#he wears hair clips and ring on the string as necklace
flurpyz · 5 months
Gravity Falls OC
Today is the day, guys. Let me introduce you to my OC Joseph E. Miller! Joe for friends.
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Joseph was born on February 17th, 1949. In 1959 his family moves to New Jersey, where he meets Pines twins. They become close friends, but 6 years later Joe leaves town without a warning. In 1967 he goes to Backupsmore University, where in 1969 he meets one of the twins again. Joseph graduates in 1971 and goes back to hometown to help run his parents’ store. In 1977 he goes on a trip around the country on saved up money. 2 years later he runs into Stetson Pinefield. They travel together for a while, but get parted after an accident. Joseph continues travelling until he comes across a newspaper with the news of Stan Pines' death. He immediately heads to Gravity Falls in 1985 to check on old friend.
So yeah, here it is! In this timeline Pines twins were born on June 15th, 1951 (I rely on fordtato’s timeline from their video essay), what makes Joseph two years older. By the way, I would appreciate asks about him<3
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0asterous0 · 9 days
Prologue, Part Three.
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"Open the door and let the person in, helping them to hide away from the rain." - Previous chapter.
Honestly, Grian wanted to ignore the person and continue cleaning, because after that morning he needed time for himself. Still, hearing the pouring rain outside and seeing the person standing there without an umbrella, he kind of felt guilty. He knew that he would probably regret it, but he still turned around and walked up to the door. Who knows, maybe the person outside is one of the regulars, and by ignoring them, he will ruin the reputation of this place. Seeing as it got very popular in Boatem recently, that would be quite bad for business.  
The second the door was open, the person behind it happily slipped in, finally in safety from the rain. By a single glance, Grian could tell that this person was not a regular. He didn’t think he'd ever seen them around, because he would surely remember someone so colorful like this. The stranger was wearing a very baggy sweater (which of course by this point was soaked in water) which contained probably every color of the rainbow. One sleeve was in red and orange, the second in purple and pink, while the front of the jumper had bits and pieces of red, green, and yellow (why??) with a swirl symbol made of squared-off lines instead of a circle. You would think this was enough, but no! His brown curly hair was full of colorful hair clips, some in the shapes of hearts, some in stars. He also had an interesting amount of watches on his hands, 5 on each. Grian could hear every tick– how this person was not annoyed by them he couldn’t understand. Somehow, the other’s green baggy pants were the only normal thing in his outfit; and even then, it had a ridiculous amount of colorful patches all scattered on it. Grian could see him wearing two golden rings, one on each hand and an additional two attached to a string necklace. This man sure loved his jewelry.
“Ah! I’m so sorry for bursting in so early! Thank you so much!” just the ah already made Grian regret his choice of letting this person in. He sounded so cheerful and energetic, even more than Ren, and oh void. His voice was high-pitched, and Grian could hear a giggle in every word. Looking up and noticing the grin on the customer’s face, he was about to feel very annoyed when he suddenly stopped on the man’s eyes. He finally noticed probably the most peculiar thing about this person; his eyes were fully white.
“It’s.. not a problem, but we are still closed so I hope you don’t mind if I-”
“No, no, it’s okay!! I’m gonna just sit here and wait! Don’t worry about me.” As the stranger said it, he immediately moved towards the closest table, sitting down and playing with his hair to get out as much water as possible. How he did that so quickly without asking for directions, or a stick to guide him, Grian didn’t understand. Maybe he wasn’t blind after all, maybe it was his mutation because something was telling Grian that the guy was enchanted. If he learned anything in his life, it’s that enchantments manifested very differently, so something like this wouldn’t be a surprise.
After all, Grian was an avian living under the same roof as a dog mutant, who was he to judge the enchantment of someone else?  
“Are you gonna continue or are you gonna just stare at me like that?” The stranger asked with another giggle, his eyes immediately locking onto Grian’s.
“Uh- Yeah, sorry!” Grian said, startled, and turned back towards the tables to take down the chairs that were left. Yeah, the stranger could see him, there’s no way he couldn’t. Looking up, the clock showed 15 minutes before opening, which meant he didn’t have much time to stay there and think about how unnerving this whole thing was. 
It was very strange, even for Grian. The guy didn’t do anything wrong, and yet Grian could feel those eyes on his back, and that look… It felt like he was looking not at Grian, but through him. Needless to say, Grian wasn’t very good with stuff like that. Out of everything he had, he valued privacy the most. He never had that back in his childhood, growing up between the white walls; but now out in the real world, he’s happy to have some secrecy, to have something of his own. Feeling so… naked in front of someone felt terrifying as if the stranger just threw all his secrets and tragic childhood backstory back at him. Ugh.
“You live in Boatem, right?” The customer suddenly asked, startling Grain out of his thoughts. But he apparently already knew (or didn’t really want) the answer, because before Grian even said something, he asked another question. “I’m here for the first time! Can you suggest a place to visit, maybe?”
“Oh, it’s your first time in Boatem?” Grian asked, tilting his head and swiping a piece of cloth on the table, getting rid of all the dust that formed overnight. 
“Not just that, actually!” they said, overly enthusiastic, “It’s my first time in Hermittopia!”
“What?” Now that confused Grain even more. How was that even possible? “You’ve… never been to the Shopping district?”
“Nope,” the Stranger answered with a popping sound.
Maybe it’s not as bad as Grian thought; these places are very important for Hermittopia, but they aren’t for the other citie- No, who is he lying to? He can understand not going to Hermitland, even though it’s the biggest amusement park ever, but the Shopping district? Yes, other cities have their markets too– especially Empires, but the Shopping district is basically the heart of the Esempi; a place where you can find anything, the main trading center. And yes, anything means anything, Grian knows for a fact that there’s even a black market somewhere in that area. The thought sometimes scares him.
Grian, ever so curious, starts, “Can I ask where… well-”
“Kinoko, Dreamlands,” the stranger interrupts him nonchalantly. 
“Oh, Dreamlands! That’s… far from Boatem, you’ve come a long way, are you here for something specific? If you’re a tourist, yeah, I can definitely suggest some places, I think.” He rounds around the counter and runs the cloth on the surface, before moving to the sink behind and quickly washing it, all dust and dirt down the drain. 
He has never been to Dreamlands before. Well, he hasn’t been outside Hermittopia whatsoever, so even Empires, their on-land neighbor city, was a mystery to him. He has seen both of them, though. He remembers growing up on the outskirts of the Perimeter, close to the Coral Islands, which overlooked the sea below them and stretched far away. He couldn’t see much from that distance, but he does remember the land on the other side of the water– L’manberg, if he’s not mistaken. He remembers the beautiful fireworks on New Years and the glowing lanterns they sent up to the sky every summer, followed by the loudest festivals he had ever seen; and a few years ago, when first searching for a job in Boatem, he was close to the west border a few times to see a small village – Tumble, which is located on the southwest corner of the map. It looked nothing like Boatem. While Boatem was overflowing with giant buildings, from the living complexes to the cooperative constructions, Tumble was a small village: little houses with no more than two stores. He remembers looking down at it from the office building, and seeing the farms scattered all around. It was probably nice living on a farm, with animals as your only company. That’s… basically the closest he has even been to other cities. 
“I’m here for work! Have a meeting with someone later on, but I do plan to visit some places after that. I don’t think being a tourist for a day or two will harm my schedule, I have freedom in my work, you know.” No. Grian, in fact, does not know, because he spent the last three years working in this cafe without a real break. Almost every day these past years his life was just to wake up, go to work, come back, eat, sleep, and repeat. 
“Yeah, I know,” He says, deciding to humor the stranger. “Well, If you’d like to buy something you probably can’t find back in Kinoko, I would suggest going to the shopping district. You can’t come to Hermittopia and not go shopping. Great place to grab a souvenir. But also Hermitland, everyone needs to visit that place at least once, it’s amazing.”
Grian remembers being to Hermitland two years ago when he and Ren first moved in, and Ren decided that it would be a great idea to celebrate. He can’t say that he didn’t enjoy it; yeah, it was very stressful with far too many people around, and non-stop screaming and loud talking, but it was still fun. At least he didn’t have to suffer alone. At some point, both Grian and Ren had to grab noise-canceling headphones, which the Hermitland staff were kind enough to give away, considering their mutation. By the end of the day, they both looked like kicked puppies, and Grian isn’t even a dog!
Huh… Maybe he and Ren can go there again this year after Grian is done moping. Who knows.
“Right! The amusement park! My friends asked me to go with them last year, but I couldn’t. I think it’s a great idea to go now, I would love to see it, especially now that they have a whole new section open! What was the name?” The stranger mumbled under his breath.
“Scarland,” Grian quickly supplies, recalling the day of the opening of Scarland. Hermitland is not far from Boatem, the opposite actually; it takes an hour to get there, but he never had any problems with being so close to the place… Until almost a year ago, that is. The Scarland opening was a huge event, they could hear the music and fireworks even back at their apartment, which was insane. Yet another confession: Grian was not surprised when that happened. Scarland was the center of attention for a lot of people, for a long time, with the man behind the place overtaking the internet– not only inside, but outside Hermittopia.
“Yeah! Scarland! It was designed by Scar Goodtimes, right? The Hotguy?” Grian nods, his attention now fully back to the stranger. The man was holding his chin up with his hands, his elbows on the table while he whistled. “The name suits him, he’s hot.”
“Well-” Grian made a choking sound, immediately looking away, while the man giggled. “He is, yeah,”
As a total gay mess, Grian cannot deny that the man was attractive, but his demeanor and chase after popularity– which he showed in almost every single interview– kinda threw it all away. 
He’s working with the government, Grian. His mind reminded him, and… Yeah. They all are the same. He acts like he works for people, but he’s not, none of them do. 
He can feel his hands starting to shake and his mind becoming fuzzy. The stranger was saying something, but he couldn’t hear anything over his own breath, loudly echoing in his ears.
He probably knows about you, about them.
He drops the glass and it’s a miracle it doesn’t shatter in a sink. He doesn’t even remember taking the glass in the first place, was he trying to get some water? Right, he was probably doing just that. 
“Grian?” He jumps, turning around to face the customer, who stops energetically speaking, now looking at him with melancholic eyes. “Is everything alright? I hope I’m not getting on your nerves, people sometimes can’t deal with me when I start talking non-stop,” he says with a giggle. This man giggles a lot, doesn’t he?
“Yeah, I’m alright, sorry, The glass just slipped,” he said, trying to switch attention to something else. He does not need to think about it all right now. Suddenly there’s a slight buzzing sound and the stranger looks down at his clock, turning it off.
“I’m gonna be late to the meeting if I don’t leave soon, ah,” The stranger sounded very disappointed with the news. Grian looked up at the clock and noticed that it was just under five minutes left before the opening. The stranger could probably wait a bit longer and, if he wanted to buy anything, do it after opening; but after the past few minutes he would feel kinda guilty making him wait even longer.
“I… can take an order, if you want,” He suggested, glancing back at the man, who looked up at him with a giant grin on his face.
“You can? Oh, that would be so lovely! I’m usually good with people, but even I don’t know if the person will be good with me coming in late,” He said with a nervous giggle. “I don’t need much, a mocha and a chocolate cookie will be enough, thank you!”
Grian quickly nodded, turning back towards the coffee machine. “That would be $4.20”
“Huh? Are you sure?” The stranger asked from behind. The voice sounded wary but at the same time… not? It’s like he still had his childish grin on his face, and he knew it would happen. “I don't think that’s right.”
“Cookie is on the house,” Grian responded, sending a quick smile towards him. 
Honestly, Grain didn’t know why he was doing this. He doesn’t remember doing this even once in all his years in the cafe, so why? He was in a bad mood today, the second he woke up, and then the whole thing with Ren… The rain… But a 10-minute talk with this man somehow managed to give him the energy that he needed. Either Grain is finally losing his mind, or the stranger was indeed an Enchanted. He would have loved a power like that. If it was a power after all.
“Aww! Thank you, Grian, This place has great customer service, not a surprise that I’ve heard so many compliments about it, people love it here!” Grian would gladly point out that it was kinda not true. Yeah, they were popular, yeah people loved the cafe, but Grian was not the reason why. Out of all the people here, Grain was probably the most hated, which meant that he was the only one hated. There’s no way someone hated either Stress or Jevin, they were fun to have around. 
Slowly pouring the mocha into a special Double Hearted to-go cup, he turned around, seeing the money on the counter with the stranger standing over it and bouncing on his feet. He quickly grabbed two cookies with the tongs, putting them in a small bag, and placed it with the mocha on the counter, taking the money. 
“Enjoy!” He says with a smile, putting the money in the cash register while the stranger smiles back.
“I sure will! Might hop back here before I leave the city later, I hope I’ll see you once again, it was nice to talk to you! Will make sure to visit Hermitland before going home.”
“Have fun there! I’m sure it won’t disappoint you,” The stranger gave him an odd smile after hearing this, which caught him off guard for a second. It wasn’t creepy or anything, just slightly… unsettling.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m hard to disappoint. I’m always up for anything, can’t get used to the calmness, you know? You shouldn’t either!” Huh? What is that supposed to mean?
“Why shouldn’t I?” He asks, his eyebrows raising.
“Life is a strange thing, Grian, it doesn’t just… calm down, it’s always up to something! If you think that your life is calm or boring, well… you’ll be in for a surprise; just hope that the surprise will be good for you.” With that, the stranger gives him one last giggle, before turning around with his mocha and cookies in hand and moving towards the door. “Don’t forget that! You might think that your life is predictable, but it’s not, so always be ready! Byyyee, Grian!”
Grian stands there for a few minutes after the door shuts behind the stranger. That was… by far the most bizarre thing that happened to him this week! That’s something! He lets out an annoyed sigh, regretting the free cookies given. He should have gotten the full price, but– well, a little late for that now.
He tries not to think about the man and his strange last words for the next few hours. At some point, he completely forgets what happened in the morning. People come and go, the cafe as always being a little overcrowded, and he has to deal with it alone until eleven o’clock hits, and Stress finally arrives for her shift. They exchange quick hello and hi’s, before she disappears back in the staff room to get dressed; because while Grain loved putting the uniform on back at home, Stress did it here, walking around Boatem in her beautiful flower dresses. 
“Okay, what about this,” Stress starts the moment she comes back. “I can take care of the counter and coffee, while you count everything. We need to see what we have left before placing the order today.”
“Oh, yeah, I can do that, let me finish this and I’m gonna check up on everything,” Grian answers, pouring another cup of coffee.
“Great! Also, you don’t have your name tag on,” Stress moves around him, greeting another person in front and starting to take an order, when her words finally get to him. He didn’t? 
Grian looks down at his chest, noticing that yes, his name tag was missing today. He might have forgotten it back home, his head was all fuzzy, with him trying to leave the apartment as soon as possible. But… how? Wait... 
It had been so many hours ago that he hadn't thought about that conversation, but now it was all coming back, confusing Grian even more; because didn’t the man… huh, he’s pretty sure he did use his name. Not once, but twice. They’d never met before, Grian is sure of that, so how did he-?
Agh, this is so confusing, what the heck?!
Grian decided he didn’t want to think about it anymore. That man was strange, he knew that the second he entered the cafe, so there was nothing new there. Maybe it was his enchantment. Yes! Exactly! An enchantment giving an ability to know people's names, why not? For now, he will roll with that, because he does not have the energy nor the desire to think about it any longer.
4 pm hits the clock soon enough, announcing the end of Grian’s shift. 
“I can stay another hour if you want,” He tells Stress, looking at her from the other side of the counter. He was already leaving, but looking at more people approaching, he felt guilty for leaving her alone with this crowd.
“It’s okay, luv, Jevin will be here soon enough. I don’t mind working alone, you know that.” Well, he does, but it doesn’t change the guilt he’s feeling.
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“Okay, I'll leave you to it then!” He says, waving at her and leaving. He looks down at his phone, checking for any new messages, thinking maybe Ren texted him something (which he did a lot) but his DMs were empty. Well fuck, he upset him even more than he thought, didn’t he? Or was it something else? Agh.
He was almost at his apartment when something suddenly exploded a few streets away, sending a terrifying sound around. He notices people running out from around the corner, screaming, and takes a step back. 
For fucks sake, of course it had to happen right now, right when he was passing by– his day just can’t get any better! He wants to turn around and go back to the cafe, another hour of work will be great! But the second he actually turns, he hears another scream coming from the street around the corner.
“Mom?!” Well fuck. He waits a second, hoping to hear a woman's voice, but starts shaking when he notices that the response never came. It was a girl, no older than an age between 9 and 11; she sounded so young and so fucking terrified. What happened to her mother? Did she lose her in this mess? Or was she attacked and now laying dead in front of- No. No, no, no, Grian stop thinking about it.  He wanted to run away, he wanted to hide, but the screams of the little girl still echoed around the street (or maybe just the walls of his own mind-), and he couldn’t move. He needs- He- He needs to-
'-.° Masterpost - Next Part °.-'
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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NAME  :    portgas  d.  ace  (  previously  carried  the  name  of  gol  d.  ace  ) EYE COLOUR  :    hazelnut  brown  with  a  shade  of  scarlet  after  rouge. HAIR STYLE  /  COLOUR  :    naturally raven black color. coarse texture, wavy  and  medium  long  with a curtain bang  style. HEIGHT  :    7'1".  
CLOTHING STYLE  :    modest  clothing,  shorts  that  reach  the  knees  in  relation  to  the  length  ,  black  in  color,  at  the  left  leg  he  has  an  attached  blue  pouch  and  a  hunting  knife  clipped  with  a  chain  to  his  belt.  a  big  silver,  square  buckle  with  the  letter  a  engraved  in  the  center.  black  ankle-length  boots  with  a  hard  sole  and  round  studs  on  either  side.  usually  missing  a  shirt  to  expose  the  back  tattoo  and  log  pose  with  white  -  red  stripped  bracelet  on  left  wrist.  on  the  index  finger  on  the  right  hand  obsidian  black  ring.  his  style  quite  simple  in  nature,  a  preference  for  plaid  flannel  shirts,  tank  tops  and  long  black  coats.  after  rehabilitation,  he  wears  black  leather  cowboy  boots.  dark  brown  cowboy  hat  made  of  fur  felt  -  beaver  fur.  beaver  hats  are  considered  to  be  the  "gold  standard,"  as  it  has  water-repelling  qualities,  is  durable,  and  his  hair  interlocks  well.  red  string  attached  to  the  length  reaching  to  the  chest  area  with  a  round,  wooden  pedant  with  a  skull  within  it  and  a  strand  of  horse  hair  hanging  from  the  middle  of  it.  around  his  neck  a  necklace  made  of  red  beads,  the  same  as  he  wears  on  his  hat  along  with  two  pedants  of  a  frown  and  a  grin  attached  to  the  hat's  beads.  in  his  ear  he  has  two  piercings  where  in  one  he  wears  a  gold  earring  with  a  heart  symbol.  noticeable  piercings  in  his  nipples  and  belly.  
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE  :    freckles.  sprinkled  all  over  his  cheeks  and  a  little  on  the  bridge  of  his  nose,  on  his  shoulders  and  back.  he  has  a  few  moles  ;  one  on  the  side  of  his  neck,  on  his  left  shoulder  blade  and  near  his  navel
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FEARS  :    abandonment.  whether  by  his  loved  ones  or  abandonment  of  control  over  himself  and  the  situation  in  which  he  finds  himself.  after  eating  flame  fruit  big  anxiety  about  losing  control  over  the  fire  just  as  he  couldn't  control  the  fire  in  gray  terminal,  a  temporary  fear  lingering  until  he  learned  full  control  of  his  own  body  while  crashing  on  sixis  island.  fear  of  giving  in  to  the  spiral  of  rage  and  hurting  people  close  to  him.
GUILTY PLEASURE  :    arson.  despite  barely  surviving  the  fire  as  a  child,  ace  finds  a  certain  strange  peace  in  the  fire.  not  only  his  own,  but  as  well  as  that  which  may  appear  on  the  tip  of  a  match.  setting  on  fire  little  things  to  put  them  out  a  few  seconds  later.  during  depressive  episodes,  alcohol  and  gambling.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE  :    using  authority  as  a  matter  of  bringing  justice.  unwillingness  to  act  by  own  morals  but  using  military  force  to  punish  people  who  do  not  deserve  punishment.  of  the  more  noticeable  on  a  daily  basis,  very  small  letters  in  books  and  on  texts.  ace  has  difficulty  reading  through  dyslexia  and  the  cluster  of  small  letters  makes  it  difficult  for  him.
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE  :    before  joining  the  whitebeard  crew,  ace's  greatest  ambition  was  to  defeat  all  yonko  and  warlords  to  become  a  legendary  pirate  and  wash  his  biological  father's  name  off  the  pages  of  history,  to  start  a  new  pirate  era  in  his  own  right.  during  his  time  on  whitebeard  crew  ace  wanted  to  make  his  father  edward  become  a  pirate  king  at  any  cost.  now,  continue  the  search  for  blackbeard  to  inflict  the  greatest  punishment  for  the  wrongs  he  caused  against  his  family,  friends  and  trafalgar.
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FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP  :    i  just  have  to  survive  this  day.  i'm  sleepy,  i'm  hungry.  i  reek  of  booze.  where's  the  meat.  why  does  this  sun  have  to  be  so  glaring.  can't  be  weak.  just  do  what  you  do  and  go  forward.
THEY THINK ABOUT MOST  :    when  he  finally  learns  the  truth  about  who  he  is.  has  he  already  learned  the  answer  to  his  question  or  is  this  just  the  beginning.  who  his  parents  really  were.  why  does  everyone  love  someone  who  is  good  for  nothing.  is  law  keeping  him  here  out  of  favor.  why  doesn't  he  deserve  to  live.  is  luffy  safe.  what's  for  dinner  tonight
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED  :    why  am  i  even  alive  ?  /  maybe  sengoku  was  right,  i  killed  her.  /  when  will  it  all  end.  /  maybe  not  today,  maybe  not  tomorrow  but  i'll  get  him.  /  i'd  like  to  be  able  to  feel  something  more  for  once  /  when  will  i  finally  be  able  to  know  the  answer  to  that  question  ?  maybe  i  already  know  them  but  i  don't  quite  know  /  god,  what  do  i  do  with  all  this  survival  ?  /  i  wonder  if  sabo  is  also  lookin'  at  the  stars,  wherever  his  soul  has  gone  /  i  hope  luffy  is  alright.  /  i  miss  her,  i  miss  my  mother.  i  wish  i  could  know  her.  /  maybe  i'm  lucky  in  the  cards,  but  they  never  said  what's  next.  /  i'm  still  a  devil  child,  ain't  i  ?  /  why  it  all  sounds  like  a  terrible  lie,  and  when  i  open  my  eyes  it  turns  out  to  be  just  a  dream.  /  will  i  give  in  to  anger  once  again  ?  
WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS  :    hunting  and  survival  skills.  in  spite  of  everything  ace  not  being  an  incredibly  intellectual  person  in  scientific  fields,  he  is  incredibly  trained  in  practice  and  combat  fights.  he  himself  also  believes  that  he  has  a  pretty  good  sense  of  humor  and  that  he  has  never  abandoned  morality  no  matter  what.
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SINGLE OR GROUP DATES  :     single.  but  they  also  can  be  sometimes  troublesome  when  ace  isn't  very  sure  how  to  approach  someone  and  let  alone  believe  this  isn't  some  kind  of  a  joke.
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED  :     previously  to  be  respected  because  of  his  goal  to  reach  peaks  of  piratehood,  deep  down  inside  to  be  loved.
BEAUTY OR BRAINS  :    on  one  -  night  stands,  beauty  but  overall  brains.
DOGS OR CATS  :     cats  !  despite  being  dog  coded  ace  has  a  soft  spot  for  cats.  especially  after  he  saved  his  lynx  from  a  hunter's  trap  and  it  got  badly  attached  to  him.  more  than  anyone  did  previously.
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♠️  𝐃𝐎    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘…
LIE  :     he  does.  especially  about  his  past.  ace  is  a  professional  liar,  after  all  he  is  a  pirate  not  a  saint.  he  would  not  be  able  to  tell  the  whole  truth  to  someone  he  barely  knows,  especially  about  who  he  is.  sometimes  he  could  lie  to  his  brothers  or  people  who  are  close  to  him  to  avoid  treatment  as  if  he  were  weak.  ace  doesn't  want  to  admit  his  weaknesses  and  it's  very  hard  for  him  to  show  them.  he's  also  a  very  good  liar  when  it  comes  to  gambling.  especially  if  it's  just  small  games  in  which  he  can  cheat.
BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES  :     it's  very  depending.  ace  believes  in  his  physical  strength  as  well  as  his  skills  in  combat.  he  is  very  confident  in  them,  which  was  evident  from  childhood  when  he  considered  himself  stronger  than  sabo  or  luffy.  but  in  reality,  without  their  help,  he  would  not  have  accomplished  what  he  did,  even  while  hunting  game  or  rescuing  people  from  a  fire.  if  it  wasn't  for  dadan  he  and  luffy  would  probably  have  died.  ace,  however,  doesn't  believe  he  belongs  in  the  real  world,  and  even  though  as  an  adult  he  has  completely  different  things  on  his  mind,  or  even  as  a  commanding  officer  on  a  ship  there  are  some  thoughts  and  inconsistencies  in  the  back  of  his  head.
BELIEVE IN LOVE  :     he  wishes  he  could  truly  believe  in  love.
WANT SOMEONE  :     to  finally  make  him  feel  something.
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♠️  𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑…
BEEN ON STAGE  :     no,  never.  maybe  as  an  entertaiment  for  people  watching  the  attempt  of  his  execution.
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN  :     hard  time  to  believe  it's  really  him.
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FAVOURITE COLOUR  :     orange,  like  his  flames.
FAVOURITE ANIMAL  :     lynx,  because  of  kotatsu  -  his  pet.
FAVOURITE BOOK  :      ace  doesn't  read,  simply.
FAVOURITE GAME  :     eating  on  time  with  people  who  are  his  friends,  board  games  on  the  ship  and  drawing  awful  things  on  people's  faces  when  they're  asleep.
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♠️  𝐀𝐆𝐄.
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE  :      29  years.
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I LOVE  :   meat,  any  kind  of  food  and  rye  whiskey  for  the  long  nights.
I FEEL  :    unsure  of  who  i  am.
I HIDE  :    behind  the  anger  i  always  experienced.
I MISS  :    my  mother.
I WISH  :    to  know  if  it  was  okay  for  me  to  be  born.
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tagged ; i stole it tagging ; @goreburdened / @celestiialnotes / @renjisei & whoever else wants to do it <; 3
7 notes · View notes
acepedia · 9 months
NAME  :    portgas  d.  ace  (  previously  carried  the  name  of  gol  d.  ace  ) EYE COLOUR  :    hazelnut  brown  with  a  shade  of  scarlet  after  rouge. HAIR STYLE  /  COLOUR  :    naturally raven black color. coarse texture, wavy  and  medium  long  with a curtain bang  style. HEIGHT  :    7'1".  
CLOTHING STYLE  :    modest  clothing,  shorts  that  reach  the  knees  in  relation  to  the  length  ,  black  in  color,  at  the  left  leg  he  has  an  attached  blue  pouch  and  a  hunting  knife  clipped  with  a  chain  to  his  belt.  a  big  silver,  square  buckle  with  the  letter  a  engraved  in  the  center.  black  ankle-length  boots  with  a  hard  sole  and  round  studs  on  either  side.  usually  missing  a  shirt  to  expose  the  back  tattoo  and  log  pose  with  white  -  red  stripped  bracelet  on  left  wrist.  on  the  index  finger  on  the  right  hand  obsidian  black  ring.  his  style  quite  simple  in  nature,  a  preference  for  plaid  flannel  shirts,  tank  tops  and  long  black  coats.  after  rehabilitation,  he  wears  black  leather  cowboy  boots.  dark  brown  cowboy  hat  made  of  fur  felt  -  beaver  fur.  beaver  hats  are  considered  to  be  the  "gold  standard,"  as  it  has  water-repelling  qualities,  is  durable,  and  his  hair  interlocks  well.  red  string  attached  to  the  length  reaching  to  the  chest  area  with  a  round,  wooden  pedant  with  a  skull  within  it  and  a  strand  of  horse  hair  hanging  from  the  middle  of  it.  around  his  neck  a  necklace  made  of  red  beads,  the  same  as  he  wears  on  his  hat  along  with  two  pedants  of  a  frown  and  a  grin  attached  to  the  hat's  beads.  in  his  ear  he  has  two  piercings  where  in  one  he  wears  a  gold  earring  with  a  heart  symbol.  noticeable  piercings  in  his  nipples  and  belly.  
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE  :    freckles.  sprinkled  all  over  his  cheeks  and  a  little  on  the  bridge  of  his  nose,  on  his  shoulders  and  back.  he  has  a  few  moles  ;  one  on  the  side  of  his  neck,  on  his  left  shoulder  blade  and  near  his  navel
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FEARS  :    abandonment.  whether  by  his  loved  ones  or  abandonment  of  control  over  himself  and  the  situation  in  which  he  finds  himself.  after  eating  flame  fruit  big  anxiety  about  losing  control  over  the  fire  just  as  he  couldn't  control  the  fire  in  gray  terminal,  a  temporary  fear  lingering  until  he  learned  full  control  of  his  own  body  while  crashing  on  sixis  island.  fear  of  giving  in  to  the  spiral  of  rage  and  hurting  people  close  to  him.
GUILTY PLEASURE  :    arson.  despite  barely  surviving  the  fire  as  a  child,  ace  finds  a  certain  strange  peace  in  the  fire.  not  only  his  own,  but  as  well  as  that  which  may  appear  on  the  tip  of  a  match.  setting  on  fire  little  things  to  put  them  out  a  few  seconds  later.  during  depressive  episodes,  alcohol  and  gambling.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE  :    using  authority  as  a  matter  of  bringing  justice.  unwillingness  to  act  by  own  morals  but  using  military  force  to  punish  people  who  do  not  deserve  punishment.  of  the  more  noticeable  on  a  daily  basis,  very  small  letters  in  books  and  on  texts.  ace  has  difficulty  reading  through  dyslexia  and  the  cluster  of  small  letters  makes  it  difficult  for  him.
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE  :    before  joining  the  whitebeard  crew,  ace's  greatest  ambition  was  to  defeat  all  yonko  and  warlords  to  become  a  legendary  pirate  and  wash  his  biological  father's  name  off  the  pages  of  history,  to  start  a  new  pirate  era  in  his  own  right.  during  his  time  on  whitebeard  crew  ace  wanted  to  make  his  father  edward  become  a  pirate  king  at  any  cost.  now,  continue  the  search  for  blackbeard  to  inflict  the  greatest  punishment  for  the  wrongs  he  caused  against  his  family,  friends  and  trafalgar.
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FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP  :    i  just  have  to  survive  this  day.  i'm  sleepy,  i'm  hungry.  i  reek  of  booze.  where's  the  meat.  why  does  this  sun  have  to  be  so  glaring.  can't  be  weak.  just  do  what  you  do  and  go  forward.
THEY THINK ABOUT MOST  :    when  he  finally  learns  the  truth  about  who  he  is.  has  he  already  learned  the  answer  to  his  question  or  is  this  just  the  beginning.  who  his  parents  really  were.  why  does  everyone  love  someone  who  is  good  for  nothing.  is  law  keeping  him  here  out  of  favor.  why  doesn't  he  deserve  to  live.  is  luffy  safe.  what's  for  dinner  tonight
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED  :    why  am  i  even  alive  ?  /  maybe  sengoku  was  right,  i  killed  her.  /  when  will  it  all  end.  /  maybe  not  today,  maybe  not  tomorrow  but  i'll  get  him.  /  i'd  like  to  be  able  to  feel  something  more  for  once  /  when  will  i  finally  be  able  to  know  the  answer  to  that  question  ?  maybe  i  already  know  them  but  i  don't  quite  know  /  god,  what  do  i  do  with  all  this  survival  ?  /  i  wonder  if  sabo  is  also  lookin'  at  the  stars,  wherever  his  soul  has  gone  /  i  hope  luffy  is  alright.  /  i  miss  her,  i  miss  my  mother.  i  wish  i  could  know  her.  /  maybe  i'm  lucky  in  the  cards,  but  they  never  said  what's  next.  /  i'm  still  a  devil  child,  ain't  i  ?  /  why  it  all  sounds  like  a  terrible  lie,  and  when  i  open  my  eyes  it  turns  out  to  be  just  a  dream.  /  will  i  give  in  to  anger  once  again  ?  
WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS  :    hunting  and  survival  skills.  in  spite  of  everything  ace  not  being  an  incredibly  intellectual  person  in  scientific  fields,  he  is  incredibly  trained  in  practice  and  combat  fights.  he  himself  also  believes  that  he  has  a  pretty  good  sense  of  humor  and  that  he  has  never  abandoned  morality  no  matter  what.
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SINGLE OR GROUP DATES  :     single.  but  they  also  can  be  sometimes  troublesome  when  ace  isn't  very  sure  how  to  approach  someone  and  let  alone  believe  this  isn't  some  kind  of  a  joke.
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED  :     previously  to  be  respected  because  of  his  goal  to  reach  peaks  of  piratehood,  deep  down  inside  to  be  loved.
BEAUTY OR BRAINS  :    on  one  -  night  stands,  beauty  but  overall  brains.
DOGS OR CATS  :     cats  !  despite  being  dog  coded  ace  has  a  soft  spot  for  cats.  especially  after  he  saved  his  lynx  from  a  hunter's  trap  and  it  got  badly  attached  to  him.  more  than  anyone  did  previously.
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♠️  𝐃𝐎    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘…
LIE  :     he  does.  especially  about  his  past.  ace  is  a  professional  liar,  after  all  he  is  a  pirate  not  a  saint.  he  would  not  be  able  to  tell  the  whole  truth  to  someone  he  barely  knows,  especially  about  who  he  is.  sometimes  he  could  lie  to  his  brothers  or  people  who  are  close  to  him  to  avoid  treatment  as  if  he  were  weak.  ace  doesn't  want  to  admit  his  weaknesses  and  it's  very  hard  for  him  to  show  them.  he's  also  a  very  good  liar  when  it  comes  to  gambling.  especially  if  it's  just  small  games  in  which  he  can  cheat.
BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES  :     it's  very  depending.  ace  believes  in  his  physical  strength  as  well  as  his  skills  in  combat.  he  is  very  confident  in  them,  which  was  evident  from  childhood  when  he  considered  himself  stronger  than  sabo  or  luffy.  but  in  reality,  without  their  help,  he  would  not  have  accomplished  what  he  did,  even  while  hunting  game  or  rescuing  people  from  a  fire.  if  it  wasn't  for  dadan  he  and  luffy  would  probably  have  died.  ace,  however,  doesn't  believe  he  belongs  in  the  real  world,  and  even  though  as  an  adult  he  has  completely  different  things  on  his  mind,  or  even  as  a  commanding  officer  on  a  ship  there  are  some  thoughts  and  inconsistencies  in  the  back  of  his  head.
BELIEVE IN LOVE  :     he  wishes  he  could  truly  believe  in  love.
WANT SOMEONE  :     to  finally  make  him  feel  something.
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♠️  𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑…
BEEN ON STAGE  :     no,  never.  maybe  as  an  entertaiment  for  people  watching  the  attempt  of  his  execution.
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN  :     hard  time  to  believe  it's  really  him.
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FAVOURITE COLOUR  :     orange,  like  his  flames.
FAVOURITE ANIMAL  :     lynx,  because  of  kotatsu  -  his  pet.
FAVOURITE BOOK  :      ace  doesn't  read,  simply.
FAVOURITE GAME  :     eating  on  time  with  people  who  are  his  friends,  board  games  on  the  ship  and  drawing  awful  things  on  people's  faces  when  they're  asleep.
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♠️  𝐀𝐆𝐄.
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE  :      29  years.
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I LOVE  :   meat,  any  kind  of  food  and  rye  whiskey  for  the  long  nights.
I FEEL  :    unsure  of  who  i  am.
I HIDE  :    behind  the  anger  i  always  experienced.
I MISS  :    my  mother.
I WISH  :    to  know  if  it  was  okay  for  me  to  be  born.
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0 notes
miekasa · 2 years
PLEASE!! LETS!! HE’S VERY SPECIAL TO ME!!! Here are some very unorganize thoughts I have about him. (Spoiler: he’s my honey pie and I love him alot </3333)
Satoru is annoying. Genuinely. Not in an endearing way, truly… but it’s also extremely admirable. Someone like him doesn’t have to give the time of day to anybody he feels is undeserving, someone like him doesn’t have to try to get to know people and force himself to such close proximity (literally) to people, but he does anyway. Satoru is annoying, but he’s annoying on purpose and somehow that’s way more comforting than someone who’s just plain old terrible to be around; everything he does has a purpose—even hanging off of your shoulder like deadweight. 
He’d be a terrible friend with benefits. The… benefits would be great, of course, but he’d completely throw the whole “no strings attached” part of the arrangement out the window. His strings are very attached, in fact all of them are attached. He’s waiting for all of yours to be attached too. 
He’s supposed to be a lightweight supreme, but hear me out… Satoru loves brunch lmfaoooooo. It’s the atmosphere of a Saturday morning brunch… nice pastries… fries for breakfast, eggs for lunch…. and champagne with it at that. How could he turn that down? He’s absolutely tipsy halfway into his first mimosa but who fucking CARESSSS not him!!!! He’s having the time of his life. 
He… likes seeing people eat. Not in a weird way or a sexual way, he just likes to know that he people he cares about are well fed and have good food. There’s a sense of pride that washes over him when he takes his students out for lunch, when Megumi comes over for dinner, when he can convince you to share an extra appetizer with him.
He does this thing where he sort of… hovers? around you. He’s like a little worker bee when he’s talking your ear off about something, unable to keep still. You could be walking, and Satoru will still flutter from your right to your left side, even has room to circle around you sometimes even while you’re walking because his legs are just that long and he’s just that excited about what he’s sharing with you. He’s gotta make sure you’re listening though, so sometimes he stops you in your tracks, right in front of you to bend down slightly and inquire, “Hey? You’re listening, right? This is important!” 
He has a concerning amount of Miffy merchandise. Plush pillows, blankets, trinkets, a keychain, even an apron—Satoru is strangely obsessed with that little bunny. Megumi can confirm this addiction, and while he thinks it’s strange, he still holds on to the Miffy blanket Satoru gave him when he was 10. 
Speaking of Megumi, getting him dogs was definitely Satoru’s grand plan to Make This Grumbly Child Love And Respect Me when he first took the kid in. Satoru thought he’d arranged to pick up two little black and white poodles from the shelter—and yeah the dogs weren’t very curly-haired when he’d brought them home, but they were only a few weeks old, who was he to judge. It’s when the dogs are damn near Megumi’s size one year later that Satoru realizes they are not poodles, and that he’s gonna be cleaning up after a lot of dog shit until Megumi gets big enough to do it himself. 
The Fenty chapstick AND gloss bomb stays on him!!! AT ALL TIMES!!!! 
Jewelry aficionado. For himself, but also for you. Satoru’s got a few pieces of jewelry he wears himself; a couple of nice watches, a slew of cuff links one of which you swear has diamonds on it, some rings, a few pairs of earrings, silver tie clips, even a necklace when he’s feeling fancy. He claims to be very particular about his jewelry—“Gotta look for the finer things in life, my love!”—and very particular about the jewelry he buys you, too. Say the word and it’s yours—solid gold, diamonds, pearls—actually, you don’t even have to say anything, just look at it for long enough and he’s on it. Plus, he likes seeing you wear things he bought you. You’re his baby, he’s gotta take care of you. (You will get matching pinky rings). 
It’s almost cute the way he always has candy on him. Almost. It’s not so cute when he gets patted down going through security at the airport and he’s told to empty his pockets and it’s a bunch of wrapped candies and lollipop and it’s six in the morning. He screams your name way too loudly trying to catch up with you when you turn and leave him to head to your gate. 
Terms of endearment come easy to him. It’s easy to say he’s a flirt, but something that makes Satoru’s words extra sweet is the way he says my. “Come here, my love”; “How are you today, my dear? Have anything good for lunch?”; “Aren’t the kiddies so cute—ah my cute little students, even when they’re upset with me, don’t you think?”; “You’re my baby you know that? My sweet girl.” 
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Im sceptical about matching rings
But what do u think about jikook and earrings? Sometimes i see jungkook wearing one of jimins earring and maybe even matching earrings? Might be a stretch but jimin’s convo with tae in the black swan rehearsal clip made me think about it. Jk seemed interested in what jimin was saying and then all of the sudden jimin asks him if he wanted to match too, also adding that jungkook copies his earrings… just a thought
So to start, all the tannies have matching accessories together. Every single one of them and in many different duos. Vmin and jikook have the most and maknae line together too. TaeJoon have matching earrings too. NamGi matching shirts/bracelets. Jimin and Jungkook seem to have the MOST the most and seem to make a point to be matchy the most too. Whether you take that as just they do their bestie matching jewelry the most often or as part of the SK couple culture is up to you.
Here is the clip you mention from memories. Jimin says he likes Tae's earrings. He wants them and they should be their new best friend earrings, which reminds me of their matching clover necklaces. Or the Padding Squad matching jackets. Or the minimoni matching shirts. Or his matching necklace with sungwoon. Or the TaeGiMin red string matching bracelets. Jimin LIKES having matching accessories with his best friends. But the consistency at which he matches with Jungkook IS different. And the teasing is bringing us all back to the constant "hyungs copycat" inside jokes they have that Jimin will never let go. Lol
To start let's talk about this matching silver stud paired with a silver hoop earring pairs that they wore basically to every event/award show together in 2018 and then just also randomly through the year and other years. No the other members did not wear the same stuff or same combo. And they did this CONSISTENTLY. Just a FEW examples, and yes. The side by side photos are them wearing these matching earrings on the same day:
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Or when they matched with these super cute dangly earrings, again, yes on the same day:
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But my favorite is when they for some reason decide to SHARE a pair of earrings. Like when they wore their matching silver stud/hoop, but they each only wore the stud in one ear and the hoop in the other. Matching what ear and what holes each went in too:
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When they each wore one of a silver hoop in the same ear and left the other ear empty. JK mentioned that the holes in his one ear were starting to close up, so did Jimin only wear the one side with him out of solidarity to make sure they totally matched or? Lol or when they wore the dangly earrings that they had matching before in one ear and a silver hoop in the other:
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Or my personal favorite. When during Festa 2020 they started out with their own earrings in and then at some point, Jimin for some reason, gave JK one of his earrings, leaving him with only one. And Jungkook looped Jimins earring through his own to wear both. And when called out on wearing too many earrings and that he should take that one off, JK goes "but I really like that one" and refused, keeping it on. When it was Jimin's earring and not even his....
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Sooo again, for me, it's the consistency. It's the meaning behind it because it's obviously special to them. It's the way we see everyone else's matching items occasionally and we see KMs all the time. And it's the extra special SHARING of the accessories, taking it a whole extra step then just matching that they sometimes do for me. Lol
What you think this means, how you interpret it, if it's the couple culture of matching or just friendship stuff, that's up to you to decide what you think personally. But you can't deny that they do match ALOT, they match often and they match the most consistently out of any other duo with the most types of ways to match too. Accessories (rings, hats, bracelets, earrings etc), clothes, hair colors, and the consistent sharing of stuff too.
Hope this helped a little. Thanks for the ask 💜
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
Pairing: Derek x fem! Reader
Word count: 2135 words
Warnings: none, just fluff
Summary: Reader attends her senior prom with her friends, however she can't really enjoy it as her boyfriend Derek is in Mexico searching for Kate, luckily though, Derek is full of surprises.
“Why aren’t you dressed?” Stiles asks in a rush as he comes into my room. His eyes scan the bed quickly as he sees my dress and shoes scattered onto the duvet. “We had to leave half an hour ago.” He informs me and he ignores the obvious frown on my face as he walks over to the bed to pick up the dress. I groan loudly as I wipe the rest of my makeup off, ignoring his dramatic gestures behind me.
“I’m not going, Stiles.” I tell him and he makes no trouble to hide his shock, his mouth opening to protests as he steps towards me, throwing the dress over his shoulder as he touches the back of my chair.
“I don’t understand that sentence,” He announces and spins my chair in the same breath. “I refuse to understand that sentence, considering the fact that you’re the one forcing us to go,” He pauses to drape the dress over my knees and smiles encouragingly. “Now, enough of the dramatics, get dressed.” I sigh.
“Stiles.” I groan and he ignores this, pulling me from the chair and softly pushing me into the bathroom with a stumble.
“Dress and shoes, I’ll wait out here.” He tells me and I contemplate objecting for a sweet second, but cave instead.
He’s right for pushing me to get dressed, because I did in fact force everyone to go tonight. Prom in the middle of a crises seems out of order, but it’s the last time we’ll all be here together and it’s important to make memories, even if only for one night. Besides, it's Beacon Hills, there is never not a crises at hand. Although I hadn’t realized until now that I’d be going stag among all of my couple friends. And I certainly didn’t realize that the one person I want to be here isn’t.
“There she is!” Stiles exclaims with a large smile as I emerge from the bathroom. “Shoes,” He says as he holds them out for me. I take them, lifting the layers of my dress high enough to slip the heels on and out of the corner of my eyes I can see him stuffing multiple makeup products into his blazer pocket. He smiles when he sees me. “Lydia will help you in the car.” He informs me and I have just enough time to grab my clutch and some perfume before he starts pushing me out of the room and towards the jeep.
“You look amazing.” Lydia tells me as we reach the jeep. I smile, pushing a curl behind my ear as Stiles opens the back door for us to get in.
“Yeah, you’re both gorgeous. Now get in,” He rushes and Lydia rolls her eyes before jumping in, with me following suit. “Makeup.” Stiles says as he hands us his blazer over the seat, starting the car in the same movement. I smile over at Lydia as she removes everything from the pockets, looking over at Stiles through the mirror every few seconds where his eyes already wait for hers.
It doesn’t take long for her to get going. Applying everything in the correct steps, stopping briefly when Stiles gives her the bump warning. I sit still through the process, my mind slipping away from reality as I let her do her job.
“Glossy or Nude?” Lydia asks and I realize we’ve stilled in front of the school. She holds up two lip-gloss tubes for me to choose from and I reach forward to take the glossy one, knowing it’ll be much less of a hassle to reapply. “Good choice, we’ll wait outside.” She tells me, squeezing my hand before getting out of the open door that Stiles holds on to.
“Hey man!” A new voice yells from across the parking lot and I peak out of the window to see Scott and Malia walking hand in hand towards the jeep. I smile to myself and then use my phone as a mirror to quickly put of the gloss.
“Where’s Y/n?” Malia asks just as I get out of the jeep and her face lights up when she sees we’re both wearing black.
“You look very pretty.” Scott tells me as he leans in for a quick hug and I smile before following the four of them into the school.
I swing my clutch over my shoulder and allow my fingers to tangle into the little charm on my necklace, my heart swooning over to the hands that clipped it on for me a few months ago.
The gym hums with excitement as everyone moves in somewhat of a rhythm to the song that the band is playing. The decorative balloons begging to be released from their strings to the ceiling. A large collection of different coloured lights flickering on beat against the walls.
“We’re going to dance!” Malia yells over the noise, harshly grabbing onto Scott’s hand and pulling him towards the dancefloor. Scott just smiles as he allows her to lead him away.
“Do you girls want something to drink?” Stiles asks already backing up towards the snack table and Lydia just smiles as she shakes her head to tell him no. He looks at me and I mimic Lydia’s gesture which causes him to nod quickly before walking off.
I look over at Malia and Scott who are both waving us over to join them. Lydia smiles. “You coming?” She asks leaning in. I look from her to the dancefloor and I really don’t feel like jumping around and shuffling against other people right now.
“I’m going to the ladies’ room really quick and then I’ll join you.” I tell her, leaning into her as well so she can hear me. She looks me over for a second, probably checking to see if I’m okay and then nods before walking away. I wait for her to reach them before turning around and walking to the door we just came in through. I just got here and already I feel like I need some air. I bend down to take of my heels and hold them in my hand as I walk over to the school sign, pushing myself up and placing my purse and heels next to me.
Senior prom. It’s one of those milestone nights, one to remember forever. Physically I’m ready, but my mind is far away from the glitter and the punch. My mind is with Derek Hale and so is my heart.
I reach into my purse and pull out my phone, unlocking it quickly to dial the number of the motel he’s staying at in Mexico. It rings a few times before a loud beep tells me that he’s not in his room. I sigh before adjusting myself on the wall and bringing the phone closer to my ear.
“Hi,” I say almost too softly, I pull my knees to my chest, the dress draping around me. “I missed you again. We can’t seem to get this scheduling thing right. I just wanted to hear your voice, I guess,” I smile as I look up at the stars. “I’m at our spot right now, thinking of you in a suit and a tie. You look handsome by the way,” I close my eyes to picture it, but shake my head when the image starts to drift. “Anyway. Call me back when you can. I miss you.” I put the phone down next to me as I continue to look at the starts, swallowing down the tears in my throat.
“Now, you know damn well that I don’t wear ties.”
“Derek?” I question softly, my voice shaking with excitement at the very idea of that voice in fact belonging to my goofball. He laughs lightly and now I don’t even have to think about it to know that it’s him.
I turn myself around quickly, meeting his gaze for a brief second before losing my balance and slipping from the little wall. His laughter continues as he moves to catch me, getting hold of my hand just in time to stop my untimely collide with the concrete. He pulls me against him to steady me and despite the countless times we’ve done this, I still need to catch my breath. My cheeks burn as I feel his eyes moving over my body taking his bloody time to look at every single feature.
“Beautiful.” Is all he says as our eyes meet and my lips tilt upwards as a natural reaction to his presence. I move my hands from his and carefully reach upwards to touch his face, hovering for barely a second before softly cupping his cheeks. My smile grows.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, his hands folding around my waist to keep me close.
“I missed you,,” He informs me, like it’s just that simple. “Stiles called.” He continues and I can’t decide where to rest my eyes as he speaks. “He said you weren’t acting like yourself this week and it didn’t take a genius to figure out why,” His thumbs trace the stitching of my dress. “And I wasn’t exactly doing any better on my end, so here I am.”
“I was losing my mind without you here,,” I tell him, my heart beating in my throat as he smiles down at me. He tilts his head to look at me even closer and I almost instantly look down. “When do you have to go back?” I ask after a moment of silence and I feel his body tense against mine, letting me know that it’s a lot sooner than I’d want. He sighs, his hands tugging me closer.
“Let’s not think about that,” I look up to see him grinning brightly, his eyes almost sparkling as he stares at me. “We have tonight. I can hold you in my arms and hear your voice,,” He kisses my nose, the suddenness of the gesture making me giggle. “I get to hear that intoxicating little sound,” He exhales slowly. “We have tonight.” He tells me softly and his voice drifts as he leans in, I jump away from him quickly, mischief on my mind as I back away from him.
“Would you like to dance?” I ask him and he groans loudly, eyes telling me exactly what he was about to do. I laugh softly.
“Not exactly.” He pulls a hand through his hair and a glimmer of frustration rests in his raised brow.
“Come now, it’s my prom night after all,” I take hold of both his hands. “Are they playing a slow song or a fast song?” I ask him and he shakes his head at me before closing his eyes to listen.
“Slow…” He says and I smile, part of me being glad that I don’t have to stop being so close to him after all.
“Is that so?” I muse, the tone of my voice prompting him to open his eyes and without missing a beat he pulls on my hands until I’m once again held firmly in his embrace. I giggle again, something I realize only happens so naturally when I’m with him. Our hands shift into place and I tangle my fingers together behind his neck. His arms dangling loosely as his fingers fold around my sides.
“I might just enjoy this after all,” He informs me with a silly little smirk as he guides us to a rhythm only he can hear. We sway in silence for a while, my face against his chest and his chin on my head. “I don’t know how I went on so long without you,” He says suddenly, lifting his head so I can look at him. “It’ll be downright impossible to do it now.” He tells me, bringing out bodies to a halt as he lifts a hand to my face, his fingers stroking over my cheeks slowly. I close my eyes as the sensation captivates my senses.
“I know what you mean.” I say softly, sliding my hands down his blazer where I rest my fingers against his chest.
“I love you,” He tells me and I open my eyes. He uses his thumb to lift my face, a smile filling his lips when he looks at me. “Say it back , won’t you?” He asks playfully and I smile as well, my heart swelling with pride.
“I love you, too.” I tell him and he laughs.
“Again.” He tells me, looking over me as he waits for me to say it.
“I love you too.” He laughs again, softer this time. Happier.
“Yeah…” He kisses me quickly, not nearly long enough to make up for the time we’ve been apart, but the way he looks at me leaves me breathless. He rests his forehead against mine. “I’ll never be able to leave you again.”
Hi there, more of my imagines can be found on Wattpad under @mjoubertt. Mxx.
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Rating: NSFW Length: 1614 Pairing: Male Forest Guardian/Leshen/Plant Monster x Male Reader (both cis)
A commission for my friend Dito.
You’ve never been able to ignore the lure of the forest. It has called you since childhood, its creatures more friend to you than most humans. You spend whole summers catching and releasing bugs and frogs, watching fireflies in its meadows, and swimming with the fish in its rivers and streams. You start to find things in the forest when you’re in your teens—things that you know are for you. There are glittering stones or golden acorns left on your clothing when you return to it from swimming, and at times the crows bring you trinkets like a necklace of bottle caps on a leather string, or small plastic hair clips that once belonged to a small child.
You keep each gift in a shoebox under your bed long after you’ve moved out on your own, aching to return to the forest when life loses the carefree nature of childhood. You make few friends wearing your clips in your hair and acorns strung around your neck, but you don’t care; someone cared enough about you to gift them to you, so you were going to display them proudly. It isn’t until you begin to study biology that you find others who experience the call of the forest, but none of them have been courted by it like you have. None know the call of a crow bearing gifts.
It isn’t until you’re late into your twenties that you work up the nerve to give something back. That summer, you give pretty ribbons and wood crafts you carve or burn back to the crows in exchange for your trinkets, and you’re startled to see that the gifts begin changing in nature. Where once there were acorns, now there was a fine tunic spun from raw silk waiting for you when you came back from swimming. It felt like cool water against your skin when you slipped it over your head and smoothed it down along your thighs, relishing in the soft caress of it against your skin.
The next time you traded trinkets, it was for an orange diamond that was as big as a robin’s egg and warm to the touch. It shone red and gold in the light and reflected rainbows across the grass when you held it up to the sunlight, and you immediately took it home to make a little cage for the gemstone to sit in while it hung around your neck. After that, the crows gave you gold coins that seemed to be priceless, but you tucked them into your shoebox just the same.
You spend the next few days on a woodworking project that keeps you up late into the night, but you don’t mind; the bracelet, when finished, is your finest work, carved to display flowers and vines and inlaid with small chips of all the precious stones you’ve received over the years. The response is swift and shocking: this time, the crows bring you a glittering ring. The message is clear, and it frightens you a little. Whatever is in the forest, whatever you’ve been doing, this back-and-forth… Just what have you been courting? A faery? A demon?
You leave the ring and run.
Staying away from the forest is the hardest thing you’ve ever done. The trees seemed to whisper your name in mourning whenever you’re anywhere near it, and the forest followed you into your dreams to haunt you. Each dream was the same, warm and welcoming one moment, cold and lonely the next. You wake with wet lashes and a bitter ache in your heart, until it becomes unbearable and then a day more.
When the time came that you felt your heart might break and never mend, you returned in full regalia, wearing nothing but your fine silk tunic and all of the trinkets that your forest has ever given you. Whatever madness this was, you were ready to accept it. When the crows came again, tentative and wary, you took the ring and placed it on your finger, leaving no room for misinterpretation. The crows took flight and disappeared into the forest, but that is when he appeared.
At first, you thought him terrible. He was half as tall as the trees and just as broad, with long limbs made of twisted wood and thick, flowering vines. Flowers sprouted from his chest and over his shoulder, weaving into what looks like a cape made of vines and leaves. His head was little more than a deer’s skull with sharp, imposing teeth, eyes deep, glowing pits the same colour as the diamond at your chest. He was the forest itself, a guardian lost to man and time.
“I thought you would never return,” he murmured, and his voice was the most wonderful thing you’d ever heard—all birdsong and the hush of wind through the trees.
You ran to him, allowing him to gather you up into his strong, firm arms and wrapping your own around his long, willowing neck. “Oh, I’ll never leave you again,” you whispered, kissing at the skull’s cheeks and along its jaw until your guardian shivered and purred.
“You would leave the human realm behind?” he asked, trembling at your attentions.
“You would let me love you?”
“Oh!” he cried, speechless with joy, and his long tongue slipped free from his skull to glide into your mouth to kiss you.
He tasted of wood and honey—of something dark and sweet and wonderful—and you knew at once that you would never tire of his kisses. Heart pounding wildly in your chest, you asked him to take you to his home, and he happily obliged. Deep in the forest was a grand house made entirely of wood and flowers, and you held his finger as he led you through and showed you where you would both spend the rest of your days.
“Why me?” you asked at length, looking up into his face and watching as his eyes flickered in and out of existence.
“Why not you?” he countered, drawing you back into his arms to kiss you again and again. “You were always so kind to my subjects, so respectful of the forest, so at home within my realm. How could I not love you?” His hands caressed your backside and chest as though you were a precious thing, the bark of his skin catching gently in the silk of your tunic until you were driven to pull it over your head.
“Take me,” you begged, and he groaned his assent.
He laid you back tenderly into the grasp of several vines as soft as velvet, and you felt both utterly safe and entirely exposed when the vines pinned your wrists above your head and spread your thighs to reveal your hardness. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured, carefully tracing the tip of one gnarled finger down along your twitching cock.
“Tell me your name?” you whimpered, pushing up into his touch and being rewarded with a gentle stroke of his warm, careful hand.
“Sessile,” he whispered back, and when he knelt to taste you, hands on your thighs, you noticed the bracelet you made on one of his fingers, worn like a ring.
“Sessile,” you moaned, writhing around the press of his hot, slippery tongue. It was working you open at a pace that was maddening—too fast one moment, too slow the next. “Please.”
“‘Please’ what, my love?” he murmured when he pulled away, eyes a soft shade of red that reminded you of roses.
You squirmed under his gaze, moaning again when his tongue wrapped around your cock and stroked. “Oh, gods, please fuck me.”
“Are you certain?” Sessile asked, standing up so that he towered in front of you. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I don’t care if you do,” you said, rocking up against the vine that replaced his tongue. “I just want you inside me.”
“Very well,” murmured Sessile, cupping your body gently in his giant hands. “Hold onto me, sweet thing.”
The vines that held your wrists slid away and let you move again, allowing you to wrap your hands around his thumbs and watch as a strange, pink flower blossomed from between Sessile’s thighs. When it bloomed, it was with a thick sheen of slick nectar, revealing a long, flared appendage that looked somewhere between a cock and a flower’s pistil. When Sessile nudged up against your entrance, you felt the nectar tingle and burn, heightening your sensation as he pushed himself into you.
It hurt, at first, until it didn’t. You suspected the nectar had something to do with the ease of entry, but those suspicions and all other thoughts disappeared the moment that Sessile began to move inside of you, pushing against your prostate time and time again. You lost yourself to sensation as he thrust inside of you, holding onto his hands as though you’d fall off of the face of the earth without him there to ground you. It wasn’t long at all before your balls clenched and cum shot up along your stomach and chest, but Sessile was there to clean it with his long, wonderful tongue, kissing you hungrily so that you tasted yourself on him as he continued to rock his dick inside you.
The sunset found you nestled in the arms of your lover, sharing sweet kisses and a large, mossy blanket that he made just for you. “Will you truly stay?” Sessile whispered to the growing darkness, almost as if afraid to hear the answer.
“As long as you’ll have me,” you murmured back, smiling as you played with the ring on his finger, “and then a day more.”
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Please gush more about this wings AU thing
aaaAAAAAA sir you’ve opened the floodgates
K so most things are similar to canon? But there’s wings and that’s fun. Luz is just a common lil house sparrow, nothing particularly special about her. Eda, on the other hand, is a whole melting pot. Hybrids between different species are a thing, but the thing is, the hybrid traits show up in color and mannerisms of said bird. Wing shape sticks to only one specific species. Eda got the owl gene, but has a mess of other birds in her, too. She’s got raven (shiny things), cardinal, scarlet tanager, vulture, probably goose, and many others. Lilith was given the raven wing shape, which added to the reason on why she dyed her hair, so she can at least look like a pureblood.
Willow was pretty easy, hummingbirds fit her Aesthetic. But she’s also Buff, and I thought it’d be funny if she was a giant hummingbird, since those bad boys are, as far as I know, bigger than house sparrows. Gus was a little more difficult. I wanted a small bird, but I didn’t know which. Then I looked up the white-breasted nuthatch and found that 1. they are very loud. 2. they will fight bigger birds. So obviously I had to go with that. Gus is babey but he is loud and he will fight. probably a bit of a mix with chickadee or finch in there somewhere, too. A fast bird just seemed to fit Amity. But I wanted a fast but dainty-ish bird, not like a hawk or eagle. She was almost a gyrfalcon, but mutuals thought an american kestrel would fit her better. They are tiny, they are fast, and they are babey. Mattholomule was obvious. Shrikes are assholes. That’s just how it is. Boscha gave off the vibe of a bird of prey who would destroy me. But parrots could also bite my face off without blinking so I went with pretty and deadly. Lovebirds have a color similar to Boscha and also her being a bird with that name was funny so I chose it. Skara as a songbird was obvious, she’s in the bard track after all. So a nightingale was inevitable. Simple feathers, but with a beautiful voice. Viney,,,,,,honestly I just thought of birds that hang around other animals and came up with Oxpecker. She’s also probably a bit of a melting pot with dove, egret, and a couple different starlings. Jerbo is tall. Secretary birds are tall. Enough said. Belos was almost a bearded vulture, but I decided against it. I decided “let’s give him the biggest wings imaginable. simply because I can” so I chose the wandering albatross, the bird with a wingspan of twelve feet. Yeah, they’re thin, but these guys can also fly for a really long time, and idk, I thought the threat of that looked interesting.
In this AU, the rich don’t really,,,,fly. Flying, in the high-class, is seen as too much work. People who don’t fly are seen as powerful because they have better things to do, or they simply have no need for it. This has led to a couple of high-folk simply,,,,,not knowing how to fly. Also a lot of wing muscle issues. The twins can fly, not well, but they can fly. Amity, on the other hand.....can’t. At all. Of course, nobody else knows this. Choosing not to fly is one thing, but not knowing how is a disgrace. 
Luz is a different story. She uses her wings all the time, which helps strengthen them. It’s not just because she flies often, but because she is constantly moving them. She uses them as extra hands to push and pull things, she flaps them excitedly and hovers an inch or two off the ground when excited, she hangs them when she’s tired or sad, she flares them when she’s mad, and she just moves them around when she talks or is showing off something. She simply cannot hold them still. Which is fine for her, since sparrow wings are small and thin, but for Eda, who also moves her wings a lot, it’s a hassle. It’s a common occurrence for something to fall over in the Owl House because neither of these two can hold still.
Also, they have more than just wings. That’s some weak shit right there. They’ve got tails, patches of feathers, can make chirps similar to their species, if their species has crests of feathers or a certain piece of feather(s) that stands out, it shows up. Along with dots of color if it stands out. Peacocks have those three frills on their heads plus faint whites around their eyes, turkeys have those dangly things I’m too lazy to look up the name of, and sometimes the size of the bird affects a person's height. The whole sha bam. It’s hell for Eda, who’s a blend of at least 5 different birds. What surprise will today bring? Who knows!
There’s also of course, accessories and fashion for wings. Jewelry, ribbons, scarves and silk that can be pinned or pierced on wings and sometimes tails. Of course, the rich have the most lavish, but the prettier ones are usually very heavy and weigh down flight near completely. And trying to fly with ribbons or silk around wings is difficult, and can tangle and cause birds to crash. In fact, some types of silk or techniques for fashioning wings are banned or heavily mandated due to the hazards and accidents that occur. Fake feathers are also a thing, usually for those who want their wings to look more grand, hide knives in their wings, or, recently, to hide clipped wings. Binding wings are also a thing, though they are typically only for prisoners or for people with such big/broken wings that they can’t keep them closed properly. These are usually covers that wrap around the entire abdomen to keep the wings shut, but for people who don’t want others to know they need them binded, there are thin strings that stretch across the backs of wings that hold them shut or up at a certain angle. Some people put painful pricks right underneath their scapulars to keep their wings at a regal posture. There are also piercings. Some are rings, some are simply nubs. A common piercing is to piercing the base and tip of the membrane and hang a thin chain between the two. Emperor Belos has a tradition of stabbing hooks through the membrane of prisoners and hanging them by their wings alone before they are to be petrified. 
There’s also a little unofficial tradition with gifting feathers. A person will pluck a feather from their wings (sometimes tails but that’s more uncommon) and give it to someone. The more important the feather, the more you mean to someone. It’s not inherently romantic, it’s more of a way you show you care about someone, but it can be. Scapular (base feathers) and primary feathers are the important ones. They’re the feathers that are the closest to said person or their the feathers that are required for flight, they’re usually shown off with pride when they’re gifted to someone. Often a simple string with the single feather on it, but earrings and bracelets are also used. 
Luz has a necklace each from her friends and family. She has a primary feather from her mother, a primary and scapular feather from Eda, a primary covert from Willow, and a secondary covert from Gus. She would later get a secondary feather from Amity that would eventually be replaced with a primary feather. She keeps them all on one necklace in her room and switches them up every now and again. Sometimes she’ll wear only one feather, sometimes she’ll wear a few, or all at once. There’s no particular pattern, she just wears what she wants to that day. 
The grom note in Enchanting Grom Fright is replaced with Amity wanting to give someone a marginal covert feather (she was going to go with scapular but decided that might be too much). Luz going with her to grom coincides with her gifting a secondary feather to Amity, and Amity gifting the same type back. Amity kept that feather with her at near all-times as a necklace she hides under her shirt. A secondary and primary covert feather from Willow and Gus respectively would soon join Luz’s every now and again.
Luz would also teach Amity how to fly, once she realizes that Amity can’t. Course it’s in secret, nobody can know that Amity Blight can’t fly, but Willow and Gus do show up to help. Thing is, it hurts. Amity has barely used her wings in fourteen years. Her parents always made her hold them at a certain angle and she could barely express herself with them. They were more like large pieces of jewelry than anything. So when first learning to fly, she has to stop after only ten minutes, because her wings hurt. They ache and cramp and she’s convinced it’s too late for her to learn how to fly, her wings simply aren’t used to it. Luz, not one to back out on her word, basically becomes a coach instructor. Once a week she drags Amity off into a clearing where nobody else is and basically chucks her into the sky (stronk wings). And after a while, Amity’s able to go longer while gliding or warming up her wings. Ten minutes becomes fifteen, then twenty, then thirty, and suddenly, she can go over an hour practicing without getting tired. And you better believe she shows off to Willow and Gus. Maybe even Lilith a little bit during training, though that’s mostly on accident. Races, of course, happen a lot. 
I’m already ramblin’ a lot and I do wanna write this eventually, so I’ll stop here for now. But know that there are romantic flights, Amity’s parents do not like the ‘common species,’ wings can be clipped, Eda is not immune to wing injury, and Barcus is trying to avoid all the bird drama, unsuccessfully.
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infernobot · 4 years
By InfernoBot
I had just finished recording, and was carrying my dog in from the office, when my mom handed me an envelope. Once I had my sweet pupper nestled into a blanket, I joined her on the couch and slit open my mysterious delivery. Inside was no note, just a brochure to something called ‘Furnal Equinox’ and an accompanying plastic badge bearing the image of a anthropomorphic dog, (maybe it was a wolf), wearing a graduation cap and gown.
As my eyes scanned the glossy pages, my excitement grew; some lovely person had sent me a weekend pass to a furry convention! This was my big chance to make a video detailing my adventures through a mass gathering of one of the internet’s most maligned and misunderstood subcultures. Over the coming weeks, I studied the brochure, read up on the panelists online, noted every question about the furry fandom that popped into my head. My itinerary for the whole weekend was mapped out. 
Super chats and KoFi tips managed to cover the cost of a bottom-barrel airline ticket, and I got a great deal on an Air B&B from a charming indiginous woman named Semide, whose sisters had enrolled in college and left their rooms vacant. She was even kind enough to include meals as part of the deal. The weekend of the con finally rolled around; I threw my things in a bag and I was off to Toronto.
Eighteen hours and three layovers later, I was sitting at my host’s kitchen table with a warm towel draped over the back of my neck, sipping a cup of coffee. It turned out Semide was a naturopathic healer and knew some kickin’ remedies for aches, pains and jet lag. I don’t put much stock in essential oils, but damn if I didn’t wake up feeling fresh and ready to face the day the next morning. The convention was being held on the waterfront about nine blocks from Semide’s place, not too bad for a walk, and I reckoned I could make the trek each day. 
I left late in the morning, well after the con had opened. No sense waiting in line, I figured. It was three blocks from the Westin Harbor Castle, when I saw the first fursuit. 
There was no explaining the rush of exhilaration I felt. This was real. This was happening. I was gradually being surrounded by dozens of people decked out in bright, elaborate costumes. Some that couldn’t afford full suits wore just heads and gloves, giving a ghoulish Frankenstein’s monster appearance to their character. Or the wolf-man caught mid transformation after being bitten by a neon fox in a rainbow pride shirt. The less daring, or particularly destitute, settled for headbands with animal ears and strap-on tails. 
Waiting to cross the last street, I was elbow to elbow with a giant Sonic the Hedgehog and a seven-foot tall purple giraffe sporting a quadruple-XL adult diaper. Something told me before the weekend was over, that particular garment would get filled. Before I could contemplate the logistics further, the light changed and the extremely polite, if curiously dressed herd moved into the street and we sorted into a semblance of a line being steadily processed through the doors into the main convention hall. I was in.
The lead-up to the main event hadn’t prepared me for what lay inside. A teenage girl in a ‘volunteer’ shirt thrust an opaque plastic bag into my hands before Big The Cat shoved me aside and began professing his undying love for her beauty. I stumbled into the row of booths on the main floor, further progress blocked by an electric green armadillo strumming an acoustic guitar with a stuffed fish tucked in the strings. 
This was it, I weaved my way between con-goers and took it all in. Clip-on LED cat ears. A custom-fit fang booth. Stacks of comics focused on humanoid animals. Racks upon racks of faux-leather collars and leashes. The waifu pillows. I pulled my phone from my pocket and approached the nearest open booth.
Time for an interview, I thought.
Eight hours, two energy drinks and a box of granola bars later, I was dead on my feet. There was no way of knowing how many people I’d talked to as the day progressed. Or just how strange my conversations had become. I think I spoke at length with Cool Cat about the merits of various vape pens, despite the fact I don’t smoke. But it hadn’t all been nonsense. 
Before I had degenerated into a gibbering wreck, I had chanced to be standing beside a fountain near the food court and heard a familiar warbling voice behind me. To my great delight, when I turned around I found a young woman with jet black hair, a hawaiian shirt and a black & yellow long-Furby draped over her shoulders; I instantly recognized her as Teya from Strange Aeons. After she’d finished speaking to her friend, I politely tapped her on the arm and introduced myself. She turned out to be super cool, excited to meet another youtube creator, and talked to me for about ten minutes as her girlfriend went off to wait in line for the bathroom. 
While most of our conversation centered around videos and our special boy Greg, my eyes kept getting drawn back to Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge. His black and yellow checkered belly, his luxurious black fur, those piercing green eyes; it was all so captivating. I couldn’t quit looking at the charm necklace below his little yellow beak spelling out his name; Thursday. Eventually, I complimented her on her videos and her handsome long-son one last time and we parted ways. It had been a pleasant break, but even here, the persistent strains of Insane Clown Posse that permeated the space were grating on my nerves. 
When the time had come for all the furry folk to close up shop and head home, I staggered out into the street with all the lingering con-goers. Despite the initial culture shock, most of the people I’d met had been great. I could stand here, elbow to elbow with ponies, foxskies, giant pomeranians and adorable cat girl maids on the steps of Westin Harbor Castle, and just enjoy the last moments of the sun setting over Toronto. That is until the moment was shattered by an obnoxious voice that sounded more like it belonged outside a Patriots game accompanied by the echo of shattering beer bottles. 
“Now that the party’s over, we can get down to the afterparty at my place; which of you bitches wants to come home with me?”
My head swiveled like a tank turret toward the source of the voice, my face bearing the expression which must have read did this motherfucker just?
A man-child wearing a My Little Pony t-shirt that had been stretched over his prodigious girth, a pair of denim jorts hanging past his knees and sweat-stained socks encased in mandles, slid his oily bulk up behind a group of teenage girls dressed as some kind of anime cat maids. He leaned his acne-studded face in close to them and said, “Since you’re dressed as maids, how about I take you home and make you change my cumm-y bedsheets after a night of passionate love-making.” 
The overly-polite locals may have been in shock, but I knew a neckbeard when I saw one and knew immediately what to do.
“How ‘bout you back the fuck off bro, they’re kids.”
Maybe he wasn’t expecting resistance, but he seemed genuinely taken aback by someone speaking up. Once he got a look at me, he re-adjusted his fedora and stared me down. I admit, I might not look terribly intimidating; bulky, but not muscular, with my hair dyed bright teal and swept to one side. At least I had on a Pink Floyd t-shirt, that felt a little like a layer of protection against his fed-aura. He drew in a snot-choked breath and continued,
“They’re dressed as the maids from Painappuru No Oshiri, they’re harem girls that’re totally thirsty for the main character. Each maid is eager to bend over and present their ripe ruby star-fruit to their master. They’re, like, practically advertising how much they want it in the ass.”
“Why don’t you leave them alone, fuckmuppet?” I retorted. “You look like you're forty and they’re a bunch of teen girls.”
He was not pleased with my argument. The group of cat-maidens had shaken off their surprise and closed ranks. But they weren’t ready when he lunged forward and grabbed at the petticoat of the red cat-maid on the outside, lifting her skirts up to expose the shorts underneath.
“It’s not even a chick, it’s a dude. Chill out.”
A glance at the cosplayer’s face revealed a mask of burning red embarrassment, fear and confusion. Their friends were moving to grab at the neckbeard’s hand, but I was quicker. I swatted his arm like I was chopping down the internet itself and pushed right up in his face. Practically nose-to-nose, I couldn’t avoid the stench of fermented funyuns rolling off his breath.
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off of them.”
His chins quivered slightly. 
“Oh, you wanna start something, Rainbow Brite? I bet you like it in the ass, prancy-boy.”
“For a supposedly straight guy, you sure are obsessed with getting your dick in a guy’s butt.”
The flab of his cheeks reddened to match his acne.
“You’re gonna regret that. I’m a man with a very particular set of skills…”
I cut him off; I didn’t have the patience for a real-life copy pasta.
“Is one of your skills getting punched by me? Cause if you keep talking, you’re going to be teaching a master class.”
I could feel that neckbeardy-bravado wavering. Perhaps he could sense the crowd around us had turned against him, moving to shield the cat-maids and staring daggers into his lumpy flesh. With one last snotty huff, he turned and stormed away; the sound of his mandles slapping on the concrete echoed off the face of the convention center. 
A group of several of the more adulty-er people had ringed the victims and were doing their best to calm them down. I shuffled over and started to apologize for the beardo’s behavior, when the red cat-maid began thanking me profusely and asked for a hug. Apparently, this was not the first time their group had been approached at the convention. We stood around chatting for a while, and they promised to check Evangelion when they got home. Once the cat-maids were safely in their Lyft, I waved them goodbye and turned to make my journey home for the night.
I started back up the street I'd taken this morning, but as I approached the doorway to a grimey building, I became aware of a fully-suited Yogi Bear propositioning a man dressed like Linda-Carter-era Wonder Woman. I was pretty wiped out and didn’t have it in me to process an altercation like this if they noticed me and instead took an abrupt right turn down an alley, intending to zig-zag back to my Air B&B. 
I was nearly out the other side when my ears picked up the slapping of mandles on pavement rushing up behind me. A searing pain burst into existence in my lower back, like someone put a cigarette out on my spine. 
I went down, hard. 
The mylar swag bag I’d been swinging around all day splashed into a puddle off to one side. I was barely able to heave myself over onto my back to get a look at my attacker. It was him. The Neckbeard. He stood over me, grinning, his yellowed teeth visible in the night. The little black box in his hand flickered with a blue spark as he triggered the taser again.
“Heh heh. You like that, princess? I aimed a little high so I wouldn’t damage your sweet ass.”
“Fuck….you….” I gasped out through the pain. My muscles were cramping like someone had dug a burning fork into my lower back and twisted it up like a plate of spaghetti. 
“Heh. You’re the one taking it in the ass, rainbow bitch.” He stepped over me, squatting like a linebacker, bringing the taser close to my face. “Maybe I’ll push this in your eyeball and see if I can make it boil.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of movement between his legs. Something thin and dark darted up from the shadows, toward his exposed back. He let out a cry of surprise, and shot upright, swinging his arms wildly behind him, grabbing at something. He hopped wildly from foot-to-foot across the alley, the tail hanging from the back of his pants swaying wildly with the movement. I thought it was weird I hadn’t noticed the tail before, especially with how long it was, practically sweeping the ground. The fuzzy black appendage was moving...wrong. It kept curling up and twisting out of his hands as he grasped at it, almost as if it were...alive. 
“Oh Goddamnit!” He screamed. “What the fuck, dude?!” 
He dropped the taser and got a grip on the tail with both hands, tugging on it. A ripping sound echoed through the alley as the seat of his pants tore out. The thing was, the tail wasn’t attached to his pants, it was going in through his pants, nestled between his prodigious posterior cheeks like one of those fetish plugs. As he violently jerked it side-to-side, it was ripping at the fabric of his trousers, the same went for his less-than-tidey whiteys. 
“Get this fucking thing off of me!” He howled. 
He grunted as the tail slipped his fingers and wriggled another foot inside him. Tears were welling up in his eyes and he collapsed back against a green dumpster. Like a man who had gambled on a street taco truck and lost, he bit his knuckle and gripped his abdomen through his stained t-shirt. It might have been a trick of the light, but I swear I could see his belly distend and squirm; the words ‘Friendship Is Magic’ bulging as something rolled under them. 
His mandles dug into the alley grime as he feebly kicked his legs, and I could only watch in disgust as the rest of the fuzzy, black, thing slithered up inside him, forcibly dilating his leather cheerio. It was incredible. I could actually see its progress as it wormed its way through his body. He blubbered something about God and Jesus as his hand clawed frantically at his own belly, before his voice abruptly went silent. 
There was a long, drawn-out wheezing sound, like one of those novelty rubber chickens, as the bulk of the thing moved up his throat. I don’t know how his flesh distended and deformed without bursting, but it reached his mouth and his jaw opened wide. First one small black, fuzzy ear lined with black and yellow plaid popped up, then another, followed by the crown of this thing’s head, pushing his teeth outward like flower petals blooming. 
It rose before me, straight up from his mouth, its black and yellow belly slick, but not stained by his juices. His dislodged teeth clung to its matted fur like an obscene necklace. It swayed slightly in the moonlight, a pair of luminous green eyes fixed on mine, and its beak opened. With the rising inflection of someone asking a question, it uttered one word: 
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qhostqizmo · 4 years
I will, I will, follow you into the storm
when you ‘round the bend // close your eyes and count to ten i’ll walk through hell and back again // anywhere you go
Blood dripped from Essätha’s nostril to pool on her upper lip, leaving it to slowly trickle down her chin. She grimaced, her head woozy and legs staggering as she tried to regain her composure. People weren’t supposed to feel their brain pounding against their skull, last she’d checked. In fact, the sorceress felt like she’d gotten hit by an ox and flung around a barbed fence for the past few minutes, which was definitely not a ‘normal’ bodily feeling.
Garbling out a string of curse words behind her tongue; now coated with a metallic flavor, Essie spat on the ground and turned frantically. Her entire body lurched in agony. She hissed, trying to make out shapes and figures through her dizziness.
Terror lit up her voice. A pale gray Drow woman had her fingers wrapped around the nobleman’s throat. He was rigid; eyes wide as fingernails caressed his esophagus. The woman leaned in close as though to whisper something to him, her other arm raising to lift the shadow blade from her right hand.
The weapon never made its blow. As she’d moved to strike, a surge of dark magic spear-like bolts pummeled into her back. The woman shrieked, her gaze snapping towards Penimra’s snarky upturned beak. She grimaced at the high-elf, and instead vanished in a flood of dark mist and glowing eyes, to reappear close to the teleportation circle in the room.
“She’s going to escape!” Rava cried out, wiping at her sweaty brow.
“They’re cowards,” Face sneered in agreement, his crossbow bolt narrowly missing a human also fleeing for circle.
Wincing in pain, Essie looked between Amon and the enemy accomplices running for their assured get away. She’d never make it to the circle in time, and her magic was drained of anything of effective offense. On heavy legs, she rushed towards his side instead. Some things were simply more important than winning the fight.
With a roar, Sulhadur let out an inferno of blazing fire towards the closest cult members to him. One fell, screeching and smelling of burned flesh and hair, dead within seconds. The other two; barely clutching to life, also bolted for the circle. Clipping past Adela, the pink Tiefling pulled free a dagger on her hip to bury into one’s throat. They toppled over, gasping through a bloody windpipe, and fell dead.
The final remaining members finally seemed to scramble into the ring. As the recited spell to activate the teleportation circle began to fill the air, Essie grabbed Amon by the shoulders. He jerked into awareness, a sense of confusion still evident in his dark eyes.
“M’lord?” She grasped for his face, her fingers caressing his cheeks.
He gasped, clutching at his throat.
“Are you alright?”
“I don’t know my head feels… foggy…”
Lifting his head, Essie followed his regard to squint at the flash of light igniting from the circle. With a crackle of energy, suddenly the few hostile enemies were nowhere to be seen.
Silence followed. Penimra’s voice was the first to break it, stating everyone’s sentiment in a single word: “Shit.”
As the others began to bandage themselves and roll over the bodies searching for any valuables, Essätha returned her gaze back on Amon. He stared, dumbfounded, where the teleportation circle was.
“How do you feel?” Essie pressed, her fingertips grazing affectionately over his sideburns.
“I…” Distracted, the nobleman looked around the room. He finally settled back to looking in her eyes, a small but tired smile appearing on his feastures. “I feel… fine, Essie. Considering.”
“Are you sure? Pri’cha should probably have a look at you. Pri-”
“Yes, niss Essätha?” A tiny voice chirped from a few feet away.
“I’m fine Essie,” Amon strained, “really.”
Unconvinced, she stared back into his gaze. He appeared a little shaken; his expression still puzzled, but he was not nearly as bloodied nor frazzled looking as the rest of him. Yet that interaction had been so strange.
“What had she said to you?”
“Hmm? Oh, I don’t know,” he ushered vaguely. “Must have been some sort of threat. I was a bit preoccupied by the hand on my neck. I’m sorry.”
How very odd. Her mouth squiggled with indecision, but she felt pressuring him on it further wouldn’t help matters. If he claimed not to remember or been paying attention to the Drow’s words, then there was no helping the case. No one else had been close enough at the time to probably overhear, if they’d have had half the mind to be paying attention.
She let go of his face. The nobleman reached up, idly rubbing his cheek where her fingers had just been. Something in his far-off stare still seemed unsettling, but the sorceress couldn’t name why.
“Lets see if there’s anything useful on them before we check the rest of the building,” Amon proclaimed, offering her a gentle smile. He hesitated for a second as he looked at her, his pupils wide. He reached to his side, pawing at a pocket, before he pulled forth a handkerchief. Essätha remained patient and still as he attended to dabbing at her bloody nose, her eyes turning to half-slits. She’d forgotten to worry when he touched her so carefully. Back to being more like himself; chivalrous and kind.
“Sorry,” he muttered a bit shyly, folding over the cloth to daub at the red smear on her lips and chin.
“You’re doing fine,” she sighed despite herself. “Thank you.”
He smiled back at her, and her heart melted in her chest.
Awkwardly clearing his throat, he stuffed the dirty cloth back into his pocket. “You’re welcome.”
Feeling his shoulder lightly tap hers as he skirted around her, Essätha felt the returning wave of puzzlement. She gazed over to the back of Amon’s head, a perplexed frown on her face.
Must not be important.
Shrugging it off, she proceeded to follow him towards the nearest corpse. There was still work to be done.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“This room’s only a little spooky,” the young elf-child announced with only a little too much cheer considering the entire décor was set up on ritualistic sacrifices.
Uneasy, Essie looked around. There were body parts and stains of blood all over the place. A lingering odor of rotting flesh lay beneath a haze of something smoky; like herbs had been burned recently. She snuffled in disgust, trying not to curl her lip towards the bones scattered in the corners of the room like useless artifacts swept aside.
A few tables, almost randomly placed in the room, had items upon them. Trinkets and tools; some obvious in their use, still coated bodily fluids. Dried skin; of what creature she could not be sure, was curing and pulled tight in racks. A shimmering black curtain lay on the opposite side of the room, concealing more.
More she did not want to see, she reasoned.
“Their interior designing wouldn’t be so bad if kept it maintained,” Face defended, nudging aside a deceased rat that had possibly gotten in to one of the opened containers of poison.
Adela visibly shuddered at the commentary. Essätha felt much the same.
She watched, her stomach rolling as Sulhadur made his way over to one of the writing desks. The Dragonborn turned over some of the documents, a curl of smoke blooming from his jaws. She bothered to move closer, joining him in peering over the paper. It was more of what she’d expect from everything else these losers used; more Abyssal text written in some strange code she couldn’t make out.
“Any idea what it says?”
She shook her head helplessly, glancing over towards the cleric. They held up a tome they’d found on another desk. Though she couldn’t make out what it may say at this distance if it were even written in Common, she could see some of the images on it. Horrific sketches; disemboweled corpses with memos of some sort.
“Be careful what you touch in here,” Adela advised, clutching on to the necklace hanging around her neck. “I don’t like the feel of this place.”
“Because we could all use more curses,” Penimra sarcastically grumbled, picking up a scepter lying against a wall. He eyed it for a while before curtly deciding to use the golden staff like a walking stick.
Wearing a scowl of disgust; this entire room looked like a horror freak show’s circus, Essie gazed back in the direction of the curtain.
It fell aside, and she caught a glimpse of Amon’s cloak as it shifted.
Her heartbeat jumped into her throat.
“M’lord?” she called out, dropping the catalogs back on the desk. He was usually not the reckless one of the party to simply run ahead. That seemed more like the work of one of the other lads; or of Rava when the spunky trickster elf decided to sneak around.
The footsteps of some of the others moved to follow her as she pushed aside the curtain.
Holding a key she hadn’t seen with him before, her nobleman looked poised to stick it into the keyhole of some random door.
Sucking in a sharp breath, Essie ran over to grab his arm hastily.
“M’lord Amon, what are you-”
Her gaze snapped up to his.
His eyes were blank. Lifeless.
Working against her, he tried to push the key into the keyhole slot.
Spitting profanities, the sorceress grappled with his arm; shoving her hip into Amon’s and wrestling to stand in front of the doorway.
“Amon! Amon you beautiful idiot what are you doing?”
He didn’t answer her. It was like fighting a rock. His expression was void, and his only intention seemed to be on the door.
A solid, heavy thump echoed on the other side. Something groaned; snarled, viscous and low.
“Don’t you dare open that door,” she threatened, fumbling with his hand. She sprawled out before it, slapping at his hand with a flinch of her own.
“Amon? Essätha?” Sul’s voice echoed.
Something scratched on the other side of the door. Moaned. Thumped heavily against the wood.
From the floor, some of the skeletons began to twitch and write. They began to rise up, their bones clattering loudly. A horrifying pile of flesh began to twist and pulse as well, revealing that it had been stitched together into some sort of flesh golem.
Panicked and wide-eyed, Essie latched on to Amon. The corner of his lip pulled into a frown as he tried to insert the key once more.
“Snap out of it!” she cried out, shaking him. Her eyes rounded to see that a number of bodies had risen from the floor, their burning eyesockets trained on her friends. She inhaled loudly; her lungs feeling as shaky as her hands, and looked up into her nobleman’s vacant expression.
“Listen, I don’t know what that Drow told you to do, but you don’t have to do it,” she blubbered frantically. “We’re in danger, and I know you don’t want to put us in anymore danger. Right?” She shook him rougher. “Right?”
The key clicked into the keyhole. Essätha grasped at it, struggling to yank it out as he attempted to twist it.
Pri’cha was shouting something, and a wall of light lit up the room.
“Stop!” Essie begged. She let go of the key, flinging herself into Amon to push him back. He grunted, his brow knit.
“I need you here! With me. Please- I- I can’t lose you I love you-”
The door creaked behind them, arcane runes flaring to life along the edges of the door. The key shuddered in the keyhole.
Twisting her hands into the fabric and fur of his cloak, Essätha leaned in to plant a firm kiss to his lips. Amon remained cold and unyielding to her efforts at first; his body unforgiving and taut. Then, suddenly, he grunted, and his posture was rigid with shock as she held to him; her teeth grazing his lower lip and her tongue pressed to his lips.
She pulled away. He gaped at her, awed, and reached up to tentatively touch his bruised lip.
Appalled with herself, the sorceress slapped a hand over her own mouth.
The key rattled in the keyhole, turning a fraction.
Muttering something beneath his breath, Amon reached around her to grab at the key.
He yanked it out. She sagged against the doorframe with relief, sighing.
“You kissed me!” Amon declared, his voice ragged and throat moving as he swallowed thickly. He was leaning over her, nearly pining her back to the door as something howled furiously behind it.
“I- Sorry-?” she choked, glancing behind him to where the others were mutilating the reanimated dead.
The Briarton Protector groaned heavily, his face red with humiliation.
Essie tapped him on the shoulder, trying to point behind him. Apparently he did not get the message, his eyes moving down to stare at her hand and then back to her face as Sul physically smashed a skeleton to pieces just behind them with his shield.
“You were going to open a portal to who knew what- I couldn’t just- let you-”
“You… told me you loved me?”
“Well-” baffled that he’d even recall that so well, her cheeks grew pink. “Yeah. I mean- if you opened a gateway to Hell I’d still promise to follow you, there and back. That said: I’d rather you not open unknown thresholds into some sort of hell, especially not of your own choice.”
Jaw slack, Amon stared down at her. “I don’t think Hell could exist, so long as I’m with you.”
Her face taking on the molten-core heat of sun itself, Essie pushed her hands against her nobleman’s chest. “That’s really romantic and all-” she wheezed, “but perhaps you should look behind you at what the rest of our friends are dealing with-”
Something hit the door to her back heavily and she yelped, jumping directly into Amon’s arms.
Grunting, he held her to his chest as he swung around to see the remaining flesh golems and skeletons getting beaten back to dust and splattered smears of remains.
He let go of her to tear his sword free of its scabbard.
“You didn’t lead with this?” he inquired, raising his shield in front of her as he took a swipe at the nearest body.
“Was I supposed to?”
“Would you two lovebirds quit squabblin’ and start smashin’!” Face cut in, hurling a fire bolt at one of the humanoid beings made of leathery skin.
“He means smashing skeletons, not each other!”
“Thanks for the advice, Penimra,” Essie growled with exasperation, curling her hand to summon the ghastly figure of her chill-touch hand to strangle one of the reanimated skeletons.
Groaning himself, Amon turned to press a kiss to her temple, catching the sorceress off guard.
“Talk later?” he muttered a bit out of breath, side-stepping around to defend her from the lumbering nude humanoid creation to slice and hack at it relentlessly.
She blinked a few times, staring at the ominous door with the scratching noises behind her, back to the boney figure before her as her own skeletal chill-touch gripped its face, and ebbed away more of its life-force.
“S-Sure,” she squeaked helplessly.
What was there to say? Hey, sorry I bit you when I kissed you, I just wanted to wake you up from the weird mind control hypnosis thing you were under? The fact she’d said I love you? How she told him she needed him? She was almost sweating bullets already! There was a lot of unboxing right there.
Her face felt warm, and almost dizzy recalling how he’d just leaned in to rest his lips against the side of her head.
Oh fuck she was so screwed.
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gigglyirwin · 6 years
A Merry Little Christmas
Pairing: Ashton x Laura (aka @irwinkitten)
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: I participated in @plainwhiteluke , @flannelpunkcalum , and @dukehoods  5 seconds of swapping christmas challenge and this is my fic for @irwinkitten with love from your secret santa <3
A/N: flashbacks are in italics 
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Ashton had woken up long before Laura had. For a while, he laid in bed, his arm still around her waist, propped up on his other arm so he could watch her sleep. She looked so peaceful. He always fell more in love with her, watching her sleep and being able to pinpoint all the freckles and dots on her cheeks. He pulled her hair away from her face, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek before getting up.
He kept the music on the radio low as he worked on breakfast, hoping to surprise her in bed. He glanced towards his living room at the presents that filled the bottom of their tree. There weren’t many but there didn’t need to be. They both had given each other gifs every year, even the first year they had been together when they had only been officially dating for a month and a half.
“I know we never talked about gifts, but I wanted to get you something,” Laura said, handing Ashton the small wrapped box.
Ashton let out a relieved sigh, pulling a box out from his coat pocket. They both laughed. “I know we haven’t been together for long, but I saw this and immediately thought of you,” Ashton admitted shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ashton opened his gift first, seeing a few different rings. He had been wearing a bunch of them lately so she found two that she thought he’d like.
“These are awesome, Laura,” he said, looking up at her with a smile. He pulled one out and put it on his middle finger, then put the second one on his pointer finger. “Wow. I love these, they look so cool!”
He decided to wear them for the rest of the day, turning the one around his middle finger every so often. She opened her gift, gasping. The box held a gold necklace; it was like three necklaces in one. The first one was somewhat of a choker that had diamonds spaced evenly apart on the whole chain. The second hung down a little farther, with a rose in the center. The third would hang down her chest and was a simple gold block. “Thank you, Ashton. I love it.”
He offered to help her put it on, coming around behind her chair and pushing her hair off to one side as he clipped the necklace in place. She fixed her hair again, looking down at the necklace with a wide smile. “I love it,” she repeated.
Ashton plated breakfast, putting the leftovers in the fridge. He knew they were going to have friends and some family coming over throughout the day, so he figured if anyone got hungry he’d warm up what he had made.
Laura was still asleep when he entered the room. He set both plates on the nightstand, leaning on the bed and pressing kisses to the side of her face. “Wake up, love,” he hummed, cuddling up against her back and shaking her slightly. “Wakey wakey eggs and bakey,” Ashton cooed.
Laura let out a quiet yawn, followed by a giggle. “Morning, Ash,” she whispered and Ashton responded by plastering more kisses along her face.
“I made breakfast.”
She hummed, “Smells good,” and turned around to bury her head in his chest.
“I think Santa Clause came too,” Ashton joked, brushing back her bright pink hair. “I saw a whole bunch of presents under our tree.”
Laura laughed, kissing his neck and collarbone. “You sure it wasn’t you up late wrapping all those gifts?” she teased.
“No way. It was for sure Santa.”
Laura sat up in bed, followed by Ashton. He leaned over her when she was sitting up, kissing her gently, yet he let it linger. His hand came up to cup her cheek, only pulling away when his lungs were begging for air. “Merry Christmas, darling.”
They ate in bed and talked about that day's plans. It was still pretty early, not even 9 o’clock yet, and while they didn’t have anywhere to be until later that night, they knew they were going to have people in and out of the house so right after breakfast, they shared a warm shower and brushed their teeth together while standing in front of the giant mirror of their master bathroom.
Ashton went back to the bedroom to get dressed, then returned to the bathroom to finish drying his hair and fix it so it looked good. Any other day he had off, he wouldn’t bother taming the mane and would just deal with the bed head, or the freshly showered hair look, but today he put product in it and slicked it back in its usual way, leaving one little curl on the front of his forehead.
After getting herself ready, Laura headed to the bedroom to get dressed. She found a box on the bed, paired with a huge bow and a note that said: “to Laura, love Ashton.”
“Ash!” She called, picking up the piece of paper. Ashton came into the bedroom with a shy smile on his face.
“It’s just something for you to wear today.” Ashton leaned against the doorframe and waited until she opened it, his own smile growing when he saw hers form too. Inside was a red flowing skirt with a bow tied on the waist and a long sleeve white shirt that closely resembled a knitted sweater but was much more lightweight.
She shooed him out of the room as she changed, listening to him mumble about how unfair it was just because of how many times he’d seen her naked. But she wanted it to be a surprise when she walked out in it. After fixing the outfit in the mirror, she opened the door to him leaning on the wall now.
“Absolutely gorgeous,” he gushed, pulling her in by the waist for a much more heated kiss that was very unfortunately interrupted by the doorbell.  
Ashton’s bandmates at all joined him at his house. After trading gifts with them, they hung around. Laura had cooked them a light lunch knowing that each of them were doing their own extravagant dinner for Christmas evening. The band loved Luara just as much as Ashton loved her and were always happy to be around her. All of them joked that if Ashton didn’t put a ring on her eventually, they were going to shoot their shots. The truth was that neither of them were in a rush to get engaged or married, but Ashton had everything planned out, he was just waiting for the date to come around.
As a Christmas present to Ashton, Laura had fixed the strings on his guitar and Ash was eager to play. Luke was the one who suggested they go live on Instagram. They were sure that not many people would show up but decided to anyway. It turned into an impromptu acoustic set, with Ashton playing guitar and then taking suggested songs that came through the comments.
“What about this one,” Ashton began, playing a new chord on the guitar. He began to sing: “have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.”
“From now on, our troubles will be out of,” Luke joined, and the four of them harmonized perfectly to the word ‘sight’. Luke picked up on the second part of the verse and the boys did the same thing with the word ‘away’. Laura snuck pictures and short videos of the little live show, her smile never fading as she listened to them sing.
“Got one more gift for you,” Ashton mentioned as he and Laura had crawled into bed together that night.
“Ashton, you’ve spoiled me enough already,” she laughed, situating herself in bed when Ashton handed her his phone. Pulled up on it was flight information, a flight to New York that left on the 29th and returned on the 4th. “Really?” She gasped.
Ashton nodded. “I know we’ve been before, but we’ve never been on New Year’s and it’s beautiful during that holiday.” But truth be told, Ashton had a surprise for her on that day. He was planning on proposing to her at midnight, right in front of the ball drop. He had been keeping it a secret for nearly a year now, hiding the ring in his sock drawer or in his bag when he was touring. He looked at it every so often, sometimes carried it around in his coat pocket when they went out, just in case a far more perfect moment arose, but he knew for sure that he was going to ask her to marry him on New Year’s Day and he was so excited to start this new chapter of their lives together.
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @you-of-ghost @tommyswolves @hopelessxcynic @softboycal @sincerelycalum @darthrogers @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @skinnyanxxiety @norawashere @zuni181336 @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @astrosashton @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @too-many-lanes @violentvents @elle-28 @cashton-queen @hemmomfg @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @ashxirwinn @sillyoldbear29 @canterburyfiction @amxngmen @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @antiguini5sos @nine-butterflies @blue-skies-are-alright @mymanz @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum @Vimme11 @britnicole11 @mulberybabe @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @soniasalvatore1 @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @kendalleliz @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @agusdoti @kend-of-a-big-deal @katiaw2 @calumpshile @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @lilacsos @5-sos-babe @jpgluke @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @calumspeachy @yngbldss @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @calumamongmen @mysticalhood @dukesnumber1 @therainydays4 @lazyranchheroflower @rosaliechen @gloss-glass-ash @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @5sosreject @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @5sosdoges2018 @afirwin-94 @4evrfandom @sassy-asht0n @larryologymajor @irwinsbambi @voidmegan @hella-messy @valentinelrh @missingyoucth @bbyhoneyharru
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psychosistr · 5 years
Sparks Fly- Part 2 (CaeJose Dancer!AU)
Summary: It’s date night and poor Joseph is all kinds of nervous! Will Caesar see through it long enough to turn this date into a success?
Also: Didn’t state it before, but the name for this part is based off of the song Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift because I felt that it fit the general mood of the date with how confused and nervous but excited and happy Joseph is about all of it. Then, for the dance later, this is the sort of music I picture them dancing to.
Saturday soon arrived and Joseph found herself waiting downstairs in the lobby of her apartment building. Caesar had texted her saying he would be there to pick her up for their date about thirty minutes ago and that he would be there within half an hour. She’d actually been waiting in the lobby for the past five minutes, wanting to make sure she was ready to go when he arrived. She wasn’t normally one to worry about punctuality, but her nerves and the desire to make a good impression on the Italian Casanova gave her the energy to make sure she would DEFINITELY be ready on time.
While waiting, Joseph caught the sight of herself in one of the large glass windows of the lobby. She decided to check her reflection one more time to make sure she looked fine.
Her dress looked as gorgeous as the first time she’d tried it on, so that was good. The jewelry she’d picked out complimented the dress perfectly- the cocktail ring, earrings, and necklace looking lovely next to the green of her gown. She’d decided on a pair of black silk thigh-high stockings to cover her legs and a nice pair of glittery golden mary jane high-heeled platform shoes. She’d argued with herself constantly on the heels, worried that they would make her too tall and that she would fall over as she didn’t have much practice in them- they were almost brand new and she’d only worn them two or three times before- but, in the end, her mother talked her into it and said they added a nice flare of color to her look.
Speaking of her mother, Lisa Lisa had been a big help when it came to Joseph’s hair and makeup. They’d decided to go simple but elegant for the makeup, using deep green eyeshadow in a soft smokey-eye style to match her jewelry, black eyeliner and mascara, black nail polish with both of her index fingers painted glittering gold to offset it, a touch of amber colored blush applied to her cheeks to soften her cheekbones and jawline a bit, and, simply because Joseph couldn’t resist going a LITTLE flashy with her makeup, her lips were painted ombre style with ink black around the edges that melted to gold for the main color. Then, for her hair, they’d decided to smooth down most of her shorter locks and take the bulk of her hair that usually stuck up in the front, braid it, loop the braid around to the side of her head, then pin it there using one of her flower hair pins- this one was a yellow ranunculus with two green leaves.
Logically, she knew that she looked drop-dead gorgeous. Emotionally, though, she was fretting over her appearance. Caesar was way too charming and way too good at flirting (and kissing) to not have gone on several dates with countless women already. Would she measure up to his standards? Would she look like she was trying too hard? Would she-?
Her thoughts were cut off by the muffled sounds of “Mambo Italiano” by Dean Martin.
Joseph looked down to her shimmering golden clutch bag in her hands and opened it up to retrieve her phone. She saw Caesar’s number displayed on her screen and quickly answered it. “Hello?”
“Hey. I just pulled up out front, but I can go park somewhere else if you need a few more minutes.” She could hear the soft sounds of music and the thrum of an engine in the background when he spoke.
“Oh, what a coincidence!” She said with her best “surprised” voice. “I’m actually down in the lobby already. I’ll be right out!” She hung up, took a deep breath, and put her phone back in her bag. “Okay..” She said to herself. “You can do this!”
She took one more breath before going out through the front doors. She looked around, expecting to see Caesar on his bike, but was surprised to see him standing beside a silver Mercedes SLR with the passenger-side butterfly door already open.
Caesar himself was dressed in a rather flashy white and purple suit with the jacket and pants being white and the buttons, some stripes on the pants, and the inner flaps of the jacket being purple; also, when he shifted slightly, she noticed that the shirt beneath the jacket had a dark gray and black striped color scheme. His accessories were equally eye-catching with a green belt decorated with a metallic silver sun, a purple bow tie on a black choker, and a pair of brown fingerless gloves with odd holed-metal plates on the back, the brown gloves matching his surprisingly tame-in-comparison brown dress shoes. The finishing touch, she saw, was that for once he was without his headband, but he kept the feathered clips and donned a black and white checkered top hat on top of his head.
Caesar looked at her as she walked up to the car and his eyes widened as he took in her appearance. “……” Oh god…he wasn’t saying anything…was that bad? Should she go back upstairs and change? Was he having second thoughts? Maybe she should- “Dio mio..” He breathed out as he gazed at her, the earlier wide-eyed look of surprise melting into something filled with awe and adoration. “Sei come qualcosa da un sogno..” He blinked and quickly shook himself out of whatever trance he’d been in from seeing her and stood up straight to greet her properly. He took off his hat with a flourish and bowed. “Sorry to keep you waiting, signorina.”
She smiled a bit, relieved that he seemed happy with how she looked, and walked the last few steps over to him. “Eh, don’t worry about it. Like I said, I was already down here.” She looked him over with a smile, glad that she’d decided to add a bit of flare with her makeup and shoes so as not to be outdone by this showy charmer. “You look really good- I love the hat.”
“Grazie.” Caesar said with that charming smile of his as he flicked the hat skillfully so that it flipped back up onto his head. He took her hand that wasn’t holding her purse and kissed it sweetly. “And you look absolutely stunning, mia splendida dea.”
She blushed a bit, not knowing what the new adjective meant but, knowing Caesar and the context of the compliment, it was something really sweet (she made a mental note to look it up later). “Heh, thanks- thought I’d pull out all the stops, y’know?”
“I’m honored you would go so far for me.” Caesar said with one last kiss to her hand before moving to help her into the car. “Shall we be on our way?”
Joseph couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up inside of her- he was just so cliché and cheesy sometimes, though she found it was cute- but she managed to restrain it to a small chuckle. “Heh, sure.” She held his hand as she got into the passenger’s seat and he even closed the door for her after she made sure none of her dress was sticking out. After he got in on his side and they were both buckled up with the radio turned down to a dull hum so they could talk, Joseph took a good look at the expensive car. “I thought you said you didn’t own a car?”
“I don’t. This belongs to a close friend of mine. I set him up with his girlfriend about a year ago, and now they’re engaged. Seeing as I helped him find the love of his life, he figured it was only fair to loan me his car so I could attempt to do the same.” Caesar said while driving down the street, eyes on the road but one hand reaching over to hold her own hand. “Besides, I wanted to pick you up in something stylish: I do love my bike, but it is hardly suitable for a romantic evening in formal wear.”
Joseph’s cheeks felt warm as she smiled and held his hand. The comment about finding the love of his life was not lost on her and it made her heart flutter in her chest. “Well, maybe we can save it for next time. After all, first dates are supposed to be fancy, but second or third dates can be more relaxed, right?” She said as she watched the scenery go by.
“Ah, you are quite right, mia bellisima angela.” Caesar said with a smile, his thumb stroking along the back of her hand. “Perhaps next time we can go for that race I promised you.”
She looked back at him with a challenging smirk. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I’ve still gotta kick your ass and show you the brilliance of British engineering!” Joseph froze up slightly after realizing what she’d just said. Shit! She shouldn’t be swearing on a date! That wasn’t very dignified or lady-like at all and she was trying to make a good impression on him! She decided to quickly change the topic, her smirk trying to force itself down into a calmer smile. “So, where are we going tonight, anyway?” She tried to be smooth with her word choice, but she still felt nervous over her earlier slip up.
Caesar cast a slightly confused and curious glance in her direction while they were stopped at a red light, but his eyes quickly snapped back to the road when the light turned green and they continued driving. Crap, was she too obvious? “Oh, I know a good place that prepares actual, authentic Italian food- not this Americanized junk that some New Yorkers try to pass off as Italian.” The way his face scrunched up briefly in distaste at the apparent “junk” he’d tasted before was adorable and it made Joseph muffle a quiet laugh behind her free hand as he continued. “Anyway, the owner is an old family friend and I pulled some strings to set up something special.”
“Something special?” Joseph echoed with a curious tilt of her head and a grin. “What did you do, you clever Casanova?”
He merely smirked and winked at her using the side of his face closest to her. “That, my dear, is a surprise that you shall have to wait and see.”
Joseph gave him a fake pout and barely resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. “Fiiiine. I’ll be patient, I guess.” She said with a sarcastically fake put-out tone of voice before breaking into a grin alongside Caesar.
So far so good. Joseph could do this, no sweat!
Arriving at the restaurant blew Joseph’s previous round of nerves out of the water…and replaced them with an even bigger ball of straight-up anxiety.
Joseph had seen the small brick restaurant with ivy growing along the walls several times on TV and in magazines. It was one of the most well-known places in the city, but she’d never actually eaten there because it was the kind of place where if you didn’t have a reservation set up weeks or months in advance, then there was absolutely NO WAY to get a table. It had been a fixture in the city for decades, was one of the top ten most romantic restaurants in New York, and was located right beside the river to give a gorgeous view of the water, as well as the city.
Joseph was about to ask Caesar if they were in the right place because, seriously, there’s no way he actually got them a table here, right? They’d only made plans to go out a few days ago, so there had to be some mistake, right?
But, no, it was very clearly the right place as Caesar got out of the car, greeted the valet with a smile that spoke of familiarity while handing off the car keys, then walked over to Joseph’s door and opened it for her while offering her his hand. “Come, we should head inside before they give our table away.” He joked with that charming smile once again.
“Uh, y-yeah, right..” Joseph took his hand and stepped out of the car. She was still stunned to think that Caesar went to so much trouble for her and her mind was trying to catch up to the situation at hand.
Joseph allowed Caesar to guide her to the front doors, walking confidently past the long line of people outside and going straight inside. Caesar ignored the glares sent his way for getting to skip the line of impatient socialites and Joseph did her best to avoid eye contact with them (several of which she recognized due to her own social status) as they went towards the host’s stand.
The dark haired host seemed to recognize Caesar as quickly as the valet had and greeted him with a smile. “Caesar! Good to see you!”
Caesar smiled back at him. “You as well, Ricci. Is Emilio still here? He had a table prepared for us.”
“Ah, yes, of course.” The host nodded and gestured at one of the waitresses. “I’ll let him know you’re here. In the meantime, why don’t you two go have a seat?”
“Grazie, amico.” Caesar said with a tip of his hat before leading Joseph to follow the waitress.
Along the way he also ended up waving to the bartender, the live band playing in the corner of the restaurant, and a few of the waiters- each person he greeted smiling and waving or nodding back to him.
“Wow..” Joseph commented as they carefully walked through the busy restaurant. “You must come here a lot.” She was partly curious about that, but, mostly, she was trying to distract herself from the odd stares that people were giving her.
Her body must have tensed slightly from her nerves, because she felt Caesar’s hand giving her own a reassuring squeeze as he replied to her comment. “As I said, the owner is a good friend and he often keeps a special table set aside for me.”
To Joseph’s relief, they were led outside to a much quieter, and far more intimate, location. The waitress took them through a side door out to a small veranda overlooking the river. There was only one table set out there, kept tucked away by the wall just out of sight of the patrons within, giving the guests who used it a chance to eat and talk and enjoy the same view without all the noise of the full room inside.
Joseph smiled a little as she looked at the table, it was small enough that they would be able to hold hands or lean in close if they wanted to while still being big enough to accommodate them both properly. It was covered by an embroidered red table cloth and even had a three-candle candelabra burning in the middle. ‘Damn, that’s REALLY romantic.’ Joseph thought to herself as the waitress set their menus and silverware down for them.
Caesar pulled a chair out for her and gave a bow of his head. “Ladies first.”
“Thanks.” Joseph couldn’t help but grin as she took her seat, Caesar pushing the chair in for her before taking his own across from her. “I swear, you must watch nothing but cheesy romance movies.”
“I would say I watch a healthy amount.” He replied with a wink. He then turned his attention to the waitress. “Could you ask Gabriele for one of my usual bottles?” He paused a moment before looking at Joseph. “Oh, sorry, I should ask first- are you okay with red wine? I can order something else, if you’d prefer.”
Joseph quickly shook her head. “No, no, red wine’s fine- I’ve had it plenty of times at parties and stuff.” She gave him a slightly challenging smile, the urge to tease him a little bubbling up again. “Besides, I wanna see what sort of ‘special treatment’ they give you here, Caesarino.”
Caesar’s cheeks turned the tiniest bit red from the nickname and when the waitress hid a giggle behind her notepad before he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “Very well, then- you shall have the full experience.”
“Oh, now I’m excited.” She teased again before she decided to reign it back in. Guys got annoyed if you teased them too much, right? She should change the subject and try to seem more grateful for being here (which she was, definitely, she just couldn’t help her natural disposition). Picking up her menu, Joseph read through the choices. There was almost nothing she recognized on here, even with her mom’s cooking history. She recognized some of the basics like caprese salad, spaghetti, and mozzarella sticks, along with certain soups and salads, but she was otherwise lost. “So, since you’re a regular here, what would you recommend?”
Caesar gave her that same look he had in the car earlier when she tried to change topics, but he quickly shook it off and his face lit up as he reached over and pointed out a few things on the menu as he spoke, clearly happy to show off his knowledge of authentic Italian cuisine. “Well, there’s a good variety to choose from depending on what you are in the mood for. I grew up eating a lot of my mother’s Neapolitan style cooking, so I’m a bit partial to certain dishes they have here, but the variety in general is excellent. For an appetizer, I would recommend anything with their buffalo mozarella- it’s made fresh every day and has excellent flavor and texture. My favorite appetizers are the fresh caprese salad when the tomatoes are in season, and the fried mozzarella the rest of the year- the actual slices of pan-fried of mozzarella, that is, not just the deep fried sticks.” His hand moved over to the main courses section as he continued. “You mentioned before that your favorite food is fried chicken, right? Then you would probably enjoy the mozzarella stuffed chicken parmesan they serve here, or the spicy chicken cacciatore. If you want something exotic, I’d recommend the spaghetti al nero di sepia.- it’s spaghetti in a squid ink sauce.”
Joseph made an odd face at the idea. “Squid ink? Does that actually taste good, or is it just something Italians use as a way to make fun of tourists?” Seriously, squid ink on pasta? That just sounded weird…
Caesar grinned and laughed at her words as well as the face she made, but shook his head. “No, it’s an actual dish and it’s quite delicious. Though, it does startle a few people who try it for the first time when it turns their mouths black.” He tapped a few other entries, his smile looking almost nostalgic. “My personal favorites, though, are the pasta ai fagioli- that’s pasta with beans-, their ragu dishes- pasta with a delicious meat and tomato sauce-, and the pasta alla Genovese- that’s ziti pasta with a white sauce and beef and onions.”
Joseph smiled fondly as she listened to him talk. “Are those some childhood favorites?”
Caesar’s smile softened as he looked down at the words on the menu. “Yes. Those were my mother’s best dishes. She would often make those for special occasions, such as holidays or one of our birthdays. That was the one advantage of coming from a big family- we had plenty of birthdays spaced throughout the year, so we got to have her special recipes fairly often, but not so often that they became any less special.”
Joseph noticed how Caesar’s smile, while fondly nostalgic, held a bittersweet sadness to it. “Has it been a while since you’ve had any of it?” She guessed, knowing she had hit the mark when he glanced away to the river.
“Yeah..” He sighed a little, bringing his hand back to lean against it as he gazed wistfully at the water and passing boats. “Coming here is nice, but I do miss the home-cooked quality her meals had..”
Joseph felt a tug on her heart strings seeing the slight sadness in Caesar’s eyes. She knew a bit about his past, the part about him being a street thug when he was younger, but he hadn’t really talked much about his family before. Hell, she didn’t even know why he left home, both his family’s home and his home country, to come all the way out to America. She imagined it must have been a painful story for him…
“Well then,” She began while reaching across the table to gently grab his other hand, catching him by surprise and making him look back at her. “I guess you’ll have to teach me how to make them sometime. That way you won’t have to go out and spend a fortune here whenever you want something to eat, and I’ll get to impress you yet again with my culinary genius.” She grinned at him and squeezed his hand in what she hoped was a comforting gesture.
Caesar gave her that same look of awe he’d had when he picked her up earlier. “……” His expression melted back into a smile that spoke of adoration and fondness once again, his hand turning over so he could lace his fingers together with hers. “Si…I would like that, Jojo.”
They smiled and gazed at each other, the only sound around them the muffled chatter from inside and the gentle crashing of the waves from the riverbank.
They decided on the fried mozzarella- both the slices and the sticks, simply because Joseph was still a bit of a kid at heart- for their appetizer. Caesar ordered the weird squid ink pasta just to goad Joseph into trying a bite. It was actually GOOD! Who would’ve thought?! She ended up stealing a few more bites just because she liked the taste, though it was funny to see Caesar’s lips turning black as he ate- their lips almost matching by the end of the meal. Joseph herself decided to try the bowtie pasta (she already forgot the fancy Italian name that Caesar told her for it) with the ragu sauce that Caesar seemed so fond of. She gladly shared some of hers, too, since she’d taken a fair share of bites from Caesar’s plate already.
Everything was delicious, from the wine Caesar ordered to the main courses. Even the free bread was tastier than most places she’d been to! Caesar happily showed her how to serve it with the olive oil and balsamic that was placed on the table for the bread and it made it taste even better.
Part of her felt a little bad for not being aware of how much everything cost. This was one of those fancier restaurants where they didn’t put the prices on the menu- one of those, “if you have to ask, you probably can’t afford to eat here anyway” deals, she presumed. She knew that she could definitely afford it, but she didn’t want to make Caesar pay that much for her. Joseph brought up the subject of paying for herself or splitting the bill, but Caesar firmly yet politely informed her that he would not allow a lady to pay for herself on the first date, no matter the cost. After a brief debate on the matter, Caesar ultimately won and reaffirmed that he would be paying this time, but Joseph only allowed it on the condition that she pay for him the next time they went out.
When it came time to order dessert, a short, older man with tan skin and dark hair walked out with a big smile on his face. “Haha! There he is! E 'bello vederti, bambino!”
“Emilio! Bello vederti, amico mio!” Caesar looked at the man with a big smile and stood to greet him, the two engaging in a quick, friendly hug.
When they separated, the shorter man looked at Joseph with what could only be described as a proud smile. “Ah, and this must be the lovely signorina you spoke so highly of!”
Caesar’s cheeks turned a touch red and he coughed into his fist to clear his throat, muttering something in Italian that Joseph wouldn’t really understand or remember. “Potresti tenerlo segreto, Emilio?”
“Io non la penso così.” Emilio shot Caesar a smirk before returning his attention to Joseph. “Caesar was awfully excited to bring you here- he kept calling every night to make sure we’d remember to set his table aside for you two.”
Joseph smirked conspiratorially at Emilio, her tone clearly teasing Caesar as she took in this new information. “Oh did he now?”
Emilio chuckled as he pretended to think back on their conversations. “Si. He kept insisting how important tonight was, and how he ‘could absolutely not afford to mess this up for any reason or he would never be able to forgive himself’- though I may be paraphrasing a bit.”
“You don’t say..” Joseph grinned at Caesar, the blonde’s face now completely red as he hid his head in his hands.
“Per favore..” Caesar groaned as the two continued to grin and chuckle at his expense. “Please stop..I am literally begging you..”
Emilio laughed and patted Caesar on the back good-naturedly while continuing his conversation with Joseph. “I haven’t seen l'insalata del bambino blush like that since he was smaller than me! Haha! It is too cute!”
Joseph couldn’t help giggling at Caesar’s flustered state- it was nice to see him losing his cool for a change. “What does that name mean? I got ‘bambino’, but what’s the rest?”
Caesar looked up from his hands to glare at Emilio. “Rispondetela e non parlerò mai più con voi!”
The shorter Italian just smirked wickedly while leaning close to Joseph as if whispering a secret. Joseph happily leaned in to hear him clearly. “It’s a nickname from when he was a little bambino. He HATES it. It means..” He leaned in closer and she cupped a hand around her ear exaggeratedly to hear his stage-whisper. “Baby salad.”
A hysterical fit of laughter rang out from Joseph and she threw her head back to let it out properly. “BABY SALAD?!!” She laughed so hard that she had to grip the table, otherwise she would risk falling out of her chair. “OH MY GOD!! That is too funny!”
Caesar’s face turned a darker shade of red and he buried his face in his hands once more with a muffled scream. “Auugh! Ti odio!”
Emilio laughed along with Joseph, the two having tears in their eyes by the time they were done. The short man wiped his eyes with his hand while Joseph pulled a tissue out of her purse to dab at her eyes and, mostly, avoid smudging her makeup. “I hope you make good use of that nickname, signorina.”
“Oho, I definitely will, thanks.” Joseph said with a devious grin. Oh, she already had plans for all manner of teasing floating through her mind.
Caesar shoved at Emilio with a glare, his cheeks still red. “You just had to say something, didn’t you?”
Emilio easily ignored the half-hearted shove while looking up at Caesar. “But of course! No one else is around to embarrass you in front of your date, so I have to do it myself!” He laughed again at Caesar’s annoyed glare before looking back to Joseph. “Now then, signorina, I am certain you can handle yourself..but, if this boy gives you any trouble or treats you like anything less than a proper gentleman, you come right in and tell me and I’ll set him straight, alright?”
“You’ll be the first to know.” Joseph replied with a smile, one that was born from both amusement at Caesar’s embarrassment and the genuine sweetness and concern of the older gentleman.
Having said what he wanted to say (and thoroughly embarrassed Caesar), Emilio took their dessert orders and let them be once more.
Caesar sat back down heavily in his chair, holding his face with one hand. “I am truly sorry about that interruption. Emilio, he…” He heaved a long suffering sigh and rubbed at his eyes with his thumb and index finger “He does what he wants, despite what others ask him.”
Joseph grinned smugly and reached across the table to flick the blonde’s hat playfully. “Oh, I don’t mind him one bit, my little salad~<3” She teased with a wink.
He looked up at her with a light glare and readjusted his hat, muttering something in Italian under his breath. “Accidenti a te, vecchio…”
Joseph flinched slightly at the glare and pulled her hand back. Crap, was that going too far? She should probably save the teasing for later in the relationship. Was there a set time limit on when it was okay to tease your boyfriend like that? Wait, was it too soon to be thinking of him as a boyfriend? She didn’t know any of the rules for this! Damn it, she needed to change the subject before she blew it!
“Sooo..” She began while placing her hands on the table in front of herself, desperately searching for anything else to talk about. “I know I got that tasty looking chocolate panna cotta for my dessert, what was that pastry thing you’re getting called again? You said something about it looking like a shell?”
Again, Caesar gave her a look that was partly curious, but mostly confused. “It’s called sfogliatelle.” He answered shortly before reaching across the table to gently touch her hand. “Jojo, is something wrong? That’s the third time tonight you’ve done that.”
“Huh? Done what?” She tried to bluff her way out of the situation by playing innocent.
The act apparently failed when Caesar gave her a troubled, worried frown. “You keep changing the subject. On top of that, you keep choosing safe, generic small talk to distract from what you said before.” His frown grew a bit more and he looked even more worried. “Are you..not enjoying yourself..?”
Joseph quickly shook her head, holding his hand with both of hers to get her sentiment across clearly. “No! I mean, yes, I am, and no, that-that’s not it at all! I’m having a great time with you, Caesar, really! It’s just…” She trailed off, glancing away nervously.
Should she tell him? He was always so patient and understanding with her. Then again, everyone’s patience had a limit. Would this be his? Damn it, she wasn’t used to feeling this confused!
“Just what?” Caesar prompted while bringing his other hand closer to cup the back of hers and rub it soothingly. “What is troubling you, mia dolce angela?”
Ah, another new adjective she’d have to look up later. “……” She took a deep breath to calm herself, as she had done earlier in the night. She still couldn’t meet his eyes, choosing instead to focus on their joint hands. “It’s just…I..I don’t want to mess this up..”
Caesar raised an eyebrow, looking more confused than concerned now. “Mess it up? How on earth do you think you could manage that?”
“I don’t know.” She answered with a slightly annoyed sigh, the annoyance focused completely against herself. “I’m just freaking out because I really like you and I want to make this work and I don’t want to make a fool out of myself by saying something stupid or doing something that pisses you off because then you might get annoyed and won’t want to go out with me again and then I’ll be kicking myself for screwing things up so badly with the first guy that ever asked me out-” God, she was rambling now, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop the words that just continued falling from her lips. “-and you clearly put so much thought into all of this with the fancy restaurant, and the car, and the outfit, and I’m freaking out more because I don’t know if I’m actually worth all the trouble you went to for tonight and it just all freaks me out because this is all new to me and I have absolutely NO idea what I’m doing and now I probably sound like a crazy person to you for worrying so much over what must seem like nothing to you since you’ve clearly been out on a bunch of dates before, but I haven’t so I don’t know what’s okay and what’s not okay and I just REALLY want you to like me enough to go out with me again because I’m really happy being with you, damn it!” She finished her rambling and gasped hard, trying to replenish the air she’d just drained from her lungs.
“……” Caesar seemed stunned, busy taking in and processing everything Joseph just told him. When he finally finished sorting through her mashed together words, though, he lifted his hand and gently tipped her chin up with one finger to make her look at his face again. He had that warm, kind, patient, understanding smile on his face that instantly put her at ease. “I think we both may have been trying too hard tonight.” Then, to Joseph’s surprise and slight confusion, Caesar got to his feet and walked around to her side of the table. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, brought something up on it that she didn’t have a chance to see, then set it down on the table before gently pulling her to her feet. As Joseph rose out of her seat, she heard music fill the air around them from speakers hidden along the sides of the building that she couldn’t see- it was a beautiful waltz melody, but a bit more upbeat and modern with a slightly gothic sound. Looking at her with a far more relaxed smile, Caesar kept one hand clasped around hers while the other moved to her waist. “How about, instead of trying to be something we’re not, we both just relax and do what comes naturally?”
Joseph felt her heart skip as she looked him in the eyes. She looked into those gorgeous green eyes and saw no ulterior motives, no flirty playfulness, no charming mask- she only saw Caesar. She saw a man who was clearly enjoying having her with him and who wanted to relax and enjoy himself with her.
A relaxed smile slid across Joseph’s face to match Caesar’s as she held his hand and brought her own free hand up to rest on his shoulder. “I think I’d like that, Caesarino.”
They began to sway in time with the music, already finding the rhythm with it and each other almost instantly. The swaying quickly turned into measured steps and quick turns. Before long they were dancing together with the same energy, passion, and chemistry they always had when they danced together in class.
Caesar would guide her down into a graceful dip, able to easily hold her weight without breaking a sweat. He would raise one hand above both of their heads so she could spin smoothly on one leg, the slit in the dress allowing an ideal range of motion for her legs. He would grab her around the waist and lift her off the ground as they spun together in large circles.
At one point, a sly grin slipped across his face and he moved his thumbs a certain way and she heard a “click” sound come from his gloves. She gave him a questioning look, but before she could voice her curiosity she noticed the holes on the back of those odd metal plates opening up as well as a couple of smaller panels on the sides that she hadn’t noticed before slipping open too. She noticed some sort of clear liquid moving just beneath the surface of the holes.
Then, on the next spin they executed together, she saw them:
As they moved together seamlessly, the gloves on Caesar’s hands seemed to take in air from the panels on the sides before coming out through the holes on the back of the metal plates as bubbles. Soon the floating orbs filled the air around them, catching the lights from both the city in the distance and the windows of the restaurant that neither noticed they’d moved in front of while dancing due to being caught up in their own little world.
“So, what do you think?” Caesar asked while dipping Joseph down gracefully, the sly grin still on his face. “I used to do odd jobs as an engineer- I made these using some spare parts I found.”
Joseph was still in awe of the bubbles floating around them, but she soon came back to herself and smiled at Caesar as he brought her back upright. “Flashy and fashionable. I like it!” She laughed while spinning around on one leg, trusting Caesar to keep her from falling. “You certainly planned for every possibility, didn’t you?”
“Yeah..” Caesar’s earlier grin softened into something calmer and even a touch melancholic. “I was nervous about tonight too..” He admitted as he let her finish her spin, ending it with her back to his chest and the hand that was still holding hers crossed over her waist as he held her close. “I ran through countless lists in my mind about what could go wrong and how to prevent it, as well as ways to impress you whenever the opportunity presented itself.” He held her to him while they swayed to the music, his free hand tracing along the lace of her sleeve to hold her other hand as well. “As much as I hate him for saying it, Emilio was right: I was sweating over every little detail because I knew that if I messed this up..I would never be able to forgive myself..”
Joseph spared him a confused glance over her shoulder. “Huh? How could YOU mess this up? You clearly know what you’re doing- hell, I’d bet you’ve dated at least fifty girls before me!” She was joking slightly on that part, but, in reality, she supposed it could be possible- he never really talked to her about any past girlfriends, after all.
She felt a quiet chuckle rumble through his chest where it was still touching her back. “I stopped counting a long time ago, but you might be right.” He was silent for a little while after that, slowly turning her around in his arms so that they were facing each other properly again as they moved together in slow steps and spins across the ground. “I did not want to say anything before, when you thought that I was dating Suzi behind your back..but..there was a time not too long ago when you may have been right to assume such a thing about me…” He looked so pained, like he had a deep, burning guilt on his conscience that was eating him alive. “During my street thug days, I was…well, to say I was not a good person would be putting it mildly..” He lamented with a sad smile. “I went through each day not caring if I would live to see the next or not and thought little of the consequences of my actions. I got into fights without caring if I was attacked later for revenge. I stole from people without caring if I would be arrested. I hurt and used people without caring if I would ever see them again.” He looked down, avoiding her eyes like he was ashamed to meet her earnest, caring gaze. “I went out with many girls and women when I was young, but I never truly felt anything for them. I would see women who looked lonely and woo them with a charming smile or a flashy gesture, then leave them after I’d had my fun..I never thought I did anything wrong, even though I’m sure now that I left many of them broken hearted and alone..” Joseph could tell how much it pained him to admit that, and she couldn’t blame him- admitting you used to date girls only to leave after a one-night stand wasn’t exactly the coolest thing to talk about, but he seemed like he needed to get it off of his chest. “I lived my life that way for a while..but..I have tried to distance myself from the person I used to be: I still fight, but I try to only do it for a good reason. Earning an honest living can be hard at times, but I feel better knowing that I am no longer stealing people’s wallets just to get by. Also…” He took a slow, even breath before looking up to meet Joseph’s eyes once again, his own bright green eyes shining with a sincerity and strong sense of conviction that made her breath catch in her throat. “You are the only woman I have had any interest in at all for the past two years. If I am being completely honest, you are really the only woman whom I have EVER had any genuine feelings for. I wanted tonight to go perfectly so that I could prove I was worthy of your time and attention- so that I could continue seeing you as often as possible and hold you and kiss you and tell you how lovely and amazing you truly are.” His smile lightened slightly at his confession, one hand sliding around her waist again as he leaned her back slowly. “You may find it a huge cliché for me to say such a thing, but..”
Joseph reached up and put one hand on his cheek, gazing up into his eyes with a playful but understanding smile. “Now you’ll say ‘You’re different from the other girls- you are the first woman I’ve ever fallen for, Jojo’, and then you’ll lean in for a kiss.”
“You’re different from the other girls- you are the first woman I’ve ever fallen for, Jojo.” He said before leaning down with her in an elegant dip so he could kiss her lips. Just as his lips made contact with hers, he finally realized what just happened. “!!”
He seemed mildly startled, looking like he might pull away to say something, but Joseph was having none of that. “Mhh..” She moved the hand that had been on his cheek around to the back of his neck and held him in place so she could kiss him properly.
She’d done research since their last kiss and now had a better understanding of what to do between that and what she’d learned from kissing Caesar already: Tilt the head slightly to find a more comfortable angle. Breathe through the nose to make the kiss last longer. Purse the lips in smooth motions back and forth, responding to how your partner moves theirs.
Caesar was again surprised by her boldness, but did not seem to mind if the way he held her closer and sighed silently through his nose was any indication. “Hmh..” The kiss lasted much longer than their first one, the two of them taking their time to fully enjoy the experience. By the time they finally pulled apart (only by an inch or two so they were still practically breathing each other’s air), they had matching red cheeks and black lips- a combination of Joseph’s lipstick and the squid ink from Caesar’s pasta. “Jojo..” Caesar said while gazing at her with awe and pure, loving adoration. The smile on his face was so warm, so genuine, so clearly and completely Caesar that it made Joseph’s heart melt. “I may grow tired of that trick one day, but I don’t see that day coming for many years.”
Joseph’s heart pounded at the meaning behind his words and she smiled back up at him, sharing that hope and desire for the future with him. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”
<-Previous Part Next Part->
-From the Beginning-
Italian Translations:
“Sei come qualcosa da un sogno..”  - “You’re like something from a dream..”
“E 'bello vederti, bambino!” - “It’s good to see you, boy!”
“Bello vederti, amico mio!” - “Good to see you, my friend!”
“Potresti tenerlo segreto, Emilio?” - “Could you keep that a secret, Emilio?”
“Io non la penso così.” - “I don’t think so.”
“Rispondetela e non parlerò mai più con voi!” - “Answer her and I’ll never talk to you again!”
“Ti odio!” - “I hate you!”
“Accidenti a te, vecchio…” - “Damn you, old man...”
Also, the new nicknames he drops for her are “splendid/gorgeous goddess” and “sweet angel”.
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blankdblank · 6 years
Chap Stick Pt 5
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 -
Tags –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @abiwim​, @jotink78, @c-s-stars, @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @thequeenoferebor,
Gets smutty after another glimpse at the oc’s past. Also mentions of past abuse.
Smirks and glances from the Princes grew looking between your Husbands, both subtly trying to fill your plate with their additions to the meal. Your easy smile grew as you accepted helpings from them both and turned your head to greet Dain on his entrance to join you to share the news that had arrived with his Cousin. Dain accepted the free seat and passed a note to Thorin, “The Southern Kings are asking for a gathering to discuss Dwarves returning to Moria.” In a glance at you he cautiously added, “Though they are refusing assistance of Queen Rowena’s enchanted doorways for travel.”
Thorin’s brows furrowed, “That would take weeks to travel to Orcarni.”
Dain nodded, “Yes, I have spoken with Gandalf though, he has agreed to gain aid from the Great Eagles for our travels.”
With a sigh Thorin looked over to you then back to Dain, saying flatly, “I am not leaving. If he wishes to regain trade from Moria and Dale he can travel here. I have my people and family to tend to. If he does not agree with that then he can wait until I am able to travel.”
Dain nodded with a smirk and drew a pre written and sealed letter from his pocket a Raven along the wall flew to his shoulder to claim, “I hoped you might say that.” His eyes glimmered at you, “Besides, we’ve a feast to prepare for.”
Your brow rose curiously, “Feast?”
Dain nodded smiling at your Husbands, “A celebration, of the union of our lands and to officially welcome, and thank our new Queen.”
Thorin couldn’t help but smirk as he asked, “And how long have you been planning this?”
Dain chuckled lowly, “Since we learned you were wed. Though my people have been in a frenzy to get everything together for a week long frenzy. Three days for our clans and three for yours with a resting day in between to sleep off the ale.”
In your nervous habit your fingers rose to smooth over the fake gauge earring at the tip of your ear above your dark freckle that caused your lips to part as your fingertip smoothed along the grove there stirring a memory. Across form you Fili asked, “Everything alright Auntie?”
All eyes shifted to you and you glanced up, “I’d forgotten, my chests.” Their brows rose as they watched you unscrew the outer cover for the silver hexagonal cover to your earring you pulled off and turned over in your fingertips drawing their eyes. A click brought the hidden pocket inside you swished your finger over drawing a set of chests that grew as they neared the floor as you closed it and screwed it back on again. On their feet the group eyed the large chests, three of them could easily fit in stacked one on top of the other, your smile inched back as you opened the one closest to you and showed them, “My books and clothes. I couldn’t find them in my bag, thought I’d dropped them.”
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Thranduil smirked peering over your shoulder and reached inside to grab the top book only to flinch his hand back when it growled at him. “Interesting..”
You giggled softly and raised the book in your hands allowing them to read, “Monster book of Monsters.” The Spider seeming book growled again then purred as you stroked its spine muttering, “Spiders, Spiders…Ah.” Your fingers halted the flipping of the pages and you grinned, “Well good thing they’re not Acromantulas.”
Thranduil eyed the page asking as he read the expert on the giant cursed beasts flourishing in his lands, “What is the difference between those and,” his finger tapped the page causing the book to grumble again, “these, Racnizons?”
You glanced up at him with a smile, “These shrivel in direct sunlight. One simple spell and they’ll be gone. Acromantulas require potions and various enchanted objects to kill the living then purge the nests and webs.” Closing the book you bound it again then caught Thorin flipping quietly through one of your ancient runes textbooks.
Lowly he asked as you put your Monster book down, “Where did you get this?”
His eyes rose to meet yours, “It’s one of the main textbooks for my Ancient Runes courses.”
His lips parted, “You can read this?” You nodded, “This is a copy of Durin the Deathless’ Journal.”
Your eyes lowered to it, “In my world that is the Journal of a Wizard known as Merlin.”
Lowly he repeated, “Merlin…” His fingers flipping through the book as he asked, “Can you translate this?” Nipping at your lip you turned and shifted the top tray out of the way to ease your fingers along the spines of your notebooks to draw out one of them you passed to Thorin with a smile.
“One of our first assignments to translate that book. I have a dictionary on it if you have more books in those runes.”
Dain softly asked in a stunned tone, “You know Kurdu?”
“If that’s Kurdu then yes. I excelled in History and language courses. Got a good job as a translator out of it in the Ministry of Magic.” Your head turned to Thorin, “Which reminds me, I know Khuzdul is a secret language-.”
He smiled at you cradling the books to his chest, “We will teach you Dearest Kurkarukê.”
Your smile grew as you caught Kili grabbing a smaller chest from the second chest he and his Cousin Thor had opened. Curiously they opened it and gasped at the stash of gold inside. Fili, “You have a hidden stash of your own I see.”
His smirk grew as he glanced at you while Thor claimed the velvet lined box tucked along the side, smirking you replied, “That, Fili is my life savings. 400 gold coins.”
Thorin smirked replying, “Well now that will be added to the thousands you have earned in your share of the hoard.”
You rolled your eyes saying, “I don’t need that much gold.”
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He smirked back then looked at his Son who gasped at the large diamond and sapphire necklace forming a V with large Sapphires along the top with dangling rows of Diamonds ended with sapphires finishing the elegant wave of jewels with matching earrings starting with large sapphires above seven dangling strings of diamonds and sapphires in matching points. The entire set being worth a jaw dropping sum at the stones alone without a close glance at the White Gold chains and settings. In a glance at you Fili asked, “I thought you weren’t wealthy, before you came here.”
You shook your head, “I wasn’t.” You glanced at the necklace and giggled, “Oh that. My friends Albus and Nicholas gifted me that. I got assigned into a Triwizard tournament. I didn’t have anything to wear to the Yule Ball, they split the costs helping me find a dress and surprised me with those.” You giggled again, “They really are convincing aren’t they? I nearly thought they were real myself but they had a receipt from the second hand shop they found them in.”
The gems were passed around drawing Balin and Dwalin closer as well when they came to pass a message on to the King, each taking turns with Balin’s eye glass inspecting the stones. After wetting his lips Thorin met your eyes stating, “This is no forgery.”
In a disbelieving giggle you asked, “Then why would-.” Tears filled your eyes as your self doubt flooded through your mind while every memory with your short time with your best friends flooded back.
Gently Thranduil’s hand stroked across your back, “Your friends loved you.” Your head tilted back to peer up at you allowing him to wipe away a stray tear of yours, “It is excruciatingly difficult to pamper you Love. Even when I crafted the ring you had supplied the stones to you doubted it was truly a gift.”
You glanced at the set again, “How, how much would that be?”
Balin pursed his lips then glanced at Dwalin, “5?”
Dwalin shook his head, “No, even with the White Gold settings it’s over 7.”
Balin turned to look at you, “I would guess at least 8000 gold pieces.”
Your lips parted and Dwalin added, “Not counting labor.”
Thorin chuckled lowly, “This piece should have taken at least 5 month to complete simply shaping the stones.”
In your silence Thor asked, “Did you win?” Your head turned to look at him, “The Tournament?”
You nodded, “350 gold coins. Most of my savings. Wasn’t much of a win though.”
Fili’s brows furrowed, “Why’s that?”
Kili chuckled, “What happened, you send the others off through one of your doorways?”
You shook your head, “No, um, There was a mishap with the Swooping Evil when it got knocked into the Thunderbird, huge debacle, ended up killing the other two contestants in the shifting bogs.”
Dain, “Swooping Evil?”
Kili smirked, “What’s a Thunderbird?” As Fili asked puzzlingly, ‘shifting bogs?”
“Swooping Evil, it’s a mixture between a, well sort of like a butterfly and a snake. It’s venom is used to erase bad memories. Thunderbirds are like giant eagles with double sets of wings, they can summon storms. Um, the bogs, well, it’s a bog that was enchanted to try and kill us. Always shifting the small island pathways and pools of water enchanted to get us um, it sort of hummed to lull us in. I thought there were Sirens in the water to drag us under, so I didn’t touch it. Then there was the stinging mists and random hidden mythical creatures we had to get past to reach the cup.”
Thorin raised a brow, “You did all that, for a cup?”
You nodded and reached into your gold chest and drew out the moving newspaper clipping with you bloody and trying to pull a set of shrieking toads from your hair as the Minister of Magic held the cup in front of you and the young Albus and ghostly pale Nicholas both trying to help you with your hair. “It’s more like a trophy. We don’t get to keep it, but my name was engraved on it with the others.”
Balin stared at it, “How is it moving?”
“Oh, it’s enchanted. Our pen ink is the same, so our doodles can move as well.”
Thranduil, “Ah, that explains the fountains in your sketches.” Gently he claimed the picture eyeing the pair behind you, “Your friends?” You nodded. “They seemed fond of you indeed.”
You couldn’t help but smirk, “Nicholas was married and Albus, was otherwise attached to someone else.”
Thor nodded, “Ah.” Thranduil set the clipping back in your chest and asked, “Any other hidden gifts?”
You shook your head, “Few blankets, books. No jewels though.” Your eyes shifted to the gifted velvet box into your gold chest before it was placed with your clothes again and that chest was closed and rose up causing the men to hop back eyeing the paw ended legs taking it through the room towards your closet. You flashed another smile, “The chests also have a hidden pocket inside thieves get trapped inside.”
They blinked at you before Kili and Fili laughed saying, “That is so cool!”
Thor smiled, eyeing the other book chest asking, “This one do the same?”
You nodded, “They’re sold in pairs or they tend to explode. It’s a simple spell.”
He grinned as Dain chuckled saying, “Handy spell indeed.” His eyes lowered to watch you close the chest that soon followed its twin to your closet.
Turning back to finish your meal again you watched Thorin on his path to meet with his waiting kin seeking answers about the process of moving back again. His warm hug and kiss on your cheek still coating you as you filled your fork and looked to Fili as he asked Thranduil, “You haven’t happened to teach her Dwarvish dances, have you?”
Thranduil shook his head, “No. We had lessons on several Elvish languages and a few traditional dances.”
Kili smirked, “Guess we’ll have to handle it then.”
Making your smile grow as Dain stood saying, “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to see to a few more details and I will make a stop in the library for a few introductory novels for our language.”
“Thank you.”
He bowed his head smiling at you through his turn away that drew the boys to join him on their own errands. With a smile Thranduil eyed the Elves entering to clean up after the meal as he extended his hand to guide you back to your room allowing you to dress again. Wetting your lips you pulled a simple tank top and silk lilac blouse on you tucked into your gifted pants and boots from the day before. In a reach up you wound the top half of your hair back and secured it with a hair clip shaped like a butterfly coated in a few fake silver gems in each point of the wings.
Nipping at your lip you quietly slipped through the doorway to Greenwood after tucking your wand behind your hair clip in its usual hiding place from your old world. Quietly you peeked through the King’s room and flashed him a brief wave when he exited his closet shirtless in a fresh pair of pants with a fresh under shirt in his hand and his boots in the other. His large smile grew as he stated, “That is a lovely shirt Dearest.”
You couldn’t help but smile approaching him, “Thank you,” in a lean down he set his boots at the foot of his bed and stepped closer to you watching your eyes scanning over his bare chest. You nipped at your lip and met his gaze asking, “Would it be alright if I hugged you?”
Holding back his comment and near chuckle he nodded and extended his arms knowing he had to allow you to understand he trusted you completely and you could do the same in return. In a step forward your body melted against his chest as your eyes closed, hearing his calming heart beat thumping against your ear while your hands smoothed slowly around his back. His arms eased around you while his cheek pressed to the top of your head as his smooth velvety voice drew you tighter around him, “My Dearest Love, you may touch me and hold me whenever you wish. You have my trust and my love, if you still wish to request permission first I will not argue against it as long as it is what you wish and not out of fear of my refusal. Something you will never receive, My Love.”
As you tilted your head back you eyes locked and he smiled as he leaned in to close the distance at your rise to your toes to claim a kiss. Warmly his lips molded to yours for the brief set of cautious pecks before his soft chuckle as your fingers traced the dip in the center of his back. In a purr he drew a blush from you when he asked, “Why would you ever assume I wouldn’t wish for you to touch me?”
He chuckled and nodded gently drawing your hands from his back to be planted on his chest, with a playful smile he added, “I trust you. First, my chest and stomach.” His hands folded around the backs of yours smoothing them over his chest and stomach deepening your blush before he released your hands drawing your eyes to his. “Now, my arms.” Holding them before him he smirked and nodded his head to encourage you to follow the mild order. Dropping your gaze your hands left his middle to gently land on his wrists and smooth up and around his arms and shoulder before he smoothed his hands around your middle guiding you to the bed’s edge where he sat down, “Now, shoulders.”
Wetting your lips you were helped onto his lap and timidly smoothed your hands over his shoulders and up his neck at his next order. “Now my hair.” You smirked and combed your fingers through his hair, “Ears,” he chuckled as you traced the ridge of his ears and cupped his cheeks through the kiss you claimed from him. A low hum left him through his lean into it working his lips against yours while he held back his shiver at your fingers tracing just under his jaw. Quickly your lips left his to press to the tip of his nose earning another chuckle from him when his forehead pressed to yours for a moment before he claimed another gentle kiss from you. “We’ve covered above the waist, now-…”
Your panicked glance up at his eyes brought him to lift you and set you beside him as he stated, “Feet.”
Softly you looked him over asking, “What?”
He shifted on the bed raising both his legs to hold his feet just above your lap smirking at you, “Feet.” You weakly giggled disbelievingly and he repeated a bit firmer in his joking tone, “Now now, you can’t stop now.”
Your giggle sounded again as he moved his feet closer to you as he wiggled his toes causing you to lean back avoiding them as you spotted the curious Prince Legolas eyeing the pair of you when he entered. Again he added, “They’re clean.”
You giggled again and called out to the Prince now halfway to the bed, “Legolas your Ada is trying to make me touch his feet!”
Legolas snickered stating, “Lord Celeborn was requesting a word with you.”
Thranduil sighed curling his legs before him as you sat up allowing him to pull you closer to him to claim another gentle kiss and to press his forehead against yours before he mentally stated in a comforting tone, “My game would have stopped at my knees Love. I will never force that.” His lips met yours again as he claimed your hands and placed them on his feet making you giggle as he let out a victorious laugh and turned to stand and face his Son.
Legolas smiled at his Father saying, “Ada, I was speaking to Naneth actually.”
Legolas nodded and you stood while Thranduil pulled on his under shirt and boots saying, “Possibly about the barriers and doorways.” You nodded and eyed the silver robe he had grabbed causing him to pause and glance between it and you, “Is there another you would prefer?”
“Would you be against the green one?”
He smiled softly and nodded entering his closet and returning with a pale green one he held up, “This one?” You nodded and he slid it on, turning to his shelf inside the closet to add his crown and join your side offering his hand to leave another kiss on your knuckles for the path to join the Elf Lords, securing the long trail of buttons along the way.
A simple set of glass marbles enchanted with a simple sunlight spell were tossed through the open front gate of the kingdom and flew off in separate directions before the gates were sealed at the King’s order to assure no spiders could escape the spell. Their distant cries eventually died as you joined Lord Celeborn in the library beside Lord Elrond peering over the layers of sketches and diagrams of the former fortress in Southern Greenwood. When you entered you smiled at them and examined each of them before using a nearby closet to let you enter the fortress again to use an old spell to reform the ruined Palace back together again and send a bubble spell that formed around all of Greenwood. A spiraling set of arches were formed into doorways to each Elven Kingdom allowing you into Rivendell and Lothlorien as well.
Your path back to your new lands brought your eyes to a set of small enchanted wooden boat figurines shaped like ducks earned a curious furrow from your brows before Lord Celeborn stated, “We have received word our kin is returning from Valinor.”
You nodded after Thranduil smiled at you lowering your hand from his lips to say, “We will be needing more room for our kin.”
A voice called through your doorway claiming the Elven King from your side freeing you to wander freely back towards Erebor. In the long day the Elven councils got locked into a lengthy debate that would last through the night. Your wandering path brought you to Thorin’s side where you simply leaned against his side allowing him to curl his arms around you in your tightening nuzzle and hug. His smirk grew through his continuing his orders until he could lead you back to start a simple lunch. The meal ended with you claiming the stack of Khuzdul books into your room when Thorin had to head back to another debacle a group of Dwarves were causing.
Alone again you pulled on a silk nightgown and walked towards the growing amount of sighs coming from Thorin’s study. With a hot mug of tea you entered drawing his exhausted eyes straight to you. A smirk spread on his face and grew into a large smile in your path to him. Gingerly his hand molded around the warm mug as you sat on the bare corner of his desk and asked, “Returning Dwarves giving you trouble?”
A heated gaze from him slid over you as subtly as he could manage after he set his mug aside, “Yes. Plus we received a response from the Southern Kingdoms.”
“Bad news?”
“They are sending an ambassador to confirm the reclamation of Erebor, the King’s Stone and Moria.”
With a near glare you replied, “I’m halfway tempted to send a doorway and drag them through it.”
He chuckled lowly, “Well Darling. I do hope it doesn’t come to that.” Leaning back in his chair he moved his hand to claim one of your feet to gently start massaging it, “But I do hope it doesn’t come to that. I am certain our joined Kingdoms will be enough of a deterrent for them to do anything foolish.”
Inch by inch he worked his hands over your lower legs and feet sharing his day without you until your hand was offered to him silently asking him to stand. His fingers stayed on your lower legs as he stood, his smirk inching back when your fingers gripped his shirt loosely drawing him closer to you. In a low purr as his forehead met yours while your hands smoothed under his shirt along his sides after your hushed request to remove the thin layer between you, he said, “Remove any of my layers whenever you wish Darling. I am entirely at your service Kurkarukê.”
His lips met yours through your hands raising his shirt, in a reach up he gripped it and pulled it off once your lips had left his. In a glance over his broad chiseled chest with dark hair coating his pecks and tapering off into a trail towards his navel disappearing below his waistband you asked, “What does that mean?”
He smirked at you inching closer again bringing a wave of warmth from his bare skin just inches from yours stirring a soft blush over your cheeks, “My tiny Raven.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes and raised your hands to press your fingertips to his navel starting a path higher to his chest and shoulders after he said, “I trust you. If you’re wishing for my permission to touch me you have it.” Through a soft sigh his heated gaze fell over you again when your fingers smoothed around his neck and you leaned in for another kiss. A single gentle kiss grew into fiery passionate embraces and muffled sighs leaving the King on his knees at your feet.
Inch by inch he left gentle warm kisses from your ankles higher between rising presses of fingers over your legs towards your heated core soon uncovered after a request from you to not stop after his head pausing at your upper thigh. Soft gasps left you through your head rolling back when he dove straight to the task of drawing more pleased moans and sighs from you. Against his urge to keep going he rose when he tipped you over the edge, firmly he pulled you against his chest curling you in his arms when he caught your ripple of emotions in your eyes.
Carefully in his arms you nestled trying to hold back your tears as he murmured, “I love you. Every moment with you I will devote to caring for your every need and desire.” Your head tilted back to meet his adoring gaze, his lips met your nose sweetly, “No one is going to hurt you or our future family, I swear it.”
His fingers caressed your cheek tenderly, “I know.”
The rising heat in your eyes from his rising heart beat at your legs wrapping around his waist, “Are you enjoying this? My touching you?” You nodded and he couldn’t help but purr when your legs slid higher on his sides, “Did you want me to keep going?”
Barely above a whisper you replied, “Yes.”
He nodded ghosted his lips against yours for a hint of a kiss while his hands slid along your thighs again, “Would you mind moving to the bed, so you can lay back?”
With your nod he claimed a firmer kiss gripping your legs as your arms circled his shoulders for him to carry you to his bed. “I am going to please you then until you tell me to stop.” His bulge brushed against your core and he caught your flinching expression, “All this, is to please you. My pants stay on until you want them off. All of this is for you, I will not go farther than you wish and you do not have to touch me at all unless you wish to.” You nodded and the warm stack of furs welcomed you into the giant cloud like mattress he laid you across holding his lips on yours until your muffled whimper against his lips sending him down again.
Moans and soft muffled whimpers came from you until your whimpered request to stop bringing him up again to melt into your hum filled kiss. On his side he curled you in his arms continuing your loving embrace as your fingers smoothed across his chest and back. Inch by inch they trailed lower to his waistband then dipped underneath after his cautioning reminder you did not have to touch him that melted into an oddly pleasing moan from him.
Centuries back you could remember each burning moment your mind had not erased at the swooping death’s venom you had been given by your saviors to ease the pain of what you had endured. But a few memories and glimpses still lingered around the Son you had never been able to hold in your arms or protect form your cruel captors. Rough chapped lips and scarred brittle hands sliced from decades of scraping and tearing the earth they had tended for food each day between the repairs on the outer walls on their borders. A raspy gritted voice from the now faceless man pinning you down in the soul tearing continuous thieving act he’d bought you for.
Thorin however left each heart achingly tender brush and caress of his fingers across your skin between firm grips and strokes from his palms in a somehow welcome claiming grip you had wanted from him. You had been owned and stolen centuries ago, but his every loving murmur and heated gaze over you revealed his wish to fill you entirely and complete your marital bond as you had been raised to believe it was his right to do so. Your lines were drawn by him and he would not cross them, holding true to that you nipped your lip starting to believe that his words were true and you were in control, something that brought the thought of giving in to the urge to allow him to do just that.
Each thought now doubling as the Elf King’s promises had been the same as well. Clearly with more time together these thoughts had passed through your mind stirring up an old ache inside you always rising to the surface when you had fallen helplessly for someone. Every inch of you burned to have another chance at a family, and now with not just one but two Husbands that possibility had become so much more possible. The only thing holding you back was their clear distaste for one another you hoped they could look past with enough time.
Clearing your racing thoughts you focused on his reaction to your timid strokes growing firmer through your tongue darting between his lips meeting his in a fevered reaction. Tender fingers brushed higher on your thighs and dipped between them at their shifting granting him silent permission. Soft whimpers sounded against his lips again and his lips left yours as he drew back to turn and lay on his other side after a purred request to taste you again. Firmly his hands cupped your ass drawing you to kneel above him within moments leaving you staring at his halfway exposed groin through your first low moan at his hands guiding you in a rock above him after he settled your nightgown out of his way around his head.
In a resettling breath your hand shifted from the bed sheets to return to its firm strokes drawing low moans from him sending vibrations through his lips and tongue as he neared his peak. This shared action and clear show of trust you had found in him settling your bond together in matrimony earned growing moans from him causing his throbbing arousal in your hands to release its first warning droplet you wet your lips in a silent encouraging mental murmur to yourself. Your lips sank to just around his head as his lips shifted onto your thighs to muffle his loud moan while his hands gripped your ass tightly through his climax. The lack of a hand gripping your head to shove it lower earned a swallowing of his seed willingly before a couple swipes of your tongue to claim the few left over drops.
Your head rose after and your body froze at the door opening revealing Dwalin with his wide eyes spotting Thorin’s knees around your head with you on your knees. Rapidly he stated in Khuzdul, “I’ll handle it” before shutting the door again and rushing out of the apartment. Your ragged breath however in your struggle to fight back the flickering memory of your captor’s Brother coming in for his turn after Thorin slid free from under you, he wiped his face and sat up cautiously easing closer to you after his eyes locked on yours.
A tear down your cheek only came to your attention at his fingers brushing it away as he rumbled out in a low soothing tone, “I’m right here. No one is hurting you again.”
You nodded and eased against his chest allowing him to slowly wrap you in his arms between peppered kisses across your forehead, “Can, we lock the door next time?”
His lips found your forehead again, “Absolutely Kurkarukê. If you want a deadbolt added I will see to it myself.”
“I, know Dwalin wouldn’t, I-.”
“I understand. Anything you need to feel safe let me know.” You nodded and pulled back to claim a timid kiss, in a purr, “Did you want a bath?”
“Would-?” His adoring smile drew the rest of your request out of you, “You join me?”
“Absolutely.” Weakly you smiled and he slid you to the edge of the bed helping you up and guided you to your closet where he left you with a gentle kiss purring again, “I’ll add your oils and grab a set of clothes for me as well.”
You nodded and knelt to pull out a fresh set of panties and another nightgown before you used your clip to pull your hair up. In your bath you eyed the mixing herbs in the spring fed bath then turned as Thorin joined you smiling as he set his pants next to your clothes and crossed to you claiming another gentle kiss. “Did you want me to turn?”
You shook your head and reached up to brush down one of the straps, “Just no pitying gazes.”
His brows furrowed as he replied, “I would never!”
Wetting your lips you dropped your second strap and eased your gown down to the floor allowing him to see you fully without anything to hide your scars. Cautiously he inched closer easing his hands around your sides to claim another kiss you melted into, reaching down you untied his pants stripping him as well. Fully exposed your eyes closed and he curled around you when you nestled against him for a tight embrace. In a hushed whisper you stated, “I love you.”
With a growing grin he replied, “I love you. There is not an inch of you I don’t adore.”
Pulling back again you eyed him fully drawing his smirk out as he held out his arms leaving your hands on his chest to slide over his side onto his back when he turned around giving you a full look. He chuckled lowly and claimed your hand, pressed a kiss to your palm and led you into the bath where you lounged in his lap wrapped safely in his arms against his chest. Wetting your lips you asked, “What, um, what role does an Aunt play for Dwarves typically?”
With a deep inhale Thorin realized what painful situation Dis must have put you in, “Nothing’s required past the naming ceremony. Just being present at my side, well wishes and a gift. Did the offer upset you?”
“Not the offer. Just, I didn’t realize she was pregnant before.”
“We can stay in your kingdom if it bothers you. Or I can place her and Vili in charge of the Blue Mountains.”
With a soft giggle you replied, “No. It wouldn’t matter, a lot of the Hobbits are pregnant and Bilbo received word of more pregnancies already. I just, it’s just and old ache, from me.”
Around your middle his arms tightened, “How can I help?”
“I don’t want to, seem like, like this, tonight-.”
Against your ear he rumbled sweetly in a curious tone, “You want a child?” You nodded and turned your head to rest against his cheek, “I would never assume you would ever cross any intimate boundaries simply to conceive.” His lips planted on your forehead, “We have both agreed that any child will belong to us three. And no matter how soon or far off we will be thrilled to conceive with you. Please don’t doubt that. We may not agree on everything but we do agree on you and everything pertaining to your protection and happiness.”
A grumble from you caused him to release you when you shifted at the scar herbs itching your skin, “I can’t stand these scar herbs.”
He smiled accepting your hand to climb out and dry off. Once dressed he curled you in his arms for another kiss then joined you on the path to your bed after adding your dirty clothes to your hamper. Lovingly he wrapped you in his arms claiming another kiss in his nuzzling closer to you for the night under your tall pile of furs.
In the early morning light of the sunrise Thorin stirred and kissed your forehead giving you a hushed request for you to sleep as long as you wished on his path to dress and ease through the Elven doorway as Thranduil sat on the foot of his bed grumbling to himself in Elvish. Falling silent he eyed Thorin and nodded his head in return to Thorin’s nod, “Thorin.” He wet his lips, “Is Tiger upset with me?”
Thorin shook his head, “No. I, wished to speak with you about something.”
Thranduil nodded settling his hands on his thighs focusing on trying to read his every minute physical action to work out the meaning for this abrupt conversation. “About what?”
“Tiger.” Thranduil straightened up in his deep inhale ready to barge out of the room, “If, should you both decide to become, intimate.”
“Does this really need to be discussed now?”
Thorin nodded, “If you should, ask her if she wishes to have the door locked.”
Thranduil’s eyes narrowed, “Why would you-.”
Thorin’s hand rose, “Dis asked Tiger to play a role in her Pebble’s lives. Increasing her struggle-.”
“She is wishing to conceive? Already?”
Thorin nodded, “Clearly we are both attractive and trusted by her. That trust is deepening and I do believe soon we will be planning a, schedule, or, times alone with our Wife to increase her chances.”
Thranduil nodded, then eyed the Dwarf steadily through an inhale, “My kin, we have customs, is there a risk of conception already?”
Thorin shook his head, “No.”
“It was the sealing of your bond then?”
Thorin nodded, “And an earning of her trust.” After wetting his lips his brows furrowed to ask as Thranduil’s chin tilted slightly in curiosity, “Did she ask permission to touch you? Even for a hug?”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes.” Thranduil started unbuttoning his outer robe, “I, it wasn’t really a game, but I, guided her through it.” Thorin nodded holding back his tension as best he could, “I started with my arms. Kept it above the waist, except for my feet.” Thorin raised a brow watching Thranduil stand and take his robe to his closet, “It made her laugh after she tensed at what was left on me. Then we got called away.” Thranduil walked into his closet then returned without his boots or crown with a soft sigh pulling his under shirt from under his waist band. “I will remember your tip. Anything else?”
“There was a pause when reciprocation popped in her mind. But that was handled.” In a glance at the door behind him Thorin added, “I’ll let you rest. Tiger is in her bed, I have to go see what my Cousin wanted.” He glanced at the Elf King eyeing your door and smirked, “Go curl around her. She was wondering where you were.” He nodded his head again and left the now smiling Elf King who turned to claim the tulip he had picked for you and entered your room. The smile on his face grew spotting your wearing one of his gifted nightgowns as he climbed onto the bed to sit at your side.
The shifting of the bed opened your eyes bringing a sleepy smile as he offered his tulip asking, “Forgive me?”
You brushed down the covers inviting him to snuggle with you as you mumbled back, “You look tired.” Leaving your tulip on the nightstand he slid under the covers and held you in his arms to claim as much sleep as possible after accepting your kiss.
Pt 6
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Dawn invites Sunny over to ‘play’. In the most euphemistic sense of the term.
Or, the one where Dawn learns that an elf’s ears are an erogenous zone and Sunny learns that a fairy’s ears are not.
Or, Potionless butt-sex as a framing device for exposition about anatomy headcanons.
Dawn had a small collection of sex toys. Most of them were innocuous enough to pass for something else.
Her nipple clamps, for example, looked like adjustable rings, or clip-on earrings, or, in the case of the set linked together by a fine chain, like a necklace with an oddly bulky clasp, and she kept them in her jewellery box.
A jar of soothing cream for muscle aches and a bottle of massage oil, both of which could also serve as lubricants, were tucked away amongst her cosmetics.
Her most explicit toy was a ceramic phallus, which was a sculpted replica of a lily stamen and could be explained as an eclectic art piece if Dawn were brazen enough to display it in a vase with petals, rather than hiding it in the deepest crevices of her rose bed.
All of Dawn’s toys were out now. Her lover, Sunny, had come over to play.
He was wearing some of her nipple clamps as earrings. Dawn flicked the delicate metal hoops, making him hiss. She was delighted to learn that the elf’s elongated ears were an erogenous zone.
They were both shirtless and barefoot. Sunny wore a pair of trousers and Dawn had on some gauzy pants that barely passed her knees.
Sunny licked one of Dawn’s nipples and blew a stream of cool air over it. She made a pleased, pleading noise. He sucked her other nipple erect.
“You know,” he commented, screwing the clamps onto her – the chained pair that could produce all manner of sensation from how the chain was held or tugged – “before we started having sex, I wasn’t sure you had these.”
“What, the toys? Yeah, I try to be discreet. Public figure and all that.” Plus her father would probably have a heart attack, if he ever found out.
“I didn’t know about those, either, but I was talking about your nipples.”
“What did you think my breasts were for?”
“Flight muscles? Your wishbone meets your collarbone here, right?” He touched the spot on her upper chest which would, if Dawn squished her breasts together, be the top of her cleavage.
“About there, yeah.”
Dawn leaned into Sunny’s hand as he stroked down the stem of her wishbone, and then up to trace the ‘Y’ shape it made with her collarbones. Fairy collarbones were slanted down towards the centre of the chest, rather than straight across like an elf’s.
“But a lot of flight power actually comes from the abdomen. And we do nurse, after the baby hatches. It’s a scent thing. Any fairy woman who spends enough time around eggs and babies picks up on it and starts lactating.”
Sunny tightened the nipple clamps. “Is this good?”
“Almost. About … three turns tighter each? Mm! Perfect.”
Sunny began experimenting with Dawn’s chain. He picked up longer or shorter sections of it and let them fall. He tugged at one side, then the other, then the centre. He made a suggestion that Dawn agreed to immediately.
Sunny undid one of the clamps for a moment so that Dawn could string the chain through the heaviest pendant in her jewellery box. She hovered over Sunny, and he tapped the pendant, making the chain swing like a pendulum. Dawn moaned. When the swinging settled as much as it could, with Dawn’s wings rocking her body, Sunny tapped it again – harder this time, and making it swing from side to side instead of front to back. Dawn rubbed her legs together.
“Come down here?” He caught the pendant in his palm and tugged gently.
“Harder,” Dawn urged, and this time he pulled. Dawn landed on her knees. When they kissed, Sunny dropped the pendant, giving her another sharp jolt of pleasure.
Dawn teased Sunny’s ears again. She flicked and tugged the rings clipped to them, making him groan. He kissed a trail along one of her ears, and –
“I’m sorry!” Sunny stumbled back. “Are you okay? What was that?!”
“It’s fine, I’m – Don’t do it again, but no harm done.” Dawn massaged her curled ear tip. Her heart was racing even faster than Sunny’s usual effect on her, but the pain was already gone. “Sucking my ear like that threw off my sense of atmospheric pressure. It … hurt in the not-sexy way.”
It had felt like her entire body was being crushed, but Sunny already felt bad, and Dawn didn’t want to stop yet, so she didn’t tell him that part.
“Was that something you’d like me to do to you?” she said instead.
“Yeah, that was … that was supposed to be a ‘hey, here’s a sexy thing we can do’ hint.” Sunny flushed. Dawn took his face in her hands and sucked the tip of his ear. His knees buckled.
She left her hand on his cheek to keep his head turned the right way. With her other hand, she caressed the length of his ear. Her fingernails caught the metal rings that were clipped onto him. Sunny moaned. He started playing with the nipple chain again.
“Dawn, I – You feel so good, Dawn – I want – I’m close, Dawn, you’ve got me so hard, I feel like I’m going to pop –”
Dawn let go of Sunny’s face and stuffed her hand down his trousers, wrapped it around his erection, and stroked it like she was stroking his ear.
“Do you want my mouth down here, too?”
“Do I – yes. Yes, Dawn, do that, please!”
Dawn pushed down the waistband of his pants and barely had time to put her lips around the head of Sunny’s penis before he orgasmed. Once he could feel one coming, it never took long.
It was too bad, though, Dawn reflected, that Sunny couldn’t experience multiple orgasms like she could.
She teased his foreskin with her tongue and sucked gently. Sunny groaned and pushed her away.
“Let me lean on something first, if you’re going to do that.”
“Oh, sure.”
He shed his trousers and stood with his back to the bed – and what a sumptuous image that was, like Sunny was about to tumble back into the rose petals for Dawn to ravish him.
“I know you said they aren’t sensitive that way, but is it okay if I hold onto your ears when you do this?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’s not that different from pulling my hair. Do you want me to try playing with your ears next time you’re doing oral sex on me?”  
“Yes.” Sunny nodded quickly, his eyes gleaming.
Their height difference had Dawn on her hands as well as her knees. In theory she could hover for this, but she had her doubts that she wouldn’t smack her wings into Sunny’s face, or lose focus and do a belly flop onto the unforgiving stone floor.
Sunny whimpered as Dawn tongued his foreskin again; groaned as she trailed nibbling, suckling kisses along the shaft of his penis; gripped her ears tight when she licked the seam of his scrotum.
“Can you fit them in your mouth?”
“Maybe not without biting.”
Dawn tried.
“Ow, ow, ow, bad idea, bad idea, let go please!”
“Sorry.” She flexed her jaw side-to-side.
“Hey, you did warn me.”
“Your seed pods are bigger around than your stamen.” The elf snorted at the fairy’s flowery euphemism. “You okay to keep going?”
“Yeah. But once I’m hard again, I think I’d rather come somewhere other than in your mouth.”
Dawn spat into her hand and pumped his penis, which was beginning to re-stiffen. “How about up my ass? That’s what the lube’s for.”
“You’re serious? You’d let me do that?”
“I was actually thinking, maybe, something like … double penetration? You fuck me in one hole with your penis and the other with my toy at the same time.”
“… You are too good to be real, you know that?”
“I just accidentally bit you.”
“Even so.”
Sunny uncapped the lubricants, rubbing some cream between his fingers with one hand and some oil in the other.
“Do you prefer one?” he asked Dawn.
“The oil’s a bit slipperier, so I usually use the cream so I don’t drop anything, but they both feel really good.”
“I think I like the oil a little better?”
“Let’s use that, then.”
Sunny wiped the cream off his hand onto his abs. He would, Dawn suspected, be open to experimenting with it another time; it felt pretty nice. She poured some oil into her palm and pumped his penis again. Sunny moaned. Dawn nibbled his ear and tugged one of the rings on it with her teeth.
“You know,” he panted, “if the chain, on your nipples, could attach to that ceramic thing at the base, you could tug on your nipples by fucking yourself with it.”
That idea was so arousing that Dawn grabbed Sunny by his chest hair and yanked him up to kiss him, hard. He twisted her nipples and made her whimper.
“Was – was that sexy pain, or not-sexy pain?”
“The sexiest pain.”
“So – how are we going to do this? You should … probably lie down? I guess?”
Dawn put Sunny down and turned her back to him, fanning her wings flirtatiously. She heard him gulp. She went to her bed and fell slowly forward – the other benefit to fanning her wings then – to embrace the rose.
Dawn was kneeling again, her torso resting on her bed, the pendant still chained to her nipples sliding sensuously down between the flower petals, as she presented her buttocks to her lover.
She felt something cool and smooth on her back. Sunny was using the phallus to extend his reach and stroking between her wings.
“This really isn’t an erogenous zone, huh?”
“Nah, but that still feels nice. They may look all fancy but wings are still limbs. That would be like if your arms or legs were an erogenous zone.”
“I thought you said your thighs were?”
“Sure, my thigh, but not my whole leg.”
“And here?” He groped her butt.
“Mm … borderline? It feels sexy when you do it but I wouldn’t do it to myself while masturbating.”
He stopped petting her with the sex toy. When he next touched her backside, she could feel oil on one of his hands.
“This is what you want, Dawn?”
“Yes, Sunny. I want to have anal sex with you.”
“Okay.” He sounded like he was psyching himself up. Dawn bet herself he was biting his lip in that just unfairly attractive way he did when he was both nervous and excited.
He put one oil-slicked finger up her anus, just one knuckle deep. Dawn breathed slowly, keeping still and relaxed instead of thrusting against Sunny’s hand. He was nervous. They’d do this slowly.
Slowly, he pushed his finger all the way inside of her, and then drew it back out.
Slowly, he did it a few more times.
Teasingly slowly, he put more oil on his hand and coaxed two fingers into her.
“Scissor,” Dawn panted.
“Scissor your fingers.” She moved on of her hands to where she was pretty sure he could see it and made the opening and closing gesture with her fingers. “It’ll stretch me for later and spread the lube around.”
“O-okay.” Sunny followed Dawn’s instructions.
“Oh, yes,” she moaned. “Just like that, keep doing that.”
“You’re really into this pain stuff, huh?”
“This doesn’t hurt. If you – ooh – lube me up right, it shouldn’t hurt at all – deeper – to take you this way, like how it doesn’t – mmph! – doesn’t hurt the other way once I’m all – ngh! – I’m all hot and wet for you. Three fingers now, please.”
“But, you do like pain?” he said as he complied. Dawn shrugged.
“Some pain is sexy.”
“No, I mean – what I’m trying to ask is, do you want me to be rougher with you during sex? Would that make it better for you?”
“I – oh yeah! – I like gentle sex, too. What we’ve done before is amazing. I don’t – mm – I don’t need pain to get turned on or get off, I just like it sometimes.”
“Does that feel like enough lube? Or should I … put more in you?”
Dawn clenched around his fingers. “This is good. You can put you in me now.”
“We are the worst at dirty talk,” Sunny muttered.
“You’re the one who started the serious conversation mid-foreplay.”
She could feel the head of his erection between the cheeks of her ass. He had one hand on each cheek, holding them spread apart.
He pushed in. Dawn whimpered. Sunny froze. She rocked under him to take him deeper. He thrust – slow and jerky, and she felt some awkward internal tugging where she hadn’t been as lubricated as she thought – and then she felt his scrotum smack into her backside.
“The toy now?” asked Sunny. He was shaking a bit, and sounded like his teeth were clenched.
“You feel so good, Sunny,” Dawn gasped out. “Yes, do it.”
The ceramic lily stamen slid in easily. Dawn was gushingly wet, messy and slimy and so very ready to be fucked. Sunny’s live stamen and her false one rubbed together through the muscle wall separating her anus and vagina.
“So good,” she repeated, her eyes nearly shut and her voice as high as it went outside of songs.
“Just … give me a sec,” Sunny grunted. His thumb, from the hand around Dawn’s sex toy, fumbled at her labia. “Just let me find your clit, then I’ll start thrusting.”
“Sunny, if I feel any better, I think I might actually die – right there right there you’ve got it oh SUNNY –”
He’d caught her clit with his thumbnail, and Dawn’s vision actually whited out for a moment. Her wings were cocooning, wrapping around her bed where Sunny would be if they were having sex face to face. Behind her, Sunny started rocking his hips, and from beneath her, he thrust the toy in and out of her.
Sunny grunted rhythmically, and Dawn keened, and the pendant had fallen into the rose petals and their body movements let its weight tug at her nipples again in time with each thrust, and Sunny was doing a little twist of his wrist that turned the stamen back and forth as it went up and down so its asymmetry rubbed Dawn just perfectly, and he couldn’t quite keep his thumb on her clitoris but he kept finding it again, and when he didn’t he could still stroke the petals of  Dawn’s labia, and oh Sunny was thrusting even harder and going even deeper and it was all SO GOOD –
Dawn collapsed, quaking from her first orgasm that day. Sunny kept going and the aftershocks built up enough to give Dawn another. She was close to a third when Sunny orgasmed again and his now-flaccid penis slid out of her.
He gasped like he’d been drowning. His grip on the ceramic stamen went slack, and Dawn had to clench her vaginal walls to keep it from slipping out of her too.
“Dawn? Could you, stay like that, but roll over? I want to try something.”
It was difficult. Her wings were curled around her bed and didn’t want to fold back. But Dawn got onto her back, legs hanging over the edge of her bed. Sunny had pulled the stamen out of her. She’d whimpered but hadn’t articulated a protest, figuring he’d done it for whatever he wanted to try.
Sunny held the ceramic stamen where Dawn could see it. The anther and filament were thoroughly coated in her fluids, even at the base of the shaft where he’d been holding it. There were shiny patches of stickiness on his hand as well. He licked one.
“Can we do another round of double penetration, but with this up your ass and with oral sex?”
“Yes,” Dawn moaned ecstatically – the idea was almost enough to set off the third orgasm she was so close to.
Sunny put the toy up her ass much more smoothly than he had his erection – maybe it had been too tight for him to move comfortably? – and kissed Dawn’s pubic mound, tugging one of her labial petals into his mouth.
Dawn held his ears and teased at the clamps he was still wearing there. Sunny moaned – she could feel the vibrations of it in the fold he was suckling. The stamen felt wonderful in her and his mouth felt wonderful on her and Dawn licked her fingers and drew them along his ear from root to the tip and made Sunny moan again.
“I love you so much,” he mumbled into her vagina.
Dawn was about to say ‘I love you, too,’ but then he sucked hard at her clitoris and bit down on it and instead she shrieked as her third orgasm finally crashed down over her.
When Dawn came back to her senses, she thought at first that Sunny was masturbating. He had a cloth around his penis and was pumping it. Then she noticed the bowl from her en suite bathroom, filled with water and soap suds, and realized he was washing himself.
“Hey,” she said languidly.
“Hey.” He smiled. “I figured if we were doing anything else, or done for the day, it wouldn’t hurt either way to clean up a bit.”
“I think you wore me out. You’re really amazing, you know?”
“So are you.”
Dawn unclipped her nipples and Sunny’s ears, putting the clamps back in the jewellery box on her vanity. Leaving the pendant on the chain wouldn’t rouse any suspicions if one of her handmaidens happened to look in there. She capped and put away the lubricants. She didn’t see the stamen anywhere and started feeling around in the petals of her bed.
“I put your toy in the water,” said Sunny. “I wasn’t sure how to clean it, but I figured soapy water couldn’t hurt.”
“No, that’s perfect. I just have to rinse all the soap off before using it again.”
“I … also had a couple of idea, for next time.”
“Oh?” Dawn settled back down on the bed, watching him eagerly. Sunny blushed.
“First, those clamp things. Have you ever tried putting one on your clitoris?”
“I can’t. By the time I’m aroused enough that it’s engorged, it’s too sensitive and if I try I can’t concentrate enough to put one on.” She gave Sunny a sultry grin. “Maybe you could.”
“And the other, was …” Sunny cupped a hand behind one of his ears and pushed forward. It bent, but not much; cartilage was more flexible than bone, but still had some stiffness to it. “It felt, really good, all that stuff with my ears today. And I was wondering if, you know, for mutual enjoyment, next time we experiment, I could put one of my ears up your vagina.”
Dawn’s eyes widened and, despite her tiredness, she felt an unmistakable pulse of arousal. They were narrower and more pointed, but Sunny’s ears were each nearly the length of his erection …
“That sounds hot. We should definitely try out that one.”
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Could you do RFA + V and Searan where MC makes those origami lucky stars?
of course, love! sorry this took so long ^^; hope you like it! thank you for being patient with me💛
man i wish i could do these but i haven’t done origami since 5th grade;;;
he honestly finds it amazing
“mc, how on earth do you do that??”
mc has showed him 5 times already rip 
there’s at least one in every room
mc made him a special one as a lucky charm during rehearsals and performances
but he wears it everywhere
on rehearsals, he wears it on a bracelet
during shows, he keeps it in his dressing room, but kisses it for good luck
one day he finally learns how to make one and makes a matching bracelet for mc!! 
they wear it on opposite hands so they’re together when they hold hands
what dorks
shooting star boy has his own actual mini star!! 
he’s in love with them omg 
there’s way more around the house than zen
keeps one in his bag when he goes to school, as a key chain!
also has one leaning against his computer for luck on LOLOL
in the office, he has at least 4 on his desk 
learns how to make one quickly 
of course he gives one to mc!
he probably makes them matching hair clips 
they’re such a cute couple
she finds them really interesting
wants to learn automatically
she needs all the luck she can get
and she makes them! but her favorite is the one mc made her
doesn’t wear it like the other two, but it’s always nearby
makes one for mc, of course, that they can wear
when the cafe opens, the two of them decorate it with those stars
the customers really like them too!! 
and they work, in jaehee’s opinion! 
probably has a nervous habit of twirling the star around between her fingers 
which mc finds adorable
jumin thinks it’s cute
and he definitely keeps it around all the time
especially when trying to close a deal
however, he keeps it lowkey
it’s pinned to his tie! 
learns how to make them easily and gifts one to mc
he even makes one for Elizabeth
its a collar how cute
there’s a lot more in the penthouse than in the office tbh 
but there are a couple in the office, manly his desk
he gives them to the employees as gifts aww
707 / luciel / saeyoung
he was so surprised when mc gave him one tbh
but he was so touched, he almost started crying
kissed mc’s nose and gave them a big squeeze hug 
i like to think saeyoung wears it as a ring 
because he’s that extra 
he also learns how to make them in under an hour jfc
he attaches them to strings and hangs them from the ceiling 
the whole house is full of stars
if mc can’t find saeyoung, he’s most likely in his room, just staring at them
“we made the bunker a space station…” 
v / jihyun
can you believe jihyun does these too??
like, he and mc gave them to each other as gifts at the same time
on a random day, god bless
of course they both wear it! they make necklaces 
they probably write each other’s name on the stars too
jihyun writes his name on mc’s star and vice versa
they wear them everywhere 
v thinks that he’s taken the best photos he’s ever taken when he wears it 
they even have different colored stars in case they need to match their outfit
because, you know, the aesthetic 
“you made this?” he asks, mc nods
and then he stares at it for a couple minutes
mostly trying to figure out how they did that
but he totally loves it
“can you teach me?” “of course, saeran!”
he keeps it in his pocket and is always super careful with it
is afraid he’s going to crush it half the time 
mc always says they can make him another, but this one is special mc please
he hangs them, both the ones he makes and the ones mc makes, up on the ceiling like saeyoung
but only in his room
it’s like he doesn’t even have to go outside to see the stars
to him, they shine even when the lights are off
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