#he was there today. I don't usually go on Mondays but class was chill today and I had excess energy so was like eh
autogeneity · 2 years
I think it'd be funny to feign ignorance, but maybe if you would like to engage with him - you can talk to him. After all, he is just a rondom. Also... I think you have enough probable cause to speak to him. And to think he would like it too.
seems that talking to him is the consensus among everyone who's responded, and since apparently I am choosing to defer my life decisions to strangers on the internet...I plan to do this if I can figure out a suitable opportunity and approach
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igot-sarang-ggg · 6 months
Jolyne's Teacher pt. 5 (Teacher reader x Jotaro)
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Chapter 5- Friday
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Chapter 4- Monday |Masterlist| Chapter 6- Encounter with Dio
Small Summary: It's a new school year, you're a third grade teacher at an elementary school in Florida with Jolyne Cujoh being in your class.
TW: a bit of strong language towards the last part
PS: this week is my b-day
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It was now Friday, I made sure to gather everything needed for today's meeting. "Are you thinking about him again?" His voice is back. I chose to ignore it, I walked past him and towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror he stood at the doorway watching me, "Y/n my sweet. Why do you ignore me after everything I've done for you? After Everything I've given you?" He walked up behind me wrapping his arms around me. "I've noticed your heart beats fast when you are with him." I didn't answer and walked past him. "You keep ignoring me but I'm not going anywhere. We made a deal or contract should I say." 
 I turned to face him, "You forced me into the contract. I never agreed to be your slave." He chucked, "Oh, but, you did. For the chance to live, you would do anything, this made you become my slave." His ghostly figure traced my jaw before grabbing my face, "That's why I'm never leaving you." His grip felt so real, it felt like he was still here. I shut my eyes trying to hold back tears. I pulled away passing through him, "You'll never escape me Y/n! I AM A PAR-"
"Be gone." I said to him. "Fine..."
He disappeared from view. I looked at the time and realized I was gonna be late for work.
Everything seemed fine at the school. Normal Friday. Kids talking about their weekend plans and so now... I sat at the back of the class helping a few students with a couple of questions they got wrong in an exam.
As I helped the kids I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Why is that box moving on its own?! Did any of the students see it? I looked around. None of them were freaking out or panicked so I guess I'm the only one seeing it. The box fell to the ground with a loud thud causing the class to go silent, they all looked at me. "It seems I did place the box properly on the table, sorry everyone, please continue your work."
Everyone went back to doing what they were doing and I quickly went over to pick up the box. That was weird... it was floating. Could it be a stand?... I decided to push the thought aside. I've worked at this school for two years and haven't sensed a stand user as of yet... a chill ran down my spine.
After school, the meeting took place, and everyone that showed up were moms; that was until Mr. Kujo walked in.
"Mr. Kujo, it's so nice of you to join us for today's meeting."
Most of the moms got up and greeted him, pushing me aside as if he were some celebrity. I lost my balance and fell to the ground. "Ms. L/n are you okay?" Jotaro reached his hand out helping me to my feet, "Thank you I'm fine." I dusted off my pants and shirt. "Okay let's start today's meeting." Jotaro sat at the front of the group with most moms now joining him in the front. He rolled his eyes murmuring something to himself and pulled his hat down a bit.
The meeting went as usual. A quick presentation and also seeing who can chaperone for the next field trip and as well as some of the school activities and answer any questions regards to these activities as well. Jotaro volunteered to attend the Halloween event at the school and even proposed for the kids to be in Halloween customs for the day. 
After the meeting was done I said goodbye to most of the parents and started putting away some boxes. There was a box at the top shelf I couldn't reach, suddenly a shadow hovered over me. I felt the room area around me turn cold... he's not alive calm down. I turned around, "Oh Mr. Kujo I thought you left with the group."
"Do you need help?" He asked
 "Oh, Mr. Kujo you don't..." before I could even finish he walked towards me squeezing his way into the closet, and reached over me to grab the box I was trying to get. I was pushed up against the shelf with him behind me. "What color is the box?" He asked, "B-blue." he grabbed the box and walked out I followed, placing the box down on top of the table he turned to me, "Is there another?" He asked. "Yes, there is." He walked back into the closet I followed behind, When I felt something push me inside the closet and shut the door behind me. I had fallen into Jotaro's arms.
 "I'm so sorry Mr. Kujo. I - I don't know what's going on." Here I was now locked inside a small closet with a 6-foot-something man, with our bodies pushed up against each other. Why is this happening to me?! "I'm so sorry." I tried my best not to touch him but I ended up placing my hands on his chest. "It's fine, you don't need to apologize. Is there a way to open the door from inside?" He didn't pull my hands away.
"There isn't, But there should be a light switch to your left Mr. Kujo." The lights turned on. I could now see how little space there was between us; Jotaro took most of the space and I noticed how flustered he looked. His ears were red. "Did something weird happen today?" He questioned, "There was a box today floating on its own and then dropped to the floor with a loud thud... I'm glad none of my students saw it."
 I could hear footsteps inside the classroom, and the classroom door close. "Someone closed us in here." He said
"Who do you think could've done this." I looked up at him, and he shifted slightly, "I think might have an idea who it is but we need to get out of here first... I'm gonna try something but I need you to turn around so I don't accidentally hurt you."
I did as he said and in seconds the door was opened. "Woah that's pretty impressive Mr. Kujo. How did you learn to do that?"
"High school back in Japan, I would find anywhere to take a smoke break so I would break into the janitor's closet." A small smirk now on his face, "You used to smoke?" I asked him, "Yeah used to not anymore. I quite a few years back."
I could hear footsteps echoing through the halls with voices following, and I guess Mr.Kujo heard it too.
It was Ms. Jones and the principal of the school walked into the classroom. In mere seconds I was holding a box and Jotaro was holding about two and placing them on the table, "Is here fine?" Jotaro asked. The principal looked more confused than I did. "Uh yeah. Try not to put it too close to the edge of the table it's a bit wobbly, Mr. Kujo." How am I holding these boxes? WHEN DID I EVEN START CARRYING THEM?!
 "Oh, Mr. Kujo what brings you here?" Mr. Brown the principal asked.
I could feel the cold ghostly hands gripping my shoulders. "Do you now see how similar we both are? He stopped time Y/n..." There's no way he stopped time. Mr. Kujo isn't a stand user... is he?
I looked at Jotaro. He continued talking with the principal, "So you see Mr. Kujo there's been a misunderstanding. You see Ms. Jones saw you two enter the closet closing the door behind you both." Mr Kujo looked at Ms. Jones, "We didn't close the door someone locked us in there. Ms. L/n mentioned that the door can only be locked on the outside using a key."
"I didn't have my lanyard on me since I was moving some stuff around in the classroom."
"If you were locked how did you get out?" Ms. Jones questioned us.
"Mr. Kujo kicked the door open." I looked at the door it was completely fine in one split second the door handle was now destroyed there was a hole where the handle was. He's a stand user!? Does that mean... "I'm glad you and Mr. Kujo were able to get out Mr. L/n."
"I do apologize for the misunderstanding. if you'll excuse us." Mr. Brown grabbed Mrs. Jones's arm practically dragging her with him.
"Thank you, Mr- Jotaro. You saved me from that headache." I walked over to him, "No worries... I think that teacher has it out for you. Be careful around her." 
"I will thanks for the worrying- the warning... warning me."
"Let me help put these things away. Jolyne is about to get out of the after program." 
Jotaro helped me put the boxes away and even helped with placing next week's homework on the student's desk. We said our goodbyes and went on our separate ways for the rest of the day.
"Y/n he can stop time! HE IS A STAND USER WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!" why can't that voice leave me, "You must listen to your master!" I covered my ears, "You died and you continue to hunt me even after death. why can't you leave me alone?! I refuse to believe that he is a stand user and I refuse to believe that he has the extract same power as you!" I looked up at him, "You said it yourself stand users have unique powers and NO ONE can duplicate them, so why does he have the same one as you!? DID HE STEAL THE WORLD FROM YOU?! IS THAT WHY YOUR FUCKING HUNTING ME?! CAUSE YOU WANT THE WORLD BACK!?"
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loousir · 3 years
[Gorgon] Some Secrets Should be Said
Gorgon Male x Unaware/Oblivious Male Reader
Warnings: Tiniest ammout of homophobia/racisim, smoochin in a supply closet, YOU MAY BE IN HIGHSCHOOL BUT YOU ARE 18
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It was an early Monday morning. The usual early birds were arriving at school, you being one of them. Rumor was going around of a new student getting enrolled. There were only three high schools in this small town; One for monsters, one for humans, and one for both. You were enrolled in the one that shared with monsters. The overall relations in the school were good, other than the typical high school antics.
You had just been dropped off by your sibling and we're walking into the building. A few people smiled your way and you smiled back, heading to your first hour. The teacher was a Satyr and she was a bubbly as ever, happy to see you in the morning. "Good morning (Y/n), we have a new student coming today." Your ears perked up and you looked over to her.
"Ah, we do? So the rumor was true after all?" She laughed and said, "Yes! He's gonna make a bit of history here." You became confused at her statement as you walked over to your seat. "What do you mean by that?" You asked setting your bag on the table. "I might get in a bit of trouble for telling but..." She walked over, her hooves clacking on the floor as she did. She leaned in on the table, "He will be the first Gorgon to be enrolled into the school!"
She seemed overly excited about the new student but you smiled at her enthusiasm. "You seem awfully happy about that. Is he in our class?" You asked, sitting down in your chair. Her smiled seemed to get wider as she nodded. You paused for a moment and leaned back. "Does that mean he's gonna sit by me?" She nods again. "Yep! You are the only one without a table partner. I'm sure you'll be fine. He's a nice kid." She ruffeled your hair and you swatted her hands away. "Auntie, you know I'm taken right?" She isn't your biological aunt but she's very close with your mom so you call her it for fun.
She laughed and walked away saying, "He's a cute one." You sighed and rolled your eyes as you pulled out your phone. You opened Snapchat and sent a message to your boyfriend.
You took a cute selfie, looking down at the phone while your forehead rested on the table.
Aunties super excited about our new student.
Ngl, I kinda am too. She said he was a Gorgon and I think she's onto my facination with cute snakes xx
You sent the snap and put your phone face down on the table before resting your face on your bag. A minute or so passed before you got a message back.
It was a black screen but he usually sent one. Admittedly, you have never seen him but you respected that since you fell in love with his personality, which was charming as ever.
Don't go cheating on me now ;)
I might just have to show you I'm cuter xx
You smiled and took another selfie.
So that means I get to see you then??? Game on babe xx
You smiled as you sent it. Yeah, it was cheesy flirting but it made you happy none the less. A few seconds later he messaged back with another black screen.
Hmm, I just might lol
You sent that you love him too and put your phone in your pocket. Smiling slightly as you looked up to see that some other students were starting to show up. Soon enough, the first bell for class to start rings and students filter in, taking their seats. Five minutes later, you still haven't seen a certain Gorgon as the final bell rings, saying anyone who wasn't there was late.
Gotta get to class, message you when I can
Love you xx
Mrs. Hucksburry stood at the front of the class, writing some last minute things on the board. "Alright class," Most of the students quiet down at her words. "As you may have heard, we have a new student today! I want you to treat him with respect as he is one of us," She said referring to her fellow monsters. "He is the first of his kind to be enrolled into our schools system." Right as she finished speaking, the door opened to show a rather handsome face and a the obvious 'hair' that came in the shape of several small, darkly colored snakes that seemed to form some sort of style.
He wore rather nice and stylish clothes, very 90's -esk. Mrs. Hucksburry smiled more and looked over to him. "Good morning Mr. Lamollot, glad to see you made your way here." He smiles a cute and almost shy smile, making a pair of girls in class giggle. You watched and tuned out what they were saying before seeing he was looking at you.
You waved to him as he walked over to your table. "I'm guessing you're (Y/n)?" You smiled and nodded, "That'd be me." You put your bag on the floor next to the table and he quietly sat down next to you. "I'm Eros by the way." He was quiet when he spoke as class had officially started. You pulled out a notebook with a pen/pencil and made a message page.
You have the same name as my boyfriend!
You tore the paper out and slid it over to him while he was getting his own notebook and pen. Notes were handwritten on the board since the projector broke and hadn't been replaced yet but no one seemed to mind. The paper was slid back over to you.
Really? What are the chances of that?
His hand writing was nice for a boy and you looked out of the corner of your eye to see him smiling. You smiled too and wrote back.
Who knows but I think it's cool
You slid the paper back and he took a minute to slide it back but you patiently waited since you would have done the same. He didn't write anything on it.
You seem pretty chill Eros, wanna hang out at lunch? Also can I see your schedule? • 3 •
The paper was passed back for the fifth time during class and all it said was his schedule along with a "Sure!" underneath. You told him that the two of you share the same schedule. WhAt A cOiNcIdEnCe.
You looked over to him to see him looking at the paper. He looked up to you and you smiled. Eros smiled back and took the paper to ask.
Do you have early release too?
You read it as he wrote and he looked up to you. You nodded and he wrote again.
Wanna go chill at the park?
You shrugged and nodded again when he looked up to you. He smiled and nodded as the two of you went back to working on class work. You hadn't noticed it before but, his snakes seemed to be interested in you, which you thought was cute.
--- Skip to Break ---
An hour and a half had passed and the two of you had talked a bit throughout the time. The bell for break just rang and you got up with Eros. The two of you walked out to the hallway. "Let me make a stop by my locker real quick then we can go to next hour and chill there for break." He nodded and leaned against the locker next to you when two girls walked up to him. They were the same pair from first hour.
"Hey Eros, wanna hang with us at lunch?" The "leader" asked, standing in front of him. "Yeah that'd be like, totally cool if you did." Her buddy said, standing next to him. "Oh, sorry, me and (Y/n) al-" She cut him off with a scoff. "Oh you mean halfie? That kids got an imaginary boyfriend. How about you just ditch him and come eat with us." Eros looked over to you to see you had tensed and slowed your movements.
The girls focus turned on you, making you bite your lip. "Do you think you could not ruin this guy? He's like, super hot and doesn't need to be tainted by you." You looked away and felt a vibration come from your phone. You took the chance and opened it to see a message from your boyfriend. She smirked, "Did your 'boyfriend' text you? What'd he say?" She asked in a taunting tone.
You ignored her and opened the message. It was a new picture of the "super hot" guy standing next to you looking down to his phone.
Wanna dip babe?
These bitches are annoying the fuck outta me lol
The three of you looked up to him surprised as you closed your locker. He awkwardly smiled and said, "Guess I had to ruin that surprise cause some bimbos wanna fuck a gay guy." He laughed and walked over to you, grabbing your hand. You were speechless.
How did I not connect the dots earlier? Am I really that dense?
"It's a shame too. I was considering being friends, until you insulted my boyfriend, that is." He locked your fingers and looked back at the two. "Go suck a dildo, whore." Eros flipped them off and walked off with you around the corner, looking for a private spot. "Anywhere there won't be eavesdroppers?" He asked quietly. You nodded and lead him to a back room.
You opened the door with the key you had and let you go in first. The room was pretty nice considering it was useless. You turned on the light at set your bag down, Eros doing the same. "Are you really my boyfriend?" You asked stepping closer to him. He blushed and nodded, "I... I think so... I kind of ruined the supr-mm!" His eyes widened as you connected your lips to his. You pulled away and were about to speak when he connected them again, pressing his body into yours slightly.
He pulled away and you smiled, a blush was covering your face. "I've wanted to do that for so long." You said looking up to him slightly. "Me too." He said, hugging you close. "Why did you lie to me about being human?" You asked, resting your face on his chest. "I was... Scared of how you'd react if I told you the truth." You pulled away and looked up to him. "Are you kidding? Look what I was missing out on!" You said, making gestures to him.
Eros smiled and laughed. "I have a question for you though," You tilted your head slightly. "Why did they call you halfie?" You looked away and brushed back the hair around your ears. The tips of them were pointed much like an elf's but not as long. "My dads an elf. They like to use it as an insult since they're full and I'm not..."
Eros smiled again and nuzzled his nose to the crook of your neck. His snakes were gently booping their noses against your cheek as if giving you small kisses. You giggled at the sensation and he hummed to ask what was so funny. "Your snakes are cute." You said gently intertwining your fingers with them. He gently kissed your neck and rubbed your sides. "Well, they love you just as much as I love you." He said closing his eyes and hugging you.
You smiled and removed your hand to cup his cheek and make him look at you. His golden eyes were half lidded as he did. "Well," You said almost mocking him in away. "I love you and your snakes too." His eyes closed as he leaned in and yours did the same, both of your lips connecting again.
Eros pressed himself into you as both of you kissed. You pulled away first for air and he kissed your cheek and jaw lightly. You checked your phone when he pulled away he asked. "I'm curious how you got a key to a janitors closet." You leaned up to him and kissed his cheek. "My biological uncles the principal and he gave me the room to chill if I need to. It's usually where I would hang out for lunch but I dont really need to anymore since early release and all."
He "ooh'd" and nodded. "Makes sense. Wish I had a place like this at my old school." He looked back at you and his eyes went to your hair while you were checking something on your phone. Eros almost hesitantly brushed his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You jumped slightly at the sudden touch but enjoyed it none the less. "We have 4 minutes by the way." You said closing your eyes and leaning into his hand.
"Your hair is really nice. It's so soft." He smiled when you did and he gently kissed your nose while removing his hand from your hair. You tried your best to make it look like how it did before. "Sorry." He said gently with a small laugh. "Don't be, let's head to next hour so we can get this day done with and hang out." He nodded at your words and you grabbed his hand as the two of you grabbed your bags and quietly made it to the class you're meant to be in.
--- Skip to End of Day ---
The last two hours of school they had went by pretty quickly. The bell for lunch and early release seniors rang, making most people rush to leave or go to lunch. You and Eros lagged behind, waiting for the halls to clear a bit. He gently grabbed your hand as you finished putting your bag on. "Do you wanna go to the park or my house? I have a car so it doesn't matter too much on which you pick." He said with a small laugh.
You blushed and shrugged, "I would probably like your house since it's kinda cold out right now..." The two of you walked out of the class, hand in hand. The pair of girls from earlier watched with hatred/jealousy as the two of them walked out together. They were all going the same way so they got to see Eros walk you to his 1969 Blue Camaro.
Eros unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you to get in to which you gladly accepted. You set your bag down by your feet and buckled as he set his bag in the back and got in. "I hope my dad isn't home." He said closing his door and starting the car. "Why do you say that?" You asked as he buckled his seat belt.
He sighed and leaned back on his seat. "He doesn't actually know we're... Y'know, dating. Or if he does he has no clue you're a guy..." You nodded and looked to him while he backed out from the parking lot. "We can still go to the park. I'll survive I'm sure." You said softly. "Plus I kinda wanna wear your jacket..." You mumbled the last part while looking away but he heard and smiled, acting as if he didn't hear.
"There's one close to my house we can go to. It's pretty cool if you wanna go there." Eros said while stopping at a light. "That sounds good." He smiled again and looked over to you before looking back at the light. Seeing it change to green, he stepped on the gas again and headed to the destination.
The ride was comfortably quiet other than the occasional comment about something in the passing scenery. "Ok, we're here." Eros said, parking his car in the relatively empty parking lot. "I've never seen this place before. It's really pretty." You said as the two of you stepped out.
"Yeah. It's pretty quiet here. I usually hang out here after school. I have never been home "on time" since I got a car 3-ish years ago." You smiled and held his hand as he locked the car and put the keys away. "I'll take you to my favorite spot. There's all kinds of secret areas thanks to the trees." He said with a slight child like glee. You giggled like the school boy that you are as he dragged you along through a beautiful walkway that was shaded by the trees. "Gods it's so pretty here." You said under your breath.
You walked for what felt like forever before he shifted to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. He removed his hand to show one of the few non blank pictures he sent. "Oh wow." The winter sun was shining over the neighboring town, giving a good idea of just how small it was. "We have a cliff?" You asked suddenly, making Eros laugh and hug you close to his body.
Eros smiled as he took a turn off the path and up a small hill. He stopped and gently let go of your hand, covering your eyes. You reached up to remove his hand but he stopped you. "W-what are you doing Eros?" He giggled and started walking, making you grab onto him afraid of running into something. "Eros?!"
"Don't worry babe. I promise it's nothing bad. I know you'll like it."
"Kinda crazy right?" He said before resting his chin on your shoulder. You nodded as his snakes gently booped you're temple and cheek again, making you smile. You reached up and gently placed a hand on Eros' cheek, rubbing your thumb against his jawline. "Wanna sit down? I have two and a half hours before I have to be home." You nodded again and he pulled away, leading you over to a fairly large tree.
He took off his jacket and tossed it up onto a branch before jumping into the tree himself. You were surprised before he reached down to help you up. "C'mon, it'll give us some privacy just incase anyone comes over here." You somewhat hesitantly took his hand and he helped pull you up onto the thick tree branch. He leaned back against the trees core, letting his legs hang down and inviting you to do the same against him.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence again while he hugged you close, resting his head against your shoulder. "I love you. A lot." He mumbled softly into your ear. You smiled and held onto the top of his hand that was holding onto your stomach. "I love you a lot too." You mumbled back. "Oh and, do you wanna wear my jacket now? I noticed you were shivering ever since we started walking."
You blushed and looked down to the tree branch and ground below it. "I didn't think you heard me say that..." He giggled and leaned forward a bit, grabbing the jacket off the branch it was hooked on to. You moved forward and he helped you put the slightly bigger jacket on. You snuggled into the lingering warmth, taking in his soft cologne.
"Your jacket smells good babe." Eros chuckles and pulls you against his chest again. "Well, it's got my favorite cologne on it so if course it smells good." You smile and let your head fall back against his shoulder and he kissed your temple.
"So. Do you wanna explain yourself a bit?"
Minimal spell/grammar checking, also set up for a part 2?
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Then Kiss Me Agian
Pairing: James Potter x reader
Word Count: 4,150
Warnings: Swearing? None really
Request: Hi! Could I get a James Potter imagine ? The reader and James are acquaintances but they get assigned as partners for a project? They get close and end up liking each other? Cute and fluffy please? Thank you! I really enjoy your writing , this is my third request for you haha!
A/n: I'm so sorry this took me like a fuckung year to write. I start school on Monday so I have been majorly stressing for the past week. Anyway hope u guys like it!
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You woke up to soft light drifting through your window. Your eyes slowly fluttered open to be greeted with the pleasant sight of golden rays casting though your room. Dust that had been revealed by the shine swirled majestically through the air as if dancing to the floor where they would die until being reincarnated by movement once again. 
You hummed smoothly sitting up and bringing your hand to your eye rubbing away the nights sleep as you released a wide yawn. 
You slipped out of bed, your warm feet cooling on the wooden floor as chills broke your smooth skin into bumps. You walked to the bathroom, glancing at the mirror and grimacing. 
You quickly washed your face and brushed your hair and teeth before deciding what to wear for the day. You exited the room only to notice something you hadn't before. Everyone in your dorm was gone. You thought that at least a few people would sleep in on a Saturday. 
And then it struck you. It wasn't a Saturday at all. It was Friday. Which meant that you were already 15 minutes late for your class. 
Your eyes went wide panic filling you as you swore loudly crashing to your dresser and changing into your robes. You then gathered your things in a frenzy, mentally and verbally cursing your roommates for not waking you. You were going to unleash hell when you saw them next. 
You stumbled down the stairs and out your common room door. You would simply have to skip breakfast today. You sprinted to the dungeons ignoring the protests you drew from those you passed. 
You finally reached the classroom banging open the door loudly and scrambling inside. 
"I am so sorry professor. I overslept and I-" 
You stopped when you noticed every pair of eyes in the room on you. You gulped nervously, feeling heat rush up your neck.
"It's quite alright my dear." Slughorn spoke kindly.
Your surprised eyes immediately flicked back to him, "Really?" You asked in disbelief. 
"It is your first time ever being late, I can let you off with a warning." He smiled, relief washing through you. 
"Thank you so much." You sighed gratefully. 
"Now take a seat so I may continue with the lesson." He said gesturing to the students who were still watching the interaction. 
You blushed mumbling another thank you before heading towards your usual seat next to Remus.  Yet when you reached it, it was already occupied. A fiery redhead sar in your place refusing to meet your eyes. 
A frown quickly took your face. You glance at Remus who sent you a sympathetic shrug and then looked back to the front of the room. 
You glanced around the room searching for an empty seat. When you found it you suddenly realized why your usual seat had been stolen.
James Potter sat alone at his desk looking quite annoyed as he glared into the back of Evans head. You sighed heading to the seat and plopping into it, dropping your bag recklessly onto the floor beside you. 
James turned to you smiling in amusement, "May I ask why a Prefect was late?" He mocked gesturing to the badge clipped on to your robes, its bright P shining in the dim candlelight. 
"This actually stands for 'Pull your head out of your ass Potter.'" You shot back, not wanting to put up with his bullshit. 
"So rude y/l/n." He gasped placing his hand on his chest in offense. 
You rolled your eyes sighing, "Being around you really makes me pity Evans." 
His eyes flashed for a moment before his face was taken over by an impressed frown "Touche." He shrugged. 
You turned your attention to the front of the class attempting to tune into what Slughorn was saying. These struggles failed quickly when you suddenly felt an ache of pain in your vacant stomach. 
Hunger consumed you quickly making the lesson go in and out of your mind.
You heard your stomach groan and found yourself wishing for your seat next to Remus once again. He always had chocolate or something with him and often shared with you. 
Your stomach grumbled again and you grimaced silently praying for this lesson to be over so you could find some food. 
"Hungry y/l/n?" James mocked before pulling a granola bar from his bag. 
Your eyes immediately snapped to it, like a dog to a piece of meat. You could feel your organs silently begging for the food he wove in front of your face. 
"Come on Potter don't be an asshole, give it to me." You said sternly. 
"I am very good at being an asshole." He shrugged. 
"Can't argue with that." You mumbled, "Can you just give it to me." 
"I don't know." He hummed in amusement, "I'm a bit famished myself." 
"Isn't famished a bit of a big word for you Potter?" 
He glared at you before opening the wrapper, eyes still locked on yours and taking a bit out of the granola bar. He chewed loudly, making a point of it, before swallowing and letting out an exaggerated sigh. 
If looks could kill James would currently be six feet deep. But since they cant he was smirking back at you bringing the bar back up to his lips. 
Before he could place it in his mouth you leapt upon him snatching the bar from his hands and stuffing the whole thing into your mouth. 
"Y/l/n, Potter! What on earth is going on?" Slughorn bellowed. 
The whole class turned to see you halfway on top of the boy, mouth completely filled, James staring at you with looking both astonished and impressed by your actions. 
You attempted to apologize but nothing but muffled hums would manage through your full lips. Your face splashed with crimson as you re organized yourself into your seat. 
James burst into laughter at the sight earning a punch to the shoulder, "She's most certainly sorry professor." He spoke smugly, "She's just struggling to say so." He added slapping your back causing your hand to shoot to your mouth to keep you from spewing the granola bar you were currently attempting to swallow. 
You felt your face wash red once again and you flipped off the boy beside you. He responded with another slap on the back and your hand once again flew to your mouth. 
Slughorn sighed before returning to the lesson. You finally swallowed before turning triumphantly to James. 
"Thank you very much for breakfast Potter." You snickered.
"How did you possibly see that as a win?" He asked with a chuckle. 
"I wanted food, I got food." You smiled proudly before adding, "With no real consequences." 
"Your so weird." James scoffed rolling his eyes in amusement. 
"Thank you." You grinned cheekily before turning your head back to the front. 
"For next week's assignment you will be studying, collecting ingredients for and then creating a potion." 
You groaned along with the rest of the class, that was a lengthy project, that not one of you wanted to do. 
"Now the project won't be due until next month because some potions take a month or so to create." 
"Thank Merlin." you heard James mutter beside you
"You will also be working with a partner." 
Instantly your eyes flew to the back of Remus' head and soon he turned around to lock eyes with you, nodding in silent agreement of partnership. 
But unfortunately your professor continued, "Your partner will be the person you are seated next to." 
"No!" You wailed throwing your head onto the desk in front of you, earning the attention of most of the room.
James let out a snort at your despair, "Am I truly that terrible." He asked feigning offense. 
"Yes." You glowered. "Yes you are." 
James only smirked before snatching the envelope sent by your professor from the air. He opened it scanning the words before turning back to you. "It says we have Vi-reti-ium." He said spelling out the last word slowly and incorrectly.
"Its Veritaserum dumbass." You scorned, "It is also a very complex truth potion." 
"It can't be that bad." James shrugged. You rolled your eyes before snatching your potions book form your bag and looking up the name in the index. You flipped to the correct page and shoved the book at James. 
He scanned the recipe eyes widening at its length and complexity. 
"Shit." He mumbled.
"Yeah, shit" You huffed before glancing back down at the recipe. "When's the next new moon?" 
James thought for a moment "Four days." 
"Ok, meet me in the library after dinner so we can start gathering ingredients, we need to have them by then." You explained while placing your book back in your bag. 
"Got it." He confirmed but his eyes were locked on a certain redhead who was leaving the room.
You sighed rolling your eyes, "Don't be late Potter." You muttered before turning and disappearing into the crowd of students exiting the classroom. 
You sat in the library for forty five minutes.
Forty five minutes.
Each minute you prayed he would run in sweaty and smiling apologizing as he took a seat across from you and pulled out his books. But he didn't. He just didn't show. 
Anger pulsed through you. He was bat shit if he thought you were going to so this whole project by yourself. 
Finally you gathered your neatly splayed out papers and books and walked briskly from the library. 
You walked promptly up to the Gryffindor common room, announced the password, (something you knew from spending countless  hours with Remus) and stormed inside. 
You were greeted with the sight of the four marauders plus Lily lounging on the plush couches. Your eyes landed immediately on the dark haired boy who sat facing you. His dark eyes were shining brightly in the fire light, magnified by the glass they hid behind. His shirt untucked, tie loosened. His hair was a mess of black, a few loose ends dancing softly in front of his face. Of course he was far to distracted by a pair of emerald green eyes to notice your arrival. 
For some reason that fact made you so much angrier as you marched up to the group. 
"POTTER!" You yelled your voice echoing off the walls of the room. 
His eyes immediately darted upward, his flashy smile only faltering for a second before returning when his gaze feel to you. 
"Y/l/n!" He grinned, "to what do I owe this pleasure?" 
"Pleasure my ass!" You shot back, "You were supposed to be studying with me in the library an hour ago!" 
His eyes widened before he cringed momentarily closing them before they opened holding new guilt. "Yeah about that…"
"Let me guess." You hissed, "You had to catch up on your daily routine of harassment?" You motioned towards Lily who seemed to be very uncomfortable with the whole situation. 
"Look y/l/n, I'm sorry I forgot. I mean the projects not due for a month anyway." 
"Godric you are stupid." You said massaging your head, nursing the soon to be formed headache, "It takes a month to brew dumbass!" You yelled bending down so you were level with his face, attempting to intimidate the boy. 
But your efforts failed when you saw his eyes soften, a sweet smile crawling slowly to his lips, "You know how adorable you are when your angry?" He mumbled suddenly unable to pry his eyes from your fiery completion and flushed face. 
Your eyes widened with surprise as you raised your head away from him. You felt heat rise to your neck before scoffing. 
"You better be at the library after breakfast tomorrow." You stated simply before walking briskly from the room before the rest of the group could notice the color invading your cheeks. 
Lily also took this as her sign to leave gathering her stuff and murmuring goodbyes before retreating to her dorm. 
James watched you exit the room before rolling his eyes and turning back to a group of wide eyed boys staring at him as if they had shut watched him decapitate someone. 
"What?" James asked eyebrows knitting in confusion. 
Remus and Sirius flipped their heads to each other sharing a glance then turning back to the now irritated boy
Remus scoffed.
"Did you just flirt with a girl who wasn't Lily?" Sirius questioned in disbelief. 
James scrunched his face in disgust, "What? No!" 
Remus rolled his eyes letting himself plop backwards into the couch mumbling something similar to "I can not deal with this."
As Sirius burst into giggles. Peter who was beside him seemed oblivious. 
"You totally just flirted with y/l/n!" He hollered over his laughter watching as James face filled with disgust once again. 
"I did not!" 
"You most certainly did!" Sirius bellowed laughter shaking his form. 
"I was insulting her!" The boy retorted defensively.
"That is one terrible insult." Remus chimed in earning a glare through a pair of thick frames.
"I was-I didn't- t-that's not." He stuttered looking for the right words.
"'Remus your so adorable. Do you feel insulted?" Sirius smiled cheekily still giggling slightly. 
"Godric Sirius how could you?" The werewolf responded in mock offense. 
"Oh shut it Moony." James sneered. 
"But Sirius insulted me!" His smile that of a wolf after trapping its prey.
"Ok so what if I did flirt with her?" James huffed in annoyance. 
Sirius rolled his eyes, "Maybe the fact that you haven't flirted with any girl but Evan's since you were eleven?" He offered. 
James flushed  muttering a half hearted "Whatever" and  then gathered his things. He didn't want to hear it.
The flirting didn't stop. Every chance that presented itself James leapt apon. He would compliment you, casually drop suggestive hints, leave his hand on your arm just a moment too long and so much more. The rest of the marauders caught on quick, which resulted in endless teasing of his vain efforts.
Because of this James had tried to stop, go back to the insults that he had become accustomed to but he couldn't, because for a fleeting moment before you scoffed and rolled your eyes, your cheeks would tinge and your eyes would momentarily widen and it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen. 
Something about the way the y/e/c of your wide eyes would bounce off the slight pink of your skin would make his heart leap to his throat and his stomach fill with the flutter of wings. So he spent every moment with you flirting relentlessly just to catch a glimpse of your embarrassment. 
Of course the dense boy thought nothing of it.  He had always been quite oblivious, so even with the remarks his friends through at him, he couldn't see what was right in front of him. He was in love. 
You on the other hand were quite confused. At first you assumed that the flirting was natural. Something that James exhibited in every girl. But after a chat with Remus you quickly learned that was far from the truth. He had stated that while James did tend to have a flirtatious nature, he had never gone so over the top before with anyone except for Lily and yourself. 
You had noticeably grimaced at the mention of Lily and the Gryffindor you were talking to had taken notice, but not spoken of it. 
You then assumed he was doing it to get on your nerves, something he seemed to enjoy quite a bit. But when his daily harassment of Evans dwindled from uncommon to rare, you couldn't help but wonder. 
You attempted to brush off the thoughts and feelings that kept you awake late at night but they simply stuck in place, the cement had already dried around them.  You knew you were being foolish, it was ridiculous to think that anything could happen, James being James and you being you. But that didn't stop you from hoping. 
Hoping that maybe, this wasnt some bullshit he had used to embarrass you, hoping that he meant every comment he tossed at you, hoping that the lingering touches would last forever. You dared to hope them in secret, never speaking the wished out loud. Hell you would barley admit them to yourself, let alone others.
But now as he sat next to you in the library you couldn't help but heat up at the falling of his arm around your shoulders. 
"Dumbass." You called, a nickname that you had adopted in response to his.
"Yes, love?" He smirked his heart jumping as you flashed red for just an instant. 
"I told you to stop calling me that." You sneered attempting to ignore the loud thump of your quickening heartbeat. 
"And I told you I don't care." He smiled wolfishly. 
You sighed, "Whatever did you finish the essay on Jobberknolls?" 
"Of course I did." He grinned as you rolled your eyes for what must have been the billionth time in the past hour. 
"Can I see it?" You asked impatiently.
"Here you are my dear." He said placing a piece of parchment in front of you. 
You felt your eyes roll instinctively before reading over his work, which to your surprise was done diligently and well. 
You let an impressed expression take your features, looking back up at the boy who was smirking at you. 
"I'm good aren't I?" He spoke wiggling his eyebrows. 
"You're not terrible." you agreed reluctantly passing the paper back to him.  Just then three boys walked into the library. 
Sirius immediately called to James getting shushed before even a minute passed his entrance. You quickly shrugged off James arm, not wanting the attention it would draw. Unfortunately it was too late, you watched as Remus raised his eyebrows in question, you rolling your eyes in answer.
The three boys stood in front of you as you scribbled a few final notes onto your essay ignoring the pointed looks they seemed to be sharing. They communicated in silence for a few seconds before James spoke up. 
"Well y/l/n I've got to go but I'll see you around." He chipped and without any hesitation he leaned down and pressed his lips to your cheek. 
You felt your skin connect for a mere second before he snatched his bag and walked up to the boys all who, just like you, were attempting to pick their jaws up off the floor. 
"What?" James asked, oblivious to the action he had just taken. Confused and a bit annoyed he left the library his entourage slowly following him. Remus looked at you one last time. Your mouth still wide, cheeks pink, hand brushing the spot his lips just occupied. 
He then walked quickly from the library to catch up with the other three boys. You sat in a daze for a few seconds. 
You could still feel his soft lips burning on your skin, you could feel where his nose had brushed your cheek lightly. 
Meanwhile Remus had caught up to his friends who all seemed very confused. 
"What the hell is up with you James?" He asked stepping in front of the flustered boy.
"What do you mean? Why are you guys all freaking out?" He seemed completely oblivious. 
"You just kissed y/n!" Sirius blurted smacking him in the back of the head. 
"I did not!" He gasped completely appalled as he pushed his glasses back up his nose looking at Sirius, extremely confused. 
"You just kissed her cheek you twat!" Remus shouted hit James over the head as well.
James scrunched his face, "I did no-" he stopped mid sentence, realization causing his eyes to widen. "Oh Merlin I did." 
"Yeah! What the hell was that about!" Rumus asked impatiently. 
"I don't.. I don't  know." James stumbled over his words, "I j-just did. It was like instinct, I didn't, didn't even think about it." 
"Oh my Godric I knew it!" Sirius exclaimed in triumph, "Your in love with her!" 
James mouth fell open ready to deny it.  But it suddenly hit him.
"I am in love with her." He muttered. "Oh Merlin I'm in love with her." 
"Took you long enough to realize." Remus chirped, "I've known for weeks." 
"Shove off Moony." James grumbled. 
"Well are you gonna tell her?" Sirius asked, he was practically skipping with joy. Excitement readable in every word he spoke as he bounced up and down like he was on a sugar high. 
"Umm I don't know." James was suddenly overwhelmed with information that had just become clear to him. 
"I think she likes you too." Remus shrugged, "she asks about you alot, and she always gets pissed when I mention Evans." 
"Oh shit Evans." James wanted to slap himself. How could he be so reckless to give his heart away at any chance he got? But with you it was different. He didn't care if Lily blushed before insulting him. He didn't notice when she bit her lip to hide a smile. He didn't know if she made adorable faces while she was thinking. But with you, he cared. He noticed. He knew. 
"What am I supposed to do?" James asked glancing around at his friends asking- no begging for help. 
"You should tell her James, like I said I think she likes you too." 
"Ok." James sighed, "I guess I'll tell her." 
That was much easier said than done. For the next week James was reduced to a pile of nerves and stutters when you came with in a 10 foot radius of him. 
His flirty, smooth nature was out the window the second he realized his true feelings towards you.
The project became more and more difficult to work on as every brush of a hand or shared glance made him crumble into a blushing mess. 
You were pissed. The good progress you had made was now dwindling as your partner became incompetent. So finally when the two of you sat in the library and James once again blushed like mad and spilled ink all over your essay simply because you had put your hand on his shoulder to show him something, you exploded. 
"What in bloody hell is your problem Potter?!" You shouted, effectively getting shushed by a chorus of people. 
James turn toward you looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
"Umm I umm" he began to mumble. 
"Seriously! Recently you cant even speak around me! What happened?" You interrogated the boy leaning closer to him.
James grasped for an excuse, fumbling and tripping over incoherent words. 
"Potter I'm not fucking with you, what is up with you?" You hissed, further annoyed by his continuing flustered behavior. 
James bit his lip glancing at the ground before turning back up to your angered face, he pushed his glasses up his nose and in a moment of desperation he collided his lips with yours. 
The second you felt his lips on yours you pulled away, "Why did you do that?" You asked eyes wide almost as if you were frightened. 
James' face went up in flames, "I- You- Remus said that.. that y-you might have liked me back and I-" 
"You like me?" You asked in absolute disbelief. 
"Of course I like you." James mumbled looking solemnly at the ground.
"Do not even begin to 'Of course' me!" You huffed, "You have been in love with Lily Evans for five years!" 
"I was never in love with Lily!" Jame shot back. 
"Bullshit! And you think that you can come to me and play with my feelings until Evans decides she likes you?" You said in disgust.
"No! No that's not what I wanted to do at all!" James gushed, "I really like you y/n. Luke really, really like you." 
"How?! You were obsessed with another girl less than a month ago!" 
"I don't know!" James yelled, his voice was shaky. "All I know as that the second we started this project, I wanted you. Not Lily. I think I'm in love with you." 
You gulped harshly, "You mean it?" Your voice was hesitant, as if you were scared to ask the question. 
"Yeah." James whispered letting his hand close around yours, "I really do." 
"Then kiss me again." 
He wasted no time. His lips met yours gracefully, they were warm and soft, his movements slow. You slipped your tongue into his mouth tasting butterbeer and chocolate, you craved more. 
You pulled away intaking deep breaths, "You better not be fucking with me Potter." You murmured taking your bottom lip between your teeth, hoping to still taste him there. 
"I wouldn't dream of it." He spoke, a dopey smile curving his lips as his thumb slowly brushed your cheek. 
You hummed softly before pulling him down to meet your lips once again.
Taglist: @accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3
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chaos-writes · 4 years
Randy Meeks: Butterflies
No TW. Word count: 1,732.
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“He’s a good guy…” I heard as I zoned back into the conversation. “He’s just, I don't know… weird.” Tatum said as she scrunched her nose. “Who… Meeks?” I asked. “Yeah, I mean, he’s pretty chill, but he just talks about those stupid movies way too much. He’s such a fanatic about them, overthinking every little detail of every little event. He thinks we’re living in a horror movie.” “well, he can’t be that bad,” I pointed out, “he’s nice to us, and he hangs out with people a lot. He’s not much of a weird lonely loser like you’re making him out to be.” Tatum sighs, “yeah, you’re right. It’s just… something doesn’t sit right with me about him. I don’t know.”
Something… doesn’t sit right with me about him. Heh, wonder what that could mean. Later that day, I got a message online from Randy. “Hey, what are you up to?” I reply, “Oh, nothing much, I suppose.” “you wanna hang out? How about my place?” “sure thing! I’ll be there in a few!” Yes! I get to go hang out with him, the boy who I can't help but admire!
Meanwhile, Stu would not shut up about it over the phone. “Randy, you gotta understand, they think you’re just buddy-buddy. C’mon man! You’re not gonna get a date with them!” Billy’s giggles could be heard in the background. Of course he’s there, too. Randy broke, “I just KNOW I can get a date with them! It’s not like you have any better of a chance than I do!” Stu snickered, “oh really? To each their own then,” Click.
Randy felt uneasy. He knows that Stu is just being a dick about it, but he can’t stop that little voice in the back of his head saying, this was such a bad idea. A horrible idea! You’re not only gonna ruin your chance, but the friendship too! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He paced the living room and checked himself over. Deodorant? Never too much. Brushed teeth? Yup. Neat hair? Ehhh.. Sure. 
I knocked on the door. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I wonder if he feels the same way about me? I heard footsteps rushing to the door. Jesus, is he ok? The door swung open and in a flurry of warmth I was greeted by the red-headed, wide-smiled boy who always looked like his heart was beating in his throat when I was around. “Hi, sorry for making you wait,” Randy heaved. “Come in, it’s cold out there!” 
As I walked deeper into the warm house, the scent of fresh pizza and popcorn loomed over me. The sound of a monotonous radio host emanated from the kitchen. “You had the radio on?” I asked. “You know I like my background noise,” Randy chuckled. I sat down on his couch and relished in the heat coming from his fireplace. Randy soon followed, beer in his hands. He offered me one, “no, thank you,” I declined. “Oh, sorry. Do you want water instead?” “Sure!” I said. 
Of course, he put on a horror movie. Although, I really don't mind. He talks throughout the movie, about what the protagonists are doing wrong, how to survive the slashers, and how it's all so fake and all the little missed details since he knows those movies by heart. He scooted a little closer to me. A jumpscare in the movie made me jump, and I ended up grabbing Randy’s arm. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” I yelped. “No, no, it’s okay!” He giggled.
I noticed Randy’s body language tense up as the movie gets closer to the end. I try to think nothing of it… Wait, am I making him uncomfortable? What am I doing wrong? Oh jeez, I can’t mess this up! I shift, trying to make myself smaller. 
Oh god… the end of the movie is coming up… I’m gonna ask them out. They’re so beautiful. Oh no, am I making them uncomfortable? Oh god, I hope i’m not. What am I gonna say? “Do you wanna go on a date?” No… “how about we take it a step further… let’s go on a date sometime.” Yes! I think that’s good enough. Ok, here goes- Randy thought, as his breathing accelerated.
“Hey, Y/N?” I turn my head. He’s sitting on the edge of the couch, facing towards me. “What’s up?” I ask. “Do you like hanging out with me?” Randy says. He looks like he’s about to combust. “Of course I do!” “Okay, well, how about we take it a step further?” he asked. “What do you mean?” “I mean let’s go on a date sometime.” my heart leaps. He can’t be serious! Really? “Okay, sure!” I tried to feign a smile, to hide my cheeks. I know I'm blushing. God, I'm awkward. Randy sighed, and I snapped back into reality. “I’ve loved you for a really long time, I guess since you moved to Woodsboro,” he said. “That’s funny, I was gonna say the same thing!” we both laughed. “So, are you free on Friday?” I asked.
Friday rolled around. I message him, so… where are we going? I asked. It's a surprise! You don’t say? Okay, well, is it outdoors? Do I need to dress warm? Randy replied, Yeah… that's a good idea. I'll pick you up in an hour. Heh. Alright then. I threw on a comfy turtleneck sweater and some baggy jeans. I did my hair and made sure I had breath mints on me. Alrighty, I think I'm ready to go.
He pulled into my driveway, and I put my shoes on and opened the door. He gets out and we walk towards one another. He’s holding something behind his back and beaming. He’s wearing a black bomber jacket and jeans. He extends his arm and holds out a flower. “Is that a carnation?” “yep,” He nods. “Oh, thank you! Carnations are my favorite!” “They are? Well, I should get you one every time we go out!” He laughed. I giggled with him.
He leads me to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me. I said “Thank you,” and slid in as he shut it. I set the carnation on my lap and put on the seatbelt. I took in the scent of his car. Some very faint fast food, maybe? It was drowned out with the scent of cologne and a leather car interior. I zone back in when he opens his door and climbs in. He beamed at me and asked, “You ready?” I smiled and nodded. 
The ride to wherever he was taking me was so much fun. We played our favorite music and sang and danced together. I never knew Randy was that goofy! We talked about school and our hobbies, and things that made me fall that much harder in love with him. 
When we arrived, the first thing we did was walk into an ice cream shop. “Pick out a flavor,” Randy said, as he fiddled with his wallet. “You don’t have to, Randy. I have my own-” Randy interrupted in an odd English accent, “Nonsense, love. Let me get you a cone.” I ended up getting my favorite flavor. Randy got a strawberry flavored cone. We left the shop and continued on our way.
We continued walking around the town, laughing and enjoying ourselves. We held hands as we walked and saw monuments, landmarks, and beautiful landscapes. As it got darker, we walked into a restaurant for dinner. He bought us a nice steak dinner and we were so full after eating. We left and continued walking. The views became even more beautiful as we walked in the dark. 
He slowed down and we came to a stop at a beautiful pond, illuminated by fireflies and the only thing we could hear were the soft chirping of crickets and the trees rustling in the soft autumn breeze. 
“So,” He began. “We’ve been close since we met. And I have had no one else on my mind but you. You are so wonderful. You don’t realize just how special you are to me. I would love to have you even closer, all to myself, if you will. So, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and be mine?” I was so taken aback. Randy usually isn’t the best with words. “I had no idea you felt so strongly about me. Of course, I’ll be yours, Randy. All yours.” he leaned towards me and rested his hands on my waist. He gently kissed me. I reciprocated. At that point my heart was beating somewhere in my throat. My hands were on his shoulders and my thumbs brushed against his neck. 
I went home that night with butterflies in my stomach. I held the carnation gently in my hands. I couldn’t stop thinking of all the things we could do together. I could sit in his lap and play with his hair, I could rest my head against his chest, we could hold hands, god, I could even kiss him. It was all so exciting, having someone so close to me in a new school. I couldn’t wait until school on Monday.
Monday came around and I got a phone call before I left for school. It was Randy! “Hey, do you want me to pick you up for school?” “sure! Thanks Randy!” “of course, I’ll see you in a few.”
That whole day, I was so happy. All my classes went by in a blur. Lunch was even better. I went outside to talk to Randy, he’s usually standing, but today he’s sitting. I walk up to him. “Hey, cutie,” he says. I just giggled at him. He pulled me into his lap and carried on the conversation. I got some strange looks from Sidney and Tatum and Stu looked so surprised. But, Billy on the other hand… looked almost angry. He caught me looking at him and he looked away. I looked at Randy, and he whispered to me, “Don’t worry about those guys. They just don’t wanna see the school nerd with a good-looking partner.” we giggle to ourselves and I rest my head on his chest. He rests his chin on the top of my head.
I close my eyes, and think to myself, I could get used to this.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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93/100 days of productivity
Today was a pretty okay day for the most part.
My work out in the morning wasn't great but it wasn't horrible. I did a preset workout on a stationary bike and it wasn't great. I didn't really feel like it was making me push myself and I didn't even go as far as I usually have in past workouts. But at least now I know that I need something more to push myself.
Classes were pretty chill. Accounting was nothing special. We finished chapter 13 and moved to chapter 14. In stats we finally had our exam. I think that it went pretty well. I might have gotten a couple wrong. It I also might have gotten them all right. And there was some extra credit, so I could have done really well. I don't want to get my hopes up and then get disappointed if I don't get a good grade.
A really wonderful thing that happened in class today was that a dude who's in both of my classes today got a service dog. So it's super dope for him to actually have a service dog because they can be a great help to people. He's a veteran so I hope that he's doing well. But I really love dogs so now I get to see a dog for couple hours and I get to set next to him during my stats class. I really love service dogs because they're so smart and I'm so impressed with them.
I had a little bit of accounting homework and I finished it at work. I'm really glad that I got my homework done today. I did all of the homework that I got on Monday the same day too and it's a super satisfying feeling to get it all done in the same day and to not have anything fall over into the next day.
Overall today was a good day. I got all of my work done, I feel good about my exam, and I got to see/sit next to a dog today. I'm seriously so excited that I get to see this dog every week. I really hole that I keep up with the habit of doing and finishing my work the same day that I get it.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
Sleep Is For The Weak - Chapter 7
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 5, Last Chapter
Writing Masterlist - for previous chapters not otherwise linked, Read on AO3
Notes (I guess): I decided to post this earlier than usual, both in honor of fanfic writer appreciation day and because I finished writing this one yesterday, and I was going to schedule it, and just not worry about anything... and then there was a power shortage and as I’m was writing this, on Tuesday, I had to rely on my phone to provide me with wifi. God bless... (Well, I have wifi now, don’t I?)
I just thought that after all the angst of the last two chapters you’d appreciate a bit of sweetness, and where this chapter started almost as harshly as the last two, it’s just. So sweet. And fluffy. And I feel so happy that I managed to do such a thing. Well... that and prove to the world that I’m a massive nerd. (If you really want to know, some of Emile’s rants in this chapters are based on actual answers I gave in my finals. And those of you who know me well enough know that I studied theatre in high school...)
Thanks and credits go to @broadwaytheanimatedseries for the initial idea (and for being there to listen and talk about ideas with when we hang out, which happens a lot more lately actually), to @whatwashernameagain the absolute angel for Keep Him Safe and for being incredibly awesome (and for the German translation of one of my favorite quotes ever), to @anony-phangirl and @asleepybisexual for their usual contributions that shall never go un-thank-ed and uncredited, and a special one to @winglessnymph who is the person and inspiration behind a good chunk of Emile’s background and who, after showing them a screenshot of this chapter, just said “my old high school can burn, but yes at least Emile survived”.
Tag list (sort of): @bunny222, @ab-artist, @secretlyanxiouspersona, @your-username-is-unavailable, @virgilcrofters, @why-things-go-boom, @ilovemygaydad, @violetblossem
Trigger warning: period appropriate transphobia (the early 00s were not exactly trans-friendly). This chapter in particular also has mentions of alcohol and drug use.
"But I want you to come!"
"Leah, sweetie, I can't come. I'm going to Emile's. But I'll see you sooner than you think, okay?"
"Okay… but it's not going to be fun. Rachel is two and she's boring and I don't like Mom."
Leah called every day after school. Remy could've been in a class, or at a group meeting, or taking a shower, and she would call every day after school. It was somewhat adorable.
But now was no time to deal with adorable.
"Emile, my darling, my precious, my sweet sweet love," Remy declared at the beginning of their morning sols 20 class last Monday, "can I come over for thanksgiving?"
"Didn't you say you have to see your mom?" Emile whispered over his cup of tea, struggling to get comfortable. The weather got extremely cold lately, and at thirty-six degrees at eight in the morning, not even the four layers and giant thermos full of tea could keep Emile warm enough to survive morning classes.
India literally asked him if he's not supposed to be used to such temperatures, which earned her a lecture on hypersensitivity and illness caused by stress.
"But it's Linda! Emile, babe, sweetheart, darling, dollface—"
"Don't call me bubbeleh and I'll consider it."
"It'll be worth it. I promise—"
"I need to ask my mom, and my sister is coming to pick me up because I'm kinda scared of flights, and Minnesota is kind of far away."
"Alright. I don't mind."
He really hoped Nathalie would agree.
"I don't want to be here alone," Leah half-whined.
"I know, babe, but it won't be long. Trust me."
He let her talk about school for a good while more, at least until he could hear Linda screaming at her to stop holding the line. It was horrifying. He didn't remember her doing it much.
Then again, she was barely home anyway.
The call disconnected rather quickly, right on time for his appointment at the psych clinic. The grad student who claimed Remy as his personal project was supervised today by the head of the department, as part of his research, which meant Remy had to be on his best behavior.
It also meant he'd get misgendered. Which was a thing said student, whose thesis was on gender dysphoria and gender identity (same subject as his big project for AP psychology back at Bronx Science, really), made sure to not do.
This was going to be fun.
"You went to the Bronx High School of Science, right?"
"Yeah? Gurl, why you asking me? I told you that already."
"A 4.0 GPA, went to a gifted program in Columbia—"
"Why are you asking me questions you already know the answer to?"
"Dr. Freeman wanted to hear those for himself," Remy heard the guy - Michael, his name is Michael, stop calling him "the guy" - mutter to himself as he typed away on his laptop.
"What makes you think that you're a boy, Miss Harris?" The doctor asked, pushing his glasses up. What a prick…
"Well, considering how I was quite literally diagnosed with gender identity disorder by a licensed psychiatrist, I don't think I am. I know I am."
"And yet, you've enrolled into Harvard under the name Rebecca. Is there any explanation as to why?" Freeman looked directly at Remy. "You're an intelligent young person, and enrolling under your preferred—"
"I didn't know I could do it, and now I have, like, no idea how to change it in administration."
"Biologically speaking, Mr. Harris, the concept of sex is very non-binary." The older man's gravelly voice seemed to chill even Michael, still taking notes. Suddenly he didn't seem so evil.
"First of all," Dr. Freeman said, "in sexual species, you can have female be XX and males just be X. For example, in insects. Female birds are ZW and males are ZZ, for reptiles it's temperature differences that female or male make. In some flatworms it's a penis fencing competition. Some fish like clownfish and parrotfish can have females become males because there are no males left, and the New Mexico whiptail lizards are a female-only species who reproduce asexually. Some species, like cuttlefish, have males act like females in order to get close to the females. And fungi have thousands of sexes. And that's not even getting close to humanity."
The doctor cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee. "You can be male because you were born female but have a 5 alpha-reductase deficiency, and so you develop a penis in puberty. You can be female because you were born with XY chromosomes but you're insensitive to androgens, or because your Y is missing the SRY gene, both of which would result in developing a female figure. You can be male because you were born with two XX chromosomes but one of them does have the SRY gene. You can be male by having two X chromosomes and one Y, or a female by having only one X chromosome. And you can be male or female by being born in the wrong body for your brain.
"As I said, there is no such thing as two biological sexes only. So I'll ask you this again. Why would you enroll as a female named Rebecca if you know that you are neither?"
Remy had no idea how to respond. The professor looked at him, straight at him, and Michael kept typing away…
"...I told you, I had no idea I could do that."
"I'll write you a note to give to Vivian in administration. She'll take care of everything, you just need to provide her with a name."
"It's Remy—"
"I hope you understand that this isn't legal, it's only official. I don't have a doctorate in psychology just to explain what's the difference between the two to my students."
Remy nodded nervously, swallowing air. "Yes sir."
"Your suite is so much more comfortable than mine," Emile wiggled on the couch, petting his bunny, as Remy was making him a cup of tea. "You can… clearly see Leah was here."
"The marks on the wall? Yeah… she brought her scooter with her and wouldn't stop running into the wall with it."
Emile giggled - how much cuter could this boy get? - and scratched Mycroft's head a bit. "I asked my mom and, yeah, my grandparents and my uncle and his family are coming over, so it wouldn't be that much of an issue if you came over, but…"
"We're having thanksgiving at my grandparents' on my dad's side. So it might be a bit of an issue. I'm sorry…"
"Don't be. It's okay, we didn't plan for this or whatever. I'll watch over Leah and you take care around your family, okay?"
"Okay. Have fun with her. She'll really need it."
"I know and I'm willing to suffer for that."
The kettle started whistling. Remy filled the mug with the boiling water and took it to Emile.
Just yesterday Emile screamed "I waited five minutes and the weather didn't change, get your shit together, Boston" at the sky when it started to snow. It wasn't even that much, Remy had seen bigger storms and he was sure that Emile did too - he was from Minnesota, after all - but it was still somewhat funny. After asking, Emile explained that in Minnesota, and basically all around the Midwest, "if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes".
Remy didn't think he meant it literally. He probably didn't.
"How's India doing?"
Emile was muttering something to himself in a language Remy didn't understand. He let Mycroft go and the bunny just sat there, on the couch, looking happy enough.
"Hey Remy, what's the Hebrew word for thanksgiving?"
"...I'm a Christian from New Jersey. Why are you asking me?"
"I don't… I don't know. My parents are expecting me to call my cousins before thanksgiving and they don't know English or Dutch yet… not that I know that much Dutch either, but… wait, you're from New Jersey? I thought you're from Manhattan."
"Only since I was five."
"Oh. Cool."
Remy moves the bunny and sat down next to Emile, who leaned against his side and put his head on his shoulder. His hair was incredibly soft, Remy was never quite able to stop running his fingers through it, and the whole situation just… made Remy feel like everything was going to be okay. Just… don't move from this spot, where the his adorable, tiny friend was cuddling up to him and muttering to himself in a different language, and everything will be alright.
His hair smelled like jasmine and seawater. And Remy was torn between admitting to himself just how much he liked it, and wondering if Chris would be jealous.
"You went on a date, right?" Emile raised his head, his hair tickling Remy. "I just…"
"Yeah, I did." And it was a bit better than Halloween. Chris was… way more interesting when not in parties, apparently. For one, he did not talk about his crush on Harrison Ford, and he did talk quite a bit but at least it was about law school and not Indiana Jones. It was… it was great.
"Huh… that's nice." And then, "a friend once asked me on a date. I had to say no."
"Why? Was something so wrong that—"
"No… I like that guy, but… he's the same guy who always paid me to bake weed brownies for him and his friends, and that's not very appropriate, right?"
He had to do a double take. "Weed brownies?!"
"Yeah… my school was the druggie school, you know?"
"No… I didn't know."
"Yeah… it's not like my parents couldn't afford to send me where my sister went, but they were worried about how the stress would affect me so I went to a public school. And… at least I only ever sneaked vodka in water bottles and baked weed brownies, I never, like… held someone's hair out of their face in the bathroom or had to keep someone from killing themselves, which now that I say it out loud just sounds so bad and I totally would've done it if I had to but—"
"Emile, babe, you're making me worry. Like, really."
"Sorry… I never ate weed brownies, though. I'm sensitive to weed."
This… this was the thing that baffled Remy about Emile. This… tiny, pure, angelic thing, with the soft hair that always smelled like jasmine and seawater and the bright, sparkling eyes. His soft little friend whose sunny disposition never faltered, not even in the darkest of times, and whose dedication and determination shone through everything he did.
Emile Picani, the sweetest human Remy ever met, was used to sneaking vodka into school and baking weed brownies.
"How do you even find out that you're sensitive to weed if you don't, like, smoke weed or whatever?"
"You have to decarboxylate the weed to activate it, which basically means heating it up, and the smell gives me migraines, so… that's how I found out."
Yeah, because that's so much better.
"But I mean, good riddance. Can we watch Mulan? I want to do something…"
"Aren't you reading that Sartre thing?"
"No Exit? I already finished it." Emile sipped on his tea. "I don't… get it? I can see why Estelle and Garcin will never achieve an epiphany, but Ines came in already aware that she's amoral… can't she just… leave Hell?"
Gilliam gave the class an optional assignment, to read and analyze No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre. It wasn't even going to go into their final grade, but he did say that it might be very important to the next semester when they study Freud ("and how he almost ruined the entire field of psychology, more or less"), so Remy chose to leave it for Christmas break. Or maybe not even read it.
"It's something like sixty pages, it's shorter than Hedda Gabler or The Cherry Orchard… it's an easy—"
"Question one, what the fuck is Hedda Gabler, and question two, what cherry orchard?"
Emile's eyes lit up and he almost jumped in his seat, spilling some of his tea on his lap and causing Mycroft to hop a bit farther. "Did you ever do theatre?"
And off on a rant he went, explaining every little nuance and allegory in both the plays ("so like, back in Ibsen's time, realistic theatre was meant to portray real life and keep the three unities, so Hedda shooting herself off-stage is meant to shock the audience as well as preserve the unity of place, which is pretty much…", "you know, the reason it's called Hedda Gabler despite Hedda being married to Jorgen Tesman is to show that Hedda sees herself as the daughter of General Gabler first and the wife of Jorgen Tesman second", "the cherry orchard is never really in scene ever, so it's kind of like a fantasy, or trying to hold onto a thing that isn't there anymore, like the Russian aristocrat's status, so when middle-class Lopakhin buys the orchard and orders to start cutting it before the others even left is like an even bigger sign that the aristocracy has fallen and there is no place left for it in the modern Russian society, in the face of the upcoming bourgeoisie and their budding materialism").
It was worse than Leah talking about betta fish. Well… no it wasn't, but he couldn't bring himself to shut Emile up… he was too cute to be told to shut up.
"So I just… I don't get it. Ines should be able to pick herself up and walk out the door, so why isn't she doing it?"
Emile was out of tea by the time Remy caught him looking at him with questioning eyes and realized he'd completely zoned out.
"Maybe… societal pressure?"
"Maybe… but it still makes no sense. She's in one room with two incredibly selfish people… can I boil some more water?" Remy nodded and Emile practically jumped out of his lap. The cold immediately hit Remy with a wave of disappointment. He wanted to hold Emile just a bit longer...
"Then again," Emile kept ranting, "this is the play that coined the term ‘Hell is other people'. L'enfer, c'est les autres. De hel zijn de anderen. Hagehenom hu hazulat."
"How many languages was that…?"
"Four." Remy choked. "I don't speak Dutch or Hebrew very well, I told you that. I only know the basics because of my family. But I do know this saying in five languages. I think... My oma and opa really like saying it. But I don't remember how to say it in German."
This boy was impossible.
"No, no, I do remember it. Die Hölle, das sind die anderen."
And Remy absolutely loved him. (A bushel and a peck.)
"And I only know how to say it in German because my neighbors are German. So like… I really only speak two languages."
"That's still way more than me, babe."
"Well, enough about me! I want to hear more about your date! How awesome was it?"
Oh, it was great. Chris didn't talk only about himself, he was actually interested in listening to Remy talk about his interests, they had a lovely dinner and went to see a slightly better than okay movie (he was not going to tell Emile that The Ring gave him nightmares for three days after watching it though), and he kissed him when they got back to Harvard. Nothing big, everything was nice, and they were going on a date again in early December. Nothing could be better.
Except the voice in his head, calling him a liar.
"That sounds very nice," Emile muttered as he plopped back down next to Remy and put his cup of tea on the table. "I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun. The Two Towers and Chicago are supposed to come out in December. And I promised my sister I'll go to see both of them with her."
A comfortable silence settled in. Remy tried to focus on anything but how nice it was to cuddle Emile, especially today that all his suitemates had other obligations. It was almost time to leave for thanksgiving - those who left for thanksgiving anyway - and… it meant he wouldn't see Emile for a week.
He didn't think he was a fan of the idea.
"Can we please watch Mulan? I haven't seen it in forever!"
Remy had to oblige.
"Hello?" The tiny voice that came through the phone made Remy so happy, and he had no idea why. "Who's that?"
"Leah, aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?"
"Remy oh oh oh Remy I have so many things to tell you so yesterday I went to the park and I found a shiny rock and—"
"Leah, I called to tell you and Linda that I'm coming over for thanksgiving." The high-pitched scream almost ruptured his eardrum. "But you have to be on your best behavior, okay? I know it's a very hard thing to do, babe, but it's for Linda."
"Okay! I can behave very good!"
"I know you can, sweets. I just need you to promise me that you will."
"I promise that I will! Pinky promise! When you get here it'll be a pinky promise, okay?"
All that was left was to hope that thanksgiving won't be such a disaster.
If it was, though, Remy would start considering smuggling Leah with him to Cambridge.
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bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 2 - White
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
I weak up to the sound of my alarm. It's not difficult today for me to wake up, since I'm very nervous.
After turning off the alarm, I sit up on my bed and open the curtains next to me. The bright and warm light welcomes me and slightly heats up my sleepy face.
I slowly stand up and stretch my whole body. I can feel every bone cracking and every muscle stretching out. It's a good sensation, it makes me feel alive.
I open the door and head downstairs to the kitchen, where my mum is preparing breakfast.
"Good morning y/n, are you ready for today?" she says referring to the beginning of school.
"Yes, a bit nervous, but I guess I can do nothing about it" I say lifting a bit my shoulders.
As I eat the breakfast my mum made, I start to feel strange. The taste of this meal feels nostalgic. Like I'm going to be away from home for years, but it's actually going to be for some hours.
"Mum it was delicious" I say as soon as I finished eating.
Now I'm going up the stairs and I see again the picture with me and Rosé. Why do I feel so sad this morning? It's not the end of the world and it's not the first time I go to school. Maybe something bad will happen?
I don't want to think about this. I have to get ready now.
As I'm putting on my uniform I can feel my warm hands touching my bare skin and lifting up my clothes. Such a simple move. Like me. I have to be simple.
After a bit I finished getting ready and now I'm laying down on my bed. Unconsciously I find myself talking to the ceiling:
"I'll be back I promise. I just need to be like you. White. And everything will be alright"
I don't know why I have to be this dramatic every time.
Now I'm outside and it feels like it passed only two seconds: me waking up, having breakfast, putting on clothes and going outside. And now, as I'm walking, I realize that I'm almost at school.
I just blinked twice and I find myself in class, sitting next to Rosé, who's now complaining about Jimin. I don't know if it's me, but it actually feels like the beginning of a movie.
"...and now I find out that me and him have some classes in common!" Rosé continues talking.
I guess she really doesn't want to see Jimin. I wonder why, they look so good together. He's the bad guy and she's the good girl. I always tell her that the two of them are going to get together by the end of the year. But she doesn't want to believe me.
"So guys, that's it for today's lesson. Have a good day!" the professor says leaving us alone in the classroom. Seriously, why is time going so fast?
As I question myself about time, I hear some noises next to me.
"Oi nerd. Do the homework fast and give it to us once you're done." It's one of our classmates, that is bullying someone. I honestly can't stand this type of behaviors. I feel kinda angry right now.
Years ago I was in the same situation, being bullied because of my good grades and my shy personality. If it wasn't for Rosé, who protected me, I would still be like this.
I want to stop this bully, but as soon as I stand up I remember. "I have to be white". Right, I don't want to get in trouble.
After that scene, we walked outside of the building and now I'm walking home with Rosé who says:
"Why did you suddenly stand up earlier? Did you want to protect the guy who was being bullied?"
"I wanted to. But then...you know."
"Yeah. You didn't want to interfere. I know I know. Do you even know that poor guy?" she asks me.
Right. Do I know him? I honestly don't know. I think that, at that moment, I was too focused on being angry and mad at the bully, that I didn't even look at that guy. I hope things will change for him.
Every single other day of the week went by in the same way. Like a routine.
Waking up, having breakfast, getting dressed, going to school, having classes, assisting to people bullying other people, going home, having dinner, sleeping.
"Why is my life so flat?" I question myself looking at the ceiling.
On the other hand, Rosé's life is pretty chaotic. She told me that she had a lot to do. She also met up with Jimin to argue again. When she told me what happened, I laughed a bit. They are so cute I swear. Jimin has changed a lot since he knew Rosé.
While the only thing that changed in my life, is the anger towards bullies. Usually I would just ignore them, but this time is different. Those bullies kept asking that guy for his homework and he keeps reminding me of myself.
I couldn't say a word, I just handed them my homework and eventually started crying due to frustration. But I'm worried about him. He didn't give them his homework because he still didn't do it. They kept threatening him. I wonder what will happen next week.
I passed this weekend at home, studying obviously. But I was happy, everything was going great. There was just me, my teddy bear and the ceiling. Nothing went wrong.
As I look outside the window, I realize that is Monday morning and that another week has started.
"Great! I have to do like I did last week. Just be white. As always"
Every morning I feel the same emotions. I feel chills down my spine as I stretch my body when I get up. I feel nostalgic and sad when I eat the food my mum cooks. I feel like I'm going to lose everything, every time I look at the picture of me and my best friend. And once I get to school, it looks like nothing happened.
Now I'm having the last class of the day. As the professor says hi to us and leaves the room, I can hear those bullied. Again. I'm thinking about all the emotions I'm feeling. It was different in the past. I was kinda emotionless, except when I was with Rosé. This confusion is making me angrier. It's the first time I feel this type of emotion. Anger.
I'm literally daydreaming and I don't realize that I just stopped the bullies, putting a hand between them and the poor guy.
"What do you want?" one of those scary guys says. He's really intimidating.
I'm sweating. My worst nightmare has become true. Everybody is looking at us. I feel oppressed. The room has become black and I can only see everybody's eyes looking at me. their gaze is suffocating me and crushing my body. But then...
"Leave her alone" it's Rosé. As she defends both me and the other guy, I feel my eyes teary.
Even though those bullies are big and mighty, Rosé is more intimidating and scarier. Indeed they left right away. I don't know what's her past, even if I know her since forever. Sometimes I feel like she's the daughter of some of those rich men, that can get whatever they want with just money.
As I come back to earth I hear Rosé asking me if everything was alright. I just nod, but it feels like I didn't really answer. Then I hear another voice.
"Thank you, y/n and Rosé..." it's a boy and he's almost whispering.
I'm not really looking at him, I'm still trembling because of what just happened. I guess my life is ruined now. But then Rosé snaps her fingers in front of my eyes and this makes me turn my head towards her.
"Y/n you saved one of our classmates" she says laughing a bit "I honestly couldn't believe it. As I saw you standing up from the chair and getting in between those guys, I thought that someone was controlling your body or that you were sleepwalking" as she laughs at that, I feel a bit reassured.
She knows that her smile makes me calm down.
"I'm sorry for what happened. You didn't have to defend me ahah..." it's the same guy. This time I decide to look at him in the eyes.
"But thank you!" he says with a big smile "My name is Jungkook!"
Tumblr media
He's actually cute. What? It feels strange. Did I just find him cute? I feel anxious. Why? It's the first time a boy talks to me.
I just nod in response and then start daydreaming, again. I can hear him and Rosé talking together. They're saying something about becoming friends. The three of us.
Another week has passed and me, Rosé and Jungkook became friends. Luckily the bullies stopped asking for his homework, maybe they're too afraid of Rosé ahahah.
Now is Thursday morning and I wake up strangely. I'm so strict. I find me scolding myself for letting something new happen. Maybe I'll just allow that. After all he's just a new friend. But somehow reminds me of someone. I've been thinking about this the whole week, but I can't figure out who he looks like.
Well I guess I have to stick with this doubt of mine. I'll let it sit with all my other queries that are archived inside my brain.
I just finished washing myself and now I have to go to school. At the very moment that I step outside my door, I feel a thrill running through my spine. I'm standing still at the main entrance of my house. What was that? Was that a sign? Something will go wrong. I can feel it. I don't want to go to school, but then...
"Y/n hurry up!" is Rosé who is waiting outside my house "Hurry or else we'll be late!"
As I see her smile, I instinctively walk towards her and forget about all my worries.
Now I'm at school, sitting at my desk with Rosé and waiting for the professor. Today I'm so distracted, that I forgot to greet Jungkook. Since the professor is not here yet, I guess I can turn myself to him and say hi.
I turn my head towards his desk. But I cannot say a word.
I see double. I'm crazy. I think I'm fainting. Am I the only one that sees double? What is wrong with me? I think I'm insane. I look down at my desk and try to calm down. I rub my eyes, thinking that maybe I didn't wash my face properly this morning and then I turn my head again.
Ok, I'm definitely crazy. There are two Jungkooks.
The Jungkook I know, has a warm smile.
He's very tidy and well mannered. Then I look at the other one.
OH MY GOD HE'S LOOKING AT ME!!! I quickly turn my face the other way.
He's the complete opposite of Jungkook. He has longer hair at the top and almost shaved on the sides. He's not even wearing the uniform. They look completely different! I mean, their faces look the same, but everything else is different!
"R-Rosé...who is the guy next to Jungkook?" I whisper to my desk mate.
"Oh that one is Jungwook. They're twins if you were wondering" she says as she takes out her notebook.
"Yeah I imagined that but- WHAT?!" I shout.
"Shh the professor is about to come!" one of our classmates scolds us.
Now that all the classes ended, I can finally ask Rosé:
"Who is the other guy?"
"He's the one that was with Jimin the day before school" she answers me as she walks down the street.
That's why he reminded me of somebody. Now I can delete that doubt from my mind. I actually feel a little lighter now ahahah.
"Don't hang out with him. He's the classic bad guy that makes every girl cry. That's why he's friend with Jimin. They're the same" she scoffs as she pronounces that name.
"But it looks like Jimin is changed. I haven't seen him with a girl for a while. Perhaps..." I say and hit her shoulder with my elbow.
"Don't you even think about that!"
Now I'm eating dinner. I don't know why but my homesickness is growing. But I'm rather at school or home. So it doesn't make much sense. Maybe I'm just tired. After eating I decide to refresh my face with some cold water.
I cup my hands under the faucet and put some water in between my hands. As I splash it on my face, I feel every single drop sliding on my skin. A few drops stop at the tip of my nose for a couple of seconds and then fall into the sink. Some others are on the tip of my eyelashes, making my eyelids feel heavy. After drying up, I decide to go to bed and rest.
It's been a very long day, but for some reasons, I feel like, from now on, days are going to be much longer than they used to be.
As I slowly wake up, I hear some birds chirping outside. It's a weird sensation. I try to be as emotionless as possible, but I really can't. I feel confused. Before standing up I say just one word:
That's how I want everything to be. White.
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bughead-ficz · 7 years
Don't Touch Her//Bughead Fanfiction (C3)
Chapter 3- Tension at Pop’s
(features unnecessary awkwardness between Jughead and Archie)
It was Monday, and you know what that means. Riverdale High seemed like the perfect place to study and get an education, filled with positive and friendly students, but the brightly coloured clothing on most of the teenagers certainly didn’t reflect their personalities. The hallways roamed with douchebag jocks and bitchy females, trying to intimidate anyone who looked remotely vulnerable, like they used to do to Jughead.
Betty, even though she was saddened to not be spending as much time with him, was somewhat content in the thought that Jughead was happy at Southside High. When she first found out he’d had to transfer, she was devastated. For him, for herself, and for their relationship. She’d thought that the teasing and targeting would escalate considering that side of town was rumoured as trashy and terrorising. To be honest, she should have known better.
There were only a few Serpents who she knew for definite had actually been violent, and many more who were kind, genuine people. Take Jughead’s dad, FP, for instance, or Kevin’s boyfriend, Joaquin. Or even her own mother, the one and only Alice Cooper. But she didn’t know about her mother’s Serpent history yet.
Betty’s protective instinct had taken over and she assumed the worst of his people. But when she showed up at the high school with Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge, relief washed over her.
There was her Juggie. Sat with some other teenagers who were laughing at some quality banter Jughead had said. He looked happy, maybe even the happiest he’d ever looked around other people (except the bonny blonde of course). It was okay. He would be okay. And that information made her content.
Betty recalled the memory in her mind as she sat in class next to Veronica. She was supposed to be studying in the room since it was a free period, but as she attempted to recall the quadratic formula, or state the different products of copper, she found her mind wandering to Jughead.
Jughead was her favourite thing to think about, and rightly so. He had been there for her through so much, like everything with Polly and her parents. The beanie-wearing boy was a blessing to her, and so how could she resist dreaming about his sarcasm, or cheeky smile? God knows he thought about her just as much.
“B?” Betty was broken out of her Jughead-consumed thoughts by Veronica’s voice.
“Oh sorry V, what were you saying?” She asked, baffled.
“Well,” Veronica began with a smug grin, “I was just wondering what exactly was so charming about copper chloride.” Betty frowned, confused, causing the dark-haired girl to giggle. “Betty Cooper you’re sat there grinning at your science notes like they’ve just sang you a highly romantic serenade.” Betty giggled slightly, but then it turned sad.
“I miss him.” Veronica slipped an arm round her to rub her shoulder. “I know, B, but you can see lover-boy after you’re education is completed today.” Betty raised her eyebrows playfully, “yes Mom.”
Veronica shoved her lightly, “get back to work young lady.” And with that the two girls sat chuckling to themselves and attempted to revise pointless information.
As soon as her classes were finished, Betty practically floated out of the superficial school. She hoped to get to pops before her boyfriend, a daily thing they’d like to do- whoever gets there last pays. Sometimes he’d be sat there with a smug smile plastered onto his face which would be partially covered by his laptop screen. At first Betty would be disappointed, but only for a fraction of a second because she’d be so happy to see him after several long hours of “education”. And most of the time Jughead wished he was last, so he wouldn’t have to wait longer to see her beautiful complexion. Sometimes they just split it, no matter who got there first.
“Hey Betty!” She was broken out of her thoughts by the red-headed boy known as the one and only Archie Andrews, jogging over the street to meet her form. Her next door neighbour and one of her best friends. The two had been closer previously, before she’d confessed her romantic feeling towards him and he’d rejected her, stating she was too “perfect” for him. She hated that word. There were no hard feelings, though, because everything happens for a reason, and it led her to Jughead.
“You headed home? I can walk with you.” Archie pondered. Betty smiled discreetly before slightly shaking her head.
“I was gonna go meet up with Juggie at Pop’s.” The Andrews kid looked disappointed, even though he tried hiding it. So Betty, being Betty, invited him to join them, and it was worth it seeing his face light up.
Now don’t get it twisted, Archie greatly cared for Betty, and the excitement his face showed at that moment proved it. But they didn’t have real feeling towards each other, romantically. The feelings Betty thought she had were just a serious crush, but, now she had Jughead. And she was deeply, deeply in love with Jughead.
And as for Archie, he knew he’d somehow be involved with Veronica at some point during that very first time she walked into Pop’s whilst he and the blonde Cooper girl sat in that booth. They were currently dating, and had lost their flowers to each other. They’re relationship was strong, almost as much as Betty and Jughead’s.
A thick layer of subtle heat covered the town as Archie and Betty strolled down to Pop’s. The weather in Riverdale was mostly bipolar; some days it would be cloudy, rainy and depressing, other days, warm, bright and cheerful. Today seemed like a cheerful day.
“So have you finished your studies yet?” Betty questioned the boy next to her. He looked down as his form towered over hers.
“We’ve got ages left to do that stuff.” The blonde raised her eyebrows.
“Months. We have months Arch. With all the work we have to memorise and organise and do all the -ises with, that’s honestly not ages.” Archie looked a bit panicked, but then masked it with chill vibes.
“It’s plenty of time. And anyway, I only really need to ace football, the rest I can just get C’s in.” He argued.
They finally got to Pop’s in the middle of Betty making valid points as to why Archie should study. It was slightly hypocritical since she’d been doing the exact opposite of that whilst she was sat with Veronica earlier on in the day. But that wasn’t B’s fault. She was… distracted.
Distracted by the thought of the exact boy who was already at the pair’s typical booth. He sat buried within the screen of his silver laptop. Sloppily, his fingers danced along the keyboard as the brain within his skull kept bursting with ideas. Betty loved watching him type, to her it was mesmerising to watch him doing his passion.
Noticing their arrival, he flashed them a grin. The two slid into the booth, Betty next to her boyfriend, and Archie across from them.
“Hey Jug,” Betty quickly kissed his cheek, neither of them being much into PDA.
“How was the cliché hellhole?” Jughead’s personality was blunt and sarcastic, he had many great qualities, but when he spoke those specific two mostly dripped from his mouth. Betty liked it though, it made her giggle.
“Same as usual. Boring. Dragged a lot.” Betty looked over at Archie, silently telling him to respond too.
“Mine was fine to be honest. Coach taught us these cool new techniques to use for the game on Friday. Now my hand’s healed, it’s loads easier to play.”
Jughead frowned slightly, ignoring the three milkshakes and portion of fries being placed on the surface in front of him.
“You didn’t mention there was a game on Friday?” He question Betty, confused. The blonde didn’t seem phased.
“Yeah there is but I didn’t think you’d want to go.” She replied, “you never liked going to them whilst you were at Riverdale, but it’s okay.”
Jughead objected, “no, I want to go.” He said, unexpectedly. It caused Betty to be surprised at the sudden out-of-character statement. “You’re a cheerleader, and, you know, we’re together. So I wanna be there… for you.” He smiled shyly.
Betty stared into the blue eyes of her boyfriend. She imagined herself getting lost in them, drowning in the deep periwinkle crests of them. And she thought to herself, what a beautiful way to die.
Jughead returned the gesture as his eyes darted around her features. He wanted to remove her tight hair band and see her silky hair flow freely so he could intertwine his hands in the soft meadow that was her hair, and be absorbed by her rosé-coloured lips. He imagined those lips kissing him until all the oxygen was used up. And he thought to himself, what a beautiful way to die.
The two were dragged out of there thoughts when the Andrews boy cleared his throat. It was as if they were two entranced seahorses being un rightly trapped in a net, and Archie was the fisherman pulling them out of the mesmerising ocean and onto the hard, cold surface of his boat.
“So, anyway,” he began as the two broke eye contact from each other. Jughead rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed of Archie popping their bubble, but Betty, being the sweet girl she was, smiled apologetically. “The routine the vixens are doing is pretty good.”
“Funny that you say that Arch, because believe it or not, Cheryl actually let me choreograph some of it.” Betty stated proudly.
“Riverdale’s very own ‘HBIC’ let you choreograph her pride and joy?” Jughead raised his eyebrows, not accusingly, but curiously. The last time the Blossom girl had done something out of character, the core four had found her attempting to take her own life.
“Yep,” Betty smiled, “basically, she was yelling at us and going off on one because apparently we weren’t doing her choreo correctly, she said some really horrible things to some of the girls. She started bringing up Veronica’s dad and his… current predicament. So I just… exploded on her, I guess,” the two boys listened to each word Betty spoke, intrigued by the story. Archie’s jaw clenched tightly when Betty mentioned Cheryl offending Veronica, but kept it shut so the soft-lipped girl could continue.
“I just got so angry and I told her…” Betty trailed off and Jughead raised his eyebrows as so say “go on”.
Betty took a deep breath, “I told her that her choreography was crap anyway, that’s why no one could be bothered to do it.”
Jughead burst out laughing and Archie sniggered. “It’s not funny, she could have kicked me off the squad!” Betty explained, but then giggled too.
“Anyway, she challenged me to make better choreography than her, and if I could then she’d replace hers with it. And well, everyone voted for mine.” She smirked smugly, but humbly at the same time.
“I can’t wait to see it.” Jughead grinned.
“Well done Betty,” Archie smiled, “so which parts were yours?”
“Oh you know, the shimmy bit, the bit at the front, the pom pom section… everything except the end position. I’m just so grateful that-” Betty was cut off by a ping noise. She pulled out her phone and read something, but it was put back into her schoolbag before Jughead could even read what it was.
“Who was that?” Archie questioned.
“I have to go.” Betty stated hurriedly, before getting up, ignoring Archie’s question. As she she got up from the seat, Jughead’s arm felt cold and bare, no longer feeling the smooth material of her jacket.
“Why? What’s wrong,” Jughead looked up quizzically at his girl. Her face was covered with fear and anxiety.
“It’s Polly, she’s in hospital, my mum just texted me. Something’s wrong with the babies.”
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