#he’s so silly goofy he makes my ears bleed <3
wilted-woman · 2 years
his shakespearean looks and painful use of early modern english have hath captivated me
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thank you @u3pxx / @aaroleswapau for the silliest man i’ve ever seen
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ouijarat · 16 days
Too Weird to Love, Too Scared to Die.
Chapter One
(This was just a silly goofy idea that my partner convinced me to get out of my brain and onto the internet. This takes place in an alternate Weirdmageddon Finale scenario. Btw I hardly ever write and this is my first fic like ever so PLEASE BE NICE TO ME and let me know if y'all like it. Ty <3)
“I’ll give it to you!” Stanford Pines’ voice echoed from the cage and through the cavernous hall of the fearamid. The world seemed to stop as Stanford’s once beloved Muse-turned-monster’s gigantic eye turned from the two children in his grasp he was about to send to meet their maker a moment ago and onto him. Bill’s gaze was as blinding as the sun. 
“I’ll give you the equation, Cipher! Just… don’t hurt my family… please.” 
Bill stared while Dipper and Mabel’s terrified expressions drilled themselves into Ford’s mind during the stillness. Just as Dipper opened his mouth, seemingly to protest against Ford’s decision, Bill’s shrill, inhuman laughter enveloped their senses; the sound loud enough to rattle one’s skull and make one’s ears bleed should they stand too close. 
“Oh, Sixer! I just knew you’d come around~!” The demon cackled smugly, depositing the young twins on a high up support beam, safe for the time being yet out of their uncles’ reach. The grotesque, gargantuan form of arms and teeth and tongues the triangle had reverted to when angered began to shrink back down to size, the red fading back to yellow as he looked down at Ford with as much sick satisfaction a creature without a proper face could possibly express.
“I’m so happy you’ve finally, finally come to your senses!” 
Stanford looked over his shoulder to glance at his brother, expecting to read contempt, maybe anger at Ford for not thinking of something fast enough; but when their eyes met he only saw fear and uncertainty. He couldn’t bear it, so he averted his gaze. He yelped as his body was lifted off the obsidian palace floor as Bill effortlessly levitated him out of his confinement.
 “I’ve gotta say, IQ,  you really had me going there! I thought you were actually gonna make me kill one of the brats!” He gently dropped Stanford in front of his now much less threatening form, straightening out his bowtie as his little heels collided with the ground with a small click, making himself level with Ford as though foolishly trying to perpetuate the illusion that they were equals here. The laughable notion of respect. 
Ford grimaced, six fingernails digging into each of his palms as he steeled himself, remaining woefully silent. Bill was clearly annoyed that Ford refused to play into his verbal sparring, the demon’s expression souring. 
“Aw c’mon, Fordsie. Don’t be like that. Cheer up! Soon I’ll be free, and I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted!” 
Ford’s eyes darted up to the two children clinging onto each other at least 30 feet above him before he looked back to Bill, his expression flat. “You could never give me anything I would truly want.” 
The triangle looked almost hurt for a moment before he laughed again, regaining his composure.
“And why’s that?” 
Stanford stared at him. “You’re selfish,” He said, his voice tainted with the shadow of disdain. “You couldn’t emotionally fulfill another person if you tried. You’re a monster.”
The demon’s eye twitched, his gaze suddenly distant as his yellow glow seemed to dim. Above them, Dipper squeezed Mabel’s hand in a vice grip, scared that Ford had just signed his own death certificate. Instead, Bill just snapped back to normal in an instant, giggling again. “We’ll see about that. But for now..” He extended a dainty black arm, his hand suddenly engulfed in blue flame awaiting Ford’s palm to complete their deal. 
“Let’s get this show on the road. Eh, Sixer?” 
Ford looked down at the floor below him, too ashamed to meet his family’s gaze as he pressed what was, for all intents and purposes, the big red button for the apocalypse. At least they’ll be safe. He held his breath and grasped Bill’s hand, memories of thirty years ago flashing through his mind as soon as they made contact. The demon’s eye widened maniacally as he cackled, his grasp tightening around Ford’s polydactyl hand as the world around him froze. His surroundings turning to black and white and sensation melting away. In a low, gentle voice Stanford hadn’t heard since he worshiped a god rather than feared a beast, Bill spoke. “You’ll see, Fordsy.” 
And suddenly Ford’s vision went dark. 
Stanford woke with a start and quickly shot up, having just woken from the most terrible nightmare. He caught his breath, running a hand through the graying hair that had plastered itself to his forehead with sweat, blinking blindly. His glasses must’ve fallen off the couch as he slept. Only, even for as blind as he was, he could very quickly gather that he was in… a bed. Not his bed. That was odd. He frantically groped around for his glasses, finding them neatly folded on a nightstand beside him. He pushed them up his nose with an index finger and -much to his dismay- confirmed that this was not his room, and this was not the Mystery Shack. 
Ford looked down at himself, noting the red satin pajama set he was dressed in that were also very much not his. Despite how soft the sheets were, he quickly threw them off as though they’d burned him. He stood up carefully, the hardwood floor cold against his bare feet. Taking in his surroundings, he first noticed the room had no windows or interior lamps, and yet was perfectly illuminated in warm, comforting light. Everything about the decor style was so very pointedly… him. The dark oak furniture, the golden constellation map on the wall, the chess set on the desk, the detailed antique globe in the far corner. It was all extremely reminiscent of everything he had wanted to do with his basement study back home, had he had the time. This greatly unsettled him. 
He approached the bedroom door with caution, stopping in his tracks with a hand hovering over the doorknob as he heard the sound of dishes clattering distantly somewhere else in the house. Ford gulped before turning the knob excruciatingly slowly, the door cracking open with a soft creak. Nothing jumped out at him and he wasn’t immediately incinerated, so he continued on, gently pushing it all the way open to reveal… an exceedingly normal hallway. 
The walls were adorned with refined red wallpaper and ornate picture frames, the pictures inside so familiar and yet so violently wrong. Nausea bubbled in his stomach as he stared at the family photographs he had gladly kept hung up throughout the walls of the shack, except now half the family had seemingly vanished, or rather been purposely eliminated from the photos. The only two people present in any of them were himself and Mabel, leaving eerily empty spaces where his brother and grand-nephew should have been. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the image of his grand-niece, her colorful braces on display as she smiled happily with her arms wrapped around nothing but dead air. 
Ford jumped, suddenly ripped away from his horror once more as the loud crash of pans echoed from what seemed to be a lower floor, followed by a soft string of curses in at least five different alien languages, two of which he didn’t recognize. He tiptoed further down the hallway, his right hand itching to wrap itself around the grip of his gun. He distantly wondered what had been done with it, as well as his coat. He’d miss that coat. Ford mentally cursed himself for not simply improvising a weapon sooner in case whatever was downstairs tried to attack, yet he couldn’t stop himself from inching further and further into the house and toward the noise. Damn his curiosity. 
He rounded a corner and was met with a grand staircase leading downward, taking a breath and quietly descending with his back pressed against the wall in an attempt to not risk being seen. Upon reaching the bottom, Stanford froze in place, hearing something sizzling in the next room over, accompanied by the unmistakable stench of burning roadkill. He slowly peeked around the corner, his jaw dropping at the sight before him. 
He peered into what was, he had to admit, a very nice kitchen, complete with stainless steel appliances and black granite countertops. In the middle of said kitchen, holding a pan full of what looked to be a mutilated opossum over the stove, was Bill Cipher in a frilly pink apron. Said apron had the words ‘Kiss the Triangle’ printed across the front in a loopy cursive font, a heart in place of the dot over the ’i’. 
Sensing his presence, the triangular demon turned to look at him cheerfully, eye upturned in a makeshift smile. “Heya, smart guy! I was wondering when you’d wake up, sleepyhead! You’re just in time for breakfast!”
Ford prayed to every god he knew of, earthen, alien or otherwise, that he’d wake up soon.
(Thank you for reading, let me know if you want a chapter two!)
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
Okie well I can't shut up ever so I'm going to compile my thoughts here on Tumblr as I rewatch nnt fom the beginning !! Also pls feel free to scream and/or rewatch with me👉👈👀
Kinda long so more thots below the cut
Season 1, episodes 1-6
I forgot how good the writing and animation are in the first season, like they truly thrived under aniplex😔 the brief white blood period in I think season 3 shows us just how good we had it
I love seeing Hawk and Meliodas's relationship, and his star Boar earring😭 plus having the Boar hat as the main location is just so comforting !!
Also I JUST realized his name is hawk because of a ham hok😭😭 this is like when I realized toe mater's name was tomato at the ripe age of 18
I miss the holy knights being powerful. Like I get that the Sins are always more powerful than them, had a long way to go in terms of power ups, and meliodas straight up had most of his power sealed but like DAMN. They were so cool in season 1 !! Gil was such a badass😭 I guess I just wish that the holy knights powered up along with the Sins
Seeing the very first episode got me thinking about the original pilot Manga (chapter 0) and how cool it might have been !! Like I love the story we got, but I do think those versions of Mel and Elizabeth maybe would have been better than the ones we got😳 like I just really like Meli's original design, I feel like he looks a bit older, and chapter 0 Elizabeth is simply superior ngl. She's funny, brave, and assertive - a lot more like Liz and goddess Elizabeth, except funnier
The first half of season 1 has one of my fave intro and outros like damn I forgot how fucking cool they were. Some of my fave songs to !! (my all time fave is def howling from season 3 part 2 (i think lol) tho)
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Like look how cool this is !!! It reminds me of this pic from the manga
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Speaking of intros, I miss the title cards !! Like look how cute this is !!
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Everytime the fiddle (?) Music plays I get SO FUCKING HYPED BRO like damn Ik it's through all the seasonal and I'm so glad it is because it's rlly the perfect hype song - here it is on Spotify
Also Gil is such a badass in early episodes, I love his strength !! This moment is the fucking coolest and you can't convince me otherwise
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Overall, I think the attention to detail is just better, the sounds the armor makes, the animation and drawings (esp background characters), Meliodas just sounds a bit older too (and I have theories on his voice here if u want them 👀)
The whole perv thing is really exhausting really quickly. Almost surprised 14 year old me made it through this as the 2nd anime I ever watched and the 1st I watched alone
I feel like Diane got shorter through the seasons. Like she doesn't compare to Hawk Mama like she did in season 1, and I think that's a damn shame. Let my giant girl be giant !!
She's also a decent bit more violent and I enjoy that thoroughly. She's just a silly goofy kween😌
Also her original costume is superior, her boots are just👌
Just realized that Meliodas was like an older brother/mentor to Gil and now they're brothers in law 😭😭
Also young Elizabeth and Gil are so cute😭 I always forget that they grew up together too
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I love Hawk, but I feel like kicking him would just be so satisfying 😔
HOLY SHIT I forgot how badass Ban is when weren't first introduced to him !!
The humming while impaled and bleeding out he really is that girl tm
He's such a masochist. A damn if it isn't kinda hot.
Wow they really introduced Diane's body issues and then almost never bring them up again
Also my plus size Diane headcanon is so real like damn. Body issues girlies are being represented by her fr😔
Ban's slutty waist. That's it. That's the thot.
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Also his pre series hair. First season reminding me why I love Ban sm
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Lowkey miss the dragon handle sword. The broken blade was so cool:( Lostvayne still cool tho
I think it's so funny how they always wore their armor as holy knights, and yet anytime they wear armor in the present time line, it just immediately cracks off😭
Really anything except pants is going to be blasted off🤪
Okay SO in episode 5, when Ban is about to get his scar from the dragon handle sword, he tells Meliodas "you and me have been hanging together for a lot of years now." This scene takes place 12 years before present (bp). Does this mean Ban and Meliodas were friends before the formation of the Sins? Or was Ban the first after him and Merlin? Ban has been immortal 20 years BP, leaving 8 years in between present and the flashback. 8 years before this scene, Meliodas was still in Danafal/Danfor and would be for another 4 years. What does any of this mean? Idk, just thot it was intriguing lol.
Also how did I not notice this is the first time we see demon!Meliodas !! Baby's first sighting as an unnatural creature with otherworldly rage🥰🥰
Also the fact we never see the scar Gil gave him again lol. Plus him presumably needing to do demon mode so hellfire can heal him is actually rlly cool
Just thought about how Elizabeth laying her hand on his chest to check the scar was the first time in years his love touches him with gentleness or concern🥲🥲
The fact that it took me 6 years to realize that when Meliodas says he'll keep the promise he made to Elizabeth, even if she should die is referencing the promise he made to her originally to break their curses🥲😬😤😭😭😭😭
6'11 Ban thinking that he even had a chance in fitting in Jericho's armor is just so... him
Diane calling Elizabeth kiddo is so fucking cute🥺
Also they definitely get away with a lot more innuendos and swears. The words badass and foreplay in the same episode? Impressive
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A Million Dreams
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Hi people, I’m still kicking! I was just going through a terrible period of writers block. I listen to music in the shower and one of my favorites has been the soundtrack to The Greatest Showmn with Hugh Jackman. The song “A Million Dreams”  came on and I was inspired to write this fic which turned out a bit more angsty than I intended it to be. It’s kind of about how Loki lost himself and his loved ones to his lust for the crown. 
Enjoy, stay healthy and safe loyal readers! <3 
A Million Dreams
Word Count: 3, 009
Warnings: Maybe a teeny bit of Angst
“I would make you my Queen, and we’d be respected throughout the nine realms.” You giggled, spinning around and the leaves danced around you as though there was a breeze. But there was none, and Loki was enchanted again by your magic. “I don’t need the whole nine realms, silly. I just need you. You’re my best friend.”      
I close my eyes and I can see
The world that’s waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one’s been before
But it feels like home.
 They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can I’ve lost my mind.
I don’t care, don’t care so call me crazy.
We can live in a world in that we design.
 “Loki, look out!”
 The tiny y/h/c girl raced towards where the youngest Prince had become a victim of his older brother’s torment and pranks with his friends. Despite being smaller than Thor and Fandral, you had never backed down when they came for your best friend. You took a deep breath, stopping before them. “You think I’m afraid of a little girl?” Thor sneered, Loki’s nose was already bleeding from the beating he had taken and in your anger you unleashed a power that you need you had but were too young to control. Thor suddenly went flying through the air with a simple wave of your hand. He flew over hedges, and landed squarely in a near-by pond.
 “Witch!” Fandral shrieked as he ran to help his friend. Unfortunately your actions hadn’t gone unnoticed by the adults. Queen Frigga and her ladies—including your mother—gasped when Thor dropped into the pond with a splash. “Y/n, come here right now!” Your mother raged, and despite not regretting what you’d done you knew you’d face punishment. Loki grabbed your hand, pulling you further into the gardens with him. Your mother’s fury became a distant memory as you disappeared into the depths of the garden where no one would know to look for you aside for Loki.
 “You’re still bleeding.” You panted, moving to stand upright. You pressed your hand to the young man’s chest, and when you removed your hand the blood was gone. “You shouldn’t have done that, y/n! I would’ve eventually bested Thor!” Loki’s pale features were tinted red in embarrassment. You stood there, unyielding. You met Loki when it became clear the two of shared similar magic and began training together. One thing you had learned quite quickly is that Loki didn’t like being second place to anyone. Especially Thor. “I’m tired of seeing him beat up on you. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” Loki glared at you, and instead of returning his glare you broke his anger by making a goofy face and sticking out your tongue.
 He laughed, it was weak but it was still a laugh. “Now we have to figure out how to get revenge.” You started. Loki’s grin widened. “Sending him for a swim was brilliant, y/n. How’d you do that?” His embarrassment was forgotten. You moved to stand behind him, your tiny arms reaching around his lithe frame and moving his hands a certain way. The blast of energy that was released was enough to blow all the leaves of a near-by hedge. “I wish I had your natural talent, y/n. Then they’d respect me, and my father would make me King.” It always came down to the crown with Loki, the one thing he coveted above all other things, or so you thought.
“I would make you my Queen, and we’d be respected throughout the nine realms.” You giggled, spinning around and the leaves danced around you as though there was a breeze. But there was none, and Loki was enchanted again by your magic. “I don’t need the whole nine realms, silly. I just need you. You’re my best friend.”    
‘Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the world I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take
A million dreams of the world we’re gonna make.
 “You’re staring, brother.”
 Loki watched y/n laughing and chatting with her friends over that evenings feast. Childhood friends had turned into lovers with stolen kisses in alcoves in hallways. But you had never officially put a title on what you were to him; he had never made a specific request to court you. You had stopped laughing with your girlfriends, smiling at Loki from your seat in the crowd. His eyes were always on you, and yours on him. “I am not.” Loki uttered, taking a sip of his spiced mead. Thor grinned as he glanced over at y/n, whose eyes went right back to her dinner plate. “She’s wearing green, Loki. It speaks volumes to her other suitors. They assume you’re courting her.” Thor added.
“What other suitors?!” Loki asked a bit too loudly. Thor seemed shocked that is brother hadn’t noticed. “It was questionable at first but she did grow up to be quite a Sorceress, and a beautiful woman. Other men have tried to court her and she’s turned the down. I thought you knew.” It fueled Loki’s jealousy and tainted the rest of his evening. As everyone else turned to dancing and merriment he fumed over his glass of mead. You had lingered with your girlfriends as a wallflower, your eyes still on Loki. He didn’t move until he saw another man approach you and offer you his hand.
 Loki pushed his chair away from the table and practically marched to where you lingered with your friends. “Y/n, may I have this dance?” He asked, and you accepted his hand without an apology to the other young man. You let him bring you out onto the floor, spinning among the others in a courtly waltz. “I didn’t think you’d ever ask.” You spoke with a soft smile and a blush that Loki found endearing. “I thought you were content to linger at your table with the mead.”
  “I don’t like the thought of anyone putting their hands on my Queen.” Loki added softly, his fingers brushing against the cut-out in the back of your dress, his hands caressing your soft skin. “You haven’t called me that since we were young.” You whispered, moving closer to him like a planet in orbit. The waltz was normally more formal, and the two of you were getting dangerously close to breaking protocol. “Are you—being courted by other men?” He asked, his eyes connecting with yours. “Yes.” You never lied to him, and he respect you immensely for that even when he didn’t want to hear it.
“Are any of them contenders?” He asked. You sighed dramatically. “One. He’s kind of oblivious sometimes though. Real wanker, always wears this color green. Thinks he’s royalty or something.” You teased, causing Loki to chuckle. The waltz finished, and you curtsied. “Leave here with me.” You whispered just loud enough so he could hear you. He waited a few moments after you left before he followed after you into the hallways.  Most people had disappeared from the hallways, either going into the garden with their lovers, going to their rooms or to other parties. As Loki came into the hallway, you turned onto your heels and started running; your skirt whipping around your ankles. Loki gave chase, both of you laughing as you raced through the hallways like you’d done as young children.
 You stopped when he appeared in front of you, realizing too quickly that it was one of his clones. As you stopped, he came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You kept laughing until you were nears tears, Loki hoisting you against the wall. Your legs went on either side of his waist, and he brushed a stray piece of hair from your face. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before he kissed you. If you were struggling to breathe before, Loki’s kiss truly knocked the wind out of you. Your lips moved against his and his hands moved over your body.
 “Be mine.” Loki whispered against your lips. “Truly, let me court you.” You shook your head, meeting his beautiful eyes. “I’ve always been yours, Loki. You don’t need to court me. But if it makes you feel better I’ll let you woo me with fancy dinners and gifts.”
There's a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
The special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day
 They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say we've lost our minds
I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy
Runaway to a world that we design
 You paced outside of the throne room, knowing this was the moment that Loki was going to speak to Odin about the two of you marrying. After what felt like an eternity Loki came out of the throne room looking so regal that it took your breath away. As soon as the doors closed behind him he moved to you and lifted you into his arms. “He said yes.” Loki announced, spinning you around slowly. You bent down, your hands cupping his face as you kissed him with all the passion and excitement coursing through your body.
You slid down till your feet touched the ground but you still felt like you were floating. Most of the women at court would’ve loved to be a Princess, most of them probably would’ve preferred Thor but they still would’ve married Loki for the prestige. You wanted the man; you loved the man. “You know what this means?” Loki asked, grinning from ear-to-ear.
“We’re getting married!” You announced with nothing short of absolute excitement and glee, the guards outside the door trying not to gawk or laugh at the two of your public displays of affection. You never thought Odin would agree. You were nothing more than a daughter of a lady-in-waiting. You were a powerful Sorceress, yes. But you still lacked any noble bloodline. “It means that I have a wife, I’ll be married before Thor. It puts us in a better position to be King and Queen. We’ll have to make sure we work quickly to produce heirs.”
You were flabbergasted. “Excuse me, your Majesty. Can we focus on one thing at a time? Can we get married first before we start talking about children and coronations?” Through your sarcasm, you were hurt. Your pride was injured, had he asked his father to marry you to put you above Thor or was because he really wanted to marry you? “Of course, of course. I’m sorry, Love. I’m jumping ahead of things. We have to go talk to your mother and the way she feels about my, uh—influence on you—she very could say no.” Loki grinned, completely forgetting his earlier train of thought. You chuckled, your mother had not always been overly fond of the trickster Prince.
You took his hand and let him lead you away from the throne room and towards your mother’s quarters. He interlaced his fingers in yours. You felt the familiar brush of magic at your fingers and brought your intertwined hands up to glance at them. You were struck by the beautiful large emerald engagement ring set in a gold band. “It’s beautiful.” You uttered, near tears. “Only the best for my Queen.” Loki echoed, putting your fears back in the forefront of your mind.
Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make
 “I can’t believe he chose Thor! He chose that oaf over me!”
The sheer rage in Loki’s voice frightened you, and it didn’t get any better when Loki picked up the closest thing to him and tossed it at the wall of your chambers; it happened to be a vase and he damn near took your head off with it. “Loki, please stop! You’re scaring me!” You were clad in your emerald green attire that matched your husbands. It’d been a beautiful, simple ceremony attended only by close family and friends. Things had been perfect until now, or so you wanted to believe. You knew Odin had been close to making a decision about his predecessor and Loki had obsessed over it for days. You couldn’t even distract him by trying to make love with him. He’d been writing his speech for his coronation.
 “What does he have that I don’t, y/n?! Brute strength and a short temper?! That doesn’t make a good King!” You didn’t know what to say; you felt somewhat relieved because you’d been terrified to be a Princess of Asgard, let alone a Queen. “Loki, this means we can be free! We don’t have to stay here, we’re not bound to Asgard. We can do what we want!” You tried to reach for his hands, trying to find the positive of it. He shoved your hands away. “Did you ever want this, y/n? Did you somehow manage to sabotage my chance to be King?” He asked, his voice dripping with rage and sarcasm. His eyes had darkened, his skin was paler. It was like the man you knew weeks earlier when you had married him was gone; replaced by some bitter husk of a man that wanted to live in his self-loathing.
 “How dare you! I’ve done everything I can to support you in your dreams and ambitions since we were children! I’ve spent weeks with the horrible noble ladies of this court trying to learn their ways and my expectations as a Princess of this realm. I did it all for you!” You roared, feeling like throwing something yourself. You didn’t care if the house staff heard you; they knew the two of you could have quite the row and then make-up just as loudly.
“Perhaps I should’ve married one of those noble ladies. Perhaps their status would’ve elevated me in my father’s eyes as opposed to marrying you.” The way he accented the word ‘you’ made it sound like you were vermin, something replaceable, something ugly. “I don’t know what to do with you, Loki. I’ve tried to be the good wife to you, but my intuition was right. I’ll always be secondary to your thirst for the crown, and for power.” You were cold, but your voice was soft. Perhaps he realized he had pushed you too far. You slid your engagement ring and wedding band off your finger, setting it on the nightstand. Loki was lost in his sorrow, you brushed past him and he didn’t stop you. That was your breaking point as tears started to spring in your eyes as you left the room with a slam of the door.
However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
You may be right, you may be wrong
But say that you'll bring me along
To the world you see
To the world I close my eyes to see
I close my eyes to see
You didn’t know where else to go, you went to your mother who let you into her chambers with open arms. She held you while you sobbed. She knew, she knew everything because she one of the Queen’s ladies in waiting. “He’s not the man I fell in love with, Mother. I don’t know who he is anymore. He’s obsessed with power. What do I do? I can’t stay here, I can’t go back to him!”
 It took a few days, but Loki started coming to your mother’s rooms and started begging to talk to you. Your mother refused, and in the face of her defiance Loki had tried to go to the King and Queen for support; whom also refused to grant him entry to see you until you were ready. For that you were thankful. Initially, you had planned to leave Asgard. You didn’t know where you were going to go, truthfully you knew there was no place in the nine realms you could where Loki wouldn’t look for you. Besides, Asgard and this court where your home, too. Why should you have to leave?!
You tried to stand by his side, tried to reach out to him and bring back to the boy you had fallen in love with but you knew he was gone. You knew he had started seeing mistresses, but you refused to care. You were done trying, you had put forth the effort and he had refused to meet you half way. Anything would have been fine, any attempt to reach out. It would be better than feeling like you were a widow. But you did keep up appearances as necessary. It was the only time he touched you or even acknowledged your existence anymore.  
 You knew his mood would be dire during Thor’s coronation, but much to your surprise he actually looked amused and he was smirking. It made your blood run cold. “What’re you up too?” You asked, moments before you were supposed to enter the hall where the masses of Asgard had gathered. “Now you’re interested in my comings and goings?” He asked, his voice snide as he refused to look at you. It wasn’t so much that you were interested, but you suddenly had a bad feeling in your gut and you had become fearful for Thor. There was nothing Loki wouldn’t do for the crown, nothing that he wouldn’t throw aside; even his family and those who loved him.
 Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
A million dreams, a million dreams
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make
For the world we're gonna make.
Read Tightrope (part two) here.
Please consider supporting the starving artist/social worker if you’re able. :) 
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lycorogue · 5 years
Marinette’s Song: Chapter 6
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
UPDATE (2/15/20): You can also now read this story over on AO3, on FFN, or on DA.
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Summary: Whenever Luka creates music it affects people. He can’t handle having to hide his music anymore, and so he goes to the Tom & Sabine Charms and Potions shop for some help. Can Marinette’s witchcraft allow Luka to finally share his music with the world? Witch and Mythological Magic AU
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 10,943 Words This Chapter: 1796
Status: Completed; 7 chapters
Disclaimer: I wanted to anchor Marinette’s magic in Wiccan as opposed to “Hollywood witchcraft”, but I’m Christian. I tried to do my research, but I also know I’m taking a lot of creative liberties. If you notice any glaring misrepresentation of Wiccan, please let me know.
All Luka could sense was the warmth of Marinette's skin against his, her soft breath against the back of his neck, and the chords playing in his head. He pictured her leaning in to kiss his cheek, and felt his face burn with a blush.
Marinette hovered, frozen in place by the simple action of Luka placing his hand over hers; holding it against his collarbone. The fingers on her other hand briefly brushed against the back of his neck - sending tingles down Luka's spine – as she tightened her grip on the twine. Her breath slowed until Luka could barely feel it anymore.
The moment was lost when Tikki again chirped at her owner. Marinette slid her hand out from under Luka's, and instead rested hers on top, silently instructing him to hold the snake charm in place. She then gently tugged again at the string, making sure it was taught but not too snug before tying it in place.
“Does- does this work for you? It's not too tight, is it?”
“It's perfect, Marinette. Thank you.” He turned to her, and caught her again playing with one of her earrings.
“Don't thank me yet. We still need to figure out if it works.” She returned to the Northern candle, said a small prayer, and then blew it out. She did the same for the other three candles. She then packed them and the crystals away. Nervously fidgeting with her fingernails, Marinette held out a hand for Luka. “Ready to try out the binding charm?”
He took her hand, and let her pull him out of his chair. “As ready as I can be, I guess. What do you want me to do?”
She led him back out into the store proper, then to a small door along the back wall. Opening it, she pulled Luka into a small foyer with a large, elegant stairwell: the store entrance to the Dupain-Cheng apartment they had attached to the back of their shop.
“Okay.” Marinette still had Luka's hand in hers as she faced him, but she didn't seem to remember that. “Can you sing or hum something for me? Anything. Any emotion- oh! But, please, don't make me scared. I hate being scared.”
He knew instantly what song he wanted to hum for her, but he had to be certain the charm worked first. He didn't want his power to somehow influence Marinette, and taint her song. Luka then thought of the gray sky and how melancholy he was only an hour before, and debated humming as he did on The Liberty. He couldn't chance the charm not working, and him depressing Marinette, though. She only deserved happiness. So he tried to make her laugh.
He started humming a playful tune, some notes low, others forced him to hum in falsetto. He concentrated on not moving as he hummed, hoping to look as serious as possible in order to try to take out as many extra influencing components as possible.
Marinette laughed. She snorted back her chuckle, but still leaned against him to hold herself upright.
The charm hadn't worked.
“I'm-I'm sorry.” Marinette massaged her mouth to try to get back to a straight face. “Your voice was lovely, it really was. It's just- you looked so goofy! You were just so serious when you hit those high notes, and-” She laughed again.
“That's not it. It's my power. I don't think-”
“No!” She stomped a foot and dropped Luka's hand so she could use both to push him towards the stairs. “No, you just threw me is all. The charm works. It's got to! Here. Go up a few stairs so I can't see you, then try again, okay?”
Luka climbed up six steps, and Marinette leaned with her back against the banister. She took a few deep breaths to try to calm her giggles, then waved for him to try again. He started humming the same song, and she instantly snorted back another chuckle.
“No, not that one! I can only picture you looking silly. This doesn't count. Try again. Try again.”
He thought a moment, and then hummed a new song. It was nostalgic, with tones of 1950s jukebox crooning. He pictured Marinette in a pink poodle skirt with large white dots and her hair in a wavy high ponytail; his own blue and teal hair slicked back and off his forehead. His white t-shirt tucked into tight pants and his leather jacket draped around Marinette's shoulders.
She didn't react. She didn't move. She simply hummed satisfaction before clapping.
“Perfect! Didn't feel anything!” She spun around, bouncing in place as she reached up to rest her hands on top of Luka's along the banister. “I mean, your voice is good, but I didn't feel anything special- anything extra I mean. I think this worked, I really do! Oh! We need to test it out with an instrument. Give me a minute.” She shifted away from the stairs, and caught the charm shop out of the corner of her eye. “Oops, could you also watch the front of the store for me? If anyone comes in could you please let them know we'll be right with them?”
Luka nodded, and Marinette tucked Tikki into a pocket inside her jacket so the poor frog wouldn't have to cling onto Marinette's shoulder. She then sprinted to the foot of the stairs and bolted up to the top floor, pausing only briefly as she passed Luka so she could place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. A few minutes later she came back down, taking the steps two at a time. Lumbering behind her was her father, a gentle giant of a man.
“Okay,” she grabbed Luka's hand and tugged him towards the blue double doors that made up the household's front doors; separate from the store. “Papa said he'll cover the rest of my shift. Come on!”
“Where are we going?”
“Trying out the charm with instruments involved, silly.” The two teens jogged a few blocks down the road to a music shop. Stopping for a couple of seconds at the entrance to catch their bearings, Marinette spotted the guitars and pulled him towards them. Picking up the first acoustic she came across, she passed it over to Luka.
He stared around the store. There weren't too many patrons, but there was still a salesman with a mother-son duo looking at a drum kit. Luka's grip tightened around the neck of the guitar, but then he looked over at Marinette. She was smiling so sweetly, itching to hear him play. She mouthed 'it's okay' to him, then tapped her own throat roughly where his new choker lay.
Taking a slow inhale, he just as slowly released it, then strummed the guitar. He hoped the charm truly worked, otherwise he would really need to apologize to the mother and salesman. Playing eight quick notes to set up the melody, he rapidly plucked the strings in a very perky, Mariachi-paced beat. His fingers flew faster and faster, imagining a frantic dance, a massive fiesta, chaos in party form. He had told Marinette that he didn't purposefully project emotions onto people, but this time he wanted to push his hereditary magic as hard as he could, to make sure the charm truly did work.
The ten-year-old boy sat behind a set of drums, just banging aimlessly on them with sticks; completely off beat from Luka. So Luka stepped closer to the drums, his fingers starting to sting as he raced them up and down the neck of the guitar. The mother turned, as did the salesman. The boy tried to play faster to try to match Luka. The guitar's notes hurricaned off the instrument. Faster. Wilder. Luka pictured how his mom might have played in her youth, and let the chaos of her music bleed through him.
Eventually the boy stopped trying to play with Luka, a pout on his face when he realized he couldn't keep up. The mother gawked, and the salesmen quirked an eyebrow; intrigued. Luka finished his song, and Marinette wildly applauded with a few hoots and whistles. The salesman and the mother joined in, with more controlled claps.
“You've got quite the talent, son,” the salesman said. “Interested in that guitar?”
Luka simply looked down at the instrument in his hand. He did it. He played a guitar with as much maniac energy as he could muster, and everyone stayed calm as they listened. With tears tracing down his cheeks, Luka wrapped Marinette into a tight hug.
“It works! It really works!” He sobbed as he laughed, unsure what to do with his emotions now that he was free.
She laughed and hugged him back. “I'm so glad. You are an amazing musician, Luka. I can't wait to hear what other music you create.”
Luka scooped her up by her waist, holding her high over his head as he swung her around in a tight circle. “You are so amazing, Marinette. I don't know what I would have done without your help. I have no clue how to thank you. Oh, wait.” He put her down and rummaged through his pocket, pulling his few Euros out. “I forgot to pay.”
“Uh, speaking of paying?” the salesmen ventured.
Marinette flashed red in embarrassment as she took the guitar from Luka and put it back on the display. “Sorry. No. We're good. Sorry again for interrupting.” She then grabbed Luka's wrist and pulled him back out of the store.
“Marinette, here.” Luka held out his money once more, but Marinette only plucked a two-Euro coin out of his pile. Luka gawked at her, then down at his still mostly-full hand, and then back at her. “Two Euro? That's it? For everything? No. I have to properly pay you. How much is the session and choker really?” He flipped through the bills and counted the coins he had. A little over twenty-six Euros left; that had to be at least a good chunk.
“Consider it a friend's discount. That, and maybe the price of admission to hear you play.” She winked and gave a little giggle that made Luka's heart soar.
“I truly appreciate that, Marinette, but that's still not nearly enough.” He then perked up as a plan came to mind, “But I think I can make up the difference. Come on.” He took her hand and started running back to the Seine.
“Where are we going?”
“It's my turn to take the lead. Follow me, okay?”
“Of course.” Marinette rotated her hand so she had a better grip within his, and squeezed tight.
Read the final chapter
I have to admit that when I was writing Luka’s song in the music shop that I was thinking of these guys playing “Gerudo Valley” from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
13 notes · View notes
mcl-imagines · 7 years
Bad Love
Armin X Candy oneshot smut
In which she worries about the illegal stuff he could be envolved but it is somehow hot.
enjoy <3~
   "Is it true, Armin?" An anguished Candy said to her boyfriend. They were dating for a few months, and their feelings for each other would only grow. However, he recently acquired a police record, and could go on trial. Since then, a lot of rumors and scandals spread around Sweet Amoris High. Candy was extremely worried for her boyfriend and at same time scared, because she didn't know if he was hiding anything from her. Candy knew she needed more than ever to have a good talk and be frank with him. They had agreed to meet on his house, she would sleep there for the night, since we wasn't really allowed to go out for anything more than school. There she was, sitting beside him on his bed, asking the geek all sorts of questions. "You... wouldn't understand." Armin replied, while looking away from her eyes.
   "Armin... Everyone is worried. Alexy won't stop asking me for new info on you." Candy said. "It's Alexy. He will get over it. He thinks just because we share a birthday we need to share a life as well. Silly." Armin visibly annoyed sighed. Despite being close for all their lives, lately Armin was bit distant from his twin. And this was something that saddened Alexy a lot, although Armin didn't seem to be so bothered by it, which was unlike him. Candy put both hands on his face and made him look at her, and softly in a sweet tone affirmed: "Armin. Dear. My honey. I love you. I know you. I know something's wrong and this is not like you. Please, tell me what's going on."
   She then kissed him. Armin sighed in relief, and held Candy's hand. He stroked her fingers for a while, before placing his right hand in her hair and gazing into her eyes. "Are you sure you want the truth? Do you think you can handle the truth?" The gamer boy asked his lovely girlfriend. She just nodded, still apprehensive about what was going on. "I'm a dirty, dirty, dirty criminal, Candy." He confessed to her, with a smug grin on his face. Candy chuckled. He had to be kidding right??! Right...? "Stop joking around, Armin." The young girl nervously said to boyfriend, before slowly taking away both of her hands from his. "Heh. I wish I was joking. But it's okay. You deserve to know the truth." the brunette boy whispered into her ear, which gave her chills down on her spine. He quickly got up from his bed and grabbed his notebook that was over his nightstand. An uncommon place, since his notebook would usually stay on his writing desk.
   He unplugged the computer from its charged and threw himself back on his bed. He sit in a comfortable position while crossing and positioning his back against the wall. As he placed the notebook on his lap, Candy leaned herself closer to him. He turned it on, and accessed some weird websites Candy didn't know. He just turned the screen to her and showed her a thread on a forum. "Heist plans???" Candy shrieked. "Are you robbing banks??" Upon hearing that, her lover laughed. "No, you silly! That's the name of the group I founded." He answered her, before becoming completely quiet for a few seconds. He suddenly felt a shot  of adrenaline, probably from the coffee mixed with energy drink he drank earlier. He was reveling for his sweetheart he had yet to tell anybody. He knew it was the right thing to do. At least, it was what he thought. "First of all, I'm not a bad guy. I know what I did and I have no regrets." He pronounced his first sentence, before looking to the lady who sat beside him, waiting for any kind approval and rejection.
   To his surprise, her reaction was null. She just kept looking at him with an idle expression waiting for more words to come out of his mouth. "So..." He continued. "You pretty much know that I know how to hack. I mean, what I did with Iris and stuff. The catch here is: It wasn't the first time I did that." "What do you mean, hacking or helping people?" Candy inquired, while putting her left hand on his right knee, showing concern and curiosity to his story. "Both, actually" He smiled. "The group I created, “Heist" was about that. I've been doing this for a while now, I never thought I would be caught." He muttered to himself, in a bittersweet tone. "So... You've been hacking people but this somehow...  Helps people? How is that not a bad thing, Armin?" Candy chuckled. She, while being shocked over the fact he, in fact, did illegals things, was relived it wasn't anything like murder or robbery, as the rumors around school told.
   "Ah Candy. My sweet, beautiful, naive Candy. I bet you never asked Alexy why we were enrolled at Sweet Amoris on the middle of the semester, right?" The black haired boy teased the brunette girl, in a mocking tone. "I actually did, but he never managed to answer me so I just gave up." She replied. "So that's when the story of "Heist" begins." He spoke, before starting to his next sentence. "A long time ago, on a faraway land, lived two boys. They were identical twins and their names even started with the same letter. They looked almost the same, they both had pitch black hair and goofy expressions. Their parents could only tell them apart from the color of their eyes." As Candy realized he would be telling story of his childhood, she put her left hand that was on his knee and firmly grasped his free hand, as the other was on his notebook. She kept listening to him.
   "They had a fairly normal life, apart from being both social awkwards. One day, however, things had to change." Candy felt her heart beat faster as she saw his expression change from a happy one to a sadder look. "The twins weren't so little anymore. They had their own interests and wanted to be taken serious as individuals, not to be seen as just "The Twins." They were 14 now and finishing middle school. One of the twins, tired of being mistaken with the other, decided to bleach his hair. The once, black haired boy, was now blonde. A lot of people thought he looked nice. And he did! But however... There weren't so many kind people around." Armin looked like he was about to cry. But he kept it in. "Both brothers were known for being joyful kids, even though the black haired twin was a bit more social awkward than his brother and also a bit of a shut in. The thing is, some people. Some Jerks. Saw the blonde boy kissing another boy on the lips.
   He was curious. He didn't know why he didn't like girls like all the other boys from his homeroom class. The boy he kissed was one of the jerks. He pretended to be into the boy just to have some proof he was gay. Awful, right?" Armin's beloved felt her heart shatter a bit. He was only in the beginning of the story, and it already had so much pain. She kept listen his story even more precisely than she was before. "So! Hell begun to run loose. People would throw garbage at the blonde boy, to kick his ankles, pull his hair, and shout all kind of homophobic shits to his face. And the worst part of all of this?? He pretended it was fine! When he wasn't! He knew that! He would come home and spend an hour crying in his then shared bedroom with his brother. One day however... He couldn't make to school. He became sick. Maybe because of the injuries? Who knows? He could also be very much pretending. He became sick during the weekend, and his parents allowed him to stay home during the whole week. Although he appeared sad to be losing a whole week of class, he was dying with joy inside. That's when his not so smart brother plotted his little plan."
   Armin finished his sentence, with a faint cry coming from his voice. He closed his eyes and squeezed Candy's hand tighter, before extending his memoir. "That Sunday night, when everyone was sleeping, the dumb twin searched around his brother's stuff and found a handful of hair bleach. That same night, he bleached all of his hair. He had no idea something that looked like a shampoo bottle could hurt so much. It felt like his scalp was burning. He swore it would bleed. But it didn't. His respect for his brother grew even more that night, because he went through that painful process every month just to keep a beautiful hair. The following day, he went to school earlier, so he wouldn't need to be seen by his parents. He was determined he plan wouldn't fail. He went to school. Everyone thought he was his twin. He felt bad. He was so unremarkable no one even remembered to look at the color of his eyes. It didn't take long to the long session of micro aggressions and violence to start. However, it wasn't that bad until the classes ended." Armin opened his eyes, and looked Candy right through hers.
   "After classes ended and the boy was leaving, happy, because he made his brother escape from the beating. But, once he arrived at the bus stop for his home, he was dragged. He was dragged to a dark alley. He felt fuzzy from the sudden drag, when he came to his senses, he discovered he was in the middle of a circle formed by the people who would usually beat up his brother. In that moment, he knew he was fucked up. Before he could even react, one of the jerks threw a rock on his head, which made him fall over. Right after that, another kid stole his backup. And... Before he could get up, three kids started to kick him real hard. They hit his head, his back, his groin, everywhere they could. He didn't even have a chance to fight back, so he just lied down in a fetal position to protect his internal organs. Hah! And he thought a bit of bleach was the worst pain ever. He could feel blood from his forehead going down on his nose and then mouth. He never thought his blood would taste so metallic. He started to felt disoriented, seems that so much beating heated up the adrenaline on his body, which made him stop from feeling much pain at the moment, only a few sharp aches from inside. He passed out. When he woke up, he was alone in the alley, with no bag, no cellphone or nothing. He was mugged. All that could dork think is that he was smart enough to not bring a game console to school that day. And how much he was happy that he was the one who got his ass kicked, not his brother."
   Candy was about to cry. She could never imagine how painful that must have felt and how much Armin loved his brother. She silently hugged him. They kept hugging in silence for a few good minutes, before he broke the hug to continue his tale. "Since he had no cellphone and no money, he couldn't get back home. So he went back to school to be able to telephone his parents to pick him. Despite the crushing pain, he was happy. He felt like a hero. He entered the school, and after going through the gates, he passed out again. When he woke up, he was in a hospital bed. The diagnosis? Two broken ribs and several injuries. He came to his senses and found his parents and brother staring at him worried sick and with so many questions. He started to explain his plan, and told them about the stuff his brother was going through and accidently outed him for his parents, in front of him. Whoops." He snickered on the last part. "The following days, were his recover at home from the excruciating pain. The worst part was not feeling like he had been run over every day, but the fact his brother was not talking to him. He felt horrible for being outed of the closet by him, and having his "secrets" reveled to their parents.
   "I could take care of it" You didn't need to do that! Look at you now." He would shout. Afterwards, they changed school before the year was over. The twin who had his ass kicked dyed his hair back to black while his brother decided to dye his red. But, when they started at the new school, he wouldn't let things get like that again. He studied hacking. He studied hard, more than any object at school he should be studying for!" Armin laughed, after the traumatic part, he seemed to be having fun telling his lover about his then so "secret" past. Candy laid her head on his shoulder, and kept paying attention to all words coming out from his mouth. "Anyway, I'll stop referring to myself in 3rd person. This is starting to bother me. Besides the story gets shorter here anyways. So, when Alexy and I moved to our new school, we acted cool. We were new and nobody knew us. Things we're good, but I wasn't going to be dumb again. After I learned about hacking, I meet some buddies in an online anonymous forum and I gathered them. I told them about my plans. They found it nice. So we called ourselves Heist, no reason behind it, I just thought it sounded nice." He laughed. Now, he seemed to be having so much fun. It seems he was getting into the part of the story he liked. "We decided we need to get revenge and make society a better place. We need to get rid of those people. Those people, Candy, had corrupt hearts, vile minds. They were evil and disgusting. My little group vowed that we needed to rebel and fight to change world even if that meant to perform illegal activities to reach true freedom."
   He stated. Candy started to get anxious, she was finally getting to know what his crime was.  Still with her head resting on his shoulder, she held his hand. He was warmer than usual, and he was usually really warm. "Anyway, we were a bunch of hackers who wanted to do harm to shitty people. I discovered stuff about the fuckers who beat me up, and spread a lot of shit about them anywhere. I couldn't cause them real harm, so I did virtual harm. Yeah. We felt like Gods, to be honest. Kinda stupid when I think about it. Anyway. Everything was going well with me doxxing people and homophobic slums who dared to say anything to my brother, until one day, one of the pals of my group started doing blackmail and leaking nudes... That wasn't the kind of stuff I did. So I closed our group." The boy finished his sentence. "So, you were arrested for leaking information? How did you ended up in our school?" Candy asked. "Ah, it wasn't fun... Someone from our old school tried to commit suicide and it turns out it the person from my group that was doing the blackmail stuff. It was a horrible atmosphere. Alexy had just ended his first relationship so it was hard seeing his ex everyday. So he wanted to change schools. I could convene our parents to put us in Sweet Amoris because of that and because I was failing my grades. But in reality, I just wanted to escape the chance that what the blackmailer did could fall onto my shoulders. I bit coward of my part, but I closed the group anyway. So, there were us. New students again. Alexy dyed his hair blue but I think red suited him better..." "So that's the whole story?" Candy asked.
   "Kinda. I mean... Thanks to Iris' situation, I re-opened my group to seek help to find her harasser. Only to no avail. Everyone seemed dead, except one member. The blackmailer from my old school. He didn't respond me at all, but he was there. Anyways, we found out it was Charlotte so I closed the group again but whatever. I think the blackmailer leaked information to the police about me leaking information or is trying to pin his crimes on me. I don't care because I know I'll be able to get out of this, one way or the other. However..." He looked down and sighed. "I'm just sad Alexy thinks I hate him or anything. I can't tell him what I did. But, you know Candy? Everything I did, I did it for him." He finished telling his story, and then proceeded to give his sweetheart a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad you didn't do anything serious." Candy relieved remarked.  "Candy!! Candyyyyy!! I doxxed people, and spread lies! I'm a dirty criminal!" He laughed. "But, as I said, I have no regrets. Society is better without those damn homophobes and jerks. Besides..." He changed his tone to a soft one, while leaning his head over hers. "If I go to jail, will you visit me, right?" He said to his girlfriend, in a smug tone. Candy giggled. "Well of course you silly. But seriously. I'd have never imagined you and Alexy went through all of that. Both of you are so brave. You may have done illegal stuff... But I admire your motive. You were protecting your little brother. Don't worry, I'll never tell anyone." She confessed, followed by a kiss on his cheek. Armin blushed a bit, and hugged her tightly.
   "Thanks my love. You have no idea how much that makes me happy. I love you." He then kissed her heavily, in a way that wasn't appropriate for minors, while stroking her hair. Candy broke the kiss to catch a breath, since his kiss was way too suddenly. She took the liberty to close his notebook, which was almost falling from the bed, and to put it on the floor, so they could have the bed all to themselves. Candy placed herself on the top of his boyfriend, and started to tease him. She was felling so happy that Armin could trust her enough to tell her what was going on and that his situation wasn't so bad that she wanted to have him for her a little bit. She started to poke his nose playfully. "So, I'm dating an outlaw? What will my parents say?" She grinned. Armin wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her collarbones three times. "Mm. I'm sure they're gonna get mad at you. And we don't want that do we? I've been a bad boy, sweetheart. I need some punishment." He said, as he unwrapped his arms around her to be able to put her hands on the back of her head and bring it closer to him, so he could give her a deep and passionate kiss while still feeling her lap on his. The girl, while being kissed, started to stroke his chest with her index finger. He was wearing a tight raglan long sleeve shirt, which was perfect to feel the firmness of his body. "What should I do with you?"
   She mumbled into his ear, before softly biting it and advancing to lick his neck sensually. Armin moaned smoothly. She had hit his weak spot. He loved sooo much the way her tongue felt on his neck, the mix of ticklish sensations with the warmth of her saliva turned him on so bad. But not as much as her nibbling it. He quickly grabbed her waist with his right hand, while the left one rest on her butt. She was wearing a crop top with matching leggings. Thanks to the crop top, her stomach was exposed, so he could feel her soft and warm skin while she ardently kissed and bit and his neck. With his left hand, he slapped her ass before speaking to her. "Gimme more, sweetie, come on. Show me what a nasty crimeboy like me deserves." He taunted his lover. She stopped biting his neck to give him a smug glare. She then knocked him down so he was fully laid down on the bed. So she positioned herself exactly on top of his groin, and after made him stretch both of his arms to be able hold his wrists so he had his mobility restricted. Then she started to rub her lady parts onto his jeans. Since Candy was wearing leggings, that made him being almost fully able to feel all of her. He closed his eyes and smiled. Felt a rush of blood emerging on his cheeks and blood rushing to the lower part of his body, as his girlfriend rubbed more and more her part onto his. He felt some kind of pressure as his member kept getting harder and wanting release from his tight boxers and jeans.
   Candy felt his erection pressing against her vagina, which made her get wet. She was horny, and wanted to have sex with him so bad. But at the same time, she wanted to tease him to no end, until he begged to have her. Candy released her hands from his wrist, and undressed herself from her crop top, before tossing it around in the bedroom. She proceeded to rub her nipples through her delicate cotton bra, they were hard from all the fun they were having. Armin opened his eyes and admired the little show she was doing for him. He lifted his head and upper part, and put his hands on both of her breasts, and opened the clasp of her bra, which was located in the front. Candy slapped his hand and said: "Not yet, delinquent." Armin laid down again, feeling his lower part get more and more uncomfortable as he felt his boner pressing even harder against his pants. Candy closed the clasp, and stopped dry humping him. She laid down completely on top of him. Kissed his lips, and didn't let him put his tongue inside her mouth. She lowered herself and placed her head on the same level as his groin. She licked his pants and heard him moan. As she raised her head to take a look at the lustful expression on his face, she undressed her leggings, and let her panties with a wet stain show. She rubbed her sex through her panties and let her finger get wet. She unzipped his pants and gazed at him with desire on her eyes. "Enjoy." She sensually demanded.
   Candy then finally undid his belt and lowered her pants and boxer, letting his erection free. She grasped his cock with her right hand while the left one caressed the thin layer of hair he had down there. She liked when he left a little of hair, because stroking it felt like touching the softest velvet-like fabric that could exist. She pulled back his foreskin, leaving his tip with a thick layer of precum exposed. She licked it with ardor, and heard her boyfriend moan. Candy started to stroke the length of his dick while played with his balls with her free hand. She knew how to make him feel good, and damn, would she make him feel good. While she masturbated him, she sucked his tip. She licked and made it moister than ever with her saliva. After working for a while on his tip, she started to work on the rest of his penis. She tasted his full length of 6.5 inches, and took it all inside her mouth. The black haired boy let a loud moan escape after he felt how hot, soft and wet it was inside her mouth. He bit his shirt to muffle his voice, as he was afraid of someone hearing him. She sucked him vigorously for a few minutes, before he decided to give up.
   Armin used his hands to pull her head out of his dick and decided to take control of the situation by grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her against the wall, pressing her on it. He hugged her by behind and got rid of his pants and underwear, so he could have some mobility in his legs. "Let's stop playing games, huh? We know who's the boss here." He murmured. After, he finished positioning himself right behind her, so his erection could rest in her butt. He grabbed one of her breasts and stroked and pinched her nipple, while the other hand worked on pulling down her panties. While he played with her breast and kissed her neck, he put his middle finger gently inside her while caressing her clit with the index one. He felt her pussy getting wetter while she moaned hard. She, trying to grasp some senses, finally got rid of her bra. Now she was completely naked and vulnerable to any of his advances.
    "Yes... Keep going." She mumbled under her breath in response to his provocations down there. He laughed. Damn, she looked so cute and sexy when she was like this. He was a dork for her.  He stopped kissing and biting her neck, lowered his head and started sucking one of her breasts, while his other hand continued massaged the other one. Down there, he started thrusting his finger inside her faster, and put his index finger inside together with the middle one. "Hmm. You're so wet. How does it feel to be fucked by a criminal, huh?" He teased her, while pushing his fingers inside her faster. "Ahh. Feels.. Amazing." She replied, under her faint breath. She then, turned around from the position of facing the wall she was, so she could be facing his face. Armin stopped playing with her parts, and tightly hugged her, while being lasciviously kissed and having his hair stroked by Candy's delicate fingers. He thrusted his hips so he could position his penis in the entrance of her vagina. He broke the kiss and stopped hugging her, so he could finally strip from his shirt. Candy hugged him, and asked: "So honey, where's the condom?" "Oh." He replied.
   "Listen, bad boys like me don't like wearing condoms. How about we go raw this time?" He inquired, trying to act cool outside but actually sweating bullets inside. Candy felt a bit disoriented. They have had sex before, for sure, but they always used a condom. Candy had thought about doing it without one before, but she never suggested. She wondered how it'd feel, and since they were each other's first, they wouldn’t get any STD, right? She thought for a while, before answering him: "Yes, ok, let's do it. But cum outside, ok?" "O-Of course." He stuttered. He wasn't actually expecting for her to accept it, so he kinda lost his coolness and started to be the same dork as always again. He had read about how sex without a condom would feel, and always wanted to try, because it seemed so much better. At the same time he was excited for getting on the next level with his beloved, he was a bit afraid of hurting her. They positioned themselves to a missionary position, Armin was nervous as hell, despite knowing how sex felt like, he didn't know it fully felt like. Once the tip of his penis was positioned in the entrance of Candy's vagina, he asked if he could go on. She nodded. He then calmly inserts his cock inside her, while paying attention to her reaction. She moaned as he inserted all of his length inside her. She loved the way the smooth, hard penis skin felt against hers. Armin felt amazed.
   "Holy shit, it does feel way much better." He thought. He could feel every muscle spasm and contract, felt her vagina changing shape to accommodate his cock. She was so tight that it was like her body was trying to push him out, and hold on to, at the same time. He couldn't help, but moan as he pushed faster and got more of her. Feeling his bare cock exploring her insides made his sweetheart feel extreme arousal "Yes, yes, yes, keep doing that." She screamed, before putting her hand on her mouth to muffle her screams. Hearing Candy moan with such desire while asking for more, was a major turn on for him. He barely could keep it inside anymore. Doing it without a condom made him more sensible. "Ughh You're so thick." Candy groaned, as he thrusted his hips faster and harder. Armin loved when he got compliments about his sexual acts, he felt like he was doing a good job. However, pulled his dick out of her as he felt he could orgasm at any moment. He jerked a bit and came in his hand. Candy looked a bit disappointed because it didn’t last long as it usually would when they do it normally. Armin cleaned his cum on the shirt he was wearing that rested somewhere in the bed, laid down beside Candy, panting and sweating.
   "I-I'm sorry, I couldn't last long." He apologized. "It's okay." She laughed. "I had lots of fun." "Are you sure? I mean, you didn't even come." Armin told her, in a worried tone as he didn't like to feel he was the only one who had fun. "Yes, I'm pretty sure. Besides, I'll be here tomorrow. I'll have something for you to eat out." She teased. Armin laughed, kissed her on the lips and passed out of exhaustion almost immediately. That was one of his problems in bed, he would always sleep after doing it. Candy didn't mind, she loved sleeping with him, especially when both of them were naked. But now, she needed to go to the bathroom. Armin lived in a single room, no fancy master bedroom with bathroom here. Candy needed to go out for relive herself, which sucked. It was nice to lay comfortably beside her completely naked boyfriend. Candy grabbed one of Armin's oversized T-Shirts that were lying on floor together with other dirty clothes. He really needed to do his laundry. Candy hit the hall, not really worried if someone was gonna see her wearing only a dirty T-Shirt, since it was about 2 AM.
   Once she got to the bathroom, it was occupied but it became vacant the moment she arrived. Alexy got out of it, and greeted her. "Oh, hey there" He nervously said. He was still worried sick about his brother. Candy, for a moment, recalled everything her boyfriend had told her earlier that night. She didn't answered her friend's greeting, instead, hugged him tightly. "Don't worry, Alexy. Everything will be fine. Armin cares and loves you deeply. You are so brave." She told him. Alexy was a bit confused for her telling so sudden he was brave, but hey, it was a compliment. He relaxed a little when she told him everything was going to be fine and that his brother loved him. He knew he could trust her word. "Thaaankk youuu!!" He said, while shaking her during their hug. He then broke their hug and before letting the girl go to the bathroom, he said: "By the way, my little sister-in-law..." He then chuckled. "The walls are thin. I can hear you... Uhhh.. "Agreeing" a lot with my brother, but could you two keep it down next time? There are people trying to sleep here, you know!" Candy hid her face from shame, and proceeded to lock herself in the bathroom. Alexy laughed. He had his revenge for not getting his sleep beauty that night.
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k-hiphopshit · 8 years
You’re Safe Here (Dean x Reader)
Requested by anon.Enjoy!
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"What's your ideal husband?"
"I like a man that's a mystery, someone that doesn't talk very much, those are the ones that are the most affectionate. I prefer to just cuddle than talk, I like a man that knows what he is doing, he is not afraid to take risks and get touchy feely. I think it's because i'm not good with words so touching is my way of showing affection."
"What's your ideal wife?"
"I like a girl that's more of an acting than talking. Someone that delicately sexy, I like a strong gaze in a woman. Someone tha'ts silently having my back and even though she will talk shit in front of me, she will cut someone that talks bad behind my back. A dynamic duo"
Getting to be with Hyuk was something that you felt blessed about experiencing. He was pretty much the man of your dreams, the chemistry you had was over flowing and everyone that watched the show could see it. From silly missions, to random actions of affection, like playing with your curly hair, to teasing the other but then hugging them cause you felt bad. It was a relationship you wish you had without having to sign a contract and cameras following you.
You were a bit sad that it was the last episode of We Got Maried, it meant that you and Hyuk would have to go your seperate ways. You would go back to your job as an actress and he would go back to singing like an angel.
"Keep them close"
"If this is a sick joke, I will beat you until you bleed"
You threatened him as he carefully covered your eyes, so he won't ruin your eye make up. He guided you somewhere and then stopped you. You could feel the curiousity bubbling up, you were tempted to rip his hand of from your eyes to see what he was hiding, but you knew it was something he had probably worked hard for and you didn't want to ruin it for him. So you just bit your lips and patiently waited for him to reveal his surprise.
a beautiful set of a couch and a big tv was set right in the garden, you could already recognize your favorite snacks and the fluffy blankets that were perfectly folded on the side of the couch. One of the most brightest smiles reached your lips, you even showed your teeth, you rarely did that because of your insecurity of your crooked front teeth.
"Aww Hyuk, this is beautiful"
"Come on, I picked the best movie"
He took your hand and sat next to you on the very comfortable couch. He passed you the pink blanket, knowing that it was one of your favorite colours and he kept the creme coloured on for him. You took of your shoes and put your legs up to get cozy.
"Are you ready?"
He pressed play and his song "bonnie & clyde" reached your ears, catching you off guard. You turned to look at him confused but he didn't even turn his head towards you, so you forgot the idea about him giving you an explanation. They were clips of the show, mixed with clips form him m/v, that caught your interested but made you even more confused, you were never the patient one.
"I'm so happy you were my wife. You were a lovely partner and great company, i'll miss your weird laugh and your savage comments. I hope my wife can be just like you, I hope I made you feel happy and was a good husband to you, cause you deserve the perfect one. You are my ideal wife"
You read this in the screen and you could already feel your heart full of love. You never knew he felt like this, your relationship was more of a goofy one, you never expected this from him. It was such a loving gesture that you appreaciated very much.
"Ahhh why you had to make me cry?"
You turned away and carefully wiped the corners of your eyes. It was the first time that someone did something so sweet for you, you didn't reallt know how to take it or how to respond.
"I didn't want to make you cry"
"Happy tears"
You said as you faced him again with a smile. He saw your watery eyes and he couldn't help but feel kind of bad, even though he knew you were not hurt, but just over emotional. He just reached for your hair and pulled them away from your face and over your shoulder, he always liked how you looked without hair on your face, he wanted to see your whole face on it's entire glory.
"I'll miss you too"
"It was fun wasn't it?"
"Very much.... maybe too much fun. Look at us, all sappy and shit. You already know that when this airs everyone will think were are dating"
"Probably, I don't blame them. Who wouldn't want to be with a woman like you?"
You giggled at his compliment. You sat inches away from him, you really did hope that you could keep him in your life, although you didn't know if that was possible, your careers might be both on the spotlight but they were based of from very different things. You acted on impulse and gave him a hug, resting your chin on his shoulder as he slowly rubbed circles on your back, making you feel comfort and some type of affection.
"I won't do it. I won't do it"
You whispered to yourself, in a desperate attempt to make yourself hold back the tears from starting again. You always had that thing of avoiding to cry in front of others, it just made you feel like you were making them pity you.
"I won't look, you're safe here"
"Thank you for a wonderfull marriage Hyuk, I never took the chance to thank you for this"
"Don't thank me, you deserved every piece of it"
You pulled away from him and pulled all your hair back, you never thought that coming to this would make you feel so much for a guy. He really was what you exactly wanted.
“I have a suggestion, instead of leaving the rings, we switch them. You’ll have something from me and i’ll have something from you”
You just nodded. You both took of your “wedding rings” and gave it to each other. You immediately put it on, since it fit you, but he just kept it and put it on the pocket of his flannel.
“Now we have something to keep us together”
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napalmmanexe · 6 years
Fits of Random 9.5
Narrator: Another day. Another cold wintery day. Another cold, wintery, lousy, gloomy, overcast, yucky, poopy....
Matt: ( In his room, lying on his bed with his laptop ) We get it! >3 Today's weather stinks! ( Playing a game ) I gotta do something else....( Starts watching an abridged anime, stops part way ) I don't wanna do that either...( Opens his BIOS coding program ).....I can't concentrate. Why can't I do something productive?? XC ( Flailing his arms )
Rahbie: ( Walks into Matt's room ) A lot of people have been restless. ^_^; The weather keeps everyone indoors, so people are getting bored easily.
Matt: I don't feel like doing....Anything. 8C Nothing at all.
Rahbie: Well, there's one thing...:3 ( Giving him a sly grin, posing lewdly )
Matt: Its not that I don't appreciate the offer, but I'm not doing that kind of content anymore.
Rahbie: But our love making is always so good. <83
Matt: It is, but not every written or drawn piece that tells a story has to have sex in it in order to be good. I want to focus on work that draws people in for adventure, drama, and humor.
Rahbie: Oh good for you master. ^_^ ( Sitting with him ) You think people will go for it?
Matt: I'm not feeding the internet its junk food anymore. I make good quality work as best as I can. |3
Rahbie: Funny, the way you talk; it sounds as if you expect someone to hear it. ^-^
Matt: Very very true. ^-^
Matt and Rahbie: ( Both of them staring at whoever reads this ) PG only folks. :3
( The scene changes to the title screen with Neko fairies swarming all over it )
Neko Fairies: Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 83c ( Covering the opening scene with confetti and silly faces drawn  with crayon )
( A static scene change shows Shift training in the household dojo, practicing his Metamorph skill set )
Shift: Shape Shift!! ( Trying to think of something )
Azure: ( Behind Shift, whispering ) A Life Sized Glow in Dark Teddy Bear! :3
Shift: A Life Sized Glow In the Dark Teddy Bear...wut? |3 ( Changes into the exact thing ) Whhhhuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaat? <83 OOoffff!!!
Azure: ( Tackle hugs Shift at full speed ) Nyeeeoooooooooooooh! X3c
Shift: Oh bother....<:3 ( Getting adorably huggled by Azure )
( Scene changes to....Scene changes to...?? )
Narrator: Where's the next skit?
Matt: Next skit? /3
Rahbie: Master don't we have something for the next scene? <:3
Matt: ( Back to being dispondent and playing a video game ) Don't ask me, I don't know. |3
Napalm: ( Still in the form of a life sized glow in the dark teddy bear ) Buddy, what happened to that schedule from the previous episode?
Azure: ( Huggling Napalm, clinging to his back. Nuzzling and purring ) Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. X3c
Matt: Schedule? ( Trying to think )
Rahbie: Master you promised...( Showing him video footage of the last Fits of Random )
Matt: Oh yeah...that....( Looking at them with a blank stare ) ....( Goes back to his game )
Rahbie: Alright you've left us little choice, master. ( Sounding stern )
Matt: Do any of you work my job?
Napalm and Rahbie: ...No? O_o
Matt: Good, matter settled. That job has done nothing but bring grief, stress, and it eats a person's soul from the inside. If I could I'd flatten the place....
Napalm: Robot Masters already tried that.
Matt: What? ( Blinking, somewhat surprised )
Azure: Nyan, because its fourth wall related all that happened was... :3
( The sound of humorous piano key banging signaled a cutaway scene with Bass and the other Robot Masters standing on a ship on the east coast of the States )
GutsMan: Throw a Rock at it!! ( Stomps his foot and gets a random boulder. Tossing it at the shore )
Boulder: ( Reaches the shore line and vanishes with a poof-fart effect ) Frrtt!~
GutsMan: Well....shucks!
( The scene ends with the piano banging effect played in reverse )
Napalm: What we're getting at is your job is turning into a bad excuse and the video games are turning into a distraction.
Matt: And what're you all gonna do? F3 Hijack the episode? ( Turns his head. Within seconds gets jumped on ) Gah! What the heck?? D:
Mayreen: ( In a tight fitting police girl outfit ) Keep your arms and legs spread out where I can see them. Anything you say will be used against you by the cord of this game controller. >3
Matt: Kitten this is unecessarriiiiiiiiie where are we going? <83 ( Being carried off, hands held together by zip ties. Flung over Mayreen's shoulder )
Mayreen: To Adventure! >83
Azure: And a half decent plot. :3 Cue the goofy cutaway effects!
( The scene changes to the group standing at the entrence of the Alpha ruins where all the aggressive monsters and things spawned from )
Matt: A treasure dig against the island's baddies?
Napalm: Nope, we're inspecting a thing. ( Now back to normal ) Someone turned something loose and its been stealing trinkets from the citizens.
Azure: And we know who it is. :3
Matt: Not much of an inspection if we already know who the perp is. |3
Mayreen: We needed your mental powers to get answers from the perps. Trust me you'll know why when you see them. ^-^
Matt: ( Watches as Napalm pulls out Saya and Sheath. The two top agents from Ouma. Both of them hand cuffed ) Yep I see why you need me. O_o
Sheath: Is bright boy desu. :3
Saya: You want to know what we turned loose? ^-^ ( Calmly smiling ) We'll never tell.
Sheath: The lips of bunny desu are of sealed and shut. :3
Matt: Ya don't say? XD ( Placing a hand on each of their heads, starts getting into their memories )
( All Matt saw in Saya's head was a blank fog. Sheath's was a jumble of awful American and Japanese words, with every other  second a desu went off with a chibi form of Sheath running around carefree and acting adorable and hilarious. )
Matt: That....didn't get us far guys and gals. O_o
Rahbie: But that always works. D:
Matt: Saya is so deeply Zenned I can't get through. Sheath is a coloring book of botched American and Japanese words. o_o
Saya: Hmmmhmhmhm. ^-^ You will have to get us to talk another way. ;3
Sheath: Hmmhmmhmhmhmm desu desu. ;3
Matt:....I said I'm keeping it PG. >3 And I'm sticking by it.
Saya: Well I...( Looks behind her ) Excuse me but where are my weapons? ^-^
Sheath: Sheath's banger and slicer desu is also of not being the here. :3
Napalm: ( Looks where he put their gear ) I could have sworn I put them right here. O_o ( Sees the shadow of something big, with feathers, and had Saya and Sheath's weapons in its beak )
Mayreen: Its....a huge crow....o_o
Saya: Oh....Oh my thats our little project we turned loose. ^-^
Matt: You freed a giant crow to do what with it? F3
Sheath: Fun and giggles. :3 And is not a corn field crow of crowing.
???: ( Lets out a terrible scream ) SkEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiich!!!
Mayreen and Azure: Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa our ears!!! <XC
Napalm: What? I can't hear! >3 ( Both ears bleeding )
Matt: That....is ....not a crow. O_O
Saya: Its a Shrieker. ^-^
Rahbie: The same Shrieker that  terrorizes towns and steals shiny things and is super dangerous to take on? O_o
Sheath: ( Nodding her head yes, making a rattling noise ) Yup yup yup yup. ^w^
Saya: You see, there is a place hidden deep. I'd say...at least 20 levels down. Its a gateway to madness and the creepiest creatures you ever saw. I even had to leave because the madness was just a bit too much. ^-^
Sheath: Sheath was hearing bad voices desu. <:3
Matt: Well....who's up for a tough boss fight? >3
Napalm, Rahbie, Mayreen, and Azure: You bet! >83
Saya: We can tell you where its nesting....if you turn us loose. ^-^
Napalm: On a tree near the Tree of Life in Mon Bush? XD
Saya:.....Why yes. ^-^ But there's still one thing we know and we won't tell you unless you let us go.
Matt: Hits like a truck, cries do damage to people's sanity, doesn't stay long once aggravated? XD
Saya: Now you're just taking the fun out of it. <:3 ( Pouting )
Sheath: Oh but the other thing....:3
Saya: Sheath, shush. ^-^
Matt: What other thing? O_o ( Looking at Sheath )
Sheath: Desu thing. Saya do remembering? :3
Saya: Sheath I'm going to punish you if you bring it up again. ^-^
Sheath: No! <83 Desu Saya said to be having Desu Sheath remind desu!
Mayreen: Yes Sheath, what is the thing? ^-^
Sheath: No telling non desu's! >3 Oh shoot! <83 Sheath wasn't being whispery much.
Saya: I'm going really teach you a lesson later, Sheath.....
Sheath: But hurts and ouchies....<:3
Saya: Say one more word and your behind will be so red it will glow in the dark. Now, shut it. ^-^
Rahbie: Now thats just mean. |3
Saya: You don't run my rail road darling. ^-^
Napalm: I got an idea....how about we string Saya up with a bunch of trinkets and when the Shrieker comes by it'll pick her apart?
Saya:....I wouldn't. ^-^
Matt: No no we can punish them both later for their antics. We have a Shrieker to hunt and some kind of thing to deal with....right Sheath? :3
Sheath:...No punish....be nice desu? <:3
Narrator: Back at the Boarding House where our heroes threw on their gear and happily skipped tralala to the Shrieker's nest!~
Shift: Dude are you on something? |3
Narrator: Who me? Noooooo of course not! ( Whispering to someone ) Behind my booth, tonight. I'm low and I....
Shift: ( Glaring at the Narrator ) >3
Narrator: Crap they can hear me!! ( Footsteps heard running out of the booth and down a bunch of stairs )
Shift: I'll deal with him later. ( Flying along on his energy disc while Rahbie provided a magic carpet for Matt, Mayreen, Saya, and Sheath )
Saya: Darlings, why are we going along?
Mayreen: You turned that creepy thing loose, you're helping us take it out.
Sheath: Desu bird likes dodge. :3
Rahbie: ....Honey you need to work on your English. That made no sense. <_<
Sheath: Dodgy dodgy desu. :3 Sheath telling the important stuff! <:3
Matt: She means its very agile so landing a hit on it might prove challenging. ( Looks ahead ) There's the nest and the bird is home. Everyone ready?
Saya: ( She and Sheath having some spare weapons from the house armory ) Not my favorite gear but it will do. ^-^
Mayreen: ( Also has her merc armor on ) I'm ready Matty. ^w^
Rahbie: I'll provide support if anything goes wrong. ^-^
Myffle: ( On Shift's right shoulder ) And I'll do my usual cute neko fairy stuff! :3c
Shift: Good girl ! :D Lets go! >3
French Narrator: Zey all landed on a large branch nearest zee nest.
Sheath: Desu Narrator of Sponges and Bobs? /:3
French Narrator: First one got busted for zee drugs. I am how you say, one out of many.
Saya: That booth must be busy. ^-^
Shrieker: Skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ( Landing in front of the nest )
Rahbie: That's way too many eyes for a bird! <8C
Matt: There's all the trinkets in the nest! ( Pointing )
Mayreen: And a lot of dead bodies too. <:3
Shift: Hit it and hit it hard! >3 ( Summons his lazer light bo staff, running at top speed, swinging and missing ) Someone follow up! >3
Mayreen: I got it! >3 ( Throwing six flash bangs from under her trench coat )
Shrieker: SKiIIIiiiiieeeeee??!! ( Wings flailing and flapping )
Matt: ( Using pure BIOS energy to grab and strike at the bird ) Man this thing has got some muscle on it! >3
Shift, Saya, Sheath: ( All of them slashing and stabbing it ) Hyaaaaaaaaah! >3
Mayreen: ( Shooting at the bird's head when she got a clean shot, using her sniper rifle ) Grrrrrr, this isn't doing enough damage! >3
Rahbie: Watch out!! D: ( Watching the Shrieker puff up )
Shrieker: Skaaaaaaaaaaw skaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw skaaaaaaaaaaw!!
Matt, Shift, Mayreen, Rahbie, Saya, Sheath, Myffle: ( All of them holding their ears in pain ) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgghh!! XC
Shrieker: ( Lifting off and performs a dive at the group, its super sharp beak gleaming as it rocketed at them )
Shift: S-shape Shift....!! ( Trying to concentrate )
Azure: ( Suddenly shows up ) Hai sorry got distracted by candy! <:3 Nyan thats a big bird. And its headed for my Nappy?! >3 ( Using her Speed Skill Set to get near the shrieker and grabbing its beak with her claws ) You're going THIS way! >83 ( Using leverage and speed to force the Shrieker off its path and into a thick branch of the tree )
Shift: Azure, where have you been?? D:
Myffle: I smell candy. :3
Azure: Sorry hope I didn't miss too much. <:3c
Shift: Honey your timing is perfect. :D Now...lets hit this sucker with something....splodey. >:)
Mayreen: I second that idea! >:3 ( Tossing some C4 on the Shrieker's bum )
Shift: Shape Shift Crash Man! ( Changes to the robot master Crash Man, fires numerous Crash Bombs, latching onto the birds bum )
Saya and Sheath: ( Quickly tying grenades to the monster's feathers ) Count us in. :D
Matt: ( Pulls out his Modded 3DS, summons a rocket launcher ) Everyone clear!
French Narrator: Meanwhile.~
Nappa: ( At the boarding house, has a camera recording Vegeta stacking a sizable card castle ) Aaaaaalmost done, Vegeta.
Vegeta: Shush. Even the smallest noises will undo this priceless piece of work...ever so....carefully...quietly... ( Places the last card ) Finally. Hah, who said I couldn't do something artsie and peaceful!
SFX: Fragaboomff!
Nappa: Did something explode, Vegeta? ( Looks from behind the camera ) Vegetaaaaaa?
Vegeta: ( Under a huge mound of scattered cards ) Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff....Fudge Pops!!! Gah when did we go PG??
French Narrator: Back to ze tree.~
Matt: ( He and the others covered in Shrieker feathers ) Didn't think that would happen....O_o
Mayreen: Ptooey! >3p ( Spitting out some feathers ) Bleh, no idea where that thing's been. >XC
Saya and Sheath: ( Yanking their weapons out of the Shrieker's nest ) There we go. ^-^
Rahbie: ( Using her magic to clean everyone off ) Alright, everyone's safe and uninjured?
Saya: Hmmmm I suppose there is one little, tiny detail I should share with since you allowed Sheath and myself to tag along this far. ^-^
Shift:....What did you do? F3
Sheath: Crazydoor of mad stuff. <:3 Desu me and Saya desu might have left open for things to very many much walk out?
Matt: You loosed a bunch of more of that unholy nonsense into the Alpha Ruins?? >3
Saya: In so many words, yes. ^-^
Mayreen and Azure: Why...? <:3
Saya:...Hmmmm call it curiosity. ^-^
Sheath: Definitely not cursed blood-orb thingy for Ouma. :3 Never that.
Matt: ....Saya...Sheath....come here. |3
Saya: I know that tone and no we will not. ^-^
Matt: Come here. |3 ( Walking toward them )
Sheath: Scary face. <:3
Mayreen: Oh dear. <:3
Rahbie: He's gonna give them an earful. <:3
French Narrator: 15 minutes later.~
Matt: Now you're gonna come with us, and fix this mess. Is that understood? >3
Saya: ( Rubbing her behind ) Ow...Oh dear...Mm yes, understood. ^-^;
Sheath: Owie....<:'3 ( Crying a little ) Okay will help desu.
Shift: Alright, lets bust up this nest and return the trinkets.
French Narrator: Later, back at ze boarding house.
???: I'm not crazy, you're crazy!! D8
Matt: ( Standing at the front porch of the boarding house ) The heck is this? <:3
Myffle: ( Pops up in the front of the scene ) More to come in the next episode! :3 Stuff happens, hilarity will ensue! Stay tuned!
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