#he's an enthusiastic dope about everything
I haven’t continued tfa in a hot minute- the diverged neuros have been tormenting me so. But I really really love how enthusiastic and talkative you are in all your posts! I’m usually a bit shy to reach out and chat with folks, but you seem like a swagtastic fellow and I appreciate that you’re also a hothead enjoyer
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You are LITERALLY the sweetest most nicest most adorable person EVER THANK you THANK you THANK you THANK you
TBHHH I thought no one really read my essay long rants in each post IM SO GLAD SOMEONE DOES TBH I thought I talked a little too much which is annoying but this is also KAY’S Blitzwing fan blog so if I wanna talk about my Blitzwing headcanons like how he probably smells like gasoline constantly and how random probably paints his weird claw hand nail things (much to the ANNOYANCE of the other two, who pluck off/scratch off any manicure random might give himself) then I WILL RAAAAAHHHH
ANYWAY you’re so NICE I woke up this morning and read this and was like AWWW?!?????? LIKE it was so nice and sweet it didn’t COMPUTE but yes YES as an assertive hothead enjoyer I DEMAND you finish TFA and if you enjoy it totallly check out the trial of Megatron script readings, those are supppperr dope n I think they’re on YouTube I listened to them while I was doing a long run and it was AWESOME GREAT
Anyway you’re swagtastic As Well and I hope you have an amazeballs DAY thank you so much and PS your art is so FIIIINE goddDDDDAAAHHH Your shape language looks SOOO GOOD and I’m literally so in love with the colors you USE they work so WELL your art lowkey reminds me of will wood but like old will wood like everything is a lot and self-ish era yk yk???????? I love Willwood im gonna do a will wood animatic one day
HAVE A GREAT DAY thank you 😍😍😍
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.29--Episodes 16-17
I have watched through S3E17; spoilers DNI. Also, spoilers warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Bae’s death was a knife wound. Bae’s funeral was twisting the knife, adding salt, and dunking me in a vat of lemon juice. Everyone who knew him put dirt on his grave—including his son and Hook. Hook is what really gets me.
—Oh, wait. Not everyone. Rumple didn’t even get to be there. That destroyed me. Rumple did everything to find Bae, and still Bae died and Rumple didn’t get to be at his funeral. That’s so fricking unfair.
—My feelings on Regina and the Wicked Witch are b*tch (affectionate) vs. b*tch (derogatory). Regina shows up for their magic duel wearing black, red gloves, and perfect lipstick, and I’m all, “Yes, Queen, look fabulous while you duel 🫶🙌💅.” Zelena spends time getting dressed up for the duel, and I’m like, “Girl, stop being so petty and dramatic, what’s your problem.”
—The last thing Regina needed was a bratty older sister. When it comes to parents, neither of them really got a great draw. Each of them got one decent parent and one really crappy parent. And it’s not like Regina asked for or wanted the life that Zelena is so jealous of—but Zelena is so self-centered, she would never even consider that. I get the feeling Zelena would be an enthusiastic participant in the Trauma Olympics.
—But she got hers. Turning green because she’s jelly of Regina is a hilarious twist.
—Oz is a gorgeous set piece. I don’t know, or care, if it’s actual decor or CGI, it’s absolutely stunning. Gold and vibrant green are just mean to be together.
—While Oz itself is beautiful, I’ve actually found the Oz characters to be disappointing. So far, all we’ve got is the Wicked Witch, the flying monkeys (who barely even count), and a rather fleeting, meaningless encounter with the Wizard. While I do usually love the intertwining of multiple stories with each other, it feels like Oz needs more structure and world-building on its own. Having more of the characters present as their own entities (the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, Glinda, and that’s just off the top of my head) would have been more rewarding after the long buildup for Oz.
—I’m quite pleased to see the silver slippers. Yeah, the red shoes are iconic, but using the OG silver is splendid.
—I love how Hook gives zero hecks and wears his pirate clothes in Storybrooke. Everyone else wears clothes appropriate to the environment, but Hook is still 99% pirate. (The other 1% is the fake hand he attaches instead of his hook.)
—That one time he wore a knight-like disguise in the Enchanted Forest was a very good moment for him. And for me. That outfit was gorgeous on him.
—Blackbeard was a rather generic pirate. Now, I don’t expect he’s ever going to come up again, at least in any significant capacity, so that’s fine, but he could’ve looked more intimidating. If even Hook is going to be somewhat afraid of him, he should look like the beefiest, wickedest, meanest pirate on the high seas.
—I adore Ariel for preferring swimming to walking. One of the things I hate most about OG!Ariel is that she acts like walking is for some reason superior, even though she’s never frickin tried walking in her life. OUAT Ariel has done both, and now she’s made an informed decision. Not to mention, mermaids having realm-crossing superpowers makes her preference logical (although preferences aren’t always, and don’t have to be).
—Eric’s cloak with the Ursula clasp is dope.
—Just when I thought Hook couldn’t get any angstier, now he has extra drama with Emma. And the word “yearning” has canonically been used to describe his feelings for her, so….
—Rumple being reduced to a slave to Zelena’s whims is killing me. Regardless of which side he fights for, he’s always been a beautiful, lively, crafty, witty man. He’s easy to root for because he’s almost larger than life, because he has complexity and intelligence and vitality. And now he’s been brought so low, and that eternally-entrancing spark in his eyes is gone. While his posture usually reflects his self-confidence, now his back is bent and his shoulders are hunched. Zelena has taken an uncannily bright man and destroyed him. I need somebody, anybody, to rescue him, because the worst part is, nobody can even be there for him because Zelena makes him dangerous. It’s all or nothing, and the nothing he has right now scares me.
—His powers of future sight are terribly inconsistent. Which is easily explained by the difficulty of interpreting the future, but still—how did he not see this coming?
—Regina’s method of training Emma is rather amusing. Also the fact that Emma just had to be extra in her use of magic.
—Poor Snow. She has not only a stubborn husband, but also a stubborn daughter, teaming up to try and build a crib. That baby will be safer sleeping on a table *jk* *don’t leave babies on tables*
—This entire town needs to schedule family therapy sessions with Archie. Sister-to-sister, couples, stepdaughter-to-stepmom, and Henry can have a great-uncle to great-nephew chat with himself. Really, though, these people might consider having conversations instead of internalizing everything and becoming evil. Just a thought.
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fleshevter · 9 months
I just had a very neat dream.
There was a man who could create reality by painting it. He had to set up a canvas where he wanted to create something and paint it, color-matching the background to make it blend in. The canvas would then melt away, leaving behind the item he painted in reality.
He was very odd and charismatic. He had bright orange hair and lots of orange cats. Everything in his house, he painted. He kinda reminded me of Howl in a lot of ways.
When I asked his name, he seemed apprehensive of it, because he didn't like his name. But eventually he told me it was Swine. He didn't like how gross the name was, but also he was getting too many people commissioning his magic art and he was stressed about it. But I enthusiastically told him how much I loved his name (I mean Swine is a dope name, fr) and he just lit up, he was so happy.
I really hope I can meet him in a dream again someday. I never wanted to wake up from that....
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Ok but what is rockstar Anthony like when he finally gets to squire Kate around Rome as her boyfriend? How big does he go??
Wait… Kate and Anthony are going back to rome? But this time they’ll be openly in love with each other???!!!
Oh Do you mean when Mary invites him on her birthday holiday? And Anthony can't stop reminding people.
"Sophie, have you remembered thatI'm unavailable next week? I'm going on a family holiday."
"Mum, remember I can't make any appearances next week. I'm going on a family holiday with kate's family."
And Violet sighed, "Yes, Sweetheart. We've all remembered that Kate's Mum invited you on their holiday. Yes it's a very big step in your relationship. Yes, I'm very happy for you Darling."
Anthony had been startled, when he'd been sitting in Mary Sharma's living room, Kate's head in his lap, his fingers in her hair, barely listening as they went through their travel plans. Really he'd just been enjoying being in Kate's presence, enjoyed being welcomed into Mary's home.
"I assume you and Anthony will share, and then Edwina and I can as well."
Anthony's head had shot up at the mention of his name, his heart leaping. "Sorry, what am I sharing with Kate?"
Mary had blinked back at him as Kate's fingers had twisted in his shirt "A... hotel room... when we go to Italy?"
Anthony's stomach lurched excitedly, but he shook his head anyway. "No, No, This is for you guys to enjoy as a family and-"
"You're part of our family, Anthony." Mary had said gently interrupting him. "You might have shared a few too many details of my daughter's private life with the world, but you're one of us now."
"You're busy though." Kate said gently, her eyes guarded as she stared up at him, her fingers in his hair now. "So I get if you can't come, or don't want to."
It had settled on his shoulders, that he'd been let into this family, tears pricking at his eyes. "You're ridiculous, I'm cancelling everything! Now, ladies, we need to talk restaurants!"
He'd been bouncing with excitement ever since. Excited to go back to the city where he'd realised he was in love with Kate. Where he'd stood in front of the fountain and wished desperately that she would fall in love with him. That she would see him for something other than what everyone else did. But more than wanting to be openly in love with Kate, to stand next to her in pictures and press his lips against hers to taste the gelato on her tongue just like he'd wanted to last time: Mary and Edwina were Kate's very people. No one meant more to her than they did and he was sure if he could make them happy, Kate would be happy. He knew she would be.
"So, Anthony, what's up next for you?" The interviewer was looking curiously at him while they wrapped up the interview. "Headed away for more promo?"
"Mmm nope!" He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he leaned back in his chair. "Me and my girl are going away with her family for her Mum's birthday! Super excited! It's gonna be GREAT!"
The interviewer blinked back at him. "You're... going on holiday with your girlfriend's family? And you're excited about this?"
"Ahhh absolutely! Shout out to Mrs Sharma! She's a legend!"
"Man, this is way different than the last time we interviewed I have to say."
"Love, Man! Romantic epiphanies are dope!"
And sure maybe it was a little enthusiastic to call the airline and upgrade everyone to first class, and maybe it was too much to upgrade the hotel to suites, but he didn't care. Because when he saw Kate standing in the sunshine, laughing with her arms around her mother and sister, he fell in love all over again.
And his heart pounded in his chest as he raced forward, ladened down by bags.
"Okay! Ladies! Big smiles, like we're shooting the cover of vogue please!"
"No one smiles in vogue, Annie Leibovitz." Edwina said dryly.
"I am not going to apologise for buying her book! It was very helpful, Edwina, You all look amazing right now!" Anthony rolled his eyes, climbing up the steps to get a better angle. "Especially you, Katie! You're beautiful and I love you!"
"Thanks, babe!"
"Kate, your boyfriend is absolutely ridiculous. How could you actually let him leave the hotel in those birkenstocks? Don't you dress people for a living." Edwina sighed and really, it should have bothered him.
But it didn't. Not when Mary sighed. "Edwina, be nice to Anthony. we all know you're actually friends with him, and he's sweet." She paused for a moment before she turned towards him, "You could tone it down a little though, Anthony."
And it definitely didn't bother him when Kate's eyes caught with his. "He's a bit ridiculous, I think I'll have to marry him one day. And I'm actually kind of into the birks and shorts, he's got legs for days."
It took everything in him not to burst out screaming.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Can I have hcs for eren, erwin, and Levi for having a modern s/o skilled in water breathing or flower breathing(from demon slayer)
Honestly, can’t wait to see more breathing forms in Demon Slayer be animated since it looks dope. Let’s be honest though, they’d be quite useful to slash Titan necks as well😂. Modern means some sort of teleportation to another world I assume.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, paranoia, overprotective behavior, manipulation
S/o is skilled in Water/Flower breathing
Eren Yeager
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👊Season 1 Eren is definitely more prone to openly showing his amazement and he’s vocal to tell darling his enthusiastic compliments and far more pushy with his curiosity. He wants to learn about their world and wants to see a few of their beautiful flower techniques. Sure, he deems it all to be bullshit with the teleportation to another world, is quick to believe it though the first time he sees it, his jaw drops and his eyes almost bulge out of his skull. Whilst wanting to constantly spend time with you and be the one to show you his world, he’s extremely afraid and wary of everyone who isn’t in his closer circle. He knows how paranoid people in higher positions can get and how terrified they are of things they don’t understand and so his course of action is keeping your true origins and powers a secret and he pleads you to agree.
👊He is aware of how useful your abilities are to kill Titans, he knows just how easy you can get killed though if fate decides to hand you the bad cards so he tries to convince you to stay out of it and let him and the Scouts do it. In case your secrets should come out and assuming Erwin managed to take you in as well, he insists on constantly being with you since he gets easily jealous of others and during expeditions he insists on being in the same Squad as you since he gets easily swallowed up from paranoia. The first time he sees you using your breathing techniques to slash Titans though, he’s mind-blown since you look like a deadly angel, heart speeding up out of adoration, love and underlying fear. If you should ever get hurt badly, he’s going to lose it though. His jealousy ends up having him act like a barking and biting dog whenever he sees someone getting too close to you for his taste unless that person isn’t Mikasa or Armin. Proud to admit to everyone that he’s your boyfriend since you’re a awesome s/o to have.
👊Season 4 Eren is a different story since his course of action is a different one. He can’t quite believe your story either and he wants to determine whether you’re a threat to his people and island first and foremost before the rest comes. It takes longer to gain his trust since he had realized that his dreams of a free world outside the walls wasn’t what he had imagined, though he’ll at least believe your story about you coming from a different world once you prove it. He sort of locks you up for safety measures though so he can decide together with the rest what to do with you now and how to handle the new information.
👊Once he believes you to not have any bad intentions, he lets you out of your isolation and allows you to temporarily blend in with the rest until you know what you want to do. He doesn’t force you to tell him everything from the very start and can wait until you are ready to open up and even if others might want you to help because of your unique abilities, he keeps them away. He’d rather not have you involved in any risky situations since he loves you too much and he will put up a good argument in order to stop you. He’ll only get forceful though once something should happen to you.
Erwin Smith
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🎖I’ll only do a scenario for Season 1-3 with him. Erwin is a good strategist and even if cautious, ready to listen which makes it easier to approach him. He won’t be hostile nor will he look like you’re a deranged person and so simply explaining and showing him that you speak the truth is done cleanly and he is willing to offer help. It’s very alluring for him to discover that besides the world outside there is even more and he finds himself intrigued with you. He’s attentive, organizing a house and helping you to settle into this faulty unfamiliar world, supporting you and helping you to get a job. Erwin has had the thought of asking you to join his regiment since your Water Breathing opens new possibilities yet respects you enough to not force you since it would mean having to reveal your secret.
🎖In case you do decide and it comes down to a similar situation as with Eren, Erwin will prepare himself beforehand and it should be easier to convince the judges since you’re still a human. Merely your sword abilities make you different from everyone else but you don’t transform into a man-eating monster. He’s trying to not let his protective side get the better of him with his judgement, though he feels safer if he has an eye on you during missions. Admires darling’s skills greatly and everyone who sees their Water Breathing feels the same. He feels fairly confident in your abilities since he knows that you’re a true master so he puts the fitting amount of trust into you. He can turn more manipulative though and put you into positions where you’re less likely exposed to danger if you should get hurt seriously. This man makes his relationship very clear the moment you join though so he can avoid any sort of attempts from the very beginning.
Levi Ackerman
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⚔️Season 1-3 Levi is as hostile and cold as he is when being confronted with you first. He won’t be as loud as Eren, his sharp tongue indicates perfectly that he doesn’t believe a single thing you say though. Even if you manage to convince him and have him believe you, it does not change the fact that he feels like he can’t trust you just yet. He doesn’t know a single thing about you and you could still have bad intentions. If he’s especially hard, he might have you locked up somewhere for a while, though he knows that a commotion will be caused if others find out that next to Titans there are other dimensions as well so he’s probably willing to shut his mouth about that. Consider him your harsh and strict babysitter for the following weeks where he teaches you how to not stand out in this world and what you need to know. He gets you a job and his visits have the obvious purpose of keeping an eye out for you in case you have some hidden plan. The moment he feels like you can be trusted, he opens little by little up himself and his obsession speeds things a little bit up.
⚔️You might end up trusting him as well and tell him about things from your world and about you as a person and he exchanges things about himself because he feels like he can trust you. He wouldn’t mind his darling just staying hidden as a civilian. With the decision to join his cruel work, things will eventually be found out and he has to count on Erwin to guarantee that no one wants you dead or thrown out, though hopefully it’s clear to all of them that your Flower Breathing is a perfect weapon against Titans. Levi is going to be horrified deep down since he’s lost too many people, won’t show it openly though and only subtle signs will give him away. He is always looking out for you and is stern when it comes to having you join his Squad and after every finished expedition he always comes to check if you’re in any way injured first. He doesn’t really enjoy it when people whisper about your relationship with him and he doesn’t enjoy Hange’s teasing and the curiosity from others either which is why he shields you lightly. Hates it even more if someone disrespects you for your origins in which case Levi will ensure that they’re going to feel sorry and apologize to you.
⚔️Season 4 Levi won’t act exactly differently than he would in previous Seasons, he’s still as cautious and wary as he can be. Times have changed though so it’s more likely that more people will find out quicker though, at least those who have worked closely with him and they’ll talk it out together what to do with you. Darling will end up under some sort of house arrest in either case and Levi occasionally visits to see if he can get any information out or just to see if everything is alright and you haven’t attempted anything. You two talk and like this a small connection starts to spark between you two. The moment you’re out and have gained their trust, you’re free to do whatever you like and they offer you support, Levi included.
⚔️Some people will still offer you to work with Eren, Mikasa and the Scouts since your skills in Flower Breathing are ideal and powerful. Levi is deep down against the idea since he’s protective and knows that even if there are no longer wild Titans, the work in his regiment is everything but safe so he silently hopes that you’ll decide to live a normal life. He can’t stop you if you should decide to join though and so he simply dedicated himself to keeping you safe as good as he can. With the corrupt king and followers gone, he doesn’t have to worry that much about the hatred and fear of people directed against you, though he’ll still have to lecture certain people.
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
Hi! Could I request some headcanons for Reki and Langa with an s/o who looks intimidating on the outside but is actually really soft? Thank you, Hope you have a great day! ♡
➯ A/N: Hey! Thanks for the request, hope you enjoy!
➯ With an s/o who looks intimidating
➯ Characters: Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa x gn reader
➯ Warnings: none:)
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When he first saw you, he honestly thought you were sad
Sweet boy is usually smiling, so when he saw you just kinda doing your thing looking around Dope Sketch, he thought you were having trouble with something
When he walked up to you, asking if you were alright and if you needed help with anything, he was surprised to see you give him a gentle smile, telling him you were okay and just having a browse
He was shocked to see the quick change in demeanour, watching as you looked back to the shelves. The smile you gave him soon fading, a new pensive expression taking over your face as you looked between the shelves with a slight furrow in your eyebrows
He talked to you throughout your visit, still not entirely sure whether or not you were ok. Everything you said seemed genuine, and yet your expression stayed fairly neutral the whole time, dropping slightly between conversation
The next time you visited, Reki was bounding up to you once more, asking you if there was anything he could help you with. And once again you were giving him a smile, telling him you were looking for some new wheels
He helped you pick them out, holding up different ones for you to choose from. Once again you weren’t all too smiley and enthusiastic on the outside, but he soon grew used to it and realised that you preferred to express your emotions through words than facial expressions
Not that he minded, he actually thought it was really cool. Something about your ability to keep your cool, to not seem so inviting to every stranger that looked your way
It made him want to know more about you
And so the visits continued, and the more you talked, the less intimidating you seemed to Reki. He soon looked past the quiet stares and furrowed brows, and saw your humour, your little smiles when you told him about what had happened that day, everything
And he quickly felt himself falling for you too
When you finally got together, you were like polar opposites when you’d walk on the street. Reki bouncing along beside you, waving his hands around as he told you about something funny Langa said, while you stood beside him with a little smile as you watched his ministrations
It’s very common for Reki to introduce you to new people, telling them to “just give them a little time, you’ll love them”
And they nearly always did:)
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Honestly, your intimidating expression worked on him. Boy was intimidated all right
If someone didn’t introduce you first, he probably started talking to you because you’d left something behind you, or you’d dropped it while walking
He’d hold it in his hand for a second, before realising you were in fact not a psychic and had kept walking
He’d run to catch up with you, giving you a little pat on your shoulder to alert you
When you gave him a silent look of curiosity, all his words failed him. Not only were you intimidating, but you were cute too
“Uh...you-uh. You dropped this.” He try and give you a smile, kicking himself for looking so nervous. What he didn’t expect though, was your face to light up, your mouth opening as you took it off him, letting out a breath of relief
You turned to thank him, and he felt himself visibly relax. He recognised the item he’d handed back to you(perhaps a character on your purse, ill let you decide), and the two of you began to talk about it
The longer the conversation went on, the quicker he realised that you weren’t intimidating, your expression was simply a bit more neutral. After hanging out with Reki for so long, he’d forgotten that not everyone looks like they’ve been slapped by the Sun itself all he time
He smiled as he watched you talk, the cogs clicking in his brain as he realized you were just like him. He wasn’t always one to show his expressions on his face at first, keeping it fairly neutral unless interacted with
He felt his heart beat at the thought. It comforted him to know he wasn’t the only one who had a misleading face
Somehow, he managed to work up the courage to get your number, and from there your relationship only blossomed
Once you’d finally gotten together, yall were the masters of the resting bitch faces while you’d walk down the streets
Anyone who didn’t know you would think you weren’t all that engaged in whatever conversation you were having, when in reality the pair of you were avidly sharing something you were passionate about as you walked
Even though your emotions sometimes weren’t visible on your face, Langa always knew exactly what you meant. And just like him, so did you
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chuckletons · 3 years
Random and you've probably noticed how inconsistent Carl's personality is in Johnny Bravo. He can be a sweet little dope in one episode and a sarcastic little shit in the next. It depends on what the writers wanted to use him for in the episode.
no totally. i think they intended for carl to be both (i can explain). then he's also got so many issues, but on the other hand: remember how "creepy" they tried to make him? i fly, aunt katie's farm (🙄), etc. then by s3, it's sprinkled here and there but he feels more "normal" in comparison? sort of? lmao
carl was a retooling of the 'jim dandy' concept from the s2 bible (van + seth version). dandy was basically donny as an original character, but more importantly, he's— y'know what here's his bio except i highlighted everything that got shoved onto carl in some form
(putting that + more thoughts under the cut this is gonna get Long and disjointed. i love production bs)
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(didn't highlight it, but the 'never to[o] old to learn something new' part reminds me of the bravo 13 intro)
again, not to a T, but easy to tell what was reworked into carl's personality once the s2-3 crew took over. this includes his obliviousness, which ended up bouncing between outright fantasy and misinterpreting insults or social cues. it depended on what the writers thought was funnier at the moment ig (regardless, carl does have trouble with social skills like johnny, but in different ways.)
this is one of the biggest reasons why carl got reduced so much in s4. van brought osmond back as a guest star, taking the main "annoying cheery guy" role... for three episodes. so, carl's character is "annoying cheery guy" (ultra geek edition), but as merch proves, he was planned to be more of a sad and stereotypical (x2) little man... sometimes? who knows.
carl was likely created to be a better foil for johnny, who had the most going on, and for the variety in plotlines/punchlines. he definitely had more going on personality-wise than jim. even in the few comics based on bible carl, he's blunt as usual, smug, skeptical of johnny, whatever this mess is, but he is his usual enthusiastic self too. in a kid's book, carl's bio didn't mention that he's sweet or positive at all. his nerdiness was the focus, although those traits were associated with 'dweeb-y' or 'annoying' anyway so it pretty much blended together.
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("carl got nerdier" is the most interesting bit here. and "even more irritating" implies johnny hates it more when carl succeeds than he hates his nerdiness— and that really applied to anything in the show, not just dating.)
when it comes to the retooled bible as a whole and what's known about it, i'm gonna guess that the writers felt certain ideas (such as carl being too self-aware he's a 'loser' and 'uncool', johnny trying to get him to "man up", the list goes on) weren't going to make good gags in the long run. i think they also had to find a balance of edgy and goofy for the show that felt right/the network was comfortable with when they weren't trying to push the censors. that definitely would've affected their 'plans' for carl.
in particular, carl being the "hopeless pollyanna" type felt more effective VS. jim/osmond since the retool's world was darker and wackier. his optimism and fantasies (at odds with his Logical Nerd Traits) set him up for failure, similarly to johnny's entire deal. the focus was often more on the nerdy side of gags (again, blends together tbh), but carl got the short end of the stick either way. this goes for s4 too, for obvious reasons. not to mention, carl's "luck with the ladies"/interest in dating was only relevant in like four episodes. the point is, carl usually lost in some form.
TL;DR back on topic: carl being sarcastic and/or mean occasionally... kind of worked— for me. like, i just say damn. this is a lot. he feels like a ticking time bomb and one day he's going to physically explode. in all seriousness, i feel part of the humor/irony of the carl we got is that it's easy for johnny to get under his skin (doomates, chain gang, these, etc.) or bring out his smug and spiteful side, and carl tries to "[take johnny being an asshole to him] in stride"/not be resentful, but that's obviously going GREAT for him. although the writers focused more on carl's "annoying" goofiness over time, he wasn't created as a 100% saccharine guy. the balance was just executed in a very Episodic Comedy way, as you said; it depended on the plot, what jokes they wanted to make, etc. otherwise, i can't argue with "he's fucked up" as an excuse LOL. it's funny when carl's mean so mission accomplished. live laugh love <3
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tintinwrites · 4 years
i dream too much | Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Reader | Part One
A/N: Just wanted to say that this is going to be a mini series, probably around six parts!!
Rating: 18+
Warning: Fem!Reader. It says Frankie x Reader but it is also Santi x Reader as well (this is a pining fic, my hoes). No smut, but it gets close...a lime if you will goodbye I am Ancient. Naughty words. Frankie gets his heart broken. Everyone is just stupid.
Word count: 2,251, apparently!!
Summary: Frankie decides to tell you he loves you, but he finds you in bed with someone.
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GIF credit: ^ Please let me know if you don’t want me using your GIF!!
Tags: Open!!
Frankie wondered if he should’ve dressed up a little more, but you’d never been one to insist on fancy dress.
How many times had you laid on his chest in nothing but a T-shirt and shorts when he was just in a shirt and jeans?
Regardless, he pulled off his V-neck and replaced it with a button down shirt, though it was short-sleeved and covered in a niche print.
It was fancier than his normal attire and showed that this was important to him, that this was an occasion that mattered and he wanted to show you that this meant a lot. That he wasn’t just looking for a good time because you were his friend and you had tits.
God, the way he zoned out in front of the mirror for a couple moments just thinking about your breasts wasn’t the point.
The point was that he’d been in love with you since practically the day he met you; your smile, your laugh, the way you touched his arm, all your jokes that nearly had him weeping from laughter...he never stood a chance, did he?
At first, he tried to convince himself that it was just a little crush because you were pretty and you were sweet to him, but it seemed like he just fell for you more and more each day. Even years into your friendship now, he still found little things about you that turned him into a fucking dope.
He was so terrified to ruin your friendship that he just kept it as a horrible, gnawing, yearning secret until he just couldn’t take it anymore. Not only was it eating away at him to pretend he wasn’t completely in love with you, but he didn’t think it was fair to you that he was having thoughts like this when you considered your friendship to be innocent.
When he went on another date with another person in his attempts to find someone as a way to get over his feelings for you, he realized it was definitely time that he told you for both your and his sake.
You would probably turn him down which would be okay even if it hurt like hell. He just didn’t want to keep harboring the secret like this even if you didn’t feel the same way.
That part made him a little nervous, but then he would remember one of the reasons why he was in love with you; you always called him ‘sweet Frankie’, even had it as his name in your phone with a couple heart emojis with it, and that made him think that maybe…
Well, it gave him the courage to admit to you what he felt whether you returned those feelings or not.
He decided to buy a bouquet of your favorite flowers and then panicked that it was a stupid, lame idea to buy you flowers, but he stuck with it so he wouldn’t have wasted the money. They were pretty, they smelled nice, they were a lot like you and he figured it would be good to lead with that.
I bought these for you because they reminded me of you and I love you.
That was stupid and didn’t even sound like something he would say. He hadn’t told someone he loved them since he was in his twenties and they broke up when he was thirty, and he hadn’t exactly had a long term relationship since then.
Every line or speech he planned just didn’t sound right, so he was just going to say whatever came to mind so it could be natural.
He hesitated when he stepped off the elevator and approached the door to your apartment, quickly forcing himself to knock before he could get scared enough to walk away.
You needed to know. He needed to tell you everything.
There was no answer and he thought that he tried to talk to you when you weren’t home, but he tried the doorknob and found that it wasn’t locked. Maybe you were just showering or something.
He stepped inside and shut the door, and he was just about to call out to you so he wouldn’t scare you with his presence when he heard the distinct sound of your laughter.
It was coming from the bedroom so he thought instead that you were just watching television, setting the bouquet down on your coffee table as he made his way down the little hallway that led to your room.
The door was open and he started to say your name, but paused when he stepped on something and looked down with his brow furrowed to find your bra on the floor. And your favorite shirt. There was a pair of lacy panties right outside the door and he had to force his gaze away from it as he moved closer.
He worried that maybe he was encroaching on some...alone time and he stared at the floor until he realized that you weren’t alone.
A man’s moan had him immediately jerking his head up to see that you were underneath someone; lips pressing, legs tangling, his hands wandering over your hips and your thighs and one of your hands moving in an obvious way within the man’s underwear.
Frankie’s heart would’ve dropped even if it was some complete stranger you’d picked up in a bar, but this wasn’t a stranger. Pope, his best fucking friend, was currently reaching between your legs to touch you.
He didn’t tell Santi or any of the other guys about his feelings for you, fearing ridicule or that they would tell you, but that didn’t mean it didn’t kill him to see his own best friend on top of the woman he loved.
It didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see how enthusiastically you were enjoying him.
He’d been in love with you for years and Santi still beat him to you.
Not that it was a competition, not that you were a prize to be won, but...seeing the person he loved in the arms of someone he couldn’t even compare to was a bitter pill to take.
All he could do was stare in shock and disappointment, and there was a hollow ache that made it feel like someone was trying to push his chest right through his back.
What the hell was he supposed to do now?
Start telling you he loved you when Santi inevitably started fucking you? He couldn’t do that now, couldn’t tell you what he felt and humiliate and hurt you by awkwardly putting you on the spot when you were about to sleep with somebody else.
Once he was back in his right mind and realized he was impeding on a private moment and that his heart was sinking lower with each passing second, he knew he needed to leave. He would never tell you he’d been here and try to forget it himself.
That might have worked better if he didn’t step on your discarded underwear, slipping slightly since it was on the wood floor and stumbling into the wall. “Fuck!”
He heard a gasp and immediately looked to see that you had pushed Santi aside enough to see him, looking entirely mortified.
“Frankie?!” You hissed something to Santiago as you quickly shoved him off, grabbing the rumpled throw blanket from the foot of your bed to cover yourself.
Between your speed and Frankie’s respectfulness, he didn’t see more than a glimpse of you, but that didn’t stop him from blushing and sinking further against the wall in hopes that it would just swallow him and spit him out on another continent.
No such luck. He was still there, staring at the two of you. You were looking at him like a deer in headlights and Santi, though he covered the bulge in his underwear with a pillow, was grinning at him.
“You miss seeing my ass in the army showers or something, pendejo?” he teased since, yeah, Frankie would’ve gotten an eyeful of his ass if he’d just stood there silently.
“I was just...fuck, I was in the neighborhood and the door was unlocked…” He had a habit of taking off his hat and wringing it when he was anxious, but he only touched his hair when he reached up because he wanted to look good for you and hadn’t worn a hat.
“How much did you see?” Your question was practically squeaked out in embarrassment.
“Nothing.” Frankie was quick to reassure you, holding his hands up. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I should go.” His own embarrassment at his plans to tell you he loved you and at the two of you discovering he was there outweighed his pain for the moment, but he didn’t know how long it would. Both emotions made him want to run far, far away anyway.
“Oh, Frankie…” You started to get up and the way the blanket fell bared your hip to him and he—
“Don’t get up! I...I just stopped by because I was in the neighborhood, it’s not a big deal.” It was supposed to be a big deal. He supposed it still was, just not in the way he wanted.
He was supposed to tell you he loved you and he was supposed to be the one in your bed, but you’d chosen Santi before he could even get a chance.
He couldn’t help the jealousy that welled up in him; Santiago had always been handsome and charming where Frankie was average and too shy to go for half the things he wanted. He’d always looked up to him for that and now…
“Do you want some coffee?” you asked softly, looking guilty for the awkwardness of him witnessing such a moment.
With your offer was Santi’s hand rubbing your hip, trying to keep you in the mood despite the interruption, and you didn’t move away. Meaning you wanted to continue and Frankie was just a nuisance in that moment. “I’m good. I have, uh...a hip...appointment.”
He knew why he had hips on the brain, but his quick excuse just sounded silly to the two of you.
“You gettin’ old on me, ‘Fish?” Santi asked, eyebrows raised.
“Is everything okay?” The genuine concern in your voice made his chest squeeze, not any less in love with you than before even though he kind of hoped he would be.
“I mean...chiropractor appointment. I think I threw something out and I need, like...aligned and shit,” he mumbled, just wanting to leave as much as you two wanted to fuck.
“Oh, okay. Text me, let me know how it goes?” You smiled at him sweetly like you always seemed to do.
How could anyone be expected to not fall in love with you? He couldn’t even blame Santi for wanting you.
This was all probably just a hookup if he knew his friend, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you now. Or ever. Not knowing that you wanted Santi first, imagining the sympathy in your eyes when you would tell him you didn’t feel the same way.
What was a few more years of pretending he didn’t love you to a man who’d already spent this long doing so?
Maybe this was the push he needed to move on from his feelings for you and give his dates an actual chance before deciding he didn’t like them because they weren’t you.
“Please fucking go, man.” Santi’s tone was desperate and meaningful, nodding towards you subtly as if to tell Frankie he was about to fuck you and needed alone time like he didn’t know.
“See you.” He hated the way the other man was just acting like they were two buddies in a bar and you were just some pair of pants Santi managed to flirt his way into.
He quickly turned and made his way down the hall, kicking off the panties that were still wrapped around the toe of his boot. He didn’t even remember the bouquet of flowers, just walked to the door and left as quickly as he possibly could.
Frankie had been broken up with a couple times in his life; middle school, high school, his one long term relationship that ended when he was thirty. But none of those even compared to this.
Maybe it was because you didn’t know he loved you or maybe he felt a sense of betrayal despite never admitting to Santi how he felt. Maybe he loved you more than he’d ever love anyone in his life and this made his yearning permanent.
All he knew was that this hurt like hell and he couldn’t believe he ever thought a fucking love confession was a good idea.
You could have your pick of anyone and this just proved it. Why the fuck would you even look twice at him when there were guys like Santi around?
Being so close with you was more than enough and he was almost happy that he didn’t ruin it now, trying to convince himself that the whole situation had saved his ass.
It probably was just a crush he’d been harboring since he met you and he was just reading into it too much.
But as he climbed into his truck, and shut the door, and let his head thump back against the seat, he knew that he loved you and that now he would never be able to do a damn thing about it.
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flowerpowelltales · 3 years
Until You Hate Me (Liam x MC)
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A/N: Yes, I do feel ashamed I forgot about this series for TWO years. I also am aware most of you, who have been tagged, dont even remember ever reading this series. If you’d like to be taken off the taglist just let me know because I don’t want to bother anyone. If you want a refresher - it’s the series where Regina pays Riley to be the worst suitor ever so that in two weeks, Liam would have to marry someone Regina picked for him. Previous parts are on my masterlist. Shoutout to the Nonny who motivated me to write this part. Hope y’all enjoy! Characters belong to PB. 
Rating: G
Word count: 1692
Tagging: @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @blackcatkita @badchoicesposts @jared2612 @princess-geek @desiree-pow-35-1986​ @emichelle​ @ao719​ @cordoniantrash @kinggliam @needalittlerain @flyawayboo @nazariortega @jlpplays1 @kimmiedoo5 @annekebbphotography​ @ladyangel70​ @eadanga​ @kingliam2019​ @nz1091​ @emceesynonymroll @texaskitten30 @mskaneko​ @custaroonie @drakesensworld​ @janezillow @ritachacha​ @lodberg​ @msjr0119​ @gkittylove99​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @dcbbw​ @potter1-7harry​
“Welcome to Cordonia,” Liam said when the Royal Jet finally landed. He looked at Riley warily as she took in the sights. The flight was a total disaster and made him rethink his whole life. If he hadn���t known better he’d think she wanted to sabotage his mission.
“Looks sick,” she said and Liam sighed.
“Liam, Riley, the car is here. Come before anyone spots us.” Regina nodded towards their driver.
“Whoa, we have our own driver? That’s mad!”
Regina raised an eyebrow in a ‘do-not-overdo-it’ manner but Riley ignored it. For her it was either go hard or go home. Literally, because if she failed she’d go home with no money.
The ride from the private airport to the palace was silent; Riley was admiring the views, Liam was thinking if he made the right choice and Regina was already planning Liam’s wedding to Madeleine.
When they arrived, Regina excused herself and went straight into her office.
“What do you think?” Liam asked politely when they were the only two left.
“It looks so… majestic. Like something I’d expect a palace look like but at the same time like something I wouldn’t expect. It’s gorgeous.”
Liam turned to her stunned by her words. What happened to “sick” and “mad”? Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, after all.
“Come inside,” he said and extended his hands towards her. She took it and then gasped at the interior.
“It’s so regal and so big and oof—” Riley was almost knocked out by a small, fluffy ball that jumped at her.
“Ah, this is Chance, Maxwell’s dog. He must feel you’re a good person because he is never that happy about strangers.” Liam smiled as he leaned to take her coat. She handed it to him and when Liam walked away to hang it, she bent over to Chance. 
“Hey, buddy! I’m super flattered you like me but can you please bite me or start barking at me so Liam doesn’t think I’m good?” She asked and Chance titled his head in confusion. “You see,” she lowered her voice, “I have a mission to complete.”
When Chace still couldn’t understand, Riley tried to speak his language.
“Woof woof woof woof,” she barked at Chance in low voice.
“Um… is everything okay, lady Riley?” Liam asked, suddenly appearing behind her. Shoot.
“Mhm. Just talking to that cute little muffin. And please, call me Riley. I’m no lady.”
“If you insist. Would you like to see your room?”
“Sure! Does it have a mini fridge? I bet it’s totally dope!”
Liam shook his head in disbelief. Riley changed her mood every few minutes. He couldn’t figure her out. Sometimes she was serious and really fun to talk to but then she changed again and acted like a spoiled teenager.
“Here we are.” Liam motioned the room when they finally reached the guest chamber. “It doesn’t have a mini fridge but you can call any of the staff members to ask for whatever you’d like, anytime.”
“Ah, Liam! Riley! I am so glad to see you both here!” Regina exclaimed with a smiled on her face. “We have a dinner today with a few of our friends. Liam, please help lady Riley to prepare for it.”
“Of course, Regina. Who are we expecting?” Liam asked.
“Duchess Olivia Nevrakis, Lord Neville, Duchess Adelaide, her daughter and Duke Godfrey, lady Hana Lee and her parents, and a few of the court members.”
Liam nodded politely but started to panic internally. Lord Neville, Godfrey and Adelaide weren’t exactly the first people he wanted Riley to be introduced to. He knew too well how they treated commoners and how awful they could be. He had only about two hours before the dinner to go through the royal protocol, table manners, dress code and how to address who. When he looked up at Riley he noticed she was already studying him.
“Everything’s alright?”
“Yes, it is. I just thought we would have more time before your debut.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that! I was born ready!” she said reassuringly, which, ironically, made Liam even less reassured.
“So when I see Hana Lee’s dad I should say ‘ni hao’, right?”
“Correct! And can you please repeat how you would address Duchess Olivia?”
“Your Grace,” Riley replied.
“Exactly. And Lord Neville?”
“…Also your Grace?”
“Yes. How would you address me, then?”
“Your Majesty?”
“No, Majesty is used for Kings and Queens. I’m not a King yet so I ought to be addressed ‘your Highness’.”
“So Regina is her Majesty?” Riley asked.
“Precisely. Now, what is my title?”
“Full title.”
“Prince Louis of Cordonia.”
“Ye—What? What Louis?”
“Your name isn’t Louis?”
“No,” he shook his head. “It’s Liam.”
“Oh, right! Sorry, I’ve always had a problem with remembering names.”
Liam smiled but wanted to scream. Remembering names was probably one of the most important things Riley had to learn. And she forgot even his.
“Let me get this straight, when I talk to you I always have to use ‘your highness’?”
“When we’re with nobility, yes. It shows respect. When there’s only me and you, or friends and family, you can call me by my name,” he explained.
“Which is Louis!”
“Liam,” he corrected. Again.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Riley apologized. “I’ll just need something to associate you with… Oh! I know! I used to listen to One Direction a lot and Liam was the name of one of the singers! I liked him a lot!”
“Whatever works for you.” Liam smiled, feeling less and less enthusiastic about his mission.
Two hours and three braincell losses later, Riley was walking arm in arm with Liam, into the ballroom. She was wearing a very expensive dress, more expensive than everything she owned altogether. She was very stressed and started to regret coming here. Pretending to be the worst suitor in front of Liam was one thing, but pretending to be the worst suitor in front of all Cordonian nobility was a completely different thing.
“Look, there’s Xinghai, he’s coming here,” Liam whispered and Riley nodded as the man approached them. Liam nudged Riley.
Okay. Show time.
“Hey hoe!” She yelled, making everyone freeze.
I hate myself.
“Riley!” Liam hissed, pinching her arm.
“Excuse me?” Xinghai asked as if not believing his ears.
“I think Riley tried to say ‘ni hao’, is that right?” Liam raised his eyebrows and Riley felt sick.
“Yes! Ni hao! I’m so sorry, I’m very bad at languages!”
Xinghai shook his head. “If you say so.”
“Hi, I’m Hana! And this is my mother, Lorelai.” A girl with a very friendly face extended her hand as if she hadn’t noticed that huge faux-pas. Her mom barely smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Your Highness.” A man approached them and raised a glass. “I feel deeply honored to be invited here today. Her Majesty mentioned you would bring an American suitor, is this that lovely lady?”
Riley didn’t know who it was but she sure hated him already. She looked at Liam and realized she wasn’t the only one thinking so.
“Lord Neville. I am very happy you could join us. Yes, this is lady Riley, my suitor. Lady Riley, this is Lord Neville.”
“Lord? Like Lord of the Rings? Is that even a real title?” she asked.
“Excuse me?” Neville was confused and Liam embarrassed. From the corner of her eye, Riley could see Regina smiling at the sight.
At least someone is happy with what I’m doing.
“I believe we haven’t met.” A blond woman interrupted them, holding a glass of champagne in one hand and a very unhappy man in the other.
“This is Duchess Adelaide, Duke Godfrey and their daughter, Countess Madeleine. And this lovely woman by my side is lady Riley.”
“Hi y’all! Louis told me so much about you!” She heard Liam sighing.
“Hmph” was all Godfrey said. The rest of the family looked confused.
“Who’s Louis?” Adelaide asked.
“What happened to One Direction association?” Liam whispered to her when the family wasn’t looking.
“I forgot Louis was in the band, too,” she replied.
“If you excuse us,” Liam turned to Adelaide, “but we need to say hello to Duchess Olivia. Thank you for coming.”
He quickly led Riley far from Adelaide and Godfrey, avoiding other court members on the way. He couldn’t do this. At least not today. Riley clearly wasn’t ready.
“Why hello there,” a lady with red hair and a matching dress greeted them.
“Olivia. Hello. How are you?” Liam started a small talk and Riley noticed he was more relaxed talking to her than he was talking to other people. She must be a friend, she thought.
“I’m great. Haven’t been to a party that is as much fun as this one. And it’s all thanks to you. I’m Olivia.”
“Riley. You’re the Ice Queen?” Riley asked remembering Lythikos was a winter wonderland. She hoped Olivia would be offended just like the others but to her surprise the Duchess burst out laughing.
“Ice Queen! I like her already,” she said as she wiped a tear from her eye. “Absolutely loved when she questioned Neville’s title. The man’s pain in the ass.”
“I’m glad you find it funny,” Liam said firmly. Olivia shrugged and turned to take another glass of wine.
“I’m really sorry I embarrassed you, Louis.”
“Liam,” he corrected.
“Liam,” Riley repeated. “I’ve just came to Cordonia and had only two hours to take it all in. I’ll be better in time.” Not sure how better at making you hate me I can get though.
“It’s fine. Listen, it’s me who should be apologizing. As you said, you just came here and within a few hours you had to learn things I learned throughout the years.”
Riley’s eyes widened. She embarrassed him, she humiliated him and he still apologized? She felt awful.
“I still feel bad. I promise I won’t let you down,” she lied and Liam smiled.
“I’m happy to hear that because we’re visiting our apple orchard tomorrow and the press will be there to meet you, too.”
Riley gulped as she smiled at Liam.
That only meant she had to try even harder.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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A Suna Rintarou series
Summary: Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game.
A/N: PART 15 I have no words. I wrote this while I was taking a shit and wow 🤩 I feel like fucking Nicholas sparks and I think I lost 10 pounds. #lactoseintolerantgang
Warnings: underaged drinking, smut, guys talking badly about women, heartbreak, messed up shit that you shouldn’t do and a bit of fluff if you squint
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Disc eight-slide one: Kageyama Y/N🤍
How much pain can a heart take?
He promised that there was nothing going on between him and Jamie.
Yet here you stand across the road, with shopping bags in your hands. In the middle of winter trying to find a good gift for your boyfriend and the second years on the team.
He was in a café, talking with her.
The girl he told you not to worry about.
They only fucked once.
He said it was a mistake.
But...he’s there sitting, drinking something from a mug. Probably hot chocolate. While she’s probably drinking a latte that suits her fancy. He had a piece of cheesecake but after a bite he slid it to her. And she gladly grabbed the fork and took a bite as well. He rolled his eyes at whatever Jamie said and you could feel your heart crack.
Please be a misunderstanding.
You don’t want to believe that Rintarou is seeing another girl behind your back.
Please be a misunderstanding.
You don’t want to confront him later and he lies to you.
Please be a misunderstanding.
You don’t want to go over there and beat her to a bloody pulp.
Please be a misunderstanding.
You don’t want the twins to beat him up for being unfaithful.
Please me a misunder—
The twins are there too...
And talking with her as well? Osamu slid next to Suna and Atsumu next to Jamie and they talked to her. You felt your blood pressure regulate again and you decided to walk away.
Why would you think he’s being unfaithful? Why can’t you trust him?
What kind of a girlfriend are you that you had the audacity to think Suna would do something like that.
You truly felt foolish.
Suna is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He’s not perfect but he’s your perfect.
He’s with the twins, they seem chill. Everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about. You crossed the street in order to head home and you heard a bang and you jump and turned at the noise.
The twins and your boyfriend were waving and you phone began ringing. You checked your Apple Watch since you couldn’t reach the device in your pocket and Rin was calling. You made your way inside only to find the spot with Jamie empty. “Wanna come have lunch with us?” Atsumu asked enthusiastically. “I thought you guys were talking to Jamie. If she’s here then I’ll leave.” You said. “She left. We needed to talk to her about some things. But we’re good. She’s leaving you alone from now on.” Suna spoke up and you froze.
“It’s been months since the incident and she hasn’t done anything..” you tilted your head confused. They kind of stayed quiet until Osamu decided to open his mouth. “They’re talking shit. Some stupid rumors. Not her exactly but Jamie’s minions. Don’t worry about it it’s fine now.” He assured with a smile and you nodded slowly. “Yeah Jamie got over Suna. She’s with some dude in the soccer team now. So she was understanding.” Atsumu assured and you smiled softly. “Thanks for looking out for me you guys. At least this was better than last time.” You said as you remembered that time Suna pushed Jamie to the wall and demanded she apologize to you.
“Anything for you babe.” Suna said with a soft smile.
You truly were lucky to have such amazing people in your life.
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Up next
A/N: me watching you guys go crazy over these past chapters
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki
Ps. I decided to use my head for once and I copy and pasted the @‘s n shit and it usually takes my 15 min and I did it in 5 look at me using my brain and shit 🤩 I deserve a gold star
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sailorsero · 4 years
you know i’m stupid for you 1/?
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author: claire (@sailorsero​) ship: adult kaminari denki x reader prompt/genre: band/musician!au/poppunk!denki wordcount: 1483 warnings: swearing (for the moment, this is all) a/n: • written for the BNHarem Making Beautiful Music Collaboration - check out the masterlist to see everyone elses!) • thank you to @unbreakablekiribaku​ for the header!  • i do not give permission for this (or any of my writing) to be reposted, by anyone, on this or any other website. please don’t do it! • title from ‘stupid for you’ by waterparks
you know i’m stupid for you part one
RIOT! PRESENTS: DYNAMIGHT - A ROTATING HEADLINE TOUR Combining forces for the second annual Riot! Radio/Magazine empire tour are punk pop staples Chargebolt, indie rockers Plus Ultra! and newcomers Rolling Thunder, fresh off the release of their debut album, ‘Revelry in the Dark’. The tour format of a different running order each night, the mix of genres and an abundance of talent promises a sick show you won’t want to miss! The tour starts tomorrow night in Fukuoka, ending in Sapporo at the end of the month. Tickets | Details
Day 1: Fukuoka
The past 24 hours had been hectic and overwhelming; the last minute preparations, the packing, the 17 FaceTime calls Mina insisted were necessary for packing, the flight to Fukuoka, the hotel, meeting the approximately 3674 people involved in the tour (okay, really approximately), the soundchecks, the press, making sure Todoroki didn’t get lost (again). It could have been enough to have you considering your plan B vocation of Professional Kitten Cuddler (you’d seen a Buzzfeed article once), if it wasn’t for this feeling, right here and now.
The house lights had dimmed away to almost nothing, causing the steady thrum of chatter from the crowd to surge into a roar of anticipation that matched your own perfectly; waiting sidestage in the dark knowing you were on the precipice of doing what you loved most always made you feel electric.
You’d followed Shinsou onto the stage as the eyewateringly bright lights hit, securing the strap of your bass before looking without seeing out at where you knew the crowd was. You were really here, on this stage, with your best friends, on the biggest tour you’d done so far as a band. You let yourself bask in the joy that brought for a moment longer, before turning towards your bandmates, tilting your head in silent question. Quick nods from Tokoyami and Shinsou and a peace sign from Mina were all you needed before you turned to Todoroki to count in. Everything after that was the most beautiful white noise.
8 songs flew by quicker than you could ever remember, Shinsou’s synths fading out as Mina yelled into the mic like she was going for Present Mic’s radio slot.
“Our record is available from the merch table and we are on all relevant social media - @ rollingthunder! Our TikToks are epic! We have been Rolling Thunder, you have been fucking beautiful - goodnight!!!”
“‘Our TikToks are epic’?!” Shinsou rounded on the lead singer as soon as you were all sidestage again.
Mina put her hands on her hips, giving off the energy of an elementary school teacher who had to do this a lot. “They are epic! It’s not my fault you never want to be in them!”
“Maybe that’s why they’re epic?” Todoroki deadpanned, removing the sweat-soaked towel from around his neck.
The snort you gave out at the impossible-to-tell-if-it-was-intended-as-an-insult-or-not-because-it’s-Todoroki insult died off early as you caught sight of him.
Fuck. He’d actually gotten hotter overnight.
Kaminari made a beeline straight for you from the door that lead to the backstage area, 100 watt smile firmly in place. “Hey, you. Great set out there! Totally dope!”
“You were watching?” You were too caught off guard to school your tone into anything less giddy, and you knew you’d be hearing about it until you could hide in your bunk on the tourbus. Maybe not even then if your bandmates didn’t respect the sanctity of the curtain.
“Yeah, of course! We were up on the balcony, in the private bit? You know?” You assumed Sero and Kirishima formed the ‘we’ he was talking about, as they appeared one after another through the same door, grinning widely.
“Yeah, totally, I remember they said there was somewhere to watch the other sets from...cool!”
A part of you died inside as you heard yourself reply and you wondered briefly if there was any chance your whole band wasn’t watching this interaction. Hearing ‘cool!!!’ mimicked in four wildly different attempts at your voice shut that down.
There was no way Kaminari hadn’t heard all four impressions, but he was nice enough to pretend he hadn’t.
“Yeah! So, uh...you could totally watch our set, now! If, you know, you want...” He trailed off, looking hesitantly hopeful and fiddling with one of his many, many earrings.
His golden eyes had been staring into yours for the whole of your conversation so far and you found yourself getting lost in his gaze, all of the noise of the crowd buzzing and the crew swapping the setup over becoming distant to your ears.
Until his bassist slapped him on his back - hard - shit-eating grin all over his face.
“Smooth like silk, Denks!”
“Shut up, Sero!” Kaminari whined, breaking eye contact with you to shove at his bandmate’s arm. 
No one said anything for what felt like the longest seven seconds in history. Kirishima cleared his throat politely and smiled encouragingly, but seemed to run out of ideas after that.
“We’ll watch you guys! But only if you tell us how awesome we were!” Mina’s arm slid seamlessly to link with yours as you remembered how much you loved this pink-haired angel. She was a socialising expert and had rescued you all right before the silence had slid past the point of no return into Awkwardsville.
Kaminari seemed to share your sentiment, as it wasn’t with only a little relief he began to shower the rest of your band with praise. It was only when he’d rambled his way to complimenting the way Tokoyami held his guitar that Shinsou decided it was his turn to steer the conversation. “Don’t you have a drummer? Did he not want to watch our set?”
“Nah, he said he ‘didn’t wanna watch a bunch of electro emos with stupid hair sing about going to Hot Topic or what-the-fuck-whatever’,” Sero cheerfully announced, ignoring the choking sound the apparently-direct quote forced out of the blonde you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
“Wow. He’s charming.” Shinsou replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“He is, isn’t he?” Kirishima sighed, sounding like he’d have actual stars in his eyes if you could bring yoursef to stop looking at Kaminari and check. Which you Absolutely Could Not.
You’d met Kaminari at 1 this afternoon, and he’d been pretty much all you’d thought about since 1:01.
“Okay, so, Chargebolt - Eijirou Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Katsuki Bakugou, Denki Kaminari. Plus Ultra! - Izu...”
You were pretty sure one of the tour managers was still speaking, introducing the other band you were sharing this tour with, but you couldn’t focus on anything else. Kaminari. Denki. Denki Kaminari.
The ear you could see was adorned with multiple piercings, and the one you couldn’t was covered with a sweep of blonde hair with a black lightening bolt dyed into it. Golden eyes, pink lips. Not particularly tall, or jacked, but lean and muscled where you could see. A black Fatgum Records T-shirt over a black and white striped longsleeve, tucked into ripped jeans that fell into laced up boots. Were those fingers tattoos? It was definitely yellow nail polish and a multitude of silver rings. Talk about ‘exactly my type on paper’. Fuck!
You wondered for a second who exactly it was who had given this man the right. Then you realised he was moving - towards you.
“Hey! Y/N Y/L/N, right? I heard you guys on Present Mic’s show, the Live Lounge? That was incredible!”
Had your mouth been wide open the entire time he was talking? You really couldn’t be sure either way.
“Hey! Yeah, that’s uh...me! Thanks, I was really nervous but he was so cool.”
Kaminari nodded enthusiastically, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Present Mic? Yeah, what a legend! We haven’t been on for a hot minute but we’ll probably go back next album cycle.”
You were pretty sure you were supposed to be making introductions to everyone in the room right now, but before you knew it, it had been fifteen minutes and the only person you’d spoken to was Kaminari. A way-too-stressed-for-the-first-day-of-tour looking woman was trying to politely usher Kaminari away to wherever Chargebolt’s schedule had them being right now, but he hesitated after he said a (hopefully) reluctant goodbye.
“Yeah, so...it’s so cool to be working with you! And, y’know, that work is...touring together, so we could like...hang out! Yeah? If you want?”
You ignored your own manager materialising at your side tapping her watch for a moment longer to nod quickly and breathe out a response.
“Yeah, we could, I want.”
Kaminari’s face broke out into a smile as big as the gag Shinsou was doing behind him. “Yeah. Yeah! Great! See you later!”
You’d pretended not to watch them leave the room.
The rest of your band had been only too happy to inform you that you’d failed to pull it off.
i have decided to make this a multi-chapter fic and will post/link a masterlist and link to ao3 when i post there so you can follow this story if you would like to!
ao3  • collab masterlist
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kicksaddictny · 3 years
Kicksaddict Sneakerhead PROFILES Interview Series: @CakedaGawd
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After a long Hiatus, we’ve returned! Our popular Profile series has been requested almost on a daily basis (Thanks for the tweets, dms and emails). We were even threatened! (Thanks by the way).
Cake The Gawd! This one was so much fun. Tap in.
Where are you from? Brooklyn, NY born in Crown Heights raised in East Flatbush.
How long have you been collecting sneakers? I was introduced to sneakers in 1991 but I started collecting for myself in 98.
What’s your favorite sneaker and why? Air Jordan 6 Infrared. It's the shoe Michael was wearing when he won his first championship, and to me just it’s just the most beautiful Jordan shoe to date! The silhouette is unmatched, it is timeless, and no matter how many times it is retroed I will buy it!
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Besides your hometown, what is the best city for sneakerheads that you know of? Why? I would say LA 100% !! It is a vibe out there. I am part of a sneaker group and 75% of the people in there are from LA. They really about the culture they know their shit and they are fresh as fuck too.
Do you collect just for collecting or do you collect and rock? I collect and rock. That is why I double up on certain shoes.. Some kicks you gotta have for store and show but some you just have to rock them!
What sneaker got you into the sneaker game? I cannot pinpoint one thing, it is so many things. It was Music, my parents introducing me to Nike, my older cousin, basketball, the dope boys around the way, and my 3rd grade crush and her cousin who both had Aqua 8's. (LOL) I cannot just say 1 thing because they all had a significant part in it.
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What are your thoughts on these fake celebrity sneakerheads? I hate them all! All of these dudes just get perks, some of them do not even know the shoes. That shit really gets under my skin. Showing off shoes that they get and not even knowing the name or numbers of the shoes, creating their own names. Shit is sickening. S/O to the Sneaker Gawd Wale !
How do you feel about the Off white collabs? I liked the first round of the collabs. With the Presto's, Air maxes, Blazers, and Jordan 1's. I think after that it should've been left alone. But I can respect what they are doing over there. I just won my first pair of Off-White's with the Lot 50 joint.
If you could wear only one sneaker for the rest of your life, what would it be? Air Jordan 3 Black Cement. Yes 6's are my favorite of all time but the Black Cement 3's just go with EVERYTHING!
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What advice would you give as far as storing and preservation of your sneakers? Wear your kicks man. I store and rock! I get it, wanting to save shoes but putting them away and never rocking them, when you finally do ya it’s separating and crumbling. In order for your kicks to last they gotta be worn anyway. Unless you're truly just on some collecting only for show vibes.
What is the most you’ve ever spent on a pair of sneakers? $900... I was able to land Black and Red and Royal 1's from 2001 together. A friend of mine had them and said he couldn't think of anyone else. I had literally just started my new job. A chunk of my first check went to that pick up.
Have you ever waited in line for a pair of kicks? I waited in line once in my life for shoes and swore I would never do it again. It was for the 2001 True Blue 3's. I waited online at like 7 in the morning at Kings Plaza. LMAO I said this will never happen again. I didn't have the patience for it. I do not know how ppl used to do that shit or camp for kicks. I was there for 1 hour and I was like this is ridiculous.
You're also a photographer, how long have you been taking photos? I have been taking photos since 2011 but officially became a photographer in 2013.
How do sneakers play a role in your photography? That is a great question because I didn't want the 2 to mix at all. Because I'm a scenery and landscape photographer. But I got into photography because of sneakers. No offense to anyone but a bunch of these  "influencers" get on IG with their DSLR cameras, take some on foot shots and call themselves "Photographers". 90% of them do not even understand lighting. I didn't wanna be one of those guys because I actually live this and study it. But recently I just started letting it be that and owning it. I am nice with this photography shit when it comes to sneakers. I have a deep connection with shoes and I love incorporating that into my art. I thank my wife for that. I told her I don't wanna be just another sneaker photographer and she said to me who said you have to be ?! I took that and ran with it. Off-White just recently featured some of my pictures on their Instagram.
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I remember you saying you're a sneaker enthusiast, what is the difference between that and a sneakerhead? An enthusiast really studies sneakers. Sneakerheads just love sneakers like it ain't really about the history and all that for them. They just love shoes because it is cool and makes them feel good. Us Enthusiasts are invested. Things matter like knowing years of a shoe. For example, an enthusiast would look at a pair of Jordan's like Taxi 12's, We know Michael wore those in the 1996 - 97 season, but we also know that Martin gave away a pair on his show for the Christmas episode to the kid who had holes in shoes. They are tied to iconic moments. A sneakerhead may love Bordeaux 7's because they are dope looking shoes. Where for me it's that Michael Jordan wore those in a video with Michael Jackson and Kris Kross in the 92 Jam video. MJ and MJ in a video with Kris Kross, do you know what that did to my childhood?! Give you one more example that is not even Michael Jordan related. Piggy backing off of Kris Kross,The Patrick Ewing’s were one of my favorite kicks growing up besides seeing Pat play in them one of my favorite Hip Hop covers of all time is "Totally Krossed Out" and Kris Kross is wearing both colorways. So you see what I mean there is so much tied to it with being an enthusiast. This is just my opinion though some may not agree so don't shoot me! (Ha)
From the time you started collecting up until now, would you say that the sneaker game changed for the best or the worst? I have been collecting for 20 plus years now. I have seen the game at it's best, I have seen it die, I have seen it revive, and now I am witnessing the death of it again. The sneaker game is disgusting right now, and I honestly do not think it will ever recover. It really saddens me. It is a popularity and money contest right now.
Does pricing affect your collection? Hell No! And I hate that some people are trying to make this the norm. IDGAF if you paid $500 - $2000 for a pair, It doesn't mean shit.  The narrative is getting outta hand.
What does the word “Hypebeast” mean to you? Hypebeast is a person that only buys shit for status and popularity. They cannot form their own opinion about shit. They have to wear and cop items based on what every celeb is wearing or whatever these Social Media "Influencers" are saying is hot! It is not only sneaker related either. N*ggaz were hypebeasting for PS5 last year..
What are your thoughts on the females in the sneaker game? They are the best! I wish we had a Sneaker union and it was only run by females! The men in this game are annoying and so over the top. It is so bad that they feel the need to compete with women. The men get shoes just to show off to one another. Like what type of shit is that? The females are cool. I had a dude on twitter tell me women don't know the value of a shoe let alone about the shoe. The men feel like they always gotta try to shit on the women. The women are just trying to be part of the culture and enjoy it. And they shouldn't have to try to be part of something that is open to anyone who is willing to be invested and understand the culture.
Any advice for a young kid coming up in the sneaker game? Wear what you like! Respect the game and the people who have been doing it before you. Because this new generation of sneakerheads are little entitled dicks. No respect whatsoever!! I don't care about Travis Scott shoes. Without Jordan being who he is Travis wouldn't have a Jordan silhouette to collaborate with! Same with Off-White. These silhouettes were here before these guys. Say know your history and pay homage!! BUT STAY humble.
See I follow you and I'm loving the way you include your daughter in your work, what does that mean to you? Man, it is beautiful!!!! Without even trying she is invested in the culture. Both photography and shoes. Myself and my wife are both heavy into photography, art, music, sneakers, and clothes. My daughter is into all the same things but we are letting it be her own experience. We are not forcing anything on her. We want her to enjoy being a child and whatever things she picks up from us along the way is just a bonus. But I love shooting her, and I love when she asks myself and her mother "do we like her fit". It is truly a blessing man!
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All photos by CAKEDAGAWD
Follow : https://twitter.com/CakedaGawd 
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canonconspiracy · 4 years
Afterlife (Trevor x Reader)
Series: Hallows Eve Prompts 2020 - Day 1
Fandom: The Good Place
Pairing: Trevor x Reader
Warnings: None, Trevor being Trevor?
WC: 1120
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Vile, disgusting, and the list went on and on.  
It went...so on. 
Trevor hadn't liked this idea from the beginning, but he did enjoy playing the part of the demon to come for Eleanor during the first reboot.  He loved the disgust on her face, and the way your nose scrunched up as he sent you backhanded compliments about how close you and your supposed trash bag friend had been.  The demon relished in your suffering, and yet, he ended up in this moment with you, playing the part he had not signed up for.  
"Y/N, this is your soulmate, Trevor," the white haired demon said with a goodie-two-shoes grin, motioning as the chocolate eyed demon began walking in the door.  
"That's a thing?" You asked with a quirked brow as you glanced over to the white haired male, whom you thought was the architect of a good neighborhood, Michael.  "Cool." 
Clearly you had been playing it off, but as the handsome man drew closer to you, his radiant smile hadn't faltered.  "It's so awesome to meet you," he said, wishing he could grind his teeth.  His arms outstretched to you, offering you to wrap your arms around him in return.  He may have been a good actor, simply hiding how much disgust he held inside his meat suit.  
"Y-yeah, same," you said, forcing your own smile against your lips.  Seeing as it was expected, you moved in to hug the man in return.  You could admit to yourself that the warmth of his arms felt nice as they wrapped around you, but you didn't feel magically whole.  Once Michael had left, the two of you kind of just broke off to do your own things.  
The afterlife wasn't what you were expecting, at all.  Though you were surrounded by what seemed to be so much good, you knew you hadn't fit in.  Your soulmate seemed far too enthusiastic, and though you had found friends here and there, you knew you weren't happy.  Honestly, it didn't take you long to realize that this couldn't have been the good place that you were surrounded by, but what was the point in saying it? 
Trevor's brown eyes caught your slipping lips, downturned to a frown as you read over some book he did not care to ask you about.  He could see the distaste in your eyes, and unfortunately, he knew he could not just ignore it.  Slipping over to the couch, he enthusiastically wrapped an arm around you, forcing a smile against his lips.  "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked softly, trying to act like the caring soulmate he was supposed to play.  
"Could you, just not act so fake?" You questioned in a bored tone, flipping the page of your book.  "You barely know me, and you act so amoured.  It's kind of sickening." 
Internally, Trevor found himself wishing to chuckle.  Quickly, he retracted his arm, pretending to pout visibly.  His lips curled into a frown as his chocolate brown eyes shifted away from you.  "I was only trying to help," he acted, his voice holding the feign hurt that he could expect the human he was pretending to be would be like.  "Do you not like me?" 
You found yourself rolling your y/e/c eyes, a sigh escaping your lips.  Closing your book as you sighed, you stiffened, your y/e/c eyes glancing over at the sad excuse for a human you had been stuck with.  Though you knew you hadn't belonged in the good place, you knew far too soon that you weren't in it.  This sad excuse for torture had been, what you would assume, much less of a burden than the true torture in store if you acted out about it.  
"Trevor," you said, your voice a mix of exasperated, with the hint of guilt behind it.  "You know I don't mean that.  You're just...a little overbearing for someone who doesn't really know me."  Realizing quickly that you had simply made the situation worse, the man retreating more into himself as you spoke, you sighed once more.  What you hadn't known in this whole arrangement was whether or not your supposed soulmate was just another demon torturing you, or if it had been an actual human.  As much as you wished to simply give him the cold shoulder, you realized it could cut you at both ends.  
Setting your book down, you turned to face the man.  Y/e/c orbs shifting over him, your hand extended to set against his thigh, causing his attention once more.  "I'm sorry," you murmured out sheepishly, a frown still clear against your face.  "Let's uh…."  You furrowed your brows as you thought of exactly how to approach the situation.  "Let's start this differently.  Come here." 
The demon was ever so intrigued by your lack of interest, your lack in, just about everything.  What you seemed to be for him had been a worse actor than he, though, in a sense, he was actually a little interested in your disinterest.  He knew that the others had at least pretended to be interested in their fake soulmates, and yet you...you had been a tough nut to crack.  
Moving closer, and expecting you to simply wrap your arms around him to console him, he hadn't expected to be pushed back.  He hadn't expected you to push him, a demon, down on your couch.  The hollow ferocity that you clashed your lips against his own had the demon in simple awe as he experienced what humans called kissing for the first time.  
You held the man down, no smile to your lips as you showed him you could be passionate.  It was not as if you did not find your soulmate attractive, but you knew it had been a ruse.  No matter how much you relished in this moment that you had taken him by surprise, you knew your afterlife resided in the bad place.  For all you had known, you had the inkling that the man you were kissing was either a dope or a demon.  Even so, you tantalized his lips until you ran out of air.  
"Bare with me, alright?" You said as the two of you separated, though you had caught the gentle smirk against his lips.  "I'm just...adjusting." 
"Well, let me help," he replied in nearly a playful tone, before shifting the two of you so that he was on top of you.  Trevor may have thought you were just a disgusting human, but he had his speculations.  This new connection may have just been another way to torture you in the future, but he would take it, over and over again. 
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dreaminae · 4 years
We All Need The One Friend
Chapter 7
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Olivia last words of encouragement replayed in
Spencer's head, as his hand unfolded the next
"Those letters are the gift," Olivia affirmed, agreeing with Spencer's earlier assumption. "They're a chance to get to know your dad in a way that time took from you." She added, justifying her reason for believing he was better off reading what Corey wrote. "And whatever's in those letters, you're strong enough to handle." She concluding, motivating the mental resilience that she knew Spencer encompassed.
Smiling, Spencer let her words sink in, reaffirming his self-belief as he began to immerse himself into Corey's letters.
Meanwhile, inside the cabin, everyone helped to grab the food dishes to set the picnic table on the porch deck. Seeing her boyfriend inside messing around with the food, Liv decided to help him out.
"Hey, need some help?" She inquired sweetly.
"Nope, I am all good." Asher sniped in a sour tone.
Narrowing her eyes in confusion, Liv attempted to lighten his irritating attitude. "Hmm, okay. Well, I was thinking that after dinner we could take that moonlight walk." She tempted him, flirtatiously prodding his side with her fingers. "I might even let you get to second base."
"No, thanks." Asher spat immediately, disinterested in any intimate contact with her at the moment. "Who knows? Spencer might you to band-aid a paper cut for him later on." He scoffed pettily.
Liv's mouth fell open, puzzled by Asher's sudden jealously. "Tell me your kidding."
Asher exhaled a frustrated breathe, facing Olivia with a furious expression. "What happened to our quality time. Huh, Liv?"
"Are you serious? There is still plenty of time." Olivia huffed, upset that Asher was so aggressive over the fact that she spent her last hour helping her friend, rather than being stuck at his side every second. "Spencer needed my help!"
"Why are you always the one giving Spencer what he needs!" Asher grunted, a little too loud for Liv's liking.
Looking over her shoulder, Olivia made sure no one outside was paying them attention. Her eyes narrowed to where Vanessa already decided on her spot at the table. Next to the short brunette was an empty chair, accompanied by a can of Asher's favorite soda.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Olivia refused to let Asher act hypocritically towards her. Switching her attention back to Asher, Liv snapped. "You don't get to do this!" She harshly urged in a hushed tone, narrowing her eyes at her boyfriend.
"Do what?" Asher scoffed, surprised that she argued back.
"You don't get to act like a jealous boyfriend when your summer fling is literally sitting outside." Olivia snarled, causing Asher to grumble in denial.
"She isn't a summer fling. We're just friends." Asher claimed, feigning innocence. "Plus, she's here as J.J's date. Not mine."
Crossing her arms with a sarcastic smirk, Olivia sneered. "Someone might wanna tell her that because it isn't J.J's rear that she's been under all day."
Asher groaned but remained quiet, unable to deny the time he and Vanessa spent together.
"What? Nothing smart to say now?" Olivia smugly inquired, pettily baiting Asher to argue more.
"Whatever, Liv." Asher moaned, conceding to her remark.
Liv sighed before shaking her head, swiftly turning around to head back outside.
Feeling a tug on her hand as she returned to the porch deck, Liv looked down at her hand to find it was Simone.
"Hey, is everything alright?" Simone asked, worried about the tense atmosphere between Asher and Liv.
"Not really," Liv admitted tiredly, wishing things weren't so complicated.
"I know it isn't my place to say this." Simone sighed conflictingly as Liv stood next to her. "But I can't help but notice how unattached you are to Asher these days. As if you're trying to push him away."
Olivia said nothing in response to Simone's observation as she thought it over. Perhaps Liv was inadvertently encouraging Asher to dump her. It would make things a whole lot easier.
Sensing Liv's silence as a sign that she overstepped, Simone quickly apologized. "Umm, sorry. I didn't mean to pry."
"It's okay," Liv assured her brother's romantic partner before diverting from Simone's side.
Gathering around the wooden table, the group prepared to dig in. The usual absentee, Spencer bolted up the stair's of the porch deck with a beaming smile.
"Hey, J.J what kind of games you got in that portable fun box?" Spencer asked with a newly plastered grin.
"You name it, I got it," J.J answered enthusiastically.
"Good, because it's officially turn-up time!" Spencer announced happily.
Everyone laughed before beginning to grab at the food. Layla turned her face towards Spencer as he stood beside her.
"You're in a better mood." She observed indifferently.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Spencer questioned, oblivious to Layla's change in mood. "I got a dope ass cabin. All my closest friends are with me. We should enjoy the moment." He asserted confidently, following his father's wishes for him to live every day like it's his last.
Layla stifled a sneer, wanting to impolitely blast her boyfriend for her assumed reason for his change in mood.
While everyone ate and conversed amongst themselves, Layla continued to piece together her suspicions about her best friend and boyfriend.
Dragging her fork along her plate, Liv leaned against the wall, alienating herself from the group. Sensing his twin's lack of excitement for the impending game night, Jordan left Simone's side at the table to check in with his sister.
"Hey, party pooper, try to smile." He encouraged, desiring for her to enjoy the moment. Although he hadn't said anything he could see that things between her and Asher were rocky. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Liv said nothing, forcing a weak smile on her face. Inside her head, she couldn't help but think she was too sober for this mess.
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wordstrings · 4 years
Kryptonite pt.1
Written & submitted by Silvie. Publisher’s notes can be found at the end. Words: 1,300
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: enjoy cas and dean being cute little dopes in my trademark “everything’s okay, nobody’s suffering, nobody’s been traumatized AU.”
This is not Dean and Cas’ first date. 
That was a diner at midnight, visited on a whim after leaving the friendly gathering where they’d just met. 
A few nights after that was a nice Italian restaurant, candlelit, expensive. Dean had insisted. Overcompensation for the cheap and greasy first meal. 
Their third date was another trip to that first diner—Cas’ choice, because he never minded cheap or greasy food—which continued into the night, spent entangled in different rooms of Dean’s apartment. 
And since they spent every hour together into the following morning, and afternoon, and evening… then this deep-evening wine-and-chat session where they’ve found themselves entangled once again on Dean’s thrifted couch… could it still be considered their third date, or has the turn of a new day made this date their fourth?
Dean’s being pedantic, he decides, and turns his attention back to his living room, where he and Cas are in the middle of the “Question Game.”
“What’s your most unpopular opinion?” Dean asks. 
“I’m very tired of superhero movies.”
Dean makes a face like he hates this answer. Cas continues. 
“But, I do think there should be more Superman movies. He was my favourite superhero as a child, and….” He trails off, sighs lightly. “I just want some Superman.”
Dean nods, smirks, wags his eyebrows. 
“Don’t we all,” he teases. 
Cas smacks Dean’s ankle where it’s laying in Cas’ lap and they snicker. 
Dean takes a swig of his wine, then, oh what the hell, finishes the glass. 
He’s really not a wine drinker, has never been. But Cas went on and on about fancy wine-talk over their second date, so Dean stocked up. And he has to admit, the buzz he feels is far, far friendlier than what he’s used to from his other vices. 
He knocks Cas’ torso with his waggling foot. 
“Your turn. Ask me.”
Cas has not taken an eye off him, has been smirking right at him. 
“Do you have a Kryptonite?”
“Pie,” Dean says immediately, almost before the question is finished being asked, like he’s been waiting for anyone to ask him this question for his whole life.
“Or burgers,” he surprises himself by saying, then scrunches his face in thought. “No. It’s definitely pie.”
Cas laughs, shakes his head. Decides to prod. 
“Okay, but, for real.”
Dean falters. 
“What do you mean?”
Cas shifts to better face Dean. Sighs. 
“You just seem so… impenetrable—“
Dean makes a funny face at that, indicating Cas should know from the previous night that he sure is not—
Cas doesn’t let him get away with it. He acknowledges the silent joke with a smirk and a glint in his eye, but moves right along. 
“Surely there is a way to break through that armour. Take you down a notch?”
Under any other circumstance, Dean would never, ever, ever even entertain the idea of answering this question.
But he’s plenty wine-drunk. The alcohol has burned through most of his cement-wall defences. And he likes this Castiel guy and can’t believe how deeply he trusts him already…. so he stares at his own feet and fumbles his way through an answer.
“You have to promise you’re not gonna use it against me.” He chews on his lip as a smile fights for control of his features.
“Ever?” Cas asks, spotting Dean’s rising blush and so hoping the answer will be some form of ‘not never.’
“At least not tonight.” 
Cas nods, grins. “Deal.”
He can’t believe he’s considering saying this. And he sure can’t believe he’s about to say it while Cas has got Dean’s susceptible feet laying in his lap. 
But he does say it. Out loud. Shares his Kryptonite with this near-stranger, wincing as he speaks like it hurts to admit, but there’s that hint of a smirk creeping through his expression. 
“I’m stupid ticklish.”
Cas lifts his eyebrows and is already re-shifting his position on the couch in a dangerous way, asking, “Really?“ in a far too enthusiastic tone.  
And Dean is already laughing gently, already on the defence, pulling his feet from Cas’ lap, holding a hand up like a (sort of unsure-looking, if he’s honest) stop sign. 
“You said you wouldn’t—!” 
Cas laughs, says, “I won’t,” a few times, placatingly. But the way he’s holding onto the moment has Dean feeling hesitant to relax. 
“But… I don’t know….” Cas continues, brow suddenly furrowed in concentration. 
He clears his throat, shakes his right arm, rolls that shoulder a few times.
“Something strange is happening to my hand….” 
They both look toward the right hand Cas is cradling, all tensed and claw-like, in the nest he’s made of his left palm. 
Cas smirks, plays innocent at the same time, then shouts as his hand begins to tremble. 
“I seem to be losing control over it…!”
And swiftly he moves to hover over Dean who is swallowing the early stages of his laughter, scooting back, curling up, crossing his arms over his torso. 
“Hey! We had a deal!” he says, the words leaping jovially from his throat. 
Cas looks into the room behind Dean and seems to find something that makes him smirk. 
“Alright. Not tonight,” he says, then clambers smugly off Dean and back into his own seat. 
Dean is a little discombobulated, and maybe more than a little disappointed, but he rights himself and shakes off the moment. 
Just more than an hour later, the two are standing side by side in the kitchen, cleaning up their discarded dinner dishes. 
Dean is washing, Cas is drying, and they are standing so much closer than is necessary—each being so eager for the electricity that comes with brushing skin. Craving that certain high that wafts through the air at their moments of accidental contact is turning their task from menial to something they’re absolutely revelling in. 
They’re comfortable in near-silence; the cutlery tinkling and water running provides them a calm soundtrack. 
Cas keeps looking past Dean to where the microwave clock is glowing green. After one particular glance, he smirks to himself and wipes his hands on his dish-drying towel, then hands it to Dean and tells him plainly to do the same. 
Dean tilts his head, starts to gesture to the dishes yet to be washed, but Cas insists. Dean complies but wears his confusion across his every feature. 
When he hands the cloth back, Cas folds it slowly, carefully, methodically, and places it down on the counter, smoothing his palm over it once. He saunters over to stand behind Dean, who is trying to cover his curiosity by pretending he’s still concerned about the remaining dishes. 
Dean is shushed by Cas pressing his nose into the dip where Dean’s neck slopes into shoulder. When Cas’ breath huffs against Dean’s tender skin, it makes him grip the edge of the sink. When Cas’ lips brush soft and purposeful up toward Dean’s jaw, he can feel the muscles of Dean’s throat working around a gulp. When Cas’ hands wrap around his torso from behind, explore up his chest, Dean’s knees just barely buckle. 
Dean rights himself and tries to pretend it didn’t happen. But Cas is already grinning into Dean’s skin, letting out a pleased breath. He angles one hand to curl around Dean’s shoulder, the other wraps around the front of his waist, and Dean is so gooey-pliable right now, Cas can slow-dance him around until they’re both facing the microwave clock. 
It’s 12:01 a.m. 
And Dean’s first thought is not to run. 
It is: So, is this our fifth date, now? Or still the third? 
Bless him—he’s had his share of wine. 
Cas whispers helpfully in Dean’s ear:
“It’s tomorrow, Superman.” 
Publisher’s note: I!! am gooey-pliable too!!! Cas is such a schemer, omg. Gosh gosh gosh what a cliffhanger. Cannot wait for part 2! Edit: Part 2 is here!
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dissonantdreamer · 3 years
In the spirit of 4/20, how do you think a modern AU Dina and Ellie would spend 4/20?
in the spirit of 4/20 i will indulge this ask as i do not have to think too hard about dina and ellie enjoying 4/20
i’ll put it under the cut in case some people don’t wanna read a stoner rant about shenanigans with drugs (slight nsfw as well) just imagine these two are a bit older and live together in their own place just outside a city, a short drive from the coast (you can pick which coast):
-thanks to growing up with eugene, dina is real fucking good at thc extraction and she makes a batch of decent cannabutter from scratch using a recipe that eugene passed down to her before he passed she preps it a couple nights before.
 -the evening before they test the potency on the last two slices of banana bread to see how strong it is. it’s a mellow buzz and ellie tucks herself in a corner and plays acoustic covers of whatever song dina requests (she requests smoke weed every day three times to fuck with ellie) and they end up cuddling on the couch after playing rileys’s copy of the turning she forgot to take home after a small party they had a month earlier ellie loses and pouts and dina can’t win against the pout
-on 4/20 they have dessert for breakfast because they are adults dammit and they do what they want. they make brownie sundaes and split a pint of ben and jerry’s half baked. ellie argues half of a pint of half baked makes them a quarter baked. dina tells her to shut up and they watch the movie half baked  that she and Eugene used to eat ice cream and watch together on 4/20 to get “fully baked” when he was alive
-as far as guardians go, eugene was pretty dope
-after the movie and the edibles have really kicked in they fool around. lazy/ goofy sex. there’s lots of giggling as the explore each other. it’s not “mind blowing” mostly unrushed and letting things lead where they lead.
-the weed makes everything soft and hazy in a good way like there’s string lights hung up just beyond their peripheral. ellie makes the same ‘this sex is incredible  dina, get it incr edible cause of the edible’ joke five times, it somehow gets funnier each time.
-when they’ve finished dina covers them with a sheet and ellie suggests they make a fort, they get distracted with fort talk for a while and immediately start collecting building materials which they dump in the living room before a quick shower
-they order out for the biggest burritos possible dina ends up giving the last two bites of hers to ellie because ellie always eats her burrito in a way that leaves barely any filling in the last bite and it makes her sad
-they split another brownie and spend the rest of the afternoon trying to build a fort, they both keep coming up with silly ways to build the fort including a questionable pile of chairs and the most unstable wall of couch pillows ever conceived
-they manage to make a fort between the tv and the couch ellie ends up knocking the sheet down when she hits one of the supports when she enthusiastically responds to dina teasing about wanting to have sex in the fort so ellie pulls the sheet over them calling it a fort she announces round two: fight
-later when the edible’s worn off enough ellie drives them out to the coast they go out and smoke a joint or two on the coast where they can see the stars. they stop on the boardwalk and grab some beach pizza and a bucket of fries to share fried dough for dessert
-they watch the sun set as they eat and go for a walk along the beach. ellie keeps trying to shove dina into the shallow wave breaks but ends up getting soaked when she goes to push dina and dina just stops and ellie trips past her landing in the sand as a wave crashes down
-they find a nice spot up the beach where the lights of the boardwalk don’t quite pollute the sky. and they try to find satellites drifting. dina keeps pointing out planes to mess with ellie, they end up seeing a shooting star and they wish for the same thing, a kiss, which they always wish for because they know it’ll come true right away
-ellie points out constellations and they make increasingly silly stories for each one. at some point they make out, it’s sweet and slow and they take each other in before lying next to each other in a haze until ellie shivers and dina suggests they go home
-they get back home too tired to do much so they brush off as much sand as they can outside the door they get inside and throw their sandy clothes in a pile by the door to deal with later
-ellie fixes the fort up and dina grabs and old comforter so any rogue sand doesn’t get everywhere they crawl in and put on some cooking show dina likes, falling asleep in each others arms
-all and all a solid 4/20
well that’s what i got goin on in my brain. hope you have a chill 4/20 anon :)
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