#he'll try and carry her too with his 8 strength and she will be so charmed roflmao
grapecaseschoices · 9 months
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their height differences *twirls hair*
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avocado-writing · 7 months
Hello! Could I request BG3 origin companions + Halsin and Rolan reacting to you asking them to help you work out/get fit? I've just started my fitness journey (for health reasons) and motivating myself can be really hard sometimes ;-;
good luck on your fitness journey, anon! i lost a load of weight over lockdown so i know that it can be difficult but i promise you it's possible!
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he' will literally complain the whole time but will do it anyway.
he doesn't work out with you, but he will sit to the side as you exercise and shout 'encouragements' at you.
"oh that weightlifting looks like it's absolutely awful, keep it up!" or he sees you eating a protein bowl and he's like "good on you for eating that but I'm glad I only need to survive off blood"
but still let you know he's proud of you and is, overall, supportive and sweet.
I am not a 'gale has abs' truther. sorry larian he has a str 8 I'm not buying it.
still, he will really really do his best to help be your workout partner.
if he spots you with weightlifting he has to do it with a mage hand too, or my boy is not strong enough to make sure you don't hurt yourself lol
he will get so knackered trying to keep up with you but he'll do it! he wants to be a good exercise partner!
is the best for looking up dietary stuff & researching into best exercises for the parts of your body you want to focus on.
maybe he does have abs by the time of you get into a good routine...
Wyll is the only str8 companion I buy having abs. he's a swordsman and keeps himself lean to be good in a fight.
uses his swordmanship knowledge as a fitness regime - the two of you spar every day for long periods, it's a great workout!
helps you cool down after too, shows you the best way to help ease the sting of lactic acid.
he will sit down with you and make an exercise plan for each day. if he's doing this with you you're going the whole way, not half-arsing it.
exhausting but a great workout partner!
very excited. jumps into training with you way too fast and hard. you are exhausted after the first couple of days and go to bed aching from it.
when she realises she cuts down on what she's asking you to do and tries to build up your strength and endurance on a curve rather than all at once.
she loves getting up early and going for a jog, just the two of you.
great at weight lifting. you're able to lift far more than you could every dream of after a couple of months.
she flexes at you and you flex back, then break into laughter. she loves having someone to do this with!
especially when she's still a sharran, she is very much a 'feel the burn' sort of exercise partner.
your body hurts? good. keep going. that's how you know it's working. shar wants you to feel the pain.
lots of yoga and meditation, too. helps you restore balance to yourself after a tough session.
you go to bed sore every night but she just uses heals on you the next morning before you get going again.
it works but god, it is rough.
"hmm. very well, i have seen how enviously you look at my body. i will train you to have my strength."
like karlach, she throws you in to the deep end, because that is how githyanki do it. unlike karlach she does not let up.
she is brutal but you see results quickly. another one of the companions who likes sparring. will make you fight her again and again until she can see proof your muscles are developing.
one day she gives you a compliment about how well you're doing and you're glowing for the rest of the day.
for sure uses his wildshape to help you work out, turning into bigger and bigger animals and getting you to carry them as you run.
very supportive! constantly giving you a stream of praise about how well you are doing.
suggests good plants to supply you with extra vitamins, makes sure you are drinking water and staying hydrated.
being so old he probably has his own workout routine which he adapts for you. is aware of how much you can do but also helps you increase your endurance - he is the best at planning what you're doing that day.
will. not. shut. up. about. how. he. hates. this.
"i don't want to do this >:(" "then don't." "no wait--"
groans and whines as he jogs next to you. eventually uses a floating disk to hover next to you as you run a circuit.
when you point out he's just giving up, that incites him, and he becomes a halfway decent workout buddy - he says it's just to spite you, but you think it may be because he enjoys spending time with you...
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weekend-whip · 2 years
I just realized something that could happen for Jesse & his lil' flower readings after reading that Nature-based Outburst ask.
What if... after the last time Jesse sees Harumi prior to Season 8, he decides to summon a flower, maybe wanting a sign that everything's gonna be alright with his troubled friend...
Only to pull out a lycoris radiata... a red spider lily... a flower said to line the paths walked by those you'll never see again...
'Cause yeah, he's not gonna see that Harumi again. He's gonna see the Harumi that's secretly The Quiet One the next time she shows up. But he doesn't know that, he'll think she's gone for good, after everything she's been through.
And when Crystalized comes & goes, when Harumi swaps back to the Good Guys during the last moments, when Jesse doesn't have to worry about his long lost friend stabbing him in the back while he gives her the most long overdue hug in existence... he'll know that she still isn't the Harumi he once knew, and she never will be again...
...because she's already walked the path lined with red spider lillies.
"I think it's more surprising—" Harumi hums, eyeing the wispy red flower that Jesse holds out to her as a sort of a peace offering. It's not the snapdragon she'd expected, but seeing something so pungent with meaning makes a smile creep on her face. Her pink eyes flit up to meet his brighter ones. His are not amused. "—that the spider lily didn't appear sooner, given that I died as soon as my parents did."
She says it dismissively, carelessly—like that hadn't been the inciting incident for years of impending agony. Maybe she's stopped caring. Maybe she's moved on. Maybe she's just trying to make a point.
Jesse doesn't know anymore, because he doesn't know who this is anymore.
It should be easy to look past it, as she says she's reformed, learned her lesson, wishes to atone...and there's moments where Jesse can see shades of the past sprinkled across her face in the few ephemeral moment since. It's in the way she carries herself, slightly shy yet bold when given the opportunity; in the way she does her part to help rebuild and makes sure no one else is slacking; in the way she'll catch the eye of those who were once friends turned enemies turned something else and then smile privately with nostalgia. But this Harumi doesn't deserve to do so, does she?
She almost has the same sparkle in her eye, same slight tilted smile, same windchime-like laugh...and even after a fall from grace, grace she still carries, derived from her duties upon the council and accumulated in the title of 'princess' eventually bestowed upon her. A grace that, even all those years ago, had been deduced by the appearance of a white and pink snapdragon, and enforced even now.
So, too, is that unwavering strength, for without it she wouldn't have defied all those deaths, metaphoric or otherwise, and certainly wouldn't be standing before Jesse now. He concedes she's overcome much with that strength, but used it just the same to inflict so, so much harm. Her strength is a neutral one, only taking on a connotation of good or bad depending on how she wields it...or, who beholds it.
That much is still the same as before.
But the most alarming similarity is the one he doesn't want to say. That, even back when she'd still wore her long pale hair in braids and skipped through the school halls and paraded around her adoration for the ninja, her snapdragons still whispered mentions of a capacity for deceit; a quiet, subtle warning Jesse had chosen to ignore.
Because surely, surely, surely, his best friend could have never been capable of hurting him and everyone they cared about to a life-destroying degree. And to believe otherwise would have been wrong.
...had the old Harumi truly died, if the most important shades of her still persisted within the girl before him now? Or, worse...the Harumi he'd known all along...really was this girl the whole time?
Jesse mentions her snapdragon's hidden meaning as she accepts the spider lily in its stead. She almost laughs, though it comes out as more of a choked sob than anything else. To anyone but Jesse—yet except maybe Lloyd—it would have been impossible to tell the difference.
"...that, I find incredibly ironic," Harumi remarks. The subtle mirth vanishes from her gaze, replaced by cold, expressionless melancholy. She's not upset, nor angry. Just tired, mostly. Resigned, if nothing else.
A hand slips into her pocket, and unto her finger slips a keychain, connected to a snapdragon encased in resin. Jesse's eyes widen as she pulls it out.
She spins it around like it's a meaningless toy. And yet, she'd kept it after all this time. It's almost enough to make him think that the lillies could be wrong; this could still be her—his best friend, lost to heartache, turmoil, and the unforgiven march of time and a slew of bad choices...
And maybe one day, if they're lucky, they'll be able to have what they used to, or at least parallel to it, if the Master is kind.
But, it won't be today.
"So you...find it ironic because you would have deceived us, even before you would have had reason to?"
"No." Harumi brushes a hand through her bangs, her fingers featherlight against the scar torn across her face. Sometimes, that's still enough to bring back the sting. "It's ironic because you had deceived me first."
And Jesse is swiftly reminded that no, this is not the same girl.
And also, that it is his fault.
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If Stranger Things was set in the Hunger Games universe...
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Dustin: District 3. Dustin's smart, he knows a lot about science and technology so he'll go far in the games. In the interviews, he's awkward and funny and probably wins a lot of hearts with his goofy attitude and smile. He's not very skilled physically, he's not as strong as other tributes not as fast or as agile but he's smart and that makes up for a lot of things. He uses the environment in which the games are set in to his own advantage; creating electric pools of water to destroy his enemies and catch prey, creating bombs and land mines fairly easily... He's very clever and becomes a front runner however when faced with danger and no way to escape, he meets his demise.
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Mike: District 4. His sister was the winner of the previous Hunger Games so Mike enters the competition with a lot of buzz and excitement surrounding him. Will he be able to live up to Nancy's games? Answer: no. Mike's skill is his smarts, he's a natural born leader but gets carried away and ends up pushing his allies away from him. Ultimately he ends up meeting his demise about three quarters of the way through when an old ally tracks him down.
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Lucas: District 6. Lucas is charismatic and makes the Capitol laugh so becomes a lot of people's favourites. He's entered the games with Erica and his mission is to get her to come back home safe and that means he doesn't mind dying if his sister wins. His skill is his stamina, able to run for long distances, and his strength. He initially makes allies with Mike but ends up leaving due to the combative nature of them both. It's Lucas who brings Mike's demise. Lucas makes it pretty far in the games but ends up dying to protect his sister which gains a lot of respect.
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Max: District 2. Max was raised for the games like her brother, Billy, who competed in last years games. Billy didn't make it back but Max hopes that she'll be able to. She hates the games and hates that she has to do this but she's strong and can outrun pretty much anything. She's clever and always stays one step ahead of most of her competitors. She doesn't make allies, she doesn't trust anyone else, so spends the games alone. She makes it right until the last few remaining tributes but ultimately meets her demise when someone sneak attacks her.
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Eleven: District 8. Eleven doesn't have her powers in this universe. She's forgettable during the interview sections, quiet and mousy; people automatically assume that she's not much. She's skilled with hiding, able to climb trees and knife throwing. She's not very strong so uses sneak attacks to kill other tributes. She gets a few kills in but honestly, Eleven doesn't make it very far and ends up being killed about the half way point of the games.
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Will: District 7. After his brother's games the previous year, Will comes with a lot of anger and he is motivated to win and destroy the games. He hates that his brother died for this last year and he doesn't want the same to happen to him. He doesn't garner a lot of support in his interviews, too angry and pissed off to even try. His skill is his smarts and his adaptability. He can adapt to even the worst terrain, he's a good hider and Jonathan taught him to hunt so he knows the basics and despite all odds he makes it to around halfway. He makes allies with people who are stronger than him but unfortunately doesn't make it without them.
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Erica: District 6. Erica came with her brother and he's determined for her to make it, she however is convinced that the two of them can still make it. She's smart and boy she knows it. She acts the part for the interviews knowing that's how you get sponsors but she hates it. She's clever, she knows strategy and is a few steps ahead always. She's a fast runner and can hide well. She doesn't want to but she can and will defend herself when need be. After Lucas's sacrifice for her, she's determined to win the games for him and she does.
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Oliver and Ivy (naturally) for the Shipping Headcanon ask! :D
Every even number on the SFW side.
Every odd number on the NSFW side.
. . . enjoy! lol
2. Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
Ivy is very particular and that includes being very clean and organized, while Oliver is a lot more likely to leave a mess to come back to after some crisis or another (but he always comes back to clean up eventually, knowing that it bothers Ivy when he forgets)
4. Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
Oliver for sure, or at least he'll try before caving and calling a plumber, depending on the issue!
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
Ivy can absolutely afford it but Oliver insists on paying! He also orders more food, the perils of being a vigilante, and they usually split a desert
8. Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
Both of them know how!
10. Any pets? Or plants?
No pets, a few plants that they struggle to keep alive! They might get a dog when they're a bit older, when they have kids and their lives have settled down a lot more
12. Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
They're actually both really comfortable in silence together, if they're doing their own work then sometimes they can sit in the same room for hours without actually saying anything — they do talk a pretty equal amount in general, but Oliver is often the one breaking their silences when Ivy is too focused on work and forgets that the world exists, while Ivy often talks more when Oliver is particularly brooding or battling trauma to comfort him and remind him that he's at home with her and not wherever his head is taking him
14. Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
Personality wise, Ivy is absolutely higher maintenance and Oliver doesn't mind, he's always thought it's part of her charm (Oliver likes when she's a little bratty, tbh), but also dating/marrying a vigilante is it's own type of high maintenance, and while Ivy understands why Oliver does what he does, she's more likely to get frustrated by it
1. How often do they have sex, if at all?
Not every night (partially because it's not actually that they're both going to bed at the same time) but very frequently! Unless one of them is out of town, they never go three full days without sex
3. Any kinks they clash on?
They tend to be pretty compatible tbh! They're both very into when Ivy takes control, and while they both like Oliver taking control too, he tends to be more concerned about hurting her while Ivy just wants him to do what he wants to her
Also, although Ivy is into it when Oliver talks about the possibility of someone catching them, she's generally a lot more cautious about where they have sex and not actually wanting to get caught, while Oliver is far less concerned
5. Favourite positions?
Anything that involves Oliver picking her up or manhandling her in some way is a win in Ivy's book, but they are both very into her being on top in various ways, they both prefer being able to see each other
7. Genital headcanons?
I don’t have any yet, very open to ideas!
9. Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?
Turn ons: they’re both just very very into each other so tbh it’s pretty easy for them to get turned on but Oliver has a thing for Ivy being a bitch — when she’s smiling politely while ruining someone’s life or insulting someone in such a charming tone that they don’t realize it, he just wants to get his head under her skirt
Ivy’s quickest turn ons are Oliver’s strength and being domestic — seeing him in an apron cooking dinner gets her going as fast as him picking her up and carrying her to bed
They are also both very into it when the other gets possessive
Turn Offs: except for very special occasions, Ivy will not go farther than kissing Oliver if he’s injuried or bloody from his vigilante activities; the thought of him being hurt is too distressing for her to enjoy it
(Oliver is the opposite, on the occasions that Ivy has gotten injured by the latest villain or in connection to his vigilantism, all he wants is to lay her in bed and take her apart for hours and make her feel good)
A big turn off for Oliver is other people — he might be very into talking about the possibility of someone walking in on them or seeing them, but he doesn’t want to share any part of Ivy, ever
Anything degrading is also a no for both of them. Dirty talking is very okay, but anything degrading or demeaning is a hard limit and huge turn off
11. Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
Oliver always likes to kiss Ivy during/after orgasms (either of their orgasms), and Ivy once told Oliver that if he makes her cum and doesn't tell her he loves her, she's filing for divorce
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Most of the time Oliver talks more (Ivy enjoys shutting him up in various ways, whether that's a gag or just fucking him speechless), but Ivy makes more noises and Oliver always tries to get her to be lourder
15. Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
Entirely closed!
Shipping headcanons
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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This is Dave and AKA JC our son's brother and his sister-in-law was similar but she was 9 foot he was 10 ft and lifting this much weight at each show several times and they chill how much weight it was by having a bunch of people trying to lift it and they could not and it was a lot of fun because I tell you this only one way to do and that's it some strongman came up and tried lifted when was 8 ft tall and bulkier than him could not budget could not budge half of it and her son says I think at 10 ft when I'm poked up I can lift it pretty easily and I agree with him he's stronger than Dave and a lot of people are curious but 4,000 pounds is a lot he says but he's lifted up a lot of weight probably 2,000 pounds and his size no his smaller and it is it is real. And he lifted up and have to the Hammer and he hit it with such Force that we don't really tell people anymore and the Mac was 8 ft it was not Bob birdies but it was someone he knows and he's smiling and laughing cuz he knows the story it's a lot of weight and Kong could lift it at about 8 ft and a son knows about that he's very strong but our son is kind of comparable in strength. So Dave at 10 ft could actually defend himself but most people cannot against calling when he's only 8 ft is very fierce and yeah the Rock and others are in danger. You said to the rock you can lift up the Ford escort and it's really a she and it was Georgia and at in the movie rampage and our son can lift up several of them at full height. Says I have to work out with you. After him and she will smiles and says yeah okay I take a man that's what I don't think so have to have a wall there in case you get afraid and she goes yeah okay since it's making her think of Kong. We're having a lot of fun with it but really having trouble here a lot of it but this helps people seeing his brother at this size 10 ft and lifting so much weight will encourage them because he's thinking of doing that as a job and remind them of his brother and he could wear the mustache too it will grow out pretty quick and half a day and he has a different one but it looks like his
Thor Freya
Yes it looks like Mr Maserati and he likes it so he has to ask BG had to grow it and so forth I'm just going to help him getting a wardrobe cuz he'll probably be there he says awesome that's great and I'll be there too and you think that's that's really nice and that composes his mom she has a serious job should be busy
That sounds great I'm going to meet you there I'm getting costume and make up and everything I was doing the song it must be when it happened and we felt sorry because of your family you're approaching or something saying I've got a new family now if I'm heading up there and I start to laugh and I cried and she's there somewhere and your mom and the other part mom has to be found but I see this possible now there's a lot of them they do come out of it and see them in the future unless the idiots are copying them there's a stop them and this is what I say it probably is them and it's going to be horrible cuz they'll start a war with them but really it's not very nice but still what a nice thought that is and we do a lot of things pantomime routine with different dumbbells he says that's awesome we can do it together and we can magnetize the floor so I'll come over and say I can't lift it even if it's not magnetized and then you can lift it and don't have people try it and then I'll carry it off and put it away and I'm smiling cuz that's awesome that's the best way to do it you'll see that you can lift it too I don't understand this maybe it's Superman maybe we go ahead and do it I think we should do it and I think you're right I think that place should be more lively and it's like a morgue and they could be alive somewhere
I'm awesome I did a lot of inspiring I did a lot of work and people respected and he does too I used this line and I felt hilarious but people said you were possessed and we understand it's fierce what he said and people just keep on shoveling s*** at him he says and I say just wait till he's in the circus you'll see it's hilarious because we both know it's funny and they're laughing but okay maybe they'll do it because it's entertainment and that's the way they want to think about him but really BG and he thought of a great idea and that sounds like a lot of fun then I'll be up there too doing the high wire and we have of course Annette and we've been doing the standard act and I do I do it sometimes up there at Sarasota at the circus next to the mall and I'm very humble about it I guess he says you never told anybody and we go up there cuz we can get up there and we will bill Justin ken we get up there somehow I went up there, and someone's with me and we went to the Tesla store and boy that would be a nice night out and we have to get a cab or something I don't know how we get it we'll find a ride so I think I can find you a ride it will start to try and do that boy that would be great. You seen part of the actor says on TV and no you were there and you couldn't sit still but I know what you're saying you have to see it at least before it gets worse and might not be able to be done
What a great idea and this is Dave and I remember him and he couldn't get big like that around us during our entire time in Massachusetts but boy what a fun idea
I know the part and it's serious and they don't make jokes like I do and they they used to not move around like I do and they're serious with each other and their partners but they're kind of mean and and that's it's an act though
Hahaha okay that's what it's like and it really is an act so it's a lot of fun cuz afterwards were talking and laughing I remember him big in that clubhouse and he said this he said something I might do that he said you're kind of like in a bad way I hear it happen before how was the others and and I believe we start kicking them out second a movie that comes up in the future xmen been apocalypse, and then sissy moved too soon he started laughing and saying all sorts of stuff saying if they got me on some sort of thing stunting me I don't believe it what would it be allergy medicine and he starts saying that some concoction his food too and he studied it and told me it's like 10 things and a lot of stuff that's messing you up and he started trying to stop it and it made it worse we kept doing it and he studied himself and he figured it out and start doing it to him and he said start building up and they started building up and here we are but boy I got a post he says we're going to let him post it
Hi chris
Yes hello.
Cyr hr
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queer-enderdragon · 3 years
I need a break from A Thing i was doing so!! time to join this hermitblr trend that i thought was really funny-
Ranking hermits (personas) by how much i want to fight them :>
Mumbo: a total spoon, but contrary to popular belief i suspect he's actually quite beefy, so i could just go all in and bite first before he has the opportunity to think how to defend himself 9/10
Xisuma: he definitely has some muscle under all that armor, and i could definitely try but.... he's very sweet and could cry if he told me he was disappointed on me qwq 1/10
Grian: this man is basically me but with a red jumper and enough energy to actually do proyects, but i relax listening to Justice's album cross slowed. We both have an ace under the sleeve, and it could be very interesting to see what comes out of the fight 9/10
Joe: He's definitely not a good fighter, but before i could even touch him he would probably distract me with history facts or just talking about anything really. he knows how to tell a story and i really like hearing him talk 6/10
Impulse: Im going to chase and beat him up until he goes the fuck to rest, like my man what the fuck do you mean you changed the color of your base again?? 11/10
Bdubs: This dude is the definition of feral and always carries knifes with him, even if i wanted i cannot do much against him and my only hope is to run to the nearest jungle 3/10
Cubfan: If i ever in my life get the chance to even try defeat mister cub-invincible-fan 135 vex, i will take it with no regard of my own well-being and do my best. but i feel he'll go easy on me anyway u.u 135/10
Zedaph: If i try fight him i think i will have a 50/50 chance of winning, but if either of us gets distracted once we'll probably forget we were fighting and just play around on his cave of contraptions.... 8/10
TFC: This man needs peace, not a fight. besides, he's a good dude and i respect him too much to even ask for one 4/10
Iskall: Yeah, i know he was basically a hitman at one point, but we all know he can fall in the same trap twice. if i go fast enough maybe i can make him trip and leave him in the floor a few seconds 8/10
Stress: She once carried a whole giant pumkin with one single strength potion yall... she might be sweet but shes basically funtional feral. I'll lose in the fight but i would be totally worth it 10/10
Etho: he'll either beat me in the funkiest way possible without touching me or i wouldnt even see him coming and i'll be already in the floor 10/10
Xb: He's very chill and i bet it would be a very fun fight 8/10
Scar: I emotionally cannot fight him. he's just so sweet, i cant..... and also he has vex, i literally cannot go againt those little bastards 7/10
False: It would be an honour to fight her. I would possibly not win at the end but i'll enjoy having my ass beaten by her 111/10
Keralis: As long he's not wearing that damn skin he always used in decked out or is under water, i'll happily beat him up with my "go to h*rny jail" bat n_n /lh 7/10
Cleo: she'll destroy me with words, besides... how the hell do you beat up a corpse 8/10
Jevin: honestly i dont wanna fight him, just,,, poke him a bit to see what sound his slime does 6?/10
Ren: the fight would be so damn theatrical and fun, i would enjoy every second of it 10/10
Doc: he may have fought a god and won, but im very reckless and want to see if i can with the challenge 8/10
Tango: he used ravagers for a game he made alone in minecraft vanilla, i wont fight this man unless if its with my "get the fuck to rest" bat like impulse 7/10
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firsttarotreader · 3 years
How did Pedro feel about Lena right after they ended whatever relationship they had? And how does he feel about her now? Does he hold resentment?
Hello, thanks for the question!! So, I asked about how he felt after it and now, and I pulled another super intense set of cards.
The first time, I pulled the King of Wands reversed, Death and Page of Pentacles reversed. Now, as we know, Pedro is the King of Wands reversed in many readings, but I think he might have "turned reversed" after that breakup of whatever they had. This King is the the King of Action, he's a leader, he's straighforward, full of energy and will to go through life the fiercest way, but he loses all of it when he's reversed. He lost his will, his energy, his strength, he became passive and all that action he had in him was gone. That happened because of something that "died", as per the Death card. Something ended, something had to die, and it did, and it was very hard for him. The result was the Page of Pentacles reversed, which is another card that has been popping up in his relationship and sex questions. This Page is very grounded and can be shy, but he's strong and very disciplined to get what he wants. However, when reversed, he turns closed off. He isolates himself, he becomes colder and can get stagnated in life (or in some aspects of it).
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Then, in another pull, I got the Empress, the 8 of Cups and the Emperor reversed. This one was another hard hit. The Empress is that female energy of action too, she is the one that makes things happen. However, the 8 of Cups is a card about the fear of abandonment, past hurt that is affecting you now, a loss you have suffered, and you are carrying the weight of this heartbreak, whatever it was. The Emperor is another one of Pedro's cards, but he is reversed. This strong leader, responsible for his Kingdom on Earth along with the Empress, who is kind and just, full of good will, loses all of it too. He becomes fragile, imbalanced, his structures are shaken, he loses his faith and enthusiasm, kinda like the King of Wands reversed.
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From these two pulls, I would say he might have been deeply hurt by the end of whatever relationship they had, this seems to have affected him deeply, making him lose most of his will and strength and boldness. He might have gone hesitant, closed off, lacking energy, even to invest in new relationships. I gotta say these cards really do make it look like most of his closed offness to relationships might have come from a potential heartbreak in this situation, or have been heightened by that. Now, he fears abandonment, he's afraid to be the Emperor again, and this, I think, will be a problem between him and the Empress. See how the 8 of Cups is between the Empress (who is upright) and the Emperor (who is reversed)? He will have a hard time opening up again, to her or anyone else (see the Page of Pentacles reversed).
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When I asked my Oracle of Delphi, I pulled Material Well-being, The Dreams and Sincerity. Material Well-being is a card pointing to him going through a prosperous and wealthy time of his life. He'll have success, money, abundance, financial security, but he might cling to that way too much if he isn't careful. The Dreams point to him making his dreams a reality, he will be invested in it and he will make all the efforts he has to to reach his goals. It's a time full of dreams and hopes and desires, but they seem linked to the material world, as per the first card. The lack of strength and will might be all emotional, after all. Sincerity seems to be about a time in his life where he's trying to come clean in every relationship he has (not just romantic or sexual, but work and friendship and family too). He wants to be true and wants people around him to be sincere, frank, spontaneous. He will try to be and he will want from people openness in communication. Could it possibly be because he has been lied to in the past?
Either way, whatever happened seems to have been emotionally hard to him and it still affects him in a way.
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