#he’s stuck in a hole talking to a very cute animal
I love when there’s a really bending heavy episode because you just KNOW Sokka is about to get the dumbest C plot
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kekaki-cupcakes · 5 months
Heyy! Could I request Jason x Child of Nyx! Reader, i'd figure it'd be a cool thing since you know Zeus and Nyx don't really like each other that and then their children fall in love.
You don't have to do it, if you don't want to and ps. I love all of your works! <3
okay so these have been sitting in my inbox since eons ago, so I decided I was gonna set myself a minimum of 0.4k words because I figured people would rather read a lil bit of their request rather then non of it, but I just churned out 1.2k words of this and I know more then the gods do about nocturnal animals.
enjoy <3
he was raised by wolves - Jason G x child of Nyx reader/animal lover
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Jason dumped his teddy bear jacket on the back of the spinning chair, after he checked there were no hedgehogs eating plum offcuts on it. He’d made that mistake one too many times. There were a lot of miniscule holes in the sleeves of his jacket. 
The medical kit he was looking for was most likely in one of the crates stacked beneath the snake table. The table with the snake tanks on it, obviously. 
Your cabin was dark a lot of the time, when you weren’t there, courtesy of the kingdom of nocturnal animals lurking between books and in pillowcases, so Jason had to turn on a few of the antique lamps you’d found [on the side of the road, of course] so that other people could see.
He got to his knees, wincing at the crack he heard. 
He could also hear a faint hissing. He looked into one of the tanks, and waved at Benjamin. Benjamin was a northern desert night snake. Meaning he looked like if a leopard wearing a choker was turned into a slithery little serpent. Jason was glad you’d passed that pet leopard you used to have onto Pollux and Castor. It got fur all over his clothes.
Benjamin just stuck his tongue out at him, and Jason crawled underneath the desk, looking for the first aid kit every cabin was supposed to have.
There was a pretty high chance you had chucked it out to make room for that little collection of shrinking green frogs you had found in a river by the Hecate cabin, deep in the woods so that when they accidentally cursed bloodlines and the like, no one was in imminent danger. Lou Ellen owed her first born to three different beings, but that was irrelevant. 
He dug past a few boxes of sugar glider pellets, and found the first aid kit. 
Jason sat straight up. A thud echoed through the low lit little cabin, and his head began to pound. He’d hit it on the bottom of the snake table. He sniffed, “I said that once.” 
He heard you trot over as he tried to extract himself, the back of his head throbbing painfully. 
“Babe, we talked about this,” you fussed, and yanked him out into the open with the force of someone who took chocolate out of coyotes mouths on the daily. “You gotta stop banging your head! You’re getting that chronic pain from it that Will told you about!”
Jason grumbled about nothing, and squinted as he looked around. Your face was just a blob. 
“You dropped your glasses babe, hear, lemme… wait, hold this,” you said, dumping your wrapped up hoodie into his arms, the one with the moon cycle phases on the back, and then crawling back underneath the snake table. “I’ve got em!”
He watched you slide them back onto his eyes, your hands actually very gentle compared to the yanking from before. He tried not to grin stupidly. The hoodie in his arms wriggled. Jason looked down, and a small spiky red face looked up at him with big shiny eyes.
“Uh…” he said.
You stood up with a huff, “I knew it, you’ve got a concussion. Now you’re slurring your speech!”
“...No, I just wasn’t expecting a fox,” Jason managed to squeak out, staring at the little animal. It was pretty cute. It reminded him of a wolf, but not the wolves he knew, more of a spindly wolf dipped in ketchup. 
You paused, the first aid kit in your hands. “You weren’t? What did you think I was doing in the forest?” 
“I don’t know,” Jason said, standing back up and moving to the squishy blanketed bed behind the humongous crystal ball and stack of telescopes. There were also a few cat playgrounds to weave around, but he managed to sink into your pile of bat shaped teddies and pillows. “Fighting monsters, near death experiences, something regular?”
You rolled your eyes, and sat cross legged on the bed, reaching for his head with those gentle hands that made him understand how you could pick up the deadliest of spiders and feralist of wolverines without even a scratch. 
Jason wasn’t even nocturnal, but he did sink into your hold. 
Then you let go to crack the unfrozen ice pack and let the chemicals take over until it would make the tips of your fingers freezing. Jason knew to expect your cold hands under his shirt, trying to freeze him out. 
He was sort of used to it, though.  
He looked around your cabin while you savagely whacked the poor icepack against one of the many thick framed mirrors lining your walls. A few bats flapped out of their hiding places in the rafters and settled back down. A baby puma hissed from its place by the umbrella stand that was actually just full of swords. 
From the outside, your cabin looked like a tiny portion of a haunted mansion plonked between the Asteria cabin and the Hestia cabin, which was really just a cozy little room for anyone. Jason pet the soft head of the fox napping in his arms. On the inside, though, it was just old lamps and chew toys and even older mirrors. And a lot of poo bags. And record players. And Jason’s hoodies.
You were already wearing his teddy bear jacket, but he didn’t argue when you pressed the ice pack to his head.
“So, what were you really lookin for in there, babe?” you asked, taking back the fox. You held your hand out, and it disappeared into a shadow. 
On the other side of the room, out of a shadow, you grabbed a ziploc bag of raspberries. You pulled it back and began feeding the little fox, red staining your cold fingertips. 
“You know you can’t beat Beth, right?” you teased, looking up for a moment with those gorgeous eyes that made Jason’s head feel a little floaty. Or maybe it was just the injury. 
You smirked, “I mean, not that it’s totally not hot when you beat the shit out of people or anything.”
Yep. Definitely just the head injury. Totally.
Jason ate a slightly squashed raspberry. “I know, but I wanted to practise. I was gonna find Will. Can’t remember how to wrap my wrists.”
You passed over the fox, who wiggled out of the hoodie and curled around a fruit bat Squishmellow with a yawn, fangs stained with red that may or may not be berries or blood. 
Jason shuffled forwards on the bed, ice pack falling from his white blonde hair. “My turn?”
“I thought you were going to get the shit beaten out of you by Annabeth?” You said with a smirk. You had that shark tooth necklace on. Jason gave you a half hearted evil eye, and you opened your arms.
He flopped into the hug, pushing you both back onto the bed. A Tasmanian devil [how? You were in America!] and a grumpy looking white tailed deer and about seven different types of bush mice stared at you. 
Jason didn’t care. He snuggled into your hug, chin on your chest. Your fingers ran through his hair.  
He was your favorite feral animal. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
How about digital circus x princess! Reader with their very own castle. Elegantly leaning out of their tower singing lullabies for anyone to hear. Ps Keep up the great work 👍
TADC cast x princess!reader
I know I usually stress that I answer stuff chronologically but I misread this as just jax (I'm sleepy!!) So I went to search for a princess reader post i did weeks ago, snagged the link then reread the request and saw it was the whole cast... but I've already committed to the bit by searching for the link sooooooooo
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You and I both know hes goinv to use the fact ypure a princess for IHA... captured princess trope stuff, basically! So have fun with that! Absolutely loves your singing, so so much. Probably joins in with you, complimenting your part..or perhaps he hums.. other princesses have cute fairytale animals accompanying them, and you have..... bubble..... huh....
Really ups the whole... act when talking to you.. bows deeply, waves his arm around in a grand fashion when showing you to a room, ect ect ect
Has probably subconsciously/accidentally said you were pretty outloud. Gets absolutely lost in the sauce when you sing. Like just stands there, hands awkwardly clasped together in front of her as she listens. Probably sways side to side too. Gets very pink when talking to you, her face does the O^O thing... absolutely smitten
Ah my favorite, royal princess x common lady... well, at least aesthetically... whether or not you're royalty in the real world is debatable... anyways, that aside, I think this is probably one of my favorite ship dynamics... I love.. similar to pomni she is very bad at hiding her feelings around you. Tends to stare with a blushing face. Loves making you dresses; assuming you can swap out dresses considering the whole "their clothes are attatched to their bodies" thing
While I doubt your clothing can rip or tear thanks to the properties of the digital world, I think if she could, she would patch up any holes
Honestly I think out of this entire post, kinger is the only one who gets a platonic/found family take on this... just an old king and his princess kid. Again I'm not sure if he truly believes he royalty or if he was trying to appeal to the gloink queen by saying "as a royal myself.." but.. honestly I like the idea that he just likes playing the part. Like he knows hes not royalty but. You know? Let this man embellish himself
Pillow fort? No, pillow TOWER! No... pillow CASTLE! Pillow kingdom!!!
Nothing too hyped specific here he's just your dad here
Oh? Cool. I mean your singing isnt really their cup of tea, they look like they're into alt/indie stuff tbh...maybe rock. Confession I'm terrible at identifying genres so I'm literally speaking out of my ass rn on what type of music zooble would listen to I'd have to list specific artists and songs
But this isnt about that
Depends on what kind of princess you are
If you're independent, resourceful, and badass I think you guys could build some chemistry
If you're like, damsel in distress, ,kind of stuck up, whiny, prissy, ect then it's a hard no
Not many ideas here tbh <\3
Also thinks you're very pretty! Also loves your singing! I think she grew up on disney films, and even if she doesnt remember them it's still a core memory that like. is kind of instinctive atp. So she finds comfort around you, you know? LOVE that trope btw, where a character doesnt remember something but still finds comfort in it while not fully understanding why because as far as they know this is the first time with the thing
Absolutely melts if you compliment her. Sure, she would still melt if you weren't a princess.. but having someone so pretty and graceful saying it hits a certain way for her
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lil-elle · 9 months
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Four - Distraction
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content: just cutesy fluff
word count: 1.1k
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You peeked into the classroom, gripping the door frame as you scanned and counted the people present like some sort of hitman preparing to go through with a kill. You sighed with relief, the tall, black haired, loud basketball player you'd been watching out for nowhere in sight.
“Watcha doing~” a deep, sing-songy voice from behind you startled a squeak out of you and you quickly spun around, standing up straight with your hands stuck to your sides like you'd just been caught red-handed. There he stood, towering over you with that familiar half smirk on his face, forcing you to crane your neck to look him in the eyes.
You stood frozen, feeling scrutinised under his gaze.
“I uh…” You felt weirdly anxious facing him like this, despite the fact you'd started to get along with him after everything that happened.
His dark eyes bore holes into you, making your stomach turn with awkwardness, like you were trying to make small talk with a stranger.
“H-How's the weather up there…?” You ended up saying, kicking yourself mentally after realising what you'd said. His smile grew wider, not a joyful one, but rather a teasing, amused smirk, his gums just barely showing under his lips.
Your ears rang as the school bell screeched through the halls, signalling the beginning of class. He chuckled, strutting past you after laying a hand on your head for a brief moment. It was a gesture that made your ears grow hot, with anger or embarrassment, you couldn't tell.
You made your way to your usual seat at the back of the class, now suddenly conscious of exactly where Seeun sat on the other side of the room. It felt as if your eyes were magnetised to him, never leaving his shiny black head of hair as he occasionally turned to chuckle or whisper to his friends next to him. A few of these friends were ones you recognised, team-mates of his you'd seen when your eyes weren't just glued to him on the court.
A blonde, energetic boy with a cute face, a red-headed boy with a loud and distinct tone of voice, and a tall boy, just like Seeun, although this one had brown hair and was rather quiet in comparison to the other 3, watching with a smile as they bantered.
You rested your chin on your hand, watching them like animals in a zoo, and quickly noticing how each of them were all very pretty in their own right. You wondered how they weren't more popular, you'd never even seen any of them with a girl. A quick thought passed your mind: “do they even have girlfriends?” You found your eyes locked onto Seeun's sculpted side profile, his smooth long nose protruding from his face, his plump lips often pulled into his familiar wide smirk, his sharp jawline running from his chin to his round ears, hair falling perfectly around them as if he was some kind of artwork rather than a person.
“Y/n!” The sudden yell of the teacher at the front of the class startled you out of your thoughts, forcing you to sit up straight as everyone's eyes turned to look at you.
“Pay attention, there will be a quiz at the end of this week.” He spat before letting out an exasperated sigh and continuing with the lesson. Slowly everyone started turning back to the front, but that didn't change how hot your face was for being called out like that. You sighed, melting into your chair and laying your head face down on the desk.
After only a moment, you felt something small and light hit the top of your head, rolling onto the floor next to you. Exhaustedly, you picked your head off the desk and looked over, a small ball of scrunched up paper catching your eye. You snatched it up and unfurled it, quickly scanning over the messy writing in black ballpoint pen that read “Yeah, pay attention loser”.
Without even thinking, your head snapped to Seeun, smirking at you across the room. You glared at him before tearing the paper in half and looking back directly into his eyes. You forced a smile down as he feigned being hurt, putting his hand to his heart and pouting before breaking into chuckle. Although, seeing his smiling eyes and subtly pink cheeks as he laughed at his own joke made your chest feel warm and tingly. 
You couldn't keep yourself from giggling and you shut your eyes for a moment to regain your composure, opening them again only for your heart to skip when your eyes met his. His deep brown eyes squinted slightly at you, his chin resting on his palm and a surprisingly soft smile on his face, completely unlike his usual wide smirk. 
It was as if your head moved on its own, quickly jerking away, your heart and mind overwhelmed by his soft gaze in a way you hadn't felt before. You caught your breath as you stared at the wall next to you, the heat building up on your face making you sweat slightly.
After a few minutes, you finally regained your composure and turned back, only to see the back of his round head once again as he chatted with the blonde boy, who looked particularly excited, sitting in front of him. You sighed, feeling strangely disappointed that he wasn't looking at you anymore, making you feel weird and childish. 
You let your eyes wander for a moment, lost in your thoughts, when you met another pair of eyes looking back at you. It was the tall, brown haired boy that sat behind Seeun. He smiled softly at you, the mole on his cheek scrunching with the smile. He seemed very gentle, almost princely, and you wondered why someone who seemed as quiet as him hung out with the rest of them. He slowly lifted his hand, waving at you in a slightly cute manner, to which you could only respond by waving back awkwardly, taken aback by his sudden friendliness towards you.
You weren't given much time to think on it, however, as the screeching bell suddenly rang once again, followed by the fresh chatter of students tumbling from their classrooms into the hallways. You watched the rowdy group of 3 boys followed by the gentle one shove through the doorway as you hauled your bag onto your back.
The only thing that was strange to you, was how fast that lesson went…and how little you seemed to learn.
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@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @ntoniac
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bliss-wily · 7 months
hcs about zarbon
Oh boy…where do I begin? Under the cut as some of these are likely stupid as all hell. Some make no sense and hell some might contradict each other. But this is my blog so hehe. I do have more but I swear I’m boring. But thank you for the ask anon!
Prefacing this by saying that these are likely more canon/headcanons. I understand there isn’t vast amounts of information out there but these ideas are pulled from a combination of the anime/manga/video games/merch. Now without further ado:
•Zarbon is part of a royal bloodline; most likely a Prince.
•An opportunist to his core. I think he could be very self serving. After all, many times in certain scenarios this man is willing to betray Frieza.
•Believes peace is achieved by ruling through fear - although with working under Cold and Frieza for so long it’s easy to see why he might think that.
•Unless his father was the same. Which I mean, it’s likely. Fair rulers aren’t exactly common.
•Tsundere. Need I say more?
•Until he opens up then he would be very PDA with his partner. Likely talks about them constantly.
•Learned to value beauty since a child - likely scolded by his parent(s) for using his transformation.
•A cat person. I imagine he’s snuck many little kittens from all different planets into his quarters. Small, cute and fluffy!
•I don’t think he’s sadistic - more pragmatic.
•Loves fruit, strawberries in particular. Why? Well, why not?
•As for actual food? Fresh, expensive, maybe into spicy foods too.
•Wine snob.
•Could also see him being a whiskey and rum consumer.
•Skincare is his hobby, I could imagine him being like those influencers who have hundreds of products.
•If Earthling social media were a think, like our platforms? He would be in Insta most I think.
•Dodoria is his closest friend, even if the two seem to detest each other. Zarbon is definitely the one who pretends more though. Dodoria more chill.
•Drama queen! Gossiping and complaining are definitely something to expect.
•Randomly gets stuck in his transformation sometimes, maybe just wakes up like that? He would not be caught dead wandering the halls of the ship like that so he just holes himself up in his quarters until it passes.
•Sleepy or fatigued after transforming for combat. I also imagine the way his bones and muscles shift and rearrange must leave him sore and bruised.
•I imagine he sticks to a schedule, and everything must flow to that. Disruption comes with a tantrum.
•An accidental flirt. Blame Xenoverse 2 for that one.
•Hydrophobic, baths, showers and spas are an exception.
•Cold blooded - loves warmer climates.
•Any free time or days off are spent at spas, nail bars or salons. This man loves self care.
•Highly intelligent.
•I think he knew he was going to die in his last fight against Vegeta. If Vegeta didn’t kill him I think he knew Frieza would. I understand that he asked Vegeta to team up but I think he already knew the answer.
•Scared of Frieza, and I think he might’ve been scared of Vegeta too.
•Introvert, he likes to be alone, he likes silence.
•So very easily jealous.
•Infrequently swears but he will do it if pushed.
•Would 100% join the Ginyu Force. What’s stopping him? The posing. This man is I’ll not drop his classiness for such ridiculousness.
•After every training session or fight/battle - he’s bathing. Germophobe possibly.
•Sensory issues: sounds, feelings, textures, light.
•Whilst very monotonous and serious, I think he’s deeply in touch with his emotions.
•Xenoverse 2: Laying a finger on his student (or rather ‘star subordinate’) is a death sentence.
•Xenoverse 2: Trust issues.
•Xenoverse 2: Scarf collector! Wanted to steal 17’s scarf after all.
•Xenoverse 2: I think he showers his student/subordinate in praise and gifts. Plenty of evidence to suggest this. Although the praise does come off very flirty at times. However, I doubt it’s intentional.
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columbiastapshoes · 1 year
more general headcanons. take them in addition to my other ones.
my last headcanon post got a decent amount of attention so i thought i’d do it again :3 my brain is like. a factory that is constantly producing headcanons from machines it’s how i function
anyways most of these r about magenta because i’ve just been in a very magenta mood recently she’s so silly (i’m going feral why is she so PRETTY)
- brad played with dolls as a kid but his parents took them away when he got “too old” for it to be some cute quirk because a Man has to play with Trucks like a Man anyways he did play with Trucks like a Man but he never forgot how to do their hair so even now he can french braid the shit out of people’s hair, especially magentas hair because the dolls he had also had big poofy hair like hers so he’s used to that. however columbia is typically magentas french braiding person so when she saw her gf getting her hair braided by another man she was like “HOW DARE YOU WE ARE OVER” (as a joke obviously don’t fret)
- magenta can do the splits. idk. i just get that vibe and i’m right about everything soooooo /j
- columbia cannot maintain eye contact and magenta STARES and forgets to blink or look away so every time they talk it’s just
- this is such a specific scenario but if they are shopping and come across a pillow they want to buy they give it the columbia test. what is the columbia test you might ask? they just get columbia to scream all of her pain and trauma into the pillow, and if the sound is muffled enough it is deemed worthy to purchase
- magenta just. brings random animals into the castle. and i’m not talking about “aww she like adopts cats a lot :3” no this bitch has brought in Raccoons from the Backyard and riff raff who is a paranoid ass mf is like “THAT THING HAS RABIES” and magentas like “LISTEN. HER NAME IS BEELZEBUB AND YOU WILL TREAT HER WITH RESPECT”
- why are all of these about magenta help
- speaking of magenta :3 she is a huge wes anderson fan and she and columbia watched isle of dogs together for a lil movie date and columbia sobbed during most of it 👍 she liked it though
-can we all agree that frank just. knows how to vogue. like bro came out of the womb knowing how to do that shit and it stuck with him for the rest of his life
-so i spent a really long time being stumped on how i think columbia would dress. like i have everyone else’s style figured out but i just couldn’t figure out hers for some reason,,,,, until i went down a rabbit hole and discovered cyndi lauper. i mean obviously i had listened to girls just wanna have fun and time after time but i has never actually seen this absolute icon. anyways i discovered her and her style during theater class one day and from then on i knew that columbia dresses like cyndi lauper, columbia listens to cyndi lauper, COLUMBIA IS CYNDI LAUPER
-ok so canonically i dont think this would happen but in my own version of rocky horror that exists in my brain magenta and brad are bffs. like yk those videos u see of “unlikely animal friendships” that is literally just them. it’s like goth gf x Some Guy™️ (x used platonically)
-brad is a die hard swiftie. i won’t elaborate.
-magenta loves loves LOVES abba
-sometimes i forget columbia isn’t canonically a theater kid. cuz like. she just Is a theater kid yk that’s who she is
- she would love grease
i will probably make another one of these posts when my list becomes longer again ‼️‼️
p.s i have. two rocky horror aus. would anyone like me to post about them. because i can. i am so normal about . aus
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bobatelevision · 1 year
i had to put my sweet baby down yesterday...
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on thursday morning he was fine, eating and drinking fine. nothing out of the ordinary. thursday night he seems to have trouble breathing, he had discharge around his eyes, and kept making these pained noises I've never heard him make before. he had no appetite and wasnt drinking water. i bought some critical care to try force feeding him but he wasnt accepting it at all and tried to give him a mix of pedialyte + water to get him fluids and he accepted some but not a lot. i thought he maybe had some upper respiratory infection and maybe needed antibiotics, so i started calling some veterinarians in my area.
it was really late at night too so i called around and had such a hard time finding a vet to treat him bc most of the animal hospitals either:
-serviced guinea pigs
-their exotic vet wasnt in that night
-serviced guinea pigs but was closed
i was scared to even go to sleep that night bc his conditioned looked so bad, i didnt think he would even make it to the morning. but he managed to survive the night, so i called around again and was able to find a vet about 40 min away that could take him. we enter the hospital and they immediately take him in and i was in the waiting room. the doc comes out to talk to me to explain what was happening.
he had a stone in his bladder that was blocking his urethra and he couldn't urinate. bladder stones can be very life threatening bc if an animal cant pee, it can develop an infection (sepsis) and even get a heart attack. when she examined him, everytime she palpated his bladder he would be in pain, so they gave him a pain injection. they lead me into a room to explain what his treatment would consist of, and i was fucking shocked.
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nearly $5k for his surgery and treatment, i couldn't fucking believe it. the worst part is there really was no plan b on his treatment that wasn't euthanasia. i felt so fucking sick, but i had to think on it more. i thought about maybe calling other animal hospitals but i already had a lot of trouble trying to find anyone to treat him at all, and even if there was a miracle situation where i could afford his treatment, it would not guarantee that he wouldnt fall ill again. on top of the fact that guinea pigs are really fragile creatures and dont have very long life spans. the procedure is incredibly invasive and could put so much stress on his little body. i didnt want him to be in more pain than he really was.
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so i made the tough decision on putting him down, because i didn't want him to suffer any longer. i'm so heartbroken bc although i knew we would part ways one day, i didnt imagine it would be so soon. we spent past 3 years together, i adopted him mid pandemic bc being stuck in a different country from the rest of my family is incredibly isolating. i gave him so much love and spoiled him so much. he ate veggies & hay to his hearts content, would start cui-cuing at the sound of a bag being opened, he got to sleep in the largest and comfiest pet beds. he used to sleep on my nap while i gamed or watched shows. he was very skittish with people, except for me bc he knew i would give him the world. i'm feeling so defeated rn. i stayed with him til the very last moment, he was very sedated but soo cuddly in the last hour. the only thing to bring me peace of mind is knowing he was relaxed and in no pain in his final moments.
he doesn't know the amount of people that love him around the world, even as far as Australia. he had an impact on many people. all my irls and my online friends absolutely adored him. even my mom, who is deathly afraid of rodents, thought he was so cute and precious bc of how fluffy he is. his departure left a huge hole in my heart. when i got back home, i bursted into tears looking at his empty enclosure. im so used to him jumping around and getting quirked up when he hears me enter my room. i just cant believe i'll never get to see him, or hold him, or even feed him again.
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Rest in Peace, my beloved Taro.
I love you so dearly, you may very little but you had a very huge heart.. and appetite. You will always be missed and I hope you are enjoying large quantities of lettuce in cui cui heaven.
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Hello!! I would like an outsider ship please
I'm 5'5 with curly brown hair that I dye purple and Greenland it goes to just below my shoulders. My eye color is green and i wear glasses. My style tends to lean goth but on more casual days I look like a metalhead or a nerd. I listens to gothic rock, various metal genres, classical music, punk, ska and 60-80s rock. I love reading; I typically read horror, sci-fi and some classical books(currently read les miserables) but really down to read anything that sound interesting to me. I love horror movies, especially older horror movies, and I am a huge slasher movie fan. I also love star wars! I watch some anime and play DnD. I am a recovering theater kid(jk I'm not recover) and I love musicals. I have a RBF and I am fat. I'm fem presenting but my gender is a mystery and pronouns are whatever. I'm pansexual, so girl and/or boy ships are very welcome. I am learning how to play the guitar and skate board(I'm shit at both tho). I am a very needy/clingy person, not in a "i need affection constantly" way but more in a "im now stuck to your hip until you tell me to leave" and I love giving gifts to those I love. Sorry for this being pretty long.
Ps. Love your writing
(Why thank you pookie and bc of the compliment u got both a girl and a guy also you sound like so cool let’s be friends)
Your Outsiders Ship (s): Angela Shepard and Ponyboy Curtis!
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would be extremely attracted to you from your purple and green hair that just stands out from everyone else in the crowd and alternative style. I’m not sure if you wanted me to mention this or not, but he would not give two shits that you’re fat. Pomyboy is a firm believer in #bigthighssavelives (like me) and if anyone has anything to say about you, he would for sure punch them in the face, even though he’s not a generally violent guy. I just think he really loves the way you look and you really stand out in a crowd and got his attention immediately. He saw you walk by him. His mouth was open for a full minute. It dropped so low They had to dig a hole in the concrete to make room for it. I think he also just really loves your alternative style in general. As for music, he would love listening to any type of music you introduced him to. I think he’s pretty into alternative kind of sad or stuff and would love it if you introduced him and you guys would have the best dates of just listening to music and sitting down with a good book and then afterwards at some point discussing it with each other and coming up with theories and just talking about the characters, the books surrounds and things like that. as for your nerdy hobbies, I think he would love it. I think he would absolutely be into dungeons and dragons would create the most complex, insane characters that aren’t even really that good at fighting but you know they just build the story a lot I feel like that’s the type of character he would create in DND. For movies, I think he would be a bit scared by horror movies so be prepared to have him end up in your lap, clinging onto you or something because I don’t know. I just feel like he would be terrified of them lmaoo He doesn’t mind you’re needing us and clinginess, and I honestly think it kind of goes perfectly with him because he loves that you still respect his boundaries but give him the love and affection that he feels like he lacks sometimes anyway I totally ship 💚💚
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Explanation: OK I really ship you guys like so hard but starting off with appearances, I think that she would absolutely adore you. I think she would be a bit taller than you and find that absolutely adorable. I think that she really loves your hair and even wants to dye hers to sort of match yours a little bit she really loves your style and asks for fashion advice, like 24 seven so you better be prepared for that. She also thinks your glasses are incredibly cute and is constantly commenting on them and just loves the way that they make your eyes look. As for you being fat, she doesn’t really care at all if anything it just makes you guys have more subjects to bond over because she’s also used to being judged for the way that she looks maybe not in the same way as you, but she’s been treated pretty crappy by a lot of guys her entire life because of her both her family and, the fact that she stereotyped as a slut. People think that because she’s part of some big scary, greaser family that she can handle any kind of emotional damage and she’ll easily sleep with you which really isn’t true and she’s way more of a person than that and she really wishes people would see beyond that. She thinks it’s bad ass that you play guitar and I think she would ask if you would give her skating lessons and she absolutely sucks at it but you know it’s the thought that matters and I think that would become a little date for you. You guys that you frequently have like you’d have a scheduled day where you guys go to skate park and just have an absolute blast. I would love to introduce her because she has a generally limited range and generally is popular so whenever you introduced her many different genres, she’s mind blown and finally starts to get a little bit of diversity. as I think she’s used to being clingy and ignoring her like I said I just think guys have treated her really shitty in relationship so you would be just such a breath of fresh air and I think that she would absolutely love you and really appreciate, again, like Ponyboy that she feels wanted, but you’ll still respect her boundaries if she ever doesn’t feel like it.I SHIP THIS SO HARD BRO 💚
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celiaelise · 2 years
I got caught up on the Shadows House manga! (spoilers!!! don't read this if you haven't read it :p)
(well, almost. The latest chapter hasn't yet been posted on the app I have that gives me manga in English, so I haven't read 158.)
I have SO many thoughts!! First of all, it did throw me off how the anime stuck so closely to the manga except for, like, adding an ENTIRELY NEW PLOT ARC which completely disrupted the timelines of when certain things were revealed to the characters. Like, if I remember correctly, the main characters in the manga still haven't ever infiltrated Grandfather's house, Kate only used a Veiled Doll disguise when they were in the Star Bearers' tower to avoid Suzanna, and they have no information about Edward's soot powers. So that's weird. And the Edward of the manga seems much more subtle than to do something as brash as kidnap Emilico.
I guess they wanted a very dramatic ending for the first season? But it seems probably unnecessary to me. Like, I didn't hate that part of the show, but I don't think I would've liked the show less without it. Plus, it removes a lot of the mystery and raises plot hole-type of questions about who knows what and who's, like, in the house. (and also how John got back? I think he said he held onto Edward's bird, but then where was he when Edward got there???) I think it probably would've been dramatic enough to end with the fallout of the debut, and the brainwashing/human reveal.
I am now going to share a bunch of my thoughts on various parts of the story, in no particular order. Sorry about the super long post, I know probably more people would read this if it was broken up, but I didn't want to flood the tag or my own blog.
Maryrose and Rosemary omg!!! 😭🥺😭🥺😭 I love them so much! I think their story was pretty much exactly the same as the show. I did notice, I think just because it was my second time around, that Rosemary doesn't talk, like, at all in the big showdown, or afterward when she's detained, except for when she reveals herself and then hugs Shaun and Emilico. Maryrose does all the talking, and it's kind of set up as just a fight between her and Kate and John, and then, later, Edward. Which I guess makes sense, given the circumstances of their relationship, and especially how they're used to interacting with others, or maybe that's just their personalities. But it would have been sweet to see them behave more like equal partners. I guess I may be projecting Kate and Emilico onto them a bit 😅 They are still great though, of course.
ANYWAY, I have a THEORY!! Or maybe more of a wish? I think it would be really cute if Rosemary and Maryrose ran away to join the circus! 🎪 They already have a lot of parallels to Kate and Emilico, so it kinda makes sense!! Especially considering that Maryrose can't disguise her shadow form, so it will be hard for them to integrate into normal society. (like Kate...) We already know they love to perform, they can do supernatural tricks with soot powers, and "the beauty and her shadow" would be an easy gimmick, as well as an interesting inversion of their relationship at Shadows House. Hopefully they can find one with a nicer ringmaster than Emilico's, but they're also much more prepared to throw down with a grown man than she was.
It was SO satisfying to me when the Patrick and Louise pairs finally got filled in on everything!!! Frankly I did not understand why nobody told poor Patrick about the soot powers right after the debut; it's not like Kate cares about respecting authority. And then even Rum came back 💜 I love when they all get to be a happy little family together 🥰🥰
In general I appreciate how many things seem to go well in this story, especially because it's usually because the characters have decided to work together and trust each other. Even though the fate of their uprising is far from sealed, it's still already had a lot of success, like them befriending the Star Bearers and eliminating the coffee. I feel like in a lot of other stories everything would have to fall apart so much more for the main characters before they got anywhere close to their goals. Which, like, of course there's nothing wrong with that, I just prefer a bit less hopelessness in my stories. Like, the Star Bearer election was such a huge victory!! And they just got to have that! (obviously there will be fallout, but they still got it, y'know?)
The criticism of capitalism really is, like, glaring. I feel like it's most obvious for me in the chapter where Emilico considers that she may have been less miserable if she kept drinking the coffee, but then Kate tries to help clean, and shares her table with her, and cheers her up. It's a tiny piece of the overall story, but it's such a sweet little reminder of, "this system exists to control us by breaking us down, and it will absolutely succeed if we are not there for each other. Relationships, empathizing with one another's struggles, and providing hope and help where it is needed are essential for progress." As someone who has dealt with burnout, that was really...yeah...🥺
I am so curious about where the story is going with Lou and Louise!!! Even before the recent invitation, I kept thinking, "we really don't know that much about them..." Louise's obsession with Lou's beauty is clearly unhealthy, and I assume it's inhibiting her own sense of identity. She's not the most thoughtful, and of the main team, seems to understand the least why what Shadows House is doing is wrong. I'm not even convinced she ever stopped brainwashing Lou, though I don't think she'd realize that's what she was doing. Especially because, in the manga, her powers weren't a huge discovery for her, she was just like, "oh yeah, that's something that I do". And when all the human kids are remembering their home and the selection together, Lou struggles to have an emotional reaction the way everyone else does. That reminded me of when Kate first broke Emilico's brainwashing after the debut, and she was confused at not being able to associate sadness with the memory of Rum and Shirley's loss. However, I do think Louise is firm enough in her connection to the group and their ideals that she won't be comfortable going along with unification. Even if she doesn't feel Edward is giving her a choice, she won't be like, "oh okay this is fine".
I have NO idea where they're going with Sarah and Mia. Someone in the tag pointed out that it looks like Sarah is crossing to the other wing along with Louise, and idk what to do with that!! Honestly, I have been a little confused by their characterization in general, because the first things we learn about them are the Sarah is mean and cruel, while Mia is helpful and kind, only for that to... not quite seem to be the case. Everyone seems to think Sarah is well-meaning but immature, and Mia begins to be the driving force behind Emilico's antagonization. I mean, it does seem like nobody would be aware of Sarah's abuse, and I can see that Mia's attitude toward Emilico would change once she is perceived to be a threat. But the abuse in particular seemed to sort of be swept under the rug? Like, they introduced it and then never mentioned it again, until Mia herself initiated it, which may not be odd if Sarah hadn't become a much more central character. (idk, I'm probably overthinking it!) Anyway, some people were saying they don't think Mia's going to make it, but idk...if either of them dies, it would be the closest-to-the-main-characters character to have a confirmed death yet. And if Mia, specifically, were to die, we'd have a faceless shadow, which we've never had to deal with before, because the Belles were able to share their...Belle. (speaking of whom, is Emi the only one who cares that she LOST HER TWIN SISTER??) Would Sarah be doomed to the death Rum described, or would our group have to rescue and hide her, somehow?
Speaking of all the Belles, again, I really feel like Barbara ought to apologize to them, specifically. She tried pretty hard to kill all of them, and succeeded with one out of four. Because if Belle hadn't made it, they'd have gotten rid of Isabelle and Mirabelle, right? I know Barbara has enough angst happening right now already, but, like, are we gonna talk about that??
Oh yeah, ANTHONY. What a little freak. His backstory puts him in one of the most sympathetic positions in the whole story, but after only a few short appearances, every reader is creeped out by him!! Truly an accomplishment. I mean, we can assume he was emotionally broken by the loss of Christopher, but still. Be cool, dude. One very interesting mystery surrounding him is that of Christopher's soot powers!!! I assume he has some of his soot in the vial, (a bit macabre, to think of him gathering it from a corpse) and is using it to do mind control of some sort?
(I do feel very bad for Barbara btw. Especially after she made such progress by opening up to everyone! I don't mean to gloss over that, I just don't have much to say about it.)
Okay, okay. KATE. 🎀🌹 Dearest, darlingest, mysterious girl. I was so happy when we finally learned the truth about her doll!!! Emilico meeting her (and everyone else tbh) in the village before they went to the House seemed kind of jarringly coincidental, but once I was able to suspend my disbelief in serendipity, it was really sweet!!! 😊🥰 And her having a different history then the other shadows makes her so much more interesting! (Though it does make Maryrose seem like more of an anomaly...) It's kind of funny that so many characters have a second, secreter backstory behind their secret backstory. Has anyone else considered that Kate may already actually be the equivalent to an "adult" shadow, the perfect union of a morph and a human?? I was going to say that she's the death-free version of what Gramps is trying to do, but then I remembered her mother died, so that's a lie. Possessing and killing pregnant women is actually not more ethical than whatever is currently going on.
Romance! As a lesbian who finds most "teen romance" stories grating, I kind of like what Shadows House has done so far, with the characters having various crushes and largely not acting on them, and that taking a backseat to both the main plotlines and their friendships. The crushes are more a vehicle for the characters learning about themselves than for drama. Probably eventually people will start getting together and that will change and I'll get annoyed, but 🤷🏻‍♀️. The only ones who are like "uwu we're made for each other 😚💕" are the ones who literally WERE. I like the head canon that Kate is a lesbian, and I don't really ship anything except the Roses, of course, and kinda Kate and Emilico. But that's, like...the whole story is about their love for each other, regardless of the form it takes? Not to be like, "they don't need to be gay because their friendship is just as strong", but it is. (I do think they're gay, though) I think I picture them ending up together, but, maybe, like, in a few years?? They are still learning that they are even people. (no hate if you do ship more, though. That's just me.) And I like imagining the main squad as found family besties. Like, "I used to be in love with you when we barely knew each other, then we got close, did a revolution together, and now both we and the shape of that love have changed so much, but we're all still here," type of friends.
Speaking of years, I wonder if the story's timeline will be clarified? rn it's, like, super ambiguous, and I think that might be intentional, but I wonder if we'll get answers.
Oh, okay! I think this'll be the last topic, and it's a totally superficial one. Kate's new digs!!!! ♥️ The scene where everyone came to say hi was so cute, I loved that. Do you think she'll have it redecorated to fit her color scheme more? Also, does this mean Emilico gets a nicer room, too??? And will this make it harder or easier to meet up with the others? Farther away, well, except for Patrick, now, but possibly more space and more freedom? And does Rum always patrol the tower? Cause then they'd get to see her all the time! In general I'm excited for what new things Kate will have access to as a star bearer, but that also means that if the adults find out about the coffee, she'll be blamed for sure.
All right, that's finally it! Thank you for reading, if you read all of this, I love you so much!!! Please tell me what you think about any of my theories or thoughts or whatnot. 💕
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ecargmura · 1 year
Pokemon Horizons Episode 5 Review: Yay For Continuity!
I really like how this anime is more story-oriented rather than formulaic and episodic like how the previous anime was. It makes it different and not a rehash of the same thing. I love that there’s continuity.
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With this episode, the Rising Volt Tacklers have yet to fix their ship, so they’re still stuck on Roy’s home island. Roy, unable to forget Fuecoco, sneaks onto the ship in order to reunite with him and to see Liko again. While he knows it was wrong to sneak onto the ship, Friede lets it go. Roy realizes that the group has issues with their gas blimp having holes, so he proposes to let the forest Pokemon help as there are no legal Pokemon Trainers on the islands.
The first thing I want to talk about is the world building of the island. There are no trainers, but the wild Pokemon are very friendly towards people, even acting as companions towards them. I really like that. It shows that even if people aren’t trainers, they can still be in a mutual companionship with Pokemon. It’s a beautiful thing to see, honestly. It gives more lore to the Pokemon world and it also reminds me of Legends Arceus in a way.
The second thing I want to talk about is Roy and Fuecoco’s relationship. It’s really cute. The fact that Roy can’t forget about it and the feeling is also mutual on Fuecoco’s side. We’ve seen Fuecoco be a glutton and a ditz, but when it bonded with Roy last episode, it seemed to have cherished the connection to the point that it started looking for him throughout the episode. It makes sense. Roy was the only one who complimented its singing, after all. The fact that Roy was the one who encouraged Fuecoco to keep trying to use Ember by singing to its humming tempo was cool! It’s proof that Fuecoco will become a Skeldirge as the Pokemon itself is associated with singing.
The third thing I want to talk about is the Explorers reaching the island. The Explorers have shown how much more menacing they are compared to Team Rocket. They’re not the comic relief villains. They’re actual threats. They will legit ambush the other members of the  team and will battle them. Heck, even Liko gets in on the action. Though, that is one thing that bothers me. Liko is still inexperienced as a Trainer, yet she defeated a Golduck offscreen, which should be her first win, but it’s glossed over. I know that the game mechanics are insignificant when it comes to the anime, a medium that allows more creative freedom, but come on, a Golduck losing to a Lv 5 Sprigatito?
Rarely in Pokemon animes that an episode ends with a cliffhanger. This episode ends with one. It did surprise me when it ended there. It also seems as if the next episode is a continuation, which is something I enjoy a lot in anime writing. I’m just excited to see what will happen next!
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Santa Paws: Lou’s Revenge
Part of my Christmas series from last winter.  Posted on Ao3 here.
Series: 911: Lone Star
Ship; Tarlos
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand
As much as he loved him, TK being excited made Carlos nervous.
That wasn’t fair. He loved when TK was excited about their apartment, or game night, or the meal Carlos had made for them, or when one of them surprised the other at work. He adored TK’s excitement about his recent push to make detective, or wedding planning with Carlos’s mom. There were a million versions of TK’s enthusiasm that made Carlos feel just as enthusiastic, that gave him another reason to look forward to their lives together.
When he wasn’t sure what was making TK excited, though? That was usually a bad sign. Especially when it came to potential pets.
At first he hadn’t had much reason to be worried. The fish tank had gone back into the garage and had stayed there since Lou was returned to the wild where the creepy, scaly thing belonged. And any of the sly grins and vague but self-satisfied comments that his very unsubtle fiancé made could be chalked up to the upcoming holidays and him being confident in whatever gift he’d gotten Carlos.
But then on the second week of December, Carlos had borrowed TK’s phone to order pizza for game night, and his web browser had been pulled up to an animal shelter. And Carlos had told himself that he was just looking at cute animal pictures. Nothing to worry about.
A few days later, TK came home from work with a few scratches on his arms and the same wide, boyish grin on his face as when he’d held up a plastic container full of lizard. When Carlos asked him what had happened, he said, “Nothing, got stuck in a bush,” in a very unconvincing attempt at nonchalance, not losing one ounce of that big, terrifying smile.
The final evidence had come when he’d swung by the 126 for lunch the Tuesday before Christmas and the conversation had come to an abrupt halt as soon as Paul had caught sight of him walking in. He could have sworn he heard the words ‘fuzzy’ and ‘cute.’ Which at least suggested something warm blooded, but that still didn’t mean a normal pet.
Christmas Eve saw him lying in their bed, wide awake and filled with anxiety. Not only was this their first blended family holiday with Owen and his parents, but he had to figure out how to gently turn down whatever terrifying new animal TK was planning on surprising him with. Probably in front of his mother, who would be disappointed in him if he made TK sad. And he didn’t even want to make TK sad in the first place, but he couldn’t have another wild animal running around his home. Not when every time something brushed his leg or his neck he jumped up thinking it was Lou.
But the next day, no pet appeared. He was a little droopy and tired all day, but in spite of his muted holiday cheer and refereeing abilities, the first in-laws Christmas went off without a hitch. Food was eaten and gifts were exchanged, including a set of pans he’d had his eye on and deep green hoodie with DETECTIVE and a magnifying glass emblazoned on the back from TK. They bundled up and headed home before dark, so TK could light the menorah and sing the blessings after the sun went down.
By the time they’d put the candles out and snuggled on the couch to watch It’s a Wonderful Life, Carlos was finally feeling relaxed. He’d read too much into things. The hoodie was probably what had gotten TK so smug, and what the 126 had been talking about that made them shut up so fast. And maybe TK had actually fallen in some bushes and didn’t want to tell whatever story went along with it.
Just as he was ready to let the whole thing go, he heard a knock on the front door.
TK sprung up from coach in the blink of the eye. “I got it!”
Carlos barely had time to sit up and turn his head before their door was open and Owen walked in, holding a box.
A box with holes in it. With something moving inside.
“Hey, dad. Bring it in here.” TK led his father into the apartment, practically bouncing with each step.
“What’s going on?” Carlos asked apprehensively, hoping he was about to be proved wrong again, no matter how conclusive the evidence.
“Dropping off one last Christmas surprise. And wishing you luck,” Owen said as he put the box down.
“Me or him?”
“Whichever. Merry Christmas,” he said to Carlos, and with a clap to TK’s back, he exited the apartment as quickly as he came.
TK was almost vibrating, although there seemed to be some nerves involved now. “Okay, babe, I know that my last attempt at a pet didn’t go over great. So I wanted to make it up to you.”
Crap. “TK, I don’t know …”
Then the box meowed.
He blinked, trying to understand. “Wait, is that a cat?”
“I should have pulled it out sooner, huh?” TK opened the flaps of the box and pulled out a kitten, maybe four or five months from the looks of it, mostly white but with lots of black and orange fur, too. It had a blue collar on its neck and bright green eyes.
“But that’s a normal pet,” Carlos breathed, not quite believing it. Because after the Lou incident, the one thing that had never occurred to him was that TK could get something as basic as a cat.
“Yeah, like I said, trying to make up for the Lou thing.” TK cuddled the kitten to his chest as it looked around the room curiously. “I was trying to figure out what to get, and then we came across him and his brother on a call. So I asked Dad to take him to the vet and bring him home so he could be a surprise. You wanna hold him?”
Carlos started to reach out, then pulled back, remembering something. “Wait, so is this what scratched you?”
“Oh, no, that was his brother. Mateo and Dad have him.”
“Okay.” He took the kitten in his hands, which immediately started purring and trying to climb up his sweater. “He’s very cute,” he admitted, petting his little head with one finger and picking it up with the other hand and putting it safely in his lap. “Thank you.”
“A pet you can pet,” TK said proudly, looking relieved. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He leaned over and gave Carlos a soft kiss, trying not to disturb their new little addition.
As the kitten tried to climb its way up Carlos again, he felt something jingle against him and realized the collar had a name tag on it. Plucking the kitten from his sweater, he held him aloft and read the tag. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Ok, I know what you’re gonna say …”
Carlos fixed his fiancé with a flat glare. “We’re not calling our cat Lou Two, TK.”
He wasn’t entirely wrong. They ended up calling him LT most of the time, although he did respond to Lou Two and Louis and “Hey, not on the furniture!”
And he was wrong about TK’s unexpected, unexplained excitement. This time, anyway.
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aeoki · 2 years
Capriccio of a Tiger or Something - Chapter 6
Location: Outside ES Characters: Adonis, Arashi, Leo & Natsume
TL Note:
Silver Vine is a plant very similar (but apparently more potent) to catnip and is commonly used in Japan and China.
< After some time. >
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Adonis: I’ve bought a few cat toys as you suggested but are these the right ones?
Natsume: Thank yOU, they’re perfeCT. Fufu, that’s quite a cute plushIE.
Adonis: I thought it was just any other plushie but it’s written here that it has silver vine[*] inside it.
Natsume: It’s a toy that’s not only cute in appearance but highly effective for attracting cats as weLL. My cat at home also loves this tOY.
Adonis: …I see. So using this toy to lure Nagumo out is your plan.
It’s a surprisingly simple plan.
Natsume: I’d prefer if you called it a head-on attack insteAD ♪
Alright, let’s set up the toy and wait for Tora no Ko-kun to appeAR.
When the target has appeared and taken an interest in the tOY, I’ll pull on the string tied to it and lead the target to a hidden arEA.
Once Tora no Ko-kun has been attracted by the toy, can I leave it to you to catch hIM?
Adonis: Yes. I will do my best to return Nagumo to normal.
Natsume: I knew I could count on yOU. I also hope I can undo the hypnosis on him as quickly as possibLE.
Now, it’s time to start our plAN…♪
< Sometime after setting up the toy. >
Adonis: *Whispers* …I just heard something from the bushes over there.
Natsume: *Whispers* It seems to be moving slightLY. I can’t see him just yet thouGH… Maybe he’s wary of uS.
Adonis: *Whispers* There is a possibility it could be a passing stray cat instead of Nagumo. We should watch the situation carefully.
Natsume: *Whispers* You’re rigHT… I’ll move the toy a little bIT. It’ll be great if it could get his attentiON.
Adonis: *Whispers* What’s wrong?
Natsume: *Whispers* I’m pulling on the toy but it’s not moviNG. Maybe it’s gotten stuck in a small hole or somethiNG…
Adonis: *Whispers* I think the presence in the bush over there is getting stronger. What should we do?
Natsume: *Whispers* I have no choice but to pull hard on the striNG… I’ll step forward a little tOO.
*Whispers* If the target jumps out at me, I might need you as back-uP. Can you do thAT?
Adonis: *Whispers* …I’ll think of something. Please give me a signal.
Natsume: *Whispers* OK. Then let’s gO.
(...Hm? I gave it a bit of a tug but it doesn’t seem to be budgiNG.)
(If it won’t budge even after all that movement, then that means I have no choice but to pull on it strongly at this angLE…)
(...! Oh nO, I pulled too hard and it sent the toy flyiNG…!)
???: Ah, wait! You’re not getting away!
Natsume: Woah!?
Adonis: …Are you all right, Sakasaki?
Natsume: Y-YeaH. If you didn’t catch me in time, I would have ended up falling on my baCK. Thank yOU.
So what happened to the tOY…?
Leo: Toy? Are you talking about this plushie?
Natsume: WaiT, why are you heRE, Tsukinaga-senpai?
Leo: Well, ‘cause I finished asking around so I came back? You guys weren’t in the same spot as before so I had to look for you guys~
Natsume: …Let me reword my questiON. Why are you holding on to that tOY?
Leo: I found this toy near the bushes while I was looking for you guys.
I thought it was weird ‘cause it was twitching and I couldn’t stop myself after staring at it for a bit.
And I jumped out to catch it when it was in the air out of reflex, wahaha…☆
Natsume: …Are you an animAL, Sir Knight?
Leo: ? Aren’t humans animals too?
Adonis: Tsukinaga-senpai, you have good reflexes. That was quite a jump.
Leo: Heheh, I know, right~? I feel like I could’ve done better if it weren’t so cold though. My jumping speed felt a lot faster than usual!
Maybe my persistence for the toy gave me a power-up?
Natsume: If you really care for the tOY, then stop squeezing and pulling it. You should treat it with caRE.
I’m confiscating the tOY. It’ll break if it continues to be in your hanDS.
Adonis: …But if Nagumo didn’t appear, does that mean the plan failed?
Leo: The plan?
Adonis: Yeah. We were trying to use this toy that cats like to lure Nagumo out.
Natsume: The one caught in the trap was Tsukinaga-senpai instead, thouGH…
Leo: Ahh~ Tigers belong to the cat family, after all. I was just talking to Keito about that–
Adonis: ……? Sakasaki’s phone is ringing again.
Natsume: HmM, it’s from Kaminari-san. Maybe something happened at the doRM. –HellO?
Arashi: “How are you faring, Natsume-chan? I’m reporting after standing by and interviewing witnesses on their way home.“
“I talked to Mao-chan just now and he said he saw Tetora near the school.”
“Souma-chan went to search around the school area, but it seems he didn’t manage to find him there.”
“Maybe Tetora-kun’s moving to different places and we’re just missing each other. I’m a little worried…”
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myastrouniverse · 1 month
August/2024🌖♒️ Sturgeon’s are dinosaurs. The Sturgeon Moon tells us, if you go with the flow, you’ll last longer.
♀️▪️ ♃︎ Remember Vanilla Ice? WTF was that? Bowie should have been able to sue him for using his beat, but no matter. I am sure Bowie has reserved a special dungeon in Mel’s hole for that little bastard. Did you ever see that Vanilla Ice movie, where he steals this college girl from her boring frat boyfriend? That was such a dumb movie. “Drop the zero and get with the hero.” When Vanilla Ice said that, I was thinking I liked the zero, and the hero can go to Mel’s hole.
🌝🔺 ♂️I AM on guard, because I have to guard myself. How can I let my guard down? Without me, I’m nothing.
♀️ ☍ ♄︎ You sometimes are what you are Not. Not by doing, but by being able and unable. Bowie says the TRUTH hurts like hell, because letting go of your EGO, in order for growth, can be a transformation and some FEAR change. We ALL have a responsibility to challenge are own beliefs, especially when those beliefs directly harm the lives of others. I don’t think Bowie wanted to be our Satan, but he is the Satan we deserve, if you are an innocent stuck in a hole.
🌝 < ☊ I sometimes get a message from my flashlight app. I wonder if it’s from friend or foe or someone who is just fucking with me.
🌝 ☸︎ 🚑 My father is very angry because he has bio parasites eating his face, and the doctors have him on steroids. He keeps planning my demise, but I know he is being pupeteered by a psychopath.
🌝▪️🎸 I’m hoping someone has a plan to save me because I can’t keep my guard up much longer. I need to rest, somewhere less stressful, before it becomes too late.
🌝 ☍ ☿︎ Why can’t anyone talk about what really matters?
🌞▪️ ♅︎ We have a responsibility to help the next generation have a BETTER FUTURE, before our present becomes the past and the past becomes Mel’s Hole.
🌝 ☍🌞 A cute Beaver was gathering sticks by my tent. Then I heard him cry and run away. In the distance I heard a black bobcat growl. This morning I saw the gnawed on branch the beaver left. Next to the branch was a hammer lying on the ground. It wasn’t there before, but I remember recently seeing it in the garage. My guess is that my father may have gone outside last night to bash my brains out, but was startled by the animals, whom act more human than him. It’s just a guess, but he was talking about how much he hates me, for no reason, all day.
🌝 ☍ 🦺 I’m waiting for Mascis, not Godot, or are they the same archtype, different mask?
♃︎▪️ ♄︎ If we ALL want the same things, why can’t we ALL have it ALL, by SHARING our RESOURCES? Is that communism or JUST common sense?
David Bowie - Underground
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Palomitz aka Paloma Salgado Díaz (Chilean, based Concepción, Chile) - Noctámbulos, Painting
If you want to misuse the archtype of Satan, Satan is going to use YOU. Again, those fucking up, are going to get fucked, one way or another.
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humanoidtyphoons · 2 months
trimax vol 3:
-okay but wolfwood is kind of living in a horror story as he discovers that vash isn't human tbh???? like these hints that give vash away, and wolfwood is trying so hard to make sense of it, and how to feel about it, and yet he will trust vash when it comes down to it. like ooh it's so cool to see him be kind of creeped out by these realizations, bc the moon getting a hole in it was weird, but there's... kind of--he didn't know for sure what happened? and i'm just. so intrigued bc i don't remember this subplot but oh, i'm into it, and how he's trying to gauge it by talking to people who do know vash, and the fact he doesn't age.
-mmkay but how vash defeats leonoff? knowing him as emilio and making him remember what he forced himself to forget? brutal! brutal!!!
-love that brad plays a part in this!!!
-oh i kind of really like that it takes the entire of vol 2-3, for vash to acknowledge that he's too uncompromising with his beliefs, and that there is merit to killing, if it means more people will be saved. like. dgmw, i really do like 98 vash being unyielding tbh, like i 100% believe he forgave wolfwood for killing zazie, but i also like that he stuck true to his beliefs, and it took him a while to get over killing legato tbh? but i like him being more flexible in trimax too. i can't quite recall how tristamp vash reconcilles with wolfwood tbh.
-ninelives is uh. wow. weird in the manga!!! i get why the anime went for he's actually a robot, but i also really like this eldritch thing he is in trimax tbh!!!
-very cute that meryl and milly crash/flatten ninelives. it doesn't take, but it's nice that it happens!
-anytime wolfwood thinks of the orphanage my heart is going to hurt. you'd think i'd accept that by now, but the hits never stop coming tbh.
-legato noticing wolfwood’s change of heart… hmm…
-luida looks very different in trimax to tristamp i think???? i really do need to rewatch, and i will, bc i want to compare, bc i can't properly recall.
-also luida mentioning that vash could theoretically heal his scars but chooses not too. hmm.
i really was going to take this slow and maybe read a volume a day, but... i don't think i'm going to be able to do that. i just want to devour more and more tbh.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 2 years
->Pins’ Character Connections Part 1
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// To start with my Ted Talk- The main spotlight is Riddle Rosehearts from TWST(which is where I’m stuck in the hole atm-) I love him so much and I kin a portion of him smh-
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//In the first stage, I connect Riddle with two other characters at first(who also have a similar grumpy energy djjdjdjdjej). Scaramouche from Genshin Impact, an open-world RPG game(left) and Edgar Valden from Identity V, a multiplayer horror game(right)-
//But unlike Scaramouche, Edgar and Riddle always wanted to make their mothers proud and do everything in their power to impress them. Edgar has a soft spot for his little sister, Maple. While Riddle has two beloved childhood friends, Trey and Chenya.
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// Second stage is Eugene from Dangerous Fellow, an otome game(left). Who also has a grumpy personality, but like Riddle, he can have a soft spot for you if you’re a very tolerable person once getting to know you-
//I technically connected Riddle with Oliver Knight the Mad Hatter from Ikemen Revolution, another dating simulator game-(right) one reason is that the character is from an Alice in Wonderland themed game and the second is that he is grumpy- but can have a soft spot for you after a BIG WHILE of getting to know you. Biggest tsunderes, but I think Oliver as a big upper hand against Eugene haha-
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//Third stage, this is my fav part for some reason- Kanon from Shiro to Kuro no Alice, another Otome Game(left). Like Oliver, he is a hatter in the game, and it turns out he shares the same voice actor as Riddle (CV:Hanae Natsuki, Redhead supremacy go brrr-)
//Ciel Phantonhive from Black Butler, an anime/manga(right), he shares the same illustrator as Riddle (Yana Toboso). The artist created the Black Butler manga and is in charge of the original plan, main script, and character design of every character in Twisted Wonderland game.
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//Last but not least, Strawberry Crepe Cookie! From Cookie Run, a cute game. There are two game apps with the same cookie characters, a kingdom building version and the cookie running version. Aren’t they adorable? 🥺 They seem to have a big bond with wafflebots (creatures that are roaming in the Vanilla Kingdom). Plus, they are pretty bossy and grumpy, a little bratty and would call other cookies “weak” because of their cookie fragile, crispy form hhhh- 😅
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The Disgraced Prince
CHAPTER TWO: Things to do when your stuck inside during the Platinum Jubilee
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Featuring Prince Andrew, Duke of York    
I’m a 28 PR manager on Prince Andrew, Duke of York's personal legal and PR team to help combat the impact of the allegations of non-consensual sex made against him that has “highly tarnished” his reputation. Even with my best efforts, Andrew's reputation is in tatters. People despise him for his arrogance and he's already found guilty by public opinion. So it was decided that he would not attend Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 festivities after having tested positive for COVID.  
Since my first meeting with Prince Andrew, we became lovers, so I got to know him pretty well. He is an entitled, elitist narcissist and regards his valets and maids as unimportant. He’d always been friendly with me, mainly because I was fucking him regularly and to be honest, I thought he was cute. Anyway, that's how I came to be at the Royal Lodge during the Platinum Jubilee.
Living up to the nickname, Randy Andy, once his valet left the room, Andrew quickly kissed me.
"Your Highness, I thought you wanted to talk."  
"Plenty of time for that later. Right now, I want to fuck you." Andrew replied as he continued kissing me before grabbing me by the hand and lead us to the bedroom followed by quickly undressing.
I was kinda weirded out that a 62-year-old former military officer had a bunch of stuffed animals around his room. Small bears stacked in an unused fireplace, two hippos and a black panther placed on his bed and two teddy bears were always placed in mahogany thrones by his bedside. Seeing all that, change my mind on letting him fuck me, but I was too horned up not to have sex.  
Now nude, Andrew fell on top of the bed with me in his arms. I rolled on top of the prince and held him in a tight embrace with our mouths glued together. Both of our cocks were extremely stiff at this point and both of us wanted to do something to blow a load. I took the lead and lowered myself to Andrew's cock and began to suck vigorously, but was careful not to get him off too quickly. My tongue found its way to the prince's royal asshole and gave him quite a licking that had Andrew tossing and turning and basically squirming all over the bed. He really needed to blow a load, but I would not allow it. At least not yet.
"Roll over on your stomach, Your Highness."
Randy Andrew was so horned up, he quickly complied. As he did, I casually spat in my hand to lubricate my cock without him knowing what I was doing. Then I crawled on top of him, but didn't insert my cock. I nibbled lightly on the prince's ear, kissed his neck and massaged his shoulders to get him to relax. Andrew was enjoying the attention when all of a sudden he felt my cock at his hole.
"Ouch. What are you doing?" Andrew questioned.
"Relax Your Highness, don't tighten up. This won't hurt a bit." I said as I continued to push in very slowly. He was wet and ready and as I pushed harder to penetrate his horny virgin ass I heard an “ah” escape his lips.  
Finally I was inside the man I had fallen in love with. He closed his eyes as the new sensation of another man making love to him began to envelop him. Now was the time to give Andrew what he's never had. A good, hard fucking I thought. I started humping slowly, withdrawing my thick cock out and slowly penetrating again. Andrew began to get into the swing of things as my fat cock started to feel good. He was now moaning as I started to increase the speed at which I moved my cock in and out of the prince's hole. And for the next 10 to 15 minutes, I ravaged his royal ass!
"I want you doggy style." I said as I grabbed Andrew by the shoulders. 
"Anything. Anything you say." Andrew said as he rose to his hands and knees while I continued to fuck him.
The room now was filled with the sound of my hips smacking against the prince's thighs. Smack, smack, smack, echoed loudly throughout the room. Andrew was really feeling it now, but had to hold back to keep from screaming out loud as he clutched one of the larger teddy bears. Suddenly I wanted to change positions again and rolled the prince onto his back and lifted his legs. I was going to fuck his ass the way he fucked all the women he has ever had, missionary style.
"Put your ankles on my shoulders. I'm gonna finish you off."
Andrew quickly complied as I lifted his ass off the bed so I could plunge straight down into his waiting ass. My fast pumping and loud fucking sounds that filled the room were too much for the prince as he began to clutch the bed sheets and grit his teeth. Despite this, he started screaming at the top of his voice "Oh shit! I've never felt anything like this before. Fuck me, fuck me!"
Between the look on his face and his cock leaking all over his belly, I knew he was getting close to cumming. I doubled my effort and pounded his ass even harder when suddenly with a loud groan, the Duke of York blew a warm load of cum over the both of us. Andrew looked up into my eyes and smiled in amazement as I continued fucking. That did it. I felt the tide coming and I went wild, pumping furiously into his hot hole. With no intention of pulling out, I made one final, hard lunge into his ass and spewed my common seed deep into this entitled man’s guts. He was still in the throes of his own climax, but I was sure that my loud grunts let him know that he was being bred a commoner.
"Damn. I never felt anything like that before." Andrew said as I withdrew and lay on top of him.
"I must say that was by far the best sex I've ever had. And I want more as often as possible."
I now knew I had the entitled perverted Prince hook, line and sinker.
"Your Highness, you are a very attractive man. I'll fuck you as often as you can take it." I said to feed Andrew's ego. Sure Andrew was a horrible, entitled excuse for a human being, but I'm being paid well. Plus I'm fuck him and his brother, Prince Charles.
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