#he'll be fine. theyll all be fine
shittywriterbrain · 7 months
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theoneicelady · 8 months
Loki season 2 episode 4 spoilers
Somehow, and we really cant explain how, they managed to kill Loki again.
Yes, after the 3 main ones. Yes, after being erased from time and space. Yes, after being erased from even outside that (that was his older version though). Somehow. They managed to kill him again but more for reals this time. What te fuck. How
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thedragonagelesbian · 11 months
Also i think cyrus and justice should kiss. Irrespective of anders' involvement we all know justice would be obsessed with this man. Cyrus can have a spirit bf too.
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urostakako · 1 year
there are many things my dad does that i cant be assed to bear a grudge over but what hes done to our birds is unforgiveable
#one of the first birds i remember having was mango she was the sweetest ever and i loved her so much we were best buds#and without telling anyone or giving any indication and AT NIGHT NO LESS my dad fucking sold her to some random dude#and we never saw her again#and we were all so mad at him I WAS SO MAD AT HIM because she was my best bud!! wtf!!#but i thought that was that. and then we got kona like 11 years ago the most handsome beautiful african grey ever#and he was also my best bud!! hes been there since forever even when our other birds died he was always there. precious beloved#and what does my dad do? he gives kona to someone to take care of him while we went overseas and i was like okay fine#but he didnt bother telling us that he gave him to that person to breed him with another parrot. and he told us that later#and we were like okay fine. theyll have some babies and then he'll come back right? and my dad was like yeah#but he lied he didnt bother telling us he never intended to get kona back and now he'll stay there with his wife forever#now we have two lovebirds and he cant stand them he cant stand taking care of them and he wants to give them away too#my dad can do the most annoying insufferable shit and ill move on cause hes my dad but this tamasha is unforgiveable i hate it so much#we were best buds!!! how could you do this#i miss kona so much everyday. at least i know hes alive unlike mango (status unknown) but i expect him to be there everyday and hes not#scream#aricouldyounot
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scatterbrainedbot · 7 months
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okayokayokayokay so pretty much all of these questions will be Officially Answered properly in the character design/intro pages im working on but also i am physically vibrating with excitement about the fact that you noticed all these details and i have very little self control so! lore dump time!!!
(minor tw for mentions of leos self-harm/self-destructive anxious behaviors and unhealthy coping skills)
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- mikey does indeed have curly fur! i believe he would be considered a 'rex' rat (pictured on the left) for this trait? though the curls can be more easily seen on mice (pictured on the right). or, at least it seems that way. have not delved too deeply into the details of rodent genes and husbandry, but id assume its the same sort of mutation considering curly haired mice are also referred to as rex sometimes? either way hes a extra floofy bby 🧡
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-as for raphie, unfortunately being more fluff and less shell than the average rapheal comes with its downsides. especially if you and your brothers occasionally encounter things like territorial dogs, hungry cats, or sewer crocodiles while exploring places ur dad said not supposed to go. (most of his scars will have more ninja related stories, but his ear i think got messed up from something very animal. probably around age 11 ish? old enough to sneak out from dads protection but young enough to not fully know how to handle himself alone against real danger. thankfully his ear injury looks worse than it actually is for the most part, as the damage was largely to the outer ear. his hearing wasnt super affected, except that he now has a bit of a harder time being able to track/pinpoint noises origins if its on his right side.)
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-also yep! dons got some glasses that just clip/rest on the bridge of his nose! theyre mostly just for home use, as they do fall off if hes knocked around. in the field he has some goggles he tends to use (theyre helpful as they have multiple additional functions like heat-imaging, extra zoom/telescoping, and recording capabilities. but also theyll give him headaches if he wears them for too long without breaks). contacts are theoretically also an option but he absolutely hates the sensation of putting them in. so sometimes when hes tired he'll just not bother with either clips or goggles and just squint and struggle. leo hates when he does that lol.
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-speaking of leo, he is def an anxious baby :) he has a few patches of fur missing on his hand cos he has the tendency to tug on it while hes thinking. he yanked and chewed on his own tail a lot when he was younger too, which is why when hes older he usually wears some wraps to cover the scars left from that behavior. he finds those scars specifically to be kinda embarrassing and shameful because they werent from any battle or life-lesson, just his own 'inability to control himself'. all of his brothers have repeatedly called him out on the fact that that is not a healthy way to think about his anxiety or mental health, but leo insists hes fine. hes kinda convinced himself that a proper warrior always has control over his own body* and his own thoughts, thus he should be able to just like willpower-brute-force his way into 'being better'. (this line of thinking pisses raph off so much he has to leave and go hit something)
Splinter also tries to talk him through some of that internalized guilt/shame/everything, but splinters very metaphorical, poetic, and indirect when it comes to talking about Big Things, which combined with how much leo gets caught in his own head, makes it kinda hard to gauge how much these talks actually help
*this is made extra fun considering leos also ftm trans, so he is faced with a body that fundamentally disobeys him perhaps more than the average rat-man.
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-and im still going back and forth between a few species for splinter, but im leaning mostly towards an African Spurred Tortoise! they have these beautiful if kinda subtle geometric shell patterns and are the third largest species of tortoise in the world. the only thing that doesnt fit perfectly with Splints is that (allegedly) their lifespan in captivity is around 50ish years, whereas im p sure Tortoise Splinter is well over 75, probably closer to 90 when the boys are born and hes mutated into Old Man Papa.
but maybe hes just a particularly long lasting African Spurred Tortoise.
the Hamato family has taken very good care of him for many decades after all. :)
(well. until everything all fell apart, that is.....)
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quodekash · 8 months
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this entire situation is very not good
(I forgot to write down my thoughts lmao)
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oh so he's gonna suffocate him? that makes sense actually, I thought he was gonna shoot him
anyway time for the perfectly timed rescue from kangsailom
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no come on man
why can't we all just be happy
why the hell did kang throw himself between the gun and the guy
(did you just throw your hand BETWEEN the hammer and the phone?)
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oh okay so its just an arm wound
he'll be fine, right?
just a lil graze wound?
also because of the light it looks like theres a guy in the blood lmao
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Tony stark-ass man
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I get that you wanna be all noble and stuff but can we chill a little bit
maybe duck down instead? step to the left? run out the door and grab some authorities so that you're not facing against this deranged guy alone? just some food for thought
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oh wait no
oh no now he's gonna go to jail for gun possession
we've got bathroom boyfriends (soundwin/guynawa), rooftop boyfriends (patpran and arguably guynawa too), pool boyfriends (tinngun) and now we can have jail boyfriends!
the four elements. bathroom, rooftop, jail, pool.
long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. then, everything changed when the jail nation attacked. only the avatar, master of all four boyfriends, could stop them. but when the world needed him most, he vanished.
a hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new avatar, a poolbender named palm. and although his poolbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. but I believe palm can save the world!
(I can't quite remember but I'm pretty sure palmnueng managed all four of those at some point. they definitely got beat up in a bathroom at some point or something like that, there was that pool scene from the very start of the series, they're kind of technically on the run from the police and stuff like the entire time which is close enough to jail, and they end up on the roof of that one building quite a few times. so yeah, I guess palmnueng are the ultimate boyfriends)
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obviously like, empathy, this completely sucks and they're absolutely gonna convict name because it'll be in some record somewhere that he worked for whatshisface, so theyll decide that name was either trying to take down his boss so he could have the power, or that he was still working for his boss but mis-aimed and was actually trying to shoot kang and sailom
but also... jail boyfriends
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thats it? that's freaking it?
okay then bro, jeez
that was truly something
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I so hope they kiss twice there, that would be awesome, then I could put the patpran rooftop kiss soundtrack behind it like I did with soundwin
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ayyy-pee · 2 years
hi lexi may i request an angsty onesided/unrequited love reader w nanami pls? like nanami makes it known he doesnt do commitment due to the work field hes in but reader still cant help but fall for his personality & accepts theyll never be together but still struggles to move on? can be wtvr length i just want pain pls😭
oh gosh i cannot imagine a world where nanami isn't actually OBSESSED with me but for you? i can TRY *SOBBING ON THE FLOOR, SHAKING MY FISTS IN THE AIR, SNOT RUNNING DOWN MY FACE, GAGGING AND CURSING THE GODS*
word count: 2.1k
description: you've loved nanami kento for as long as you can remember. and as much as it pains you, you have to try and accept that he'll never love you back.
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It’s so hard working with the one you love and them not loving you back. You’re forced to see them daily, smile to their face, spend so much time with them it hurts until it’s time to go home. There, you’ll lie in bed and think about them, wish things were different, sleep, wake up and repeat. That’s how it is for you when it comes to Nanami Kento.
“You’re staring.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry,” you mutter, resuming scribbling in your notepad. “I’m just…I keep zoning out.”
“Are you okay?” He asks as he goes back to his task.
“I’m fine. Paperwork just isn’t fun.”
He hums in acknowledgment, but says nothing else. And you ignore the burning of your cheeks at the fact you’ve been caught red handed, blatantly staring. Nanami has caught you watching him, drinking in the way his jaw ticks when he makes an error writing and has to reach for his white-out in his desk to correct it. The way his long, thick fingers wrap around his pen as he pokes his tongue out to dab the tip of it on before he resumes writing.
You really can’t help but stare. Nanami is probably the most beautiful person you’ve ever known.
The blonde man sitting across from you sighs. “Gojo’s paperwork skills are such shit. I have to clean up after him every time he submits his mission summaries.”
“You know you don’t have to, Nanami.”
Tired and beautiful brown eyes glance up at you from the work piled on the desk and your heart leaps into your throat.
“It’s an even trade off. I do his paperwork, and in exchange he buys me an expensive steak dinner with an even more expensive bottle of wine every Friday.”
You snort. “You do love your wine, don’t you?”
“I do,” he says, giving you one of his rare grins before it’s gone as quickly as it came.
He resumes his work, and you admire him again. His usually clean pressed blue shirt now crinkled with the end of the workday, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tie and suit jacket are draped over the back of his chair, discarded along with his signature glasses. You can’t help the way your mouth waters as you observe how his muscles flex in his forearms as he writes.
Nanami is so smart, considerate and kind, so amazing. You wonder if he knows how much of a catch he is. That he’s so easy to fall in love with. He has to. You’ve accidentally told him as much. 
You were out at the bar with Shoko, Gojo and Nanami discussing dating one night after work. All of you are open to the idea of dating given your lifestyles, except Nanami. Nanami vehemently refused to entertain the topic, stating that much like relationships, it was a waste of time.
“What’s wrong with being in a relationship?” You ask, stirring your drink.
“What isn’t wrong with it? Let’s start there.”
“You could always just do friends with benefits?” You drunkenly suggest next to him, hopeful.
“Sounds like blurred lines. Too messy,” he dismisses you easily.
You pinch your lips together stubbornly. You’d been going back and forth on dating. The subject came up when Gojo inserted himself, bringing the topic up over drinks. After which he very not subtly winked across the table at you, your body stiffening next to Nanami who didn’t seem to notice. If he did, he didn’t make it known.
“Okay, you could just try dating someone. You never know what’ll happen,” You nudge him with your shoulder gently. “You’re a catch, Nanami. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
The table is silent for a moment, Gojo watching you with raised brows and Shoko hiding her smirk as she brings her cigarette up to her lips.
Mentally you’re kicking the shit out of yourself for speaking so candidly all of a sudden. 
Drunk words, sober thoughts and all that.
“I appreciate it,” Nanami says, not noticing the awkward stares. “But I don't date. I’m not interested.”
“Why not?” Shoko asks, taking a drag of her cigarette.
“Look at the work we do everyday. It’s shit. I’d feel like an ass dragging someone into this life.” Nanami downs the rest of his drink, pushes his hair back so it’s neatly in place. You usually wouldn’t be able to pull this information from Nanami, but he’s loosened up quite a bit after several drinks.
Shoko hums. “Easy solution. Date a sorcerer.”
Nanami shakes his head. “Even worse. I could die. They could die.”
“We’ll all eventually die, Kento,” Shoko points out. 
She does have a point.
“Yes, but why would I want to be emotionally attached to someone who lives this same life?” He waves the waiter over politely to order another drink. “It’s a waste of time and an unnecessary headache. Like I said, I don’t date. I refuse to commit to someone when it’s pointless. Really, I’m doing everyone else a favor.”
You sit quietly next to him, trying to ignore the sting you feel in your chest as you stare down into your drink. Your food sits in front of you, getting colder by the second.
“So you’re set in your ways about it then?” Gojo asks with a frown, gaze locked on you.
“There’s absolutely no one I’d break that rule for,” Nanami sips his drink again. “It’s better that way.”
You’ve lost your appetite.
That day you’d decided to give up on Nanami Kento. He was a man who didn’t budge when he made up his mind about something. You’ve known him (and loved him) long enough to know that. Even though you want more, you crave more, you say nothing about how you feel. You accept that you will never have Nanami the way you’d love to. So instead, no matter how bad it hurts, you try your damndest to be just his friend.
And you cherish your friendship.
Truly. You cherish the end of day hours where you complain about what the students put you through or talk about what you’ll be having for dinner. You cherish the nights where you go out to have drinks and talk about life. It’s fun, entertaining. Spending time with Nanami in any capacity helps to alleviate just the tiniest bit of pain caused by the knowledge that he will never love you.
You like when Nanami shares the intimate details of what’s going on with him outside of work. At the school Nanami is so stoic, by the book, so serious. For good reason. Not taking this particular job seriously can quickly result in your untimely demise – unless you’re Gojo Satoru. 
Outside of work, you’re not sure anyone knows how much of a sweetheart Nanami truly is. And he’s funny. He’s funny in the way that he doesn’t even realize he’s being funny. He just says whatever is on his mind and his honesty is hilarious and refreshing. You like to think you’re the only one who knows this side of him, delusional as it may be.
You learn that Nanami loves to cook, loves to bake, loves to read (he’s very into reading period pieces, you’ve recently learned). Nanami enjoys exquisite things from time to time as well. A good, expensive wine paired with seafood? He could go on and on about how a good white does wonders for a lobster dinner. And you’d listen intently to anything he talked about because again, you cherish your friendship.
You have to cherish your friendship…
…Because that’s all it will ever be.
And it kills you.
You do try to move on, try to see what else is out there for you. And you fail miserably every time. On dates with other men, you find there’s always something missing, always something that makes them undesirable to you.
Their hair is too dark.
You prefer blonde.
Their eyes are green.
Or their eyes are blue.
You prefer brown.
They’re way too outgoing.
You prefer quiet and reserved.
Not at all red flags, but deal breakers all the same for you.
Although you try to move on by dating, you’re embarrassed to admit you’ve let your imagination get the better of you on your dates. You often find yourself daydreaming you’re on a date with Nanami instead while your real date drones on about their lives. 
You think about Nanami reaching over the restaurant table, careful to avoid the candlelit centerpiece as he takes your hand gently in his.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he’ll tell you quietly, a small smile gracing his features. And you’ll return that smile because even though he’s your boyfriend and you both love each other very much, you still get bashful around him.
“Will you come back home with me tonight?” He’ll ask.
And you’ll nod enthusiastically as your mind runs away with the thought of Nanami wrapping his strong arms around you as he presses sweet kisses to your face, to your lips, to every part of your body. You’ll run your fingers through his soft, blonde tresses. You’ll imagine him laying you down gently on his plush bed as he climbs over you, his hard body pressing into yours while his hands caress your skin.
“I want you so bad, my love. I always do,” he’ll groan into the crook of your neck. And your eyes will flutter closed when he kisses that tender spot right below your jaw. He’ll moan your name when you roll your hips up against his and then–
“You ready to order?” Your date asks you, effectively pulling the plug on your fantasy.
“Yep!” You answer, and under the table you cross your legs when you feel the wetness begin to pool at your core. You rub your thighs together to find any kind of friction to stave off the desire you have for a man who has never so much as hugged you.
It’s frustrating. You know it will go nowhere with Nanami, ever. Nanami has never given you an inkling of hope for anything more. He doesn’t feel for you what you feel for him. He’s made it clear that there is no one he would break his commitment rule for. 
And yet, you still want Nanami. But Nanami?
Well, he doesn’t want anyone. He doesn’t want you.
In the dim light of Nanami’s office, you find you can’t pull your gaze away from him again. You wish you could reach across his desk and run your fingers over his smooth skin, over those incredible cheekbones of his. Tell him how you want to be with him, how you love him, how you wish he loved you too.
You want to tell him all the many ways you could make him happy, make him see that it’s worth it to break his stupid little rule and give you a chance to truly show him what love feels like. You could make him so happy. If only you could just be honest and tell him how you feel, maybe he’d let you…You don’t, though. And you likely won’t ever tell him.
Instead, you watch as Nanami pushes his stack of papers together with a sigh of finality. He’s finished with his work. He slips the papers into a manila folder that he then places in the drawer of his desk. He stands and grabs his suit jacket before he comes around his desk and says, “It’s been a long day. Do you want to get a drink before going home?”
You agree.
Of course you do. You’re so pathetically in love with this man knowing full well he will never return your feelings. He will never look at you the way you look at him. He will never yearn for you the way you do for him. He will never love you the way you love him. And it hurts so fucking bad. 
It hurts so bad, there are nights you can’t sleep, your mind fixating on the pain of knowing you’ll never be able to let go of the hope he didn’t give you in the first place.
You should say no to going out for drinks. Just cut your losses and go home. Finally start the process of truly moving on from Nanami Kento.
But you don’t.
You pack up your belongings and head out to the bar with Nanami, a safe friendly width between you as you walk together. You cherish your friendship with Nanami above all else. You’re greedy. You’ll take anything he’s willing to give you. And if that’s friendship only, you’ll gladly accept it. You’ll tuck away this deep, persistent love you have for him. You’ll never let him be the wiser. Because a life without Nanami is not one you ever want to know.
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leonasimp · 2 years
Could I get headcanons for first year poly (with mc) and how the families feel about it? If not poly then individual first years x mc (preferably she/they pronouns for mc but gender neutral is fine!)
❥ 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: first years x s/o!mc
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: maybe a bit ooc? not proofread <3
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚: TYSM FOR THE REQUEST! <3 i hope you enjoy! mc's pronouns are she/they as requested
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after your friends have all confessed their feelings, you wonder what to do. you all love them but you have to choose one....or do you?
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𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚:
he isn't really into a poly but he doesn't think so sure!
probably the most clingy out of the first years
if you guys do something alone like a date or something simple like a kiss, he'll brag to the others
i think his family will be okay with it
i wonder if he'll give smooches to the others?!
always rivals with deuce STILL
"HA! I actually took them out on a date last night. yeah, we held hands and everything, im the best boyfriend. pfffttttt."
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞:
the most shy out of the group fr
he would be shy to do anything with anyone but will treat everyone the same
his mom and grandma might be a little weary at first but seeing their son/grandson be happy makes them happy!
he'll fight with ace sometimes for love LMAO
the gentleman of the poly
"HUH- you want me to do what with her? ahhhh, we'll see."
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥:
i feel like he'll be hesitant, not just with you but with everyone else
is this a good idea? he wants you to himself but oh well
i feel like he'll compete with the others to show off who's stronger LMAO
100% the best cuddle person out of the poly
his family would be supportive!
"mc, look at how good i can do these laps. im sorry but i dont think you guys can keep up."
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫:
this dude right here will be the most CHAOTIC LITTLE SHIT
he'll use his beauty but also try to fight with the others to be the most manly
he'll be a bit insecure since he isn't the toughest nor tallest so pls reassure him
he'll fight with the others and do "manly" tasks to win you over?
his family will be supportive and guess what? FREE APPLE JUICE FOR ALL! :0
he'll give you all apple carvings
"MC! HA, SHE'S LOOKING AT ME! LOOK! i can do more push ups than ace!"
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𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭:
he’ll be the loudest and most protective!
im not so sure about him but i feel like he’ll he against it at first?
malleus and lilia would be shocked at first, silver too! his family would be too but theyll support!
your poly has a knight now!
i wonder if he’ll talk your heads off about malleus
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drpeppertummy · 3 months
extra leon & shel lore/tidbits copy pasted from the group chat that i dont think ive shared (non-kink-related)
[warning for mentions/descriptions of alcoholism, abuse, death including child death & pet death, transphobia, self harm]
angela really did not like shel before they became friends she thought he was just the most pissy old bitch. shel liked her fine bc she 1. never did anything to piss him off herself and 2. Called him a pissy old bitch which he thought was funny. i think she only changed her mind about him when she realized he was one of the only people to immediately start calling her the right name when she came out & when she realized he was friends with leon, who she already was cool with. now she'll defend him she'll be like No Hes Cool If Youre Friends With Him Honest I Swear. he always just liked her bc he thought she was Spunky. never really made a move to be pals with her just considered her one of his more tolerable coworkers. they both think its hilarious now that she hated him & she still Jokingly calls him a pissy old bitch. she was cool with leon Before coming out but only really became close with him After coming out bc he was like [in private] omg wait me too [<-paraphrased] & trans coworkers gotta stick together
shels cats prefer laying on leon when hes over bc hes softer & warmer & shel gets jealous so naturally the solution is for shel to use leon as a pillow so the cats have to lay on her instead
i think leon likes showering at shels house bc she has a shower chair & its nice. he probably winds up getting one himself anyway so shel can feel safer showering at his house too
shels house is pretty well cat-proofed. hes invested in soft carpeting so shits less likely to break if it falls, hazards are generally well-secured, hes got magnets on his cabinet doors so they cant break in, shit like that etc. the cats are more or less allowed anywhere in the house But he has a Strict no cats in the laundry room rule bc hes absolutely terrified of one sneaking into the dryer when hes not looking
leons place is like. very Lived In. kinda messy but not Gross (i imagine shel probably helps him keep on top of cleaning sometimes). a little dingy but not so much so that you dont wanna sit down & hang around. kinda dated. not overly well-maintained. needs some repairs that he just hasnt gotten around to (for years). hasnt been renovated or anything in decades. ugly old couch. he tries to keep trash off the floor but he is guilty of having old bottles & shit sitting around. making it look nice isnt a huge priority for him but he tries to at least keep it sanitary
shels house as we know is full of cat-themed crap & knickknacks & i think its kinda granny-esque & a lot of brown & pink & off-white & warm neutral colors. clean but cluttered & cozy. small but comfortable. nothing is like harsh & bright the color is all soft & subdued & the lighting is warm & gentle. lot of decorative things & photos on shelves & on the walls & on end tables etc. maybe some doilies. shel could be a doily guy. lot of cute fridge magnets
leon will refer to his pre-transition self as a girl/woman almost as if she was a different person he used to know. angela only refers to herself as a girl/woman including when talking about the past bc thats what shes always been even before she knew. & shel well hes just shel
projecting onto leon he'll be buying pants & be like "omg these fit Perfectly" & theyll be like a foot too long. length, as we know, does not matter when youre built like grimace
i think shel (playfully) gives leon grief for bein older than him. bc shel Looks older. if u asked their coworkers to guess theyd place leon at no older than 43 and shel at like 55
they bring out the best in each other. when shels around leon tries not to drink & he tries to take better care of himself bc he doesnt wanna disappoint him. when leons around shels less bitchy & less grumpy & in much better humor. theyre both happier around each other
i think leon was a little nervous about becoming an Official Couple & i think hed be a little nervous about getting married moving in together etc, not bc he thinks shel would ever hurt him but bc he still worries that all the abuse he took from bill was his own fault & hes afraid shels gonna start to see him the way bill saw him & get sick of him. & he feels guilty for feeling that way
shels had A Lot of cats in his life & he carries the grief of every single one hes ever said goodbye to. the majority of his Family Photos he has framed or in albums are pets & sometimes he'll be looking through them & gets a little misty. & i think leon realizing that all these cats have always pretty much been shels only family & hearing the way he reminisces about them the way somebody would fondly recall happy memories with their family or friends is a point where he realizes just how lonely shels life has been. hes always been very sentimental about his cats. if he finds a loose whisker on the floor he sticks it in a jar bc its too cool to just sweep up. & if one of them cuts him deeply enough to leave a scar he looks at it with fondness. & the paw prints they do at the vet when the times up. he def has those all hung up amongst whatever photos & other shit he has on the walls
i think shel has some kind of goofy little tattoo he got when he was really young & dysfunctional like. on her hip or some weird spot where nobody ever sees it & its some weird random stupid little thing & the first time leon sees it hes like ??????????? idk what it would even be but its definitely shittily done & probably doesnt have any meaning behind it
leon was originally supposed to be bitter & grumpy & bitchy like shel (who has been around longer & whose bitterness & grumpiness & bitchiness was well established by the time leon came around) but he wound up being more sad & sweet & nervous. i think his coworkers still generally dont like him unless they know him well & its mostly bc they make Assumptions about him based on the things they know. hes an alcoholic, hes a hot mess, he hangs out with that bitchy weirdo shel, he doesnt socialize much, etc
Thinking About Shels Cat Pics u knowww they look like shit. if hes texting them . with his flip phone. but also i think she takes a lot of Camera Pictures & puts em in a photo album. all the time leons receiving grainy shitty flip phone cat pic texts & he Adores it he feels so in love
Thinking About Angela & Leon i think they have like an extra special little friendship which they really come to think of as a father/daughter relationship after a while. it just kinda Becomes Like That. since she was relatively recently disowned by her parents & he lost his daughter & they both have a major void that theyre subconsciously trying to fill. he might take her shopping since she came out pretty recently & doesnt have much of a wardrobe & hes pretty experienced in the field of Womens Clothes. they make a whole little day of it. i think ive already mentioned leons necklace that his mom gave him that her mom probably gave her that he was gonna give to his daughter which he wound up giving to angela & it was gonna be a casual gesture but it wound up being a whole teary huggy thing for both of em
i think. if he found out bill died or something he would be all freaked out like Omg I Shouldve Been There For Him bc even after everything theres still a big part of him that thinks maybe if he tried harder if he did a better job if he was a better spouse etc they couldve been happy. even tho he Knows bill was awful to him & he Knows bill was a nasty evil abusive person & he would never wish what he went through on anybody else theres still a big part of him that feels like it was his fault & he deserved all of it & he cant possibly deserve better
Thinking About Baby Shel. sometimes as someone who works in school/childcare youll have a kid who nobody can figure out how to help--beyond troubled, disillusioned, home life is a mess, etc--& you just know in your heart that if Somebody cant figure it out theyre not gonna make it. shel was one of those kids from a very early age. any teachers he had who are still alive remember him well bc he was such a fucked up little terror & theyd be astonished to see that hes alive. not only alive but Relatively Happy. functioning. sober. nothing like the disturbed child they knew back then
the destroyed parent in leon wishes so badly he couldve been there for shel when he was little. even tho had they known each other at the time hes only like 4 years older. he hears about tidbits of shels childhood & just wishes he could go there & hold him. but he can comfort him now & shel appreciates that. i usually depict shel being more Okay bc he does have his shit way more together but sometimes he is just all fucked up & leons there for him. sometimes he has Bad Brain Days & sometimes its just that kind of day & sometimes its brought on by his pain or lack of sleep or somethin & sometimes something triggers it & fucks him up. & he might be agitated & moody or he might be sad & fragile or he might just be numb & barely responsive but leon will treat him gentle & make sure hes not isolating himself or neglecting himself or hurting himself & make sure hes taken care of until he feels ok again. leon often feels like he doesnt do nearly enough for shel considering how much shel supports him sometimes but when those days happen he usually (probably unknowingly) prevents shel from spiraling into a weeks-long & potentially life-threatening funk
Thinking About Leon bc ive established how angela & shel came to be without a family but ive never gone into detail on leon. i think his family was never very supportive to start with & they didnt like the man he married & blamed leon for getting himself into the relationship when it started going south & bill kinda drove a wedge between him & his family and then when he started to really become a hot mess with Apparent Mental Health Issues Including Alcoholism they shunned him even more & wanted no part of him or his problems & then by the time he divorced bill & started his transition he was so estranged from them & he knew how unsupportive they were in general that he just never came out to them & essentially disappeared. he was their black sheep & they were fine with him getting away. i think if he had the chance to forgive them & go back to them he would do it in a heartbeat in spite of everything. if he found them again & they were willing to take him back he would forget how much pain they let him go through all alone Immediately. hes too forgiving bc he doesnt think he deserves better. he woulda let bill back into his life too if shel hadnta beat him to it. hes afraid of being alone he thinks hes unlovable😔 shels trying to get him past that
shels mother was a terrible parent but sometimes he wonders if they wouldve had a happy life without his dad. & sometimes he wonders if he couldve saved her. leon will be like “you were just a little kid theres nothing you couldve done” but he cant help thinking about it. & honestly if it werent for his dad his mom probably wouldve been a fine parent but their relationship was so vicious & abusive & horrible that the household was just a constant screaming fighting mess
when leon got his top surgery he was freshly divorced & had no friends bc his shity husband had him all isolated & he was like the most alone hed ever been in his life he didnt have Nobody & he had to go through the whole process & recovery all alone & it was miserable so when shel gets his knees done leon makes dam sure hes there for him every step of the way
thinking about leon & angela finding out about stuff shel never got to do as a kid & being like Oh My God We Are Taking His Old Ass To The Zoo. take his old ass to the boardwalk for minigolf & rides & ice cream. cant take his old ass to action park. sad
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sick-ada · 6 months
bc i keep forgetting that i havent actually put much abt my agents on my tumblr and i need to expose the max number of people to my blorbos as i can
going under the readmore cause this is gonna get longg
(this has been in my drafts for over a month)
CB-808 (agent 8, she/her) and Bubbles (agent 8 AGAIN, a SECOND TIME, CAN YOU TELL EIGHT IS MY FAV, he/him)
they're "twins", meaning they both woke up without any memories, saw that they were the only two nearby who looked similar (being the only non-sanitized octolings in the metro) and assumed that meant they were twins
they do all of the tests in octo expansion as a duo! this makes some tests easier (like girl power station) and others much harder (like the one with the dualie squelchers and the grindrails, since they have to share the weapon between them)
this kinda fucks with the computer systems and all their mem cakes are blended (lmao) together. they have to work together to figure out whose memories are whose, to varying success levels
very very very codependent. theyll get anxious if you take the other to another room where they cant see each other. proto (cap3) convinced them to do one test separately and CB got so worked up she punched the side of the carriage and permanently dented it
they didnt try a second time
ON THE TOPIC OF CB DENTING THE METAL: shes freakishly strong, in an artificially-modified way rather than a very-strong-but-normal way
after the splatoon 1 campaign, elite soldiers deserted en masse since nearly all of them were at the concert/final-battle, leaving a gaping hole in the octarian military. in an attempt to fill that gap as quickly as possible, volunteers were "purposed" to become enhanced super-soldiers
(ill probably make a dedicated post abt it when i remember but "purposing" is what they do to make octarians (the stubby tentacle guys) into all the different forms you see in-game. debateably ethical to begin with, SUPER unethical to do to actual octolings)
im bad at timelining but she signs up to this when she's like,,, 13. still kinda blobby
functionally, what it did to her was make her freakishly strong (she breaks the handles on doors ridiculously often) and about 50% more resistance to enemy ink. girls a tank. however, she has trouble regulating her strength and therefore cant superjump accurately since she overshoots her target every time
it's also super painful. she permanently lost her voice from screaming too much and cant speak any louder than a whisper, but she knows octarian and inklish sign languages so she gets along fine
her name is CB-808 bc that was the serial number printed on a livestock tag in her ear
BUBBLES ON THE OTHER HAND. not physically fucked up. mentally though................
his parents were some of the elites who deserted after hearing the Inkantation (in my headcanons it's something that can be resisted, but only temporarily). he wanted their approval more than anything so them leaving him was devastating
hes not actually a dude he just think he/him is a cool set of pronouns. heard someone say "him" once and absorbed it into his gender
he lied abt his age to become a scout/reconnaisance (how you spell that??), even if nobody was really gonna check given the situation after splat1
where CB is built like a tank, he's tall and lanky, and also scarily smart. combined with his lack of filter he'll literally just stare at you for 5 seconds before saying some shit like "oh i see. youre scared of us because of our competence and your perception of our alleigances compared to urs"
captain 3 is scared by him more than CB. as they should be.
his name is Bubbles because he has circular markings on his upper arms and CB is not very good at coming up with names (shes an amnesiac teenager give her a break)
theyre both 15 during octo expansion, and 20 by splatoon3
after reaching the surface they move in with flora (4) and his roommate bola (oc) to form the Leftovers Squad, an inksports team and maybe-gang
these two are wonderfully terrible influences and teach the two of them how to defy authority n shit, it's great, ill talk abt it more in their specific sections
CB mains the dynamo but plays it like a splat roller because she's so strong she can swing it with about that speed. Bubbles mains the e-liter and has nutty aim. the kind of duo that makes people realize theyre ex-soldiers
both of them are too obedient to authority, leftover habits from the military even if they don't fully remember their time there. CB is much worse in this regard, since she was more heavily conditioned to follow orders and Bubbles is observant enough to realize when theyre being taken advantage of
FLORA (agent 4, he/she used interchangeably)
part of the Leftovers Squad! a young punk squid that revels in rebellion and violence and showing people what's what
almost entirely deaf. he had pretty bad hearing to begin with, but loud raves without ear protection worsened it significantly. his hero headset functions as hearing aids but he doesnt usually wear them unless he's on NSS missions or patrols or w/e
came to inkopolis when she was 14, but it wasnt intentional. her parents were the kind of awful perfectionists that expected their children to be equally as perfect, so decided to leave flora in inkopolis bc she did awful in school
he was taken under Bola's fin (get it it's a fish pun theyre fish im hilarious) and became enamoured with the adrenaline-fueled, bloody-mouthed rush of fighting, in and out of inksports
the best way i can describe her is "violent for the sake of violence and gleeful about it". she starts a fight with someone twice her size just for the fun of attacking and taking a beating. probably something wrong with her. i love her with every fibre of my being
has absolutely zero respect or trust in authority -- especially adults, which includes Marie since she's 19 in splat2 and he's only 16
still goes along with her whole "hey go save the zapfish" spiel because A) she cant actually hear what marie is saying B) marie gave her some free fancy hearing aids so she GUESSES she has to return the favour somehow C) she wants to fight some octarian soldiers D) she wants to steal her own zapfish (she succeeds, it gets a tank in Leftover Squad's living room) and E) she thinks itll be REALLY funny to fuck with marie
shes right btw. its hilarious
she only follows orders when it's funnier than disobeying them. she puts zapfishes back in levels she wants to complete a second time. she teaches octolings how to play poker (and how to cheat at poker). she lets a squee-g splat her "to see what it feels like"
if callie wasn't missing marie would NOT put up with his bullshit, but alas.
respects agent 3 even less than marie, when they meet, since at least marie has a sense of humour
he's the one who suggests that CB and Bubbles move in with him and Bola after Octo Expansion. less out of his own goodwill and more out of a combination of morbid curiousity and a sense of "bola has a habit of taking weird inkfish under their fin, walking in with two soldiers will be really funny"
gets hypnoshaded 5 years post-splat2 (during the splat3 campaign) and has to be rescued by the leftover Leftovers (lmao) and Off the Hook. octavio doesnt really convince her to put them on, theres no realistic way he could do that, so he physically overpowers her and puts the shades on
he gets rescued tho! so it's all good and absolutely no interpersonal issues come from it i swear (lying)
Bola (they/them, not an agent)
another member of Leftovers Squad and, arguably, its leader
is about as comfortable with violence as flora (read: very comfortable) but, unlike him, doesn't enjoy it for its own sake. when they do a violence, it's for a specific aim and a purpose, even if that purpose seems inane or petty
theyre the leader of the leftovers mostly because theyre the only one with a goal or any sort of purpose. also because theyre by far the most charismatic of the bunch but mostly bc theyre the only one with any direction in life. the other three are happy to just help with that
(calling it a purpose is doing it too much justice, it's a grudge. a massive fucking grudge against Squidforce as a brand and an institution and a company. they want that thing obliterated)
when they first came to inkopolis (they were like 12), they werent a citizen of inkadia so they had no ID and weren't allowed to do official Squidforce battles, so they went to unofficial/illegal/unregulated turf wars to make some cash
this got shut down by squidforce
they decided "no. fuck this. fuck you, im gonna fuck every single one of you over, die." and swore vengeance about as dramatically as a then-13 year old could. luckily, bola was a very dramatic, kinda blobby 13 year old
they met flora when he came to inkopolis and introduced him to the concept of You Can Just Fight These People If You Don't Like Them
would have agreed to housing CB and Bubbles if Flora had just asked but this is fine they guess
theyll be the last to admit they have a compassionate streak, but they have a soft spot for the underbelly of inkopolis and everyone who lives there, most of which are underrepresented or downtrodden by the system that squidforce upholds
theyre an octoling but not an octarian (citizen of octaria, the nation that lost the great turf war and now lives in the domes) like CB and Bubbles are
instead, theyre a weird subspecies of octoling that went back in the water while the "normal" species of inkfish stayed on the surface. they still have most of the same features as an inkfish, like the shapeshifting, but have more aquatic adaptations like gills and razor sharp teeth and being able to swim in water unharmed (ik inkfish dying in water is only dubiously canon but for my headcanons normal inkfish dissolve like ingame if they fall into water)
they also have sepiism! better described in this post this means their ink/tentacle colours are limited to blacks and browns. their subspecies is more prone to this colour mutation than other inkfish since black is a pretty good camoflague colour if youre in the deep ocean. idk i wanted an excuse to make them look cool dont think abt it too hard
they absolutely despise proto (captain 3). aint no world where theyd trust the militaristic authority figure that orders around the two ex-soldiers theyre trying to teach how to be independent
not to mention the grudge they form against the captain after the hypnoshading incident that i will elaborate on i PROMISE its in the next section
when they meet, post octo expansion, the twins are 15 and the punks are 16, so theyre 20 and 21 respectively by the time splat3 rolls around
flora gets squidnapped just after splat3 campaign (which lasts like a day for reasons that will be evident once i get to neo 3 and "little" buddy), so proto and the squid sisters are in alterna monitoring the situation and doing cleanup while it happens. this will be relevant later. foreshadowing is a technique where--
a couple months after the twins move in, CB discovers inksports and makes the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes at the rest of the squad until they agree to making a league team together. it's also called the leftovers
CB and Flora love it because they enjoy physically fighting people (CB likes that she doesnt have to be permanently hurting people during it, Flora would like it better if there was a lil permanent injury tbh). Bubbles enjoys it because his sister enjoys it and also because he enjoys using his big brain to do sick predicts and snipe people from across the map where he's nice and safe. Bola only joins at first because telling the ex-soldier, who theyve been trying to convince that you dont need peoples permission to do things, "no" would be counterproductive. they hate every moment they have to fight in a squidforce battle. but then once the team gets well-known they realise that squidforce cant get rid of them anymore and uses their platform to absolutely troll the shit out of squidforce
like when they go on interviews and stuff they constantly mention how shitty squidforce is and "yeah i personally prefer [smaller organisation]'s inksports, they have way better maps and modes, squidforce just has a monopoly so..." and squidforce cant do shit bc theyre the charismatic face of this popular new team and itd be bad publicity
CB and Bubbles dont have real IDs cause theyre amnesiac teenagers who made up their own names. flora and bola get them fake IDs that claim CB stands for Courtney Blitz, making bubbles into Bubbles Blitz
CB often gets called Clam Blitz. CB does NOT appreciate this. Bubbles thinks it's hilarious and only answers people who call him "Blam Blitz" for like a week
Bubbles mains the E-liter but likes lots of different anchors, CB exclusively plays her "splat roller" (a dynamo swung really fast), Flora learnt how to play every weapon from the splat2 campaign and can play basically anything (but usually goes for something close-range so his bloodlust gets put to good use. heavy weapons tend to turn into bludgeons in his hands) i dont know what bola would use tbh. i wanna say a splatana but this is set mainly in splat2 so they wouldnt have those. if anyone is still reading this far pls make suggestions in the notes 👍
CB and Bubbles dont have any sense of money (in my hcs, the domes work more on a communal property + bartering system) so they have no reason to object to pearl giving them inordinate amounts of money. bola and flora have to have a conversation where they ask whether pearl is their sugar daddy. this is agonising for everyone involved.
they used the money to buy an unreasonably large bed that they all sleep on together bc theyre my ocs i make the rules
i promised it was proto next. here *throws them like a javelin through the screen
Proto (captain 3, they/them)
i shld probably start at the beginning for them bc their actions through all the games are the catalyst for a Lot of plot
they were raised in calamari county, their parents were friends with callie and maries parents so they hung out a bunch when they were kids. basically the third squid sister, though they get way too bad stage fright to become idols like the other two
hanging out with those two so much also meant a lot of exposure to cap'n cuttlefish. proto idolised him to no end, decided they wanted to be just like him when they grew up
when the squisters went to inkopolis to become idols, proto became their manager. they were also recruited alongside callie and marie into the NSS when craig decided to reform it. ive never actually watched a playthrough of splat1 so i dont actually know how the plot works other than "craig is there and then callie & marie are there" so the next part is probably gonna be more canon parallel than canon adjacent
also because im just making up random shit about splat1. thats probably also a factor
in this version of canon, the octarians dont steal every zapfish you grab at the end of the levels, only the ones used for the boss levels. all the rest are ones owned by the octarians, mostly bred in captivity cause where tf else are you gonna get the power for running the domes
proto isnt an active agent in splat1, it's callie and marie who go in and do the fighting while proto is the one coordinating them and making plans. their plan is to steal all these extra zapfish to strain the domes' resources and then perform the inkantation during the final confrontation to make the maximum number of soldiers (especially elites) desert, all so they become incapable of stealing more zapfish or launching a retaliatory strike
and cap'n cuttlefish approves so surely that means that this is a good plan and any suffering caused is a necessary evil and it's not like this paranoid old man has any biases or grudges that would impede his judgement. surely not
side note: instead of inner agent 3, CB and Bubbles have to fight inner agents 1 & 2. inner-callie targets CB and inner-marie targets Bubbles because i think the roller-charger parallel is cool
the plan works! elites and soldiers desert in droves, neutering the octarian military capability, and octaria has to focus what resources it has on not starving (which it barely achieves, theres a famine regardless) rather than attacking back. it also creates the conditions for bubbles' parents to leave him and for CB to undergo the extremely painful and inhumane procedures to become an enhanced supersoldier but proto doesnt learn this til octo expansion
the squid sister stories proceed basically like canon, but proto dedicates themselves to agent work while marie focuses on the radio and callie focuses on acting. theyre out investigating the metro with craig when callie gets squidnapped so they dont find out until octo expansion finishes (like a few weeks after she gets rescued)
they dont fight CB and Bubbles, theyre a terrible fighter and a bit of a wimp (and those two are kinda terrifying), instead they watch when they get overpowered and captured by a squad of sanitized octolings (those two got sent to investigate since people kept vanishing when they went that way). they still get the same "youre down here because of me" guilt since they chose to watch rather than intervene
they later got into the metro proper and found those same people but like super amnesia'd and a little traumatised already, even if theyre not sure how much of that was already there, and then they get even MORE fucked up because the metro is fucking Like That
also guilt bc they dont actually help with the tests beyond advice thru the comms. can never have too much of that
they get CB and Bubbles out of the blender by removing their special limiter and spamming splashdown on the top til it breaks, getting exhausted and passing out afterwards, letting tartar control them
the hole in the ceiling gets made by CB throwing a bit of broken blender really hard
usually they would get their ass kicked by either CB or Bubbles, let alone both at once, but the two of them are so exhausted and fucked up and a little injured that the fight is closer than anyone would like. the fight ends when CB grabs them by the ankle and slams them into the floor. think that one scene from the avengers with the hulk and loki
unfortunately, since CB is way too scared and full of adrenaline to properly regulate her strength, she completely crushes their ankle and lower leg. since it doesnt splat them, they dont respawn, and everyone is too preoccupied with destroying the NILs statue to get them to a hospital, the leg wasnt salvageable and they had to get it amputated below the knee
theyre an ambulatory wheelchair user, after that. sometimes crutches instead, but they tend to go for the chair in alterna bc crutches and ice do NOT mix trust me on this. i only had crutches for a couple months but i fell on my ass SO much
anyway they reconnect with callie and marie and things are fine and good and theyre totally not avoiding the twins because marina kept updating them on relevant files she found during OE and theyre struggling to reconcile the idea that these are enemies with the undeniable truth that nobody has had a greater negative impact on their lives than them.
probably would be worse if marina told them the twins were 15. good thing she doesnt!
oh yeah i forgot ages. proto is 17 in splat1, 19 in splat2/OE and 24 by splat3
anyway yeah in their efforts to avoid the twins so that they dont have to think about the wide-reaching consequences of their past actions, they dont actually leave them with any way to contact them while they go check out the Crater. itll only be a quick mission, right? no need to worry about it
alterna happens
then they and the squid sisters come back to cuttlefish cabin to find it completely empty, then discover that flora is still in the hospital after having the shit kicked out of him because he was hypnoshaded and they didnt have any low-tide ink because marie wasnt there and they couldnt contact her and they tried and they tried and why didnt anyone answer and
theres a big cool dramatic confrontation where CB and Bubbles reveal they got all their mem cakes and know exactly who proto is and what they did and would have forgiven if they had been honest but now they cant trust their captain and formally quit the NSS
honestly theres more stuff for proto after this but i ahvent actually figured it out yet.
personality-wise, theyre overconfident in their own abilities and underconfident in the abilities of everyone else, they struggle to give control of anything over to someone else. because why would they allow someone else to be in charge when they know that their own plans are automatically so much better?
as they learn about the actual consequences of their splat1 plan via CB and Bubbles' descriptions of their mem cakes, this confidence falters a bit. they spent so long with that plan being one of their greatest achievements that they cant reconcile with the reality that it had devastating consequences for innocent people
this is not at all helped by Flora, who makes no secret of his opinion on proto. at first he's just fucking with them for the sake of fucking with them, the same way he does for marie, but it gets more antagonistic when proto reacts with genuine anger rather than the good humour marie does. flora absolutely does not take kindly to people trying to exert authority over her so she aims to piss off proto at every opportunity
it is very easy for flora to piss proto off
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abe-the-detective-blog · 10 months
writing some modern headcanons of Abe and his boyfriends. its mostly based off of collage and highschool activities.
ok so my headcanon is that Abe is a band kid, he plays trumpet. now we know Markus is a theater kid but for Wilford and Benjamin i was seriously had to think about it. now will would 100000% be on the dance team. now for Benjamin all i was thinking about is ether swim or cross country but i think cross country makes a bit more sense. (fast boy). also all of this is sorta based on my school (mostly band) dose practice and stuff.
Just abe being so sore and tired after a home football game when he catches up with his boyfriend(s) he just rest his head on his chest and begs to go get something to eat. (band kids cant eat all during games there playing at or theyll get there instrument damaged.)
Abe and Markus definitely messing/teasing with each other for there activity. "at least i dont gotta wear makeup to everything i preform at" "at least i dont have to worry about breaking the one thing people come to see me play." but its all playful and full of love.
Markus stealing Abes trumpet and hiding it whenever he needs to practice so he'll get a kiss.
abe going to Markus practices when he can and vice versa. (abes band director and Markus theater director both tease abe/Markus about his boyfrend.)
markus chewing out someone for talking shit on his boyfriend for being a band kid
abe basically know the play by heart since markus uses him for practice.
wilford asking abe to play for him and loves it.
abe going to every dance thing he can just to see wilford dance (wont admit it it takes his breath away every time)
wilford and abe cuddling as will talks about some drama thats happening on the dance team.
abe reminding wilford to stretch before he dose practice.
wilford putting love notes in abes trumpet case.
benjamin challenging abe to a race and slows down on purpose so he can see abe smile when he wins.
again stealing abes trumpet and takes off running with it when abe dose catches him he gives it back with a kiss on the nose.
benjamin becoming the most flusterd thing after he wins and abe loudly announces to his friends "thats my man!"
abe and benjamin both practicing together "ok this song takes me 5 mins to play think you can run a mile in that time?" "please ill be fine"
benjamin being adored by abes band director and most of the band.
general headcanons.
all going to home football games just to see abe.
mandatory after practice kisses/hugs.
cuddling a sleepy abe after football games because hes been awake for so long and has been playing all day.
abe crying somedays after band practice and the band director was being really mean (most are mean especially mine)
(small headcanon that hank/mr muderslaugter was a football player and him teasing with abes boyfriend)
letting each other vent about activities and classes.
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idsfantasy · 10 months
hey! thanks for anwsering lol, and its fine, i understand what you mean, all though i defiently do think with that point, vanny defiently comes to mind in terms of secondary villain, i do think williams time in the spotlight in terms of the main games are up, but i do think he'll just always be here in cameos and such, him and his family are one of the biggest parts of the franchise, so i dont think theyll ever truly replace him, especially now with the mimic simply being a new villain whos mostly lost the afton persona best of wishes with the video and ty for anwsering once again!
No problem! Thank you :D
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
because I belong to this idea, here's my headcanons for poly 1-a. theyre dating susan.
the very first couple is momojirou. aizawa doesn't like having a couple in his class but he thinks. heh those two are tame it's fine.
little did he know. it was only the beginning.
kaminari says something about how he wishes he could date jirou. both jirou and her gf say they wouldn't mind if kami dating her. they become a trouple, as kami def loves momo as well and momo gets attached to him easily.
then it goes downhill from here. the bakusquad slowly comes into it. sero makes out with kami. jirou is into him too. he joins in. kirishima is next. then mina. bakugou doesn't come in yet, theyll have to wait for him to be a little more comfy with the idea, cuz he's aro and gay and doesn't conceive this can be platonic too.
then the dekusquad. momo kisses uraraka. uraraka has her good ol' crush on midoriya, she basically drags him in. he crushes hard on kiri and kami so he's fine with it, just disappointed kacchan isn't there (:<)
then todoroki. he holds iidas hand all the time for comfort purposes and accidentally makes him part of the polycule
tsuyu is a lesbian and just wants to date all the girls. she's just there for the gals man
aizawa looks at the twelve (12) dumbasses holding hands in the hallways. he internally weeps.
it gets worse/better when shinsou gets in the class. everyone wants to date him.
satou confesses to momo with cookies and is accepted into the polycule with open arms from everyone. ojirou and hagakure reveal they'd been dating in secret and both have a crush on kaminari, because obviously.
koda and tokoyami first get into a qpr just the two of them, before being swallowed by the polycule.
shinsou has warmed up to the class. he is a cat sitting on everyone's lap but is too nervous to ask the 1-a polycule to date him.
aoyama really wants to date basically everyone, and he's smart. he knows the polycule is the way. he goes in
I'm talking about this like it's the mafia what is wrong with me
shouji gets in without realizing. everyone just loves cuddling with him so much.
only bakugou and shinsou are left. everyone is plotting against them.
aizawa is mentally praying they stay out for his mental health. he cannot deal with the full power of a 1-A polycule.
shinsou has no idea whats the difference between romantic and platonic is he just wants to have people to cuddle and make out with and these ones are very neat. he rambles to bakugou about this. bakugou tells him about how he wants to be there too but is scared they'll ask things he doesn't want from him. shinsou says if they do he'll beat their asses, and they both confess.
aizawa is on the border of tears. he's so unhappy rn. he's the shadow of a man
his students are thriving tho. cuddling, making out eventually. some like neither but simply having the company of the others is so great.
momojirou are joked to be the moms of the polycule. they were the first ones dating, after all.
they would kill people for each other. they very much would.
if u have any headcanons for poly 1-a I am begging u to send me an ask or reblog this and tell me
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dual-fantasy · 3 months
alright (alright) by mccafferty is an eridan and equius song as well. eridan said its feels so great not to feel anything hes got to try it some time. equius hates the way that he talks about his piercings like theyll mean something some day, he only got them cause his mom (lusus) hates the way that they look. but alright he'll take him home this time so him and his drunk friends can stay alive. and he loves the way eridan says hes such a good guy when he walks him to his door tonight. something about a guy watching his friend ruin himself over and over again with no way to actually help him because he doesn't even know the details of how bad it is. something about a guy being able to watch stupid horse movies with his friend but also having to choose between dumping him on kanaya(who isn't equipped to handle this at all) or taking him to his house and probably making everything worse. they're totally fine and normal though. i'm normal about them too(frothing at the mouth white knuckle grip on the sink going insane)
MCCAFFERTY MENTION ‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️ WTF IS A GOOD BAND 💯💯💯💪💪💪🙏🙏‼️‼️also holy fuck dude coming straight for the gut punch. ouchhhhhhhhh. anon you're so cruel to me specifically Jesus christttttskalallfkal. something about the character dynamics you described that just. drives me up the wall. also how are we feeling about graveyard by McCafferty for eridan. because I am feeling Unwell
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quodekash · 11 months
im back.
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hell yeah flute man
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pls my dads are so sweet, i cant deal
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i guess what im trying to say is DID THEY REALLY JUST FU
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what is it with our skyy 2 and introducing me to small children that i get emotionally attached to anD THEN RIPPING THEM AWAY FROM ME
he'll be fine tho, im sure of it. he knows what hes doing. and even if he doesnt, he's got two dads and two uncles to look after him, theyll find him and rescue him in the most overly dramatic way possible
my bet tho: he's just gone back to the village and he's completely safe and yod's trying to radio them to let them know hes safe but their radio isnt working, so he's gonna go into the forest to look for them while the four dudes wander around the forest to find the kid, and then theyll all run into each other and be like "welp we panicked for nothing" and then go back to the village and then theyll kiss their boyfriends and longtae will appear with his 184cm tall boyfriend and theyll all party and celebrate
(that last part is a mere wish, i know my boy doesnt show up at all and im sad about it)
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its totally fine then, theyll find him and he'll be safe and sound
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oh look at that, they did a custody switch
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i think the real thing we should be saying here is: it's already evening and your legs are STILL hurting?
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bro is just chilling
i love this kid so much
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he's saying this terrifying thing about how a wild animal nearly killed him so he climbed a tree and got stuck in it all night, and he's just so chill about it
i just love him so much
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well how the hell are you gonna communicate that with your boyfriends
also: surely patpran are getting close to their one week quota, right? they had one week to get the thing signed, ive forgotten how long they were already there for, but theyve been in a forest for three days so like idk man
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they all probably smell. theyve been wearing those clothes for days in a forest
and pat probably still thinks he can find pran based on his scent, bless his silly idiotic heart
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omg bonding
"why do i feel like you're just insecure and not sure if you're good enough to tell anyone that story?" awh
"you know nothing" "why wouldnt i know? i know how it feels to be insecure, unsure if im good enough" wait hang on
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i wanna hug him so bad
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i know he has it just because pran dropped it in the forest and pat picked it up, but its still the same watch that pat picked up for pran when they were children, all those freaking years ago
i just think its a lovely parallel
i love them so much
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SEE?? you help each other out, you both sacrifice for one another, YOU ARE IN LOVE AND YOU MIGHT NOT BE PERFECT BUT YOU'RE THE DAMN BEST AND GVERYJDHFGB
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COMFORTING DAD PATS (pats like the action of patting, not multiple of the character whose shoulder is being patted. words are hard)
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shoot i ran out of images
just fyi: it took over two hours for me to get from halfway through 2/4 to halfway through 4/4. and i still have a whole episode left go to. this may take like a week to finish
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Warrior nun s2 e2
Firstly this series did not go in directions I expected. I thought it would be very YA, 2 episodes and Ava's fully on board etc. so that was a nice surprise.
"I prefer fashion-disabled" iconic.
Ok this actual episode - why do we believe Vincent/Lilith that Mary died in that cell? What actual evidence was there?
Im super suspicious of "im a journalist researching armour I have to interview the pope" woman.
Im not sure if -inetti pope guy believed himself that adriel is supernatural or not till the fucking grape scene. I paused during the monologue like, thats kind of an odd meal, a whole small bird of some kind, some kind of grass and giant grapes? Ooh its for dramatic grape-eating intimidation, gotcha.
And adriel wants to send vincent to the spy club get together, is he sending vincent as an assassin? Or as a sacrifice? Or does he think theyll be naive enough to be like oh guy who betrayed us welcome back!
Im also laughing at Netflix's summary "Lilith turns to an unexpected source for help" well only as much as Jillians role in the story is "unexpected source of help".
Lillith's tantrum was kind of funny too, girl youve literally been to hell, youve practically bathed in murder blood from killing people with your bare hands, youre how old exactly, but youre still upset mommy isnt impressed with you?? GIRL. WOMAN. Seriously get your shit together! You literally have mother superion as your stand in mother what do you need your bio mom for? [Plot, probably, lets be honest].
We had two scenes of people sitting on opppsits ends of a long table huh. And then Ava and Beatrice's table is round and they talk.on the couch. Also that was such a realistic fight emotionally! No stupid idk lying or weird tv bullshit to argue about, just actual logical character emotion and reactions and apology.
Which brings me back to, those grief scenes were intense but *why should I believe them*.
(Plz dont spoiler me for further along, if ive missed a detail in episodes so far please tell me)
Oh from prev season finale Ava saying "I want to end the cycle of women like me being manipulated by creepy men" as adriel is literally stroking her face.
- why didnt lilith want the halo going into the tomb did she know something? I dont buy complete amnesia.
- we start with Ava being suspicions of vincent she makes some comment about him being the one guy in charge of all the women. But then hes kind and youre like ah hez fine. Did he want ava bc shed be easier to manipulate than lilith??
I kinda wonder if we're gonna see JC again. Probably not, but he was fun. Maybe he'll be back as an adriel supporter or something
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