#he’s alright though didn’t hit his head and nothing seemed broken
Today I learned that I can still hop a six foot chainlink fence if I need to, granted sufficient emergency.
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deepestnightcolor · 28 days
Hello! I just recently found your account while searching for alex/reader and love your one-shot of him!!! I was wondering if you could do another of him and reader and their lead up to a relationship? I haven't seen many of fics with and reader sadly wish he had more! And maybe a Lil freaky deaky scene? Obviously no rush or if your not wanting too! Love your sam fics too❤️❤️
ᴀ/ɴ: Hello there!~ Thank you so much for your request and the Alex love! We must admire our athletic king, mustn't we? I have a little something here for you, the freaky deaky scene might follow at some other point! I started it off with somethin' in my mind and then it got all fluff and mushy...I hope you will enjoy either way! <3
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Alex (SDV) x GN!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 1973 words
ᴍᴅɴɪ ✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: we like some good ol' fluff, I have decided.
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☾ ᴇɢɢᴇᴅ ☽
Alex had always thought that he would only have three priorities in life: Working out, gridball, and his family. Sure, he had had interest in some people here and there – Hayley, for example. She was pretty, and they sometimes were able to share some good times, but it never seemed to go deeper. Some of the guys in town had also made him curious, yet he always felt… a lack of motivation to pursue things after a while. Nothing enthralled him more than these three priorities, and he was a man of principles, simple as that.
That was until a certain farmer decided to take reign over the old, abandoned farm. At first, he didn’t think much of it. A new farmer, so what? You weren’t even living in Pelican Town, but outside of it. He was pretty certain that you wouldn’t ever really become a big part of the community, living in sticks of the sticks like that. Of course, he was polite when you actually swung by. Nodded his head at you, sometimes he even said “hey”. That didn’t mean he paid much attention to you, though. At least that was what he was telling himself.
Something about you always made his head turn, no matter what. Whenever he caught you out of the corner of his eye, he would crane his neck to get a better look at you. He found it amusing that you ran around town with whatever you had farmed that day, dirt covering your sweet, reddened cheeks and sturdy hands. He would watch you as you went to the beach, just to return with buckets of fish hours later. His eyes followed your path to the blacksmith’s house to get Yoba knows what upgraded or whatever geodes you had found broken open. He decided it was your determination that caught his eyes, nothing more, nothing less. After all, you were building up a ruin of a farm with your bare two hands, filling it with the life it hadn’t seen in years.
That theory didn’t last long, either. It ended when you stopped in your tracks one day and gave him this look. It was one of consideration, of doubt. Yet the fog seemed to lift, and instead of uncertainty, a smile blossomed on your plump lips. You crossed your arms behind your back while you approached the athlete, tipping your head to the side as you stood right in front of him. And fuck, didn’t you look adorable? Alluring, almost, with the way you fluttered your lashes at him. A sense of friendly innocence radiated from you, and it hit him right in the gut. “Hey. It’s Alex, right? I have met your grandparents.” It was unfair, really. Even your voice seemed to be drenched in honey, immediately luring him into a conversation he hadn’t been interested in having. “Yeah, Alex…So, you are the new farmer.”
You gave him a grin; one of the kinds he always found attractive. It was challenging, but still so, so polite. “Have you seen any other person running around with dirt on their cheeks?” Alex whistled through his teeth, cocking his brows at the sudden sass being thrown his way. “Alright, then, I guess that answers it.”
The grin on your face didn’t falter in the slightest, quite the opposite. You seemed to enjoy that you had thrown him off guard, that you had made an impression that he hadn’t expected. You let him simmer in silence for a while, before revealing the egg you had hidden behind your back. Given the way his eyes lit up, you assumed you had hit the nail on the head with that one. “My chicken Cluck and Brood were busy, and now I have some extra. Do you want an egg?” The smile that spread on Alex’s face was big, and you were quite sure that you had seen something shift in him. “Really? Yeah, thank you! They are great sources of protein!” He took the egg with a gentleness that took you by surprise. “Yeah, it is no pro-“ The sound of an eggshell meeting a set of pearly whites shoved your words back down your throat. You watched in horror as the brunet broke the shell of the egg and slurped its contents down his throat. What horrified you even more was the sole fact that he didn’t even seem to find the taste disgusting or off-putting, quite the opposite – he seemed to enjoy the taste of raw egg. Which indicated… that he had done this before. Alex apparently didn’t take note of your expression, or if he did, he was used to it and had decided to pay it no mind; he licked his lips like you would after having your favourite dessert. “That was great, thank you, farmer!” He grinned, giving your back a clumsy smack. “I’ll see ya ‘round.” Alright, maybe Alex had thrown you off guard. Yet that wasn’t a problem, because he had been right in one assumption about you – you were determined.
Alex hadn’t expected for you to return this fast, and what he had been expecting even less was you showing up to him working on his gridball techniques – at least that was what he called it; usually he just threw the ball for Dusty to fetch it, just like he was doing now – but there you were, propping yourself up on the fence and throwing a smile in his direction. For a moment. Alex didn’t quite know what to do, so instead of ending his little workout session, he threw the ball again, waving in your direction. “He can go far,” you noted, shielding your glistening eyes from the sun as you watched the animal chase after the ball with great elan. The brunet grinned a little at your comment, pearly whites showing for a split second. “’Course he can, he’s got a great buddy to train with.” “Huh, is that so?” You asked back, mustering the egg in your hand. “Is so.” “So…you could even train someone as incompetent at sports as me?” That had piqued Alex’s attention. He walked over to the fence, green eyes now falling on the gift you had brought him. “Mh…maybe. You’ve got potential, after all. We would probably need to get you to eat more protein,” he began, thick fingers of a large hand wrapping around the animal produce you were holding out. The egg looked tiny in his hand; it would have been possible for you to become distracted by the way he managed to shrink a large chicken egg to one of the size of a quail’s if you weren’t so focused on the words that were about to tumble out of his mouth. “Maybe you could start out with eggs as well?” There it was, the words you had been anticipating and yet hoping he wouldn’t say them. Still, the way he was seriously considering it as if anyone else in this small town ate raw eggs made him kind of endearing to you. “Oh…uh. Maybe. You know, I will start with…uh, something less crunchy? Leave the eggs to the pros like you?” A grin appeared on his face again, warm palm landing on your shoulder with a small smack. “You get it, farmer.” There was an appreciation in his voice that he would have never expected to carry. But then again, he hadn’t gotten up this morning and awaited a sweaty farmer bringing him yet another chicken egg, had he?
You were working yourself into his routine; slowly, but surely. You weren’t set in stone like his strict workout regime, but he knew that at some point, you would show up. Sometimes you caught him in the middle of weightlifting – he had grown accustomed enough to you to allow you to wander into his room -, sometimes you met him while he was walking Dusty. Talking to you came easier and easier, not that he had any trouble talking to anyone, but he just felt…more comfortable. Finding someone that got him, that didn’t necessarily have high expectations. Someone who genuinely cared. That’s why he was hoping that you would find him today. He was sitting at the beach, cradling a music box that seemed so delicate in contrast to Alex’s broad shoulders, chest, and strong arms. A soft melody chimed from the box, luring him into some sort of trance that he was never able to break free from for some reason. He just had to stare, and stare, and stare. Every now and then he also wondered, wondered if his life could have gone differently, better. He loved his grandparents; he loved them with all his heart! But sometimes… sometimes he wondered if he had had a better chance at life- “Alex? You okay?” Something heavy and warm was placed on his shoulder, making the tall man snap upwards just to see your face. You gave him a smile, one that he had grown fond of in the past months. “Oh, hey.” “Sorry, I didn’t want to startle you, but you didn’t react to all my screaming, so I just- I wanted to check up on you.” Alex gave you a smile. It looked strained, but also so, so lost. It made you sit down next to him slowly, keeping your hand on his shoulder, arm now wrapped around the muscular broadness of his back. Much to your surprise, Alex rested his head down on you, green eyes trained on the ocean, following the draw and pull of the waves. The melody from the music box still filled the air with its soothing gentleness, though also thickening it, leaving the bitterness of memories and hopes that were never fulfilled behind.
Your head slowly dropped on the brunet one’s, allowing him to bask in the silent comfort he seemed to need. At some point, his hand wrapped around yours, a deep sigh leaving his lips. “Sometimes, when I miss her…I come here, playing the music box. It brings back what little of an image I got to create of her…makes me feel close.” You hummed, allowing your eyes to wander about the delicate box. The tune was still playing, the little figurine starting yet another round on its little spring. “And I feel weird about it sometimes. I know she’s gone, after all. So why should I keep doing this?” “Because it makes you feel better, you don’t need any more reasons,” you answered, words l
rolling off your tongue in a velvet “matter-of-fact” voice. Alex seemed to relax a little, his gaze falling back on the box as if he only now had dared to look at it again.
 “See, that’s why I like you.” “Like me?” You asked, genuine surprise coating your words, sticking to them in a way that made it impossible to hide it. It was such an abrupt change of topic – not that it didn’t intrigue you. “Yeah, ‘course. Didn’t you notice?” Well, there had been a change in Alex’s demeanour towards you, like you had hoped. He had been more open, more…interested. There weren’t only talks about him anymore, and he didn’t act like you were a simple source of petulance while he was doing what actually mattered to him. “Huh, I thought I was bad at readin’, and now here you are, suckin’ at readin’ signs.” It was a weak attempt at humour, making your fingers wrap around his more tightly. “You became one of my priorities and didn’t even realize.” Hands closing tighter around one another’s’, you smiled to yourself. “I knew the eggs would get you.”
So maybe Alex did have four priorities, and for once, the thought didn’t make his stomach churn. For once it made him feel settled, and soft. Like he could be soft. Like he deserved to feel.
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ursawastricked · 1 year
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Synopsis: your usually rather easy to work with, but recently Viktor has found himself easily distracted by you..a lot of you. Especially tonight, when you decided to wear that dress.
WARNINGS; Viktor x F!reader, fluff, fluff, fluff, Viktor pining mostly, only a hint of sexual tension of you squint
I didn’t proofread this bc I wrote it on a plane, have fun though
Viktor has felt his hands shaking for the better half of an hour at this point, his cane held in a white knuckled grip as he watch you casually stroll about the party.
His amber gaze had locked to your spine as soon as you walked back him after a short greeting..despite the heaven it seemed to see your bare skin, that dress surely was from hell, hand sewn by the devils himself.
The dress itself was classy, high neckline, form fitting sure, but that long leg slip was a crime. It crept up your leg, if you sit just right it would likely show a hint of your hip (or so Viktor had expertly theorized). But what was causing the most pressure in his knuckles, was the lack of back on the gown..a large view of your bare skin exposed to the air, ending just under your waist, it had been a long few hours.
He sipped his drink, taking his planned break from watching you, but that appears to be an exactly when you decided to approach, just when he had let his guard down. He nearly chocked when his eyes open to find you approaching, the click of your heels echoing across the hardwood floors of the ballroom before you tilt your head to meet his gaze, amused by the sudden panic that you caught flash over his features.
“Hey..enjoying yourself, Viktor?” You ask, settling next to him against the wall, taking the brief pause in wait for his reply to take a sip of your own drink.
He takes his time alright, at this angle he could see exactly how close the hem of your dress is from slipping off your shoulder if only with the assistance of an eager hand, a less shaken one. He at this point had also taken note of the deep shade of red on your lips, only a hint darker than the dress. He struggled through the thoughts, now registering the question and panicking at what must have been an eternal amount of time,
“Uh..yes..yes. The party it is,” he tried, he sure did, “lovely..” but his mouth failed him as did his gaze when it flickered over your exposed skin once more.
You give a light chuckle, turning further toward him and stealing away his view. He does a better job hiding the disappointment of not yet recognizing of that was indeed a freckle just above your shoulder blade.
“Well that’s a surprise, you hate parties don’t you?”
He offers you a light toggle of his head in reply, glancing away to find a new focus. God knows if he was to try and focus on you, his gaze would just find itself on the lipstick you wore again, and he wouldn’t risk you catching that.
He settled on the door across the way, sipping his drink again only to find his lips met with nothing. He lifted the glass to his eye line, inspecting to discover he had in-fact run out of his champagne. Viktor have a gentle huff of amusement, or disappointment, gesturing it at you as he would sometimes do in the lab with certain tools or noted when they had broken or been written incorrectly. And as always he found comfort in your light laugh.
You glance at the glass, confirming his suspicions correct.
“Poor thing..how will you ever survive the rest of the party without ur social crutch.” You tease, tapping his glass lightly with one finger and inspecting your own glass, still mostly full.
“I can socialize perfectly find without a drink” he insists, flipping the glass upside down in his hand to that he held it by the support now.
“Really? Because you have been standing here since the party began-“
“I’ve been distracted” he defends again, tilting his head at you lightly and swaying the glass. His gaze is calm until he sees yours change. Your eyes light up with curiosity and mischief as the weight of his reply fully hits you, and he feels the hit directly in his stomach as he does too.
“Distracted?” You ask, leaning closer to search his gaze for hints. “By what? Or who? Is it someone here?” You ask feverishly.
He’s screwed. You expect an answer and even in the event that there wasn’t one, which there most definitely was, you wouldn’t let up without one. And if he wasn’t careful his eyes would float back to your dress again, and he could not allow for that to happen. He had been so deliberate Bout his casual observation of you in the past few weeks. Ever since you had handed him those notes, and he had noticed just how pretty your hands were. Your nails painted in a deep red color, and the shiny gold rings on your fingers that only further complimented what he had noted was your soft looking skin.
After that it was your hair, you had been leaning back into your chair after about an hour of inspecting the current project, and you had ruffled your locks sending the tufts to flutter gracefully around the crown of your head. He had noticed how the movement reminded him of a butterflies wings, and that the stray pieces had fallen around your cheek, which he had earlier found were round like one of those old pinups he had seen in pictures as a teenager..and how they would get rounder when you smiled.
And Janna the smile, you smiled so much..you smiled at everyone, but every time you did he couldn’t stop himself from turning just for a moment to catch it, one day finding the lab so frustrating that he had decided to start noting whenever you smiled at him, just for mild entertainment. He counted twelve, mostly when you were joking or messing with Jayce and seeking his approval on the bad jokes, however number ten had been when you offered him the last bite of your lunch.
‘You haven’t eaten all day, come on I know you like sandwiches, eat it’ you had fought for fifteen minutes with him about eating the damned thing before he finally pulled off his goggles and gave you a tired stare before taking the simple pb and j and took the last bite dramatically in front of you. And you gave him that sweet smile..that soft smile. It wasn’t one of mischief or teasing, but if genuine satisfaction. That one was his favorite from that days count.
And now you were back to that evil smile, leaning closer to him then he had noticed and he could feel his heart rate rising to an unhealthy speed as he struggled to move, his body wouldn’t let him escape your warmth.
“No one..not- no it’s just-“ he struggled, he was struggling hard enough that he had leaned his weight off his cane and felt himself begin to tip over. His arms flailed, as his body attempted to keep him from falling, but found a new savior in your hand clutching his and tugging him up as you gave a sharp and fluttering laugh. He clutched your forearms, shuttering at the almost fall. But once his balance returned he couldn’t find it in him to let go just yet.
“You alright there? I didn’t mean to scare you that much” he panted through the finale of your laughing fit..he couldn’t help but notice didn’t pull away yet either. It was a divine moment, watching his settle your breathing and flicker your face up to face his. Your hair was out of place, curling over your round cheeks again..perfect.
You tapped his arm before he released his grip, swiftly attempting an apology before stopped him by tilting your glass toward him. His gaze flickered to it then you, as he adjusted his grip back to his cane.
“Have the rest of mine, I don’t like drinking much anyways” you offered, and without much thought he found himself taking the glass in his own hand, trading you for his empty one. For a second he had felt your fingers graze in the exchange, and as he thought you were soft.
You give him a a slight touch on his shoulder and then a tap on the cheek as you step away, “If you get bored of people watching, let me know” was your parting words as you strolled back into the social gathering, your back again becoming his main focus.
He watched you move away, again frustrated by how easy it was to get lost in how your spine moved before he glanced at the champagne in his hand. His cheeks flushed harshly at the presence of a dark stain kissed onto the glasses edge where you had drank from it. And with a deep shakily sigh, he checked for any spying eyes before hesitantly sipping from the abandoned lipsticks placement..he remained distracted for the rest of the party..and did in-fact lie when Jayce asked about why he still had the glass when they had returned home.
Update: you can read part 2 of this story right here
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pinkskytwst · 1 year
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First Years/Prefect Romantic Poly (Deuce Centric)
The Prefect knew that their lovers were going to raise hell when they finally got back from club.
Grim was going to raise hell.
There was going to be a lot of hell raising going on and the Prefect didn’t really know what to do about it or really if they should.
It wasn’t like they liked pain. They were a normal, everyday kind of person that tried their best to avoid it. And they weren’t so altruistic that they wanted to start a fight with their lovers to protect the assholes that had hit them.
But well…their lovers could take it a bit far.
Sevens, any of their friends would take it far and it was a miracle that they managed to get back to Ramshackle without anyone else seeing them in this state.
The last time someone had laid a hand on them – and they had tried to fight back, really! But the Octavinelle student was like, twice their size! Bigger than Floyd even! – Sebek had nearly killed the guy and it was only Malleus pulling strings and Lillia making points of Crowley not protecting his students to get their half-fae off with just a month of detention and no criminal record.
Unfortunately they weren’t exactly in a state capable of hiding what had been done and they wouldn’t lie to their lovers like that anyway.
They just wished they could break it to them a little easier and with forewarning. Trying to message them, though, or call would cause the same kind of panic either way, though, so there was nothing they could do but wait.
The Prefect was just starting to work themself up into a fit of anxiety when they heard the front door open.
“Anata?” Deuce’s voice called from the entrance as they heard him shuffling around to toe off his shoes and set his track bag down near the closet to take back with him to Heartslabyul later.
“Aa, welcome back Deuce.” They managed, standing from the sofa and shifting nervously, glad that at least they had had time to change out of the bloody clothes.
“Practice ended a little early. Jack is on his way he just had to-…” Deuce froze when he stepped into the lounge and caught sight of them, the water bottle in his hand clattering to the floor.
The Prefect winced slightly at the horror and anguish that was quickly giving way to guilt in their lover’s sea blue eyes, hating that even more than anything else.
“I’m alright, it’s just…” but they let their words trail off as the other took numb steps to meet them before ever so gently reaching his hands to cup their face.
He touched them like they were made of glass as his eyes traveled over the already darkening black eye and the split lip that had only just minutes ago stopped bleeding. There were other bruises and scrapes – one on their jaw and another on their cheek bone on the same side as the black eye – but those were the worst.
“Who did this to you?” he whispered, his brow furrowed and broken in a way that the Prefect hated hearing.
Hated the guilt laced liberally throughout and how they always seemed to be a cause of pain for their lovers simply because they weren’t able to protect themselves against the students that saw them as an insult and weak target.
They were a weak target.
They were weak and magicless and didn’t even belong in that world.
It wasn’t surprising that they were a target.
But they wished they were able to at least protect themselves enough to not cause the people they cared about to hurt as if they felt every hit on their own body instead.
Words caught in their throat and they swallowed thickly, trying to push back the tears. They hadn’t cried when they had been thrown to the ground or when they had to cover their head to protect from the vicious kicks. Tears would have only made it worse and they didn’t want to give that kind of satisfaction to the assholes.
Deuce watched them struggling, watched them try to blink away the tears unsuccessfully and how their split lip trembled as they tried to find their voice through the pain and helplessness they clearly still felt.
His expression hardened, eyes narrowing and teeth gritting as a snarl pulled on his lips.
His voice was just as soft as moments before but now it was shaky in a barely contained rage that they could feel through his trembling fingers still oh so gently cupping their face.
“Who did this to you?”
They told him.
Deuce’s eyes flashed and he leaned forward to press the softest of kisses against their forehead, a silent promise.
“Jack will be home in a minute. Lock the door behind me.” He said before turning and storming out, hands already clenched into fists and prepared to return every bruise on their Prefect with ten of his own.
The Prefect watched him go, didn’t try to stop him as they knew it was pointless. Instead they closed the door like Deuce said and locked it before pulling out their phone and texting Ace and Sebek. They would be the closest ones to be able to find Deuce the fastest and hopefully prevent the worst as their lover was planning on taking on a fight of three on his own.
Hopefully Ace and Sebek would be able to get there before Deuce killed anyone.
Hi guys, hope you liked it. I was inspired by THIS and had to write this up real fast. It's not beta'd or anything so please ignore any mistakes ^_^'. Tell me what you think. <3
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madneedshelp · 1 year
A BillyxReader oneshot inspired by the song "cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant" would be interesting ^^
Cigarette Daydreams - Billy Hargrove x Reader
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Ask and you shall receive! I love this idea, that song is so Billy coded imo. Also, sorry this is very late, my last week was insane lol
Summary: You weren’t sure why you were so drawn to the broken boy that hid behind the cold exterior, but you found yourself wanting nothing more than to be his safe place.
Warnings: allusions to abuse, nondetailed descriptions of injury, smoking, language, angsty
Billy didn’t really date. It wasn’t that it never happened, it was just a rarity. That was something you knew going into the relationship. You weren’t sure at first of why he didn’t love commitment, but the reasons seemed to reveal themselves to you over time.
You and Billy had been together for a few months when you figured out his dad hit him. You showed up to his house one night, a thing you did often, just in time to see Neil storm out the door and speed off in his car. Susan and Max weren’t far behind him, another thing that happened often. You knew Neil had a temper, and there had been a few times when Susan and Max had gone out by themselves to let him cool down.
Noticing you standing there, mildly alarmed, Susan gave you a nervous and obviously fake smile. “Billy’s inside in his room, dear.”
You gave her a quick ‘thank you’ and headed for your boyfriend. Looking back on it, you wondered if Susan directed you inside because she wanted you to find out somehow, but was too scared to openly seek someone out. Even though you were a teenager and that wasn’t something you were really capable of changing, maybe that was just her only idea. Regardless, you were grateful that she told you.
The house was silent once you entered. That was odd. Billy usually had music going when everyone left. It must have been a bad fight, you figured. You had no idea the extent of it.
“Billy?” You lightly knocked on his bedroom door.
You waited a moment and got no response. Susan just said he was home. Maybe he snuck out the window? Your curiosity got the better of you and you slowly peeked inside the room.
Your heart dropped to your stomach in an instant.
Your boyfriend was sitting on the ground, leaning against his bedpost with silent tears staining his cheeks. The area surrounding his eye was a nasty red that told you it would soon turn to a black eye. What really got to you was the empty, tortured look in his eyes.
“Oh my God! What the fuck did he do to you? Are you alright?” You flew over to him in a frenzy, tears forming in your eyes.
He immediately fell into a rage when you hurried inside. “Get the fuck out, Y/N! This isn’t your goddamn business!”
He stood up and started towards you. You could tell he was trying to intimidate you as he took steps forward to make you step back. He was trying to essentially corner you out the door.
You may not have been with him long, but you knew when he wasn’t in the mood to talk. Instead of standing there to start a fight with him, you turned and headed for the kitchen.
He must’ve thought you really were leaving because he didn’t try to follow. You quietly opened the freezer and grabbed a bag of frozen veggies and took them back to the bedroom.
“I fucking told you to leave!” Billy shouted as you entered again.
You stared him dead in the eyes and kept your face calm. “This is for your eye. I’m gonna need you to hold it on there and tell me what happened.”
And eventually he did. The stories of abuse filtered out over the course of the next hour or so. You felt your heart aching for him.
He’d been so alone. His mom had left him when he was so young, and Neil chose to take his anger out on his son. No one knew, and if they did, no one cared to step in.
“Can you come stay with me?” You asked quietly, your head leaned against his shoulder as the two of you lay in bed.
He let out a bitter chuckle. “You think your parents would let me move in? You think Neil wouldn’t kill me if he found out I tried to leave?”
Tears stung your eyes so badly, but you didn’t want to be the one to cry right now. You wanted to be strong and stable and comforting for Billy.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But you can’t keep living like this, Billy. Maybe we could go to the police?”
“We can’t tell the fucking cops! You think they won’t say anything besides that I can’t defend myself?” Billy scoffed.
You hated that he was probably right about that too. “Well could you go stay at a motel or with a friend?”
“With what money? And fuck no, he’d find me anyway. Listen, just stop trying to fix it, okay? This is just how it is.”
You wanted to yell at him that it shouldn’t have to be like this. You wanted to give Neil absolute hell. Honestly, you wanted to do way worse to Neil, but you knew that taking out this rage wouldn’t solve anything.
“Billy, please promise me that you’ll tell me if he does it again. Promise me that you’ll come over or call me if it gets really bad again.” You murmured as you subconsciously snuggled closer into him.
“I promise.”
He kept his promise.
One night, several weeks later, you got a phone call just after 9 at night.
“Hello?” You looked around for your parents as you stood by the landline, in case the call was for them.
“Can I come pick you up?”
You recognized Billy’s voice immediately. The tiredness that seeped into his tone. The pained rasp.
“I’ll be outside waiting.” You whispered back in an instant.
He hung up the phone, and you hurried back to find your parents. Somehow, you managed to convince them that your friend was coming to pick you up because she got dumped and needed you to come over.
As soon as you heard the screech of tires, you headed for the Camaro. It worried you how fast he drove normally, but it was dark and raining and he looked visibly upset, which didn’t make you feel any calmer.
He didn’t say anything as you climbed inside, he just drove. You tried not to stare at the cuts on his arm, but he noticed anyway.
“Fucker threw some plates at me,” was the only explanation he gave you.
He ended up driving to the now empty parking lot of the grocery store. He skidded to a stop in the very back and turned off the car with a huff.
“Do you want to talk?” You looked over at him. When he didn’t say anything, you kept going. “I mean, we don’t have to talk. I just want you to know you can talk if you want to.”
When you paused, he met your eyes briefly and then shook his head. “Don’t fucking look at me like that,” He muttered as he slung open the car door and stepped outside.
God you really didn’t know how to handle this. You tried to not be pushy or forceful, but you just wanted to help and it killed you that you couldn’t.
You looked out the window at Billy, who was leaning against the side of his car, back to you and his half-finished cigarette in hand. It was when his shoulders started to shake slightly that you knew what you should do.
The rain poured on you overhead, but you ignored it as you walked around the car to Billy. He was crying just lightly enough that you couldn’t tell the difference between rain and tears on his face.
This time you didn’t try to make him talk or try to solve all his problems. Instead, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him. He let you hold him for a while, and you hoped he got the silent message that you’d be there for him as long as he needed.
“Come on, you’re soaked, baby. Let’s get back in the car, I have a shirt you can wear.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, a sign you knew he was feeling a little better.
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” You chuckled and gave him a peck on the lips before the two of you hurried back in the car.
Despite your protests that he should wear the shirt, you finally ended up wearing it. You had your terms though.
“Fine, I’ll take the dry shirt, but only if you let me get my first aid kit out of my purse and clean those.” You folded your arms, a firm expression on your face as you nodded to his arm.
“Babe, they’re fine. Just take the shirt and don’t worry about it.” He rolled his eyes.
“Come on. Let me take care of you.” You watched as his eyes grew glassy again at that and he nodded.
He was quiet while you put a little disinfectant and some bandaids on his arm. It wasn’t much, but hopefully it would keep them from getting infected. You were mostly glad they weren’t too deep because you knew Billy would never go get stitches.
Beneath it all, you were sad. Sad because you bought the kit in case Billy might need your help. Sad because you actually had to use it for that reason.
Thankfully, there weren’t many more nights like that one. Still, you were always there if Billy needed you. You love him, and he loved you, something you’d finally admitted to each other at some point during the months you’d been together.
You watched as Billy walked across the stage at graduation, and you grinned down at him when it was your turn.
You watched him work as a lifeguard over the summer, scrounging up as much money as he could to save up for an escape.
You watched him open up more and more to you each day, until you felt like the both of you held no secrets from each other.
But mostly importantly, you watched him pack up his car with both of your belongings as you prepared to head off to college. He found a good job in the same city as your university, and had saved up enough that he could afford a place. He was finally going to get his escape.
Max was the only person from his family that showed up to see you both off. It made you happy that their relationship had gotten better lately.
After you said your goodbyes to her, and to your parents, it was finally time to go. You and Billy climbed in his car and started down the road on your way to your next journey.
He glanced over at you as he turned onto the main highway. “Hey…thank you.”
“Hm? What for?” You asked absentmindedly as you read over the map.
“For…fuck, I don’t know, just for being there. For being my safe place.”
You put down the map and looked over at him, and found a tear slipping out of your eye when you realized that, for the first time since you’d met him, he looked truly relaxed, and that was because he was finally safe.
He was too young to have had to deal with any of that, not that anyone should ever have to go through it. He was the strongest person you knew. This felt like the turning point for his life, and you felt so much lighter knowing that he could hopefully start to put all the bad behind him.
“Forever and always, Billy. As long as you need me.”
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softhairedhotch · 5 months
jack has complicated feelings about his father, and aaron finds a note that explains it. content/warnings: angst, alcohol/drunkeness, hints of hotchgan but no relationship, angry notes, angry jack hotchner, teen jack, arguments, haley's mentioned a few times, parent loss mention, hurt/comfort, happy ending!! word count: 6.1k also on ao3!
i can't handle change
Aaron pressed a kiss to Jessica's cheek and allowed a small smile to twitch at his chapped lips. “Hello. Is everything alright?” He asked as he got rid of his jacket. He placed his briefcase on the kitchen table, settling his go-bag down on the floor beside it, and began searching for his laptop when he realised that he hadn’t received an answer. “Jess?” He glanced her way and realised that everything was not alright. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were slightly wet with tears wiped away a few times over. Taking two large strides toward her, he reached out to rest a comforting hand over her shoulder, squeezing gently. “What's wrong?”
Panic hit him square in the chest. “What is it? Is Jack okay? Are you okay?”
Jess shook her head with a sniffle. Timidly, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Aaron thought his heart might give out as time seemed to slow around him, watching as she unfolded the paper. It was jagged at the edges, torn unceremoniously from a small notebook–no doubt Jack’s considering there was a small dinosaur that said ‘you’re rawr-some!’ in the corner of the page–and she bit her lip as she stared down at it. “I found this,” she started, her voice shaking. “In Jack's room. I wasn't snooping, I swear, it was just on the side with his homework, and I was wondering if I should leave it, or throw it out, or, or, or, I don't know, maybe just not show you.” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she offered him the note. “But Jack wrote this.”
Aaron felt numb as he reached out for it. He had no idea what to expect. He combed over every possible explanation in a matter of seconds, fearing the very worst, but nothing could have prepared him for what he found, yet it all felt expected once the initial shock subsided.
‘I HATE MY DAD’ was scrawled across the top of the page in a deep red. The ink bled through the page, Aaron had seen it when Jess had opened it up, but he didn’t realise until now that it wasn’t accidental. Jack was full of rage as he wrote it, pressing down on the pen so hard that Aaron wouldn’t be surprised if he found the broken felt in the trash. Underneath, in black pen, was a letter addressed to Aaron himself, short but in no way sweet. 
He needed some time to process before he read the rest. He folded the paper back up, inhaled sharply, choked on air for a moment, and let out a deep hum when Jess clapped his back half-heartedly. Mumbling out a weak thanks, he dropped down in the nearest chair, careful not to scrunch the paper in any way. Despite the harsh words he wasn’t ready to read, he knew it was delicate.
“Aaron?” Jess whispered, her voice sounding distant to Aaron even though she stood right beside him. His ears rang, steadily increasing in volume until it physically hurt, and time seemed to stand still. It was as if he was trapped underwater with no escape, banging fruitlessly at the sheet of ice that kept him washed away in the current. “Hey, talk to me.” She reached out for him but he ducked away, unfolding the note once more. “Aaron, this is just a thing children do. It's nothing to do with you, it's their way of getting their feelings out.”
“Jack isn't a child,” Aaron replied, voice sharp. “He's thirteen.”
“And this is what teenagers do, too. Don't let it get to you.”
Aaron shook his head, staring down at the page. The words swarmed together, becoming almost completely unreadable, and he could feel the anger–at himself, not at Jack, never at Jack–begin to take a hold of him. “I haven't read it yet.”
“I've only read the top line.”
Jess nodded in response. “I’m not leaving until you’ve read it all then.”
He had nothing to say to that. Instead, he forced his eyes to cooperate by blinking until the fog had mostly cleared, and he mentally cursed himself for not listening to his doctor about wearing his glasses, even when he knew he was reaching the age where they were necessary. He took a deep breath and began to read.
I wish I had a better dad. One who chose me instead of his shitty job. I used to think he was a hero, like Spider-Man, but now I realise he’s just Peter Parker. A man who never has time for his loved ones because he’s too busy saving the world. A man who saves everyone but not the ones closest to him. He’s not a hero, he just dresses up as one. How can I call him a hero when he’s the reason my mom died? 
Why did he save me but not her?
Aaron’s hands shook as he read it over and over. The words imprinted themselves in his mind and, once he was sure he’d accidentally memorised every word, the paper slipped out of fingers, gracefully falling to the floor. He dropped his hands to his side, clenching his fists and running his thumb soothingly over his knuckles, although it didn’t help.
“Are you okay?”
He nodded. “Fine.”
Jess’ face crumbled, though she tried to hide it, and she gave her own curt nod. “Okay. Well, Jack's at Owen’s house. Do you need me to pick him up?”
“No.” What was the point in that, Aaron wondered, why take him from a place he felt safe, loved, appreciated, and bring him back to a lifeless home? That’s how Jack felt, right? “Let him have fun. I'll call Owen’s parents later and ask if they need me to pick him up soon.”
“They said something about a sleepover. We thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow.”
Aaron nodded again, eyes never leaving a piece of wallpaper that curled away from the wall. He'd been needing to fix that for years, ever since Jack tried to sneakily skateboard around the house in the early hours of the morning and fell off, the skateboard flying at the wall and tearing up the paper. ‘At least it wasn't your head’, Aaron had said when he was woken up in a panic thinking someone had broken in, and Jack had laughed in embarrassment. They'd eaten leftover pizza in the kitchen at 4am, and Aaron thought that life was good for once. Things were good. He was good.
But seeing that note, he realised none of that was true.
He wasn’t a good father. 
It was something he already knew, of course, something that nagged away at him constantly, no matter where he found himself. But realising that Jack knew that too, had written it in words, scared him more than he was willing to admit. It destroyed him. He’d never felt more like a failure than he did in that moment. 
Jess rubbed comfortingly at his back, hands as warm as they always were, but he was too numb to feel it. Exhaustion lay thick on his shoulders, weighing him down until he felt as though he might collapse right then and there, and all he wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep forever.
“You should go,” he whispered, voice hoarse. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”
“No, it’s, it’s fine,” he mumbled, leaning down to pick up the note. His back stretched uncomfortably as he bent over, the muscles aching from the strenuous work from that week’s case and the long flight home, and he let out a soft groan. He knew he should get a nice hot shower, or dig out an unused heating pad hidden away in one of the kitchen drawers, but he was too tired.  He needed to sleep. “I’m just gonna lay down.”
Aaron headed toward the couch and Jess tutted, grabbing at his elbow and using minimal strength to divert him toward his bedroom. He allowed her to take him wherever, too drained to fight, and she gently sat him down on the bed. “I can make you some soup,” she offered, “or some green tea. I have some in my purse.”
“Of course you have some in your purse,” he replied, huffing out a laugh. “But it’s okay. You’ve done enough, thank you.” He laid back on the bed, hardly bothering to cover himself with the duvet. It covered his legs and that was enough. “I just need to, just need, uh, just…”
He couldn’t finish his sentence; he was out like a light.
Jess smiled at him, a sad smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes (they never did anymore), and pressed a kiss to his forehead. She watched him for a moment, appreciated that he was allowed some form of peace in his sleep, and left, gently shutting the door with a heavy heart.
When Aaron woke up a few hours later, he couldn’t remember a single thing that had happened. His mind was completely silent–a rare occasion–and he felt calm. But then, as he wondered how Jack was doing, and where he was, and if he was okay, it all came rushing back to him.
Jack hated him. 
His son blamed him for the death of his mother, and he blamed him for never being around enough. Aaron understood, though, because he blamed himself for those things too. He always had and he always will.
Glancing at his watch, he noted that it was almost 9pm. He muttered under his breath and pulled up his contact list, scrolling through the list until he found Owen’s mom’s number, and dialled it. The call was quick–Jack wanted to sleep over, Aaron said that that was fine–and he dropped back against the bed with a deep sigh. He stared at the ceiling, hardly blinking, before forcing himself up with an angry huff. He knew he couldn’t wallow in self-pity, he had to do something. Anything to take his mind off things. To give him space to think about how to handle the situation.
Aaron changed into comfortable loungewear, avoiding the mirror in the corner of the room as he did, and made his way to the kitchen. His plan was to get himself a coffee, maybe two, and power through the pile of paperwork in his briefcase that never seemed to end. Before he could make it to the kitchen, however, he came to a stop at Jack’s bedroom door.
For a moment, he imagined that Jack was in his room. He pictured what he’d be doing–probably talking loudly to his friends as he played on the Xbox, or softly singing along to his music as he focused on his homework–and his heart hurt. He knocked on the door as if Jack was there to answer, and after a long silence, gently opened the door. He wasn’t there to snoop–he’d never–but he wanted to look around the place. He wanted to feel close to Jack, even though he knew his son didn’t feel the same way.
As he stepped toward Jack’s bed, the covers a dark blue with white spots, something Jack had picked out when he claimed he was too old for his dinosaur sheets, Aaron realised he couldn’t blame his son for hating him. Not when he knew how easy it was to hate a father. Not when he knew how easy it was to hate himself.
Aaron sat down on the bed, a groan ripping through his lips at the steep drop, and glanced around the room. There were a few pictures messily attached to a corkboard beside Jack’s desk, and he noticed that there were none of the two of them together. He knew they had pictures, he had one of them on his desk at work, and he knew Jack had a few printed out for himself, but it was clear he wasn’t proud enough of his father to keep those pictures up anymore. Ignoring the guilt that curled in his bones, Aaron laid back and stared at the ceiling. It was bare, the ceiling, but the fading marks of glow-in-the-dark stars were still visible. Jack had loved them when he was a kid, especially on dark nights alone when he was sure someone was going to hurt him at any moment, but as he grew into a teen, he’d torn them down. 
Maybe that was the first sign of his hatred, Aaron thought. Or it could have been when the bed sheets changed and no longer represented his personality. Or after his mom died, when he finally figured out that she was never coming home and he’d never see her again. Hell, maybe it was when Haley had left Aaron, before Jack could even put a word to his thoughts but knew how to feel hurt. How to blame.
Aaron’s head pounded, a constant thudding that refused to subside, and he forced himself out of Jack’s room before he could fall into a restless sleep on his bed. He headed straight to the coffee machine and made himself the strongest coffee he could before settling down at the dining table, sipping at it and letting it burn his tongue. He felt like he deserved it. Once the mug was mostly empty, he sorted through his upcoming reports through most important to least important and began working on the one needed early next morning. He caught sight of his go-bag on the floor and sighed, annoyed that he hadn’t had the chance to throw the clothes into the washing machine before he passed out, but he left it until he stood up for more coffee. 
Hours passed and he hadn’t even made a dent in the reports. He sighed, forcing himself up for his fourth–or fifth, maybe sixth?–coffee of the day, when the front door swung open. His first thought was to reach for his gun, too many years on the job training him for the worst, but then he caught sight of a tear-stained Jack and he hovered awkwardly between reaching for his weapon and staring at his son.
When the initial shock dissipated, Aaron moved forward slowly. “Jack?” He asked, freezing when Jack took a few steps back. “What’s wrong, buddy?” 
Jack turned on his heel and sped toward his room, shaking off his jacket as if it burnt his skin, and Aaron followed him close behind. “No, don’t give me that. What happened to the sleepover?”
“I didn’t wanna have one.”
“But Owen’s mom said–”
“She lied!” Jack turned to face him, eyes full of so much sadness it physically pained Aaron to see. “Owen wanted the sleepover, I didn’t. I just wanted to see, to see if…”
Aaron held his breath as he waited for Jack to finish.
“I just wanted to see if you’d say no so we could finally spend some time together.”
All the air rushed out of his lungs. 
“Jack,” he started, but Jack was having none of it and slammed the door in his face. “Jack…” he called out again, voice weak. He hated feeling weak but it was unavoidable when it came to his son. There was no answer other than the sound of Jack locking his door, and Aaron hung his head. “I’m sorry.” It was a weak apology, one that stained his tongue with how false it felt, and he knew it, but it was all he could offer. 
Stepping away from the door, Aaron had no idea what to do. They’d never fought, not really. Aaron had promised himself that he’d never take his anger out on Jack, no matter what happened. As he made his way back to the kitchen, he felt ashamed. He stared down at his reports, unable to find it in himself to sit back down and work. 
Work could wait; it could always wait for Jack.
But could it? 
His job was hard enough as it is, even more so as a single father. There was never time to plan for events–he was either there, or he wasn’t. But he tried his best, he really did. And he thought that Jack knew that, and now he knew otherwise. It wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough.
Leaning against the kitchen counter, he unlocked his phone and went straight to Jess’ contact number. His finger was inches away from calling her when he stopped himself, reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose to dull the ache thrumming through him. He couldn’t call her, not for this. He went to her for everything and she came running when he called, always so willing to care for Jack without taking time for herself. He had to stop asking her to raise his own son for him. He had to stop asking her to stand in for her sister. He swiped away from her contact and scrolled down further to Derek’s name, dialling it before he could stop himself.
Derek answered after the third ring. “Hey, Hotch. We got a case?”
“No,” he replied after a long pause, suddenly anxious. Why was he even calling? What was he even going to say? “Uh, sorry, wrong number.”
Derek let out a loud laugh on the other end of the line. “There is no way you just said that, man. Seriously, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I was meant to call Jess, it’s just, uh, something with Jack, and–”
“Is he being bullied again?” 
Aaron sighed. “No, it’s something else. Something worse.”
There was a shuffle on the other end of the line and he could hear the opening and closing of a door. “I’ll be over ASAP.”
“Morgan, no–” But it was no use, he’d already hung up. “Shoot.”
Derek was at Aaron’s door quicker than he expected. He knocked a specific pattern before letting himself in and making his way to where Aaron stood. A crate of beer was in his left hand, his phone in his right, and he grinned when Aaron glanced at the alcohol. “I wasn’t sure how bad, so…” Derek shrugged. Aaron reached out for a beer and opened it with ease, downing it in one go. “Woah. Very bad then. Should have gotten something stronger, huh?”
“Jack hates me,” Aaron grumbled before he could stop himself. The beer wasn’t enough to loosen him up yet but he trusted Derek. He always trusted Derek.
Derek raised his eyebrows, his lips twitching into a disbelieving smile. “No way, man. That kid loves you.” A loud yell came from Jack’s bedroom as he raged over a video game and Derek’s eyebrows shot up even higher somehow. “What happened?”
Instead of repeating himself, Aaron reached into his pocket and pulled out Jack’s note. It was scrunched up into a ball–he’d gotten annoyed and tossed it in the trash before anxiously scooping it back out seconds later–and Derek took it from him, slowly unfolding it. He read it, his jaw going tense, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, before folding it neatly and placing it on the counter. “Yeah,” Aaron spat out, reaching for another beer and uncapping it, sipping at it this time. “That’s what happened.”
Derek was at a loss for words. Finally, though, after he took several thoughtful gulps of his own beer, he shook his head. “That’s just what kids do, man.”
Aaron fought back the urge to roll his eyes. “That’s what Jess said.”
“Because she’s right. Jack just turned, what, thirteen? He’s entering his rebellious phase, so what? We’ve all been there, man.”
“Morgan, we’ve seen children’s rebellious phases. We’ve see what can happen to them; we know what loss at a young age does to these kids.”
“So, what, you’re saying you think Jack’s going to become a serial killer based on this note?”
Aaron almost choked on his beer. “What? No!”
“Then what are you trying to say? Because from where I’m standing it sounds like you’re comparing him to the children we’ve had to put away. Those children are troubled; Jack isn’t.”
“But he is.” Aaron polished off his second beer. It wasn’t his drink of choice, he preferred the burn of whiskey sliding down his throat, but it’d do for now. He needed to stop thinking so clearly, so coherently, just for a moment. “He lost his mom at a young age, Morgan. He heard her die. Heard me kill the man who murdered her. He’s never gonna get over that, that trauma will follow him for life. And I’m never around. To him, he lost both parents that night. I know I lost myself that night, anyway.”
“And I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Talk to him.”
Derek shrugged. “I can’t help you with that, man, you have to figure that out yourself. All I know is that it needs to come from the heart. Tell him how you feel, let him know you love him, make sure he knows that you’re trying. Because you are, I know you are.”
“Not hard enough.”
“Cut the bullshit.” Derek stepped closer and their eyes met. Aaron couldn’t look away. “You are trying, man. I’ve seen it first hand. Whenever you have the chance, you wrap up a case as quickly as you can just so you can get a few more minutes with that boy before he falls asleep. And if you know you’re not making it home that day, you call him any chance you can get. I know he doesn't answer as much as you would like because he’s always busy with school or friends now, but I see the effort you’re making, man. You hearing me? You are trying, I can see it. And Jack will too, eventually, but right now you and Jess are all he has, and all he knows is that he sees Jess more than you.” Aaron opened his mouth to say something but Derek cut him off. “No, let me finish. Trust me, I am not saying that to hurt you.. I’m just calling it how I see it. You’re trying, man, and you’re doing your best. You’re a good dad, Hotch, I need you to know that. But Jack isn’t going to understand that unless you sit him down and talk to him.”
Aaron had no words. He turned his beer a few times in his hand but couldn’t bring himself to take another sip as he mulled over the words. They hit him much harder than he expected but he knew deep down that it was all true.
“Jack’s a smart kid,” Derek continued, clapping him on the shoulder. “He’ll understand if you just give him a chance. But for now, give him some time to cool off and think.”
“Which means that gives us time to drink, huh?” Derek beamed, throwing his head back to drain the last of his beer. “Let’s get something stronger, though, this beer ain’t cutting it.”
“There’s some whiskey in the cupboard over there,” Aaron pointed toward it, “help yourself.”
“Nuh-uh, I ain’t gonna be the only one drinking this stuff,” Derek laughed, grabbing the whiskey and two glasses. “You better join me.”
And join him he did. 
A few hours passed and Aaron was, respectfully, wasted. He knew how to handle his alcohol, he knew his exact cut-off point, but he’d exceeded that by almost three times. Derek matched his energy, drinking as much as he did, and the whiskey bottle was almost empty by the time they were both falling asleep on the couch. 
“I meant what I said, by the way,” Derek spoke up, words slurring as he tried–and failed–to sit up. Instead, he chose to lay down across the couch, flicking his long legs over Aaron’s. Aaron didn’t have enough energy to push his legs away. “You’re a good dad.”
“You’re just saying that because you feel like you have to.”
“Nope,” he replied, popping the P. He laughed at himself afterwards, a small chuckle turning into roaring laughter that had him sliding off the couch, before he managed to compose himself. Aaron laughed alongside him for a short while, the alcohol making him feel like he was floating, but reality crashed down on him once again and guilt seeped into his bloodstream. “Saying it because it’s true.”
“Whatever, man.” 
Derek raised an eyebrow, laughing again. “Did Aaron Hotchner just say ‘whatever, man’? What’s next, you gonna rock up to work in a hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts? You gonna hang a surfboard on your wall instead of a bike this time?”
“Please… don’t remind me of the bike.”
“I will remind you of the bike, man, because seriously, what was that?”
Aaron shrugged. “I was in my biking phase. It reminded me of my time back in Seattle. It was…”
“It was funny, that’s what it was. But healthy, too.” Derek thought for a moment and gasped dramatically, reaching forward to lightly slap at Aaron’s upper arm. “Hey, we should go biking together.”
“Why not?”
“Right now?”
“Jesus, not right now. I think I’d throw up just trying to sit on the damn thing.”
Aaron groaned and held his stomach. “Don’t mention throwing up or I’ll throw up.”
Derek covered his mouth with hand and Aaron closed his eyes to steady his swimming vision. Behind them, Jack’s bedroom door opened, and Aaron tensed as he focused on the tentative footsteps heading toward the bathroom. Derek began to talk about a brawl he witnessed at a local pub to fill the silence but Aaron wasn’t paying attention. His thoughts drowned out Derek’s voice, far more violent than the fight he was explaining, and when Jack came back into the room, the sound of footsteps was all he could hear.
“Hey Jack!” Derek said, sitting up with a smile on his face. “How’s it hanging?”
“Come on, man, I haven’t spoken to you in ages!”
“Morgan,” Aaron warned, voice low. “You said to give him some time.”
“Yeah, from you,” Derek shrugged. “But who needs time away from Uncle Derek?”
Jack eyed them, unamused. “I need to go back to my game, Uncle Derek. It was nice seeing you.”
“Jack,” Aaron started, turning to face his son. At the sight of him, however, all words escaped him and all he could do was stare.
Rolling his eyes, Jack turned away from them and pushed open his bedroom door. “Wow, nice talk, Aaron.” And as if that wasn’t enough, he slammed the door so hard Aaron was sure there’d be a noise complaint in the morning.
“Holy shit,” Derek muttered, sitting up so fast his neck cracked unpleasantly. “Did he just…”
Aaron felt sick to his stomach. “He did.”
“And you’re just gonna let him do that?”
“For now, yes.” Aaron reached for the last of the whiskey and opened the bottle, throwing it back without bothering to pour a glass. “You should leave.”
“No way am I going to leave after–”
“Derek. Leave.” His voice was desperate; Derek had never heard him so vulnerable before. “Please.”
“Okay, man, sure, yeah. I’ll, I’ll leave.” Derek stood up, stumbled, and looked around as if he couldn’t physically get himself to move. “But only after I know that you’re okay.”
“No, Aaron. Only after I know you’re okay.”
Aaron was too tired to argue. 
The next day, Aaron woke up in bed and had no clue how he got there. All he knew was that his head was throbbing, his body felt weak, and he was wrapped up in his sheets like a newborn. Derek must have tucked him in. The thought made him flustered, albeit not entirely unpleasantly, and he pushed it aside as he forced himself out of bed.
Feeling gross, Aaron made his way to the shower and put the temperature as high as it could go, stepping in the moment it reached its peak. The water burned him, his skin quickly becoming bright red, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He stood there for what felt like hours before getting out, not even bothering with cleaning himself. He had no energy to commit to a task that felt so menial. Throwing on the first clothes he could find, Aaron finally allowed himself to enter the kitchen and make himself a coffee. To his surprise, though, Jack was there, making himself cereal, and at the sight of his dad he began to walk away, leaving everything on the counter.
“Leave me alone.”
A switch flicked in Aaron’s head. He wasn’t going to take this anymore. “Jack Hotchner, you listen to me right now.”
Jack paused, stood still for a few moments, and slowly turned around. He looked nervous, not used to his dad taking such a sharp tone with him, but he nodded nonetheless. “Okay.”
“We are gonna sit down and we are gonna talk. Man-to-man. How does that sound?”
“It sounds… awful,” Jack said, but he managed a small smile. “But okay.”
Jack moved toward the couch and Aaron quickly made himself a coffee, grabbing both the mug and bowl of cereal before sitting beside his son. He passed Jack his cereal and watched him intently, waiting for him to take a few bites before talking. “Jess found something you wrote and she showed it to me.” Jack tensed but continued to silently eat, avoiding Aaron’s eyes. “On it, you said you hate me.”
“Dad, I–”
“Oh, so it’s dad now?” 
Jack looked incredibly guilty. “I’m sorry. I really, uh, really shouldn’t have called you by… something other than Dad. You didn’t, like, deserve that.”
“You’re right, you shouldn’t have, and I didn’t. But we need to talk about it, okay?” Aaron took a few sips of his coffee before placing his mug on the table beside him. “I understand that I’m no hero, especially not to you. Not after…” Aaron swallowed nervously. “Not after mom. I know that. But I do try, I need you to know that.”
Jack nodded. “You’re just… never mind.”
Aaron reached out and clasped Jack’s shoulder firmly in his hand. He waited patiently until Jack found enough courage to look up at him. “It’s okay, you can say it.”
“You’re never around.”
“I know.”
“And I need you around.”
A tear threatened to escape Aaron’s eye. “I know.”
“I don’t hate you, Dad. I was just… I was angry. You hadn’t been home in a week and all I wanted to tell you was some good news I got and I couldn’t.”
“You can always call me.”
“Sometimes you don’t answer,” he sighed, looking away again. He stirred his cereal but didn’t bother to eat anymore. “And I know it’s because you’re on a case, and you’re out there risking your life to save people and make the world a better place, but it hurts. And I wanted to tell you in person.”
Aaron nodded somberly. “What did you want to tell me?”
“Nuh-uh, we’re having a serious talk here.”
“Wow,” Aaron chuckled, “okay then. I guess I’ll reprimand you more and–”
“Oh, no.”
“–then you can tell me, huh?”
“I regret what I said, can I take it back?”
Bumping his shoulder against Jack’s, Aaron smiled. “After I say the rest of what I need to say.” Jack groaned, and Aaron rolled his eyes playfully. “I know you don’t hate me, buddy, but those words you wrote really hurt.”
“More than when you got stabbed?”
Aaron winced. “Way more. But we can move past that, it’s fine. I want to ask you something.”
“If I were to take… time off work, how would you feel?”
“More than two days this time?” Jack asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes. “Maybe even three days?”
“Alright, don’t get too sassy now, bud. You’re still in trouble. But, yes, more than two days, and more than three. What if, what if I…” Aaron couldn’t believe what he was about to suggest. “What if I left the job?”
“What?” Jack’s mouth hung open. “No, Dad, I’m not asking you to do that. You love your job.”
“I know you’re not asking, Jack. I’m offering. And yeah, I do love the job, but I love you more. And, truth be told, it’s getting too much for me.”
Jack's face became one of concern and he sat up straight, scrutinising Aaron from head to toe. If it wasn’t so endearing to witness, Aaron’s sure he’d have broken down right then and there. He looked so much like Haley when he looked at him like that. “Did you get hurt on the last case? Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
Aaron moved Jack’s bowl away from the two of them before pulling Jack into a hug. He squeezed him tightly and took a deep breath before answering. “No, bud. I just want to spend more time with you.”
“Of course. You’re the best kid I know.”
Jack wrapped his arms around Aaron’s neck so tightly that he feared he might really need to go to the hospital if he kept up with that grip. He was growing stronger each day, both mentally and physically, and Aaron felt emotional at the thought. “Aren’t I, like, the only kid you know.”
“You really, like, believe that?” Aaron said, mocking him gently. 
Pulling away, Jack laughed. “Don’t make me take back everything I just said.”
“Oof, bud, too soon.” 
“Sorry,” he shrugged, not looking apologetic in the slightest. “Does this mean we’re okay?”
“Of course we are. I don’t think you could do anything that would end up with us never okay again.”
“Even if I keyed your car?”
“You what?!”
“Oh my god, Dad, it’s a joke, it’s a joke I swear,” Jack said through laughter. “Sorry, I forgot you don’t do well with jokes.”
“No, I suppose I don’t,” Aaron replied, dropping his shoulders in relief. “That was always your mom’s thing.”
They sat in silence, both reminiscing over Haley. Aaron remembered how hard she’d laugh at her own jokes and the way she’d light up the room as she did. She always worried that it was annoying but Aaron promised her that it’d never annoy him, and it never did. She was endlessly brilliant to him, and always would be. Looking at Jack, he felt the same way.
“So,” Aaron started, breaking the silence. Jack looked up at him expectantly. “What was the good news you wanted to tell me?”
“Oh.” He grew sheepish, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly, and Aaron cocked his head, intrigued. “Uh, well, promise not to get mad?”
“Now I’m worried, so I don’t know if I can make that promise.”
“It’s not bad, I swear.”
“Okay… I promise.”
Jack took a deep breath, wringing his hands together in his lap. “I kinda, sorta, maybe, just might, I don’t know–”
Aaron’s eyes widened. “What?”
“I have a girlfriend.”
It took a few seconds for it to register in Aaron’s mind. At first, he wanted to demand information so that he could send the names to Penelope for background checks on her parents and her parents’ parents, but he refrained from saying that out loud. His second thought was that Jack was too young to have a girlfriend, but then he remembered his first kiss was with a boy behind the school bins when he was seven, so he couldn’t say anything. And then he remembered what his own father did to him when he told his parents he had a girlfriend when he was eleven, and how it took months for that broken arm to heal, and he realised that he was nothing like his father. “That’s great, buddy. What’s her name?”
Aaron smiled. “That’s a pretty name. Tell me everything.”
Jack beamed up at him and scooted closer so that he could lean into Aaron’s side, burying himself even closer when Aaron grinned back and wrapped his arm tightly around his shoulders, before he began to ramble about his new girlfriend. They’d met at school in art class and she had the sweetest laugh, according to Jack, and he was sure he was going to marry her. As Aaron listened, he thought back to Haley, and he couldn’t help but feel so proud. Things were good again, and this time he was sure they’d stay that way.
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Miss Me?
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • 3. Traveling long distances just to see them. • ANGST/SFW
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“Are you sure you’ll be okay traveling back in the rain? We could give you—-“
“All I need is a head start before nightfall, don’t waste anything for me when someone else could benefit from it” Y/N laughs putting her hood on then his poncho before getting her pack on along with her staff and started to leave once Jesus let the gates open.
“Please be safe!”
“When am I not??”
“You’re leaving right now I can’t lecture you!” Jesus laughs with Y/N on her way out, stopping at the gate watching her disappear into the forest.
The rain didn’t seem to let up and that started to make the dirt road into mud. Y/N couldn’t even check what time of day it was and it was starting to get exhausting dragging through the mud. So the quickest “clearest” spot she could find, was where she was making camp for the night.
Y/N moved a few broken tree branches to make a small tent, even though she had one, but the rain kept hitting so she used her tent cover to cover the branches and keep her dry the best that it could. In the mean time for the rain to calm down or for the sun to peak out, she thought warm thoughts to make her feel better.
“You are fuckin’ crazy”
“You love me shut the fuck up”
“This is crazy, regardless if I love yea or not”
“Rick and Michonne will forgive me later! Judith is getting a kick out of it” Y/N smiles at the archer in the foyer finishing up the blanket fort with an already happy Judith sitting in the middle of it. “Now are you joining us or no?”
“Is there a password?” He jokes approaching the fort gently kneeling on the ground in front of the “entrance”.
“Mmm. No but a toll”
“Oh a toll huh?” Daryl couldn’t help the smile to appear along with a short chuckle, watching Y/N lean into him as he instantly got what this toll was. “Oh?”
“Oh? Guess you don’t wanna join us” Y/N pulls away and right before she could say anything more, Daryl grabbed a chunk of her shirt pulling her toward him. Her giggles were immediately cut off by him pressing his lips firmly against hers.
Y/N couldn’t help but give him a few more short and sweet kisses after his “toll” was paid. Soon interrupted by the little Grimes tugging at her shirt holding up a book.
“Wanna see if Uncle Daryl will do voices with me?” Y/N smiles handing the book to Daryl before adjusting and pulling Judith into her lap. “Bet he could do a pretty good big bad wolf”
“Ain’t gonna happen”
“Please!” Judith whines as both she and Y/N gave him puppy dog eyes resulting in a glare and a defeated sigh.
“Fine. But Rick ain’t hearing about it”
“Scouts honor”
“Hey, coming on the run with us later?” Rick asks his brother who was fixing up his bike in Carol’s old garage before she moved to live in the Kingdom.
“Nah. I’ve got a feelin’”
“A feeling?” Rick laughs confused on what he meant as Daryl shrugs continuing to fix the tubing.
“A feelin’ something good is comin’”
“At least you’re happy about it. Anyway, need anythin’ before we head out?” He waits watching Daryl shake his head. “Alright, well…” he draws out stepping slowly away. “Say hi to Y/N for me if she beats me back” he smirks watching Daryl scramble with his tools and glare at the retired sheriff with the heat on his face.
Now this man was waiting beside the gates of Alexandria waiting patiently. Not that he knew Y/N was making the trip, but he always got a feeling when she’d be coming and has said feeling in that moment. Especially once the rain stopped he had high hopes. He’s got a few important questions to ask her and thought her most recent trip would be the right moment. But this man was going to go crazy if the fifth gate open of the day was anybody but Y/N.
Carol’s lucky he likes him or he would’ve sighed dramatically and left his post by the gate to be useful. Part of him was still dramatic but the laugh from his best friend given his position, made him slightly mad.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“He’s waiting for Y/N” Rosita instantly rats him out as she approaches the gates to help Carol with her trade in.
Daryl groans lifting from his seat about to leave when Carol whistled for his attention.
“Be useful and help us alright? Then maybe when you’re done she’ll be here”
She was indeed, not there, once they unloaded the goods off of Carol’s wagon. But now Daryl found himself in Rosita’s watching Carol make her famous stew with Rosita.
“Did she even tell you she was coming over?”
“Then how do you know she’s even coming?”
“Got a feeling”
“He’s pretty good with that too. Guesses every time Y/N would come over. But given the annoyed look on his face, his Y/N radar ain’t working” Carol teases getting a laugh out of Rosita.
“Ay pobre Chico” Rosita laughs as Daryl groans dragging his face with his hands.
“Ugh! If she don’t come by tonight I’m going out to get her”
“You know she walks from Hilltop! Let her take her time Daryl. Besides she’s gonna be just as eager as you are when she gets here” Carol turns the flame off to the stew as she lets it cool while she grabs the bowls for everybody. “What are you even eager to do with her?”
“Or to her?” Rosita winks getting a gentle shove from Daryl as he stayed quiet for a moment but his body language said everything. “Oh my god”
“Oh my god what?” Carol turns toward the two seeing Rosita’s smile grow bigger.
“Are you going to ask her to live with you or to marry you?”
The way Daryl covers his face instantly to avoid the others noticing his already presented blush on his face given by his ears turning red as well. Carol shot out a shocked scream of joy.
“Finally! I mean she already has her stuff at your place when she comes here. But finally to the other thing! Took you too damn long!”
“Did yea get a ring? Even though she would marry you with a ring made out of fishing line.”
“Nah Daryl has been thinking about this ever since they became official allllll the way back to the prison days” Carol smirks as the archer drops his hands on the counter giving her a DONT look but all of them know damn well she’s just gonna tell anyway.
Carol couldn’t help the smile on her face watching Daryl being all giddy just from holding Y/N’s hand as they talk beside his bike. Her smile always made his day and Carol knew that just from how he’s taking every second of it into memory. Then Rick just had to interrupt the moment calling Y/N to help him with something making the two part and Daryl watched her walk away bringing a frown to his face temporarily as it shot back to a smile when she turned back to him and blew him a kiss.
“Caught in a trance?” Carol spooked the poor guy as he almost pushed his bike over and could’ve fallen with it. “Sorry sorry”
“You stalkin’ or something”
“No just wondering when I can ask when the two of you are going to move into a cell together. Your mattress is already right out of hers. Why not just. Share her cot?”
“Don’t wanna rush things…”
“Yeah.” Daryl states continuing to keep an eye on Y/N as she was helping tend to the garden with Rick given she has more farming experience than the ex-sheriff. “Don’t wanna spook her with my…nightmares”
There was almost always something that stopped him from sleeping with her. Not in that sense, because he’s had slept with her. But not over night deal. He was afraid the nightmares he had since he was younger and the new ones given the apocalypse, would end up hurting her. Because he’d wake up clutching something tight. Usually his shirt or his blanket. But he would blame himself for the rest of time if it was her throat.
“Baby steps. Maybe just. Lay with her. And I don’t mean sex. I mean cuddle. Let her sleep. Like. Taking shifts I guess. She’s independent. You remember how we found her. She’s not that afraid of anything. Except losing you…”
“And how you know that?”
“I know things”
Oh Carol knows a lot of things.
“You’ve had sleepovers. And dirty ones. Obviously. Taking the next step would be easy. And taking that step wouldn’t be hard at all”
“Easy for yea to say” Daryl scoffs. “Remind me what you said to Ezekiel?” And with him saying that, Rosita gave Carol a curious look herself.
“Shut up this ain’t about me!” Carol rolls her eyes going to serve them up some stew before packaging the rest away. “You two are ready. Just take the chance once it’s given!”
“Like…Ezekiel?” Rosita smirks giggling to the glare received from the other woman.
When night came around, Y/N found herself approaching Alexandria with a tired happy look on her face as she unhooks her flashlight doing the Morse code signal to the night guard to show that it’s her and nobody else. The gate squeaked open just enough for her to slip through and help lock it back up.
The familiar voice instantly brought a smile to her tired face. Y/N drops her bags down to let the archer wrap his arms tightly around her straightening up as her feet started to dangled.
“Hi…Miss me?”
“Always” Daryl mumbles digging his face in the crook of her neck squeezing her tighter in his embrace causing a tired giggle to escape her.
“Miss me?”
Y/N drops the basket she was holding and practically sprinted the short distance almost knocking her and Daryl over. He securely wrapped his arms around her straightening up to always notice her feet dangle making him laugh a bit.
“Missed how short you were”
“Haha…very funny” Y/N laughs choking on her tears as she brought her legs to wrap around his torso holding onto him tighter. “Don’t leave me again, okay? Please promise me that”
“Mm not going anywhere without you, darling.” Daryl sighs adjusting and squeezing her tighter. “Promise”
Y/N happily found her spot resting on his chest in his shirt and a pair of shorts, on his bed, safely comfortable in his arms. She was in and out of consciousness given how late it was but she wanted to stay awake as long as she could in his embrace. Given Daryl hasn’t fallen asleep yet to admire every feature on her tired expression enjoying how comfortable he was with her.
“Don’t leave again” Daryl whispers feeling her stir to look at him directly. “Unless it’s with me, don’t want yea going alone no more”
“Mhm” Y/N smiles feeling him shift to sit up looking down at her a bit. A bit surprised it was that easy. “As much as I like the long walk travels to the love of my life, I don’t like being without you”
Daryl suddenly flips the two on the bed so he’s towering Y/N looking her dead in the eye waiting for any negative sign. But she was genuine. Telling the truth. Giving him exactly what he wanted. He felt his next words get stuck in the back of his throat knowing what comes next. Her tired expression grew more and more exhausted but she stayed awake enough to wait for whatever he was trying to say that was stuck in that beautiful head of his.
“I don’t want you to just live with me”
Confusion filled her eyes as she gently takes a hold of his face caressing his cheeks.
“Then…tell me, love”
Daryl relaxes always in her touch feeling her thumbs rub gently against his cheeks as he couldn’t help the tears that formed from her softness.
“Marry me” He chokes on his tears feeling Y/N bring her arms around his neck tugging forward so that he’d sit back feeling her adjust so he’d be comfortable with her in his lap.
The way no signs of rejection or hesitation was on her face, confused Daryl a bit. But her clear as day smile and the softness of her callused hands taking a hold of his face made it clear.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to ask me that”
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f10werfae · 2 years
1- Questioned and Loved
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pairing: Construction!Chris Evans x GF!Reader
Summary: After Y/n and Chris' first “date” There seems to be a lot of sneaking around which doesn’t go unnoticed by some…
Warning: Smut, flavoured condoms, multiple positions, kissing, dirty talk, slight humiliation, oral (male receiving), Thigh riding
- Requests are open for oneshots!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Build up Masterlist
Chris Evans Masterlist
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“Come on baby, let me come over” Chris whined down the phone, despite it already being 1AM, this man’s energy was not one to be messed with. Y/n couldn’t help but smile down the phone at the idea of her new older boyfriend dying to spend time with her.
It had only been a few weeks since he first fixed her ma's windows and took her for a drive down to the coast where he stole a kiss. Yet the two were smitten already, nightly phone calls, stealing kisses whenever he was over to fix any new “broken” things. Tonight was no different, Chris would spend hours teasing his new lover talking about the things he’d love to do with her, their future and how much he just wanted to hold her.
“I dunno Chris, my parents are asleep” Y/n whispered down the phone, luckily her parents' bedroom was further down the hallway but she didn’t want to take any chances with that. She could practically feel the buffer man pout down the phone, something he did when he didn’t get his way.
“Pleasee, I promise i’ll be quiet, jus wanna hug n' kiss ya” The sound of his voice was something she was going to have to learn to say no to, but today was not that day nor would it be tomorrow or the next. Sighing down into the phone, Chris knew he had finally gotten his way, they were each other’s weak point.
“Ugh fine alright, but stand outside my window alright? I’ll help you up somehow” Y/n said turning onto her side to try and look around for anything long enough to throw down, pursing her lips in the process.
“Don' worry sugar, I can take care of myself. I’ll see ya in your room in 25. Love ya” He smiled, putting down the phone and rushing to get on his sweatpants and old college hoodie. Within minutes he was in his pickup truck and on the way to his girl’s house, another midnight adventure for them both.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Chris what the hell?!” I whisper shouted seeing my hunk of a man using nothing but bare strength to climb up to my window, sure there were a few slips and tumbles at first, but God is he strong.
Helping him in by his arm, his strong cologne filled my nostrils instantly calming me down. “Aww baby I missed ya too” He cooed finally standing up straight, his hood falling off his head to show off his growing brown locks. Even though I was now close to 23, it still felt exhilarating to sneak a boyfriend in, almost like it was high-school all over again.
“So this is your room then eh?” He breathed out looking about my room, my cheeks starting to heat up when I caught him staring at the array of puppy posters decorating my pink walls.
“Well it’s not updated from high school but yea”
“Whose this then?” He asked leaning in to see my old photos with my friends back then, specifically a photo of me and my friend Andrew back at graduation.
“That’s Andrew, why? You jealous?” I teased watching him turn around slowly, his lips pursed tightly making me laugh at his reaction.
“What? Course not. You’re mine now aren’t ya?” He quirked toeing off his socks and shoes, flopping himself down onto my bed, a massive creak sounding out.
“You idiot my parents could wake up” I whispered hitting his shoulder, his face contorting in fake pain, I couldn’t even stop a smile from finding its way onto my face. Quietly he army crawled his way up my bed so now we were both against the headboard, our hands intertwined tightly between us. The soft atmosphere leading my head to his chest as we slowly slid down to lay more on our backs.
“I can’t believe at the ripe age of 30 i’m still sneaking into my girlfriend’s house” He chuckled stroking my hair with his hand, his fingers running through any knots and tats gently.
“Yeah well I can’t believe i’m dating a senior citiz-“
“Oi, stop it”
“Fine fine” I sighed listening to his rapid heartbeat hammering in his chest, it kind of felt like mine at that moment, uncontrollable. “Give me a kiss baby” He whispered pulling my head up, his pink lips pressing themselves to the corner of my lips before I turned his head to kiss him fully. My heart was practically pounding at the feeling of his hands in my hair, his lips on mine and just the pure feeling of love and passion.
“Ya realise you’ll have to leave before my parents wake up right?” I said pulling away to look at his face, pulled into an expression of bliss.
“Mhm I know sweetheart, wouldn’t wanna get ya in trouble” He whispered going back in to press another kiss to my already swollen lips, his tongue tying in with mine desperately
(Chris' P.O.V)
Slowly slipping out from underneath Y/n, my face pulled into a grin when I saw her immediately cuddle onto one of the pillows on her bed, the one I specifically was laying on. Quietly putting on my shoes, I opened up her bedroom window and climbed down onto their driveway.
Mentally fist bumping when I realised I had done so successfully without waking up her parents, looking up at her window I blew a kiss and off I went back to my pickup truck.
My body still feeling her touch on mine, my lips still tingling from the abundance of kisses we shared one after the other until we ran out of breath.
My wrist still had her hair tie that I had taken off to play with her silky hair, the smell of her shampoo still lingering on my senses.
Pulling up into my driveway I suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, something I never felt after meeting with a woman, never mind one i’ve known for barely 3 months. Yet here we were, moving as fast as the seasons change here in Texas, perfect just for us.
Chris found himself waiting outside of Y/n's current job, a cute well known restaurant in their home town, she had just gotten the call that she was being appointed as assistant chef. For her? That was amazing especially at such short notice. It had become routine for him to pick her up from work after her day shifts, refusing to let her walk home in the dark, hell he wouldn’t even let her walk to her door alone either.
Y/n smiled cheerfully walking out of the restaurant, her cute white button up and black work trousers only made her that more beautiful, Chris thought it made her that bit more irresistible. Whistling, he winked as she approached his pickup truck, standing by her door getting ready to open it for her.
“Hey baby, thank you for pickin’ me up again” She beamed up at him, swaying her body side to side bashfully. Chris tapped his cheek twice, not wasting any time Y/n instantly pecked his cheek not once, not twice but three times.
Sliding into her seat Chris jogged over to his side of the cab, his smile not faltering once, he even had to bite his lip just to not widen it anymore.
“How was work today sugar?” He asked holding her hand as he worked the gear shift, his head turning while he backed out of the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Hmm it was busy but it was okay, my coworkers were really nice to me today so that was good”
“That’s good to hear baby” Chris nodded driving on down the road,
“How about your day bubby?” Y/n asked tilting her head to the side,
Y/n felt her breath hitch when Chris stopped in front of her house, there he was standing in front of the door, her dad.
“It’ll be alright pumpkin” Chris whispered as they sat wide eyed, Y/n's father approached them both and boy did he not look happy.
“Y/n. Inside. now.” He said opening the door roughly making her flinch,
“But pa i’m-“
“Now Y/n L/n, please I won’t ask again”
Chris knew better than to argue with him, if he ever wanted things to work out with Y/n he knew he had to work on this. Hell ever since he found out about their meet-ups a week ago after one slip up during one of their multiple sneak ins, Chris was not in this man’s good books. I don’t even think he was in the books period.
Chris sighed watching his girl rush into the door, not forgetting to give him a cute little wave before she was pulled in by her mother who was smiling mischievously. Chris smiled but that was immediately interrupted by the scare of a dad in front of him, Mr. L/n’s arms were crossed over his chest, sunglasses covering his eyes with a trucker’s hat on his head. A true southern man who treated his daughter like she was golden.
“Nice to see you Mr. L/n” Chris said confidently, holding out his hand for a shake which soon turned awkward when he realised the man wouldn’t even touch him.
“What’s your intentions with my daughter Evans?”
“Sir you’ve asked me this everyday this week” Chris sighed pleading with him, the older man not wavering once
“I know, cause I don’t believe ya one bit. What sorta established businessman goes after a woman finding her ways in the world?”
“One that loves and cares for her, sir”
“Just get outta here boy”
“I’m so sorry Chris, I don’t know why he’s so rude” Y/n whined down the phone, her lip jutted out into a pout as she listened to hear her boyfriend’s voice.
“ ‘is alright sugar, I know he jus wants to protect his daughter” Chris replied, despite everything that happened that day he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her voice. It always sounded so pleasant and welcoming, something he didn’t always sound like unfortunately.
Scratching between Dodger's ears Chris sat down onto his large L-Shaped couch, his business had definitely started to boom more recently with more people wanting to move to Texas. Wearing nothing but a pair of sleep pants he lay down with his arm over his eyes, just listening to Y/n talk about what happened when she got home.
Which consisted of trying out new recipes, telling off her dad some more, catching up with the girls and touching herself.
“Wait back the fuck up, what’d ya jus say?” With a sly smirk gaining on his face he sat up a bit, biting his lip at his girlfriend’s perverted confession. With radio silence on her end he peered further,
“Come on sweetheart, you’ve already said it. Tell your man what you were thinkin' about”
“No! that’s private. And it’s embarrassing” Y/n whined down the phone, her voice wavering as her face flushed. Her legs kicking in the air as she rolled about, Chris' deep chuckling causing her heart to flutter majorly.
“Come on I thought you said no secrets?”
“Mhm well you already know what I was thinkin’ bout, you jus wanna embarrass me”
“How about you come over and show me what you was thinkin' about then?”
“O-oh Okay babe”
“Actually, i’ll pick you up, it’s not safe for a sweet little thing like you to be out there”
“Are you sure you’re okay babe?” I whispered tightening my grip around her waist as she leant up against me on the sofa, despite the both of us knowing we wouldn’t fit, we decided to squish together with her on top of me. After catching her she jumped out her window, we drove giddily back to my house, hands touching everywhere and anywhere. Nodding her head I felt her nuzzle into my chest,
“I wish I could cuddle you even closer” I heard her say while turning to look up at me with those sparkling eyes of hers,
“Bub i’m basically your blanket right now, ya wanna wear me as a hoodie or sumthin?”
“I mean if you’re offering..”
“Behave Y/n L/n ” I growled feeling her hands crawl up under my shirt, her newly acquired gel nails scratching up my stomach satisfyingly.
Moving down I felt her insert her whole body into my t-shirt, her head now on my bare chest underneath the soft fabric, her hands nestled onto the sides of my waist.
“You comfy baby?” I asked lifting up my shirt to see her peek up at me, her smile pulled into the cutest thing ever as she nodded and pecked my lips quickly and softly. Enough to make me melt right then and there. Her lips peppered soft kisses over my chest, sucking on hickies, occasionally getting groans out of me.
“About those strawberry condoms I saw in the kitchen when we came in-“
“Go on then love, they’re sittin in the bottom kitchen drawer”
“OKAY LOVE YOU” She said excitedly shimmying out of my shirt and running towards the kitchen, a smile coming onto my face as I watched her semi naked body hunt down the box of latex with such eagerness. When we first got in I forgot to put away the condoms I had bought earlier that day, completely forgetting that she was going to see them. You see, Y/n had been sending me these tictacs? tiktoks? Of couples trying them out and she’s been buggering me for ages, but hey I was bit complaining.
I watched her pretty self skip back towards me, successful with her hunting mission as she handed the box over to me to open up. Y/n pulled out the first condom, ripping it open, showing the new pink coloured latex.
“C-can we try it?” She asked shyly,
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Chris nodded leaning back comfortably onto the couch, shrugging his sweatpants halfway to his knees, showing off his red hardened cock. The tip of it already glistening with pre-cum as he pumped it a few times to get it even harder.
“Go on then sweetheart, put it on for your man”
I rolled the large condom down onto his cock, with him hissing due to how sensitive he was already. Kneeling down onto the floor I licked it slightly, a sudden burst of flavour exploding on my tongue.
“Ya like that baby?” He asked biting onto his lips, I licked mine nodding eager to taste more of the strawberry goodness now coating his cock. Taking him down my throat, I felt him choke a bit as I just kept sucking on his condom covered dick without mercy.
“You treating my cock like a popsicle baby, all wet and desperate for it, since ya like it so much maybe we can leave a review after it”
Nodding my head I just focused on getting as much flavour as possible, not even noticing how the condom expanded as Chris' cum filled it to the brim, some of it even spilling down to land onto his balls.
“Fahk babe you didn’t even notice, too busy suckin weren’t ya?”
“Mhm sorry Chris” I mumbled delicately pulling off the slippery latex,
“Well let me give you something to notice”
Within seconds Chris had brought me up to straddle him, his cock already threatening to push my thong to the side.
“Actually first, let me see my pretty girl get off on my thigh” He smiled transferring me to straddle his right thigh, his leg hairs already stimulating my already tingling clit.
“Come on baby, move on me” He whispered, his hands settled on my hips as he moved them back and forth slowly.
(Chris' P.O.V)
I felt her nails dig into my shoulders as she grinded onto my leg, her mouth gaping open with moans just spilling out. I watched as she slowly started to drool out the side of her mouth, laughing as it dripped down onto her hardened nipples causing her to moan. My girl is always so sensitive.
“Fuck baby you’re so pretty for me” Pushing her hair back, I cupped her face and made her look at me, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth with her breath turning ragged. Her hips started to go crazy on my thighs, her moans turning to soft whimpers.
Right before she was about to cum I pulled her up and sat her right onto my cock, feeling her sigh in somewhat relief and excitement.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Wait wait” I whispered getting off and getting back on, this time with my back facing him. His hands slithered up and cupped my breasts, my feet planted on his knees as I prepared myself to ride the fuck out of him.
Slamming my hips down, his hand squeezed my left breast,
“gosh sugar you’re so fucking dirty, fucking yourself on my cock like this, jus takin what’s yours” He whispered into my ear out of breath, his fingers tugging on my nipples roughly causing them to pebble out.
Turning my head to the side Chris' tongue met mine, our saliva going everywhere as we just swapped spit for a good while as I grinded my hips in slow circles. His paws giving my breasts a soft knead, his tongue leaving mine, his hips starting to smack up into mine unexpectedly
“oOH FucK, FUCK CHRIS BABY” I shouted while he pounded into me, his teeth biting into my neck as he basically used my breasts as handles to help push me up and down.
“Y/n i’m gonna spill my cum right inside this pretty pussy of yours, keep it warm all night for ya”
“You wanna g-give me a load Chris?”
“Give you one? Baby i’m gonna give you as many as you fucking want”
“T-that sounds good” I whispered
“Doesn’t it? Sounds absolutely perfect baby”
(No one's P.O.V)
“Your pa is gonna kill me someday” Chris whispered snuggling further into Y/n's arms, with him laying his head on her bare chest. Her nails raking through his head lovingly, with her constantly giving him kisses onto his forehead.
“mm he’ll get used to you bub, don’t worry” Y/n said cupping his face and kissing his lips lightly.
“But it’s important he likes me Y/n, I truly do want us to go far”
“And we will Chris, just enjoy the now hun. You know my ma loves you and will practically have your back for life” She commented causing them both to laugh a little despite the heavy topic at hand.
“You know if you think we’re movin too fast we can slow down right babe? I don’t wan' ya to feel forced” He said kissing her chest softly, his head nuzzling into it like a puppy would.
“I don’t think anythin of it baby, we’re two consenting adults who are very much falling in love with each other okay?”
Raking her hands up and down his back, his breathing slowed down into a gentle rhythm, both of them acting oblivious to the sound of Y/n's phone blowing up on the bedside table. She’d just have to deal with that tomorrow.
Taglist Tags (form is up there^^): @mdpplgtz03 @mysticfalls01 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @chrisevansangel @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @sairsei @patzammit @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity @pandaxnienke @taramaria @mirikusashes @marvelgurl @xoxokiaraaxoxo
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soapppp · 7 months
CW: talks of abuse, hallucinations, ABO, homophobia and slurs
Ghost has helped Soap keep his hidden gender as an Omega secret for well over a year. He figures it out instantly, trying to tell himself it was because of his training and his status as an Alpha, not the fact that they might well be fated mates. It’s rare, but it’s also said that in every ten alphas one will have a fated Omega, so not impossible.
Soap didn’t realise that the other knew, pretending not to know that he clicked Ghost as his intended on the first day. He assumed Ghost didn’t realise because of Soap’s lies of being an Alpha.
But then his heat hits on a mission and he watches as Ghost kills three of their own operatives after two of them tried to force Soap while he was vulnerable. Later he would process that Ghost killed the other poor sod, a Beta, simply because he knew what Soap was. Ghost himself held back, biting a hole into his tongue as he got Soap to safety and made up lie after lie about a spontaneous rut.
Yet, even though Ghost knows he’s an Omega and that the two are fated to be intendeds, he does nothing. I’m fact, he seems almost awkward. Somehow trying to get as close to Soap as he can but also snapping at him or not speaking at all.
It’s after two weeks that Ghost subtly asked Soap to visit his room so they can talk. Soap, angered and hurt, is ready to yell and scream at him for not doing his job as an Alpha and caring for his Omega. But before he can, Ghost speaks in the quietest voice Soap has ever heard. Broken, small, and so unlike the man he knew.
“I kept your secret, Johnny… can, can you keep one for me?”
Soap looses all his rage in an instant, worry and relief at the trust being shown to him. He nods, a warm and hopefully safe smile taking over his face.
Ghost, though Soap has the feeling it’s actually Simon, fiddles his fingers like a child, “I, um, have these… fuck, I have these voices. In my head but not, like they talking to me without being there. My dad, my brother… sometimes me mum. They say things to me, horrible things, bout me being weak and a fag. Saying I can’t, can’t love ya.”
Johnny can’t help the tears that well in his eyes. He’s heard the rumours of what Simon faced, abuse and torture, but being followed by such things with hallucinations? It was a torture in himself. Was that why…?
Simon continues, “I thought they were right for so long. It’s man and woman and all that, but then you showed up. You’re nothing like they describe. You aren’t a slut or submissive, not weak and needing control and it’s confused the fuck out of me, Johnny. You make everything they say, then and now, so wrong, yet… this feels so natural. I’m scared, Johnny. Only my mums voice is nice to me but she’s… she’s fading. Don’t say much any more these days. Last thing I heard was, ‘be good to any omega, be better than him.’ But Johnny, I don’t fucking know how to do that!”
That’s it for Johnny, he too looses his composure and holds a sobbing Simon to his chest, cooing and kissing at his hair. He holds him as tight as he can, letting all the love he dreamed of giving his intended and their future kits take form in his gentle purring and careful touches.
“It’s alright, love. I’ll teach you.”
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sawyer-is-not-my-name · 10 months
Ominis Gaunt x GN! Reader
synopsis: Reader is feeling guilty for everything that has happened throughout their fifth year. And their boyfriend Ominis tries to comfort them.
warnings: hogwarts legacy spoilers, takes place right before the house cup, and right after the entirety of the whole quest. Angst, and grief/guilt
Guilt and pain, were all you seemed to know these days. The end of the year was fast approaching, yet you weren’t as excited for it. All you wanted to do was turn back time, make it so none of it ever happened.
All of it felt like your fault, Sebastian’s grief, Ominis and Sebastians starting to fall out, Natty getting hit by the cruciatus curse, Professor Fig’s death, Solomons death. Everything felt like your fault, you were involved in all of it. You killed poachers, goblins… so many lives were on your hands.
You were having a hard time speaking to anyone, all people wanted to do was praise you for saving Hogwarts, but you didn’t feel like a hero. You felt like the problem.
So now here you were hiding in the undercroft, away from all prying eyes. Your knees curled into your chest, trying to keep your own tears at bay. You didn’t allow yourself to cry, feeling as though you weren’t allowed to be upset.
after an hour of sitting there, in the dark the door opened. As quietly as you could you peaked your head up, spotting your boyfriend Ominis. You focused on steadying your breathing making yourself as quiet as possible. He was one of the last people you wanted to find you like this.
“y/n?” You felt bad hiding from the blind man, but you had no interest in being caught having a pity party by yourself, in the dark (not that he’d realize its dark). “You have not been in classes today, everyones worried about you. I’m worried about you love.”
The thought of even having everyones attention on you made you sick to your stomach. You hated it, you just wanted to disappear. You kept your head down as the thought washed over you, before a sob erupted from you.
You’d been holding back crying for the past few weeks, the damn finally being broken. Ominis was at your side in a heart beat, taking care to not scare you as he gently kneeled down beside you, placing a hand on your arm.
He didn’t tell you to stop, he just sat their listening as the person he’d grown to care for and love broke down in front of him. You leaned into him, not even sure what you wanted but he seemed to realize. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into him.
He didn’t often offer up his affection like this, but for you he would. The person he loved was hurting, the brave and cool exterior you had seeming to shatter, right before him, and he felt this need to protect one of the only good things he had.
When you finally calmed down, he didn’t let go of you. His head still resting on yours as you leaned into him.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that.” He bit his tongue trying to hold back a sarcastic comment, but apparently he didn’t bite it hard enough as it feel past his lips. “Darling, I can’t see anything, so you have nothing to apologize for.” Your face heated up realizing your mistake.
“I’m still sorry you found me like this.” He shook his head, “Nonsense love, you shouldn’t have to be alone at a time like this.” You pulled back from his arms, feeling guilty for crying, remembering your whole reason for hiding in the first place. “Maybe I should be alone, it’s all my fault-“ he shushed you mid-sentence. “No. That is not at all true.” He shifted closer to you, searching for your hand, “I killed so many poachers, goblins, Professor Figs death, and Solomons is my fault.”
“It is not your fault, none of that was. You are a child doing the best you can to survive.” The all to familiar words, you had told him, but you couldn’t apply them to yourself. “You should hate me, if I never came along you and Sebastian would still be alright, he wouldn’t have been able to get so close to the dark arts.”
“He would’ve done that anyways, once he sets his eyes on something he will not stop until its too late. And you tried to stop him he’s just too stubborn to listen. Just like you’re being right now.” He pulled you into him again this time not letting you break out of it, “You’re allowed to be upset, you witnessed so much this year. You often times put yourself in the way of danger to protect others, don’t for second think you caused this. I know sometimes I might say things that sound that way, but I know its not you’re fault.”
His words calmed you down, your heartbeat slowed to its regular rhythm, tears finally coming to a slow and your body relaxing against him. He didn’t fully know how he did it, he had never had to comfort someone like this, nor really been comforted like this, yet with you he managed. Like his mind just new how to protect you and help you, knowing someone as kind, and sweet as yourself shouldn’t have to go through that alone.
He may not be able to take your pain away, but he sure as hell would stand by your side through it.
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eratolasting · 2 years
Could you write something where y/n accidentally stumbles across Eddie’s secret picnic table location in the woods and Eddie’s like initially pissed and kinda yelling at her because he lost a customer but she’s so innocent and apologetic and seems upset about something so his heart kinda melts and they connect? Love your writing btw!
Summary: Eddie's making a drug deal when you stumble upon him in the woods.
Warnings: Cheating, crying, some fluff, Eddie is a little mean then a little sweet.
Beta Reader(s): @hellfiremunsonn , @ayejaye20 , @eddiesdungeon
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You couldn’t believe what you’d just seen. Your heart was in your throat as you stumbled backwards and out of the girls bathroom. You felt like throwing up. Tears burned your eyes as you pushed past people heading to the lunchroom, no thoughts in mind as to where you were going; you just needed to get out of there. Your feet pushed you as fast as they could, your hands thrusting the back door to the school open. 
You hit the grass first, and then the trees. Thoughts were racing through your head, replaying the scene over and over until you couldn’t take it anymore. 
You came to a clearing and immediately stopped, chest heaving as you looked into the angry brown eyes of Eddie Munson, resident freak of the school. His brow was furrowed as he stood up from the picnic table, slamming his black lunchbox shut. “Jesus H. Christ! Are you kidding me? I just lost a customer because of you!” He walked around the table and came close to you. “Shit, I’m sorry…” You trailed, not looking him in the eye. You felt bad, you really did. You hadn’t meant to ruin something for someone else.
“That was a big sale, it was gonna help me pay bills this month!” He continued. You held your hands up softly, as if afraid he would get closer to you. He was scary already, but even more so when he was mad. “I’m sorry, I really am.” You said sincerely as you looked down, tears welling in your eyes. You really were good for nothing, and everything today was proving that. “Woah, hey,” He started, reaching a hand up. “Don’t cry, it’s okay. I’m really not that mad.” His anger seemed to melt away when the tears came. “It was just for a second, okay? I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.” Maybe he didn’t know how to handle it when people cried. You sniffled softly and rubbed your nose, looking up at him with watery eyes. “It’s not you, it's just… today has been… not good.” Your lip quivered softly.
“Well…shit.” He looked past you, towards the woods, then back at you. “You wanna sit and talk? I can keep my mouth shut for a little bit.” He said a little playfully. You smiled sadly at him and nodded.
The two of you sat side by side at the picnic table, his fingers working cautiously as he rolled a joint. 
“I caught my boyfriend cheating on me in the girls bathroom. Crazy, right?” You laughed dryly, though you gave a little sniffle. You were still trying to not cry.
“Shit, seriously?” He asked, looking a little wide-eyed before he looked you over. “Who would cheat on you? You’re like…seriously gorgeous.”
You batted at his arm softly, playfully, as you gave a gentle laugh. Who knew the freak could be so kind?
“Look,” He paused for a moment, his tongue flicking out to lick the paper. “He’s a fuckin’ idiot, alright? You deserve better than that shit. Even if you show up at the worst times.” He teased you gently. “So don’t go around with a broken heart. He’s not worth it. He’s shown that with his actions.” You nodded slowly, in thought, batting away a few tears from your cheeks before he took your chin in hand, making you look up at him. Slowly, with a tender thumb, he brushed away the mascara that resided beneath your eyes. 
“Don’t cry anymore, okay?”
You nodded, and his fingers slipped from your chin. He picked the joint up and brought it up to your lips. You sniffled softly, and shook your head. “No, I don’t smoke weed. But thank you.” You gave him a soft smile. “Well… do you want a cigarette?” He asked, reaching into the pocket of his vest. 
You nodded, and he pulled one out for you and handed it over. You placed it between your lips and reached for the lighter.
“Ah-ah,” He chastised, swatting your hand away softly as he picked it up himself. “Pretty girls don’t light their own cigarettes.” He told you, flicking it on.
You flushed as he brought the flame to the end of your cigarette. You inhaled, your chest feeling warm as the smoke filled your lungs. You smiled at him. 
He smiled back, brushing some hair behind your ear. “See, you’re okay. You don’t need Chad, or Brad, or what's-his-face.” “Yeah.. I know. It’s been going downhill for a while, I just… I thought we could fix it, you know? Like two years was worth something. But apparently not. Not to him, anyways.” You wet your lips, taking another drag off of the cigarette and ashing it behind you. 
“Two years, huh? Yeah, he’s definitely an asshole.” 
But you knew Eddie didn’t know you, or your boyfriend. He didn’t know anything about you other than the fact that you sometimes passed each other in the halls or your friends would make fun of him quietly when he strode by in the lunchroom. 
You decided, then, you would stop that as soon as you could. Eddie was sweet, he didn’t deserve to be made fun of. 
“I’m sorry,” You told him, “For the way people treat you. You’re totally not like the rumors at all.” You chewed your bottom lip for a moment, “Like, you’re really nice.”
“Like, thank you.” He grinned at you. 
You scowled softly, but it wasn’t with malice. 
“I know I’m not like the rumors. You’re definitely like yours, though.” He told you.
You frowned, “There are rumors about me?” You asked.
“Oh yeah, tons of ‘em. How kind you are, how pretty you are up close, the way your eyes sparkle when someone compliments you like you can’t believe it.” He listed off a few things, smiling at you.
You flushed.
“You’re just making shit up, now.” You laughed a little.
“Hey, but it made you smile.”
. . . . . . . . . .
Tag list: @eddiemunsons-girl
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thriller-roads · 2 years
Speedwagon x reader
Have You No Shame?
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Speedwagon x reader, gender-neutral
fluff, sexual humor, implied NSFW but not explicit
Having suffered vital injuries, Jonathan Joestar had to spend some time in the local hospital. Thanks to the individual care given to him by Erina Pendleton, he didn’t need to stay there much longer. Heck, he was even able to catch a fainting Erina with his broken arm after barely waking from a coma. That man was practically made of steel, and his noble spirit gained admiration from a certain blonde street thug.
"He should be getting out soon, seeing as his injuries are most likely healed by now," Speedwagon said as he strolled beside you. It was a bit over a week since Jonathan was in the hospital. Speedwagon had also suffered a few injuries, though he assured you it was nothing compared to what Jonathan had gone through. It seemed to be true enough, since Speedwagon himself was pretty much in good shape. He chose to abandon the cane he had, but you still offered him to lean on you if needed.
"Alright Robert, you go check on him. I'm gonna ask the nurses a few questions before heading up there myself. Is that alright with you?"
Speedwagon nodded. "Just fine. Like I said, my leg's doin' better now, so don't worry a bit about it." With that, he headed off down the hall.
A few moments after having a conversation with the nurses, you made your way towards the rooms. You checked the numbers on the doors in search of the one Jonathan was in, only to be met with an out of breath Speedwagon rushing your way. He came to a halt before you. "Y/n, I just witnessed something extraordinary!"
"What are you on about?"
"Jonathan's with Erina, and they're in there shagging! Oh it was truly a sight, doing the deed they were! I saw it all through the crack of the door, though I really wasn't counting on it!” He gestured all over the place, emphasizing each word with enthusiasm as he carried on.
"Mr. Joestar raised his pelvis with incredible speed and such precision, you'd think he was a powerful stallion at that rate! He had Erina up in his big strong arms, with the broad chest of a solid brick wall, all while being ever the gentleman as he thrusted his-"
"Woah woah Robert, slow down!" You cut off the man's rambling with a light tug of the tie. He was known to get a bit carried away with his words at times. "As much as I appreciate your detailed narration, I'd like to have a look at this myself! Which way is it?" Speedwagon shook off his adrenaline to pull you along towards Jonathan's room.
Before you two could reach the room however, you spotted a doctor and nurse at the other end of the hall. By the pace of their steps, it seemed they were also headed for Jonathan's room.
"Blimey! By the looks of it, that nurse and doctor are headed right towards Mr. Joestar's room!" Speedwagon exclaimed.
"Yeah, I can see that," you mumbled. Getting a better look at the doctor in question, you realized you recognized the man. "Wait a minute, that's not just any doctor, that's Erina's father!"
Learning this information troubled Speedwagon further. "Oh god, if they find Jonathan and Erina in there, it would be the embarrassment of the century! Who knows what her father would do."
"Quick, we need to make a distraction!" You frantically urged.
"What sorta distraction?" Speedwagon clutched at his chest momentarily, thinking perhaps faking a heart attack would work.
Your first thought was just to shout nonsense. On second thought, you might be deemed a madman and be put into the nuthouse for doing so. You rummaged at the back of your brain until a brilliant idea hit you. Without any warning, you pushed Speedwagon against the wall. "Y/n? What are you-" You were practically climbing onto him. Then, in a rather loud monotone voice, you said, "OH ROBERT MY LOVE, TAKE ME RIGHT HERE AND NOW!"
Robert's face flushed at your sudden behavior. "WHAT!?"
"OH ROBERT, I WANT YOU SO BADLY! Let us make love!" You made sure to project your voice, all while pressing yourself against the confused man. You wrapped a leg around his torso and held onto him, briefly turning your head to look back. Before Speedwagon could further question you, a voice called out.
"Hey, you two! Just what in god's name do you think you're doing!?" It was the doctor. An appalled expression crossed his features. The distraught nurse beside him had a similar reaction as she screeched out, "What impropriety is this? We're in a hospital, for the love of God!"
Speedwagon was starting to catch on to what you were doing, but that didn't take away his embarrassment. Still, he tried his best to play along. "Uh…OF COURSE MY LOVE, I shall take you HERE AND NOW! Nothing can...subdue my urges!"
Hoping your little act was convincing enough, you took Speedwagon's hand and ran off around the corner. The doctor and nurse chased after you in pursuit, shouting something about having no shame or dignity.
Being somewhat familiar with the hospital's layout, you were lucky enough to come across an open door. You dashed inside and pulled Speedwagon along with you. Speedwagon closed the door carefully so as to not make too much noise. The two of you sat in silence as footsteps approached. Your heart was racing, and it wasn’t just because of the running, or the fear of being found by the doctor and nurse. It was the embarrassment that finally caught up to you. It was the fear of what Speedwagon thought of you after the whole thing.
Your uneasy thoughts were interrupted when you heard a familiar feminine voice added into the mix. “Father! I heard the commotion. What on Earth happened?”
“Erina dear, there you are. We saw a couple of shameless hooligans all over each other just now. It was such preposterous behavior. To think anyone would do such a thing under this roof!”
The entire conversation was carried out not too far from the broom closet, so you and Speedwagon could hear it clearly.
“W-what, really? My, how shameful indeed…” Erina’s voice trailed off. To anyone who wasn’t aware of the events that had transpired, Erina’s statement would’ve seemed perfectly fine. Although in complete darkness, you and Speedwagon glanced at each other from the corner of your eyes, as if calling the lady out on her hypocrisy. She best be thankful she wasn't the so-called 'hooligan' her father had the misfortune of witnessing.
“The fools probably ran out by now, but still, do keep an eye out,” the doctor advised. Erina nodded at her father in understanding. Internally, she was thanking the heavens it wasn’t her and Jonathan he had seen. Although she was curious on who exactly he had seen, she let the matter go for now. After all, she was just moments away from being found out herself. She wasn’t even aware her father would be here today, otherwise she wouldn’t have let her guard down so easily.
“Now Erina, you’ve been looking after Mr. Jonathan Joestar, yes?” Erina was startled by the mention of her lover's name, but nodded quickly in response.
Her father didn’t seem to suspect a thing. "Good. I was just on my way to check on his condition myself, so let us carry on now.” The sound of their voices and footsteps soon faded. Once you were in the clear, you and Speedwagon let out shared sighs of relief.
“Bloody hell, that was close. Now let’s get the hell out of here.” Speedwagon stood to open the door. When he turned the knob however, it didn’t budge. He tried again. Shaking the door, still nothing. “Blazes! This damn thing won’t budge. It appears we’ve locked ourselves in.”
You groaned in frustration. “What? How fortunate…” You tried feeling around the room, and ended up finding a lamp. You turned it on, and didn’t know whether to be grateful for the light or not. On one hand, you could get a better look at your surroundings. On the other, you now had to look Speedwagon in the eyes, making your embarrassment flood back to you.
“Well, at least this light works. Maybe we can find a key around here. If not, I guess we can always break down the door?” you suggested rather stupidly while scanning the room in search of anything useful. You were reaching for a broom when Speedwagon set a hand on your shoulder.
"Wait, Y/n, before anything…I wanted to ask you about earlier." Oh no, here it comes. You swallowed a lump in your throat and let the broom fall against the wall.
Speedwagon fidgeted with his tie and averted his gaze as he spoke. "Couldn't you have, OH I don't know- feigned a heart attack, or something other than canoodling with me!?" His cheeks were a fiery color, now matching yours.
You sat there in silence for a while, clutching onto the lamp as if a genie would come out to save you if you believed hard enough. You might not have been granted salvation, but the least you could receive was courage. “There’s a couple of reasons I chose to do what I did ya know," you started. For once, Speedwagon didn't say anything in response, instead waiting for you to elaborate.
“Well for one, when I spoke to the nurses earlier, they said something rather interesting. They told me there were rumors of a young couple getting frisky somewhere around the hospital.” You glanced momentarily at the man to make sure he was following along. As expected, his eyes were trained on you, and you quickly looked away to continue. "So when you told me about Jonathan and Erina, that pretty much confirmed it was them.”
Your reasoning was starting to dawn on him. “Ohhh, I get it! Eventually they’d be found out, unless someone else beat 'em to the punch. Now everyone will just think it’s us.”
“Precisely. I’m willing to take the blame for their sake. After all, it’s not our reputation that matters here.” You knew Speedwagon felt the same way about those two, if not more. You would do anything to uphold their honor, even if their sudden fuck session was uncalled for.
“I don’t think the doctor got a good look at our faces anyhow,” you added with a shrug, followed by a rolling of the eyes. “Honestly, the things we do for those two. Didn’t know this came with being best man or maid of honor, yet here we are.”
Speedwagon was in complete agreement with you. Although it made sense so far, he recalled there was more to the story. Curious to know, he questioned further. “Yes, well you said you had a couple of reasons for doing that little act back there, so…mind telling me the other reason?”
Here comes the hard part. “Oh, right. W-well you see Speedwagon…I did it simply because I desired to do so. I’ve been wanting to for a while now." The increasing beating of your heart was impossible to ignore at this point. "I know these aren’t exactly the most favorable circumstances, but oh well. Blame those two for not being able to keep it in their trousers." You hoped a little jest would help hide your anxiousness, but who are you kidding, you were a mess.
Robert grinned bashfully at your choice of words. “Y-y/n are you saying then, that you feel something for me?”
“Yes, I suppose I am,” you confirmed, setting the lamp down on a shelf. “I’m confessing my love to you in a damn broom closet.” The awkwardness of the situation made you turn away and rest a palm against your face in dismay. The weight of his eyes on you was too much to bear right now. Because of your refusal to properly face him, you didn’t even notice he was smiling.
Although you were already in close enough proximity due to being in such an enclosed space, Robert stepped even closer to you. He lifted the palm that was covering your face, and held it in his own hand. The other was placed gingerly on your cheek, so you could turn to face him. Although his fingers were somewhat callused, the action was a tender one.
“Y/n, broom closet or not, I'm glad you said all this,” he said as he leaned in closer to you. In the dim glow of the lamp, you were the most precious thing to him. He’s sure even in complete darkness, he’d be able to identify your every breath.
How silly it was that not too long ago, you felt bold enough to practically crawl all over the man, but were now flustered by the slightest of his touches. His warm brown eyes held you captive, making it impossible to look away from him now. “What- what are you…”
“I must confess I love you too, dearest.” You froze in place for a moment, until the warmth of his lips melted away any remaining uncertainty. Your mouths moved against each other, a bit out of tune at first. Eventually though, it was as if your lips were fated to meet in a silent symphony.
Once you pulled away, Speedwagon let out an amused chuckle. “I must say, that was rather bold of you back there, saying all those things with such volume and detail. Even I was rattled by it.”
“With such volume and detail? I learned that from you, Robert dear,” you smiled sweetly, running your fingers through his long shaggy hair. You then gave a dismissive laugh to wrap your arms around his neck. “And what’s bold is that Jonathan and Erina! Surely Jonathan’s at least still a bit injured, yet there he was going at it like nothing! Tell me, just how good was it? I’d like to know since I didn’t even get a chance to see, and we’re in this predicament now because of it.”
The image of Jonathan and Erina flashed before Speedwagon’s eyes, and it was still as clear as ever. He didn’t even mean to see, it just happened. “W-well…Mr. Joestar was certainly approaching his conclusion, along with Erina. I assure you they got to their agony of bliss if that's what you're asking.”
“How lovely for them,” you snorted in amusement. “Hm, as long as we’re stuck in this broom closet, what say we do something…exciting?”
With the hint of your suggestive tone, Speedwagon immediately knew what you meant. “Y-y/n! Here, really!?”
“What? I’m just saying maybe we should follow the example of our good friends. Surely, you've still got a stiff one from seeing Jonathan earlier,” you teased.
Speedwagon’s face turned a rosy shade at your inappropriate assumption, but he couldn't deny it. As if that wasn't enough to get him going, you would be the bane of his existence and ruin him further. “W-well, now that you mention it…”
You grin at his response, and slide a hand down to unbuckle his trousers. This would certainly keep you occupied for a while.
“I’ll be right with you Jonathan, let me just go fetch a broom!” Upon opening the door, Erina let out an astonished gasp. “Y-y/n!? Speedwagon!?”
The man in question was leaning against the wall with you knelt before him. You turned to the woman at the door while Speedwagon quickly tried using his coat to cover his exposed lower half.
Her surprised expression made you scoff. “Listen here Erina, don’t act like you weren't doing this with Jonathan just now. Though I suppose it was in a different position, but still.” You then handed Erina a broom. “Here ya go. Do close the door on your way out!"
Erina shut the door, stepping away slowly. Oh, so that’s what had happened. Though she really should've expected something like this to eventually take place.
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totowlff · 2 years
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extra — spür was liebe mit uns macht
➝ everything was a blur. nothing seemed to make sense in toto's head. in his mind, just a thought. a person. liesl.
➝ word count: 4,4k
➝ warnings: mentions of accident, broken bones and concussion
➝ author’s note: this was one of the news i was most excited to share with you! nat's version has some extra chapters, with toto's point of view on some of the narrated situations. they are one-off chapters, but they will be important for the understanding of the story and that, in a way, will deepen it. all of them are written by my dear editor ally, whom I thank for her dedication and care for my characters. enjoy!
AUGUST, 2014
Everything happened so quickly.
One minute, Toto Wolff was talking to some friends of his while they were on their weekly bike ride along the New Danube canal by the Jedlesser Bridge, and the next, he was flat on his back with a horrible pain in his right arm and a splitting headache.
— Toto, my god, are you alright? — a man said. He was standing over Toto, which is what made him realize that he was on the ground. 
Toto was trying to remember what he was thinking about. The last thing that was clear in his mind was… Her. Elisabeth was her name, but he always called her Liesl. It started as a joke, a silly name to tease her with, but after a while, he couldn’t help but say it with such genuine affection. 
It didn’t matter anyway. 
She’d already told him that she didn’t feel the same way about him, so he started dating another woman, just so he could stop feeling so alone all the time. Her name was… Well, he couldn’t remember what her name was, but she was nice enough, and she was pretty. Better pretty than not, he reasoned.
— Toto? Can you hear me? Are you with me? — the man above him said.
— Yes, I can hear you. My god, why is it so…? — Toto said, squeezing his eyes shut. He felt like he was dreaming, but it wasn’t a good dream. Everything was too loud and too bright in this dream. 
— Julian, he’s coming around! He’s talking! — the man above him yelled — Don’t worry, Toto, Julian is calling an ambulance. We’re going to get you some help.
— What… Help for what? What happened? — Toto groaned. He forced open his eyes, looking at the man standing over him. Toto thought he looked familiar, but couldn’t remember his name. He felt like he knew it a second ago. He had to ask, or it would bother him — Who are you?
— It’s Emil, Toto. You had a bad fall. We were biking and you went over your handlebars. You hit your head pretty hard.
— Oh. My arm hurts. And I have a really bad headache.
— Just relax, stay calm. Help is on the way. We’re going to get you taken care of — The man, Emil, apparently, said. Toto wasn’t sure why he was telling him to stay calm, he felt plenty calm. Actually, he felt…
Tired. Maybe, if he closed his eyes for a minute, he’d feel better.
By the time he opened his eyes again, he could see a woman with light brown hair was leaning over him. She almost reminded him of… 
— Liesl?
For some reason, she shined a bright light directly into his eyes.
— Agh, what the hell? — he said, shrinking away from it. It hurt, for some reason. 
— Mr. Wolff, you’ve had an accident — the woman said — We’re taking you to the hospital. Is there someone we should call? Do you have an emergency contact?
Oh. An emergency? That sounded bad. If something bad happened, though, maybe Liesl would be able to fix it. Toto always called her with issues he was having at the factory with things like supplier issues and cost overruns. She was incredibly creative, smart… And beautiful, so she usually could find a solution to things. 
— Well, if it’s an emergency, call Liesl, she’ll be able to take care of it — he said.
Toto closed his eyes again. He just needed some more sleep. Maybe his head and arm would stop hurting so much.
Toto woke up again. He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep, but he definitely didn’t remember falling asleep in a room like this. He didn’t feel any more rested, but his head and arm didn’t hurt as much anymore. Actually, everything felt… Kind of nice. He was pleasantly warm, like he was laying under a blanket that was fresh out of the dryer. The world felt softer around the edges, like he was seeing everything from a camera lens that was out of focus. But it was still really, really bright. He wondered if there was a way he could turn off the light. He was in a bed… Not his bed, though. And he wasn’t wearing the same clothes he remembered putting on earlier. He was wearing a loose white shirt with blue dots. Where was his cycling gear? 
He looked down at his hands and was a bit startled. One of wrists was wrapped in a thick, stiff white bandage and kept his hand at an odd angle. The other one had some IV tubing stuck into it, secured with tape, and a white plastic bracelet on his wrist.
“Why am I in a hospital?”, he thought.
Flashes of things came back to him, all at once. 
The color of the river being the same blue as Elisabeth’s eyes that day. The stray piece of wood he’d tried to avoid but it got caught in his wheel. Elisabeth. Laying on the ground. Loud noises and bright lights. The woman with brown hair that shined the light into his eyes. An ambulance siren. Elisabeth. Laying on his back in a dark room with a big white ring in it, like a giant American-style donut. Elisabeth.
Toto stared at the white sheets that were covering his legs, trying to remember what the hell happened to him.
Someone knocked on the door to the room he was in, and a woman wearing a white coat walked in. She had short brown hair, the same color as…
— Liesl?
He wasn’t sure why he said that. This woman wasn’t Elisabeth, he knew that.
— Ah…  No, Mr. Wolff. I’m Dr. Stergar-Brennar. I’m an orthopedic surgeon here, I’ll be taking care of you today. I’m glad to see you’re awake. Do you know where you are and what happened?
It felt like a trick question to Toto, but he thought he’d try and guess anyway. 
— I… I'm in a hospital, right? But I don’t know how I got here, or why I’m here.
— Yes, that’s right — the woman in the white coat smiled kindly at him — You’re in the hospital. You were in a cycling accident, you had a bad fall. Your friend Julian called the ambulance for you, and they brought you here. We did some tests and we’re just waiting on the results. What we do know is that you hit your head quite hard, and you broke your arm. Do you understand, Mr. Wolff?
Toto thought for a moment. That all seemed to make sense. It certainly answered a lot of questions he had. 
— I fell off of my bike, Julian called the ambulance, I hit my head, and I broke my arm.
Dr. Stergar-Brennar smiled.
— Yes, that’s right. We’re going to admit you overnight for observation, at least. We did some imaging studies on your head and your arm, just to see if there are any issues that require any further treatment. In the meantime, we’ll do our best to make sure you’re comfortable. Do you have any questions?
Toto had more questions — so many, but all he could think to ask was one.
— Can you turn off the lights? It’s so bright in here. It’s… Hurting my eyes.
— Of course. You may be experiencing photosensitivity from a concussion, that is normal — the doctor said. Toto heard a click, and one of the two overhead lights in the room turned off, making the room darker. He was relieved — Do you have any other questions?
— Yes… Why are you speaking German if we’re in Hungary?
— Mr. Wolff — the doctor sounded concerned, suddenly. Did he say something wrong? — What makes you think we’re in Hungary?
Toto was worried he said the wrong thing, but for some reason, he could have sworn he was in Hungary, for the Hungarian Grand Prix. He wasn’t in the hospital in Budapest, apparently. Then again, why would Julian be in Budapest with him? Some things still weren’t making sense.
— The Grand Prix? I’m the team principal for the Mercedes — Toto trailed off, realizing that he didn’t actually know what day it was — Sorry, what day is it?
— It’s Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Wolff. We’re in Vienna. You’re in the emergency ward at Rudolfinerhaus. Someone should be in soon to take you into your room. Feel free to get some rest until then. We have you on some medication to help manage your pain, so you may feel a bit drowsy.
Toto settled back into his pillow and closed his eyes. He was really tired, come to think of it, and the warmth of the blanket that was over him wasn’t helping. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep, only stirring a little when he felt his bed moving. He cracked his eyelids open and saw nothing but a stream of lights passing over him, and closed his eyes again. 
He woke up again some time later, he wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep. It was hard to tell — the room Toto was in now was dark with the blinds in the windows drawn tight. It was a mercy for his headache. Things were starting to feel a little less foggy now — he remembered falling off of his bike, he remembered that he was in the hospital with a broken arm and a concussion, he remembered that it was Wednesday, and he remembered that he was in Vienna, not Hungary.  
What Toto didn’t know, however, is where his things were. Where were the clothes he was wearing before? Where was his phone? That was the more important question. He had to tell Elisabeth — or, someone, at least, he was here. 
His thoughts were interrupted by hearing two knocks on the door to his room. He sat up a bit in bed, but not too much — moving made him feel a little dizzy. He looked up at the door, expecting the doctor or a nurse to come in when it opened, but there she was, as if she was the answer to a prayer he didn’t even know he was making.
— Liesl? — he said. He couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t really be her, could it? All day, he’d seen things that reminded Toto of her. This was another one of those instances, he was sure of it. How had she even known he was here? 
— Yes, it’s me — Elisabeth said. She approached his bed. It was all the confirmation he needed. He couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to jump out of the bed right then, pull her in close and tell her how much he needed her, but he barely felt like he could summon the strength to lift his head much further.
She set her bag on the small bedside table, and sat down on the edge of his bed. He felt his mattress dip slightly as she sat down. They talked quietly for a few minutes. He said something that made Elisabeth laugh, and he felt butterflies in his stomach. He loved hearing her laugh. 
He finally pieced together how she’d found out about his accident — Julian managed to get ahold of her, apparently guessing that she was one of his emergency contacts from whatever nonsense he’d said immediately after-the-fact. Toto thought about making it a point to thank him later, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to remember to. 
Elisabeth asked why she was his emergency contact, which confused him. Why wouldn’t she be? He thought it was a foregone conclusion. He trusted Elisabeth more than most people — maybe even more than her father. She asked why Aurélie wasn’t his emergency contact instead. 
— Why would I choose Aurélie to be my emergency contact?
Aurélie was a nice woman — a beautiful woman, too, but she was in France most of the time. What was she going to do from there in an emergency? Fly all the way back for him? Toto didn’t want to make her do that. 
In the last two months, Toto had realized that he didn’t feel the way about Aurélie the way he thought he did. He was planning on breaking things off with her soon. After the weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix, when Elisabeth came to dinner at the Restaurant du Métropole Monte-Carlo dressed in a low-cut black dress and crimson lipstick he’d never seen her wearing before, he realized that Elisabeth was the love of his life. He would never feel the same way about Aurélie. He realized that he was only with Aurélie to try and heal the wound Elisabeth had left when she told Toto she didn’t have feelings for him, and it didn’t work. It was fine when Toto was alone with Elisabeth, or alone with Aurélie, but Monaco was the first time he’d been around both of them. 
It wasn’t fair to Aurélie — she deserved to be with someone that could love her, and Toto realized that he was not that someone after all. 
Toto wanted to explain all this to Elisabeth, but he couldn’t manage it. 
— I don’t like her, Liesl — Toto said. It seemed simple enough.
— You don’t like her?
— No. I like you — finally, he managed to say it. He didn’t tell her how he actually felt, that she was the love of his life, he didn’t want to scare her. It didn’t matter, though. Why did she look so upset about it, like she didn’t believe him? Toto took her hand in his. It was warm, and soft, just like he’d remembered it being on that New Years’ Eve they’d spent together, hiding from the commotion of his party, just the two of them, in his home office. He waited for a moment, just to make sure she wasn’t going to snatch her hand away, and started stroking it with his thumb when she didn’t. 
— Why? — Elisabeth whispered. 
The question confused Toto — how could he not love her? She was the woman of his dreams. But, he had no problem telling her, if she needed to hear it.
— I like you because you are beautiful. Intelligent. Funny.
A memory from earlier that day surfaced in Toto’s mind, fuzzy as it was — the way the Danube looked, reflecting the perfect summer blue sky over the city that day. It reminded Toto of her, the sun glinting off of the water reminded him of the way her eyes looked when she was happy.
— I like you because your eyes sparkle when you smile. They look like the Danube under the sun, but even a more beautiful blue.
— My eyes are not exactly blue — she said, her voice becoming soft. 
They weren’t a bright blue, not an indigo, but a steely light blue-gray. Elisabeth might not have thought much of the color of her eyes, but Toto loved looking into them. He could do it forever.
— They look blue to me. The most beautiful blue I've ever seen.
Elisabeth’s expression turned soft, and she started leaning in close to him, her eyes closing. She was going to kiss him. They were going to kiss. Finally, finally, after so long, after so much pain, so much yearning, they would have a proper first kiss instead of the fevered, grasping kiss they’d shared in that conference room in Brackley. 
But then, she stopped, and sat back up. 
— Liesl…? — Toto said. He was confused, why had she pulled away? 
— Toto, I think you need to rest.
What? No, he didn’t — he needed her. Since she came in, he felt better than he had all day. The fact that she cared enough about him to drop whatever she was doing to come see him was strong medicine on its own, but, of course, he didn’t know how to explain that. 
— No, Liesl.
— Yes, Toto.
He was desperate. Elisabeth was moving to stand up, to leave. He panicked. He’d spent all day disoriented, in pain, confused, scared — all of that went away when she walked into his room. Knowing he wasn’t alone, knowing that she still cared enough about him to drop everything to be by his side — he needed it more than he’d realized. He couldn’t think of what else to do, so he made a desperate grab for her hand with his good hand, free of the splint. He squeezed. He needed her to know he meant what he was about to say.
— Please, please listen to me — he said, even as she continued moving away.
It felt like he was losing her.
— I need you, Elisabeth — he avoided using his nickname for her so she would know exactly how serious he was. 
— You don’t know what you’re talking about, Toto — the expression on her face was sad, almost like… She pitied him, or something. He was getting frustrated. Toto knew he hit his head pretty hard, but it felt like he was thinking clearly for the first time all day. He knew exactly what he was talking about. 
— Yes, I do — he said, firmly. Maybe if he spoke with enough resolve, it would convince her. 
It didn’t work. Elisabeth slung her bag back over her shoulder, turning around and walking towards the door. A familiar feeling surfaced, like he was watching a movie that he’d seen before. Watching Stephanie walk out the door after they had a fight, knowing that she wouldn’t be coming back. Waking up one morning to see his mother, sobbing at the kitchen table, telling him his father left and took all of his things with him. He couldn’t go through this all over again — the thought of being alone again scared him more than anything else in the world.
— Liesl — he said, a final, desperate plea. He couldn’t muster much more than that. His voice wavered. He could feel tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes, his vision was going blurry. 
She gave him one last look, her hand on the door handle.
— Feel better soon, Toto.
The door closed behind her. She was gone.
Toto squeezed his eyes shut, laying back into his pillow. He didn’t even try to hold back the tears as they rolled down his cheeks. He sniffed, and swiped at his eyes with his good hand. He felt pathetic and small, like he was a kid again — he hadn’t even cried when his father left, but now, he couldn’t help it. 
— Liesl — he gasped, between sniffles — Please… Come back. I need you… I love you…
He would give anything to have her come back, but what could he do? He couldn’t even sit all the way up without feeling dizzy. It wasn’t like he could run after her. All he could do was cry, and hope she would change her mind. 
A few minutes later, there was another knock at his door — Toto perked up. Maybe she’d returned? Or maybe…
His room briefly filled with light as the door opened. Julian was in the doorway, with the doctor behind him. Julian looked relieved to see him.
— Oh, thank goodness, Toto — he said, crossing the room and sitting down on a chair near Toto’s bed. 
Toto could hear the clack of his stiff-soled cycling shoes on the tile floor. He also noticed that Julian was still wearing his cycling gear.
— I was so worried, you were knocked out for a few minutes, and you weren’t making any sense when you finally did come around, and, oh, I grabbed this for you, before the paramedics took it — Julian said, standing up and rooting around in his pocket for a moment. He leaned over to set Toto’s phone into his good hand.
— Oh — Toto said — Uh, thank you. And… Thank you for calling for help. I’m sorry I gave you such a scare.
— Oh, it’s alright. I’m just glad you’re — Julian looked him up and down — Mostly okay. Are you in a lot of pain? If you don’t mind me saying, your eyes are red, so I wasn’t sure if…
Toto could feel his face flush a bit. 
— Um, a little. But it’s not… The worst I’ve ever felt. Not like that time at the Nordschleife, certainly.
Julian stayed a while and chatted, imploring Toto to call him and let him know when he was discharged from the hospital to let him know if he was okay. Talking with his friend made Toto feel a little better, but the room felt too quiet again once he left. Before long, though, Dr. Stergar-Brennar came back in, bringing another visitor behind her. 
— Lili? — he smiled again, as his sister crossed the room and hugged him gently — How did you know I was here? Did someone call you?
— Yes — she said, gently ruffling his dark hair, as if she were his older sister and not his younger sister — Elisabeth Lauda got my number from your assistant, apparently. She called and told me you were here, and what happened. She said you were awake and talking, but a little confused, so I came right over. Are you feeling okay? You don’t seem that confused to me.
Toto chuckled. 
— I think I was earlier, but things aren’t quite as fuzzy, now.
Lili sat in the chair next to his bed. 
— I’m glad you’re feeling better, Mr. Wolff. I just came in with your sister to discuss the results of the scans we did — Dr. Stergar-Brennar said.
Toto nodded, and the doctor continued.
— The good news is that your cranial CT was clear. We didn’t find any fractures or bleeding. It’s very fortunate that you were wearing your helmet, or it would absolutely be a different story. However, the bad news is that we will need to perform surgery on your wrist.
— Oh — Toto said. 
— The fracture will need to be surgically repaired. We will make an incision in your wrist, clean out a few small bone fragments, and reduce your fractures with screws and a titanium plate to stabilize them as they heal. It’s a rather common procedure for this type of injury, fortunately, but if we just put a cast on it, it’s not likely to heal properly and could mean a lot of pain and mobility issues in the future.
— And… When will this surgery take place? — Toto asked. 
— I’m scheduling it for tomorrow morning, first thing — the doctor said — Since it’s not an open fracture, we can wait for the swelling to go down a bit first since you’re not at risk of developing an infection. But, it’s an outpatient procedure, so you should be able to go home afterwards if there’s no complications post-op.
Toto’s heart lurched. He thought he was in Hungary earlier, but he was three days ahead of himself. He needed to be in Hungary this upcoming weekend.
— Would I be able to travel? I have to be at a race in Hungary this weekend…
Dr. Stergar-Brennar frowned.
— Yes, that’s what your friend said… Elisabeth, I think? While I can’t prevent you from going, it’s not something I recommend. You will need time to rest and recover, especially with your head injury. I know it won’t be a very long trip, but my professional recommendation is that you limit your activities for a while.
— I see — Toto frowned, but he wasn’t going to argue. He was fairly resolved to still go if he could manage it, but he wasn’t going to tell his doctor that — Thank you.
Lili stayed with him for the rest of the evening. It got his mind off of things, at least for a little bit. It had been a while since they’d seen each other, so it did feel nice to catch up.
— How’s Gérard? And Eloise?
— Oh, they’re wonderful! Eloise is excited to start school soon. Gérard has been busy at work, but we managed to spend a week in Grenoble with his parents, and we rented a cabin in the mountains. It was lovely. How about you? How is your girlfriend… Uh… Aurélie, was it?
Toto sighed. 
— She’s fine. She’s in Paris right now, on business.
— Did you call her and tell her what happened?
— No, not yet. I don’t want to make her fly all the way…
— Toto! She’s your girlfriend, she would probably want to know that you’re in the hospital! — Lili said, exasperated. 
Toto clenched his jaw a bit, frustrated.
— I know, but I'm going to break things off with her soon. It’s just… She’s very nice, but I just don’t feel the way about her that I thought I did — Toto sighed again. This was his sister he was talking to, they’d always been close, and he felt like he could tell her anything.
Maybe if he told Lili, and got this off his chest, it wouldn’t feel like it was crushing him so much.
— Lili, there’s someone else. I’ve… Had feelings for her for a long time, but she said she didn’t feel the same way, but there's part of me that thinks there’s something between us still.
— Oh? Who is it? — Lili asked. She leaned in a bit, her expression curious. 
— It’s… Elisabeth Lauda, actually. She’s the first one that came to see me. Julian said I kept saying ‘Liesl’ after I was waking up, so he found her in my emergency contacts on my phone. That’s what I call her, Liesl. It started a joke, but… anyway, she came right away. She was here right after I was admitted to the emergency ward. She said she doesn’t have feelings for me, but would you do that for someone you didn’t have feelings for? For someone that was just your coworker?
Lili looked at him thoughtfully.
— Well, probably not. If she said no, I wouldn’t keep pressing it. At least, not forever, but I think you should have an honest talk with her once you’re feeling up to it. Now, as far as Aurélie goes, if you don’t feel like that relationship is going anywhere, you should break it off sooner than later. It would be cruel to hold on to her just for the sake of it.
Toto nodded. She was right, of course. 
After a while, a nurse brought Toto a light dinner and gave him some more pain medication. He finished eating, even if he wasn’t all that hungry, but he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast and wouldn’t be able to eat anything until after surgery tomorrow and talked to Lili a bit longer, until he started nodding off to sleep. 
His sister gave him a kiss on the cheek before she left, promising that she’d be there early the next morning before his surgery and would be there as he went into the OR. She was going to stop at his apartment and get him a change of clothes as well, then she would take him home afterward he was discharged, just to make sure everything was okay. 
Almost as soon as she shut the door behind her, Toto drifted into a deep slumber. 
All night long, he dreamed of Elisabeth.
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moxfirefly · 2 years
Holding hands during a stressful situation and bridal carry but I'm going in a direction you least expect, one that doesn't follow the reader!!
I want it to be casey and raphael MWAHAHAAHAHAAA!!!!
Can't wait to see what you come up with
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Of course I could trust you to finally push me to do a Casey/Raph snippet!!!!!! We made it lads!!!
Rated Fluff with a dollop of Angst
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Raphael was used to taking bumps.
A scrape wouldn’t faze him, a smack, a punch, hell he’d fallen out of plane and lived to tell the story. He was built for damage, it was no joke he was considered a tank.
So it really knocked the wind out of him to see how humans couldn’t take one third of what he did.
And it really sent him into a spiral to see Casey Jones of all people hurt.
Things had gotten quite out of hand on their first patrol alone. Leo and Mikey were to far away and Don and April had been stuck doing some tech shit he couldn’t even begin to understand. So it had left him and Jones to figure shit out on their own.
Casey was no chump though, he couldn’t handle himself and then some.
But again, human flesh, human bones..
Raph had barely managed to catch him when a few of Shredder’s Foot soldiers decided to gang up on him and quite literally thought him at Raph. A slip, a fall and they had both fallen through a sky light. Raph had reacted as quickly as possible, shielding most of the damage from Casey.
It still didn’t stop him from hearing that crunch of something either breaking or fracturing. Once he’d shaken out his own cobwebs he found Casey on his side, holding himself and coughing. It seemed that this place had been abandoned long ago, the dust and lack of lighting was all Raph needed to know. Their only source of light was literally the moon and the broken hole his body had created when they fell.
“Case?? Hey man, talk to me, what’s yer damage?” Raph was just getting to his feet, a few his own joint popping. Casey hadn’t spoken yet, he was simply whimpering and groaning. As Raph approached he noticed that while he had taken the brunt of it all, it hadn’t been enough to save what simply looked like a broken leg. “Ah shit Case, c’mere” Raph knelt down beside him.
“Is it bad?! I don’t wanna even fucking look, cause I’m about to fucking cry” Casey propped himself on his elbows, face scrunched up in pain.
“News flash dickhead, yer crying” Raph sheepishly announced. He wanted to lighten the mood before he had to really deliver the worst news.
Raph went to get up but Casey hand shot out to grip his. “Hey man! Don’t leave a fallen soldier behind” He coughed out what could’ve been a chuckle hit Raph couldn’t tell. His green eyes fell on his and Casey’s joined hands. Never stopped amazing him just how different he was from humans, and while Casey wasn’t a short man by any means, his hand still dwarfed his by a mile.
Raph gently gripped it, noticed how nothing didn’t snap or break, if anything Casey gripped his more tightly. “I ain’t going nowhere, just gotta do something about ya leg, get ya outta here fast” It surprised him further just how calm his sounded, too gentle for his usual rough demeanor but then again Casey was literally crying from the pain and in that moment he gutted him too much.
“W-what? Like make a splint or however you call that shit?? Shit man is the bone sticking out-“ He went to look but Raph squeezed his hand and distracted him. “Might be a clean break but it still hurts like a bitch, just don’t look alright? I got ya” Call it autopilot but he couldn’t help but rub a reassuring circle over Casey’s hand with his thumb, and well, Casey didn’t seem to mind.
It took him a few second time slip out of Casey’s grip but he found a some pieces of wood. Raph looked about for anything he could use to keep the two piece of wood secured to Casey’s leg but he was drawing blanks.
“My shirt? Just use-“ Casey gripped the hem of his t-shirt but so unfathomable panic overtook Raph and he shook his head. “It’s fine, I’ll just use-yeah fuck it” He gripped his mask tails and went about untying them. His throat felt dry, why had he felt so nervous? Why did he feel so nervous?
Mask off, he placed the pieces of wood against Casey’s leg and secured it as best as he could with his mask, Casey inhaled sharply and smacked the floor but soon enough it was over.
“There, you’ll be back in the ice rink in no time, be a shitty hockey player like usual” That earned him a laugh from Casey who naturally flipped him off. “Guess I’m cancelling this months practice, fuck this is gonna suck” He did his best to sit up, pain written all over his features.
It didn’t occur to Raph that it was quite probable he would have to carry Casey out of here. They had to get to a safer spot before alerting Donnie.
“I-uh, gotta pick ya up man, get us both outta this shit hole, yer good?” He knelt and wrapped an arm around Casey’s back before scooping him up in what could only be described as a bridal carry.
“Be gentle with me, will ya?” Casey smirked, features still in pain but his humor never faltering.
Raph swallowed several times.
Why did he feel itchy? Like his skin was talking to him? Especially now that he felt Casey close to him. The way his head has plopped against his shoulder in exhaustion, the way an arm hand come up to rest on Raph’s shoulder.
He liked the shape of Casey’s back, like the way his hand firmly held him, secure and close.
He snuck a look down just as Casey looked up, face dirty and specks of blood.
“…Ya good?” Was all Raph could muster to ask.
“I’m good” Casey replied softly, corners of his mouth lifting.
Raph committed that into memory, Casey’s dirty blood speckled face, hair askew and matted by sweat.
He dug that image into the back parts of his brain.
Why did he like Casey Jones smiling up at him so much?
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on-coming-dusk · 1 year
Scott Clarke anyone?
“Alright kiddo, one for you, one for me.” Scott sat next to Eddie Munson, handing him an ice pack for the bruise already forming around his left eye.
“Thanks…” The boy wouldn’t look at him, refusing to meet his gaze. Scott wasn’t surprised, he had seen his own reflection, his nose and under his eyes was a nasty dark purple already.
“So…” Scott chugged along. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” Eddie only shook his head, pressing the ice to his face. This was the part of his job that Scott enjoyed the least.
Something happened between Eddie and Tommy Hagan this morning. There were more than enough black eyes, broken noses, and bloody knuckles to prove it. Scott had watched for the last few months as Eddie tried to find his place among his peers. With his primary friend group a year or two below him it wasn’t a surprise he was having trouble adjusting. And now this, a fight on his previously clean record. It was highly probable that Tommy antagonized Eddie until he got a reaction. But Scott couldn’t say that without creating more problems that none of them needed to deal with. If he could just get Eddie to tell him what happened. He didn’t have much faith, he had been trying to get this kid interested in class for weeks with little success. But that didn’t mean that he was going to quit now.
“You know what? That’s fair. I’m sure I wouldn’t want to talk about it either, if I were in your shoes. But Eddie, I can’t help you if I don’t know what happened. Shoot, I won’t even know what to tell your uncle when he gets here. Will you consider telling me even though you don’t want to? It would really make my life a whole lot simpler.”
Still, Eddie said nothing. But he reached into his backpack, hesitating for a moment before producing a newspaper. It was crumpled up, having seen better days, and Eddie refused to look at him as he handed it to the teacher. Scott set his own ice pack down, taking the paper gently and smoothing it down so it could be read.
His stomach twisted.
Wabash Local Faces Trial Born and raised in Wabash, Indiana, Edward Charles Munson Sr. was arrested May 13th, 1980. Beginning this week he will face trail for charges of auto theft, possession of controlled substances, distribution of controlled substances, breaking and entering, and assault with a deadly weapon.
Scott read those words at least three times in an attempt to wrap his mind around them. It was the answer to a lot of questions that seemed to follow the boy around.
It was already common knowledge that Eddie only moved to Hawkins permanently upon beginning to live with his uncle full time a few months ago. In town Wayne Munson was well liked. Friendly but quiet, he stuck to the few friends he had made upon his arrival, never partaking in town gossip or the rumor mill. There were whispers about how strange he was, the way he never seemed to go on dates or have an interest in finding a wife, for that matter. Some folks still believed Eddie was his son and he was lying to everyone about it. But even still, he was welcomed to the town when he arrived all those years ago, upon his return from Vietnam.
It would take less than a week for Wayne Munson's well received image to shatter if this headline started spreading around town.
"Eddie, is this what made you hit Tommy?" Scott folded the paper in half, hiding those words from anyone else who might see.
So. I think it's safe to say that i have a certain thought for Eddie's dad in my head already and that i have for a while.
this is a piece that i wrote probably six months ago and decided to put on hold until i caught up with some of my more planned out stories. (still working on that but progress is progress!!!) i found it in and old doc today and i wanted to share it because i really like it
yes, eddie accidentally broke mr. clarke's nose. no, he does not blame eddie at all.
yes, the town thinks that wayne is either gay or attempting to hide the fact that he has a bastard child. no, neither of these things are true either.
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asmrbrainrot · 8 months
The Gator boys & the Moon Witch~ Ch 2
That night had been tiring. Fun, but tiring. Seven Divines she wasn’t what she used to be. Although only in her late thirties the woman had the body of an old spinster. Guess dark magic does that to a person. As she walked down the Inn corridor she wanted nothing more then to kick off her shoes, plop into bed, and cuddle up with- *BARK BARK BARK* Bella! Esther made a mad dash for her room as the sounds of clattering and barking emanated from it. “Git back!” Whisper yelled a voice from the other side of her door. With that Esther readied her best self defense spells and threw open the door. The scene that greeted her was…unexpected to say the least.
Perched atop her dresser was a young halfblood gator with her bag of holding grasped in his left hand, and her broom in the other, brandishing it like a weapon against Bella who was going bananas at the prospect of a new friend to play with. The whole thing would be pretty hilarious if her room hadn’t just been broken into and her belongings in the process of being stolen. Suddenly she snapped back into reality and so did the gator by the looks of it. He had turned to her and seemed to freeze as their eyes locked. Bella was utterly unaffected because as soon as Esther had quickly, but quietly, shut the door behind her the excitable puppy made her way over to her mom. The thief took this as his opportunity to escape, for as soon as Bella had left the foot of the dresser he slung her bag over his shoulder and made a dive for the open window. He was a split second too late though, for as soon as he made a move Esther was quick to throw a spell that instantly shut and locked the window. With that her intruder fell face first into the window and hit the floor with a painful thud.
The young gator let out a pained groan before peering up at the figure before him. Esther was a tall woman that bore richly dark skin with cool undertones. Her head dawned thick ringlet curls pulled back by a single violet headscarf, neck laced with a heavy silver necklace that boasted a pendant of pure obsidian. Her deep aubergine dress pooled beneath her imposing figure in exquisite velvetine ripples. She was hastey to take up her broom, engraved with all sorts of glyphs, holding it as a white robe mage might hold their staff. The boy gulped as the figure approached him, amber eyes flitting around the room looking for a possible escape route. “Young man, what are you doing here?” Esther spoke sternly. The halfbloods’s expression turned downcast at her tone, the same way a child might after they've been caught doing something naughty. He opened his mouth to explain but before he could a loud knock at the door startled the two
“Yes?” Esther asked as inconspicuously as she could, she put a finger to her lips in a shushing position while looking at the boy. “Some guest said they heard noises coming from your room. Came to check that you were alright.” the gruff voice of the Inkkeper responded from beyond the door. Esther sighed with relief as she thought of a story to cover for her, “Oh it’s nothing! Just a…” she glanced at the gator boy who looked terrified at the prospect of being found out. “A particularly large spider is all. I’m sorry to bother you. It won’t happen again!” She lied. “You sure Madam? You don’t need any help?” The old inkeeper asked, clearly concerned. Esther looked around the room to see the young gator now hiding behind to bed before replying “No thank you, I’ll just let it out the window.” At that the softening footsteps of the Inkeeper trailed down the hall. Esther turned back to face the halfblood, now on top of her bed where Bella couldn’t reach her new friend. “Boy! Get down from there! You have some explaining to do.” She demanded. How a strong, young, halfblood gator could be that scared of a tiny King Charles cavalier was beyond her.
“Nuh uh!” The boy blurted, eyes fixated on Bella who didn’t know any better. “I’ve heard of you witches and you’re familiars! That thing could be a demon in disguise!” He spat. “A demon!” Esther chuckled. “That dog wouldn’t bite a biscuit. Now..” Esther rounded the corner to pick up both Bella and her bag. “What are you doing here and why are you stealing from me?” She turned stern again. This seemed to remind the young man of what he was here to do because before Esther new it his mouth was running a mile a minute trying to explain himself “Youseema’amIwasntyrtyingtostealfromyouwellIwasbutIheardyouwhereawitch!AndwitcheshavepotionsandspellsandmydadissicksoIneedtogetbacktohimbefore-” He was cut off with a hand to the shoulder. “What happened?” The halfblood took a breath, looking at Esther with big glassy eyes. It was only now that the witch noticed how disheveled the poor boy looked. His rich curly locks strewn about his face, his pants stained with swamp mud. If he had really come to steal from her he wouldn’t have been so frantic.
“It’s my Da-err freind! Them hunters got’im with a crossbow! At first he was fine! But now he's so sick he can’t hardly walk and I’m scared he’s…” the boy stopped, fighting back the tears threatening to roll down his cheeks. “You thought I might have something that could help…” Esther breathed. “What’s your name, young man?” She queried, brushing the unruly locks out of the boys face. “Timothy Ma’am… but everyone calls me Timmy” he sniffled, still blinking back tears. “Well Timothy,” she sighed picking up her broom, “It seems like we don’t have any time to waste.” Esther fixed Bella’s basket on her broom before grabbing her bag. Wasting no time she opened the window, making sure the coast was clear. With that she commanded her broom to her and hopped on, motioning for Timmy to follow. The bewildered halfblood took a few steps back, “Wait, what?” He gasped, surprised to say the least. “Hop on, it’ll be faster if we fly!” Chided the women. Timothy appeared both nervous and confused, “Wait wait wait… so you’re just gonna help me? After I, a halfblood you’ve never met, broke into your room, threatened your dog, and tried to steal from you!” He gawked, flabbergasted. Esther rolled her eyes as she grabbed the boys hand leading him to the broomstick. “Young man, If you really wanted to steal from me you wouldn’t care what I thought about it! (Probably would’ve been a little more sneaky as well.)” she assured him, making space on the broom. As much as he was grateful for her help, the boy still looked unsure. “Are ya sure that thing will hold us both Ms….” He trailed. “Dupree, but you may call me Sybil. And you don’t have to worry. I enchanted this thing myself, though you will have to give me some directions as to where you’re friend lives.” She explained as Bella poked her head out from the blankets lining her basket. Timothy nodded in response and carefully hopped up on the broom, wrapping his arms around Esther's waist. “You alright back there?” Esther checked, fastening her own bag in place. “Yes ma’am.” Timothy reassured her. “You ain’t afraid of heights are’ya?” She asked nonchalantly as they floated beyond the window. “No Ma’am.” Replied the halfblood, his grip tightened ever so slightly. “Good, cause here we go!” And with that they set off into the night.
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