#he's always the third wheel xD
birbleafs · 2 months
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Alhaitham really, really loves needling and riling Kaveh up instead of simply telling him directly sometimes lmao (but we all know Kaveh secretly enjoys their back-and-forth just as much, so lol). And I’d also kind of suspected that Alhaitham would be the type to read whatever books or notes Kaveh left lying around in the study or any common shared space in their house—because, of course, he's nosy about Kaveh, just like how Kaveh can't shut up about Alhaitham too all the time even when he isn't there… Hehe...
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I miss seeing their silly banters and adore it to bits—I just love that petty bickering over mundane and/or domestic trivialities are just This Thing That They Do Together, even when they have mostly reconciled and are rebuilding their friendship again. But even so, why are they always being Disg0sting (tm) and just.... openly flirting?? in public like this ????? XD
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That poor street vendor caught in the middle of their bickering against his will: Uhhh, really? Right in front of mY salad BOOKS???
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I LOVE Alhaitham so fucking much, he's so annoying (affectionate!!!) and effortlessly funny but tbh SAME LOL.... Me, whenever I'm plotting the secret paingst/sudden plot-twists in my fics lmfaodskfjsvk
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Lol this screencap really sums them up entirely: Kavetham being a public nuisance and third-wheeling any poor soul nearby, caught in 4K
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dicenete · 3 months
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I repainted his face more times than probably necessary but something always caught my eye and still does, but it is done. is done. It's fine. xD IkePri Tagteam:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess @floydsteeth @wistfulwanderingone
@sh0jun @lorei-writes
A little bit of rambling of him below the break, spoilers (Keith's route, and little bit of Nokto's route) and such :0 so you have been warned.
TL;DR: I enjoyed the route despite its questionable elements. MC is too forgiving at times, but other than that, romanctic route was cute. Licht, the third wheel, was funny but sad.
Okay first about Keith's visual design: I really love how his design is the most asymmetrical from the suitors. Like the jacket and the vest he has. The jacket is very interestingly layered, almost like you aren't sure which part is the main thing and what is the accent. The green or the gold? The host or the alter? : D Same with his vest. His duality is battling in his clothing too hahaha
Keith's route was interesting. I had heard lots of differing opinions about it and I had my own reservations.
One mainly about the portrayal of DID and how the route does it. First things first: I'm not an expert at all. I won't even humor the idea that I had any say in anything regarding it. But overall, it could have been worse? Of course it might be very extreme in the way Alter Keith is hostile towards Host Keith. And of course you shouldn't take this as the only way the alter systems work. But as I said: I'm not an expert.
I had heard that the dramatic route follows Alter Keith and romantic route host Keith. I picked the romantic one. I had my personal reasons for that tho. But aside from that, it was nice to be with Keith that who struggled with self-worth. It was nice to see him grow as a character and find that strength to stand up for himself. (The fact that the host Keith seems to think that he is inferior to Alter Keith and that people would prefer the alter over him. The amount of stress that will bring. )
Keith's uncle was your very generic villain/antagonist without any real depth. He was a spoiled noble and so on. But since this was more about Keith inner journey I thought it was fine that it was like that.
The drugging scene… Well. That's a… a topic. Hmm… Host Keith himself felt very guilty about it and was full of remorse. Not that it was his choice to do it. Alter Keith well… He might justify it because he was gathering information about a rumor that might endanger his home country and people if it were true. I kinda can see where he is coming from, but also...IT CERTAINLY WAS DESTROYING OF TRUST. Like that time when Nokto "accidently" gets MC drunk. but hey ho. Since there is limited time frame for the chapters, I do understand they can't really jam all the things there, but I wanted Belle be more angry with him with Alter Keith for longer.
Maybe that's what bugs me sometimes. That Belle/Emma/MC is sometimes too forgiving and too much of a doormat. It works in routes like Yves and Licht (from the routes I have played, Leon seems like the most respectable gentleman too), because they are not being insulting towards her. I would even think that she works with Clavis, tho I would love to see him with someone who shares his chaotic gremlin energy. But with characters like Chev, Silvio or Alter Keith the their "power" doesn't feel balanced. MC seems to be completely on their mercy even if they stand up to them in some way. (Gilbert is another can of nasty things.)(With Chev's route, well, that is also a rambling for another time. But I haven't finished his route yet. so I will keep my ramblings to myself for now.)
Is Keith's route more about acceptance then? Accepting the good and the bad of a person? Possibly. I would think that is a good way to put it. Both Keiths have good and bad sides. And it seems that they are working on them.
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You know that new anime where the guy hears his bosses porny thoughts about him whenever they end up touching? Think of that for Tomarry. I know you said you don't do porn for these, but that doesn't meant you can't make Harry experience a wide range of Tom's interesting thoughts! Also congrats on the milestone! :3
A Cherry Magic! AU. XD
Fandom: HP Ship: Tomarry RATED: M-Rated(for language and descriptions XD) TAGS: Cherry Magic! AU, Drama, Humor, Explicit Language, Innuendo, Flirting, Pornographic Thoughts, Magic(in-universe version), Homophobia(in thoughts only)
For Want of a Cherry!
It was just supposed to be a legend! A little folk tale that was supposed to shame people for not being sexually adventurous or something! Because, of course, people would have to put so much stock into whether or not you have sexual experience.
The day that Harry James Potter turned 30 his world was flipped upside down. His friend, Ron, had told him about that. little legend last week, teasing. him about the fact that he was still single. His wife, Hermione, who had been their friend since they were in primary school, had smacked him upside the head and told him that there was no shame in not being in a romantic relationship, nor was their shame in either sleeping around or not sleeping around.
He'd been on blind dates of all sorts over the years. Some even set up by his friends themselves, but maybe he was just really boring. None of them had elicited any kind of reaction, regardless of how attractive the other person was.
Maybe he was just one of those people who was not destined to be in a romantic relationship of any sort. There were people who went their whole lives not getting married and not having children, and they weren't miserable for it. It was completely possible to live a fulfilling life without having a partner at your side.
But the one thing that Harry could never really let go of was the fact that he was kind of bitter. People his age liked to go out to the clubs, or go drinking, or try out illegal substances. They were experimenting with different forms of entertainment and finding the places that helped them be themselves. And Harry had no interest in doing things like that.
He was probably the biggest introvert in the world, despite all of the sports he played back in school. Despite all of the events he had been forced to attend to support his parents and their business. Despite all of the dinners the company he worked for orchestrated constantly.
Harry James Potter was just avoidant and hated when he had to go places and be with people!
But deep down, he did wish that he could finally have some kind of reaction to somebody! Being, the perpetual third wheel that was resting outside of all of his friends and their romantic relationships was really annoying.
And now here he was on the day of his 30th birthday. Now, suddenly, frighteningly aware of the fact that that little tale that Ron had told him in jest last week was apparently true!
The barista at the coffee shop he went to every day had always given him a bad vibe. He couldn't really explain it because she had always been positively pleasant, but it always felt very fake. Enough for Hermione to smack him and tell him that judging without just cause wasn't good and made him look sexist.
He didn't personally agree with that but knew it was something Hermione took seriously, and he'd never experienced anything sexist save for the time a guy thought he was a girl back during fifth form.
But today the bad vibes were proven to have been legit!
He'd reached out to accept his iced spiced coffee and his hand brushed the barista's fingers in the process. His mind was instantly flooded with her voice despite her mouth being closed.
He's so hot! He'd be great boyfriend material if he was more masculine and less poof-y!
For a moment he thought he'd imagined it. But no... he'd frozen in place and as such, their connected hands revealed more of her mind to him.
Maybe I can turn him straight!
He mumbled a nervous word of gratitude and shuffled off before he could hear any more.
Harry had to find out how this worked and if it was there to stay!
Also, the barista was a homophobe. Nothing like vindication for the vibe check failing.
God, his hair is perfect. It just flops around when he moves and gets in his eyes so adorably! I want to tuck it behind his ear and cradle his face between my hands!
I wonder if my mom will make curry tonight.
Those glasses made him look so dashing too! I could stare at him all day.
Sandra looks like shite, as always. I've always been prettier than her so what does John see in her!
Maybe, if I play my cards right, I can get him to agree to come to dinner with me tonight. Maybe I can even convince him to come back home with me. It's his birthday after all. I'd treat him so well too.
Fucking birds shat all over my bloody car and now I have to deal with this bastard's cheery face all damn day.
I don't even like him like that but he keeps coming on to me and he knows how I feel about it but he just won't stop! I'll need to call my brother. He'll scare Ted away.
I would bend him over the desk in my office and eat him out so well he wouldn't be able to walk afterward.
Harry flushed instantly and looked around, finding himself trapped in the lift with about a dozen people and five of them were touching him at once!
A hand on his shoulder made him jump, and he found Tom Riddle, his boss, standing behind him. The person Harry was practically leaning against in the far corner of the lift to try and avoid everyone else! The owner of that delightfully built torso.
The only one on the lift who could possibly know it was Harry's birthday... meaning... those horny thoughts had been from... him...
"Are you well, Harry? Your face is flushed," he said, placing a hand directly on Harry's brow to check.
His mind was flooded with Tom's thoughts immediately.
His skin is so smooth. I want to put my teeth on his neck and leave it ringed in bruises. I'd have him sit on my face as I decorate his thighs with my marks. My tongue shoving so deep inside that he sees star-
"I'm fine!" Harry said, backing away a bit, only to be assaulted with the thoughts of too many people at once. He stepped right back into the near-circle of Tom's arms, and tried to ignore how pleased this seem to make the man who usually seemed so unaffected by everything.
Since when was he harbouring... thoughts of this nature?
About Harry of all people?!
Tom's horny thinking was definitely more preferable than a whole host of screaming minds all complaining about different things at once, but God, was it embarrassing. He just thought like that when his face showed absolutely nothing!
If we were alone in here, I could have my way with Harry all I want. Hell, I'm certain I could fuck him from behind without anyone even noticing him sitting all pretty on my cock. It's sixty floors until we get to ours after all. If I stand in the corner with Harry leaning against my chest, I could get him off well before we'd have to leave. Shove my cock between his thighs and fuck them good and hard and push just the tip in at the end- he'd be a mess all day.
And Tom's hands were just resting on Harry's waist, holding him still as his face displayed concern that did not match what his mind was going on about!
Eventually, Harry was freed from the confines of the lift, but still found Tom at his side, holding to his elbow with most avid attention. "Perhaps you should take off for the day," he suggested kindly, brows knitted together. "I'd much rather you be healthy and whole."
And in good condition for when I wreck that arse of yours.
Harry flushed and shook his head. "I'm fine," he reiterated. "I can work just fine." And get to his desk which was across the office from Tom's personal office.
"Let me know if you change your mind. If all goes well, I'll treat you to dinner tonight to celebrate your birthday."
And then take you home and fuck you good and proper.
So, it seemed... that Harry's body could react to something after all.
It just required Tom Riddle to be the one saying it.
A/N: Here you go! XD
I can't believe I did this.
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cordidy · 5 months
Hogwarts Legacy character's headcanon : Sebastian Sallow
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My little headcanon for our boy, the list might grow as I keep having ideas :D
Growing up / Hogwart days :
He is the younger twin and Anne gave him Hell because of that, always bossing him around and teasing her "baby brother"
He was always very close to his sister to the point their parents had to hurry up to feed or change them cause whenever he was away from his sister he was all grumpy.
He would fall asleep curled up against his sister when they were babies and snored a lot so she would kick him, basically I picture them as sleeping like kittens xD.
I don't know why but in my mind he stuttered when he was young, being teased by the other children because of that. His sister broke a lot of noses in retaliation and he worked very hard with their mother to get rid of his stutter.
Anne is the one who saw their parents first in the cellar and it traumatized her so, that day, he became the "big brother" to protect and sooth her. At night, after they started living with Solomon, he would remain awake cause he knew at some point his sister would crawl into his bed and they would cuddle while crying.
The hat wanted to sort him into Ravenclaw like their parents but since Anne had been sorted into Slytherin he begged it to not separate them.
At first he was hyper vigilant and jealous of Ominis cause it took more time for the two of them to click than it did for Ominis and his sister and he felt like the third wheel.
He is a nerd, think Hermione kind of nerd, like, the guy gets detention for staying in the library after curfew and the day he discoverd Arithmancy....
If available, he would totaly take on Alchemy classes cause he likes to scratch his brain on complex subjects.
After Solomon's murder, if the player did not tell about it, he ends up comfessing to Professor Sharp.
He goes to trial, of course, but the Wizenmagot goes easy on him due to the circumstances and the fact he is still a child.
He ends up crying in Court when he realizes the people who came to testify on his behalf including his teachers (even Madam Scribner who told everyone how brilliant he was despite being a pain in her ass !), his friends (Ominis was there but not Anne) and even some shopkeepers from Hogsmead including Augustus Hill and Sirona.
He still goes to Azkaban for a month to make sure he gets the implications of what he did and spends the next 2 years in probation, seeing a conselor once a weak and undergoing evaluation to make sure he is not a danger for society or himself.
He becomes a loner when coming back to Hogwarts, keeping to himself and focusing on his studies.
He would still hang out with Ominis and the Gaunt would help him manage his night terrors but something broke between the two of them.
Speaking of Ominis, he is his only link to Anne as she refuses to talk to her brother after what he did.
Adult life :
After graduating, Sebastian would start a training as a healer in St Mungo's.
He would travel the world to study different forms of healing and would end up in remote places where he is really needed as a healer joining the wizarding equivalent of the Red Cross (I can't picture him in London or in a traditionnal hospital).
The moment Anne died, he knew it, waking up in sweat and recieving Ominis's letter was only a comfirmation. That's the only time he went back to England, for her funeral.
He never married nor had children of his own but became the father figure of a lot of kids in need.
He always kept the scars of the event in the catacombs both physical and psychological.
When he died, the nurse holding his hand said that the was smiling. She reported his last words were "you came for me ?" but no one really knows who he was talking to or if he was just hallucinating (Anne, it's Anne !)
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jongbross · 11 months
Can i request one with Sehun where he and the reader (also a famous singer )were a “almost” but nothing happened at the end, then she went on hiatus, and after years she makes her comeback and they start talking via ig and went on a date xd
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pairing: oh sehun x idol!reader word count: 1253 genre: fluffyyy warnings: sehun is a goner, i just know he is a/n: i miss my maknae - he ain't gone, i just miss him
[oohsehun]: we should go out this week.
you didn't believe what you were reading in your notification bar. your heart raced, hands starting to shake.
it was kind of ridiculous the way oh sehun still had you wrapped around his finger.
you and sehun went way back. having debuted at the same time, but under different companies, you had met the exo members hundred of times at backstages and stuff.
sehun was your age, so of course you two got along pretty well - kai too, but their hyungs used to tease him, telling him he was third wheeling. you see, everyone knew you and sehun had some type of tension going on.
you liked him, of course. you had the biggest crush on him, from his cute big nose to his weird laugh - and you couldn't help but to think that maybe, and just maybe, sehun liked you back.
the way baekhyun and junmyeon always looked at him when you were around could only make you feel a tiny bit hopeful about everything.
but, you know, life happens sometimes. exo got really big really fast, and seeing sehun became kinda complicated, both on and off stage. of course you had your own career to take care of, so it's not like it was only sehun's fault.
and also, after some time, your hectic schedules got the best of you. suddenly, you saw yourself trapped in an infinity of things to do, showcases to attend, sessions of recording, rehearsals, and everything started to become kinda blurry. a hiatus became inevitable, and even though the headlines called you a hundred different names, you knew all of your fans and team felt every single tear you dropped before falling asleep every single night, for a whole year, as you prayed you got the strength to get back to what you truly loved to do.
in the end, the tears paid off - you got healthy again, took the much needed space from everything and everyone, including sehun. when you announced your comeback, you weren't surprised to receive messages from all of the exo members, including him, to wish you good luck. chanyeol said it was good to have you back, and even offered himself to pay you a meal the next time you two met. kyungsoo said he missed listening to new songs of yours, and that he was happy to see you back on your feet.
sehun only said "fighting!", followed by a string of coloured hearts, just like he used to send you when you two were rookies.
so of course you couldn't believe that he was now saying you two should hang out.
[yourusename]: um... may i ask why?
it was also ridiculous how fast he read your text and started to type back.
[oohsehun]: i mean, if you're not busy of course.
[oohsehun]: there must be a lot of things for you to do, right?
[yourusername]: ...that didn't answer my question??
your hair stylist hummed a song as she fixed your hair. you knew it was almost time to get up on stage for the first time in a year and a half, but screw that - your stomach was now flipping in anticipation because of oh sehun, not because of your comeback.
and god, it took him time to reply you - actually it took only seven minutes -, and the more the "typing..." indicator showed on your screen, the more you felt like throwing up and ruining your perfect makeup.
[oohsehun]: yeah, you see... it's been a while since the last time we got to talk and be out together.
[oohsehun]: it was kinda simple back then, right? we didn't need to worry about anything. but then i got super busy, and you got super busy, and i'm so glad we both made it.
[oohsehun]: but i also regret not celebrating with you, all of the things we conquered. so i guess i wanna do that now. i should be there for you, we were best friends before and i'm sorry i didn't support you properly, especially on your hiatus.
that wasn't true though. your manager told you about all the times she met sehun throughout the year, and how he always asked about you every single time; asked if you were okay, if you needed anything, when were you gonna come back. it was his way of taking care of you from afar, you knew it.
still... the way he mentioned you two being best friends made your heart sink. sehun was your best friend, but you wished for him to be so much more than that to you.
[yourusername]: so you only wanna see me because you miss being friends?
you typed and sent the message way faster than your brain could function, heart taking control of your actions. by the time you realized, he was replying.
[oohsehun]: did we ever stop being friends? 🥺
at that, you chuckled. you could imagine him facing his phone with that exact face.
[yourusername]: no, we didn't. you'll always have a special place in my heart, you know that.
[oohsehun]: that's cheesy af.
[oohsehun]: but i'll take it, because maybe i missed you...
[oohsehun]: and as we're friends, can you please help me with something?
[yourusername]: what?
you heard a tiny 'done' and, as you looked up, you saw your hairstylist smile at you. the last thing you needed to finally come back was now finished, and you were probably minutes away from entering the stage.
still, you held your phone in both hands as your life depended on it - and maybe it did.
[oohsehun]: baekhyun hyung and someone else made a bet with our manager. they said i wouldn't have the balls to ask you out on a date after so long 🙄
[oohsehun]: can you please say yes to my invitation so he can lose the bet?
[yourusername]: ...date?
"is y/n ready?", you heard your manager asking as she walked into the room. your hairstylist answered, but you couldn't quite follow the entire conversation.
[oohsehun]: oh yeah, my bad. we're gonna go out on a date this weekend 👍
[oohsehun]: please dress comfortably and be ready to eat and laugh a lot.
[oohsehun]: and to catch up... i have some gossip to tell you 👀
[yourusername]: sehun, that sounds exactly like what we used to do back in the day...
[oohsehun]: and it is. but, as a date, i get a free pass to hold your hand and maybe show my other side to you, don't i?
[yourusername]: ???
[yourusername]: what other side?
"y/n, we gotta go", your manager gently grabbed your arm, making you look at her. "we have 10 minutes."
you nodded, even though your heart was racing and your throat was dry.
"i... i-i just gotta finish this", you said, lifting your phone.
"what happened?", she asked, clearly worried.
you chuckled. "oh sehun happened."
your phone buzzed with a new notification.
[oohsehun]: my romantic side, of course. i got one, you know? 🤭
"sehun-ah? why?"
"i think... i-i think he just asked me out."
[oohsehun]: i just saw you're next at music bank. i'm watching it live!! please be careful on stage and have fun. you'll do great, fighting! 🧡🧡🧡
[oohsehun]: i'll call you later to talk about our date 😌
"shit...", your manager mumbled, reading the messages beside you and hearing you squeal. "i owe his manager some money.
"you what?!", you looked at her.
and at that, a staff came in to take you to the stage.
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shivstar · 4 months
It's the anon who talked about the Map and Peter XD First of all, sorry for going anon, I'm just shy and a bit socially anxious and I never talked on this site.
Thank you so much for your reply and your post about Peter! Let me say, I totally agree with you about who's the more talented and intelligent among the marauders, and in general I love your blog so much!
As for Peter, I don't know, it's a lot of things. Sorry, I tried to keep it brief, but I end up rambling a lot.
I totally agree that the McGonagall saying Peter was always trailing after Sirius makes it sound like a fanboy behavior. She also says he hero-worships them, and ok. Totally understandable. But she's also a professor. She might not know everything.
And we know James and Sirius weren't always good to Peter. (though... could the fact that James got annoyed at Peter mean that Peter knew better and James knew that Peter knew better... maybe? Not sure about that, actually XD)
But that's the problem with James and Sirius, they are the best and they know it. They have each other, James is the only one who can keep up with Sirius and vice versa.
They befriend two other boys: Remus and Peter, and I think James and Sirius care about them equally. But it's JamesandSirius, inseparable, quite the double act, and then there's everyone else. Which is why I actually think Remus and Peter were very close to each other - they had to be, to balance the duo that was JamesandSirius, otherwise the Marauders wouldn't have lasted. Take just three people, and anyone would end up third-wheeling PadfootandProngs :)
When I read the book, I got the impression that Peter was actually well integrated because: the order of the names in the Map, the whole secret keeper thing, Srius saying he would die for Peter (like he would for any of them - and I choose to believe Sirius meant that. And yet Sirius thought Remus was the traitor.).
I actually care more about Sirius and James and would happily ignore Remus and Peter if possible, though I wouldn't mind it if fics portrayed the Marauders as equals, because at least on paper they were supposed to be. But fanon Remus had to go and ruin everything. So I decided Peter deserved to be promoted a little bit XD
Weirdly enough, it was the fics portraying Peter in a negative light that convinced me. The more I read those fics, the less likely it would be for him to be the secret keeper, which he was. So how was it possible?
(I read a fic where little Harry didn't like Peter. It made it impossible for me to believe it when they followed canon and Peter was the secret keeper.)
James and Sirius are so brilliant, there's no way, no way, they would befriend someone they found genuinely annoying or weak or pathetic or stupid or unreliable or coward etc.
And given their personalities, I don't think it's because the four of them were the only boys in their year, so James and Sirius felt obligated to include Remus and Peter out of pity. Or maybe, yes to a friendship when they were at school, but they wouldn't have stayed in touch after Hogwarts.
Peter did prove to be smarter than them when he betrayed them (as you said, it wouldn't be accurate to portray him as dumb), but I also think it proved how well he knew them, given how well he orchestrated the whole thing, and how well he could predict Sirius' reaction. 
Sirius wouldn't have entrusted the lives of the persons he loved the most, the life of James, to someone he wasn't 10000% sure of.
Same with James. It was not about himself. It was about his family, his wife, his child.
And then there's Lily. She too agreed to this plan. 
Three persons all loved and trusted Peter enough.
Cue the angst! I mean, how much worse would the betrayal be if Peter was truly part of the group? The tragedy, the devastation. It all works so much better in my head!
Peter was a trusted, beloved friend and he threw it away. Maybe at some point he got insecure, just as Remus had his own insecurities - I have all these parallels in my head about how both Remus and Peter actually didn't trust the Marauders enough (as in didn't trust themselves to be part of it). They both wanted so desperately to belong that they didn't realise they already were part of something great and beautiful, and they ended up losing it. While James and Sirius got too comfortable, too arrogant. They took their four-way friendship for granted because to them, it was. For James and Sirius, anything less than perfect devotion among friends would be unthinkable. They didn't think they had to show it, while Peter and Remus, not being as intense as J and S, and being normal persons, needed proof, needed concrete things that made them believe that the friendship was still the same even after Hogwarts, even with a war going on, even with James marrying and only including Sirius (best man, godfather).
Whatever friendship they had had, at that point, I think Remus and Peter doubted it.
Maybe James and Sirius weren't able to convey their love for Peter in a way that made sense to him, but the love was there, I'm sure. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.
In the end, Peter didn't trust them to die for him, and he chose not to die for them. The tragedy is so deliciously excruciating to me. But it only works if Peter was a true Marauder.
I'll always have love for pre-betrayal Peter.
It is completely alright Anon. I mean tumblr gave this option for a reason right. You are not alone in being shy and anxious about putting your thoughts out.
Thank you for your kind words Anon!!!!!
Also my view on Peter and Marauders in general are almost similar to what you mentioned.
Beginning from how McGonagall didn't have much clue as to what what kept happening with harry and friends so why would she know any better about the marauders dynamic.
Or the theory that post school, in a no war au, they will surely drift apart. Peter and Remus. They are the two people whose personal growth is overshadowed by the other two. Not in an evil way. But because of j and s being overprotective of these two. Or because they are always in the like light.
Remus and Peter, in a world with no war have to do a long soul searching. Finding out themselves. They didn't get to do that in war.
It's like when some parents push a kid to a certain career. They are so busy and single-minded in their teen and early adulthood that they keep on going. Only for find out later that the career they are in doesn't suit them well.
War was not for Peter. I will give his sorting the benifit of doubt that he was brave. But bravery doesn't excludes stupidity. To have it doesn't mean you can't be self preserving too.
Peter got lost in all this whirlwind is my theory.
War makes you unrecognizable to yourself. Let alone for people who don't even know their own purpose. So it is easy to use them and throw them away.
Peter is just that.
Also I will like to appreciate you mentioning secret keeper thing involved three people. Mostly people say Sirius was responsible for the Halloween because he suggested it. But it is wrong way of framing it.
Like taking away the agency of 2 adult people. Sirius proposed, they agreed. Then execution of plan. It stopped being his idea and became their collective plan. All three of them.
Sirius feeling guilty is understandable because he is alive and jily are gone. But for readers to interpret it as ,beside Peter, Sirius being solely responsible for their death is plain stupid.
I love a good rant. So don't worry. I am like you too in the sense that fanon Remus made me averse to Remus Lupin in general. And now I would rather seek Peter if I am reading something about James or Sirius.
Also yes. Most fics are like James and Sirius didn't respect Peter. Or Sirius hated his guts. These people are living under the rock it seems.
Thr things that Sirius himself says to Peter in the shack is after peter's betrayal. Peter hurt Sirius the most. Because James and lily atleast got an easy death. But Sirius had to live in hell because of Peter's mechanisations.
But this is a very hurt Sirius wanting Peter to hurt too. That is in no way an evidence to young Sirius Black's view on Peter.
Lily specifically mentions about Peter to Sirius in her letter. If it was such a common understanding that Sirius just tolerates Peter than why would she bother to tell him about how worried she is about Peter???
His ways may be a bit condescending. But what do you expect from him? He is Black. That comes out in small ways.
I truly believe that Sirius did cared for and loved Peter in his own ways. A whole lot more than he did Remus.. For Sirius Black is a dog. And dogs are about loyalty and trust. Sirius giving you his trust is as good as him declaring he loves you.
My HC. For a pre Halloween Sirius- Peter > Remus.
Thanks for the ask and sharing your views.
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love Love LOVEEEE ur work btw. on both horror house and the Toon patrol. but for horror house I have a scenario.
say y/n and jason are dating right, and freddy is always third-wheeling. how would the horror house react to this, and what do they tell y/n and jason to do to him?
Thank youuuu! Seeing this just after getting off work was so lovely ^^
And- oh boy XDD Christ alive Freddy go find your own lovelife. Let Jason be happy.
Here's how I think everyone else responds to being asked for Advice about this Pesky Issue-
Billy Loomis: "Freddy Vs Jason 2; The Date Night. Nice. Call me when it happens again."
Bubba Sawyer: *Whines and shrugs, like ... oh that sucks.* // Sorry, if you thought Bubba was gonna be helpful XD 😅 One thing he learnt growing up with his brothers is to
Stay - the heck - out of shit.
Carrie White: "He does that??... I'm sorry, that's terrible- Jason!?? Put me down!! 😨 It doesn't work like that!! 😰😰 " // For context- Jason picked her up and 'aimed' her at Freddy like some kind of telekinetic weapon 😅
Chucky: ... *starts giggling* "hehehe- oh, that's hilarious. HEY! Freddy! You really do that??? You're a fucken dick!... for not inviting me! Count me in for next time!... hahaha... *Turns back to you. Acts surprised* -Oh, you thought coming to me was a good idea?? Well we all make mistakes."
Jennifer Check: *Sighhhhhh* "I hate to say this but you brought this on yourself Y/N- I told you not to get with any of these fucken low budget losers. Now the only way to fix this is to dump Jason. Freddy's got some kinda territorial bi-erotic claim over the big guy."
Jerry Dandridge: "Sweetheart this would not be problem if you were with me. But... hm, I recommend... ghost peppers, perhaps. Or carolina reapers. If he can handle his spice, you can... *shrug* I dont know, put it somewhere else?... " *Gestures meaningfully to his eyes*
Michael Myers: In general Michael is pretty unhelpful. But... this time he did lean over and flick a salt shaker down. And I think that's pretty indicative of what he thinks Jason should do about Freddy XD Or even you. Just let him hear it XD
Pamela Voorhees: *Sharpening a cleaver, smiling* "Oh don't worry dear's, I'll handle this little problem... "
Patrick Bateman: "Why don't you just tie him up for the duration of your date?" // He immediately left and ignored everyone for hours after that, but for that moment- he was very helpful! ^^ It took him against his will, I promise. You didn't even directly ask him, he just overheard you talking to Michael and it came tumbling out-
Pennywise: "Ooooooh, yes, tie him up!! Tie him up like a hog and give him to me!! Hehehe... Hahaha... HAHAHA- " // *There's suddenly a BANG and you notice a Freddy-Shaped hole in the wall.*
Stu Macher: "... wait. Why do you need him to leave? Huh?? *Looking suggestively at them* Hmmm, you wanna get- *Sticks out tongue against his chin* nasty??"
Tiffany Valentine: "He did the same thing to Chucky and I for a while! Sweetheart, I'll just give you this one hint, because how I got rid of him really wasnt lady like and I shouldn't say it outloud. Ehem... Pli-ers. Huge ones."
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metalleafy · 10 days
TPOT 13 thoughts (spoilers of course)
This was a very well-done one!
It starts with Firey and Leafy. I mean I love Leafy to pieces and I CAN get into Fireafy but it's feeling overexposed lately with BFDIA 13 and now in a season they aren't even in. I want to see more of Leafy without Firey. Speaking of which One takes her and leaves us hanging. It seems like when there are Fireafy interactions it is Leafy that falls behind. In fact I'd say Leafy is better off with One than Firey! I do like the 5b music (Evil Leafy?)
What's up with the Robot Flower figure? Hey they're using a Stapy for posters :) This windstorm is worse than BFDI 5. I like the Two-shaped key. I forgot how much I disliked Four's voice. Stapy saying aww seriously was darling. X is nice. I voted for Liy so it's nice to see her join but I would prefer a BraceLiy debut to PENCIL who is in BFDIA!
Two is so unserious for having them pick teams based on names instead of membership. Ouch for Pencil! Liy was right to choose BAGGED over people she doesn't like! Golf Ball's concern for fairness always gets me. Two crying over feeling rejected... poor them.
TV using BFDI 15 Announcer saying Hello as his greeting made me wistful. Pencil being dependent and Pillow ripping Donut? So messy. TB saying "missing three" made me think Three would walk in. Pillow being safe is good because I VTS'd her. Liy got the Two-shaped key!!! Ouch for Barf Bag :( I hope she gets more BFDIA face time.
Basketball being safe is good because I VTS'd her. I would rather Donut be barfed on to be remembered. I love how TV celebrates being safe; he is moving way up in the rankings with these clips. ROBOTY??? Two in Bottle is adorable, and I prefer Bottle being safe to Needle because Needle is in BFDIA. But I liked Peneedle!
NOT THE FISH MONSTER!!! And Four and X just fluffing off to some beach (with 9shades) sent me. Oh there's the Seinfeld bassline as heard in 5c. I want to see how One plays with Needle and Barf Bag! I like the different angles of Liy being seen. THE GOIKY DRAGONS??? AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF FISH MONSTER?
The challenge is to stop One's creatures. Why is TWO on the THIRD floor? Two snoring in 2's instead of Z's is so cute. And a sleeping pillow aww. Pencil is so unhinged here and she wants to start a cross-team alliance! GB and Donut being destabilized without Barfy is interesting.
I love that TB speaks for TV's powerpoint slides. Pen and bottle eating popcorn aww. AND THE DAVID WILL BE DEAD! I kind of like Snowball using Icy to freeze the monsters out. And Booktaggy fighting them looks really cool. I think RF has a point killing those bugs, and her messing with her teammates is darling.
Eraser turning the fish monsters against each other reminds me of something but I can't remember it. YF going Scribblenauts for CloudYAY and I love it. LIY WITH THE TWO KEY!!! I thought that shot of the inanimate bottle would lead to something like II2 but no, Bottle just did something only a Bottle can do!! Yay for object specific tasks!
We get to see some recommenbies. GB calls Donut a first boot and I kind of like the theme of him never living it down. It was a SETUP! The other two were CoinPin! INCOME TAX RETURN DOCUMENT MENTIONED!!! I love TV getting wheels to distract David.
Finally the two robots interact! Liy using her previous pact membership to curry favor is so iconic. Pixel TB <3 PILLOW WITH THE FLAMETHROWER!!! Even dragons can do the dodging pattern lol. I chose to interpret the "private moment" line as Book thinking Gaty and RF were kissing.
RF stabbing Gaty with Pin was awesome! And the view from her cracked screen was one of those moments. She uses her petals as fan blades! The bacon and egg face was adorable and so is marker eating foam. RF DREW HERSELF A HAPPY FACE??? AND SHE MOVES INSTANTANEOUSLY LIKE EL??? She just killed battery D: Fanny taking down RF...
ONE IS SO UNHINGED XD and Book with the little gamecube was great. TAGGY PEW PEW! Basketball signs with a footprint lol. Basketbot... aww... Due to my strong beliefs about bodily autonomy I think Basketball changing RF would have been okay if she just used the BFB Flower.
I like how GB now seems to want TB to save her. eepy david :3 Pencil is so spiteful so now Taggy and Book are at risk of leaving despite their awesomeness. I liked the shot of the dragon on the David though. Fanny grinding up bugs in her fan and Basketball being bounced around are more fun object reminders. And the recovery centers talking using their screens are always cute!
NOT THE CLUMSY TENNIS BALL!!! BH still rules for stopping the storm instead of winning. And I kind of hate that we didn't get a Leafy appearance with One so we'll have to live with this torment fo a while.
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trashogram · 1 month
Another sily Crimson thought; unintentionally awkward dates.
It looks like Crimson brings Alessio with him everywhere. Not to mention the no doubt shark bodyguards he brings along with him. Imagine you two sitting at a restaurant or something, and Alessio is always standing there... Menacingly... Going out with the Don was nerve wracking enough. Now you got this statue of a shark demon listening and watching everything XD
Though this can also turn cute. Eventually you get used to the sight of Alessio, and even ask Crimson if you guys can buy him dinner, too. Or you try to set him up with one of your friends and it can be a double date XD ^^
Either that, or Alessio is just cursed to be the third wheel in all the dates XD
Oh god that’s so awkward (but so funny). Poor Alessio. I’m imagining trying to sneak Alessio food like how you do with a dog under the table at dinner 😅
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fareehaandspaniards · 5 months
Hi Faree for the asks : 2, 12 and 17!
<3 <3 <3
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
*checks list of my favs* I think all of my dudes and dudesses could top and bottom... Gremia? He's definetely a top, but if it's for Damian... He's ready for anything. Damian literally was top for Micolash and bottom for Gremia. Laurence? He is straight as hell and he would be anything what Rom say lol Rom can be both... Ehhh Ludwig? Both. Logarius? This guy is always top (woman that can dominate him isn't born yet or sits on her throne behind illusoric wall) and for sure isn't gay, just appreciates strong manly brotherhood, deep dark manly dungeon and can agree to some things if will get drunk enough. Edgar? Both... Micolash? Both... Yurie? Both...
And I can't even use "top and bottom" for Gehrman and Maria, their couple is like holy to me, they just have their little house and live happy life full of love.
I don't think I ever thought that any character CAN'T be top or bottom. Characters as people - can enjoy different stuff, depends on a person xd
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
*yells* DAMIAN. The REALLY OLD man, handsome, tired, maybe insane, protective, has something against Micolash - connected with him. Perfect guy, right????? But okay, jokes aside, my blorbo for sure has a story behind him and I crave for different interpretations of him. He may be evil, betrayous, he may be someone's father (dilf), there is A LOT I can imagine. My man is often depicted as cuckold or a third wheel :( But okay, Damian is only one amongst many NPCs that deserve attention and love.
LOGARIUS. Game boss. Pthumerian. Has a portrait (info from data-files as a remember, but still). Annalise's jailer. Killer. Hypocrite (remembering his quote from Executioner's set and the Cainhurst massacre). Tumblr sexyman obviously. I mean where is the content??? Theories? Just as Laurence and Ludwig, he has terryfying appearance and we can only imagine how he looked before massacre. What was between him and Annalise? Why didn't he just do as Alfred to leave Annalise in eternal suffering? What do mean his amulets? ,kwjefwoeifjw
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Can't say a lot about fanfiction, I read only a small part of the whole fandom writing. But as for art - for sure more about unpopular characters! It's a blessing when a popular artist has a fixation on a forgotten character. Like... fandom starts to realize this character exists?
Also I am IN LOVE when people draw everyday scenes from character's lifes! Micolash studying and reading, hunters drinking tea and talking, those who will suffer some time later - having peaceful and joyful time, enjoying everyday routines. Every character cried at least once in his life, every character laughed, had someone they loved. That's what I also VERY MUCH like in your art - your scenes of characters having comfort time - they are precious! We need more like that!
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Some DS1 girls thoughts
So I asked @val-of-the-north where Dark Souls 1 yuri, or just ANY relationship between female characters, was at (for a second time gfgfjf) and here is what we figured:
* Elizabeth and Alvina actually would make such cute silly old ladies couple? Especially since they more or less share a daughter figure (Dusk). It is FUUUNNNYYY tho how they're both not humans!! Feral yuri!
* I came up with the idea that since both Reah and Sieglinde are captured because of Seath's people, what if Darkmoon Knightess was the one to rescue both! Or Sieglinde could have rescued Reah since she is around those parts! But Darkmoon Knightess will lecture them anyways hfgghfh
Darkmoon Knightess: I told to not snoop around where Seath's people are hunting!
Sieglinde: You mean literally EVERYWHERE? 😭
Ggfgyfyg but also imagine if Reah and Sieglinde formed a significant bond! They could even have adventures together all along! Sieglinde is probably still a competent fighter except for exactly one fiasco since she got to Lordran on her own, and Reah is a healer XD Besides Sieglinde would sure do better work protecting her than SOMEONE :/
She also could take Reah to her home at the end now that Reah doesn't have place to return to anyways!
* Darkmoon Knightess is quite bound by duty for the time being and has her own struggles with slipping Humanity, but she works well like third wheel a cool friend to always return to! She and Sieglinde can still instantly clock Petrus from exactly 1 sentence about him from Reah and kick him to half death in the alleyway tho hfhfhhcn
* I took closer look at Anastasia as I still needed to figure her out, and came up with the idea that the worst thing a Firekeeper logically could've done, deserving self-mutilating, self-loathing and self-isolating had to do with envisioning Age of Dark! Think of it: Firekeepers didn't have their eyes removed until DS3, but removing her tongue would still imply speaking of "dangerous" things. And considering the implication she either isolated self or fully agreed with this as punishment, maybe there were tangible consequences to what she was speaking of!!
I grasped to this line of thinking but was not quite sure what could the "consequences" be, and Val suggested maybe she accidentally gave Kaathe his ideas by simply sharing her vision and concerns. Since apparently Primordial Serpents are Just Vibing and only care about anything by personal choice (like how Frampt just was a good friend to Gwyn). So.... she'd feel guilty for Oolacile and New Londo. It wasn't her fault, but she FEELS this way, and honestly, most people would probably agree.... т.т +We agreed that back then Firekeepers envisioning Dark was an exception rather than the rule, probably because the cycles haven't worn down this badly yet.
* That puts a massive roadblock in the way of Anastasia finding any love ever, she is stuck in endless guilt and self-hatred, and many would agree she got what she deserved. I am just giggling at how sometimes I try to think of a ship and end up developing the character lol
* Like I said before, Pharis and Beatrice have potential for both doomed yuri or sad found family that fell apart! (Yeah Pharis is female not just in NPC model apparently, as confirmed by surprise throwback in DS2, didn't have pronouns in Japanese but English always defaults to 'he' in this case *looks at accidental he/she Lady Maria*) The latter idea is good on the account of using Beatrice's cut child version (damn I wonder what WERE Fromsoft planning for her....)! And also could explain why she was so reckless with the Abyss stuff; whereas she is herself connected with Oolacile magic rather than how sorcery is now, if she was just a kid she'd be clueless about the horrors, and not listen to her "mom"'s warnings in classic fashion!
OR they could have been two "moms", because imagine if Pharis and Dusk dated! So not much was salvaged, but Beatrice was.. Dusk died earlier than Pharis (just assuming Pharis is an Undead if she is still alive though she knew Gwyn's Knights). Maybe after that, Beatrice started to really slip away from any attempts to protect her as Pharis was bad at it on her own.... so she'd lose both wife and daughter figure in short timespan....... guys.....,? *sobs*
* Another cute idea is sort of rebound ships with Ciaran who had her heart broken having lost Artorias to the Abyss! Either Pharis or Dusk work within the timeline and context! Dusk one is of course less tragic since they likely died around the same time. Pharis though is screwed no matter what.. 🙄 truly a Soulsborne character lol
Ciaran does give me an impression of someone that would be too struck to move on, just some 'happier' thoughts
* There are also less apparent characters, like iirc Carmina and Yulva were around the same time? For the context; Carmina was an apprentice of Salaman who was an apprentice of Queelana, Yulva was one of the three people that sealed the Four Kings but she left to become a healer (likely too much guilt for people in New Londo that had to get sacrificed). Both are 99% long dead by the time Chosen Undead steps in, but clues for both are found in the same game area.. who knows
* Also it is apparently a popular interpretation that Velka adopted Priscilla, I absolutely believe this
* I am probably not finished but basically having many thoughts and HATE it because instead of multishipping like a normal person I have mentality of "choosing"....... when I am incapable of choosing 🙄 I am yet again asking for Val to tell me what to think lol
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bleachbleachbleach · 4 months
I'm curious, what are both of your thoughts on Eikichiro Saido? He's such a minor character, and yet he was added in to one of the most pivotal arcs/moments in the series for Ichigo and Rukia, and gets a cameo in the Fake Karakura Town Arc.
Were it not for the fact that Bleach has so many wonderful characters, Joe Shinigami would be our favorite character. (“Joe Shinigami” being the gender-inclusive catchall for any unnamed or functionally unnamed shinigami doing whatever or, usually, dying however.) But Joe Shinigami’s beauty lies in his placement in the frame—which is to say, not at the center of it. His is the beauty of the margin, doing things the audience usually doesn’t see, or isn’t focused on; the beauty of NPCitude. I love Joe Shinigami who have their own lives to live, and that tell us more about what it’s like to live and die as a normal shinigami; or more about who our fancypants shinigami are, or how they come across to people they either don’t know well or who just occupy a completely different positionality within the world than they do.
When we got this ask I texted my coblogger like, “Is that that freakin’ third wheel guy.”
Yes. Yes, it is that third-wheel guy!
Sorry if you’re a fan, OP, we are not. XD
Ungenerous reading of this man below the cut:
He doesn’t really do any of the aforementioned things, and seems aggressively committed to in fact existing as the opposite. Whenever we watch those episodes, we’re always like, SHE DOESN’T EVEN GO HERE. Why is he here? How is this improving things?
Does he:
… provide the shinigami perspective? I mean, I guess, but Rukia’s right there. She’s doing that.
… a different shinigami perspective, though? Byakuya and Renji will do a pretty good job of that, imminently! Also, we have plenty of perspective at home??? Ichigo’s and Rukia’s are the only ones that matter in this scene??
Plus we’re already offered POVs of the world around this moment with the Grand Fisher in such trenchant, beautiful ways! Via the frame of the Kurosaki family grave visit, re: Isshin, Karin, and Yuzu; and via Orihime and Tatsuki, elsewhere. Heck, even in Kon. We do not need this man.
…is he practically useful, though? No! He is useless!
…does he change the relational landscape of the original scene in interesting ways? No! He is in the way! How do these scenes benefit from Mr. Third Wheel? Ichigo and Rukia and the Grand Fisher are having a moment. If there are elephants in the room, its name is Grief, not Eikichirou. Or Masaki or Kaien.
We’re just like… why is he here... Our best guess is that this whole narrative arc was too good and the anime fears perfection. (Or, more diplomatically, it felt too heavy and someone decided it needed “comic relief,” here synonymous with That One Key That’s Out of Tune on this Piano Haha Guys I’m Quirky Right?)
We’re not interested in having Ekichirou recuperated for us. There’s literally so many other things that are already cooler than him, and not world enough nor time for them. Like New Third Captain Amagai! Or my best Playing Card Man, Inaba! Or Nagakiso Shuutetsu! Or any actual, bonafide Joe Shinigami!
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rf-interactive · 2 years
Combining this with: since we got the ros reactions to mc being jealous, how about the ros being jealous?
(I also decided to just do when they're in a relationship because during the crushing stage, it's pretty much a mix of insecurity + a determination to make mc theirs all round lol)
Roman hates feeling like he isn't good enough, least of all when it comes to you. He knows he has no reason to be jealous but he can't help it. He feels like he doesn't deserve you and as much as his insecurities cloud his thoughts, he can only hope you don't feel that way too.
Nadia is no stranger to jealousy. She was always the third wheel in all her past relationships so why should this one be any different? She's well aware that it's cruel to compare you to her exes and expect you to act the same way but she has to prepare for the worst. Because as much as she loves you, you'll replace her eventually. Everyone does.
At first, C is confused. They don't know why they feel so jealous all of a sudden but they catch that sly smile of yours that you try and fail to hide and they realise that you're doing it on purpose. Now that they understand your game, they let you continue, too amused by your antics to stop you.
Ailbhe knows what you're doing and they don't like it because its working. They know you just want to see them riled up and they're giving you exactly that. They stake their claim on you, making sure to stay right by your side and that they're always touching you in some way. And if you think they're possessive while you're in public, you're not ready for what they'll do as soon as the two of you are alone.
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thunderwetter · 6 months
Current status of my "projects" on this blog!
Headcanons for First Aid: I got some ideas, I just have to sit down and actually make it a post (Finished!)
Headcanons for Tracks: Again, I have a thing or two, but I'll reread some stuff to get a better idea
Headcanons for Rumble and Frenzy: Hell yeah, brain full of ideas, I love these two but I wanna do the earlier asks first!
For the headcanon asks I usually take 1-2 hours to write a full reply bc I always double-check with the wiki and the source material to make sure I didn't get too carried away :'D
Warden's Pet: Chapter 2 first third done, starting with the spicy stuff now. it's probably gonna have three chapters when I'm done bc I keep having new ideas Ch3 is in the works!
(NSFW) Prowl is like, 75% done in terms of the sketch, he's not gonna be a full render though bc I don't have the energy for that atm
Did an AU Frenzy Sketch to learn how to draw Transformers bc it requires a very different thinking compared to my usual art He's far from finished though xD
There's also a half-finished Winter Jazz
And a sketch for the Color Wheel Challenge with G1 Autobots (and I have the Decepticon Wheel planned out aswell)
"But Thunderwave, why do you have so many projects running when you are busy with your university assignment?"
Bc jumping between all these projects is my version of a break. I cannot relax. Never. I'm Ultra Magnussing this, taking a break from work by working on something else xD
I've been working on this stupid assignment for months now, I'm tired of it, but I'm almost done!
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emperornero · 8 months
Top 3 Favourite Nero and Petro random moments
3. that one chapter written from the pov of marcus reading a letter from petronius where he describes the trip to greece nero made him go on and petronius is annoyed by every single thing on it. like usual . and talks about how nero was having nightmares and that he was stressed before performing in front of a big audience and right before nero went on stage and was still talking with petronius nero grabbed his hand and placed it on his heart to show how stressed he truly was. petronius didnt write how this specific interaction made him feel but i imagine him standing there stiff as all hell with a poker face just looking nero in the eyes while nero is pretty much dying from stress about to pass out [chapter 18]
2. when nero petronius and marcus were in anzio and nero wanted to go on a walk with them [mostly with petronius but marcus happened to be there too third-wheeling] and so they talk about poetry and shit and marcus doesnt really want to be there but wont leave because the fucking emperor made him be there and at some point nero starts talking about when he was younger and about his mother and petronius is just like yep i know I know your tragic backstory please get help. and then some messenger from rome arrives [kurwa wojciech jaszczur olszański w polskim filmie xd] and tells them that a fire just started in rome . and the reactions are as follows : nero joyous happy smiler. petronius worried but doesnt care enough to show it. marcus FUCK LET ME GO HEY NERO SORRY IM LEAVING I NEED TO FIND LIGIA [chapter 41]
1. pretty much all of chapter 49 which i talked in-depth before . the one during the great fire of rome where nero discusses finding a scapegoat for it with the people closest to him. and for the first time ever petronius openly criticizes him and is somewhat agressive to him [understandably so] which makes nero realise that up to this point petronius has been faking being nice to him and that he doesnt even like him . this chapter hits hard and since all the ones focused on these two are by default the best it is also in my opinion the best BEST one . oh and also tigellinus shows up a lot in it . tigellinus and these two interacting is always interesting to see
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E.L.A thing- Dream [OLD]
Most people see Dream as white character but actually he's a grey character.
He and Killer have a lot in common such as loveless marriage, unhealthy relationships and traumas.
But he is not like Killer despite how much they have in common.. He cope his trauma in healthy way and search help. Dream is just a parallel of Killer if Killer gets the help she needed.
Despite how his friends acknowledge his trauma, some of them treat it as if it was nothing because Dream is a man. That cause pressure for Dream. He can't be weak, cry or show any weaknesses because he's a man.
Of course, Dream is not that innocent. He ordered Hope to burn 3 kingdoms and spread the gossips that Passivemare is the one who ordered it. He causes wars and let his armies kill the one on their way, it doesn't matter if they are women or children.
He manipulated Alphonse (past cor. Nightmare) to kill Nim and Passivemare for revenge.
He killed Lanny and make sure Alphonse killed Quetzalcoatl.
He ordered Hope to executed Cor. Nightmare by burning him alive because of his betrayal. He destroyed the tree of feelings.
That happened when he was 17 years old.
He have mental illness which is known as personalities disorder. It was never mention what kind of disorder he have... He is just two different people.
1. Dream (the kind, brave and always help people)
2. Sora (Bloodthirsty, hot tempered) [his eyes will turn green like Palette]
Dream and Sora are two different people despite how they share the same soul.
If Dream personality changed to Sora, he will call for Hope or locked himself in a room until he changes back.
Only Hope and Alphonse knows about Dream disorder.
Dream love his children very much. He have nicknames for each of them.
Lux - My light
Palette - My treasure
Drop - Comel (which mean cute <3)
He love Lux still, even if she look just like Cross. It doesn't stop him loving his daughter.
He love Palette and always adore him. He did his best to be a good father to Palette to redeem his mistakes he did to Lux.
Drop despite not being blood related to Dream, he still love her as his own daughter.
Even after divorced with Ink, he still keep Drop because he gave Drop the title of princess.
He forgave Cross... But Hope don't-
He forgave Ink... But Hope don't-
He forgave Passivemare... BUT HOPE DON'T
So even if Dream forgive them, Hope still holding the grudge and will kill them if they make Dream sad.
Hope and Dream knows each other for a very long time. They are actually very overprotective for Dream but hide it.
Dream calls Hope by the name of Chara (Hope real name)
While Hope calls Dream by the name of Sora (Dream real name)
Dream jealous if Hope let anyone call them by the name of Chara. Only he can call Hope that- he'll get more jealous and clingy if Killer call Hope by the name of Chara.
He loves Hope but he is too stupid to realize that.
In surprise ending, Killer had to smack his head and put breads on his head.
"What are you??"
"an idiot sandwich?"
"No! You are in love with Chara?!!!"
"I am?"
Killer had to watch this hopeless boy and help him. She do love Chara too but hell it's frustrating if you live in a house with two people that are so obvious in love and you feel like a third wheel.
Other than all the drama... He's a malewife yknow- another reason why Ink agreed to marry him xD
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