#he would be so easy to fix
castielcommunism · 2 years
a consistent thing with dean is that when he’s faced with a challenging piece of information he tends to react poorly in the moment but then gets a lot better when he has time to think about it. he’s just really bad at first impressions
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seagull-scribbles · 11 months
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Turtles of Time
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maudiemoods · 2 years
Shoulder angel and demon au! Running away now goodbye
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I was holding off on developing this because I already have like, 5 other aus?? But whatever I can draw whatever I want to rrreee
Solar and lunar used to be one being but split after inner turmoil!!! I guess they're gods? Idk
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lunamond · 9 months
While I'm not at all a fan of Sjm (I only read Tog, Acotar and dnf'ed Acomaf) and overall strongly dislike almost everything I know about her and her writing, I do have a strange fascination about the Acotar series in particular, partly because despite the bad writing there is so much untapped potential in this series.
One of the things I've been thinking about recently is how easily Sjm could have fixed a lot of the issues with Feysand, while still indulging in her super fucked up SA kink with one simple tweak in book 1.
Instead of having Ratman Sa Feyre "for her own good" Utm, just have Amarantha order him to do this as a way to further punish and humiliate Feyre. This immediately shifts the coupability onto Amarantha (the actual villian) while giving the opportunity to explore Rhys' guilt and the ways in which his actions under duress Utm impact his reputation as a bad guy.
It would also give us sth more concrete to explore as far as Rhys sexual trauma goes compared to canon where Sjm only uses his trauma to shield his character from any sort of criticism.
It would also change the very problematic "romantic" dynamic between Feyre and Rhys from victim/abuser to 2 people with shared traumatic experience (Yeah trauma bond).
It would also make the switch between love interests much more compelling and allow for actual nuance.
But instead we got Feyre being handed off from one hot immortal fey highlord who kidnapped, gaslight, and locked her up to a totally different hot immortal fey highlord who kidnapped, gaslight and locked her up but it's ok because this time he has dark hair and batwings.
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sysig · 6 months
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Let him dad her!! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Fionna Campbell#Simon Petrikov#I cannot BeLieve that they didn't hug at any point - illegal. One million years dungeon#She slapped him (deservedly) but they didn't hug by the end??? I had to fix it#Jerry is my favourite episode so that at least was an easy choice lol#If anywhere would be a good place to cross that line it would be to comfort her! I can't imagine he'd initiate tho haha#She's just seeking comfort so badly <3 I know she's at least legally considered an adult but she's still a kid!#And Simon just keeps adopting kids lol#He's a good dad :) Not a perfect one but y'know? He helps where he can#Sometimes all we need is a parent figure giving you a hug and saying ''You know what? You're right - this sucks. But I see you''#Fionna's quite interesting 'cause like - she's meant to be a Finn but there are a lot of differences between her and quite a few Finns!#A lot of that is Because she lived in Simon's head for so long but I wonder - most Finns have decent support systems and she seems a little#Well not lacking Exactly but her fallbacks aren't as numerous - and she's not able to fulfill her life's purpose so she's just kinda wayward#Seeing that kind of Finn finally able to spread their wings but still have a lot of Finn trappings like naivety and impulsivity ♪#She's interesting! I quite like her :D Plus it's cool to see her natural EQ when she calls out Simon later in this episode unknowingly haha#I stopped at episode eight for a while but year her line about ''Then you got on the bus right? :D'' and him refuting it#Hmmm ♪ It was certainly interesting - I'm glad they addressed it :)#Plus she's fun to draw haha ♫ Her bunny ears! And the jacket she took from Martin </3 She has a fun design#And as always Simon is fun to draw :) Especially piecemeal here haha - just his mouth or just his eyes ♪ Cute :)
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zeb-z · 7 months
roier put up that photo because he doesn’t believe cellbit is gone. a bit of his own amusement, but also entirely for cellbit’s, because as much as he got a little giggle out of it, that’ll be something that will make his husband full stop even out of his angst mode and he’ll have to try not to laugh. because roier knows his husband, and that’s his castle too, and why not make a small silly change? easier to pretend like it’s a joke, and he isn’t missing his husband. because surely he survived. and he’ll see that stupid dog photo after having survived against all odds, and laugh with roier as if he hadn’t been gone in the first place.
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life-winners-liveblog · 6 months
Do the people in black void (feels too mean to say the losers) also have injuries or is it just the winner that are stuck mid death¿
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
NGL I think one of my least favorite "gotchas" that I see/get while critiquing stories is "so how would you fix it? oh so you don't have an idea of how to rewrite the story to make it better? oh so basically you're just complaining that you don't like it and don't have actual critique."
Sometimes the reason I don't have a "solution" to how the author should've rewritten their story to be better, is because I'm not privy to the author's thought process, what their alternate story ideas were, what they talked about with their editor, what they might've been forced to do by deadlines, or even what they might've thought they were writing towards at first but then later changed the trajectory of their story to be about something else.
It's all well and good for me to say something like, idk, "I think Character A should've gotten more narrative focus because their story could have helped fix XYZ Plot Hole," but it could very well be that the author never intended for Character A to be a prominent character (just a secondary or tertiary character). Maybe using Character A to solve one Plot Hole would've gone against the writer's plans because then it would open up a different plot hole for something else they had planned later in the story. If it's an ongoing story, maybe something I see as a "plot hole" is actually a deliberate mystery that the creator left open to write about later-- or maybe the plot hole is because there was a deadline crunch and the author had to drop a certain character/plot point/etc because they couldn't fit it into the story any more. Maybe having Character A be a more prominent part of the story is just based on MY personal tastes and what I would want to write in MY version of the story, but completely clashes with the characters/conflicts the author wanted to focus on.
Because yes, there are some story critiques that are as simple as "part A doesn't make sense, you could just fix it by doing B", but there are also some story critiques where suggesting a viable "solution" would require BEING the author or someone involved in the production of the story to understand what limitations or plans were involved in the selection of that flawed plot point. There are also some story critiques where even if there is a "problem" and my critique offers a "solution," there could be another "solution" or even dozens that do just as good of a job fixing the issue, but involve vastly different characters, plot ideas, so on and so forth.
Being a good critic isn't (just) about going "the story would've been better if X happened" because the story is ultimately in control of the author and their vision, and without knowing what the author's vision was (something that you almost exclusively know if you're 1. the author or 2. their beta reader), it's impossible to definitively say "this plot point should've been cut/[completely different thing] should've happened instead" because THAT is the point at which you're complaining, not critiquing. I would argue that in some cases, trying to "fix" a story yourself actually makes your critique worse, not better, because it ends up being a case of you simply imposing your artistic vision over the author's to say "I think it would've been better this way."
At least if you just say "this part of the story was flawed because XYZ" without saying "it should have been ABC instead", then you're stating your grievances with the story without being presumptuous enough to assume that YOUR version of the story would fit the author's original vision, or the constraints they were working under, or the other versions of the story that they were debating over at the time before ultimately settling on one version (even if flawed).
There's a point at which "this plot is flawed, that should've happened instead" is just fix-it fan fiction and not actual critique that could help the writer write their story in a way that fits their vision.
#squiggposting#discourse#i think the closest you can get to definitively saying 'the author should've done X instead'#would be something like JRO and the handbooks he recently released where he actually revealed alternate plot ideas#or like what the reasoning was behind different plot points. as well as what he did and didn't include and why#because THEN with a more clear understanding of the behind the scenes/what the author wanted to achieve#THEN you would have more information to be able to say 'this alternative storyline would've solved this plot hole'#or to even say 'actually those alternate ideas weren't as good and picking the canon flawed plot made a better story'#like for god's sake ppl apparently don't understand that art and storytelling and creativity are subjective#sometimes if i don't have a solution it's not bc my critique is invalid. it's bc there's multiple ways to fix it#and i'm not the author so idk which way of fixing the story would best suit their intentions/purposes/limitations#despite what snobs seem to think it's very possible for you to say 'this is flawed' and not know what the fix for it is#it's like how you can eat restaurant food and go 'something about this tastes bland'#w/o having to know what ingredients went into the recipe or how it's supposed to taste#and in that case unless you literally know the recipe or are a chef you would come off as a dick#if you tried to dictate to the kitchen what they did wrong and how to fix it#for some reason story critics are terrified of ambiguity and uncertainty and subjectivity and idk why#it is very easy and not intellectually wrong for a person to say 'this is flawed' and not have a solution for how to fix it
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Opinion on the idea of role-swap AU where everyone only swaps one random trait per pair? (like say, Audrey is the one who stayed in Paris while Andre dipped but its still very much regular Audrey. Or Shoto going to Aldera instead of Katsuki)
Honestly we have plenty of AU ideas that stem from 'character A does something different/Character A and B swap roles'.
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spurgie-cousin · 15 days
SC i'm moving out on my own for the first time, what should i know?
Hmmmmmm there's a lot lol, but my best advice is to teach yourself as much as possible. Like for example, if something needs fixing, do a little research first obv to make sure it's not dire, but if it's minor, teach yourself how to fix it instead of calling someone. Or even things like cooking, maybe you're more prepared than I was but I couldn't boil an egg when I moved into my first place, and being broke forced me to learn how to make anything I wanted myself which I am so appreciative of now. I also learned to fix clothes/sew, cut my own hair, just little things like that that have made life easier over the years. You'll never regret any skill that helps you be more self sufficient!
Other than that, I think the best thing about moving into my first place was getting to make it just how I wanted so highly recommend this as well. It can feel weird to move into to a new space, especially if you've only lived in one place with the same people your whole life, and decorating/making it your own little sanctuary can help with the transition.
The only other thing I can think of is take your security seriously! It's better to be over prepared than under prepared. I only say that because I was woefully under prepared lol, but just be sure all your locks are functional, maybe get a doorbell cam, and if you're in an apartment know what the protocol is for fires or bad storms etc. Good luck and I hope you have so much fun!
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mattodore · 8 months
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made this just for him <3
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sunlitmiracle · 2 months
smashes my current interest together with my old interest (aka yet another "what Dungeon Meshi but Gamers?" AU)
Once when I was a child I had a complete crying meltdown over Creatures, because the manual insisted that the complicated AI of the Norns made them truly alive and 10-year-old me was freaked out at the idea of being solely responsible for making sure these real animals wouldn't die. The funny part was that this was the Playstation version of Creatures, which has no biochemistry and very basic AI compared to the PC/Mac games where players actually were debating whether or not it was true artificial life. A PSX manual gave me existential dread and it wasn't even telling the truth.
Anyway, kid!Marcille would also have a meltdown over the Creatures series, especially if she had the computer games and got to see how vastly different some breeds' lifespans are. Like in C2 where you have Norns that live for around 5 hours and Norns that live for 10, both of which are vastly more than Ettins who don't even live for 1.5 hours (and usually less due to radiation or starvation).
Lucky for her, having the computer version means she could download modified genomes made by other players that make creatures live longer or even outright remove certain death triggers. However I think she'd have more fun learning to read and edit the genomes herself, to get a better understanding of how the game works and how to change it to suit her own tastes. And because she could pretend she's one of the mysterious ancient Shee who created the Norns, Grendels, and Ettins and then vanished, leaving behind relics of their old society.
(Speaking of Grendels, she would unfortunately dislike them because they're the Designated Evil Species and she'd hate how they harass and attack her Norns. I think she'd also pity them though, because they get sick a lot and have short lifespans. Likely she'd just end up downloading/creating a genome without the aggression towards Norns. Ettins she'd like except for in C3 when they dismantle her meticulously-placed gadget setups, so she might mod out their hoarding compulsions too. Both of them would of course also live for however long her Norns would live.)
Also. While standard creatures' lifespans are counted in hours, if you modify the half-lives in the genome editor you can increase it to centuries. Or even just over a millennium if you set the half-lives to their max length (assuming you also leave the old age death trigger at its vanilla value).
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and I like to think that elven Creatures players would pass around copies of what they consider a template genome that's appropriate to their own lifespans. Something that would make their creatures live for weeks or months of continuous play. I also like to think the Creatures DS Warp is still active in this AU because of the hilarious frustration when these long-lived Norns travel to worlds run by short-lived players whose Norns have vanilla lifespans, and vice versa.
(Most of the time in Creatures, offspring of parents with different lifespans will just have one or the other, but there's a chance the genes cross over right in the middle of the various age triggers and cause unstable aging rates. Like a Norn that goes through the childhood stages in hours but then has a very extended adulthood. Or a days-long childhood followed by suddenly dropping dead of old age once the vanilla adulthood genes kick in. Or, if the child has one parent's half-life decay rate and the other parent's age triggers, all sorts of odd things could happen. I once had hybrid Norns who lived for 20 hours and would die of organ failure before reaching the old age threshold!)
(Now that I think of it, Marcille would absolutely hate fast-agers. The first time she watches a creature hatch, turn old, and die in just one brief minute of life, she would be sobbing for days. One of the first things she'd learn to mod out would be mutations that cause the Ageing/Life chemical to decrease unusually fast.)
On a lighter note, while I don't know what her favorite designs would be I think she'd love choosing cute breeds to use in her world. Once she figured out how to give her creatures the comfortable life she wants them to have I can see her redirecting all her gene-editing efforts into changing color expressions. She might even learn to sprite or model her own custom designs.
#creatures#creatures games#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi spoilers#delicious in dungeon spoilers#(not directly but the Implications are there)#(later tags will be more direct about spoilers)#anyway all the PC Creatures games are on Steam and Docking Station is free#Caveat One: Creatures 2 does not run well on modern systems (though the Steam release is trying to fix that)#Caveat Two: The Creatures series was made during the 'spanking is acceptable' era so uh.#No sugarcoating it: Physical abuse is used as discipline.#(unless it's Creatures Village where they replaced slapping with a water spray)#I made a mod for C3/DS that just uses buttons instead of the hand; it was released for the CCSF 2023 community event but#I should re-release it here too someday. I should also revisit my slap-disabler mod and see if I can make it easy to install.#but that's a task for Future Me and not Present Me#anyway Sissel/Thistle is also a Creatures player but he cares more about micromanaging his population than caring for them#he removes not just their death triggers but also their drive to eat and sleep. they're permanently happy zombies basically#he doesn't make peace with Grendels and Ettins he just puts them in the airlock#he gets involved in the Creatures Abuse discourse and somehow makes everyone mad#however he is also a very prolific modder who has made all sorts of interesting animals and metarooms; ppl in the fandom respect his skills#and he does truly care about his vision of a utopian world for his favorite Norns#idk if any other dunmeshi character would play Creatures. Milsiril might like it?#Kabru wouldn't play but he'd get a kick out of reading the many ethical debates and drama between fans#everyone else I feel might be put off by the game's very slow pace or by the complexities of raising creatures#anyway hey I haven't posted on tumblr for months; I am sorry and this WILL happen again#Eventually i will remember how to Create Things#that is also a task for Future Me
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eff-plays · 6 months
So I recognize that it sounds like a cop out but "The people of the forgotten realms universe are collectively into some weird shit" is a pretty fair argument for why Astarion and the other spawn managed to lure folks despite possibly glowing eyes.
Like this is just one example, but there's a significant enough portion of people who have an infernal fetish that Tieflings get +1 to CHA as part of their race traits despite being seen as outcasts/foulbloods on the whole. I don't think its a stretch to say that glowing eyes on an otherwise handsome, wealthy looking elf wouldn't be an outright dealbreaker - hell it might have actually made him more interesting/attractive to certain types. Adds another layer of objectification too
Eeeh, I see what you're saying, and I agree to some degree, but I think bright red glowing eyes on a non-tiefling would still raise enough flags to put off a lot of people. Or at least make them highly suspicious. The tiefling spawn would be the only one to be able to get away with it, but on a gnome? A human? It's a stretch.
Also, tieflings arguably get bonus to Charisma because of Intimidation being a Charisma skill, doesn't necessarily have to be an attraction thing.
I just think it's one of those things where Larian didn't fully think something through. Like, why does Astarion, despite being only 39 when he was turned, look like that. Yeah you can say "well elves mature physically at the same rate" but that would then imply that elves at 89 look like human 89, which they do not. He looks a proper mature middle-aged, how a human 39-year-old might look. He's got wrinkles, which implies his skin has started losing elasticity ... at 39 ... out of 750. Ya know?
And I like his face and wouldn't change it, but it is weird, no? There's a bit of dissonance, at least to me. Some argue that stress has aged him, but vampirism supposedly freezes your body to be what it was like before you died. So what's the truth?
This isn't all to dunk on your theory ofc, it's all headcanon and you're free to believe what you want, but I just think Larian didn't 100% think shit through and we're all free to fill in the blanks ourselves.
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microwave-core · 3 months
Two for two on Leon posts written in the middle of the night where I promptly flop back into bed. I just think Leon has a lot of ship potential. I don't even ship characters much, I don't really ship Leon with anyone in particular, but he's got good matchs.
Like. You have Sonia. Classic setup of childhood friends who drifted apart from one another and reconnect years afterwards and find there is definitely some spark between them. (I also wholly believe that the two "dated" when they were kids, but because they were kids they didn't understand romance and just forgot about it entirely. Didn't even hold hands because ew cooties.)
And you also have Raihan. And it's like... they're rivals, what more should I say. It's not even a "bro you're making our esteemed rivalry look gay" situation, they can just so easily mesh as rivals AND bfs with minimal bending of canon.
Those are obviously the most popular two (unless I'm really out of the loop), but then you have the smaller ships that you don't see as much that still just work. Like, I don't see much of Leon and Piers together, but they work. Perfect human sunshine and brooding vampire combo. I can't think of the actual phrase to use but I think that gets the point across.
You could pin him up with Kabu, sure, Leon can get down with the foxy grandpa. Fuck it, you could put him with, like, Meloney, and it would be fine. He deserves to be with a milf, as a little treat. You could ship him with fucking Wes from Pokemon Colleseum for the Nintendo Gamecube and it would seem understandable. He would do that, your honor, keep scrolling.
idk i'm tired night
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lifesver · 6 months
sometimes I think about dbd verses and how this kid is gonna throw his life down 24/7 without understanding the eventual impact of that. i think maybe his shoulder check would work as a perk if it maybe only works until he gets hooked the first time. I think he would maybe have something that lets him take two deep wound state hits if they’re protection hits. Idk what the last would be maybe another exhaustion perk that activates when ur death hook. teamwork focused perks that reward bold/risky plays
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skyfcx · 5 months
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took a look at my drafts and the brain went "nah". im gonna spend some time making icons for the multimuse i really shouldn't be thinking about. i've already got another two other muses i could so write.
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