#he's almost home šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
coffeeworldsasaki Ā· 8 months
Another thing that makes kaladin so painfully relatable is how much his mental illness hides his personality, because between depressive episodes and trauma he's this sarcastic little shit that smiles a lot at his friends and then the depression gets to him and all that disappears
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wholock-pottergleek Ā· 3 months
my roman empire will always be kurtbastian. like the missed opportunity, we really couldā€™ve had it all :(
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fmet Ā· 1 year
I always go back to that moment in 206 when Eunyung has just left his family home for the last time and he calls out to Haejoon and Juwan, but thereā€™s no answer. They had to leave, and Eunyung realized that for however long, he had been experiencing that confrontation with his dad (and mother) essentially without allies. Everything that he had done and said, with the perceived security of knowing there were people in the other side of that door who could hear them, was suddenly reassessed under a vulnerable and isolated lens, rather than a secure and supported one. He soon learns afterward that they were forced to leave by security because they were accused of loitering, but the gap in time that he probably spent thinking they left of their own free will while he was facing off his parents isnā€™t something that can be easily coped with.
Eunyung ā€œsavedā€ himself from his parents, and it wouldnā€™t have been as immediately liberating as it had been for him if someone else had forced that separation. But the adjacent people in his life that he (at least previously) saw as a support network and frame of reference for normal/abnormal relationships are just as invaluable as his own introspection and bravery during this arc.
His being taken care of by Juwan and Haejoon, where he has soup bought for him and heā€™s chauffeured around; his conversation with Marie, where he gets to witness the ramifications of domestic abuse as an outsider; and the countless conversations he had with Haejoon over this arc, where Haejoon insists to him that what he was and is going through is abnormal. By getting to sympathize with a fellow abuse survivor and by growing adjusted to having people like Haejoon advocate for him, he develops the beginning of an expectation that he can be understood and supported by these people. Not only that, but that he should be, or at least itā€™s something that he should strive for when given the opportunity. This perceived support ultimately culminated in him being able to say the things he did to his dad. He was the one who took that final step, thereā€™s no denying the courage he displayed doing what he did, but it would have been impossible for him to focus this courage into a clear and aspired effort without getting a glimpse of what he had been missing growing up: predictable love and empathy.
Emphasis on predictable, because from what we know of Eunyungā€™s home life and the people that have supported him in the past, every ounce of love and grace he received was conditional and temporary. His abuse being unpredictable, the people who loved and supported him frequently withdrawing when they realize that heā€™s an actual person with idiosyncrasies and needs, and that advocating/caring for him takes real effort, and the defensive mindset needed to grow up in an abusive household would have warped his view of peopleā€™s rejection or acceptance regardless. Learning to expect that Juwan and Haejoon would be there when he needed them to be isnā€™t just unexpected of Eunyung: itā€™s juxtaposed to everything that heā€™s learned growing up on the streets. Itā€™s probably only his being younger (i.e., more capable of change) that granted him the flexibility to expect care from someone again.
So, the realization that Haejoon and Juwan werenā€™t there when he thought they were dramatically shifted his perspective on their support, Haejoonā€™s in particular. Just after beginning to develop this alien expectation, something happens that allows him to dismiss it. Relying on these people in an emotional way has to be done very carefully, sparingly, in his mind, because at any moment, whether by freak chance or someoneā€™s own animosity, lack of caring, etc, it could be ripped away from him. Similar to the unpredictablility of his father and mothers behavior, he approaches other peopleā€™s emotional states with the same fleetedness. If he canā€™t understand the way people think, if he canā€™t guarantee heā€™ll always be able to abide by their guidelines for humane treatment, or, now, if in Haejoon and Juwanā€™s case, he thinks his nature is incompatible with theirs, he will deliberately withdraw himself from them.
The same way he continues to reminisce and hold onto the haunted dorm as the visage of a fleeting home environment, he considers emotional homes such as Haejoon with that same impermanence. Only now, with concrete ā€œproofā€ that it isnā€™t permanent, with Haejoon and Juwan not being there when Eunyung thought they would be, itā€™s much easier to distance from that emotional home as a way to protect himself. The title of ā€œemotional homeā€ can even be ascribed to inanimate objects and concepts: his childhood passion for theatre, his talent in cooking, his hairstyle. So many of the things he holds dear he is also deathly afraid of having. Having to decide between deprecative abstinence, fearing even more having lost it after experiencing it firsthand; versus reckless overindulgence, after experiencing loss in the past and thus losing the emotional sincerity he carries for something; summarizes a lot of his behavior, and it can especially be seen in the current arc. He holds off on signing up for theater until heā€™s racing against the clock (221), he deliberately distances himself from Haejoon and Juwan because he doesnā€™t consider himself as ā€œadjustedā€ of a person as they are; but robs bald HR teacher dry when he takes him to eat and laughs at his efforts to connect with him. The latter being juxtaposed to his middle school-selfs response, because prior trauma from his middle school teacher jaded him to the concept of adults, and especially teachers, advocating for him unconditionally.
Eunyungā€™s deliberate absence from Haejoonā€™s life is both in his efforts to protect Haejoonā€™s body and to protect his own. In that same light, his hesitance in following his passions, while inadvertently mocking the systems of support heā€™s been betrayed by previously (teachers, parents, etc) are all in efforts to protect himself emotionally. If he never fails after trying, if he dismisses all outreach as insincere, if heā€™s never reminded of what heā€™s lost and how it hurt him, he doesnā€™t have to be hurt again. It looks like with the rest of this ā€œEunyung Baek Againā€ arc, weā€™ll probably witness more proof of this fleeting view of support/commiseration via this middle school teacher, portrayed in how he treats his high school HR teacher now. In the opposite vein, trying to actualize his passion for theatre (and being successful in doing so), seeing new and old people in his life advocate for him, and maybe even acknowledging that his HR teacher could be looking out for him, are just a few of the many details that could begin to deconstruct his emotional lines of defense. Iā€™m not caught up with the spoiler chapters, but I hope (and really believe) that this will be the case.
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mylove-thresher Ā· 22 days
ok so likeā€¦ wouldnā€™t it be funny if Fugo mistook nracnehr (bug narancia) for an actual bugā€¦ because likeā€¦ what if Fugo hated bugsā€¦ (I have to project myself onto characters I love guys but like fr tho what if he did itā€™d be funny guys come on šŸ˜”)
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I wanted to doodle a bit but I was too lazy to get a drawing I started from my school suitcase so uhh haha
also why did my history teacher fucking diss me for saying I didnā€™t really look into politics like dawg Iā€™m not legal and I only hear shi ab latamā€™s governors and economy in my household fuck am I supposed to do when they ask me who was the minister of Quebec in whatever year I DO NOT CARE AGHHHHSHS LET ME LEARN AB SOMETHING THAT ISNT EUROPE OR QUEBEC PLEASE PELAS PELAD EPELAE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
(Guess who likes yapping)
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myreia Ā· 4 months
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ā€” v. raison d'ĆŖtre
It was never going to last. They knew it from the beginning, all of them. Their time in the First was temporary, fleeting. For some, that would have been enough to give pause, to keep distance. For them, it made these moments all the more preciousā€”even when it was difficult, even when it was unfair. Ryne knows they are both proud of her. That will never change, even when they live in separate worlds. It is a bittersweet thing to say goodbye, to close one chapter and begin the next. But change is necessary, a fundamental aspect of life. There is no sense in clinging to the past when the futureā€”with all its countless possibilitiesā€”lies ahead. There is no looking back. Only forwards.
#ffxiv#final fantasy 14#ff14#gpose#gposers#warrior of light#thancred waters#ryne waters#wolcred#wolcred week#aureia malathar#oc tag#myreia screenshots#aurcred 2024#not me putting Aur in scouting gear and then giving her a rdm weapon šŸ˜”... which you can barely even see LOL#ryne looks like she's almost the same height as aur because of the angle but she's really not šŸ˜­#she's! so! tiny!!!!#anyway i don't think this is an actual scene or anything it's just - an impression of how they are at the end of 5.3.#i tried making this dreamlike and hazy but idk if it worked i regret having too much DOF and blurring out the stars#this is more ryne's POV than either of theirs - aureia's the one who can stay he's the one who has to leave#there's grief in that acceptance and it's bittersweet but it's also happy in a way#anyway aur and thancred's individual relationships with ryne is the glue of their relationship in shb#i don't think they would have gotten past their issues if not for her#what they have at the end of 5.0. + start of eden gives them a couple months of feeling like a normal family#joke's on them they're not normal nothing is normal the more they try to make things normal the more it's going to crash#the moment of reprieve was good but it was a bit of a fantasy and it wasn't going to last#urianger is here in spirit I'M SO SORRY HE SHOULD BE HERE HE'S PART OF THIS TOO šŸ˜­#i was too sleepy to pose a 4th character rip#urrrgghhh anyway i have so much to say about how lakeland is Aureia's home now and it's Ryne's home too but he can't be there byeeeeee šŸ™ƒ#shadowbringers spoilers
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taw-k Ā· 3 months
People thirsting over president Loki act like there's showers in the void
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sejjiplinth Ā· 7 months
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ma knowing marcus by name hurts me so bad because i can only imagine sejanus telling her about him after the reaping, after the zoo, how he remembers him and how terrible it all is. drives me crazy thinking about it
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quinn-joseph Ā· 2 months
Not trying to be a bitch but the guy made me get on a train with him to get from our town to a bar in a city close to where we live (it's almost a 2 hour ride), I would at least expect him for us to split an uber so we could get to the bar and not make me walk back to the station at 4h in a freezing cold 10 Celsius weather šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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justabunchofdragons Ā· 26 days
what do you MEAN my auntie is anti vax šŸ˜­ TWO of her brothers are doctors. another is a pharmacist!!!!!. HOW do you get to that conclusion ??????!!!!!
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homeless202 Ā· 1 year
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"there's no way you don't know this already, right?" <- this right here is the main reason for EY's frustration with HJ. we've seen it already multiple times but never summarized this well.
altho they both have similar background with having to fight to survive and also stealing, EY still cannot believe/comprehend how HJ isn't as jaded as him. how can this guy still see the good in people and hope for a better future when he's seen the ugly parts of life? <- which is why EY would often starts arguments with HJ earlier in the story.
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EY is obv talking from experience - he knows things most people don't know and couldn't understand. he thought HJ would be able to relate and validate (or at least sympathize with) his feelings and experiences but he doesn't. instead HJ continuously says things that hurt EY without realizing or meaning to.
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orcelito Ā· 1 year
Honestly given how little Vash actually initiates contact with people outside of battle (either attacking or pulling someone to safety), it's actually... really, really sad when Meryl flinches from him post-Dragon's Nest.
Like. A lot was going on, but Vash, someone who Rarely initiates contact, tried to reach out to her... only for her to flinch in fear.
No wonder it fucks him up so bad. This is one of his closest friends in the world, and she's terrified of him.
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jils-things Ā· 9 months
so i listened to all his voicelines last night
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dandyshucks Ā· 21 days
sorry for another "i wont be as active for a bit" post (and then i'll probably come crawling back rly soon like all the other times bc i learn to cope w worsening conditions and return my usual haunts again fdsjkl) but uhmm i cannot draw and i can barely think straight. so we're going the "less active" route it seems! not that it matters much but. just in case it does last longer than a few days that's the update o7
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sehodreamsthoughts Ā· 1 month
I find it a little funny that I want a Logan/Hugh Jackman so bad but the one time I fucked a gym rat with Logan's abs it was the worst sex of my life
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frogaroundandfindout Ā· 2 months
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The titans take a vote on what they should do with the kids. Dick reminds Epsilon once more that he isnā€™t Titan and wonā€™t be included in the vote. Both dick and Jesse raise concerns about not having time to take care of the kids but in the end, the majority voted for the kids to live with the titans. (Titans #29)
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born-to-lose Ā· 10 months
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Double shift last weekend and this is the only picture I got (which my coworker actually took with me for her Facebook story RIGHT when I looked like shit and it was low effort makeup day because I had to be there early to open the bar)
#a drunk girl in the bathroom called me pretty and two other regulars kissed me on the cheek and called me pet names this is why I'm gay#one of those regulars (who's the bff of my coworker i haven't worked with yet because she's taking a break) asked me to have shots with her#she and the other girl are the sweetest every time i swear they're there almost every weekend and they call me Schatz and Maus#the moment i came back in after putting away my bag and jacket on saturday a middle aged guy mentioned my volbeat hoodie#talked about all the metal bands he's seen like judas priest acdc saxon iron maiden and showed me some new songs he's been into lately#later sang mama i'm coming home to/with me and he and another guy gave me lots of career advice and encouraged me to be bolder in interview#a metalhead dude with long blonde hair and beard (who was also at a concert I worked at last month) winked at me and gave me like ā‚¬4 tips#and every time he ordered his drinks he put his hand on the back of my head to say it in my ear#because the music from the speakers above was kinda loud but technically not loud enough to do That gjsgfjdshhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#he's so hot too he looks like a kind boyish viking idk if that makes sense but šŸ˜«šŸ˜«#the amount of people who have flirted with me or acted a little bit šŸ˜ in the last three months#but nothing came of it so far just trusting they'll come back soon when i'm working the shift again#no phone numbers no insta handles we pine like in the old days and smirk when we see each other for the first time in a while#my face#the bartender chronicles
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