misha why don’t you?
Also, Jensen pretending not to know who Jewel is when they clearly know each other. He was even and has even been on her show with Dee. See, this is how he acts. This is to all the people who say he and Misha are not friends because he doesn't know anything about his organizations. That's just how he is. He likes playing coy and grumpy.
Why did Misha specifically ask if his [Jensen's] family was still Colorado?
In regard to Jewel? He could’ve just said “she’s from Colorado too” It’s either,
he wanted people to know where Jensen’s family was which doesn’t make sense, or
he wanted us to know that he didn’t know where they are which is also weird like guys you don't have to try so hard to prove you don't know each other's whereabouts.
They are so in sync even on a zoom call. What do they say about old habits? Keep moving closer why don't you?
That hand sign Jensen did. Did Misha teach him that? Misha does that sign a lot.
Beard grooming regimen. Yes, Jensen come through for the beard growers. Thank you Misha for that question btw.
When Charlie said Jensen uses a horse brush on his beard.
Misha is so cute guys. Wtf? Also his eyes. Misha’s nose crinkles when he laughs and Jensen’s eye crinkles when he laughs.
Jensen talking about his beard was freaking hilarious.
When Misha is showing his greys Jensen keeps moving closer to the screen as if he will see better or touch it the closer he gets to the screen.
"See this is what happens when I don't see you for the better part of the year." So it means you have seen him between May last year and May this year, right? Tell us more.
What does for the better part of a year mean?
It means more than half. The better part of a year could be used to describe a period of seven to eleven months. It's typically used to give emphasis to how long something took. Like many idioms (keep an eye on something, face me, smell a rat) it isn't literal.
Misha saying he’s going grey because he is incredibly stressed out for not seeing Jensen for a while. That laugh and the awkward pause after Misha said that. And Jensen agreeing
Misha, you know about the album. This is just marketing for your husband’s album. We saw you liked that post of the album post so don't play coy now.
Jensen asking Misha where he is? Okay, hear me out. This is weird because when they organized the zoom, they had to talk about Time zones, right? So, why wouldn’t he know where Misha is?- performing masculinity, again.
Jensen camped in Ojai and calls it a special place. Reminds me of how they talked about the Vatican being magical when a priest conducted a mass for just the two of them under the Lucifer and Micahel mural.
Misha wants to go to Marfa really badly. Did your husband share those gorgeous photos with you? Jensen please put them up. We wanna see. And take your husband to Marfa once you are back home.
Love you, my friend. Misha finally said he loves him back, live on video.
Wait, Misha is trying to end the conversation but Jensen keeps on interrupting so he can linger on. Hmm..
I swear Jensen said okay babe. The way his lips moved to form the /b/ sound. He said it people.
Jensen stop lingering.
Why did Jensen say he’s going to sit on the couch for the rest of the day? Did he want Misha to tell him to join them for the hunt?
Misha is texting Jensen right? Because his whole demeanor changed when Jensen left and got this serious look on his face. You can clearly see it's like he received a text right after Jensen logged off and he had to respond.
Charlie is so cute.
Overall, I think this panel was sweet and flirty, and fun. Jensen calling Misha brother had the same effect as Misha calling him man/dude/my friend. Did people expect Jensen to call him sweetheart throughout the panel when clearly this was an event that people who are not even in the spn fandom are watching from all over the world? C'mon. But in the end, he called him babe so there's that.
I'm also happy that they didn't talk about the show because it shows their friendship is more than just about that shit show (affectionate) that was spn.
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discet · 2 years
Owlhouse AU brainrot: Marcy, after a few weeks in the boiling Isles, begins to think more and more about Anne and Sasha. Wanting to check up on them, Marcy learns a scrying spell/potion. When everything's ready, she casts it - and something goes wrong. There's an explosion of magic, and when the dust settles, there, standing before Marcy, are Anne and Sasha.
Context: AU where Marcy does move to Conneticut without going to Amphibia, ends up going through Eda's teleporter door in place of Luz.
Welp, guess this is my brain until I get this out again. So I am gonna tinker with this premise a bit, but don't let that stop you from writing this is its in your brain.
So to start, I don't think I would let this be the new status quo. I think a big problem with crossovers is cast bloat. Leading to too little narrative to share around.
That said, this would be an incredible premise for an episode/chapter. It's so good. I love it, here is how I think it would go.
This would probably happen midway through Season 1. Marcy, Hunter and Amity are pretty firmly established as the main trio for the story. Hunter has dropped any pretense and has embraced his friendship with Marcy. Amity is somewhere between Adventures in the Elements and Enchanting Grom Fight in terms of her developing crush on Marcy
In my original post I posed 2 different possibilities for how the Calamity Trio handled the move. This episode idea is so good that I think I would choose to have them be still be on speaking terms prior to Marcy getting teleported.
So I think that Marcy has trouble acquiring all the ingredients for the scrying potion, and tries to improvise some substitutions. Ultimately this results in a Planar Binding Potion rather than a scrying spell. One that has to be undone before lets say the next evening or else Anne and Sasha's souls are forfeit. Something serious enough that even at her most selfish Marcy wouldn't ever think of trying to keep them there.
Sasha is fucking bewildered, and while Anne is also confused and weirded out, she is really happy to see Marcy.
Knowing she's going to need help, Marcy seeks out Lilith's help. Lilith basically knows a way to break the binding from her research into curse breaking for Eda, but needs Marcy to get a key ingredient while she prepares the ritual. Knowing she can't do this alone, Marcy seeks out Amity and Hunter's help.
While the circumstances could be better, Marcy is really excited to introduce her old friends to her new friends. And boy, it goes sooo fuckin bad ya'll.
So we have this through line of them going to get this key ingredient, doesn't really matter what it is, just needs to be a macguffin really. Keep in mind that Sasha and Anne have basically had no character development in this AU.
So Sasha is just generally putting down and being dismissive of Marcy, like she's always been. And hunter, who can't recognize it coming from Belos towards him, absolutely clocks how it makes Marcy feels. I think this would also be a early moment of realization for Hunter that his relationship with Belos might be toxic, as Marcy makes excuses for Sasha's attitude and behavior. I think it just increasingly gets under Hunter's skin and he starts sniping back at Sasha until they finally come to blows at the climax of the quest.
I think Amity would be on the same page as Hunter, but she is absolutely tunnel vision on Anne. You see Anne is kind of freaked out and terrified in the Boiling Isles. That plus a mixture of missing Marcy and Anne being Anne, she is being really clingy and physically affectionate with Marcy. And Amity is just simmering in a cauldron of jealousy. She's doing her best to hide it and play nice, but she is also fucking awkward trying to subtly figure out if Anne and Marcy were dating, or are dating, or had feelings that were never acted upon, etc. This all goes right over Anne's head, and she keeps innocently giving the worst answers for Amity's anxieties
Amity: "Did you and Marcy ever talk about romance stuff or...? Anne: "Like shipping, yeah, Marcy was super into fandom stuff. "
Amity: "So you're pretty close with Marcy, huh?" Anne: "Yeah dude! Thick as thieves. You know we used to fall asleep in each other's arms during sleepovers?"
Amity: "I guess you guys experienced a lot growing up together..." Anne: "Definitely, we were each other's first kiss? Back in Kindergarten on Valentine's day."
Hunter and Sasha's fight at the end of the quest ends up jeopardizing Marcy, and Anne and Amity both jump to help her. And in the process Anne finally picks up that Amity is crushing on Marcy.
Ultimately they get the ingredient before the time limit. Sasha is full of salt after her brawl with hunter and basically tries to put an ultimatum on Marcy to stop being friends with Hunter. Marcy tries to reason with her to no avail and Marcy in a moment of growth chooses her new friends over Sasha. Sasha is pissed and basically stalks over to the binding severing and bails.
Anne promises to talk to her, and Marcy notices that Anne looks a little run down and asks if Anne is doing alright. Anne brushes it aside saying she's alright. Just tough trying to keep up with Sash. We'd probably follow up on this in a theoretical Earth arc, if the gang got trapped back in LA like Luz and crew do at the end of S2. Or a cutaway episode where Boiling Isles are bleeding over onto Earth like the episode with V when Luz gets her portal half working.
Lilith would call Marcy over briefly and Anne would take the opportunity to thank Amity and Hunter for befriending Marcy. Then slip Amity some tips on things Marcy might like as gifts, giving Amity a knowing wink before her time is up and she has to go drink the counter magic potion for the Planar Binding.
Ah, what a fun episode. Good times. Alright, back to AWIW now that has been excised from my brain
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12tardis · 4 years
Drunken Smiles (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: alcohol mentions, obnoxious Theseus AGAIN Requested: Yes! Anon requested drunk Newt! Cute silent moments where he gets distracted and drinks someone elses drink. I hope you like it anon! I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you meant. Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader Summary: Your boyfriend Newt hasn’t gotten drunk in front of you for years after he embarrassed himself back during your Hogwarts days. He seems to have a strange habit involving you when he drinks a little too much. Features obnoxious older brother Theseus and even some teasing Leta. Also features the bully from ‘Love Language’.
A/N: Inspired by my favourite manager who kept referring to his girlfriend as his wife for years whenever he was drunk. They’re married now <3 I hope you like. Please send me more requests!
Words: 3,270 Taglist:  @moonkissk7​ @just-an-outstanding-auror​
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The music in the small jazz lounge was thrumming in your ears as you smiled back at your boyfriend adoringly, sipping on your drink as the two of you drifted closer together in the small booth. You had just finished up at one of his book signings and had knocked back a few drinks each as you waited for Theseus and Leta to join you shortly.
 “Oh hello,” you giggled when he scooted into the booth right next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing an affectionate smooch to your cheek, taking your hand in his free one and then pressing a series of kisses to your knuckles. You were pleasantly buzzed from the mulled mead you’d had so far but Newt was clearly a little more on the tipsy side as he was suddenly lavishing you with unabashed affection that was usually reserved for the privacy of your own home.
 “Hello, darling girl. My muse, my...my angel in disguise. Wait no not disguise because you’re clearly otherworldly”, he paused his rambling to hum to himself in thought and you giggled again, feeling your cheeks warm as you looked back at him.
 “Newton, what?” You chuckled, reaching up to card your fingers through his unruly locks, watching him frown as he tried to find the words he was trying to say. He pouted to himself when he came up short and you pressed a kiss to his cheek with a fond smile “it’s okay, I don’t expect you to be a romantic poet when you’re drunk too.”
 “I’m not drunk!” Newt huffed, looking back you in offence and huffing again to himself “I was just trying to tell my girlfriend how important she is to me”, he sighed, slumping back against the booth and you smiled softly at him, leaning in to brush your lips against his slowly and that’s how you knew he was a lot more tipsy than he let on. Because usually in public, Newt only returned short and sweet kisses but this time he slipped his arms around you and kissed you back slowly with a soft but happy sigh.
 And in your slightly buzzed state you too allowed yourself to lean more into the kiss, sitting back quickly when some other patrons accidentally brushed against you as they made their way through the rapidly filling club.
 You glanced down at Newt’s watch, straightening your dress out “they’ll be here soon. Let’s go get us some more drinks before the bar gets swamped?”, you tugged Newt to his feet, smiling as his arm wrapped around your waist again as he lead you towards the bar.
 Newt had refused to drink around you other than a few casual drinks after your first and last time getting drunk together had resulted in him embarrassing himself. And as he pulled you closer into his side when another gentleman smiled a little too warmly at you, you couldn’t help but remember that time in your seventh year.
                                              -     -     -     -     -     -
You and Newt had practically sprinted to The Three Broomsticks once you’d both finished your N.E.W.Ts exams, knocking back all the strongest drinks they had on offer in celebration. You were sitting, pressed up together in the corner of the pub laughing as you reminisced over some of your memories together when Newt suddenly wrapped his arm around your waist.
Physical affection was no stranger to your friendship. In fact, usually not a single conversation or interaction went by without you touching one another in some way but Newt usually only ever slung his arm around your waist when you were cold or in need of comfort, or in those instances when you would perch yourself in his lap and he did so to steady you.
 What you hadn’t realised was that Zachary Lindensbaum had stepped into the pub flanked by his buddies, prompting such a response from Newt. He was the very same douchebag that had asked you out on a date the previous year only to humiliate you in front of half the school when he loudly announced it was all a prank and Newt felt a surge of protectiveness when he spotted him arrive, remembering how upset you had been that time.
 Protectiveness as well as an undeniable flare of jealousy at the memories that cropped up of Zachary spending those few days wooing you with his smarmy pickup lines, half wilted roses and messy love letters- if you could even call them that.
 Newt had been so certain he had experienced his first real heart-break when he saw you smile shyly back at the Gryffindor beater the year before. But then only a week later he was the one to find you crying, beside yourself with humiliation and he felt utter disdain and contempt for the first time in his life.
 So when he saw that Zachary had spotted you and the way his eyes lit up as he made a bee line towards your table, Newt curled his arm even tighter around you. You stopped mid-way through your story when you felt Newt pulling you into him and you looked over at him, following his line of sight and swallowing thickly when you saw Zachary.
 You hadn’t spoken to the other male since that day and you had really hoped to keep it that way but now you straightened up in your seat, bracing yourself for whatever Zachary had to say this time. Your jaw dropped however when Newt held a hand up towards the other male “Nope. Absolutely not.”
 Zachary had already slipped onto the bench across from you when Newt spoke and he just stared back at him dumbly for a moment “I’m sorry what?” he frowned, his eyes flicking between you two but you were just as gobsmacked too.
 Newt simply shook his head, making a shooing motion at Zachary “Nope”, he repeated, popping the ‘p’ while his other hand began to soothe up and down along your side in an attempt to calm you.
 “Nope what, Scamander? I just sat down”, Zachary scoffed back at him, his temper rapidly rising causing you to press into Newt anxiously.
 “And you’re leaving now. You’re not sitting here, you’re not welcome. We don’t want to hear what you have to say. Off you go,” Newt countered firmly, fixing the male with a cold stare.
 Newt spoke so matter of factly that you couldn’t believe your ears and neither could Zachary apparently because he just gaped at Newt for another minute before he got up from his seat wordlessly and left.
 You watched until Zachary and his friends were long out of sight before you looked up at Newt, your head spinning from a mixture of alcohol and the sheer shock of Newt so confidently sending your harasser away like a complete badass.
 Newt smiled back down at you, promptly slipping back into his usual sweet demeanour as he tucked a stray piece of your hair behind your ear “I think we need more drinks don’t you?” he hummed, his confidence leaving you breathless.
 The night wore on and you were both soon completely sloshed, leaning on each other and the table for support as you both slurred through your words. You got up from the table clumsily, giggling at Newt’s equally as clumsy attempt to steady you as he looked up at you like a kicked puppy “Y/N where going?” he drawled, clutching your hand.
 “Bathroom. Be right back.”, you hiccupped and your words were considerably clearer than his but it took you much longer to form your sentences. You made your way to the bathroom, emerging a while later and freezing in your tracks, sobering up immediately when you saw Newt standing cornered by Zachary and two of his burly friends.
 “SHE IS SO FAR OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE IT’S A JOKE!” Newt shouted, moving right into Zachary’s personal space as other patrons began to crowd around, wanting to catch a peek at the drama unfolding.
 You stood frozen by the bathroom door, staring at Newt in shock and rising fear when you saw Zachary’s fists clenched in response, but your alcohol addled state wasn’t allowing your feet to cooperate with your brain. In your mind you were already at Newt’s side, pulling him back from impending harm but in reality you were standing there dumbfounded.
 “What and you think a freak like you is more her league?!”, Zachary shouted back and Newt didn’t even flinch as he shook his head.
 “No. No one is this god forsaken school is good enough for her! You’re a total idiot for throwing away your shot like you did! And a- a complete Neanderthal for hurting her like that!”
 Zachary didn’t even have a chance to form a retort because Newt was continuing to rant on about all the reasons why he had messed up.
 “You could have been with the most loyal, kind hearted, passionate, breathtaking woman to exist! The most incredible, adorable, and strong woman but instead you decided to be a cruel and blithering idiot!”
 You stared at Newt with your mouth agape, feeling your heart race and not just from the alcohol as you took in his words. Some of your peers were staring back at you too because they knew he was talking about you even though he hadn’t used your name. It was only ever you.
 “I wish I’d had half a mind to make your hair permanently purple!”, Newt shouted, and all the other students went silent in shock as Zachary grit his teeth. Zachary’s purple hair had been the talk of the school for several weeks, leaving the other boy humiliated everywhere he went.
 “I KNEW it was you that swapped out my shampoo!” Zachary shouted back at him, his fist colliding with Newt’s face not a second later in a sickening crunch. And your brain finally snapped into gear as you ran to Newt, shoving past Zachary and his friends to grasp his shoulders “Newt!”
 Newt gripped his face in pain as he stumbled back, growing enraged again when he heard one of Zachary’s friends sneer “all over some Hufflepuff bitch,” which drew a few disgusted gasps from the surrounding crowd.
 “YOU TAKE THAT BACK!”, Newt shouted, going to shove the guy that had insulted you but you grabbed two jugs of iced water from the bar and threw them over the group of boys before any more punches could be thrown.
 They all gasped collectively at the shock from the ice water drenching them and some of the bartenders took the chance to grab Zachary’s sidekicks, throwing them out of the pub while the maître d’, Dottie, threw a mop and bucket and some towels at Newt and Zachary angrily.
 “Clean up your mess and piss off! And you lot, stop gawking like twits! Nothin’ to see here!” Dottie scowled, making sure the crowd dispersed before she turned to you, taking the empty jugs from your hands.
You immediately began to stutter, apologising profusely for the mess you’d caused but Dottie simply waved her hand at you dismissively. She was an plump, older woman who could be truly intimidating when she needed to be.
 “No harm done, blossom. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you two helping me clean up the last time things got rowdy.” she smiled warmly, pushing you to sit down before she handed you a glass of water, seeing how tipsy and sleepy you were.
 You shot Zachary a cold glare when he shoved past Newt after cleaning up the area and once he was gone you began fussing over Newt and his split lip.
 You were so far gone you didn’t trust your ability to perform a healing charm on him so you let out a breath of relief when Dottie appeared with an ice pack that you gratefully took from her.
 “Oh Newt, you shouldn’t have done that,” you sighed, holding the ice pack up to his lip and gently brushing his hair back from his eyes, sighing when he looked back at you with wide doe eyes “he was being an ass!”
 You sighed again as you shook your head at him, feeling incredibly guilty for not stepping in sooner “I know but you went and got yourself hurt, Newt.”
 Newt looked back at you with a dazed and dreamy smile, taking your hand “anything for my wife,” he murmured and you looked up at Dottie when the woman cackled in response, clapping Newt in the shoulder.
 “Deary me, son. I think ya gettin’ ahead of yourself. There’s a couple steps in between ya know, girlfriend, fiancé?”, she chuckled again when Newt shook his head, pointing a finger in your direction. “Nope. That’s my wife,” he said matter-of-factly, smiling back at you with pride.
 You were openly gawking at Newt now, your cheeks warm and your stomach flipping but you didn’t allow yourself to believe the adoring expression he wore. Instead you looked up at Dottie in alarm.
 “Oh my stars he’s concussed! I’ve gotta take him to the med bay!” you panicked, quickly stumbling to your feet while Newt continued to spout nonsense at you.
 But Dottie was quick to placate you, having one of her co-workers who was also a nurse come and check Newt over.
 Within half an hour the two of you were headed back to the castle hand in hand and Newt was mortified and made you promise that you would never discuss the events of the night again.
                                          -     -     -     -     -     -
 You couldn’t help but laugh as you reminisced on Newt’s drunk shenanigans, leaning into his side while he ordered a round of drinks for the pair of you and Theseus and Leta. He looked down at you, raising an eyebrow “are you laughing at me again?” He asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at you.
 You shook your head, leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek and before you could respond, Newt had knocked back the drink in front of him in one gulp.
In his tipsy state he had thought the drink was his own, completely failing to notice it was a different colour and served in a different glass to what he’d been drinking already.
 “Merlin that is NOT mulled mead!”, he gasped with wide eyes, his throat burning while the bartender stared back at him.
 “Hey! That’s my drink!”, a gentleman beside Newt complained just as the bartender shook his head in annoyance. You quickly intervened, paying for the drinks and a replacement for the disgruntled stranger beside you.
 Theseus and Leta appeared then, helping you to carry the drinks. “Newt, did I just see you shot a hogs tea?” Theseus asked incredulously, gripping his brother by the shoulder and you snapped your head up to look at Newt with wide eyes “Hogs tea!? He was already tipsy before!”
 Newt nodded, sitting down clumsily in the booth beside you while you hugged the couple in greeting.
The second you had pulled away from Leta, Newt wasted no time in tugging you into the booth beside him, wrapping his arms around your waist and hooking his chin over your shoulder.
 “Yes, definitely hogs tea”, Newt murmured, already beginning to slur his words. Leta and Theseus sat down across from you both, surprised to see Newt being so cuddly towards you. His affections for you had never been a secret but to see him so unreserved as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder and nuzzled at your neck was startling to the pair.
 “Newt, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk,” Leta said as Theseus nodded quickly in agreement.
 “Even I’ve only seen it a handful of times. What about you Y/N?”, he asked curiously, trying not to laugh at how flustered you were getting as Newt just smiled down at you with a love struck smile.
 “Only once before. After our N.E.W.Ts”, you murmured looking back at your boyfriend while Leta snorted at the memory. She’d heard about the drama the following day.
 “ ‘Mnot drunk thank you very much”, Newt protested with an irritated scowl, holding a finger up to Theseus challengingly and you giggled as you took his hand in your own, effectively drawing his attention back to you. You watched him as his features smoothed out again and he was gazing back at you in awe once again.
 “My beautiful wife,” he murmured, raising your hand to his lips and your mouth dropped in response as you felt your cheeks flush warm.
 Theseus slapped his hand on the table excitedly, practically bouncing with joy because he knew Newt had been planning to propose for a few months now. “What did you finally-OW” , he frowned when Leta stomped on his foot under the table.
 She too was excited at the prospect but she was much quicker to notice the surprise on your face and the obvious lack of a ring on your hand. There was no way she was about to let her boyfriend spoil her best friends eventual proposal.
 Thankfully you were completely oblivious as usual, shaking your head at Theseus “no he’s just drunk. He did this exact same thing last time- except I thought he was concussed then,” you breathed out, looking back at your boyfriend in wonder.
 You stayed at the club for another hour or so, glad to catch up with Theseus and Leta even though you were very distracted by how handsy and cuddly Newt was being. Theseus of course found the whole situation to be hilarious and decided to start correcting his brother, grinning at how increasingly frustrated Newt was growing.
“Water for my wife!” Newt announced proudly, setting a glass in front of you and only spilling a bit of it as he returned to his spot beside you, slinging his arm around your waist.
 “Your girlfriend you mean,” Theseus corrected with a slight smirk when Leta shot him an exasperated look.
 “No. Wife.”
 And even Leta was starting to smile now watching the brothers bicker while you just watched on with a bewildered smile.
 “Oh you mean, MY wife?”, Theseus questioned, mocking confusion as he reached for your hand, gesturing to himself.
 “No!”, Newt huffed, slapping Theseus’ hand away and curling his arm around you tighter and this time Leta grinned as she decided to tease her friend too, taking your hand in her own.
 “My wife?”, she smirked, pressing a loud smooch to the back of your hand making you giggle.
 “NO!” Newt gasped with wide eyes, looking so miserable that you quickly took pity on him, slipping your hand out of Leta’s and cupping his face in your hands.
 “Okay okay! Honey I think it’s time we got you home”, you smiled sweetly at him before you brushed your lips against his and Newt promptly relaxed again.
 You said your goodbyes to Theseus and Leta before you made your way back to your flat with Newt. You didn’t correct him once, allowing yourself to enjoy the illusion of being Mrs. Scamander like you so wished to be.
 And when Newt woke the following morning with a pounding headache you were beside him waiting with a light breakfast and a cup of tea ready for him.
 “Merlin, did I do anything embarrassing last night?” Newt groaned, setting his hand on your knee as he sat up gingerly.
 “Not at all my, love,” you smiled, passing him his tea and leaning in to press a kiss to his head “nothing at all.”
  Please send me requests!
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tatwaffel · 4 years
“Remus didn't love Tonks. Tonks forced him into a relationship. He was too old for her!”
First things first, why do some people think Remus didn't love Tonks? Well, Remus is more of a background character. He doesn't talk about his feelings a lot and lives very withdrawn because of his lycanthropy. But then there's this huge problem of Remus Lupin having no self confidence.
Why's that a problem? Well...
We had this wonderful conversation between the trio and Remus where he finally opened up a bit. He said marrying Tonks was a mistake.
But here we have to pay attention. Mind you, Remus has no self confidence. He thinks himself to be a monster. 'He had never fallen in love before'. He's scared and overwhelmed.
By saying he shouldn't have married Tonks he does not say in the slightest that he doesn't love her. He thinks he's ruined her life, spoiled his unborn son's life, made them outcasts.
I ask you, if you don't care about your wife and your unborn child, if you don't love them, would you care like that?
Remus clearly is full of regret but only for 'ruining' Tonks's life. Remus hates himself for that. And, being an outcast himself for years, he runs away. He panics. He's babbling here, clearly distraught. It seems like he left Tonks and apparated straight here.
So this is the scene that makes Remadora haters doubt. But, with all due of respect, if you really think that in this scene Remus finally admitted that he doesn't love Tonks, then you don't understand Remus's character at all.
Now we have that negative thing sorted, here some more positive evidence why Remus loved Tonks.
I'd like to refer to the article on Pottermore here, saying Remus was 'first amused, then impressed, then seriously smitten' by Tonks. 'He had never fallen in love before'.
And this fits so well!
You have this clumsy, bubbly, jolly auror lass with the pink hair and large boots. She's constantly tripping, always up for mischief, bubbling with life. For Remus, Tonks is the definition of happiness. Happiness - a thing he's missed for many many years. He learns to smile again, watching her trip over the troll leg but still laughing, watching her morph her hair in a all colours of the rainbow or walking in with a beak. Despite there being a war, he can finally smile again. He found happiness in her.
But then, as they naturally go on missions (like it's said on Pottermore), he realizes that Tonks is capable. She's an auror trained by Alastor Moody after all. She could battle three death eaters at once and probably still win without being scarred. But he's not only impressed by that. He's impressed that she doesn't mind him being a werewolf. He's impressed that she still wants to spend time with him. She's so different from most of the wizard community. She's kind of a freak, really, just like him.
But then, feelings come. He finds himself not only smitten, but seriously smitten. Tonks is all he secretly yearns for. Someone who takes him the way he is, someone who makes him smile even in this dark times. He has fallen for the clumsy auror with the vivid hair.
When she told him she loved him 'after a year of warm friendship', his first reaction was a kind of happiness he's never felt before! He did not immediately start rejecting her, as said on Pottermore, that came later. His first reaction was happiness that the woman he loved loved him back.
Then there's the fact that he clearly enjoyed her company. Pottermore states that, despite his belief that he had to reject her, he still was happy every time he got paired on an overnight mission with her. Furthermore, they are together all the time! Usually, whenever Remus is mentioned in OOTP, Tonks is around. Whether as an old lady escorting the kids back to Hogwarts, or as herself at the breakfast table at headquarters. Coincidence? Well, you never saw Hestia or Emmeline that much in Remus's company, did you?
Oh, and there's this cute little fact of Remus being jealous. Before telling him she's fallen for him sometime in summer 1996, Tonks mentions that 'Sirius is still handsome, isn't he? Even after Azkaban.' And Remus's reaction is jealousy. He tells her that he supposes she's fallen for Sirius, then. Would he react like that if he wasn't in love with Tonks? Certainly not.
A chapter Remadora haters must've overlooked when reading the books was the one in DH when Remus came to Shell Cottage and proudly told everyone about their son. He's beaming and bubbling, which is nothing like the withdrawn and melancholic Remus we know. He's incredibly happy. He also speaks of 'Dora' pretty much, in a very affectionate way.
But second thing, Tonks pushed Remus into a relationship. What?
This is something most Remadora haters say. But, if they really knew Remus's character, they'd realize it's utter bullshit.
Yes, Remus is a lonely and sad man a lot of the time. He yearns to have someone who loves him, be near this someone. He doesn't like to be lonely.
However, he went away with the werewolf pack for about a year. Again, Remus Lupin went to life with the werewolf pack of Fenrir Greyback, the one who ruined his life, for an entire bloody year. An attempt to run away from his feelings, make Tonks realize she wouldn't miss him and just fall for another man - but most importantly here: Remus did manage to keep his distance tho the woman who he loved was waiting at a safer place than somewhere in a cave or forest filled with wolves.
Remus does posses a great will power. If he really didn't want to engulf himself in a relationship, a marriage with Tonks, he simply wouldn't!
Remus wouldn't marry a woman he didn't love just because she loved him and he wanted to do her a favor.
Just recently, I read someone saying that Tonks isn't a strong woman. She's clingy for chasing after Remus.
Tonks didn't chase after Remus. If she had, she would've abandoned her auror duties and left for any forest to get Remus back from the pack. But she stayed at Hogwarts doing her duty of protecting the castle.
We all know she suffered from depression after Remus started rejecting her. Her hair is mousy brown, she looks ill and sad. No wonder. In her eyes, the love of her life preferred death over being with her. How is that not heartbreaking? Besides, her cousin second degree and good friend, Sirius, passed away recently. She's pretty much alone now. And there's a war! She's lost Sirius to the veil, has lost or might lose Remus to the wolves, might lose her parents to the death eaters. This is all much to cope with.
But I ask you: doesn't it make Tonks strong that she kept going? She wasn't selfish and chased after Remus, she guarded Hogwarts because that's where the Order needed her. Plus, she showed her emotions. She didn't try to act like all was well. And that is true strength.
Tonks didn't cling to Remus, pushing him to be with her because she wanted to. Tonks could've had any man, actually. But she wanted Remus.
An important detail we have to see here is that Tonks's attitude described as 'clingy' isn't rooted in selfishness.
This is fiction, but Remus was a broken man. And Tonks tried to fix him. Though Remus said and thought the contrary, Tonks knew that he was indeed worthy of love. Tonks is not stupid - she realized that Remus liked her back. So why should she not try to make him realize he could and should be happy?
There's another thing Remadora haters bring up, which is saying that Tonks's patronus didn't change of pure love, but obsession. Tonks's patronus is a wolf like Remus's because she's obsessed with him. This is compared to Snape's relation to Lily, which is also (labeled as) obsession. Doe and doe, wolf and wolf.
Now what if I tell you that doe and doe doesn't work in nature? Wolf and wolf does. Remus being a male ought to have a male wolf patronus, Tonks a female one. Like it was for James and Lily aka stag and doe.
Tonks's patronus changed because she truly loved Remus. As already stated before, she wasn't obsessed with him.
Tonks didn't go into the battle because she was obsessed with Remus either. She joined the Battle of Hogwarts to fight alongside her husband. Tonks did something Tonks always does when it comes to Remus: make sure he's not alone, make sure he's loved, make sure he's protected.
Last thing, the 13 years age gap.
Well? Why exactly does that matter?
In OOTP Tonks was 22, Remus was 35. In the wizarding world, Tonks was a woman of full age. Five years over the magical line of 17 years, actually. Both were adults. Why is that problematic? When Tonks was born, Remus was 13. That even makes him too old to be her father! I see no problem in that age gap, to be honest. I only see a problem in the narrow minded people who keep using it as a reason why Remus and Tonks shouldn't be together.
I do not expect you all to ship Remadora after this and abandon all your other Remus x any character ships you liked before, simply to stop hating on Remadora - stop hating on any other ship. This is fiction, after all.
All of us are drawn to that one ship, canon or not, that fills our heart with indescribable joy and makes us believe in true love.
For me, that is Remus x Tonks.
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scarlettconfetti · 3 years
summary: headcanons for dating & being in a relationship with winter anderson whilst being best friends with rudy/vincent anderson.
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this is totally self indulgent i am so sorry.
when you met winter, you were walking home from work alone.
you hadn’t wanted to bother your best friend/roommate as he works long hours.
it was dark & you were kinda wary of waking around on your own.
especially when people started cat calling.
you were feeling really uncomfortable until an incredibly striking woman appeared seemingly out of nowhere, swearing & yelling at the cat callers.
she introduced herself to you as winter anderson & offered to walk you home.
you were still wary of letting a stranger walk you home & knew that your best friend would absolutely freak, so you decide to let her walk with you to your friends office.
you talked to her during the walk & admired her unique beauty.
in fact you were sad when you’d reached your friend’s office as it meant that you would have to say goodbye to her.
however, when you did that, she gave you her number.
“I’m free all day tomorrow. If you want to meet me here, we could go & get a drink together or something?”
you accepted her offer & thanked her for walking with you.
winter only left when she saw you enter the building safely.
you gave her a little awkward wave before setting off to find rudy.
you were excited to see her again.
your best friend is dr. rudy vincent.
wlw & mlm solidarity.
you just randomly met him one day & despite him being a bit older then you, you have been friends ever since.
he is practically family to you.
if you have family, he goes with you to visit them for the various holidays.
if you don’t, you have your own traditions together in the apartment you share with him.
you don’t see each other during the day.
he’s at work before you get up & you’ve both gotten in the habit of communicating via notes left stuck on cupboard doors.
you leave each other packed lunches or the wrapped up leftovers from the previous nights meal.
you spend time together when he gets home.
you’ll both settle on the couch & talk about your respective days before ending up watching either a show or a movie.
he always covers you with a blanket in case you fall asleep.
it’s very rare that you fight with him.
you do get pretty annoyed with him when he’s attempted to ‘shrink’ you over the years though.
however, if there is anything wrong you know that you can tell him anything.
if you’re anxious or feeling like everything’s falling apart, he is there to help.
other than providing you with the most comforting hugs, there is this thing you two do together that he taught you very early on in your friendship.
you would link your pinky finger around his & you could tell him anything & everything that was bothering you.
rudy has always been there for you.
when you met winter the very next day, she had noticed you hugging a (probably) taller man in the distance.
“is that your boyfriend, y/n?”
“god, no!” you had looked horrified at the very thought & she had smirked.
“good to know.”
you spent the day together in a cosy cafe.
it was absolutely your first date with her & it was an enjoyable one.
you sat close together on leather couch drinking various beverages & sharing sweet treats throughout the day.
winter is incredibly fun to talk to, you really like her & she definitely takes a shine to you.
she’d rest her hand on your arm or boldly play with your hair (if long enough)
it was a successful first date of many more to come.
you go on so many dates with winter.
enjoying her company.
she kisses you after the third date, which was when you’d actually let her walk you to your home.
her kisses are passionate.
she’ll stroke your cheek with her fingers & kiss you senseless.
you find yourself falling for her quickly.
“I think i love her.”
“It’s only been a month y/n.” rudy had teased you when you had gushed about winter to him.
something you did a lot.
you enjoy long walks with winter & she’ll hold your hand so tightly.
sometimes lifting it & pressing kisses to it here & there.
you love her nails, the colours & designs she choose for them are so beautiful & she’s more than happy to paint yours for you if you want.
“you make it look so easy.”
“i have mastered nail art, y/n.” she’d chuckle as she probably painted your nails to match hers.
you go various protests with her & share similar political views.
keeping each other safe during protests.
winter would fight anyone that would dare touch you.
she doesn’t talk much about her family.
you know that she lives with her brother & that she hasn’t seen the other in a while.
you’ve never met either of her brothers’.
you’ve never even gone to her house & for good reason.
you trust her when she tells you that her brother is someone you don’t want to get caught up with & how she doesn’t want him to know about you.
honestly you just assume that he has to be incredibly homophobic & leave it at that.
which is why she’ll almost always spend the day at your house if you’re not doing something outside together.
she likes it when you do her hair for her & you enjoy styling her long white waves.
you love her outfits & the two of you compliment each other daily.
“you are so beautiful, y/n.” she will tell you after usually greeting you with a kiss.
if you’re sitting together, you’ll play with her hair or her jewellery.
sometimes she’ll share her jewellery with you.
she loves seeing you in one of her long gothic necklaces.
“now i can keep a part of you close to my heart for the day.”
“my god, y/n you are so cheesy.”
winter can actually be incredibly affectionate & protective.
she wants to keep you safe.
she is almost always initiating physical contact.
if she’s not holding your hand, she’s sitting next to you with her arm around your waist.
you call each other pet names.
she is very passionate in every meaning of the word.
which is exactly how you’d almost ended up having sex with winter on the roof of rudy’s car & actually hid in a bush from your best friend when he came out of his office to check on his car.
she likes it when you curl up in her arms & rest your head on her chest.
it was during one of those times that she told you that she loved you for the first time.
she says it a lot after that.
if she is ever said, you will gather her up into toy arms & just hold her for hours.
never letting her go.
when your sad, she’ll press loving kisses to your forehead & hold you close whilst whispering countless reassurances to you & that she loves you.
she made you laugh when she taught you pinky power.
“come on, baby, this is serious.” she had pressed a kiss to your hand.
“I know, i know. it’s just that me & my best friend do something really similar together.”
when the election happens & incidents start to happen in the town, you’re a little freaked out.
but your worries are eased by the separate, but combined efforts from rudy & winter, who becomes even more protective of you than ever before.
it’s a very loving relationship that you have with winter & she would do absolutely anything for you.
a/n: i am actually sorry that i wrote this garbage. i just really love winter anderson & i hadn’t slept in over twenty four hours.
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morelikeastrhoelogy · 4 years
Some astrological opinions
(positivity edition)
This is from a Cap pov ✨
Aries : Alrighty Aries ! I don’t have many Aries friends in my life, but I am an Aries moon and what I can say about the few Aries people I met is : even if you can be very confrontational and impulsive, at least I know you’re speaking what you truly think on the instant - like, you aren’t the type to stab people in the back, you stab your opponent and look him/her in the eyes. And do you know how rare it is nowadays ? Sometimes you can judge one’s moral values by the way they treat their own enemies. Also, you guys are young souls in the reincarnation cycle, hence why you often got so much energy to make bold choices or actions - and honestly, that’s refreshing, we need to feel new energies in our lives, which you always bring with yourselves ! 🔥
Taurus : Tauruses, I’m always so protective with you, I think you are so underrated ! Perhaps that’s because you are so reliable ? You are among the first people I instinctively trust when I get in a new school, a new town, and once you start sticking around someone, you don’t let them down - this may be part of your stubborn attitude ahah. You are what I would call « root » friends, and what’s really delightful with you is that we don’t necessarily need to know each other’s full life stories to share nice and warm moments together. Simple friendships are sometimes what we need the most to reconnect with ourselves, and you are the kind of people that always make people feel home. Also ? You know how to keep your close friends’ secrets - which don’t prevent you from judging them though 👀
Gemini : Alright, two of my very good friends are Gemini, and let me tell you : you guys are the people that make Caps like me feel fun when I have to do social interactions. There’s such a fun, dynamic energy with you and it’s contagious, you are my partners in crime and actually, long-lasting ones. For Earth signs, I think you bring this light-hearted vibes we desperately need sometimes, and I think the world would be definitely less bold and less funny without you to try out things I would secretely regret not trying. Also, when it comes to serious issues, you are among the first to help, even when I expect it the least, which makes you more trustworthy than what the cliché says. I wouldn’t say reliable though, but it’s not a criticism, it’s more because you have so many projects that you can easily adapt or change your plans depending on what you’re currently interested in. I’m speaking more specifically of Gemini girls here btw - sorry guys, I really don’t know you much... 🌪
Cancer : Cancers, you are the sweetest, most genuine and softest people I’ve ever known. I thank the Universe for sending you in my life, because you are the people that help me learning to embrace a softer, more vulnerable side of my personality, especially Cancer boys, who are among my best friends. As an Earth sign (and a Cap), I’d say we complete each other’s needs, and you guys bring us emotional liberation, which is priceless. You always care for you friends and you deserve to be cared about just as much, please don’t forget this. Also, Cancer girls : you are f i e r c e. And you know how many meanings can this word hold for you. 🧡
Leo : A round of applauses for the Diva of the Zodiac ! While it is true most of my Leo relatives and friends love attention and drama, they are actually the sweetest when their affection comes right from the heart and not from the ego. Most of them hold their eccentricity from a lowkey lack of confidence, though. You are the type of friends who will act generously to show your love, you just love to find the right attention for each of your friends and honestly, I am grateful for having a few Leo relatives because they always help me bringing out a more extrovert and fun side, just like Geminis. I’d say the difference with you and Geminis are that your energy comes from the fire of your heart while Geminis are literally free, non-rigid spirits, which give them the same vibes but I’d say you’re a bit more of a sentimentalist compared to them. Finally, I’d like to say that my father figure was a Leo too and he wasn’t necessarily « extra » like the cliché, Leos can be quiet and humble too, but their generous, affectionate heart will always betray them - when it’s not your ego, ahah. 🦁
Virgo : Dear Earth fellow, I think Caps and Virgos are very similar in their rational way of thinking and organizing their life. Along with Tauruses, you feel safe and I just know I can rely on you when I have a project going on. I’m not necessarily talking about business project, although it could be : it can be something personal, which is much more important, and I know I can trust you to have my back. You are very protective when you love someone - and also ? quite kinky for some of you. Yeah, people say you are control freaks, that you have a problem with authority but you know what ? Most of the Virgos I know don’t have that problem, or rather : they start off like this, and with time, they become of the chillest friends I know, unless when they start panicking about something they didn’t expect or didn’t know how to handle. You sure don’t like to feel your ego hurt, and you won’t spare your words when you attack back, but that’s also because you do know how to choose your words, almost like Water signs, but in a more calculating way - and I mean it in a neutral way, like it can be used to find peace in a argument too, because you are very observant of the people around you, what triggers them and what appeases them. 🦢
Libra : Libras, you’re going to hate me for making such a short passage for you, but truth is... I literally don’t know any Libra in my life. However, from what I know and the few Libras I met in my life, I’d like to say you do stand out with your aesthetic. People say you are always good-looking, but I think this beauty mostly comes out of the fact that your appearance matches your soul, your way of feeling and embracing yourself - and that’s incredibly sexy. Also, that’s definitely something ethereal with you, you are a free spirit like Gemini but even more regarding your social life. You don’t want to be chained to relationships, you let them go with the flow and I think that also comes from your intellectual and emotional attachment to freedom - like the other Air signs. ☁️
Scorpio : I don’t really get the hate around Scorpios. Just like Pisces, they are among the most loyal, dedicated and caring friends I’ve known, even if they may have some trouble expressing what they feel intensely. I don’t mind it, personally, I love how meaningful their little gestures can be, you just know it comes from a honest place ! Your friendships are solid ones too, once someone got your heart. People say you might be manipulative, but again, isn’t it the same reproach for every Water signs ? Tbh, unlike Pisces, I’ve seen you guys be criticized most of the time because of your blunt honestly, and not your lies. You’ re too proud not to say what’s on your mind when it matters to you. Finally, I also love your creativity, I think yours is quite underrated compared to the other Water signs’, I mean, when you channel your intensity into art, you guys come up with such great ideas, I had so much fun writing stories with my Scorpio friend ! 🖤
Sagittarius : My sis is a Sagittarius, and as chaotic our relationship can be, I must admit there’s no one braver than her in my life. She has this fire, this willpower that has always allowed her to bounce back in hard times, and I think that’s what I find most inspiring in Sagittarius. You guys don’t hesitate, you just chase your goals and desires and it’s basically what’s life is for ! Just remember you are allowed to be vulnerable sometimes. Also, I think you are actually very very smart, but in a cooler, « no big deal »way than other signs (don’t get me wrong though : you know your worth, and you won’t hesitate reminding people), I guess that’s what makes your humor so witty ! Oh, and your fashion aesthetic ? It always carries a part of your personality, you aren’t the type to buy clothes that aren’t of the quality or the brands you like. I actually think you are quite fashionable, but always in your own style. 🐎
Capricorn : Alright my dear fellows, time to give the Goat some appreciation time. Of course one of my best friends is a Cap, because between goats, we understand each other. While it would be difficult to find the good parts of my Cap personality, it is so much easier with this friend. Caps are reliable and loyal, the friendships we offer is made of iron, and we rarely break them, unless we feel truly betrayed or used. Just like Tauruses, we don’t like drama, or at least, we don’t like to start dramas - but judging people ? Oh h o n e y.... Anyway, that’s probably because we have more maturity and mostly self-control in social interactions. Don’t get me wrong : on the inside, we can hold grudges forever as long as our ego thinks it’s important. So, yes we are proud beings, stubborn ones, but that’s also what makes us succeed in our goals and rarely give up, despite our fear of failure and disappointment. Also, I think we can all agree that we are funny as hell, in the goofiest or wittiest ways possible sometimes. Finally, I wanna conclude with something : on the emotional level, we are a lot similar to Scorpios. What we feel is so authentic and dedicated that we often have a hard time to express it, especially since we are also like Virgos in our way of observing people and calculating our words. We might fear it wouldn’t be worth the risk, so we keep it inside and express our love in subtle, yet genuine and protective ways, with gifts or caring advises for example. 🐐
Aquarius : Ohh, Aquarius, I had the most amazing and heart-breaking friendships with you. I know a lot of people have a negative experience with Aquarius, but I think that’s because our own expectations of them end up being betrayed instead of accepting them as they are, including their boundaries and their conception of relationships. You don’t owe anything to any of your friends, if this friend doesn’t stimulate you anymore, on an intellectual or emotional level, you won’t fake it, you won’t force it, you just follow your guts, even if that person used to be your best friend or that person you used to text every day and night. Friendships last as long as you have fuel to feed them with these free spirits. These old souls don’t have time anymore to keep superficial friendships for old time’s sake, they want mature, profound connexion, and when they actually fall in love and let down their rational, cold-looking wall ? They become devotee of their lover. There’s no in-between with you Aquariuses : it’s ride or die, the spiritual, intellectual or emotional connexions you share are intense, often fusional for a time, and the best thing to do with you is to enjoy it while it lasts and respect your boundaries. 🌬
Pisces : Let’s end up with the oldest souls of the zodiac ! Maybe the ancient age of your soul explains why you understand so well the mechanisms of the soul ? I think you definitely are the moms of the Zodiac, more than Cancers, but that’s a bit despite yourselves. You didn’t ask for this, it’s something you genuinely feel, as your soul remembers its past experiences. I do think most of you guys partly suffer from this empathy and these overflowing emotions when you don’t manage to channel them through exercices or art. Tragic thing is, when you reincarnate, you forget you are an old soul, and yet, you are born with the feelings and intuition of an old soul, which can take some times to figure out. I think this is the main reason why people often accuse you of being toxic or having boundary issues. That’s why I also don’t agree when people call you the baby of the zodiac. You are no baby, you are the oldest of them all, and you don’t know what to do with what your soul has acquired during all these past lives. Also, even if you are caring and very compassionate, you have to admit you do have a strong ego too. It’s okay, no need to repress it, everybody got one and we won’t throw rocks at you for showing it when you lose your temper 🌊
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viastro · 4 years
three times a charm | lee jihoon
ミ★ synopsis: in which it takes three attempts for jihoon to finally tell you he loves you.
ミ★ genre: fluff, humor, first confessions!
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 3,713
ミ★ pairings: jihoon x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi! finally wrote something for my love woozi! i wrote this while sobbing listening to sweet night on repeat so I hope you enjoy it LMAFKPWNG also! change up woozi,,, truly a cultural reset luv x
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You know how they say three times a charm? Well, I suppose you could say that in this circumstance, it wasn’t true at all. It took three attempts for Jihoon to finally confess and tell you that he loves you. Yes, that’s right.
Three attempts.
Three. Fucking. Attempts.
You and Jihoon have been friends for a while, both having an intense love for music. You actually met through a performance class you each had to take due to your major. You noticed how serious he was when it came to his work, and how much passion and energy he put into each performance. It truly amazed you.
Unlike Jihoon, who didn’t notice you until you sang for your performance test. He could say that right then and there, is when he first fell in love with something about you. He fell in love with your voice that day, and that’s when his interest in you began. You both didn’t speak until a few weeks later when you mustered up the courage to ask him to go get a coffee with you. That day, you discussed your passions, what inspires you, why you both chose Seoul University. A beautiful friendship began that day.
However, Jihoon was slowly falling in love with you the closer you both got. He would take notice in the way you’d cover your mouth as you’d laugh, afraid that there’s food in your teeth. The way you’d continuously run your hand through your hair when it’d fall in your face rather than put it in a ponytail. The way you’d offer him the first bite of whatever food you guys would order, or how you would always give him small gifts simply because you thought he’d like it.
Lee Jihoon, the man who rejects hugs when he doesn't initiate them, the man who hates skinship in general, would let you cling to him like a small koala. Whenever you two were together, you’re either holding his arm, squishing his face in your hands, or wrapping your arms around him from behind. There is no in between. 
The moment he knew he was in love with you was the day you cried on his lap at three in the morning. You were crying over a dog dying in the movie you both watched. Earlier in your guys’ friendship, he would’ve laughed at you. However, he just pat your head, giving you a small smile, but his heart was pounding against his chest. It was when you wiped your tears away and rolled over so that you were looking up at him, that he took notice of the way your eyes were sparkling. 
Jihoon fell in love with you that night because you held the whole galaxy in your eyes.
Here comes the mentally and physically exhausting part to this. Jihoon’s confession of his love for you. The first attempt was the most casual out of the three, but it failed rather horribly.
━━━━━━ ☁️━━━━━━
“You’re crazy.” You giggle as you fold the chocolate chips into the batter. Jihoon rolls his eyes playfully, feeling his heart twinge at the thought of what he’s planning to tell you today.
Jihoon is gonna tell you he loves you today. He’s gonna fucking do it. 
“Oh yeah? Says the one who thinks it’d be cool to conduct a heist.” He retaliates, making you nudge him with your shoulder.
“And what of it? It’d be pretty epic. I watched Buzzfeed Unsolved’s episode on the museum heist, and I’ve watched plenty of the show Money Heist.” You explain, stealing a chocolate chip and placing it into your mouth. You take out another one, poking Jihoon so that he’d look at you. Jihoon looks up from rolling the second batch of cookies, glancing at you.
“Aahh..” You sound out, opening your mouth for Jihoon to copy. He rolls his eyes, opening his mouth for you to place a chocolate chip right on his tongue. 
“You watched like, one episode of Money Heist, and you fell asleep in the second half of that episode. I wouldn’t say you’ve watched plenty.” Jihoon tells you as he gets back to placing the balls of cookie dough onto the greased pan. 
“Okay first of all, I watched three episodes. Second of all, I was really tired that day cause you made me go on a run at six am.” Jihoon giggles at the memory, making you giggle back at him. He turns so that he’s facing you, and you look at him. His expression is a bit serious now, making you raise an eyebrow.
Now’s the time. Tell her you love her. 
“Yn, I l-”
“What’s that smell?” You interrupt, sniffing the air as you smell something… burning?
“Oh my god yn, the COOKIES ARE BURNING!” Jihoon shouts, turning off the oven immediately. You screech, grabbing the oven mitts and taking out your first batch of now black chocolate chip cookies that are emitting smoke. Jihoon grabs the other set of oven mitts, taking the pan out of your hands and rushing to your balcony and leaving it on the ground. 
He lets out a small sigh, now unable to go through with his plan because your house smells like smoke. 
“Sorry Ji, forgot to set a timer.” You apologize, poking your head out the balcony door. Jihoon looks up at you, feeling himself calm down at the sight of your smile.
“Just make sure to set the timer for the two other batches or else we won’t have a movie night snack.” He responds, stepping back into your apartment to roll the other batches.
Safe to say, he did not end up confessing to you that night. With your apartment smelling like burnt chocolate chips, he decided it’s best to do it another day with a set plan. You both just watched Itaewon Class for the rest of the night, snacking on the two successful batches of cookies.
The second time Jihoon tried to confess, he had a plan. It was a simple plan, but he couldn’t see where it could fail. Alas, we must remember that it took three tries before he finally was able to tell you his true feelings. 
━━━━━━ ☁️━━━━━━
“Where did Hoshi go?” You ask Jihoon as you walk around the mall, looking through shop windows to see what could potentially be a good gift. The three of you planned to go to the mall to go Christmas shopping, but what you don’t know is that Jihoon secretly planned to confess to you today. 
“He told me he had to go to the restroom and will catch up with us later. You know how his stomach gets when he eats pretzels.” Jihoon responds, making you giggle at the thought. You fail to notice the affectionate look in your best friend’s eyes as he watches you smile, but you’ve always been incredibly oblivious.
In reality, Hoshi ran off to go and pick up the bouquet of chrysanthemums at the flower shop, but of course you don’t know that. Jihoon’s plan is to go to the section of the mall where the christmas lights are up, and tell you he loves you, holding out the chrysanthemums to you. You’re both almost to the Christmas lights, when Jihoon’s phone rings. 
“Ah, give me a sec yn.” Jihoon tells you and you nod, waiting by the wall as he walks off to answer his phone. You look into the shopping bag you’re holding, taking a glance at Jihoon’s gift you sneakily picked up. You ordered it a week earlier, deciding that today was a good day to get it since the three of you were going to the mall. It’s a silver band with his initials in it, you knew how much he loved rings so you decided to get him a special one. 
“What do you mean the flower shop is closed?” Jihoon whisper-shouts into the phone, to which Soonyoung flinches on the other end.
“They’re not open! They closed at 12 in the afternoon.” Soonyoung says, and Jihoon lets out a loud sigh. He checks his watch, seeing that it’s literally 8:00 at night. 
“I fucking hate it here, okay. I’ll just confess without the flowers and give her them tomorrow or something.” Jihoon says, and Soonyoung agrees on the other end. Only for all the lights to shut off a second later. Those in the mall let out a loud scream, making Jihoon cringe.
“EEK! There’s a blackout!” Soonyoung yells, and Jihoon’s eyes widen once he remembers that he left you alone.
You’re scared of being alone in the dark.
“I need to go back to yn, turn on your flashlight. I’ll find you in a sec.” Jihoon says quickly, ending the call and turning on his flashlight. He walks over to where he last saw you, only for you to not be there. His eyes widen, not caring about the chaos that’s going on around him. He walks a bit further, only to see you sitting in the corner, face hidden in your arms. You’re not moving or flinching at the sound of those freaking out around you, but he can see the way your shoulders are shaking that you’re crying.
“Yn.” Jihoon breathes out, and you look up at the sound of his voice.
“Ji.” You mutter, standing up and running to him, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“You stinky bitch, how could you leave me alone like that.” You cry, making him tighten his hold around you.
“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. It’s okay, I’m here.” Jihoon reassures you, making you squeeze him tighter, shutting your eyes and breathing him in, letting his presence calm you down.
Jihoon did not confess that night either, knowing you were too frightened by the mall blackout. Instead, you both found Soonyoung when the lights turned back on, and went and got boba. Jihoon was feeling discouraged at this point, but he knew the third try would work. As the saying goes, three times a charm! Incorrect lee jihoon.
━━━━━━ ☁️━━━━━━
Jihoon had your favorite boba in hand, along with a bouquet of strawberries that he spent the time making with Soonyoung and Seokmin. He knows how much you love strawberries, and he saw the idea on Instagram, so he thought this was the move. It took one day to complete, but it looks great now. Today is the day he will tell you he loves you, today is the goddamn motherfucking DAY.
There’s no way I’ll fail a third time, three times a charm bitch! Jihoon tells himself as he enters the elevator of your apartment building. His hands are shaking as the elevator climbs up to the eighth floor. Once the elevator makes it to your floor, he steps out, making his way to your apartment only to freeze. There’s a man standing in front of your door, handing you a bouquet of pink roses. You smile widely, accepting them with a bow. 
The man is tall, much taller than Jihoon. He’s also handsome, hair slicked back, showing off his perfect eyebrows god damn it. Jihoon feels his heart sink, realizing that he’s too late. He slowly inches back, walking towards the elevator with a broken heart and a stupid strawberry bouquet that he’s gonna force Soonyoung to eat. 
What he fails to hear though, is you thanking your neighbor for bringing you the roses you ordered for your sister’s birthday. “Thank you so much for bringing them to me Mingyu! You know I could’ve just gone and picked them up at your shop.” You tell him, smiling widely at the flowers you bought.
“It’s no biggie, you’re my neighbor anyways. I don’t have a problem with it, it’s easier this way. I hope your sister likes them by the way! Make sure to keep them in your fridge until the day you drop them off.” He instructs and you nod, waving bye happily as he walks off in the direction of his apartment.
“These are so pretty, she’s gonna love them.” You mutter as you close the door, letting out a smile. You take a photo of the flowers, sending them to Jihoon.
“Hey! How’d it go-” Soonyoung stops once he sees Jihoon slouching as he steps through the door. He places the strawberry bouquet on the table, along with the now half-empty boba. He walks into his room, locking the door behind him. 
“Awe man..” Soonyoung says disappointedly, sitting back down at the dining table. 
Jihoon belly flops onto his bed, curling up and forcing himself to fall asleep.
Now obviously, the third attempt did not work because Jihoon is stupid and just assumed what the situation was without asking. It could’ve worked out if he stayed for a second longer, but he didn’t. Instead, he spent the rest of his day taking a depression nap, with Soonyoung peeking his head in to place food inside.
The fourth, and final attempt, was successful.
━━━━━━ ☁️━━━━━━
Jihoon wakes up the next day, groaning at the light pouring in through his curtains. He reaches out, grabbing his phone from his dresser. He sees the unread message you left him the day before, feeling his heart break a little more once he realizes there’s an image attached. He opens the message, seeing the pink bouquet in a vase in your fridge. 
“She doesn’t have to rub it in my face-”
Yn: look how pretty the roses are! Mina is gonna love them!! If you’re ever gonna buy flowers, go and check out Mingyu’s flower shop, he’s my neighbor! 
Jihoon sits up in bed immediately, eyes widening at the message, heart filling up with hope.
“Oh my fucking God. They’re for her sister.” Jihoon mutters, getting out of bed and walking out of his room.
“Hey Ji, I’m sorry about-”
“The flowers weren’t for her, they’re for her sister. I forgot she buys her flowers every Christmas.” Jihoon mumbles quickly, currently preoccupied with the fact that he no longer has boba for you and the strawberries are already turning bad. Well he did leave the strawberry bouquet on the table. 
“Fuck. How am I supposed to give her this?!” Jihoon yells, running a hand frustratedly through his hair. 
“I mean, you don’t have to? You can just give her that bracelet you bought-” Jihoon shoots Soonyoung a death glare, making him stop.
“Or not.” He says, slowly retracting himself from the situation. Jihoon’s phone rings, and he reaches into his pocket, taking it out to see you’re calling him.
“Hey yn.” Jihoon greets into the phone, and he hears you giggle excitedly.
“Let’s hangout! I have a gift for you.” You say, staring at the small box you wrapped. Jihoon feels himself freeze once he realizes he’ll have to give you the bracelet he got for you earlier than expected.
He was hoping to give you the bracelet on your birthday, which is in a couple weeks, but this will have to do.
“Me too, I’ll head over after my shower.” Jihoon motions for Soonyoung to go and grab the bracelet from his room. Soonyoung nods, rushing over into Jihoon’s room to snatch the gift.
“Okey! Be safe Ji.” You end the call, heading over to take out the brownies you made in the oven.
“Merry Christmas!” You squeal once Jihoon enters your apartment, making him laugh.
“Merry Christmas Eve yn.” Jihoon corrects, giving you a pat on the head. He sniffs the air, heading straight to your kitchen once the scent of brownies hits his nostrils. He takes the corner piece, shoving it into his mouth.
“Hey! I wanted to have that one.” You pout, hitting his shoulder. Jihoon chuckles, taking the other corner piece and placing it in your hand.
“That’s why there’s four corner pieces, duh.” You roll your eyes, eating the brownie in one bite. 
“You wanna order chicken for dinner?” You ask as you and Jihoon head over to your living room, sitting down by your small christmas tree.
“Chicken and beer? The classic duo.” Jihoon says, which you take as a yes, I would like fried chicken for dinner. 
You fail to notice how nervous Jihoon is, but he’s currently shitting fucking bricks right now. He’s fumbling with the small box in the pocket of his sweatshirt, wondering when would be a good time to give it to you.
“Alright! The food is ordered, let’s watch Christmas movies until it arrives.” You take the remote, turning on the TV and going onto Netflix. 
I’ll do it after we eat, Jihoon thinks to himself.
“Ah, I’m full.” You mumble, letting a burp escape your mouth as you lean back into the couch. Jihoon chuckles, letting out a small burp himself. 
“Okay so Ji, I have a gift for you.” You tell him after a beat of silence. You walk over to your small christmas tree and pick up the tiny box. You sit back down on the couch, and turn towards Jihoon.
His black hair is a bit messy, and his cheeks are tinged a pretty shade of pink. You’re curious as to whether he’s tipsy already, but he only had a sip of his beer. His mouth is partially open, and you glance down at your hands once you realize you’ve been staring for too long.
“I have a gift for you too yn.” Jihoon tells you and you look back up to see him reach into his sweatshirt pocket, now holding a small box in his hand. You both look into each other's eyes, and smile, handing each other your gifts.
“I have to tell you something-” You both start, bursting out into a fit of giggles after.
“You go first.” You say, pretending to pass him the mic. 
“I’ve tried to tell you this three times already.” Jihoon says with a nervous laugh, refusing to look into your eyes. You cock your head to the side, a small smile popping up on your face.
“Yn, you’re so precious to me.” You bite the inside of your cheek to try and stop yourself from audibly awe-ing out loud. 
“I uh, oh God I’m so nervous.” Jihoon laughs, looking up into your eyes. Your cheeks turn red at the intense stare he gives you, and he wants to reach up and cup your face, but he holds back.
“I love you yn, I really do.” Jihoon confesses, and you smile.
“I know, I love you too Ji.” You say casually, glancing back down at your hands, and Jihoon almost slaps himself in the face at the realization that you thought it was just him saying it in a friendly way.
“No, yn.” Jihoon reaches up and rests his hand on your cheek, making you suck in a breath. “Look at me, please?” You look back up into his eyes to see him staring at you with an expression you’ve seen before, but never was able to tell what it meant. 
It’s the look he’d give you when he thought you weren’t looking. The way he stares at you when you dance in the kitchen as you wait for the food to bake. The one he’d give you when you laugh and turn to glance at him.
“I’m in love with you, yn. I’ve been trying to tell you this for a month.” Jihoon says quietly, and you look down at your hands. You remove his hand from your cheek, picking up the gift from your lap and his, placing it onto the coffee table so that you don’t ruin it with what you’re about to do next. 
“Excuse me.” You mumble, cheeks burning with warmth, you climb onto his lap. Jihoon stares at you with wide eyes, leaving his hands resting by his sides, he notes the incredibly close proximity between you two.
“I never thought you’d finally confess.” You mutter, leaning in and pressing a short kiss to his lips. It’s like a switch goes off, and Jihoon finally wraps his arms around your waist, returning the kiss gratefully. You feel your stomach flip because woah. You end up smiling during the kiss, making Jihoon giggle against your lips. He pulls away to look at you with a big silly smile.
“Does that mean you feel the same way? I mean, you are on my lap right now.” Jihoon teases and you feel your cheeks turn bright red again, choosing to slap his shoulder as your answer. 
“Open your gift Ji, I think you’ll like it.” You whisper, getting ready to move off his lap, only for him to pull you closer with one arm as he reaches over to grab his gift off the coffee table with the other. 
“Small box, did you get me another flash drive for my songs again?” He asks and you giggle, shaking your head no. He opens the box, his eyes widening as the silver band reflects back at him. 
“I know how much you like rings, so I got this for you. It has your initials on the inside.” You explain as he lifts the ring carefully out of the box. Jihoon smiles at you, placing the ring on his pointer finger. 
“I love it, thank you yn.” He says, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. You squeak, feeling shy all of a sudden and he laughs.
“You’re the one who climbed onto my lap after my confession!” He exclaims and you laugh, hitting his shoulder again. “Stop, I’m shy now.” You tell him, reaching over and grabbing his gift. 
He watches you as you open it, and you let out a small gasp. It’s a silver bracelet with a heart charm in the middle. It also has your initials in it, and you smile widely. “So you copied my gift, huh?” You ask and he gasps.
“How dare you! I ordered that gift for you last month so technically, you copied me.” Jihoon fake argues with you, and you roll your eyes. 
“I love you, even though you did copy me.” Jihoon says and you giggle, nuzzling your head into his neck. 
“I love you too Ji, I’ve loved you for a long time.”
━━━━━━ ☁️━━━━━━
And that is how our dear Lee Jihoon finally confessed his love for you after three attempts. I guess we could say...
third time’s the charm ?
549 notes · View notes
bipadme · 4 years
We Lie to Ourselves Most of All
pairing: female detective (leila) x mason
word count: 2521
warnings: contains a mild anxiety attack
description: Leila's incredibly skilled at lying to herself, but not so good at lying to Felix. But no matter what he says, her feelings for Mason are purely platonic. She's sure of it.
read on ao3 
Felix flips back onto the couch with a huff, his socked feet nearly kicking her hands. “You know, when you mentioned knitting socks for me I thought it would be…” he trailed off waving a hand vaguely in her direction. 
Leila snorts and rearranges her yarn so that Felix doesn’t end up hopelessly tangling it, “Less time consuming? More interesting to watch? If you're bored,” she teases, her eyes still glued on her knitting, “that’s what the junk food and movies are for. If you keep talking, you’re going to miss all the good parts.”
“The best part is sitting right next to me,” Felix counters with a charming grin. Leila can’t help but beam at him, glad for the company even if she’s partially convinced he’s only here to watch out for supernatural threats. She’s come to at least somewhat accept that Unit Bravo’s friendship comes with an even more fervent overprotectiveness than they’d started out with. But Felix’s bright cheer had a way of washing away the irritation she felt whenever Adam announced that she’d be having a guest that night.
She patiently lifts her knitting while he squirms and rearranges throw pillows until he’s in a more upright position, feet still firmly planted in her lap. When she puts it down again and starts to pick up where she left off, the silence makes her pause. She glances at him to find amber eyes that are bright in a way that makes her feel wary. The knitting is carefully set on the side table, she’s in no mood to drop stitches because Felix was up to… something.
“You know, it’s interesting…” He trails off too casually, and Leila tilts her head inquisitively. Logically, she understands he’s deliberately piquing her curiosity so that he has her full attention. But if anything, she’s learned it can be better to ride out whatever he has to say in her apartment, rather than wait for him to bring it up in front of the whole unit.
He drums his fingers on the back of her couch, “You know, you and Mason were kind of a surprise.”
Leila snorts inelegantly, “If by that you mean you’re surprised I got past his attitude, sure. But you know me,” she smiles sunnily, “I won him over with my sparkling personality and the way my ass looks in skinny jeans.”
Felix starts to cackle, and Leila joins him with a few giggles of her own. He settles down a moment later, wiping a stray tear from his eyes,”The group really is better with you around you know.”
He pauses and Leila suspects that he has more to say, and starts to feel an inkling of unease. But really, how serious can the conversation be? He never expressed a problem with them. Adam, on the other hand...
 “You’re like,” he gestures to all of her in a way Leila finds both funny and vaguely insulting, “You’re all sunshine and positivity, right?”
He rushes forward without waiting for an answer, leaning closer as he becomes more animated. “And you knit, and read all the time, so why aren’t you looking for someone like that?”
Leila blinks, “Someone who knits?”
The vampire rolls his eyes, “ No, someone who wants a relationship, the works!” He waggles his eyebrows, but it doesn’t make her smile for once. She’s too busy looking at his face, always so open, his eyes expectant. But this isn’t the open curiosity of a genuine question, it’s like he’s waiting for something in particular. But what? Does he think he knows what she’s about to say? Is there something he wants her to say? This conversation has taken an odd turn, and she feels like she’s walking on unfamiliar ground.
Where was this coming from?
Felix starts to squirm under her scrutiny, so she gentles her expression and counters him lightly, “I can’t want something casual?”
“Is that what you want?” He fires back almost immediately, eyes roving over her face with intent. Against her will, Leila’s heart begins to beat with a strange sort of anxiety. But what is there to be nervous about?
So she forces a teasing smile, “Are you asking about my intentions toward Mason?”
“No,” the joviality has faded from his expression entirely, “I want to know what you want.”
He looks almost worried, and a pang trembles right through her heart. Her hand rests gently on his ankle, squeezing it lightly with an affectionate smile, “Exactly what I said, something casual. He’s having fun, and I’m having quite a lot of fun.” 
His lips quirk into a small smile, “Yeah, you’re obviously desperate for fun. Sitting with me in your apartment, knitting on a Friday night.”
“Fuck off,” she protests half-heartedly, covering her face with her hands as Felix bursts into laughter at the rarely heard profanity. 
She giggles with him a little, and when their laughter stops she pauses, mulling over what she’s about to say. 
“I’m not exactly good at relaxing,” she gestures at her knitting and the clock that reads 2:30 AM. “So I’m not really good at sleeping, either. I overthink everything,” she says, smiling ruefully after Felix snorts in evident agreement.
Leila tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and shrugs, “But being with Mason is simple. I don’t have to guess what he wants, because he’s already made it clear. It’s a relief, you know? To have things just out in the open, to want the same thing someone else wants and just be happy with where you are. We have fun,” her lips quirk into a small smile, “And for once I stop thinking and I get to just...be.”
The explanation feels wholly inadequate. But how is she supposed to describe the sheer, inexhaustible happiness of being with Mason, without Felix misinterpreting it as something else? If she talks about how they don’t even need to have sex, that the relief starts when he walks into the room and she starts gravitating toward him, he’ll think it’s more than it is. He'll think she's looking for something more, when she's not.
Better to keep that to herself.
“I don’t get that with anyone else,” she sighs.
Felix blinks slowly, and his hopeful expression has her feeling nervous, even when he visibly tries to tamp it down. “And that’s it? Fun and relief? Is that why you freaked when he was injured?”
“I would freak if any of you got injured!”
“But would you kiss it better? ” 
Leila scoffs, and tries to push his feet off her with no success, “Not with that attitude, I won’t!”
His voice is suddenly quieter, “Is he the first person you look for when you walk into a team meeting because you like having fun?”
He pauses, and her heart starts pounding again. He doesn’t make her wait long, “Is that why you avoid wearing perfume when you know you’re going to see him? Is that why you smile every time he looks at you?”
“He’s my friend,” she nearly croaks. She takes a moment to clear her throat, “I worry about him, like I would for any of you. I’m being considerate.”
“Right,” his eyebrows arch doubtfully, “because what you feel is so casual and light.” He almost looks worried, but the moment passes them by as an explosion in the long ignored movie makes them jump. 
With some shared giggles, they both settle once again. But now Felix’s words stick in her mind so stubbornly that it takes all her effort to push them aside. However, if anything she's gifted at throwing herself into everything else to escape. The odd conversation is forgotten a few days later after her concentrated effort to do so.
At least, that's what she tells herself.
Nightmares always end the same way.
Leila’s eyes snap open, the nightmare less vivid than usual, but the emotions of it still thrumming underneath her skin. For a moment, when it’s only a slowly growing panic in the pit of her stomach, she feels cheated. She’s cheated of her post-afterglow calm and the quiet contentment of Mason’s warmth within arm’s reach. She has so little time to enjoy this before he slips out and back to the warehouse, and she was going to spend it having a goddamned panic attack.
She has the worst luck.
Luckily, Mason is still sleeping, his body curled around hers but just far enough that she has a chance of not waking him. Maybe... if she doesn’t get up and takes care to be as quiet as possible. Her heart picks up pace, and soon her hands begin to tremble. When the full body trembling starts just a moment later, she laces her fingers together and focuses on the far wall, where the moon has painted silhouettes of the plants on her windowsill.
Mason, for all of his superior senses, is still asleep.
Small blessings, she thinks, eyes still glued on the wall.
She presses her eyes shut and takes measured breaths. If she leaves the bed, he’ll definitely wake up. If  she stays and he sees her like this…
The dread only grows bigger and her heart pounds even harder. At this point the effort of staying perfectly still has rendered her breath shaky and uneven. Leila is so jittery that the warm hand that touches her shoulder makes her yelp.
“What happened?” Mason’s voice is gravelly with sleep, but still alert. Once he sees that she isn’t flinching away from his touch, he gently rolls her over to face him. Leila obliges and shifts so that she’s eye level with him. She starts to reach out and hesitates, fingers inches from his, so Mason  closes the gap and places one hand between hers. Even with that comforting touch, Mason is frowning and waiting for her answer.
“I had a nightmare,” she whispers. The sound of her heart feels like it's drowning her words out.
His gray eyes are narrowed slightly, but not angrily. He moves his free hand to cup her still shaking hands within both of his, and the steadiness of them makes her feel anchored and less like she’s about to shake to pieces. “Murphy?”
She gives him a one-shouldered shrug and grimaces, “Among other things. I’m getting used to it.” Leila nearly winces at her defensive tone, but Mason doesn’t respond. He only looks at her levelly, maybe thinking of the last time she’d woken up from a nightmare. Maybe thinking she was weak. Maybe thinking that he was better off--
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it,” he interrupts her thoughts with a sharp tone. He’s frowning now, and when he pulls his hands away the panic spikes, until his arm wraps around her to pull her tight to him. Her hands are now trapped between them and planted firmly on his chest, and her legs are tangled with his. His face is only inches from hers now, and his expression is...unknowable. She can’t quite place it, she only knows that it makes her chest ache with fondness. He reaches up to hold her chin ever so gently and to lightly trace a thumb over lips that are stuttering out uneven breaths.
“What do you need?”
The simple questions makes her tear up, and the fact that she knows he can sense her tears has her tearing up even more in pure shame, and that has her taking in a shuddering breath. She closes her eyes, determined that she will at least save her pride by keeping them from falling.
He asked you because he wants to help, the only functional part of her brain insists. So she gathers the words to tell him what she needs.
“Just stay with me like this? Please?” 
A beat passes in silence. He releases her chin to snake his arm around her and tuck her even more firmly into his chest. He cups his hand around the back of her neck, rubbing circles with his thumb behind her ear. In a strange role reversal, her lips are only inches from his neck. The scent of sandalwood surrounds her here, and it’s only now that she notices the thundering of her heart starting to slow.
That’s how they stay. Mason is silent, and the steady beat of his heart is soon matched by hers. For a moment, Leila is struck by the change. This feels… intimate. This feels like the kiss she’d given him after rescuing Sanja, like sitting on a rooftop with him in the middle of the night and having a real conversation.  Instead of the pure fucking shame she expects to feel after letting him see her like this she feels purely at peace. He holds her like she’s important to him in a way that means more than friendship and teamwork. 
Her throat tightens painfully at the thought. She knows it’s not true, and her heart hurts regardless. It’s fine though, what they have is what they both want. 
Yet the conversation she’d had with Felix rattles around in her skull so persistently that she can almost hear him ask, Is that what you want? Is this intimacy something she wants? Is she looking for more than Mason can give? Has she set herself up for disappointment yet again? Or has she learned her lesson by now? It’s the last thought that has her snapping out of her anxious thoughts.
So, of course, she ruins the moment.
“This is nice,” she forces her lips into a sly smile, “I never took you for someone who cuddles.”
Leila forcibly pushes the moment away and lets herself laugh at the disgruntled rumble in Mason’s chest as he protests, “We are not—“
He starts to pull away and she squeaks in protest, “Let me finish,” and scrambles to roll on top of him with a breathless laugh at the scowl on his face. What a grump , she thinks, all the while knowing he could push her away at any moment. Arms braced on either side, she reaches a hand up to his face and irons the lines out with a fingertip. The most shocking part is he lets her, his scowl dropping from his face and looking as if he’s in a trance.
He’s my friend, she thinks. Of that at least, she is sure. This sentimentality is platonic, it has to be, and she swears that’s what compels her to drop a light kiss on the corner of his mouth. When she pulls away, she’s still so close that her lips brush his with every word, “Thank you. For staying.”
They hang there for a moment, just breathing, afraid to break the moment. Then she feels fingertips trailing down her spine, and she squirms with a helpless shiver.
Mason smirks, and in a flash he flips them over, effectively pinning her. She smiles up at him as brilliantly as she can, completely content and happy. He huffs out a laugh and presses a kiss to her neck before whispering against her skin, “Why would I leave? I’m not nearly done with you yet.”
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fisheoctrashdump · 4 years
Willow 1-20 e w e
She's not a big fan of holidays. Growing up, she didn't really celebrate holidays with her family. She didn't dress up and go trick or treating or get presents on christmas. She learned to hate pretty much every holiday, but her favorite will be Valentine's day. She loves the idea of making chocolates for all the people she loves (both romantically and platonically) and having an excuse to be so full of love for her friends.
Willow isn't technically bad at cooking, but she's much better at baking. It's something she enjoys doing a lot, and she feels very fulfilled when she shares her creations with her friends and family. She thrives on compliments for a lot of her ideas and actions, but most of all for baking.
She doesn't have the passion for regular cooking, so most of the time when she cooks she tries to rush through it.
Willow had to learn to be a light sleeper. Noises and lights will keep her awake, so she has to be in total darkness and silence to fall asleep. Movement on or near her bed is also sure to freak her out.
She sleeps completely wrapped in her blankets like a little burrito.
I keep imagining that after she gets used to the Lovelace family and feels comfortable being there, she lets Dobby sleep on her bed ;w;
I also keep thinking about Willow talking softly to Zeron in the dark when she's overthinking and can't sleep. Even if he's sleeping, she feels better after she unloads all of her worries and anxieties, leading to her actually being able to sleep.
Willow can't drive, actually. (Not just because she's not old enough yet lol)
She has semi frequent syncopal episodes, commonly due to stress and fear. She can't and won't be able to drive because of it.
She hates showering and tries to avoid it for as long as possible. She hates looking at her body. It makes her feel sick and uncomfortable. It also has to do with the fact that she can't get motivated to shower as often as she should.
She likes hugging others, as long as she is comfortable around them. I think she will very often try to get hugs from bleblesscra, Galatea, and Zeron in the future.
Willow feels suffocated when being kissed. It's a psychological thing related to her trauma. I'm not sure when she will feel comfortable enough for mouth kisses, but cheek and forehead kisses are fine owo
Willow lost her virginity when she was nine. She is still sexually active, but not by choice.
General physical contact
Again, she doesn't mind it as long as it's with someone she's comfortable around. It's very obvious to see Willow flinching away from Erika's seemingly affectionate touch, no matter the circumstances. She probably wouldn't be too comfortable with Arvid touching her, either, but for different reasons. Currently, she is really starved for attention and human contact, and I imagine becoming friends with Zeron will mean Willow looking for any and every excuse to be physically close to him.
Physical appearance
Other than the picrew thing I did for her, here's a few little other things about her appearance
Willow has naturally black hair
She bites her nails, so her fingernails are always short
She chubby ;w;
She wears a lot of purple, blue, and yellow. She also tries to wear hoodies, high collared shirts, and chokers to cover the hickies on her neck (or at least try to). Doesn't stop people from seeing them and nicknaming her "slut" for it lol
She also tends to wear baggy clothes to conceal her body, and wears more layers than necessary if she knows she's going to be alone with Erika at any point that day.
She doesn't wear a lot of jewelry. She wears chokers as her main accessory, and she really likes snake themed jewelry if she's feeling up to wearing it. (Like rings, necklaces, and earrings)
She will get a vertical labret at some point in the future, and I can also see her getting an industrial piercing of some kind, but I'm not sure exactly what kind yet
A nickname I've been crying over for the past weeks is Cupcake. I'm not sure who comes up with it, but the nickname makes Willow incredibly happy, and a lot of her friends and family pick up calling her that nickname (even Arvid.) I've had a few ideas on who comes up with it, and I think either Sacra, Galatea, or Blez? Those three stick out as most likely in my mind, for some reason.
Is ice skating kinda like dancing? Lol
Either way, nobody can convince Willow to dance. A shame, cause she would actually be pretty good at it. She feels too self conscious to do so, like everyone would be watching her if she did
She doesn't sing much. She has a pretty decent voice, but she won't use it often. I imagine Arvid encourages her to sing with him later on because he's a sucker for dramatic duets lol
She doesn't really get angry. All of her anger is usually converted into sadness, and she's more likely to cry during a stressful event.
Soft spot
Cute pokemon things. Especially desserts and plushies.
Snakes/ferrets she like the long bois
Favorite possession
The choker she stole from Arvid. She jokes that she needed it more, especially since she was able to steal it from him so easily (and he didn't notice it was missing for nearly a month)
Favorite photograph
She currently doesn't have one. I'm gonna take a pass on this one, because I'm really not sure.
Relationship with ___
Willow has a lot of complicated emotions involving Erika
The most prominent being fear. Willow is terrified of Erika and the things she does, not just to her but also to other people. She has a certain level of adoration for Erika, however, because Erika was the only person that pretended to give a damn about Willow for, well, basically as long as she can remember. Erika of course used this to her advantage and broke Willow's spirit with the many horrible things she did to her.
Despite everything, Willow remains obsessed with Erika because she doesn't believe there can be any other way. She is aware that Erika sees her as useless and disposable, but sometimes when Erika is showing her the attention she craves, Willow convinces herself that that is what it means to love someone.
She tries to fight against Erika when they are alone together, but ultimately will lose. It's a common occurrence between them, and some days Willow wonders if fighting back is even worth it.
Erika being removed from her life (in whatever way we decide to go about it) will feel like both the best and the worst thing to ever happen to her. Erika has Willow convinced that they need each other, and working through all the damage and trauma Erika caused her will take a significant amount of time.
She feels safe with Arvid. That's the main point of their relationship, is that Willow clings to Arvid for a sense of security.
Initially, Willow felt like she and Arvid had a lot in common. She watched most of the school harass him when she entered middle school, and she understood the feeling. She watched Arvid from a distance, wishing she had the confidence to talk to him, until seventh grade. She finally forced herself to make conversation with Arvid, and hoped for the best.
Getting to know Arvid provided Willow with a lot of relief, also. She had someone she could escape to when she absolutely needed it, and he never pushed her to talk about anything. The more she got to know Arvid, the more she identified with his unspoken feelings of isolation and fear of abandonment.
She realizes she has a crush on Arvid shortly before he starts high school, but having a crush on him causes her so much grief because 1) Arvid is gay, and she knows this and 2) some part of her feels guilty for feeling that way about someone, almost like she's betraying Erika somehow.
Arvid and Willow don't get a chance to hang out as much now that he's in high school, and she's mostly gone back to the way things used to be. Alone and unwanted by her classmates, with no one to escape to.
I'm not sure when or how Willow becomes friends with Galatea, but I just imagine their friendship making Willow feel so safe and happy. I'm sure at first the age difference will make her nervous, and she probably won't trust being alone with Galatea no matter what, but I imagine Galatea has very friendly vibes in her own unique way, and because of this Willow warms up to her pretty fast.
In addition to always trying to impress Arvid, Willow will also try to impress Galatea almost constantly. She will also often give Galatea gifts.
Something else I've considered for their relationship is Willow having a crush on Galatea, but not like in the way Razi does or in the way Arvid and Fel have a crush on Chuck.
Because of her past experience with her relationship with Erika, I imagine Willow being very confused about how she feels for Galatea. The only older sister figure in her life before now made Willow feel like her emotions didn't matter unless there was sex involved. With Galatea, Willow will feel as though at some point to keep her around, she has to do the same as she did with Erika before. Hopefully by this time, Willow will be in therapy and be able to figure out how to ensure her relationship with Galatea remains a healthy one.
Bonus random things I thought of/info I wanna share ;w;
Arvid leaning in to Willow for their first kiss and Willow immediately passing out (kinda funny when you think about it but also :( )
Willow is nonbinary, but she doesn't have specific pronouns. Most people just use she/her and she's fine with that
Her favorite color has been purple pretty much her whole life. She didn't consider blue a favorite color until she met Arvid
Willow enjoys a variety of different music genres. 2000's - 2010's pop is the one she enjoys most, but all her favorite bands belong to different genres (Like Simple Plan, Mindless Self Indulgence, Hey Violet, Halestorm, and NF)
The scenario you came up with Willow asking Zeron to give her a mohawk will be canon (at some point after they meet, probably also after she is adopted)
She has a suicide note saved that she intends to give to Arvid, because she knows he's the only one who would care enough to know her final thoughts
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hollowphobia-casual · 5 years
The Amazing World Of Friendship Part MMXIX, The Return Of The Rising Awakened Empire
It’s that time of year again! The time I let down my defences and expose my emotions bare to all my friends so that I may thank and gush all over them, because despite my cynical hate filled shell, deep, deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep down I’m actually someone who just wants to be loved, maybe.
But joking and honest truths disguised as jokes aside, there is something I would like to say, most of the time.., I feel like I have imposter syndrome, not regarding my art and my work, but with my friends! I have SO many wonderful friends and I honestly love them to bits and yet every year due to work, time zones, time schedules or just my inability to start a conversation I don’t get to talk to them or they go neglected for ages and I hate that so much about myself. My friends, all of them, are such wonderful people and they deserve so much better than what I give them, I love you guys, so very much..., I’m sorry for being such a terrible friend.
THAT SAID! It’s time to embarrass these lovely losers by letting them know just how much I care, kukuku.
@articbleu​ [Twitter]
Hah! Speaking of friends whom I’m constantly feel like I am neglecting, where do I begin without feeling like I’m treading over the same ground? You are one of the many artists whom I consider an inspiration, your dedication, drive and sheer will is aweing inspiring, like, I dunno if I can ever get over how much I think about it, I remember a time where we were both almost at the same level and now you are off doing who knows what, last I checked, you were studying in Korea, which is awesome, I’m so happy for you. But when ever I’m working and I feel like I can’t achieve, I look to you and tell myself, I can do better. I dunno if we’ll ever talk like we used to, so much time has passed since we last spoke, I dunno if we are the same people and there are times when I look back on my past, things I said that I regret and wonder if maybe you shouldn’t be my friend, not because I hate you, but because there are better people than me, who are more deserving of your attention, admiration and so much more, but regardless of what comes and what may happen, you have been or are, my friend and I love you, please, keep shooting like the star you are!
@nightmargin​ [twitter]
Okay, imagine this, so you met this cool girl who likes to draw weird, amazing and beautiful things on Deviantart, you enter a character tournament two with them, you chat about anime and stuff, then just a few years later THEY RELEASE ONE MOST ACCLAIMED INDIE GAMES KNOWN, like Whaaaaa-, there is not a day that goes by I don’t see One Shot stuff like, wha-, I dunno.., and she’s still making stuff it’s fucking incredible, WHY ARE MY FRIENDS SO TALENTED.., hah, go damit didn’t want to be melancholy.. ..,But like, shit, I just want to support my friends and let them know how much I give a shit, just how impressed I am, how happy for them I am but truth is I hardly get to see them, which is not your fault, you are making games, doing art, and having to be a social media presence, it’s exhausting, I understand, I just hope you know that I care still, that when I see your characters around the web, in fanart, in VRchat and other places, it makes me SO happy, I just want to hug you and let you know that you are doing an amazing job and that I couldn’t be more proud of you, I hope you know that.
@doodlediddy​ @doodledittydaisy​ [Twitter]
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Okay so, this is a friend where neither of us are to blame for staying out of touch because, HOLY FUCK YOU HAVE A BABY! AAAAA, you made a little person and they are so cute! On the rare occasion I go onto the hellsite that is Facebook, I get to catch glimpses of you and your lovely child, whom I terribly do not know the name or gender of A+ friendship right there, but yeah, GURL, you have an infant and they are precious, I don’t blame you for a second for not being in touch, it feels so weird, not too many years ago you were talking me off the ledge and then you got married, then you got baby fat AND NOT IT’S ESCAPE! I’m so happy for your family, fuck, that’s so weird, it’s YOUR family, not your family, YOUR FAMILY! AAAAaaaaa!
@mistercrowbar​ [Twitter]
I MET HER!, I MET HER!, I MET HER! No you guys don’t understand, I MET CROWBAR AND IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! We looked at beautiful lakes, we watched netflix, We ate burgers, looked at destroyed cranes, went to Ikea, watched more netflix, bought DnD stuff, ate more burgers, tried a beaver tail, more netflix, talked about lobsters and my little pony, looked at fossils, got mad at the ocean, yelled at drivers, more netflix… It was great, I loved it, would sleep on the floor again, 10/10. But Okay so I know that many people would think of Crowbar as intimidating, she’s not an emotionally open person I know, but to be honest it just makes friendship with her special, getting to know her on a level where you can read her is something that is truly treasurable and I’m so lucky to have that, she’s a unique person to love and that’s what's so great about her, she isn’t like everyone else, I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world…, okay maybe I’d allow her let me hug her more so I can tell her how great she is and she can’t flee, haha. I know I get on her nerves sometimes and I’m probably not the best friend on her list, I mean, I’m guessing, but considering how I measure up to some of the other people she knows, I can easily see that, I mean who knows thow, maybe I’m not a tier friend and maybe just a different friend and I just.., haha, I dunno why I obsess over this, how important I am to my friends, maybe because I just want them to be the happiest they can be and when I know I’m depriving them of joy, I question myself. But I am happy for what happiness I do bring to her, the moments I’m useful, when I am needed or just enjoyable company, those are the best moments for me, I’d give anything just to hear Crowbar laugh once every day, that’s how important of a friend she is to me.
@valbey-the-girl​ [twitter]
THIS ASSHOLE! Has been with me since I can remember, which probably annoys him, because I’m not the easiest person to friends with, specially of late, my mood has been all over the fucking place, I’m happy, sad, depressed, angry, frustated and yet he doesn’t complain…, that I know of.., and in return.., I send him lewd christmas gifts that make his parents question him and his life choices. Haha, friendship. But honestly, I like that about him, he’s one of the true people I know that makes me feel like we have a ‘normal’ friendship, we are not overly affectionate, we can speak openly to one another and we don’t like all of them same things and all I want to do is make him laugh and find a game that I’m good at and that he sucks at, because god damit, he seems like he’s an expert at everything, fuck you! I know times right now are tough for you, I can’t imagine it’s easy, shits going down at home, work and there is some asshole asking if your free once every Saturday so you can pretend to be a dwarf, just know if you need anything, you can always ask me, you’ve been there for me, don’t forget I’m here for you.
@dansome0203 [Twitter]
Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year, Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year, Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year,... -checks Script- “I’m a terrible Friend..” FUCK. -inhale- The man I look to for inspiration on cute girls and large boobs! God, I only really got to know this guy at the tail end of my Deviantart carrier before the big move to Tumblr and even then it was less a ‘WE ARE FRIENDS SWORN TO A BLOOD OATH’ and more me oddly poking him now and again, trying to start a conversation failing miserably, a tradition that would continue for about…, nine years…, nine years.. God I am a terrible friend. But enough about my inability to simply converse with people, what can I say about this Dan, he’s fucking great to start with, on the odd times I do actually get to talk to him I know he is nothing more than a chill dude who creates a lovely and warm atmosphere around him that draws people in, he has a fantastic sense of humour which is only equaled by his creative flair, no I’m not talking about the boobs, but more his designs for his characters, colour choices and so much more, I am honestly not joking when I say that I look at this guys work for inspiration from time to time, because I find his designs just that appealing and insightful. I would love for nothing than to just sit in a call with this guy and talk shop, or talk, or anything…, I wanna love you Dan, let me love you!
Gwyn Graham
And right of the gates… I FORGOT WHAT THERE TUMBLR USERNAME IS GOD DAMMIT! So for once me being a bad friend is entirely my fault!, we’ve always had a rocky time zone/schedule conflict even when we use to play DnD with each other, because life sadly, is not easy, fuck I wish it was. But also sadly I dunno what you’ve been up to, I dunno how you have been. I hope you are well and happy, did you get date? Are you on the lamb for murder? Who knows, but I like to think you are happy, I hope you are, I wish that you are.
@taplaos @tapliciousart [Twitter]
I bought three shirts from you and my father ignored the washing instructions so they are now basically ruined.-sigh- That said they are some amazing fucking shirts, so gonna try and be less of a downer here, but yes, like most of my friends, I am terribly out of touch with this wonderful person, HOWEVER, they have been fucking busy, designing some of the sickest Pokemon related merchandise I’ve ever seen, two things immediately come to mind when ever I see their amazing work up on my twitter, one… Why have Nintendo/Game Freak issued a take down notice and second, WHY HAVEN’T THEY HIRED YOU and I don’t mean that in a fanboy sort of, I love you pay attention to me sort of way, I actually mean that, your designs are so appealing, humorous, creative and at the same time, family friendly, like, there is such a demand for Pokemon related merchandise and you are just popping it out like nobody's business, christ, you are too good at this, it’s why I really need to sit down and talk to you about helping me design T-shirts at some point. Honestly, if you haven’t, go check out their stuff, seriously, do it, DO IT NOW!
@tuz-ohtopia @dm-tuz [Twitter] [Patreon]
When I started out I was ‘aware’ of Tuzzy, but I didn’t really know him, it wasn’t until I started getting involved with DnD that I started to know him and that was because he was the DM of my two other friends, so sadly I can never say that me and Tuzo have had the strongest of friendships. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I dislike Tuzo, I think the guy is great, the times we’ve actually spoken it’s been fantastic and talking shop with him was always a highlight, but it just.., amazes me, how I guy I barely knew went from a simple background presence to almost being everywhere I look. For you who don’t know, Tuzo is now a DM for hire and even has a Patreon where he offers up custom monsters, tiles and such, it’s so amazing to see how far he has come, it’s great, even if he has an unhealthy obsession with a lesser version of DnD, haha. I’m so proud of him and his unbound campaign is so enjoyable, experiencing it though his players is incredible and the assets he creates are outstanding, I just wish I had his time management, because I can not create assets to the same level or detail he does. This man has inspired me as a DM, an artist and a creator, and I don’t know if he is even aware that he has done that, Tuzo, keep doing what you're doing, because it’s amazing.
@nickala [Twitter]
Nicki’s Twitter describes her as a wannabe concept artist and an actual scientist and I’m probably the reverse haha, a wannabe scientist, god I love Nicki’s job, I really should talk to her about it, but then again I dunno how much of it she is allowed to openly discuss, she is after all handling human remains, so… I’ve mentioned it before, but I love Nicki, she makes life, make sense and it’s great, but more importantly than that, she’s just.., fantastic, funny, caring, but human. Like she feels so relatable with how she expresses herself, everything comes with a little frustration, a little guilt and honesty, which might sound like a weird thing to admire, but there are so many people these days who want to be fake, they want to be these, ideal versions that don’t exist, trying so hard and it becomes, exhausting and almost impossible to talk to them, because they wear a mask and you don’t know what their true intentions are. But not with Nicki, they talk and you can feel that raw emotion, it’s so satisfying to read text, to hear a voice and just know the complexity of a person, it’s refreshing and I cherish it.., even if I don’t talk to them that often.., I’m a sham of a friend -cries-
@mortooncian-art [Twitter]
I just met this lovely gal this year and…, I’m as bad with talking to them as I am with Dan…, I hope it doesn’t continue for about nine years…, I don’t want to be awkwardly skirting conversations at 37.
Sadly I can’t say much of them as a person, mostly because I’ve only really gotten to meet them this year, the aforementioned being a terrible person/friend, but I can talk about what drew me to them, because I was always aware of Thren? Mortoon?...uh.. Oh god I dunno what to call them..FU- I had always been aware of them since Deviantart and their art was appealing I just never made the leap to try and talk to them, because COWARD, it wasn’t until sometime last year, I can’t recall who but someone was reblogging their work, I believe it was Dan or Calien, it was from his DnD session and her little tiefling was just.., so..fucking CUTE! I loved her and wanted to know so much about her and looking into her work I found more and more cute loveable characters, and I dunno how to describe it, but her art just has this beautiful, cute and sexy charm to it that makes you just want to.. LIKE AND REBLOG IT… So after that, I just wanted to get know her, it seems so stupid thinking about it, liking someones art you think to yourself, hey I want to know this person on a personal level and maybe talk to them! And then, you get it and you clam up due to your social awkwardness and inability to manage a time schedule, haha.. But yes, I’m so glad I’ve been given a chance to talk to her, maybe if time allows it, I won’t screw it up in getting to be her friend.
@clauseart [Twitter] [Webcomic]
Yes, my fellow british artist whom I constantly compare myself against to measure my self success and my constantly conclude my lack of value… ...That’s not a joke I really do do this. Enough about me, I’ve mentioned it before with a few.., or most.., artist here, met on DA and look at where they are now, this girl, this them, this BEAST, started out with a crazy pinwheel and appearing in almost every OCT (Original Character Tournament) you can think of and now, they have an amazing webcomic about an amazing buff ginger and a kid whom I dislike (I’m sorry, I just wanna punch him,). Also a DnD character who seems from a distance seems like the drunk aunt who hates her family children.., I dunno I know nothing about their character and I really should ask someone, but if I’m right I want a gold star. But regardless, I am so proud of them, their creativity and artistic skill seems to have nothing but skyrocketed since the end of the OCT era of our lives and the dawn of tumblr, not to mention the just general progression of their comics, which I will leave a link to and if you don’t read this super funny and amazingly well drawn comic I will.. I really want to say more about them, I do! Sadly, I consider myself a friend, but I dunno if I even have that right, our friendship was very, distant, not in a negative way, but more like someone you chat to in a tescos (For any curious americans think Walmart), and now, I feel like I’m just a one man cheer squad. And honestly, I am okay with that, I get to see them improve and feel proud for them and they have a wonderful life as it is, what's more to want?
@lou0 @hunnylou0 [Twitter]
Lou has been one of my longest…, acquaintances? Okay I’m not saying that Lou isn’t a friend, I mean, I consider her a friend, but I’ve known her since I rejoined DA under the name Clockworkable, since then she’s been a source Joy, laughter, inspiration and to some extent a free expression, but, I could never feel like I was her equal or at least a friend, we were never close, despite how I tried to be.., she’s a difficult person to talk to, which isn’t her fault! Nothing ever seems to go her way, which.. Pisses me off so much, because she’s just a nice, beautiful and kind person who just deserves nothing but affection and I’d love to give it to her, even if it’s just a hug. But I know it can be hard.. That said, I’ve gotten the chance to really talk to her, getting to know her, the true her and it’s as wonderful as you’d think it would be, she is a true expression of her art, joyful, cheeky, funny, playful and kind, sweet, brutally honest, but that’s never a bad thing in my books. I dunno even now if I’m a good friend to her, I dunno if she’d even think of me as one, but I am happy that I’m a little bit here for her, more than I was before, I just want to make her happy.
@sunshinedrago [twitter]
Don’t be friends with this woman, it starts off small like “Oh, would you like to play Final Fantasy XIV?” and then the next thing you know your talking to scottish fairies and questioning your life decisions. I met this crazy spanish.. “ITALIAN!” Italian woman about three.., maybe four years ago? I can’t even remember how we met, like I know we met because we needed someone for a DnD game, but I can’t recall if it was me she contacted or someone else, haha, I’m getting old. Either way it doesn’t matter, because I’m so happy that I did, she’s encouraging, kind, sympathetic, honest and joyful, but more importantly realistic and down to earth, this woman is not a pity party and has introduced me to some of the most important anime and shows I could imagine, as well as help fueled my addiction to some games, a few years back I’d never played an MMO and now look at me...a broken shell of my former self…, obsessing over loot drops and glamorous for a fictional 3D bunny girl…She’s also one of my more active and talkative friends, which helps with my crippling depression haha, I dunno what else to say, It’s not like there isn’t a lot to say, just that I’ve said it over and over again, she’s a great friend and someone I wish I knew sooner, she feels like a friend I’ve always had, but I only met three years ago. Yeah.
@jabbage [Twitter]
What can I say, Smart, dedicated, driven, focused, talented, learned and amazing… ...Yep…, not just saying that because I am terrible friend…, not another example of not staying in touch with people, made worse by the fact they live in england…, nope…, are you buying it yet? I want to talk about how they inspire me, how they fuel my motivation, but sadly I have to just slap myself and twitter, because GURL never appears on my dash, but just.., THEY’VE WRITTEN SO MANY STORIES! H-how! I just.., I can’t get one webcomic done, I am so proud of her because of this, I should just be able to say that, but I don’t want to, I mean I do, I am proud, but I always want to talk about them as a person, I wanna mention times they’ve made me laugh, made me smile, but there is only a fleeting moment in a minecraft server sometime ago and… I am so sorry, for being a bad friend, but you don’t really need me to enrich your life.., JUST LOOK AT ALL YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED! You are so amazing, one woman army, just AAAAA, so great! I love it, I love you, keep being amazing!, don’t stop! Burn bright, burn far and burn hard! Go!
@flunafloon [Twitter]
I can’t say how much of a bad friend I am again.., please, she deserves better than me, here is the link to her Etsy store.
@daco-taco [Twitter]
God I have a bleeding heart.., I say because I don’t really know Daco, hell I dunno if I even register as ‘friend’, I’ve followed them since Deviantart and I loved their art, for the most part I was content to be just that and then…, I just saw them upset, and fuck me, haha. I hate that I hate people being in pain so much I dunno why it destroys the core of who I am.., so now I’m in a discord server, or trying to be, feeling constantly judge, because I want to make someone happy and I dunno if I am even doing the job. Haha, what does that say about me?
I want to say a lot about charanty, I want to say we were great friends, I wanna say we talked from sunrise to sunset, I want to so badly.., dumb ideas we had, silly jokes we shared, moments of confusion, anger, tears.., bliss, regret.. But sadly I can’t, not that I don’t like them, no no, Charanty is amazing, but like something truly amazing, they are never around all the time, which sucks, because they are truly amazing, creative, beautiful in their mannerisms and perfect in their imperfection. I wish I could enjoy them more often.
I have many friends whom I want to be happy, Chubbu probably more than anything and sometimes I blame myself for their sadness, I know I am not the root cause, but I can still blame myself for moments of silence, moments of stupidity and overall not trying harder. Chubbu is.., affectionately irrational and down to earth, the best of times they are infectiously fun to provoke, play with and tease, while at the same time being caring and hopeful, I’ve only had the pleasure of knowing them for this year and even still it feels like I’ve known them longer, but I can’t wait to get to know them more as time goes on, I hope I do, I wish I do.
@hypertronic [Twitter]
Hyper…, Hyper.., “Your a terrible friend again aren’t you?” I mean.., YES, okay so Hyper started off as someone who was a fan of one my characters and since then I’ve had the pleasure of being taken out of the limelight and watching them grow into an amazing artist and COMIC CREATOR, AAAAA, so Park Of Plutonia, Hyper’s comic was a silly little RP group that was on DA, but look at it now! The amazing world she had hidden away in her head, now for you to read and I really recommend you go read it, especially if you want something different and unique, I really want to say more than just ‘go check out her comic’, I really do.
-breaths- “You were a bad friend again” GOD DAMMIT, YES! You know the saying never meet you idols! Because all you will do is upset them and make them judge you, HAHAHHA, SO! I became aware of Mon thanks to a small show I’m pretty sure NO ONE has heard of called Critical Role, they drew fanart for it quite regularly and I loved it! I even commented on their stuff from time and time, but there wasn’t much to it. Then I had a friend drag me into the world of FFXIV and to my surprise I met Mon…, after like a week or ten before I realised who she was, how would you describe Mon as a person? Like a rabbit doped up on sugar and caffeine, especially when she’s tired, cause then it’s like x2, what I’m saying is Mon is excitable and positive, which sadly doesn’t really gel well with my down to earth, grumpy I hate everything because I can’t act cute attitude that I’ve cultivated. So despite how much you’d think we are friends and how amazing and creative she is, we clash a lot, and honestly I feel like I am just WAITING for the moment, where she declares she has had enough of me and just throws me out of the friendship circle, because…, I know that not all people gel and sadly as much as I want to, I feel like I’m bringing her nothing but pain and I don’t want to do that, she’s creative and amazing, as well as so positive, she doesn’t need someone like me hurting her all the time.  
@spookydraws, @spesiria, @totalobelisk, @ssksscrapboard, @horrorjuice, @riyamilea
“More friend’s you have trouble staying in contact with?” Mmm.. “Amazing wonderful people who you’d love to talk to for days on end, but you are always just too busy for them, too involved in yourself to even say hi?” Yeah.. “Are they even your friends anymore? Are you worth anything to them, I think at this point you should do them a favour and unfollow them, because in the schemes of their lives you aren’t exactly making an impact are you? If anything you slow them down, maybe you are just slowing everyone down? How many more of you ‘friends’ are going to be added to a stockpile of names you can just gush over, because you don’t know them as people anymore, they don’t impact your life and they probably haven’t had a second thought about them?” …, I just think they are amazing people who need to be recongised for how talented and beautiful they are, life is hard and the voices in our heads can be fucking disgusting to us, so everyone just needs a moment, a person to just hug them and them, I love you, I dunno if you even know me but you are so important, don’t forget how important you are and just how meaningful you are, I’m probably just a stranger to you, but you have never for one second not been important to me in some way, I hope you are happy and that you live every second of your life knowing that you are loved by atleast one person. Cause in the end, that’s all we really want isn’t it, we just want someone to tell us that they love us, that we mean something to them, that we are important.
@phantomdotexe [Twitter]
The living definition of too kind for her own good, it’s both your best quality and your worst quality. An amazing talented person who’s managed to influence a small cults worth of people under the ideal of one uniform symbol and then gets upset how she hasn’t done anything with it. I love you to bits, your drive, your kind nature, but at the same time I worry for you, you have so many self defeating thoughts and worries, all stemming from your lack of respect for your own skill and your ability to try and please everyone at once, which can especially be seen with the ‘everyones opinion is valid’ If you made short stories based on your vision or merch, you’d make money in no time, but as it might contradict with someone else's, you don’t. Now I know this is meant to be a ‘I love my friends’ thing, but the truth is I do, I love you so much, but at the same time I have to tell you, you need to stop fretting, you always worried about other people, asking when they are going to bed and such, but then you are equally as bad of the same thing, burning the candle at both ends, rather than trying to resolve any of your problems. As someone who cares, let other people worry and focus on yourself, see you strengths for what they really are and go and make bank.
Only had the pleasure to speak to you twice on live streams, mostly knew you for your art, I dunno what I can really say? Here, you’re a new friend and I can’t wait to get to know you more… Man this was short.., fuck.., I really wanted to say something else…, uh.. .. .... ....shit
Lady Violi
Man, I wish I drew more personal projects like you did, haha, Okay so, a bit of honesty, when I first saw you on DA I have to be frank and say I didn’t think much of your art back then, but I am so happy to see not only was I proben wrong, but your art had grown incredibly sicne there, no just in scale and scope, but in detail, colour, it’s fantastic, is there places it could use improvement, yeah, but no one is perfect, but that’s enough about you creatively, what about you the person!
Well like I said I didn’t think much at first, but as time went on I became a little intimadated by you, probably cause of my own guilt more than anything else, but, doesn’t really matter, I’m just happy we actually talked, because discussing things with you is always a high light of my day, I’m so eager when your online because have such a nice easy and approach manner of conversation that’s infectious to me, and I love it.
And the best part! It’s only been a year since we started talking, I’m so excited how we’ll grow in friendship as time goes on, I know it’ll be worth it!
And.., that’s it, If you actually read through all of these and not just your own, I’d be surpruised, but I’m happy I wrote this, even if my arm hurts, things needed to be said, apologises needed to be made and love needed to be shared, thank you all.
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Just a Beat of Your Wings- A Klance Soulmate AU
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15685173
Trigger warnings for domestic abuse and implied abuse.
Looking in the mirror felt hollow. The feathers with streaks of red and black ruffled, looking sticky and tattered because of the rain. It was weird to think that everyone had these, that everyone’s look different. Being unable to see the wings of others always made Keith feel like a freak when he stared in the mirror. Sure, he was meant to see someone else’s one day, but… when?
He was twenty years old, a junior in college, and he was watching everyone find their soulmate. Meanwhile Keith’s wings slowly began to curl around him a little more like he could hide in them. Of course he couldn’t- no one else could see his wings.
Still it was a little comforting when his wings fluttered around him to help him feel a little less alone.
Keith braced himself then expanded his wings, letting each side dart out quickly, shaking off most of the water. He grabbed the oil he used to keep his wings from smelling damp and gently slathered it onto each silky feathered wing. They were a little damp still, but Keith knew they’d dry quickly. He allowed them to flutter slightly, lifting him off the ground if he didn’t pay attention.
Supposedly, a person’s wings reflected who they were. Keith knew his wings looked scary. Red and black? The only thing that would’ve made them seem more eerie or demonic would’ve been if they weren’t feathered wings, and instead remained a leathery-membrane wing like a bat’s.
He wasn’t sure what that said about him. The wings hadn’t always been black. And they hadn’t always been red.
Keith distinctly remembered his wings were a softer shade of pink when he was young. And when his father died, they began to take on a shade of gray. Then, altogether, his wings began to darken. They became more red than pink, the gray became specks of black. When he’d been taken in by Shiro, his wings began to lighten again.
Then he found out Shiro was sick. And the wings darkened, this time with more black, like someone had spilled ink all over them. Now, they were a deep blood-red with voids of black. They were menacing. They reminded Keith each day that he was tired. That he was guarded.
A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts. He opened the door and saw Shiro, smiling tiredly and he heard the flutter of wings getting rid of rain. He always wondered what Shiro’s wings looked like.
“Where’s Adam?” Keith asked, letting him in.
“He’s getting our luggage. You sure you don’t mind us here? We can still get a hotel.”
“No, of course I don’t mind. I’ve been missing the company.” Shiro smiled at that and hugged him tightly. Keith could feel the feathers of his wings tickling his fingers. “Have you guys eaten?” Shiro nodded and sat down on the couch.
A few moments later, there was a knock on the door and Keith opened to let Adam in. There was a flutter of wings and a sprinkle of rain drops as he fanned his wings out before coming in, a duffel bag in each hand.
“Hey, Keith! How’ve you been?” he greeted, immediately dropping the bags and hugging Keith. “God, we’ve missed you!” Keith laughed and hugged him back before untangling himself.
Adam was an affectionate guy once he got used to you, and while Keith appreciated that, he also didn’t like getting touched too much or too often. Which Shiro usually had to remind him of.
Keith really had missed them, and he loved Shiro and Adam; they were his family. But after a couple hours he remembered why he had to get away from them with his own apartment to begin with. It was no secret that Shiro and Adam were soul mates. As soon as they’d met, Keith had seen the wonder and relief on their faces. The nervous way they began talking to each other, knowing they belonged together, but not knowing anything about each other.
Keith believed in love and soulmates because of them. Because of how well they fit together, and how happy they were. But it also made him feel lonely.
The way they touched so nonchalantly had something so intimate about it, Keith always felt the need to look away, feeling like he was intruding. Even if it was just a two second whisper or a quick tuck of a hair strand, Keith felt like he was looking at something too private for him.
It reminded him again and again that he didn’t have his soulmate. That he had no idea how to find them. His wings began to curl in around him, providing the ghost of the comfort he wanted and didn’t have.
“We should go to the mall tomorrow,” Shiro suggested. “We can eat at that place in the food court you like.”
Keith smiled, knowing that Shiro could read him like an open book, knowing he was trying to make him feel better, feel included.
“Yeah! Sure. We can do that,” he answered. “You guys can take my bedroom, I’ll sleep here on the couch. Just no freaky shit, or your washing the sheets.” Shiro and Adam simultaneously turned the same shade of red despite their different complexions and Keith couldn’t help but laugh.
The next day, the three of them watched movies on the television for most of the morning. They asked Keith about his classes and how he was faring. They asked about his friends- Keith reminded them that they were more like acquaintances. They asked about how he felt living on his own.
Keith tried to be lighthearted about it, insisting that he enjoyed his time alone and liked the space he had to think and breathe, which was true… he just left out the part where sometimes he felt so lonely and forgotten that he would end up watching TV numbly all day.
It wasn’t that Keith didn’t like people. He didn’t mind them, really. It was just hard to build friendships. Keith was blunt, he was straightforward, he was honest, and that didn’t tend to fare well with others. It was easier to keep to himself, easier to just be on his own.
Somehow, Keith managed to embellish enough to the point where Adam and Shiro looked genuinely happy for him. Maybe even a little relieved.
Around lunchtime, the three of them went to the mall downtown. Keith had never been comfortable there with the varying stores of fancy brand names that he couldn’t even try to walk into because there was no way he could ever afford anything. It was slightly intimidating seeing other people walking around with several bags in hands, and Keith wondered how much spending went into shopping sometimes.
Still, this was the only mall that had Keith’s favorite kimchi stew. Keith expanded his wings a bit to get a little bit of a space bubble as people passed by. He got a few annoyed looks when people bumped their wings with his, but Keith didn’t care. He just wanted to get his food and enjoy his time with his family.
While they ate, Keith found himself slowly forgetting about school and people and loneliness. He was just happy being with his brother. He was happy joking with them and laughing about the most inconsequential things.
Keith kind of hated his laugh. It was loud and he knew it was a little annoying. It was embarrassing. But he loved being made to laugh, and he couldn’t help it with Shiro and Adam. Especially when Adam started doing his impression of Shiro, much to the latter’s dismay. Instead of holding back, he allowed himself to laugh without reserve and let himself enjoy that.
He heard a clatter and nearly everyone in the seating area turned to look. Keith only saw a dark, heavyset guy staring wide-eyed at nothing in particular before smiling awkwardly and picking up a few trays. Keith frowned and looked away, not wanting to be part of the many people staring and making the guy feel more uncomfortable.
“Alright, I’m gonna head to the bathroom. Do mind going to pay, Keith? I’ll give you my card.” Shiro pulled out his wallet and Keith took it. “Be right back.”
Shiro left and Adam stood up with the bag of what little leftovers they were taking back as Keith left to go to the counter and pay the bill. By the time he was getting back, Shiro and Adam were waiting by a kiosk. Keith pulled out his phone to check the time, and when he looked up again, there was a girl with large glasses looking at him uncertainly, hesitating in her steps like she was deciding whether or not to go near Keith.
Shiro and Adam noticed Keith’s confusion and looked over at the girl who huffed and walked toward him, stuffing her hands in the pocket of her hoodie. “Uh. Hi. Um. My friend… I think-”
“Can I help you?” Keith muttered, feeling his wings beginning to creep around him uncomfortably, wanting to hide.
The girl’s nose scrunched and she scoffed. “There’s no way Lance- whatever. My friend-”
“Pidge!” The heavyset guy from earlier came up beside him, looking panicked. “It’s a no-go.”
“Wha- really? I’m already here!”
Keith furrowed his eyebrows and considered expanding his wings to get the strangers away. “Um. I’m gonna… go now.” He walked away from the two as quickly as he could, and rejoined Shiro and Adam.
“What was that?” Adam asked.
“I don’t have a clue.”
“Weird. Well, I want to stop by Starbucks before we go,” Shiro said. “And Adam wanted to stop at the Disney store for a gift for his niece.”
“Alright,” Keith said with a shrug. They stopped at a large Starbucks kiosk before they went in search of the Disney store. None of them were familiar with this mall, so it took a while before they realized they were on the wrong floor and found the Disney store.
It looked incredibly crowded, so Keith told the pair that he’d wait outside for them. As they went in, Keith leaned on the railing and looked down at the floor below. It was pretty fascinating to watch people walking along. Keith tried to imagine all the different wings folded in tightly to everyone’s backs. He wondered what colors there were, what textures, what types. He didn’t think it was fair that so many people were so diverse and Keith would never be able to see it.
His eyes skimmed the crowds and he was getting so hypnotized by the movement, he was starting to fall asleep, leaning against his hand.
And then he saw someone walking out of a store talking animatedly with their entire body. Their hands, their face, their wings.
Keith froze and stared, wondering if he was mistaking it. But no. They were there, large wings with tattered feathers in different shades of blue folded in neatly to his back, fluttering and twitching slightly as the person spoke. They expanded a little, enough for Keith to see how damaged the wings were. The wings were about 50% deplumed, and what feathers there remained looked frayed. The membrane looked scabbed and bruised.
Keith noticed the girl with the glasses and the guy from the restaurant beside him, both of them talking to him with uncertain expressions.
There was no way Keith was going to be able to wait on Shiro and Adam to get back. He didn’t even trust himself to be fast enough to make it to the escalators. So he did the next best thing- he jumped over the railing.
His wings expanded to help him land gently, though he did startle enough people that others began to look over. Including the boy with the wings and his friends.
His eyes widened, and Keith saw him begin to retreat. The other guy grabbed his arm and tried to stop him. The girl started gesturing frantically, and Keith started walking. He brought his wings in tightly and began rushing past people, his eyes locked on the boy with frightened eyes and fluttering, damaged wings.
As he got closer, he slowed, not wanting to frighten the boy any more.
“Lance, buddy, come on. This is a great thing!” the other guy said.
The girl frowned and looked at Keith. “He’s… he’s nervous,” she explained.
Keith looked back at the boy- Lance- and took in the tattered wings. Of course. Wings were a reflection of self. If his wings were that damaged, it meant Lance had been treated that way maybe for a long time or maybe just that badly. Keith took a step back. He could feel his wings pulsing, urging him to get closer, to meet his soulmate.
“I won’t hurt you,” Keith whispered.
“Lance, just talk to him,” the guy said.
“Y-You can see my wings,” Lance whispered. Keith felt a shock go through his body at the sound of his soulmate’s voice. He nodded slowly. Lance gulped and stood a little taller. His posture suggested confidence, but the look in his eyes suggested the opposite. His wings spreading slightly. “They’re not very nice, are they?”
Keith took in the patches of feathers in all shades of blue and the scraped leathery membrane. He took in the bright blue of the boy’s eyes, the dark skin, the soft brown of his hair, the gentle curve of his nose and sharp edge of his jaw.
He was beautiful. He was frightened and wary, and his wings were damaged in a way that hurt Keith more than anything had before, but he was beautiful.
“You’ve been hurt,” Keith noted.
Lance scoffed and spread his wings out further, showing Keith a few tears in the membrane, and Keith noted how one wing rested a little crookedly near the top bone. Something fierce and protective surged through Keith, even though he didn’t know this guy. “You think?”
“Um… you two should talk,” the girl said. Keith thought he recalled her name was Pidge. “Lance, me and Hunk will be over here, okay?” Lance frowned, but he nodded.
Lance tucked his wings back in and crossed his arms. Keith took a hesitant step forward. “Your feathers are blue,” Keith noted.
“Yours have black,” Lance responded. “What’s your name?”
“Keith.” Lance hummed and looked him up and down. “Do you… want to sit down?” Keith gestured at a bench and waited for Lance to nod before he sat down. Lance sat too, but he kept a fair amount of space between them. “So… we’re soulmates.”
“I’m sorry you have such a fucked up soulmate,” Lance whispered.
Keith frowned and shook his head. “You know what your wings tell me?” he asked. Lance rolled his eyes. “They tell me that you’re strong. Because you took all that hurt and you’re still here.” Lance looked over at him, and Keith felt a little breathless with the way those eyes bore into him. “They tell me that you have a beautiful soul.”
Lance’s mouth twitch slightly, like he wanted to smile. “You’re a smooth talker, Keith.”
“No, I’m really not,” Keith said, letting his wings curl around himself a bit. “I’m horrible. I have no clue how to talk to people. I’m known to be abrasive and awkward. It just… feels easy to talk to you.” Keith gulped and tried to meet Lance’s eyes. “I’ve looked for you for a long time. I thought I’d never find you.”
Lance stared back at him with wide eyes and then looked away. “My wings don’t… disgust you?”
“No!” Keith insisted. “Lance-” Suddenly his phone started ringing, making Lance jump slightly. Keith apologized and answered. “Hello?”
“Keith, where the hell did you go? I thought you were waiting outside?” Shiro said in his ear.
Keith scratched his head and chuckled. “Um… yeah. Sorry. Funny story, I’ll um… explain in a bit. Stay by the store, I’ll be there in a bit.” He hung up and stared at his screen for a moment. “I… have to go. Can I see you again?” he asked hesitantly.
Lance it his lip. Keith knew Lance could feel the pulsing of their wings. They were drawn together, they were… meant to be together. “Yeah,” he finally answered. Keith smiled and held out his phone. Lance was careful not to touch his fingers as he took it and put in his number.
When Keith got the phone back, he pressed call and Lance frowned as his phone started ringing. He raised an eyebrow at Keith. “Just making sure it’s not a fake number.” Lance rolled his eyes, but he smiled and watched Keith as he stood. “I’ll text you, okay?” Lance nodded. He walked past Hunk and Pidge who were waiting anxiously, watching the interaction, fluttering about like only soulmates could. He waved awkwardly at them and tried not to feel watched as he walked away.
He made it back to the Disney store with a dopey smile on his face. Adam looked at Keith over his glasses and raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”
“I saw his wings,” Keith said softly. Shiro and Adam gaped at him, but Keith could only look down where Lance was now standing with his friends, his frayed wings beating weakly.
“Explain this again,” Shiro insisted. “You were just… standing there, you saw him… and you jumped?”
Keith sighed and tossed his phone up, catching it as it came down. “Yup.”
“But you’re not with him,” Adam noted.
Something- or rather someone- hit his stomach and Keith yelped. “Keith! This is a big deal! You just met your soulmate! Why aren’t you freaking out more?” Shiro exclaimed.
“Why aren’t you with him?” Adam added. “When Shiro and I found each other, we didn’t want to part the whole day.” Keith snorted, remembering perfectly well how enraptured the two had been right off the bat. “Keith!”
Keith sighed and shrugged, looking at his phone. He had yet to text Lance, but he also didn’t want to bug him. “He’s… hesitant.” Adam raised an eyebrow. Rubbing the back of his neck, Keith said, “Lance’s wings… were really messed up. He’s been hurt a lot. He was scared to even let me sit with him. So no, I wasn’t going to force him to stay around me.”
Shiro and Adam shared a look then returned their attention to him. Keith hated when they did that. It was such a couple-y thing to do, the whole sharing an entire conversation with a glimpse. He didn’t want to go into detail with Lance’s wings. He felt like that was only for him to know about. Not because he was embarrassed, but because Lance obviously felt self-conscious about his wings.
“How… do you feel?” Shiro asked.
“Um… normal, I think. Stuck, I guess. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do now. I barely know him, I just know I’m meant to be with him. It doesn’t feel like enough to start a relationship from.”
Adam sat beside him and gestured to his cell phone. “You got his number right? Why don’t you just… text him. See if he’ll go to coffee with you tonight. Get to know him.” Keith hesitated, staring at the blank screen of his phone. Adam put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Keith, I promise it’s not as scary as you think. Once you’re there, talking to him, it’ll just flow.”
Keith took a deep breath and nodded. He unlocked his phone and went to Lance’s contact to begin a message.
Hey, it’s Keith. I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee and talk later tonight? Or whatever you wanna do.
He sent it before he could second guess it and began to hide himself in his wings with each passing second. It seemed like everyone was holding their breaths, waiting for the buzz of the phone to indicate a response.
Suddenly, the buzz came, along with his screen lighting up from the incoming message. Keith struggled to unlock his phone with shaky fingers.
I don’t like coffee much. But I like ice cream. Baskin Robins on Bentley Rd @ 7?
Adam smiled widely. “Looks like you’ve got a date with your soulmate!”
Keith waited outside the Baskin Robins. He didn’t want to go inside and be stood up, and it would be easier to walk away if he didn’t go inside to begin with.
He began to panic about fifteen past seven. Then he saw a pair of red Converse come to a stop in front of him. He looked up and stood when he saw Lance. Again, his wings started pulsing, trying to urge Keith closer, but he fought it off.
“Hey.” Lance bit his lip and stuffed his hands in an army green jacket he was wearing. “Sorry I’m late. I was… getting cold feet.”
“That’s okay,” Keith said. He was here. His soulmate was here. “Let’s go inside.” They walked in and stared at the ice cream uncertainly, a fair amount of space between them before they ordered and sat down with their respective ice cream.
Lance had gotten blackberry cheesecake. Keith went for the daiquiri ice.
“You like that flavor?” Lance asked, watching Keith scoop a large amount into his mouth. Keith nodded and Lance furrowed his eyebrows as he chuckled. “So…. You’re not gonna ask about the….” He trailed off, but the soft, arrhythmic beat of his wings spoke for him.
Keith skimmed them over again and then settled his gaze on Lance’s eyes. “I mean, I’m curious. I’m worried. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to tell me something you don’t want to tell me about.” Lance hummed and took a spoonful of ice cream. “Can I ask one thing, though?” Lance raised an eyebrow. “Are you safe? Going home and everything, are you… safe now?”
Lance laughed shortly through his nose. “Yeah. I’m safe.” Keith nodded. “Do you know the symbolism behind red?” Keith hesitated, wondering if this was a trick question. Red was relatively easy to decode. “It symbolizes fire, rage, anger, passion, love, seduction, danger.”
“Very extreme opposite symbolism for one color,” Keith muttered, his wings rustling anxiously.
Lance nodded and poked at his ice cream. “So where do you fall? Why are your wings such a concentrated red? Are you full of passionate love or… raging violence?”
Keith winced and stared at the table, his wings curling around him unconsciously. “Um. I’m not sure, really. I think they kind of go hand in hand.” Lance narrowed his eyes and stared at Keith expectantly. “I just mean- for example, I got into a lot of fights in school. But they were usually because someone was using something against me. My family, my past, my talents. I’ve told you, I come off as abrasive, but if you get me to talk about something I’m really into, then I’ll talk for hours about it. I don’t love a lot of people, but the people I do love, I love them with everything I have. And I’m willing to do anything to protect them.”
Lance thought that over for a moment, the two of them falling into silence. Then, after a while, Lance nodded. “I guess that makes sense. So who are those few people you love, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Keith smiled and took a breath. “The first person I ever loved was my dad. He died when I was eight.” Lance hummed and Keith noticed his eyes dart to his wings. Keith knew he was looking at the black splatters on his wings. “Then I loved the agent that took my case in the foster care system. She was always making sure I was okay, and she made sure she was absolutely certain I was safe in a foster home before putting me in one. It wasn’t like on TV where I bounced around with bad families or anything. And I think it was thanks to her and how much she cared.” Lance’s posture began to relax a little. The stiffness in his spine and mostly his wings began to fade.
“After that, I found Shiro. He took me in. Adopted me permanently when I was fourteen. He’s like my older brother, and… I’d do anything for him.” Keith furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the table, feeling a knot in his throat. “He’s sick. Something that’s making his muscles deteriorate slowly. We’ve been trying to just live normally, but… I’m terrified of losing him.”
“He’s all the family you’ve got, isn’t he?” Lance asked, his voice heavy with understanding and compassion.
Keith cleared his throat and ruffled his hair anxiously. “Well, I have Adam. But he’s Shiro’s soulmate, and I don’t really know what either of us would do if Shiro…. But Adam’s great. He’s the other person I came to love. He’s really funny, and he makes Shiro really happy.” Before Lance could ask more about his family or about Shiro and his illness, Keith directed the conversation to him. “What about you? The people you love?”
Lance smiled. It was a bright, honest smile full of affection. His entire face softened at the question. “I love a lot of people. I love Hunk and Pidge. They’re my best friends, and I don’t know where I’d be without them. I love my siblings. Veronica, Marco, Luis. Marco’s oldest, then Vero, then Luis, then me. I have a bunch of memories with each of them, and I just… they really are the best siblings I could’ve asked for. I love my mom so much. She’s so strong. And my step-dad. Because he didn’t hesitate to take us all in and he’s always treated us like his own. I love my abuelita. She’s the sweetest, most generous person you could ever meet.” Lance chuckled. “I love my kindergarten teacher. I still catch up with her sometimes. And my dog. She’s a sweetheart. My godmother is amazing. She lives back in Cuba, but when I was younger, I’d visit and she’d always, always make sure to see me when we arrived and right before we came back.”
Keith smiled as Lance talked, captivated by the affection in his voice as he spoke. It did make Keith wonder why his wings were the way they were if he was evidently so happy with his life and the people in it. He loved a big family, and it was clear that family loved him back. Still, Keith didn’t want to ask if Lance wasn’t divulging in the information. Instead, he took what he was given and used it to figure Lance out.
Adam had been right. Once he was there, it was easy to just keep talking. He found out Lance loved soccer- he used to play it, but now he just loved watching it- and dancing. He loved food, but his favorite thing was dessert. He found out a lot of little things about Lance from what they talked about to what Keith managed to observe. Like how his bent wing tended to twitch randomly, but if Lance was really into what he was talking about, both wings would twitch along with the rapid movement of his hands. Or the fact that he was always moving his leg or his foot.
He learned his favorite shows, his sense of humor, how he’d met Pidge and Hunk, had gotten into a debate about whether pineapple belonged on pizza, over personal hygiene and haircuts, and found out that Lance liked to use face masks. He claimed that it started when his sister bribed him into a spa day with her because she wanted to vent without being the only one wearing green goop on her face, but something told Keith it hadn’t taken much convincing to get Lance to do it.
Keith tried his best in keeping his laughter contained; he didn’t want to embarrass himself. Lance was good at making him laugh. He was good at impressions and funny voices as well as funny faces. It was funny how quickly Keith had gotten so comfortable around him.
The entire time, his wings were pulsing, beating gently, the feather ruffling and smoothing down every now and then. They reacted to Lance.
“Are you surprised?” Keith asked after they’d lapped back into a comfortable silence for a while. Lance tilted his head. “That I’m your soulmate.”
Lance thought that over and shrugged. “I… don’t know yet. I’ll let you know when I figure that out. You?”
Keith smiled and looked down at his empty cup. “No, but… because I never thought about it. I never let myself. I was always looking for you, but I didn’t want to make myself think of what I was looking for because I was scared I’d miss out on you.” Keith shrugged. “Part of me was scared I’d never find you.”
When he looked up, he was surprised to see a worried look on Lance’s face. Everything had been going perfectly well. Had he said something wrong?
“It’s… getting late. I should get home. My mom doesn’t sleep until I get home.” Lance stood up, and Keith followed after, insisting on walking him to his car.
They left the shop and Keith followed him to a black Ford truck, but that was about as much as he knew about cars. “Um, hey,” Keith said, hoping to stop him before he got in. Lance turned to him with that same worried look. His battered wings rustled in the breeze, spreading a bit before tucking back in quickly. “I had a great time talking to you. Besides Shiro and Adam, I think that’s the longest conversation I’ve ever held with someone.” Lance smiled and shifted on his feet. “Um… I’d really like to see you again-”
“Keith, I….” Lance sighed and rubbed his face with one hand. His body started tensing again, and he kept glancing around like he was scared. “I know we’re s-soulmates and all, and I had a good time too. But….” He shut his eyes and grimaced before he opened his eyes and took a breath. “Right now… I don’t think I’m in a space where I can… be in a relationship. Or go on dates. I… Part of me is just ready to bolt, and that’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to me. I don’t want to force myself into this just because I know we’re supposed to be together. I-I’m not ready to-”
“Whoa, Lance, hey,” Keith interrupted, trying to be as gentle as possible because he could see Lance’s wings straining to spread. He held his hands up in a placating gesture and smiled. “I get it. It’s okay. I don’t want you to feel forced, so if you don’t want to go on dates or be in a relationship, that’s okay. I can wait for when you feel ready.”
Lance’s eyebrows bunched together like he was in pain or maybe just frustrated. “That’s the thing. I don’t know when I’ll be ready….”
“Oh,” Keith said, understanding what he was saying. He nodded and shrugged. “That’s alright. But I looked for you for a long time, so… do you think it’s okay if we’re friends? We can hang out with groups, or… y’know pay for our own stuff if we hang out alone.” Keith gave him a sad smile. “I do want you to be part of my life now that I found you. If that’s okay.”
Lance stared at him, eyebrows furrowed, eyes darting back and forth between Keith’s. “You’re not… mad?”
Keith scoffed. “No. I’m kind of relieve you clarified that now instead of… you know dragging it out.” He shrugged. “And I won’t be mad if you don’t want to be friends either. A little sad maybe, but… I won’t be angry.”
Lance’s lips parted and then he began to smile. “Well, if you’re gonna be sad, I don’t want to say no,” he said playfully. Keith smiled. “Friends sounds good. Me and my friends usually go bowling on Saturdays, so… if you want to join us that’d be cool. You can bring Shiro and Adam too.”
Keith smiled and nodded. Lance chuckled and unlocked his car. Keith started to step back so he could turn on the engine and leave, but he stopped when Lance turned to him and said, “The answer’s yes. I’m very surprised you’re my soulmate.”
Keith furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what had made him decide so suddenly, and why he was surprised, but Lance was already in his truck and ready to drive away.
Sure enough, by the following Saturday, Keith went bowling for the first time. Pidge’s brother and Hunk’s cousin came as well, so it didn’t feel like a weird triple-date thing. It felt like a group of friends, and Keith could tell it helped settle Lance.
He became a little more outspoken than he was one-on-one. He was loud, and he made countless jokes, and he didn’t seem so coiled up and anxious. He seemed relaxed. He greeted Shiro and Adam with an easy, “I heard a lot about you both, it’s great to meet you.” And the couple immediately took a liking to him. They found him “charismatic.”
After that, Saturday bowling became a routine. They’d eat chili-fries and mozzarella sticks and drank bottomless sodas. Then whoever lost at bowling paid for the food at the winning team’s food joint of choice. There were times when Pidge’s brother or Hunk’s cousin wouldn’t go. Shiro and Adam couldn’t come each weekend because they only visited every couple of weeks.
But each weekend, Keith joined the group, and they also seemed to have taken a liking to him. They didn’t expect him to talk a lot, but they still managed to include him in conversations.
One Saturday, a few months later with summer around the corner, Keith was driving back from having dropped Pidge then Hunk off at their houses. It was easier to carpool, and he and Pidge had won that day’s game of bowling.
As he neared Lance’s house, Keith put his car in park and looked over at him. “Can I ask you something?” Lance looked at him with bright, innocent eyes, curious and friendly. Keith hesitated, knowing that this could easily set their friendship back or maybe bring them closer. “I said I wanted to wait for you to feel comfortable talking to me about your wings. And I stand by that,” he said quickly noticing the way Lance began receding into himself. “I’m not asking you to tell me now. I just… wanted to know if you’ve thought about it. If I can expect a day in which you do tell me.”
“What does it matter?” Lance asked. “If you’re not disgusted by them and if we’re soulmates anyway, why do you need to know why they look the way they do?”
Keith tried to meet his eyes, and when he finally did he offered him a smile. “Because I want to understand you, Lance. I want to know what I can do to help you feel comfortable and what not to do so I don’t fuck this up. If you don’t want to tell me yet, that’s okay. But do you think you’d be able to one day?”
Lance stared at him for a moment and then slowly nodded. “I think so. But not tonight.”
Keith nodded in understanding and fought the urge to grab his hand. He knew Lance didn’t like being touched. At least not by Keith. Hunk and Pidge could hug and tug and nudge and grab him as they pleased and Lance didn’t mind it. But he always flinched if Keith got too close, or he’d ask Keith if he didn’t mind stepping back a bit. If it was a particularly good day, Lance would instead ask if it was okay he was sitting so close and their shoulders would touch.
“Okay. That’s all I wanted to know.” Lance smiled slightly and opened the door. “Sleep well,” Keith said before Lance shut the door.
“You too, Keith.”
Keith smiled and waited for him to get into his house before he drove away.
Halfway through the week, once Keith had gotten out of his classes, he got a text from Lance.
Are you free tonight?
Keith stared at the text uncertainly because Lance didn’t usually ask to hang out during the week out of the blue. If they met up during the week, Lance would mention it on Saturday so Keith could plan for it. An impromptu meetup was… new.
Yea, why?
I wanna take you somewhere. I’ll pick you up when I get off work.
Keith couldn’t help the anxiety that gripped him. He kept bouncing back and forth between the best ideas- like Lance picking him up for a surprise first date that would end with them sharing their first kiss- or the worst- like Lance panicking after the last thing Keith asked and now he was going to cut him out of his life. He didn’t know what to expect, and he was getting slightly nauseous.
He ended up calling Shiro in hopes of him being able to calm Keith down. Which he did, at least while they talked. Adam, ever the voice of reason, assured him it should be a good sign especially since they’d be riding together and not separately.
Then Lance messaged him he was on his way, and all the nervousness came crashing back, making it hard to focus or stop pacing.
When Lance arrived, Keith went out to greet him and got into the car. He couldn’t help but notice Lance’s rigid posture or the awkwardness of their small talk as they drove.
After a while, they came across an open field with a jogging path. “Come on,” Lance said, getting out of the car. Keith frowned and followed. They walked beside each other and Keith let Lance guide him down the jogging path until they came along the outskirts of some trees. Lance walked around them with Keith following behind.
Then they came across a bayou large enough to be confused for a lake. Cattails and moss and lilyponds covered the water that was probably not safe to swim in. But Lance didn’t make a move for the water. He just plopped down on the dirt and wrapped his arms around his knees. Keith did the same, angled to face him and managing enough distance so their wings wouldn’t touch.
“How’d you find this place?” Keith asked.
“I came here with someone. We were just running around the field, but we got curious and decided to explore. I thought it was beautiful here. She thought it was gross and we left.”
“Girlfriend,” Lance said. “Back when I was… maybe sixteen? Fifteen?” Keith nodded in understanding, but he didn’t really understand it. What was the point of dating someone you knew you weren’t going to end up with? “I’ve been thinking about what you said Saturday. Telling you about my wings.”
“You don’t have to, I don’t want you to feel pressured-”
“No, I don’t. I just… feel like it’s okay to do it now. You’ve been really patient, and really respectful about my boundaries, and… I really appreciate that.” Keith managed a smile and then looked out where the sun was setting. “My wings used to be white. Really soft and feathery. My mom liked to pet them so I could go to sleep when I was a little kid. She couldn’t see them, but she liked to feel them.”
“White… is innocence, right? Purity. We all had white when we were kids.”
Lance nodded. “Yeah. But I think mine stayed white for longer. I’d keep getting asked what color my wings turned into and I’d say ‘They’re still white.’ And everyone would look at me funny, like they were supposed to change already.” Lance took a breath and ran a hand through his hair. Keith saw his wings twitch anxiously. They stayed quiet for a second, Keith waiting patiently for Lance to feel ready to keep talking. “The first time I remember getting hurt… the day my wings started to change….” Another breath. “I was six I think. Veronica was fourteen. Marco was eighteen, so he wasn’t there. And Luis was… eight? Yeah, he’s two years older.” Lance sniffed. “Veronica had been out with friends, I think for the first time. My parents told her to come home at ten, but… something happened and she got home a lot later. My dad didn’t like being disobeyed, and he was… scary. That’s how I remember thinking of him.
“He’d fight with my mom a lot, but Veronica and Marco always kept me and Luis from seeing it, trying to distract us. But I always wished I could defend my mom. I was so certain… that if my dad saw us being afraid of him he’d stop.” His wings flapped weakly. Keith looked at him, but Lance was looking out at the lake. “Vero came home and I was supposed to be asleep, but I was watching the clock. I heard him using that voice. That calm, angry voice. And then I heard him yell and I heard my sister cry and my mom yelling for him to calm down. I heard- I don’t know if you’ve ever heard a belt being whizzed through the air, but it sounds like a whip almost.” Keith shuddered. “I heard that. Then I heard the impact at the same time I heard my sister shriek. Then again and again.”
Lance was holding back tears at this point. The memories were hard for him. Keith could hear it in the tremor of his voice. And with what little he knew about Lance, he had an idea of where this was going.
“I couldn’t take it. Hearing my big sister screaming and crying like that, begging my dad to stop. She’d always protected me, she played with me, she taught me how to play video games. I was her favorite, even more than Luis, and she was always….” Lance let out a shaky breath and sniffed, forcing himself to stay together. “I had to protect her this time.
“I ran out of my room and saw my mom crying, hiding her face. I saw my dad bringing down the belt on my sister. Vero was crouched on the ground against the wall, shielding herself as best she could. And I just moved. I spread my wings around her and hugged her. The belt hit my wings instead. Maybe it made him angrier that I interfered. I thought he’d stop, but… he just hit me harder.
“Veronica kept trying to push me away, she kept asking me what I was doing, and my when my mom saw me, she tried to pull my dad away.”
“You were six when that happened?” Keith whispered. Lance nodded.
He pulled at his wings and gestured to the engrained scars, long healed but still visible. “I was bleeding for a while. Veronica never stopped hugging me as my mom tried to heal me. She wouldn’t stop crying either. Ever since then, she would call me her hero.” Lance smiled. “’Donde esta mi heroe? Como le fue en la escuela a mi heroe?’ Where’s my hero, how was school for my little hero. She still does it sometimes.”
Lance wiped at his eyes and began poking at the dirt beneath him. “After that, I became a target for my dad. He’d hit me, or he’d hit my mom or sister, knowing I’d intervene. Marco had left the house as soon as he could, so he couldn’t stop me. Luis preferred to hide in closets or under the bed. Eventually, he just came for me when he pleased.” Lance shrugged. “Before I knew it, my wings were a midnight blue. Indigo, I think is the right color. When I turned seven, my dad left my mom. Veronica began taking care of us so she could work full time. My abuelita came to live with us for a while, but she couldn’t do much in terms of cleaning. She liked to bake though. And she always made us scarves and hats for the winter.”
Lance shook his head, and this time tears started to streak down his cheeks. “She had moved in with my grandpa. He wasn’t a very good guy. I try to just focus on the good things with my abuelita. Then they got deported when I was almost eleven. We didn’t have the money to visit as often as when I’d been younger, so…. My abuelita passed away when I was eleven and we couldn’t make it to the funeral. I think what I hated most about everything was that… I felt guilty because I was… relieved they weren’t living with us anymore.”
Keith frowned and looked at Lance in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Lance took a deep breath and his face crumpled as more tears fell down his cheeks. “I was so… relieved to be rid of my grandpa. I missed my abuelita, I was heartbroken when she got sick and when she passed away, but… I never wanted to see my grandfather again. I never got to say goodbye, but I also never had to see him and I never knew how to handle that mix of emotions. My wings took on a weird purplish color mixing with-” Lance pointed at a clump of feathers. “that blue. The purple faded and eventually this was left.”
There was a part of Keith that wanted to ask why Lance had felt so differently about each of his grandparents. But something in his core, something in his wings told him Lance would’ve explained if he wanted to. So Keith didn’t press. Instead, Lance continued to explain, telling Keith about the people he’d dated in hopes of finding someone who would care for him without feeling like they had to see his wings to be happy. He didn’t want them to see his wings. But each one left because everyone was in search of their soulmate. And each one left Lance’s heart a little more broken.
“I mean, it’s not all bad. Like I said, I love my friends, and they’re amazing people.” Keith nodded in agreement. Hunk and Pidge were really great. “And when my stepdad came into the picture, everything was better. My mom said that she had been able to see my dad’s wings at first, but that eventually she couldn’t anymore. And when he’d left, she thought she was supposed to be alone. But she saw someone’s wings again and… it was my stepdad. And he’s done nothing but treat her like a queen. And he’s cared for all of us, even Marco even though he was an adult already.”
“I thought we only had one soulmate,” Keith said.
Lance shrugged. “I think people’s souls can change. And that changes your soulmate. That’s why I wasn’t really… looking for you.” He shrugged again and rested his head on his knees. “So… that’s all the damage. And this is where I am now.”
Keith nodded and looked at Lance’s wings. “What do all these shades of blue symbolize? You said you knew the meaning of the red in mine. What about yours?”
Lance touched the few feathers he had lightly. “Some of them, like the indigo, I think that was sincerity and justice. Blue overall is stability and loyalty. The different shades vary between suffering, mourning, or hope and compassion.” Lance shrugged. “I think if they weren’t so damaged, if they had all their feathers, then they’d be a whole palette of blues. They could have looked so nice.” Lance traced a patch of his wings that had no feathers and remained a rough section of tender looking muscle.
Keith felt his wings trying to spread to encase Lance. He had an urge to shield and protect him. Keith wanted to hold him and show Lance that he could be safe with him. He thought maybe Lance noticed it too, because he raised an eyebrow in question and maybe a challenge.
A challenge Keith wanted to accept.
He pulled himself up on his knees and scooted closer to Lance who watched him with caution. The sun had long since left them encased in moonlight and cricket chirps. Keith held up a hand near Lance’s face and whispered, “Do you mind if I touch your face?” Lance kept his eyes steady on him before he leaned forward a bit, just enough until his cheek brushed with the tips of Keith’s fingers. “I need you to say yes or no,” Keith said softly.
“I don’t mind,” Lance answered.
Keith bit his lip and let his palm spread along Lance’s cheek, his thumb swiping back and forth. “I was right,” he said. “When I said that your wings told me you were strong.” Keith though of everything he’d been told. Of the times Lance had been beaten and bruised and hurt and broken. Of how it reflected on his wings, but it didn’t make him any less handsome, any less magnificent. “I’m so lucky to have such an incredible soulmate,” Keith murmured, hoping his voice held the sincerity he needed it to hold.
Lance shut his eyes and sighed, pressing into the hand on his face. “This feels nice,” he said in a low voice.
“Lance,” Keith said softly. Lance opened his eyes, sapphire gems boring into Keith’s soul in a way that made it hard to breathe. “I want you to know that I will never hurt you. And I will do everything in my power to never hurt you for as long as you’re in my life. I know you’re scared to let me in too much, but I want you to know you have nothing to fear from me. I’m temperamental, and I can be stubborn, but I hope you know that will never mean you’d be in danger around me.” Lance stared at him, not saying a word. He looked a little unsure, a little hopeful and afraid at the same time. Keith smiled and stroked his cheek again. “Relax. I’m not asking you to date me. I’m happy being your friend, and I’m happy you trusted me enough to tell me all of this.”
Lance gulped and shrugged, his wings expanding slightly. Keith’s mirrored them. “What if I wanted to ask you… to date me?” he whispered. Keith chuckled nervously and looked at Lance uncertainly. “I mean it.”
“Then ask me,” Keith said.
Lance smiled and bit his lip. “Do you… want to be my boyfriend?”
Keith smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I do. Very much.” Lance laughed and suddenly, Keith felt his arms wrap around him as Lance pulled him into a hug. They fell back against the ground in a fit of laughter and lightness. Keith laid on his side, Lance’s arm serving as a pillow. After getting approval, he had taken to stroking Lance’s wing gently where it was pressed under them as a cushion. One of Keith’s wings was brought in tightly, but the other spread out widely, beating gently in time with Lance’s free wing.
After that wonderful day at the bayou-lake, Keith and Lance hung out more often during the week. Away from the friendship outings on Saturdays, they went to movies or carpooled for fast food. One day, Lance told Keith his family wanted to meet him, and they were going to have a cookout anyway.
Keith went, feeling a little nervous about meeting so many people. But Lance’s family was excited to meet him, and they were a very touchy family, hugging him with ease and giving him wide smiles.
Veronica was the one most intrigued by Keith, and she asked him tons of questions. Lance’s mother was a sweet looking woman and she showed him pictures of Lance when he was younger. The days he played on a soccer team, the time he won an attendance award at school, his first day of high school. Lance claimed embarrassment, but he didn’t try to pry Keith away. They just sat together, hand in hand, looking at the photo albums and reminiscing.
That day, they shared their first kiss. It was something incredible that shook Keith to his very core. The feathers of his wings rustled, and the pulsing in them became a pull that was too strong to resist. Their wings wrapped around each other of their own accord and it created a sense of vulnerable invincibility in Keith. He felt a wave of strength that he’d never felt before and he never wanted Lance’s lips to leave his own.
What surprised them was that when they opened their eyes, Lance’s eyes had been glowing and Lance said Keith’s were as well. Their wings finally parted and the residual shock from the experience mellowed out into a feeling of serenity.
It was easy to be with Lance. It was easy to talk to him and turn to him when he needed it. Keith didn’t feel afraid to let his guard down, to show all the emotions he felt when things went awry. Lance was so good with him, so good at maneuvering him. It just made sense. And when things went well and there was a cause for celebration, Lance was easily excitable and it made Keith feel like the most important person in the world.
Lance had come around to being comfortable enough to let Keith touch him without having to ask, and Keith often had his hand in Lance’s if he wasn’t stroking the damaged wings idly.
One day, well into Keith final year in college, Keith and Lance were huddled together on Keith’s couch watching reruns of Christmas movies on TV.
“Can I tell you something?” Lance yawned, pulling the blanket they had draped over them in a little tighter. Keith hummed and glanced up at him from where he was laying on his chest. “I saw you before you saw me.” Keith frowned and sat up, confused. “That day we met at the mall,” Lance clarified. “I saw you first. And I ran off, hiding from you.”
Keith scoffed and crossed his arms. “What are you talking about? Why?”
Lance took his hands and smiled. “I was getting food. And I heard the happiest laugh I’d ever heard in my life.” Keith groaned and felt his cheeks warm. “So I turned around and I saw you. I saw your wings. And I ran off without even explaining to Pidge and Hunk. I just… bolted.”
Keith grimaced and looked at his wings. “Yeah. These things are scary. I mean, they’re the most menacing color combination-”
“Not because of the color, you idiot,” Lance chided playfully. “It was the fact that I could see them at all that terrified me. It meant you’d be able to see mine. Pidge tried to convince me to just talk to you, but they had no idea how bad my wings were. They knew I was self-conscious about them, but I never really explained what they looked like. I had hoped I’d never find you.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t like you because of your wings?” Keith asked, holding Lance’s hand tightly.
Lance shook his head. “I thought maybe… you’d end up hurting me. A lot of people came into my life and caused so much pain. I was certain my soulmate would do the same.” Keith looked at Lance sadly and sighed. “I don’t know if you remember, but… you asked me if I was surprised that you were soulmate. And I said yes.” Keith nodded, recalling the first time they hung out. “I was surprised because your personality was completely different than I expected. I guess I thought I’d end up with someone who would treat me like the people I’d been running away from. But you didn’t do that. You were so good to me from the start.”
Keith smiled and leaned in to kiss him lightly on the lips. “I never want you to feel that fear again,” he whispered.
Lance hummed and kissed him back, nipping lightly at his lower lip. “Okay, alright, so…. A lighter subject. I have a question for you and it’ll probably freak you out.” Keith frowned and pulled back, looking at Lance nervously. “See you’re already scared!”
Keith rolled his eyes. “Come on, what’s the question?”
“Would you… ever want kids?”
Keith froze, staring at Lance in shock. He had no idea what he expected, but he knew it wasn’t that. “Kids?” he repeated. Lance nodded. “Um. I never thought about it. I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a dad.” He looked at Lance pushed his hair back. Lance’s eyes fluttered at the touch. “But if I’m gonna be with you? Then yeah. I think we could raise some awesome kids.”
Lance smiled and bit his lip. “Cool. Because I’ve always wanted kids. But we can talk about that later. Way, way later.”
Keith laughed and nodded. “Okay, my turn for a scary question.” Lance arched an eyebrow. “Would you ever want to get married?”
Lance rolled his eyes. “If I want kids, then duh! Come on, that’s not scary.”
“Wow, okay. Alright, alright, let me try again.” Lance huffed and looked at Keith with a teasing smile. Keith bit his lip nervously and touched Lance’s cheek. He swallowed and looked into Lance’s eyes. “Do you love me?”
Lance’s expression dropped.
Keith wasn’t sure if he should move away or not, especially since Lance had decided to freeze, which meant keeping a hold of his grip on Keith’s sides. Keith looked into Lance’s eyes and tried not to panic at the way he was staring back at him.
“You can say no,” Keith reminded him gently.
“I…. I- I mean you’re my soulmate.”
“Yeah,” Keith said with a smile. “Which is why it’s okay if you don’t love me yet.”
Lance’s eyebrow knit together and he kept stammering, shushing Keith’s reassurances that he didn’t have to say yes. “Keith, I- wow. Um…. I’ve loved a lot of people. But I’ve never known what it was to love someone romantically.” Keith nodded, understanding. Lance stared at him quietly. “Do you love me?”
Keith hesitated for a second before he nodded. “I know I want my future with you. I know I feel comfortable with you. Seeing you makes me happy and being near you makes me happy. I want to make you happy every day, and I want to be whatever you need me to be. I still can’t believe that I was lucky enough to have a soulmate so amazingly selfless and wonderful. Someone who would become my stability. I know I want to experience everything with you. And I understand if you’re scared, I get that. Which is why I’m telling you it’s okay if you don’t love me yet. Because I know you will someday.”
Lance leaned forward and cupped Keith’s face, kissing him lightly. On his forehead, on his eyelids, on his nose. His lips brushed against Keith’s and in a soft breath, he said, “I do love you.” Keith opened his eyes, doubt coating his features. “I want all of that too. I feel all of that. I was terrified of letting you close to me, or bringing you into my life, but now I can’t imagine my life without you. My wings didn’t scare you away. You stayed, and you made me see them as more than damage. You made them sound beautiful. You make me feel strong when I feel like I’m too broken. And you make me feel loved. Every day. And maybe I won’t show it as much as you want me to every day, but I love you, I do.”
Keith nodded, suddenly desperate to kiss him again. He pressed his lips to Lance’s, pulling him closer and letting that feeling of what he knew now was pure, unadulterated love. Their wings pulled towards each other like magnets.
Only this time, they both an electric shot course through the point of contact to the very tips of their wings. They fell apart and Keith tried to shake off the shock. Lance on the other hand doubled over and groaned.
“Lance? Lance!”
He staggered, trying to stand. Keith went to try and help him up, but a bright shimmering from his wings made him freeze. Lance let out a shout of pain that made Keith want to cover his ears. Then the scream faded into a gasp. Lance breathed heavily as his wings continued to shimmer, spreading until they were fully expanded. The light faded away and Keith gaped, frozen to his spot.
Lance was breathing heavily, struggling to stand. Keith hurried over and helped him up, checking him for any injuries. “Lance. Your wings.”
Lance spread his wings tentatively. What had one been a pair of torn, bruised, scarred, nearly featherless wings was now a beautiful, large pair of multicolored wings with soft new feathers that shone silky and smooth. Shades of red and blue melded into purple. No more bent wing, no more tattered membrane, no more proof of the damage that had followed Lance for so long.
“Are you okay?” Keith asked, looking at him worriedly.
“Y-yeah,” he said breathlessly. “What… why did this happen?”
“I don’t know,” Keith admitted. “Did I hurt you? I’m sorry.”
Lance looked at him and smiled. “Hurt me? Keith I think… I think you helped heal me.” His wings began to beat steadily, gently in the confines of the apartment. “Could I get another kiss?”
Keith smiled and threw his arms around him as he pulled him into a kiss, his own wings beating in rhythm with his soulmate’s.
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ferrumanes · 3 years
26. most to least affectionate, 12. best to worst at flirting, 5. loudest to quietest laugh
— muse rankings !
5. loudest to quietest laugh
warik, derya, talitha
coming in first rather easily is the man, the myth, the legend himself. warik easily out performs any of my three muses when it comes to the loudness of their laugh. Booming would be a word to describe it, thunderous in his high mountain hall and in northern feasts where he tries to out drink northman and ironborn alike singing songs and what not. You can hear hear this man from Dorne and easily spot the lord in a crowd.
derya comes in second only because they have a slightly louder laugh then Talitha does but no where near as loud and booming as War's. Their laughter definitely is recognizable - rousing even and you'll know it if you've heard it before but its not a laugh that will be easily recognizable over a cacophony of other voices unless they are really tickled pink by something someone said or if someone has said something so incredible foolish or wrong that's only slightly louder than normal but yikes its a dangerous laugh. People have died hearing that laugh.
talitha, whom you have not had the pleasure of reading about yet im sorry has an incredibly quiet laugh, its something that is hard won too extremely. Its a light chuckle and while surrounded by love and affection in the dayne household and plenty of occasions to laugh she's really never been a hugely loud person unless she really, really feels it which is rare.
12. best to worst at flirting,
derya, warik, talitha
shock! yes how is this not the big lunk of a arryn lord at the top but there is one incredibly vaild reason that I would say Derya is the best at flirting. They are a touch flirtatious naturally ( not more so than war, ofc ) but the reason they are the best of these incredible three is when Derya sets herself to something and when so motivated good gods this seems to come natural with the Drumm family they could charm the pants or purse off anyone. There is no hope, resistance is futile when Der is motivated to flirt. When on the hunt good heavens damn, we may not have seen this mode on the dash yet but damn - set phasers to seduction and persuasion. Vic would be freaking proud of his sister but also quite afraid someone could come for his crown as ultimate flirt. Plus they have many tall ass wing man from the dornishman man handy with the spear and a man taller than ten towers and his badass babes. They've learned from the best and there is no way they aren't the best of the three. Is Derya the one who flirts most often - not at all. Only reason that she's at the top of this list is because I know when a babe flirts they up the game
warik inches into second just falling short of first because he is the most naturally flirtatious of the bunch but not everyone is into it. lets be real he is a man who has been rejected once or twice. We have to keep a boss with big dick energy humble and honestly its dependent on the vibe. He's one hell of a freaking wing man though pun absolutely intended.
talitha - i already know she's not the best at flirting. its just not talitha's thing.
26. most to least affectionate,
warik, talitha, deya
War is a very affectionate person from every relationship he has - the man is quite affectionate with them all. In his friendships you see it - how he listens, understands, fights and is attentive. The way he cares for everyone around him and how you know you are heard and how he stands on your side. How he's extra delicate with plants or as amazing with animals and exudes that energy we appreciate an affectionate man.
talitha and derya are really tied for second because they aren't hugely affectionate people. one because of their cynicism and the other because they are just selective but there is no doubt they are affectionate. They both just don't show it as obviously. If you are one of Talitha's or Derya's friends, family or someone lucky enough to impress them they will listen attentively, show understanding, stick with you are take care of you to the best of their abilities even moving towards rare moments of extreme vulnerability but life has done these two dirty to get them to pull back on being more affectionate.
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oneharry · 7 years
bestfriend!harry part two??? mhmmm
Y/N is frantically running aroundthe apartment, trying to pick up some of the mess. They’ve been pretty carelesswith the way they kept the flat lately, because well, she’s a busy woman, andHarry still seems pretty down. He offered to pay some of the rent, which hedidn’t even have to do. She doesn’t want to ask for more.
She also tries to hide theembarrassing things laying around (like the outstanding amount of wine bottlesin the recycling bin, the cheesy workout DVDs, some corny romance novels andthat huge, neon-coloured vibrator Perrie got her when she came back from herJapan student exchange five days ago, to name a few). What’s left clutteringaround is mostly Harry’s, now, and as much as she doesn’t want to bother him,it needs to be cleaned up.
“Harry,pick up your shit a little, will ya?”
Harry mumbles out an unclearresponse from the sofa. The sofa, or what’s been primarily used as his bed forthe past three weeks, now, at least on most nights. Some nights, Y/N’s notsleeping at home and he gets to sleep in her bed. Some other nights, he gets tosleep in her bed for no good reason. She’s not out. She’s also in the bed.
Harry gets up from where he’s beensitting for three hours’ worth of How IMet Your Mother. He takes his time stretching his arms, groaning, as Y/Nwalks by to pick up some of the clutter and prods her fingers in his left side.It results in him bringing his arms back down quickly, yelping.
“Ow! Hey, don’t do tha’.” She laughsat his reaction.
“Then help me out a little, yeah? Idon’t want Sam to be repulsed by your mess.”
He chuckles and bends over to pickup some dirty clothes from under the sofa. He stands back up for a while andlooks at Y/N with a smirk.
“Ya really think a few hoodies lyingaround can keep a man from liking you?” he asks, cockily. “Geez, Y/N, do youeven know yourself?”
She sighs and rolls her eyes, whilehe actually awaits a response. She can’t help but smile at him.
“I know we’re married, but noteveryone feels the way you do towards me. Some people don’t even like me, canyou believe that?”
After Harry’s breakup, him and Y/N –who had also hit a (much smaller) wall herself after a series of datingmisfortunes – jokingly suggested that they should just marry each other. So,for the last couple of weeks, their lives have been punctuated by the aftermathof that tipsy inside joke: “Turn that shit down, sweet lumpkins, m’tryna take a nap,” “Yo, soulmate, did you make coffee?” and “Would you mind taking out thetrash, my sexy mystery rain man?”
Before Harry’s previousrelationship, Y/N always called him affectionate pet names on a more seriousnote. She does that with a few other close people in her life (mostly Perrieand maybe Liam) but it was way, way more frequent in Harry’s case. She stoppedabruptly at one point, he pretended not to notice. He did find it disturbingthough. But nothing else changed, so he didn’t think much of it. They now somehowmanage to bring it back ironically.
What’s even more ironic though, isthat they can joke about being in a very committed relationship, but they nevertalked about that kiss on the first night after the breakup. They also nevertalk about the multiple other occasions on which kiss happened. They,correspondingly, never talk about the cuddles, the very close, non-platoniccuddles, how Harry isn’t even ashamed of enjoying being the little spoon (whichhe was in his past relationships), and how when he isn’t the little spoon, heholds Y/N close enough so at some point she definitely feels his thickeningmember through his sweatpants or boxers, but she says nothing at all. They bothdon’t say anything, like they’re just friends who do that, like that’s a sanerelationship to have, like it can just bea thing. It’s all eating Harry alive.
The pet names, how the back of his stomach kind of bubbles up when shecalls him love of my life, no matterhow many layers of sarcasm there are, it all hurts. He’s angry that he can’tun-taste her lips and tongue, that he can’t un-live that enthralling momentwhen they absent-mindedly made out listening to Tame Impala, he kissed down herchest and abdomen and came strangely close to eating her out. It all messeswith him more than anything ever has.
“Listen, there’s some behaviours I’dlike for you to adjust,” Daphne said, fixing the slim strap of her clutch bagaround her body.
Y/N’s first thought is to somehowbelieve that Daphne must be drunk, but she quickly reasoned with herself,remembering that her and Harry just got here. The Yorkshire woman actually usedthis occasion – her asking for a moment alone with Y/N in Liam’s room – to dropher jacket on the bed with the others, specifically next to Y/N’s. Y/Nswallowed, annoyed, thinking that her jacket will probably smell likecigarettes for days if she didn’t wash it right away.
“What’s that?” Y/N asked trulyintrigued. Daphne chuckles, innocently.
“Can I ask you this – and I reallydon’t mean to be rude – but why would you even call Harry pet names?” Y/Nshrugged.
“Because I care about him, I’d say,”she replied. Daphne nodded along as she spoke. “We’ve been friends for years,we developed nicknames for each other, and stuff.”
“No, I get this. S’just that Harryhas a girlfriend now,” Daphne said while waving at Y/N, like she was trying tosignal her presence, like Y/N didn’t notice her enough. “Dunno, it’s weird. Youreally don’t feel weird about it at all? Calling someone else’s boyfriend ‘honey’ and ‘love’?”
“I don’t think of it like that. It’snot a romantic gesture. I call Perrie and Liam ‘babe’ all the time and they’re both in relationships.”
“That’s different.”
“How is it different?”
“Well for starters,” Daphne clearedher throat, leaning against the edge of Liam’s desk, trying not to display howannoyed she was, “you’re way closer to Harry than to anyone else. Also, Perrieis straight. She couldn’t be attracted to you. Liam doesn’t date girls either.”
“He does, though. He’s bisexual.”
“Well, his partner doesn’t seem toworry about you.”
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know, you’re friends.”
“Not really. We don’t hang out. Onlywhen I’m with Liam and he’s there,” Y/N paused. “He just likes me, I guess. Isthat the difference?”
“Y/N, I don’t hate you.”
“Yeah, but you don’t like me. Youdon’t have to like me, Daph,” She walked up to Daphne, who actually didn’tsmell like cigarettes. She smelled annoyingly good. “I know you’re not reallyfond of me, I’m not that stupid, I see it.”
“I understand it can freak you out abit that I’m so close to your boyfriend. I respect you, so I’m going to cut thepet names, but you need to understand that Harry and I love each other. Not inthe way that you and him love each other, at all. We’re best friends and wecan’t put everything we’ve had for the last eight years aside to leave room foryou.”
Daphne just stared at Y/N andnodded. She hated that Y/N was right. Her and Harry have a thing that she willnever understand, but that she has to deal with.
“I’m sorry Daphne, that wasincredibly harsh.”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” she chuckled. “Youand Harry have a thing. I don’t want to come in the way of that. I just need toadjust myself to that. I’ll be fine. Thanks for understanding, I see why Harrycares about you so much.”
She was cut off by Louis knockingand opening the door without waiting for a response. He stopped moving abruptlywhen he was greeted by Daphne and Y/N’s straight faces.
“Am I interrupting anything?”
“No! We’re all done,” Daphne replied,grinning. “We were just chatting.”
“The room is yours,” Y/N added,getting up, walking out and patting Louis on the shoulder, “you and Liam canbang all you want.”
Louis laughed at Y/N, and Daphnesighed. She hated how everyone liked Y/N. She was likeable, and Daphne had noreason not to like her, except wishing her own relationship with Harry was asprofound as his friendship with Y/N. All Daphne could do is be friendly, toeveryone, which she already was. Perrie once described her as annoyingly sweet, which was prettyaccurate.
She got up and tapped Louis’ shoulderas well.
“Just make sure you remove the jackets from the bed before you do thedirty, yeah?” That made Louis laugh.
“No,” Harry said.
“What? No to what?” Y/N asks,confused.
Harry realises he actually had beenpondering on his own for a while and that the context was lost. He chuckles.
“I find it hard to believe thatanyone would not like you.”
“I know some people who don’t likeme,” Y/N responds, cleaning the dining table.
“Really? Like who?”
“Your ex.” Harry sighs. She pointsat a towel on the floor for Harry to pick it up.
“Daph didn’t hate you.”
“But she didn’t like me. Pick up thedamn towel, love.”
Harry can’t think of any way torefute that. Daphne always wanted to be nice, and she never wanted to deceivehim. She always found a way of convincing Harry that she liked Y/N when she soobviously didn’t. She tolerated her, and she was always publicly sweet to her,but it seemed like chore, like community service. Yet, she was somehowirreproachable. The reason it looked so much like she was doing it against herwill was hard to pinpoint.
Harry reaches down for the towel andY/N playfully spanks him as she walks behind him to get to the bathroom,probably to get ready for her date coming over. He is a bit startled at first,before becoming angry at himself for getting slightly turned on. He wonderedwhen those interactions became so normal.
“My back hurts today,” Harry said,out of nowhere, really. “Dunno. Probably slept weird.”
Y/N gazed travelled from the tellyto her new unofficial roommate, who was shifting on the couch, trying to find acomfortable position. He was clearly dropping hints that he didn’t want tosleep on the couch tonight, for what literally would only be the fifth night inthe week and a half he had been staying here, but she pretended not to knowthat. She decided to push the tension even further, slightly amused.
“Want a massage?”
Harry’s whole body tensed for half asecond, but he then played it off like it was no big deal at all, like thethought of it didn’t already make something in his chest feel swirly.
“Yeah, sure. F’ya want.”
He turned around a little so hisback is facing her and cracked a big smile as he felt her hands start to rubhis aching back. His shoulders dropped a bit and she chuckled.
“We should get you a propermattress,” she suggested. “Maybe at least an inflatable one. This sofa sucks.”
Harry winced as Y/N’s fingers workedon a bad knot at the bottom right of his back. The throbbing pain slowlyworsened before suddenly stopping, getting him to exhale loudly in relief. Herhands were incredibly soothing. She was very good at massages; despite beingpersuaded of the opposite.
She scooted a bit closer to him, andsomehow, without seeing it, he sensed it. He felt a sudden heat around him anda shiver up his spine. His back tensed up slightly. Y/N laughed.
“Hey, relax.”
He took a deep breath and tries tofocus on the television, but Y/N touch made it harder than he thought. She keptkneading his back until she felt like he was finally relaxed (which he neverwas, his body felt like it was on fire). She then leered and ran her fingers onthe back of his ribs. He wormed around a bit and giggled loudly.
“Ah, Y/N, tha’ tickles!”
She snickered and he turned around,with a defeated sort of pouty smile. She, for some reason she didn’t want toconnect with, found that smirk extremely attractive, and her body absentmindedlykind of stopped all activity to just, stare,and Harry didn’t really react. He stared back, his face slowly approaching hers.
After their lips locked for a shortthree seconds, they looked back at the screen almost in an inhumane manner,like there wasn’t a single feeling involved in the kiss. In reality, Y/N wasactually weirdly overwhelmed, and Harry had a whole entire Big Bang in hischest. But they don’t talk about that.
As their movie ended and the creditsrolled, Y/N turned off the TV and yawned.
“M’going to bed,” she mumbled, stretching.She slowly got up and lazily walked to the bedroom. Harry just silently staredat her. She looked back at him as she stood in the room’s doorway.
“Aren’t you coming, H?”
Y/N touch, lately, feels like thebest thing to ever happen to him. But it’s weirdly narcotic, and he feelshimself starting to actually crave or even need it. She fills that need,always. It’s like she senses his lust and actually wants to quench it. It’salmost like she also feels it, sometimes.
Harry throws the towel in thelaundry basket by the bathroom door and smiles to himself. She didn’t need toslap his butt just now. She did it anyway. And every time she kissed him, shedidn’t need to.
It feels so natural, like there is absolutelynothing unusual of off about them showing that kind of affection towards each other.No word has to be said. Maybe it’s a rebound. But he was already confused atthe end of his relationship with Daphne. Maybe it’s loneliness, because they’resurrounded with so much love – Perrie is already planning on buying a condowith her boyfriend, and Liam just loves his, and gushes about him so much he’son that thin line between adorable and irritating – and maybe they crave thatsame sensation.
He wants those small things (andbigger things) to keep happening. And he wants them to happen with Y/N, and Y/Nonly, somehow. He denies the obvious reason why. But what he is fully consciousof, is that Sam is coming over, and he despises the thought of her with anotherman. He is very, very aware of that.
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ernmark · 7 years
Do you think Rilla loves Damien the way he loves her? It seems that she loves him as a friend and less romantically
I was wondering the same thing the first time we met her. Now that we’ve spent some time with her, though, the short answer is yes, I absolutely think she loves him as more than a friend. 
We’ve seen that Rilla repeatedly prioritizes Damien above herself and above others around her. Of course, it’s hard to see that clearly because Rilla is naturally a lot lower energy and generally more reserved than Damien is, so we see her express her feelings a lot less openly than he does– and she has a vested interest in keeping it that way. 
Before I plunge into my evidence jar, though, I’d like to add a caveat:
Aromanticism is a thing that exists. You could easily make the argument that Rilla is aromantic and that her love for Damien is more in line with a queerplatonic relationship than a romantic one, but either way, Damien’s going to hold Most Important Person status in Rilla’s book.
Rilla prioritizes Damien. A lot.
I’ve talked before about her grand entrance during the second duel: she heard the sounds of a struggle, she saw a dead rat the size of a horse, she knew he (an armed, trained Knight of the Queen) was in danger,and she (a civilian specifically not trained in combat) came running to his aid anyway. 
So we already know that she prioritizes his safety over her own. You could make the argument that that’s kind of her schtick as a medical professional. After all:
You try having as manypeople relying on you as I do, Marc, and then tell me if you can afford tobe scared.
Even so, she worries about Damien to a degree that we haven’t seen her worry about anybody else-- particularly Marc and Talfryn. Marc refers to Rilla as being “like my sister for as longas I can remember”, which indicates a pretty solid and long-lasting friendship; I wouldn’t be surprised if they were counted as two of her best friends. Marc and Tal are capable, but they’re still both civilians, they’re poorly outfitted and equipped, they’re seemingly always just short of essential supplies like food and Marc’s medicine, and they don’t have the Knights of the Citadel backing them up when they leap headlong into danger. But Rilla pointedly doesn’t freak out about either of them the way she does about Damien. 
Look at her priorities when it came to destroying the Damien decoy:
I just knew that if he wasreal, and if you or I or Dampierre or anyone else somehow got hurt trying tosave him, he’d never forgive himself. 
Note that it wasn’t “I couldn’t let you or Dampierre get hurt”-- it was that either of them getting hurt would be bad for Damien specifically. (This isn’t to say she doesn’t care about her friends, just what takes precedence in her mind.) 
I think it’s also important to point out that she was willing to kill Damien herself-- which was incredibly traumatic for her, even if it wasn’t actually him-- in order to spare him from a trauma so intense that it would be “worse than killing him”. 
That’s all in the dramatic life-or-death stuff, but it also shows up in the little everyday things. Look back to the first night of the festival:
RILLA: I don’t like to admit it, but I always look forward to the Festival of the Three. The flags, the fights, even those goofy-looking tents…DAMIEN: It’s Saint Aaron’s Night tonight. You should go see some of the fights in the square.RILLA: I don’t think so. I think I’d rather be here. With you.
Looking at the context: it’s almost midnight, she’s exhausted, she’s already seen Damien that morning (probably early that morning, too), there’s an event below that she’s really excited about, and she’s probably got other friends down there that she could hang out with. But she climbs at least four stories worth of stairs to come see him while he’s on guard duty, and she insists on hanging out with him even after he tells her to go and have fun without him.
Even in the little everyday ways, being with him is her priority. 
So yes. Damien is Very Important to Rilla. Arguably more so than most of the people in her life. But that comes across more in her actions than in her words for one big reason:
Rilla isn’t very open in general.
It’s a pretty striking contrast, really: Damien is energetic and excitable, and he’s so quick to talk about his emotions that “I must speak my heart” is his freakin’ catchphrase. Standing next to him, absolutely anybody is going to look quiet and reserved by comparison. Rilla in particular has a fairly low-energy personality, and she’s particularly not the kind of person who talks about her feelings freely.
If her behaviors aren’t enough evidence on their own, we can always point to her description in the script:
Likes people, but really likes her alone time. (KotC/LotS)
Mostly just wants to beleft alone. (TH)
The woman is a Grade A introvert.
(Speaking of extremely introverted ladies with extroverted love interests, this isn’t the first time on the Penumbra that we’ve seen a relationship that’s lopsided in terms of energy levels and emotional expression. In fact, I’d argue that Juno and Peter are even more so, with one key difference: Juno is the narrator, so we can see all the pining and infatuation that doesn’t actually make it into his dialogue.)
Like I said, Rilla’s pretty emotionally reserved. The first time we see her hold Damien’s hand, it’s while he’s working himself into a panic about Angelo. The first time we see her hug him, it’s when he’s freaking out about Arum. We see her gently ribbing and being casually affectionate with him (calling him “sir poet”, laughing with him, teasing him during the story, etc), but when he’s upset, she’s a whole lot more clear and careful about her affection. It’s important to her that he understand that she cares about him.
It’s not just Damien she’s reserved with, either-- she teases Marc too, but a lot harder, and it’s clear that it hurts him:
MARC: I’ve been riding days to seeyou, Rilla! You must have a couple minutes for your best friend.RILLA: I already said hi to Dampierre.MARC: (NERVOUS LAUGH) Careful. If you keep joking about that, I mightstart to think it’s true.
Compare that to the way she speaks to Damien just a few minutes before:
RILLA: I had a good time, Damien. I’m just tired.DAMIEN: Tired? Have I tired you?RILLA: (EXHAUSTED) No. Actually, staying up all night at the festival made me tired. Weird, right?
She’s a lot more gentle with him, and for good reason. I think if she started joking with Damien the way she does with Marc, he’d take it to heart instantly. I mean, look at what happened when Rilla sidestepped a question:
Did I ask her when? I don’t recall. Did I ask her and she didn’t answer? What does that mean, Saint Damien? Does it mean she doesn’t want to marry me? That she doesn’t love me? Perhaps she doesn’t today. Perhaps she never has, or what if— No, no. That’s absurd....  But… then why wouldn’t she answer? Have I pressured her too much? No, no… but what if I have?What if I always have? I’ll have to ask her....
And so forth.
Where Rilla is relatively callous toward Marc, she goes out of her way to reassure Damien that she does love him. 
RILLA: I know it’s hard for you. I’ll say it as many times as I need to. I love you, Damien.
Her wording here-- “as many times as I need to”-- seems to indicate that this is a bit outside of her comfort zone. Most of her behavior here seems to be a little bit outside her comfort zone, actually. She doesn’t seem the type who typically says she loves people so directly, or initiates casual physical contact. The fact that she does for Damien’s sake says a lot. 
Rilla doesn’t do vulnerability.
I’ve mentioned before that when Marc is hurting or scared, he gets mouthy. Rilla does the opposite. When she starts feeling vulnerable, she tries to stop the conversation altogether.
RILLA: The poetry’s seen better days. He’s in the middle of a sonnets phase, but at least it’s better than the odes.MARC: And the monsters?RILLA: (TOO DEFENSIVE) They’re monsters? What do you want?MARC: You… just didn’t mention—RILLA: Marc, do you mind? I can’t with you talking.
Notice how abruptly she goes from a perfectly normal (if a little bit grouchy) conversation to completely shutting him down. And then we see her do it again:
MARC: Alright, so. We just need to figure out if this is an illusion, right? So could this have been pulled from the pain-center of your brain?RILLA: Oh, what a shock. The sight of my fiancée being crushed to death upsets me.MARC: No, I mean… today. Tal was on my mind today and the Rattle-Panther was on Dampierre’s. Why would you be worried about a monster killing Damien today?RILLA: (SNAPPING) Just stop and let me think!
And again:
MARC: Ha ha, Rilla, you did it! Did you see that thing burst? It was another fungus-illusion all along! (PAUSE. SHE DOESN’T RESPOND. HE TRIES TO CHEER HER UP) So, um, how did you figure it out?RILLA: I didn’t.MARC: Uh… what?RILLA: (PAUSE. WHEN SHE SPEAKS, SHE NEEDS TO COLLECT HERSELF, NOT THE SAMPLES) Listen, I… just need a second to collect some samples. We still have to make your medicine.
She tries really hard to do it again, but Marc isn’t backing down, and eventually she cracks and actually starts saying what’s on her mind:
MARC: Are you sure… are you sure you want to marry someone like that? That mushroom showed us the thought hurts you, but… it’s going to happen, one day. Do you really want to live through that?RILLA: Marc, I’m tired. Just take your medicine and get out of here, okay? Please?MARC: Rilla, I’m trying to talk—RILLA: And I’m trying to stop talking, so drop it.(BEAT. THEN, ANGRY)Don’t condescend to me, okay? I can be scared that Damien is going to die in the slime of some monster and still want him to be a knight. I think he’s an idiot for it, but whatever. I love him. I want him to be happy. And if that means burying him with a talon through his heart one day, fine. I’ll do it.
Marc isn’t the only one she shuts down this way when she gets upset-- but when she does it with Damien, it sounds different:
DAMIEN: Please don’t worry for me, Rilla. This is my duty as a knight.RILLA: I’m not worried about you. You’ll win. You always win. I’m just trying to keep you from killing yourself in the process.
DAMIEN: But… my duel tonight…RILLA: After your duel. (HIDING HER CONCERN IN A BORED TONE) You’ll win, Damien. You always win.DAMIEN: But if I don’t… promise me you’ll remember me for last night? Dancing beneath the bell? Not—RILLA: Fine, I promise. Now go. I want sleep.
Once again, she shuts down the conversation-- but rather than snapping at him the way she does with Marc, she uses droll confidence to deny that Damien dying is even an option. 
She probably could talk about this with Damien-- after all, he prioritizes her as much as she does him-- but if he thought his being a knight was hurting her, he’d probably seriously consider giving it up, and she’s not willing to stop him from doing what he loves. So she keeps her mouth shut and swallows her anxieties. And yeah, at times that means she can be a little short with him. But even then, it’s never without love.
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