#he's LITERALLY too cute i had to gif him cause he's so relaxed in this scene i love it
chelseasdagger · 2 years
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#he’s never done anything wrong in his life
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carolmunson · 1 year
let's go, don't wait: part II (e.m. x f!reader)
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inspired by this prompt by @edsforehead - it's not exactly the same but i did my best! series masterlist summary: modern!eddie's been single since 2020 and aside from getting his dick wet after weekend shows at the hideout, he hasn't been going out of his way for love until his friends make him. cw: 18+ for adult themes. alcohol use, swearing, phone sex, smut, oral (f receiving). some sad childhood talk, all around this is a fluff piece so nothing too bad. (19K words.)
With how easy the first date had been to make, Eddie wasn’t expecting it to be so hard to pin you down for the next one. Neither of your schedules had lined up for the rest of the week, and up until next Friday neither of you had much free time. You either had to stay at work late or he had to stay late for the three extracurriculars he was running (jazz club, D&D club, and co-runner of the school’s GSA) – which he’d only be annoyed about running if he didn’t absolutely love the kids. The extra overtime didn’t hurt either, perks of working at a rich kid private arts school.
At first he was nervous you were busy going on dates with other guys until he called you one night and he could hear your boss in the background waxing poetic about the shift to lab grown sapphires. Then he’d feel bad for feeling so accusatory to start – you’d never said anything to each other about being exclusive. Hell, you’d only been on one date. But you talked every day, and fuck did that feel good for Eddie. 
g’morning pretty  ew you’re obsessed with me. good morning, boy
He’s happy he knows you’re joking because he’s certain no other guy would get it. He knows you read his text and screamed into your pillow, cheeks hot and chest thrumming. That’s why you always have to respond so mean so that he doesn’t know how much you like him back. This backfires, because he can tell that the meaner you are, the more you like his attention.
what’s your weekend look like? i know you leave for AZ on sunday but i’d really like to see you before you go. 
You were headed to a gem trade show in Tucson on Sunday for a few days. You went every year you’d been working for your boss, you told him all about it on the phone. You’re cute when you’re excited but he didn’t want to embarrass you by saying so – just let you rattle on about all the things you get to see. You promised to send him pictures of some of the cool fossils you might come across, all of the big crystal furniture.  “You were a weird dinosaurs kind of kid, right? You’d be into pictures of fossils?" “Why are you so mean? Would you go up to nine year old me and call him a weird kid that’s into dinosaurs?” “No, he’d be so sad.” “So next time you wanna say some mean shit, imagine you’re saying it to nine year old me.” “I bet you were a cute kid,” you thought out loud, “You’re a really cute adult.” 
“You think I’m cute?” “The cutest.” His face burned at every compliment you offered him, flushing dark pink at every sweet word you said. He was a mess. Embarrassment would flood him when he’d check his phone during class, the kids would never let him hear the end of it.  “Did you meet her on Tinder, Mr. E?”  “This is not appropriate class discussion guys,” his eyes would shut tight in frustration when they’d catch him texting you back and he’d reluctantly tuck his phone into his back pocket. They were way bolder than he was at their age. “No because like, you’re so happy though. Look how you’re smiling when you text her.” “Mr. Munson’s got that W rizz.”  “Is she hot?” “Be fucking forreal. He’s blushing so hard right now.” “Smash or pass, Munson?” “Guys, can you relax? You literally have a test right now." Bzz. Bzz.
i gotta run errands on saturday and go then leave sunday night :( working late friday cause we need to take gem inventory essentially He sighed, he didn’t want to wait until next Friday to see you again. 
i could run errands with you if you’ll have me. i’ll drive! you sure? it’s not super exciting stuff. you make it exciting. :) i’ll take you out to lunch. sound good? okay :) okay :)  see you saturday, cutie omg shut up 🙄 but yeah. see you saturday. :) 
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He was nervous you’d notice he got his interior detailed the night before, but he was too embarrassed to let you get into the car in its original glory. He honked the horn in three short bursts, being mindful of the neighbors even though it was around 9:30 in the morning.  You inch out of the door of your place, the first floor of a quaint three family home, in your Princess Diana best. You dressed for errands and his heart swells, leggings and a big sweatshirt, little white sneakers and socks. You look cute like this, hurrying outside with your paper Old Navy bag blowing in the wind, relaxed and laid back. But you aren’t for long, you take a step outside only to feel the chill in the ‘second winter’ air of March and raise a finger to him before running back inside — reappearing with a lightweight parka haphazardly thrown on. You patter to the car and he tries to ignore his heart rate speeding up while he leans over to open it for you. “Hey you,” he smiles, “Good morning.”  “Morning,” you say with a coy smile. His chest leans forward slightly to kiss you as you settle in but he stops short. Are you there yet? You only kissed that night last week. What if you weren’t ready to kiss again? He swallows, settling back into his seat but recognizing how his car fills with your scent. You smell so fucking good he could eat you.  “So what’s the agenda, sugar?” he asks.   “Okay, agenda: Target, Old Navy for a return,” you say, raising your bag, “I have to run into Sephora to pick up some sunscreen for my boss, and um…I think that’s it? They’re all in the same shopping center over by um – by the movie theater.”  “Oh yeah,” he nods, “I know the one.”  He reaches for the sound system, turning the volume up a little, Lamb of God’s Vanishing crunching through his speakers. He watches for your reaction and can tell you don’t know it, but you don’t seem appalled or repulsed.  “Do you have a tunes preference?” he asks, voice velvety smooth, eyes catching on your parted lips, “It’s a long drive.”  “Uh…” your knee bounces faster, “I mean it’s your car. We should listen to what you wanna listen to.”  “Honey, I’m like your Uber driver today,” he offers, head tilting while he looks over at you. Eddie’s gaze lingers on your face with soft eyes, lashes a shadow over his irises, “How’m I gonna get a five star review if you don’t like the music?” 
“I do!” you assure aggressively, “I do like it.”
“Here, I have a plan,” he nods, holding his hand out, “Gimme your phone.” 
You toss him a look which triggers an eye roll from him, “Just trust me, give me your phone.” 
“Here’s the bargain, I connect your tunes to my car,” he mumbles while he disconnects his phone from the car’s Bluetooth and connects yours instead, “But I get to pick the songs. Deal?” 
A giggle bubbles out of you, shoulders shaking loosely, “That’s ridiculous.” 
“But is it a deal?” he asks again. He takes a breath that inflates his chest, while you consider it. It’s not fair that you look so cute this morning, it’s not fair that he doesn’t have the confidence to just reach over and lay one on you like they do in the movies. He wasn’t lying when he said you were so kissable. 
“It’s a deal,” you nod. He watches your knee slow down to stopping. Eddie swallows, eyes traveling from your knees to your full thighs sitting fat in his passenger's seat with a quick scan that you don’t notice. 
“Okay, so let’s see…” he mutters, going into your music and scrolling through your artists, landing pretty early on with an enthusiastic nod that makes his waves bounce around his face. 
“Blood Brothers?” he asks, “Wow, you really did hate your dad, huh? I haven’t heard this album in years.”
“I started liking them for a boy back in high school,” you shrugged while he thumbed through the tracks, “Then started liking them forreal.” “That’s okay,” he smiles over at you, “You’d be surprised to see my Spotify wrapped every year. Never as mean and scary as you’d expect.” 
“No?” your brows raise, “Not a bunch of ‘Stabby Metal Scream Crunch Stab’ in your top ten?” 
He scoffs, settling on ‘Set Fire to the Face on Fire’, the opening Fire! Fire! Fire! leaking through the speakers, “I married the head cheerleader at my high school – I’d like to think my music taste is pretty eclectic. Metal’s just, y’know, the main course. Plenty of side dishes on my roster.” 
“You a big fan of having something on the side?” you quirk a brow at him through the rear view mirror while he puts the car in drive. He scoffs again, lips twitching up into a smirk. You’re quick and it makes his blood rush, his fingers drum nervously on the wheel while he keeps the car in place.
“Why’re you so mean, huh?” he teases, “Do I look like the kind of guy that’s had a lot of side pieces?” 
“Oh,” you start, giving him a once over, “Not even close.” 
“You’re here with me, aren’t you?” he asks, putting the car in park again. He turns down the volume, turning his body completely towards you. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right,” you drone, turning yourself toward him in return,  “I guess I am.” Eddie clears his throat, tongue flicking over his full lips to wet them. 
“So uh…before we hit the road,” his voice cracks, heart rattling in its cage, trapped in his chest, “D’you-think-I-could-steal-a-kiss-good-morning?” It pours out of his mouth while his body goes numb – like the bandaid was ripped off but someone else did it for him. His hopeful voice when he presents the offer sounds foreign to him, but he knows what he’s asking you. Blood rushes in his ears, the steady thump of his heart pounding through his veins. Your bottom lip tucks into your teeth, eyes shutting briefly with anticipation, a tiny chuckle huffs through your nose. Your knee starts to bounce again. 
“Yeah, but it’s not stealing if I’m letting you have one,” you reply, your own voice becoming delicate and girlish, teenage nerves coasting down your throat through the back of your neck. He leans close to you, engulfed again in the scent of your perfume, head leaning to the side slightly while your movements mirror his. Eddie brings a hand up to hold your face, keeping you steady while he goes in for the kill, one he’d been hoping to make since he saw you last. Heart stuck in his throat, he almost feels a sob shoot through his chest when his lips touch yours. It’s as soft and warm as he remembers. As soft and warm as the moment he’s been replaying in his head since last Monday. 
You both break apart but he doesn’t move away from your face, hand dropping from your cheek to your bouncing knee where he gives it a gentle squeeze, “Are you nervous?” 
“I don’t know,” you shrug, “I think maybe, yeah. But I’m excited, too. Y’know, to spend the day with you.” 
It’s his turn to feel giddy and embarrassed, a flush building steadily on the apples of his cheeks, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m nervous, too. But it’s  just gonna be a nice, chill day, okay?” 
“Okay,” you nod, both of you wearing matching smiles. 
“I do have a rule, though,” his brows furrow, implying he’s serious. You look very seriously back at him. 
“I gotta kiss you every time you’re startin’a look a little too good,” he gives you a shrug of one shoulder before settling back into the driver’s seat while he pulls onto the road, “Cause I don’t know if you saw, but the way you look this morning is fucking illegal.” 
You let out a soft tsss from between your teeth, shaking your head while you settle back into your seat, “You’re so stupid.” 
“I’m just a man, sugar,” he tilts his head, readjusting behind the wheel before putting the car back in drive. He restarts the song before pulling onto the road, feeling like maybe this errands date would go much, much better than he’d planned. He drums on the steering wheel again, head softly bouncing along with the beat of the song while the lyrics scream through the car. You mouth along with them, staring out the window while you do. 
‘Those cold hooks, cemetery claws raking at the infant's jaws,Set fire to the horse on fire,Set fire to the dress on fire,Set fire to the stage on fire,Set fire to the stars on fire!’
“Damn, me and the band shoulder cover this,” he nods to himself, “We’d fuckin’ crush.” 
“Can you scream like that?” you ask, turning your head to face him, “I feel like I’d blow my vocal chords.” 
“Eh, sorta kinda,” he tilts his head from side to side, “I got plenty of practice. Do plenty of screaming with our own stuff, you sorta train your voice up to do it. I might not be able to scream as high but, I could harmonize with Jeff – lead guitar if you remember –” “I remember,” you smile, “And his wife Alycia.” 
“And is wife Alycia! Damn, look at you,” he smiles, “You should write my memoirs. But yeah, surprisingly Jeff can get pretty high up there – it’s super impressive.”
“Well when you cover it, I’ll come watch,” you nod, “You still haven’t really told me about your band.” 
“Corroded Coffin?” he asks, turning into a coffee shop drive-thru and pulling up behind a short line of cars, “Not much to tell. We play shows every couple weeks, in the summer every week, at a few bars around the city that are into that scene. We have fun – still play at our old stomping grounds in Hawkins, too. Same five drunks cheering us on for the last twelve years.” 
His eyes widen at the realization, “Twelve years, Jesus. I’m so fuckin’ old.”   
“Oh, thank god I only have two years until I’m fuckin’ old,” you laugh, “You don’t look old.” 
“You don’t look old either,” he smiles, giving you a once over that you immediately feel shy under, “What can I get you?” 
“Oh no, no,” you shake your head, reaching for your wallet in your Old Navy bag, “I’ll get it, seriously. You’re driving me.” 
“No, please, I’ll get it,” he says, pushing your hand down gently while you offer your card. 
“I wanna pay for it, you’re already going out of your way to do all this boring shit,” you offer again. He plucks your card from your fingers and flicks it into the backseat. He shrinks when your smile falls, you’re very obviously not taken by his actions. 
“Look,” he shrugs, voice lowering, “I didn’t wanna say anything cause I didn’t know how you’d react. But this location actually doesn’t accept money from women. I know, crazy right? So sexist. Its so gross of me to still go here when it’s totally against all my shit. But since they don’t accept any payments from women, I’m gonna have to pay or else we can’t get coffee.” 
You roll your eyes but can’t hold back your laugh, “Fuck, why do you have to be funny about it?” 
“You think I’m funny, huh?” he grins, pulling up to the microphone box. 
“Yeah, funny lookin’,” you tease. Eddie ‘tsks’ a few times with a shake of his head, looking back at you. 
“What can I get you?” he asks again. 
“Medium, iced, caramel. Almond milk if they have it, regular if not,” you respond, crossing your arms. He orders and can feel your eyes on him, he wants to turn back around and kiss that pout right off your lips. You’re not used to having someone take care of things and he can tell, you don’t like it either. Or at least you don’t know how to let yourself like it. Two givers stuck in a car running errands with each other – he wonders if you’ve ever known how to take. 
He gets the coffees, yours with your milk and flavor, his iced and black. You say thank you when you take it, there’s something about your face when you do, a softness he feels like he’s not supposed to see. 
“Hey, you know my rule,” he says, leaning in again, “You’re startin’ to look at little too good right now.” 
Your embarrassed smile says enough when you close the gap between the two of you, lips pressing together in a soft and gentle peck. 
“Thank you,” he expresses, big brown eyes looking into yours before pulling back onto the streets. He turns the sound system up again, the opening of Cam’ron’s Hey Ma flows through the speakers, he nods enthusiastically. 
“Another banger,” he exclaims. 
“You know this song?” you ask with surprise. 
“I grew up in a trailer park, baby. You hear a lot of different music out there,” he shrugs. Eddie feels his throat choke up when he realizes he called you baby. But at least if you hated it, you weren’t showing any sign that you did. 
“Got drops. Got coupes. Got trucks. Got jeeps. Alright, 'cause we gon' take a ride tonight So ma. Wassup? Let's slide. Alright. Alright, and we gon' get it on tonight.” He likes that you’re impressed that he knows the words, of course he does. He grew up hearing this song all of summer 2002, running through the hose with the little kids, while his old baby sitters sat out in lawn chairs to work on their color. Playboy Bunny stickers on their hip bones to show off their tan lines. 
You both sing the opening verse to the windshield, windows coming down an inch as you turn onto the parkway, voices booming over Juelz Sanatana’s. 
“Now I was down town clubbin’, ladies night, Seen shorty she was crazy right, And I approached baby like, ‘Ma, what’s your age and type?’ She looked at me and said, ‘Yous a baby right?’” He hits the last red light before the long stretch of the drive, turning to you to deliver a passionate line reading of the lyrics. He’s surprisingly smooth, even impressing himself at how actually cool he’s being about it. 
“I told her, I’m eighteen and live a crazy life, Plus I’ll tell you what the 80s like, and I know what the ladies like, Need a man that’s polite, listens and takes advice. I can be all three, plus I can lay the pipe. Come with me, come stay the night.” 
He winks when he finishes the line and by the way you stop singing, he knows he’s got you flustered. You are easy. He wants to see how much easier it is. 
“You better be careful,” you warn, tongue caught between your teeth. “Yeah? I better be careful?” he grins, car pushing forward when the light changes so he can turn onto the highway. 
“You’re trouble, Munson,” you shake your head, turning your attention back to the stretch of asphalt ahead of the both of you, “You’re big trouble.” 
“She looked at me laughin’ like, ‘Boy your game is tight.’ I’m laughin’ back like, ‘Sure, you’re right.’” 
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“D’you need a cart?” Eddie asks, taking a side step over to the push carts neatly pushed into each other in between the double doors of Target. 
“Nah, if I get a cart I’m just gonna use it as an excuse to buy more stuff,” you pull a face, shoulders dropping dramatically, “And while I’d love to have an excuse to buy more stuff, I just need a basket.” “Basket it is,” he grins, hand wrapping over the hard plastic of one of the handles, tugging a basket loose from where it’s encased with its brothers. You reach your hand out, taking a step closer to the entrance, our step triggers the automatic doors and he files in after you. 
He looks at your outstretched hand behind you and then up at your face, “I can hold it, Ed.” 
He gives you a small shake of his head, “Nah, I’ll carry it. You lead the way. What’s on your list?”  “I mostly just need to get travel stuff…like toiletries,” you think out loud, “I guess this wasn’t really much of a big errand now that I think about it.” 
“That’s okay,” he says, and he means it. 
You don’t go straight to the beauty section. You’re taken by the $5 and under shelves at the front of the store, full of small decor knick knacks that he recognizes from his own apartment. This is where Tati’s always picking up those little gold tchotchkes for the coffee table and bookshelves every other month. The same way Chrissy would always have new, tiny holiday themed pieces every year to sneak onto their mantle.
“So, do you want me to keep you on task?” he asks, falling in step next to you, watching your fingers toy over a felted bunny figurine for Easter, “Or do you want me to aid in you not being on task?” 
You look over at him, eyes scanning over his frame. He catches the way your eyes linger on the way his t-shirt fits him under his leather jacket and denim vest. Dark olive green, a touch too tight in the chest, collar worn out just enough so that the ends of his collar bones peeked through. 
“We have all day, right?” you smirk. 
“All day,” he nods, “You a walking through the aisles type of girl?” 
“Is that a deal breaker?” you ask, attention captivated by a lavender ceramic pencil holder in the shape of a rainbow. 
“No, not at all,” he assures, taking you by surprise when he presses a kiss to your temple, “I’m a walking through the aisles type of guy.” 
“Was I looking a little too good while perusing the five dollar shelf?” you tease while you move onward into the store, stopping to thumb through a rack of jeans.
“Well that’s the thing,” he says with a tilt of his head, “You’re always lookin’ a little too good.” 
He hums when you roll your eyes, “Hmm. How’d I know that was coming?” 
“Why’re you so nice to me all the time, huh?” you fake argue, bored with looking at clothes and taking deliberate steps towards home goods to the bath section. Eddie hurries to keep up, basket clicking and clacking in his hand. 
“I guess I can be mean to you, but I feel like that would make me a shitty date,” he jokes back, “And an even worse Uber driver.” 
“So true, actually. Zero stars,” you nod, running your hand over a towel that matches the color of his shirt, “Y’know green’s a really good color for you? Makes your eyes pop.” 
“Oh…” he can feel himself turning red when you say that. So she’s been looking at my eyes? Is she always secretly sort of checking me out the way I’m always secretly sort of checking her out? Does she think I’m cute or something? Why am I trying to propose to her right now? Is it ‘cause we’re looking at towels? 
“Um, thank you. I’ll um, I’ll wear it more often,” he runs a hand over his face while you continue to look at towels, turning the corner to look at the fancier ones. You laugh at his jittery response, not so much at him, not teasing, but – this guy covered in tattoos, stomping in combat boots, definitely has a knife in his back pocket, chains dangling down the side of his pants, is blushing bright red just because you said he looks good in green. This guy? 
“You should,” you encourage, turning to see his reddened face, “What happened to not being nervous?” 
“That’s a rule for you,” he says, walking a few steps ahead of you. His eyes catch on a soap dispenser, it’s the same one he had in the master bathroom back with Chris, “I can be as nervous as I want.” 
“Ah, I see, rules for thee, not for me,” you nod slowly. 
“See! Now you’re getting it,” he says over his shoulder. He reaches his free hand back toward you, eyes meeting yours, tossing you a smile when you look at his hand and back at him, “Yeah, I want you to hold it.” 
When your fingers slide in to lace with his he realizes his hands are a little sweaty. They weren’t last time you saw him, with your hand cradled in between his on his knee at the bar. He was a couple drinks in then, not forced to face the action fully. Not aware enough to realize he was holding a pretty girl’s hand in public on a domestic date and all he can think about is railing you in the backseat of his Honda Civic and also making a mental note of all the color choices you like so when you eventually move in together he already knows what you — Jesus fucking Christ you have soft hands. You guide him through the rest of the bathroom section, stopping briefly to consider whether or not you need more hand towels for your apartment and then shaking it off. He let’s you take him around the corner to mattress covers, you talk about your Casper mattress and how you still aren’t sure if you really like it two years later. He hears himself respond in a fog but he’s caught up on how right it feels to be here with you, to be holding your hand, holding your Target basket for you, listening to you talk about whatever. 
You get to bedding and stop at the throws, Eddie’s fog lifts when you let go of his hand to take one of them off the shelf. A dark green knitted blanket replaces his hand, folded up neat and tidy in its wrap-around casing. 
“This is so perfect for my living room,” you murmur to yourself, “It’s so cute.” 
Eddie leans against the shelf while you let your senses absorb the knit: touch, sight, smell. You peer at the other colors, unhappy with the rest, balancing the blanket on your hip while you look back at the empty spot where it once sat. Your eyes roll again, shoulders slumping for real this time.
“Not seventy five dollars cute,” you grumble, putting the blanket back on the shelf. 
“Seventy five dollars?” he asks, aghast, brown eyes rounding in surprise, “What, did they shear the sheep here or something?” 
“That’s capitalism for ya,” you click your tongue, giving the blanket one last look with a little pout, “Oh well, I’m sure I can find a dupe or something at TJ Maxx.” 
“M’sorry, sweetheart,” he consoles, taking your hand back and giving it an apologetic squeeze. 
“Sweetheart…” you repeat back, “That’s cute.” 
“That’s cute? Okay,” he smiles down at the tile under his feet, teeth showing, “I’ll keep note of that.” 
You both continue your journey through bedding, crossing through the Hearth & Hand showcase where he listens to you gripe about how you swear it’s a scam. None of this shit should be this expensive. Like, I could get all this shit at H&M Home online for twenty dollars less. What, just cause they’re on TV? Frickin’ ridiculous. He still stands by thinking that you’re cute when you’re mad. He can’t let go of your hand. He doesn’t even care that you’re both so far from travel toiletries, that you likely forgot why you were even here. He just likes this, being in Target with you, holding your hand while you yell about something. 
“Oh, hold on, I gotta look at these,” you squeeze his hand before you let go again, walking ahead of him while Matchbox Twenty’s 3AM fades into Des’ree’s You Gotta Be. 
“Decorative wicker baskets?” he asks, stepping back to look at the wall of wicker baskets of all sizes in the back of the store. 
“I need two for under my dresser,” you say, reaching up to grab one and looking at the tag for the dimensions, “S’for my socks and stuff.” 
He tosses you a look and you look back at him, “Don’t ask.” 
You get lost in the task, two stepping with a little sway to your hips, small movements. You sing along to the song while you pull one basket down and put it back, and so on. You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together. You aren’t mocking him when you sing along but the lyrics feel like they are. You’re so into it, too. He guesses this is what you’re like when no one’s around to watch you. How unfortunate that you’re so kissable even when you think no one is around to see it. 
“Hey,” he says, putting the basket down, “What did I say about looking too good?” 
“What?” you turn around, eyes rounded, almost startled, “Am I taking too long?”
“No,” he says with a furrow of his brow, approaching you gently while he crosses into your personal space. His voice drops a little lower, lips lingering close to yours, “No baby, not at all. Just looking really cute over here.” 
You can’t help but feel girlish when he’s like this, giggling while heat floods your cheeks and chest. 
“C’mere,” he whispers, pressing you back with his body so you’re flush with the shelves against the wall. His nose brushes yours, fingers finding your chin to tilt you up toward him where his mouth can taste you and you can taste him. He starts slow, just a test, shrouded in the lower light of the back decorative basket aisle, lips parting slightly to see if you’ll match it. He puffs a small breath against the ridge of your upper lip and it’s enough to send you into a frenzy. His body presses close up against you, kiss gaining fervor, hands coming up to cup around your cheek and neck to guide you with him
“Wait, wait,” you gasp, breaking away, “We’re gonna get in trouble.” 
“You think I’m scared of getting in trouble?” he clicks his tongue before grinning at you. Looks like you don’t do trouble. His lips ghost over yours, skating softly over your cheek to get to your ear, “I’ve been gettin’ kicked out of Targets since 2007, sweetheart.” 
His teeth graze your ear lobe, your hands reaching to clutch the soft leather of his jacket, a small sigh puffs out of you. He’s not sure if it’s pushing it, but the aisle is empty, and whatever he’s doing, he’s pretty sure you like it – his lips drop from your earlobe to the edge of your jaw, settling on a slow, wet open mouth kiss on your neck before meeting your mouth again. 
“Ed,” you mumble quietly, “I can’t be turned on at Target.” 
“Yes you can,” he giggles, stealing another gentle kiss from you. 
“Uh…hey folks,” a timid voice calls from the end of the aisle. You both break away, embarrassment clearly taking you over while you cover your face in your hands. A younger guy in a red t-shirt and khaki slacks waves awkwardly when he has both of your attention. 
“Sorry to uh, to interrupt but, um – y’know, this is a family friendly store and we just – yeah, I’m sorry. You’re not in trouble or anything,” he offers, stumbling over his words. 
“Thanks man,” Eddie says genuinely, giving him a wave back, “Sorry about that, just uh, caught up in the moment I guess. Baskets really do it for her, y’know?” 
The guy nods, walking away when a small thwap of the back of your hand hits his chest. 
“You’re so fucking annoying,” you laugh, changing your voice to mock him, “Baskets really do it for her. Fuck all the way off.” 
Eddie laughs with you, picking up the Target basket and placing it in your hand, “Look, I gotta pee so bad. Do you think you can man the aisles yourself while I go and take care of that?” 
You nod, “Just text me when you’re done and I’ll tell you where I am, okay?” 
“Cool,” he nods back, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek, “See you in a bit.” 
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hey, where are you at? easter stuff, i got distracted  very godly of you
He bustles through the aisles, realizing now that you’re on the totally opposite side of the store than you were before. He spots you where all the candy is, your basket full of your toiletries.  “Easter candy?” he asks. 
“It’s the best holiday candy, easily,” you confess, “I know people will probably say Halloween since that’s the candy holiday, but dude, there’s something about Cadbury eggs.” 
“Yeah?” he reaches out and takes the basket out of your hand gently, you don’t protest when he does, “Isn’t it supposed to be from the UK? Don’t they have better chocolate by proxy?” 
“I think so,” you agree while Eddie strolls a little further down the aisle, “Have you ever had them?” 
“I’m sure I have,” he says, fingers tracing over a chocolate bunny in a box, “I guess I’m more of a Halloween guy.” 
“Boring,” you sing, holding two small bags of Cadbury eggs in your hands. Eddie holds the basket in front of him while you gear up to toss one in. 
“Kobe!” you shout, the candy leaving your fingers in a lay up toss, floating through the air only to fall at Eddie’s feet on the tile. 
“Too soon,” Eddie shakes his head solemnly, reaching down to grab the chocolate and put it in the red basket in his arm, “How’re you gonna call out a legend’s name and then miss?” 
“I feel like you moved it so that I’d miss,” you accuse playfully. 
“I kept it exactly where it was, I think you’re just not very good at basketball,” he says, making his way towards you. You put the other bag in with the rest of your stuff and look up at him through half lidded eyes. He matches your gaze while he looks at you. 
“You just don’t wanna see me be great,” you tease. 
“Oh, stop,” he tutts, “You’re very great.” 
Neither of you can help but kiss again. It feels natural to do it at this point. 
“You get everything you need to get?” he asks against your lips. You nod, a little ‘mhm’ squeaks out of your throat, “Good, cause they can’t yell at us for making out in the parking lot. So we should head out of here soon.” 
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The remainder of the errands and lunch go by like a blur to him. Saturday meant busy restaurants so instead you opted for fast food in the parking lot, starting the drive home sharing Wendy’s waffle fries over the center console. 
Before you pull out of the lot, he flicks your music on again, opting to just leave it on shuffle because he feels like he learns you better that way. What’s going to come up next that’ll surprise him? What’s he gonna find out about you? 
‘Baby, I know you’re hurting, Right now you feel like you could never love again. Now all I ask, is for a chance, to prove, That I love you.’ 
Eddie barks out a laugh, takes a sip of his Sprite, and then laughs again, “Oh shit. I haven’t heard this song in years!”
“You know this song, too?” you ask, surprised again at his music repertoire. 
“You really don’t think I’m cultured, do you?” he jokes, “I have a deep affinity for the Backstreet Boys, though I will admit I was an NSYNC boy myself growing up.”
“Of course,” you murmur with an eye roll, “What’s your favorite NSYNC song?” 
“Ooh, let me see,” he thinks while he turns onto the highway, “Definitely Drive Myself Crazy. I’d always try to hit JC’s runs.”
“You knew their names too?” 
“I told you already, I grew up in a trailer park. I had the same babysitter from two to eleven,” he explains, “Mrs. Grandy watched me until her daughter Summer turned thirteen and then I’d go and pal around with her and her friends. I was like her little brother, I practically lived there.” 
“Were you always there?” you ask, “At your babysitter’s house?” 
“Yeah. My uh, my mom died when I was seven but she was always working and tryna stay out of the house when my dad came home so I was always at the sitters. He’s y’know – he’s in jail but he was in and out of it when I was a kid, too. Got arrested for beating on her a couple months before she died and my uncle moved up from North Carolina to take care of me. But he worked nights so – if I wasn’t at school I had to have someone watch me while he slept and then someone had to be at the trailer while I slept. It was way easier when I was in school – but anyway – wow – off topic there – yes, I spent a lot of time with my babysitter and her mom,” he finishes.  
“I’m sorry,” you offer, reaching over to give his knee a reassuring squeeze. 
“No, don’t be. It’s okay. I’m okay – I turned out pretty cool, I think,” he shrugs.
“You’re really cool,” you smile, Eddie smiles back. 
“What’s your favorite Backstreet Boys song?” he asks. 
“Hey Mr. DJ, easy,” you tell him, “It’s the most fucknasty song they’ve ever made and it still holds up. Like, I want it played at my wedding. I’m trying to make a child to that song.” 
Eddie loses it at fucknasty, head falling back on the headrest while his chest bounces, “The most fucknasty song? We’ll have to play that next.” 
“You won’t be disappointed,” you say, “AJ sings it and he was my favorite.” 
“Oh, baby, that does not surprise me at all,” he grins. Calling you baby sounds comfortable now, even after just talking for a week. He’s not sure how fast or slow these things are supposed to go, but your little smile every time he says it makes him wanna say it more. 
“I saw them in concert, when I was like, nine or ten or something,” Eddie says, “For their Millenium Tour – was when I Want It That Way was huge.” 
“You got tickets?” you ask, a teasing grin splitting your face. 
“Summer was a huge Backstreet Boys and NYSNC fan, like, posters all over her room. Had every magazine they were in that she could find, everything. So all we would do when she would watch me was listen to them and talk about them, so I liked them because she liked them and I thought she was cool,” he starts. 
“So anyway, she finds out on the radio that they’re giving away tickets to a show in Columbus – cause like, no one fucking comes to Indiana to play shows – and she calls in and wins! She literally went into shock. But we ended up going and she brought me instead of her friend because she was like ‘Mom, he’s family’. Which as an adult, makes me fucking melt y’know? But as a kid I was like ‘Damn you’re gonna drag me to Ohio to see a boy band? I wanna see Tool.’”
“Not Tool!” you laugh.  
“But it was cool cause we got to stay in a hotel for a night and all that other shit. It felt really special, her mom got us t-shirts which I’m sure cost her a fortune but – damn. I had a lot of fun.” 
“It sounds like you did.”
“The most crazy thing though – which I’ve never told anyone so, I hope you feel special – was when I saw them perform, I thought like, ‘Wow, I wanna do this when I grow up.’ So in a way, if it wasn’t for the Backstreet Boys, I would’ve never realized I wanted to be a rockstar,” he confesses, “And I mean, obviously I was really into rock, and metal, and folk-punk stuff ‘cause of Wayne, but seeing those guys on stage? Everyone screaming? I was like ‘Damn, I wanna be up there! I wanna be shredding up there!’” 
“I love that,” you reply, a warm smile spread across your face while you watch him relive the memory in his head. 
He shrugs, “It was a cool dream to have but, I don’t know. That ship has long sailed.” 
“What do you mean? Long sailed? You can still be a rockstar,” you argue, a fry crunching soft between your teeth. 
He shakes his head, slight defeat caressing his tone, “No I can’t. I’m too old now.” 
“Too old? Shut up,” you assert through a mouthful of waffle fry, “Metallica’s still out there playing. Iron Maiden is literally on tour right now. And they’re all like – in their sixties for fuck’s sake.” 
“Okay?” he huffs back, the red from the hazard lights of the car in front of you flashes against his face, “And? They all got famous when they were like, twenty or younger. I’m fucking…thirty-two.” 
“Exactly! You’re only thirty-two,” you exclaim while he rolls to a stop at a red light. Your hand reaches out to squeeze his arm, “You have so much time. You can literally be a rockstar whenever.” 
Eddie’s chest gets tight when you say that – it had been a while since he heard that type of encouragement. He’d missed the feeling of someone cheering him on from the bar while he was on stage, Chrissy’s praise when they’d get home. Wayne calling to tell him he saw a review of their set in the paper. Lately the shows felt sad to him, he felt lonely, even though he was always the happiest when he could make it on that stage. 
“You can’t be saying shit like that to me,” he says knowingly, maneuvering his arm so that he can take your hand in his. 
“Why not?” you ask, your voice holding a hint of sullenness that breaks his heart. He kisses your knuckles before resting his and your hand on your thigh, the light changing to green. 
“‘Cause you’re gonna make me fall in love with you.” Your eyes cast down at his hand on your thigh, your smile tight, stretching painfully across your cheeks, “Oh, okay. I’ll be meaner if that’s not what you’re going for.” 
“It’s definitely what I’m going for,” he murmurs, squeezing your hand softly. 
The mood in the car shifts to comfortable silence, I’ll Never Break Your Heart fading out into the opening croons of Leon Bridges’ Coming Home. You lean your head on the window, looking at the cars passing you on the highway, the light flecks of rain hitting the glass as the car keeps its speed. Eddie lets go of your hand, palm stretching over the mass of your thigh, running soothingly up and down on your leggings. His thumb rubs soft and slow over the outside of your quad, he just wants to touch you. It’s a comforting touch, no implications other than – I like being here with you right now. 
‘The world leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, girl. You're the only one that I want, Wanna be around. Wanna be around, girl, Wanna be around, girl, Ooh, wanna be around, girl...’
“I like this,” Eddie says, his voice soft, “Who is this?” 
“Leon Bridges,” you answer, “The whole album is so good. It honestly sounds even better on vinyl.” 
“I was just about to say, I bet it sounds great on vinyl,” he enthuses, “I like the old timey vibe.” 
“It’s cozy, right?” you ask. 
“Very cozy,” he nods, tossing a look over to you. Your eyes are heavy lidded, breath steady in your chest,  “You gettin’ sleepy?” 
“Kinda,” you yawn, “You’re not boring me or anything, I promise.” 
“That’s okay,” he offers you a soft pat on the thigh, returning back to the slow back and forth that was putting you to sleep, “We’ll be home soon-ish, just take a nap.” 
You frown, “You sure? Am I being lame?” 
“Nah, you’re not being lame,” he assures. Your eyes flutter closed, the warm cascade of his hand continues while they do. 
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After a long stretch of highway, Eddie turns the car into your part of town, a sadness washing over him that he has to drop you off and then go home to his apartment for the remainder of this rainy evening. For a flicker of a moment he wants to be selfish and ask if you wanna just kick it at his house, but he knows you have stuff to do before this trip. Envy seeps into his sadness that your boss gets to spend so much time with you, gets to watch you laugh, gets to watch you solve problems, gets to watch you do anything all day. Is it healthy to feel like this so quickly? I don’t know her like that, he wonders, Is it that sort of thing where like, if you know you know? Or am I being kind of insane right now? 
“What’d I miss?” you ask, rising from your mini-nap in the car. You frown when you see your surroundings, so much closer to home than you hoped. 
“A few showtunes and Mariah’s Vision of Love,” he says, your sleepy voice tugging on his heart and lips, “I’m partial to My All but that’s cause I’m a professional sad boy.” 
“My All is on there, but it’s probably good I was out for Vision of Love – you didn’t have to hear me screlting it in the small confines of this car,” you laugh.
“Do you sing?” he asks. You shake your head no. 
“I did musicals in high school, as you can see by the showtunes,” you explain, “But I wouldn’t call myself much of a singer.” 
“I’m sure I’ll find out if that’s true sooner or later,” he offers. It’s part way through Good Charlotte’s Girls & Boys, volume low so he didn’t disturb you sleeping. 
“This song makes me laugh,” you say, he feels your hand find his, still sitting firm on your lap. You play with his rings, twirling them around his fingers, he swallows hard. 
“Like, so many songs that came out around this time, even a couple years after – now they just sound like women’s empowerment.” 
“Tell me more,” he says, turning onto your street, the ache creeping back up again. 
“Like, ‘Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money.’ Is that supposed to be a dig? Of course I like cars and money – I’m a person. ‘Paper or plastic, don’t matter, she’ll have it.’ Like it’s a bad thing! Sounds like she’s thriving, he’s paying for everything and she didn’t even ask him to, she’s just sitting there looking hot!” you continue, “Sounds like a dream to be honest!”
“Yeah!” he nods, mulling it over in his head, “Fuckin’ – good for her!” 
“I’m happy for her!” you laugh, he laughs with you. It’s nice to laugh so much with you, he likes that you’re sort of goofy in your own right. He pulls up to your house, pulling in to park in front of the walk way. Both of your laughs quiet down, you both look at the house through your window and the air in the car changes. 
“I don’t wanna go,” you frown, shoulders slumping, “I wanna keep hanging out.” 
“I know,” he says gently, “I wanna keep hanging out, too – but you got stuff you need to get ready for tomorrow.”
“I know,” you scrunch your nose, “So stupid.” 
“So stupid,” he agrees, “How dumb that you have to go to a really cool expo where the weather’s nice.” “Well when you put it like that,” you say with a tilt of your head and a smile. 
“Let me get your stuff out of the trunk,” he offers, getting out of the car into the smattering of rain. He pops the trunk and grabs your bags, coming over to your side to open your door for you. 
“Here,” he says, offering you your toiletries, Old Navy exchange (and a few other purchases), and a Sephora bag with definitely more than just your boss’s sunscreen in it. You thank him and lean in for a kiss but he grins, turning away from you to go back to the trunk, “Sorry, forgot a bag.” 
He reappears with the trunk closes, another Target bag in his hands that he passes to you. The weight reveals what it is before you look, but you peek to be sure, “Ed…”
“I didn’t really have to pee,” he confesses, “You just really liked it and you looked so sad when you put it back so, you know, I just wanted to do something nice.” 
“It’s really nice,” you smile, looking down at the green Casaluna blanket nestled in the bag, “I just don’t want to like…feel like I owe you something.” 
“No, no, no,” he hurriedly shakes his head, “Please don’t feel like that. This really was just like – it’s not like a power move or anything I’m not like that, I promise – I don’t want anything in return, seriously.” 
“Except maybe a picture when it’s all set up nice in your living room,” he grins. Your eye rolls make his heart flutter because so far, you always kiss him after you do it and this time is no exception. 
“I’ll see you when I come back,” you say, wincing as the rain starts to pick up. “You act like you’re going to war, sugar,” he teases, “Like you’re not gonna text me in five minutes.” 
“Ew, bye,” you scowl, giving him a peck before hustling up the walkway to find refuge on the covered porch. 
“Bye,” he calls out, bottom lip tucking between his teeth in the afterglow of another good date. He gets back in the car and waits for you to get in safely before driving away towards his own apartment. At a red light, his phone goes off, just five minutes since he’s pulled away. He opens his texts, a full belly laugh barking from his mouth.  it looks great in my living room. oh shit it’s only been five minutes. 😡 fuck you. 
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By day two of your trip, Eddie was already homesick for you. Savoring every message you could send his way when you weren’t busy, but also trying his best not to text you back immediately so he didn’t seem needy. Or worse, desperate. He liked it the most when you’d send pictures: big pink quartz bathtubs, amethyst arm chairs, huge chunks of malachite that were the size of his hand. 
these would make cool dice for d&d, right? the coolest. you should buy that and then hand carve the dice for me. let me pull a grand out of my ass real quick so i can get to work on that. so needy.   oh, so you miss me?  of course i do :) i miss you, too :) 
“So when’re we gonna meet your mystery girlfriend?” Robin asks, swirling her rum and coke with her straw, “Or does she go to a different school in Canada that we wouldn’t know about?” 
Steve snickers with Robin, two mean girls who always mean girl together. It was a Tuesday, which meant Robin and Steve would meet up for Happy Hour at a bar near Nancy’s office for the paper and then bother everyone else to come meet them until everyone showed up. The three sat at the corner of the bar, Steve in the center in his business casual. Patagonia vest over his blue button up, hair perfectly windswept with his sunglasses tucked into his t-shirt collar. Picture perfect finance bro with his mean lesbian guard dog to bark at any woman who might hurt his feelings. Eddie was convinced that if Robin wasn’t gay, they would’ve gotten married the day that they met. 
“Well she’s not my girlfriend yet, for one,” Eddie starts, defensively, “And if you wanna know if she’s real, here’s her Instagram.” 
He passes his phone to Robin who swipes through your photos with a nod, a smile pulling across her face, “Not bad at all, Munson.” 
“Let me see,” Steve demands with a slight whine, plucking the phone from her hand. He scrolls, a touch of a salacious smirk spreading across his face, “Oh, smash. Immediately smash.” Steve passes Eddie’s phone back to him on the table, screen open to a risque picture of you on the beach, “You didn’t fuck?” 
“Not yet, Harrington,” Eddie sighs, “I’ll be sure to let you know the moment I slip it in, okay?” 
“I’m just saying,” Steve shrugs, “I would’ve fucked her already.” 
“Yeah, we know loverboy,” Robin teases. Eddie’s shoulders tense a little because if Steve wanted you, he’d definitely be able to take you. He’s hot and charismatic, he has more money than he knows what to do with, and at the end of the day – Steve loves women. All kinds of women. Eddie swore Steve would leave college with a taste for thin blondes that were in his frat’s sister sorority but every night it was someone new. And every night, Steve Harrington got what Steve Harrington wanted. 
“Tell her to follow me,” Steve winks. 
“It’s the first thing I did when I met her, actually – told her to follow you,” Eddie jokes back. 
what’re you doing? happy hour with the group. well right now just rob and steve but everyone else is on the way. fun! i bought a new bathing suit at a vendor because i have bad impulse control. also look at these cool rocks. oh, sick – what kind are they? the vendor said they’re ocean jasper do you want one? will you get a matching one with me? also linger is playing at the bar right now and it’s…making me think about you? stupid as hell. absolutely will get us matching ones. i love that song. who said you could be this cute? pretty sure i did. steve says hi by the way, he’s ‘linger’ing over my shoulder. lmao you’re so corny “Is she gonna send you a picture of her in the bathing suit or not?” he asks impatiently. “She’s still working, man,” Eddie flips his phone over so the screen can’t be seen, “And even if she does, I’m not gonna show it to you.” “Yeah, don���t be such a perv Steve,” Robin sasses, “Get me another rum and coke instead.” 
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After an hour, the rest of the group has made it and Eddie’s had three beers in a short span of time. Not enough alcohol to feel drunk, but enough alcohol that he keeps getting lost in the thought of your thighs on that barstool last week. The little overflow of your tummy in your jeans, your hips, what you might look like out of those jeans. What sounds you might’ve made if he went to your house after Target and he peeled those leggings off you. You’re busy and he’s bummed out about it only because he selfishly wishes you were here at happy hour instead of looking at cool rocks. “You look so sad right now,” Tatianna says from across the table the group has gathered round, “You miss your girl?” 
Eddie pouts dramatically, nodding, “I do.” “Guys this is the one, I’ve never seen him like this before,” Tatianna grins, “He’s down bad.” 
Tati reaches next to her to hold hands with Gareth giving it a squeeze, “Hinge is the truth, I’m telling you.” 
“I mean, you sure? He thought Chris was the one and look how that turned out,” Mike says from the other end. Everyone sighs and groans, whines of ‘C’mon Wheeler,’ sound out of a few of them. 
“When you know, you know, kid,” Gareth offers softly, “And I think Ed knows.” 
“When’re we gonna meet this girl who likes your nerdy ass?” Erica giggles next to him. “Exactly what I was saying earlier,” Steve adds. 
“I don’t think you need to meet her, Steve,” Dustin laughs, “Let him have something, for God’s sake.”  “Well,” Nancy starts, “I mean, Steve’s party at Barcade is next week. Might be a good sort of low stakes way to ease her in.” 
“That’s actually such a good idea,” Tatianna agrees. 
“But I have the jazz concert for my kids that night,” Eddie sulks. 
“Yeah but that ends at like, eight thirty,” she argues, “You should tell her to come. We’ll take care of her before you show up.”  “I’ll take realgood care of her, Munson,” Steve grins.
Eddie’s head is down on his forearms so he doesn’t know how many people started scolding Harrington over his head. This was overwhelming again – this part. Eddie thought maybe all the fussing over starting to date would be the worst but now it’s every day that they ask about you. At least twice a day in the group chat – Your girl coming to D&D? How was your date last weekend? Is she with you right now? Tell her we all said hi. Are you gonna bring her to Tati’s art show?
He doesn’t have all the answers yet and he doesn’t know where you’re at either. Do you want to meet his friends? Would you even like them?
Everyone yelling at Steve is satisfying, but it would be cooler if you were here to see it.  
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The following night he was up late grading papers he should’ve graded a week ago but he was too caught up in his personal life to care. Conversation with you had dwindled quickly last night as he spent more time at the bar and ended up planning the next campaign. You hadn’t reached out at all today and he felt too proud to be the one to text you first, a twinge of resentment plucking at his heart strings in his chest. Hollow loneliness drumming at his ribcage. 
The papers were graded, neatly stacked and put away in his bag for tomorrow, red pen capped and put back on his desk. Eddie groans as he stands up to stretch, peeling off his t-shirt and slipping off his sweatpants, tossing them haphazardly in the corner of the room by his hamper. He kicks off his socks, finally comfortable in his boxers and silver chain, before trudging down to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He comes back to a quiet buzz on his phone, screen glowing to life while he swipes it off his dresser. 
hey, sorry i was so MIA today. things got really busy and hectic, surprise zoom meeting with bloomingdale’s and then a second surprise offer call with bergdorf goodman and then a few vendors wanted to get dinner and schmooze. it’s no excuse honestly but i should’ve messaged you to let you know i was busy. i’m sorry, handsome :( thought about you all day if that helps 
Eddie’s heart leaps in his chest, cheeks already hurting from the smile splitting his face open. You thought about him all day. You thought about him all day. The same way he thinks about you all day. He climbs into bed, snuggling in under the covers with the glow of his phone illuminating his grinning face in the dark. 
don’t apologize, sweetheart, i know you’re busy. glad that your hectic day is over at least, now you can relax! thought about you all day, too. one of my kids kept trying to play juicy by doja cat on the sax at jazz practice, so you came to mind immediately. LMAO. i’ll take that as a compliment. what’re you doing up so late?  grading papers, but i’m done now. i’d ask why you’re up so late but it’s only nine thirty there. what’re you up to? trying this bathing suit on, finally. do you wanna see it?
“Do I wanna see it?” he murmurs, exasperated with an eye roll to no one, “Of course I wanna see it.” 
yeah, show me :) 
He waits with bated breath, trying his best to swipe out of the text conversation and do something else instead of counting the minutes until you reply. His heart hammers in his chest while he waits for the familiar buzz in his hand. 
And there you are, dark red spandex hugging you tight, cinching you in all the right places. His eyes linger on the high cut of the bottom, the way some of the pudge of your hips pokes out at the seams and he bites his lip. ‘Fuck,’ he mumbles quietly. Your thighs on full display for him, thick and begging for him to grab, you’re so fucking grabbable he can’t even stand it. 
jfc you know what you’re doing  whaaaaat? what do you mean?  ‘what do you meaaaannn 🤪’ you know what i mean.  do you not like it?  i like it a little too much  you wanna see it from the back? 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mutters into the darkness. He feels the blood rush to his pelvis like an army command, cock partially at attention while his hand palms delicately over his boxers. 
of course i do 
He gulps when the picture comes in, you posed like that on purpose. One ass cheek propped up on the bathroom counter, the other lifted and perky from your stance. The soft rolls of your back on display from how you’re turned to still have your pretty face in frame. He’d fucking wreck you. Lovingly, of course.
do you want me to hop on a flight or?? how much are tickets to az? i’m about to come thru.  you got enough blood in your brain to make that trip rn?  lmao you know i don’t 😏 sorry i’m all the way in a different state, i’d help take care of it. 
“Yeah?” he chokes out, palming turning to full slow strokes over the fabric, “You wanna take care of it for me?” 
yeah? you’d take care of it?  only if you asked nicely :) 
“Fuck,” he whispers, tossing his phone down to reach for his side table drawer to reach for the tiny bottle of lube he kept there. He tugs down his boxers hastily, squirting some of the liquid in his palm before picking up the phone again with his clean hand. 
i’d ask very nicely. i’d even say please.  what a good boy. :) 
“M’such a good boy,” he huffs, hand wrapping tightly around the base of his cock and dragging upwards, “I’ll be so good for you.” 
would you want me to use my hands or my mouth? 
“Oh my fucking God,” he groans, brain short circuiting at the thought of you on your knees while he stands over you. Eyes looking up at him with a hand tangled up in your hair, desperately trying to not thrust deep into your throat while you go to work on him. He bites his lip while he fucks his fist, palm and fingers gliding in time with his foreskin, teasing his tip. A fire lights in his belly, cooking up thoughts in his head on how he’d want you first. 
i like the idea of keeping your mouth full  oh you wanna shut me up? is that it?  i don’t think it takes much. 
His head leans back on the wall behind his bed, eyes closing while his hips roll up to meet the speed of his hand, slower now to stave it off. 
“Yeah, suck it just like that…” he hums out, “Please more.” His brows pinch while he looks back at the picture you sent, your glossed lips gleaming back at him. They’d look so good around his cock, your eyes would look so good filled up with tears when you tried to deep throat him.
“T-take all of it,” he stammers out, unsure of his own dirty talk to himself. Would he actually say that? 
Bzz. Bzz.
oh yeah cause you’re soooo big 🙄
“Psh,” he hisses out with a roll of the eyes, hand lifting off his cock to type back. He guesses when it comes to you, he would say that. Just so you’d stop being such a brat. 
you’re gonna feel so stupid when you see it  you sound very confident  because i am  is it big? 
He looks down at himself confidently, laying fat and dense up his stomach, kicking up at the thought of you seeing it for the first time. Chrissy always gawked at it, despite how many times she’d seen it, it was always like she was seeing it for the first time. The girls he’d pull into the bathroom at The Hideout and other bars would whine at the sight. Both him and them slurring together about how they can make it fit. 
its big, sweetheart. but i think you can take it.  i know i can take it.  so sure of yourself tonight, huh? bet you wouldn’t be so cocky if you were here.  so i could watch you jerk it in your bedroom? puhlease. 🙄 i can tell by how you’re talking that you really like the idea of that.  so you are jerking it in your bedroom?  the same way i know you have your fingers between your pretty thighs
He doesn’t know that, but it was worth the shot. His mind reels, thinking of you barely changing out of your swimsuit into nothing to lay back on your hotel bed to touch yourself to him talking to you. He grunts when his hand wraps around his length again, fisting himself with more intention, thinking about your hips writhing in time with his. He wishes he knew how you sounded when you felt good, how you’ll sound when he makes you feel good. And god does he wanna make you feel good. 
🙈 stop  yeah? i can stop.  don’t actually, i’m just embarrassed 😩 how come?  cause i do have my fingers between my thighs 
“Fuuuuuck me,” he groans into a whimper. He shudders a gasp while his hips buck up to meet his hands thrusts, imagining you on top of him, under him, below him, above him. Mouth, hands, pussy, anything of yours bobbing over his cock. Wiping the images clean and starting over with you splayed out on the hotel bed again, trying to keep quiet so your boss won’t hear you through the hotel’s thin walls. 
does it feel good, sweetheart?  it would feel better if you were doing it for me.  can i call you?
“Can I call you?” he reads out loud, in a whisper, “Can I…call you…” 
Your face pops up on his phone within the minute, phone buzzing rhythmically in his hands. His heart rate jerks alive, stomach dropping like he’s on a roller coaster while it continues to ring. 
He accepts, swallowing thickly as he does. 
“Hey there,” he murmurs. 
“Hi,” your voice is shaky on the other end, he holds back a moan. 
“Hi,” he says back to you, squeezing himself softly at the base again. 
“Do you wanna hear something embarrassing?” you laugh, following up with a soft needy sigh. 
“Always,” he swoons out, low and warm. 
“Your voice is so hot to me,” you giggle, “I don’t think I could finish if I didn’t hear it.” 
“Ah, there you go again, thinking your compliments to me are embarrassing,” he smirks. You sigh again and he lets out a heady breath while he strokes himself, teetering towards a climax. 
“Sorry,” you smile, and he can hear it in your voice, “You having a hot voice isn’t embarrassing. Me getting off to it is embarrassing.” 
He pauses, hearing your shallow breaths pick up, waiting for the right time to strike. His thumb trails over his tip to smear the precum oozing out of it over the head — his eyes roll back as he thinks about your tongue there instead. 
“S’not embarrassing,” his eyelids lower, settling deeper into his pillows. He groans low in his chest before speaking again, “You all wet for me, sugar?” 
“Yeah,” you whine to him. 
“Wish I could be there to take care of you,” he huffs, “I’d make you feel so good.”  
“How?” you ask breathily. 
He smirks, biting his lower lip, letting out a low laugh, “I’d take my time with you. Sounds like you get real needy.” 
“I’m not needy,” you protest. 
“Not needy, but calls me from the other side of the country to cum to my voice?” he argues playfully, “Oh yeah, not needy at all, baby.” 
You whine again, a few huffs of breath sound in the receiver. 
“You like that?” he asks lowly, “When I’m a little mean to you?” 
“Fuck…” he whispers back, blood rushing to the tip, twitching while he works his hand up his shaft.
“Wait – are you actually jacking it right now?” you ask with a laugh. 
“Yeah,” he sighs back, “Are you surprised?” 
“How long have you been doing it?” 
“Since you sent me that picture with your whole ass out,” he confesses with a giggle, it just makes sense to him to answer honestly. 
“Is that how you wanna fuck me?” your voice is laced with depth and sex, his hips buck up at the sound, “From the back?” 
“Maybe not at first,” he starts, imagining he’s in the hotel with you, eyes locking on yours while you touch yourself. Meeting your pleading eyes with a salacious grin while he pumps his cock, climbing on top of the mattress. Climbing on top of you. 
“I’d probably want you on your back so I could see your pretty face,” he offers, “Watch you take it.” 
You sigh into the receiver again and he groans quietly while pleasure starts taking him over. 
“But if I’m being honest…” he starts again, voice lightly teasing. Your breaths pick up, and if he thinks he’s hearing right, you’re very wet. Just because of him, the way he’s talking to you. He shudders before regaining his composure, voice dropping dangerously low. 
“I can’t wait to get my mouth on that pussy,” he slurs out, drunk on the idea. 
“Mmm, fuck,” you mewl out. Okay Munson, maybe you still know how to do this shit. “Oh, you like the sound of that, huh?” he asks, a light raise to his voice, “You like thinking about me between your legs?” 
“Yes,” you huff through gritted teeth. He feels his orgasm creeping up on him quick, your little whines hitting his ear and gliding down his chest to his pelvis. Every soft puff of your breath feels like he’s the one making it punch out of you. 
“I know you’d take it so good, too. You’d get so messy for me,” he groans again when his palm grazes over the underside of his tip, cock leaking cum unceremoniously, sending shockwaves through his system, “Just like you are right now, hm?  Waiting for me to come over ‘n’ fuck you stupid?” “Please,” you whine into a growl, “Please fuck me stupid.” 
“Oh baby, I will,” he moans while he feels his balls tighten, closer and closer to the edge, hearing you pant and beg like that. Just for him. He grunts, breath huffing from his nose like a bull while his orgasm takes him over, cum shooting onto his belly in thick ropes, “F-fuck till you can’t fuckin – mmmf – can’t fuckin’ think.” “Oh! Oh my god, fuck. Fuck!” you cry out into the receiver. He grins, satisfied at that reaction, both of you taking deep breaths into your mics while you both come down. 
“Did you cum for me, sugar?” he drawls. 
“Mhm,” you squeak out. His grin doesn’t fade, it turns dirty, filthy, “Good girl.” 
“Don’t say that.” He can hear your embarrassed smile in your voice, it makes him laugh. He’s normally not like that, that’s not something he thinks he’s ever said in bed – at least not sober. 
“I won’t say it, I’m sorry. You don’t like that?” he asks thoughtfully. 
“I like it a lot and you’re too far away,” you say softly. 
“Poor thing,” he offers. 
“I am a poor thing!” you exclaim. You quiet down a little, both just listening to each other breathe on the other end, “I’m excited to see you again, when I come back.” 
“I’m excited to see you, too,” he smiles while he speaks softly into the receiver, “But lucky for me, I have these pictures of you to hold me over until then.” 
“Visual learner?” you tease. “Physical, too,” he counters. 
“You really are trouble,” you laugh, “And um – I don’t want you to think that like, the only reason I wanna see you is just to have sex or anything. I just really like spending time with you.” 
“I don’t think that at all,” he assures, “I really, really like spending time with you. I’m – and this is gonna sound super lame – but I’m excited to keep on getting to know you.” 
“Lamest thing I’ve ever heard,” you laugh, “But also, same. We can be lame together.” “Oh – uh, by the way,” Eddie’s voice reverts back to normal while a reminder jolts his body awake, “The group really wants to meet you and I know it’s gonna be the day after you get back and you might want to rest, but Steve’s birthday party is Friday if you wanna come. Totally understand if you’re gonna be too tired.” “Oh no, I’d love that!” he can hear you shifting on the mattress, likely getting ready for bed, “Steve’s the one whose Instagram request I shouldn’t accept, right?” Eddie laughs, “Right.”
You both talk for a little longer before he tells you it’s getting late and you should get some rest since you had such a long day. He doesn’t want to hang up, but you’re both too old to be doing the ‘falling asleep on the phone’ thing. Plus, he had to be up for work in five hours. 
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Eddie slides into the seat on his Honda Civic and sighs – he’s tired. He doesn’t want to go to Steve’s party where everyone is gonna be loud and drunk by the time he gets there. He hates playing catch up, but you’re gonna be there so he’s doing his best to hype himself up before he starts the car. He cracks the Monster Energy sitting in his center console and chugs it, heaving a deep breath before starting the car. Mayhem’s Freezing Moon blares through his speakers and he nods to himself, Good, good, good. It would be a hype enough song to get him excited on the way there. He gives himself a once over in the rearview mirror, looking the same as he did when he freshened up in the teacher’s bathroom after the Jazz Club performed during the Spring Concert. His slim fit black slacks still kept their crease, his wallet chains still dangled from his pocket. Eddie took your advice and started wearing more green, a hunter short sleeved linen blend button up laid open and loose over a clean and expensive white t-shirt. If he didn’t know any better, he would say he looked hot. His hair was coiffed and coiled – he made sure to get a trim before you came back just to touch up the shag. His tattoos were the showiest you’d ever seen them and deeply moisturized, his silver chain and small rings were recently cleaned. 
He wants you to lose your mind when you see him, but when he walks into the bar he knows he already lost. There you are, standing at the bar with Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Dustin while they laugh with you at some story you’re telling. You’re all legs in your little black skirt with a cute cropped ‘ARIZONA’ sweatshirt cinching you in right at the waist. Your little white sneakers were shining purple in the black light of the bar, you probably wear these everywhere. 
“Eddie!” Dustin calls out, giving a big wave to call him towards the party. You whip around, beaming while he makes his way over, meeting him part way with a drink in your hand. He can smell your perfume immediately and he’s surprised he hasn’t already fallen to his knees. “Started without me, huh?” he asks, nodding to the drink in your hand. “I tried to get Steve a drink but he said it was a better gift for him to buy me one…or two,” you tell him sheepishly. Eddie catches Steve’s eyes over your shoulder when he pulls you in to say hello and shakes his head. Steve smirks, blowing him a kiss before mouthing, ‘Her ass? Insane.’ putting his hands out to show off the size of it. Eddie flips him off while he lets you go. 
“Everyone’s been really nice though,” you smile, giving him a once over, “You look really good.” 
“Thank you,” he says in your ear, kissing your cheek, “You look too good. Don’t think I can let you stick around here too long.” 
“S’kinda hot when you’re like that,” you grin sloppily, biting your lip. The tequila’s blurring the filter in your head a little, he can tell you’re just saying what comes to mind, eyes a little glassy. 
“Like what?” “A lil’ possessive,” you shrug. He tucks a knuckle under your chin, lifting your gaze toward him for a moment.  “Okay,” he smiles, leaning in to kiss you much more passionately than you expected. Your mouth is cold against his, tongue sliding in to taste the tequila on yours. He snakes one arm around your waist so that you’re chest to chest, both of you laughing against each other’s lips while Tati and the group whoop and holler over your makeout. He breaks away, looking down at you, eyes sparkling. 
“I missed you,” he says confidently. 
“I missed you,” you smile, pulling him tight against you. This was what he was waiting for. An ounce of clinginess so that he didn’t feel so insane for wanting to be close to you all the time. He leads you back over to the bar, hand on your lower back while you put yourself back in your little group. 
“What’re you having tonight, big boy?” Ed asks Steve, clapping him on the back in a brotherly hug. 
“Surprise me – you doing shots?” he asks. Eddie nods, getting the bartender’s attention when she makes his way over. 
“Can I get four shots of Jameson and then two for my buddy over here?” he asks, pointing at Steve with his thumb. The bartender nods, lining up the shot glasses and starting the pour. “I don’t really like Jameson,” you scrunch your nose. 
“Well baby, they’re all for me, so don’t worry about it,” he grins playfully, white teeth shining, “I’ll get you something else when you finish that drink.” 
You nod lazily, pulled into conversation with Robin while Steve and Eddie start taking their shots. The whiskey feels good hitting his throat, burning just enough to reinvigorate him for the rest of the night. He clicks his tongue when he downs them all, the scent of Tatianna’s vanilla perfume overtakes him before her hands cover his eyes from behind. 
“Guess who it is,” she laughs. 
“Someone who used my Warm Vanilla Sugar hand lotion today,” he answers, his fingers running over hers while he peels her hands away. He turns to her to pull her into a hug and then hugging Gareth behind her, already with their drinks in hand. 
“Look, it went with the fragrance I was wearing today. You used my curl cream again so – you can’t even be mad,” she shrugs, beckoning him over with her hand, “Come sit with us really quick.” 
Eddie turns to get your attention but Tatianna stops him, “She’s a big girl, she’s been doing fine on her own without you here, so far. Let her make friends.” Eddie pouts and Gareth pats him on the back after passing Tati’s drink to her, guiding him over to their booth close by the end of the bar. Eddie sits in the middle of the bench, looking like a kid who just got in trouble and is about to get a stern talking to by his parents. “So…” Eddie starts. 
“I really like her, dude,” Gareth grins, “Came in and immediately knew who we were, introduced herself, offered to get us a round. All around seems very much your vibe.” 
“And you, mom?” he asks, eyes lifting up through his lashes to look at Tatianna who has a smug grin on her face. 
“All I’m saying is that you should always be listening to me when I tell you to do something,” she shrugs, “‘Cause what if you had deleted the app that night? Would’ve never met the love of your life right there.” 
“Love of my life? You think?” he asks, eyes widening. “I know. Her energy is exactly what I thought it was gonna be,” Tatianna explains, gold rings in her twists flashing back the neon reflecting on them, “And you’ve been down bad for the past few weeks so I knew there had to be something about her that was really good.” 
“So you like her?” Eddie grins. 
“We love her,” Tatianna nods, “Consider her adopted.” 
“Steve loves her too, it looks like,” Eddie huffs, looking back over at the bar to see Steve showing you something on his phone, a little too close for comfort. 
“He’s behaving himself, don’t worry,” Dustin says while he slides in next to Eddie, “We all gave him a warning before she got here. Plus, he’s got two girls on his radar right now that he’s trying to take home if he doesn’t get too drunk – but y’know, we’re banking on the getting too drunk part.” 
“Always banking on the getting too drunk part,” Gareth laughs. 
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The night continues on, people coming and going, getting up to dance, getting new drinks. He watches you blend in seamlessly, swaying with Tatianna at the bar while you wait for a rum and coke for you and water for him. He still has to drive home after all. 
“What do you know about this song?” Tatianna laughs while Victoria Monet’s Coastin’ booms over the speakers. You both walk back over, two stepping in time until Gareth pulls Tatianna in tight to him, rocking back and forth with each other and stealing kisses. 
Eddie watches you approach him while you lipsync the words playfully, hips swaying in in time with the beat. 
‘Think of the waaaays, The ways I wanna give you this ass, Just how you liiiiike, Feel like a Thursday how I’m throwin’ it back.’ “The ways you wanna give me this ass, huh?” he smirks, eyes flitting over you while he takes the water yor offer him. You keep up with your sway, pressing up close to him – you look up with a fake unamused quirk of your brow and he knows you’re about to say something bitchy that’ll make him fall for you even harder. “I don’t think you could handle it,” you flirt. 
“You know something?” he starts, putting his water on the table of the booth, catching you before you can sit down, “I think I can handle you just fine.” You burn at his words, a shy grin pulling at your lips when he sits down at the edge of the bench next to Nancy and across from Steve and Robin. It’s fun to flirt with you like this, right on the precipice of something a little dirty. He wants you so bad and if he knows women as well as he thinks he does, he knows you want him so bad, too.  He pats his thigh, encouraging you to sit on his lap. You hesitate at first but he nods encouragingly, a silent Please, it’s okay. You settle in, the table high enough that both sets of your thighs fit under the table. He takes a breath before letting his hands settle on your skin, imagining what it might be like when he gets to put his hands on all of it. 
Everyone banking on Steve getting too drunk to take someone home was right, him and Robin were already in their codependent best friend phase of the night where they only want to hang out with each other, hands cupped tight on the table. You’re talking to Robin about a game that’s like Sims but 8-bit – 
“It’s called Unpacking and it’s so cute, you basically unpack a house or a room and you learn more about the person’s story by unpacking their boxes – sort of like Sims but with actual feelings that you don’t have to make up,” you enthuse. 
“Is it on Steam?” she asks, “I’ll literally buy it right now.” 
“We’re partying, Rob, don’t play a dumb game,” Steve whines. 
“She’s not gonna play it right now, Steve,” Nancy chides, “She’s gonna play it later. Don’t worry, we all know tonight is about you.” 
Lucas comes over to the table looking aggravated, Max grinning next to him in a smile that Eddie knows too well. Lucas lost a bet and has to pay up, Eddie wonders what they bet on this time. 
“Why does your Dragon’s Lair score have to be so fucking high? Can you literally let anyone have anything?” Lucas huffs. 
“Don’t be so sad, Sinclair – you can always try to beat Red’s score,” Eddie shrugs, smirking smugly at the pair. 
“She’s 250 points behind you, and you’re both like, seven thousand points ahead of everyone else,” he huffs. 
“What’d’you owe her this time?” he asks. 
“I can’t even tell you out loud,” he sighs. Max cackles, offering her hand and leading him back over to the Party at the bar, fingers laced with each other while they talk. Eddie adjusts under you, groin shifting under your ass by accident but he savors how delicious it feels to have you on top of him like this. 
“Are there any other games in there that you have a high score on?” you ask, breath hitching slightly while his hands coast teasingly over your bare skin under the table. Your posture straightens when his fingers glide up your inner thigh, brushing his fingertips past the hem of your skirt. You like that, he thinks, your body language tells him all he needs to know to keep going. 
“The Dracula pinball machine,” he replies confidently. 
“I’m gonna go beat it,” you grin up at him. 
“Oh yeah?” he asks, hand sliding off your thigh when you get up to head to the arcade room,  “You even know how to play?” 
“You can show me,” you shrug. He doesn’t really have to show you, pinball is pretty self explanatory, but he doesn’t want to give up a chance to have you alone. He leads you to the machine, pointing out where you want the ball to hit for the best chance at extra points. The music on the sound system is loud and the machine’s music matches it so he has to get close to your ear to explain. 
“Do you think I don’t really know how to play or do you just wanna get close to me?” you ask, turning your head to look at him while he chin hooks over your shoulder. “You caught me,” he blushes, hand resting on your hip while he fills the gap between your back and his chest, “I’m sure you’re gonna do just fine.” 
And you do, in fact, you’re really fucking good at pinball and he’s almost mad about it. “Where did you learn to do this?” he asks after you rack up nearly three fourths of his high score in one go, the ball just narrowly missing the lever before sinking down to be propelled again. 
“Summers on the boardwalk in New Hampshire,” you grin, “My uncle lives over there so we go visit him every year. Played one pinball machine every summer – my high score still stands, like, eleven years later.” “That’s so hot to me, oh my god,” he laughs while you get the next ball rolling onto the board. You lean forward, hips jutting out against him while you really get into it, concentrating hard. Eddie’s breath hitches when you slowly move your hips against him, so slow that he’s not sure if you’re doing it on purpose or not.  Rihanna’s Work starts over the speakers and  that’s when he knows it’s on purpose. Your movement’s pick up a little, lost in the game and in the beat. You’re a good dancer and that makes his mind wander to other things you might be good at. Your fingers work quick on either side of the machine, lights flashes against both of your faces while you keep trying to win and he keeps trying to not pull your skirt up in the middle of Barcade. 
While the song continues, he stops paying attention to you playing, so caught up in how your waist winds and ass bounces against him that he doesn’t realize you aren’t even playing any more. His hips grind slowly back against you, one hand on your lower back, the other gripping your hip to keep you in position. This isn’t new territory for him, pulled into clubs by Tati and Gare, Robin and Steve, everyone else, from the moment things opened back up again in Indiana. When you look back at him he short circuits at first, but he knows you’re surprised he can dance like this. Maybe you forgot, but he does teach Music Theory – rhythm is kind of his whole thing. Of course he has it.  
Your hips roll, making your ass run painstakingly slow and firm over his hardening cock. A groan gets stuck in his throat, reaching out to your shoulder to pull you up right again with your back against his chest. 
“You like bein’ a tease?” he asks, voice deep and daunting. 
“Just getting you back for what you did under the table,” you say matter-of-factly, turning around to face him with your butt leaning against the machine, “You’re not the only one here who knows how to be a slut.” “Also, I beat you,” you grin. 
“Looks like you did,” he says, eyes passing yours to look at the new high score glowing on the outdated screen. 
“Do I win a prize?” 
“M’sure I can think of something,” he murmurs, lips pressing against yours while both of your eyes flutter closed. He takes your hand, leading you to the dark corner close by, both of you hidden by the now defunct change machine to press you up against the wall. “What do you think you deserve?” he purrs before catching your mouth in his again. His kiss is a little sloppy, a little needy, it’s the four shots of Jameson. Not too drunk to drive, but buzzed enough that he doesn’t care about his kissing technique, he just wants to taste you. “Oh, it’s like that?” you giggle mischievously, “I don’t think we can do what I think I deserve in a public place.” 
“Hmm, okay, not into exhibitionism I guess,” he huffs a laugh while his kisses trail to your neck, knee slotting between your legs where you eagerly press up against him. He feels one of your hands fall into his hair, making his assault on the crook of your neck more intense when you give it a slight pull. “Kiss me,” you whine softly. “M’sorry, sorry,” he smirks, meeting your lips again, “You just smell really good, I like being in there.” “You’re a really good –” Kiss. “Mmm--kisser.” “Thanks, sugar, you’re –” Kiss. “Not so bad your –” Kiss. “Mmm shit – yourself.”  He can barely think like this, so close to you but not close enough. Hands on your waist and hips to guide you against part of his thigh while a little whine pulls out of you. He can’t hold off much longer, feeling his pants grow unbearably tight. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he mumbles against your jaw, a satisfied smile blooms on his face when you roll your hips against his knee again. 
“You don’t wanna hear everyone drunkenly sing Steve happy – oh, mmm – happy birthday?” you pant out while he presses kisses at the curve of your jaw back to your mouth. His hand entwines with the hair at the nape of your neck, giving you a soft tug to keep your head in place. 
“The only thing I wanna hear right now,” he purrs in your ear, “Is what you sound like when I’m making you cum.” 
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The ride home is quick, barely saying goodbyes while he pulled you through the crowds building at the bar and paid the tab. Gareth shot him a wink as they left, tossing you both a wave but neither of you could think of anything else except each other. 
He dropped his keys twice trying to get in the door of his first floor apartment, “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you smile, “Just breathe. I’m still gonna be here.” 
The door opens and he takes a millisecond to rip your coat off and kick off his shoes, instructing you to kick off your sneakers or Tati would likely emerge from the walls and kill you both for walking into the house with your outside shoes on. His lips immediately attach to yours. There’s no time to waste for him, pulling you over to the couch and plopping down with an excited puff of breath. “C’mere baby,” he beckons you over with two fingers, grinning up at you while you climb over his lap to straddle him. His kiss is searing, hands exploring you with abandon, all the ways he’s been thinking about touching you were now fair play. No one here to see either of you, no one around to interrupt. You can feel how hard he is under his dress pants, the material leaves little to the imagination. The gentle curve of it, its thickness, the length, all pressing up against you with every mutual roll of your hips. 
You choke out a whimper when it hits just right up against your clothed slit. Eddie looks up at you mischievously, greedily sucking on your neck for a moment before catching your gaze a little.
“That’s all it takes? Just pushing my hips up like that?” he purrs, rolling them up again slowly, “Is that what you want?”
“Uh-huh,” you breathe. He bites at the skin on your chest, not hard enough to hurt. He grips and grabs you but not hard enough to bruise. He’s testing the waters, seeing what you like and how you like it. His hands travel down past your hips, gripping the fat of your ass.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans into your mouth, exploring you more, his palms flattening against your skirt while it rides up, the curve of your cheeks warm in his hands. 
“Finally got to grab it the way you wanted to?” you tease between breaths. 
“Mhmm,” he groans, “Now I just gotta smack it around.” 
You take his lower lip between your teeth, making his cock twitch when you let it go to click back against his gums. 
“Ooh, you wanna spank me?” you laugh into your next kiss. His hand reaches up to pull at your waist, pushing you tighter up against him. His fingers graze between your legs from behind while your head falls back in a breathy gasp. 
“Do you want me to spank you?” he asks, brows raised inquisitively.  
“Maybe not tonight,” you shrug with a smirk, hips winding over him in a way that makes him really feel you. He growls when you do it, hands guiding your hips to do it again, “Maybe only when I’ve been bad.” 
“Jus’lemme know,” he grumbles, pupils taking over the brown in his eyes, “So I can  — mmm, shit — teach ya a lesson.” 
“Next time,” you huff into his next kiss. He manhandles you so that your back is to the cushions and throw pillows, switching your positions so that he’s on top.
“Next time,” he nods, pulling your sweatshirt off and dropping it to the floor, “But since you’re so good, it only makes sense that you get a reward, right?” 
“I did beat you at pinball, so…” you grin. He grins back, kissing your neck hungrily, slotting his knee between your legs like he did at the bar. 
“You did beat me at pinball,” he nods, a soft growl brewing in his chest when he feels you start to grind against him. Insatiable, he thinks, Greedy girl. But he doesn’t know if he can say that to you yet. He doesn’t know, all the way, what you like. He feels his heart hammer in his chest at the fear of realizing it – you aren’t Chrissy. What if he was only good because Chrissy thought so? What if he wasn’t actually – 
“Oh!” you squeak out, hand reaching out to grip his bicep. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, pulling away from your neck to look at you, big brown eyes blown with nerves. 
“Y-yeah that’s just…where you’re kissing…that’s a spot for me,” you admit bashfully, unable to look at him. 
“Sweetheart,” he shakes his head with a knowing smirk, “Shouldn’t’ve told me that.” 
A kiss on the lips is his only consolation to you before he goes back to your neck, tongue trailing down to its last spot where he parks his teeth and lips. You like that. He hears you like it. And fucking God is it good to hear you like this, to hear you in person, moaning and whining in his ear just from kissing and sucking this spot on your neck. 
“Eddie…” you breathe, high pitched and desperate, hips still pressing against his knee for friction. He can’t help but go back to your lips, but before he does, he peeks to see the marks he left behind. 
Lips become neck, neck becomes chest, chest becomes stomach, stomach becomes hips, and before you know it he’s on his knees on the rug in front of you. Eddie’s eyes find yours when he’s kneeling between your legs, the center of your thighs looking him in the face. He places a kissing on the inside of your knee, gentle and soft. 
He opens his mouth to ask, but you nearly read his mind, tugging up the hem of your skirt over your thick thighs. He helps, pushing the fabric up over your hips and ass so he gets another chance to touch and feel you. Once he settles back down he takes a breath, smiling up at you while he readjusts your legs to open a little wider, mouth making contact with your skin soon after. His lips capture the fat of your inner thigh, traveling down in passionate kisses, like your skin is divinity that he’s found for the first time. 
“You’re so soft,” he whispers, lips ghosting over your underwear to reach the top of your other knee, planting a kiss there too. 
“Thank you,” you breathe out. He lets out a low, teasing giggle at the state of you, head lolling back on the couch while he kisses the inside of one thigh and runs his hand over the outside of the other. His kisses stop and he looks up at you from between your legs, big brown eyes begging you to let him in. A ringed finger teases over the gusset of your underwear, the way you bite your lip gives him the approval to keep going. His slides your panties off, run of the mill black cheeky cut cotton that he wished he could’ve stripped you down to. Just to see that ass swallowing them, to see the way they sat on the curves of your hips. 
“You nervous?” he asks with a smile while your legs close, your underwear placed on the floor next to your shirt.
“A little,” you giggle. 
“Don’t be nervous, baby,” he coos, hands cupping under your knees to spread your legs again, “Just gonna make you feel good.” 
He sighs when your legs open up for him, already wet and puffy, you’d been thinking about this all night. Eddie nips softly at your inner thigh again before he lets his lips linger over your folds. You squirm your hips closer to him, a whine leaking out of your mouth. 
“Okay, okay,” he laughs, “I won’t tease you, I’m sorry.” 
But he’s lying. Leaning in to get close, only to ghost a breath over your clit. Fingers sliding to your slick lips to separate them slightly for more access to you. He pauses, leaning back away from your pussy and looks up at you quizzically.
“Actually, should I put on Hey Mr. DJ to set the mood? Since it’s so fucknasty…” gesturing his thumb towards the sound system on the other side of the room. You let out a mix of a laugh and a groan while his kisses coast on your thighs again.
“You said you wouldn’t teaaaasssseeee-oh my God,” you moan out when his mouth meets your clit without warning, soft, slow sucks and licks. 
“You like that, sugar?” he asks, voice dropping down to a bassy gravel. 
You nod feverishly, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” 
“Mmm, don’t stop?” he asks, tongue gliding from your entrance to your clit. 
“Please,” you gasp, hand reaching out to run through his hair, bangs pushing back to reveal the soft lines of his forehead. 
“Well you’re asking so nice, seems a little mean to keep you waiting,” he coos, fingers replacing his mouth while he talks, “But I thought you liked it when I was a little mean.” 
“Don’t be mean, Ed,” you pout. 
“Okay, I won’t be mean,” he smiles, opening your legs a little wider. He’s confident about his skills here, Chris loved getting eaten out so he dedicated a lot of time to getting it right. It helped that he loved going down, watching his partner gasp and whine while he serves her on his knees. Feeling the tug on his hair when he’s doing it right, making her feel good. The press of her hand to push him closer to her when she’s getting close, giving it to her over and over again. 
“Oh fuck, Ed — oh my god, baby,” you mewl, hips grinding up against his mouth. He smirks into the next stripe of his tongue, latching onto your clit to suck softly while his fingers press against your entrance. His eyes gaze up at you, your own going glassy while you look down at him. 
“I like when you look at me like that,” he confesses quietly, mouth returning to its actions immediately. He keeps his eyes on you while his first finger pushes in, he groans at the feeling — snug, warm, wet. He drags out slowly, a high pitched moan escaping you when he pushes back in with little resistance. His head moves with his mouth, tongue laving over your clit, lips pursing over it when he feels your pulse over his finger. 
“You’re so good — fuck — you’re so good at this,” you sigh. The praise runs down his chest and along his spine, he moans gratefully into his next kiss against you. He stripes his tongue again, using his other hand to keep your lips spread for more access. Your thighs twitch while he goes back to soft deliberate sucking, alternating between that and gentle fluttering flicks from the tip of his tongue. 
“That’s good for you?” he mumbles. 
“You’re so good for me,” you whisper back, gripping his hair hard when he pushes his second finger in, “Just…unhm, just like that.” 
He keeps a steady pace with his fingers, evidence of his skill coating them while he does. He wants to drag this out a while, take his time with you like he said he would. He breaks his mouth away for a moment to really look at you, just in your bra and skirt. His heart skips a beat, breath caught in his throat. You’re so beautiful, he thinks. Too afraid to say it outloud. What if you don’t like that while you have sex? You said you like when he was a little mean, does that mean he should be mean all the time? 
“Earth to Ed…” he hears you say, your hand waving in his face. He looks back up at you, startled, “You okay? You stopped and sort of just…stared for a second.” 
“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” he laughs to himself, taking his fingers away to massage the inside of your thighs with both hands, “Just got caught up staring at you.” 
“Ew,” you giggle with a smile, “You think I’m pretty or somethin’?” 
Eddie leans up between your legs on the couch where you come down to meet him, noses inches apart, “Well I don’t wanna be too forward…” 
“You’re literally eating me out, you can’t get any more forward,” you both laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Of both being shaky and shy even this far into the game. 
“Like I was saying — I don’t wanna be too forward, but I think you’re honestly so beautiful,” he blushes bashfully, looking down so all you can see are his full lashes, “And I didn’t wanna be corny and say it while I’m like, neck deep in your pussy.”
“That’s very sweet, baby.” You run your hand through his hair, pushing back one side when he looks up at you again. Baby. He likes when you call him that. He likes when you call him baby. He’s excited for you to call him other names like pretty boy, and babe, and honey. He wants to hear ‘em all. He wants you to spend the night so he can make you breakfast in the morning — for like…ever. You kiss him and he shudders, cock jumping in his slacks for a hint of attention — but he has a job to finish. 
“You’re very sweet,” he says, nuzzling your nose before kissing your cheek, then your jawline, your neck, your chest, down and further down until he’s between your legs again — he doesn’t tease this time. He licks at your entrance, replacing his fingers with his tongue to lap up what you have for him. Your thighs tremble he trails back up, swirling his tongue over your clit when his fingers snugly sink back inside you. 
“You gonna cum for me?” he asks, voice smokey and deep. He lets his fingers search inside you for your g-spot, grinning when he finds it. Your moan is loud when he massages it, hips pushing down into the couch cushions, head thrown back while you grind against him. 
“M’so close,” you huff, “That feels so good, please don’t stop. Don’tstopdon’tstop.” 
He grunts, feeling your thighs jump while he keeps up his pace. His tongue gets sloppy with it, wet and filthy, pooling spit out of his mouth in droves to mix with your slick. He fills you with a third finger, legs parting further again while you huff into the stretch. 
“Ooh, you can really take it, baby,” he encourages, “Look at you takin’ all these fingers.” He glides the flat of his tongue over you once before leaning back to watch you. The pads of his fingers press in slow circles against your g-spot again, smirking when your eyes roll back. 
“M’gonna cum…oh shit  — oh fuck Ed I’m g.. — ohfuck — fuckfuckfuck — mmm-ah!” Your hips jump, lifting off the couch, writhing to pull away while you feel your orgasm rush rapidly to its peak. 
“Thaaaat’s it,” he smiles, mouth returning home to its place latched over you. He holds your hips down with his free hand, eyes fluttering closed while he continues. A slight flit of his tongue right as he pumps his fingers in puts stars in your eyes, thighs snapping closed on either side of his head — exactly what he wanted.
“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you chant with strained, shaking vocal chords, tears pricking your eyes. Eddie groans when he feels your walls clench down hard over his fingers, flooding over him down his hand. You hiss while he keeps going, fingers easing out of you but tongue licking up as much as he can while you come down in shivers. 
“You okay?” he asks, when your thighs release him. You reach for his hand, still covered in your juices and pull it toward you — but he knows your game. He knows you’re gonna lick it off and give him those eyes — so he pulls his wrist away, “Oh, no baby.”  
Eddie delicately puts his fingers in his mouth, eyes on yours with a glint of satisfaction, and gently sucks them clean instead. 
“I don’t like to waste it, sugar,” he croons, “I can make you something if you’re hungry.” 
His sexy act breaks when you roll your eyes at him, clearly flustered by his antics in your post orgasm glow. He snickers when he stands up, leaning down to peck you with your arousal still smeared on his mouth and chin. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” you pout. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he pouts back. A peck turns to a kiss, a kiss to something passionate. 
“Why don’t I go get cleaned up,” he starts, before catching you in another kiss.
“You should pee since that’s the smart thing to do before and after,” he presses a kiss to your neck.
“And then I’ll take you to bed,” he murmurs huskily, “How’s that?” 
“That’s really nice,” you rasp back, turning so that you’re nose to nose, “But I am a little hungry now that you said that.” 
“You’re funny,” he smiles, another kiss, “I’ll get us a snack and then I’ll take you to bed, is that better?” 
“Much better.”  
Eddie passes you your panties and shirt, and points out where the bathroom is down the hall. While you traipse along, he opens the fridge, taking out the tiramisu he got as dessert with his takeout last night but didn’t get around to eating. He slices the generous cut in half, gently placing it on two tea plates and grabbing two forks. 
“Do you like tiramisu?” he asks when he hears your socked feet pad into the kitchen. 
“I do. My mom’s is the best actually,” you brag. He turns around to see you, your bright smile, your refreshed face. 
“Will you still eat it if it’s not your mom’s?” he asks, offering you the plate. 
“Yes, of course,” you nod, taking both plates out of his hands and placing them on the table, “But first I gotta –” 
Eddie’s taken aback by the kiss, but you don’t notice. He’s swift at the pick up, matching your pace expertly and hoisting you up onto the counter with surprising ease. He grunts when you pull him forward between your legs by the belt loops because he knows you’re trying to fuck just as much as he is. 
“Baby…” he starts, regretfully breaking away, “Are you hungry or not?” 
You don’t answer at first, you just look at him and kiss him again. When you pull away, your gaze lingers. Fear coasts icily over his chest when you almost look forlorn. 
“Shit…” you whisper, shoulders drooping. 
“Wh-what? What is it?” he asks, hands getting clammy where they rest on your thighs.
“I…” you take a deep breath, it shakes when you exhale, “I really fucking like you.” 
He smiles, but he knows why this is your response, why you look like this, why your shoulders sulk — because he’s also there, “Does that make you scared?” 
You nod, but instead of going in to kiss you again he pulls you close, smooching your cheek before leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“It’s okay that you’re scared,” he murmurs, “But if it’s any consolation…”
“I really fucking like you, too.” 
When you kiss again, he’s overwhelmed. 
“Fuck the tiramisu,” you breathe, “Let’s just —.” 
“Mhm,” he breathes back, hoisting you off the counter, balancing you on his hips, “I fucking need you.” 
Jingle. Click. Creak. 
“HONEY, WE’RE HOME!” calls the voice of a sloshed Steve Harrington, from the front door, “Put your clothes on, sluts.” 
But it’s not just Steve, it’s the whole party — the group filing into the living room while you hurriedly slide down Eddie’s form. Tatianna and Gareth follow in after everyone gets their shoes off, laughing and joking with Robin and Dustin while they stumble through the door. They halt when they catch Eddie’s expression from the other room, a stare so cold it could freeze them both. ‘I’m so sorry,’ Gareth mouths, realizing with deep regret what they’ve interrupted. Tatianna makes her way over, making a face of pure guilt when she makes it into the kitchen. 
“So here’s the thing, my phone died and Steve was using Gareth’s phone to change the music and I forgot to text you,” she explains to the both of you, “I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s seriously okay,” you laugh, “Please don’t feel bad. It’s you and Gareth’s apartment, too.” 
“Are you mad at me?” Tati pouts at Eddie, who could not stay mad at Tati for even a second. 
He puffs a dramatic sigh, crossing his arms, “No, no, I’m not mad at you. It’s okay.” 
“Okay,” she smiles, opening her arms for a hug which he obliges without question, “Gare’s sorry too, but unfortunately he’s busy babysitting Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum with Nance.”  Eddie looks down at you when he lets go of Tatianna, reaching his hand out to rub your back, “She means Robin and Steve.” 
“I figured,” you smile. Tatianna makes her exit and you’re both alone in the kitchen again. 
“I’m sorry,” Eddie offers, using the leverage of his hand on your back to pull you in close to him. 
“What, why? There’s nothing to be sorry for,” you furrow your brow, forearms leaning up the length of his chest. The opening bass of Dua Lipa’s One Kiss starts to thump from the soundsystem in the living room into the kitchen, along with Steve’s passionate This is my favorite fucking song, holy shit. 
“Everything got ruined,” he frowns, “I’m like, kind of embarrassed.” 
“Don’t be embarrassed,” you urge, pulling him a little closer to give him a reassuring kiss, “There’s always next time. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” 
“No?” he asks, leaning his forehead against yours, “You’re stayin’ right here?” 
“Well, until I have to go to home,” you shrug. The music gets a little louder and Eddie throws his disappointment to the wind. There is always next time. For now, he has you here in his kitchen, lips on yours, hands on your cheeks, the steady thump of the beat of his heart. And of course, Steve drunk crying to Robin in the living room – You’re literally my best fucking friend. You’re my best fucking friend Rob, I love you so much. 
Eddie giggles against your mouth at the sound, an ache caught in his chest. He really fucking likes you. 
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
N$FW Alphabet:
Mihawk Edition!
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Mihawk is gentle, he will get a warm rag and help clean you up before getting him and you a cup of wine.
Will lay down and let you cuddle and relax until you either fall asleep or make a request.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
For himself he likes his chest, he believes it shows off his hard work in his training as well as his dedication to his craft. Doesn't hurt he looks good-
For you it's your hands, He thinks they are cute. No idea why but he loves to feel your hands running over his body and will constantly kiss your hands.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
He likes to cum inside you, He doesn't care were exactly but if it's inside it's the best. For him it's cleaner and he likes to have some level of claim-
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He has stolen a pair of underwear from you before he went on a mission. He will use it when he misses you too much and needs a moment to jack off.
Will definitely never EVER tell you and he'd kill anyone who finds out.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Mihawk back in the day was a manwhore- He has been around.. So his experience is quite vast and he is willing to do almost anything cause he has done almost everything.
F= Favorite position
He likes any position were he can see your face, his favorite however is watching you ride him. Aka Cowgirl. He finds it really hot
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
Mihawk is as serious as it comes, he finds sex important to him so while he enjoys it. It's a connection for him- He isn't young anymore sleeping with whatever caught his eye. He chose you, wanted only you till the end.
So your body and sex with you is sacred.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Migawk hair is incredibly thick so he makes sure to groom himself almost weekly. Keeping them as neatly trimmed as possible.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Mihawk can go either way depending on how you feel- He can be a hard-core romantic, soft motions and whispering sweet things.
He can quite literally fuck your brains out. You may need a helmet for this one since he won't hold back and can the roughest must fullfikling sex you've ever had.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Yes he does but not very often, If he does it's because he was thinking of you and it's even a while since the two of you have seen each other. Otherwise he will wait for the real deal
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Soft BDSM. He likes the idea of using things like Shibari against you, having you dress cute and then paddling you. Also enjoys a Dom/Sub relationship quite a bit.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
He prefers a bed or someone a bit softer. However anywere will do when it comes to you, Found the hottest place in his mind was in a alley by a bar where he fucked you against the wall.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Lace is a big one for him. He will buy you the most expensive lace peices to watch you wear around the bedroom, most liking ripping it when he fucks you
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Any 'Messy' Kinks. He's not a fan of extra bodily fluids in the bedroom.
Also crude behavior from his partner. Far too classy.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Mihawk likes either one- But is very skilled at giving oral and enjoys it quite a bit.
He also loves to receive but can get worked up too soon for his liking and will need to pull you off and fuck you.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Once again it depends. He tends to like to match whomever he is with in terms of what they are comforble with.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Mihawk isn't the hugest fan of them, seeing as he loves to explore his partners body; however in a pinch if the two of you want to have one he will never turn it down.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Mihawk had a adventurous past so he has tried quite a lot of things in his time. Will have no issue revisiting some tricks to try with you.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Mihawk is a stamina King! This motherfucker can last last hours- and with multiple rounds. His stamina training with swordfighting very much translates to the bedroom.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
He likes toys, but to use against his partner. Once again using them as torturous device of edging his partners to a finish or having them ride a toy while he drinks wine and watch.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Oh Mihawk loves to edge his partners, a slow roll of the hips or a nibble on the neck. He is going to have you coming undone in record time, enjoying watching you desperate for release.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
He's quiet as hell- Grunting sometimes or hissing out a moan. He's not vocal in the slightest and holds back on making noises- ots rare but a soft moan can escape those lips.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
He has a secret breeding kink- Interested in getting a partner filled with cum or if possible pregnant.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Mihawk is fairly well endowed, around 9in when hard a good 8 when soft. He is more on the thinner side in terms of girth. It's fairly pale however, creamy white with accents of pink.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
His sexdrive has gone down as he's gotten older but true is- its still too damn high. He is always open to get down and dirty especially if his S/O has a sighed sex drive.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Mihawk actually does not fall asleep quickly. Instead he will lay there and watch over you, make sure you feel okay and start drifting off to sleep before he tries to rest himself.
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onlyjaeyun · 9 months
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
⤲ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
⤲ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐀𝐔, 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝!𝐀𝐔, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
⤲ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟕.𝟓𝐤 (not proofread yet i got hungry, sorry)
⤲ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞. 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧...
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"The actual love of my life."
The sound of your best friend's voice sends literal chills of excitement over your body and for the first time in a total of three weeks you feel like your lungs fill with oxygen again.
You still have to get used to not spending every single second with your better half after doing just that for the past twelve years and as you wrap your arms around his strong body, you let out a deep sigh.
Jungwon's warmth, his familiar scent and calming energy embrace you within seconds, easing your nervous soul in ways only he manages to do it.
You've never associated anyone with an actual home except your brother, until you met your best friend all these years ago. You still remember the way he'd make you laugh in the worst moments of your life as he wiped away every single tear and as usual, healed injuries he hadn't caused.
"Now now", he sighs and takes your face into his big, delicate hands, his attentive eyes roaming your face and you know he can read you like an open book. It's always been as easy for him as it's been for his older cousin and the ability's definitely a blessing and a curse in one.
"Let's save those conversations for the next few days, yeah? Today's going to be a good day and you're going to enjoy yourself or I'll have to throat punch you", Won's words leave no room for discussion and you can't help but chuckle at his threat, knowing he'd actually pull through with it if he had to.
Once the two of you get comfortable in Heeseung's car, you catch up on the past week, since neither one of you has had the time to actually talk on the phone, both of you covering extra shifts to get the same week off and enjoy your time together.
For some reason, neither one of you seems to dare mention a certain someone and you wonder what Jungwon talked to Heeseung about, only to get rid of those thoughts as quickly as they appeared.
The drive to your brother's apartment is calm and everything you needed right before a nervewrecking night like this one and all of a sudden you find yourself dreading the upcoming few hours.
Just as you two step out of the elevator, you literally run into the strong chest of someone you recognize by his scent before you even get to see his face.
"Wonie!" Heeseung's deep voice fills your head in the most agonisingly perfect way possible, taking over yet another one of your senses and with your bottom lip firmly tugged between your teeth you take a step back and watch the two cousins greet each other.
"Where are you going? The party's literally about to start", Jungwon asks and definitely doesn't miss the way the older one's eyes find their way to you and back within a second.
You're just glad neither one of you is brave enough to actually address it.
"Jong's too drunk to cook and everyone got here straight from work. Yuna almost punched Yun in the face because he told her to relax, so I'm gonna go and get something to eat. Delivery would take too long."
Heeseung wants to look at you, he's dying to take in the sight of your perfect body in that cute little dress, save it in his memories for all those times he's by himself and has nothing but his thoughts to handle, but he doesn't.
Not even a single time does his gaze shift to you, his eyes remaining on his cousin's face as he hears his heart breaking into thousands of pieces in a far distance.
"My baby's going to join you", Jungwon suddenly says and with wide eyes you lift your head and stare at him, trying to understand what the fuck he just said.
"Huh? No, it's okay", Seung says and for some reason there's a quick flash of irritation in his eyes, but you can't help and be sure it's mostly because of your best friend's choice of words to address you.
"You'll have lots to carry", Won states calmly, "you've got like ten hungry mouths to feed and my presence will distract them long enough."
"What about my presence?" You say and place a hand on your hips, looking him up and down only to catch a gentle smile of amusement on Heeseung's pretty lips, which however slips away rather quickly once he realises.
"You'd be too much of a distraction to the boys, especially in a dress like that." Jungwon's shameless flirting doesn't even faze you anymore and with a roll of your eyes, you allow yourself to peak a glance at Heeseung, who – again – doesn't seem fond of his cousin's behavior towards you.
"It's okay, seriously", Seung says and you can tell it's directed towards you, yet he still refuses to make eye contact, which definitely irritates you in a way you weren't expecting it.
If he's going to act the way he does, the least he could do is have the audacity to meet your eyes when he's talking to you once in a while.
So, without an ounce of hesitation, you lift your head to look at his face, subconsciously enjoying the definition of his features and how everything about him seems perfect.
"Don't be a baby now", Jungwon rolls his eyes and reaches for his suitcase, pushing it away from the three of you before he follows and quickly lifts his hand to make you stay.
"Whatever you're ordering, please get a less spicy version as well, not everyone has a tongue of steel like you." Those are your best friend's last words before he makes his way to the front door of your brother's apartment and with a soft sigh, you turn around and press the button of the elevator.
The following few minutes are filled with nothing but silence, since neither one of you dares to start a conversation. You know he'd feel uncomfortable and quickly bring it to an end so he can act like you don't exist to ease his conscience, which is why you'd rather sit there and say absolutely nothing at all instead.
Once you two make it to the boys' favorite restaurant, you thank Heeseung for holding the door open for you, a big smile suddenly appearing on your face as you spot the cute waiter and owner's som at the register.
"Hey, there!" You lift your hand to wave at him, Heeseung's eyes attentively watching your every movement and just like Jake had told you to, you decide to play a card you usually would have been too scared to even think of, but this time it's actually happening and not just in your instagram stories.
"Oh, goodness! There she is, the prettiest girl in town!" The young man shoots you a charming smile, runs his hand through his dark hair and even winks at you, yet not giving an ounce of his attention to the tall male mext to you.
"Don't get me all flustered now, you know I tip too well if you do!"
Both of you erupt in laughter, much to Heeseung's dislike and with his hands balled into fists to the point where his rings actually hurt him, he just clears his throat and finally manages to make the man avert his gaze from you.
Once he's made sure to get everyone's order and a few side dishes, the man disappears for a quick moment and you can feel the tension between the two of you.
"Close, huh?" The sudden question takes you aback and with furrowed brows you look at him in annoyance.
"Too lazy to form a complete sentence..huh?"
You hate yourself for being so irritated by his behavior because you've been playing with his patience all week, thanks to Jaeyun. You genuinely didn't think it'd work, yet from what your brother's friend has been telling you, your little game of provocation has worked just as you had planned and Heeseung's been going crazy just because of your instagram stories.
But you've decided not to care too much, knowing he won't act on it anyway so there's absolutely no point in considering if it's too much or not.
"Here you go, this is the change and a little something for you guys while you wait", Siwoo says with a bright smile, his pretty eyes again, remaining on you only and you hate how happy the sudden tension in Heeseung's posture makes you.
"Thank you, handsome", you reply with a charming smirk, carefully watching your life long crush roll his eyes in annoyance in your peripheral sight, while you're barely holding back a chuckle.
You quickly take one of the tooth picks and take a little rice cakes into your louth, humming softly when the perfect sauce hits your taste buds and you can feel both men's eyes on you, yet only caring about the one's beside you.
"I've been meaning to ask for your instagram", Siwoo suddenly says and pulls out his phone, handing it to you with a hopeful expression in his pretty eyes.
"Oh, su-", but before you can even think about reaching for the device in his hand, an arm suddenly appears in front of you, pushing him away casually but firmly.
"She has a boyfriend", Heeseung suddenly hisses and you feel heat boiling in your lower tummy, the possessiveness in his voice sending shivers down your body and with an inaudible gasp you look at him in shock.
"Oh? So, you and Jaeyun are dating? I always thought he was just joking, I'm sorry", Siwoo mumbles and you hate how Heeseung's reaction has him embarrassed as he puts his phone away again and smiles awkwardly.
"I do not have a boyfriend", you quickly reply and push Seung's arm away, holding your hand out for the young man to give you the device again, "Jaeyun and I are just friends."
You emphasise the last two words while looking into Heeseung's eyes with a fire he's never seen before and for some reason the urge to just bend you over and fuck you into oblivion has never been as intense as in this particular moment.
He hates the way his blood is boiling and he can't do anything but watch as you type in your instagram user name into the search bar, quickly tapping the follow button and give Siwoo his phone back while shooting him one of your prettiest smiles.
Heeseung knows he has absolutely no right to feel jealous or angry, but these past two weeks he's had to tap through your stories and listen to Jaeyun tell him all the details about your new lover, so he has absolutely no energy left to fight these thoughts and emotions.
This is what he's always wanted. For you to move on with a good guy who eats you out and takes you on cute little dates, something your new fucker has apparently been doing a lot, according to Jaeyun.
He hates his best friend for being so open about your new relationship despite his knowledge of Heeseung's feelings, but there's no point in blaming anyone but himself so all he can do is let out a loud sigh and accept his defeat.
Once Heeseung thanks the kind employee for helping him load all the bags full of hot food into the little box in the back of his car, you both say your farewells and head back to your brother's shared apartment, yet again – not a single word being exchanged throughout the whole drive.
But as you turn to the side to reach for the door handle, Heeseung doesn't immediately unlock the door itself, a loud sigh following his lack of movement.
"Why are you doing this to me, princess?"
His choice of words and way to address you, as well as his tired tone and the lack of eye contact sends a jolt of sadness through your body. You hate how much he's fighting his feelings but you have no choice but to push him if you really want him.
"What exactly am I doing – especially to you?" You spit back, sudden anger and frustration taking over the place of your sadness and with your hands balled into fists you turn your body to face the love of your life again.
"Don't act like you don't know how much watching you with other men hurts me", Heeseung growls and throws his head back against the seat's headrest, his hands tightly holding onto the steering wheel and you can't help but bite your bottom lip at the sight of his pretty, ring adorned fingers.
"Yeah, right", you reply and don't even try to hide the annoyance in your voice, "you act like I was the one who pushed you away every time. I get to do whatever I want with whoever I want to do it with."
And those words flip a switch in Heeseung's brain, mental images of your pleasure contorted face with a faceless guy between your legs, driving him absolutely insane within a few seconds. He's never felt as jealous as he does right now and he actually watched your boyfriends kiss you multiple times in the past.
The fact you're so open about your intimacy with other men has his heart skipping a few beats, all while he tries to breathe in as much air as possible, only for his lungs to fail to take it all in.
"Oh, so you're going to go and fuck some lame ass loser because you feel like it? Come on, why don't you go back and let that ugly bitch from the restaurant take you, hm? You love wasting your time after all."
You don't expect his sudden outburst and as soon as your brain processes his words, you feel heat pooling in your lowe tummy as your cunt clenches in despair. He's not being loud or aggressive, yet there's nothing but raw jealousy burning in his usually so soft eyes and you hate how much you're enjoying it.
"Maybe I'll do just that", you hiss and can barely hold back the look of surprise on your own face in response to your words.
You've never been one to openly talk to your brother or his friends about anything related to intimacy, but you've had enough of Heeseung's games.
"And what about your little boyfriend, huh? The one you post and talk about all the time? Think he's gonna like hearing you talk like this?"
At this point you have absolutely no ounce of patience left, and neither does he.
You attentively watch the way a deep shade of pink starts covering the soft skin of his cheeks, his eyes filled with anger and jealousy as he tries his best not to yell at you. And for some reason you feel relieved to see a reaction as intense as this one from the man you've been head over heels for all this time.
In a twisted way it's helped you finally get rid of all those thoughts dismissing any possible feelings of his towards you.
"There is no fucking boyfriend!" You finally raise your voice as your patience finally finds its absolute limit and with wide eyes you look at Heeseung and try to calm yourself down.
"Oh, so go ahead then! Let's see if that fucker can even last longer than a fucking minute and then you can come and brag to me about it", Seung's words are harsh and dirty, they make you feel uncomfortable yet for the first time in your life you don't even think about stepping away from a confrontation.
For a short moment you're surprised at your boldness, not used to being like this to anyone, especially someone with an aura as intimidating as Lee Heeseung.
"Maybe I'll do just that, Heeseung." You take a deep breath and roll your eyes, turning your head to hide just how much you love this side of him to avoid a sudden turn of atmosphere.
"He looks like he eats it well, too, doesn't he? Once he's done with me I'll make sure to let you know if I've finally found someone who can eat-", but yet again, you don't get to finish your sentence as Heeseung quickly reaches over to cover your mouth with his ring clad hand.
His touch isn't rough or harsh, not even firm, it's just a way of him asking you to be quiet as your words get the best of him and with big, glossy eyes you watch the way he pushes his forehead against the steering wheel and lets out a loud sigh.
He sounds defeated, tired and just done.
But you don't get to feel bad for what you said, nor does he give the time to pity him.
"Stop", he whispers and tightens his grip on his own thigh, yet not moving an inch when it comes to the one on your face, "I can't do this anymore."
You sigh and reach for his hand, gently wrapping your fingers around his and placing it in your lap before you turn to look at him.
"Why are you fighting it so much, Seungie?"
The question lingers in the air for a good minute and if it wasn't for the feeling of your skin against his, Heeseung would have stayed quiet for another thirty.
"I promised to never cross this line", he finally admits after losing the battle against himself for the nth time within a week, "I fucking promised."
Heeseung was doing so, so well hiding his feelings for you all this time, which is probably the reason why he would have never expected your close presence to make it so much harder than before.
Knowing you're this close to him physically and he still has to pretend like he's not going absolutely crazy over you is what has driven him into absolute insanity and at this point he's just exhausted.
He's had to watch you live your life without him for years, pretending he didn't care and be content with being as distant as he's always been but after realising how close the two of you could have been if it wasn't for his stupidity, he's been regretting most of the things he's done and wished he could have done it differently.
At this point he's just glad he somehow gets to stay in contact with you, talking to you becoming a privilege and treasure he could not take for granted even if he wanted to and after leaving his apartment for the fifth time within a week to make you feel as comfortable with the lack of his presence, he's simply had enough.
"Look at me, please", you whisper and patiently wait for him to meet your eyes, knowing you'll feel more comfortable and less tense if it was for that, "stop being so hard on yourself. It's breaking my heart to see you like this."
Just a few minutes ago you were yelling at him about having another man eat you out and now you're on the complete opposite side of the road. If it wasn't for the fast pace of your heartbeat, the sudden change in air would have given you a good whiplash.
"I want you", Heeseung suddenly whispers, allowing himself to indulge in the sweetness of your tone and the softness of your touch, calming his nerves in a way he's never experienced it before until you came into his life.
"I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you, princess." His confession immediately pushes you to the furthest edges of your self control and as a thick veil of tears blurs your sight, you can't help but swallow them down again. His tone is genuine and you know he's being honest, but from the way his eyes are looking everywhere but your own, you know he's about to crash every bit of hope you had manage to build up these past few days.
"I just can't break this promise, Sunghoon is my everything", yet again, you find yourself despising their bond, when everyone else in this world would probably kill to have a friendship like theirs. Neither one of them is at fault, and you know that, yet you can't stop yourself from being angry at life for putting the both of you in a situation like this one.
And as you hold Heeseung's hand, something you've been dreaming of for years, taking in the sight of his perfect face and those soft eyes you've been craving for so long, your heart finally manages to overpower your mind and before you can overthink them, you find yourself mumbling the words "and what about me? What am I to you?"
"My most precious treasure."
Heeseung doesn't miss a single beat as if he felt your question in his heart before you had the chance to voice it out to him. He's been through these questions so many times already, at this point he's sure he's got an answer ready for every single one of them.
Maybe it's the raw honesty in his voice or the actual pain in his eyes, yet as soon as you process his sweet confession, you feel the tears streaming down your cheeks, leaving a burning trail on your skin and doubling the knot in your throat in its size.
Heeseung has seen you cry before, but this time he knows he's got the chance to actually comfort you and for a minute, everything and everyone becomes irrelevant. Nobody and nothing matters as he pushes his seat back and reaches for your hand, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your body.
Neither one of you remembers the last time you two hugged each other. Both of you turning too shy and awkward once puberty had come around and yet as soon as you indulge in his embrace, the comforting feeling of familiarity overwhelms you.
"My sweet souled angel girl", Heeseung whispers and caresses your back, his heart breaking a little more with each one of your sobs, but for some reason he's glad you finally know how he feels about you.
"Why is life so unfair", you mumble against the soft skin of his neck, breathing in his calming scent because you know you won't get another opportunity like this.
"I'm sorry, Baby, I wish I could give you an answer but I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Always wondered why you had to fall for me and not one of the other boys", he sighs and pushes a strand of hair out of your face, taking it into his big hands and nudging his nose against yours.
"Life would have been so much easier for you if you fell for basically anyone else." You know he's not doing it on purpose, yet after talking to both Jake and Jungwon about it for so long, you can't help but actually hear the self destruction in his words, the conviction of his presence and place in your life being nothing but a burden to you wavering in each one of them.
"It's unfair but I wouldn't want it any other way", you quickly say and look up at him with teary eyes. You need him to understand just how much he means to you.
"You're the reason my standards have always been so high", you chuckle and nibble on your bottom lip as soon as Heeseung looks at you with surprise grazing his perfect features.
"You're so fucking cute", he sighs in response and cocks his head to the side, his eyes slowly roaming your face to land on your parted lips and for the first time this evening you regret your choice of outfit. Your skirt has already ridden up your thighs and you can feel the zipper of his jeans against your sensitive cunt, yet still afraid he might feel the growth of the wet patch in the center of your panties.
"Don't look at me like that, princess", he suddenly grunts and tries to adjust in his seat, "we can't do this."
You don't say anything. You don't even dare to move. There's something heavy lingering in the air, a sexual tension neither one of you had ever had the guts to acknowledge, yet now happened to be the reason for the lack of oxygen in your lungs.
"Then we won't do anything", you whisper and lean further into his gentle touch, loving the way his other hand is holding onto your hips with such vigor, you have to physically hold back a whimper.
"Just one kiss", Seung's voice is a mere whisper, barely audible, "and then I'm gonna let you go again."
"Just one kiss", you reply in the same way, gasping for air as his hot breath fans your sensitive skin, "and then I won't ever let go of you again."
Neither one of you dares to make the next, important move. Both just taking in the presence of the other as you lose yourself in all those hidden feelings and urges, until you've finally had enough.
Without missing another beat you lean forward and press your lips against Heeseung's, almost instantly eliciting a deep grunt from his throat before he moves even closer into your touch.
The kiss is calm and soft at first, Heeseung obviously hesitating in hopes of maintaining his composure, only for you to break every single wall he had built throughout the years with one whimper.
He's been dreaming about hearing your noises for so long, there's absolutely no way he's going to back away now that he finally got a taste.
You can feel the bulge in his jeans growing underneath the light movements of your hips as you kiss him deeper, harder, hungrier. The need to lose yourself in the sweet taste of the man you've wanted for so long finally taking over every single one of your senses and with a soft sigh your hands find home in his dark hair.
Heeseung on the other hand has lost every bit of self control and if it wasn't for the current situation you're in, he would have made his way with you in the backseat with absolutely no hesitation. He knew he wasn't going to push you away for a third time and now that he's actually wrapping his lips around your tongue, he knows he's absolutely fucked.
With each time your lips meet, his hot muscle grazing yours and exploring your mouth in ways you've been craving for way too long you lose yourself even more in the sweet haze of pleasure, subconsciously rocking your hips against his to get rid of the pressure on your cunt.
"Princess", Heeseung suddenly whispers completely out of breath, his attention remaining on you and you're surprised just how heavy the both of you are breathing, "your phone is ringing."
You forcefully swallow the last few noises of pleasure before you reach for your phone on the passenger seat, ice cold shivers running down your spine at the sight of your brother's contact picture and name on your display.
"Where the fuck are you two?" Hoon slurs, not even trying to hide the few drinks he's had since he had come home a few hours ago.
You look at Heeseung with heavy eyes and your hand on the base of his neck, biting back a whimper when he moves it a little further up to wrap around his own throat, his gaze never once leaving yours.
"We just parked the car", you say and try to sound as unaffected as possible, "two more minutes."
"Just hurry the fuck up, Yuna's going to fist fight Jaeyun if she has to listen to another one of his stupid jokes without anything in her stomach."
You chuckle nervously in response to your brother's words but can't get yourself to verbally answer him, just ending the call and slowly climbing off of Heeseung's lap and back into the passenger seat.
The air and tension in the car is filled with arousal, so heavy, you feel like there's barely any oxygen left as your head starts spinning.
"Are we going to talk about this?" You ask softly, not brave enough to lift your head and look at him, only for Heeseung to place his hand on your hand and letting out a soft hum of approval.
"Yes, Baby", he replies quickly and you stare at him with big eyes, surprised at his sudden openness, "but let's get this party over with first, yeah?"
All you can do is nod and kiss the palm of his hand on your cheek, his lips stretching into a soft, honest smile before he lets out a sigh and gets out of his car rather quickly.
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As soon as you two step through the door, both Jaeyun and Jungwon are attentively watching you and with your brows furrowed in confusion you just roll your eyes and make your way past them. Neither one of them manage to get a minute with you to themselves as you help Heeseung and the girls with the food and since both of them haven't eaten in several hours, they quickly shift their attention to the more important things.
Once everyone is seated none of you bothers to even bring a toast to the birthday boy, who's currently busy drinking the little cocktail Ryujin had mixed him up and you can't help but feel glad because if anyone was sober enough, they would have felt the tension between you and Heeseung withou any difficulties.
Sitting across from each other and right next to your brother definitely doesn't contribute to it, since your gazes meet more than you would have expected but every single time Heeseung looks at you, he wipes his thumb over his bottom lip and lets his eyes fall to yours, casually letting you know of his unspoken thoughts.
By the time everyone's well fed and back to giggles and loud laughter again, you feel yourself easing up a little as well and actually manage to shift your attention away from your brother's best friend for a little longer, focusing on your girls instead. Since the three of you haven't had much time to chat the way you used to, both Ryujin and Yuna have quite a few stories to tell as you clean up the kitchen knowing the boys are busy enjoying the night in the living room. However, it doesn't take long for Wonie to join you and soon you find yourself holding your belly from how hard you've been laughing at your friends' comments.
Every now and then you catch yourself letting out a sigh of relief and gratitude, since this has been the first time in weeks you feel like you're actually living a moment instead of just making your way through a night and as much as you want to hate the reason behind it, you can't.
After about an hour of seperation, Jungwon forces the three of you to join them in the living room again and after almost brutally pushing the girls into the hallway of your brother's apartment, you're adamant to finish the rest of the dishes as quick as possible.
But as soon as your friends stumble through the door, Heeseung's eyes are nervously looking for you, yearning for your presence even worse than before and every time he looked at you after the kiss, his head has been telling him just how badly he fucked up because letting go of you and staying away seems absolutely impossible now.
He doesn't say a single word, just waits for everyone to agree on what Cartoon to watch for their drinking game and sneakily making his way out of his spot once the argument becomes more serious.
You don't even give him the chance to watch you, as his presence creeps up on you before you can even see him in your peripheral vision and quickly shoot him a soft smile.
"Is everything okay?" You ask and reach for the towel to dry the last few dishes, only for Heeseung to take them out of your grip and place them on the kitchen counter again.
With a quick glance to the door to make sure no one followed him, he reaches for your face and pulls you closer to his strong body, his hands finding home on your hips as he buried his nose in your neck and inhales your sweet scent the way you did it with his.
"We can do the rest tomorrow, princess", he whispers into your ear, tightening his grip and gently groping the soft flesh, "I want you as close to me as possible from now on."
Your thighs basically start pressing together almost automatically in response to his words, the sudden attention nothing you're used to and you genuinely hope he can't tell just how needy you are.
Of course Lee Heeseung has always read you like an open book but he's never seen you in a state of arousal, so maybe these are the first pages he still has to figure out.
"Stop doing that", he suddenly presses through gritted teeth and nudges his knee in between your thighs, "I've been trying everything in the books to get rid of my fucking boner for the past two hours and knowing you've probably ruined your panties just makes me want to bury my face in that pretty cunt and finally take what's mine."
There's not a single word left in your vocabulary to describe what his words have managed to erupt inside of you and for a whole minute you're convinced the whole world has come to a stop for you to actually process them.
For some reason you're not even shocked, since you always kinda knew Heeseung's got a talent when it comes to charming his way into one's heart, yet you've never actively heard him something so lewd, so forbidden that you simply don't know what to say.
Your whole body is on fire; there's not one part of your limbs not burning like someone threw you into actual flames and with wide eyes you try not to fall to your knees.
"Are you thinking about all the ways I'm going to make you cum, pretty girl? You seem so thoughtful", Heeseung chuckles and casually leans against the wall behind him, his eyes roaming your body and taking in every single one of your reactions. He's always loved the effect he's had on you, yet now it's finally time for him to take advantage of your body's sweet response to him and just the way you're looking at him through glossy eyes is enough for him to never stop.
But all of a sudden there's a light shift in your thoughts. He can tell by the way you nervously start nibbling on your bottom lip that he isn't your only focus anymore and with another quick glance to the door he places his hand on your cheek and looks at you worriedly.
"Too much, Baby? Want me to go a little easier on you?"
You quickly shake your head no, since you definitely don't want him to stop or take it easier, his pace and everything he's been doing more than just perfect and with a soft sigh you try to get rid of those stupid demons, only to realise there's no point in hiding them from Lee Heeseung.
"What's wrong then, princess?"
"I've never –", you take a deep breath and try to compose yourself, but still giving you the time you need to find the right words simce you've never actually told anyone about this, not even your closest friends.
Heeseung doesn't really know what to expect since he's stopped hoping to be any of your firsts the day he saw you get quite handsy with your first boyfriend during a friendsmas dinner back in his last year of High School, which is probably why remaining quiet and just waiting for you to talk is his best option instead of getting his hopes too high up.
It's not like he cares if you're experienced or not, nothing is going to change how much he wants you anyway.
"Nobody has ever made me cum and I don't want you to be disappointed when it doesn't work out the way you've imagined."
For some reason, you don't feel as ashamed about it with Heeseung the way you usually did when it came to your previous boyfriends and the fact you have yet to talk about the whole moment in his car from a few hours ago, yet are already discussing details like this definitely seems a little rushed.
Yet it doesn't feel like you're going too fast. There's just too much pent up frustration for the both of you to actually take it slower and you're pretty sure (and hopeful) Heeseung feels the same way.
You carefully watch his reaction and nervously fumble with the rings on your fingers, the knot in your throat growing bigger and bigger the longer it takes for him to reply to your statement. You never thought it'd come to this point with Lee Heeseung, of all people, no matter how much you've been dreaming about it, so you simply can't help but feel even more self conscious about it.
It's not like you've never had an orgasm before, you've got a fair collection of toys to do just that, after all. It's mostly about your lack of satisfaction provided by someone else, which is why you've stopped asking for basically anything after about three months into your second relationship. Most of the time you liked them enough to give them head or let them fuck your fist, yet never trusting them enough to take it to another level, which you're definitely not ready to tell Heeseung just yet.
"I'm sorry", you whisper quickly when you realise he still hasn't said anything, the guilt of ruining his fantasies overtaking you in an instant and without hesitation you try your best to compensate for your lacking, "but I wasn't expecting anything from you anyway, I promise. I could just uhm do something for you and–"
As soon as the petname falls past his lips in the form of a whisper you shut your mouth almost instinctively, yet never once looking away from his face. You're still too shy to meet his gaze but try to focus on his pretty lips instead.
"First of all", he sighs and pushes your chin up with two of his fingers, "don't ever apologize for something like this, do you hear me?" All you can do is nod softly, still too flustered to respond and the possibility of someone walking in on you two so close to each other like this definitely contributes to the thrumming in your throat.
"We're going to talk about this when it's not as risky but I just want you to know you could never, ever disappoint me about these things. You're everything I've ever dreamed of and nothing is going to change that, yeah?"
It's definitely the way he talks and looks at you, which easily calms down all of those anxious thoughts in your brain and for the first time in yesrs you find yourself believing someone, almost instantly falling in love with the silence in your head.
"Good girl", Heeseung mumbles, doesn't even think about it for another second only to turn around and open the fridge to prepare Sunghoon's birthday cake, knowing one of them might storm into the kitchen any minute wondering what you two have been doing for so long.
And as he looks around for the decoration bag, you can't even blink as your body tries its best to cool down from the heat those two words of praise have sent through your system.
You've always had a thing about being praised, realising it's most likely caused by your lack of attention and validation in your childhood and confirmed by your choice of romance books, but none of your romantic interests had ever cared enough to indulge in it.
You still remember your most recent boyfriend trying his best to compliment you, only to use the words "hot" and "sexy" four times in a row and making it even worse for you to the point where you had accepted your fate, yet again.
Knowing Heeseung seems more than just casual about it to the point where he doesn't realise the effects it has on you sends jolts of excitement and anticipation through your body in the best way possible.
However, just as he'd expected, Jongseong stumbles through the kitchen door with flushed cheeks and messy hair, questioning the two of you only to place a finger over his pursed lips when he spots your brother's birthday cake.
It doesn't take long for them to absolutely destroy it all, not even bothering to plate each piece but instead everyone digging into it with some kind of utensil they found on the table, Jake not even giving enough fucks to find the second chopstick to his first one.
You have no idea how much time passes as you start playing random games and everyone tells a story about Sunghoon to honor him, most of you losing it as soon as Heeseung starts to speak because he never fails to bring out the best ones.
The girls are the first ones to leave, Heeseung insisting on driving them home with the boys, despite them living in an apartment across the street. By the time he's made sure everyone got home safe it's way past midnight and to his surprise mostly everything is cleaned up, yet none of you are where you're supposed to be.
It's not until he hears your chuckles through Sunghoon's door that he lets out a sigh of relief when he realizes you're still here.
"This was the best birthday ever", your brother slurs, his words barely coherent at this point and usually you'd be a little stricter about his drinking habits, but this time you just don't have the heart to actually say anything, "you and Seung are my favorite people in this world. I'm so grateful to have you both."
For some reason you feel a sting reach your heart as you thread your fingers through Sunghoon's hair, taking in the sight of his features and reminding yourself of his importance in your life, yet not feeling guilty enough to turn your head and look at Heeseung, who's standing in the doorway, just watching the three of you, with genuine adoration.
"Shut the fuck up."
Your best friends whine quickly ruins your oscar worthy moment and with a roll of your eyes you give Jungwon a kiss on the forehead and finally make your way to where Heeseung's standing.
But for the third time within a few hours, Heeseungs cuts you off by wrapping his arms around your shoulder and pulling you into his embrace, just holding you close to his chest.
"Today's been a long one, how about we leave the talking for another day, yeah? I'm here, princess", he whispers and gives you a quick kiss, afraid one of the boys might still be up, "and I promise I'm not going anywhere anymore. Now go and get comfortable in my bed, I'll take the couch."
When you bury your face in Heeseung's pillow, you can't help the big smile on your lips and your brain finally lets you relive every single moment between the two of you, even showing you the mercy of pushing every bit of guilt to the back of your brain until you can barely keep your eyes open anymore, hoping you're not the only one falling asleep with butterflies in your tummy tonight.
And if Heeseung had the heart to let you know that this is the first time in weeks he's not actually crying himself to sleep, he definitely would because he can't even remember the last time he placed his head on a pillow with a genuine smile on his lips.
For a moment he can't help but wonder how something that feels so right, could ever be so wrong, only to throw all of those thoughts out of his head before they can take away this newfound feeling of hope filling his chest.
Maybe life isn't as bad as he thought.
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← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
(A/N: and here it is 💀 i know you guys had quite high expectations of this and i'm sorry for deciding against a proper smut scene last minute but i feel like it wouldn't have matched the vibe 😭 thank you ao much for all the love, you guys are the best. i love you sm 🥺🧸 feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!🩷🧸)
TAGLIST CLOSED: @soonigiri @thvhannie @enhaz1 @kpoprhia @abrazosolorcereza @deobitifull @mixtape-racha @certifiedmoa @jungwon-xo @hoonieluv @enhamysunshines @jaehoonii @pussyslayerhd @ineedsomezzz @neocockthotology @heerinnie @onionzzzs @hee-pster @3amstarlight @xxxxrvexxxx @primroselover @mimikittysblog @iea-tsand @lhspeachie @xiaoderrrr @viagumi @smg-valeria @kells5595 @heeseunghee7 @xrvrqs @ddazed-lhs @heebrry @fakeuwus @dammit-jjk @ivyannemarie @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @s00buwu
619 notes · View notes
thelovelyruin · 7 months
𝖎 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜.
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : choso wasn’t taking the break up well, and honestly, neither were you.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, angst with a happy ending, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, love, teasing, fingering, edging.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 4.3K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from i know by big sean and jhene aiko.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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I know you've been going through some things…
When Choso wanted to come out and relax get over you, he definitely wanted some time away from you. So, why the fuck were you here? You walked into the club, not noticing him in the upstairs balconies, sitting in a section with Yuuji and some of the other guys. As much as he tried not to, he couldn’t keep his gaze off you. You were wearing those high heels you know he’d love; they made your legs look so pretty, and because of that, it made your ass pop. That was being covered up by some skimpy dress you’d found, probably one of the ones you wore before you guys got together. Not that he didn’t allow you to wear it, but it was hard for him to pull it down every few moments. You had your hair in some cute curls, makeup done all pretty, fuck, it made him miss you. But, unfortunately, fuck you, and not literally.
I know you don't even love the same, do you?
Once you and your friends found your section, you sat your things down and went up to the bar, presumably to start a tab. What he wasn’t expecting was for you to look around as you sat there, finally making eye contact with him. When you saw him, you didn’t look away, instead looking at him with disgust and walking your way back to your section. That made him really fucking pissed. It’s not like he’d thought you be happy to see him but fuck.
Gotta get away, make it happen; whatever happened just had to happen.
“You good man?”
Yuuji had placed a hand on his shoulder, looking concerned as Choso stared down at you with a locked jaw.
“Yeah, peachy.”
“It’s cause she’s here, huh? What the hell even happened with you guys?”
Well, to put it simply, Choso was a bad drunk. He would always fight with random people or get pissed and throw things, but never at you; he wasn’t that crazy. But he was crazy. Especially two weeks back, he got drunk with the boys and returned to your apartment. You were pissed at him, firstly because he came in at 4 in the morning but also because he decided to drive home. And crash his fucking car. That had been your last straw, packing your bags immediately as he wrapped around you, crying, begging you to stay, but being so fed up at that point, you brushed him off. You hadn’t talked to him since then, and he fuckin’ hated that. 
You weren’t even giving him a chance to make things right, just throwing your whole relationship away, two long years. He’d put a limit to his drinking since then, not like he was an alcoholic or anything, but when he did drink, he got fucked up. So, he limited himself to three shots, enough to get him buzzed but not nearly enough to black out. He’d started smoking cigarettes again, too, smoking one whenever he missed you. He went through a pack every two days. 
I know you've been dancing, dancing, dancing like you fucking got a reason.
Then, there were those fuckin’ rumors. He’d heard through a friend of a friend that you’d moved on pretty quickly, a little too quick, in fact, enough to make Choso think of the possibility you’d cheated on him, and that’s why you left, but he knew deep down it was because of his fuckups and the rumors were far from true.  But that wouldn’t stop him from being himself, especially when some random bastard was buying you a drink. 
You looked like you whispered something to him, making him call the bartender. She’d handed you two a shot of something, clicking your glass against his and throwing it back. Choso had to look away before he went down there and beat his ass the main reason he needed to stop drinking. Instead, he pulled out a cigarette and focused on the conversation Yuuji and the others were having. For 5 minutes.
What the fuck were you doing? He had distracted himself for a few minutes, that was until he saw you in his peripheral vision. Dancing on that bastard. He took another swig of his Jack and Coke, Yuuji looking over his shoulder and seeing what was happening. He also saw when you’d raised your eyes to Choso, and Choso fixed his eyes on you. He was fucking fuming. This random motherfucker was touching on his girl you, putting his hand on your hips as you rubbed your ass on him. Choso found every piece of self-control he had; you were fucking teasing him. You’d let the guy play with the hem of your dress and set his head on your shoulder, all while looking up at your RECENTLY ex-boyfriend. You turned around then, Choso getting a good view of this guy rubbing his hand over your ass. He’d like the idea that you were too fucked up and gotten more comfortable than you realized, but when you turned around and shot him a kiss, he crushed that fucking cigarette in his hand.
You need to be taken care of and pampered, but just like a pamper, he on that childish shit.
You’d walked off from the guy, him trying to follow you and you popping his hand. Now, getting violent is exactly what you’d expect Choso to do, and that’s why he had other plans. He’d waited until you’d sit back down and called the bottle girl working the sections tonight.
“Hey, you see that girl down there?”
He pointed down at you in your pink patent leather dress clear heels to match. She nodded quickly.
“Yeah, that girl in the pink? What do you want her number or something? She’s real sweet.”
“Nah, just want you to do me a favor. Take this and pay for all her drinks; if she asks who, point at me.”
“You got it!”
Choso handed her his card as she walked away. After a few minutes, the girl began talking to you, then pointed at Choso, who was sipping his drink. You’d whispered something in her ear, and she left the table, promptly returning to him. She handed him his card, and he looked at her for a response.
“She’s done drinkin’ for the night, went ahead and charged it! I pointed you out for her, and she told me to tell you ‘thanks, baby”.”
Choso thanked her and smiled, “Baby” huh? That got him pretty happy, it being the kindest you’d been to him in weeks. He’d looked back at you, and you weren’t in the seat, presumably off to dance with your friends or go to the bathroom. Yuuji, who saw the whole thing go down, shook his head and sat his hand on Choso’s shoulder.
“You’re fuckin’ toxic, dude.”
I know you feel like sometimes y'all don't speak the same language.
Choso and Yuuji began talking about something that was wrong with his car; think he needed a tune-up or something, but that was cut short when you’d walked up to the table, jabbing Choso’s shoulder.
“The fuck are you doing?”
“Whatcha mean, princess?”
“Don’t call me that; you know exactly what I mean.”
“No, actually I don’t. Enlighten me.”
“Maybe if you weren’t fuckin’ drinking, you’d know what the hell I’m talking about.”
That one hurt. He could tell it hurt you to say it, but nonetheless, you kept your arms folded.
“I’m not allowed to buy you things anymore?”
“So, that’s what this is? You buying me back?”
“It seems that’s the only way to get your attention nowadays. Haven’t blocked my number, but leaving me on read? You’re fuckin’ with me.”
“Yeah, it’s cause you’re fuckin’ toxic, texting me after 2 a.m., telling me how much you miss me?”
“It’s because I do, want me to lie to you?”
“No, I want you to fuck off. I’m fuckin’ leaving.”
With that, you walked away from him, leaving him with his jaw locked. You’d told him exactly what you wanted, and he had to accept that. Maybe. He put the cash on the table for his tab, saying bye to the guys, chasing after you.
I know you've been going through some things; wanna get away, baby, let me be your vacation.
When Choso found you, you were sitting on the back patio, smoking a cigarette and crying as you looked at your feet. He hated that he was the one making you feel like this, and he felt like it was his job to fix it. That’s why he brought his arms around you, hugging you from behind. You’d known that hug from anywhere but were too damn sad to move him. To be honest, you really needed one. He’d guided you from the patio to the parking lot, opening his car door and setting you in.
“Want me to take you home?”
“Where are you stayin’ now?”
“I want to go home.”
You wanted to go back to your guys’s apartment. Choso felt himself perk up a little; your wanting to go back home was a step, right? He put his hand on your thigh, which you moved almost instantly as he pulled out of the parking lot. You leaned back in the seat, opening the window for fresh air. He thought you looked so beautiful. Flustered cheeks, smiling as your hair blew out the window. It made him smile, seeing you happy again; he couldn’t remember the last time you did. 
You came back down in the seat, giving him an awkward smile, wrapping your arms around his arm on the gearshift, laying your head against it. You looked like you were gonna nap, but your eyes were opened like you were thinking about something. Choso was thrilled by the attention you were giving him, but it was pretty hard to drive. All he had to do was focus on not crashing, but then again, maybe that’s what you wanted, emotionally, that is.
I know you know I am down for whatever; you know I'm just here to make you feel better.
Take a load off on my private island, come inside, and go into hidin’.
Choso parked outside your apartment building, taking a second to ensure you were awake before taking you out of the car. You didn’t feel like standing, so you hopped up so he could carry you bridal style. He was trying so hard to be respectful, but your tits were sitting right in front of him; if you guys were on good terms, he’d be sucking on them by now. 
Now, when Choso said he missed you, he really did. Was it normal to think about your ex while you, ya know? Probably not, but when he tried to think about anything else, all that came to him were early morning sessions with you or spontaneous fucks in his car. Right now, he was pretty fuckin’ hard, but the mission was to get you ready and put you to sleep.
Choso unlocked the door to the apartment, carrying you inside. He took off your heels and fixed your dress, sitting you down. He turned around to lock the door, about to take you to-
I know that you've been sacrificin’ your time and need time to unwind and let go, so let go, and let's go.
You wasted no time, bringing Choso’s head into your hands as you kissed him. He was too fuckin’ shocked to process things. But that pretty much ended when you jumped up a little, him picking up your legs and wrapping them around himself. He’d back you onto the wall, deepening the kiss as you groaned into his mouth. You wrapped your hands around him as he sucked your neck, leaning your head back as he rutted his hips against yours.
“Yeah, princess?”
“On the couch…”
Choso brought you back from the wall, clearing the distance from the hallway to the living room in seconds. You hadn’t let him lay you down on the couch all the way before you pulled him down to you by his neck, the other hand lifting his shirt. He helped you take it off promptly, averting his attention to your dress, unzipping the back, and taking it off you in one motion. With your tits exposed to him, he’d climbed on top of you and kissed you, bringing his face down to your chest and sucking the skin there. As he laid you all the way down on the couch, he started sucking your nipples, rubbing the other between his fingers when he didn’t have his mouth on it. You’d started bucking your hips, begging him to touch you, and that he did.
Choso pulled your thong down, got off you, and sat on the floor. Swiftly, he brought you up and pulled your hips to the end of the couch, legs getting thrown over his shoulder; he began to finger your pussy. God, you were sexy. Fondling with your tits as he pumped his fingers into you, throwing your head back as he started to indulge in you. He could swear you’ve never tasted this good before; maybe it was the distance, some sort of marination period, who knows. What he did know was that his tongue was making your body go crazy. Every lick on your clit had you rutting your hips on his face, body on full display as it moved uncontrollably. He was starving so badly couldn’t even look up at you like he’d usually do; this time, his face was completely engulfed with your pussy, pleasing you in any way he could.
Excited, activated, get ignited.
You’d started moaning louder, his name falling from your lips over and over, getting closer as he fucked you with his tongue, nose rubbing on your clit.
He knew you were about to cum, so he pinned your hips down, making you groan as your fingers found his hair again.
“Baby, fuck, I’m close…”
You’d started pulling on it, your other hand gripping a pillow on the couch as you started to let go. Finally, his eyes looked up at you, wanting to see you when you came, and that was the tipping point for you. Your eyes rolled back as you ground your hips into his face, shamelessly making him eat you through your orgasm. The aftershocks had you screaming his name, whining as he sucked you into overstimulation. Choso didn’t really care. He was so fuckin’ happy to taste you again; he was a man starved. 
He hadn’t stopped holding your legs tighter as he put all his attention on your clit, knowing it would have you melting now, faster as you came down from your last high.
“Choso, fuck, okay…”
Your hands were still in his hair, you could pull him back at any moment, but instead, you let your body fall apart as he made you cum again, this one stronger than the first. You were practically screaming this time, cumming all over his face as he pulled away reluctantly. Both of you sat back for air; shortly after, Choso came up to kiss your thighs up to your stomach, then landed on your lips, which you’d moved him away from instantly.
You a star; you need space.
You’d gotten up and walked to the bedroom, pulling out one of his shirts and putting it on. You threw your hair up in a ponytail as you sat at the bar counter, lighting one of the cigarettes he’d left there. He stood up, slightly confused. To be fair, he was pretty sure you two were about to fuck again, but if you just wanted head, he was okay with that too. He was just unsure why you’d gone cold again. You’d brought the cig to your lips, lipstick staining the filter as you brought it down to the ashtray.
“Do you want some water or something?”
“Don’t fuckin' talk to me like I don’t live here. I can get the water myself.”
His jaw locked as you walked to the kitchen, getting yourself a glass of water.
“You’re pissed at me again?”
“I was never not pissed at you, Choso.”
“Was that before or after I just ate you out?
“Both. During also. I can’t fucking stand you, but your tongue is pretty nice.”
Choso started laughing, wiping his face in disbelief as you walked to the bedroom, closing the door behind you. He felt pretty fuckin’ lost. Yeah, he’d figured you’d still be mad at him, and of course, sex wasn’t gonna fix things, but he did have a sliver of hope that his tongue inside you could be the peace treaty.
You wanted space? He’d give you space. He’d walked over to the pack of cigarettes, lighting one, and slamming the lighter back on the counter. It seemed the only common point you guys had was that pack of cigarettes. He went to the cabinet, grabbed the whiskey, and poured himself a shot, pretty much fed up with the night.
I know you've been cryin’ and poutin’, 
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
You were standing in the bedroom doorway, catching him before he could throw the shot back.
“Come the fuck on-��
“That’s so fuckin’ like you. Go ahead and take it; crash your car again while you’re at it.”
You were really getting under his skin, taking low blow after low blow.
“You keep fuckin’ talkin’ to me like you’re some sort of saint.”
“Oh, really? What does that mean?”
“Don’t act like your memory escapes you from earlier, sweetheart. Staring me dead in my face while you dry fucked some guy? Pretty fucked up, if I do say so myself.”
“What I do has nothing to do with you.”
“Oh really? Then why’d you shoot me a fuckin’ kiss after? You’re fuckin’ with my head, and you know it!”
“You know what? Fuck you!”
You walked to the living room, grabbing your things.
Know you're tired of arguin’, no screamin’ and shoutin’.
Now, Choso knew he probably should’ve left it at that, but there were too many unresolved emotions not to fuckin’ argue. You’d moved back to the bedroom now, almost slamming the door in his face, before he caught it and walked in after you.
“Then, earlier, you’re like, “Don’t talk to me like I don’t live here?” Hmm, maybe it’s because you haven’t fucking lived here in weeks!”
“Why’s that, huh? Because you’re a fucking asshole!”
“I know, and I’m sorry! Shit, I don’t know what to do!”
He started crying now, whiskey and cigarette long forgotten as he paced the room yelling at you.
“I wake up every fucking morning wishing you were here! Same when I go to sleep, missing you more and more every day, and you? You won’t even give me anything; the only thing you’ve given me in weeks is your pussy and interactions that just leave me confused!”
“You don’t think I miss you, Choso? My heart fucking yearns for you every single day, but shit, I have to have some sort of resolve. Months and months of taking care of your drunk ass when you’d come home! Why do you deserve anything else, huh?”
“You won’t even let me fix my mistakes! Shit, I’ll stop drinking altogether, stop goin’ out, whatever it takes for you to come back! I’m shit without you, and I know that, and you know that, and I’m sorry, but please, baby, please just let me fix it!”
Choso was in your arms now, sobbing into your shoulder as he held you, both of you crying now.
“Baby, please, just one chance…”
“Anything, baby, just come back home.”
I know you just tryna maintain.
You pulled Choso’s face away from yours, looking him in his eyes. If you were being honest, he looked a fucking mess, but fuck, you loved him.
You wiped away his tears and kissed him softly. Hesitantly, he kissed you back, deepening it as you brought your arms around his neck. His hands found the arch of your back, pulling you in closer as you kissed him hard.
You’d gotten back in his arms now, kissing you like that for a moment before gently laying you on the bed. As he got on top of you, you started fondling the button on his pants, taking them off before coming down to kiss you again. His legs sat between yours, hand under the arch of your back as you two made out. It felt so good, having you in his arms again. Nurturing you. Loving you. Pleasing you. He’d brought his kisses to your neck, sucking your skin until he knew hickeys would blossom.
You moan softly as he moved the kisses down your collarbone, hand massaging your side as you arched into his touch. He pulled your shirt off, and you almost immediately pulled him down to kiss you. Choso had every intention of taking it slow if you ever wanted to fuck him again, but right now? You just fucking needed him, and he just needed you. 
I know you've been divin’ through pain.
Choso took his briefs off, exposing his dick as he fingered you, prepping you to take him after so long. He used your cum from before to lubricate his shaft, coming down to kiss you.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Can I fuck you?”
You say yes with a kiss and a nod, relaxing as he kisses you, slipping inside you. 
“Fuck, princess…”
Fuck, he missed you. Your walls tightened around him as he sunk in, fully inside you now. He began fucking you slowly, making sure it felt good for you.
“Missed you, baby. So much…”
“Choso, fuck me… please.”
He picked up the pace a bit, going steady as you began to moan in his ear, whispering how good it felt. He nuzzled his face in your neck, moaning in your ear as his hips began to move faster. You brought your hands up to hold his back, one of them coming up to rest in his hair. Choso could tell you felt good, but when you brought your legs around him and fixed them on his waist, he knew exactly what you wanted. He brought his arms down to either side of your head as he began fucking you faster, losing yourself on his dick. Your nails were scratching his back now, moaning his name loudly as he fucked into you at a pace that had both of you sweating. He just couldn’t stop praising you, so grateful to be fucking you again.
“Fuck, I missed this pussy.”
“Takin’ me so good, baby.”
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.”
Your reactions to him talking you through it made his heart skip a beat. He felt like you were made for him, your pussy wrapping him up and sucking him in as he fucked into you in that sweet spot, and as you gripped him tighter, the faster he thrust into it. In a few seconds, he’d begun fucking the shit out of you; any attempts at making love thrown out the window now. You two hated each other for the past few weeks, but despite all that anger, you both were sexually frustrated, holding out until one of you caved in.
I know you goin' so crazy; I know you runnin' on empty. 
Choso lifted your hips from the bed, sitting back as he fucked into you fast, watching you try to grip the sheets as he fucked you. You were in heaven. A few drinks, two orgasms, and making up with your boyfriend? It definitely had you feeling really good. That and your boyfriend fucking the shit out of you. 
“Baby…I’m close…”
“Yeah, princess. I’m about to cum too.”
Choso focused on pleasing you, but he knew he wasn’t gonna last much longer, not with your tits bouncing from the thrusts he was giving you, that and the fucked out look on your face, cheeks flustered and trying to catch your breath. He brought his thumb up to rub on your clit, the overstimulation on your bud nearly sending you over. You pulled him back down to you, groaning his name as he fucked into you deep and fast, drilling you into the bed.
“Cum for me, baby, I got you.”
You felt yourself come undone, body bucking into his as he held you, screaming his name into the air as you held him close.
“That’s it, baby. Say my name, give it to me.”
You began panting and whimpering into his shoulder, sending him over as he tensed up, cumming inside as he fucked you through both of your highs.
That shit can fuck with your mental; I know this shit, don't you tempt me…
When you both came down, Choso couldn’t bring himself to pull out of you, so blissed out from the feeling of your pussy. It wasn’t until he fell to your side, exhausted and on the verge of passing out. As he came to, he looked over at you, eyes half open, exhaling slowly. Shaking himself together, he got up and went to the kitchen, handing you a glass of water; you slowly drank it, trying to get back to earth. You both laughed at the sloth-like pace it was taking you to drink the water, flipping him off when he went to help you out.
After getting a few sips in, he picked you up again, taking you to the bathroom for a bath, wiping your makeup as you gave each other kisses every now and then. When he’d dried you off, he pulled out your pajamas and put them on you, getting dressed and laying you on the bed. He turned the TV on, getting in the bed with you as you picked out a movie, nuzzling your face into his chest.
“Yeah, princess?”
“I love you.”
“Love you too, so much.” 
I know you. I know you. I know you.
♱ the song used in this story is i know by big sean and jhene aiko. 🖤
(this fic was mostly based on prior experiences; made me cry a couple times, but i am so happy i could turn that into this! hope you enjoyed it 🖤)
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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397 notes · View notes
onlymingyus · 9 months
Your Games Suck: Animal Crossing Edition (Teaser)
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pairing; jeon wonwoo x kim mingyu x f reader
genre; smut (minors dni)
warnings; poly, dom!wonwoo, sub!mingyu, big dick!mingyu, unprotected sex, mild pet play, pet names, mlm, nipple play, fingering, spit play, hand on throat, thigh riding, grinding, scratching, marking, aftercare mentioned (if I have forgotten something let me know)
w/c; 5.9k and some change (507 this teaser)
requested; no
a/n; leave it to me to make minwon poly. I am not sorry. thank you to @wonwussy @onlyseokmins and @playmetheclassics for beta reading for me! and thank you to everyone for being patient and waiting just a little longer for this to be posted since I have been under the weather.
this fic will be released sunday 9/3 at 3 pm est to read it now subscribe to my patreon and click here  
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“Mm, you talked Mingyu into playing Animal Crossing with you?” 
Smiling at Wonwoo’s voice you look up only to feel Mingyu start to move causing your smile to fade instantly. 
“Where are you going, Mingyu? I didn’t tell you that you had to move? You can keep holding her. Don’t make my Princess sad. I literally told you to come over here and keep her company, didn’t I?” 
Confusion evident on his face, Mingyu settles back against the pillows and the headboard allowing you to get comfortable between his legs once again. With a smile back on your face, you lean over your knees to kiss Wonwoo before resting your head back on Mingyu’s shoulder causing the man’s head to spin with what was happening. 
“I just–I figured with you home, you’d want her to yourself. I didn’t want to overstep. You know, overstay my welcome. Not that I’m not enjoying this. Cause I am…a lot.”
Smiling to himself, Wonwoo looks down at his hands rubbing his thumb along his palm as you go back to playing your game and Mingyu watches him cautiously. 
“I’d tell you if I wanted you to go. You’re fine, right where you are. Y/N loves that silly game. I never have time to play it with her. I’m glad you like it too, though I didn’t think you’d be into cutesy animal things, Mingyu.” 
Furrowing his brows, Mingyu scoffs at Wonwoo’s teasing as he looks back at the Switch in his hands. You smile glancing over your shoulder at Mingyu, and he is a goner knowing he can’t disappoint you. 
“Well, I–it’s kinda fun. It’s relaxing. Especially just laying here with Y/N like this. There’s not much to it. You can just rest and run around together.” 
Biting your lip you lift a brow and look at Wonwoo as if you say “told you so” causing the man to roll his eyes at your dramatics. 
“Mingyu is fun to play games like this with. He follows me around like a cute puppy. I like it. I can teach him how to play something for once.” 
Sighing into a resolved laugh, Mingyu starts to try to defend himself when you describe him as a cute puppy but one glance back from you stops him before he starts. Instead, the man just leans his head back against the headboard and sighs once again. 
Sitting near your and Mingyu’s legs, Wonwoo laughs at the exchange before lifting his hand to rub at the back of his neck when he meets his best friend’s eyes. He could tell that Mingyu was whipped for you, and he could understand the feeling. 
“It’s alright, Gyu. She’s got you wrapped around her little finger. It’s like she said…it’s cute.”
Rolling his eyes, Mingyu lays down his Switch at Wonwoo’s teasing feeling heat creeping up his neck and across his face. 
“Yeah yeah. I can take it from her, but…” 
“But what? You don’t like it when I tease you? I don’t think that’s true, is it…pup?” 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
502 notes · View notes
queenimmadolla · 2 years
yeah, this little family kind of owns my ass now so i’m glad you love them! and thank you for being my first request, i literally dropped everything i was doing cause i wanted to get this out tonight! sorry if the formatting is shit, posting on mobile is weird for me. will tweak any mistakes tomorrow!
Look Who’s Talking
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
summary: eddie takes his three year old shopping. obviously, cuteness ensues. **sequel to Penny for Your Thoughts**
warnings: none, i think. oh, except PREGNANCY WHAAAAT.
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gif by corrodedcoffins
“We’re gonna get you some cool new threads, pretty girl. I’m thinking slacks.”
The look Penny gave him made him snicker, her eyebrows furrowed together as she eyed him like she regretted not being able to opt out of this. Sure, she had no idea what slacks were, but clearly she was not fond of the word.
Penny was in need of some new clothes, the now three year old was beginning to outgrow most of her wardrobe. She even had little high waters, and that made his eyes water. His baby was growing, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Normally, shopping was a family activity but you were incredibly irritable lately and Eddie figured you could use some alone time to relax. You hadn’t protested too hard when he offered to take Penny to pick out a couple of new toddler ‘fits. Now that she didn’t demand a nipple every once in a while, it was easier to take Penny places with him.
Like the outdoor shopping center, a recent addition to Hawkins.
“Can we get snacks, too?” Came her cute little voice as he unbuckled her from her carseat.
She’d always been a bit of babbler from the moment she started trying to communicate, was speaking a couple of broken phrases here and there a little after she had turned two but it wasn’t until after her third birthday that she figured words out. Like really well. Scarily, well.
Penny went from baby talk and referring to herself in third person to asking him if he could sit down with her on his lap so she could tell him about how ‘tiwed in the hawt’—she still had trouble with her ‘r’s—she’d get when she spends her day making a city with her building blocks before her bedtime only to wake up and find the city back in her toy box. All her hard work gone.
From just ‘Daddy, no eat Penny’s toes! Penny’s toes not fo’ eatin’ to ‘Daddy, why awe you twying to eat my feets foe? Thewa not vewy yummy, not wike ‘spetti.’, all within the span of less than a year. Broke and warmed his heart. She immediately clung to him like a baby koala as he pulled her entirely out of the van and shut the door, letting her dad press a multitude of kisses into her still baby fat filled cheeks. “Yeah, we’ll grab something on the way out.”
“You got a big nose, daddy.” She also had no filter, something you both had to be incredibly cautious about because it wasn’t a matter of if she would repeat something. It was when. And Penny had already told Wayne how ‘fuckin ‘cited’ she was with her approaching promotion.
Eddie smirked at the memory of last Christmas and the way you’d immediately disappeared into the kitchen—because it had totally been you that fucked up—as he made his way to the kids clothing store you bought most of Penny’s clothes from. The bell above the door sounded as they entered, and Eddie crouched down to set Penny on her legs.
He loved holding her, but he wanted to get her comfortable with walking around in public, and a confined setting—while she had a lot more of her impulses under control, the need to immediately run free and wild when her parents put her down in most settings was still hard for her to ignore—such as a store was the perfect opportunity. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of her or he’d have a heart attack.
“Alright, lucky Penny. What colors are we thinking about for your fall wardrobe?” He asked, pulling something tan and fluffy off of a rack for her to inspect.
She reached a little hand up to scratch at her head, fingers gripping the curls for a moment as she tried to figure out a way to convey to her daddy that what he was holding up was very ugly.
“Uhm, I dunno. Not that. Maybe Gween? I wike gween, and yellow. And pink. Owange is a hawd colow, huh daddy?” He had no idea what she meant by that, but he agreed nonetheless. His baby was always right.
Eddie put the ugly article of clothing back, letting Penny wander around to whatever caught her eye.
Except, she just kept walking, didn’t even bother looking at anything. “What about this one?” He asked, pulling a random little green sweater out for her in an attempt to catch her attention. Before he could even get a good look at it, she was letting out the most dramatic of little screams.
“DUCK! WOOK! WOOK, DADDY! ’S A DUCKIE!” She pointed at the embellishment on the front of the sweater, and sure enough, it was a duck. And not even a cute little cartoon one, it was an embellishment of an actual duck. Eddie knew it was her latest obsession, along with city construction, but he hadn’t realized the form of it didn’t matter to her.
“Alright, we found our first pick.” He double checked to make sure it was the right size before letting her hold onto it. The way she cradled it to her chest, mumbling gibberish to it reminded him a lot of Gollum. Two minutes later she got tired of holding it, so it ended up thrown over his shoulder.A blue blouse, a pair of pink overalls, pink sweats, pink pants, three pairs of little jeans, an orange sweater, two care bears shirts, three packs of socks—those she wanted to hold, cradling them like babies despite the fact that Eddie knew how much she hated socks—and the green duck sweater later, Eddie was pretty satisfied with their little shopping haul.
Penny had kept up a continuous stream of commentary ranging from her opinions on the selections to fleeting thoughts she had a couple of ‘yestertimes’ ago with absolutely no relation to their bonding time, but it was still endearing to Eddie. Everything she did, was. Eddie absolutely adored how random she was. She’d be going on and on about how ducks aren’t scary like chickens, how you promised her you’d protect her from them forever, then she’d remember he existed or something because she’d turn around and hug his leg—and she put her all into hugs—giving his jeans a kiss before looking up at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes. His eyes looking up at him through a face so similar to yours.
Fuck, you guys made a whole, perfect little human together. That’s all the proof he needs to know magic is real.
“I wuvs you, daddy.”
His heart wouldn’t ever not melt for her.
“I love you, too, baby.” He choked out through the emotions making his throat feel tight. “Daddy loves you so much.”
“Yes.” Is all she said, leaning up on his leg for a few moments before she was off again. Eddie followed immediately after her, eyebrows pinching together in confusion for a moment. Something didn’t feel right. Something was missing.
“Yes?” She responded, curls bouncing as she felt the need to start trying her hardest to hop along instead of walk.
“Where are the socks?”
After they’d double backed around the store and found the pack of socks—Eddie only needed to watch her glance nervously at a certain shoe box a couple of times—he figured it was check out time.
So did the woman who rang them up, only it wasn’t just the clothes she was checking out, her blue eyes raked over his frame with lust clouded eyes.
“She yours?” The blonde asked, folding all the little articles of clothing before placing them into a bag.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s response was bleak, doing his best to mask his annoyance. He had gotten used to being hit on when it was just him and Penny, but it didn’t mean that he liked it. The thought of any women thinking they could take your place—whether they know you existed or not—in his and Penny’s lives made his blood boil.
“Figured. She’s cute. Must have got it from you.” And he really hated it when they did it right in hearing range of his daughter.
He glanced down at your little mini me, relieved to see her distracted by something in the display case that was eye level with her.
“She looks more like her mom,” Eddie took great satisfaction in seeing how red with embarrassment her face got. Served her fucking right, hitting on guys with babies with no knowledge of whether or not they’re going home to someone.
“O-Oh, she must be really beautiful then.” She didn’t look back up at him as she rang him up, and before Eddie could hand her the money, a chubby little hand started tapping at the glass display.
Eddie popped down in a squat to Penny’s height, mouth breaking out into a wide grin when he realized exactly what it was Penny had decided she wanted.
Oh, you were gonna lose your shit.
“Honey, we’re home!” Eddie announced as he unlocked the front door, the bag of clothes in one hand, and Penny in the other arm.At the sound of their arrival, you put the ice cream you’d been eating straight out of the carton back into the freezer and made your way towards the living room to greet them.
The overwhelming amount of cuteness stopped you short.“Oh my god.”
Eddie had his sunglasses on. Paired with the dark long sleeve and his leather jacket, it was a dangerous combo. You would have jumped his bones if it weren’t for the real attention grabber in his arms.
“Imma medohead, mama!”
Penny’s curls were significantly more wild when compared to how they were before the two of them had left, she had what looked like cinnamon smeared around her mouth and all over her pink ‘Girl Power’ shirt. But it was the mini pair of sunglasses on her face that did you in.
Identical to her dad’s.
They were fucking matching.
If you weren’t already waiting for the current bun in your oven to be ready, you would’ve been setting it to preheat for tonight.
But wait, there’s more.
Eddie leaned forward to give you a thorough—but kid-viewing friendly—kiss before he pulled out another small pair from the pocket of his jacket.
“For whenever our little guy decides to make his entrance.”
May whatever God is around help you.
“Don’t move, I gotta get the camera.”
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internetscenarios · 1 month
YESS cc!reader x tgc would go hard please do it NO pressure tho!! 💕
ok i had an idea for isaac,, IM SORRY I ONLY DO HIM OR YUMI i promise i will do the others soon
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drunk driving ♡︎
it was a normal day for you, wake up, get food, do a stream if you had the energy.
today was a different day, your boyfriend isaac was hanging out at your house as the two of you wanted to get some stuff done.
it was a nice day together, you both went grocery shopping and had a cute little date in a cafe
tonight you had a stream planned, your viewers knew you were close friends with the group, but never knew why you ended up becoming friends
isaac had introduced you to them and you all grew close since then
“babe? i’m just about to start a stream, i think im meant to be drinking.”
you laugh softly, searching for him as he wandered around the kitchen, soon enough finding him.
“you should let me be in it.”
“what about your face being in it?”
“i can put my mask and glasses on.”
your mind hesitates, pouting slightly as you think whether you would want him causing chaos on your relaxed streams.
although both of you had been together for a while now, neither of you told your viewers. it would be a nice introduction stream, and also suprise everyone.
“okay fine. but you can’t be screaming into my microphone, my streams are more relaxed than yours.”
he rolls his eyes, yet nods and smiles as he looks down at you.
soon enough the stream was starting, isaac was still downstairs cleaning up as you welcomed everybody and let people join.
you were playing american truck simulator with yumi, tanner, and soon to be isaac. but you didn’t mention that and would let isaac come in whenever to surprise your viewers a little.
once you joined the vc, you were suddenly met with yumi angry about how he couldn’t exit a parking lot, and tanner laughing.
“y/n, is mr 6’2 joining us?”
“he should be, hes just cleaning downstairs.”
you giggle, reading your chat as you opened up the game. the call was deafened so you could answer questions from your viewers.
mr 6’2???
is shaquille o’neal in ur house??
as you giggle, leaving your viewer’s confused and looking for answers you start up the game.
“so i have to take a drink everytime i crash??”
drunk y/n time oh no
you laugh, when suddenly a notification of a donation comes through
isaacwhy donated 20$: “ill be up in a minute, u look good tonight :)”
the donation reads out, which leads you to rub your forehead in annoyance but amusement
“isaac you can just text me!”
this leads your chat practically screaming at you.
you rolls eyes, undeafening in discord and getting onto the game.
within the span of 5 minutes isaac wasn’t up, but you were focused on driving and desperately trying not too crash; in which you failed and had already had 4 sips of your drink already.
suddenly, you feel a strong bicep go around your neck playfully. it was isaac, he wasn’t actually hurting you, just faking it for the stream
“chat i will literally kill her.”
he say’s playfully, with you playing along and saying some muttered “noo” and “helpp!”
he laughs, letting go of you as he stands beside you, only his body in view
height difference check when??
“let me move my chair, out height difference isn’t that bad.”
you move your chair, standing next to isaac. your full body and face was in the the camera view, while isaac practically towered over you.
you laughed, getting back in your chair, as isaac crouched down next to you with his mask and glasses on.
soon enough, you had crashed about 50 times and isaac was your servant on getting you another drink.
“do you need another drink?”
“too bad you’re not getting it.”
your drunken self not realising that petname had slipped out, you both tried to keep the relationship lowkey throughout the stream.
but your intoxicated brain had slipped up, causing the chat to go wild.
bro called him babe
y/n and isaac marriage when??
you laugh, reading your chat with your head spinning.
“when are we getting married?”
“i thought i was already your malewife?”
a few giggles come out from you, hearing tanner screaming down his mic that him and isaac were already married.
soon the stream ends, and you flop your head on your desk.
“come on babe, you can’t fall asleep there.”
no response.
he sighs, lifting you up with ease from you chair and throwing you over his shoulder, which might’ve been a bit heavy on your head from dangling upside down.
within minutes you were placed in your bed, changed into more comfortable clothing and fast asleep.
ok lowkey i do not like this at allARGHH someone tell me if its good or not 😢
bit of fluffy isaac at the end thooo
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winterrrnight · 4 months
meet me in the hallway prompt 8???? With Zach???
oh vee darling I am so sorry how late I am to this! I hope you really really enjoy this :( and again, super sorry on me being so damn late, and thank you so so much for being so patient!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻☹️☹️
just the start
PAIRING: zach maclaren x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you tell your boyfriend of mere one and a half weeks that he is cute.
WARNINGS: fluff, usage of nicknames (very less though), mentions of cheating (not by zach or the reader)
EDITH SPEAKS: and we are done with the celly requests!! I absolutely failed this time in keeping up with them and I am so sorry about that :( I will definitely make sure this doesn’t repeat <3 I hope you all enjoy reading 💞 please reblog and share your thoughts 🌛
PROMPT REQUESTED: "you're so cute." "what did you say?" "I said you look like a boot."
300 followers celebration (now closed) || navigation
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You’re sitting in the library of your university, completely relaxed as you read a book you just picked. You had a long study session and that definitely caused a little bit of a headache; constant staring at your laptop screen along with having to use your brain to complete a tough assignment, you were finally done, now giving your mind some much needed relaxation.
Your almost empty iced coffee sits in front of you, the diluted remains left in it as you still slurp onto the now flavorless liquid. It’s peaceful, almost no one in the library except you, the window next to you open as the sun enters inside and the breeze gently blows.
You’re having a great time; wonderful time actually, until it all comes to an end when you hear your boyfriend call you out, way too loudly in the library.
“Zach!” You shush as he approaches you, a big smile on his face. “Keep it down, the librarian isn’t the nicest,”
Zach only rolls his eyes and sits down in the chair next to you, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you in closer. You guys are at the mere start of your relationship, only one and a half weeks, but you have got to say, you really like it.
“So now I’m not allowed to miss my girl hm?” He teases, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You ignore the rising heat in your cheeks and keep your focus on your book, even though your body is now even more relaxed as you slump against him.
As it is just the mere start, the smallest kisses, touches, and compliments make you go absolutely crazy on the inside. But you know he is the one of the best you have ever experienced it with.
“How was practice?” You ask softly, eyes not training up from the inked pages.
“It was good… scored over five goals today,” he grins. You giggle softly as you look up at him, gently pinching his cheek.
“That’s great Zach,” you smile, before training down back to your book. He rests his head on top of yours, the only sound being your light breathing and the occasional flipping of the pages.
“Oh my god, do you want to know what happened today?” He says almost suddenly. “I’ve got some real gossip,” his eyes are wide, and as you look up, you can see the excitement in them.
“Yeah why not,” you smile. You look back at your book, and continue to listen to him whilst you also read.
“Okay so you remember Brandon right?”
“The captain of your team?”
“Yeah that’s the one. And do you remember his girlfriend?”
“Yup yup yup, so…” he takes a deep breath, “Clarisse literally cheated on him at the party two days ago. Like full on made out with this dude from her Latin class or somethin’ like that, and she keeps on denying it, she is all like, “well I was really drunk and didn’t know what I was doing!”, and Brandon’s like, “can you shut up please? You very well know what you did,” and then Clarisse is like, “no I will not shut up!” She has such a bitchy attitude and for what? And today, at the practice, she kept on following him like a lost puppy, always apologizing, being all “i’m sorry Brandon baby, please forgive me,” and I was just so embarrassed like, that’s not even my girl but I feel for him so bad…”
As he talks, you can’t help but look at him with a soft smile on your face as you watch him talk so efficiently about the fresh gossip. He has his arguments set, and he’s defending Brandon like anything, but that’s not where your focus is at.
You look at his light blue eyes, which seem an ethereal shade of blue as the sunlight falls on them, you see his eyebrows slightly furrowed, you see the small creases on his forehead, you see the way he is using his hands to gesture to make his point, you see his soft lips which you have such a desire to have on yours keep on talking, and you can’t help but sigh at the beautiful boy in front of you.
“... so then he literally screamed at her to leave him alone, and she ran away crying.” He finishes, and turns to look at you. He’s taken aback by the expression on your face, a soft smile accompanying your soft eyes, as you can’t help but admire him.
“What are you looking at?” He mutters as his eyes lock with yours. He nervously moves his hand over his face. “Do I, do I have something on my face?”
You laugh softly as you shake your head. “No, you don’t have anything on your face… you’re so cute,”
His eyes slightly widen at your words, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. In your very short time of dating, this is the first time you’ve called him cute.
“What did you say?” He whispers.
Your own cheeks warm up more, and you realize you called him ‘cute’. It is just a small compliment, but having just been together a mere one and a half weeks, it is definitely one heck of a compliment.
“I…” you mutter, as you look back at your book, “I said you look like a boot.”
He bursts out laughing, softly shaking his head at you as he can’t keep his giggles in. “I know what you said baby,” he smiles. “Thank you for that. I think you are adorable,” he leans in to press another kiss on your cheek. Your cheeks flare up even more at his movements as you dare not look up from your book, trying to show him that this does not even affect you one bit, when in reality, you are going crazy, and he knows it.
Just one and a half weeks, and he knows you better than anyone else.
What could be better than that?
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @assmaaaaa @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank
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elijahslittleprincess · 10 months
Baby i cant swim!!
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Summary : The original family decide to spend a relaxed day in their backyard around the pool. Unfortunately for you however, you forgot to mention you didn't knew how to swim.
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Today, differently that their usual movemented and kaotic lifestyle, the mikaelson had opted for a more relaxing evening in their backyard. It was sunny and pretty hot outside so the pool had seemed like a pretty good idea for all of them.
Well, all of them you none included.
The pool was the last place on earth that you wanted to be at. Water was terrifying for you, lakes, pool or beaches were your worst nightmare as a child. You hated how unpredictable it could be and how dangerous it was for someone that never got to learn how to swim like you.
Their was just no way In your right mind that you would accept to go.
Well that's what you thought before Elijah came up to you and literally pleaded for your presence...God he was just such a good negotiator and well, you just couldn't refuse him anything.
Y/n darling, please do an effort for me my love, it's going to be the first time in ages that Rebecca and Niklaus won't be causing any trouble. Just a peacefull and relaxing evening with the family. You don't even need to go for a swim if you don't want to, you can stay in my arms and take a bit of sun. Its going to be fun I promise.
Elijah said with his sweet and terribly attractive accent that you love so much. He was standing in front of you, his arms circled around your waist securely and a dashing smile on his lips.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of him and how unbelievably perfect he was and just let your head fall on his chest with a groan.
I hate you...
You whispered soundlessly before sighing and laying a gentle kiss on his neck. You both knew those words were a lie. You, in fact, loved Elijah way too much for your own good and that's why you felt exasperated of yourself sometimes.
Your boyfriend let out a gentle Lough as you spoke and groan, he really couldn't believe how adorable you really was sometime. As he kept smiling, the original took your chin between his fingers and brought your eyes back to his. Then, with all the sweetness in the world he kissed your lips and caressed your cheek.
Now darling we both know this is a lie hum.
He said smugly into your ear as his lips moved to your neck to kiss and bite on it.
A little moan escape your mouth when he did indeed bite you gently and a blush spread all over your face when his eyes met yours again.
Mh, be a good girl now and go get changed darling, I don't want to let Rebecca and Klaus alone for to long, you know how childish they can get sometimes.
You couldn't find it in you to argue with him at the moment. Your mind was all fuzzy and you felt like an innocent little girl when he spoke to you like this. Therefore, you just nod and left Elijah to wait for you on the bed, while you went to get your bikini on.
While you changed, you tried to keep thinking about being in Elijah's arms in security, away from the scary water. It felt a bit reassuring to be honest, to know he would stay with you all along and keep you safe. None the less, their still was a side of you that was scared and uncertain about all of this. What if something happened and you ended up in the pool...
No, you just had to keep your mind away from those thoughts. So with those ideas pushed away from your immediate concerns, you finished getting dressed in your cute black bikini. Then, when finally ready, you got back to Elijah's side with a cute smile on.
I'm ready Lijah, let's go.
You said with your soft innocent voice before taking his hand in your and blushing a bit at his gaze traveling all over your curves.
You look so damn beautiful my love...
Elijah whispers while laying a kiss to your cheek and smiling lovingly.
Thank you Eli.
You replied before the both of you headed outside in the huge mansion backyard.
As you finally arrived close to the pool, you saw Rebecca and Klaus water splashing each other in the it. An amused smirk crept on your features at it, god they were such children really. It was adorable thought, you couldn't say otherwise.
More and more that you got closer to the water, the further you pushed yourself against Elijah. Your breathing got a bit shaky and your eyes showed a bit of fear as it goes. You never told your boyfriend about your fear frankly. He just thought you didn't liked pools or else, Elijah never really questioned it.
So the original just didn't realised your reaction to it. Beside, his attention gor captured by Niklaus voice speaking up to the both of you.
Oh look at that Rebecca, our two lovebirds finally decided to grant us the pleasure of their presence.
Niklaus said with his cocky like voice and expression before he chuckled amused.
Rebecca on her side smiled brightly, seemingly quite happy to finally see yourself and Elijah. Then, she spoke up to.
Well, it was about time, I thought you guys would never come.
You were to concentrated in staying the closest you could to Elijah to even war what she had to say. Luckily for you thought, Elijah was there to speak.
Sorry dear sister, y/n took quite a lot of convincing to come out but here we are now.
Elijah finished to say before looking at your feature. He frowned when he saw your expression, now realizing that you seemed scared.
Darling are you alright?
He asked worried before delicately kissing your cheek and playing with your hair in a calming manner.
You took a long breath then, feeling nervous before meeting his gaze and nodding warmly.
I hum, yes...yes I'm fine love, can we... can we just go sit on the chair Lijah? You asked weakly while pointing at the lounge chair situated not so far away from were you both stood.
Your boyfriend that still looked quite worried, just shook his head gently before humming in unbelief. Then, swiftly Elijah lift you up into his arms like a little girl and walked you both to where you wanted to be.
You hugged your body to his the second he picked you up, looping your arms around his neck securely.
After that, you placed your head on his shoulder to breath him in just in time for Elijah to gently sit you both down on the chair.
There sweetheart, you feeling better?
Elijah's loving and caring voice demand to you as he continued to play with your hair delicately.
Your back was facing the pool while you sat in Elijah's lap. It was making thing much easier for you to feel safer and forget their was actually a reason to be scared. You looked into his eyes and nod reassuringly to him, then you kissed his lips. It was a quick peck but it felt good and loving none the less.
After you parted from one another, you smiled at your man and just let your head fall back on his chest. It felt right and calming surprisingly considering where you were. Soon enough, you found yourself completely at ease and relaxed.
Until...well until you felt someone rapidly grabbing you away from Elijah's arms.
You panicked and your mind went blanc the second you felt a wet body against your back.
You heard Elijah's serious and hard voice calling Niklaus name, asking him to put you down but it was already to late. You struggled a bit and tried to tell him you couldn't swim but before you could finish your sentences, the hybrid trow you into the pool. Niklaus only did it for fun, not knowing you actually couldn't swim but soon he saw you struggling to stay out of the water and his eyes opened wide.
Oh fuck she can't swim.
To be honest, you didn't really keep track of what was happening around since you just tried with all your might to keep your head out of the water.
By chance, you didn't had to wait for rescue very long since Elijah jumped after you the very second he saw you didn't knew how to swim. His strong arms wrapped themself around you as he reached your side, making sure to keep your head out of the water. Has fast that he could manage, your vampire dragged you out of the pool then proceeded to lay you down on the ground safely. His perfect body towered over yours, looking at you to make sure you were fine and that their wasn't any apparent injury on your body. His feature showed worry and a bit of panic that you felt responsible for.
Angel are you ok?!
The first thing you did as you finally reach land was to caugh up all the water you had in your throat that was keeping you from breathing properly.
Then, when you finally got it out, you took many rushed breath and tried to get your body back to its normal beat. You struggled to do so at first but after a little while you manage to get it under control. Your eyes found Elijah's a little after coming back to your senses, finally able to concentrate on something else that your survival. That's when you took in his appearance on top of you. He was completely drenched, his dark brown hair were undone by the water and his perfectly cut suit was soaking wet. He had jumped in to save you, not caring at all about anything else. Your knight in shining armor you thought.
I'm ok Lijah...it's fine I'm not hurt. You got me out just in time luckily.
You ushered to him with a weak and soft voice before delicately reaching up to cup his cheek with your hand.
Elijah reached toward your touch and let a shaky breath out of his lips as your fingers caressed his skin. You knew he was very mad at Niklaus right now because he endangered you and came really close to killing you. He was so protective of you and even if you were yourself quite mad at the hybrid. Only a look in his direction was telling you he was regretting his actions quite badly.
I'm so sorry y/n I didn't know you couldn't swim...it was just for fun, I would have never done that if I knew. Klaus said with an apologetic voice and an expression of pure regret on his feature. Your eyes found his and you nod before turning your gaze back to Elijah. You continued to caress his cheek before you brought your face closer to his and kissed his cheek.
Elijah darling It's ok, he wasn't even aware that I couldn't swim and he didn't wanted to cause me pain in the first place. I'm fine right here in yours arms. Let's just head inside ok, we need to get change.
Elijah's eyes were so dark as you spoke to him. He was so mad and he wanted to make Klaus regret his gesture. Nonetheless, you didn't wanted to cause more problem after what happen. Their was no need for the two brother to get mad at each other. It would only cause more injury and problems. Therefore, you felt quite relieved when you saw Elijah getting calmer after your words. Your original seemed to be a bit more appeased now that you told him you were fine. He just needed to be with you alone now, to take care of his princess and keep her safe in his arms. So with that in mind, Elijah picked you up in his arms before walking straight to the house without an other look at his siblings.
With his vampire speed, Elijah got you both quickly in your shared bedroom. When you stood in it, your vampire gently sat you down on the bed before vamping away from you again to get towels and dry cloths. It took seconds before he was back in front of you and started untying your bikini top from your body. Your respiration accelerated as the tissue fell on the floor, leaving you topless in front of him. Your cheeks redden and your eyes followed his hand as he carried on with his task, delicately withdrawing your bikini bottom from you seconds later. Now that you stood completely naked and pretty in front of him, Elijah's brown eyes shined when looking at you. His strong hand that felt rough yet quite good against your skin, sent shivers along your spine and made your body tremble slightly. Your eyes met Elijah's then, he had an handsome smirk on his lips and a desire lurking on his feature. The only sight of it causing a cute whimper to leave your lips followed by his name said in a muffle plea.
Elijah's eyes came back up to yours when he heard you, feeling the desire pouring out of your voice. His expression was soft and sweet as he look at you, the love he was feeling practically overflowing. You just looked so adorable in front of him with droplet of water cascading down your body like paint on a virgin canvas. It was nearly to much for him to handle...nearly.
Shhh...it's ok baby girl, daddy is just going to dry you up before getting you dressed and comfy ok.
Elijah said with a warm voice before he kissed your forehead and grabbed the towel aside of himself.
You didn't say a single words of objection to what he just asserted to you after speaking. You felt quite content just with your daddy's attention directed on you. His hand with the towel now In possession, started to dry you out, beginning by your shoulders, your chest and belly. Elijah then continued his path to finally come to an end at your pretty feat. When he was done, your vampire smiled brightly at you and softly caressed your cheek with his hand.
There sweetheart, better isn't it?
You bite your lips at how handsome and perfect he was there in front of you before nodding cutely as an answer. After doing so, your eyes met Elijah's with a bit of playfulness in them. An idea crossed your mind and in a swift movement, you got away from your man and hurried to get under the bed huge covers.
Elijah barely had the time to understand what happened before he saw you move and hide. A smile crept on his lips then and he chuckled at how childish you were acting. God, you were just so precious he thought as he gently started to unbutton his suit. It was rather uncomfortable when soaking with water and since you wanted to play like this, he figure he'd better get comfy too. Consequently to this, Elijah hurriedly finished undressing himself before parching his body out with the towel. Thereafter finishing this task, your original vampire made his way to his dresser and put on some new boxers and a T-shirt.
Now that he was ready, Elijah got back to your side and gently slipped under the covers with you.
At first, you got a bit startled since you didn't anticipate his body to come against yours so suddenly. Yet, as you felt Elijah's lips kissing the nape of your neck, an happy sight left your lips and your body rapidly relaxed against his.
You gently let your head fall on his chest as you closed your eyes. The day has been exceptionally hard on you and now that you were in Elijah's arms securely, you just felt good.
Daddy...I'm sorry for not telling you I couldn't swim. It was my fault.
You said to him with a soft and weak voice as you tried to get even closer to him. Elijah that on his side was just trying to enjoy being with you, stayed speechless at your words. For him, there was simply no way that you caused what happen. It was exclusively Niklaus's fault for throwing you into the water. With one of his hands, Elijah started doing sweet patterns on your back as he breath you in. His lips on their side manage to go find yours and he sweetly kissed your thoughts away. It felt like seconds for you because all you wanted was never to stop. Yet, it lasted way longer. Long enough, to create a need in you for air as you parted.
My perfect princess, I don't want to hear any blame directed toward you. Klaus is the only one that deserves to receive those and you shouldn't even think about what happened anymore. I could have lost you, never again. You are way too precious for me to lose.
Elijah finished saying with a voice that was dripping with love and affection for you. His grip around your waist tightens after that, resenting the strong need to have you as close to him as possible.
You didn't say a word after those he said. It was just you and him in a comfortable silence that was gradually shooting you to sleep. Your body was starting to feel heavier and your eye to close by themselves. That, no matter how much you desired to look at Elijah forever. After a little bit, you just ceased to resist the pull of slumber, and whispered three sweet little words into Elijah's chest before falling asleep.
Good night daddy~
Good night my sweet little angel, you are safe now, ill protect you from the world...i promise.
Elijah said in a whisper, more for him than for you to hear. He gently laid a kiss on her cheek before finally letting go and falling asleep with his little girl.
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joels-golf-club · 10 months
Play Along
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A/n: I'm writing this at literally 2 in the morning so this could very well be trash but we shall see. Okay so I hate the way I ended this but the rest is kinda cute so I'm posting it anyway, enjoy :)
All my works are 18+ MDI
Word count: 2K
Warnings: Literally just Joel being the best gentleman, Pre-Outbreak!Joel, Lowkey cliche, no use of Y/n, drinking, One creepy guy, reader is uncomfortable, slight unwanted touching, Joel (he always needs a warning), light swearing, I think that's it but lmk if I missed anything.
It was supposed to be a fun night out with your best friend that you hadn't seen in forever. The plan was to go out to a bar your friend liked, have a few drinks, and catch up on what you had missed in the time you two had been separated.
But that plan quickly went out the window. You both showed up and chatted for a while but your friend quickly found someone she deemed worthy of her time and went to the dance floor, leaving you to nurse another drink alone at the bar. That honestly wasn't bad at first. Your drink was about as good as you good get in the small honky tonk bar, the music wasn't bad, maybe a little twangy, but nothing horrible, but then he showed up.
You don't even remember his name, James? Jason? You couldn't remember but you do know that he asked you to dance, and being a few too many drinks deep you said yes. At first he kept a respectable distance between the two of you and his hands stayed high on your back and arms as you danced to the music, but after a song or two his hands began to wander and he pulled you closer. It wasn't terrible until he pulled you flush against him and ran his hot, wet mouth down your neck.
"Okay, I'm getting hot, I think I need another drink! Let go." You shouted over the music but he seemed determined to stay with you.
"It's not that hot in here, just one more song, come on! Then I can think of something else we can do." The innuendo wasn't lost on you and you quickly sobered up a bit. He made another grab for your arm but you pulled it away at the last second and searched the room for your friend with no luck. It seemed she had gone home with that guy, or at the very least disappeared somewhere with him.
"No, I'm actually here with someone so I'm just gonna go find him. This was fun though." You tried to be polite whilst your eyes bounced around the room in search for anywhere you could go, at this point you were almost completely sober and just wanted a way out of this situation.
"Bullshit! You were alone at that bar long before I got to you. Now don't be such a bitch and come over here again!" John or maybe Jackson shouted a little too near to your ear for comfort, causing you to immediately flinch away.
Then your eyes landed on him. Dark messy hair and broad shoulders in a tight green flannel connected to long legs covered in tight dirty jeans. His back was to you and you prayed he was really as alone here as he looked because you made a beeline to him while tossing a, "There's my friend!" over your shoulder. You could tell he followed after you but you just walked faster until you were right next to where the other man stood near the bar counter.
"There you are babe! I've been looking for you!" You called to him and threw your arms around his neck before whispering in his ear when he stiffened at your touch. "Please play along, this guy won't leave me alone." The man didn't answer but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around you for a few seconds before pulling back. By now, the other guy had reached the two of you and glared at the man who now had his arm over your shoulder.
"Hey darlin', been looking all over for you. Who's your friend?" He was playing along to your great relief and glared just as harshly at the unrelentless man before you.
"Oh, this is, uh, Jason-"
"John, actually, and who are you?" John, it turned out to be, cut you off and looked the other man up and down, sizing him up.
"I'm Joel, how do you know my girlfriend?" Joel, stared right back and kept his tone clipped and harsh. Joel was a little shorter, but he was broader and filled out his sleeves much more than John did, no doubt intimidating the creep.
"Girlfriend? This bitch? Yeah have fun with that..." John quickly trailed off as Joel's glare deepened and he took a threatening step forward at the harsh words. John quickly took the hint and turned around and sauntered back into the crowd with a scoff and one last glare aimed at you.
As soon as he was out of sight you slumped down into one of the two empty bar stools while Joel took the other. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry for that. He just wouldn't leave me alone and I lost my friend somewhere and she's kinda my ride but I think she left with some guy so I didn't know what to do. God, you really saved my ass, I don't know what would've happ-" Joel cut your rambling off with a short bark of laughter and shook her head. He smiled in amusement and held out his hand for you to shake.
"Don't worry about it, sweetheart. It was my pleasure, I'm glad I could help. I'm Joel." You gave him your name and shook his hand in return.
"Thank again, can I buy you a drink for that? Like I said, you really saved my ass there." You grinned as you offered but it dropped when he flagged the bartender down and ordered you a drink instead.
"How bout I buy you one since you seemed to have a shitty night? And you said your friend left? I can give you a ride home if you'd like, darlin'." Joel offered in a deep southern twang that had you blushing, though you blamed it on the alcohol still in your system.
You shook your head a smiled. "Don't worry about it, please, I'll just get an Uber or something. I can figure it out, you've already done so much for me tonight." Truth be told, you desperately wanted him to drive you home. Joel was hot, he was also kind and a gentleman, but you didn't want to intrude on his night even more so you declined his offer.
He however seemed to have other Ideas, he raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "You're really gonna call an Uber alone at night? For some reason that doesn't seem like the brightest idea to me."
"Oh and going home with a stranger is any better?" You shot back but Joel just grinned.
"But we aren't strangers. You know my name and I know yours, and according to people around us, we are dating. If you don't want me to take you home, I understand, but I really wouldn't mind at all, and it seems the safer option anyway." You thought over his offer and decided was he right. Calling an uber when you were tipsy, alone, and this late at night wasn't a good idea. You're other option was to somehow get your friend to give you a ride like planned, but she was nowhere to be seen in the bar and she hadn't responded to any of your texts other than one over an hour ago saying she went home with the guy she met.
"Alright, you can drive me home. But you're just dropping me off, alright." Joel nodded and raised his hands in surrender.
"You have my word, sweetheart. I will only take you home, unless you ask for anything else." He threw a cheeky wink in with the end of his sentenced, and that paired with the pet name in his drawl had you blushing from your neck to the tips of your ears. You only hoped he blamed it on the alcohol in your system and the heat of the bar, but the look in his eyes said he knew otherwise.
"Great. Um," You glanced at your phone and saw that it was way past midnight. You had been talking to Joel in between sips of your drinks for well over an hour by now. "It's getting pretty late, do you wanna head out now?"
"Sounds great, darlin'." He fished out his wallet from the back pocket of those unnecessarily tight jeans and threw a couple bills on the table. You tore your eyes away from his ass when he turned around and your blush deepened when you saw the small smirk on Joel's face, he definitely saw you staring. "Let's go then, I'm parked out front."
He led the way out the doors into the chilly night air and opened the passenger door of a shiny black pickup with a large smile across his face. You grinned and stepped up into the vehicle. "I guess chivalry really isn't dead."
Joel just chuckled and shook his head, "Just keepin' my momma proud, darlin'." He winked at you and shut your door before walking around to the driver door. You gave him your address and he turned on the radio quietly as he began to drive.
"Thank you again for everything, Joel. You don't know how much you've done for me tonight." You sheepishly stared at your hands in your lap, the buzz of your drinks wearing off and an odd sense of shame filling you.
You looked up, though, when he reached over and grabbed one of your hands in his much larger grip. His hand covered yours entirely and it was rough with callouses. You stared at the side of his face with your cheeks slightly pink when he spoke. "Darlin', you don't need to thank me. You don't ever deserve to feel unsafe anywhere and I'm extremely glad that I could help you out tonight."
Joel stopped talking then, but he still lightly held your hand in his, you could've pulled away if you wanted, but you just squeezed his hand and grinned. A slow country song came on over the radio and Joel turned up the music a few notches. Quietly he began to sing along.
His voice was deep and smooth with a little bit of a rasp. In short, it was beautiful. You stared at his mouth as it moved to form the shapes of the words. You must have looked insane staring at him like this but when he glanced over at you Joel only smiled softly and continued the song.
The song just barely ended when he pulled into your neighborhood and turned into your driveway. You frowned as the night came to a close and slowly began to unbuckle while Joel walked around the front of the car to open your door for you. "Here you are, sweetheart. It's been a great night for me, I hope it was for you too after everything."
You smiled and hopped down onto the pavement and walked with him to your front door where you tried to linger and build the confidence to ask for his number. "It was wonderful meeting and talking with you. Thank you for everything once again." Joel smiled and nodded his acknowledgment before you began to unlock the door and he turned and walked back to his truck.
You had just about closed the door when you heard your name called out. "Hey wait! you left this in my truck." Joel jogged up to your front door once again and handed you something, it looked like a napkin or a paper, but you didn't remember having it before. It must've just been in your pocket and fallen out or something, you reasoned.
"Oh thanks, I didn't even realize. Goodnight Joel." You finally forced yourself to not chicken out and stood on your tippy toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek before you turned and walked back into your house, just barely catching his own goodnight to you.
It was only after you heard his truck pull away and the sound of his engine fade that you looked down at the napkin he had handed you. Once you processed what it had written on it in a messy chicken scrawl you sat at your kitchen table and a large grin took over your face.
Here's my number so you can buy me that drink another time. - Joel.
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nvvacanesworld · 4 months
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Last Spring
ᯓ★ Jean Kirstein x Fem Reader
Summary: You guys met in spring, All was forgotten by Fall.
You and Jean fall in love after you meet at your local Roller Rink, all is well until a accident causes you to lose your memory, forcing you guys to sever what you’ve could’ve been.
TW!-Angst/No comfort, Fluff in the beginning then it gets bad :) Car accident, Confessions, Crying (aww the three C’s) , Jean moves onto mikasa (let me know is i missed anything)
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Winter was finally over and it was your favorite season.
The beautiful flowers blooming in the lush grass. The weather that feels just right, not to cold, not to hot. Even what some people would consider the bad parts like the weather that could just never seem to stay consistent, or the pollen that caused you to sneeze constantly.
You loved all of it
What you loved most about spring though? Is that you finally had time to yourself. You were done with your exams. So that meant no more late nights studying ruining your sleep schedule trying to cram as much information into your brain as possible. Also Basketball season was over, meaning you didn’t have to stay after school practicing for something you weren’t even passionate about anymore. You could Relax.
Well not really
You were poor. You grew up poor and for a long time you were sure you would die poor because you never saw yourself being able to pay for yourself to go to a good college.
Until your senior year of highschool came and you got a offer to play basketball at a D2 school.
But just because you got a scholarship doesn’t mean all expenses were paid for.
So that’s why you found yourself, every spring, working at your local roller rink until it was time to play again.
“Hey? Everything alright?”
A deep voice broke you out of your trance. Almost falling off of your stool you rushed to answer the man.
“Shit! Fuck, I’m so sorry” Mentally face planing yourself. Really day dreaming at work Y/n? Fuck if you’re manager hears about this your screwed. “I’m sorry- uhh how can i help you?” Putting on your best smile to cover up the fact you were bad at your job. The man only laughed and smiled back at you. He has a nice smile. You thought to yourself as you stared into his hazel eyes that were locked with your e/c ones.
He had a boy next door vibe, he looks sweet, you thought again. He looked to be standing at about 6’2 inches. You trailed your eyes down his body.
Fuck he looks like he works out too
You could practically tell he was fit just from how he looked in his outfit. How his shirt hugged his body, How his arms filled into it just right.
Realizing you were literally checking a customer out you shot your eyes back up to his to find them not staring at you but at your upper body.  Particularly  your chest and the way your top hugged your breasts. When he realized you were looking at him his body stiffed up and a pink hue took over his cheeks. Aw how cute
“How may i help you?” You said again only this time you said it more seductively while smiling at him. He coughed into his hand speaking up again “Ah yea- um i just need a size 12 skates” He said holding up his shoes so you guys could exchange “Please” he added with a smile.
After getting his skates you watched him walk back over to what seemed to be his friends. Looking at the group you could tell they were hyping him up in some way and he looked so nervous. It was so cute.
He was so cute.
Looking up from the tables you just finished cleaning the time was 9:56 p.m. Great we close in just four minutes. You were so tired and just wanted to go home so you could shower and catch up on Love is blind. You were walking back up to the front desk when you saw that same guy again standing there. His eyes lit up when he saw you. He looked like he was waiting for you to come back there.
“Sir can i help you?”
When you finally reached him his body stiffened. He looks so awkward.
“Uh-“ Looking behind him he locked eyes with his friends at the front door who seemed to have been waiting for him. “I- Um- Shit”
He looked like a nervous wreck . Wiping his palms on his pants. Biting his lip. You really wish he would hurry up. Your bed is screaming your name right now.
“Can i get your number?” He said it so fast while closing his eyes like he was bracing himself for some sort of impact. Really? That’s it? The way this guy was acting you would’ve thought he was going to say he rammed my car trying to get out of his parking space.
You looked at him contemplating if you should or not. Before you could decide you needed to ask him just one thing.
“How old are you?”
His eyes widened at your question but he still answered with haste. “I’m 23” Smirking while he answered. Looking to have slowly gained just some confidence.
“Oh cool, i’m 20” You smiled up at him. Walking over to the counter you reached for a pen and paper. “I’m pretty sure my phone is dead right now but just take my number on this and text me when you get home” Keeping your smile as you handed it to him.
Your smile made him smile too. He accepted the paper “Thank you pretty, i’ll do that” He turned to walk away leaving you to watch him walk back to his friends who seemed so proud of him, one of them who had a buzzcut even fake fainted with tears in his eyes. Damn he must get no play. Laughing out loud at your thoughts you went to grab your purse. Looking at the clock again it read 10:00 p.m.
You went to turn off the lights to the building walking to the front door where you were met with the night time security guard.
“See you Tomorrow Y/n, Get home safe” Waving you off
“Byeeee see you tomorrow” You chirped back walking out the doors.
“And i don’t know he just doesn’t seem serious about me”
“Girl what about the other guy that you talked to in the pods ? What was his name..um..OH Jake, Yeah what about him?”
You were now in your bed with your face mask on totally embraced into this show. It’s not when you hear your phone ding that you take your eyes off the screen. Ruffling your hands through the covers trying to feel for your phone you finally grab hold of it and look at this message from a random number.
It’s Jean from the Skating rink
Well i’m not sure if i told you my name
But it’s jean
if you were wondering
which I’m sure sounds stupid now bc why wouldn’t you want to know my name
Before he could send anymore anxious messages you replied but not before save his contact
lmfao calm down it’s okay
hi jean i’m y/n
He replied back almost immediately.
Cutie from ma job😏
That’s a pretty name🫠
If you had a hour left to live what would you do?
uhh probably want to spend it with the people i love the most…
or maybe have my fav meal one last time
look at you coming in with a bang💀
Cutie from ma job😏
I’m just trying to get to know you beautiful 😪
wanted to ask you something that would make me stand out
can you blame a guy for trying?
You giggled at his message. You guess you couldn’t blame him for trying, and yo be fair you’ve bever got asked a question like that from a guy in the first few messages you share. It’s usually “wyd” or just back and forth flirting. He seems so sweet. It made you forget about your show and continue to text him
You guys had been texting for about a hour before he asked you something that made you sit up from your bed.
Cutie from ma job😏
I really like talking to you y/n
Can i take you out? On a date i mean
You deserve to get taken somewhere nice
Ok, now you were full blown smiling and you could fry an egg on how hot your cheeks felt. You’ve never felt a connection like this with someone just from texting nor had you ever came into contact with someone who seemed so genuine. So you did the only reasonable thing you could think of
I’m okay
I just
I just 😪 fuck idk how to say this
So god help me
spit it tf out
I got asked on a date 😀
*attachment 1*
Long story short, Mya, Your sister said to just go with what your heart desires and then went on this long speech about how she was sooo worried something bad could’ve happened.
So you did just that
where ya taking me?😙
Cutie from ma job😏
Do you like surprises?
Cutie from ma job😏
Be ready saturday at 8:00 p.m.
Send your address
or you can wait
up to you
Whatever makes you comfortable so rush❤️
You sent him your address after contemplating if he was trust worthy or not. After you sent it you screamed into your pillow thrashing in your bed like maniac. This was overwhelming for you.
When’s the last time you had a date?
This was the 5th time you looked in the mirror.
It was Saturday the clock read 7:56 p.m. He would be here any minute now and you couldn’t calm down. You were so anxious
Hearing the sound of car horn outside you jumped at the sound.
Taking one last look in the mirror you rushed outside seeing his car parked in across the street from your dorm building. He was already waiting outside the car door to greet you when you got in proximity with his car.
“Hi” He said nervously. “You look amazing, i mean when do you not look amazing” He rambled
“Hi jean” Standing in front of him you got a good look at him. Finally locking eyes with those hazel eyes that drew you into him when you first met. “Thank you, You look very handsome”
Your comment obviously had an effect on him based on his reaction. He took his hand to his face to cover his smile. God he really was so cute.
“Okay cover your eyes for me”
“Got it” You put your hands over your eyes awaiting to see this surprise he was raving about so much. After about 5 more minutes of driving the car came to a halt.
“Can i uncover-“
You pressed your hands into your eyes harder at his reaction. So hard you felt they could’ve got stuck
“Shit- I’m sorry pretty, i just don’t wanna ruin it, here let me help you out” You heard him get out the car and his footsteps come over to your side of the car.
“I’m right here” He reached over to unbuckle your seat belt his hand brushing over your thighs as he did. His touches were so light and gentle. It was like he was dealing with a baby the way he was treating you. Something so precious and delicate.
“Okay i’m ‘gonna lead you out now”
“Okay” You said so softly you almost didn’t catch it yourself. You’ve never felt like this before. It felt nice, You felt like you could depend on him and you never felt like you could depend on anybody.
Not even your own parents
Leading you out the car Jean held your hand as he walked down a path. You could tell you were outside because you could here the leaves crushing beneath your feet and the twigs snapping as you walked with him. Along with the nice spring breeze on your skin.
“Okay open your eyes now” whispering close to your ear. You could feel his breathe against your skin warming it when he spoke.
Uncovering your eyes the scene before you. Lanterns lit the area added just the perfect amount of light to the romantic atmosphere. Blankets used as padded big enough so you guys could late down and cuddle. A projector that was projecting your favorite movie waiting to be started.
But your favorite thing
When you and Jean were getting to know each other he asked you what your favorite food was. You didn’t think to much of it but looking at some of your favorite foods laid out of trays in front of you, you think to yourself on how he must have been planning this before he even asked.
It was so perfect you could cry
“Jean oh my goodness” your voice cracking as you tried to put into words just how all of this made you feel
“This is- It’s so- Wow jean i don’t even know what to say right now” Turing around so you could stare into his eyes that you saw were already looking back at you.
“You don’t have to say anything, i understand pretty, you’re welcome”
It’s crazy how he understood you and you guys just met. It felt like he was your boyfriend already and you guys just met.
“Come, Come sit down” He takes your hand leading you to the blankets sitting down with you after you take your seat.
Such a gentleman too
“I’m happy you let me do this for you” He looked at you with what looked like admiration.
“Jean you went above and beyond you didn’t have to do this, this is so much i’m just so speechless”
“A beauty like you deserves it” Reaching for you hand to hold it you took his hand. He pulled you into his chest and went to start the movie.
I can already tell ill remember this night forever.
It’s been 3 months sense your date with Jean and things have only gotten better. You two started dating but you wanted to take things slow, being so used to rushing into things and it back firing on you, you didn’t want that to happen again.
You were sitting at the front desk at the Roller Rink. Bored out of your mind, missing Jean.
It’s like the clock was taunting you with how loud it was ticking.
To say the least you couldn’t wait to get out of here. Especially because jean said he wanted to take you to you guys spot.
The spot he took you to on your first date had a tree that you guys ended up visiting every now and then. Whether it was to do study and do work, Or just to get away. It was you guy’s thing to just visit the tree from time to time.
He expressed how he had something really important to tell you so you couldn’t wait to say the least. Just thinking about it was making your day better.
Just then it was like a miracle happened.
“Y/n your free to go we aren’t to busy today so i can take it from here”
Wow how lucky am i?
Before she could say another word you rushed to clock out.
After clocking out you shot Jean a text
i cant wait to see you ;)
That’s amazing love
I’ll see you soon i’m already here ;)
Running to the tree you saw jean sitting there. He was doodling in his notebook but put it down when he heard your footsteps
You ran into his arms letting his snaking around your waist, yours going to wrap around his neck
“I’ve missed you so much pretty, how was work?”
“i’ve missed you more and It was good but please i don’t wanna talk about work jean”
You both laughed and you get comfortable leaning your back against the bark
“What did you want to tell me?”
Jeans eyes light up and he starts to use his middle finger to starch his thumb. Something you learned he did when he was nervous.
“Okay i need you to look at me when i say this” He fixes he posture and takes your chin into his hands to turn your face towards him. Locking eyes with those hazel ones you’ve learned to love. You brace yourself for what he is about to say.
“Since the moment i laid eyes on you it felt like i’ve known you my whole life, like i was looking into the eyes of a lover from a past life time. Getting to know you has been a blessing, it’s been just what i needed, i couldn’t imagine myself being with any of girl y/n. You make me so happy, whenever i lock eyes with you i know that i wanna grow old with you, and i’m saying all this because-“ He sucks in a breath
“I love you”
You didn’t even know you had tears coming out your eyes until Jean takes his hand to your cheek to wipe them.
“Don’t cry love, it’s o-“
“I love you too Jean”
Walking back to you guys car you guys go to your designated vehicles, not after agreeing to follow eachother to Jeans apartment.
Your so caught up in your own world right now. Everything is going amazing for you. You’re doing good in school on the track to graduating. You have an amazing boyfriend who just confessed his love for you and you have a great job lined up for you after you graduate.
You’ve come so far from when you were a kid. Nothing could go-
The blaring horn of a truck takes you out of your dream like trance. You look to your left and see a Semi Truck speeding towards you and it shows no signs of stopping.
You can feel like life flash before your eyes. The truck crashing into the driver side of your car making it glide across the rode on impact, flipping over and all. A loud crash is heard. The glass from your windows flying across the pavement.
You don’t feel anything at first. Until you look downwards and see blood everywhere. You start to loose consciousness.
“Baby please wake up”
Until everything goes blank.
“Like i was explaining before Mr.Kirstien we can’t disclose anything about the patient not unless you are married or family”
“You have to tell me please, That’s my girlfriend in there i can’t be in the dark about this”
Jean drops to his knees in front of the doctor catching the attention of no other than your parents
“Please anything just is she okay? Will she be okay?”
The doctor pitches the bridge of her nose looking up while sighing
“Sir please get up-“
“Excuse me”
They both turn there heads at the sound of a women. Jean looks at her.
“Are you looking for my daughter?”
He must look a mess right now he thinks to himself. Bloodshot eyes from non stop days crying about you, Snot coming out his nose from his current crying, Face red and puffy.
But how could he not look like this?
He couldn’t be okay if he doesn’t know if your okay or not.
The women looks to be in about her 50’s but that’s not the crazy part.
She looks just like you. This must be your mother.
The doctor taking this as her chance to escape walking away leaving your mom to take care of it.
“A-are you y/n’s mom?”
“Yes i am” The women answered in almost a whisper. At this news Jean gets off the ground standing up straight. “Hi i’m- Hello Ma’am i’m Jean, Y/n’s Boyfriend” The women smiles “Ah yes she did mention how she had a boyfriend” At this news Jean gains hope
Is she awake?
“Is she awake? Can i speak to her ? Did she tell you that now ?”He is fumbling over his words rushing all his thoughts out at once. But who could blame him ? He was a wreck right now he didn’t know if you were dead or alive.
“She’s awake but-“ Her voice cracks “The doctor said she- Oh god i can’t do this” She breaks down into tears. Jean leads her to a seat taking a seat next to her as she sits down. Letting her hold his hand and cry on his shoulder.
After she calms down she starts to speak again.
“The doctor s-said she lost her memory and won’t be able to remember anything from before she woke u-up in the hospital. I-i- she doesn’t even remember h-er own mother” The women breaks down again not being able to hold in her emotions when she thinks about her daughter and what she went through.
Jean feels like the world stopped spinning. What? What did she mean you lost your memory? So you won’t be able to remember him? all the times you shared together?
He needed to see you
Looking out the window of your hospital room you felt numb. Not because of all the drugs in your body to make sure you were okay but because you it felt like you were rid of emotions. You felt bad for the women. You really did, but you just didn’t know her anymore.
The door to the hospital room opened revealing a man that stood at about 6’2
You could tell he worked out
But he looked so deflated.
Hm did she know him too?
“she” As in your past self. Because honestly that just wasn’t you anymore.
You look at him with indifference as you watch his face fall. It was like someone pulled a plug on him. It’s like he knew this wasn’t the girl he knew
“You- You don’t remember me? At all”
You don’t say anything. Just because you think it’s obvious.He doesn’t take lightly to this though. Rushing to your side taking your hands into his. He’s squeezing the life out of you right now
“I need you to answer me y/n do you remember me ? at all?” His voice raises. He’s getting desperate. “Please it’s me, Jean” He says with a tearful smile.
He was oh so desperate.
He felt his stomach drop
“I’m sure you and i guess- y/n, we’re very close but i don’t remember that anymore. I wish i did you seem so hurt right now but that just isn’t me” You sigh “I’m sorry, Jean”
It was Jeans Favorite season
The beautiful flowers blooming in the lush grass. The weather that feels just right, not to cold, not to hot. Even what some people would consider the bad parts like the weather that could just never seem to stay consistent, or the pollen that caused you to sneeze constantly.
But what he loved most about spring was his memory’s if you and what you once had.
“Jeannn come on, let’s go get our skates” His girlfriends mikasa drags him to the front desk. Jean winces at her touch not wanting step close to that desk. Let alone be in this place.
“Can i get two pairs of skates please? One size 7 one size 12..”
He stares at the desk and the new worker who is there.
Well not entirely new.
Because she may have your face, Your hair, even your scent
But that’s not you.
Jeans eyes met your e/c ones. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He wish something would snap in you and you would remember him, remember you and him and all the memories you shared.
But he knows that will never happen.
Jean loves spring he loved everything about spring.
But every spring he’s reminded of last spring.
and what you and him could’ve had.
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An- Hey y’all okay so i’m not crying you are. But also more importantly this was not proof read at all so pls correct me if i have any mistakes and show me mercy as i am new to writing i’m trying my best so i may not be as good as these writers that get 1,000’s of notes but with time i will improve if you have any tips feel free to share with me in comments or dm’s i’m always down talk about writing ✍🏽, i’m very tired and have morning classes tomorrow. Thank you for reading 🩷🩷🩷🩷 mwah 💋
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staycalmandhugaclone · 7 months
Unhinged ask:
Vacationer types - which are TBB boys?
TBB with an SO that is inquisitive, always asking or wanting to learn.
ty 🌑
I’ll be honestly: I wasn’t entirely sure what you meant by “vacationer types.” I shall shamelessly admit to googling it, which, in fact, did not help, so we’re going based on the first link I read: the planner, the relaxer, the adventurer, the budgeter, and the documentor.
Let’s go in a less common order! (Also, this is post TBB series + a happy ending. I feel like things would be quite a bit different before and during the show)
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Wrecker - The Adventurer! (Is anyone surprised?) It’s a vacation, not a mission! If he wants to go explore that shop or this dark and dubious tunnel, all planning goes out the window!
Having an inquisitive SO only spurs this impulse, much to Hunter’s chagrin. If they point out something that catches their eye, Wrecker’s the first to check it out. He may not innately have answers to their questions, but he’s more than willing to make an effort to enable them to try to figure it out themselves – to a point. He may get bored and start wandering if the subject in question isn’t particularly interactive.
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Crosshair – The Relaxer – His favorite part of beach trips is plopping into a hammock and listening to the ruckus his brothers cause nearby. It’s rare for him to have that kind of peace. Alone, things would be too quiet; he’d be too exposed, but with the sounds of splashing waves and feigned rage, he’s able to truly relax in a way that’s been robbed from him for years.
He’ll entertain an inquisitive partner for a time, but eventually, he’ll grab them and haul them onto the hammock with him with a barely audible “shh,” eager to share that rare, treasured stillness with them.
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Hunter – The Planner – He’s spent his entire life working toward perfecting strategies that literally meant the difference between life and death for his brothers. Those habits aren’t quick to fade and resurface a bit too intensely during vacations. It didn’t take long for his brothers to break him of meticulous itineraries, but he still has Tech research possible dangers and goes through excessive planning to account for each one.
An SO that’s prone to asking numerous questions was initially overwhelming as he strove to maintain some degree of control over his uncooperative family, but, as he slowly comes to accept that things aren’t going to go terribly wrong if he isn’t there to supervise, those endless questions become a welcome distraction even if he often times has no answer to offer.
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Tech – The Documentor – …is… is anyone surprised by this? Anyone? He’s literally been documenting everything already, and the chance to visit a new planet without some lingering responsibility dominating their actions? That’s a dream come true! He spends the entire time studying everything from unique cultures to foreign flora and fauna, and happily recants his newly acquired knowledge with anyone near enough to listen.
The more questions his SO asks, the happier he gets! The man will talk himself hoarse. It’s a problem, but he’s so damn cute and passionate – it’s one of the easiest ways to get him to smile.
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Echo – The Budgeter – After the first few trips, he started planning two budgets: the one he shared with the others and the one he’d actually prepared. It was the only way to keep from spending every credit they had as expenses inevitably exceeded what should have been enough. Now, he merely sighs dramatically when someone splurges on an impulse buy, but the chance for everyone to truly unwind and enjoy themselves is well worth it.
Like Hunter, he was initially too focused on trying to keep the others reined in, so answering numerous questions was met with distracted replies followed by heart-felt apologies. As things calmed down, however, he was all-too happy to fall into an endless conversation, discussing whatever curiosity their SO was taken with rather than trying to merely offer a direct answer. It becomes a gentle, calming routine and a lovely excuse to pull them just a bit closer so neither have to talk loudly to be heard over the others.
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r-ex-mor3 · 1 year
Something for your M.I.N.D
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Feat. Mikitaka Hazekura
Genre: Fluff (Platonic)
Synopsis: Basically, Josuke and Okuyasu tells you about Mikitaka and you practically adopt him
Reader’s age: 26
Mikitaka’s age: Unknown but presumably 16
(If I ever feel like it, I’ll do more Headcanon’s of you being a mother figure to Mikitaka cause I love it)
(Warnings: None except this not being proofread so it might be ass 💔)
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You were at home relaxing as you had a day off and you decided to make the best of it. Sitting on your couch with a cute coffee mug, you heard a knock on your door as you got up PRAYING that it’s not anything that had to be related for work or anything to do with your job.
As you open the door, you looked to see the familiar sight of the two dumbasses and a new friend along with them. Before they could speak, you slammed the door on them and walked back to your kitchen to lean over the countertop as you heard banging and yelling from the other side of the door that you tried to ignore.
You soon gave in and swung the door open and you glared at Josuke and Okuyasu.
“What do you need? I literally get a break from my job and of course you two had to show up.”
Your eyes glanced at the platinum blonde male beside them.
“Now, who’s the new kid?”
Josuke collected his breath from yelling so much and he began to speak up after a good 3 minutes.
“This, this is Mikitaka.. he’s an alien. We can’t tell if he’s a user or truly and alien and we need your help..”
You looked at Josuke as Okuyasu nodded at Josuke’s statement and Okuyasu decide to speak up.
“And, you know stuff about space and all that, so we decided to wonder if you can like, I don’t know, help him settle in and get used to being.. normal?“
Josuke jabbed Okuyasu in the arm causing Okuyasu to whisper-yell a “What??” You mentally facepalmed and looked at the platinum blonde who’s named Mikitaka. He looked to be staring at a butterfly out of curiosity.
“Surprisingly, I understand what you’re saying Okuyasu. For ONCE in a life time. Anyways, I’ll take care of him. Now shoo.”
Okuyasu nudged Josuke in triumph and thanked you before walking away and you looked at Mikitaka.
“Hello Mikitaka, names _____! I’ll be helping you get used to your new home.”
Mikitaka perked up realizing you were talking to him and he blinked twice and he straightened himself up.
“Ah! Thank you for taking me in. I’m grateful for the opportunity.”
You took a mental note of his behavior and let him inside your residence. It was really clean and there were a few papers in a neat pile on the counter. Mikitaka seemed clueless and didn’t know where he was.
“Okay, Mikitaka, let me help you get used to this new life style, alright?”
He only nodded and motioned him to follow and he did so and ended up at a gallery like area that was dark but not too dark. It had information about space and all the little things about it. You begin to talk to Mikitaka, asking a few questions and jotting it down on a paper as he asked questions about his own surroundings. All of this was honestly cute in your opinion.
As time passed, you concluded he was indeed another terrestrial being! It was interesting to you and you decided to care for him and teach him about all the human things around him. You even helped him with writing. He knew how to write but not in Japanese so you had to teach him but thankfully, he’s a swift learner and understood quickly and it was honestly a relief.
As the day slowly turned into days together and days turned into a week. You showed him many things and cared for Mikitaka like you were his mother. He felt comfortable around you and you can’t help but smile at it. Seeing him get used to everything made you ever so happy..
You took him everywhere he wanted to explore as he was a curious mind. It warmed your heart to see him so happy, you can’t help but call him your son!
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
Pretty U ☾ ♡
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bf!jun x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff, established relationship
Warnings: fingering, handjob, soft sex, swearing, praise kink, riding, unprotected sex
Summary: Compliments are your soft spot.
Word Count: 1.4k
(a/n: tw!! cute couple!! also literally the only reason it took me 4 days to upload this was bc i couldn’t think of a title 💀 and y'all already know this is not proofread)
“Ouch,” Jun whines . “Y/n that hurts.”
“Sorry,” you say sheepishly, adjusting yourself on his lap.
He winced again at the pain.
“I’m sorry baby,” you tell him. “I’m almost done, just bear with me. I told you it was going to hurt.”
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and your boyfriend had asked if you guys could do a self care day. You were happy to, treating both him and yourself to a day of relaxation.
However, it was less than relaxing for Jun right now with you sitting on his lap and plucking his eyebrows with a pair of tweezers. It was his idea in the first place, and you warned him that it would be far from painless.
Nonetheless he still insisted because he ‘wanted to feel pretty.’
He flinches again, this time violently jerking his head back while squeezing his eyes. You stifle back a giggle at his sudden reaction. “Hold still, I’m almost done I swear.”
You finally pluck the last few hairs before setting the tweezers down on the table next to you. “All done,” you informed him.
You up back on his lap, rubbing your thumbs along his eyebrows to smooth them out. Your nose brushes against his accidentally, but it only causes him to smile and pull you closer.
He arms snake around your lower back as he pulls your body into his. “You’re so pretty,” he mumbles into your chest.
You feel heat rush to your face at his compliment. It wasn’t an uncommon thing for him to do, however you’d been home all day wearing the same clothes with no makeup and your hair untouched.
Yet he still thought you were beautiful.
“Yeah,” you muse. “Now you are too.”
You tease, referring back to his prior words. He lets out a soft chuckle.
“Yeah but,” his hand cups your cheek, tilting your head so you look down at him. “You’re prettier.”
Your lips find one another, softly connecting in a kiss. He’s gentle with you, hands softly traveling up and down your sides. Your fingers take through his hair softly.
You shift on his lap, causing him to let out a soft groan into your mouth. You pull away slowly, a string of saliva still connected to both your lips. You look down at him with lust filled eyes.
He looks up at you with pure adoration. You slowly rock your hips against his lap without breaking eye contact.
“Right now?” he asks you.
You nod in response before reconnecting your lips with his. Your quick movements delay his reaction, he’s not used to you being so needy. Especially considering how quickly your mood changed within the last few minutes. However he does kiss back, matching your energy.
His tongue slips into your mouth, only intensifying the needy kiss. His fingers play with the waist band of your shorts before he slides his hand down your underwear.
You’ve already moistened your panties, which makes it easier for him to push one finger inside of you. You moan against his lips at the contact. He quickly retreats his hand, aiding you in pulling off both your shorts and underwear at once to avoid cramping in his hand.
You tilt your head back when he slips two fingers inside of you. His thumb remains against your clit and he allows you to fuck yourself on his fingers. He doesn’t move, providing you with completely control. You arch your back, pushing your hips into his hand and lightly bouncing to create more friction.
Jun watches you get off in awe. You moan out his name repeatedly and he absolutely loves it. You’re soaking his fingers, your essence drips out of you incessantly.
You’re not even entirely sure what made you so horny and needy for him so quickly. It was like one second you guys were having a wholesome moment, and the next you’re all over him.
You conclude it was likely his compliments. You’ve always been a sucker for affirmation from Jun. Whether it was about something you struggling with or simply him trying to make you feel good about yourself, he always seemed to hit a sweet spot inside of you.
Hence how him calling you beautiful has resulted in you whining and riding his fingers. He knows your orgasm is sure to be approaching, so he retreats his fingers from your core.
“No,” you whine.
He places a kiss on your shoulder. “ ‘M sorry pretty girl, wanna be inside you when you cum.”
You breathe out, giving him a weak but understanding nod. Still seated on his lap, you pull his underwear and sweats down just enough to allow his semi-hard cock spring out. You lick your lips in anticipation.
You spit on his cock before wrapping a hand around his shaft. He tilts his head back into the couch as your hand movements increase in speed.
“Oh fuck,” he whispers.
His eyes fall shut as you continue jerking him off. You feel him swell and grow harder in your hand. His stuff cock sticks up straight, which only makes it easier for you to go faster.
“-Mmph sweetheart,” he moans. “You’re doing so good baby.”
His words act as encouragement as you continue stroking his length. You twists your hand with each stroke, occasionally spitting again to better lubricate. You’re still wet, and you can feel yourself staining his sweatpants.
He hisses, his hands flying on top of yours and squeezing when you run your thumb across his slit. You look at him with a confused expression.
“ ‘M sensitive baby,” he tells you breathlessly. “You don’t want me to cum before I fuck you right?”
You shake your head slowly.
He releases his grip on your hands, instead grabbing your waist and lifting you up. “You were doing such a good job I swear I almost finished right then and there.”
Your hands grip his shoulders to keep yourself steady as you sink down onto his length. You gasp at the feeling of him filling you up and stretching you out. He sucks in a breath as your walls envelope him.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, tightening his grip on your waist and hips. You start bouncing on him, rolling your hips against his pelvis.
“Shit you’re so good at this,” he praises. “So good for me-fuck.”
You bounce on his cock faster, continuing to thrust your hips forward with each movement. Your walls are so wet and warm around his length. He can feel how you tighten around him every time you roll your hips.
“Ah,” you moan. “So good Jun. Fuck you feel so good.”
He leaves soft kisses along your neck. He tilts your head down, pulling your upper body closer to his as you ride him. Your hair is in your face, but he bushes it behind your ear on the left side. He nibbles on your ear and you can feel him smirking against your skin.
“You’re so beautiful you know that right?” he asks. “Such a good girl for me.”
You whimper.
“You feel so fucking good, my pretty pretty girl,” he whispers.
You clench at his words, only nearing your orgasm quicker. He breathes out into your ear as he feels you tightening around him.
“You’re doing such a good job baby,” he praises. “Go ahead and cum on my cock. You’ve earned it.”
The bubbling in your insides overflow as your orgasm overtakes your body. Your movements still as you tighten around your boyfriend and relish in your orgasm. You squeeze his shoulders as you moan out his name incessantly.
Despite not moving, Jun soon too is overwhelmed by his orgasm. Feeling you clench and drip around him was all too much for him to handle. He lets out a low moan into your ear, his breath becoming unsteady as he comes undone.
You’re still riding out your high, tightening around him so much and completely milking his cock. He spills out every last drop of his cum inside of you.
Once you come down from your high, you finally loosen around his length, to which he lets out a breathe of relief. He pants heavily against your ear as you come back to your senses.
Your hands cup his cheeks and you place a soft kiss on his forehead.
“You’re incredible,” he tells you breathlessly.
You rest your forehead against his, smiling happily. Your noses brush against one another again. You stay like this for a moment, enjoying the warmth and closeness he provides you. And most importantly, how pretty he looks.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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asvterias · 2 years
𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾!𝖬𝖺𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝗒𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌
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Tag List; @clarkegriffinslever @janeswhore
a/n: Also this is set in season 4, without its actual plot.
Yandere!Max x Fem!Black!Buckley!Reader
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Max would be an obsessive and possessive yandere
You are robin’s second cousin
You would be a new girl transferring into her school
Unexpectedly she was your tour guide and unfortunately for you, she was having a rough day
By the looks of it, she didn’t want to be friends with you
So you joined the cheerleading team and became close friends with Chrissy Cunningham
At first, Max would just glance at you in class/pep rallies but then it became lingering stares
She would be the type to admire from a distance and not comment
So you invited her to a sleepover and surprisingly she was extremely talkative
Frequently she would try to touch your hands or absentmindedly brush her fingers across your exposed thighs
Fortunately for her, you didn’t pay attention to it so she used that to her advantage
Would attempt to braid your raven hair into cute hairstyle ideas
Like she would literally have the gel in one hand, hair scrunchies on her wrist, and hair accessories sprawled out all over her vanity
Even lets you braid her ginger hair
So she would try to become friends with you
Being naive, you accepted her friendship unaware of the danger that awaits
Now things really started to heat up when you invited her to a pool party
It was the beginning of summer and you wanted to start off with a bang
I just feel like max would have a perverted mind and would peer down your bikini top while being so subtle whilst talking to you
Would often glare at people who also look at you
Cause why were they looking at you if you belonged to her??!!
But there was this one boy who really crossed the line with you
❝Who the hell was that, [name]?❞
❝Relax, max, he’s my boyfriend.❞
❝Boyfriend?? You’ve never told me that you had fucking boyfriend!!❞
❝Well, I’m telling you now.❞
She went completely off the radar after that and it became worrisome for you
While you were stressing about her, she was planning your boyfriend’s demise
But first, she had to ease more into your life to gain more perspective
She had drugged your drink with a truth serum
The next thing that you knew is that you were spewing all of your secrets to the redhead
One of them being that you like girls
Of course, max didn’t see this as a problem as you were perfect too and for her but the other thing that you said really triggered her
❝I’m pretty sure that my boyfriend’s cheating on me.❞
❝Do you want me to kill him?❞
❝What are you talking about?❞
❝Your asshole of a boyfriend, do you want him dead?❞
❝No! Max, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.❞
Soon after, she drugged you with sleeping pills and actually came forth with her plan
You found yourself in a glass box and immediately panicked
Warningly walking inside, she would reassure you with sweet words
❝Are you gonna hurt me?❞ You blurted out
You just had to know
She would plant a chaste kiss on your lips, ❝I would never hurt you.❞
That erupts a tiny cry from your lips
She would try to soothe you and kiss away the incoming tears that fallen down your face
❝Why are you doing this to me?❞
❝Can’t you see it?? I love you, [name].❞
❝People in love don’t kidnap others!❞
❝Well, I do! Cause whether you like it or not, you will learn to love me!❞
❝I could never and would never love you, Maxine! You need serious help!❞
Then her ginger eyebrows would crease in frustration and partial anger so you thought that she would lash out in rage but she didn’t
❝Well, it looks like someone’s not eating tonight.❞
She just got up, leaving you in complete darkness, and left
You cried yourself to sleep, not believing this new person that Max was becoming
Next time that you saw her, you would plan to escape
So you played along; talk when spoken to, eat when given food — the normal basics
Then you would lure her into the cage, pretend that you love her, and then escape
When she came the next day, bringing you breakfast, she stayed outside the cage and tried to make small talk still being cautious
You gave her short meaningless answers but, hey, at least it was progress
Ok maybe you felt a little guilt upon hearing the defeated sighs arising from her lips
So you decided to delay your plan and scooted over as close as the glass barrier could allow you to get
❝What's your favorite song?❞
❝Ummm… ‘Running Up That Hill’ by Kate Bush.❞
❝Really mines—❞
❝Material Girl by Madonna. I know since you would play it non-stop at our sleepovers.❞
It was enough to emit a tiny laugh from your throat causing a genuine smile from the redhead
❝[Name], you have to know that I didn't mean to scare you...or even hurt you. I guess…that I became too attached because you really make me feel safe and loved. And…god this is embarrassing… but I don't want to share you either. You know…just one day we might forget about this, leave Hawkins together, maybe settle down in Los Angeles and get married, and have most likely two kids.❞
❝Wow, it sounds like you have my whole life panned out.❞
❝It sounds a little extreme, I’m very aware. I know that don’t want more than three kids, you told me yourself. You also said you wanted to see Los Angeles at night and you would just adore braiding your kid's hair and dressing them up. You would be the best mom to them, hopefully even a better wife.❞
❝Friends for now, then we’ll see where life will take us.❞
Apparently, that little banter pursued her enough to bring her inside the cage with you
Luckily she wasn’t a critical thinker and left the door mildly open
Hesitantly, you hugged her tightly, wincing slightly when she reciprocated the hug
Gripping tightly on the pocketknife and you jammed it into her stomach, wincing when she let out a pained grunt as you snatched the keys out of her hand
The betrayal on her face was priceless as you locked the door behind you
But you shouldn’t feel bad cause she’s the one holding you hostage, not the other way around
❝Let me out, [name]! This is not a game!❞
❝No! You're gonna rot in there!❞
❝Wait, so that stuff that we talked about…was it all just a decoy? Did you really want to get to know me?❞ She placed her hand against the glass door, her baby blue eyes doe
❝Yes!!— Well, no!! Ok, I kinda have mixed feelings. You're delusional if you think that we can just move on from this and move away from Hawkins, get married and have children. Your dreams are basically one in a million, mayfield.❞
She was silent after your outburst and began searching in her back pocket for something
❝W-what are you looking for?❞
She held up an identical key to the one in your hand. ❝You really think that I wouldn’t have a spare key.❞
You broke off in a dash, heading straight towards the stairs and she was hot on your heels
Currently, you were two steps away from freedom
You. Were. So. Close.
But you know that happy moments are always short-lived
She grabbed your shoulders tightly and injected a needle in your right thigh making you yelp in pain. ❝I didn’t want to do this, darling, but you gave me no choice since you insist on being so god damn stubborn. Now relax, baby, I’ll be right here when you wake up.❞
Just then your vision started to go hazy as you lost your footing on the stairwell
❝What did you do to me, max?!❞
She whispered in your ear. ❝What was necessary. I know you better than anyone.❞
Just like that, you fell limp, eyes shutting down momentarily and you fell directly into her arms feeling a soft kiss on your temple before everything went black
She loved you too much to ever let you go and god be damned if someone ever took you away from her
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© asvterias, 2022. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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